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Working Paper 9501

by William P. Osterberg and Rebecca Wetmore Humes

William P. Osterberg is an economist and Rebecca Wetmore
Humes is an economic analyst at the Federal Reserve Bark
of Cleveland.
Working papers of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
are preliminary materials circulated to stimulate discussion
and critical comment. The views stated herein are those of
the authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.

May 1995

It is unclear whether the distinction between U.S.foreign exchange intervention and
newspaper reports of such activity is important. Dominguez and Frankel (1993) argue that
unreported intervention has a weaker impact on the market. In this paper, we ask the
empirical question: If intervention is reported (was actual), does it matter whether it
occurred (was reported)? For a subsample for both the yen-to-dollar and Deutschemark-todollar exchange rates, we reject the hypothesis that the impact of intervention on the variance
does not depend on whether it was reported. We also find that the sign of the impact depends
on whether the intervention was reported. In addition, we uncover some evidence for impacts
of false reports of intervention. We suggest that remaining concerns about these distinctions
should be focused on the market microstructure surrounding the actual intervention

The release of official data on daily U.S.central bank foreign exchange operations
has brought about an increase in the number of studies analyzing the impacts of intervention
on the level and volatility of exchange rates. Prior to the release of such data, empirical
studies of intervention relied on confidential daily data or on daily data culled from
newspaper reports, or else opted to study intervention at lower frequencies using stock
measures of private-sector holdings of government bonds denominated in different
The overall fmding of the empirical studies (see Dominguez and Frankel [I9931 and
Edison [I9931 for summaries) is that if intervention affects exchange rates, it probably does
so through a signaling, or expectations, channel. This channel implies that intervention
conveys information to the market about future monetary policy. The literature has discussed
a variety of conditions that may be required before such a policy can be effective. One issue
that has not been addressed in much detail, however, is whether the accuracy of the market's
information about intervention, or any implied asymmetry in the market's information,
influences the efficacy of intervention. It is possible that the way in which the authorities
intervene may play an important role in the outcome of intervention operations.
In this paper, we analyze the differential impacts of reported and actual U.S.
intervention on the mean and conditional variance of the Deutschemark-to-dollar (DM/$) and
yen-to-dollar (Yen/$) exchange rates. We utilize a GARCH framework to model the
conditional variance, test for day-of-the-week effects, and then look for the impact of either
reported or actual intervention. We report tests of the restrictions imposed by studies that

utilize either actual intervention or reported intervention, namely, that 1) if intervention
occurred, it doesn't matter whether it was reported, and 2) if intervention was reported, it
doesn't matter whether it occurred. Somewhat surprisingly, once we have accounted for
day-of-the-week effects, we fmd that only reported intervention has an impact over the full
sample periods, and it is only on the variance of the yen-to-dollar exchange rate. In addition,
the distinction between intervention that was not reported and intervention that was reported
is significant for the conditional variance in a subsample for both exchange rates.
Furthermore, we fmd some evidence that both false reports and missing reports of
intervention occasionally affect exchange rates.
The paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we discuss related work and
clarify the issues. In the second and thud sections, we describe institutional factors and the
data, respectively. Then, in the fourth section we present our empirical method. The fifth
section presents and discusses the results of our empirical analysis, and the final section
summarizes our fmdings and indicates what we believe are the remaining issues.

I. Related Literature
When analyzing daily U.S. intervention operations, it is conventional to use reported
data if the intention is to focus on the signaling channel (the role of intervention in
communicating the Federal Reserve's intentions regarding monetary policy), but to use actual

data if the interpretation is to be in terms of portfolio balan~e.~
For example, if intervention
signals monetary policy, a purchase of dollars may be interpreted as indicating that monetary
policy will increase interest rates and thus raise the exchange value of the dollar. If portfolio
balance is the mechanism, a purchase of dollars (if sterilized) forces the private sector to

hold fewer dollar-denominated securities, which will require a lower expected rate of return
on such securities, and thus a decrease in the risk p r e m i ~ m .A
~ handful of studies have now
utilized both the reported and actual daily U. S. data. However, there has been little
discussion of the relevance of the mechanism through which information about intervention is
conveyed to the average trader.
Klein (1993) estimates the probability of intervention having occurred, given that it
was reported in either The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times, and the probability
of it having been reported, given that it occurred. His estimates are 88 and 72 percent,
respectively. Dominguez and Frankel (1993) perform a sequential search of intervention
news from three newspapers (The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and The New York
Times) and analyze the impact of reported intervention that occurred and "secret"

intervention (actual intervention that was not reported) on the exchange rate. They find that
the impact of secret intervention is weaker than that of reported intervention, but is still
significant. Dominguez (1993) analyzes the impact of reported and secret U.S. intervention
on exchange rate volatility using a GARCH(1,1)-student-t distribution. Hung (1991) also
discusses the relative effectiveness of "discreet" and "overt" intervention. Osterberg and
Wetmore Humes (1993) compare actual intervention to intervention reported in The Wall
Street Journal and find that the difference between the two is not white noise.
11. Institutional Considerations

Consideration of the details of U.S. intervention operations is important for
interpreting the estimated impacts of actual and reported intervention in studies of the
efficacy of U.S. foreign exchange intervention^.^ Data on U.S. intervention operations are


not released until one year has passed. Intervention operations at the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York are accomplished via either commercial banks or brokers. If commercial banks
are utilized, they are expected to notify the wire services that the Fed is in the market
immediately after the order has been placed. However, if the Fed contacts brokers directly,
notification is not expected, and the Fed's presence in the market will not be automatically
Humpage (1994) indicates that since the mid-1980s, the Federal Reserve has
generally relied more on commercial banks than on brokers.
Three uncertainties complicate the interpretation of newspaper reports of intervention.
First, it is not clear how often the Fed utilizes brokers directly. Second, it is not clear how
much time passes between the call from the Fed and the average trader learning of the
intervention. Third, it is not clear how the newspapers obtain their information about
intervention activity. Klein (1993) cites one source as indicating that traders generally
inform the newspapers of intervention activity. However, another source told us of the
existence of "information brokers" who collect information about market developments
through informal channels, then disseminate it to paying customers. Thus, it is not clear if
reported intervention corresponds to that accomplished via commercial banks, or even to the
information of the average trader.
Newspaper reports about intervention are often vague. Among the ambiguities are the
following: 1) specific currencies are often not mentioned; 2) reports may be delayed,
implying that segments of the market may not have learned of the intervention quickly;
3) one country may intervene on behalf of another, but it is not clear how the market
interprets such reports; and 4) intervention may have been rumored but then discounted.

This creates a dilemma when coding newspaper reports of intervention activity. Assuming
that news of actual intervention reaches the average trader (unless the intervention utilizes
brokers) may imply a relatively liberal coding. On the other hand, in order to focus on the
impact of any asymmetry in the market's information about intervention, one may wish to
employ more conservative coding conventions.

III. Data
The official daily U.S. intervention data were supplied to us by the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System. These data are now available to the public with a
one-year lag. The data are given as the daily net purchases of the U.S. dollar vis-A-vis the
Deutschemark or yen. The exchange rate data were supplied by the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York and are quoted as of 10:OO a.m. New York time. We culled the reported
intervention series from The Wall Street Journal, as described in detail in Osterberg and
Wetmore Humes (1993).
It is worth emphasizing that other researchers have utilized different series on
reported intervention. Dominguez and Frankel (1993) searched The Wall Street Journal,
Financial Times, and The New York Times sequentially for reports of intervention. Klein
(1993) utilizes reports from The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Like us,
Bonser-Neal and Tanner rely on The Wall Street Journal.
Our data include only specific reports of U.S. dollar intervention as published in the
foreign exchange column of The Wall Street Journal. Compared to other compilations of
reported intervention, our tabulations are conservative. Numerous judgments must be made
in coding newspaper reports. For example, we do not include reports of U.S. intervention

unless they specified the foreign currency being bought or sold. Also excluded are reports of
intervention that did not appear until later than the next working day. Other aspects of the

data collection procedure are discussed in Osterberg and Wetmore Humes (1993). It is not
clear how other researchers dealt with these issues.
The sample period is August 6, 1985 through September 5, 1991 for the DM/$, and
August 5, 1985 through October 4, 1991 for the Yen/$.6 However, since previous
investigations have noted that the goals of intervention vary from one period to another
(Humpage and Osterberg [1992], Dorninguez and Frankel [1993]), we estimated our model
for the following subperiods: February 23 to October 18, 1987, October 19, 1987 to
February 19, 1990, and February 20, 1990 to September 5, 1991 (DM/$) or October 4, 1991

IV. Methodological Approach
Ideally, we would utilize intradaily data identifying the counterparties, the time of
intervention, quotes surrounding the intervention, wire service entries, and newspaper
reports. However, the identities of the counterparties are not available, and the other
information is relatively costly to obtain, except for short sample periods. Consequently, we
opt for a more modest approach, albeit one that has the advantage of being directly
comparable to previous empirical investigations. In order to focus on the relevance of
asymmetry in the market's information about intervention, we test two null hypotheses:
HI:, If intervention occurred, it does not matter if it was reported.
H2: If intervention was reported, it does not matter if it occurred.
Failure to reject H1 might lessen concerns that the efficacy of intervention is

somehow related to the way in which information about intervention is transmitted to (or
through) the market. One could interpret failure to reject Hl(H2), combined with rejection of
H2(H1), as implying that whether intervention had occurred (was reported) was more
important than whether it was reported (had occurred).
We analyze the first difference of the logarithm of the exchange rate. This follows
Baillie and Bollersev (1989) and others who have found unit roots in daily exchange rates.
(1) A In s, = a,,+

C a,DOW,
i =1



In equation (I), there are five dummy variables. DOWtl= 1 if day t is a Monday, and i =
2,3,4,5 correspond to Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and days before market holidays,

respectively. As has been noted by McFarland, Pettit, and Sung (1982), Baillie and
Bollersev (1989), and Hsieh (1988, 1989), daily exchange rates (and even their volatility) can
be different for different days of the week. This may be due to variation in the volume of
trading and in the flow of information.

The conditional variance equation is modeled as GARCH(1, I), and we allow the
conditional density D to be either normal or student-t. Bollersev (1987) discusses the
estimation of this type of model. Bollersev (1986), Hsieh (1989), and Baillie and Bollersev
(1989) conclude that the GARCH(1,1)-student-t formulation does better than its competitors
in modeling daily exchange rate movements.

We add dummy intervention variables disaggregated along several dimensions. For
each currency (DM/$ and Yen/$), we defme both buying and selling and classify intervention
as "~ccurate"(occurred and was reported), "_missing"(occurred but was not reported), or
"Jkke" (did not occur but was reported).
Thus, to test H1 and H2, we modify equations (1) and (3) as follows:

where the variable def~tionsare as described in table 1. Testing H1 and H2 implies testing
the restrictions that the coefficients on the variables for "accurate" and "missing," as well as
on "accurate" and "fake, " are equal, respectively.
V. Results
Table 2 reports the number of occurrences of each intervention measure. For the full
sample periods, only 17 percent and 16 percent of actual U.S. intervention vis-A-vis the DM
and yen, respectively, were reported in the foreign exchange column of The Wall Street
Journal. This is lower than the percentages calculated by other researchers. The fnst
subperiod (time 3), from February 23, 1987 through October 18, 1987, begins after the
Louvre Accord and ends just prior to the stock market decline on October 19. Almost all
U.S. intervention activity here consisted of buying dollars, either by selling DM or by selling
yen. In contrast, from October 19, 1987 through February 19, 1990, most U.S. intervention

vis-A-vis the DM or yen consisted of selling dollars. The final period saw limited U.S.
intervention, with some tendency to sell DM (buy dollars in terms of DM) and buy yen (sell
dollars for yen).
Table 3a reports the results of tests for the GARCH(1,l)-student-t specification, for
the inclusion of dummies, and for including intervention in the conditional mean equation.
For the full sample period for both currencies, line 1 shows that the GARCH(1,l)
specification improves on including only intercepts when the disturbance is assumed to be
normally distributed. Line 2 indicates that the student-t distribution improves upon
normality. For both currencies, specification tests suggest the joint addition of the five dayof-the-week variables (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and days before market
holidays) to the conditional mean and conditional variance (line 5).' Results for the
subperiods generally confirm these interpretations. Except for the extremely short third
sample period for the DM, tests of the GARCH(1,l)-student-t specification suggest its
acceptance. However, day-of-the-week effects are not present for the DM/$ for the first and
second subperiods.
Lines 6 through 9 of table 3a report the results of our main tests. Lines 6 and 7 test
our two main hypotheses: HI) If intervention was reported, it does not matter if it occurred,
and H2) If intervention occurred, it does not matter if it was reported. We reject H1 at the
0.05 level for the final subperiod for the Yen/$. Lines 8 and 9 provide some perspective on
this result by indicating the test statistics for the overall signifcance of reported intervention
and of actual intervention, respectively. Contrary to the results of previous research, neither
measure of intervention usually affects the DM/$ or Yen/$. Only for the final subperiod for

the Yen/$ does intervention affect the conditional mean. Actual intervention matters (line 9)
when entered as a single variable, imposing the restriction that whether or not the
intervention is reported does not matter. Reported intervention also matters, if we are careful
to distinguish between reports that are accurate and those that are not. However, the low
frequency of intervention during this period qualifies these results.
Table 3b reports test results for impacts of intervention on the conditional variance.
For the full sample period, actual intervention affects the Yen/$, and it does not matter if
such intervention is reported. For the subperiods, we frnd more evidence for impacts of
intervention. For the October 19, 1987 - February 19, 1990 subperiod for the DM/$,
intervention influences the variance and, importantly, we also reject H2, frnding that the
impact of actual intervention that was reported (A) differs from the impact of actual
intervention that was not reported (M). However, we cannot reject H1 for this case.
For the same period as discussed above, we reject H2 for the Yen/$. If we restrict
intervention that was reported to have the same impact as intervention that was not reported,
we would conclude that actual intervention does not influence the conditional variance (line
9). Thus, in this case, actual intervention matters if we are careful to distinguish between
whether or not it was reported.
The table 4 tabulations of coefficient estimates focus on the second subsample, for
which we frnd impacts of intervention on the variance for both exchange rates. The
significance of the day-of-the-week dummies is sensitive to specification. The conditional
means of the DM/$ and Yen/$ are significantly

higher (at the 10 percent level as measured

by the t statistic) on Thursdays only when accurate reports (R) and missing reports (M) are

included in the former, and only when the aggregate of the two types of intervention (R+M)
is included in the latter. The conditional mean is also significantly higher on Fridays, but is
lower on days before market holidays for the Yen/$ when R+M is included in the
conditional variance. The conditional variance is higher for the DM/$ only when R and M

are included separately in the conditional variance equation, but is lower for the Yen/$ only
when R+M is included in the conditional variance equation.
The fnst column of table 4 shows that the impact of accurate reports (A) is negative
for the DM/$, while the impact of missing reports (M) is positive. Although the individual t
statistics are not significantly different from zero at the 10 percent level, table 3b reported
that the two measures are jointly significant. The second column shows that the overall
impact of actual intervention (A+M) is positive. The third and fourth columns confirm this
finding for the Yen/$; accurate reports have a negative impact on the conditional variance,
while missing reports (M) have a positive impact.

VI. Conclusion
A limited amount of previous research has compared actual U.S. central bank
intervention with the newspaper reports of such activities. Using a GARCH(1,l)-student-t
specification of the daily exchange rate process for the DM/$ and Yen/$, official U.S.
intervention vis-a-vis the Deutschemark and yen, and The Wall Street Journal reports of U.S.
intervention, we confirm previous fmdings that the impact of intervention seems to be sample
dependent. We fmd that 1) except for the February 19, 1990 - September 5, 1991 subperiod
for the Yen/$, neither the distinction between accurate reports of intervention and false
reports (given that intervention was reported) nor the distinction between accurate reports and

missing reports (given that intervention occurred) is significant in terms of the conditional
mean; 2) for October 19, 1987 through February 19, 1990, actual intervention influences the
conditional variance for both exchange rates, and the impact depends on whether the
intervention was reported; and 3) for the latter subperiod, intervention that was reported
decreased the conditional variance for both currencies, while intervention that was not
reported increased the conditional variance.
Compared to the results of previous research, our findings show that intervention has
relatively little impact overall. One possible partial explanation is that we have recorded too
few reports of intervention. Our response to this is to note that a relatively liberal coding of
the reports may not be consistent with our desire to proxy for any informational asymmetries
within the market. On one hand, viewing any difference between our reported intervention
series and other researchers' series as measurement error could explain our finding that
reported intervention does not affect exchange rates overall. On the other hand, the finding
that actual intervention has no impact on exchange rates is not subject to this criticism. We
investigated the possibility that including day-of-the-week effects may have influenced our
r e s ~ l t s .We
~ ran probits where the dependent variables are the intervention measures, either
reported intervention (the sum of accurate andme) or actual intervention (the sum of
accurate and missing), and the independent variables are the day-of-the-week and holiday
dummies, with an intercept. For no case is there any tendency for intervention either to
occur or to be reported on any particular day of the week or on days before market holidays.

1. These latter stock measures are utilized to test the portfolio balance
theory of how intervention would affect exchange rates. For a recent empirical
application, see Ghosh (1992).
2. There is no coherent view of what signaling means. For some, it means that
there is a "consistent and proximate" relation between intervention and some
future change in monetary policy (Klein and Rosengren [19911). For others, it
means that intervention influences exchange rates, given any portfolio balance
effect (Ghosh [I9921 .
3. Sterilization means that the removal of the dollars via the initial
purchase is offset by the purchase of U.S. government securities of the same
4. Humpage (1994) discusses the institutional aspects of U.S. intervention
operations, focusing on the nexus between the Federal Reserve's actual
transacting from its New York Desk and the Exchange Stabilization Fund of the
U.S. Department of the Treasury. Todd (1992) details the historical evolution
of the rationales for U.S. intervention operations.
5. See Dominguez and Frankel (1993, pp.72-73) and Humpage (1994, pp. 9-10).
6. The sample periods for the three investigations are roughly consistent:
Klein (1993): January 1, 1985-December31, 1989; Bonser-Neal and Tanner
(forthcoming): January 1, 1985-December31, 1989; this paper: August 6, 1985September 5, 1991.

7. Earlier sample periods could not be analyzed due to the low number of
occurrences of most of the categories of intervention.
8. The coefficient estimates indicate a "Thursday" effect. Since our day-ofthe-week dummies are aligned with day t-1, our Thursday effect is equivalent
to others' Friday effects.
9. There has been no consistent treatment of these effects. Dominguez (1993)
includes a full array of day-of-the-weekand holiday dummies, but Dominguez
and Frankel (1993) include no such dummies, and Bonser-Neal and Tanner
(forthcoming)include only a dummy for holidays or weekends.

Baillie, Richard T. and Tim Bollersev. "The Message in Daily Exchange Rates: A
Conditional Variance Tale," Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 7,
no. 3, 1989, pp. 297-305.
Bollersev, Tim. "Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity," Journal of
Econometrics, vol. 31, 1986, pp. 307-327.
Bollersev, Tim. "A Conditional Heteroskedastic Time Series Model for Speculative Prices
and Rates of Return, " Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 69, 1987,
pp. 542-547.
Bonser-Neal, Catherine and Glenn Tanner. "Central Bank Intervention and the Volatility of
Foreign Exchange Rates: Evidence from the Options Market," Journal of International
Money and Finance, forthcoming.
Dominguez, Kathryn M. "Does Central Bank Intervention Increase the Volatility of Foreign
Exchange Rates?" National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 4532,
November 1993.
Dominguez, Kathryn M. and Jeffrey A. Frankel. Does Foreign Exchange Intervention
Work? Institute for International Economics, Washington, D. C., 1993.
Edison, Hali J. "The Effectiveness of Central-Bank Intervention: A Survey of the Literature
after 1982," Special Papers in International Economics No. 18, Princeton University,
July 1993.
Ghosh, Atish. "Is It Signalling? Exchange Intervention and the Dollar-Deutschemark Rate, "
Journal of International Economics, vol. 32, 1992, pp. 201-220.
Hsieh, David A. "The Statistical Properties of Daily Foreign Exchange Rates: 1974-1983,"
Journal of International Economics, vol. 24, 1988, pp. 129-145.
Hsieh, David A. "Modeling Heteroskedasticity in Daily Exchange Rates," Journal of
Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 7, no. 3, July 1989, pp. 307-317.
Humpage, Owen F. "Institutional Aspects of U. S. Intervention," Economic Review, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, vol. 30, no. 1, 1994, pp. 2-19.
Humpage, Owen F. and William P. Osterberg. "Intervention and the Foreign Exchange Risk
Premium: An Empirical Investigation of Daily Effects," Global Finance Journal,
vol. 3, no. 1, 1992, pp. 23-50.

Hung, Juann H. "Noise Trading and the Effectiveness of Sterilized Foreign Exchange
Intervention," Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Research Paper No. 9111, March
Klein, Michael W. "The Accuracy of Reports of Foreign Exchange Intervention," Journal of
International Money and Finance, vol. 12, 1993, pp. 644-653.
Klein, Michael W. and Eric S. Rosengren, "Foreign Exchange Intervention as a Signal of
Monetary Policy," New England Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,
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McFarland James W., R. Richardson Pettit, and Sam K. Sung. "The Distribution of Foreign
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Todd, Walker F., "Disorderly Markets: The Law, History, and Economics of the Exchange
Stabilization Fund and U.S. Foreign Exchange Market Intervention, " Research in
Financial Services: Public and Private Policv, vol. 4, 1992, pp. 111-179.

Table 1: Dummy Variable Definitions




1 equals 1 if day t is a Monday


equals 1 if day t is a Wednesday


equals 1 if day t is a Thursday


equals 1 if day t is a Friday

DOW~ equals 1 if day t is the day before a holiday

equals 1 if U.S.actually bought dollars and was also reported to be doing so


equals 1 if U.S.actually sold dollars and was also reported to be doing so



I equals 1 if U.S.actually bought dollars but was not reported to be doing so


I equals 1 if U.S.actually sold dollars but was not reported to be doing so

I equals 1 if U.S.was not buying dollars but was reported to be doing so


I equals 1 if U.S.was not selling dollars but was reported to be doing so
I equals 1 if U.S.was either buying or selling dollars and was reported to be
1 equals 1 if U.S.was either buying or selling dollars but was not reported to be






I equals 1 if U.S.was neither buying nor selling dollars but was reported to be


equals 1 if U.S. was reported to be either buying or selling dollars


equals 1 if U.S.actually was either buying or selling dollars

Table 2: Frequencies of Intervention Measures

Full sample: August 6, 1985-September 5, 1991(DM/$) or
August 6, 1985-October 4, 1991(Yen/$)
A: February 23, 1987-October 18, 1987
B: October 19, 1987-February 19, 1990
C: February 20, 1990-September 5, 1991
Source: Authors' calculations.

Table 3a: Likelihood Ratio Tests for Model Specification (Intervention in the Mean)

A: February 23, 1987-October 18, 1987
B: October 19, 1987-February 19, 1990
C: February 20, 1990-September 5, 1991
d.f. : degrees of freedom for the likelihood ratio test
a : significant at the 0.05 level.
: significant at the 0.10 level.
Source: Authors' calculations.

Table 3b: Likelihood Ratio Tests for Model Specification (Intervention in the Variance)
Sample +






6) HI: A = F





7) H2: A = M
















6)Hl: A = F





7) H2: A = M











3. 51

0 7.3



A: February 23, 1987-October 18, 1987
B: October 19, 1987-February 19, 1990
C: February 20, 1990-September 5, 1991
d.f.: degrees of freedom for the likelihood ratio test
" : significant at the 0.05 level.
: significant at the 0.10 level.
" : 1 degree of freedom
Source: Authors' calculations.

Table 4: Estimates for Equations (1') and (3')' Subsample B, Lines 7 and 9, Table 3b
sample +

















































f f ~ ~ l


















(1 1.8208)


























Table 4 (continued)





































No. of obs.








significant at the 0.10 level.
Note: Standard errors are in parentheses beneath coefficient estimates.
Source: Authors' calculations.