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Virtual press conference on COVID-19 – 11 March 2020

Speaker key:

Tarik Jasarevic
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Dr Mike Ryan
Dr Maria Van Kerkhove
Unidentified female speaker

Good afternoon, everyone. Thanks to everyone watching us on the WHO Twitter
account, I understand, the WHO Face book account and also the WHO YouTube channel.
Journalists who are watching us can ask questions, as any other day. Those who are dialling
in, it's * 9 on your keypad and those who are watching us on Zoom will click raise hand. This
is the regular WHO update on COVID-19 with our usual guests, WHO director-general, Dr
Tedros, Dr Mike Ryan and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove.
We will have an audio file, as we usually do, some 15, 20 minutes after the briefing and the
transcript will be posted tomorrow. Also we are sending you news from other regions so
please pay attention to what comes from us. I'll give the floor to Dr Tedros for his opening
TAG Thank you, Tarik. Good afternoon, everybody. In the past two weeks the number of
cases of COVID-19 outside China has increased 13-fold and the number of affected countries
has tripled. There are now more than 118,000 cases in 114 countries and 4,291 people have
lost their lives.

Thousands more are fighting for their lives in hospitals. In the days and weeks ahead we
expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths and the number of affected countries
climb even higher. WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock and we're deeply
concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming levels of
We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterised as a pandemic.
Pandemic is not a word to use lightly or carelessly. It's a word that, if misused, can cause
unreasonable fear or unjustified acceptance that the fight is over, leading to unnecessary
suffering and death.
Describing the situation as a pandemic does not change WHO's assessment of the threat
posed by the virus. It doesn't change what WHO is doing and it doesn't change what countries
should do. We have never before seen a pandemic sparked by a coronavirus. This is the first
pandemic caused by a coronavirus and we have never before seen a pandemic that can be
controlled at the same time.
WHO has been in full response mode since we were notified of the first cases and we have
called every day for countries to take urgent and aggressive action. We have rung the alarm
bell loud and clear.
As I said on Monday, just looking at the number of cases and the number of countries
affected does not tell the full story. Of the 118 cases reported globally in 114 countries more
than 90% of cases are in just four countries and two of those, China and the Republic of
Korea, have significantly declining epidemics.
81 countries have not reported any cases and 57 countries have reported ten cases or fewer.
We cannot say this loudly enough or clearly enough or often enough; all countries can still
change the course of this pandemic. If countries detect, test, treat, isolate, trace and mobilise
their people in the response those with a handful of cases can prevent those cases becoming
clusters and those clusters becoming community transmission.
Even those countries with community transmission or larger cluster can turn the tide on this
virus. Several countries have demonstrated that this virus can be suppressed and controlled.
The challenge for many countries who are now dealing with large clusters or community
transmission is not whether they can do the same; it's whether they will.
Some countries are struggling with a lack of capacity. Some countries are struggling with a
lack of resources. Some countries are struggling with a lack of resolve. We're grateful for the
measures being taken in Iran, Italy and the Republic of Korea to slow the virus and control
their epidemics.
We know that these measures are taking a heavy toll on societies and economies, just as they
did in China. All countries must strike a fine balance between protecting health, minimising
economic and social disruption and respecting human rights. WHO's mandate is public health
but we're working with many partners across all actors to mitigate the social and economic
consequences of this pandemic.

This is not just a public health crisis. It's a crisis that will touch every sector so every sector
and every individual must be involved in the fight. I have said from the beginning that
countries must take a whole-of-government, all-of-society approach built around a
comprehensive strategy to prevent infections, save lives and minimise impact.
Let me summarise it in four key areas; first, prepare and be ready; second, detect, protect and
treat; third, reduce transmission and fourth, innovate and learn. I remind all countries that
we're calling on you to activate and scale up your emergency response mechanisms.
Communicate with your people about the risks and how they can protect themselves. This is
everybody's business.
Find, isolate, test and treat every case and trace every contact. Ready your hospitals, protect
and train your health workers and let's all look out for each other because we need each other.
There has been so much attention on one word and you know that. Let me give you some
other words that matter much more and that are much more actionable.
These are prevention, preparedness, public health, political leadership and most of all people.
We're in this together to do the right things with calm. We're in this together to do the right
things with calm and protect the citizens of the world. It's doable. I thank you.
Thank you very much, director-general. Before we start with questions I will remind
journalists joining us through dialling in, it's * 9 on your keypad. For those who are watching
us on Zoom it's clicking on raise hand. I will ask journalists to ask only one question so we
can get as many as possible and we will start, as we always do, here in the room with a
couple of questions. Moussa, please.

[Foreign language].

The question is, at this stage of the epidemic what's your recommendation when it
comes to closing institutions such as schools and what about closing borders and airports?
Finally what is the situation in Iran?
MR The decision to close schools and to do lock-downs or shut down particular parts of a
country are entirely based on a country's own risk assessment and it's a mix of measures. For
example in some situations schools have been closed, as in China, whereas in Singapore
schools weren't closed. Governments make decisions based on a mixture of issues; the risk,
the likely impact of a measure, the acceptability of the measure, the length of time the
measure has to be left in place.
Certainly reducing or increasing social distance can certainly slow down the spread of
diseases but it is a poor substitute. In countries with lower numbers of cases social distancing
does not have the same immediate impact as contact tracing, isolation of contacts, isolation of
cases, quarantine of contacts because that means you're chasing the virus.

When people move towards broader-based social distancing measures it effectively accepts
that the chains of transmission are no longer visible so what you want to do is separate
everybody because you don't know who's infected. It's a much more cost-effective measure at
the beginning to identify those who are infected or potentially infected and isolate them from
the community.
When you lose track of the outbreak then you have to create social distance between
everybody because you don't know who's infected. It is a poor substitute for aggressive public
health action at the beginning but it may be the only option when you've effectively lost sight
of the virus.
So it really does depend on the stage of the epidemic and it sometimes depends on social
acceptability. There is no point in reality in governments implementing measures that are
entirely unacceptable within a local context because it can create more tension and more
problems than it solves.
So again, without overdoing it, we would not other than offer countries advice on any
specific situation but we don't have a specific rule regarding social distancing or school
closures, etc.
With regards to Iran our team is still on the ground. Part of our international team has already
left Iran but a team will remain on the ground with Iranian authorities. Clearly the situation in
Iran is still very serious. There's still a very high number of deaths, there's a high number of
sick people and while the number of cases and the intensity of surveillance has increased we
would like to see that increase even further and we would like to see more support for the
clinical care of sick people in Iran both within Iran certainly but with our support and the
support of the rest of the international community.
Thank you very much. Just to let you know, we informed you that there will be a
press conference by our regional office for the eastern Mediterranean tomorrow. Now that
press conference has been postponed until Monday. We will send out details on that. We go
for the next question here; Chen please. One question please.
What is the decision-making mechanism within WHO concerning the declaration of a
pandemic and are the member states involved in the process? Thank you.
MR There is no - the DG has said this many time - there is no formal process and
pandemics as such are not declared. It's not like a public health emergency of international
concern in which there's a body of international law where WHO engages through the
emergency committee, through the national focal points in making that decision. This is a
characterisation or a description of a situation and the DG has said, it's not a change in what
we do, this is not a trigger for anything other than more aggressive, more intensive action so
in that sense it is not and would never be declared as such.
The second point is that it is taken very seriously because we understand the implication of
the word and the director-general has gone through a very detailed set of internal and external

consultation with experts, with his regional directors, with many of us over long hours in
assessing the use of the word as a characterisation, the likely benefits potentially of
galvanising the world to fight but also, as the DG has outlined, the dangers of using a word if
people use it as an excuse to give up or if people see it as something that grows fear.
So a lot of internal consideration has been given. The director-general has listened to people
from across and throughout and very deep into our organisation. This has not been a
corporate decision in the sense of made by only the seniors in this house. He has listened to
everybody and has come to a determination based on a broad-based input of expert advice
both internally and externally in order to determine this.
But there is no mathematical formula, there is no algorithm. This is a characterisation of the
current description of the outbreak around the world and a call to action and a call not to give
up. But the DG may wish to comment himself on his thought process.
TAG I think that's enough. Thank you.
MK Can I add, what I think is more important here is how we have been working with all
of our member states, we have been working across all of the countries, affected countries
and not, at assessing the situation over time from day one and we've been sitting up here
telling you that there are many characteristics that are really important for us to better
understand that relate to transmission and how is this virus circulating, what is the extent of
infection, who is most at risk for infection and with regard to severity who is dying from this
disease, how are people dying and what can we do to prevent people from dying and thirdly
the impact.
I think what we have been doing from day one is gathering evidence, learning from each
other, learning from what China experienced, how they handled the situation, learning from
what Korea is doing, Japan is doing and Singapore is doing and we can go on and on and on.
Every day we have these assessments, every day we're looking at the evidence and that's
what's really critical.
Our guidance, our recommendations from very early on; our first guidance was published, I
believe, on 10th January and that was an assessment based on what we were seeing in the
evidence and what we expected to happen. We are constantly revising that and that doesn't
change and it hasn't changed what we've been recommending to all governments and all
Thank you very much. Let's take one more question from here. Let's start with a lady
we're seeing for the first time here, if you can introduce yourself.
Thank you. [Unclear] International. I replaced my colleague. You said you were
grateful about the measures Iran took to counter the virus. Would you please elaborate on that
and tell us more about the team coming back from Iran? What do you think is needed right
now inside Iran? Because we're hearing that there has been a lack of medical supplies and
equipment inside Iran because of the sanctions.

MR Yes, the team and the DG spoke to this previously. What he particularly referred to
was the fact that there was now an all-of-government approach, there was national leadership,
there was buy-in and co-ordination between the national and the subnational leadership and
there was a coherent strategy and the fact that that strategy was launched as a single plan and
people are gathering around that as a single strategy.
Surveillance has certainly been enhanced in terms of the case detection and the amount of
testing and in order to support that we’re working in conjunction with the Chinese
Government China brought in over 20,000 tests. We brought in over 100,000 tests into Iran
over - nearly two weeks ago. The days blend into one another at this point.
Equally both China and ourselves brought in personal protective equipment. We've made it
clear that those supplies are very, very short and we're struggling to find other supplies
externally. We previously have thanked United Arab Emirates for their facilitation of the
process and again we're working with countries including China on resupplying our logistics
hub in Dubai.
We've sent a further 40,000 tests into Iran over the last 24 hours again to increase the
intensity of testing and in the end all of this is drawing millions of dollars of resources in
order to continue to supply that. Right now in Iran there is a shortage of ventilators, there is a
shortage of oxygen and clearly you've seen this in Italy and in other countries; what happens
at this stage in an epidemic that's intense, that's generating a lot of severe cases.
As of this morning in Italy there were nearly 900 people in intensive care. That requires a
huge health worker commitment; to take care of really unwell people can often require two to
three staff at one time, all in protective gear for hours and hours. Number one, they use up a
lot of protective gear. Number two, they become exhausted very quickly and our concern for
our colleagues in Iran and in Italy right now is the caseload, the demand on the health
workers and the dangers that come with fatigue and potentially shortages of PPE.
So we all must move quickly while some countries are affected more than others and yes, we
can get into the game of whether governments are doing enough or not enough or whether
things were better planned or should be planned.
The fact is right now in countries we have front-line health workers who need our help, we
have hospitals who need our support, we have people who need our care and we need to
focus on getting our front-line health workers the equipment, supplies and training they need
to do a good job so I think we need to, in that sense, now all focus on the job in hand.
We can work out after the fact, could we have done it better or who's at fault, who's to blame.
We really need to focus on the word the director-general has been using for weeks; solidarity,
getting the job done. We need to move now. Iran and Italy are in the front line now, they're
suffering but I guarantee you other countries will be in that situation very soon so we all need
to show that solidarity for each other.

We're focused on practical support to Iran and we will continue to provide that working with
international partners.
TAG Just two lines I would like to add; from the reports we got from our experts who were
on the ground we know that Iran is doing its best, all it can. That's number one and that's what
I appreciated.
Second, they need lots of supplies and, as Mike said, we have tried to support as much as we
can but there is still a shortage and we're trying to mobilise more support for Iran. Thank you.
Thank you very much. We'll try to take a few questions from journalists online and I
will remind how you can ask a question; it's * 9 for those online. For those dialling in it's
clicking raise hand. Let's start with Helen Branswell. Helen, can you hear us?
I can. Thank you very much for taking my question. I'm wondering if you are getting
additional information from China. In particular I'm interested in finding out if you had any
word about the serology study that they were meant to be doing. I would have thought that
they would have had data by now.
MK Thanks, Helen, for that question. Yes, one of the things that we are hoping for in the
coming weeks is results from serologic surveys. As you all know, molecular tests were
developed very quickly, serologic assays are being developed very quickly and they're in use
in a number of countries.
We understand that there are serial (unclear) surveys that have begun in several countries
including in China. We do not yet have the results from those but what we're hoping for, the
results we're expecting in the coming weeks will have to do with better understanding the
extent of infection in the general population hopefully by age structure.
We've seen the protocol that will be used there and it is an age-stratified general population
serosurvey so it will take some time. We do need to give them the time to run these sero-epi
investigations. We are pressuring them - not only China, all countries - to carry out these
types of investigations, share their results with us so that we could better understand how
transmission is occurring but it will take some time.

Thank you very much. Let's try Isabelle from EFE.

Thank you. It's regarding the rapid increase of cases in Spain in the last 48 hours. I
would like to know if you consider that the measures imposed by the government are enough
or need to be more aggressive at this stage to contain the spread of the virus.
MR I think all countries now need to take a very close look at what are their objectives in
responding to the epidemic in their own country; are they accepting that the disease can now
spread completely in an uncontrolled fashion to all corners of their country and they're going
to focus on just trying to keep the health system moving forward and trying to keep the health
system from collapsing? That's what's known as mitigation and the focus is on effectively
supporting the health system to reduce fatality.

We've had lots of people talking about containment versus mitigation. The director-general
has spoken since the very beginning of this outbreak about a comprehensive approach to this
epidemic focused on containment where there's an opportunity to contain, on isolating the
virus within the chains of transmission that exist and preparing the health system to reduce
the impact should the disease escape that control or escape that containment.
That is what's known as mitigation and I think it's very important that people understand that
the DG's statement today is not an escape clause to mitigation. It's not about saying, okay,
now we have a description of pandemic, we all move to mitigation. Nothing could be further
from the truth. It is not the time for countries to move towards mitigation only unless and
until they are not in the position to affect the course of the epidemic and try and stop this
The difficulty is that if you do not try and suppress this virus it can overwhelm your health
system so there have to be very strong efforts made to suppress infection, to push the
infection back because at the very least it will take the pressure - it will flatten the curve and
allow your health system to remain in control and achieve some success in reducing case
So from that perspective I think it's very important that we use our words very carefully from
here on in. With regard to Spain, Spain's number of cases has accelerated very, very quickly
over the last couple of days, as has France's, as has Norway's, as has Denmark's and as have a
number of European countries' so it's very important that countries in the European Union
and in western Europe really do look at what their current control strategy is for this disease
and assess whether the efforts they're taking are good enough in terms of suppressing
transmission and pushing back the virus and then obviously preparing their health systems to
cope with the cases that do occur. All countries need to review their strategies right now.
TAG Yes, thank you. I would be happy to add to that. I had a very good discussion with His
Excellency, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez of Spain two days ago and I was very much
impressed by his commitment. Spain is using the whole-of-government and whole-of-society
approach and we believe that that political leadership is really key. We discussed that
approach mobilising the whole society and making the response everybody's responsibility
and we hope to see progress in Spain too.
The Prime Minister took the initiative to call WHO and to consult and that's a very important
measure, an indicator of leadership. He told me that he's prepared to do everything to stop
this outbreak.
Then on containment and mitigation, again we don't want anyone to make a mistake. When
we say the situation now is pandemic we're not saying that the world should move from
containment to mitigation; we are not. We believe as WHO that the comprehensive or
blended approach should continue and in that comprehensive and blended approach
containment should be the major pillar.

As Mike said, the numbers themselves actually speak to why we're saying this. 81 countries
have no cases so they should do everything to prevent importing any case. They shouldn't
give any ground for this virus to set foot in their countries.
Then there are 57 countries who have reported ten or fewer cases. They can cut it from the
bud. 81 plus 57 is 138 cases [sic] and 90% of the total number of cases we have, the total 118
[sic] cases globally; four countries reported 90% of it, 90% of the 118,000 so it will be a
mistake to abandon the containment strategy. Of course the rest of the countries will be
between the four countries who have reported more than 90% and those who have reported
ten cases or fewer.
So we believe that the best way forward is the blended comprehensive approach which puts
containment as a major pillar. We have also given examples. Many countries have already
shown that when you have cases it still can be contained however big the number of cases is.
We are convinced that, although this is the first coronavirus to be labelled as pandemic
proportion, at the same time we believe it will be the first also to be able to be contained or
controlled. That's what we're saying. It can be because we have seen progress in countries
that have already shown this.
So we repeat again, we're not suggesting to shift from containment to mitigation; we are not,
we underline that. We're still proposing a containment. strategy and other strategies, a
comprehensive and blended strategy but considering the geographic spread and the number of
cases that has increased in the past two weeks we should double down and we should be
more aggressive. That's what we're seeing.
Thank you very much. We will now call on Christoph from Rwanda. Christoph, can
you hear us?
Yes, I can hear you. Thank you very much. I hear you well. I have a couple of
questions. The first; I want you to give us an overview of the status of [inaudible]. What? Can
you hear me? May I go ahead?
Christoph, can you turn one more time? You are broken but please go ahead. We
heard something about preparedness but repeat your question please.
Okay. I want you to give us an overview of the status of preparedness discourse [?] in
Africa in terms of surveillance, treatment centres, supporting treatment availability in Africa.
Secondly there is unverified information that black people are at risk [unclear] COVID-19
and this is affecting people's willingness to implement preventive measures. What's your
comment on this? Thank you.
MR Thank you, Christoph. Yes, I think actually Africa in general has made very rapid
progress in its general levels of preparedness over the last eight weeks. All countries in Africa

now have the capacity to make the diagnosis and some are demonstrating that unfortunately
through the diagnosis of COVID-19 cases.
A lot of syndromic surveillance systems, early warning systems, polio systems in Africa are
now being turned towards detecting ARI. The network of two reference labs for influenza
surveillance and the network of labs for national influenza labs have been working together
on doing systematic testing on samples collected with suspected flu and they're now testing
those samples systemically for COVID-19 across a number of countries in Afro.
41 of 47 countries in the Afro region - the Afro region is essentially sub-Saharan Africa in
Africa for WHO - have completed comprehensive national action plans for the control of
At the moment we have our staff working today in Washington completing the mechanisms
by which funds will be released into those plans but in the meantime as that has been done we
have sent millions of dollars through our WHO system to provide support for training,
provision of PPE, further support to the labs, etc, etc.
We can provide more of a detailed update from our African office on other matters but there
still remain concerns and weaknesses and the things you mentioned there like isolation
facilities. For example in Congo yesterday we had our first case. We're already redirecting
some of our Ebola response capacities towards the potential isolation and treatment of cases
and I think in other countries - in Nigeria for example; within 48 hours of the first case
Nigeria had established a 100-bed isolation unit.
But I think the development of the clinical support and isolation services is uneven and while
it may be present at national level one of the things we found during the Ebola outbreak was
that reproducing preparedness at subnational level, at district level is another challenge that
we need to address.
So our work now is moving the preparedness activities down from the national level to the
district level in all countries in Africa but I think we are pleased with the developments so far.
We believe there may be an element of under-diagnosis in some countries and we're chasing
that and trying to activate surveillance on the whole continent.
TAG Thank you. To add to that, countries in Africa have been our focus and we're very
much encouraged by the progress we have made through our regional office in AFRO and
also the Africa CDC. As you know, our major concern was the introduction of this virus in
countries with weaker health systems and our focus from the beginning was where our
concern is.
So there is progress but at the same time we will continue to build on what we have been
doing and Africa will continue to be our focus and especially in building capacity and
improving the overall preparedness. [Foreign language] for your question, Christoph.

MK Can I add one more thing? In addition to what we're trying to do in terms of providing
guidance and support and kits and building on existing systems that are there; there's a
training element that we've been working on and given the demands on everybody's time and
the demands on people's ability or inability to come face-to-face we're trying to look at
innovative ways in which we can translate some of our training materials through online
courses and through interactive sessions so that we can speak clinician-to-clinician, IPCspecialist-to-IPC-specialist to provide that one-one-one support where that is needed.
So that will continue as this situation evolves.

Thank you very much. Katrin here in the room please.

Yes, Katrin [Unclear], France 24. I'd like to have your reaction about what's
happening in Italy because they have a shortage of equipment, of supplies, they need more
health workers. How do you want solidarity to be expressed? Are there some Chinese health
workers that are going to go to Italy or health workers from countries that are not affected?
Are there plans for that and is WHO co-ordinating the platform for this kind of support and
help? Thank you.
MR We've been obviously working through our regional office and our regional director,
Hans Kluge, has been, I think, twice in Italy in the last couple of weeks working with them.
We have had a team on the ground for the last two weeks in Italy in the epicentre of the
outbreak. The DG has deployed assistant director-general Ranieri to Italy and has met with
senior officials in the Italian Government over the last 24 hours to discuss just those issues
around how we provide further strategic support to the Government of Italy, particularly in
managing the heavy caseloads that they have.
I know the Italian Government are reaching out to their partners in the European Union as
well and we hope to see that solidarity in the Union to support Italy. China have definitely
offered support and we're working tripartite with China to look at the supply particularly of
things like PPE and ventilators and other issues but obviously that's a work in progress. But
again we thank China for its solidarity in trying to prioritise supply chains to a country like
Italy and to countries like Iran.
They clearly are willing to discuss with WHO and co-ordinate with WHO where the best
targets are for the surplus equipment they may have. China's been through it and there's not
that much surplus but they are willing, very, very willing to work with us to see where that's
most needed and we're grateful for that. Dr Tedros, you've had some high-level discussions
with various parties so you may wish to supplement.
TAG Thank you, no.
Thank you very much. Let's go back to journalists online, those who haven't had time
to ask questions in the past couple of briefings. Let's try to get Kai [Unclear] online. Kai, can
you hear us?

Yes, thanks for taking my question. I was wondering whether you can expand a
little... You talked a lot about what China has done and the numbers of course are coming
down, have come down dramatically. We have a few more examples now; we see what's
happening in South Korea. Can you give a clearer indication where you see the biggest
impacts, what role does the testing play, what role does the contact tracing play?
There are a lot of countries that won't have the same ability to do large-scale contact tracing
the way that China or South Korea have done. It might be easier to do a lot of testing. Do you
have any ideas of what these things are contributing?
MK Then maybe Mike and DG would like to supplement. Yes, as you've said, we have
several countries now who have demonstrated the ability to turn the tide, to reduce
transmission in countries and to bring these outbreaks under control. Korea is a good
example. I have a fondness for Korea myself as the MERS focal point and I've spent some
time out there and I've seen first-hand the approach that the Republic of Korea can take in
terms of really aggressive case and contact finding.
What we're seeing that is successful are the fundamentals of public health. There's nothing
special, nothing unique to this; it's just the rigorous application of public health measures
which include activating your emergency mechanisms, taking this seriously from the start,
looking at which parts of your government, which parts of your ministries - an all-ofgovernment, all-of-ministry approach - repurposing your government to tackle this one virus,
aggressive case and contact finding and testing those individuals.
Testing is important to be able to know who is a case and who is not a case and so testing
must continue. Isolation of patients, treatment in hospital, care for those patients, isolation
and quarantine of contacts, separating them from other individuals so that they cannot pass
the virus onward; this is case and contact finding.
Mobilising your population, using every person in your population that can help fight against
this virus, knowing what each individual can do not only to protect themselves from getting
infected but by protecting themselves from getting infected they're preventing the onward
transmission which may lead to another vulnerable person.
So these fundamentals; making sure that your labs are ready, making sure that your hospitals
are ready, triaging your patients; there's a difference between what you need to do for a mild
patient and what you need to do for a severe patient. Making sure that patients who require
more advanced care are put in your hospitals and having a plan for those that are more mild,
those that don't require oxygen, don't require respiratory support.
What we've seen successful in many countries are these fundamental applications of basic
public health measures; hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, social distancing, assessing your
own risk and seeing how you play a role in this.
MR Also a lot of people working in this space are working very much from a view of the
world that's based around influenza and a perception that once a virus pandemic starts it's

uncontrollable so the real focus on mitigation and vaccine and that's understandable because
that's what pandemics have done in the past.
In this epidemic if we didn't have the experience of Korea, if we didn't have the experience of
Singapore and if we didn't have the experience of China we might imagine exactly the same
thing but we have observation that tells us that there's a strong element of controllability in
this disease.
That doesn't mean we'll completely stop it but what it does mean is there's a real chance to
blunt the curve, there's a real chance to bend the curve and reduce the number of cases that
our health system has to cope with and give the health system a chance to save more lives.
So would you not use an opportunity? Then you have many people - and I've seen it;
someone asked it here earlier; how can we continue to invest in the very expensive business
of contact tracing? Contact tracing is not an expensive business, contact tracing is a very
basic public health intervention. It does involve interrupting the lives of a small proportion of
the population in terms of quarantine, of contacts, isolation of cases and that's very tough on
those individual families.
But please tell me if that's less or more expensive than social distancing measures that include
locking down whole areas, cancelling all sporting events, cancelling all religious events,
closing schools; which is the more costly? I think there's a misunderstanding here that in
some ways the public health measure of case finding and contact tracing is something that
requires a massive effort.
Teams in Congo were chasing 25,000 contacts a day in the middle of a shooting war and
doing it every day under fire and they did it so I think we need to reach a bit further into how
far can public health measures be used, how far can we push contact tracing and case finding
and quarantine of contacts because countries like Korea, countries like Singapore and
countries like China have shown that sticking harder to that strategy has resulted in benefits.
We can't guarantee that that will result in a benefit everywhere. All we can show you is that
that has resulted in a significant benefit in the context of those countries and is it worth not
investing as much as you can on that until you're sure that it's not working? But as the DG
said, be comprehensive, be also ready, prepare your system and be ready to deal with the
cases that in many cases will inevitably occur.
But at the very minimum you'll suppress the epidemic and potentially reduce the number of
cases per day that walk through or are wheeled through the door of the hospital. It's a very
simple equation and I think we maybe need to get away from these arguments of assuming
that case finding and contact tracing is very expensive. It's very labour-intensive, I've been
I've been doing it for 25 years. I'd much rather stick with contact tracing and case isolation
than necessarily shut down whole societies. I would find that much more difficult to sustain
so I think there's a degree of assumption here that we need to avoid. This is a new disease; it's

a coronavirus; it's not influenza. We need to learn the lessons that we're being shown by the
virus and we need to move on to a comprehensive strategy for its control.
MK I need to add to this because this is a really excellent question. What we didn't also
mention is what countries have done using an evidence-based approach. They're constantly
learning about this virus, they're constantly learning, where is it circulating, who's most
affected, and they're filtering that back into their approach and making a more tailored,
prioritised approach to where the effort is needed most.
Every country - the DG has said this - the outbreak in each country is not uniform across the
entire country. Sometimes there are certain clusters that are happening, there are certain cities
that are more affected. Be creative, be prioritised, use the evidence that you have to actually
mobilise your forces.
We've seen some very creative approaches of looking at contact tracing where they've utilised
different populations to help them do that. We've seen some countries use technology to help
them with contact tracing. There are a lot of tools that are out there. It's not a matter of tools;
it's a matter of will. It's a matter of, how do we use our best efforts to drive this down. There's
no excuse to say that we cannot do this. We have shown in many countries... Not we.
Countries themselves have shown that they are able to do this and we must push countries, all
of us, to fight as hard as they can to suppress this virus because by doing so you are saving
lives, by doing so you are buying more time for your hospitals to prepare. Having a large
number of hospitals overwhelm your ICU is incredibly damaging and more people will die so
do everything that you can to be as aggressive as you can in these early cases.
Thank you very much. I'm really sorry for journalists here but we have some people
online who have been every press briefing and were very rarely given an opportunity so I will
call on Clive from the Financial Times. Clive, can you hear us please?
Yes, thank you very much indeed. Dr Tedros, in your introductory remarks you talked
about some countries where there was alarming inactivity and alarming levels of inaction,
you said. Also last week you were critical of some countries but you declined to name them.
Are you willing to say which countries, in your opinion and that of your colleagues, are not
doing enough? Thank you.
MR The answer to that question is, you know who you are. The WHO doesn't interact in
public debate or criticise our member states in public. What we try to do is work with our
member states constructively, pointing out to them when we believe their measures are not
adequate, aggressive enough or comprehensive enough. We've taken that opportunity and he
director-general has taken that opportunity on multiple occasions, to interact with many,
many member states to indicate where countries can improve and member states are always
telling us how we can improve as well.
So I think that's a very important tenet of our relationship but I think if we look at behaviours
that we want to see more of, certainly diagnostic testing algorithms that only test a small

proportion of people who are likely to be COVID-19 isn't a way forward in this epidemic.
We've seen some countries have diagnostic criteria that require you to be fully symptomatic
and over a certain age in order to qualify for a test or still linking testing to travel to China
and other things. So there are countries who have not updated their surveillance regimes to be
adequately up-to-date with the current threat so surveillance systems have to improve.
In terms of case finding and isolation, some countries clearly - and you've seen this through
the infection of health workers - have not yet got in place necessary measures to stop
infections transmitting at hospital level and we must protect our front-line hospital workers.
Other countries when it comes to case finding and contact tracing have been too willing to
give up on contact tracing at a very early stage in the fight against the epidemic. They have a
sovereign right to choose their own strategy but some countries really do need to stick at
contact tracing for a bit longer to try and suppress the transmission chains.
Again some countries have not been communicating well with their populations and creating
some confusion in the minds of the population and risk communication and trust between
governments and their citizens really does need to come to the centre.
Other countries have struggled to create co-ordination between the different agencies and
sectors of government. We've seen other countries struggle to establish a very effective coordination between the national and state or the national and provincial level. So again,
epidemics are a stress test for the system. They stress every component of the system; they
stress governance, they stress trust between government and the citizen, they stress the
hospital system, they stress public health systems, they stress the economic systems.
The issue is how much resilience is built into those systems and I frankly will have to say to
you that in many cases what we're witnessing across society is a lack of resilience. Our
hospital system is running - the DG said it; I can't remember the words you used last week
but it's...
TAG Lean and mean.
MR Lean and mean so our hospital systems are designed to deliver at 99% efficiency, they
don't have any space to deliver more. We have deep distrust very often on health messaging
from governments to citizens. There are things we need to be working on more between
epidemics but right now we're in a fight, we're in a big epidemic and we need to work on
those things right now.
I'm certainly not going to single individual countries out but I think if most countries look at
the list I've given you and give themselves a scorecard I don't think anyone's scoring 100%
right now and neither is WHO so we all need to just get on and get better at what we do.
Thank you very much. We will take a last question from online and again I apologise
but we have to respect all these journalists who are calling in day after day and we have to

provide them the opportunity. I'll call on Maeve Shane from Sunday Independent from
Dublin. Maeve, can you hear us?

Yes, I can, can you hear me?


Yes, please go ahead.

MA Okay. I'm calling from Ireland, the Sunday Independent newspaper in Ireland. We've
had our first COVID-19 death today. I wanted to ask Dr Tedros and Dr Ryan whether Ireland,
which is maybe a week or two behind some of the worst-affected countries - should Ireland
be doing more, should Ireland be instigating a more aggressive response to try and control
and contain the virus given what we've learnt in Italy, Korea, China?
TAG Try in Irish.
MR Try in Irish, yes. Hi, this is Mike Ryan here. I spoke with Tony Houlihan, your chief
medical officer, less than 24 hours ago to discuss these very matters. I think Ireland again has
demonstrated through your HSE, through the Health Surveillance Protection Centre and the
office of the CMO a very coherent response under the leadership of the minister of health and
the emergency committee, which has been a good all-of-government structure.
I think Ireland is still sticking very much with a mixed and comprehensive strategy of still
doing aggressive contact tracing and case isolation linked to measures then. I believe you've
cancelled St Patrick's Day celebrations as a social distancing measure so I think Ireland is
finding that balance between what are measures aimed at chasing the virus and measures
aimed at creating enough social distance to suppress the transmission of the virus.
I think the concerns you have in Ireland may be more related to the capacity of the system to
cope with the surge of cases in the hospital system and I think all countries in Europe are
concerned about that right now but again, looking at the overall strategic approach in Ireland,
we would say that it's a comprehensive strategy and we're ready in WHO to offer any
technical advice or assistance that's needed.
But I think we need also to remember that public health services in many countries are rather
small and we've seen disinvestment in public health all around the world and deprioritisation
of public health all around the world at times. I believe Ireland probably has no more than 60
or 70 full-time public health consultants or professionals. There are many others working at
lower levels of the system so if I was to offer any advice, we do need to everywhere increase
the number of individuals who are working on the public health approach.
That doesn't mean... For contact tracing you don't need a trained medical professional. You
can accelerate and amplify the number of contact tracers almost instantly using other civil
servants, using volunteers, using community organisations. Speaking with the Italian
Government last night, they were going to very much use their community organisations to
leverage improved contact tracing.

So maybe in countries like Ireland and others seeing how we can rapidly amplify the impact
of public health officials by using communities, NGOs and others to support them would be
maybe an option but obviously that's for Dr Houlihan and others to decide.
MK If I could just add, these questions of saying, are we doing enough, are individual
countries doing enough; these are the right questions. Are we doing enough? Each country
needs to look at what they are doing, how well they are prepared, identify the gaps in their
preparedness in terms of their actions and take action on that. It isn't a one-size-fits-all, as
we've been saying but asking the question, are we doing enough, regularly and repeatedly is
really critical.
Thank you very much and again apologies to all of you in the room and all of you
watching us who were not able to ask questions but we will have other opportunities. The
audio file will be available very shortly. Have a nice evening, everyone, and thank you.