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Working Paper 73-2


Alfred Broaddus

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Presented to the Federal Reserve
System Committee on Banking and
Credit Policy, October 16, 1973

The views expressed here are solely those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.

Alfred Broaddus
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

For the last three years, the Federal Open Market Committee has.
focused greater attention on certain moiletaryand credit aggregates in specifying its longer-run targets. Although this attention has been heavily
weighted toward Ml, the narrowly defined money supply, the Committee has
monitored the behavior of the broader aggregates such as M2 and the credit
proxy with considerable interest. This interest has increased during periods
when the behavior of f12and bank credit'has appeared to frustrate the attainment of the Committee's objectives, most notably when bank credit has expanded
rapidly in the face of restrictive policy.

In any event, the prompt imposition

of regulations of one form or another orieach new commercial bank liability
introduced in the money markets attests to the Federal Reserve's concern with
the behavior of broader aggregate quanti;ties.
It is probably accurate to saj that the Committee's new focus on the
aggregates reflects at least partly the idea that monetary quantities directly
affect such fundamental real sector variabies as income and employment,


proponents of this idea usually have in mind as relevant monetary quantities
Ml or M2 or at most 143. \Jhy,then, is the Committee interested in an aggregate
as broadly defined as the bank credit prbxy?

Presumably the answer lies in

the belief that with the stock of more narrowly defined monetary liabilities
given, a larger voluae of credit more brpadly defined results in more extensive
utilization of the monetary stock and therefore greater stimulus to the economy
and conversely.

-2The merits o,fthis belief are, of course, subject to debate.


paper accepts the belief as a valid premise and focuses its attention on the
subsidiary implications and questions which then arise.

If credit is important,

it is reasonable to conclude that not only bank credit but also credit that is
transmitted outside of banks and outside of financial institutions altogether
is important. Under these circumstances the Federal Reserve needs to know how
the structure of monetary regulations and monetary policy as it is presently
pursued affect

these credit variables. Before one can develop detailed prac-

tical answers to these.questions that will be useful to policymakers, an analytical
framework specifically tailored to these problems is needed.

This paper summarizes

a very preliminary effort to develop suah a framework.
The remainder of the paper is divided into two sections.

The first

section presents a graphical analysis constructed so as to reflect present institutional and regulatory conditions fairly closely.

The model in this section

illuminates some of the factors influencing central bank control over Ml and
bank credit, but sheds little light on the effect of policy actions on total
credit.l The second section contains a 'moreabstract but conceptually broader
general equilibrium model designed to indicate how policy actions influence
total credit under specific assumptions regarding the structure of the financial
I. Graphical Analysis
The model of this section analyzes the behavior of three markets:
1:1)the CD market, (2) the market for demand deposits, and (3) the market for
short-term credit,

For simplicity, currency and bank liabilities other than

'Throuahout this paper, the term total credit will refer to the sum
of bank intermedTated credit and credit channeled directly between nonbank
lenders and nonbank borrovierswithin the private sector.

-3demand deposits and CDs are ignored. The demand deposit category is a proxy
for Ml; the CD category represents the components of the bank credit proxy
other than demand deposits. The short-term credit market may be thought of
as a consolidated market corresponding to the aggregate of the real world
markets for private sector debt instruments such as bank loans and commercial
paper. We adopt the following mnemonics.
CDD = demand of the nonbank public for CDs:
CDS = supply of CDs by the bayking system;
DDD = demand of the nonbank public for'demand deposits;

= total reserves;


= the CD rate;


= the short-term credit rate.

Consider Figure 1. All axes in the figure measure quantities positively
from the origin at the center of the diaigram. The northeast quadrant depicts the
CD market,

The nonbank public's derrandfor CDs is an increasing function of the

CD rate, which fluctuates without ceiling restrictions. The banking system's
supply of CDs is an inverse function of the rate.

As indicated, the short-term

credit rate, r, is a shift parameter for both curves.

This rate is assumed to

incorporate the individual rates on instkuments that compete with CDs for funds.
An increase in r, ceteris paribus , reduces the demand for CDs, i.e., shifts the
demand curve upward and to the left. We assume that the bank loan rate fluctuates
directly with the rates incorporated in k.

Therefore, an increase in r increases

the banking system's willingness to supply CDs at any given CD rate, i.e., shifts
the supply curve upward and to the right.
It is assumed that banks must haintain required reserves against both
demand deposits and CDS.~

The southeast,quadrtintof the diagram determines the

'Excess reserves are ignored throughout the analysis.

-4allocation of total available reserves between reserves required to support
CDs and reserves,required to support demand deposits.

Here, quantities of

reserves.are read downward along the vertical axis from the origin.


reserves, determined by the central bank, are depicted by the horizontal line
labeled R.

In Figure 1, then, the supply is OE.

The downward sloping curve

OZ determines the quantity of reserves required against CDs corresponding to
any given volume of CDs.

For example, a'fCD volume is OA, the quantity of

reserves required to support these depoSits is OB.

With total reserves of OE,

EB reserves then remain to support demand deposits. The shpae and position of
curve OZ reflects the structure of averdge (per dollar) requirements against CDs.
If the average requirement were constant, OZ would be linear.

If the structure

includes a reserve free base or consists of a system of increasing marginal requirements, OZ will slope downward as in Figure 1.

A higher general structure

of requirements rotates the curve in a clockwise direction.
The southwest quadrant determi,nesthe stock of demand deposits supplied by the banking system given the reserve requirement against demand deposits
and reserves available to support these deposits. As Figure 1 is drawn, EB
reserves remain after the absorption of reserves by CDs.

Here, it is helpful

to regard point E as the origin and read the volume of reserves available for
demand deposit expansion upward along the vertical axis.

The distance leftward

from point B to the diagonal line (equivalent to OF in Figure 1) then measures
the stock of demand deposits.. The angle 8 specifies the average reserve requirement against demand deposits.3 Higher requirements rotate the curve in a clockwise direction about point E.

'For simplicity, the average r?eserverequirement against demand deposits
is assumed constant, yielding the linear curve in the diagram.

-5The northwest quadrant depicts the nonbank public's demand for demand
deposits. The curve in the quadrant represents a liquidity preference function
against the CD rate. The short-term credit rate r is a shift parameter for this
function just as it was a shift parameter for CD demand.

Here, increases in r

shift the curve downward and to the right.
As drawn, Figure 1 depicts a financial sector equilibrium position at
CD rate i, and short-term credit rate ro.
is OF.

CD volume is OA; demand deposit volume

With other bank liabilities ignored, total bank credit (as approximated

by total deposits) is measured by the distance FA.

It is important to recognize

that although what we have called the short-term credit market does not appear on
the graph, it is an integral part of the system. Autonomous changes in this
market affect the deposit markets depicted through r, changes in which cause
shifts in the demand and supply curves in the upper half of the figure. At the
same time, by disturbing the equilibrium CD rate and deposit stocks, changes inn
the deposit markets, including movements induced by changes in reserves or reserve
requirements, force adjustments in the short-term credit market.

These adjustments

then cause changes in r that subsequently feed back through the deposit markets.
We can now use the model to analyze how the effects of specific changes
in conditions exogenous to the model are transmitted through the financial sector,
Consider first an autonomous increase in the demand for short-term credit, initially manifested by an increase in the short-term credit rate from r. to rl,
under the assumption that total reserves and the reserve requirement structure
remain unchanged. The purpose of this exercise is to analyze how the reserve
requirement structure affects the adjustrrent.
The situation is depicted by Figure 2.

The increase in r shifts both

the demand and supply curves for CDs upwa,rdand shifts the demand curve for
demand deposits downward,

It is assumed that the upward shift in the CD supply

-6curve exceeds the upward shift in the CD demand curve.

The CD rate initially

rises from i, to il, and the volume of CDs expands from OA to OG.

The increase

in CDs increases the reserves required to support CDs from OB to OH and dimin,ishes the reserves available to support demand deposits from EB to EH.
deposits therefore decrease from OF to OK.


At this point in the adjustment,

bank credit has changed from distance FA to distance KG.

Whether bank credit

has decreased or increased depends on tne relative magnitude of the reserve
requirements against CDs and demand balances, respectively, i.e., on the relative
positions of curves OZ.and EX.
If the adjustment to this point were all that were involved, the
central bank could adjust OZ and EX so as to control the decline in the money
supply associated with any given increase in CDs.

In this way, the central bank

could control total bank credit in the face of changing conditions in the shortterm credit and CD markets if it were willing to forfeit its ability to determine
the money supply independently.
But the adjustment is not yet complete because the demand deposit
market is not yet in equilibrium. At the new position of the demand curve for
demand deposits, the CD rate that clears this market is i2.

At CD rate il, which

clears the CD market, there is an excess supply of demand deposits. The holders
of these deposits will attempt to work off this excess at least in part by increasing their demand for nonbank credit instruments or CDs.

Whichever channel

is employed, the result is an increased flow of funds to the short-term credit
market resulting in downward pressure on r.4

The downward movement of r shifts

the three curves back toward their original positions.

It would appear that

the system will converge toward equilibrium at a CD rate between i, and il, a

4Recall that the funds generated by CDs are ultimately supplied to
the short-term credit market via bank loans or investments.

-7short-term credit rate between r. and rf, a CD stock between OA and.OG; and
a demand deposit stock between OK and OF.
If the final equilibrium is in the range just given, the direction
in which bank credit changes can be specified on the basis of the relationship
at the margin between reserve requirements against demand deposits and CDs,
respectively. If the CD requirement exceeds the demand deposit requirement,
bank credit falls.

If the demand deposit requirement exceeds the CD requirement,

bank credit rises.

It is not possible, however, to say anything even this

precise about the behavior of total credit, primarily because it is not clear
how the adjustment process will affect dhe flow of credit outside of the
banking system.
A number of economists have recoraended that reserve requirements
against time deposits, including CDs, be dropped altogether.

Figure 3 illus-

trates this situation, where the line 02 has been dropped from the diagram.
The northeast quadrant illustrates an initial shift in the deposit markets
to that considered in the discussion of Figure 2.
gives rise to excess supply in the demand deposit market.

This shift again

With no change in

total reserves and no leakage of reserves into reserves required against CDs,
however, tie money supply remains fixed at OF.

Funds will again flow into the

short-term credit market, thereby placing downward pressure on the short-term
credit rate and returning the system Bach<toward its .original position.


the central bank has closer control over the money supply than in the preceding

The impact on bank credit depends on the final position of interest rates

and the associated positions of the demahd and supply curves for CDs.
Consider finally the effects of a policy action, specifically a reduction
in the supply of reserves.

Figure 4 depicts this case,

Assume that total reserves

decline from level OE to level OEM, thereby shifting XE to X'E*.

The immediate

effect, before rates and the CD market adjust, is a reduction in the quantity
of demand deposits the banking system can support from OF to OK and a corresponding.reduction in maximum bank credit from FA to KA.

With these initial

conditions, there is an excess demand for demand deposits, forcing interest
The diagram does not attempt to portray the adjustment further

rates up.

because a variety of results are possible. One might reasonably suppose that
the final equilibrium position will yield reductions in both deposit categories
and a corresponding decline in bank credit. The increase in rates, however,
could lead to an expansion of CDs exceeding the decline in demand deposits,
causing bank credit to rise.

Such an outcome would be particularly likely where

the reserve requirement against CDs is considerably below that against demand
deposits, a point that tends to support the recent imposition of higher marginal
CD requirements. In any event, the impact of the adjustment on total credit is
again unclear.
This completes the analysis using the graphical model.

The model

suggests to some degree the kinds of financial market interactions relevant to
a systematic evaluation of the relationship between the structure of monetary
regulations and monetary policy actions on the one hand and the behavior of
credit variables on the other.

The inability of the model to cope with the

question of total credit, however, implies a need for a more general analytic
II. Total Credit:

A General Equ-ilibriumModel

The model of this section looks beyond the level of bank credit to
the level of total credit including both bank credit and credit intermediated
outside of the banking system.

The model represents a very preliminary attempt

to throw light on the'relationship between monetary policy, monetary regulations,

-9underlying the model's conand the flow of total credit. The assun-iptions
struction are unrealistic in several respects due to the need to hold the
scope of the analysis within manageable bounds. Consequently, some of the
specific results generated by the model will appear implausible. The model
is not intended as a basis for empirical'research, however, but rather as a
basis for the design of a better and more complete theoretical model.
In terms of its general design, the model resembles the models
developed by Brainard and Tobin in the early 1960s.' We assume that there
are two groups of participants within the financial sector:

commercial banks

and the nonbank public, The nonbank public is divided further between a group
of lenders and a group of borrowers. For analytical convenience these latter
groups are assumed to be mutually exclusive. The general price level and .the
economy's stock of real capital, K, are assumed constant, Hence the analysis
is cast in a short-run time frame.
Three types of assets are available to nonbank lenders:

(1) bank

depos-its,D, (2) evidences of credit exdended to nonbank borrokfers,CP (for
commercial paper), and (3) evidences of direct ownership of capital, KL.


is only one type of bank deposit.6 All such deposits pay the explicit rate i,
and i is not restricted by regulatory constraints. The yield on the debt


struments issued by nonbank borrowers (referred to hereafter as commercial
paper) is denoted by r.

The rate of return from capital ownership is rK.


5See James Tobin and :8illiam0. Brainard, "Financial Intermediaries
and the Effectiveness of Monetary Controls," Anerican Economic Review, LIII
(day, 1963), pp. 383-403. See also William C. Brainard, "Financial Intermediaries and a Theory of Control," Yale Economic Essays, IV (Fall, 1964),
pp. 431-482.
6Currency is ignored throughout the analysis.

-nospecifically, rK is, following Tobin and Brainard, the return on capital
required to induce the nonbank public to hold the entire capital stock given
prevailing rates on other assets. The consolidated balance sheet of nonbank
lenders has the follor\lfng
Nonbank Lenders
Public Nealth
The demand of the nonbank lending sector for the assets which comprise
its portfolio may be expressed in general functional form as:
(1) Demand of nonbank lenders for deposits: DD = DD(r,i,rK);
(2) Demand of nonbank lenders for commercial paper:
(3) Demand of nonbank lenders for capital:

CPD = CPD(r,i,rK);

KDaL = KDsL(r,i,rK).

It is assumed that each of these assets is a substitute for the other two in
nonban: lender portfolios. That is:
2) ,,D


c 0


> 0, ,Do

aCPD > 0, acpD

< 0.,

< 0, $!E

< 0, aKD'L

< 0, _aKDtL > 0.

ayDpL = 0.
f a;

5) is!! + g!












aDD + aCPD + aKD*L = D.

7)arK arK


< 0;


- 11 The banking system's assets consist of loans, L, issued to nonbank
borrowers, and noninterest bearing reserves, R, distributed by the central

Its liabilities are deposits held by nonbank lenders. The banking

system's consolidated balance sheet is then:
Banking System
The central bank does not hold evidences of private sector debt, and there is
no government debt.

Hence, reserves are'a fiat issue. There is a reserve

requirement, rrD, against deposits, and banks do not hold excess reserves.
Consequently, the central bank completely controls both the money stock (D)
and the levei of bank credit (L) througQ its control over the level of reserves
and th2 reserve requirement.
Nonbank borrowers borrow funds from nonbank lenders and commercial
banks for the purpose of acquiring capitai. The consolidated balance sheet
for this sector is then:
Nonbank Brirrowers
It is assumed that borro:/ersare indifferent between debt to nonbank lenders
and debt to the banking system with the result that market forces equate the
bank loan rate to tie commercial paper rate r,

Total credit, the variable on

which the analysis focuses its principal attention, is:
8) CR = CP + L.
If we write borrower demand for capital as:
9) &B

= KD'B(rsrK)9

and the total volume of debt instrurlent$supplied by borrowers as:
10) CRS = CRS(r,rK),
the borrower sector balance sheet constraint implies:

11) CRS(r,rK) 5 KDsBi:r,rK).
It is assumed that competition

One final specification is required.

between banks holds the loan rate, r, at exactly the level required to equate
total loan revenue and total deposit interest costs. That is:
12) r = gi where g = /
'V - rrD>
The full model can now be specified in terms of market clearing
equations and identities as follows:



D = 0


CPD(r,i,rK) + L - CRs(r,rK) = 0


KD'L(r,i,rK) + KDSB(r,rK) - K = 0


(deposit market)
(total credit)
(capital market)

gi l(rel'ation
between rates)


cRS(rsrK) 5 KDpB(r,rK)



Identities 17 and 18 can be used to reduce the system to three equations:


,rK) - ,fl\,R = 0
\rrD j

19)(b) KD'L'
I,r,rK)+ CPD(r,i,rK) + R c--l)-,=0
Equations 19 represent the basic system.

Equation 19b states that nonbank

lender demand for capital plus the volume of credit extended to nonbank borrowers must equal the capital stock.

- 33 System 19 is sufficient to determine r, i, and rK'

One could

proceed with ordinary comparative static analysis of the behavior of the
system. Such an analysis, however, yields results which are largely ambiguous, particularly with,respect to the behavior of total credit.
Consequently, we shall employ the following strategy.

First, the nonbank

lender demand functions appearing in 19 will be snecified in linear form.
The system will then be solved for the equilibrium values of i, rK, and
total credit in terms of the model's parameters, including the volurreof
reserves and the reserve requirement. Finally, the conditions for local
dynamic stability will be used to restrict the relationships between parameters, thereby permitting inferences regarding the factors that determine
the relationship between the policy parameters R and rrD and the endogenous
total credit variable CR.
The linear specifications are as follows:
20) DD(r,i,rK) = a0 + alr + a2i + a3rK'
21) CRD(r,i,rK) = b, + blr + b2i + b3rK,
22) KDgL(r3i 9r ) = co + clr + 91

+ c3rK,

where, from 2-4:
23) al ,a3,b2,b3,cl,c2 < 0,
24) a$+c3

> 0,

and, from 5-7:
25) (al + bl + cl) = (a2 + b2 + c2) = (a3 + b3 + c3) = 0.
If we assume that the time derivatives - and drK are functions of excess derrand

- 14 for deposits and capital, respectively, we can use 19 to write:

= -VD(ao + (alg + a2)i + a3rK - &

26) aT

-VK(bo + (big + b2)i + b3rK +


R )



+ c3rK +'A


- $"

- K),

where VD and VK are speed for adjustment coefficients. For simplicity, we
27) VD = VK = 1.
System 26 is in equilibrium if:

$ = f$ = 0.

We can use 25-28 to solve the system for the equibrium values of i and rKz7
- a3 R t Zi ;
29) i* = A


rC =

(alg + a2) R + Z


where Zi and ZK are complicated constant terms not relevant to subsequent
analysis, and:
31) A =

- (a19 + a21

- a3

- big + b2+ qs

+ c$

- (b3 + c3)


Further, 16, 17, and 22 can be used to specify the equilibrium volume of total
32) CR* =


+ c2) - c3b1g

+ a21

R + ZCR.

7A11 starred variables represent equilibrium quantities.

- 15 Finally:
33) +* = gi*.
.Equations 29, 30, and 32 are the fundamental results to be analyzed.
He can illustrate the economic content of these results by assuming that the
central bank reduces the stock of reserves.

It can be shown that the following

conditions are necessary and sufficient for system 26 to be locally stable:
34) A > 0 ;
35) alg + a2 > 0 ;
36) b3 + c3 > 0 .
Consider the interest rate results 29, 30, and 33,

The parameter

specifications given in 25 along with conditions 34-35 indicate that a decline
in reserves causes all three rates to fall. That is:
37) $


0 ;

ai3: c 0 ;

arXK <()


These results can be interpreted as follows. The reduction in reserves reduces
the volume of deposits the banking system can support. The equilibrium deposit
rate must therefore fall in order to bring the demand of the nonbank public for
deposits into line with the reduced deposit stock. The resulting reduction in
deposit demand makes the nonbank public willing to hold the fixed capital stock
at a lower rate of return on capital. That is, r; falls.
Consider now the impact of the decline in reserves on total credit,
given by equation 32.

Since the decline in reserves automatically reduces bank

credit, we are essentially attempting to determine whether the effects of the
rate movements on the volume of conmarcia paper offset or reinforce the restrictive impact on bank credit. With A > 0 by 34, the direction in which
total credit changes depends on the sign of the numerator of the bracketed term
on the right side of 32.

In order to interpret this result, it is necessary to

focus carefully on each e lement of this expression. These elements have the

- 16 -

following meanings.

First, a3 < 0 measures the response of the demand for

deposits to a change in ri.

Second, c3 > 0 measures the response of the

demand of nonbank lenders for capital to a change in ri.

Third, the term

(clg + c2) measures the composite respotiseof nonbank lender demand for capital
to a change in i* and the corresponding change in r*.

Finally, the term

I(alg+ a2) measures the composite response of the demand for deposits to changes
in if and r*.
Recall now that the reduction in reserves has caused all three rates
to fall.

The term a3(c1g + c2) > 0 measures the "cross" effects of the declines

in i* and ri on the sum of nonbank lender demands for deposits and capital.
These effects tend to diminish the reduations in these demands associated with
the rate declines. They therefore tend to depress the demand for commercial

Consequently, this.term enters 32 positively. That is, when reserves

and bank credit decline, the influence of this term is toward a reinforcing
decline in total credit. The term c3(a1,g+ a2) > 0 measures the "own" effects
o,Fth.edeclines in i* and ri on t7e demand for deposits and capital.
effects tend to increase the reductions in these demands.
enters 32 negatively.
in total credit,


Hence, this term

It contributes, therefore, toward an offsetting increase

If the absolute value of the own effects exceeds the absolute

value of the cross effects, the reduction in reserves will be accompanied by an
increase in total credit and conversely! This is the basic result of the ana'ysis.
One further conclusion can be drawn regarding the role of the reserve
requirement. Recall that g > 0 varies directly with the requirement. With
a2 > 0 and al,cl, and c2 < 0, it follo\Jsthat an increase in the requirement reduces the absolute value of the own effect term and increases the absolute value
of the cross effect term.

Hence, the higher the reserve requirement, the more

likely a decline in reserves will be accompanied

by a reduction

in total credit.

- 17 The mechanism through which this effect occurs is the relationship between
r* and i*. A higher reserve requirement implies a greater decline in r*,
given the fall in i*.

That is, an increase in the reserve requirement, other

things equal, tends to reduce the demand for commercial paper,
This completes the analysis. The model is obviously deficient in
several important respects. First, the behavior of the model is essentially
determined by‘thc jehavioral assumptions regarding nonbank lenders, The banking
system specifications are greatly oversi,mplified. Since its balance sheet
position is determined completely by the central bank, the banking system's role
in the model is limited to the introduction of the reserve requirement into U-e
link between the deposit rate and the credit rate.

Second, a much greater degree

of realism is needed in the form of a differentiation of bank liabilities, the
introduction of noninterest bearing currency into the nonbank public's portfolio,
and the explicit inclusion of open market operations.

Finally, further attention

should be given to the fixed price level assumption since this assumption implies
that total real net worth (K + R) varies'directly with reserves. Nonetheless,
the brcader implications of the model's characteristics and its results would
appear to be of some interest. Specifically, the analysis suggests that .itmay
be unwise to attempt to predict the effects of this or that policy or regulatory
action on credit magnitudes on the basis'of (explicit or implicit) models that
are restricted in scope.

The analysis also suggests that it may be possible to

construct more fully specified models, both theoretical and empirical, that can

of credit variables to particular policy actions on the

basis of specific quantifiable structural characteristics of the financial sector.



Brainard, William C. "Financi,alIntermediaries and a Theory
of Control." Yale Economic Essays, IV (Fall 1964),


Kareken, John H. "Comercial 'Banksand the Supply of Money:
A Market-Determined Demand Deposit Rate." Federal Reserve
Bulletin, LIII (October 1967), 1699-1712.


Knight, Robert E. "An Alternqtive Approach to Liquidity."
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Monthly Review,
December 1969-May 1970.


Tobin, James, and Brainard, William C. "Financial Intermediaries
and the Effectiveness of Monetary Controls." American Economic Review, LIII I(May 1963), 383-400.