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This is a preprint of an article published in The Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, v. 21, iss. 2, pp. 262-267,
copyright 1989 by the Ohio State University Press. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

Working Paper 87-2

Yash P. Mehra

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

August 1987


Economist and Research Officer, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. The
author thanks Marvin Goodfriend, Tony Kuprianov, and Bennett McCallum for many
helpful comments. The views expressed are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the
Federal Reserve System.


Hall and Nobel (1987) use the Granger-causality test to show that
volatility influences velocity, leading them to conclude that the recent
decline in the velocity of Ml is due to increased volatility of money growth
which is alleged to be caused by the Federal Reserve's new operating

This note shows that such a conclusion is unwarranted, because

the causality result reported in their paper is not robust.

When the test is

implemented either using first differences of the volatility variable or using
the volatility and velocity variables that are based on the broad definition
of money or over the sample period that includes the 1985-86 episode of the
decline in the velocity of Ml, then the test results do not support the
inference that volatility influences velocity.

Velocity and the Variability of Money Growth: Evidence from.
Granger-causality Tests Reevaluated

It is now a common knowledge that the velocity of Ml,
conventionally measured by the ratio of nominal GNP to contemporaneous
money, has behaved abnormally over the 1980s.
1982-83 and then in 1985-86.

It fell sharply first in

As a result, the velocity of Ml, which had

previously grown approximately at an annual average 3.0 percent over the
1961 to 1980 period, in fact declined at an annual average 2.3 percent over
the 1981 to 1986 period.

Some analysts contend that the decline in

velocity was caused by the increased volatility of money growth following
the announced change in Federal Reserve operating procedures in October,

The main argument is that increased volatility of money growth raised

the degree of perceived uncertainty and thereby contributed to increasing
the demand for money (or, equivalently, reducing the velocity of money).
Recently, Hall and Noble (1987) has presented evidence in support
of the aforementioned money growth volatility hypothesis.

They use the

Granger-causalitymethod to show that volatility influences velocity.
The main purpose of this note is to argue that the empirical evidence that is produced to prove the existence of Granger-causality between
money growth volatility and income velocity is not robust.

Hall and Noble

(1987) implement causality tests using levels of the volatility variable,
assuming implicity that the level of money growth volatility is a stationary
time series.

However, tests for unit roots that are presented here suggest

that such an assumption is not consistent with the data and that the level

IFriedman (1983) and Mascaro and Meltzer (1983).

- 2-

of money growth volatility is a nonstationary time series that is dominated
by a stochastic trend.

Hence, when causality tests are implemented using

first differences of the money growth volatility variable, test results do
not support the inference that volatility influences velocity.


the inference that volatility influences velocity is not robust with respect
to the broad measures of money used in defining velocity and volatility.
And when we consider the 1985-86 episode of decline in the velocity of M1,
the bit of favorable evidence that is reported in Hall and Noble (1987) also
The plan of this note is as follows.

The next section provides a

discussion of the motives for using the broad measures of money and for
conducting tests for the existence of trends in the time series that are
used in conducting the Granger-causality tests.

Section II presents empiri-

cal results.


Levels or First Differences of the Volatility Variable
In order to implement tests of Granger-causality Hall and Noble

(1987) estimate the following regression (1):




a +








+ et


where V is the growth rate of Ml velocity, and VOL is the measure of the
volatility of money growth, which is calculated as an eight-quarter standard
deviation of money growth, and e is a well-behaved disturbance term.


of Granger-causality are then based on the computed values of the F statistics that test all coefficients of the lagged values of VOL are jointly
insignificant (all $ = 0 in (1)).

- 3-

An important assumption that underlies the regression (1) is that
VOL is a stationary time series and that it does not have unit roots.


is an important maintained assumption, the violation of which could generate
incorrect inferences about the causal role of money growth volatility in
explaining velocity.

Quite recently, Sims, Stock and Watson (1986), Ohanian

(1986), and Christiano and Ljunqvist (1987) have provided evidence that the
asymtotic distributions of causality tests are sensitive to unit roots and
time trends in the time series.

In particular, the F-statistics in such

cases could have non-standard distributions. Hence, before implementing
Granger-causality tests it might be important to examine the unit root and
time trend properties of the time-series.
The evidence that is presented in the next section show that levels
of velocity and volatility are nonstationary time series that are dominated
by stochastic trends.

As a result, causality tests that are based on levels

of the volatility variable do not have the standard F distributions. Hence,
the inference that is based on the standard F-test is suspect.

Sources of the Decline in Velocity: Money Growth Volatility or Financial
Hall and Noble (1987) focus primarily on the behavior of Ml veloci-

ty over the period 1963Q1 to 1984Q2.

The period studied includes the

1982-83 episode of the decline in the velocity of Ml, which infact was
preceded by a large increase in the volatility of Ml growth.

However, the

velocity of Ml declined again in 1985-86, and this decline in velocity was
neither preceded nor accompanied by any perceptible increase in the
volatility of Ml growth.

This suggests other factors might be at work in

causing Ml velocity to decline.

- 4 -

Several analysts

have in fact argued that the observed decline in

the velocity of MI is due in part to the recent round of financial deregulation - the introduction nationwide since 1981 of interest-bearing NOWs and

This financial development could have affected Ml demand (and

therefore its velocity) in two interrelated ways.

First, the beginning of

the payment of explicit, nominal interest rates on some components of Ml
means an increase in the own rate of return on money, which could have
contributed to an increase in the publics' demand for money and hence to a
decline in the velocity of Ml.

Second and more importantly, because some

components of Ml (such as NOWS and SuperNOWs) pay explicit rates the
differential that exists between the rates paid on such components and the
rates paid on substitute, savings-type accounts (assets that are included in
M2 and M3 but not in Ml) has declined sharply over the last few years.

As a

result, the public has been willing to substitute more than before between
components of Ml on the one hand and substitute, savings-type non-Ml
components of M2 and M3 (such as time deposits, savings deposits, money
market mutual funds, and money market deposits) on the other.

This could

make Ml appear more volatile.
These considerations have an important implication for the
volatility hypothesis that is examined in Hall and Noble (1987).

In con-

ducting test of the hypothesis - the decline observed in the velocity of Ml
is due to the policy-induced increase in the volatility of money growth one must control for the aforementioned effect of financial deregulation on
the volatility of money demand.

Since the broad measures of money are

Kretzmer and Porter (1986), Mehra (1986), Wenninger (1986), and Trehan
and Walsh (1987).

- 5-

likely to internalize such deregulated-induced substitutions by the public
tests of the volatility hypothesis should also be conducted using volatility
measures that are based on the broad definition of money.

Such volatility

measures should continue to Granger-cause velocity if the volatility
hypothesis is valid.
The empirical work that is reported here therefore implements tests
of causality using, in addition, measures of velocity and volatility which
are based on the broad definition of money.

Furthermore, the causality

tests are also implemented over the longer sample period 1963Q1 to 1986Q4,
the period that includes the 1985-86 episode of decline in the velocity of
Empirical Results
This section presents results of investigating the presence of
stochastic trends in the time series on log levels of income velocity and
levels of money growth volatility, which are defined using three alternative
measures of money - MI, M2, and M3.

The Granger-causality tests are also

The data consist of quarterly observations over

reported in this section.
1963Q1 to 1986Q4.

Unit Root Tests
It is now widely recognized that many macro economic series appear

to contain units roots (e.g. Nelson and Plosser (1982), Stock and Watson
(1986 a,b)), suggesting that levels of such series are nonstationary. As
shown in Dickey and Fuller (1979, 1981), one could implement tests for the
presence of unit roots in series by estimating the following regression




a + b T + c X




Z ds





- 6 -

where Xt is the time series in question, T is linear time trend, A is the
first difference operator, and ct is a white noise disturbance term.


regression tests for the presence of a unit root, allowing for the alternative that the series is stationary around a linear time trend.

Under the

null that there is a unit root in levels of series the coefficient c in the
The test statistic used is the standard

regression (2) should be zero.

t-statistic on the coefficient c, which, as shown in Dickey and Fuller
(1979, 1981), does not have the standard t distribution.


appropriate critical values for the test statistic have been reported in
Dickey and Fuller (1979).
The results of implementing the above test are reported in column
(1) of Table 1, which contains the estimated coefficent - and t-values (the
latter denoted as Tc) for the six series.

As is evident, none of these

t-values is significant at the 5 percent significance level, leading one to
conclude that each of these series contains a unit root and that levels of
these series are, therefore, nonstationary.
Since some macroeconomic series might contain two unit roots (so
that even first differences of such series are nonstationary), the
Dickey-Fuller test is repeated using second differences of series.

That is,

the following regression is estimated

Alternatively, this test could also be implemented by estimating the
following regression



a +

T + y X











and test the hypothesis that the coefficient y above is unity (Nelson and
Plosser (1982)).

- 7 -






+bT +c AX i+


where all variables are as defined before.

ds (AXt-




Under the null that there is a

second unit root the coefficient c in (3) should be zero.
test statistics are reported in column (2) of Table 1.

The Dickey-Fuller

As is evident, the

computed t-values are significant, leading one to conclude that there is not
a unit root in first differences of the series.

Taken together, these unit

root tests support the conclusion that first differences of the log level
velocity and the level of volatility are stationary time series.

Granger-causality Tests
Tests for unit roots that are presented here thus imply that

causality tests based on first differences of series would have the standard
F distributions.

Table 2 contains F-tests for specifications using growth

rates as well as levels.

In panel A of Table 2, velocity regressors are in

first differences and volatility regressors in levels, as in Hall and Noble

In panel B of Table 2, velocity as well as volatility regressors

are in first differences.
If we focus primarily on the behavior of the volatility of Ml
growth and conduct causality tests using levels of the volatility variable,
the F-statistics (presented in column (1) of Panel A in Table 2) support the
conclusion in Hall and Noble (1987) that volatility influences velocity.
However, the F-statistics using first differences of the volatility variable
do not support such a result (see column (1) of panel B in Table 2).
When we consider volatility variables that are based on the broad
definition of money, the F-statistics (reported in columns (2) through (3)

- 8 -

of panels A and B in Table 2) do not support the inference that volatility
influences velocity.
Table 3 investigates the presence of causality between velocity and
volatility over 1963Q1 to 1986Q4, a sample period that is longer than the
one considered in Hall and Noble (1987).

As noted before, the velocity of

Ml declined again in 1985-86 and that this decline in velocity was neither
preceded nor accompanied by any notable increase in the volatility of money

Adding these two years into the estimation period yields signifi-

cantly lower F-statistics even in the regressions that use levels of Ml
volatility variable (compare the F-statistics reported in columns (1) of
panel A in Tables 3 and 4).

If we follow Hall and Noble (1987) and use

critical values of the standard F distribution (which infact are not valid
because levels of the volatility variable are a nonstationary series), the
F-values (reported in column (1) of Panel A in Table 3) do not support the
inference that volatility influences velocity. '5

4 It is worth pointing out that the causality tests that are reported in
Tables 2 and 3 were also implmented including, in addition, up to quadratic
deterministic time trend variables in the underlying bivariable
specifications. None of the inferences concerning the nature of causality
between volatility and velocity are, however, sensitive to the inclusion of
such time trend variables.

If some theoretical considerations suggest the level of volatility to
be relevant in determining the behavior of the growth rate of velocity, then
it could be argued that sensitivity analysis should be done using second
differences of the levels of velocity and first differences of the level of
volatility. In this case too, the causality test results do not support the
inference that volatility influences velocity.

- 9-


Christiano, L.J., and L. Ljungqvist, "Money Does Granger-Cause Output in the
Bivariate Output-Money Relation, "Research Department Working Paper,
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. January 1987.
Dickey, D.A., and W.A. Fuller, "Distribution of the Estimators for
Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root," Journal of the American
Statistical Society 74, no. 366 (1979), 427-431.
.,_"Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series

with a Unit Root," Econometrica, July 1981, 1057-1071.
Friedman, Milton, "Monetary Variability: United States and Japan," Journal
of Money, Credit, and Banking, August 1983, 339-43.
Fuller, Wayne A.

An Introduction to Statistical Time Series 1976.


John Wiley.

Hall, Thomas E. and Nicholas R. Noble, "Velocity and Variability of Money

Evidence from Granger-Causality Tests," Journal of Money,

Credit, and Banking, February 1987, 112-116.
Kretzmner, Peter B. and Richard D. Porter, "The Demand for the Narrow Aggregate - Is a Transaction Approach Sufficient?," Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.
Mascaro, Angelo and Allan H. Meltzer, "Long and Short term Interest Rates in
a Risky World," Journal of Monetary Economics, November 1983, 485-518.
Mehra, Yash, "Recent Financial Deregulation and the Interest Elasticity of
MI Demand," Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Economic Review,
July/August 1986, 13-24.
Nelson, C.R., and C.I. Plosser, "Trends and Random Walks in Macroeconomic
Time Series," Journal of Monetary Economics (1982), 129-162.




Ohanian, L.E., "The Spurious Effects of Unit Roots on Vector
Autoregressions: A Monte Carlo Study," manuscript, University of Southern California, 1986.
Sims, C.A., J.H. Stock, and M.W. Watson (1986), "Inference in Linear Time
Series Models with Some Unit Roots," manuscript, Stanford University.
Stock, J.H., and M.W. Watson (1986), "Testing for Common Trends," Hoover
Institution Working paper no. E-87-2, February 1987.
., "Interpreting the Evidence on Money-Income Causality," NBER

Working Paper no. 2228, April 1987.
Trehan, Bharat and Carl Walsh, "Portfolio Substitution and Recent Ml Behavior," Contemporary Policy Issues, January 1987.
Wenninger, John, "Responsiveness of Interest Rate Spreads and Deposit Flows
to Changes in Market Rates," Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Quarterly
Review, Autumn 1986, 1-10.

Table 1
Unit Root Tests, 1963Q1-1984Q2



Coefficient 2 (T )

Coefficent c (Tc)









-. 86



-. 09





















Significant at 1% level.

VOL-Mi, VOL-M2, and VOL-M3 are measures of the volatility of money
growth which are based on Ml, M2, and M3 measures of money, respectively.

Similarly, lnV-M1, lnV-M2, and lnV-M3 are log levels of

the velocity of money based on the three measures of money.


variability of money growth is calculated as an eight-quarter
standard deviation of money growth.

The estimated coefficients, c

and c, are from the regressions (2) and (3) of the text.
Parentheses contain Dickey-Fuller (1979) t-statistics: T


first differences of series and T.. uses second differences. The
regressions (2) and (3) of the text were estimated including two
lagged values of the dependent variable (increasing lag lengths
does not alter the results).

5% and 1% Critical values of T are

-3.45 and -4.04, respectively (Fuller (1976), p. 373).

Table 2
Granger-causality Tests, 1963Q1-1984Q2

Differences on levels and differences:


Z AlnVt ,z
AlnV = f( s1l




Variable Pairs (V,X)

Lag lengths (p, q)


(V-M1, VOL-Ml)


(V-M2, VOL-M2)

(V-M3, VOL-M3)

Degrees of





















Differences on differences:


Aln V = f(s l AlnVt 5 s, sjlZXt s)

Variable Pairs (V,X)


(V-M1, VOL-Ml)

(V-M2, VOL-M2)

(V-M3, VOL-M3)

Degrees of






















significant at 5% level.


All variables are as defined in Table 1.

Table 3
Granger-Causality, 1963Q1-1986Q4

Differences on levels and differences:



AlnV = f( E



1 Xt)

Variable Pairs (V,X)

Lag lengths (p, q)



(V-Mi, VOL-Mi)

(V-M2, VOL-M2)

(V-M3, VOL-M3)

Degrees of





















Differences on differences:


AlnV = f( Z,.lnV


Variable Pairs (V,X)

Lag Lengths (p, q)

(V-Mi, VOL-Mi)

(V-M2, VOL-M2)

(V-M3, VOL-M3)

Degrees of






















significant at 5% level.


All variables are as defined in Table 1.