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Working Paper Series

The Shifting and Twisting Beveridge
Curve: An Aggregate Perspective

WP 13-16

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Thomas A. Lubik
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

The Shifting and Twisting Beveridge Curve:
An Aggregate Perspective∗
Thomas A. Lubik
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond†
October 2013
Working Paper No. 13-16

One of the most striking aspect of the Great Recession in the United States is the
persistently high level of unemployment despite an uptick in economic activity and
an increased willingness by firms to hire. This has stimulated a debate on mismatch
in the labor market. The argument is that despite the high unemployment rate the
effective pool of job seekers is considerably smaller due to adverse effects of long-term
unemployment, high unemployment benefits or structural change. Despite high vacancy
postings firms are therefore unable to hire desired workers. I study this issue from an
aggregate perspective by deriving the Beveridge curve from a discrete-time search and
matching model of the labor market driven by a variety of shocks. I first establish that
the observed pattern in the data can only be described in the context of the model by
the interaction of a cyclical decline in productivity and a decline in match efficiency. I
then estimate the model using Bayesian methods on unemployment and vacancy data
before the onset of the Great Recession. The posterior estimates indicate that the recent
behavior of the Beveridge curve is most likely explained by a structural decline in match

JEL Classification:

C11, C32, E20, E24,
Mismatch; unemployment; vacancies;
Great Recession; Bayesian estimation


I am grateful to Nika Lazaryan and Tim Hursey for exceptional research assistance. I wish to thank
seminar audiences at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, the University of Virginia, City University
of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University for Science and Technology, Elon University, and participants at
the 2011 Conference of the Society for Computational Economics in San Francisco, for useful comments.
The views in this paper are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond, or the Federal Reserve System.
Research Department, 701 E. Byrd St., Richmond, VA 23219, USA. Tel: +1 804 697 8246. Email:




The Beveridge curve captures the relationship between aggregate unemployment and vacancies. Plotting the former against the latter shows a downward-sloping relationship that
appears tightly clustered around a concave curve (see Figure 1). The curve reflects the
highly negative correlation, −091, between unemployment and vacancies that is a hall-

mark of labor markets. Moreover, the Beveridge curve also encapsulates the logic of the
search and matching approach to modeling labor markets. In times of economic expansions, unemployment is low and vacancies, that is, open positions offered by firms, are high.
Firms want to expand their workforce, but they are unable to do so since the pool of potential employees, that is, the unemployed, is small. As economic conditions worsen and
demand slows down, firms post fewer vacancies and unemployment rises, commensurate
with a downward move along the Beveridge curve. At the trough of the business cycle,
firms may have expectations of a future uptick in demand and start posting open positions.
This decision is amplified by the large pool of unemployed, which guarantees firms high
chances of finding suitable candidates and thus outweighs the incurred search costs. As the
economy improves, unemployment falls and vacancy postings rise in an upward move along
the Beveridge curve.
This pattern is evident in much of the business cycles after World War II (see Benati
and Lubik, 2013). The aftermath of the recession of 2007-2009 appears, however, strikingly
different. The recession was exceptional for its length and depth, and in that the unemployment rate almost reached its previous post-war peak. One of the most striking aspects of
the recovery is that the labor market picture has not improved as fast as had been expected.
After staying close to its recession peak for more than year, the unemployment rate has
come down slowly since then by 2.5 percentage points to its current level of 73%. At the
same time, as the economy has picked up, vacancy postings have been rising. In terms of
the Beveridge curve, we observe a cluster of data points above where we expect them to
be, based on the standard relationship (see Figure 1). Moreover, the off-Beveridge curve
cluster has persisted for a long while now and appears to eveolve in a manner parallel to
the pre-recession curve.
I therefore ask the question whether the recent behavior of unemployment and vacancies
is consistent with a normal Beveridge curve relationship or whether something fundamental
has changed in the labor market. I use a simple search and matching framework to study this
issue. I show that the recent behavior of unemployment and vacancies can qualitatively be


explained by a combination of two influences. Negative aggregate productivity shocks reduce
output, increase unemployment, lower vacancy postings, and are thus in general consistent
with movements along the Beveridge curve. Persistent clustering of unemployment-vacancy
combination off a Beveridge curve are consistent with shifts in the Beveridge curve caused
by a decline in match efficiency.
From a quantitative viewpoint, however, it is difficult to ascertain whether the recent
data signify a break in the functioning of the labor market, are the outcome of a sequence of
unfortunate shocks, or simply reflect the inability of a researcher confronted with parameter
uncertainty to draw conclusions. In order to address the last point, I take a Bayesian
approach and treat the model parameters as random variables. I then conduct a Bayesian
prior analysis to see whether the model is in principle capable of capturing the Beveridge
curve. The answer is affirmative, both for the steady state version of the model as well
as the fully dynamic and stochastic version. I then estimate the latter and extract the
implied shock processes that are needed to replicate the data. The model is capable of
explaining both the pre- and post-recession unemployment and vacancies data, but only
with a seemingly structural shift in match efficiency.
The evolution of the labor market over the course of the Great Recession can therefore
be told as follows. The business cycle downturn induced a typical movement along the
Beveridge curve as vacancy postings dried up and unemployment rose. The length and
depth of the recession induced changes in the way the labor market functions. This can
be seen as either a sequence of persistent and negative shocks to match efficiency or as an
induced break in a parameter. The latter interpretation, in particular, can capture the idea
of labor market mismatch as laid out in Sahin et al. (2013). The depth of the recession
led to the emergence of wide-spread long-term unemployment, so that despite increased
willingness to hire, the afflicted workers so not find their match.
In order to develop my argument conceptually, I procede in several steps. I first perform a steady-state analysis based on a simple accounting equation for employment and
an optimality condition for vacancy postings. A steady-state analysis is convenient since it
allows me to derive analytical predictions that are helpful in gaining intuition. Moreover, a
steady-state analysis can be justified (e.g., as in Shimer, 2005) when adjustment dynamics
are fairly rapid, which arguably is the case in monthly labor market data. The results from
this analysis are clear-cut. The cluster of data points can only be explained as the outcome
of two separate effects: a productivity-driven movement along the normal Beveridge curve,
and a shift or twist to a new Beveridge curve. I demonstrate that this shift is consistent


with a decrease in match efficiency, an increase in the (fixed and exogenous) separation rate,
or a decrease in the match elasticity. I argue that the most plausible source of the shift is a
decline match efficiency, that is, the ability of the labor market to transform open positions
and job seekers into productive employment relationships.
My paper is closely related to Barlevy (2011). He conducts a steady-state analysis similar
to mine and derives the same qualitative conclusions. His data end in 2010 and can therefore
not address the more recent evolution of the unemployment and vacancy combination in
a manner parallel to the pre-recession data. I also conduct a more extensive empirical
analysis based on a fully specified dynamic and stochastic general equilibrium model. My
empirical approach is based on the Bayesian analysis of the simple search and matching
model as developed in Lubik (2009, 2012). In that respect, my paper is similar to Furlanetto
and Groshenny (2013). These authors develop a New Keynesian model with search and
matching features in which match efficiency is but one shock. Bayesian estimation of their
model delivers similar results to mine, namely a sharp drop in the match efficiency process
during the Great Recession. Finally, Barnichon and Figura (2013) and Sahin et al (2013)
approach the mismatch debate using labor market heterogeneities and micro-level data on
occupations and sectors. By aggregation of individual matching functions they can derive
an aggregate matching function and impute match efficiency. The resulting time series for
the thus constructed series is very similar to the one derived in my paper.
The paper is organized as follows. In the next two sections, I develop intuition for the
shifts and twists in the Beveridge curve and their determinants from a steady-state analysis.
Section 2 derives the curve from a simply accounting equation, while Section 3 adds the
optimal vacancy posting decision of a firm. In Section 4 I conduct a Bayesian prior analysis
that attempts to determine whether the model in its various specifications is in principle
capable of replicating the pattern seen in the data. I estimate the model using Bayesian
methods in Section 5 and assess to what extent the data can be explained by shocks alone
or by shifts in parameters. The final section concludes and speculates on future areas of


Beveridge Curve Shifts: Preliminary Insights

I organize my discussion around a simple search and matching model of the labor market.
This model has been popularized in the macroeconomics literature by Pissarides (2000)
and Shimer (2005), but it dates back to earlier work by Diamond (1982) and Mortensen
and Pissarides (1994). The specific framework I use in this paper is drawn from Lubik

(2012). The model describes the evolution of vacancies and unemployment by means of
two relationships that are derived from the optimizing decisions of workers and firms. The
model and all derivations are presented in the Appendix.
The first equation, and the one that underlies the Beveridge curve, is a relationship that
describes the dynamics of employment:
 = (1 − ) −1 + −1


This is a stock-flow identity that relates the stock of employed workers  to the flow of new
hires  =    1− into employment.  is the (constant) separation rate that captures
employment outflows. New hires are determined as the outcome of a matching process that
combines vacancies  with the unemployed  who are searching for jobs. The matching
function is of the Cobb-Douglas type with match elasticity 0    1 and a level parameter
  0 that measures the efficiency of the matching process. The measure of the unemployed
is defined as  = 1 −  , where the labor force is normalized to one.

The theoretical Beveridge curve is usually depicted as the steady-state counterpart of

this dynamic employment equation. It is posited that shocks are short-lived enough and
adjustment dynamics rapid enough so that departures from the steady state are resolved
within the sampling frequency. Consequently, steady-state relationships are good enough
approximations for the underlying, richer dynamics. After substituting the definition of
the unemployment rate into (1), I can rearrange this expression to derive a steady-state
relationship between vacancies and unemployment:
 =


1 









This Beveridge curve describes an equilibrium locus of combinations of  and  such that
inflows and outflows to the (un)employment pool are balanced.
I now use this relationship to interpret the empirical behavior of unemployment and
vacancies over the last decade. I use monthly data for the sample period December 2000
to July 2013, which is governed by the availability of vacancy data in JOLTS. The unemployment rate series is headline unemployment from the household survey. I normalize the
seasonally adjusted JOLTS vacancy series by the labor force in order to render it comparable to the unemployment rate. A time series plot of the two series can be found in Figure
The Beveridge curve (2) is characterized by three parameters. The match efficiency 
and the separation rate  determine the intercept and thus its location, while the match

elasticity  governs its curvature. I calibrate these parameters as follows. I set the separation rate to a value of  = 0036. This follows the value reported in Shimer (2005)
for monthly data, which is effectively just a normalization of the model for a given frequency. I estimate the remaining two parameters directly from the data using non-linear
least squares. However, I split the sample in two. The first sub-sample, from which the
parameters are estimated, runs from December 2000 to September 2008. In my analysis I
treat this as the ‘normal’ period. From the last data point on, which, incidentally, lies on
the estimated Beveridge curve, the unemployment rate rose rapidly. The second half of the
sample thus covers the Great Recession and the recovery. The point estimates are 
b = 080
and b
 = 049.1 Based on these parameters I extend the Beveridge curve outward for ranges

of the unemployment rate attained during the recession.

Figure 1 shows the estimated Beveridge curve over a scatter plot of the data. The data

exhibit the familiar downward-sloping pattern. By the logic of the search and matching
model, firms post fewer vacancies and the unemployment rate rises as business conditions
deteriorate. The impact of the Great Recession on the labor market is clearly visible in the
sharp and continuous increase in unemployment starting in September 2008. Noticeably,
all data points from this date on lie above the predicted Beveridge curve. During this
period unemployment has been rising faster than the pre-recession Beveridge curve would
suggest. At the height of the labor market downturn, the unemployment rate appears to
have stalled between 9.5 and 10%, while the vacancy rate was creeping upward. From then
on, the evolution of unemployment and vacancies has been consistently off the pre-recession
Beveridge curve.
This observation has given rise to a bevy of arguments about ‘mismatch’ in the labor
market. The argument is that in the course of the Great Recession the normal functioning
of the labor market became disrupted. Firms willing to hire would find it difficult to be
matched with potential employees despite the large pool of the unemployed. This notion
can be captured by a shift in the Beveridge curve, which could produce the pattern seen
in the data through a combination of a new steady-state equilibrium and accompanying
adjustment dynamics. I now analyze the potential factors behind this argument using Eq.
I take the natural logarithm of the Beveridge curve and collect terms. This results in the regression
1 
log  =
log (1 − ) −
log 

Conditional on the calibrated value of , I can then identify  and  from the estimated slope and intercept
terms. I ignore obvious issues of collinearity and endogeneity for the purposes of this simple exercise.


An up and outward shift of the curve can be explained by a change in the two locational
parameters  and . A decrease in the match efficiency  would shift the Beveridge curve
upward, since for a given number of unemployed the number of vacancies would have to
be higher in order to generate the same number of new hires. Arguably, a shift in the
match efficiency parameter captures the narrative of mismatch in the labor market well.
Alternatively, an increase in the separation rate  would also shift the curve up. A given level
of employment would now produce a higher number of inflows into unemployment, which
would have to be balanced by a larger number of vacancy postings in order to generate the
same steady-state level of flows out of unemployment.
I asses the size of the shifts required using the following experiment. I assume that
the data point consistent with the new location of the Beveridge curve is July 2010, with
an unemployment rate of 9.5% and a vacancy rate of 1.9%. Imposing these two values on
Eq. (2), I can then back out the new parameter values, 0 = 067 and 0 = 0042. The
behavior of vacancies and the unemployment rate would thus be consistent with a decrease
of the efficiency of the matching process by 16% and an increase in the (monthly) separation
rate by 12%. While either parameter break appears plausible, the actual behavior of the
separation rate in the data tells a different story. The total separation rate as measured
in JOLTS actually fell over the course of the Great Recession from an average of 3.6% to
slightly above 3%, where it has remained stable since.
An alternative source of the shift in the Beveridge curve is a change in the match
elasticity , which has a level effect but also affects the curvature. Following the same
procedure as before, I find that a fall of  by 22% to  0 = 038 is needed to be consistent
with the data point of July 2010. Figure 2 depicts the shifts of the curve for the two
parameter constellations.2 The Beveridge curve is notably flatter in the case of a decline in
the match elasticity. At a given unemployment rate, vacancy postings are now less reactive.
¡ ¢−
 1−
=  
Using the matching function, one can define the hiring rate as (  ) =  
For a given vacancy-unemployment ratio, the hiring rate becomes less elastic and thus less

responsive to aggregate labor market conditions with a fall in match elasticity. Furthermore,
the JOLTS hiring rate shows a substantial peak-to-trough decline from 3.8% to 2.9% which
would be consistent with a fall in the match elasticity.
I can draw a few preliminary conclusions at this point. The recent behavior of the
unemployment and vacancy rates is consistent with an upward shift in the Beveridge curve
that originated either from a decline in match efficiency or a decrease in the elasticity of
Since the separation rate and the match efficiency have the same effect on the intercept term of the
curve, the two curves exactly overlay each other.


the matching function. This lends support to the notion of mismatch in the labor market,
which finds its theoretical counterpart in breaks in the parameters of the matching function.
The two parameter shifts, however, imply different time paths going forward. A decline in
match efficiency imparts a ‘new normal’ and movements in unemployment and vacancies
that are no longer consistent with pre-recession labor market equilibrium. A fall in match
elasticity, on the other hand, eventually returns the two labor market variables close to the
original Beveridge curve along a counter-clockwise adjustment path as in Blanchard and
Diamond (1989). While an increase in the separation rate is a theoretical possibility, this
explanation is ruled out by the actual behavior of separations in the data.
However, the preceeding analysis should be taken with a degree of caution. First, the
empirical analysis is very rudimentary. In particular, the suggested values for the match
elasticity are far below typical numbers in the literature. Second, and more importantly, the
analysis does not distinguish between adjustment dynamics and business cycle dynamics.
That is, a comparative statics analysis only provides limited insight into the behavior over
time. Third, the analysis does not distinguish between exogenous shocks and breaks in
parameters as sources of the perceived shifts in the comovement pattern of unemployment
and vacancies. Finally, the Beveridge curve describes an an equilibrium outcome, but it is
an open question whether the data are consistent with the behavior of a general equilibrium
model. I will now address these concerns using the full model.


Beveridge Curve Shifts: A Broader Perspective

The Beveridge curve describes the downward-sloping relationship between unemployment
and vacancies. The contemporaneous correlation between the two time series over the
JOLTS sample period is −085. This relationship can be described using a matching function
and the stock-flow accounting of the employment equation (1). At the same time, the levels

of unemployment and open positions are the endogenous outcome of the decision making
processes of firms and workers. I therefore investigate now whether the parameter shifts
identified above can at least qualitatively reproduce the data pattern within the confines of
a simple search and matching model of the labor market.
The second equation of the search and matching model is the job creation condition




= (1 − )


(1 − ) (+1 − ) − 
+1 +1




¶ #



I describe in the Appendix how it can be derived from the optimal vacancy posting decision
of a firm and a wage setting equation.
The steady-state representation of the JCC is:
1 − (1 − ) 
(1 − ) 




+ 

= (1 − )( − )


Note that  =   defines labor market tightness. The JCC determines the steady-state
level  as a function of the model parameters. The job creation condition can thus be
written as a linear function in  - space:  = ∗  , where shifts in the parameters only
affect the slope, but not the intercept of the JCC.3
I calibrate the JCC in a similar manner as above. The sampling period for the calibration
is December 2000 to September 2008. The three parameters of the Beveridge curve also
appear in the JCC and take on the same values:  = 003,  = 080, and  = 049. I
set the discount factor  = 099, and choose the bargaining parameter by imposing the
Hosios-condition for social efficiency,  =  = 049.4 There are three remaining parameters.
I normalize the level of productivity to  = 1. Next, I assume that the outside option of
the worker makes up 90% of the productivity level,  = 09. My calibration is therefore
close to that of Hagedorn and Manovskii (2008), who argue that a high outside option for
the worker is needed to match the cyclical properties of the data. The JCC (4) can then be
used to back out the cost parameter  for a given level of unemployment and vacancies. I
compute these from the sample averages,  = 26% and  = 52%. This implies  = 018.
Figure 3 depicts the JCC and the Beveridge curve. They intersect at the steady-state
equilibrium and sample mean for the unemployment and vacancy rates. The Figure also
shows how the JCC shifts with changes in the productivity level, whereas the employment
equation (1) is unaffected. With technology as the driving process, movements in the JCC
thus trace out what appears in the data as the Beveridge curve. While the combinations of
 and  have to lie on the theoretical curve (2), they are generated by the interaction of
the employment equation with employers’ vacancy posting decisions in (4). A focus on the
relationship (2) alone can therefore only reveal a partial picture of the causes of mismatch.
The figure also shows shifts in the JCC as the level of productivity changes from its
baseline value of  = 1. I consider both increases and decreases of 2.5% and 5% each.
When productivity rises to  = 1025 the JCC shifts and tilts upwards (dashed line),
and shifts further out when  = 105 (dash-dotted line). Decreases in productivity of the

I solve Eq. (4) numerically since analytical solutions are available only for the special case  = 12.
A typical calibration in the literature is an agnostic  = 05, which is close to mine.


same percentage move the JCC in the opposite direction. Variations in productivity thus
trace out a downward-sloping relationship between unemployment and vacancies along the
employment curve (1), to wit, the Beveridge curve. This is the kind of experiment that
underlies most discussions of the dynamic properties of the search and matching model
(see Shimer, 2005). What productivity movements alone cannot accomplish, however, is
to explain the recent pattern in the data as evidenced by the data cluster off the ‘normal’
Beveridge curve in Figure 3.
I therefore analyze the effects of the parameter changes considered above on both the
JCC and the employment equation. The results are graphed in Figure 4. I perform two
sets of experiments. In Panels A and B I only vary the match efficiency and the match
elasticity, respectively. The parameter values are the same as in the previous section.
Specifically, I consider a decline of  to 067 and of  to 038 in order to be consistent
with the July 2010 data point on the Beveridge curve. As established before, declines in
these two parameters shift and twist the employment equation outward. What is striking,
however, is that these changes only have minor effects on the JCC, which marginally shifts
outward. These parameter changes alone can therefore not generate an equilibrium outcome
consistent with the July 2010 data point. To do so, an additional movement along the new
employment equation is required.
Panels C and D depict the combined effects of declines in the two parameters and a
decrease of productivity to  = 0945, which in both cases leads to an intersection of the
JCC at the target data point of July 2010. The interpretation of the patterns in the recent
data now seems straightforward. At the onset of the Great Recession, declining GDP,
interpreted in the model as fall in productivity, led to a down and outward shift of the JCC
along the employment equation, tracing out a typical Beveridge curve. As the downturn
deepened, however, the process of matching the unemployed with open vacancies appears to
have been affected adversely. Consequently, the employment equation shifts upward along
a JCC that has setttled at a lower productivity level. What emerges from this narrative
is an explanation of mismatch grounded in the behavior of the matching function. The
shift appears to kick in at a percentage decline in productivity of roughly 5%. Once this
threshold is crossed, the Beveridge curve shifts to a new equilibrium.
This exercise also holds a useful insight for the specification of empirical search and
matching models. Movements in productivity lead to sharp movements in the JCC, but
leave the employment equation unaffected. Vice versa, shifts in the parameters of the
matching function move and twist the employment equation, but have only a minor effect


on the JCC. This suggests that in order to explain labor market behavior via the search
and matching framework at least two independent driving forces are needed, specifically,
productivity shocks and movements in the parameters of the matching function that act
directly on the employment equation.5
A priori, the pattern in the data is consistent with shifts in either the match efficiency
 or the match elasticity . This identification problem will have to be resolved by an
empirical analysis of the fully specified dynamic model. I can gain some insight, however,
by introducing additional information. The matching function allows me to define the
rate at which the unemployed are matched with employers. This job-finding rate can be
¡ ¢1−
 1−
=  
. I gather data on the total number of hires from
expressed as (  ) =  
JOLTS and scale it by the total number of unemployed. I then regress this rate on labor

market tightness  =   in logs over the sample period until the onset of the downturn.
The estimated values of the match efficiency 
b = 097 and the match elasticity b
 = 038.
Figure 5 depicts the fitted hiring rate from December 2000 to September 2008 (data points

in red) and its prediction for the recession sample. The graph clearly shows that the
predicted hiring rate is substantially above the actual data (green dots). In other words,
transitions from unemployment into employment are lower in the wake of this downturn
than the baseline calibration can explain. This is, of course, the flip side of the mismatch
pattern in the Beveridge curve. The pattern in the second sample period can be matched
by a downward shift in the match efficiency, while a change in  cannot quite capture the
level shift.
I therefore draw the following conclusions at this point. The recent behavior of the

vacancy rate can be understood from the perspective of a search and matching model
as the interaction of the shifts of at least two structural parameters. The a priori most
plausible combination is a decline in aggregate productivity and a subsequent decrease in
match efficiency. In what follows, I will use this as my working hypothesis. However, the
preceding analysis comes with important caveats. First, the steady-state analysis is only
suggestive of the dynamics involved and the previous conclusions should at best be seen
in a qualitative light. I will therefore analyze the data with a fully specified dynamic and
stochastic model. Second, the previous results rest on specific point calibrations. Yet, there
is large uncertainty regarding the parameter values. I will therefore proceed to a Bayesian
approach which treats structural parameters as random variables.

This argument has also been made by Lubik (2009).



A Bayesian Prior Analysis

The analysis presented so far gave qualitative insight into whether the recently observed
pattern of unemployment and vacancies is consistent with what we would have it expected
to be based on pre-recession data. My suggested answer is that it is not. More specifically, it
appears that the Beveridge curve has shifted outwards, seemingly permanently. However, it
is not obvious whether the recently observed pattern is quantitatively different in a statistical
sense. In other words, it may be the case that the post-recession data were generated from
the same ‘normal’ process as, say, the simple search and matching model, but because
of sampling uncertainty, model uncertainty, and parameter uncertainty it appears to the
researcher that the data clusters are different. What appears as a Beveridge curve shift may
thus simply be a less likely, but nevertheless consistent, realization of the ‘normal’ curve.
In the rest of the paper, I therefore investigate along these lines. I ask the question
whether the search and matching model is consistent with both pre- and post-recession
data under the assumption of parameter uncertainty. As a preliminary step, I perform the
following exercise. In the spirit of the simple analysis above, I compute the steady-state
distribution of the Beveridge curve from the employment equation alone. This exercise is
parsimonious in that I only need to deal with three structural parameters. I then add the
job creation condition to compute the steady-state distribution from the general equilibrium
conditions. Both computations should reveal some information on whether the stochastic
specification is in principle capable of replicating the pattern in the data.
I first need to select the priors. The prior distributions are reported in Table 1. I could
pursue a largely agnostic strategy by choosing diffuse priors. By doing so, the implied prior
density of the variables would be determined by the model and the implicit cross-equation
restrictions. I prefer, however, to restrict the prior choice by bringing to bear additional
information from a variety of sources. As before, I set the separation rate to a value of
 = 003 and keep it fixed for the duration of this exercise. Since the match efficiency 
has to be strictly positive I chose a Gamma-distribution with a mean of 080. As explained
above, this is derived as the intercept from fitting the Beveridge curve relationship (2) to
the pre-October 2008 data. Similarly, I chose a Beta-distribution for the match elasticity
 with a mean of 049. I set the standard deviation for both parameters at 01, which
implies 95% coverage intervals for  and  of, respectively, [060 099] and [029 068].
Given the Beveridge curve relationship (2) it is straightforward to compute the implied
joint distribution for unemployment and vacancies. These are depicted in Figure 6 for an


unemployment range from 4% to 12%.
The contour plot in Panel A is overlayed with the data from the full sample period.
During normal times in the first part of the sample, the data lie along the ridge of the joint
distribution. This simply reflects that the parameter distributions were chosen based on
the fitted Beveridge curve in Figure 1. As the Great Recession takes it course, however,
the graph shows that the data points fall off the ridge. Given the joint density, I can
assign a probability to specific outcomes under this prior distributions. As before, I pick
the unemployment rate in July 2010, namely 9.5%, as a reference point. The estimated
Beveridge-curve relationship would predict a vacancy rate of 1.3%, whereas the actual
observed value was 1.9%.
Panel B graphs the implied prior distribution of the vacancy rate conditional on an
unemployment rate of 9.5%. The two vertical lines are the actual and predicted vacancy
rates. The deviation of actual from predicted vacancies is thus around the one-standard
deviation mark, which may not be considered statistically significant. We therefore cannot
rule out with a fair degree of certainty that the recent pattern has not been generated by
small stochastic variations in the parameters. I also note that the distribution is slightly
right-skewed, so that there is relatively more probability mass on vacancy rates above
the predicted mode. This reflects the tendency of the Beveridge-relationship to engender
vacancy postings when unemployment is high. Naturally, this observation needs to be
addressed in terms of the job creation condition, to which I now turn.
I compute the implied density of unemployment and vacancy rates for parameter draws
from the priors using the steady-state equilibrium conditions (2) and (4). As before, I fix
the discount factor  = 099 and I normalize productivity  = 1. Additionally, I set the
prior mean of the bargaining share at the Hosios-condition  =  = 046, but allow for a
wider dispersion on account of the greater degree of uncertainty surrounding this parameter.
The prior mean of the benefit ratio remains at  = 09. Since the parameter is bounded
above by productivity, I assume a Beta-distribution for this ratio with a standard deviation
of 01. This implies a 95% coverage interval of [062 099]. Finally, I set the prior mean
of the vacancy posting cost  at 018 with a reasonably tight standard deviation. Recall
that this value was chosen based on capturing the sample means in the data. I will use this
specification later on as the benchmark prior distribution in the structural estimation.
Figure 7 contains a scatter plot of unemployment and vacancy rates for 20,000 draws
from the prior distributions. I superimpose the JOLTS-sample, while the horizontal and
vertical lines correspond to the sample means from the pre-recession period. Two observa-


tions stand out. First, the prior draws trace out the familiar downward-sloping relationship
in V-U space. Second, there is a large degree of dispersion, which is not readily apparent
from the prior analysis based on the employment equation alone. This is to a large extent
driven by the additional variation introduced by the remaining parameters of the model,
but also reflects the specific prior chosen. The data points during the normal sample period
lie along the previously identified ridge. At the same time, the Great Recession sample also
coincides with a high density region. It is thus a priori not obvious that it is inconsistent
with the standard model. The scatter plot also offers insights for the structural estimation
of the model. Given the prior distribution, the data appear very informative for the estimation of the structural parameters. The posterior distribution can be expected to be much
more concentrated than the prior, which results in sharp inference for the parameters.


An Estimated Beveridge Curve Model

The conclusion that can be drawn from the results in the previous section is that the
standard search and matching model can in principle reproduce the patterns found in the
data over the entire sample period. That is, the recent behavior of the Beveridge curve
appears statistically indistinguishable from its earlier behavior. I am now taking a more
deeply quantitative look at this issue. To this end, I estimate the full dynamic and stochastic
search and matching model using Bayesian methods. Details on the econometric method
and the specifics of the empirical analysis can be found in Lubik (2009), while a comparable
exercise is performed in Lubik (2012). The model specification is the same as the one used in
the previous simulation exercise, as is the choice of the prior distribution for the parameters
to be estimated (see Table 1). I only use the unemployment rate and the vacancy rate as
observables in the estimation. The model is driven by two shocks, labor productivity  and
exogenous variations in match efficiency  , which are both assumed to be AR(1) processes.
The full description of the model and the state-space representation of the estimated model
can be found in the Appendix.
I estimate the model for the baseline sample period from December 2000 to September
2008 and then assess how well it fits the data, what the driving forces of movements in
unemployment and vacancies are, and how the posterior estimates differ from the priors.
Next, I estimate the model for the full sample up to July 2013, which includes the Great
Recession and its aftermath. I compare the differences in the posterior estimates and
try to identify which shocks, if at all, are consistent with the pattern in the data. I also
conduct an experiment that estimates the model only over the latter part of the full sample.

This should give an indication whether the model’s behavior is driven more by shocks or
parameter shifts.
The Bayesian estimates are reported in Table 2 for each sample period. I omit the
estimates for the separation rate and the vacancy creation costs as the prior and posterior
means coincide in each sample period. The posterior distribution for the separation rate 
is more concentrated, while that of the cost parameter  overlays the prior, which suggests
a lack of identification. The posterior mean of the match elasticity  is 081, with a tight
90% coverage interval, that does not include the prior mean of 049, nor do the coverage
intervals overlap. Recall that the prior mean was chosen based on fitting a regression
line to a scatter plot of unemployment and vacancy combinations. Its value was backed
out based on a steady-state relationship. The posterior estimate thus suggests that the
dynamic model offers additional information that requires a highly elastic response of the
matching rate () to labor market tightness  during normal times. While this estimate is
somewhat higher than the range suggested in calibration studies - for instance, Petrongolo
and Pissarides (2001) recommend a value in the range [05 07] - my estimate is consistent
with other empirical studies.
The match efficiency  and the benefit parameter  posterior estimates are shifted away
from the prior means, which in both cases lie outside the coverage intervals. For the former,
the posterior mean is higher than the prior at 091, while the estimate of  is below the prior
mean. In fact, the latter estimate is almost exactly halfway between the value in Shimer
(2005) and the one espoused by Hagedorn and Manovskii (2008), upon which my choice of
the prior is based. This is again consistent with previous estimates, which tend to favor a
high replacement ratio. The posterior estimates clearly reject the Hosios-condition  =  to
the effect that the overlapping probability mass between the two distributions is essentially
zero. The posterior of  = 047 is below the prior but not as much as previous studies would
indicate. On the other hand, this parameter tends to be hard to pin down in the absence
of other sources of information, such as wages. Finally, the posterior estimates of the shock
parameters indicate more persistent and more volatile disturbances than assumed in the
The estimates for the Great Recession sample period are in the fourth column of Table 2
(labeled Period II). Both the match elasticity at  = 069 and the match efficiency  = 07
are below the estimates from the first sample period. This is consistent with the argument
made in Sections 2 and 3 using the steady-state model. In order to capture the data points
that emerge above the implied Beveridge curve during and after the Great Recession, the


estimation algorithm sets the estimates at lower values. In fact,  is even below the prior
mean. Moreover, the estimate of the benefit parameter  is now much closer to the prior
mean. Since this increases ceteris paribus the volatility of unemployment and vacancies
(see Hagedorn and Manovskii, 2008), it aids in matching the data. A higher  is also
consistent with a narrative of more generous and extended unemployment benefits as the
source of the persistently high unemployment rate. The posterior mean for  is higher than
before, but there is substantial overlap of the coverage intervals. The AR-coefficients are
unchanged relative to the first sample period. At the same time, the standard deviation
of the productivity shock falls, while that of  rises. This supports the conclusion that
the recent behavior of unemployment and vacancies is driven by a fall in the mean level of
match efficiency, and an increase in their volatility. I will look at this again from the point
of view of variance decompositions.
Finally, I estimate the model over the full sample period. The results are contained in
the last column of Table 2. The two sub-samples are almost of equal length (the normal
period being longer by two and a half years), so that it is not obvious to what extent the first
sample dominated the estimation. Yet the substantial cluster of data points off the normal
Beveridge curve has to be matched by the estimation algorithm. The posterior means are
fairly unequivocal as to how this gets resolved. The match elasticity does not change from
the first sub-sample, nor do the benefit and bargaining parameters, while match efficiency
falls between the estimates of the two sub-samples. Surprisingly, the persistence of the two
shock processes is higher than in both sub-samples, while the innovation variances lie in
Based on these observations, I can derive two conclusions. First, it is unlikely that
changes in the match elasticity drive the recent Beveridge-curve behavior. This only leaves
changes in match efficiency as the source, which confirms the previous analysis. In other
words, the full sample can only be matched by averaging over the sub-sample match efficiency estimates. This implies a break in this parameter between the two sample periods.
This point will become more obvious further below. Second, while changes in the benefit
parameters (and to a lesser degree in the bargaining share) are contributing factors, the
volatility and incidence of shocks to the match efficiency are contributing factors.
Next, I compute the long-run variance decomposition for the three samples before I look
at the filtered series for the shocks. The variance decomposition is reported in Table 3. The
main driving force for unemployment is productivity, while vacancies are largely explained


by shocks to match efficiency.6 The role of productivity shocks in explaining unemployment
declines from the first to the second sample, with the full sample contribution close to
that in the Great Recession. The picture for the contribution of match efficiency shocks
is the mirror image of this. As for vacancies, the contribution of productivity shocks rises
substantially, while that of match efficiency shocks falls. The variance decomposition is thus
broadly consistent with the previous discussion of the posterior estimates. The outward shift
of the Beveridge curve during the Great Recession is therefore captured over the full sample
by a higher contribution of match efficiency shocks. For a given unemployment rate and
productivity shocks, the data cluster off the normal Beveridge curve is the outcome of a
higher incidence of shocks to  .
I now extract the implied series for the unobserved shock processes, productivity  and
match efficiency  , by filtering the model at the posterior means. The series are reported
in Figure 8. The graph at the top contains the series for the productivity shock for each
of the three samples, while the bottom graph contains the filtered match efficiency series.
Mean productivity is normalized to one in the model and is assumed to be unchanged over
the sample period. The index numbers can therefore be interpreted as (gross) percentages.
The behavior of productivity over the full sample tells the story of the labor market in
the last decade. As the economy was entering the 2001 recession, productivity fell from its
initial peak of 10% above its long-run value to its mean, where it hovered for several years.
This is commonly know as the jobless recovery period when unemployment stayed elevated
and would come down only slowly. Starting in the second half of 2004, growth picked up,
reaching its peak in early 2007. At the onset of the recession in the last quarter of 2007,
productivity rapidly fell until it reached its trough in the middle of 2009 with an estimated
productivity level of 12% below its long-run trend. Afterward, productivity starting rising
slowly, but gradually, commensurate with the economy’s improved performance. This rise
is consistent with the uptick in vacancy postings, and, in fact, is one factor behind the data
cluster off the Beveridge curve. Yet, in the middle of 2013, four years after the trough,
the economy still operates around 2% below its long-run level. The two series for the
sub-samples very much follow the pattern established for the full sample period. Since
the means are restricted to one, the apparent level shifts in the filtered productivity series
simply reflect the fact that the estimation algorithm adjusts for variations in the location

In a sense, this observation is comforting, since disturbances to parameters in the employment equation
(1) tend to act as residuals in the specified equation and therefore simply reflect the inability of the model
to capture the data on its own (see the argument in Lubik, 2012). In other words, the model, given this
specific data set, provides enough restrictions so that the exogenous shocks do not fulfill the role of simply
capturing the distance between the data and the model structure.


of the data series over the sub-sample. Absent of this, the three series would overlay each
other closely.
In the bottom graph I report the actual level of the estimated match efficiency parameter. Since I allow the mean to change over the sample periods the differences in the levels
reflect the different posterior mean estimates over the three sampling periods. The mean for
the first sub-sample is estimated at 091. Interestingly, the filtered match efficiency closely
follows the pattern of productivity, their correlation being 091. As we saw above, the
posterior mean for the Great Recession sample drops to 07. When compared with filtered
productivity, however, the pattern is different. Match efficiency depicts a noticeable downward trend, continuing even after productivity picks up again. In fact, correlation between
the two series is now only 030. This supports the argument that unemployment is kept elevated because of the pressure from declining match efficiency despite the productivity-driven
uptick in vacancies.
Finally, the filtered series also shows how estimation over the full sample accounts for the
data. At the onset of the Great Recession, the labor market suffers a sequence of negative
match efficiency shocks, which bring the series down to close to the level consistent with
the second sub-sample. A priori, this would seem consistent with a structural break, in
particular as the match efficiency has remained low for an extended period. I also note that
the series for the full sample is sowing a slight upward trend driven by the mean reversion in
the model. There is no trend in match efficiency for the second sub-sample, which provides
further evidence of a new normal Beveridge curve as is visible in Figure 1. What I cannot
conclusively answer, however, is whether the off-Beveridge pattern is generated by a break
in the mean or by a sequence of persistently negative innovations. The algorithm fits the
data by imposing a high persistence parameter on the matching parameter (see Table 2).
Of course, this is related to the difficulties that structural break tests have in distinguishing
between true breaks and random walk behavior. An analysis of this issue is relegated to
future research.7
The final question I ask of the estimated labor market model, is whether it can capture
Beveridge curve dynamics. Figure 9 depicts the impulse response functions of unemployment and vacancies to the two exogenous shocks, estimated from the first sample period.8

Progress in this direction has been made by Benati and Lubik (2013) who estimate a time-varying
parameter VAR for the Beveridge curve relationship. The source of time variation in their set-up is randomwalk behavior in the coefficients of a structural VAR. While they do find evidence of time variation in the
Beveridge curve for post-WWII U.S. data, and especially for deep recessions such as the Great Recession, it
is not statistically strong.
The impulse responses are qualitatively very similar across the different sub-periods, although there


A one-standard deviation productivity shock raises vacancy postings on impact, which then
decline gradually as the initial impulse runs out. Productivity does not affect employment
contemporaneously since it takes time to create jobs. Unemployment falls one period after
the initial shock and rises gradually back to its long-run level. Similarly, unemployment does
not react to matching shocks contemporaneously because of the timing assumption embedded in the employment equation. Positive shocks lower unemployment since more potential
workers are being matched for a given level of vacancies. At the same time, vacancy creation
falls because firms need to post fewer open positions now that the job-matching rate rises
on account of higher match efficiency.
The crux of the matter is that in response to matching shocks, unemployment and
vacancies move in the same direction, thus implying a positive correlation contrary to
what we see in the Beveridge curve. A negative correlation does emerge conditional on
productivity shocks only. This becomes apparent when I plot the time paths for the two
variables against each other in the lower panel of Figure 9. The straight lines reflect the
mean unemployment and vacancy rates of the second sub-sample, namely 91% and 21%,
respectively. The shocks are scaled to represent unit innovations to the respective terms.
Positive productivity shocks induce an initial rapid rise in vacancies and an accompanying
fall in unemployment. Beyond the turning point, which occurs three periods after the
initial impulse, vacancies fall and unemployment rises slowly back to their long-run values.
The latter pattern is of course consistent with a typical movement along the Beveridge
curve, while the initial periods induce what Blanchard and Diamond (1989) refer to as the
counter clockwise loop in unemployment and vacancy dynamics. In other words, the offBeveridge curve pattern can be explained by recurrent positive productivity shocks, which
keep vacancy postings elevated and the unemployment rate hovering at its high level.
On the other hand, matching shocks do not induce Beveridge curve-type dynamics, as
unemployment and vacancies comove. This is evident from the location of the curve in the
lower left quadrant in the lower panel of Figure 9. In response to positive matching shocks,
adjustment to the long-run value implies positive comovement, which rules out matching
shocks as the sole driver of the recent data. However, combinations of the two shocks can
produce the pattern as I have demonstrated above. The estimated impulse responses do,
however reveal one aspect that the qualitative discussion missed. Unemployment reacts
relatively more strongly to the shocks than vacancies do in response to either shock, which
is reminiscent of the argument in Shimer (2005). This would suggest the data to cluster
are small quantitative differences. The responses for the other periods are available from the author upon


more along the direction of unemployment in a Beveridge curve diagram rather than the
vertical direction, which we see in the data immediately after the business cycle trough.



The behavior of unemployment and vacancy postings, when put in relation to a standard
Beveridge curve, has been one of the most puzzling and troubling features of the U.S.
economy in recent years. In this article, I attempt to explain this pattern from within the
confines of a simple search and matching model of the labor market. I show that the pattern
in the data can only be understood as the outcome of two distinct shocks. Productivity
shocks, which are a stand-in for the overall level of economic activity, determine the level
of unemployment and vacancies along the Beveridge curve, while disturbances to match
efficiency determine shifts of the Beveridge curve itself. I demonstrate that the pattern in
the data can be explained by temporary variations in those two shocks alone, and that the
seeming unusual behavior of the data is consistent with a stochastic view of a standard
search and matching framework.
Bayesian estimation of the simple search and matching model over both the full JOLTS
sample period and over two sub-samples before and after the onset of the Great Recession
shows that the behavior of the match efficiency process is such that it persistently needs
to be below its full-sample mean to capture the recent Beveridge curve behavior. Since
the model implies strong mean reversion in the match efficiency process, this has to be
accomplished by sequences of large and negative innovations to this parameter. On the
other hand, sub-sample estimation shows a clear level difference between the respective
values without any evidence of movements toward the full sample mean. This is not the
case for other parameters. The estimation results therefore suggest that there has been
a break in the labor market matching process to the effect that the Beveridge curve has
permanently shifted outward.
My approach in this paper is silent as to what the underlying reasons for this break
are. One hypothesis is that structural breaks in match efficiency only occur during times
of extreme economic duress as we have witnessed in the Great Recession. Sharp falls in
output thus trigger fundamental changes in the labor market, which are represented by a
permanent decline in match efficiency and a higher long-run unemployment rate. This can
be modeled by a regime-switching or threshold-switching approach, which is the topic of
ongoing research.


[1] Barlevy (2011): “Evaluating the Role of Labor Market Mismatch in Rising Unemployment”. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Economic Perspectives, 35(3), 82-96.
[2] Barnichon, Regis, and Andrew Figura (2013): “Labor Market Heterogeneities and the
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[3] Benati, Luca, and Thomas A. Lubik (2013): “The Time-Varying Beveridge Curve”.
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper No. 13-12.
[4] Blanchard, Olivier J., and Peter A. Diamond (1989): “The Beveridge Curve”. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, 1-60.
[5] Diamond, Peter A. (1982): “Aggregate Demand Management in Search Equilibrium”.
Journal of Political Economy, 90(5), 881-894.
[6] Furlanetto, Francesco, and Nicolas Groshenny (2013): “Mismatch Shocks and Unemployment during the Great Recession”. Norges Bank Research Working Paper No.
[7] Hagedorn, Marcus, and Iouri Manovskii (2008): “The Cyclical Behavior of Equilibrium
Unemployment and Vacancies Revisited”. American Economic Review, 98, 1692-1706.
[8] Lubik, Thomas A. (2009): “Estimating a Search and Matching Model of the Aggregate
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[9] Lubik, Thomas A. (2012): “Aggregate Labor Market Dynamics in Hong Kong”. Pacific
Economic Review, 17(2), 257-279.
[10] Mortensen, Dale and Christopher A. Pissarides (1994): “Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Theory of Unemployment”. Review of Economic Studies, 61(3), 397—415.
[11] Petrongolo, Barbara, and Christopher Pissarides (2001): “Looking Into the Black Box:
A Survey of the Matching Function”. Journal of Economic Literature, 39, 390-431.
[12] Pissarides, Christopher A. (2000): Equilibrium Unemployment. MIT Press. Cambridge,


[13] Sahin, Aysegul, Joseph Song, Giorgio Topa, and Giovanni L. Violante (2013): “Mismatch Unemployment”. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report No. 566.
[14] Shimer, Robert (2005): “The Cyclical Behavior of Equilibrium Unemployment and
Vacancies”. American Economic Review, 95, 25-49.
[15] Sims, Christopher A. (2001): “Solving Linear Rational Expectations Models”. Computational Economics, 20, 1-20.


Appendix: Model Description
The model is a variant of the one employed in Lubik (2009, 2012). As shown in that
paper, the model is capable of capturing labor market relationships reasonably well. Time
is discrete and the time period is a quarter. The economy is populated by a continuum of
identical firms that employ workers each of whom inelastically supplies one unit of labor.
Output  of a typical firm is linear in employment  :
 =   


 is an aggregate productivity process, common to all firms, that obeys the law of motion:
log  = (1 −  ) log  +  log −1 +  


where 0    1,   0, and  ∼ N (0 2 ).

The labor market matching process combines unemployed job seekers  with job open-

ings (vacancies)  . This can be represented by a constant returns matching function,
 =   1− , where   0 is match efficiency, and 0    1 is the match elasticity.
The matching process is assumed to be follow:
log  = (1 −  ) log  +  log −1 +  


where 0    1,   0, and  ∼ N (0 2 ). Unemployment is defined as:
 = 1 −  


where the labor force is normalized to one. Inflows to unemployment arise from exogenous
job destruction at rate 0    1.
The dynamics of employment are therefore governed by the following relationship:
 = (1 − ) −1 + −1 −1


This is a stock-flow identity that relates the stock of employed workers  to the flow of new
hires  =    1− into employment. The timing assumption is such that variations in
match efficiency do not affect employment contemoraneously. The matching function can
be used to define the job finding rate, i.e. the probability that a worker will be matched
with a firm:
( ) =

=  1−



and the job matching rate, i.e. the probability that a firm is matched with a worker:
( ) =

=  −
 


where  =   is labor market tightness. From the perspective of an individual firm, the
aggregate match probability ( ) is exogenous, and hence new hires are linear in number
of vacancies posted for individual firms:  = ( ) .
A firm chooses the optimal number of vacancies  to be posted and its employment
level  by maximizing the intertemporal profit function:


  [  −   −  ] 


subject to the employment accumulation equation (A5). Profits are discounted at rate
0    1. Wages paid to the workers are  , while   0 is a firm’s fixed cost of opening
a vacancy. The first order conditions are:
 :
 :

 =  +1 − +1 + (1 − )+1 
 =  (1 − )( )


where  is the multiplier on the employment equation. Combining these two first-order
conditions results in the job creation condition:
= (1 − ) +1 − +1 +
( )
(+1 )


This captures the trade-off faced by the firm: the marginal, effective cost of posting a

( ) ,

that is, the per-vacancy cost  adjusted for the probability that the position

is filled, is weighed against the discounted benefit from the match. The latter consists of
the surplus generated by the production process net of wage payments to the workers, plus
the benefit of not having to post a vacancy again in the next period.
Wages are determined based on the Nash bargaining solution: surpluses accruing to the
matched parties are split according to a rule that maximizes the weighted average of the
respective surpluses. Denoting the workers’ weight in the bargaining process as  ∈ [0 1],
this implies the sharing rule:

J 
where W is the asset value of employment, U is the value of being unemployed, and J is,
W − U =

as before, the value of the marginal worker to the firm.9

In models with one-worker firms, the net surplus of a firm is given by J − V  with V the value of a
vacant job. By free entry, V is then assumed to be driven to zero.


The value of employment to a worker is described by the following Bellman equation:
W =  +  [(1 − )W+1 + U+1 ]


Workers receive the wage  , and transition into unemployment next period with probability
. The value of searching for a job, when currently unemployed, is:
U =  +  [ (1 − )W+1 + (1 −  (1 − ))U+1 ]


An unemployed searcher receives benefits  and transitions into employment with probability
 (1 − ). It is adjusted for the probability that a completed match gets dissolved before

production begins next period. Substituting the asset equations into the sharing rule (A12),
results, after some algebra, in the wage equation:
 =  ( +  ) + (1 − )


Wage payments are a weighted average of the worker’s marginal product  , which the
worker can appropriate at a fraction , and the outside option , of which the firm obtains
the portion (1 −). Moreover, the presence of fixed vacancy posting costs leads to a hold-up
problem where the worker extracts an additional  from the firm.

I can substitute the wage equation and the job-matching rate into the job-creation
condition to obtain:
 
 
 = (1 − ) (1 − ) (+1 − ) − +1 +
 
+1 +1


Note that this expression is a first-order expectational difference equation in labor market
tightness, with productivity as a driving process. Firms are more willing to post vacancies if productivity shocks increase the wedge to the outside option of the worker. In the
empirical analysis, I make use of the simple structure of the model. The dynamics can be
fully described by two equations, the employment accumulation equation (A5) and the job
creation condition (A16), after convenient substitutions.


The full general equilibrium model consists of the following equations:
 = (1 − ) −1 + −1 −1
 
 
 =  (1 − ) +1 − +1 +
 
 +1
 =  ( +  ) + (1 − )
 =
 = 1 −  


log  = (1 −  ) log  +  log −1 +  


log  = (1 −  ) log  +  log −1 +  


The first equation is the employment accumulation equation, followed by the job creation
condition. The third equation describes the Nash-bargained wage, while the following two
equations define labor market tightness and relate employment to unemployment. The
description of the model is completed by the law of motions of the two exogenous stochastic
The model is linearized around the steady state. I normalize aggregate productivity
 = 1 and fix , but estimate all remaining parameters. Denote the log-deviations of a
variable from its steady state as 
e = log  − log . I find it convenient to reduce the
e and e
 , by substituting the wage
system to one in two endogenous variables only, viz. 
equation into the job creation condition, the two definitional equations into the employment

equations. The resulting linearized equation system is:
e−1 + (1 − )e
−1 −
 =
1− 
e+1 −  e
+1 +  (1 − )   
+1  (A25)
 = (1 − )  − 1− e
e−1 +  
e =  
e  =  
e  +  


The four equations form a linear rational expectations (LRE) model in two endogenous
variables and two exogenous shocks. The model has the special feature that it is blockdiagonal: the job creation condition is an expectational difference equation in e
 only and
could thus be solved independently from the rest of system. The solution for tightness then
feeds into employment dynamics as a driving process. It can easily be demonstrated that
the system possesses a unique solution over the admissible parameter space. The system is
solved using the method described in Sims (2001).

Table 1: Benchmark Prior





Separation Rate 




Shimer (2005); monthly JOLTS data

Match Elasticity 
Match Efficiency 




Beveridge Curve Estimation
Beveridge Curve Estimation

Benefit 
Bargaining 
Job Creation Cost 




Hagedorn and Manovskii (2008)
Hosios-condition, wide prior
Steady-State Sample Mean

Discount Factor 
Productivity 




Annual Real Interest Rate

Table 2: Posterior Means

Prior Mean

Period I

Period II

Full Sample

Match Elasticity 


[0.75, 0.88]

[0.60, 0.78]

[0.77, 0.88]

Match Efficiency 


[0.77, 1.05]

[0.57, 0.84]

[0.70, 0.95]

Benefit 


[0.55, 0.86]

[0.72, 0.92]

[0.59, 0.87]

Bargaining 


[0.32, 0.62]

[0.45, 0.75]

[0.35, 0.66]

AR-coeff. 
AR-coeff. 
StD. 
StD. 








Vacancy Rate (%)



September 2008
May 2010







Unemployment Rate (%)



Figure 1: Estimated Beveridge Curve

Table 3: Variance Decompositions




Period I

Period II

Full Sample





Match Efficiency








Match Efficiency








Vacancy Rate (%)


July 2010







Unemployment Rate (%)

Figure 2: Beveridge Curve Shifts









Vacancy Rate (%)











Unemployment Rate (%)


Figure 3: Beveridge Curve and Job Creation Conditions




B. Decrease in Match Elasticity ξ




Vacancy Rate (%)

Vacancy Rate (%)

A. Decrease in Match Efficiency m










Unemployment Rate (%)








Vacancy Rate (%)

Vacancy Rate (%)





Unemployment Rate (%)









Unemployment Rate (%)

D. Decrease in Match Elasticity ξ and Productivity A

C. Decrease in Match Efficiency m and Productivity A







Unemployment Rate (%)

Figure 4: The Beveridge Curve and Parameter Shifts






Predicted Hiring Rate
Aug. 2008 − Jul. 2013
Dec. 2000 − Jul. 2008


Hiring Rate










Labor Market Tightness


Figure 5: Labor Market Tightnesss and Hiring





Panel A: Prior Predictive Density

Vacancy Rate (%)










Unemployment Rate (%)








Panel B: Density Estimate for Vacancy Rate Conditional on 9.5% Unemployment
Actual Value: 1.9%


Predicted Value: 1.3%





Vacancy Rate (%)

Figure 6: Prior Predictive Density



Prior Predictive Density


Vacancy Rate (%)









Unemployment Rate (%)

Figure 7: Prior Predictive Density: Scatter Plot





Filtered Series: Productivity








Full Sample




















Filtered Series: Match Efficiency



Full Sample:
2000.12−2008.09: m=0.91
2008.10−2013.07: m=0.70








Figure 8: Filtered Shocks







Productivity Shock






















Beveridge Curve Dynamics: Productivity



Beveridge Curve Dynamics: Matching







Matching Shock










Productivity Shock

x 10










Matching Shock

x 10







Figure 9: Impulse Response Functions and Beveridge Curve Dynamics

