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Working Paper Series

Getting Better, Feeling Worse: Cure
Rates, Health Insurance, and Welfare

WP 00-05

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Robert F. Graboyes
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Getting Better, Feeling Worse: Cure Rates,
Health Insurance, and Welfare∗
Robert F. Graboyes**
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper No. 00-5
August 2000
JEL Nos. I11, G22 D81
Keywords: health insurance, technological change, heterogeneity, indemnities

We model a health insurance market where rising cure rates for a disease may
paradoxically diminish welfare and even negate the desirability of health insurance
altogether. In the model, rising cure rates can affect welfare in two ways: (1) directly, by
improving some individuals' health, and (2) indirectly, by influencing the mode and
parameters of the optimal insurance contract and, thus, ex post financial wealth
distribution. (“Mode” refers to the qualitative specifications of the contract—presence or
absence of indemnities and full, partial or zero coverage of treatments received. “Parameters”
refers to the quantitative features of the contracts—level of nonzero indemnities, deductibles and

Graboyes (2000a) compares the relative efficiency of deductibles and indemnities in
deterring low-benefit patients (those whom treatment is less likely to cure) from seeking
expensive medical care. The current paper asks how optimal insurance and associated
welfare change as curative technology improves. Deterring some but not all patients
requires deductibles or indemnities because one’s H/L status is known to all, but not
legally verifiable.
We find that advances in curative power may reduce welfare and even eradicate
health insurance. This is because at higher cure rates, higher indemnities and deductibles
are needed to deter patients from seeking treatment. Given certain population parameters,
higher cure rates can only reduce welfare. The findings raise some practical, empirical,
and ethical questions; some of these issues are enumerated in the conclusion.


This paper does not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Reserve System or the Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond. This paper comprised a portion of a doctoral dissertation at Columbia University. The
author thanks the following for their assistance in writing this and two companion articles: Sherry Glied,
Ken Leonard, Dan O’Flaherty, Abigail Tay, and Josh Zivin and also Mark Babunovic, Dolores Clement,
Doug Hadley, Bob Hurley, Jeff Lacker, Roice Luke, Lou Rossiter, Rich Schieken.
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, and Virginia Commonwealth
University (Medical College of Virginia)

1. Technological Progress Defined
In a world of expensive medical procedures and competing wants, some treatable
patients should not be treated because the opportunity costs are too great. This assertion,
harsh to some ears, is implicitly recognized by elements of our health care system and by
private choices. In calm moments of good health, all might agree, for example, that an
expensive, near-futile cancer treatment is not the best use of resources. The problem is
binding ourselves to such an agreement, for when we fall ill, a slim chance at life often
trumps prior pledges.
This paper follows from Graboyes (2000a), which compared the relative desirability
of four contract structures, or “modes”: Indemnity mode (I) offers low-benefit patients
cash payoffs in lieu of treatment. 1 Deductible mode (D) requires anyone seeking
treatment to pay an out-of-pocket deductible high enough to deter low-benefit patients.
Zero insurance mode (Z) provides no insurance, so no one seeks treatment. Full
insurance mode (F) provides full coverage of treatment for high- and low-benefit
The current paper adds an additional complication—changing efficacy of medical
technology. In the model developed here, rising cure rates can paradoxically diminish
welfare and even render treatments and health insurance inefficient. Rising cure rates can
induce changes in optimal contract parameters (premiums, deductibles, indemnities)
within a mode; or they can induce the market to switch modes.


Traditional fee-for-service policies are also referred to as “indemnification” policies. In contrast, this
paper uses “indemnity” contract to indicate a plan where patients are reimbursed in cash for a diagnosis,
rather than for a treatment.

1.1 A Hypothetical Example
Take a thousand people whose only health concerns are found in actuarial tables and
pose the following: “In the next year, 25 of you will contract cancer. Treatments cost
$500,000. Because of certain physiological divisions in this population, 5 patients will
recover with certainty if treated, but the other 20 will only experience a 5% survival rate.
You can agree today to any of three options: (1) Full coverage of treatments for all 25
patients paid for by actuarially fair insurance; (2) Full coverage of treatments for the 5
high-benefit patients (“Hs”) but no treatment for the 20 low-benefit patients (“Ls”); or (3)
No insurance and no treatments. Which option do you want?” Table 1 provides
hypothetical data on these three options:
Table 1
Hypothetical Case, Insurance Options
1: Ls and Hs
2: Hs only
annual premium per capita
lives saved
% saved by treatment

3: no insurance

From an individual standpoint, $2,500 buys an additional 0.5% chance of surviving
the year (assuming this is the only life-threatening prospect). The next $10,000 only adds
another 0.1% chance of survival. Given certain utility curves, the 1,000 would agree to
option 2 while still behind a veil of good health. The operational problem is legally
verifying who is an H and who is an L. When a year passes and 25 people have fallen ill,
each of the 20 Ls will have a powerful incentive to portray himself as an H. Without an
objectively verifiable criterion for separating Hs and Ls, the insurer will be hard-pressed
to limit coverage to Hs, even if the insurer and patients can all distinguish between Hs
and Ls. Even if there is an objectively verifiable delimiter between the two classes, legal,

political, and public relations concerns may make it difficult for the insurer to deny
coverage on the basis of that delimiter.
In practice, there are many ways to exclude Ls from treatment. Utilization review,
queuing, moral suasion, redefining and refining diagnostic categories, and advance
medical directives all act as filters. Oregon’s much-publicized Medicaid plan explicitly
excluded certain low-benefit patients from treatment. This paper focuses exclusively on
indemnities and deductibles— demand-side tools that induce low-benefit patients to
voluntarily opt out of treatment—and on the Z and F modes that do not discriminate
between high- and low-benefit patients.

1.2 Additional Problem: Technological Progress
Graboyes (2000a) derived criteria for choosing among the four modes. The current
paper adds the additional complication of technological progress (defined by rising cure
rates), which can lead to some surprising results, which fall into two general categories:
(1) Progress causes expected welfare to decline. (2) Progress causes the optimal mode to
change in counterintuitive ways. Table 2 expands on the previous hypothetical example,
again with made-up data:
Table 2
Hypothetical Case with Technological Progress Added
No insurance
annual premium per capita
lives saved
deductible paid by Hs
additional lives that could have been
saved by treating all sick people
In Table 2, the cure rate for Ls rises, so the deductible needed to deter Ls also rises
(because probabilistically, the benefit is higher). In the “before” column, everyone pays

the $2,250 premium. Hs pay an additional $50,000 out-of-pocket for treatment—just
enough to deter Ls from treatment. In the “after” column, the cure rate for Ls has risen
from 5% to 10%. Now, it takes $90,000 to deter Ls. The number of lives saved is
unchanged at 5, but the ex post wealth distribution changes. Everyone's premium is
lower, but Hs pay a $90,000 deductible instead of $50,000. In the model developed in
this paper, the welfare improvement from the lower premium is more than offset by the
welfare loss due to less-complete risk sharing represented by the higher deductible.
Second, the model suggests that progress can change the optimal insurance
environment in some surprising ways. Referring again to Table 2, the rising cure rates
for Ls might eliminate insurance and treatment altogether (as in the “zero insurance”
column); the welfare cost of losing a marginal .05% chance at survival might be less the
utility gain from the more desirable wealth distribution.


The conclusion of this paper

will itemize some of the empirical questions that this model raises, including:

Do rising cure rates actually drive away insurance coverage? If not, why not?


Do rising cure rates induce higher deductibles or indemnities? If not, why not?


Do costs associated with switching modes induce markets to select insurance which is
not generally optimal at the moment but which is optimal over time?


Is behavior seen in this model responsible for the lack of indemnity health policies?


Can effects described by the model skew the directions of medical research?


How does the structure of the optimal contract affect the diffusion of medical


Perhaps the cure rate rises because JAMA publishes new information that improves treatment results
without raising costs—a societal learning curve. Thus an external development could render insurance


1.3 Digression: Generalized Heterogeneity and Technological Progress
It is important to note that a restricted form of heterogeneity is a central feature of the
three essays of this dissertation. People are either sick (Ss) or well (Ws). Ss have either a
high cure rate (Hs) or a low cure rate (Ls). Technological progress is also restricted. In
the current paper, progress consists of an improved cure rate for either all Ls or all Hs in
lockstep. In Graboyes (2000c), progress occurs when population parameters change so
that some Ls become Ws, some Hs become Ws, or some Ls become Hs (denoted L→W,
H→W, or L→H).
In a more general specification, sick people could be arrayed across a continuous
distribution of cure rates (if treated). Technological progress, too could be generalized by
allowing each sick person's cure rate to change uniquely, as suggested by Figure 1.
Figure 1 assumes a continuum of cure rates. The arrows indicate how technological

Figure 1
Distribution of sick population across continuum of cure rates
deductible exceeds
reservation price

treated: reservation price exceeds





cure rate if treated


progress affects five individuals, and we presume that this market chooses the optimal
deductible policy. (Analyzing the optimal indemnity policy would yield similar findings.)

#1, #2, and #3 show three individuals whose cure rates rise. #4 and #5 show two
individuals who now never become sick at all. Each arrow provokes different effects on
the two components of utility—ex post wealth distribution and ex post health.
#4 and #5 are equivalent to L→W and H→W from Graboyes (2000c); they involve a
shift in the ratio of sick to well people. In contrast, progress in the current paper and
L→H progress in Graboyes (2000c) involve no change in the ratio of sick people to well
people and, thus, are in no way analogous to arrows #4 or #5.
In Figure 1, shifts #1 and #3 do not affect anyone’s ex post wealth because both
agents are inframarginal. #3 does improve utility because that agent’s cure rate is now
higher. In the current paper and in Graboyes (2000c), there are no untreated
inframarginal agents like #1. Ls are just on the margin, and Hs are inframarginal but
Most of the interesting results in the current paper and in Graboyes (2000c) arise from
agents crossing the threshold from left to right, as does #2. In the current paper, all Ls
shift marginally to the right. In Graboyes (2000c) (L→H), some Ls move a discrete
distance to the H reservation price. Only when an agent crosses the dotted line do
contract parameters change, thus affecting ex post wealth distribution.
Continuous cure rates and unrestricted forms of technological progress leave us with
a great number of possible results from technological progress. This dissertation presents
some reasons why the two special cases presented in the current paper and in Graboyes
(2000c) might be fairly realistic. Demonstrating this empirically will be the subject of
future papers. We note that in the more general construction (as in Figure 1), the
difference between shifting cure rates of the current paper and shifting population

distribution of Graboyes (2000c) become blurred; the separate identities of the κs and the
πs arise from a discrete distribution.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 reviews literature
related to this paper. Section 3 reviews the assumptions, notation, and results from
Graboyes (2000a) in order to set up the problem addressed in the current paper. Section
4 develops the model of technological progress and reports its results. (The results are
proven in the Appendix to avoid disrupting the narrative flow.) Section 5 examines the
bimodal grouping of cure rates postulated in the model and speculates on how
technological improvements for the two groups might be related. Section 6 draws the
paper's conclusions, emphasizing the practical and empirical implications of the results.

2. Related Literature
Moral hazard, which is central to this paper, has long been linked with efficiency in
health care production and with the direction of technological progress in medicine.
Zeckhauser (1970) described why moral hazard is an inevitable by-product of health
insurance contracts that spread risks and why moral hazard creates disincentives for
efficient production. In creating the optimal health insurance policy, he wrote, “The best
that can be done, as we would suspect, is to find a happy compromise with some riskspreading and some incentive.”
Feldstein (1973) refined the notion that moral hazard-induced inefficiencies would
lead to overspending on health care itself. In doing so, he estimated the level of patient

copayment (deductible) that would achieve the equivalent of Zeckhauser's happy medium
between risk-sharing and efficiency.
To this framework, Goddeeris (1984) added technological innovation and found that
under the right circumstances, scientific progress could reduce welfare. His paper
addressed the ways in which insurance could bias the direction of technological progress
(research and development, technology diffusion). Baumgardner (1991) carried this
farther by examining the relationships between technical change, welfare, and optimal
class of insurance contract (“mode” in this paper), with a focus on asymmetric
information and imperfect agency. He contrasted how these relationships would appear
under conventional (fee-for-service) insurance policies and under managed care policies.
A similar comparison of demand-side and supply-side incentives is the theme of Ellis and
McGuire (1993) who link technological progress to increasing medical expenditures in
the United States. They ask how supply-side incentives might hold down the rate of
technological progress and, therefore, of overall costs—with an implicit assumption that
progress is cost-increasing. Cutler and Sheiner (1997) similarly ask how managed care
might hold down the rate of technological progress and, therefore, costs.
In many of these papers, an explicit or implicit idea is that of the cost-increasing
technological imperative. That is, writers assume or discover the validity of the
technological imperative. This concept, described by Pauly (1986, p. 664) holds that a
health care technology, once it exists, tends naturally and unstoppably to diffuse
throughout the economy. Sometimes, the technology is used well beyond its optimal
level of provision. A corollary to many of these findings is that moral hazard and
imperfect agency bias technological progress toward cost-increasing innovations. Many

writers blame the development and diffusion of such technologies for the rapid rise in
health care expenditures in the United States since the 1960s. Cutler (1996, p. 35) writes
that, “the medical care marketplace is driven by overuse of medical resources, and the
rapid development and diffusion of new technologies.
The current paper looks entirely at demand-side incentives for efficiency. Whereas
Zeckhauser and Feldstein postulate deductible policies, we compare deductible policies
with indemnity policies (and with full insurance policies and with zero insurance).
Indemnity policies have played a small role in health insurance in recent years decades,
but they were mentioned by Arrow (1963, p. 962), and their renewed use has been
suggested by Gianfrancesco (1983) and by Feigenbaum (1992).
In some ways, the model developed here goes in the opposite direction from those of
Goddeeris and Baumgardner. Goddeeris stresses the influence of insurance on the
directions of technological change. Here, we look in the opposite direction, focusing on
the effect of autonomous technological change on health insurance. Baumgardner
compares traditional insurance with managed care. Here, we look only at different
demand-side mechanisms.
The conclusion discusses how our results might link back to affect the rate and
direction of progress. Mutual determination of technological progress, health care
provision, and insurance contracts was described by Weisbrod (1991). We identify some
conditions under which insurance might impede rather than encourage technological
advance. This might happen because in the model presented here, certain technological
advances will eventually lead to abandonment of health insurance altogether and, along
with it, usage of the previously insured treatments. So, it is natural to suppose that

forward-looking investors might shy away from investing in technologies that will
eventually be dropped from coverage and usage. We might find that insurance biases
progress toward treatments which do not appear likely to be abandoned due to changes in
the primitive assumptions listed in the notation section below.
The model developed here bears some resemblance to the market for lemons
postulated by Akerlof (1970) in that the market is characterized by bimodal
heterogeneity. Here, though, information is symmetric; rather, it is the ability to respond
to information that is asymmetric.
The current paper more closely resembles the literature on “tagging.” In Akerlof
(1978), the goal is to construct the optimal feasible redistribution of wealth; lump-sum
welfare payments are made to “deserving” people, financed by general taxation. The
model optimizes by restricting welfare payments to a small group, defined (“tagged”) by
a variable that acts as a proxy for “deserving.” (Race-based set-asides are an example.)
By limiting the number of eligible recipients, tagging allows high welfare payments to be
paid to the deserving group, financed by the rest of the population at low marginal tax
rates. In the current paper, high-benefit patients are “deserving” while low-benefit
patients are part of a “non-deserving” population that also includes well people. Here,
indemnities and deductibles induce people to tag themselves. The distribution of
population between high- and low-benefit patients determines whether a high-lump sum
benefit (the treatment) can be financed through a low marginal “tax” rate (namely, the
insurance premium.)
Finally, this paper bears some resemblance to the “loyalty” or “shirking” literature, as
in Akerlof (1983). In that literature people must decide whether or not to shirk on the

job; people who shirk run some probability of being fired. One way to generate honesty
is to require workers to post a surety bond that is forfeited if fired. In the current paper,
deductibles and indemnities serve essentially the same purpose. Paying a deductible or
forfeiting an indemnity serves as the bond guaranteeing the value for treatment that the
patient claims. In discussing “loyalty filters,” Akerlof (1983) describes how experience
changes one's loyalty, in turn, affecting one's economic strategies. Here, it is the quality
of medical practice rather than personal experience that changes behavior, but with
similar results.

3. Setup: Review of “Our Money or Your Life”
The setup for this paper comes from the assumptions and results of Graboyes (2000a).
That paper asks when lump-sum indemnities are more efficient than deductibles at
deterring Ls from seeking expensive treatment. This review serves as the point of
departure of the current paper.

3.1 Assumptions
Graboyes (2000a) begins with the following assumptions:


Ex post utility is a state-dependent Von Neumann-Morgenstern function where
U(y; w)=U(y; s)+k, with Uy >0 and Uyy <0. y is ex post monetary wealth, w and s
are the two values of a binary variable representing well and sick states, and k is a
constant denoting the difference in utility between the two states for any y. This
functional form means that utility is state-dependent, but marginal utility is not.
The insurance policy protects against a single illness. It is a carveout—similar to a
dread disease policy, although dread disease policies' benefits are often contingent
upon a hospital stay or other medical service.
Adverse selection is not an issue. All agents are equally likely to contract the
illness. That probability is known both to subscribers and insurers.



There is no ex ante moral hazard; the presence or lack of insurance does not
influence the behavior of insured parties before they contract the illness or, hence,
the incidence of disease.
Diagnosis is binary and unambiguous and requires no costly monitoring.
(VI) Sick people are classified as Hs or Ls, based on their probability of cure if treated.
An individual's likelihood of cure, κH or κL, is costlessly observable by both the
patient and the insurer. However, the prognosis is not legally verifiable, so
patients can act on the information, but insurers cannot. The insurer cannot, for
example, promise to pay for chemotherapy if the probability of cure is 5%, but not
if it is 1%, though the patient may accept or decline treatment on the same basis.
This is because patients cannot bind themselves to forgo treatment if they are Ls.
(VII) There are no loading costs or other fixed costs.
(VIII) The cost of treatment is large enough that no one can purchase it without
insurance. In other words, there is no borrowing or capital market.
3.2 Notation
Both Graboyes (2000a) and the current paper use the following notation:
Initial conditions: These parameters define the state of the world:

percent of subscribers who are well
percent of subscribers who are sick and will experience a high cure rate if treated
percent of subscribers who are sick and will experience a low cure rate if treated
percent of subscribers who are sick: π H+ π L
the cure rate for Hs
the cure rate for Ls
initial wealth of all agents
the cost of treatment
the welfare loss of having the disease; it is completely reversed if cured
Contract parameters (indemnities, deductibles, premiums) and ex post wealth:


A cash indemnity large enough to deter Ls from seeking treatment
The minimum cash indemnity large enough to deter Ls from seeking treatment
A deductible large enough to deter Ls from seeking treatment
The minimum deductible large enough to deter Ls from seeking treatment
The insurance premium paid by all subscribers under the indemnity contract
The insurance premium paid by all subscribers under the deductible contract
The insurance premium paid by all subscribers under the full-insurance contract
ex post wealth; y0 minus premiums and deductibles paid or indemnities received
Welfare under different modes: Mode H is infeasible because insurers cannot be

legally bound to refuse treatment if they are found to be Ls. I, D, Z, and F are feasible:

Mode H: Hs 100% covered, Ls not treated; this mode is infeasible.
Suboptimal indemnity; deters Ls, but not Hs, from seeking treatment.
Mode I: Optimal indemnity; deters Ls, but not Hs, from seeking treatment.
Suboptimal deductible; deters Ls, but not Hs, from seeking treatment.
Mode D: Optimal deductible; deters Ls, but not Hs, from seeking treatment.
Mode Z: Zero insurance; neither Hs and Ls are treated
Mode F: Full insurance; treatment for Hs and Ls 100% covered
MAX[Ûi* , Ûd* , Ûz, Ûf]; the optimal policy across all modes
U(-;w) State-dependent utility function in well state
U(-;s) State-dependent utility function in sick state

3.3 Results: General Case
The above assumptions yield the following results:
[1] Ûi* >Ûi ∀ i>i*

The minimum deterrent indemnity is the optimal indemnity.

[ch.2, (P.2)]
[2] Ûd* >Ûd ∀ d>d*

The minimum deterrent deductible is the optimal deductible.

[ch.2, (P.4)]
[3] i* = x ⇒ Ûz = Ûi*

(The desirability of I versus Z depends on the relative size of i*

and x.) [ch.2, (P.17)]
[4] Û h = U( y 0 − p H ; w ) − (πS − π H κ H )k , where p H = π H x
Equation [4] shows the unattainable utility that would prevail if Ls could be costlessly
deterred from receiving treatment.

Û i* = (1 − π L )U(y 0 − p i* ; w ) + π L U( y 0 − p i* + i*; w ) − (π S − π H κ H )k
= U(y 0 − p i* ; w ) − (πS − πH κ H − π L κ L )k

p i* = π H x + π L i * [ch.2, (1.5)]



Û d* = (1 − π H )U(y 0 − p d* ; w ) + πH U(y 0 − p d* − d*; w ) − (πS − π H κ H )k


= U(y 0 − p d* ; w ) − (πS − π H κ H + π H κ L )k

p d* = π H x − π H d *

, where

[ch.2, (3.5)]

[7] Û z = U(y 0 ; w ) − πS k
Equation [7] shows the utility prevailing if no insurance exists and no one is treated.
$ f = U( y 0 − p f ; w) − ( π S − π H κ H − π L κ L )k , where p f = π S x
[8] U
Equation [8] shows the utility prevailing if everyone is insured and treated.
[9] Ûd* = Ûi* iff U(y0 -πHx+π Hd*;w)-U(y0 -π Hx-πLi*;w) = π SκLk]

[ch.2, (P.5)]

3.4 Results: Logarithmic Specification
We obtain stronger results by restricting the utility function to a logarithmic
specification, where U(y; w)=ln(y) and U(y; s)=ln(y)-k. 3 In results (4)-(9), U(⋅) can be
replaced by ln(⋅). The logarithmic specification also yields the following results:

(φ − 1)( y 0 − π H x )
, where φ = e κ k
1 + φ −1 π L


i* =


d* =




If π L≥πH, then U d * > U i* under all circumstances


1 + (φ − 1)π L
Uˆ d * = Uˆ i* iff
πH + πL −1
[φ − (φ − 1)π H ]φ


(φ − 1)( y0 − π H x )
, where φ = e κ k
φ − (φ − 1)π H

(the optimal indemnity)

(the optimal deductible)

[ch.2, (P.16)]
[ch.2, (P.9)]

[ch.2, (P.8)]

[ch.2, (P.6)]

[ch.2, (P.7)]

This is the boundary condition that determines the preference ordering between D and I.

In the limit, as κL→0, Ûi* = Ûd* iff π H = π L.

[ch.2, (P.12)]

4. The Model: Effects of Technological Progress on Optimal Insurance
The current paper extends the results from section 3 to ask how the optimal insurance
policy changes as medical science makes progress in curing disease. As in results (10)
through (15) above, we limit the analysis to a logarithmic utility function. This section
describes how deductibles, indemnities, premiums, welfare, and choice of mode respond
to changes in the cure rates for Ls and Hs (κL and κH, respectively). Under certain
conditions, medical progress causes welfare to decline and may even render health
insurance and treatment undesirable altogether. The effects of increasing κH prove to be
less paradoxical than does increasing κL. All results described in this section are proven
in the appendix.

4.1 κL rises, mode unchanged
This section asks how the optimal insurance contract and welfare change if the
insurance mode does not change. So, this section does not consider the case, for
example, where an indemnity policy is optimal before κL rises, and a deductible policy is
optimal afterward. Table 3 shows the following results:


This specification is similar to that used in Neipp and Zeckhauser (1985).

Table 3
Changes in optimal contract parameters and welfare resulting from
changes in κL, assuming the optimal mode remains unchanged
I: Indemnity policy
2: ∂pi* /∂κL>0 3: ∂Ûi* /∂κL<0
D: Deductible policy ———
4:∂d*/∂κL>0 5: ∂pd*/∂κL<0 6: ∂Ûd* /∂κL<0
Z: Zero coverage
7: ∂Ûz /∂κL=0
F: Full coverage for ———
8: ∂pf/∂κL=0
9: ∂Ûf/∂κL>0
Hs and Ls
The numbers 1-9 preceding derivatives and statements correspond to the numbers
of propositions in the Appendix.
In mode I, a rise κL increases the minimum deterrent indemnity i* because,
probabilistically, the value of treatment rises for Ls. The premium also rises because it
must now cover a larger deterrent indemnity. Most importantly, welfare declines. Ls end
up better off because, while they still do not benefit directly from the medical treatment,
they now receive a larger indemnity to deter them. However, the increase in the Ls'
welfare is more than offset by a decrease in welfare among Ws (well people) and Hs who
now have to pay a larger premium to cover the larger indemnity. Like Ls, Ws and Hs
receive no health benefits from the new technology. In other words, the only effect of
scientific progress here is to drive individuals farther from the ideal of equal marginal
utility of wealth in all health states.
In mode D, the deductible rises because, again, the rise in κL makes treatment more
valuable to Ls; deterring them now requires a larger marginal cost. The premium drops
this time, because Hs bear more of the cost out-of-pocket. As in the previous case,
welfare declines. Ws and Ls are better off because the premiums are lower (Ls still go
untreated); but these gains are more than offset by the welfare loss of the Hs, who must
pay a larger share of the cost out-of-pocket.

In mode Z, welfare is unaffected by a change in κL. Ls do not benefit from the new
technology, and with no indemnities, deductibles, or premiums, no wealth shifts result.
Finally, under F, the premium is unaffected because the contract includes no deterrent
mechanisms. Welfare increases because, while there are no ex post wealth shifts, some Ls
now recover because of the increased cure rate.
A real-world analog of this phenomenon might be found in rising out-of-pocket
shares of pharmaceutical costs. If the efficacy of drugs rises for low-benefit patients,
insurers could raise the out-of-pocket costs. In the end, the higher price continues to
deter low-benefit patients, and high-benefit patients are now displeased by the higher
deductible, despite the lower premium.

4.2 κL rises, mode changes
The preceding section examined how changes in κL might affect welfare when there
is no mode change. This section looks at how changes in κL might affect the optimal
insurance mode (e.g., shifting the optimal class of policy from an indemnity policy to a
deductible policy). Figure 2 illustrates how the optimal mode is determined. The optimal
mode is always the uppermost of the four curves, so Û=MAX[Ûi* , Ûd* , Ûz, Ûf]. In this
example (parameters at right), I is the preferred mode when κL is near 0. As κL rises
toward 100%, I gives way to D, then Z, and then F. As κL rises, welfare diminishes
steadily until the point that insurance is abandoned altogether. Then, eventually, full
insurance becomes optimal and welfare rises once again. Note that with these particular
parameters, welfare is at its maximum when κL is near 0. Any improvement in Ls’
prospects diminishes welfare from that point.


Determining the Optimal Mode



Expected Utility
















Cure rate for Ls: κ L

Moving through the modes, welfare is a continuous function of κL. Marginal utility is
discontinuous at mode shifts, however. Propositions 10 through 13 in the Appendix
demonstrate that as κL rises, only certain sequences of optimal modes are possible.
Prop. 10: Ceteris paribus, as κL rises:
Z cannot precede D, Z cannot precede I, F cannot precede Z, F cannot
precede D, and F cannot precede I
Prop. 11: Ceteris paribus, as κL rises, D cannot precede I
Prop. 12: As κL→0, F cannot be preferred to I or D

Prop. 13: As κL→κH, D can’t be optimal
So as κL climbs from 0 toward κH, the optimal mode can only shift in a rightward manner
through the modes shown in Figure 3 (e.g., I→Z→F is possible, but not F→D or




Figure 3
Succession of optimal modes as κL rises

Full coverage for Hs. Indemnity in lieu of treatment for Ls.
Coverage for Hs after paying deductible. No coverage for Ls.
No coverage for Hs or Ls.
Full coverage of Hs and Ls.

Table 4 shows eleven possible optimal mode sequences. Each row contains a
sequence and an arbitrary set of parameters that will generate that particular
sequence. So, for example, in the seventh row of data, parameters (k, κH, π L, π H, y0 ,
x)=(6, 99%, 10%, 20%, $60,000, $180,000) will give rise to the sequence I→D→Z
as κL rises from 0% to 99%:

Table 4
Possible modal sequences as κL rises from 0 to κH
(values are arbitrary examples of each sequence)
κH π L π H
5 99% 3% 5% $100,000 $500,000
7 83% 4% 5% $100,000 $500,000
F 3 99% 1% 10% $100,000 $200,000
7 99% 6% 5% $100,000 $500,000
F 6 99% 10% 1% $100,000 $200,000
Z F 3.7 40% 2% 4% $100,000 $150,000
6 99% 10% 20% $60,000
F 3 99% 1% 4%
Z F 4 90% 1% 9% $100,000 $300,000
D Z F 7 99% 6% 3% $100,000 $500,000
I D Z F 7 99% 3% 5% $100,000 $500,000

From various entries in Tables 3 and 4, we can see that technological progress can
either leave welfare higher, lower, or unchanged. In Table 4, moving through the
sequence D→Z, welfare will end lower than it began. The sequence Z will leave welfare
unchanged. And Z→F will leave things unambiguously better off.
Any number of real-world analogs come to mind. Providers may begin offering an
alternative treatment that improves the prospects for low-benefit patients. If Ls greatly
outnumber Hs, then the insurer (or employer in the case of employer-based plans), may
seek to exclude the alternative treatment as “experimental.” Hence, we could
hypothesize that the “experimental” designation is sought more often when the number of
low-benefit patients is large relative to the number of high-benefit patients. Or, the
insurer or employer may seek to redefine the treatment as medically unnecessary. As
gastric bypasses have become effective weight-loss treatments, some insurers have
sought to define some cases as “not medically necessary” and, thereby, excluded from
treatment. Other procedures that insurers have recently sought to exclude include

reductive mammoplasty and orthognathic surgery, which some insurers have sought to
redefine as “cosmetic.”4

4.3 κH changes, mode does not
This section examines how the optimal health insurance contract is affected by a
change in κH—the probability of cure for Hs who receive treatment. Unlike the κL
results, the κH results are mostly free of paradoxes—i.e., progress is usually a good thing.
Table 5 summarizes the results that are proven in the appendix. The numbers 14 through
22 preceding the derivatives correspond to the numbered propositions.
Table 5
Changes in optimal contract parameters and welfare resulting from
changes in κH, assuming the optimal mode remains unchanged
indemnity deductible
15: ∂pi* /∂κH=0 16: ∂Ûi* /∂κH>0
17: ∂d*/∂κH=0 18: ∂p*/∂κH=0 19: ∂Ûd* /∂κH>0
Z:Zero coverage ———
20: ∂Ûz /∂κH=0
F:Full coverage
21: ∂pf/∂κH=0 22: ∂Ûf/∂κH>0
for Hs and Ls
The number preceding each derivative refers to the proposition that proves that cell.


This paragraph's three examples were suggested by Dr. Douglas Hadley, regional medical director of an


In no case does a change in κH alter the contract parameters (i.e., indemnity, deductible,
or premium). This is intuitive, since these parameters are set to alter behavior in Ls, not
Hs. In no case does a rise in κH cause welfare to decline, as sometimes occurs with a rise
in κL.

4.4 κH changes, mode changes
Potential mode shifts from a rise in κH are few and simple. Proposition 23 shows that
the mode can shift from Z to I, D, or F. Ceteris paribus, no other shifts are possible.
Table 6 gives arbitrary examples in which preferences do shift from Z to I, D, and F. For
example, in the final row, κH rises from 80% to 90%; at the former value, zero insurance
is optimal, while at 90%, full insurance for Ls and Hs is optimal.
Table 6
Possible modal sequences as κH rises from its initial value to a new value
(values are arbitrary examples of each sequence)
κL π L π H
3 10% 4% 5% $100,000 $500,000
3 10% 4% 5% $100,000 $200,000
10 10% 4% 5% $100,000 $200,000
10 20% 4% 5% $100,000 $200,000
5% 4% 5% $100,000 $500,000
7 10% 4% 5% $100,000 $500,000
8 75% 4% 5% $100,000 $500,000
5. Bimodal Heterogeneity with Independent Changes in κL and κH
This paper rests on two quite restrictive postulates: (1) Sick people come in exactly
two flavors, Ls and Hs, each of which shares a common cure rate; and (2) The cure rates

κL and κH vary independently. This section discusses whether these postulates are
reasonable and how they might be relaxed in future papers.
The first postulate has both a qualitative and quantitative aspect. Qualitatively, it
assumes that the distribution of cure rates is discrete rather than continuous.
Quantitatively, it assumes that there are only two of these discrete cure rates. One future
line of research will be to ask whether physicians see a continuum of cure rates ex ante or
whether they only perceive a small number of discrete groups, as modeled here.
Assuming two cure rates, or at least a small number of discrete cure rates, may be a
reasonable assumption. One reason for having discrete cure rate groups could be that
diagnostic categories bundle together a countable number of different conditions. In
other words, health insurance might define “lung cancer” and specify levels of financial
coverage; but medically, “lung cancer” might actually refer to several distinct conditions,
treated similarly, but with different rates of success. Alternatively, a countable number of
physiological factors (e.g. age, gender, comorbidities) might account for the differences
in cure rates. Two cancer cases may be identical in terms of indicators that comprise the
diagnosis and trigger the insurance company's obligation; treatment regimes and costs
may also be identical. But, for instance, the cure rates for acute lymphatic leukemia are
dramatically different in juveniles and in adults. De facto, one could argue that acute
lymphatic leukemia in a 45-year old is a different disease than acute lymphatic leukemia
in a 5-year old, though the manifestation and treatment may be similar. (Alternatively,
differing cure rates may be functions of differing etiologies.) This is really an incomplete
contracts problem; the insurer cannot specify all possible combinations of physiological

A change in medical science's ability to treat comorbidities may change cure rates of
the primary illness without affecting either the numbers of sick people or the cost of
treating the illness in question. (Dealing with comorbidities might be quite inexpensive
in comparison with the primary illness of concern.) Real-world analogs can be found in
disease management. For example, the control of diabetes mellitus greatly affects the
prognosis for a heart attack patient. Therefore, some disease management companies
subsidize their patients’ diabetes management program as a way of improving the
prospects in the event of a heart attack. 5
One sidenote: Changes in the incidence of comorbid diseases may yield some
interesting paradoxes of their own. In the cardiac/diabetes case above, for example,
suppose the deductible is set just high enough to deter Ls from seeking some hypothetical
cardiac treatment. Better control over diabetes could raise the cure rate for cardiac
patients, thus making the cardiac treatment more valuable to patients. An insurer
covering cardiac care would find demand increasing for treatments among Ls—leading to
higher deductibles or indemnities and, possibly, to abandonment of cardiac insurance
altogether. 6
As for the quantitative issue: it seems likely that a model with more than two cure
rates would not behave too differently from the model developed here, since indemnities
and deductibles only work through one marginal population group. It may be that a


This example was suggested by my colleague, Dr. Richard Schieken, Chairman of the Department of
Pediatric Cardiology, Medical College of Virginia Campus, Virginia Commonwealth University.
It is interesting, though not necessarily realistic, to carry this argument to conspiratorial lengths. In a
world of multi-illness policies, a company could subsidize diabetes control as a way of financially
destabilizing the cardiac care insurer (who might be a competitor overall). We could label this
phenomenon “predatory progress.”

model with more than two cure rates would behave similarly to the two-rate model, but
that the results would be more cumbersome mathematically.
The second postulate employed in this paper holds that κH and κL change
independently. This brings us to the question of how changes in κL and κH might be
related. Should we assume that they change together additively, multiplicatively, or
otherwise? There are two good reasons for looking separately at the changes in κL and
κH. The first reason is because we can. The effects of changes in the two are entirely
separable, thus rendering the model more general. We can easily impose restrictions on
the relationship between the two changes—∆κL=∆κH for instance. In this case, we could
simply sum the derivatives in Tables 3 and 5 to obtain the changes in contract parameters
and welfare. More complex κL-to-κH relationships simply require more complex
functions of the Table 3 and Table 5 data.
It is not clear, though, that real-world medical advances affect low-benefit and highbenefit patients equally, or even similarly. Should the cure rates move together
additively [(κL, κH )→(κL+ξ, κH+ξ)] or multiplicatively [(κL, κH )→(ξκL, ξκH)]? Do the
rates converge over time or do they diverge? Most likely, the answers vary from disease
to disease, and our model allows us to experiment with all possibilities.
One reason for avoiding the notion of a continuum of cure rates is that it is not clear
how we should assume these rates change with technological innovation. Would a
technological improvement raise the cure rates uniformly across the distribution? If so
would it do so additively [(κn )→(κn +ξ)∀n], multiplicatively [(κn )→(ξκn )∀n], or by some
other rule? These are all empirical questions to be addressed in later papers.

6. Conclusion
This paper has explored ways in which one type of technological progress can affect
health insurance markets. We found that improvements in medical science’s ability to
cure illness can, under certain theoretical conditions, lead to reduced welfare and, in some
instances, to abandonment of health insurance and medical treatment altogether. In this
section, we review the findings of the paper and outline some further questions that the
paper raises.

6.1 Review of the Results
This paper began with a fairly general set of assumptions and then derived underlying
conditions rules for specifying the optimal insurance contract. A central feature of the
model is a bimodal population distribution with respect to curability. The model
examines how the optimal contract changes as the cure rates for both groups change.
(The two groups are Ls, who experience low cure rates when treated, and Hs, who
experience high cure rates when treated.)
As long as treatment is socially undesirable for Ls (because the cost of treatment
outweighs the expected benefit of treatment), higher cure rates for Ls will either diminish
welfare or, at best, leave it unchanged. Rising cure rates for Hs, in contrast, never
diminish welfare. A rise in either cure rate can change the mode of the optimal health
insurance contract, but only in specific directions. So, for example, a rising cure rate for
Ls can change the optimal contract from an indemnity contract to a deductible contract,
but not the reverse. In the model, the effects of changes in κL and κH are entirely

In sum the paper provides a set of rules enumerating how the optimal insurance
contract can and cannot change, depending on parameters describing wealth, medical
technology, population characteristics, and the welfare effects of disease.

6.2 Implications and Further Research
The findings of this paper suggest a number of directions for continued research. The
results outlined above have implications with respect to the behavior of insurance
markets, research and development and public policy, and health care delivery and
overall expenditures. Following are some of the questions that the paper suggests, each
of which can be the subject of future research:
Does medical progress actually drive away insurance? Insurers don't generally
announce that they are dropping coverage of a particular disease. The market may do so,
however, by subtle means. Utilization review can exclude low-benefit patients, though
that may not be the explicitly stated purpose. And excluded-by-means-of-UR may be
only imperfectly correlated with low-benefit. In a legal environment where laws and
courts frown on certain kinds of discrimination, less-than-perfect correlation between the
determinants and the exclusion may be good.
Refining the definitions of diagnostic categories is one way of excluding patients
whose conditions might previously have been covered by way of “DRG creep”
(stretching a diagnosis so that a patient falls within a covered category). In Table 2,
rather than raising the deductible so high, it might be better to simply redefine Ls as
having an altogether different diagnosis—one whose treatments are not covered,

assuming that redefinitions are feasible. (This solution may entail costly monitoring,
which we have omitted from this analysis.)
Restricted supply of health care may be a means of discouraging low-benefit patients
from receiving treatments. Anecdotally, there are stories of insurers who routinely refuse
claims, knowing that some patients (presumably low-benefit ones) will be driven away
by the nuisance costs of pursuing a rightful claim. In the case of end-stage care, queuing
with a non-random position in line would obviously be a way to tilt treatments toward
high-benefit benefits. While a particular insurer may not explicitly drop coverage for
illnesses, employers may shift their group policies to insurance plans with exclusionary
If medical progress doesn’t drive away insurance, then why not? One
explanation may lie in the public choice domain; people who share a given illness may be
especially good at lobbying political authorities for continued coverage. This might help
explain why health insurance tends to bundle together the risks of many diseases.
(Adverse selection is another factor that may induce bundling.) Some treatments will
inevitably become too popular (and hence financially burdensome on subscribers and
insurers). If we know in advance that insurers can't drop coverage, then it makes sense to
bundle risks of many diseases, knowing that some illnesses will turn out to be financial
winners and others financial losers for the insurer (and, indirectly, for the subscribers).
This does raise questions, though, about whether the markets with temporary excess rates
of profit are contestible.
In the real world, do rising cure rates actually lead to higher deductibles, higher
indemnities or abandonment of health insurance coverage? If κL rises so that optimal

contracts pass through the sequence I→D→Z→F, the model predicts a rising indemnity,
followed by a shift to a rising deductible, followed by abandonment of insurance,
followed by full insurance. The empirical question is whether anything like this sequence
actually occurs in health insurance markets. In fact, we generally do not see deductibles
or indemnities continually adjusting, perhaps because there are costs associated with such
repricing—or even varying the deductible or indemnity from disease to disease.
(Explaining changes or complex schedules to consumers might entail significant costs.)
So, costly repricing might suggest deductibles or indemnities set to maximize insurers'
profits over time, rather than at the instant. So over time, the deductible or indemnity
would initially be set higher than and then lower than levels that are socially desirable in
the short run.
Do costs associated with switching modes influence insurers to stick with more
stable contract modes, even though they may be less efficient in the short-run? This
is a variation on the previous issue. Suppose an indemnity contract is optimal today but
insurers anticipate a rise in κL that will render a deductible contract superior in the future.
Will insurers avoid the indemnity contract today, rather than endure the costs of
switching to a deductible policy in the future? The dynamics of such strategies could be
quite complex, incorporating discount rates and expected technology growth rates.
Are indemnities seldom seen in actual contracts because of problems suggested
by this model? Have rising cure rates led to switches from indemnities to other
contract modes? Graboyes (2000a) reviewed some evidence that indemnity contracts
were once far more common than they are today. In the model presented in this paper, a
narrowing of the cure rates between Ls and Hs tend to render indemnity contracts

suboptimal. The question, then, is whether these dynamics are, in fact, responsible for
the disappearance of such indemnity contracts. In other words, the model suggests that
wide variation in cure rates between different population groups makes indemnities more
attractive than deductibles. As cure rates converge and populations become more
homogeneous with respect to curability, indemnity contracts should give way to
deductible contracts. One question to explore is whether the disappearance of
indemnities coincided with a lessening of variability of cure rates for various diseases.
Can the effects described in the model skew the directions of medical research?
The model predicts that in some instances, advances in medical technology will not be
used. Improved treatments for Ls will benefit no patients (and hence, no providers) if
insurance continues to exclude Ls from treatment. In such cases, the developer of the
new technology would get nothing from his work. So, knowledge of future market
conditions may skew research toward improvements in the treatment of Hs or toward
improvements in markets where Ls do get treated. For example, an expected sequence of
D→Z might yield very different direction for R&D than would an expected sequence of
D→F. With D→F (which is the scenario described earlier in conjunction with Table 2),
the researcher who develops the new and improved technology would never gain
financially from it, because it is never actually used. Empirically, we might expect to see
more progress in markets where the numbers of Ls are small, rather than markets with
many Ls.
This triage-via-R&D raises some normative questions related to equity: If R&D is
publicly financed, would it be desirable to help Hs and effectively withhold the

technology available to Ls? And if not, is some sort of second-best corrective
mechanism called for (e.g., a subsidy for Ls wishing treatment)?
How does the structure of the optimal contract (and of optimal contracts
anticipated in the future) affect the diffusion of medical technology? Weisbrod
(1991) noted that diffusion of medical technology through society depends in part upon
the structure of health insurance. Suppose D optimal at present. Hs are receiving
treatment, but a rising κL will soon render Z optimal. Once this happens, the model
suggests that this medical procedure will be abandoned. This is because ex ante, no one
will wish to pay the premium necessary to insure against the disease and ex post no one
will be able to afford the treatment. Here, technological progress will result in a sort of
negative diffusion—the disappearance of the procedure. If insurers maximize over time,
rather than instantaneously, we might see a tendency to avoid procedures that will one
day become uneconomical to provide. The empirical question is whether we can predict
such biases from environmental factors (population distributions, treatment costs, etc.).
Additional research questions: Finally, this paper has focused on the effects of
progress in one area (curative procedures) of medical technology. We can equivalently
ask how optimal contracts change as we perturb other environmental parameters. These
would include improvements in preventive medicine (a reduction in π L or π H), palliative
techniques (a reduction in k), production efficiency (a reduction in x), and overall wealth
(a rise in y0 ).


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This Appendix has four sets of proofs. Section A.1 demonstrates how changes in κL
affect indemnities, deductibles, premiums, and welfare under each of the four relevant
modes. Section A.2 demonstrates that changes in κL cannot induce certain mode
sequences. A.3 demonstrates how changes in κH affect indemnities, deductibles,
premiums, and welfare under each of the four relevant modes. Section A.4 demonstrates
the mode sequences that changes in κH cannot induce. Throughout this Appendix,
numbers in square brackets (e.g., [10]) refer to the equations in Section 3 of the main text
of this paper. Equations introduced in the Appendix are numbered in the form (x.y).

A.1 κL changes, mode does not
This section proves the nine numbered derivatives from Table 3. The numbers
preceding each derivative correspond to Propositions 1 through 9 below.
Proposition 1: If κL rises, the optimal indemnity i* rises [∂i*/∂κL>0]. Recall:

(φ − 1)( y0 − π H x )
, where φ = e κ k .
1 + (φ − 1)π L


i* =


∂i *  ∂i *   ∂φ   ( y 0 − π H x ) 
κ k
× ke L > 0
× 
2 
∂κ L  ∂φ   ∂κ L   [1 + (φ − 1)π L ] 





This is positive, since both bracketed terms are positive. [Q.E.D.]
Proposition 2: If κL rises, then the premium pi* rises [∂pi* /∂κL>0]. The premium
covers both the cost x of treating Hs and the indemnity i* paid to Ls in lieu of treatment:

p i * = π H x + πL i *

κL only enters the right-hand side of this expression through i*, so

∂p i* ∂p i* ∂i *
∂i *
= πL
∂κ L
∂i * ∂κ L
∂κ L

This is positive because π L>0 and, from Proposition 1, ∂i*/∂κL>0. [Q.E.D.]
Proposition 3: If κL rises, welfare under the optimal indemnity contract declines
[∂Ûi* /∂κL<0]. In logarithmic form, Ûi* , from [5] becomes:

$ i* = (1 − π L ) ln( y 0 − p i* ) + π L ln( y 0 − p i* + i *) − ( π S − π H κ H ) k , where
p i* = π H x + π L i * .


Now, differentiating:

1 − π L ∂p i* ∂i *
∂p i* ∂i *
∂i *
∂κ L
y 0 − p i* ∂i * ∂κ L y 0 − p i* + i * ∂i * ∂κ L y 0 − p i* + i * ∂κ L

Dividing the right-hand side by ∂i*/∂κL and ∂pi* /∂i*=π L leaves the sign unchanged, so:


$ 
 ∂U
 1 − πL
sgn  i*  = sgn −
 y 0 − p i* y 0 − p i* + i * y 0 − p i* + i * 
 ∂κ L 
 1 − πL
1− πL
= sgn−
 y 0 − p i* y 0 − p i* + i * 

Since y0 -pi* <y0-pi* +i*, this is negative. A rising cure rate for Ls decreases welfare.
Proposition 4: If κL rises, the optimal deductible d* rises [∂d*/∂κL<0]. Recall:

(φ − 1)( y0 − π H x )
, where φ = e κ k .
φ − (φ − 1)π H


d* =


∂d *  ∂d *   ∂φ   ( y 0 − π H x ) 
 × [ ke κ Lk ] > 0
∂κ L  ∂φ   ∂κ L   φ − ( φ − 1)π H 



This is positive because both bracketed terms are positive, as can be seen by inspection.

Proposition 5: If κL rises, the premium pd* falls [∂pd* /∂κL<0]. The premium
covers the cost x of treating Hs, minus the deductible d* paid out-of-pocket by patients:

pd* =π Hx-π Hd*
κL only enters the right-hand side of this expression through d*, so


∂p d* ∂p d* ∂d *
∂d *
= −πH
∂κ L
∂d * ∂κ L
∂κ L

This is negative because π H>0 and, from Proposition 4, ∂d*/∂κL>0. The premium falls
because more of the treatment cost is being borne out-of-pocket by patients. [Q.E.D.]
Proposition 6: If κL rises, then welfare under the optimal deductible contract
declines [∂Ûd* /∂κL<0]. In logarithmic form, Ûd* , found in [6], becomes:

Ûd* = (1 − π H )ln ( y0 − p d* ) + πH ln ( y0 − p d* − d *) − (πS − πH κ H )k ,
where p d* = π H x − π H d * .



∂Uˆ d*
1 − π H ∂p d * ∂d *
∂p d * ∂d *
∂d *
∂κ L
y 0 − pd * ∂d * ∂κ L y 0 − p d* − d * ∂d * ∂κ L y 0 − pd * − d * ∂κ L

Dividing the right-hand side by ∂d*/∂κL and -∂pd* /∂d*=πH leaves the sign unchanged, so:


$ 
 ∂U
 1− πH
sgn d*  = sgn
 y 0 − p d* y 0 − p d* − d * y 0 − p d* − d * 
 ∂κ L 
 1− πH
1− πH
= sgn
< 0
 y 0 − p d* y 0 − p d* − d * 

Since y0 -pd* >y0 -pd* -d*, this is negative. A rising cure rate for Ls decreases welfare.
Proposition 7: If κL rises, then welfare under the zero-insurance mode is
unchanged [∂Ûz /∂κL=0]. By assumption, treatment is prohibitively expensive without

insurance. So, in zero-insurance mode, changes in κL will have no effects on ex post
income or on welfare.



$ = π U( y ; w) + ( π + π ) U( y ; w) − k = U( y ; w ) − π k
[7] U
κL does not enter into this equation, so ∂Ûz/∂κL=0. Welfare is unaffected by changes
in κL. Also, with no insurance, there are no indemnities, deductibles, or premiums to
consider. [Q.E.D.]
Proposition 8: If κL rises, the premium under the full-insurance mode is
unchanged [∂pf/∂κL=0]. From [8] the full-insurance premium equals to cost of treating
all Hs and Ls:
pf = π Sx


κL does not enter into this equation, so changes in κL leave the premium unaffected.
Proposition 9: If κL rises, then welfare under the full-insurance mode rises
[∂Ûf/∂κL>0]. Here, all Hs and Ls are treated, and all subscribers pay an equal premium
pf=π Sx. Since Ls are treated, a higher cure rate κL among that group improves welfare by
increasing the number of Ls who recover from the disease. Proposition 8 tells us that
there are no changes in premiums; thus, there are no changes in ex post financial position
of any agents. Recall:
$ f = π W U( y 0 − p f ; w) − ( π S − π H κ H − π L κ L )k where p f = πS x


When κL rises, the only change in welfare comes from the increased cure rate among
Ls, so:

∂Ûf/∂κL=π Lk>0

We are treating all sick people, so there is no need to compensate anyone for forgoing
treatment. Thus, ex post, marginal utility of wealth is uniform across individuals. The
full-insurance mode is the only one where a rising cure rate for Ls increases welfare.
This makes intuitive sense, since it is the only mode in which Ls actually get to take
advantage of medical science’s greater capacity to cure their illnesses. [Q.E.D.]


κL changes, mode changes
Section A.1 demonstrated how changes in κL affect contract parameters and welfare if

the mode remains unchanged. In contrast, this section explores how changes in κL can
affect which mode is optimal. Given a set of primitive assumptions, changes in κL can
lead the market through a sequence of modes, but only in particular orders. Figure 2
illustrates how modes change, and Table 4 shows the set of possible (and impossible)
mode sequences. Propositions 10-13 here demonstrate why certain sequences are
impossible, as follows:
10: Ceteris paribus, as κL rises:
Z cannot precede D
Z cannot precede I
F cannot precede Z
F cannot precede D
F cannot precede I
11: Ceteris paribus, as κL rises, D cannot precede I
12: As κL→0, F cannot be preferred to I or D
13: As κL→κH, D can’t be optimal
Figure 2 shows how the optimal insurance contract is determined for different κL.
The optimal contract has utility of Û=MAX[Ûi* , Ûd* , Ûz, Ûf]. In Figure 2, for very small
κL, Ûi* is higher than welfare under the other the other three contract modes so we begin
in mode I. Then, after the I-curve cuts the D-curve from above, the deductible contract is

preferable to the indemnity contract. Then the D-curve cuts the Z-curve from above, and
zero insurance becomes optimal. Finally, the Z-curve cuts the F-curve from above, and
full insurance is optimal.
Each curve is a continuous function of κL, so Û is also a continuous function of κL.
Thus, a change of mode is not marked by a discrete change in welfare. And if there is a
switch from one mode to a second, it must be true that the slope of the second curve is
greater than the slope of the first curve at the point where the modes switch. Knowing
this allows us to rule out five possible mode switches in Proposition 10 and another
switch in Proposition 11.
Proposition 10: A rise in κL cannot lead to a shift from Z (zero-insurance) to D
(deductible policy) or I (indemnity policy); nor can a rise in κL lead to a shift from F
(full insurance) to Z (zero insurance), D (deductible policy) or I (indemnity policy).
The proofs are evident from Table 3 and illustrated by Figure 2. The Z-curve is always
flat, while the D- and I-curves are always downward-sloping. Thus the Z-curve can never
cut the D- and I-curves from above, so the mode will never switch from Z to D or to I.
Similarly, the F-curve is upward-sloping and, so, can never cut the Z-, D-, or I-curves
from above; a rise in κL can never lead to an abandonment of full insurance. [Q.E.D]
Proposition 11: A rise in κL cannot lead to a shift from D (deductible policy) to I
(indemnity policy). This proposition requires a lengthy proof consisting of 5 lemmae
and is derived from a slightly rearranged version of the deductible/indemnity boundary:

[1 + π L φ − π L ]
[φ (1 − π H ) + π H ]× [φ π


+π L −1


=1 iff

Û d* = Û i*

If π L≥πH, the best indemnity policy will never be preferred to the best deductible
policy. So, we limit our analysis here to the case where π L<π H. The indemnity policy is
preferred to a deductible policy if κL is small, and the deductible policy may or may not
be preferred to the indemnity policy at higher levels of κL.
For ease of notation, we redefine the bracketed expressions in [14] as u, v, and w:

[1 + π Lφ − π L ]
[φ (1 − π H ) + π H ] × [φ π


+π L −1



v× w

Using this expression, we prove the five lemmae that comprise this proposition.
Throughout this proof, we adopt the convention that q'= ∂q / ∂φ and q?= ∂ 2 q / ∂φ 2 for any
function q(φ).
Graphic Description
Figure 4 represents the five lemmae in the case where π L<πH.
Lemma 1: If κL=0, then u=vw=1.
Lemma 2: u is linear and upward-sloping in φ , with a slope of π L.
Lemma 3: vw is upward-sloping in φ .
Lemma 4: lim( vw) ′ = u ′ = π .


Lemma 5: Over the relevant range φ ∈[1,∞), there exists at most one value φ
where (vw)?=0. If such a point exists, (vw)?>0 for φ < φ and (vw)?<0 for
In Figure 4, the inflection point occurs at φ =1.909. So, as φ rises from its lowest

value of 1, vw initially rises at an increasing rate, while u rises at a constant rate. Thus, an
epsilon beyond φ=1, vw>u—meaning that an indemnity policy is welfare-superior to a
deductible policy. After φ passes the inflection point at φ=1.909, the slope of vw begins

to decline. In this particular case, vw eventually cuts u from above; to the right of the
intersection, a deductible policy is preferred to an indemnity policy.
Figure 4
πL < πH

u = 1 + φπ


π L= 1 %
π H= 1 0 %

u and vw


κ L= [ 0 % , 2 0 % ]
inflection point: φ = 1 . 9 0 9




v w = φ (1 − π H ) + π L × [φ π H + π L −1 ]









Algebraic Proof
To prove the propositions below here, it is useful to know the following relationships:
Table 7
Relationships between u, v, w, and their derivatives
u ′′ = 0
u′ = π L

u = 1 + φπL − πL
= 1 + φu ′ − u ′
v = φ(1 − π H ) + π H v ′ = 1 − π H
= φv′ − (1 − v′)
w = φ π H +π L −1

v ′′ = 0

w′ = (π H + π L − 1)φ π H +π L − 2 w′′ = (π H + π L − 2 )(π H + π L − 1)φ π H +π L −3
= ( u ′ − v ′) wφ −1
= ( u ′ − v ′ − 1) w′φ −1
= ( u ′ − v ′ − 1)(u ′ − v′) w′φ − 2

Now we demonstrate the five lemmae:
Lemma 1: If κL=0, then u=vw=1. φ=exp(κLk), so if κL=0, φ n =1 for all n. If φ=1,
(11.2) u=[1+π Lφ-π L]=[1+π L(1)-πL]=1,







π H + π L −1
] = 1(1 − π H ) + π H × [1] = 1
(11.3) vw = φ(1 − π H ) + π H × [ φ

Lemma 2: u is linear and upward-sloping in φ , with a slope of π L. This is evident
from inspection, since, as the table above shows, u'=π L and u?=0.
Lemma 3: vw is upward-sloping in φ . The slope of vw is:
(11.4) ( vw) = v ′w + vw ′

Into this, substitute w ′ = ( u ′ − v ′ ) wφ −1 from Table 7:


( vw) ′ = v′w + v( u′ − v ′) wφ − 1

= [ v' w][1 − vφ −1 ] + [ vu' wφ −1 ] > 0

This is positive because both bracketed terms are positive. vw slopes upward.
Lemma 4: lim( vw) ′ = u ′ = π L . From Table 7, restate the previous equation as:


( vw) ′ = v ′w + v( u ′ − v ′) wφ −1
= (1 − π H ) φ

lim( vw)



π H + π L −1



+ φ(1 − π H ) + π H ( π H + π L − 1)φ


πH +πL −2




= (1 − π H ) φ π H + π L −1 + φ(1 − π H ) + π H ( π H + π L − 1)φ π H + π L − 2
= (1 − π H ) + [1 − π H + π H ]( π H + π L − 1)
= πL

So, the slope of vw is equal to the slope of u at φ=1.
Lemma 5: Over the relevant range φ ∈[1,∞), there exists at most one value φ
where (vw)?=0. If such a point exists, (vw)?>0 for φ < φ and (vw)?<0 for φ > φ . In

(11.8) (vw)?=v?w+v'w'+v'w'+vw?

From Table 7, we know that v?=0, so:
(vw)?=2v'w'+vw?, so


(vw )″ = 0 iff

vw ′′= − 2 v′w′


Proposition 12: As κL→0 (or φ→1), Ûi* >Ûf and Ûd* >Ûf. Thus, as κL climbs from
0 to π H, the corresponding sequence of modes cannot begin with F.

$ i* = U( y 0 − pi* ; w) − ( π S − π H κ H − π L κ L )k , where p i* = π H x + π L i * , and


$ f = U( y 0 − p f ; w) − ( π S − π H κ H − π L κ L )k , where p f = π S x .

$ i* − U
$ f = U( y 0 − π H x − π H i*; w) − U( y 0 − π H x − π H x; w )
(12.1) U
If i*<x, this equation is positive, so I is preferred to F. We can make κL arbitrarily
close enough to 0 (and, therefore, φ close enough to 1) that i*<x. So,
$ −U
$ = U( y − π x; w ) − U ( y − π x − π x; w ) >0
(12.2) lim U
κ L→0

At very low cure rates for Ls, it must be true that an indemnity policy is preferred to
full insurance [or Ûi* >Ûf]. Of course, parameters may be such that the range of κL where
this is so is trivially small. A similar proof would show that D is also preferred to F as κL
approaches 0, so full insurance is not better than the third in the preference ranking
among modes. We leave this proof to the reader. [Q.E.D.]
Proposition 13: As κL→κH, Ûd* <Ûz . Thus, as κL approaches κH, at least one
mode (Z) will be preferred to D. Recall:

Uˆ d * = U ( y 0 − p d* ; w) − (π S − π H κ H + π H κ L )k , where p d* = π H x − π H d * ,

$ z = U( y 0 ; w ) − π S k


From these equations, we can deduce that:

lim U$


κ L→κH



] [


$ d* = U( y 0 ; w) − π S k − U( y 0 − p d* ; w) − π S k > 0

So, as κL approaches κH, it must be true that Ûz>Ûd* . Thus, the sequence will not
conclude with a deductible policy as κL rises toward κH. Experimentation with numbers
suggests that a sequence cannot conclude with I, but we leave that proof for a later paper.

A.3 κH changes, mode does not
This section proves the nine numbered cells from Table 5, restated here in equation
form. Each cell is a derivative showing how a change in κL affects the optimal
indemnity, deductible, premium, and welfare under each mode The numbers preceding
each derivative correspond to Propositions 14 through 22 proven below.
Proposition 14: If κH rises, the optimal indemnity i* is unchanged [∂i*/∂κH=0].

i* =

(φ − 1)( y0 − π H x )
, where φ = e κ k
1 + (φ − 1)π L

Since κH does not enter into this expression, therefore, changes in κH do not affect i*.
Proposition 15: If κH rises, the premium pi* is unchanged [∂pi* /∂κH=0]. Recall:

p i* = π H x + π L i *

Again, κH does not enter into this expression, so the premium is unchanged. [Q.E.D]

Proposition 16: If κH rises, welfare under the optimal indemnity contract rises
[∂Ûi* /∂κH>0]. Recall:
$ i* = U( y 0 − pi* ; w) − ( π S − π H κ H − π L κ L )k , where p i* = π H x + π L i * ,



∂Uˆ i*
= πH k > 0
∂κ H

Thus, under I, an improved ability to cure Hs increases welfare. [Q.E.D]
Proposition 17: If κH rises, the optimal deductible d* is unchanged [∂d*/∂κH=0].

d* =

(φ − 1)( y0 − π H x )
, where φ = e κ k
φ − (φ − 1)π H

Since κH does not enter into this expression, therefore, changes in κH do not affect d*.
Proposition 18: If κH rises, then the premium pd* is unchanged [∂pd* /∂κH=0]. The
premium covers the cost x of treating Hs minus the deductible d* paid out-of-pocket:
pd * = π H x − π Ld *


Again, κH does not enter into this expression, so the premium is unchanged . [Q.E.D]
Proposition 19: If κH rises, welfare under the optimal indemnity contract rises
[∂Ûd* /∂κH>0]. Recall:

$ d* = U( y 0 − p d* ; w) − ( π S − π H κ H + π H κ L )k , where p d* = π H x − π H d * ,


∂Uˆ d*
= π Hk > 0
∂κ H

Thus, under D an improved ability to cure Ls increases welfare. Note, that this derivative
is identical to that in the case of an indemnity contract. [Q.E.D]
Proposition 20: If κH rises, then welfare under the zero-insurance mode remains
unchanged [∂Ûz /∂κH=0]. With zero insurance, expected utility is:

$ z = U( y 0 ; w) − π S k
κH does not appear anywhere in this equation, so ∂Ûz/∂κH=0. [Q.E.D]
Proposition 21: If κH rises, the premium under the full-insurance mode rises

[∂Ûf/∂κH>0]. From [8] the full-insurance premium is the cost of treating all Hs and Ls:
pf = π Sx


κH does not enter into this equation, so changes in κH leave the premium unaffected.
Proposition 22: If κH rises, then welfare under the full-insurance mode rises
[∂Ûf/∂κH>0]. Recall:

$ f = U( y 0 − p f ; w) − ( π S − π H κ H − π L κ L )k , where p f = π S x
From Proposition 21, a rise in κH leaves the premium unaffected. So the only change

in welfare comes from the increased cure rate among Hs:
(22.1) ∂Ûf/∂κH=π Hk>0
All sick people are treated, so there is no need to compensate anyone for forgoing
treatment. Ex post, marginal utility of wealth is uniform across individuals. Note that this
derivative is identical to those in Propositions 16 and 19. [Q.E.D]


A.4 κH changes, mode changes
This section specifies conditions under which a change in κH can give rise to a change
in the mode of the optimal contract. As in section A.2, a change in mode requires that the
first curve cut the second curve from above.
Proposition 23: A rise κH can shift the optimal contract mode from Z to I, D, or
F. Ceteris paribus, no other shifts are possible. We will prove the first part of this
proposition by providing numerical examples of shifts from Z to I, D, and F. First,
however, we will easily dispense with the second part of the proposition.
We know from Propositions (17), (20), and (23) that:


∂Uˆ i* ∂Uˆ d ∂Uˆ f
=π Hk > 0
∂κ H ∂κ H ∂κ H

From Proposition (21), we know that:

∂Uˆ z
∂κ H

Limitations on possible shifts can easily be seen from these two equations. These
equations do not allow us to rule out shifts from Z to I, D, and F as κH rises; under these
circumstances, the relative attractiveness of I, D, and F rises while that of Z does not. On
the other hand, changes in I, D, and F will be identical, since the derivatives of all three
utility functions are identical. In other words, a rise in κH will improve the expected
welfare of I, D, and F identically, thus leaving the preference ordering among these three
modes unchanged. [Q.E.D]