Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) News Releases
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), an agency of the United States Department of Commerce, publishes News Releases on a variety of topics including manufacturing and trade inventories, personal income, U.S. International transactions, GNP, composite indexes of leading indicators, corporate profits, and the federal debt. The BEA was established January 1, 1972. News Releases preceding this date were produced by the United States Department of Commerce, Office of Business Economics (OBE).
- Bureau of Economic Analysis
- Commerce News
- United States Department of Commerce News. Bureau of Economic Analysis
- 1950s
- [Personal Income in December 1949], OBE 331
- [Gross National Product, 1949], OBE 333
- Personal Income in January 1950 : Business News Reports, OBE 341
- Personal Income, February 1950 : Business News Reports, OBE 353
- Personal Income, March 1950 : Business News Reports, OBE 364
- Personal Income, April 1950 : Business News Reports, OBE 373
- Personal Income - May 1950 : Business News Reports, OBE 385
- Personal Income - May 1951 : Business News Reports, OBE 507
- Personal Income - June 1955 : Business News Reports, OBE 55-60
- Personal Income - July 1955 : Business News Reports, OBE 55-71
- Personal Income - August 1955 : Business News Reports, OBE 55-82
- Personal Income - September 1955 : Business News Reports, OBE 55-90
- Personal Income - October 1955 : Business News Reports, OBE 55-101
- Personal Income - November 1955 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-1
- Personal Income - December 1955 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-9
- Personal Income - January 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-15
- Personal Income - February 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-26
- Personal Income - March 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-32
- Personal Income - April 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-41
- Personal Income - May 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-57
- Personal Income - June 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-62
- Personal Income - July 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-73
- Personal Income - August 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-82
- Personal Income - September 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-92
- Personal Income - October 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 56-101
- Personal Income - November 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-2
- Personal Income - December 1956 and Total Year : Business News Reports, OBE 57-12
- Personal Income - January 1957 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-19
- Personal Income - February 1957 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-28
- Personal Income - March 1957 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-31
- Personal Income - May 1957 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-54
- Personal Income - June 1957 and First Half of 1957 Compared with Like Period of 1956 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-63
- Personal Income -- July 1957 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-69
- Personal Income - August 1957 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-83
- Personal Income - September 1957 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-90
- Personal Income - October 1957 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-100
- Personal Income - November 1957 : Business News Reports, OBE 57-110
- Personal Income - December 1957 and Total Year : Business News Reports, OBE 58-4
- Personal Income - January 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-12
- Personal Income - February 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-20
- Personal Income - March 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-26
- Personal Income - April 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-34
- Personal Income - May 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-43
- Personal Income - June 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-53
- Personal Income - July 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-61
- Personal Income - August 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-69
- Personal Income - September 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-77
- Personal Income - October 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-85
- Personal Income - November and Full Year 1958 : Business News Reports, OBE 58-93
- Personal Income - January 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-11
- Personal Income - February 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-17
- Personal Income - March 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-24
- Personal Income - April 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-35
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Lewis L. Strauss on Today's Commerce Department Report on Record Personal Income
- Personal Income - May 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-45
- Personal Income -- June 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-55
- Personal Income -- July 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-60
- Personal Income -- August 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-70
- Personal Income - September 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-77
- Personal Income - October 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-86
- Personal Income - November 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 59-95
- 1960s
- Personal Income -- December and Year 1959 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-3
- Personal Income - February 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-18
- Personal Income - March 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-25
- Personal Income - April 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-34
- Personal Income - May 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-43
- Personal Income -- June 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-54
- Personal Income -- July 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-62
- Personal Income -- August 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-68
- Personal Income - September 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-76
- Personal Income -- October 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-85
- Personal Income -- November 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 60-95
- Personal Income -- December and Year 1960 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-2
- Personal Income -- January 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-8
- Personal Income -- February 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-17
- Personal Income -- March 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-25
- Personal Income -- April 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-34
- Personal Income - May 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-45
- Personal Income -- June 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-56
- Personal Income -- July 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-64
- Personal Income -- August 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-76
- Personal Income -- September 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-86
- Personal Income -- October 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 61-95
- Personal Income -- December and Year 1961 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-4
- Personal Income - January 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-9
- Personal Income - February 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-21
- Personal Income -- March 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-28
- Personal Income -- April 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-40
- Personal Income -- May 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-50
- Personal Income -- June 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-62
- Personal Income -- July 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-70
- Personal Income -- August 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-82
- Personal Income -- September 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-92
- Personal Income -- October 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-100
- Personal Income -- November 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 62-111
- Personal Income -- December and Year 1962 : Business News Reports, OBE 63-3
- Personal Income -- January 1963 : Business News Reports, OBE 63-10
- Personal Income -- February 1963 : Business News Reports, OBE 63-21
- The Business Situation, OBE 63-26
- The Business Situation, OBE 63-34
- Personal Income -- April 1963 : Business News Reports, OBE 63-39
- The Business Situation, OBE 63-42
- Personal Income -- May 1963 : Business News Reports, OBE 63-48
- The Business Situation, OBE 63-54
- Personal Income -- June 1963 : Business News Reports, OBE 63-60
- The Business Situation, OBE 63-61
- Personal Income -- July 1963 : Business News Reports, OBE 63-68
- The Business Situation, OBE 63-72
- Personal Income -- August 1963 : Business News Reports, OBE 63-78
- The Business Situation, OBE 63-81
- Personal Income -- September 1963 : Business News Reports, OBE 63-84
- The Business Situation, OBE 63-89
- Personal Income -- October 1963 : Business News Reports, OBE 63-95
- The Business Situation, OBE 63-101
- The Business Situation, OBE 63-107
- 1964 Outlook and 1963 Year-End Economic Review
- Personal Income -- December and Year 1963 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-2
- Personal Income -- January 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-4
- The Business Situation, OBE 64-10
- Personal Income -- February 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-16
- The Business Situation, OBE 64-17
- Personal Income -- March 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-20
- The Business Situation, OBE 64-22
- Personal Income -- April 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-28
- The Business Situation, OBE 64-31
- Personal Income -- May 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-36
- The Business Situation, OBE 64-38
- Personal Income -- June 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-42
- The Business Situation, OBE 64-43
- Personal Income -- July 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-46
- The Business Situation, OBE 64-50
- Personal Income - August 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-54
- Patterns of Output Growth, OBE 64-56
- The Business Situation, OBE 64-57
- Personal Income -- September 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-60
- The Business Situation, OBE 64-65
- The Business Situation, OBE 64-72
- Personal Income - November 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 64-76
- Personal Income - December and Year 1964 : Business News Reports, OBE 65-3
- The Business Situation, OBE 65-10
- The Business Situation, OBE 65-17
- The Business Situation, OBE 65-23
- The Business Situation, OBE 65-31
- The Business Situation, OBE 65-30
- The Business Situation, OBE 65-44
- The Business Situation, OBE 65-49
- The Business Situation, OBE 65-57
- The Business Situation, OBE 65-63
- The Business Situation, OBE 65-71
- The Business Situation, OBE 66-12
- The Business Situation, OBE 66-27
- The Business Situation, OBE 66-34
- The Business Situation, OBE 66-42
- The Business Situation, OBE 66-53
- The Business Situation, OBE 66-65
- The Business Situation, OBE 66-71
- 1967 Outlook and 1966 Year-End Economic Review
- Personal Income - January 1967, OBE 67-6
- The Business Situation, OBE 67-8
- Personal Income - February 1967, OBE 67-13
- Fourth Quarter 1966 Corporate Profits and National Income, OBE 67-12
- The Business Situation, OBE 67-14
- The Business Situation, OBE 67-20
- State Personal Income in 1966, OBE 67-18
- The Business Situation, OBE 67-27
- Personal Income in Metropolitian Areas : A New Series, OBE 67-28
- Personal Income - May 1967, OBE 67-33
- The Business Situation, OBE 67-33
- Personal Income - June 1967, OBE 67-36
- The Business Situation, OBE 67-37
- American Business Investments in Foreign Countries, OBE 67-38
- Personal Income - July 1967, OBE 67-42
- The Business Situation, OBE 67-46
- Personal Income by States and Regions : Early 1967 and Full Year 1966, OBE 67-45
- Personal Income - August 1967, OBE 67-50
- Personal Income - September 1967, OBE 67-55
- The Business Situation, OBE 67-56
- Personal Income - October 1967, OBE 67-61
- The Business Situation, OBE 67-62
- Personal Income - November 1967, OBE 67-65
- Secretary Trowbridge Sees Continuing Prosperity in 1968, G 67-239
- Personal Income - December and Year 1967, OBE 68-4
- The Business Situation, OBE 68-9
- First Quarter 1968 Preliminary GNP, OBE 68-17
- Plant and Equipment Expenditures of Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Corporations in 1967 and 1968, OBE 68-19
- The Business Situation, OBE 68-20
- Total and Per Capita Personal Income by States and Regions : 1967, OBE 68-21
- The U.S. Balance of Payments in the First Quarter 1968, OBE 68-23
- Manufacturing and Trade Investments and Sales Report - March 1968, OBE 68-22
- Personal Income - April 1968, OBE 68-25
- First Quarter 1968 Revised GNP, OBE 68-24
- First Quarter 1968 National Income and Corporate Profits, Costs and Prices, OBE 68-26
- Public and Private Debt and Corporate Finance in 1967, OBE 68-27
- The Business Situation, OBE 68-28
- Business Anticipates Rise in Capital Spending in Second Half of 1968, OBE 68-29
- Manufacturers' Expectations for Inventories and Sales : Second and Third Quarters of 1968, OBE 68-29
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - April 1968, G 68-30
- Personal Income, May 1968, OBE 68-31
- Foreign Travel Spending Up in 1967, OBE 68-32
- The Business Situation, OBE 68-33
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - May 1968, OBE 68-34
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1968 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, OBE 68-35
- Personal Income - June 1968, OBE 68-36
- The Business Situation, OBE 68-37
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - June 1968, OBE 68-38
- The U.S. Balance of Payments, Second Quarter 1968, OB 68-41
- Second Quarter 1968 - Corporate Profits National Income Revised GNP, OBE 68-40
- The Business Situation, OBE 68-43
- Metropolitan Area Personal Income, OBE 68-42
- Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Corporations, 1967-69, OBE 68-44
- Business Capital Spending Plans for 1968 Reduced From Earlier Expectations, OBE 68-45
- Manufacturers' Sales and Inventory Expectations : Second Half 1968, OBE 68-46
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sale - July 1986, OBE 68-47
- Personal Income - August 1968, OBE 68-48
- The Business Situation, OBE 68-49
- Preliminary Third Quarter 1968 GNP, OBE 68-50
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - August 1968, OBE 68-51
- Personal Income - September 1968, OBE 68-52
- The Business Situation, OBE 68-53
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - September 1968, OBE 68-55
- Third Quarter 1968 - Corporate Profits Revised GNP, OBE 68-56
- Personal Income - October 1968, OBE 68-57
- The Business Situation, OBE 68-58
- Higher Capital Spending Programmed for First Half 1969, OBE 68-59
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations : Fourth Quarter 1968 and First Quarter 1969, OBE 68-60
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - October 1968, OBE 68-61
- Personal Income - November 1968, OBE 68-62
- 1969 Outlook and 1968 Year-End Economic Review, G 68-140
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - November 1968, OBE 69-1
- Gross National Product : Preliminary Fourth Quarter and 1968 Annual Totals, OBE 69-2
- Personal Income - December and Year 1968, OBE 69-3
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - December 1968, OBE 69-4
- Gross National Product : Revised Fourth Quarter 1968, OBE 69-5
- The U.S. Balance of Payments, Fourth Quarter and Year 1968, OBE 69-6
- Personal Income -- January 1969, OBE 69-7
- The Business Situation, OBE 69-8
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations : First Half 1969, OBE 69-9
- Business Anticipates Higher Capital Expenditures and Sales in 1969, OBE 69-10
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - January 1969, OBE 69-11
- Corporate Profits : Fourth Quarter 1968, OBE 69-12
- Personal Income -- February 1969, OBE 69-13
- Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Corporations : Revised Estimates for 1968 and 1969, OBE 69-14
- The Business Situation, OBE 69-15
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - February 1969, OBE 69- 16
- Personal Income - March 1969, OBE 69-17
- Preliminary First Quarter 1969 GNP, OBE 69-18
- The Business Situation, OBE 69-20
- Total and Per Capita Personal Income by States and Regions: 1968, OBE 69-19
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - March 1969, OBE 69-21
- The U.S. Balance of Payments, First Quarter 1969, OBE 69-22
- Personal Income - April 1969, OBE 69-24
- First Quarter 1969 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, Federal Receipts and Expenditures, OBE 69-23
- Public and Private Debt : Corporate Finance - 1968, OBE 69-27
- The Business Situation, OBE 69-26
- Metropolitan Area Personal Income, OBE 69-25
- The Business Situation, OBE 69-33
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : 1969 Capital Spending Plans Reduced From Earlier Expectations, OBE 69-28|SEC 2366
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations : Second and Third Quarters 1969, OBE 69-29
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - April 1969, OBE 69-30
- Personal Income - May 1969, OBE 69-31
- Foreign Travel Spending in 1968, OBE 69-32
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - May 1969, OBE 69-34
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1969 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, OBE 69-35
- Personal Income - June 1969, OBE 69-36
- The Business Situation, OBE 69-37
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - June 1969, OBE 69-38
- Second Quarter 1969 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, Federal Receipts and Expenditures, OBE 69-40
- Personal Income - July 1969, OBE 69-39
- The U.S. Balance of Payments, Second Quarter 1969, OBE 69-41
- The Business Situation, OBE 69-42
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Capital Spending Plans for 1969 Again Reduced from Earlier Expectations, OBE 69-43|SEC 2385
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations : Third and Fourth Quarters 1969, OBE 69-44
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - July 1969, OBE 69-45
- Personal Income - August 1969, OBE 69-46
- Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Corporations , 1968-1970, OBE 69-47
- The Business Situation, OBE 69-48
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - August 1969, OBE 69-49
- Third Quarter 1969 GNP - Preliminary, OBE 69-51
- Personal Income - September 1969, OBE 69-50
- The Business Situation, OBE 69-52
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - September 1969, OBE 69-53
- Third Quarter 1969 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, Federal Receipts and Expenditures, OBE 69-55
- Personal Income - October 1969, OBE 69-54
- The U.S Balance of Payments, Third Quarter 1969, OBE 69-56
- New Input-Output Study, OBE 69-57
- Statement of Secretary of Commerce Maurice H. Stans on Announcing New Input-Output Study by Office of Business Economics
- The Business Situation, OBE 69-58
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Foresees Continued Advance in Capital Spending in First Half of 1970, OBE 69-59|SEC 2404
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations : Fourth Quarter 1969 and First Quarter 1970, OBE 69-60
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - October 1969, OBE 69-61
- Personal Income - November 1969, OBE 69-62
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : 1970 Capital Spending Programs, OBE 69-64|SEC 2411
- 1970s
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - November 1969, OBE 70-1
- Gross National Product : Preliminary Fourth Quarter and 1969 Annual Totals, OBE 70-2
- Personal Income - December and Year 1969, OBE 70-3
- Gross National Product : Revised Fourth Quarter 1969, OBE 70-4
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - December and Year 1969, OBE 70-5
- Personal Income - January 1970, OBE 70-6
- The U.S. Balance of Payments, Fourth Quarter and Year 1969, OBE 70-7
- The Business Situation, OBE 70-8
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations : First Half 1970, OBE 70-9
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Expects Higher Capital Expenditures and Sales in 1970, OBE 70-10|SEC 2426
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - January 1970, OBE 70-11
- Federal Government Surplus Lower in Fourth Quarter, OBE 70-12
- Corporate Profits and National Income - Fourth Quarter 1969, OBE 70-13
- Personal Income - February 1970, OBE 70-14
- Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Corporations : Revised Estimates for 1969 and 1970, OBE 70-15
- The Business Situation, OBE 70-16
- Business Statistics, 1969 Edition, OBE 70-17
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - February 1970, OBE 70-18
- Personal Income - March 1970, OBE 70-19
- Gross National Product : Preliminary First Quarter 1970, OBE 70-20
- The Business Situation, OBE 70-22
- Total and Per Capita Personal Income by States and Regions : 1969, OBE 70-21
- New Tool for Business Planning and Research, OBE 70-23
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - March 1970, OBE 70-24
- Personal Income - April 1970, OBE 70-25
- The U.S. Balance of Payments, First Quarter 1970, OBE 70-28
- Corporate Profits and National Income - First Quarter 1970, OBE 70-26
- Federal Government Surplus Declined Sharply in the First Quarter 1970, OBE 70-27
- The Business Situation, OBE 70-29
- Public and Private Debt : Corporate Finance - 1969, OBE 70-30
- Metropolitan Area Personal Income, OBE 70-31
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Trims Plans for 1970 Capital Spending, OBE 70-32|SEC 2448
- Business Planning and Research Applications of Input-Output to be Discussed at Conference, G 70-64
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations : Second and Third Quarters of 1970, OBE 70-33
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - April 1970, OBE 70-34
- Personal Income - May 1970, OBE 70-35
- Highlights, OBE 70-36
- Foreign Travel Spending in 1969, OBE 70-36
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - May 1970, OBE 70-37
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1970 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, OBE 70-38
- Personal Income - June 1970, OBE 70-39
- Highlights : From the Survey of Current Business, July 1970, OBE 70-41
- Regional and State Income Growth Slows, OBE 70-40
- Manufacturing and Trade : Inventories and Sales - June 1970, OBE 70-42
- Personal Income - July 1970, OBE 70-43
- Second Quarter 1970 : Corporate Profits and National Income, Revised GNP, OBE 70-44
- Federal Government Deficit Up Sharply in Second Quarter of 1970, OBE 70-45
- The U.S. Balance of Payments, Second Quarter 1970, OBE 70-46
- Highlights : From the Survey of Current Business, August 1970, OBE 70-47
- Business Applications of Input/Output Techniques in Planning and Research, OBE 70-48
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Capital Spending Programs for 1970: Expectations Lowered Again, OBE 70-49|SEC 2465
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations : Third and Fourth Quarters of 1970, OBE 70-50
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - July 1970, OBE 70-51
- Personal Income - August 1970, OBE 70-52
- Large Increases in Capital Expenditures Planned by Foreign Manufacturing Affiliates of U.S. Corporations, OBE 70-53
- The Business Situation, OBE 70-54
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - August 1970, OBE 70-55
- Personal Income - September 1970, OBE 70-56
- Gross National Product : Preliminary Report for the Third Quarter 1970, OBE 70-57
- Personal Income Increased in 43 States During the Second Quarter 1970, OBE 70-58
- The Business Situation, OBE 70-59
- Sales of Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Grow Rapidly, OBE 70-60
- Net International Investment Position of the United States Shows Modest Improvement in 1969, OBE 70-61
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - September 1970, OBE 70-63
- Personal Income - October 1970, OBE 70-64
- Third Quarter : Corporate Profits and National Income, Revised GNP, OBE 70-65
- Smaller But Still Substantial Federal Deficit in the Third Quarter of 1970, OBE 70-66
- The U.S. Balance of Payments : Third Quarter 1970, OBE 70-67
- The Business Situation, OBE 70-68
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Foresees Moderate Rise in Capital Spending in Second 1971 Quarter Following Current Dip, OBE 70-70
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations : Fourth Quarter 1970 and First Quarter 1971, OBE 70-71
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - October 1970, OBE 70-72
- Personal Income - November 1970, OBE 70-73
- Capital Outflows for U.S. Direct Investment Abroad Declined in the Third Quarter of 1970, OBE 70-74
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Decreased Reliance on U.S. Funds in 1968, OBE 70-69
- The Business Situation, OBE 70-75
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Foresees Small Gain in 1971 Capital Outlays, SEC 2491
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - November 1970, OBE 71-1
- Personal Income - December and Year 1970, OBE 71-2
- Gross National Product : Preliminary Report for Fourth Quarter and 1970 Annual Tools, OBE 71-3
- The Business Situation, OBE 71-5
- Input/Output Conference to be Held in Denver, OBE 71-6
- Personal Income - January 1971, OBE 71-8
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - December 1970, OBE 71-7
- Gross National Product : Revised Fourth Quarter 1970, OBE 71-9
- The U.S. Balance of Payments, Fourth Quarter and Year 1970, OBE 71-10
- The Business Situation, OBE 71-12
- A Review of Federal Expenditures and Receipts, OBE 71-11
- U.S Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Expects Capital Expenditures and Sales to Rise in 1971, OBE 71-13|SEC 2505
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations First Half of 1971, OBE 71-14
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales January 1921, OBE 71-15
- Personal Income - February 1971, OBE 71-16
- Corporate Profits - Fourth Quarter 1970, OBE 71-18
- Federal Government Deficit Grows Larger in Fourth Quarter of 1970, OBE 71-17
- U.S. Direct Investment Abroad Up Sharply in 1970, OBE 71-19
- Sharp Rise in Plant and Equipment Expenditures of Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Corporations, OBE 71-20
- The Business Situation, OBE 71-22
- Changes in the Commodity Pattern of U.S. Foreign Trade, OBE 71-21
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales February 1971, OBE 71-23
- Gross National Product : Preliminary First Quarter 1971, OBE 71-25
- Personal Income - March 1971, OBE 71-24
- The Business Situation, OBE 71-26
- Total and Per Capita Personal Income by States and Regions : 1970, OBE 71-27
- New England : Total and Per Capita Personal Income 1970, OBE 71-27-1
- Southwest : Total and Per Capita Personal Income 1970, OBE 71-27-6
- Personal Income Rose in 31 States in the Third Quarter 1970, OBE 71-4
- Great Lakes : Total and Per Capita Personal Income 1970, OBE 71-27-3
- Rocky Mountain : Total and Per Capita Personal Income 1970, OBE 71-27-4
- Southeast : Total and Per Capita Personal Income 1970, OBE 71-27-5
- Plains : Total and Per Capita Personal Income 1970, OBE 71-27-7
- Far West, Alaska and Hawaii : Total and Per Capita Personal Income 1970, OBE 71-27-8
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales March 1971, OBE 71-28
- Personal Income - April 1971, OBE 71-29
- First Quarter 1971 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, OBE 71-31
- Federal Receipts Rise Sharply, Reduce Government Deficit in the First Quarter of 1971, OBE 71-30
- The U.S. Balance of Payments, First Quarter 1971, OBE 71-32
- The Business Situation, OBE 71-35
- Total Debt Grew Slowly in 1970, OBE 71-33
- Income in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, OBE 71-34
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Trims Plans for 1971 Capital Spending, OBE 71-36|SEC 2522
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations : Second and Third Quarters of 1971, OBE 71-37
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales April 1971 : June 14, 1971, OBE 71-38
- Personal Income - May 1971, OBE 71-39
- The Business Situation, OBE 71-41
- Foreign Travel Spending in 1970, OBE 71-40
- U.S. Direct Investment Outflows Rise in First Quarter, OBE 71-4
- The U.S. Balance of Payments : Revised Presentation, OBE 71-43
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales May 1971, OBE 71-44
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1971 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, OBE 71-46
- Personal Income - June 1971, OBE 71-45
- The Business Situation, OBE 71-48
- Personal Income by State and Region : First Quarter 1971, OBE 71-47
- U.S. Direct Investments Abroad, OBE 71-49
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales June 1971, OBE 71-50
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Second Quarter 1971, OBE 71-51
- Personal Income - July 1971, OBE 71-52
- Second Quarter 1971 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, OBE 71-53
- Higher Social Security Benefits Increase Federal Government Deficit in Second Quarter of 1971, OBE 71-54
- State Per Capita and Total Personal Income, 1970, OBE 71-55
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Plant and Equipment Programs for 1971, OBE 71-56|SEC 2541
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations Second Half of 1971, OBE 71-57
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - July 1971, OBE 71-58
- Personal Income - August 1971, OBE 71-59
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments : Second Quarter 1971 (Revised), OBE 71-60
- U.S. Direct Investment Outflows Continued at High Level in the Second Quarter of 1971, OBE 71-61
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Corporations Plan Moderate Increases in Capital Spending, OBE 71-62
- The Business Situation, OBE 71-63
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories - August 1971, OBE 71-64
- Personal Income - September 1971, OBE 71-65
- Gross National Product : Preliminary Third Quarter 1971, OBE 71-66
- Growth of U.S. Direct Investments Abroad Sets Record in 1970, OBE 71-67
- Record Increase in Foreign Direct Investment in the United States in 1970, OBE 71-69
- Personal Income Rose in All States But One in the Second Quarter of 1971, OBE 71-68
- Net International Investment Position of United States Improves in 1970, OBE 71-70
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - September 1971, OBE 71-71
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Third Quarter 1971, OBE 71-72
- Third Quarter 1971 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, OBE 71-75
- Personal Income - October 1971, OBE 71-73
- Federal Fiscal Position : Third Quarter 1971, OBE 71-74
- The Business Situation, OBE 71-76
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on Commerce-Sec Plant and Equipment Expenditures Survey
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Foresees Rise in Capital Spending in First Half of 1972, OBE 71-77|SEC 2559
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations Fourth Quarter 1971 and First Quarter 1972, OBE 71-78
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - October 1971, OBE 71-79
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments : Third Quarter 1971 (Revised), OBE 71-80
- Personal Income - November 1971, OBE 71-81
- Impact of Tight Money on Business Investment, OBE 71-82
- U.S. Plant and Equipment Expenditures by Business : Business Expects Capital Outlays to Advance in 1972, BEA 72-1|SEC 2569
- GNP Revised for the First Three Quarters of 1971, BEA 72-3
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - November 1971, BEA 72-2
- Personal Income - December and Year 1971, BEA 72-4
- Gross National Product : Preliminary Report for the Fourth Quarter and Year 1971, BEA 72-5
- Merchandise Trade in the Fourth Quarter, 1971 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 72-7
- Personal Income Rose in All But Six States in the Third Quarter of 1971, BEA 72-6
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on January Advance Business Conditions Digest
- The Business Situation, BEA 72-8
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - December 1971, BEA 72-9
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Fourth Quarter and Year 1971, BEA 72-11
- Personal Income - January 1972, BEA 72-10
- Gross National Product : Revised Fourth Quarter 1971, BEA 72-12
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on Survey of Business Plant Equipment Expectations
- Gain of 10-1/2 Percent Expected in 1972 Capital Expenditures, BEA 72-13
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations First Half 1972, [BEA] 72-14
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories - January 1972, BEA 72-15
- U.S. Balance of Payments Fourth Quarter 1971 (Revised), BEA 72-17
- Economics Accounts of the United States : Retrospect and Prospect, BEA 72-16
- Corporate Profits - Fourth Quarter 1971, BEA 72-19
- Federal Government Deficit Declines in Fourth Quarter, BEA 72-18
- Personal Income - February 1972, BEA 72-20
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Trim Increases in 1971 and 1972 Plant and Equipment Expenditures, BEA 72-21
- Corporate Capital Net Outflows Drop in Fourth Quarter of 1971 But Reach Record for Year, BEA 72-24
- Growth and Change in the U.S. Economy Portrayed in New Edition of Business Statistics, BEA 72-23
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on March Advance Business Conditions Digest
- The Business Situation, BEA 72-22
- New Measures of Corporate Output and Productivity, BEA 72-25
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - February 1972, BEA 72-26
- Personal Income - March 1972, BEA 72-27
- Gross National Product : Preliminary First Quarter 1972, BEA 72-28
- [Clarification of a Question at a White House Press Conference : Statement by Secretary of Commerce Peterson]
- Merchandise Trade in the First Quarter, 1972 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 72-30
- Total and Per Capita Personal Income by States, 1971, BEA 72-29
- New England: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1971, BEA 72-29-1
- Mideast: Total and Per Capita Income, BEA 72-29-2
- Great Lakes: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1971, BEA 72-29-3
- Rocky Mountain: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1971, BEA 72-29-4
- Plains: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1971, BEA 72-29-5
- Far West, Alaska and Hawaii: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1971, BEA 72-29-6
- Southwest: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1971, BEA 72-29-7
- Southeast: Total and Per Capita Income, 1971, BEA 72-29-8
- Projections of Income and Population by States and Regions, 1980 and 1990, BEA 72-31
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - March 1972, BEA 72-32
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, First Quarter 1972, BEA 72-33
- Personal Income - April 1972, BEA 72-34
- First Quarter 1972 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, BEA 72-36
- Higher Personal Taxes Reduce Federal Deficit in the First Quarter of 1972, BEA 72-35
- Total Public and Private Debt Reaches $2 Trillion, BEA 72-37
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on May Advance Business Conditions Digest
- Personal Income in Metropolitan Areas in 1970, BEA 72-38
- Capital Spending Up 4.3 Percent in the First Quarter of 1972; 10.3 Percent Advance Expected for the Year, BEA 72-39
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - April 1972, BEA 72-39 A
- U.S. Balance of Payments First Quarter 1972 (Revised), BEA 72-40
- Personal Income - May 1972, BEA 72-41
- Foreign Travel Spending in 1971, BEA 72-42
- Corporate Capital Net Outflows Rise in the First Quarter, BEA 72-43
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations Second and Third Quarters of 1972 : Social and Economic Statistics Administration Census, CB 72-165
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - May 1972, BEA 72-44
- Personal Income - June 1972, BEA 72-45
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1972 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, BEA 72-46
- Merchandise Trade in the Second Quarter, 1972 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 72-48
- State and Regional Personal Income : First Quarter 1972, BEA 72-47
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - June 1972, BEA 72-49
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Second Quarter 1972, BEA 72-50
- Personal Income - July 1972, BEA 72-51
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on Revised Gross National Product Figures for the Second Quarter and Corporate Profits.
- Second Quarter 1972 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, BEA 72-53
- Federal Deficit Increases in the Second Quarter of 1972, BEA 72-52
- Total and Per Capita Personal Income by States, 1971, BEA 72-54
- Business Expects Capital Outlays to Rise 9.7 Percent in 1972, BEA 72-55
- U.S. Balance of Payments Second Quarter 1972 (Revised), BEA 72-56
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - July 1972, BEA 72-57
- Personal Income - August 1972, BEA 72-58
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) Second Quarter 1972, BEA 72-59
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Expect Small Increase in Plant and Equipment Outlays, BEA 72-60
- Substantial Inflow of Corporate Capital Recorded in the Second Quarter, BEA 72-61
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - August 1972, BEA 72-62
- Personal Income - September 1972, BEA 72-63
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on Gross National Product for the Third Quarter of 1972
- Gross National Product : Preliminary Third Quarter 1972, BEA 72-64
- Merchandise Trade in the Third Quarter, 1972 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 72-65
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on October Advance Business Conditions Digest
- State and Regional Personal Income : Second Quarter 1972, BEA 72-66
- Recorded Net International Investment Position of United States Deteriorates in 1971, BEA 72-68
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - September 1972, BEA 72-69
- U.S. Balance of Payments, Third Quarter 1972, BEA 72-70
- "Special Survey of U.S. Multinational Companies, 1970", BEA 72-71
- Third Quarter 1972 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, BEA 72-73
- Federal Fiscal Position: Third Quarter 1972, BEA 72-72
- Personal Income - October 1972, BEA 72-74
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on November Advance Business Conditions Digest
- Business Foresees Capital Spending Advancing 12 percent in the First Half of 1973, BEA 72-75
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on Commerce Department Survey of Business Plant and Equipment Expenditures
- U.S. Balance of Payments Third Quarter 1972 (Revised), BEA 72-77
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - October 1972, BEA 72-76
- Manufacturers' Inventory and Sales Expectations Fourth Quarter of 1972 and First Quarter of 1973 : Social and Economic Statistics Administration Census, CB 72-289
- Personal Income - November 1972, BEA 72-78
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) Third Quarter 1972, BEA 72-79
- Statement by Harold C. Passer, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, on December Advance Business Conditions Digest
- Corporate Capital Flows in the Third Quarter, 1972, BEA 72-80
- Capital Outlays to Reach $100 Billion in 1973, BEA 73-1
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - November 1972, BEA 73-2
- Personal Income - December and Year 1972, BEA 73-3
- Personal Income - December and Year 1972, BEA 73-3
- Gross National Product : Preliminary Report for the Fourth Quarter and Year 1972, BEA 73-4
- Statement by Dr. Peter C. Manus, Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, on Gross National Product in the Fourth Quarter 1972, and for 1972 as a Whole
- Merchandise Trade in the Fourth Quarter and Year 1972 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 73-5
- State and Regional Personal Income : Third Quarter 1972, BEA 73-6
- Statement by Dr. Peter C. Manus, Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs, on January Advance Business Conditions Digest
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Fourth Quarter and Year 1972, BEA 73-8
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - December 1972, BEA 73-7
- Personal Income - January 1973, BEA 73-9
- Gross National Product : Revised Fourth Quarter 1972, BEA 73-10
- Personal Income - January 1973, BEA 73-9
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: January 1973
- Foreign Direct Investments in the United States, 1962-71, BEA 73-11
- Spending on Plant and Equipment to Rise 14 Percent in 1973, BEA 73-12
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - January 1973, BEA 73-13
- Corporate Profits - Fourth Quarter 1972, BEA 73-15
- Federal Deficit Increases in the Fourth Quarter of 1972, BEA 73-14
- Personal Income - February 1973, BEA 73-16
- U.S. Balance of Payments Fourth Quarter and Year 1972 (Revised), BEA 73-17
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: February 1973, BEA 73-20
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Plan to Increase Capital Spending 7 Percent in 1973, BEA 73-19
- Soviet Population in Year 2000, BEA 73-18
- Net Corporate Capital Outflows Declined in 1972, BEA 73-21
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - February 1973, BEA 73-22
- Personal Income - March 1973, BEA 73-23
- Gross National Product : Preliminary First Quarter 1973, BEA 73-25
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) : Fourth Quarter 1972, BEA 73-24
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: March 1973, BEA 73-27
- Merchandise Trade in the First Quarter 1973 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 73-26
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - March 1973, BEA 73-28
- Personal Income - April 1973, BEA 73-30
- Personal Income - April 1973, BEA 73-30
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, First Quarter 1973, BEA 73-29
- First Quarter 1973 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, BEA 73-32
- Federal Deficit Declines in First Quarter of 1973, BEA 73-31
- Total Public and Private Debt Reaches $2-1/2 Trillion, BEA 73-34
- Total and Per Capita Personal Income by States, 1972, BEA 73-33
- New England: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1972, BEA 73-33-1
- Mideast: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1972, BEA 73-33-2
- Southeast: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1972, BEA 73-33-3
- Great Lakes: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1972, BEA 73-33-4
- Plains: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1972, BEA 73-33-5
- Southwest: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1972, BEA 73-33-6
- Rocky Mountain: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1972, BEA 73-33-7
- Far West, Alaska and Hawaii: Total and Per Capita Personal Income, 1972, BEA 73-33-8
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: April 1973, BEA 73-35
- Metropolitan Area Personal Income - 1971, BEA 73-36
- Business Expects Capital Outlays to Advance 13 Percent in 1973, BEA 73-37
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - April 1973, BEA 73-38
- Personal Income - May 1973, BEA 73-39
- Personal Income - May 1973, BEA 73-39
- U.S. Balance of Payments : First Quarter 1973 (Revised), BEA 73-40
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) : First Quarter 1973, BEA 74-41
- Foreign Travel Spending in 1972, BEA 73-42
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: May 1973, BEA 73-43
- Corporate Capital Flows in the First Quarter, 1973, BEA 73-44
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - May 1973, BEA 73-45
- Personal Income - June 1973, BEA 73-46
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1973 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, BEA 73-47
- Merchandise Trade in the Second Quarter 1973 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 73-48
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: June 1973, BEA 73-49
- State and Regional Personal Income : First Quarter 1973, BEA 73-50
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - June 1973, BEA 73-51
- Personal Income - July 1973, BEA 73-52
- Personal Income - July 1973, BEA 73-52
- U.S. Balance of Payment Developments : Second Quarter 1973, BEA 73-53
- Second Quarter 1973 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, BEA 73-55
- Federal Receipts Match Expenditures in Second Quarter pf 1973, BEA 73-54
- Total and Per Capita Personal Income by States, 1972, BEA 73-56
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: July 1973, BEA 73-57
- Recorded Net International Investment Position of the United States Deteriorates in 1972, BEA 73-58
- Foreign Direct Investments in the United States in 1972, BEA 73-59
- Capital Spending to Rise Through the Fourth Quarter of 1973, BEA 73-60
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - July 1973, BEA 73-61
- U.S. Direct Investments Abroad in 1972, BEA 73-62
- Personal Income - August 1973, BEA 73-63
- Personal Income - August 1973, BEA 73-63
- U.S. Balance of Payments : Second Quarter 1973 (Revised), BEA 73-64
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) : Second Quarter 1973, BEA 73-65
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: August 1973, BEA 73-66
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - August 1973, BEA 73-67
- Personal Income - September 1973, BEA 73-68
- Gross National Product : Preliminary Third Quarter 1973, BEA 73-69
- Perspectives on Economic Growth, BEA 73-70
- Merchandise Trade in the Third Quarter 1973 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 73-71
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: September 1973, BEA 73-72
- State and Regional Personal Income : Second Quarter 1973, BEA 73-74
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - September 1973, BEA 73-73
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Third Quarter 1973, BEA 73-75
- Personal Income - October 1973, BEA 73-77
- Third Quarter 1973 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, BEA 73-76
- Personal Income - October 1973, BEA 73-77
- Federal Surplus Recorded in Third Quarter of 1973, BEA 73-78
- U.S. Firms Expect 12 Percent Rise in Foreign Affiliates' Capital Spending in 1974, BEA 73-79
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: October 1973, BEA 73-80
- Business Foresees Rise in Capital Expenditures in First Half of 1974, BEA 73-81
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - October 1973, BEA 73-82
- Personal Income - November 1973, BEA 73-83
- U.S. Balance of Payments : Third Quarter 1973 (Revised), BEA 73-84
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) : Third Quarter 1973, BEA 73-85
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: November 1973, BEA 73-86
- What's Ahead for Business? New Business Statistics Provides Data Base For Forecasters, BEA 74-1
- Capital Expenditures Expected to Rise 12 Percent in 1974, BEA 74-2
- Personal Income -- December and Year 1973, BEA 74-4
- Personal Income -- December and Year 1973, BEA 74-4
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - November 1973, BEA 74-3
- Gross National Product Preliminary Report for Fourth Quarter and Year 1973, BEA 74-5
- State and Regional Personal Income : Third Quarter 1973, BEA 74-6
- Merchandise Trade in the Fourth Quarter and Year 1973 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 74-7
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : December 1973, BEA 74-8
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - December 1973, BEA 74-9
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Fourth Quarter and Year 1973, BEA 74-10
- Personal Income - January 1974, BEA 74-11
- Gross National Product : Revised Fourth Quarter 1973, BEA 74-12
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : January 1974, BEA 74-13
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Frederick B. Dent on Leading Indicators
- Plant and Equipment Expenditures Expected to Rise 13 Percent in 1974, BEA 74-14
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - January 1974, BEA 74-15
- Personal Income - February 1974, BEA 74-16
- Personal Income - February 1974, BEA 74-16
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Fourth Quarter and Year 1973 (Revised), BEA 74-17
- Corporate Profits - Fourth Quarter 1973, BEA 74-18
- Federal Surplus Increases in the Fourth Quarter of 1973, BEA 74-19
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : February 1974, BEA 74-20
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies Expect Capital Expenditures to Rise 18 Percent in 1974, BEA 74-21
- 1974 Business Investment Plans Largely Unaffected by Energy Situation, BEA 74-22
- Personal Income - March 1974, BEA 74-24
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) Fourth Quarter 1973, BEA 74-26
- Gross National Product : Preliminary First Quarter 1974, BEA 74-25
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : March 1974, BEA 74-28
- Merchandise Trade in the First Quarter 1974 : Balance of Payment Basis, BEA 74-27
- Total and Per Capita Personal Income by States, 1973, BEA 74-29
- Projections of Income and Population by States and Regions, 1980 and 1990, BEA 74-30
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - March 1974, BEA 74-31
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - February 1974, BEA 74-23
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, First Quarter 1974, BEA 74-32
- Personal Income - April 1974, BEA 74-33
- First Quarter 1974 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, BEA 74-34
- Federal Government Surplus Declines in First Quarter 1974, BEA 74-35
- Foreign Travel Spending in 1973, BEA 74-36
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Frederick B. Dent on April 1974 Export-Import Merchandise Trade
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : April 1974, BEA 74-37
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Frederick B. Dent on the Composite Index of Leading Indicators : April 1974
- Total Public and Private Debt Passes $2-1/2 Trillion, BEA 74-38
- Business Expects Capital Expenditures to Rise 12 Percent in 1974, BEA 74-39
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - April 1974, BEA 74-40
- U.S. Balance of Payments (Current Account and Long-Term Capital) First Quarter 1974, BEA 74-42
- Personal Income - May 1974, BEA 74-41
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : May 1974, BEA 74-43
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Frederick B. Dent on the Composite Index of Leading Indicators : May 1974
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) First Quarter 1974, BEA 74-44
- Local Area Personal Income : 1972, BEA 74-45
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - May 1974, BEA 74-46
- Personal Income - June 1974, BEA 74-47
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Frederick B. Dent on Second Quarter Gross National Product
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1974 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, BEA 74-48
- Merchandise Trade in the Second Quarter 1974 : Balance of Payment Basis, BEA 74-49
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : June 1974, BEA 74-50
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - June 1974, BEA 74-51
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Second Quarter 1974, BEA 74-54
- New Measure of Manufacturing Capacity Utilization, BEA 74-53
- Business Capital Expenditures for Air and Water Pollution Abatement, 1973 and Planned 1974, BEA 74-52
- Personal Income - July 1974, BEA 74-55
- Second Quarter 1974 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, Gross Domestic Product, BEA 74-56
- Federal Receipts Match Expenditures in Second Quarter of 1974, BEA 74-57
- Sales by Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Multinational Companies Doubled from 1966 to 1972, BEA 74-62
- U.S. Direct Investment Abroad in 1973, BEA 74-58
- Foreign Direct Investment in the United States in 1973, BEA 74-59
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : July 1974, BEA 74-60
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Frederick B. Dent on the Composite Index of Leading Indicators for July, 1974
- Recorded Net International Investment Position of the United States Increases in 1973, BEA 74-61
- 1974 Business Capital Spending Sticks to Plan, BEA 74-63
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Frederick B. Dent on Plant and Equipment Expenditures
- State per Capita and Total Personal Income, 1973, BEA 74-64
- Retail Trade and Manufacturing Inventories and Sales - July 1974, BEA 74-65
- Personal Income - August 1974, BEA 74-66
- Personal Income - August 1974, BEA 74-66
- U.S. Balance of Payments (Current Account and Long-Term Capital) Second Quarter 1974, BEA 74-67
- Second Quarter 1974 : Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 74-68
- Survey Shows Rate of Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Steady in the First Half of 1974, But Slightly Lower Than a Year Ago, BEA 74-69
- Detailed Industry Data for Input-Output Analysis, BEA 74-70
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : August 1974, BEA 74-71
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies Expect Large Rise in Capital Expenditures in 1974 and 1975, BEA 74-72
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - August 1974, BEA 74-74
- Personal Income - September 1974, BEA 74-75
- Gross National Product, Gross Domestic Product, Preliminary Third Quarter 1974, BEA 74-76
- Merchandise Trade in the Third Quarter 1974 : Balance of Payment Basis, BEA 74-77
- Statement by James L. Pate, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on September Composite Index of Leading Economic Indicators
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : September 1974, BEA 74-78
- Area Economics Projections 1990, BEA 74-73
- State and Regional Personal Income : First Half 1974, BEA 74-79
- Personal Income - October 1974, BEA 74-80
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - September 1974, BEA 74-81
- Third Quarter 1974 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP and GDP, BEA 74-82
- Federal Deficit Declines in Third Quarter of 1974, BEA 74-83
- U.S Balance of Payments Developments Third Quarter, 1974, BEA 74-84
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : October 1974, BEA 74-85
- Dent Praises Commerce Winners of Rockefeller Awards, G 74-202
- Business Capital Expenditures to Advance at a Slower Rate in the First Half of 1975, BEA 74-86
- Stockholdings of U.S. Individuals Down About $300 Billion From Three Years Ago, BEA 74-87
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - October 1974, BEA 74-88
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Steady in September 1974, BEA 74-89
- Personal Income - November 1974, BEA 74-91
- Statement on the Third Quarter U.S. Balance of Payments by Secretary of Commerce, Frederick B. Dent
- Third Quarter 1974 : Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 74-92
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : November 1974, BEA 74-93
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Frederick B. Dent on Projected Business Spending on New Plant and Equipment in 1975
- Businesses Foresee Small Increase in 1975 Capital Expenditures, BEA 75-01
- Personal Income - December and Year 1974, BEA 75-02
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - November 1974, BEA 75-03
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Frederick B. Dent on Gross National Product and the Economy
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Preliminary Report for Fourth Quarter and Year 1974, BEA 75-04
- Merchandise Trade in the Fourth Quarter 1974 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 75-05
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: December 1974, BEA 75-06
- Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States Begins, BEA 75-08
- State and Regional Personal Income: Third Quarter 1974, BEA 75-07
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - December 1974, BEA 75-09
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments : Fourth Quarter 1974, BEA 75-10
- Personal Income - January 1975, BEA 75-11
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Revised Fourth Quarter 1974, BEA 75-12
- Statement by James L. Pate, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on Composite Index of Leading Indicators for January
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: January 1975, BEA 75-13
- Pollution Abatement and Control Accounted for 1.6 Percent of Total U.S. Output in 1972, Major New Study Shows, BEA 75-14
- Businesses Foresee Capital Spending Decrease in the First Half of 1975, Increase in the Second, BEA 75-15
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - January 1975, BEA 75-16
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Down Sharply from September to December 1974, BEA 75-21
- Personal Income - February 1975, BEA 75-17
- U.S. Balance of Payments (Current Account and Long-Term Capital) : Fourth Quarter and Year 1974, BEA 75-18
- Fourth Quarter 1974 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, Gross Domestic Product, BEA 75-19
- Federal Deficit Increases in Fourth Quarter 1974, BEA 75-20
- Toward the Restoration of Public Confidence in Economic Policymaking: Improved Measures of Business Activity : Remarks at a Luncheon of the National Economists Club, Washington, D.C.
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Expect Capital Spending Growth to Slow in 1975, BEA 75-22
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: February 1975, BEA 75-23
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - February 1975, BEA 75-24
- Personal Income - March 1975, BEA 75-25
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) : Fourth Quarter 1974, BEA 75-27
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Preliminary First Quarter 1975, BEA 75-26
- Merchandise Trade in the First Quarter 1975 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 75-28
- Statement by Acting Secretary of Commerce John K. Tabor on U.S. Foreign Trade in March
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: March 1975, BEA 75-29
- 1974 State Personal Income, BEA 75-30
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - March 1975, BEA 75-32
- 1974 Business Capital Expenditures for Air and Water Pollution Abatement Fell Short of Expectations, BEA 75-33
- Personal Income in 1973 Increased Faster in the Country than in the Big City Areas, BEA 75-31
- Personal Income - April 1975, BEA 75-34
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments : First Quarter 1975, BEA 75-35
- First Quarter 1975 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, Gross Domestic Product, BEA 75-37
- Federal Government Deficit Up Sharply in First Quarter of 1975, BEA 75-36
- United States and Canada Complete Reconciliation of Trade Figures for 1974, G 75-73
- Total Public and Private Debt Growth Slowed in 1974, BEA 75-38
- Introduction of New Index : Composite Index of Leading Indicators: April 1975, BEA 75-39
- Statement by James L. Pate, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, on Composite Index of Leading Indicators for April
- Business Trims $1.8 Billion from 1975 Capital Spending Plans, BEA 75-40
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - April 1975, BEA 75-41
- Decline in Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Continued in March, BEA 75-42
- Personal Income - May 1975, BEA 75-44
- U.S. Balance of Payments (Current Account and Long-Term Capital) : First Quarter 1975, BEA 75-43
- First Quarter 1975 : Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 75-45
- Foreign Travel Spending in 1974, BEA 75-46
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: May 1975, BEA 75-47
- Personal Income - June 1975, BEA 75-49
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Preliminary Second Quarter 1975, BEA 75-50
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Rogers C.B. Morton on the Gross National Product for the Second Quarter of 1975
- U.S and Canada Reconcile Balance of Payments Statistics, G 75-131
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Rogers C.B. Morton U.S. Foreign Trade in June
- Merchandise Trade in the Second Quarter 1975 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 75-51
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: June 1975, BEA 75-52
- State and Regional Personal Income During the Economic Decline, BEA 75-53
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - June 1975, BEA 75-54
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Second Quarter 1975, BEA 75-55
- Personal Income - July 1975, BEA 75-56
- Second Quarter 1975 : Corporate Profits, Revised GNP, Gross Domestic Product, BEA 75-57
- Federal Government Deficit Increases Substantially in Second Quarter 1975, BEA 75-58
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: July 1975, BEA 75-59
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Rogers C.B. Morton on Leading Economic Indicators for July
- Rapid Growth of Sales by Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies in 1973, BEA 75-60
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Rogers C.B. Morton on Survey of Business Spending on Plant and Equipment
- Business Again Revises 1975 Capital Spending Plans Downward, BEA 75-61
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - July 1975, BEA 75-63
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Unchanged in June 1975, BEA 75-64
- 1974 State Personal Income, BEA 75-62
- Personal Income - August 1975, BEA 75-65
- U.S. Balance of Payments (Current Account and Long-Term Capital) : Second Quarter 1975, BEA 75-66
- Second Quarter 1975 : Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 75-67
- Foreign Direct Investment in the United States in 1974, BEA 75-68
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Plan 4 Percent Increase in 1975 Capital Spending, BEA 75-69
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: August 1975, BEA 75-70
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - August 1975, BEA 75-71
- Net International Investment Position of the United States Increases in 1974, BEA 75-72
- Personal Income - September 1975, BEA 75-74
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Preliminary Third Quarter 1975, BEA 75-73
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Rogers C.B. Morton on Gross National Product in the Third Quarter
- U.S. Direct Investment Abroad in 1974, BEA 75-75
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: September 1975, BEA 75-77
- Merchandise Trade in the Third Quarter 1975 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 75-76
- State Personal Income in the Second Quarter of 1975, BEA 75-78
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - September 1975, BEA 75-79
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Third Quarter 1975, BEA 75-80
- Personal Income - October 1975, BEA 75-81
- Third Quarter 1975 : Corporate Profits, Revised Gross National Product (GNP), Revised Gross Domestic Product (GDP), BEA 75-82
- Government Deficit Reduced as Federal Receipts Rise in the Third Quarter of 1975, BEA 75-83
- Compact Guide to Local Employment Data, BEA 75-84
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators: October 1975, BEA 75-85
- Note to Correspondents : New Coincident and Lagging Indicators, BEA 75-86
- Statement by Secretary Rogers C.B. Morton on Survey of Business Plans for Plant and Economic Spending
- Business Plans Small Increase in Capital Expenditures Through the First Half of 1976, BEA 75-87
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - October 1975, BEA 75-88
- Personal Income - November 1975, BEA 75-89
- U.S. Balance of Payments (Current Account and Long-Term Capital) : Third Quarter 1975, BEA 75-90
- Third Quarter 1975 : Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 75-91
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Rose in September 1975, BEA 75-92
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : November 1975, BEA 75-93
- BEA Press Releases Listing -- 1976
- Selected Data on International Transactions of the United States
- Business Projects Small Increase in 1976 Capital Spending, BEA 76-1
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - November 1975, BEA 76-2
- Revised Estimates of Gross National Product, 1946-75, BEA 76-3
- Personal Income -- December and Year 1975, BEA 76-4
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Preliminary Fourth Quarter 1975, BEA 76-5
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : December 1975, BEA 76-7
- Merchandise Trade in the Fourth Quarter and Year 1975 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 76-8
- State Personal Income in the Third Quarter of 1975, BEA 76-6
- Business Capital Requirements : 1971-1980, BEA 76-9
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales -- December 1975, BEA 76-10
- U.S. Balance of Payments Developments, Fourth Quarter 1975, BEA 76-11
- Personal Income - January 1976, BEA 76-12
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Revised Fourth Quarter 1975, BEA 76-13
- Pollution Abatement and Control Expenditures Up 18 Percent in 1973, BEA 76-14
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : January 1976, BEA 76-15
- Business Plans 1976 Capital Spending of $120 Billion, BEA 76-16
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales -- January 1976, BEA 76-17
- Personal Income - February 1976, BEA 76-18
- Fourth Quarter 1975 : Corporate Profits, Revised Gross National Product (GNP), BEA 76-19
- Federal Deficit Increases in Fourth Quarter 1975, BEA 76-20
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Unchanged in December 1975, BEA 76-21
- U.S. Balance of Payments (Current Account and Long-Term Capital), Fourth Quarter and Year 1975, BEA 76-22
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : February 1976, BEA 76-23
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Plan a 2 Percent Increase in 1976 Capital Spending, BEA 76-24
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - February 1976, BEA 76-25
- Personal Income - March 1976, BEA 76-26
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), Fourth Quarter 1975, BEA 76-27
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Preliminary First Quarter 1976, BEA 76-28
- Merchandise Trade in the First Quarter, 1976 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 76-29
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : March 1976, BEA 76-30
- 1975 State Personal Income, BEA 76-31
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - March 1976, BEA 76-32
- Selected Data on International Transactions, First Quarter 1976, BEA 76-33
- 1975 Capital Expenditures for Pollution Abatement Up 17 Percent, BEA 76-34
- Personal Income - April 1976, BEA 76-35
- First Quarter 1976 : Corporate Profits, Revised Gross National Product (GNP), Revised Gross Domestic Product (GDP), BEA 76-36
- Federal Government Deficit Decreases in First Quarter 1976, BEA 76-37
- Sales by Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies Rose 50 Percent in 1974, BEA 76-39
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : April 1976, BEA 76-40
- Business Boosts 1976 Capital Spending Plans to $121 Billion, BEA 76-41
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - April 1976, BEA 76-42
- Personal Income - May 1976, BEA 76-43
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions, First Quarter 1976, BEA 76-44
- First Quarter 1976 : Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 76-45
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Rose in March 1976, BEA 76-46
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : May 1976, BEA 76-47
- Foreign Travel Spending in 1975, BEA 76-48
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - May 1976, BEA 76-50
- Personal Income - June 1976, BEA 76-51
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1976 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, BEA 76-52
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : June 1976, BEA 76-53
- Merchandise Trade in the Second Quarter 1976 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 76-54
- State Personal Income in the First Quarter of 1976, BEA 76-55
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - June 1976, BEA 76-56
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions Second Quarter 1976, BEA 76-60
- Personal Income - July 1976, BEA 76-57
- Second Quarter 1976 : Corporate Profits, Revised Gross National Product (GNP), Revised Gross Domestic Product (GDP), BEA 76-58
- Federal Deficit Declines in Second Quarter of 1976, BEA 76-59
- Foreign Direct Investment in the United States in 1975, BEA 76-61
- U.S. Direct Investment Abroad in 1975, BEA 76-62
- Net International Investment Position of the United States Increases in 1975, BEA 76-63
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : July 1976, BEA 76-64
- Business Plans 1976 Capital Spending are Unchanged, BEA 76-66
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - July 1976, BEA 76-67
- 1975 State Personal Income, BEA 76-65
- Personal Income - August 1976, BEA 76-68
- Second Quarter 1976 : Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 76-70
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions, Second Quarter 1976, BEA 76-71
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Unchanged in June 1976, BEA 76-72
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : August 1976, BEA 76-73
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Expect 8 Percent Increase in 1977 Capital Spending After No Change This Year, BEA 76-74
- Detailed Personal Income Data Available for 3,618 Areas, BEA 76-69
- Personal Income - September 1976, BEA 76-75
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - August 1976, BEA 76-76
- Gross National Product (GNP) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Preliminary Third Quarter 1976, BEA 76-77
- Statement By John W. Kendrick, Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Commerce, on Preliminary Figures of the Gross National Product (GNP) for the Third Quarter
- Merchandise Trade in the Third Quarter 1976 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 76-79
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : September 1976, BEA 76-78
- Statement by Chief Economist John W. Kendrick on the Composite Index of Leading Indicators for September 1976
- United States and Canada Complete Reconciliation of Trade Figures for 1975, G 76-225
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - September 1976, BEA 76-81
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions Third Quarter 1976, BEA 76-82
- Personal Income - October 1976, BEA 76-8
- Third Quarter 1976 : Corporate Profits, Revised Gross National Product (GNP), Revised Gross Domestic Product (GDP), BEA 76-84
- Federal Government Deficit Increases in Third Quarter 1976, BEA 76-85
- State Personal Income in the Second Quarter of 1976, BEA 76-80
- Composite Index of Leading Indicators : October 1976, BEA 76-86
- Business Plans Small Increases in Capital Spending in the First Half of 1977, BEA 76--87
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - October 1976, BEA 76-89
- Business Conditions Digest : Revamped to Incorporate Research Results and to Reflect User Preferences, BEA 76-88
- Personal Income - November 1976, BEA 76-90
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Declined in September 1976, BEA 76-91
- Third Quarter 1976 : Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 76-92
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions, Third Quarter 1976, BEA 76-93
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: November 1976, BEA 76-94
- Schedule of Release Dates for Principal Economic Indicators : 1977
- Weekly Report on Press Releases : 1977
- Business Plans 11-Percent Increase in Capital Spending in 1977, BEA 77-01
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - November 1976, BEA 77-03
- Personal Income - December and Year 1976, BEA 77-04
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Preliminary Fourth Quarter and Year 1976, BEA 77-05
- Statement by John W. Kendrick, Chief Economist for the Department of Commerce, on the Preliminary Estimates of National Income and Product for the Fourth Quarter and Year 1976
- Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Nonfarm Personal Income, 1969-73, BEA 77-02
- National Antipollution Spending Increased 18 Percent in 1974, 21 Percent in 1973, BEA 77-06
- Composite Indexes of Lending, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: December 1976, BEA 77-07
- Statement by John W. Kendrick, Chief Economist for the Department of Commerce, on the Economic Indicators for December
- Merchandise Trade in the Fourth Quarter and Year 1976 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 77-08
- State Personal Income in the Third Quarter of 1976, BEA 77-09
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - December 1976, BEA 77-10
- Personal Income - January 1977, BEA 77-11
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : Fourth Quarter 1976, BEA 77-12
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Revised Fourth Quarter 1976, BEA 77-13
- Just-Published Historical GNP Tables Tell the Story of a Changing Economy, BEA 77-14
- Composite Indexes of Lending, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: January 1977, BEA 77-15
- Increase in Sales by Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies Decelerated in 1975, BEA 77-16
- Business Plans 1977 Capital Spending of $134 1/2 Billion, BEA 77-17
- Personal Income - February 1977, BEA 77-19
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - January 1977, BEA 77-18
- Capacity Utilization Rates for Manufacturing Industries Showed Mixed Pattern in December 1976--Overall Rate Up Slightly, BEA 77-20
- Federal Deficit Increases in Fourth Quarter 1976, BEA 77-21
- Fourth Quarter 1976 : Corporate Profits, GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 77-22
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : Fourth Quarter and Year 1976, BEA 77-23
- Handbook to Help Local Planners Estimate Work Force Change and Characteristics, BEA 77-24
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: February 1977, BEA 77-25
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Plan a 12 Percent Increase in 1977 Capital Spending, BEA 77-26
- Review of Federal Fiscal Programs, BEA 77-27
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - February 1977, BEA 77-28
- Personal Income - March 1977, BEA 77-29
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) : Fourth Quarter 1976, BEA 77-30
- Prices Go Down for BEA Magazines, BEA 77-32
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Preliminary First Quarter 1977, BEA 77-31
- Statement by Dr. Courtenay M. Slater, Chief Economist for the Department of Commerce, on First Quarter 1977 Gross National Product.
- Merchandise Trade in the First Quarter 1977 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 77-33
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: March 1977, BEA 77-34
- 1976 State Personal Income, BEA 77-35
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - March 1977, BEA 77-36
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : First Quarter 1977, BEA 77-37
- Personal Income - April 1977, BEA 77-38
- First Quarter 1977 : Corporate Profits, GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 77-39
- Federal Deficit Decreases in First Quarter 1977, BEA 77-40
- Business Capital Spending for Pollution Abatement to Increase 11 Percent in 1977, BEA 77-41
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: April 1977, BEA 77-43
- Timely Delivery of GNP Detail is Goal of New Service, BEA 77-42
- Public and Private Debt Reaches $3.4 Trillion in 1976, BEA 77-44
- Business Raises 1977 Capital Spending Plans, BEA 77-45
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - April 1977, BEA 77-46
- Personal Income - May 1977, BEA 77-47
- First Quarter 1977 : Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 77-48
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Rose in March 1977, BEA 77-49
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : First Quarter 1977, BEA 77-50
- Foreign Travel Spending in 1976, BEA 77-51
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: May 1977, BEA 77-52
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - May 1977, BEA 77-53
- Personal Income - June 1977, BEA 77-54
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1977 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, BEA 77-55
- Merchandise Trade in the Second Quarter 1977 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 77-56
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: June 1977, [BEA 77-57]
- State Personal Income : First Quarter 1976 to First Quarter 1977, BEA 77-58
- Personal Income - July 1977, BEA 77-60
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - June 1977, BEA 77-59
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : Second Quarter 1977, BEA 77-61
- Second Quarter 1977 : Corporate Profits, GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 77-62
- Federal Government Deficit Increases In Second Quarter 1977, BEA 77-63
- U.S. Direct Investment Abroad in 1976, BEA 77-64
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident and Lagging Indicators: July 1977, BEA 77-65
- Business Again Boosts Plans for 1977 Capital Spending, BEA 77-66
- 1976 State Personal Income, BEA 77-67
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - July 1977, BEA 77-68
- Personal Income - August 1977, BEA 77-69
- Second Quarter 1977 : Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), GNP (Revised) and Gross Domestic Product, BEA 77-70
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : Third Quarter 1977, BEA 77-85
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Rose in June 1977, BEA 77-72
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Plan a 12 Percent Increase in 1978 Capital Spending, BEA 77-73
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: August 1977, BEA 77-74
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - August 1977, BEA 77-75
- Personal Income - September 1977, BEA 77-76
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Preliminary Third Quarter 1977, BEA 77-77
- Statement by Juanita Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, on Third Quarter 1977 Gross National Product
- Foreign Direct Investment in the United States Reached $30 Billion in 1976, BEA 77-78
- Net International Investment Position of the United States Increased $8 Billion in 1976, BEA 77-79
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: September 1977, BEA 77-80
- Merchandise Trade in the Third Quarter 1977 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 77-81
- State Personal Income : Fourth Quarter 1973 to Second Quarter 1977, BEA 77-82
- Personal Income - October 1977, BEA 77-84
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : Third Quarter 1977, BEA 77-85
- Third Quarter 1977 : Corporate Profits, Revised Gross National Product (GNP), Revised Gross Domestic Product (GDP), BEA 77-86
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - September 1977, BEA 77-83
- Federal Government Deficit Increases In Third Quarter 1977, BEA 77-87
- New Handbook Explains Use of Indicators in Forecasting, BEA 77-88
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: October 1977, BEA 77-89
- Business Plans Continued Increases in Capital Spending Through the First Half of 1978, BEA 77-90
- Personal Income - November 1977, BEA 77-92
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - October 1977, BEA 77-91
- Third Quarter 1977 : GNP and Gross Domestic Product (Revised), Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), BEA 77-93
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Declined in September 1977, BEA 77-94
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : Third Quarter 1977, BEA 77-95
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: November 1977, BEA 77-96
- Schedule of Release Dates for Principal Federal Economic Indicators : 1978
- Weekly Report on Press Releases : 1978
- Business Plans 10-Percent Increase in Capital Spending in 1978, BEA 78-1
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - November 1977, BEA 78-2
- Personal Income - December and Year 1977, BEA 78-3
- Gross National Product, Gross Domestic Product : Preliminary Fourth Quarter and Year 1977, BEA 78-4
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: December 1977, BEA 78-6
- Merchandise Trade in the Fourth Quarter and Year 1977 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 78-5
- State and Regional Personal Income in the Third Quarter of 1977, BEA 78-7
- Benchmark Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, BEA 78-9
- Antipollution Spending Increased 12 Percent in 1976--Down from 18 Percent in 1975, BEA 78-8
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : Fourth Quarter and Year 1977, BEA 78-12
- Personal Income - January 1978, BEA 78-11
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - December and Year 1977, BEA 78-10
- Kreps Warns of Productivity Losses Caused by Regulatory Burdens, G 78-22
- Study Shows How Productivity and Economic Growth Have Been Reduced by Environmental Protection Requirements, Employee Safety Programs, and Crime, BEA 78-13
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Revised Fourth Quarter 1977, BEA 78-14
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: January 1978, BEA 78-15
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Juanita M. Kreps on the Composite Index of Leading Indicators for January 1978
- Business Plans 1978 Capital Spending of $150 1/2 Billion, BEA 78-16
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - January 1978, BEA 78-17
- Personal Income - February 1978, BEA 78-18
- Fourth Quarter 1977 : GNP and Gross Domestic Product (Revised), Corporate Profits (Preliminary), BEA 78-19
- Federal Government Deficit Increases in the Fourth Quarter 1977, BEA 78-20
- December 1977 Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Unchanged from September, BEA 78-22
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : Fourth Quarter and Year 1977, BEA 78-21
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms Plan a 10 Percent Increase in 1978 Capital Spending, BEA 78-24
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: February 1978, BEA 78-25
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - February 1978, BEA 78-26
- Personal Income - March 1978, BEA 78-27
- Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) : Preliminary First Quarter 1978, BEA 78-28
- Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised) : Fourth Quarter 1977, BEA 78-29
- Statement by Secretary Kreps on the Economy in the First Quarter
- OPEC Transactions in the U.S. International Accounts, 1972-77, BEA 78-31
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: March 1978, BEA 78-32
- Merchandise Trade in the First Quarter 1978 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 78-30
- State Personal Income, Fourth Quarter 1977, BEA 78-33
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - March 1978, BEA 78-34
- Personal Income - April 1978, BEA 78-35
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : First Quarter 1978, BEA 78-36
- First Quarter 1978 : GNP and Gross Domestic Product (Revised), Corporate Profits (Preliminary), BEA 78-37
- Federal Government Deficit Declines In First Quarter 1978, BEA 78-38
- Inclusion of Reinvested Earnings of Incorporated Affiliates in the U.S. International Accounts, BEA 78-39
- Business Plans 3-Percent Increase in Capital Spending for Pollution Abatement in 1978, BEA 78-40
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: April 1978, BEA 78-41
- 1978 Business Capital Spending Plans Raised Slightly, BEA 78-42
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - April 1978, BEA 78-43
- Personal Income - May 1978, BEA 78-44
- First Quarter 1978 : GNP and Gross Domestic Product (Revised), Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), BEA 78-45
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Increased from December to March, BEA 78-47
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : First Quarter 1978, BEA 78-46
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: May 1978, BEA 78-49
- U.S. Residents Spent Record Amount for International Travel in 1977, BEA 78-48
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - May 1978, BEA 78-50
- Personal Income - June 1978, BEA 78-51
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1978 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, BEA 78-52
- Statement by Secretary Juanita M. Kreps on the Economy in the Second Quarter 1978
- Merchandise Trade in the Second Quarter 1978 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 78-53
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: June 1978, BEA 78-54
- 1976 Personal Income for Counties and SMSA's Now Available, BEA 78-56
- State Personal Income, First Quarter 1978, BEA 78-55
- Business Statistics 1977, BEA 78-61
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - June 1978, BEA 78-57
- Personal Income - July 1978, BEA 78-58
- Second Quarter 1978 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits (Preliminary), BEA 78-60
- 12-Year Trends in U.S. Merchandise Trade Traced in New Volume, BEA 78-62
- Federal Government Deficit Declined in Second Quarter 1978, BEA 78-63
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : Second Quarter 1978, BEA 78-59
- Foreign Direct Investment in the United States Reached $34 Billion in 1977, BEA 78-64
- U.S. Direct Investment Position Abroad Increased to Almost $150 Billion at Yearend 1977, BEA 78-65
- The Net International Investment Position of the United States Declined $10.7 Billion in 1977, BEA 78-66
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: July 1978, BEA 78-67
- Business Boosts Plans for 1978 Capital Spending, BEA 78-68
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - July 1978, BEA 78-69
- Personal Income - August 1978, BEA 78-71
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : Second Quarter 1978, BEA 78-72
- Second Quarter 1978 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), BEA 78-73
- June 1978 Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Unchanged from March, BEA 78-74
- 1977 State Per Capita Personal Income, BEA 78-70
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: August 1978, BEA 78-76
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - August 1978, BEA 78-77
- Personal Income - September 1978, BEA 78-78
- Capital Spending of U.S. Companies' Foreign Affiliates to Show Strong Increase in 1978 and 1979, BEA 78-75
- Third Quarter 1978 Gross National Product (GNP): Preliminary Estimate, BEA 78-79
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: September 1978, BEA 78-80
- Merchandise Trade in the Third Quarter 1978 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 78-81
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - September 1978, BEA 78-82
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : Third Quarter 1978, BEA 78-83
- Personal Income - October 1978, BEA 78-84
- Federal Government Deficit Declines in Third Quarter 1978, BEA 78-85
- Third Quarter 1978 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits (Preliminary), BEA 78-86
- Interim Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States Begins, BEA 78-88
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: October 1978, BEA 78-87
- Business Plans Moderate Increases in Capital Spending in the First Half of 1979, BEA 78-90
- State Personal Income, Second Quarter 1978, BEA 78-89
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - October 1978, BEA 78-91
- Personal Income - November 1978, BEA 78-92
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : Third Quarter 1978, BEA 78-93
- Third Quarter 1978 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits and National Income (Revised), BEA 78-94
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Declined in September 1978, BEA 78-95
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: November 1978, BEA 78-96
- BEA Press Release Listing -- 1979
- Schedule of Release Dates : 1979
- Weekly Report on Press Releases : 1979
- New Publication Highlights Quarterly Economic Developments in the States, BEA 79-01
- Business Plans 11-Percent Increase in Capital Spending in 1979, BEA 79-02
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - November 1978, BEA 79-03
- Personal Income - December and Year 1978, BEA 79-04
- Fourth Quarter and Year 1978 Gross National Product Preliminary Estimates, BEA 79-05
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: December 1978, BEA 79-06
- Merchandise Trade in the Fourth Quarter and Year 1978 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 79-07
- Local Area Personal Income, 1971-1976, BEA 79-08
- Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales - December and Year 1978, BEA 79-09
- Personal Income - January 1979, BEA 79-10
- State Personal Income, Third Quarter 1978, BEA 79-11
- Fourth Quarter 1978 GNP (Revised), BEA 79-12
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions Fourth Quarter and Year 1978, BEA 79-13
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: January 1979, BEA 79-14
- Pollution Abatement and Control Expenditures in Constant (1972) Dollars Incresed 2 Percent in 1977, BEA 79-15
- Business Plans 1979 Capital Spending of $171 Billion, BEA 79-16
- Personal Income - February 1979, BEA 79-17
- Fourth Quarter 1978 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits (Preliminary), BEA 79-18
- Federal Deficit Declines in Fourth Quarter 1978, BEA 79-19
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : Fourth Quarter and Year 1978, BEA 79-20
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Rose in December 1978, BEA 79-21
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies Plan to Increase Capital Spending 15 Percent in 1979, BEA 79-22
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: February 1979, BEA 79-23
- Defense Purchases in Constant Dollars Declined 11.3 Percent, 1972-1977, BEA 79-24
- Personal Income - March 1979, BEA 79-25
- Gross National Product : First Quarter 1979 (Preliminary), BEA 79-26
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Juanita M. Kreps on Preliminary First Quarter 1979 Gross National Product
- Corporate Profits : Fourth Quarter 1978 (Revised), BEA 79-27
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: March 1979, BEA 79-28
- Merchandise Trade in the First Quarter 1979 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 79-29
- Business Plans 6-Percent Increase in Capital Spending for Pollution Abatement, BEA 79-30
- Personal Income - April 1979, BEA 79-31
- First Quarter 1979 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits (Preliminary), BEA 79-32
- Statement by Jerry J. Jasinowski, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Policy, on Preliminary First Quarter 1979 Corporate Profits
- 1978 State Per Capita Personal Income, BEA 79-33
- Federal Deficit Declined $2.4 Billion in First Quarter 1979, BEA 79-34
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : First Quarter 1979, BEA 79-35
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: 1979, BEA 79-36
- Business Boosts 1979 Capital Spending Plans, BEA 79-38
- 1977 Personal Income Data for Counties and SMSA's Available, BEA 79-37
- Personal Income - May 1979, BEA 79-39
- First Quarter 1979 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits (Revised), BEA 79-40
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Unchanged in March, BEA 79-41
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : First Quarter 1979, BEA 79-42
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: May 1979, BEA 79-44
- Foreign Travel Spending Sets Record in 1978, BEA 79-43
- Personal Income - June 1979, BEA 79-45
- Preliminary Second Quarter 1979 GNP and Annual Revision of National Accounts, BEA 79-46
- Statement by Chief Economist Courtenay M. Slater on Second Quarter 1979 Gross National Product
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: June 1979, BEA 79-47
- Merchandise Trade in the Second Quarter 1979 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 79-48
- State Personal Income, First Quarter 1979, BEA 79-49
- Personal Income - July 1979, BEA 79-50
- Second Quarter 1979 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits (Preliminary), BEA 79-51
- Federal Deficit Declined in Second Quarter 1979, BEA 79-52
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : Second Quarter 1979, BEA 79-53
- U.S. Direct Investment Position Abroad Nears $170 Billion at Yearend 1978, BEA 79-54
- Foreign Direct Investment in the United States Nears $41 Billion in 1978, BEA 79-55
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: July 1979, BEA 79-56
- Tracking the Regional Economic Impact of Synthetic Fuel Development, BEA 79-60
- The Net International Investment Position of the United States Increased $4.3 Billion in 1978, BEA 79-57
- Business Slightly Raises 1979 Capital Spending Plans, BEA 79-58
- Statement by Secretary of Commerce Juanita M. Kreps on Business Plans for Expenditures on New Plant and Equipment
- 1978 State Per Capita Personal Income, BEA 79-59
- Personal Income - August 1979, BEA 79-61
- Second Quarter 1979 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits (Revised), BEA 79-62
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : Second Quarter 1979, BEA 79-63
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Down in June 1979, BEA 79-64
- Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies Plan to Increase Capital Spending 15 Percent in 1980, BEA 79-65
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: August 1979, BEA 79-66
- Personal Income - September 1979, BEA 79-67
- Third Quarter 1979 : Gross National Product (Preliminary), BEA 79-68
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: September 1979, BEA 79-69
- State Personal Income, Second Quarter 1979, BEA 79-70
- Merchandise Trade in the Third Quarter 1979 : Balance of Payments Basis, BEA 79-71
- Personal Income and Outlays - October 1979, BEA 79-72
- Third Quarter 1979 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits (Preliminary), BEA 79-73
- Selected Data on U.S. International Transactions : Third Quarter 1979, BEA 79-74
- Federal Deficit Increased in Third Quarter 1979, BEA 79-75
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: October 1979, BEA 79-76
- Business Plans Continued Increases in Capital Spending Through the First Half of 1980, BEA 79-77
- Personal Income and Outlays - November 1979, BEA 79-78
- Third Quarter 1979 : GNP (Revised), Corporate Profits (Revised), BEA 79-79
- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Declined in September 1979, BEA 79-81
- Summary of U.S. International Transactions : Third Quarter 1979, BEA 79-80
- Composite Indexes of Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Indicators: November 1979, BEA 79-82
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- 2010s
- 2020s
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This material is available through a partnership between FRASER and the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
- lcc: HC101.U53
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United States. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) News Releases. 1947-2025., accessed on March 19, 2025.