
Annual Report : Center for Latin American Economics


The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas established the Center for Latin American Economics (CLAE) in 1992 to promote public understanding of economic policy issues pertinent to Latin America. The center serves as a clearinghouse for information about the region and pursues the exchange of ideas internationally. The CLAE hosts scholars and central bankers from Latin America, organizes conferences, and sends staff economists to present papers at academic and technical conferences. The staff writes and publishes work in a wide variety of outlets, including refereed journals, books, and publications of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

  • CLAE Annual Report

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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

  • oclc: 191888775
  • lccn: 2004240034
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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Center for Latin American Economics. Annual Report : Center for Latin American Economics. 2002-2004., accessed on October 14, 2024.