Uncurrent Events
History doesn’t repeat, but it sometimes rhymes. These articles explore and explain historical topics through primary and secondary source documents in FRASER.
Uncurrent Events: March 4, 1951, Treasury-Federal Reserve Accord
March 1, 2017Before the Treasury and the Federal Reserve reached their 1951 accord over monetary policy, tensions were high as the Fed struggled for independence to combat inflation. Read more
Uncurrent Events: Federal Reserve Act
December 21, 2016The Federal Reserve Act was passed on December 23, 1913. This post describes the resources available on the evolution and passage of the act. Read more
Uncurrent Events: Cash for Clunkers
October 5, 2016Cash for Clunkers, the government’s 2009 effort to boost the economy, was not an entirely new concept. A similar plan was proposed in 1938. Read more
Uncurrent Events: Martin’s Punch Bowl Metaphor
March 2, 2016The economic punch bowl: Fed Chair William McChesney Martin was the first Fed official to offer the concept of the Federal Reserve taking away the punch bowl just as the party gets going, which is shorthand for recognizing what a tough job it is to help guide the economy. Read more
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