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The Federal Deposit Insur­
ance Corporation and is
only loaned to you. It must
be returned upon your sep,
•ration from the service*





This Cipher Code has been compiled to meet the
requirements of telegraphic correspondence between the
Examiners and Receivers, with special reference to
brevity, secrecy, and economy.
The Examiner and Receiver should study the Code
carefully, so as to become familiar with its use, should
always have it with them, and should regard it as
strictly confidential, being careful not to allow it to
fall into other hands.
In preparing a message in cipher ample space should
be left between words and sentences to avoid their
being run together by the telegraph operator. The
writing should be legible, and to insure accuracy opera­
tors should be requested to read messages to the
Examiner or Receiver before they are forwarded.
A variety of phrases have been carefully selected and
arranged, which experience in the conduct of official
telegraphic correspondence has shown to be most appro­
priate and essential, by the proper use of which many
sentences or messages may be expressed by a single
cipher word.
Please note that there are a number of phrases under
each of the following initial words:
According to ----Go
Has been Advise-----After----Have been
As far a s----Have----As soon a s----How
By order----I
Do no t----Full
M ust----Further -----(in)

M y----See---Next-----Send
Shall Not —
Other----Stand Please ----Take —
Referring----There Report----This —
R un----Where no cipher word is given for a phrase which it
is desired to use, single wcrds will be found with which
to construct a sentence. The first letter of any cipher
word will be the same as that of the word or phrase it
The Examiner (or Receiver) should sign the initials
only of his name to the message, giving in cipher his
official title. The cipher words for Examiner and
Receiver are “Equitant” and “Rambler”, respectively.
Cipher words will be found commencing with the
letter “ Q” on pages 91 and 92 to express numerals and
should be used to indicate sums of money, dates, and

Abaft__________ Abet-ted-ing.
Abana_________ Ability.
Abaris_________ Able, ably.
Abase_________ Abolish.
Abatis_________ Above.
Abbot__________ Absolute-ly.
Abduce________ Abscond-ed-ing.
Abjure_________ Absorption.
Ablant_________ Abstract-ed-ion.
Ablegate, .............Abundant-ance.
Abner,......... ....... Accept the appointment.
Abnormal______ Accept the offer.
Abolish................ Accepted drafts.
Aboriginal______ Accident.
Abound________ Accommodate-s-d-ing-ion.
Abraham_______ Accommodation notes.
Abrest_________ Accompany-ies-ied-ing.
Abrupt_________ Accomplish-ed-ment.
Absinthe_______ Accord-ed-ing-ance.
Absolve________ Accordance with terms.
Abstain________ According to agreement.
Absterge_______ According to information received.
Abstract________ According to last report.
Abstruse_______ According to my understanding.
Abuse_________ According to opinion of.
Acacia_________ According to the records.
Accede_________ According to your instructions.
Accite,............... According to your letter dated.


Afear______ ;__ _ Affairs critical.
Affair__________ Affairs improving.
Affection_______ Affairs in bad condition.
Afferent________Affairs in good condition.
Affined_________Affairs of the bank.
Affluxion_______ Affiliated-tions.
Affright________ Affiliated concerns.
Affront_________After careful consideration.
Affy___________ After careful inquiries.
Afield__________After completing-ion.
Aflame_________ After conferring with.
Afraid______ _ After examing-ation.
Afresh_________ After going into the matter thor­
Agama_________ Afterward.
Agape__________ After you have.
Age___________ Against.
Aggression_____ Agent-s.
Agressor_______ Agency-ies.
Agil___________ Aggregate.
Agitate_________Aggregate resources.
Agnate_________Agreement anticipated.
Ago____________Agreement has been reached.
Agood_________ Agreement proposed by directors is
Agra___________Agree to.
Agricola________Agree to proposition.
Ahoy__________ Aggregate amount.
Aide___________Aggregate resources.
Aim___________ Agricultural Credits Act of 1923.
Air____________ Agricultural purposes.
Airless_________ Alarm-s-ed-ing.
Aisle___________ Alien.
Alabaster_______All of the stockholders.

Alack_____ 1___ All parties interested.
Aladdin________ Allow-s-ed-ing-ance.
Alan...... ............. .. Already.
Alarm__________ Also.
Albeit__________Am advised that.
Albion_________ Amend-s-ed-ing-ment.
Alchemic_______ America-n.
Alcohol________ American Bankers’ Association.
Alder__________ Am leaving today for.
Alderney_______ Amount-s-ed-ing.
Alert.............. ..... Am unable to.
Alfresco________ Annual leave.
Algerine________ Annual report.
Alhambra______ Annual report of theComptroller
of the Currency.
Alienate________ Another examination should be made
in about----- .
Alight__________Another examiner.
Aliment________ Another examinerhas been ordered.
Aline__________ Another examiner will besent.
Alive__________ Answer.
Allah__________ Answer by mail.
Allay______ ___ Answer by wire.
Allegiance______ Answer office letter of------- .
Allegoric_____ Answer promptly by wire.
Alleviate_______ Anticipate examination.
Alley________ i__ Anticipate no trouble.
Alliance________ Anticipate trouble.
Allred__________ Apparently.
Allison__________ Appear-s-ed-ing.
Allocate________ Appear to be able.
Allodium_______ Appears to be in satisfactory con­
Allot. __________ Appears to be solvent.
Allotropy_______ Applicant.
Allure................... Applicant for position of.

Ally___________ Application.
Alma__________ Application for appointment as.
Almacen_______ Application is made.
Almighty_______ Application received.
Almoner________ Application to convert.
Aloof__________ Application to organize.
Alsace_________ Application to subscribe for.
Altercation_____ Apply-ied-ing.
Alternate_______Apply to.
Altimeter_______Apply to court for an order to --------.
Altitude________ Appoint-ed-ing-ment.
Altruism_______ Appointed receiver.
Aluminum______ Appointment as assistant to
national bank examiner.
Alumnus.............. Appointment as attorney for
Alva___________ Appointment as national bank
Amass_________ Appointment as receiver.
Amateur_______ Appointment with Comptroller.
Ambition_______ April.
Ambler_________ Approve-s-d-al.
Ambulance_____ Approval of this office.
Amice_________ Approximate estimate.
Amid__________ Arbitrary.
Amigo_________ Arbitrary estimate.
Ammunition____ Arrange-s-d-ing-ment.
Amnesia_______ Arrange conference.
Among_________ Arranging details.
Amorous_______ Arrange for.
Amos__________ Arrange for the good of the service.
Amoy__________ Arrange the best you can.
Ample_________ Arrange to come to this office.
Amputate_______ Arrange to go.
Amulet_________ Arrange to meet directors.
Anabasis_______ Arrange with the.
Anadem________ Arrangement will be made.
Anal___________Arrangements have been made.
Analogy________ Arrest-s-ed-ing.
Anam__________ Arrive-s-d-ing-al.

Anathous_______ Articles of association.
Anarchist_______ Arrived today and have taken
charge of ------ which closed its
doors on ----- by order of the
board of directors.
Anat___________Arrived today and have taken
charge of ----- which closed its
doors on----- by order of------ .
Anathema______ As far as.
Ancestor_______ As far as is known.
Anchorage......... . As far as possible.
Anchovy_______ As follows.
Ancillary_______ As instructed.
Ancoral________ As little as possible.
Andes_________ As long as.
Andiron________ aAs long as possible.
Andro__________ As outlined in your letter.
Android________As proposed.
Anecdote_______ As recommended by you.
Anent„________ As requested.
Aneroid________ As soon as.
Anew...................As soon as completed.
Angel__________ As soon as possible.
Angelus________ As to the.
Anglican............... Ascertain-s-ed-ing.
Anglo___________ Ascertain and telegraph at once.
Angoro_________ Ascertain condition.
Anguish_________ Ascertain facts.
Anilin___________ Ascertain situation.
Animus________ Ask for instructions.
Anklet_________ Assessment can be collected.
Annals.......... ....... Assessment cannot be collected.
Annex_________ Assessment not necessary.
Announce______ Assessment has been made.
Annul__________ Assessment has been paid.
Antique________ Assessment has not been paid.
Apollo_________ Assessment will be necessary.
Apology________ Assets.
Apoplexy............ Assets and liabilities.
Aport__................ Assets amount to.

Appendix_______Assets cannot be ascertained.
Arabic_________ Assets equal to liabilities.
Arbiter__________ Assets in excess of liabilities.
Arbute__________ Assets less than liabilities.
Arc____________Assets not shown on the books.
Archduke______ Assets show a loss.
Archer_________ Assets show a surplus.
Argent_________ Assets will be about------- .
Arian__________ Assign-s-ed-ing-ment.
Aril____________Assigned to district No.
Arles__________ Assignment will be completed.
Armpit_________ Assist-s-ed-ing-ance.
Armenia_______ Assistant.
Armlet................ .. Assistant cashier.
Armory________ Assistant Chief National Bank Ex­
Arms__________ Assistant examiner.
Armament______Assistant examiner will report.
Arno___________Assistant not able.
Arnold_________ Associate-s-d.
Aroma_________ Association.
Around________ Astonish-ed-ing-ment.
Arraign________ Assume all liabilities.
Arrant_________ Assure-s-ed-ing-ance.
Arret__________ At a meeting.
Arroyo_________ At a meeting of.
Arsenide_______ At least.
Arson__________At not exceeding.
Art____________ At once.
Artemis________ At that time.
Artful__________At the earliest possible moment.
Artifice_________At the request of.
Aryan__________At the time of.
Ascent_________ At the time of the last examination.
Asceptic________At the time of the next examination.
Ashen_________ At this time.
Asinine________ At your request.
Astute_________ At your suggestion.
Ataman________ Atlanta, Ga.
Ate..................... .. Attach-es-ed-ing-ment.

Athens_________Attempt will be made.
Atropin________ Attorney-s.
Attache________ Attorney advises.
Attack_________ Attorney does not advise.
Attitude________Attorney for the Receiver.
Attract_________ Attorney General.
Attribute_______ Attorney is not necessary.
Atwirl__________ Attorney is necessary.
Auction________ Authority.
Audible________ Authority granted.
Audubon_______ Authority requested to.
Aught_________ Authority to re-open for business.
Augustine______ Automobile.
Aureate________ Avail-s-ed-ing-able.
Aureole________ Available assets.
Aurora_________ Available cash.
Austere__ ______ Available resources.
Avarice________ Available security.
Avast__________ Average amount.
Avenue________ Avoid-s-ed-ing-able.
Avocation______ Avoid any commitment.
Avon__________ Avoid any controversy.
Avowed________ Avoid assessment.
Await__________ Avoid complication-s.
Awake_________ Await-s-ed-ing.
Award_________ Await arrival.
Away__________ Await arrival of instructionswhich
will be sent you by mail.
Awhile_________ Await explanation.
Azalea_________ Await instructions.
Azimuth________Await telegraphic instructions be­
fore proceeding further.
Azo____________Await our reply.
Azores_________ Awaiting advice from you, oryour
Aztec__________ Awaiting your approval.

Baal___________ Bad-ly.
Babe__, _______ Bad character.
Baboon________ Bad condition.
Baccarat_______ Bad debts.
Baccus_________Bad effect.
Bach___________ Balance-d-s-ing.
Back___________ Baltimore, Md.
Badge_________ Bank-s-ing.
Bag___________ Bank-s advised by letter of.
Bagdad__ ______Bank balance-s.
Bagpipe_______ Bank can not be closed.
Bahama________Bank can not withstand a run.
Bait___________ Bank’s condition.
Bakery_________ Bank contemplates immediate pur­
chase of assets.
Balboa_________ Bank desires to expedite reduction
of capital.
Bale___________Bank has a large amount of unsatis­
factory assets. It has been pro­
posed that a new bank be organ­
ized with a capital of $----- to
take over the assets and the lia­
bilities of the old institution. I
recommend approval. If you will
approve the application advise
me by telegram and forward the
necessary blank application to me
here. Organizers are---Balk____________ Bank has closed its doors.
Ballast_________ Bank has failed on account of---Ballet__________ Bank has.not suspended.
Balsam__________Bank has resumed business.
Baltic__________ Bank has suspended.
Balzac__________ Bank is apparently solvent.
Bambino_______ Bank is in a badly extended condi­
Bamboozle_______Bank is in a precarious condition.
Banal___________ Bank is insolvent.
Band__________ Bank is, in my opinion, insolvent,
but the directors decline to close
it. Please authorize me to close
the bank and take charge.

Bang---------------- Bank is insolvent. The directors
have closed its doors; I am in
charge and recommend the im­
mediate appointment of a re­
Banshee_______ Bank is not insolvent.
Banzai_________ Bank referred to.
Baptism________Bank under examination.
Bar____________ Bank was closed by board of direc­
Barabbas_______ Bank will be allowed to continue.
Barb___________ Bank will be allowed to resume.
Barbarous______Bank’s attorney.
Barbate________ Bank’s cash exhausted.
Barberry..............Bank’s credit impaired.
Barbette. ............. Bankers.
Barcarole_______ Banking company.
Bard___________ Banking and Currency Committee
of House.
B are.._________ Banking and Currency Committee
of Senate.
Bargain________ Banking house, furniture, and fix­
Bark__________ Banking house or building.
Barmy......... .........Bankruptcy.
Barnabas_______ Banks and bankers.
Barograph______ Bar-s-red-ring.
Baronet________ Base-s-d-ing.
Baruch_________ Based on letter of.
Barrack________ Based on report of.
Barracuda______ Because.
Barrage. ________ Believe it will be.
Barrel_________ Benefit-s-ed.
Barren_________ Before.
Barricade............. Before commencing examination.
Barter________ _ Before completing.
Base___________ Before doing so.
Baseball............... Before meeting.
Bath................... .. Before proceeding.
Baton................... Before taking action.
Battalion_______ Before you go.
Batten......... .........Before you leave.

Battery________ Begin-ning.
Battle__________ Be governed by instruction
Bawl__________ Believe.
Bayonet________Believe person named.
Baywood_______ Best.
Beacon________ Best that can be done.
Beagle_________ Best that can be made.
Bean__________ Beyond.
Beatify. ________ Beyond a doubt.
Beau__________ Bid-s-der-ding.
Becalm________ Bills of exchange.
Beckon________ Bills payable.
Bed___________ Bills receivable.
Bedeck________ Blame.
Beef___________ Blank.
Beer__________ Board.
Befit___________Board of directors.
Beguile________ Bond-s-ed-ing.
Behave................ Bondsman.
Behead________ Bondsmen.
Behold_________ Bonding company.
Belay__________ Book-s.
Belle__________ Book value.
Belt___________ Books and papers.
Bench_________ Book of instructions to national
bank examiners.
Beneath________ Bookkeeper-s.
Benefit_________ Bookkeeping.
Bengal_________ Borrow-s-ed-ing.
Benign_________ Borrowed from banks.
Bent___________ Borrowed money.
Benumb________ Borrowed money in excess of capital.
Berg___________Boston, Mass.
Besiege________ Both parties.
Bethel..................Branch bank-s.
Betide_____ ___ Brief.
Betray.................. Brief case.
Betroth________ Bring.


Bevel .......... ......... Bring suit.
Beware________ Bring with you.
Beyond-_............ Budget report forwarded to comp­
troller’s office.
Bible__________ Budget report has not been for­
warded to comptroller’s office on
account of.
Bibulous_______ Buffalo, N.Y.
Bicker_________ Bullion.
Bicycle_________ Bureau.
Bilge__________ Business paper.
Billow.................. Busy-ily.
Biography______ By order of.
Bird___________ By order of directors.
Cabaret............ Call-s-ed-ing.
Cabinet________ Call board of directors together.
Cable__________ Call for mail in care of.
Cabman________ Call for report of condition of
national banks, etc., as of.
Cachet_________ Call me by telephone.
Cackle_________ Can.
Cadge_________ Can an assessment be collected?
Cadiz__________Can be.
Cadmus________ Can be done.
Caducous______ Can be of no service.
Cafeteria_______ Can be restored.
Caffeine________Can complete.
Caftan_________ Can consolidate.
Cage__________ Can discover no irregularities.
Cain___________ Can do nothing.
Cairo__________ Can do nothing at present.
Caisson................ Can go.
Calaboose______ Cannot.
Calamity________ Cannot authorize.
Calamus_______ Cannot be approved.
58949 34— - 2

Calcar.................. Cannot be avoided.
Calciform______ Cannot be done.
Calcine________ Canont be promptly paid.
Calcium________ Cannot be restored.
Calculus_____ Cannot complete.
Calendar_______ Cannot continue.
Calf___________ Cannot explain by wire; await let­
Caliber________ Cannot go.
Caliph_________ Cannot go on account of.
Calk___________ Cannot pay a dividend.
Calla__________ Cannot postpone.
Callous________ Cannot tell.
Calm__________ Cannot tell what the effect will be.„
Callory_________ Can pay a dividend.
Calumet________ Can postpone.
Calvary________ Can there be any doubt?
Camas_________ Can you?
Camber________ Can you approve?
Camel_________ Can you continue?
Camera________ Can you examine?
Camlet_________ Can you have?
Campaign______ Can you inform this office?
Campus________Can you make?
Candid_________ Can you make an immediate ex­
Candidate______Can you take charge of?
Cannel......... ....... Cancel-s-ed-ling-lation.
Cannery_______ Capable-bility.
Canter__I _____ Capital and surplus.
Canticle________ Capital impaired.
Cantilever______ Capital is intact.
Canton_________Capital is not impaired.
Canvas_________ Capital proposed for new bank con­
sidered insufficient, should be at
least $----- .
Cap___________ Capital stock entirely wiped out.
Capable________Capital stock paid in cash.
Caparison______ Capital stock, surplus, and undi­
vided profits.
Cape..................... Capital was impaired.

Capias_________ Capture.
Capitalize______ Care—s—fill—fully.
Capitation______ Careful attention.
Capitular_______ Careful attention is necessary.
Capon_________ Carry-ies-ed-ing.
Capricious______Carry out instructions.
Capsize________ Carry out instructions in letter of
Capstan________ Carry out instructions in telegram
of----- .
Capture,........... Case set for hearing.
Car____________Cash and available assets.
Carack.________ Cash balance.
Carat................... Cash items.
Caravel________ Cash must be paid at once to
amount of $----- .
Caraway_______ Cash on hand.
Carbide________ Cash or its equivalent.
Carbine................ Cash short.
Carcass________ Cashier committed suicide.
Card...................... Cashier’s checks.
Cardiac________ Cause.
Cardio_________ Cause run on bank.
Cardoom_______ Cause uneasiness.
Careen......... ....... Caution-ed-ous.
Caress............... - Certain-ly.
Carib__________ Certificate of increase of capital.
Cark___________Certificate of reduction of capital.
Carmel_________ Certain information is desired.
Carnal................ Certificate-s of deposit.
Carnival________ Certificate-s of stock.
Carpet_________ Certify-ied-ing.
Carrier................ Certified check-s.
Carrot_________ Certified copies of papers requested
in your telegram will be sent you
as soon as can be prepared.
C art..________ Certified copv-ies of report-s of
condition of ------.

Cartoon________ Certified copy-ies.
Carver_________ Certified copy of resolution of di­
rectors with corporate seal at­
Casement______ Cessation.
Cassius________ Chance to recover.
Castile_________ Change itinerary.
Casual_________ Change of management.
Cataclysm______ Change of management is necessary
if the bank is to continue, as the
public has no confidence in the
present officers.
Catalog............. Change of policy.
Catamaran_____ Chairman.
Cataract________ Character-istic.
Catarrh________ Character of assets.
Catch.... ............... Charge-s-d-ing.
Catechism______Charges collect.
Category_______ Charge-d off.
Cater__________ Charged off assets.
Cathode________ Charter.
Cattle__________Charter cannot be issued until.
Caucus_________ Charter expires.
Cauldron_______ Charter issued.
Causeway______ Chattel mortgage-s.
Caustic________ Check-s-ed-ing.
Caution________ Checks on other banks.
Cavalier________Checks on other banks in same
C aviar.............. Chicago.
Cavort_________ Chief Clerk.
Cayote_________ Chief National Bank Examiner.
Celebrate______ Cincinnati.
Celerity________ Cipher.
Celibacy_______ Cipher code.
Celt___________ Circulate-s-d-ing-ion.
Cenotaph_______Circulating notes.
Centenary______ Circumstances are such that.
Center_______ __ Circumstances beyond control of.


Central________ Circumstances prevent.
Century________ City.
Ceramic________ Citizen.
Cerebrum______ Civil service.
Ceremony______ Claim-s-ed-ing-ant.
Cerograph______ Claim cannot be allowed.
Certitude_______Claim will be allowed.
Chaff__________ Class-ify-es-cd.
Chagrin________ Classification.
Chain__________ Classification of paper.
Chair__________ Clear-s-ed-ing-s-ance.
Chalice________ Clearing house.
Chalk__________Clearing house association.
Chamber_______ Clearing house certificate-s.
Champ_________Clearing house examiner-s.
Channel________ Cleveland.
Chapeau_______ Close affiliation.
Chapel_________ Closely affiliated.
Charger________ Close-d its doors.
Charlatan______ Collateral-s-ed.
Charm_________ Collateral insufficient.
Charnel________ Collateral neither ample nor good
Chary__________Collateral security.
Chaste_________ Collateral sufficient.
Chattel_________ Collect-s-ed-ing-ion.
Chatter......... ....... Come.
Checker________Come at once.
Cheek_________ Combine-s-ed-ing-ation.
Chemical_______Commencement of business.
Cherish________ Comment-s-ed-ing.
Chess................... Commercial.
Cheviot________ Commercial paper.
Chevron________ Commission-s-ed.
Chew_____ ____ Commission mailed.
Chieftain_______ Commissioner of Banking.
Chiffon.................. Commit-s-ted-ting.
Child__________ Committee-s.
Chill.____ _____ Committee of directors.

Chin----------------- Communicate-s-d-ing-ion.
Chipper________ Communicate anything of impor­
tance by telegraph.
Chit___________ Communicate direct.
Chlorine_______ Communicate in care of----- .
Choke_________ Communicate immediately by tele­
Choose_________ Communicate with.
Chopper________ Company-ies.
Choral_________ Compare-s-d-ing.
Chortle________ Compare retained copies with
Christen_______ Comparison.
Chronium______ Compel-led-ling.
Chronic________ Compensate-s-d-ion.
Chuck_________ Compensation has been fixed at rate
of $----- .
Chuff__________ Competent-ly.
Chump_________ Complain-s-ed-ing-ant.
Church_________ Complaint is made.
Churn_________ Complete-s-d-ing-ion.
C’hutley________ Complete as soon as possible.
Cicada_________ Complete report.
Cibol__________ Completion of arrangements.
Cicero_________ Comply-ies-ied-ing-iance.
('ilium_________ Comply-ied with instructions.
Cimex_________ Complv-ies-iance with your re­
Cinch_________ Comprise-s-d-ing.
Cinchoma______ Compromise-s-d-ing.
Cincture_______ Compromise recommended.
Cinderella______Compromise has been made.
Cinema________ Compromise on best terms.
Cinerary.............Compromise rather than litigate.
Cinnabar_______ Compromise the indebtedness.
Circuit_________ Comptroller of the Currency.
Circular________ Comptroller cannot authorize liqui­
dation except in manner pre­
scribed by section 5220, U.S.R.S.
Circum................. Comptroller has authorized.

Circumflex_____ Comptroller has authorized me to
state that.
Circumspect____ Comptroller has the matter referred
to under consideration.
Circumvent_____Comptroller is out of the city. Is
expected to return.
Cite___________ Comptroller is not willing.
Cithara________ Comptroller is willing.
Citizen_________ Concern.
Civet__________ Conclude-s-d-ing.
Civilize________ Conclusion-s.
Clachan________ Condition-s-ed-al.
Clad___________ Condition of bank-s.
Clamant_______Condition of bank dangerous.
Clamor_________ Condition of bank does not warrant
approval of increase.
Clan___________ Condition of bank makes resump­
tion impossible.
Clang__________ Condition of bank very unsatisfac­
Clank__________ Condition of bank warrants ap­
proval of increase.
Claque_________ Condition of bank warrants ap­
proval of voluntary liquidation.
Clarify_________ Condition-s warrants.
Clarinet________ Conditions cannot be complied with.
Clash__________ Conditions have been fully com­
plied with under which this bank
may reopen, as indicated in office
letter o f----- .
Classical_______ Conditions will be complied with.
Clause_________ Confer-s-red-ring-ence.
Clean__________ Confer freely with.
Clear__________ Confer-red with directors.
Cleave_________ Confer with examiner.
Clinker________ Confer with Federal Reserve agent.
Clip___________ Confer with U.S. attorney.
Clique_________ Conference deemed necessary.
Clitus__________ Conference held in this office.
Clock__________ Conference was held.
Cloister. .............. Conference with Comptroller.

Cloot__________ Conference with principal stock­
holders and creditors.
Closure________ Conference with you.
Clot___________ Confession.
Clothier________ Confidence.
Clour__________ Confidence has been restored.
Clout................ . Confidence in the management.
Clothe_________ Confidence in the bank is shaken
and a slow run has developed.
Clovis__________ Confident-ial.
Club___________Confident promise-s will be com­
plied with.
Clumber_______ Confirm-s-ed-ing-ation.
Clutch_________ Confirm at once •
Coal___________ Congressman.
Coalesce_______ Connect-s-ed-ing-ion.
Coarse_________ Consent-s-ed-ing.
Coat___________ Consent requested.
Coax___________ Conservative.
Cob___________ Conservative amount.
Cobra__________ Conservative estimate.
Cocaine________ Conservative management.
Cochin_________ Consider it advisable.
Cocker_________Consider it unadvisable.
Cockscomb_____ Consider it necessary.
Cocoanut_______Consider it satisfactory.
Cocoon_________ Consider it unnecessary.
Cod___________ Consider it unsatisfactory.
Codex_________ Considerably increased.
Codger_________ Considerably reduced.
Coerce_________ Consideration.
Coffin__________Consideration has been given to.
Cognac_________Consideration should be given to.
Cognomen______ Consideration will be given to.
Cohere................. Consolidate-s-d-ing-ion.
Coincide_______ Constitute-s-d-ing-ion.
Colander_______ Construct-ed-ing-ive.
Collapse............ .. Consult-s-ed-ing-ation.
Collate_________ Consult competent legal counsel.
Colleague....... ..... Contemplate-s-d-ing-ion.

Colleen________ Contemplates voluntary liquida­
College________ Content-s-ed-ion.
Collide_________ Contents of safe.
Collodium______ Contents of vault.
Colony__________ Contingent expense-s.
Coloring________ Contingent fund.
Coliseum________ Contingent liability-ies.
Colossus_______ Contingent upon.
Colt___________ Continue-s-d-ing-ance.
Combust_______ Continue for the present.
Comedy________Continue in charge.
Comic_________ Contrary to the policy of this office.
Commander____ Contrary to the practice of this
Commit________ Contribute-s-d-ing-ion.
Commute______ Controversy-sial.
Compact_______ Convene-s-ed-ing.
Compete_______ Convene board of directors.
Concede_______ Convention.
Concert________ Conversant.
Conclusion_____ Conversant with the facts.
Concourse______Conversation over long-distance
Concrete_______ Conversion.
Condense______ Conversion of assets.
Conflict________ Conversion to national bank.
Congeal________Conversion of State bank.
Conjugate______ Convert-s-ed-ing.
Conquer________ Convert to national bank.
Corn___________ Copy-ies-ied-ing.
Crackle________ Correct report.
Cram__________ Correction is promised.
Cranck_________ Correspondent-s.

Crash__________Counsel. (See Attorney.)
Crate__________ County.
Crawfish_______ Course.
Crease................. Cover-ed by collateral.
Create_________ Credit-s-ed-ing-able.
Creed__________ Creditor-s.
Creosote_______ Criminal-s.
Crescent_______ Criminal act-s.
Crib___________ Criminal acts should be reported to
the United States attorney for
such action as he may deem
Critic__________ Criminal proceedings.
Croak__________ Criminal violations of law.
Crochet________ Crisis.
Croon__________ Critical condition.
Cross__________ Critical condition exists.
Crouch_________Critic ize-d-ing.
Crowd_________ Criticized assets.
Crucible________ Currency.
Crude__________Current expenses.
Cruiser_............... Custody.
Dab___________ Daily.
Dactyl_________ Daily statement.
Daft___________ Dallas, Tex.
Dago__________ Damage-s-ed-ing.
Dairy__________ Danger.
Dais___________ Danger of a run on the bank.
Damage________ Dangerous.
Dance_________ Dangerous condition.
Dander________ Dangerous practice.
Dandruff_______ Dangerous to delay.
Dante_________ Date.
Dapper_________ Date of last examination.
Dare___________ Date referred to.

Dark____ _____ Date you mention.
Darn..................... Dav-s.
Darter_________ Dead.
Dashing________ Debt-s.
Daughter_______ Debenture-s.
Dawn__________ Debit-ed.
Daybreak______ Debtor-s.
Daze__________ Deceive-s-ed-ing.
Dead__________ December.
Death_________ Decide-s-ed-ing.
Deal__________ Decision.
Dear___________ Declare-s-ed-ing.
Debacle________ Declaration.
Debark________ Declaration of a dividend
Debase____ ___ Decline-s-d-ing.
Debater________ Decrease.
Debauch_______ Decrease in capital.
Debutante______ Decrease in earnings.
Decadence_____ Deed-s-ed-ing.
Decanter_______ Deed in name of bank.
D ecay.._______ Deed not in name of bank.
Decent_________ Deed not recorded.
Deception______ Deed on record.
Decisive_____ _ Deem.
Declare________ Deem necessary.
Decoration_____ Defalcation.
Decorous_______Defalcation is not serious.
Decoy_________ Defalcation is reported.
Decree_________ Defalcation will exceed.
Decrepit_______ Defalcation will not.
Dedicate_______ Defaulter-s-ed.
Deduct_________ Defeat-ed-ing.
Deface_________ Defendant-s.
Defame________ Defer-s-red-ring.
Defeat_________ Defer examination.
Defect_________ Defer further action.
Defense________ Deferred payment-s.
Defile__________ Deficiency-ies.
Deflect_________ Deficiency has been made good.
Degrade_______ Deficiency has not been made good.
Delate_________ Deficiency in reserve.
Delegate_______ Deficiency will be made good.

Delicate________ Deficiency will not be made good.
Delicious_______ Define-s-ed.
Delirious_______ Definite.
Delta__________ Definite estimate.
Delude_________ Defraud.
Democracy_____ Demand-s-e-ding.
Demolish_______ Demand certificates of deposit.
Demur_________ Demand paper.
Dense_________ Democratic.
Denude________ Deny-ies-ied-ing.
Depart_________ Depart-s-ed-ing.
Depend________ Department.
D eplete.......... . Department of Agriculture.
Deponent_______Department of Justice.
Depth__________ Department of Justice requests your
Derange_______ Depend-s-ed-ing-able-ent.
Deride_________ Deposit-s-ed-ing.
Descend_______ Deposited in escrow.
Desert_________ Depository-ies.
Design_________ Deposits and liabilities.
Desk__________ Deposits are being withdrawn.
Desolate_______ Deposits of U.S. disbursing officer-s.
Despair________ Depositor-s.
Deter__________ Depression.
Detract________ Deputy Comptroller of Currency.
Detriment______ Deserve-s-ed-ing.
Device-------------- Designate-s-ed-ing.
Devoutly_______ Desire-s-d-able-ing.
Devotion_______ Desire to know.
Dewdrop_______ Desire to organize a national bank.
Diabetes_______ Desires to reduce capital.
Diatom________ Desire to reopen bank.
Diatribe________ Desperate.
Dibasic________ Destroy-s-ed-ing.
Dicker_________ Destruction-tive.
Dictate_________ Detail-s-ed-ing.
Dictator________ Detailed statement.
Dictum________ Details have been arranged.
Diddle_________ Detect-s~ed-ing.

Dignify. ............. .

Detroit, Mich.
Dictates the policy of the bank.
Did not.
Did not receive.
Did you?
Did you hold directors’ meeting?
Did you receive?
Difficult to determine.
Directors advise.
Directors approve.
Directors desire a conference at your
office at which I will be present
if agreeable to you. Wire me
date we can see you.
Disarray_______ Directors guarantee bank against
Disaster________ Directors meet-ing.
Dismount______ Directors’ meeting was held.
Dissect________ Directors’ meeting will be held.
Distort_________ Directors proposal not acceptable.
Divest_________ Directors request.
Divot__________ Directors will contribute cash or its
Document______ Disappear-s-ed-ing-ance.
Dodge_________ Disadvantage.
Dodo__________ Disagree-s-ed-ing-able.
Dogger_________ Disappear-s-ed-ing-ance.
Dogmatical_____ Disappoint-s-ed-ing.
Doldrums______ Disapprove-s-ed-ing.
Dolerite................ Disaster-trous.
Doll...................... Disburse-ment-ing-ed.
Dolor__________ Discharge-ed-ing.

Dollish________ Disclose-s-d-ing.
Domain________ Discontinue.
Dominate______ Discontinue the practice.
Domineer______ Discount-s-ed-ing.
Dominican______ Discourage-s-d-ing-ment.
Donate_________ Discover-s-ed-ing.
Donor_________ Discredit.
Dope__________ Discrepancy-ies.
Dormant_______ Discrepancies have been found.
Dormitory______ Discrepancies have been reconciled.
Dory___________ Discretion.
Dose__________ Discuss-ed-ing-ion.
Dotation_______ Discussed with you.
Doubt_________ Dishonest.
Doughty------------ Dishonor-ed-s.
Dour__________ Dislike.
Dowdy_________ Dismiss-ed-ing.
Drab__________ Dispatched to.
Drachma_______ Dispute-s-ed-ing.
Draft--------------- - Disqualify-ies-ied-ing.
Dragging---------- Disregard.
Draggle________ Disregard instructions.
Dragon________ Disregard my letter.
Drain__________ Disregard my wire.
Dram__________ Dissatisfaction.
Drank_________ District.
Drape__________ District court.
Drastic------------- District of Columbia.
Draw--------------- Distrust-s-ed-ing.
Drawing_______ Disturb-s-ed-ing-ance.
Drawler________ Divide-s-ed-ing.
Drayage________ Dividend-s.
Dread_________ Dividend checks.
Drear _........ ......... Dividend checks have been forwarded-today for payment of.
Dredging_______ Dividend declared.
Dregs__________ Document-ary.
Drencher_______ Do-es-ing.
Dresser................ Dominate-s-ed-ing-ion.
Dribble________ Donate-s-ed-ing-tion.
Drier__________ Do not.
Drift___________ Do not act.


Driller..................Do not carry out instructions.
Drinker________ Do not consider.
Dripping_______ Do not consider it advisable.
Drive_____ ____ Do not delay examination.
Driveler________ Do not examine.
Droll__________ Do not surrender.
Dromon________ Do not think.
Droning________ Do not understand.
Drooping_______ Do so.
Drop___________ Do what seems best and necessary.
Droshky________ Do you deem it advisable.
Drossy_________ Do you recommend.
Drover_________ Do you think.
Drowse________ Does not.
Drub__________ Does not seem.
Drudge____ ___ Doing everything possible.
Druggist_______ Doubt-s-ful.
Druid__________ Doubtful assets.
Drum__________Doubtful character.
Dry_____________Doubtful paper.
D ub.____ _____ Draft-s-ed.
Dubious________ Draw-s-n.
Ducat__________ Drawer.
Duchy_________ Drawee.
Duct___________ Due and payable.
Dude__________ Due from.
Dudgeon_______ Due to.
Duel___________ Dummy notes.
Duenna________ Duplicate-ing-ed.
Dugout_________ Duplicate receipt.
Dulcet_________ During.
Dummy________ During examination.
Eager--------------- Eager-ly.
Ear____________Earliest convenience
Earnest________ Earn-s-ed-ings.
Easement______ Easy.

Eat------------------ Effect a consolidation.
Ebbing_________Effect of the disclosure.
Eccentric_______ Effective at once.
Echinus------------ Effective at the close of business.
Eclat___________ Efficient-cy.
Economy_______ Effort-s.
Ecru-----------------Efforts are being made.
Ecstacy-------------Efforts unavailing.
Eczema. .......... . Either.
Eden__________ Elect-s-ed-ing.
Edit___________ Embarrass-es-ed-ing-ment.
Educate................ Embezzle-s-d-ment. (See Defal­
Educe--------------- Embezzler.
Efface--------------- Embody-ied-ing.
E gg..................... Employ-s-ed-ing-ment.
Ego____________Employ as attorney.
Egression______ Employ local attorney to protect
interests of bank.
Eject__________ Employ temporarily.
Elastic_________ Enable-ed.
Elbow_________ Enclose-s-d-ing.
Elder__________ Enclosure.
Elective________ Encourage-s-ed-ing-ment.
Elegant________ Endeavor-s-ed-ing.
Element________Endeavor-ing to effect a compro­
Elevate________ Endorse-s-d-ing-ment.
Elide__________ Enforce-s-ed-ing-ment.
Elision_________ Engage-s-d-ing-ment-s.
Elocution_______Engaged in examining.
Elongate_______ Engaged in verification.
Emaciate_______ Enough.

Embargo_______ Entirely unsecured.
Embassy_______ Entry-ies.
Embattle_______ Equal-s-ed-ing.
Emblaze_______ Equitable-bly.
Emblem________ Equitable arrangement.
Emboss________ Equity.
Embrace_______ Escape.
Emerge________ Especial-ly.
Eminence______ Establish an additional office.
Emotion________ Establish a preferred claim.
Empire_________Estate. *
Encaustic_______Estimate the loss.
Enchant________Estimated loss.
Encounter______ Estimated losses exceed the capital,
surplus, and profits. I am en­
deavoring to save the bank and
am receiving substantial support
of the directors and other share­
holding interests.
Enervate_______ Every.
Engage_________Every effort will be made.
Engird_________ Everything.
Engrave________Everything has been.
Engross________ Evidence.
Enlist__________Evidence of criminal violations of
Ensemble______ Exact-ed-ing.
Enshrine_______ Exact facts.
Enslave________ Examination.
Ensnare________Examination closed.
Entail__________Examination commenced.
Entertain_______Examination has been made.
Entice_________ Examination is now in progress.
58949 34


Entrance_______ Examination may be postponed.
Envious________ Examination of bank.
Epaulet________ Examination should be made.
Epic___________ Examination shows large losses will
be sustained.
Epilepsy________Examination will not be completed.
Epsom_________ Examine as soon as possible.
Equestrian______ Examine bank.
Equine_________ Examine books.
Equip__________ Examine in about three months
Equipoise_______Examine in regular order.
Equitant_______ Examiner.
Equivocal______ Examiner has been instructed to
make investigation.
Era____________Examining Division of this office.
Erect__________ Except-ion.
Ergot__________ Except in manner provided.
Erosion________ Excess-ive.
Errant_________ Excess loans.
Erroneous______ Excessive credit line.
Erudite________ Exchange.
Escapade_______ Exchagnes for clearing house.
Eschew________ Excite-s-ed-ing-inent.
Escort_________ Excuse-s-ed-ing.
Escutcheon_____ Execution.
Espionage--------- Executive committee.
Esplanade______ Exempt-ion.
Essence________Exempt from military service.
Esteem________ Exercise.
Estrange_______ Exercise discretion.
Eternity________ Exercise great caution.
Ethical_________ Exhaust-s-ed-ing-ive.
Ethnic_________ Exist-s-ed-ing-ence.
Ethyl__________ Expect-s-ed-ing.
Etude__________ Expect to arrive.
Eugenics_______ Expect to recover.
Euphony_______ Expense-s-ive.
Evacuant_______ Expenses incurred.

Evasion________ Expert-s.
Evangel________ Expert accountant.
Evening________ Expiration of option.
Event__________ Expiration of time.
Eventual_______ Explain-s-ed-ing.
Evidence_______ Explain by letter.
Evince_________ Explain details.
Evoke_________ Explanation-s.
Evolve_________ Explanation desired.
Exact__________ Explanation follows by letter.
Exalted________ Express-es-ed-ing-ion.
Example_______ Expunge-d-ing from the records.
Excalibur_______ Extend-s-ed-ing-sion.
Excavation_____ Extension of charter.
Exceed_________ Extension of credit.
Excellent_______ Extension of time.
Excerpt________ Extract.
Exercise_______ Extract from minutes of board
Excoriate_______ Extraordinary.
Exhort_________ Extreme.
Fabulous_______ Fact-s.
Face___________ Fail-s-ed-ing.
Facetious_______ Failed to open for business this
Facile__________ Fails to show progress.
Faction________ Failure.
Factor_________ Failure caused by.
Factory________ Failure of the bank is inevitable.
Faculty________ Failure will result in.
Fad___________ Fair.
Fain__........ ......... Fair value-s.
Fair...................... False.
Faith__________ False entries.
Fall__________ _ False reports of condition.
Fallible________ False statements.
Falstaff________ Familiar-ly.

Fame__________ February.
Familiar________ Federal.
Famous________ Federal Deposit Ins. Corp.
Fanatic________ Federal Farm Loan Board.
Fancier________ Federal Intermediate Credit Bank
Fanfare________ Federal Land Bank.
Fangle_________ Federal Reserve Act.
Fantail_________ Federal Reserve Agent.
Fantastic_______ Federal Reserve Bank.
Farce__________ Federal Reserve Board.
Farmer________ Federal Reserve District.
Farrier_________ Federal Reserve note-s.
Fashion________ Federal Reserve Issue and Redemp
tion Division.
Fatal__________ Federal Reserve System.
Fathom________ Federally licensed livestock inspec
Fatten_________ Fee-s.
Faucet_________ Fee for examination.
Favor__________ Feel-s.
Feast__________ Field report.
Feature________ File-s-d-ing.
Federal________ Files of this office.
Feeble_________ Filibuster.
Feed__________ Final.
Fellow_________ Finance-ial.
Female________ Financial condition.
Fencer_________ Financial condition is good.
Ferment_______ Financial condition is not good.
Fern___________Financial responsibility.
Fickle__________ Financial situation.
Fidget_________ Financial statement.
Field__________ Financially embarrassed.
Fierce_________ Financially responsible.
Fiery__________ Find-s-ing.
Fig____________ Find it difficult.
Figment________ Find it impracticable.
Filibuster______ Fine.
Filipino________ Finish-es-ed-ing.
Filly_______ ___ First.
Film............. ....... Flagrant.
Filth___________ Follow-ing-ed.

Fin_______ ____ For a conference.
Finality------------- For conversion to National Bank.
Finance________ For service in case.
Finback________ For the.
Finesse________ For the purpose of.
Finger_________ For what purpose.
Finish_________ Forbid.
Fire___________ Forfeiture.
Firm__________ Forge-r-d-ry.
Firth__________ Form-s-ed-ing.
Fish___________ Formal.
Fist___________ Formal notice of impairment of.
Fizzle__________ Former-ly.
Flabby_________ Fortify-ied.
Flag___________ Fortunate.
Flagrant________ Fortune.
Flaky__________ Fonvard-s-ed-ing.
Flanders_______ Forward budget report for month of;
Flank__________Forward complete schedule.
Flap___________ Forward immediately report of ex­
Flare__________ Forward mail.
Flash__________ Forward report.
Flatter.................. Forward report and proceed with
your regular work.
Flaxseed_______ Fonvard your report promptly.
Fledge_________ Found-ed.
Flesh__________ Foundation.
Flint__________ Fraud.
Flirting________ Fraud and wrongdoing.
Flivver_________ Fraudulent.
Float__________ Frequent.
Flock--------------- Friday.
Flog___________ Friend.
Flood__________ From the bank.
Floor______ -----From your report.
Florist_________ Full-y.
Flounder_______ Full details.
Flourish________Full explanation.
Flout_________ _ Full instructions.

Flow___________ From information received.
Fluid__________ Full particulars will follow by mail.
Fluke__________ From the.
Flunky_________ Full report by mail.
Flurry_________ Fully satisfied.
Fluster_________ Fund-s.
Flux___________ Funds of your trust.
Fly____________ Furnish-es-ed-ing.
Foam__________ Furnish all the information neces­
Focus__________ Furnish no information.
Fog____________ Furnish no information to news­
papers, shareholders, creditors, or
anyone else, unless authorized by
the Comptroller.
Foible_________ Furniture and fixtures.
Fold___________ Further-ing.
Folk___________ Further advice.
Folly__________ Further delay.
Food__________ Further details.
Foot___________ Further orders.
Forest_________ Further time.
Gabbing_______ Gain.
Gag___________ General.
Gaiety_________ General accounts.
Gait___________ General delivery, post office.
Gala___________ General Council.
Gale___________General ledger.
Galilee_________General ledger bookkeeper.
Gall___________ General opinion.
Gallery________ General public.
Galley_________ General situation.
Gallup_________ Genuine.
Gallows________ Get-s-ting.
Game............. ..... Give-s-n.
Gang__________ Give out no information whatever.
Gangway_______Give the matter immediate atten­

Garage________ Give total classification, slow and
doubtful paper.
Garbage_______ Glad.
Garden________ Glad to hear.
Garment_______ Glad to know.
Garrulous______ Go-es-ing.
Garter_________ Go immediately to.
Gasket_________ Go there immediately and advise
this office of condition, using wire
if necessary.
Gasoline_______ Go to.
Gaunt_________ Good.
Gavel__________ Good assets.
Gawk_________ Good character.
Gay___________ Good collateral.
Gear_____ ____ Good condition.
Gelding________ Government.
Gem___________ Governor.
Gender________ Governor Federal Reserve Bank.
Generate_______ Grade-ing.
Genesis________ Gradual-ly.
Genial.................. Gradual development.
Genius_________Grand jury.
Gentle_________ Grant-s-ed-ing.
Germ__________ Grant accommodation.
Gesture________ Great.
G h a s tly ._____ Great caution.
Gift___________ Ground-s.
Glory__________ Guarantee-s-d-ing-or.
Gospel_________ Guaranty of directors.
Grape__________ Guarantee-ing in writing.
Grass-.............. . Guilt-y.
Guide_________ Guilty party.
H abit-......... ....... Habit-s-ual-ually.
Habituate______ Had.
Hackney_______ Half.
Haft____ ____ Handle-s-d-ing.

Hag___________ Happen-s-ed-ing.
Halberd________ Has.
Hall___________ Has absconded; whereabouts un­
Hallow_________Has acquired the assets and assumed
the liabilities.
Halt___________ Has anything occurred?
Halyard.... ......... . Has bank resumed business?
Hamlet________ Has been.
Hamstring______ Has been acquitted.
Hand__________ Has been appointed.
Handicap_______Has been consolidated.
Handiwork_____ Has been delayed.
Handle________ Has been forwarded.
Handsome______Has been found guilty.
Hanger________ Has been granted.
Hansel_________Has been impaired b y ------- .
Happen________ Has been kept very secret.
Happy_________ Has been made.
Harass_________ Has been recommended.
Harbinger______ Has been telegraphed.
Harden________ Has been verified.
Hardware______ Has committed suicide.
Harmony_______Has developed.
Harrier________ Has examination been made?
Harsh_________ Has failed.
Harvest............. Has introduced bill.
Haslet_________ Has not arrived.
Hasp__________ Has not been.
Hasten_________Has there been.
Hat__^_________ Haste-n.
Hatchery_______ Hasten completion.
Haughty_______ Have accepted.
Hauler____ ____ Have acted according to instruc­
Haunch________ Have appointed.
Haunt__________ Have appointed you receiver.
Havelock_______ Have arranged.
Haven............... . Have arrived.
Havoc_________ Have Assistant Examiner report.

Haying_________ Have assistant report this office.
Hazzard________ Have been.
Head__________ Have been forwarded.
Healthy_________ Have been made.
Heap___________ Have been notified.
Hearing________ Have been placed.
Heat__________ Have been reliably informed.
Heather_________ Have been requested.
Heaven_________ Have been unable to.
Heavy_________ Have closed and am now in charge
o f----- .
Heckle__________ Have completed.
Hedger__________Have complied with instructions.
Hedgehog_______ Have conferred with.
Heedful_________ Have consented.
Heft___________ Have discovered.
Hegemony______ Have discovered defalcation.
Heirloom,...........Have done so.
Heliotrope______ Have examination made proposed
Helium________ Have finished examination and sent
Helm___________ Have forwarded.
Helper_________ Have forwarded by express.
Hem____________Have forwarded by mail.
Henchman_______Have full confidence in.
Henpeck________ Have furnished U.S. Attorney with
information regarding criminal
acts of----- .
Herb__________ Have immediate investigation made.
Hercules________ Have improved.
Heredity________ Have investigation made.
Heretic__________Have just learned of.
Heritage________ Have just received advice th at-----closed its doors on ------. Am
leaving today to take charge.
Please telegraph any special in­
structions to me there.
Heroic__________ Have made.
Heron__________ Have made examination.
Hesitation_______ Have mailed.

Hewer_________ Have no confidence in.
Hexigram______ Have no objection.
Heyday________ Have not.
Hiatus_________ Have not done so.
Hibernate______ Have not heard.
Hibiscus_______ Have not heard from you.
Hidden________ Have not improved.
Hideous________ Have not yet.
Highroad_______ Have postponed any decisive action.
Highway_______ Have received.
Hinder_________Have received no reply to.
History________ Have received telegram.
Hockey________ Have replied by letter.
Hog_______ ___ Have requested.
Hogshead______ Have sent full details by letter.
Holiness_______ Have taken charge.
Holly______ ___ Have wired.
Holster________ Have written.
Homicide______ Have you?
Honesty________ Have you any suspicion?
Honeyed_______ Have you confidence in?
Hooded________ Have you employed an attorney?
Hooker________ Have you examined?
Hooping________ Hearing.
Horned________ Heavy withdrawals.
Horrible_______ Held.
Horrid_________ Held in trust.
Horseback_____ Held today.
Hostelry_______ Hereby revoke-s-d.
Hostile_________ Hidden.
Hostler________ Hidden profits.
Hotbed________ Hold-s-er-ing.
House_________ Hold in abeyance.
Hover_________ Hold in strict confidence.
Howler________ Honesty and reliability.
Huddler________ Honesty and reliability have never
been questioned.
Huge.................... Hope.

Human________ Hopelessly insolvent.
Humble_______«. House of Representatives.
Humpback_____ How.
Hungry________ How can I?
Hunter_________ How can I reach you by.
Hurdling_______ How long will it be necessary for
you to remain?
Hurler_________ How long will, or would it take?
Huron__________ How much of an assessment has
been collected?
Husband_______ How much of an assessment will be
Hut___________ How soon?
Hydrant________ How soon canyou?
Iambus__________I am.
Ibis___________ I am keeping in close touch with the
Chief Examiner in regard to the
Iced___________ I am not.
Ichabod________ I am unable to.
Icteric___________I can.
Ictus__________ I do.
Ideal__________ I do not.
Idealism_________I do not think.
Identical________ 1 have.
Ides___________ I have advised the Chief Examiner
in the premises and he suggests
that I refer the matter to you for
a decision.
Idiocy__________ I leave on first train for----- .
Idiomatic_______ I recommend.
Idiotism________ I will.
Idleness________ I will complete my assignment and
return to headquarters i n ___
Idolater________ I will complete my work here the
----- and will then proceed with
my regular assignment.

Ignatius________I will instruct.
Ignominy_______ I will not.
Ignoramus______ I will return to Washington.
Ignorance______ Idea-1.
Ignorant_______ Identify-ication-ied.
Ignore_________ Identification card.
Igorot__________ Idle.
Iguana_________ If agreeable.
Ileitis__________ If any doubt.
Ilium__________ If assistant will be available.
Iiltreat_________ If 'conditions have since changed.
Illegible________ If conference here necessary.
Illicit__________ If desirable.
Illude__________ If funds to make good assessment.
Illusion________ If in doubt.
Illustrate_______ If in good condition.
Imagine________If necessary.
Imbed_________ If not.
Imbiber------------ If not received advise immediately.
Imbricate_______ If possible.
Imbroglio______ If requested.
Imbrue________ If such is the request.
Imbrute________ If there is any possibility.
Imbued________ If you.
Imitator________ If you are satisfied with conditions,
not necessaryr to remain longer.
Immature______ If you are unable to report.
Immaterial_____ If you can.
Immense_______ If you can not.
Immerge_______ If you do not think it necessary.
Immigration____ If you have.
Imminence_____ If you have not.
Imminent_______ If you have not already examined.
Immoral________ If you think best.
Immortalize____ If you think it necessary.
Immunity______ If you think it unnecessary to re­
main longer, resume your regular
Impartial_______ Ignore-s-ed-ing-ance.
Impassible_____ Illegal.
Impatient........... . Imagine.
Impeach............... Immaterial.

Impeccable_____ Immediate-ly.
Impede________ Immediate attention.
Impediment____ Immediate attention is necessary.
Impel__________Immediate examination.
Impend________ Immediately on receipt of.
Imperative_____ Immense.
Imperious______ Immensurable.
Impersonal_____ Immunity.
Impervious_____ Impair-s-ed-ing-ment.
Impetuous______Impairment of capital.
Impetus________ Impairment of capital made good.
Impiety________ Impairment of surplus.
Implacable_____ Implieate-tion.
Impleader______ Imply.
Implication_____ Importance.
Implicit________ Important.
Imporous_______ Impossible at present.
Importable_____ Impossible to arrange.
Importer_______ Impossible to do more.
Importune______Impossible to.form an opinion.
Imposing_______ Impracticable.
Imposture______ Impress-es-ed.
Impotent_______ Improve-s-d-ing-ment.
Impregnate_____ Improvement indicated.
Imprest________ In a bad condition.
Impressive_____ In accordance with.
Imprimature____ In accordance with instructions.
Improbable_____ In accordance with your instruc­
tions I am leaving immediately
for ------ to take charge o f -----which closed its doors on------.
Improve________In accordance with request.
Improvise______ In addition to.
Improvident.........In care of.
Imprudent______ In charge.
Impudent_______ In compliance with.
Impulsive______ In connection with.
Impunity_______ In effect.
Imputable,.......... In fair condition.
Inaction.......... . Inform me.
Inadvertent..........In good condition.

Inalienable_____ In letter of.
Inasmuch______ In my judgment.
Inaugural_______ In my opinion.
Inbeing________ In order to.
Inbound________ In order to protect.
Inbreed________ In receipt of.
Incantation_____ In regard to.
Incendiary______In reply to.
Incensed_______ In reply to your letter of.
Inception_______ In reply to your telegram of.
Incessant_______ In reply to your telegram you are
advised that.
Incident________In reply to your telegram you are
instructed to.
Incitant________ In telegram.
Inclemency..___ In that event.
Incognito__1___ In the meantime.
Incoherent_____ In your district.
Imcompetent____In your judgment.
Incongruous____ In your opinion.
Inconsistent____ In your possession.
Incubate_______ Inasmuch as.
Incumbent_____ Inasmuch as you report.
Indiction_______ Incentive.
Indignant_______ Inelude-s-ed-ing.
Indignity_______ Income.
Indirection_____ Increase-s-d-ing.
Indiscreet______ increase of capital stock.
Indispose_______ Increased confidence is apparent.
Inditer_________ Inculcate.
Indolence______ Incumber-s-ed-ing.
Indoor_________ Incur-s-ed-ing.
Induction_______ Indebted to other banks.
Indulgent_______ Indebted to this bank.
Industrial_______ Indicate-s-d-ing-ive.
Inexorable______ Indications are that.
Infamous_______ Indict-s-ed-ing.
Infatuate_______ Indictment.
Inferior________ Individual-s-ly.

Infielder_______ Individual deposits.
Infinite_________ Individual ledger.
Infirmity_______ Individual ledger bookkeeper.
Inflated________ Inevitable.
Inflection_______ Inform--s-ed-ation.
Influenza_______ Inform this office of any change in
your address.
Influx__________ Inform this office of character of.
Informal_______ Information has been received.
Infraction______ Information is desired.
Infuriate_______ Injure.
Ingenious______ Injury.
Inglorious______ Inquire.
Ingratiate______ Inquire about.
Ingrown________ Inquire of.
Inhabitant______ Inquiry.
Inhaler________ Insist-s—ed-ing.
Inherence______ Insist on proper action.
Inhumanly______ Insist upon compliance with.
Inimical________ Insolvency.
Initial__________ Insolvent.
Initiation_______Insolvent Division.
Injection_______ Instant-ly.
Inkwell________ Instruct-s-ed-ing-ion-s.
Inkiness_______ Instruct him to.
Inlayer_________ Instructions are carefully noted and
will be acted on immediately.
Inmate_________Instructions follow.
Inmost_________Instructions have been.
Innermost______Instructions have been sent you by
Innocence______ Instructions misunderstood.
Innocuous____Instructions transferred to.
Innovator______ Instructions will be complied with.
Innoculation____ Instructions will be mailed.
Inordinate______Instructions will be sent.
Inorganic_______Instructions wired you.
Inquirer________ Insufficient.
Inquisitively____ Insufficient capital.
Inrush_________ Insufficient information.
Insane_________ Insure-s-d-ing.
Insatiable______ Interest-s-ed-ing.

Inscrutable_____ Interest in default.
Insection_______ Interest in the bank, either as a
stockholder, creditor, or other­
Insensible______ Interfere-nce.
Insertion_______ Interview-s-ed-ing.
Insinuate_______Investigate character, standing, and
financial responsibility of.
Insistence______ Investigate charges referred to and
report by wire in code.
Insolent............. Investigate thoroughly and report
by telegraph.
Inspector_______ Irregular-ity-ities.
Inspiration_____ Irresponsible.
Install_________ Is a defaulter.
Instant_________ Is a receiver necessary?
Instigate_______ Is bank insolvent?
Instinct________ Is bank still doing business?
Instructor______ Is collateral held?
Insult__________Is considered.
Insurgency_____ Is considered insolvent.
Integrate.......... . Is hereby authorized.
Intellect________ Is insolvent.
Intemperate____ Is it a case for criminal action?
Intendance_____ Is it impossible?
Intensify_______ Is it possible?
Intentive_______ Is necessary.
Intercedent_____Is not solvent.
Interclude______ Is reported to be insolvent.
Interdict_______ Is the case.
Interfere_______ Is the defalcation serious?
Interior________ Is there any evidence?
Interlace_______ Is there any reason why?
Interline_______ Is there any record of?
Interlope_______ Issuance.
Interrogate_____ Issue and Redemption Division.
Interrupt_______ _ It is a case for criminal action.
Intervene.______ It is advisable.
Intolerant............ It is deemed advisable.

Intrigue________ It is important.
Invalid_________It is necessary.
Invert_________ It is not a case for criminal action.
Inviolate_______ It is not desirable.
Irrational_______ It is not understood.
Islander________It is of the utmostimportance.
Isolation_______ It is reported.
Isthmus______It is rumored, but not fully con­
firmed that.
Itch-..................... It is suggested.
Iterate_________ It is understood.
Ivory__________ Item-s.
Jab____________ January.
Jabot__________ Judge.
Jackdaw_______ Judgment-s.
Jail___________ June.
Jaunt__________ Justice.
Jealous________ Justify—ication.
Keen__________ Kansas City, Mo.
Kennel_________ Keep-s.
Kerosene_______Keep close watch of situation.
Kick___________ Keep secret.
Kidney_________ Keep this office advised.
Kill____________ Keep this office advised of devel­
Kindle.............. __ Keep this office advised of the situ­
ation, using the wire if necessary.
Knave_________ Kiting checks.
Knob__________ Know-s-n-ing.
Kodak_________ Knowledge.



Label__________ Large-ly-r-st.
Labor--------------- Large losses.
Lacing_________ Large losses have been sustained.
Lackey------------- Large withdrawals of deposits.
Lady— ------------ Law-ful-fully.
Laggardly---------- Lawful money reserve.
Lake---------------- Learn-ed-ing.
Lameness______ Leave-s-ing.
Lamenter_______ Leave immediately.
Lampoon_______ Leave of absence.
Land___________ Leave of absence asked for is granted.
Lane___________ Leave without pay.
Languish_______ Left.
Languor________ Left before receipt telegram.
Lanyard________ Ledger-s.
Lap------------------ Legal-ly-ity.
Lapid__________ Legislate-tion-tive.
Lapse__________ Legislation pending.
Lapwing. __.......... Legislature.
Largess________ Legitimate.
Largo__________ Legitimate transaction.
Larynx_________ Letter.
Lascar_________ Letter from applicants promising
compliance with conditions out­
lined by Examiner.
Lasher_________ Letter from directors.
Lassitude_______ Letter from your office.
Lachet_________ Letter of instructions.
Latent_________ Letter of instructions has been
Lateral_________ Letter received dated------.
Lather_________ Levy-s-ied-ing.
Latitude________ Levy an assessment.
Lattice_________ Liable.
Laud__________ Liability-ies.
Laughter_______ Liability-ies of bank.
Launder________ Liability of directors.
Lava___________ Liability of officers.
Lavender........... Liability of shareholders.
Lawn__________ License^-d.
Laxity_________ Like-ly.
Layman_________ Likely to excite suspicion.
Digitized for Leaf___________

League_________ Liquidate-s-d-ing-ion.
Leak___________ Liquidation of assets.
Lean___________ Liquidation of bank.
Leap___________ List-s.
Leash__________ List of banks.
Leather________ List of stockholders.
Lecturer_______ Litigation.
Legacy_________Litigation pending.
Legionary______ Little.
Leopard________ Little as possible.
Lettuce________ Little, if any.
Level__________ Livestock.
Levity_________ Livestock loans.
Lewd__________ Loan-s-ed-ing.
Lexicon________ Loans and discounts.
Liberal_________ Loans exceeding the limit of section
5200, U.S.R.S., as amended.
Liberate________ Loans secured by real estate.
Library________ Loans unsecured.
Lick___________ Local.
Lieutenant_____ Local banks.
Life___________ Locality.
Lifter__________ Locate-s-d-ing-ion.
Lighten________ Located at.
Lignite_________ Long distance.
Likeness_______ Long distance telephone.
Linger_________ Los Angeles, Calif.
Liniment_______ Loss-es.
Liquid_________ Losses are provided for.
Literature______ Losses will exceed.
Macaroni_______ Made.
Macaroon______ Mail-ed-ing.
Mace.............. ..... Mail report.
Machine_______ Mailed today.
Mackintosh_____ Majority.
Madly_________ Make-ing.
Madam________ Make all possible haste.
Madcap_______ Make all possible haste in reaching

Maggot________ Make examination of.
Magician_______ Make examination of assets.
Magistrate_____ Make immediate examination.
Magnate_______ Make immediate and thorough ex­
amination of.
Magnify------------ Make special examination.
Magnitude_____ Make thorough investigation.
Mahogany--------- Making good progress.
Mardin------------- Making very little progress.
Mailable__........... Maladministration.
Maimed............... Manage-s-d-ing-ment.
Mainland............. Manager.
Maintain........ ...... Manipulate-s-d-ing-ion.
Majestic_______ March.
Majority............... Market.
Makeshift-.......... Market price-s.
Maladroit______ MarshaL
Malaga................. Material-ly.
Malaria.............— Material improvement.
Malignant-........... Materially affect the bank.
MalL_................... Matter-s.
M allet................. Matter indicated.
Malty................... Matter referred to.
Maltreat............... Matter referred to will have imme­
diate attention.
Mammal............... May.
Mammoth-........... May be.
Manageable____ Meantime.
Mandarin............. Meet-s-ing.
Mane_................... Meet him at bank.
Manful........ ......... Meet me at.
Manger................ Meeting of creditors.
Mangy................. Meeting of directors.
Mankind.............. Meeting of stockholders.
Manner......... ...... Meeting postponed.
Manor ................... Member.
M arch................. Mentioned in your.
Mare.................... Message.
Mariner............... Milwaukee, Wis.
Maritime............. Minneapolis, Minn.
Marmalade......... Mismanage-s-d-ing-ment.
Maroon................ Miss-ed-ing.
Marrow................ Misunderstand-ing.

Marshy................. Misuse-d-ing.
Martinet. ............ Monday.
Martyr................. Money.
Mash.................... Month-s-ly.
Massacre............. Mortgage-s.
Matrix.................. Much.
Mayor................... Municipal-ity.
Meat................— Municipal limits.
Mechanic---------- Must.
Mediate________ Must be.
Meek................... Must be forwarded.
Mellow................. Must be kept.
Melt..................... Must be kept secret.
Memoir................ Must have been.
Mentality______ Must have certified copy-ies.
Mercy................... Must have on hand in cash.
Meridian.............. Must not.
Meringue______ Must not be.
Mesh.................... My judgment
Metal................. — My opinion isis.
Method____See page 81 li'iirm_______ See page83
Metrical____See page 81 Mischief___ See page 83
Mew______ See page 81 Misery_____See page 83
Microbe____See page 81 Misguide___See page 83
Midday____ See page 81 Mishap____ See page 84
Midship____See page 81 Mislay_____See page 84
Mighty____ See page 81 Misrule____See page 84
Migrate____See page 81 Mission____Seepage"'84
Mildew____ See page 81 Mistress___ See page 85
Milage_____See page 81 Mitigate___ See page
Militant____See page 81 Mixer_______See page85
Milk________See page 81 Mob________ See page86
M ill............See page 82 Mocha_____See page 86
Millinery___See page 82 Mockery___ See page 86
Mincer____ See page 82 Model_____ See page 87
Mindful____See page 82 Modern____See page 87
Mineral____See page 82 Modulate___See page 87
Mingle_____See page 82 Moist_______ See page87
Minister___ See page 82 Molasses___See page 87
Minority___ See page 82 Molecule___See page 87
M inx...........See page 83 Molten____ See page 87
Miracle____ See page 83 Momentum._
page 87
S pp na ap
Mirage.........See page 83 M n n a r r h

Nab___________ Name-s-d-ing.
Nag___________ National.
Nail___________ National Agricultural Credit Cor­
Naked_________ National bank-s.
Nameless______ National bank act.
Narrator_______ National bank examiner.
Natal__________ National Banking laws.
Native_________ Necessary-ily.
Navigator______ Necessitate-s-d-ing.
Navy__________ Necessity.
Nearness_______ Need-s-ed-ing.
N eat............. ..... Need assistance.
Neck__................. Need not.
Needful________ Negotiable.
Negation_______ Negotiate-s-d-ing-ion.
Negligee_______ Net earnings.
Nerve_________ Newark, N.J.
Neutral________ Newspaper-s.
Newsboy_______ New York, N.Y.
Nibbler________ Next examination.
Nickname______ Next examination should be made.
Niggard________ Next month.
Nimbus________ Next week.
Nippy____,_____ Next year.
Nipper_________ No assessment will be necessary.
Nipple_________ No effort being made.
Nob___________ No effort being spared.
Noble__________ No examination has yet been made.
Nocturn________ No further.
Nod___________ No objection.
Noise__________No objection to your making cau­
tious statement.
Nominate______ No one.
Nonce_________ No record of.
Nonentity______ No reply has been received to office
Nonplus------------ No reply to telegram received yet.
Nook..................... No run has been made.
Normal________ Not complete.
Northern_______ Not determined.
Nosey___ , ____ Not good.

Nostril_________ Not in town to-day.
Notable________ Not necessary.
Notation_______ Not satisfactory.
Novelty________ Notary.
Noxiously______ Note-s.
Nucleus________ Note is past due.
Nude__________ Notes and bills rediscounted.
Nullify_________ Notice.
Numb_________ Notice of a call.
Nun___________ Nothing.
Nuptial________ Nothing can be accomplished.
Nurse_________ Notify-ies-ied-ing. (See Advise.)
Nut___________ Notify this office.
Nutrient_______ November.
Nuzzle_________ Number-s-ed.
Oak___________ October.
Oar___________ Object-s-ed-ing-ion.
Oat____________ Objectionable.
Obese_________ Occasion-s-ed-ing.
Objective______ Offer-s-ed-ing.
Objurgate______ Office-s.
Oblivion_______ Office force.
Obscene_______ Office requirements cannot be com­
plied with.
Obsession______ Official-s-ly.
Obsolete_______ Official position.
Obstacle_______ Of the.
Obstinate______ Often.
Obtainer_______ On account of.
Obtuse_________ On completion of examination.
Obviate________ On demand.
Obvious________On hand.
Occasion_______ On leave without pay.
Occurrence_____ On receipt of this.
Octave_________On sick leave.
Odds.....................On the.
Odium.............. . On the other hand.

Odor__.................On the part of.
Offend_________ One of the officers is a defaulter and
I have sworn out a warrant for
his arrest.
Offing__________ Open-s-ed-ing.
Oldish_________ Opinion of Attorney General.
Oleo___________Opinion of counsel.
Oligarchy_______ Opportunity.
Olympus_______ Or otherwise.
Omar...... ......... .. Order-s-ed-ing.
Omission_______Order of court.
Onerous_______ Organize-s-d-ing-ation.
Onrush^..............Organize national bank.
Onus__________ Organization certificate.
Ooze__________ Organization Division.
Opaque________ Organization of national bank to
succeed State bank.
Operatic_______ Original-s-ly.
Opiate_________ Original report-s of condition.
Oppress________Other arrangements.
Opulent________ Other arrangements have been
Orator_________ Other arrangements must be made.
Orb___________ Other banks in jeopardy.
Orchestra______ Other banks involved.
Ordainer_______ Other parties interested.
Ordeal_________ Other real estate ow ned.
Ordinary_______ Otherwise.
Ore___________ Outside.
Organic________ Outside assistance.
Organdy_______ Overdraft-s.
Orient_________ Overdrafts amount to.
Orion........ ...........Over estimate-s-d.
Osculate_______ Owing to.
Ossify_________ Owm-s-ed-ing.
Ostracize_______Own responsibility.
Otter.................... Owner-s.
Ouch.................... Owns the greater part.

Pabulum_______ Paid.
Pachyderm_____ Panic-ky.
Pacifist________ Panic is feared.
Pack___________ Paper-s.
Package________ Particular-s-ly.
Padding________Particulars follow by mail.
Paganism______ Part-y-ies.
Pailful_________ Party (ies) to the transaction.
Painful_________ Pass-ed-ing.
Paint__________ Passbooks.
Pajamas_______ Past.
Palate_________ Past due.
Paleness_______ Past due paper.
Pall___________ Pay-s-ing-able-ment-s.
Palliate________ Pay no attention.
Pallid__________ Paying teller.
Palmist________ Par value.
Palpable_______ Pending.
Palpitate_______ Percent.
Paltry__________Per diem.
Pampas________ Perhaps.
Pamper________ Permanent-1 y-cy.
Pamphlet_______ Permit-s-ted-ting.
Panacea________ Permit to operate additional office.
Pancake_______ Permissible.
Pander_________ Permission.
Pane____________Permission granted.
Pang____________Permission requested to.
Panoramic______ Permission is respectfully requested
to sell asset number----- .
Pantaloon______ Permission is respectfully requested
to compromise indebtedness on
asset number----- .
Pantheism______Permission is respectfully requested
to sell real estate, asset num­
ber ----- .
Pantry_________ Philadelphia, Pa.
Pants--------------- Pittsburgh, Pa.
Papoose________Personal bonds.
Paraclete_______ Personal property.

Parader________ Personnel.
Parallax________ Place bank in voluntary liquidation.
Parallel________ Place-d in trust.
Paramount_____ Please.
Paralyze_______ Please authorize me to come to your
office for a conference on a matter
of great importance, viz:----- .
Paraphrase_____ Please authorize me by telegraph
to examine the First National
Bank of----- , in connection with
a matter which I discovered here.
Will write details.
Parboil_________ Please authorize me to urge the
board of directors to remove the
cashier who is incompetent.
Parcel_________ Please forward.
Parched________ Please forward your resignation.
Parchment_____ Please reserve room.
Pardoner_______ Please send an experienced assistant
to help me. W’ire name of assist­
ant and date of arrival.
Pare___________ Please telegraph me authority to be
absent on leave for an indefinite
period not to exceed__days.
You will be advised by letter of
the number of days taken.
Parent_________ Please use your influence.
Paring_________ Please wire your suggestions and
Parishioner_____ Policy-ies.
Park___________ Population.
Parlance_______ Position.
Parliament_____ Possess-es-ed-ing-ion.
Parlor_________ Possession of bank.
Parlous________ Possible-y-ility-ilities.
Paroxysm............. Postmaster.
Parricide_______ Postpone-s-ed-ing-ment.
Parry__________ Postpone examination.
Parse............... . Practicable.
Parsimony______ Practice.

Parsonage______ Practically worthless.
Parted_________ Precaution-s.
Partaker_______ Precipitate-s-d-ing-ion.
Particle________ Precipitate a run.
Partition_______ Preliminary.
Partisan________Preliminary hearing.
Party__________ Prepare-d-ing.
Paschal________ Presence.
Passion________ President.
Passport_______ President committed suicide.
Pastel_________ President has resigned.
Pastor_________ President of the United States.
Pastry_________ Press.
Pasture________ Press dispatch-es.
Patch__________ Prevent-s-ed-ing-ion.
Patent_________ Previous-ly.
Paternal_______ Price-s.
Patrol__________ Price offered represents fair value.
Pedigree-............ Prior.
Peerless_______ Prior to conversion.
Peeved________ Private-ly.
Pelt___________ Private bank.
Pen___________ Private information to the effect
Penal__________Private interests.
Pencil_________ Privilege-d.
Pendent________ Probable-y.
Penetrate______ Probability-ies.
Penitent_______ Proceed according to instructions.
Penman________Proceed regularly with examina­
tions on your list.
Penology_______Proceed with examination.
Pension________ Procure-s-ing-d.
Pensive________ Profit-s-ed.
Penult_________ Profit and loss.
Penury_________ Progress-ed-ing-ion.
Peptone................Promise to pay.
Perception______ Promote-s-d-ing.

Perchance______ Promoter.
Percussion_____ Prompt action is necessary.
Perennial_______ Proposal accepted.
Perfect_________ Proposal rejected.
Perfidy_________ Propose-s-d.
Perforate_______Propose to convert.
Perforce_______ Propose to organize.
Period_________ Propose to purchase assets.
Perspire________ Proposition caunot be considered.
Persuade______ Proposition will be considered.
Petulant________ Prosecute-s-ion-s.
Pheasant_______ Protest-s-ed-ing.
Phenol_________ Provide-s-d-ing.
Pianola________ Provided he is not connected with
any bank.
Picker_________ Provided payment for service is
made through this office.
Picric__________ Prudent.
Pier___________ Public-ity.
Pilaster________ Public funds.
Pillage_________ Public statement.
Pillow_________ Publish-er-ing-ed.
Pinwheel_______ Purchase-d-ing.
Pinafore________ Purpose-ly.
Pinnace________ Purpose mentioned.
Pious__________ Purpose of.
Pipe___________ Qualify-ies-ied-ing.
Plaid__________ Question.
Plane__________Question for court to settle.
Plant__________ Quick-ly.
Play____________ Quiet-ly.

Rabbi_____^___ Raise-s-ing-d.
Race___________ Re: Asset Number.
Racker_________ Reach-ed-ing.
Raconteur______ Reaction.
Radial_________ Ready.
Radiance_______ Ready to go.
Radio__________Real estate.
Radium________ Real estate loan-s.
Radius_________ Real estate owned.
Rage__________ Reason-s-able.
Raid___________ Reason-s for assuming bank is in­
Rail___________ Reason-s for closing.
Railroad_______ Reason to anticipate.
Rain___________ Reason to suspect.
Raising________ Reasonable time will be given.
Rambler_______ Receiver-s-ship.
Ramekin_______ Receiver has been appointed.
Ramify_________Receiver is not necessary.
Ramp__________Receiver is unavoidable.
Rampage_______ Receiver not authorized.
Rampion. ............. Receiver will be appointed.
Ramrod................ Receiving teller.
Ramus................. Recommend-s-ed-ing-ation-ations
Rana________ _
Recommend appointment of re­
ceiver at once.
Ranch................... Recommend approval.
Rancor.................. Recommend disapproval.
Random............... Reconstruction Finance Corp.
Range................... Record-s.
Rankle................. - Recover-s-ed-ing.
Rapid.................... Redemption Division.
Rapport................. Rediscount-s-ed-ing.
Rare..................... Rediscount corporations.
Rascal. ................. Rediscounted with Federal reserve
Rash..................... Rediscounts for money borrowed.
Rate..................... Reduce-s-d-ing.
Ratify.................... Reduction of capital stock.

Ravelin_____ ___
Ray............. ........
Rayon....... ...........
Raze................... .
Reach................. .
Reap_________ _
Rebec................. .
Recoil................. .
Rejoice............... .
Relax.............. .....

Referred to in your letter dated.
Referring to your telegram dated.
Referring to your letter.
Referring to request.
Regular-1 y-ity.
Regular fee only can be allowed.
Regular order.
Regular work.
Relative to.
Relative your inquiry.
Remain at the bank.
Remain in charge of the bank.
Remain there and await instruc­
Render all aid you can.
Render all proper assistance.
Reorganization completed.
Reorganization doubtful.
Reorganization plans.
Reply delayed on account of.
Reply promptly.
Reply to your letter.
Replying to your telegram.
Report condition.
Report condition to this office.

Repine................ .
Repose............... .
Rhizome. .............

Repoit condition to this office by
Report facts in detail to this office.
Report for duty.
Report here in person.
Report here in person immediately.
Report in person immediately to.
Report in person to.
Report not received.
Report of condition.
Report of condition called for at
close of business.
Report of examiner.
Report of examination.
Report of examining committee.
Report of receiver will be forwarded
Report requested.
Report to.
Report to U.S. attorney.
Report to U.S. district attorney all
facts in connection with defalca­
Rick___________ Represent-s-ed-ing-ative.
Riffraff_________ Representative of the bank is here.
Rifle___________ Representative of this office.
Righteous______ Repute-d.
Rigmarole______ Reputation.
Rile___________ Request-s-ed-ing.
Rim___________ Request cannot be granted.
Rimose________ Request has been received.
Ring___________ Request instructions as to proper
Rink__________ Request is granted.
Riot___________ Request not approved.
Riparian________ Request permission to.
Ripe___________ Requests telegraphic authority.
Risen__________ Request your approval.
Ritual__________ Require-s-d-ing-ment-s.
Rival__________ Require certified copy-ies.
Rivet__________ Require legal assistance.
Riviera.......... ..... Required amount has been paid in.

RivuIefJ------------ Required amount has not peen baid
Roach__________ Requisition sent.
Road__________ Reservation.
Robot__________ Reserve.
Rockery________ Reserve agent-s.
Rocket-------------- Reserve fund in bank.
Rodeo-------------- Reserve with Federal reserve bank
Rogation----------- Residence-t.
Rogue-------------- Respectfully recommend.
Roland_________ Resign-s-ed-ation.
Role___________ Resignation of cashier.
Rollick_________ Resignation of president.
Rondo----- -------- Resolution adopted by.
Roost--------------- Resolution of board of directors.
Rosemary---------- Resource-s.
Roster_________ Responsible.
Rostrum_______ Responsibility.
Rotate_________ Restitution.
Rough_________ Restore-s-d-ing.
Roulette________ Result of bad management.
Rouse__________ Resume-s-d-ing.
Routine________ Resumption.
Rowdy_________ Retire-d-ing-ment.
Rubens________ Return-s-ed-ing.
Rubicon________Return at once.
Ruble__________Return to.
Ruction________ Return to bank.
Ruddy_________ Return to bank if necessary.
Rue___________ Review examiner.
Rugby_________ Richmond, Va.
Rum___________Rights of shareholders
Ruminate______ Risk-s-ed-ing.
Rumple________ Rob-bed-ing.
Rune__________ Room-s.
Runic__________ Ruin-s-ed-ing.
Runt___________ Rumor-s-ed.



Rumors of a run.
Run continues.
Run has subsided.
Run is being made.
Run on bank.
Run which threatens to assume seri­
ous proportions is being made.

Sabine_________ Safe-1y-ty.
Sabotage_______ Safety of bank.
Sachet_________ St. Louis, Mo.
Sacred_________ Salary-ies.
Sacrilege_______ Sale-s.
Safety................... Sale recommended.
Sagacious______ Same.
Sagamore______ San Francisco, Calif.
Said___________ Satisfactory-ily.
Saint__________ Satisfy yourself.
Sake__________ Saturday.
Salaam________ Save-s-d-ing-s.
Saladin________ Savings and Trust Company.
Salient_________Savings bank.
Saloon_________Savings department.
Salsify_________Savings deposits.
Sampan________Secretary of Agriculture.
Sanctify________Secretary of the Treasury.
Sanction_______ Section-s.
Sanctuary______ Secure-s-d.
Sandy...................Secure the assistance.



Sanguinary_____ See-ing.
Sanitary_______ See letter.
Sanity_________ See letter mailed to you.
Sapience_______ Sell-s-ing.
Sapling________ Senate.
Sarcasm_______ Send-s-ing.
Sardonic_______ Send another examiner.
Sasine_________ Send answer in care of.
Sassafras_______Send answer to.
Satchel_________Send by express.
Sateen_________Send by mail.
Satiate_________Send by registered mail.
Satirist_________Send duplicate at once.
Satrap.................. Send full particulars.
Sauce__________Send full particulars by mail.
Saunter________ Send immediately.
Saxophone_____ Serious-ly.
Scabbard_______Serious defalcation.
Scaffold________Serious run.
Scale__________ Seriously embarrassed.
Scalp__________ Service-s-able.
Scapula________ Shall be.
Scarab_________Shall I.
Scarce_________ Shall I surrender.
Scatter------------- Shareholders. (See Stockholders.)
Scenery________Shareholders in my opinion will not
pay another assessment.
Scheme________ Shares.
Schism________ Short.
Scholastic______ Short about.
Scintillate______ Shortage.
Scissors------------Shortage due to.
Scobs---------------Shortage has been found in.
Scold--------------- Shortage has been made good by.
Scorch--------------Shortage will be covered by surplus
and undivided profits.

Scorn_................. Shortage will be made good by.
Scraggly_______ Should a defalcation be discovered.
Screech________ Should anything further.
Scribble________Should be.
Scrimmage_____ * Should be advertised.
Script__________Should be closed.
Scrivener_______Should be delayed.
Scruff__________Should be made.
Scruple________ Should criminal violations of law be
Scrutiny________ Should have.
Scullery________Should have been.
Scum__________Should have similar letter.
Scutum________ Show on your pay roll.
Seaweed_______ Sick.
Seam__________ Sign-s-ed-ing.
Seaplane_______ Signature-s.
Secant_________ Signatures of directors.
Seclude________ Situation.
Sect..................... Situation is getting worse.
Secular________ Situation is improving.
Sedentary______ Situation is satisfactory.
Seedy_________ Situation is serious.
Seemly________ Situation is unchanged.
Seignior________Slight run.
Seismic________ Slight withdrawals.
Seizure________ Slow.
Selinite________ Slow-and.
Selfish_________ Slow assets.
Semaphore_____ Small-er-est.
Senescent______ Solvency of bank.
Seneschal______ Solvent.
Sensation______ Solvent or insolvent.
Sentiment______ Some time.
Sepal__________ Soon-er.
Sequel_________ Sound.
Sequester______ Space.

Series---------------Special attention should be paid to.
Serried________ Special delivery.
Serviette-----------Special examination.
Servitor________ Special examiner.
Sesame________ Special work.
Sessile_________ Specific-ally.
Sestet---------------Specific case-s.
Set------------------ Specific charge-s.
Sever__________ Specific denial.
Sewer_________ Speculate-s-d-ing-ion.
Shabby________ Speculating in.
Shade_________ Spurious.
Shaft__________ Stand-8-ing.
Shale__________ Stand a run.
Shallop________ Stands in name of.
Shamble_______ State-s-ment-s.
Shamrock______ State bank.
Shank_________ State bank department.
Sharp__________State bank desires to convert into
national bank.
Shatter________ State banking commissioner.
Sheaf__________State banking superintendent.
Sheath_________ State bank examiner.
Shed__________ State specifically.
Sheen_________ Statement false.
Sheep__________ Statement of condition.
Sheik__________ Statute-s.
Shelf__________ Statute of limitations.
Shelter_________ Steady.
Sheriff_________ Steady withdrawals.
Shield_________ Stenographer.
Shindy_________ Stocks and bonds.
Shiny__________ Stock as collateral.
Ship___________ Stock has been hypothecated.
Shirt___________Stock is worthless.
Shoal__________ Stock of delinquent shareholders.
Shoddy________ Stockholders’ meeting.

Shorn__________Stockholders of record.
Shout__________ Straighten.
Shower________ Straighten affairs out.
Shrapnel_______ Strength-en-s-ened-ening.
Shriek_________ Strictly confidential.
Shrine_________ Subject-s-ed-ing.
Shrug__________ Subject to approval.
Shrunk________ Subject to approval of Chief Na­
tional Bank Examiner.
Shuck_________ Subject to approval of the Comp­
Shudder________Subject to check.
Shyster________ Submission.
Sibyl__________ Submit-s-ed-ing.
Sick___________ Submit offer.
Sierra__________Submit supplementary pay roll.
Sieve__________ Submit these conditions.
Silage__________ Success-ful-fully.
Silica__________ Success is assured.
Silt____________Success is very doubtful.
Simony________ Suggest-s-ed-ing.
Sincere________ Suicide.
Single_________ Suit-s-ed-able.
Sink---------------- Summons.
Sinus__________ Sunday.
Siren__ _______ Supervising examiner.
Sizzle__________Supplementary report.
Skeleton_______ Surrender-s-ed-ing.
Skillet_________ Surplus and undivided profits.
Skipper________ Surplus and undivided profits will
Skirmish,............ Suspend-s-ed-ing.
Slacken________ Suspension.
Slander________ Suspicion-ous.
Slave__________ Sustain-s-ed-ing.
Slipper_________ Syndicate.


Tabby_________ Take-s-ing-n.
Table__________Take charge of.
Tableau________Take effect.
Tablet_________ Take every precaution.
Taciturn_______ Take every step necessary.
Tackle_________ Take over business.
Tactics_________Take possession.
Tadpole________ Take steps necessary to prevent es­
cape of.
Taffeta_________Take steps necessary to secure
arrest of.
Tamale________ Take such action as may appear
Tamper________ Telegram-s.
Tanager________Telegram not understood.
Tang__________ Telegram received.
Tango_________ Telegram received and notice of call
Tannic_________ Telegram received too late.
Tantalize_______Telegram received too late for
action today; will act tomorrow.
Tantrum_______ Telegraph-s-ed-ing.
Tapestry_______ Telegraph address.
Tapster________ Telegraph answer to letter dated.
Tarantula______ Telegraph answer to wire.
Tartalan________Telegraph briefly bank’s condition.
Tarpon_________Telegraph best offer.
Tart___________ Telegraph briefly.
Tartan_________ Telegraph company.
Task___________Telegraph full name and address.
Taste__________ Telegraph if I may.
Taunt__________Telegraph immediately.
Tawny_________ Telegraph in cipher.
Taxation_______ Telegraph in confidence.
Taxidermy______Telegraph in plain language.
Teach_________ Telegraph material particulars.
Team__________Telegraph me.
Teamster_______Telegraph me whether.
Tearing________ Telegraph operator.
Tearless............... Telegraph receipt of these instruc­

Technical_______Telegraph result.
Technique______ Telegraph respecting the character,
worth, and standing of.
Tedious________ Telegraph situation.
Tedium________ Telegraph statement of condition.
Teeter_________ Telegraph stating cause, and amount
of assets and liabilities.
Teeth__________Telegraph the facts.
Telescope______ Telegraph this office.
Television______ Telegraph what is being done.
Temper________ Telegraph when you.
Temperate______ Telegraph when you arrive.
Tempo_________ Telegraph when you leave.
Tenant_________Telegraph when you return.
Tender_________Telegraph when you will report.
Tendril________ Telegraph whether or not bank
should be permitted to go into
voluntary liquidation.
Tenor__________Telegraph your opinion.
Tense__________Telegraph your resignation.
Tepid .............. ......Telephone-s-d.
Terrace________ Telephone call.
Terrapin_______ Teller-s.
Thaw--------------- Term-s.
Theme------------- Testify.
Theory------------- Testimony.
Thistle--------------Text of Comptroller’s annual report.
Threshold______ The following message.
Throat_________ The matter.
Thrush________ The matter is left to your discretion.
Thyroid________ There are.
Ticket_________ There has been.
Tidings________ There is.
Tied___________There is considerable doubt.
Tights_________ Thinks.
Timber________ Thirty days’ notice.
Timid__________ This date.
Tinker_________ This matter.
Tiny_____ _____ This matter should be handled with
great caution.


Tippet____ ____ This office.
Tipsy__________ This will.
Tiptoe_________ This will be.
Tirade_________ This will be your authority to.
Toad__________ This will obviate the necessity of.
Tobacco________ Thorough-ly-ness.
Token_________ Thursday.
Tomb__________ Time-ly.
Tongue________ Time allowed expires.
Tonic__________ Title.
Tonnage_______ To be.
Tonsil_________ To be confirmed.
Tooth__________To be held.
Topaz__________ To be provided for.
Torture________ To do so.
Tractor________ To go.
Traffic_________ To go to.
Tragedy________To have me.
Train__________ To make examination.
Traitor_________ To make good.
Tranquil_______ Tomorrow.
Transcribe_____ Tonight.
Transit________ To office telegram.
Trap___________To such an extent that.
Trash__________To the contrary.
Treasure_______ Took------- .
Treaty.................. Total-s-ly.
Trellis_________ Total amount.
Tribe__________ Total amount of indebtedness.
Trickery_______ Transfer-s-red-ring.
Trigger________ Transfer assets.
Trilogy_________ Transfer cannot be made.
Triplet_________ Transfer has been made.
Tripod_________ Transfer immediately.
Trivial_________ Transfer instructions.
Trolley_________ Transfer instructions if possible to
Trophy_________Transfer will be made.
Tropic_________ Traveling expenses.
Trousers_______ Treasurer.


Truce__________Treasurer of the United States.
Trucker_______ Treasury Department.
Trump_________ Trouble-s.
Tuberose_______Trouble is being experienced.
Tuck__________ True.
Tumbrel_______ True statement.
Tumor_________ True statement of condition.
Tumult________ Trust-s-ed-ing.
Turban________ Trust company.
Tureen_________ Trust department.
Turnip_________ Trust funds.
Turquoise______ Trust powers.
Tuxedo________ Turn-s-ed-ing.
Twilight________Turn everything over to.
Twin__________ Turn over to.
Tyrant_________ Two-thirds vote of the stock.
Ukulele________ Ultimo.
Ulster.. ................Unable.
Ultimate_______ Unable to.
Unanimous_____ Unable to ascertain.
Unarmed_______Unable to attend.
Unasked_______ Unable to avoid.
Unattractive.........Unable to complete arrangements.
Unaware_______ Unable to inform you.
Unbind________ Unable to make terms other than
those previously reported.
Unbosom_______Unable to obtain credit.
Unbroken______ Unable to obtain funds.
Unburden______ Unaccepted drafts.
Uncalled_______ Unauthorized.
Uncanny_______ Unavoidable.
Uncap_________ Under.
Uncivil_________Under dispute.
Uncongenial____ Under no circumstances.
Unconscious.........Under old management.
Uncut__________Under prevailing conditions.

Undaunt_______ Under the.
Underbrush____ Under the circumstances.
Underground___ Under the direction.
Underhand_____ Under what conditions will bank be
allowed to resume.
Undermine_____ Understand-s-ing.
Undress________ Undesirable.
Undutiful_______ Undisturb-s-ed.
Uneasy_________ Undivided.
Unembarrassed. _ Undivided profits.
Unfeeling_______ Unfavorable.
Unfold_________ Unfavorable attitude.
Unfriendly______Unfavorable developments.
Ungodly________ Unfavorably.
Unguent_______ Unfit-s-ted-ting.
Unheard_______ Unimpaired-ing-s.
Uniform________ United States.
Unique_________ United States bonds.
Unison_________United States commissioner.
Unity__________ United States court.
Unknown_______ United States deposits.
Unlike_________ United States district attorney.
Unlock_________United States marshal.
Unmask________United States Revised Statutes.
Unnerve_______ United States Treasurer.
Unpleasant_____ Unlawful.
Unquiet________ Unlawful dividend.
Unravel________ Unlawful transaetion-s.
Unreal_________ Unless.
Unrest_________ Unless accompanied by agreement
of directors.
Unrifled________Unless immediate financial assist­
ance is obtained.
Unroll_________ Unless otherwise instructed.
Unruly_________ Unless there are urgent reasons to
the contrary.
Unseal.............. .. Unliquid.
Unseen________ Unnecessary.
Unsettle________ Unpaid.
Unsightly_______ Unquestionable-y.

Unstring_______ Unquote.
Unsung________ Unsatisfactory.
Untold_________ Until.
Uphold_________ Until further.
Upholster_______ Until further instructions.
Upper__________Until further notice.
Uppish_________ Until receipt of.
Uprising________ Unwilling.
Uproar_________ Upon.
Upset__________Upon further request.
Upstart________ Upon receipt of telegraphic request.
Upward________ Upon request.
Urban_________ Urgent.
Urbanely_______ Urgent reasons.
Useless________ Use-s-d-ful.
Usurper________ Use-ing cipher code.
Usury__________ Use great caution and prudence
Utility_________ Use your best judgment.
Utmost_________ Usual-ly.
Utterly_________ Utter disregard.
Vaccine________ Vacant.
Vacillate_______ Valuation.
Vagary...... ........... Value-s-able.
Vague_________ Value of assets.
Valance________ Vault-s.
Valise__________ Verify-ied-ing.
Valor_______ . . . Verification.
Vampire________ Verification of bank balances.
Vanity_________ Very questionable.
Vanquish______ Vice.
Vantage________Vice president.
Variety_________ Vice President of the United States.
Vault.................... Vicinity.
Vegetable............Vigorous efforts.
Vehicle________ Vigorous efforts being made.
Vellum________ Violation.
Velocity________ Violation of law.

Veneer_________Violation of section.
Venerable______ Voluntary.
Vengence______ Voluntary assessment.
Venison________ Voluntary contribution.
Verdure________Voluntary liquidation.
Versatile_______ Vote-s-d-ing.
Viaduct________ Vote for less than amount required
to meet assessment was void.
Vibrate________ Vote for liquidation.
Vinegar________ Votes by proxy.
Waddl e________ Waif-s-ed-ing.
Wagoner_______ Waiting for instructions.
Waitress_______ Waive-s-ing-d-er.
Warden________ Want you to do somespecial work.
Warehouse_____ Warehouse receipt-s.
Warmish_______ Warrant-ed.
Warn__________ Warrant must be sworn out.
Warning_______ Warrant out for arrest of.
Warren________ Was furnished on.
Warty_________ Washington, D.C.
Wary__________ Watch-ed-ing.
Washable______ Watch developments.
Washout_______ Wednesday.
Wassail________ Week-s.
Waste_________ What are the circumstances?
Watchman_____ What arrangement was made?
Watchword_____ What do you consider?
Waterloo_______ What effect?
Waterspout_____ What effect will it have?
Watery________ What effect will it have on bank’s
Watt___________ What effect will the failure?
Wavelet________ What effect will thereport of de­
falcation have?
Wax___________What effect would the organization
of a new bank have on the local
banking situation?
Wayfarer_______What has been?
Waywardness___What has been done?

Weak__________What has been done to comply?
Weakling_______What, if any, change has taken place
in condition of affairs?
Wealth_________ What, if anything?
Wean__________What, if anything, do you know
about condition of?
Weaponless____ WThat is?
Wearer________ What is the?
Weariness______What is the amount of?
Wearisome_____ What is the amount of the defalca­
Weather_______ What is the amount of the impair­
ment of capital?
Weave_________ What is the amount of the total in­
Webbed________ What is the financial condition of?
Wedlock_______ What is the situation?
Weedy_________ What is your opinion?
Weeper________ What will be?
Weighty________ What will be done?
Weightless_____ What will be the effect of?
Weirdly_____ __When do you expect?
Welcoming...........When do you expct to arrive?
Welfare________ When do you expect to be at?
Well___________When may I expect?
Welter_________ When will the bank?
Wept__________ When will the bank be in a position
to reopen?
Westerly_______ When will the directors meet?
Whalebone........... When will your report-s be for­
Whaler________ When will you leave?
Whatever______ When will you return?
Wheat_________ Whether.
Wheedle_______ Whether or not.
Wheelbarrow___ Whether or not a reduction in the
capital stock, should be per­
Wheelwright____Which is very doubtful.
Wheezy________ Which will be.
Whelp_________ While.
Wherefore...........Who are the men?
Whey_____ ____ Whole matter.

Whiffle_________ Whom shall I consult?
Whimpering____ Why did you not take directors’
Whimsical______ Will-ing-ful.
Whimsy________Will accept.
Whine_________ Will advise later.
Whipcord_______ Will arrive.
Whipper________ Will be.
Whippoorwill___ Will be absent.
Whir__________ Will be acceptable.
Whirligig_______Will be at leisure for a few days.
Can you give me some extra work?
Whirlwind______ Will be delayed.
W’hiskered_____ Will be done.
Whistler_______ Will be due.
Whitecap_______ Will be forwarded.
Whitefish______ Will be held.
Whiten________ Will be impossible.
Whitleather_____ Will be in a condition to reopen.
Wholesale______ Will be made.
Wholesome_____ Will be made good.
Wickedly_______ Will be made good by assessment.
Wicking________Will be mailed.
Wide__________ Will be possible.
Wideness______ Will be required.
Widower_______ Will commence.
Width_________ Will complete.
Wife___________ Will consent to.
Wiggle_________ 'Will consent to reopening of bank
on condition that it has at time of
Wild___________ Will do.
Wilderness_____ Will do everything possible.
Wildness_______ Will follow by mail.
Wilful_________ Will forward.
Willowy................ Will give.
Wilt___________ Will give immediate attention.
Wimple________ 'Will go to.
Windage_______ W'ill have to.
Windbreak_____ Will have to suspend.
Winding________ Will hold conference with.
Windpipe_______ Will leave.
Windy_________ Will leave immediately for.


Winged________ Will losses impair capital of bank;
if so, how much?
Wink__................ Will make all possible haste.
Winning________ Will make examination.
Winnow________Will make examination immedi­
Winter_________ Will not.
W intry............. .. Will not be.
Wiper__________ Will not be in a condition to reopen.
Wireless, ............. Will probably disclose insolvency.
Wirepuller...........Will report.
Wisdom...............Will require the aid of.
Wisp..................... Will resume.
Wistaria............. Will return.
Wit____________ Will see.
Wiching............... Will send another examiner.
Withstand______ Will send another examiner to
assist you.
Writtess________ Will send another examiner to make
Witticism............. Will soon be.
Wittingly............. Will soon be declared.
Wizardry_______WTill soon be in a position.
Wobegone_____ WTill take the place of.
Woden. J.............. Will take the place of regular ex­
Wolfhound_____ Will wait.
Wolfish________ Will watch.
Wolverene_____ Will write.
Wolves________ Will write you fully.
Woman________ Will you?
Wonder________ Will you approve?
Wonderful __Will you authorize me to make a
statement that the bank is sol­
Wonderland.........Will you recommend?
Wonderment____ Will you permit.
Woodbine--------- Wipe-d-out.
Woodchuck_____ Wire-s-d. (See Telegraph.)
Woodcock______ Wire your recommendation.
Woodcraft______ Wish to be relieved.
Woodcut. .........With the.
Wooded________With the consent of.

Woodman______ With the help of.
W’oodpecker____ With recommendations.
Woodwork_____ With someone who will.
Wooer_________ With your recommendation.
Woollen________ Withdraw-s-n-al-s.
Woolpack______ Withdrawals heavy.
Woolsack_______ Withdrawals light.
Word__________ Withhold-s-ing.
Wordless_______ Withhold action.
Workhouse_____ Within.
Workman______ Within a reasonable time.
Workmanlike___ Without.
Workshop______ Without delay.
World_________ Without further delay.
Worldiness_____ Without recourse.
Worldly________ Witness in case of.
Wormwood_____ Work-s-ed-ing.
Worn__________ Worse.
Worriment_____ Worse than anticipated.
Worry_________ Worthless.
Worsted_______ Worthless assets.
Wounded_______ Would.
Wrangler_______Would be.
Wrapping_______ Would be useless.
Wrath_________ Would suggest.
Wrathful_______ Write-ing.
W>eck_________ Write as soon as.
Wreckage______ Write fully.
Wrecker_______ Writing full-ly.
Wrench________ Written.
Wretchedness___Written agreement.
Wringer________Written consent.
Wrong_________ Written for.
Wrongly________ Written instructions.
Yachter________ Y"ear-s.
Yachtsman_____ Yesterday.
Yale___________ You—your.
Yangtze________ You are.
Yanker_________You are advised.

Yardstick________ You are authorized.
Yarmouth_______ You are authorized to come to.
Yashmak_______ You are authorized to defer exam­
Yaws__________ You are authorized to employ.
Yean__________ You are authorized to take posses­
Yearly................. You are instructed to.
Yeats...................... You are referred to.
Yedds.................... You can.
Yeggman............... Youhad been instructed.
Yellowly___.......... You had better.
Yellowstone____ You have.
Yelpings................. You have been.
Yen........................ Youhave been appointed.
Yeomanry,........... You have been placed in charge.
Yerk_..................... You may.
Yester....... ........... You may examine.
Yet,..................... . You may make discreet statement.
You may permit.
Yield____ ______ You must.
Yielding................ You must not.
Yodeling________ You will.
Yoking.................. You will be.
Yokel..................... You will be appointed.
Yolk...................... You will be paid out of special fund.
Yon___................ . You will continue in charge for the
Yosemite.............. You will find.
Yowl.................. . You will find letter awaiting you
there containing specific instruc­
Yucatan................ Your compensation will be.
Yucca. .................. Your letter.
Yuga..................... Your letter received dated.
Yukon.................. Your opinion.
Zeal....................... Your presence desired.
Zenith.................. Your report.
Zephyr.................. Your resignation accepted effective.
Zest..................... Your services will be required.
Zinc......... ............. Your suggestion.
Zone..................... Your telegram received.



Method________ Communicate anything of impor­
tance by wire.
Metrical............... Telegraph briefly any additional
Mew_________ _ Bank will be permitted to continue
only under conditions.
Microbe.............. Wire me if bank is closed.
Midday............... I do not think your services will be
required. You may resume your
regular work.
Midship________ Do not permit bank to reopen with­
out specific instructions from this
Mighty_________ No objection to your making cau­
tious statement as condition war­
Migrate............ . In your opinion are losses sufficient
to absorb entire capital, surplus,
and profits?
Mildew________ No objection to your making cau­
tious statement that defalcation
will not materially affect bank, if
such is the fact.
Mileage________Go immediately t o ------- and make
examination of No. —. Acknowl­
edge receipt of this by wire.
Militant________ Go immediately to ------. Apply at
“ General delivery” at post office
for letter of instructions. An­
Milk___________ You are instructed to call on No.
----- immediately and see if as­
sessment has been paid. Time
allowed expires----- .

( 79)

Mill___________ Press dispatches report ------- . Go
there immediately, and advise
this office condition, using wire if
necessary. Acknowledge receipt
of this by wire.
Millinery_______ You have been appointed receiver
and your commission and full in­
structions will follow by mail.
Mincer_________ Advise me by telegraph briefly hour
bank closed its doors and neces­
sity for closing. Send by mail
full particulars.
Mindful________ Be ready to go immediately to -----upon receipt of instructions by
telegraph. Acknowledge receipt
of this telegram by wire.
Mineral________Your telegram received, but not un­
derstood. Repeat it, using cipher
and supplying any deficiencies
necessary to make your message
Mingle............. . ........ reports defalcation and di­
rectors want thorough examina­
tion. Go there at once. Confer
freely with directors and make
thorough examination. Have
written you instructions in care
of bank. Answer promptly by
Minister_______ Return to No.------- and insist upon
losses estimated in your report
being charged off at once. Ob­
tain written guaranty that doubt­
ful paper will be eliminated from
assets within a fixed time. Wire
result to this office.
Minority...............Directors request that you remain
for such time as may be necessary
to ascertain condition of bank.
Comply with request and forward
report of condition as quickly as
possible. Charges are to be borne
by bank.

Minx__________ A bank cannot be closed on account
of impairment of capital. To be
insolvent its entire capital, sur­
plus, and undivided profits must
have been absorbed by losses and
its remaining assets insufficient to
pay its liabilities to depositors
and other creditors in full, ex­
clusive of capital stock.
Miracle________ Telegraph me whether, in your
judgment, bank is solvent or in­
solvent. See “ Minx ” as to what
constitutes insolvency.
Mirage_________ Your report indicates insolvency.
Wire me specifically whether, in
your judgment, bank is solvent or
insolvent. See “ M inx” as to
what constitutes insolvency.
Mirth......... ......... If you are satisfied that the bank is
insolvent you are hereby in­
structed to close its doors and
take possession. Advise this of­
fice by wire of action taken. See
“ M inx” as to what constitutes
Mischief_______ _____ closed its doors today. Go
there on first train and take pos­
session as receiver. Commission
and instructions will be sent you
there. Answer quick.
Misery_________ If capital impaired and continuance
of withdrawals liable to cause sus­
pension because of inability to
meet all demands alike, close its
doors and take possession.
Misguide_______Convene board of directors immedi­
ately and if the bank is insolvent
close its doors unless directors
provide funds immediately to re­
store capital and solvency. Ad­
vise me fully and promptly by
wire your action.

Mishap________ Render all proper assistance to
avoid failure, but if bank cannot
arrange to pay all its depositors
on demand you will close its doors
and take possession. Acknowl­
edge receipt of this by wire and
advise promptly by wire of your
Mislay_________ If, in your judgment, bank is sol­
vent require directors to imme­
diately strengthen condition by
collecting and securing slow and
doubtful loans, making good
reserve, and otherwise. If you
are satisfied bank is insolvent,
close its doors and wire me when
you have done so. Keep this
office advised of situation by
wire and mail.
Misrule________ Go immediately t o ------- and if no
substantial improvement in con­
dition of No.----- you had better
close its doors after first securing
bank against loss of any of its
loans in any way you can. Ad­
vise this office immediately by
wire if you close its doors and you
will be appointed receiver. An­
swer promptly by wire.
Mission________Your telegram received. Unless
something definite and substan­
tial can be immediately done you
are authorized to close its doors.
If you do so, advise by telegraph.
If you determine to close its
doors, advise correspondent banks
immediately by telegraph of sus­
pension and to withhold pay­
ment of outstanding drafts.

Mistress_______ You have been appointed receiver of
th e ----- o f-------, and your com­
mission is forwarded by mail with
letter of instructions. Protest
maturing paper, if not paid. Ad­
vise correspondent banks immedi­
ately by wire of suspension and to
withhold payment of outstanding
drafts, and take all other neces­
sary steps for the protection of in­
terest of creditors of the bank.
Mitigate------------ Telegram received. I have ap­
pointed ------receiver. You will
remain in charge of bank until
he arrives. Do no business, pay
out no money, keep assets in­
tact as they existed at date of sus­
pension. Collect maturing notes,
keeping proceeds separate whether
they belong to bank or corre­
spondents. Protect by protest if
not paid at maturity. Make no
entries on books, but keep memo­
randum for use of receiver. Ad­
vise correspondent banks by wire.
Mixer--------------- Close its doors and take charge at
once. Wire me immediately when
you have done so. Be governed
by instructions in Book of In­
structions to National Bank Ex­
aminers. Advise correspondent
banks by telegraph of suspension
and to withhold payment of out­
standing drafts. Give out no
information whatever. Employ
counsel if necessary for the pro­
tection of your trust.

Mob_________ _ Your telegram received, stating that
you have closed bank as instruct­
ed. Be governed by instructions
in Book of Instructions to Na­
tional Bank Examiners. Advise
correspondent banks by telegraph
of suspension and to withhold
payment of outstanding drafts.
Give out no information what­
ever. Employ counsel if necessary
for the protection of your trust.
Mocha_________ Go immediately to ------- . Take
charge of No. ----- and close its
doors. Wire me immediately
when you have done so. Carry
out instructions in such cases,
which you will find in Book of In­
structions to National Bank Ex­
aminers. Advise correspondent
banks by telegraph of suspension
and to withhold payment of out­
standing drafts. Give out no
information whatever. Acknowl­
edge receipt of this telegram by
wire, stating when you will leave
for----- .
Mockery_______ _____has closed its doors. Go there
immediately and take charge.
Carry out instructions in such
cases which you will find in Book
of Instructions to National Bank
Examiners. Acknowledge receipt
of this by wire and advise this
office of your departure for and
arrival at place named. Advise
correspondent banks by telegraph
of suspension and to withhold
payment of outstanding drafts.
Give out no information what­
ever. Employ counsel if necessary
for the protection of your trust.


Model_________ Report immediately for service to
U.S. district attorney a t ----- .
Modern________ Pending his arrest, have U.S. attor­
ney keep close watch of----- .
Modulate______ If it is a case for criminal action,
take all steps necessary to prevent
escape of----- .
Moist__________ Your letter received. Communicate
with U.S. district attorney and
ascertain if it is a case for criminal
Molasses_______ Your letter received. Shortage must
be made good unconditionally.
U.S. attorney must determine on
his own responsibility whether to
prosecute or not.
Molecule---------- Make thorough examination, but
furnish U.S. district attorney with
only such information as relates
to embezzlement or criminal vio­
lation of law, and not general
condition of bank.
Molten_________ Furnish U.S. attorney with a full
statement of the facts and act
under his instructions. In the
meantime, take all necessary steps
to prevent escape of defaulter.
Momentum_____If you are satisfied as to amount of
defalcation and solvency of bank,
you should close your examina­
tion, report facts to U.S. attorney,
and leave details to be worked out
by bank.
Monarch----------- Investigate amount of shortage and
advise this office. If embezzle­
ment or defalcation, communicate
facts to U.S. attorney for proper

( 85)



The cipher words for numerals should be used in
expressing sums of money.
Quack________ _______ ____ Cent-s.
Quadrant_________________ _ Dollar-s.
Quadrille__________________ Hundred-s.
Quadroon___________________ Thousand-s.
Quadruped_________________ Million-s.
Quadruple__________ 1 Quantic___________ 25
Quaff_____________ 2 Quarantine________ 26
Quaffing____________ 3 Quarry____________ 27
Quaggy___ _______ 4 Quarrying_________ 28
Quagmire_________ 5 Quarryman________ 29
Quail_____________ 6 Quarter__________ 30
Quailer___________ 7 Quarterdeck_______ 31
Quailing__________ 8 Quartering________ 32
Quaint____________ 9 Quarterly_________ 33
Quaintly___________ 10 Quartette__________ 34
Quake_____ ________ 11 Quartile___________ 35
Quaker____________ 12 Quarto____________ 36
Quakerish__________ 13 Quartz____________ 37
Quakerism_________ 14 Quartzy___________ 38
Quaking____ ______ 15 Quartzbearing_____ 39
Quakooze__________ 16 Quasi_____________ 40
Quale______________ 17 Quatrain__________ 41
Qualitative________ 18 Quaver___________ 42
19Quavered_________ 43
Qualmish___________ 20 Quavering_________ 44
Quamasia__________ 21 Quay-------------------- 45
Quandary__________ 22 Que______________ 46
Quandong^................... 23 Queachy__________ 47
Quanoclit___________ 24 Queasy___________ 48

( 87)

Quietude, _.
Q uig..........


Quince___ _______ 82
Quinine _______ 83
Quinnat _______ 84
Quinqua _______ 85
Quinquen, ________ 86
Quinsy___ _______ 87
_______ 88
Quintet _______ 89
Qunituple _______ 90
Quip--------- _______ 91
_______ 92
Quirk_____ _______ 93
Quittance ________ 94
Quitrent ... _______ 95
Quiver____ _______ 96
Quivered__ _______ 97
Quivering , _______ 98
Quivive _______ 99
Quixotic. _, _______ 100
_______ 200
Quizzical _______300
Quizzing__ _______400
Quod, , . _______ 500
Quoin . . _______ 600
Quoit__ _______ 700
Quondam. ________ 800
Quota_____ _______ 900
Quotative . _____ 1,000
____ 10,000
Quotidian. . ____ 11, 000
Quotient ____ 12,000
Quotiety, . ____ 13,000