Full text of Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1914-1941 : Part II
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PART II PART II MEMBER BANK STATISTICS BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS Page 687 Text. PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL D A T E S All member banks Reserve city banks Country banks Table Page Table Page Table Page BOSTON DISTRICT in 175 176 177 688 692 693 694 178 179 180 181 696 699 700 701 182 183 184 185 702 705 706 707 186 187 188 189 708 712 713 714 190 191 192 193 716 719 720 721 194 195 196 197 722 725 726 727 198 199 200 201 728 732 733 734 202 203 204 205 736 739 740 741 206 207 208 209 742 745 746 747 210 211 212 213 748 752 753 754 214 215 216 217 756 759 760 761 218 219 220 221 762 765 766 767 222 223 224 225 768 772 773 774 226 227 228 229 776 779 780 781 230 231 232 233 782 785 786 787 234 235 236 237 ' 788 792 793 794 238 239 240 241 796 799 800 801 242 243 244 245 802 805 806 807 246 247 248 249 808 812 813 814 250 251 252 253 816 819 820 821 254 255 256 257 822 825 826 827 258 259 260 261 828 832 833 834 262 263 264 265 836 839 840 841 266 267 268 269 842 845 846 847 N E W Y O R K DISTRICT PHILADELPHIA CLEVELAND — — 1 DISTRICT DISTRICT — ~ — — Classification of investments, 1928-1941. RICHMOND DISTRICT Principal assets and liabilities, 1914-1941 ^ Classification of loans, 1928-1941 Classification of investments, 1928-1941.. ATLANTA DISTRICT CHICAGO DISTRICT ST. LOUIS DISTRICT Principal assets and liabilities, 1914-1941^ 1 For reserve city and country banks these data begin with 1920 instead of 1914. MEMBER BANK STATISTICS BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS—Continued MINNEAPOLIS All member banks Reserve city banks Countrybanks Table Page Table Page Table Page DISTRICT Classification of investments, 1928-1941. S70 271 272 273 848 852 853 854 274 275 276 277 856 859 860 861 278 279 280 281 862 865 866 867 282 283 284 285 868 872 873 874 286 287 288 289 .876 879 880 881 290 291 292 293 882 885 886 887 294 295 296 297 888 892 893 894 298 299 300 301 896 899 900 901 302 303 304 305 902 905 906 907 306 307 308 309 908 912 913 914 310 311 312 313 916 919 920 921 . 314 315 316 317 922 925 926 927 K A N S A S CITY DISTRICT Principal assets and liabilities, 1914-1941 ^ Classification of loans, 1928-1941 DALLAS DISTRICT Classification of investments, 1928-1941. SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT R E S E R V E BALANCES, EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS Table 318. Member bank reserve balances, excess reserves, and borrowings, by class of bank and by Federal Reserve districts, monthly, 1929-1941 Boston District New York District Philadelphia District Cleveland District Richmond District Atlanta District Chicago District St. Louis District. Minneapolis District Kansas City District Dallas District San Francisco District 1 For reserve city and country banks these data begin with 1920 instead of 1914. \ 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 PART II MEMBER BANK STATISTICS BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS For most of the series on member bank statistics shown in Part I separate data are available for each Federal Reserve district. These detailed statistics are shown in Tables 174-318 which have been made a separate part of this book. Two classes of data are available: (1) principal assets and liabilities of member banks on call dates (similar to Tables 18-38 of Part I), which are given in Tables 174-317; and (2) member bank reserve balances, excess reserves, and borrowings, by class of bank (similar to Table 105 of Part I), which are given in Table 318. Principal assets and liabilities. The data on principal assets and liabilities of member banks in Part II are arranged first by Federal Reserve districts. For each district the tables are grouped according to three classes of banks—all member banks, reserve city banks, and coimtry banks, and for each of these classes of banks four tables are given: (1) principal assets and liabilities; (2) classification of loans; (3) classification of investments ; and (4) classification of deposits. The periods covered by tables in Part II are the same as in Part I, that is, principal assets and liabilities for all member banks cover the period 1914-1941 and classifications of loans, investments, and deposits begin with 1928 and end with 1941, except that for reserve city and for country banks the tables on principal assets and liabilities in Part II begin with May 1920, instead of June 1919 as in Part I.^ l i t ia not practicable to break down some of t h e district figures by classes of banks before M a y 4, 1920, because (1) statistics of notes and bills rediscounted by S t a t e member b a n k s are not available b y classes of banks and b y districts, and (2) t h e statistics of notes and bills rediscounted by national banks, as published, include acceptances of other banks and foreign bills of exchange sold with endorsement, which for years have not been regarded as rediscounts and which can not now b e distributed b y class of bank and by districts. Data for central reserve city banks in New York City and Chicago are not shown in Part II but are available in Tables 23-30 of Part I, Until July 1, 1922, St. Louis was a central reserve city. In the accompanying tables, however, it is classed as a reserve city and the assets and liabilities of banks located there are included with reserve city banks for the entire period. A number of changes have been made in the original boundaries of Federal Reserve districts established in 1914. As a result, the figures in Tables 174-317 for some districts are not fully comparable, since the assets and liabilities of the banks affected are included in the districts in which the banks were located on the respective call dates. A list of such changes and the approximate number of member banks affected at the time the changes were made is shown in the tabulation below. For a definition of the various items and a more complete explanation of the figures shown in Tables 174-317, see the introductory text to Section 2, page 61. Reserve balances, excess reserves^ and borrowings. Data on member bank reserve balances, excess reserves, and borrowings for each Federal Reserve district are shown in Table 318. These data also are grouped first by Federal Reserve districts and then by reserve city and country banks. For each class of bank monthly averages of daily figures are shown for total reserves, excess reserves, and borrowings. For an explanation of the items and the figures see the introductory text to Section 10, page 360. C H A N G E S I N F E D E R A L R E S E R V E D I S T R I C T B O U N D A R I E S , 1914-1941 Change Date From Federal Reserve district of— J u l y 1,1915 J u l y 1,1915 J u l y 1,1915 Apr. 1,1916 Apr. 1,1916 J a n . 1, 1917 Dec. 12,1919 Apr. 15,1926 Philadelphia Richmond Dallas Boston Dallas Minneapolis Atlanta Dallas To Federal Reserve district of— N e w York Cleveland Kansas City N e w York Atlanta Chicago St, Louis Kansas C i t y • T h e counties affected are: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren. T h e counties affected a r e : Beckham, Caddo, Carter, Comanche, Cotton, Custer, Garvin, Grady, Greer, Harmon, Haskell, Hughes, Jackson, Jefferson, Kiowa, Latimer, L e Flore, Love, McClain, Murray, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Roger Mills, Stephens, Tillman, and Washita. Territory affected 12 counties in New Jersey* Tyler and Wetzel counties i n West Virginia 26 counties in Oklaiioma»> Fairfield county in Connecticut 16 parishes in Louisiana" 25 counties in Wisconsin<^ Parts of Sharkey and Yazoo counties in T^lississipi Bernalillo and Valencia counties in New Mexico Number of member banks in territory 131 5 121 15 16 52 c T h e parishes affected are: Acadia, Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Evangeline, Iberia, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, Rapides, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. M a r y , Vermilion, and Vernon. <iThe counties affected a r e : Adams, Brown, Calumet, Clark, Door, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Jackson, Juneau, Kewaunee, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marathon, Marinette, Marquette, Monroe, Oconto, Outagamie, Portage, Shawano, Sheboygan, Waupaca, W a u s h a r a , , Winnebago, and Wood. NO. 174-BOSTON DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vatdt Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Total Loans Total U.S. Government obligations Balances with domestic banks! Cash Bal- items in ances with procforess of eign banks! collection CusBank Total premtomisesj Other ers' Secufurni- real lia- rities Other ture estate biUty bor- assets and on rowed fixacTotal tures ceptliaances bilities Number of 1914—Dec. 31.. 694 515 180 116 14 50 89 20 20 2 897 441 1915—Mar. 4... May 1 — J u n e 23.. Sept. 2... Nov. 10.. Dec. 31.. 696 723 723 819 617 639 637 619 676 179 184 116 186 200 123 137 151 ' 46 44 52 56 60 56 87 95 98 129 152 118 15 28 14 16 21 30 21 21 22 25 25 25 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 5 8 935 933 1,074 162 16 17 17 18 21 28 1.181 1,168 439 438 436 435 434 433 1916—May 1 . . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 12.. Nov. 17.. Dec. 27.. 907 933 943 976 27 36 41 56 66 53 49 56 63 55 135 97 101 99 96 60 32 21 28 23 23 23 24 24 24 1 2 2 2 2 16 19 21 19 26 1,198 1,214 1.261 1.256 1917~Mar. 5 . . . May 1... J u n e 20,. Dec. 31,. 1,015 1,005 I918~May 10.. J u n e 29.. Nov. 1,.. Dec. 3 1 . . 682 120 213 214 208 207 699 726 730 759 748 212 221 154 153 158 163 168 789 772 786 948 226 233 242 287 173 177 175 198 60 69 64 86 66 58 67 42 109 112 99 120 25 43 22 57 24 24 25 28 2 2 2 1 25 31 40 861 1.321 1.340 1,335 1,649 395 391 392 403 1,418 1,424 1,648 1.577 1,048 1,183 1,136 370 363 465 440 144 139 240 211 224 226 229 95 84 97 102 46 37 46 52 133 157 135 127 45 47 72 92 29 30 30 31 1 1 1 1 862 862 62 56 1,844 1,859 2,139 2,058 414 416 420 423 1919—Mar. 4 , . . J u n e 30.. Nov. 17.. Dec. 3 1 . . 1,602 1,072 1,219 1.297 1,337 530 451 440 442 298 200 182 186 232 251 268 256 101 110 113 114 46 44 60 58 115 116 122 126 54 79 107 107 31 32 35 35 1 2 2 2 57 71 73 92 2,022 2,145 2.256 2,331 423 429 430 432 1920—May June Nov. Dec. 4... 30.. 15.. 29.. 1.782 1,816 1,848 422 411 410 407 161 160 1.828 1.360 1,405 1,438 1,422 156 253 250 250 250 120 117 121 116 53 61 50 54 101 97 90 83 89 104 105 80 36 37 39 39 3 3 3 3 90 86 70 68 2.299 2.341 2.356 2,303 431 432 434 437 1921—Apr. 28,. J u n e 30.. Dec. 3 1 . . 1,748 1,738 1.729 1,349 1,331 1,293 398 407 436 145 146 253 261 160 276 107 104 110 43 41 38 69 72 90 57 73 78 39 39 41 6 6 7 56 46 44 2,152 2,145 2.163 436 438 436 1922—Mar. 10 June 3 0 . . . Dec. 2 9 . . . 1,754 1,840 1,941 1.298 1,291 1.361 456 550 680 173 283 327 328 110 119 129 33 33 40 82 88 86 61 96 99 41 42 44 8 10 11 36 40 55 2,148 2,292 2,438 436 433 429 1923—Apr. 3 . . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 14., Dec. 31.. 1.970 2.032 2,047 2,017 1,395 1,444 1,466 1.440 675 327 330 328 123 126 123 124 43 32 38 46 84 79 80 93 98 88 90 124 45 46 63 54 11 12 8 8 68 53 36 43 2,467 2.489 2.495 2,536 427 427 424 424 1924—Mar. 31... June 3 0 . . . Oct. 10 Dec. 3 1 . . . 2,008 2.053 1.441 1.443 1,524 1,604 567 636 630 238 249 244 243 387 122 130 136 141 39 40 39 49 74 103 103 103 101 111 98 129 56 56 57 62 9 9 10 7 55 36 33 57 2,488 2.563 2,672 2,723 421 421 419 419 1925-Apr.6.,. J u n e 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 2,174 2,234 2,304 2,362 1,548 1,602 1.670 1,692 627 632 634 670 240 233 233 247 387 399 402 422 133 141 142 141 44 43 42 45 84 89 87 105 91 115 98 155 64 64 64 64 7 7 7 6 56 38 33 46 2,709 2,788 2,809 2.952 420 420 420 420 1926—Apr. 12.. J u n e 30,. Dec. 31.. 2,374 2,409 2,428 1,669 1,690 1,708 705 719 720 275 257 237 430 462 483 144 146 148 45 43 40 91 94 92 109 146 137 65 64 65 6 8 8 52 44 43 2,916 2,983 3,007 418 416 416 1927—Mar. 23.. J u n e 30,, Oct: 10... Dec. 31.. 2,437 2.536 2,597 2,583 1,687 1,744 1,786 1.765 266 254 251 494 538 561 550 143 150 148 156 40 40 43 40 85 103 94 120 100 134 113 136 66 68 68 69 8 7 7 7 48 46 54 84 2.968 3,119 3,171 3,231 415 414 414 413 1928—Feb. 28.. J u n e 30,. Oct. 3,.,. Dec, 31.. 2.566 2,642 2,587 2,571 1,743 1,849 1,806 1,824 823 793 781 747 245 269 235 555 647 512 511 149 140 158 145 42 31 42 46 . 82 85 92 106 17 17 97 101 130 172 70 70 71 70 8 8 7 7 84 80 76 100 3,143 3 186 3,211 3,261 413 410 408 408 1929—Mar. 27 J u n e 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 2.600 2,613 2,634 1,823 1,871 1,920 1,910 777 742 715 650 265 492 476 450 434 142 140 151 143 38 29 34 43 85 85 102 143 13 11 9 12 1^6 117 146 163 70 72 72 72 7 7 7 7 81 74 80 103 3,189 3,167 3.257 407 408 407 404 1,028 1,234 1,669 1,738 1.779 2,160 2.134 2.661 1,061 217 688 681 577 610 750 792 811 222 252 248 257 253 249 817 285 266 216 1,228 3,268 408 403 400 398 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank ^ ern- Savdement® ings^ mand Other time 1914—Dec. 31.... 623 104 451 1915—Mar. 4 . . . . May 1 . . . . J u n e 23.... Sept. 2 , . . . Nov. 1 0 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 620 €68 100 664 781 883 100 126 449 479 487 564 651 641 88 1910—May 1 . . . . J u n e 30.... Sept. 1 2 , . . Nov. 1 7 . . . Dec. 2 7 . . . . 927 896 904 959 937 671 648 658 693 105 119 118 127 110 138 127 148 125 126 138 117 156 143 133 5 65 1918—May 10 J u n e 29 Nov.l Dec. 31 1,391 1,413 1,593 1,481 132 134 137 139 147 159 219 1916—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 17 Dec. 31 1,468 1,560 1,022 1,690 133 136 143 148 1920—May 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 16 Dec. 29 1,702 1,734 1,761 1,665 1921—Apr. 28 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,595 1,612 1,667 136 1922—Mar. 10 J u n e 30 Dec. 29 1,679 1,822 1,924 139 139 148 1923—Apr. 3 J u n e 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 1,930 1,963 1,977 2,023 148 1924—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,991 2,103 2,221 1925—Apr. 6 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 2,193 2,272 2,303 2,412 165 154 151 1926—Apr. 12 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 2,397 2,459 2,447 1927—Mar. 23 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,666 2 705 731 695 805 77 75 92 94 141 144 148 173 904 918 1,028 1,093 Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing 64 73 4 4 4 4 3 202 210 216 Total 200 199 202 214 212 16 116 56 54 107 Surplus ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for deprof- con- posits mand its' tinaddegen- justed 7 posits^ cies, etc.® 100 62 38 431 105 105 105 62 62 61 67 67 67 39 39 42 42 40 39 434 451 473 648 630 611 65 69 69 69 70 40 35 39 38 39 40 38 41 40 680 688 673 748 204 203 206 205 207 19 20 19 26 24 19 36 Com- Premon ferred stock stocks 200 211 128 1917—Mar. 5 . . . . 1,004 May 1_... 1,020 J u n e 20. 969 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . „ 1,166 121 Borrowings Afemoranda --- 611 616 639 665 666 29 32 46 ®64 208 214 109 70 77 78 89 •67 266 265 273 275 117 117 119 120 99 99 101 105 50 48 53 49 859 871 956 1,001 278 285 293 290 120 124 124 106 108 115 116. 53 55 54 51 968 1,027 1,119 1,116 220 »66 168 101 1,226 1,223 233 247 269 276 150 158 163 194 143 136 134 125 1,229 1,256 1,245 1,146 314 321 360 365 132 142 133 174 310 312 321 329 134 134 136 138 120 121 123 123 57 68 62 68 1,140 1,152 1,140 1,067 115 1,066 1,078 1,097 391 393 409 105 96 63 334 333 329 139 140 140 124 124 125 70 69 64 1,008 1,005 1,018 1,081 430 480 511 37 34 60 337 337 341 141 142 144 125 128 128 71 67 70 1,021 1,092 1,141 551 576 594 63 71 80 74 342 343 341 143 145 142 143 125 126 121 122 74 73 78 71 1,106 1,133 1,143 1,138 340 342 348 339 142 142 142 142 122 124 124 125 76 75 81 72 1,099 1,149 1,204 1,206 1,106 110 1,188 1,240 1,204 128 1,222 65 122 129 138 1,233 1,262 136 1,200 1,260 1,302 1,334 634 657 703 41 21 10 40 39 36 60 161 1,259 1,347 1.370 1,441 733 759 763 783 41 66 47 72 42 36 48 361 363 359 358 150 162 151 152 132 135 134 136 79 77 74 70 1,168 1,232 1,272 1,285 164 157 157 1,367 1,427 1,410 812 844 858 32 49 84 57 48 46 . 369 362 365 155 154 155 138 138 140 76 70 71 1,258 1,281 1,273 1,404 2,432 2,554 2,615 2,651 167 187 184 200 1,336 1,410 1,427 1,456 891 932 965 974 61 38 33 50 47 56 87 379 390 397 395 159 165 165 166 142 148 148 151 79 77 84 77 1,236 1,276 1,316 1,320 1,361 1,420 1,456 1,480 1928—Feb. 28 J u n e 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 3 l . . „ . . . 2,530 2,525 2,591 2,581 179 169 187 177 1.371 1,350 1,416 1,443 975 993 967 946 63 93 52 85 87 83 77 401 416 424 429 167 172 172 175 152 161 163 168 82 83 81 77 7 10 1,274 1,249 1,286 1,270 1,411 1,384 1,440 1,428 1929—Mar. 27 J u n e 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 2,486 2,461 2,544 2,576 157 163 178 191 1,339 1,338 1,410 1,460 963 936 929 913 113 123 438 435 459 454 175 176 187 193 168 163 172 177 86 83 91 72 10 13 9 11 1,213 1,221 1,264 1,297 1,338 1,347 1,395 1,426 2,226 160 175 170 35 13 20 100 61 61 102 84 77 83 106 NO. 174-BOSTON DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans tmd investments Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments CaU date Total Loans Total U.S. Government obligations Total CustomNumOther ers' Secuber lia- rities Other furm- real of ture estate bility bor- assets banks on rowed and Total acfiiliacepttures bilities ances Cash Bal- Bal- items in ances ances with with procdomes- foress eign tic of banks 1 banksi collection Bank prem- 403 401 193(>-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept, 24 Dec. 31 2,571 2,592 2,583 2,511 1,869 1,836 1,808 1,750 702 756 775 761 246 244 237 232 456 611 638 630 142 146 146 147 34 36 34 38 83 102 117 161 17 20 14 19 87 127 81 118 72 72 72 72 7 8 8 9 99 86 77 85 3,139 3,212 3,163 3,180 1931~Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 2,501 2,456 „ 2,432 2,185 1,684 1,588 1,543 1,390 817 868 889 794 262 305 330 302 555 563 559 492 140 139 144 149 31 34 37 45 151 125 125 95 32 32 19 17 69 99 74 100 72 72 72 71 10 10 10 10 67 73 50 47 3,103 3,071 2,993 2,747 387 383 373 1932-June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 2,009 . . . 2,051 1,948 1,229 1,210 1,107 780 842 841 339 403 428 441 439 413 135 126. 120 34 31 34 139 196 221 7 10 11 62 67 68 68 68 67 9 10 11 20 17 14 2,510 2,603 2,519 367 367 367 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 . . . 1,832 1,888 . . . 1,792 1,007 1,070 1,014 825 818 778 462 " 363 367 451 345 433 157 164 163 31 42 56 167 162 145 10 11 14 67 60 73 63 64 64 10 11 12 27 20 26 2,390 2,447 2,371 316 346 355 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1.935 1,891 1,944 . . . 1,885 1,037 1,057 1,038 971 898 834 905 913 553 483 554 582 345 351 351 331 207 306 262 253 65 63 92 95 148 175 185 178 7 9 9 8 53 62 81 92 65 65 65 72 13 14 15 17 25 15 16 16 2,633 2,623 2,690 2,640 366 373 376 371 1935~Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,892 1,905 1,891 . . . 1,864 995 938 940 932 896 967 951 932 552 595 590 587 345 371 361 346 295 276 313 330 89 106 109 128 194 184 217 217 6 3 8 2 69 72 112 103 72 72 71 71 18 19 20 20 13 9 8 11 2,667 365 365 365 365 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,896 2,026 . . . . 1,950 939 986 970 956 1,039 980 589 658 621 367 381 359 361 274 353 141 153 137 219 186 235 3 3 5 75 100 125 71 70 69 21 21 21 11 9 15 2,812 1937-Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 2,020 2,106 . . . . 1,949 1,031 1,077 1,006 989 1,029 943 643 699 641 346 331 302 337 336 402 118 58 57 174 141 186 5 4 5 97 106 103 69 69 23 19 18 19 19 11 2,876 2,870 2,811 360 360 367 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,942 1,885 . . . 1,890 . . 1,896 988 961 939 915 954 924 951 981 653 626 648 683 301 298 303 298 430 390 414 391 60 145 154 163 197 230 219 243 5 6 3 2 65 87 72 95 68 68 68 67 18 18 18 26 10 6 7 10 2,809 2,844 2,855 2,905 357 357 357 356 2,662 2.761 2.762 2,856 2,926 193&-Mar.29 . . . . JuneSO...... Oct. 2 . Dec. 30 1,891 1,911 1,933 1,923 923 937 964 979 968 975 969 944 666 671 675 676 302 304 294 268 434 497 572 543 165157 166 169 232 260 296 301 2 2 2 1 77 97 103 103 67 67 66 66 26 26 25 25 9 8 7 9 2,915 3,037 3,185 3,159 356 355 353 353 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 1,919 1,924 1,972 993 999 1,032 926 925 940 648 641 678 278 284 262 612 708 769 171 164 182 300 330 361 1 1 1 82 80 150 66 65 64 24 22 19 10 9 9 3,195 3,310 3,527 350 360 350 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 2,074 2,181 2,267 2,362 1,077 1,153 1,200 1,217 997 1,029 1,067 1,145 713 745 795 897 283 283 273 248 785 692 686 566 167 181 189 181 348 349 371 336 100 118 112 179 64 64 64 64 19 18 17 13 g 9 9 9 3,575 3,621 3,727 3,722 349 347 348 347 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "balances with domestic banks" prior to May 4, 1920, and in "other assets" frnm XTav d 1920, through June 30, 1928. ^ ® Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits > Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938-before bef( that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. ' FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941-Conlinued [Amounts in millions of dollarsl • Deposits CaU date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank s ern- savdements ings^ mand BorrowOther time Accept- Other ances Uaout- biUstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand tinits" addegen- justed^ posits' ciea, etc. 6 1930—Mar. 27 June 30. Sept. 24 Dec. 31 2,465 . . . 2,557 . 2,525 2,533 178 214 211 234 24 23 23 24 5 7 6 7 1,308 1,341 1,285 1.305 950 972 1,000 964 101 90 78 89 76 69 71 67 460 465 470 457 194 197 196 196 179 182 181 179 77 73 77 69 10 13 15 12 1,220 1,214 1,204 1,187 1,337 1.352 1.321 1.310 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. Dec. 31 .. . 2,489 2,466 2,394 2,143 222 220 200 174 55 28 25 12 10 11 12 19 1,211 1,226 1,182 1,106 990 982 975 833 70 75 52 49 70 66 66 57 457 448 449 430 196 195 194 189 178 170 168 162 72 61 64 52 11 23 23 28 1,143 1,127 1,109 1,005 1.259 1.257 1,210 1,125 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1.997 2,107 2,040 162 185 205 20 40 26 33 41 41 994 1,052 1,015 787 789 754 23 19 15 62 63 63 390 386 376 176 176 176 143 140 136 44 45 43 27 24 21 932 985 947 1,005 1,053 1,014 1933—June 30 Oct. 25Dec. 30 1,936 1,990 1,919 195 193 195 59 61 76 49 44 33 956 994 958 676 699 658 29 23 29 61 59 58 351 361 355 167 173 168 4 5 9 130 130 118 34 36 31 16 16 29 889 933 885 978 1,020 997 1934^Mar. 5 June 30. Oct. 1 7 . „ ' . - . . Dec. 3 1 _ . „ . . . 2,070 2.169 2,237 2,195 208 227 248 223 143 129 79 113 34 20 11 12 1,000 1,076 1.182 1,151 685 717 717 695 27 17 16 17 59 60 55 55 371 373 377 369 172 170 169 167 14 26 30 32 121 118 117 115 35 32 36 33 29 26 26 22 947 1,014 1,101 1,058 1,068 1,150 1,252 1,206 ' 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 2,227 2,245 2,362 2,359 249 251 276 281 85 51 20 25 11 9 8 S 1,182 1,235 1,362 1,354 701 699 696 691 14' 10 9 13 51 31 11 14 373 373 377 374 167 166 139 139 32 32 32 32 115 116 143 144 35 35 38 37 22 24 24 24 1-,113 1,163 1,250 1,251 1,262 1,322 1,328 1,342 1936-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 2.401 2,449 2,511 303 286 296 14 35 25 8 7 5 1,381 1,426 1,506 695 695 679 12 11 16 21 17 18 375 378 378 138 139 140 31 29 25 144 144 147 39 40 43 24 24 23 1,306 1,326 1,382 1,406 1,463 1.471 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 2,451 2,446 2,396 264 248 239 8 51 47 5 5 5 1,489 1.452 1.435 686 689 671 22 21 12 15 19 16 382 382 384 141 141 141 23 22 21 149 151 152 46 45 46 23 23 24 1,392 1,347 1,333 1,492 1,505 1,432 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 2,396 2.432 2.442 2,490 258 270 269 299 28 13 18 25 4 4 4 3 1,439 1,485 1,496 1,519 667 660 655 643 11 7 8 11 15 18 16 15 385 385 388 388 141 141 141 140 20 20 20 19 153 153 153 154 47 47 49 49 24 24 24 25 1,374 1,398 1,424 1,425 1,464 1,453 1,494 1,506 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30. 2,497 2,618 2,769 . . . . 2,741 317 339 393 379 28 28 26 29 3 2 2 2 1,497 1,594 1,702 1,694 652 655 646 637 10 9 9 11 15 17 14 15 392 391 393 391 140 140 140 140 19 18 17 17 154 155 155 156 52 51 52 51 27 27 29 28 1,420 1,497 1,599 1,587 1,633 1,605 1,723 1,696 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 2,775 2,887 3,106 388 429 459 27 26 27 2 1 1 1,714 1,788 1,981 644 643 638 11 10 10 14 20 16 394 391 395 140 140 140 16 15 15 156 156 156 53 53 55 29 28 28 1,632 1,708 1,830 1,750 1,834 1,955 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 3,149 3,191 3,298 3; 292 462 446 479 419 22 26 25 31 1 . 2,018 1 2,076 1 2.146 1 2,210 647 642 647 631 10 11 10 10 17 21 17 19 397 397 401 401 140 139 140 140 14 14 14 14 157 158 158 160 57 57 59 57 29 29 30 30 1,918 1,958 2,033 2,031 2,055 2,081 2,167 2,146 tn mp n JSf U m f whin f L f ? Tic-h/dl P^nifel provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requireAugust 23. 1936, b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking deposits Were made were amended so as to conform to the de^nition of time deposits. ^^/ 1 Qi-T ; ^ ^ ^ chained from time to time; see introductory text, p, 71. I For defimtions of deniand d e p ^ i t s adjusted" and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. 8 Includes customers' liabihty to State member banks under letters of credit. t, p. iw »Includes letters of credit issued by State member banks. NO. 175-BOSTON DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 (In millions of dollarsl Loans on securities, except to banks Open market paper To brokers and dealers Acceptances Call date Total loans Commercial ATotal 1 Ovra Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances ances^ of other banks Bills Total 272 281 520 540 577 597 284 280 274 277 279 278 54 88 78 537 553 546 541 46 28 19 4 57 54 67 47 522 504 484 443 269 267 264 254 651 719 106 1,824 1929-Mar. 27.. June 29., Oct. 4... Dec. 3!.. 1,823 1,871 1,920 1,910 721 740 813 796 79 70 106 97 1930-Mar. 27. June 30., Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 1,869 1,836 1,808 1,750 109 98 114 135 756 749 746 673 123 95 112 1931-Mar. 25. June 30.. Sept. 29. Dec. 31.. 1,684 1,588 1,543 1,390 152 625 586 570 494 1932-June 30., Sept. 30. Dec. 31.. 1,229 1933-June30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30,. 51 75 94 Total 451 499 1,806 97 Outside New York City In New York City 1928-Oct. 3..., Dec. 31.. 122 To others Re^ estate loans 121 130 130 102 102 On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks 796 745 264 273 720 774 770 727 266 270 281 272 Other loans! 272 270 273 703 683 640 642 262 257 247 619 594 595 542 222 512 481 415 260 65 382 387 377 350 347 336 231 231 229 1,007 1,070 1,014 64 92 71 322 323 341 290 280 285 213 219 204 208 214 394 425 388 1934-Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 1.037 1,057 1.038 971 84 78 338 354 291 279 275 270 206 204 199 196 202 401 417 414 359 193a-Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1-.. Dec. 31.. 995 938 940 932 78 86 86 302 290 283 267 258 258 249 195 192 191 189 1936-Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 939 986 970 90 90 103 280 290 285 244 244 237 183 187 192 184 1937-:Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31,. 1,031 1,077 1,006 144 141 115 278 232 236 225 191 194 193 186 190 189 413 456 436 1938-Mar. 7,.. June 30.. Sept. 28.. 961 101 217 210 208 193 192 192 188 187 188 426 432 415 1,210 1,107 88 104 91 281 257 ke 118 232 97 Open market paper Call date Total loans Commercial loans Agricultural loans Acceptances payable in U. S. Loans for purchasing or carding securities CommerTo Total cial broTo Own Accept* abroad paper kers others accept- ances bought and ances of other dealers banks 1938—Dec. 31.. 915 337 923 937 964 079 347 1940—Mar. 26 June 29,, Dec. 31 „ 993 999 1,032 399 418 1941—Apr. 4S.June 30.. Sept. 24=. Dec.3U, 1,077 1,153 1,200 1.217 508 123 101 '54^ '149" "l3i" 18 68 33 46 '357 78 103 27 39 84 » Reporting banks' "own acceptances" are included in "other loans' prior to December 1931. 191 384 363 370 370 188 187 185 377 412 387 182 188 Real estate loans BilU 1 9 3 ^ M a r . 29.. June 30,, Oct. 22.. Dec. 30_. 200 195 192 Total On farm land On residential property Other Loans to banks Other loans 191 127 192 194 127 127 197 129 198 202 129 131. 241 240 203 134 261 "206 '133' 256 59 207 208 219 64 225 NO. 176^BOSTON DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON GALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] TJ. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 781 747 235 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4_ Dec. 31 777 742 715 650 265 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 702 756 775 761 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 Billsi Notes Other domestic securities Obligations Bonds, notes, and of debentures States Guarand anteed polit- Total Government ical agencies subnot Bonds diviRailUtil- Other guar- roadgs ities' sions anteed byU.S.2 Corporate stocks Foreign securities F. R. Bank Other 26 26 199 187 418 419 77 74 148 147 128 129 10 10 55 60 63 63 70 67 63 62 137 131 124 123 128 122 118 110 10 10 11 12 58 56 54 48 60 57 53 56 27 30 228 226 216 189 404 386 370 355 246 244 237 232 27 22 15 17 207 207 207 190 369 402 421 425 59 70 74 77 139 147 153 159 111 118 120 114 12 12 12 12 49 55 62 64 58 66 66 65 817 262 305 16 22 20 199 868 216 262 80 81 85 84 157 165 161 145 122 108 105 92 12 12 12 12 65 66 65 59 67 62 65 60 266 225 iin 5 years or less 22 18 285 Total securities matur- 41 435 -433 428 391 149 241 253 239 55 60 42 339 332 325 70 70 70 127 126 121 80 76 72 12 11 11 51 50 61 46 47 46 462 451 433 172 142 123 213 255 249 63 60 44 263 272 272 58 61 52 99 101 97 54 57 62 10 10 10 42 43 51 37 35 30 834 905 913 553 482 531 550 218 160 246 47 197 231 296 57 54 270 268 270 253 12 27 26 20 54 58 61 63 100 98 98 95 49 42 41 41 11 11 11 11 45 33 33 24 ' 28 28 25 24 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 967 951 932 513 546 532 529 217 257 260 286 214 293 212 74 94 83 70 253 256 255 253 22 18 15 15 65 68 69 70 93 94 95 96 39 42 44 40 11 11 9 9 23 23 23 23 18 21 23 23 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 956 1,039 980 528 294 291 219 284 326 88 94 77 257 267 263 19 19 11 73 76 74 89 92 96 43 44 46 9 9 9 22 26 25 22 20 20 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1,029 943 586 640 584 230 188 329 328 351 79 77 63 245 234 221 11 11 11 73 69 63 85 81 73 42 40 37 9 9 9 24 23 26 22 20 17 954 924 S51 599 570 586 625 178 179 163 364 388 405 461 71 75 79 84 214 207 208 200 10 9 10 12 62 60 59 57 71 67 66 68 36 36 39 38 9 9 9 9 26 25 25 16 16 16 16 14 107 91 473 97 975 969 944 585 590 594 585 13 14 56 55 63. 61 36 34 9 9 15 15 13 13 506 102 102 82 192 189 171 13 53 51 30 9 15 15 283 1940—Mar. 26® June 29 Dec. 31 925 940 559 557 585 162 156 19 16 48 48 46 43 25 24 9 9 15 16 14 14 299 332 1941—Apr. 46.June 30 Sept. 246 Dec. 31 997 1,029 1,067 1,145 632 671 785 889 794 29 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 780 842 841 339 403 428 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 825 778 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 818 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 193&-Mar. 29 June 30 Oct.2« Dec. 30 - 601 562 43 81 186 618 84 55 286 287 208 ' 6330 6304 S306 475 485 84 93 107 92 540 95 113 124 114 122 111 149 15 45 41 23 9 15 12 371 641 112 90 147 20 42 39 24 9 13 12 401 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 19293 Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. 3 Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and intere^ W e r e ^ s s u ^ ^ u n h l jn 1939-1943." A classification of securities by maturity was not required before December 1938. ® Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and autumn call dates. NO. 177-BOSTON DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CUSSfFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total 1928~Oct. 3 Dec.31 1,617 . . 1,627 U.S. Government Time IndiInterbank States C|rti- vid, and uals, politand par1> ical offi- ,nerTotal subcers' ehips, Do- Fordivi- checks, corpomestic eign sions etc. rations, etc. ChristCertifimas cates Open Bavof actngi? de- counts' and posit similar accounts" Foreign 163 149 23 26 15 9 73 73 31 43 1,312 1,327 973 953 959 937 786 791 107 971 950 945 932 956 924 921 905 798 779 764 747 97 101 1,027 995 941 964 993 955 756 756 765 763 119 136 159 157 1,019 1,013 1,003 853 981 975 968 827 773 767 770 703 164 159 147 822 783 786 751 656 647 641 101 643 558 589 568 71 46 38 584 594 596 595 47 598 598 64 50 47 47 1,516 1,511 1,599 1,644 136 136 150 157 19 18 18 19 20 19 20 8 60 47 76 84 31 34 39 44 1,248 1,257 1,296 1,332 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,497 1,559 1,499 1,538 145 173 167 189 20 21 24 21 24 23 23 24 68 70 62 87 30 32 21 30 1,209 1,239 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,469 1,453 1,391 1,289 184 182 157 159 18 18 26 13 55 28 26 12 67 56 61 70 22 26 23 26 1,122 1932-June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,175 1,274 1,243 156 178 198 4 4 4 20 40 26 47 60 61 17 18 16 974 832 797 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1,209 1,243 1,226 190 186 189 3 3 3 69 61 76 57 97 79 21 20 17 878 877 861 727 747 694 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,347 1,428 1,505 1,483 201 220 240 217 3 3 3 3 143 129 79 113 83 81 107 98 18 19 23 24 976 1.052 1,029 723 741 733 712 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,512 1,634 1,655 1,656 241 242 264 269 4 5 9 8 85 51 20 25 105 100 167 111 24 21 33 30 1936—Mar. 4 Jime 30 Dec. 31 1,694 1,744 1,825 292 273 285 7 10 8 14 35 25 124 116 113 29 30 40 1937-Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1,758 1,750 . . . 1,718 254 236 223 8 9 9 8 61 47 133 117 105 1938-Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,723 1,766 1,781 1,841 247 259 253 273 10 10 14 25 28 13 18 25 193&-Mar. 29 June 30 Oct.2» Dec. 30 1,839 1,968 2,118 2,100 290 309 360 363 26 28 32 16 mo-Mar. 26» 2,126 2,240 2,464 371 414 436 15 14 22 For footnotes see end of table. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Domestic 192^Mar.27. .... June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 June 29 Dec. 31 U. S. States Gov- and ern- politment ical and subpostal diviaavinifflt 1,202 1,187 1,143 1,099 1,011 1.053 1,115 Total 714 711 707 702 692 688 1,353 706 705 686 687 687 672 32 33 30 1,323 1,303 1,299 678 119 119 120 349 25 33 27 28 1,296 1,334 1,349 1,342 673 666 649 656 649 638 26 26 25 27 149 146 127 131 27 34 32 40 1,321 1,414 1,543 1,524 658 660 650 641 647 650 642 633 25 25 25 149 134 142 29 32 40 1,535 649 647 642 639 639 634 1,162 1,213 1,228 1,281 1,622 1,798 661 686 Sav- 600 601 102 87 61 59 52 604 611 50 46 31 616 614 30 37 34 602 597 597 602 31 32 24 25 25 601 26 602 20 604 57 10 NO. 177-BOSTON DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS. CUSSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 19Z8-1941-Contmued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Total Domestic Foreign U.S. Government 2,499 2,546 2,647 2,658 440 423 456 397 21 22 22 22 20 24 23 29 CaUdate 1941—Apr. 4« June 30 Sept. 24' Dec. 31 Time IndividStates Certiuals, and fied partpolitand nerical offiTotal su1> cers* ships, divi- checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. 156 148 163 158 38 45 42 54 1,824 1,883 1,940 1,999 651 646 651 634 U. S. Gov- States ernand ment poii^ and ical Do- For- postal submestic eign sav- diviings! sions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 ToUl 643 640 644 628 Savings Christmas Certifi- Open savcates ings acof de- counts* and posit similar accounts* 601 18 10 10 604 12 9 3 1 United States Treasiirer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. ® "Christmaa savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounte" before June 1933. » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO. 178-BOSTON DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS. lAmounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments hivestmenits Call date Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Balances with for- Total CusCash Bank tomitems premOther ers' Secuin Numlia- rities Other proc- furni- real ber ess ture estate biUty bor- assets of on rowed ofand banks accollec- fixTotal cepttion tures liaances bilities Total U. S. Government obligations 690 724 740 749 102 92 85 80 39 30 25 19 64 62 60 60 69 65 65 63 15 15 15 18 38 36 28 30 1,101 1,127 1,119 1,103 23 23 24 25 759 739 731 684 658 634 74 81 97 15 15 24 60 65 73 59 56 60 14 12 12 21 27 37 986 970 977 27 28 28 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 735 777 823 636 622 664 99 155 159 30 69 73 69 86 85 61 66 71 9 9 11 32 38 34 73 75 956 1,041 1,118 28 26 25 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept, 14 Dec. 31 817 844 848 819 677 697 706 685 140 147 142 134 59 66 63 59 81 81 79 76 67 69 65 65 8 8 8 10 30 34 28 33 66 90 1,104 1,108 1,091 1,107 24 24 21 21 1924-Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 800 824 892 870 677 669 729 723 123 156 162 147 51 65 60 57 71 91 102 90 64 69 76 79 8 8 9 12 28 47 37 41 75 83 73 94 1,074 1,113 1,178 1,220 21 22 22 22 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28. Dec. 31 884 915 937 983 739 767 794 810 145 148 143 174 56 53 52 71 89 95 90 103 72 76 74 78 10 9 8 12 32 39 36 44 66 1,200 1,242 1,215 1,328 22 22 21 21 1926—Apr .12 June 30 Dec. 31 977 1,000 988 781 794 795 195 206 193 93 82 70 102 124 124 75 79 80 10 9 10 31 40 39 78 113 1,278 1,338 1,329 20 20 20 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 971 1,047 1,075 1,078 765 812 836 837 - 206 235 239 241 88 91 86 106 118 144 163 135 75 81 76 86 8 9 9 10 35 49 37 54 73 1,279 1,388 1,401 1,467 20 20 20 20 192&-Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1,056 1,094 1,060 1,053 819 883 840 858 237 211 219 195 105 87 105 78 131 124. 114 117 79 78 84 82 9 7 9 10 33 37 33 52 68 1,395 1,417 1,428 1,491 20 20 20 18 1929-Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1,075 1,100 1,109 1,081 838 877 902 923 237 223 207 168 125 108 107 66 112 115 100 92 74 76 81 79 7 6 7 8 ' 45 39 53 82 81 108 117 1,439 1,431 1,495 1,526 18 18 19 19 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1.092 1,095 1,08V 1,062 895 870 853 838 197 225 228 224 93 91 88 83 104 134 140 -141 77 79 78 85 6 7 5 7 40 50 59 78 58 91 55 79 1,439 1,477 1,423 1,470 18 18 17 16 1931—Mar. 25 June 30. Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,051 1,009 998 841 787 702 685 593 264 307 313 247 104 133 134 113 161 174 179 134 75 75 79 95 5 5 8 12 61 57 60 46 46 48 64 1,392 1,373 1,318 1,176 16 16 16 13 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 ' Dec. 31 756 828 769 493 505 445 264 324 324 149 203 219 115 121 105, 84 73 66 7 7 8 88 123 138 37 43 40 1,049 1,149 1,091 11 11 11 1933—June 30 Oct. 2.5 Dec. 30 780 803 775 425 473 458 354 330 316 238 219 211 116 111 106 100 87 90 8 10 27 91 85 68 43 36 45 1,108 1,096 1,090 11 11 10 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 828 766 803 769 444 463 452 418 384 303 350 351 287 207 254 258 97 95 97 93 127 213 164 161 24 37 59 60 55 68 68 69 31 35 47 54 1,140 1,186 1,209 1,182 10 11 12 12 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 781 801 769 755 442 394 398 402 339 407 371 353 235 276 261 258 104 131 110 95 190 176 209 227 58 78 82 90 75 67 75 84 43 43 69 59 1,208 1,215 1,253 1,265 12 12 12 12 193fr-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 783 8.55 797 409 445 442 374 410 355 262 290 257 112 120 98 246 173 217 109 113 102 77 70 77 43 59 1,307 1,319 1,321 12 12 11 Total Loans 1920-May4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 792 816 824 829 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 72 61 82 73 m 67 95 126 95 66 29 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Othpr bank 2 ern- savdement* ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liabiUoutstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand vided for deprof- conits 6 tinadgen- justed" cies, etc." Net demand deposits' 1920—May 4 J u n e 30. Nov. 15 Dec. 29 774 799 800 748 110 105 103 97 9 12 13 16 639 626 575 42 42 58 61 104 100 135 132 134 137 143 53 54 55 56 541 558 542 1921—Apr. 28 J u n e 30. Dec. 31 703 715 752 88 83 107 15 17 16 533 547 554 67 69 73 72 58 35 145 144 140 57 57 57 490 493 1922—Mar. 10 J u n e 30 Dec. 29 753 838 882 108 109 117 18 10 14 548 615 640 16 112 145 142 142 58 58 58 502 542 565 1923—Apr. 3 J u n e 30.. Sept. 14 Dec. 31 845 867 855 880 lib 97 101 108 15 27 17 18 127 142 142 137 132 58 59 56 56 534 562 544 538 1924—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 859 933 999 1,006 105 129 140 134 15 21 32 30 599 637 654 679 139 146 173 163 134 134 136 131 56 57 57 57 1925—Apr. 6.. J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 968 1,014 1,004 1,083 127 120 119 122 25 9 13 22 625 682 725 216 148 147 144 144 65 65 64 65 560 680 192 204 192 1926-Apr. 12.. J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,054 1,106 1,068 123 119 118 47 26 18 672 738 705 212 150 148 148 68 68 68 594 625 605 706 1927—Mar. 23 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,043 1,128 1,145 1,192 127 149 142 158 32 21 33 18 652 702 692 723 233 256 278 294 155 165 71 77 77 78 579 606 612 627 680 721 727 758 1928—Feb. 28 J u n e 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . . 1,092 1,094 1,134 1,143 138 131 145 139 4 11 11 6 670 281 697 731 290 277 264 169 183 78 84 84 85 602 662 595 715 702 732 727 1929-Mar. 27. June 2 9 . . . . . . Oct. 4. Dec. 31. 1,085 1,073 1,125 1,172 125 131 143 153 15 14 15 5 673 268 668 709 757 256 255 254 1930—Mar. 27 J u n e 30 Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 1,100 1,157 1,118 1,152 141 172 166 185 19 17 17 21 664 272 682 281 633 670 299 272 1931—Mar. 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31. 1,098 1,083 1,032 907 168 163 154 133 45 20 11 6 626 597 568 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 853 953 902 122 144 157 13 25 16 526 578 542 163 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 912 902 889 152 149 148 42 46 61 526 533 521 163 151 144 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 939 997 1,022 998 154 171 190 173 117 102 60 85 511 565 1935—Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,026 1,036 1,075 1,082 192 196 220 217 62 37 7 10 1936-Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,117 1,134 1,131 233 215 223 5 15 8 .. 612 79 104 606 114 623 120 128 610 628 14 34 223 227 168 167 188 191 81 75 195 191 81 211 103 208 97 87 76 208 209 207 203 102 204 265 192 67 73 50 47 101 101 101 174 22 165 15 164 28 22 28 155 155 164 26 166 16 163 164 600 144 156 153 138 631 669 716 723 140 134 132 133 13 10 8 744 771 779 134 132 618 280 268 182 121 512 524 554 581 585 600 607 611 602 605 640 680 691 706 736 591 578 591 699 700 673 681 554 560 549 504 649 661 629 593 85 85 85 489 535 502 541 584 546 85 85 483 497 476 552 566 565 480 530 571 546 586 647 701 667 161 162 588 719 766 12 164 164 647 664 11 10 15 164 165 166 701 712 710 86 18 16 16 202 204 195 166 160 85 85 97 103 103 101 101 96 82 578 587 601 626 873 865 NO 178-BOSTON DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments ReBalserves Cash ances with in with Federal vault domesOther Reserve tic secu- Bank banks rities Investments CaU date Total U. S. Government obligations 471 499 455 368 406 342 275 322 269 93 84 73 202 191 258 80 21 808 768 752 767 443 425 410 409 366 343 342 358 290 264 263 289 76 79 79 68 287 261 270 245 111 753 771 787 786 409 410 428 436 344 361 358 350 275 287 287 291 70 73 71 59 278 343 383 364 127 782 777 800 444 439 470 338 339 331 272 270 275 66 68 56 427 508 519 128 846 912 959 1,007 496 543 578 602 351 369 381 405 283 303 318 354 67 66 62 51 538 455 434 315 Total Loans 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 839 905 797 1938-Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 193&—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 1940-Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 1941-Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 ,.. , Balances with for- Total CUBCash Bank assets tomitems Other era- Secuin Numproc- furni- real lia. rities Other ber ess estate bility bor- assets of on rowed of Inl banks accollec- fixTotal cepts tion tures liaances biUties 1,292 1,277 1.246 26 26 1,262 1,309 1.279 1,314 113 127 126 127 130 10 1,506 1,589 1,673 128 131 130 131 133 122 1,693 1,692 1.724 1,678 92 Deposits CaUdatc Total 1937-Mar. 31. June 30„ Dec. 31.. 1,096 1938—Mar. 7 , . June 30.. Sept. 28., Dec. 31.. 193&-Mar, 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2.,., ff Dec. 30... 1,266 1940-Mar: 26.. June 29.. Dec. 31.., l&41-Apr. 4..., June 30.. Sept. 24., Dec. 31.. Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other banks ern- savdement' ings* mand Other tune AcBor- ceptrow- ances ings outstanding Other HabiUties Total 195 181 184 779 741 725 120 114 108 1,074 1,123 1,093 1,125 202 743 793 769 778 108 1,137 1,232 1,299 256 275 316 301 770 846 883 173 173 174 174 1,314 1,395 1,481 306 346 911 954 1,023 176 173 176 1,499 1,496 1,530 1,481 358 385 335 1,046 1,049 1,058 1,058 176 175 177 177 1,080 1,057 216 214 239 1,326 1,421 1.487 1,457 10 107 103 10 Com- Pre- Surmon ferred plus stock stock® Memoranda ReDeUndimand Net vided fer dedeprof- con- posits mand its® tinaddegen- justed T posits' cies, etc.« 167 167 170 724 682 671 170 170 171 171 710 744 731 728 877 7^6 791 822 923 1,001 1,072 1,047 913 933 994 987 992 960 864 . 833 905 1,108 1,179 1,220 1,280 1,263 1,296 1,213 i "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" orior to Octnbpr a IQ9« Before October 3, 1928, interbank deposits were reported as^"due to b a n S " and 4 r e .. K ^ ' Includes Umted States Tre^urer's time deposits, open account. Such ac^^unte were m demand deposits. United States Government deposits were demand deposits. accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all by me;^beybanks-refo7e banks do not issue them). P r d e J r ^ d S was not issued ® The com^ition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time ^^ 7 For defimtions of "demand deposits adjusted" and "net demand deposite"^e introduct^^^^ NO. 179-BOSTON DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollaw] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans Commercial Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances of other banks To brokers and dealers Bills Total In New York City Outside New York City To others 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31. 840 858 309 374 77 73 185 224 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4,., Dec. 31. 838 877 . 901 923 343 367 401 400 56 55 210 226 76 239 252 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24, Dec. 31. 895 870 853 838 77 67 82 113 377 377 370 324 104 85 209 217 101 212 51 214 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 787 702 685 125 96 71 36 281 44 201 1932—June 30, Sept. 30. Dec. 31, 493 505 445 51 67 54 162 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 425 473 458 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 74 82 253 248 208 26 191 14 3 182 Heal estate loans Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans^ 94 365 368 340 315 295 165 258 272 231 158 119 128 120 222 209 169 50 71 55 130 132 157 105 93 106 186 216 444 463 452 418 52 42 49 45 143 102 162 142 147 97 100 98 198 214 1935—Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31, 442 394 398 402 44 37 148 139 130 101 100 102 206 176 126 97 192 1936—Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 409 445 442 128 140 134 96 99 90 197 217 213 1937—Mar. 31. June 30, Dec. 31. 471 499 455 133 135 117 91 95 218 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. 443 425 410 111 102 146 Total loans Commercial 1938—Dec. 31_ 409 199 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30._ Oct, 2 ! . . Dec. 30.. 409 410 428 436 199 205 230 1940—Mar. 26 June 29.. Dec. 31,. 444 439 470 235 253 1941—Apr. 4®. _ June 30_ Sept. 24 Dec. 31,. 496 543 578 602 316 216 181 186 247 240 233 233 220 104 Open market paper CaU date 193 357 Agricultural loans Acceptances pa^ •able in J. S. Total 45 Loans for purchasing or carding securities ComTo merbrocial To kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers of other banks 18 Real estate loans Bills 23 30 15 Total 37 On farm land On residential Other property ' 16 Loans to banks Other loans 82 85 85 43 12 27 25 10 38 23 88 97 99 57 109 108 NO. 180-BOSTON DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES. 1928*1941 [In millions of dollarsl Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total BillB» Notes ObligaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States Guar- and anteed pclit- Total Government ical agencies subnot Rail- Util- Other Bonds diviguar- roads® ities' sions anteed byU.S.' Corporate stocks Foreign securities F, R. Bank Other l92S-()ct. Doc. 31.. 219 195 105 78 96 100. 15 13 14 14 31 34 5 5 32 34 11 10 1929^-Mar. 27. June 29.. Oft. 4 . . . Dec. 31.. 237 223 207 157 125 96 92 86 76 13 13 14 14 15 14 16 15 31 30 24 22 5 5 5 6 33 30 27 20 9 9 7 10 1930-Mar. 27. June 30., Sopt. 24. Dec. 31.. 197 226 228 93 91 224 S3 98 99 • 107 11 16 18 20 23 26 26 32 23 26 28 26 6 6 6 6 20 23 21 22 11 15 13 17 I031~Mar. 25,.. June 30,,.. Sept. 29 Dec. 31..,. 264 307 313 247 104 133 134 113 10 87 65 113 116 117 98 22 24 26 26 30 35 34 27 31 27 27 20 6 6 6 6 24 24 24 19 19 18 24 21 1932—June 30., Sept. 30. Dec, 31.. 264 324 324 149 203 219 23 43 93 76 96 91 71 72 73 16 16 17 22 24 22 16 16 16 5 5 5 11 11 11 13 14 14 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 354 330 317 238 219 118 67 67 73 100 211 86 i*) 66 67 78 15 15 11 20 19 15 14 17 21 5 5 5 11 11 26 13 12 10 1934—Mar. 5 . . June 30,. Oct. 17.. Dcc. 31.. 384 303 350 351 287 207 250 255 138 95 136 156 85 79 72 64 65 62 9 12 12 11 10 11 12 12 16 16 16 15 14 10 10 11 5 5 5 5 19 10 10 8 10 12 10 11 1935—Mar. 4 , . June 29.. Nov. 1 . . Dcc. 31.. 339 407 371 353 1936-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 3 1 . „ , 374 410 355 1937-Mar. 31 June 30_., Doc. 31,... 406 342 1938-Mar. 7 June 30..,. Sept. 28... Doc. 31.... 366 343 342 358 281 247 244 270 1939—Mar. 29 June 30,.„ Oct. 2»..,, Dec. 30..., 344 361 358 350 243 257 263 248 194(>-Mar. 26® Juno 29 Dec. 31 338 339 331 245 244 241 226 221 351 369 381 405 249 258 1941-Apr. 4« June 30„ Sept, 24" Dcc. 31 108 107 66 1 8 3 229 151 268 182 250 247 176 178 75 64 56 57 62 65 56 55 13 12 9 8 13 12 11 12 13 14 12 13 10 13 11 11 5 5 4 4 8 8 8 8 5 10 • 10 10 253 178 170 116 63 98 122 57 63 55 11 12 5 12 13 ,12 12 13 12 11 10 11 4 4 4 8 11 12 9 9 9 49 44 44 5 4 6 12 10 7 10 8 5 8 8 8 4 4 4 11 11 13 10 9 8 168 209 41 41 41 40 5 4 6 6 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 8 4 4 4 4 13 13 13 8 7 7 7 4 213 234 37 37 6 8 6 6 6 6 7 6 4 4 8 8 4 4 6 4 8 4 3 3 4 4 8 9 4 3 282 249 267 311 260 84 122 118 120 139 150 166 262 5 8 4 4 ^tur- ing in 5 years or less 6128 '107 '108 96 101 235 3 4 9 3 124 271 3 4 7 2 "126" 268 312 33 Total securities early 1 > Included in and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only first issued in T„lv lo^l and replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, havo bf^on classified as not guaranteed " ^ 3 Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bond.s, notes, and debentures thereafter debentures. No such securities (guarantek as to both principal and s This is the amount reported a'i "maturing in 1939.1943." A classification of securities by maturity was not required before Dect^mbpr loqs «Beginnmg with October 1939 a detailed class.hcation of securities has not been required as of spring and autumn cSldater^^ NO. 181-BOSTON DISTRICT-PRESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiInterbank U. S. States States Certi- vidand Gov- and fied uals, ern- politpolitand part^ ment ical Total ical offinersubDo- For- and cers' subships. mestic eign postal dividivi- checks. corposav- sions sions etc. rations, ings! etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. ChristCertifi. mas cates Open savacof ings de- counts® and posit similar accounts® Total 1928—Oct. 3 „ . . Dec. 31-- 854 875 123 112 23 26 11 6 38 32 15 26 645 672 280 268 275 260 164 162 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4 . - . Dec. 31_- 813 805 857 902 105 105 115 121 19 17 18 19 15 14 15 5 25 20 42 36 17 16 22 27 631 633 645 694 272 268 268 271 266 249 252 252 165 160 157 150 1930—Mar. 27,. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 811 854 797 854 109 133 124 142 20 21 23 21 19 17 17 21 25 31 23 38 17 18 9 16 622 634 602 617 288 303 321 298 269 278 295 153 152 156 155 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31., 795 793 748 705 133 130 114 120 18 16 26 12 45 20 11 6 19 21 24 31 10 12 10 11 571 593 563 526 303 291 285 202 278 267 264 191 153 155 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30., Dec. 31.. 661 745 714 117 138 152 4 4 4 13 25 16 19 30 26 6 8 5 501 539 511 192 208 188 173 182 163 100 101 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30-. 719 725 729 148 144 144 3 3 3 42 46 61 29 45 36 9 8 4 488 480 481 193 177 160 157 142 135 95 1934—Mar. 6... June 30,. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 779 837 865 856 148 166 184 167 3 3 3 3 117 102 60 85 37 37 51 43 6 5 7 9 468 524 560 548 160 161 157 142 135 145 144 138 1935-Mar. 4.., June 29,, Nov. 1.,. Dec. 31.. 883 899 940 947 186 189 209 207 4 5 8 8 62 37 7 10 48 48 70 44 12 6 15 11 571 614 630 668 143 136 135 135 140 133 132 132 1936-]Mar. 4.,. June 30.. Dec. 31.. ' 980 999 1,008 224 203 214 7 10 8 5 15 8 58 54 47 12 10 14 673 706 718 137 135 124 134 132 1937-Mar. 31,. June 30_. Dec. 31.. 974 963 947 186 170 174 7 9 8 1 43 39 60 49 45 12 11 10 707 680 670 122 117 110 114 1938-Mar. June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 965 1,015 989 1,025 191 206 200 214 9 9 13 24 21 6 7 9 53 53 44 71 9 14 8 7 681 727 716 700 109 109 104 100 1939-Mar. 29.. June 30,. Oct. 23... Dec. 30.. 1,037 1,132 1,210 1,179 230 247 285 285 25 28 31 16 11 12 10 10 65 69 49 53 10 13 12 12 696 764 822 802 100 100 89 87 1940—Mar. 263.. June 29... Dec. 31... 1,227 1,310 1,399 291 332 348 15 14 21 10 9 8 74 59 61 12 9 13 825 887 949 87 85 82 1941—Apr. 4 3 . . . June 30... Sept. 243.. Dec. 3 1 . , . 1,416 1,415 1,449 1,401 343 336 363 313 20 22 22 21 7 8 6 9 71 60 62 60 12 15 14 18 964 973 982 980 82 81 81 80 . 160 121 100 90 121 120 108 108 107 103 81 77 76 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 5 "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. 3 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO. 182-BOSTON DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS. [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Balances with domestic banks Cash Bank Bal- items premances in ises, Other with proc- furni- real foress ture estate eign of and banks 1 coUeo- fixtion tures CusTotal tomers' SecuNumUa- rities Other ber biUty bor- assets of on rowed banks acTotal ceptHaances bihties Total U. S. Government obligations 670 681 698 673 320 319 325 327 130 131 135 137 189 188 190 190 51 52 56 53 18 23 21 17 20 21 23 22 2 2 1 2 7 10 7 7 2 2 3 2 1,198 1.214 1,237 1,200 408 409 410 412 989 999 998 665 673 659 324 326 339 130 131 136 193 196 203 48 48 50 14 19 20 24 24 25 2 2 1 4 3 3 3 2 1 1.166 1,175 1,186 409 410 408 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 1.019 1,063 1,118 662 669 697 357 395 421 143 ' 153 179 214 241 243 49 53 58 15 23 24 25 26 28 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1.192 1,251 1.320 408 407 404 1923—Apr. 3. June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 , 1,153 1,188 1,199 1,198 718 747 760 755 435 441 439 443 189 191 190 190 246 249 249 253 56 57 58 59 26 27 24 34 29 30 30 30 2 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1,363 1,381 1,404 1,429 403 403 403 403 1924-Mar. 31 Juno 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,208 1,229 1,268 1,264 764 774 795 781 444 454 474 483 187 184 184 186 258 269 290 297 58 61 61. 62 26 28 25 35 31 31 31 32 4 4 4 4 2 1 1 2 1 1,414 1,450 1,494 1,503 400 399 397 397 1925-Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,290 1,319 1,367 1,379 809 835 876 882 482 484 491 496 184 180 181 176 298 304 312 319 61 65 68 63 52 50 51 26 33 25 41 34 33 35 35 4 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 1,509 1,546 1,594 1,624 399 192fr-Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 1,397 1,409 1,440 888 896 913 510 513 527 182 175 168 328 338 359 69 67 68 60 31 33 39 36 34 35 3 4 4 2 2 1 1,638 1,645 1,678 396 1927-Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,465 1,489 1,522 1,505 922 932 949 928 543 557 572 576 167 163 165 162 376 393 407 415 68 68 73 70 50 54 57 66 27 38 33 40 36 38 38 38 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 1,690 1,732 1.770 1,765 395 394 394 393 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1,509 1,548 1,528 1,518 923 966 966 967 586 582 561 551 162 158 164 157 424 424 397 395 70 62 74 63 49 49 59 54 29 34 35 46 39 39 40 38 4 4 4 3 6 2 3 3 1,748 1.769 1,783 1.771 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 (^ct. 4 Dec. 31 1,525 1,513 1,526 1,481 985 993 1,018 988 540 519 508 493 393 390 388 390 160 159 158 150 380 361 350 343 69 65 70 63 40 46 48 61 31 36 38 46 39 40 40 40 3 4 3 4 3 2 2 3 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,479 1,496 1,502 1,449 974 966 955 912 505 530 548 537 1,750 1,736 1.762 1,742 389 390 388 385 153 153 150 148 352 377 398 389 64 67 69 62 43 52 59 72 30 37 26 39 40 40 39 40 4 4 4 •5 4 3 3 3 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,450 1,447 1,434 1,344 897 886 858 797 552 561 576 547 1,700 1,736 1,740 1.710 158 172 196 189 385 383 381 380 394 389 380 358 65 65 65 54 91 68 65 49 22 33 26 36 40 40 41 40 5 5 5 5 3 2 2 2 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,253 1,223 1,178 736 705 662 516 518 517 190 200 208 326 318 308 1,712 1,698 1,675 1,571 51 53 54 377 371 367 360 51 75 87 25 24 27 40 40 39 6 7 8 1,032 1.085 1,018 581 598 556 471 488 462 1 224 231 222 247 256 239 1,462 1,453 1.428 56 77 73 356 356 356 76 23 24 28 34 36 37 8 9 10 1 1 1 1,282 1.281 305 335 345 1 1 356 362 364 359 Total Loans mo-May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 990 1,000 1,024 999 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 1933-June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 46 56 66 62 61 54 54 80 77 1,352 1934-Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31. 1,107 1,125 1,141 1,115 593 594 586 553 515 531 555 562 266 276 301 324 248 255 254 238 79 94 98 91 93 107 116 23 26 34 39 38 37 37 45 11 11 13 14 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,110 1,104 1,122 1,109 553 544 542 530 1 557 560 580 579 317 320 329 329 240 240 251 250 104 100 104 103 1,392 1,437 1,481 1.458 119 143 133 26 29 44 44 45 45 45 44 15 16 17 17 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,112 1,170 1,153 5S0 541 528 582 629 625 327 368 364 255 261 262 1 1 1 116 101 136 142 116 157 1.459 1,447 1,508 1.497 353 353 353 353 32 41 56 44 44 43 17 17 16 1 1 1 1,505 1,537 1,605 350 350 349 no 118 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 , [Amounts in millions of dollars! Capital accounts Deposits CaU date Total V. s. Inter- Govbank" ernment' Other demand Other time Borrowings Ac cept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties Total ing SurCom- Premon ferred plus stock stock 5 Memoranda Undivided profits' Re- Demand Net for dedecon- posits mand tinaddegen- justed' posits' cies, etc.® 1920-May 4 June 30. Nov. 15 Deo. 29. 928 935 961 917 617 617 619 671 272 279 302 304 33 38 33 39 7 10 7 7 52 51 63 51 178 178 184 .186 81 80 81 82 60 61 62 61 599 594 598 554 1921—Apr. 28 June 30— Dec. 31 892 897 915 633 531 543 324 324 336 33 38 28 4 3 3 49 49 51 189 189 189 82 83 83 62 62 63 519 512 523 926 m 1,042 533 573 600 351 376 399 21 20 26 1 1 4 61 52 50 192 197 199 83 84 86 63 66 66 518 550 576 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 1,085 1,096 . . 1,122 1,143 598 599 623 634 437 455 466 472 24 32 26 29 3 2 1 3 60 50 52 51 200 201 204 204 85 86 86 87 67 68 69 70 572 572 599 600 1924—Mar. 31 June 30. Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,132 1,170 1,222 1,220 .601 623 648 655 495 511 530 523 23 20 9 24 2 2 1 2 61 50 50 49 206 208 212 208 86 85 86 85 70 72 71 73 575 595 623 1926-Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,225 1,258 1,299 1,329 634 666 690 716 541 555 671 567 22 25 • 24 28 2 2 2 2 46 46 64 51 213 216 215 214 85 87 87 85 74 77 77 78 192&-Apr. 12 June 30 Deo. 31 1,343 1,353 1,379 695 689 705 600 621 631 23 24 26 3 3 1 51 63 53 219 214 218 87 86 86 79 79 81 664 656 1,390 1,425 1,469 . 1.459 684 708 735 733 658 676 687 680 21 26 17 20 2 2 2 5 53 54 61 53 225 225 230 227 87 89 89 89 81 81 81 84 657 670 702 1928-Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1,439 1,432 1,457 1,438 701 688 719 712 694 703 690 683 21 60 35 39 6 2 3 4 50 62 62 52 232 233 237 238 89 88 . 89 90 84 87 88 91 672 654 683 681 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1,401 1,388 1,419 . . . . 1,405 666 670 701 703 696 680 674 659 49 47 39 31 3 2 2 4 5? 55 65 56 244 244 248 246 90 91 90 90 91 93 94 96 635 634 663 657 658 657 689 690 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,366 1,400 1,408 1,382 643 659 652 635 678 690 702 692 21 24 14 19 4 3 3 3 67 53 52 62 261 256 263 254 92 94 95 95 98 101 102 101 614 622 626 596 651 648 628 611 699 586 638 709 713 710 641 13 16 15 48 3 2 2 2 52 52 51 50 253 246 245 236 94 94 93 92 100 98 96 94 589 1,383 1,361 1,236 560 502 697 581 632 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,143 1.154 1,138 468 474 472 613 607 591 39 26 22 54 54 55 224 219 212 91 91 91 88 85 82 443 450 445 464 469 468 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Peo. 30-„ 1,024 1,087 1,030 431 461 436 514 548 614 9 5 8 51 52 51 196 206 191 82 88 85 4 6 9 76 76 66 407 437 408 426 454 432 1934-^Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,130 - 1.172 1,215 1,197 489 511 564 650 542 561 564 557 4 3 3 3 53 52 49 48 204 210 213 209 91 88 87 85 13 25 28 30 68 65 63 62 466 484 530 512 483 603 552 539 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,201 1,209 - 1,287 1.276 551 567 646 631 560 665 564 559 2 3 2 44 23 5 8 211 211 213 210 85 84 83 83 31 31 30 30 62 62 63 63 624 538 603 586 543 556 630 534 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,284 1,315 1,380 637 656 728 661 563 558 1 1 8 8 9 212 212 213 83 84 85 29 28 24 64 63 66 605 615 672 542 590 606 1922—Mar. 10,.., June 30. Dec. 29 1927—Mar. 23.. June 30 Oct. 10 Deo. 31 1931—Mar. 25, _ June 30 * Sept. 29 Dec. 31 .. M 620 632 665 675 666 566 681 699 728 722 697 709 700 610 NO. 182-BOSTON D1STRICT.-C0UNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941—Continaed [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date U. S. Government obligations Total Loans 1937-Mar. 31 June 30... Dec. 31... 1,182 561 577 551 621 1,201 1,152 601 377 373 1938-Mar. 7 . . . . June 30... Sept. 28... Dec. 31... 1,134 1,117 1,138 1,129 546 536 529 506 588 581 609 623 1939-Mar. 29... June 30... Oct. 2 Dec. 30... 1,138 1,141 1,146 1,137 514 527 536 623 614 1940-Mar. 26... June 29... Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,137 1,146 1,171 549 560 562 1941-Apr. 4 . . . . June 30,.. Sept. 24... Dec. 31... 1,227 1,269 1,308 1,355 581 610 621 615 Total 624 611 594 646 659 687 740 Balances with domestic banks CusCash Bank Total tomBal- items premassets ances ises, Other ers' SecuNumlia- rities Other with furni- real ber biHty borforture of on rowed eign and banks of acbanks 1 collec- fixTotal cepttion tures liaances bilities 252 247 229 135 146 144 98 124 1,585 1,593 1,565 349 349 346 363 362 385 394 226 143 129 144 146 140 152 156 171 1,547 1,535 1,576 1,591 346 346 345 391 384 389 385 232 230 160 182 227 1,589 1,615 1,699 1,702 345 344 342 342 376 371 403 212 216 206 225 238 270, 1,689 1,721 1,855 339 339 339 430 442 476 543 210 197 219 224 229 222 209 216 218 156 154 189 189 186 200 240 246 237 252 251 120 218 263 257 1,882 1,929 2,002 2,045 282 244 Deposits Call date Total Capital a U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank 2 ern- savments ings * mand Other time AcBor- cept- Other row- ances Uaings out- bilistandTotal ing Com- Pr^ Surmon ferred plus stock stocks Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its 6 tinaddegen- justed' posits T etc. 1937—Mar. 31... June 30.... Dec. 31.... 1,355 1,366 1,339 710 712 710 566 575 563 215 215 215 665 1938—Mar. June 30.... Sept. 28... Dec. 31.... 1,322 1,309 1,349 1,365 696 692 727 741 559 553 552 544 215 215 217 217 664 654 693 697 587 562 603 1 9 3 ^ M a r . 29 June 30.... Oct. 2 Dec. 30.... 1,360 1,386 1,470 1,475 727 748 819 219 219 219 826 553 556 557 551 218 694 706 777 779 610 603 650 649 1940—Mar. 26... June 29.... Dec.31..„ 1,461 1,493 1,625 834 958 558 558 556 218 218 766 795 »42 655 735 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31,... 1,651 1,696 1,768 972 1,027 1,088 1,152 565 561 566 551 221 221 1,811 220 224 223 661 971 1,042 1,071 623 642 599 601 775 818 871 933 t "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. 3 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits, s Includes United States Tre^urer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. < Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Bankine Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits s Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. 0 The composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. 7 For definitions of "demand deposits adjusted" and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. NO. 183-BO$TON DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans Commercial Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances I of other banks To brokers and dealers Bills Total In New York City To others Real estate loans Total Outside New York City On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31. 966 967 341 345 265 275 178 185 170 177 415 406 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31. 985 993 1,018 988 378 373 412 395 310 314 338 344 187 189 180 186 178 179 392 409 401 386 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 974 966 955 912 379 372 376 349 328 336 335 327 188 180 191 198 189 183 189 321 313 303 278 188 181 187 184 180 858 797 344 333 322 286 236 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31- 736 705 662 219 231 219 215 1933—June 30Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 581 598 556 191 192 184 185 187 179 1934—Mar. 5„ June 30Oct. 17-. p e c . 31- 593 594 586 553 195 192 185 183 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 _ Nov. I.Dec. 31. 553 544 542 530 1936—Mar. 4 „ June 30. Dec. 31- 530 541 528 1937—Mar. 31. June 30Dec. 311938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. 226 182 182 177 174 336 337 324 311 185 185 183 178 178 176 290 272 246 168 163 169 155 207 203 203 197 178 175 160 162 210 196 175 172 158 155 156 166 158 156 152 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 178 187 183 178 152 150 151 148 145 147 150 150 150 146 146 146 180 195 173 561 577 551 145 145 140 141 141 137 151 151 152 147 147 148 194 209 195 546 536 529 135 130 132 152 152 152 148 148 148 194 199 195 44 182 177 163 160 128 126 128 Total loans. Commercial loans 1938—Dec. 31... 506 138 1939—Mar. 29.-, June 30... Oct. 2 K . . Dec. 30... 514 527 536 543 148 152 1940—Mar. 2QK. June 29... Dec. 31... 549 560 562 1941—Apr. 41... June 30— Sept. 242Dec. 31— 581 373 369 345 349 158 158 154 151 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities Open market paper Call date 182 186 610 621 615 155 164 165 Acceptances p a ^ b k in Agricultural CommerTo cial broTo Own Accept- abroad paper kers others bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks 162 Real estate loans Bills Total 46 53 45 31 30 Total On farm land On residential property Loans to banks Other loans Other 39 154 111 155 156 111 112 134 159 113 136 114 116 144 141 160 164 126 12a 191 165 119 152 '195' 165 '119' 148 NO. 184-BOSTON DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [Iq millions of dollaral Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total Bills' Notes Obligations of States and Guaranteed polit- Total ical subdiviBonds sions Corporate stocks Bonds, notes, and debentures Foreign securities Government agencies not Railguar- roads* anteed byU.S.= Utilities® Other F.R. Bank Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1928-Oct. 3 ^^ Dec. 31 561 551 164 157 18 17 137 134 23 23 321 319 62 61 135 132 97 95 '5 5 23 26 52 53 1929—Mar. 2 7 - . . J u n e 29.._. Oct. 4 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 540 519 508 493 160 159 158 150 19 20 17 13 134 133 135 134 20 19 19 18 308 294 285 279 58 54 50 48 122 116 108 109 97 92 94 88 5 6 6 6 26 26 27 28 51 48 47 46 m o - M a r . 27... J u n e 30.... Sept. 24.._ Dec. 3 1 . . . . 505 530 548 537 153 153 150 148 19 18 13 132 133 134 134 19 22 23 22 287 304 322 318 48 54 56 57 116 121 127 127 88 92 92 87 6 6 6 6 29 32 41 42 47 51 53 49 1931—Mar. 2 5 : . . June 30.... Sept. 2 9 . . . Dec. 31..._ 552 561 576 547 158 172 196 189 14 13 17 19 139 149 175 168 24 27 28 24 322 317 311 294 58 58 59 .58 127 130 127 119 90 82 78 71 6 6 6 6 41 42 41 40 48 45 41 39 1932—June 30.... Sept. 3 0 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 516 518 517 190 20 38 55 165 157 148 24 25 23 269 260 253 54 54 53 105 102 99 64 60 56 6 6 6 40 39 40 33 33 33 1933—June 30,... Oct. 2 5 . . . . Dec. 3 0 . . . . 471 488 462 224 231 53 74 56 141 155 163 26 28 26 198 205 194 43 46 41 79 82 82 40 40 40 5 5 5 30 32 25 24 23 19 1934—Mar. 5 . . . . J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 515 531 555 562 266 274 281 295 79 65 75 214 33 35 35 34 198 204 205 191 4 15 14 9 44 46 50 51 84 82 81 80 35 32 31 30 6 6 6 6 26 23 23 16 18 17 14 13 1935—Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 557 580 579 284 279 282 282 66 75 110 114 212 195 158 156 37 38 39 40 191 191 199 198 9 6 6 7 53 55 57 58 79 79 83 83 29 29 32 30 6 6 5 5 16 16 15 15 13 12 13 13 193e-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 582 629 625 276 319 313 116 121 145 104 206 42 45 44 200 204 208 8 8 7 62 64 62 78 79 84 32 34 36 5 5 5 15 14 13 13 12 10 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 621 624 320 330 324 102 108 102 211 212 45 46 42 195 190 177 6 7 5 62 59 56 76 73 68 33 32 29 5 5 5 13 13 13 12 11 10 317 323 342 354 93 100 215 222 237 252 44 45 48 59 173 166 167 161 6 4 4 6 55 53 52 51 66 62 62 60 29 29 32 30 5 5 5 5 12 12 12 8 9 8 9 10 >202 259 264 155 152 6 6 50 49 56 55 29 28 5 5 8 8 9 9 S197 *198 258 69 70 70 61 137 7 47 46 24 5 7 11 197 248 263 69 76 72 129 123 11 11 43 40 41 39 21 21 5 5 7 7 10 10 203 231 305 83 89 83 72 118 10 38 38 20 5 7 10 247 115 12 35 36 22 5 6 10 275 1938—Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 560 601 581 200 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct.2< Dec. 30 623 614 611 594 342 333 332 322 1940—Mar. 2ft» J u n e 29 Dec. 31 588 586 313 313 344 1941—Apr. 4« J u n e 30 Sept. 24 • Dec. 31 646 659 687 740 368 374 402 473 12 61 103 101 58 (0 172 200 211 186 208 "375' 48 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness u p to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. * Included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in J u l y 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. < Not reported separately; included in " o t h e r ' ' bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities ( ^ a r a n t e e d as to both principal a n d interest) were issued until late in 1933. » This is the a m o u n t reported as "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities b y maturity was not required before December 1938, • Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities haa not been required as of spring a n d a u t u m n call dates. NO. 185-BOSTON DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATESJ928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic 1928—Oct. Dec. 31.. 764 753 40 37 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 703 706 742 743 31 31 35 36 1930—Mar. 27_. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 685 705 702 684 36 40 43 47 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 674 661 643 584 51 52 44 39 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30., Dec. 31.. 514 529 529 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiInterbank U. S. States Certi- vidGovfied ua)?, and ernand partment politand offinerical Total cers' ships, subDoFor- postal savdivi- checks, corpomestic eign ings 1 etc. rations, sions etc. 4 3 35 41 16 16 668 655 5 4 6 3 35 27 34 50 14 18 16 18 617 624 651 638 5 6 6 3 43 39 39 49 13 14 12 15 587 605 601 571 11 8 14 6 48 35 37 39 11 14 13 14 39 40 46 7 15 10 29 30 35 490 518 496 42 42 45 17 15 15 1934—Mar. 5 „ . June 30.. Oct, 17-.. Dec. 31.. 567 592 639 627 53 55 57 50 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov, 1... Dec. 31.. 630 635 714 709 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. States and polit- ICil 8tll>- Total divifiions Savings ChristCertifim33 cates Opeu savof acings de- count3- and posit similar accounts' 693 685 2 2 6 6 685 677 622 6.'9 49 40 13 8 698 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 7 690 675 669 653 633 619 607 598 45 41 42 47 12 15 21 8 695 706 697 2 4 3 4 6 5 4 4 672 686 698 687 603 604 609 606 56 65 70 71 14 17 19 8 552 550 536 485 717 722 718 651 5 6 7 10 6 6 5 5 704 708 705 635 613 613 615 582 79 77 70 47 12 17 19 6 11 10 11 429 434 427 625 15 17 18 3 3 3 610 604 588 556 546 542 43 42 37 11 16 9 28 51 43 12 12 13 391 398 381 534 570 534 19 20 19 3 7 6 511 541 507 463 496 476 37 32 24 5 6 6 6 7 2 26 26 19 27 46 45 56 55 12 14 17 15 431 453 492 481 563 581 576 570 20 18 11 11 9 11 10 9 533 550 554 548 491 502 504 506 33 38 37 33 5 6 6 7 4 6 7 2 55 54 55 62 23 14 13 15 57 51 97 67 12 14 18 19 482 501 532 545 571 575 572 567 10 8 7 7 8 11 10 9 552 555 554 550 508 509 511 512 34 32 29 30 6 7 6 6 4 6 7 2 714 745 818 68 70 72 9 19 17 65 61 67 17 20 26 555 575 635 570 570 563 7 6 4 8 7 7 553 555 551 512 515 523 32 29 22 5 5 4 4 7 2 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 784 786 771 68 66 53 7 8 • 8 73 67 60 20 21 21 617 623 629 571 579 568 4 4 4 6 9 9 560 566 554 528 528 524 22 25 23 4 6 5 2 1938—Mar. 7..June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 758 752 792 816 55 53 53 59 7 6 11 15 66 66 76 78 16 19 18 21 615 607 633 642 564 557 557 549 4 4 3 4 4 4 6 524 516 515 516 21 21 17 17 6 6 5 555 549 547 539 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 23... Dec. 30.. 802 826 908 920 60 63 76 77 15 15 14 16 84 76 78 78 17 21 20 27 625 651 721 722 558 560 561 554 4 3 3 3 5 5 4 4 548 551 553 547 519 519 18 18 521 1940—Mar. 263. June 29., Dec. 31.. 899931 1,065 81 82 89 15 15 18 75 75 81 17 23 28 710 735 849 562 562 560 3 3 3 6 4 4 552 555 553 1941—Apr. 4».. June 30.. Sept. 243. Dec. 31.. 1,082 1,131 1,198 1,257 97 87 93 84 13 16 17 20 85 87 101 98 26 30 28 36 860 910 959 1,019 569 565 570 554 2 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 561 559 563 549 1 1 1 1 1 1 682 677 662 681 5 6 4 6 7 5 8 2 7 6 5 7 17 6 3 522 526 17 15 7 8 9 3 523 17 8 10 527 11 7 3 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. > "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. • A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO. 186-NEW YORK DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Total Loans Total U.S. Government obligations Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks1 Cash Bank Bal- items premises, Other ances in with proc- furm- real ture estate foress and eign of banks1 collec- fixtion tures CusTotal tomassets Numera' Secuber lia- rities Other of biUty bor- assets banks on rowed acTotal cept•liaances bilities 1914—Dec. 31.. 1»778 1,384 394 84 310 111 243 147 158 37 6 14 15 2,509 479 1915—Mar. 4.,. May 1... June 23 Sept. 2... Nov. 10,. Dec. 31., 1,891 1,960 1,994 2,294 2,650 2,723 1,499 1,564 1,581 1,807 2,099 2,164 392 396 414 487 551 560 80 82 82 94 94 93 313 313 332 393 458 467 124 128 144 149 185 182 291 319 353 421 423 384 113 121 115 169 193 192 114 254 139 208 255 327 38 39 39 46 46 46 6 4 4 5 5 6 7 16 17 11 10 10 9 8 7 10 6 6 19 12 12 2,597 2.842 2,803 3,327 3,793 3.898 479 479 478 614 614 613 1916—May June 30.. Sept. 12.. Nov. 17.. Dec. 27.. 2,815 2,759 2,919 3,040 2,942 2,186 2,140 2,241 2,353 2,262 629 619 678 687 680 90 87 86 84 81 539 532 592 603 599 193 189 202 226 230 336 335 327 349 356 225 191 201 237 212 453 340 298 407 306 48 47 50 50 50 6 5 6 6 5 33 40 45 56 53 7 7 7 7 9 12 10 20 22 32 4.129 3.925 4,075 4,399 4,195 629 623 624 622 622 1917—Mar. 5._. May 1... June 20.. Dec. 31.. 3,121 3,152 3,377 5,463 2,439 2,421 2,513 3,850 681 731 864 1.612 82 108 248 593 600 623 616 1,019 253 276 329 672 388 324 236 155 198 224 193 304 307 469 370 714 50 50 51 79 6 6 6 10 50 55 77 8215 8 8 23 79 30 30 23 171 4,411 4,594 4,684 7,861 624 624 625 668 1918—May 10.. June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 6,275 6,053 6,667 6,566 3,958 4,281 4,675 4,511 2,318 1,772 1,992 2,055 1,330 786 1,012 1,035 987 986 981 1,020 688 757 646 709 152 132 147 170 332 365 387 403 482 314 641 969 85 86 87 88 11 12 13 11 8212 8202 253 236 57 87 105 90 72 104 71 117 8,365 8.112 9,016 9,358 684 687 718 723 1919—Mar. 4 June 30. Nov. 17, Dec. 31, 6,792 7,040 7,490 7,491 4,285 4,987 5,353 5,555 2,507 2,053 2,136 1,936 1,495 1,029 1,043 868 1,012 1,024 1,094 1,068 669 747 731 752 143 145 155 173 320 391 436 458 563 996 1,089 1,221 88 96 101 101 10 12 12 11 228 216 270 322 72 100 69 89 96 8,982 119 9,862 72 10,425 109 10,727 724 734 746 753 1920-May4... June 30.. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29.. 7,378 7,492 7,448 7.437 5,537 5,705 5,754 5,692 1,840 1,787 1,694 1,746 809 780 701 703 1,032 1,007 993 1,043 727 733 718 6S8 155 158 154 168 219 229 174 181 721 1,059 1,095 825 107 110 118 118 10 10 10 11 317 339 352 329 38 35 38 33 275 9,946 261 10,425 308 10,414 309 10,099 769 771 780 784 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 6,944 6,857 6,746 5,220 5,040 4,829 1,725 1,817 1,917 652 747 812 1,073 1,070 1,105 632 621 724 142 135 110 147 190 154 572 954 609 124 126 128 10 10 9 293 253 201 33 15 18 256 245 180 9,153 9,406 8,879 791 793 795 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30.. Dec. 29-, 6,585 7,127 7,467 4,649 4,722 4,933 1,936 2,405 2,534 870 1,170 1,339 1,066 1,235 1,195 683 732 756 108 105 117 141 162 169 690 1,163 1,235 131 135 143 8 9 10 183 179 217 15 7 3 190 8,735 209 9,828 242 10,360 796 799 803 1923—Apr. 3„ June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 7,454 7,497 7,293 7,494 4,981 5,017 4,903 5,066 2,473 2,480 2,390 2,428 1,324 1,314 1,219 1,228 1,150 1,166 1,171 1,200 718 700 683 713 112 89 105 115 155 153 141 190 814 786 790 1,414 147 149 148 151 10 10 11 12 221 208 183 244 3 3 3 3 194 9,828 189 9,785 174 9,532 195 10,529 813 821 827 835 1924—Mar. 31... June 3 0 . . . Oct. 10..„ Dec. 31 7,591 8,071 8,471 8,667 5,179 5,404 5,544 5,720 2,412 2,667 2,927 2,946 1,173 1,227 1,367 1,322 1,239 1,440 1,561 1,625 739 757 832 886 100 107 112 130 155 190 190 203 1,381 1,514 932 1,664 155 155 160 158 12 11 11 11 237 175 215 297 3 2 2 2 191 198 234 301 10,563 11,180 11,159 12,319 843 840 845 855 1925-Apr. 6 . . . . June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 3 1 . . . 8,499 8,746 8,833 9,297 5,634 5,848 5,982 6,511 2,865 2,898 2,851 2,785 1,253 1,244 1,203 1,186 1,612 1,654 1,648 1,599 777 849 802 869 114 110 106 119 169 208 178 206 1,040 1,663 1,106 1,911 162 169 172 179 11 12 13 13 317 266 269 . 349 1 1 2 5 297 292 272 277 11,388 12,316 11,752 13,224 857 866 874 880 1926—Apr. 12 June 3 0 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 9,040 9,308 9,667 6,207 6,399 6,861 2,832 2,910 2,806 1,171 1,197 1,060 1,661 1,713 1,745 782 865 841 117 - 116 106 188 203 231 1,286 1,557 1,817 191 193 206 13 14 15 341 310 352 1 251 12,210 257 12,822 305 13,540 885 896 913 1927—Mar. 23... June 3 0 . . . Oct. 10..„ Dec. 31 9,596 10,126 10,135 10,947 6,601 7,026 7,111 7,789 2,995 3,100 3,024 3,158 1,184 1,177 1,163 1,213 1,811 1,923 1,861 1,946 929 918 902 1,038 130 122 118 111 182 228 199 249 1,127 1,760 1,424 1,330 213 218 228 235 15 15 16 H 352 369 407 485 1 1 1 1 261 266 229 255 12,785 14,023 13,658 14,665 924 927 933 937 1928-Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3.. Dec. 31 10,428 11,098 10,827 11,593 7,168 7,759 7,590 8,404 3,260 3,340 3,236 3,189 1,341 1,372 1,400 1,353 1,918 1,968 1,837 1,835 933 944 892 981 110 94 109 123 189 207 192 234 107 128 1,211 1,347 1,544 3,279 242 245 249 250 15 19 17 18 495 521 531 666 1 1 1 2 253 312 198 219 13,877 14,787 14,669 17,493 934 934 934 938 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 11,317 11,775 11,763 12,316 8,139 8,769 8,813 9,097 3,178 3,006 2,950 3,220 1,393 1,263 1,236 1,343 1,785 1,742 1,714 1,877 930 953 897 984 112 98 106 126 220 252 297 295 113 80 67 78 2,466 1,311 2,093 2,527 258 292 288 301 21 16 21 21 613 597 698 877 1 •2 1 1 212 218 187 215 16,264 15,594 16,419 17,741 939 939 933 931 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits CaU date Total Capital accounts U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank« ern- savdement 3 ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uaout- bilistand- ties ing 1914—Dec. 31. 1,985 676 5 1,228 76 1915—Mar. 4 M a y 1. J u n e 23. Sept. 2. Nov. 10 Dec. 31 2,090 2,337 2,295 2,729 3,176 3,280 836 869 909 1,089 1,201 1,195 4 3 4 4 3 2 1,157 1,360 1,266 1,478 1,802 1,904 93 106 115 158 169 179 6 5 6 16 1916—May 1 J u n e 30 Sept. 12 Nov. 17 Dec. 27 - 3,471 3,276 3,388 3,719 3,507 1,236 1,082 1,108 1,217 1,191 2 3 2 2 2 2,025 1,962 2,035 2,248 2,056 208 229 243 252 258 5 5 17 13 19 1917—Mar. 5 May 1 J u n e 20 Dec. 31. 3,736 3,906 3,795 6,420 1,326 1,266 1,122 1,333 2 2 89 305 2,133 2,344 2,294 4,271 275 295 290 510 1918—May 10 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 6.649 6,556 6,972 7,302 1,335 1,420 1,420 1,482 656 701 637 191 4,121 3,896 4,355 5,066 537 539 560 562 460 1919—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 17 Dec. 31. 6,854 7,846 8,101 8,393 1,372 1,449 1,471 1,462 367 452 176 257 4,521 5,307 5,638 5,869 1920—May 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 7,554 8,088 7,714 7,491 1,292 1,399 1,193 1,154 100 123 85 144 1921—Apr. 28 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 6,910 7,486 7,176 1,004 1,086 1,105 1922—Mar. 10 J u n e 30 Dec. 29 7,157 8,266 8,592 1923—Apr. 3 J u n e 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 10 Total Common stock PreSurferred plus STOCKS Memoranda DeReUndi- serves mand Net devided for deprof- con- posits mand adits® detingen- justed T posits T cies, etc.® 113 401 166 165 70 1,070 94 93 93 134 139 143 404 404 408 450 457 451 166 166 164 164 164 1.043 184 185 185 181 74 73 77 86 89 82 34 42 47 58 55 154 137 137 465 465 487 497 498 189 189 193 197 196 18f5 186 192 197 202 91 91 102 103 12 18 53 58 109 161 81 •212 138 197 197 197 287 204 204 303 222 501 504 509 752 99 104 109 131 »218 »210 219 255 818 281 633 697 275 247 249 303 305 313 316 352 355 375 380 164 149 268 180 168 3,640 3,581 3,714 4,097 593 638 816 805 785 822 797 242 238 287 333 217 252 238 240 885 912 977 964 318 326 342 355 383 390 407 412 185 196 229 198 3,959 4,311 4.548 4,648 5,301 5,684 5,486 5,228 861 882 950 965 804 738 1,008 916 329 353 370 349 202 189 191 203 1,057 1,057 1,131 1,140 382 384 412 416 435 449 461 462 239 224 258 4,580 4.625 4,391 4,403 121 197 108 4,778 5,222 4,915 1,007 981 1,048 359 316 269 218 1,142 1,137 1,102 430 431 434 465 467 455 247 239 212 187 156 171 212 4,206 4,268 4,305 1,136 1,160 1,203 112 45 218 4,801 5,717 5,732 1,108 1,344 1,438 75 71 167 198 194 239 165 153 177 1,140 1,145 1,185 440 445 455 459 468 494 241 231 236 4.111 4,554 4,497 8,024 8,017 7,770 8,748 1,190 1,206 1,095 1,305 164 82 32 63 5,091 5,119 5,004 5,714 1.579 1,611 1,640 1,666 237 204 209 247 231 198 264 131 141 137 143 1,189 1,192 1,218 1,208 471 476 479 482 487 484 485 490 231 233 253 236 4,277 4,333 4,214 4,300 1924—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 8,809 9,535 9,455 10,482 1,359 1,573 1,608 1,650 74 36 63 51 5,632 6,140 5,806 6,769 1,745 1,786 1,978 2,012 107 253 185 227 317 159 158 163 153 1,234 1,240 1,267 1,267 487 487 490 492 495 498 500 506 252 255 277 269 4,251 4.626 4,874 5,105 1925—Apr. 6 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 9,434 10,419 9,697 11,053 1,410 1,541 1,321 1,568 85 26 66 74 5,857 6,753 «,199 7,232 2,082 2,100 2,112 2,178 169 141 232 340 124 287 297 289 266 4,816 5,090 5,092 5,321 1926—Apr, 12 J u n e 30, Dec. 31. 10,063 10,772 11,264 1,401 1,552 1,549 71 42 60 6,338 6,867 7,209 2,253 2,312 2,446 271 265 286 5,052 5,310 5,393 6,936 1927—Mar. 23 J u n e 30. Oct. 10. Dec. 31. 10,484 11,718 11,200 11,931 1,400 1,698 1,576 1,894 112 33 152 76 6,444 7,332 6,723 7,124 291 304 327 320 5,318 5,572 5,300 5,795 6,663 7,236 6,858 7,629 1928—Feb. June Oct. Dec. 11,251 11,674 11,412 13,931 1,609 1,674 1,538 1,831 18 69 35 63 12,719 11,840 12,457 13,573 1,416 1,556 1,527 1,923 151 92 83 26 28. 30. 3.. 31. 1929—Mar. 27 J u n e 29.. Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31.. 7 7 256 612 166 62 47 100 7 18 112 116 108 810 166 183 183 101 261 1,106 1,127 1,270 1.547 1,577 1,572 1,622 1,737 1,841 1,750 1,826 1,875 1,924 3,557 288 128 •295 382 185 160 1,323 1,340 1,343 1,368 516 519 524 531 519 524 531 570 230 367 334 377 180 171 170 1,431 1,433 1,500 560 562 585 606 629 2,528 2,655 2,748 2,837 171 123 197 323 374 390 420 514 197 191 619 633 647 194 1,559 1,602 1,653 1,703 661 649 665 679 722 6,723 ^6,893 6,839 22 8,950 2,902 3,038 2,977 3,064 154 492 464 580 516 542 548 691 213 215 240 227 1,742 1,864 2,005 2,064 674 718 748 765 737 807 891 935 331 339 328 315 5,512 5,546 5,295 5,672 7,068 7,198 6,741 7,613 8,042 7,169 7,737 8,603 3,089 3,002 3,089 3,000 387 495 347 336 646 272 270 291 2,240 2,368 2,606 2,658 814 876 948 957 1,019 1,071 1,203 1,244 353 365 398 400 5,575 5,858 5,644 6,076 6,973 7,279 7,003 7,830 21 21 21 21 262 168 112 621 718 188 266 NO. 18ft-NEW YORK DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS. PRINCIPAL [Amounte in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Total Loans Total U.S. Government obligations Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Cash BalBal- items in ances ances • with with process domes- forof tic eign banks 1 banks' collection CusTotal Bank tompremNumises; Other ers' Seculia- rities Other ber furm- real of ture estate bility bor- assets on rowed banks and acfixTotal cepttures Uaances bilities 192 185 180 209 16,062 16,886 927 923 922 914 282 280 178 147 15,746 16,212 14,970 14,094 908 902 876 841 1 155 12,586 167 13,050 191 13,223 824 824 827 4 181 12,749 203 12,392 232 12,419 713 730 758 197 211 227 217 13,123 13,435 13,719 14,477 779 788 790 791 171 126 93 82 14,372 14,524 15,433 15,979 792 792 793 793 85 15,953 97 16,661 96 17,165 791 792 789 92 16,745 77 16,820 64 16,070 789 787 776 1930-Mar. 27 J u n e 30. Sept. 24 Dec. 31 11,783 12,385 12,093 12.023 8,541 8,914 8,595 8,300 3,241 3,472 3,498 3,724 1,417 1,405 1,367 1,494 1,824 2,066 2,130 2.230 950 985 1,023 1,062 114 107 100 153 220 305 254 296 73 77 63 73 1,624 2,607 1,164 1,904 312 323 333. 334 24 26 26 28 771 648 624 801 1 1931-Mar. 25 J u n e 30, Sept. 29 Dec. 31 11,880 11.661 11,515 10,565 7,919 7,537 7,165 6.609 3,961 4,124 4,350 5,956 1,767 1,983 2,196 2,126 2,193 2,141 2,154 1,831 989 1,010 1,038 796 96 109 128 112 326 318 229 221 71 92 74 55 948 1.698 931 1,267 336 352 349 348 30 32 31 33 785 661 497 549 2 1932-June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 9,590 9,915 10,045 5,346 5,192 5,066 4.244 4,723 4,979 2,361 2,802 2,966 1,883 1,921 2,013 895 1,090 1,255 104 86 91 214 214 268 67 61 63 801 743 559 356 364 362 38 41 43 365 369 344 1 1933-June 30. Oct. 25 Dec. 30 9,540 9,409 9,415 4,732 4,775 4.725 4.808 4,634 4,690 2.919 2.723 2,781 1,888 1,911 1.909 950 1,088 1,026 86 86 89 220 176 201 76 96 117 941 593 543 348 548 339 46 67 71 352 324 382 1934-Mar. 6. J u n e 30, Oct. 17 Dec. 31 9,798 10,078 10,005 10.216 4.671 4.624 4,442 4,314 5,128 5,454 5,562 5,902 3.342 3,680 3,716 4,120 1,786 1,774 1.847 1.782 1,315 1,581 1,625 1.749 110 103 111 138 217 251 256 281 82 110 135 124 674 483 733 1.143 336 353 351 352 74 63 68 69 320 201 208 189 1935-Mar. 4 . . . June 29.. Nov. 1 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . 10,202 10,710 10,616 10.855 4,296 4,417 4,267 4,498 5,906 6,293 6,349 6,357 4,087 4,439 4,420 4,500 1.819 1,854 1,929 1,858 2.000 2.141 2.777 2,750 105 95 95 119 299 338 312 357 82 45 36 36 860 518 947 1,212 351 348 346 342 72 79 88 90 170 122 124 136 1936-Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. Dec. 3 1 . . 11.186 12,081 11,851 4,507 4,600 4,914 6,678 7,481 6,937 4,732 5,490 4,968 1,946 1,991 1,969 2,740 2,345 2,938 108 126 117 349 341 373 41 36 37 885 1,079 1,186 341 338 331 92 97 98 126 123 138 1937-Mar. 31.. J u n e 30.. Dec. 3 1 . . 11,642 11,573 10,829 5,045 5,381 4,760 6,597 6,192 6,069 4,557 4.395 4.370 2,040 1,797 1.699 3,026 3,062 3,065 113 121 111 339 300 337 34 34 50 929 1,090 1,079 327 326 322 99 100 101 143 137 112 1 1938-Mar. 7 . . . June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 3 1 . . 10,776 10,424 10,828 10.804 4,576 4,202 4,174 4,267 6.200 6,223 6,654 6,537 4,393 4,511 4,829 4,720 1.807 1.712 1,825 1,818 3,278 3.834 4,054 4,451 119 124 134 127 330 357 327 389 64 92 58 37 654 944 631 666 321 319 318 308 101 100 100 140 98 84 87 90 1 1 1 4 131 79 79 106 15,873 16,358 16,617 17,121 776 775 774 772 1939-Mar. 29.. Jime 30.. Oct. 2 . . . . Dec. 3 0 . . 10,869 11,119 11,494 11,847 4,076 4,001 4,147 4,333 6,793 7,118 7,346 7,514 4,926 5,343 5,414 5.696 1,866 1,775 1,932 1.817 4,915 5,341 6,331 6.305 127 114 144 155 420 402 472 484 31 28 27 15 664 1.134 882 652 306 301 299 298 131 129 127 115 79 76 58 75 3 90 70 77 63 17,633 18,714 19,915 20,009 771 767 767 768 1940-Mar. 26.. J u n e 29.. Dec. 3 K . 11,997 12,261 13,467 4,253 4,058 4,477 7.744 8,203 8,990 5.816 6,363 6.995 1.929 1,840 1.995 6.846 7.550 7,547 153 145 182 526 504 546 16 11 7 630 542 1.255 297 293 289 114 94 87 69 54 58 2 4 12 165 20,815 81 21,540 103 23,552 766 759 765 1941-Apr. 4 . . . June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 3 1 . . 14,366 15,246 15,762 15,911 4,641 9,724 4.971 10,275 5,178 10.584 5,315 10,596 7,654 8,347 8,439 8,545 2,071 1,928 2,145 2,052 7,194 6,350 6,085 5,623 149 218 188 188 550 543 577 540 5 6 5 7 661 1,020 804 1,425 293 292 291 289 85 83 80 75 55 51 41 44 11 4 9 4 128 69 111 88 23,498 23,882 23,952 24,195 781 786 794 797 1 1 1 17,648 15,861 ^ "Balances with foreign b a n k s " are included in "balances with domestic banks" prior to May 4,1920, a n d in "other assets" from M a y 4, 1920, through J u n e 30, 1928. * Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as " d u e to b a n k s " and were assumed to be demand deposits. »Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before t h a t time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank® ern- saydement' ings« mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock' Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand - Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its® tinaddegen- justed^ posits' cies, etc.® 1930--Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24, Dec. 31. 12,159 13,832 12,032 12.962 1,597 2,075 1,873 2,132 109 94 70 62 22 20 19 42 7,283 8,419 6,868 7,830 3.148 3,224 3,200 2,907 121 182 92 195 795 665 648 824 317 307 365 305 2,671 2,662 2,724 2,600 048 931 940 906 1,252 1,239 1,267 1,212 404 430 448 409 67 63 69 74 5,659 5,812 5,704 5,926 8,970 7.569 7,231 7,746 1831—Mar. 25. J u n e 30_ Sept. 29 Dec. 31. 11,916 12,558 11,506 10,699 2,028 2,053 1,893 1,437 163 135 167 186 56 57 74 85 6,725 7,366 6,599 6,613 2.943 2,947 2,772 2,379 66 54 98 207 819 680 622 570 348 376 329 253 2,597 2.544 2,616 2.366 904 901 892 856 1,204 1,181 1,162 1,069 403 355 350 247 87 107 110 194 5,777 5,668 5,670 5,346 7,450 7,466 7,363 6.684 1932—June 30 Sept. 30, Dec. 31. 9,601 10,076 10,281 1,340 1,622 1,882 138 342 198 97 110 115 5,813 5,729 5.789 2,214 2,272 2,296 160 128 136 388 378 362 250 274 268 2,187 2,194 2,177 842 842 S4I 986 956 943 193 195 163 166 201 229 5,011 4,986 5.231 6,269 6,604 6.992 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 10,055 9,664 9,598 1.486 1,390 1,577 378 427 469 168 156 159 6,072 6,698 6,661 1,961 1,990 1,932 82 102 71 365 350 409 237 262 288 2,010 2,015 2,052 811 822 824 14 7 89 825 809 783 133 141 112 226 236 245 5,130 5,105 5,117 6,510 6,404 6.417 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30, Oct. 17. Dec. 31 10,417 10,952 11,291 12.109 1,638 1,820^ 1,896 2,013 924 871 607 869 158 124 118 109 6,778 6,117 6.655 7,149 1,919 2,021 2,015 1,979 50 21 17 7 344 221 226 206 302 190 173 173 2,010 2,050 2,012 1,981 768 724 721 710 154 234 209 226 766 783 777 761 122 130 138 131 201 179 168 153 6,105 5,633 5,922 6,006 6,630 7.355 7.733 7,930 1935—Mar. 4. J u n e 29, Nov. 1Dec. 31. 12,024 12,255 13,103 13,661 2,293 2,326 2,618 2,836 629 406 263 280 92 70 38 36 7,030 7.480 8,072 8,486 1,981 1.973 2,112 2,024 9 7 19 9 184 134 133 149 160 133 170 156 1,996 1,994 2,007 2,004 701 694 690 689 236 248 254 252 759 755 754 755 135 142 163 166 164 156 156 151 6,962 7,125 7,274 8,347 0,156 9,690 10,032 1936—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 13.662 14,270 14,801 2,988 2,907 2,980 178 297 291 8.369 8,996 9,348 2,027 2,070 2,182 18 16 14 138 139 155 226 216 178 2,009 2,019 2,016 686 686 687 245 195 118 763 831 899 168 168 189 157 139 124 7,484 7,917 8,162 10,302 10,782 11,061 1957—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 14,332 14,384 13,702 2,680 2,689 2,616 147 328 407 9,220 9,056 8,378 2,284 2,311 2,301 8 8 4 160 155 126 224 249 212 2,022 2,024 2,026 705 706 707 109 101 93 900 903 908 179 190 199 128 125 119 8,291 7,968 7,299 10.780 10,675 9,960 1938—Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 13,530 14,081 14,304 14,753 2,603 2,893 2.996 3,225 380 143 216 186 8,227 8,792 8,848 9,127 2,320 2,253 2,244 2,214 16 3 5 1 106 93 93 105 220 191 222 269 2,001 1,990 1,992 1,993 707 706 706 687 91 90 88 87 910 910 912 921 199 200 201 211 96 84 85 87 7,573 7,848 8,217 8,461 10,205 10,506 11,085 11.466 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 15,313 16,360 17,656 17,685 3,383 3,619 4,356 4,356 181 130 117 126 9,517 10,395 10,922 10,946 2,231 2,216 2,261 2,257 1 1 1 91 91 71 87 237 276 198 238 1,991 1,936 1,988 1,997 687 687 688 688 82 79 78 79 922 924 926 936 215 215 214 217 85 8,853 81 9,261 83 10,039 79 10.294 11,978 12,586 14,038 14,273 18,498 1940—Mar. 26 19,212 J u n e 29..^ Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . . 21,186 4,424 4,608 4,797 124 124 103 11,638 12,178 13,914 2,312 2,301 2,373 1 76 64 68 233 261 276 2,006 2,002 2,022 688 686 689 77 75 75 936 937 950 226 226 237 80 11,008 78 11,636 73 12,659 15,009 15.840 16,988 21,147 21,512 21,576 21,821 4,722 4,693 4,735 4,325 67 86 201 947 13,944 14,341 14.182 14,129 2,413 2,391 2,457 2,421 1 1 10 1 63 59 49 64 251 267 256 244 2,037 2,043 2,061 2.075 689 689 691 693 74 74 73 73 953 956 958 973 246 248 261 264 74 76 78 73 13,283 13,321 13,378 12.704 17,499 17,533 17,714 17,413 1941—Apr. 4 . . . June 30..._... Sept. 24 Dec. 31 * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. ' Includes capital notes a n d debentures issuecl b y State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. , , v ,, ^ . . j « T h e composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text. p. 71, 7 For definitions of " d e m a n d deposits a d j u s t e d " and " n e t demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. «Includes customers' liability to State member banks under letters of credit. 9 Includes letters of credit issued b y State member banks. NO. 187-NEW YORK DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Loans on securities, except to banks Open market paper CaUdate Total loans Acceptances payable in U. S. Commercial a Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances ances! of other banks Bills pav- To brokers and dealers Total To others Real estate loans Total Outside New York City In New York City On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 1928—Oct 3Dec. 31 7,590 8,404 200 178 51 62 65 62 83 54 3,216 4,218 1,038 1,794 77 80 2,101 2,345 458 489 12 12 446 477 293 295 3,423 3,224 1Q29—Alar 27 June 29 Oct 4 Dec 31 8 139 8 769 8,813 9,097 173 161 117 215 60 61 60 129 54 59 34 47 60 41 23 39 3,739 4,159 4,014 4,362 1,240 1,501 1,255 1,322 87 101 92 84 2,411 2,556 2,666 2,955 513 547 560 552 13 14 13 12 500 533 547 539 261 322 309 328 3,455 3,581 3,814 3,640 1930—Mar 27 June 30 Sept 24 Dec 31 8 541 8,914 8 595 8,300 221 243 . 236 273 92 144 149 191 41 30 28 23 88 69 59 59 4,347 4,812 4,622 4,228 1,609 1,959 1,795 1,311 80 94 104 121 2,657 2,759 2,723 2,796 545 558 557 544 13 13 14 14 532 545 543 530 207 200 173 288 3,220 3,100 3,008 2,967 1931—Mar 25 June 30 Sept, 29 Dec 31 7,919 7,537 7,165 6,609 314 460 300 244 81 200 297 201 107 51 44 34 18 63 120 65 38 4,115 3,703 3,353 2,912 1,397 1,081 855 550 138 140 130 97 2,580 2,482 2,368 2,265 555 570 555 556 16 14 15 13 540 556 540 543 158 163 264 393 2,777 2,641 2.-693 2,503 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 5,346 5,192 5,066 456 473 522 138 90 150 264 342 330 22 18 16 32 23 25 2,152 2,217 2,0S6 264 395 340 73 70 69 1,815 1,751 1,688 557 551 548 13 13 13 544 537 535 274 211 225 1,906 1,740 1,675 1933—June 30 Oct. 25„. Dec. 30 4,732 4,775 4,725 371 457 343 122 182 133 224 233 170 11 8 17 14 34 23 2,243 2,104 2,167 724 652 718 45 53 51 1,473 1,399 1,398 505 498 496 12 13 22 492 485 474 168 148 152 1,446 1,568 1,567 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 4,671 4,624 4,442 4,314 481 402 420 404 174 147 161 166 278 225 232 210 9 10 12 16 20 19 15 12 2,096 2,238 1,927 1,941 713 921 677 706 53 59 54 57 1,330 1,258 1,196 1,178 500 490 476 464 13 13 13 13. 487 477 463 451 117 72 70 67 1,477 1,422 1,550 1,439 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 4,296 4,417 4,267 4.498 383 291 270 304 147 83 103 109 203 183 135 158 19 7 12 16 13 18 19 22 1,942 2,130 1,993 2,201 733 952 830 1,028 60 61 62 63 1,149 1,117 1,101 1,110 464 460 459 465 15 13 13 13 449 447 446 452 55 50 38 43 1,453 1,485 1,509 1,484 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 4,507 4,600 4,914 280 224 246 101 67 67 141 123 136 13 8 10 25 26 32 2,230 2,244 2,225 1,069 1,049 1,110 68 80 81 1,093 1,115 1,033 474 473 478 13 13 13 461 461 465 31 30 43 1,493 1,629 1,923 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 5,045 5,381 4,760 244 210 236 71 67 76 123 101 114 6 1 6 44 42 41 2,265 2,419 1,770 1,125 1,244 717 77 79 60 1,063 1,097 993 478 487 481 12 12 12 465 474 469 52 63 30 2,005 2,202 2,242 1938—Mar. 7 . . * . . . . June 30 Sept. 28 4,576 4.202 4,174 207 172 181 66 63 66 92 66 80 5 4 3 44 39 32 1,690 1,527 1,520 656 515 519 51 50 54 982 963 947 482 479 483 13 12 13 468 466 470 61 86 97 2,137 1,938 1,894 Loans to banks Other loans Open market paper CaU date 1938—Dec. 31 Total loans Commercial Agricultural loans 4,267 Acceptances payable in U.S. Total 161 4,076 4,001 4,147 4,333 1,701 1,730 150 152 2,036 145 4,253 1940—Mar. 26» June 29..„___ 4,058 4,477 Dec. 31 2,073 2,314 130 4,641 4,971 5,178 6,315 3,060 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2® Dec. 30 1941—Apr. 4 a June 30.. Sept. 242 Dec. 31 Loans for purchasing or carrjring securities CommerTo cial broTo K Own Accept- abroad paper kers others bought and accept- ances ances of other dealers banks 31 Real estate loans Bills 53 798 319 679 565 58 128 2,731 ' 136 50 131 56 Total On farm land On residential property 472 301 159 463 475 290 298 162 623 274 484 328 474 271 269 481 263 513 348 "241' 538 •374' 429 "lis Other 167 308 323 677 706 163 44 699 25 714 748 160 154 152 "m 838 NO. 188-NEW YORK DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] U. S. Government obligations Other domestic securities Direct Call date Guaranteed Total investments Total Billsi Notes Bonds Obligations Bonds, notes, and of debentures States and polit- Total Governical ment subagencies divinot RailUtil- Other guar- roads® ities' sions anteed byU.S.2 Corporate stocks Foreign securities F. R. Bank Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1928—Oct. 3. Dec. 31 3»189 1,400 1,353 103 110 292 271 1,005 973 276 289 1,331 1,328 345 352 274 276 509 472 49 50 154 179 230 218 1929—Mar. 27. J u n e 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 3,178 3,006 2,950 3,220 1,393 1,263 1,236 1,343 106 83 54 71 327 264 266 200 960 916 916 1,072 292 254 274 346 1,284 1,282 1,244 1,321 346 338 319 324 261 258 248 251 427 427 373 395 55 58 64 67 196 201 240 284 208 1930—Mar. 27 June 3 0 . , . . , „ Sept. 24 Dec. 31 3,241 3,472 3,498 3,724 1,417 1,405 1,367 1,494 87 121 89 155 186 111 174 261 1,144 1,173 1,105 1,078 313 328 402 449 1,319 1,510 1,498 1,516 328 399 402 431 273 302 313 321 401 472 451 425 70 65 66 . 64 • 248 272 265 274 192 228 230 265 igSl—Mar. 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 3,961 4,124 4,350 3,956 1,767 1,983 2,196 2,126 321 363 467 303 164 218 193 193 1,282 1,401 1,536 1,631 497 430 484 377 1,440 1,471 1,397 1,266 435 447 434 412 311 325 285 267 365 371 363 313 65 64 64 61 264 264 250 212 256 240 274 188 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 4,244 4.723 4,979 2,361 2,802 2,966 625 552 518 217 784 1,034 1,519 1,466 1,414 489 532 602 1,219 1,220 1,236 402 398 390 268 273 270 294 299 331 59 59 58 196 192 186 174 169 176 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 4,808 4,634 4,690 2,919 2,723 2,781 646 395 366 1,072 1,070 1,031 1,201 1,258 1,384 649 679 671 1,095 1,095 1,110 328 317 314 236 241 233 273 267 287 57 58 • 58 201 212 218 144 137 128 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30. Oct. 17 Dec. 31 5,128 5,454 5,562 5,902 3,236 3,521 3,431 3,756 '743 970 883 758 1,163 1,193 1,407 1,811 1,331 1,358 1,141 1,187 105 159 285 364 684 612 698 658 999 1,062 1,039 1,024 41 134 117 99 299 292 316 315 227 220 211 216 167 163 148 160 59 60 60 60 206 192 188 174 104 100 110 100 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 5,906 6,293 6,349 6,357 3,679 3,978 3,895 3,976 575 898 843 86^ 1,881 1,767 1,986 2,012 1,223 1,313 1,067 1,098 409 461 525 523 677 687 747 702 1,044 1,072 1,090 1,074 125 100 100 91 316 315 300 296 218 235 267 269 141 172 182 177 60 59 51 51 185 191 190 191 95 92 82 1936—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 6,678 7,481 6,937 4,105 4,797 4,355 849 1,098 718 2,109 1,977 1,737 1,147 1,722 1,900 627 693 613 734 664 622 1,109 1,234 1,252 104 115 83 316 350 371 267 293 314 186 213 221 51 51 51 185 212 213 103 93 94 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30, Dec. 31 6,597 6,192 6,069 3,949 3,806 3,828 643 549 497 1,556 1,617 1,739 1,751 1,640 1,592 589 541 707 530 526 1,230 1,177 1,108 85 73 88 369 357 323 289 273 249 224 215 203 51 51 51 213 207 194 103 90 65 1938—Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 6,200 6,223 6,654 6,537 3,818 3,663 3,842 3,676 506 222 252 160 1,738 1,530 1,524 1,308 1,574 1,910 2,066 2,207 575 848 987 1,044 670 575 679 728 1,072 1,069 1,074 1.023 94 115 103 132 311 292 286 265 239 229 230 229 188 198 220 177 51 51 51 51 190 184 184 169 65 68 71 67 S3,208 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2 6 Dec. 30„ 6,793 3,683 4,047 4,068 4,221 69 169 966 1,020 2,648 2,858 257 241 206 207 180 185 51 51 163 160 71 62,935 80 53,114 885 3,012 787 690 891 805 151 162 323 1,243 1,296 1,346 1,476 1,008 1,005 7,346 7,514 940 147 232 172 186 51 152 3,606 7,744 1940—Mar. 26® J u n e 2 9 . . . , . . , 8,203 8,990 Dec. 31 4,347 4,865 5,187 429 222 1,199 1,350 3,237 3,615 1,468 1,498 1,808 939 863 935 912 998 129 186 212 221 134 130 241 277 51 51 144 132 65 4,088 4,746 9.724 10,275 10,584 10,596 5,836 6,363 6,230 6,610 1,818 600 1,616 4,147 1,001 225 220 115 260 52 130 48 5,589 332 1,758 4,520 1,011 879 1,053 976 1,034 240 241 107 272 52 "122 41 5,490 1941—Apr. 4«_, J u n e 30 Sept. 24« Dec. 31 7,118 1,983 2,209 1,935 207 197 210 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness u p to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. s Included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures prior t o March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in J u l y 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. « Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, a n d bonds, notes, a n d debentures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, a n d debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) ^ ^ ^ ^ T h k is"fhe amount reported as " m a t u r i n g in 1939-1943." A classification of securities b y maturity was not required before December 1938. « Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and a u t u m n call dates. NO. 189-NEW YORK DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiStates Certi- viduals, and fied partpolitand ical nerTotal oflSsubcers' ships, divi- checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. Gov- States and ernment poUtical and Do; For- postal subdivimestic eign savings' sions 1928—Oct. 3 . . . Dec. 31.. 8,343 10,786 1,048 1,301 421 471 35 63 218 306 828 1,814 5,793 6,830 3,069 3,145 1929—Mar. 27.. J u n e 29.. Oct. 4 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . 9,562 8,735 9,205 10,377 993 1,093 1,019 1,283 376 380 366 465 151 92 83 26 285 373 254 310 1,527 551 1,202 1,225 6,230 6,245 6,280 7,068 3,157 3,105 3,252 3,196 21 49 42 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 3 1 . . 8,801 10,350 8,598 9,791 1,044 1,413 1,212 1,444 365 424 448 465 109 94 70 52 278 388 274 315 980 1,282 624 907 6,025 6,749 5,970 6,607 3,357 3,482 3,433 3,172 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 3 1 . . 8,731 9,409 8,566 8,207 1,452 1,474 1,230 1,073 390 434 569 335 163 135 167 186 341 402 324 364 469 814 483 516 5,915 6,149 5,792 5,733 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 7,279 7,682 7,856 1,181 1,423 1,651 148 188 217 138 342 198 361 239 275 382 371 199 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 3 0 . . 7,911 7,489 7,497 1,332 1,280 1,268 130 . 83 99 378 427 469 263 248 328 1934—Mar. 5 . . . J u n e 30., Oct. 17... Dec.3U_ 8,330 8,795 9,149 10,011 1,473 1,671 1,770 1,876 155 137 117 127 924 871 607 859 1935—Mar. 4 . . . J u n e 29.. Nov. 1 . . . Dec. 31.. 9,941 10,206 10,946 11,595 2,135 2,070 2,283 2,418 148 250 329 412 1936—Mar. 4.,, J u n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 11,529 12,193 12,614 2,618 2,471 2,579 1937—Mar. 31.. J u n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 12,042 12,059 11,378 1938—Mar. 7... J u n e 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. Total Sav- ChristCertifi. mas cates Open savof acings deand posit similar accounts^ 24 22 50 43 2.927 3.021 2,233 2,280 178 190 515 551 62 93 133 21 21 21 21 43 48 67 72 3,046 2.954 3.022 2.928 2,308 2,325 2,288 2,307 175 165 175 173 563 464 560 448 44 53 44 41 144 185 169 182 22 20 19 42 67 59 65 46 3,081 3,165 3,136 203 2,861 2,322 2,336 2,316 2,138 551 607 617 511 3,185 3,149 2,940 2,493 42 29 14 7 144 115 79 21. 56 57 74 85 65 71 58 41 2,878 2,876 2,715 2,337 2,078 2,054 1,916 1,796 240 214 176 560 594 585 365 5,069 5,119 5,315 2,322 2,394 2,425 6 7 12 5 4 1 97 110 115 40 63 44 2,174 2,209 2,252 1,651 1,603 1,608 174 219 230 349 387 415 483 318 189 5,325 5,132 5,143 2,144 2,157 2,101 25 5 5 1 5 6 158 156 159 41 36 36 1,919 1.955 1,896 1,422 1,447 1,467 208 187 155 272 303 269 333 368 454 470 386 178 386 568 5,058 5,571 5,815 6,111 2,087 2,157 2,142 2,098 4 5 5 3 7 7 3 7 158 124 118 109 35 42 46 42 1,884 1,979 1,969 1,937 1,501 1,547 1,555 1,576 122 144 149 131 253 273 245 629 406 263 280 445 605 704 555 523 175 439 553 6,062 6,700 6,929 7,377 2,083 2,050 2,157 2,066 3 3 2 2 7 4 4 4 92 70 38 36 30 24 37 38 1,950 1,950 2,075 1,986 1,586 1,615 1,634 1,653 126 111 365 430 395 178 297 291 536 629 536 522 517 497 7,310 7,850 8,315 2,033 2,076 2,188 2 1 1 4 5 4 38 29 35 1,989 2,040 2,147 1,650 1,692 1,751 85 2,254 2,099 2,176 421 577 417 147 328 407 625 644 408 385 463 437 8,210 7,949 7,533 2,290 2,325 2,324 1 1 16 5 12 7 38 36 96 2,245 2,275 2,205 11,182 11,801 12,037 12,514 2,247 2,581 2,567 2,762 328 285 407 438 380 143 216 186 501 516 414 587 350 401 312 233 7,376 7,875 8,123 8,307 2,347 2,280 2,267 2.239 20 19 17 19 8 8 6 6 124 61 96 69 1939—Mar. 29.. J u n e 30.. Oct.2».. Dec. 3 0 . . 13,054 14,113 15,368 15,400 2,808 3,071 3,661 3,638 547 518 668 691 181 130 117 126 570 576 592 524 300 8,647 506 9,313 386 9,944 216 10,206 2,259 2,246 2,287 2,285 20 22 21 21 7 8 6 6 1940—Mar. 26 >. J u n e 29.. Dec. a i . . 16,155 16,879 18,782 3,726 3,936 4,129 671 647 643 120 118 96 587 539 692 291 10,761 196 11,442 511 12,711 2,343 2,333 2,405 23 21 21 5 4 4 For footnotes see end of table. 69 59 47 4 7 7 212 228 98 87 17 19 3 226 14 20 4 230 207 323 242 16 21 4 244 246 324 10 1,770 1,784 1,851 394 393 16 24 7 2,196 2,192 2,149 2,145 1,846 1,834 274 270 236 89 72 88 70 2,142 2,144 2,173 2,188 1,809 1,795 70 62 82 2,242 2,239 2,291 281 1,820 1,823 19 6 261 14 25 32 5 263 273 25 1,827 47 309 1,825 1,875 42 344 381 16 NO. 189-NEW YORK DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1341-Continued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total 1941~Apr. 4» June 30 Sept. 24» Dec. 31 18,703 19,090 19,088 19,372 Do-, For1 mestic eign 4,125 4,049 4,151 3,694 573 620 560 609 U. S. Government 61 80 195 940 Time IndiInterbank States Certi- vidV. S. States fied uals, and Gov- and and partpoUtern- politoffiment nerical Total ical cers' ships, subDo- For- and subdivi- checks, corpo1 mestic eign postal divisav- sions etc. rations, sions ings! etc. 655 655 673 676 345 353 383 506 12,943 13,334 13,126 12,947 2,444 2,422 2,488 2,449 19 19 19 17 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 59 48 53 57 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings 2,355 2,343 1,887 2,405 2,364 'i;939" Christfnf^H Certificates Open savacof ings de- counts' and posit similar accounts' 28 395 33 "394" 6 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. ® "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. * A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO. 190-NEW YORK DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS,'' [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves ^ Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Investments Call date Cash Bank Bal- items premises. Other ances in with proc- furni- real foress ture estate eign of and banks' collec- fixtion tures Total Cusassets tomNumers' Secuber lia- rities Other of biUty bor- assets banks on rowed Total acUaceptbiUties ances Total U. S. Government obligations 304 294 306 296 148 146 143 141 44 43 41 39 104 103 101 103 38 35 31 34 11 10 11 12 20 20 20 21 25 31 28 25 9 10 10 10 5 5 6 4 448 448 427 307 305 284 141 143 143 36 35 41 105 107 102 34 33 33 10 10 8 18 21 19 19 28 22 10 10 11 2 2 1 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30.. Dec. 29-. 447 444 489 299 283 300 148 161 189 45 52 82 103 109 107 32 34 37 8 8 10 18 27 21 18 34 28 11 11 12 1 2 2 1 1 1923—Apr. 3 . . . June 30,. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31.. 513 518 510 506 321 322 318 318 191 196 192 189 87 90 85 77 104 106 107 112 38 36 36 38 10 9 10 11 21 26 20 21 28 36 28 35 12 13 13 13 2 2 2 2 1 1924—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Oct. 10... Dec. 31.. 515 523 553 581 335 334 333 348 180 189 220 233 75 '76 99 117 105 113 121 117 35 35 42 41 10 12 10 12 23 27 33 23 29 44 29 37 13 14 15 15 3 2 2 2 l92^Apr. 6... June 30.. Sept. 28., Dec. 31.. 606 615 615 625 369 384 376 400 238 231 239 225 117 111 116 102 120 121 123 123 43 41 41 42 11 10 9 11 21 22 21 26 28 46 27 47 16 17 18 19 3 3 3 3 1926-Apr. 12.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 661 628 625 442 425 449 220 203 176 96 85 59 124 119 117 48 38 45 12 10 9 24 31 22 33 40 37 19 18 20 3 3 3 1927-Mar. 23.. June 30.. Oct. 10... Dec. 31.. 660 685 688 723 481 482 475 513 179 203 213 210 55 67 70 62 123 136 144 148 46 44 44 44 9 10 11 10 22 26 23 23 27 48 39 37 21 22 23 23 1928—Feb. 28.. June 30.. Oct. 3.... Dec. 31.. 720 740 713 704 515 545 522 542 205 195 191 162 57 64 58 52 148 131 133 110 49 48 42 42 ,9 9 9 9 25 31 23 21 27 42 37 47 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31.. 662 640 545 537 522 494 435 434 140 146 109 103 51 52 42 36 89 94 67 67 37 38 29 28 5 4 4 4 22 19 14 17 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24,. Dec. 31.. 539 545 542 514 411 405 377 358 127 140 165 156 53 46 65 47 74 94 100 109 27 28 29 27 4 4 3 4 1931—Mar. 25„ June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 517 489 454 414 357 330 305 282 160 159 149 132 64 67 61 49 95 93 88 83 26 27 23 18 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30., Dec. 31.. 364 364 353 241 235 228 123 130 125 43 48 41 79 81 83 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dee. 30,, 306 319 308 201 205 195 104 114 114 36 41 42 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31., 308 307 308 302 187 178 179 173 120 129 129 130 1935—Mar. 4.. June 20. Nov. I.Dec. 31.. 303 305 308 310 169 163 154 157 193G-Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31., 304 307 309 165 155 155 Total Loans 1920—May 4... June 30., Nov. 15.. Dec. 29.. 453 441 449 437 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30.. Dec. 31-. 1 3 4 5 4 566 557 561 549 22 23 23 1 1 5 2 3 2 545 557 531 24 24 24 4 3 4 3 543 564 603 24 23 4 3 . 3 3 627 644 26 632 22 25 25 25 3 3 3 3 687 714 23 23 23 23 3 3 4 3 731 760 739 776 22 20 1 5 4 4 807 773 766 23 24 3 3 3 5 792 844 836 .871 26 1 1 2 5 5 5 5 23 23 22 21 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 5 3 4 862 903 852 855 32 33 32 31 26 50 26 28 18 20 17 20 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 8 4 3 2 2 783 781 645 648 30 27 14 24 29 25 17 22 13 23 20 20 20 20 2 2 2 2 8 10 8 6 3 2 4 2 660 3 4 3 4 29 27 18 18 11 17 12 18 20 20 18 18 3 3 3 2 4 4 5 6 3 2 3 2 18 18 17 2 2 3 13 19 26 11 9 11 18 18 18 2 2 1 5 3 1 69 74 72 15 17 19 2 2 3 18 10 17 9 7 10 17 17 17 1 2 2 1 56 60 61 69 64 69 68 60 16 18 19 19 3 2 3 3 11 12 15 13 7 11 10 12 17 16 16 16 134 141 153 153 69 70 77 76 65 71 76 77 16 21 20 22 3 3 3 4 18 15 12 17 8 11 11 17 139 153 155 61 73 72 77 80 82 23 44 34 3 4 5 22 24 22 12 21 19 , 1 660 22 26 30 21 20 18 651 625 18 19 18 594 541 503 18 17 15 15 2 2 2 440 435 15 15 15 2 2 2 373 378 380 12 12 12 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 369 373 378 373 12 16 16 16 16 3 4 4 5 2 2 2 2 373 378 379 394 12 12 16 16 15 5 5 5 2 2 2 424 412 618 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits .. Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank a ern- savdement* ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties Total ing Com- Premon ferred stock stock' Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its' tinaddegen- justed' posits' cies, etc.® 1920—IVIay 4 „ June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 456 448 446 440 49 48 51 49 2 4 5 4 338 336 307 306 67 61 83 81 40 39 43 38 5 5 6 5 6 7 7 6 59 58 60 60 26 26 27 27 22 22 21 21 11 10 11 12 313 305 279 281 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 . . . Dec. 31 .. 441 449 427 39 39 40 6 8 6 317 323 297 79 79 84 33 37 30 2 2 1 7 6 11 62 63 62 28 29 29 22 23 23 12 11 11 298 295 275 1922—Mar. 10 . . June 30 Dec 29 455 484 498 47 46 QO 9 4 9 304 330 306 94 104 134 12 8 29 1 10 7 7 66 65 68 29 29 29 23 24 24 13 12 15 286 296 278 1923—Apr 3 June 30 Sept 14 Dec 31 528 532 513 520 49 49 • 46 45 13 8 3 6 311 323 301 309 155 153 162 160 24 35 31 32 7 7 7 7 68 69 71 70 30 30 30 31 25 24 24 26 14 15 17 14 283 287 273 274 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec 31 538 571 604 612 45 56 65 60 8 5 10 12- 317 337 336 344 169 173 193 195 15 9 3 23 7 8 7 6 70 72 73 73 30, 30 30 30 26 27 27 27 14 15 16 16 288 293 307 307 1Q25—Anr 6 Junp 30 Sept 28 Dec 31 637 652 627 657 60 51 53 55 16 .4 9 9 343 382 345 375 218 215 220 218 12 24 22 35 1 7 6 10 8 75 77 80 77 30 31 32 28 27 28 29 29 17 19 18 19 315 336 318 328 1Q26—Anr 12 v June 30 Dec. 31 702 677 645 51 53 48 7 5 5 395 375 343 246 245 249 11 9 31 I 9 6 7 85 80 82 32 32 33 34 31 32 19 18 18 362 335 306 348 1927—Mar 23 •Time 30 Oct 10 Dec 31 682 715 708 732 52 50 53 54 6 5 7 6 358 387 356 368 266 272 291 304 13 28 24 33 1 1 2 9 8 8 7 87 93 95 96 34 36 37 38 33 36 37 37 19 20 21 21 331 339 317 331 371 383 361 373 tQ^a TTph 28 June 30 Oct 3 Dec. 31 735 726 685 695 54 53 54 50 2 3 2 6 1 1 369 358 326 337 311 312 302 302 18 62 42 38 2 2 3 4 10 8 15 14 97 104 107 104 38 39 39 39 37 41 47 46 22 24 20 18 1 1 342 316 289 290 382 358 328 331 1020—Mar 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec 31 633 648 507 524 37 36 24 24 5 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 300 317 218 210 291 291 261 288 35 15 36 10 4 4 4 8 18 16 13 12 93 98 84 93 35 35 30 31 38 42 35 45 19 19 17 16 1 2 2 1 274 267 192 182 299 30V 213 203 1Q30—Mar 27 June 30 Sept 24 Dec 31 510 530 529 507 25 38 33 32 4 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 185 192 191 196 295 295 300 275 7 9 4 8 10 8 6 15 12 15 11 94 97 99 96 30 31 32 31 45 46 47 46 17 17 18 16 2 2 3 3 168 170 178 173 183 192 190 191 1 1 1 2 171 177 143 146 282 255 247 197 1 1 3 19 4 4 5 6 14 11 10 9 97 95 89 86 31 31 28 28 46 41 35 35 16 15 10 10 3 8 16 13 160 160 131 128 171 183 145 143 2 2 2 119 119 126 171 168 160 11 10 6 5 3 1 3 7 7 90 89 90 . 30 30 30 32 32 32 9 9 8 18 18 19 108 110 115 123 120 127 1 6 7 6 82 82 84 29 29 29 5 32 32 23 6 6 5 15 15 21 89 104 106 106 120 117 4 3 3 3 73 69 68 57 23 22 21 22 14 15 15 15 10 10 10 10 4 4 4 4 23 19 17 6 107 105 113 116 123 125 128 131 1 1 IQ^l—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept 29 Dec. 31 503 484 434 382 41 46 35 32 8 3 7 5 toqo 325 331 332 29 28 36 5 13 7 278 283 285 33 26 28 10 11 11 98 111 116 132 130 127 6 6 5 291 300 307 313 26 30 28 28 22 16 10 15 114 116 123 128 125 134 141 139 1 Tutio 9Q Nov. 304 311 313 330 31 31 26 28 12 9 13 14 116 138 138 153 141 130 134 133 3 2 1 1 66 66 64 62 18 18 18 18 15 15 14 14 10 10 10 10 4 4 5 5 19 19 18 16 108 127 127 137 122 147 153 163 1936—Mar. 4 Timo On T^nrt Qi OiO 366 355 31 26 27 10 20 16 148 184 174 140 136 139 2 1 1 59 57 56 18 • 18 18 9 8 6 12 13 17 3 3 4 16 14 10 136 163 155 156 187 176 Titrtp SO Sept. 30 Dec 31 1QOO Timp Dec 30 IQ'ii "XTur 5 Aft Oct. 17 uec. oi •tnQC TVYOT- a 3 3 2 2 NO. 190-NEW YORK DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS,'' PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920M941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments CaU date U. S. Government obligations Total Loans 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30., Dec. 31.. 293 293 290 156 158 157 137 134 134 64 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30., Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 273 270 274 275 136 130 136 140 145 154 75 85 85 90 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30., Oct. 2..., Dec. 30.. 273 265 278 120 121 122 153 145 156 173 1940—Mar. 26., June 29.. Dec. 31.. 277 154 158 291 123 123 130 1941—Apr. 4 . . , June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 305 318 314 328 131 135 139 144 281 Total 128 121 130 Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Total CusCash Bank tomBalBal- items premNumises, Other ers' Secuances ances in ber Ua- rities Other with with proc- furni- real of ture estate bility bor- assets domea- foress banks and on rowed of eign tic acTotal banks banks 1 collec- fixtures ceptliation ances biUties 20 396 402 394 12 12 11 29 384 366 374 388 11 11 11 11 95 85 93 114 385 388 406 431 11 11 11 12 161 99 100 104 431 424 450 12 11 11 173 183 175 184 119 131 132 146 444 459 485 490 11 11 11 11 Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand ties ing Memoranda ReNet Undi- serves mand devided for deprof- con- posits mand detinits' gen- justed^ posits T cies, etc.® U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank» ern- savment® ings < mand Other time 164 173 157 142 139 148 17 17 17 149 156 141 156 143 142 144 154 141 145 141 17 17 17 17 134 128 134 145 136 133 135 151 17 17 17 17 140 146 159 170 146 154 183 Total Com- PreSurmon ferred plus stock stock 5 . 1937—Mar. 31. J u n e 30._ Dec. 31.. 345 338 1938-Mar. 7 . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 28., Dec. 31.. 335 318 326 344 1939—Mar. 29. „ J u n e 30..., Oct. 2 Dec. 30 340 343 362 384 186 143 136 142 145 1940—Mar. 26... June 29.... Dec. 31.... 384 379 406 179 185 218 147 142 140 , 17 17 15 167 173 196 176 179 195 1941-Apr. 4 June 30., Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 415 439 446 219 227 246 259 135 141 141 .141 15 15 15 15 205 207 204 209 226 160 152 161 172 40 228 167 146 168 * This table excludes central reserve city banks in New York City, which are shown in P a r t I, Section 2, pp. 80-82. 1 "Balances with foreign b a n k s " are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. 4 Before October 3,1928, all interbank deposits were reported as ' ' d u e to b a n k s " and were assumed to be demand deposits. »Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. J ^^ tr. S 1Q9fi TTtidpr w reserve requirepassage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. s Includes capital notes and debentures issued b y State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued b y member b a n k s before the banking holiday of 1933. . . . . . « T h e composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. ^ For definitions of " d e m a n d deposits a d j u s t e d " a n d "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. NO. 191-NEW YORK DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS.' CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Call date Total loans Acceptances payable in V . S j Commercial Total = Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances ances " of other banks Loans on securities, except to banks Heal estate loans To brokers and dealers Bills Total In New York City Outside New York City To others Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other 1928-Oct. 3.... Dec. 31.. 622 642 263 263 198 205 224 219 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 522 494 435 434 256 244 209 227 196 193 173 187 206 193(}-Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 411 405 377 358 231 229 199 131 127 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29,. Dec. 31.. 357 330 305 282 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 241 235 228 1933—June 30,. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 201 205 195 1934—Mar. 5... June 30_. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 187 179 179 173 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 169 163 154 157 46 44 43 46 1936—Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. Dec. 31.. 165 155 155 47 46 59 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31__ 156 158 167 63 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. 136 130 128 55 52 60 Total loans 1938—Dec.3 1 121 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 23 Dec. 30 120 121 1940—Mar, 26» June 29 Dec. 31 123 123 130 1941—Apr. 42 June 30 Sept. 24» Dec. 31 131 135 139 144 122 199 173 160 211 196 211 116 195 188 115 199 176 112 ' 162 184 171 164 150 130 128 124 124 69 66 69 107 102 100 53 62 63 93 87 84 61 48 50 48 168 126 125 108 112 101 101 98 96 90 105 90 83 61 Open market paper CaU date 24 Commercial loans Agri-, cultural loans Acceptances pa^ble in Total Loans for purchasing or carrying securities CommerTo To broSSR; cial Own Accept- abroad papet kers others bought and accept- ances of other dealers banks Real estate loans Bills 32 Total On farm land On residential property 27 Other 19 Loans to banks Other loans 18 18 19 28 47 28 10 17 22 17 18 NO. 192-NEW YORK DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS.'^ CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31.... Bills' Notes ObligaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States Guarand anteed polit- Total Government ical agencies subnot Rail- Util- Other Bonds diviguar- roads' ities® sions anteed byU.S.i Corporate stocks F. R. Bank Foreign securities Other Total securities niaturing in 5 years or less 15 191 162 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . . Juno 29.... Oct. 4 Dec. 31.... 140 146 109 1930—Mar. 27 June 30.... Sept. 24... Dec. 31-... 127 140 165 156 1931—Mar. 25... June 30-._. Sept. 29... Dec. 3 1 - . . 160 1932—June 30.:.. Sept. 30. Dec. 31.... 123 130' 124 1933—June 30,.,. Oct. 25.,.. Dec. 30.... 103 115 114 1934—Mar. 5 . . . . June 30-... Oct. 17.... Dec.31_... 129 129 130 1935—Mar. 4 . . . . June 29-.,. Nov. 1 Dec. 31 134 141 153 153 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 139 153 155 10 1937—Mar, 31. June 30. Dec. 31 137 134 134 14 13 15 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 136 140 145 154 17 24 25 20 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2«.. Dee. 30 152 145 156 173 12 14 14 ^23 1940—Mar. 26® June 29 Dec. 31 154 158 161 75 1941—Apr. 46 June 30. Sept. 246 Dec. 31 173 183 175 184 84 89 81 103 102 159 149 132 120 5 5 72 79 91 22 69 83 ^56 S58 646 37 16 14 29 86 63 35 42 51 43 10 85 89 28 80 21 97 * This table excludes central reserve city banks in New York City, which are shown in Part I„ Section 2, p. 84. 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding om December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. 2 Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest on , first issued in July 1933 and replaced in 1934-1&35 by fully guaranteed obligations, have bfen classified as not guaranteed. 3 Comprisca bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. < Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. ^ , i •£. .. * 5 This is the amount reported as "maturing in 1939-1943.' A classification of securities by maturity was not required before December 1938. 6 Beginning with October 1939 a detailed clas.sification of securities has not been required as of spring and autumn call dates. NO. 193-NEW YORK DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS,* CUSSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiInterbank States CertividU . S. States and uals, fied Govand politpartand ern- political neroffiment Total ical subships, cers' , Do- For- and subdivi- checks, corpomestic eign postal divisions savetc. rations, sions ings 1 etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts® and posit similar accounts' 1928—Oct. 3 . . . Dec. 31.. 381 391 53 48 1 2 6 36 44 10 13 280 280 305 304 24 19 278 283 242 245 32 35 4 3 1929—Mar. 27. J u n e 29. Oct. 4 . „ Dec. 31 J. 340 355 244 235 35 34 22 23 1 1 1 1 5 4 3 1 70 80 17 15 11 11 6 7 220 225 195 188 293 293 263 20 21 23 16 270 270 239 271 240 240 212 249 27 25 20 21 3 6 6 1 1930—Mar. 27. J u n e 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 215 233 226 230 24 36 29 29 1 1 2 2 4 3 4 4 13 12 12 15 3 5 2 5 170 176 176 176 295 297 303 277 20 18 21 11 275 278 280 263 248 237 235 225 22 35 39 34 4 5 6 4 1931—Mar. 25.. J u n e 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31.. 214 225 181 179 34 42 29 26 2 2 1 1 7 3 7 5 15 12 8 11 3 4 3 4 153 162 133 131 288 259 253 203 19 15 21 15 263 240 226 182 223 201 188 155 35 33 31 22 5 6 7 5 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 150 158 164 25 25 30 1 1 1 5 13 7 10 9 17 3 2 3 106 107 106 176 173 167 14 15 12 ' 156 153 148 132 126 120 19 20 22 5 7 6 1933—June 30., Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 140 147 153 32 24 26 1 1 1 10 11 11 10 24 23 2 2 3 86 85 90 138 136 131 10 5 6 122 125 120 102 103 102 14 10 10 5 12 8 1934—Mar. 5... J u n e 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 161 161 160 170 25 28 26 25 1 1 1 4 22 16 10 15 24 17 22 19 2 3 1 4 88 96 99 105 130 139 147 144 5 8 15 15 120 126 127 124 105 110 112 114 4 5 4 4 11 11 10 6 1935—Mar. 4... J u n e 29_. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 158 178 176 196 29 29 24 27 1 1 1 1 12 9 13 14 19 30 26 25 2 2 3 4 95 105 109 125 145 133 137 135 15 4 9 8 126 125 126 124 114 117 117 117 4 5 5 6 7 3 3 2 1936—Mar. 4... J u n e 30., Dec. 31.. 188 230 216 29 25 25 1 1 1 10 20 16 25 19 20 2 3 5 120 162 150 140 136 139 9 3 6 131 133 132 119 121 122 7 8 7 5 3 3 1937—Mar. 31.. J u n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 196 206 181 26 26 19 1 1 1 5 6 5 26 17 10 3 3 3 135 153 143 142 139 156 8 3 11 133 136 137 123 125 125 7 8 10 3 2 3 193&-Mar. 7... J u n e 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 169 167 173 194 20 19 19 21 1 1 1 1 5 5 9 12 15 10 10 17 2 3 2 4 126 129 132 139 166 151 153 149 19 6 11 8 135 135 134 133 125 124 122 124 8 7 7 6 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 9 3 ^ M a r . 29.. J u n e 30., Oct. 23... Dec. 30.. 188 197 210 229 23 23 26 28 1 1 1 1 12 12 12 14 17 14 18 17 2 3 4 4 133 144 150 166 153 146 152 155 9 4 13 11 133' 132 129 134 124 122 6 6 3 4 1 126 5 2 1940—Mar. 263 J u n e 29.. Dec. 31.. 226 227 257 32 28 26 1 1 1 14 13 12 19 18 20 3 3 4 157 164 194 158 152 149 12 8 6 135 134 134 126 130 4 2 3 2 1 1941—Apr. 43.. J u n e 30.. Sept. 243. Dec. 31.. 255 265 290 298 29 28 31 29 1 1 1 1 6 9 12 10 27 18 26 21 4 3 4 5 189 205 215 233 144 150 149 148 5 5 5 6 130 136 136 135 127 8 1 128 7 1 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established m November 1938. ^ "Christmas savings a n d similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before J u n e 1933. 3 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring a n d a u t u m n calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NQ. 194-NEW YORK DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Balances with domestic banks Cash Bank Bal- items premises, Other in ances vrith proc- furm- real ture estate ess forand of eign banks 1 collec- fixtion tures Total Customassets Numers' Secuber lia- rities Other of bility bor- assets banks on rowed acTotal ceptUaances bilitiea Total U. S. Government obligations 904 934 963 942 533 538 545 572 193 195 192 190 341 343 354 380 74 78 81 82 40 40 37 44 81 78 69 68 1,528 1,556 1,566 939 948 926 590 609 640 192 197 201 398 413 438. 76 79 78 36 36 31 51 60 63 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30.. Dec. 29.. 1,578 1,626 1,755 918 925 970 661 701 785 209 212 251 452 489 535 77 81 94 30 32 38 58 62 70 1923—Apr. 3 . . . June 30.. Sept. 14. Dec. 31.. 1,818 1,884 1,907 1,937 1,016 1,066 1,084 1,109 802 818 823 826 261 271 262 256 544 547 560 570 93 94 98 98 40 29 38 43 70 61 65 87 2.130 2,174 2,214 2,281 729 735 740 747 1924—Mar. 31., June 30.. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31., 1,964 2,003 2,051 2,113 1,134 1,144 1,142 1,170 830 859 909 942 246 232 231 232 584 627 679 710 95 103 101 106 34 38 39 45 66 86 92 106 2,269 2,347 2,395 2,498, 756 753 756 766 192&-Apr. 6... June 30.. Sept. 28, Dec. 31.. 2,157 2,235 2,310 2,357 1,204 1,273 1,325 1,379 952 962 984 976 233 222 223 213 719 738 761 763 103 114 112 114 41 42 41 43 77 83 76 84 2,495 2,604 2,661 2,744 770 781 790 797 1926—Apr. 12.. June 30., Dec. 31.. 2,404 2,448 2,523 1,432 1,458 1,517 969 991 1,006 211 210 193 758 780 814 111 118 114 43 45 40 83 85 88 2,777 2,840 2,927 806 814 827 1927—Mar. 23., June 30. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31.. 2,553 2,643 2,716 2,764 1,520 1,581 1,615 1,655 1,032 1,062 1,101 1,109 203 203 206 203 829 859 895 906 119 • 123 123 137 45 47 47 44 75 93 84 95 2,936 3,071 3.131 3,216 836 835 840 845 1928—Feb. 28.. June 30. Oct. 3.... Dec. 31.. 2,773 2,922 2,918 2,938 1,661 1,786 1,814 1,844 1,112 1,135 1,103 1,094 202 206 212 208 910 929 891 886 128 130 128 129 48 36 48 50 77 79 88 93 3,184 3,342 3,365 3,420 844 848 845 850 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec. 31 2,929 2,976 3,069 3,006 1,863 1,935 2,035 1,980 1,066 1,041 1,034 1,026 208 205 205 195 858 836 829 831 127 132 134 129 47 36 44 54 71 77 88 99 3,350 3,416 3,526 3,511 850 853 855 855 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24., D ^ . 31.. 3,006 3,042 2,994 2,927 1,938 1,913 1,859 1,795 1,068 1,129 1,134 1,131 215 212 211 207 853 917 923 924 130 143 136 136 47 45 47 54 93 124 120 127 100 3,459 3,573 3,480 3,470 854 853 851 848 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30., Sept. 29,. Deo. 31.. 2,890 2,885 2,808 2,691 1,751 1,721 1,639 1,563 1,139 1,163 1,169 1,128 237 260 305 309 901 904 864 819 132 136 132 113 45 51 56 55 163 154 109 98 99 100 99 96 3,413 3,452 3,299 3,177 842 837 819 787 1932—June 30.. Sept, 30.. Dec. 31.. 2,511 2,439 2,364 1,423 1,353 1,299 1,088 1,086 1,065 310 325 321 778 761 744 105 101 106 49 41 42 105 98 127 95 95 94 2,978 2,869 2,838 773 773 775 1933—June 30., Oct, 25... Dec. 30.. 2,101 2,119 2,111 1,107 1,101 1,077 994 1,019 1,034 332 362 377 662 657 657 98 103 104 38 42 39 101 78 91 84 85 85 2,529 2,511 2,543 665 682 710 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 2,140 2,105 2,154 2,152 1,065 1,045 1,020 982 1,075 1,060 1,134 1,170 413 410 . 464 527 663 650 669 643 129 147 163 154 41 37 44 48 114 142 158 165 2,601 2,635 2,721 2,732 731 739 741 741 1935—Mar. 4... June 29., Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 2,116 2,102 2,141 2,127 972 934 914 907 1,144 1,169 1,228 1,220 521 560 599 599 622 609 629 622 189 185 166 186 44 41 38 50 195 190 191 229 2,737 2,732 2,756 2,815 742 742 743 743 193ft-Mar. 4... June 30., Dec. 31.. 2,079 2,217 2,261 895 917 905 1,184 1,300 1,357 564 654 687 620 646 669 223 196 246 47 66 51 220 203 218 2,774 2,813 3,019 741 743 740 Total Loans 1920—May 4... June 30., Nov. 15., Dec. 29.. 1,437 1,470 1,507 1,513 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,715 1,752 1,787 1,793 34 1,768 1,817 1,826 1,828 1.897 2,059 95 683 686 694 705 708 713 714 717 722 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollarsl Deposits Call date Total Interbanks Capital accounts ir.s. Gov- Postal Other ern- savdement' ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks 1920—May 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 2 9 . . . . 1,377 1.418 1.446 1,444 834 852 842 815 501 525 570 592 1921—Apr. 28 J u n e 30 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,436 1,486 1.501 775 805 794 629 643 1922—Mar. 1 0 . . . June 30„.. Dec. 2 9 . . . . 1,504 1,583 1,720 776 838 904 712 770 228 105 230 247 106 1923—Apr. 3 J u n e 30 Sept. 1 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,782 1.823 1,856 1,923 904 912 935 967 832 867 887 917 251 250 116 1924—Mar. 3 1 . . . June 30.... Oct. 10 Deo. 3 1 „ . . 1,899 1,984 2,034 2,125 909 968 969 1.032 951 977 1925—Apr. 6 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 200 196 Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand vided for d^ deprof- con- poaits mand its* tinaddegen- justed' posits' cies, etc.' 214 90 92 95 99 66 67 68 70 43 38 48 45 799 814 801 784 218 102 70 71 75 46 42 39 748 770 759 77 79 80 47 44 56 748 801 861 260 118 120 121 83 86 88 90 51 47 54 48 857 871 891 914 1,042 272 269 28a 278 124 123 125 126 93 94 96 100 55 51 63 53 868 921 927 979 1,076 1,117 1,148 1,178 293 293 299 300 128 130 131 133 101 103 106 110 64 59 65 57 937 999 1,012 1.035 210 215 220 262 1,016 102 103 112 . 2,112 2,215 2,251 2,328 1,054 1,057 1926—Apr. 1 2 . . — . . 2,341 J u n e 30 2,403 Dec. 31 2,478 1,072 1,114 1,141 1.220 1,247 1,286 317 318 335 138 138 146 114 117 125 65 61 64 1,019 1,056 1,075 1,121 1927—Mar. 2 3 _ . . . . J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,089 1,327 1.379 1.422 1,452 351 354 373 376 151 152 158 128 133 137 143 71 69 79 73 1.042 1.098 1,111 1,149 1,077 1,141 1.151 1.195 149 154 155 160 77 79 79 73 9 9 1,087 1,123 1.116 1,138 1,124 1.159 1.156 164 168 178 181 80 77 89 84 8 10 10 13 1,077 1,091 1,156 1.145 1.110 1.137 1.203 1.210 183 185 182 ISO 89 86 90 .79 12 13 13 14 1,114 1,174 1,126 1,089 1,155 1.231 1,108 1.150 2,472 2,594 2,646 2,726 1,102 1,161 1,168 1,214 1928—Feb. 28 J u n e 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 2,676 — 2,774 2,795 2,847 1,181 1,182 1929—Mar. 27 J u n e 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 2,753 2,813 2,907 2,877 1,132 1,163 1,225 1,238 1930—Mar. 27 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 2,840 2,954 2,877 2,853 1,166 1,597 1,255 1,172 1,177 1,616 1,612 1931—Mar. 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 2 9 . . . . . . Dec. 31 2,815 2,870 2,694 2.536 1,129 1,158 1,046 1,002 1,584 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 2,344 2,249 2.251 1933—June3 0 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1,136 1,228 1,490 1,540 1,559 1.570 399 407 408 1.571 1,595 1,612 1,567 421 429 457 460 63 79 160 163 166 165 166 170 173 180 181 i.m 43 46 22 55 105 100 106 100 467 469 471 459 184 185 186 109 101 106 103 454 444 436 417 186 1,536 1,439 34 36 60 119 184 180 177 174 168 161 78 69 68 51 13 16 16 25 1,085 1,071 993 922 1,117 1.141 1,039 980 931 843 853 1,317 1,297 1.287 133 117 104 105 113 105 394 388 376 176 177 176 147 144 134 43 41 34 28 27 31 863 795 796 919 833 846 2.020 2,002 2,043 740 704 743 1.153 1.170 1.171 64 97 61 60 346 345 339 150 100 14 7 7 119 113 109 31 32 27 32 32 34 682 671 686 726 695 729 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 1 7 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 2.103 2,170 2,251 2.283 765 786 865 883 1.181 49 1,226 21 9 6 102 95 89 346 349 372 165 1,243 1,245 12 41 67 87 105 97 91 81 28 27 30 25 36 23 24 20 729 728 807 821 753 769 848 866 1935—Mar. 4 . . . . J u n e 29 Nov.l.,.. Dec. 3 1 . . . . 2,285 2,316 2,355 2,422 895 916 949 1.006 1.240 1,271 1.285 1.288 374 369 143 136 132 131 95 107 114 112 79 74 73 73 28 28 33 31 18 23 21 22 852 856 887 944 879 897 784 813 1036—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 2.376 2,517 2.622 994 1,074 1.158 1,291 1.322 1.351 372 373 375 131 131 131 110 108 101 75 77 84 34 35 39 23 23 21 950 993 1.078 823 918 976 1,594 1,606 102 186 186 160 162 160 159 147 NO. 194-NEW YORK DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS. PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Total Loans 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 2,249 2,275 2,225 928 947 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28, Dec. 31. 2.187 2,141 2,199 2,194 1939—Mar. 29. J u n e 30. Oct. 2... Dec. 30. 2.188 2,166 870 893 910 907 1,318 1,273 2,172 2,204 1940—Mar. 26, June 29. Dec. 31. 2,125 2,151 2,265 919 921 963 1941—Apr. 4 . . J u n e 30. Sept. 24, Dec. 31. 2,365 2,435 2,518 2,687 1,007 1,058 1,100 1,099 Total 900 883 1,320 1.328 1,295 1,279 1,242 1,300 1,311 U. S. Government obligations 705 706 656 629 590 271 270 286 190 174 197 572 556 210 217 207 251 276 311 757 773 Cash Bank BalBal- items premises, Other in ances ances with with proc- furm- real ture estate ess domes- forand of tic eign banks banks1 collec- fixtures tion 61 23 76 74 16 15 2,993 3,013 2,992 740 738 728 40 88 43 72 78 15 16 34 3.003 2,946 2,946 3,076 728 728 727 725 724 720 720 720 296 319 356 344 233 327 328 48 90 64 75 28 811 512 499 499 487 12 3.004 3,044 3,132 3,166 1,230 1,302 745 777 847 462 453 455 393 417 429 325 349 383 49 77 97 113 30 49 3,210 3,197 3,414 718 712 718 1,357 1,377 1,418 1,589 909 948 976 1,134 448 429 442 454 425 442 477 455 359 376 417 59 45 100 3,429 3,560 3,720 3.842 734 739 747 760 1,262 774 763 1,298 1,206 261 12 13 16 53 35 56 105 Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total Total Cusassets tomers' SecuNumrities Other liaber bility borof on rowed banks Total acliaceptbilities ances U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank^ ern- savdement® ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaoutbilistand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock 5 Surplus Net demand deposits ^ 975 982 922 92 92 92 96 1,103 965 873 930 97 98 1,109 1,103 1,204 1.225 969 938 992 1,009 1,279 1,228 1,400 1,066 1,433 1,495 1,643 1,715 1,179 1,236 1,360 1,491 2,593 1,152 1,154 1,121 1,369 1,388 1,407 374 371 364 134 135 136 88 2,605 1938—Mar. 7 . . . . J u n e 30.... Sept.28„. Dec. 31 2.625 2.571 2,568 2,703 1,144 1,110 1,100 1.219 1,405 1.387 1.383 1,385 357 356 356 358 136 136 136 131 1939—Mar. 2 9 . . _ , . . J u n e 30.... Oct. 2 Dec. 3 0 , . . . 2,636 2,676 2,762 2,794 1.156 1,193 1,300 1.380 1.381 1.384 1,377 355 357 358 360 130 130 131 131 1940—Mar. 26. J u n e 29,. Dec. 31.. 2,836 2,826 3,036 1,328 1.305 1,497 1.388 1,398 1,414 360 359 364 130 129 129 104 105 1941—Apr. 4 . . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 24. Dee. 31.. 3,042 3,169 3,321 3,443 1,492 1,595 1,699 1,819 1,434 1,445 1,477 1,473 371 376 132 132 133 136 111 112 1,268 DeReUndi- serves mand vided for deprof- con- posits its« adtingen- justed' » 1,091 1,077 1.047 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31..., 2,618 Memoranda 88 91 100 103 108 115 117 1,022 1,057 1,147 991 1,130 > "Balances with foreign b a n k s " are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as " d u e to b a n k s " and were assumed to be demand deposits. ' Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before t h a t time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. 4 Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. ^ Includes capital notes and debentures issued b y State member banlis (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued b y member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. ® T h e composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. - • For definitions of "demand deposits adjusted" and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. NO. 19S-NEW YORK DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks To brokers and dealers Acceptances Total loans CaU date Bills Total! Own Acceptaccept- ances ances 1 of other banks Comnaercial paper bought Total In New York City Outside New York City To others 285 946 904 637 679 764 732 103 118 152 524 549 595 623 311 327 336 340 299 315 324 328 883 902 915 885 705 678 113 72 74 583 594 583 574 347 354 353 351 334 341 339 337 837 844 803 799 589 567 530 490 557 541 505 474 360 365 359 360 346 351 344 347 769 754 722 684 421 401 387 408 390 378 356 354 347 343 342 334 580 550 322 312 309 310 310 297 298 456 441 430 311 303 294 299 291 281 417 409 392 367 264 256 250 246 291 288 290 291 277 276 277 279 353 356 351 342 248 253 237 230 235 291 293 279 281 289 334 345 337 237 235 221 1930-Mar. 27,. June 30,. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 1,938 1,913 1,859 1,795 1931-Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31. _ 1,751 1,721 1,639 1,563 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,423 1,353 1,299 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 1,107 1,101 1,077 332 336 1934—Mar. 5,.. June 30.. Oct. 17„. Dec. 31 _. 1,065 1,045 1,020 322 321 323 314 19 28 35 36 298 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31-. 972 934 914 907 315 275 255 254 48 16 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31 895 917 905 1937—Mar. 31_. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 928 947 930 193S-Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. 900 666 614 4 19 12 Agricultural loans 20 1938—Dec. 31 883 207 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 8 Dec. 30 870 893 910 907 210 1940—Mar. 26« June 29 Dec. 31 919 921 963 1941—Apr. 42 June 30 Sept. 24 s Dec. 31 1,007 1,058 1,100 1,099 Acceptances pa^bfe in Total 276 219 208 304 308 311 293 296 299 342 365 363 214 204 204 204 197 195 314 319 324 301 307 312 341 345 345 Xioans for purchasing or c a r i n g securities CommerTo cial broTo kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banlcs Real estate loans BiUs 21 Total On farm land 67 20 25 58 324 12 233 264 25 275 23 50 360 388 Other 234 78 234 231 248 318 226 On residential property 223 227 313 318 214 221 621 218 Open market paper Commercial loans Other loans ^ 297 303 1,863 1,935 2,035 1,980 Total loans Loans to banks 411 483 1929-Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4 Dec. 31.. 10 On other real estate 118 118 1,814 1,844 10 Total On farm land 537 1928-Oct. 3.... Dec. 31.. CaU date Real estate loans 13 Loans to banks Other loans 235 ^ 232 247 77 252 270 287 272 314 "298 ""326 NO. 196-NEW YORK DISTRICT-4!0UNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total Billsi Notes Other domestic securities Obligations of States Guarand anteed polit- Total ical subdiviBonds Bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks Foreign securities Government agencies not Railguar- roads' anteed byU.S.« Utilities' Other F.R. Bank Other Total securities mturing in 5 years or less 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31., 1,103 1,094 212 208 20 25 40 39 152 143 118 120 644 637 196 189 195 191 191 190 10 10 53 57 129 129 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . J u n e 29. Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1,066 1,041 1,034 1,026 208 205 205 195 20 18 16 13 40 46 39 33 148 142 150 149 115 111 109 113 617 603 600 602 184 177 174 174 186 180 180 179 180 172 169 166 10 10 11 11 58 63 67 73 125 1930—Mar. 27., J u n e 30„ Sept. 24.. Dec.31„ 1,068 1,129 1,134 1,131 215 212 211 207 25 10 12 6 33 25 24 21 157 177 175 180 117 124 177 198 200 205 193 202 209 210 167 178 178 170 11 11 11 11 73 83 82 87 115 120 129 620 672 680 684 1931—Mar. 25. J u n e 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 31.. 1,139 1,163 1.169 237 260 305 309 17 7 6 13 21 27 27 33 200 226 271 264 132 142 149 153 666 666 630 589 200 204 198 191 210 211 196 183 160 153 139 124 11 11 11 11 85 87 86 81 103 96 84 76 1932—June 30 Sept. 3 0 . . . Dec. 31.... 1,088 1,086 1,065 310 325 321 10 8 7 31 51 56 268 266 258 155 152 155 555 544 528 183 181 178 171 166 159 112 107 102 10 10 10 78 79 79 1933—June 30„.. Oct. 25 Dec. 30 994 1,019 1,034 332 362 377 6 5 7 81 94 106 244 264 264 160 158 169 453 452 446 150 152 150 134 136 134 86 84 82 10 10 10 73 71 70 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31.... 1,075 1,060 1,134 1.170 413 408 422 447 9 16 8 1 122 92 109 122 282 300 305 324 2 42 80 184 175 193 198 440 439 . 445 418 7 29 37 21 149 148 150 148 133 129 128 125 72 65 64 62 10 10 10 11 69 68 56 51 1935—Mar. 4 . . J u n e 29.. Nov. 1 . . Dec. 31., 1,144 1,169 1 I 2 1 119 126 172 175 305 330 311 306 97 102 113 117 181 1,220 424 457 485 481 173 178 176 415 412 426 421 24 9 9 9 147 147 151 149 123 130 141 144 59 65 68 64 11 11 10 10 50 50 48 47 1936—Mar. 4 . . . . J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,184 1,300 1,357 447 533 554 3 1 158 181 144 •286 350 409 117 121 133 173 179 423 444 468 9 10 9 151 160 162 138 145 159 68 74 86 10 10 10 46 45 43 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,320 1,328 1,295 543 577 567 5 6 2 146 170 170 392 401 395 121 121 138 174 172 453 433 400 11 11 10 159 154 144 148 139 127 85 81 72 10 9 9 41 39 37 1938-Mar. 7 . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 1,279 1,242 1,300 1,311 580 571 628 643 1 1 1 1 174 151 160 143 405 420 467 499 127 115 129 130 172 172 173 191 384 369 356 332 9 12 7 11 141 135 130 124 121 113 108 102 68 67 69 62 9 9 9 9 36 34 33 25 1939—Mar. 29. J u n e 30.. Oct.2».. Dec. 30.. 1,318 1,273 1,262 1,298 661 615 587 633 1 2 107 90 553 523 188 18 18 116 108 88 82 57 57 9 • 9 22 22 67 558 190 204 205 310 296 8 145 158 176 178 18 99 70 61 9 21 1940~Mar. 26 • J u n e 29 Dec. 31 1,206 1,230 1,302 578 617 683 20 88 80 57 56 44 46 9 9 17 16 1941—Apr. 40 J u n e 30. Sept. 24«.. Dec. 31... 1,357 1,377 1,418 1,589 747 758 738 922 20 76 49 42 9 16 11 416 72 48 46 9 15 11 508 1,128 1,228 122 8 8 88 87 520 588 166 160 165 23 65 669 20 103 800 163 191 238 212 181 180 122 119 115 120 111 25 «350 '337 14 384 196 208 217 217 205 217 226 400 446 1 Includes certificate of indebtedness u p to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued m December 1929. ' " " »Included in " o t h e r ' ' bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in J u l y 1933 a n d replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obhgations. have been classified as not guaranteed. » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, a n d bonds, notes, a n d debentures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal a n d interest) s This is the a m o u n t reported as "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities b y m a t u r i t y was not required before December 1938 • Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring a n d a u t u m n call dates. N0.197-NEW YORK DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Time Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign Interbank U.S. IndiGovStates Certi- vidernuals, u. s. and fied ment partGov- poUt- and and Total neroffiernical Do- For- postal cers' ships, ment submestic eign savdivi- checks, corpoings 1 etc. rations, sions etc. States and political 8UL>divisions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Sav- ChristCertifimas cates Open savof ings' acde- counts! and posit similar accounts* 1928—Oct. 3...Dec. 31. . 1,232 1.273 45 40 6 5 112 129 34 36 1,036 1,062 1,563 1.573 1.544 1,556 1.431 1.448 1929—Mar. 27.June29.. Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 1.178 1,214 1,291 1,306 36 41 57 62 10 11 9 5 125 149 162 167 28 30 33 38 979 984 1,030 1,033 1.574 1,599 1,555 1,575 1,588 1.545 1.432 1,447 1,442 1.441 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 1,239 1,333 1,260 1,254 60 66 77 67 14 11 10 10 204 252 194 191 32 32 25 36 929 971 953 950 1,601 1,620 1,575 1,591 1,586 1,572 1.438 1,457 1,438 1,461 1931—Mar. 25„ June 30,. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 1,221 1,254 1,143 1.076 78 81 66 59 13 15 31 15 219 239 180 172 31 30 23 31 879 890 842 799 1,593 1,616 1,552 1.460 1,564 1,583 1,518 1,423 1.446 1.454 1,385 1,321 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 999 918 930 54 51 59 14 23 18 234 162 165 21 19 19 676 662 669 1,345 1,331 1,321 1,302 1,270 1,261 1,210 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 822 783 822 46 41 42 36 37 36 158 153 164 20 17 20 563 534 560 1,198 1,219 1,221 1,127 1,150 1,155 1,039 1,062 1.087 1934—Mar. 5— June 30-. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 870 890 957 987 46 51 55 52 59 53 37 52 200 184 230 223 16 20 25 24 549 581 610 637 1,233 1,280 1,294 1,296 1,164 1,204 1,219 1,222 1,144 1.154 1,171 1935—Mar. 4 . . . June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 998 1.002 1,035 1,101 59 58 56 54 45 28 30 41 236 221 211 208 21 24 23 25 638 671 716 773 1,286 1,313 1.320 1.321 1,229 1,258 1.270 1.271 1.173 1,197 1.227 7 12 15 4 1936—Mar. 4 „ . June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,084 1,194 1,270 61 57 61 28 62 51 251 253 231 24 25 35 719 796 892 1,292 1,324 1,352 1,273 1,306 1,336 1,216 1,240 1,280 14 5 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31. . 1,223 1,229 1,190 57 59 50 13 16 20 285 259 208 28 33 30 839 863 883 1,371 1,389 1.415 1,354 1,372 1.372 1.290 1,303 1,320 1938—Mar. 7 - , . June 30., Sept. 28... Dec. 31... 1.212 1,175 ;,177 1,308 53 49. 50 53 1 1 1 15 15 26 35 301 233 208 289 22 31 30 35 821 846 862 894 1,412 1,396 1,392 1,395 1,367 1.364 1,362 1,361 1,313 1,302 1.295 1,312 193&-Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2 3... Dec. 30... 1,245 1,284 1,367 1,407 54 56 65 68 1 1 1 1 34 34 33 39 293 274 253 256 27 30 33 34 836 888 982 1,010 1.391 1.392 1,395 1,387 1,353 1.359 1,361 1.360 1.296 1.297 1940—Mar. 26>., June 29.,. Deo, 31... 1,434 1,410 1,605 67 67 71 1 349 37 37 ' 263 302 36 28 46 35 952 996 1,160 1,402 1.416 1,431 1.365 1.373 1,389 1,311 1,342 1941—Apr.4»... June 30.. Sept. 24'., Dec. 31... 1.592 1,707 1,828 1.954 75 73 80 70 327 318 347 336 40 44 36 51 1,125 1,233 1.316 1,432 1,451 1.461 1,493 1,489 1,419 1,429 1,459 1,451 'i;453' 1 1 1 1 1 26 39 48 64 1,616 1,571 1,617 1,599 1,168 1.172 10 14 3 6 11 15 1,111 1,212 12 18 11 19 24 4 12 18 23 1,315 21 5 25 .... 1,362 16 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts'^ are included in "open accounts" before Jvme 1933. t_ , , ^ 9 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this r ^ o n , no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO. 198-PHlLADELPHIA DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Cairdate Total 932 1914—Dec. 31.. Total U.S. Government obligations 302 76 Loans 630 Keserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities 226 19 '66 Total CusBank assets tompremNumisesj Other ers' Secuber lia- rities Other furm- real of assets bility borture estate banks on rowed and Total acfixUacepttures biUties ances Balances with domestic banks1 Cash Bal- items in ances with process forof baSsi collection 127 31 5 6 1,214 758 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 1,222 1,240 1,256 1,055 1,102 1,114 759 759 758 627 628 628 3 3 3 4 4 1,175 1,162 1,196 1.251 1.245 629 629 631 632 631 4 3 4 6 1,289 1.322 1.300 1.661 631 629 628 639 29 1915—Mar. 4— May 1... June 23., Sept. 2,.. Nov. 10.. Dec. 31.. 943 960 965 802 842 846 631 642 639 533 562 562 312 318 326 269 280 284 75 75 75 61 61 61 237 243 251 208 219 223 21 20 21 19 20 27 66 58 66 52 55 55 134 140 145 128 131 111 20 22 20 21 21 40 1916—May 1 . . . June 30.. Sept. 12., Nov. 17„ Dec. 27.. 895 902 919 952 951 595 599 606 626 620 300 303 S13 326 331 59 58 59 59 58 241 245 254 267 273 27 34 41 47 62 55 50 59 56 59 122 108 119 124 104 38 30 • 22 29 28 5 5 5 4 4 6 5 5 9 8 1917—Mar. 5... May 1... June 20.. Dec. 31.. 978 1,003 1,006 1,252 634 645 636 762 345 359 370 490 58 63 76 109 286 296 294 380 60 64 65 85 59 57 57 56 122 120 101 144 27 38 29 72 5 3 3 5 9 6 9 813 816 817 24 19 28 40 5 6 7 14 1.722 1.692 2,001 2.016 645 647 654 661 1 1 2 1918—May 10.. June 29., Nov. 1.., Dec. 31.. 1,352 1,327 1,586 1,542 769 781 912 882 583 546 673 660 204 173 296 281 379 374 378 379 98 84 88 9S 42 40 41 54 109 119 113 114 60 64 76 92 5 5 5 6 1919—Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. _ Nov. 17 Dec. 31 1,648 1,704 1,731 1,746 877 981 1,050 1.068 771 722 681 679 382 322 274 273 389 400 407 405 104 94 105 108 48 41 43 50 97 106 96 109 68 85 103 124 6 6 6 6 16 19 19 21 36 64 25 13 14 15 8 . 9 2.073 2.168 2,171 2,221 663 668 676 678 192(>-May4..., June 30..._._ Nov. 15 Dec. 29... 1,759 1,765 1,785 1,764 1.098 1,123 1,147 1,123 661 642 638 641 260 240 225 228 401 402 413 413 106 103 109 107 45 45 46 54 89 95 96 83 100 116 106 98 5 5 5 6 25 26 22 16 12 10 8 9 16 12 15 19 2.194 2.213 2,231 2,196 687 688 700 698 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,761 1,744 1,691 1,103 1,076 1.027 658 668 665 427 231 235 . 432 441 224 102 106 104 45 40 35 63 82 92 69 88 90 6 6 6 11 11 11 10 11 13 13 14 10 2,122 2,145 2.097 700 699 704 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30.. Dec. 29.. 1,707 1,731 1,832 1.029 1,020 1,076 679 711 756 229 232 263 450 479 493 104 113 116 34 31 42 89 94 109 72 98 111 6 6 7 10 12 14 8 3 4 12 12 15 2.087 2,148 2,298 710 712 716 1923—Apr. 3 . . . June 30.. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31.. 1,914 1,963 1.968 1.969 1,135 1,174 1,194 1,190 779 790 774 779 279 282 269 263 500 508 505 516 116 116 114 119 41 30 38 43 108 98 97 114 117 106 98 155 8 7 7 7 13 12 11 13 3 2 2 2 12 11 13 12 2,381 2,398 2,402 2.490 717 720 722 722 1924—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Oct. 10... Dec. 31.. 1,988 2,031 2,138 2,163 1.214 1,240 1,286 1,283 774 791 852 880 251 236 244 257 523 555 60S 622 114 121 124 129 37 37 37 48 98 132 161 120 108 110 98 139 8 9 9 8 13 10 13 18 1 1 1 1 14 13 14 18 2,438 2,523 2,655 2.706 724 730 736 738 1925-Apr. 6 , . . June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 2,230 2,249 2,308 2,337 1,352 1.381 1.446 1,485 879 868 861 852 255 233 226 225 625 635 636 627 120 140 130 140 40 40 39 43 122 109 109 127 106 126 105 155 9 10 11 11 16 12 13 12 1 1 2 3 13 18 16 18 2,718 2,769 2,798 2,913 740 749 751 753 1926—Apr. 12.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 2,404 2,420 2,478 1,546 1.574 1.616 859 845 862 244 213 206 615 632 657 132 135 140 43 41 39 119 117 123 121 128 151 11 11 11 12 11 12 2 . 2 2 13 17 19 2,928 2,956 3,051 756 760 769 1927—Mar. 23 June 30... Oct. 10.,.. Dec. 31... 2,518 2,531 2,589 2,588 1,594 1,604 1,620 1,616 924 927 970 972 247 234 249 234 677 693 721 738 138 141 142 142 42 43 41 40 105 112 106 131 98 122 106 136 12 13 14 15 12 15 16 . 15 1 1 1 9 18 17 19 19 3,025 3,077 3,118 3,180 770 773 776 777 1928-Feb. 28., June 30. Oct. 3 , „ Dec.31., 2,575 2,656 2,693 2,666 1,597 1,690 1,730 1,745 977 966 964 921 241 226 250 231 736 739 714 690 141 137 142 136 42 32 41 42 99 116 120 126 5 5 99 103 130 159 16 15 14 16 16 17 18 20 2 6 5 5 19 19 16 13 3,094 3,192 3.278 3,284 779 786 784 778 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec.31.. 2,714 2,710 2,755 2,687 1,813 1,832 1,890 1.859 900 878 865 828 228 221 217 193 672 656 648 634 136 139 137 137 43 31 38 45 99 113 107 118 4 4 4 3 118 118 116 167 17 19 20 22 18 19 20 28 5 6 2 1 16 30 24 30 3,268 3.289 3,324 3.339 777 776 771 764 65 100 103 102 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 191M941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts DcpoBits Call date Total U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank! ern- Bavmand ment' Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus Memoranda ReUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its' tinaddegen- justed ^ posits' cies, etc.® 1914—Dec. 31.. 897 138 609 147 73 236 115 578 1915—Mar. 4 . . May 1.. J u n e 23.. Sept. 2 . . Nov. 10, Dec. 31.. 910 927 943 791 834 844 143 152 147 150 164 163 147 154 137 144 147 71 71 71 64 66 67 236 237 237 196 198 197 116 114 114 3 2 1 617 619 633 501 525 634 597 597 613 480 504 494 1916—May 1 . . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 12. Nov. 17. Dec. 27.. 904 890 927 979 967 174 165 167 179 163 1 2 1 1 1 565 551 576 608 607 164 171 183 191 196 65 67 64 67 68 198 197 199 201 202 1917—Mar. 5 May 1 . . . . J u n e 20.... Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1.012 1.047 1.001 1,283 192 189 1 1 1 31 611 637 619 208 220 219 249 1918—May 10, J u n e 29.. Nov. 1 . . Deo. 31.. 1,326 1,277 1,435 1,400 179 172 103 91 167 26 788 758 837 902 256 257 264 285 1919—Mar. 4 . . J u n e 30.. Nov. 17, Dec. 31.. 1,451 1,457 1,516 1,568 186 170 168 180 59 57 26 40 901 923 992 1,012 306 308 331 337 1920—May 4 . , J u n e 30.. Nov. 15. Dec. 29.. 1,541 1,587 1,646 1,606 171 167 169 164 10 19 18 24 994 1.015 1.036 995 1921—Apr. 2 8 . . . . J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,539 1,573 1,567 140 160 28 41 1922—Mar. 10. J u n e 30.. Dec. 29.. 1,587 1,653 1,776 175 1923—Apr. 3..., J u n e 30._ Sept. 14.. Dec. 31.. 1,842 1,842 203 181 1,861 188 1,940 207 1924—Mar. 31.. J u n e 30., Oct. 10,. Dec. 31.. 1,897 1,987 226 162 197 166 187 166 182 198 . 160 527 521 554 579 579 7 22 42 9 »16 60 59 63 61 202 203 205 41 -64 129 70 64 124 119 268 186 »18 >19 27 21 207 251 231 243 16 19 19 23 103 141 89 76 295 300 316 311 366 386 422 422 228 203 152 160 27 26 24 18 74 72 72 72 325 325 338 340 923 922 905 447 450 467 163 146 94 12 12 11 71 71 77 347 343 348 114 114 902 964 1.026 486 496 522 65 53 54 10 13 14 71 69 71 354 117 119 1,031 1,023 1,031 1,069 575 614 628 645 14 14 12 14 67 387 391 398 401 127 67 67 990 1,035 14 13 19 65 66 65 65 410 425 443 442 132 136 138 139 17 13 14 13 61 62 72 71 454 460 463 467 12 66 99 99 136 584 599 590 735 140 140 149 151 727 694 762 99 101 104 163 156 832 838 106 163 109 109 168 169 171 171 894 173 174 177 854 834 815 178 183 193 866 915 197 J99 199 205 914 917 933 914 260 267 286 290 112 112 116 122 128 129 131 810 161 897 207 882 218 223 229 925 970 960 140 142 144 146 231 238 239 247 982 1,011 1,032 1.049 2,137 257 238 1,099 680 706 743 774 1925-Apr. 6 . . . . . J u n e 30.... Sept. 28... Dec. 31_... 2,145 2,179 2,193 2,300 225 213 200 218 1,087 1,137 1,137 1,204 783 809 829 850 1926—Apr. 12.... J u n e 30.... Dec. 31_... 2,292 2,319 2,386 206 218 1,159 1,176 1,202 943 12 71 71 71 486 488 507 151 152 156 255 258 270 1.038 1.048 1,051 1927—Mar. 2 3 . . . J u n e 30-... Oct. 10.... Dec. 31.... 2,370 2,396 2,444 2,469 200 202 74 76 74 80 517 520 544 542 272 277 278 287 101 1.050 1,046 1,171 1,175 13 16 15 17 159 204 219 976 1,000 1,026 1,055 1928-Feb. 28.... J u n e 30..,. Oct. 3 Dec. 31.... 2,388 2,420 2,468 2,488 192 1,121 1,121 1,148 1,187 16 17 19 21 73 79 91 97 550 563 582 579 166 169 173 172 290 308 314 317 95 86 84 79 1,022 1,018 211 204 1,070 1,104 1,097 1,078 1,018 1,028 1.177 1,149 1.178 1,171 192tH-Mar. 27... J u n e 29.,.. Oct. 4 Dec. 31,... 2,424 2,435 2,442 2,468 173 180 181 200 1.147 1,153 1.148 1,191 1.078 1,069 1.079 1,064 19 20 22 29 87 601 100 625 652 649 176 179 183 183 331 355 369 370 86 79 91 83 1,029 1,035 1,032 1,024 1,152 1,165 1,171 1,177 2,111 194 212 182 1,068 1,148 1,168 12 12 113 119 100 136 110 121 104 88 161 164 163 82 92 1,066 1.039 1,219 1,203 1,198 1,225 1,200 NO. 198-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments CaUdate Total Loans Total U.S. Government obligations Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Cash BalBal- items in ances ances with with process domes- foreign of tic banks 1 banksi collection CusBank Total tompremassets Numisefl. Other ers' Seculia- rities Other ber furni- real ture estate biUty bor- assets of and on rowed banks acTotal fixtures ceptUaances bilities 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24., Dec. 31.. 2,671 2,713 2,737 2,733 1,834 1,829 1,814 1,767 837 884 022 966 190 196 196 219 647 688 727 747 135 140 143 145 41 36 38 48 106 132 162 148 4 5 4 6 95 130 78 123 105 106 107 108 22 23 24 25 26 23 25 27 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 2,813 2,788 2,740 2,558 1,704 1,674 1,619 1,521 1,109 1,114 1,037 352 347 366 337 757 767 755 700 152 148 143 126 39 40 48 43 258 193 114 122 4 2 2 3 71 112 81 102 108 108 109 107 28 31 31 29 27 27 19 17 1032—June 30.. Sept. 30,. Dec. 31.. 2,428 2,414 2,355 1,407 1,364 1,313 1,021 1,050 1,043 350 385 410 670 665 119 121 123 38 34 35 130 162 188 5 3 3 68 66 69 106 104 103 34 35 38 13 11 11 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 3 0 „ . 2,042 2,070 2,081 1,085 1,059 957 1,010 1,061 1,020 401 451 464 556 560 656 125 123 127 28 34 32 156 135 134 6 5 6 73 49 64 84 84 86 36 41 43 10 15 13 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30, Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 2,117 2,141 2,164 2,185 1,072 1,059 1,027 1,012 1,045 1,082 1,137 1,173 485 496 526 567 560 585 174 213 208 211 34 33 39 42 187 237 226 251 3 2 2 4 47 61 71 96 87 88 89 88 47 50 53 55 12 13 11 10 lB3!^Mar. 4.. 2,214 1,220 1,234 1,269 1,301 608 602 223 236 275 275 38 34 35 47 267 249 276 283 3 1 2 2 63 68 102 102 88 88 87 88 57 62 67 69 1,121 611 605 24 25 26 19 3,231 3,332 3,344 759 756 755 753 26 19 22 21 3,527 3,469 3,313 3,129 751 744 740 715 25 23 22 2.965 2,973 2,948 707 697 1 1 1 23 32 25 2,585 2,589 2,611 587 601 1 22 22 24 23 2,731 2,859 2,887 2.966 626 644 652 656 10 9 11 10 25 23 21 22 2,989 2,983 3,077 3,143 655 654 655 656 1 3 I 606 June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31.. 2,212 2,200 2,246 993 978 931 945 630 667 671 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Deo.3L. 2,258 2,359 2,394 931 947 939 1,327 1,412 1,455 685 723 683 726 733 303 281 379 43 48 46 284 282 315 1 1 2 73 97 134 88 87 86 71 73 75 11 10 11 19 21 19 3,150 3,258 3,461 657 658 658 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Deo. 31.. 2,386 2,311 941 959 957 1.424 1,427 1,355 704 725 695 720 702 660 396 391 364 48 48 43 257 260 263 2 2 2 111 109 107 86 85 84 77 76 77 14 12 11 18 17 15 3,375 3,388 3,278 658 657 655 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31-. 2,279 2,291 2,333 2,327 941 913 908 906 1,338 1,377 1.425 1,421 652 716 754 777 661 375 370 356 375 46 48 54 50 252 280 280 309 2 2 1 1 60 104 67 103 84 83 83 83 77 75 76 98 8 5 6 8 16 19 20 19 3,199 3,277 3,277 3,373 656 656 656 655 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2.... Dec. 30.. 2,308 2,296 2,329 2,342 907 920 928 945 1,401 1,377 1,401 1,396 771 749 766 781 635 615 413 494 550 596 55 44 52 54 313 366 405 449 2 2 3 2 74 95 85 102 82 •82 82 83 98 96 93 90 6 5 4 9 19 20 21 20 3,370 3,499 3,624 3,746 652 652 652 652 1940—Mar. 26.. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 2,308 2,342 2,399 950 985 1,020 1,358 1,357 1,379 749 748 782 609 609 597 615 670 700 63 49 69 439 422 479 1 83 88 134 81 80 84 79 77 69 6 4 6 16 17 16 3,691 3,750 3,956 651 651 651 2,474 2,536 1,044 1,430 1,425 1,469 1,600 843 896 1,032 587 564 573 568 767 696 803 658 55 66 76 76 426 440 469 413 98 123 106 184 84 83 84 81 68 67 • 63 58 7 6 5 5 16 19 16 16 3,996 4,034 4,223 4,208 653 656 656 659 1941—Apr. 4 . . . June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 31-. 1,111 2,601 1,132 2,718 1,118 862 612 .626 672 644 630 628 1 "Baldnees with foreign banks" are included in "balances with domestic banks" prior to May 4, 1920, and in "other assets" from May 4 1920, through June 30,1928. , , , . ^ ... . ^ , „ ^ . , 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. »Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. , PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941-Con(inued [Amounts in millions of dollarsl Deposits CaU date Total Capital accounts U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank' ern- Bavdement® ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net devided for deprof- con- posits mand adits' tindegen- jufitedT P06it87 cies, etc.« 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 2,411 2,519 2.641 2,578 179 212 267 236 23 24 18 22 3 3 3 5 1,102 1,152 1,108 1,151 1,104 1,128 1,165 1,164 49 48 27 42 27 24 26 28 85 87 89 85 658 655 661 651 184 182 184 185 374 374 375 362 89 84 87 81 11 16 15 24 1.008 1,022 1,029 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29.:.,... Dec. 81„ 2,736 2,687 2,490 2.263 332 286 201 169 48 37 59 30 9 12 16 28 1,151 1,152 1,056 1,034 1,196 1,200 1,169 1,002 28 27 73 151 28 28 20 18 87 83 91 84 648 644 639 613 184 184 183 182 359 356 345 328 83 78 79 55 22 26 32 47 1,080 1,040 975 932 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 2,161 2,182 2,209 184 213 237 33 69 38 30 34 36 935 915 940 970 961 959 118 104 96 13 12 12 89 95 98 693 681 534 180 178 178 318 313 263 52 52 44 43 38 48 849 871 967 961 972 1933—June 30 Oct. 25. Deo. 30 1.977 . . . 1,977 2,008 186 179 178 70 86 64 68 71 73 851 792 842 802 850 850 30 23 24 11 16 14 94 97 96 473 475 471 157 159 162 1 1 1 235 232 229 38 44 40 42 39 39 778 742 778 858 819 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 2,130 2,271 2,296 2.382 216 258 272 276 89 87 64 93 74 66 49 46 880 941 959 1,014 871 929 952 954 17 6 3 2 13 14 12 11 97 94 93 92 475 474 483 479 165 163 164 164 3 19 28 31 228 219 216 214 42 42 45 41 38 31 30 28 833 879 889 918 927 994 1,032 1,066 1035—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dcc. 31 2,405 2,436 2,660 2,629 294 292 319 312 78 47 36 61 45 37 31 29 1,021 1,099 1,195 1,261 967 961 980 976 11 11 13 • 11 89 54 19 19 482 480 485 483 162 162 160 161 37 38 37 38 213 210 209 212 45 44 51 48 26 27 27 26 958 1,031 1,092 1,149 1,096 1,191 1,173 1,240 1936—Mar. 4 June 30. Dec. 31 2,632 2,740 2,935 330 330 363 40 96 95 24 22 18 1,246 1,269 1.429 991 1,022 1,030 1 12 11 13 17 19 19 489 488 493 161 162 161 37 34 32 212 211 214 53 63 58 26 27 28 1,174 1,173 1,296 1,262 1937—Mar. 31. June 30 Dec. 31 2,838 2,854 2,750 316 292 288 27 30 34 17 17 16 1,439 1,451 1,338 1,039 1,064 1,073 3 1 2 16 14 13 19 20 17 499 498 496 162 162 162 31 215 31 215 30 • 216 63 62 61 28 28 26 1,328 1,342 1,231 1,414 1,405 1,288 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept.28 Dec. 31 2,679 2,762 2,756 2,861 295 317 315 334 31 28 56 77 15 14 13 12 1,250 1,304 1,275 1,357 1,088 1,099 1,097 1,081 2 2 1 1 9 6 7 9 16 17 18 15 494 491 494 487 162 163 163 161 30 30 29 29 217 215 216 212 63 61 63 61 23 23 23 24 1,190 1,199 1,209 1,264 1,259 1,265 1,302 1,366 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. Dec. 30 2,859 2,986 3,112 3,231 346 383 424 456 77 77 76 81 11 10 8 7 1,331 1,421 1,610 1.599 1,094 1,096 1,094 1,088 7 6 6 11 14 15 13 14 490 492 494 490 160 160 160 160 29 29 29 28 216 217 214 214 60 59 63 60 25 27 28 27 1,258 1,327 1,425 1,497 1,364 1,414 1,617 1,581 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 3,186 3,248 3,452 79 460 457 • 77 66 501 6 6 4 1.558 1,622 1,801 1,083 1,086 1,081 8 6 7 12 14 14 485 481 482 159 169 159 23 23 23 213 213 212 62 61 61 27 25 27 1,475 1,534 1,666 1,571 1,644 1,762 31 38 39 68 3 3 3 2 1,869 1,888 2,053 2,113 1.091 1,096 1,093 1,048 8 8 7 6 11 16 16 15 485 486 484 482 159 160 159 161 23 23 22 22 213 213 213 211 65 63 64 62 26 27 27 26 1,771 1,765 1,947 1,929 2,036 2,047 1941—Apr. 4 June 30.. Sept. 24 Dec. 31 3,491 . . . 3,524 3,715 3,704 497 600 627 482 1 1* 1 1 1,028 1,136 1,172 1,183 1,187 1,240 1,202 1,120 1,039 1,319 1,438 1,867 1,866 * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21,1917, to August 23. 1935, b u t they were m f a c t demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. ' Includes capital notes and debentures i ^ u e d by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued by member banks before the banking hohday of 1933. . « The composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. 7 For definitions of "demand deposits adjusted" and "net demand deposits'* see introductory text, p. 65. 8 Includes customers' liability to State member banks under letters of credit. • Includes letters of credit issued b y State member banka. NO. 199-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In milliona of dollars] Open market paper To brokers and dealers Acceptances Call date Total loans Commercial Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances ances! of other banks Real estate loans Loans on securities, except to banks Bills Total In New York City Outside New York City To others On farm land Total On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 37 839 782 129 135 437 485 199 207 186 194 142 101 100 519 555 583 607 216 221 203 207 208 216 819 847 870 833 712 719 728 685 78 89 78 60 592 615 609 238 240 241 242 224 226 227 228 772 752 744 1,704 1,674 1,619 1,521 651 630 603 540 48 40 37 25 589 574 562 510 239 243 242 240 225 229 226 720 711 694 672 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 1,407 1,364 1,313 501 486 471 17 17 16 483 467 453 237 229 229 223 215 215 570 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 1,085 1,059 402 385 15 15 17 s385 367 361 199 200 204 186 186 191 445 440 437 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 1,072 1,059 1,027 1,012 387 377 348 346 15 18 18 18 349 329 314 306 207 193 196 198 197 443 444 437 422 1935—Mar. 4., June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec, 31. 16 978 931 945 320 296 305 14 15 301 293 280 211 210 211 18 278 212 196 195 196 197 408 407 387 393 1936—Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 931 947 299 300 290 16 20 21 274 271 260 207 210 196 192 195 384 403 398 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec, 31. 941 959 957 278 270 265 20 19 15 250 242 244 211 213 216 195 197 199 401 432 438 1938—Mar, 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. 941 913 908 264 250 248 15 15 14 244 232 231 218 220 200 417 408 403 622 1928-Oct. Dec. 31. 1,730 1,745 192&-Mar. 27, June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31. 1.813 1,832 1,890 1,859 725 713 193(}-Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 1,834 1,829 1.814 1,767 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 685 81 1,061 Open market paper Call date Total loans 1938—Dec, 3 1 . . . . 906 1939—Mar. 29.... June 30 Oct, 2 = . . . . Dec. 30.-.. 907 920 928 945 1940—Mar. 26® June 2 9 . . . . Dec, 3 1 . . . . 950 985 1,020 1941—Apr. 4= June 30.... Sept. 242... Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,132 1,044 1,111 1,118 Commercial Acceptances payable in U. S. Agricultural Total CommerTo cial broTo Own Accept- abroad paper kers others bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks 210 211 212 211 Bills 29 34 327 347 26 228 619 601 203 204 Real estate loans Loans for purchasing or carrying securities 296 299 37 601 222 230 Total On farm land 229 19 On residential property Other Loans to banks Other loans 142 249 230 236 137 140 238 245 245 149 251 258 154 76 249 257 257 160 414 52 268 167 . 79 268 411 56 "277 "i77 '"78" "26^ N0.20(I-.PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 192B-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct Total investments CaU date Total BiUsi Notes ObligaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States Guar- and anteed polit- Total Government ical agencies subnot Rail- Util- Other diviBonds guar- roads' ities' sions anteed byU.S.> Corporate stocks F. R. Bank Foreign securities Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 964 921 250 231 23 30 44 30 182 171 573 550 156 153 161 156 197 187 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 900 878 865 828 228 221 217 193 17 16 17 9 32 32 27 21 179 173 173 163 537 523 516 503 151 144 141 135 156 154 151 150 177 169 165 156 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 . . Dec. 31 837 884 922 966 190 196 196 219 8 6 8 4 21 23 15 11 161 166 172 204 518 548 576 590 132 141 143 144 159 164 169 175 159 171 188 191 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,109 1,114 1,121 1,037 352 347 366 337 39 29 9 14 13 18 22 43 300 300 335 279 148 154 153 144 179 182 89 76 596 606 589 552 179 160 191 189 178 167 1932^une 30 Sept. 30 Dec.31.. . 1,021 1,050 1,043 350 385 410 9 13 28 33 68 67 309 304 315 77 83 83 532 523 492 142 138 133 155 151 147 157 154 142 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30, . 957 1,010 1,020 401 451 464 17 9 12 96 96 88 288 346 364 77 76 76 432 436 436 120 123 124 129 131 131 120 117 114 1934—Mar. 5 June 30. Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,045 1,082 1,137 , „ . 1,173 485 495 498 505 18 13 14 1 127 117 123 141 340 365 362 364 1 27 62 77 92 99 100 438 454 475 469 142 141 147 152 133 135 137 137 93 93 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31„ 1,220 1,234 1,269 1,301 516 487 457 482 3 1 2 145 138 164 172 370 346 292 309 93 121 145 148 105 115 133 141 472 475 497 495 154 162 169 165 138 143 154 161 92 91 102 97 1,327 1.412 1,455 484 528 576 2 2 2 181 164 143 301 362 432 160 157 147 147 159 149 498 531 551 170 178 155 167 179 100 106 114 1937—Mar. 31 , . . . 1,424 1,427 June 30 1,355 Dec. 31 561 574 544 4 7 1 141 140 128 416 428 415 143 151 151 149 143 135 533 523 496 177 171 173 168 105 104 99 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec.31. 1,338 1,377 1,425 . . . 1,422 543 565 604 628 1 1 109 92 97 101 433 473 507 526 143 151 150 149 131 141 145 148 493 495 501 171 170 171 167 154 153 152 146 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 6 Dec. 30. 1.401 1.377 1,401 1,396 615 582 607 613 535 502 163 135 131 64 548 146 153 153 154 457 447 1 156 167 158 168 166 1 81 78 430 159 123 1940-Mar. 26«....- 1,358 1.357 June 29 1,379 Dec. 31 585 592 623 1 1 68 63 523 559 164 156 159 164 173 184 406 384 151 147 107 100 318 344 1,430 1,425 1.469 1,600 691 704 710 844 1 59 645 184 173 362 140 90 330 23 67 755 153 157 186 188 '354 '137 . 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec.31 ... 1941—Apr. 4® June 30 Sept. 246 Dec.31 ^ inciuaes ceruncaies 01 88 188 185 181 180 156 97 101 108 100 '279 '247 '282 25 31 302 vw — — March 5. 1934. S^curito guaranteed a , to MeresC only, first issued in July 1933 and reolaccd in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed, ^ • • 1 and interest) 4ICNMSISEA N^reported ^ in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal '''''^hS™am^^^ as "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities by maturity was not required before December 1938. « B S n n i i ^ h O c t X r 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and autumn call dates. NO. 201-PHIIJ\DELPHIA DISTRICT-^LL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Time Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U.S. Government IndiInterbank States Certi- viduals, fied and partpoUt- and nerTotal ical offiDo- Forsubcers' ships, mestic eign divi- checks, corpo* etc. rations, sions etc. 1028-0ct. 3 Dec. 31 1,361 1,397 201 190 4 3 • 8 16 81 82 30 35 1,037 1,070 1.107 1,091 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1,336 1,360 1,357 1,399 162 173 175 194 5 . 3 4 4 22 30 30 10 73 101 84 90 40 25 26 41 1,034 1,027 1,038 1,060 1,075 1,084 1,069 1930"Mar.27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,302 1,387 1,380 1,404 174 207 248 227 4 3 6 4 23 24 18 22 85 99 79 94 17 25 17 32 1,000 1,028 1,012 1,025 1.108 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,517 1,470 1,314 1,231 314 276 196 165 4 4 3 2 48 37 59 30 120 105 102 99 20 27 19 21 1932-June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,149 1,185 1,201 181 210 222 1 2 2 33 59 38 89 74 88 1933-June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1,091 1,040 1,069 169 162 162 1 1 1 70 86 64 1,088 1,132 7 10 IT. S. Government and postal savings^ States and political subdivisions Individuals, corporal ChristCertificates Open acof ings de- counts^ and posit similar accounts» Total 1,084 1,063 846 139 137 1,065 1,059 1,067 1,050 849 846 843 853 137 134 132 131 1,091 135 145 169 1,174 1,137 1,147 874 880 894 1,012 1,020 934 915 1,219 1,218 1,176 1,032 1,176 1,188 1,143 987 883 878 843 786 178 115 182 166 128 15 11 16 831 829 835 1,002 996 1,008 958 945 944 756 732 746 128 128 83 78 107 14 12 13 755 702 721 887 937 792 6<4 665 108 100 89 87 64 93 100 114 100 102 15 13 18 23 765 813 842 889 1,002 1,017 721 733 755 91 108 108 106 1,161 1,116 135 132 97 88 84 133 67 74 86 67 55 12 2 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,166 1,270 1,279 1,370 196 240 254 261 2 2 . 1 2 1,012 928 937 1935-Mar.4 ., June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,378 1,425 1,537 1,606 277 275 303 290 2 3 4 4 78 47 36 61 108 112 116 130 17 16 20 21 896 971 1,059 1,100 1,027 1,012 1,024 1,023 949 945 956 959 762 773 778 795 102 94 94 90 1936-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,599 1,678 1,868 310 310 341 3 3 4 40 96 95 124 122 134 18 19 28 1,105 1,128 1,266 1,033 1,061 1,067 975 996 1,005 803 819 848 94 95 87 7 12 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1,764 1,759 1,643 294 274 267 4 4 3 27 30 34 171 190 109 20 22 24 1,248 1,239 1,205 1,073 1,095 1,107 1,018 1,046 1,037 852 87 85 84 10 14 1,555 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 1,635 Sept. 28 1,635 Deo. 31 .... 1,756 270 298 296 313 4 5 7 9 31 28 56 77 117 128 103 104 15 18 16 20 1,118 1,158 1,156 1,232 1,124 1,127 1,122 1.105 1,043 1.051 1,048 1,046 864 858 852 864 84 1939-Mar.29 , . . . . June 30 Oct.2» Dec. 30 1,736 1,860 1,993 2,117 319 351 396 433 11 13 13 6 74 74 73 78 117 148 139 124 16 19 23 23 1,198 1,254 1,349 1,453 1,123 1,127 1,120 1,115 1,059 1,064 1,058 1,057 872 94 1940-Mar.26» June 29 Dec. 31 2,079 2,142 2,353 441 441 485 5 5 5 76 74 62 132 141 131 20 18 29 1,405 1,463 1,640 1,107 1.052 1,055 1,050 For footnotes see end of table. 1.106 1,099 857 860 866 5 8 11 2 5 9 12 4 5 88 "860' 79 100 99 10 16 19 15 4 NO. 201—PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT—ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941—Continued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date 1941—Apr. 4« June 30 Sept. 24' Dec. 31 Total 2,378 2,406 2,600 2,635 Domestic Foreign 475 477 504 460 5 6 6 6 U. S. Government 28 35 36 56 Time IndividStates Certiuals, and fied partpolitand nerical offiTotal subcers' ships, divi- checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. 216. 121 249 184 21 29 22 36 1,632 1,738 1,781 1,894 1.114 1,118 1.115 1,069 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. Gov- States ernand ment pohtaud^ ical Do- For- postal submestic eign sav- diviings! sions 17 17 ' 17 16 6 6 6 5 30 29 29 28 Total 1,061 1,067 1,064 1,020 Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open ^ v of acings de- counts' and posit similar accounts® 869 79 102 17 865 73 78 4 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. 3 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and a u t u m n calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no brealcdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign l>anks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.202-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounta in millions of dollarsl Loans and investments Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Investments CaU date Cash Bank Bal- items premises, Other in ances with proc- furni- real ture estate ess forand of eign banks 1 coUec- fixtion tures Total CustomNumers' Secuber Ua- rities Other of bility bor- assets banks on rowed acTotal ceptliaances bilities Total U.S Government obligations 621 637 631 614 220 200 187 183 90 71 55 54 130 130 132 128 60 57 60 68 16 16 17 20 ' 38 42 39 33 92 105 95 89 13 13 14 14 3 2 2 2 25 25 22 16 10 7 6 7 11 7 10 14 1,108 1,113 1,084 1,050 42 42 44 44 3 3 3 11 11 10 8 9 11 8 10 7 990 1,012 46 47 47 3 3 4 10 12 14 6 2 4 8 7 10 931 986 1,063 47 46 46 46 46 46 45 Total Loans 1920—May 4 June 30 Nov, 15 Dec. 29 ... 841 837 818 797 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 .... 786 765 712 600 570 521 186 195 191 56 60 67 130 135 134 66 61 68 17 15 12 25 47 52 61 77 78 15 15 15 710 731 784 512 607 539 197 224 245 63 78 93 134 147 152 69 67 65 10 10 13 48 52 67 62 86 97 15 15 16 830 841 825 809 677 584 685 669 253 257 240 240 104 104 92 88 149 153 148 152 65 65 61 64 12 9 11 13 58 55 52 67 101 90 85 136 16 17 17 18 4 4 4 3 12 12 10 13 2 2 2 2 7 6 8 8 1,108 ... ,.. 681 594 636 623 239 259 292 313 84 80 84 98 155 179 207 215 62 68 69 73 10 11 12 17 52 83 101 66 91 93 84 120 18 18 18 19 3 4 3 3 12 9 12 18 1 ... 820 852 927 936 8 7 10 11 1.076 1,145 1,235 ... ... 971 957 989 994 659 660 699 706 312 298 290 287 95 81 74 77 217 217 216 210 64 80 73 79 12 12 11 14 67 62 58 71 91 107 90 134 18 19 19 20 3 4 4 4 15 12 12 11 1 2 8 12 11 11 1,248 1,265 1,338 46 47 47 46 1926-Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 1,032 1,037 1,051 731 749 756 301 288 295 96 70 70 205 218 225 72 74 76 12 13 12 69 69 67 103 110 125 21 21 21 3 3 3 11 11 11 1 2 2 9 12 12 1,334 1,351 1,381 45 46 45 1027—Mar. 23 . . . June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,062 1,051 1,084 1,073 726 723 733 723 335 327 351 350 102 95 109 98 233 232 242 252 76 77 77 76 13 14 13 12 51 61 48 72 83 102 87 113 21 22 23 22 3 3 4 4 11 14 15 14 1 1 9 11 10 12 12 1,331 1,355 1,362 1.408 44 44 45 43 1028-Feb.28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1,059 1,087 1,101 . . . 1,057 705 755 768 758 354 333 333 299 110 94 109 92 244 239 224 207 79 73 74 71 12 9 12 12 48 70 59 71 84 82 108 133 23 26 26 27 5 3 3 4 15 16 17 19 2 4 4 4 12 13 10 8 1,337 1,383 1,420 1,412 45 44 44 40 192&-Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1,109 1,084 1,122 1,090 826 816 858 842 283 268 264 248 91 86 83 71 192 182 180 177 71 74 73 74 14 9 10 14 56 67 58 67 99 94 94 141 28 29 30 29 6 6 6 7 17 18 19 26 5 6 1 10 24 18 24 1,418 1,414 1,434 1,475 37 35 1,095 1,131 1,167 1,174 840 843 848 810 255 288 319 364 67 76 77 106 189 212 242 258 72 76 81 80 14 10 10 16 56 78 93 79 79 107 63 97 30 31 31 31 7 7 7 7 25 22 25 26 17 17 18 11 1,400 1,483 1,499 1.528 35 32 30 29 1,268 1,248 1,202 1,072 770 753 718 652 498 496 484 419 225 213 209 172 272 282 276 248 88 85 79 68 10 11 13 11 165 123 53 73 67 93 65 81 31 31 31 31 9 10 11 8 26 27 19 17 19 12 14 11 1,678 1,643 1,492 1,377 29 28 28 28 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 . Dec, 31 991 1,008 975 576 655 522 415 453 453 181 210 232 234 242 220 67 69 71 11 9 10 86 112 131 52 52 50 31 31 30 9 9 10 12 11 11 11 15 14 1,275 1,319 1,306 28 28 28 1933—June 30 . Oct. 25 Dec. 30 890 909 902 456 439 432 434 470 470 223 260 265 211 210 205 78 68 72 8 10 10 109 103 88 69 39 48 25 25 25 12 15 16 10 15 13 17 10 15 1,214 1,199 1,194 20 1934-Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17. Dec. 31 912 926 934 943 443 435 417 411 470 490 517 532 264 267 279 298 206 223 238 234 111 139 124 132 9 9 11 12 128 162 137 154 35 46 55 74 25 26 26 25 19 19 21 22 12 13 11 10 11 12 15 13 1,264 1,354 1,336 1,391 21 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 963 976 966 994 402 399 372 384 561 577 694 610 319 332 341 355 242 245 254 255 144 145 191 188 11 9 10 14 167 150 163 164 48 51 84 77 25 25 25 25 23 25 28 29 10 9 11 10 14 14 14 15 1.409 1,406 1,495 1,517 24 24 24 25 1936-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,013 1,063 1,065 376 394 399 637 669 667 375 385 392 262 285 275 210 180 244 13 13 13 156 152 162 69 74 98 25 25 24 29 30 31 11 9 10 12 15 14 1.529 1,563 1,664 25 25 25 1922—Mar. 10. June 30 Dec. 29 1023—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1925—Apr. 6 June 30. Sept. 28. Dec. 31 ,. 1030—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29.. Dec, 31 . ' 1 3 1.101 1.075 1,133 1,260 1,268 45 45 46 46 21 21 24 24 24 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES^ON CALL DATES, 192Q-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts C Deposits CaU date Total Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uaout- biUstand- ties ing Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its* tinaddegen- justed 7 posits' cies, etc.' U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank* ern- savments ings mand Other time 542 560 566 533 18 26 29 26 172 149 108 115 26 26 24 17 21 18 18 18 159 161 165 165 43 43 44 44 94 95 95 96 450 455 471 444 497 107 94 48 12 11 11 18 18 24 171 170 170 45 45 45 96 96 97 436 425 414 Total Com- Pre- Surmon ferred plus stock stock ^^ 730 759 770 734 162 158 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 682 718 705 131 152 157 492 29 29 31 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 707 763 828 166 174 188 489 544 570 34 36 46 24 22 22 10 13 14 18 14 15 171 173 184 46 47 47 97 100 106 427 458 473 1923—Apr. 3_ June 30 Sept. 14 - Dec. 856 840 826 894 192 172 175 195 566 562 555 . 590 72 88 88 96 40 49 36 23 13 13 11 14 13 13 13 13 184 186 189 189 50 50 50 51 106 465 472 470 454 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 844 912 996 1,007 211 240 223 181 535 578 595 101 107 128 146 16 6 6 14 13 11 12 19 12 11 11 11 192 204 209 209 51 52 53 53 108 117 118 119 444 485 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec.31_. 1,001 1,006 998 1,078 8 20 26 17 16 12 13 12 10 11 18 17 212 215 212 213 53 64 55 55 120 205 136 141 150 171 126 549 553 547 1926—Apr. 12„ . , „ 1,067 1,082 June 30 1,088 Dec. 31 193 205 199 661 188 191 205 18 19 38 11 11 12 16 16 16 222 223 227 58 58 59 130 130 132 548 656 536 691 1927—Mar. 23... .. 1,054 1,062 June 30 1,073 Oct. 10 1,085 Dec. 31__ 186 627 649 637 637 205 207 215 229 20 31 17 45 12 15 14 16 17 19 16 24 228 228 241 239 59 59 60 59 133 133 133 136 544 547 550 524 691 690 700 675 233 256 241 228 37 60 77 45 15 16 18 19 17 19 22 20 242 247 255 252 60 62 64 63 137 150 527 526 498 512 675 647 646 644 226 222 233 227 82 47 69 42 18 19 20 28 23 25 22 23 265 280 289 291 65 66 67 66 527 535 516 527 640 654 644 667 648 615 648 257 275 289 303 10 10 5 9 26 23 25 27 18 18 20 16 295 292 291 286 67 64 64 64 531 541 552 551 652 680 700 655 672 582 586 334 336 311 210 3 4 33 73 27 27 20 17 18 14 19 13 283 287 286 274 64 64 64 64 175 175 187 157 598 679 517 505 750 729 653 601 968 1,014 1,043 172 202 227 545 532 552 204 212 211 14 13 12 13 12 12 14 16 16 266 264 223 64 64 64 156 156 493 480 502 587 583 69S 975 956 962 178 171 171 527 470 507 168 197 183 3 2 3 11 16 14 21 22 20 205 204 196 59 59 59 468 431 459 541 505 543 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,034 1,131 1,117 1,173 208 250 263 182 213 224 216 2 268 528 573 559 604 13 14 12 11 20 15 13 14 196 194 194 193 59 58 57 57 493 527 504 530 582 633 642 668 1936-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,193 1,193 1,281 1,304 285 283 311 303 615 669 734 764 219 194 208 194 11 11 13 11 12 10 7 7 193 192 194 193 57 57 57 58 567 650 818 1,316 1936-Mar. 4 June 3 0 . . - . . - . 1,351 1,447 Dec. 31 320 322 353 766 748 815 201 214 208 12 11 13 6 7 8 195 194 197 58 69 59 707 674 717 894 903 971 1920-May4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 - 160 154 210 197 188 187 188 204 502 621 620 666 643 681 651 665 1928—Feb. 28. June 30 Oct. 3. Dec. 31 1,027 1,040 1,047 1,075 180 168 611 193 189 606 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1,030 1,043 1,034 1,090 160 167 167 626 629 186 668 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,050 1,140 1,158 1,190 165 197 239 610 1,347 1931—Mar. 25 1,311 June 30. Sept. 29 . — 1,134 997 Dec. 31.. , 1932—June 30. • Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1933—June 3 0 . . . . . . . Oct. 25 Dec. 30 220 311 268 608 645 610 106 106 122 122 162 151 163 181 185 186 189 188 188 176 168 158 111 101 101 611 501 618 699 770 N0.202-PH1LADELPHIA DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Total 1937—Mar. 31— June 3 0 . . . Dec.31... 1,035 1,049 976 974 998 Re- Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Cash Bal- items ances ances in with with procdomes- foress tic of banks collection Total U. S. Government obligations 393 405 396 641 645 580 379 386 346 262 259 234 260 143 142 138 89 216 82 81 1,625 1,613 1,503 24 24 24 585 634 660 660 351 384 401 413 234 250 260 246 228 233 217 224 132 144 137 154 45 78 5d 78 1,471 1,544 1,517 1,585 24 24 24 24 153 55 69 1,581 1,689 1,765 1,855 24 24 24 24 1,815 1,869 1,974 23 23 2,024 2,164 2,107 23 23 24 Loans 243 193^Mar. 7,... June 3 0 . . . Sept. 28... Dec.31... 1,015 364 360 355 1939-Mar. 29... June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 3 0 . . . 998 993 1,025 1,044 351 355 358 369 646 638 668 674 408 398 417 426 238 240 250 249 262 340 378 421 1940-Mar. 26... June 2 9 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,031 1,054 1,083 370 391 414 661 662 670 410 403 417 251 259 253 432 481 496 182 201 1941-Apr. 4 . . . . June 30... Sept. 24... Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,129 1,172 1,210 1,266 432 484 504 492 688 707 774 447 452 464 532 249 236 243 242 573 498 587 433 173 196 177 1,020 180 193 62 202 77 193 63 62 100 71 181 88 79 143 Deposits Call date Total U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank 2 ern- savdements ings < mand Other time 1,401 1,391 1,284 307 283 279 861 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . . 1,257 1,333 1,304 1,376 286 309 307 325 719 765 718 769 239 240 1939—Mar. 2 9 . . . . . . June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 1,373 1,480 1,559 1,645 337 373 412 444 755 827 863 921 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 1,615 448 445 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,841 1,817 1,959 1,900 483 487 512 469 1,772 26 Capital accounts 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1,668 Bank CusTotal premtomassets ises, Other ers' SecuNumlurm- real lia- rities Other ber ture estate bility borof and on rowed banks fixacTotal tures ceptliaances bilities AcBor- cept- Other row- ances Uaings out- bilistand- ties Total ing 204 223 216 198 198 197 228 Com- Premon ferred stock stock' 59 Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand tinits® deadgen- justed' posits^ cies, etc.« 17 16 14 778 779 682 960 939 841 228 197 196 197 192 14 13 13 13 674 687 668 691 841 867 874 912 230 229 233 229 193 195 194 192 13 13 14 13 700 758 801 844 901 958 1,033 930 994 1 066 1 131 215 214 212 185 185 187 13 12 12 1,132 1,099 1,214 1,219 838 896 933 1 137 1 203 1 251 188 214 185 12 13 13 12 1,061 1,011 1,136 1.077 1 364 1 327 1 459 1 384 762 214 216 188 188 191 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" nrior to OotnVi^r i looc United States Government deposits were demand deposits accounts were first opened m November 1938; before that ti: time all jj^ect to the reserve require- ' Includes capital notes and debentures issuea by S t a r e ~ m ; m b e r b a n k r ( S the definition of Banking by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933 (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock w ^ not issued « The composition of undivided profits and reserves has ^^TinTi^/i t^^^ * i. , > For definitions of "demand de£«its adjusted" a M P- N0.203-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 > [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances CaUdate Total loans CommerTil cial Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances ances ^ of other banks To brokers and dealers Bills Totali Total In New York City To others Heal estate loans Total Outside New York City On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans^ 1928—Oct. 3.._. Dec. 3 1 „ 768 758 365 394 114 125 229 245 315 270 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4 . . . . Dec. 31.. 826 816 411 858 843 397 394 133 91 84 72 267 279 297 315 300 325 353 321 407 423 67 80 70 55 305 323 312 316 303 288 277 275 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. . Sept. 24„ Dec. 31... 840 843 848 1931—Mar. 25.. June30„ Sept. 29.., Dec. 31... 770 753 718 652 358 342 322 273 43 35 34 23 303 293 285 249 266 260 255 249 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 576 555 243 232 223 14 14 14 228 217 209 219 213 193 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 456 439 432 187 12 13 183 172 163 166 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31,. 442 435 417 411 193 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 402 399 372 384 160 151 136 147 131 128 123 123 1939—Mar. 4 „ . June 30.. Dec. 31.. 376 394 145 150 147 123 124 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 135 405 396 111 106 108 175 202 1938—Mar. 7 June 3 0 . . . Sept. 28... 389 364 360 111 194 184 183 26 810 522 12 180 11 15 14 15 188 165 167 128 126 116 Total 1938—Dec. 31.. 355 172 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct.2»,. Dec. 30.. 351 355 358 369 175 177 1940—Mar. 26 June 29.. Dec. 31.. 370 391 414 216 1941—Apr.4».. June 30.. Sept. 24 = Dec. 31.. 432 484 504 492 ••275' 162 166 Loans for purchasing or c a r i n g securities Open market paper Call date 160 164 148 137 134 Acceptances pa^b^e in 156 160 153 154 149 165 172 206 CommerTo cial broTo kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks Real estate loans Bills Total 169 163 102 101 113 Agricultural loans 166 120 124 Commercial loans 65 Total On farm land On residential property 17 22 Loans to banks Other 23 Other loans 83 75 78 21 188 203 40 34 27 79 84 87 22 275 25 34 N0.204-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities XT. S. Government obligations Total investments Call date Total ObUgaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of Direct States Guar- and , anteed polit- Total Governical ment subagencies divinot Rail- Util- Other Bills' Notes Bonds guar- roads® ities' anteed byU.S.» 187 172 333 299 109 92 1929-Mar.27 June 29-, Oct. 4 Dec. 31 283 267 264 247 91 86 83 71 62 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 255 288 319 364 67 76 77 106 58 65 71 105 156 176 192 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 498 496 484 419 225 213 209 172 190 180 197 140 219 207 192 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 415 453 452 181 210 232 4 10 . 24 16 161 156 167 187 188 165 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 434 470 470 223 260 265 14 5 58 150 192 204 159 158 155 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17_ Dec. 31 470 490 517 532 264 267 263 263 76 74 80 94 173 184 174 155 165 175 169 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 561 577 594 610 269 267 253 266 92 89 107 177 176 145 155 175 172 171 169 1936—Mar. 4 June 30. Dec. 31 637 669 667 278 295 308 119 158 195 225 168 180 83 1937—Mar. 31...,, June 30 Dec. 31 641 645 580 292 298 268 67 75 64 223 219 204 171 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 , Dec. 31 585 634 '660 660 277 302 317 334 56 41 41 39 221 260 276 295 156 165 170 152 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2«Dec. 30 646 638 668 674 327 312 340 343 299 286 147 145 322 150 1940—Mar. 26« June 29 Dec. 31„ 661 662 670 326 325 335 305 317 149 141 1941—Apr. 4« June 30 Sept. 24• Dec. 31 696 688 707 774 371 379 376 434 1928-Oct. 3 Dec. 31 , . eari; l ^ t ' ^ r T s l ^ r ^ ' b ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 74 2 6 4 23 45 41 62 53 111 100 27 365 "409' 37 Corporate stocks F. R. Bank Foreign securities Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 40 35 161 152 150 145 211 185 168 154 28 »124 '99 »113 49 34 16 18 128 136 146 97 97 ''' 130 17 134 'l28 17 166 — ^ ^ o m December 1934 until » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) t This is the amount reported as "maturing in 1939^1943." A cteification of securities by maturity was not required before Decpmbpr iQ^ift • Beginmng with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of s p r i i and autmnn S l l d a t i December 1938. N0.205-PHIUDELPHIA DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand InterlDank CaU date Total Do^ mestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiU. S. Interbank States Certi- vidGov- States and fied uals, ernand politand partment political offinerand Total ical subcers' ships, Do- For- postal BUl> divi- checks, corpomestic eign Sav- divisions etc. rations, ings! sions etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts® and posit similar accounts® 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 798 837 184 178 4 3 5 11 26 25 17 20 563 600 249 238 5 8 2 2 2 3 239 224 136 131 20 18 84 75 1929-Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31. 796 815 798 860 150 161 162 181 5 3 4 4 15 22 22 7 19 36 22 27 27 10 14 27 581 583 575 615 234 ^ 227 236 231 6 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 224 222 231 226 141 142 147 148 19 17 17 17 64 62 68 61 1930—Mar. 27, June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 790 862 865 879 160 192 232 211 4 3 6 4 16 , 18 12 16 21 26 16 23 7 10 6 18 582 612 593 607 261 278 293 311 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 256 275 286 302 160 165 167 170 22 32 52 53 75 78 67 79 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29, . . . Dec. 31 993 962 810 764 294 259 182 153 4 4 3 2 40 28 43 22 31 34 21 27 11 15 11 8 613 622 550 551 354 349 324 233 12 4 1 1 1932—June 30 Sept. 30. Deo. 31 742 778 794. 170 199 213 1 2 2 26 46 28 29 19 32 5 3 4 511 509 517 226 236 248 1933—June 30 Oct.25.... . . Dec. 30 741 692 712 161 154 155 1 1 1 52 66 49 32 25 52 6 4 4 489 442 452 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec.31 784 871 854 926 189 233 246 253 2 2 1 2 65 64 48 68 47 53 27 37 7 5 5 10 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov.l Dec. 31 942 974 1,055 1,090 269 267 295 282 2 3 4 4 57 35 23 41 46 44 39 54 193e—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,096 1,116 1,218 301 302 331 3 3 4 26 64 67 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1,178 1,152 1,049 286 266 260 4 4 3 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,008 1,080 1,051 1,135 263 291 289 305 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 ' Dec. 30 1,128 1,234 1,312 1,400 1940—Mar. 26» June 29 Dec. 31 1941—Apr. 4 » June 30 Sept. 24» Dec.31...- , 7 9 12 22 4 2 330 335 308 210 163 156 145 120 64 68 54 29 104 111 110 61 1' 1 13 22 23 24 1 2 203 210 210 117 113 118 26 29 33 61 69 60 234 263 249 16 16 15 50 50 51 1 3 1 167 194 182 98 100 100 13 25 20 54 67 62 2 3 475 514 526 557 251 260 263 247 18 16 16 13 51 31 24 17 1 3 8 2 181 210 216 214 103 106 108 111 17 33 34 32 60 70 71 70 1 2 2 7 6 10 10 562 619 684 700 250 219 226 214 15 13 12 17 16 12 5 3 3 2 8 1 216 192 200 193 110 112 113 117 31 22 24 22 74 56 60 54 1 2 3 1 57 45 45 8 8 10 701 695 761 220 234 229 16 17 17 3 3 3 2 13 9 199 202 199 118 119 124 23 23 19 56 56 54 2 4 2 20 21 24 90 108 40 7 5 6 771 749 716 223 239 235 16 14 17 3 3 3 6 4 7 197 218 209 123 122 . 123 19 18 19 52 73 65 4 5 2 4 5 7 9 22 19 37 52 55 66 34 33 5 5 5 4 659 694 679 731 249 254 252 241 19 13 10 11' 2 2 2 2 15 18 18 5 212 220 222 223 122 119 118 119 20 25 27 29 67 72 72 74 3 5 5 1 312 343 386 422 11 13 13 6 51 51 51 51 49 75 54 44 6 6 10 4 699 746 799 872 245 247 247 245- 14 16 13 16 1 1 1 1 6 4 7 4 224 225 225 225 118 . 117 29 28 75 77 2 3 118 26 80 1 1,387 1,444 1,550 431 431 473 5 5 5 51 51 38 66 72 50 7 4 10 828 882 973 228 224 222 13 10 10 2 3 2 213 212 210 101 103 20 20 88 87 3 1,613 1,584 1,730 1,701 464 466 491 448 5 6 6 6 12 15 18 27 143 41 146 89 7 8 7 ;i2 982 1,050 1,061 1,118 228 231 229 200 15 15 15 14 2 2 2 2 212 215 213 183 103 20 89 2 102 17 64 . 1 1 » United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. s ^'Christmas savings and similar accounte" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. ' A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.20S-PH1UDELPHIA DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] ' Loans and inyeatments Investmenta Call date Total Total U. S. Government obUgations Loans Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities 102O-May4... June 30.. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29.. 918 •928 967 967 477 486 516 509 441 442 451 458 170 169 170 174 271 272 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30.. Dec. 31-. 975 979 979 . 503 506 506 472 473 474 175 175 167 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30,. Dec. 29.. 997 1,000 1,048 517 513 537 482 487 511 166 1923—Apr. 3 . . . June 30,. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31.. 1,084 558 590 609 621 1,122 1,143 1,160 Balances with domestic banks Cash Bank Bal- items premisesj Other ances in with proc- furni- real ture estate foress and eign of banks 1 coUec- fixtion tures Total Custornassets ers' SecuNumlia- rities Other ber bility borof on rowed banks acTotal ceptliaances bilities 8 11 11 9 24 25 26 26 2 3 3 4 1,086 285 51 53 57 50 1,147 1,146 645 646 656 654 297 297 307 38 35 40 8 11 12 27 28 29 3 3 3 1.132 1.133 1,139 654 652 657 154 170 316 332 341 41 42 53 10 12 14 31 32 33 3 3 3 1,156 1,235 670 526 533 534 539 175 178 177 175 351 355 357 364 50 43 45 47 16 16 13 19 34 35 37 38 4 3 3 4 1,273 1,297 1,327 1,357 671 674 676. 677 646 651 535 532 560 567 167 156 368 376 401 407 46 49 60 55 17 17 14 19 39 40 43 43 5 5 6 5 1,362 1,378 1,420 1,446 679 685 160 152 152 148 418 420 417 55 47 51 56 15 19 15 21 45 46 47 49 6 6 7 7 1,470 1.504 1,530 1,575 694 702 704 707 281 1,100 1,162 1924-Mar. 31.. June 30.. Oct. 10... Dec. 31.. 1,227 1925-Apr. 6 . , . June 30,. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 1,259 1,292 1,319 1,343 721 747 779 567 570 571 565 1926-Apr. 12.. June 30.. Dec. 31,. 1,372 1,383 1,427 815 825 860 558 557 567 148 143 136 410 414 431 50 48 56 18 18 26 51 53 55 8 8 8 1,594 1,605 1,670 711 714 724 1927-Mar. 23.. June 30,. Oct. 10... Dec. 31.. 1,456 1,480 1,506 1,515 867 881 589 145 139 140 135 444 461 479 486 55 51 58 59 16 20 19 23 58 60 61 62 8 10 10 10 1,693 1,722 1.756 1,772 726 729 731 734 1928-Feb. 28,. June 30.. Oct. 3.... Dec. 31,. 1,515 1.568 1,592 1,609 131 133 140 139 492 500 490 483 52 46 61 55 15 21 21 26 62 66 67 68 11 12 11 11 1.757 1,858 1,872 734 742 740 738 1929-Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4 . . . . Dec. 31.. 1,633 1,597 137 135 134 123 480 475 468 458 43 46 49 51 19 24 22 26 69 71 73 73 12 13 13 15 1,850 1,875 1,890 1,865 1930-Mar. 27.. June 30, _ Sept. 24.. Dec. 31,. 738 737 734 729 123 119 119 113 458 476 485 489 50 54 68 69 16 23 15 26 75 75 76 77 15 16 17 18 1,830 1.849 1,845 1,855 724 724 725 724 126 485 485 480 452 93 70 61 49 14 19 16 21 77 77 78 76 19 20 20 21 1.850 1,826 618 134 157 165 1,821 1,754 722 716 712 687 597 590 169 175 177 436 423 412 43 50 57 16 14 19 75 73 73 25 26 28 1,690 1,654 1,642 523 540 550 679 669 665 178 191 ,198 345 349 352 47 45 46 15 11 15 58 59 61 24 25 27 1,371 1,390 1,417 567 580 585 1,168 1.179 1,211 887 894 936 961 987 600 619 622 623 633 631 622 160 159 1,810 1,605 987 1,626 1,016 618 610 1,032 1,017 602 581 1,576 1,582 1.569 1,560 994 986 966 957 581 596 603 1931-Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 1,545 1,540 1,539 1,486 934 921 901 611 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,437 1,406 1,381 831 808 791 1933—June 30., Oct. 25... Dec. 30,. 1,152 629 1,160 1.180 630 1934—Mar. 5.,. June 30,. Oct. 17... Dec. 31., 1,204 1,215 1,230 1,242 610 602 575 591 620 641 221 229 247 269 354 362 373 371 60 75 89 97 12 15 16 22 62 62 63 63 1.251 1,236 1,233 1.252 591 579 559 560 660 657 674 691 1,467 1.505 1,551 1.575 605 620 1935—Mar. 4... June 29,. Nov. 1 . . . Dec. 31,. 29 31 32 33 290 276 275 370 381 413 417 99 99 113 119 15 18 18 25 63 62 62 63 193e-Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. Dec. 31.. 34 37 39 41 1,245 1,296 1,329 555 554 540 689 742 789 1,579 1.576 1,582 1,627 631 630 631 631 301 331 421 442 458 14 23 36 63 62 61 42 43 45 1,621 620 629 624 602 619 637 261 91 84 87 94 101 134 128 129 153 1 1 1 1,695 1,797 628 633 633 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank^ ern- sav- • dement® ings* mand Borrowings Other time 1920—May 4 . . . June 30.. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29.-, 811 828 876 872 9 9 9 10 3 4 3 3 452 455 470 462 348 360 393 396 56 54 44 45 1921—Apr. 28... June 30.. Dec. 31... 857 855 862 9 8 9 3 5 4 426 420 413 418 421 436 46 52 46 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30 Dec. 29. 880 890 948 9 8 10 6 2 8 413 420 455 452 460 476 41 31 32 1923—Apr. 3._ June 30. Sept. 14, Dec. 31. 986 1,002 1,035 1,046 11 9 13 12 7 8 6 5 465 461 476 479 503 526 540 549 31 37 28 45 1924—Mar. 31. June 30. Oct. 10.. Deo. 31_ 1,053 1,075 1,115 1,130 13 15 17 15 7" 5 10 8 455 457 473 478 579 599 615 628 1925—Apr. 6... June 30 Sept. 28.. Dec. 31... 1,144 1,173 1,195 1,222 15 16 12 13 15 7 9 8 467 481 494 523 1926—Apr. 12... June 30... Dec. 31... 1,225 1,237 1,297 13 13 13 11 7 7 1927—Mar. 23.. June 30... Oct. 10... Dec. 31... 1,316 1,334 1,371 1,384 14 14 16 15 11 8 9 6 1928—Feb. 28... June 30... Oct. 3 . . . . Dec. 31... 1,361 1,380 1,421 1,412 12 14 17 14 2 5 4 5 192&-Mar. 27.. June 29„, Oct. 4.._. Dec. 31... 1,394 1,392 1,408 1,378 13 13 14 . 14 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30... Sept. 24.. Dec. 31... 1,360 1,379 1,383 1,387 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30... Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties Total ing 1 Com- Premon ferred stock stock Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its 6 tinaddegen- justed' posits^ cies. etc. 6 166 164 173 175 66 66 68 68 74 74 76 76 27 24 29 30 444 444 459 453 176 173 178 69 69 71 77 78 80 30 26 27 418 409 401 183 187 199 71 72 75 81 83 87 30 30 38 403 408 441 1 1 1 203 205 209 212 77 78 79 80 91 93 93 97 35 34 37 34 449 445 463 460 35 27 17 28 1 1 1 218 221 234 233 81 83 85 86 99 101 105 110 38 37 45 38 438 440 459 459 647 668 679 679 32 35 29 45 1 1 1 1 242 245 251 254 87 88 89 91 111 116 117 122 44 41 45 40 452 462 479 502 508 511 540 692 707 738 49 48 37 1 1 264 265 280 93 94 98 125 128 138 47 43 44 520 519 535 538 771 793 811 826 33 38 25 28 1 1 1 1 289 292 302 303 101 102 103 104 139 144 145 152 49 46 54 47 i 1 510 512 542 542 837 848 856 850 30 53 41 55 1 1 1 1 308 316 327 327 105 107 109 109 153 158 162 165 50 51 55 49 7 8 8 4 1 1 1 1 521 524 538 523 851 847 847 837 54 63 52 61 1 1 1 1 336 344 363 358 111 113 116 117 168 174 184 183 14 16 18 17 7 6 6 6 1 I 1 1 492 503 492 503 846 853 866 861 39 38 22 33 1 1 1 1 363 363 370 365 117 118 120 121 1,389 1,376 1,356 1,266 20 18 15 12 9 9 16 7 2 3 4 6 496 481 473 448 862 865 848 792 25 23 40 78 1 1 365 357 353 339 1932—June 30.., Sept. 30,. Deo. 31... 1,183 1,168 1,166 11 11 9 7 13 10 9 11 11 390 384 387 767 749 748 105 90 84 1983-June 30... Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1,002 1,021 1,046 8 8 7 18 19 16 18 21 22 324 321 334 634 652 667 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,095 1,140 1,179 1,209 8 8 8 8 24 24 16 26 24 25 25 27 352 368 401 410 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31_. 1,212 1,243 1,279 1,325 9 8 9 9 22 12 13 20 28 25 26 26 1936—Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,316 1,589 1,489 10 9 10 14 32 28 21 19 15 1 1 490 493 514 529 504 499 516 515 512 509 525 525 2 4 495 491 521 516 501 502 532 528 55 52 60 53 2 5 3 5 502 500 516 497 512 511 528 509 185 186 187 186 57 54 58 52 4 6 4 7 476 481 477 477 484 492 483 491 120 120 119 118 184 181 177 170 55 47 48 38 5 9 9 12 482 462 458 427 490 473 468 438 327 317 310 117 114 114 161 157 152 35 35 30 14 11 14 374 370 369 380 378 375 27 22 22 268 271 275 97 99 102 1 1 1 134 131 133 25 30 26 12 10 13 309 310 319 317 315 326 689 716 728 738 15 6 3 2 279 280 289 286 105 105 107 107 3 9 18 20 132 128 125 123 27 27 29 26 12 11 10 10 340 353 385 388 345 361 390 398 406 430 461 487 748 767 772 782 1 1 289 288 • 291 290 105 105 103 103 26 27 27 27 122 120 119 122 27 27 32 29 391 412 442 462 397 421 355 377 481 522 614 791 SOS 822 1 293 294 297 103 103 103 26 25 23 121 122 125 32 33 34 9 10 10 ip 10 11 11 467 499 578 368 416 467 . 1 i N0.20&-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Conlinued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Balances with domestic banks Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Balances with foreign Total Customassets NumOther ers' Secuber furm- real Ua- rities Other of ture estate bility bor- assets banks and on rowed of acTotal coUec- fixceptliation tures ances bilities Cash Bank items prcm- Total U. S. Government obligations 548 555 561 783 782 775 325 3J9 349 458 443 426 136 148 148 552 549 548 550 753 743 765 762 334 332 353 364 418 411 412 147 137 140 151 120 1,313 1,312 1939-Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2.... Doc. 30.. 1,310 1.303 1.304 1,298 555 565 570 576 755 738 734 351 348 355 151 154 172 174 160 186 722 392 388 385 367 213 247 1940-Mar. 26.. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 1,277 580 593 697 695 709 339 345 366 358 350 344 183 189 205 247 240 278 1,876 1,316 1941-Apr. 4 . . . June 30,. Sept. 24., Dec. 31.. 1,346 1,364 1,391 1,453 194 198 245 409 432 501 338 328 330 326 1,953 266 2,010 1937-Mar. 31., June 30., Dec. 31.. 1938-Mar. 7.., June 30., Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. Total Loans 1,331 1.337 1,335 1,305 1,292 1,288 612 627 628 734 737 763 826 banksI 115 118 31 125 135 143 155 225 Total Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- ties ing 632 1,982 631 628 628 628 628 628 2,058 2,101 Capital accoimts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank' ern- savment 3 ings^ mand 1,728 1,733 1,759 1.788 1,881 Deposits Call date 634' 633 631 1.789 1,810 1,859 1,891 274 235 216 1,749 1,775 1,775 Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock® Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedecon- posits mand tinaddegen- justed 7 posits' etc.e 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31... 1,436 1,463 1,465 571 589 576 835 841 857 301 300 299 103 103 103 126 126 1938—Mar. 7 . . . June 30-. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31... 1,421 1,429 1,453 1,485 531 538 557 588 860 861 297 295 297 295 103 104 104 127 125 125 102 126 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30... Oct. 2 . . . . Dec. 30.,. 1,485 864 867 859 297 297 300 298 103 103 103 103 125 1,553 1,586 577 594 647 679 1940—Mar. 26.. June 29... Dec. 31... 1,571 1,579 1,680 657 664 767 871 869 300 296 296 103 103 103 126 1941—Apr. 4.... June 30... Sept. 24.. Dec. 31... 1,650 1,707 1,756 1,804 737 789 838 894 877 879 878 863 298 297 296 291 103 103 102 103 125 1,506 857 853 861 127 126 126 126 125 125 126 125 121 34 549 563 549 454 466 447 516 512 541 563 417 398 429 445 558 569 624 654 434 420 451 451 636 639 733 434 441 500 711 754 811 504 528 578 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. » Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as ''due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits »Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938: before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve reauirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23,1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Bankine Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits s Includes capital notes and debenture issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. • The composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p 71 ' For definitions of "demand deposits adjusted" and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. N0.207-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans CommerTbK cial Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances ances! of other banks To brokers and dealers Bills Total In New York City Outside New York City To others Real estate loans Total lfl28-Oct. 3... Dec. 31. 961 987 258 293 208 241 158 1929—Mar, 27, June 29. Oct, 4„, Dec. 31. 987 1,016 1,032 1,017 285 307 328 318 253 276 286 292 164 1930—Mar. 27, June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 994 314 311 305 303 289 934 921 901 293 285 266 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 831 808 791 257 254 248 1933—June 30. Oct, 25.. Dec. 30- 629 620 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans! 146 148 524 512 152 154 157 158 519 622 517 512 172 174 173 172 159 161 159 159 486 484 474 468 261 173 170 169 167 159 156 155 154 455 451 440 423 254 250 244 164 158 158 150 144 145 400 388 377 205 198 202 195 194 134 139 141 121 283 274 277 629 624 610 602 194 189 183 179 185 144 148 150 153 131 134 137 138 281 177 172 1935—Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. 1_. Dec, 31. 591 579 559 560 178 169 160 158 170 165 157 155 151 152 152 154 136 137 137 139 252 247 234 1936—Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 555 554 540 154 151 143 151 147 139 154 153 158 139 138 235 238 225 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 548 555 561 143 141 140 138 136 135 160 163 169 145 147 153 225 230 232 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. 552 549 548 138 134 134 133 130 130 172 174 177 155 158 160 223 224 1931—Mar. 25, June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 957 288 Open market paper CaU date 1938-Dec. 31. Commercial loans Agricultural loans Total 550 115 17 16 555 565 570 576 1940-Mar. 26 2.. June 29... Dec. 31... 580 593 1941-Apr. 4S June 30 Sept. 24® Dec. 31 Acceptances pa^ble in Total loans 1939—Mar. 29... June 30... Oct. 2 2 . . . Dec. 30... 606 612 627 628 626 282 276 281 181 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities ComTo mercial broTo Akers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks 125 131 168 170 172 44 126 128 277 268 259 220 Real estate loans Bills Total On farm land 189 18 On residential property Other 125 45 191 196 123 39 205 135 36 216 142 149 120 122 121 162 225 Loans to banks Other 166 163 167 126 51 170 173 170 139 234 156 177 137 '243 "165" 'ies" N0.208-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollais] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total 192S-Oct. 3 . . , Dec. 3K. 631 1929-Mar. 27. June 29.. Oct. 4 . . . Dec.31.. 618 622 610 581 Billsi Notes ObUgations of States and Guar- political anteed Total subBonds divisions 140 139 104 137 135 134 123 105 105 105 106 101 123 119 119 113 103 126 109 120 618 134 157 165 1932-June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 597 590 175 177 1 9 3 3 ^ u n e 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 523 540 550 178 191 198 1934—Mar. 5 . . . June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 575 591 193(>-Mar. 27., June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 681 1931—Mar. 25., June 30,. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 611 619 637 602 101 102 Bonds, notes, and debentures Ltovernment agencies not Railguar- roads' anteed byU.S.® 386 378 119 117 376 371 366 359. 115 118 115 106 119 118 109 362 372 383 388 104 107 124 125 108 108 128 109 131 117 116 385 108 110 110 106 133 137 137 127 124 119 110 345 335 327 102 138 154 273 278 281 85 88 89 283 289 300 101 166 121 100 94 96 657 674 691 193 170 147 154 297 303 326 326 118 115 116 121 1936—Mar. 4 . . June 30.. Dec. 31., 742 789 205 234 142 167 207 351 117 126 127 119 126 133 1937—Mar. 31. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 783 782 775 269 276 276 193 208 211 362 355 342 129 129 126 126 124 118 1938—Mar. 7 . . June 30,. Sept. 28., Dec. 31.. 753 743 765 762 266 212 264 287 293 213 231 231 337 330 331 317 123 116 120 121 118 112 110 105 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct.2<.. Dec. 30.. 755 738 734 722 288 269 267 271 236 217 310 301 117 114 98 227 281 110 1940-Mar. 26'., J u n e 29... Dec. 31... 697 695 709 259 267 288 218 257 243 102 1941—Apr. 4* June 30 Sept. 24 • Dec. 31 734 737 763 320 325 334 411 105 279 "346' 107 110 225 114 109 106 103 105 104 103 109 «155 n48 n69 59 174 182 198 231 90 112 102 246 220 204 217 826 112 100 641 242 Other 101 1935-Mar. 4 . . . June 29.. Nov. 1 . . . Dec. 31... 182 F. R. Bank Total securities maturing'iin 5 years or less 116 228 236 242 620 Other 121 121 112 148 148 147 189 195 Utilities' 126 121 360 221 Foreign securities 120 138 139 160 Corporate stocks 59 87 12 196 12 232 »Includes certificate of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanHJ^^, ^ Z— T, early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. ^itjasury ceruncates outstanding from December 1934 until »Included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed a^ to intprp^t *• j • , , a n d replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not g u a i S i t ^ d ^ ^ y 1®33 » Comprises b ^ d s only October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter werASSMl^^^^^^^^^ other-bonds,notes,anddebentures. No such securities ( g u a r a S t i o both princi^ N0,209-PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Do-^ mestic Foreign U.S. Government Time IndiInterbank States Certi- vidand uals, fied politpartand ical neroffiTotal subcers' ships, Do- Fordivi- checks, corpomestic eign sions etc. rations, etc. U.S. Government and postal savings» States and political subdivisions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total ^vings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts* and posit similar accounts* 1928—Oct. 3 „ Dec. 31 562 559 16 13 4 5 55 57 13 15 474 470 858 853 845 713 715 119 118 1929—Mar. 27 June 29. Oct. 4 Dec. 31.. 540 544 559 539 12 13 13 13 7 8 8 4 55 66 62 63 13 15 13 14 454 444 463 445 853 848 849 839 841 838 835 824 708 704 696 705 118 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30-, Sept. 24.. Dec. 31., 513 524 614 525 14 15 17 . . . . . . 16 7 6 6 6 63 73 62 70 10 15 11 14 418 415 419 418 848 854 868 863 835 841 850 846 709 709 713 724 113 114 1931—Mar. 25„ June 30.. Sept. 29Dec. 31.. 525 507 504 468 20 18 14 12 9 9 16 7 89 71 81 71 9 11 8 13 398 398 384 364 865 869 852 799 847 853 834 777 721 722 699 115 114 113 666 106 1932—June 30.. . Sept.30_. Dec. 31.. 408 407 407 11 11 9 7 13 10 60 66 56 10 8 13 319 320 318 775 760 760 765 735 734 619 628 1933—June 30.. Oct. 26 Dec. 30, 350 348 367 8 8 6 18 19 16 51 53 56 8 7 9 266 261 270 653 674 624 639 653 631 542 565 1934—Mar. 5. June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31.. 383 399 425 443 7 7 8 8 24 24 16 26 64 61 72 66 8 8 12 13 290 299 317 332 713 741 754 766 676 703 712 723 592 615 624 644 1935—Mar. 4... June 29-. Nov. 1... Dec. 31-. 435 451 482 616 8 8 8 9 22 12 13 20 62 69 77 76 10 10 10 12 334 352 374 400 777 792 798 809 733 753 756 1936—Mar. 4... June 30-. Dec. 3 1 - 503 562 661 9 8 9 14 32 28 67 77 89 10 11 19 404 433 506 812 827 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 586 607 693 8 8 7 7 9 11 81 83 69 13 16 18 .477 490 489 1938—Mar. 7_.. June 30.. Sept. 28 . Dec. 31.. 547 555 683 621 7 7 7 8 9 10 18 25 62 61 69 71 10 13 11 16 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2»... Dec. 30.. 608 625 680 716 8 9 11 11 23 23 22 26 68 7385 80 1940—Mar. 26». June 29.. Dec. 31.. 692 698 803 10 10 12 26 23 23 1941—Apr. 4 ' - June 30.. Sept. 243. Dec. 31.. 765 820 870 934 11 11 13 11 16 20 18 29 651 117 116 114 116 116 103 7 10 1 665 679 4 7 g 2 776 794 685 700 724 5 8 2 850 856 872 820 828 730 738 743 7 10 3 459 464 477 501 874 874 869 865 831 831 742 739 734 745 10 14 3 10 13 13 18 499 509 549 581 878 880 873 870 835 839 833 832 67 69 81 14 14 20 576 682 667 879 881 877 840 843 840 73 80 103 95 15 21 15 23 650 688 720 776 885 887 886 870 850 853 851 837 828 826 823 661 748 761 754 768 765 12 766 15 4 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts are included in "open accotmts" before Jime 1933. » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and a u t u m n c ^ beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. ' N0.2ia-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Total CusCash Bank tomassets : Bal- Bal- items premReNumises, Other ers' Secuin serves Cash ances ances ber lia- rities Other with with proc- furni- real in with of ture estate bility bor- assets ess Federal vault domes- forU.S. banks tic and on rowed of eign Other Reserve Govbanks 1 banksi coUec- fixacTotal secu- Bank ernliacepttion tures ment rities ances biUties obligations Investments Call date Total Loans Total 1914—Dec. 31 876 622 254 85" 169 17 64 105 16 42 6 12 7 1,145 762 1915—Mar. 4 Mayl. June 23 Sept. 2 Nov. 10 . Dee. 31 858 856 861 879 902 916 614 614 615 628 638 647 244 242 246 252 264 270 84 83 83 83 84 83 161 160 163 168 181 187 17 17 18 18 19 26 62 58 64 64 65 68 132 129 132 147 154 160 9 12 10 10 13 18 40 40 40 41 42 41 6 6 6 6 6 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 5 5 5 5 6 6 1,141 1,135 1,148 1,182 1,218 1,252 761 760 759 763 761 760 1916-May 1 967 June30 . . . . 991 Sept. 12 1.045 Nov. 17 1,084 Dec. 27 1,113 669 689 725 748 771 298 302 320 337 342 81 81 81 80 81 217 222 239 256 262 28 38 43 57 64 66 68 71 74 74 191 200 194 203 190 17 19 16 18 19 42 42 42 43 43 6 6 6 6 6 11 11 11 11 11 6 6 6 6 6 1,335 1,382 1,435 1,502 1,526 758 759 757 754 753 1 1917-Mar. 5 May 1 June 20 Dec. 31 1,154 1,234 1,266 1,634 799 837 844 1,041 355 397 422 593 80 85 115 196 275 312 307 397 67 72 78 117 77 76 82 72 224 199 178 212 17 23 19 54 43 45 45 50 6 6 6 9 1 1 3 ni 12 13 13 16 6 6 6 12 1,606 1,675 1,696 2,187 752 753 753 763 1918-May 10 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,767 1,765 l;950 1,953 1,095 1,129 1,197 1,208 672 636 753 745 266 232 356 341 406 404 397 405 114 116 118 126 58 48 63 76 176 198 178 204 43 56 59 81 54 54 57 57 9 10 11 11 814 812 22 21 23 16 16 21 11 12 14 14 2,269 2,286 2,487 2,565 772 •776 807 814 1919-Mar. 4 June 30 Nov. 17 Dec. 31 2,072 2,104 2,207 2,246 1,197 1,294 1,416 1,475 875 809 791 771 457 382 338 311 418 428 453 460 133 125 130 135 61 57 61 70 217 181 173 182 62 68 92 106 58 59 61 62 11 10 11 11 21 22 27 27 23 20 22 28 15 14 13 14 2,673 2,659 2,795 2,882 820 824 840 843 1920—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 2,323 2,359 2,433 2,479 1,586 1,625 1,699 1,717 737 734 733 762 279 277 271 280 458 457 462 482 142 145 155 151 66 64 66 75 154 163 195 177 87 107 112 100 64 65 67 69 13 13 14 13 30 28 20 18 20 21 17 20 14 16 16 17 2,914 2,981 3,094 3,119 857 860 870 873 1921-Apr.28 . . . , June 30 Dec. 31 2,467 2,452 2,324 1,700 1,682 1,602 767 770 722 274 273 257 494 497 465 140 135 132 58 53 50 130 120 120 67 77 83 73 74 76 14 14 15 15 17 8 19 17 26 12 13 15 2,995 2,972 2,849 877 879 883 1922-Mar. 10. June 30 Dec. 29 2,361 2,415 2,567 1,604 1,623 1,675 757 792 892 282 303 369 475 489 523 133 141 153 48 50 64 137 144 160 67 90 102 82 84 87 22 22 22 7 6 5 20 17 16 16 18 19 2,893 2,986 3,197 883 884 880 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 2,636 2,735 2,737 2,725 1,736 1,838 1,829 1,842 900 897 908 884 390 378 375 338 510 519 533 546 159 151 159 152 58 47 62 62 165 153 153 147 108 105 107 126 88 88 90 98 25 29 30 27 6 7 8 7 15 13 12 18 19 19 19 19 3,279 3,348 3,377 3,381 878 880 881 877 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 2,785 2,827 2,927 2,915 1,863 1,877 1.896 1,896 923 950 1,031 1,019 365 381 446 427 558 569 585 592 156 158 169 164 53 54 58 64 160 178 202 170 102 104 93 127 101 115 117 118 28 20 19 , 18 7 4 5 9 13 18 16 18 18 20 19 21 3,423 3,499 3,624 3,623 876 873 872 871 1925—Apr. 6 2,991 3,021 June 30 Sept. 28.,. , 3,083 Dec. 31 . 3,045 1,969 2,011 2,064 2,060 1,021 1,010 1,019 985 424 408 415 377 597 602 604 607 177 175 177 172 57 57 57 63 169 159 162 171 101 121 104 136 ' 121 124 126 127 18 17 17 17 9 9 7 8 10 9 11 14 21 22 23 21 3,673 3,714 3,767 3,774 869 865 864 863 192&-Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 3,115 3,161 3,133 2,111 2,135 2,144 1,004 1,025 989 404 402 354 600 623 635 178 179 179 58 57 58 162 178 171 122 120 150 130 133 134 18 18 19 10 6 9 13 9 13 19 20 22 3,823 3,882 3,887 860 860 856 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 3,232 3,267 3,325 3,296 2,160 2,179 2,201 2,162 1,073 1,089 1,125 1,135 411 399 425 412 661 690 699 723 194 180 194 181 60 57 58 57 185 169 186 184 110 127 115 , 135 133 135 136 136 21 21 21 21 8 7 10 14 10 9 9 9 24 22 18 22 3,978 3,995 4,071 4,055 846 841 836 835 1928-Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 3,347 3,448 3,427 3,414 2,188 2,266 2,274 2,291 1,159 1,182 1,153 1,123 434 429 448 424 725 752 705 699 197 182 192 185 58 46 57 60 179 160 183 181 124 119 126 164 137 138 140 140 21 22 22 22 15 10 11 13 9 7 9 9 21 24 20 20 4,109 4,155 4,189 4,213 834 823 818 816 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 3,478 3,488 3,498 3,455 2,352 2,376 2,418 2,410 1,125 1,112 1,080 1,046 451 435 429 406 675 677 651 640 185 193 193 180 55 46 55 61 150 150 157 156 118 141 132 ^ 144 127 144 162 145 24 26 27 27 11 12 22 25 10 10 10 9 21 22 20 21 4,194 4,226 4,258 4,246 811 807 804 795 ,, • PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank 2 ern- savment' ings* mand Other time Borrow- Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock® Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand addeits® tingen- justed' posits' cies, etc.® 1914—Dec. 31 789 133 4 492 160 118 228 121 80 26 476 1916—Mar. 4. May 1.. June 23. Sept. 2. Nov. 10. Dec. 31. 808 807 819 850 886 922 153 152 •148 167 174 183 4 3 3 3 3 3 492 493 505 612 533 554 159 159 162 168 176 183 101 99 99 101 99 100 226 121 224 225 226 227 80 79 78 78 78 78 26 26 28 28 29 28 483 481 495 502 520 636 1916—May 1.. June 30. Sept. 12 Nov. 17 Dec. 27. 1,003 1,051 1.100 1,166 1.188 211 219 230 240 235 3 3 3 3 3 584 616 640 682 702 205 213 228 241 247 100 Q Q yy 99 99 98 229 229 232 234 236 79 79 79 81 81 30 30 32 33 34 567 697 624 664 683 1917—Mar. 5. May 1. June 20. Dec. 31. 1,269 1,325 1,325 1,700 281 257 223 243 3 3 4 68 721 760 786 945 263 305 313 444 1 1 3 ni 99 101 109 115 243 246 307 124 137 82 85 85 131 33 34 37 39 704 737 767 892 1918—May 10 June 29. Nov. 1. Dec. 3L 1,733 1.771 1,886 1.937 231 222 222 259 114 131 149 32 915 943 1,005 1.093 473 473 510 663 >14 •12 22 21 126 116 122 127 333 336 356 358 144 146 151 155 140 141 145 150 49 60 60 53 872 888 946 1,011 1919—Mar. 4 . June 30 Nov. 17.. Dec. 31.,. 2,047 2,033 2,100 2,168 273 221 226 238 67 79 27 48 1,120 1,128 1,193 1,204 587 605 654 677 116 176 21 22 27 27 124 123 121 •128 365 368 386 156 165 158 160 152 153 158 164 58 60 70 60 1,058 1,060 1,102 1,098 1920—May 4 . „ June 30... Nov. 15.. Dec. 29... 2,214 2.299 2,432 2,414 230 227 261 254 9 21 23 40 1,256 1,316 1,363 1,310 719 736 785 810 146 124 96 133 30 28 20 18 118 120 119 123 406 409 426 431 165 167 170 172 170 174 176 177 71 68 81 81 1.170 1,208 1,251 1,210 1921—Apr. 28... June 30... Dec. 31... 2,272 2,235 2,141 182 165 167 23 34 32 1,220 1,188 1,112 847 847 830 150 165 129 15 17 8 114 115 128 444 440 444 186 187 188 183 184 187 75 69 69 1,153 1,111 1,029 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29. 2,238 2,347 2,532 183 192 222 31 16 36 1,138 1,224 1,269 887 916 1,006 66 47 67 7 6 5 124 122 124 458 465 479 196 198 200 188 191 193 76 77 86 1,070 1,134 1,167 1923—Apr. 3.. June 30. Sept. 14 Dec. 31. 2,628 2,655 2,693 2,698 232 207 220 202 29 19 8 27 1,343 1,362 1,362 1,333 1,025 1,068 1,104 1,136 42 84 64 68 5 7 8 7 122 117 119 126 482 484 493 493 202 203 205 206 200 203 204 208 80 79 85 78 1,235 1,257 1,255 1,207 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10. Dec. 31. 2,748 2,834 2,951 2,918 209 227 290 279 35 19 33 23 1,332 1,354 1,376 1,369 1,172 1.233 1,252 1,247 46 32 28 56 7 4 6 9 120 124 121 128 602 208 605 519 513 211 212 213 209 212 213 218 85 82 94 82 1,229 1,250 1,283 1,242 1925—Apr. 6. June 30. Sept. 28. Dec. 31. 2,998 3,034 3,052 3,053 266 249 235 243 49 25 35 28 i,385 1,433 1,440 1,443 1,299 1,328 1,342 1.339 40 48 66 77 9 9 7 8 101 99 121 120 625 524 213 213 213 214 220 221 222 231 93 89 85 71 1,284 1,311 1,336 1,307 1926—Apr. 12., June 30. Dec. 31. 3,097 3,170 3,130 235 237 242 42 25 20 1,431 1,482 1,444 1,388 1,427 1,424 66 123 118 123 216 59 95 10 8 9 626 217 530 216 233 234 244 78 76 70 1,310 1,361 1,294 1,471 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10. Dec. 31. 3,270 3,290 3,335 3,304 262 261 274 270 30 21 31 24 1,499 1,494 1,462 1,465 1,479 1,524 1,569 1,544 46 49 61 9 7 11 14 114 108 113 107 540 640 551 550 217 217 219 219 241 243 245 252 82 80 88 79 1,389 1,368 1,347 1,329 1,570 1,669 1,549 1,523 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 3,357 3,366 3,413 3,401 276 223 272 234 9 18 13 24 1,463 1,482 1,484 1,502 1,610 1,644 1,638 1,635 75 82 122 15 11 11 14 109 105 113 106 553 560 670 670 219 6 6 220 220 221 253 256 258 263 81 84 77 70 15 16 1,339 1,364 1,358 1,338 1,536 1,522 1,554 1,490 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 3,386 . . . . 3,402 3,395 3,376 219 211 228 219 31 33 34 14 6 6 6 6 1,469 1,484 1,496 1,526 1,661 1,668 1,630 1,612 103 98 106 117 12 13 22 26 111 108 114 109 582 604 265 280 287 290 77 77 86 77 16 18 16 18 1,352 1,353 1,369 1.363 1,504 1,504 1,630 1,512 52 101 121 112 160 112 226 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 121 121 620 616 527 621 618 126 224 234 N0.210-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and inveatments CusCash Bank tomReBal- Bal- items premises, Other ers' serves Cash ances ances in with with proc- furni- real liawith in Federal vault domes- forture estate bUity U.S. ess tic on and eign Gov- Other Reserve of banks b a ^ coUec- fixacern- secu- Bank 1 ceptment rities tion tures ances obligations Investments Call date Total Loans Total Securities Other bor- assets rowed 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 3,454 3,479 3,530 3,419 2,374 2,336 2,300 2,262 1.080 1,144 1,230 1,156 444 448 515 446 636 695 715 711 189 191 199 186 53 56 55 59 164 207 223 195 2 3 3 2 107 135 99 133 147 150 150 151 28 29 30 31 28 20 19 24 1931-Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 3 1 . „ . „ 3,434 3,370 3,203 2,865 2,194 2,113 2,012 1,807 1,240 1,257 1.191 1,058 550 588 567 489 690 669 623 569 196 189 168 147 51 59 62 54 251 203 171 124 2 3 3 2 78 102 90 99 151 150 144 131 32 33 30 30 19 16 15 14 10 9 4 5 1932-Junt 30 Sept. 30 Deo. 31 . . 2,743 2,715 2,643 1.676 1,593 1.538 1,067 1,122 1.105 519 591 591 547 531 514 147 146 147 44 41 42 119 161 160 2 1 2 69 66 65 132 132 128 34 38 41 7 8 6 1933—Juno 30.... , 2,038 2,098 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 2,099 1,056 1,050 1,033 982 1.048 1.065 589 659 673 393 389 392 132 135 172 37 41 41 136 111 137 1 1 1 60 55 66 93 94 94 26 28 29 1934-Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17.. Dec. 31 2,205 2,308 2,319 2,366 1.031 1,002 970 944 1,174 1,306 1,349 1,422 776 871 899 982 398 435 450 440 213 229 262 272 43 43 50 54 178 214 225 272 1 1 3 3 55 68 75 86 96 96 96 96 i935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31, 2,359 2,438 2,453 2,512 930 966 954 940 1.429 1,473 1,499 1.571 982 1.016 1.023 1.089 447 456 475 483 285 288 344 327 50 48 49 62 288 277 338 332 2 1 1 1 68 79 90 110 193(^-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec.31 . 2,516 2,675 2,822 941 989 1,010 1,576 1.686 1.812 1.076 1,152 1.244 499 535 568 364 368 442 56 64 68 362 382 390 1 1 1 1937—Mar. 31,... June 30 Dec.31 . , . 2,796 2,820 2,772 1.040 1,068 1,091 1.756 1.752 1.681 1.181 1,193 1,145 575 559 536 434 462 466 71 74 67 331 295 317 193^-Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 . , . 2,729 2,674 2,739 2,770 1,084 1,067 1,042 1,029 1.645 1,607 1.696 1.741 1,119 1,090 1,152 1,199 526 517 545 542 458 460 470 474 67 68 75 71 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 2,778 2,821 2,827 2,868 1.046 1,066 1,103 1,106 1.732 1,754 1.725 1,762 1,185 1,198 1,176 1,219 547 556 549 544 508 552 612 675 1940-Mar. 26.. , June 29 Dec. 31 ,. 2,893 2,859 2,989 1,142 1,162 1.237 1.751 1.697 1,752 1,204 1,148 1.214 547 549 538 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 . . . . Dec.31 3,089 3,230 3,321 3,470 1,323 1,364 1,385 1.393 1.765 1,866 1,937 2,078 1,236 1,365 1,411 1,552 529 501 526 525 Total assets Total liabiUties Number of banks 4.203 4.300 4,344 4,233 789 781 767 757 34 31 33 23 4,258 4,166 3,923 3.494 735 719 698 655 4 4 4 30 27 23 3,332 3.338 3.261 641 634 630 1 2 2 2 2 18 22 22 2,546 2.588 2,664 485 509 544 30 32 34 35 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 25 24 21 23 2,850 3,018 3,088 3,208 579 613 622 627 96 96 96 99 37 41 44 45 1 1 2 1 1 25 21 17 18 3,212 3,291 3.434 3.506 624 624 623 622 78 132 161 99 101 100 45 47 43 1 1 1 19 18 17 3,543 3,789 4,045 623 628 627 1 2 2 117 119 120 100 100 100 43 42 39 2 1 2 15 14 15 3,911 3,929 3,899 623 623 622 350 426 392 427 1 3 1 1 63 93 83 113 100 99 100 97 39 39 39 47 1 1 1 1 15 15 14 14 3,823 3.879 3.914 4.015 622 623 624 624 78 68 76 82 453 458 530 551 1 1 1 1 81 106 109 115 97 96 97 96 47 47. 45 43 1 1 1 1 13 14 14 12 4,057 4,164 4.312 4.444 622 619 630 639 700 817 916 86 73 99 535 569 617 1 93 97 167 96 96 96 42 39 33 1 1 ...... 1 12 12 13 4,460 4,565 4,931 645 650 658 926 953 964 914 84 91 108 113 645 627 676 594 107 156 141 213 96 95 94 96 31 30 29 23 1 1 1 1 15 14 14 16 4.993 5.197 5,349 5,440 663 667 670 673 8 23 9 23 8 . 29 7 27 1 "Balanc^ \dth foreign banks" are included in "balances with domestic banks" prior to May 4, 1920. and in "other assets" from May 4 1920, through June 30,1928. ' » Before October 3, 1928, interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits UnitVd^cL'Sn^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ November 1938; beforelthat time all FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 19I4-194I-Conl(n«ed Depceits CaU date Total Capital accounte U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other banks ern- savdement' ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- tiea ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock» 198(V-Mar. 27, . June 30. Sept. 24, Deo. 31. 3,394 3,604 3,562 3,428 252 320 400 311 25 24 26 29 6 6 8 0 1,440 1,488 1,414 1,438 1,671 1,666 1,714 1,642 42 43 24 62 111 107 111 101 627 625 ,1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 3,484 3,417 3,142 2,697 447 373 254 192 26 35 73 29 13 16 22 34 1,328 1,337 1,252 1,142 1.671 1,656 1,541 1,299 25 25 72 142 108 621 101 607 592 651 1932—June 30 2.554 Sept. 3 0 . . . . „ 2,586 Dec. 31 2.539 221 239 240 31 60 33 55 64 69 1,024 1,028 1,024 1,223 1,205 1.174 129 104 95 09 102 543 539 623 203 203 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 2,024 2,048 2,111 193 170 172 47 57 62 73 73 76 866 865 892 845 882 909 14 13 10 419 431 449 1034—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31. 2,288 2,460 2.520 2,648 212 238 252 261 108 91 61 91 77 68 47 43 935 1,052 1,118 1,217 956 1,011 1,041 1,036 458 467 478 473 166 '166 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 2,646 2,766 2,931 3,006 296 302 319 325 79 47 48 61 36 26 24 22 1,166 1.288 1,402 1,453 1,070 1,103 1,138 1,145 479 481 487 487 1036-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 3,035 3,268 3,517 357 365 402 46 86 71 20 19 14 1,430 1,563 1,786 1,181 1,236 1,244 492 603 510 1987-Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 3,372 3,388 3,362 367 342 329 22 23 24 13 13 12 1,697 1,713 1,644 1.273 , 1,296 1,343 618 521 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 3,278 3,321 3,355 3,467 344 355 349 354 22 22 35 60 10 9 9 8 1,542 1,582 1,618 1,709 1,359 1,352 1,345 1.336 1030—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 . . Dec. 30. 3,491 3,697 3,738 3,866 377 395 440 463 50 49 48 66 8 7 6 6 1,698 1,793 1,895 1,972 lB4a-Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 3,873 3,975 4,330 474 478 616 55 53 52 3 3 3 1941-Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 4,385 4,582 4,732 4.820 533 542 596 563 41 52 68 71 2 2 2 2 628 619 Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its' tinaddegen- justed T posits T cies, etc.* 234 234 233 231 293 293 293 292 1,333 1,363 1,315 1,305 1,506 1,574 1,593 1,512 230 228 291 287 1,250 1,235 1.044 1.548 1,515 1,341 1,183 260 252 245 954 962 968 1.119 1.120 1,111 151 157 169 204 196 806 810 826 165 196 185 183 183 1,043 1,131 988 1,112 1,167 1,263 180 179 180 184 1,099 1,209 1,311 1,343 1,237 1,364 1,322 1,373 171 184 187 199 1,353 1,431 1,625 1,367 1,472 1,681 173 173 174 201 203 213 1,680 1,694 1.524 1,612 624 534 536 542 175 179 179 213 181 226 1,479 1,489 1,535 1,696 1,479 1,422 1,607 1,555 1,358 1,353 1,350 . 1,369 546 549 556 561 181 181 182 183 227 229 230 236 1,617 1,687 1,786 1,857 1,573 1,653 1,731 1,807 1,946 2,037 2,342 1,394 1,403 1,418 566 570 580 185 185 187 237 239 230 1,852 1,940 2,175 1,829 1,879 2,105 2,382 2,549 2,635 2,761 1,428 1,437 1,440 1,424 585 688 592 594 187 187 252 257 261 267 2,275 2.393 2.494 2,648 2,182 2,338 2,450 2,567 101 626 218 206 202 166 168 166. 165 165 165 168 188 188 280 201 216 217 1,162 932 915 . 927 1,645 1,644 ments its applicable to time deposits from June 21 1917,. to August 23. 1935. b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the p S i g e of t L r B a S S n z Act of 1933, when the terms imder which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deoosits s Includes capital n o t ^ and dehentur.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock w m not issued by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. ^ ^ »Includes letters of credit issued by State member banks. NO. 211-CLEVELAND DISTRICT~ALL MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 19Z8-194t [In millions of dollars] Loans on securities, except to banks Open market paper To brokers and dealers Acceptances Call date Commercial A Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances 1 of other banks Bills Total loans Totoli To others Total Real estate loans Total Outside New York City In New York City On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 865 122 664 501 501 475 475 925 945 127 99 120 57 723 772 785 852 496 498 494 493 471 472 468 465 891 897 877 2,374 2,336 2,300 2,262 979 972 977 922 101 70 824 493 491 498 517 460 460 467 486 838 823 764 758 2,194 2,113 897 875 789 706 837 509 506 491 450 479 476 462 422 733 695 673 644 630 593 618 609 574 436 435 431 407 405 402 556 495 481 1 403 386 388 391 374 376 276 275 276 253 250 250 350 354 338 4 7 8 4 382 380 362 358 369 364 350 344 278 279 272 272 253 254 248 249 340 316 307 293 6 7 349 335 330 326 337 326 315 311 267 298 292 289 245 275 270 267 295 314 313 303 144 192a-Oct. 3 Dec. 3 1 . . . 2,274 2,291 1929-Mar. 27 June 29... Oct. 4 Dec. 3 1 . . . 2,352 2,376 2,418 2,410 1930-Mar. 27... June 30... Sept. 24... Dec. 3 1 . . . 1931-Mar. 25... June 3 0 . . . Sept. 29... Dec. 3 1 . . . 2,012 1,807 3 1932-June 3 0 . . . Sept. 30... Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,676 1,593 1,538 .1 1933-June 3 0 . . . Oct. 2 5 . . . . Dec. 3 0 . . . 1,056 1,050 1,033 1934-Mar. 5 . . . . June 3 0 . . . Oct. 17.... Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,031 1,002 970 944 12 10 2 1 1 1 10 826 851 818 746 673 899 4.... 29... 1.... 31... 930 966 954 940 1935-Mar. 4 . . . . June 30... Dec. 3 1 . . . 941 989 1,010 310 315 316 298 298 301 295 302 301 272 278 277 318 350 371 1937—Mar. 3 1 . . . June 30... Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,040 313 315 331 299 294 307 307 311 278 1,091 280 284 394 416 420 1936-M&r.7.... June 30... Sept. 28... 1,084 1,067 1,042 327 333 328 302 310 306 313 318 319 285 290 291 421 396 377 1935-Mar. June Nov. Dec. 1,068 Open market paper Call date Total loans Commercial 1938—Dec. 31. 1,029 297 1939-Mar. 29.... J u n e 30 Oct. 22 Dec. 30 1,046 307 308 1,066 327 1940-Mar. 2 6 i . . . . . . 1,142 1,162 J u n e 29 1,237 Dec. 3 1 . . . - 349 403 1,323 1,364 1,385 1,393 •514' Acceptances payable in U.S. Total 492 CommerTo cial broTo Own Accept- abroad paper others accept- ances bought and ances of other dealers banks 25 22 19 Real estate loans Bills 1,103 1,106 1941—Apr. 42 J u n e 30 Sept. 24= Dec. 31 Agricultural loans Loans for purchasing or carrying securities 58 Total On farm land 327 28 On residential property Other Loans to banks Other loans 283 328 333 232 233 354 250 372 265 274 294 304 74 304 330 335 397 283 364 "'408' '^294' •'345" NO. 212-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] IT. S. Government obligations Direct CaU date Total investments Total Billsi 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1,153 1,123 448 424 40 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1,125 1,112 1,080 1,046 451 435 429 406 44 193(>-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,080 1,144 1,230 1,156 444 448 515 446 1931—Mar. 25 June 30. Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,240 1,257 1,191 1,058 550 588 567 489 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,067 1,105 519 591 591 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1,048 1,065 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,174 1,306 1,349 1,422 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,429 1,473 1,499 1,571 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,686 1,122 1,576 1,812 Notes Other domestic securities ObligaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States Guarand anteed I>olit- Total Government ical agencies subBonds divinot Rail- Util- Other sions guar- roads' ities' anteed byU.S.2 Corporate stocks Foreign securities F. R. Bank Other 354 344 116 113 500 494 99 103 94 92 256 247 14 14 36 38 89 92 359 308 348 110 112 107 101 '476 480 464 461 99 94 87 84 91 92 91 87 237 232 225 217 15 15 16 16 35 47 45 57 89 85 80 79 384 415 476 417 94 97 102 97 463 615 532 537 85 106 113 115 93 101 101 103 214 232 241 247 16 16 16 16 55 60 61 56 79 84 81 78 502 536 643 91 91 87 529 514 479 437 113 110 99 91 107 103 94 86 238 231 218 191 16 16 15 14 56 55 53 55 69 63 58 61 87 481 504 500 77 79 422 411 394 86 85 82 82 80 76 188 181 169 14 14 14 61 51 53 46 43 41 589 659 673 143 185 189 469 457 62 63 66 306 302 304 63 64 63 56 57 57 134 126 129 11 12 12 41 43 44 25 24 23 776 261 294 323 384 457 519 499 615 70 853 907 4 46 75 82 87 90 307 333 346 332 18 44 51 32 73 71 77 79 60 63 64 65 100 98 99 101 12 13 13 13 43 45 42 42 22 20 18 17 894 957 361 439 493 639 521 452 391 408 94 118 129 132 99 100 107 113 330 339 350 352 35 34 34 34 80 82 83 83 66 71 79 84 93 98 100 99 13 13 12 12 42 42 40 40 17 17 . 19 18 950 1,022 1.132 543 620 545 392 489 652 127 130 118 125 134 363 390 416 40 42 38 85 96 101 84 93 106 103 101 112 12 13 13 39 46 46 18 19 19 866 111 Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1,756 1,752 1,067 1,072 1,015 447 460 416 680 576 569 114 1,681 130 141 139 134 413 399 384 42 39 36 105 103 101 103 98 89 105 102 99 13 13 13 45 45 45 21 20 18 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 2 8 . . . — Dec. 31 1,645 1,607 1.696 1,741 991 945 995 1,041 401 328 340 320 666 576 627 127 144 167 158 137 140 155 161 372 362 375 366 34 32 30 29 98 95 95 93 88 84 87 90 94 94 105 99 13 13 13 14 44 44 44 41 17 16 14 16 5628 1939—Mar. 2 9 . . . June 30 Oct. 2 6 Dec. 30 1,732 1,754 1,725 1,762 1,019 1,032 1,004 1,031 241 260 767 758 166 362 360 30 29 93 94 88 84 96 98 14 14 41 41 15 14 5541 5614 210 807 165 172 187 171 183 187 186 344 29 94 74 93 14 41 13 594 1940—Mar. 26 « June 29 Dec. 31 1,751 1.697 1,751 1,012 959 1,009 197 .184 747 191 189 204 196 209 327 316 39 35 88 83 60 58 89 89 14 14 38 37 13 12 596 690 1941—Apr. 4« June 30 Sept. 24 fi Dec. 31 1,765 1,866 1,937 2,078 1,039 1.133 1,148 1,298 927 198 232 263 254 212 197 295 33 79 52 80 14 36 12 660 294 34 75 54 82 15 34 14 '242' TMo 120 210 193 213 218 765 I Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. i Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. » Comprises boTids only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. 4 Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, note.', and debentures- No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. 6 This is the amount reported as "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities b y maturity was not required before December 1938. • Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and autumn call dates. N0.213-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollarsl Time Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic Foreign U.S. Interbank IndiGovStates Certi- vidernfied and ua Is, tJ.S ment partGov- poUt- and and offiner- Total ernical Do-^ For- postal cers' Bhipa, ment submestic eign savdivi- checks, corpoings 1 sions etc. rations. etc. States and poUtical sulh divisions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings 1,575 1,587 1,300 1.312 209 210 1.313 1,325 1.291 201 1928-Oct. 3 Dec.31 1,768 1,758 268 230 2 3 13 24 182 134 33 73 1,268 1,295 1,646 1,643 2 2 6 6 1929-Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec.31 1,716 1,725 1,756 1,756 213 205 222 211 3 3 3 5 31 33 34 14 185 161 178 142 29 38 35 70 1,255 1,285 1,284 1,313 1,670 1,677 1,639 1,621 3 3 2 i 6 6 6 6 1,583 1,593 1,550 1,549 193a-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,715 1,830 1,837 1,775 247 314 393 306 3 4 5 3 25 24 26 29 192 163 184 133 29 44 26 62 1,218 1,281 1,203 1,243 1,679 1,674 1,725 1,653 3 3 2 2 6 6 8 9 1,586 1,599 1,634 1,603 1931-Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,798 1,743 1,578 1,363 440 368 251 190 4 3 3 2 26 35 73 29 176 142 173 111 24 33 28 35 1,128 1,162 1,051 996 1,686 1,674 1,564 1,334 3 3 1 1 12 16 22 34 1,611 1932-June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,275 1,316 1,296 219 237 237 1 2 2 31 50 33 102 119 92 21 21 31 901 888 901 1,279 1,269 1,243 1 1 1 55 64 69 1,192 1933-June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1,100 1,079 1,114 186 156 159 1 1 1 47 57 62 86 103 92 16 13 18 764 749 782 924 969 997 6 13 12 73 73 75 1934-Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,237 1,358 - 1.405 1,540 194 215 224 231 1 1 1 1 108 91 61 91 116 129 151 136 14 21 21 23 805 902 946 1.059 1,051 1,102 1,115 1,108 18 23 27 29 77 68 47 43 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec.31 1,510 1,601 1,735 1,795 263 265 284 281 1 1 1 1 79 47 48 61 143 149 167 159 17 20 22 27 1.007 1.120 1.213 1,266 1,137 1,165 1,196 1,210 32 36 34 43 1936-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,789 1.966 2,213 313 316 355 1 1 1 46 86 71 149 161 176 21 27 44 1,261 1,375 1,566 1,245 1,302 1,304 1937-Mar. 31 June 30. Dec.31. 2,042 2,044 1,965 323 307 295 1 1 1 22 23 24 174 170 138 28 32 38 1,495 1.511 1,468 1938-Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. Dec. 31. 1,876 1,923 1,963 2,074 310 318 309 314 1 1 1 1 22 22 35 50 126 147 156 145 20 27 21 27 1939-Mar. 29, June 30. , Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 2,086 2,197 2,342 2,452 337 353 397 422 1 2 2 1 50 49 49 56 167 182 200 161 1940-Mar. 26 s June 29, Dec. 31. 2,435 2,530 2.872 433 438 477 1 1 1 55 53 52 162 171 160 For footnotes see end of table. 48 DhristCertifimas cates Open savof aode- counts= and posit sunilar aocounts^ 65 1,286 184 176 191 69 84 83 72 1,285 1,305 1,311 1,331 192 199 215 192 109 95 108 1,309 1.292 1,175 1,043 212 212 204 90 102 104 59 1,153 952 945 141 143 142 71 71 827 665 101 713 54 71 87 8 10 3 754 805 826 848 81 993 1,021 1,020 86 90 76 5 7 10 35 26 24 22 1,046 860 44 47 46 20 19 14 1,329 1,343 1,387 43 34 32 1.396 1,408 1,440 1.537 1,403 1.398 1,392 1,383 22 28 30 31 1.509 1,583 1,664 1,780 26 29 39 1.758 1,837 2,143 1,606 1,483 1,262 1,166 161 688 895 919 87 90 97 100 1,154 1,214 1,225 946 990 1,044 108 125 94 5 8 3 13 13 12 1,248 1,268 1,287 1,067 1,088 1.124 87 87 10 33 37 39 38 10 9 9 8 1,295 1,290 1,279 1,283 1,127 1,106 1.125 6 10 13 3 1.405 1.400 1.396 1.414 39 40 40 40 8 7 6 6 1,292 1,299 1,298 1,322 1,125 1,127 11 1,438 1,445 1.458 40 38 38 3 3 3 1,339 1,348 1,368 1,081 1,116 1,127 7 3 1,120 7 1,159 70 1,172 1,198 67 NO. 213-GLEVELAND DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941-Continued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total 1941—Apr. 4* —— June 30 Sept. 24' Dec. 31 2,917 3,106 3,253 3,360 Domestic Foreign 494 504 558 527 1 1 1 1 Time IndiStates Certividuals, fied U. S. and partand Gov- pplitical neroffiernTotal cers' ships, ment subdivi- checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. 41 52 58 71 185 175 220 180 30 39 39 54 2,167 2,334 2,376 2,527 1,468 1,476 1,479 1,461 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. States Gov- and ern- political ment subDo- For- and mestic eign postal divisav- sions ingsi 38 37 37 35 2 2 2 2 56 57 53 48 ChristCertifimas cates Open savof ings acde- counts' and posit similar accounts* Total Savings 1,372 1,380 1,387 1,376 1,200 66 101 14 1,219 63 90 3 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.214-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS. ' [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Total CusCash Bank assets tomBalBal- items premNumises, Other ers' Secuin ances ances ber lia- rities Other with proc- furni- real with of ture estate bility bor- assets ess domes- forbanks rowed on and eign of tic acTotal banks b a i ^ i collec- fixcepts tures liation ances bilities Total U. S. Government obligations 868 892 936 955 375 369 355 373 125 123 115 121 250 246 240 252 87 89 94 90 28 28 28 34 72 72 80 77 76 94 100 90 34 34 35 35 9 9 9 8 29 27 19 17 14 15 12 14 8 9 9 11 1.599 1,638 1,676 1,705 58 58 59 60 1,317 1,307 1,224 948 936 871 368 371 353 115 116 119 254 255 234 83 79 80 25 23 22 59 54 50 59 67 71 37 38 38 9 9 10 14 16 7 13 12 19 8 8 10 1,625 1,613 1,632 56 56 53 1922-Mar. 10. June 30. Dec. 29 1,257 1,309 1,413 872 889 917 385 420 496 141 169 218 243 251 278 79 89 93 20 21 29 61 66 70 58 79 90 43 43 45 17 17 16 7 5 5 15 12 12 11 13 14 1,568 1,655 1,787 54 54 54 1923-Apr. 3., J u n e 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 1,445 1,501 1,485 1,466 960 1,032 1,012 1,019 485 469 473 448 231 215 211 181 254 254 262 267 100 92 97 91 24 19 27 26 71 68 65 64 92 88 95 110 45 44 45 50 18 22 22 19 5 7 7 7 10 9 8 12 14 14 14 14 1,824 1,863 1,865 1,859 55 55 57 57 1924-Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Oct. 10. Dec. 31 1,512 1,562 1,658 1,644 1,031 1,050 1,064 1,056 481 512 594 588 208 231 302 289 272 281 292 299 96 97 108 102 22 23 25 29 75 88 108 79 89 91 81 112 52 65 66 66 20 12 12 11 7 4 4 8 9 17 11 12 13 14 14 15 1,895 1,972 2,087 2,079 57 57 56 56 1925-Apr. 6 . . June 30. Sept. 28. Dec. 31 1,694 1,718 1,764 1,724 1,115 1,147 1,187 1,174 579 573 578 550 277 267 272 238 302 305 306 312 116 113 114 110 25 25 25 27 80 71 75 81 89 107 92 120 67 68 68 68 10 9 9 9 9 8 7 7 6 5 8 9 13 16 17 16 2,110 2,140 2,179 2,171 56 55 55 55 1926-Apr. 12. J u n e 30 Dec. 31. 1,778 1,816 1,781 1,211 1,233 1,233 567 583 549 266 262 221 302 320 325 115 116 115 25 25 24 79 88 81 107 106 130 69 71 71 9 9 9 9 6 8 8 5 10 14 15 17 2,214 2,257 2,246 55 54 53 1927-Mar. 23 J u n e 30. Oct. 10. Dec. 31. 1,856 1,858 1,911 1,887 1,240 1,248 1,275 1,242 615 610 636 644 279 267 293 283 336 344 343 362 128 113 127 116 25 24 25 23 95 73 83 83 97 111 99 116 70 71 71 71 11 11 10 11 8 7 10 14 7 6 7 5 19 17 13 16 2,315 2,290 2,356 2,341 48 48 48 48 1928-Feb. 28. June 30. Oct. 3... Dec. 31. 1,924 1,994 1,955 1,933 1,266 1,317 1,304 1,311 658 677 652 622 302 297 311 287 356 382 340 335 129 117 123 118 25 18 24 25 84 79 83 95 2 2 112 101 112 144 71 72 72 73 11 12 12 12 15 10 11 13 6 4 6 5 15 18 14 13 2,393 2,425 2,414 2,434 48 47 46 47 1929-Mar. 27. J u n e 29. Oct. 4.,, Dec. 31. 1,975 1,991 1,992 2,047 1,351 1,370 1,398 1,454 624 621 593 593 311 297 292 284 313 324 301 309 118 126 126 119 23 18 22 26 78 77 81 81 3 3 4 4 105 114 112 146 73 75 75 78 13 14 14 15 11 12 21 25 7 7 7 6 14 15 13 13 2,419 2,453 2,467 2,559 46 4745 44 193(>-Mar. 27 J u n e 30. Sept. 24 Dec. 31 2,049 2,082 2,167 2,090 1,421 1,391 1,381 1,360 628 691 786 730 323 332 401 339 305 359 385 391 127 127 134 128 22 24 23 27 85 122 133 113 2 3 3 2 96 118 89 115 78 79 80 80 16 16 17 18 27 20 19 24 5 5 5 3 15 15 23 19 2,522 43 42 42 1931-Mar. 25 J u n e 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 2,147 2,134 2,002 1,844 1,326 1,287 1,222 1,148 821 847 780 697 441 476 440 373 380 371 340 323 138 135 115 102 22 29 30 25 161 112 99 68 2 3 2 2 68 89 81 88 82 82 79 78 19 20 17 17 19 16 15 14 7 7 1 2 21 20 22 17 2,686 2,646 2,464 2,257 37 34 31 1932—June 30. Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,756 1,749 1,708 1,049 987 952 707 762 756 396 464 466 310 299 290 101 102 107 21 19 20 63 98 101 2 1 2 60 56 56 79 78 76 19 22 23 7 8 6 2 2 2 24 22 18 2,134 2,158 30 30 2,118 1933—June 30 Oct. 25.. Dec. 30 1,359 1,402 1,389 659 652 635 700 750 755 470 525 529 230 225 225 97 91 125 19 21 20 86 70 87 1 1 1 52 48 55 55 55 55 15 16 16 1 2 1 1 1 14 13 16 1,699 1,718 1,768 27 26 27 1934-Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,456 1.530 1,519 1,548 623 601 580 564 834 929 940 984 608 689 695 754 226 240 244 230 153 159 187 203 20 20 23 25 105 131 135 175 1 1 3 3 45 55 62 71 55 55 55 55 17 19 20 21 1 1 1 1 1 17 16 14 16 1,872 1,988 2,020 2,117 30 33 35 34 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 ^ Nov.l Dec. 31 P 1,543 1,611 1,639 1,684 557 595 594 583 986 1,016 1,045 1,101 755 784 813 870 231 232 232 231 209 209 262 246 23 22 23 28 181 162 210 198 1 1 1 1 56 65 76 95 55 54 55 59 22 25 28 29 1 1 2 1 18 15 13 14 2,109 2,309 2,356 34 34 35 35 1.G78 1,761 1,861 583 606 626 1,095 1,155 1,235 859 906 974 236 248 261 277 278 322 26 28 29 219 232 215 1 1 1 66 114 138 59 58 57 29 30 27 1 1 1 14 14 12 2,370 2,516 2,663 35 35 33 Total Loans 1920-"May4.. June 30. Nov. 15 Dec. 29. 1,243 1,261 1,291 1,328 1921-Apr. 28 J u n e 30. Dec. 31. 2,611 2,690 2,619 2,166 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total V. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank 2 ern- savment' ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uaout- bilistand- ties Total ing Com- Pre- Surmon ferred plus stock stock® Memoranda DeReUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand adiU< tindegen- justed 7 posits' cies, etc.® iQOfl AiTHV 4 .Tiirtp 30 Nov IS Dec 29 1,182 1,237 1,301 1,289 213 211 244 235 7 18 22 36 674 719 729 695 287 290 306 322 109 92 68 104 29 27 19 17 54 56 54 67 224 226 234 236 84 84 85 87 103 106 107 103 37 36 42 42 1921~Apr. 28.. June 30 Dec 31 1QOO TVTflr 10 June 30 Dec. 29 1,197 1,176 1.141 168 151 154 21 30 28 658 642 613 350 363 346 117 125 76 14 16 7 50 60 61 247 246 246 99 99 99 111 111 112 37 36 35 1 214 1,316 1,431 168 177 206 28 14 30 628 704 704 390 420 490 31 16 27 7 6 5 69 58 58 257 260 266 106 106 107 112 113 114 39 41 44 570 625 614 1.473 1,470 1,487 1,494 213 190 202 186 24 15 6 25 759 774 765 752 476 491 514 531 20 60 40 25 5 7 7 7 57 54 64 58 269 272 277 276 108 109 110 110 119 121 122 124 43 43 46 41 667 685 670 642 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 1,633 1.618 1,732 1,696 191 210 272 260 33 18 31 20 759 785 810 809 551 605 619 606 20 9 6 27 7 4 4 8 54 58 64 60 280 283 290 288 111 113 114 114 125 126 127 131 45 44 49 43 670 694 729 697 mOS A-rt** A ly^o—Apr. 1,757 1,779 1,791 1,781 246 231 216 224 44 23 33 26 820 856 857 862 647 670 685 670 15 24 40 44 9 8 7 7 36 36 54 63 293 294 287 286 114 114 114 114 131 132 132 139 48 48 41 33 731 749 765 742 1,824 1.872 1,820 217 218 223 39 23 16 865 900 863 704 731 718 35 35 67 9 8 9 55 51 56 291 291 294 115 116 115 141 140 147 35 36 32 758 794 733 900 29 19 29 23 925 892 856 877 739 766 806 769 26 33 47 61 8 7 10 14 46 42 47 41 298 300 306 308 115 115 117 117 144 145 147 162 39 39 42 39 828 781 757 761 1,001 964 949 945 Timo .^n De/* Sept Dec IftOe Anr June Dec 28 31 19 30 31 598 625 629 605 — — 599 675 542 1057 Mar 2.^? June 30 Oct 10 Dec. 31 1,936 1,907 1,945 1,919 243 230 254 250 iQ2Bj_Feb 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1,966 1,974 1,977 1,967 8 254 16 204 11 250 215 , 22 2 2 880 907 886 911 823 847 826 817 60 85 61 93 15 11 11 14 44 40 47 40 309 316 319 321 117 118 117 118 153 155 156 160 39 43 34 31 13 13 768 806 774 767 957 956 963 913 loOQ Mar 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec 31 1,959 1,986 1,967 2.053 199 193 210 202 28 31 32 13 2 2 2 2 895 915 916 983 834 844 807 854 74 58 69 69 12 12 22 25 46 43 47 43 329 353 362 369 121 127 128 132 161 175 181 185 34 36 40 37 13 14 13 14 790 801 804 837 934 946 956 983 1Q30—Mar. 27 . June 30 Sept 24 Dec 31 2,058 2,160 2.244 2.155 236 302 382 295 23 23 24 26 2 2 2 3 900 945 889 936 898 887 946 895 18 16 7 30 28 20 19 24 46 42 46 37 372 373 376 373 131 131 131 129 186 187 189 189 40 39 41 37 15 15 15 18 804 827 800 821 972 1,041 1,074 1,026 IQSl—Mar June Sept Dec. 25 30 29 31 2,240 2,208 2,002 1,758 430 359 242 181 22 32 63 28 5 6 9 18 855 875 815 775 928 935 873 766 3 6 38 92 20 16 16 15 45 40 41 34 379 375 367 358 129 129 122 122 190 190 186 186 40 37 38 24 19 19 20 26 787 786 734 687 1,080 1,062 909 822 1032 June 30 Sept 30 Dec 31 1,665 1,709 1,687 210 229 230 29 47 30 35 43 47 689 693 704 701 697 676 71 50 47 7 8 6 43 42 37 348 348 340 118 119 118 182 177 173 24 25 17 24 29 34 629 637 648 788 789 796 1,378 IQH—June 30 1,383 Oct. 25 Dec, 30.. . . 1,419 187 164 166 43 52 56 51 49 50 610 605 614 489 514 532 2 3 2 1 1 2 39 44 42 278 286 304 88 90 91 4 24 148 146 142 16 19 15 27 27 33 558 557 559 679 658 653 1,519 1.637 1,665 1,769 205 230 243 252 100 82 54 82 50 41 24 19 621 714 760 847 544 570 584 569 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 43 36 34 33 306 314 319 314 91 92 92 92 25 43 46 43 141 133 132 134 16 17 20 14 32 29 29 30 576 659 698 776 678 780 814 900 1,757 1,835 1,975 2.023 286 292 308 314 71 43 45 55 13 8 7 5 792 886 981 1,012 594 606 634 636 1 1 2 1 33 11 11 9 317 319 321 323 92 92 93 '88 45 44 44 49 131 131 131 135 16 17 21 17 33 34 33 34 736 821 905 918 868 970 1,016 1,053 2,033 2,176 2,320 '345 353 388 41 76 61 4 4 3 ' 984 1,062 1,212 658 681 656 I 1 1 12 14 14 325 325 328 93 93 96 44 39 34 135 136 144 20 23 20 34 35 34 918 948 1,074 1,049 1,105 1,269 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec 31 HQOx Tvrftr 4 June 29 Nov 1 Deo 31 tniJfi IVfor 4 June 30 "Tien ' NO. 214-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS. PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in milliona of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Total Loans Total 1937—Mar. 3 1 , „ June 3 0 . . . Dec. 31.-- 1.808 1.799 1.741 647 659 671 1,162 1938—Mar. 7 . — June 30-.Sept. 28..Dec. 3 1 . . - 1.717 1.686 1.734 1,749 669 645 1,047 1,040 1,114 1,148 1939—Mar. 29— June 3 0 . . Oct. 2 Dec. 30 1,761 . 1,800 1,826 615 624 647 1,146 1,176 1,153 1,190 194a-Mar. 26 June 29-.Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,845 1,798 1,889 663 663 715 1,182 1,136 1,175 1941—Apr. 4- — June 30-.Sept. 24— Dec. 3 1 — 1,966 2,063 2,131 2,237 787 1,179 1,255 1,312 1,402 1.800 620 601 819 835 U.S. Government obligations 901 889 1,139 1,069 828 809 800 850 901 885 920 912 861 921 1,022 1,059 1,150 Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities 260 250 242 306 329 Bank CusTotal BalBal- items premtomNunw ances ances ises, Other ers' Secuber with with furni- real lia- rities Other of domes- forture estate bility bor- assets tic eign and on rowed of banks banks collec- fixacTotal tures cepttion liaances bilities 171 149 172 100 101 100 330 338 346 196 265 240 267 270 379 424 472 525 281 278 322 329 88 90 94 271 275 267 547 653 740 328 354 140 258 233 253 252 744 764 757 372 348 377 304 85 130 119 179 240 264 258 265 275 268 70 68 78 80 10 Deposits CaU date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank® ern- savdement' ings mand Other time Borrowings Ao cept- Other ances Uaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock® 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31-.-. 2,166 2,158 2,119 354 329 317 1,125 1,137 1,088 667 670 692 332 334 1938-Mar. 7— June 30.. Sept. 28., •Dec. 31_. 333 345 339 342 1,012 2,131 2,155 2,227 1,066 1,089 1,153 704 700 697 687 335 346 346 352 101 103 1939-Mar. 29... June 30.... Oct. 2 Dec. 30.... 2,255 2,349 2,443 2.528 427 450 1,287 1,342 702 695 685 687 353 358 359 361 1940~Mar. 2 6 , . . June 29 Dec. 31.— 2.529 2,600 2,865 461 465 502 1,323 1,391 1,621 699 698 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 2 4 — Dcc. 31 2,898 3,031 3,117 3,134 518 527 579 545 1,644 1,758 1,789 1,843 702 701 1,143 1,228 685 Surplus 2,516 2,508 2,474 33 2,421 2,496 2,519 2.590 34 35 35 34 2,624 2,721 2,816 2,902 34 34 34 34 2,909 2,982 3,254 34 34 34 3,291 3,428 3,514 3,535 33 33 Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its® tinaddegen- justed T posits 7 cies, etc.« 146 147 154 1,025 1,036 1,189 1,205 1,125 155 157 157 165 959 986 1,019 1,058 1,086 1,053 1,114 1,145 103 103 103 103 165 1,075 1,139 1,197 1,248 1,170 1,254 1,318 1,386 363 366 373 103 103 103 172 172 180 1,244 1^311 1,480 1,414 1,459 1,637 374 377 378 103 103 103 103 182 1,559 1,705 1,818 1,889 1,934 96 97 97 101 166 167 171 185 189 193 32 32 1,628 28 33 1,670 1,664 i "Balances with foreign b a n k s " are included in "other assets" prior t o October 3, 1928. I Before October 3, 1928, aU interbank deposits were reported as " d u e to b a n k s " and were assumed to be demand deposits. - - ^ ^ before t h a t time all « F i g u r e not available prior to October 3,1928. tJnder specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve reauirfi. 21 1917,^ to August 23, 1935, b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the p S s S t o ? t h ? B l 2 S n t Act of 1933 when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the S e f i n i t ^ n of U m e ^ ^ o s f t e by m e ^ i t f « The composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p 71 ' For definitions of "demand deposits a d j u s t e d " and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. not issued N0.215-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] -Loans on securities, except to banks Open market paper To brokers and dealers Acceptances CaU date Total loans BiUs Total 1 Commercial fbi; Own Accept- abroad a'tcept- ances l^ught ancesi of other banks Total In New York City Real estate loans To others Total Outside New York City On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31.. 1.304 1,311 556 600 120 94 382 435 287 287 288 18 25 405 394 1929—Mar. 27... June 29... Oct. 4..... Dec. 31... 1,351 1,370 1,398 1.454 642 648 671 101 77 476 508 506 574 282 275 305 279 281 274 303 31 32 31 46 392 406 417 408 1930—Mar. 27... June 30... Sept. 24... Dec. 31... 1,421 1,391 1.381 1,360 686 680 690 635 533 544 549 574 300 300 307 295 296 304 318 30 27 23 39 381 370 334 344 1931—Mar. 26._, June 30... Sept. 29... Dec. 31... 1,326 1,287 1,222 1.148 618 609 539 498 568 559 504 320 320 308 299 316 316 306 296 30 21 44 37 338 324 322 309 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30., Dec. 31.. 1.049 987 952 445 441 410 424 422 393 284 282 279 282 279 277 25 21 18 289 240 240 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 659 652 635 281 263 267 271 252 257 171 166 166 168 163 162 14 23 19 191 197 181 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31,. 623 601 580 564 256 261 245 242 244 246 234 229 165 166 163 161 161 162 160 158 12 6 6 6 181 161 156 150 1935—Mar. 4 „ . June 29.. Nov. l._. Dec. 31... 557 595 594 583 235 227 229 224 219 215 158 187 184 226 211 181 155 185 181 179 6 5 5 6 154 171 171 163 1936—Mar. 4... June 30., Dec. 31.. 583 606 626 212 219 222 201 184 179 173 181 176 169 4 4 4 178 196 221- 1937—Mar. 31., June 30.. Dec. 31.. 647 659 671 220 220 171 171 167 167 166 162 4 3 2 238 252 253 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. 645 620 165 164 161 160 158 2 2 1 260 230 213 203 207 207 200 211 234 208 232 240 235 218 214 Loans for purchasing or c a r i n g securities Open market paper Total loans Commercial 1938—Dec. 31.. 601 208 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30-. Oct. 2®.. Dec. 30.. 615 624 647 636 215 217 1940—Mar. 26 June 29,. Dec. 31.. 663 663 715 1941—Apr. 4®.. June 30„ Sept. 24= Dec. 31._ 787 808 819 835 Call date Agricultural loans Acceptances payable in U. S. Total ComTo merTbE cial bro- To Own Accept- abroad paper kers others bought and accept- ances dealers of other banks Real estate loans BiUs 25 21 247 23 23 Total On farm land On residential property 162 122 160 160 120 118 163 122 169 169 129 129 Loans to Other 37 27 171 132 Other loans 176 183 194 38 187 202 200 131 379 "405" 162 215 37 196 N0.21S-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] U. S. Government obligations CaU date Total investments Total 652 1928—Oct. 3 . . , Dec. 3L. 622 1929—Mar. 27. June 29.. Oct. 4... Dec. 31.. 624 621 593 593 311 297 292 1930—Mar. 27. June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 628 323 332 401 339 821 691 786 730 Other domestic securities ObUgations Bonds, notes, and Direct of debentures States Guar- and anteed polit- Total Governical ment subagencies diviBillai Notes Bonds not Rail- Util- Other sions guar- roads' ities' anteed byU.S.« 312 287 243 235 242 236 118 249 196 190 245 219 229 224 102 101 96 96 280 311 372 318 225 273 293 305 95 111 123 133 400 432 423 361 304 297 271 258 129 129 385 248 240 230 109 103 96 169 171 332 353 336 181 181 231 267 296 351 323 370 345 356 309 279 292 27 Corporate stocks F. R. Bank Foreign securities Other 36 110 216 Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1931—Mar. 25... June 30 Sept. 29... Dec. 31.... 847 780 697 441 476 440 373 1932—June 30., Sept. 30., Dec. 31,. 707 762 756 396 464 466 19 70 78 1933—June 30.... Oct. 25.... Dec. 30.... 700 750 754 470 525 529 126 1934-Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17.... Dec. 31.... 834 929 940 984 670 713 1935-Mar. 4 . . . . June 29.... Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,016 1,045 1,101 802 408 457 501 193fr-Mar.4.... June 30.... Dec. 31.... 1,095 1.155 1,235 795 843 924 506 480 506 277 351 383 64 63 50 180 1937—Mar. 31... June 30 Dec. 31 1,139 1,069 1,162 850 833 770 405 402 348 405 397 392 52 56 58 191 183 1938-Mar. 7 . . . June 30... Sept. 28.. Dec. 31... 1,047 1,040 1,114 1,148 751 719 756 795 334 274 256 268 413 458 514 58 81 95 95 173 172 185 179 6468 1939—Mar. 29. June 30.. Oct. 2«_„ Dec. 30.. 1,146 1,176 1,153 1,190 782 806 786 809 193 212 578 580 100 182 186 5399 6450 172 627 111 184 1940-Mar. 26«-. June 29-... Dec. 31.... 1,182 1,136 1,175 796 748 780 1941—Apr.4«..., June 30... Sept.24«.. Dec. 31.... 1,179 1,255 1,312 1,402 797 878 889 984 e a r i ; ff^l^'jr^lst'^^^^^^^ 35 706 724 746 10 159 146 26 579 616 161 709 "196" 762 122 109 186 181 194 197 183 178 180 178 176 189 194 180 41 34 49 35 425 116 113 127 125 144 170 166 ^^^^^^^ 173 169 420 508 156 19 'm 468 553 - ^ -^standing from Decemb J T ^ i l T i ^ S i » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter ^vere iSuedSZn^^^^^^^ 'other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) J ^ ^ ' ' r T - r i ' " ^ ' ' ' 1939-1943." A classification of securities by maturity v^as not required before December 1938 6 Beginmng with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and autumn call ^ t e ^ ^ N0.217-GLEVELAND DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiInterbank U.S. States Certi- vidGov- States and uals, fied ernand politpartand ment political neroffiTotal and ical subcers' ships, Do- For- postal SUDdivi- checks, corpomestic eign sav- divisions etc. rations, ings^ sions etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof ings acde- counts! and ' posit similar aocounts^ 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1,147 1,147 247 211 2 3 11 22 92 64 24 57 770 790 829 820 784 784 653 658 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec.31 1,119 1,137 1,155 1,196 193 187 204 195 3 3 3 5 28 31 32 13 93 80 86 71 21 26 25 54 781 809 805 858 839 849 812 857 778 791 752 806 656 670 641 679 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,156 1,269 1,293 1.256 230 297 375 291 3 4 5 3 23 23 24 26 96 81 89 65 22 32 18 45 782 832 782 826 902 891 950 899 834 841 888 870 674 693 712 734 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,305 1,264 1,119 983 424 354 239 179 4 3 3 2 22 32 63 28 91 68 83 60 17 24 21 27 747 784 710 688 934 943 883 774 900 830 728 724 725 653 610 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 928 969 964 208 227 228 1 2 2 29 47 30 49 53 43 15 16 26 624 623 635 737 741 723 679 669 664 567 553 547 1933—June 30 Oct. 25.. Dec. 30 833 809 824 180 151 153 1 1 1 43 52 56 45 56 50 11 9 12 553 539 551 545 575 594 478 506 527 383 398 407 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 908 1,004 1,031 1,153 186 207 216 223 I 1 1 1 100 82 54 82 63 75 87 81 9 14 16 16 548 625 657 750 611 633 634 616 534 560 573 562 417 440 446 453 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1. Dec. 31 1,119 1,186 1,301 1,339 254 256 274 270 1 1 1 1 71 43 45 55 90 92 98 97 11 12 15 18 691 782 868 898 639 649 675 684 580 595 623 460 474 494 498 83 90 94 1936-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,327 1,445 1,616 302 305 342 1 1 1 41 76 61 87 90 102 14 17 32 884 955 1,078 705 731 704 641 669 647 499 510 526 119 1937-Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1,455 1,452 1.393 311 295 284 1 1 1 18 19 20 96 99 75 18 21 29 1,010 1,018 985 711 705 726 650 656 662 532 539 555 1,330 1938—Mar. 7 1,393 June 30 1,418 • Sept. 28 D e c . 3 1 _ _ _ „ 1,500 299 308 299 304 1 1 1 1 18 18 29 42 66 85 81 73 14 18 14 17 932 962 993 1,063 739 738 737 727 666 663 659 555 552 546 555 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2» Dec. 30 1,513 1,613 1,717 1,801 326 342 386 410 I 2 2 1 42 42 42 48 87 107 111 91 14 18 22 19 1,042 1,102 1,154 1,231 742 736 726 728 664 668 663 1940-Mar. 26' June 29 Dec. 31 1,791 1,865 2,129 421 427 464 1 1 1 47 46 43 88 99 90 16 17 27 1,219 1.275 1,504 738 736 736 673 671 679 556 565 1941—Apr. 4 9 June 30 Sept. 24 » Dec. 31 2,160 2,294 - 2.383 2,415 481 490 542 510 1 1 1 1 35 45 51 60 104 97 119 94 17 24 26 36 1,524 1,637 1,644 1,714 738 737 734 719 676 677 677 560 661 101 554 553 560 668 71 27 88 24 22 76 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938 ® "Christmas savings and similar accoimts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. * A condemed form of report was adopted for spring and a u t u m n calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time d e i ^ i t s of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks^ respectively, has been estimated. N0.218-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Cash Bank Bal- items premin ises, Other ances with proc- furni- real foress ture estate of and eign banks» collec- fixtion tures Total Customassets Numers' Secuber lia- rities Other of biUty bor- assets banks on rowed Total acliaceptbiUties ances Total U. S. Government obligations 718 733 763 762 362 365 378 389 154 154 , 156 159 208 211 222 230 55 56 61 61 38 36 38 41 82 91 115 100 11 13 12 10 30 31 32 34 4 4 5 5 1 1 1 1 6 6 5 6 6 7 7 6 1,315 1,343 1,418 1,414 799 802 1,150 1,145 1,100 752 746 731 399 399 369 159 157 138 240 242 231 57 56 52 33 30 28 71 66 70 8 10 12 36 36 38 5 5 5 1 1 1 6 5 7 4 5 5 1,370 1,359 1,317 821 823 830 1922-Mar. 10 June 30. Dec. 29. 1,104 1,106 1,154 732 734 758 372 372 396 141 134 151 232 238 245 54 52 60 28 29 35 76 78 90 • 9 11 12 39 41 42 5 5 6 5 5 4 6 5 5 1,325 1,331 1,410 829 1 1923—Apr. 3 . . . June 30.. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31.. 1,191 1,234 1,252 1,259 776 806 817 823 415 428 435 436 159 163 164 157 256 265 271 279 59 59 62 61 34 28 35 36 94 85 88 83 16 17 12 16 43 44 45 48 7 7 8 8 1 5 4 4 6 5 5 5 5 1,455 1,485 1,512 1,522 823 825 824 820 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10. Doc. 31. 1,273 1,265 1,269 1,271 830 827 832 840 442 438 437 431 157 150 144 138 286 288 293 293 60 61 61 62 31 31 33 35 85 90 94 91 13 13 12 15 49 50 51 52 8 8 7 7 4 1 5 6 5 6 5 6 1,528 1,527 1,537 1,544 819 1925—Apr. 6., June 30 Sept. 28. Dec. 31 1,297 J, 303 1,319 1,321 854 864 877 886 442 437 441 435 147 141 143 139 295 297 298 295 61 62 63 62 32 32 32 36 89 88 87 90 12 14 12 16 54 56 58 59 8 8 8 8 4 4 3 5 8 6 6 5 1,563 1,574 1,588 1,603 813 1926—Apr. 12. June 30, Dec. 31. 1,337 1,345 1,352 900 902 911 437 442 441 138 140 131 298 303 310 63 63 64 33 32 34 83 90 89 15 14 20 61 62 63 9 9 10 1 5 4 3 5 5 5 1,609 1,625 1,641 805 806 1927—Mar. 23.. June 30.. Oct. 10... Dec. 31.. 1,377 1,409 1,414 1,410 920 931 926 919 457 478 488 490 132 132 133 129 325 346 356 361 66 67 67 65 34 33 33 34 91 96 103 101 12 16 16 20 63 64 65 65 11 11 10 10 1 4 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 1,663 1,705 1,715 1,714 798 793 788 787 1928—Feb. 28 June 30. Oct. 3.. Dec. 31. 1,423 1,454 1,472 1,482 922 949 971 981 501 505 501 501 132 134 136 137 369 371 364 364 67 64 • 68 67 33 28 33 36 95 81 100 86 12 18 15 20 66 66 67 67 11 10 10 10 3 3 3 4 6 6 6 7 1,717 1,729 1,775 1,779 786 776 772 769 1929-Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 1,503 1,496 1,507 1,408 1,002 1,006 1,020 956 501 491 486 452 140 138 137 122 361 353 350 331 67 67 66 62 32 28 33 35 72 73 76 75 13 17 15 16 68 69 70 68 11 12 12 12 3 3 4 3 7 7 7 7 1,775 1,773 1,791 1.687 765 760 759 751 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,405 1,397 1,362 1,329 953 945 918 902 452 452 444 427 121 116 114 107 331 336 330 320 , 63 63 64 57 31 31 31 32 79 85 90 82 11 17 10 18 69 70 70 71 13 13 13 13 3 4 3 4 8 8 7 8 1,681 1.688 1,652 1,614 746 739 725 719 1931-Mar. 25. June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,287 1,235 1,201 1,021 868 826 790 659 419 409 411 361 110 112 128 116 309 298 283 246 58 55 53 45 29 31 33 30 90 91 72 57 10 13 9 11 70 68 65 53 14 14 13 13 3 3 2 3 12 11 11 6 1,571 1,520 1,459 1,237 697 682 664 624 1932-June 30.. Sept. 30.. Doc. 31.. 987 965 935 627 606 586 360 359 349 123 127 125 237 232 224 46 44 40 23 22 22 56 63 59 9 10 9 53 53 52 15 16 18 2 2 2 6 5 5 1,198 1,181 1,143 611 604 602 1933—June 30. Oct. 25,. Dec. 30.. 680 696 709 397 398 399 282 298 311 119 134 144 163 164 167 36 44 46 19 20 21 50 45 50 9 8 11 38 39 40 11 12 12 4 4 6 848 869 896 458 483 517 1934—IMar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 749 778 800 817 408 400 390 380 340 378 410 438 168 184 203 228 173 195 206 210 60 69 75 68 23 24 27 29 73 83 90 97 10 13 13 16 41 41 41 41 13 13 14 14 8 7 7 7 978 1,029 1,068 1,091 549 580 587 1935-Mar. 4 . . . June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 816 828 814 827 373 371 360 357 443 457 454 470 227 232 210 218 216 225 244 252 76 79 82 80 27 26 26 33 108 115 127 133 12 13 14 15 41 42 41 40 15 16 15 15 7 6 4 5 1,103 1,125 1,124 1,150 590 590 588 587 1935—Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. Dec. 31.. 838 914 961 358 383 384 480 532 577 217 245 270 263 286 307 87 90 120 30 36 40 144 149 175 12 18 23 41 43 43 16 17 16 5 5 5 1,173 1,273 1,383 588 593 594 Total Loans 1920—May 4 . . . June 30.. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29.. 1,080 1,098 1,142 1,151 1921—Apr. 28„ June 30.. • Dec. 31.. ' 1 1 1 1 1 811 813 816 816 815 810 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total u. s. Inter- Gov- Postal Other de-^ bank! em- savinent s ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Pre- Surmon ferred plus stock stock® Memoranda DeReUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand tinadits' degen- justed 7 posits' cies, etc.® 192(>-May 4.... June 30... Nov. 15.. Dec. 29__. 1,032 1,062 1,131 1,125 17 16 17 19 2 3 1 4 582 596 634 615 432 446 479 488 64 64 65 66 182 183 192 195 81 83 85 85 67 68 69 69 34 32 39 39 671 583 622 605 1921—Apr. 28... June 30... Dec. 31... 1,075 1,059 1,000 14 14 13 2 4 4 562 546 499 497 494 484 64 65 67 197 194 198 87 88 89 72 73 75 38 33 34 554 536 487 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30... Dec. 29... 1,024 1,032 1,101 15 15 16 3 1 6 510 520 565 497 496 516 65 64 66 201 205 213 90 92 93 76 78 79 36 36 42 601 509 553 1923—Apr. 3 June 30. Sept. 14 Dec. 31. 1,155 1,185 1,206 1,204 19 17 18 16 5 4 2 2 584 588 597 581 649 577 590 605 65 63 65 68 213 212 216 217 94 94 95 96 81 82 82 84 37 36 39 37 568 671 685 565 1924—Mar. 31. June 30. Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,215 1,216 1,219 1,222 18 17 18 19 2 1 2 3 573 569 566 560 621 628 633 641 66 66 67 68 222 222 229 225 97 98 98 , 99 84 86 86 87 40 38 45 39 560 556 654 545 192&-Apr. 6 June 30. Sept. 28 Dec. 31. 1,241 1,255 1,261 1,272 19 18 19 19 5 2 2 2 565 577 583 581 652 658 657 669 65 63 67 67 232 230 233 230 '99 99 99 100 89 89 90 92 45 41 44 38 563 563 671 565 1926—Apr. 12. June 30. Dec. 31. 1,273 1,298 1,309 18 19 18 3 2 4 566 582 581 684 696 705 68 67 67 236 235 236 101 102 101 92 94 96 43 39 39 551 568 661 672 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,334 1,383 1,390 1,387 19 21 20 20 2 2 2 1 573 602 606 590 740 758 762 775 68 66 66 66 242 240 245 242 102 102 102 102 97 98 97 100 43 40 46 ' 40 561 586 590 670 569 595 600 678 1928—Feb. 28.. June 30., Oct. 3 . . . Dec. 31.. 1,391 1,392 1,437 1,434 21 18 22 19 1 2 1 2 4 4 582 575 698 591 787 797 811 818 66 65 66 65 245 244 251 249 103 102 104 104 100 101 102 103 42 41 43 39 2 3 570 557 584 671 679 565 591 578 1929—Mar. 27.. June29._ Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 1,428 1,416 1,428 1,323 20 17 18 17 3 2 3 1 4 4 4 4 574 569 581 542 827 824 822 759 65 65 67 65 253 251 260 250 103 103 105 102 104 104 106 105 43 40 46 40 3 4 3 .4 562 552 666 526 670 659 573 529 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24,. Dec. 31.. 1,336 1,344 1,318 1,273 17 17 18 16 2 1 2 2 4 4 5 6 540 543 525 501 773 778 768 747 66 66 65 64 255 252 252 246 103 103 102 102 106 106 105 103 42 39 43 37 4 4 3 4 529 526 515 483 534 533 519 487 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 3U., 1,244 1,209 1,140 939 17 14 12 11 3 3 11 1 8 10 13 15 473 462 437 368 743 720 668 544 63 60 60 55 243 232 225 193 101 99 96 83 101 97 94 81 37 32 32 25 4 5 4 4 463 449 428 357 468 453 432 361 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31._, 889 877 852 11 10 10 2 3 2 20 21 22 335 335 320 522 508 498 56 60 61 195 190 182 85 84 84 78 76 73 23 23 20 9 7 6 326 325 310 331 331 316 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30... 646 664 693 6 6 6 4 5 6 22 25 25 257 261 278 356 369 377 48 50 50 141 145 145 63 66 68 1 1 .2 57 55 56 16 18 16 4 4 4 248 253 268 253 257 274 1934—Mar. 5 . . . June 30,. Oct. 17... Dec. 31... 768 823 855 879 8 •9 9 9 8 9 7 9 26 27 23 24 314 . 337 358 370 412 442 457 468 54 63 53 52 152 153 159 160 73 74 74 74 3 9 16 19 55 52 61 49 'l6 14 16 14 4 3 3 4 304 324 345 354 310 332 353 364 1935—Mar. 4 . . . June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31-., 889 931 955 983 10 10 11 11 8 4 4 6 22 19 17 17 374 402 420 440 475 496 503 509 52 31 3 3 162 163 166 164 74 74 73 72 20 21 22 22 49 48 48 49 16 16 19 17 4 4 4 4 362 389 407 425 369 395 305 320 1,002 1,092 1,197 12 12 14 4 10 10 16 15 12 447 500 674 623 555 688 3 4 3 167 177 182 73 75 76 22 25 24 49 51 54 20 20 22 4 5 6 434 483 551 318 367 412 NO. 218-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments CusTotal Cash Bank tomassets BalBal- items premNumises, Other era' Secuances ances in lia- rities Other ber with with proc- furni- real of ture estate bility bor- assets domes- foress on rowed banks and tic eign of acTotal banks banks collec- fixI ceptliatures tion ances bilities Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Total U. S. Government obligations 393 409 420 594 612 612 280 304 318 315 308 294 128 133 130 39 41 37 160 145 145 17 18 20 44 44 44 16 15 14 1,395 1,421 1,426 590 590 588 1,012 989 1,005 1,021 415 422 422 428 597 567 582 593 310 290 301 309 287 277 281 284 128 122 124 126 37 37 40 39 154 162 152 160 11 13 . 13 17 44 44 44 43 14 14 14 15 1,402 1,383 1,395 1,425 588 588 589 590 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 1,017 1,021 1,027 1,042 431 442 456 470 585 579 571 572 303 297 291 299 282 282 281 • 274 129 128 140 150 41 37 41 45 172 180 208 222 13 18 18 21 43 43 43 43 14 14 14 14 1,433 1,443 1,496 1,541 585 596 605 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 1,048 1,061 1,099 479 499 523 569 561 577 292 287 306 277 274 271 154 165 176 47 40 55 228 241 263 15 17 26 43 43 43 14 13 11 1,551 1,583 1,677 1941—Apr. 4 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,123 - 1,167 . . 1,190 1,234 537 556 565 557 586 611 625 676 315 343 352 403 271 268 273 274 183 189 208 231 46 52 60 64 273 279 299 291 21 26 23 33 43 42 42 41 11 10 10 8 1,703 1,769 1,834 1,905 Total Loans 1937-Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 988 1,021 1,032 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 . ' Deposits Capital accounts Borrowings Accept- Other ances liabilioutstand- ties ing 611 616 624 634 637 640 Memoranda ReUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedecon- posits mand tinadYif' degen- justed! posits' cies, etc.« Total V. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank® ern- savmand ment' ings Other time 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,205 1,230 1,233 572 576 556 607 627 651 1938—Mar. 7 J u n e 30. Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,209 1,190 1,200 1,230 530 516 529 556 655 652 648 649 188 188 190 190 520 503 516 538 410 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2. Dec. 30 1,236 1,247 1,295 . . 1,338 555 565 607 656 658 664 193 192 198 200 542 547 589 609 403 399 413 420 1940—Mar. 26.. J u n e 29 Dec. 31 . . 1,343 1,374 1,465 623 646 722 695 705 203 204 207 629 695 415 420 468 1,487 1,552 1,615 1,687 738 791 846 918 727 736 742 739 716 765 824 884 477 520 561 CaUdate 1941-Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 718 Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks 23 186 188 211 212 215 214 Surplus 555 558 ^36 423 440 419 ^ "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3,1928. 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to b a n k s " and were assumed to be demand deposits. 3 Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in Ngvember 1938; before t h a t time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from J u n e 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. ® Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued b y member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. « T h e composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. T For definitions of "demand deposits a d j u s t e d " and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. NO. 219-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Loans on securities, except to banks Open market paper CaU date Total loans Commercial Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances ances ' of other banks Real estate loans To brokers and dealers BiUs Total In New York City Outside New York City To others Total 213 213 Loans to banks On farm land On other real estate 25 189 187 495 493 191 191 194 494 486 480 469 Other loans 1 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31. 971 981 252 265 220 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31. 1,002 1,006 1,020 283 296 312 291 247 264 279 277 217 219 188 162 1930—Mar. 27, June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 953 945 918 902 294 292 287 276 280 276 276 193 191 191 195 164 163 168 457 454 430 413 370 350 293 10 286 216 166 190 790 659 251 208 270 258 242 205 186 182 152 163 160 156 126 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 627 606 586 199 189 183 194 187 180 152 153 152 125 126 126 268 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 397 122 121 105 109 no 84 87 88 159 157 158 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec.31. 408 400 390 113 114 109 91 92 159 155 150 143 1935—Mar. 4., June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31. 373 371 360 357 90 91 89 88 141 143 142 140 1936—Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 358 383 384 96 95 111 123 128 91 141 154 150 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31., 93 95 97 132 136 144 111 409 420 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30.. Sept. 28. 415 422 422 95 93 93 148 154 157 124 130 133 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 279 266 826 123 Total loans 126 125 117 116 116 114 114 113 107 100 100 108 101 101 Commercial loans Agricultural loans 21 1938—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 428 1 9 3 ^ M a r . 29.... June 30 Oct. 2®.... Dec. 3 0 . . . . 431 442 456 470 95 194{>—Mar. 26= June 29.... Dec. 3 1 . . . . 479 499 523 102 103 1941—Apr. 4 2 . , . . June 30 Sept. 24S.„ Dec. 31_... 537 556 565 557 'iio' 119 119 117 Open market paper CaU date 122 121 Acceptances payable in U.S. Total Loans for purchasing or carrying securities ComTo merbrocial To kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks 111 109 110 108 108 35 Total On farm land 166 28 107 156 164 167 114 121 161 166 164 24 On residential property Loans to banks Other loans Other 111 107 168 112 173 115 105 110 191 28 217 113 102 Real estate loans BiUs 37 256 241 128 36 117 135 145 134 228 32 153 149 237 32 ^162" 143 N0.22(M)LEVELAND DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] U. S. Government obligations Other domestic securities Direct CaU date Guaranteed Total investments Total BiUsi Notes Bonds Obligations of States and poUt- Total ical subdivisions Bonds, notes, and debecitures Corporate stocks Foreign securities Government agencies not Railguar- roads® anteed byU.S.2 Utilities3 Other F. R. Bank Other Total securities" maturgm 5 years or less 192&—Oct. 3 . . . Dec. 31.. 501 501 137 137 12 13 14 14 110 109 258 258 52 52 55 56 138 137 6 6 6 7 192&—Mar. 27... June 29.... Oct. 4 Dec. 31 501 491 486 452 140 138 137 122 17 13 11 7 12 13 12 12 110 112 113 103 256 251 249 236 53 51 50 48 56 56 56 54 135 131 128 121 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 1930—Mar. 27.. J u n e 30,. Sept. 24., Dec. 31.. 452 452 444 427 121 116 114 107 3 1 1 1 13 11 9 8 105 104 104 99 238 243 239 233 47 49 48 47 57 57 57 58 119 121 118 114 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 7 1931—Mar. 25. June 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 31.. 419 409 411 361 110 112 128 116 1 1 1 1 7 7 8 7 102 104 119 108 225 217 207 180 46 47 45 41 57 55 53 46 109 103 - 97 82 6 6 6 5 7 7 7 5 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30., Dec. 3 L . 360 359 349 123 127 125 1 1 1 9 10 9 113 115 115 174 172 165 41 40 39 44 43 41 78 78 74 5 5 5 6 6 6 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 282 298 311 119 134 144 .2 2 4 17 16 19 101 116 121 119 121 123 28 29 29 30 31 31 54 53 55 4 4 4 3 3 4 1934—Mar. 5 . . . . J u n e 30 Oct. 1 7 . . . . Dec. 31.... 340 378 410 438 168 180 183 194 4 5 2 1 30 27 27 33 134 149 153 160 2 21 34 126 141 149 150 9 17 18 15 30 33 37 40 32 35 37 37 46 44 47 .47 4 4 5 5 5 7 5 5 1935-Mar. 4 . . J u n e 29-. Nov.l.. Dec, 31.. 443 457 454 470 182 174 148 155 1 32 31 36 38 150 143 112 116 46 58 63 64 152 159 171 175 17 16 16 17 42 45 47 47 38 41 46 52 45 47 52 50 5 5 4 4 1936—Mar. 4 . . J u n e 30.. Dec. 31,. 480 532 577 155 178 208 38 40 39 116 138 169 62 67 62 183 201 221 17 19 20 49 56 61 52 59 69 54 57 62 4 5 5 6 6 1937—Mar. 31. J u n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 594 217 239 245 2 612 42 58 68 175 180 177 63 65 72 222 217 204 18 20 18 63 63 62 69 65 59 61 60 5 5 5 6 6 1938—Mar. 7... J u n e 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31„ 597 567 582 593 240 227 239 246 3 4 2 66 60 66 65 174 164 169 180 70 63 62 62 199 190 190 187 16 16 14 15 61 58 58 57 58 53 53 53 54 54 55 52 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 •160 193&-Mar. 2 9 . - . J u n e 30 Oct. 2 » . . . . Dec. 30 585 579 572 572 237 226 218 223 48 48 188 178 180 174 16 14 55 54 49 46 50 49 5 5 6 6 S143 '164 38 181 67 71 72 76 44 5 6 170 561 577 217 211 229 168 189 75 77 77 5 5 5 40 175 35 218 39 5 5 191 46 268 73 88 92 88 39 5 4 "212" 1940—Mar. 26«.. J u n e 29 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1941—Apr.4«.... J u n e 30..., Sept. 246., Dfec.3L.„ 612 586 611 625 676 242 255 259 315 • 1 4 4 1 2 38 38 80 94 101 106 106 6 5 5 5 5 5 110 112 116 147 15 47 35 5 182 119 121 127 130 early 1^42. T r e ^ J r y ^ ^ "" ..x^.oua.es o u ^ t a n a m g trom December 1934 until 2 Included in pother" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in J u l v a n d replaced m 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obhgations, have been classified as not guaranteed. issuea m July 3 Comprises boiida only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive", and bonds, notes, a n d debentures thereafter were i S u l d ''' debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) 6 This is the a m o u n t reported as "maturing in 1939-1943/' A classification of securities b y maturity was not required before TlPc^mh^r loqfi « Beginmng with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and a u t u m n caU d a t ^ ? NO. 221-CLEVELAND DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time Interbank U. S. IndiGovStates Certi- vidernuals, fied and ment partand politand neroffiical Total Do- For- postal cers' ships, submestic eign savdivi- checks, corpoings 1 etc. rations, sions etc. States and political subdivisions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings ChristCertifi. cates Open of ings acde- counts' and posit 4 4 18 15 793 803 647 654 138 142 8 8 827 763 4 4 4 4 22 22 24 16 805 802 798 743 657 , 655 650 607 138 132 128 130 10 15 20 6 436 449 421 417 778 783 774 754 4 4 5 6 21 19 22 14 752 758 747 733 611 613 599 597 129 129 129 128 11 17 19 9 7 9 7 8 381 378 341 308 752 731 559 •8 10 13 15 18 15 15 10 725 706 653 534 584 567 521 433 128 122 114 95 12 16 18 6 53 66 49 6 5 5 277 264 266 542 529 520 20 21 22 10 11 9 512 497 489 413 399 398 92 89 87 7 8 3 4 5 6 42 47 42 4 4 6 211 209 231 379 394 403 22 25 25 7 8 8 350 360 369 282 290 306 62 62 58 2 4 4 7 8 8 8 8 9 7 9 52 54 64 55 5 6 6 7 257 277 288 309 439 469 481 492 26 27 23 24 10 9 9 10 402 433 448 458 337 366 380 395 60 58 58 56 4 6 6 5 391 415 434 457 9 9 10 10 8 4 4 6 53 57 68 63 5 7 7 9 316 338 345 368 498 516 521 527 22 19 17 17 10 10 10 10 465 486 493 498 400 420 425 435 55 55 56 56 8 7 7 6 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31 _. 462 521 597 11 11 13 4 10 10 62 71 74 7 10 11 377 419 488 540 571 601 16 15 12 11 10 10 512 545 578 448 480 518 55 54 52 7 6 6 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31., 587 592 572 12 12 11 3 5 5 78 71 63 10 11 9 484 493 484 618 638 661 11 10 9 9 15 26 597 612 625 535 549 567 51 50 49 7 6 6 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 545 530 545 574 11 9 10 11 4 4 6 8 60 62 75 71 7 9 7 10 464 446 447 474 664 660 655 656 8 7 7 6 26 26 27 26 629 627 621 622 571 568 560 570 48 47 47 44 6 6 6 6 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. Dec. 30.. 573 584 625 651 . 10 11 11 12 8 8 7 9 80 75 89 69 8 9 9 12 467 481 509 549 662 663 669 689 6 5 4 4 28 26 29 29 628 631 635 653 572 573 45 45 7 7 599 44 2 1940—Mar. 26'. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 644 665 742 12 11 13 8 7 8 75 72 70 10 12 13 539 562 639 700 709 722 3 3 3 29 29 30 666 676 689 616 633 44 42 8 11 1941—Apr. 4*._ June 30.. Sept. 243, Dec.31.. 757 812 870 945 13 14 16 17 6 8 7 10 81 79 101 86 13 15 13 19 643 697 732 813 730 739 745 742 2 2 2 2 30 33 32 31 697 703 709 708 640 42 12 650 41 14 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31.. 621 612 21 18 1 2 91 70 9 16 498 505 816 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29-. Oct. 4.„, Dec.31.. 597 588 601 560 19 17 18 17 3 2 3 1 91 81 92 71 9 12 10 16 474 476 479 455 831 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 559 561 544 519 17 17 18 15 2 1 2 2 96 82 95 67 7 12 8 17 1931—Mar. 25,. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31 492 478 459 379 16 14 12 11 3 3 11 1 85 74 89 52 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30., Dec. 31.. 348 348 331 11 10 10 2 3 2 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 267 270 290 6 5 5 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 329 354 374 387 1 9 3 ^ M a r . 4._. June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31., 823 828 681 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. ' "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. 3 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and a u t u m n calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.222-R1CHM0ND DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investmentfl Investments Call date Total Loans Total U. S. Government obligations Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Total Cash Bank Cusassets tomBal- items premBalNumin isesj Other ers* Secuances ances ber Ua- rities Other with with proc- furni- real of ess ture estate bility bor-^ assets domes- forrowed on banks and eign of tic Total acbanks 1 banks 1 collec- fixliacepttion tures ances bilities 1914—Dec. 31. 481 362 119 58 8 28 59 12 21 2 8 4 622 505 1915-Mar. 4.... May 1 . . June 23.. Sept. 2 . . . Nov. 10.. Dec. 31.. 475 475 475 472 481 485 367 372 371 369 375 378 109 103 103 103 55 56 56 55 55 55 8 8 8 8 9 12 26 23 27 25 27 29 61 58 54 57 72 65 9 10 7 8 10 14 21 21 21 21 22 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 5 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 612 606 604 602 633 638 509 508 511 505 508 505 13 16 20 28 31 26 26 28 29 32 71 72 76 97 89 16 16 11 13 11 22 22 22 22 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 659 669 689 744 755 511 517 520 520 519 30 31 31 52 28 29 29 35 89 82 81 112 11 13 10 34 23 23 23 25 2 2 2 3 4 6 5 811 3 4 4 5 3 3 3 4 763 777 783 1,018 518 520 520 532 46 45 52 57 28 21 31 40 82 81 102 102 29 33 43 49 26 26 27 27 3 3 3 3 818 812 13 13 5 5 5 6 4 4 4 5 1,037 1,029 1,216 1,248 540 543 560 565 104 56 56 65 67 31 28 33 40 97 99 146 125 39 57 73 75 28 29 29 30 3 3 3 3 12 12 17 19 7 9 9 10 6 5 6 5 1,265 1,339 1,497 1,524 568 572 580 585 99 97 98 99 64 61 58 60 34 33 32 38 103 90 98 81 53 62 75 53 32 33 34 35 3 3 3 3 18 13 12 13 8 8 9 8 5 5 5 7 1,481 1,466 1,515 1,474 594 603 607 609 56 56 58 29 26 24 64 62 71 39 52 54 36 36 39 4 4 4 7 6 10 9 10 9 5 5 5 1,398 1,393 1,386 614 619 625 106 107 1916—May 1... June 30.. Sept. 12.. Nov. 17.. Dec. 27.. 499 508 519 544 557 393 399 407 426 439 107 118 53 53 53 53 51 1917-Mar. 5... Mayl... June 20.. Dec. 31.. 583 593 736 447 456 461 551 122 127 132 186 51 52 58 98 1918-May June Nov. Dec. 800 800 938 946 576 592 655 661 1919-Mar. 4 . . , . June 30 Nov. 17 Dec. 3 1 . . . 987 1,042 658 714 1,116 826 1,150 855 1920—May June Nov, Dec. 1,160 1,159 10.. 29.. l._. 31.. 4.... 30... 15 29... 1,188 1,176 108 113 118 135 120 285 195 197 329 328 289 295 236 230 187 191 282 167 903 933 920 256 254 256 156 157 160 87 88 93 98 102 1921-Apr. 28.. Jime 30. Dec. 31.. 1,149 1,137 892 883 865 257 254 246 153 148 142 105 1,111 1922-Mar. 10.. June 30.. Dec. 29 1,095 1,088 1,148 852 854 894 242 234 254 138 123 143 105 111 112 54 60 61 23 22 30 69 82 86 43 57 62 39 40 43 4 5 7 7 4 9 8 7 4 5 5 6 1,348 1,370 1,455 626 628 630 1923-Apr. 3 . . . June 30.. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31.. 1,169 910 923 932 948 259 259 262 257 148 145 147 142 111 113 115 115 61 59 61 66 27 19 27 30 90 81 80 102 58 63 63 78 45 46 47 48 7 8 8 9 9 7 3 10 5 5 4 4 9 8 7 9 1,480 1,478 1,494 1,560 632 629 626 627 1,182 1,194 1,204 106 104 1924-Mar. 31.. June 30.. Oct. 10.., Dec. 31.. 1,212 1,193 958 952 957 957 254 240 258 263 133 124 133 133 121 116 1,216 1,220 125 130 62 61 65 70 24 24 26 31 82 87 107 109 62. 71 60 82 49 49 50 51 9 10 11 11 8 7 7^ 13 4 4 4 5 10 11 10 9 1,523 1,516 1,555 1,601 626 624 620 617 1925—Apr. 6 . . . June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 1,243 1,252 1,275 1,290 976 990 1,017 1,030 267 262 259 260 138 132 129 129 130 129 134 65 63 68 70 29 27 27 31 98 91 104 112 64 70 69 89 52 55 56 57 12 10 11 12 12 7 10 17 4 3 3 5 8 9 8 8 1,584 1,586 1,632 1,690 608 607 606 604 1926—Apr. 12 June 3 0 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,293 1,028 1,281 1,016 1,275 1,011 265 265 264 132 139 143 67 67 72 27 27 27 95 100 112 72 73 83 58 59 61 11 11 12 10 7 10 4 3 4 9 9 9 1,646 1,636 1,666 592 587 583 1927—Alar. 23.. June 30.. Oct. 10... Deo. 31.. 1,289 1,311 1,358 1,362 1,008 1,014 1,034 1,028 281 297 325 334 131 132 143 139 149 165 195 71 73 74 76 30 28 29 26 102 105 120 124 62 72 73 80 61 62 62 62 13 13 14 14 9 5 7 12 2 2 2 4 7 8 9 8 1,645 1,679 1,750 1,769 571 569 568 564 1928-Feb. 28.. June 30.. Oct. 3.... Dec. 31.. 1,342 1,344 1,339 1,338 1,012 1,021 1.023 1,022 329 324 316 317 136 131 131 130 193 193 184 187 72 70 71 68 27 20 27 28 98 90 105 104 54 67 65 84 63 62 62 61 15 15 15 16 9 6 5 12 2 5 2 4 8 8 7 8 1,689 1,687 1,699 1,723 561 557 554 547 192&—Alar. 27 June 2 9 . . . Oct. 4 Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,351 1,329 1,299 1,278 1.024 1,010 990 974 327 319 309 303 144 137. 132 124 184 181 177 179 67 68 68 68 27 21 25 28 85 93 88 101 68 60 62 74 61 64 64 64 17 16 16 16 9 5 8 12 3 3 3 3 7 8 7 7 1,685 1,668 1,640 1,652 541 537 524 514 126 133 126 121 181 1 1 1 1 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] CaU date Total Memoranda Capital accounts C Deposits U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank 2 ern- savdement® ings 4 mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its" detinadgen- justed' posits' cies, etc.® 19U-Dec. 31„ 399 57 12^ 239 90 20 79 124 70 227 1915—Mar. May 1 . . . June 23._ Sept. 2... Nov. 10.. Dec. 31.. 402 399 393 393 428 436 60 61 55 60 71 73 9 6 8 6 6 5 245 242 238 235 254 259 87 90 92 93 97 99 18 19 21 23 17 16 1 2 67 60 61 60 59 58 126 128 129 126 128 126 70 71 71 70 70 69 236 232 231 228 244 245 1916—May 1... June 30.. Sept. 12. Nov. 17. Dec. 27.. 459 471 488 548 555 80 80 87 113 111 4 7 6 5 5 260 264 271 299 305 115 120 125 131 135 13 13 13 7 11 2 1 2 4 4 55 56 56 54 53 129 128 129 131 132 70 70 70 70 70 244 248 1917—Mar. 5 . . May 1... June 20._ Dec. 31.. 563 568 565 766 112 103 96 140 4 4 10 24 300 311 310 417 146 150 148 186 12 16 24 40 4 6 5 «11 53 54 55 61 131 133 134 140 71 71 71 76 2S9 29S 300 1918—May 10.. June 29.. Nov. 1 . . Dec. 31„ 745 722 886 910 108 97 119 136 41 38 70 20 410 401 492 538 186 186 205 217 66 86 92 99 »15 »12 13 14 62 61 65 69 149 148 159 157 77 77 81 83 381 368 450 488 1919—Mar. 4 June 30 Nov. 17... Dec. 31.... 901 931 1,121 1,133 123 110 192 178 29 35 19 22 507 528 619 630 242 257 291 303 122 159 114 130 12 12 17 19 69 74 70 71 161 163 174 171 83 84 88 88 467 471 546 555 1920—May 4 Jime 30 Nov. 15... Dec. 29.... 1,056 1,033 1,063 1,022 135 116 125 109 8 7 6 10 589 585 594 567 324 326 337 336 144 155 159 158 18 13 12 14 73 76 74 73 190 189 207 208 95 96 102 102 535 523 519 513 1921-Apr. 28.... June 30.... Dec. 31.... 961 955 979 85 80 97 9 10 13 513 508 506 353 356 363 149 151 114 7 6 10 69 73 73 212 209 210 104 104 105 •474 456 452 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30... Dec. 29... 965 1,023 1,089 96 102 126 11 7 13 485 519 551 372 395 399 88 53 64 7 4 9 72 72 70 215 218 223 106 108 108 442 462 489 1923—Apr. 3... June 30.. Sept. 14. Dec. 31 1,116 1,095 1,101 1,193 120 101 105 141 15 14 9 10 558 547 554 601 423 433 433 441 62 83 93 63 9 7 3 10 71 70 71 71 223 222 227 222 110 111 111 111 500 483 491 523 1924—Mar. 3 1 . . . . June 30 Oct. 1 0 . „ . Dec. 31.... 1,142 1,142 1,193 1,241 109 116 133 138 14 11 21 12 563 549 560 607 455 466 479 483 73 68 52 .48 9 7 8 14 70 70 69 69 230 229 234 229 113 112 112 112 501 478 500 1925-Apr. 6... June 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31 1,224 1,213 1,249 1,316 131 115 133 148 23 12 14 16 576 575 594 642 495 511 508 510 48 68 69 56 12 7 10 18 65 64 70 71 235 234 234 230 114 114 113 113 513 506 524 553 1926-Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 1,275 1,268 1,314 128 120 138 21 14 12 609 611 637 518 523 526 54 59 39 11 7 11 71 : 69 69 234 232 233 116 116 116 537 539 554 1927—Mar. 2 3 , June 30. Oct. 10.__Dec. 31 1,300 1,332 1,396 1,415 136 129 152 165 22 13 24 16 604 623 639 . 635 538 566 580 599 28 36 35 34 10 6 7 12 69 68 68 69 238 237 244 239 116 117 118 117 542 551 567 554 621 1928—Feb. 28... June 30._ Oct. 3.. Dec. 31.. 1,337 1,303 1,326 1,355 135 109 134 136 9 11 11 16 2 2 593 578 589 609 600 606 591 592 35 70 64 52 9 6 5 12 67 67 66 65 242 241 238 238 117 117 114 115 539 510 523 526 622 581 598 614 1929—Mar. 27. June 29., Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31.. 1,314 1,280 1,263 1,289 116 112 118 132 27 21 16 13 3 3 3 4 579 564 559 585 589 581 567 556 56 76 68 52 9 6 8 12 65 66 63 63 241 240 237 236 115 115 111 112 521 504 497 511 587 563 563 584 . 260 286 294. 29 644 631 656 654 N0.222-.RICHM0ND DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and mvestments Investments Call date Total Loans Total U. S. Government obligations Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities CusTotal Cash Bank tomBalassets Bal- items premNumances ances ises, Other ers' Secuin with ber Ua- rities Other Trith proo- furni- real domes- forof ture estate bility bor- assets esB tic banks rowed on and of banks acTotal coUeo- fix1 cepttures liation ances bilities 1930-Mar. 27 June 30.^Sept. 2 4 „ . Dec. 31 1,223 1,204 1,206 1,154 929 888 882 842 295 316 324 312 124 131 127 110 171 185 197 202 66 65 65 63 25 24 24 33 1931-Mar. 25.. J u n e 30., Sept. 29.Dec. 31.. 1.145 1.141 1,137 1,050 812 785 772 693 333 356 365 358 129 141 154 157 204 214 211 200 62 63 68 61 28 28 32 30 1932-June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 989 997 966 620 604 579 369 394 387 165 198 201 204 195 186 62 50 53 23 22 23 82 101 107 1933-June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 826 900 936 455 479 489 372 421 447 231 268 292 141 153 155 67 69 95 24 28 30 1934—Mar. 5 . . . , June 3 0 . . . Oct. 17 Dec. 31 994 996 1,016 1.059 485 476 465 465 509 521 550 593 351 343 375 421 158 177 176 172 99 124 134 126 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,072 1,029 1,081 1,104 465 458 458 462 607 571 622 643 432 405 449 471 175 166 174 172 193&-Mar.4.. J u n e 30., Dec. 31.. 1.062 1.156 1.227 453 475 511 609 680 717 izi 498 524 1 9 3 7 - M a r . 31 June 30 Dec. 3 1 . . . 1.232 1,206 1,226 533 538 571 699 668 655 1938-Mar. 7 June 30... Sept. 2 8 „ . Dec.31-.. 1,191 1,187 1,217 1,265 556 554 558 566 1939-Mar. 29 June 30..Oct. 2 Dec. 3 0 . . . 1.266 1,268 1,302 1,321 1940—Mar. 26.. June 29.. Dec. 3 1 . . 1941-Apr. 4 . . . J u n e 30., Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 86 104 111 1.546 1.547 1,549 1,511 504 486 485 470 130 113 89 78 1,505 1,497 1.448 1.343 466 458 448 403 1.265 1.288 1.272 387 388 392 103 106 111 1.119 1,204 1.285 318 345 373 30 26 35 34 133 159 189 174 1.362 1.425 1.499 1.525 384 394 399 400 143 144 164 165 32 30 31 38 192 218 238 230 1.664 1,544 1,643 1.672 400 401 404 404 177 183 192 189 180 216 34 39 41 259 257 259 67 86 1.681 1.775 1,903 403 404 404 512 489 487 187 179 168 211 212 221 41 39 37 224 206 200 75 73 72 1,861 1,810 1.830 405 405 405 636 633 659 699 471 467 494 534 165 166 165 165 243 200 226 231 40 39 46 42 233 234 252 263 49 64 60 67 1.830 1,797 1,874 1.941 405 405 404 406 568 583 599 622 698 685 704 699 538 622 643 543 160 163 161 156 237 237 270 282 48 38 43 49 285 287 341 372 54 71 66 77 1.964 1,975 2,097 2,174 407 405 406 410 1.327 1,328 1,431 637 657 722 691 671 708 629 507 547 162 164 162 285 308 352 55 44 64 419 437 453 60 68 102 2,220 2,256 2,474 417 419 431 1,467 1,465 1,689 1,730 734 752 780 809 733 713 809 921 567 546 643 750 166 167 166 170 383 417 459 455 55 61 74 75 492 521 '542 489 2,549 2,637 2,829 2.942 434 437 441 447 , . 2 3 81 102 93 119 » "Balances with foreign b a n k s " are included in "balances with domestic b a n k s " prior to M a y 4, 1920, a n d in "other assete" from M a y 4, 1920, through June 30, 1928. i Before October 3. 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as " d u e to b a n k s " a n d were assumed to be d e m a n d deposits. . ' Includes Umted States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before t h a t time all U m t e d States Government deposits were demand deposits. FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914.1941-4;ontinued [Amounts in milliona of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capita! accounts U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank« ern- savdement* ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaoutbilistand- ties ing Total 1930-Mar. 27 J u n e 30 Sept. 24.-, Dec. 31 1,220 1,222 1,230 1,192 112 115 125 117 28 22 23 18 4 4 6 6 530 524 619 622 547 657 660 529 24 26 32 9 Q 0 6 10 231 227 228 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . June 30 Sept. 29 Deo. 31 1,199 1,202 1,132 1,037 137 124 104 89 26 23 17 20 9 10 12 14 490 500 474 456 637 646 525 459 18 20 36 41 8 4 3 3 222 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 961 980 982 90 95 106 16 26 15 18 22 23 399 398 410 438 439 429 49 61 41 2 1 2 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 904 977 1,054 98 112 126 19 20 26 19 24 28 401 437 472 368 383 403 11 10 6 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,133 1,203 1,275 1,302 137 152 188 178 61 45 32 48 27 23 18 18 495 544 596 615 422 439 441 443 3 1 1935-Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,340 1,337 1,453 1,483 195 187 239 230 42 27 25 41 15 12 8 8 623 643 707 731 465 468 473 474 182 182 1,491 . . 1,578 1,702 243 233 270 29 68 43 8 7 5 728 783 877 483 497 508 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,650 1,602 1,618 236 203 233 14 18 19 4 4 4 873 851 841 1938—Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28.. Dec. 31 1,619 1,583 1,658 1,725 243 220 249 271 18 17 28 38 4 4 3 3 1939-Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 1,745 1,754 1,876' 1,951 280 278 326 359 37 38 38 45 m o - M a r . 26.... , J u n e 29 Dcc. 31 1,991 2,025 2,237 357 348 404 1941—Apr. 4 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 2,310 2,393 2,581 2,688 433 427 486 480 193fr-Mar. 4 June 30.. Dec. 31 222 Com- Premon ferred stock stock' 109 108 108 106 Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand vided for deprof- con- posits tinits' adgcn- justed' cies, etc.« Net demand deposits' 85 83 82 81 31 29 32 27 6 8 6 Q 484 469 475 464 646 525 630 520 216 106 106 214 200 104 99 79 76 75 72 29 26 27 21 8 8 7 8 456 .450 435 407 603 607 487 450 191 190 182 96 96 97 69 67 61 19 19 17 7 7 8 362 364 369 403 402 420 155 165 171 76 85 62 63 64 16 18 16 7 8 8 365 401 430 408 462 495 81 81 63 49 49 49 16 16 19 17 8 9 12 10 461 498 547 565 523 661 626 648 182 81 80 80 80 49 49 60 61 19 20 23 20 10 10 •10 9 580 695 652 670 675 650 676 710 184 190 193 80 83 83 61 53 55 22 23 24 9 10 11 666 716 791 " 678 760 842 523 626 521 201 85 85 86 67 58 60 28 27 28 11 11 10 798 778 769 823 792 819 828 813 850 882 527 529 628 531 204 206 208 61 62 63 65 30 30 32 29 10 10 10 12 778 749 790 815 802 762 816 862 4 2 2 2 881 892 963 993 543 544 546 652 213 213 215 215 67 68 69 71 32 31 33 31 12 12 12 12 827 821 897 917 860 849 920 948 45 46 49 2 2 2 1,015 1,053 1,195 671 576 588 221 222 227 73 73 77 34 33 34 12 13 13 956 985 1,092 938 939 1,090 40 47 54 73 1 1 1 1 1,231 1,306 1,419 1,515 605 612 621 618 230 233 237 242 78 80 82 86 37 36 38 36 13 15 15 15 1,150 1,204 1,326 1,396 1,125 1,151 1,319 1,454 1 175 174 179 178 185 201 202 81 85 83 • Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. 5 Includes capital notes a n d debentures issued by State member b a n k s (national b a n k s do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued b y member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. • T h e composition of undivided profits a n d reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory (est. p, 71. » For definitions of " d e m a n d deposits a d j u s t e d " and " n e t d e m a n d deposits" see introductory text, p . 65 8 Includes customers' liability to State member banks under letters of credit. • Includes letters of credit issued by State member banks. N0.223-RICHM0ND DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] To brokers and dealers Acceptances Call date Total loans Real estate loans Loans on securities, except to banks Open market paper Commercial Total! Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances of other banks Bills Total In New York City To others Outside New York City Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 250 271 187 204 671 654 1.024 1,010 990 974 291 282 290 294 221 225 231 253 623 598 579 1930—Mar. 27_. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 282 888 882 842 259 258 247 223 228 233 233 541 521 508 486 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 812 785 772 693 237 227 223 202 225 217 213 195 470 456 443 399 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 186 604 579 178 172 181 174 169 347 335 322 1933—June 30..., Oct. 25..... Dec. 30.... 455 479 489 137 144 150 132 133 138 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. . Oct. 17.. Dec. 31., 485 476 465 465 145 141 136 136 133 127 125 125 1935-Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. I.Dec. 31.. 465 458 458 462 134 123 123 123 120 1935-Mar. 4.. June 30., Dec. 31.. 453 475 511 119 125 1937—Mar. 31., June 30.. Dec. 31.. 533 538 571 193&-Mar. 7..... June 30..., Sept. 28.._, 556 554 558 1928—Oct. 3.._. Dec. 31.. 1.023 1,022 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec.31_. 10 620 83 81 83 247 239 234 230 119 119 84 85 89 90 231 236 235 237 118 115 119 91 100 105 228 245 265 129 124 131 124 117 122 125 100 104 107 272 277 294 126 124 122 126 109 286 286 290 122 120 126 119 117 121 Acceptances payable in U. S. 81 130 133 111 113 Real estate loans Loans for purchasing or carpring securities Open market paper Total On farm land On residential property 141 20 85 Total loans Commercial loans 1938—Dec. 31.. 566 181 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct.2i.. Dec. 30_. 568 583 599 622 185 183 204 1940—Mar. 262-. June 29 Dec. 31.... 637 657 722 213 244 1941-Apr. 4 ' . . . , June 30.— Sept. 24® Dec. 31.... 734 752 780 250 26 192 116 54 280 25 203 '125 56 CaU date Agricultural loans 238 249 249 .73 81 Total BUls CommerTo cial broTo kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks 12 28 Other 20 Other loans 178 147 152 18 Loans to banks 170 180 160 96 171 183 103 111 44 188 205 227 237 N0.224-RICHM0ND DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] V . S. Government obUgations Direct CaUdate Total investments Total Billsi Notes Other domestic securities ObUgations Bonds, notes, and debentures of States Guarand anteed poUt- Total Governical ment agencies subRaU- Util- Other Bonds divinot guar- roads' ities' sions anteed byU.S.s Corporate stocks Foreign securities F. R. Bank Other Total rities maturing in 5 years or less 1928—Oct. 3_... Dec. 31.. 316 317 131 130 16 18 17 16 98 95 31 31 134 135 19 19 26 26 66 68 6 6 16 16 20 21 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29., Oct. 4-... Dec. 31„. 327 319 309 303 143 137 132 124 24 21 16 11 15 16 17 9 105 100 100 105 30 31 30 29 134 131 127 131 19 19 18 19 26 25 26 26 67 65 61 63 6 6 6 6 15 16 17 16 21 20 19 19 1930—Mar: 27., June 30_, Sept. 24.. Dec. 31 295 316 324 312 124 131 127 110 11 16 19 5 10 14 7 6 103 101 101 98 27 28 31 32 126 138 148 153 18 21 21 22 27 28 29 30 60 65 74 74 6 6 6 6 16 19 19 21 18 19 19 17 1931—Mar. 25. June 30 Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... 333 356 365 358 129 141 154 157 18 6 8 7 4 4 14 13 107 131 132 137 32 42 43 41 155 156 153 145 22 23 23 23 30 30 30 28 77 73 69 64 6 6 6 5 21 25 26 25 17 16 15 14 1932—June 30., Sept. 30.. Dec. 31,.. 369 394 387 165 198 201 11 4 3 15 58 59 139 136 139 48 47 45 143 137 130 25 25 22 27 26 25 60 55 51 5 5 5 26 27 27 13 12 10 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25-.. Dec. 30 372 421 447 231 268 292 8 2 33 63 75 51 160 191 208 46 50 55 88 96 94 17 18 18 18 19 19 36 41 38 4 5 5 13 14 14 8 7 6 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17. Dec. 31. 509 520 550 593 351 342 356 392 27 24 52 2 111 78 119 156 213 240 185 234 1 19 30 61 64 63 65 91 108 108 102 14 36 36 30 18 18 19 19 19 17 17 17 22 19 18 18 5 5 5 5 13 13 13 12 6 5 5 5 193&-Mar. 4. June 29. Nov. 1. Dec. 31. 607 571 622 643 385 339 365 387 2 3 4 4 133 125 241 224 250 211 121 159 48 67 83 84 67 68 72 72 103 94 97 94 32 22 22 20 20 20 20 20 18 18 20 20 18 19 20 19 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 4 5 5 1936—Mar. 4. June 30. Dec. 31. 609 680 717 347 415 428 4 18 2 219 178 186 124 220 240 85 82 96 73 75 78 99 102 109 22 20 19 21 23 25 20 22 25 21 22 25 5 5 5 10 10 10 6 5 5 1937—Mar. 31 June 30. Dec. 31. 699 668 655 419 418 405 5 4 5 162 213 189 252 201 211 93 71 82 76 73 69 106 101 94 17 13 13 26 26 24 23 22 21 25 25 23 5 5 5 10 10 9 5 5 4 1938—Mar. 7. June 30 Sept. 28. Dec. 31., 636 633 659 699 396 406 424 461 5 1 205 155 169 163 185 251 255 298 75 61 70 74 68 69 68 72 93 93 94 89 12 12 11 15 24 24 23 23 20 19 19 18 23 24 26 22 5 5 5 5 9 9 8 6 4 4 3 4 »250 1939—Mar. 29. June 30 Oct. 2 6 Dec. 30 698 685 704 699 456 436 455 449 185 211 271 225 17 17 23 22 17 17 20 20 5 5 6 6 4 3 5273 6338 270 69 73 ,72 70 88. 87 176 82 87 87 94 84 18 21 15 19 5 6 3 327 1940—Mar. 266 June 29 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . . 691 671 708 441 418 457 1 1 194 179 223 277 88 89 90 72 74 72 88 87 23 24 22 21 14 15 18 17 5 5 5 5 3 3 341 383 1941—Apr. 46 June 30 Sept. 24® Dec. 31 733 713 809 921 476 422 495 598 2 80 340 25 21 14 17 5 5 3 256 111 471 74 77 75 80 87 15 92 125 148 153 88 25 20 14 19 6 4 2 362 4 (0 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued m December 1929.' ^ Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. 6 This is the amount reported as "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities b y maturity was not required before December 1938. » Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and autumn call dates. NO, 225-RICHMOND DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Time Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign u. s; Interbank IndiStates Certi- vidand ernuals, fied U.S. and ment poUtpartand Gov- politand ical Total neroffiical ernDo- For- postal subcers' ships, ment subdivimestic eign savdivi- checks, corpoings! sions sions etc. rations, etc. Individuals, piartnershipa, Total ings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts^ and posit similar accounts^ 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31-.- 726 759 127 133 1 1 11 16 49 55 19 24 521 530 600 596 2 2 19 17 572 575 441 447 110 112 21 15 1929—Mar. 27... June29_-. Oct. 4 Dec.31„. 718 694 689 726 111 108 113 128 1 1 1 1 27 21 16 13 60 51 48 56 17 19 17 23 502 494 494 506 596 587 574 3 3 3 4 20 17 17 16 570 564 550 540 450 443 431 428 106 104 100 99 13 17 20 13 1930—Mar. 27.._ June 3 0 . . . Sept. 24..., Dec.31.„ 666 658 663 654 108 111 121 112 1 1 1 1 28 22 23 18 62 45 39 46 15 19 13 20 453 460 467 456 554 564 567 538 4 4 5 6 14 16 15 11 533 541 544 518 418 419 420 410 98 96 97 88 16 26 ' 28 20 1931—Mar. 2 5 . „ June30.„, Sept. 29..., Dec.31_-.. 650 640 591 563 133 117 99 86 1 1 1 1 26 23 17 20 48 45 43 47 12 17 13 19 430 438 418 390 549 562 541 474 9 >10 12 14 13 12 12 10 523 534 513 448 418 419 402 362 88 86 83 67 17 29 28 19 1932—June 30.... Sept. 30.... Dec. 3 1 . . . . 502 517 528 87 93 102 16 26 15 37 34 46 14 9 15 348 356 349 459 463 455 18 22 23 8 9 8 430 430 420 345 334 339 63 66 64 22 30 17 1933—June 30.... Oct. 2 5 . . . , Dec. 3 0 . . . . 515 565 619 95 107 121 19 20 26 34 33 46 11 10 13 355 394 413 389 411 435 19 24 28 8 8 8 360 375 395 290 304 323 56 54 60 10 13 11 3 5 1 1934—Mar. 5._... June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 679 735 809 834 132 146 181 170 51 45 32 48 45 58 57 62 10 14 14 17 441 473 525 536 454 468 466 468 27 23 18 18 9 8 8 7 413 431 433 435 337 355 365 376 60 60 50 46 13 11 12 12 2 4 6 1 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov.l-.-. Dec. 3 1 - - 854 848 963 992 188 178 231 220 42 27 25 41 73 74 77 85 12 17 16 22 538 552 614 624 490 491 15 12 8 8 9 8 8 8 455 460 465 465 391 399 407 412 47 45 41 42 15 12 12 11 2 5 6 1 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec.31.-.. 992 1,065 1,180 234 224 260 29 58 43 88 91 102 17 21 26 623 671 749 499 513 523 8 7 5 8 9 10 474 489 498 418 432 449 40 • 37 35 13 14 13 3 5 1 1937—Mar. 31..., June 30-... Dec.31.... 1,114 1,064 1,086 226 194 226 14 18 19 112 103 92 20 21 21 740 727 727 537 538 532 4 4 4 10 11 10 513 515 511 461 461 467 33 34 31 15 14 12 4 6 1 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28-... Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,081 1,044 1,120 1,185 236 213 242 264 1 1 17 17 28 38 95 101 93 112 13 19 15 22 719 693 742 747 538 539 538 541 4 4 3 3 12 12 11 12 516 517 517 519 470 467 466 475 31 32 31 30 12 12 12 13 4 6 8 1 1939—Mar. 29.— June 30 Oct. 2®.... Dec. 3 0 . . . . 1,191 1,199 1,318 1,389 272 270 317 351 37 37 37 44 119 116 112 106 17 22 18 27 746 754 833 860 554 555 557 562 4 3 3 3 12 12 12 12 531 532 534 540 484 483 1 1 29 29 14 13 5 7 498 26 14 1 1940—Mar. 26K.. June 29-... Dec. 3 1 - - . 1,409 1,437 1,638 349 340 396 43 43 46 115 124 122 18 18 30 883 910 1,042 582 588 600 4 4 4 13 12 12 558 564 576 513 531 27 25 15 18 8 2 For footnotes see end of table. 1 1 1 1 1 1 NO. 225-RIOHMOND D1STRICT--ALL MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941^onIinued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date 1041 Anr 4® June 30 Sept 24* Dec 31 Total 1,691 1,767 1,946 2,056 Domestic Foreign 424 418 477 472 1 1 1 1 U. S. Government 36 43 49 68 Time IndiStates Certi- viduals, and fied partpoUtand nerical offiTotal subcers' ships, divi- checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. 139 146 145 154 20 25 24 35 1,072 1,136 1.249 1,326 619 625 635 632 Interbank U. S. States Gov- and ern- poUtical Do- For- ment submestic eign and postal divisav- sions ings! 8 8 8 8 6 6 5 6 12 12 12 11 Individuals, partnerships, , corporations, etc. ChristCertifimas cates Open savings Total Savof acings de- counts^ and similar posit accounts* 593 600 609 608 546 25 18 10 562 23 20 2 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. ® A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this retison, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.226-RICHM0ND DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Investments CaU date Total CusCash Bank tomassets Bal- items premNumises, Other ers' Secuin ances Ua- rities Other ber with proc- furm- real Pf ture estate biUty bor- assets ess foron rowed banks and of eign acTotal banks 1 coUec- fixceptUatures tion ances bilities Total U.S. Government obUgations 311 308 312 307 100 94 87 87 57 53 48 47 43 41 39 39 29 26 22 25 14 13 11 14 31 28 29 24 38 46 52 37 10 11 . 11 11 : 1 1 1 1 11 D O 11 11 389 380 365 299 292 276 90 88 89 47 44 47 42 44 42 24 24 26 10 9 7 20 20 21 27 37 37 11 11 12 2 2 2 6 6 6 1922—Mar. 10. June 30. Dec. 29, 362 362 389 276 271 287 86 91 101 43 43 54 42 48 48 24 26 26 7 7 8 21 30 23 30 40 42 12 14 14 2 2 3 4 2 3 1923—Apr. 3 . , June 30. Sept. 14, Dec. 31. 371 370 379 375 281 281 287 285 90 89 92 89 49 48 51 48 42 41 41 42 25 22 23 24 7 5 7 7 19 19 16 26 38 42 43 52 14 15 15 16 3 3 3 3 1924—Mar. 31. June 30, Oct. 10., Dec. 31. 375 369 394 391 292 293 297 290 83 76 97 101 38 34 46 49 45 42 51 63 25 25 28 28 7 7 7 8 22 30 37 34 42 50 39 57 16 16 16 16 1926—Apr. 6.. June 30, Sept. 28, Dec. 31. 410 419 426 439 306 318 333 341 104 102 93 98 52 49 43 46 53 54 5052 28 26 30 29 8 8 7 9 26 30 29 34 42 48 45 62 1926—Apr. 12. June 30. Dec. 31. 431 428 427 335 329 328 96 99 99 46 42 42 50 67 57 29 29 29 7 7 7 27 35 33 1927—Mar. 23. June 30, Oct. 10.. Dec. 31. 439 445 467 505 334 332 341 368 105 112 126 137 46 45 53 55 59 67 74 82 30 31 31 34 8 8 7 7 1928—Feb. 28. June 30, Oct. 3.,. Dec. 31. 495 480 483 485 362 359 366 367 133 121 117 118 53 46 50 49 79 76 67 69 34 31 34 29 1929—]Mar. 27, June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31. 488 479 487 487 369 361 371 370 119 118 116 117 53 53 52 50 67 65 64 67 1930—Mar. 27, June 30. Sept. 24 Dec. 31. 461 467 475 452 347 330 330 317 114 137 145 135 51 63 60 45 1931—Mar, 25. June 30, Sept, 29. Dec. 31. 454 465 464 441 306 292 288 261 148 173 176 180 1932—June 30. Sept, 30. Dec. 31. 432 443 420 236 225 210 1933—June 30 Oct, 25.. Dec. 30. 381 422 436 1934—Mar. 6.. June 30. Oct. 17., Dec, 31. Total Loans 192()-May4.. June 30. Nov. 16. Dec. 29. 411 402 399 394 1921—Apr. 28, June 30. Dec. 31. 2 2 2 3 560 540 543 525 49 49 48 48 2 2 2 494 494 482 48 47 47 4 2 2 2 2 2 467 487 512 47 47 46 3 0q 2 3 2q o 2 1 2 2 2 3 485 485 494 511 39 39 39 39 4 4 6 6 2 3 5 6 2 1 2 1 3 3 3 3 498 607 635 550 39 39 38 38 16 19 19 19 5 3 4 4 6 4 5 9 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 545 561 570 607 37 37 36 36 48 49 57 20 21 21 : 3 2 3 6 4 6 1 1 1 3 3 3 675 578 586 34 34 34 28 30 31 42 40 50 46 58 20 20 20 22 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 7 1 3 3 3 3 576 594 614 682 34 34 34 40 7 6 7 8 31 33 37 37 38 49 45 61 22 23 22 22 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 6 3 1 3 2 3 3 639 636 639 654 40 40 39 38 31 30 32 32 7 6 8 8 28 35 32 38 42 43 43 63 21 25 26 27 6 3 3 4 6 4 7 8 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 634 628 642 662 37 37 37 • 37 63 74 85 90 31 31 32 31 7 6 6 8 31 46 48 44 34 40 31 40 27 27 28 28 3 4 3 3 6 6 5 7 1 5 5 4 4 607 631 633 625 36 36 33 32 66 71 75 80 92 102 100 99 31 32 28 26 9 9 11 8 66 50 42 38 24 37 29 36 26 26 25 26 3 3 3 4 6 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 13 8 4 636 643 613 584 32 32 30 30 196 218 210 89 120 121 106 98 90 29 27 29 8 8 8 43 58 66 27 26 30 26 26 25 4 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 4 576 599 580 30 30 30 168 173 178 223 249 258 154 176 188 69 73 70 41 40 60 11 10 13 53 50 48 26 23 27 18 18 20 4 4 4 3 3 6 537 571 614 24 27 29 480 476 485 506 179 174 171 166 302 301 314 340 232 220 237 268 70 82 78 72 61 78 84 74 12 11 13 13 62 76 83 77 23 30 32 34 20 20 20 20 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 669 700 729 740 29 29 29 29 1935—Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. 1_. Dec. 31. 511 483 631 542 166 160 167 169 346 323 364 373 271 254 291 304 75 69 73 70 92 87 104 102 13 12 12 14 86 113 102 103 28 31 36 42 23 23 23 23 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 5 767 759 817 836 30 30 31 31 1936—Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 506 574 599 167 173 192 339 401 407 266 327 328 73 74 79 130 114 139 14 16 16 120 109 115 47 47 61 23 25 24 4 6 5 4 4 .4 849 894 964 31 32 32 5 8 10 4 2 5 3 3 0 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATESJ920.1941 [Amounts m millions of dollars] Deposits Capital accounts Memoranda AcCall date Total 1920—May 4 . . . . J u n e 30 Nov. 15.,. Dec. 29.... 377 374 374 358 U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank» ern- savdement* ings mand Other time Borrowings cept- Other ances liaoutbiUStand- ties ing Total Com- Prt^ mon ferred stock stock* Surplus ReDeUndi- serves mand vided for deprof- con- posita mand its* tinaddegen- justed' posits' cies, etc.* 84 73 79 69 220 228 182 220 168 214 177 '52 50 173 167 62 200 204 199 182 1921—Apr. 28 J u n e 30 Dec. 31.... 344 1922—Mar. 10.. J u n e 30... Dec. 29.., 343 376 390 62 66 76 193 214 214 163 174 172 1923—Apr. 3..., J u n e 30.. Sept. 14., Dec. 31.. 365 359 364 395 67 203 204 213 223 165 1924—Mar. 31.. J u n e 30.. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31.. 381 401 432 441 65 75 87 1925—Apr. 6... J u n e 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 437 450 451 486 1926-Apr. 12... J u n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 60 61 79 162 162 170 171 95 103 82 78 73 77 87 231 243 247 268 110 462 466 475 77 76 245 258 81 260 1927—Mar. 23. J u n e 30.. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31.. 468 481 500 552 83 79 239 255 252 267 1928—Feb. June Oct. Dec. 511 500 86 107 174 174 188 193 216 224 227 250 252 254 258 260 102 126 189 195 118 121 202 206 127 124 125 39 197 209 203 269 131 140 149 199 205 259 206 168 207 269 288 168 214 204 213 199 277 268 28.. 30.. 3... 31.. 521 1929—Mar. 27., J u n e 29.. Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31.. 504 496 507 521 252 245 251 166 210 262 161 164 202 208 266 162 213 253 263 273 193(>-Mar. 2 7 . . . J u n e 30_.,. Sept. 2 4 . . . Dec. 31 488 512 524 510 235 243 247 251 159 172 176 201 203 216 168 211 179 188 176 159 206 177 185 174 214 217 197 218 235 253 275 516 167 164 164 261 273 269 255 250 264 255 246 251 242 225 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . J u n e 30.... Sept. 2 9 . . . Dec. 31 524 534 488 102 91 75 65 230 236 227 224 1932—June 30.... Sept. 3 0 . . . Dec. 31 450 474 463 68 72 82 204 210 204 163 164 223 233 245 136 143 155 645 657 114 138 129 264 287 312 318 163 163 241 257 280 284 293 311 352 358 677 736 755 144 142 174 169 321 332 364 374 178 178 178 177 293 301 328 332 371 345 415 427 179 176 381 396 453 182 188 334 350 392 414 459 505 1933-June 30.... Oct. 2 5 . . . . Deo. 30.... 457 484 524 76 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 1 7 . . . . Dec. 31_... 580 100 1935-Mar. 4 . . , . J u n e 29.... Nov. 1 . . . . Dec. 31.... 616 767 807 875 82 93 161 162 168 189 199 198 188 210 221 N0.226-RICHM0ND DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Conlmued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Ijoans and investments CusTotal Cash Bank tomBal- Bal- items premReNumOther ers' Secuin serves Cash ances ances ber lia- rities Other in with with proc- furni- real with of ess ture estate bility borFederal vault domes- forU. S. on rowed banks and of tic eign Other Reserve GovacTotal banks banks coUec- fixsecu- Bank ern1 ceptliation tures ment rities ances biUties obligations Investments CaU date Total Loans 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 609 579 584 208 210 1938—Mar, 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 568 575 600 626 214 205 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 . . . . . . . . Dec. 30 Total 401 370 361 324 127 128 136 17 15 14 95 86 82 53 52 51 26 25 25 291 304 327 354 153 124 141 146 17 17 19 17 109 98 112 113 33 44 39 45 25 25 26 25 915 207 354 370 394 419 947 984 33 33 33 632 638 668 676 209 214 225 240 423 424 443 436 360 362 380 375 155 145 173 183 21 16 18 21 118 114 134 157 36 47 45 52 25 25 25 25 1,000 34 1940—Mar. 2 6 . . . . . . June 29 Dec, 31 661 240 248 279 421 406 439 188 204 234 23 19 26 179 208 198 39 46 70 25 25 25 1.126 654 718 1,166 1,282 33 33 34 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 736 721 822 874 288 297 316 329 448 424 506 544 261 288 307 296 22 24 29 29 205 228 202 188 52 71 61 78 25 25 26 26 1,312 1,367 1,457 1,504 34 34 35 36 223 206 385 359 442 481 Capital accoimts Deposits CaU date Total 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 843 801 807 172 151 821 796 851 888 ISO 167 188 902 898 978 1,027 210 212 266 1,028 1,065 1,178 1,208 1,260 . . 1,350 1,392 .... 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 .. . 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 . 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 3_ 17. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank' ern- savment' ings^ mand 168 460 437 430 Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances . liaout- bilistand- ties Total ing Com- Pre- Surmon ferred plus stock stock 6 35 200 200 194 895 902 892 995 1,074 1.125 33 Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dfr deprof- con- posits mand its® tinaddegen- justed' posits' cies, etc.« 407 385 379 490 460 476 429 418 442 458 198 199 198 397 374 402 412 476 451 498 527 458 455 498 519 204 201 203 205 422 408 453 467 540 533 593 609 262 292 520 555 627 210 211 481 509 558 597 596 687 312 312 345 328 641 685 732 784 226 589 614 672 705 721 729 849 892 201 248 261 219 228 233 229 99 101 103 106 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. = Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits ' Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. _ , . , * Figures not available prior to October 3,1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve reonirements applicable to time deposits from June 21,1917,. to August 23, 1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Bankine Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits fi Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock wks nnt by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. , , not lasueu « The composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71 T For definitions of "demand deposits adjusted" and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. N0.227-R1CHM0ND DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Gail date Total loans To brokers and dealers BiUs Total" Commercial Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances 1 of other banks Total In New York City Outside New York City To others Real estate loans Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 1928—Oct. 3.., Dec.31.. 366 367 138 148 31 34 18 17 89 97 11 14 200 193 1929—Mar. 27. June 29., Oct. 4 . . . Dec.31.. 361 371 370 148 150 154 156 29 25 24 16 19 18 19 15 101 107 110 125 14 12 1313 192 178 188 193a-Mar. 27., June 30.. Sept. 24., Dec. 31.. 347 330 330 317 148 137 133 126 27 9 10 1 14 14 11 10 107 114 112 115 11 11 11 11 169 292 2 2 2 7 7 6 5 111 106 103 96 12 11 12 12 154 148 146 133 3 3 2 87 82 79 12 13 12 113 107 1 1931—Mar. 25., June 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 31., 261 120 115 111 101 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30., Dec. 31., 225 210 90 85 81 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.., Dec. 30.. 158 173 178 1934—Mar. 5„. June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 288 182 160 160 158 120 65 72 75 2 8 5 2 7 61 62 63 17 17 23 71 77 76 179 174 171 166 73 71 65 64 8 9 6 6 2 3 3 2 63 69 67 56 23 24 23 22 1936—Mar. 14.. June 29,, Nov. 1... Dec. ^31.. 166 160 167 169 63 57 58 57 6 3 2 3 2 54 54 64 54 23 24 24 25 76 73 76 , 72 73 73 1936—Mar. 4.., June 30.. Dec. 31., 167 173 192 67 54 59 3 3 4 54 51 55 25 29 31 79 84 1937—Mar. 31_. June 30., Dec. 31.. 208 210 61 62 61 4 4 4 57 58 57 39 41 42 101 1938—Mar. 7... June 30,. Sept. 28.. 214 205 206 59 56 55 3 3 2 56 54 63 41 42 43 104 97 ' Open market paper Call date Total 1938-Dec. 31..., 207 1939-Mar. 29 June 30—. Oct.2».... Dec. 30.... 209 214 225 • 240 1940-Mar. 26 «. June 29 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 240 248 279 1941—Apr. 4S. June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 297 316 329 Commercial loans 77 Agricultural loans Acceptances blein Total Loans for purchasing or carpdng securities CommerTo cial broTo kers othera Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks 99 109 100 Real estate loans Bills Total On farm land On residential prop, erty Other 14 46 Loans to banks Other loans 60 59 62 55 100 64 79 116 83 123 '139' 36 73 li" NO. 228-RICHMOND DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct CaU date Total investments Total Billai Notes ObligaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States and Guaranteed poUt- Total Governical ment Bubagencies diviUtil- Other not RailBonds guar- roads® ities* anteed byU.S.» Corporate stocks Forsecurities F. R. Bank Total securities matur- _ ing in 5 years Other 10 192&-Oct. 3 Dec. 3 1 , . . . 117 118 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 29.... Oct. 4 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 120 117 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 30.... Sept. 2 4 . . . Dec. 31.... 114 137 145 135 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . June 30.... Sept. 2 9 . . . Dec. 31 148 173 176 180 l932~June 30.... Sept. 3 0 . . . Dec. 31.... 218 120 211 121 1933—June 30.... Oct. 2 5 , . , . Dec. 30.... 223 249 258 154 176 1934—Mar. 5 . . . . J u n e 30.... Oct. 1 7 , . . . Dec. 31.... 301 314 340 1935—Mar. 4 . . , , J u n e 29.... Nov. 1 . . . . Dec. 31.... 346 323 364 373 1936—Mar.4.... J u n e 30.... Dec. 3 1 . . . . 118 116 196 89 52 51 49 58 35 115 123 261 85 45 91 123 123 152 94 138 253 223 255 267 100 96 ,195 174 151 127 401 407 230 288 277 171 133 138 58 139 138 1937—Mar. 3 1 . . . J u n e 30.... Dec. 31 401 370 361 274 270 256 120 164 141 152 105 113 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . . 354 370 394 418 255 274 291 314 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2« Dec. 30 423 424 443 436 314 313 330 321 I 9 4 a - M a r . 26 • June 29 Dec. 31 421 406 439 312 296 1941—Apr. 4< J u n e 30 Sept. 24® Dec. 31 448 424 506 544 335 278 344 390 188 232 220 232 60 93 37 155 111 122 119 163 169 195 '159 153 179 161 146 175 163 152 133 177 251 291 217 .170 87 "294' 242 6195 '251 134 38 235 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness u p to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. 2 Included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, a n d debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in J u l v 1933 a n d replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. 3 Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter: * Not reported separately; included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. 5 This is the amount reported as "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities b y maturity was not required before December 1938 « Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities haa not been required as of spring and a u t u m n call dates. NO. 229-RlCHMOND DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollarsj Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiU. S. Interbank Gov- States States Certi- vidernuals, fied and and ment poUtpartand poUtand neroffiical Total ical cers' ships, Do- For- postal subsubdivi- checks, corpomeatic eign sav- diviings! sions etc. rations, sions etc. 1928—Oct. 3._.. Dec. 31.. 349 355 84 85 1 1 7 8 20 18 5 7 233 235 167 167 192&-Mar. 27,. June 29.. Oct. 4.,.. Dec. 31.. 334 331 338 356 71 73 78 86 1 1 1 1 10 12 9 4 20 15 18 18 5 5 5 7 227 225 228 241 170 165 169 165 m a - M a r . 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 325 337 345 338 74 80 86 80 1 1 1 1 15 14 11 8 17 12 12 12 5 7 3 6 213 224 231 231 163 175 179 172 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 342 339 307 297 99 86 72 63 1 1 1 1 12' 16 7 9 10 10 12 12 4 8 5 7 216 218 210 205 182 195 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 281 301 293 66 71 79 10 20 10 12 13 13 7 4 6 186 193 185 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 313 329 355 74 78 90 16 17 21 11 10 14 6 3 5 206 220 226 144 155 1934—Mar. 6... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 405 436 472 484 96 108 133 123 44 40 27 43 17 18 21 21 4 6 4 6 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 497 491 551 569 139 135 167 161 37 24 19 33 25 24 30 32 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 577 611 678 171 168 190 24 46 35 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 635 595 607 164 145 163 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31 _. 618 593 647 684 175 162 183 196 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct.2»... Dec. 30.. 693 692 770 817 204 207 242 261 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts* and posit simitar accountsi 159 161 136 135 14 14 9 12 163 159 142 137 136 135 14 12 13 13 8 10 13 11 168 133 136 137 137 13 14 15 14 11 20 22 17 163 176 185 172 156 146 146 138 130 15 15 11 10 14 25 23 16 169 173 170 160 158 132 132 132 10 10 10 18 20 16 134 141 153 113 120 126 10 8 17 9 11 10 2 2 168 244 264 287 291 175 180 173 172 160 166 162 162 128 134 140 143 18 20 9 8 12 10 10 10 1 2 3 1 5 7 6 8 291 302 329 334 185 187 185 186 177 177 177 176 152 154 157 158 10 10 7 8 13 10 10 9 1 3 3 1 34 31 40 8 9 9 338 356 404 189 196 197 181 187 188 159 165 169 10 8 8 10 11 11 2 3 1 11 12 14 42 37 32 8 9 7 410 391 391 208 199 199 198 193 178 174 176 8 9 8 11 11 9 2 4 1 13 13 22 31 35 36 32 39 5 8 5 8 390 374 405 410 203 203 204 203 195 196 197 196 176 173 173 176 8 10 10 10 9 9 9 10 2 3 5 1 30 30 30 36 45 43 44 36 6 10 7 10 407 403 447 474 209 206 208 210 201 180 176 9 8 10 9 2 4 203 185 7 10 1 38 50 42 6 6 11 476 499 574 215 217 225 207 209 217 187 196 7 7 10 13 4 1 57 64 61 61 7 10 9 13 577 611 662 710 232 233 239 234 223 225 231 227 201 7 12 5 206 7 13 1 194(>-Mar. 263. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 812 848 953 256 257 287 1 36 36 38 1941-'Apr.4'-. June 30.. Sept. 24 « Dec. 31.. 977 1,026 1,111 1,157 306 307 339 323 1 1 1 1 28 33 38 50 181 206 162 159 157 170 174 162 198 200 — 1 " P h r l i m ^ s a v i n g and similar accounts'^re included in "open accounts" before June 1933. » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time ti: individuals partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those th S dSm^tic and foreign Banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO. 230-RICHMOND DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Investments Call date Cash Bank Bal- items premOther ances in with proc- furni- real foress ture estate eign of . and banks1 collec- fixtion tures Total Cusassets tomNumers' Secuber lia- rities Other of bility bor- assets banks on rowed Total acliaceptbilities ances Total U.S. Government obligations 583 595 621 613 166 162 167 169 110 107 108 110 56 56 59 60 35 35 36 35 20 20 21 24 72 62 69 57 15 16 23 16 22 22 23 24 2 2 2 2 7 6 1 2 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 4 931 926 972 949 645 554 659 561 760 757 746 593 591 589 167 166 157 106 104 95 63 62 62 32 32 33 19 17 17 44 42 50 12 15 17 25 25 27 2 2 2 2 1 4 6 5 5 3 3 3 904 899 904 566 672 678 .... 733 726 759 576 583 607 156 143 153 95 80 89 63 63 64 30 34 35 16 15 22 48 62 63 13 17 20 27 26 29 2 3 4 3 2 6 4 6 2 3 3 4 881 883 943 679 681 585 ... 798 812 815 829 629 642 645 663 169 170 170 168 99 97 96 94 69 72 74 73 36 37 38 42 20 14 20 23 71 62 64 76 20. 21 20 26 31 31 32 32 4 6 6 6 6 4 1 7 3 2 2 3 7 6 5 6 995 993 1,000 1,049 . 693 690 687 588 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 837 824 822 829 666 659 660 667 171 164 161 162 96 90 87 84 76 74 74 77 37 36 37 42 17 17 19 23 60 57 70 75 20 21 21 25 33 33 34 35 5 6 6 6 6 4 2 7 2 3 2 4 7 8 7 6 1,025 1,009 1,020 1,051 587 585 582 679 1926—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 833 833 849 851 670 672 684 689 163 160 166 162 86 83 86 80 76 76 79 82 37 37 38 41 21 19 20 22 72 61 75 78 22 22 24 27 36 36 37 38 7 7 7 8 7 3 6 8 3 2 2 4 5 6 6 5 1,039 1,025 1,062 1,083 571 570 570 568 192&-Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 862 853 848 693 687 683 169 166 164 87 84 79 82 82 85 38 38 42 20 20 21 68 65 79 24 24 27 38 38 41 8 9 10 4 3 6 3 2 3 6 6 6 1,071 1,068 1,080 558 553 549 850 867 891 857 674 681 693 661 176 185 198 196 85 88 91 84 90 98 108 113 40 42 43 42 22 20 22 19 74 75 89 83 23 23 27 22 41 42 42 40 10 10 10 11 4 1 3 6 2 2 2 3 4 5 7 5 1,070 1,086 1,136 1,088 537 636 534 624 1928-Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 847 864 856 854 650 662 657 655 197 202 199 199 83 85 81 81 114 118 118 ' 118 38 39 37 39 20 14 20 20 67 57 68 67 17 18 20 23 41 40 39 39 11 11 11 12 3 2 1 6 2 2 2 3 5 6 6 6 1,050 1,052 1,060 1,068 521 517 616 509 192&-Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 863 851 812 791 655 650 618 605 208 201 193 186 91 85 81 74 117 116 112 112 36 38 36 36 20 16 18 20 66 68 56 63 16 17 19 21 39 '40 38 37 12 13 12 13 3 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 4 5 4 3 1,051 1,040 999 989 504 600 487 477 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 762 738 731 701 582 558 551 525 180 ISO 180 177 72 68 67 65 108 112 113 112 35 34 33 32 18 17 19 26 65 58 63 54 12 15 12 18 36 35 35 34 12 12 12 12 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 3 939 916 911 887 468 451 452 438 1931-Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 691 676 673 610 506 493 484 432 185 183 190 178 73 71 79 77 112 112 111 101 31 31 30 26 19 19 22 22 64 63 47 40 10 13 11 13 34 34 34 30 12 11 12 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 5 4 869 854 835 759 434 426 418 373 1932-June30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 .. 557 554 546 384 378 369 173 176 177 75 78 81 98 97 96 23 23 24 15 15 16 40 43 62 10 8 11 28 28 28 11 12 13 1 2 2 2 5 4 3 690 688 692 357 358 362 1933-June 30 Oct. 25.. Dec. 30 . 445 479 500 297 306 311 149 172 189 77 93 105 72 80 84 26 29 35 14 18 18 49 66 62 10 12 15 23 24 24 11 12 12 1 3 3 4 582 633 671 294 318 344 1934-Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 513 521 530 553 306 302 294 299 207 219 236 254 120 124 138 163 88 95 98 100 38 47 61 62 17 16 22 21 71 83 106 97 11 16 17 15 24 24 25 24 12 13 13 13 5 5 6 6 693 724 769 785 355 365 370 371 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 561 546 550 562 299 298 291 293 261 248 259 269 161 152 157 167 100 97 101 103 51 67 69 63 19 17 19 24 106 105 136 127 16 17 19 19 24 24 24 24 13 13 13 13 6 5 4 5 797 785 826 836 370 371 373 373 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 .Dec. 31 656 682 628 285 303 318 270 279 310 166 171 197 104 108 113 59 65 77 20 23 25 139 148 144 16 21 25 24 24 24 13 . 13 13 5 5 4 832 882 939 372 372 372 Total Loans IWO-May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 749 757 789 782 1921—Apr. 28 . June 30 Dec. 31 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 Ifl2a-Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 1927—Mar. 2 3 . June 30 Oct. 10. Dec. 31 .. ., 1 1 3 2 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES. 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank « ern- savment' ings* mand BorrowOther time Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- ties ing Total 120 Com- PreSurmon ferred plus stock stock 6 Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its® tinaddegen- justed' posits' cies, etc.* 1920—May June 30„ Nov. 15Dec. 29- 679 659 689 664 51 43 46 40 5 4 3 4 369 357 374 353 253 256 266 266 74 90 98 100 7 4 1 3 131 132 354 341 351 337 1921—Apr. 28_. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 628 619 635 33 30 35 3 3 6 313 304 307 278 281 287 90 95 78 2 1 4 135 134 135 301 289 290 1922—Mar. 10. June 30.. Dec. 29.. 622 647 699 34 36 50 3 3 5 292 305 337 293 303 307 66 42 41 3 2 6 138 139 147 279 1923-Apr. 3... June 30-. Sept. 14. Dec.31.. 751 736 737 798 53 41 44 62 6 4 3 3 355 343 341 378 337 347 349 355 35 51 58 41 6 4 1 7 150 149 152 148 335 322 321 352 1924—Mar. 31. June 30.. Oct. 10._ Dec. 31.. 761 741 761 800 44 41 46 56 4 4 6 4 347 325 333 357 366 371 376 381 52 59 47 37 • 7 3 3 8 153 152 156 151 327 304 312 1925—Apr. 6-... June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 787 763 798 830 53 42 56 61 6 4 6 7 345 332 347 374 385 385 390 389 38 54 51 37 7 3 3 9 156 154 155 152 323 310 323 347 1926—Apr. 12... June 30..., Dec. 31... 813 802 839 51 44 56 6 5 4 364 353 378 391 399 401 43 47 28 4 2 5 155 153 154 340 329 351 375 1927—Mar. 23. June 30._ Oct. 10.. Dec. 31.. 832 851 896 863 53 51 67 58 7 6 10 7 365 368 387 367 407 426 432 431 23 24 23 19 4 1 3 5 157 156 148 342 345 360 345 362 363 387 366 1928—Feb. 28.. June 30.. Oct. 3 . . . Dec. 31.. 826 804 810 834 48 36 46 48 3 5 4 7 2 2 341 323 331 349 433 439 427 428 20 48 49 29 3 2 1 6 150 149 151 149 324 305 310 326 345 320 325 345 1929—Mar. 27. June 29 Oct. 4 . . Dec. 31, 810 784 756 767 40 35 37 43 17 9 8 8 2 2 3 3 327 319 307 319 423 419 402 394 38 55 48 30 3 1 1 4 150 149 145 141 311 302 325 310 301 311 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30... Sept. 24.. Deo. 31... 732 709 706 683 34 31 36 33 13 8 12 11 3 3 4 5 295 282 272 273 388 385 383 361 19 24 23 27 3 2 1 3 139 136 137 131 1931—Mar. 25., June 30.. Sept. 29., ' Dec.31.. 675 668 644 577 36 32 29 24 14 7 10 11 7 8 9 10 260 264 248 232 358 357 349 300 17 18 24 29 2 1 131 125 124 113 250 251 237 219 257 257 245 225 1932—June 30 Sept. 30.... Dec. 31.... 511 506 519 22 23 24 6 6 5 14 15 15 194 188 206 275 275 268 34 34 27 105 105 102 185 180 196 190 185 199 1933—June 30 Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 448 492 531 22 30 33 3 3 5 13 15 17 178 204 227 231 240 249 11 10 6 95 97 168 191 212 220 1934—Mar. 5. June 30_ Oct. 17. Dec. 31. 552 588 630 645 37 39 50 50 7 4 5 6 17 16 14 14 231 257 284 296 260 272 278 280 3 1 100 99 102 103 . 241 267 281 230 251 275 291 193&-Mar.4_. June 29Nov. I . Dec. 31.. 657 660 717 729 51 45 66 61 5 4 6 8 12 10 7 7 302 311 343 356 '287 291 296 296 105 105 287 294 323 304 305 724 771 827 64 58 72 5 12 8 7 6 5 348 387 424 301 309 319 105 107 108 332 366 399 265 291 337 1 1 62 120 288 317 160 106 104 288 299 67 267 259 255 220 291 275 266 266 173 199 261 NO.230-RICHIVIOND DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Re- Investments Call date Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Total U. S. Government obligations 325 328 348 298 298 294 188 191 191 110 108 342 350 352 359 281 180 101 263 265 280 163 167 180 276 178 261 161 635 645 359 369 374 382 261 163 1940—Mar. 26.. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 674 713 397 409 443 269 265 270 1941—Apr. 4,., June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 731 744 767 856 446 455 464 479 285 289 303 376 Total Loans 623 627 642 612 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31.. 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28, Dec. 31,. 617 634 1939—Mar. 29. June 30,, Oct. 2... Deo. 30.. Cash Bal- items Balances ances with with domes- fortic of banks collection 85 85 85 120 118 915 372 372 372 99 99 100 90 77 85 85 124 136 140 150 915 905 927 957 372 372 371 373 98 100 97 95 82 93 97 99 166 215 965 980 1,023 1,049 373 372 373 377 169 163 169 100 101 101 97 103 240 229 255 1,094 1,090 1,193 384 386 397 182 122 287 293 339 301 1,238 1,270 1,371 1,438 400 403 406 411 263 103 187 103 102 201 102 270 107 129 173 206 118 129 152 159 Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank 2 ern- savmand ment' ings Other time 413 414 411 326 327 64 51 65 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30... Dec. 31... 807 1938-Mar. 7 . . June 30.. Sept. 28, Dec. 31.. 798 787 807 838 193&-Mar. 29.. June 30... Oct. 2 . . . . Dec. 30... 843 856 898 924 194(>-Mar. 26.. June 29... Dec. 31... 964 960 1,059 86 112 1941—Apr. 4.,., June 30„ Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 1,102 1,133 1,231 1,296 121 114 141 152 801 811 63 54 61 . >70 70 65 78 Total Bank CuspremtomNumises, Other ers* Secuber furni- real lia- rities Other of ture estate bility bor- assets banks and on rowed fixacTotal tures ceptliaances biUties Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total 111 110 Com- Premon ferred stock Stocks Surplus 30 Memoranda Undivided Demand Net dedefor con- posits mand addetingen- justed' posits' cies, etc.® Re- 112 391 393 390 332 332 344 329 331 330 113 114 116 116 382 376 388 403 326 300 317 334 423 437 465 474 339 344 344 346 118 406 412 444 450 321 317 327 339 496 498 567 362 365 369 126 126 128 475 476 535 342 344 403 589 380 131 132 135 136 561 589 654 691 404 422 469 561 395 408 424 621 686 732 390 119 121 121 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets'* prior to October 3, 1928. 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. a Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23,1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. 6 Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. 6 The composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. For definitions of "demand deposits adjusted" and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. N0.231-RICHM0ND DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS. CUSSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans Total! 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31. 657 655 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31. 655 650 To brokers and dealers Bills Commercial Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances! of other banks Real estate loans To others Total In New York City Outside New York City Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks 112 618 605 124 107 143 131 137 138 120 118 121 Other loans! 471 461 440 445 410 .397 128 1930—Mar. ^7. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 558 551 525 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 506 493 484 432 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 384 378 95 93 91 94 92 90 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30, 297 306 311 72 73 75 71 72 74 166 1934—Mar. 6.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 302 294 299 72 71 71 72 70 172 68 68 166 1935—Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31. 291 159 163 155 156 1936—Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 285 303 318 148 160 1937—Mar. 31, June 30Dec. 31. 328 348 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. 342 350 352 135 123 125 116 121 118 118 115 113 99 266 227 222 215 172 173 159 159 71 67 171 178 186 182 189 190 Total loans Commercial loans Agricultural loans Loans for purchasing or carrying securities Bills Total. Commercial abroad paper bought Real estate loans To brokers and To others Total 1938-Dec. 31 359 104 95 1939—Mar. 29.... June 30.... Oct. 2 2 . . . . Dec. 30 359 369 374 382 108 100 103 1940—Mar. 26® June 29 Dec. 31—. 397 409 443 1941-Apr. 42_... June 3 0 . . Sept. 242... Dec. 3 1 . - . 446 455 464 479 315 308 298 111 110 112 101 Open market paper Call date 372 362 348 328 115 121 106 111 18 10 10 113 112 119 128 125 126 "iii' 105 14 14 '135' On farm land On residential property 54 Other 22 Loans to banks Other loans 119 112 118 20 60 26 124 136 148 155 "m' NO. 232-RiaHMOND DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities Direct CaUdate Total investments Total BiUgi Notes ObUgations of States and Guaranteed polltr Total ical subBonds divi- Corporate stocks Bonds, notes, and debentures Government agencies Railnot guar- roads' anteed byU.S.a Utilities' Foreign securities Other F.R. Bank Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1928—Oct. 3 — . Dec. 31... 199 199 81 81 8 9 9 9 64 63 82 82 10 11 18 18 44 43 7 7 1929—Mar. 27.. J u n e 29— Oct, 4 . . . Dec, 31... 208 201 193 186 91 85 81 74 15 12 8 6 9 12 13 5 67 61 60 64 82 82 78 79 10 10 10 11 18 • 18 18 18 44 43 40 40 6 6 6 6 1930—Mar. 27.. J u n e 30... Sept. 24.. Dec. 3L.. 180 180 ISO 177 72 68 67 65 4 1 2 1 5 4 4 3 63 63 61 61 77 79 80 78 11 12 12 12 20 20 20 20 37 37 37 37 3 6 6 6 5 1931—Mar. 25.. J u n e 30... Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... 185 183 190 178 73 71 79 77 4 1 3 3 2 3 5 5 67 67 71 . 69 79 75 72 65 13 13 13 12 20 20 19 18 37 34 32 27 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 6 1932—June 30-., Sept. 30.. Dec. 31... 173 176 177 75 78 81 1 2 1 6 6 9 69 70 71 62 62 61 12 12 12 17 16 16 24 24 24 3 3 3 6 6 6 1 9 3 3 ^ u n e 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 149 172 189 77 . 93 105 1 1 3 13 17 17 62 75 85 42 46 46 8 9 9 11 12 11 16 17 18 3 3 3 4 5 5 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 207 219 236 254 120 123 123 130 4 2 5 2 26 33 28 32 90 88 90 96 1 15 23 48 52 55 56 7 11 13 13 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 261 248 259 269 132 116 110 120 1 3 4 4 33 29 46 49 99 84 61 66 29 36 47 47 56 52 54 54 14 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 13 13 3 3 3 3 6 5 5 5 1936—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 270 279 310 117 128 151 3 3 2 48 44 47 66 81 102 49 43 45 56 59 62 11 11 9 11 12 14 12 13 16 14 15 16 3 3 3 5 5 5 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 298 298 294 144 148 149. 3 2 2 41 49 48 100 97 98 43 43 42 60 59 56 8 7 7 14 14 14 14 14 13 16 16 15 3 3 3 5 5 4 1938—Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 2 8 . . . . . . Dec, 31 281 263 265 280 141 132 133 146 2 1 50 43 47 44 89 88 86 102 39 31 34 34 54 52 52 50 6 5 5 6 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 11 15 15 , 15 13 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 m . 276 261 261 263 142 123 125 128 32 32 110 91 49 49 7 7 13 13 10 10 13 13 3 3 3 3 «78 ®87 30 94 36 38 38 40 45 8 12 9 11 3 3 1940—Mar. 26« J u n e 29 Dec. 31 269 265 270 129 122 127 1 1 31 26 90 100 40 41 42 49 48 12 12 • 13 12 8 8 11 10 3 3 3 2 1941—Apr. 4®. J u n e 30 Sept. 24® Dec. 31 285 289 303 376 141 143 150 208 1 19 123 47 11 12 9 10 3 3 6 24 178 41 44 51 62 48 11 11 8 11 3 2 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct.2« Dec. 30 4 (*) 91 91 87 1 120 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness u p to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. 2 Included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, a n d debentures prior to March 5,1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued ih J u l y 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, a n d bonds, notes, a n d debentures thereafter. < Not reported separately; included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. ,, ^ s This is the a m o u n t reported as "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities b y m a t u r i t y was not required before December 1938. ® Beginm'ng with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring a n d a u t u m n call dates. N0.233-RICHM0ND DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS. CUSSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 lln millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31. J . . . . 378 405 1929—Mar. 27.. June29_, Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 43 Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiStates Certividand uals, fied poUtpartand ical neroffiTotal subships, cers' divi- checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. s. Gov- States ernand ment politand ical Do- For- postal submestic eign savdiviings! sions Total Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts' and posit similar accounts' 295 432 430 . 2 2 14 14 413 414 305 312 96 98 12 4 384 362 351 370 275 269 265 426 422 405 397 2 2 3 3 16 15 13 13 407 405 389 381 309 306 295 293 93 92 87 86 5 7 7 3 1930—Mar. 27.. June 3 0 . . Sept. 24... Dec. 31... 341 320 318 316 240 236 235 224 391 3 3 4 5 12 14 13 10 376 371 371 350 285 282 283 273 85 83 82 74 5 6 6 3 1931—Mar. 25... June 30... , Sept. 29... Dec. 31... 301 285 214 367 367 360 311 7 8 9 10 11 9 8 7 348 348 .341 293 272 273 264 232 73 72 72 57 3 4 5 3 288 266 220 266 209 186 1932—June 30... Sept. 30... Dec. 31... 221 162 216 235 163 164 290 290 285 14 15 15 6 7 6 269 268 262 213 202 207 53 56 54 4 10 1 1933—June 30... Oct. 25.... Dec. 30.-. 202 236 264 149 174 187 245 256 267 13 14 17 6 6 7 225 234 242 177 183 198 46 46 43 2 1 1934—Mar. 5 . . June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 274 300 337 350 197 209 238 245 278 288 293 296 17 16 14 14 7 7 7 7 253 264 271 273 209 221 225 233 42 40 41 38 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 1935—Mar. 4 . . J u n e 29. Nov. l._ Dec. 31.. 356 358 412 423 247 251 285 289 301 302 305 305 12 9 7 7 8 7 7 7 279 283 288 289 239 245 250 254 37 35 34 33 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 1936-Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 414 454 502 285 315 345 310 317 7 6 5 7 8 9 294 301 310 259 267 280 31 29 27 3 3 2 1 2 1 1937-Mar. 31., J u n e 30.. Dec. 31 _. 479 469 479 331 337 337 329 332 333 4 4 4 9 8 9 314 317 318 283 287 291 25 24 23 3 3 3 2 3 1 1938—Mar. 7 . . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec.31.. 463 451 473 500 330 319 337 337 335 336 335 337 4 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 320 322 320 323 293 294 293 299 22 22 20 20 3 3 3 4 2 3 4 1 1939-Mar. 29.. J u n e 30,. Oct. 2>._. Dec. 30,- 498 507 548 572 76 90 339 351 387 386 345 349 350 352 4 3 3 3 9 9 10 10 330 334 334 337 304 307 20 20 4 4 2 3 313 19 4 1 1940—Mar. 26'-. J u n e 29... Dec. 3 1 . . . 597 589 684 94 83 109 406 412 468 367 371 375 3 3 3 11 10 9 351 356 359 327 335 20 18 5 5 4 1 1941—Apr. 4 s . . . J u n e 30..Sept. 24 s.. Dec.31— 715 741 835 119 111 494 524 587 617 387 392 4 4 4 5 10 10 9 9 370 374 379 380 345 18 6 5 356 16 7 1 138 149 2 2 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 " C h r i s t m a s savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before J u n e 1933. 3 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring a n d a u t u m n calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; a n d the breakdown of interbank deposits, t c t h demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, r&pectively, has been estimated. NO. 234-ATUNTA DISTRICT^ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Ijoans and investments Investments Call date Total Loans Total t U.S. Government obligations Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banksi Cash Bal- items in ances with process forof eign banksi collection Total CusBank assets tom" premNumises, Other ers* Secuber furni- real lia- rities Other of ture estate biUty bor- assets banks rowed on and Total acfixceptliatures ances bilities 1914—Dec. 31--. 311 227 85 46 39 5 20 44 7 14 2 4 3 411 381 1 9 l ^ M a r . 4..., M a y 1—. J u n e 23-. Sept. 2..-, Nov. 10... Dec. 31... 297 298 299 301 314 320 226 232 232 235 248 254 70 66 67 66 66 66 45 45 45 45 45 45 25 21 22 21 21 21 5 6 6 6 6 8 20 17 19 18 20 20 52 52 48 48 53 53 5 5 4 5 6 8 14 14 14 14 14 14 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 399 396 393 397 420 431 384 383 382 384 384 383 1916—lMay 1 . . . . June 30,.. Sept. 12... Nov. 17... Dec. 27... 328 330 346 371 374 260 260 274 299 302 68 70 72 72 72 45 45 44 44 43 23 25 27 28 29 9 11 16 20 22 21 20 22 21 25 74 67 65 78 78 8 7 6 9 7 15 15 15 15 15 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 460 457 477 526 529 391 391 389 386 383 1917—Mar. 5 . . . . M a y 1.-.. J u n e 20... Dec. 3 1 . . . 366 377 383 558 292 298 300 432 74 79 83 126 43 44 - 50 75 31 34 33 51 21 20 22 38 23 22 23 27 88 77 74 113 8 7 7 32 15 15 15 19 3 3 3 5 2 2 2 88 1 1 2 2 2 3 529 526 532 803 380 380 379 392 1918—May 10... J u n e 29... Nov. 1 - . . Dec. 31... 622 602 751 743 444 440 515 522 178 162 236 221 128 112 187 171 50 49 50 50 40 39 44 47 24 19 27 31 97 86 92 112 25 22 32 34 21 21 22 22 6 6 6 5 : 87 86 14 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 5 847 805 992 1,017 399 407 418 426 1919—Mar. 4 . . . . J u n e 30... Nov. 17-.. Dec. 3 1 . . . 744 790 882 925 504 537 663 691 240 252 218 234 191 199 157 168 50 53 62 67 46 48 51 60 24 21 25 29 104 99 152 149 34 34 59 62 22 23 24 23 6 6 5 5 10 11 19 16 1 2 3 3 5 4 4 5 996 1,038 1,225 1,279 420 422 427 426 1920—May 4._.. J u n e 30... Nov. 15... Dec. 29— 953 943 968 961 746 750 780 776 207 193 188 185 139 125 121 116 68 68 68 69 60 54 47 52 25 24 22 27 117 100 96 88 42 44 46 38 25 26 28 29 5 4 4 5 14 15 11 12 3 5 4 4 5 9 8 7 1,248 1,224 1,235 1,221 436 440 452 460 1921—Apr. 2 8 „ . J u n e 30... Dec. 3 1 . . . 876 859 847 700 687 685 176 172 163 110 106 97 66 66 66 43 43 44 22 21 20 76 71 84 27 31 37 29 30 35 6 4 5 9 6 10 5 4 4 7 7 7 1,098 1,076 1,094 487 494 512 1922—Mar. 10.. J u n e 30... Dec. 29... 807 807 883 656 654 714 151 153 168 88 91 100 62 62 68 45 45 56 20 20 26 91 93 115 32 35 45 36 38 40 5 5 6 8 3 12 2 1 1 6 7 11 1,053 1,055 1,196 520 530 536 1923—Apr. 3 . . . . J u n e 30... Sept. 14... Dec. 31.., 907 920 922 978 731 737 739 794 177 182 183 185 107 106 104 102 70 76 79 83 57 54 51 55 22 17 23 26 120 97 92 121 43 39 39 57 41 42 43 43 7 7 7 8 7 5 5 10 1 2 3 3 12 10 13 14 1,218 1,191 1,197 1,315 533 530 528 525 1924—Mar. 31... J u n e 30... Oct. 10.... Dec. 31--. 964 934 950 995 784 764 778 813 179 170 172 182 94 80 79 80 85 89 93 102 55 56 58 63 21 21 25 28 107 117 145 162 50 40 45 59 45 45 46 46 8 9 10 11 8 6 7 10 4 4 5 3 14 12 12 13 1,276 1,244 1,302 1,390 519 518 515 510 1925—Apr. 6 . - - . J u n e 30... Sept. 28... Dec. 31... 1,057 1,081 1,197 1,242 860 877 963 995 197 204 234 247 91 91 106 106 105 113 128 140 69 71 77 79 24 25 27 33 187 169 215 211 51 50 59 75 46 47 48 49 11 11 11 11 8 5 9 12 3 6 5 4 11 9 10 10 1,467 1,473 1,656 1,726 505 501 500 495 192e-Apr. 12... J u n e 30... Dec. 31--. 1,235 1,172 1,158 989 939 927 246 233 231 108 95 87 138 138 144 78 67 68 28 31 28 173 155 161 63 56 67 50 51 53 11 11 12 "9 5 15 5 5 6 11 12 10 1,663 1,566 1,578 492 488 475 1927—Mar. 23... J u n e 30... Oct. 10.... Dec. 31... 1,154 1,141 1,160 1,165 903 885 900 888 252 256 260 276 114 113 118 125 138 143 142 152 69 66 67 73 32 26 27 26 144 137 160 159 47 52 62 63 56 57 59 60 13 13 14 14 13 10 13 13 5 4 3 2 10 10 8 10 1,544 1,516 1,574 1,586 471 469 465 464 1928—Feb. 28... J u n e 30... Oct. 3 . . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,139 1,173 1,188 1,188 881 910 901 895 258 263 286 293 113 114 134 135 145 149 152 158 71 66 64 64 28 20 25 29 142 124 127 144 1 2 48 • 48 56 66 60 62 62 61 15 15 . 13 14 11 8 11 14 3 3 3 2 9 9 7 7 1,525 1,527 1,556 1,591 460 457 454 453 1929—Mar. 27... J u n e 29... Oct. 4 Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,191 1,177 1,149 1,115 907 898 889 855 284 279 260 260 132 123 117 115 152 156 143 145 69 64 62 64 28 21 26 27 125 112 131 132 2 1 2 2 45 44 47 59 62 62 61 60 14 14 15 15 11 9 19 19 2 2 2 2 7 8 7 7 1,557 1,514 1,521 1,501 444 436 431 428 • ' PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES. 1914-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other dehank 2 ern- savment' ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand adits' tindegen- justed 7 posits 7 cies, etc.« 1914—Dec. 31.. 238 29 6 154 48 21 64 89 51 28 9 147 1915—Mar. 4.. May 1 . . June 23. Sept. 2.. Nov. 10. Dec. 31.. 247 248 244 246 268 281 33 32 31 30 37 41 5 3 3 3 3 3 161 161 158 159 173 181 48 52 53 55 55 56 14 13 14 17 17 16 49 44 43 43 44 44 89 91 92 91 91 89 52 52 52 52 52 52 28 28 28 28 28 28 10 11 12 11 11 10 156 156 154 154 167 173 1916—May 1 . , June 30_, Sept. 12. Nov. 17. _ Dec. 27 314 311 328 373 382 50 47 49 70 70 2 2 2 2 2 195 193 206 225 232 66 70 71 76 77 8 8 10 12 7 1 1 1 5 4 44 44 44 43 43 94 93 94 94 93 53 53 53 52 51 29 29 30 29 29 12 11 12 13 13 200 1917—Mar. 5. May 1 June 20 Dec. 31... 390 386 388 623 71 67 64 131 3 2 3 5 233 229 232 362 84 87 89 125 4 5 8 21 2 2 2 »7 42 41 41 43 91 92 93 108 51 51 51 59 29 29 29 37 12 12 14 12 225 1918—May 10.. June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31... 646 599 696 731 95 78 90 108 48 35 61 23 362 343 397 447 142 143 149 153 32 39 110 102 »8 ?6 15 15 45 45 48 49 116 116 123 121 62 62 65 66 38 39 41 42 16 14 17 13 338 322 364 413 1919—Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. Nov. 17.. Dec. 31.., 732 760 903 986 111 105 165 174 26 29 8 29 427 436 527 572 169 189 202 211 84 94 121 100 11 11 19 16 46 48 48 46 122 125 134 130 65 66 69 70 42 43 44 45 15 16 20 15 392 401 468 510 1920—May 4 . . . June 30.. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29... 912 872 808 793 120 102 89 87 6 6 4 6 537 505 462 452 248 258 254 249 128 140 211 209 14 15 11 12 47 49 50 50 146 148 155 157 76 77 78 79 50 52 54 54 20 19 23 23 496 461 416 414 1921—Apr. 28... June 30... Dec. 31... 743 729 755 82 72 82 4 5 9 408 395 417 248 257 246 139 135 122 9 7 11 48 48 49 158 157 158 81 82 84 55 55 56 23 21 18 381 364 380 1922—Mar. 10... __ June 30 Dec. 29. 776 803 927 99 97 132 11 6 13 418 435 500 248 265 281 60 38 40 9 3 14 46 47 47 162 164 168 84 86 88 56 56 56 22 21 25 400 456 1923—Apr. 3.. June 30. Sept. 14 Dec. 31. 963 927 901 1,014 136 108 99 132 15 13 8 13 506 488 477 544 306 318 316 324 28 44 69 64 10 4 6 19 47 46 48 49 170 170 173 169 91 90 91 90 56 56 56 57 23 24 27 22 463 449 439 488 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10. Dec. 31. 981 966 1,021 1,125 121 113 142 171 9 7 11 8 517 492 515 587 334 354 353 359 60 45 39 28 11 7 13 17 51 50 51 48 174 175 178 173 94 95 95 95 56 56 56 57 24 24 26 21 468 452 470 528 1925—Apr. 6.. June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31. 1,205 1,208 1,371 1,448 198 179 243 226 18 12 19 16 607 619 702 780 382 398 407 426 25 31 38 32 13 8 15 18 45 48 52 50 178 178 181 178 95 94 94 95 58 58 59 63 26 26 27 20 556 569 644 705 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31. 1,356 1,266 1,266 186 157 171 21 13 15 717 654 648 433 443 431 52 50 53 14 8 20 52 54 53 188 188 187 99 99 100 65 66 65 25 24 22 654 598 581 661 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct, 10., Dec. 31.. 1,236 1,217 1,269 1,288 160 148 192 182 25 17 24 17 603 590 599 627 447 462 455 463 47 43 37 34 17 14 20 19 52 51 53 52 192 192 195 193 99 100 101 101 66 68 67 68 27 24 27 24 556 538 537 562 635 650 1928—Feb. 28.. June 30. Oct. 3... Dec. 31.. 1,227 1,206 1,165 1,254 167 132 143 168 5 18 12 17 597 580 550 612 459 477 453 450 34 55 117 61 17 13 19 24 51 56 54 53 197 198 202 200 100 102 102 102 69 70 70 70 28 26 27 24 549 532 494 546 630 596 564 63 75 95 49 25 18 27 31 55 58 56 55 207 205 204 199 104 103 103 102 71 73 73 73 29 24 25 22 538 502 496 518 607 555 550 587 1929—Mar. 27. _ . June 29 Oct. 4.. Dec. 31 1,207 1,159 1,139 1,167 148 118 138 145 26 26 25 15 . 6 6 7 7 11 11 584 546 543 577 442 461 422 419 187 186 •216 225 222 225 330 612 626 NO*234-ATLANTA DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS. [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments, CaUdate Total Loans Total U.S. Government obligations Reserves Cash with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks1 Cash Bank Bal- items premin ises. Other ances with proc- furm- real ess forture estate of and eign banks^ coUec- fixtion tures CusTotal tomassets ers' SecuNumUa- rities Other ber bUity bor- assets of on rowed banks acTotal ceptliaances bUities 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 1.107 1.059 1,053 989 845 791 768 726 263 268 284 264 120 117 134 112 143 151 151 151 65 62 61 63 27 26 25 32 134 135 132 135 1 1 1 1 36 42 31 45 60 59 58 54 15 14 16 14 13 10 10 10 2 2 2 1 6 7 6 7 1,466 1,417 1,394 1.352 419 409 407 390 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29Dec. 31. 975 957 960 906 676 646 635 593 299 312 325 313 145 152 161 154 153 160 165 159 59 59 52 49 26 24 22 24 162 147 96 98 1 1 1 1 27 31 24 35 54 53 53 52 15 15 16 17 7 5 5 8 2 1 2 2 7 7 7 7 1,334 1,300 1,239 1,199 376 371 363 349 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 856 852 845 543 531 516 313 321 329 162 170 178 151 151 151 44 42 49 19 19 20 98 111 119 24 22 30 55 55 53 16 16 16 3 4 4 1 2 7 8 8 1,123 1,129 1,146 338 333 323 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 709 738 781 390 405 423 319 333 358 203 210 238 116 124 120 54 54 64 19 22 21 122 119 119 1 22 21 33 40 39 39 14 14 15 1 1 2 7 6 7 989 1,018 1,082 283 298 309 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 816 812 826 871 411 392 407 440 405 419 419 431 284 268 261 288 121 151 158 143 73 74 73 83 • 22 19 23 25 170 171 181 196 1 26 28 32 41 .39 39 40 40 15 15 15 15 1 1 1 2 9 10 8 8 1,172 1,169 1,201 1,281 314 324 331 332 1935—Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31. 877 836 856 893 438 412 384 393 439 424 472 500 293 282 322 344 146 142 150 157 87 89 102 112 23 21 23 29 218 214 271 270 1 32 35 36 52 40 40 40 40 15 16 16 16 1 1 1 1 8 7 8 8 1,303 1,260 1,354 1,421 332 328 328 328 ie3 6 -M a r. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 886 957 1.027 380 396 459 506 561 568 345 393 391 161 168 177 123 120 159 26 29 32 306 272 275 1 47 49 76 40 40 41 16 16 16 1 1 1 8 9 7 1,453 1,493 1,634 328 330 330 1937—Mar. 31 June 30. Dec. 31. 1,024 1,003 1,015 469 475 530 555 .528 485 379 353 314 176 175 171 167 170 181 31 29 30 258 207 221 65 63 73 41 41 41 16 15 15 2 2 2 7 8 5 1,612 1,539 1,584 327 326 324 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. Dec. 31. 1,008 994 1,039 1,087 514 511 522 560 493 483 517 527 321 306 330 337 172 178 187 190 191 155 160 188 31 29 32 31 267 262 248 272 54 56 51 74 42 41 42 41 16 15 15 20 2 2 7 7 15 10 1,618 1,563 1,604 1,723 323 322 319 320 1939—Mar. 29. June 30. Oct. 2 . . . Dec. 30. 1,085 1,076 1,063 1,138 544 555 535 589 541 521 527 549 347 324 322 339 195 197 205 209 190 194 210 208 36 29 29 37 333 343 383 399 53 68 66 81 42 41 41 41 20 20 20 19 13 12 13 11 1,773 1,784 1,826 1,936 317 316 316 3\5 194a-Mar. 26. June 29. Dec. 31. 1,149 1,122 1,261 570 578 687 578 544 574 360 327 349 218 217 225 222 230 246 40 32 46 448 463 440 64 67 98 42 43 43 19 18 16 10 10 10 1,996 1,985 2,161 316 316 316 1941—Apr. 4 . . June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31- 1,276 1,319 1,361 1,479 682 706 723 773 594 613 639 705 361 384 404 469 233 229 234 236 278 290 300 323 40 40 49 55 542 512 527 503 78 90 90 133 43 43 44 46 16 16 15 14 11 12 13 9 2,285 2,323 2,400 2,563 317 317 316 317 192o!th®oigh'ju^3o/l928®^ \ UnitedttaScLvem^^^^^^ . . 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ^^ "balances with domestic banks" prior to May 4, 1920,and in "other assets" from May 4, interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^ - 1^38; before that time all PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-194t-Xontinueit [Amounts in millions of dollarsl Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank s ern- savdement® ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- ties ing Total 25 23 23 18 3 4 3 3 517 484 466 462 567 531 508 509 97 96 96 . . . . . . 94 66 65 64 60 20 16 18 15 5 5 4 6 464 454 404 388 507 497 446 428 173 170 166 94 94 93 59 59 55 15 14 11 5 3 7 338 320 328 371 347 364 52 54 57 149 149 151 74 76 77 15 16 19 42 37 35 10 11 10 7 9 11 309 320 355 332 342 395 2 1 1 2 58 . 54 48 47 154 154 156 153 76 74 74 73 22 27 28 28 34 34 35 35 11 11 13 11 11 8 8 7 391 400 432 474 42& 436 m 517 1 2 1 2 45 21 5 5 158 159 162 160 74 73 72 72 30 31 32 32 33 34 34 36 14 13 16 13 7 7 7 7 502 495 546 576 54S 534 541 59& 1 1 2 < 5 6 163 166 168 73 73 74 32 31 29 36 37 40 15 15 15 7 9 9 600 610 676 59S 651 755 2 2 2 5 6 6 171 171 174 74 74 75 28 28 26 41 43 45 19 18 18 9 9 9 714 684 679 750 721 731 2 2 1 1 5 6 6 6 174 176 179 179 76 76 76 76 26 26 25 25 46 47 47 49 20 20 22 19 7 8 8 11 718 669 684 726 738 676 737 810 375 387 390 394 1 1 1 2 6 7 6 7 183 184 187 187 76 76 77 77 24 24 23 23 50 51 52 54 23 22 24 22 10 11 11 11 770 766 772 825 813 • 791 790 864 934 938 1,043 404 411 411 1 2 2 7 7 8 189 190 193 78 78 79 20 19 19 56 57 61 25 23 22 11 12 13 870 872 945 882 850 1,007 1,111 1,153 1,202 1,292 417 423 421 423 3 3 2 3 8 9 10 11 197 199 202 202 79 80 80 80 18 18 17 17 62 63 64 67 26 25 28 26 12 13 13 13 1,034 1,063 1,112 1,159 1,040 1,086 1,147 1,285 1,161 1,112 1,089 1,068 135 118 127 127 29 25 32 28 13 17 17 20 553 526 497 508 430 427 416 386 27 33 34 27 19 14 13 13 54 56 57 59 204 201 201 184 1931—Mar 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,068 - 1,044 962 910 140 128 104 100 39 31 43 25 24 27 28 35 491 485 428 424 372 374 358 326 19 16 34 54 9 7 6 9 52 51 53 51 188 182 182 174 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 833 836 862 93 96 110 35 56 45 44 53 55 361 341 358 300 290 , 294 59 61 50 4 5 6 54 58 63 776 800 861 96 97 112 38 48 50 63 58 59 331 342 387 248 255 252 12 13 11 1 2 2 952 1934—Mar. 5 958 June 30..—— 993 Oct. 17 1,076 Dec. 31 142 143 160 165 72 65 47 70 54 37 30 29 417 428 464 516 267 287 293 297 6 2 1 2 1,096 — 1,076 _ 1,186 1,255 177 175 236 240 60 34 33 51 25 24 21 20 £34 530 582 628 300 313 314 316 3 1 1036—Mar. 4 . . > 1,284 1,321 J u n e 30 1,458 Dec. 31 263 237 294 40 76 63 18 17 15 646 659 752 317 331 334 1Q37 Mar 31 June 30... Dec. 31 1,434 1,358 1,401 279 226 248 20 23 27 14 • 15 15 780 747 751 341 347 359 1938—Mar. 7 Jime 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,436 1,377 1,417 1,537 264 240 250 294 25 31 50 61 15 14 11 10 772 725 735 800 360 367 369 371 tfl^q Mar 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 1,583 1,592 1,632 1,740 318 310 343 372 58 58 57 65 9 5 3 3 823 833 838 905 1040 Mar. 26 June 29 Dec 31 1,798 1,786 1,958 392 370 437 65 64 65 2 2 2 1Q4.1 Anr 4 Tune 30 Sept 24 Dec 31 2,078 2,112 2,187 2,348 490 462 484 539 58 73 79 92 2 2 1 1 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 — DeReNet Undi- serves mand Sur-' vided for dedeplus prof- con- posits mand tinaddeits* gen- justed 7 posits' cies, etc.® 72 71 72 66 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept 24 Dec. 31 1933-June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 Com- Premon ferred stock stock' Memoranda 1 1 1 1 1 103 103 104 97 4 Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21,1917, to August 23, 1935, b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933 when the terms under which such deposits were m a d e were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. s Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued b v member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. 6 The composition of undivided profits a n d reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. I For definitions of " d e m a n d deposits a d j u s t e d " a n d "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. 8 Includes customers' liability to State member banks under letters of credit. »Includes letters of credit issued by State member banks. NO;23S-ATLANTA DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 192M941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Acceptances Call date Total loans Commercial Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances! of other banks Heal estate loans Loans on securities, except to banks To brokers and dealers Bills Total In New York City To others On farm land Total Outside New York City 214 202 Loans to banks Other loans^ 172 167 569 571 172 163 556 655 537 532 1928-Oct. Dec. 31. 901 895 192&-Mar. 27. June 29Oct. 4.„ Dec. 31. 907 220 168 855 231 204 1930—Mar. 27. Jime 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 845 791 768 726 220 200 154 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 676 646 635 593 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31- 212 On other real estate 165 27 173 154 150 498 467 457 437 175 154 170 149 156 145 161 141 392 365 345 543 631 616 160 147 143 141 140 137 307 294 285 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 390 405 423 111 105 108 111 213 223 240 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 411 392 407 440 114 1935—Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31. 412 1936—Mar. 4_. June 30. Dec. 31. 380 396 459 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 469 476 530 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. 514 611 113 116 Total loans 230 216 239 272 82 2?71 257 235 242 223 233 290 95 299 365 10 Commercial loans 193S-Dec. 31.. 560 226 1939—Mar. 29., June 30.. Oct. 22.. Dec. 30.. 544 565 635 589 212 1940-Mar. 26'. June 29.— Dec. 3 1 . . . . 670 578 687 226 275 1941—Apr. 4 2 . . . . June 30 Sept. 24 2... ' Dec. 3 1 . . . . 682 706 723 773 342 105 98 89 111 Open market paper CaU date 162 188 Agricultural loans 294 Total Loans for purchasing or carrying securities CommerTo cial broTo Own Accept- abroad paper kers others bought and accept- ances ances of other dealers banks Real estate loans Bills Total 21 212 245 Acceptances payable in U. S. 340 336 349 On farm land 12 On residential prop, erty 32 Loans to banks Other 26 168 153 159 10 44 Other loans 20 77 37 28 186 189 216 93 33 233 36 "24^ NO. 23&-.ATLANTA DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In milliona of dollars] tJ. S. Government obligations Other domestic securities Direct Guaranteed Total investments CaU date Total Billsi Notes Bonds Obligations of States and polit- Total ical subdivisions Bonds, notes, and debentures Government agencies not Railguar- roads® anteed byU.S.2 Corporate stocks Foreign securities Utilities' Other F. R. Bank Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 286 293 134 135 28 27 16 21 90 87 54 56 87 91 10 10 11 10 42 45 5 5 19 20 12 12 1929—Mar. 27 J u n e 29 Oct. 4 Deo. 31 284 279 260 260 132 123 117 115 25 18 16 13 17 16 13 11 91 89 88 92 53 58 49 47 88 87 83 87 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 41 41 40 42 5 5 5 5 21 21 19 20 12 11 11 11 193&—Mar, 27 J u n e 30 Sept 24 Dec. 31 263 268 284 264- 120 117 134 112 )5 11 24 13 10 12 9 . 6 94 95 101 93 46 45 46 46 85 93 93 94 10 12 12 13 12 14 13 15 39 44 45 44 5 5 5 19 18 18 17 11 12 11 11 1931—Mar June Sept Dec 25 30 29 31 299 312 325 313 145 152 161 154 36 15 8 12 5 4 6 7 104 133 147 135 50 57 58 58 92 92 96 92 12 14 13 13 15 15 14 14 42 42 44 41 5 5 5 17 17 20 19 11 10 10 9 iqqo June 30 Sept 30 Dec 31 313 321 329 162 170 178 17 13 11 8 17 22 138 140 145 54 54 54 88 89 88 13 12 12 13 13 13 38 39 38 5 5 5 20 20 20 9 9 9 IQQQ Jtin*» 30 Oct 25 Dec 30 319 333 358 203 210 238 19 8 11 44 35 38 140 166 190 ' 50 56 55 61 61 60 11 12 11 11 11 11 26 26 26 4 4 4 7 8 8 6 6 5 10^4 Mar 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec 31 405 419 419 431 284 267 242 254 36 18 7 74 78 79 95 ' 175 170 156 158 1 19 35 56 67 71 73 59 79 83 66 8 29 33 18 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 18 18 18 17 4 4 4 4 9 8 8 7 6 6 4 4 1935—Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 439 424 472 500 243 217 246 261 2 3 5 93 90 121 116 150 127 122 140 50 64 76 83 72 80 89 94 71 59 57 58 25 13 12 14 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 16 16 15 16 4 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 3 3 4 4 iq3B—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec 31 506 561 568 262 307 305 5 9 5 119 123 109 138 176 191 83 86 85 97 104 109 60 - 61 66 14 14 13 11 12 13 9 9 11 15 15 18 4 4 4 7 6 6 4 3 3 10^7 Mar 31 J u n e 30 Dee 31 555 528 485 292 276 243 2 1 102 96 72 188 179 171 87 76 71 111 111 111 62 62 57 10 10 9 14 14 13 10 10 8 16 17 16 4 4 4 7 6 7 3 3 2 1Q38—Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept 28 Dec. 31 493 483 517 527 249 235 256 265 1 1 1 2 92 74 80 66 156 161 175 197 72 70 74 73 114 117 124 131 56 59 61 56 7 7 7 8 13 13 14 14 8 9 9 9 16 18 19 16 4 4 4 4 8 8 7 5 2 2 2 2 '178 253 232 227 236 9 9 60 61 185 163 14 14 8 7 15 16 5 5 5 5 2 2 8179 >192 47 185 133 138 146 150 12 11 4 94 92 95 103 59 57 Dec. 30 541 521 527 549 57 14 13 6 15 5 5 2 210 H/TBW oat J u n e 29 Dec 31 578 544 574 248 232 252 3 5 60 61 169 187 112 94 97 157 156 163 60 61 19 17 13 13 5 6 13 15 5 5 5 5 2 2 232 261 594 613 639 705 273 279 280 362 7 69 202 14 13 5 16 5 5 2 283 73 256 169 170 174 181 57 32 88 105 125 107 53 13 12 5 14 5 4 2 314 1Q3Q—Mar. 29__ J u n e 30. . mtn „ 1 rk J 1 A nt.4"A 6 1941—Apr. J u n e 30 do^f 94 6 Dec. 31 ' 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness u p to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until 1942 Treasury bills were first issued m December 1929. J Included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest onlj/, first issued in July 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. r c S n p r i s W b o n d s only. October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, a n d debentures thereafter. < Not reported separately; included i n ' 'other" bonds, notes, a n d debentures. N o such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were^issued u n a a "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities b y m a t u r i t y was not required before December 1938. « Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring a n d a u t u m n call dates. NO. 237-ATUNTA DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, .1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Time Demand Interbank CaUdate Total Domestic 1928-Oct. 3_.. Dec. 31.. 787 132 155 1929-Mar. 27. June 29., Oct. 4..., Dec. 31.. 749 687 696 735 128 141 1930-Mar. 27.. June 30., Sept. 24. Dec.3U. 716 667 654 658 130 112 121 1931-Mar. 25.. June 30., Sept. 29. Dec. 31.. Foreign U.S. Govemment U. S. IndiInterbank GovStates Certi- vidernuals, fied and and ment poUtpartpoUt- and and neroffiical Total ical cers' ships, subDo- For- postal BUth divi- checks, corpomestic eign savdiviings^ etc. rations, sions etc. 52 Total Savings 487 533 467 467 504 470 476 487 120 ' 67 72 461 435 423 420 642 569 541 137 125 96 90 71 76 57 64 413 400 365 345 1932-June 30.,. Sept. 30. Dec. 31.. 481 485 505 87 101 49 40 51 305 296 295 352 350 357 286 275 267 207 207 1933-June 30.. Oct. 26.. Dec. 30.. 459 482 646 92 108 45 46 61 281 290 314 317 318 315 229 238 236 176 187 192 1934-Mar. 6... June 30.. Oct. 17,. Dec. 31.. 627 662 742 139 134 150 155 64 67 71 95 347 354 387 404 324 331 331 335 250 .274 285 207 226 234 245 1935-Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 761 729 841 909 166 163 224 229 101 95 95 114 425 428 477 488 335 348 345 345 291 306 308 310 251 267 268 274 1936-Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31,. 939 963 1,099 252 226 283 114 113 129 519 539 596 345 310 325 327 270 277 289 1937-Mar. 31.. June 30., Dec. 31.. ,066 265 214 238 141 135 138 604 596 367 373 333 340 345 292 299 306 1938-Mar. 7 . . June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 254 230 244 287 152 136 129 151 613 581 599 383 390 387 344 353 350 356 305 311 307 316 1 9 3 ^ M a r . 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2».,. Dec. 30.. 311 302 835 364 161 146 126 153 654 678 702 735 391 399 402 407 375 376 381 1940—Mar. 263. June 29.. Dec. 31,. 384 361 428 162 154 160 760 773 416 424 424 399 401 985 018 534 136 112 For footnotes see end of table. 8 10 427 315 457 471 441 432 416 425 396 394 311 315 288 288 445 446 435 410 397 402 397 367 287 287 277 269 346 349 247 252 242 235 281 Christmas Certificates Open ^ v ings of acde- counts^ and similar posit accounts® 92 216 319 342 353 361 35 NO. 237-ATLANTA DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941-Continued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date 1941—Apr. 4» June 30 Sept 24* Dec. 31 Total 1,648 1,676 1,763 1,911 Domestic Foreign 481 451 473 629 1 2 3 2 U. S. Government 55 70 75 88 Time IndiStates Certi- viduals, and fied partpolitand ical nerTotal offisubcers' ships, divi- checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. 179 176 176 201 14 16 12 22 918 961 1,014 1,068 429 436 434 437 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. States Gov- and ern- politDo- For- ment Tcal mestic eign and subpostal divisav- sions ingsi 7 8 9 8 6 5 5 6 11 11 10 10 SavTotal j ings 406 '412 410 413 ChrifltCertifimaa catcsi Open savacof ings de- counts' and posit similar accounts' 368 35 4 6 374 34 5 1 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. ^ are included in "open 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts" " o p accounts" before June 1933. ' A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated, ^ N0.238-ATLANTA DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollare] Loans and investments Investments Call date Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Cash Bal- items Balin ances ances with with process domes- forof tic collecbanks tion Total CusBank premtomassets SecuNumises, Other ber furni- real lia- rities Other of ture estate bility bor- assets banks and on rowed fixacTotal tures ceptHaances bilities Total U. 8. Government obligations 425 426 43t4 433 103 92 87 85 65 54 51 47 38 38 37 38 36 32 26 30 11 10 9 11 65 56 56 50 35 39 40 33 14 15 17 17 3 2 2 2 446 435 435 369 360 361 77 75 74 42 40 37 35 35 37 23 24 25 9 8 7 39 39 45 22 27 31 17 17 21 2 . 2 2 1922—Mar. 10. . . . June 30 Dec. 29 400 406 426 338 337 354 63 70 73 30 37 38 . 33 32 35 26 26 31 8 8 9 44 48 55 26 30 37 22 22 22 2 2 2 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 433 437 436 479 359 359 357 398 74 78 79 81 39 40 38 38 35 38 41 43 31 29 28 28 7 5 8 8 52 45 44 56 35 31 32 47 24 24 24 24 2 3 3 3 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 455 434 449 478 378 367 380 405 76 68 69 73 34 25 24 26 42 43 45 47 29 31 31 33 7 7 9 8 50 59 78 76 42 33 37 49 25 25 26 26 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28. .. Dec. 31 , . . 501 503 562 574 426 423 470 477 75 80 93 97 30 32 39 36 45 48 54 60 37 38 39 37 8 8 8 10 78 72 84 88 40 39 47 58 1926—Api". 12 June 30 Dec. 31 573 542 556 473 444 459 99 98 95 40 37 31 59 61 65 40 32 34 8 8 7 77 73 72 558 556 568 573 446 441 454 445 113 115 114 127 51 51 54 61 62 64 60 66 37 34 36 41 9 8 8 8 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 554 574 593 599' 439 457 455 457 115 116 138 142 55 52 68 68 60 64 70 74 39 35 35 33 1*929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 593 597 596 575 461 468 480 459 132 129 117 116 63 59 51 52 69 70 65 64 1930—Mar. 27. June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 561 540 542 519 446 416 403 395 115 124 139 124 54 55 68 49 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 526 512 519 479 370 347 345 322 156 165 173 158- 1932—June 30 Sept. 30. Dec. 31 452 452 454 296 290 ' 284 156 162 170 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 385 403 428 223 230 243 162 173 186 1934—Mar. 5 June 3 0 . . . . . . Oct. 17 Dec. 31 444 443 447 464 237 224 229 243 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 464 443 479 496 488 524 564 Total Loans 528 517 522 518 .... 1920—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15. Dec. 29 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 ... -. ,.. ... . ,. 13 14 9 10 2 3 3 3 2 7 5 4 710 696 690 680 41 41 40 40 8 6 9 4 3 3 5 4 4 576 567 582 37 37 38 8 3 11 1 1 4 5 8 541 550 603 38 37 33 6 4 4 9 2 2 9 7 10 12 601 585 591 669 32 32 32 32 3 3 3 4 7 5 6 9 2 2 3 1 11 8 9 10 631 610 650 693 31 31 31 31 26 26 26 27 4 4 4 4 7 4 7 11 1 3 3 2 8 5 6 5 709 702 787 816 31 31 31 31 49 45 53 28 28 28 4 4 5 8 4 14 3 3 4 6 5 4 795 745 777 31 33 33 62 57 72 71 39 44 50 50 30 31 32 33 5 5 6 6 11 9 12 11 3 1 1 1 5 4 5 5 759 749 791 799 32 31 30 30 8 6 7 9 62 58 63 69 40 38 46 54 33 35 34 34 6 6 5 5 10 7 9 11 1 1 1 4 4 2 4 758 764 797 819 30 30 29 29 39 37 35 35 8 6 9 8 58 55 73 64 38 35 38 46 34 34 34 34 5 5 6 6 9 6 16 14 1 1 3 4 3 4 789 779 812 786 29 29 29 27 60 69 71 75 37 35 37 37 8 7 7 10 71 75 76 73 29 33 25 37 34 32 32 31 6 5 7 7 9 8 7 6 1 3 4 3 4 758 741 738 724 26 26 25 22 78 8285 75 78 84 88 83 34 36 32 27 7 .7 6 7 91 86 56 55 21 25 19 28 31 31 31 31 8 9 9 10 5 4 4 6 2 1 3 3 4 3 727 713 681 647 22 22 22 22 79 84 91 - 77 78 79 25 25 30 6 6 6 56 72 72 19 17 24 33 33 33 7 7 7 3 3 3 1 2 5 5 5 605 622 638 21 21 21 107 115 132 55 59 54 33 30 33 6 7 6 75 72 62 18 17 25 23 22 22 8 8 8 4 3 4 552 563 590 19 19 19 208 219 218 220 154 148 142 156 54 71 75 65 35 38 37 42 6 6 7 7 93 90 95 100 19 22 25 33 22 22 22 22 8 8 8 8 5 6 4 4 633 634 645 680 19 19 19 19 242 226 209 216 222 217 270 279 155 152 200 205 67 65 70 75 41 46 54 62 7 6 7 8 110 113 141 129 23 27 28 43 22 22 22 22 8 8 8 8 4 3 4 5 681 669 745 773 19 19 19 19 207 215 256 280 309 308 204 234 227 76 76 80 67 67 92 8 9 9 146 132 110 35 39 61 22 22 22 9 8 9 5 6 4 779 808 872 19 19 19 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits CaU date' Capital accounts Borrow- Aocept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its" detinadgen- justed' posits T ciea, etc.« Total V.B. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank! ern- savdement' ings^ mand Other time 1920—May 4... June 30„ Nov. 15. Dec. 29.. 512 495 454 445 274 264 240 233 142 148 143 140 97 96 135 132 239 225 200 200 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30 Dec. 31 408 408 207 1922-Mar. 10.. June 30_. Dec. 29.. 457 495 1923-Apr. 3.... > June 30.. Sept. 14., Dec. 31., Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock' Surplus 56 64 206 218 136 142 134 70 65 62 185 179 187 78 77 214 234 248 131 142 138 13 3 15 204 100 499 483 471 531 99 78 72 98 244 244 242 267 146 152 150 155 10 15 30 35 209 213 1924—Mar. 31... June 30.... Oct. 10.... Dec. 31„.. 502 500 535 581 89 83 107 255 247 257 284 152 165 163 30 13 32 9 213 214 220 235 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28... Dec. 31.... 597 596 140 127 173 158 10 1926-Apr. 12_. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 648 614 631 1927—Mar. 23... June 30.... Oct. 10.... Dec. 3 I „ . . 619 617 653 1928—Feb. 28._.. June 30.... Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1929—Mar. 27. June 29.. Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31.. 1930-Mar. 27-_. June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 661 612 594 654 126 170 178 178 189 7 22 22 234 243 247 271 132 112 125 316 299 305 184 193 191 35 24 28 267 254 252 322 114 107 140 132 287 291 291 310 201 24 209 204 209 18 18 248 247 241 260 311 313 327 335 122 293 293 279 311 203 215 202 204 17 29 73 253 255 233 257 324 309 293 327 251 253 250 254 314 299 297 315 253 252 249 242 298 294 241 248 222 280 287 268 236 211 201 94 103 125 111 87 608 106 619 111 612 604 104 92 602 101 596 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30... Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... 599 548 506 1932—June 3 0 — Sept. 30... Dec. 31 210 220 294 607 612 166 188 211 114 101 274 282 289 194 288 288 211 300 193 196 201 285 274 279 204 199 192 262 192 190 16 97 82 81 273 241 230 162 468 482 503 74 78 90 200 195 199 150 145 156 181 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 443 453 478 78 77 87 183 130 165 171 178 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 522 533 548 585 112 111 126 206 587 586 138 137 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 695 721 784 129 186 188 207 187 228 182 126 124 178 175 130 139 139 138 187 199 214 273 304 321 138 144 143 142 238 246 276 278 315 331 363 142 148 147 221 239 259 261 226 288 281 207 185 189 211 217 233 257 266 275 281 339 365 362 391 455 NO. 238-ATLANTA DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] United States Government deposits were demand deposits. were assumed to be demand deposits, accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all ments Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made'were'amende5 so^^ to W o T m T o t h r ^ S S i o n ' o ^ ^ N0.239-ATLANTA DISfTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, cxcept to banks Acceptances CaUdate Total loans To brokers and dealers Bills Totals CommerTbC cial Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances 1 of other banks Real estate loans Total In New York City Outside New York City To others Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 1928—Oct. 3 . „ . Dec. 31.. 455 457 126 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29., Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 461 469 480 459 140 140 154 136 193(}-Mar. 27.. Jime 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 446 416 403 395 144 141 108 128 121 98 99 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 370 347 345 126 1932—June 30,. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 296 290 284 107 104 1933—June 30.. Oct, 25... Dec. 30.. 223 230 243 77 79 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 237 224 229 243 129 120 132 150 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 242 226 209 150 141 130 137 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec, 31.. 207 215 256 124 129 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 262 263 298 169 169 206 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept, 28.. 287 283 291 201 149 104 119 103 241 274 108 264 265 103 104 106 266 267 99 10 243 213 211 213 107 96 121 112 104 96 191 191 171 165 147 141 141 100 115 120 132 216 166 196 190 Open market paper Agricultural loans Acceptances p a ^ b k in Loans for purchasing or carrying securities Real estate loans On residential property Loans to banks Total loans Commercial loans 1938-Dec, 31- 319 152 1939—Mar. 29. June 30.. Oct. 23.. Dec. 30.. 306 313 297 331 137 136 154 28 109 1940-Mar, 262.. June 29— Dec. 31— 315 316 391 141 176 34 110 122 1941—Apr. 4® June 30 Sept. 24« Dec. 31 404 408 442 192 139 "225' 'iis' CaU date Total Bills ComTo merbrocial fJe To kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks Total 27 On farm land 10 Other Other loans 84 84 90 NO. 24D-ATLANTA DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 192M941 [In millions of dollars] U. S. Government obligations Other domestic securities Obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total Billsi Notes States Guar- and anteed poUtical subBonds divi- 1928—Oct. 3 . „ . Dec. 31„, 138 142 1929~Mar. 27.. June 29.., Oct. 4 . . . . Dec. 31... 132 129 1930—Mar. 27., June 30... Sept. 24.. Dec. 31_.. 115 124 139 124 54 55 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.,. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... 156 165 173 158 78 82 85 75 1932—June 30.., Sept. 30.. Dec. 31... 156 79 84 91 70 72 1933—June 30.., Oct. 25... Dec. 30... 162 107 115 132 74 91 103 1934—Mar. 5 . . . June 30... Oct. 17... Dec. 31... 208 219 154 148 137 141 85 78 79 116 117 162 170 174 186 218 220 Bonds, notes, and debentures Total Government agencies not Railguar- roads' anteed byU.S.® Utilities' Corporate stocks Other F.E. Bank Other Foreign securities Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 63 59 51 52 68 49 1935-Mar. 4 . . . . June 29.... Nov. 1 Dec. 31.... 222 217 270 279 137 127 167 170 76 69 78 82 1930—Mar. 4._ June 30.. Dec. 31.. 280 309 169 198 191 81 106 121 1937—Mar. 31. June 50.. Dec. 31.. 285 263 240 171 158 133 111 103 95 1938-Mar. 7 . . . June 30... Sept. 28.. Dec. 31... 244 248 273 • 271 137 133 150 149 85 95 105 113 1939-Mar. 2 9 . . . June 30 Oct. 26 Dec. 30 286 274 290 290 145 133 136 127 105 94 1940—]Mar. 26®.. June 29 Dec. 31,... 311 297 302 135 134 1941—Apr. 46,... June 30.... Sept. 246.. Dec. 31,.. 318 319 329 367 150 151 156 197 27 32 29 S90 «99 6107 34 117 134 92 162 104 37 126 33 10 165 184 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and includine October 17. 1934- no Trpn6„».,r ^ ^^ T ^ early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929 treasury certificates outstandmg from December 1934 until a n d S & » Compnsos S only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and b o n d T n X 7 a ^ d e b e n t i n - e a t h e r ^ f t . NO. 241-ATLANTA DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic 1928—Oct. 3 . . , . . Dec. 31... 385 439 1929—Mar. 27... J u n e 29... Oct. 4._... Dec. 31... '410 392 405 420 1930—Mar. 27... J u n e 30... Sept. 24... Dec. 31... 407 395 397 394 100 1931—Mar. 25... J u n e 30... Sept. 29... Dec.31... 403 397 348 322 111 Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiInterbank States Certi- viduals, and fied partpoUtand nerical offiTotal subcers' ships, Do- Fordivi- checks, c o l o mestic eign sions etc. rations, etc. 116 103 82 108 10 u. s. Gov- States and ernment poUtand ical postal subdivisavings 1 sions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- countfi* and posit similar accounts* 255 276 208 214 2 2 15 15 186 190 145 149 25 28 17 13 256 253 256 255 202 215 203 199 2 2 4 3 16 22 17 17 179 189 176 178 144 149 137 139 24 22 19 23 11 19 19 16 206 239 235 231 209 205 202 4 4 5 6 21 16 12 13 180 188 188 179 138 140 137 135 23 26 30 28 19 21 21 16 225 227 209 190 203 184 9 11 13 15 20 19 15 13 172 171 167 149 126 129 126 122 32 31 29 19 14 11 12 8 175 175 186 17 24 24 11 10 24 140 135 132 111 107 108 17 17 16 12 10 7 202 200 307 316 70 175 175 168 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 277 296 72 73 83 160 165 165 165 157 156 30 27 29 15 14 13 114 112 110 90 93 95 15 13 9 8 5 6 1 1 1934-Mar. 5... J u n e 30.. Oct. 17... Dec.31.. 367 374 395 433 110 106 120 177 189 203 200 156 159 154 152 24 15 10 9 14 10 9 8 117 129 130 130 101 111 114 118 9 9 10 8 6 8 5 3 1 1 1 1935-Mar. 4... J u n e 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 435 427 506 535 132 129 179 209 223 247 245 152 159 155 155 8 9 6 7 5 4 4 3 133 140 140 139 120 129 129 131 9 8 8 6 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1936-Mar. 4... J u n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 541 560 624 199 179 256 274 285 155 161 6 6 6 3 3 4 139 145 143 127 132 133 7 9 6 3 3 3 1 1 160 1937-Mar. 31.. J u n e 30.. Dec.31.. 588 556 577 205 302 305 293 163 163 172 5 5 6 6 5 10 144 146 152 132 134 140 8 7 9 3 3 2 1 1 1938-Mar. 7... J u n e 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 584 570 609 664 200 191 222 294 297 312 321 171 174 173 173 6 6 4 4 11 8 12 9 149 155 154 156 139 142 140 144 7 9 10 10 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct.23.„.-.. Dec. 30 689 706 739 781 239 265 280 329 351 367 375 175 175 177 176 4 1 1 2 10 6 8 6 158 165 165 165 145 149 9 9 2 4 I 2 155 7 3 1 378 397 436 179 1 2 2 6 6 3 169 171 171 157 159 8 8 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 172 172 171 170 159 8 2 3 159 8 3 1932—June 30 Sept. 30... Dec.31... 806 891 1941-Apr. 4 ' . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 24» Dec. 31.. "Christmas 180 220 166 186 182 297 1940-Mar. 26«.. June 29... Dec. 3 1 . . . s 123 978 1,027 1,079 282 330 370 347 360 453 487 524 522 182 179 181 181 180 178 s a v i n g and s i ^ ^ S t e d forepr?nra"nd Autumn calU beglnnlng'^ith O^cto^er 1939. For this ireason, no breakdown of time demand a n d time, into those NO. 242-ATLANTA DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investment^ Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Investments CaU date Total 1920-May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 . Dec. 29 Total U.S. Government obligations Loans Cash Bal- items ances in with procforess eign of banks' collection Bank CusTotal premtomises, Other ers' SecuNumfurni- real Ua- rities Other ber ture estate biUty borof and on rowed banks fixacTotal tures ceptliaances bilities 425 426 446 443 321 324 346 343 104 101 101 100 74 71 70 69 30 30 31 31 24 22 21 22 14 14 13 16 52 44 40 38 528 545 541 395 399 412 420 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 , ,, , 430 424 412 331 327 324 99 97 89 68 66 60 31 31 29 20 19 19 13 13 13 .37 32 39 522 509 512 450 457 474 1922—Mar. 10. June 30 Dec. 29 „ 407 401 457 318 317 360 88 83 95 58 54 62 29 30 33 19 19 25 12 12 17 47 45 60 512 505 593 482 493 503 1923-Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 474 483 486 499 372 378 382 396 103 104 104 104 68 66 66 64 35 38 38 40 26 25 23 27 15 12 15 18 68 52 48 65 617 606 606 646 501 498 496 493 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 509 500 501 517 406 397 398 408 103 102 103 109 60 55 55 54 43 46 48 55 26 25 27 30 14 14 16 20 57 58 67 86 645 634 652 697 488 487 484 479 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28. Dec. 31 , . . . 556 578 635 668 434 454 493 518 122 124 141 150 61 59 67 70 60 65 74 80 32 33 38 42 16 17 19 23 109 97 131 123 758 771 869 910 474 470 469 464 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31.. 662 630 603 516 495 467 147 135 136 68 58 57 79 77 79 38 35 34 20 23 20 96 82 89 821 801 461 455 442 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31-. 596 585 591 592 457 444 445 442 139 141 146 150 63 62 64 64 76 79 82 86 33 32 32 33 24 19 18 18 82 75 88 88 784 767 783 787 439 438 435 434 1928-Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 585 601 595 590 442 453 446 438 143 148 149 152 58 62 66 67 85 86 83 85 31 30 29 31 20 14 17 20 80 66 64 75 768 764 759 •772 430 427 425 424 1929-Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 „ . . . . . . Dec. 31 599 580 553 540 446 430 410 396 152 150 143 143 70 64 65 63 83 86 78 80 30 28 27 29 20 15 17 19 67 57 58 68 768 734 708 715 416 407 402 401 547 520 510 470 399 376 365 331 148 144 145 139 66 62 66 63 82 82 79 76 29 27 24 25 19 18 18 23 64 60 56 61 709 675 656 627 383 382 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 . . , Dec. 31 449 445 442 427 306 299 290 272 143 146 152 155 68 70 75 79 75 76 77 76 25 23 21 21 19 17 16 17 71 61 40 43 607 588 558 551 354 349 341 327 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 404 400 391 247 241 232 157 158 159 83 86 87 74 73 72 19 17 18 14 13 14 42 39 46 518 507 508 317 1933-June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 324 335 352 167 175 180 157 160 173 96 95 107 61 65 66 22 24 31 13 15 15 47 49 57 438 454 492 264 279 290 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17. Dec. 31 372 368 379 407 175 168 178 197 197 200 201 211 130 120 119 133 68 80 82 78 37 36 37 41 15 13 16 18 78 81 86 96 539 534 555 601 295 305 312 313 1935—Mar. 4. J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 413 393 377 397 196 186 175 177 217 207 202 221 138 130 122 139 79 78 80 82 46 43 48 50 16 14 16 20 108 102 130 141 622 591 609 648 313 309 309 309 1936-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 398 433 463 172 181 203 226 252 260 141 160 163 85 92 96 56 53 66 18 20 23 160 139 165 673 686 762 311 311 . 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 i ' 3 312 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank 2 ern- savdements ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances haout- biUstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock' Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand adits' tindegen- justed 7 posits 7 cies, etc.® 1920—May 4. June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 400 . 377 354 348 29 23 20 19 2 2 2 2 263 241 222 219 106 110 111 109 31 44 76 77 2 1 30 31 33 32 75 76 81 83 41 41 43 44 24 26 27 27 10 9 12 11 256 236 216 214 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 335 321 333 19 16 18 1 2 2 201 189 199 112 115 112 69 70 60 1 1 32 32 32 86 86 87 46 47 49 29 29 30 12 11 9 196 185 193 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 343 346 432 21 20 32 2 2 4 204 201 252 117 123 143 47 35 25 1 32 32 35 89 91 99 49 50 55 30 30 32 11 10 13 198 196 244 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 464 444 430 483 37 30 27 34 5 3 2 3 262 244 235 277 160 166 166 169 18 29 39 29 1 1 35 35 35 35 99 98 101 98 56 55 56 56 31 31 31 32 11 12 15 10 254 236 228 267 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31„ . . 479 466 486 544 32 30 35 45 2 2 3 3 262 245 257 303 182 189 190 193 30 32 27 19 1 1 1 1 37 36 36 35 100 100 102 99 57 57 57 57 32 31 31 32 12 12 13 10 254 238 249 293 1925-Apr. 6 June 50 Sept, 28 . . . . Dec. 31 608 612 713 762 58 52 70 68 6 3 6 5 333 337 408 451 212 220 229 237 15 24 16 10 1 1 1 1 31 33 36 35 102 101 104 102 57 56 56 56 32 32 33 35 14 13 14 11 322 326 396 434 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 708 652 635 54 45 47 6 3 5 401 355 343 249 250 240 17 26 24 1 1 2 34 35 34 108 107 106 59 58 59 36 37 36 14 14 11 387 344 330 339 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 617 600 617 627 46 42 51 50 9 6 7 7 316 299 307 316 246 253 251 253 23 24 21 18 1 2 2 2 34 34 35. 34 109 107 109 107 59 58 58 58 36 37 37 37 14 12 14 11 308 290 296 303 319 299 308 316 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 607 594 571 601 45 38 40 43 2 7 5 7 4 4 304 287 271 301 255 263 252 246 16 26 43 28 1 1 2 3 34 35 34 34 109 108 108 106 57 57 • 58 57 38 38 37 37 14 13 12 10 1 1 296 277 261 288 306 287 271 299 1090—Mar. 27 June 29 . Oct. 4 Dec. 31 594 552 530 549 37 31 32 34 11 8 8 • 6 5 5 7 8 295 258 254 277 247 250 229 224 26 38 35 24 2 2 4 5 34 35 34 34 111 108 105 103 58 57 56 56 38 37 36 36 14 12 12 10 1 1. 1 1 288 248 245 264, 293 255 253 272 1030 Mar 27 June 30 Sept 24 Dec 31 549 508 487 472 31 25 26 28 8 7 9 8 10 13 13 14 271 241 223 229 229 223 216 194 17 26 27 21 4 2 3 3 35 36 36 34 105 102 103 96 56 55 55 52 36 36 35 33 12 11 11 9 1 1 1 2 264 232 217 221 269 235 220 228 1031 Mar 25 June 30 Sept 29 Dec 31 461 445 414 405 26 26 22 20 11 8 13 7 15 16 15 21 229 211 188 194 180 184 176 164 15 15 20 28 2 2 1 2 34 33 33 31 95 93 91 86 51 51 51 49 32 31 30 28 10 9 9 8 1 2 1 2 224 205 183 186 227 210 188 192 1 Qqo Tiinp' 30 Sent 30 Deo. 31 365 353 359 19 17 20 8 14 10 27 29 31 162 147 159 150 144 139 35 36 33 1 1 1 31 33 34 86 84 81 50 49 48 27 26 25 8 7 6 2 1 2 157 143 153 160 146 157 ^Tune 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 333 346 383 19 20 25 15 13 14 33 31 31 148 153 184 118 129 128 8 6 4 1 1 1 28 30 31 68 72 73 40 41 43 I 2 22 22 20 5 5 5 1 2 3 144 149 177 147 152 183 430 425 445 491 30 32 34 36 21 18 12 20 31 21 20 20 211 206 225 256 137 148 154 158 3 2 1 2 1 1 31 29 30 29 75 78 80 78 43 41 40 40 4 9 10 10 20 19 19 20 5 6 7 6 3 3 3 3 204 200 217 247 210 204 221 251 509 491 525 565 39 38 50 52 IS 11 11 18 17 15 15 13 273 257 279 307 162 169 171 174 3 1 1 28 17 2 1 81 81 82 81 40 39 39 39 12 12 13 12 19 19 20 20 7 7 9 7 3 3 2 3 264 249 270 298 268 253 202 231 589 600 675 56 50 66 13 27 24 12 11 9 332 329 389 175 183 187 1 1 2 2 83 84 84 39 39 39 13 12 12 20 21 22 8 9 9 3 3 3 320 319 374 235 261 300 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct 17 Dec. 31 . lQ7SL_ATnr 4 June 29 TSJnir 1 Dec. 31 ^QOft TVTor A. — lyjD—iviar. June 30 Dec. 31 . 1 1 1 , N0.242-ATLANTA DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Total Total U. S. Government obligations Loans Cash Bal- items Balances ances with with domes- forof tic coUecbanks tion Total CustomOther ers' SecuNumfurni- real Ha- rities Other ber ture estate bility borof and on rowed banks fixacTotal tures ceptliaances bilities Bank prem- 1937—Mar. 31... June 3 0 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 477 477 478 207 212 232 270 265 246 171 164 149 99 101 97 72 69 70 22 20 21 156 123 129 772 729 742 307 304 1938—Mar. 7 . . . . June 3 0 . . . Sept. 28.. Dec. 3 1 . . . 476 463 475 498 227 228 231 242 249 235 244 256 152 135 141 149 98 100 103 107 79 62 61 69 21 20 22 22- 153 140 133 159 771 725 728 792 302 299 299 1939—Mar. 29... June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 3 0 . . . 493 488 476 517 237 242 238 258 256 247 237 259 147 136 126 145 108 110 111 114 74 74 76 81 24 20 20 26 179 182 195 209 813 194(>-Mar. 26... June 2 9 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 523 509 568 255 262 296 268 247 272 151 132 152 116 115 120 87 93 87 28 22 33 231 229 248 915 295 295 295 1941—Apr. 4 . . . . June 3 0 . . . Sept. 24... Dec. 3 1 . . . 571 696 624 670 294 303 .314 332 277 294 309 338 157 172 184 212 119 122 126 127 114 106 105 131 28 28 34 39 291 279 276 302 1,053 1,058 1,088 1,198 296 296 295 296 806 812 Deposits Capital accounts Total U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank» ern- savment« ings* mand Other time 1937—Mar. 31... June 30.... Dec. 31 640 652 410 372 380 192 197 198 1938—Mar. 7 . . June 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 633 635 700 408 360 353 401 200 193^Mar. June Oct. Dec. 719 711 716 783 417 406 404 448 207 Call date 681 29. 30.. 2... 30.. 1941—Apr. 4..., June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its 6 tindeadgen- justed' posits ^ cies, etc. 6 40 216 217 222 473 457 623 234 237 948 953 980 1.091 116 110 120 671 571 586 667 241 247 246 250 139 Surplus 206 91 84 103 816 Com- Premon ferred stock stock i Memoranda 86 204 203 798 887 1940-Mar. 26 June 29. Dec. 31.... AcBor- cept- Other row- ances liaout- biustandTotal ing 296 295 295 294 101 102 104 103 396 361 365 314 301 301 395 349 345 385 307 271 283 316 406 395 391 432 316 298 288 334 459 444 500 342 322 553 553 669 642 400 410 441 513 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3 1928 \ Before October 3, 1928, aU interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits Jni^^^i^ttJ^^rt^^^^ - ~ - November F m l ^before . that time all by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. < The compcfflition of undivided profits and reserves h p been changed from time to time; see introductory text D 71 » For definitions of demand deposits adjusted" and "net demand deposits" see introductory text p 65 N0.243-ATLANTA DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances CaU date Total loans To brokers and dealers BiUs Total I Commercial Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances! of other banks Real estate loans To others Total In New York City Outside New York City Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 1928—Oct. 3 . . . Dec.31_ 446 438 317 296 1929—Mar. 27. J u n e 29. Oct. 4 . . . Deo. 31. 446 430 410 396 292 291 271 266 1930—Mar. 27. J u n e 30., Sept. 24. Dec.31. 376 365 331 255 254 246 224 1931—Mar. 26. J u n e 30., Sept. 29. Dec. 31.. 306 299 290 272 207 200 194 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31.. 247 241 232 160 1933—June 30. Oct. 25._ . Dec, 30.. 167 175 104 180 108 1934—Mar. 5 . . J u n e 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 175 102 168 96 108 1935—Mar. 4 . . J u n e 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31.. 196 180 153 144 178 197 122 186 121 115 105 105 30 175 177 30 172 99 104 123 1936—Mar. 4 . . J u n e 30. Dec. 31. . 203 1937—Mar. 31. J u n e 30., Dec. 31.. 207 212 232 123 129 149 1938—Mar. 7 . . J u n e 30. Sept. 28. 228 231 144 145 148 181 10 Open market paper CaU date Total Commercial loans Agricultural loans 75 Acceptances puy^abUia Loans for purchasing or carrying securities CommerTo cial broTo fbf; kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accepts ances dealers of other banks Real estate loans BiUs Total Total On farm land On residential property Loans to banks Other loans Other 43 10 22 12 48 10 24 14 72 1938—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 242 1939—Mar. 29._.. J u n e 30,._. Oct. 2 2 . . . . Dec. 30..-. 237 242 238 258 1940—Mar. 262... J u n e 29 Dec. 31.— 255 262 296 85 1941—Apr. 4> , J u n e 30 Sept. 24 « Dec. 31. 294 303 314 102 27 58 95 117 28 60 104 70 24 78 79 94 27 NO.J44-ATUNTfl DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 {In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investmenta Total Billfli Notes ObligaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States Guar- and anteed polit- Total Government ical agencies subnot Rail- UtU- Other diviBonds guar- roads* ities* anteed byU.S.3 149 152 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 29.... Oct. 4 Dec. 31 152 150 143 143 20 20 19 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 30„.. Sept. 24... Dec. 31 148 144 145 139 20 20 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . June 30. Sept. 29...^ Dec. 31 143 146 152 155 1932—June 30 Sept. 30... Dec. 31..„ 157 158 159 1 9 3 3 ^ u n e 30 Oct. 2 5 . . . . Dec. 30.... 157 1934—Mar. 5 June 30.. Oct, 1 7 . . _ Dec. 31.... 197 200 211 1935—Mar. 4 . . . . June 29 Nov.l.... Dec. 31.... 202 221 107 90 79 91 1936—Mar. 4 . . . . June 30.... Dec. 31 226 252 260 93 109 114 1937—Mar. 3 1 . . . June 30 Dec. 31_... 270 265 246 121 1938—Mar. 7 . . . . June 30,... Sept. 28... Dec. 3 1 . „ . 249 235 244 256 113 1939—Mar. 2 9 . . . June 30.... Oct.2«.... Dec. 30._„ 256 247 237 259 109 100 91 109 1940—Mar. 26«.. June 29 Dec. 31.... 268 247 272 112 1941—Apr. 4 ' . . . . June 30 Sept. 24«.. Dec. 31.... 277 294. 309 338 173 201 217 207 F. R, Bank Other Foreign Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 20 34 1928—Oct. 3 Dec, 3 h . „ 160 Corporate stocks 20 20 19 17 • 16 17 16 16 16 16 15 87 96 95 107 13 13 14 (0 130 119 104 113 68 118 110 102 106 116 84 689 680 S85 21 87 23 99 116 "93" 22 98 124 128 124 164 101 130 103 106 118 '130" I Includ^ certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17» 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. s Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5,1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and r ^ l a c e t ^ m 1934-1935 by fully guarant^djobhgations, have been classified as not guaranteed. »* Comprises1 bonds only, October_ 1928 to 1933, inclusive, and. bonds, notes, and, debentures thereafter. • December , . , . . . " entures therea * Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. I ^VJO'i^t reported as "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities by maturity was not required before December 1938. 6 Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and autumn call dates. N0.245-ATLANTA DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Do-, mestic Foreign 1 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31__. 313 348 37 40 1929—Mar. 27... June 29 Oct. Dec. 3 1 . . . 339 295 292 316 33 29 30 32 1930—Mar. 27... June 3 0 , . . Sept. 24... Dec. 3 1 . . . 309 . 272 257 264 29 24 24 26 1931—Mar. 25... June 30_.. Sept. 29... Dec. 3 1 . . . 265 245 221 219 1932—June 3 0 . . . Sept. 30... Dec. 3 1 . . . U.S. Government Time IndiU. S. Interbank States Certi- vidGov- States and uals, ernfied and politment politpartand ical and neroffiTotal ical subcers' ships, Do- For- postal subdivi- checks, corpomestic eign sav- diviings! sions sions etc. rations, etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof ac- ings de- counts* and posit similar accounts^ 5 7 33 36 6 8 232 256 258 252 4 4 9 9 243 237 164 166 67 65 12 7 11 8 8 6 39 32 28 36 7 7 7 9 249 218 220 232 255 256 238 233 5 5 7 8 10 14 9 8 237 236 220 216 '167 166 150 149 67 64 64 61 3 6 6 6 8 7 9 8 42 38 31 33 6 7 5 6 223 196 187 190 240 237 230 208 10 13 13 14 12 9 7 6 217 214 209 188 149 147 140 133 63 60 •63 52 4 7 6 3 26 26 20 18 11 8 13 7 37 34 28 34 4 5 4 4 188 173 156 155 196 200 193 186 15 16 15 21 6 6 5 4 174 178 171 159 121 123 116 113 49 50 49 43 3 4 6 3 187 178 189 17 17 19 8 14 10 28 22 • 28 4 3 4 130 122 128 178 175 171 27 29 31 4 4 3 146 141 136 105 100 99 37 36 34 4 4 3 1933—June 3 0 . . . Oct. 25.... Dec. 3 0 . . . 181 186 224 17 19 25 15 13 14 24 25 31 3 3 5 122 126 149 152 161 159 33 31 31 3 3 3 115 126 125 86 94 96 27 28 27 2 3 2 1 1 1 1934—Mar. 5 . . . . June 3 0 . . . Oct. 17.... Dec. 3 1 . . . 262 252 267 309 29 28 30 32 21 18 12 20 37 37 37 46 3 4 4 5 171 166 183 205 168 173 178 182 31 21 20 20 3 3 3 3 134 145 151 155 106 115 120 127 25 27 27 26 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 193&-Mar. June Nov. Dec. 4,... 29... 1.... 31... 326 302 335 374 35 34 45 49 18 11 11 18 52 47 44 57 6 5 6 8 216 205 230 243 183 189 190 190 17 15 15 13 3 4 3 3 159 166 168 171 131 138 140 143 26 26 25 25 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1936-Mar. 4 . . . . June 3 0 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 398 403 475 53 46 62 13 27 24 64 59 70 4 5 7 264 265 311 191 197 200 12 11 9 3 3 3 172 179 185 143 144 156 26 31 26 2 2 2 1 1 1937-Mar. 31... June 3 0 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 478 430 441 60 48 52 8 9 9 77 68 71 6 5 6 328 300 303 205 210 211 9 10 10 3 3 4 189 194 193 161 164 166 26 26 25 2 2 2 1 2 1938-Mar. 7 . . . . June 3 0 . . . Sept. 28... Dec. 3 1 . . . 469 417 421 484 54 48 53 65 7 8 14 18 84 71 63 80 4 4 4 7 319 285 287 313 212 216 214 216 9 8 7 7 5 6 6 7 195 198 197 200 166 169 167 172 26 25 25 25 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1930-Mar. 29... June 3 0 . . . Oct. 23.... Dec. 3 0 . . . 502 487 491 553 68 63 70 85 17 17 17 20 87 74 65 80 5 5 5 8 325 327 335 360 217 224 225 230 6 5 4 4 5 6 6 6 202 210 211 216 174 180 25 26 2 2 i 2 188 26 2 1940—Mar. 263.. June 2 9 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 579 556 642 87 79 98 19 20 21 85 73 87 7 7 10 382 376 424 237 242 245 3 3 3 7 6 6 223 228 231 196 202 27 27 2 2 2 1941—Apr. 4 * . . . June 3 0 . . . Sept. 24».., Dec. 3 1 . . . 700 698 726 832 111 104 113 133 18 22 25 31 99 89 89 111 7 8 6 10 465 474 491 546 249 255 254 259 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 6 234 240 239 244 209 28 1 2 215 26 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • • 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 1933. ' "Christmas Ba\'ings andi similar accounts" accounts are included in — "open ^^ accounte" — — ™ before r :June 5 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. Fgr this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, haa been estimated. BANKING AND MONETARY STATISTICS NO. 24&-CHICAGO DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Total Loans Total 1,139 1914-Dec. 31.. U^S. Government obligations Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Cash BalBal- items in ances ances with with process domes- forof tie eign banks 1 banks1 collection Total CusBank tompremNumises, Other ers' Secuber lia- rities Other furm- real of ture estate bility bor- assets banks rowed on and Total acfixliacepttures bilities ances 916 223 130 41 91 187 34 32 4 1,550 972 949 969 961 968 1,006 1,024 215 219 123 127 129 132 140 143 47 45 49 50 54 58 104 111 112 117 109 107 259 222 33 28 34 34 33 34 4 10 4 4 4 4 1,655 1,654 244 240 229 30 37 25 30 31 39 975 979 981 986 990 990 81 155 150 156 79 78 166 166 61 68 77 83 96 123 107 115 114 110 262 229 274 283 278 52 35 38 44 42 34 35 35 36 36 4 4 4 4 4 1,884 1,832 1,933 2,013 181 115 120 114 102 372 328 289 318 49 50 37 99 38 38 39 47 5 5 5 6 2,276 2,242 1915-Mar. 4... May 1... J u n e 23-. Sept. 2... Nov. 10.. Dec.31.. 1,164 1916-May 1 . . . . J u n e 30. Sept. 12 Nov. 17 Dec. 2 7 . . . 1,338 1,344 1,379 1,438 1.443 1,100 1,113 1,142 1,193 1,198 238 231 236 246 245 1917—Mar. S.May 1.. J u n e 20. Dec. 31. 1,580 1,590 1,623 2.284 1,317 1,319 1,314 1,765 263 271 309 519 82 87 124 197 184 185 322 106 101 102 174 3,087 1,045 1,044 1,048 1,113 1918—May 10.. J u n e 29-, Nov. 1 . . . Dec.31.. 2,434 2,504 2,966 2,906 1,802 2,111 2,067 632 644 855 839 320 319 496 476 312 326 360 363 186 181 198 225 95 80 93 111 299 305 315 365 94 92 111 139 50 51 56 56 6 6 7 7 3,234 3,281 3,846 3,899 1,158 1,172 1,313 1.334 1919—Mar. 4... J u n e 30.. Nov. 17.. Dec. 31.. 3,099 3,263 3,492 3,592 2,056 2,259 2,564 2,677 1,043 1,005 928 915 502 479 426 436 232 231 252 260 95 102 103 113 429 400 401 400 118 152 184 210 57 59 61 62 7 7 7 6 4,102 4,293 4,580 4,742 1,341 1,351 1,369 1,374 1920—May June Nov. Dec. 3,920 3,917 844 807 792 786 410 382 351 335 434 425 441 451 265 258 248 238 107 104 101 104 325 329 299 268 171 198 189 147 66 67 73 75 6 6 6 7 4,993 5,011 4,929 4,792 1,388 1,395 1.406 1,419 1,188 1,183 1,192 1,238 1,259 1,860 222 224 232 236 81 645 616 201 , 1,621 1,685 1,723 1,744 2,020 2,222 10 991 990 992 992 991 4... 30.. 15.. 29- 3,826 3,076 3,110 3,090 3,040 1921—Apr. 28.. Jime 30.. Dec. 31.. 3,688 3,631 3,482 2,924 2,868 2,714 765 763 768 312 306 297 •452 457 471 234 234 236 89 86 80 248 231 247 120 146 156 79 86 93 9 7 8 4,574 4,510 4,369 1,423 1,427 1,442 1922-Mar. 10.., J i m e 30... Dec. 29... 3,481 3,543 3,749 2,702 2,672 2,751 779 871 998 299 373 463 480 498 534 251 266 278 79 81 96 305 291 297 128 176 203 92 97 100 11 12 15 4,414 4,548 4,823 1.440 1.441 1,440 1923-Apr. 3 . . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 14.. Dec.31.. 3,875 3,906 3,897 3,899 2,858 2.880 2,886 2,870 1,018 1,026 1,011 1,028 465 475 476 458 553 551 535 571 270 273 282 271 89 80 92 96 323 306 300 300 184 182 172 228 104 112 115 117 16 17 17 17 4,938 4,942 4,941 5,004 1,437 1,434 1,432 1,427 1 9 2 4 - M a r . 31 June 30... Oct. 10.... Dec. 3 1 . . . 3,935 4,010 4,220 4,210 2,920 2,951 3,075 3,031 1,015 1,059 1,145 1,179 467 493 523 523 549 566 623 655 262 298 309 315 86 88 . 88 98 296 373 400 366 176 222 168 241 126 129 119 130 20 22 23 24 4,974 5.209 5,410 5,469 1,423 1925-Apr. 6 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec.31 4,263 4,370 4,433 4,479 3.058 3,181 3,246 3,276 1,205 1,189 1,202 533 509 497 495 313 672 322 680 691 • 320 305 707 84 88 85 91 357 376 335 341 174 245 185 282 134 139 144 140 25 27 28 29 5,457 5,654 5,618 5,752 1.407 1,404 1,406 1,398 1926—Apr. 12., J u n e 30. Dec. 31-. 4,490 4,579 4,543 3,286 3,374 1.204 1.205 1,154 482 497 415 722 709 739 321 342 311 86 85 86 338 368 334 215 236 279 144 148 152 28 29 27 5,718 5,870 5,828 1,379 1,366 1.335 1927-Mar. 23.. J u n e 30.. Oct. 10... Dec.31.. 4,590 4,712 4,749 4,859 3,328 3.461 3,486 3,519 1,262 1,251 768 754 772 1,339 493 498 490 503 317 311 340 349 83 84 82 84 314 337 329 329 185 243 218 265 154 158 163 161 27 26 26 26 5,759 5,948 5,992 6,173 1,319 1,308 1,300 1,290 1928-Feb. 2 8 . . . J u n e 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 4,849 5,118 5,137 5,163 3.462 3,698 3,772 3,812 1,387 1,420 1,365 1,350 543 564 559 536 844 856 806 815 336 330 345 343 80 74 81 91 319 342 335 345 18 17 201 251 237 339 163 166 167 169 26 29 27 26 6,077 6,408 6.410 6,574 1,274 1,264 1,260 1,252 5,072 1929—Mar. 27 5,052 J u n e 29 5,117 Oct. 4 D e c . 3 1 . . . — 4,934 3,777 3,792 3,901 3,770 1,295 1,260 1,216 527 512 490 408 768 748 726 756 340 345 353 331 79 71 79 85 259 328 323 330 19 38 33 26 261 259 236 316 172 173 177 176 26 26 25 24 6,330 6,367 6,450 1,237 1,229 3,882 1.188 1,262 1,164 1,422 1,419 1,408 1,206 1,186 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES* 1914-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank« ern- savdement® ings mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Common stock Preferred stock® Surplus Memoranda DeReUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand adits® tindegen- justed 7 posits T cies, etc.® 1914-Dec. 31 1,168 301 651 204 18 114 250 143 77 30 617 1915-Mar. 4 May 1 J u n e 23 Sept. 2 Nov. 10 Dec. 31., 1,294 1,296 1,261 1,325 1,355 1.377 413 376 355 393 389 662 695 675 693 724 736 209 216 222 229 235 241 12 8 8 5 10 12 99 98 98 103 104 103 250 251 254 252 253 252 143 144 144 144 145 145 77 77 77 77 77 77 30 31 33 31 32 30 632 658 650 1916-May 1 J u n e 30 Sept. 12 Nov. 17 Dec. 27 1,535 1,483 1,580 1,658 1,660 460 412 464 484 487 805 793 825 873 866 261 271 284 294 301 6 ...... 6 2 6 7 3 3 8 89 87 89 85 84 254 254 257 260 265 145 145 145 145 147 77 77 77 78 78 32 32 34 37 40 753 758 787 829 824 1917-Mar. 5 May 1 J u n e 20 Dec. 31 1,909 1,876 1,835 2,474 626 543 510 487 926 961 940 1,241 349 364 373 666 4 4 15 120 2 2 4 »16 89 84 85 115 272 276 282 363 153 154 156 191 81 82 83 120 38 41 44 52 877 911 903 1.142 1 9 1 8 - M a y 10 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31.. 2,599 2,625 2,922 3,104 501 455 464 553 115 170 150 1,277 1,261 1,441 1,569 706 738 867 921 101 132 289 161 •36 »31 45 51 114 108 148 138 383 385 442 445 197 200 220 0?? 127 129 150 159 59 56 73 65 1.182 1,169 1,330 1,431 1919—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 17 Dec. 31 3,333 3,432 3,656 3,786 652 596 559 587 103 1,603 1,710 1,917 1.942 975 1,044 1,137 1,180 148 194 251 287 43 56 54 68 126 152 124 114 453 459 495 487 223 227 242 243 161 163 170 174 69 69 83 70 1,485 1,558 1,734 1.731 1920—May 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 3,787 3,783 3,664 3,511 543 505 453 448 23 25 1,965 1,967 1,879 1,726 1,267 1,295 1,309 1,311 485 502 507 521 84 76 71 63 114 121 123 129 524 529 564 568 257 261 272 272 184 186 191 194 82 81 101 102 1,794 1,769 1,690 1,579 1921-Apr. 28 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 3,414 3,404 3,415 426 403 412 30 37 1,684 1,688 1,680 1,278 1,282 1,286 412 373 229 52 47 37 121 111 113 574 576 575 275 276 276 199 199 203 100 100 95 1,565 1.543 1,524 1922—Mar. 10 J u n e 30 Dec. 29 , . . 3,583 3,721 . . . 3,939 537 488 506 44 18 49 1,705 1,878 1,951 1,298 1,336 1,433 102 80 107 29 41 34 121 123 135 579 584 609 275 278 281 201 203 207 103 102 121 1,577 1,702 1,747 1923—Apr. 3 J u n e 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 4,045 4,092 4,074 4,123 564 519 533 502 39 38 17 25 1,958 2,004 1,989 2,024 1,484 1,531 1,535 1,572 121 89 93 . 109 ,30 22 29 34 138 134 130 129 604 606 615 608 284 291 292 292 209 205 206 208 110 109 117 108 1,774 1,822 1,817 1.796 1924—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Oct. 10. Dec. 31 4,116 4,386 4,572 4,630 544 619 694 622 39 23 29 1.943 2,098 2.170 2,240 1,590 1,645 -1,678 1,732 71 51 35 44 35 29 34 37 135 124 136 140 617 619 633 617 294 295 292 292 208 209 214 220 116 115 128 105 1,767 1,876 2,002 1,999 1925-Apr. 6 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 . 4,600 4,799 4,742 4,874 611 609 570 584 2.171 2,326 2,303 2,372 1,762 1,834 1,838 1,881 61 72 67 95 41 23 22 24 124 131 160 142 631 630 626 617 295 295 297 299 221 221 222 226 115 113 107 92 2,081 2,118 4,832 1926-Apr. 12 4,957 J u n e 30 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . . 4,887 604 611 567 2,294 2,390 2,361 1,893 1,935 1,936 81 99 110 29 25 30 146 144 148 629 645 652 304 311 313 235 241 244 90 93 97 2,079 2,153 2,082 2,512 1927—Mar. 23 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 4,845 5,038 5,093 5,213 595 570 584 561 2,275 2,415 2,412 2,487 1,933 2,029 2,055 2,140 72 68 35 69 28 21 30 37 145 141 139 145 669 679 695 710 315 319 322 332 . . . . . . 248 254 254 269 106 107 119 109 2,090 2,172 2,194 2,221 2,509 2,588 2,613 2.642 1 9 2 8 - r e b . 28 J u n e 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 5,121 5,335 5,350 5,458 590 526 598 565 2,384 2,515 2,506 2,641 2,138 2,275 2,217 2,220 65 166 136 171 36 33 32 49 142 149 143 141 713 725 748 755 330 332 336 340 271 • 113 271 122 276 105 102 276 2,183 2,264 2,268 2,302 2,597 2.643 2,666 2,681 1 9 2 9 - M a r . 27 J u n e 29 Oct. 4Dec. 31 . . . . . 5,135 5,234 5,282 5,140 547 543 558 550 2,448 2,539 2,576 2,525 2,079 2,102 2,100 2,034 209 148 148 151 52 47 79 99 159 158 149 172 775 781 793 791 366 375 378 380 276 285 286 288 2,187 2,279 2,339 2,209 2,611 2,623 2,688 2,576 . 61 82 43 78 11 16 26 97 86 97 85 697 1,997 2,091 37 N0.246-CHICAG0 DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments CaU date Total Total U.S. Government obligations Loans Re- Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Total CusCash Bank tomassets Bal- items premBalNumises, Other ers' Secuin ances ances ber lia- rities Other with proc- furni- real with of ture estate bility bor- assets ess domes- forbanks and rowed on of tic acTotal collec- fixbanks tures ceptliation ances biUties 1930—Mar. 27 June 30... Sept. 24... Dec. 3 1 . . . 4.837 4,933 4,967 4,809 3,646 3,682 3,642 3,406 1,191 1,251 1,324 1,403 466 475 487 538 724 776 838 865 344 347 336 362 74 75 69 78 329 379 409 427 177 215 171 235 176 178 179 179 25 24 24 24 89 79 99 97 3 3 3 2 25 26 30 30 6,121 6,266 6.296 6,253 1,156 1,135 1,118 1,081 1931—Mar. 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 29... Dec. 31 4,784 4,486 4,238 3,882 3,257 3.'025 2,869 2,632 1,527 1,461 1,369 1,249 677 714 664 599 851 747 704 650 322 323 324 67 92 82 76 439 444 372 279 129 167 127 208 178 158 153 145 26 25 30 33 78 66 48 51 2 2 2, 1 34 33 39 47 6,066 5,804 5,420 5,013 1,062 1,009 960 903 1932—June 3 0 . . . Sept. 30... Dec. 31 3,352 3,175 2,907 2.242 2,031 1,851 1,110 1,144 1,056 550 584 512 561 560 544 254 97 63 67 116 410 362 453 92 130 135 134 130 36 41 42 39 21 23 1 1 1 29 35 31 4,353 4,248 4,195 829 810 792 1933—June 3 0 . . . Oct. 25.... Dec. 3 0 . . . 2,359 2,326 2,479 1,265 1,306 1,208 1,094 665 588 779 429 432 492 333 550 491 72 79 88 347 346 355 102 88 1,271 81 81 81 13 18 16 26 20 18 1 1 1 42 23 26 3.380 3,537 3,677 499 541 585 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17.... Dec. 31 2,780 2,878 3,057 3,146 1,179 1,124 1,600 1.754 1,951 2,072 1,153 1,245 1,445 1,564 447 509 506 507 484 637 664 630 87 83 85 94 353 434 448 516 16 17 19 20 21 9 8 11 1 115 138 34 45 62 63 3,963 4,308 4,575 4,737 618 658 672 682 3,257 3,276 N o v . 1 . . . . . . . 3,560 3,675 Dec. 31 1,058 1,691 1,707 1,971 2,054 507 568 60S 593 651 924 981 1,028 2,199 2,274 2,579 2,648 826 85 86 82 548 595 600 785 101 616 130 151 164 245 20 21 26 25 12 4 5 7 62 54 53 58 4,863 5,199 5,403 5,599 686 694 697 702 2,120 825 92 2,074 2,229 623 725 730 1,080 925 106 106 639 650 174 256 307 25 25 23 5 4 4 52 62 49 5,632 6,202 6,425 701 717 741 1,997 2,100 2,074 752 761 706 854 989 1,005 110 101 483 529 567 243 273 22 21 19 ' 9 3 4 38 37 35 5,917 6,279 6,284 752 757 769 721 741 782 779 1,333 1,246 1,289 97 107 555 693 651 161 198 19 18 18 22 4 3 3 3 30 26 29 26 6,202 6,497 6,522 6,832 771 775 781 787 2 2 3 3 28 25 28 26 6,643 7,123 7.409 7,566 792 798 799 804 1935—Mar. 4 J u n e 29 1,106 1,074 1,002 1,021 193fr-Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 3,758 3,947 4,278 1,014 1,148 1,319 2,743 2,798 2,959 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 4,109 4,265 4,196 1,361 1,404 1,415 2,748 1938—Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 4,272 4,033 4,192 4,346 1,369 1,278 1,287 1,346 2,903 2.755 2,905 3,001 2,182 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 4,369 4,513 4,460 4,558 1,390 1,413 1,415 1,469 2,979 3,100 3,044 2,185 2,279 2,247 1940—Mar. 26 J u n e 29 Dec. 31 4.734 4.735 5,120 1,528 1,604 1,768 3,206 3,131 3,352 1941—Apr. 4 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 5,550 5,787 5,720 6,047 1,924 2,087 3,626 3,700 3,511 3,804 2,210 2.243 2,861 2,780 2,015 2,122 2,222 794 322 116 110 162 221 182 83 80 712 240 187 232 208 260 21 21 19 18 119 149 904 983 1,146 206 211 334 18 17 16 4 3 3 28 25 25 7,571 7,976 8.572 810 817 856 111 148 157 1,088 1,090 2,012 1,128 1,748 168 1,134 256 308 270 425 16 15 • 14 12 2 3 2 2 29 29 26 27 8,606 9,252 9.409 9,642 869 883 895 899 798 803 107 103 114 2,385 2,299 2,444 821 1,476 120 832 909 1,802 2,675 2,791 2,627 2,897 951 909 884 907 2,286 101 705 806 904 974 1,138 1,337 1,590 1,515 821 118 1,701 1,475 1,794 128 1 "Balances with foreign b a n k s " are included m "balances with domestic banks" prior to M a y 4, 1920, and in "other assets" from M a v 4. 1920, through J u n e 30. 1928. , ^ 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as " d u e to b a n k s " and were assumed to be demand deposits ' Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941-Coiitinued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits CaU date Total Capital accounts U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank 2 ern- savdement' ings* mand Other time Borrowings 1930—Mar. 27 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 5,030 5,205 5,193 5,148 600 629 649 632 21 17 19 41 13 14 17 22 2,378 2,443 2,346 2,386 2,017 2,102 2,162 2,067 50 31 52 45 1931—Mar. 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 5,011 4,844 4,495 4,064 691 617 541 462 55 45 30 34 29 43 62 80 2.179 2.196 2.080 1,942 2,057 1,941 1,782 1,546 46 20 23 94 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 3,469 3,444 3,482 384 422 417 40 58 37 116 126 110 1,589 1,563 1,671 1,340 1,274 1,246 120 100 52 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 , 2,852 2,996 3,135 369 374 403 65 78 73 55 51 54 1,547 1,654 1,746 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 3,393 3,733 4,007 4,170 489 563 618 633 129 107 72 . 97 50 30 21 20 1935-Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 4,293 4,653 4,879 5,065 726 723 757 744 83 41 92 139 1936—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 5,110 5,641 5,866 842 881 868 1937—Mar. 31. , J u n e 30 Dec. 31_. 5,356 5,719 5,712 1938-Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 Accept- Other ances Uabilioutstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock» Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its 6 tinaddegen- justed' posits» cies, etc.» 181 797 787 799 781 377 373 370 365 291 292 296 295 91 89 98 86 38 33 35 35 2,228 2,175 2,151 151 153 144 157 779 721 705 644 363 337 326 319 294 275 271 245 88 72 70 57 35 37 39 24 2,050 2,029 1,953 1,734 2,388 2,349 122 142 131 602 541 507 303 300 287 234 181 166 39 42 33 26 18 21 1,472 1,471 1,540 1,637 1.619 1,691 816 839 858 92 97 101 395 414 416 217 223 177 15 19 79 112 114 98 27 34 31 24 23 32 1,445 1,566 1,628 1,561 1.706 1,792 1,806 2,045 2,280 2,333 919 989 1,015 1,086 96 99 91 92 449 464 469 464 179 178 175 175 107 122 127 128 93 87 87 89 29 36 38 32 41 41 42 41 1,705 1,930 2,142 2,171 1.961 2,237 2,496 2,505 16 14 10 9 2,352 2,613 2,782 2,901 1,117 1,263 1,238 1,272 84 65 37 44 474 476 481 483 169 169 168 169 140 141 142 132 86 87 87 96 38 37 43 40 42 42 41 46 2,222 2,462 2,617 2,656 2.620 111 161 123 7 6 5 2,862 3,212 3,386 1,289 1,380 1,484 34 57 35 482 500 520 170 172 187 132 131 105 97 99 125 43 53 60 41 46 44 2,688 2,956 3,079 3,032 3.363 3,424 857 781 758 112 63 97 4 5 4 2,872 3,317 3,244 1,512 1,553 1,608 27 27 20 521 530 547 198 199 204 93 92 90 126 131 137 58 58 65 46 49 51 2,651 3,074 2,971 3,137 3,392 3,261 5,635 5,916 5,927 6,236 811 938 887 930 124 122 110 141 4 4 3 3 3,083 3,222 3,292 3,494 1,613 1,630 1,634 1,668 20 23 24 20 542 555 568 573 215 217 218 222 80 80 79 77 139 142 143 152 59 64 73 69 50 53 56 52 2,922 3,024 3,110 3,253 3,305 3,401 3.468 3,626 6,029 — 6,497 6,778 6,952 1,128 1,029 1,185 1,229 141 121 123 147 6 3 2 2 3,059 3,589 3,698 3,771 1,697 1,756 1,769 1,803 25 21 22 21 586 602 606 588 224 226 227 227 76 76 74 49 153 156 158 175 78 86 89 78 54 58 59 60 2,872 3,357 3,490 3,511 3,447 3,712 3,912 3,927 1940—Mar. 26 J u n e 29 Dec. 31 6,944 7,341 7,909 1,352 1,294 1,387 148 146 148 2 2 1 3,610 4,039 4,422 1,831 1,861 1.950 26 23 25 597 609 635 229 230 234 47 47 46 177 179 205 84 88 81 61 65 69 3,404 3,827 4,088 4,014 4,286 4,478 1941—Apr. 4 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 7,928 8,553 8,703 8,927 1,545 1,414 1,507 1,469 153 148 145 191 1 2 2 2 4,265 4,967 5,014 5,246 1,963 2,023 2,036 2,020 29 28 33 33 646 668 671 681 236 239 243 249 46 47 38 37 207 212 221 238 85 94 94 84 73 75 75 73 4,009 4,659 4,744 4,820 4,618 5,129 5,270 5,346 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30.. 91 153 81 100 162 153 2,201 2,570 2,596 2,520 2,491 2,208 2,042 2,830 2,861 2,929 ments applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, b u t they were m fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933 w^hen the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. 6 Includes capital notes and debentures issued b y State member banks (national banks do not issue them). -Preferred stock was not issued ^^ been changed from time to time; see introductory text. p. 71. 7 For defimtions of " d e m a n d deposits a d j u s t e d " and "net demand deposits ' see introductory text, p. 65. 8 Includes customers' liability to State member banks under letters of credit. 9 Includes letters of credit issued by State member banks. N0.247--CHICAG0 DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Loans on securiti^, except to banlm Open market paper CaU date Total loans Acceptances payable mU. S. Total! Commercial Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances ances! of other banks To brokers and dealers Bills Total In New York City To others Outside New York City Real estate loans On farm land Total On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 1928—Oct. 3-... Dec. 31.. 3,772 3,812 84 69 4 3 3 3 76 63 1,448 1,554 182 120 310 368 956 1,067 583 595 86 87 497 608 62 73 1,596 1,521 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29., Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 3,777 3,792 3,901 3,770 81 56 54 56 J3 7 5 11 7 6 4 6 61 44 45 39 1,416 1,408 1,601 1,416 70 94 113 27 374 302 326 288 972 1,012 1,062 1,100 566 577 569 583 85 •83 81 82 481 494 489 601 89 97 93 132 1,625 1,654 1,683 1,583 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24., Dec. 31.. 3,646 3,682 3,642 3,406 100 131 116 85 7 3 8 18 11 20 14 14 82 109 94 53 1,440 1,461 1,530 1,326 186 119 252 49 239 278 288 235 1,014 1,065 990 1,042 567 556 552 546 83 80 79 77 485 475 472 468 95 82 68 90 1,444 1,453 1,377 1,360 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 3,257 3,025 2,632 95 91 67 41 11 16 4 3 3 26 42 23 10 53 45 41 17 1,302 1,156 1,111 983 119 52 30 3 187 153 176 136 997 950 904 844 537 509 500 454 75 74 71 60 462 435 429 395 86 100 102 130 1,236 1,170 1,089 1,024 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 2,242 2,031 1,851 45 67 65 17 29 25 6 16 22 6 6 6 18 16 12 813 719 640 1 1 2 101 93 73 710 625 565 432 427 412 56 55 53 376 372 359 108 79 69 846 739 664 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 1,265 1,306 1,' ' 78 98 93 25 29 34 27 31 23 7 7 9 20 31 28 486 496 456 39 51 57 51 54 35 396 391 364 187 185 176 33 34 34 154 151 142 41 36 33 473 491 451 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 1,179 1,124 1,106 1,074 93 82 105 110 29 22 19 17 26 13 20 29 7 1 7 5 31 45 59 69 439 418 379 381 51 41 41 42 39 46 27 34 350 331 310 305 171 161 151 146 31 30 28 25 140 132 124 121 27 21 17 25 449 442 454 412 1935—Mar. 4.^. June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 1,058 1,002 981 1,028 90 71 63 66 14 12 13 14 14 4 3 2 4 2 1 2 59 53 47 48 373 319 308 317 43 1 1 1 35 38 30 34 296 280 277 282 142 140 141 144 25 25 25 25 117 115 116 119 19 17 14 14 434 455 455 487 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31 1,014 1,148 1,319 65 66 72 13 11 8 2 3 3 1 2 1 48 50 59 302 340 339 1 3 5 37 67 56 264 270 277 148 157 172 27 27 28 121 130 144 13 13 12 487 574 724 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,361 1,404 1,415 74 84 81 3 6 6 4 2 1 1 2 67 73 70 353 334 319 3 6 3 60 67 47 290 273 269 184 194 211 29 30 31 154 165 179 9 7 7 741 785 798 193&-Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. 1,369 1,278 1,287 81 58 58 6 3 3 1 2 1 72 54 54 282 266 267 2 42 32 36 238 234 231 212 223 235 32 33 34 180 190 201 6 5 5 787 725 723 1 Open market paper CaU date Total loans Commercial loans Agricultural loans Acceptances payable in U. S. Total • Loans for purchasing or carrying securities . Real estate loans Total On farm land On residential property 102 251 35 164 98 259 274 CommerTo cial broTo kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks Bills 1938-Dec. 31.. 1,346 560 89 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2=.. Dec. 30.. 1,390 1,413 1,415 1,469 692 579 121 121 627 87 1940-Mar. 26^. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 1,528 1,604 1,768 703 789 127 97 330 375 1941—Apr. 42.. June 30.. Sept. 24 Dec.31.. 1,924 2,087 2,210 2,243 1,000 101 ..... 411 48 1,114 438 48 48 48 102 60 55 Other 52 171 183 95 206 223 259 311 Loans to banks Other loans 240 229 241 60 248 264 310 377 "374" NO. 248-CHlCAGO DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] U. S. Government obligations Other domestic securities Direct Call date Total investments Guaranteed Obligations Bonds, notes, and of debentures States and polit- Total Governical ment subagencies diviRailUtil- Other not sions guar- roads* ities' anteed byU.S,! Total Bills! Notes Bonds 118 356 258 264 472 475 63 71 133 129 Corporate stocks Foreign securities F.R. Bank Other 237 233 18 18 20 24 76 75 1928—Oct. 3_ Dec. 31.„. 1,365 1,350 559 536 65 109 1929—Mar. 27_.. June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31„.. 1,295 1,260 55 44 41 122 109 101 1,164 527 512 490 408 350 359 348 313 243 251 246 258 458 433 414 4^>S 59 59 57 59 129 121 117 122 233 214 204 208 19 20 20 20 17 19 17 19 67 64 66 70 1930—Mar. 27., June 30.. Sept. 24, Dec. 31.. 1,191 1,251 1,324 1,403 466 475 487 538 28 16 101 104 77 114 67 74 362 345 319 361 240 253 287 303 415 446 469 484 56 60 63 64 128 136 144 147 194 212 223 235 20 20 20 20 17 18 19 18 70 77 82 78 1931—Mar. 25., June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31_. 1,527 1,461 1,369 1,249 677 714 664 599 246 260 229 184 54 71 57 64 376 383 378 351 293 238 234 217 474 448 415 384 64 64 57 . 56 150 138 121 110 223 211 203 186 20 18 19 18 18 17 16 14 83 61 55 49' 1932—June 30.... Sept. 3 0 . „ Dec. 31 1,110 1,144 1,056 550 584 512 130 156 134 81 85 44 338 343 334 176 172 185 343 349 323 53 50 46 95 96 91 165 154 154 17 17 16 14 32 16 41 40 36 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 1,094 1,021 1,271 665 588 779 220 164 303 159 72 84 286 353 392 159 156 166 245 252 301 41 . 42 43 72 70 70 105 109 156 11 12 12 16 19 20 26 25 26 1934—Mar. 5 . . June 30.. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 1,600 1,754 1,951 2,072 1,077 383 262 1,313 1,396 234 167 432 598 575 75 82 132 168 182 205 220 231 242 273 271 258 17 45 43 26 48 49 53 56 70 72 72 71 74 75 70 72 12 13 13 13 20 20 19 19 24 31 16 19 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 2,199 2,274 2,579 2,648 1,509 1,444 1,708 1,809 282 67 168 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 2,743 2,798 1,878 1937—Mar. 31. June 30.. Dec. 31_. 2,748 1,216 1,162 26 161 404 504 636 Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 612 182 658 512 542 262 216 615 719 1,028 1,051 264 245 231 277 300 283 255 266 280 285 26 21 19 17 59 62 66 66 72 80 88 • 91 65 73 80 78 13 13 12 12 20 18 14 21 21 24 28 25 40 203 1,034 986 756 511 800 1,957 242 248 272 301 335 322 299 361 386 18 32 30 74 86 93 90 113 126 83 97 109 12 12 12 21 20 16 24 29 22 1,720 1,808 1,766 59 70 44 675 776 743 987 962 979 276 292 2,780 352 361 326 380 383 363 35 47 49 100 93 85 111 107 99 104 104 102 13 13 13 18 18 15 20 17 17 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 2,903 2,755 2,905 3,001 1,872 1,694 1,776 1,898 167 17 2 61 769 649 639 609 936 1,028 1,136 1,228 310 321 346 324 334 339 352 356 368 381 406 396 41 38 41 53 83 82 83 80 98 107 114 114 101 108 123 109 13 13 13 13 32 32 32 27 18 21 25 27 n,223 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct.2« Dec. 30 2,979 3,100 3,044 3,089 1,845 1,890 1,837 1,860 129 192 459 539 1,257 1,159 55 57 77 75 111 114 108 112 14 14 27 27 26 51,167 28 n,397 403 1,304 377 395 393 406 392 398 153 340 389 409 426 369 59 78 95 97 13 26 28 1,341 1940—Mar. 268.. June 29... Dec. 31... 3,206 3,131 3,352 2,000 1,908 2,038 1,258 1,383 385 390 406 433 445 461 362 424 71 115 79 83 83 81 91 106 14 14 25 25 25 24 1,410 1,511 1941—Apr. 4 « June 30 Sept. 24® Dec. 31 3,626 3,700 3,511 3,804 2,261 414 464 514 463 531 485 471 480 401 105 83 78 97 15 23 23 1,602 407 114 87 69 101 16 20 20 1,549 2,861 1,826 2,327 2,113 2,434 261 297 390 357 420 283 '278' "348' 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until T^^ 1- J h S e c 5 Included m other oonas, n o i ^ and replaced^in 1934-1935 by f ^ ^ P f S ^ I were issued until late in 1933. u r i t i e s guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed, 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. ' ^^^ debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) in lO^tuiQi.^ N0.24S-CH1CAG0 DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS. CUSSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Time Demand Interbank Call date Total Do^ mestic Foreign U. S. Government IndiStates Certi- viduals, fied and partand politnerTotal offiical cers' ships, subdivi- checks, corpoetc. rations, sions etc. U. S. Gov- States ernand ment politand ical Do- For- postal Bul> divimestic eign savings 1 sions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank Total Savings 1,556 1,584 403 410 181 371 153 171 171 152 1,423 1,422 1,404 1,402 362 381 408 403 160 187 204 168 1.974 1,888 1,748 1,525 1,399 1,310 1,206 1,084 381 388 353 194 190 18 15 11 1,322 1,259 1,236 929 271 255 252 121 55 51 54 5 7 6 811 832 852 637 679 137 139 123 64 50 47 7 9 9 9 60 30 21 20 6 4 4 3 914 984 740 822 869 122 47 42 25 37 1,142 1,288 1,261 1,294 10 12 13 13 16 14 10 9 4 4 6 5 1,113 1,259 1,233 1,267 972 1,038 1,081 1,121 108 2,340 2,673 2,875 1,309 1,399 1,502 13 13 13 7 6 5 5 5 6 1,283 1,375 1,478 1,136 1,201 1,313 109 133 129 72 63 65 2,308 2,786 2,720 1,628 1,567 1,622 12 9 9 4 5 4 6 6 25 1,606 1,548 1,583 1,342 1,388 1,436 123 117 109 10 463 483 476 436 41 52 51 62 2,578 2,687 2,765 2,995 1,626 1,643 1,647 1,681 9 9 10 10 4 4 3 3 34 34 39 27 1,579 1,595 1,695 1,641 1,427 1,444 1,444 1,500 108 5 103 104 103 11 141 118 117 142 440 486 466 404 55 55 58 62 2,563 3,048 3,173 3,305 1,712 1,772 1,789 1,821 10 11 11 11 6 6 8 8 30 35 39 28 1,667 1,720 1,731 1,775 1,524 1,562 101 1,624 112 141 139 141 421 494 453 62 63 73 3,137 3,492 3,896 1,852 1,882 1,970 11 12 11 9 9 9 29 33 30 1,802 1,828 1.920 1,661 118 1,754 123 13 13 66 45 2,161 26 . 27 6 26 10 23 7 12 12 12 12 51 59 88 75 2,028 2,043 1,959 1,479 1,609 1,470 1,440 26 20 20 23 19 22 33 23 13 14 17 22 72 112 146 94 1,945 1,990 2,016 1.973 2,155 2,028 1,882 1,645 40 29 28 18 29 14 10 1 29 43 62 80 83 63 34 22 1,330 1,364 1,443 1,476 1,419 1,373 18 18 17 2 1 116 126 110 30 27 31 1,336 1,426 1,477 876 895 918 6 6 6 • 276 330 330 352 31 33 40 42 1,498 1,682 1,910 1,939 976 1,028 1,045 1,116 83 41 92 139 382 401 434 432 40 48 60 57 1,931 2,164 2,297 2,412 4 6 6 111 161 123 471 482 445 51 58 66 839 764 742 6 7 6 112 63 97 492 478 468 4,009 4,273 4,280 4,555 794 921 866 910 8 7 11 10 124 122 110 141 1939—Mar. 29.. J u n e 30.. Oct. 2 ' . . , Dec. 3 0 . . 4,317 4,725 4,989 5,131 1,107 1,005 1,159 1,207 11 13 15 11 1940—Mar. 26'.. June 29... Dec. 3 1 - . 5,092 6,460 6,939 1,331 1,276 1,367 10 8 9 1928—Oct. 3.._Dec. 3 1 . . 3,094 3,201 562 530 10 11 16 19 223 186 63 78 2,220 2,376 2,267 2,257 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . 3,017 3,086 3,133 3,063 506 498 499 491 15 12 23 29 48 38 36 18 188 234 176 175 65 55 59 80 2,196 2,249 2,341 2,270 2,118 2,148 2,148 2,077 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 3 1 . . 2,955 3,048 2,961 3,013 526 563 569 658 29 24 27 29 21 17 19 41 200 226 182 206 50 65 55 76 2,128 2,152 2,108 2,104 2,074 2,158 2,233 2,136 1931—Mar. 26.. J u n e 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 2,856 2,816 2,613 2,419 595 644 456 410 27 30 47 34 55 45 30 34 217 278 230 169 44 49 38 62 1,918 1,870 1,812 1,711 1932—June 30.Sept. 30.. Dec. 3 1 . . 1,993 2,025 2,108 360 399 395 4 4 6 40 58 37 228 • 173 179 31 26 49 1933—June 3 0 . . Oct. 25... Dec. 3 0 . . 1,976 2,101 2,216 361 366 395 3 3 3 65 78 73 181 202 238 1934—Mar. 5... J u n e 30.. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 2,417 2,706 2.961 3,054 480 650 606 621 3 3 3 3 129 107 72 97 1936—Mar. 4... J u n e 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 3,151 3,365 3,618 3,771 712 707 738 726 4 4 6 5 1936—Mar. 4 . . . J u n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 3,802 4,242 4,365 825 862 860 1937—Mar. 31.. J u n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 3,828 4,162 4,090 1938—Mar. 7 . . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31-. For footnotes see end of table. JhristCertifimas cates Open ^ v acof ings de- counts® and posit similar accounts® 27 24 2,176 2,012 1,011 1,083 188 142 113 109 107 109 135 108 124 115 25 78 34 10 4 8 6 8 7 10 112 37 12 NO. 243-CHICAGO DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941-Continued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date 1941—Apr. 4s June 30 Sept. 24® Dec. 31 Total 5,945 6,510 6,651 6,890 Do. mestic Foreign 1,526 1,394 1,486 1,448 8 g g 10 U. S. Government 146 140 142 187 Time IndiStates Certi- vid. and fied uals, politand partical offinerTotal Bubcers- ships, divi. checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. 545 605 611 554 68 88 73 92 3,652 4,274 4,330 4,600 1,984 2,043 2,052 2,036 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interlink States U. S. and Gov- political ernDo- For- ment subdivimestic eign and postal sions savings! 12 11 11 11 9 9 5 5 31 38 44 21 ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts^ and posit similar accounts® Total Savings 1,932 1,985 1,992 1,999 1,811 123 35 16 1,838 121 37 3 1 United States Treasm-er's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts'^ are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both1 ("demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.25(MiHICAG0 DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS,'' [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Cash Bal- items in ances with procforess eign of banks1 collection Bank CusTotal premtomassets ises, Other ers' SecuNumfurm- real lia- rities Other ber ture estate biUty bor- assets of and on rowed banks fixacTotal tures ceptUaances bilities Total U. S. Government obligations 810 823 813 797 264 257 256 246 139 130 125 116 125 127 131 131 63 62 61 56 30 30 29 28 89 86 87 73 55 61 59 39 19 20 22 23 2 2 1 1 10 9 10 10 5 8 8 15 6 7 6 7 1.353 1,363 1,353 1,296 999 979 941 753 732 707 246 247 234 104 100 99 141 147 134 53 54 55 25 24 22 64 61 67 37 44 50 23 29 32 4 1 1 6 6 2 13 5 3 6 4 4 1,229 1922—Mar. 10 June 3 0 . . . . Dec. 29 928 969 1,049 692 700 733 235 269 317 . 99 118 157 136 152 160 61 62 67 22 24 29 90 86 80 38 50 56 32 35 36 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 4 3 4 6 6 1,182 1923—Anr. 3 June 3 0 . . . . . . Sept. 14 Dec. 31 - . 1,111 1,141 1,142 1,133 777 784 792 777 334 357 350 357 166 176 171 157 169 180 179 199 70 69 77 67 27 25 30 31 84 81 78 81 63 56 59 68 37 39 39 41 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 6 8 8 8 1,405 1,426 1,441 1,436 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 . . Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,171 1,172 1,220 1,244 834 824 831 847 337 348 389 397 154 160 175 174 183 189 214 223 71 74 79 80 28 29 29 32 83 100 122 108 57 63 60 79 42 42 43 44 3 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 4 4 4 5 8 8 8 9 1,469 1,497 1,571 1,606 91 192^^Anr. 6 June 30 ' Sept. 28 Dec. 31 . . 1,307 1,352 1,355 1,380 893 933 942 959 414 419 413 421 184 184 174 173 229 235 239 247 86 93 82 82 27 29 29 33 92 91 84 103 57 78 67 95 46 47 48 50 4 5 5 5 1 1 ' 1 1 5 3 4 4 8 10 10 9 1,633 1,709 1,685 93 1,762 100 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 1,412 1,434 1,408 996 1,046 1,045 416 388 363 170 168 145 246 219 219 93 103 82 31 29 31 101 105 99 80 85 93 52 54 56 4 4 4 2 1 5 4 5 4 9 9 10 1,788 1,829 1,792 99 99 97 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,423 1,463 1,442 1,450 1.018 1,084 1,053 1,070 405 379 388 380 159 161 162 158 246 218 226 222 83 89 90 92 28 30 29 29 87 93 96 90 63 91 76 88 57 58 58 57 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 5 4 4 4 3 11 9 g 0 1.763 1,841 1,829 95 95 94 94 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec.31 1,450 1,529 1,531 1,557 1,053 1,118 1,122 1,156 397 410 409 401 173 185 195 185 225 225 214 216 89 92 92 91 28 26 29 34 83 86 89 92 3 2 71 89 94 117 57 59 59 60 4 5 5 6 4 2 1 6 3 3 4 4 11 10 7 8 1,799 1,901 1,914 1,977 91 94 1929-Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1,559 1,564 1,576 1,503 1,165 1,190 1.218 1,181 394 374 358 322 182 175 164 132 212 199 194 190 93 98 98 84 28 25 29 29 77 79 79 85 4 4 4 3 83 98 93 126 60 60 61 61 5 6 5 5 4 6 9 13 3 2 2 6 11 8 8 8 1,928 1,949 1,964 1,924 85 85 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec.31 ., 1,476 1,472 1,459 1,428 1,127 1,115 1,083 1,068 349 357 376 360 164 163 174 155 186 194 201 205 94 93 87 81 25 26 23 28 91 107 108 109 3 2 3 3 68 75 64 98 60 60 61 60 5 5 5 6 13 17 20 29 1 1 1 1 9 8 10 8 1,846 1,865 1,841 1,851 81 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec.31 1,439 1,356 1,295 1,194 1,034 958 928 875 406 399 367 319 198 218 196 159 208 181 171 159 85 84 80 68 23 28 26 25 144 137 109 79 2 3 2 2 53 67 51 101 60 57 55 53 8 8 9 14 13 11 8 6 1 1 1 1 10 13 13 9 1,838 1.764 1,649 1,552 70 63 59 54 1932-June 30 , . Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,050 1,003 935 754 708 679 296 295 256 167 176 137 129 120 119 53 59 78 22 19 21 82 90 88 1 1 1 47 32 66 48 46 46 15 18 23 4 4 4 1 9 10 11 1,332 1,283 1,273 38 36 35 531 574 645 297 321 321 234 253 325 164 170 243 69 83 82 58 80 80 15 19 19 79 101 83 1 1 1 31 29 41 20 21 21 4 5 6. 1 g g 6 748 837 901 28 33 33 723 783 843 859 306 291 279 283 416 492 563 576 328 379 449 471 88 114 114 105 88 105 102 112 19 19 21 23 105 158 152 180 1 4 6 4 35 43 46 55 21 22 22 22 6 7 8 8 8g 8g 1,006 1,270 37 48 47 47 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1. Dec. 31 847 940 970 979 266 255 254 270 581 685 716 709 469 567 593 585 112 118 124 124 169 133 141 166 23 21 21 27 213 190 247 244 6 3 1 1 43 58 60 88 22 22 23 23 9 9 g 9 9 Q 7 10 1,339 1,383 1,478 1,547 48 48 53 53 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 979 1,089 1,167 254 310 353 724 779 814 594 633 655 131 146 159 219 203 206 25 30 35 234 253 249 1 1 1 58 85 116 23 21 21 8 9 8 8 g 8 1,554 1,698 53 54 57 1920—Mav 4 June 30 Nov. IS Dec. 29 --1921—Apr. 28 June 30. Dec. 31 ... 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1934—Mar. 5. June 30 Oct. 17 Dec.31 . + Total Loans 1,074 1,080 1,070 1,044 1,208 1,178 1,239 1,329 1.811 1,148 1,206 1,810 87 87 85 85 87 87 92 92 93 90 78 76 73 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES. 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank^ ern- savdement* ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties Total ing Com- Premon ferred stock Stocks i Surplus Memoranda DeReUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof, con- posits mand its® tinaddegen- justed T posits' cies, etc. 6 192{>-May4.. Jime 30. Nov. 15 Dec. 29. 1,040 1,033 1,005 946 140 127 109 100 5 9 10 13 479 476 .459 406 417 422 428 427 145 155 167 162 125 129 134 134 424 415 400 367 1921—Apr. 28. June 30 Dec. 31 909 919 944 95 93 93 12 13 10 389 399 415 413 415 425 139 113 64 137 139 139 352 355 365 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29.. 992 1,054 .1,120 119 116 118 12 6 20 432 487 497 429 445 484 18 7 28 143 148 152 394 437 441 1923—Apr. 3. June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 1,192 1,212 1,227 1,221 144 131 136 118 19 20 11 12 517 527 545 543 512 534 535 548 155 157 454 471 486 475 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1.261 1,297 1,369 1,399 136 133 160 155 21 11 15 13 538 569 600 627 566 585 595 603 161 163 168 164 481 506 540 548 1926—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,416 1,478 1,451 1,518 154 152 147 145 24 14 17 17 622 662 640 685 617 650 647 671 169 170 169 172 565 584 573 590 192e-Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 1,535 1,568 1,499 156 165 140 18 11 10 686 698 667 676 693 681 175 190 191 613 574 677 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,500 1.567 1,552 1,557 157 165 150 149 16 8 15 9 640 676 669 673 687 718 719 726 197 205 208 208 100 577 585 593 585 676 709 695 695 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1.523 1,583 1,598 1,661 154 137 159 152 3 10 6 8 718 740 736 746 208 7 7 648 696 691 749 98 98 101 577 607 597 632 685 713 712 749 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1.594 1,640 1,638 1,598 146 138 143 138 7 10 10 4 7 6 6 6 697 734 739 721 736 752 740 729 216 614 636 646 715 743 750 706 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 3 1 . . . „ _ . 1,558 1,586 1,554 1,555 145 150 169 153 6 4 5 8 6 6 8 10 675 684 632 654 726 741 741 729 222 221 97 93 91 607 609 568 556 693 688 652 645 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,558 1,514 1,404 1,292 173 168 148 115 16 12 7 11 14 20 34 42 618 626 572 557 737 688 643 567 214 199 173 91 85 84 85 565 559 521 456 626 633 583 539 1932—^une 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,129 1,081 1,075 108 • 101 103 10 15 11 46 63 61 441 403 423 524 499 477 152 150 146 77 76 76 394 371 357 437 402 410 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 633 .709 769 95 94 117 13 22 25 20 16 19 312 358 383 193 220 225 89 38 44 42 281 108 329 342 311 362 400 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 872 1,000 1,059 1,130 134 148 157 160 46 47 32 40 16 10 8 8 429 515 571 599 246 280 292 324 120 394 472 525 544 446 525 588 607 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,197 1,253 1,346 1,416 189 188 198 190 32 15 25 32 5 5 3 2 624 677 736 801 346 368 386 390 124 125 127 126 581 619 676 713 627 697 644 685 1,425 1.561 1,670 214 211 230 24 47 39 787 882 944 400 421 456 126 729 797 828 160 158 210 212 215 219 222 222 220 215 201 102 109 121 121 129 133 100 100 102 101 102 100 26 NO. 250-CHICAGO DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS,^ PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES. 1920.1941-Conlinued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Cash Bal- items Balin ances ances with procwith ess domes- forof eign tic banks banksi coUeetion Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments CaUdate Total Loans 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31., 1,185 1,197 364 359 193&-Mar. 7 . . J u n e 30. Sept. 28. Dec. 31., 1,176 1,174 1939—Mar. 29. J u n e 30. Oct. 2 „ . Dec. 30., Total U.S. Government obUgations 801 653 671 638 1,237 363 360 360 380 813 814 842 857 651 649 663 684 1,252 1,267 1,247 1,277 391 393 385 409 861 874 681 1,181 1,202 821 838 862 868 667 676 1940—Mar. 26. J u n e 29. Dec. 31., 1.307 1,327 1,437 431 449 483 876 878 954 678 1941—Apr. 4 . . J u n e 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31., 1,634 1,659 1,677 1,747 525 591 613 613 1,008 1,068 1,063 1,133 765 836 832 907 668 713 Total 1937—Mar. 31. J u n e 30. Dec. 31. 1,600 1,638 1,647 1938—Mar. 7., J u n e 30. Sept. 28 Dec. 31. 1,626 1.651 1.652 1,728 Total assets Number of Total UabiUties 59 58 168 163 212 233 242 36 39 35 193 190 198 82 • 87 99 21 21 23 1,745 1,782 1,791 163 165 179 173 245 237 230 241 35 36 40 34 221 251 233 242 58 70 65 92 23 23 23 23 1,772 1,804 1,807 1,885 181 256 265 313 321 39 34 34 39 274 308 347 354 68 87 75 102 23 22 22 22 1,928 2,000 2,053 2,131 62 22 22 21 2,202 2,260 2,494 62 21 21 21 21 2,530 2,769 2,767 2,863 166 193 194 191 198 210 241 364 397 419 43 37 47 372 377 421 78 85 134 244 232 231 431 495 475 447 i 42 49 53 58 396 407 425 396 91 124 102 179 226 Capital accounts Deposits CaU date CusBank tompremises. Other ers' Ua- rities Other furm- real ture estate biUty boron rowed and acfixcepttures ances Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- ties ing 61 61 61 61 61 63 65 65 Memoranda DeReUndi- serves mand devided for prof- con- posits adtinits* gen- justed' cies, etc.' Net demand de- U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank a ern- savmand ment* ings Other -time 197 895 932 923 471 482 503 135 135 138 813 845 824 848 877 843 200 216 214 235 501 524 142 147 149 150 841 881 877 911 811 811 819 843 805 829 857 850 901 918 929 876 878 90S 929 170 999 1,049 1,164 1,121 175 184 181 180 1,233 1.376 1,375 1.377 1,207 1.351 1.352 1,398 223 208 522 535 Total 1939—Mar. 29. J u n e 30. Oct. 2... Dec. 30. 1,767 1,836 1,888 1,964 255 242 286 305 918 988 992 1,031 545 556 560 576 154 158 159 1940—Mar. 26. J u n e 29. Dec. 31. 2,032 2,087 2,316 313 305 341 1,077 1,134 1,298 589 596 635 163 1941—Apr. 4... J u n e 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 2,346 2.575 2.576 2,671 344 352 371 378 1,325 1,500 1,477 1.555 645 690 160 166 SurCom- Premon ferred plus stock stock 6 992 1,025 » This table excludes central reserve city banks in Chicago, which are shown in Part I, Section 2, p p . 86-88. 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. ,, , . jj 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as ''due to b a n k s " and were assumed to be demand deposits. »Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened m November 1938; before t h a t time all U n i t e d States Government deposits were demand deposits. _ lx . 4 Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal sayings deposits were subject to the reserve reqmrements applicable to time deposits from J u n e 21,1917, to August 23,1935, b u t they were m fact demand deposits imtil the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the defimtion of time deposits. 6 Inclu(les capital notes a n d debentures issued b y State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued b y m e m b e r banks before the banking holiday of 1933. w • ^ j x .. i. « T h e composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p . 71. ? For definitions of " d e m a n d deposits a d j u s t e d " and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. N0.251-CHICAG0 DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS,'' CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON GALL DATES, 192M941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans 1928—Oct. 3...., Dec. 31.. 1,122 1,156 1929—Mar. 27... June 29... Oct. 4...., Dec. 31... Real estate loans To brokers and dealers Bills CommerTotal 1 cial Own Accept- abroad paper accepts ances bought ances 1 of other banks Total In New York City Outside New York City To others Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans I 361 265 291 303 307 299 302 436 1,165 1,190 1,218 1,181 375 388 406 304 321 329 334 303 312 308 315 298 307 303 310 439 448 466 436 1930—Mar. 27._ June 30.. Sept. 24... Dec. 31... 1,127 1,115 1,083 1,068 385 402 376 376 352 325 347 304 299 297 295 297 293 291 289 388 362 362 350 1931—Mar. 25... June 30., ' Sept. 29... Dec. 31. „ 1,034 958 928 875 359 326 308 283 334 309 292 272 292 276 270 250 286 270 264 245 329 321 312 304 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 754 708 679 225 215 219 217 208 214 236 233 231 232 228 226 264 238 206 1933—June 30.. Oct.-25..,. Dec. 30... 297 321 321 110 119 131 83 82 91 71 . 73 65 67 70 62 105 100 1934—Mar. 5.,.. June 30... Oct. 17.... Dec. 31... 306 291 279 283 121 107 97 99 60 59 56 54 97 99 98 96 1935—Mar. 4.,., June 29.., Nov. 1.... Dec. 31... 266 90 69 77 52 52 50 51 90 103 101 107 1936—Mar. 4 . . . . June 30... Dec. 31.;, 254 310 353 53 54 105 150 170 1937—Mar. 31... June 30... Dec. 31... 364 359 63 1938—Mar. 7.... June 30... Sept. 28... 360 255 254 270 60 179 176 181 68 75 75 63 Open market paper CaU date 101 Total loans Commercial loans 155 1938—Dec. 31 cStural loans Loans for purchasing or c a r i n g securities Acceptances pa^bfe in CommerTo cial broTo Own Accept- abroad paper kers others bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks 18 180 182 83 184 Real estate loans Bills Total 81 Total 17 On farm land On residential property Loans to banks Other loans Other 67 90 163 157 1939—Mar, 29 June 30 Oct.2« Dec. 30 391 393 385 409 169 1940—Mar. 26 ^ June 29 Dec. 31 431 449 483 184 204 129 1941—Apr. 4» June 30 Sept. 24« Dec. 31 525 591 613 613 270 142 115 25 127 278 151 "122" 26 132 84 15 109 85 116 91 102 90 102 N0.252-.CHICAG0 DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS* CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct CaU date Total investments Total BiUsi Notes ObligaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States Guarand anteed poUt- Total Government ical agencies subnot Util- Other RaildiviBonds guar- roads' ities' sions anteed byU.S.2 119 124 192a-Oct. Dec. 31. 409 401 195 185 42 37 42 36 111 112 1929—Mar. 27 J u n e 29Oct. 4 , . Dec. 31. 394 374 358 322 182 175 164 132 26 22 22 10 40 39 37 25 116 114 105 97 1930—Mar. 27 J u n e 30. Sept. 24 Dec. 31. 349 357 376 360 164 163 174 155 10 7 41 18 35 64 25 20 118 92 109 117 118 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29 Dec. 31. 406 399 367 319 198 218 196 159 44 72 42 24 13 24 4 10 141 122 151 125 119 103 98 92 1932—June 30 Sept. 30, Dec. 31. 296 295 256 167 176 137 13 13 3 7 13 7 147 150 128 73 64 64 1933—June 30. Oct. 25., Dec. 30. 233 253 325 164 170 243 10 16 49 49 33 36 105 121 158 37 47 49 1934—Mar. 5 . . June 30 Oct. 17... . Dec. 31... 416 492 563 576 328 378 428 432 65 25 15 85 155 233 248 178 197 180 184 1 22 39 1935—Mar. 4 . . . J u n e 29.., Nov. 1 . . . Dec. 31... 581 685 716 709 427 478 516 521 1 2 2 2 244 265 340 339 183 212 173 181 41 89 77 63 1936—Mar. 4 . . . J u n e 30... Dec. 31... 724 779 814 528 569 572 3 9 3 341 303 286 184 257 283 65 64 83 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30... Dec. 31 821 838 801 573 583 539 16 30 8 272 287 253 285 266 278 81 88 99 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 813 814 842 857 552 542 541 561 11 4 265 213 197 187 276 325 343 374 98 107 123 122 1939—Mar. 29. J u n e 30.. Oct. 2«.. Dec. 30.. 861 874 862 868 543 543 525 536 4 7 142 193 396 343 152 383 138 139 143 141 1940—Mar. 26«, June 29.. Dec. 31.. 876 878 954 544 519 531 350 388 133 148 182 1941—Apr. 4«.. J u n e 30__ Sept. 24 0 Dec. 31.. 1,008 1,068 1,063 1,133 581 625 614 696 184 212 219 211 4 165 143 1 104 520 10 125 560 72 Corporate stocks F. R. Bank Foreign securities Other Total securities maturing in 6 years or less 10 34 119 116 113 108 107 112 117 («) 51 71 71 62 61 61 6331 5313 6389 92 94 25 17 25 398 100 110 102 123 111 109 106 135 443 26 116 "in 23 398 ""453" * This table excludes central reserve city banks in Chicago, which are shown in Part I, Section.2, p. 90. 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued m December 1929. ' Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 a n d replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed, ® Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued untU late in 1933. N0.253-CHICAG0 DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS,'' CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In milliona of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total U.S. Government Time IndiU. S. Interbani States Certi- vidGov- States uals, fied and ernand partand politment politneroffiTotal ical and ical cers' ships, subDo- For- postal subdivi- checks, corpodivimestic eign etc. rations, sions sions mgs etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts^ and posit similar accounts? Domestic Foreign 855 907 156 148 2 2 6 8 47 55 18 25 626 668 743 755 730 744 649 666 64 59 17 18 1929—Mar. 27 .... June 29 Oct. 4. Dec. 3 1 . . . . . 846 878 889 860 141 132 137 133 1 2 2 2 7 10 10 4 51 52 42 49 20 21 21 33 626 661 676 639 747 762 749 739 734 749 738 727 659 669 656 650 53 55 56 58 21 25 26 19 1930-Mar. 27 • June 30 Sept. 24. . . . Deo. 31 822 835 802 813 139 144 161 147 3 2 5 3 •6 4 5 8 54 51 45 52 18 22 16 40 603 611 570 563 735 752 742 722 735 732 722 638 637 627 613 59 66 71 83 25 33 35 27 796 794 717 676 159 154 137 106 3 2 2 1 16 12 7 11 65 56 59 44 17 20 15 35 535 550 498 477 686 734 685 641 618 562 520 474 88 95 93 78 28 28 27 14 554 514 533 101 95 98 10 15 11 62 44 40 12 9 28 368 350 355 575 567 542 497 476 439 415 402 72 69 67 12 13 7 1933—June 30. Oct. 25 Dec. 30 , 415 469 521 90 89 112 13 22 25 35 47 49 10 9 10 267 301 325 240 249 193 219 224 147 170 182 33 29 23 11 19 19 1 2 1934—Mar. 5 June 3 0 , , . . . . Oct. 17 Dec. 31. . . . 604 703 752 791 128 140 148 152 46 47 32 40 68 67 74 83 10 12 14 12 351 436 483 504 268 298 307 339 245 280 291 324 208 249 263 300 22 24 21 19 14 5 5 4 1 2 2 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1. Dec. 31 837 870 947 1,012 180 177 185 177 32 15 25 32 104 102 120 120 14 15 19 20 506 560 596 661 360 382 400 404 346 367 385 390 321 342 361 371 19 18 18 16 5 5 4 3 1 2 3 1936-Mar. 4 . . . . June 30 Deo. 31 1,014 1,128 1,202 202 199 218 24 47 39 137 133 130 15 19 25 634 730 788 411 433 467 399 421 456 377 400 437 18 17 16 3 3 2 1 2 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Deo. 31 1,118 1,149 . . . 1,137 211 199 188 11 16 25 146 136 136 21 19 20 728 778 767 482 490 511 471 481 450 461 481 17 16 15 2 2 2 1 2 1 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,117 1,119 1,121 1,184 191 207 205 225 26 30 39 47 158 126 126 116 14 18 17 20 727 737 733 775 510 532 531 544 497 519 517 530 476 495 493 509 16 17 18 18 3 5 3 3 1 2 3 1 . 1,211 1,268 1,316 1,376 245 232 276 294 47 47 47 50 141 131 117 103 18 21 20 24 760 836 856 905 556 568 572 588 540 551 554 570 519 529 16 17 3 3 2 2 550 16 4 1, 1940—Mar. 26' June 29 Dec. 31 1,430 1,479 1,669 300 294 330 50 49 39 140 141 138 21 22 29 916 971 1,131 601 609 648 584 591 627 567 605 16 16 4 5 3 1 1941—Apr. 4 3 June 30 Sept. 243 Dec. 31 1,688 1,877 1,873 1,968 334 342 360 368 29 34 35 44 194 217 203 161 25 38 27 37 1,105 1,246 1,247 1,357 658 698 703 703 638 679 683 683 650 20 6 5 657 19 6 1 192fr-Oct. 3 Deo. 31 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1932-June 30 Sept. 30Dec. 31 1939—Mar. 29... June 30 Oct. 2 ' Dec. 30 . .. . ,. ... 751 762 720 Total 616 218 Savings * This table excludes central reserve city banks in Chicago, which are shown in Part I, Section 2, p. 91. 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. ' "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and a u t u m n calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.254-CHIGAG0 DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Total U. S. Government obligations 1,059 1,059 1,080 1,066 391 386 390 388 197 196 192 191 194 190 199 199 72 69 65 65 1,418 1,399 1,342 1,039 1,024 993 380 375 349 175 171 156 205 204 194 1,328 1,340 1,377 979 983 990 350 357 386 155 155 167 195 202 218 1,427 1,442 .. 1,443 1,452 1,024 1,038 1,037 1,043 403 404 407 407 178 185 183 176 224 221 224 233 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,471 1,469 1,460 1,467 1,063 1,063 1,037 1,027 407 406 422 440 171 166 165 169 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,503 1,521 1,535 1,539 1,039 1,057 1,061 1,065 464 464 476 473 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 1,568 1,571 1,553 1,090 1,091 1,058 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,560 1,586 1,591 1,598 1928-Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3. Dec. 31 Total Loans 1920—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 1,450 1,444 1,470 1,453 Ifl21-Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 Balances with domestic bank Cash Bank Bal- items premin ises, Other ances with proc- furni- real foress ture estate eign of and banks" collec- fixtion tures CusTotal tomassets ers' SecuNumUa- rities Other ber biHty bor- assets of on rowed banks acTotal ceptliaances bilities 40 40 38 40 121 112 92 86 18 19 18 14 35 35 39 39 4 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 3 4 6 6 9 9 10 11 63 62 60 36 35 32 85 78 83 13 16 17 41 42 44 5 6 7 1 6 4 6 5 7 7 1,674 ,314 1,648 ,317 1,595 1,327 63 62 67 33 34 39 104 97 99 14 17 18 46 47 49 7 8 11 1 1 8 .7 7 6 6 5 1,610 1,326 1,618 1,325 1,671 1,323 71 70 68 71 37 33 38 39 121 108 107 96 22 23 19 25 52 51 53 56 12 12 13 15 7 7 6 7 6 5 5 5 1,753 1,750 1,753 1,765 1,321 1,317 1,315 1,311 237 240 259 270 71 72 74 72 36 37 37 40 112 113 134 128 22 22 20 26 56 57 58 59 17 18 19 20 6 7 6 7 5 7 7 6 1,796 1,800 1,814 1,826 1,307 1,304 1,301 1,294 174 171 172 168 290 293 304 306 75 77 76 73 36 39 38 41 131 121 115 121 24 23 21 28 61 61 63 64 21 22 23 24 6 5 6 4 7 6 7 8 1,863 1,874 1.885 1,905 1,291 478 480 495 167 165 160 311 317 335 79 79 75 39 40 39 128 128 117 24 24 28 66 66 68 24 25 23 4 6 6 8 8 10 1,941 1,259 1,948 1,246 1,919 ,216 1,065 1,073 1,059 1,055 495 512 532 543 162 164 165 164 334 348 367 379 78 78 79 78 40 40 40 40 125 127 130 128 20 25 24 28 69 70 72 72 23 22 22 21 6 4 3 2 9 9 10 9 1,929 1,960 1,970 1,976 1,608 1,680 1,697 1,695 1,054 1,118 1,145 1,137 554 561 551 559 163 167 173 177 391 394 378 382 79 84 83 82 40 36 41 43 128 127 126 125 22 . 30 25 31 72 74 74 74 21 21 21 20 3 3 3 1 10 10 7 9 1,984 ,162 2,064 1,151 2.078 1,147 2,081 1,140 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4...-_ Dec. 31 1,720 1,720 1,718 1,675 1,156 1,169 1,172 1,141 564 552 546 534 181 178 174 160 384 373 372 374 83 83 81 78 40 35 40 43 114 113 111 112 23 32 28 32 75 75 77 76 20 20 20 19 2 1 1 2 8 9 9 9 2,085 2,089 2,084 2,045 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,644 1,613 1,574 1,520 1,112 1,084 1,035 994 531 529 539 526 157 152 155 143 375 377 384 383 78 78 74 71 39 39 37 39 115 122 136 123 19 31 21 27 77 76 77 78 19 18 18 18 1 1 1 I 8 9 9 10 2,001 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,492 1,376 1,299 1,171 962 877 812 720 530 499 488 451 150 150 160 151 380 349 328 299 70 69 62 58 36 47 42 37 133 132 98 79 18 22 17 20 76 72 73 67 18 17 17 15 1 1 1 11 9 11 10 1,856 1,746 1,620 1,458 978 933 889 837 1932—June 30 Sept. 30,. Dec. 31 1,025 980 926 612 577 540 414 403 386 148 152 147 265 251 239 53 49 47 33 29 28 63 71 71 14 14 14 61 60 57 16 18 18 9 14 13 1,275 1,235 1,176 780 763 746 1933—June 30 Oct. 25.. Dec. 30 541 556 574 290 283 283 251 273 291 116 135 151 134 138 141 43 55 66 23 23 24 65 60 73 10 9 13 33 32 33 8 8 7 1 1 1 10 9 9 733 753 801 445 482 524 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 617 649 673 706 286 278 266 259 332 372 406 447 186 205 232 273 146 167 175 173 88 96 107 103 26 25 29 31 91 114 128 129 13 16 16 18 33 35 35 35 8 8 8 8 1 11 12 11 11 888 954 1,006 1.041 556 595 608 617 1935—Mar. 4 June 2 9 . . . . Nov. 1 Dec. 31 707 744 798 829 255 262 272 282 451 481 527 547 268 286 309 320 183 196 217 226 123 116 105 108 28 29 28 35 153 155 165 163 16 20 22 22 35 34 34 35 8 8 9 9 10 9 8 9 1.079 1,115 1,170 1,209 621 628 833 906 1,010 284 306 333 549 600 677 306 334 373 243 267 304 127 128 161 32 39 40 187 191 213 20 25 33 34 35 36 9 9 8 8 8 5 1,251 1,342 1,506 1923-Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14. Dec. 31 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 . . 1 1 3 1 1,754 1,740 1,743 1,719 1,278 1,284 1,295 1,308 1,288 1,288 1,278 1,202 1,191 1,184 1,174 1,130 1,123 1,103 1,084 1,059 1,987 ,041 1,948 1,026 1.886 994 631 635 648 670 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollarsl Capital accounts Deposits CaU date Total U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debanks ern- savment' ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uaout^ biUstand- ties Total ing Com- Premon ferred stock stock' Surplus Memoranda DeReUndi- serves mand Net devided for deprof- con- posits mand adtinits® dejusted' posits » etc.6 1920—May 4.. June 30. Nov. 16 Dec. 29. 1,398 1,372 1,324 1,286 69 56 43 46 4 2 2 2 692 662 612 576 641 662 665 663 84 92 131 142 69 69 72 72 205 204 217 219 109 111 114 114 61 61 64 65 33 31 39 40 674 643 594 561 1921—Apr. 28 June 30. Dec. 31 1,253 1,237 1,194 43 42 41 2 3 2 571 555 623 637 637 629 132 114 70 71 73 217 215 216 116 116 117 67 66 68 35 31 30 558 539 506 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 1,233 1,265 1,307 62 47 62 • 3 2 3 555 575 583 626 640 672 81 59 61 75 76 76 219 219 228 118 118 119 68 68 69 33 31 40 541 558 565 1923—Apr. 3 June 3 0 . . . . . . . Sept. 14 Dec.31 1,411 1,409 1,413 1,411 64 58 60 63 4 3 1 3 647 630 624 613 698 720 730 744 42 46 40 54 76 75 75 76 224 222 225 222 120 120 120 121 69 69 69 69 34 32 35 31 625 607 605 5S8 1924—Mar. 3 1 _ . „ . . June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,454 1,455 1,474 1,492 58 57 61 67 4 3 4 5 639 626 633 634 753 767 775 787 41 44 33 31 77 77 77 76 226 225 230 225 123 122 123 123 69 69 69 71 34 33 39 33 617 604 613 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,533 1,548 1,552 1,570 67 64 64 62 5 4 4 5 666 668 664 679 793 812 819 823 27 29 24 74 72 76 76 229 227 231 226 122 122 123 123 71 70 71 71 37 34 38 32 642 645 643 651 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dee. 31 1,605 1,616 1,578 66 64 56 5 3 4 702 708 677 830 842 841 76 77 76 229 227 229 122 122 122 72 72 72 35 35 36 678 684 649 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,595 1,633 1,640 1,647 61 61 60 61 6 5 6 6 688 697 691 686 839 870 883 894 77 76 75 72 233 230 238 234 122 122 122 122 73 74 74 75 38 35 41 37 668 672 667 658 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec.31 1,652 1,724 1,738 1,729 66 57 59 65 2 4 3 5 .4 4 693 729 732 726 891 933 941 939 74 73 73 71 235 236 242 240 122 123 , 123 123 75 75 76 77 38 38 39 34 671 699 707 695 699 729 732 722 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Deo. 31 1,726 1,728 1,717 1,662 56 53 51 49 8 8 9 6 4 4 4 4 724 725 722 689 933 937 930 914 73 72 72 74 245 247 255 253 124 126 128 129 77 80 81 82 38 35 41 34 701 694 694 657 726 723 721 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,642 1,642 1,603 1,547 50 50 54 47 8 5 9 7 5 5 6 7 679 681 638 611 900 902 897 875 75 74 75 71 253 248 254 246 128 126 126 124 81 81 82 81 38 34 39 32 660 650 617 685 678 676 637 605 1831—Mar. 25. . June 30... Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,521 1,437 1,308 1,149 51 47 37 30 8 8 11 7 8 11 16 21 603 573 520 472 850 798 724 619 72 70 67 62 243 225 222 201 122 114 112 104 79 75 74 68 33 28 29 21 585 551 503 452 600 569 519 468 1932—June 30. Sept. 30 Dec. 31 984 939 898 24 20 20 8 11 8 28 33 38 400 381 359 523 494 473 60 68 66 181 175 165 96 96 92 60 68 53 17 16 13 367 346 379 355 1933—June 30 Oct. 25Dec. 30. 574 697 645 12 12 14 7 7 7 29 30 30 262 278 314 264 271 280 44 44 43 101 103 105 56 67 60 2 3 5 29 28 28 9 10 9 252 269 301 258 275 1934—Mar. 5. June 30. Oct. 17. Dec. 31. 731 795 850 886 17 20 24 25 13 13 9 12 29 19 13 12 362 397 437 456 310 347 366 381 43 42 38 37 111 115 118 119 62 62 59 59 8 14 19 20 28 26 24 25 9 10 12 10 349 381 421 438 357 391 431 450 1935—Mar. 4. June 29. Nov. 1. Dec. 31. 923 974 1,037 1,075 28 28 28 28 9 5 6 9 10 9 7 7 479 505 547 664 396 427 449 468 36 19 6 6 120 123 127 128 58 68 57 58 22 24 25 25 24 24 24 25 12 13 15 14 463 485 526 542 473 499 395 418 1,115 1,201 1,358 31 29 34 6 13 12 6 6 4 589 637 729 482 515 578 6 6 4 130 135 143 68 59 64 26 26 24 25 .26 30 16 17 18 569 613 697 420 465 631 126 679 693 701 692 N0.254-CHICAG0 DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] United States Government deposits were demand deposits. were assumed to be demand deposits, first opened in November 1938; before that time all NO. 255-OHlCAGO DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Acceptances payable Call date Total loans Commercial 'Ml Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances of other banks Loans on securities, except to banks To brokers and dealers Bills Total 1,145 1,137 1929—Mar. 27... June 29-.. Oct. 4 „ . . . Dec. 31— 1,156 1,169 1,172 1,141 235 246 275 251 1930—Mar. 27-. June 30... Sept. 24-.. Dec. 31-.. 1,112 247 242 234 231 1931—Mar. 25... June 30--. Sept. 29... Dec. 31... 962 877 812 720 1933-June 30--, Oct. 25—. Dec. 30... In New York City Outside New York City 196 211 34 1928—Oct. Dec. 31— 1932-June 30— Sept. 30... Dec. 31--, Real estate loans 1,084 1,035 994 28 To others On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 148 178 235 246 157 167 675 545 191 207 228 233 241 241 240 247 164 165 167 172 641 648 625 218 243 '237 237 230 169 165 165 161 584 569 533 510 160 225 217 222 222 Total On farm land 612 212 228 197 167 206 190 165 214 204 181 147 141 128 486 432 394 359 133 131 125 169 119 119 115 300 274 248 60 51 52 135 132 128 211 577 540 126 121 290 283 63 65 168 120 162 62 87 80 65 65 81 1934-Mar. 5—, June 30.^, Oct. 17-.. Dec. 31--. 286 64 278 266 259 56 56 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1 . . . Dec. 31-. 255 262 272 54 53 51 53 111 116 127 130 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31-. 284 306 333 52 55 56 130 140 153 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31-. 348 370 400 57 56 56 105 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. 392 392 405 54 57 56 125 130 141 Open market paper Call date Total loans Commercial loans Agricultural loans Acceptances pa^bte in Total 17 1 9 3 ^ D e c . 31— 427 1939-Mar. 29.., June 30,.. Oct. 22— Dec. 30... 454 476 468 491 93 1940-Mar. 26 2. June 29-.. Dec. 31— 533 552 589 109 1941-Apr. 4 June 30... Sept. 24 s. Dec. 31.. 619 651 678 675 131 123 61 Commercial ssr; Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances ances of other banks Bills Loans for purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and 120 114 To others Total On farm land 15 152 33 104 89 On residential property Other 90 29 94 100 166 102 183 95 99 109 181 188 Real estate loans 157 21 156 171 191 112 123 Loans to banks Other loans 94 182 36 112 33 101 197 227 38 123 147 36 111 124 121 250 163 148 125 "266 "176 I47" N0.256-CHICAG0 DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In milliona of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct Total investments CaU date Total Billsi Notes Obligations Bonds, notes, and of debentures States Guarand anteed polit- Total Governical ment subagencies diviBonds not RailUtil- Other guar- roads' ities' sions anteed 1928—Oct. 3 . Dec. 31 551 559 173 177 25 21 29 31 119 124 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . . . . . June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 564 552 546 534 181 178 174 160 21 17 16 13 32 34 30 25 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 531 529 539 526 157 152 155 143 8 4 7 8 530 499 488 451 150 150 160 151 1932-June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 414 403 386 1933-June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 95 Corporate stocks For^gn securities F. R. Bank Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 246 245 29 30 77 76 130 129 6 6 3 3 37 • 38 128 127 128 122 246 242 238 240 30 29 29 30 78 77 77 76 129 126 121 123 6 6 6 6 3 4 4 5 38 38 37 37 24 24 18 15 125 124 129 120 241 248 254 251 29 32 33 32 81 83 87 88 120 122 123 121 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 36 39 39 37 10 11 9 7 13 15 15 15 127 124 135 129 250 233 217 197 32 32 31 29 88 81 74 67 119 112 103 91 6 6 6 5 5 3 35 31 28 24 148 152 147 12 8 5 17 23 25 120 121 117 176 167 157 29 28 27 60 56 52 79 74 69 5 5 5 21 19 17 251 273 291 116 135 151 4 5 12 29 29 33 83 101 105 81 85 86 15 16 17 28 30 31 33 34 34 3 3 3 9 9 9 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 332 372 406 447 186 199 199 221 18 13 10 2 55 55 65 89 112 132 123 130 6 33 52 88 106 111 107 7 19 19 11 19 24 27 29 31 32 33 34 26 27 28 28 3 3 4 4 8 8 7 6 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 451 481 527 547 205 199 219 227 4 1 1 84 81 101 107 117 117 117 118 63 86 91 93 111 117 132 137 11 9 11 10 31 33 35 35 36 40 44 49 28 31 38 38 4 4 3 3 6 6 8 8 1936-Mar. 4., June 30 Dec. 31 549 600 677 218 243 278 6 2 2 106 98 95 106 143 182 88 91 95 90 103 147 167 193 10 12 12 39 47 51 49 57 70 43 48 58 3 3 3 9 9 8 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30 Dec. 31 708 728 714 205 318 312 6 10 4 101 123 124 189 185 184 102 110 115 109 109 113 193 183 167 10 11 10 53 51 47 66 61 54 58 57 53 4 4 • 4 9 9 7 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec, 31 707 660 696 713 313 293 315 332 4 1 1 2 133 123 132 130 176 168 182 200 111 92 97 93 115 117 124 131 162 153 154 151 8 8 7 11 46 43 43 42 52 50 49 48 51 48 50 45 4 4 4 4 7 6 6 7 £264 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 26 Dec. 30 699 718 695 686 309 308 296 293 4 105 112 201 196 11 10 41 40 45 43 45 46 4 4 7 8 6245 ®279 219 140 145 148 150 147 143 74 95 115 111 113 10 36 33 37 4 9 259 1940—T^Iar. 26 « June 29 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . . 673 651 717 275 264 313 198 244 113 109 112 158 158 170 11 12 34 32 28 30 34 35 4 5 s 8 256 1941—Apr. 4« June 30 Sept. 2'4« Dec. 31 748 771 792 865 339 356 354 427 105 115 136 133 182 12 31 27 32 5 9 282 13 30 25 32 5 8 336 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31.. ... .. • 2 64 68 2 54 301 12 70 345 184 187 192 111 115 105 1 286 , t^TA ^ —^ iffui, uu iicoouij^ wjruuuavea ouisianamg irom jjecemDer ia34 u early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. «Included in "other'' bonds notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July ] and r ^ l a c e d m 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. i " ouiy J « Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter * Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities ( ^ r a n t e e d as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933, N0.257-CHICAG0 DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 (In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiStates Certividand fied uals, politand partoffiical nerTotal subcers' ships, divi- checks, corposions etc. rations. etc. U. S. Gov- States ernand ment politand ical Do- For- postal submestic eign savdiviings! sions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank ChristCertificates Open of aoings de- counts® and posit similar accounts® Total 1928-Oct. 3 Dec. 31 793 785 3 5 86 79 13 14 633 634 946 944 2 I 1929—Mar. 27.. _ June 29.,Oct. 4 Dec. 3 1 . . . 788 786 782 743 8 8 9 6 110 109 94 83 11 13 11 15 604 603 617 591 939 942 935 919 1 193(>-Mar. 2 7 . . . June 30... Sept. 24... Dec. 3 1 . . . 736 734 699 664 8 5 9 7 119 121 92 84 10 13 8 12 550 547 538 515 905 908 904 883 1931—Mar. June Sept. Dec. 660 567 509 8 8 11 7 116 113 95 84 11 9 7 10 476 450 418 378 861 811 741 640 784 712 609 585 543 488 425 237 228 208 97 91 77 5 5 8 298 ^ 285 274 551 527 512 515 484 464 357 329 318 150 145 142 25... 30-.29... 31... 626 927 633 643 276 276 919 923 916 900 641 630 635 269 260 258 254 882 887 621 618 606 606 248 253 255 248 180 1932—June 3 0 . . . Sept. 30... Dec. 3 1 . . . 412 8 11 8 1933—June 3 0 . . . Oct. 2 5 . . . . Dec. 3 0 . . . 281 295 334 7 7 7 59 69 67 4 4 6 199 205 241 293 302 311 260 265 275 187 193 71 69 65 1934—Mar. 5 . . . . June 3 0 . . . Oct. 17.... Dec. 31 391 428 13 13 9 12 75 88 90 87 5 6 6 7 282 302 341 362 340 367 380 394 305 344 363 378 235 271 288 306 67 68 70 70 4.... 29... 1.... 31... 515 537 • 579 599 9 5 6 9 95 101 109 104 7 8 . 10 10 378 396 428 450 408 437 458 476 2 2 2 2 423 445 463 320 347 70 72 72 73 1936—Mar. 4 . . . . J u n e 30-.Dec. 3 1 . . . 624 678 773 6 13 12 118 129 124 10 11 14 462 498 591 491 522 585 2 2 2 477 510 573 402 433 497 73 73 75 1937—Mar. 31 June 30., _ Dec. 3 1 . . . 771 780 771 5 6 7 143 134 126 14 12 12 578 599 599 606 626 658 2 1 1 595 615 640 516 535 564 75 74 73 1938—Mar. 7 . . . . J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 759 745 768 813 6 6 9 11 135 136 146 138 10 11 10 13 582 564 577 624 655 651 657 675 1 1 1 1 637 633 640 560 555 561 585 72 71 71 70 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 3 Dec. 30 829 855 892 920 11 11 11 12 158 157 154 134 12 13 . 12 14 621 647 685 725 692 715 724 738 1 1 1 1 •676 699 707 722 599 70 71 1940—Mar. 26» J u n e 29 Dec. 31 925 949 1»069 12 11 12 147 154 141 14 14 17 718 738 859 752 765 813 2 2 1 736 749 797 1941—Apr. 4» J u n e 30.'. Sept. 2 4 ' . . . . . Dec. 31 1,099 1,165 1,224 1,341 9 .12 12 16 170 174 180 160 17 17 17 21 862 919 970 1,091 825 843 858 858 1 2 2 2 825 841 841 1935—Mar. June Nov. Dec. 33 2 618 18 646 664 713 733 77 757 76 10 ^ J?^^.^ Treasurer*s_/me deposits, open account, were firat established in November 1938 3 Christmas savings a n d similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before J u n e 1933 ' » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring a n d a u t u m n calls beginning with . . October 1939. For ^^ this reason, no breakdown of time breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand a n d time, into those NO. 258-ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and inveatments Call date Total Loans Total U.S. Government obligations BalReserves Cash ances with in with Federal vault domestic Other Reserve banks! secu- Bank rities Balances with foreign banks 1 Cash items in process of collection Total CusBank assets tompremNumises, Other ers' Secuber furni- real lia- rities Other of ture estate biUty bor- assets banks and on rowed Total fixactures Uaceptbilitiea ances 1914—Dec. 31-. 385 286 99 49 50 13 27 58 9 14 2 4 4 517 459 1915-Mar. 4 „ . May June 23.. Sept. 2... Nov. 10.. Dec. 31.. 381 380 383 378 393 395 291 288 288 286 299 300 91 92 95 91 94 95 49 49 49 49 49 49 .42 43 46 43 46 47 16 14 15 14 14 15 26 25 27 26 27 29 78 77 72 80 86 91 5 10 6 6 7 11 14 14 14 13 14 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 528 527 524 524 648 563 460 460 461 463 467 470 19ia-May 1 June 30... Sept. 12... Nov. 17... Dec. 2 7 . . . 414 417 432 464 480 316 316 330 362 376 98 100 102 102 103 48 49 48 48 48 60 52 64 54 65 16 19 24 30 33 30 29 28 27 30 95 85 78 113 97 9 7 7 7 8 15 15 16 16 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 586 678 591 664 671 467 469 469 469 468 1917—Mar. 5 May 1 . . . June 20.. Dec. 31.. 491 518 562 695 386 405 425 628 105 113 137 167 47 47 62 80 58 66 75 87 37 35 38 51 28 29 31 26 114 95 94 115 9 10 9 37 16 16 16 17 2 2 2 3 87 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 5 702 710 760 959 466 467 470 479 191&—May 10.. June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec.31,. 757 760 864 826 533 552 595 684 224 208 269 242 138 123 179 155 86 85 90 87 49 52 64 54 24 19 23 27 102 85 105 123 31 30 38 47 18 20 22 21 3 3 2 3 814 ni 19 22 6 6 10 8 3 3 3 9 1,006 987 1,141 1,141 486 487 512 514 1919—Mar. 4.., June 30.. Nov. 17.. Dec. 31.. 868 871 952 1,014 585 606 716 770 283 265 236 244 191 165 127 133 91 100 109 111 61 58 69 72 21 19 21 24 118 99 132 120 40 45 70 72 21 21 21 21 4 4 6 5 19 14 15 20 7 9 8 8 5 5 6 6 1,164 1,146 1,300 1,361 610 519 634 638 1920—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 1,082 1,049 1,056 1,031 853 835 844 816 229 214 212 215 115 105 105 104 114 110 107 111 72 64 69 67 21 20 20 23 89 87 87 84 59 59 68 55 22 23 24 24 4 4 4 4 19 17 13 9 10 11 11 11 6 6 6 4 1,385 1,341 1.359 1,314 557 662 668 571 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30. Dec. 31., 998 989 984 781 773 764 217 216 220 100 99 98 117 117 122 64 59 65 20 18 18 69 67 77 39 41 66 26 25 30 4 5 4 3 2 3 9 10 13 6 5 6 1,237 1,223 1,257 575 580 585 1922-Mar. 10.. June 30., Dec. 29.. 979 999 1,118 761 738 802 228 261 316 103 115 153 126 146 163 62 63 70 19 20 25 90 98 122 44 49 67 29 30 31 5 6 6 2 1 2 12 12 10 6 5 7 1,247 1,283 1.459 689 605 608 1923—Apr. 3 . . . June 30., Sept, 14.. Dec.31.. 1,162 1,155 1,171 1,182 820 819 844 853 332 336 328 329 163 165 158 153 168 171 170 176 76 69 65 70 21 17 24 23 110 90 87 103 59 53 52 68 31 32 32 33 6 6 7 7 2 2 3 4 11 10 11 10 7 7 7 7 1,476 1,442 1.460 1,507 618 1924—Mar. 31... June 3 0 . . . Oct. 10 Dec.31... 1,176 1,157 1,183 1,223 855 844 873 884 320 314 310 339 140 130 122 133 181 183 189 206 68 63 75 •81 20 21 23 24 88 117 139 154 52 54 64 77 35 35 35 36 7 8 8 8 9 9 8 7 8 7 9 6 1,463 1,471 1,544 1926-Apr. 6 , . . June 30., Sept. 28., Dec. 31.. 1,246 1,228 1,281 1,310 891 877 930 950 355 350 361 359 149 130 131 136 207 220 221 223 79 73 75 82 21 21 23 24 134 118 126 127 60 60 69 79 36 37 37 38 9 8 8 8 6 5 5 4 6 8 6 11 1,597 1,558 1926—Apr. 12.. June 30.. Dec.31.. 1,332 1,320 1,313 972 952 946 360 368 366 139 136 120 221 232 246 83 77 83 23 22 23 114 110 116 66 60 74 38 39 .40 8 8 8 5 5 4 13 12 17 1,682 622 1,653 1,679 619 609 1927—Mar. 23.. June 30.. Oct. 10,., Dec. 31., 1,331 1.337 1,358 1,377 933 930 948 953 399 406 410 423 147 149 146 146 , 262 258 264 277 81 77 82 89 22 22 23 22 126 112 122 129 52 58 67 70 40 40 41 42 8 8 9 9 2 3 4 5 4 4 17 15 14 19 1,681 1,675 1,721 1.762 599 596 594 1928—Feb. 28,. June 30.. Oct. 3.„. Dec.31.. 1,373 1,384 1,401 1,406 936 942 973 954 438 442 428 462 164 148 150 161 283 294 278 290 83 79 82 85 23 18 23 24 111 105 117 118 57 57 69 76 42 43 43 43 9 9 10 9 2 1 1 2 3 6 6 6 20 14 7 8 1,723 1,718 1,759 1,778 693 593 590 687 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4,... Dec. 31.. 1,377 1,341 1,375 1,337 945 937 984 955 433 405 391 381 159 139 129 115 273 266 263 267 78 75 78 80 22 18 23 23 92 92 119 113 50 55 66 75 41 38 39 41 9 13 13 13 2 1 2 3 4 8 7 4 7 7 7 7 1,684 1,648 1,730 1,697 685 680 572 571 1 1 1 1 1,618 1,621 1,685 621 622 624 627 625 624 624 621 629 628 PRINCIPAL ASSETS:AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941 [Amounts in milliona of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank » ern- savment* ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uaout- biiistand- ties ing Total 1914—Dec. 31 348 86 8 188 66 8 58 102 1915—Mar. 4 May 1 June 23 Sept. 2 Nov. 10 Dec. 31 371 371 366 366 387 403 105 99 99 101 106 110 6 4 4 3 3 3 189 196 193 190 206 217 71 72 70 73 72 73 4 4 4 5 7 6 51 50 50 51 51 51 102 1916—May 1 June 30 Sept. 12 Nov. 17 Dec. 27 431 425 435 507 513 132 124 126 171 171 3 3 3 3 3 217 215 223 246 252 79 83 84 87 87 2 2 4 4 3 1917—Mar. 5 May 1 June 20 Dec. 31 548 552 579 729 192 162 160 200 3 3 3 11 262 280 297 375 92 106 120 143 1 4 6 40 1918—May 10 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 754 714 807 829 156 150 151 186 67 44 73 16 386 375 426 465 145 144 157 162 1919—Mar. 4 June 30 Nov. 17 Dec. 31 875 846 990 1»038 195 163 220 217 36 30 8 28 470 470 557 582 1920—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 964 939 940 929 158 147 143 189 5 9 8 8 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 904 882 936 121 114 127 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 963 1.006 1,167 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 Com- PreSurmon ferred plus stock stock® Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its" tinaddegen- justed 7 posits cies, etc.« 179 184 102 186 188 103 102 103 103 32 32 185 199 206 50 49 49 48 49 103 103 103 104 105 32 32 32 32 32 208 216 239 244 »6 47 43 52 53 104 111 123 131 32 35 40 43 338 47 71 99 78 •14 >11 20 22 54 52 66 64 136 138 148 147 43 44 46 47 355 345 388 418 174 183 205 211 66 67 75 87 20 15 15 20 56 67 61 61 147 151 159 156 48 50 49 50 430 425 486 510 567 543 537 526 234 240 253 255 173 155 168 138 20 63 17 64 14 , 63 63 9 166 51 52 53 53 508 484 468 471 7 12 8 506 485 516 270 272 284 96 102 74 2 2 3 57 61 66 177 176 178 95 96 98 54 54 56 467 445 460 147 149 194 11 6 15 509 536 617 295 314 340 38 26 37 2 1 2 63 64 62 181 191 99 103 104 55 56 56 465 488 550 1,182 1,133 1,124 1,181 185 153 143 165 14 14 4 9 621 598 596 623 362 368 381 385 34 50 71 64 2 2 3 4 63 62 65 64 192 194 198 194 106 108 109 109 57 58 58 58 562 545 543 555 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,153 1,176 1,243 1,344 148 161 193 222 9 6 8 14 587 601 618 676 409 408 424 431 47 31 36 14 2 1 1 1 65 66 64 63 196 197 110 111 110 59 58 58 59 536 548 555 599 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,319 1,272 1,304 1,387 197 175 189 .204 27 8 10 13 661 648 651 718 435 442 453 452 18 26 50 30 1 1 1 1 60 60 68 70 199 198 198 197 110 110 111 111 59 59 59 60 600 588 593 639 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 1,375 1,343 1,359 179 172 173 16 10 9 701 685 698 479 477 480 31 35 .43 1 1 2 72 71 71 204 203 205 114 113 113 62 62 61 635 625 624 734 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,381 1,359 1,416 1,451 184 172 187 200 14 7 14 9 669 671 694 716 514 509 521 526 20 39 21 28 1 1 1 3 72 72 73 71 207 205 113 114 115 114 63 62 63 617 612 627 646 727 724 749 776 1928—Feb. 28„ June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1,413 1,367 1,395 1,441 189 152 184 187 4 11 6 8 4 4 682 660 665 712 538 544 536 530 29 65 71 46 2 1 1 2 71 75 80 76 114 114 114 114 63 65 65 65 624 603 597 636 748 699 713 757 1929—Mar. 27 June 29. Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1,337 1,311 1,361 1,380 156 137 164 172 9 . 11 8 2 4 4 4 5 641 645 056 690 527 514 529 512 60 60 85 34 2' 1 2 3 74 73 74 70 110 108 110 66 591 590 590 615 1 1 1 1 167 174 175 186 200 196 211 209 210 212 213 212 203 209 209 110 112 61 62 62 63 208 253 270 288 690 675 682 723 N0.258-ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Total Total U.S. Government obligations Loans Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks 1 Balances with for- Cash items in process of collection Total CuaBflTlk assets tompremNumises, Other ers* Secuber lia- rities Other furni- real of ture estate bility boron rowed and Total acfixliacepttures bilities ances 1930-Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24, Dec. 31. 1,315 1,289 1,289' 1,154 929 910 899 787 386 379 389 366 114 102 106 94 272 276 283 272 78 80 74 70 21 20 20 25 105 122 125 123 47 53 44 53 40 40 40 36 13 13 13 12 1.635 1.631 1,624 1,487 562 552 549 513 1931-Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 1,148 1,137 1,109 1,031 742 702 683 623 406 435 426 407 121 • 142 153 159 284 292 273 249 72 69 66 60 20 21 20 21 157 120 92 73 34 41 32 41 36 38 38 34 12 13 13 12 1.497 1,452 1,381 1.281 505 506 500 465 1932-June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 940 923 887 526 511 468 414 413 418 165 175 189 249 237 230 56 55 62 17 17 16 92 110 137 26 27 33 32 32 32 13 14 14 1,186 1.188 1,191 445 440 429 1933-June 30. Oct. 25., Dec. 30. 747 771 792 364 383 382 383 388 411 203 205 226 180 183 184 65 78 97 16 19 20 109 106 103 29 29 33 25 26 26 10 11 11 1,010 1,045 1,089 337 .353 362 1934-Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 851 877 883 933 368 358 377 383 483 519 506 550 298 325 308 357 186 194 198 193 102 104 132 129 17 17 19 21 133 146 167 156 30 31 42 42 26 27 27 27 11 12 12 13 1935-Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31. 930 906 936 967 380 357 381 390 550 549 554 577 356 359 358 372 194 190 196 205 137 162 163 158 19 19 21 24 188 178 219 207 35 34 49 63 27 27 27 26 13 13 13 14 1»359 1,349 1,435 1,467 391 1936-Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 975 998 1,092 381 387 446 594 611 646 385 389 420 210 222 227 163 164 182 22 25 26 224 215 226 55 58 75 26 26 26 15 15 . 15 1.486 1,505 1.648 390 1937-Marj 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 1,091 1,057 1,086 457 457 512 634 600 573 412 384 368 223 217 205 182 205 205 23 24 23 189 167 190 60 63 73 27 15 27 , 14 13 27 1,592 1,562 388 391 392 1938-Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. Dec. 31. 1,078 1,036 1.085 1,147 494 463 480 513 584 573 605 633 377 369 396 421 208 204 209 213 210 235 222 209 22 24 26 24 204 213 216 226 50 55 54 62 27 27 27 27 13 13 13 13 1.609 1.649 1,714 391 390 390 391 1939-Mar. 29. June 30. Oct. 2... Dec. 30. 1,149 1,120 1,114 1,159 506 515 536 556 643 605 578 603 435 394 374 394 208 212 204 209 195 247 274 270 26 24 24 26 252 257 305 329 52 60 69 74 27 27 27 27 13 13 12 12 1,719 1,753 1,830 1»901 392 390 392 1940-Mar. 26, June 29. Dec. 31. 1,156 1,123 1,227 543 545 622 612 578 604 403 368 389 209 210 , 216 254 319 326 29 23 32 343 318 354 57 54 96 27 26 26 11 11 10 1,880 2.076 396 401 415 1941-Apr. 4 . . June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 1,328 1,336 1,422 1,499 640 661 718 741 689 675 704 758 467 453 489 538 222 222 215 221 255 310 317 363 27 30 37 38 376 349 372 404 72 78 103 114 ,26 .26 26 26 10 9 9 9 2.101 2,144 2,293 2,458 420 426 434 437 1.180 1,222 1,294 1,331 1.621 1,610 1,882 383 390 391 390 388 390 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "balances with domestic banks" prior to May 4, 1920, and in "other assets" from May 4, 1920, through June 30, 1928. 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. 3 Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914'1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank^ ern- savments ings^ mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Common Btock Preferred stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- ser^-es mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its® tinadde. gen- justed 7 posits 7 cies, etc.® 1930—Mar. 27 J u n e 30 Sept. 24. Dec. 31 . 1,329 1,325 1,303 1,211 152 155 155 143 7 7 5 4 6 6 7 9 636 640 612 598 530 517 525 457 209 205 207 188 111 110 110 100 63 63 63 58 30 25 27 24 5 6 6 5 588 587 568 545 680 669 645 616 1931—Mar. 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,233 1,194 . . . 1,117 1,028 164 147 123 102 17 10 18 8 11 13 15 19 575 576 515 505 466 448 446 394 186 185 184 171 100 100 100 94 58 57 57 54 24 21 22 17 5 6 6 6 540 535 482 464 600 610 548 520 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 944 946 960 106 115 125 11 14 7 26 30 33 437 428 448 364 359 346 165 162 158 93 92 90 52 52 50 14 14 12 6 5 5 411 401 415 454 435 454 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 823 859 905 109 117 129 16 25 21 33 32 32 400 415 456 264 269 267 129 131 132 75 76 77 3 3 6 33 33 31 10 11 11 8 7 7 371 386 423 408 430 481 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 996 1,022 1,094 1,136 171 175 203 205 45 43 29 38 30 24 17 17 466 477 534 563 284 303 312 313 135 146 149 147 78 75 75 75 9 23 23 21 30 28 29 29 12 12 15 15 6 7 7 7 436 446 491 520 516 527 587 625 1935—Mar. 4 J u n e 29.. Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,164 1,175 1,272 1,303 237 230 269 278 28 15 14 16 14 11 9 9 563 585 639 658 322 334 340 343 148 147 148 149 73 73 73 73 22 21 19 19 30 29 31 33 16 17 19 18 7 7 6 6 528 551 591 596 640 670 652 681 193e—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,320 1,340 1,480 297 278 325 7 19 19 8 7 6 662 680 767 345 356 363 151 152 155 74 74 74 18 17 15 33 34 37 19 20 23 7 7 7 607 623 692 686 703 808 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,424 1,393 1,450 300 260 284 5 13 14 5 5 5 743 737 755 370 377 392 156 158 161 75 75 76 14 13 13 38 39 40 24 24 25 7 7 7 683 674 682- 795 776 784 1938—Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,439 1,439 1,477 1,543 293 303 303 318 15 19 23 24 5 5 4 3 733 716 751 799 393 395 396 399 161 160 163 164 76 76 76 • 76 13 13 12 12 41 42 42 44 25 25 27 26 6 6 6 6 683 661 697 736 781 764 801 846 1939—Mar. 2 9 . . — . J u n e 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 3 0 . . . ^ . . . 1,543 1,578 1,653 1,725 327 338 380 422 24 28 26 25 5 2 2 2 781 799 834 864 406 410 410 411 166 167 170 169 76 76 77 77 12 11 11 11 44 45 45 48 28 27 29 26 7 7 8 7 729 739 765 791 828 845 860 901 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 1,702 1,700 1,893 413 402 466 24 23 19 2 2 2 850 859 986 414 415 421 173 172 175 77 78 79 11 10 10 49 50 52 28 28 28 7 6 6 793 804 890 885 909 1,019 1941—Apr. 4 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,915 1,955 2,101 2,265 482 478 528 580 20 28 33 40 2 2 1 986 1,020 1,109 1,216 425 427 429 428 178 180 184 185 79 80 80 82 10 10 9 9 53 54 56 57 30 30 32 30 6 7 7 7 913 942 1,006 1,102 1,037 1,097 1,192 1,315 ^ • 4 Fieures not available prior to October 3,1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from J u n e 21,1917, to August 23, 1935, b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. 6 Includes capital notes a n d debentures issued b y State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued b y member b a n k s before the banking holiday of 1933. ^ ^ ' ^^ . • . j . . . « T h e composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. 7 For definitions of " d e m a n d deposits a d j u s t e d " and " n e t demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. 8 Includes customers' liability to State member b a n k s under letters of credit. »Includes letters of credit issued b y State member banks. NO. 259-ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans Bills Total! TbE Own Accept- abroad accept- ances ances! of other banks Commercial Real estate loans To brokers and dealers To others Total In New York City Outside New York City Total On farm land On other real estate Loam to banks Other loans! 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31. 973 954 283 333 214 252 120 124 91 94 27 15 507 445 192&-Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31. 945 937 984 955 317 313 323 332 252 250 130 102" 126 281 131 126 99 103 16 28 31 440 448 481 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 929 910 899 787 300 298 251 245 237 213 130 126 127 116 103 100 102 95 23 33 39 28 423 407 403 357 1931—ISIar. 25, June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 742 702 683 623 227 217 205 184 206 111 90 90 88 81 22 18 24 28 ^44 327 322 301 1932—June 30, Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 526 511 468 147 141 135 140 137 130 72 80 79 17 16 14 261 1933—June 30, Oct. 25., Dec. 30. 364 383 382 107 109 103 101 101 59 60 65 6 6 5 168 112 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 368 358 377 383 104 93 94 92 93 83 85 84 66 71 67 65 4 3 11 10 168 166 179 189 1935—Mar. 4.. June 29Nov. 1.. Dec. 31, 380 357 381 65 66 67 67 10 190 178 193 197 1936—Mar. 4,. June 30. Dec. 31. 381 387 446 91 102 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 457 457 512 101 97 105 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. 494 463 480 93 282 252 200 189 174 Total loans Commercial loans Agricultural loans 84 1938-Dec. 3 1 . . - 513 175 1939—Mar. 29 June 30.... Oct. 22-..Dec. 3 0 . . . . 506 515 536 556 175 178 214 IMO-Mar. 26'... June 29 Dec. 31 543 545 622 211 252 1941-Apr. 4»— June 30— Sept. 242.. Dec. 31... Acceptances payable in U. S. Total 111 101 101 75 77 8P 100 79 82 81 97 Loans for purchasing or Carding securities 18 Total 100 On farm land On residential property 60 106 15 20 243 217 178 174 187 191 235 8 243 242 290 6 7 6 274 10 279 261 Real estate loans Bills CommerTo cial broTo Own Accept- abroad paper kers others accept- ances bought and ances of other dealers banks 83 104 76 9 9 8 67 72 74 Open market paper CaU date 112 111 117 126 67 Other Loans to banks Other loans 26 114 28 28 100 104 29 113 35 40 134 37 '153' 120 640 661 275 718 741 •329' 29 132 '134' 144 N0.26a^T. LOUIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total BiUsi Notes Other domestic securities Obligations Bonds, notes, and of debentures States Guarand anteed polit- Total Governical ment subagencies Bonds divi- . not Rail- UtU- Other sions guar- roads' ities« anteed byU.S.i Corporate stocks Foreign securities F. R. Bank Other Total securities maturinglin 5 years or less 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 428 452 150 161 22 24 30 35 98 102 176 181 27 29 41 42 73 74 5 6 30 30 25 26 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31.... 433 405 391 381 159 139 129 115 23 20 13 9 33 30 27 18 103 89 89 88 171 172 170 170 26 23 22 22 40 38 39 38 71 •66 64 66 5 5 5 5 29 40 40 40 24 23 22 23 1930—Mar. 27. June 30._ Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 386 379 114 102 106 94 12 7 9 9 14 12 11 11 89 83 86 74 174 179 183 173 23 26 27 26 41 40 40 36 62 67 69 67 5 5 5 5 42 41 41 40 23 24 26 23 1931-Mar. 2 5 . . . June 30-.., Sept. 29 Dec. 31 406 435 426 407 121 142 153 159 31 12 14 12 8 13 11 18 83 117 128 129 179 188 173 152 31 29 28 26 38 40 37 33 67 65 62 58 5 5 5 5 38 49 42 31 23 21 20 17 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30-. Dec. 31... 414 413 418 165 175 189 24 15 6 18 43 60 123 118 123 159 148 136 26 25 24 33 32 29 53 51 48 4 4 4 44 35 30 15 15 13 1933—June 30 Oct. 25—. Deo. 30—- 411 203 205 226 26 27 34 76 54 52 101 125 140 106 106 108 20 20 20 22 22 22 39 38 42 4 4 4 22 22 21 8 8 7 1934—Mar. 5 . June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 483 519 506 550 298 317 278 310 66 55 21 9 92 96 119 155 140 166 138 146 8 30 47 112 123 130 121 18 33 38 31 20 20 21 21 22 23 22 22 27 27 28 27 4 4 4 4 21 17 16 16 6 6 5 5 1935—Mar. 4 . . . . June 29 Nov. 1 , - . . Dec. 31—. 550 549 554 577 303 285 278 283 20 7 12 12 156 162 188 190 127 115 79 81 53 74 80 89 122 117 118 119 32 23 21 22 22 22 22 21 22 25 26 28 . 26 28 31 29 4 4 4 4 16 16 15 15 4 5 5 5 1936—Mar. 4 — . June 30.... Dec. 31..-. 594 646 301 303 328 34 9 23 178 159 152 88 135 153 84 86 92 123 127 130 25 23 23 22 25 26 26 28 30 31 32 32 4 4 4 16 15 15 4 4 3 1937-Mar. 3 1 - . June 30.... Dec. 31.... 634 600 573 325 305 290 30 9 7 139 148 142 156 148 142 87 79 78 95 91 123 118 110 22 19 12 25 24 22 27 25 23 30 31 34 4 4 4 15 15 15 4 4 3 1938—Mar. 7._, June 3 0 Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 584 573 605 294 278 306 337 15 4 3 10 140 114 122 110 139 161 181 216 82 90 91 84 94 96 100 106 111 106 106 105 12 11 11 15 22 20 20 20 23 22 23 23 34 33 34 28 4 4 4 4 15 16 15 15 3 3 3 3 «258 1939-Mar. 2 9 . . . June 30 Oct.2«„.. Dec. 30 643 605 578 345 301 282 294 33 13 83 72 229 217 102 103 104 17 16 20 19 21 22 27 27 4 4 15 15 2 2 »254 S233 9 61 224 90 92 92 100 99 19 19 18 24 4 15 3 248 1940—Mar. 26« June 29„ Dec. 31.. 612 578 604 301 268 291 107 109 98 95 23 23 17 16 16 16 21 21 4 4 16 15 3 3 228 245 1941—Apr. 4«—, June 30—, Sept. 24®-, Dec. 31.... 369 342 367 424 123 675 704 758 97 25 16 15 21 4 16 3 243 99 26 16 15 22 4 15 3 295 611 12 19 61 54 196 218 102 99 98 2 49 291 22 63 339 97 111 122 114 106 103 107 116 122 115 119 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 u n t i l early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. 3 Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1935 and replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. < Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. . . . . . , 6 This is the amount reported as "maturing m 1939-1943." A classification of securities by maturity was not required before December 1938. ® Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and autumn call dates. NO. 261--ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928*1941 [In millions of dollars] Time Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign 1 U. S. Government IndividStates uals, and politpartand ical neroffiTotal BUbcers' ships, divi- checks, corpoetc. rations, sions etc. U. S. Gov- States ernand ment politand ical Do- For- postal subK mestic eign savdiviings 1 sions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank Total Savings Christr Certifi. mas cates Open savof acings de- counts^ and posit similar accounts® 6 8 46 53 11 18 608 640 545 538 4 4 13 11 523 519 300 300 198 ,200 25 19 153 133 161 167 9 11 8 2 66 64 47 59 10 19 13 14 576 562 595 616 534 521 536 521 4 4 4 5 8 14 12 14 519 500 518 497 297 290 291 288 194 188 199 191 28 22 27 18 792 799 768 740 150 152 152 138 7 7 5 4 69 68 58 49 9 16 10 11 558 555 543 538 537 526 535 470 5 6 7 9 24 21 18 14 506 496 507 443 287 284 282 249 200 193 202 178 18 19 23 16 1931-Mar. 25... J u n e 30... Sept. 29... Dec. 31... 749 723 648 609 157 137 115 96 17 10 18 8 53 71 52 53 10 12 8 9 512 493 454 443 484 471 469 420 11 13 15 19 25 12 17 12 441 436 429 382 247 252 248 231 174 164 166 139 20 20 16 12 1932-June 30... Sept. 30.. Dec. 31... 548 551 574 100 110 . . . . . . . 119 11 14 7 53 45 65 10 6 7 374 377 386 396 394 26 30 33 15 10 g 349 349 337 214 213 212 122 124 117 13 12 8 1933-June 30... Oct. 2 5 . . . Dec. 3 0 . . . 520 551 600 104 111 123 16 25 21 51 43 56 8 6 6 341 367 395 303 307 305 33 32 32 9 8 7 256 261 260 166 170 176 83 81 77 6 7 7 1 ' 2 1934-Mar. 5 . . . . J u n e 30... Oct. 1 7 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 675 688 758 800 164 168 195 199 45 43 29 38 68 63 59 71 6 9 7 7 392 405 468 484 321 334 336 336 30 24 17 17 7 6 6 4 277 297 307 309 191 209 218 226 79 81 82 SO 7 5 4 3 1 1 2 193^Mar. June Nov. Dec. 4.... 29... 1.... 31... 820 823 916 945 230 223 262 271 28 15 14 16 80 72 81 83 6 10 8 9 477 503 550 566 344 352 356 358 14 11 9 9 6 5 5 5 316 329 335 338 232 246 252 256 80 79 SO 79 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1936—Mar. 4 . . . . J u n e 30... Dec. 3 1 . . . 959 970 1,104 290 271 318 7 19 19 90 91 89 9 15 11 564 574 666 361 370 376 8 7 6 5 5 5 341 352 358 258 269 280 80 79 76 2 2 2 1 2 1937—Mar. 31... June 30... Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,040 1,003 1,045 291 253 276 5 13 14 91 95 97 10 16 10 643 625 648 384 390 404 5 5 5 5 5 14 365 372 379 286 292 300 76 76 76 2 2 3 1 2 3938—Mar, 7 . . . . June 30... Sept. 28... Dec. 31..., 1,034 1,031 1,070 1,133 286 296 295 310 15 19 23 24 100 85 79 97 7 12 8 10 627 620 664 - 692 405 407 407 409 5 5 4 3 13 12 12 12 380 383 384 387 301 304 304 309 76 75 75 74 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 9 3 9 - M a r . 29... June 30... Oct. 2>.... Dec. 30.... 1,130 1,161 1,232 1,302 325 335 373 415 24 26 25 23 91 94 81 95 8 15 12 11 681 691 742 759 413 417 421 423 6 4 4 4 15 15 15 14 390 396 395 397 312 316 74 74 3 3 1 2 322 71 3 1 9 4 0 - M a r . 26".. J u n e 29— Dec. 31.... 1,282 1,280 1,467 410 400 464 22 21 17 91 95 106 11 16 13 749 748 867 420 421 426 4 4 4 14 12 13 400 403 407 328 334 69 69 3 4 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31... 850 904 179 184 1929—Mar. 27... J u n e 29... Oct. 4 . . . . Dec. 31-., 803 790 825 859 1 9 3 a - M a r . 27.., J u n e 30... Sept. 24... Dec. 3 1 . . . For footnotes see end of table. 3 1 NO. 261-ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 192S-1941-Continued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total • 19il—Apr. 43 June 30 Sept. 243 Dec. 31 1,484 1,622 1,666 1,832 Domestic 480 476 526 578 Foreign Time IndiStates Certi- vidU. S. and fied uals, Gov- poUtand parternical offinerTotal ment subcers' ships, divi- checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. 18 26 31 38 107 111 109 130 11 19 17 15 868 890 984 1,071 431 433 435 433 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. States Gov- and ern- poUtDo- For- ment ical mestic eign and subpostal divisav- sions ings! 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 13 13 13 13 Total 412 415 416 415 Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de: countsS and posit similar accounts® 340 67 4 3 346 65 4 1 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. « A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO. 262-4T. LOUIS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments CusCash Bank Total tomBalBal- items premassets Rein ises, Other ers' SecuNumserves Cash ances ances lia- rities Other with with proc- furni- real with in ber ess ture estate bihty bor- assets Federal vault domes- forof XT. S. on rowed eign and tic of banks Gov- Other Reserve acTotal secu- Bank banks banks' coUec- fixerntion tures ceptUament rities ances bilities obligations Investments CaU date Total Loans 1920—May 4 . . . June 30.. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29.. 657 628 628 607 542 526 529 507 115 102 98 99 47 37 38 38 68 65 60 62 50 43 47 45 9 8 8 9 48 48 45 43 53 52 61 49 12 13 13 13 3 2 2 3 19 17 13 9 8 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 860 823 829 788 41 43 "44 44 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 569 560 566 471 463 462 98 97 104 33 32 36 65 65 68 43 38 44 7 7 6 33 33 39 35 35 50 14 14 18 3 4 3 3 2 3 6 7 8 3 3 3 715 702 739 43 44 46 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30.. Dec. 29., 567 579 628 456 440 467 111 140 161 41 53 78 69 86 84 41 ' 41 41 7 8 9 47 53 60 39 43 59 16 17 17 3 3 3 2 1 2 7 7 6 3 3 4 731 756 829 47 54 43 1923—Apr. 3 . . . June 30.. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31.. 632 626 638 642 471 461 481 488 161 165 156 154 82 82 78 74 79 83 79 80 47 40 38 42 7 6 9 7 50 41 42 50 51 45 46 59 16 17 17 17 3 3 4 4 2 2 3 4 6 6 7 6 4 4 4 4 819 791 807 835 41 43 42 43 1924—Mar. 31... June 30... Oct. 10.... Dec. 31... 639 625 646 689 490 476 503 527 149 149 142 162 66 62 55 63 83 87 87 99 42 36 47 51 6 7 8 8 42 67 79 78 45 46 55 68 18 18 18 19 4 3 4 4 1 1 5 5 6 4 807 1 5 5 4 3 47 46 44 45 1925—Apr. 6... June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 699 671 706 731 528 503 539 561 171 168 167 170 76 60 60 65 95 109 106 105 50 45 44 50 7 6 7 9 67 57 60 57 53 52 51 69 18 19 19 19 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 5 3 8 1926—Apr. 12.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 746 731 738 579 556 567 167 175 171 67 66 54 100 109 117 54 46 52 7 7 7 54 51 56 57 52 65 19 19 20 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 10 9 14 1927—Mar. 23.. June 30.. Oct. 10... Dec. 31.. 757 758 771 791 558 558 570 584 199 199 200 207 82 82 80 81 117 117 120 126 52 47 51 57 7 7 7 7 65 54 61 62 46 50 58 61 21 21 21 21 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 1928—Feb. 28.. June 30.. Oct. 3.... Dec. 31.. 788 781 787 799 570 562 586 577 218 218 201 222 89 81 79 89 129 137 122 133 53 48 50 54 7 6 7 8 55 52 58 61 50 48 60 65 21 22 22 22 3 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 1929-Mar. 27. June 29.. Oct. 4 Dec, 31 753 721 758 737 557 546 591 576 196 175 167 161 82 64 56 47 113 111 111 114 48 45 48 51 7 6 8 7 48 45 67 59 43 45 57 64 18 15 17 18 3 7 7 7 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30., Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 728 713 722 637 558 544 543 470 170 169 179 167 49 43 47 41 121 126 132 126 50 51 48 44 6 6 6 7 58 70 76 74 41 44 37 44 18 18 18 15 1931—Mar. 25... June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31. _. 644 628 605 573 441 401 388. 360 204 227 217 212 67 84 90 99 137 143 128 113 47 43 42 37 6 6 6 6 104 68 54 41 29 34 26 33 15 16 16 14 1932^une 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31. 517 516 502 294 290 262 223 226 239 101 112 127 122 114 112 35 35 43 5 5 5 59 75 100 22 22 28 13 13 13 7 8 8 1933-June 30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 450 465 481 211 229 229 239 237 252 145 142 156 93 95 96 41 54 71 6 8 10 75 72 65 24 25 28 11 11 11 5 6 6 1934-Mar. 5.. June 30.. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 526 543 538 576 216 210 227 232 310 333 311 344 216 236 212 250 93 97 99 94 73 69 95 91 7 7 8 8 86 89 103 91 25 26 36 36 11 12 12 12 6 6 6 7 1 1935-Mar. 4 . . June 29.. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31.. 576 552 575 599 231 209 230 236 345 343 345 363 251 254 257 268 94 89 88 95 93 116 120 115 8 8 10 10 114 101 131 117 29 29 42 54 12 12 12 11 7 7 7 8 1 193fr-Mar. 4 June 3 0 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 607 608 681 227 224 275 380 383 406 284 278 301 96 105 105 118 114 126 10 11 10 133 121 126 48 .49 64 11 12 11 8 8 9 1 Total i 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 812 867 924 904 861 895 948 953 43 43 45 44 958 42 43 42 14 13 12 17 956 987 1,024 42 42 42 42 1 5 5 4 18 12 5 5 979 999 1,025 42 41 40 41 2 1 2 3 3 6 6 3 5 4 4 4 930 895 974 953 37 36 34 35 7 7 7 7 2 1 3 3 3 5 5 3 4 4 5 3 918 919 927 34 33 32 29 8 8 7 7 1 3 2 2 5 4 4 4 866 812 29 763 717 27 25 1 1 5 6 5 665 1 1 5 4 5 618 645 677 6 6 5 5 740 758 804 827 25 24 24 6 5 5 4 846 831 902 920 24 24 24 24 4 4 4 926 1,032 24 24 24 2 1 1 1 1 920 682 705 28 25 25 25 20 22 23 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits CaUdate Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank« ern- savdement* ings* mand 1920—May 4 . . „ June 30. Nov. 16... Dec. 29 573 558 556 550 125 . 116 111 109 1921—Apr. 28.... June 30 Dec. 31 524 505 558 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30... Dec. 29... Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uaout- bUistand- ties Total ing Memoranda Re- Com- Premon ferred stock stock' Surplus Undivided profits® Demand for Net decondetin- posits mand adgendecies, justed 7 posits ^ etc.® 4 7 7 8 316 303 301 295 127 131 137 139 137 117 125 95 19 17 14 9 32 33 32 32 98 98 102 102 52 52 52 52 263 251 240 246 94 88 101 6 10 7 280 261 293 144 145 156 58 63 43 2 2 3 27 30 32 103 103 104 53 54 55 245 581 608 667 119 118 150 10 5 12 288 307 330 164 178 176 13 7 23 2 1 2 29 30 29 106 110 107 • 56 59 56 249 264 271 1923—Apr. 3.. June 30.. Sept. 14,.. _ Dec. 31 659 618 616 652 144 117 107 127 11 11 3 7 325 310 317 330 179 180 188 188 20 34 48 41 2 2 3 4 30 30 31 31 107 108 109 106 57 58 58 58 274 265 271 271 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10.... Dec. 31.... 637 658 712 782 115 128 151 174 8 5 7 11 312 327 345 382 201 198 209 215 29 12 14 4 2 1 . 1 33 33 32 31 107 107 109 107 59 60 59 59 267 281 290 314 1926-Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28... Dec. 31..., 758 711 720 784 157 135 140 154 22 6 8 10 371 356 357 411 208 213 215 210 8 11 32 18 1 1 1 1 30 30 36 38 107 108 106 106 58 58 59 59 318 304 306 342 1926—Apr. 12..,. June 30 Dec. 31 781 751 772 139 133 134 14 8 7 400 385 406 229 224 225 20 19 31 1 1 2 41 39 40 110 111 113 61 61 62 343 333 341 434 1927—Mar. 23... June 30_... Oct. 10.... Dec. 31 798 769 817 842 147 132 144 158 12 6 12 6 387 386 408 423 252 245 253 254 11 30 9 22 1 1 1 2 41 42 43 42 114 114 117 116 62 64 64 64 341 336 350 362 435 428 451 474 1928—Feb. 28.,.. June 30.... Oct. 3 Dec. 31.._. 819 764 779 824 150 118 142 147 3 9 4 6 2 2 402 376 380 420 264 261 252 249 , 20 52 52 34 2 1 1 2 42 45 51 47 116 116 116 119 64 63 63 64 355 458 408 416 457 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 29Oct. 4 Dee. 31 727 705 757 782 121 105 128 136 6 9 5 1 1 1 1 1 361 362 377 411 238 228 245 232 43 40 59 16 2 1 2 3 44 42 44 41 114 106 111 112 59 56 59 61 318 317 320 347 399 387 397 439 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 755 755 750 699 124 126 126 117 i 4 6 4 4 1 2 2 3 376 379 369 368 249 243 250 208 5 9 17 6 2 1 3 3 44 43 45 32 112 112 112 99 60 60 60 53 335 335 332 324 415 405 397 384 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . June 30-... Sept. 2 9 . . . Dec. 31.... 730 677 627 591 136 119 100 83 16 8 12 7 4 4 4 8 354 346 305 311 221 201 205 182 3 5 8 6 1 99 99 98 92 53 53 53 50 325 312 279 278 377 376 334 2 32 30 30 26 1932—June 30.... Sept. 30 Dec. 31 546 560 587 90 99 108 9 11 6 11 11 12 265 267 294 172 172 168 1 2 1 1 1 26 29 28 91 89 88 50 50 50 243 245 266 280 273 298- 1933—June 30 Oct. 2 5 . . . . Deo. 30--.. 514 542 576 92 98 109 14 22 18 11 9 8 265 278 308 133 134 134 1 1 30 29 26 73 74 74 44 44 45 241 253 280 271 288 328 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17..-. Dec. 31-... 640 642 690 717 148 147 170 172 39 37 24 33 7 4 3 3 305 305 343 362 141 149 151 148 1 1 25 32 30 28 74 84 83 82 45 44 43 44 280 279 307 350 348 387 416 1935—Mar. 4 . . . . June 29 Nov. 1 . . . . Dec. 31-..- 737 734 80S 825 202 194 230 236 23 13 10 10 2 359 370 410 421 153 157 158 157 26 15 13 13 82 81 81 82 43 43 43 43 330 341 368 367 426 445 473 494 841 831 935 257 236 278 4 10 11 424 422 482 157 162 163 14 11 10 83 84 87 43 43 43 376 374 419 1 1 1 1 1 226 243 328 320 NO. 262-ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Total U. S. Government obligations 283 272 314 392 351 329 290 254 237 641 607 644 694 268 343 340 363 246 244 264 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30., Oct. 2..., Dec. 30,. 700 669 664 702 296 297 313 327 404 372 351 375 1940—Mar. 26., June 29., Dec. 31.. 699 663 738 315 307 359 383 356 379 1941—Apr, 4.., June 30., Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 823 813 873 923 371 386 425 446 452 427 448 477 Total Loans 1937—Mar. SiJune 30., Dec. 31.. 674 624 643 1938—Mar. 7.., June 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 281 305 Re- Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Bal- Balances ances •with with domes- fortic 101 97 92 125 145 144 100 286 103 150 178 164 152 304 267 251 271 100 105 99 104 279 250 266 334 311 337 364 116 111 CusTotal Cash Bank tomitems premNumises, Other ers* Seculia- rities Other ber furm- real of ture estate bility boron rowed banks of and acTotal collec- fixceptliation tures ances biUties 942 24 24 24 115 117 117 117 981 981 1,004 1,047 24 24 24 24 134 185 205 198 145 141 169 187 1,057 1,079 1,127 1,181 24 24 24 24 105 107 113 183 247 248 203 171 188 1,166 1,155 1,290 24 24 24 117 177 229 230 260 210 180 1,302 1,320 1,410 1,509 24 24 24 24 113 102 87 183 198 Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total 1937—Mar. 3 1 . . . June 30 Dec. 31.... 1938—Mar. 7 . . . . June 30 Sept. 2 8 . . . Dec. 31,... 884 1939—Mar. 2 9 . . . June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30.... 958 982 886 908 951 1,028 Accept- Other ances Uaout- bilistand- ties ing Re- Undivided Demand Net for dedecon- posits mand tindeadgen- justed' posits T cies, etc.® U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank® ern- savment® ings' Other time 239 464 449 467 164 166 167 414 397 406 568 535 550 252 260 257 270 454 442 467 497 168 168 168 411 397 422 446 554 550 574 280 291 323 488 497 514 533 171 172 171 173 445 447 459 473 617 626 657 746 258 845 Borrowings Memoranda 221 1,083 169 Total Com- Pre- Surmon ferred plus stock stock® 1940—Mar. 2 6 . . . June 29,... Dec. 31.... 1,066 1,056 1,191 353 344 398 525 524 172 173 174 478 482 527 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24... Dec. 31.... 1,202 410 1.218 406 604 619 670 727 174 173 172 171 546 556 583 635 1,307 1,405 441 479 611 757 800 942 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. ® Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. »Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938* before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3,1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Bankine Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits ' Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock wm not issued by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. NO. 263-ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans To brokers and dealers Bills TotaU CommerfbE cial Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances! of other banks 1928—Oct. 3 „ Dec. 31.. 586 577 1929—Mar. 27. June 29Oct. 4._. Dec.31.. 557 546 591 576 193a-Mar. 27. June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 31-. 558 544 543 470 3 1931—Mar. 25. . June 30.. Sept. 29. Dec.31.. 441 401 8 1 1932—June 30., Sept. 30Dec. 31.. 294 290 262 1 1 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.: Dec. 30.. 229 229 I 1 5 3 4 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 210 227 216 1 1 1 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31.. 231 209 230 236 1936—Mar. 4.., Jiine 30., Dec.31.. 227 224 275 1937—Mar. 31. June 30.. Dec. 31-. 1938—Mar. 7 . . , June 30., Sept. 28., Total In New York City 1938-Dec. 3 1 . . . . To others Total On farm land On other real estate Ix)ans to banks Other loans! 171 197 52 56 22 11 265 218 192 220 218 55 52 57 53 11 22 26 21 213 213 247 218 181 161 56 55 56 51 16 26 31 21 207 189 191 167 152 144 136 125 49 49 48 41 16 13 19 . 23 169 154 152 152 35 43 43 12 12 10 132 121 104 35 35 40 4 5 3 85 94 90 40 45 43 41 3 2 10 9 84 86 94 103 1 42 41 41 39 9 8 8 7 105 93 110 113 1 39 41 40 7 7 ' 6 104 102 144 283 272 314 39 40 40 5 9 8 150 142 179 281 40 40 40 6 7 6 170 152 162 Loans to banks Other loans 1 2 211 1 1 1 1 252 247 256 264 1 1 1 1 236 223 198 1 1 1 1 171 159 150 134 193 187 105 102 1 2 Total loans 305 1939-Mar. 29.... June 30 Oct.2«-.„ Dec. 30-..- 297 313 327 1940-Mar. 26 June 2 9 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 315 307 359 1941-Apr.4«-.„ June 3 0 . . . . Sept. 24 s.-. Dec. 3 1 - . . . 371 386 425 446 Outside New York City 225 1 1 1 Open market paper Call date Real estate loans Commercial loans Agri- 129 49 cultural Acceptances pa^bfein Total Loans for purchasing or c a r i n g securities Real estate loans Bills CommerTo TbE cial broTo Own Accept- abroad paper kers others accept- ances bought and ances of other dealers banks Total 40 On farm land On residential property 22 126 17 59 51 52 127 156 Other 44 13 42 151 24 58 61 182 69 200 49 77 '247 49 "82' NO. 264-ST. LOUIS DISTRIOT^RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic U. S. Government obUgatvons Obligations Direct CaU date Guaranteed Total investments Total Bills! Notes Bonds States and poUtical subdivi- Total 25 87 91 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . . J u n e 29-... Oct. 4 Dec. 31 195 175 167 162 82 64 56 47 81 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . J u n e 30Sept. 2 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 170 169 179 167 49 43 47 41 89 92 95 90 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . J u n e 30 Sept. 29— Dec. 31.... 204 227 217 67 84 90 99 1932—June 3 0 . „ . Sept. 3 0 - . Dec. 3 1 - . . 223 226 101 112 239 1933—June 30.— Oct. 2 5 . - . . Dec. 3 0 . . . . 238 237 252 1934—Mar. 6 J u n e 30. Oct. 1 7 . . Dec. 3 1 - . . 309 333 311 344 229 192 1935—Mar. 4 . . . . June 29.... Nov. 1 . . . . Deo. 31 345 343 345 363 220 1936—Mar. 4 . . . . June 3 0 — Dec. 3 1 — . Foreign securities Government Railnot guar- roada® anteed byU.S.s 201 222 Utilities' Other F. R. Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less Bank 28 84 83 84 40 96 102 88 4 12 74 84 76 127 11 35 51 145 142 156 67 45 42 216 74 78 99 129 221 Corporate stocks Bonds, notes, and debentures 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31.... 212 curities 100 75 83 212 130 136 158 159 41 42 380 383 406 233 225 241 150 130 125 50 86 93 1937—Mar. 3 1 . - . J u n e 30. Dec. 31,.-. 392 351 329 235 208 195 114 115 109 91 84 79 1938—Mar. 7 J u n e 30. ... Sept. 2 8 . . , Dec. 3 1 . . . . 200 108 340 363 389 186 83 204 230 86 74 76 99 115 147 S176 1939—Mar. 2 9 . . . J u n e 30.... Oct. Dec. 3 0 . . . . 404 372 351 375 245 55 45 160 150 S176 «149 1940—Mar. 26»-. J u n e 29 Dec. 3 1 - 383 356 379 201 1941—Apr. 4 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 • „ Dec. 3 1 . . . . 452 427 448 477 271 240 259 291 209 210 206 189 203 70 66 154 210 182 35 37 53 10 14 166 134 147 144 160 7 228 "'7 156 11 1 195 ! Includes certificates of indebtedness u p t o and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early in 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. 2 Included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in J u l y 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal a n d interest) were issued until late in 1933. , ' This is the amount reported as "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities b y maturity was not required before December 1938. « Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and a u t u m n call dates. NO. 26S-ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In miUions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic 1928-Oct. 3 Dec. 3 1 . . . 521 570 137 144 1929-Mar. 27... June 2 9 . . . Oct. 4 Dec. 3 1 . . . 486 474 509 545 119 103 126 132 1 9 3 0 - M a r . 27 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 508 497 485 1 9 3 1 - M a r . 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 500 464 411 396 1932-June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 Foreign U. S. Government Time IndividCertiuals, and fied partpolitand nerical offiTotal ships, subcers* divi- checks, corpoetc. rations, etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U.S. Gov- States ernand ment politand ical Do- For- postal submestic eign savdiviings 1 sions Total Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts® and posit similar accountfii 354 381 257 254 10 8 241 241 161 164 65 64 16 13 331 323 349 371 241 231 248 238 5 10 9 11 232 218 237 221 155 151 151 150 58 53 66 58 19 13 20 13 123 123 123 113 335 337 335 252 247 254 214 18 16 13 11 231 227 236 197 150 151 148 127 68 64 74 60 13 12 15 10 131 94 78 325 ^ 302 275 276 230 213 215 195 19 7 13 10 202 193 192 172 128 131 128 123 60 53 55 42 14 9 9 7 359 372 402 85 94 102 234 243 256 188 188 185 10 7 6 162 165 162 119 119 121 35 38 36 8 8 6 1 9 3 3 - J u n e 30 Oct. 25. Dec. 30 429 87 93 103 230 254 273 149 148 147 6 5 5 127 129 129 99 101 104 23 21 18 5 6 6 1 1 1934-Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 487 484 532 561 143 142 164 166 260 267 311 319 153 158 159 156 5 4 4 2 136 145 147 146 111 122 125 129 18 18 17 15 6 4 4 2 1 1 1935-Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov, 1 Dec. 31 577 571 644 662 196 188 224 231 310 330 363 373 160 4 3 3 3 149 .154 155 154 131 138 138 140 16 14 14 13 2 1 1 1 1 1 1936-Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . 679 663 766 251 230 273 370 368 431 163 168 3 3 3 154 159 160 139 144 149 13 12 9 1 2 1 1 251 171 172 172 3 3 3 161 163 164 150 152 154 9 ' 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 110 13 31 163 164 163 1 9 3 7 - M a r . 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 718 673 710 234 414 397 412 1938-Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 711 711 735 778 247 254 251 264 396 397 428 444 173 175 173 174 3 3 3 3 165 166 165 166 155 156 154 156 9 8 8 8 2 1 9 3 9 - M a r . 29 J u n e 30.._—. Oct. 2 a Dec. 30 785 807 850 903 279 291 318 355 438 442 472 479 173 175 179 180 4 4 4 4 167 169 168 169 157 159 7 7 2 1 160 6 2 1 9 4 0 - M a r . 26 s J u n e 29 Dec. 31 892 882 1,015 353 344 397 472 469 547 174 175 176 4 3 4 168 169 170 161 162 6 6 2 2 1 1 9 4 1 - A p r . 43 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 3 Dec. 31 1,025 1,042 1,132 1.232 410 406 441 478 542 552 609 652 176 176 174 173 4 3 4 3 170 170 169 168 161 5 2 2 161 5 2 216 1 1 1 United States Treasurer's iime deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 " C h r i s t m a s savings a n d similar accounts" are mcluded in "open accounts" before J u n e 1933. 3 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and a u t u m n calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; a n d the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand a n d time, into those of domestic a n d foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO. 266-ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Total CusCash Bank assets tomBalBal- items premNumises, Other ers' Secuances ances in ber lia- rities Other with with proc- furni- real of ture estate bility bor- assets domes- foress banlEs on rowed and tic eign of Total acbanks banks" collec- fixliacepttures tion bilities ances Total U. S. Government obligations 311 309 315 309 114 112 114 116 68 68 67 66 46 45 47 49 22 21 22 22 12 12 12 12 41 39 42 41 6 7 7 6 10 10 11 11 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 525 518 530 526 516 519 524 527 429 429 418 310 310 302 119 119 116 67 67 62 52 52 54 21 21 21 13 11 12 36 34 38 4 6 6 12 11 12 1 1 1 3 3 5 2 2 3 522 521 518 532 536 539 1922-Mar. 10 J u n e 30 Dec. 29 412 420 490 295 298 335 117 121 155 62 62 75 57 60 79 21 22 29 12 12 16 43 45 62 5 6 8 13 13 14 2 2 3 5 5 4 3 2 3 516 527 630 542 551 565 1923-Apr. 3 J u n e 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 520 529 533 540 349 358 363 365 171 171 172 175 81 83 80 79 89 88 91 96 29 29 27 28 14 11 15 16 60 49 45 53 8 8 6 9 15 15 15 16 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 656 651 653 672 577 578 580 581 1924-Mar. 31. J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 537 532 537 534 365 368 370 357 171 165 168 177 74 68 67 70 98 96 102 107 26 27 28 30 14 14 15 16 46 50 60 76 7 8 9 9 17 17 17 17 3 5 4 4 3 2 3 2 656 659 677 694 581 581 581 579 1925-Apr. 6 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 547 557 575 579 363 374 391 389 184 182 184 189 73 70 71 71 112 111 115 118 29 28 31 32 14 15 16 15 67 61 66 70 7 8 8 10 18 18 18 19 5 6 5 5 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 693 697 726 737 581 578 584 584 192&-Apr. 12 June 30.. Dec. 31 586 589 575 393 396 380 193 193 195 72 70 66 121 123 129 29 31 31 16 15 16 60 59 60 9 8 10 19 20 19 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 729 733 721 580 576 567 1927—Mar. 23 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 574 579 587 586 374 372 377 369 200 207 210 216 65 67 67 65 135 140 144 151 29 30 31 31 15 15 15 15 60 57 61 67 6 8 9 9 19 20 20 20 5 6 6 6 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 715 720 734 738 560 557 554 552 1928—Feb. 28 J u n e 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 585 604 613 606 366 380 386 377 220 224 227 229 65 67 70 72 154 157 156 157 30 30 32 31 15 13 16 16 56 53 59 58 7 9 8 11 21 21 22 21 6 6 6 6 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 725 740 760 753 551 553 550 546 1929—Alar. 27 J u n e 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 625 621 617 600 388 391 392 380 237 230 225 220 77 75 73 67 160 155 152 152 30 30 31 29 15 12 15 16 45 47 51 54 7 10 9 11 23 23 23 23 6 6 , 6 ^ 6 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 754 753 756 744 548 544 538 536 587 576 567 517 372 366 357 318 216 210 210 199 65 59 59 53 151 151 151 146 28 28 27 26 15 14 15 18 47 52 49 49 7 9 6 8 23 23 23 22 6 6 6 5 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 717 712 697 648 528 519 517 484 1931—Mar. 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 503 509 504 458 301 301 295 263 202 208 208 195 55 59 63 60 147 149 145 136 25 26 24 23 14 15 14 14 53 52 39 33 5 7 6 8 22 22 22 20 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 631 641 617 564 476 478 473 440 1932—June 30 . Sept. 30 . Dec. 31 423 408 385 231 221 206 191 187 179 64 63 61 127 124 118 20 19 20 12 12 11 33 35 37 5 4 5 19 19 19 5 6 6 1 1 2 2 2 2 521 506 486 420 415 404 1933-June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 298 306 311 153 155 153 145 151 159 58 64 70 87 87 89 23 24 25 10 10 10 34 34 38 5 4 5 15 15 15 5 5 5 2 2 2 392 400 412 317 331 339 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 325 333 346 358 152 148 151 151 174 185 195 206 81 89 96 107 92 96 99 99 29 35 37 38 10 10 11 13 47 58 65 66 5 5 6 ' 6 15 15 15 15 5 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 440 464 490 504 349 358 366 367 1935—Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31. 354 354 361 368 149 148 151 154 205 206 209 214 105 104 102 104 99 101 108 110 44 46 43 43 11 11 11 14 73 77 87 90 6 6 7 8 15 15 17 15 6 6 7 7 3 2 2 2 513 518 532 547 367 366 364 366 1936-Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 369 390 411 154 163 170 215 227 241 101 111 119 114 117 121 45 49 55 12 14 15 91 94 100 8 9 11 15 15 14 7 7 6 2 2 2 547 579 616 366 365 364 Total Loans 1920-May 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 425 421 428 424 1921-Apr. 28 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1930-Mar. 27 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1 . 1 1 1 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollarsl Deposits Call date. Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank 2 ern- savdement® ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liabiUoutstand- ties ing Total Com- PreSurmon ferred plus stock stock 5 Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its® tinaddegen- justed 7 posits 7 cies. etc.® 31 31 31 31 68 69 72 73 39 39 41 41 19 20 20 20 10 10 12 13 245 233 229 225 128 30 31 34 74 73 74 42 42 43 21 21 22 11 9 9 222 218 217 131 136 164 34 .34 33 75 76 84 43 44 48 21 22 23 10 10 14 216 223 279 183 33 32 34 33 85 86 89 88 49 50 51 51 24 25 25 25 13 12 14 12 288 280 273 284 216 32 33 32 32 89 88 91 89 51 51 51 51 25 25 24 25 13 13 15 13 268 266 264 285 227 229 238 242 30 30 32 32 92 90 92 91 52 52 52 52 26 25 25 26 15 14 15 13 283 284 286 297 301 300 291 250 252 255 31 32 30 94 92 92 53 52 51 26 27 27 14 14 14 292 292 281 300 2 1 2 2 282 285 262 264 286 268 293 272 31 30 30 29 93 91 94 93 51 50 50 50 27 26 27 27 15 15 17 15 276 277 277 284 292 296 298 302 39 34 42 40 1 2 2 2 279 285 274 283 284 292 281 29 29 29 29 93 94 95 94 50 51 51 50 27 286 28 29 15 15 16 14 1 2 272 276 277 281 290 291 296 300 610 606 603 598 35 32 36 36 3 3 2 1 280 283 278 279 289 285 284 279 30 30 30 30 98 97 98 97 52 52 51 51 29 29 29 29 15 14 16 15 2 2 1 2 274 273 269 268 291 288 285 284 1930—Mar. 27 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 574 570 553 512 28 29 29 26 3 2 1 1 260 281 261 274 276 249 30 30 30 27 97 94 95 89 51 51 51 47 29 29 28 27 15 13 14 12 2 2 2 2 253 252 236 222 265 264 248 232 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . . . J u n e 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 503 517 490 437 28 28 22 19 2 2 5 I 245 248 241 212 27 27 27 25 87 86 86 79 46 47 47 44 27 26 26 24 12 11 11 8 2 . 2 2 2 216 222 204 186 223 234 214 195 1932—June 30 Sept. 30. Dec. 31 397 386 373 17 16 17 2 2 2 172 154 192 187 179 25 26 26 76 73 69 43 42 40 23 23 21 7 7 6 2 1 2 168 157 149 174 162 155 309 317 329 17 19 21 3 3 3 135 137 148 131 135 134 21 21 21 57 58 58 32 33 33 2 3 3 16 16 16 4 4 4 2 2 2 131 133 143 138 141 153 1934-Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 27 Dec. 31 355 380 404 418 23 27 33 34 5 6 4 6 161 173 191 200 143 155 21 21 20 20 61 63 65 65 33 32 32 31 7 12 13 14 15 13 13 13 5 5 6 5 2 2 1 2 156 168 185 194 166 178 200 209 1935—Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 427 441 464 478 36 36 40 42 5 2 4 6 204 215 229 237 170 176 19 11 1 1 66 66 68 67 31 30 30 31 14 14 14 13 13 14 14 14 6 6 8 6 2 2 2 2 198 209 223 229 215 225 179 187 1936—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 479 610 546 40 42 47 3 9 8 258 •284 194 200 1 2 2 68 68 68 31 31 31 13 12 11 14 15 16 7 8 8 2 3 2 231 249 273 184 206 228 1920-May 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 391 381 384 379 33 31 32 30 1 2 1 251 240 236 231 116 1921—Apr. 28 J u n e 30 Dec. 3 1 . . : . . . . 380 377 378 27 26 26 1 2 1 226 126 224 223 127 1922—Mar. 10. J u n e 30 Dec. 29 382 398 500 28 31 44 1 1 3 221 229 287 1923—Apr. 3 J u n e 30 Sept. 14, . . . Dec. 31 523 515 508 529 41 36 36 38 3 3 1 2 296 288 279 293 1924—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 516 518 531 562 33 33 42 48 1 1 1 3 275 274 273 294 1925—Apr. 6 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 561 561 584 603 40 40 49 50 5 2 2 3 290 292 294 307 1926—Apr. 12 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 594 592 586 40 39 39 2 2 1 1927—INIar. 23 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 584 589 598 610 38 39 43 42 1928—Feb. 28 J u n e 30. Oct. 3._ Dec. 31 594 603 616 618 1929—Mar. 27 J u n e 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31.. . . . . 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30. ' 242 230 221 230 210 194 161 107 109 116 188 193 197 208 210 215 162 165 182 185 188 28 NO. 266--ST. LOUIS DISTRICTS-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Conlinued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Balances with domes* tic banks CusCash Bank tomBal- items premises, Other ers' Secuances in lia- rities Other with proc- furni- real bility borforture ess on rowed eign and of badtsi collec- fixaccepttion tures Total 174 185 198 243 249 244 122 121 129 131 119 113 196 196 199 209 242 233 242 245 130 125 132 135 111 108 209 239 233 131 127 123 123 108 61 62 68 72 107 107 105 105 136 142 674 703 720 366 105 103 72 72 78 140 147 166 716 726 786 372 377 391 78 165 169 189 798 824 883 949 402 410 413 Loans 1037-"-Mar. 31. June 30. Dec.31. 417 434 442 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28 Dec. 31. 437 429 441 453 1939—Mar. 29. June 30. Oct. 2... Dec. 30. 449 451 451 457 1940—Mar. 26. June 29. Dec.31. 457 460 1941—Apr. 4-. June 30. Sept. 24, Dec.31. 505 522 548 576 218 223 228 228 228 229 124 239 263 221 118 225 123 268 237 248 256 282 132 142 152 174 275 292 294 110 110 102 105 106 104 108 60 60 641 1937—Mar. 31, June 30. Dec. 31. 534 548 567 42 39 44 279 1938—Mar. 7. June 30. Sept. 28 Dec. 31. 556 553 569 591 41 43 46 48 280 274 284 1939—Mar. 29. June 30. Oct. 2.. Dec. 30. 585 596 624 642 48 47 57 61 293 302 320 331 1940—Mar. 26. June 29. Dec. 31. 636 644 702 59 58 69 1941—Apr. 4.. June 30. Sept. 24, Dec. 31. 713 737 794 72 72 87 101 629 627 645 667 60 56 58 58 109 116 81 88 103 Capital accounts TJ. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank 2 ern- savdement® ings* mand Other time Total liabiUties 606 620 56 Deposits Total Number of banks U. S. Government obligations Total Call date Total assets Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- biliTotal standing Com- Premon ferred stock stock® Surplus 364 367 367 366 367 Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its® tinaddegen- justed 7 posits' cies. etc.e 269 278 276 226 241 234 230 264 275 291 227 215 227 236 235 238 238 239 284 292 307 318 230 228 234 244 326 335 378 242 243 247 315 323 363 241 240 272 382 401 439 489 251 254 257 257 386 423 467 211 225 226 226 228 33 280 297 329 373 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3,1928. 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. * Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3,1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23,1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. ' Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. NO. 267-ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances CaU date Total loans To brokers and dealers BiUs Commeracial Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances 1 of other banks Heal estate loans Total In New York City Outside New York City To others Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks 57 Other loans I 1928—Oct. 3...J Dec. 31.. 377 243 227 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct.4.__. Dec. 31.. 392 227 234 235 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31... 372 366 357 318 217 217 1931—Mar. 25... June 30.. Sept. 29... Dec. 31... 301 301 295 263 175 173 170 148 1932—June 30,. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 231 129 221 206 122 112 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30_. 155 153 85 84 1934—Mar. 5.... June 30... Oct. 17.... Dec. 31... 152 148 151 151 83 80 85 1935-Mar. 4 . . June 29-, Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 149 148 151 154 85 83 83 84 1935—Mar. 4 . . June 30., Dec. 31., 154 163 170 83 88 91 1937-Mar. 31. June 30., Dec. 31.. 174 185 198 100 111 ;8—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. 196 196 199 109 109 112 221 212 189 Open market paper -CaU date Total 1938—Dec. 31... 209 1939—Mar. 29... June 30... Oct. 2 1 . . . Dec. 30... 210 218 1940—Mar. 26».. June 29... Dec. 31... 1941—Apr. 48... June 30... Sept. 24K. Dec. 31... 223 228 Commercial bans Agricultural loans 47 35 Acceptances pa^b^e in Loans for purchasing or carrying securities CommerTo cial To broOwn Accept- abroad paper kers others bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other Real estate loans Bills Total Total On farm land 60 13 On residential property 268 Other loans Other 49 53 58 32 44 228 275 292 294 Loans to banks 56 58 65 54 '"57 72 NO. 268-.ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollara] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct CaU date Total investments Total BiUai Notes ObUgaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States Guar- and anteed polit- Total Governical ment subagencies divinot Rail- Util- Other Bonds sions guar- roads® ities' anteed byU.S.2 Corporate stocks F. R. Bank Other Foreign securities Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1928—Oct. 3.. Dec. 31 227 229 70 72 13 13 11 12 46 47 1929—Mar. 27. June 29.. Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31.. 237 230 225 220 77 75 73 67 14 12 10 7 11 12 12 11 52 50 51 50 1930—Mar. 27. June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 216 210 210 199 65 59 59 53 4 3 2 2 10 8 8 7 51 49 50 44 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29. Dec. 31.. 202 208 208 195 55 59 63 60 3 2 1 1 6 6 8 6 46 50 54 53 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30. Dec. 31.. 191 187 179 64 63 61 2 1 1 7 7 9 55 54 52 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 145 151 159 58 64 70 2 2 2 9 9 11 47 53 57 1934—Alar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 174 185 195 206 81 88 85 89 4 3 2 17 19 20 26 60 66 63 63 1 10 18 1935—Mar. 4 . . June 29.. Nov. 1 . . Dec. 31.. 205 206 209 214 82 75 69 71 26 26 30 31 56 49 38 40 23 29 33 33 1936—Mar. 4 . . June 30-Dec. 31.. 215 227 241 68 78 87 28 28 27 39 49 60 33 33 32 1937—Mar. 31., June 30.. Dec. 31.. 243 249 244 90 97 95 25 33 32 64 64 63. 32 32 36 1938—Mar. 7 . . June 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31-. 242 233 242 245 95 93 101 106 31 31 35 37 63 62 66 69 36 32 31 29 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2«.., Dec. 30.. 239 233 228 228 100 95 94 91 2 1 29 27 70 67 2 20 69 31 32 29 32 1940—Mar. 26«. June 29.. Dec, 31.. 229 221 225 92 86 89 25 19 61 71 33 32 34 84 84 1941—Apr.4«-. June 30.. Sept. 24®, Dec. 31 237 248 256 282 98 102 108 133 16 86 20 111 34 40 44 41 100 1 1 1 1 1 40 577 m 46 13 10 82 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and includmg October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. 2 Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 6. 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. > Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interesfi were issued until late in 1933. . . ^ NO. 269-ST. LOUIS DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928M941 [In millions of dollars] - Demand Interbank Call date Total 1928—Oct. 3,. Dec. 31 329 334 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.. Dec. 31. 318 316 316 315 193a-Mar. 27..,, June 30 Sept. 24... Dec. 31..., Do-. mestic Foreign 41 •40 U. S. Government Time IndiInterbank U. S. States States Certi- vidGov- and fied and uals, ern- politpoUtand partical ment ical nerTotal offisntn subcers' ships, Do- For- and divi- checks. corpomestic eign postal divisavsions etc. rations, etc. Indi vidua Is, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings Christyp^q Certificates Open savacof ings de- counts® and posit similar accounts 3 139 136 134 136 276 142 139 140 138 136 135 134 133 276 269 270 245 138 134 134 121 132 129 119 114 111 111 97 2 2 26 27 5 6 255 259 287 284 281 34 30 . . . . . . 35 35 3 3 2 1 32 38 28 28 4 5 5 5 244 240 246 246 293 290 287 289 291 272 256 27 29 28 25 3 2 1 1 33 38 31 26 4 4 4 4 223 218 208 200 285 279 1931—Mar. 25... June 30..., Sept. 29... Dec. 31..., 249 259 237 213 26 27 21 18 2 2 5 1 30 35 28 24 4 3 3 4 187 191 179 167 254 258 253 225 244 237 210 108 1932—June 3 0 . . . Sept. 3 0 . „ Dec. 31..., 190 . 179 172 16 16 17 2 2 2 30 25 21 2 2 2 140 134 130 208 206 201 187 184 175 95 93 91 1933—June 3 0 . . . Oct. 25... Dec. 3 0 . . . 155 158 171 16 18 . . . . . . 20 3 3 3 23 23 25 2 1 2 111 113 121 154 159 158 129 132 132 67 70 72 1934—Mar. 5 . . . June 30.. Oct. 17.._ Dec. 31.. 188 204 226 238 22 26 31 32 5 6 4 6 27 32 32 32 2 3 2 3 132 138 157 165 168 141 152 80 87 93 97 61 1935-Mar, 4 . . . June 29., Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 243 251 271 283 34 34 37 40 5 2 4 6 34 40 39 41 2 3 3 4 168 172 187 193 184 189 192 195 167 175 180 183 101 64 65 65 66 1936-Mar. 4 . . . June 30-. Dec. 31.. 281 307 338 39 40 .46 3 9 8 42 48 45 3 194 206 235 198 203 208 186 192 199 118 124 131 67 67 1937-Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 321 330 335 40 37 42 3 4 5 46 55 48 229 229 236 213 204 209 214 136 140 146 67 67 67 1938—Mar. 7— June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31... 324 320 335 355 39 41 44 '46 5 5 6 , 7 46 47 45 50 231 223 236 248 232 233 234 236 215 217 219 147 149 150 152 67 67 67 67 1939—Mar. 2 9 . . . . June 30 Oct. 2» Dec. 3 0 . . . . 345 354 382 399 46 45 55 59 7 7 7 8 46 49 46 47 244 248 270 279 240 242 242 243 223 227 227 155 157 67 67 228 162 65 1940—Mar. 26®. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 391 398 452 57 56 67 8 7 8 44 51 52 277 278 320 246 247 250 234 237 167 172 1941—Apr. 4 3 . . . Juno 30.-Sept, 243.. Dec. 3 1 . . . 459 480 533 600 70 70 85 99 7 9 9 12 52 57 59 63 325 338 374 419 255 258 260 260 241 245 247 247 179 ' 6 7 278 282 281 281 256 176 177 180 218 232 23 160 163 221 121 119 108 113 116 128 118 87 86 81 60 60 59 63 65 65 66 185 ! United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. » "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO.270-MINNEAPOLIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [ Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Total Loans Total U. S. Government obligations BalReserves Cash ances with with in Federal vault domestic Other Reserve banks 1 secu- Bank rities Balances with for- Cash items in process of collection Total CusBank assets tompremNum- ises, Other ers' Secuber lia- rities Other furni- real of ture estate bility bor- assets banks on rowed and Total acfixliacepttures bilities ances 1914—Dec. 31 472 390 82 35 47 9 33 71 g 14 3 3 613 709 1915—Mar. 4 May 1 . . . June Sept. 2 Nov. 10 Dec. 31 463 463 471 476 493 511 384 383 389 395 404 422 80 79 81 82 88 89 35 34 34 34 34 34 45 45 47 47 54 55 9 9 9 9 10 14 32 31 31 31 32 33 108 104 91 97 151 146 • 7 6 5 6 10 12 14 15 15 15 16 16 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 638 633 627 641 717 738 715 719 723 728 731 733 191&—May 1 June 30 Sept. 12 Nov. 17 Dec. 27 546 552 573 602 603 454 458 476 502 503 92 94 97 100 100 34 34 34 34 35 58 60 62 66 65 16 19 21 28 29 35 32 35 32 35 134 111 112 131 120 10 9 10 13 11 16 16 17 17 17 4 4 4 4 4 i 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 764 747 775 831 824 746 740 767 769 764 1917—Mar. 5 May 1 June 20_.._— Dec. 31 557 572 583 641 472 486 484 531 86 86 98 110 30 31 45 52 55 55 53 58 29 29 28 40 30 30 30 22 126 115 107 123 11 15 10 18 15 16 16 17 4 4 4 4 4 6 1 n 2 2 2 2 3 779 789 781 871 721 728 730 780 1918—May 10 June 29.. Nov. 1 Dec. 31 693 708 777 741 550 573 611 571 143 135 165 170 87 80 109 114 56 55 57 57 42 37 47 50 22 17 21 23 97 93 140 160 13 14 23 23 18 18 19 19 4 4 4 4 n 82 12 6 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 5 894 896 1,048 1,032 814 821 853 887 788 801 923 933 565 606 729 751 223 196 195 182 165 133 124 112 58 63 71 70 49 50 53 55 19 21 20 23 144 143 133 128 19 22 27 29 19 20 21 21 4 4 3 4 3 2 11 7 1 3 3 3 6 7 8 6 1,051 1,072 1,203 1,209 872 885 912 920 971 970 968 944 806 811 811 790 165 159 157 154 94 89 80 77 71 70 76 77 51 50 48 44 21 21 20 23 107 101 99 86 28 26 34 23 22 23 24 24 4 4 4 5 10 8 11 9 3 3 5 7 9 9 10 9 1,225 1,215 1,224 1,174 960 980 999 999 1919—Mar. 4 . . . June 30 Nov. 17 Dec. 31 .. . 1920—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 1921—Apr. 28 June 30.. Deo. 31.. .. .. 894 909 862 745 758 712 150 151 150 75 73 74 75 78 76 43 44 44 20 18 17 73 78 87 18 22 22 25 25 25 5 5 6 2 2 3 7 6 1 5 6 5 1,092 1,115 1,073 1,008 1,014 1,017 1922—Mar. 10 June 30.. Dec. 29 .. 853 860 884 694 687 694 159 173 190 81 93 102 78 80 88 43 46 49 18 17 19 110 97 114 20 22 29 26 26 26 7 8 9 3 3 3 1 1 5 7 6 1,085 1,085 1,141 1,015 1,014 1,000 1923—Apt. 3 . . June 30. Sept. 14 Dec. 31. 899 896 889 863 696 691 684 656 203 206 205 208 111 115 113 113 92 91 92 94 52 47 48 47 17 16 18 20 109 97 97 105 26 27 26 28 27 27 26 26 11 13 14 14 4 3 3 6 1 1 * 1 7 7 8 6 1,152 1,133 1,130 1,117 989 989 977 940 1924-Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 853 824 868 907 639 611 629 630 214 213 238 276 121 117 123 14^ 93 97 115 132 46 47 54 56 20 20 20 22 106 124 157 151 21 24 32 29 26 25 26 26 14 15 15 15 5 3 3 3 6 6 6 5 1,099 1,089 1,180 1,213 903 895 890 885 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 907 888 895 893 612 597 599 586 295 291 296 307 149 141 141 146 146 150 155 161 54 54 54 52 20 20 20 20 123 110 113 127 24 26 27 29 25 25 25 25 ' 16 17 16 15 1 1 3 6 7 6 6 1.176 1,148 1,158 1,170 872 859 848 829 92&—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 890 881 862 575 568 554 314 313 308 148 142 133 167 170 174 54 48 51 20 19 19 105 102 116 24 24 24 25 25 24 15 15 13 4 6 6 6 1,141 1,120 1,120 817 804 764 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 862 851 882 897 540 531 553 547 322 320 329 350 134 130 131 137 187 191 198 213 51 48 51 54 19 19 20 19 99 106 140 127 17 25 33 24 24 24 24 24 13 13 13 12 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 1,092 1,092 1,170 1,165 743 740 ' 742 735 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31. 905 909 928 933 545 544 558 560 360 365 370 373 137 136 147 147 223 228 224 226 53 54 55 55 19 17 18 20 115 111 121 117 21 23 35 32 24 24 24 24 12 11 ,11 10 1 2 3 7 6 6 7 7 1,156 1.157 1,205 1,206 731 728 722 719 938 923 957 911 564 559 597 563 374 364 360 348 149 147 142 135 224 217 218 213 55 50 50 57 19 17 19 20 89 102 109 106 19 21 25 27 23 23 24 24 9 9 8 7 2 1 9 13 7 7 7 8 1,163 1,156 1,211 1,174 712 700 689 683 1929~Mar, 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 ... ... 2 1 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits CaU date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank® ern- savdement® ings < mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uaout- biUstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its* tiadeadgen- justed' posits 7 cies, etc.* 1914-Dec. 31 479 64 3 240 171 3 34 97 1915~Mar.4.. May 1 . . June 23., Sept. 2. Nov. 10. Dec. 31.. 507 503 493 504 580 601 82 79 69 67 101 115 3 2 2 2 2 2 248 243 244 252 293 293 174 178 179 184 183 190 3 3 4 7 5 4 33 37 32 32 32 33 95 91 98 98 100 101 13 13 14 13 15 16 241 237 239 246 283 1916—May 1... June 30.. Sept. 12., Nov. 17. Dec. 27.. 629 611 635 690 679 122 101 108 127 123 2 2 2 2 2 295 292 304 335 319 210 215 221 226 235 2 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 2 33 33 33 32 33 100 100 102 104 107 14 14 15 17 20 285 283 294 322 308 1917—Mar. 6 . . May 1 . . June 20.. Dec. 31.. 648 653 642 719 129 121 105 125 2 2 2 19 299 305 310 336 218 224 225 239 3 5 10 13 4 6 1 »1 29 29 30 32 95 96 98 105 .13 13 15 17 288 290 300 317 1918—May 10.. June 29.. Nov. 1 . . Dec. 31.. 726 695 833 864 110 94 159 175 37 29 25 13 329 324 390 398 251 249 260 277 26 55 53 10 n '2 12 6 32 34 36 34 109 109 115 118 15 15 18 20 315 310 366 375 1919—Mar. 4. June 30. Nov. 17 Dec. 31 887 893 967 955 175 160 148 146 23 10 10 10 387 405 471 450 302 319 338 349 9 21 58 82 4 2 11 7 33 36 38 38 118 120 129 127 19 19 25 22 368 383 444 421 192(K-May 4 June 30 Nov. 15. Deo. 29.. 942 917 899 852 131 107 94 89 4 3 5 6 434 429 429 386 373 378 371 372 104 119 132 127 10 8 11 9 37 38 40 42 131 133 141 144 22 22 405 403 395 363 1921-Apr. 28.. June 30,. Dec. 31., 813 822 819 81 79 87 7 8 10 356 363 358 368 373 363 no 97 74 2 2 3 41 41 36 139 140 141 1922—Mar. 10. - June 30 Dec. 29. 854 856 923 113 103 123 12 7 9 364 374 401 364 374 391 54 51 38 3 3 3 35 36 35 1923—Apr. 3.,., June 30.. Sept. 14., Dec. 31.. 944 916 913 915 133 99 103 108 10 8 6 5 393 392 386 388 408 416 418 414 32 43 42 27 4 3 3 6 1924—Mar. 31 June 30,. Oct. 10, Dec. 31. 914 909 1,005 1,045 114 104 163 169 10 6 7 6 386 396 422 439 404 404 413 430 18 19 12 6 1925—Apr. 6.. June 30... Sept. 28.. Dec. 31... 1,016 988 996 1,012 141 117 127 131 9 5 8 7 424 431 426 435 442 435 434 438 6 7 8 5 1926—Apr. 12... June 30... Dec. 31... 983 966 963 114 105 116 9 6 5 420 420 406 439 435 436 6 5 5 1927—Mar. 23... June 30,.., Oct. 10.... Deo. 31.... 938 940 1,017 1.011 111 99 132 125 7 6 5 6 389 '401 444 429 430 435 435 452 1928—Feb. 28.„. June 30.,., Oct. 3 . . . . . Dec. 31.... 1,002 997 1,037 1,042 121 102 125 119 3 6 5 6 19 19 418 428 445 445 1929—Mar. 27... June 29,... Oct. 4 Deo. 31..,. 997 994 1,010 995 108 98 109 109 7 7 6 2 19 19 19 20 416 427 443 433 231 28 29 281 22 22 23 341 336 140 139 141 21 21 344 352 371 36 37 37 37 135 134 135 132 18 5 3 3 3 36 35 35 34 127 123 125 125 17 1 31 31 35 35 122 120 118 116 16 16 4 1 34 34 34 116 115 115 7 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 33 33 33 35 113 112 116 115 372 376 412 405 426 418 469 460 460 461 444 454 4 8 14 5 1 2 3 7 34 34 34 34 116 116 117 118 405 410 412 454 446 472 465 446 443 433 432 15 13 40 13 2 1 9 13 31 32 32 33 118 116 120 120 405 418 406 452 439 457 453 1 3 2 24 17 19 18 16 18 18 67 15 14 14 14 367 365 360 360 365 372 391 410 401 405 399 407 397 432 BANKING AND MONETARY STATISTICS NO.270-MINNEAPOLIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, Loans and investments BalReserves Cash ances with in with Federal vault domestic Other :Reserve banks1 secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Total Total U. S. Government obligations Loans Cash Bal- items in ances with procforess eign of banksi coUeotion Total CusBank tompremNumisesj Other era' Secuber lia- rities Other furm- real of ture estate bility bor- assets banks on rowed and Total acfixliacepttures bilities ances 671 664 657 642 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec.31. 896 870 872 851 548 516 515 495 348 354 358 357 131 134 131 122 217 220 227 234 50 49 49 48 18 18 17 19 97 132 142 142 2 1 1 1 15 22 17 20 24 26 27 27 6 6 6 5 1,125 1,134 1,142 1,125 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 854 840 821 789 492 479 456 441 362 361 365 349 120 119 122 112 241 242 243 237 49 53 47 46 16 18 18 17 142 130 102 95 2 2 1 1 12 17 13 19 28 28 29 28 5 4 4 4 1,122 1,107 1,049 1,014 615 597 579 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec.31. 735 702 658 392 374 353 343 328 304 127 124 110 217 205 194 42 37 38 17 15 15 79 80 119 1 1 1 14 14 14 28 28 28 4 4 4 931 564 557 545 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 622 643 631 304 316 299 317 327 332 143 159 166 173 168 166 44 47 60 13 14 13 123 96 117 1 1 1 17 13 19 25 25 25 3 4 4 859 850 879 481 502 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 655 683 697 699 291 283 282 263 364 400 414 435 198 230 243 268 166 170 171 167 64 71 94 97 13 12 13 14 137 134 158 177 1 1 1 1 15 23 20 20 26 25 25 25 4 4 3 3 934 961 1,020 1,046 518 531 528 524 1935—Mar. 4 June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31. 704 684 721 734 258 266 307 308 446 419 414 426 278 268 261 277 168 151 152 149 98 109 113 96 12 14 13 16 178 193 175 176 1 1 1 1 18 19 24 37 25 25 25 25 4 4 4 3 1,046 1,055 1,098 518 509 504 501 1,084 1,136 1,170 495 481 1,082 1936—Mar. 4 . . June 30. Dec. 31. 709 732 782 416 293 271 . 461 493 289 267 303 330 149 157 163 124 107 120 13 17 17 174 205 171 1 1 1 29 39 46 25 25 24 3 3 3 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec.31. 762 769 758 287 295 310 476 475 448 314 319 304 162 156 145 126 132 125 16 17 16 154 145 149 1 1 1 32 38 40 24 24 24 3 3 3 1.124 1,135 1,120 476 473 469 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. Dec.31. 757 722 735 751 296 291 295 298 461 431 440 453 ,318 290 300 311 142 141 140 141 129 120 117 113 16 16 18 18 144 203 187 200 1 1 1 1 29 36 32 36 24 24 24 20 3 3 2 7 1,107 1,129 1,123 1,151 466 467 467 461 1939—Mar. 29. June 30. Oct. 2 . . . Dec. 30.. 742 743 776 787 294 307 337 357 448 436 438 430 309 297 300 297 140 139 138 , 132 124 139 144 154 19 17 16 19 179 202 210 221 1 1 1 29 39 40 41 20 20 20 19 7 7 7 6 1.125 1,174 1,217 1,252 460 460 461 467 1940—Mar. 26_ June 29.. Dec. 31.. 788 778 831 363 365 417 425 412 413 295 285 292 131 127 122 156 155 174 20 18 21 221 239 241 27 38 47 18 18 18 6 6 7 1,241 1,258 1,344 464 462 460 1941—Apr. 4 . . . June 30.. Sept. 24 Dec. 31 840 853 905 964 424 428 473 505 416 425 432 460 296 312 318 346 120 113 114 114 166 163 167 178 17 20 22 23 238 246 242 212 37 48 46 57 18 17 17 17 6 6 6 6 1,328 1,360 1,412 1,463 456 452 452 452 through June 30, 1928. 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand depcteite. ® Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS:aND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES. 1914-1941-Conlinued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits CaU date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank2 ern- savdement® ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uaout- biUstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock« Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its® .tin- . addegen- justed 7 posits T cies, etc.® 1930-Mar. 27, June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 963 977 982 968 106 109 114 115 3 3 2 2 20 19 20 21 404 424 418 401 430 423 428 428 119 118 120 118 65 64 64 63 36 36 36 36 16 15 17 14 3 3 3 5 389 402 400 381 432 427 426 398 1931—Mar. 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 970 955 894 861 127 117 102 95 2 4 10 3 23 25' 29 32 389 392 356 340 428 418 397 390 117 116 116 113 63 62 62 61 36 35 35 35 14 13 13 11 4 6 5 6 378 375 343 321 403 402 375 355 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 778 737 733 76 74 84 4 5 3 40 43 45 309 279 280 350 335 322 107 105 104 60 60 60 35 33 33 8 9 8 4 3 4 295 266 266 319 284 276 723 713 741 95 89 • 103 9 8 6 46 41 41 291 296 312 281 279 279 98 98 99 55 56 56 2 3 3 30 29 29 6 7 7 6 4 4 275 283 293 291 315 324 777 813 870 897 111 113 142 142 12 13 11 10 40 24 15 14 320 356 387 412 295 306 315 319 101 110 115 114 57 53 51 51 3 20 25 25 29 25 24 23 7 6 10 10 5 6 6 5 305 334 367 392 328 371 416 431 1935—Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 904 927 958 977 148 139 130 .132 7 4 9 10 12 10 8 8 410 449 481 491 325 325 329 337 114 115 117 114 50 50 51 51 26 26 24 22 23 24 26 28 10 10 12 9 5 5 5 4 392 430 458 454 437 462 425 423 1936—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31. 964 1,017 1,052 137 148 146 8 7 6 7 6 5 473 513 540 339 343 356 114 114 112 50 51 50 21 19 15 29 29 31 10 11 11 4 4 4 444 474 494 421 428 480 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 . . . . 1,008 1,016 999 140 125 129 4 3 3 4 4 4 501 527 502 359 357 361 111 112 112 51 51 51 14 14 13 31 31 32 11 12 12 4 4 4 469 489 462 463 475 448 1938-Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 986 1,009 999 1,028 140 139 138 143 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 480 508 500 524 360 .... 356 356 112 113 113' 113 51 51 52 52 13 13 12 11 33 33 33 34 12 12 13 . 12 4 4 4 5 451 472 468 488 • 451 415 426 438 1933—June 30 Oct. 25. Dec. 30 „— ,— 1934—Mar. 5. J u n e 30 Oct. 17Dec. 31 ... 34 34 , 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 . 1,004 1,049 1,092 1,125 142 145 168 176 3 3 4 4 2 3 2 2 501 544 562 582 356 355 357 362 113 115 117 117 52 52 52 53 10 10 10 10 34 34 35 35 12 14 15 15 4 5 5 5 473 506 522 541 443 456 486 504 1940-Mar. 26 J u n e 29 Dec. 31 . . . . 1,116 1,130 1.213 185 178 199 4 3 4 1 1 1 561 584 640 364 362 369 117 118 121 52 53 55 9 9 5 36 36 39 14 15 16 5 6 6 535 546 593 506 492 558 1,198 1,227 1,275 1,326 201 198 221 220 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 626 665 690 741 367 360 359 360 121 123 126 126 55 55 55 55 5 5 4 4 40 40 40 41 16 18 20 19 6 6 6 6 589 616 644 684 556 574 629 697 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24, Dec. 31 * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms imder which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. 6 Includes capital notes and debentures issued b y State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued b y member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. . > 8 The composition of undivided profits a n d reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p . 71. ' For definitions of "demand deposits a d j u s t e d " and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. 8 Includes customers' liability to State member banks under letters of credit. »Includes letters of credit issued b y State member banks. N0.271-MINNEAP0LIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 (In millions of dollars] To brokers and dealers Acceptances Total loans Call date Real estate loans Loans on securities, except to banks Open market paper Bills Commercial fbG Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances 1 of other banks Total In New York City To others On farm land Total Outside New York City On other real estate to banks 34 Other loans 1 326 304 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31.. 558 560 140 155 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31.. 564 559 597 563 147 143 155 141 95 113 115 323 339 366 341 1936—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 548 516 515 495 142 131 127 124 107 111 113 114 319 308 310 297 1931—Mar. 25. June 30., Sept. 29. Dec. 31.. 492 479 456 441 107 107 102 102 316 301 290 275 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Deo. 31.. 374 353 90 85 83 212 1933—June 30., Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 316 299 69 71 70 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17.., Dec. 31.. 291 283 282 263 67 62 60 57 177 177 175 1935—Mar. 4... June 29., Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 258 266 307 308 55 54 52 65 160 169 204 201 193ft-Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 293 271 289 52 50 48 193 176 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 287 295 310 46 43 45 186 202, 214 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. 296 291 295 43 42 41 202 203 208 24 240 232 161 188 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities Open market paper Total loans CaUdate Acceptances pa^blei^ Commercial loans Agricultural loans Total 184 194 37 CommerTo cial broTo kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other hanks Realestfikte loans BiUs Total On farm land On residential property Loans to Other Other loans 1938—Dec. 31 298 97 47 10 1 9 1 14 37 9 22 6 92 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 3 Dec. 30 294 307 337 357 99 104 46 45 9 9 1 1 8 8 2 1 13 13 38 40 9 9 22 23 7 7 87 94 117 66 9 1 8 1 13 47 10 29 8 104 1940-Mar. 265 June 29 Dec. 31 363 365 417 119 118 60 94 11 11 1 1 11 11 i 2 13 12 52 58 11 11 33 38 9 9 110 121 424 428 473 505 139 62 12 12 i 12 64 11 43 10 138 157 105 13 13 1 11 68 11 47 10 149 1941—Apr. 4» June 30 Sept.24« Dec. 31 .... NO. 272-MINNEAPOLIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total BiUsi Notes Other domestic securities Obligations Bonds, notes, and of del^ntures States Guarand anteed iwlit- Total Government ical agencies subnot diviBonds Util- Other Railguar- roads' ities! sions anteed byU.S.2 1928-Oct. 3 Dec. 31 370 373 147 147 24 27 32 30 90 89 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 374 364 360 348 149 147 142 135 19 21 16 11 27 23 20 19 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 348 354 358 357 131 134 131 122 8 5 3 3 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 . Dec. 31 362 361 365 349 120 119 122 112 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 343 328 304 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 Corporate stocks Foreign securities F. R. Bank Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 135 137 29 29 34 35 68 68 3 3 2 2 28 29 104 103 106 105 136 131 132 129 29 27 27 27 36 34 34 35 66 64 64 61 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 4 29 28 27 27 18 16 15 9 105 113 113 110 129 130 133 134 26 27 28 28 37 37 37 38 59 61 63 63 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 29 30 32 30 7 9 15 7 6 5 6 6 108 104 101 99 137 137 133 129 30 30 31 32 39 38 37 35 63 64 61 59 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 29 28 27 25 127 124 110 6 2 2 9 10 9 113 112 99 117 108 104 30 28 27 32 28 26 51 48 46 3 3 3 1 1 2 21 20 18 317 327 332 143 159 166 9 5 7 21 19 20, 113 135 139 87 85 85 25 24 24 21 20 20 36 36 36 3 3 3 2 2 2 16 15 14 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 364 400 414 435 13 13 9 5 41 66 97 117 144 149 125 128 2 12 18 85 92 92 8S 10 21 24 22 22 22 21 21 20 19 18 18 28 26 24 23 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 13 12 10 9 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Mar. 1. Dec. 31 446 419 414 426 198 227 232 250 f 254 224 217 236 10 4 6 10 115 130 138 141 128 90 73 85 24 44 44 41 88 75 74 74 22 9 6 6 22 21 22 22 18 18 18 19 22 22 23 22 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 9 9 10 9 1936-Mar. 4 June 30 Deo. 31 416 461 493 223 259 288 18 1 5 133 134 134 72 124 149 44 44 42 77 80 87 7 7 9 23 23 23 20 22 26 23 24 25 3 3 3 1 2 2 8 8 7 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 476 475 448 274 280 264 4 6 3 120 126 116 150 147 145 40 39 40 81 78 71 7 7 6 23 22 21 23 21 19 24 23 21 3 3 3 2 2 1 7 6 5 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 461 431 440 453 278 252 266 277 15 117 103 105 96 146 149 161 181 40 38 34 34 69 68 67 64 6 6 6 6 20 20 20 19 19 18 17 16 20 21 21 20 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 6 5 5 5 6169 1939-Mar. 29 June 30 Oct.2«.: Dcc. 30 448 436 438 430 272 252 254 249 7 75 72 189 180 60 59 6 6 19 19 14 13 18 17 3 3 6 5 »154 »162 "55' "194" 37 45 47 48 52 6 17 10 14 3 6 146 1940-Mar. 26« June 29 Dec. 31 425 412 413 245 236 234 50 37 186 196 49 49 57 47 44 8 7 15 15- S 8 12 10 3 3 ' 4 4 145 153 1941—Apr. 4 • June 30 Sept. 24« Dec. 31 416 425 432 460 236 249 250 285 7 33 209 41 7 15 7 9 3 3 164 17 31 237 59 63 68 61 41 7 15 6 11 3 3 174 60 »Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early in 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. • Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. • Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. « Not reported separately; included in''other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. N0.273-MINNEAP0LIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON GALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic Foreign Time IndiInterbank States Certi- vidU. S. States uals, U.S. and Gov- and fied partGov- politern- poUtand nerernical ment ical offiTotal ment subsubcers' ships, Do- For- and divi- checks, corpopostal divimestic sions sav- sions etc. rations, etc. ings' 1928-Oct. 3 Dec. 31 569 562 118 112 5 6 43 52 14 11 381 1929-Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 526 524 551 537 101 88 101 101 7 7 6 2 66 77 51 61 10 12 12 11 341 337 379 361 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24, Dec.31 506 528 526 508 97 101 105 104 3 2 2 2 76 89 63 64 9 10 9 8 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 511 504 460 431 118 108 93 86 2 4 10 3 76 79 62 65 12 9 8 7 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 381 350 357 67 65 74 4 5 3 79 45 50 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 385 387 414 84 82 96 9 8 5 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 435 476 531 555 103 105 133 133 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec.31 . 559 587 616 626 469 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings ChristCertificates Open of acmgs de- eounta® and posit similar accounts® 438 447 261 273 160 168 471 470 459 458 439 435 426 426 272 271 264 264 159 157 153 152 319 326 345 328 457 449 456 460 424 416 422 422 265 263 263 152 145 151 151 302 286 268 459 451 434 430 421 411 390 384 258 255 246 251 149 145 133 124 6 6 7 224 229 224 387 376 344 329 317 225 215 107 211 100 60 52 59 8 7 8 223 237 245 337 325 327 277 274 275 190 192 199 84 77 74 12 13 11 10 63 79 71 83 8 10 9 10 249 267 307 319 343 337 339 341 291 301 311 315 212 227 235 76 76 140 134 125 125 7 4 9 10 84 98 94 93 9 12 15 22 318 339 373 376 345 340 342 351 320 320 325 239 244 250 257 77 • 74 72 74 613 664 687 131 143 140 8 7 6 91 111 92 18 14 14 364 389 434 351 353 365 334 338 352 259 263 279 74 72 71 640 650 630 134 120 124 4 3 3 93 115 95 13 13 11 395 399 397 368 366 369 355 354 356 282 282 288 71 69 67 1938-Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 618 647 639 667 135 135 134 139 2 3 3 3 96 119 95 105 10 12 11 12 374 377 394 407 368 362 361 361 355 351 350 351 287 283 283 284 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct.2> Dec. 30 643 689 730 758 138 141 164 172 3 3 3 3 102 ' 120 93 99 11 13 13 12 389 410 457 471 361 360 362 367 350 349 352 357 284 283 1940-Mar. 26> . . June 29 Dec. 31 747 763 839 181 175 195 3 3 3 102 118 103 11 13 12 448 454 524 369 368 374 359 358 364 ... .. .. 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec.31 .... For footnotes see end of table. 303 262 222 112 80 78 291 61 290 297 62 10 N0.273-MINNEAP0LIS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941-Continued [In millions of dollarsl Demand Interbank CaU date Total 1941—Apr. 4® June 30 Sept. 24 » Dec 31 827 862 911 961 Domestic Foreign 197 194 216 215 1 1 1 1 Time IndividStates Certiuals, fied U. S. and part^ and Gov- poUtneroffiical ernTotal cers' ships, ment subdivi- checks, corpoetc. rations, sions etc. 3 3 3 3 111 129 110 115 12 15 13 15 503 521 567 611 371 364 364 365 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. States Gov- and ern- poUtDo- For- ment ical mestic eign and subpostal divisav- sions ings^ 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 5 5 5 5 Total 361 355 354 355 ChristCertifimas Savcates Open savings ' of acings de- counts' and posit similar accounts® 288 58 6 289 57 8 2 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts' are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. 3 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.274-MINNEAP0ilS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Cash Bank Bal- items premises, Other ances in with proc- furni- real forture estate ess eign and of banks 1 collec- fixtion tures CusTotal tomassets ers' SecuNumlia- rities Other ber bility bor- assets of on rowed banks acTotal ceptUaances bilitiea Total U. S. Government obligations 242 236 242 225 30 27 23 22 16 15 11 11 14 13 12 12 16 16 17 14 4 5 5 5 36 40 40 31 23 20 27 18 10 8 10 9 2 2 4 6 1 2 2 2 369 360 375 337 18 234 246 226 209 220 198 25 26 28 13 12 16 12 14 13 15 16 17 4 4 3 27 29 30 13 17 16 2 2 3 6 5 1 1 1 307 325 302 24 25 24 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30_. Dec. 29.. 222 223 258 186 174 198 36 49 60 23 36 40 13 13 20 16 17 19 4 3 5 43 35 41 15 16 23 3 3 3 1 2 2 309 305 355 22 1923-Apr. 3 . . , June 30_. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31.. 261 250 258 252 199 184 194 186 62 66 64 66 42 46 45 46 20 20 19 20 22 17 19 18 4 3 4 4 32 36 34 36 20 20 21 22 4 3 3 6 3 2 3 3 351 337 348 347 1924—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Oct. 10... Dec. 31.. 265 239 281 307 198 178 211 221 67 61 70 86 50 45 49 60 17 16 20 26 18 19 22 23 3 4 4 4 37 51 57 44 15 18 26 23 5 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 352 340 399 411 19 1925—Apr. 6 . . . June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 288 276 284 286 201 191 201 197 88 85 83 89 60 54 54 60 28 29 29 29 22 23 23 21 4 3 4 3 41 38 38 43 18 19 22 22 1 3 3 3 3 383 369 378 386 18 16 1926—Apr. 12.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 278 275 284 191 185 196 88 90 88 60 57 54 28 33 34 23 18 21 4 3 3 40 35 41 18 19 18 4 3 3 3 373 358 379 14 14 14 1927—Mar. 23., June 30,. Oct. 10,.. Dec. 31.. 291 280 302 306 194 185 207 201 98 96 95 105 56 55 56 62 41 41 39 43 22 19 21 23 3 3 4 3 37 41 53 45 13 19 25 18 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 376 371 414 403 14 14 1928—Feb. 28.. June 30.. Oct. 3 . . . . Dec. 31,. 306 296 307 304 198 187 199 201 108 108 108 103 62 62 66 61 46 47 42 42 23 23 23 24 4 3 4 4 39 41 40 42 1 1 16 17 28 24 1 2 3 7 3 . 3 2 2 397 390 413 413 16 16 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29... Oct. 4 . . . . Dec. 31... 306 301 335 306 206 202 240 215 100 99 96 91 61 62 59 58 39 37 37 33 24 19 18 26 4 3 4 4 30 38 43 37 2 2 1 1 14 15 19 20 3 3 3 3 1 1 9 13 2 2 2 2 385 385 436 413 13 13 13 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 297 281 292 286 208 186 199 188 89 95 93 98 56 63 60 56 33 32 34 42 21 20 21 20 3 3 3 3 36 59 66 67 1 1 3 5 6 6 6 1 11 16 13 15 383 389 405 401 12 11 11 1 2 2 2 2 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30., Sept. 29., Dec. 31.. 296 295 291 286 197 193 186 188 99 102 105 98 56 53 51 41 43 50 54 57 22 27 22 22 3 3 3 3 69 59 41 38 1 2 1 1 8 12 10 14 7 8 9 9 2 2 7 4 3 5 414 411 382 380 10 9 1932—June 30,. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 266 250 231 164 154 148 102 95 83 55 53 42 47 42 41 19 16 16 3 3 3 35 37 66 1 1 1 10 10 10 9 9 9 3 3 3 347 329 340 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 263 276 264 148 157 146 116 119 119 70 78 79 46 41 . 39 20 21 30 3 3 3 61 42 56 1 1 1 13 10 15 9 9 9 3 3 4 374 365 382 1934—Mar. 5,.. June 30.. Oct. 17.., Dec. 31.. 278 300 313 312 143 139 143 130 135 161 170 182 96 120 128 140 38 41 42 42 29 30 45 52 3 2 3 3 67 59 68 78 1 1 1 1 11 18 15 15 9 8 8 8 4 5 4 4 401 423 458 474 1935—Mar. 4 . . . June 29,. Nov. 1... Dec, 31.. 313 298 326 336 128 127 154 154 185 172 172 181 144 140 141 150 40 31 31 31 52 59 54 43 3 3 3 3 78 90 75 72 1 1 1 1 13 14 16 30 8 8 8 9 4 4 4 5 473 478 488 500 1936—Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. Dec. 31.. 311 315 343 141 124 147 170 191 196 142 159 162 28 32 35 70 60 60 3 4 3 71 91 67 1 1 1 22 30 36 9 9 9 3 3 3 491 515 523 Total Loans 192a-May4... June 30.. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29.. 271 263 265 247 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. i 3 2 ...... 17 17 19 24 22 21 21 21 18 18 18 16 15 16 15 16 16 12 10 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank^ ern- savment® ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total SurCom- Premon ferred plus stock stock® Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its 6 tinaddegen- justed 7 posits' cies, etc.® 114 124 1920—May 4_ June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 249 243 245 221 77 64 58 55 1 1 3 3 137 144 147 128 33 33 37 35 64 63 70 55 10 8 10 9 7 7 9 11 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31.. 217 228 237 52 51 57 6 6 7 119 127 124 40 44 49 34 40 12 2 2 3 11 10 5 106 110 108 256 250 300 76 65 81 9 4 5 125 131 149 47 49 64 1 4 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 110 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14' Dec 31 293 272 283 286 85 60 68 71 5 5 2 2 141 145 147 147 62 62 66 67 7 15 13 6 4 3 3 6 6 7 7 7 125 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 299 293 352 364 79 71 118 115 6 3 2 3 151 155 163 167 63 65 69 79 2 1 5 3 2 3 7 6 6 6 136 137 137 144 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec, 31 339 326 332 341 95 79 88 91 4 2 4 4 160 167 160 161 80 77 81 85 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 5 5 8 8 142 148 138 139 J926—Apr, 12 June 30 Dec. 31 327 316 332 79 72 80 6 4 2 158 156 151 84 82 . 99 2 2 1 4 6 7 8 140 137 133 177 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 328 328 370 358 80 70 96 87 5 3 3 3 147 155 173 162 97 100 99 107 3 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 8 134 136 148 144 180 172 198 192 1928—Feb. 28 . . June 30 Oct. 3_ Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . . 350 338 355 359 85 70 93 86 2 3 2 2 4 4 157 165 164 167 107 100 90 99 2 5 10 2 1 2 3 7 8 8 8 8 141 148 136 143 192 183 195 190 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31 330 334 346 345 80 73 80 79 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 153 164 171 171 89 90 89 91 11 6 34 9 2 1 9 13 6 6 7 7 139 149 152 151 188 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 ,. ... Dec. 31 331 345 360 356 80 83 87 86 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 4 157 174 175 167 89 84 92 99 7 146 158 1 6 7 7 6 152 185 178 185 167 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 371 369 336 335 98 89 78 71 1 2 2 1 4 5 5 6 164 171 153 148 104 102 98 110 2 2 6 6 7 7 156 159 143 134 179 184 173 164 306 288 296 59 60 67 2 3 1 8 9 9 141 122 128 96 93 91 6 7 10 131 152 112 118 128 325 316 332 75 74 87 4 4 2 12 7 7 145 149 158 87 82 79 12 12 12 132 139 143 146 170 172 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30Dec. 29 . ... 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1 • 120 110 115 126 121 126 125 162 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30. - 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Deo. 31 - 344 367 402 416 93 96 118 116 6 8 7 6 6 2 1 1 153 176 188 206 85 86 87 87 19 14 13 14 142 158 173 191 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 421 431 438 . 451 122 115 105 104 4 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 202 226 238 251 91 87 87 88 8 4 4 5 189 212 222 220 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 442 465 474 111 122 116 7 2 2 235 253 267 89 88 90 3 4 4 213 223 231 1 178 188 193 126 164 193 220 229 232 244 2o6 256 N0.274-MINNEAP0LIS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments CaU date Re- Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Cash Bal- items ances with foreign of banksi collection Total U. S. Government obligations 141 140 151 179 183 167 149 154 139 55 51 490 492 481 142 134 136 135 179 153 139 145 149 50 95 84 89 481 502 499 507 131 136 155 172 169 175 173 146 140 146 145 79 91 91 93 493 526 550 567 181 175 169 170 145 139 141 92 105 101 555 567 609 184 172 188 180 186 144 152 159 170 105 104 94 67 620 Total Loans 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 320 323 319 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28, Dec.31. 321 300 309 311 1939—Mar. 29. June 30. Oct. 2 . . . Dec. 30. 305 330 335 1940—Mar. 26. June 29. Dec.31. 337 327 351 1941—Apr. 4 . . June 30. Sept. 24, Dec. 31. 356 368 402 430 215 232 162 162 158 166 173 176 199 62 104 644 656 Capital accounts Deposits CaU date Total Bank CusTotal premtomassets ises, Other ers' SecuNumfurni- real Ua- rities Other ber estate bility bor- assets of on rowed banks acfixTotal cepttures liaances bilities U.S. Inter- Gov- Posta' Other bank 2 ern- savdement' ings* mand Other time Borrow- Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Pre- Surmon ferred plus stock stock 6 Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand vided for deprof- con- posits tinits« adgen- justed' cies, etc.® Net demand deposits' 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 443 442 429 114 101 102 237 251 238 90 88 88 212 221 207 263 265 255 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28, Dec. 31. 428 449 445 453 115 114 113 115 224 247 244 250 89 87 87 87 202 220 219 222 263 238 248 248 1939—Mar. 29. June 30. Oct. 2... Dec. 30. 441 471 497 511 116 117 138 142 236 267 270 281 87 86 87 87 214 236 240 249 251 262 287 298 1940—Mar. 26. June 29. Dec. 31. 501 511 553 151 145 161 262 281 307 86 84 84 243 251 211 301 291 330 1941—Apr. 4.. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 546 562 585 595 165 159 181 174 298 321 323 341 82 80 79 78 269 285 287 297 328 339 373 402 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. « Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as ^'due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. »Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928'. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve renuireTi4<a antiTifXiViTo f n f i m a ^ortnoi + o frniv, 91 101*7 trv A iifriiof by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. IQ^li; V>,if 'nraTo ^ n fafif All . .. . Ljuiic- N0.275-MINNEAP0LIS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks To brokers and dealers Acceptances CaU date 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31. Total loans CommerfbC cial Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances 1 of other banks Bills Totali Total In New York City Outside New York City To others Real estate loans Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks 199 Other loanM» 118 102 201 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31. 206 202 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec, 31. 208 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29, Dec. 31. 197 193 186 188 127 1932—June 30. Sept. 30 Dec. 31. 164 154 148 103 100 92 1933—June 30. Oct. 25. Dec. 30. 148 157 146 93 105 96 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 143 139 143 130 94 95 1935—Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31. 128 127 154 154 90 90 115 113 1930-Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 141 124 147 104 88 109 1937—Mar. 31. June 30, Dec. 31. 141 140 151 104 1936—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. 142 134 136 111 121 130 160 138 240 215 128 113 124 113 186 199 188 142 128 128 108 119 104 107 Open market paper CaU date Total loans Commercial loans 60 1938—Dec. 31.. 135 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oci.2K. Dec. 30.. 131 136 155 1940—Mar. 26=. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 162 158 1941—Apr. 4 ' . . June 30.. Sept. 24 » Dec. 31.. 184 188 215 232 162 Agricultural loans Acceptances payable in tJ. S. Total Loans for purchasing or carding securities CommerTo cial broTo kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks Real estate loans BiUs Total On farm land On residential property Other/ Loans to banks Other loans 58 54 58 74 63 22 181 64 71 81 103 "9^ N0.276^MINNEAP0LIS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations • Direct Guaranteed Total investments Call date ObligaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of Statesand polit- Total Government ical agencies subnot Util- Other Raildiviguar- roads^ ities' sions anteed byU.S.2 Total securities maturing in 5 years or less Other 9 9 1 1 1 1 6 6 4 3 3 3 8 9 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 6 6 5 4 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 4 6 7 7 9 1 1 1 1 2 5 6 6 6 24 28 29 31 10 11 12 13 5 5 5 6 8 10 10 11 1 1 1 1 17 16 15 25 21 22 12 10 10 5 3 2 8 7 8 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 18 14 14 23 23 22 11 11 11 3 2 2 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 4 1 3 13 13 14 16 21 25 25 24 3 8 10 9 9 8 7 7 3 2 2 2 5 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 58 36 37 43 6 15 15 12 15 13 13 13 23 15 14 15 9 2 1 1 6 6 6 6 2 2 1 2 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 85 84 75 30 64 74 12 10 8 12 15 14 14 15 19 1 2 4 6 4 4 2 3 4 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 65 69 57 73 74 74 8 8 8 14 14 13 15 15 14 3 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 143 127 136 138 12 55 46 47 39 76 81 88 99 10 12 9 10 13 13 13 13 13 14 15 13 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1^62 172 169 175 173 134 121 126 128 7 26 24 101 97 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 555 549 105 13 15 18 16 12 • 13 22 12 19 20 17 12 2 4 1 3 1 1 50 Alar 26® TimP 29 Dec 31 175 169 170 131 124 120 24 15 101 105 15 15 21 19 16 16 13 12 4 3 4 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 54 61 Ar^r 4® 172 180 186 199 120 127 131 147 3 15 110 3 5 1 2 1 70 12 127 17 15 16 15 12 9 23 25 27 23 13 3 5 1 4 1 74 Bills' Notes Bonds 108 103 66 61 11 12 17 15 38 35 8 9 27 27 12 12 5 4 100 99 96 91 61 62 59 58 3 5 2 1 11 •9 6 5 48 48 51 52 8 7 7 7 25 24 25 22 11 ' 10 9 9 oept. Dec 31 89 95 93 98 56 63 60 56 3 2 1 2 4 3 4 1 49 57 54 53 7 7 8 13 21 19 20 24 ATOT* 91 Tiino ^n C^rit 90 "Tla/* tl 99 102 105 98 56 53 51 41 4 7 14 5 1 51 46 37 37 14 16 20 20 0_„4. in D ^ 31 102 95 83 55 53 42 3 1 1 3 4 4 49 49 37 TIITI& Oct. 25 Dec 30 116 119 118 70 78 79 4 1 3 12 10 9 54 67 67 iQ*>l \ f f t r 5 .Time 30 Oct 17 Dec 31 134 161 170 182 96 119 127 137 7 9 4 5 18 34 62 70 71 77 60 62 4 29 1 31 185 172 172 181 138 125 126 138 10 1 3 7 70 88 86 88 1Q36—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 170 191 196 130 149 154 15 I 5 1097—Mar. ivu/ i*lai . 31 ui J u n e 30 Dec 31 179 183 167 141 146 131 iQ^io Mar June Sept Dec 7 30 28 31 179 166 173 176 •inlQ Afar 2Q Tiitif* Hf) Oct 2® Dec 30 iQirt mnn X.Tnp 97 ly^y—iviar. J u n e 29 H/'t 4t *JCli. Dec. 31 — toqn Afftr 27 ItfoU—itiar. JS/ in^ii^Mar June Nov Dec iQii Foreign securities F. R. Bank Total irtOI Corporate stocks ' J u n e 30 oepi. i-i Dec 31 (*) 5 6 6 5 1 Includes certmcates oi inaeoieaness up lo auu inuiuuing vvuujuur lao**; iiu xieasuiy (juruuuaLt's ouisianaing irom j^ecemoer until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. 2 Included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in J u l y 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. ' Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in " o t h e r " bonds, note.s, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. . ^ . , . » This is the amount reported as "maturing in 1939-1943." A clas-sification of securities by maturity was not required before December 1938. « Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and a u t u m n call dates. NO. 277-MINNEAPOLIS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiInterbank States Certi- vidU. S. States and fied uals, Gov- and politand partern- political neroffiTotal ment ical subcers' ships, Do- For- and subh divi- checks. corpomestic eign postal divisions etc. rations, sav- sions etc. ines^ Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counta^ and posit similar accounts' Total Savings 91 98 71 73 17 23 3 2 71 70 68 66 15 16 15 18 2 3 5 6 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 254 249 86 79 2 2 13 13 8 5 144 149 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 231 232 248 245 74 63 73 72 3 4 3 19 26 19 19 4 6 7 5 130 131 146 147 101 88 89 88 91 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 231 250 255 243 72 74 78 75 1 1 1 1 26 35 27 22 4 4 4 2 127 134 144 143 95 104 113 88 84 93 98 67 65 66 67 18 15 22 26 4 4 5 5 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31, . . . 255 254 225 212 89 80 69 62 1 2 2 1 27 29 23 24 7 4 4 2 131 138 126 121 116 104 102 98 110 67 68 66 77 28 28 25 28 9 6 7 5 1932-June 30. . . . Sept. 30 . Dec. 31 . , 194 177 187 50 51 57 2 3 1 34 13 17 2 2 3 105 107 109 112 109 96 93 91 70 68 67 21 21 20 4 4 3 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 215 222 240 66 68 80 4 4 2 24 19 22 5 4 5 116 126 131 109 94 92 87 82 78 69 68 69 17 10 8 2 3 1 1 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 246 272 305 320 86 88 110 108 6 8 7 5 22 32 32 39 4 6 4 6 127 137 152 162 85 85 87 87 74 77 79 80 9 6 6 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31. 321 338 345 357 115 110 100 98 4 1 7 7 38 43 43 43 4 7 9 17 160 176 186 191 90 87 87 88 82 81 82 83 6 5 4 4 2 1936—Mar. June 30 Dec. 31 348 374 380 106 118 111 7 2 2 39 52 42 12 8 8 183 193 217 89 88 90 83 82 85 5 5 4 1 1 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 348 349 337 109 96 97 2 1 1 42 53 44 6 7 6 189 192 188 90 88 88 86 84 85 4 4 3 1 1 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 335 360 356 363 110 111 110 112 1 1 1 1 44 59 52 47 5 6 6 6 174 182 186 196 89 87 87 87 85 82 83 82 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 23 Dec. 30 351 382 406 422 113 114 135 139 1 1 1 1 45 57 44 44 6 7 6 5 186 203 220 231 87 86 87 87 82 81 3 3 1 1 82 3 2 1940-Mar. 26 3 June 29 Dec. 31 412 424 466 148 142 157 1 1 1 45 54 48 5 6 5 213 220 253 86 84 84 78 78 3 3 2 3 1 1941—Apr. 4 3 June 30 . . . . Sept. 243 .... Dec. 31 461 479 502 513 161 156 177 170 1 1 1 53 62 56 51 5 7 6 6 239 252 261 283 • 82 80 79 78 74 2 3 1 72 2 4 . , 101 110 102 99 115 111 123 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts' are included in "open accounts" before June 1933 > A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time o'f ll'^l^r^cV^^^^^^ ^ - t o those NO. 278-MINNEAPOLIS DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Irivestmen ts Call date Total Total U. S. Government obligations Loans Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Cash Bal- items ances in with procforess eign of banks' collection Bank Cuspremtomises, Other ers' Secufurni- real lia- rities Other ture estate bility bor- assets and on rowed fixactures cept- Total assets Number of banks Total UabiUties 1920—May 4. June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 700 707 703 697 564 575 569 565 135 132 134 132 78 74 69 66 57 57 64 65 35 34 31 30 17 16 15 18 71 61 59 55 5 6 7 6 18 19 20 20 3 3 3 4 856 855 849 837 943 963 980 981 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 660 663 636 536 538 514 125 125 122 62 61 58 63 64 63 28 28 27 16 14 14 46 49 57 5 5 6 21 21 21 4 4 5 785 790 771 984 989 993 631 637 626 508 513 496 123 124 130 58 57 62 65 67 68 27 29 30 14 14 14 67 62 73 5 6 6 22 22 22 6 7 8 776 780 786 991 992 978 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 638 646 631 611 497 507 490 470 141 140 141 142 69 69 68 67 72 71 73 74 30 30 29 28 13 13 14 16 77 61 63 69 6 7 5 6 23 23 22 21 10 12 13 13 801 796 782 770 967 968 956 919 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 588 585 587 600 441 433 418 409 147 152 168 190 71 72 74 84 76 81 95 106 28 28 32 33 17 16 16 18 69 73 100 107 6 6 6 6 22 21 22 22 13 14 14 14 747 749 781 884 877 872 867 619 612 611 607 411 406 398 389 207 206 213 218 89 87 87 86 118 121 126 132 32 31 31 31 16 17 16 17 82 72 75 84 6 5 5 7 21 21 21 21 15 16 15 14 .793 779 780 784 854 843 832 814 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 612 606 578 384 383 358 226 223 220 88 85 79 139 137 141 31 30 29 16 16 16 65 67 75 6 5 7 21 21 20 14 14 13 768 762 741 803 790 750 1927—Mar. 23. June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 571 571 579 591 347 347 346 346 224 225 234 245 78 75 75 75 146 150 159 170 28 29 31 31 16 15 16 16 62 65 87 82 4 6 7 6 20 20 20 20 12 12 12 11 716 720 756 761 729 726 726 720 598 613 621 628 346 357 358 359 252 256 262 269 75 75 81 85 177 182 182 184 30 31 33 31 16 14 15 16 75 69 81 74 5 6 7 7 20 20 20 20 11 10 10 9 759 767 792 793 715 712 706 703 632 622 622 605 358 356 358 348 274 265 264 257 88 85 83 77 186 180 181 180 31 31 32 31 15 14 15 16 59 64 67 69 5 6 7 7 21 21 21 21 8 8 7 6 778 771 776 761 687 676 671 599 589 580 565 341 330 315 307 258 259 264 259 75 71 71 67 183 188 193 192 29 29 28 29 15 15 14 16 61 72 76 75 4 6 4 6 21 5 21 5 21 > 5 21 4 742 744 736 724 659 653 646 632 558 545 530 503 295 286 270 253 263 259 260 251 65 66 71 71 198 193 189 180 27 26 25 24 13 15 14 15 73 71 61 57 4 5 3 4 21 20 20 20 4 4 3 3 708 695 667 622 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 469 453 426 228 220 205 241 233 221 72 70 67 169 163 154 24 21 22 14 12 12 43 42 53 4 4 4 19 19 19 4 4 4 584 563 548 555 548 536 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 359 367 367 158 159 154 201 209 213 73 82 86 128 127 127 24 26 30 11 11 10 62 54 61 4 3 4 16 16 16 3 3 3 485 485 497 459 472 4£3 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 378 383 384 387 149 144 140 133 229 239 244 254 101 110 115 128 128 129 129 126 35 41 48 45 10 9 11 11 70 75 90 100 4 4 5 5 17 17 17 1,6 3 3 3 3 522 537 562 572 509 522 519 515 1935—Mar. 4, June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 391 386 394 398 130 139 153 154 261 247 242 244 134 128 120 126 127 119 122 118 46 50 59 54 10 10 10 12 100 102 100 103 5 5 7 7 16 17 17 16 3 3 3 3 574 577 593 597 509 500 495 492 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 397 417 439 152 147 142 246 270 296 125 144 168 121 126 128 54 47 60 10 13 13 102 114 104 7 9 10 16 16 15 3 3 3 592 621 647 486 472 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 1925-Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 ... .. ... . . .. ,.. 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 , , 606 588 570 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 lAmounts in millions of dollars] CaU date Total Memoranda Capital accounts Deposits Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing ReDeUndi- serves mand Net devided for deprof- con- posits mand adtinits' degen- justed 7 posits' cies, etc.® U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank > ern- savmand ment® Other time 297 285 340 345 334 30 31 31 31 92 95 100 103 52 52 54 55 26 26 27 28 16 16 20 21 292 279 275 253 Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus 1920—JVIay 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 693 674 654 631 54 43 36 34 3 2 2 3 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 596 594 582 29 28 30 1 2 3 237 236 234 328 329 314 30 31 31 95 95 97 54 55 55 28 28 29 13 13 14 232 231 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 2 9 . . „ . . . 598 firtfl DUD 623 37 3 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 282 258 OQ OO 9 O 42 4 239 243 252 317 . 325 327 30 31 30 96 96 •98 55 56 56 29 29 27 12 13 15 234 237 246 651 644 630 629 48 39 35 37 5 3 4 3 252 247 239 241 346 354 352 347 30 30 30 30 93 93 93 91 55 56 55 54 27 27 26 26 11 10 11 11 246 240 234 235 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 615 616 653 681 35 33 45 54 4 3 5 3 235 241 259 272 341 339 344 351 29 29 29 28 87 86 87 87 51 51 51 51 25 25 25 25 10 10 11 11 235 253 266 1926—Apr. 6 . . . . . . . . J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 677 662 664 671 46 38 39 40 5 3 4 3 264 264 26 26 27 27 85 83 83 82 51 50 50 49 24 24 24 23 10 10 10 10 258 259 274 362 358 353 355 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 656 650 631 35 33 36 3 2 2 264 255 357 353 337 28 27 26 81 81 80 48 48 47 23 23 22 9 9 11 256 259 248 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 610 612 647 653 31 29 36 38 3 2 2 3 243 246 271 267 333 335 337 345 26 26 26 26 78 77 79 79 46 45 46 46 22 22 22 22 10 10 12 11 239 240 264 261 246 246 270 268 1928—Feb; 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . . 652 658 682 683 36 32 32 33 1 2 2 3 260 263 277 354 362 352 355 26 26 26 26 79 79 80 81 46 46 45 45 22 22 22 23 11 11 12 11 255 257 273 269 263 263 277 275 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct.4_ Dec. 31 667 660 664 650 28 25 29 29 4 3 3 2 263 263 272 262 357 353 344 341 25 26 26 26 81 79 81 81 46 44 44 44 23 22 22 23 11 11 13 12 258 257 265 255 264 11 11 13 11 243 244 238 266 281 261 267 255 261 270 260 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 633 633 622 612 26 27 27 30 2 1 1 1 247 250 242 234 342 339 335 330 26 26 27 26 80 81 82 81 44 44 44 44 23 23 23 23 228 247 248 240 231 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 599 586 558 525 29 28 25 24 2 2 7 2 225 324 315 299 26 25 26 25 79 79 79 77 43 43 42 41 23 23 23 22 10 9 10 8 222 225 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 472 450 437 17 14 17 1 2 1 158 152 254 242 232 25 26 26 73 72 71 41 40 40 22 21 20 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 398 397 408 18 15 17 6 5 2 147 147 154 194 197 201 22 24 24 62 62 63 35 36 37 1 1 1934—Mar. 5 June 3 0 . . . . . . . Oct. 17 Dec. 31 433 446 468 480 17 18 24 25 5 5 4 5 167 181 199 206 210 220 228 232 25 23 22 21 63 68 72 71 37 34 32 32 483 497 520 527 26 25 25 28 4 2 2 2 208 222 244 240 234 238 242 249 20 9 2 2 71 71 72 69 522 551 578 26 26 30 2 4 4 260 273 250 254 265 1 1 2 68 68 67 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 220 203 192 168 34 216 218 199 188 202 191 7 7 7 164 154 148 167 155 149 18 17 17 5 5 5 143 143 150 144 145 152 1 12 16 17 17 14 13 13 4 5 7 7 163 176 194 201 165 177 195 203 31 31 32 32 17 18 16 14 13 13 13 14 7 7 8 8 203 217 237 233 205 31 31 31 13 12 10 15 15 16 7 8 8 231 251 264 164 174 218 169 166 200 N0.278-MINNEAP0LIS DISTRICT-4)0UNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-ConIinued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date U. S. Government obligations Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Total Loans 1937-Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 442 446 440 146 154 158 296 292 281 165 165 165 131 1938-Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28, Dec. 31. 435 421 426 439 154 157 159 281 166 116 265 267 277 151 156 163 113 I 9 3 ^ M a r . 29. June 30. Oct. 2 . . . Dec. 30. 439 438 446 452 163 171 276 267 263 257 162 113 110 109 104 100 1940—Mar. 26, June 29. Dec. 31. 451 450 4S0 201 149 146 150 101 207 236 250 243 244 128 1941—Apr. 4 . . June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 484 485 504 534 240 239 258 273 243 245 246 152 160 Total 162 182 195 26L Cash Bal- items ances in with procforess eign of bat^i collection Total CusTotal tomassets Other ers' SecuNumfurni- real lia- rities Other ber ture estate bility borof and on rowed banks fixacTotal tures ceptliaances biHties 126 117 94 108 104 112 114 157 155 152 176 Other time 457 458 458 452 134 140 691 735 455 453 451 133 142 148 145 726 740 768 807 447 443 443 443 129 Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank = ern- savdements ings* mand 626 628 451 451 452 458 120 85 467 464 460 633 648 667 111 160 634 643 639 624 644 111 Deposits Call date Bank prem- AcBor- cept- Other row- ances liaings out- biUstand- ties Total ing Com- Premon ferred stock stock® Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its® tinaddegen- justed^ posits' cies, etc.® 1937-Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 565 575 570 26 24 27 2 2 2 4 4 4 264 276 265 269 269 273 268 200 210 256 193 1938—Mar. 7. June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31.. 558 559 554 575 25 25 25 28 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 256 260 257 274 272 269 268 269 250 252 250 188 1939-Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 563 578 595 614 26 28 30 34 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 265 278 293 301 269 268 269 275 259 270 1940-Mar. 26.. June 29 Dec. 31 614 619 660 34 33 39 2 2 2 1 1 1 299 304 333 278 279 285 292 295 322 205 1941—Apr. 4. June 30.. Sept. 24 . Dec. 31 652 665 691 731 37 39 40 46 2 2 2 3 I 1 1 1 328 343 368 400 284 280 280 282 320 331 357 230 236 256 295 257 266 282 292 176 178 190 192 194 199 205 201 228 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits ' Includes United States Treasurer's tune deposits, open account. Such accountsi were first opened in November 1938; l^-^S- bkore W that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. ui iinj tfiiiia uiiuci uui^^i-o umeuueu BO ua lo coHiorm to tne oennition of time denos t<5 NO. 279-MINNEAPOLIS DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances payable Call date Total loans Bills Total! ffi Real estate loans To brokers and dealers Commercial Total Own Accept- abroad accept- ances bought of other In New York City Outside New York City Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans 1 6 6 207 32 31 27 15 6 5 5 3 203 209 206 203 341 330 315 307 14 9 6 4 4 4 3 2 191 196 1931—Mar. 25. June 30., Sept. 29. Dec. 31.. 295 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 175 173 1932—June 30., Sept. 30. Dec. 31.. 228 220 1 205 136 132 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25,. Dec. 30.. 158 159 154 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17.. Dec.31.. 149 144 140 133 83 1935—Mar. 4.., June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 130 139 153 154 70 79 89 1936—Mar. 4.., June 30.. Dec. 31.. 152 147 142 79 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30., Dec. 31.. 146 154 158 82 94 95 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28., 154 157 159 101 1928-Oct. 3 . . . Dec. 31., 358 359 , 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31.. 358 356 358 348 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 76 286 270 253 163 171 1940—Mar. 26 2. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 201 1941—Apr. 4*.. June 30.. Sept. 24 Dec. 3 1 „ 240 239 258 273 162 148 91 89 76 72 88 91 98 37 162 184 82 Commercial loans 1938—Dec. 31.. 186 32 Total loans 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 21.. Deo. 30.. • 120 Open market paper CaUdate 31 35 To others Agricultural Acceptances p a able ^ in L S. Total Real estate loans Loans for purchasing or carrying securities Bills ComTo merbroTo cial able Own Accept- abroad paper, kers others bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks Total On farm land On residential property 33 Other Loans to banks Other loans 34 33 37 182 195 57 40 10 24 41 46 50 207 236 53 54 57 39 "57" NO.280-MINNEAPOLIS DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollarsl U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Guaranteed Total Bills' Notes Other domestic securities Obligations of Bonds and political subdivi- Bonds, notes, and debentures Total Government Railguar- roads' anteed byU.S.i 1928-Oct. 3 . . . . Dec. 3 L „ 262 269 81 85 108 1929-Mar. 27.. June 29... Oct. 4 . . . . Dec. 31... 274 265 264 257 88 85 83 77 111 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30... Sept. 24.. Dec. 31_,. 258 259 264 259 75 71 71 67 108 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30-.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... 263 259 65 66 71 71 113 109 105 1932—June 30_. Sept. 30. Dec. 31.. 241 233 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 201 209 213 73 82 1934—Mar. 5 . . June 30.. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 229 239 244 254 101 108 1935—Mar. 4 . . June 29.. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31.. 261 116 247 242 244 99 91 97 193fr-Mar. 4 . . June 30Dec. 31.. 246 270 296 134 1937-Mar. 31. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 296 292 281 133 134 133 1938-Mar. 7 . . June 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 281 265 267 277 135 125 130 139 1939-Mar. 29. June 30„ Oct. 2K. Dec. 30.. 276 267 263 257 1940—Mar. 26 June 29... Dec. 31... 250 243 244 1941—Apr.4«... June 30... Sept. 24«. Dec. 31... 243 245 246 260 251 221 261 eari; were issued until late in 1933. Corporate stocks Utilities® Other F. R. Bank Foreign securities Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 22 110 107 107 107 22 112 113 111 72 70 67 86 29 105 113 93 111 137 131 6108 83 5103 128 121 40 12 115 111 10 114 91 92 116 122 119 138 10 110 28 94 100 ^^^^^ ^^ ^ - m b e r 1934 until So such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) NO. 281-MINNEAPOLIS DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic Foreign u. s. Government Time IndiInterbank vidU. S. States States Certiuals, Gov- and fied and ern- politpartpoUtand ment nerical offiical Total sul> Do- For- and subcers' ships, divi- checks, corpomestic eign postal divisavsions etc. rations, sions ings 1 etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savacof ings de- counts® and posit similar accounts' 1928—Oct. 3 „ . Dec. 31 315 313 32 33 2 3 30 39 6 6 245 232 367 370 14 15 347 349 190 199 144 146 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 294 292 304 293 27 24 29 29 4 3 3 2 47 51 33 42 5 6 6 6 211 206 372 15 15 357 •16 351 346 339 336 201 234 214 196 198 144 141 138 134 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 275 278 271 265 25 26 27 29 2 1 1 1 50 54 36 43 6 5 5 6 193 191 202 358 355 352 347 16 16 18 336 332 329 324 195 196 135 131 129 125 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 . . . . Dec. 31. . . . 256 250 235 218 29 28 24 24 2 2 7 2 49 50 39 41 5 5 4 6 171 165 343 336 323 307 19 20 24 27 317 309 293 274 1932—June 30. Sept. 30, Dec. 31. 186 174 170 17 14 17 1 2 1 45 33 33 4 4 •4 122 286 276 248 236 115 32 34 268 226 155 147 144 170 166 173 17 15 17 6 5 2 37 33 37 3 3 4 107 111 228 231 235 189 193 196 124 130 189 204 226 236 17 17 23 25 5 5 4 5 41 47 40 44 4 4 4 4 130 155 158 244 242 242 245 206 216 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 237 249 271 270 26 24 25 27 4 2 2 2 46 54 51 60 4 5 6 5 158 163 187 185 246 248 249 257 230 234 238 245 158 163 1936—Mar. 4. June 30 Dec. 31 265 290 307 25 25 29 2 4 4 51 58 ^ 50 6 6 6 181 257 176 196 217 271 246 250 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 292 301 293 25 • 24 27 2 2 2 51 62 51 6 6 5 207 207 209 282 287 283 304 25 25 24 27 1 1 1 2 51 60 43 57 5 6 6 6 200 195 292 307 324 337 25 27 29 33 2 2 2 2 57 64 49 55 5 6 334 338 373 33 33 38 2 9 2 57 366 384 409 447 37 38 39 45 2 2 2 3 .. .. 1933—June 30. Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31. 1938-Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28, Dec. 31 - .. 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 3 Dec. 30 1940-Mar. 26® June 29 Dec. 31 ... 1941—Apr. 43 June 30 Sept. 24® , Dec. 31 . . . . 186 160 147 119 114 122 16 261 17 223 228 201 191 188 180 174 121 174 180 194 265 265 268 197 199 203 275 273 271 271 266 202 264 263 264 201 208 211 203 208 237 240 271 271 272 277 263 263 264 270 202 202 280 55 236 234 271 273 274 280 57 67 64 63 264 269 306 328 9 281 282 283 279 275 275 277 1 168 273 274 277 281 287 1 .1 137 145 148 155 262 Do 121 116 108 200 202 209 59 211 219 214 "2i7 55 1 United States Treasm-er's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. * "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. * A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.282-KANSAS CITY OISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments CaU date Total Loans Total U.S. Government obligations Balances with domestic banks' Balances with foreign banks 1 Cash items in process of collection CusBank Total tompremises, Other ers' SecuNumUa- rities Other furni- real ber ture estate bility borof on rowed and banks acfixTotal cepttures liaances biUties 19H-Dec. 31.. 482 387 94 52 43 12 39 123 11 3 3 687 1916—Mar. 4... May 1... June 23.. Sept. 2... Nov. 10.. Dec. 31.. 485 485 490 529 550 559 394 394 398 429 450 456 91 91 92 100 101 103 52 51 51 54 54 54 39 40 41 46 47 49 12 12 1313 14 16 38 36 37 39 38 39 145 136 136 138 143 149 10 10 10 11 15 15 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 710 699 707 753 784 803 832 951 951 946 191ft-Mfly 1... June 30.. Sept. 12., Nov. 17.. Dec. 27.. 581 601 618 678 709 477 497 512 562 590 104 104 107 116 118 52 51 51 51 51 52 54 56 65 68 19 25 27 39 44 42 43 47 44 47 196 172 246 299 263 17 13 17 17 16 3 3 3 3 3 879 878 980 1,103 1,105 937 939 938 941 943 1917—Mar. 5... May 1 . . . June 20-. Dec.31.. 740 767 821 929 620 639 668 758 120 128 153 171 50 54 75 93 70 74 77 78 51 51 51 73 46 47 47 33 300 261 223 244 19 20 20 33 5 3 3 3 4 1,181 1,170 1,187 1,342 940 946 957 1918—May 10.. June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec.31.. 995 974 1,046 1,016 768 775 796 787 227 199 251 229 150 122 174 151 77 77 76 77 69 66 64 70 31 26 30 32 198 173 200 208 32 32 43 48 81 n 2 2 2 1 4 5 3 3 3 5 1,355 1,301 1.418 1,411 971 974 993 994 1919—Mar. 4... June 30.. • Nov. 17.. Dec.31.. 1,058 1,099 1,212 1,248 802 861 972 999 256 238 240 249 180 161 155 161 76 77 85 88 69 76 81 95 27 30 29 33 229 188 296 260 57 49 81 88 2 3 3 1 1 4 5 7 8 6 6 6 6 1.477 1.478 1,740 1,766 996 1,003 1,029 1,038 1920—May 4 . . . June 30.. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29.. 1,278 1.259 1.267 1,216 1,062 1,046 1,058 1,006 216 213 209 209 131 128 121 119 86 85 88 90 83 80 76 73 29 30 29 33 226 216 203 171 80 75 84 70 3 3 3 3 3 5 6 5 9 12 10 12 6 7 8 7 1,744 1,714 1,714 1,618 1,057 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30.. Dec.31.. 1,115 1,099 1,049 924 907 858 191 192 191 110 110 103 81 82 87 74 72 72 28 27 25 145 147 156 51 "54 52 4 4 5 3 3 3 7 5 5 4 4 12 1,461 1,448 1,413 1,087 1,087 1,092 1922—Mar. 10-. June 30.. Dec. 29.. 1,018 1,067 1,115 827 842 867 190 225 249 106 131 148 84 94 100 73 80 81 27 27 30 200 207 207 ' 49 55 64 5 6 7 1 5 4 2 9 9 12 1,421 1,490 1,557 1,112 1 1923—Apr. 3--. June 30,. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31.. 1,134 1,145 1.128 1,096 877 886 873 849 257 259 256 247 159 160 158 141 99 99 98 106 85 81 82 77 27 24 29 29 202 174 172 180 59 56 56 63 9 10 10 12 1 2 3 6 2 11 9 10 7 1,567 1,542 1,533 1,506 1,145 1,145 1,142 1924—Mar. 31. June 30. Oct. 10.. Dec.31.. 1,057 1,038 1,058 1,079 823 800 795 801 234 238 263 278 136 134 148 150 98 104 115 128 75 78 86 94 28 28 29 30 169 201 307 313 47 57 59 70 13 13 14 16 3 2 2 2 7 6 6 6 1,438 1,464 1,098 1,087 1,602 1,082 1925-Apr. 6 . . . June 30.. Sept. 28-. Dec.31.. 1,115 1,115 1,136 1,132 812 804 816 805 304 310 318 327 171 174 177 182 134 136 141 145 89 91 88 93 27 28 30 31 241 231 197 229 57 62 58 69 17 17 17 17 6 5 5 6 1,595 1,593 1,575 1,622 1,056 1,048 1,038 1,027 1926—Apr. 12-. June 30.. Dec.31.. 1,138 1,157 1,136 794 812 777 344 345 359 198 188 183 146 158 176 84 89 86 28 28 28 189 200 218 61 63 70 17 17 15 5 6 5 1,567 1,605 1,605 1,017 1,011 992 1927—Mar. 23.. June 30.. Oct. 10... Dec. 31.. 1,159 1,154 1,168 1,191 786 776 776 783 373 377 392 408 194 183 183 184 179 194 208 225 89 91 87 95 28 27 28 27 200 200 207 224 54 63 64 59 15 14 13 12 6 6 7 7 1,598 1,601 1,621 1,663 984 972 972 968 1928—Feb. 28.. June 30.. Oct. 3-... Dec.31.. 1,197 1,224 1,242 1,250 787 789 806 803 409 436 436 447 189 194 206 212 220 242 229 235 92 94 94 91 27 23 25 27 217 194 220 225 1 2 57 , 56 72 72 12 12 11 10 6 5 6 5 1,655 1,655 1,717 1,728 961 945 941 932 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec.31.. 1,242 1,241 1,247 1,212 800 810 823 804 443 430 424 408 214 202 198 181 228 228 226 227 93 91 90 88 27 23 25 27 186 186 195 209 2 1 1 1 55 59 70 69 9 9 8, 7 6 5 6 6 1,666 1,660 i,r" 1,665 919 i 1 1 1 1 2 1 1,651 1,061 1,082 1,086 1,147 1,142 1,122 1,066 912 902 893 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank 3 ern- savdement' ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for de; deprof- con- posits mand adits® tindegen- justed 7 posits' clea, etc.® 1914—Dec. 3 k . 627 146 291 83 1915-Mar.4.. Mayl., June 23.. Sept. 2 . . Nov. 10. Dec. 31.. 662 641 548 582 164 152 153 149 154 83 86 90 96 95 95 3 3 3 5 10 9 107 107 109 162 300 298 300 333 354 368 1916—May 1 June 30 Sept. 12 Nov. 17 Dec. 27 711 711 396 400 433 480 489 107 115 120 126 127 3 4 3 2 2 116 116 933 932 192 256 322 313 1917-Mar. 5 . . . . Mayl.... June 20.... Dec. 31 1,013 998 1,001 1,124 346 313 287 315 524 528 550 622 138 153 160 169 1 2 10 35 120 124 129 132 505 508 530 590 1918—May 10 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,098 1,029 1,137 272 225 245 286 607 579 620 648 176 180 179 180 62 80 104 69 140 138 144 142 575 547 577 600 1919-Mar. 4... June 30_, Nov. 17.. Dec. 31.. 1.193 311 245 332 329 668 696 838 847 184 203 220 222 77 105 113 129 147 148 612 1920-^May4... June 30.. Nov. 15. Dec. 29„ 1,345 1,322 1,267 1.194 282 262 226 212 814 795 787 731 244 252 248 243 160 151 197 176 171 170 179 178 1921—Apr. 28.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,106 1,105 1,092 191 192 191 665 657 650 243 248 243 120 110 95 179 176 171 97 613 603 598 1922—Mar. 10., June 30., Dec. 29.. 1,146 1,233 1,289 231 234 252 657 728 751 243 263 273 49 31 36 173 174 179 100 101 608 673 687 1923-Apr. 3..., June 30.. Sept. 14, Dec. 31.. 1,309 1,259 1,256 1,235 251 213 215 214 759 736 735 722 286 301 300 292 33 59 . 49 53 174 173 174 1024-Mar.31.. June 30... Oct. 10... Dec. 31... 1,198 1,229 1,381 1,441 201 215 331 359 695 708 745 780 294 299 297 296 25 23 10 6 166 162 1926—Apr. 6 , , , . June 30... Sept. 28.. Dec. 31... 1.387 1,385 1,364 1,409 295 271 251 773 794 795 837 305 312 310 295 7 9 11 17 159 158 154 716 732 738 768 1926-Apr. 12... June 30... Dec. 31... 1,349 1,392 1,404 223 238 255 795 818 822 316 323 318 20 17 8 156 154 152 733 755 752 875 1927-Mar. 23.. June 30... Oct. 10... Dec. 31... 1.388 1,394 1,407 1,456 246 236 241 271 801 820 816 837 331 331 340 339 12 12 15 10 156 155 159 157 747 757 752 778 873 869 869 907 1928-Feb. 28,,.. June 30..., Oct. 3 . . . . . Deo. 31.... 1,448 1,439 1,496 1,505 272 229 355 372 357 347 10 20 21 23 158 157 264 815 829 854 867 757 772 782 796 885 886 907 917 1929-Mar. 27... June 29.... Oct. 4 Dec. 31.„. 1.438 1,420 1.439 1,429 227 213 237 238 829 826 824 837 356 356 354 333 24 40 46 35 164 773 767 753 768 879 864 869 874 • 812 1,110 1,166 1,402 1,416 261 4 . 106 290 288 290 322 339 353 116 117 114 379 387 416 463 473 117 122 124 647 757 759 162 158 166 164 159 160 161 160 161 164 162 734 720 703 661 102 101 101 700 680 679 659 648 651 686 710 N 0 . 2 8 2 - K A N S A S CITY DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks 1 Investments Call date Total 1,165 1,151 1,160 1,147 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 Total CusBank tompremNumisesj Other ers' Secuber Ua- rities Other furni- real of ture estate biUty bor- assets banks on rowed and Total acfixliacepttures bihties ances Total U. S. Government obligations 396 401 419 430 174 173 173 173 222 229 246 258 89 92 88 88 26 25 25 25 204 254 285 232 1 1 1 1 61 62 48 57 42 42 42 42 7 8 8 6 1,693 1,631 1,604 893 890 880 871 81 84 77 76 24 25 29 27 266 241 184 • 159 1 1 38 39 36 38 42 42 42 41 6 6 6 6 1,569 1,547 1,443 1,369 861 854 844 824 Loans 769 750 • 741 717 Cash Bal- items in ances with process foreign of banks 1 collection 1,662 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,104 1,102 1,064 1,016 672 653 614 574 432 449 450 442 169 186 200 205 263 263 251 238 1932-June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 926 899 870 495 470 441 431 429 429 207 214 214 224 215 215 68 64 69 24 25 23 178 202 237 27 29 29 41 41 40 6 6 7 1,275 1,272 1,281 798 796 785 1933-June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 815 835 849 373 376 365 442 459 484 248 268 284 194 191 200 84 95 107 24 24 21 190 182 206 31 32 35 35 36 36 7 6 6 1,198 1,227 1,279 704 708 1934-Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 913 i)05 948 956 359 361 366 351 554 543 581 606 350 334 372 397 204 209 209 209 121 139 146 157 22 19 22 23 250 316 312 330 36 41 45 45 36 35 35 34 6 6 5 6 1,405 1,485 1,546 1,586 723 736 738 734 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 956 972 995 996 346 354 383 399 610 618 612, 597 400 407 405 391 211 211 207 206 162 176 166 167 21 22 21 25 366 361 419 443 45 41 48 70 34 34 34 34 6 6 6 6 1,626 1,637 1,711 1,744 730 728 728 726 1936-Mar. 4. June 30 Dec. 31 974 1,061 1,119 388 406 434 586 656 685 380 435 454 206 220 232 170 185 217 22 26 26 479 448 440 67 75 86 34 34 33 5 5 4 1,755 1,840 1,930 727 729 726 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1,100 1,107 1,101 444 458 491 656 649 610 429 435 410 228 215 200 227 235 233 25 26 24 370 365 366 72 88 81 33 33 32 4 4 3 1,835 1,844 727 725 733 1938-Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,071 1,024 1,063 1,098 467 453 459 483 604 571 604 615 399 368 392 390 205 203 212 225 234 217 224 228 25 25 28 25 375 457 432 426 61 70 64 76 32 32 32 31 3 3 3 4 1,832 1,850 1,892 733 735 735 734 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2. Dec. 30 1,088 1,089 1,090 1,136 482 498 516 543 606 591 574 593 379 366 353 367 227 225 222 226 232 232 262 259 27 27 26 30 430 480 542 606 58 77 74 76 30 30 30 29 5 5 6 4 1,876 1,944 2,034 2,045 733 737 738 736 1940—Mar. 26 June 29.. Dec. 31 1,134 1,131 1,205 541 548 629 593 583 676 365 356 358 228 227 218 264 267 278 31 29 34 617 496 500 64 64 89 29 29 29 4 4 3 2,047 2,024 2,143 735 735 739 1941—Apr. 4 . . . . . . . June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,219 1,260 1,352 1,414 629 648 744 794 589 611 60S 620 369 387 385 404 220 224 224 216 290 284 302 344 31 34 37 34 537 535 574 507 77 90 98 119 29 28 28 28 3 2 2 2 2,189 2,237 2,397 2,452 737 738 739 741 3 5 5 1 1,861 1,806 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "balances with domestic banks" prior to May 4, 1920, and in "other assets" from May 4, 1920, through June 30, 1928. * Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. ' Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941^Contlnued Deptfflits CaU date Capital accounts U.S. Gov- Postal Other ern- savdement® ings* mand Total Interbank s 1930-Mar. 21. June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,373 1,414 1,447 - 1,385 218 227 255 227 5 5 5 4 18 19 21 23 786 804 789 782 346 358 377 348 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,355 1,338 1,230 1,146 246 238 186 166 5 6 14 6 26 29 34 39 718 708 653 635 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,067 1,059 1,072 158 173 189 10 11 8 47 50 53 1933—June 30 Oct. 25. Dec. 30 1,011 1,033 1,085 185 192 211 14 16 13 1934—Mar. 5 June 30......_ Oct. 17 Dec, 31 1,208 1,293 1,355 1,396 258 296 328 335 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. I Dec. 31 1,437 1,464 1,548 1,583 193&-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 Other time Borrow- Accept- Other ancea liaout- bilistand-; ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock Stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand adits® tindegen- justed 7 posits' cies, etc.® 166 165 168 165 94 94 94 93 45 44 45 45 25 23 26 22 3 3 3 5 735 752 741 725 828 825 810 802 359 356 343 302 166 163 163 158 93 92 92 91 45 44 44 43 24 22 23 19 4 4 4 4 680 669 617 597 744 753 689 664 568 545 556 284 280 266 151 150 147 90 90 89 40 40 39 18 18 16 3 3 3 541 516 526 585 561 559 50 46 43 522 536 580 239 243 237 138 143 143 79 79 78 4 10 12 38 35 34 14 16 16 3 3 3 492 505 544 558 570 620 36 32 22 32 36 25 15 14 621 671 714 743 257 269 276 272 148 150 153 152 78 73 71 70 17 23 24 25 34 33 33 33 16 17 20 18 3 4 5 6 584 630 669 697 680 716 787 809 360 341 389 394 26 17 12 19 11 7 5 5 761 813 853 873 278 287 289 292 152 154 159 157 69 69 69 70 26 25 25 24 33 34 34 37 19 21 25 20 5 5 6 6 719 772 805 803 826 890 778 786 1,593 1,675 1,763 410 414 449 15 29 25 4 4 3 871 929 984 293 299 301 159 161 163 70 71 72 23 22 19 38 39 42 21 23 22 7 6 7 805 853 899 761 859 944 1937—Mar. 31 June 30,. Dec, 31 1,667 1,691 1,670 400 389 380 8 10 17 3 3 3 953 988 968 303 301 303 164 166 168 73 74 75 17 15 15 43 45 • 47 24 24 24 8 8 8 881 900 887 930 937 922 1938—Mar, 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,631 1,655 1,668 1,711 372 373 384 393 17 . 21 24 27 3 2 2 2 937 957 959 990 303 301 300 299 170 173 176 177 77 77 77 78 13 12 12 11 48 49 50 52 25 26 29 27 8 8 8 9 876 887 895 913 893 829 876 912 1939-Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 1,691 1,757 1,844 1,854 394 416 464 481 28 28 28 29 2 2 2 2 966 1,008 1,046 1,035 301 304 305 306 180 182 186 186 78 78 79 79 10 10 9 9 52 54 54 55 30 30 33 31 10 10 10 11 907 931 971 960 902 898 925 968 1940—Mar. 26. June 29 Dec, 31 1,853 1,829 1,942 468 440 487 29 28 18 1 1 1 1,048 1,051 1,125 307 308 311 190 190 195 80 81 81 8 8 7 57 58 60 34 33 35 10 11 11 984 986 1,036 971 964 1,043 1941—Apr. 4 June 30., Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,987 2,033 2.189 2,242 505 505 555 569 14 17 24 40 1 1 1 1 1,154 1,200 1,299 1,332 313 310 309 300 197 199 203 204 83 83 83 84 7 7 6 6 60 62 62 64 37 37 40 38 11 11 12 12 1,077 1,110 1,202 1,212 1,062 1,100 1,212 1,315 »Includes letters of credit issued by State member banks. 37 N 0 . 2 8 3 - K A N S A S CITY DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper To brokers and dealers Acceptances CaU date Total! 1928—Oct. 3.... Dec. 31.. Commercial Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances ances 1 of other banks Bills Total Real estate loans Loans on securities, except to banks Total In New York City To others Outside New York City Total Loans to banks Other loans' 202 185 134 138 503 514 800 206 173 183 176 154 142 144 150 491 641 548 533 501 500 481 485 823 804 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24., Dec. 31.. 769 750 741 717 169 149 130 129 161 126 141 130 1931—Mar. 25., June 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 31.. 672 653 614 574 134 131 124 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30., Dec. 31.. 495 470 441 100 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 373 376 365 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 359 361 366 351 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 346 354 810 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 406 434 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec, 31.. 444 458 491 1938—Mar. 7... June 30_. Sept. 28.. 467 453 459 Total loans 1938—Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1939—Mar. 29.... June 3 0 . . . . Oct. 2 3 . . . . Dec. 3 0 . . . . 482 498 516 543 1940—Mar. 26 ^ June 29.... Dec. 3 1 . . . . 541 548 1941—Apr.4«_... June 30 Sept. 241... Dec. 3 1 . . . . 629 648 744 794 451 431 413 120 113 109 122 115 323 302 282 235 235 225 215 213 223 218 64 210 224 246 257 248 265 285 29 291 314 346 330 316 321 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities Open market paper On other real estate 803 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. Call date On farm land Acceptances payable in U. S. Commercial loans Agricultural loans 174 117 172 178 121 194 141 23 196 211 132 26 Total ComTo mercial broSfe" To Own Accept- abroad paper kers others bought and accept- ances ances of other dealers banks Real estate loans BUIs 18 Total On farm land On residential property 58 Other Loans to banks Other loans 90 125 15 26 105 180 244 145 264 "252 116 78 130 20 42 145 N 0 . 2 8 4 - K A N S A S CITY DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] V'. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total Billsi Notes Other domestic securities Obligations Bonds, notes, and of debentures States Guarand anteed polit- Total Government ical agencies subBonds not diviRail- Util- Other guar- roads^ ities3 sions anteed byTJ.S.s 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31.... 436 447 206 212 30 31 46 48 131 134 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 29.-.Oct. 4 Dec. 31.... 443 430 424 408 214 202 198 181 28 23 21 12 46 40 41 37 140 139 136 131 1930—Mar. 27.'._ June 30.... Sept. 2 4 . . . Dec. 31.... 401 419 430 174 173 173 173 6 4 9 9 35 33 31 29 133 136. 134 135 110 112 118 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . June 30.,_. Sept. 29... Dec. 31.... 432 449 450 442 169 186 200 205 20 34 24 30 12 13 11 11 137 140 164 163 1932—June 30.... Sept. 30... Dec. 31.,.. 431 429 429 207 214 214 25 19 16 18 34 35 164 161 163 1933—June 30.... Oct. 2 5 . . . . Dec. 30.... 442 459 484 248 268 284 36 29 26 58 66 75 155 173 183 1934—Mar. 5 . . . . June 30 Oct. 17.... Dec. 31.... 554 543 581 606 350 331 343 359 51 26 30 28 109 120 141 156 190 184 172 174 3 29 38 610 20 42 25 22 175 163 205 186 155 124 88 99 F. R. Bank Foreign securities Other 104 103 18 18 16 15 56 54 10 12 19 19 99 99 98 95 17 16 15 15 15 16 14 15 51 51 52 48 11 12 12 13 19 19 17 17 128 94 98 108 111 15 18 21 20 18 17 19 19 43 46 51 53 13 12 13 15 17 19 20 19 130 135 132 127 114 111 104 97 22 19 17 15 20 22 20 17 54 53 52 48 13 13 11 13 19 17 14 14 124 115 119 87 88 85 13 13 13 16 15 14 44 43 42 11 13 11 12 11 11 116 69 68 70 11 11 10 12 12 12 35 36 35 7 4 9 9 9 8 106 113 111 111 111 115 115 (*) Corporate stocks 121 124 127 71 76 79 75 21 27 31 27 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 17 17 16 15 7 • 7 7 7 8 7 6 6 49 76 87 84 130 134 131 134 75 69 66 64 28 23 21 20 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 12 13 13 13 13 7 7 7 4 7 8 9 9 126 126 Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 597 350 330 318 307 1936—Alar. 4 . . . . June 30-... Dec. 31.-.. 586 656 685 300 355 372 18 30 22 175 169 178 106 156 172 80 81 82 133 140 145 65 72 79 22 21 24 12 14 17 11 12 13 13 14 14 3 6 7 8 8 7 1937—Mar. 3 1 . . . June 30.... Dec. 31.... 656 649 610 349 356 332 19 17 7 166 173 153 165 166 171 79 79 78 145 139 135 76 69 59 23 22 15 18 17 15 11 10 10 13 13 12 7 3 3 7 7 6 1938—Mar. 7 . . . . June 30 Sept. 2 8 . . . Dec. 31.... 604 571 604 615 321 295 314 308 5 4 10 10 160 137 137 124 157 155 166 174 78 73 78 82 138 138 142 156 61 59 64 62 14 15 17 18 14 14 14 13 10 10 11 11 13 13 16 14 7 3 3 2 6 6 6 7 6300 1939—Mar. 2 9 . . . June 30-... Oct. 2 8 . . . . Dec. 30:..- 591 574 292 280 271 279 7 6 106 98 179 175 19 19 13 13 11 11 13 14 2 2 6 6 5294 5294 85 173 158 156 157 159 63 63 21 88 86 82 88 61 20 14 9 11 2 6 312 1940—Mar. 26«.. June 29.... Dec. 31.... 593 583 576 269 261 254 24 19 86 73 152 162 96 95 104 158 157 154 64 58 21 15 16 17 8 7 11 10 4 5 6 5 321 315 1941—Apr. 46..., June 30 Sept. 246.. Dec. 31.... 589 260 255 254 292 12 58 184 157 161 59 18 6 10 5 3 4 310 62 205 159 157 17 25 109 133 131 112 56 14 18 5 9 5 5 3 311 1935—Mar. 4 . . . . June 29.... Nov. 1 Dec. 31 618 612 611 608 620 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. s Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. N 0 . 2 8 S - K A N S A S CITY DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON GALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollara] Time Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Interbank IndiU. S. States States Certi- vidGov- and uals, fied and ern- politand partpolitment ical Total nerofiiical and subForDocers' ships. submestic eign postal dividivi- checks. corposav- sions etc. rations. sions ings' etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings Christmas Certificates Open savings of acde- counts* and similar posit accounts" 17 17 19 19 337 328 185 185 128 124 25 19 373 373 371 350 17 17 17 17 16 16 15 14 340 340 340 319 188 186 182 178 124 121 120 113 28 33 38 28 661 662 669 633 364 378 398 372 18 19 21 23 15 23 25 15 332 336 352 334 182 182 186 187 113 117 117 111 36 37 50 35 14 14 11 23 593 578 536 513 386 378 341 1 26 29 34 39 13 13 13 11 346 343 330 291 191 193 185 175 111 111 107 93 43 40 39 23 116 93 89 12 9 20 439 443 446 332 331 320 1 1 1 47 50 53 8 9 8 276 271 258 165 161 157 83 81 76 28 29 25 14 16 13 93 86 99 12 10 18 418 440 463 293 306 295 4 17 16 50 46 43 7 6 6 232 237 231 146 149 152 67 67 62 16 17 16 3 4 1 244 272 303 310 36 32 22 32 109 117 107 123 12 18 17 29 499 536 589 591 307 318 316 311 14 24 25 25 36 25 15 14 6 5 5 5 252 264 270 268 168 180 186 190 65 65 67 66 17 15 14 10 2 3 4 1 1,121 1,156 1,240 1,272 334 326 375 380 26 17 12 19 129 146 124 145 19 20 19 34 613 646 710 694 316 309 307 311 26 16 14 15 11 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 274 282 284 286 194 202 204 206 67 66 66 69 11 10 10 9 2 3 4 2 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,281 1,359 1,446 395 401 437 15 29 25 150 155 162 21 23 31 700 751 792 312 316 317 14 13 12 4 4 3 3 4 3 290 296 298 208 213 221 70 71 69 9 8 7 2 3 2 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec.3U. 1,350 1,376 1,357 389 377 372 8 10 17 155 163 159 22 20 32 776 805 777 317 315 314 12 11 9 3 3 3 3 3 8 299 298 295 222 222 223 67 66 64 7 6 6 3 4 2 1938—Mar. 7... June 30., Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 1,317 1,343 1,358 1,401 363 364 375 385 17 21 24 27 158 161 152 168 18 18 15 28 761 778 792 793 314 312 310 310 8 8 8 8 3 2 2 2 8 9 7 7 295 293 293 292 223 222 222 225 63 62 60 , 59 6 6 6 8 3 4 4 1 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2».. Dec. 30.. 1,379 1,443 1,528 1,537 386 408 456 473 27 27 26 28 170 173 159 171 17 19 17 30 779 816 870 834 312 315 316 317 8 8 7 8 3 3 3 3 7 7 6 5 294 297 299 302 226 227 59 59 8 8 2 3 234 59 9 1 1940—Mar. 26» June 29.. Dec.31.. 1,536 1,510 1,622 461 432 480 27 27 16 178 173 176 16 17 29 854 861 920 317 318 321 7 7 7 3 3 3 5 5 5 301 303 306 233 239- 58 56 9 10 3 1 8 10 99. 98 26 36 729 734 374 365 9 8 7 3 114 130 102 103 18 19 16 38 697 677 706 696 5 5 5 4 110 126 107 111 15 16 13 38 245 237 185 165 5 6 14 5 112 116 106 99 735 729 752 157 172 188 10 11 8 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 718 727 790 182 175 197 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 901 975 1,039 •1,085 1935—Mar. 4 „ . June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 1928—Oct. 3 . . . Dec.31.. 1,122 1,140 260 263 1929~Mar. 27June 29,. Oct. 4.... Dec. 31., 1,065 1,048 1,068 1,078 227 213 237 238 1930—Mar. 27., June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec.3U. 1,009 1,036 1,049 1,013 217 227 254 227 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30., Sept. 29„ Dec.31.. 969 952 852 805 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30., Dec.31.. For footnotes see end of table. 1 1 1 NO. 285-KANSAS CITY DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941-ConI ued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank , CaUdate Total 1941—Apr. June Sept Dec 43 30 24' 31 1.665 1,714 1,871 1,932 Domestic 499 498 549 562 Foreign U. S. Government 12 16 23 38 Time IndiStates Certi- viduals, and fied partpolitand nerical offiTotal subcers' ships, divi- checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. 183 191 193 207 17 20 20 33 954 990 1,087 1,091 323 319 318 309 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. States Gov- and ern- political ment sul> Do. For- and mestic eign postal divisav- sions ings' 7 7 6 7 3 3 3 2 Total 6 307 6 304 4 ' 304 4 296 Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts® and posit similar accounts' 237 54 10 3 235 52 9 1 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts'^ are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. 3 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of timedeposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO. 286-KANSAS CITY DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Investments Call date Total U. S. Government obligations 558 539 544 518 104 103 99 101 51 51 48 48 53 52 52 53 45 42 41 39 13 14 13 16 131 126 123 97 562 556 524 471 463 432 91 93 92 43 44 42 48 49 50 42 42 43 13 12 10 82 79 85 '1Q22—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 504 544 584 409 413 439 95 131 145 45 73 86 49 58 59 42 49 48 12 11 13 1023—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 595 598 585 566 446 447 437 429 149 151 148 . 137 92 93 89 75 57 59 59 62 52 48 49 44 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 544 534 566 595 417 403 416 438 127 132 150 157 70 71 82 82 '57 61 68 75 1925-Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 . . . Dec. 31 . . 619 615 624 617 447 438 444 436 172 176 180 181 94 95 95 99 1Q26—Aor. 12 . . . June 30 . . Dec. 31 625 638 620 429 442 421 196 196 199 1927—Mar. 23 June 30.. Oct. 10 Dec. 31 . . 645 635 641 656 435 424 422 428 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 663 687 688 696 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 Total Loans iQ2n—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 662 642 643 619 1Q21—Anr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 Balances with foreign Total CusCash Bank assets tomitems premNumises, Other ers' Secuber lia- rities Other furni- real of ture estate bility borbanks rowed on and of Total accollec- fixUacepttion tures bilities ances 946 922 923 864 79 79 79 79 769 761 740 77 76 75 116 115 110 746 795 844 75 74 78 11 10 13 12 104 88 92 90 845 825 824 797 77 76 75 72 44 48 53 59 11 12 13 12 92 119 188 165 761 793 903 925 69 78 80 84 82 56 58 54 58 12 12 14 13 121 123 102 125 896 877 70 69 113 103 98 83 93 101 51 56 52 12 12 12 103 111 116 880 906 895 67 210 211 219 228 109 99 100 102 101 112 119 126 55 57 53 60 12 12 12 11 106 112 115 123 901 906 912 937 66 436 436 443 449 227 251 245 247 107 111 118 118 120 141 127 129 58 60 58 56 12 10 11 12 124 111 127 129 941 949 982 990 66 65 65 65 690 698 703 684 451 464 473 465 239 234 230 219 115 107 104 95 124 127 126 124 58 58 56 54 12 9 11 11 110 112 115 121 955 964 982 64 62 61 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 637 635 658 658 433 420 424 411 204 215 234 247 89 92 96 104 116 123 138 143 56 60 56 57 11 10 11 11 132 169 198 145 912 950 995 950 55 54 53 53 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 633 637 611 590 382 369 343 326 250 268 268 264 103 120 128 134 148 148 140 130 52 55 49 49 11 12 14 13 183 158 116 95 941 926 850 807 52 51 51 52 533 518 506 274 258 245 258 260 261 136 142 143 122 119 118 45 41 46 12 13 12 123 144 173 764 770 791 52 52 52 503 515 528 215 217 212 288 297 316 179 191 203 109 107 113 56 59 67 13 12 11 120 125 136 753 767 803 51 51 52 578 573 612 611 208 215 224 212 370 358 388 399 256 237 266 279 114 120 122 121 75 86 89 99 12 10 11 11 167 221 212 221 951 994 1,014 52 52 52 52 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 610 620 649 640 204 203 224 236 405 417 424 404 282 291 301 283 123 126 123 122 102 114 104 106 11 11 11 12 252 245 282 280 1,044 1,051 1,127 51 51 51 51 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 615 687 733 223 233 260 392 454 473 271 316 328 121 138 145 113 127 148 11 12 12 315 280 258 1,140 1,201 1,256 51 51 50 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 . . . 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 ... 10 66 64 65 60 1,111 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits CaU date Total Capital accounts XT.S Inter- Gov- Postal Other, Other debank 1 ern- savtime ment' ings* mand Borrow- Accept- Other ances Uaout- bilistand- ties Total ing Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its' tinaddegen- justed 7 posits T cies, etc.® 192(}—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 710 703 672 637 239 221 193 182 4 11 5 6 369 370 373 347 99 100 102 102 130 108 137 117 3 5 6 4 25 . 28 26 26 79 78 82 81 42 42 43 43 23 23 24 24 15 13 15 15 297 301 299 283 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 596 597 595 163 163 163 5 7 7 324 320 319 104 107 106 70 62 49 3 3 3 15 15 14 85 83 79 44 44 42 24 24 24 17 15 13 276 271 273 637 697 728 199 201 216 13 6 9 322 375 381 103 114 122 13 4 16 1 1 14 14 16 80 79 83 43 43 45 23 23 24 14 13 15 277 325 322 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 732 691 697 672 214 180 183 180 9 6 4 5 385 372 379 356 124 132 131 131 17 39 29 33 1 15 15 17 15 81 81 81 76 45 45 45 44 23 23 23 22 13 12 13 11 332 321 327 299 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 663 698 813 838 171 187 289 309 7 5 6 6 355 371 384 389 130 135 134 134 7 4 1 13 15 13 12 77 76 77 75 43 44 44 43 21 21 21 21 13 11 13 11 314 319 330 325 1925—Apr. 6 June 30. Sept. 28 Dec. 800 807 786 814 252 234 214 230 11 6 6 7 400 427 426 446 137 140 140 132 11 10 11 12 75 77 76 74 43 44 44 43 20 21 21 21 12 12 12 10 348 370 373 382 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 781 814 809 191 205 220 14 10 6 430 450 435 147 149 147 13 12 11 75 74 74 43 42 42 21 20 21 11 11 11 375 392 370 492 1927—Mar. 23. June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 805 813 815 843 213 204 208 236 8 6 8 7 429 450 438 442 155 154 160 158 12 11 11 11 77 77 78 79 43 44 45 45 21 21 20 22 12 12 13 13 379 392 380 389 502 501 492 517 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 . . Dec, 31 846 845 874 882 236 199 228 231 4 7 5 6 10 10 438 459 458 469 168 181 173 167 11 11 11 12 80 80 82 83 45 45 45 46 22 21 21 22 14 14 14 14 1 2 385 408 393 404 508 518 512 521 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct, 4 Dec. 31 841 841 850 847 197 187 208 209 5 6 5 2 10 10 10 10 455 464 452 466 173 175 175 160 13 11 11 10 85 83 84 85 47 47 47 47 23 22 22 23 13 13 14 14 2 2 . 2 2 404 410 387 402 505 503 497 506 1930—Mar. 27 June 30.. Sept. 24 Dec. 31 812 851 898 847 193 202 229 202 , 4 4 4 3 10 11 11 13 438 458 457 455 166 178 197 174 11 11 10 9 87 85 87 86 47 47 47 47 22 22 22 22 15 14 16 15 2 2 2 2 391 411 413 403 481 483 479 479 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31.. 843 831 751 695 221 214 166 147 4 5 10 4 15 17 19 23 414 410 378 371 188 186 177 151 10 9 8 8 87 85 86 84 47 47 47 47 22 22 22 22 15 14 14 13 3 3 3 3 379 374 346 337 442 457 417 403 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31.. 669 672 689 143 159 174 8 9 6 . 28 30 31 343 326 337 147 148 141 9 16 22 81 80 79 47 47 47 20 20 20 11 11 10 2 2 2 319 300 311 362 343 343 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 654 663 697 169 176 195 12 14 11 30 26 24 315 318 342 128 130 125 21 22 25 77 82 82 42 42 40 4 10 12 21 18 18 9 10 10 2 2 2 287 289 310 353 353 386 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 785 847 892 913 239 273 302 308 32 28 18 28 17 11 6 5 361 396 423 432 135 140 143 139 23 18 15 14 85 86 87 87 40 37 35 35 15 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 10 11 12 12 2 3 4 4 329 360 382 392 423 443 497 502 1935—Mar. 4. June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 944 961 1,019 1,036 333 316 359 364 23 15 10 16 4 1 1 1 442 481 501 507 142 148 148 148 14 3 2 2 86 87 90 89 34 35 35 35 18 17 17 16 18 19 19 21 12 13 14 12 4 3 4 5 402 445 459 442 510 562 550 548 1,048 1,107 1,161 381 386 416 12 23 19 1 1 1 505 546 576 148 150 149 2 3 3 90 91 92 35 36 37 16 15 13 21 22 24 12 14 14 5 5 5 444 477 497 528 612 680 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 - 1 NO. 286-KANSA$ CITY DISTRICT-PRESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES. 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Total U. S. Government obligations 448 439 399 306 307 283 142 133 289 659 680 249 257 273 392 372 402 406 274 253 273 272 1939—Mar. 29. J u n e 30. Oct. 2... Dec. 30. 673 672 672 713 270 280 293 315 403 392 379 398 265 253 243 1940—Mar. 26. J u n e 29. Dec. 31. 709 707 747 315 314 394 393 • 377 1941—Apr. 4 . . J u n e 30. Sept. 24, Dec. 31. 766 800 857 900 375 391 411 407 406 Total Loans 1937—Mar. 31, J u n e 30. Dec. 31. 712 706 263 1 9 3 a - M a r . 7.. J u n e 30. Sept. 28. Dec. 31. 662 620 266 451 495 Total CusCash Bank tomassets Bal- items premBalNumOther ers' Secuances ances ber Ha- rities Other furni- real with with of ture estate bility bor- assets domes- forbanks on rowed and eign of tic acTotal collec- fixbanks ceptliatures tion ances bilities 201 1,178 1,189 209 1,168 50 50 50 166 226 154 300 272 260 1,145 1,174 1,187 1,208 50 50 50 50 271 306 348 313 1,204 1,253 1,317 1,326 50 50 50 50 196 197 207 330 315 1,334 1,315 1,384 50 50 51 217 211 224 254 335 330 357 1,428 1,463 1,570 1,584 50 50 50 50 156 165 163 208 118 119 129 135 168 166 260 138 139 136 138 252 250 247 142 143 131 258 273 268 133 138 138 278 128 116 160 163 192 191 71 83 91 111 Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank* ern- savment® ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock® Surplus Memoranda DeReUndi- serve mand Net devided for deprof- con- posits mand adtindeits® gen- justed 7 posits 7 ciea, etc.® 1937—Mar. 31. J u n e 30. Dec. 31. 1,083 1,093 1,071 372 360 353 554 575 554 151 148 149 92 93 94 488 493 479 662 1938—Mar. 7.. J u n e 30. Sept. 28. Dec. 31. 1,047 1,074 347 350 360 366 535 556 556 568 150 149 149 148 95 97 98 99 479 491 496 498 615 562 1,086 1,106 1939—Mar. 29. June 30. Oct. 2... Dec. 30., 1,099 1,147 1,211 1,218 370 390 436 452 555 584 150 150 150 151 101 102 501 511 533 521 1940—Mar. 26. J u n e 29., Dec. 31.. 1,224 1,205 1,270 441 414 457 151 151 152 106 615 648 548 555 566 687 110 1941—Apr. 4... J u n e 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31., 1,314 1,347 1,452 1,465 474 473 520 529 676 710 763 .759 154 150 150 144 111 604 754 785 857 928 601 590 608 104 105 107 112 114 115 628 671 648 659 637 608 629 620 647 685 682 728 1 "Balances with foreign b a n k s " are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. s Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as " d u e to banlts" and were assumed to be demand deposits. «Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before t h a t time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from J u n e 21,1917, to August 23,1935, b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. 6 Includes capital notes and debentures issued b y State member banks (national banks do not issue them), Preferred stock was not issued b y member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. NO.Z87-KANSAS CITY DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans CommerTotal 1 cial Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought of other banks Real estate loans To brokers and dealers Bills Total 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31. 443 449 143 132 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31 _ 451 464 473 466 154 123 130 127 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 3U 433 420 424 412 129 110 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 382 369 343 326 102 1932—June 30. Sept. 30, Dec. 31. 274 258 245 1933—June 30. Oct. 26., Dec. 30. 215 217 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 209 215 224 In New York City Outside New York City 37 To others Total On farm land 99 103 On other real estate Loans to Other banks loans' 11 10 249 265 9 9 12 11 246 290 297 290 100 11 11 11 12 250 246 236 247 88 93 90 85 83 12 12 11 12 203 193 77 77 77 73 74 72 12 51 54 59 48 51 50 120 119 113 62 50 51 50 48 105 105 212 62 59 58 1935—Mar. 4_. June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31. 204 203 224 .236 55 50 51 51 45 47 46 47 . 106 111 1936—Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 223 233 51 53 "57 46 48 51 125 135 156 120 103 105 108 97 95 95 112 126 100 93 212 260 11 11 226 211 157 142 135 118 116 126 134 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 266 289 59 54 53 54 50 49 158 170 194 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. 269 249 257 50 47 49 46 43 43 180 161 168 Open market paper Call date Total loans Agricultural loans Total 27 16 273 133 1939-Mar. 29.. June 30., Oct. 22.. Dec. 30.. 270 280 130 136 293 315 150 1940—Mar. 26 June29_ Dec. 3 1 - 315 314 1941—Apr. 4«.. June 30.. Sept. Dec. 3 1 - 375 42 151 163 212 Real estate loans Bills CommerJ" cial To Own Accept- abroad paper bro- others bought kers accept ances ances of other and banks dealers 16 15 Total 25 On farm land On residential property Other Loans to Other banks loans 51 48 50 18 30 58 32 61 71 191 451 495 Acceptances Commercial loans 1938-Dec. 31.. Loans for purchasing or carpring securities 37 110 83 91 N 0 . 2 8 8 - K A N S A S CITY DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct Total investments Call date Total Billsi Notes ObligaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States and Guaranteed polit- Total Government ical subagencies divinot Rail- Util- Other Bonds sions guar- roads® ities' anteed byU.S.® Corporate stocks Foreign securities F. R. Bank Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1928—Oct 3 Dec. 31 244 247 117 118 19 17 31 32 68 69 53 58 62 61 14 13 8 8 30 28 1 2 9 11 10 10 1Q9Q Mar 27 June 29 Oct 4 Dec 31 239 235 230 219 115 107 104 95 13 10 9 5 31 26 27 25 71 71 68 65 _ 56 57 57 58 58 60 61 56 12 11 11 10 8 9 8 8 26 27 29 24 2 2 2 2 10 11 11 12 10 10 9 9 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec 31 204 215 234 247 89 92 96 104 2 2 8 8 22 21 20 21 65 69 68 74 52 56 61 64 55 58 67 69 11 14 16 15 10 9 11 11 19 21 26 27 2 2 2 2 12 11 12 13 8 10 11 10 1931—Mar 25 June 30 Sent 29 Dec 31 250 268 268 264 103 120 128 134 19 32 24 29 7 7 4 6 77 81 101 100 65 70 70 64 72 69 63 59 17 15 13 11 12 14 12 10 29 26 26 24 2 2 2 2 12 12 . 10 12 11 9 7 7 1032—June 30 Sect 30 Dec. 31 258 260 261 136 142 143 23 18 15 13 28 28 101 96 99 64 59 51 54 51 9 10 9 .9 9 8 21 22 21 2 2 2 10 12 10 7 6 6 288 298 316 179 191 203 35 28 24 47 52 61 97 111 119 61 61 64 42 41 43 8 8 7 8 8 8 18 19 18 2 2 2 6 4 8 6 5 5 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 • Dec. 31 370 358 388 399 256 237 252 261 47 23 28 28 88 100 123 132 121 114 100 101 14 17 65 68 66 68 44 49 52 49 11 15 19 16 7 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 7 6 6 7 5 4 4 4 1935—Mar. 4 June 29. Nov. 1 Dec. 31 405 417 424 404 258 244 247 233 20 41 23 20 152 141 179 160 86 61 45 52 24 47 54 50 70 76 75 76 49 45 42 39 18 14 13 12 8 7 7 8 7 7 6 7 8 8' 8 7 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 3 4 5 6 6 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 392 454 473 225 269 278 16 27 18 149 141 149 60 101 110 46 47 50 76 85 86 40 48 54 14 14 17 8 10 12 7 8 8 8 9 8 2 2 2 3 6 .7 5 5 5 1937—Mar. June 30. Dec. 31. 448 439 399 257 260 237 15 11 3 139 145 126 103 104 108 49 47 46 85 82 74 53 46 38 17 16 9 14 13 11 7 6 6 7 7 7 2 2 2 6 3 3 4 4 4 1938—Mar. 7 . . June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31.. 392 372 402 406 228 209 224 , 220 2 3 7 7 133 113 113 102 93 93 105 112 46 44 49 51 73 76 81 87 41 39 44 43 9 11 13 13- 10 10 10 9 6 6 7 8 8 8 11 9 2 2 2 2 7 3 2 2 4 4 4 5 5226 403 392 379 398 208 197 189 200 5 3 85 78 118 116 14 14 10 10 7 7 9 9 2 2 2 2 4 4 6225 S223 68 114 90 90 91 90 44 45 18 57 56 54 60 44 15 11 6 7 2 2 4 243 394 393 377 184 181 169 94 100 68 69 78 91 91 83 49 44 16 11 13 15 6 5 8 7 2 2 4 5 4 3 248 236 84 106 102 84 85 90 88 84 13 15 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1939—Mar. 29 June 30^. Oct. Dec. 30 .. ... ... 1940—Mar. 26« June 29 Dec. 31 1941—Apr. 4"-. June 30 Sept. 24« Dec 31 ... ... 391 411 407 406 174 168 166 194 18 13 69 56 7 45 116 19 49 126 (*) 4 7 2 3 3 237 3 6 3 5 1 230 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17. 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. I Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in Julv 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. 3 Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. < Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. . N 0 . 2 8 9 - K A N S A S CITY DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiStates Certi- viduala, fied and partand politneroffiical Total cers' ships, subdivi- checks, corpoetc. rations, sions etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. States Gov- and ern- politment ical Do- For- and submestic eign postal divisav- sions ings^ Total Savings ChristCertifimas cates Open savacof ings de- counts' and posit similar accountsi 1928-Oct. 3..., Dec. 31.. 692 705 228 231 5 6 46 40 18 25 394 404 182 177 10 10 13 13 159 154 125 123 21 18 11 12 1929—Mar. 27., June 29-. Oct. 4..., Dec. 31.. 658 656 665 677 197 186 208 209 5 6 5 2 56 66 50 45 11 13 10 29 388 385 392 392 183 185 185 170 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 163 165 167 151 125 123 122 116 18 18 17 16 19 24 27 18 • 1930—Mar. 27,. June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 3U. 635 663 689 659 193 202 229 201 4 4 4 3 51 60 51 53 9 10 8 30 378 388 397 371 176 208 187 10 11 11 13 9 17 19 9 157 161 178 165 118 117 122 122 16 17 18 19 23 26 38 24 1931—Mar. 25,. June 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 31.. 639 628 554 521 221 213 165 146 4 5 10 4 55 56 50 43 9 9 7 17 350 345 322 311 203 203 197 174 15 17 19 23 7 7 6 5 181 179 171 147 127 127 122 116 21 22 20 17 33 29 29 14 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30-, Dec. 31.. 494 493 516 142 158 173 8 9 6 61 44 39 8 6 16 273 276 282 176 179 173 28 30 31 2 3 3 145 145 138 112 110 107 14 15 14 19 20 17 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.., Dec. 30.. 492 491 534 165 160 181 12 14 11 44 38 44 9 7 13 262 272 285 162 172 163 30 26 24 3 2 3 125 100 128 101 123 • 102 11 11 8 12 13 11 2 2 1 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17.,. Dec. 31.. 620 674 721 746 226 251 280 286 32 28 18 28 49 57 53 58 8 14 14 24 303 324 356 350 165 173 171 167 17 11 3 2 2 2 133 138 140 137 110 117 120 122 8 8 8 9 13 11 10 6 1 2 3 1 1935—Mar. 4.:. June 29.. Nov. 1 . . . Dec. 31.. 774 799 858 874 310 303 346 351 23 15 10 16 63 76 61 67 15 16 15 27 364 389 425 414 170 161 3 3 2 3 140 145 145 145 124 128 128 129 8 8 8 9 7 7 6 6 1 2 2 1 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 886 945 1,001 369 375 405 12 23 19 72 77 81 16 17 23 418 452 472 161 162 160 1 1 1 147 149 148 129 132 133 9 9 8 7 6 5 1 2 1 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30 Dec. 31.. 922 934 914 362 350 346 6 9 14 75 83 74 15 14 23 464 478 457 161 159 157 1 1 5 149 147 144 134 132 132 9 9 8 5 4 3 2 2 1 1938—Mar. 7... June 30,. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 890 918 930 951 340 343 353 360 14 ' 18 20 22 74 72 70 73 12 12 9 20 448 472 477 475 158 156 156 155 5 6 4 4 145 144 144 143 131 130 130 131 8 8 7 7 4 4 •4 5 2 2 3 1939—Mar. 29-. June 30.. Oct. 23... Dec. 30.. 942 989 1,053 1,059 363 383 430 446 23 22 22 23 75 77 72 73 11 12 10 21 470 494 519 495 157 158 158 159 4 4 3 3 145 146 147 149 131 130 8 8 6 6 1 2 134 8 7 .1940—Mar. 26 June 29.. Dec. 31.. 1,066 1.046 1,111 435 408 451 23 23 12 81 77 79 10 11 20 517 528 549 158 159 159 3 3 3 148 149 149 132 135 7 7 8 8 2 1941-Apr. 4 June 30.. Sept. 24®. Dec. 31.. 1,153 1,190 ,1,296 1,315 468 468 515 523 9 12 18 32 87 91 95 97 11 12 12 23 578 607 656 639 160 4 4 2 2 150 147 148 142 131 6 7 2 129 5 7 188 162 161 157 157 150 1 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. * "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. 5 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N 0 . 2 9 0 - K A N S A S CITY DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans!^nd investments CaU date 192(>-May4.. June 30. Nov. 15. Dec. 29. Total Loans 616 617 624 597 504 507 514 488 Total 112 110 110 108 ' U. S. Govern^ ment obligations Cash Bank Bal- items premOther in ances with proc- furni- real ture estate ess forand of eign banks» collec- fixtion tures Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks 38 38 35 34 16 16 16 17 95 90 80 74 8 6 10 6 63 68 71 Investments 80 77 73 71 33 33 36 37 32 30 29 15 15 15 Total Cusassets tomNumers' Secuber lia- rities Other of biUty bor- assets banks on rowed Total acliaceptbiUties ances 3 2 3 3 4 5 4 5 798 792 791 754 978 982 .003 .007 3 5 6 4 2 3 3 3 2 692 687 673 .010 .011 .017 .037 ,073 ,004 1 1921—Apr. 28. June 30. Dec. 31. 553 543 525 453 444 426 100 99 99 67 66 61 33 33 37 1922—Mar. 10. June 30. Dec. 29. 514 523 531 418 429 428 95 94 104 61 58 62 35 36 41 31 31 33 15 16 17 84 92 97 4 5 5 3 3 1 2 3 3 675 695 713 1923—Apr. 3 . . June 30. Sept. 14. Dec. 31. 539 547 543 530 431 439 436 420 108 108 108 110 67 67 69 : 66 42 40 39 44 33 33 33 33 16 14 16 17 98 86 80 90 6 5 4 6 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 722 ,068 717 ,069 709 _,067 709 1,050 1924—Mar. 31. June 30. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31. 513 504 492 484 406 397 379 363 107 106 113 121 66 63 66 68 41 43 47 53 31 30 33 35 17 16 16 18 77 82 119 148 6 5 5 6 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 677 671 699 726 ,029 .018 ,013 1925—Apr. 6 . . June 30, Sept. 28. Dec. 31. 496 500 512 515 365 366 372 369 132 134 138 146 77 79 82 83 56 56 57 63 33 33 34 35 15 16 16 18 120 108 95 104 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 706 697 698 714 988 978 969 961 1926—Apr. 12. June 30. Dec. 31. 513 519 516 365 370 356 148 149 159 85 85 84 63 65 75 33 33 34 16 16 16 86 89 102 6 5 6 1 2 3 2 687 699 709 950 945 926 1927—Mar. 23. June 30. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31. 514 518 527 536 351 352 354 354 163 166 173 181 85 84 83 82 78 82 90 99 34 34 34 36 16 16 16 16 94 88 92 101 4 5 6 6 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 697 695 708 726 918 908 907 902 1928—Feb. 28. June 30. Oct. 3... Dec. 31. 534 537 554 554 352 353 364 353 182 184 190 201 82 83 88 95 100 101 102 106 34 34 36 35 15 13 14 15 94 84 93 96 5 5 6 7 1 2 2 2 2 715 706 735 738 895 880 876 867 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31. 552 542 544 528 348 346 350 338 204 196 194 189 100 95 95 86 104 101 99 103 35 33 34 34 15 13 14 16 75 74 80 88 4 5 5 6 1 2 2 2 2 712 697 706 855 850 841 833 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 528 516 502 489 336 330 318 305 192 186 185 184 86 81 77 69 107 106 108 115 33 32 31 31 15 14 15 15 72 85 88 87 4 6 4 5 2 2 2 2 681 667 654 1931—-Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 471 464 453 426 290 284 271 248 182 181 182 178 66 66 71 71 115 115 111 108 29 29 28 27 13 13 15 14 83 84 67 64 3 4 3 5 2 2 2 2 593 562 793 772 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 393 381 364 220 212 196 173 169 168 71 72 71 102 97 97 . 23 22 23 12 12 11 54 59 64 3 3 3 2 2 2 511 502 490 746 744 733 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 313 320 322 158 159 154 154 161 168 69 77 81 85 84 87 28 36 40 10 11 10 69 69 79 3 3 3 2 2 2 445 460 476 647 653 656 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 335 332 336 345 151 146 142 139 184 186 194 207 94 97 106 118 90 89 87 88 45 53 57 57 10 9 11 11 . 95 113 124 133 4 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 512 534 552 572 671 684 1935—Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31. 347 353 346 356 141 151 159 163 205 201 187 193 118 116 104 108 87 85 83 85 60 62 62 61 10 11 10 13 139 136 157 163 5 5 5 5 2 2 582 586 600 617 679 677 677 675 1936—Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 358 374 386 165 172 174 194 202 212 109 120 126 85 82 87 57 58 69 11 13 13 165 168 182 6 6 6 615 639 674 676 678 676 1 1 827 818 621 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounta in millions of dollars] Deposits CaUdate Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other hank« ern- savdement* ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand adits® tindagen- justedT posits^ cies, etc.® 1920—May 4.. June 30Nov. 15 Dec. 29. 635 619 595 557 43 41 33 30 2 2 1 2 445 425 414 384 145 152 146 141 30 43 60 59 1921—Apr. 28. June 30. Deo. 31. 510 508 497 28 29 28 2 2 2 341 337 331 139 141 137 50 48 46 332 325 1922—Mar. 10 June 30. Dec. 29., 509 536 561 32 33 36 2 2 4 335 353 370 140 149 151 36 27 20 331 348 365 1923—Apr. 3... June 30. Sept. 14. Dec. 31., 677 568 559 563 37 33 32 34 4 3 3 2 374 364 356 366 162 169 169 161 16 20 20 20 368 359 352 360 1924—Mar. 31. June 30. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31., 535 631 568 603 30 28 42 60 1 2 2 1 340 337 361 391 164 164 163 162 18 19 9 6 334 332 356 385 1925—Apr. 6... June 30. Sept. 28. Deo. 31.. 587 578 578 595 43 37 37 38 3 1 2 1 373 367 369 391 168 172 170 163 4 7 7 9 368 362 364 1926—Apr. 12.. June 30. Dec. 31., 568 578 594 32 33 35 2 2 1 365 368 387 169 174 170 9 11 7 359 363 381 1927—Mar. 23. , June 30. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31.. 582 581 692 613 34 32 33 35 2 1 2 1 371 370 378 395 175 177 180 181 6 7 8 7 367 365 372 371 368 378 390 1928—Feb. 28., June 30. Oct. 3 . . . Dec. 31.. 602 594 622 623 37 31 32 33 1 2 2 4 7 7 377 370 396 399 187 192 185 180 6 7 6 10 372 365 389 392 377 368 395 395 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31.. 597 579 589 582 30 27 29 29 4 2 2 I 7 7 7 7 374 363 372 371 183 181 179 173 8 12 11 13 370 358 367 366 374 360 372 368 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. '562 563 549 538 25 26 26 25 1 1 1 1 8 8 9 10 347 346 332 327 180 181 180 174 11 11 10 9 343 340 329 346 342 331 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29, Dec. 31. 512 507 479 451 25 24 20 19 1 1 4 1 11 13 15 16 304 298 274 264 171 170 166 150 9 10 11 12 301 294 271 259 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31.. 397 387 383 15 15 16 1 2 1 19 20 22 225 219 218 137 132 125 17 17 12 222 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 357 371 389 17 17 18 2 2 2 20 20 19 208 219 238 111 113 111 3 3 1 1934—Mar. 5., June 30., Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 424 446 462 484 20 23 26 26 4 4 3 4 18 15 9 9 260 275 291 311 122 129 133 133 1935—Mar. 4 . . June 29. Nov. 1,. Dec. 31.. 493 504 529 648 26 25 30 30 4 2 2 3 7 5 4 4 319 331 352 366 137 139 141 144 546 668 602 30 28 33 3 6 6 3 3 3 366 382 408 145 149 153 1 1 39 27 437 419 404 378 322 302 296 272 261 216 215 218 216 205 235 205 217 235 256 271 287 307 257 273 290 307 314 326 347 361 316 216 360 376 402 328 228 237 247 265 N 0 . 2 9 0 - K A N S A S CITY DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920'1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Balances with domestic banks Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Total Loans 1937—Mar. 3L June 30Dec. 31. 402 413 202 193a-Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28, Dec. 31. 410 404 404 418 198 204 212 201 210 202 1 9 3 ^ M a r . 29. June 30. Oct. 2 . . . Dec. 30. 415 417 420 422 212 1940—Mar. 26. June 29. Dcc. 31. 424 424 458 226 1941—Apr. 4 . . June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 453 459 495 514 Total U. S. Government obligations Cash Bank Bal- items premisea, Other in ances with proc- furni- real ture estate foress and of eign banksi collec- fixtion tures Total 677 675 71 70 71 13 13 13 162 164 157 5 7 6 657 672 676 13 14 15 13 149 157 160 166 5 5 4 6 661 118 68 62 64 66 658 663 684 685 685 684 203 199 195 194 114 113 109 107 64 65 70 68 14 14 12 15 159 174 195 193 4 5 7 6 673 691 717 719 683 687 198 190 199 112 106 111 68 70 72 15 14 16 187 182 192 4 5 7 713 709 759 685 685 260 255 259 293 299 198 200 202 214 114 116 127 73 73 78 90 14 16 18 18 201 205 217 226 6 7 6 8 762 774 827 687 688 689 691 181 192 218 223 228 234 122 210 211 200 128 127 125 115 119 111 87 Capital accounts Deposits Call date CusTotal tomassets ers' SecuNumlia- rities Other ber bihty borof on rowed banks acTotal ceptliaances bilities U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank® ern- savment 3 ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties Total ing Com- Premon ferred stock stock* Surplus 688 Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net dedevided for prof- con- posits mand tindeadits' gen- justed' positscies, etc.® 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 584 599 600 399 413 414 152 153 153 73 73 74 36 36 36 6 6 6 • 18 19 20 10 10 10 2 2 2 394 407 408 268 278 285 1938—Mar. 7., June 30. Sept. 28 Dec. 31, 584 580 583 605 402 401 403 421 153 152 151 151 76 76 79 77 37 37 37 37 5 5 5 5 20 21 21 22 11 11 13 11 2 2 2 3 397 396 398 415 278 267 268 284 1939—Mar. 29. June 30, Oct. 2.,. Dec. 30. 592 610 633 411 425 445 445 151 153 155 155 79 80 82 81 37 37 38 38 4 4 4 4 22 23 23 24 13 12 14 12 3 3 3 3 407 420 438 439 278 279 278 283 1940—Mar. 26. June 29. Dec. 31, 629 624 672 440 436 477 155 157 159 83 83 85 38 38 39 4 4 3 24 25 26 14 13 14 3 3 4 436 431 470 284 282 316 1941—Apr. 4.,. June 30, Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 674 685 736 777 478 490 537 572 160 87 87 89 89 39 39 39 39 3 3 3 3 26 27 27 28 15 15 17 16 4 4 4 4 472 482 531 564 307 315 355 386 32 159 159 157 » "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3,1928. ' Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. »Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23,1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. »Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. N0.291-.KANSAS CITY DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON GALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans Bills Total! Commercial fbS Own Accept- abroad accept- ances bought ances' of other banks Real estate loans To brokers and dealers Total In New York City To others Outside New York City Total On farm land On other real estate Loans Other to banks loans 1 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 364 353 21 23 254 249 1929—Mar. 27 June 2 9 . . . Oct. 4 Dec. 31.. 348 346 350 338 22 16 17 19 246 251 250 243 1930—Mar. 27 . June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 336 330 318 305 17 11 10 6 251 253 245 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 290 284 271 248 5 4 3 2 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 220 212 196 3 2 2 166 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 158 159 154 1 1 1 115 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 151 146 142 139 1 2 3 4 110 103 105 1935—Mar. 4. June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31. 141 151 159 163 5 6 7 7 104 113 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 165 172 174 8 8 10 124 130 129 1937-Mar. 31, June 30 Dec. 31 181 192 202 11 9 10 133 144 152 1938-Mar. 7.. June 30 Sept. 28 198 204 201 9 7 5 150 165 153 210 160 147 116 112 102 120 123 Open market paper Call date Total loans 1938—Dec. 31.. 210 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 23.. Deo. 30.. 212 218 1940—Mar. 26 June 29.. Dec. 31.. 226 234 1941—Apr. 4 ' . . June 30.. Sept. 24®. Dec. 31.. 255 259 293 299 223 228 Commercial loans Agricultural loans 90 Acceptances payable in US. Total Loans for purchasing or carrying securities CommerTo cial brofbC To kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks Real estate loans Bills Total On farm land 33 14 On residential property 41 43 45 118 260 53 Other loans 39 36 44 Other Loans to banks 109 41 20 47 "142' 43 22 i r NO. 292.KANSAS CITY DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities u . S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments 190 Total BiUs' Notes Obligations Bonds, notes, and debentures of States and Guaranteed polit- Total Governical ment subagencies divinot Bonds RailUtil- Other sions guar- roads' itiess anteed by U.S.! 1928—Oct. 3 . „ Dec.31.. 201 88 95 11 14 15 16 62 65 1929—Mar. 27. June 29.. Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31.. 204 196 194 189 100 95 95 86 15 13 13 7 15 15 14 13 69 68 68 66 1930-Mar. 27.. June 30... Sept. 24.. Dec. 31... 192 186 86 81 77 69 4 1 1 1 13 12 10 8 68 67 66 61 66 66 71 71 1 1 1 1 5 6 6 6 60 59 64 .64 71 72 71 2 1 1 6 6 6 63 65 64 69 77 81 1 1 2 10 14 15 58 62 64 4 3 2 21 20 18 24 69 70 72 73 3 15 21 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 31.. 185 184 182 181 182 178 Corporate stocks F. R. Bank Other Foreign securities Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30., Dec. 31.., 173 169 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25„. Dec. 30... 154 161 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct, 17.., Dec. 31.., 184 194 207 94 94 91 97 1935—Mar. 4 . . . June 29.. Nov. 1 . . . Dec. 31.. 205 201 187 193 92 87 71 74 5 ' 1 2 23 20 27 26 69 62 43 47 26 30 33 34 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31.... 194 202 212 75 86 94 2 4 4 26 28 28 47 54 62 34 34 32 1937—Mar. 31. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 208 210 211 92 96 95 4 6 4 26 28 28 62 62 64 30 32 32 1 9 3 ^ M a r . 7... June 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 212 200 202 208 93 87 90 88 3 2 4 3 27 24 24 23 64 61 62 62 32 29 30 30 1939—Mar. 29., June 30.. Oct. 2».. Dec. 30-- 203 199 195 194 84 82 81 79 2 3 20 20 61 59 3 17 58 30 31 28 28 1940—Mar. 26 «June 29... Dec. 31... 198 190 199 84 80 85 58 62 28 26 26 73 78 200 85 87 87 98 26 27 29 28 80 1941-Apr. 4«... June 30... Sept. 24«-, Dec. 31... 168 168 186 202 214 6 6 17 17 5 13 69 6 13 79 («) 674. »70 '71 17 70 73 eaiiy ireaaury uiiia were iirsu isaueu lu jjeceiiiuer ly^a. ' Included in ''other'' bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5,.1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and replaced m 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obhgations, have been classified as not guaranteed. ^aucu m juiy ivoo » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter * iSued S n t i l t e f n included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) N 0 . 2 9 3 - K A N S A S CITY D I S T R I C T ^ O U N T R Y MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES. 1928-194t [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiStates Certi- viduals, fied and partand politnerTotal offiical cers' ships, subdivi- checks, corpoetc. rations, sions etc. Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. States Gov- and ern- po]i\r ment ical Do-, For- and submestic eign postal divisav- sions ings^ Total Savings Christ^ Certifimas cates Open savings of acde- counts® and similar posit accounts® 7 7 6 6 179 175 59 62 107 105 13 7 188 186 180 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 177 175 173 167 62 63 60 61 106 103 102 96 9 10 11 10 188 190 190 185 8 8 9 10 6 6 6 6 174 176 175 169 64 65 64 65 98 100 99 92 13 11 12 11 182 167 11 13 15 16 6 6 6 6 165 165 160 144 64 66 63 59 90 89 87 76 10 10 10 9 156 152 147 19 20 22 6 5 5 131 126 120 53 50 50 69 67 62 9 9 8 156 168 179 131 135 20 20 19 4 4 3 106 109 108 45 48 50 56 56 54 4 4 4 1 2 4 4 3 5 197 213 233 242 142 146 145 144 18 15 9 9 3 3 3 3 119 126 130 130 57 63 65 68 56 58 59 57 5 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 66 70 62 78 4 4 4 7 249 257 286 281 146 147 147 150 7 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 134 137 139 142 70 74 76 78 59 58 58 61 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 6 6 V 79 78 8& 5 5 8 282 299 320 150 154 157 3 3 3 2 2 2 143 147 151 78 82 87 61 61 60 3 2 2 1 1 1 27 27 26 2 2 3 80 80 85 6 6 9 312 327 320 156 156 157 2 2 2 2 2 2 150 151 151 88 90 92 58 58 56 2 2 2 1 1 1 428 425 428 450 23 21 22 25 2 3 3 4 84 89 82 95 6 6 6 8 313 306 315 318 156 155 155 155 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 150 149 148 149 92 92 92 94 55 54 52 52 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30., Oct. 2»... Dec. 30., 437 453 475 477 23 24 26 28 4 4 4 5 95 96 87 97 6 6 6 9 309 322 352 339 154 157 158 158 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 149 151 152 153 95 97 51 51 2 2 1 1 100 51 2 1940—Mar. 264. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 471 464 510 26 24 29 4 4 4 97 96 97 6 6 9 337 334 371 158 160 162 2 2 1 2 2 2 153 • 154 156 102 105 50 49 2 2 1 1941—Apr.4».. June 30.. Sept. 24 » Dec. 31.. 511 523 575 617 31 30 34 39 3 4 5 6 96 100 98 110 6 7 8 11 376 383 431 451 162 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 157 157 156 155 106 48 2 1 105 47 2 1928—Oct. 3 . . . Dec.31_. 430 435 32 32 2 4 53 58 8 10 334 330 1929—Mar. 27., June 29-, Oct. Dec. 31.. 407 392 403 401 30 26 29 29 4 2 2 1 58 64 53 59 7 7 6 9 309 292 313 304 190 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 373 373 359 353 24 26 26 25 1 1 1 1 59 66 56 58 6 6 5 8 283 274 272 262 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 31.. 330 323 298 284 24 24 20 19 1 1 4 1 56 60 56 56 5 5 4 6 243 233 214 202 1932—June 30., Sept. 30., Dec. 31.. 242 235 236 15 15 16 1 2 1 55 49 50 4 3 4 166 167 164 1933—June 30.. Oct.25._. Dec. 30-. 226 236 256 17 15 16 2 2 2 49 48 55 3 3 5 1934—Mar. 5 - . June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 281 300 318 339 18 21 23 24 4 4 3 4 60 60 55 65 1935—Mar. 4... June 29., Nov. 1... Dec. 31_. 347 357 382 398 24 23 29 28 4 2 2 3 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 395 414 445 27 26 31 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 428 442 442 1938—Mar. 7... June 30-. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 192 188 183 181 162 161 159 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. » "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those, of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.294-DALLAS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments ReBal- Balserves Cash ances with with in with Federal vault domes- fortic Other Reserve banks 1 secu- Bank rities Investments CaU date Total Total U. S. Government obligations Loans Cash items in process of collection Bank CusTotal premtomassets ises, Other ers' SecuNumfurni- real Ua- rities Other ber ture estate biUty bor- assets of and on rowed banks fixacTotal tures ceptliaances bilities 1914—Dec. 31 350 263 88 49 39 6 24 57 8 15 4 470 759 1915—Mar. 4 Mayl June 23 Sept. 2 Nov. 10 Dec. 31 340 336 334 315 340 344 264 271 269 255 279 282 75 65 65 60 61 62 48 49 49 46 46 46 27 16 16 14 15 16 7 7 7 7 8 10 25 23 23 22 26 26 76 70 66 55 74 69 5 6 5 4 8 8 16 15 15 15 14 14 4 5 5 5 5 5 476 465 458 428 486 485 765 769 768 645 645 644 1916-May 1 June 30 Sept. 12 Nov. 17 . Dec. 27 328 329 362 396 401 272 273 305 338 342 66 56 67 69 69 44 44 44 44 44 12 12 13 15 15 10 13 15 26 28 25 24 28 28 31 83 73 89 170 153 7 7 9 10 8 14 15 14 15 15 5 6 5 5 5 476 468 528 657 644 617 619 1917—Mar. 5 May 1 June 20 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . 396 403 412 534 337 339 335 443 59 64 77 91 46 47 62 74 14 16 15 17 26 24 23 43 28 27 27 24 131 105 89 129 10 9 8 26 15 15 16 16 5 4 4 3 612 623 627 1918—May 10 , June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 556 532 621 613 418 415 484 482 138 116 137 130 123 100 120 113 15 16 16 18 35 36 35 36 19 16 20 21 84 69 84 78 16 15 22 27 18 18 20 20 4 4 4 4 745 698 814 684 717 727 1919—Mar. 4 June 30 Nov. 17 Dec. 31 631 646 785 822 480 494 624 636 150 152 161 186 135 133 143 161 15 19 18 25 37 44 60 64 18 20 22 26 92 104 189 179 32 29 65 56 21 22 22 23 4 4 4 4 848 883 1,171 1.194 736 746 752 756 1920—May 4. June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 867 855 883 844 706 711 740 709 161 144 143 135 136 124 119 110 25 20 24 25 58 54 52 49 23 24 25 26 122 102 106 87 46 41 55 39 25 25 28 28 4 5 6 6 1,162 781 1,121 811 1,171 1,092 844 840 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 . . 765 752 711 651 638 594 115 115 118 93 90 88 22 24 30 46 44 45 22 21 19 79 72 85 28 28 37 29 30 31 7 6 8 985' 964 950 849 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 700 707 749 585 587 609 115 120 140 90 95 112 25 25 28 46 47 54 20 19 23 105 99 131 28 27 39 32 32 33 9 10 12 950 950 1,054 854 857 855 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 769 745 781 810 620 601 637 649 149 144 144 161 123 117 113 126 26 27 31 35 51 48 53 61 20 16 22 25 108 81 129 163 32 29 44 60 34 35 35 36 13 13 13 13 1,038 978 1.086 1,169 855 857 858 849 1924—Mar .31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 777 732 765 789 629 597 625 645 148 135 140 144 114 104 102 101 33 31 38 44 52 49 56 66 21 20 26 26 120 105 198 214 33 35 51 67 36 37 39 39 13 13 14 14 835 837 838 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 813 791 822 831 651 638 664 668 162 153 158 163 120 113 113 114 1.061 1,000 1,159 1,217 42 40 44 49 62 57 59 66 23 22 26 26 180 134 164 153 38 36 45 54 39 40 41 41 14 14 14 14 1,178 1,102 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 832 808 807 668 650 652 164 158 156 120 113 105 44 45 51 58 57 64 1.195 824 847 854 852 23 22 24 135 121 146 44 40 56 42 41 41 14 12 12 850 843 827 . 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 842 831 877 898 668 654 688 694 173 177 188 204 123 122 126 132 50 55 62 72 63 62 66 73 1,157 1,109 1,163 24 22 25 24 144 131 168 171 37 38 53 54 41 42 43 42 13 12 12 12 1928-Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 904 916 960 993 701 692 725 736 203 224 235 257 137 150 157 174 66 74 78 84 817 815 816 799 68 66 69 74 23 19 26 26 1,171 1,146 1,256 1,286 152 130 161 165 36 41 53 61 43 43 44 44 1,000 957 987 936 730 705 749 714 270 251 238 222 190 169 153 132 79 82 85 91 69 64 66 65 24 19 24 25 1,249 1,237 1.336 1,388 794 791 787 192&-Mar.27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 12 12 12 11 130 118 148 148 39 41 52 56 44 45 46 47 11 10 9 10 1,328 1,264 1,345 1,302 765 766 761 746 591 582 782 818 1,180 621 620 619 628 630 666 862 851 828 780 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 191M941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Call date Total ilemoranda Capital accounts Deposits U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other desavbank 3 ernment® ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uabinoutstand- ties ing Total Common stock Preferred stock® Surplus ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand deadits® tingen- justed' posits? cies, etc. 8 1914—Dec. 31. 278 41 3 207 27 66 109 65 32 12 199 1915—Mar. 4_, M a y 1-. J u n e 23. Sept. 2. Nov. 10, Dec. 31. 301 290 282 257 315 322 51 45 41 36 55 55 3 2 2 1 2 1 219 213 208 191 226 234 28 30 31 29 32 32 55 51 48 45 44 45 111 113 114 106 108 105 65 66 65 61 61 61 32 32 32 31 31 31 13 15 16 14 16 13 214 207 203 187 1916—Alay 1.. J u n e 30. Sept. 12 Nov. 17, Dec. 27. 321 311 364 502 491 55 49 67 132 126 1 1 1 1 2 229 224 258 329 323 36 38 38 40 40 41 41 42 42 42 104 104 105 108 109 59 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 15 14 15 17 19 222 1917—Mar. 5., M a y 1.. J u n e 20. Dec. 31. 461 434 419 614 104 84 75 146 2 1 3 10 310 303 294 410 44 47 47 47 42 42 43 46 106 108 110 108 60 61 61 61 31 32 32 34 15 16 17 13 300 294 1918—Alay 10. J u n e 29 Nov. 1. Dec. 31. 533 479 553 542 72 64 76 80 43 21 42 11 363 340 382 397 55 54 53 54 48 50 52 55 117 117 125 122 64 65 68 69 35 36 37 38 18 16 20 15 347 325 360 369 1919—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 17-. Dec. 31.., 572 616 907 961 82 93 187 176 19 13 14 39 414 445 636 672 58 65 70 73 58 57 57 58 124 129 137 133 69 72 74 74 39 40 41 43 16 17 22 16 381 415 571 1920—Alay 4 . . . J u n e 30.. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29... 861 804 812 747 115 95 102 84 5 5 4 3 648 607 600 555 93 97 106 104 105 134 126 56 55 55 54 147 152 165 162 78 82 87 87 45 48 50 49 24 22 27 26 603 566 545 516 1921—Apr. 28... J u n e 30.. Dec. 31... 673' 649 668 75 64 75 4 6 8 489 470 479 105 109 105 99 99 70 50 52 54 163 162 155 90 90 88 50 50 49 23 22 18 461 442 442 1922—Mar. 10.. J u n e 30.. Dec. 29.., 688 693 816 87 81 126 10 5 15 482 490 555 110 117 120 50 46 52 52 52 158 158 162 90 91 92 49 48 46 20 19 24 454 463 516 1923—Apr. 3.... J u n e 30.. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31... 799 720 819 947 104 73 123 166 20 8 6 12 541 502 553 626 134 137 137 143 26 47 55 12 53 51 51 50 158 158 160 156 94 94 95 94 45 45 44 44 20 19 21 18 509 473 508 576 1924—Mar. 31., J u n e 30... Oct. 10... Dec. 31... 836 768 932 1,004 116 91 175 207 13 6 9 6 557 518 593 640 ISO 152 155 151 17 24 15 49 50 51 49 158 157 159 153 94 94 94 93 43 43 43 42 21 20 23 18 524 483 541 583 1925—Apr. 6-... J u n e 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31_. 967 883 952 981 168 117 158 157 16 9 14 14 618 590 615 652 164 167 165 158 46 46 48 49 160 160 162 157 95 96 96 96 43 43 43 44 23 21 22 17 580 553 570 598 1926—Apr. 12... J u n e 30... Dec. 31,.. 929 871 940 122 108 137 12 7 9 625 593 634 169 164 160 48 48 48 165 162 159 98 97 96 44 44 44 24 22 19 581 553 578 642 1927—Mar. 23 J u n e 30. Oct. 10. Dec. 31. 948 918 1,024 1,068 131 116 161 169 15 11 16 14 626 610 665 702 176 181 182 184 48 51 51 50 163 161 165 160 95 95 96 95 43 44 44 45 24 23 26 20 590 572 612 648 648 623 690 732 1928—Feb. June Oct. Dec. 28. 30. 3.. 31. 1,027 1,005 1,081 1,155 142 118 162 166 4 17 9 22 4 4 686 657 697 746 195 213 210 217 50 52 51 51 163 164 167 163 96 96 95 94 45 45 45 46 23 24 25 19 649 615 644 685 713 666 722 763 1929—Mar- 27. J u n e 29. Oct. 4 . . Dec. 31. 1,085 1,012 1,073 1,048 122 101 138 133 26 20 22 11 4 4 4 4 ' 702 655 683 680 230 231 226 220 53 52 51 52 172 174 176 172 97 97 97 96 48 49 48 48 26 25 29 23 663 614 631 624 711 653 20 218 226 217 249 319 315 286 383 616 702 675 NO. 294--DALUS DISTRICT-^ALL MEMBER BANKS, (Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date Total Loans Total U.S. Government obligations Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks' Cash Bank CusTotal Bal- items premtomin ances ises, Other ers' SecuNumwith proc- furni- real Ua- rities Other ber ess forture estate bility bor- assets of of eign and on rowed banks banks' collec- fixacTotal tion tures ceptliaances bilities 1930-Mar. 27, June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 907 870 868 822 688 653 649 601 219 217 219 221 137 127 129 118 82 90 89 104 65 60 63 58 23 20 22 21 142 170 190 184. 1931-Mar. 25. J u n e 30Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 826 803 776 724 579 560 532 480 247 243 244 244 145 130 132 132 102 113 113 112 57 57 58 50 20 20 23 21 204 172 124 114 1932-June 30. Sept. 30. Dec.31. 671 666 647 430 421 402 242 245 245 139 144 141 103 101 104 49 44 47 18 18 17 114 134 149 1933-June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 613 628 647 355 357 348 258 271 299 163 173 197 96 99 102 57 80 93 18 21 20 132 150 170 1934-Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec.31 702 683 716 725 329 328 338 341 373 355 378 384 272 253 276 283. 101 102 102 101 110 112 124 122 18 17 21 21 209 230 242 248 1 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 703 706 726 740 336 333 340 345 367 373 386 395 268 274 279 281 99 100 107 115 123 115 110 124 19 18 20 24 282 232 288 302 2 2 1936-Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 716 769 827 337 354 387 380 415 440 264 297 309 116 117 131 131 140 168 21 24 25 1937-Mar. 3 1 . . . _ . . J u n e 30 Dec.31 816 827 868 385 396 443 431 431 425 298 307 293 133 124 133 167 175 190 1938-Mnr. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 849 832 865 901 427 426 433 456 421 406 432 446 290 283 301 305 131 123 131 141 1939-Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2.. Dec. 30 889 894 896 922 463 475 476 496 427 419 420 425 288 280 276 279 1 9 4 0 - M a r . 26 J u n e 29 Dec. 31 912 908 1,026 482 490 580 430 419 446 1941-Apr. 4 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,039 1,052 1,112 1,196 579 569 618 663 460 483 494 532 1 1 1 1 1 30 37 33 37 1,234 722 1,220 1,242 1,191 719 716 684 25 30 24 30 1,197 1,147 1,065 1,000 658 645 617 18 20 23 928 941 940 599 594 584 21 23 31 956 1,017 536 536 537 29 26 33 30 1,122 1,120 1,199 551 554 556 555 34 26 30 43 1,215 1.148 1,224 1,284 552 554 554 550 332 320 347 47 39 54 1,297 1,341 1,471 550 552 550 24 25 25 297 299 309 42 45 57 1,396 1,419 1,498 548 549 547 187 163 171 182 25 26 29' 26 337 363 361 364 41 41 37 50 1,488 1,471 1,509 1,575 546 544 544 544 138 139 144 146 181 186 203 216 28 26 25 28 379 408 469 480 35 45 50 54 1,562 1.609 1,692 1,749 545 545 545 544 286 276 294 144 143 151 210 218 239 30 26 35 499 504 506 43 46 65 1,743 1,751 1,920 546 557 568 308 332 337 370 152 151 158 163 239 231 254 306 32 32 38 40 543 557 541 561 53 79 69 90 1,955 2,002 2,065 2,244 570 570 574 573 1 1,188 1920 \'h?oigh^J?iiS3V 192?^ banks" are included in "balances with domestic b a n k s " prior to M a y 4, 1920, a n d in "other assets" from M a y 4, » Before October 3, 1928, all interbank depc^its were reported as " d u e to b a n k s " and were assumed to be demand deposits TT . ' United States T r e ^ u r e r ' s time dcpwits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1 ^ : before t h a t time aU U m t e d States Government deposits were demand deposits. ' ^^^ PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES. 1914-1941^onttnued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank 2 ern- savdement® ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock Stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand tinits" addegen- justed T posits» ciea. etc.* 1930-Mar. 27 . June 30 Sept. 24 . . . . Dec. 31 995 982 993 962 114 115 142 141 19 15 20 14 5 5 5 6 628 612 595 574 229 235 230 227 52 50 50 49 172 172 174 166 94 94 94 92 48 48 48 47 27 26 29 23 3 4 3 4 597 576 563 539 631 610 599 574 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 . Dec. 31 .... 968 920 837 784 150 130 98 97 22 17 40 22 7 8 10 18 561 542 489 466 229 224 201 181 48 48 48 46 167 164 160 150 90 90 87 84 47 46 45 42 26 24 25 18 4 4 3 6 536 512 465 436 569 546 496 475 1932—June 3 0 . . . . . . . Sept. 30 Dec, 31 716 725 736 • 84 91 102 21 32 20 20 24 26 420 412 423 171 165 165 48 52 53 147 145 139 83 83 82 40 40 37 18 18 16 5 5 5 402 392 400 425 413 420 1933-June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30. 704 769 832 87 117 137 27 35 31 28 26 25 400 429 475 162 163 164 53 52 52 131 130 129 79 78 76 1 2 6 34 32 32 14 15 10 4 4 5 380 406 444 401 440 489 1934—Mar. 5 June 30.. Oct. 17 Dec. 31 936 932 997 1,010 158 138 172 163 69 77 56 72 22 19 16 16 518 522 575 581 170 176 177 178 53 50 49 49 132 138 140 139 75 72 71 71 12 20 22 23 30 30 30 30 11 13 14 12 3 3 3 3 489 495 542 551 538 518 595 583 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,029 980 1,071 1,132 170 148 196 218 59 28 23 -32 11 9 7 6 607 609 659 685 182 185 186 191 44 24 4 4 142 144 147 145 70 70 > 70 70 23 24 24 23 31 31 32 33 14 16 19 15 3 3 3 4 573 583 629 642 604 612 561 593 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,144 1,187 1,314 . 215 205 252 24 46 47 6 . 710 736 5 5 816 189 194 195 4 5 5 147 149 149 70 70 70 23 22 20 33 35 38 18 18 17 3 4 4 662 697 762 573 631 717 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 P e c . 31 1,236 1,258 1,334 204 208 228 14 14 24 4 5 4 820 834 868 195 198 210 5 5 6 153 155 155 71 71 71 17 17 14 40 41 43 21 21 20 4 5 6 777 789 811 700 713 757 1,324 1,305 ... 1,340 1,408 213 215 230 248 24 27 35 41 3 2 2 2 869 841 853 895 214 219 220 221 4 5 5 5 158 160 161 160 72 72 72 72 15 14 14 13 43 44 45 46 22 23 25 22 5 6 6 7 828 800 816 845 732 685 726 774 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 1,392 1,437 1,519 1,577 226 243 293 333 39 36 35 38 2 2 2 2 897 923 960 973 228 232 230 231 5 5 5 5 164 166 168 167 73 73 73 73 13 12 12 11 47 49 50 51 24 25 27 24 7 8 7 8 862 878 910 919 754 755 775 815 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 1,567 1,571 1,738 309 296 334 37 36 37 2 2 2 987 1,004 1,129 231 233 237 5 5 6 171 174 176 71 72 73 10 10 9 54 55 59 27 28 27 7 8 8 946 958 1,064 797 789 931 1941—Apr. 4. June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,770 1,814 1,873 2,052 333 334 339 397 32 44 47 57 1 1 1 1 1,163 1,194 1,249 1,364 241 241 235 233 5 6 6 6 180 182 185 184 73 74 74 76" 9 8 8 8 59 60 61 63 30 31 35 29 8 8 8 9 1,110 1,114 1,180 1,275 935 938 1,028 1,170 193&-Mar. 7 June 30.. Sept. 28 Dec. 31 ... • * Figiures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve reqviirementa applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definitions of time deposits. ® Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued by member banlis before the banking holiday of 1933. « The composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. T For definitions of "demand deposits adjusted" and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. 8 Includes customers' liability to State member banks under letters of credit. ® Includes letters of credit issued by State member banks. N0.29S-DALLAS D I S T R I C T - A U MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 192M941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans Total' To brokers and dealers Bills ffi Commercial Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances' of other banks W.l! Total In New York City To others Real estate loans Outside New York City Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banks Other loans' 1928—Oct. 3... Dec. 31. 725 736 168 173 57 60 4 3 108 110 39 37 19 17 20 20 7 3 479 471 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31. 730 705 749 714 183 161 165 150 63 44 44 20 4 4 3 2 116 113 118 127 38 40 42 40 17 18 17 17 21 22 24 23 5 9 8 5 458 469 510 482 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31- 688 653 649 601 153 130 124 121 41 ' 13 10 2 6 6 6 4 106 111 108 115 39 40 40 41 18 18 18 17 21 22 23 24 7 11 11 8 " 462 458 462 416 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 579 560 532 480 116 111 104 100 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 110 107 100 96 44 46 44 43 19 20 19 19 25 27 25 25 8 9 10 7 401 389 367 324 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 430 421 402 91 88 88 1 1 2 2 2 89 86 85 46 48 49 21 21 21 25 27 27 7 6 5 282 276 258 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 355 357 348 77 75 76 1 1. 1 1 1 75 73 74 49 47 49 21 20 20 28 26 29 5 3 3 222 228 215 1934—Mar. 5.. June 30. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31. 329 328 338 341 75 75 63 66 3 5 4 4 1 1 1 1 71 68 57 61 47 46 47 45 19 18 16 16 28 28 30 29 2 2 2 2 198 199 220 222 1935—Mar. 4.. June 29. Nov. I.Dec. 31. 336 333 340 345 64 57 55 58 5 1 1 2 2 58 56 54 55 44 46 43 42 15 15 14 14 29 32 29 28 2 220 224 237 240 1936—Mar. 4.. June 30. Dec. 31. 337 354 387 56 57 63 3 3 4 53 54 59 41 43 44 13 14 13 28 30 32 234 249 274 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31- 385 396 443 61 59 53 4 3 3 57 56 49 44 43 42 12 12 11 32 31 31 275 287 341 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. 427 426 433 50 . 52 52 3 3 3 47 49 49 42 43 44 11 11 10 31 32 33 331 326 333 Open market paper Call date Total Commercial loans Agricultural loans 1938—Dec. 3 1 , . . . 456 191 1939—Mar. 29.... June 30 Oct. 2i Dec. 3 0 . . . . 463 475 476 496 190 195 103 107 220 90 1940—Mar. 26^... June 29 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 482 490 580 217 247 90 124 1941—Apr. 43-... June 30 Sept. 242 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 579 569 260 96 Total Loans for purchasing or carrying securities CommerTo cial broTo Own Accep^ abroad paper kers others accept- ances bought and ances of other dealers banks Real estate loans Bills Total On farm land On residential prop, erty 42 618 "298" Acceptances payable in U. S. ' . "128' Other Loans to banks Other loans 104 100 101 48 22 110 111 129 132 '155" NO. 296-DALLAS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] U. S. Government obUgations Direct CaUdate Total investments Total BiUsi Notes Other domestic securities ObUgations Bonds, notes, and of debentures States Guarand anteed poUt- Total Government ical agencies subBonds not diviRail- Util- Other guar- roads' ities' sions anteed byU.S.» Corporate stocks F. R. Bank Foreign securities Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1928-Oct. 3... Dec. 31., 235 257 157 174 36 47 26 27 94 99 45 45- 5 5 4 5 28 28 3 3 6 6 1929—Mar. 27..., June 29..:.. Oct. 4 Dec. 31.... 270 251 238 49 35 22 15 33 29 26 19 109 105 105 97 46 45 45 50 5 5 222 190 169 153 132 5 5 5 5 28 27 26 31 4 4 5 5 6 6 5 5 1930-Mar. 27. June 30,. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 219 217 219 221 137 127 129 118 23 11 20 13 19 20 14 11 95 96 95 94 46 47 46 50 5 5 5 5 27 28 21 31 6 6 7 7 5 6 6 5 1931—Mar. 25. June 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 31.. 247 243 244 244 145 130 132 132 42 15 7 11 5 6 5 9 98 109 119 113 53 59 55 55 6 7 6 6 32 37 35 35 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 1932—June 30..., Sept. 30 Dec. 31 241 245 245 139 144 141 13 9 8 10 24 21 116 111 112 51 48 48 6 5 5 31 29 30 6 6 6 3 3 3 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 258 271 299 163 173 197 12 7 16 38 37 40 112 129 140 3 3 3 4 4 4 28 28 29 5 5 5 3 3 3 1934—Mar. 6 . . June 30,. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 373 355 378 384 272 251 250 252 41 20 9 3 87 64 83 : 96 144 168 158 153 2 26 31 43 41 38 35 10 11 11 10 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 17 15 13 12 5 5 4 4 2 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 . . . . Dec. 31.,.. 367 373 386 395 225 212 208 208 8 22 19 11 106 100 114 120 111 90 74 77 44 61 72 73 33 32 33 34 10 9 8 7 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 10 10 13 14 4 4 4 4 1936—Mar. 4 , . . June 30... Dec. 31... 380 415 440 192 251 254 17 13 9 110 126 111 65 111 133 72 47 55 34 37 39 8 9 8 2 3 3 3 3 5 13 14 16 4 4 3 1937—Mar. 31. __ June 30 Dec. 31.... 431 431 425 251 262 246 12 13 5 114 132 128 125 117 113 46 45 47 42 39 38 11 10 9 3 3 3 5 5 4 16 14 14 3 4 4 1938-Mar. 7 . . June 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 421 406 432 446 244 235 251 248 7 18 13 10 121 92 104 90 116 126 133 148 46 48 60 57 37 37 38 33 9 9 9 10 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 13 13 14 10 4 4 4 3 mo 1939-Mar. 29. June 30__ Oct. 2fi-, Dec. 30.. 427 419 420 425 224 215 207 218 31 31 62 63 131 121 106 106 112 32 32 9 9 3 3 4 4 9 11 3 2 '181 S187 18 57 143 64 65 69 61 114 31 9 3 4 10 2 177 1940-Mar. 26®. June 29 Dec. 31... 430 419 446 224 215 241 33 32 60 49 122 160 63 60 63 113 31 27 9 6 3 3 3 3 9 8 2 2 195 181 1941—Apr. 4«... June 30.._ Sept. 246, Dec. 31... 460 483 494 255 267 260 304 45 180 27 6 3 3 8 2 191 39 57 208 53 65 77 66 126 42 26 7 3 3 7 2 205 44 43 45 (') 86 93 107 111 123 124 131 136 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. ® Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and replaced in 1934^1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. * Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. N 0 . 2 9 7 - D A L U S DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U.S. Government Time IndiInterbank U. S. States States Certi- vidGov- and uals, fied and ern- poUtpartpolitand ment ical ner- Total ical offisubsubDo- For- and cers' ships, divi- checks, corpomestic eign postal divisions sav- sions etc. rations, etc. ings 1 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 867 932 159 162 1 2 9 22 65 62 16 39 616 644 215 223 193 195 151 156 1920-Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 848 775 841 824 119 98 135 131 1 1 2 2 26 20 22 11 95 74 .62 59 16 16 17 39 590 565 604 582 237 237 232 225 203 209 208 160 1930-Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 761 741 757 728 113 113 140 139 1 1 1 1 19 15 20 14 94 81 62 59 13 13 14 31 520 518 520 485 234 241 204 211 212 1931-Mar, 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 7^2 688 626 585 148 129 97 96 1 1 1 1 22 17 40 22 84 69 55 50 13 13 11 25 465 460 423 391 236 232 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 525 535 545 83 90 101 21 32 20 59 45 46 8 8 22 354 359 355 191 190 191 162 1 1 158 156 133 129 132 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 514 579 642 86 115 "135 1 27 35 31 46 41 53 8 10 19 346 377 404 190 190 190 153 157 156 128 129 132 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 742 734 801 814 155 135 169 160 1 1 1 1 69 77 56 72 73 68 63 72 16 17 11 28 430 437 501 481 194 197 196 196 162 135 141 145 148 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 833 785 876 934 167 147 194 216 1 1 1 1 59 28 23 32 84 85 79 91 20 21 12 32 502 503 566 562 195 195 194 198 177 183 185 150 155 157 160 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 948 986 1,114 213 203 250 1 1 1 24 46 47 109 100 106 16 13 38 584 624 672 197 201 201 183 188 191 156 160 165 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1,036 1,054 1,120 202 206 227 1 1 1 14 14 24 126 108 100 14 15 40 681 711 727 200 204 214 191 194 197 164 193&-Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,105 1,083 1,117 1,183 212 214 228 247 1 1 1 1 24 27 35 41 122 99 89 103 13 15 12 39 734 728 752 753 219 222 200 172 176 176 179 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2' Dec. 30.. . 1,162 1,202 1,286 1,343 225 242 292 331 1 1 39 36 35 38 119 106 88 110 13 16 18 42 766 800 854 821 231 235 232 233 217 213 213 1940-Mar. 26».. June 29 Dec. 31 1,334 1,335 1,498 307 294 331 1 1 2 37 36 37 119 112 130 16 19 47 854 873 952 233 236 240 213 216 217 For footnotes see end of table. 200 ChristCertificates Open acings of de- counts® and similar posit accountsi 35 166 164 163 162 167 166 167 211 199 223 224 208 207 187 168 169 172 173 180 204 205 207 212 164 166 152 140 168 171 23 181 184 182 184 186 25 NO. 297-DALLAS DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941-Cont;nued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date 1941—Apr. 4» June 30 Sept. 24» Dec. 31 Total 1,527 1,571 1,635 1,817 Domestic Foreign 330 332 337 394 2 1 2 1 U. S. Government 32 44 47 57 Time IndiStates Certi- vidfied and uals, and partpolitneroffiical Total subcers' ships. divi- checks, corpoetc. rations, sions etc. 149 133 128 157 18 24 24 57 996 1,037 1,098 1,151 243 243 238 235 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. States Gov- and ern- politment ical Do- For- and submestic eign postal divisav- sions ings 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 23 22 20 Total 218 217 213 213 Savings Christ, Certifimas cates Open ravof acings de- counts' anl posit similar accounts* 186 24 6 183 23 7 1 1 United States Treasiirer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. ' A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. NO. 2 9 8 - D A L U S DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments . Investments Call date Total Total U. S. Government obligations Loans Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Cash Bank Bal- items premances in ises, Other with proc- furm- real foress ture estate eign of and baijisi collec- fixtion tures CusTotal tomassets ers' SecuNumlia- rities Other ber hiUty bor- assets of on rowed banks acTotal ceptliaances bilities 323 303 326 316 251 247 268 262 72 57 58 54 58 48 48 44 14 8 10 10 23 23 21 21 8 8 9 10 38 35 39 32 3632 45 32 10 10 11 11 1 3 3 3 450 422 463 429 40 43 46 47 284 276 270 239 229 220 45 47 50 37 37 37 8 10 13 20 20 21 9 8 6 28 28 33 22 22 30 11 12 13 4 2 3 382 371 381 47 47 49 269 273 307 219 217 242 50 56 66 40 46 56 11 10 • 10 22 22 25 7 7 8 45 37 44 22 21 31 13 14 14 3 3 4 384 380 439 47 48 47 ... 319 297 315 338 247 227 249 271 71 69 66 67 61 60 54 54 10 10 13 13 24 24 25 27 7 6 7 8 37 30 51 51 25 23 37 41 15 16 16 17 3 4 3 3 434 401 458 490 47 48 48 48 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 3 1 - . . — 327 297 323 357 261 239 261 292 65 58 62 65 51 46 45 46 14 12 17 19 24 23 25 32 7 7 9 8 40 41 87 67 27 28 43 46 17 17 18 18 3 3 3 3 447 420 513 538 48 47 48 46 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 „ — Dec. 31 ,.. • 369 347 360 366 292 276 285 294 77 71 75 71 57 52 52 48 20 19 22 23 30 28 27 33 8 7 8 8 60 49 57 47 31 30 37 44 19 19 20 20 3 3 3 3 523 487 518 526 47 48 48 48 1926—Apr. 12. June 30 Dec. 31 370 355 367 292 278 294 77 77 73 54 54 48 23 22 25 28 29 33 8 8 7 52 49 50 36 33 46 20 20 19 3 2 3 521 500 533 48 46 45 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 394 387 413 421 304 294 317 322 90 93 96 98 64 65 66 66 26 29 31 33 32 32 32 37 8 7 7 6 53 47 60 56 30 32 44 45 19 20 20 20 3 3 3 3 544 533 588 598 43 43 44 44 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 419 434 460 473 319 315 337 346 100 118 123 127 70 80 83 87 30. 38 40 40 34 34 34 35 7 6 7 8 55 48 58 54 30 35 44 51 20 20 21 21 3 3 3 4 575 587 636 655 44 44 43 42 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 477 451 473 449 339 326 357 347 138 125 117 102 99 85 75 60 39 40 42 42 35 33 32 32 8 6 7 7 52 50 60 59 33 34 43 48 22 23 23 24 4 3 2 3 637 607 650 633 41 42 39 37 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 437 417 431 423 327 306 317 311 110 111 114 112 71 66 71 61 39 45 43 51 35 31 35 32 7 6 7 6 68 90 102 91 25 30 27 31 24 24 25 25 3 3 3 3 606 605 636 620 35 35 35 35 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 440 416 396 376 296 282 265 246 144 135 131 130 93 77 75 75 51 57 56 55 32 33 34 28 6 6 9 7 104 90 63 58 21 25 21 23 25 25 23 23 3 4 3 3 603 553 526 35 35 33 32 352 354 347 217 216 213 135 138 134 83 87 82 52 51 52 30 25 26 6 6 5 66 81 85 15 17 20 22 22 22 3 4 4 496 512 513 32 32 31 335 352 361 186 195 188 148 156 173 100 108 125 48 48 48 30 44 50 6 6 7 76 77 85 16 19 24 22 21 21 4 4 4 493 527 557 31 30 30 1934-Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 406 391 412 412 173 173 181 184 234 219 231 228 186 172 188 189 48 46 43 39 59 64 66 63 7 6 7 8 109 131 126 133 23 21 27 24 20 20 20 20 4 4 4 4 640 667 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 397 398 431 440 174 165 180 190 223 233 251 250 184 194 209 205 39 39 42 ' 45 61 59 56 65 8 7 7 9 161 126 144 146 28 21 24 35 20 20 20 20 4 4 4 4 683 640 690 725 1936—Mar. 4.. June 30 Dec. 31.. . . . 411 447 490 176 185 221 235 263 269 190 215 219 46 47 50 66 77 98 8 9 9 • 172 166 158 39 31 44 20 20 21 4 4 4 724 757 1920—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 — — 1921—Apr, 28 June 30 Dec. 31 1922—Mar. 10. June 30 Dec. 29 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 ... ... .... ... 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 ... 826 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts Deposits CaU date Total U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank 2 ern- savment« ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties Total ing Com- Premon ferred stock Stocks Surplus Memoranda DeReUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand addeits® tingen- justed^ posits cies, etc.® 1920—May 4 . . June 30-, Nov. 15, Dec. 29.. 324 307 331 306 74 61 70 58 3 3 2 2 205 199 207 194 42 43 51 52 54 43 54 47 6 5 6 3 22 21 20 21 169 167 162 1921—Apr. 28,. June 30.. Dec. 31.- 281 2 5 7 178 173 179 52 56 54 29 23 17 1 1 3 18 19 20 156 292 49 43 53 1922—Mar. 10. June 3 0 Dec. 29.. 305 304 359 '61 53 86 9 4 12 178 188 199 58 59 63 8 5 5 1 1 3 19 20 20 156 167 1923—Apr. 3..June 30.. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31.. 355 317 365 412 71 48 90 117 15 6 4 8 201 192 200 208 68 71 71 79 5 11 17 3 2 1 2 3 20 20 20 19 176 169 163 167 .1924—Mar. 31., June 30.. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31.. 368 343 436 459 82 66 134 150 9 4 6 5 196 191 212 221 80 82 84 84 7 5 1 3 1 1 2 4 19 19 20 19 169 163 169 175 1925—Apr. 6 - . June 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 447 411 435 446 120 83 111 106 12 6 10 11 225 229 223 240 89 92 91 89 2 4 3 1 18 17 19 19 194 199 2 3 1926—Apr. 12.. June 30.Dec. 31.. 438 411 444 84 75 100 10 6 7 247 238 246 96 92 91 3 5 3 1 1 6 19 20 20 211 1927—Mar. 23June 30,. Oct. 10,. Dec. 31.. 457 444 493 506 95 84 120 123 12 9 13 11 250 248 256 265 100 104 104 106 2 3 3 1 3 2 6 6 20 23 23 21 1928—Feb. 28.. June 30-. Oct. 3_.., Dec. 31.. 483 492 521 551 102 87 122 118 3 15 7 18 1 1 267 265 269 284 111 125 121 130 2 5 21 10 5 3 6 7 23 24 23 23 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29_, Oct. 4.,., Dec. 31.. 529 499 525 513 86 73 102 97 22 16 19 10 1 1 1 1 283 270 271 273 137 139 133 132 8 7 20 12 5 5 7 11 1930—Mar. 27.., June 30.... Sept. 24... Dec. 31-,.. 502 506 529 516 85 86 110 108 17 13 19 12 1 1 1 2 262 263 262 256 137 142 138 138 2 1 2 1 5 2 7 7 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 31.. 536 503 456 115 97 73 75 21 14 33 20 2 2 3 10 257 251 226 216 141 138 122 110 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 4 , 1932-June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 404 417 420 66 74 84 19 29 18 11 13 14 203 198 201 106 103 103 1 1933—June 30 Oct. 2 5 . . . , Dec. 30.... 402 437 467 70 96 113 25 33 29 14 12 11 193 200 219 1934—Mar. 5 . . June 30-. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31-. 541 547 574 574 132 114 142 133 63 69 50 63 9 9 7 8 1935—Mar, 4 . . June 29.. Nov.l-. Dec. 31.. 591 560 646 142 125 163 179 52 25 20 28 646 679 746 177 172 207 21 38 40 276 612 205 200 220 216 212 259 24 24 23 23 250 236 293 269 292 274 23 22 22 22 237 233 235 225 267 262 21 21 21 . 20 236 268 256 231 224 38 228 225 226 205 193 266 260 188 181 181 209 27 26 25 177 195 196 214 237 27 24 23 23 216 262 19 7 3 3 259 276 294 293 288 2 3 3 301 327 345 329 374 436 239 254 274 266 98 101 100 102 1 5 4 3 2 287 297 318 328 105 109 108 109 2 2 2 340 358 389 - 107 109 109 2 196 293 276 295 305 1 2 3 2 186 237 230 225 233 100 96 96 2 2 168 220 23 25 25 1 151 149 272 260 283 299 2 1 1 1 162 38 181 233 247 242 201 203 254 296 274 305 334 356 NO. 298-DALLAS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941—Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars) Loans and investments Re- Investments Call date U. S. Government obligations Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Cash BalBal- items ances ances with with domes- fortic of banks collection Total Loans 1937—Mar. 31... June 3 0 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 463 463 480 206 208 239 256 255 241 201 205 194 103 109 1938—Mar. 7 . . . . June 3 0 . . . Sept.28 Dec. 3 1 . . . 459 456 480 492 219 214 223 236 239 243 257 256 192 196 207 208 107 96 1939—Mar. 29,.. June 30... Oct. 2 Dec. 3 0 . . . 479 488 495 526 235 244 257 283 244 244 239 244 195 194 188 128 193 135 235 257 246 261 196 203 129 138 151 212 232 233 250 Total 1940—Mar. 26... June 29... Dec. 3 1 . . . 498 568 261 312 247 237 256 1941—Apr. 4 . . . . June 3 0 . . . Sept. 24... Dec.31-.. 581 599 628 672 314 313 341 368 267 285 287 303 141 136 138 766 774 33 33 34 111 173 195 190 185 809 814 840 870 34 34 34 34 109 218 875 913 959 35 35 35 35 270 997 1,083 35 35 36. 293 304 301 278 1,106 1,149 1,189 1,257 102 116 186 Total 35 274 288 148 143 160 190 Deposits Call date Bank CusTotal premtomises, Other ers' SecuNumfurm- real lia- rities Other ber ture estate bility bor- assets of and on rowed banks fixacTotal tures ceptliaances bilities Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank' ern- savdement' ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties Total ing Com- Premon ferred stock stock® Surplus 36 Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand vided for decon- posits tinadgen- justed cies, etc.« Net demand deposits T 1937—Mar. 31. June 30. Dec. 31. 685 693 725 166 169 187 12 12 21 1 2 1 398 400 399 107 110 117 364 403 410 424 1938—Mar. 7.. June 30. Sept. 28. Dec. 31. 726 730 755 784 175 178 191 205 21 24 31 36 1 1 409 405 411 420 120 122 122 123 376 373 380 380 402 386 416 438 1939—Mar. 29. June 30_ Oct. 2... Dec. 30. 790 827 872 903 189 205 245 275 33 31 30 32 439 461 470 466 128 129 127 129 410 426 430 423 419 432 453. 490 1940—Mar. 26. June 29. Dec. 31. 900 907 992 256 250 281 31 30 30 485 497 547 127 129 132 450 464 496 467 458 539 1941—Apr. 4.. June 30. Sept. 24, Dec. 31. 1,014 1,055 1,093 1,160 277 281 284 327 27 37 39 45 575 601 639 658 135 136 131 130 533 540 584 586 546 555 607 681 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928, ® Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. » Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits »Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock wse not issued by member banks before the banking hohday of 1933. NO. 299-DALLAS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 Iln millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances CaUdate Total loans CommerTbE cial Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper bought accepts ances of other banks Heal estate loans To brokers and Bills Total -In New York City Outside New York City To others Total On farm land On other real Loans to banks Other loans 1 1928—Oct. 3.._. Dec. 31.. 337 346 106 1929—Mar. 27., June 29.. Oct. 4..., Dec. 31.. 339 326 357 347 110 1930—Mar. 27., June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 327 306 317 311 106 90 89 90 197 191 200 190 1931—Mar. 26., June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 296 87 83 79 75 178 171 157 147 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31., 217 216 213 1933—June 30,. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 1934—Mai*. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 173 173 181 184 1935—Mar. 4... June 29., Nov. 1_., Dec. 31.. 174 165 101 180 118 190 124 10 107 206 217 203 200 229 224 98 100 100 282 265 246 124 124 67 121 186 102 195 114 188 106 106 109 98 176 185 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 221 119 149 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30,. Dec. 31.. 206 208 239 137 140 179 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. 219 214 223 163 154 164 112 Open market paper CaUdate Total loans Commercial loans Agricultural loans 15 1938—Dec. 31.. 236 138 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30._ Oct. 23.. Dec. 30.. 235 244 257 283 136 142 164 1940—Mar. 26 June 29,. Dec. 31.. 261 261 157 312 182 1941—Apr. 42.. June 30.. Sept. 243 Dec. 31.. 314 313 341 368 '226 Acceptances pa^bUin Total Loans for purchasing or carpang securities CommerTo cial broTo Own Accept- abroad paper kers others bought and accept- ances ances of other dealers banks Real estate loans BiUs Total On farm land On residential property Other Loans to banks Other loans 45 44 44 25 16 23 10 10 50 52 56 192 67 N0.300-DALLAS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollarsl Other domestic securities S. Government obligations Direct CaU date Total investments Total Billsi Notes ObUgaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States Guarand anteed poUt- Total Government ical agencies subnot diviRail- Util- Other Bonds guar- roads' ities' sions anteed byU.S.2 Corporate stocks Foreign securities F. R. Bank Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1928—Oct. 3 . . . Dec. 3L. 123 127 83 87 18 21 13 13 52 54 12 13 25 24 3 3 2 3 16 14 2 2 2 2 3 3 1929—Mar. 27., June 29-. Oct. Dec. 31.. 138 125 117 102 99 85 76 60 22 14 6 5 17 14 13 7 59 58 56 48 11 13 14 12 25 25 25 28 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 16 15 14 18 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30,.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31... 110 110 114 112 71 66 71 61 16 8 17 10 9 11 6 5 46 47 48 46 11 16 15 21 25 26 25 27 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 15 15 14 17 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1931—Mar. 25., June 30.. Sept. 29. Dec. 31.. 144 135 131 130 93 77 75 75 37 13 6 5 2 3 1 6 54 61 68 63 18 21 22 22 30 34 32 31 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 18 21 20 20 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 1932—June 30,. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 135 138 134 83 87 82 12 9 7 6 20 17 65 59 57 21 22 23 29 27 27 2 2 2 4 3 2 17 17 17 2 2 2 2 2 2 1933—June 30 Oct. 25. Dec. 30. 148 156 173 100 108 125 10 6 14 32 30 34 58 72 77 21 23 22 25 24 25 2 2 2 15 15 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 1934—Mar. 5 . . June 30., Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 234 219 231 228 186 172 172 172 34 16 6 3 72 53 72 81 79 103 94 89 15 17 22 22 22 19 24 24 21 19 5 6 6 5 2 2 2 2 12 10 8 7 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1935—Mar. 4 . . June 29Nov. I . Dec. 31.. 223 233 251 250 166 152 159 155 7 21 18 9 94 88 98 103 56 43 42 43 28 43 50 51 20 20 22 24 19 18 20 20 5 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 7 7 9 9 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1936-Mar. 4 . . June 30.. Dec. 31., 235 263 269 139 188 184 14 13 8 92 106 90 33 69 86 61 27 35 24 24 24 20 23 25 4 6 5 2 2 2 3 9 10 11 2 2 2 2 •2 2 1 1 1 1937—Mar. 31. June 30,. Dec. 31.. 256 255 241 173 178 168 10 11 4 84 96 98 79 71 66 28 27 26 26 23 22 29 25 24 9 8 7 2 2 2 3 3 3 11 9 9 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1938-Mar. 7 . . June 30_. Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 239 243 257 256 165 167 172 174 7 16 12 9 91 73 78 71 67 78 81 95 27 29 35 34 23 23 24 27 24 24 25 20 7 6 7 7 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 9 8 10 6 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 •118 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2« Dec. 30 244 244 239 243 153 146 138 148 29 29 45 41 80 76 7 6 2 1 2 3 6 7 2 2 2 1 fill6 ni9 39 93 29 29 31 31 20 21 16 42 48 50 45 19 5 1 3 7 2 1 110 1940—Mar. 26 « June 29 Dec, 31 247 237 256 155 146 169 28 28 43 34 75 107 41 39 33 33 31 35 20 18 7 4 1 2 2 2 6 6 2 2 1 1 123 109 1941—Apr.4«.... June 30..., Sept. 24».. Dec. 31,.., 267 285 287 303 178 188 182 208 37 31 120 4 1 2 6 2 1 119 38 135 39 36 37 37 17 35 34 44 61 42 16 4 2 2 5 2 1 118 1 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued m December 1929. «Included in "other" boncfe, notes, and debentures prior to March 6, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. s Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes and debentiures thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both princinal and interest") were issued until late in 1933. ' NO. 301-DALLAS DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiInterbank States Certi- vidand fied uals, and politpartr ical nerTotal offisubcers' ships. Do- Formestic eign divi- cheeks, corposions etc. rations, etc. U. S. Government and postal savings 1 States and political subdivisions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings 1928—Oct. 3.,. Dec. 31. 397 419 120 116 1 1 7 18 21 17 10 27 238 240 124 132 112 115 102 105 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4... Dec. 31. 390 358 390 380 84 71 100 96 1 1 1 1 22 16 19 10 33 25 21 17 9 9 10 28 241 235 240 228 139 141 135 133 119 125 123 120 109 115 113 1930—Mar. 27, June 30Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 364 362 390 375 84 85 109 107 1 1 1 17 13 19 12 31 27 18 17 7 7 8 22- 224 229 236 217 138 144 139 140 121 126 111 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 393 362 331 310 114 97 72 74 1 1 21 14 33 20 27 21 18 16 7 7 7 20 223 223 201 180 143 141 125 120 129 114 105 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 288 301 303 65 74 83 19 29 18 23 18 17 4 5 16 176 175 167 117 102 1933—June 30 Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 288 329 359 70 95 111 25 33 29 17 15 20 5 6 12 171 180 186 114 109 107 1934—Mar. 5... June 30-. Oct. 17-.. Dec. 31.. 433 .435 465 462 130 112 140 131 63 69 50 63 26 27 26 29 11 12 6 20 203 215 242 218 109 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 479 447 501 534 140 124 162 179 52 25 20 28 31 33 34 40 14 14 8 24 1936—Mar. 4-.. June 30.. Dec. 31., 537 568 635 176 172 206 21 38 40 46 45 50 1937—Mar. 31-, June 30.. Dec. 31.. 576 581 606 165 169 186 12 12 21 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 605 608 632 660 174 178 190 204 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct.2>... Dec. 30.. 661 697 744 773 189 204 245 275 1940—Mar. 263 June 29.. Dec. 31.. 772 778 859 255 249 280 1941—Apr. 4 ' . . June 30.. Sept. 243. Dec. 31.. 879 918 961 1,030 276 280 283 326 116 117 108 112 127 127 128 100 112 115 114 116 115 117 105 97 94 91 100 112 97 98 100 242 250 276 264 112 102 98 113 101 102 112 105 105 106 103 10 7 28 283 306 311 109 103 100 111 106 108 102 59 47 40 8 8 27 332 345 331 109 103 112 107 109 119 111 106 108 21 24 31 36 50 39 33 36 7 7 7 26 352 359 371 358 121 112 109 123 123 124 114 115 117 111 33 31 30 32 42 41 34 42 8 8 10 29 390 411 425 395 129 130 128 129 120 122 114 116 119 120 114 1 1 1 31 30 30 43 44 53 10 8 29 433 445 465 128 119 129 133 121 121 1 1 1 1 27 37 39 45 61 56 58 68 9 12 14 36 505 534 566 554 135 136 132 130 123 119 1 1 111 111 ChristCertifimaa cates Open savof acings de- counts® and posit similar accounts® 96 104 111 112 114 115 122 120 116 'lis 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts'^ are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. ^ , , » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N 0 . 3 0 2 - D A L L A S DISTRICT-*COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Investments Call date serves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks Cash Bank Bal- items premises, Other ances, in vrith proc- furm- real ess ture estate forof and eign banks' collec- fixtion ture^ Total Cusassets tomNumers' Secuber lia- rities Other of bility bor- assets banks on rowed acTotal ceptUaances bilities Total U. S. Government obligations 455 464 472 447 89 87 85 81 78 76 71 66 11 12 14 15 35 31 31 28 15 16 16 16 84 67 67 55 712 699 708 663 741 768 798 793 481 476 441 412 409 374 70 68 68 56 53 51 14 14 17 26 24 24 13 13 13 51 44 52 603 593 569 815 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30 Dec. 29 431 434 442 366 370 367 65 64 74 50 49 56 14 14 18 24 25 29 13 12 15 60 62 87 566 570 615 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 450 448 466 472 373 374 388 378 78 75 78 94 62 57 59 72 16 17 18 22 27 21 28 34 13 10 15 17 71 51 78 112 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 450 435 442 432 368 358 364 353 83 77 78 79 63 58 57 55 19 19 21 25 28 26 31 34 14 13 17 18 80 64 111 147 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 444 444 462 465 359 362 379 374 85 82 83 92 63 61 61 66 22 21 22 26 32 29 32 33 15 15 18 18 120 85 107 106 1926—Apr. 12..* June 30 Dec. 31 462 453 440 376 372 357 87 81 83 66 59 58 21 23 25 30 28 32 15 14 17 83 72 97 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 447 444 464 477 364 360 372 372 83 84 92 105 59 57 61 66 24 27 31 39 31 30 33 36 16 15 18 17 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 485 482 500 520 382 377 389 390 103 105 111 130 67 70 74 86 36 36 38 44 34 32 35 38 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 523 506 514 487 391 380 392 367 132 126 121 120 92 84 78 71 40 42 43 49 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24. . Dec.31 470 453 437 399 361 347 332 290 109 106 104 109 66 62 58 56 1931—Mar. 25.. June 3 0 . . . . . . Sept. 29 Dec. 31 386 387 380 348 283 279 268 234 104 108 113 114 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 319 312 300 212 206 188 279 277 286 1920—May 4 . . June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 Total Loans .. 544 552 557 528 . 1921—Apr. 28. . June 30 Dec. 31 ... 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec.31 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec.31 ... .... ... 1936—Mar. 4 . June 30. Dec.31 • 807 9 604 577 10 10 679 810 801 614 580 646 679 787 790 790 782 11 11 655 615 11 662 777 799 806 804 11 10 636 609 630 802 797 782 91 83 108 115 627 613 774 772 772 755 16 13 18 18 98 82 103 112 675 650 701 732 750 747 744 738 34 31 34 33 16 13 17 18 78 68 88 89 691 658 695 724 724 722 709 43 45 46 53 30 29 28 26 16 14 15 15 73 80 89 94 628 687 684 52 53 57 58 51 55 56 57 25 25 23 21 13 14 14 14 100 83 61 56 559 544 107 107 111 56 57 59 50 . 50 53 19 19 21 12 12 12 169 162 160 110 115 126 62 64 72 48 51 54 27 36 43 296 292 303 314 156 155 157 158 139 136 147 156 86 80 88 94 53 56 58 62 306 307 295 300 161 167 160 155 144 140 135 145 85 79 71 75 305 322 337 161 170 166 144 152 , 172 74 82 90 10 10 10 11 11 628 11 10 10 615 607 571 809 681 649 631 623 512 612 474 585 49 54 64 432 430 427 567 562 553 11 14 . 13 55 73 85 402 429 461 505 506 507 51 • 48 57 59 12 11 14 14 100 99 115 115 491 481 521 532 519 521 524 60 61 65 70 61 55 53 57 11 12 13 16 123 106 144 156 533 508 534 559 519 521 521 517 70 70 82 65 63 71 13 15 16 160 154 189 573 584 645 517 519 517 10 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank* ern- savment' ings* mand CaU date Total Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uaout- biUstand- ties Total ing Com- Premon ferred stock stock" Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its' adtindegen- justed T posits' cies, etc.' 41 34 32 26 2 2 2 1 443 408 393 361 51 54 55 52 34 34 35 33 103 106 114 111 55 57 60 60 433 399 383 354 392 373 376 26 21 22 2 1 1 311 297 300 53 53 51 32 33 34 111 111 106 61 61 60 305 291 293 1922—Mar. 10.. June 30.. Dec. 29,.. 383 389 457 26 28 40 1 1 3 304 302 356 52 58 57 33 32 32 107 108 111 62 62 63 298 296 348 1923—Apr. 3,,,. June 30.. Sept. 14.. Dec. 31... 444 403 454 535 33 25 33 49 5 2 2 4 340 310 353 418 66 66 66 64 33 31 31 31 107 106 107 104 62 62 62 61 333 304 346 409 1924—Mar. 31.. June 30... Oct. 10... Dec. 31,,. 468 425 496 545 34 25 41 57 4 2 3 1 361 327 381 419 70 70 71 67 30 31 31 30 104 103 105 100 61 61 61 60 355 320 373 408 1925—Apr. 6,.,. June 30... Sept. 28.. Dec. 31,.. 520 472 517 535 48 34 47 51 4 3 4 3 393 361 392 412 75 75 74 69 28 29 29 30 103 103 105 101 59 61 60 61 386 355 384 402 1926—Apr. 12... June 30... Dec. 31... 491 460 496 38 33 39 2 1 1 378 355 387 73 72 70 29 28 28 105 103 99 61 60 59 370 348 377 382 1927—Mar. 23,. June 30,.. Oct. 10... Dec. 31... 491 475 531 562 37 34 41 47 3 2 3 3 376 362 408 435 75 77 78 78 28 28 28 28 102 101 103 98 59 58 59 58 369 356 398 426 376 362 407 433 1928—Feb. 28... June 30... Oct. 3 . . . . Dec. 31,.. 545 513 561 -603 41 32 40 47 1 2 2 4 3 3 418 392 428 462 84 88 88 87 28 28 28 28 100 100 101 98 58 57 57 57 413 385 419 451 419 390 427 458 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29... Oct. 4 . . . . Dec. 31... 556 513 548 535 35 28 36 36 4 4 3 1 3 3 3 3 419 386 412 407 94 92 93 88 29 29 29 29 100 101 102 98 56 56 56 55 412 379 403 398 418 384 410 401 1930—Mar. 27,. June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31... 493 476 464 446 29 29 32 33 2 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 366 349 333 319 ^ 92 93 92 89 29 28 28 28 98 98 98 92 54 53 53 51 360 343 328 313 364 348 333 314 1931—Mar. 25,. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... 433 417 381 354 35 33 25 22 2 2 7 2 5 5 7 8 304 291 264 251 88 85 79 71 27 27 26 26 91 88 87 81 50 49 48 46 300 260 246 301 290 265 250 1932—June 30 Sept. 30, Dec. 31. 312 308 316 18 17 18 2 3 2 10 11 12 217 214 222 65 63 62 26 27 28 79 78 73 45 45 44 214 217 211 212 219 217 1933—June 30. Oct. 25 Dec. 30 302 332 366 17 20 25 2 3 3 14 14 14 207 228 256 62 67 68 26 26 26 69 69 67 41 41 41 203 224 249 205 1934—Mar. 5. June 30. Oct. 17 Dec. 31 395 385 423 436 26 24 30 30 6 8 6 8 13 10 9 8 279 268 301 315 72 75 77 76 26 26 26 26 68 70 72 70 40 39 38 38 272 262 295 309 275 265 300 1935—Mar. 4. June 29. Nov. 1. Dec. 31. 437 419 459 486 28 23 33 38 7 3 3 5 5 5 4 4 320 312 341 357 77 77 78 82 24 16 1 2 71 72 74 71 38 37 37 37 314 307 334 350 316 307 227 237 498 508 569 38 33 45 3 8 7 4 4 3 370 378 427 83 85 86 1 2 2 73 74 74 37 37 37 362 370 417 1920—May June 30„. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29... 537 497 481 441 1921—Apr. 28.,. June 30... Dec. 31... ' 286 226 252 N0.302-DALLflS DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 Total Loans 364 188 179 375 385 409 204 208 212 209 220 Total 174 176 184 97 101 182 . 76 164 175 189 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 410 406 401 396 231 220 214 175 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 403 411 457 221 229 267 182 182 190 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 458 454 484 524 265 256 277 295 198 207 229 228 U. S. Government obligations 82 93 182 181 182 100 104 120 67 69 71 Balances with domestic banks 630 645 515 516 513 164 168 679 657 512 510 170 179 705 510 696 734 759 510 510 510 509 754 755 837 511 522 532 849 853 876 987 534 534 538 537 212 92 92 98 81 225 80 89 216 91 250 253 240 94 116 235 236 282 Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total 510 160 173 72 69 75 80 88 Total Cusassets tomNumers' Secuber lia- rities Other of bility borbanks on rowed acTotal ceptUaances bilities 156 163 171 89 89 93 95 97 98 103 109 Cash Bank Bal- items premises, Other in ances with proc- furm- real ture estate foress and eign of banksi collec- fixtion tures U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank® ern- savment« ings* mand Other time AcBor- cept- Other row- ances liaings, out- bilistand- ties Total ing SurCom- Premon ferred plus stock stock® Memoranda DeReUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its* tinaddegen- justed' posits' cies, etc. 6 1937-Mar. 31.. June 30., Dec. 31... 551 565 38 38 42 421 434 469 413 425 458 297 303 333 1938-Mar. 7 , . . June 30... Sept. 28,. Dec. 31... 598 575 585 38 37 39 43 460 436 442 475 452 427 435 465 329 300 310 336 1939-Mar. 29.. June 30... Oct. 2 . . . . Dec. 30... 610 647 674 37 38 48 57 459 462 490 507 102 102 452 451 480 496 322 325 1940-Mar. 2 6 . . . June 29 Dec. 31 667 664 746 53 46 52 504 507 581 103 105 105 497 494 568 331 331 392 1941—Apr. 4... June 30.. Sept. 24., Dec. 31., 756 759 779 56 ' 54 56 70 593 106 105 104 103 577 574 596 390 383 421 610 706 100 103 38 29 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. ® Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as "due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. »Includes United States Treasm-er's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23,1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. »Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued by member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. ^ l " The composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. ^ F o r definitions of "demand deposits adjusted" and "net demand deposits" see introductory text, p. 65. N 0 . 303-DALLAS DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars! Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans Commercial Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought of other banks To brokers and dealers Bills Total! Real estate loans To others Total In New York City Outside New York City Total On farm land On other real estate lAjans to banks Other loans! •192S-Oct. Dec. 3 1 . . 389 390 273 254 1929—Mar. 27.. J u n e 29.. Oct. 4 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . . 391 380 392 367 255 269 1930—Mar. 27,. J u n e 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 3 1 . . 361 347 265 267 1931—Mar. 25.. J u n e 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 3 1 . . 281 257 261 226 223 279 218 268 234 209 176 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 3 1 . . 212 206 188 158 152 136 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 169 162 120 114 109 1934—Mar, 5 . . . J u n e 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 3 1 . . 156 155 157 158 113 114 1935—Mar. 4 . . . J u n e 29.. Nov. 1 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . 161 119 160 167 126 160 119 116 155 1936—Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. Dec. 3 1 . . 166 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30,. Dec. 3 1 . . 204 1938—Mar. 7 . . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 28.. 108 111 161 122 170 130 125 179 138 147 163 188 208 212 168 171 169 209 Open market paper CaU date Total loans 1938—Dec. 31 220 1 9 3 ^ M a r . 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2 2 Dec. 30 228 231 220 214 1940-Mar. 26= J u n e 29 Dec. 31 221 229 267 1941—Apr. 4 2 J u n e 30 Sept. 242 Dec. 31 265 256 277 295 Commercial loans Agricultural loans 52 Acceptances p a ^ b k in Loans for purchasing or carding securities Real estate loans Bills Total CommerTo cial ffibroTo Own Accept- abroad paper kers others accept- ances bought and of other dealers banks Total 23 On farm land On residential property 10 Loans to Other Other 59 57 57 56 25 60 60 74 82 72 "ios" 'Is' N 0 . 3 0 4 - D A L L A S DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Obligations of Direct CaU date Guaranteed Total investments Total Billsi Notes Bonds 1928—Oct. 3 „ . Dec. 31.. 111 130 74 86 18 27 13 15 42 45 1929—Mar. 27. June 29.. Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31.. 132 126 121 120 92 84 78 71 27 22 16 10 15 15 13 12 49 47 49 49 1930—Mar. 27. June 30.. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 109 106 104 109 66 62 58 56 7 3 3 2 10 10 7 6 49 49 48 49 1931—Mar. 25., June 30.. Sept. 29. Dec. 31.. 104 108 113 114 52 53 57 58 5 2 1 6 3 3 4 3 44 48 52 49 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30. Dec. 31.. 107 107 111 56 57 59 1 1 1 4 4 4 51 52 54 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 110 115 126 62 64 72 2 1 3 6 6 7 54 57 63 1934—Mar. 5 . . June 30.. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 139 136 147 156 86 79 78 80 7 4 3 14 11 11 15 65 65 64 65 1 11 14 1935—Mar. 4 . . . June 29.. Nov. 1 . . Dec. 31.. 144 140 135 145 69 61 49 53 1 1 1 1 12 12 16 17 55 48 32 35 16 18 22 22 1936—Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. Dec. 31.. 144 152 172 53 62 70 3 1 1 18 20 22 32 42 47 21 20 20 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 174 176 184 78 84 78 3 2 1 30 36 30 46 46 48 19 17 20 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28., Dec. 31.. 182 164 175 189 79 69 79 74 1 1 1 30 19 26 19 49 48 52 53 19 19 15 23 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2«... Dec. 30.. 182 175 181 182 71 69 69 70 2 2 17 23 51 45 2 18 50 23 17 19 16 1940—Mar. 26«. June 29.. Dec. 31... 182 182 190 69 69 72 6 5 16 15 47 52 21 21 20 1941—Apr. 4«.. June 30.. Sept. 24 «. Dec. 31... 193 198 207 229 76 79 78 96 4 14 60 4 19 73 19 21 26 23 . and politTcal BUI> divisions Bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks Total Government Railnot guar- roads' anteed byU.S.! Utilities® Other, F. R. Bank Other Foreign securities Total securities maturing in 5 years or less (*) S62 m 668 67 72 72 87 93 100 10 72 10 "86" I Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. »Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 6, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in July 1933 and r ^ l a c e d in 1934-1935 by fuUy guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter. « Not reported separately; included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) were issued until late in 1933. N 0 . 3 0 S - D A L U S DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndiInterbank States Certi- vidU. S. States uals, and fied Gov- and partpoUtand ern- politnerical offiment Total ical subcers' ships, Do- For- and subdivi- checks, corpomestic eign postal divisions etc. rations, sav- sions etc. ings' 1928—Oct. 3.... Dec.31.. 470 513 39 46 1 1 2 4 44 46 6 12 378 404 91 91 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 458 417 451 444 34 27 35 35 I -1 1 1 4 4 3 1 63 49 41 42 7 7 7 11 349 330 364 353 97 96 97 92 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30-, Sept. 24., Dec. 31.. 397 379 367 353 28 28 31 32 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 63 54 44 42 7 6 5 8 297 289 284 268 96 97 97 93 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29-. Dec. 31.. 340 326 295 275 34 32 25 22 2 2 7 2 56 48 38 34 5 6 4 6 242 238 222 211 93 91 86 79 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 237 234 242 18 17 18 2 3 2 36 27 29 3 3 6 178 184 187 75 74 74 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25... Dec. 30.. 226 250 283 16 19 24 2 3 3 29 27 33 3 4 6 175 198 218 76 81 83 1934—Mar. 5... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31-. 310 299 337 352 25 23 29 28 6 8 6 8 47 41 37 43 5 4 5 8 227 223 260 263 86 85 87 84 1935—Mar. 4-.. June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec.31.. 354 338 376 399 27 22 32 37 7 3 3 5 53 52 45 50 7 7 5 8 260 253 290 299 83 82 83 87 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 411 418 479 37 32 44 3 8 7 63 55 56 6 6 10 301 318 361 87 90 90 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 460 473 514 37 . 37 41 2 2 3 67 61 60 6 7 13 349 366 396 91 92 96 1938—Mar. 7... June 30-. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31__ 500 475 485 523 37 36 38 42 3 3 4 5 72 60 56 67 6 7 5 13 381 369 381 395 98 100 100 100 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2»-.. Dec. 30.. 500 505 542 570 36 38 47 56 5 5 5 6 77 65 54 68 5 8 8 13 376 389 428 425 102 105 105 104 1940—Mar. 26 June 29.. Dec.31.. 561 558 639 52 45 51 1 6 6 6 75 68 77 7 11 18 422 428 487 105 107 107 1941—Apr. 4»_, June 30.. Sept. 24». Dec.31.. 648 652 674 787 54 52 54 68 1 1 1 1 5 7 8 12 88 77 69 89 9 12 10 21 491 504 531 597 108 107 106 105 i . Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total ^vings Christ^ Certificates Open acof mgs de- counts* and posit similar aocounts* 30 38 82 68 22 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounte" before June 1933. ' A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N 0 . d 0 6 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS. [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments CaUdate Total Total U.S. Government obUgations Loans Cash BalBal- items ances ances with with domes- fortic eign of banks! tianks! collection ToUl CusBank assets tompremNumises, Other era' Secuber lia- rities Other furni- real of ture estate biUty bor- assets banks on rowed and acTotal fixceptliatures ances biUties 1914-Dec. 31 598 438 161 70 90 12 97 809 621 1916-Mar. 4 May 1 J u n e 23 Sept. 2 Nov. 10 Dec. 31 676 683 687 691 600 609 428 437 441 442 447 454 148 146 147 149 153 155 69 69 69 69 69 69 79 77 78 80 84 86 13 12 12 13 14 18 108 119 124 151 189 179 791 804 814 844 901 907 .525 528 526 529 527 526 634 651 678 713 734 477 494 516 545 563 • 157 156 162 168 171 67 67 67 66 66 89 90 96 102 105 18 24 27 35 38 179 159 192 224 197 931 931 1,006 1,085 1,078 521 518 620 521 523 1917—Mar. 5 Mayl J u n e 20 Dec. 31 736 780 799 937 565 591 603 708 170 189 196 229 65 73 83 104 105 116 114 126 37 40 40 65 182 1,066 1,326 521 626 528 551 1918—May 10 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,004 1,059 1,166 1,164 707 775 814 813 297 284 351 351 175 159 228 227 121 125 123 124 70 69 77 82 163 174 185 198 1,347 1,421 1,561 1,593 583 599 631 644 1919—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 17 Dec. 31 1,197 1,215 . . 1,661 1,831 795 858 1,213 1,335 401 357 448 496 278 233 262 280 123 124 186 216 76 85 114 121 174 199 301 282 1,585 1,652 2,282 2,466 652 669 700 723 1920-May 4 J u n e 30. Nov. 1 5 . . „ „ Dec. 29 1,946 1,975 2,042 2,025 1,475 1,511 1,557 1,544 472 464 486 481 250 241 245 235 221 223 241 ^46 119 119 125 119 220 2,532 2,565 2,676 2,582 774 796 825 830 1921—Apr. 28 J u n e 30 Dec. 31. 1,984 1,953 1,945 1,500 1,476 1,453 484 477 493 240 226 230 244 251 263 114 108 123 160 54 70 84 2,476 2,452 2,495 851 853 837 1922—Mar. 10 J u n e 30 Dec. 29 1,937 1,995 2,128 1,433 1,474 1,554 505 521 573 243 255 309 262 266 264 118 123 136 72 2,473 2,557 2,754 835 842 820 1923—Apr. 3 J u n e 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 , . . 2,263 2,331 2,292 2,248 1,661 1,740 1,732 1,686 601 592 560 562 334 319 301 289 268 272 259 273 141 146 147 146 2,877 2,939 2,942 2,913 803 804 802 1924—Mar. 31 ,, J u n e 30 Oct. 10.. Dec. 31 2,317 2,296 2.355 2,444 1,740 1,722 1,728 1,767 578 575 627 677 303 299 337 361 275 276 291 316 2,945 2,960 3,136 3,208 785 776 774 766 1925—Apr. 6 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 , , 2,508 2,545 2,608 2,669 1,815 1,848 1,886 1,937 692 697 721 732 372 374 390 386 3,192 3,245 3,322 3,443 749 751 749 740 1926—Apr. 12 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 2,677 2,688 2,842 1,940 1,952 2,067 737 736 776 3,404 3,435 3,651 724 725 721 1927—Mar. 23 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31.. 2,938 2,961 2,987 3,084 2,118 2,134 2,124 2,141 3,667 3,727 3.789 3,920 672 669 658 1928—Feb. 28.. . J u n e 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 3,064 3,149 3,200 3,169 3,829 3,945 4,021 4,018 649 641 644 627 1929—Mar. 27 J u n e 29 Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31 3,113 3,105 3,133 3,192 1916-May 1 J u n e 30 Sept. 12 Nov. 17 Dec. 27 ... ... 179 1,117 168 1,122 194 10 213 233 188 159 186 195 191 210 86 102 199 187 95 100 211 207 110 126 142 145 158 165 190 213 322 274 115 107 320 323 331 345 163 155 157 168 227 224 241 246 102 104 146 95 97 95 384 378 367 354 358 409 157 163 167 227 233 245 132 130 159 102 820 827 863 943 400 407 430 486 420 420 433 457 176 164 167 188 210 230 246 264 108 100 2,079 2,144 2,165 2,109 985 1.005 1,035 1,060 521 515 536 574 463 490 499 486 172 181 183 183 238 232 253 258 130 138 162 103 2,071 2,099 2,192 2,239 1,042 1,007 941 953 580 539 513 495 462 468 427 458 174 176 176 176 223 253 115 103 228 117 315 106 121 120 136 135 140 128 120 201 97 98 104 106 105 103 107 106 112 113 114 618 3,900 3,910 4,171 617 616 607 PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts Deposits Call date Total U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank 2 ern- savdement® ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- bilistand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus Memoranda DeReUndi- serves mand Net devided for deprof- con- posits mand addeits® tingen- justed' posits T cies, etc.* 1914—Dec. 31 575 103 4 371 97 10 73 151 42 20 354 1915—Mar. 4 . . May 1 J u n e 23 Sept. 2 Nov. 10 Dec. 31 564 579 588 111 108 4 4 4 3 3 3 351 366 371 381 411 412 99 100 103 108 112 117 9 8 8 7 5 4 i 67 66 65 73 73 75 150 151 153 151 152 151 89 42 42 42 42 42 42 19 20 22 20 21 20 341 354 362 370 397 394 1916—May 1 J u n e 30 Sept. 1 2 . . . . . . Nov. 17 Dec. 27 3 3 2 3 3 419 419 463 504 497 129 134 139 149 155 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 74 75 74 68 68 152 151 153 154 155 90 89 89 89 89 42 42 42 43 43 20 20 21 22 22 401 404 444 487 483 3 3 5 23 477 527 528 630 166 170 172 205 1 2 13 32 3 4 6 »8 66 68 71 76 152 154 156 162 90 90 90 94 43 43 43 46 19 21 23 23 459 505 512 595 44 56 50 24 628 644 697 741 213 231 237 254 47 58 110 94 ni '14 20 17 76 76 79 80 169 173 97 101 47 48 50 51 25 24 27 . . . . . . 26 602 613 662 695 45 23 16 35 698 782 1,054 1,093 270 285 516 660 106 76 100 89 18 16 24 26 78 79 78 74 184 189 227 232 106 108 123 131 51 53 60 66 27 29 44 35 663 732 980 1,008 11 16 16 13 1,075 1,067 1,124 1,031 703 739 749 756 160 167 184 198 39 37 26 22 78 77 80 77 261 261 284 144 147 154 155 70 73 76 77 47 41 54 57 1,000 988 1,026 959 12 8 15 941 927 1,021 787 799 808 194 177 88 21 18 14 74 76 76 286 283 284 163 163 165 80 80 80 44 40 39 887 857 937 109 612 120 670 676 143 144 701 699 775 857 851 150 143 171 202 196 1917—Mar. 5. May 1 J u n e 20 Dec. 31 844 888 876 1,048 1918—May 10 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1.044 1.098 1,170 1,221 1919—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 17 Dec. 31 1,198 1,292 1,853 2.045 1920—May 4 J u n e 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 1,994 2.023 2,101 1,996 205 200 1921—Apr. 28 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,901 — 1,899 2,034 162 1922—Mar. 10 J u n e 30 Dec. 29 2.024 2,124 2,314 199 197 19 13 25 984 1,038 1,135 822 876 930 76 62 47 9 11 18 77 75 73 288 165 285 301 166 170 79 78 83 44 41 48 912 952 1,033 1923—Apr. 3 J u n e 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 2,417 2,468 2,452 2,489 206 195 213 196 28 27 13 22 1,173 1,237 1,245 1,238 1,010 1,008 980 1,032 67 83 94 47 21 16 17 18 74 73 75 66 299 299 305 293 173 174 175 170 85 87 85 81 40 38 45 42 1,078 1,137 1,134 1,112 1924—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 2,486 2,530 2,711 2,789 196 215 293 26 12 29 18 1,240 1,210 1,267 1,290 1,024 1,093 1,122 1,203 59 33 18 19 19 17 15 16 67 67 69 66 314 313 323 318 180 182 183 184 85 84 85 86 49 47 55 48 1,133 1,095 1,160 1,169 1925—Apr. 6 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 2,761 2,805 2,852 - 3,007 234 236 248 30 12 26 34 1,250 1,270 1,270 1,368 1,246 1,287 1,307 1,343 29 40 58 27 20 17 21 24 62 61 67 66 321 324320 184 185 187 85 87 86 90 51 49 53 43 1,148 1,149 1,166 1,221 1926—Apr. 12 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 2,945 2,978 3,169 241 35 21 21 1,301 1,303 1,380 1,368 1,392 1.482 46 38 42 21 23 35 71 71 67 320 325 338 190 191 198 87 88 92 43 46 48 1,169 1,173 1,221 1,392 1927—Mar. 23 J u n e 30.Oct. 10 Dec. 31 3,157 3,237 3,259 44 29 36 28 1,297 1,360 1,379 1,432 1,575 1,585 1,583 1,653 58 41 52 7 29 30 35 33 70 68 78 112 353 352 365 200 104 106 106 100 49 52 57 57 1,189 1,224 1,244 1,292 1,311 1,373 1,401 1.449 1,375 1,395 13 .1,442 13 1,454 1,619 1,712 1,674 1,678 64 20 78 39 27 32 38 44 112 71 77 71 360 411 418 409 206 221 223 219 98 136 136 133 55 54 55 51 3 6 1,249 1,265 1,305 1,292 1,394 1,421 1,440 1,419 1,330 1,317 1,352 1,436 1,639 1,691 1,614 1,767 77 43 106 45 35 35 45 67 85 73 84 81 424 433 435 441 224 231 230 232 136 145 145 144 60 48 54 53 5 9 6 12 1,216 1,197 1,235 1.234 1,330 1,311 1,341 1,381 188 171 189 158 168 186 202 185 203 268 256 212 196 164 189 278 262 262 286 242 262 261 285 3,266 192&—Feb. 28 J u n e 3 0 . . . . . . 3,412 Oct. 3_ - 3,411 3,455 Dec. 31 261 257 .10 53 21 52 3,218 3,318 3,239 3,537 231 254 231 299 34 42 29 22 1929—Mar. 27 J u n e 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 252 261 13 13 14 14 182 183 322 105 105 186 194 201 211 NO. 306-SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments 1 Call date Total Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Balances with domestic banks1 Investments Total U. S. Government obligations Loans Cash Bank Bal- items premises, Other in ances with proc- furni- real ture estate ess forand of eign banks^ collec- fixtion tures Total CustomNumers' Secuber Ua- rities Otter of bility borbanks on rowed acTotal ceptliaances bilities 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 3,127 3,109 3,116 3,246 2,147 2,109 2,124 2,218 980 1,001 992 1,028 522 508 494 467 457 492 497 561 178 191 169 182 41 42 41 60 233 320 312 325 10 12 12 12 86 126 87 144 114 113 113 128 16 17 18 11 63 52 45 55 3,895 4.011 3,939 4,191 599 592 581 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 3,266 3,182 3,077 3,005 2,108 2,053 1,973 1,898 1,157 1,128 1,104 1,107 565 536 520 547 592 592 584 560 184 202 165 140 43 48 53 51 305 310 237 203 10 19 9 7 77 102 71 106 128 128 127 120 11 12 13 13 39 34 22 21 4,093 4.065 3,804 3,695 573 559 545 522 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31, 2,761 2,735 2,699 1,681 1,623 1,570 1,080 1,112 1,129 543 577 601 538 535 528 137 139 139 44 36 40 201 214 256 11 9 7 74 59 61 117 115 113 18 21 26 10 7 6 3,403 3,368 3.379 481 464 449 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 2,641 2,646 2,717 1,471 1,482 1,486 1,170 1,164 1,231 660 647 720 510 517 510 157 169 183 36 38 39 203 194 225 10 12 13 87 60 76 109 109 107 37 44 43 5 8 11 3,319 3,316 3,456 366 374 372 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 2,782 2,924 2,986 . . . 3,110 1,472 1,459 1,473 1,469 1,310 1,466 1,513 1,641 788 884 921 1,065 522 582 592 576 187 230 252 253 35 38 41 47 250 275 318 347 11 9 12 15 61 72 87 95 108 106 106 106 48 50 53 54 13 11 11 11 3,537 3,758 3,908 4.079 376 377 379 379 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 3,106 3,111 3,268 3,399 1,458 1,448 1,515 1,537 1,649 1,662 1,753 1,862 1,072 1,071 1,164 1,275 577 591 589 587 254 273 310 285 40 46 43 52 341 337 387 345 14 9 6 4 78 92 98 157 106 105 104 103 57 52 53 52 8 9 6 9 4,048 4.066 4,305 4,436 . 377 371 361 350 1936-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 3,354 3,500 3,631 1,535 1,582 1,682 1,818 1,918 1,948 1,211 1,298 1,334 60S 620 614 291 363 473 45 57 57 368 397 386 5 5 4 126 156 199 111 109 109 52 50 43 9 8 7 4,387 4,666 4,931 347 344 322 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 3,566 3,618 3,640 1,706 1,776 1,871 1,860 1,842 1,769 1,293 1,293 1,270 568 549 499 486 526 549 52 57 56 370 294 310 5 6 5 153 164 183 109 109 108 40 35 30 8 11 8 4,811 4,838 4,906 314 304 292 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 , 3,569 3,618 3,641 . . 3,678 1,833 1,819 1,841 1,869 1,736 1,799 1,800 1,810 1,244 1,303 1,293 1,324 492 496 506 486 533 528 534 562 55 60 61 62 316 365 371 409 4 6 4 4 118 151 127 177 109 108 109 107 30 29 28 64 9 6 6 5 4,762 4,887 4.899 5,087 290 288 193^Mar.29 June 30 Oct. 2.. Dec, 30 . . 3,661 3,753 3,791 3,941. 1,850 1,872 1,913 1,967 1,811 1,882 1,878 1,975 1,321 1,354 1,365 1,450 490 527 513 524 546 555 598 580 61 65 58 64 422 404 448 437 4 4 3 2 117 160 169 170 107 106 105 101 64 62 61 60 6 7 5 6 5,008 5,133 5,257 5.380 287 284 484 486 544 2 1 2 153 168 246 101 101 100 60 59 55 6 6 4 5,373 5.552 6,001 281 281 557 525 544 552 2 1 1 2 177 216 214 324 101 99 98 97 53 51 48 45 4 € 5 5 6.012 6,168 279 277 277 277 1940-MBr. 26 June 29 Dec. 31 3,847 3,941 4,200 1,938 1,978 2,130 1,909 1,963 2,071 1,383 1,405 1,481 527 558 589 637 707 753 63 66 79 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 4,261 4,394 4,529 4,732 2,181 2,279 2,386 2,451 2,080 2,115 2,142 2,280 1,498 1,553 1,594 1,738 582 562 549 542 773 779 897 919 67 78 85 97 6,441 6,791 601 282 282 277 1920, through June 30, 1928. 2 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as due to banks" and were assumed to be demand detkosit^i » Includes United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938-Sor*. that time all ^^^^ United States Government deposits were demand deposits. FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES. 1914-1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other bank 2 ern- savdement' ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- ties ing Total Common stock Preferred stocks Surplus Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for ded^ prof- con- posits mand detinits® adgen- justed' posits 7 cies, etc.® 1930—Mar. 27.. J u n e 30_,. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31... 3,284 3,420 3,348 3,593 286 380 386 350 30 22 15 31 13 14 15 18 1,242 1,270 1,234 1,301 1,711 1,735 1,698 1,893 15 12 10 21 65 55 47 57 85 81 86 76 445 443 448 443 232 . 233 232 231 145 145 145 149 59 55 62 47 9 11 9 15 1.157 1,143 1,147 1.158 1,322 1,291 1,304 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30... Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... 3,474 3,499 3,198 3,079 358 352 278 237 43 25 32 39 24 28 47 60 1,212 1,217 1,124 1,089 1,836 1,876 1,717 1,654 43 10 52 79 42 36 24 22 85 80 90 86 450 440 441 429 230 230 228 224 149 149 148 147 53 47 50 45 18 15 14 13 1,135 1,115 1,053 984 1,270 1,252 1,163 1,103 1932—June 30... Sept. 30.. Dec. 31... 2,767 2,740 2,794 221 231 243 30 44 84 98 103 923 905 901 1,509 1,462 1,501 127 88 42 11 7 7 88 126 139 411 408 397 219 217 216 130 129 120 43 44 39 19 17 22 848 845 840 929 927 921 1933—June 30... Oct. 25... Dec. 30... 2,778 2,760 2,904 191 168 198 62 56 77 147 160 156 937 987 1,026 1,442 1,388 1,448 10 10 8 5 9 12 135 143 139 391 394 394 210 209 209 8 9 12 112 111 111 39 42 41 22 23 21 851 927 951 1,010 1934—Mar. 5 . . . J u n e 30... Oct. 17 Dec. 31 2,980 3,206 3,351 3,528 207 232 264 262 113 98 63 112 154 136 115 116 991 1,090 1,255 1,295 1,516 1,649 1,655 1,742 ..... 6 1 14 12 12 12 139 135 138 134 398 404 407 403 209 192 190 190 15 45 47 48 110 99 98 98 44 41 45 44 20 27 26 23 930 1,018 1,168 1,201 997 1,089 1,240 1,267 1935—Mar. 4. J u n e 29. Nov.l. Dec. 31 3,489 3,621 3,857 4,001 271 279 308 307 95 61 75 109 113 78 57 58 1,226 1,369 1,531 1,546 1,786 1,835 1,886 1,981 6 3 3 10 10 7 10 134 25 22 17 408 407 416 408 189 189 188 186 48 49 49 48 103 100 101 103 42 47 55 49 25 22 24 22 1,147 1,277 1,433 1.389 1,220 1,364 1,429 U466 1936—Mar. 4 . _ J u n e 30. Dec. 31 3,937 4,220 4,483 315 323 348 88 127 73 57 52 23 1,500 1,663 1,990 1,977 2,054 2,049 3 1 10 9 ; 7 22 20 23 415 417 417 187 186 . 186 47 47 42 103 107 109 54 52 55 24 25 25 1,374 1,507 1,791 1,412 1,563 1,828 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31.. 4,347 4,381 4,454 326 288 297 34 52 67 23 23 23 1,940 1,929 1,923 2,023 2,090 2,145 2 1 1 9 12 10 26 22 22 426 422 419 187 188 186 41 39 35 111 112 116 60 58 59 28 25 23 1,787 1,764 1,740 1,773 1,807 1,789 1938—Mar. 7 . . . June 30,_ Sept. 28.. Dec. 31... 4,293 4,429 4,426 4,616 293 298 313 343 67 96 111 118 22 21 16 9 1,759 1,847 1,879 1,958 2,152 2,166 2,108 2,188 9 1 1 10 6 7 6 24 26 35 27 426 425 430 439 186 186 187 186 35 34 34 37 lis 123 126 128 62 58 58 64 24 22 25 25 1,641 1,695 1,752 1,781 1,680 1,722 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2 . . . . Dec. 30... 4,519 4,647 4,762 4,892 339 351 372 383 117 113 113 115 8 8 3 3 1,893 1,978 2,109 2,153 2,162 2,197 2,165 2,238 1 1 7 8 7 7 38 29 39 28 444 447 450 452 187 187 187 186 36 36 35 35 129 131 133 135 66 67 65 68 26 26 30 28 1,776 1,819 1,940 1,983 1,804 1,875 1,975 2,042 1940—Mar. 26.. J u n e 29 Dec. 31 4,875 5,024 5,463 376 389 434 114 116 65 3 3 3 2,158 2,248 2,636 2,224 2,268 2,326 7 7 5 38 32 36 453 489 496 187 187 186 34 46 44 136 154 158 70 65 68 26 37 41 2,005 2,080 2.390 2,336 1941—Apr. 4 . . June 30. Sept. 24 Dec. 31. 5,464 5,615 5,877 6,233 441 436 485 482 78 93 104 142 3 3 3 2 2,624 2,749 2,970 3,217 2,319 2,334 2,314 2,390 5 8 6 6 45 44 54 41 498 501 505 511 186 187 187 187 42 41 40 40 160 163 164 167 67 69 71 72 43 42 43 46 2,447 2,533 2,757 2,893 2,401 2,528 2,793 2,955 3 1,286 920 977 1,801 1,830 2,008 2,088 • Figures not available prior to October 3, 1928. Under specific provisions of law, postal sa\'ings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from J u n e 21, 1917, to August 23, 1935, b u t they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. fi Includes capital notes a n d debentures issued b y State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was not issued b y member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. • T h e composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time; see introductory text, p. 71. T For definitions of " d e m a n d deposits a d j u s t e d " and " n e t d e m a n d deposits'' see introductory text, p. 65. »Includes customers' liability to State member banks under letters of credit. • Includes letters of credit issued by State member banks. NO. 3&7-SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Call date Total loans Acceptances able J. S. Commer-' cial Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper bought accept- ances of other banks • Loans on securities, except to banks To brokers and dealers Bills % Total In New York City Heal estate loans To others Total 634 Outside New York City Loans to banks On farm land On other real estate 126 121 635 513 909 872 117 117 511 607 503 537 828 896 914 Q60 857 857 821 882 832 815 778 757 Other loans! 1928—Oct. 3.... Dec. 31.. 2.165 2,109 544 543 95 103 354 348 1929-Mar. 27. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 2,071 2,099 2,192 2,239 557 634 610 584 111 106 371 389 442 480 628 193a-Mar. 27., June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 2,147 2,109 2,124 673 544 591 647 60 445 439 432 472 639 632 632 721 108 86 115 531 525 524 607 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.. 2,108 49 41 27 404 2,053 1,973 1,898 467 438 417 378 116 607 118 352 114 113 618 21 723 736 716 711 603 598 1932—June 30., Sept. 30., Dec. 31.. 1,681 1,623 1,570 315 323 312 13 10 301 312 638 635 635 118 119 113 515 522 630 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.., Dec. 30.. 1.471 1,482 1,486 281 279 280 10 10 271 267 265 672 662 117 114 114 555 548 554 489 607 606 1934—Mar. 6... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 1.472 1,459 1.473 1,469 274 273 268 11 687 111 103 100 576 678 570 670 471 471 601 490 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 1,458 1,448 1,515 1,537 557 561 570 492 623 679 695 1936—Mar. 4 . . . June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,535 1,582 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1938—Mar. 7 . . . June 30.. Sept. 28.. 2,218 71 59 12 8 112 110 107 108 258 247 234 235 681 260 226 225 234 12 228 211 214 658 102 660 218 662 99 96 96 239 246 239 - 21 210 666 686 96 95 95 563 671 590 587 628 702 1,706 1,776 1,871 239 25 260 266 22 211 235 249 718 730 94 95 598 623 635 706 752 1,833 1,819 1,841 260 248 247 23 12 235 234 236 733 761 781 638 665 685 7B9 770 777 1,682 Total loans Commercial loans Acceptances payable in U. S. Agricultural loans Total 31 1,869 508 124 193&—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2 ! . . Dec. 30.. 1,850 1,872 1,913 1,967 484 460 122 125 508 130 1940—Mar. 26'., June 29... Dec. 31... 1,938 1,978 2,130 506 586 120 1941—Apr. 42... June 30... Sept. 242., Dec. 31... 2,181 747 *i53" 2,279 2,386 2,451 9 266 1938-Dec. 31.. 84 624 615 647 9 11 Open market paper Call date 108 662 26 131 128 15 10 13 19 25 15 10 216 223 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities 665 Bills CommerTo TbC cial bro- To Own Accept- abroad paper kers others bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other batiks Total On farm land 798 17 100 Real estate loans On residential property Other 509 Loans to banks Other loans 326 813 95 520 534 199 208 329 352 864 95 565 204 362 604 645 197 195 375 398 931 26 670 670 961 683 "i^ooo" "740" 190 "m 442 '465' N 0 . 3 0 8 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total BiUsi Notes Other domestic securities Obligations of States and Guaranteed poUt- Total ical subdiviBonds sions Bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks Foreign securities Government agencies not Railguar- roads' anteed byU.S.! Utilities' Other F. R. Bank Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31-... 1,035 1.060 536 574 .76 115 79 76 380 383 245 239 206 204 31 33 58 52 92 97 11 11 13 11 48 42 1929—Mar. 27.._ J u n e 29.... Oct. 4 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,042 1,007 941 953 580 539 513 495 108 71 47 39 78 70 65 65 394 398 401 391 233 229 224 250 190 199 165 170 32 30 25 25 52 48 43 44 83 100 76 82 11 11 11 11 12 10 10 7 39 39 38 38 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . J u n e 30.... Sept. 2 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . „ . 1,001 992 1,028 522 508 494 467 45 40 23 12 66 58 36 38 411 410 435 416 252 264 172 182 171 189 26 29 31 40 50 56 51 53 78 77 69 74 11 12 11 11 7 8 8 10 ' 33 45 47 46 1931—Mar. 26.._ June 30..,. Sept. 2 9 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,157 1,128 1,104 1,107 565 536 520 547 55 55 75 54 35 13 12 32 475 469 433 461 334 341 339 331 208 206 202 192 42 42 43 41 52 51 45 41 92 93 93 87 11 11 11 11 10 10 9 11 50 45 44 37 1932—June 30.... Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,080 1,112 1,129 543 577 601 37 24 26 23 52 61 482 501 514 331 332 336 175 172 163 38 39 41 38 37 36 75 72 63 11 10 10 13 13 14 32 31 29 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1,170 1,164 1,231 660 647 720 31 15 31 107 109 124 522 523 565 338 348 345 148 146 145 37 36 36 31 29 29 59 57 56 10 10 10 10 13 13 25 23 20 1934—Mar. 5 J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,310 1,466 1,513 1,641 788 874 859 976 46 38 31 24 180 200 179 240 561 636 648 712 10 62 88 349 358 359 363 153 203 217 194 9 36 38 25 37 43 48 44 33 42 50 50 49 55 56 49 11 11 11 11 15 17 16 16 19 21 17 18 1935—Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 1,649 1,662 1,753 1,862 956 910 962 1,065 30 16 11 10 . 229 222 317 360 697 672 634 695 115 161 202 210 360 361 348 344 197 208 214 216 21 12 11 12 49 52 51 55 51 60 68 64 50 55 57 57 11 11 10 10 16 17 18 18 20 22 27 27 1936—Mar. 4 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,818 1,918 1,948 995 1,058 1,081 7 7 12 348 335 257 640 716 812 216 240 253 352 346 337 232 252 254 13 18 15 60 64 65 67 72 72 63 67 68 10 10 10 20 22 25 24 22 23 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30 Dec. 31 1,860 1,063 1,072 1,056 31 25 17 223 251 263 809 796 776 229 220 214 331 328 293 219 204 192 16 19 15 56 51 45 54 49 43 58 50 • 45 10 10 10 25 26 35 18 17 13 193S-Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1,736 1.799 1,019 1,074 1,093 1,120 8 3 2 5 253 203 210 238 758 868 882 877 224 229 200 203 289 301 311 327 190 183 183 146 17 17 15 16 44 39 . 38 33 41 41 40 39 41 40 39 35 10 10 10 10 36 36 39 12 13 13 13 13 M93 1939—Mar. 29 J u n e 30 Oct. 2 6 Dec. 30 1,811 3 4 180 155 919 929 335 377 370 21 22 33 29 36 34 31 32 11 11 13 13 12 10 (444 M65 7 111 1,031 219 266 281 300 144 140 1,878 1,975 1,102 1,089 1,084 1,150 132 24 28 28 30 11 12 10 473 m o - M a r . 26« J u n e 29 Dec. 31 1,909 1,963 2,071 1,083 1,088 1,166 408 428 140 152 31 36 29 34 29 32 29 28 12 12 11 10 9 10 480 530 1941-Apr. 4« J u n e 30 Sept. 246 Dec. 31 2,080 2,115 2,142 2,280 1,188 1,267 1,316 1,470 429 411 401 397 142 37 33 27 25 12 10 9 442 135 39 33 20 25 12 7 9 599 1,842 1,769 1.800 1,810 1,882 280 (0 6 9 109 112 973 1,044 299 317 316 1 74 1,191 101 111 1,258 310 286 278 268 I Includes certificates of indebtedness u p to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. s Included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in J u l y 1933 a n d replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. » Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, a n d debentiu-es thereafter. * Not reported separately; included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, a n d debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal a n d interest)' were issued until late in 1933. 6 This is the amount reported as "maturing in 1939-1943." A classification of securities b y mat\u-ity was not required before December 1938. • Beginning with October 1939 a detailed classification of securities has not been required as of spring and a u t u m n call dates. N 0 . 3 0 » - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Tin Demand Interbank CaU date Total Domestic Foreign U.S. Government Interbank IndiU. S.. States Certi- vidGovuals, fied and ernpartpolitand ment nerical Total o£SsubDo- For- and cers' ships, divi- checks, corpomestic eign postal sions savetc. rations, ings^ etc. 2 4 1928—Oct. 3„, Dec. 31. 1,722 1,759 246 239 13 14 21 52 111 133 52 77 1,278 1,244 1,689 1,695 1929—Mar. 27. J u n e 29. Oct. Dec. 31. 1,590 1,607 1,604 1,747 213 236 211 275 13 12 11 14 34 42 29 22 135 135 92 124 46 47 40 78 1,149 1,135 1,220 1,234 1,658 1,710 1,636 1,790 6 8 10 1930—Mar. 27 J u n e 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 1,544 1,656 1,608 1,660 255 347 335 309 17 17 24 19 30 22 15 31 130 132 99 126 34 49 35 63 1,079 1,089 1,100 1,113 1,739 1,765 1,740 1,933 15 16 14 11 1931—Mar. 25, J u n e 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 1,588 1,568 1,412 1,353 313 308 246 215 20 18 10 9 43 25 32 39 115 118 85 112 47 51 32 41 1,050 1,048 1,007 936 1,886 1,931 1,786 1,727 15 16 11 10 1932—June 30. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. 1,159 1,164 1,176 196 206 221 10 10 9 30 44 45 94 67 87 44 24 29 785 813 786 1,608 1,576 1,618 14 16 13 1933—June 30. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30. 1,185 1,207 1,295 179 158 186 7 6 7 62 56 77 87 76 102 42 29 34 807 882 890 1,594 1,553 1,609 5 4 5 1934—Mar. 5.. J u n e 30. Oct. 17., Dec. 31. 1,306 1,410 1,565 1,652 195 215 240 237 7 7 8 7 113 98 63 112 94 124 110 134 28 33 38 52 869 934 1,107 1,109 1,675 1,796 1,785 1,875 5 10 15 16 1935—Mar. 4.. J u n e 29. Nov. 1.. Dec. 31. 1,568 1,686 1,890 1,937 241 248 275 272 8 8 10 . 10 95 61 75 109 129 153 112 140 47 50 41 49 1,050 1,166 1,378 1,357 1,921 1,936 1,967 2,064 22 22 23 25 1936—Mar. 4 J u n e 30. Dec. 31. 1,875 2,088 2,382 276 286 304 11 11 14 88 127 73 128 149 245 44 45 59 1,329 1,469 1,686 2,062 2,132 2,101 27 25 28 1 1937—Mar. 31 J u n e 30, Dec. 31. 2,270 2,247 2,268 282 253 265 14 13 12 34 52 67 251 258 223 53 58 51 1,636 1,612 1,650 2,077 2,134 2,187 1938—Mar. 7. J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 2,099 2,219 2,280 2,395 261 266 278 306 11 10 12 13 67 96 111 118 189 220 173 230 45 48 44 49 1,525 1,579 1,662 1,678 1939—Mar. 29. J u n e 30 Oct. 23.. Dec. 30 2,322 2,414 2,567 2,625 298 308 334 337 15 16 12 20 116 112 112 115 261 240 207 244 39 53 49 53 1940—Mar. 26' J u n e 29 Dec. 31 2,620 2,721 3,103 332 347 392 17 16 15 113 110 59 280 273 347 56 ' 53 66 For footnotes see end of table. States and political subdivisions Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total ings IChristmas Certiacates Open savacof mgs de- counts® and posit similar accounts® 13 13 118 159 1,555 1,519 1,334 1,320 119 119 13 13 14 14 134 161 142 266 1,505 1,530 1,472 1,500 1,303 1,379 1.329 1,350 114 13 • 14 15 18 173 199 153 219 1,538 1,536 1,545 1,674 1,371 1,381 1,364 1,518 108 13 11 10 10 10 3 24 28 47 60 187 229 184 197 1,649 1,647 1,533 1,457 1,478 1,478 1,384 1.330 116 116 84 98 103 172 149 180 1,337 1,313 1,321 1,220 1,185 1,194 147 160 156 162 128 165 1,279 1 1,283 1.184 1,160 1,191 1 1 1 154 136 115 116 162 187 141 169 1,354 1,462 1,514 1,573 1,257 1,359 1,399 1,468 1 1 113 78 57 58 166 173 181 240 1,620 1,706 1,741 1,511 1,553 1,593 1,625 5 8 1 1 57 52 23 215 254 172 1,762 1,800 1,877 1,605 1,647 1,742 4 7 2 29 21 16 1 1 3 23 23 23 138 162 196 1,886 1,927 1,949 1.749 1,787 1,822 6 9 2 2,195 2,210 2,146 2,221 17 20 19 20 3 2 3 4 22 21 16 9 172 178 140 208 1,981 1.988 1,968 1,981 1,847 1.841 11 1,822 1,860 14 3 1,592 1,685 1,853 1,856 2,197 2,234 2,194 2,267 21 23 22 22 5 5 4 3 9 9 4 4 166 177 132 186 1,996 1,861 2,020 1,886 1,822 1,921 2,223 2,254 2,303 2,360 24 23 25 3 3 2 4 9 9 153 162 174 2,071 2,106 2,152 1,260 1,662 2.033 2,052 110 107 107 104 112 112 105 6 13 54 1.965 2,018 67 16 5 N 0 . 3 0 9 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-ALL MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941-ConIinued [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaU date 1941—Apr. 43 June 30 Sept. 243 Dec. 31 Total 3,110 3,246 3,526 3.808 Domestic Foreign 399 392 441 437 15 17 17 18 U. S. Government 72 87 98 136 Time IndiStates Certi- viduals. fied and partand politneroffiTotal ical cers' ships, BUl> divi- checks, corpoetc. rations, sions etc. 332 353 314 350 67 65 60 89 2,224 2,331 2,596 2,778 2,355 2,369 2,350 2,425 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Interbank U. S. States Gov- and ern- polite ical ment subDo-, For- and mestic eign postal divisav- sions ings' 25 25 25 25 2 2 2 2 8 9 9 8 142 153 133 198 Total 2,177 2,181 2,181 2,192 Savings Christprym Certificates Open savacof ings de- counts! and posit similar accounts' 2,020 69 72 20 2,060 62 63 6 1 United States Treasurer's time deposits, open aecount, were first established in November 1938. 2 "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. ' A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N 0 . 3 1 0 ^ A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Total CusCash Bank tomassets ReBal- Bal- items premserves Cash ances ances in NumOther ers' Secuin lia- rities Other with with with proc- furni- real ber ture estate bUity bor- assets U. S. Federal vault domes- foress of eign and on rowed Gov- Other Reserve tic of banks secu- Bank acernbanks badisi coUec- fixTotal ceptment rities tion tures Uaances obligabiUties tions Investments CaUdate Total Loans 1,237 1,246 .. 1.289 1,283 943 961 991 989 294 285 298 293 146 137 141 133 148 149 157 161 78 79 82 80 24 29 25 28 148 145 148 125 66 70 86 65 28 28 31 31 6 5 6 5 37 34 24 .21 3 . 5 5 5 24 23 28 26 1,648 1,665 1,724 1,669 68 70 70 71 1.244 1,237 1,255 946 940 939 298 298 316 142 132 143 156 165 173 77 72 85 25 24 22 106 103 122 48 63 75 33 34 39 4 4 3 19 17 12 4 4 2 18 20 18 1,579 1,579 1,633 71 71 67 .. 1,272 1,317 1,473 942 972 1,084 330 346 389 156 171 219 174 174 170 82 86 97 21 21 27 132 130 142 64 78 94 42 44 50 3 4 5 8 10 17 3 3 3 15 19 15 1,642 1,713 1,924 66 68 66 1923-Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 1,642 1,687 1,641 1,674 1,222 1,279 1,266 1,209 420 408 374 365 244 229 211 197 176 179 164 168 105 109 110 106 26 24 27 26 137 129 143 138 87 91 101 114 55 56 55 54 5 5 6 5 19 15 16 16 3 3 4 4 17 16 15 16 2,097 2,136 2,118 2,054 67 67 67 66 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 1,671 1,670 1,737 1,816 1,283 1,277 1,299 1,337 388 393 438 479 214 216 255 278 174 177 183 201 106 110 121 127 25 25 27 28 130 ISO 230 187 97 105 97 111 59 61 62 62 6 7 7 8 17 15 14 14 3 3 2 2 17 16 18 24 2,132 2,161 2,315 2,379 64 63 67 66 1925-Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec, 31 1.882 1,909 1,967 2,010 1,385 1,405 1.443 1,485 494 ^505 523 525 290 295 310 304 207 211 213 221 117 118 119 129 26 26 26 27 156 156 160 167 93 110 95 134 65 64 66 65 9 8 9 9 18 16 19 22 1 2 2 2 22 22 28 24 2,390 2,432 2,490 2,589 68 69 67 67 192&-Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 2.030 2,037 2,176 1.497 1,506 1,622 533 531 554 304 299 289 229 232 265 120 125 128 25 25 27 154 163 170 121 119 145 67 68 71 11 10 11 20 22 32 3 5 3 24 30 h 2,577 2,604 2,796 66 65 65 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31. 2,298 2,318 2,340 . . . 2,441 1,692 1,707 1,701 1,725 606 611 637 714 325 332 355 413 281 280 282 301 140 127 129 149 30 30 29 30 145 163 164 178 99 125 122 128 70 75 76 76 13 12 13 13 27 26 32 30 4 2 1 1 30 32 44 37 2,857 2,911 2,951 3,083 59 67 67 58 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 2,431 2.498 2.534 2,496 1,675 1,724 1,739 1,681 766 774 794 816 448 441 460 496 308 333 334 319 135 143 144 143 29 42 28 29 166 159 165 178 119 119 125 148 74 77 77 75 12 13 13 13 24 30 35 42 1 1 2 2 31 35 23 18 3,023 3,119 3,159 3,156 67 58 58 56 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec: 31 . . 2,447 2.440 2,465 2,533 1.649 1,674 1,763 1,819 799 766 702 714 500 459 434 417 299 307 269 297 136 138 139 138 27 25 27 30 162 184 153 237 106 109 107 189 74 84 84 86 14 8 8 9 33 34 44 65 2 2 3 6 23 26 24 25 3,042 3,064 3,067 3,329 50 50 49 47 1930-Mar. 27 .. June 30 Sept. 24 . . . . Dec. 31 2.486 2,475 2,501 2,653 1,741 1,707 1,742 1,852 745 768 759 801 446 435 422 400 299 333 337 401 144 155 135 149 25 26 25 42 169 242 233 244 80 115 81 134 86 86 85 100 11 11 12 6 63 52 45 55 1 1 22 23 22 23 3,096 3,200 3,152 3,418 47 48 48 47 1931—Mar. 25 . . . June 30 Sept. 29 , . , Dec. 31 2,697 2,623 2,536 2,489 1,761 1,715 1,652 1,599 936 908 884 891 500 469 449 474 435 439 435 416 153 171 136 112 27 31 • 34 33 227 222 169 142 71 94 65 96 100 100 100 94 6 7 8 8 39 34 22 21 27 24 26 27 3,357 3,326 3,106 3.029 46 45 42 41 2,299 1932-June 30 2,302 Sept. 30 Dec. 3 1 . . . . . . 2,288 1,420 1,383 1,351 879 918 937 473 511 533 406 408 404 114 118 118 28 23 26 156 171 207 68 55 55 93 92 91 13 16 20 10 7 6 26 29 30 2,818 2,820 2,847 38 38 37 1933—June 30 . Oct. 25. Deo. 30 2,311 2,316 2,381 1,302 .1,008 1,315 1,001 1,319 1,062 595 581 650 413 420 412 136 148 157 25 27 28 158 152 174 82 57 71 90 91 89 31 37 37 5 8 11 32 34 38 2,879 2,882 2,998 33 33 34 2,437 2,570 2,612 2,726 1,308 1,290 1,302 1,296 1,129 1,280 1,310 1,430 708 800 822 957 422 480 487 473 158 200 218 218 25 26 28 33 188 201 228 254 56 67 80 88 89 87 86 86 42 43 46 47 13 11 11 11 38 38 38 38 3,056 3,253 3.359 3,517 34 33 33 33 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 2,727 2,724 2,879 3,005 1,287 1,269 1,332 1,351 1,440 1,455 1,547 1,654 967 969 1,064 1,172 473 486 483 482 217 237 275 250 29 33 30 36 237 237 267 226 73 86 90 147 86 85 85 84 49 45 46 45 8 9 6 9 39 30 26 26 3,480 3,493 3,712 3,834 33 33 33 32 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 2,959 . . . 3,075 3,185 1,350 1,380 1,468 1,609 1,695 1,717 1,106 1,184 1,209 503 511 508 256 326 421 32 41 41 247 276 257 118 146 186 92 91 90 45 43 37 9 8 7 24 18 20 3,787 4,028 4,248 32 32 31 1920—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15. Dec. 29 1921-^Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 1922-Mar. 10 . June 30 Dec. 29 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 . Dec. 31 , . Total PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Capital accounts Deposits Call date Com- Premon ferred stock stock® Surplus ReDeUndi- serves mand vided for deprof- con- posits its® tinadgen- justed' cies, etc.® Net demand deposits' Total 1920—May 4 J u n e 30. Nov. 15_.Dec. 2 9 . . . . 1.290 1,325 1,364 1,304 178 175 185 173 9 14 14 11 604 618 640 587 499 518 525 533 115 101 114 124 38 36 26 21 44 43 46 43 174 176 538 548 554 522 1921—Apr. 2 8 . . . . J u n e 30 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,234 1,368 142 145 168 10 6 14 540 544 610 541 556 576 113 97 37 20 17 14 42 42 42 170 171 172 492 481 535 1922—Mar. 1 0 . . . J u n e 30 Dec. 29.._. 1,384 1,469 1,649 , 179 178 202 18 12 23 597 640 726 589 639 697 29 16 22 9 11 18 44 43 42 177 173 193 1923—Apr. 3 J u n e 30 Sept. 14._. Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,792 1,795 1,783 188 177 194 175 26 25 12 20 786 840 841 806 791 784 749 783 41 48 57 26 21 16 17 18 43 43 44 35 205 192 1924—Mar. 3 1 . . . J u n e 30 Oct. 1 0 _ . . . . . Dec. 31 1,828 1,884 2,035 2,096 178 195 268 253 24 11 28 17 847 833 868 885 779 845 871 941 35 10 4 10 19 17 15 16 35 36 38 37 214 214 223 119 220 124 1925—Apr. 6 J u n e 30.... Sept. 28,.Dec. 3 1 . . . . 2,094 2,132 2,158 2,284 214 215 223 238 28 . 11 25 32 866 883 866 945 986 1,023 1,043 1,068 16 21 45 19 20 17 21 23 36 35 40 40 223 225 225 223 125 125 125 127 773 773 771 1926—Apr. 12.... J u n e 30 Dec. 31 2,250 2,283 2,445 219 240 261 33 19 19 898 903 966 1,100 1,120 1,199 33 23 33 21 23 35 46 47 42 223 227 241 131 130 138 777 784 1927—Mar. 2 3 . . , J u n e 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31._.. 2,478 2,549 2,549 2,680 220 240 236 257 41 26 34 26 915 971 972 1,026 1,302 1,313 1,308 1,370 47 28 42 2 29 29 35 33 46 44 53 89 258 259 271 279 142 138 145 156 1928—Feb. 2 8 . . . . J u n e 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 3 1 . . . , 2,579 2,706 2,672 2,711 237 229 234 231 8 51 19 49 1,335 1,421 1,384 1,383 58 12 71 34 27 32 38 44 89 48 53 48 270 320 325 319 151 75 166 168 112 7 7 998 1,006 1,026 1,041 165 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . . J u n e 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 2,547 2,525 2,823 209 230 206 273 33 39 27 20 7 7 7 7 950 935 956 1,044 1,349 1,400 1,328 1,480 65 29 97 35 35 35 45 67 61 50 61 58 339 346 169 176 175 177 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . J u n e 30.... Sept. 2 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . . 2,617 2,740 2,691 2,947 265 354 361 323 28 20 14 29 7 7 8 10 890 911 892 969 1,426 1,448 1,417 1,616 4 1 2 13 65 55 47 57 61 56 61 51 349 347 351 350 177 177 177 177 1931—Mar. 25. „ J u n e 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 2,864 2,625 2,536 334 323 255 216 42 23 28 37 15 18 34 45 906 915 845 826 1,567 1,607 1,463 1,411 34 1 43 67 42 36 24 22 60 55 65 62 357 349 349 343 177 177 175 174 780 730 967 955 884 845 1932—June 30.„_ Sept. 3 0 . . . Dec. 31 2,315 2,322 2,379 205 217 229 28 42 44 67 80 84 716 713 711 1,300 1,270 1,311 95 58 24 12 8 7 64 101 112 333 332 324 172 172 172 109 109 101 648 658 656 724 737 733 1933—June 30 . . . 2,432 2,417 Oct. 25..._ 2,536 Dec. 3 0 . . . . 182 160 190 60 54 74 129 144 139 769 819 841 1,291 1,240 1,292 3 3 5 9 12 111 119 115 330 333 333 174 174 174 95 96 96 687 762 770 757 811 1934—Mar. 5 . . . . J u n e 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 2,587 2,786 2,888 3,051 199 223 252 250 109 95 60 109 137 123 106 107 798 882 1,014 1,049 1,344 1,464 1,456 1,536 5 1 14 12 12 12 115 114 117 113 335 340 341 337 174 160 158 158 95 85 85 84 742 815 934 961 807 886 1,003 1,026 1935—Mar. 4 J u n e 29 Nov. 1 . . . . . . . Dec. 31 3,008 3,127 3,333 3,466 259 267 294 294 92 59 73 106 105 73 53 54 978 1,109 1,246 1,257 1,574 1,620 1,667 1,755 6 3 2 10 10 7 10 114 13 21 16 341 340 348 342 158 158 159 158 89 87 87 88 905 1,023 1,156 1,110 979 1,109 1,245 1,277 3,405 3,651 3,869 302 312 334 85 123 70 53 49 20 1,218 1,351 1,643 1,747 1,817 1,802 1 10 9 7 21 18 21 349 349 351 157 156 157 94 1,100 1,205 1,457 1,828 2,611 2,886 Other time Accept- Other ances liaoutbilistand- ties ing Interbank' 1,251 Gov- Postal Other ern- savdement' ings* mand Borrowings Memoranda 3 Total 161 160 200 201 533 562 632 105 699 749 740 692 111 113 114 107 750 728 771 774 120 122 811 821 983 79 816 81 82 846 850 984 997 1,049 879 887 901 1,021 1,035 1,028 1,014 111 844 120 120 119 849 855 953 933 948 995 120 810 77 112 109 826 119 796 120 811 125 835 125 125 124 124 835 821 936 967 951 977 NO. StiUSAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920.1941-Continued [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Cash Bank CusTotal BalBal- items I)remtomassets ances ances in ises, Other ers' SecuNumwith with proc- furni- real lia- rities Other ber domes- foress ture estate bility bor- assets of tic of eign and on rowed banks banks banks* collec- fixacTotal tion tures ceptliaances bilities Investments Call date Total Loans Total U. S. Government obligations Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 3,127 3,165 3,178 1,493 1,553 1,629 1,635 1,612 1,549 1,162 1,136 466 450 413 430 467 489 250 197 209 142 154 171 4,143 4,179 4,232 31 31 31 1938—Mar. 7 J u n e 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 3,119 3,164 3,186 3,219 1,600 1,577 1,597 1,621 1,519 1,587 1,589 1,598 1,109 1,171 1,164 1,196 410 416 426 403 476 478 484 510 214 266 271 297 110 164 4,106 4,235 4,245 4,411 31 31 32 32 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec. 30 3,209 3^300 3,326 3,464 1,604 1,618 1,647 1,691 1,605 1,195 1,234 1,245 1,328 410 449 434 444 495 503 545 525 310 287 323 308 110 150 155 157 4,346 4,463 4,564 4,666 32 1940—Mar. 26 J u n e 29 Dec. 31 3,371 3,462 3,696 1,666 1,697 1,705 1,765 1,868 1,258 1,283 1,357 446 482 512 580 647 351 344 377 144 157 229 4,657 1,828 5,207 31 31 31 1941—Apr. 4 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 3,746 3,865 3,976 4,156 1,874 1,960 2,049 2,107 1,872 1,905 1,926 2,049 1,366 1,415 1,448 1,578 506 490 478 471 706 714 166 202 , 202 5,213 5,351 5,579 5,883 31 31 31 31 1,682 1,679 1,772 1,169 359 364 370 833 142 120 305 Deposits Call date Capital accounts U. S. Gov- Postal Other ern- savdement' ings mand Total Interbanks 1937—Mar. 31. J u n e 30, Dec. 31. 3,749 3,790 3,850 314 276 284 1938—Mar. 7. J u n e 30. Sept. 28 Dec. 31. 3,707 3,847 3,845 4,011 280 287 301 330 1939—Mar. 29. J u n e 30. Oct. 2 . , Dec. 30. 3,930 4,051 4,143 4,253 326 338 357 367 113 109 109 1940—Mar. 26. J u n e 29. Dec. 31. 4,235 4,369 4,748 361 374 416 113 1941—Apr. 4 . . J u n e 30. Sept. 24 Dec. 31. 4,745 4,879 5,098 5,406 422 418 464 460 4,821 1,609 Other time 1,597 1,774 1,838 1,883 1,453 1,545 1,577 1,637 AcBor- cept- Other row- ances liaings outbiUstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stocks Surplus 356 352 158 159 158 1,901 1,846 1,923 358 357 361 370 158 158 159 159 25 25 28 1,590 1,669 1,779 1,809 1,894 1,928 1,897 1,963 374 377 379 380 159 159 159 159 28 28 27 27 110 61 1,819 1,900 2,241 1,943 1,981 2,028 381 416 422 159 159 158 27 39 37 75 2,229 2,018 2,728 2,032 2,011 2,080 423 426 427 434 158 • 158 158 158 50 65 65 95 108 115 112 111 137 1,606 1,888 29 Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its 5 tinaddegen- justed 7 posits^ cies, etc. 6 95 25 22 19 1,467 1,451 1,426 1,547 1,569 1,552 100 105 22 19 22 21 1,343 1,403 1,457 1,473 1,462 1,507 1,584 1,610 113 114 23 23 27 24 1,480 1,519 1,624 1,652 1,595 1,665 1,757 1,811 115 133 135 23 33 37 1,675 1,744 2,012 1,784 1,865 2,092 137 139 140 142 38 38 39 42 2,062 2,137 2,320 2,423 2,151 2,263 2,498 2,627 108 109 111 t "Balances T^th foreign b a n k s " are included in "other assets" prior to October 3 1928 Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as " d u e to banks" and v v L assumed fn b . H ^ ^ • ,, Includes United States Treasurer's itme deposits, open account. Such accounts were fiSt ^ ^ o ^ deposits. United States Government deposits were demand deposits. T^ere lirst opened in November 1938; before that time all » FlffliTPS nrtf nvnilnVilii T-irJi^j. ti-i rinti-LVifi*. "J moo • 1.1 . Xt W ^ 1 uii^tsi >>1111.11 BULU ueposiis were maae were amended so as to conform tn tKo .. passage oi t s I n c l u d e capital notes and debentures issued b y State member banks (national banks do nTtil^^^^^ deposits, b y member banks before the banking holiday of 1633. ° them). Preferred stock was wa not issued 5 composition of undivided profits and reserves has been changed from time to time* see ^ * . ' . N 0 . 3 1 1 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES. 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Loans on securities, except to banks Open market paper To brokers and dealers Acceptances Total loans CaU date TotaU BiUs Commerpavable cial Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances'^ of other banks Total Outside New York City In New York City To others Real estate loans Total On farm land On other real estate Loans to banits Other loans 1 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1.739 1,681 27 36 2 3 10 18 15 15 453 450 69 67 89 97 295 286 597 572 97 94 500 478 9 6 654 618 1929—Mar 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31.. 1,649 1,674 1,763 1,819 32 21 25 27 6 2 2 3 13 10 16 13 14 9 7 11 461 445 514 498 51 22 39 11 105 101 103 80 305 322 372 407 566 561 555 586 89 90 87 85 476 471 468 501 9 12 11 13 581 635 658 695 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,741 1,707 1,742 1,852 51 54 61 52 13 14 20 15 13 9 9 7 25 31 32 30 497 472 524 482 57 15 86 15 54 80 66 56 386 377 371 411 579 572 570 658 83 83 84 90 495 489 486 568 11 8 6 7 604 600 580 653 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31.. 1,761 1,715 1,652 1,599 73 51 47 35 10 42 28 28 13 9 7 6 5 22 17 14 7 406 381 363 328 13 8 5 4 46 39 26 20 348 334 332 303 661 673 654 649 92 94 90 89 569 579 564 560 7 7 11 13 614 603 578 574 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1,420 1,383 1,351 25 28 28 11 12 16 7 7 5 4 6 5 3 3 3 276 291 281 1 1 1 12 9 12 263 280 268 577 572 576 93 94 89 484 479 487 9 7 5 533 486 460 1,302 1,315 1,319 23 27 26 13 12 14 5 7 4 4 5 5 2 4 3 256 255 257 2 2 5 8 10 9 246 243 242 621 , 611 616 97 94 94 524 518 522 5 5 4 397 416 416 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,308 1,290 1,302 1,296 35 29 38 37 11 11 12 14 15 8 5 4 5 4 6 7 4 7 15 12 252 253 239 247 7 15 14 20 8 10 9 10 237 228 216 217 635 628 616 616 92 85 82 83 544 543 534 533 4 2 3 2 383 378 407 395 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31.. 1,287 1,269 1,332 1,351 40 32 40 41 15 10 11 11 4 4 6. 6 7 5 8 8 15 13 15 16 242 208 208 216 20 1 2 12 15 10 13 210 193 198 202 605 606 610 606 85 83 80 80 520 523 531 526 1 2 2 2 399 421 472 486 1,350 1,380 1,468 44 35 48 12 10 20 7 6 8 7 5 3 18 15 17 222 228 222 2 3 4 21 19 25 199 206 193 602 606 622 80 77 79 523 529 543 2 1 1 480 509 574 1,493 1,553 1,629 57 38 45 19 10 17 11 6 4 8 5 9 19 16 15 222 241 248 3 3 2 25 22 15 193 216 229 627 651 660 78 78 79 550 573 581 4 1 2 582 621 676 1,600 1,577 1,597 44 35 31 16 15 13 4 3 2 8 6 7 16 11 8 241 228 228 2 1 1 23 12 10 216 215 217 662 684 702 78 79 78 583 605 623 2 2 1 652 628 635 Loans to banks Other 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1936—Mar. 4 . . . June 30. Dec. 31 .. .. _ 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 .... Open market paper Call date 1938—Dec. 31.. Total loans Commercial 1,621 451 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct.22„ Dec. 30.. 1,604 1,618 1,647 1,691 1940—Mar. 26 June 29-. Dec, 31.. 1,666 1941^Apr.43.. June 30.. Sept. 24 Dec. 31.. Acceptances payable in Agncoltural Total CommerTo To cial broa kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers ances of other banks Total On farm land On residential property 716 79 464 173 275 473 484 180 277 297 Bills 60 29 730 751 428 406 445 77 1,697 1,828 446 517 76 1,874 1,960 2,049 2,107 "670" 593 Real estate loans Loans for purchasing or carrying securities 23 17 54 188 183 772 793 825 Other 545 582 174 171 315 334 848 612 166 372 "882' l65 'iM 386 N 0 . 3 1 2 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total Bills' Notes 67 103 65 ObligaBonds, notes, and tions debentures of States Guar- and anteed polit- Total Government ical agencies subRailUtil- Other Bonds not diviguar- roads' ities' sions anteed byU.S.' 1928—Oct. 3.... Dec. 31.. 794 815 460 496 1929—Mar. 27., June 29.. Oct. 4_.. Dec. 31., 799 766 703 714 500 459 434 417 63 56 52 52 339 341 344 155 153 146 171 1930—Mar. 27,, June 30_. Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 745 768 759 801 446 435 422 400 53 47 175 186 104 114 201 102 30 352 350 375 359 244 122 1931—Mar. 25., , June 30.. I Sept. 29., p Dec. 31., 936 908 884 891 500 469 449 474 29 7 5 25 418 408 371 397 253 143 144 143 135 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30,. Dec. 31.. 879 918 937 473 511 533 16 46 54 422 442 454 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 1,008 1,001 1,062 595 581 650 94 98 113 1934—Mar. 5 . . June 30.. Oct. 17.. Dec. 31.. 1,130 1,280 1,310 1,430 708 163 792 774 180 1935—Mar. 4... June 29,. Nov. I . . , Dec. 31., 1,440 1,455 1,547 1,654 875 835 893 994 1936-Mar. 4 . , June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,609 1,695 1,717 1937-Mar. 31. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1938-Mar. 7 . . June 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31,. r 1939-Mar. 29. June 30.. Oct. 2«.. Dec. 30.. 328 169 161 60 26 161 221 213 260 258 252 255 258 118 128 472 469 508 277 287 114 112 282 112 502 576 583 644 284 291 121 170 185 163 297 341' 92 133 171 178 922 975 328 314 235 588 654 738 184 209 223 277 274 199 215 215 1,635 1,612 1,549 200 227 237 736 ,721 699 202 970 952 270 181 268 167 1,519 1,587 1,589 1,598 915 973 993 227 187 791 805 1,022 216 800 1,605 1,682 1,679 1,772 1,005 996 991 1,054 164 141 839 851 1940—Mar. 26«. June 29... Dec. 31... 1,705 1,765 985 992 1,868 1,068 1941—Apr. 4«.. June 30.. Sept. 248 Dec. 31 1,872 1,905 1,926 2,049 1,083 1,157 1,201 1,339 180 960 1 "ioi 1,095 iVm 193 184 291 278 275 282 241 193 197 171 174 239 251 259 272 190 238 255 274 281 322 314 325 273 291 329 354 371 284 258 247 239 373 359 350 346 10 101 632 614 585 644 206 Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 97 125 124 119 293 F. R. Bank . Foreign securities 36 130 129 261 288 Corporate stocks 165 176 181 183 161 160 154 155 119 5432 119 117 110 21 23 119 131 124 'in S389 5408 27 24 12 415 424 469 34 '28 384 535 1 Includes certificates of indebtedness up to and including October 17. 1934: no Treaaurv cprtifipafw f 777; early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. -treasury certmcates outstandmg from December 1934 until ® Included in "other" bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities irniiTftntAAH i>«: ^ i c ^• •• . ^^ , and replaced in 1934-1935 by fully guaranteed obligations, have been clafiified as not g u i ? a X d ! Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to Deceinber 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter N 0 . 3 1 3 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-RESERVE CITY MEMBER BANKS. CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank CaUdate Total U. S. Government Time IndiInterbank States Certi- vidU. S. States and uals, fied Gov- and politpartand ern- political ment neroffiical Total subcers' ships, Do- For- and subdivi- checks, corpomestic eign postal divisav- sions sions etc. rations, ings! etc. Domestic Foreign 1,277 1,317 219 213 13 14 19 49 58 68 43 63 924 909 1,395 1,394 7 7 1 9 2 ^ M a r . 27 June 29 Oct. 4„_ Dec. 31 1,187 1,198 1,180 1,326 192 211 187 249 13 12 11 14 33 39 27 20 66 67 42 58 39 37 32 66 845 831 881 920 1,361 1,413 1,344 1,497 7 7 7 7 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 1,169 1,269 1,240 1,300 234 321 311 283 16 17 24 19 28 20 14 29 63 62 46 63 26 39 28 51 801 810 818 855 1,448 1,470 1,451 1,647 7 7 8 10 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1,258 1,235 1,106 1,067 291 279 223 195 19 18 10 9 42 23 28 37 53 58 39 62 37 42 27 32 816 816 779 733 1,607 1,651 1,519 1,468 15 170 934 958 970 181 193 207 10 10 9 28 42 44 61 36 48 39 20 22 626 657 641 1,380 1,364 1,409 84 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 1,007 1,029 1,100 171 151 178 7 6 6 60 54 74 54 49 65 38 26 30 678 744 746 1,426 1,387 1,436 129 144 139 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 1,100 1,189 1,311 1,392 186 205 229 226 7 7 8 7 109 95 60 109 69 83 73 88 24 29 33 46 715 771 908 915 1,486 1,597 1,577 1,659 137 123 1935—Mar. 4 June 29 Dec. 31 1,306 1,412 1,590 1,632 229 237 262 259 7 8 9 10 92 59 73 106 85 102 69 86 41 44 36 43 852 963 1,141 1,129 1,702 1,715 1,743 1,834 105 73 53 54 1936-Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 1,578 1,760 2,018 264 275 291 11 11 14 85 123 70 78 91 183 39 38 50 1,101 1,221 1,410 1,827 1,891 1,850 53 49 20 250 167 1,925 1,911 1,928 270 241 253 14 13 12 33 50 65 190 199 163 47 51 44 1,373 1,356 1,391 1,824 1,880 1,922 20 20 20 1,779 1,906 1,964 2,058 249 255 267 293 11 10 12 13 65 95 108 116 138 163 127 172 41 43 39 43 1,275 1,339 1,410 1,422 1,928 1,943 2,003 2,088 2,219 2,263 286 295 320 322 14 16 12 20 113 109 109 111 205 186 162 187 34 47 44 46 1,360 1,435 1,573 1,576 . 2,264 2,356 2,688 318 333 376 17 16 15 110 107 56 224 217 288 50 48 69 2,694 2,814 3,054 3,293 381 375 421 417 15 17 17 18 69 83 93 131 273 292 259 283 61 58 53 . 80 1928-Oct 3 Dec. 31 .. 1932—June 3 0 . . . Sept. 30.., Dec. 31 Nov. 1....... 1937—Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 ... .. 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 ,.. 1939—Mar. 29.., June 30 Oct.2» Dec. 30 1940-Mar. 26 > June 29 Dec. 31- 1941—Apr. 4» June 30 Sept. 24» . . . Dec. 31 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. ChristCertifimas cates Open savof acings de- counts® and posit similar accounts* Total Savings 104 144 1,283 1,239 1,116 1,094 71 73 95 72 119 145 1.229 1,255 1,203 1,231 1,082 1,157 1,112 1,131 68 66 62 63 79 32 29 37 1,272 1,269 1,282 1,415 1,157 1,165 1,150 1,306 64 61 70 72 51 43 61 37 1,397 1,395 1,295 1.230 1,273 1,272 1,187 1,139 76 77 70 68 48 45 38 . 32 1,143 1,136 1,146 1,056 1,034 1,046 55 66 56 32 46 .43 152 119 156 1,140 1,136 1,063 1,037 1,061 62 52 46 22 26 29 3 6 1 153 1,191 1,283 1,319 1,370 1,111 1,196 1,222 1,283 50 52 68 62 29 30 34 35 2 4 5 1 1,413 1,451 1,489 1,520 1,321 1,357 1,393 1,421 55 56 55 59 34 32 34 39 3 5 7 1 1,536 1,568 1,634 1,399 1,435 1,518 62 55 47 72 70 68 3 7 1 133 156 188 1,641 1,695 1,523 1,560 1,586 46 46 58 66 68 49 6 9 2 1,953 20 19 14 7 163 169 132 199 1,725 1,732 1,713 1,723 1,610 1,604 1,586 1,619 65 69 63 52 44 49 51 49 6 10 14 3 1,927 1,963 1,924 1,990 7 7 2 2 167 125 178 1,737 1,760 1,772 1,785 1,621 1,644 55 49 53 65 8 13 1,681 49 52 4 1,545 1,636 1,894 1,971 2,013 2,061 2 7 7 145 154 166 1,797 1,827 1,862 1,704 1,747 51 53 56 58 15 5 1,895 1,988 2,210 2,365 2,051 2,065 2,044 2,113 7 8 134 146 53 70 126 1.884 1,886 1.885 1,890 1,745 8 19 1,776 47 61 6 1,882 126 249 165 179 136 202 18 212 34 45 169 67 157 134 80 106 107 181 166 181 137 165 162 170 177 235 210 168 191 1,121 1,682 ! United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account, were first established in November 1938. « "Christmas savings and similar accounts" are included in "open accounts" before June 1933. 3 A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and autumn calk beginning with October 1939, For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; and the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand and time, into those of domestic and foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. , wc N 0 . 3 1 4 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, [Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Reserves Cash in with Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Balances with domestic banks Cash Bal- items ances with foreign ' of bad^i collection CusBank tompremises, Other ers' Seculia- rities Other furni- real ture estate biUty boron rowed and acfixcepttures Total U. S. Government obligations 532 550 566 555 178 ^ 179 188 188 104 104 104 102 73 74 84 85 41 40 43 39 18 20 21 24 1 1 1 1 740 716 690 554 536 514 186 179 177 98 94 87 88 86 90 37 36 38 20 20 20 1 2 2 ... 665 678 655 175 491 175 502 470 - 184 87 84 90 88 92 94 36 37 39 18 19 21 1923—Apr. 3 June 3 0 . . . . . . Sept. 14 Dec. 31 621 644 651 674 439 461 466 477 181 184 186 197 90 90 90 92 92 93 95 105 36 37 37 40 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 646 626 618 628 457 445 429 430 190 182 189 198 89 83 82 83 101 99 108 115 Total Loans 1920—May 4 June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29 709 729 753 742 1921—Apr. 28 June 30. Dec. 31 .... 1922—Mar. 10 June 30 Dec. 29 Total assets Number of banks Total liabilities 884 900 952 913 706 726 755 759 897 873 862 780 782 770 2 1 1 831 844 830 769 774 754 16 17 19 21 1 1 1 1 780 803 824 859 739 736 737 737 36 35 37 38 19 19 18 20 1 1 1 1 813 799 829 721 713 707 700 113 112 118 124 36 37 38 39 16 18 18 20 802 813 832 854 682 673 6 6 9 8 821 626 . 636 641 659 430 443 443 452 195 192 198 207 82 79 80 82 647 651 667 443 446 445 204 205 222 80 79 78 125 126 144 37 38 39 18 18 18 827 831 855 658' 660 656 1927—Mar. 23 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 640 643 648 644 426 427 421 414 214 215 227 229 75 75' 76 73 139 140 151 156 36 37 39 39 18 18 16 17 810 623 615 1928—Feb. 28 June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 633 651 667 673 404 420 426 428 229 231 241 245 73 74 76 78 156 157 165 167 36 38 39 39 17 15 17 18 71 73 88 81 806 862 592 583 586 671 1929-Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 666 666 667 659 422 425 429 420 244 241 239 239 81 80 80 79 163 161 159 160 37 38 38 38 16 15 16 18 61 827 836 843 842 668 567 567 560 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 640 635 615 593 406 402 382 365 234 233 233 228 76 74 72 67 158 160 160 161 35 36 34 33 16 16 16 18 64 77 78 81 798 787 772 554 551 544 534 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 569 559 541 515 347 339 321 299 222 220 220 216 65 68 71 72 157 153 149 144 32 • 31 29 27 16 16 19 18 79 87 67 737 738 698 665 527 514 503 481 1932—June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 463 434 411 262 240 219 201 194 192 69 67' 68 132 127 124 23 21 21 16 14 14 45 43 49 585 548 443 426 412 1933—June 30 Oct. 25 Dec. 30 330 330 336 168 167 167 162 163 169 64 65 70 98 97 99 21 21 26 11 11 12 45 42 61 440 434 458 333 341 338 1934—Mar. 5 June 30 Oct. 17 Dec. 31 344 354 374 384 164 168 171 172 180 186 203 211 80 84 98 108 100 101 105 104 29 30 35 35 11 12 13 14 62 74 90 92 481 505 650 563 342 344 346 346 1935-Mar. 4 June 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 379 387 389 394 170 179 184 186 209 207 206 207 105 103 99 103 104 105 106 105 37 36 35 35 11 13 13 15 104 668 100 120 573 693 602 344 1936—Mar. 4 June 30 Dec. 31 395 424 445 185 202 215 210 222 231 105 105 114 109 125 > 106 35 38 52 13 16 16 120 1925-Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec. 31 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 .... ,. 817 838 837 69 74 78 61 119. 122 129 826 862 812 600 638 683 681 682 612 600 318 315 312 291 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-1941 [Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Call date Total Capital accounts U. S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank« ern- savment' ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances liaout- biUstand- ties ing Total Com- PreSurmon ferred plus stock stock G Memoranda Re. DeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits its' tinaddegen- justed' positsT S 1920—May 4 June 30.— Nov. 15... Dec. 29.... 704 698 737 692 27 25 27 23 2 2 2 2 471 449 484 444 204 221 224 223 1921—Apr. 28 June 30.... Dec. 31.... 667 648 666 20 19 21 2 2 1 401 383 411 1922—Mar. 10... June 30,... Dec. 29,... 640 655 665 20 19 21 1 1 2 387 398 409 1923—Apr. 3 . , . . : June 30.... Sept. 14... Dec. 31.... 625 640 657 706 18 18 19 21 1924—Mar. 3 1 . . . June 30. Oct. 10.... Dec, 31.... 658 646 676 693 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 Sept. 2 8 . . . Dec. 31.... 45 66 70 74 1 1 246 243 232 81 80 51 1 1 233 237 233 47 46 25 2 2 1 2 387 219 397 1 224 404 1 2 3 1 432 . 249 26 35 37 21 18 20 25 25 2 1 1 1 393 245 377 t 248 399 T 251 405 1 262 24 23 14 9 667 673 694 723 20 21 25 24 2 1 1 2 384 387 404 423 260 264 264 275 13 19 13 8 1926—Apr, 12.... June 30 Dec. 31.... 695 695 725 22 22 25 2 2 2 403 400 414 268 272 284 13 15 9 392 389 401 408 1927—Mar. 2 3 . . . June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 680 687 710 719 22 23 25 28 3 4 2 2 382 389 407 406 273 271 275 283 12 13 10 5 373 378 394 394 378 387 405 400 1928—Feb. 28.... June 30.... Oct. 3 Dec. 31.... 688 706 739 744 24 23 27 27 2 3 2 3 6 7 378 389 416 413 284 290 287 295 5 8 6 6 378 404 400 373 385 412 406 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31.... 700 706 715 715 21 25 25 27 1 2 2 2 7 6 7 7 380 381 396 392 291 291 285 287 12 13 9 10 371 370 386 377 378 393 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 30 Sept. 24... Dec. 31.... 667 680 657 646 21 26 25 27 2 2 1 1 7 7 7 8 352 358 342 333 284 287 281 277 11 11 8 8 346 348 336 350 354 340 327 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . June 30.... Sept. 2 9 . . . Dec, 31.... 609 613 573 544 23 29 24 21 1 2 3 2 9 10 13 15 306 302 280 263 270 269 254 243 9 9 9 12 301 294 274 254 1932—June 30.... Sept, 3 0 . . . Dec. 3 1 . „ . 452 418 415 16 14 14 2 2 2 17 18 19 207 192 190 209 192 190 31 29 18 201 187 185 205 190 187 1933—June 30 Oct. 2 5 . , . . Dec. 30.... 346 343 369 S 8 8 2 2 2 17 16 17 168 168 185 150 148 156 10 7 4 163 164 164 165 180 181 1934—Mar. 5 June 30.... Oct. 17.... Dec, 31 393 420 462 477 8 10 12 12 4 4 2 3 17 13 9 9 193 208 241 246 171 185 198 206 1 188 203 235 240 189 204 237 241 1935—Mar. 4 . . . . June 29 Nov. 1 . . . . Dec. 31.... 481 494 524 535 12 12 14 13 3 2 2 3 7 5 4 4 248 260 285 289 211 215 219 226 242 255 277 278 242 255 184 189 532 569 615 13 12 14 3 5 4 3 3 3 282 313 347 231 237 247 274 302 334 182 208 ' 1 100 101 110 113 462 439 472 437 116 112 112 395 376 402 111 112 108 379 390 401 100 379 388 395 420 101 100 99 100 384 367 389 395 375 377 395 411 1 65 298 278 258 235 N 0 . 3 1 4 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, PRINCIPAL ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1920-t941-Contlnued [Amounts in millions of dollars] ' Loans and investments Reserves Cash with in Federal vault Other Reserve secu- Bank rities Investments Call date Balances with domestic banks Total U. S. Government obligations 213 224 242 225 229 220 123 130 135 102 120 99 85 101 450 454 455 459 232 242 244 248 217 82 80 102 210 135 132 130 81 211 128 101 112 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30,. Oct. 2..,. Dec. 30.. 452 453 464 478 246 254 206 126 121 276 199 199 202 1940—Mar. 26,. June 29.. Dec. 31.. 476 480 504 272 282 302 204 198 203 1941-Apr. 4 . . . June 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec.31.. 515 529 553 576 307 319 337 344 208 210 216 Total Loans ISST—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 439 453 462 1938-Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec.31.. 266 212 231 Cash Bank Bal- items premises, Other in ances with proc- furm- real ture estate ess forand of eign banks' collec- fixtion tures 659 674 97 Total 283 273 261 656 653 654 676 258 258 258256 112 662 116 125 129 670 694 714 255 252 250 250 124 134 142 167 716 731 794 250 250 246 131 139 145 160 169 799 166 816 862 248 246 246 246 99 83 120 122 180 182 909 Deposits Call date Total Cusassets tomers' SecuNumlia- rities Other ber bility bor- assets of on rowed banks acTotal ceptliaances biUties Capital accounts U.S. Inter- Gov- Postal Other debank' ern- savment' ings* mand Other time Borrowings Accept- Other ances Uaout- biUstand- ties ing Total Com- Premon ferred stock stock® Surplxis Memoranda ReDeUndi- serves mand Net vided for dedeprof- con- posits mand its" adtindegen- justed' posits' cies. etc.« 1937-Mar. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 598 590 605 13 12 13 2 2 2 3 3 2 331 323 325 250 251 262 3 2 2 67 66 67 28 28 27 10 10 9 16 17 17 10 9 10 3 3 3 321 313 314 226 238 236 1938—Mar. 7 June 30 Sept. 28 Dec.31, ... 586 582 581 605 12 12 12 14 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 305 302 302 321 264 265 262 266 2 2 3 2 67 68 69 69 27 27 27 27 9 9 9 9 17 18 18 19 10 10 12 10 3 3 3 3 298 292 296 308 218 215 217 221 1939—Mar. 29 June 30 Oct. 2 Dec.30. .. .. 589 597 618 639 13 14 15 16 3 3 4 4 2 303 309 . 330 344 268 269 268 275 3 3 4 3 70 70 71 71 28 27 27 27 8 8 8 8 19 20 20 21 12 11 13 12 3 3 3 4 296 300 317 331 209 210 218 . 232 1940—Mar. 26 June 29 Dec.31 640 655 715 15 15 18 3 3 4 339 347 395 281 287 298 3 3 4 73 73 75 28 28 28 8 8 7 21 21 22 13 13 13 3 4 4 330 336 378 224 223 245 1941—Apr. 4 June 30 Sept. 24 , Dec. 31 719 736 779 827 19 19 21 22 3 4 5 5 395 411 449 489 301 302 303 310 4 4 6 5 76 76 78 77 29 29 29 29 7 6 6 6 23 24 24 25 14 13 14 13 4 4 4 4 385 397 437 470 250 265 295 328 1 "Balances with foreign banks" are included in "other assets" prior to October 3, 1928. » Before October 3, 1928, all interbank deposits were reported as ^'due to banks" and were assumed to be demand deposits. » Includes United S u t e s Treasurer's time d e b i t s , open account. Such accounts were first opened in November 1938; before that time all United States Government deposits were demand deposits. * Figures not available prior to October 3,1928. Under si)ecific provisions of law, postal savings deposits were subject to the reserve requirements applicable to time deposits from June 21, 1917, to August 23,1935, but they were in fact demand deposits until the passage of the Banking Act of 1933, when the terms under which such deposits were made were amended so as to conform to the definition of time deposits. 6 Includes capital notes and debentures issued by State member banks (national banks do not issue them). Preferred stock was net issued b y member banks before the banking holiday of 1933. N 0 . 3 1 5 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Open market paper Loans on securities, except to banks Acceptances Call date Total loans Commercial Total 1 Own Accept- abroad paper accept- ances bought ances! of other banks • m To brokers and dealers Bills Total In New York City Outside New York City Real estate loans To others Total On farm land 59 64 29 On other real estate Loans to Other banks loans I 1928—Oct. 3„., Dec. 31_. 426 428 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4.... Dec. 31.. 422 425 429 420 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30.. Sept. 24., Dec. 31.. 406 402 382 365 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30.. Sept. 29., Dec. 31.. 347 339 321 299 1932—June 30., Sept. 30., Dec. 31.. 262 240 219 128 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.., Dec. 30.. 168 167 167 92 91 90 1934—Mar. 6... June 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 171 172 255 254 35 247 261 255 255 253 257 241 230 62 218 212 200 183 160 144 164 93 95 . 95 168 1935—Mar. 4... June 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 170 179 184 1936—Mar. 4... June 30.. Dec. 31.. 185 202 215 107 119 1937—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Dec. 31.. 213 224 242 123 131 145 1938—Mar. 7... June 30.. Sept. 28.. 232 242 244 137 142 142 93 102 108 109 186 128 Open market paper Acceptances CaUdate Total loans 1938-Dec. 31.. 248 1939—Mar. 29.. June 30.. Oct. 2=.. Dec. 30.. 246 254 266 276 1940-Mar. 26 June 29.. Dec. 31.. 272 282 302 1941—Apr. 4».. June 30.. Sept, 24 Dec. 31.. 307 319 337 344 Commercial loans Agricultural loans 68 49 Loans for purchasing or carding securities Real estate loans Total On farm land On residential prop, erty 82 17 45 BiUs Total CommerTo cial broTbE To kers others Own Accept- abroad paper bought and accept- ances dealers of other banks Other 20 Loans to banks Other loans 51 52 55 63 59 53 92 18 101 53 20 60 64 60 106 113 18 118 18 59 24 71 •74- N 0 . 3 1 6 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Other domestic securities U. S. Government obligations Direct Call date Total investments Total Billai Notes Obligations Bonds, notes, and debentures of States Guarand anteed polit- Total Government ical agencies subnot RailUtil- Other diviBonds guar- roads' ities* sions anteed by U.S.J 1928—Oct. 3 . . . Dec. 31., 241 245 76 78 9 12 14 16 52 51 1929-Mar. 2 7 . . . J u n e 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31.... 244 241 239 239 81 80 80 79 11 9 9 7 15 14 14 13 55 57 57 58 1930-Mar. 27.. J u n e 30.. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.. 234 233 233 228 76 74 72 67 4 2 2 2 13 12 10 9 59 59 60 57 1931-Mar. 25., J u n e 30.. Sept. 29. Dec. 31.. 222 220 220 216 65 68 71 72 1 1 3 1 6 6 7 7 57 60 62 65 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30. Dec. 31.. 201 194 192 69 67 68 2 1 1 7 6 8 60 59 60 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.., Dec. 30.. 162 163 169 64 65 70 1 1 2 13 11 12 50 54 57 1934—Mar. 5 . . , J u n e 30.. ' O c t . 17., Dec. 31.. 180 186 203 211 80 82 85 87 3 2 1 18 20 19 20 59 60 65 67 2 14 21 1935—Mar. 4 . . , J u n e 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 209 207 206 207 81 75 69 71 16 16 20 20 65 58 49 51 24 28 31 31 1936—Mar. 4 . . . . J u n e 30 Dcc. 31.... 210 222 231 73 83 95 20 21 21 52 62 74 32 31 30 1937—Mar. 31. J u n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 225 229 220 96 103 105 3 2 22 24 26 73 75 77 28 28 30 1938-Mar. 7 . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 28. Dec. 31.. 217 212 210 211 104 101 101 99 1 1 26 23 23 22 78 77 77 77 31 31 29 29 1939—Mar. 29.. J u n e 30.. Oct.2».. Dec. 30.. 206 199 199 202 97 93 93 96 17 14 81 78 13 82 29 28 27 26 1940-Mar. 26».. J u n e 29... Dec. 31... 204 198 203 98 97 98 1 11 13 85 84 26 26 27 1941—Apr. 4 « . . . _ . . . J u n e 30 Sept. 24" Dec. 31 208 210 216 231 105 110 115 131 1 13 96 1 15 116 26 28 30 29 1 Corporate stocks Foreign securities F.R. Bank Other Total securities maturing in 5 years or less 68 10 (0 37 ^61 ®56 S67 22 58 56 61 61 64 1 I n c l u d ^ certificates of indebtedness u p to and including October 17, 1934; no Treasury certificates outstanding from December 1934 until early 1942. Treasury bills were first issued in December 1929. 2 Included in "other'' bonds, notes, and debentures prior to March 5, 1934. Securities guaranteed as to interest only, first issued in J u l y 1933 and replaced in 1934-1935 b y fully guaranteed obligations, have been classified as not guaranteed. ^ ' Comprises bonds only, October 1928 to December 1933, inclusive, and bonds, notes, and debentures thereafter * Not reported separately; included in " o t h e r " bonds, notes, and debentures. No such securities (guaranteed as to both principal and interest) NO. 3 1 7 - S A N FRANCISCO DISTRICT-COUNTRY MEMBER BANKS, CUSSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1941 [In millions of dollars] Demand Interbank Call date Total Domestic Foreign U. S. Government Time IndividStates Certiuals, and fied partpoUtand nerical offiTotal ships, subcers' divi- checks, corposions etc. rations, etc. Interbank Do- Formestic eign U. S. States Govand ern- politment ical and subpostal divisavsions ings 1 Individuals, partnerships, corporations, etc. Total Savings 1928—Oct. 3 „ . . Dec. 31.. 446 442 27 26 2 3 52 65 9 14 355 335 293 301 273 218 226 1929—Mar. 27., J u n e 29., Oct. 4 „ . , Dec. 31.. 403 409 423 421 21 25 25 27 1 2 2 2 69 68 49 66 8 10 8 12 304 303 339 314 297 297 292 294 276 275 269 270 221 222 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30., Sept. 24. Dec. 31.. 376 386 368 360 21 26 24 26 2 2 1 1 67 69 53 63 7 10 7 12 278 279 282 258 291 294 289 286 266 214 267 263 259 213 1931—Mar. 25., Jime 30.. Sept. 29 Dec. 31.. 330 333 306 285 22 29 23 20 1 2 3 2 61 60 47 51 Id 10 6 9 235 233 227 203 279 253 252 239 227 205 206 197 191 1932—June 30.. Sept. 30.. Dec. 31.. 225 206 206 16 12 14 2 2 2 43 31 39 5 4 7 159 156 145 227 194 178 175 164 150 148 1933—June 30.. Oct. 25.. Dec. 30.. 178 178 195 8 8 8 2 2 2 34 27 37 5 3 • 4 129 138 144 168 140 140 147 121 1934—Mar. 6... J u n e 30.. Oct. 17... Dec. 31.. 205 221 255 261 8 9 11 11 4 4 2 3 35 42 37 46 4 4 4 6 155 162 200 194 163 179 194 202 146 163 177 185 1935—Mar. 4... J u n e 29.. Nov. 1... Dec. 31.. 262 274 300 305 11 11 13 13 3 2 2 3 44 51 43 55 6 6 5 6 198 203 237 228 219 220 207 212 224 230 216 221 190 196 199 204 1936—Mar. 4... J u n e 30,. Dec. 31., 297 328 364 12 11 13 3 5 4 49 58 62 5 7 9 228 247 276 235 241 251 226 232 243 206 212 224 1937—Mar. 31.. J u n e 30.. Dec. 31.. 345 336 340 12 12 12 2 2 2 61 59 60 6 6 7 263 257 259 253 254 265 245 245 253 227 235 1938—Mar. 7 . . . J u n e 30.. Sept. 28.. Dec. 31.. 319 315 316 337 12 11 11 13 2 2 2 3 51 67 46 58 5 5 5 7 250 239 251 256 267 267 265 255 256 255 257 237 237 236 240 1939—Mar. 29.. J u n e 30.. Oct. 2 ' . . . Dec. 3 0 . . 319 325 348 363 12 13 14 15 3 3 4 4 57 54 45 56 5 6 5 7 242 250 281 281 270 271 270 277 259 260 241 242 267 250 356 365 415 14 14 17 3 3 3 56 57 59 6 6 7 276 285 329 284 289 300 273 279 290 260 416 432 473 515 18 17 20 21 3 4 5 5 59 61 55 67 7 7 7 10 329 343 386 412 305 306 312 294 295 296 302 194(>-Mar. 26». June 29.. Dec. 3 1 . . 1941—Apr. 4 9 . . June 30.. Sept. 24 Dec. 3 1 . . 280 267 258 212 209 165 174 188 199 208 216 268 ChristCertificates Open savacof ings de- counts^ and posit similar ao* counts' 216 219 216 212 119 130 226 261 271 274 '~284 » "Christmas savings a n d sinular accounts" are mcluded in "open accounts before J u n e 1933. » A condensed form of report was adopted for spring and a u t u m n calls beginning with October 1939. For this reason, no breakdown of time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations is available; a n d the breakdown of interbank deposits, both demand a n d time, into those of domestic a n d foreign banks, respectively, has been estimated. N0.31S-IVIEMBER BANK RESERVE BALANCES, EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY, 1929-1941 BOSTON DISTRICT [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 95 107 145 162 193 201 218 193 162 162 173 167 200 199 197 199 194 187 197 196 209 199 212 236 264 257 217 197 182 159 192 182 190 224 250 231 234 247 233 210 194 194 197 193 194 200 219 255 259 271 263 257 256 261 300 303 290 291 269 267 276 277 294 320 325 357 347 371 407 390 356 399 411 423 424 449 489 536 553 566 584 548 550 556 568 571 525 512 471 449 413 416 424 387 347 34 45 81 95 125 133 147 122 90 88 99 95 126 124 121 120 115 106 113 115 125 115 129 150 177 168 128 108 93 70 100 70 55 83 106 93 95 107 71 51 13 14 16 15 18 24 44 79 81 91 85 90 94 99 138 141 129 125 104 101 119 109 109 122 143 147 173 164 204 226 225 247 332 342 339 296 283 247 1934 R E S E R V E CITY BANKS Total reserves January February March.. April.,.. May June July... August September October November . December , 81 79 77 76 75 76 79 78 78 82 85 83 82. 79 79 80 78 79 81 79 79 80 82 78 1 Excess reserves January February..., March April May June July August September.. October November.., December.., J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Borrowings January February JSIarch April May June July Augiist September... October November,.. December,,,, 29 26 23 40 61 oo O i> 47 46 39 30 10 8 5 5 4 3 4 o 6 2 1 A Z 1 1 1 1 1 1 79 77 76 78 77 77 76 75 77 89 73 63 68 64 62 61 71 80 84 77 73 71 70 65 3 .. 17 2 —3 2 2 1 12 21 23 16 11 6 7 4 91 100 76 67 71 95 91 86 88 96 102 92 29 38 16 9 11 34" 29 26 28 35 41 31 182 210 194 166 216 281 322 334 344 355 321 326 220 186 188 190 124 90 9 5 ... 2 T 2 1 i" ... — . — 1 1 11 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 59 56 55' 55 55 54 55 54 54 57 57 55 56 56 51 65 55 58 70 68 70 75 82 74 79 75 77 96 98 95 97 96 88 93 95 94 102 104 99 97 103 104 107 101 97 105 106 100 112 111 107 102 101 97 107 121 130 137 139 131 144 131 134 142 150 145 147 145 146 147 146 141 146 141 140 140 129 132 138 137 140 153 148 142 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 7 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 21 11 13 22 20 22 26 34 25 28 24 26 44 45 42 44 42 34 38 39 39 47 49 44 42 46 48 49 43 43 49 51 46 57 57 52 46 44 39 48 46 41 47 50 42 54 40 28 35 26 21 23 21 22 24 24 21 29 25 25 35 34 36 43 40 42 52 47 43 9 9 8 8 9 10 8 8 . 7 13 22 36 38 35 34 32 29 29 25 19 16 13 13 14 12 12 22 18 15 12 8 7 5 4 5 6 4 2 2 2 1. 1 1 1929 1930 70 68 67 68 67 67 68 68 69 69 69 67 68 66 66 67 .67 67 68 68 68 69 69 66 67 66 66 66 65. 64 66 66 65 65 63 66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 31 36 36 35 35 37 31 33 32 30 37 32 19 18 17 13 14 14 10 11 10 8 11 16 1940 1941 192 187 187 195 195 201 211 255 234 252 244 243 214 242 242 248 267 273 259 COUNTRY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July August September October, November December Excess reserves January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 .. 1._ .., Borrowings January February March April May June July August September October November December V 1 1 i" 1 1 1 1 1 1 l' i' 1 1 1 1 1 1 i" i' 1 i' 149 146 158 161 156 156 167 168 179 193 191 183 49 46 57 60 55 55 65 65 74 86 85 77 216 232 252 245 220 87 82 82 138 116 132 121 118 94 102 105 120 136 130 104 89 114 111 116 132 112 96 N0.318-IVIEMBER BANK RESERVE BALANCES. EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY. 192M941-Continued NEW YORK DISTRICT 1 [Monthly averages of daily figures. I n millions of dollarsl [929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 42 39 38 39 40 41 29 28 29 30 29 28 28 27 27 28 28 29 28 28 29 28 28 27 27 27 26 28 27 27 26 25 23 22 21 20 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 18 18 18 17 17 17 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 17 17 17 18 17 17 18 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 19 19 22 21 22 22 22 24 23 21 23 22 24 23 37 38 35 39 35 34 35 34 37 38 42 42 45 43 42 41 42 39 49 55 49 47 38 34 36 35 34 39 36 38 43 39 42 38 38 47 62 50 48 51 47 47 65 63 69 63 62 62 59 61 70 65 66 68 67 63 59 69 59 52 58 62 70 66 61 66 • 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 4 3 2 3 2 4 3 16 11 3 7 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 11 17 12 12 6 2 5 4 3 6 3 6 9 6 8 4 5 13 16 14 12 13 8 8 26 24 30 24 23 23 20 21 29 25 25 26 25 20 17 15 16 8' 14 16 2Z20 7 10 ... ..... ... ... .... RESERVE CITY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July August September October November December Excess reserves January February. March,..,. April.. Afey.. June. July.. August September October.. November,. December.., ..... 1 - Borrowings January February... Marcb April MayJune July August. September... October November... December..- ::::::: 16 16 17 22 19 17 22 20 22 18 7 11 3 8 1 3 1 1 1 1 ....... 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 8 14 22 'l931 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ^ 25 25 16 11 7 9 8 7 6 4 4 4 4 4 18 8 6 3 2 2 1 2 3 4 4 1 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 ... M ... ... .... ....... ... .... ... .... i" 1 .... ..., 929 1930 Total reserves January February March April May June July... August September— October November... December. 132 130 129 129 129 131 138 138 139 137 135 133 134 133 134 136 138 139 139 137 137 135 134 135 134 131 131 134 133 134 134 132 129 127 120 117 114 112 110 112 112 114 112 109 106 104 102 105 104 102 97 96 98 102 104 109 103 106 104 105 115 122 124 144 143 143 156 160 158 162 160 160 171 187 176 185 199 181 189 180 176 174 185 191 207 222 201 207 217 207 226 245 262 251 255 266 261 268 276 277 292 290 286 291 294 288 284 284 301 311 296 298 292 286 302 313 305 291 306 300 312 322 315 305 305 319 340 344 366 366 354 346 380 399 402 418 406 424 423 406 431 443 445 427 452 467 451 435 470 459 436 454 478 499 479 462 Excess reserves January February March April May June July August September— October. November..., December... 6 5 4 4 4 5 6 5 6 4 4 5 6 6 5 6 6 7 7 7 6 6 6 9 8 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 10 6 6 6 6 5 8 8 11 11 11 8 7 6 7 8 7 13 12 12 14 18 23 17 20 18 19 28 33 34 53 51 51 63 67 63 65 63 63 73 88 77 85 97 80 86 79 81 78 88 94 111 125 105 108 116 104 121 113 102 91 96 •94 98 103 84 85 69 67 66 71 73 68 68 67 85 93 82 103 113 110 126 136 125 108 123 117 128 136 130 122 123 135 157 159 179 177 165 156 189 208 215 231 218 235 233 212 235 245 246 227 249 248 241 221 252 238 214 226 246 263 193 170 Borrowings January February March April May June.. July August September October November December... 65 60 59 58 59 61 58 53 42 47 68 70 46 35 31 25 28 28 31 26 18 22 32 46 34 30 27 22 24 27 22 32 36 63 79 100 117 124 116 108 93 94 94 85 74 60 57 59 54 55 84 63 58 48 37 34 32 32 33 38 41 28 22 17 16 13 12 11 11 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 4 1 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 COUNTRY BANKS .... ... - ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... .... N 0 . 3 1 8 - M E M B E R BANK RESERVE BALANCES, EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY, 192M941-»Contlnued PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT [Monthly averages of daily figures. I n millions of dollars] 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 73 71 71 72 73 73 73 72 72 72 73 73 73 72 74 74 74 76 78 79 79 79 80 80 83 81 85 90 86 85 85 83 80 73 71 69 67 65 64 64 64 65 66 67 67 67 71 76 76 79 58 62 64 68 72 70 72 72 66 68 78 87 128 123 124 134 140 120 115 119 122 128 141 138 142 143 139 145 142 147 161 177 183 182 206 194 202 200 184 181 213 204 227 274 267 255 257 240 255 295 278 239 239 222 213 1 '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 9 11 14 22 61 54 55 63 69 50 44 47 50 54 66 62 65 • 65 60 62 58 64 75 88 93 91 111 99 107 104 88 85 113 79 75 117 111 100 86 76 78 80 86 111 116 69 39 38 24 21 30 30 27 134 152 157 159 171 196 36 48 64 67 40 37 35 50 52 41 59 33 14 14 8 4 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 6 1929 1940 1941 445 425 428 492 512 476 481 462 464 479 492 617 510 532 577 570 499 496 573 578 673 545 497 233 214 219 272 209 255 259 240 242 254 264 259 284 278 293 325 316 256 251 311 313 307 240 198 RESERVE CITY BANKS T o t a l reserves January February March April May June July August September... October November... December... Excess reserves January February March April May. June July August September... October November... December... 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 9 2" 3 7 12 13 15 14 8 7 7 4 3 2 2 3 3 5 11 54 59 65 60 61 35 15 11 12 13 12 11 10 10 10 9 16 74 9 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1930 1931 1932 64 63 62 62 61 62 62 62 63 63 61 60 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 61 61 61 60 61 62 61 61 61 61 60 59 57 55 55 54 53 62 52 51 50 50 61 61 50 50 51 49 45 45 46 47 49 49 60 53 52 53 56 60 65 68 71 73 77 78 75 79 76 76 76 78 80 79 82 82 83 85 81 85 86 84 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' • 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 4 5 7 8 8 10 10 10 13 15 20 22 25 26 30 30 27 30 26 26 26 27 29 27 30 30 30 32 32 35 36 33 37 38 38 43 47 48 43 43 39 38 47 47 38 37 27 24 26 25 22 17 15 16 18 22 21 20 18 14 16 17 13 14 21 35 49 63 60 61 62 59 51 55 59 53 45 39 39 41 38 38 33 24 20 16 14 13 12 11 11 12 11 9 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 i" 1 Borrowings January February^ March April May June., July August September October November December i' 1 1 218 217 212 235 230 223 247 257 251 237 219 216 242 237 225 254 255 261 295 316 339 346 355 368 398 426 418 216 286 2 2 1 1933 * 1934 1935 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 130 144 144 145 144 131 135 138 138 137 143 142 141 147 146 149 149 150 164 156 173 176 182 197 191 193 196 205 206 202 COUNTRY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July. August September October November December Excess reserves January February March April May June. July August. September October November December. Borrowings January February... March April May June July August September October November December • - . ... . . . . . . . 89 93 92 92 95 102 116 127 132 130 128 126 135 135 144 145 146 148 147 147 144 143 182 186 190 161 188 188 172 174 172 170 193 198 197 198 51 50 53 54 56 59 61 64 74 77 74 72 76 80 87 208 218 217 223 222 95 90 94 97 95 95 93 96 105 103 85 79 N 0 . 3 1 8 - M E M B E R FANK RESERVE BALANCES, EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY, 192M941-Continued CLEVEUND DISTRICT [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 119 118 119 117 119 119 121 122 120 120 121 121 122 121 123 125 128 133 138 138 139 135 133 130 133 135 137 140 137 137 135 132 125 112 107 105 102 99 99 100 100 99 99 100 101 102 101 100 102 97 80 81 91 93 101 99 93 94 100 119 136 155 168 159 160 169 178 190 181 186 197 204 204 212 223 233 238 218 226 233 250 248 277 253 257 267 274 294 285 286 307 312 331 322 330 332 312 304 311 306 327 323 327 327 319 319 318 324 326 316 330 363 373 361 350 364 350 344 357 359 361 351 381 394 393 420 443 438 455 495 508 505 539 536 552 583 620 647 684 676 703 • 717 748 740 775 778 766 761 779 767 768 762 750 762 741 736 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 52 70 81 69 67 73 81 91 82 87 94 96 99 107 116 123 123 100 107 113 129 128 153 128 132 143 148 163 156 157 173 143 128 116 120 IIT' 93 92 65 60 44 40 45 41 38 42 46 53 60 57 71 122 148 139 127 138 120 111 122 123 122 112 141 148 144 166 183 176 190 226 235 227 258 255 267 294 329 355 389 378 397 406 430 419 449 448 432 420 430 414 408 398 384 393 315 298 11 8 4 3 4 7 6 14 21 52 68 80 1940 1941 RESERVE CITY BANKS Total reserves January February March April M&y June July..August September.. October.... November.. December.. Excess reserves January February... March April May June July August September.. October , November... December... -1 -1 -1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 Borrowings January February.... March April May June July August September... October November.... December 61 66 59 74 66 60 57 54 54 66 85 61 43 30 14 10 7 8 8 5 4 9 9 18 1 1929 __ 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 6 3 11 10 19 19 14 13 20 38 96 94 83 60 31 27 31 20 13 15 12 12 9 22 56 30 42 21 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 61 62 62 63 62 62 62 63 62 61 59 57. 58 58 57 57 56 55 56 55 53 48 44 42 44 42 42 42 41 41 43 42 42 41 40 39 39 39 28 34 27 34 38 40 41 43 45 46 55 58 62 66 69 69 75 72 75 74 75 77 71 75 82 76 82 82 83 83 80 80 82 83 82 83 81 85 84 86 95 107 114 114 115 115 121 122 128 128 135 138 135 136 138 135 134 130 131 131 128 133 124 121 123 122 124 124 122 122 125 121 127 129 129 130 131 133 143 145 147 148 151 150 153 159 161 163 163 161 170 174 175 174 179 176 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 .1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 • 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 ..... 23 23 27 30 32 32 37 33 36 35 35 37 31 35 41 34 39 39 40 40 43 43 45 45 45 44 43 45 44 44 52 52 47 47 48 46 50 51 44 44 38 39 35 35 38 35 34 31 33 34 33 46 46 44 46 44 46 45 42 41 44 41 47 48 48 48 49 50 59 62 63 63 67 66 69 74 76 78 77 73 81 85 85 82 19 19 17 23 27 30 27 26 25 29 39 38 29 23 17 16 14 16 17 11 10 16 18 20 17 15 13 11 10 11 10 11 15 27 31 30 28 27 26 27 26 25 21 16 17 16 17 17 15 16 15 10 10 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 1930 COUNTRY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May— June July Axjigust... September October November December Excess reserves January February... March April May June July August September.. October November.. December.., Borrowings January... February.. March April May.. June July August September.... October November.... D e c e m b e r . . _. 68 68 ,67 66 65 65 66 67 67 66 62 59 , 1 5 8 10 11 13 15 16 4 3 2 1 1 1 ....... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 181 182 186 188 191 196 209 220 226 231 85 90 88 90 90 90 94 105 114 N 0 . 3 1 8 - M E M B E R BANK RESERVE BALANCES, EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY, 1929-1941-Conlinued RICHMOND DISTRICT [Monthly averages of daily figures. I n millions of dollars] 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 33 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 31 32 33 32 31 31 32 32 32 33 32 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 31 30 29 28 28 28 28 27 28 36 29 29 28 28 29 29 30 40 31 31 35 39 41 42 40 41 45 50 56 57 60 108 115 93 77 81 81 81 76 74 82 87 102 92 96 92 95 102 101 106 108 108 112 120 135 124 119 112 126 138 140 139 142 143 142 143 140 132 137 134 128 133 134 134 134 135 140 140 142 136 134 135 136 144 146 148 151 151 157 150 156 158 157 155 152 165 177 182 188 187 197 198 195 194 199 204 215 204 222 227 238 239 269 265 271 280 304 276 285 290 305 321 326 313 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 2 1 I 1 2 3 14 9 7 8 12 13 13 10 11 15 19 23 24 25 73 77 56 40 41 42 40 35 33 41 45 59 50 53 48 51 56 56 60 62 61 63 71 87 77 71 62 73 68 57 53 59 59 56 57 41 36 28 25 22 25 28 30 28 27 33 33 36 37 42 44 44 49 49 47 48 47 62 47 50 53 49 47 46 56 64 67 73 68 76 77 77 81 83 86 97 82 108 124 125 129 143 166 135 140 138 146 156 134 107 118 3 2 1 2 4 13 2 1 RESERVE CITY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July August Se^tembe^„. October November December.-. Excess reserves January February March April IVIay June— July August September... October November... December... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Borrowings January February March April May June July......... August September... October November.,., December,.. 14 13 14 20 22 18 18 17 20 20 20 17 12 5 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 6 11 1 2 1 2 6 11 13 14 12 11 11 9 4 5 6 6 5 3 4 3 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 37 36 36 36 35 35 34 34 34 33 33 33 34 33 33 33 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 30 30 30 30 31 30 29 29 29 28 27 26 25 24 24 23 23 23 22 22 21 22 22 23 23 23 22 19 20 21 22 25 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 38 40 45 43 46 45 49 50 52 49 49 52 50 50 54 52 57 55 58 57 61 62 58 56 59 56 59 58 65 66 71 74 75 71 74 73 82 83 89 86 84 83 87 85 94 85 83 84 83 80 78 81 79 83 83 78" 79 80 89 85 81 92 93 91 91 92 96 96 96 96 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 5 5 6 8 8 10 12 13 13 15 19 17 20 19 22 22 23 20 19 22 20 20 23 22 26 26 31 29 32 33 30 28 31 28 31 29 35 29 25 27 27 22 24 24 25 25 22 20 17 16 20 17 26 17 16 18 18 20 25 28 26 30 29 22 23 23 32 29 25 36 37 36 36 36 40 39 38 38 31 25 24 20 20 20 23 22 20 17 15 14 14 14 14 9 8 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 4 2 r 1 1 1 - 1938 - 1939 1940 1941 COUNTRY BANKS Total reserves January February March April ,,, Alay June July August September., October November,., December... Excess reserves January February March fc::: June July August September.., October NovemberDecember... Borrowings January • February.,.. March., ApriL. May, June July August September... October November... December.. • ...—1 ....... 27 28 29 33 36 38 39 42 40 34 32 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ....... 1 ....... 19 17 14 14 16 18 18 20 18 16 16 23 20 16 15 13 15 18 16 17 17 24 28 25 i" 1 1 1 ... — .... — ... ... I":::: 114 97 99 101 118 120 122 126 101 102 123 102 107 HI 132 145 149 154 158 39 42 41 42 41 45 46 46 45 48 52 53 54 57 54 55 60 71 72 59 57 110 111 126 N 0 . 3 t 8 ^ M E M B E R BANK RESERVE BALANCES. EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY. 192M941-Conlim!ed ATUNTA DISTRICT [Monthly averages of daily figures. I n millions of dollars] 133 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 Total I January February March April I^foy June—.— July August September... October November... December... 27 25 21 21 24 29 28 28 28 30 31 31 32 35 39 37 36 35 39 37 38 37 38 39 40 40 41 41 40 43 56 65 57 67 59 59 60 67 64 58 58 60 67 75 84 86 85 88 90 91 100 96 105 103 102 107 109 106 104 105 106 107 108 102 97 96 99 104 99 104 109 108 114 113 114 115 114 116 118 141 136 130 127 129 131 131 135 143 144 142 138 150 146 143 146 149 154 158 166 166 173 180 183 182 195 193 201 199 Excess reserves January February.... March..:.... April May June July August September... October November... December.. 1 1 4 1 3 7 6 5 4 6 7 6 7 9 12 10 8 7 11 9 9 7 7 8 10 9 9 8 7 9 22 20 21 19 20 19 19 26 24 16 16 17 23 19 14 13 12 13 16 17 13 12 10 9 9 15 15 10 9 10 11 • 12 11 13 15 15 17 20 14 16 17 15 20 20 20 20 19 21 23 45 41 32 28 27 28 29 32 39 39 39 36 44 40 35 34 32 36 39 44 45 49 53 54 62 63 57 40 33 7 8 16 9 9 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 33 1934 1935 17 20 18 22 22 22 26 27 26 26 26 29 33 37 37 38 37 37 39 36 34 36 36 40 42 43 44 44 44 44 48 47 46 48 50 49 1 4 4 8 7 7 11 11 11 10 10 12 16 17 18 18 17 18 19 16 14 15 15 17 19 19 20 20 20 20 25 24 25 27 29 27 11 11 11 8 6 6 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 1 RESERVE CITY BANKS Borrowings January... February.. March..... April May June July August October November.. December.. 1929 1930 1931 1932 1 i" 1 1 2 2 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 52 64 65 54 49 49 52 66 57 60 61 64 65 68 72 74 71 69 67 65 64 65 65 67 71 73 78 77 65 62 62 63 60 63 66 66 69 72 76 75 72 72 70 71 73 74 75 77 82 85 90 94 95 96 89 81 81 82 82 84 93 104 110 114 105 101 103 104 107 108 115 123 30 32 33 32 26 25 28 24 20 22 23 25 25 27 23 25 16 14 13 12 11 12 11 13 16 18 22 26 20 18 19 20 17 18 20 18 20 23 26 27 24 24 24 25 27 28 28 28 30 32 37 41 43 45 38 30 29 29 28 28 36 46 51 53 44 40 41 40 42 41 34 39 COUNTRY BANKS Total reserves January February.... March April Alay June July-. August September October. November December .... Excess reserves January February March April.. May.. June July August September October November— December Borrowings January February March A; Mayh"'"""!!"""^ June July August.— ——. September October November. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N 0 . 3 1 8 - M E M B E R BANK RESERVE BALANCES, EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS, BY C U S S OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY, 1929-1941^ontinued . CHICAGO DISTRICT! [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1936 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 Total reserves January February—. March„...-. April May June July August September.. October November... December... 98 97 S7 97 97 97 99 98 98 98 97 94 92 91 92 94 94 94 93 93 91 88 87 86 87 85 85 87 87 85 86 84 82 76 73 73 71 68 67 66 65 65 63 60 59 60 59 65 67 61 39 40 41 44 62 59 72 74 81 81 83 78 99 104 97 117 102 104 108 100 106 120 129 167 152 146 168 150 161 174 149 134 152 162 175 186 180 147 157 194 213 223 228 240 234 210 224 217 236 217 242 240 240 241 240 239 238 238 260 244 245 229 238 239 243 241 235 238 241 243 255 256 259 259 266 271 280 284 294 333 328 331 350 351 362 368 379 394 390 370 368 404 419 419 444 468 461 449 458 490 488 477 473 477 492 478 Excess reserves January February March April May June July August September.., October November— December... 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 10 12 8 13 11 7 8 14 20 30 31 38 35 35 28 46 44 36 55 40 39 41 32 38 49 56 94 78 68 89 70 79 93 74 69 74 83 94 103 95 62 70 103 120 106 87 97 91 64 75 70 60 41 36 34 33 32 31 34 37 36 49 45 46 47 69 71 74 71 64 65 65 64 76 75 79 78 83 89 95 100 108 143 140 140 153 154 162 165 176 187 178 159 156 183 195 190 211 230 217 199 200 222 216 204 201 204 173 155 Borrowings January February March April May June July August September..October November... December.-. 50 56 64 65 45 44 46 59 58 60 74. 59 43 32 13 3 6 4 4 3 2 4 5 9 8 6 2 2 3 3 1 2 8 24 39 44 47 41 25 18 8 4 8 4 3 2 2 2 1 10 3 RESERVE CITY BANKS . . . . . . . i' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i" 1 i" 2 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 82 81 81 79 77 78 78 79 80 80 79 78 77 77 76 75 73 73 71 73 73 73 71 68 66 64 62 59 57 54 52 51 52 63 52 51 49 50 50 49 47 47 47 36 36 37 39 47 51 51 56 62 65 75 83 96 101 105 101 103 107 107 110 113 108 113 120 122 113 119 119 121 115 110 109 114 110 123 130 131 124 125 127 137 149 157 160 166 165 168 165 167 168 175 169 166 168 168 167 167 168 169 169 173 170 168 171 166 166 167 167 170 169 173 175 186 184 186 184 184 196 204 208 209 208 209 210 211 216 224 227 224 241 237 237 234 230 242 241 244 238 246 243 245 252 265 266 276 280 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 5 5 7 6 5 6 7 6 5 5 5 4 5 7 7 8^ 7 8 8 8 7 8 10 13 12 12 14 20 23 23 28 33 34 43 49 61 65 67 62 64 67 66 68 71 65 70 75 77 67 72 71 73 68 69 67 71 67 80 86 87 79 79 80 88 87 81 83 88 85 86 82 69 68 59 52 49 49 49 47 48 51 53 53 58 66 75 79 75 74 72 71 73 70 72 75 86 82 83 80 79 92 101 105 106 105 104 105 105 110 lis 121 116 134 129 127 122 116 126 122 123 115 121 115 115 120 131 130 112 111 30 28 28 30 28 29 28 32 26 28 38 40 34 28 21 17 15 14 15 13 11 11 13 17 17 16 12 11 10 11 10 13 15 23 28 33 15 16 8 9 9 9 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 1 COUNTRY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July August.September October November December.. Excess reserves January February March... April May June July August September October November December.... Borrowings January February March April May June July August September. October November December.. 33 35 32 26 25 23 26 24 21 17 16 16 i" .... . . . ... . . . . — — . . . . .. .... ... ""Ill . . . . . . . . NO. 318-MEMBER BANK RESERVE BALANCES, EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY, 1929-1941-Continued ST. LOUIS DISTRICT 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 53 52 49 48 46 46 47 48 48 49 49 51 50 49 49 50 49 48 49 49 49 47 47 45 45 45 45 47 47 46 44 43 41 41 42 42 40 38 39 38 36 36 35 34 35 34 39 37 40 41 45 41 40 41 47 46 49 50 58 67 75 73 73 86 87 74 73 81 86 93 101 93 106 103 96 82 68 93 111 100 104 120 125 122 114 122 107 100 100 111 120 108 114 124 129 133 137 137 130 132 141 149 148 135 137 140 140 144 152 151 144 139 143 171 176 169 165 168 163 155 163 160 149 143 151 180 187 187 201 215 227 207 226 245 203 179 188 218 248 233 240 248 257 270 265 262 196 197 212 242 251 244 239 248 267 262 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 5 3 5 7 14 11 10 10 14 13 16 18 24 31 37 34 34 44 46 34 33 40 44 50 56 47 60 57 48 34 19 45 61 51 54 68 71 67 58 67 52 46 45 58 63 37 26 34 38 39 41 41 19 24 20 31 28 14 18 20 21 23 30 31 24 29 38 67 69 61 57 56 48 39 46 45 33 28 35 65 69 • 71 83 93 102 82 98 117 78 56 61 92 121 106 111 115 121 128 122 116 53 46 67 93 97 90 81 83 72 64 28 28 37 38 35 35 40 50 55 40 33 19 9 7 4 3 4 6 4 3 6 7 7 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 11 11 6 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 Total reserves January...... February March April May June July August September..., October November December 31 31 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 28 29 29 28 27 27 27 27 27 26 25 25 25 26 27 26 25 25 24 24 22 21 20 19 19 20 21 20 19 19 19 19 20 19 19 19 19 19 21 23 24 24 23 23 24 25 28 29 30 33 37 36 36 37 36 37 39 38 40 43 44 43 44 44 47 44 43 44 44 43 44 43 43 42 42 43 49 52 54 55 55 55 55 54 57 58 60 60 60 61 61 61 60 60 62 60 59 59 56 57 57 59 59 59 59 58 Excess reserves January February March April May June July August September..,. October November December 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 6 6 8 9 9 10 9 9 9 10 12 13 14 16 19 18 18 19 17 18 19 18 20 23 23 22 23 23 25 23 23 24 24 23 25 25 24 22 23 23 28 25 22 23 22 22 22 21 18 18 15 14 13 14 14 14 13 13 15 14 14 17 18 20 20 21 21 20 19 18 9 8 7 7 6 7 7 8 8 12 15 16 18 19 17 15 12 11 11 11 10 8 7 7 6 5 7 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 . RESERVE CITY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May.. June July August September October November December Excess reserves January February March April May June July.. August September October November December - Borrowings January February March April May June July AugustSeptember October November December i" - — ::::::: __ ....... i' ....... J. 1939 1940 1941 59 57 60 61 62 61 63 65 68 68 69 69 72 70 70 72 72 73 72 71 73 74 75 75 78 77 77 78 78 79 81 83 86 92 99 99 19 18 21 22 22 22 23 25 27 28 29 28 30 29 29 31 31 32 31 29 30 31 31 30 33 ' 31 31 31 30 31 33 33 35 39 34 33 COUNTRY BANKS Borrowings January February March April . May June July August September October November December 9 10 12 10 14 15 16 17 18 15 14 12 8 10 10 11 11 13 13 12 12 11 . 11 11 ^^ ... -..-11, N0.318-MEMBER BANK RESERVE BALANCES. EXCESS RESERVES, AMD BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY. 1929-1941-Continued MINNEAPOLIS DISTRICT [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 ' 1941 RESERVE CITY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July August September October November December Excess reserves January February March ApriL— ^Iay June July August September October November December 67 63 70 63 76 81 79 81 91 92 20 12 20 14 28 31 29 30 31 32 33 34 — 89 81 92 81 87 87 86 93 95 108 102 101 87 97 97 101 100 100 98 97 103 107 101 100 32 46 22 34 23 40 40 44 25 37. 35 35 311 28 26 17 14 Borrowings January February March . April June July August.. September October November December 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1939 1940 1941 54 53 65 55 55 59 58 69 61 64 65 67 67 68 70 67 72 71 70 70 71 71 69 70 73 74 85 COUNTRY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July August September— October November.... December— Excess reserves January February March. April May June July August September.... October November.,.. December— Borrowings January February March April May June July August September.... October November.... December 61 63 64 72 71 18 16 19 18 18 22 21 23 23 23 25 25 26 29 28 29 31 28 29 29 31 29 29 28 30 29 27 27 29 28 28 25 N0.318-MEMBER;BANK RESERVE BALANCES, EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY, 1929-1941-Continued KANSAS CITY DISTRICT [Monthly averages of daily figures. I n milliona of dollars] 129 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 Total reserves January February March..... April May June July August September October November December 59 58 58 56 55 56 59 59 58 57 56' 56 56 55 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 56 55 55 53 53 53 53 54 54 53 52 49 47 47 45 44 44 43 44 47 44 45 44 43 43 44 45 56 52 47 47 52 65 67 70 68 72 74 84 79 88 86 86 85 91 96 96 92 98 99 110 113 114 115 124 118 115 109 109 107 109 111 116 118 111 107 117 117 130 149 154 153 155 155 150 151 160 161 167 168 173 179 179 175 173 168 169 171 171 165 156 160 160 164 167 168 167 163 165 164 169 166 168 171 178 187 194 201 192 194 197 197 200 195 198 196 206 204 204 209 205 210 214 214 215 217 216 213 214 219 225 225 245 252 Excess reserves January February March.. April May June July August September October November December 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 3 4 4 4 4 4 6 18 16 11 10 14 23 25 29 28 31 32 39 33 41 38 38 36 41 45 44 38 43 44 55 59 59 59 65 57 54 49 50 46 48 50 57 60 53 47 56 53 62 62 48 46 48 47 42 43 33 36 25 26 27 28 30 28 29 28 33 37 39 43 46 52 52 52 53 52 51 45 47 47 52 49 51 54 58 65 72 77 67 65 69 70 72 67 68 68 77 74 74 76 68 72 78 77 76 75 72 69 66 66 68 64 56 56 15 16 18 26 38 36 25 24 28 34 43 32 16 12 6 2 4 3 1 8 1 4 10 7 2 2 1 1 RESERVE CITY BANKS _., Borrowings January February March April May.. June July..... August September October November December 5 7 13 21 17 18 20 17 14 10 8 6 4 3 2 2 2 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 35 34 34 33 33 32 33 34 33 34 34 33 si 32 32 31 32 32 31 31 31 31 30 30 29 29 29 29 28 28 28 28 28 27 27 26 25 24 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 25 25 23 24 29 32 32 34 35 37 41 44 46 48 48 49 54 56 57 56 60 59 59 60 61 60 63 63 66 64 64 64 62 61 59 57 57 55 56 55 60 67 69 69 70 70 69 67 70 71 73 72 72 73 73 72 72 71 70 69 68 66 64 63 63 63 63 65 65 66 66 64 64 64 65 66 66 70 70 71 71 69 69 69 69 68 69 69 69 69 69 70 70 71 72 71 72 75 75 73 74 75 77 80 87 90 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 8 8 6 7 11 14 13 15 16 17 20 22 24 25 25 26 30 32 32 32 35 33 33 34 34 33 36 36 38 38 41 41 40 39 38 37 36 34 34 34 39 39 36 35 37 36 34 32 29 30 26 24 24 23 24 23 23 22 21 20 20 22 25 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 24 22 23 23 24 25 25 28 29 30 29 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 27 26 27 30 30 28 27 27 27 29 26 27 9 9 7 7 10 11 9 9 9 10 14 14 12 11 10 10 10 11 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 13 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 16 15 13 11 1 1 1 1 1 i" III"" ....... .. . ....... ... COUNTRY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July August September October November December Excess reserves January February March April May. June July August September October November December , — ' Borrowings January February March April May June July August September... October November December 11 1 1 10 . . . . . . . ....... 8 ... ....... ....... 7 5 5 3 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 ......I i' 1 1 1 1 ....I" N 0 . 3 1 8 - M E M B E R BANK RESERVE BALANCES, EXCESS RESERVES, AND BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY, 1d29-1941-Continued DALUS DISTRICT [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] 1929 1930 1931 1932 35 35 35 34 33 32 31 31 31 32 32 32 31 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 32 32 32 31 31 32 32 32 32 31 31 30 31 32 29 28 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 25 25 i' I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 26 • 29 41 25 25 26 29 31 32 42 46 55 52 59 69 64 63 63 62 61 66 66 66 64 66 70 62 56 51 54 57 60 55 56 60 61 67 64 66 65 62 64 75 79 86 87 91 95 93 93 97 94 101 102 104 104 107 109 107 108 108 105 104 101 94 95 99 98 99 106 105 106 112 107 111 110 113 114 116 120 130 132 134 132 135 133 130 130 134 139 139 137 137 141 145 146 148 155 151 149 155 149 153 156 157 164 182 190 2 6 17 2 2 4 6 8 9 18 20 28 24 29 40 35 35 34 34 32 35 34 33 32 34 37 29 23 18 20 23 24 20 20 23 23 29 28 29 27 24 26 34 27 22 20 23 25 24 27 21 19 14 15 15 13 14 16 14 15 18 16 16 20 22 22 24 23 22 25 23 23 31 28 32 30 32 32 34 37 45 44 43 39 43 42 41 43 48 52 53 49 48 49 47 46 47 53 49 47 52 45 47 46 45 48 43 46 HESERVE CITY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July August September October November December... Excess reserves January. February March April... T^lay,. June.. July August September October November , December Borrowings January. February March April May June July August September October November December... _ 1 2 1 1 1 2 i' 1 1 1 1 1 18 14 10 11 14 12 15 27 26 22 23 14 9 7 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 37 36 35 33 32 32 31 30 32 33 33 32 32 32 31 30 29 28 28 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 25 25 24 24 23 22 22 22 22 21 22 22 21 20 20 19 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 23 26 25 25 25 27 26 26 34 38 43 ,45 49 50 50 50 49 51 52 52 56 59 60 61 64 61 57 57 55 61 60 52 51 57 59 62 64 63 60 60 61 62 64 66 69 71 72 72 76 77 73 77 76 73 73 75 77 79 82 81 81 . 79 75 70 70 73 72 71 72 73 71 71 72 71 75 75 78 84 83 83 84 83 82 82 81 80 78 80 83 90 91 93 95 93 93 93 91 90 92 95 98 110 116 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2' 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 6 9 9 8 8 10 9 10 16 19 23 24 27 29 29 29 29 30 31 30 32 36 36 36 39 37 33 33 31 37 37 32 31 36 39 42 44 43 40 41 41 41 37 33 38 41 36 32 30 28 25 23 24 26 27 30 28 28 27 27 27 28 28 28 26 27 29 27 25 26 27 26 27 27 27 31 31 34 39 38 39 39 28 37 37 36 35 31 32 34 38 39 40 42 41 41 42 39 38 38 39 41 40 43 3 5 4 7 9 10 15 17 9 6 7 5 4 5 5 7 7 9 10 11 11 9 6 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 14 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 13 12 10 7 6 4 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 4 2 1 1 ....... 1 1 1 1 7 9 6 3 3 2 2 1 2 4 3 1 — . — l" 1 2 1 1 ... r .... ... .....— .... i' ----- ... ... — . — ....... ... i" COUNTRY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July August September October November December Excess reserves January February March April.... May 'June July August September October November... December Borrowings January February March April May June July August September..... October November December 1 1 00 38 38 • ....... ....... AO oy 69 69 AD Do — - — ... — " i" ... ... —.... i" 1 1 r i' 1 ... ::::::: - - - - 1 1 - ------- i" 1 ....... ...—. .—... .... — — . . ... ::::::: N0.318-^MEMBER BANK RESERVE BALANCES, EXCESS RESERVES. AND BORROWINGS, BY CLASS OF BANK AND BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, MONTHLY, 1929-194t-^ontinued SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT [Monthly averages of daily figures. I n millions of dollars] 1929 I 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 RESERVE CITY BANKS Total reserves January February March April May June July_August September October November December 141 139 136 134 134 136 136 135 137 137 138 138 141 138 136 137 138 138 142 142 139 139 151 152 149 148 148 149 150 150 150 148 140 128 131 122 110 119 116 115 116 114 109 116 118 119 119 122 122 130 119 122 126 128 129 133 135 143 152 153 160 166 166 190 198 199 200 197 195 211 215 219 230 232 225 228 235 231 247 252 273 284 283 266 264 260 265 319 324 306 341 384 398 409 405 418 427 416 445 460 473 470 478 492 489 490 485 480 487 495 505 502 471 497 494 496 484 495 531 508 494 471 485 510 518 510 519 528 548 571 570 542 548 574 579 624 644 661 655 662 688 706 713 710 732 715 707 737 763 748 753 808 830 841 876 877 Excess reserves January February March April May— June July... August September October November December 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 6 2 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 5 7 7 7 3 -4 1 -5 -13 "2" 1 3 2 -3 4 5 5 5 7 7 17 11 12 13 13 12 16 16 22 29 29 34 38 38 59 67 64 63 57 52 65 67 70 77 79 72 69 74 70 83 85 102 108 104 85 82 80 84 131 137 117 146 133 93 101 98 102 107 98 80 89 47 45 54 67 66 63 62 59 67 76 92 114 108 135 127 126 116 121 153 130 113 89 111 131 134 •125 128 131 147 163 155 124 130 157 169 206 217 233 223 222 243 249 244 238 262 240 235 248 261 245 242 285 294 298 235 221 Borrowings January February March. April: May June... July August... September October November December 46 66 74 67 51 43 44 53 69 81 99 59 13 6 8 5 4 3 2 2 1 2 4 29 15 11 9 4 7 18 18 19 32 74 79 60 74 113 106 90 63 72 75 61 52 48 47 22 22 27 66 65 37 25 8 12 4 3 2 1 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 39 38 37 38 37 37 38 37 37 38 38 37 36 35 35 35 35 35 35 34 34 34 34 33 32 31 31 31 31 30 31 30 30 29 28 28 26 25 24 24 23 22 21 21 21 20 21 21 20 19 19 19 19 20 22 21 21 21 22 26 26 27 29 30 31 31 32 33 35 38 37 37 36 38 39 39 39 38 38 37 36 36 36 35 35 35 35 35 34 35 37 43 48 50 51 52 62 63 56 55 58 59 59 58 59 60 60 60 59 58 57 54 48 48 49 51 50 50 51 52 63 51 51 51 51 52 53 51 52 54 55 55 56 56 67 56 56 60 62 69 60 61 63 62 65 64 66 66 66 65 67 70 74 77 85 88 2 ————— 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 6 5 8 8 9 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 15 14 14 13 15 16 15 15 14 13 12 16 16 15 15 16 15 15 14 13 14 16 16 14 16 17 17 17 18 16 14 10 11 10 10 11 11 10 11 11 10 11 11 10 9 10 12 11 11 12 12 13 11 13 13 13 13 14 12 12 13 14 14 15 .15 16 15 15 19 20 17 17 18 19 19 20 19 21 20 20 19 20 21 23 26 23 24 5 5 7 9 11 11 12 10 6 5 6 6 9 9 8 8 8 7 8 7 6 6 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 7 8 11 16 17 ,17 17 17 19 18 16 14 13 10 8 9 8 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 imiii - 1 1 ....... ....... i' ....... .... . - COUNTRY BANKS Total reserves January February March.... April May. June July August September October November December - Excess reserves .Tftrm&rv wnuucki J . . . . . . . . . . . . .^^. . . — February March April May June July August — September October.... November December ' - L - Borrowings January February March April May June July August September October December - ::::::: ....... — IIIIIII II r 1 1 i' -iiiiii " ..i.iii IIIIIII 11 INDEX INDEX Pages A Acceptances, Bankers': Buying rates on: 1919-1941 Description of data Discount rates, open market: Monthly Weekly Federal Reserve Bank holdings Insured commercial bank holdings: All banks: 1934-1941 By States Nonmember banks Member bank holdings: AU banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banJts. Reserve city banks Boston district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks. Dallas district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: All banks Country banks. Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks. Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AJl b a n k s . . Country banks Reserve city banks Outstanding: 443 423 448 452 341 109 114 112 76 792 806 799 692 705 699 89 83 812 826 819 752 765 759 101 892 905 899 872 885 879 852 866 859 712 725 719 732 745 739 95 772 785 779 832 |45 • 913 925 ^^^ Acceptances, Bankers'—Continued. Outstanding—Continued. Description of data Insured commercial banks: AU banks: 1934-1941 By States Nonmember banks Member banks: All banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AU banks. Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: All banks. Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks.. Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks (iSce also Open market paper.) Acceptances, Trade: Federal Reserve Bank holdings African gold production A ^ c u l t u r a l Adjustment program: Expenditures for 427 108 114 Ill 72 788 802 796 688 702 696 86 80 808 822 816 748 762 756 98 888 902 896 868 882 876 848 862 856 708 722 716 728 742 736 92 768 782 776 828 842 836 908 922 916 341 542 613 Pages Argentina—Continued. Agricultural loans: Gold movements to U. S Insured commercial banks: Gold reserves of Central Bank of 544 All banks: 1934-1941 109 Banking funds in U. S ... 612 B y States 114 Brokerage balances in U. S ; 636 Nonmember banks ^^^ Capital movement to U. S 606 Member banks; Foreign assets and liabilities. 581,592 All banks 76 Gold production ' 642 Atlanta district: Securities held by U. S 624 All banks 792 United States banking funds in 618 Country banks ojjo United States securities held by 630 Reserve city banks 799 Assets and liabilities: Boston district: All banks in U. S.: All banks 692 1914-1941 16-41 Country banks 705 Description of data. 5 Reserve city banks 699 Federal Reserve Banks: Central reserve city banks: All banks combined 330 Chicago II Description of data 324 New York Each bank: Chicago district: 1914^1941.... 337 All banks . • 812 333 1920-1941 Country banks 825 Foreign central banks: Reserve city banks Bank of Canada . 564,644 Cleveland district: ^^^ Bank of England 560, 638 752 All banks Bank of France 662, 641 Country banks 765 Reichsbank 565, 645 Reserve city banks 759 Foreign commercial banks: Country banks 101 Canada 568, 662 Dallas district: France 567,650 All banks 892 Germany 570,655 Country banks 905 United Kingdom 566,648 Reserve city banks 899 Government corporations and credit agencies: Kansas City district: All agencies combined 517 All banks 872 By agencies 518 Country banks : obd Insured commercial banks: Reserve city banks o79 All banks: Minneapolis district: 1934-1941 108 All banks 862 By size of city 36 Country banks 865 By States 114 Reserve city banks Description of data 107 New York district: ^ All banks 712 Nonmember banks Ill Country banks 725 Member banks: Reserve city banks 719 All banks 72 Philadelphia district: Atlanta district: All banks 732 All banks.: 788 Country banks 745 Country banks 802 Reserve city banks 7^9 Reserve city banks 796 Reserve city banks 95 Boston district: Richmond district: All banks 688 All banks. 772 Country banks 702 Country banks 785 Reserve city banks 696 Reserve city banks 779 Branches 310 By size of city 36 St. Louis district: All banks 832 Central reserve city banks: Country banks 845 Chicago 86 Reserve city banks 839 New York go Chicago district: San Francisco district: All banks 912 All banks 808 Country banks 925 Country banks 822 Reserve city b a n k s . . : • 919 Reserve city banks 816 (See also Commercial, industrial and agricultural loans.) Cleveland district: All banks 748 Albania, National Bank of: Gold reserves 544 Country banks .!...,! 762 Algeria, Bank of: Reserve city banks ' 756 Gold reserves 544 Country banks !!!!!!! 98 Dallas district: Arabia: Gold movements to U. S 539 All banks ' 888 Country banks 902 Argentina: Reserve city banks 896 Foreign assets and liabilities-. 583, 694 Description of data ! ' | \ ' 687 Foreign exchange rates 662 Pages Pages Assets and liabilities—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia ^strict: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: All banks Description of data Location of New York City Outside N . Y . C Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Coimtry banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks Coimtry banks. Reserve city banks Mutual savings banks Nonmember insured banks Australia: Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S.: Gold production Gold reserves of Bank of Austria: Foreign assets and liabilities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to TJ. S Gold reserves of National Bank of. B 868 882 876 848 862 856 ; Bank debits. (See Debits to deposit accounts.) Bank failures. Suspensions of banks.) Bank for International Settlements: Gold reserves Bank premises: Federal Reserve Banks: All banks combined Each bank Insured commercial banks: All banks: 1934-1941 By States Nonmember banks Member banks: All banks Atlanta district; AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks 708 722 716 728 742 736 132 127 131 164 196 92 768 782 776 :.. 828 842 836 908 922 916 113 36 662 539 542 544 575,585 663 539 544 651 - 330 333 108 114 Ill 72 788 802 796 Bank premises—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks... Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Mutual savings banks Bankers' acceptances. (See Acceptances, Bankers'.) Bankers' balances: Insured commercial banks: All banks: 1934r-1941 B y size of city B y States Nonmember banks Member banks: All banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks B y size of city 688 702 696 86 80 808 822 816 748 762 756 98 888 902 896 868 882 876 848 862 856 708 722 716 728 742 736 92 768 782 776 828 842 836 908 922 916 113 108 36 114 Ill 72 788 802 796 688 702 696 36 Pages Pages Bankers' balances—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: All banks Country banks.. Reserve city banks Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Description of data Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: All banks New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AH banks Country banks Reserve city banks State banks National banks Nonmember insured banks Banking funds: Foreign funds in U. S., by countries Movement to U. S. from abroad Banking structure: Description of data Banks: Branches. {See Branch banking.) Classification of Loans to: Commercial banks: Insured: All banks: 193^1941 By States Nonmember banks 86 80 808 822 816 748 762 756 98 888 902 896 68 868 882 876 848 862 856 708 722 716 728 742 736 133 165 197 92 768 782 776 828 842 836 908 922 916 22 20 36 608 596 6-15 6 109 114 112 Banks—Continued. Loans to—Continued. Member banks: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia ^strict: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: AU banks New York City Outside N . Y . C Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Margin requirements under Reg. U Number of: AU banks in U. S.: 1914-1941 B y class of bank B y States Commercial banks: 1835-1875 1914-1941 76 792 805 799 692 705 699 89 83 812 825 819 751 765 759 101 892 905 899 • 872 885 879 852 865 859 712 725 719 732 745 739 148 180 212 95 772 785 779 832 845 839 912 925 919 504 18 16,24 24 6 19 Pages Banks—Continued. Number of—Continued. Commercial banks—Continued. By class of bank: 1914-1941 16 By States 24 B y deposits, class of bank, States 44 B y population of location, deposits, class of bank: June 30, 1941 43 Description of data 12 Changes in number: By class of bank and character of change.. 52 Description of data 12 Insured: All banks: 1934-1941 108 B y States 114 Nonmember banks Ill Nonmembers 22 Group and chain banks. 312,313, 316,319,320 Member banks: All banks 72 Atlanta district: All banks 788 Country banks 802 Reserve city banks 796 Boston district: All banks 688 Country banks 702 Reserve city banks 696. B y class of bank 16 By States 24 Central reserve city banks: Chicago 86 New York 80 Chicago district: All banks 808 Country banks 822 Reserve city banks 816 Cleveland district: AU banks 748 Country banks 762 Reserve city banks 756 Country banks 98 Dallas district: AU banks 888 Country banks 902 Reserve city banks 896 Description of data •. 67 Kansas City district: All banks 868 Country banks 882 Reserve city banks 876 Minneapolis district: All banks 848 Country banks 862 Reserve city banks 856 New York district: All banks 708 Country banks 722 Reserve city banks 716 Philadelphia district: All banks 728 Country banks 742 Reserve city banks 736 Reserve city banks 92 Richmond district: All banks 768 Country banks 782 Reserve city banks 776 Pages Banks—Continued. Number of—Continued. Member banks—Continued. St. Louis district: All banks 828 Country banks 842 Reserve city banks 836 San Francisco district: All banks 908 Country banks 922 Reserve city banks 916 State banks: 1914-1941 16,22 By deposits, by States 44 By population of location, by deposits 43 By States 24 Changes in, by character of change 62 Mutual savings banks: 1914-1941 16,23 By States 24 Insured: 1934^1941 .16,113 By States 24 Noninsured: 1934.-1941 16 By States. 24 National banks: 1863-1941 20,260 By deposits, by States 44 By population of location, by deposits 43 Bv States 24 62 Changes in, by character of change Nonmember banks: 1914-1941 16 By States 24 Changes in, by character of change 52 Insured: 1934-1941 16 By deposits, by States 44 By population of location, by d e p o s i t s . . . . 43 By States 24 Noninsured: 193^1941 16 By deposits, by States 44 By population of location, by d e p o s i t s . . . . 43 By States 24 Par list banks: B y Federal Reserve districts 64,66 By States 56,58 Operating branches: Commercial banks: 1900-1941 297,298 Dec. 31, 1939 303, 306 Dec. 31, 1941 307 Mutual savings banks 311 National banks: 1900-1941 297,298 Dec. 31, 1939 303 Dec. 31, 1941 307 Nonmember banks: Dec. 31, 1939 303 Dec. 31, 1941 307 Private banks • State banks 297,298 State member banks: Dec. 31, 1939 303 Dec. 31, 1941 307 Par list banks: By Federal Reserve districts 54,56 By States 66,68 Description of data 14 Banks—Continued. Suspensions of; Commercial banks: By class of bank, B y States Description of data Losses of depositors Mutual savings banks National banks: 1892-1941 B y States Nonmember banks Private banks: 1892-1941 B y States State banks State member banks: 1921-1941 B y States Banks for cooperatives: Assets and liabilities Belgian Congo: Bank of: Gold reserves Gold movements to U. S Gold production I^reign assets and liabilities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Money rates National Bank of: Gold reserves Bills: Bought by Federal Reserve Banks: Annual averages B y class of paper C k dates. Description of data Earnings on End of month figures Maturity distribution Monthly averages Volume of operations: All banks combined Each bank Wednesday figures Discounted by Federal Reserve Banks: All banks combined: 1914-1941 B y class of paper Annual averages CaU dates Description of data Each bank: 1914-1941 B y class of paper. Earnings on: AU banks combined Each bank End of month figures Maturity distribution Monthly averages Volume of operations: AU banks combined Each bank Wednesday figures Federal Reserve Bank holdings: Maturity distribution 283 284 281 283 292 283 286 290 283 292 283 283 288 518 544 539 542 583,594 663 539 656 544 368 341 395 326 356 373 342 369 354 355 378 330 340 368 395 325 333,337 340 356 357 373 342 369 . • 354 355 378 342 Bills—Continued. Payable abroad: Federal Reserve Banks Insured commercial banks: AU banks: 1934-1941 By States Nonmember banks Member banks: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks. Country banks DaUas district: All banks. Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Bolivia: Central Bank of: Gold reserves Gold movements to U. S 341 109 114 112 76 792 805 799 692 705 699 89 83 812 825 819 752 765 759 101 892 905 899 872 885 879 852 865 859 712 725 719 732 745 739 95 772 785 779 832 845 839 912 925 919 544 539 Pafies Pages Bonds: Corporate: Defaulted Prices Yields Industrial bond prices Municipal bond prices New issues Prices: B y types of security Description of data Railroad: Commercial bank holdings: Insured banks: All banks Nonmember banks Member bank holdings: All banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks. Country banks Dallas district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks. Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: All banks. Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks 476 475 477 475 475 487,491 • • •. • 475 428 109 112 77 793 806 800 693 706 700 84 90 813 826 820 753 766 760 102 893 906 900 873 886 880 853 866 860 713 726 720 733 746 740 96 773 786 780 833 846 840 : 013 926 920 Bonds—Continued. Railroad—Continued. Prices Yields of high-grade bonds United States Government. {See United States Government securities.) UtiUties: Commercial bank holdings: Insured banks: AU banks Nonmember banks Member bank holdings: All banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York.. Chicago district: AUWks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks.. Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Prices : Yields, by type of security: Description of data :... Monthly Weekly... 475 478 109 112 77 793 806 800 693 706 700 90 84 813 826 820 753 766 760 102 893 906 900 873 886 880 853 866 860 713 726 720 733 746 740 96 773 786 780 833 846 840 913 926 920 475 428 468 472 Pages Borrowings: Brokers': 1918-1941 Description of data Insured commercial banks: AU banks Nonmember banks Member banks: AU banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks.. Reserve city banks By class of bank: 192^1941 Atlanta district Boston district Chicago district Cleveland district DaUas district Kansas City district Minneapolis district New York district PhUadelphia district Richmond district St. Louis district San Francisco district B y selected groups of banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York 600,501,503 435 J?? ill 72 788 802 79b 688 7UJ oUO 396 933 928 934 931 938 937 936 929 930 932 935 939 399 86 80 808 Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Description of data Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: AU banks New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks 822 816 748 762 756 98 888 902 896 70,360,687 868 882 876 848 862 856 708 722 716 728 742 736 132 164 196 92 Borrowings—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Branch banking: Commercial banks: 1900-1941 Dec. 31, 1939 Dec.31, 1941 Description of data Member bank branches Mutual savings banks National banks: 1900-1941 Dec. 31, 1939 Dec. 31, 1941 Nonmember banks: Dec. 31, 1939 Dec. 31, 1941 Private banks State banks State member banks: Dec. 31,1939 Dec.31, 1 9 4 1 . . . BrazU: Bank of: Gold reserves Foreign assets and liabUities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold production British East Africa: Gold movements to U. S British India. (See India, British.) British West Africa: Gold movements to U. S Gold production Brokers and dealers in securities: Borrowings: 1918-1941 Description of data Brokers' balances: 1931-1941 Description of data Loans to: By groups of lenders Description of data Insured commercial banks: AU banks: 1934^1941 By States 768 782 776 828 842 836 908 922 916 297,298 303,306 307 294 310 311 297,298 303 307 303 307 311 ! .297,298 303 307 644 683,594 664 639 542 539 539 542 500,601,503 435 501,503 435 494 433 109 114 Nonmember banks i' Member banks: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks 75 792 Country banks 805 Reserve city banks Boston district: banks Coimtry banks Reserve city banks 112 799 692 705 . 699 Pages Pages Brokers and dealers in securities—Continued. Loans to—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Central reserve city banks: ChicaRo New York Chicago district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks. Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: Weekly, 1926--1935 Weekly and monthly, 1929-1941: All banks New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: All b a n k s . . . . . . Country banks. Reserve city banks St. Louis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Margin requirements Brokers' balances: Foreign balances in U . S June and December figures Monthly Movement to U. S. from abroad Bulgaria: Foreign exchange rates Gold reserves of National Bank of 89 83 812 825 819 752 765 759 101 892 905 899 872 885 879 852 865 859 712 725 719 732 745 739 497 142 174 206 95 772 785 779 832 845 839 912 925 919 504 632 503 501 596 665 544 C Call reports: Insured banks: Description of data Member banks: Description of data 107 61 Canada: Bank of: Assets and liabilities Gold reserves Banking funds in U. S Brokerage balances in U. S Capital movement to U. S Commercial banks Foreign assets and liabilities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold production Investments in United States Securities held b y U. S United States banking funds in United States investments in United States securities held by Capital accounts: Federal Reserve Banks: All banks combined Each b a n k . . . . . Insured commercial banks: All banks: 1934-1941 By States Nonmember banks Member banks: All banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks. Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks. • Country banks Dallas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Description of data Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks. Minneapolis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks 564, 644 545 608 632 602 568,652 574,585 665 539 542 637 620 614 637 626 330 333 108 114 Ill 72 788 802 796 688 702 696 86 80 808 822 816 748 762 756 98 888 902 896 71 868 882 876 ' 848 862 856 708 722 716 728 742 736 Pages Capital accounts—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Reporting banks: All banks New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks. Country banks. Reserve city banks Mutual savings banks Capital issues: By major groups of issuers B y proposed uses of proceeds. Description of data Capital movement to United States: B y countries B y types Description of data Foreign brokerage balances in U. S Foreign funds in U. S Foreign holdings of U. S. securities Foreign securities held by U. S United States banking funds abroad Cash: Insured commercial bank holdings: All banks: 1934-1941 B y size of city By States Nonmember banks Member bank holdings: All banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks B y size of city Central reserve city banks: Chicago... New' York. Chicago district: AU banks Country banks ' Reserve city banks. Cleveland district: AU banks ! Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Description of data Kansas City district: AU banks. Country banks Reserve city banks 149 181 213 92 768 782 776 828 842 836 908 922 916 113 487,491 491 431 602 596 559 632 608 626 620 614 108 36 114 Ill 72 788 802 796 688 702 696 36 on 80 S08 822 816 748 762 766 98 888 902 896 68 868 882 876 Cash—Continued. ^ , Member bank holdings—Contmued. Minneapolis district: Allbanks........ Country b a n ^ , . . . . . . , Reserve city banks New York district; AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district'. Allbanks.... Country banks Reserve city banks Ill f^ ^ • ^^^^ 'VS^: 'f^ „ ' ^^^ S gS.S'Kfc:::::::;;;:;:;;::;;::::: Reserve city banks ^^ Richmond district: AU banks Country banks f^^ Reserve city banks '' St. Louis district: AU banks 828 Country banks ™ Reserve city banks San Francisco district: Allbanks 908 Country banks Reserve city banks Mutual savings banks 1^^ Nonmember insured bank holdings ^b Treasury cash holdings: Annual averages ^J® CaU dates 395 End of month figures Monthly averages Wednesday, figures 378 Central America: Gold movements to U. S 539 Central banks: Assets and liabilities: Bank of Canada 644 Bank of England 638 Bank of France 641 Reichsbank 645 Gold reserves: Description of data 524-535 Statistics 544 Central reserve cities: Changes in designations of 401 Ceylon: Gold movements to U. S 539 Chain banking. {See Group and chain banks.) Check clearing and coUection: Par list banks: Deposits. 57 Description of data 14 Number of: By Federal Reserve districts: 1916-1941 54 Dec. 31,1939 56 B y States: Dec. 31,1939 56 Dec. 31,1941 58 Volume of operations at Federal Reserve Banks: 354 AU banks combined .... Each bank . . 355 ChUe: • Central Bank of: Gold reserves 545 Pages Chile—Continued. Foreign assets and liabilities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold production China: Central bank of: Gold reserves Foreign assets and liabilities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold production Christmas savings accounts: Insured commercial banks: •All banks Nonmember banks Member banks: All banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: All b a n k s . . . . Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country b a n l i Dallas district: All banks... Country banks. Reserve city banks Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis 5listrict: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AU banks. Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks. San Francisco district: AU banks... New York a t y Outside N . Y . C 683, 594 • 666 539 542 645 . . . . .583,694 667 539 542 110 113 78 794 807 801 694 707 701 91 85 814 827 821 754 767 761 103 894 907 901 874 887 881 854 867 861 714 727 721 734 747 741 97 774 787 781 834 847 841 914 927 921 Pages Coin: Circulation of: Monthly 409,415 Yearly 408 Outstanding 419 Received and counted by Federal Reserve Banks: All banks combined 354 Each bank 355 Colombia: Bank of: Gold reserves 545 Foreign exchange rates 668 Gold movements to U. S 539 Gold production. 542 Commercial and industrial loans: Insured commercial banks 114 Commercial, industrial and agricultural loans: Reporting member banks: AU banks 154 New York City 186 Outside N. Y. C 218 Commercial loans: Insured commercial banks: AU banks 109 Nonmember banks 112 Member banks: AU banks 76 Atlanta district: AU banks 792 Country banks.. 805 Reserve city banks 799 Boston district: AU banks 692 Country banks 705 Reserve city banks 699 Central reserve city banks: Chicago 89 New York 83 Chicago district: All banks 812 Country banks 825 Reserve city banks 819 Cleveland district: AU banks 752 Country banks 765 Reserve city banks 759 Country banks 101 DaUas district: AU banks 892 Coimtry banks 905 Reserve city banks 899 Kansas City ^strict: AU banks... 872 Country banks 885 Reserve city banks 879 Minneapolis district: AU banks 852 Country banks 865 Reserve city banks 859 New York district: AU banks 712 Country banks 725 Reserve city banks 719 PhUadelphia district: AU banks 732 Country banks 745 Reserve city banks 739 Reserve city banks 95 Pages Commercial loans—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Richmond district: All banks. Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Rates charged on: Monthly.. Weekly Commercial paper: Discount rates, open market: Monthly Weekly.. Insured commercial bank holdings: All banks: 1934-1941 By States Nonmember banks Member bank holdings: Ail banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: All banks Country banks. Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago : New York Chicago district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks. Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: All banks-. Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks ^^^ 785 779 832 845 839 912 925 919 463 464 448 452 109 114 112 76 792 805 799 692 705 699 Commercial paper—Continued. Member bank holdings—Continued. Richmond district: AU banks 772 Country banks 785 Reserve city banks 779 St. Louis district: AU banks 832 Country banks 845 Reserve city banks 839 San Francisco district: AU banks 912 Country banks. 925 Reserve city banks 919 Outstanding: 465 1918-1941. Mgym Description of data (See also Open market paper.) Commodity Credit Corporation: Assets and liabilities Obligations outstanding Condition statements. (See Assets and liabilities.) Credit, Bank: Federal Reserve: Annual averages. 368 CaU dates 395 Description of data 325, db^ End of month figures 37d Monthly averages Wednesday figures - 378 Credit agencies, Governmental {See Government corporations and credit agencies.) Creditor position of United States 637 89 83 812 825 81^ 752 765 759 101 892 905 899 872 885 879 852 865 859 712 725 719 732 745 739 Foreign assets and UabUities 583, 594 Currency: Circulation of: By kind: Monthly 409 Yearly 408 Description of data. 364,404 ' Outside banks: 1892-1941 34 Description of data 11 Paper money and coin • 415 Seasonal variation adjustments: 1919-1941.... 414 Description of data 405 Total: Annual averages 368 CaU dates 395 End of month figures 373 Monthly averages 369 Wednesday figures 378 Received and counted by Federal Reserve Banks: AU banks combined 354 355 Each bank Treasury currency outstanding: Annual averages 368 CaU dates 395 End of month figures 373,419 Monthly averages 369 Wednesday figures 378 Czechoslovakia: Foreign exchange rates 668 Gold movements to U. S /. 539 Gold reserves of National Bank o f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 Pages D Danzig r Gold movements to U. S Gold reserves Debits to deposit account: Commercial banks: 1919-1941 Description of data •• Reporting centers: Monthly Yearly: By centers in Federal Reserve districts By Federal Reserve districts Reporting member banks: Weekly debits to demand deposits: By Federal Reserve districts Description of data Debt, United States Government. (See Treasury finance: Public debt.) Demand deposits: Adjusted: All banks in U. S Insured commercial banks: AU banks Nonmember banks Member banks: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: All b a n k s . . . . Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago ' New York Chicago district:AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: AU banks. Country banks Reserve city banks Description of data Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: , All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Demand deposits—Continued. Adjusted—Continued. Member banks—Continued. 539 Richmond district: 545 AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks 254 St. Louis district: 230 All banks Country banks 234 Reserve city banks San Francisco district: 238 AU banks 236 Country banks Reserve city banks Commercial banks: Debits to demand deposits 248 232 Insured banks: All banks: 1934-1941 By size of city By States Nonmember banks 34 Member banks: AU banks 108 Atlanta district: Ill AU banks Country banks 72 Reserve city banks Boston district: AU b a n k s . . . . . . . . 788 Country banks 802 Reserve city banks 796 By size of city Central reserve city banks: 688 Chicago 702 696 New York Chicago district: AU banks 86 Country banks 80 Reserve city banks Cleveland district: 808 AU banks 822 Country banks 816 Reserve city banks Country banks 748 DaUas district: 762 AU banks 756 Country banks 98 Reserve city banks . Kansas City district: 888 AU banks 902 Country banks 896 Reserve city banks 65 Larger and smaUer places Minneapolis district: 868 AU banks 882 Country banks 876 Reserve city banks. New York district: 848 AU banks 862 Country banks 856 Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: 708 AU banks.. 722 Country banks. 716 Reserve city banks Reporting banks: 728 Debits: 742 1935-1941 736 Description of data 92 768 782 776 828 842 836 908 922 916 254 108,110 36 114 113 72,78 788,794 802,807 796,801 688,694 702,707 696,701 36 86,91 80,85 808,814 822,827 .816,821 . 748,754 762,767 756,761 98,103 888,894 902,907 .896,901 868,874 882,887 .876,881 42 848,854 862,867 856,861 708,714 722,727 716, 721 728,734 742,747 736,741 248 232 Pages Demand deposits—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Reporting banks—Continued. Weekly and monthly, 1919-1941: All banks New York City OutsideN. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Nonmember insured .banks: B y size of city Turnover of: Commercial banks Denmark: Foreign assets and liabilities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold reserves of National Bank of Deposits: All banks in U. S.: 1914r-1941..... Adjusted deposits, 1892-1941 B y class of bank: 1914-1941 B y States Description of data Commercial banks: 1914^1941 B y class of bank: 1914-1941 B y population of location B y States Insured banks: All banks: 1934-1941 By size of city By States Nonmember banks Nonmember banks Operating branches: 1935-1941 Dec. 31, 1939 Dec. 31, 1941 Turnover of deposits Federal Reserve Banks: All banks combined: Dec. 31, 1 9 1 ^ 1 9 4 1 . . . . Monthly, 1914^1941 Description of data Each bank Group and chain banks: 1939 1941 Member banks: All banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks 132 164 196 92, 97 768, 774 782,787 776,781 828,834 842,847 836,841 908,914 922,927 916,921 36 254 583, 594 669 539 545 18 34 17,25 25 11 19 17 43 45 108,110 36 114 I l l , 113 22 297 303,306 307 254 330 346 327 333,337 316,319 320 72, 78 788,794 802,807 796,801 Deposits—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Boston district: All banks Country banks. Reserve city banks Branches By size of city By States CaU dates, 1914-1941 Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AU banks... Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Description of data Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks. Larger and smaUer places. MinneapoHs district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Rates on time deposits Reporting banks: AU banks Description of data New York City OutsideN. Y . C Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks .. Country banks Reserve city banks State banks Mutual savings banks: 19l4r-1941 By S t a t e s . . . Insured: 1934r-1941 By States 688,694 702,707 696,701 310 36 25 17 86,91 80,85 808,814 822, 827 816,821 .....748,754 762, 767 756, 761 98,103 888,894 902, 907 896,901 65,69 ' 868,874 882,887 .876,881 42 848,854 .862, 867 856,861 708,714 722, 727 716, 721 728,734 742,747 736,741 447 132 129 164 196 92,97 768, 774 782, 787 776,781 828,834 842,847 836,841 908, 914 922,927 916 921 22 17 23 25 ' 17 25 Pages Pages Deposits—Continued. Mutual savings banks—Continued. Noninsured: 1934r-1941 B y States Operating branches National banks: 1863-1941 1914-1941 B y States Nonmember banks: 1914-1941 By States... Insured: 1934^1941 B y size of city B y States Noninsured: 1934-1941 B y States Nonmember deposits in Federal Reserve Banks: Annual averages Call dates Description of data End of month figures Monthly averages Wednesday figures Par list banks ' Postal Savings System. (See Postal savings deposits.) Private banks operating branches Reserves required against. (See Reserve requirements.) State member banks: 1916-1941 B y States Suspended banks: Commercial banks: By class of bank B y States Description of data Mutual savings banks National banks Nonmember b a n k s — Private banks . State member banks Turnover of deposits at commercial banks: 1919-1941 Description of data Discount rates: Federal Reserve Banks: Advances to individual member banks Description of data Eligible paper Dividends: Federal Re-serve Banks: All banks combined Each bank Insured commercial banks: 1934-1941 By total deposits Member banks: All banks combined B y class of bank: 191^1941 B y Federal Reserve districts National banks E 17 26 311 20 17 26 17 25 17 36 26 17 26 368 396 365 373 369 378 57 Earnings: Federal Reserve Banks: All banks combined Each bank Insured commercial banks: 1934^1941 B y total deposits Description of data Member banks: All banks combined B y class of bank: 1919-1941 B y Federal Reserve districts Description of data National banks: 1869-1941 Description of data Ratios: Member banks: 1919-1941 B y class of bank: 1939, 1940, 1941 B y Federal Reserve districts B y ratios of time to total deposits...» B y total deposits National banks Ecuador: Gold movements to U. S Gold production Gold reserves of Central Bank of 366 357 277 278 258 262 264 269 257 260 257 264 268 272 276 275 260 539 542 545 311 17 . 25 283 284 281 292 286 290 292 288 254 232 443 422 439 356 357 277 278 262 264 269 260 ? ? r e i g n exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold reserves of National Bank of El Salvador, Central Reserve Bank of: Gold reserves Eligible paper: Discount rates at Federal Reserve Banks England. (See United Kingdom.) Estonia, Bank of: Gold reserves Ethiopian gold movements to U . S Europe: Banking funds in U. S Brokerage balances in U. S Capital movement to U. S Foreign assets and liabilities Gold production Investments in United States Securities held by U. S United States banking funds in United States investments in United States securities held by Expenses: Federal Reserve Banks: All banks combined Each bank Insured commercial banks: 1934-1941 B y total deposits Member banks: All banks combmed B y class of bank: 1919-1941 B y Federal Reserve districts National banks Export-Import Bank of Washington: Assets and liabilities 669 539 545 645 439 546 639 608 632 602 574,586 642 637 620 614 637 626 356 367 277 278 262 264 269 260 518 Pages F Far East: Banking funds in U. S Brokerage balances in U. S Capital movement to U. S Foreign assets and liabilities Securities held by U. S ; United States banking funds in United States securities held by Farm Credit Administration: Assets and liabilities Farm credit agencies: Assets and liabilities Farm Security Administration: Assets and liabilities Federal Crop Insurance Corporation: Assets and liabilities Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: Assets and liabilities Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation: Assets and liabilities Obligations outstanding Federal home loan banks: Assets and liabilities Federal Housing Administration: Assets and liabilities Obligations outstanding Federal intermediate credit banks: Assets and liabilities Federal land banks: Assets and liabilities Federal National Mortgage Association: Assets and liabilities Federal Reserve Bank notes: Circulation of: Monthly Yearly Description of data Outstanding: 1919-1941 All Federal Reserve Banks combined Each Federal Reserve Bank Federal Reserve Banks: Buying rates on acceptances Discount rates: Advances to individual member banks Description of data Eligible paper Dividends paid: All banks combined Each bank Earnings and expenses: All banks combined Description of data Each bank Employees, Number of Rates on industrial advances Salaries of officers and employees Service functions: All banks combined Description of Each bank Stock: Insured commercial bank holdings: 1934-1941 By States Member bank holdings: All banks 608 632 602 574,585 620 614 626 518 518 518 518 518 518 511 518 518 511 518 518 518 409 408 328 419 330 333 443 443 422 439 356 357 356 329 357 357 446 357 354 329 355 109 114 ;77,79 Federal Reserve Banks—Continued. Stock—Continued. ^ .. , Member bank holdings—Contmued. Atlanta district: All banks l^l Country b a n ^ . Reserve city banks ^^^ Boston district: All banks 693 Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago II New York 84 Chicago district: „ Ill All banks Country banks Reserve city banks o^u Cleveland district: All banks 753 Country banks 766 Reserve city banks • 760 Country banks. Dallas district: All banks §93 Country banks 906 Reserve city banks 900 Kansas City district: All banks 873 Country banks 886 Reserve city banks 880 Minneapolis district: All banks 853 Country banks 866 Reserve city banks 860 New York district: All banks 713 Country banks 726 Reserve city banks 720 Philadelphia district: All banks 733 Country banks. 746 Reserve city banks 740 Reserve city banks 96 Richmond district: AU banks 773 Country banks 786 Reserve city banks 780 St. Louis district: AU banks 833 Country banks 846 Reserve city banks 840 San Francisco district: AU banks 913 Country banks 926 Reserve city banks 920 Volume of operations: AU banks combined 354 Each bank 355 Federal Reserve districts: Changes in boundaries 687 Federal Reserve notes: Circulation of: AU banks combined: Dec. 31, 1914^1941 330 Monthly, 1914-1941 346 Each bank, 1914-1941 333,337 Outside Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks: Monthly . 409 Yearly 408 Pages Pages Foreign securities—Continued. Federal Reserve notes—Continued. Member bank holdings—Continued. Collateral security for: DaUas district: All banks combined 350 AU banks 893 Each bank 352 Country banks 906 Description of data ^ 327 Reserve city banks 900 Issued: Kansas City ^strict: All banks combined 350 All banks 873 Each bank 352 Country banks 886 Redemption fund: Reserve city banks 880 All banks combined 330 Minneapolis district: Each bank 333 AU banks 853 Federal Reserve System: Country banks 866 Membership changes ^ 62 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation: Reserve city banks 860 Assets and liabilities 518 New York district: . Finland: AU banks... 713 Foreign assets and liabilities 583, 594 Country banks 726 Foreign exchange rates 670 Reserve city banks. 720 Gold movements to U. S 539 PhUadelphia district: Gold reserves of Bank of ' 545 AU banks 733 Foreign banks: Country banks 746 Deposits of: Reserve city banks 740 Federal Reserve Bank holdings: Reserve city banks 96 Ail banks combined: Richmond district: D e c . 3 1 , 1914-1941 330 All banks 773 Monthly, 1914-1941 346 Country banks 786 Each bank 333 Reserve city banks 780 Reporting member banks: St. Louis district: All banks 149 AU banks 833 New York City 181 Country banks 846 Outside N. Y. C 213 Reserve city banks 840 Foreign central banks: San Francisco district: Bank of Canada 564 AU banks 913 Bank of England 560 Country banks 926 Bank of France 562 Reserve city banks 920 Reichsbank 565 United States holdings of 620 Foreign commercial banks: Foreign short-term assets and liabilities of banks in Canada.. .568,652 United States.: France 567, 650 By countries 574r-596 Germany 570, 655 Description of data 558 United Kingdom 566, 648 Foreign exchange rates: France: B y countries, monthly 662 Bank of: Description of data 572 Assets and liabilities 562,641 Foreign securities: Gold reserves 545 Insured commercial bank holdings: Banking funds in U. S 608 All banks: Brokerage balances in U. S 632 1934-1941 109 Capital movement to U. S 602 By States 114 Commercial banks 567,650 Nonmember banks 112 Foreign assets and liabUities 574, 585 Member bank holdings: Foreign exchange rates 670 All banks 77,79 Gold movements to U. S 539 Atlanta district: Gold production 542 All banks 793 Money rates 656 Country banks 806 Securities held by U. S 620 Reserve city banks 800 United States banking funds in 614 Boston district: United States securities held by ' 626 AU banks 693 Franchise tax paid to U. S. Treasury 356 Country banks 706 Reserve city banks 700 G Central reserve city banks: General Fund balance. United States Treasury. {See Chicago 90 Treasury finance: General Fund balance.) New York 84 Germany: Chicago district: 608 Banking funds in U. S AU banks 813 Brokerage balances in U. S 632 Country banks 826 Capital movement to U. S 602 Reserve city banks 820 Commercial banks 570,655 Cleveland district: Foreign assets and UabUities. .574,585 AU banks 753 Foreign exchange rates 671 Country banks 766 Gold movements to U. S 539 Reserve city banks 760 Money rates 656 Country banks 102 Pages Government corporations and credit agencies Germany—Continued. —Continued. Reichsbank: Obligations of—Continued. Assets and liabilities 565,645 Member bank holdings—Contmued. Gold reserves 545 Boston district: Securities held by U. S 620 AUbanks... 693 United States banking funds in 614 Country banks United States securities held by 626 Reserve city banks Gold: Central reserve city banks: ^ Description of data 522-535 Earmarked 536. New^York!!!!!!!!.! • Imported by U. S.: Chicago district: B y countries 539 AUbanks 813 Description of data 524 Country banks Total 536 Reserve city banks ' Increment on gold in General Fund 515 Cleveland district: Inflow to U. S.: AUbanks 753 Description of data 523 Country banks 7bb Statistics 538 Reserve city banks 760 Production: Country banks 10-^ By countries and areas: Description of data 524 DaUas district: Statistics 542 AU banks 893 United States: Country banks 906 Annual 542 Reserve city banks 900 Monthly 536 Kansas City district: Reserves: AUbanks 873 Central banks and governments: Country banks 886 Description of data .524-535 Reserve city banks 880 Statistics 544 Minneapolis district: United States 544 AUbanks 853 Stock, Monetary in U. S.: Country banks •. 866 1914-1941 536 Reserve city banks 860 Annual averages 368 New York district: CaU dates 395 AU banks 713 Description of data 363,522 Country banks 726 End of month figures 373 Reserve city banks 720 Monthly averages 369 Philadelphia district: Wednesday figures 378 AU banks 733 Gold certificates: Country banks 746 Circulation of: Reserve city banks 740 Monthly 409 Reserve city banks 96 Yearly 408 Richmond district: Federal Reserve Bank holdings: AU banks 773 AU banks combined 330 Country banks 786 Each bank 333 Reserve city banks 780 Gold coin: St. Louis district: Circulation of: AU banks 833 Monthly 409 Country banks. 846 Yearlv 408 Reserve city banks 840 Government bonds. {See United States Government San Francisco district: securities.) AU banks 913 Government corporations and credit agencies: Country banks 926 Assets and liabiUties: Reserve city banks 920 AU agencies combined 517 Government debt. {See Treasury finance: Public By agencies 518 debt.) Description of data 508 Great Britain. {See United Kingdom.) Obligations of: Commercial bank holdings: Greece: Insured banks: Foreign exchange rates 671 AU banks: Gold movements to U. S 539 1934-1941 109 Gold reserves of Bank of 545 B y maturities 110 Group and chain banks: B y States 114 Deposits: Nonmember banks 112 1939 316,319 Member bank holdings: 1941 320 AU banks 77 Description of data 295 Atlanta district: Loans and investments: AU banks 793 1929 312 Country banks 806 1931 313 Reserve city banks 800 Pages Pages Group and chain banks—Continued. Number of: 1929. 1931 1939 1941 Guatemala, Central Bank of: Gold reserves Guiana, British: Gold movements to U. S Guiana, French: Gold movements to U. S H Home mortgage and housing agencies: Assets and liabilities Home Owners' Loan Corporation: Assets and liabilities Obligations outstanding Hong Kong: Foreign assets and liabilities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Hungary: Foreign assets and liabilities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold reserves of National Bank of •Money rates 312 313 316,319 320 550 539 539 518 518 511 583,594 672 539 575,585 672 539 550 656 I Iceland, National Bank of: Gold reserves Income and profits taxes collected , India, British: Foreign exchange rates • Gold movements to U. S Gold production Gold reserves of Reserve Bank of Indo-China, French: Gold movements to U. S Industrial advances of Federal Reserve Banks: All banks combined Commitments: All banks combined Each bank Description of data Each bank Earnings on: All banks combined Each bank Maturity distribution Number and amount Rates on: 1934-1941 Description of data Volume of operations: All banks combined Each bank Industrial loans. {See Commercial, industrial and agricultural loans.) Insurance agencies of United States: Assets and liabilities Insurance companies: Government securities owned by Interbank deposits: All banks in U. S.: 1914-1941 B y class of bank, by States Commercial banks: 1914r-1941. 550 513 664 539 542 544 539 330 330 333 327 333 356 357 345 345 446 424 354' 355 518 512 18 25 19 Interbank deposits—Continued. Commercial banks—Continued. Insured banks: All banks: 1934-1941 B y size of city B y States Nonmember banks Nonmember banks Member banks: All banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks B y size of city Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Description of data Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia ^strict: Allbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: All banks New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks. . ; 108,110 36 114 111,113 22 72,78 788,794 802,807 796,801 688,694 702, 707 696, 701 36 86,91 80,85 .....808,814 822, 827 816,821 748,754 762,767 756,761 98,103 888,894 902,907 896,901 70 868,874 882,887 876, 881 848,854 862,867 856,861 708, 714 722, 727 716,721 728,734 742, 747 736,741 133 165 196 92,97 768, 774 782, 787 776, 781 828,834 842, 847 836,841 908,914 922, 927 916, 921 Pages Interbank deposits—Continued. Member banks—Continued. State banks 22 National banks 20 Nonmember insured banks 36 Interdistrict collection system: Par list banks: Deposits 57 Description of data 14 Number of 64,56,58 Volume of operations at Federal Reserve Banks: All banks combined 354 Each bank 355 Interest rates: Time deposits 447 {See also Discount rates.) International capital position of U. S.: Description of data 660 Statistics 637 International capital transactions: Description of data 558 Statistics 574-637 International financial statistics 558-682 Investments: All banks in U. S 18 Commercial banks: 1914-1941.. 19 Insured banks: All banks: 1934-1941 108 By classification of investment 109 By maturities and class of bank 110 By size of city 36 B y States 114 Nonmember banks: 1934-1941 Ill By classification of investment. 112 Nonmember banks 22 Foreign investments in U. S 637 Member banks: ^ ^^ All banks 72,77 Atlanta district: All banks 788, 793 Country banks 802, 806 Reserve city banks 796, 800 Boston district: 688,693 All banks Country banks 702, 706 Reserve city banks 696,700 Branches 310 By size of city 36 Central reserve city banks: Chicago 96,^ New York. 80,84 M banli.^.^!^.' Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: All banks Country-banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Description of data Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks 808,813 822,826 816,820 748, 753 762,766 756,760 98,102 888,893 902,906 896,900 64,67 868,873 882,886 876,880 Investments—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Minneapolis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: AU banks Description of data New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks. Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks State banks Mutual savings banks: 1914-1941 Insured banks National banks Nonmember banks United States investments abroad Iran, National Bank of: Gold reserves Italy: Banking funds in U. S Brokerage balances in U. S Capital movement to U. S Foreign assets and UabUities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold reserves of Bank of Money rates Securities held by U. S United States banking funds in United States securities held by 848, 853 862,866 856,860 708,713 722,726 716,720 728,733 ..742,746 736,740 132 129 164 196 92,96 .768,773 782, 786 776, 780 828,833 842,846 836, 840 908,913 922, 926 916,920 22 23 113 20 36 637 550 608 632 602 574,585 673 639 650 656 620 614 626 J Japan: Foreign assets and liabilities . Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold production Gold reserves of Bank of Money rates Java, Bank of: Gold reserves L Labrador: Gold movements to U. S Latin America: Banking funds in U. S Brokerage balances in U. S Capital movement to U. S 583,594 673 539 542 550 656 550 ; ; 539 608 632 602 Page Pages Latin America—Continued. Foreign assets and liabilities 674,585 Gold production 542 Investments in United States 637 Securities held by U. S 620 United States banking funds in 614 United States investments in 637 United States securities held by 626 Latvia, Bank of: Gold reserves 550 Liberian gold movements to U. S 539 Lithuania, Bank of: Gold reserves 550 Loans: Agricultural. {See Agricultural loans; Commercial, industrial and agricultural loans.) All banks in U. S 18 Brokers. {See Brokers and dealers in securities: Loans to.) Commercial. {See Commercial loans.) Commercial banks: 1914^1941 19 Insured banks: All banks: 1934-1941 ,108 B y classification of loans 109 B y size of city 36 B y States 114 Nonmember banks: 1934-1941 Ill B y classification of loans 112 Nonmember banks 22 Industrial. {See Industrial advances of Federal Reserve Banks.) Member banks: All banks ....72,76,79 Atlanta district: All banks :788,792 Country banks 802, 805 Reserve city banks 796,799 Boston district: All banks 688,692 Country banks 702,705 Reserve city banks 696, 699 Branches 310 B y size of city 36 Central reserve city banks: Chicago 86, 89 New York 80,83 Chicago district: All banks 808,812 Country banks 822,825 Reserve city banks 816,819 Cleveland district: All banks 748,752 Country banks 762,765 Reserve city banks.' 756,759 Country banks 98,101 Dallas district: All banks 888, 892 Country banks 902, 905 Reserve city banks 896,899 Description of data 63,67 Kansas City district: AU banks 868,872 Country banks 882,885 Reserve city banks 876,879 Minneapolis district: AU banks 848,852 Country banks 862,865 Reserve city banks 856,859 Loans—Continued. Member banks—Continued. New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: AU banks : Description of data New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks. Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country bank,s Reserve city banks State banks. Mutual savings banks: 1914-1941 Insured banks National banks Nonmember insured banks Real estate. {See Real estate: Loans on.) Security. Securities: Loans on.) Street loans Loans and investments: All banks in U . S Commercial banks: 1914-1941... Insured: AU banks: 1934-1941 B y size of city B y States ' Nonmember banks Nonmember banks Operating branches Member banks: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks B y size of city Central reserve city banks: Chicago N e w York Chicago district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks 708,712 722, 725 716, 719 728,732 742, 745 736, 739 132 128 164 196 92,95 . . . 7 6 8 , 772 782, 785 776, 779 828,832 842, 845 836,839 908,912 922, 925 916, 919 22 23 113 20 36 — 495 18 19 108,109 36 114 Ill,112 22 297 72 788 802 796 688 702 696 36 86 80 808 822 816 748 762 756 Pages Loans and investments—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Description of data Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks MinneapoUs district: AUbanks Country banks. Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: AUbanks New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks State banks.. Mutual savings banks: 1914-1941 Insured banks National banks ! Nonmember insured banks 98 888 902 896 63, 64,67 868 882 876 848 862 856 708 722 716 728 742 736 132 164 196 92 768 782 776 828 842 836 908 922 916 22 23 113 20 36 M Malaya, British: Gold movements to U. S 539 Malta, Gozo, and Cyprus: Gold movement to U. S 539 Margin account statistics: 1935^1941 501,503 Description of data 436 Margin requirements: 1934-1941 604 Description of data 435 Mexico: Foreign assets and UabUities 583,694 Foreign exchange rates 674 Gold movements to U. S 539 Gold production 542 Gold reserves of Bank of 550 Money in circulation. (See Currency: Circulation of.) Money rates: Customers' loan rates: Description of data 426 Monthly 463 Weekly 464 Money rates—Continued. Foreign countries: B y countries Description of data Open market in New York City: Description of data Monthly Weekly Morocco: Gold movements to U. S Gold reserves of Bank of 666 571 424 448 452 539 550 N National bank notes: Circulation of: Monthly..... 409 Yearly 408 Outstanding 419 National defense corporations: Assets and liabilities 618 National defense expenditures 513 Netherlands: Banking funds in U. S 608 Brokerage balances in U. S 632 Capital movement to XJ. S 602 Foreign assets and liabiUties 574, 686 Foreign exchange rates 674 Gold movements to U. S 539 Gold reserves of Bank of 550 Money rates 656 Securities held by U. S. 620 United States banking funds in 614 United States securities held by 626 Netherlands East Indies: Gold movements to U. S 539 Netherlands West Indies; Gold movements to U. S 539 New Guinea: Gold production 542 New York Stock Exchange: Brokers' balances 501, 503 Brokers' borrowings: 1918-1941 600, 601,503 Description of data 435 Volume of trading: Description of data ^ 431 Monthly.. 485 Weekly 486 New Zealand: Foreign exchange rates 676 Gold movements to U. S 539 Gold production 54^ Gold reserves of Reserve Bank of 550 Newfoundland: Gold movements to U. S 539 Norway: Foreign assets and UabUities 583,594 Foreign exchange rates 675 Gold movements to U. S 539 Gold reserves of Bank of 550 Number of banks. (See Banks: Number of.) Oceania: Gold production Oceania, British: Gold movements to U. S 542 \ 539 Pages Pages Panama and Canal Zone: Open market paper: Foreign assets and liabUities. Insured commercial bank holdings: Paper currency: AU banks: Circulation of 1934-1941 109 Shipments and receipts: B y States 114 1923-1941... Nonmember banks 112 Description of data Member bank holdings: Par list banks: Allbanks 76 Deposits Atlanta district: Description of data AU banks 792 Number of: Country banks .805 By Federal Reserve districts: Reserve city banks 799 1916-1941 Boston district: Dec. 31, 1939 AU banks 692 By States: Country banks 705 Dec. 31, 1939 Reserve city banks 699 Dec. 31, 1941 Central reserve city banks: Persia. {See Iran.) Chicago 89 Peru: New York 83 Central Reserve Bank of: Chicago district: Gold reserves AU banks 812 Gold movements to U. S Country banks. 825 Gold production Reserve city banks 819 PhUippine Islands: Cleveland district: Foreign assets and liabUities AU banks 752 Gold movements to U. S Country banks 765 Poland: Reserve city banks 759 Foreign exchange rates Country banks 101 Gold movements to U. S DaUas district: Gold reserves of Bank of All banks 892 Portugal: Country banks 905 Foreign exchange rates Reserve city banks 899 Gold movements to U. S Kansas City district: Gold reserves of Bank of AU banks 872 Portuguese East Africa: Country banks 885 Gold movements to U. S Reserve city banks 879 Postal savings deposits: Minneapolis district: Insured commercial bank holdings: AU banks 852 AU banks: Country banks 865 1934-1941 Reserve city banks 859 B y States New York district: Nonmember banks AU banks : 712 Member banks: Country banks 725 AU banks Reserve city banks 719 Atlanta district: PhUadelphia district: AU banks AU banks 732 Country banks Country banks 745 Reserve city banks Reserve city banks 739 Boston district: Reporting banks: AU banks AU banks }48 Country banks New York City 180 Reserve city banks Outside N . Y . C 212 Central reserve city banks: Reserve city banks 95 Chicago Richmond district: ^^^ New York Allbanks Chicago district: Country banks 785 . AU banks. Reserve city banks 779 Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: „„„ Cleveland district: AU banks 832 AU banks Country banks 845 Country banks Reserve city banks 839 Reserve city banks San Francisco district: Country banks AU banks 912 DaUas district: Country banks • 925 All b a n k s . . . . . Reserve city banks 919 Country banks Open market rates. (See Money rates; Open market.) Reserve city banks. Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Palestine: Reserve city banks 539 Gold movements to U. S.. 583, 594 415 417 405 57 14 54 56 56 58 550 539 542 583,594 539 676 539 551 676 539 551 539 108,110 114 I l l , 113 72,78 788,794 802,807 796,801 688, 694 702, 707 696, 701 - 86,91 80,85 ....808,814 822,827 816,821 748,754 762,767 756,761 98,103 888,894 .902, 907 896,901 868,874 882,887 876,881 Pages Postal savings deposits—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: All banks Country banks. Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Rates on Reporting banks: All banks New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Postal Savings System: Assets and depositors' balances Deposits Description of data Production credit corporations: Assets and liabilities Profit and loss account: Federal Reserve Banks Profits: Insured commercial banks: All banks: 1934-1941 By States B y total deposits Nonmember banks. Member banks: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks By class of bank: 1919-1941 B y Federal Reserve district Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks 848,854 862,867 866,861 708, 714 722,727 716,721 728,734 742, 747 736,741 447 169 191 223 92,97 768,774 782,787 776,781 828,834 842,847 836,841 908,914 922,927 916,921 519 34 508 518 357 108,277 114 278 Ill 72,262 788 802 796 688 702 696 264 269 86 80 808 822 816 748 762 756 98 Profits—Continued. Member banks—Continued. DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks. Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia ^strict: AU banks Gountry banks. Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks National banks PubUc Debt, United States Government. Treasury finance: Public debt.) Public Works Administration: Assets and liabiUties R Real estate: Insured commercial bank holdings: 1934-1941 B y States Loans on: Insured commercial banks: All banks: 1934-1941 B y States Nonmember banks Member banks: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks. Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks 888 902 896 868 882 876 848 862 856 708 722 716 728 742 736 92 768 782 776 828 842 836 , 908 922 916 260 {See 518 108 114 109 114 112 76, 79 792 805 799 692 705 699 89 83 812 825 819 Pages Real estate—Continued. Loans on—Continued. Member Banks—Continued. Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: ^ All banks Country banks Reserve city banks. . Philadelphia district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: All banks New York City Outside N . Y . C Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks. Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Member bank holdings: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks ' ' Real estate—Continued. Member bank holdings—Continued. Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks 752 Reserve city banks 765 Minneapolis district: 759 AU banks 101 Country banks Reserve city banks 892 New York district: 905 AU banks 899 Country banks Reserve city banks 872 PhUadelphia district: 885 AU banks 879 Country banks Reserve city banks 852 Reserve city banks 865 Richmond district: 859 AU banks Country banks 712 Reserve city banks 725 719 St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks 732 Reserve city banks 745 San Francisco district: 739 AU banks 148 Country banks. 180 Reserve city banks 212 Reconstruction Finance Corporation: 95 Assets and liabUities Guaranteed obUgations: 772 Insured commercial bank holdings 785 Mortgage Company 779 Obligations outstanding Regional agricultural credit corporations: 832 Assets and liabUities 845 Reserve bank credit. {See Credit, Bank.) 839 Reserve cities: Changes in designations of 912 Reserve requirements: 925 Member banks: 919 1917-1941 Description of data. 72 Reserves: Federal Reserve Banks: 788 AU banks combined: 802 Dec. 31, 1914-1941 796 Monthly, 1914r-1941 Description of data 688 Each bank, 1914^1941 702 Reserve percentages 696 Insured commercial banks: Account in Federal Reserve Banks: 86 1934r-1941 80 B y size of city By S t a t e s . . . : sos Member banks: 822 Account in Federal Reserve Banks: 81b AU banks combined: ^^^ Dec. 31, 1914-1941 748 B y size of city 762 CaU dates 76b Monthly 98 Atlanta district: AU banks 888 Country banks Reserve city banks 896 Pages 868 882 876 848 862 856 708 722 716 728 742 736 92 768 782 776 828 842 836 908 922 916 518 114 518 511 518 401 400 62,66,365 330 346 324,328 333,337 346 108 36 114 330 36 72 346 788 802 796 Pages Reserves—Continued: Member banks—Continued. Account in Federal Reserve Banks-^Continued. Boston district: All banks 688 Country banks 702 Reserve city banks 696 Central reserve city banks: Chicago 86 New York 80 Chicago district: All banks 808 Country banks 822 Reserve city banks 816 Cleveland district: All banks 748 Country banks. 762 Reserve city banks 756 Country banks 98 Dallas district: AUbanks 888 Country banks. • 902 Reserve city banks 896 Description of data 68 Each bank 333,337 Kansas City district: All banks 868 Country banks 882 Reserve city banks 876 Minneapolis district: AU banks 848 Country banks 862 Reserve city banks 856 New York district: AU banks 708 Country banks 722 Reserve city banks 716 PhUadelphia district: AUbanks 728 Country banks 742 Reserve city banks 736 Reserve city banks 92 R i c W o n d district: All banks 768 Country banks 782 Reserve city banks 776 St. Louis district: AUbanks 828 Country banks 842 Reserve city banks 836 San Francisco district: AU banks 908 Country banks 922 Reserve city banks 916 Description of data 360,687 Excess reserves: Annual averages 368 B y class of bank: 1929-1941 396 Atlanta district 933 Boston district 928 Chicago district 934 Cleveland district 931 DaUas district.. 938 Kansas City district 937 Minneapolis district 936 New York district 929 Philadelphia district 930 Richmond district 932 St. Louis district 935 San Francisco district 939 CaU dates 395 Reserves—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Excess reserves—Continued. Description of data End of month figures Monthly averages Wednesday figures Total reserves: Annual averages ; By class of bank: 1929-1941 Atlanta district Boston district Chicago district Cleveland district DaUas district Kansas City district Minneapolis district New York district PhUadelphia district Richmond district St. Louis district San Francisco district CaU dates End of month figures Monthly averages Reporting banks: AUbanks New York City Outside N. Y. C .... Wednesday figures Rhodesia: Gold production Rumania: Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold production Gold reserves of National Bank of Rural Electrification Administration: Assets and UabiUties Russia: Foreign exchange rates (See also Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.) Savings deposits: Insured commercial bank holdings: * AU banks Nonmember banks Member banks: AUbanks Atlanta district: AUbanks..: Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks 366 373 369 378 368 396 933 928 934 931 938 937 938 929 930 932 936 939 395 373 369 132 164 196 378 542 677 639 542 661 518 677 110 113 78 794 807 801 694 707 701 91 85 814 .827 821 764 767 761 103 Pages Savings deposits—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Dallas district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: Allbanks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: Allbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Rates on Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Securities: AU banks in U. S Borrowed: Insured commercial banks: All banks Nonmember banks Member banks: All banks Atlanta district: Allbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU b a n k s . . . . . Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago ' New York Chicago district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: Allbanks Country banks. Reserve city banks : - Securities—Continued. Borrowed—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Minneapolis district: 894 AU banks 907 Country banks 901 Reserve city banks 874 New York district: 887 AU banks.. 881 Country banks Reserve city banks 854 PhUadelphia district: 867 Allbanks.. 861 Country banks ' Reserve city banks 714 Reserve city banks 727 Richmond district: 721 AU banks Country banks 734 Reserve city banks 747 St. Louis district: 741 AU banks 447 Country banks 97 Reserve city banks San Francisco district: 774 AU banks 787 Country banks 781 Reserve city banks Commercial bank holdings: 834 1914^-1941 847 Insured banks: 841 AU banks: 914 1934-1941 927 By classification of holdings 921 B y size of city B y States 18 Nonmember banks: . 1934-1941 B y classification of holdings 108 Nonmember banks • HI Foreign holdings, by coimtries Loans on: 72 Insured commercial banks: ^ ^ All banks: 788 1934-1941 802 B y States 796 ' Nonmember banks Member banks: 688 Allbanks 702 Atlanta district: 696 AU banks 86 Country banks 80 Reserve city banks ^^^ Boston district: 808 AU b a n k s . . . . . of^ Country banks oio Reserve city banks ^^^ Central reserve city banks: 748 Chicago New York ' ob Chicago district: AU banks Country banks 888 Reserve city banks Cleveland district: All banks Country banks 868 Reserve city banks Country banks »/o 848 862 856 708 722 716 728 742 736 92 768 782 776 828 842 836 908 922 916 19 108 109 36 114 Ill 112 22 626 109 114 112 76,79 792 805 799 692 705 699 89 83 812 825 819 752 765 759 101 Pages Securities—Continued. Loans on—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Dallas district: All banks.. Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks. . New York district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: All banks New York City Outside N. Y. C. Reserve city banks. . Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Member bank holdings: All banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks B y size of city Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: All banks... Country banks Reserve city banks 892 905 899 872 885 879 852 865 859 712 725 719 732 745 739 132 164 196 95 772 785 779 832 845 839 912 925 919 72, 77, 79 788,793 802,806 796,800 688, 693 702, 706 696, 700 36 86, 90 80,84 808,813 822,826 816,820 748,753 762, 766 756,760 98,102 888,893 902,906 896,900 868,873 882,886 876,880 Securities—Continued. Member bank holdings^—Continued. Minneapolis district: All banks 848,853 Country banks... 862,866 Reserve city banks 856,860 New York district: AU banks 708,713 Country banks 722,726 Reserve city banks 716, 720 Philadelphia district: All banks... 728,733 Country banks 742, 746 Reserve city banks 736, 740 Reserve city banks .92,96 Richmond district: All banks 768,773 Country banks : • •. .782, 786 Reserve city banks 776, 780 St. Louis district: AU banks 828,833 Country banks 842,846 Reserve city banks 836,840 San Francisco district: All banks 908,913 Country banks. 922, 926 Reserve city banks 916,920 State banks 22 Mutual savings banks 23 National bank holdings 20 New issues: By major groups of issuers 487 By proposed uses of proceeds 491 Description of data 431 Nonmember insured bank holdings 36 Prices: Bonds 475 Stocks: Monthly 479 Weekly 482 Purchased by foreigners 596 United States Government. (See United States Government securities.) Siam. ThaUand.) Silver: Seigniorage on 515 Silver certificates: Circulation of: Monthly 409 Yearly 408 Silver coin: Circulation of: Monthly 409 Yearly 408 Outstanding 419 SUver doUars: Circulation of: Monthly 409 Yearly 408 Outstanding 419 Social security taxes coUected 513 South Africa: Foreign exchange rates 678 Gold movements to U. S 539 Gold production 542 Reserve Bank of: Gold reserves 551 Spain: Foreign exchange rates 678 Gold movements to U. S 539 Gold reserves of Bank of 551 Pages States and political subdivisions: Municipal bond prices Obligations of:. Commercial bank holdings: All banks: 1934-1941 : B y maturities By States Nonmember banks Member bank holdings: All banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks. Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks. Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks. Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New issues PubUc fvmd deposits: Insured commercial banks: AU banks: 1934-1941 B y States Nonmember banks 475 109 110 114 112 77,79 793 806 800 693 706 700 90 84 813 826 820 753 766 760 102 893 906 900 873 886 880 • 853 866 860 713 726 720 733 746 740 96 773 786 7»0 833 84b 913 ^^^ 487 114 113 Pages States and political subdivisions—Continued. Public fund deposits—Continued. Member banks: All banks 78 Atlanta district: AU banks 794 Country banks 807 Reserve city banks 801 Boston district: AU banks 694 Country banks 707 Reserve city banks 701 Central reserve city banks: Chicago 91 New York 85 Chicago district: AU banks 814 Country banks 827 Reserve city banks. . 821 Cleveland district: AU banks 754 Country banks 767 Reserve city banks 761 Country banks 103 DaUas district: AU banks 894 Country banks 907 Reserve city banks 901 Kansas City district: AU banks 874 Country banks 887 Reserve city banks 881 MinneapoUs district: AU banks 854 Country banks 867 Reserve city banks 861 New York district: AU banks 714 Country banks 727 Reserve city banks 721 PhUadelphia ^strict: AU banks 734 Country banks 747 Reserve city banks 741 Reporting banks: AU banks 159 New York City 191 Outside N. Y. C 223 Reserve city banks 97 Richmond district: AU banks 774 Country banks 787 Reserve city banks 781 St. Louis district: All banks 834 Country banks 847 Reserve city banks ^41 San Francisco district: AU banks 914 Country banks 927 Reserve city banks 921 Stock exchange: Brokers' balances: Monthly 501 June and December figures 503 Brokers' borrowings 500, 501, 503 Discount rates on loans: Monthly 448 Weekly 452 Margin requirements 504 Pages Stock exchange—Continued. Volume of trading: New York Stock Exchange: Monthly Weekly S. E. C. reported volume and value. Stocks: Bank: Insured commercial bank holdings: All banks: 1934^1941 By States. Nonmember banks Member bank holdings: AUbanks Atlanta district: AUbanks Country banks. Reserve city banks Boston district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AUbanks... Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks. Country banks DaUas district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks MinneapoUs district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks... Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks 485 486 485 108,109 114 Ill 72,77 788,793 802, 806 796, 800 688,693 702, 706 696, 700 86,90 80,84 808, 813 822,826 816,820 748,763 762,766 766, 760 98,102888, 893 902,906 896, 900 868,873 882,886 876,880 848,853 862,866 856,860 708,713 722,726 716, 720 ...,728,733 742, 746 736, 740 92,96 768,773 782,786 776,780 828,833 842,846 836,840 908,913 922,926 916,920 Stocks—Continued. Corporate: Insured commercial bank holdings: AUbanks: 1934r-1941 B y States Nonmember banks Member bank holdings: AUbanks Atlanta district: AUbanks.... Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AUbanks..... Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AU banks Coimtry banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AUbanks Country banks ' Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: AUbanks.... Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AUbanks... Country banks. Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks l^serve city banks San Francisco district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Industrial stock prices: Monthly Weekly New issues Prices: Description of data Monthly..... Weekly 109 114 112 77,79 793 806 800 693 706 700 90 84 813 826 820 753 766 760 102 893 906 900 873 886 880 853 866 860 713 726 720 733 746 740 96i 773 789 780 833 846 840 913 926 920 479 482 487,491 430 479 482 Pages Pages Stocks—Continued. Railroad stock prices: Monthly... Weekly Trading in stocks: New York Stock Exchange: Description of data Monthly Weekly S. E. C. reported volume and value Utility stock prices: Monthly Weekly Straits Settlements: Foreign exchange rates.; Street loans: Daily reporting banks in N e w York City Member banks Surplus: Federal Reserve Banks: All banks combined Each bank Insured commercial banks: All banks: 1934r-1941 B y States Nonmember banks Member banks: AU banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: All banks : Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: Allbanks. Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: Allbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: Allbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district; Allbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: Allbanks... Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: All banks. Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: AU banks Country b a n ^ . Reserve city banks Reserve city banks 479 482 431 485 486 485 479 482 679 495 79 330,356 333,357 108 114 Ill 72 788 802 796 688 702 696 86 80 808 822 816 748 762 756 98 888 Surplus—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Richmond district: Allbanks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Suspensions of banks: Commercial banks: By class of bank By States Description of data Losses to depositors Mutual savings banks National banks: 1892-1941 By States. Nonmember banks Private banks: 1892-1941 By States State banks State member banks: 1921-1941 By States Sweden: Foreign assets and UabUities Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U . S Gold production Gold reserves of Riksbank : Money rates Switzerland: Banking funds in U. S Brokerage balances in U. S Capital movement to U. S Foreign assets and UabiUties Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold reserves of National Bank of Money rates Securities held by U. S United States banking funds in United States securities held by Syrian gold movements to U. S 768 782 776 828 842 836 908 922 916 283 284 281 283 292 283 286 290 283 292 283 283 288 583,594 679 539 542 551 656 608 632 -602 574,585 680 539 551 656 620 614 626 539 896 868 882 876 ^ „ 848 862 856 — 708 722 716 728 742 92 T Taxes coUected Tennessee VaUey Authority: Assets and UabiUties ThaUand: Gold reserves Time deposits: AU banks in U . S Commercial banks; 1892-1941 Insured banks: AU banks: 1934^1941 B y size of city B y States Nonmember banks 513 518 551 34 34 108,110 36 114 113 Pages Time deposits—Continued. Member banks: All banks Atlanta district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks By size of city Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Larger and smaUer places MinneapoUs district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AU banks Country banks. Reserve city banks Rates on: 1933-1941 Description of data Reporting banks: All banks New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: Ail banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks. Country banks Reserve city banks Mutual savings banks Nonmember insured banks Postal savings system Treasury currency outstanding: Annual averages , CaU dates ; 72, 78 ^ ^^ 788, 794 802,807 796,801 688,694 702,707 696, 701 36 86,91 80,85 808,814 822,827 816, 821 ,,. „ . Z!?'IK 762, 767 756, 761 98,103 888,894 902,907 896,901 ^^ 868,874 882,887 876. 881 42 848, 854 862, 867 856,861 p S , 714 722, 727 716,721 728,734 742, 747 736, 741 447 424 132 164 196 92,97 768,774 782,787 776, 781 828,834 842,847 836,841 908,914 922,927 916,921 ' 34 36 34 368 395 Treasury currency outstanding—Continued. Description of data 363,406 End o f month figures 373,419 Monthly averages 369 Wednesday figures 378 Treasury finance: Description of data. 507 Expenditures 513 General Fund balance: 1910-1941 ' 515 Description of data 507 Increase and decrease in 513 Public debt: Description of data 506 Direct securities: Maturities of. 511 Volume and kind 509 Gross debt 509 Guaranteed securities: By issuing agencies 511 Description of data 507 Increase and decrease in 513 Interest bearing 509 Interest on 513 Marketable pubUc issues: Maturities of 511 Volume and kind 509 Noninterest bearing 509 Nonmarketable public issues 509 Ownership of. 512 Receipts 513 Treasury notes of 1890: Circulation of; Monthly 409 Yearly 408 Turkey: Foreign exchange rates 680 Gold movements to U. S 539 Gold reserves of Central Bank of 551 Turnover of deposits. (See Deposits: Turnover of.) U Unemployment relief, Expenditures for 513 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Gold movements to U. S 539 Gold production 542 Gold reserves of State Bank of 551 United Kingdom: Bank of England: Assets and liabUities 560,638 Gold reserves 551 Banking funds in U. S 608 Brokerage balances in U. S 632 Capital movement to U. S. 602 Commercial banks 566, 648 Foreign assets and UabUities 574,585 Foreign exchange rates 681 Gold movements to U. S 539 Investments in United States 637 Money rates 656 Securities held by U. S 620 United States banking funds in 614 United States investments in 637 United States securities held by 626 United States Government credit agencies. (See Governmental corporations and credit agencies.) United States Government debt. (See Treasury finance: PubUc debt.) United States Government deposits: AU banks in U . S 34 Pages Pages United States Government deposits—Continued. Federal Reserve Banks: Dec. 31, 1914-1941 330 Annual averages 368 Call dates : 395 Description of data 364 Each bank 333 End of month figures 373 Monthly averages 346, 369 Wednesday figures 378 Insured commercial banks: Ail banks: 1934-1941 108,110 By States 114 Nonmember banks. I l l , 113 Member banks: All banks 72,78 Atlanta district: All banks 788, 794 Country banks 802,807 Reserve city banks 796,801 Boston district: AU banks 688,694 Country banks 702,707 Reserve city banks 696,701 Central reserve city banks: Chicago 86,91 New York 80,85 Chicago district: AU b a n k s . . . . . 808,914 Country banks 822,827 Reserve city banks 816,821 Cleveland district: AU banks ....748,754 Country banks 762,767 Reserve city banks 756,761 Country b a n k s . . : 98,103 Dallas district: AU banks : 894 Country banks 907 Reserve city banks. 901 Kansas City district: AU banks 868,874 Country banks 882,887 Reserve city banks 876,881 Minneapolis district: AU banks 848, 854 Country banks 862,867 Reserve city banks 856,861 New York district: All banks ISS'Zit Country banks • 722,727 Reserve city banks 716, 721 PhUadelphia district: AU banks 728, 734 Country banks 742, 747 Reserve city banks 736, 741 Reporting banks: AU banks 132 New York City 164 Outside N. Y. C 196 Reserve city banks 92, 97 Richmond district: AU banks 768,774 Country banks 782,787 Reserve city banks 776,781 St. Louis district: ^ ^ AU banks 828,834 Country banks 842,847 Reserve city banks ^36,841 United States Government deposits—Continued. Member banks—Continued. San Francisco district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks United States Government securities: Adjusted service bonds AU banks in U. S. holdings Bonds: Federal Reserve Bank holdings Insiired commercial bank holdings: All banks: 1934-1941 By maturities By S t a t e s . . . Nonmember banks. Maturities of Member bank holdings: All banks ' Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks : Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks MinneapoUs district: AU banks Country banks ; Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: AU banks... New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks 914 927 921 509 18 343 109 110 114 112 511 77 793 806 800 693 706 700 90 84 813 826 820 753 766 760 102 893 906 900 873 886 880 853 866 860 713 726 720 733 746 740 158 190 222 96 773 786 780 833 846 Pages United States Government securities—Continued. Bonds—Continued. Member bank holdings—Continued. St. Louis district—Continued. Reserve city banks,... San Francisco district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Prices Volume of 840 913 92b 920 475 509 Yields: Description of data Monthly Weekly Certiacates of indebtedness: Maturities of Volume of Commercial bank holdings: 1914^1941 Insured banks: All banks: 1934-1941 By m a t u r i t i e s . . . . . . . . . By size of city By States Nonmember banks Nonmember banks Direct obligations: Description of data Insured commercial bank holdings: All banks: 1934-1941 By maturities. By States Nonmember banks Maturities of Member bank holdings: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York Chicago district: AUbanks Coimtry banks Reserve city banks Cleveland district: AUbanks Country banks. Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks MinneapoUs district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks 429 468 472 ojl 509 19,512 108,109 110 3b 114 .111,112 22 ouo 109 110 114 A^f 511 77 -••• 793 806 800 •• 693 70b 700 ^ 84 813 82b 820 753 7bb 760 102 893 ^ 900 * *• 873 886 880 853 866 860 United States Government securities—Continued. Direct obligations—Continued. Member bank holdings—Continued. New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AUbanks •• Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: Weekly and monthly, 1919-1941: AUbanks New York City Outside N. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AUbanks Country banks Reserve city banks Volume and kind Federal Reserve Bank holdings: AU banks combined: 1914r-1941 June and December 1916-1941 Dec. 31, 1914r-1941 Annual averages Bought outright and repurchase agreement.. By types of securities CaU dates End of month figures Monthly averages Wednesday figures Description of data Each bank: Dec. 31, 191-^1941 Dec. 31, 1920, 1929,1933, 1941 Earnings on: AU banks combined Each bank Maturity distribution Guaranteed obUgations: Description of data Insured commercial bank holdings: AU banks: 1934-1941... By maturities By States Nonmember banks Member bank holdings: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York 713 726 720 733 746 740 132 164 196 96 773 786 780 833 846 840 913 926 920 509 343 512 330 368 343 343 395 373 369 378 326 337 333 356 357 344 507 109 110 114 112 77 793 806 800 693 706 700 90 84 Pages Pages United States Government securities—Continued. United States Government securities—Continued. Member bank holdings—Continued. Guaranteed obligations—Continued. Cleveland district: Member bank holdings—Continued. AU banks .748, 753 Chicago district: Country banks 762,766 Allbanks 813 Reserve city banks 756,760 Country banks 826 Country banks .98,102 Reserve city banks 820 DaUas district: Cleveland district: AU banks . . 8 88,893 AU banks 753 Country banks 902,906 Country banks 766 Reserve city banks 896,900 Reserve city banks 760 Kansas City district: Country banks 102 AU banks 868,873 DaUas district: Country banks 882,886 AU banks 893 Reserve city banks 876,880 Country banks 906 Maturity: Reserve city banks 900 AU banks 77 Kansas City district: Atlanta district: AU banks 873 AU banks 793 Country banks 886 Country banks 806 Reserve city banks 880 Reserve city banks 800 Minneapolis district: Boston district: AU banks 853 AU banks 693 Country banks 866 Country banks 706 Reserve city banks 860 Reserve city banks 700 New York district: Central reserve city banks: AU banks 713 Chicago 90 Country banks 726 New York 84 Reserve city banks 720 Chicago district: PhUadelphia district: AU banks 813 AU banks 733 . Country banks 826 Country banks 746 Reserve city banks 820 Reserve city banks 740 Cleveland district: Reporting banks: Allbanks. 763 AU banks 148 Country banks 766 New York City 180 Reserve city banks 760 Outside N . Y . C 212 Country banks 102 Reserve city banks 96 Richmond district: DaUas district; AU banks 773 All banks. 893 Country banks ' 786 Country banks. 906 Reserve city banks 780 Reserve city banks 900 St. Louis district: Kansas City district: 833 AU banks All banks 873 Country banks 846 Country banks 886 Reserve city banks 840 Reserve city banks 880 San Francisco district: MinneapoUs district: All banks 913 AU banks 853 Country banks 926 Country banks 866 Reserve city banks 920 Reserve city banks 860 Volume by issuing agencies 511 New York district: Liberty bonds: AU banks 713 Maturities of Country banks 726 Volume of 509 Reserve city banks 720 Member bank holdings: Philadelphia district: All banks 72,77,79 AU banks... 733 Atlanta district: Country banks 746 AU banks 788,^3 Reserve city banks 740 Country banks Reserve city banks 96 Reserve city banks 796,800 Richmond district; Boston district: ^ « AU banks 773 AU banks 688,693 Country banks. 786 Country banks 702,706 Reserve city banks 780 Reserve city banks 696,700 St. Louis district; B y size of city * -•• 36 AU banks 833 Central reserve city banks: Coimtry banks 846 Chicago 86,90 Reserve city banks 840 New York 80,84 San Francisco district: Chicago district: AU banks 913 AU banks 808,813 Country banks 926 Country banks 822,826 Reserve city banks 920 Reserve city banks. 816,820 Pages United States Government secmrities—Continued. Member bank holdings—Continued. Minneapolis district: All banks 848, 853 Country banks 862,866 Reserve city banks. • .856,860 New York district: All banks .708,713 Country b a n k s . . . . . . 722,726 Reserve city banks 716,720 Philadelphia district: AU banks 728, 733 Country banks 742,746 Reserve city banks 736,740 Reporting banks: AU banks. 132 New York City 164 Outside N. Y. C 196 Reserve city banks 92, 96 Richmond district: AU banks 768, 773 Country banks 782, 786 Reserve city banks. 776,780 St. Louis district: All banks 828,833 Country banks.. 842,846 Reserve city banks 836,840 San Francisco district: AU banks 908,913 Country banks 922,926 Reserve city banks 916,920 State banks 22 Mutual savings bank holdings: AU banks 23, 512 Insured banks 113 National bank holdings 20 Nonmember insured bank holdings 36 Ownership of 512 Postal savings bonds: Maturities of 511 Volume of 509 Savings bonds 509 Special issues 509 Treasury biUs: Federal Reserve Bank holdings - - 343 Insured commercial bank holdings: AU banks: 1934r-1941. 109 B y maturities 110 By States 114 Nonmember banks 112 Maturities of 511 Member bank holdings: AU banks 77 Atlanta district: AU banks 793 Country banks 806 Reserve city banks 800 Boston district: AU banks 693 Country banks 706 Reserve city banks 700 Central reserve city banks: Chicago 90 New York 84 Chicago district: AU banks : 813 Country banks 826 Reserve city banks 820 United States Government securities—Continued. Treasury bills—Continued. Member bank holdings—Continued. Cleveland district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks DaUas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Minneapolis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks ^... Country banks Reserve city banks PhUadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: AU banks :... New York City Outside N . Y . C . . . . . Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks.' Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Volume of Yields: Monthly Weekly Treasury notes: Federal Reserve Bank holdings Insured commercial bank holdings: AU banks: 1934^1941 B y States Nonmember banks Maturities of Member bank holdings: AU banks Atlanta district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Boston district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Central reserve city banks: Chicago New York 753 766 760 102 893 906 900 873 886 880 853 866 860 713 726 720 733 746 740 158 190 222 96 773 786 780 833 846 840 913 926 920 509 460 461 343 109 114 112 511 77 793 806 800 693 706 700 90 84 Pagea Pages United States Government securities—Continued. Treasury notes—Continued. Member bank holdings—Continued. Chicago district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks. Cleveland district: All banks Country banks Reserve city banks Country banks Dallas district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Kansas City district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks MinneapoUs district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks New York district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Philadelphia district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks Reporting banks: AU banks New York City OutsideN. Y. C Reserve city banks Richmond district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks St. Louis district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks San Francisco district: AU banks Country banks Reserve city banks 813 826 820 753 766 760 102 893 906 900 873 886 880 853 866 860 713 726 720 733 746 740 158 190 222 96 773 786 780 833 846 840 913 926 920 United States Government securities—Continued. Treasury notes—Continued. Volume of 509 Yields: Monthly 460 Weekly.. 461 Volume handled by Federal Reserve Banks: AU banks combined 354 Each bank 355 Yields: Description of data 425 Monthly 460, 468 Weekly 461,472 United States Housing Authority: Assets and UabUities 518 United^States Maritime Commission: Assets and liabiUties United States notes: Circulation of: Monthly Yearly Outstanding Uruguay: Foreign exchange rates Gold movements to U. S Gold reserves of Bank of V Venezuela: Gold movements to U. S Gold production Gold reserves of Central Bank of 518 409 408 419 681 539 551 539 542 551 W West Indian gold movement to U. S '539 Y Yugoslavia: Foreign exchange rates Gold movement to U. S Gold reserves of National Bank of 682 539 551