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Working Paper Series

Financial Fragility and Over-the-Counter

WP 16-04

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Bruno Sultanum
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond


March 2016
Working Paper No. 16-04
This paper studies the interaction between financial fragility and over-the-counter
markets. In the model, the financial sector is composed of a large number of investors divided
into different groups, which are interpreted as financial institutions, and a large number of
dealers. Financial institutions and dealers trade assets in an over-the-counter market à la
Duffie et al. (2005) and Lagos and Rocheteau (2009). Investors are subject to privately
observed preference shocks, and financial institutions use the balanced team mechanism,
proposed by Athey and Segal (2013), to implement an efficient risk-sharing arrangement
among its investors. I show that when the market is more liquid, in the sense that the search
friction is mild, the economy is more likely to have a unique equilibrium and, therefore,
is not fragile. However, when the search friction is severe, I provide examples with run
equilibria—where investors announce low valuation of assets because they believe everyone
else in their financial institution is doing the same. In terms of welfare, I find that, conditional
on bank runs existing, the welfare impact of the search friction is ambiguous. The reason
is that, during runs, trade is inefficient and, as a result, a friction that reduces trade during
runs has the potential to improve welfare. This result is in sharp contrast with the existing
literature which suggests that search friction has a negative impact on welfare.
K EYWORDS: Decentralized trade, search, trade volume, bid-ask spreads, liquidity,
liquidity insurance, financial fragility, bank-run, dynamic mechanism design.



investors participate in asset markets as part of financial

institutions which trade assets (often over the counter) on their investors’ behalf and provide liquidity
(withdrawal options) to investors. Examples of such institutions are money market mutual funds,
bank conduits and asset-backed commercial paper programs in general. An empirical literature
suggests that large outflows from financial institutions during the 2007-08 crisis were due to runs.
In particular, Schmidt et al. (2014) find evidence of runs within investors of money market mutual
funds in the spirit of the equilibrium bank-run discussed in Diamond and Dybvig (1983), where

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Email address: The views expressed here are the
author’s and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.
I am grateful to Neil Wallace, Russell Cooper, and Ruilin Zhou for their continuous support. I am also indebted to
David Andolfatto, Ed Nosal, Ed Green, Todd Keister, Marc Henry, Vijay Krishna, Venky Venkateswaran, Guillaume
Rocheteau, Pierre-Olivier Weill, Randall Wright, B. Ravikumar, Ariel Zetlin-Jones, Zachary Bethune, Borys Grochulski,
Stan Rabinovich, Evelyn Nunes, Pedro Olea, Cinthia Konichi, and participants at the Chicago Fed Workshop on Money,
Banking, Payment and Finance, at the Cornell-PSU Macro Workshop, and at the St. Louis Fed brown bag seminar for
their comments and suggestions.



strategic complementarity plays an important role in withdrawal decisions.1 However, the existing
literature does not address whether the observed run episodes are connected to the over-the-counter
market structure. Establishing this connection is important to provide policy makers with a better
understanding of which financial markets are fragile and which institutions are prone to runs.
In this paper, I build a model embedding the main ideas of financial fragility discussed in the
Diamond and Dybvig (1983) literature, into a dynamic model of over-the-counter (OTC) markets.
The model allows me to study the connection between this market structure and the existence of
runs in the financial sector. I find that run equilibria are more likely in OTC markets with severe
search frictions. Importantly, I also find that small increases in search frictions might be beneficial
to agents if runs occur with positive probability in equilibrium. This result differs from the standard
models of decentralized asset markets, where welfare always decreases with increases in search
frictions. The reason I obtain a different result is that, during normal times, the trades that occur
increase welfare; but during runs, some trades decrease welfare because they do not represent
investors’ true valuation but rather a panic behavior. As a result, by increasing search frictions,
welfare can go up or down depending on which effect dominates. I study numerical examples and
find this to be the case for several parameters.
The model builds on Lagos and Rocheteau (2009), hereafter LR,2 and extends it in two ways:
investors are divided in groups and their preference shocks are privately observed. The basic
environment is the following. Time is infinite and there are two types of agents: investors and
dealers. There is an asset in fixed supply. Investors derive utility from holding this asset and dealers
do not. All agents can transfer utility using a linear technology. Investors are organized in groups,
which I label financial institutions, and within the same financial institution they can trade assets
for utility in any period of time. Financial institutions do not trade with each other, only with
dealers. Dealers, on the other hand, participate in a competitive inter-dealer market where they trade
assets among themselves. In every period there is a random match between financial institutions
and dealers, and their terms of trade are established using Nash bargaining. Investors receive
privately observed preference shocks over time following a Markov chain. Financial institutions
use the balanced team mechanism, proposed by Athey and Segal (2013), to implement an efficient
risk-sharing arrangement against the preference shocks of their investors.3
1 See

Kacperczyk and Schnabl (2010), Gorton and Metrick (2012), Schmidt et al. (2014), Kacperczyk and Schnabl
(2013), Covitz et al. (2013), and Foley-Fisher et al. (2015) for empirical evidence on runs in the 2007-08 financial crisis.
2 Lagos and Rocheteau (2009) extends Duffie et al. (2005) by allowing investors to hold any positive amount of
assets instead of only 0 or 1. However, it also simplified the environment so there is no trade between investors.
3 The balanced team mechanism extends the AGV-Arrow mechanism to dynamic environments. The AGV-Arrow
mechanism was initially proposed by Arrow (1979) and d’Aspremont and Gérard-Varet (1979). See Fudenberg and
Tirole (1991) for details and results.



I show that a truth-telling equilibrium exists if the bargaining power of dealers is sufficiently
low. I impose this condition so financial institutions have no incentives to misreport during the Nash
bargaining with dealers. The advantage of using Nash bargaining is tractability, since it makes the
payments in the bargaining linear on the gains from trade. The truth-telling equilibrium implements
the same allocation of Lagos and Rocheteau (2009), where preference shocks are publicly observed.
Moreover, this allocation is constrained Pareto efficient when a dealer’s bargaining power is zero.
Once I establish conditions for existence and efficiency of truth-telling equilibrium, I study
conditions for its uniqueness. I show that the truth-telling equilibrium is the unique equilibrium
if the financial institutions’ probability of meeting a dealer is high enough. The literature on overthe-counter markets associates this probability with the degree of search friction in the economy.
When it is low, search frictions are severe and the equilibrium outcome is close to autarky; when it
is high, search frictions are small and the equilibrium outcome is close to Pareto efficient. My result
highlights another desirable feature of having a high probability of meeting a dealer: it eliminates
multiple equilibria, leading to a stable financial sector.
When the probability of meeting a dealer is not high, however, non-truth-telling equilibria
also exist. I compute equilibria where the economy switches back and forth between a “run” and
a “no-run” state following a Markov chain of sunspots. In the “run” state, investors in a subset of
the financial institutions announce low valuation for holding the asset independently of their true
preference shock. I verify numerically that in a large range of the parameter space this outcome
is supported as a perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the game associated with the balanced team
mechanism. I conclude then that multiplicity is not a particular outcome of a knife edge case of
the parameter space, but rather a robust feature of the balanced team mechanism in the model with
incomplete information.
But what generates incentives for a run in equilibrium? The answer lies in the liquidity
insurance provided by the balanced team mechanism. This mechanism can be interpreted in the
following way. Investors agree to buy/sell assets from other financial institution investors in case
they have the desire to sell/buy assets and it is costly (or unfeasible) to trade it with a dealer—a
form of liquidity insurance that is also embedded in the contract offered by several real-life financial
institutions. The price an investor pays/receives for these assets is based on the expected welfare
impact of his own announcement. The reason it must be based on the expected welfare impact and
not on the realized welfare impact is to make the payments budget-balanced (that is why it is called
the balanced team mechanism). When investors truthfully announce their preference shocks, this
liquidity insurance improves the allocation of assets in the financial institution by equalizing the
marginal utility of consumption of asset dividends. But this insurance also has another effect. The



amount of assets purchased by a particular investor is increasing in the other investors’ desire to sell
the asset. Hence, when an investor believes for sure other investors will announce they want to sell
their assets, he expect to have a lot of assets and, since there is decreasing marginal utility from
holding assets, he expects a low marginal utility from holding more of those assets. However, the
price he pays does not react to this low marginal utility because it is based on the expected impact of
his announcement, not the realized one. As a result, under this belief, he may prefer to untruthfully
announce a desire to sell his own assets as a way to avoid buying assets at a price that is higher than
the marginal benefit he gets from buying those assets. And, of course, if all investors have this same
belief, they all prefer to announce the desire to sell their assets—confirming their initial beliefs in
equilibrium and generating a self-fulfilling run on the financial institution.
The runs have several implications for market outcomes. The price of the asset drops in the
run states. Trade volume initially spikes, following a “fire sale” by the financial institutions under a
run, then collapses. The average bid-ask spread can go up or down with runs, depending on the
fraction of financial institutions under a run, where the bid-ask spread in the model is the difference
between the price in a financial institution-dealer meeting and the price in the inter-dealer market.
When about half of the financial institutions are under a run, the average bid-ask spread increases in
the run state. Otherwise, it decreases. Further, I investigate how these effects change with changes
in the probability of finding a dealer. I find that increasing this probability generates a larger price
decline, larger spike, and faster collapse of trade volume, and stronger moves in bid-ask spreads.
I also use the numerical examples to study the welfare implications of the model. I find that
welfare is decreasing in the fraction of financial institutions under a run. This is intuitive. When
there are more financial institutions under a run, we have more investors misrepresenting their type
and, therefore, a worse allocation of assets. Moreover, I find that in some regions of the parameter
space welfare is also decreasing in the probability of finding a dealer. The intuition for this result is
twofold. There is an effect on the extensive margin and one on the intensive margin. The financial
institutions under a run sell assets at a price below the average valuation of their investors. They sell
it because their investors are misreporting their preference shocks. If the probability of finding a
dealer is higher, then in the same time interval more financial institutions under a run have a trade
opportunity. So the fraction of financial institutions inefficiently selling their assets is higher. This
is the extensive margin effect. On the intensive margin, when the probability of finding a dealer
is higher, financial institutions put more weight in their short-term valuation when deciding how
much to buy/sell of the asset. This effect has been extensively discussed in Lagos and Rocheteau
(2009). And it implies that a financial institution under a run inefficiently sells more of its assets if
the probability of finding a dealer is higher.



The fact that increasing the probability of finding a dealer can decrease welfare in a run
equilibrium creates a dilemma. As stated before, if this probability is high enough, the truth-telling
equilibrium is the unique equilibrium. Therefore, implementing policies to increase this probability
is desirable because it can eliminate all run equilibria, and implement the equilibrium outcome
associated with the highest welfare. On the other hand, if it does not do so, it can make agents in
the economy worse off if they keep playing the run equilibrium.
This paper contributes to the large literature, started by Diamond and Dybvig (1983), which
takes a mechanism design approach to the bank problem and interprets financial fragility as the
multiplicity of equilibria in such mechanisms. This literature includes, Wallace (1988), Peck and
Shell (2003), Green and Lin (2003), Andolfatto et al. (2007), Ennis and Keister (2009), Cavalcanti
and Monteiro (2011), and Andolfatto et al. (2014) among others. There is also a related literature
that investigates the connection between Diamond-Dybvig banks and markets, which includes Allen
and Gale (2000) and Allen and Gale (2004). My main contribution to these literatures that build
on Diamond and Dybvig (1983) is to embed the ideas regarding financial fragility into a dynamic
model of over-the-counter markets. And, by doing so, I provide a way to relate this market structure
to the fragility of the financial system.
More closely related in terms of the environment, there are papers that study financial crises,
or selling pressures, in over-the-counter markets. For example, Lagos et al. (2011) studies financial
crises in the context of an over-the-counter market where dealers provide liquidity to the economy
and there is an aggregate shock which lowers the investors’ valuation of the asset. Feldhütter (2012)
proposes and estimates a structural model, which is a variation of Duffie et al. (2005), where there
is also an aggregate shock that lowers the investors’ valuation of the asset. In these papers, the
financial crisis is associated with the moment in which the aggregate shock hits the economy. My
contribution is to show that “lower valuation” can be generated endogeneously, as an equilibrium
outcome and to study how the market structure relates with the existence of those equilibria.
Trejos and Wright (2014) generates multiple equilibria in a generalized version of Duffie et al.
(2005) where preferences are separable but not quasi-linear. My paper complements this result by
showing how the multiplicity can be the outcome of runs against financial institutions.
This paper is also related to the mechanism design literature. In particular, it is related to
papers that illustrate how an optimal direct mechanism can implement perverse outcomes. See
Demski and Sappington (1984) and Postlewaite and Schmeidler (1986) for some of the early papers
on this issue. And to the best of my knowledge, this is the first application of the Athey and Segal
(2013) balanced team mechanism to contracts in financial markets.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, I study a simple model of a financial



institution and provide intuition for the run equilibria with only one period and without markets. In
section 3, I introduce the environment of the general model. In section 4, I introduce the financial
institution problem, its optimal asset allocation, and the balanced team mechanism. In section 5,
I define equilibrium and state the main theoretical results. In section 6, I provide the numerical
examples. In section 7, I offer a discussion of my findings in terms of policy implications.



In this section, I discuss a simple one-period model of financial institutions—a simplified
version of the full model that provides intuition for the financial institution structure and the
existence of run equilibria.
The environment is the following. There is one period and N ∈ N agents called investors. There
is an asset and each investor starts the period with the positive endowment Ā > 0 of it. Investors
are ex-ante identical. In the beginning of the period, Nh > 0 investors turn to be of type θh and
Nl = N − Nh > 0 turn to be type θl . In this simplified version, there is no aggregate uncertainty,
so the number of agents of each type is known in advance to all investors. The model follows a
transferable utility framework, and investors derive utility from holding the asset.4 The utility of an
investor of type θ is u(a; θ ) + m, where a is the asset holding and m is the transfer of utility. Note
that m can be either positive or negative. For each θ , the utility function u(·; θ ) is twice continuous
differentiable, concave and u0 (a; θh ) > u0 (a; θl ) ≥ 0 for all strictly positive a. Investors in the same
financial institution can commit with contractual arrangements among them. The only frictions they
face are the private information and the limited participation to the centralized market.

The Pareto efficient outcome
Investors in this economy are able to transfer utility using a linear technology. An implication
of this assumption is that, if an allocation is Pareto efficient, the allocation of assets maximizes
ex-ante expected utility of investors. Therefore, a Pareto efficient allocation solves

max {Nh u(ah ; θh ) + Nl u(al ; θl ); subject to Nh ah + Nl al = N Ā},


where ah denotes the assets allocated to an investor of type θh and al the assets allocated to an
investor of type θl . With some abuse of notation, for the rest of the section I call a = (ah , al ) the
solution to problem (1). The outcome a cannot be directly implemented because types are private
4 Assuming

investors derive utility from holding the asset is a reduced form meant to capture different reasons
investors have for holding an asset. Duffie et al. (2005) discuss some of these different reasons which include: liquidity
needs, financing costs, hedges benefits, and/or tax advantages.



information. Fortunately, the incentive compatibility constraint does not bind in this environment.
A mechanism can be set up using transfers of utils so investors have incentive to truthfully reveal
their type. I explain this mechanism in the next subsection.

A money market mutual fund mechanism
In order to implement the Pareto efficient outcome, I will focus on a simple mechanism
resembling the operation of a money market mutual fund (MMMF). It is worth mentioning that
there are different ways to implement this outcome. I use this particular mechanism because the
intuition I build from it can be carried out to the general version of the model I discuss later.
The mechanism works as follows. At the onset, before knowing their types, investors deposit
Ā − al assets in the MMMF. Note that Ā − al is non-negative since u0 (a; θh ) > u0 (a; θl ) for all strictly
positive a. This deposit gives equal shares of the total fund portfolio, N(Ā − al ), to all investors.
The MMMF then commits to buying the investor’s shares at the price p = u0 (ah ; θh ) ≥ u0 (al ; θl ) in
terms of utility. The purchase of the shares is paid with utils from the investors who decide to hold
their shares until the end of the period. If all investors decide to sell their shares of the MMMF
instead of holding them, there is no investor to actually make the transfers of utility that pays for the
shares. In this case, I say that the MMMF could not meet its obligations, and the assets are equally
divided among investors.5 I refer to the action of not selling (or holding) the shares in the MMMF
as action sh and the action of selling the shares as action sl .
There are alternative interpretations of this mechanism besides the one of a money market
mutual fund. For example, one can interpret the financial institution as an asset-backed commercial
paper (ABCP) program. The program issues ABCPs in order to finance the purchase of the N(Ā−al )
assets. Investors then have two options. They either liquidate these papers and get the payment
p(Ā − al ) in terms of utility, or they roll them over to the end of the period and become the residual
claimant on the portfolio in the ABCP program. Another interpretation is of life insurers issuing
extendable funding agreement backed notes (XFBS). These notes give investors the option to
extend their investment and stay as the residual claimant on the portfolio in the program, or to not
extend and get paid a predetermined amount. These financial institutions are considered part of the
so-called shadow bank system, which suffered with runs during the financial crisis in 2007-08.6
5 Note

that, alternatively, the mechanism could ask all investors at the onset to deposit not only assets, but also utils.
This alternative would be consistent with the fact that MMMFs hold a diverse portfolio with liquid (cash, treasuries, etc)
and illiquid (asset-backed securities) assets. The utils in my model represent the liquid assets at the MMMF, while the
asset represents only the illiquid assets.
6 See Covitz et al. (2013) for the institutional details of ABCP programs and Foley-Fisher et al. (2015) for the
institutional details of XFBS programs. Both these papers found evidence of runs in 2007 in the beginning of the
financial crisis. Additionally, Schmidt et al. (2014) found evidence of runs against money market mutual funds in 2008.



The mechanism above is associated with a Bayesian game of incomplete information. Investor
n’s strategy consists of an action sn (θ n ) ∈ {sh , sl } as a function of his type θ ∈ {θh , θl }. The payoffs
of an investor n implied by an action profile s = (s1 , . . . , sN ) ∈ {sh , sl }N are
vn (sh ; θ n , s−n ) = u(Ā + (N − nh )(Ā − al )/nh ; θ n ) − p(N − nh )(Ā − al )/nh
u(al ; θ n ) + p(Ā − al ) ; if nh > 0
n −n
vn (sl ; θ , s ) =
u(Ā; θ n )
; if nh = 0
where nh is the number of investors holding their shares (action sh ) given the action profile s, and
s−n is the action profile of investors other than n. For the remainder of this section, I use nh (s)
and nh (s−n ) to denote the number of investors holding their shares (action sh ) in the profiles s
and s−n respectively. An equilibrium of the model is a strategy profile {sn (θ n )}n constituting a
Bayesian-Nash equilibria of this game.

Truth-telling equilibrium
An outcome of the MMMF mechanism is the solution of the planer problem (1) if, and only
if, all θh investors hold their shares (action sh ), while all θl investors sell it (action sl ). For this
reason, I call a strategy s truth-telling if s(θh ) = sh and s(θl ) = sl . Truth-telling is a Bayesian-Nash
equilibrium of the game. To see this note that, under truth-telling strategies, the asset allocated to an
investor who takes action sh is
Ā +

(N − nh )(Ā − al ) Nh Ā + (N − Nh )(Ā − al ) N Ā − Nl al
N Ā − Nl al
= ah ,

where the last equality comes from the resource constraint in problem (1). Combining the above
equation with the definition of vn , we find that vn (sh ; θ , s−n ) = u(ah ; θh ) − p(ah − Ā). Thus,
vn (sh ; θ , s−n ) = u(ah ; θh ) − p(ah − Ā) = max {u(a; θh ) − p(a − Ā)},

where the last equality is implied by u0 (ah ; θh ) = p and the first order condition of the Pareto
problem. The above equation implies that vn (sh ; θh , s−n ) ≥ u(al ; θh ) − p(al − Ā) = vn (sl ; θh , s−n ).
It is analogous to show that sl is a best response for an investor of type θl .

Numerical example with runs
The MMMF mechanism implements the Pareto efficient outcome. However, in some cases,
it also implements an untruthful equilibrium where every investor announces type θl . I call this



equilibrium a run. To illustrate the possibility of a run, consider the following numerical example.
The economy has N = 10 investors. The number of type θh investors is Nh = 9, and the number
of type θl investors is Nl = 1. The utility of an investor of type θh is 2 c + m and the utility of an
investor of type θl is just m. That is, investors of type θl do not derive utility from the consumption
of fruits. Lastly, Ā is normalized to be Nh /N = 0.9. Under this normalization the Pareto efficient
outcome has ah = 1 and al = 0. Each investor deposits 0.9 assets at the MMMF in the onset of the
period, and the price they can sell their shares for is p = ∂ (2 a)/∂ a|a=1 = 1.
Figure 1 displays the indifference curves of an investor of type θh , associated with actions
sh and sl , given different actions profiles of other investors. The blue curves are associated with
the investor not selling their portfolio to the MMMF—action sh . The highest level blue curve
gives his payoff if nh (s−n ) = 8. The other blue curves gives his payoff if nh (s−n ) = 2, 1 and 0.
The red curves give his payoff for action sl when nh (s−n ) = 0, and nh (s−n ) > 0. Regarding a type

θl investor, selling their portfolio (action sl ) is a strictly dominant action. To see this, note that
his payoff is vn (sl ; θl , s−n ) = 0.9 > −0.9(10 − nh )/nh = vn (sh ; θl , s−n ), if nh (s−n ) > 0. And it is
vn (sl ; θl , s−n ) = 0.0 > −0.9 × 9 = vn (sh ; θl , s−n ), if nh (s−n ) = 0. In either case, he is strictly better
off by taking action sl .
sn = sh


sn = sl

direction where utility increases
nh (s−n ) = 8 −n
nh (s ) = 0
nh (s−n ) = 2
nh (s−n ) > 0
nh (s ) = 1


nh (s−n ) = 0













Figure 1: Payoff of type θh investor
If an investor n of type θh believes that at least other nh (s−n ) = 2 investors will not sell their
portfolio to the MMMF, his best response is not to sell his portfolio, action sh = 0. However, once
his belief of nh (s−n ) goes below 2, his best response is to sell his portfolio, action sl = 0.9 . This
strategic complementary generates an equilibrium where every investor tries to sell their portfolio,



the MMMF doesn’t have funds to cover its obligations and, as a result, assets are equally shared
among investors—a form of a self-fulfilling run against the money market mutual fund.

Introducing markets
The simple model presented so far may look very particular, and hard to match to real-life
financial institutions who, in practice, trade assets in financial markets. But is not actually hard
to embed it in a model with multiple financial institutions who trade assets in a financial market.
Consider the following extension of the model. Assume there is a non-atomic measure one of
financial institutions labeled by c ∈ [0, 1]. Each financial institution is a replica of the financial
institution defined previously. That is, each financial institution is composed by N investors, whose
types, preferences and endowments are as specified before.
The important component of this extension is that the trade will be over the counter, and,
therefore, it will require search. One approach used in the literature to model the search aspect
of OTC markets is to assume that the access to the asset market is uncertain. Specifically, with
probability α ∈ [0, 1], a financial institution accesses a centralized competitive market for the asset.
The parameter α captures the degree of search friction in the economy—higher is α , smaller is the
search friction. The market access is independent across financial institutions. The price for the
asset in terms of utility in the centralized market is pm . Each financial institution takes the price of
the asset in the market as given. If a financial institutions does not access the centralized market, as
before, its investors can only trade assets among themselves.
Now that financial institutions have access to trade in a market, the MMMF mechanism
proposed before must be adjusted. The adjusted mechanism is simple: if the financial institution
access the market, it implements the Walrasian demand for each investor separately; otherwise, it
implements the allocation discussed in the previous section. That is, in the onset, every investor
deposit all their assets in the MMMF. Once types are realized, as before, investors can either sell
their shares or keep it. If the financial institution have access to the market, it trades in order to
make u0 (ah ; θh ) = pm for all investors who decided to keep their shares; and u0 (al ; θl ) = pm for
all investors who decided to sell their shares. And the transfers in terms of utility to investors are
pm (Ā − ah ) and pm (Ā − al ). If the MMMF does not access the market, it implements the same
allocation as before.
It is interesting to notice that, when α = 0, the model is basically the same as the one studied in
the previous subsection—there will be a continuum of financial institutions, but they are completely
independent and can be studied separately. Moreover, the payoff of the game associated with the
MMMF mechanism is continuous in α . As a result, by continuity, if a run equilibrium exist for

α = 0, then it will also exist for some parameters of α ∈ [0, 1). On the other hand, when α = 1,



the model is equivalent to a Walrasian model. Then we can show that truth-telling is the unique
equilibrium—there is no runs. With this simple example we can already see how the search friction
matters for which markets and financial institutions are vulnerable to runs or not. The advantage of
extending the model to a dynamic setting is that we can study the dynamic of such equilibria and
better understand its properties.

Comparison with Diamond and Dybvig (1983)
The model presented in this section has some interesting similarities with Diamond and Dybvig
(1983). Both models use mechanisms that resemble contracts observed in the bank/shadow bank
industry in order to provide liquidity insurance against preference shocks. But these contracts also
have an inefficient equilibrium: a form of run that leads to lower welfare.7
The advantage of using this model instead of the classic Diamond and Dybvig (1983) is that,
once combined with some recent developments in mechanism design, the model can be easily
integrated with the literature of over-the-counter markets. This integration allows us to discuss
several features of financial markets such as asset price, trade volume, and bid-ask spreads. Besides,
it provides conditions on the market structure that may suggest when multiple equilibria exist and,
therefore, the financial system is fragile. In the remainder of the paper, I develop the general version
of the model, provide theoretical and numerical results to discuss the mentioned variables and the
welfare implications of the model.



Time is discrete and infinite. There is a non-atomic measure of investors and a non-atomic
measure of dealers. Investors are divided in groups of size N ∈ N, labeled financial institutions, and
stay in the same financial institution forever. The measure of financial institutions is normalized to
one, which implies a measure N of investors, and the measure of dealers is α ∈ (0, 1). There is a
non-perishable asset and each investor holds an endowment Ā > 0 of it at period zero.
The model has transferable utility and, as in the previous section, investors derive utility from
holding the asset. Investors’ period utility is u(a; θ ) + m, where a is the investor asset holdings, θ is
the investor’s preference type, and m is the transfer of utility to the investor, which can be either
positive or negative. For each θ , the utility function u(·; θ ) is twice continuous differentiable, strictly
7 In

the Diamond-Dybvig environment, more sophisticate contracts are able to prevent run equilibria under very
general assumptions. For example, Andolfatto et al. (2014) proposes an indirect mechanism that is able to prevent
runs under the same assumptions of the original Diamond-Dybvig model. It is also possible to prevent runs in the
version of my model presented in this section. In the general version presented in the next few sections, whether a
more sophisticated mechanism is able to eliminate multiple equilibria is an open question. Studying this question is an
interesting avenue for future research, but it is out of the scope of this paper.



increasing, strictly concave, lima→0 u0 (a; θ ) = ∞, and lima→∞ u0 (a; θ ) = 0. Preference types are
privately observed, independent across investors, have finite support Θ ⊂ R, and follow a Markov
chain with transition F. The transition F has a unique ergodic distribution, π ∗ , and I assume for
simplicity that the initial θ s are drawn from π ∗ . This assumption is not needed for the theoretical
results, but it makes it easier to compute equilibria. Dealers do not hold assets and their period
utility is just the transfer from investors. Both investors and dealers maximize expected utility
and have inter-temporal discount β ∈ [0, 1). Investors in the same financial institution can commit
toward future transfers, the only friction is the private information regarding preference shocks.
Agents observe a sunspot variable xt ∈ S := {R, NR} in the beginning of period t. The process
{xt }t follows a Markov chain with transition Q. The letters R and NR extend to run and not to run.
I consider sunspot equilibria where investors use this variable to coordinate their actions.
In every period there is a random match between financial institutions and dealers. Without
loss of generality, I assume that every dealer is matched with a financial institution. Since there is a
measure α ∈ (0, 1) of dealers, this implies that a financial institution meets a dealer with probability

α . Dealers have access to an inter-dealer competitive market where they can buy/sell the assets
that they trade with the financial institutions. I denote the price of assets in terms of utility in the
inter-dealer market by p = {pt }.
The asset distribution is a state variable in the economy. Thus, in equilibrium, the price can
also be a function of the asset distribution. With quasi-linear preferences, however, it can be shown
that there are equilibria where the price is independent of the asset distribution. For simplicity, I
focus on this class of equilibria and, as a result, the price in a period t is a function of the only
aggregate shock affecting the economy—the history of sunspot realizations x0 , x1 , . . . , xt .
t −1

observe types
and sunspot

types are

ιt ∈ {0, 1}




t +1


ιt =

ιt =



with dealer


Figure 2: Sequence of actions
Figure 2 depicts the sequence of actions. In the beginning of the period, investors observe
their preference type and sunspot realization. Then they simultaneously announce their type to the



financial institution. After announcements, the financial institution either meets a dealer (ιt = 1)
with probability α , or it does not meet a dealer (ιt = 0). The dealer can buy/sell assets for the
financial institution in the inter-dealer market at the price pt . But the dealer bargains with the
financial institution over the gains from trade using Nash bargaining, where the bargaining power of
the dealer is η ∈ [0, 1). φ = {φt }t denotes the transfer from the financial institution to the dealer
resulting from the bargaining. During the bargaining, dealers observe the financial institution
aggregate asset holdings and the most recent type announcements of investors in the financial
institution.8 After the bargaining, transfers of assets and utilities are made.
The environment is characterized by a family E = {u, N, α , η , F, Q}. The section 2 environment is a variation of this one where there are no dealers (α = 0), investors completely discount the
future (β = 0), and preference shocks follow the distribution described in that section.



The financial institution problem is to maximize the ex-ante utility of its own investors, taking
as given what other agents in the economy are doing. Investors face two frictions. They may not
meet a dealer to trade in the inter-dealer market when they need, and their investment decisions
are distorted because dealers extract part of the gains from trade in the bargaining process. A
contractual arrangement that reallocates assets across investors in the financial institution attenuates
these two frictions. In the periods where the financial institution does not meet a dealer, it efficiently
reallocates assets among the financial institution investors. And in periods where the financial
institution does meet a dealer, it minimizes the amount of assets traded with him, which reduces
the rent he extracts. The difficulty in implementing such an arrangement is that preference types
are private information. That is why the balanced team mechanism, proposed by Athey and Segal
(2013), is useful in this setting. It implements the efficient allocation of assets among the investors
in perfect Bayesian equilibrium (PBE). Pretty much in the same way the money market mutual fund
contract did in the simple model of section 2.
The balanced team mechanism has two components. There is the efficient asset policy for the
financial institution and the transfer scheme that implements this policy outcome in PBE. In the
remainder of this section, I discuss these two components in detail.
8 The Nash bargaining between financial institutions and dealers keeps the model tractable. However, since investors
have private information, it cannot be applied in general. For this reason, I assume in all the propositions in the paper
that η is in a neighborhood of zero.
The assumption that dealers observe the announcement vector is not essential for the theoretical results (though it
may change the neighborhood of η = 0 for which the results apply). But it simplifies the computation of equilibria
because you only have to verify investors’ deviations when checking for Bayesian perfect equilibrium.
The assumption that asset holdings are observed is usual and many financial institutions are required by regulators to
keep public records of their portfolio.



Asset policy
In this subsection, I characterize the asset allocation that maximizes welfare in the financial
institution for a given price process—all under the assumption that investors’ types are truthfully
announced. Let me start with notation. Label θ t = (θt1 , . . . , θtN ) ∈ ΘN := Θ the period t announcement vector. The period t financial institution state is a triple ht = (xt , θ t , ιt ) ∈ H := S × Θ × {0, 1}
of sunspot realization, announcement vector, and status of meeting with the dealer (ιt = 1) or not
(ιt = 0). The history of state realizations up to period t is denoted by ht = (h0 , h1 , . . . , ht ). Throughout the paper, subscript t denotes a variable realization in period t and superscript t denotes a vector
with variable realizations from period zero up to period t. Define the function U : R+ × Θ → R as
the maximum aggregate period utility of a financial institution with total assets A and vector type θ .
That is,

U(A; θ ) = max {∑n u(an ; θ n ); subject to ∑n an = A} .

An asset policy is a sequence a = {at }t , where at = (at1 , . . . , atN ) : H t → RN
+ denotes the
amount of assets allocated to each financial institution investor in period t contingent on the
history ht . An asset policy is feasible if (1 − ιt )[At (ht ) − At−1 (ht−1 )] = 0 for all histories ht , where
At (ht ) = ∑n atn (ht ) is the aggregate asset holdings in period t and an−1 := Ā for all n. This condition
means that the financial institution can only adjust its aggregate asset holdings when it meets a
dealer, but it can adjust the asset holdings within its own investors at any period. Label Γ the set of
all feasible asset policies. The welfare induced by a ∈ Γ is

W (aa) = E∑t β t U(At ; θ t ) − pt (At − At−1 ) − φt (At−1 ; xt , θ t ) ,

where φt denotes the dealer’s fee, which is determined by Nash bargaining. Note that φt depends
only on what is observed by the dealer: the aggregate asset holdings of the financial institution, the
history of sunspots and the current announcement vector. The financial institution asset allocation
problem is

max W (aa).
a ∈Γ

In order to characterize the dealers fee, φt , it is useful to write problem (4) recursively. The
relevant state variables for a financial institution in period t are the aggregate asset holding A, the
history of sunspots xt , and the current vector type θ t . Let Vt (A; xt , θ t ) denote the financial institution
value function in the end of period t. That is, after any possible trade with a dealer has occurred. By



construction, Vt (A; xt , θ t ) satisfies the functional equation

 −1 s
T −1
Vt (A; xt , θ t ) = Et ∑∞
α ∑Ts=0
β U(A; θ t+s )+
T =1 (1 − α )

β T max Vt+T (Â; xt+T , θ t+T ) − pt+T (Â − A) − φt+T (A; xt+T , θ t+T ) .

φt (A; xt , θ t ) is determined by the Nash bargaining between the financial institution and the dealer,
where the dealer’s bargaining power is η and the financial institution’s bargaining power is 1 − η .
Therefore, it is given by

φt (A; xt , θ t ) = argmax φ η max [Vt (Â; xt , θ t ) − pt (Â − A) −Vt (A; xt , θ t ) − φ ]1−η .
φ ∈R+


The solution of the above problem implies that

φt (At , xt , θ t ) = η max [Vt (Â; xt , θ t ) − pt (Â − At ) −Vt (A; xt , θ t )].

Note that the dealer in this model is passive. He benefits from the rent he extracts from the financial
institution, but there is no decision-making besides the one embedded in the Nash bargaining.
Replacing (7) in (5) we obtain

 −1 s
T −1
Vt (A; xt , θ t ) = Et ∑∞
α ∑Ts=0
β U(A; θ t+s ) + ηβ T Vt+T (A; xt+T , θ t+T )+
T =1 (1 − α )

(1 − η )β T max Vt+T (Â; xt+T , θ t+T ) − pt+T (Â − A) .

Analogous to Lagos and Rocheteau (2009), the functional equation in (8) is equivalent to one
in which the financial institution has all the bargaining power when trading with the dealer, but it
only meets a dealer with probability α̂ = α (1 − η ). Under this formulation, Vt (A; xt , θ t ) can be
written as

 −1 s
T −1
Vt (A; xt , θ t ) = Et ∑∞
α̂ ∑Ts=0
β U(A; θ t+s )+
T =1 (1 − α̂ )

β T max Vt+T (Â; xt+T , θ t+T ) − pt+T (Â − A) .

And the associated sequential problem is
(10) max Ŵ (aa) = Ê∑t β t [U(At ; θ t ) − pt (At − At−1 )] ,
a ∈Γ

where Ê denotes the expectation of future meetings with dealers using the probability measure
induced by α̂ = α (1 − η ) instead of α .



A solution to problem (10) doesn’t always exist because the problem is unbounded for some
prices (for instance, if p is identically zero). However, if it does exist, it is unique since u(·, θ ) is
strictly concave for all θ . For now, I assume that p is such that a solution exists and label it a ∗p .
Note that a ∗p is a function of the price p , but I omit this subscript throughout the text to keep the
notation simple. The first order conditions of problem (10) are given by
 k −1 d 0
(11) pt − Ê{β dk pt+dk ht } = Ê ∑dd=0
β U (At ; θ t+d ) ht whenever ιt = 1,
(12) [∀ n, m] : u0 (at∗n , θtn ) = u0 (at∗m , θtm ) and

lim Ê{β tk ptk At∗k } = 0;


where At∗ = ∑n at∗n is the aggregate asset holdings of the financial institution, tk is the time period in
which the financial institution meets with a dealer for the kth time, and dk = tk − tk−1 is the time
interval between the meetings with dealers. Equation (11) is the condition that the expected cost of
buying one additional unit of asset and holding it until the next meeting with a dealer is equal to the
expected benefit of holding this asset for the same period of time. Equation (12) is the condition that
at any period in time the marginal utility of holding an asset should be equalized across investors
in the same financial institution. And equation (13) is the usual transversality condition. It is
straightforward to show that equations (11) to (13) provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a
feasible asset policy a ∗ ∈ Γ to solve problem (10) and, therefore, the financial institution problem.

The transfers in the balanced team mechanism are designed so investors internalize the impact
of their announcements on the other financial institution investors. Let
(14) vn (a∗t , ht ) = u(at∗n (ht ), θti ) − pt (xt )[at∗n (ht ) − at−1
(ht−1 )] − φt (At−1
; xt , θ t )/N

denote the period utility of an investor n given the policy a ∗ and history ht . It is implicit in equation
(14) that investors pay the cost associated with their changes in asset holdings at the market price,
pt (xt ), and share the cost associated with the dealer’s fee equally. There are different, in fact, ways
to formulate how these costs are shared. For instance, one could have each investor paying an
∗ (ht−1 )] + φ (A∗ ; xt , θ )}/N. I chose
equal share of the aggregate cost, i.e., {pt (xt )[At∗ (ht ) − At−1
t t−1

the formulation above because the associated payoffs converge to those in a competitive Walrasian
equilibrium when α converges to one and η to zero. This convergence guarantees uniqueness of
equilibrium in a neighborhood of these parameters as discussed in section 5.
Given a history ht , let ψt∗n (ht ) be the period t utility, implied by the policy a∗ , of all investors



in the financial institution other than investor n. That is,
(15) ψt∗n (ht ) = ∑i6=n vi (a∗t , ht ).

ψt∗n (ht ) is the term that investor n must internalize in order to have incentives to truthfully reveal
his type. Athey and Segal (2013) refer to the mechanism associated with the transfer ψt∗n (ht ) as
the team mechanism. It is the equivalent to the Vickey-Groves-Clarke (VGC) mechanism for a
dynamic setting. A major problem with this transfer is that it is not budget balanced. In order to
make it budget balanced, instead of working directly with ψt∗n (ht ), the balanced team mechanism
uses the impact of the announcement in the expected present value of ψt∗n (ht ), which Athey and
Segal (2013) call the incentive term of the agents. Formally, the investor n incentive term is

s−t ∗n s
s−t ∗n s
(16) γtn (ht−1 , xt , θtn ) = E ∑∞
ψs (h ) ht−1 , xt , θtn − E ∑∞
ψs (h ) ht−1 , xt .
s=t β
s=t β
And the transfer in the balanced team mechanism to investor n in a period t given history ht is
∑i6=n γti
(17) τt∗n = pt at−1
− at∗n − + γtn −
Market component

Insurance component

Let τ ∗p denote the sequence of transfers defined by equation (17). The balance team mechanism
is given by the pair µ ∗p = {aa∗p , τ ∗p } of asset policy and transfer. The mechanism µ ∗p is associated with
a price p , but I omit the subscript for simplicity when possible. The transfer has a market component
and an insurance component, as depicted in equation (17). The market component reflects the costs

in the inter-dealer market of changes in asset holdings, pt at−1
− at∗n , and the rent imposed by the
dealer to the financial institution, φt . The insurance component has two parts. The first one, the
incentive term γtn , makes the investor internalize the welfare impact of his announcement so he has
incentives to truthfully reveals his type. The second part, ∑i6=n γti /(N − 1), charges investor n the
cost of the incentive term of the other investors so the mechanism is budget balanced.

The financial institution game
The price p , the dealer fees φ , and the balanced team mechanism µ ∗ are associated with
a dynamic game of incomplete information. I label it the financial institution game and focus
on its perfect Bayesian equilibria (PBE). In this game, investors’ strategies are sequences of
type announcements as functions of sunspots, past histories and type realizations. Formally, the
strategies are sequences σ = {σt }t ∈ Σ , where σt (xt , ht−1 , θtn ) ∈ Θ and Σ denotes the set of investors’





In the previous section, I described the financial institution problem, the implied financial
institution game, and the outcome of the bargaining between financial institutions and dealers, all
taking as given the price p in the inter-dealer market. But in equilibrium, the price must be such
that excess demand in this market equals zero. In this section, I provide a definition of equilibrium
for the whole economy taking into account market clearing in the inter-dealer market.
Let {σ c,n }c,n denote the strategy profile in financial institution c. The transition probability of
types, F, the probability of meeting with a dealer, α , and the distribution of sunspots, Q, generate a
sequence of measures ψ = {ψt }t over the space of histories H t . These measures are defined in the
usual way. The excess demand for assets in the centralized market in period t is
(18) EDt (xt ) :=


∑n atn (h̃t (ht ))d ψt (ht |xt )dc − N Ā,

where h̃tc (ht ) is constructed by replacing the realizations of types in ht by the announcements
associated with the strategy profile {σ c,n }c,n played in each coalition. It is worth mentioning that

σ c,n must be measurable in c, otherwise the integral in (18) is not well defined. Note also that the
excess demand for assets is a function of the sunspot history xt . Excess demand in period t is zero if
EDt (xt ) equals zero for all realized histories of sunspots.
D EFINITION 1: An equilibrium is a triple {{σ c,n }c,n , φ , p }} such that: (i) for every financial
institution c, the strategy profile {σ c,n }n is a PBE of the financial institution game associated with
the price sequence, p , and the balanced team mechanism, µ ∗p ; (ii) the dealer’s fee, φt , is the solution
to the Nash bargaining between financial institution and dealer given in equation (7); and (iii) the
excess demand in the inter-dealer market is zero in every period t and for every sunspot history xt .

Existence and uniqueness of truth-telling equilibrium
A truth-telling strategy is a strategy σ ∈ Σ such that σt (xt , ht−1 , θtn ) = θtn for all periods t
and (xt , ht−1 , θtn ). And a truth-telling equilibrium is an equilibrium {{σ c,n }c,n , φ , p }} such that the
perfect Bayesian equilibrium played in every financial institution is in truth-telling strategies.
In order to understand the existence of a truth-telling equilibrium in this model, it is useful to
draw a parallel between the model I develop here and Lagos and Rocheteau (2009). This model
extends LR in two ways. First, investors are organized in financial institutions of size N ∈ N, thus,
N = 1 is the particular case of LR. But this extension alone does not change LR model in any
substantial way if there was complete information regarding the preference shocks. If that was
the case, this extension would only relabel the utilities in LR to the sum of the utilities of the



members in each financial institution. The second extension is the private information of preference
shocks. With private information, the financial institutions become an interesting object because a
mechanism is needed in order to induce investors to truthfully announce the preference shocks they
receive over time.
I build on these observations to show that a truth-telling equilibrium exists for small enough η .
First I construct the equilibrium price of the complete information case, which is just a relabeling of
LR. For η equal to zero, all the conditions of Athey and Segal (2013) apply and the balanced team
mechanism has a truth-telling equilibrium when taking as given any price and, in particular, given
the equilibrium price of the complete information case. The balance team mechanism does not
distort the optimal asset policy, thus it must be the same of the complete information case and the
market clearing condition is satisfied. Therefore, the constructed price, the associated balanced team
mechanism and truth-telling strategies for all financial institutions must constitute an equilibrium
of the economy with private information for the case of η equal to zero. Moreover, the associated
outcome is constrained Pareto efficient as it was in Lagos and Rocheteau (2009). Since when η is
equal to zero, truth-telling is a strict best response against truth-telling and payoffs are continuous
in η , we can conclude that there is also a truth-telling equilibrium in a neighborhood of η equal to
zero. These results are summarized in the following proposition. Proofs are in the appendix.
P ROPOSITION 1: Given u, N, α , F, and Q, there exists η̄ ∈ (0, 1) such that for all η ∈ [0, η̄ ]
the economy E = {u, N, α , η , F, Q} has a truth-telling equilibrium. Additionally, the associated
equilibrium outcome is constrained Pareto efficient if, and only if, η is equal to zero.
An implication from the proof of proposition 1 is that, in a truth-telling equilibrium, prices and
asset allocations are the same of the unique equilibrium of an alternative economy with complete
information. Therefore, equilibrium outcomes of the private information model form a super-set of
the outcome of the complete information model. But under what conditions is truth-telling also the
unique equilibrium of the private information model? In other words, under what conditions do the
outcomes of the complete and incomplete information environments coincide?
With complete information, the liquidity insurance embed in the asset allocation only relies on
observed variables. Therefore, there is no reason for investors to announce their types, and the only
possible sources of multiplicity in the model are the bargaining with the dealer and the trades in
the inter-dealer market. Regarding the bargaining with the dealer, with complete information Nash
bargaining has a unique outcome. Regarding the inter-dealer market, this market is competitive so
agents take prices as given, they don’t act strategically. Hence, there is no strategic complementary
and the usual assumptions that spur uniqueness in general equilibrium models apply. As a result,



the model with complete information generates a unique equilibrium.
With incomplete information, the Nash bargaining protocol does not apply unless η is small,
but even under this assumption one cannot rule out multiplicity. The reason is that the balanced
team mechanism may generate multiple equilibria in the same way that the model in section 2 does.
However, when η is small, this mechanism’s only goal is to provide insurance to investors against
the risk of needing to trade an asset and not finding a dealer to do so. Hence, one can conjecture
that if the probability of finding a dealer is high enough, the need for this insurance is low and the
same market forces that spur uniqueness in the complete information case also spur uniqueness in
the incomplete information one. I find this conjecture to be true.
P ROPOSITION 2: Given u, N, F, and Q, there exists ᾱ , η̄ ∈ (0, 1) such that for all α ∈ [ᾱ , 1] and

η ∈ [0, η̄ ] the economy E = {u, N, α , η , F, Q} has a truth-telling equilibrium and it is unique.



In the previous section we saw that, if search frictions are small enough, the unique equilibrium
will have investors playing truth-telling strategies and those outcomes are the same as the model
without private information. But what happens to the economy if that is not the case and other
equilibria arise? In this section, I study numerical examples and compute different equilibria of
the model in order to provide a better understanding of what happens with market variables in nontruth-telling equilibria. In particular, I compute equilibria that resemble a financial crises—where
investors run against their financial institutions in the same spirit of the runs in section 2.

I compute equilibria in the following way. I first guess strategy profiles for the financial
institutions. Then I compute the prices and asset policy that clear the market given those profiles.
Finally, I verify that the guessed strategy profiles constitute a perfect Bayesian equilibrium.
The financial institution game is a dynamic game of incomplete information. In this type of
game, strategies can be very complicated objects (even to guess) since they are functions of all past
histories. For this reason, I consider only strategy profiles where announcements are functions of the
investors’ current type and sunspot. Specifically, in a fraction υ ∈ [0, 1] of the financial institutions,
investors follow a run strategy σ r , where
θtn ; if xt = NR
(19) σtr (xt , ht−1 , θtn ) =
θL ; if xt = R
for all t and (xt , ht−1 , θtn ). And in a fraction 1 − υ , investors follow truth-telling strategies.



In order to verify that a strategy profile is a PBE, you need to find beliefs that are consistent
with Bayesian updates, given other investors’ strategies, and check if each strategy is a best response
given those beliefs. Since the game is dynamic, it is also necessary to keep track of those beliefs
over time. This makes verifying if a strategy profile is an equilibrium challenging. For example,
if the sunspot realization is R from period t to t + 5 and all investors in a financial institution
are following the run strategy σ r , then the beliefs over the distribution of types in period t + 6,
consistent with Bayesian updates, will be the composition of the Markov chain of types for five
periods F 5 = F ◦ F ◦ · · · ◦ F. This is the case because, under σ r strategy, announcements are only
informative when the sunspot is NR, so investors truthfully announce their types. Therefore, to
check if the strategy profile {σ r }n is a PBE one would have to check if it is a best response given
beliefs F l , where l = 1, . . . , is the number of consecutive periods with sunspot realization R.
There are two cases in which keeping track of beliefs is not necessary. First, if types are i.i.d.
over time, the distribution of types is the same in every period so beliefs coincide with the true
distribution. Second, when the state R is an absorbing state for the sunspot, after the first realization
of R, announcements are independent of types. Therefore, the beliefs over types are irrelevant to
identify whether a strategy is a best response or not. In this paper, I study the i.i.d. case.

There are N = 3 investors per financial institution and two types, θL = 0.7 and θH = 1.0. The

utility function is a constant relative risk aversion u(a; θ ) = θ a 1−δ−1 with parameter δ = 5.0. The
discount factor β equals 0.9. The endowment of assets per investor is Ā = 1.0. The bargaining
power of the dealers is set to η = 0.1. In order to understand the impact of search frictions, I
compute numerical examples with α going from 0.025 to 0.175 in increments of 0.025. In a similar
way, the fraction υ of the financial institutions following the run strategy is computed from 0.05 to
0.95 in increments of 0.025. Preference shocks are i.i.d. with F(θL , θL ) = F(θH , θL ) = 0.1. And
the sunspot distribution is Q(NR, NR) = 0.99 and Q(R, R) = 0.97. I simulate the model for 200
periods. In the simulation, xt equals R from period 37 to 111 and from period 130 to 136. The
initial distribution of asset holdings is set to be what would be the distribution after a long period
of time in which xt equals NR. Prices, trade volume, and welfare are relative to the values in the
friction-less economy where α equals 1 and η equals 0. In this case, the over-the-counter market
is equivalent to a competitive Walrasian market, hence there is a unique equilibrium and those
variables are well defined. In figures 3 to 6, the first graph displays the variables as a function of υ ,
the fraction of financial institutions under a run, for α fixed at 0.1. And the second graph displays
the variables as a function of α , the probability of meeting with a dealer, for υ fixed at 0.5. It is
worth mentioning that there is nothing special in these parameters and I had simulated the economy



with several others. The qualitative results I obtained seem to be quite general.

Numerical examples
Figure 3: Prices









xt = NR
xt = R

xt = NR
xt = R








Figure 3 depicts the price for different values of υ and α . Since preferences are quasi-linear
and strategies are only function of types and sunspots, the equilibrium price process has a simple
structure taking only two values. One for periods in which the sunspot realization is xt = NR
and one for periods in which the sunspot realization is xt = R. The price in periods with runs is
lower than the price in periods without runs, which is intuitive. Besides, both prices are decreasing
in υ . The reason the price in periods with runs is decreasing in υ is straightforward. Due to a
higher number of financial institutions with investors announcing low valuation for the asset, more
financial institutions try to sell assets to dealers, which creates a selling pressure and reduces price.
The reason the price in periods with no runs is also decreasing on υ is that financial institutions
anticipate that the price will collapse if there is a run. This generates the possibility of capital
losses and, as a consequence, the price must go down in advance. And a higher υ implies a higher
capital loss and the more the price responds in advance. Interestingly, the increase in the fraction
of financial institutions in which investors run not only decreases prices. It also increases price
volatility since the price in periods with runs decreases more with υ than the price in periods with
no runs. The same is true regarding increases in α , as we can see from the second graph in figure 3.
The result that higher α , or lower search frictions, could reduce prices were already present in LR.
This numerical examples show that it can also increase the price volatility in the presence of runs.
Figure 4 depicts a simulation of trade volume over the 200 periods for different values of υ
and α . When the sunspot xt = R hits the economy, there is an initial spike in trade volume, which
is accompanied by a following contraction. This spike is due to a fire sale effect. Since several
financial institutions try to sell assets at the same time, price collapses and some financial institutions
end up buying assets, which increases volume. After this initial reallocation of assets, the financial



Figure 4: Trade volume


















institutions under a run stop trading, which in turn decreases trade volume. The spike in trade
volume also occurs in recovery periods when the economy switches from xt = R to xt = NR. In
these periods investors stop the run and financial institutions try to buy back some of the assets sold
in the run periods. As a result, the asset price goes up and there is an initial spike in trade volume
that then bounces back to the average in periods where xt = NR. The first graph in figure 4 shows
that the higher the fraction of financial institutions under a run, the higher is the collapse in trade
volume for xt = R. The second graph shows that the spikes in trade volume are more substantial
when search frictions are smaller.
The bid-ask spread is a traditional measure of liquidity used in financial markets. In the
context of this model, I define it as the average difference between the price faced by the financial
institutions when buying/selling assets to dealers and the price faced by dealers in the inter-dealer
market. The unit price for a financial institution buying assets from a dealer is pt + φt /dAt , where
dAt is the total amount of asset bought. Similarly, the unit price for a financial institution selling
assets to the dealer is pt − φt /dAt , where dAt is the total amount of asset sold. Therefore, the bid-ask
spread is defined as φt /pt dAt .
Figure 5 depicts the average bid-ask spread for each period in the simulation. The direction
in which runs impact the bid-ask spread is not uniform, as we can see from the first graph in the
figure. If the fraction of financial institutions under a run is either small or large, a run decreases
the average bid-ask spread. On the other hand, for intermediary values, a run increases the average
bid-ask spread. The intuition is that financial institutions under a run want to sell their assets and, as
a consequence, the price collapses. Then the financial institutions that are not under a run have huge
gains in buying those assets at this lower price. Dealers take advantage of those financial institutions
by charging them a high bid-ask spread. If there are too many financial institutions under a run,
then there are not many financial institutions to take advantage of the lower prices and dealers are
able to charge this high bid-ask spread. If there are too little financial institutions under a run, then



Figure 5: Bid-ask spread

0.05 0.07




0.25 υ









the price doesn’t collapse so there is no margin for dealers to increase the bid-ask spreads. The
intermediary case is where a run causes the bid-ask spreads to go up. The same analysis apply for
when the economy switches back from a run state to a no run state. From the second graph in figure
5 we can see that if search frictions are smaller (higher α ), these effects fade away faster over time.
Which is typical in this class of over-the-counter market models.
From a welfare perspective, a run has two effects and they are both due to misallocation of
assets in the economy. The first effect is within a financial institution under a run. The assets in this
financial institution are not well allocated because investors with high valuation of the asset end up
holding the same amount as investors with low valuation of the asset since they all announce the
lower type θL . The second effect is across financial institutions. When investors in a fraction υ of
the financial institutions run, these financial institutions sell assets in response to the announcements
of low valuation. But the financial institutions that end up buying those assets do not necessarily
have investors with higher valuation than the investors in the financial institutions facing a run. It
just happens that their investors are not misrepresenting their types. So, for example, you could
have a financial institution with all investors of type θH selling assets and ending up with a smaller
asset position than a financial institution with only one investor of type θH .
Figure 6 depicts the period aggregate welfare in the simulation. Both effects of runs discussed
above makes the welfare decreasing in the fraction of financial institutions under a run in periods
where xt = R, as we can see from the first graph. However, the welfare in the periods of run is also
decreasing in α . In other words, a reduction in search friction lowers welfare in periods of runs.
The reason is if the search friction is smaller (α higher) it is easier for financial institutions to sell
assets. But it is inefficient for financial institutions under a run to do so and, as a result, the welfare
can go down during periods of runs.
Search friction has an ambiguous effect on period welfare. In periods with no runs, the welfare



Figure 6: Period aggregate welfare














0.05 α


is increasing in α because it allow investors to sell their assets if they need it. And in periods with
runs, the welfare can be decreasing in α because financial institutions sell their assets inefficiently.
But what effect dominates? In other words, is the expected welfare increasing or decreasing in α ?
Figure 7: Average aggregate welfare







Figure 7 shows the expected aggregate welfare of the economy in the long run. I find that
depending on the fraction of financial institutions playing the run equilibrium, υ , the expected
welfare can be increasing or decreasing in α . For low or high values of υ , the welfare is increasing
in α . While for intermediary values of υ the welfare is decreasing in α . Proposition 2 states that, as
long as the dealer’s bargaining power is not too high, if the search frictions is small, truth-telling is
the unique equilibrium. This proposition could lead someone to think that a good way to improve
welfare is by reducing search frictions and, consequently, eliminating all the run equilibria. These
numerical simulations show that such policy could have unintended consequences. If the reduction
in search friction is not enough to completely eliminate the run equilibria, it may reduce welfare by
allowing more financial institutions to inefficiently sell their assets during episodes of runs.





In this paper I identify a connection between runs and over-the-counter markets. I show that,
in the model, financial institutions are more vulnerable to runs when search frictions are severe. It
is interesting to notice that during the 2007-08 financial crisis the institutions that suffered runs
were engaged in trade of asset-backed securities (ABSs), which were mostly traded over the counter.
Annual issuance of ABS went from $10 billion in 1986 to $893 billion in 2006, as reported by
Agarwal et al. (2010). And a growing shadow bank sector has purchased most of these assets. As a
result, in 2007 the financial sector featured a large number of financial institutions operating in a
market with severe over-the-counter market frictions. My model suggests that these features are
important elements to understand the runs during the period.
The most common prescription for enhancing financial stability is to regulate the contracts
offered by financial institutions. For example, recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) announced a set of proposals to enhance financial stability, which includes a recommendation
for the MMF board of directors to impose fees and gate payments in times of heavy redemption
activity.9 And Cochrane (2014) calls for an narrow bank sector and the ban on run-prone contracts.
There are two downsides of directly regulating contracts. First, each type of financial institution
serves a different type of investor and, therefore, requires a different contract. As a result, the
regulation needs to be specific to the type of institution. That is, we need one particular regulation for
commercial banks, one for mutual funds, one for structured investment vehicles, etc. Which results
in a complex regulatory system doomed to feature loopholes and regulatory arbitrage possibilities.
The second downside is that, even if we are willing to write complex regulations to every type of
financial institution, it is not clear what regulations we should impose. Even a glimpse through
the Diamond-Dybvig literature shows that the optimal contract depends on several details of the
environment. When you consider models other than Diamond-Dybvig, the possible regulations
grow exponentially. Besides, more often than not, regulations have a welfare cost. In which case,
the optimal regulation also depends on how the policymaker evaluates welfare.
My results suggest a different avenue in which a policymaker can enhance financial stability.
Instead of focusing on the particular contract that financial institutions offer, it can intervene on
the market for the underlying assets. That is, if we reduce trade frictions enough, we enhance
financial stability with no need to regulate individual institutions. And we can interpret some of
the policies set in place during the 2007-08 financial crisis as a step in this direction. The Federal
Reserve responded to the financial crisis by implementing a number of programs designed to support
the liquidity of financial institutions. An example of this kind of program is the Asset-Backed
9 See

SEC (2013).



Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (AMLF). In the words of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, “The AMLF was designed to provide a market
for ABCP that MMMFs sought to sell.” and “These institutions used the funding to purchase eligible
ABCP from MMMFs. Borrowers under the AMLF, therefore, served as conduits in providing
liquidity to MMMFs, and the MMMFs were the primary beneficiaries of the AMLF.”10 This seems
to suggest an attempt to increase the chances of an MMMF to find a buyer for their ABCP. In light
of the model, I interpret this as an attempt to increase the probability of a MMMF of meeting a
dealer. My results suggest that such policies have the potential of eliminating runs on financial
institutions and stabilizing the financial sector. But it also points out to a risk; it can increase asset
misallocation during a crisis, and ultimately decrease welfare.

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P ROOF : Proposition 1 has two parts. The first one is existence of truth-telling equilibrium, and the
second one is the Pareto efficiency of this equilibrium when η = 0. Let’s start with the first part. The
proof has the following structure. I consider an alternative economy where the bargaining power of
dealers is η̂ = 0 and the probability of finding a dealer is α̂ = α (1 − η ). I solve a planner’s problem
for this alternative economy and write its first order conditions. I use the Lagrange multiplier of the
planner’s problem to construct a price sequence for my original economy. Finally, I show that, for

η small, the associated balanced team mechanism features a truth-telling equilibrium.
The planner’s problem is to choose an asset allocation a = {at }t , where at = (at1 , . . . , atN ) :
H t → RN
+ , that maximizes expected aggregated utility of investors. Note that I assume that the asset
allocation is symmetric across agents. This assumption is without loss of generality with respect to
finding a constrained Pareto efficient outcome since preferences are quasi-linear. Any differences in
Pareto weights would be adjusted by transfers of utility, not distorting the asset allocation.

ψ = {ψ̂t }t denote the sequence of measures over the space of histories, H t , implied by the
Let ψ̂
transition probability of types, F, the probability of meeting with a dealer, α̂ = α (1 − η ), and the
distribution of sunspots, Q. An asset allocation a = {at }t is feasible if for all ht it satisfies


∑n atn (ht )d ψ̂t (ht ) = Ā and



(21) ∑n atn (ht ) = ∑n at−1
(ht−1 ) whenever ιt equals zero,

where an−1 = Ā for all n. Equation (20) is a resource constraint and equation (21) imposes that
financial institutions only adjust their aggregate asset holdings when ιt is one. Let F denote the set
of all feasible allocations. Note that the feasible set for the planner, F , is different than the feasible
set for a financial institution, Γ, because the financial institution does not face a resource constraint.
Financial institutions take the price in the inter-dealer market as given, and assume that, at those
prices, they can demand any quantity.
The aggregate welfare of the economy implied by an asset allocation a ∈ F is
(22) W (aa) = ∑t β t ∑n u(atn (ht ), θtn )d ψ̂t (ht ) = Ê{∑t β t ∑n u(atn (ht ), θtn )}.

Since preferences are quasi-linear, an asset allocation is constrained Pareto efficient if, and only if,
it achieves the maximum aggregate welfare among all feasible allocations. It is easy to show that
such allocation exists and it is unique. With some abuse of notation, label this allocation a .
Note that a is independent of the sequence of sunspots shocks xt . To see this, note that by
construction xt has no effect on any primitive, it is merely a sunspot. So, if a were a function of xt ,
it would be as if we were randomizing among different allocations. And, since the object function is
concave, the expected allocation would achieve a higher value of the object function than a , which
would contradict the fact that a itself maximizes the objective function.
Since a maximizes (22), there exists a sequence of Lagrange multipliers, λ = {λt }t , such that
for all histories ht with ιt = 1, and all n, the asset allocation atn (ht ) satisfies
 k −1 d 0 n n
(23) λt = Ê ∑dd=0
β u (at ; θ t+d ) | ht ,
where dk is the time interval between two meetings with the dealer. And λ satisfy the transversality
(24) lim β t λt = 0.

The existence of the Lagrange multipliers is a standard result and can, for instance, be derived from
theorem 1, section 8.3, and theorem 1, section 8.4, in Luenberger (1969).
Define the price sequence p = {pt }t as
(25) pt = λt − α̂β ∑∞
d=0 β λt+1+d .

Our equilibrium candidate will be {{σ c,n }c,n , φ , p }}, where p is constructed from (25), φ is



constructed solving equation (7), where Vt solves equation (8), for given p , and σ c,n is truth-telling
for all c and n. Note that by construction condition (ii) is satisfied. And condition (iii), the market
clearing condition, is also satisfied since the excess demand in the original economy is α /α̂ the
excess demand in the alternative economy when we are comparing the same asset policy and
assuming truth-telling strategies. Since the latter is zero, the former must also be zero.
Now let’s show condition (i). Let us start showing that, given p , the asset allocation a solves
the financial institution problem (10). We can rewrite equation (25) to show that for all period t and
ht with ιt = 1, the sequence p satisfies
(26) λt = pt − ∑∞
α pt+d = pt − Ê{β dk pt+dk | ht }.
d=1 β (1 − α̂ )

Equations (23) and (26) combined imply equations (11) and (12) of the first order conditions of
the financial institution problem. Since limt→∞ β t λt = 0, equation (13) of the first order conditions
is also satisfied. Since these conditions are necessary and sufficient, we can assert that a solves
maximizes the asset policy problem of the financial institution. Note then that, when η = 0, the
balanced team mechanism, µ , associated with the asset allocation, a , and the transfer, τ , implied
by equation (17) satisfies all the conditions of corollary 3 in Athey and Segal (2013). To see that
it is also a PBE in a neighborhood of η = 0, first note that, when η = 0, truth-telling is a strict
best response since a non-truthful announcement would imply a discrete jump on the allocation.
Moreover, all the payoffs of the financial institution game are continuous in η . As a result, truthtelling will be a PBE in an open neighborhood of η = 0. Therefore, there exists η̄ ∈ (0, 1) such that
for all η ∈ [0, η̄ ), the family {{σ c,n }c,n , φ , p }} constitutes an equilibrium.
For the last, we need to show that an equilibrium outcome is constrained Pareto efficient if,
and only if, η = 0. First note that, if η = 0, the planner’s problem of the alternative economy
and the original economy coincide and the equilibrium outcome will solve the planner’s problem.
This is the sufficiency part. To see the necessity, assume by the way of contradiction that for
some α ∈ (0, 1) and η ∈ (0, 1] the associated economy has an equilibrium {{σ c,n }c,n , φ , p}} whose
outcome is Pareto efficient. Now we can use equation (26) to construct the Lagrange multipliers for
the alternative economy and show that the asset allocation associated with this equilibrium solves
the planner’s problem of the alternative economy. But the solution of the alternative economy and

ψ do not coincide when η 6= 0. Therefore,
the original economy cannot be the same since ψ and ψ̂
the implied outcome is not constrained Pareto efficient, which concludes the proof.



P ROOF : Let us first consider the case where α = 1 and η = 0. Because of proposition 1, we



know this economy has a truth-telling equilibrium. We just need to show it is unique. Note that
in this case the financial institution finds a dealer at every period and, since the dealers have no
bargaining power, the financial institutions trade in the competitive inter-dealer market with no
frictions. In other words, the asset market is equivalent to a Walrasian market. Now let us show
that equilibrium strategies must be truth-telling. Consider the first order conditions of the financial
institution problem, (11)-(12). Since α = 1 and η = 0, we can rewrite these equations as
pt − β pt+1 = u0 (atn , θtn ) = u0 (atm , θtm ) for all n 6= m.
This implies that the asset allocation of agents n and m are independent at any given period.
Therefore, the investor n incentive term is

s−t n s
s−t n s
γtn (ht−1 , xt , θtn ) = E ∑∞
ψs (h ) ht−1 , xt , θtn − E ∑∞
ψs (h ) ht−1 , xt = 0
s=t β
s=t β
and the transfer to investor n is



∑i6=n γti
= pt at−1 − at − + γt −
= pt at−1
− atn .
N −1

Therefore, the payoff of an investor n under truth-telling is exactly
(27) E{∑t β t [u(atn , θtn ) + pt (at−1
− atn )]}

But an asset allocation for investor n maximizes (27) if, and only if, it satisfies the first order
pt − β pt+1 = u0 (atn , θtn ).
This is exactly the same condition implied by the first order condition of the coalition problem.
Therefore, truth-telling gives the agent the maximum payoff he could achieve, and any other
announcement would lead to strictly worse payoff. As a result, truth-telling is a dominant strategy
and the equilibrium is unique and in truth-telling.
Note then that given any price, the asset allocation given to an investor by his financial
institution is exactly the equivalent Walrasian allocation. Hence, we can apply the regular first
and second welfare theorems that hold for this environment. Therefore, any equilibrium is Pareto
efficient and, since there is a unique Pareto efficient allocation, the equilibrium is unique.
For the last, note that all payoffs are continuous in α and η , which implies that truth-telling
will also be the unique equilibrium of the economy in a neighborhood of α = 1 and η = 0.