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Working Paper 8711


by Michael L. Bagshaw

Michael L. Bagshaw is a statistical
analysis administrator at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
Working papers of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland are preliminary
materials circulated to stimulate
discussion and critical comment. The
views expressed herein are those of
the author and not necessarily those .
of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

December 1987


Key words:

multivariate ARIMA, forecasting performance

The purpose of this study is to examine the forecasting abilities of the
same multivariate autoregressive model estimated using two methods. The first
method is the "exact method" used by the SCA System from Scientific Computing
Associates. The second method is an approximation method as implemented in
the MTS system by Automatic Forecasting Systems, Inc.
The two methods were used to estimate a five-series multivariate
autoregressive model for the Quenouille series on hog numbers, hog prices,
corn prices, corn supply, and farm wage rates. The 82 observations were
arbitrarily divided into two periods: the first 60 observations were used to
estimate the models; then forecasts for one through eight years ahead were
calculated for each possible point in the remaining 22 observations. The root
mean square error (RMSE) using the SCA-estimated parameters was smaller than
the RMSE using the MTS-estimated parameters for 38 of the 40 possible values
(five variables by eight forecast horizons) and tied for one point. The
average increase in the RMSE when using the MTS parameters was approximately
9 percent. Using the SCA parameters for forecasting provided smaller mean
absolute error (MAE) for 35 of the 40 values, with the average increase from
using the MTS parameters being approximately 5 . 6 percent. Using the SCA
parameters provided smaller mean errors(ME) for 39 of the 40 values, with the
average increase from using the MTS parameters being approximately . 0 2 3 .
Thus, the SCA estimation method is shown to provide better forecasts than the
MTS method for this one example.


I. Introduction

Little study appears to have been done on the effects of different
methods of estimation of the parameters in a multivariate autoregressive
integrated moving average (MARIMA) model on forecasting. It is extremely
difficult to estimate a multivariate model with more than a few series.
Consequently, if approximate methods can provide estimations that are close
enough to provide "adequate" forecasts, the savings in computer cost can be
substantial. In this study, we examine the forecasting performance of the
same model estimated using two methods. The first method is the "exact
method" used by the SCA System from Scientific Computing Associates. The
second method is an approximation method due to Spliid (1983) as implemented
in the MTS system by Automatic Forecasting Systems, Inc.
The two methods were used to estimate a five-series multivariate
autoregressive model for the data on hog numbers, hog prices, corn prices,
corn supply, and farm wage rates as given in Quenouille (1957).

The data

consisted of 82 yearly observations from 1867 to 1948. The 82 observations
were arbitrarily divided into two periods: the first 60 observations were used
to estimate the models; then forecasts for one through eight years ahead were
calculated for each possible point in the remaining 22 observations. The
models were actually estimated in the natural logarithm of the original data
and the results given in this paper are in terms of forecasting the logged

11. Time Series Models

The following is a very brief description of the general MARIMA model.
Tiao and Box (1981) provide a more detailed description of the multivariate
ARIMA models. These models are particular versions of the general time series
model of order (p,q) given by:





z - LIB - . . .


e (B) = I - llB - ... -


) BP,


B Bq,




backshift operator(e .g., Bszi, = zi,
t-s) ,

- k x k identity matrix,
- - vector of k variables in the model,


) 's and ljts k x k matrices of unknown parameters,




k x 1 vector of unknown parameters, and

a = k x 1 vector of random errors that are identically and
independently distributed as N(0,Z).

Thus, it is assumed that the -aj.t 's at different points in time are
independent, but not necessarily that the elements of 2, are independent
at a given point in time.

The n-period-ahead forecasts from these models at time t (z,(n))


given by:

] implies the conditional
where, for any value of t,n,m, [gtin-m

expected values of the random variables

at time t.

If n-m is

less than or equal to zero, then the conditional expected values are the
actual values of the random variables and the error terms. If n-m is greater
than zero, then the expected values are the best forecasts available for these
random variables and error terms at time t.

Because the error terms are

uncorrelated with present and past information, the best forecasts of the
error terms for n-m greater than zero are their conditional means, which are
zero. The forecasts can be generated iteratively with the one-period-ahead
forecasts that depend only on known values of the variables and error terms.
The longer-length forecasts, in turn, depend on the shorter-length forecasts.

111. Development of Models for Forecasting

Because we wish to test which method provides better forecasts, we
divided the data into two periods. The data from 1867 through 1926 were used
to estimate the model for each method with adjustments in the starting period
for the lags involved in the model. The last 22 observations(from 1927

through 1948) were used to test the forecast accuracy of these models in terms
of root mean square error (RMSE) of the forecasts for one to eight years
For the MARIMA model, we developed a model by using the method of Tiao
and Box (1981).

This method is similar to the Box and Jenkins (1976) method

for developing univariate models, except that cross-correlations between the
series are added and modeled for. This is an iterative method that involves:
1) tentatively identifying a model by examining autocorrelations of the
series, 2) estimating the parameters of this model, and 3) applying diagnostic
checks to the residuals. If the residuals do not pass the diagnostic checks,
then the tentative model is modified, and steps two and three are repeated.
This process continues until a satisfactory model is obtained. The resulting
model was an MARIMA (1,0,1) model. That is, it was first order in both the
autoregressive and the moving-average terms. It thus can be represented as:





B1 are 5 by

5 matrices of unknown parameters that must

be estimated. These matrices were estimated by the two different methods
discussed in the next section.


Estimation Methods and Resulting Parameter Estimates

The MARIMA (1,0,1)model was estimated using two different methods. The
first method is the "exact method" used in the SCA Statistical System, Version
I11 from Scientific Computing Associates. This method is an implementation of
the estimation method using the "exact" likelihood function given by Hillmer

and Tiao (1979).

This method actually approximates the likelihood function

based on the stochastic structure of n-1 observations with izl considered
fixed for models with an autoregressive part of order 1. Because this method
is extremely technical, the details are not presented here. The second method
is an approximation implemented in the MTS system from Automatic Forecasting
Systems, Inc. This method is based on the results given in Spliid (1983).
Spliid believes that this approximation method is an economical alternative to
maximum-likelihood methods, which can be expensive, that this method can
provide good starting values for maximum-likelihood estimation, and that this
method can be used in initial studies to help determine an appropriate model
by the estimation of different forms and orders of models.
The results of estimating the model using the two methods are given in
table 1. The results are fairly close for most parameters, but in one case,
the difference is substantial. This is the moving-average term corresponding
to the effect of the lagged error in forecasting hog numbers on the farm wage
rates. The next step, determining how these differences affect the forecast
performance of the model, is addressed in the next section.

V. Forecastine Results

The models developed for this study were used to forecast the five
variables for a forecast horizon of up to eight years from 1927 through 1948.
These were actual forecasts and did not use any information within the
forecast horizon. Thus, the number of forecasts we have for each forecast
length varies. For one-quarter-ahead forecasts, we have 22 observations; for
two quarters ahead, we have 21 obsenrations, etc. For the purposes of this
study, we calculated the root mean square error (RMSE) , the mean absolute

error (MAE), and the mean error (ME) as measures of forecast accuracy. The
results are presented in tables 2 through 4.
The RMSE using the SCA-estimated parameters was smaller than the RMSE
using the MTS-estimated parameters for 38 of the 40 possible values (five
variables by eight forecast horizons) and tied for one point. The average
increase in the RMSE when using the MTS parameters was approximately 9
percent. For individual variables, the increases in RMSE from using MTS were:
Hog numbers
Hog prices
Corn prices
Corn supply
Farm wage rates



Thus, in terms of RMSE, the forecasts produced from using the SCA
parameters dominate the results using the MTS parameters. A major difference
in the results for farm wages parallels the difference in the estimated
parameter that indicates the effect of hog numbers on farm wages, as shown in
table 1.
Using the SCA parameters for forecasting provided smaller MAE for 35 of
the 40 values, with the average increase from using the MTS parameters being
approximately 5.6 percent. For individual variables, the increases in MAE
Hog numbers
Hog prices
Corn prices
Corn supply
Farm wage rates

1.2 percent
3.3 percent
5.8 percent
7.0 percent
15.9 percent

The results are again consistent with the difference in the estimated
parameters. The farm wage forecast is substantially different, with not as
much difference for the other variables.
Using the SCA parameters provided smaller ME for 39 of the 40 values,
with the average increase from using the MTS parameters being approximately

.023. The MEs were always of the same sign for both sets of estimated
parameters. For the individual variables, the increases in ME were:
Hog nmbers
Hog prices
Corn prices
Corn supply
Farm wage rates


VI. Summary

In this study, we have compared the forecasting performance of the same
multivariate autoregressive moving average model estimated by two different
methods. The "exact method" used in SCA dominates the approximate method used
in MTS for all variables and time lengths used in this study. The results
indicate that for at least one of the five variables studied here (farm wage
rates), there is a substantial difference in the forecasting ability. For the
other four variables, there is not as substantial a difference, but the
difference could be very meaningful, depending on the application.
The results of this study indicate the importance of using as accurate
an estimation method as possible and indicate that for at least one variable
in this study, the forecasting performance can be substantially improved by
using the better methods. This result may have implications for studies
that have shown that Box-Jenkins methods do not perform as well in forecasting
as other methods. Most of these studies use univariate models in which the
result may not be as dramatic. However, there has been no study of this
effect in univariate models. This is an area for further research.
These results are, of course, based only on one set of data and may not
carry over to other cases. However, the results do indicate that whenever a

study compares forecasting abilities of different methods, the method of
estimating should be clearly identified. Further work is needed to determine
whether these results are general or are specific to this data set.

Box, George E. P., and Gwilym M. Jenkins. Time Series Analysis:
Forecasting and Control. San Francisco: Holden-Day Inc., 1976.
Hillmer, S.C., and G. C. Tiao. "Likelihood Function of Stationary Multiple
Autoregressive Moving Average Models," Journal of the American
Statistical Association, vol. 74, no. 367 (1979), 652-660.
Quenouille, M.H. The Analysis of Multiple Time Series. London:
Griffing, 1957.
Spliid, H. "A Fast Estimation Method for the Vector Autoregressive Moving
Average Model with Exogenous Variables," Journal of the American
Statistical ~ssociation,vol. 78, no. 384,(1983) 843-849.
Tiao, George C., and George E. P. Box. "Modeling Multiple Time Series with
Applications," Journal of the American Statistical Association,
vol. 76, no. 376 (December 1981), 802-16.

Table 1 Estimated Models

Phi Matrix
Using MTS

Using SCA

Theta Matrix
Using MTS

Using SCA

Table 2

Comparison of Root Mean Square Error

Forecast horizons

HOE numbers
MTS model



1.0038 1.0437



1.0867 1.0457

1.0461 1.0843



1.0791 1.0582 1.0463 1.0486





1.0070 1.0038



1.0237 1.0151


1.1352 1.1219

1.0547 1.0270


1.2802 1.2182

1.1756 1.1509





.0187 -0233
. O M 1 -0203
1.0371 1.1486

Hog prices
Corn prices



1.0212 1.0151

.0979 .lo80
.0956 .I064

Corn supply

.9572 1.0000 1.0190

Farm wage rates




Table 3 Comparison of Mean Absolute Error
Forecast horizons

Hog numbers
MTS model








-.OO12 -.0030
-.0297 -.O502






Hog prices
MTS model
















MTS model










.0028 -.0007 -.0007
.0128 -.0028 -.0027











- .OO11







MTS model
















Corn prices

Corn supply
MTS model
Farm wage rates

Table 4 Comparison of Mean Error

Forecast horizons

Hog numbers
MTS model







-0643 -0653
-0562 -0575








.0081 .0078

MTS model







.2718 .3158
.2547 .3001









Hog prices

Corn prices
MTS model




Corn supply
MTS model




Farm wage rates
MTS model


