
Curriculum: Jacob Lawrence and The Great Migration


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    Educational resources on FRASER are provided in partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and other regional Federal Reserve Banks. Unless otherwise noted, these resources are free and open for individual and classroom use, reuse, retention, and redistribution, within the terms of our Economic Education Permitted Use policy. For questions about specific use cases, please contact us.
    Permission to print the Jacob Lawrence images is restricted to classroom use of the reproductions only in conjunction with "The Great Migration" Lessons. Printed copies may not exceed one hundred (100) copies per classroom. All copies must be destroyed at the end of the lesson use. The digital image used for these printed reproductions may not exceed 1024x768 pixels and 96dpi definition.


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    Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Curriculum: Jacob Lawrence and The Great Migration. 1940-2022,, accessed on March 16, 2025.