Murdock, Orrice Abram, 1893-1979
United States Senator and Congressman from Utah
Orrice Abram "Abe" Murdock Jr. was a United States Representative and Senator from Utah. Born in Austin, Nevada, he moved with his parents to Beaver, Utah, in 1898, attended the public schools and Murdock Academy in Beaver, and the University of Utah at Salt Lake City. He studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1922, commencing practice in Beaver. He was a member of the Beaver city council in 1920 and 1921, and was county attorney in 1923–24, 1927–28, and 1931-32. He was city attorney of Beaver from 1926 to 1933, and was an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for district attorney for the fifth Utah district in 1928. (Source: Wikipedia)
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