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March 31, 19U7*

Dear Sir?.
Enclosed is a copy of an entirely unsolicited and unexpected
letter I have just received from the Under Secretary of War» It is
especially timely in view of our efforts to obtain enactment of S. ij.08t
I am sure you will be pleased, as was the Board, with this commendation
from the War Department.
It should be of some assistance in connection with your own
efforts to stimulate interest in and support of the bill. It also
helps to refute the attacks which Walter French, Deputy Manager of the
American Bankers Association, has been making on the proposed legislation» In a recent speech he declared that "this proposal would encourage
loose lending and further inflate the economy.11 He charged, in effect,
that the Reserve Banks, under pressure from the Reserve Board, would approve unsound loans. The record of operations under 13b and under the V~
loan program, both of which showed a profit after all expenses and losses,
is convincing evidence of the unfairness of his accusations.
For your information I am also enclosing a copy of a letter
to Vice President Pitman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston from
C# W* Adams, Jr., advising that the Executive Committee of the New
Hampshire Bankers Association has unanimously endorsed the bill. This
favorable action was the direct result of Mr. Pitman's energetic efforts
in the First District*
Sincerely yours,

M. S. Eccles,
Enclosures 2

Washington, fi* C.
26 March 1947-

Honorable M&rriner S* Iccles
Chairman, Board of Governors
federal Reserve System
Washington, D. C*
Dear Mr. Sccleat
On this anniversary of Executive Order 9112, which was signed by
the President on 26 March
I desire to eacpress to you personally,
and through you to the members of the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System and to the officers of the federal Reserve Banks, the
deep appreciation of the far Department for the very great assistance
which the entire System has rendered it in connection with the
Guaranteed Loan program«
The underlying philosophy of the Executive Order was, as you know,
that in assisting war production contractors through guaranteed loans
the War Department should use not only the funds already in the commercial banks of the country, but should utilize the existing credit
machinery as well. It was to that end that the Federal Reserve Banks
were appointed the Fiscal Agents of the iar Department»
The universal acceptance of the principle of Regulation ? loans by
both the contractors and the banks is due in no mmXl part to the good
judgment, the skill m d the expedition with which they have been handled
by the Federal Reserve Banksf Especially appreciated were the helpful
suggestions of the Reserve Banks during the liquidation phase of the
•Y* and *T* programs which, in many respects, called for an even greater
degree of financial management than that required in the initial extension of credit*
You and the members of the Federal Reserve System ifeo participated
in this program should feel a deep satisfaction in your contribution to
this important part of the war effort •

Sincerely yours,

(Signed) Kenneth C. Royail
Kenneth C, Royail
Under Secretary of War

March 21, 19k7

Carl B. Pitman, Vice President
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Boston, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. Pitraan*
Since writing you a few days ago with reference to your
letter of March 13th, I have faailiarised myself »ore thoroughly
with the provisions of S. 1406 recently introduced by Senator Tobey
of New Hampshire. I em pleased to advise you it is ay personal
opinion -that this Bill has considerable merit and that I am in
favor of its passage.
I have also read the recent news release of a speech made
by the Deputy Manager of the American Bankers Association opposing
the Bill* I do not see in the Bill -the dangers anticipated by Mr.
French and I am impressed by the fact that the loans to be guaranteed
would originate, not with the Reserve Banks, but rather with the
member banks themselves.
I am sure you will be very much interested to know that at
a meeting of the Executive Committee of the New Hampshire Bankers Aasociation held today, the members were unanimous in favoring the passage of the Bill and I shall so notify the Congressional delegation
from New Hampshire, and likewise the American Bankers Association.

Yery truly yours,
(Signed) C. W. Adams, Jr.
Executive Vice President.

March 31, 19U7.

Dear Sir:
Enclosed is a copy of an entirely unsolicited and unexpected letter I have just received from the Under Secretary of
War. It is especially timely in view of our efforts to obtain enactment of S. ifOS. I am sure you will be pleased, as was the
Board, with tnis commendation from the »far Department*
It should be of some assistance in connection with your
own efforts to stimulate interest in and support of the bill. It
also helps to refute the attacks which Walter French, Deputy
Manager of the American Bankers Association, has been making on
the proposed legislation. In a recent speech he declared that
"this proposal would encourage loose lending and further inflate
the economyEe
charged, in effect, that the Reserve Banks, under
pressure from the Heserve Board, would approve unsound loans. The
record of operations under 13b and under the Y-loan program, both
of which showed a profit after all expenses and losses, is convincing evidence of the unfairness of his accusations.
For your information I am also enclosing a copy of a
letter to Vice President Pitman of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Boston from C. W. Adams, Jr., advising that the Executive Committee of the Hew Hampshire Bankers Association has unanimously
endorsed the bill. This favorable aotion was the direct result
of Mr. Pitman's energetic efforts in the First District.
Sincerely yours.

H. S. Ecoles,

Enclosures 2



April 7, 19U7-

Dear Mr. Chairman
It occurred to me that you might be interested
in seeing the enclosed copy of a letter from the Under
Secretary of War in regard to the Federal Reserve System's
assistance to the war effort in the guaranteed loan
programSince 193U under section l^b of the Federal
Reserve Act and during and after the war in the V-loan
program, the Federal Reserve Banks conducted 11 billion
dollars of operations, the bulk of "tiiem in guaranteeing
war production loans. After all expenses and losses, a
profit was shown both on 13b and V loans, the record
evidences, I think, the competence of the Federal Reserve Banks to exercise authority to guarantee in part
loans by private banks provided Congress enacts S. I4O8
which you have introduced.
Sincerely your« »

If. S. Eccles »

The Honorable Charles W. fobey,
Chairman, Committee on Banking
and Currency,
United States Senate,
Washington 25, D. C.


April 7, 19U7.

Dear Mr. Chairman:
It occurred to me that you might be interested
in seeing the enclosed copy of a letter from the Under
Secretary of War in regard to the Federal Reserve System's
assistance to the war effort in the guaranteed loan
Since 1934 under section 13b of the Federal Reserve Act and during and after the war in the Y-loan
program, the Federal Reserve Banks conducted 11 billion
dollars of operations, the bulk of than in guaranteeing
war production loans. After all expenses and losses, a
profit was shown both on 13b and V loans. The record
evidences, I think, the competence of the Federal Reserve
Banks to exercise authority to guarantee in part loans by
private banks provided Congress enacts the necessary
Sincerely yours,

M. S. Eccles,

The Honorable Jesse P. Woloott,
Chairman, Committee on Banking
and Currency,
House of Representatives,
Washington 25, D. C.
