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Working Paver 9109
by Richard T. Baillie and William P. Osterberg

Richard T. Baillie is a professor of economics
at Michigan State University, East Lansing,
Michigan. William P. Osterberg is an
economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland. The authors are grateful to Ralph
Day, Kyle Fleming, and Rebecca Wetmore for
research assistance and to Owen Humpage for
useful comments and suggestions.
Working papers of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland are preliminary materials circulated
to stimulate discussion and critical comment.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
July 1991


Evidence that forward rates for foreign exchange are not unbiased
forecasts of future spot rates suggests a time-varying risk premium. However,
there is little evidence that the forecast error is related to fundamentals,
although most investigations have lacked high-frequency data. In this paper,
we use daily exchange-rate and official Federal Reserve intervention data to
test for an impact of intervention on the forecast error. This paper extends
recent analyses of daily changes in exchange rates by Baillie and Bollersev
(1989) and Hsieh (1989) to the daily forward-rate forecast errors for the
&/US$ and yen/US$ rates. We estimate an MA(21) process and utilize GARCH
with a conditional student-t distribution. We find that 1) U.S. purchases of
dollars on day t-1 affect the day t forecast error (f,-E,[~,+~l), 2) there are
day-of-the-weekeffects in the conditional variance, and 3) for the yen/US$
rate, there is GARCH-in-mean. These findings provide some support for
considering intervention as a channel through which fundamentals influence
risk premia.

I. Introduction
The view that widely and frequently traded asset prices should reflect
all available information is one of the most widely held tenets in economics
and finance. Because foreign exchange markets are worldwide in scope and
almost nonstop in operation, the large number of tests of exchange-market
efficiency is not surprising. One of the most noteworthy findings to date has
been the tendency for changes in exchange rates to be uncorrelated, but with
fat-tailed distributions. There are distinct periods of high or low variance,
so that volatility appears in clusters. In the case of forward markets for
foreign exchange, rejection of efficiency can conceivably be explained by a
risk premium, which, as we indicate below, may be related to time-varying
conditional heteroscedasticity.
Interest has heightened in studying the role of central bank
intervention in influencing exchange rates. During the period of ostensibly
floating rates, central bank intervention policy has been designed both to
influence the level of the exchange rate and to reduce its volatility.
Specifically, as discussed by Funabashi (1989) and Dominguez (1990), soon
after the Plaza accord in September 1985, the Group of Three (G-3) finance
ministers agreed to reduce the dollar's exchange value. Then, at the Louvre
meeting in 1987, they decided to shift to a regime of stabilization. Thus,
there is a clear interest in analyzing the impact of intervention during this
period on both the level and volatility of exchange rates, although the
academic literature is undecided as to how intervention may influence either
This paper has two purposes:

First, we seek evidence of a risk premium

in the forward rate for foreign exchange. Second, we add to a growing body of
literature analyzing the impact of central bank intervention during the period


of floating rates. This paper is unique in that it analyzes the impact of
intervention on the forward rate with daily data, allowing a time-varying risk
premium to emerge via a GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional
heteroscedasticity) formulation in which intervention may influence the
conditional variance.

It is by now well known that volatility measures

deteriorate with longer sample periods such as those previously employed to
analyze volatility in forward markets. We avoid this outcome by using daily
data. However, in the absence of observations on expected future rates, the
use of daily data implies the presence of a high-order process describing the
forward forecast error (see footnote 3 on page 5). This paper is organized as
follows: In the next section we review the relevant literature on risk premia
in forward markets and the evidence for an impact of daily intervention. In
section I11 we present the model that is analyzed empirically.

In section IV

we discuss the data, and in section V we present the results of the empirical
investigation. Finally, we conclude in section VI.

11. Related Literature

The conjecture that forward rates are unbiased and efficient predictors
of future spot rates has been widely tested.

In theory, unbiasedness holds

only given rational expectations and risk-neutrality of the representative
investor. Most studies have used weekly data, which imply serially correlated
forecast errors because the sampling interval is then finer than the forecast
interval, which is one month for a one-month-forwardcontract. As summarized
by Baillie (1989), a consensus against unbiasedness has emerged. The possible
explanations include the inappropriateness of the rational expectations
assumption (see Frankel and Froot [1987]), the possibility that policy changes


would lead to ex post biasedness even if unbiasedness held ex ante (Lewis
[1988]), anticipation of real exchange-rate changes (Levine [1989]), or the
existence of a time-varying risk premium. A variety of theoretical
approaches, summarized by Hodrick (1987), imply a time-varying risk premium.
An early approach by Lucas (1978) relates the risk premium to the
conditional covariance between a long position in the forward market and the
marginal rate of substitution between future and current consumption. Hodrick
(1989) shows how the risk premium in the forward market can be more directly
related to the conditional variance of market fundamentals such as money
supply and government spending. Domowitz and Hakkio (1985) use monthly data to
test for ARCH in the forecast error and for an influence of the conditional
variance on the forecast error. While they reject efficiency, they find little
evidence that the forecast error is related to the conditional variance.


general, evidence in favor of the existence of a risk premium in the forward
market is weak (see also Engel and Rodrigues [1989], Kaminsky and Peruga
[1990], and Mark [1988]).

This may partly reflect the need to use data of no

higher than monthly frequency in analyzing the relationship between the
forward-rate forecast error and either consumption or money.'

Baillie and

Bollersev (1989) have noted that volatility measures such as conditional
variance exhibit less time variation when they are constructed from data of
lower frequency.

l~hereare indirect approaches to testing for a risk premium using daily
data. One approach is that taken by Levine (1989), who tests the implication of
many asset pricing models that the risk premium imbedded in the forward rate is
exactly equal to the risk premium in the differential in real interest rates.
Giovanni and Jorion (1987) test for the influence of various proxies for a risk
premium, such as lagged forward rates and squared interest rates.

While analyses of the risk premium in the forward market have been
hampered by a focus on data of relatively low frequency, recent analyses by
Baillie and Bollersev (1989), Hsieh (1988), and Milhoj (1987) have supported
the application of GARCH to the analysis of daily exchange-rate movements.
Many studies of floating exchange-rate regimes have concluded that while both
spot and forward rates appear to have unit roots in their univariate
representations, their distributions are unimodal, symmetric, and fat-tailed.
GARCH allows for a conditionally normal distribution that is unconditionally
symmetric and leptokurtic. GARCH has been extensively utilized to model
exchange-rate volatility (see Engle and Bollersev 119861, Bollersev [1987],
Hsieh [1989], Diebold and Nerlove [1989], McCurdy and Morgan [1989], and
Milhoj [1987]).

Baillie and Bollersev (1989) modify GARCH to consider a

conditionally leptokurtic distribution that is capable of accounting for
severe leptokurtosis in the daily data. In a multivariate setting, Baillie
and Bollersev (1990) apply GARCH to analyze the risk premium in the forward
market with weekly data. They find no evidence that the forward forecast error
can be explained by its conditional variance, as predicted by various
theoretical approaches.

A description of the theoretical channels of influence for intervention
is given by Obstfeld (1989).

The portfolio balance channel is the influence

of sterilized central-bank intervention on the relative magnitude of
portfolios of securities denominated in different currencies. If investors
are risk averse and view assets of different currency denominations as
imperfect substitutes, shifts in asset supplies may induce changes in exchange
rates. Most empirical investigations conclude that there is no portfolio
balance effect. However, the need to calculate aggregate portfolio shares

leads to the use of relatively low-frequency data.

A second channel of influence for intervention could be via ~ignaling.~
The effectiveness of intervention in this case depends on the credibility of
the signal. If intervention could be signaling only future monetary policy,
it is unclear why intervention would be chosen over alternative signals such
as "cheap talk" (Stein [1989]). However, in this case, once the central bank
has intervened, it may stand to lose money by not following through on the
expected policy.

Dominguez (1988) looks at weekly money supply announcements

and finds evidence that the impact of intervention depends on the credibility
~ general, it is difficult to
of the implied monetary policy a ~ t i o n . In
disentangle portfolio balance and signaling influences. Ghosh (1989) and
Dominguez and Frankel (1989) present recent attempts to disentangle the two
In this paper, we do not distinguish between the two. Our approach is
closer to that of Domowitz and Hakkio (1985) and Osterberg (1989).


and Hakkio show how changes in money supplies in a two-country model of
exchange-rate determination can influence the risk premium in the forward rate
either by influencing the conditional mean of the forward forecast error or by
influencing its conditional variance.

Osterberg modifies Hodrick (1989) to

2~ relatively new but rapidly growing body of research views intervention
as a signal that the market can use to infer target bands for exchange rates.
However, the objective of this research is not to test for an impact of
intervention, which is distinguished from the fundamentals that determine the
equilibrium level of the exchange rate. See, among others, Froot and Obstfeld
(1989) and Klein and Lewis (1991).

3~owever,if intervention is a useful signal only if the monetary
authorities follow through with the expected future policy, there is an obvious
difficulty in attributing any exchange - rate movement to the intervention and not
to expected monetary policy. See Humpage (1991), Klein and Rosengren (1991), and
Dominguez (1990) for discussions of this issue.


show how intervention, by changing the amount of privately held currency, can
influence the forward rate's risk premium through both the conditional mean of
the forward-rate error and its conditional variance. We know of no studies
isolating an impact of intervention on the conditional variance of the
forward-rate forecast error. However, Loopesko (1984) and Dominguez (1990)
find influences of intervention on the risk premium implied by the uncovered
interest parity condition.

111. The Model

Equation (1) expresses the decomposition of the forward-rate error,
~ ~ , ~ + ~into
- f a~ risk
, ~ premium
hi,, and a forecast error pi,,. s ~ , and
~ +fint
~ are
the log of the spot rate at time t+k and the log of the forward rate at time t
for a contract that settles at t+k, respectively, for currency i.

Si, t+k

- fi,t

= 6i,t




When the forecast horizon, k , is longer than the sample frequency, the
forecast error will be autocorrelated. Specifically, the autocorrelation
coefficient at lag j will equal zero only for j 1 [k]


1, where [k] is the

largest integer smaller than k. As we discuss below, settlement conventions
in the foreign exchange markets suggest that k
(1989), the simplest model for pi,t+kis MA([k]),


22. As discussed by Baillie
expressed in equation (2).

Conceivably, rather than freely estimating such a high-order MA process,
we could impose coefficients suggested by theory to improve the power of our
estimation of the coefficents on the variables of interest. Baillie and
Bollersev (1990), in their study of weekly observations on the forward-rate

forecast error, impose the four MA coefficients suggested by the assumption
that s ~ , is
~ a
+ martingale.

Here the MA coefficients are estimated freely.4

Equation (3) presents our model of the risk premium.

Equation (3) indicates that, other than a constant component, b,, we
allow Sin,to exhibit day-of-the-weekeffects (D) to be influenced by
intervention (I) and to be related to conditional variance h (p=1,2 denote
conditional variance and standard deviation).

We cannot hope to distinguish

between inefficiency and risk because the significance of the coefficients on
intervention could simply reflect the failure of the market to take account of
available information. Details about these variables are given below.
Equations (2) and (3) are combined to yield equation (4).

Conditional normality of the errors implies an unconditional, symmetric,
but fat-tailed distribution. However, we allow in equation (5) for a
conditional student-t distribution that may be more successful in explaining
leptokurtosis (see Baillie and Bollersev [I9891 and Hsieh [1989]).

As the distributional parameter, v , approaches 30, this distribution is

In fact, in our model, if we were to impose the martingale assumption, we
would imbed strict noninvertibility (Harvey [1981]) into the system. The reason
is not that we are analyzing daily data, but rather that the forecast interval,
k , is an exact integer multiple of the sampling frequency. In studies of the
forecast error utilizing weekly data, k = 4-2/5. See Baillie and Bollersev


close to normal.

Equation (6) indicates that the conditional variance is

modeled as a GARCH(1,l) with intercept and the possibility of impacts for
daily dummies and central bank intervention.



= w







C T D ,Dj
~ C 71.jIj,t-1

Equations (4) and (6) will be estimated simultaneously.

IV. Data
The exchange rate data were provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York. At 10:OO a.m. of each day on which the New York market is open, the
Bank obtains both bid and ask quotes for the spot rates and forward premium

The forward rate is thus calculated as simply the spot rate plus the

premium. Although some authors have averaged bid and ask quotes, we use only
the bids.

Bossaert and Hillion (1991) show why averaging is inappropriate,

presenting evidence that previous conclusions on the efficiency of the forward
market may be reversed when only bids or asks are analyzed. They also claim
that intervention may impact the bid-ask spread.
We match the spot and forward rates so that st+k and f, are quotes on
contracts that settle on the same day. Riehl and Rodriguez (1977) describe
the mechanics of contract settlement in the foreign exchange market, which are
essentially as follows: Find the day on which the contract corresponding to f,
would settle, go forward two business days, then go forward to the same day in
the next month.

If that day is not a business day, go forward until one is

found, unless this implies a day in the third month, in which case the last
business day in the month is chosen. The future spot rate,

that settles

on the same day is the one quoted two business days prior to the day on which

the forward contract settles. This allows for settlement of the spot and
forward contract on the same day. Levine (1989) provides evidence that
failure to match spot and forward rates correctly may have influenced previous
findings on the extent to which the forward forecast error is influenced by
the risk premium presumably imbedded in real interest-rate differentials.
The intervention data were provided to us by the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

For each G-3 country, we utilize the actual

amount of net daily dollar purchases.

This enables us to avoid the pitfall of

introducing simultaneity through the conversion from a raw foreign currency
magnitude to dollars through application of the exchange rate. The data are
close-of-business (COB) amounts. Thus, we align the 10:OO a.m. quotes on day
t with intervention dated t-1, which is the net intervention from COB t-2 to
COB t-1.

Since intervention may occur on holidays, we add such intervention

to the previous day's amount.

In other words, if Monday is a holiday on which

there is intervention, the Tuesday 10:OO a.m. rate quote is aligned with the
total of net intervention from COB Thursday to COB Friday (the original Friday
number) plus that occurring on M ~ n d a y . ~
We also transform the intervention data so that the coefficent on
intervention can be interpreted as the elasticity of the premium with respect
to intervention. Since negative intervention observations represent sales of
dollars (purchases of yen or Deustche marks), for each bilateral relationship
we have four intervention measures (Ijs): both purchases of dollars and dollar
5The dummies are constructed so as to be orthogonal. In other words, if
Friday is a holiday, the holiday dummy for the Monday observation has a value of
one, but the Monday dummy does not. In order to avoid the dummy variable trap
with the presence of a constant term, we omit one of the daily dummies. Most
holidays fall on Monday, so it is natural to omit Tuesday. All of the dummies
are aligned with the day of the forward quote, rather than with the day on which
the future spot quote is taken or with the day on which both settle.

sales for each country.

The intervention variable is max(O,ln[Ij]).

Interventions are measured in hundred-million-dollarunits and never lie in
the interval (0,1].
We do not control for the influence of intervention on expected monetary
policy by including data on expectations. Assuming that all interventions are
sterilized, our intervention measures correspond to the dollar value of the
changes in private bond portfolios resulting from the sterilizations. A truer
measure of shifts in portfolio balance would be obtained if only the net
change in relative portfolios were measured and if we did not distinguish
between sales and purchases or identify the central bank's country.

V. Results
We utilize the Berndt et al. (1974) algorithm to obtain maximum
likelihood estimates of the basic models for both the DM/US$ and yen/US$
models given by equations (4), (5), and (6).

These results are presented in

table 1. Though the sample periods are the same for both currencies, the
sample sizes differ due to a dissimilar number of market holidays for Japan
and West Germany. Columns (a) and (d) are for simple models with constants in
both mean and variance, the MA(21)

error structure for the mean, and

conditional normality for the variance. v is fixed at a high enough value that
the t-distribution specified in equation (5) is approximately normal. All 21
MA coefficients are significant at the 5 percent level. We also calculate the
roots of the lag operator polynomials implied by the estimated MA coefficients
and find that they are consistent with invertibility, lying outside the unit

~ i r c l e .We
~ report the Ljung-Box (1978) statistics for kth order serial
correlation in the squared residuals, Q2(k), which, under conditional
homoscedasticity, are distributed as chi-squared with k degrees of freedom.
For both simple models, these statistics are significant at the 5 percent
level. m3 and m, are distributed as N(0,6/NOBS) and N(0,24/NOBS),
respectively, under normality. For both models there is significant kurtosis,
suggesting that we try an assumption other than conditional normality.
Columns (b) and (e) then retain the assumption of conditional normality
but model the conditional variances as GARCH(1,l) processes. The additional
parameters are significant both individually and in terms of the reduction in
log of the likelihood (Log-L). The Q2 statistics are reduced, though still
significant at 5 percent.
conditional normality.

Columns (c) and (f) relax the assumption of

The values of l/-y are obtained from iterating on

until the approximation m,



3(-y-2)/(-y-4) holds. Significant reductions in

Log-L are obtained with these distributions. Although examination of the Q2
and m, statistics does not confirm a reduction in kurtosis, the
parameterizations of columns (c) and (f) are maintained for subsequent
estimations in which the values of


are held constant.

Table 2 indicates the results of likelihood ratio tests for the
inclusion of daily dummies (including a holiday dummy) or intervention in
either the mean or variance equations. Given previous research utilizing
GARCH to study daily exchange rates, we may expect day-of-the-weekeffects to
be present in the mean. However, the first line indicates that there are no

6These calculations were performed using the GAUSS routine "polyroot, '
I which
yields a vector of 22 values in the form a +/- bi . We then calculate and examine
the elements in the vector of (a2 + b2)lI2. These results are available from the

such effects for either currency. Assuming efficiency, a significant
influence of intervention in the mean could be interpreted as support for the
influence of intervention via a risk premium. The second line shows that the
intervention variables are not jointly significant for either currency. Since
intervention is sometimes coordinated, however, collinearity may exist among
the individual intervention variables, and we thus test for their
significance. Only U.S. purchases of U.S. dollars (b13) have significant
(positive) influences on the forward forecast error for either the DM/US$ or
yen/US$ model.

We retain these variables in subsequent specifications of the

variance equation.
Adding all dummies to the variance equation (-yDjs) contributes
significantly to both models. However, any possibility that intervention
influences a risk premium via GARCH-in-mean is ruled out by the insignificance
of the impact of intervention on the conditional variance (-yIjs). Last, we
test for the presence of GARCH-in-meanwhere either the conditional variance
(h=l) or the conditional standard deviation (h=2) enters the mean equation.
For both specifications, we find significant effects for the yen/US$ model but
not for the DM/US$ model.

VI. Summary
This paper has two somewhat disparate purposes. Using forward and spot
exchange-rate data correctly matched for both the DM/US$ and yen/US$ models,
we have 1) extended the GARCH with student-t parameterization to the daily
forward-rate forecast error in an attempt to find evidence of a time-varying
risk premium and 2) looked for an effect of intervention in the daily forward

Previous investigations of the forward-rate error have used lower-

frequency data, which reduce measured volatility and thus affect the chances
of finding GARCH-in-mean,one of the channels through which fundamentals may
influence risk premia. Intervention is one of the few variables measured at a
daily frequency that could be considered fundamental.
We model the forecast error as an MA(21) process and find that the
student-t parameterization is a significant improvement over conditional
normality. This is similar to the findings of previous research on the daily
exchange-rate process. Our evidence of a time-varying risk premium is mixed.
For the yen/US$ rate, we find GARCH-in-mean,but no influence of intervention
on the conditional variance.

For both currencies, we find an influence of

U.S. purchases of dollars on the conditional mean of the forecast error.
We cannot claim to have distinguished between the signaling and
portfolio balance channels. However, if the portfolio balance channel were
operative, we would expect that purchases and sales would have equal influence
and that the nationality of the central bank would make no difference. We
have not tested these hypotheses at this point.

TABLE 1: Parameter Estimates for the Basic Model

Table 1 (continued)
































































































m3 (skewness)














~ ~ ( 2 0













Significant at the 5 percent level.
Significant at the 10 percent level.
NOTE: Standard errors are beneath coefficient estimates.
SOURCE: Authors' calculations.



TABLE 2: Likelihood Ratio Tests for Model Specification


bDj = 0, j=1,2,3,4,5.



bIj = 0, j=1,2,3,4.

















- 0, j=1,2,3,4,5.


0, j=1,2,3,4.

b13 = 0, j=3 denotes U.S. purchases
b13 z 0, -yDj


0, j=1,2,3,4,5.

b13 z 0, -yIj


0, j=1,2,3,4.


z 0, j=1,2,3,4,5,bh,,=O.


0, -y,j

b 1 3 + 0 , rDj # 0 , j=1,2,3,4,5 bh,2=0.

* Significant at the 5 percent level.
** Significant at the 10 percent level.
SOURCE: Authors' calculations.

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