Macroblog (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Policy Hub: Macroblog provides concise commentary and analysis on economic topics including monetary policy, macroeconomic developments, inflation, labor economics, and financial issues for a broad audience.
- Policy Hub: Macroblog
- 2000s
- macroblog returns
- What the Fed did during macroblog's vacation
- Did the stimulus package actually stimulate?
- The "What's Fair" contest
- Deep questions from Jackson Hole
- Monitoring the inflation bees, striving not to get stung
- Does the GDP deflator lie?
- Employment watch
- Hurricanes put energy on center stage
- Will automatic enrollment boost 401(k) savings?
- The left and right of it all
- What's a swap line?
- Time out
- Wall Street worries, Main Street woes
- On rescues and bailouts
- The ISM Index breaks the magic number
- "Why is the Fed Paying Interest on Excess Reserves?"
- How high is financial risk today?
- How to build a better auction?
- The end of buy and hold?
- The evolving economic outlook
- A home price index gets a new name (but it's telling the same story)
- The Commercial Paper Market and the Fed's Commercial Paper Funding Facility : Part 1 of a 2-part Series
- MMMF, and AMLF, and MMIFF : Part 2 of a 2-part Series
- Underwater homeowners and foreclosure
- Saving and taxes
- The changing operational face of monetary policy
- More on the changing operational face of monetary policy
- What do we know about infrastructure spending?
- Thoughts on reading the October CPI
- How should we think about the monetary transmission mechanism?
- The recession in pictorial context
- Do you see what they see?
- Credit storm hitting the high seas?
- December 5 macroblog Q&As
- Thinking about averages
- Higher unemployment : Labor force effects versus job loss effects
- Are modern recessions different?
- Good news in income growth?
- Will tax stimulus stimulate investment?
- On expanding balance sheets and inflationary policy
- What, exactly, is the Fed trying to do?
- A look back at the economy, in presidential terms
- The piggybank effect
- Layoffs: The new problem?
- There is no accounting for priorities
- Contraction, not tightening
- How bad is the employment picture, really?
- The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in pictures
- Foreclosure mitigation : What we think we know
- Yet another cut at the recent retail price data
- Dueling forecasts
- Another side of the administration's tax plan
- A look at postrecession employment trends
- A look at the Bank of England's balance sheet
- Careful with that language
- What do you mean "Fix It?"
- Snapping ropes and breaking bricks
- The mean and the variance of the longer-term inflation outlook
- Déjà vu all over again
- Abnormal consumer spending—not quite
- Is the investment trend in the current recession "run of the mill"?
- The undocumented and business survival in the United States
- When is rapid growth in a central bank's balance sheet not cause for concern?
- Tools for managing the Fed's balance sheet
- More on interest on reserves
- Housing starts, remittances and macroeconomic developments
- A new accord?
- Debt and money
- Are there green shoots in the labor market?
- Price stability and the monetary base
- CPI: The left and the right of it
- Private sector forecasts at variance
- A funny thing happened on the way to the federal funds market
- Markets work, even when they don't
- Economic and financial data, neatly wrapped
- A funny thing happened update
- Some meaty minutes
- When cycles collide
- Unemployment rate: Count me surprised
- A look at the recovery
- Can the Taylor rule describe the current stance of monetary policy?
- GDP benchmark revisions : Count me very surprised
- Every recovery is the same; each recovery is different
- What's really different about this recession?
- How fast can the economy grow?
- Is the output gap showing?
- Us and them : Reviewing central bank actions in the financial crisis
- Words of wisdom from the South and East (way South and East)
- Economists got it wrong, but why?
- An agnostic gets a little religion
- Economic troughs, changes in the unemployment rate, and fed policy
- Prospects for a small business-fueled employment recovery
- Reviewing the recession : Was monetary policy to blame?
- A look at another job market number
- The September CPI with all the trimmings
- The growing case for a jobless recovery
- Selling stocks short : Ever controversial
- Small businesses, small banks, big problems?
- Housing back in the news
- Interest rates at center stage
- Jobs and the potential commercial real estate problem : Still keeping us up at night
- Read the fine print
- Better news on the jobs front: Layoffs down, temp hiring up
- Change the bathwater, keep the baby
- 2010s
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Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Macroblog (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta). 2008-2019., accessed on March 14, 2025.