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Working Paper Series

The Output Gap, Expected Future
Inflation and Inflation Dynamics: Another

WP 04-06

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Yash P. Mehra
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

The Output Gap, Expected Future Inflation and Inflation Dynamics:
Another Look
Yash P. Mehra
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
701 E. Byrd Street
Richmond, VA 23219
August 12, 2004
Working Paper No: 04-06

Key Words: Output Gap, Supply Shocks, Expected Future Inflation
JEL: E10 E31

The empirical test of the output gap-based New Keynesian Phillips curve often has been
implemented by estimating a hybrid specification that includes both lagged and future
inflation and then by examining whether the estimated coefficient on future inflation is
significantly larger than the one on lagged inflation. This article presents the evidence
that indicates supply shocks significantly enter the hybrid specification. The results
reported in previous research – the output gap is irrelevant and expected future inflation
is the major determinant of inflation – arise if the hybrid specification is estimated
omitting supply shocks and/or lagged inflation. In the hybrid specification estimated with
supply shocks, the output gap is significant. The estimated coefficient on future inflation
is quantitatively small, but the estimated coefficient on lagged inflation is significantly
larger than the one on future inflation. The null hypothesis that the estimated coefficient
on lagged inflation is unity is not rejected if the hybrid specification nests an alternative
version of the traditional Phillips curve in which inflation responds also to a change in the
output gap. Together these results suggest that expected future inflation is not the major
determinant of current inflation.

Senior Economist and Policy Advisor. The opinions expressed are those of the author and
do not necessarily reflect views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.


1 Introduction
The new theoretical work on inflation dynamics emphasizes staggered nominal
wage and price settings by forward-looking individuals and firms. As shown in Roberts
(1995), the models of staggered contracts developed by Taylor (1979, 1980) and Calvo
(1983) and the quadratic price adjustment model of Rotemberg (1982) have a common
formulation that is similar to a New Keynesian Phillips curve of the form given in (1).


π t = Etπ t +1 + b yt + ε t ,

where π is current inflation, y is output gap, Etπ t +1 is expected future inflation, and ε t is
the disturbance term which may be serially correlated. In (1) current inflation is modeled
as a function of the contemporaneous output gap and expectations of next period’s
inflation rate. The key feature of this particular New Keynesian Phillips curve (denoted
hereafter as NKPC) is that lagged inflation does not directly enter the Phillips curve, so
that expected future inflation is the major determinant of current inflation. This NKPC
differs from the traditional expectations-augmented Phillips curve where instead lagged
inflation plays the major role as shown in (2):


π t = a ( L)π t −1 + γ yt + µt .

In (2) current inflation depends on the contemporaneous output gap and lagged inflation,
the later modeled as a distributed lag on past inflation rates. Lagged inflation enters (2)
because it is a proxy for agents’ expectations of the current-period inflation rate.
In order to determine which inflation model best describes actual inflation
dynamics, several analysts following Gali and Gertler (1999) have estimated a hybrid
specification of the form given in (3):


π t = wba ( L)π t −1 + w f Etπ t +1 + b yt + ε t .


In (3) current inflation depends on the contemporaneous output gap and on lagged as well
as future inflation. The estimated coefficients on lagged and future inflation rates are then
compared to infer the relative importance of backward- and forward-looking inflation
terms in explaining current inflation.
The empirical work that has investigated the validity of the NKPC (1) by
estimating the hybrid specification has produced mixed results. In previous work the
estimated coefficient on the output gap is mostly either insignificant, or it is incorrectly
signed. While the estimated coefficient on lagged inflation wb is correctly signed and
usually significant, estimates that indicate the relative importance of lagged and future
inflation differ amongst studies. Gali and Gertler (1999) and Gali et al. (2001) present
estimates where the estimated w f is significantly larger than wb , leading them to conclude
that expected future inflation is the major determinant of current inflation. Roberts (2001)
on the other hand presents estimates where the estimated wb is significantly larger
than w f , suggesting instead that lagged inflation is the major determinant of current
inflation. In contrast, the hybrid specification estimated in Fuhrer (1997) yields the
estimated wb that is not statistically different from unity, supporting the traditional
Phillips curve.
This article provides new evidence on the role of the output gap and expected
future inflation in explaining inflation. In most previous research the hybrid Phillips
curve has been estimated without controlling for the direct influence of supply shocks on
inflation. This article provides evidence that indicates supply shocks have a significant
effect on inflation and that inference regarding the empirical validity of the NKPC (1) is
sensitive to whether or not we include supply shocks in the hybrid specification.1
The empirical evidence here indicates that if the hybrid specification (3) is
estimated without lagged inflation and supply shocks, the estimated coefficient on future
inflation w f is close to unity and that on the output gap is incorrectly signed. However, if
the hybrid specification is estimated with lagged inflation and supply shocks, then the
estimated coefficient on future inflation w f is quantitatively small and not statistically
different from zero. Furthermore, the estimated coefficient on the output gap is correctly


signed and mostly significant. These results are robust to the use of alternative estimates
of the output gap and hold over two sample periods studied here, 1961Q1 to 1997Q4 and
1961Q1 to 2003Q2.
As a robustness check, I also estimate a hybrid Phillips curve in which inflation
also responds to a change in the output gap. The evidence reported here indicates there is
a rate of change effect and supply shock variables remain significant. The estimated
coefficients on the output gap and its rate of change are correctly signed and statistically
significant. The estimated coefficient on future inflation w f is not statistically different
from zero, as before. The hypothesis that the estimated coefficient on lagged inflation

wb is unity is not rejected, supporting the traditional Phillips curve. Together these results
suggest that the evidence in previous research that indicates output gap does not matter
and that expected future inflation is the major determinant of current inflation must be
viewed with caution.
The empirical work here complements the work of Fuhrer (1997), Rudd and
Whelan (2001, 2003), and Roberts (2001). Rudd and Whelan (2001,2003) argue that the
test of the NKPC implemented by estimating a hybrid specification of the form (3) is
likely to be sensitive to the specification of the alternative hypothesis, as is demonstrated
by my empirical work.2 Using a different methodology they do not find that current
inflation depends on expected future inflation. Roberts (2001) estimates the hybrid
specification, but without supply shocks. As indicated here, inference regarding the role
of the output gap is sensitive to whether or not one allows for the direct influence of
supply shocks on current inflation. Fuhrer (1997) also estimates a hybrid Phillips curve
without supply shocks, but imposes symmetry restrictions across lags and leads of
inflation implied by an extended Taylor staggered contracting framework developed in

The variables measuring supply shocks do not directly enter the reduced-form Phillips curves
estimated in Fuhrer (1997), Gali and Gertler (1999), Gali et al. (2001), and Roberts (2001).
Rudd and Whelan (2001) do not explicitly estimate the hybrid model as in Gali and Gertler
(1999). They, however, point out that the test of the role of expected future inflation implemented
by estimating a hybrid Phillips curve may not be powerful, in the sense that test results can be
sensitive to what other variables enter as part of the alternative hypothesis. For example, if the
true model is the traditional Phillips curve but the researcher instead estimates the NKPC of the
form given in equation (1) of the text, then the estimated coefficients that appear on future
inflation and the output gap may be biased. The bias arises because the researcher has omitted


Fuhrer and Moore (1995). He reports evidence that indicates current inflation depends
primarily on lagged inflation and the output gap. The empirical work here does not
impose restrictions on the shape of lead-lag structure and generates the results that are
qualitatively similar to those in Fuhrer.
The plan of this article is as follows. Section 2 reviews the conventional hybrid
specification that is used in the empirical test of the NKPC (1) and suggests some
alternative empirical specifications. Section 3 presents the empirical results, and section 4
contains concluding observations.

2 A New Keynesian Phillips Curve and Some Alternative Empirical Specifications

Consider the NKPC of the form given in (1) where current inflation depends on the
contemporaneous output gap and expected future inflation. Assume that agents’
expectations of future inflation are rational as in (4).

π t +1 = Etπ t +1 + ηt +1 ,

where η is the rational forecast error that is uncorrelated with any information known to
agents in period t. If we substitute (4) into (1), we get the following reduced-form
inflation equation:


π t = π t +1 + b yt + ε t − ηt +1 .

The inflation equation (5) relates current inflation to the contemporaneous output gap and
one-period future inflation rate. Since under the assumption of rational expectations the
random disturbance term is uncorrelated with lagged information, the reduced-form
inflation equation has been estimated using instrumental variables procedure. Estimates
of the reduced-form inflation equation (5) appear in Gali and Gertler (1999) and Gali et
al. (2001).

other direct determinants of inflation (such as supply shocks) implied by the alternative inflation


The key feature of the NKPC (5) is that lagged inflation does not directly enter
the inflation equation,3 a restriction that is usually rejected by the data. This has led many
analysts either to modify the underlying staggered pricing behavior or assume some form
of departure from the assumption of rationality. Gali and Gertler (1999) modify the Calvo
model by introducing a fraction of firms that set prices using a simple rule of thumb that
is based on the recent history of aggregate price behavior. Their modification yields a
hybrid specification of the form given in (6):


π t = wba ( L)π t −1 + w f π t +1 + b yt + ε t − ηt +1 ,

where the coefficient wb is the weight on lagged inflation, and it measures the proportion
of firms that set prices following the rule of thumb.
In most previous research the NKPC (5) or its hybrid specification (6) has been
estimated without controlling for the direct influence of supply shocks on inflation. In
New Keynesian models supply shocks such as an increase in the price of oil or imported
material inputs affect inflation by changing the firm’s real marginal cost. It is generally
assumed that the response of prices to an increase in factor costs does not differ from its
response to an increase in marginal cost generated by expanding demand and production.
Under this assumption, supply shocks do not directly enter the NKPC, as long as
marginal costs are properly measured. I, however, investigate the possibility that supply
shocks play an independent role in the New Keynesian Phillips curve, which may happen
if prices respond differently to increases in output and factor input costs. The empirical
evidence in Bils and Yongsung (2000) indicates that product prices respond considerably
more to cost increases due to higher material or energy prices than to those due to higher
wages precipitated by expanding production.
The traditional Phillips curve often has been estimated with measures of supply
shocks included. Even if we continue to assume that supply shocks do not directly enter
the NKPC (1), the empirical test of the NKPC implemented by estimating a hybrid
specification that nests the traditional Phillips curve must control for the potential direct
effect of supply shocks on inflation. If those supply shocks do enter the traditional

Lagged inflation may however help predict the next-period inflation rate and thus indirectly
affect current inflation.


Phillips curve, their omission from the estimated hybrid specification may bias inferences
regarding the role of expected future inflation and output gap, as argued eloquently by
Rudd and Whelan (2001).
In view of the above-discussed considerations, the empirical work here considers
the hybrid specification of the form given in (7):


π t = w f π t +1 + wba ( L)π t −1 + b1 yt + cSSt + ε t − ηt +1 ,

where SS is supply shock, a ( L)π t − s is a distributed lag on past inflation rates, and where
all other variables have been defined as before. It should be noted that the hybrid
specification (7) nests two alternative versions of the NKPC estimated in previous
research. If wb = c = 0 in (7), we get the NKPC (1) estimated in Gali and Gertler (1999);

if c = 0 in (7), we get the NKPC (6) estimated in Fuhrer (1997) and Roberts (2001); and if
w f = 0 in (7), we then have the traditional Phillips curve.
In the NKPC (1), the output gap enters because it captures excess demand in the
labor or product market, depending upon the model that underlies the NKPC as shown in
Roberts (1995). In the NKPC derived using the sticky price models of Calvo (1983) and
Rotemberg (1982), the output gap enters because the firm is assumed to have an upwardsloping supply curve, so that it wants to raise prices if excess demand or income is high.
In the NKPC derived using the model of staggered contracts developed by Taylor (1979),
the output gap enters as proxy for the unemployment rate (measured relative to its natural
rate) that measures the degree of slack in the labor market.
In some recent research, analysts have suggested that current inflation may also
respond to a change in the output gap. Mankiw and Reis (2003) have derived an
aggregate inflation equation under the hypothesis that information, not prices, are sticky
in the short run, current inflation there depends on a change in the output gap, in addition
to the contemporaneous output gap and past expectations of the current-period inflation
rate. A traditional Phillips curve in which inflation also responds to a change in the output
gap appears in Gordon (1983). As a robustness check, I also consider a hybrid
specification that nests this class of Phillips curves as in (8):



π t = w f π t +1 + wba ( L)π t −1 + b1 yt −1 + b2 ∆yt + cSSt ,

where ∆y is change in the output gap and where all other variables are defined as before.
As can be seen, if w f = 0 in (8), we get the traditional Phillips curve in which inflation
also responds to a change in the output gap.
Another feature of the hybrid specification (7) is that lagged inflation is
approximated by a distributed lag on past inflation rates, whereas the expected future
inflation term contains just one future value of the inflation rate. Gali and Gertler (1999)
estimate the hybrid Phillips curve including one future and up to four lagged values of the
inflation rate. This particular lead-lag structure comes about because Gali and Gertler
(1999) modify the Calvo model to include a fraction of firms that set prices based on the
recent history of aggregate inflation. Given such a model, the estimated coefficient on
lagged inflation is often interpreted as capturing the proportion of firms that set prices
following the rule of thumb, which implies firms are not forward-looking. But this
interpretation of the estimated weight on lagged inflation found in the reduced-form
hybrid Phillips curve has been called into question by Dotsey (2002), who shows how a
generalized Taylor price-setting can generate a significant weight on lagged inflation
even when all firms are rational and forward-looking.
Under a generalized Taylor price-setting, current inflation may depend on leads
and lags of the inflation rate, the exact lead and lag lengths and any symmetry restrictions
being determined by the nature of the underlying staggered contracts. I, however,
continue to work with the reduced-form hybrid Phillips curve of the form postulated by
Gali and Gertler (1999). As a robustness check, I do examine the sensitivity of results to
allowing more leads of the inflation rate. I also test whether or not we need more than one
lag to capture the effect of lagged inflation. In particular, I estimate the following hybrid
specifications that include four leads and lags of the inflation rate as in (9) and (10):



π t = ∑ wsf π t + s + ∑ wsbπ t − s + b1 yt + c SSt + ν t , and
s =1

s =1

π t = ∑ w π t + s + ∑ wsbπ t − s + b1 yt −1 + b2 ∆yt + cSSt + ν t ,
s =1


s =1

where all variables are defined as before. The hybrid specifications summarized in (9)
and (10) nest the hybrid specifications given in (7) and (8), respectively. I then examine


whether inferences regarding the role of the output gap and future inflation change when
Phillips curves are estimated including more leads of the inflation rate.
I estimate the hybrid specifications using quarterly data over two sample periods,
1961Q1 to 1997Q4 and 1961Q1 to 2003Q2, and inflation measured by the behavior of
the chain-weighted GDP deflator. The shorter sample period corresponds to the period
covered in previous work. In previous tests of the NKPC (1) the potential output is
estimated fitting a quadratic trend to real output as in Gali and Gertler (1999) or using the
Hodrick-Prescott (1997) filter as in Roberts (2001).4 I also consider estimates of the
potential output prepared by the Congressional Budget Office. In addition, I consider
estimates of the potential output generated using the one-sided version of the HodrickPrescott filter.5 I consider two supply shock variables: one associated with change in the
relative price of imports and the other arising as a result of the imposition and removal of
President Nixon’s price controls. The effects of price controls are captured by means of
two dummy variables: PC1, defined to be unity over 1971Q3 to 1972Q4 and zero
otherwise, and PC2, defined to be unity over 1973Q1 to 1974Q4 and zero otherwise. The
relative import price series is the GDP deflator for imports divided by the implicit GDP
As in previous research I estimate the hybrid specifications under the assumption
that agents’ expectations of future inflation are rational as in (4) and use an instrumental
variables procedure. The instruments used are a constant; change in current nominal
defense expenditures; and four lagged values of the inflation rate, change in the nominal
federal funds rate, change in relative import prices, and the output gap variables. The
hybrid specifications are initially estimated including four lags and one lead of the
inflation rate, the sum of estimated coefficient on past inflation rates being an estimate of


Following Roberts (2001) I also use a smoothness parameter of 16,000 rather than the
recommended value of 1600, because the use of the lower value generates a trend that is procyclical.
As one of the referees pointed out, the standard HP filter is a two-sided filter. The estimates of
the output gap generated using the standard HP filter could generate biased results in a hybrid
specification that includes future values of the inflation rate. As a robustness check, I estimate the
hybrid specifications using the estimates generated by one-sided HP filter. The one-sided HP
filter is implemented by running a loop over time and retaining the final value from the HPfiltered output at each point in time. The one-sided HP filter used the smoothness parameter of
16,000 as in the standard HP filter.


the weight on lagged inflation as in Gali and Gertler (1999). I do examine the robustness
to changes in the lead and lag structure. The Phillips curves are estimated including two
lagged values of the relative import price inflation, besides President Nixon’s price
control dummies.

3 Empirical Results

I first focus on estimates of the hybrid Phillips curve (7), which relates current
inflation to the contemporaneous output gap, one lead of inflation, a distributed lag on
past inflation rates, and supply shocks. Since the hybrid specification (7) nests the NKPC
(1), I also report estimates under the null hypothesis that the estimated coefficients on
lagged inflation and supply shocks are zero.
Table 1 presents instrumental variable estimates of various versions of the hybrid
Phillips curve (7) over two sample periods. Rows 1.1 and 1.2 present estimates under the
null that lagged inflation and supply shocks do not enter the Phillips curve. The estimates
use the measure of the output gap generated fitting a quadratic trend. As can be seen, the
estimated coefficient on the output gap is statistically significant, but it is incorrectly
signed. The estimated coefficient on future inflation w f is significant and close to unity.
These results hold over both the sample periods. These empirical results have been
interpreted to suggest that the output gap-based NKPC curve is not empirically valid, as
argued in Gali and Gertler (1999) and Gali et al. (2001).
Rows 2.1 and 2.2 in Table 1 present estimates of the hybrid Phillips curve without
supply shocks.6 As can be seen, the estimated coefficient on future inflation w f is now
below unity, but it is larger in magnitude than the one on lagged inflation wb , suggesting
future inflation is the major determinant of current inflation. The estimated coefficient on
the output gap, though positive, is still statistically insignificant. The null hypothesis that
the estimated coefficient on lagged inflation is zero is easily rejected.
Rows 3.1 and 3.2 in Table 1 present estimates of the hybrid Phillips curve with
supply shocks. As can be seen, the estimated coefficients on all the variables are
statistically significant and correctly signed. The output gap appears with a positively


signed estimated coefficient, suggesting that current inflation responds positively to the
level of economic activity. The estimated coefficient on lagged inflation wb is positive,
significant and less than unity, with point estimates falling in a .6 to .7 range. The
estimated coefficient on future inflation w f is positive, but it is now quantitatively small
and not significantly different from zero. Since the estimated coefficient on lagged
inflation is larger than the one on future inflation, this result may be interpreted to suggest
that lagged inflation is the major determinant of current inflation. The estimated
coefficient on the relative import price inflation is positive, suggesting current inflation is
sensitive to supply shocks. The significance levels of the Chi-squared statistic x12 reported
in Table 1 suggest that the instruments used are not correlated with the residuals.7
If we compare the estimated coefficients on the output gap and future inflation
presented across rows 1, 2 and 3 of Table 1, we see that estimates are highly sensitive to
the exclusion restrictions pertaining to supply shocks and lagged inflation. Since both
supply shocks and lagged inflation are significant in the hybrid Phillips curve (7),8 their
omission produces biased inferences regarding the role of expected future inflation and
output gap in explaining inflation, as argued in Rudd and Whelan (2001).
Rows 4, 5 and 6 in Table 1 present the robustness of results from using alternative
estimates of the output gap: Hodrick-Prescott, Hodcrick-Prescott (one-sided) and
Congressional Budget Office. I present estimates of the hybrid model (7) without any
exclusion restrictions.9 As can be seen, the output gap remains significant and appears
with a correctly signed estimated coefficient. The estimated coefficient on the relative
imports price inflation is positive and significant. The estimated coefficient on lagged
inflation wb is significant and now falls in a .6 to .8 range. The estimated coefficient on

The instruments used to estimate the Phillips curve include supply shock variables.
The test is implemented regressing the residuals from the instrumental variable regression on the
instruments. The reported values are the significance levels of the Chi-square statistic x 2 , defined
as T times the R 2 from this regression and distributed Chi-square with (K-1) degrees of freedom,
where T is the sample size and K is the number of the instruments.
The significance level of the Chi-squared statistic that tests the null hypothesis --- lagged
inflation and supply shocks do not enter the Phillips curve --- is .01, leading to the rejection of the
null hypothesis.
The inference regarding the role of the output gap and expected future inflation does not change
if the Phillips curves given in Rows 1 and 2 are estimated using alternative estimates of the output


future inflation w f remains quantitatively small, with point estimates falling in a .0 to .3
range. Table 1 reports the significance level of a Chi-squared statistic x22 that tests the null
hypothesis the estimated weight on lagged inflation wb is unity. The null hypothesis is
rejected in some empirical specifications, suggesting that the estimated weight on lagged
inflation may be less than one. Together these estimates suggest that in the estimated
hybrid Phillips curve of the form (7), the output gap is significant and the estimated
coefficient on future inflation is quantitatively small.
I now examine the robustness of results along another dimension that allows
inflation to depend also on a change in the output gap. The estimates of the hybrid
Phillips curve that includes a change in the output gap are presented in Table 2. The
hybrid model is estimated, using three alternative potential output series and over two
sample periods as in Table 1. As can be seen, output gap variables are significant and
appear with correctly signed estimated coefficients, suggesting there is a rate of change
effect. The estimated coefficient on lagged inflation wb remains significant, with point
estimates now falling in a .7 to .9 range. One can not reject the null hypothesis that the
estimated coefficient on lagged inflation is unity; this finding is robust to the use of
alternative estimates of the output gap and holds over both the sample periods (see the
significance levels of the Chi-squared statistic x22 reported in Table 2). The estimated
coefficient on future inflation w f is small and not significantly different from zero.
Together these results support the traditional Phillips curve.
The empirical work in Tables 1 and 2 uses the hybrid Phillips curve in which
lagged inflation enters as a result of appending the Calvo (1983) model to include a
fraction of firms who set prices using the rule of thumb. The Phillips curve is estimated
including four lags and one lead of inflation. As a robustness check, I now test the
implicit restrictions on lags and leads. In particular, I estimate the hybrid models (9) and
(10) that include four lags and four leads of the inflation rate. I then test two types of
restrictions. The first is that estimated coefficients on second-through-fourth lagged
values of the inflation rate are zero. The other is that estimated coefficients on secondthrough-fourth future values of the inflation rate are zero. If both sets of restrictions are


correct, we get the hybrid model with one lag and one lead. If restrictions hold only for
the leads, then we get the hybrid model reported in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 3 reports estimates of the hybrid Phillips curve (9). The reported coefficient
on future inflation is now the sum of the estimated coefficients on four future values of
the inflation rate. Table 3 reports the significance levels of two Chi-squared statistics.
The first, denoted as x32 , tests the null that the estimated coefficients on second-throughfourth lagged values of the inflation rate are zero, and the second statistic, denoted as x42 ,
tests the null that the estimated coefficients on second-through-fourth future values of the
inflation rate are zero. The significance levels associated with these two statistics clearly
suggest that the estimated coefficients on lagged values of the inflation rate are
significant whereas that is not the case for its future values. These results support the
lead-lag structure assumed in the hybrid model (7). These results also imply that a hybrid
model estimated assuming one lag and one lead of inflation is misspecified.10
Table 4 presents estimates of the hybrid Phillips curve (10) that allows inflation to
depend also on a change in the output gap. As can be seen, this hybrid model yields
inferences that are qualitatively similar to those provided by the hybrid model estimated
with the level of output gap.


Concluding Observations

The empirical test of the New Keynesian Phillips curve often has been
implemented by estimating a hybrid specification which includes both future and lagged
inflation and then by examining whether the estimated coefficient on future inflation is
significantly larger than the one on lagged inflation. In most previous work, the hybrid
specification has been estimated without controlling for the direct influence of supply
shocks on current inflation. This article presents empirical evidence that indicates supply
shocks significantly enter the Phillips curve and that inference regarding the empirical
validity of the NKPC is not robust to the omission of supply shocks.


If the hybrid model is estimated with one lead and one lag of inflation, then the estimated
coefficient on future inflation becomes significant.


The empirical findings reported in some previous work – the output gap is
irrelevant and expected future inflation is the major determinant of current inflation –
arise if the hybrid specification is estimated omitting supply shocks and/or lagged
inflation. This article reports two versions of the hybrid specification estimated with
supply shocks and lagged inflation included. In those estimated models, the output gap is
significant and appears with a correctly signed estimated coefficient. The estimated
coefficient on expected future inflation is quantitatively small and not significantly
different from zero. The estimated coefficient on lagged inflation is substantially larger
than the one on future inflation, suggesting lagged inflation is the major determinant of
current inflation. The null hypothesis that the estimated weight on lagged inflation is
unity is not rejected if the hybrid specification nests an alternative version of the
traditional Phillips curve in which inflation depends also on a change in the output gap.
This result supports the traditional Phillips curve. Together the empirical work here
suggests that expected future inflation is not the major determinant of current inflation.


Table 1
Estimated Hybrid Phillips Curves
GDP Inflation and Output Gap
4 Lags and 1 Lead of Inflation
Estimated Coefficient on


(b1 )

Quadratic Trend
1997Q4 -.02 (2.4)
2003Q2 -.01 (1.9)
.004 (.7)
.001 (.3)
.02 (1.9)
.01 (1.8)
.04 (2.1)
.03 (1.9)
Hodrick-Prescott (One-Sided)
.04 (2.2)
.03 (1.7)
Congressional Budget Office
.02 (1.9)
.02 (1.7)

Inflation Inflation
(w f )
.99 (26.7)
.99 (27.8)
.63 (10.0)
.67 (10.5)
.22 ( 1.0)
.30 ( 1.5)

( wb )

.38 (4.0)
.34 (5.4)
.69 (4.0)
.62 (3.9)





.05 (2.6) .87
.05 (2.6) .88

.88 .08
.94 .02

.04 (0.1) .83 (4.2) .06 (2.8) .87
.13 ( 0.5) .76 (3.3) .07 (2.8) .88

.96 .38
.97 .22

.04 (0.2) .85 (4.4) .07 (2.7) .87
.17 ( 0.7) .74 (3.8) .06 (2.5) .88

.96 .07
.97 .11

.18 ( .8)
.30( 1.5)

.92 .14
.95 .03

.74 (4.1) .05 (2.8) .87
.64 (3.8) .05 (2.6) .88

Notes: The estimated coefficients (with t-values in parentheses) are from reduced-form Phillips
curves of the form π t = w f π t +1 + wb a ( L)π t −1 + b1 yt + c SSt , where π is the inflation rate; y is
output gap; and SS is relative import prices. The reported coefficient on lagged inflation is the
sum of estimated coefficient on four lagged values of the inflation rate. All t-values are corrected
allowing for the presence of fourth-order, moving-average serial correlation and
hetersocedasticity. The estimation period begins in 1961Q1 but ends as shown above. The
instruments used are a constant; change in the current nominal defense expenditures; and four
lagged values of the inflation rate, output gap variables, changes in the federal funds rate, and
relative import prices. The estimated Phillips curves also included the Nixon price control
dummies. x12 is the significance level of the Chi-squared statistic that tests the hypothesis that the
instruments are uncorrelated with the residuals. x22 is the significance level of the test that the
estimated coefficient on lagged inflation is unity.


Table 2
Estimated Hybrid Phillips Curves
GDP Inflation
Change in Output Gap
4 Lags and 1 Lead of Inflation
Estimated Coefficient on


Quadratic Trend


Change in Future

(b1 )

(b2 )

(w f )

Lagged Import
Inflation Prices
( wb )

R2 x12 x22


.03 (2.6) .10 (2.2)
.02 (2.3) .10 (1.8)

.13 ( 0.6)
.19 ( 1.0)

.80 (4.6) .06 (3.8) .86 .97 .25
.66 (5.4) .06 (3.8) .89 .96 .11

1997Q4 .04 (2.4) .10 (2.7)
2003Q2 .04 (2.4) .10 (2.6)

.01 ( 0.1)
.04 ( 0.2)

.87 (4.5) .06 (3.6) .89 .90 .48
.84 (4.4) .07 (3.5) .87 .96 .41

Hodrick-Prescott (One-Sided)
1997Q4 .04 (2.4) .08 (2.2)
2003Q2 .03 (1.9) .08 (1.9)

.04 ( 0.2)
.14 ( 0.5)

.86 (4.5) .07 (3.4) .87 .93 .28
.79 (4.1) .07 (3.1) .87 .98 .47

Congressional Budget Office
6.1 1997Q4 .03 (2.5) .10 (2.3)
6.2 2003Q2 .02 (2.4) .10 (2.1)

.12 ( 0.6)
.18 ( 1.0)

.83 (3.7) .06 (3.7) .88 .94 .33
.78 (4.4) .06 (3.5) .89 .98 .20

Notes: The estimated coefficients (with t-values in parentheses) are from reduced-form Phillips
curves of the form
π t = w f π t +1 + wba ( L)π t −1 + b1 yt −1 + b2 ∆yt + cSSt , where ∆y is change in the output gap and
where all other variables are defined as before. See notes in Table 1.


Table 3
Estimated Hybrid Phillips Curves
GDP Inflation and Output Gap
4 Lags and Leads of Inflation
Estimated Coefficient on



Inflation Inflation




(b1 )

(w f )

Quadratic Trend

.02 (1.5)
.02 (1.7)

.26 ( 1.0)
.30 ( 1.3)


.06 (1.9)
.04 (2.0)

.16 (0.4) .97 (3.0) .07 (2.5) .74
.04 ( 0.1) .82 (3.4) .06 (2.6) .88

.03 .42
.01 .50

- .12 (0.3) .97 (2.8) .07 (2.5) .73
.06 ( 0.2) .83 (3.1) .06 (2.6) .76

.04 .55
.02 .48

Hodrick-Prescott (One-Sided)
.06 (1.8)
.04 (1.9)
Congressional Budget Office
.02 (1.6)
.02 (1.6)

.20 ( .7)
.30( 1.3)

( wb )


.66 (3.1) .05 (2.3) .78
.62 (3.5) .05 (2.4) .80

.73 (3.2) .05 (2.5) .78
.65 (3.4) .05 (2.4) .79

.05 .61
.02 .48

.04 .48
.03 .50

Notes: The estimated coefficients (with t-values in parentheses) are from reduced-form Phillips
curves of the form


π t = ∑ wsf Eπ t + s + ∑ wsbπ t − s + b1 yt + c SSt , where all variables are defined as before. The
s =1


s =1

reported coefficient on lagged inflation is the sum of estimated coefficient on four lagged values
of the inflation rate, and the reported coefficient on future inflation is the sum of estimated
coefficients on four future values of the inflation rate. x32 is the significance level of the Chisquared statistic that tests the hypothesis that the estimated coefficients on second-through-fourth
lagged values of inflation are zero. Similarly, x42 is the significance level of the Chi-squared
statistic that tests the hypothesis that the estimated coefficients on second-through-fourth future
values of the inflation rate are zero.


Table 4
Estimated Hybrid Phillips Curve
GDP Inflation
Level and Change in Output Gap
4 Lags and Leads of Inflation
Estimated Coefficient on


Quadratic Trend


Change in Future

(b1 )

(b2 )

.04 (2.0) .16 (2.2)
.03 (2.1) .13 (2.1)

(w f )

Lagged Import
Inflation Prices
( wb )

R2 x32 x42


.07 ( 0.2) .84 (2.8) .07 (2.2) .62 .09 .48
.13 ( .4) .78 (3.1) .07 (2.4) .68 .05 .40

1997Q4 .08 (2.2) .18 (2.4) - .32 ( 0.7) .99 (2.9) .08 (2.5) .60 .04 .36
2003Q2 .07 (2.5) .17 (2.3) - .21 ( 0.5) .99 (3.3) .07 (2.6) .63 .02 .34
Hodrick-Prescott (One-Sided)
1997Q4 .06 (2.0) .14 (2.2) - .14 ( 0.3) .99 (2.8) .08 (2.5) .64 .06 .49
2003Q2 .06 (2.2) .14 (2.0) - .08 ( 0.2) .96 (2.9) .07 (2.6) .63 .05 .45
Congressional Budget Office
6.1 1997Q4 .04 (2.0) .16 (2.4)
6.2 2003Q2 .04 (2.1) .16 (2.2)

.06 ( 0.2) .88 (2.9) .07 (2.3) .62 .09 .49
.08 ( .2) .87 (3.0) .06 (2.3) .63 .08 .43

Notes: The estimated coefficients (with t-values in parentheses) are from reduced-form Phillips
curves of the form


π t = ∑ wsf Eπ t + s + ∑ wsbπ t − s + b1 yt −1 + b2 ∆yt + c SSt , where all variables are defined as before.
s =1


s =1

See notes in Table 3.


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