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69th Congress ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES j 2d Session J ( R eport No. 1796 AMENDMENTS TO BANKING LAWS January 19, 1927.— Ordered to be printed M r. M cF ad d en , from the committee of conference, submitted the following CONFERENCE REPORT [To accompany H. R. 2] The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 2) entitled “ An act to amend an act entitled ‘ An act to provide for the consolida tion of national banking associations,’ approved November 7, 1918; to amend section 5136 as amended, section 6137, section 5138 as amended, section 5142, section 5150, section 5155, section 5190, section 5200 as amended, section 5202 as amended, section 5208 as amended, section 5211 as amended of the Revised Statutes of the United States; and to amend section 9, section 13, section 22, and section 24 of the Federal reserve act, and for other purposes,” having met, after conference have been unable to agree. Louis T. M cFadden, James G. Strong, Managers on the part of the House. G eorge W harton P epper, W alter E. E dge, Carter G lass, Managers on the part of the Senate. STATEMENT OP THE MANAttflRS ON THE PART OP THE HOUSE The managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Sen* ate to the bill (H. R. 2) entitled "A n act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to provide for the consolidation of national banking associa tions,' approved November 7,1918; to amend section 5136 as amended, section 5137, section 5138 as amended, section 5142, section 5150, section 5155, section 5190, section 5200 as amended, section 5202 as amended, section 5208 as amended, section 5211 as amended, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and to amend section 9, sec tion 13, section 22, and section 24 of the Federal reserve act, and for other purposes,” submit the following statement: That the managers have been unable to agree. Louis T. M cF adden, Jambs G. Strong, Managers on the part oj the House. 9