Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978
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This Act amends the Employment Act of 1946 to establish a national goal of fill employment and balanced growth and directs the President to reflect such goals in his annual Economic Report to Congress.
- Broader term: Law and legislation
- United States. Public Law 95-523
- United States. Act to translate into practical reality the right of all Americans who are able, willing, and seeking to work to full opportunity for useful paid employment at fair rates of compensation; to assert the responsibility of the Federal Government to use all practicable programs and policies to promote full employment, production, and real income, balanced growth, adequate productivity growth, proper attention to national priorities, and reasonalbe price stability; to require the President each year to set forth explicit short-term and medium-term economic goals; to achieve a better integration of general and structural economic policies; and to improve the coordination of economic policymaking within the Federal Government
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