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Published Every 2 Months

References indicate issue and page
Accidents. See Health and safety.
Age: Defense work for all ages, Sept. 3. Home
workers, Jan. 12. Injured women, May 15, Nov. 11.
Job clinics for older women, Mar. 16. Old-age pen­
sions for women, July 7-8. Placing of older women,
May 16. Women in defense jobs, Nov. 12-13.
Women registered for war work (Gr. Br.), July 6.
Young persons and tuberculosis, Sept. 15.
Apprentices. See Minimum wage, substandard.


See Cost of living.

Clerical. See Industries and occupations.
Collective bargaining. See Labor unions.
Compensation and insurance: Industrial injuries and
occupational diseases, Sept. 15, Nov. 11-12. Health
insurance, union, Nov. 9. Home workers and com­
pensation, Sept. 14, 15. Increased coverage, unem­
ployment and old age, Mar. 13. Old-age pensions
for women, July 7-8. Social Security reports
(women), July 7-8. Unemployment compensation
for women, Jan. 16, Mar. 12, 13; for married women,
Nov. 7-8.
Conferences and organizations (see also Labor unions):
Adult Education, Mar. 16. Altrusa, Jan. 5. Amer­
ican Red Cross, May 15. Business and Profes­
sional Women, Jan. 5, July 16. Catholic Women,
Jan. 5. Consumers’ League, Jan. 5, Mar. 5, 13.
Defense Advisory Commission, National, Mar. 5.
Dietetic, July 5. Dress Institute, N. Y., Nov. 8.
Education, N. Y., Board, Jan. 4. Electrical Asso­
ciation for Women (Gr. Br.), Jan. 16, May 16.
Governmental Labor Officials, Mar. 5, Nov. 13-14.
Hotel Association, N. Y., Nov. 7. Household Em­
ployment, Sept. 13; Conn., Jan. 15. Industrial
Democracy, May 16. Industrial Physicians and
Surgeons, May 11. Inter-American Commission
of Women, Jan. 15. Jewish Women, Jan. 5. Labor

Legislation, American Association, Sept. 13; Na­
tional Conference on, Mar. 5-6, Sept. 13. Medical
associations, men’s and women’s, July 5. Medical
Corps, July 5. Minimum Wage, Mar. 8. Pilot,
Jan. 5. Quota, Jan. 5. Soroptimist, Jan. 5. 20th
Century Fund, July 13. University Women, Jan.
5. Vocational Education, Mar. 14. Women,
Associated, May 16. Women in Defense (Vassar),
Mar. 3-4, 6. Women Voters, Jan. 5. Women’s
Bureau Advisory Committees, Jan. 4-5, Mar. 5.
Women’s Centennial, Jan. 14. Women’s Clubs,
Federation, Jan. 5. Women’s Job Clinic, D. C.,
Mar. 16. Women’s Occupational Council, D. C.,
Mar. 16. Y. W. C. A., Jan. 5, Mar. 16, Sept.13,
Nov. 15. Zonta, Jan. 5.
Contracts. See Public Contracts; Labor unions.
Cost of living: Family, Atlanta, Sept. 13. Individual
woman, Sept. 4, Chicago Jan. 9, Cleveland May 3,
San Francisco July 10, Utah May 3. Household
workers, Nov. 15. Increase, Great Britain, July 6.
Publications, July 16, Sept. 16. Union contracts
and, Sept. 11, 12, Nov. 8, 9.
Court action (see also Minimum wage, court decisions):
U. S. Supreme Court, Fair Labor Standards Act,
Mar. 9, July 9. Hammer v. Dagenhart (child
labor), Mar. 9. Labor union disputes, May 8,
July 12. National Labor Relations Board,
July 12.
Other courts: Fair Labor Standards Act, May 11,
July 9, Sept. 8. Guaranteed wage, N. Y., Mar. 9,
July 10. Home work, N. Y., Mar. 15-16. Stand­
ard week, Calif., July 10. Violation of hour
law, La., July 15.

Defense (Women workers in defense run through
every issue and many subjects. For example, see
Conferences; Employment; Federal agencies, Em­
ployment Security; Labor unions; Training):
Industries and occupations (see also Industries,
main head—Aircraft, Ammunition, Electrical,
Machine tools, Metal): Government jobs, Jan. 3,



Sept. 3. Instruments, Jan. 6-7, July 5. Nurses
and doctors, July 5. Time-bomb mechanism,
Jan. 8, Mar. 14. Various, Jan. 3, 4, 5, Mar. 3,
Nov. 3-4.
Labor standards essential (public statements),
Mar. 5-6.
Organizations (see also Conferences): Advisory
Commission, Council of National Defense, Jan. 3,
4, Mar. 5, 14, 16, July 13. Advisory committees,
Women’s Bureau Jan. 4-5, Children’s Bureau
Jan. 15. Councils, Mar. 3-4. National Defense
Mediation Board, May 14. New Jersey Council
of Defense, Mar. 4. Red Cross, May 15. 20th
Century Fund (Labor Committee), July 13.
Publications. See page 16, each issue.
Training: W. P. A., Mar. 14. Women’s Bureau
Conference, Jan. 4—5.
Woman labor (see also Employment; Industries;
Training): In Great Britain, Jan. 16, July 6-7, 16.
In World War I, Mar. 3, July 4. Order, Chief of
Ordnance (1917), July 13.
Discrimination. See Employment.

Employment, employment trends, and unemployment
(see also Compensation): Alabama, Mar. 15. Census
of manufactures and of trade, Nov. 4—5; of occupa­
tions, Mar. 4. Discrimination, chiefly for marriage,
May 7-8, July 15, Sept. 3, 14. Employment shifts,
effects, Nov. 12-13. In defense industries, Jan. 3, 5,
6-8, Mar. 3-4, May 5-6, July 4, 5, Sept. 3-4, Nov.
3-4; in relief families, Nov. 12-13. Job clinics
(D. C.), Mar. 16. Labor market (1940), May 4-5.
Placements, May 9, July 4, Nov. 3-4. Seasonal,
Mar. 7, May 7, July 3, Sept. 9, 10. Semiannual
reports (12 States), Sept. 4-6. Shortages of labor,
May 5, Sept. 3, Nov. 3. Skilled workers, demand,
Jan. 3. Unemployment, silk mills, Nov. 3. Union
contracts guarantee employment, May 9-10.
Equal pay for equal work (see also Wage differentials):
Fair Labor Standards ruling, July 14. Minimumwage order (Conn, beauty shops), May 12. Prince­
ton University study, July 14.

Fair Labor Standards Administration:
Collection of wages: Mar. 10, July 11.
Court action: Jan. 9, Mar. 9, May 11, July 9, Sept. 8.
Definitions: Area of production, May 12; Retail
sales, Sept. 8.
Home work: Jan. 10, 11-12, Nov. 6.
Hours: Jan. 10, 11, July 8.
Industry committees: Jan. 10, Mar. 10, May 11,
July 9-10, Sept. 8, Nov. 6.
Rates recommended or set: Jan. 10, Mar. 9-10, May
10-11, July 8-9, Sept. 7-8, Nov. 5-6.
Record keeping: Jan. 11-12, Mar. 10, Nov. 6.
Substandard (Learners, handicapped, etc.): Jan. 10,
May 11-12, Sept. 8, Nov. 6.

30-cent minimum and 40-hour maximum in effect
Jan. 10.
Family income and women’s responsibility: Mar. 10-12,
May 3. Negro women, May 3.
Federal agencies: Census, Mar. 4, May 4—5, Sept. 6,
Nov. 4, 5. Children’s, Jan. 15, Mar. 16, May 16,
Nov. 16. Civil Service, Jan. 3, July 4. Civilian
Conservation, Jan. 4, Mar. 4, Nov. 12. Concilia­
tion, May 15. Defense Mediation, May 14. Edu­
cation, Mar. 14, 16, May 16. Employment Security
or Employment Service, Jan. 3, May 5-6, July 4,
Sept. 5, Nov. 3. Fair Labor Standards. See
separate head. Home Economics, Mar. 10-12.
Labor, Mar. 5, 16, Nov. 16. Labor Relations, Mar.
5, July 12. Labor Statistics, Mar. 10-12, 16, May
16, July 14, 16, Sept. 5, Nov. 3, 6, 9, 16. National
Defense, Council of (Advisory Commission), Jan. 3,
4, Mar. 5, 14, 16 (Bulletin), July 13. Public Con­
tracts. See separate head. Social Security, Mar. 5,
May 16, July 7, Nov. 7-8, 10. Vocational Educa­
tion, Jan. 4. Work Projects, Jan. 5, 15, Mar. 4,
14, May 15, 16, Nov. 12. Youth Administration,
Jan. 4, 5, Mar. 4, Nov. 12.

Health and safety (see also Compensation):
Handicapped, Jan. 12, May 11. Illness of women,
Nov. 10-12. Industrial injuries, Fla. July 15,
Mass. Mar. 15, Mo. May 15, Pa. July 15.
Maternal and child health, Jan. 15. Occupational
diseases—Ill. and Ohio Sept. 15-16, Mass. Mar.
15, Mo. May 15, Wis. Sept. 15. Reports—
Women’s Bureau, Children’s Bureau, Div. of
Labor Standards, British, Sept. 16. Standards
in defense, Nov. 14.
Home work, Industrial: Calif., Jan. 15, Sept. 15; Mass.,
Sept. 13; N. J., Sept. 14; N. Y., Jan. 13, Mar. 15,
May 14, Sept. 14, Nov. 14-15; P. I., May 15; P. R.,
Jan. 10, Sept. 7-8. Banned on public contracts,
Mar. 16. Embroidery, Mar. 10. Jewelry, Nov. 6.
Lamps shades, July 8-9. Proposed laws, May 7.
Wage and Hour summary, Jan. 11-12.
Hotels and restaurants. See Minimum wage, orders,
and Industries, service.
Hours (see also Fair Labor Standards; Minimum wage
orders; Labor unions): Basic 40 hours, Federal,
Jan. 10. Conn. Governor may increase, Sept. 13. Ex­
cessive, effect on production (Gr. Br.), July 6-7.
Legislation—Proposed, Mar. 14, May 6-7; passed,
July 13-14. Maximum sentence for violation (La.),
July 15. Night work, May 6, 7, July 13, 14. Over­
time, May 10, July 8, 13-14. Semiannual figures,
12 States, Sept. 4-6. Standard week defined (Calif.),
July 10.
Household employment. See Industries, service.

Industries and occupations:
Agriculture (see also Food and Tobacco): Mar. 14,
May 5, 7, 12, July 3.

Aircraft and accessories: Jan. 6-7, Mar. 6, May 5, 8,
July 5, 7, Sept. 3, Nov. 3, 4, 10.
Ammunition (arms, cartridges, bombs): Jan. 7-8,
Mar. 3, 14, May 5, July 5, 6, Sept. 3, 4, Nov. 3, 4.
Apparel: Dress accessories, Jan. 12, Mar. 7, May 10,
11, July 9. Gloves, Jan. 10, 12, Mar. 10, July 12,
Sept. 11, 14—15. Hosiery and knit, Jan. 10, 12, 13,
May 10, 11, 12, July 6, 9, 14, Sept. 5-6, 8, Nov. 9,
12. Men’s, Jan. 13, Mar. 6, May 8, 9, 11, 14, July 9,
12, Sept. 5-6, Nov. 5, 6. Millinery, Jan., 10.
Women’s and children’s, Mar. 7, May 7, 9-10, 12,
July 9, 12, Sept. 5-6, 8, 11, Nov. 4, 5, 8, 9. Other,
Jan. 8, 10, 12, 13, 15-16, Mar. 7, July 6, 9, 15,
Sept. 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, Nov. 4, 9.
Artificial flowers: Jan. 10, Nov. 14.
Bags: Paper, Jan. 10, Sept. 7, Nov. 13. Textile,
Jan. 13, 16. Handbags, Jan. 12, Mar. 9, May 10,
July 9.
Building (including ship): May 6, July 6.
Chemicals: July 6, Sept. 15.
Clay, glass, stone: Jan. 5, May 11, Sept. 5, 6, 15,
Nov. 4, 5.
Clerical work: Jan. 3, 5, 9, 14, Mar. 7, 8, 11, 14, 15,
May 7, 10, 13, July 13, Sept. 3, 12, Nov. 4, 9, 10.
Drugs: Mar. 10, May 10, 11, July 9, Sept. 7, Nov. 6.
Electrical: Jan. 5, 7, 8, May 6, July 4, 5, 12, Sept. 3,
5, 6, 11, 13, Nov. 3, 4.
Food: Candy, Jan. 8-9, 13, Mar. 9, July 10-11,
Sept. 5, 6, 16. Canning, May 9, 10, 14, July 3,
Sept. 9-11, Nov. 10, 16. Other, Jan. 8, 13, May
6, 11, July 6, 9, 15, Sept. 15, Nov. 4, 10.
Government work: Jan. 3, Sept. 3.
Guns. See Ammunition.
Hairpins: Jan. 11.
Household. See Service.
Instruments: Jan. 6-7, July 5.
Jewelry: Jan. 10, 12, Mar. 6, 10, 14, 16, July 9, 14,
Sept. 11, Nov. 4-6.
Knit goods: Jan. 5, 10.
Leather (including boots and shoes): Jan. 10, 12, 13,
Mar. 9, 15, May 9, July 14, Sept. 5, 6, 8, 12, Nov.
4, 6.
Lumber, furniture, wood products: May 16, July 10,
Sept. 8, 15, Nov. 5.
Machine tools, machine shops: Jan. 7, May 6, Nov.
3, 4.
Manufacturing, misc. and not specified: Jan. 7, 1012, Mar. 3, 6, 10, 13-16, May 5-7, 11, July 3-5,
8, 9, 14, 15, Nov. 4-6, 10, 11.
Metal (not elsewhere listed): Jan. 5, 8, Mar. 6, 8,
10, 15, 16, May 6, 8, 10, July 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, Sept.
3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, Nov. 4, 5.
Mining: July 8, 15.
Needlework, embroidery: Jan. 10, Mar. 10, May 10,
15, July 5, 9, Sept. 7.
Office work. See Clerical.
Optical lenses: Jan. 5.
Paper and printing: Jan. 10, 11, Mar. 15, May 14,
July 6, 13, 15, Sept. 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, Nov. 9, 13.
Professional and semiprofessional: Entertainers,
May 6. Nurses, therapy aides, hospital techni­


cians, May 15, 16, July 5, Sept. 10. Pharmacists,
May 15. Physicians, July 5. Teachers, Mar. 7,
May 3, 16, July 16. Various, Mar. 7, 8, 16, May
12, July 4-7.
Radio: Jan. 5, May 6,11, July 4, Sept. 3, 5, 6, Nov. 4.
Rubber: Jan. 13, Mar. 15, May 8, 10, July 5, Sept. 5,
Service industries: Beauty shops, Jan. 8, 9, Mar. 8,
9, 13, May 12, 14, July 11, 16, Nov. 11. Cleaning
and dyeing (see also Laundries), Jan. 8, 9, Mar. 8,
13, July 11, Sept. 5, 6. Elevator operators, Mar.
15. Hotels—See Public housekeeping. Household
employment and personal service, Jan. 15, Mar. 13,
14, 15, May 5, 6, 7, July 6, 7, 8, 14, Sept. 3, 10, 12,
13, Nov. 11. Laundries, dry cleaning (see also
Cleaning and dyeing), Jan. 8, 9, 16, Mar. 9, 13, 15,
May 13,14, July 10,15, Sept. 6, 9,10, 12, Nov. 6, 7.
Public housekeeping (hotels, restaurants, cafeterias,
drinking places, hospitals), Jan. 8, 9, Mar. 13, 15,
May 6, 7,11,13,14,15, July 6,10,11, Sept. 6-7,12,
Nov. 3, 5, 7, 9-10, 11. Not specified, Mar. 13,
July 15.
Skilled and semiskilled: Jan. 3, 4, 5, 8, Mar. 14, Nov.
3. Defined, Jan. 4.
Telephone and telegraph: Jan. 9, 10, 11, Mar. 8, 15,
July 8, 13, 14.
Textiles: Jan. 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, Mar. 6, 10, 15,
May 6, 8, 9, 11, 15,16, July 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15,
Sept. 5, 6, 8, 11, 15, Nov. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 16.
Tobacco: Jan. 10, May 11, July 6, 9, Sept. 5, 6,
11, 15.
Trade: Jan. 8, 9, 14, Mar. 7, 13, 14, 15, May 5, 6, 7,
10, 11, 14, July 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, Sept. 5, 6,
7, 8, Nov. 5, 9.
Transportation: Jan. 10, Mar. 10, May 5, 6, July 8.
Unclassified: Assembly and bench work, July 5.
Communication, July 8, 14. Coremaking, July '5.
Crane driving, Jan. 7. Drafting, July 5. Eyelet
and riveting, Mar. 14. Food preparing and
serving, Jan. 5. Health service, Jan. 5. Heavy
industries, May 6. Inspecting, July 5. Machine
operating, Mar. 3, 6, 14, July 5. Machinists and
mechanics, Mar. 6, Nov. 10. Seasonal, May 7,
Nov. 3. Tool room, July 5. Welding, Mar. 14,
July 5.
Insurance. See Compensation.

Jury service. See Laws, proposed.

Labor standards. See Standards.
Labor unions: Jan. 13-14, Mar. 6-8, May 8-10, July
12-13, Sept. 10-12, Nov. 8-10, 16. Specific: A. F.
of L., Jan. 5. Automobiles, Jan. 5. Clothing, Jan.
5. Electrical, Jan. 5. Garments, May 9, Nov. 8.
Hosiery, July 14. Hotels and restaurants, July 10.
Machinists, Jan. 5, Mar. 6, Nov. 10. Rubber, Jan.
5, 13. Steel, Jan. 5. Textiles, Jan. 5. Women’s
Trade Union League, Jan. 5, Mar. 7, Sept. 12.



Laws and legislation {see also Compensation; Court;
Hours; Minimum wage):
British Factories Act, July 6-7. Conference, Jan. 14,
Mar. 5-6. Extension of scope essential, Mar. 5, 6.
Governor may increase hours (Conn.), Sept. 13.
Home work, May 6-8, Sept. 13, 14-15. Laws
for women—Proposed, Mar. 13-14, May 6-8;
Approved, July 13-14, Sept. 13; Amended, Sept.
14. Puerto Rico, both sexes, July 14. Standard
wage-and-hour bill, Nov. 15. State employment,
N. J., Sept. 14. Tipping, ISept. 9, 13. Wageand-hour bills introduced, Nov. 15-16.
Learners. See Fair Labor Standards and Minimum
wage, substandard.
Legal status of women. See Laws and Married women.
Foreign: Argentina, Jan. 15, Sept. 16. Bahamas,
July 3. Canada, May 16, Sept. 11, Nov. 16.
Colombia, Jan. 15. Great Britain, Jan. 16, July 5,
6, 14, 15, Sept. 16, Nov. 10, 12, 16. Peru, Jan. 15.
Philippines, May 15.
United States: Ala. Mar. 15, May 4, 5, July 3, 9,
Sept. 3. Ariz. July 10. Ark. May 4, 5. Calif.
Jan. 9, 12, 15, Mar. 8, 14, May 4, 6, 7, 12, 16,
July 9, 10, Sept. 4, 9, 12, 14, 15, Nov. 4, 8. Colo.
Jan. 8, 12, May 4, 5, Sept. 3, 13. Conn. Jan. 4,
8, 9, 15, Mar. 6, 13, 14, May 6, 7, 11, 12, July 15,
Sept. 3, 4, 13, Nov. 4, 7, 8, 10, 15. Del. May 4,
5, 7, 9, July 3, 16. D. C. Jan. 3, 8, 11, 15, Mar. 5,
8, 16, May 6, July 11, Sept. 8, 16, Nov. 9. Fla.
May 4, 5, July 3, 15, Sept. 8. Ga. Jan. 12, Mar.
9, May 4, 5, 8, Sept. 13. Hawaii July 16. Idaho
May 7, Nov. 5. Ill. Jan. 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, Mar. 3,
7, 8, 11, 12, 14, May 4, 12, 14, July 9, 12, Sept. 3,
4, 8, 11, 15, 16, Nov. 11. Ind. Jan. 14, Mar. 3,
May 4, 7, Sept. 3, 4, 11, Nov. 7, 8, 15. Iowa Jan.
12, Mar. 3, Sept. 3, Nov. 7, 8. Kans. Mar. 12,
13, May 5, Sept. 13. Ky. Jan. 9, 12, May 13,
Sept. 11, Nov. 6, 16. La. May 4, 5, July 15, Nov.
6. Maine Jan. 8, 12, 13, 16, Mar. 13, May 6, 7,
July 13, Nov. 12, 13. Md. Jan. 12, Mar. 7, May
8, July 3, Sept. 8, Nov. 4, 16. Mass. Jan. 9,
Mar. 14, 15, May 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, July 12, 14, 16,
Sept. 4, 12, 13, Nov. 4, 6, 7, 15. Mich. Mar. 12,
13, May 4, 7, 10, July 12, 16, Sept. 4, 6, 11, 12,
Nov. 7, 8, 9, 16. Minn. Jan. 13, May 4, 7, 8, 14,
Nov. 8. Miss. May 4, 5. Mo. Jan. 13, 15, Mar.
3, 7, May 4, 15, Sept. 3, 4, 13, Nov. 4, 9, 10, 13.
Mont. May 4, Nov. 8. Nebr. Jan. 16, May 6, 7,
8, July 13, Nov. 7, 8. Nev. May 4, 7, Nov. 8.
N. H. Jan. 8, 9, May 7, 14, July 11, Nov. 12, 13.
N. J. Jan. 9, 11, 12, 13, Mar. 4, 6, May 4, 6, 7, 9,
14, July 9, 14, Sept. 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, Nov. 12,
16. N. Y. Jan. 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, Mar. 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, May 4, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16,
July 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, Sept. 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14,
15, 16, Nov. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16. N. C.
Jan. 12, May 4, 7, 16, Sept. 4, 11, Nov. 16. N.
Dak. Mar. 14, July 11, Nov. 8. Ohio Jan. 6, 9, 12,
Mar. 3, 6, 9, May 3,4, 5, 8,10, 14, July 10,11, 12,

13, 15, 16, Sept. 3, 4, 8, 15, 16, Nov. 4, 16. Okla.
Mar. 14, May 4, 6, Nov. 7, 8. Oreg. May 14,
July 11, Sept. 9, Nov. 8. Pa. Jan. 4, 8, 12, 13,
May 4, 8, 14, 16, July 12, 15, Sept. 3, 4, 10, 11, 13,
Nov. 12, 13, 15, 16. P. R. Jan. 10, Mar. 10, May
10, July 9, 14, Sept. 7, Nov. 15. R. I. Jan. 8,
May 14, July 14, Nov. 4, 7, 10, 15. S. C. May 4,
5, Nov. 16. S. Dak. May 4. Tenn. Jan. 12, Sept.
3, Nov. 16. Tex. Jan. 12, 13, May 4, 8, 15, July
15, Sept. 3. Utah Jan. 8, 9, May 3, 4, 5, 8, July
11, Sept. 3, 10, Nov. 7, 8. Vt. Jan. 12, 16, May
4, 6, 8. Va. Jan. 12, 16, Mar. 3, May 4, 5, July
3, 9, Sept. 3. Wash. Jan. 9, May 4, 5, 7, Sept. 13,
Nov. 9. W. Va. Jan. 12, May 4, 8. Wis. Mar. 7,
May 4, 6, 7, 8, July 9, Sept. 15, Nov. 8, 9, 11.
Wyo. May 4, Nov. 8. Also East Central Mar. 11,
July 16. Great Lakes Sept. 13. Middle Atlantic
Nov. 4. Middle West Jan. 12, Sept. 3. Missis­
sippi Valley Nov. 15. New England Jan. 12,
May 5, 16. North July 12. North Atlantic Jan.
II, 12. Pacific coast Mar. 11, May 9, 16, Nov. 16.
Rocky Mountain May 16. South Mar. 9, 11,
May 16, July 12, Sept. 8, 11.

Married women {see also Family income and Laws):
May 7-8, July 15, Sept. 3, 14, Nov. 7-8.
Migratory workers, Delaware, July 3-4, 16.
Minimum wage {see also Fair Labor Standards, Public
Administrators’ conference, Jan. 8, Mar. 8, Sept. 16.
Boards: Ariz., Hotels and restaurants, July 10.
Conn., Beauty shops, Jan. 9. Ill., Restaurants,
Jan. 9. Ky., Laundries, May 13. La., Laun­
dries, dry cleaning, Nov. 6-7. Mass., Clerical,
Restaurants, Jan. 9. N. J., Beauty culture, Jan.
9, May 14. Ohio, Beauty culture, Jan. 9. Utah,
Hotels, Jan. 9.
Collection of wages: Calif. Jan. 9. D. C. July 11.
Ky. Jan. 9. Minn. May 14. N. H. July 11.
N. J. Jan. 9. N. Y. May 14, Nov. 7. Ohio Jan.
9, May 14. Recommendation of Administrators,
Mar. 8, 10.
Compliance: Ill. Candy; N. Y. Beauty parlors,
Candy, Restaurants; Pa. Laundries; R. I. Ap­
parel, Retail stores—all Jan. 8. N. Y. restaurants
also Nov. 7.
Court decisions: Calif. May 12, July 10, Sept. 9.
III. Mar. 8. N. Y. Mar. 9, May 13, July 10.
Pa. Sept. 10.
Effects: D. C. Jan. 8. N. Y. Jan. 8, 9, May 13,
July 10-11. R. I. Jan. 8.
Guaranteed wage, court decision, N. Y., Mar.'9.
Learners. See Substandard.
Legislation: Ill. Mar. 8, Ky. Nov. 6, N. J. Sept. 14,
R. I. July 14. Care in drafting essential, Mar. 8.
Proposed, Mar. 13-14, May 7; proposed to include
men, Mar. 14.
Orders: Artificial flowers (home work), N. Y., Nov.
14—15. Beauty shops: Conn., May 12; Ill., Mar.



8, May 12; Ohio, Mar. 9; Wash., Jan. 9. Candy,
N. Y., Mar. 9. Canning: Calif., Sept. 9-10;
Oreg., May 14, July 11. Cleaning and dyeing
{see also Laundries): Conn. Jan. 8; Ky., Jan. 8,
Nov. 6; N. H., Jan. 8; N. Y., Mar. 8. Fish pack­
ing, Me., Jan. 8. Hotels and restaurants {see also
Public housekeeping): Calif., Sept. 9; Mass.,
Nov. 7; N. Y., Jan. 8, Nov. 7; Utah, Jan. 8.
Laundries {see also Cleaning): Conn., Jan. 8; Ky.,
May 13, Nov. 6; N. Y., Sept. 9; Oreg., July 11;
Pa., Jan. 8, May 14, Sept. 10; Utah, July 11
Offices, Mass., May 13. Public housekeeping:
Colo., Jan. 8; Utah, July 11, Sept. 10. Restau­
rants {see Hotels and Public housekeeping). Re­
tail trade: N. H., May 14; Utah, Jan. 8. Un­
classified, Calif., May 12. Various, Oreg., July
Publications on, Women’s Bureau: Mar. 16, July 16,
Sept. 16.
Substandard workers (Learners, handicapped, etc.):
Calif., May 12, July 10, 11. Ill., May 13. Mass.,
Nov. 7. Ohio, Mar. 9. Oreg., July 11. Utah,
July 11.
Surveys: Conn., Jan. 9. Ill., Jan. 9, May 14. La.,
Nov. 7. Mass., Jan. 9. Mich., Sept. 6-7.
N. H., Jan. 9. N. Y., Mar. 8-9, May 14, Sept.
9. N. D., July 11. R. I., May 14. Utah, Jan.
9. Wash., Jan. 9.
Tips as wages. See main head.
Munitions. See Industries, ammunition.

3, Mar. 13. Fleming, Philip B., Mar. 13, July 8.
Fox, John E., Sept. 10. Gilson, Mary B., Jan. 16,
July 9, Sept. 8. Grant, Madeleine, May 16. Hamil­
ton, Mary Agnes, Nov. 16. Haslett, Caroline, Jan.
16. Hemrick, Margaret C., May 10. Hewes, Amy,
May 11, Nov. 6. Hughart, Mary M., Jan. 15. Irish,
Marian D., Sept. 8. Macarthur, Mary, Nov. 16.
Magee, Elizabeth S., Sept. 8. Marpons, Josefina,
Sept. 16. Marshall, James, Jan. 4. Miller, Frieda S.,
July 10, Nov. 13. Morrissy, Elizabeth, Sept. 8.
Nord, Elizabeth, May 11. Palmer, Gladys L., Nov.
12. Paterson, Emma, Nov. 16. Perkins, Frances,
Jan. 14, Mar. 5, May 14. Pesotta, Rose, July 9.
Piore, Nora, Mar. 7. Raushenbush, Elizabeth B.,
July 9. Roosevelt, President, Mar. 5, May 14.
Rummel, Joseph Francis, July 15. Scott, Peggy,
July 16. Shallcross, Ruth, Jan. 16. Smith, DeWitt,
May 15. Spencer, Lyle M., July 16. Starr, Mark,
May 16. Sweet, Gertrude, Mar. 6. Tuckwell,
Gertrude, Nov. 16. Walling, L. Metcalfe, Mar. 16,
July 11. Watson, Willie M., July 9. Womack,
Byrne, Nov. 7. Wright, John C., Jan. 4.
Professional. See Industries and occupations.
Public Contracts, Division of: Canning exemption,
Sept. 9. Home work, Mar. 16. Manufacturer de­
fined, Mar. 16. Rates set, May 14, July 11. Record
keeping, July 11. Revised orders, Nov. 6.
Publications, recent. See page 16, each issue.


Seasonal work. See Employment; Migratory; Indus­
tries, unclassified.
Service industries. See Industries.
Skilled and semiskilled. See Industries.
Social Security. See Federal agencies.
Standard wage-and-hour bill. See Laws.
Standards {see also Fair Labor Standards; Public Con­
tracts; Labor Unions): Mar. 5-6, 13, July 6, 13,
Nov. 8, 14.
State agencies: Ala. Dept. of Industrial Relations, Mar.
15. Calif. Div. of Industrial Welfare, July 10; State
Supreme Court, May 12. Conn. Employment Serv­
ice, Jan. 15; Work Projects Admin., Jan. 15. D. C.
Minimum Wage Bd., July 11. La. Dept. of Labor,
Nov. 7. Mo. Workmen’s Compensation Comn.,
May 15. N. J. Council of Defense, Mar. 4. N. Y.
Bd. of Education, Jan. 4; Dept. of Labor, Jan. 13,
Mar. 7, 15, 16; Div. of Women in Industry and Mini­
mum Wage, May 13, 14, Nov. 16; Employment
Service, May 9; Relations Bd., Mar. 7; State Bureau
of Enforcement, Nov. 7; Wage and Hour Div.,
branch, Mar. 7. Okla. Dept. of Trade and Indus­
trial Div. of Vocational Education, Mar. 14, 15;
Employment Service, Mar. 14. Pa. Dept. of Public
Assistance, Nov. 12. State Dental Assns., May 12.

Negroes, Jan. 16, Mar. 12, 13, 14-15, July 3, Sept. 13,
Nov. 4, 13.
Night work: May 6-7, July 13-14.
Nurses and doctors. See Industries, professional.

Occupations. See Industries and occupations.
Office workers. See Industries, clerical.
Opportunities. See Defense and Employment.
Organizations. See Conferences and Labor unions.
Overtime. See Hours and Fair Labor Standards.

Part time in stores, Nov. 5.
Persons referred to: Algor, Marie Elliott, May 16.
Anderson, Dorothy W., Nov. 8. Bellanca, Dorothy
J., July 9, Sept. 8. Bondfield, Margaret, Nov. 16.
Boone, Gladys, July 9. Brooke, Myrtle, July 9.
Burtt, Everett Johnson Jr., Nov. 12. Carter, Jean,
May 16. Chapman, W. A. J., Sept. 16. Churchill,
Winston, Nov. 16. Clark, Jane Perry, July 9.
Clowes, Florence M., Mar. 6. Cook, Cara, Sept.
12. Crook, Dorothy D., July 16. Crowell, Benedict,
Mar. 3. Crowley, Teresa M., July 9, Sept. 8.
Crozier, William, July 13. de Martinez Guerrero,
Ana Rosa, Jan. 15. Dilke, Lady, Nov. 16. Dooley,
Channing R., Jan. 4. Echezebal, Frank T., July 15.
Elliott, Dorothy M., Nov. 10. Elliott, Harriet, Jan.


Tips: Jan. 9, Mar. 9, Sept. 7, 9, Nov. 7.
Trade unions. See Labor unions.



Training: Defense: British woman official, Jan. 16;
Women’s Bureau conference, Jan. 4-5; W. P. A.,
Mar. 14. Dental schools, Calif., May 12. Fair
Labor Standards ruling, Jan. 11. Garment trades,
St. Louis, Jan. 16. Household, Conn., Jan. 15.
Hudson Shore Labor School, May 16. Women’s
Trade Union League, Mar. 7.

Unemployment. See Employment.

Vacations. See union notes, all issues.
Vocational training. See Training.

Wage collection. See Fair Labor Standards and Mini­
mum wage.
Wage differentials: Men and women, Mar. 6, 15, May

3, July 12, 14, Sept. 4-6; Great Britain, July 6.
Negro and white, July 3. State employment, Sept.
14. Union contracts, Sept. 10-12.
Wage-Hour Administration. See Fair Labor Stand­
Wages and wage trends {see also Minimum wage and
Union activities, all issues'): Falsification of records,
Mar. 10. Family members (Cleveland, O.), May 3.
Great Britain, July 6. Home work, Jan. 11, Nov.
15. Household employees (Mississippi Valley),
Nov. 15. Migrants (Del. canneries), July 3. Semi­
annual wage trends (12 States), Sept. 4-6. Social
Security credits based on, July 7-8. Teachers
(Dayton, O.), July 16. Telephone (N. Y.), July 13.
Upholding standards, Mar. 5.
Women’s Bureau: Advisory committees, Jan. 5, Mar.
5. Exhibit, Jan. 16. Publications, page 16, each
issue. Studies, Jan. 6-8, May 3, 5, July 3, 5, Sept
3-4, 4-6, 6, 15, and page 16, each issue.