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U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JAMES J. D AVIS, Secretary BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ETHELBERT ST EW A R T , Comm issioner BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES } BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS j WAGES AND HOURS OF •••• LABOR \T^ 07Q £ / £/ SERIES HOURS AND EARNINGS IN ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS COAL MINING ANTHRACITE—1919 AND 1920 BITUMINOUS—1919 APR IL, 1921 W ASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 CONTENTS. Introduction................................ ............................................................................. 5, 6 Summary of general tables....................................................................................... 6-10 Contract miners......................................................................................................... 11,12 Pick or hand miners.................................................................................................. 12,13 Index numbers.......................................................................................................... 13,14 Days in operation in one year.................................................................................. 14,15 Days closed and causes............................................................................................. 15,16 Number of starts (days) per half month.................................................................. 17-19 Comparison of earnings............................................................................................ 20, 21 General tables.......................................................................................................... 22-110 Table A.—Average and classified full-time hours per week in anthracite coal 23,24 mines, Pennsylvania, 1919 and 1920, by occupations................................. . Table B.—Average and classified full-time hours per week in bituminous coal mines, 1919, by occupations and States.............................................................. 25-29 Table C.—Number and per cent of employees working each specified per cent of full-time in a half month pay-roll period in anthracite coal mines, Penn sylvania, 1919 and 1920, by occupations............................................................. 30, 31 Table D.—Number and per cent of employees working each specified per cent of full time in a half-month pay-roll period in bituminous coal mines, 1919, by occupations and States..................................................................................... 32-37 Table E.—Average full-time hours, average hours actually worked, and number of employees working each classified number of actual hours in a half-month pay-roll period in anthracite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1919 and 1920, by occupations............................................................................................................. 38, 39 Table F.—Average full-time hours, average hours actually worked, and number of employees working each classified number of actual hours in a half-month pay-roll period in bituminous coal mines, 1919, by occupations and States.. 40-48 Table G.—Average earnings per hour, and number and per cent of employees receiving each classified amount of earnings per hour in anthracite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1919 and 1920, by occupations................................................... 49-53 Table H.—Average earnings per hour, and number and per cent of employees receiving each classified amount of earnings per hour in bituminous coal mines, 1919, by occupations and States............................................................... 54-71 Table J.—Average full-time earnings, average earnings actually received, and number of employees receiving each classified amount of actual earnings in a half-month pay-roll period, anthracite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1919 .and 1920, by occupations.............................................................................................. 72-74 Table K.—Average full-time earnings, average earnings actually received, and number of employees receiving each classified amount of actual earnings in a half-month pay roll-period, in bituminous coal mines, 1919, by occu pations and States.................................................................................................. 75-83 Table L.—Number of employees working each classified number of actual hours and receiving each classified amount of actual earnings in a half month pay-roll period, in specified occupations and in all occupations, anthracite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1919........................................................ 84-35 Table M.—Number of employees working each classified number of actual hours and receiving each classified amount of actual earnings in a half month pay-roll period, in specified occupations and in all occupations, bitu minous coal mines, 1919...................................................................................... 96-103 Table N.—Number of employees working each classified number of actual hours and receiving each classified amount of actual earnings in a halfmonth pay-roll period, in specified occupations and in all occupations, anthracite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1920..................................................... 104-110 Appendix.—Definitions of occupations............................................................... 111-114 BULLETIN OF THE U. S. B U R E A U O F L A B O R S T A T IS T IC S . NO. 279. WASHINGTON. APRIL, 1921. HOURS AND EARNINGS IN ANTHRACITE COAL MINING IN 1919 AND 1920, AND IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINING IN 1919. INTRODUCTION. This report shows the earnings and hours of labor of coal mine employees as taken from the records of representative mines. Figures are presented for bituminous mine employees for a sample pay period in 1919, and for anthracite mine employees for sample pay periods in both 1919 and 1920. Funds were not available for collecting data for bituminous mines in 1920. All employees for whom figures are presented are males. The material on which this report is based is for a half-month pay-roll period and was obtained from the pay rolls of the com panies by agents of the Bureau. For employees who are j>aid on a tonnage basis it was necessary to make arrangements with the companies to keep a record of the hours on duty. This was done by noting the time when the employee entered and left the mine. Emplo}^ees work in various parts of the mine and at unequal dis tances from the entrance. It is estimated that it takes employees from 15 minutes up to an hour in some instances to get from the entrance of the mine to their places of work. Consequently all the figures relating to the hours of these employees represent the time in the mine. The most satisfactory method of obtaining data for a report on any industry would be "to secure the data from all companies for the same pay-roll period. This was done for anthracite mines because the anthracite coal field is limited to 10 counties in Pennsylvania. It wras not practicable to do so for bituminous mines with the limited force of the Bureau, because the field of inquiry extended over 18 States, and as stated special time records had to be kept for employees who are paid tonnage rates. The pay-roll periods for anthracite mines are for the half months ending January 31, 1919, and March 31, 1920. The half-months' pay-rolls for bituminous mines vary as to date, but are within the period beginning January 16 and ending May 31, 1919. War-time requirements made it necessary to increase the produc tion of coal in 1917 and 1918. During the latter part of 1918 pro duction fell off, and continued to decrease until it was much below normal in February and March, 1919. It was on the increase in April and May, but was still under normal. Many mines were in operation less than their regular full-time hours. 5 HOURS AND EARNINGS IN COAL M IN IN G . 6 The following table, partly compiled from “ Coal in 1918,” a report published bv the United States Geological Survey, indicates the importance of the industry, and shows by States, arranged in the order of net tons produced, the following facts: Number of persons employed, average number of days mines were in operation, number of tons produced, and value of product at the mines, in 1918. The last two columns show by States the number of employees and mines for which the Bureau presents figures in this report. T ablh 1.—N UM BER OF PERSONS E M PLO YED , A V E R A G E NU M BER OF D AY S MINES W E R E IN O PER AT IO N , TONS M INED, V A L U E AT MINES IN 1918, AND NUM BER OF EM PLOYEES AN D MINES FOR W H ICH B U R E A U PRESENTS D A T A IN 1919, B Y STATES. Number : Number of em ployees of mines for for Value at mines which the which the in 1918.1 Bureau Bureau reports reports figures figures for 1919. for 1919. Number of em ployees in 1918.1 Average number of days mines were in opera tion in 1918.1- Number of net ions produced in 19x8.i 147,121 293 98,826, 084 $336, 480, 347 16, 508 2 22 174, 306 89, 530 85,965 48,450 39, 342 30; 376 26, 221 14y 483 11,004 7,554 328 10, 665 10, 694 9,590 4,160 8,451 5,568 4,095 21, 523 269 238 238 223 230 227 278 2S5 277 268 245 234 265 235 258 228 261 301 178, 550, 741 89, 935, 839 89, 291,105 45,812,943 31,612, 617 30; 678, 634 19,184, 962 1^407, 571 10, 289, 808 9, 438, 688 8,192,195 7, 561, 947 &, 831, 048 5,667,730 5,136, 825 % 813, 447 4, 497, 297 4,023, 239 15,459,184 463) 159, 736 230, 508, 846 206, 860, 291 118, 095, 518 80, 666, 842 70, 384-, 60-1 54, 752, 329 33, 404, 743 25, 865, 895 22, 581, 019 24,703, 237 22, 028, 142 19,305,203 •17,126, 498 13, 937, 097 17,508,884 12“, 468,189 10, 787, 082 47,667, 788 9,772 1, 739 5,925 3, 083 2, 867 2, 574 1, 394 2;. 738 618 421 1,476 1, 87i) 930 1, 437 857 857 812 1,131 3-1 13 16 13 10 li 5 18 4 4 11 12 7 11 7 8 5 $ 615, 305 249 579, 385, 820 1, 491, 809, 940 40,. 508 2&I ANTHRACITE COAL. Pennsylvania.................................. BITUMINOUS COAL. Pennsylvania.................................. West Virginia................................. Illinois.............................................. Ohio........- ....................................... Kentucky........................................ Indiana................. .......... ................ . Alabama-......................................... Colorado........................................... Virginia............................................ Wyoming......................................... Iowa.................................................. Kansas.............................................. Tennessee......................................... Missouri........................................... Utah................................................. Oklahoma.............. ....................... . Maryland......................................... New Mexico.................................... Other States3.................................. Total...................................... 1 From Coal in 1918. Part A —Production.. Department of the Interior. U . S. Geological Survey. Washington, May 28, 1920. %Sixteen mimes and 10,821 employees were eovesedi in 192ft. 3 Alaska, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South. Dakota, Texas, and Washington. Material was obtained for 201 bituminous mines that were m operation one-half to full time during the half-month pay-rail period for which the information was taken, and for 27 mines that were in operation less than one-half of full time. The 27 mines are included in Table 3, page 10, but are not included in other tables of this report, because their production was so far below normal that the figures might not be considered representative. SUMMARY OF GENESAL TABLES. The following table is- a summary of the general tables of this report. For details see general tables,, pages 23 to 110. Anthracite and bituminous figures are given separately with underground occu pations shown under inside work and above ground occupations 7 SUMMARY OF GENERAL TABLES. shown under outside work. To illustrate the tables, the figures for inside blacksmiths in anthracite mines show that 30 were employed in 13 mines during the half'-month pay-roll period in 1919 for which data were obtained; that their average full-time hours per week were 48 and 112 in the half month; that they actually worked an average of 124.7 hours during the half month; that their average earnings per hour were $0.59; that they actually earned an average of $73.56 during the half month; and that their computed average full time earnings for the half month were $66.26. For employees of bituminous mines it will be noticed that as a rule the three actual mining occupations, hand miners, machine miners, and loaders, show higher average earnings per hour than any of the other occupations. Employees in these occupations are as a rule paid on a tonnage basis, while employees in other occupations are paid hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly rates. Occasionally, however, one or more of these occupations are paid at a time rate. In Virginia fully 50 per cent of the machine miners are paid at an hourly rate. In Oklahoma practically all of them are so paid. That may account for the fact that in the latter State loaders who are paid on a tonnage basis made higher average earnings per hour than machine miners. T able 2 .—A V E R A G E HOU ES AN D EARNINGS IN A HALF-M O N TH PA Y -R O L L PERIOD, B Y OCCUPATIONS. ANTHRACITE, 1919 AND 1920. i Hours. Oecupation. Inside work: Blacksmiths.......................... Num Year. ber of mines. 1919 1920 1919 1920 Cagers........................................ 1919 1920 Car runners............................... m a . 1920 Door tenders (boys)................ ! 1919 1920 D ivers........ .............................. 1919 1929 Engineers......................... ......... 1919 1920 Laborers....... ............................. 1919 1920 Laborers,, company miners’ 1. 1919 1920 Laborers, consideration min ers’ 2......................................... 1920 Laborers, contract miners^. . 1919 1920 Machinists................................ 1919 1920 Masons....................................... 1919 1920Miners, company.................... 1919 1920 Miners, consideration............. 1919 1920 Bratticemen............................ 13 8 17 14 22 16 17 15 20 14 22 14 17 14 22 m 19 9 Num ber of Aver em age full time ploy ees. hours per week. 30 20 116Ill 234 1!97 342 233 247 * 156 r 479 272 121 100 1,200 736 632 308 202 10 21 , 1,855 14 L.191 67 11 V 19 12 41 6 29 19 656 11 367 498 10 10 480 Aver Aver Aver age Aver age earn age fullage hours ings timo earn actually ings actually earn worked per re ings in in half hour. ceived half month. in half month. month. 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.4 48.6 4a 0 48.0 48.048; 0 4a o 48.0 5a 7 50. 5 48.9 48.1 48.0 48.0 112.0 . 124.7 112.3 123.7 112.0 111.9 112.2 121.3 112.8 126.9 113. 4 130.5 112.1 109.9 112.1 116.1 112. 0 106.8 112. 0 102. 5 112.0 105.3 112.0 106.1 117.9 130.9 120.0 117.0 113.9 107.3 112.4 108.6 112.0 102.9 112. 5 105.7 48.0 4&a 4& 0 51.4 48. 0, 481 0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 112.1 112. 0 112.0 1.1ft 8 112.1 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.8 112.0 112. 5 1Figures for 1919 include laborers, consideration miners’ . 2 Figures for 1919 included with laborers, company miners’. Aver age full time hours in half month. Earnings. 94.3 . 78.7 82.1 113.1 145.9 112.0 115.0 94.1 97.9 101. 4 97.6 $0,590 .578 .561 .569 .518 .511 .506 .504 _3ia .306 .500 .498 .537 .562 .514 .521 .527 .526 .541 . 635 .679 .568 .584 .576 .579 .582 .576 .634 .659 $73„56 : 71.44 62.80 68.97 65.78 66. 75 55.62 58. 53 33.6631.36 52. m • 52.83 70; 34 67. 41 55.13 56. 56 54.26 55.63 50.9-7 49.99 55.77 64 29 85.18 64.56 66.82 54.79 56.42 64.24 64.33 938.26 64. 85 62.83 63.79 58*21 57.89 58.85 55. 58 35.23 34.21 55.86 55.73 63.25 65.02 58.80 58.40 58.92 59.35 60.71 71.57 76.00 67.80 65.46 64. 56 64.85 65.12 64.90 71.19 73.88 8 HOURS AND EARNINGS IN COAL M IN IN G . T a b le 2 .—A V E R A G E HOURS AND EAR NINGS IN A HALF-M O N TH P A Y -R O L L PERIOD, B Y OCCUPATIONS—Continued. ANTHRACITE, 1919 AND 1920—Concluded. Hours. Occupation. Inside work—Concluded Miners, contract...................... Num Year. ber of mines. Num ber of Aver Aver em age full age full ploy time time ees. hours hours per in half week. month. Earnings. Aver age Aver Aver Aver earn age full age age ings time hours actually earn earn ings actually re ings in worked per half in half hour. ceived in half month. month. month. 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 22 16 19 15 IS 14 21 15 15 13 22 16 4,887 3,188 '247 202 190 178 104 99 136 97 163 123 48.0 48. 0 48. 0 48.0 48.0 48.0 78. 5 74.3 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 112.0 112.1 112.0 112.3 112. 0 112. 2 179.6 169.9 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.2 94. 5 91. 8 130.4 131.7 119.3 116.1 174.2 169.0 99.8 106.7 114.5 120.8 1919 1920 22 16 12.245 8,308 48. 4 48. 4 112. 9 113.0 98.7 99. 4 .661 .690 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 19 15 22 16 22 15 22 16 15 10 19 16 22 16 22 16 18 12 22 16 21 16 20 14 21 15 21 14 10 5 21 15 19 14 14 8 72 53 60 39 119 84 250 163 83 46 8S 57 1 248 | 185 314 217 81 54 1,211 718 199 142 112 117 77 42 120 112 113 21 580 345 115 92 28 26 53.5 55.7 48. 0 48. 0 48.6 49.7 48.3 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 52.1 56.0 55.7 55. 6 48.0 48. 0 49.3 48.5 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.4 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48. 0 48.0 123. 8 127. 7 112.0 112.1 113. 3 115. 8 112. 8 112.4 112.0 112. 4 112. 0 112.1 120. 8 129.2 127.3 127.4 112. 0 112.4 114.9 113.4 112. 0 112. 2 112. 0 113.5 112.0 112.0 112. 0 112.3 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.2 112.0 112.5 112.0 112. 5 129.0 126.0 127.0 134.0 132.4 132.1 132.4 136.1 109. 8 114.1 111. 1 119. 5 140.0 140.7 128.6 133.2 129.1 123.4 120.0 118. 5 122.6 119.2 141.9 150.3 129. 7 114.9 118.7 124.1 123.5 121.3 99.9 100.6 130.3 127.9 115. 7 133.0 Total................................... 1919 1920 22 16 3,930 2, 513 49.4 49.6 115. 0 115. 6 1919 1920 22 16 16,175 10,821 48.6 48.7 113.4 113.6 Motormen................................. Motor brakemen...................... Pumpmen................................. Timbermen.............................. Trackmen................................. Total.................................... Outside work: Ashmen..................................... Blacksmiths.............................. Cagers......................................... Carpenters................................ Car runners.............................. Dumpers................................... Engineers.................................. Firemen..................................... Jig runners............................... Laborers.................................... Loaders..................................... Machinists................................ Oilers......................................... Platemen................................... Repairmen................................ Slaters (boys)........................... Timber cutters........................ Trackmen................................. Grand total....................... $0,841 $79.56 84. 86 .925 .558 72. 78 .554 73.02 .502 59. 84 .497 57. 69 .404 70. 42 70.46 .417 58. 97 .591 . 578 61.66 .572 65.44 .578 j 69.85 $94.29 104.79 62.47 62.20 56.20 55.74 73.09 70.61 68.69 64.67 63.89 64.80 65.18 68. 56 75.59 79.95 .441 .449 .567 . 574 . 458 .449 .561 .548 .453 .450 .449 . 448 .527 .532 .502 .501 .416 .426 .433 .438 .448 .449 .513 .509 .436 .440 .431 .429 .485 .480 .300 .303 .452 .448 .478 . 455 56. 82 56. 62 71.96 76.86 60. 65 59. 31 74.29 74. 64 49. 73 51.32 49. 83 53. 60 73.80 74. 81 64. 62 66. 71 53. 70 52.59 51.94 51. 94 54. 92 53. 51 72. 81 76. 58 56. 58 50.60 51.13 53. 27 59.90 58.24 29. 95 30. 51 58. 91 57. 31 55. 26 60. 43 54.47 57.61 64.02 64.40 51.81 51.09 63.22 61.45 50. 81 50. 57 50. 27 50.18 63.00 68.65 63. 98 63. 89 45.93 47.72 49.69 49.61 50.14 50. 33 57.85 57.73 48.58 49.12 48.18 47.52 54.31 53.71 33.41 33.95 50.67 50.40 53.40 51.10 121.5 123.2 .442 .453 54. 37 55. 81 50.81 51.70 104.2 104.9 .600 .625 62. 55 65.60 69.57 73.39 I 9 SU M M ARY OF GENERAL TABLES* T a b le 2 .—A V E R A G E HOURS AN D EAR N IN G S IN A H ALF-M O N TH P A Y -R O L L P E R IO D , B Y OCCUPATIONS—Concluded. BITUMINOUS, 1919. 1 Hours. 1 Occupation. Inside work: Bi akemen............................................. Bratticemen and timbermen............ Cagers.................................................... Drivers.................................................. Laborers................................................ Miners, hand........................................ Miners, machine.................................. Motoimen............................................. Pumpmen............................................. Trackmen............................................. Trappers (boys)................................... Total............................................... Num ber of mines. Num Aver Aveiber of agefull age full em time time ploy hours hours ees. per in half week. month. Earnings. Aver Aver age Aver Aver earn age full age age ings hours time actually earn actually earn ings in re worked ings per half ceived in half month. hour. in half month. month. $44. 22 51. 78 51. 72 44. 55 43. 86 50. 51 47.12 67. 75 53. 51 61. 01 49.23 24.26 $60.69 62.97 63.20 62.16 60.17 81. 24 80.83 98.45 65.00 68. 35 61.84 34. 64 .726 | 49.06 76.36 .621 . 585 .601 . 537 .502 62. 47 56. 43 69. 67 60. 26 42,00 67. 54 64.10 72. 77 66. 88 53. 22 1,005 76.1 $0. 581 146 48.6 105. 0 932 103.6 84. 9 .610 163 48.3 82. 6 .626 100. 2 90 220 48. 3 2,372 102. 3 73.1 .609 165 48.1 . 586 164 2 319 48. 5 103. 9 74.9 Loadei 104. 7 65. 3 ■ . 774 128 s.................................................. 13,345 48.5 102. 5 .785 60.0 143 11,379 48.1 1 721 48.4 104. 3 73. 2 .926 120 894 .619 154 86. 5 48. 7 105. 3 104.1 . 5S6 117 344 54. 8 118.0 1.122 82. 4 104.1 . 598 48. 5 187 101.6 .339 103 536 48.5 71.5 201 j 36,189 48.5 103.8 67.6 Outside work: Blacksmiths......................................... Carpenters............................................ Engineers.............................................. Firemen................................................. Laborers................................................ 187 110 150 122 198 376 260 380 443 2, 860 50. 8 50.6 56. 9 58. 5 49.5 109.0 110.1 121. 3 124. 6 106.3 100.6 96. 5 116. 0 112. 2 83.7 Total.............................................. 201 4,319 51.3 110.0 91.7 | .534 48.96 58.24 Grand total................................... 201 40,508 48.8 104.4 70.1 .699 49. 05 74.43 I Full-time hours per week are the regular hours that mines are open for work during a week. The regular hours were 48 per week or 8 per day, 6 days, for approximately 98 per cent of the employees of the anthracite mines for inside work in 1919 and 1920, and 89 per cent for outside work in 1919 and 85 per cent in 1920. The regular hours were 48 per week or 8 per day, 6 days, for approximately 95 per cent of the employees of the bituminous mines for inside work and 79 per cent for outside work in 1919. Full-time hours in half month are the regular hours that mines are open for work during one half month. The half month for the mines covered in this report was 13, 15, or 16 days, including Sun days. In all cases the first half of a month was 15 days. The last half was 16 for months of 31 days, 15 for months of 30 days, and 13 days for February. The average hours actually worked in the half month is the result obtained by dividing the total number of hours actually worked in the half month by all employees in the occupation by the number of employees in the occupation. The average earnings per hour is the result obtained by dividing the total of the actual earnings of all employees in the occupation by the total of the actual hours worked in the half-month pay-roll period for wdiich data were obtained. Average earnings per hour were obtained for each employee by dividing the actual earnings received by hours actually worked. The average earnings actually received in a half month is the result obtained by dividing the total earnings of all employees in the occupation by the number of employees in the occupation. H O U R S A N D E A R N IN G S IN COAL M IN IN G . 10 The average full-time earnings in the half month is the result obtained by adding the average earnings per hour of all employees in the occupation whose full-time hours in the half month are the same and multiplying the sum by their full-time hours; combining the products for the groups of employees in the occupations whose full-time hours are different; and dividing the sum of the products by the total number of employees in the occupation. The full time hours in a half month 01 18 days, 11 week days of 8 hours each and 2 Sundays, are 88; of 14 days are 96; of 15 days are 104, and in a half month of 16 days are 112. The table below shows that average earnings per hour were as a rule higher for employees of mines that were in operation less than one-half of full time in the pay period taken than for employees of mines that were in operation one-half to full time. This is especially true of loaders, hand miners,, and machine miners, who are paid on a tonnage basis, and seems to indicate that employees in these occupa tions speed up when mines are running short time, thereby earning more per hour than where mines are in operation full time; over 26,000, or approximately 65 per cent, of all bituminous employees covered in this report are included; in these three occupations. Brakemen, cagers, laborers, pumpmen, and trappers are exceptions to the above rule. Less than 4,500 employees, or approximately 11 per cent of all bituminous employees, included in this report are included in these five occupations. 3 .—COMPARISON OF AVER AG ES FOR 201 BITUM INOUS MINES INCLUDED IN THE COMPLETE TABU LATIO N FOR 1919, AND FOR 27 MINES T H A T ARE NOT INCLUDED BECAUSE OPERATING LESS TH AN ONE-HALF OF FULL TIME IN TH E P A Y PERIOD TAKEN. T able Number cf mines- operat ing— Number of employees in mines operat ing— Average hours worked in half-month pay period in minea operat ing— Average earn ings in halfmonth pay period in mines operat ing— Average earn ings-per hoar in mines op erating— Occupation. Less Less Less Less Less One-half than One-half than Onc-haK than One-half than One-half than to full half of to full half of to full half of to full half of to full haifo# fun full full time. time. time. full time. time. full time. time^ i time. time. time. Inside work: Brakemen.............. Bratfciceraen andf timbermen.......... Cagers...................... Drivers................... Laborers................. Loaders................... Miners, hand......... Miners, machine. . Matormen............... Pumpmen............. Trackmen............... Trappers (boys)... $44.22 $24.76 $0.5S1 $0. 558 .610 .626 .636 .619 .611 .583 .938 146 19 1,005 105 76.1 43.7 m 90 166 164 128' 14a m 154 117 187 KKi 932 20 220 18 2,372 2& 2,319 25 M .3 4 5 1911,379 161,721 18 8&4 21 344 17 1,122 26 536 17 | 125 47 348 323 1,657 1,459f 239' 100 47 167 85 84.9 82.6 73.1 74.9 65.3 60.0 73.2 86.5 104.1 82.4 71.5- 59.9 47.4 45.2 42.0 31.5 34.2 35.8 48,4 100.3 55.1 ’ 34.3 51.78 51.72 44.55 43.86 5(X 51 47.12 67.75 53:51 61.01 49.2324.2$ 38. OS 29. 3S 27.33 24.62 29:3? 27.91 37.02 3a 08 55.92 34.08 11.64 .586 .774 .785 .926 .619 .586 .598 .339 1.094 ,62a .575 .617 .336 Total............... 201 27 36,189 4,702 67.6 37.4 49.06 2a 07 .72& .807 Oufeside work: Blacksmiths.......... Carpenters............. Engineers............... Firemen................. Laborers................. 187 110 15® 122 198 26 11 21 18 27 376 260 380 443 2,860 39 30 50 308 100.6 96.5 116,0* 112.2 83. 7 7a 9 87.5 118. 8 113.7 59,1 62,47 56. 43 69.67 6a 26 42. Oft 46.16 55.36 71.86 63. 20 31.53 .621 .585 .601 .537 .502 . 646 .631 .601 .556 . 53$ Total................ 201 27 4,319 453 m .7 48.96 40.54 : .534 .555 Grand total... 201 i 27 40,508 5,155 49.05 30. OS .699 .785 7a. 2 ’ 70.1 ’ 40.6 .m HOURS AND EARNINGS IN COAL M IN IN G . 11 CONTRACT MINERS. Contract miners is the most important occupation in the anthracite division of the coal-mining industry. As employees in this occupa tion are paid on a tonnage basis, and as the Bureau has no information relating to hours and earnings prior to 1919, index numbers (percent ages of change) can not be computed for this occupation for earlier years by the usual method; that is, on the basis of actual rates or earnings per hour. The only alternative is to show the percentage of change in gross tonnage rates. This has been done, beginning with the 1902 rates as the basis of comparison, or 100. Actual gross tonnage rates differ from mine to mine and even within a mine, but the percentage of increase in gross-tonnage rates made from time to time has applied uniformly to the then existing rates. In 1903 the Anthracite Coal Commission made an award in which contract miners were given a 10 per cent increase over the 1902 tonnage rate, and also provided for an additional increase of 1 per cent on and over the minimum rate for 1903 (110) for each 5-cent advance in the April, 1903, wholesale price of coal at New York City. The 1903 award continued in effect 9 years. During these years the 10 per cent increase plus the per cent increase due to the advance in the wholesale price of coal at New York City over the April, 1903, price resulted in a sliding scale, the increases over 1902 varying from 14.22 per cent in 1907 to 14.95 per cent in 1904 and 1911. The agreement of May, 1912, abolished the sliding scale or the 1 per cent increase for each 5-cent advance in the April, 1903, wholesale price of coal at New York City, and gave a 10 per cent increase over the minimum rate (110) for 1903, thereby making the index number 121 for 1912. This agreement continued in force 4 years or to March 31, 1916. The agreement of May, 1916, increased the rate 7 per cent over the 1915 rate. The agreement of May, 1917, made an increase of 10 per cent over the 1916 rate; the November, 1917, agreement made an increase of 25 per cent over the 1916 rate; the November, 1918, agreement which continued in force to April, 1920, made an increase of 40 per cent over the 1916 rate; and the August, 1920, award of the Anthra cite Coal Commission, retroactive to April 1, 1920, increased the gross-tonnage rate 65 per cent over the 1916 rate. The index numbers presented below are therefore based on gross tonnage with the 1902 rate the base or 100; they are not based on net tonnage rates, or on average rates of wages or earnings per hour. As deductions for helpers and for supplies have not changed in the same proportion these figures can not be assumed as represent ing the changes in net earnings. 12 HOURS AND EARNINGS IN COAL M IN IN G . T a b l e 4 . — PERIOD OF A G R EEM EN T AN D IN D E X NUM BERS BASED ON GROSS-TONNAGE RATES OF CONTRACT MINERS. [1902=100.] Year or period of agreement. 1902.................................................. Apr. 1, 1903, to Mar. 31, 1904.... Apr. 1. 1905, to Mar. 31, 1906.... Apr. 1, 1906, to Mar. 31, 1907.... Apr. 1, 1907, to Mar. 31,1 9 0 8 .... Apr. 1, 1908, to Mar. 31,190 9 .... Apr. 1, 1909, to Mar. 31,1 9 1 0 .... Apr. 1,1910, to Mar. 3 1 ,1 911.... Apr. 1, 1911, to May, 1912........... May, 1912, to Mar. 31, 1913.......... Apr. 1,1913, to Mar. 3 1 ,1 914.... Apr. 1,1914, to Mar. 3 1 ,1 915.... Apr. 1,1915, to Mar. 3 1 ,1 916.... May, 1916, to May, 1917............... May, 1917, to November, 1917... November, 1917, to November, 1918............................................... November, 1918, to November, 1919............................................... November, 1919, to Mar. 31,1920. April, 1920....................................... Index numbers. 100.00 114. 40 114. 95 114.31 114. 58 114. 22 114. 40 114. 49 114. 40 114.95 121. 00 121. 00 121.00 121. 00 129. 47 142.42 161.84 181. 25 181.25 213.62 PICK OR HAND MINERS. Pick or hand miners is the most important occupation in the bituminous division of the coai-mining industry. Employees in this occupation, like contract miners in the anthracite division of the industry, are paid on a tonnage basis. Since the Bureau has no information as to hours and earnings for any year except 1919, index numbers can not be computed for this occupation on the basis of rates or earnings per hour. Gross-tonnage rates for run of mine were obtained for the occupation from agreements between coal operators and miners of the Hocking Valley district of Ohio for the years, 1902 to 1918; from the award of the Fuel Administration for 1919, and from the award of the Bituminous Coal Commission for 1920. The Hocking Valley district is the basing district of Ohio, and is part of the central competitive field, consisting of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and western Pennsylvania. Index numbers have been computed from the gross tonnage rates for those years with the 1902 tonnage rate the base, or 100, and are presented here. The year or period of agreement and the gross-tonnage rate are also shown. INDEX NUM BERS. 13 Table 5 .—Y E A R OR PERIOD OF AGREEM ENT, GROSS-TONNAGE RATES, AN D IN D E X NUMBERS BASED ON GROSS-TONNAGE RATES OF PICK MINERS IN HOCKING V A L L E Y DISTRICT OF OHIO. [1902=100.] Year or period of agreement. Apr. 1, 1902, to Mar. 31, 1903................ Apr. 1, 1903, to Mar. 31, 1904................ Apr. 1, 1904, to Mar. 31, 1905................ Apr. 1, 1905, to Mar. 31, 1906................ Apr. 1, 1906, to Mar. 31, 1907................ Apr. 1, 1907, to Mar. 31,1908................ Apr. 1, 1908, to Mar. 31, 1909................ Apr. 1, 1909, to Mar. 31,1910................ Apr. 1,1910, to Mar. 31,1911................ Apr. 1, J911, to Mar. 31,1912................ Apr. 1,1912, to Mar. 31,1913................ Apr. 1,1913, to July 15,1914................. July 15, 1914, to Mar. 31, 1915............... Apr. 1,1915, to Mar. 31,1916................ Apr. 1, 1916, to Apr. 16,1917................ Apr. 16,1917, to Oct. 29,1917............... Oct. 29,1917, to Mar. 31,1918............... Apr. 1,1918, to November, 1919 ........ November, 1919, to Mar. 31, 1920........ April, 1920.........................,,..................... Gross-ton nage rate Hocking Valley district for run of mine. $0. 5200 . 5850 . 5525 . 5525 . 5850 . 5850 . 5850 . 5850 . 6175 .6175 .6500 .6500 . 6760 .6760 .6764 . 7764 .8764 . 8764 .9991 1.1164 Index numbers. 100. 00 112. 50 106. 25 106. 25 112. 50 112. 50 112. 50 112. 50 118. 75 118, 75 125. 00 125. 00 130. 00 130. 00 130.08 149, 31 168. 54 168. 54 192.13 214. 69 INDEX NUMBERS. Rates and index numbers are presented below for five groups of employees in the Hocking Valley district. Employees in these groups work inside the mines. Rates were obtained from a copy of the scale of rates for the Hocking Valley district of Ohio for 1913 to 1918; from the award of the Fuel Administration for 1919, and from the award of the Bituminous Coal Commission for 1920. The gross-tonnage rate for machine cutting has been combined with the gross-tonnage rate for loading, thus making a gross-tonnage rate for cutters and loaders combined. This is done because the gross tonnage rate for pick or hand miners covers both the mining and loading of coal. Index numbers for cutters and loaders, and for pick or hand miners have been computed from the gross tonnage rates here shown with the 1913 rate the base, or 100; they are not based on net tonnage rates or on average rates or earnings per hour. Index numbers for the other three groups are based on actual rates of wages per day. 14 HOURS AND EARNI2SPGS IN COAL M IN IN G . T a b le fi.—R ATES A N D IN D E X NUM BERS, TO D ATE, FOR IN SID E OCCUPATIONS IN BITUMINOUS COAL M INES^BY Y E A R O R P ER IO D OF AG R EE M EN T. [1913=100.] Machine cutters and loaders. Period of agreement. Cagers, drivers, machine and water haulers, Pick or hand motor men, Pipe men. Tracklayers’ helpers. snappers, miners. timbermen, tracklayers, trip riders, and wire men. Trappers (boys). GrossGrosstonnage Index tonnage Index Rate Index Rate Index Rate- Index Rate Index rate for num rate for num per num per num per num per num run of bers. run of bers. day. bers. day. bers. day. bers. day. bers. mine.1 mine. Apr. 1,1913, to July 15, 191 4 $0.4485 100.0 $0.6500 100.0 $2.84 100.0 $2:78 100.0 $2.62 100.0 $1.33 July 15,1914, to Mar. 31, 191 5 „4*700 104.8 .6760 104.0 2.84 100; 0 2; 78. 100:0 2.62 100.0 1.32 Apr. 1,1915, to Mar. 31, 1916................................ .4700 104.8 .6760 104.0: 2..S4 100.0- % 78 100.0 , 2.62 100.0 1. 32 Apr. 1, 1916, to Apr. 16, . 6764 104.1 2.98 104.9 2.92 m o 2.75 105.0 1.40 1917................................ >5000 111.5 Apr. 16, 1917, to Oct. 29, 1917................................ .6000 133.8 .7764 119.4 3.60 126.8 3.52 126.6 3.35 127.9 1.90 Oct. 29, 1917, to Mar. 31, .8764 134. 8 5.00 176i 1 4.92 177.0 4.75 181.3 2.65 1918................................ .7000 156.1 Apr. 1,1918, to Novem .8764 134.8 5.00 176.1 4.92 177.0 4.75 181.3 2.65 ber, 1919....................... .7000 156.1 November, 1919, to Mar. .7980 177.9 .9991 153.7 5-70 200.7 5.61 201.8 5.42 206.9 3w02 31,1920.......................... Apr. 1, 1 9 2 0 . . . . . . . .___ .9400 209.6 1.1164 17L8 6.00 211.3 5.92 213.0 5.75 219. 5 3.18 100.0 m o m o 106.1 143.9 200.8 200.8 228.8 240.9 1 Combined rate for cutting in rooms by Jeffrey style of machines anil for loading in rooms- and hand drilling. DAYS IN OPERATION IN ONE YEAR. Average and classified days of operation in one year are presented in the following table for the mines of each State for which figures are shown in this report. It will be observed that for 10 States the year reported ends December 31,1918, for 3 it ends April 30,1919, and that for the other 5 States the year ends on different dates. Totals for all States are not shown because the year is not for the same period for all States. Comparison of figures should not be made between States except those with the same year ending. Keports were not obtained for 9 mines. The average days of operation are for all the mines of a State for which days of operation are reported. DAYS m Table 7 .— A V E R A G E OPERATION m AN3> C L A S S IF IE D D A Y S OF STATES. 15 ONE YEAR. O P E R A T IO N IN ONE Y E A .R , BY Number of mines in operation— State. Anthracite: Pennsylvania.. D o.............. Bituminous: Alabama_____ Colorado--------Illinois.............. Indiana............ Iowa................. Kansas............. Kentucky........ Maryland......... Missouri........... New Mexico... OMo.................. Oklahoma....... Pennsylvania.. Utah................. Virginia........... West Virginia. Wyoming........ Year ending— Num of days 150 Un ber of op and mines. in under eration der 150 180 days. days. Jan. 31,1919 Mar. 31,1920 293.8 206.0 Dec. 31,1918 Apr. 30,1919 Feb. 15,1919 Feb. 28,191$ Mar. 31,1919 Apr. 15,1919 Dec. 31,1918 ....... do............. Mar. 15,1019 Dec. 31,1918 ____do............. ____do............. ------ do............. ------ do............. Apr. 30,1919 Dec. 31,1918 ____do............. Apr. 30,1919 294.4 253.1 256.5 i 251. 4 i 251. 2 249. 9 i 249. 9 255.0 264.4 308.2 233. 7 i 253. 0 285.0 i 290. 2 251. 7 296.3 i 252. 0 253.8 180 and under 210 days. 1 1 210 and under 240 days. 2 1 1 2 1 270 and under 300 days. 300 and under 315 days. 2 1 10 10 10 3 2 8 6 1 5 4 10 2 3 2 5 7 5 2 3 2 2 6 6 1 3 3 3 4 1 2 240 and under 270 days. 1 3 3 4 2 Days not re port ed. 3 2 1 1 3 6 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 4 2 2 2 15 5 2 2 3 1 I 9 2. 2 1 1 1 Average for mines reporting. DAYS CLOSED AND CAUSES. In the following table average days of operation arid average days closed on account of specified canses are shown for each State. Totals are not shown for all States combined because the “ year ending” is not the same for all States. Comparisons should be made only between States with the year of the same period. The average number of days closed are for mines that were actually closed for a specified cause and for all mines for which complete information was reported. Example: Seventeen mines in Colorado were closed for a total of 344 days on account of lack of orders, or for an average, of 20.2 days. One mine was not closed for this cause. The average for the 18 mines is 19.1 days. Some mines were closed on account of “ vacations,” which, are here classed as strikes. In September, 1920, a large number of anthracite miners refrained from work of their own accord, against the advice of their union leaders and without consulting officials of the mines in which they were employed, declaring that they were taking a vacation. They were not satisfied with an award which had been made and requested President Wilson to reconvene the joint scale committee of operators and miners for the purpose of considering a new wage award. The President in-his reply refused to reconvene the committee and said, “ When a body of men collectively refrain from working bv mutual understanding, however arrived at, it is a strike no matter what name may be given to it.” T able 8 .—A V E R A G E N U M B E R O F D A Y S O F O P E R A T IO N A N D A V E R A G E N U M B E R O F D A Y S C LO SE D O N A C C O U N T O F SP E C IF IE D CAU SES IN ONE Y E A R , B Y S T A T E S . Average number of days mines were closed in one year on account of— Year ending- Strikes, lockouts, and “ vacations.” Other causes. ANTHRACITE. Jan. 31,1919 Mar. 31,1920 293.8 266.0 61.7 64.9 61.7 64.9 294. 253. 256. 251. 251. 249. 249. 255. 264. 308. 233. 253. 285. 290. 251. 296. 252. 253. 55.0 57.3 60.1 59.1 60.4 63.9 56.4 56.3 60.3 51.2 58.8 59.6 57.8 58.3 51.4 57.0 58.0 59.3 55.0 57.3 60.1 59.1 60.4 63.9 56.4 56.3 60.3 51.2 58. 8 59.6 57.8 58.3 51.4 57.0 58.0 59.3 U 6.5 2 9.9 2.8 0.8 7.1 3.2 20 11 9.7 35.7 8.8 26.2 5 15.6 18 35.4 15 36.1 10 35.2 10 22.9 12 34.2 15 60.9 3 31.3 11 22.3 1.8 5 12 71.6 5 35.3 26 24.4 4 11.5 6 15.1 4 11.8 12 52.3 4 18.3 15.6 35.4 33.8 35.2 22.9 34.2 57.1 31.3 22.3 1.5 71.6 35.3 20.5 11.5 12.9 11.8 52.3 18.3 IN Pennsylvania.. D o.............. EARNINGS Aver Aver Aver age age age num num num A v Av ber of ber of ber of er er days Num age days Num age days closed, ber num closed, ber num closed, all of all of all ber mines, mines ber of mines, mines of mines, includ closed days includ closed days includ ing ing closed ing closed those those those not not not closed. closed. closed. AND A v er Num age ber num of mines ber of closed days closed Seasonal condi tions. HOUES State. N um ber of mines that re ported causes for days closed.1 Sundays and holi Lack of orders. Lack of materials. days. Aver age Aver num Aver Aver age ber of age age num num days num Av Av A v ber of in ber of ber of er er days Num er opera Num age days Num age days age closed, tion in ber num closed, ber num closed, ber num one all all of of of all ber mines, year. mines ber mines ber of mines, mines of includ of mines, closed lays includ closed days closed days includ ing closed ing closed ing those those those not not not closed. closed. closed. BITUMINOUS. 20.2 14.5 15.4 30.3 7.1 19.1 14.5 15.4 30.3 5.9 1.0 1.1 5.1 2.0 10.1 4.5 21.7 6.3 5.6 7.3 7.5 17.8 4.2 2.3 4.4 .4 49.0 49.0 8.3 33.8 33.8 5.9 .3 5.7 11.0 4.0 7.5 To' 4.0 3.5 35.0 4.0 1 Six bituminous mines did not report. 2.8 2 Short of men. 1.1 M IN I N G . Dec. 31,1918 Apr. 30,1919 Feb. 15,1919 Feb. 28,1919 Mar. 31,1919 Apr. 15,1919 Dec. 31,1918 ....... do........... Mar. 15,1919 Dec. 31,1918 ....... do........... Apr. 30,1919 Dec. 31,1918 Apr. 30,1919 COAL Alabama.............. Colorado............... Illinois.................. Indiana................ Iowa..................... Kansas................. K entucky............ Maryland............. Missouri............... New Mexico........ Ohio...................... Oklahoma........... Pennsylvania__ Tennessee............ U tah..................... Virginia............... West V irginia.. . W yoming............ H O U E S A N D E A R N IN G S I N COAL M IN IN G . 17 NUMBER OF STARTS (DAYS) PER HALF MONTH. The following table shows the number of starts (days) made in the half month ending January 31, 1919, by anthracite employees. There were 14 week days and 2 Sundays in the half month. As each employee entered the mine he was checked-in as having made a start to work. Starts as shown in this table means the number of days on which an employee worked in the mine. He is recorded as making a start regardless of the number of hours he worked. 24885°—21—Bull. 279— 2 T abie 9 a- NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EM PLO YEES CLASSIFIED B Y STARTS (D AYS ON W HICH EM PLOYEES W O R K E D ) MADE IN THE H ALF MONTH ENDING MAR. 31, 1920, B Y OCCUPATIONS. Number of- Average— Number of employees whose starts (days on which they worked in half month) wore— H* 00 Per cent of employees whose starts (days on which they worked in half month) were— Occupation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 "2 'Y 1 3 2 3 'Y 4 1 2 12 8 11 " 8 1 3 1 3 1 8 "2 ' 1 5 1 2 2 2 7 15 4 5 3 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 5 2 4 6 19 6 16 3 3 21 6 26 1 1 3 5 5 8 5 12 5 4 3 19 1 31 ' 52 ' 6 5 1 2 14 15 16 2 15 24 34 17 31 7 90 10 45 80 108 61 78 29 271 2 11 13 7 1 11 1 5 4 T 2 17 52 1 20 28 1 1 2 43 85 5 3 3 4 2 5 3 3 4 13 3 4 1 1 T 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 HOURS Em Num Hours Mines. ploy ber of per ees. starts. start. In sid e w ork . 13.8 13.3 13.0 12.9 12. 6 12.0 13. 8 12.2 7 218 11.7 12.0 12.4 13.1 12. 3 14.8 12.2 13.8 Total.............. 16 7,781 12.1 4 8.1 9 4 3 3 7 2 10 7.6 10.0 8. 5 8.6 56 1 30 40 29 29 29 34 41 38 17 14 11 11 6 4 13 9 6 8.1 7.4 ” 9 ' 12 10.0 2 2 9.4 1 11.4 i 1 8.6 8.8 10 28 2 2 8 24 1 9 38 i 9 33 2 2 8 44 1 2 2 2 2 6 8.1 116 3 90 116 6 Y 13 24 13 44 77 4 1 79 104 1 1 1 2 11 ” 9 ’ 19 15 200 1 4 47 412 1 12 128 7 2 2 11 2 7 1 6 70 233 669 1,524 22 95 74 27 1 6 38 6 2t 50 8 23 21 5 35 11 13 8 17 61 12 22 23 29 29 63 114 188 165 253 1 3 7 8 16 6 4 10 15 21 1 2 3 4 4 6 1 1 4 2 1 8 ” i 24 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 4 8 6 22 38 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 7 3 3 2 1 4 3 4 3 Y 4 6 9 17 35 1 0) 8 8 8 15 54 4 9 17 52 9 2 5 14 39 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 5 4 2 2 2 2 7 1 1 1 6 4 6 1 5 2 6 5 4 i 2 1 1 1 2 3 5 1 3 i 2 8 i 1 6 11 20 39 Y 2 4 1 1 V1) 0) 11 1 i 38 1 1 95 108 110 129 160 252 399 400 592 1,378 3,423 251 156 2 6 11 3 2 2 '2 8 5 3 12 11 8 4 1 3 2 Y 2 2 1 i 2 Y 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 6 3 10 1 2 4 3 3 12 5 6 8 8 9 12 2 3 5 7 4 5 49 48 49 43 1 7 7 43 22 51 15 21 11 ia 20 2 0) 2 1 1 (») 11 6 3 40 ’43 12 5 12 7 8 18 44 3 335?= 2 MINING. 10 480 16 3,188 192 13 12 171 13 88 11 88 13 109 6 8.7 3 7 4 6 6 12 59 3 5 15 44 3 5 15 50 3 6 18 57 5 4 17 60 2 11 17 44 1 8 35 5 Y 14 42 1 1 Y 2 Y 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 COAL 11.7 10.8 14. 0 13. 5 10.8 10 1 IN 202 14 1,191 6 13 4 23 11 331 8.9 1 9.1 10.1 9.0 " Y 8.1 i 8.4 8. 7 8.8 12 EARNINGS 17 103 161 191 102 179 84 650 AND 6 12 13 12 11 11 11 13 Blacksmiths............ Bratticemen............ Cagers....................... Car runners............. Door tenders........... Drivers..................... Engineers................ Laborers.................. Laborers, company miners*................ Laborers, consider ation miners’ __ _ Laborers, contract miners’ ................ Machinists............... Masons..................... Miners, company... Miners, considera tion........................ Miners, contract___ Motormen................ Motor brakemen__ Pumpmen__ Timbermen............. Trackmen......... Outsidework. 13 2,154 13.6 Grand total 16 9,935 12.4 9.1 128 103 4 38* 6 3 21 3 1 5 r} i 4 1 11 1 1 80 46 85 1 3 13 11 3 6 7 10 8 77 21 5 4 9 2 26 3 1 210 1 9 28 43 23 28 22 18 26 233 40 22 18 43 14 130 30 13 10 8 5 44 7 5 32 54 5 90 20 43 4 17 2 9 27 3 26 2 9 10 39 1 5 86 89 8 SO 1 17 2 34 1 1 3 16 2 3 0) 6 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 '4* 9 4 4 1 2 4 2 2 3 5 T 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 0) 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 22 3 9 28 25 5 20 42 8 1 3 7 28 29 4 11 7 50 15 2 2 12 57 10 1 5 14 21 3 2 5 10 29 2 16 53 10 3 6 12 37 14 1 5 17 32 16 1 3 4 19 38 12 55 !12 T 9 43 !17 5 30 67 i10 2 5 11 54 |4 6 1 4 38 34 4 4 54 13 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 741 385 435 1 1 1 0) 479 452 677 1,588 4,164 636 591 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 i 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 3 3 4 3 1 4 2 1 3 4 5 1 3 6 4i i 20 iT,! 6 i ~6 4 10 34 7 jlfl 58 28 15 25 2 10 55 47 16 13 14 30 3 16 10 1 8 13 PER HALF M ONTH. 27 6 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 6 1 20 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 1 (DAYS) 1Less than one-half ol 1 per cent. 2 1 2 1 1 5 STARTS Total......... 2 8.7 9.3 9.8 9.6 8.6 8.9 9.2 9.0 8.8 9.1 9.0 10.2 8.8 9.1 8.6 8.0 9.4 OF 124 114 33 99 21 240 80 24 45 32 66 153 46 49 155 188 NUMBER Ashmen.............. Blacksmiths....... Cagers................. Carpenters.......... Car runners........ Dumpers............ Engineers........... Firemen............. Jig runners......... Laborers............. Loaders.............. Machinists.......... Oilers................. Platemen........... Repairmen......... Slaters- . ............. Timber cutters... Trackmen........... H O U R S A N D E A R N IN G S I N COAL M IN IN G . 20 COMPARISON OF EARNINGS. To graphically compare 1919 earnings per hour of employees in the same or similar occupations in the two divisions of the industry a chart is here presented. Only occupations which are fairly comC O M PAR ATIVE H O U R L Y E A R N IN G S FOR SIM ILAR OCCUPATIONS IN A N T H R A C ITE AN D BITU M IN OUS COAL M INING. C en ts p e r h o u r iS O S H O cc u p a tio n In 3 S de Br&Keman SO ZS 39 3f 4i9 4S SO SS 60 AS 79 7s aO SS A C f90 Brattice- an d 7/mherntan' Bratticem an //6 Timherman J7Q C’ ? e r Poor tender (T rapper] n t/nver Z *7* */74 la b o r er /ZOO lo a d e r /33VS laborer, contract/Timer’s /3SS Miner, hand //379 Miner, machine /72f Abner, company 656 Mmer, consideration *t$s Miner contract VS&7 A ll m iners M otorm an J 6 oii/ JW7 Pum pm an r *3yV Tractfm an * /OV Outs/ate B lack sm ith - . - 60 Z6° iS 0 380 Li 'ger. c/ c F irem an *1*3 ^ c E Bitu •n/m CIS Anti r a c t e « // i J parable are included in it. It will be noticed that bratticemen and timbermen in bituminous mines are grouped together whereas for anthracite mines each is given separately. This difference in method of treatment reflects the fact that in bituminous mines the same employee often performs both kinds of work, whereas in anthra cite mines the duties of the two positions are quite distinct. C O M PA R ISO N OF E A R N IN G S . 21 In addition to presenting separately the earnings of “ Miners, hand/’ and “ Miners, machine/7in bituminous mining and of “ Miners, company,” “ Miners, consideration,” and “ Miners, contract,” in anthracite mining, the chart presents earnings for the two classes of bituminous miners combined and for the three classes of an thracite miners combined. The effect of making this combination is to bring the two averages more closely together than the several separate averages would seem to justify. This result is due to the fact that in bituminous mining by far the larger group, hand miners, is the group with comparatively low hourly earnings, while the largest group of anthracite miners, the contract miners, has hourly earnings much in excess of the earnings of company miners or consideration miners. The comparison for all miners combined shows hourly earnings remarkably close together in the two branches of the industry Q 22 H O U R S A N D E A R N IN G S I N GOAL M IN IN G . GENERAL TABLES. In addition to the text tables already presented, 13 general tables are shown as follows: T able A.—Average and classified full-time hours per week in anthracite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1919 and 1920, by occupations (pp. 23 and 24). T able B.—Average and classified full-time hours per week in bituminous coal mines, 1919, by occupations and States (pp. 25 to 29). T able C.-—Number and per cent of employees working each speci fied per cent of full time in a half-month pay-roll period in anthracite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1919 and 1920, by occupations (pp. 30 and 31). # Table D.—Number and per cent of employees working each speci fied per cent of full time in a half-month pay-roll period in bitumi nous coal mines, 1919, by occupations, and State (pp. 32 to 37). T able E.—Average full-time hours, average hours actually worked, and number of employees working each classified number of actual hours in a half-month pay-roll period in anthracite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1919 and 1920, b}r occupations (pp. 38 and 39). T able F.—Average full-time hours, average hours actually worked, and number of employees working each classified number of actual hours in a half-month pay-roll period in bituminous coal mines, 1919, by occupations and States (pp. 40 to 48). T able G.—Average earnings per hour, and number and per cent of employees earning each classified amount per hour in anthracite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1919 and 1920, by occupations (pp. 49 to 53). T able H.—Average earnings per hour, and number and per cent of employees earning each classified amount per hour in bituminous coal mines, 1919, by occupations and States (pp. 54 to 71. T able J.—Average full-time earnings, average earnings actually received, and number of employees earning each classified amount in a half-month pay-roll period, anthracite coal mines, Penns}^!vania, 1919 and 1920, by occupations (pp. 72 to 74). T able K.—Average full-time earnings, average earnings actually received, and number of employees earning each classified amount in a half-month pay-roll period, in bituminous coal mines, 1919, by occupations and States (pp. 75 to 83). T able L.—Number of employees working each classified number of actual hours and earning each classified amount in a half-month pay-roll period, in specified occupations and in all occupations, an thracite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1919 (pp. 84 to 95). T able M.—Number of employees working each classified number of actual hours and earning each classified amount in a half-month pay-roll period, in specified occupations and in all occupations, bitumi nous coal mines, 1919 (pp. 96 to 103). T able N.—Number of employees wTorking each classified number of actual hours and earning each classified amount in a half-month pay-roll period, in specified occupations and inall occupations, anthra cite coal mines, Pennsylvania, 1920 (pp. 104 to 110). G EN ER A L T A B L E S. 23 A . —AVERAGE AND CLASSIFIED FULL-TIME HOURS PER WEEK IN ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919 AND 1920, BY OCCUPATIONS. T able Occupation Aver Num age Num ber of full Year. ber of time em hours mines. ployees. per week. Number of employees whose full-time hours per week were— 54 i 56 48 60 70 I n s id e w o rk . Blacksmiths. 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 30 20 116 111 234 197 342 233 247 156 479 272 121 100 1,200 736 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.4 48.6 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 50.7 50.5 48.9 48.1 30 20 116 111 231 192 340 233 247 156 479 272 101 69 1,165 728 1919 1920 Laborers, consideration miners’ 8.......................... . 1920 Laborers, contract miners’ . 1919 1920 Machinists..................... 1919 1920 Masons........................... 1919 1920 1919 Miners, company........ 1920 Miners, consideration. 1919 1920 Miners, contract.......... 1919 1920 Motormen..................... 1919 1920 Motor brakemen.......... 1919 1920 Pumpmen..................... 1919 1920 Tiinbermen................... 1919 1920 Trackmen...................... 1919 1920 632 308 48.0 48.0 632 308 202 1,855 1,191 67 19 41 29 655 367 498 480 4, 887 3,188 247 202 190 178 104 99 136 97 163 123 1919 ; 1920 12,245 8, 308 Bratticemen. Car runners............... . Door tenders (boys).. Drivers........................ Engineers.................... Laborers..................... Laborers, company min ers’ 1................................... Total.......................... 48.0 48.0 48.0 51.4 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 78.5 74.3 I 48. 0* 48.0 i 48.0 i 48.0 48.4 48.4 202 1,855 1,191 39 19 41 29 655 367 498 480 4,887 3,188 247 202 190 178 3 1 136 97 163 123 12,056 8,166 1 Figures for 1919 include laborers, consideration miners’. * Figures for 1919 included with laborers, company miners’. 26 1 ' 1 ! 1 , - I 31 7 113 68 H O U R S A N D E A R N IN G S I N COAL M IN IN G . 24 T A . —AVERAGE AND CLASSIFIED FULL-TIME HOURS PER W EEK IN ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919 AND 1920, BY OCCUPATIONS— Concluded. able Occupation. Num Num ber of ber Year. em of mines ployees. Aver age full time hours per week. Number of employees whose full-time hours per week were— 48 54 56 60 63 70 *72 77 84 1 5 91 O u tsid e w o rk . 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 19 15 22 16 22 15 22 16 15 10 19 16 22 16 22 16 18 12 22 16 21 16 20 14 21 15 21 14 10 5 21 15 19 14 14 8 72 53 60 39 119 84 250 163 83 46 88 57 248 185 314 217 81 54 1,211 718 199 142 112 117 77 42 180 112 113 21 580 345 115 92 28 26 53.5 55.7 48.0 48.0 48.6 49.7 48.3 48.0 48.0 48. 0 48.0 48.0 52.1 56.0 55.7 55.6 48.0 48.0 49. 3 48.5 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.4 48.0 48.0 48. 0 48.0 48.0 48. 0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 12 50 7 44 60 39 117 80 236 14 163 83 46 88 57 181 . . . . 47 87 68 ” 4* 17 295 14 200 81 54 1,161 4 698 8 1 199 142 112 1 115 77 42 180 112 113 21 580 345 115 92 28 26 Total.. 1919 1920 22 16 3,930 2,513 49.4 49.6 3,478 2,140 14 358 321 “ 5 ’ 1 8 13 4 5 1 Grand total. 1919 1920 22 16 16,175 10,821 48.6 48.7 15, 534 10,306 45 388 7 386 ” 5 ’ 1 8 17 6 15 1 Ashmen..................... Blacksmiths.............. Cagers......................... Carpenters................. Car runners............... Dumpers.................... Engineers.................. Firemen..................... Jig runners................ Laborers..................... Loaders...................... Machinists................. Oilers.......................... Platemen................... Repairmen................ Slaters (boys)........... Timber cutters.......... Trackmen.................. 1 4 f 2 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 7 1 5 .... 14 . . . . 23 38 5 1 1 1 1 59 33 1 1 1 172 101 2 1 G EN ER A L TA B L E S. 25 B .—AVERAGE AND CLASSIFIED FULL-TIME HOURS PER W EEK IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, B Y OCCUPATIONS AND STATES. T a b le Num Num ber of Occupation and State. ber of em mines ployees. Aver Number of employees whose full-time hours per week were— age full time hours 54 56 57 60 63 66 68 70 72 77 80 80J 84 91 per iweek. Inside work. Brakemen: Alabama............ Colorado............. Illinois................ Indiana.............. Iowa................... Kansas............... Kentucky.......... Maryland........... Missouri............. New Mexico___ Ohio.................... Oklahoma......... Pennsylvania... Tennessee.......... Utah................... Virginia............. West Virginia.. Total . 146 Bratticemen and timbermen: Alabama................. Colorado.................. Illinois..................... Indiana.................... Iowa......................... Kansas..................... Kentucky............... Maryland................. Missouri................... New Mexico........... Ohio......................... Oklahoma............... Pennsylvania......... Tennessee............... Utah......................... Virginia................... West Virginia........ Wyoming................ Total. 163 18 71 100 51 10 22 124 29 14 27 36 6 289 33 19 65 91 48 0 48 0 48 0 48 0 48 0 48 0 48 0 48 0 48 0 48 9 48.0 48.0 49.2 48.0 48.0 48.0 50. 8 18 71 100 51 10 22 124 29 14 23 36 6 259 33 19 65 49 42 1,005 48.6 929 47 24 57 156 44 64 34 56 46 19 23 70 51 172 18 10 19 54 15 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48. 8 48.0 48.0 48.0 51.2 48.0 24 57 156 44 64 34 56 46 19 23 70 51 160 18 10 19 25 15 932 48.3 891 Total. Kentucky........ Maryland......... Missouri........... New Mexico... Ohio.................. Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. 1 i 1 | 1 . " V * 1 4 1 W 29 1 i 12 " 29 1 i f ! i ...I ... 1 12 29 | Cagers: Colorado........... Illinois.............. Indiana............. Iowa................. Kansas............. Maryland......... Missouri........... Ohio.................. Pennsylvania.. Wyoming........ Other States... Drivers: Alabama.. Colorado.. Illinois. . . Indiana. . . Iowa........ i | 48.0 48.0 48.6 48.0 48.4 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.8 48.0 48.0 90 180 212 380 142 99 119 135 32 90 118 208 103 354 2 2 ! ' 2 48.3 2 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.3 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.4 180 212 380 142 95 2 119 135 32 90 118 208 103 343 1 ! 4 2 t i i i 11 1... H O U R S A N D E A R N IN G S I N COAL M IN IN G . 26 B — AVERAGE AND CLASSIFIED FULL-TIME HOURS PER W EEK IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, B Y OCCUPATIONS AND STATES— Con. T able Aver Number of employees whose full-time hours per week were— age Num- Num full ber- ber of time Occupation and State. of em mines ployees. hours 54 56 57 60 63 66 68: 70 72 77 80 m 84 91 per week. Inside ii'orl:—Contd. Drivers—Concluded. Tennessee................ U tah......................... Virginia.................... West Virginia......... W yom ing................ 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.5 48.0 4 — — — — _ — Total................. 2,372 48.1 2,353 Laborers: Alabama.................. Colorado................... I llin o is..................... Indiana.................... Iow a.......................... Kansas..................... K entucky................ Maryland................. Missouri................... New M exico............ Ohio.......................... Oklahoma................ Pennsylvania......... Tennessee................ U ta h ......................... Virginia.................... West Virginia......... W yom in g................ 107 123 404 150 64 30 182 51 120 41 97 26 635 66 44 30 110 33 48.0 48.0 48.1 48.1 48.0 48.8 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 49.3 48.0 48.0 48.0 49.3 48.0 107 123 401 149 64 27 182 51 120 41 97 26 566 66 44 30 90 33 48.5 Total.................. ! 1 3 68 1 26 — — 26 6 68 1 1 ,== 307 389 2,049 1,098 67 1,391 283 132 1,970 135 4,117 119 235 230 749 74 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 49.4 48.0 48.0 48.2 50.0 48.0 307 389 2,049 1,098 07 1,391 283 132 1,970 135 3,636 119 235 220 499 250 74 Total.................. 13,345 48.5 12,610 250 Miners, hand: A labam a.................. Colorado................... Illinois...................... Indiana.................... Iow a.......................... K ansas..................... K entu ck y................ M aryland................. Missouri.................... New Mexico............ Ohio.......................... Oklahoma............ Pennsylvania......... Tennessee................ U ta h ......................... West Virginia........ W yom ing................ Other States........... 455 1,208 1,669 525 962 1,482 192 491 629 528 13 354 1,859 367 206 168 169 42 11 2 1 Loaders: Alabam a.................. Colorado................... Illinois...................... Indiana.................... Iow a.......................... K entucky................ Missouri................... N ew Mexico............ Ohio.......................... Oklahoma................ Pennsylvania......... Tennessee................ U ta h ......................... Virginia.................... W est Virginia......... W yom ing................. Total................. 2 6 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.5 48.0 48.0 51.4 48.0 48.0 48.1 455 ,268 ,669 525 962 ,482 192 491 629 528 13 354 779 367 206 73 95 169 42 11,204 95 ___ = j — == r J j '"1 481 ! J S' 1 ! I i I i 1 ! i • i 4 = : = 485 ~~~ = ! = 1 1 I 1 ..L J... ...j. '“ f t ” ! 80 80 I 1 ! ! | •i ! i .J.J. — 1___1___■ . .j . . . ...j 27 GENERA!* TABLES. T able B . —AVERAGE AND CLASSIFIED FULL-TIME HOURS PER W EEK IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, B Y OCCUPATIONS AND STATES— Con. Num Num ber of Occupation and State. ber em of mines ployees. Irs,tide Aver Number of employees whose full-time hours per week were—age full ! time hours 54 156 157 60 63 66 70 72 77 SO 80J 84 01 48 per week. —Contd 1 Miners, machine: Kentucky _ . . . . .... Ohio........................... Pennsylvania........... Utah........................... Virginia..................... 66 280 136 12 130 112 35 245 12 499 15 22 27 66 28# 136 12 130 112 35 245 12 546 15 22 27 62 21 48.0 48.0 48. 0 48. 0 48. 0 48.0 48. 0 4S. 0 48.0 49.0 48. 0 48.0 48. 0 50.5 48.0 120 1,721 48.4 1,648 125 9 48.0 42 48.0 86 48.0 60 48. 0 10 : 48.0 15 48. 0 113 48. 2 30 48. 0 12 48-. 0 12 48.0 58 i 48.0 272 49. 2 21 48. 0 20 48. 0 59 48.1 73 51. 9 2 48.0 9 42 86 60 10 15 109 ! 4 30 12 12 58 Mofeormen: Alabama.................... Colorado................ Illinois................... _. Indiana................. Iowa......................... Kansas....................... Kentucky............. Maryland.............. Missouri......... .......... New Mexico.............. Ohio............ .............. Pennsylvania______ Tennessee.................. Utah...................... Virginia..................... West Virginia........... Other States......... 3 12 13 11 5 9 19 5 3 4 13 30 3 6 4 13 1 21 20 58 25 2 Total................... 154 894 48.7 814 S 13 8 9 12 5 6 3 6 5 28 5 4 2 3 3 2 21 24 29 11 41 13 8 4 10 15 122 7 8 15 8 5 3 51. 4 51.0 49.7 58. 7 57.1 53. 2 51.0 50.0 50. 4 59. 2 50. 4 54.7 48.0 54. 9 54. 0 56. 0 50.7 12 15 23 5 10 8 5 Total................ 117 344 54.8 116 5 17 15 9 11 12 19 5 9 6 13 IR 57 190 72 3t> 31 118 14 20 27 (.7 48.0 48.0 48. 0 48.0 48.0 48. 0 48.0 48.0 48.3 48.0 48. 0 i i i i ! 2t> ' i 48 53 ;___ 4 17 2 8 2 3 "d 2 18 57 190 72 30 31 148 14 19 27 67 ____ t | \ . , 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 .. J . . . L . L . 47 21 Pumpmen: Alabama.................. Colorado..................... Illinois....................... Indiana...................... Kentucky.................. Maryland................... Missouri..................... New Mexico.............. Ohio.................. ...... .. Oklahoma................. Pennsylvania............ Tennessee.................. Utah........................... Virginia..................... "West Virginia.......... Wyoming.................. Other States.............. Trackmen: Alabama.................... Colorado..................... Illinois........................ Indiana...................... Iowa........................... Kansas....................... Kentucky.................. Maryland................... Missouri..................... New Mexico.............. Ohio................ .......... 1 .. . . . . L . 1... ■ ! 1 i ...L . ! . 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . ...1 ... .. . ! 1 . !. ! . 11 10 7 2 14 6 5 13 2 26 3 7 4 8 2 . . ... . ... 1 i . 47 ...] .. . i. I f i i. > . ! “ n r i ! 1 " j ■ ...: V I i ‘ 1" ! r-* - ’ ! ” V '* i ; i ! . j. i : ! > ! j ■ i 1 ! ! 1 1 ! i 1 | 27 ..... i ' '...j ‘ i ! 1 ...! ...!.. I_____ : i t , . i : 1 ! 1 i i__ 1 27 " 1 ___ _._ !__ __ ___ j | f 9 ’i ’1 i ’ 9 6 .. .. I...L . 1 3 .. .; . <) 1 'A 1 24 3 1 _ ! _ 3 2 ! 3 4 i 4 11 3 12 j (> 96 2 1 1 4 1 ! '1 ; 13 | 2 L 5 i 1 3 196 ! . 2 7 l.j ■ .. l 3 4 j1 10 1 1 ! _ 1 ... 1 1 1 t !.. L. i . ! 'i ‘ j . i . ! ' 't “ H O U R S A N D E A R N IN G S I N COAL M IN IN G . 28 T B . — AVERAGE AND CLASSIFIED FULL-TIME HOURS PER W EEK IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, B Y OCCUPATIONS AND STATES— Con. able Num.- Num ber of Occupation and State, ber o f emmines ployees. Aver Number of employees whose full-time hours per week were— age full time hours 54 56 57 60 63 66 68 70 72 77 80 804 84 91 per week In sid e w o rk —Concld. Trackmen—Concld. Oklahoma............... Pennsylvania......... Tennessee................ Utah......................... Virginia................... West Virginia. Wyoming................ 11 210 28 26 62 98 13 48.0 49.3 48.0 48.0 48.0 51.1 48.0 11 183 28 26 62 48 13 Total. Trappers (boys): Alabama............ Colorado............. Illinois............... Indiana.............. Iowa................... Kansas............... Kentucky......... New Mexico___ Ohio.................... Oklahoma......... Pennsylvania... Tennessee.......... Virginia............. West Virginia.. Other States___ Total............. 103 536 48.5 50 1 59 | 1 3 : 42 491 42 34,531 638 202 36,189 19 i 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 49.1 48.0 48.0 52.8 48.0 Total inside. 19 8 | i 3 2 787 8 1 1 4 3 1 I O u tsid e w o rk . Blacksmiths: Alabama............ Colorado............. Illinois................ Indiana.............. Iowa................... Kansas............... Kentucky.......... Maryland........... Missouri............. New Mexico___ Ohio................... Oklahoma......... Pennsylvania... Tennessee.......... Utah................... Virginia............. West Virginia.. W yoming.......... Total......... Carpenters: Alabama.......... Colorado........... Illinois.............. Indiana............ Iowa................. Kansas............. Kentucky........ Maryland......... Missouri........... New Mexico... Ohio.................. Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. Tennessee........ Utah................. West Virginia. 4 17 16 11 9 12 19 5 9 6 13 5 29 6 7 2 13 4 49.2 53.1 49.9 52.2 48.0 48.4 50. 5 48.0 49.1 54.0 48.0 48.0 53.5 48.0 48.0 48.0 51.3 48.0 187 50.8 48.0 54.2 48.0 48.0 48.0 51.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 55.1 48.0 48.0 52.9 48.0 48.0 51.0 ] j I 22 1 3 16 1 9 3 2 12 39 10 5 I ) 12 113 12 1 31 4 5 1 18 14 1 3 |5 1 18 1 1 l 14 15 6 28 6 10 7 1 . 1 ' 42 7 13 ! i i 1 i i I 1 1 i ! I j | i 1 I ! 10 1 G EN ER A L T A B L E S. T 29 B ___ AVERAGE ANDCLASSIFIEDFULL-TIM E HOURS PERWEEKIN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1019, BY OCCUPATIONSANDSTATES—Con. able Num Num ber of ber Occupation and State. em of mines ployees. Aver Number of employees whose full-time hours per week were— age full time hours 54 06 57 60 63 66 68 70 72 77 80 80i 84 91 48 per week. O u tsid e w orli —Concld. Carpenters—Concld. 1 4 3 48.0 48.0 4 3 110 260 50.6 163 4 17 16 12 Colorado... . Indiana................ Iowa....................... Kansas........... 11 11 12 1 10 8 2 54.0 54.9 54.4 60.9 58.6 62.9 62.3 54.9 59.5 53.8 70.1 68.3 56.5 52. 8 52.2 64.6 51.0 48.0 Total................. Firemen: Alabama............... Colorado................. Illinois................... Indiana................ Iowa......................... Kansas....................... Kentucky................. Maryland............... Missouri................. Ohio....................... Oklahoma . Pennsy] vania........... ............... Utah....................... West Virginia. .. Other States.. 150 380 56.9 Total............... Laborers: Alabama.................... Colorado..................... Illinois........................ Indiana...................... Io w a .......................... Kansas...................... Kentucky................. Maryland................... Missouri..................... New Mexico............. Ohio........................... Oklahoma................. Pennsylvania.......... Tennessee................. U ta h .......................... Virginia.................... West Virginia.......... Wyoming................. 122 3 Engineers: Ohio........ U tah.. 51 56 23 20 15 5 5 6 11 3 21 4 8 20 6 7 5 4 4 13 15 11 7 9 8 4 8 6 6 16 4 6 3 2 5 18 16 10 11 12 19 5 10 6 13 8 31 6 7 4 13 4 7 29 7 17 49 18 29 82 7 9 "21 13 4 7 1 2 1 2 " 4' 13 10 13 2 58.5 140 48.0 257 53.5 251 48. 0 122 48. 0 72 48. 0 48 48. 0 245 48. 1 57 48.0 62 48.0 114 54. J 146 48. 0 47 48. 0 804 50.0 117 48. 0 129 48. 0 42 48. 0 162 51. 9 45 48. 0 1 8 2 4 4 12 2 1 5 2 2 1 ::: 1 1 2 6 7 6 8 1 11 1 1 3 3 1 1 5 12 41 17 3 22 4 13 2 3 2 ... 1 3 5 ::: 4 1 1 3 ... 7 2 24 . . . 15 3 12 . . . 2 9 2 3 1 2 102 49 136 32 54.5 15 17 4 * T 14 31 61. 5 18 46 64 53. 8 30 75. 8 4 2 8 59. 0 25 56. 0 25 3 19 70.1 18 7 25 53. 8 3 ’T 7 14 56. 9 14 14 56. 0 21 24 55. 0 3 102 110 57. 8 11 59. 5 8 Tennessee 5 13 18 53. 8 7 11 65. 1 7 56. 0 7 443 1 8 1 1 16 13 62 5 301 5 52 3 2 7 ... * 1 1 1 7 1 ... 1 1 2 15 ____ 140 26 230 251 122 72 48 242 3 57 62 113 146 47 643 104 117 129 42 57 105 45 3 ... 1 6 |1 24 1 36 . . . 1 ... 1 .. . 1. . . 1 ...I ... . i 1 38 2 1 10 4 ... 3 .. 1... | T otal................. 198 2,860 49. 5 2,246 555 38 | 1 2 |io 3 Total outside... 20F 4,319 51.3 2, 813 804 437 72 [60 5 35 23 4 Total i n s i d e and outside. . 201 40,508 48.8 37,344 1442j639 2 |s59 168 6 1 39 J 26 4 4 ... 1 2 !- 1 5 ... 1 65 1 1 75 1 H O U R S A N D E A R N IN G S I N COAL M IN IN G . 30 T able C . — NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH SPECIFIED PER CENT OF FULL TIME IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919 AND 1920, BY OCCUPATIONS. Number of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— Occupation. Num Num ber of 25 Year. ber cf em Un and mines. ploy der un ees". 25 der per 50 cent. per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. 75 and un 100 Ovei 100 der per per 100 cent. cent. per cent. Per cent of employees whose actual hours of work in iela tion to full-time hours were— Un der 25 per cent. 25 and un der 50 per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. 75 and un 100 Over 100 der per per 100 cent. cent. per cent. ! I n s id e w o rk . Brattieemen............. Cagers........................ Car runners............... Doortenders (boys). Drivers....................... Engineers................ Laborers.................... 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 Laborers, company miners’ 1................ 1919 1920 Laborers, consider ation miners’ 2----- 1920 Laborers, contract miners’ ................... 1919 1920 Machinists................ 1919 1920 Masons...................... 1919 1920 Miners, company. . . 1919 1920 Miners, considera tion ......................... 1919 1920 Miners, contract___ 1919 1920 Motormen................. 1919 1920 Motor brakemen___ 1919 1920 Pumpmen................. 1919 1920 Timbermen.............. 1919 1920 Trackmen................. 1919 1920 Total inside.. 1919 1920 13 8 17 14 22 16 17 15 20 14 22 14 17 14 22 16 30 20 116 111 234 197 342 233 247 156 479 272 121 100 1200 736 1. 1 1 1 5 1 11 4 4 4 20 7 2 2 51 35 4 2 3 27 23 33 28 69 69 67 63 123 99 13 19 266 173 1 4 24 9 19 14 51 17 70 42 105 27 17 25 247 110 25 12 50 66 161 133 173 127 82 29 188 101 88 46 477 324 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 3 4 3 2 2 4 5 3 3 73 27 1 10 12 9 19 23 10 15 16 25 28 1 5 86 67 19 9 632 308 31 11 34 19 53 21 180 91 108 39 226 127 5 4 7 2 15 6 9 2 18 10 7 15 23 21 14 14 20 30 27 40 26 36 11 19 22 24 3 20 21 8 8 7 15 7 28 27 1 22 10 14 25 21 15 83 60 43 59 69 68 50 55 33 19 39 37 73 46 40 44 5 6 8 7 28 30 17 13 36 41 3 1 4 3 4 1 4 4 10 202 13 10 26 71 57 25 6 5 13 35 28 21 14 11 255 125 •3 1 209 113 5 353 215 7 740 566 18 149 96 11 9 7 19 18 10 40 48 27 8 1 134 87 16 9 75 54 2 71 23 1 1 71 33 8 70 43 149 76 34 18 15 10 235 127 14 10 4 5 19 11 1855 1191 67 19 41 29 656 367 11 12 11 6 2 3 11 9 20 31 20 24 39 31 11 15 12 8 6 51 95 37 34 36 35 10 10 22 16 19 15 18 14 21 15 15 13 22 16 498 480 4887 3188 247 202 190 178 104 99 136 97 163 123 23 16 141 48 3 3 5 4 1 3 12 2 2 22 28 237 139 6 4 4 5 5 61 124 77 147 697 2731 599 1729 9 20 6 28 9 38 18 31 4 9 17 3 8 31 20 6 11 35 4 25 107 131 406 390 5 3 12 5 51 34 17 20 22 19 161 81 675 283 204 158 122 115 34 42 58 39 90 74 5 3 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 3 9 2 1 4 6 5 4 2 2 2 3 5 7 10 2 1 12 16 14 19 4 3 5 10 4 3 6 6 7 3 25 31 56 54 8 14 20 17 9 17 23 21 21 20 21 27 8 12 2 1 6 3 49 34 12 21 13 15 32 17 14 9 83 78 64 65 33 42 43 40 55 60 22 12245 8308 16 641 323 734 1453 4668 1502 3247 402 1167 3298 1105 2013 5 4 6 5 12 14 38 40 12 13 27 24 9 12 6 10 10 3 1 9 1 Figures for 1919 include laborers, consideration miners'. 2 Figures for 1919 included with laborers, company miners’. 3 6 4 5 9 11 4 10 7 4 6 10 5 10 1 5 7 9 8 G E N E R A L T A B L E S. 31 C . — NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH SPECIFIED PER CENT OF FULL TIME IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919 AND 1920, BY OCCUPATIONS—Concluded. T able Number of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— Occupation. Num Num ber cf Year. ber of em Un 25 mines. ploy der and un ees. 25 der per 50 cent. per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. Per cent of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— 75 25 and o ver Un and un 100 100 der un der per per 25 der 100 cent. cent. per 50 per cent. f>er cent. cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. 75 and Over un 100 100 der per per 100 cent. cent. per cent. Outside work. Ashmen............... 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1620 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 72 53 60 39 119 84 250 163 83 46 88 57 248 185 314 217 81 54 1211 718 199 142 112 117 77 42 180 112 113 21 580 345 115 92 28 26 Total outside. 1919 1920 Blacksmiths........ Cagers................... Carpenters........... Car runners........ Dumpers............. Engineers............ Firemen............... Jig runners.......... Laborers.............. Loaders................ Machinists........... Oilers................... Platemen............. Repairmen.......... Slaters (boys). . . Timber cutters.. Trackmen........... Total inside and outside 1919 1920 6 2 2 5 1 2 1 3 4 15 2 4 5 1 4 3 5 10 1 3 2 1 40 ’ *48* 15, 23 i 5 3 3 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 8 4 2 2 4 16 9 3 5 12 20 16 22 23 19 21 11 19 20 73 51 11 7 *’ 79* 235 45 174 38 8 14 25 10 4 4 3 1 17 2 7 10 41 3 31 6 13 2 50 269 32 131 2 10 3 1 15 2 3 2 4 2 5 4 1 3 3 17 3 8 3 4 1 5 3 16 10 1 11 16 7 5 20 4 6 8 9 4 4 9 35 62 75 66 11 18 142 94 19 27 3 6 8 5 22 15 17 9 92 95 13 6 6 2 40 21 40 27 84 53 190 125 37 20 49 34 183 97 135 89 53 28 667 367 125 70 86 103 49 26 95 61 71 10 134 65 87 64 15 18 3 4 5 3 2 1 2 6 2 1 3 (3) 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 4 1 5 5 6 1 5 6 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 5 3 9 7 3 3 4 7 2 10 7 5 2 2 2 5 5 1 7 6 4 10 4 3 1 5 6 3 5 22 17 5 13 10 24 6 13 28 41 24 19 8 11 23 24 14 13 19 24 19 18 9 3 22 17 23 28 12 10 46 38 9 16 11 15 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 3 4 4 ! 4 1 1 4 9 9 2 3 7 8 500 2140 451 1279 3 2 3 ! 2 6 j 21 5 22 864 1675 5498 2002 5387 455 1300 3855 1556 3292 5 3 I 5 I 10 12 4 14 9 2 3 1 21 13 1 1 1 3930 2513 108 40 130 53 16175 10821 749 363 3 Less than one-half of 1 per cent. 2 2 3 1 222 133 830 557 34 36 15 30 12 13 17 5 2 5 11 9 5 16 14 34 24 30 14 33 12 13 10 19 3 5 10 12 12 13 15 43 16 28 11 7 21 8 40 67 09 71 03 7G 77 45 43 55 GO 74 52 43 41 65 52 55 51 63 49 77 88 61 62 53 54 63 48 23 19 76 70 54 69 13 18 1 54 51 12 14 33 30 H O U R S A N D E A R N IN G S I N COAL M IN IN G . 32 D .—NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH SPECIFIED PER CENT OF FULL TIME IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES. T able Number of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— Occupation and State. Num Num of ber of ber Un em mines. ployees. der 25 per cent. 25 and un der 50 per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. 9 13 5 16 51 19 5 2 12 75 and un der Per cent of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— Un Over der 100 25 per per per 100 cent. cent. cent. per cent. 100 25 and un der 50 per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. 13 13 23 51 37 50 55 13 41 29 67 75 and un der Over 100 100 per 100 cent. per cent. per cent. In sid e w ork . Brakemen: Alabama.................... Colorado..................... Illinois _ . __ _____ Indiana...................... Iowa............................ 4 15 18 71 2 12 100 10 7 5 51 6 Kentucky.................. Maryland................... 18 5 3 New Mexico.............. Ohio............................ Oklahoma................. Pennsylvania........... Tennessee.................. Utah........................... Virginia...................... West Virginia........... 6 Total.................... Bratticemen and timbermen: Alabama........ ........... Colorado........... ......... Illinois........................ Indiana...................... Iowa............................ Kansas........................ Kentucky.................. Maryland................... Missouri..................... New Mexico.............. Ohio............................ Oklahoma................. Pennsylvania........... Tennessee.................. Utah........................... Virginia...................... West Virginia........... Wyoming................... Total................... Cagers: Colorado..................... Illinois........................ Indiana...................... Iowa............................ Kansas........................ Maryland................... Missouri..................... Ohio............................ Pennsylvania........... Wyoming................... Other States............. Total................... 10 22 5 3 5 1 7 124 29 14 27 36 2 6 28 5 7 4 21 20 3 5 12 289 33 19 65 91 6 146 1,005 72 14 14 9 8 11 15 5 4 5 11 6 29 4 5 4 24 57 156 44 64 34 56 46 19 23 70 51 172 18 i l 2 9 16 2 1 1 2 12 5 2 13 2 2 10 8 2 2 66 11 9 7 1 3 19 4 1 125 9 5 17 32 9 15 15 87 13 9 16 31 2 101 314 384 28 8 5 5 1 12 36 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 5 13 1 12 12 6 22 5 4 3 5 45 4 25 79 15 21 9 26 4 5 21 21 4 11 8 15 26 9 9 4 5 3 4 14 4 16 3 3 7 4 17 9 7 34 41 26 16 9 4 3 33 44 51 34 33 26 46 26 63 48 29 41 40 44 2 1 6 2 1 14 4 69 12 7 31 17 28 8 2 4 3 1 2 372 77 182 6 15 39 43 19 31 5 3 1 1 1 2 3 19 4 5 16 13 3 13 2 1 2 8 8 8 4 32 5 7 90 220 2 5 13 2 1 7 9 j 15 11 20 4 9 21 6 2 2 23 9 19 35 9 9 9 5 4 3 4 11 48 26 17 4 10 2 8 1 1 1 8 7 8 15 3 1 6 67 80 4 5 7 30 44 33 16 22 6 20 8 26 32 16 5 2 2 20 20 13 53 30 20 47 . . . . . 43 ” '24 13 5 7 21 40 8 20 3 5 21 6 35 33 41 30 16 42 50 31 18 47 20 21 2 33 26 44 13 3 5 16 13 6 9 3 49 11 22 10 1 1 8 6 8 4 5 2 3 ” *20 6 1 2 16 5 7 7 192 11 2 1 8 62 5 13 25 50 9 9 16 11 47 11 4 56 33 43 27 26 26 35 3 932 3 22 38 163 10 8 14 15 14 31 3 11 11 12 2 8 6 7 12 10 10 4 16 6 7 11 7 3 1 7 4 9 7 7 7 4 4 56 106 6 1 2 10 14 4 7 23 16 12 12 11 20 21 9 23 10 28 39 26 37 40 9 53 38 50 7 19 54 15 2 6 17 30 39 47 25 34 1 1 11 8 10 7 6 1 9 3 27 3 3 4 5 10 1 1 11 10 1 3 5 4 4 5 6 20 2 2 13 4 18 3 5 28 26 19 4 4 4 44 25 60 30 20 8 3 19 42 13 50 9 3 64 4 22 6 20 86 36 22 20 14 G E N E R A L T A B L E S. 33 T a b l e D . — NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH SPECIFIED PER CENT OF FULL TIME IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 19X9, B Y OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. Number of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion tofull-time hours were— Occupation and State. Num ber of mines. Num ber of em- Under 25 per cent. 25 and un der 50 per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. Per cent of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— 25 75 Un and and un 100 Over der un 100 der per per 25 der 100 cent. cent. per 50 per cent. per cent. cent, 50 and un der 75 per cent. 75 and un 100 Over 100 der per per 100 cent. cent. per cent. I n sid e w o rk — Contd. Drivers: Alabama........... Colorado......... Illinois............... Indiana............. Iowa.................. Kansas.............. Kentucky......... Maryland......... Missouri............ New Mexico__ Ohio.................. Oklahoma....... . Pennsylvania.. Tennessee......... Utah.................. Virginia........... . West Virginia.. Wyoming......... Total.. 165 2 ,372 Laborers: Alabama. Colorado. Illinois... Indiana.. Iowa........ 177 107 123 404 150 64 30 182 51 120 41 97 26 635 66 44 30 116 33 Kentucky......... Maryland......... Missouri............ New Mexico.... Ohio.................. Oklahoma....... . Pennsylvania.. Tennessee......... Utah.................. Virginia........... . West Virginia.. Wyoming......... Total.. Loaders: Alabama........... Colorado........... Illinois............... Indiana............. Iowa................... Kentucky......... Missouri............ New Mexico.... Ohio.................. Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. Tennessee......... Utah.................. Virginia............ West Virginia-. Wyoming......... Total.. 33 81 182 40 39 51 47 18 42 48 26 13 141 16 33 3 14 12 180 212 380 142 99 119 135 32 90 118 208 103 354 52 62 8 46 32 128 257 307 389 2,049 1, 67 1,391 283 132 1,970 135 4,117 119 235 230 749 74 37 44 107 49 7 163 11 2 69 2 172 11 18 35 77 12 13,345 2 4 8 8 5 ° — -21— B u ll. 2 7 9 -------- 3 6 3 3 38 14 34 14 17 20 53 * 12 3 27 4 8 8 28 13 119 7 2 1 21 2 25 51 114 43 18 16 55 12 27 15 22 9 221 13 15 4 30 13 14 5 35 19 10 15 8 7 20 29 50 19 11 5 3 18 6 41 359 84 122 119 107 461 1,319 162 161 768 120 13 12 35 288 611 326 91 149 31 12 59 38 155 702 830 24 67 42 615 1,985 1,227 31 64 12 44 126 46 59 36 92 180 371 115 27 18 16 816 2,273 6,578 3,266 * Less than one-half of 1 per cent. 15 6 2 6 15 802 25 19 125 26 19 5 39 25 30 12 20 2 169 26 11 7 32 20 2,319 71 77 106 60 32 41 60 9 18 39 60 55 123 16 14 2 15 4 15 40 C1) (x) 0) 14 1 2 200 C1) 17 49 H O U R S A N D K A E N IN G S I N COAL, M IN IN G . 34 D .— NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH SPECIFIED PER CENT OF FULL TIME IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES. 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. T a b le Number of employees whose actual hours of work in relationtofull-timehourswere— Occupation and State. Num Num of 25 ber of ber em mines. ployees. Un and der un 25 der per 50 cent. per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. Per cent of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— 75 25 and Over Un and un 100 100 der un der per per 25 der 100 cent. cent. per 50 per cent. per cent. cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. 75 and un 100 Over der per 100 per 100 cent. per cent. Inside work—Contd Miners, hand: Alabama................. Colorado.................. Illinois..................... Indiana................... Iow a......................... Kansas.................... Kentucky............... Maryland................ Missouri.................. New M exico........... Ohio......................... Oklahoma.............. Pennsylvania........ Tennessee............... U tah................. .. W est Virginia........ W yom ing............... Other States.......... T o ta l............ 143 455; 1,268 1,669 525 962 1,482 192 491 629 528 13 354 1,859 367 206 168 169 42 38 33j 67 196 91 295 509 57 32? 1,00$ 4® 258 7 47 109 765 77 55ft 734 16 32 119 30 160 267 41 142 39$ 29 261 1 2 21 56 175 109 380 V 20: 65 267 74 34 27 49 82 16 73 8' 68 12 20' 9 11,379 639 2,444 6,325 Miners, machine: Colorado.................. Illinois..................... Indiana................... Iow a......................... K entucky............... Missouri.................. New M exico........... Ohio......................... Oklahoma............... Pennsylvania........ Tennessee................ U ta h ......................... Virginia................... W est Virginia........ Other States.......... . T o ta l............ . Motormen: Alabama................. . Colorado................... Illinois..................... Indiana................... . Iow a ......................... Kansas..................... K entucky............... . Maryland................. Missouri.................. . N ew Mexico............ Ohio........................... Pennsylvania........ . Tennessee................. U ta h .......................... Virginia..................... W est Virginia......... Other States............ 280 136 i30 112 35 245 12 546 15 22 27 62 21 120 1,721 192 iLess than one-half of 1 per cent. (l) 107 29 163 98 7 42 68 16 49 3 213 5 9 5 12 24 33 11 4 41 16 12 121 3 227 6 8 13 21 727 551 63 213 56 78 13 1 9 4 25 5 9! 31 1 8 3 13 9 15 7 31 5 82 11 43 33 30J 20 33 12 20 17 33 2 27 29 50 14 23 2 14 34 19 4 1 52 13 10 6 13 105 10 5 28 33 42 86 60 10 15 113 30! 12 12 58 272 21 20 59 73 2 T otal.............. 74 18 174 263! 281 161 41' 115' 24 34 47 142 7 99 275 15 68 19 20 1 190 24 56 14 40 33 23 17 59 24 14 20 7 14 100 39 21 tSKA'ERAti TABLES. 35 Tajmh' m .—EWSSKER: AM&> PBRl CENT' OF BMM.ClsYBESf WORKING EACH SWBEIFWB' F EB ®BICT OF ©TILL. W l IK A, H AL#-M fM TH PAY-ttOK/L BBBIOD IK' BLTEMINOU® GOAL MINES, 1919! BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. Number &£ employees whose aetu&l houjKy of work in rela tion tolull-time hours were— Occupation and State. Num Num 25 ber of ber of Un Jand em mines. ployees; der un 25 der pep 50 cent. per eeat. Per cent of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— 50 25 75 Un and and and un un 100 Over der un 10& der der per per 25 der 75 100 cent: cent. per 50 cent. per per per cent. cent. cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. 75 and un 100 Over der per 100 100 cent. per cent. per cent. I____ . I n sid e w o rk —Concld. Pumpmen: Alabama.................... Colorado..................... Illinois Indiana...................... Kentucky.................. 3 13 12 5 6 3 6 Missouri..................... Np,w Mftxi^o.. ..... Ohio............................ Oklahoma.................. Pennsylvania........... Tennessee.................. Utah........................... Virginia...................... West Virginia........... Wyoming.................. Other States.............. 28 5 4 5 2 3 3 2 21 24 29 11 41. 13 8 4 10 15 122 7 8i 15 8 5 3S 4 »> 5i 1 2 2 2 3 1 3. 4 1 9 3 2 1 2 1 9 2 1, ! 5 4 1 4 2 2 1 1 3 4 3 1 4 10 9 5 10 3 2 2 6 4 36 1 5 2 2 2i 4 1 1 4; 1 2 1 25 2 7 7 10 ‘ “ 5 9 4 2 2 9 43 4 2 3 1 1 2 14 ii 10 8 7. 14 4 10 12 8 10 8 22 23 25 25 21) 7 ‘ **25 4 3 13 27 ' " i i 25 20 33 29! 1 27 38 20 Id 42 31 45 24 23 25 * 50 60 27 30 14 63 13; 25 10 17 a 9i■ 10 8 25 7' 20 40 Total................ 117 344 2a 22 44 161 43 111 7 6 13 29 13 Trackmen: Alabama.................... Colorado..................... Illinois........................ Indiana...................... Iowa............................ Kansas............ Kentucky.................. Maryland................... Missouri..................... New Mexico.............. Ohio............................ Oklahoma.................. Pennsylvania........... Tennessee.................. Utah........................... Virginia......... West Virginia........... Wyoming.................. 5 17 15 9 11 12 19 5 9 6 13 4 29 6 7 4 12 4 18 57 i90 ! 72 30 31 148 14 20 27 67 11 210 28 26 62 98 13 3 3’ 8 1 1 2 16 1 1 2 13 18 £ 6 1 2 3 11 1 14 2 4 17i 25 36 14 27 45 14 14 50 22 10 27 20 32 23 32 26 38 39 40 39 36 40 29 37 50 35 30 16 27 40 18 27 23 30 54 6 4 7 25 1 17 4 3 10 10 7 23 75 26 12 9 55 7 7 8 11 3 83 5 7 14 29 7 17 5 4 1 3 6 11 7 1 3 2 2 12 7 3 14 . 69 10 8 14 20 2 10 6 7 3 43 9 6 20 25 5 3 11 6 14 8 2 28 2 2 1 4' 19 3 1 3 23 1 1 1 Total................ 187 1,122 64 102 274 383 Trappers (boys): Alabama.................... Colorado..................... Illinois........................ Indiana...................... Iowa............................ Kansas........................ Kentucky.................. New Mexico.............. Ohio............................ Oklahoma.................. Pennsylvania............ Tennessee................... Virginia...................... West Virginia........... Other Stages.............. 4 9 13 9 6 4 10 5 12 5 8 5 3 8 2 36 27 98 40 17 9 28 14: 88 39 32 42 8 53 5 2 2 6 11 2 10 11 58 30 13 4 18 3 14 8 6 35 16 7 24 5 Total................ 103 Total inside.. 201 4 1 4 3 13 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 3 1 6 1 53®• 32 43 i 2 1 1 is 3 4. 5 9 22 27 21 3 4 12 29 34 45 22 31 25 20 60 35 57 25 20 13 20 67 32 7 7 6 7 10 4 3 10 16 7 5 4 38 2 50 6 4 6 21 9 1 7 8 19 7 9 8 14 12 16 10 86 208 6 9 24 35 8 19 1 2 5 1 1 2 6 4 6 22 11 5 28 41 59 75 76 44 64 21 16 21 19 83 44 26 24 13, 3 7 14; 4 1 5 6 1 1 43 1 1 5 3 1 1 3 24 7 3 3 ***38 6 25 20 11 4 7 5 8 3 7 13 11 2© 28 60 **3 4 7 10 11 16 9 7 7 15 6 8 44 4 IB 64 25 ” ’ 49 69 66 7 50 2i: 23 IT 19 3 19 27 6 19 14 26 57 18 24 21 15 10 21 4 7 6 9 2 11 26 6 8 43 30 9 5 38,18$ 2> 248 5,791 16413 8-936 1,030 1,763 6 16 , 45 25 3 5 228 159 . 48 36 HOUKS AND EARNINGS IN COAL MINING. T able D .—NUMBER AND PER CENT OP EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH SPECIFIED PER CENT OF FULL TIME IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, B Y OCCUPATIONS AND ST ATE S—Continued. Number of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— Occupation and State. Num Num of 25 ber of ber Un and em mines. ployees. der un 25 der per 50 cent. per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. 75 and un der Per cent of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— 25 Un and un per per 25 der 100 cent. per 50 cent. cent. per per cent. cent. 100 Over der 100 75 and un 100 der per 100 cent. per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. Over 100 per cent. O u tsid e w o rk . Blacksmiths: Alabama.................... Colorado..................... Illinois........................ Indiana...................... Iowa............................ Kansas........................ Missouri...................... New Mexico.............. Ohio............................ Pennsylvania........... TflnnessP-P- . . . ....... 4 17 16 11 9 12 19 5 9 6 13 5 29 6 7 10 26 43 23 16 14 36 7 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 11 12 8 86 10 16 3 5 Virginia...................... West Virginia........... Wyoming................... 13 4 22 Total................ 187 376 13 13 3 12 20 2 2 1 2 1 1 Carpenters: Alabama.................... Colorado..................... Illinois...................... Indiana...................... Iowa............................ Kansas........................ Kentucky.................. Maryland................... Missouri...................... New Mexico.............. Ohio............................ Oklahoma Pennsylvania........... Tennessee................... Utah. West Virginia.. Wyoming................... Other States.......... Total................ Engineers: Alabama................. Colorado..................... Illinois................... Indiana...................... Iowa............................ Kansas........... Kentucky............... Maryland. . . M issou ri............... New Mexico.............. Ohio Oklahoma ........... Pennsylvania............ Tennessee Utah............................ West Virginia........... Wyoming Other States Total.................... 2 12 13 5 4 31 4 5 2 2 2 7 5 4 4 8 3 25 2 7 5 3 1 18 8 4 15 15 2 1 14 4 3 no 260 11 12 1 1 4 17 16 51 56 23 11 11 12 20 5 5 6 11 21 3 4 29 7 17 49 18 29 8 20 6 7 5 4 3 11 1 2 1 6 1 2 2 2 1 3 7 31 4 4 5 4 19 2 2 1 2 1 8 8 1 45 127 23 2 2 2 6 8 2 6 1 380 14 3 14 1 8 5 4 1 1 2 1 2 19 32 5 1 2 1 5 7 4 1 13 2 5 1 6 41 2 17 17 17 4 15 3 10 17 30 26 17 30 13 20 6 22 13 56 13 25 7 67 33 29 33 30 36 25 10 30 17 25 29 34 4 25 47 17 43 19 3 10 1 10 1 '* '2 0 " ' 2 6 25 40^ 50 4 22 6 1 1 ” 25 1 7 10 2 24 2 2 13 1 20 7 17 1 36 ! 5 20 8 2 5 7 2 2 8 3 1 2 3 4 9 8 1 1 3 3 5 3 11 41 2 1 7! 23 17 1 8 2 1 2 1 1 I 25 1 i 3 15 19 6 2 36 20 34 2 10 16 9 1 20 13 33 1 9 12 24 7 3 4 8 18 17 7 13 3 4 2 1 2 1 35 42 70 63 64 31 14 27 58 71 63 28 40 50 3 79 88 2 11 10 4 5 155 27 48 1 8 21 10 17 48 75 20 50 44 63 25 53 13 17 39 33 70 29 25 ' “ 13 7 33 6 17 100 7 1 1 40 58 26 30 13 36 44 57 18 13 36 6 40 25 "1 3 67 41 9 60 6 ' ” 22 20 3 5 2 6 "*3 6 17 1 2 1 8 2 1 7 150 5 24 4 2 1 8 20 2 1 2 1 19 9 3 15 10 8 2 7 9 3 1 6 10 6 5 16 4 3 1 1 1 10 2 1 6 83 4 7 "” i2 2 4 1 1 20 9 3 3 1 20 11 1 2 1 9 18 16 4 15 5 2 28 1 1 2 2 1 4 7 2 2 " * '4 9 4 7 3 3 3 18: 4 14 5 4 15 7 ! 2 1 5 1 10; 38 3 5 8 12 2 50 31 16 4 15 33 30 29 38 31 29 12 18 25 7 2 8 8 3 3 3 10 2 13 ; 25! 50 24 30 38 50 3 11: 24 9 5 7 1 92 6 8 11 10 34 115 116 1 22 20 43 87 40 13 50 29 33 28 " n 24 18 28 28 30 47 51 39 28 30 25 30 31 G E N E R A L T A B L E S. 37 D .—NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH SPECIFIED PER CENT OF FULL TIME IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Concluded. T able Number of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to full-time hours were— Occupation and State. Num Num ber of ber of Un em mines. ployees. der 25 per cent. 25 and un der 50 per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. 3 6 6 3 4 4 5 7 18 75 and un der Per cent of employees whose actual hours of work in rela tion to fuli-time hours were— 25 and un der 50 per cent. 50 and un der 75 per cent. 3 3 5 3 9 3 2 19 4 5 4 7 4 Over Un der 100 per per 25 100 cent. cent. per per cent. cent. 100 75 and un der Over 100 per 100 per 100 cent. cent. per cent. O u tsid e w ork —Concld. Firemen: Alabama.................... Colorado.................... Illinois........................ Indiana........*............ Iowa............................ Kansas....................... Kentucky.................. Maryland................... Missouri...................... Ohio............................ Oklahoma.................. Pennsylvania........... Tennessee.................. Utah............................ West Virginia........... Other States............. Total................ Laborers: Alabama.................... Colorado..................... Illinois........................ Indiana...................... Iowa............................ Kansas....................... Kentucky.................. Maryland................... Missouri.................. New Mexico.............. Ohio............................ Oklahoma.................. Pennsylvania........... Tennessee.................. Utah........................... Virginia...................... West Virginia........... Wyoming.................. 4 13 15 11 7 9 32 31 64 30 8 11 2 6 10 6 2 10 8 19 19 12 1 3 2 j' 12 8 6 6 25 19 25 14 14 24 16 4 110 11 6 18 3 11 2 7 1 1 2 3 122 443 22 45 132 110 5 18 16 140 257 251 12 19 17 10 11 12 122 13 69 74 18 18 58 103 82 35 28 8 4 7 4 13 4 72 48 245 57 62 114 146 47 804 117 129 42 162 45 Total................ 198 Total outside.. 201 | Total inside and outside. 201 1 2 6 11 19 5 10 6 13 8 31 6 5 2 7 3 1 3 12 4 6 1 2 40 4 3 2 1 6 6 2 23 4 6 5 2 36 2 10 8 3 3 68 11 22 44 17 26 32 15 5 247 55 31 106 27 19 47 52 17 281 37 52 20 6 1 19 1 8 6 9 11 7 17 1 3 9 1 3 10 23 3 34 3 3 2 13 4 1 2 5 7 37 3 13 63 4 11 20 14 ” *50 10 1 11 ! 48! 17 138' 7 17 2i 32! 21 43 18 9 6 11 50 36 36 17 14 14 3 5 19, 8 4 5 5 3 ® 6 6 5 3 4 4 5 3 7 6 9 22 5 17 11 57 42 6 1 12 12 2,860 157 233 755!1.040 141 4,319 200 286 93411,479 40,508^,448 6,077 17347jl0415 1,454 2,767 6 7 12 ” *52 11 21 4 48 4 17 9 14 36 29 34 27 45 29 10 30 25 27 9 9 7 7 41 40 33 29 39 46 43 47 31 41 36 36 35 32 40 48 26 27 6 4 22 27 29 15 25 23 18 30 42 28 5 8 4 9 4 16 7 2 6s 81 8! 17i 12 12 13 IO! 2 i 534 5 8 416 1,004 5 8 31 26 30 44 55 43 5 31 35• 59 42 15 ! 10 48 19 35 30 40 13 13 4 120 19 23 28 37 25 24 53 24 14 4 4 4 3 13 1 1 2 10 6 10 11 31 47 24 26 35 27 26 3 14 1 6 4 2 5 9 16 6! 4 3 2 2 1I 4 22 14 24 34 21 21 20 18 io 33 36 17 6 13 5 20 27 36■ 5! 19 j 22 1 34i 10 , 23 151 I 43| 26 ‘I ; L .I I Occupation. Year. Inside work. 1919 1920 1919 1920 Cagers................................... 1919 1920 Car runners......................... 1919 1920 Door tenders (boys)........... 1919 1920 Drivers................................. 1919 1920 Engineers............................. 1919 1920 Laborers............................... 1919 1920 Laborers,company miners’1 1919 1920 Laborers, consideration miners’ 2........................... 1920 Laborers, contract miners’ . 1919 1920 1919 Machinists........................... 1920 Masons.................................. 1919 1920 Miners, company................ 1919 1920 Miners, consideration........ 1919 1920 Miners, contract.................. 1919 1920 Motormen............................ 1919 1920 Motor brakemen................. 1919 1920 Blacksmiths......................... Bratticemen......................... 1 14 22 14 *7 14 22 16 19 9 30 20 116 111 234 197 342 233 247 166 479 272 121 100 1,2P0 736 632 308 112.0 112.3 112.0 312.2 112.8 113.4 112. i 112.1 1J2.Q 112.0 112.0 U2.0 117; 9 117. Q 113.9 112.4 112.0 il2.$ 124.7 123. i 111.9 12J.3 126.9 130.5 i09 116.1 106.8 102.5 105.3 106.1 130.9 120.0 107.3 108.6 102.9 105.7 10 21 14 11 9 12 6 19 11 10 10 22 16 19 15 18 14 202 1,855 1.191 ' 67 19 41 29 656 367 498 480 4.887 3,188 247 202 190 178 112.1 112.0 112.0 119.8 112.1 112.0 112.0 112. jO 112.8 112.0 112.5 112.0 112-1 U2.0 112.3 112.0 112.2 1 8 94.3 6 78.7 73 1 82.1 55 113.1 1 145.9 112.0 ! 115.0 94.1 14 97.9 9 4 101.4 7 97.6 . . . . . " ‘31 94.5 9 91.8 130.4 2 }31.7 H9-3 116.1 13 8 17 14 22 16 17 15 20 1 3 1 1 " ’ *6 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 13 10 7 6 9 2 1 19 10 7 1 1 10 u 12 4 4 70 21 I 3 1 8 4 3 6 4 2 1 1 4 7 7 i 5 3 4 13 5 5 7 9 8 1 3 2 2 3 1 4 6 1 15 9 7 i 1 6 4 4 2 28 10 9 10 1 35 12 20 5 23 12 13 9 20 13 13 4 1 27 27 17 5 16 19 5 12 15 20 22 2 4 56 35 46 14 80 36 2 15I 87 43 1 7 79 46 3 7 74 41 1 8 95 53 2 8 133 96 2 19 210 116 6 3 1 1 7 1 1 1 3 7 3 1 3 2 2 4 1 ' ” ’3 6 14 1 8 1 11 7 7 7 21 12 10 11 35 18 2 3 71 49 48 21 14 249 202 2 7 1 1 5 11 35 ii 25 21 38 14 26 33 92 50 44 44 115 42 54 64 J91 70J 67 8 20 10 16 130 367 98 173 86 184 55 83 39 316 249 6 68 259 169 -1 1 1 29 12 7 4 3 11 5 24 35 11 3 131 3! 2 1 4 36 25 2 14 # $ 6 21 14 1 I 1 3 1 2 1 1,I 31 15 S 12 72 42 4 2 2 1 j 25 27 ! 19 4 15 9 24 , 23 9 JO 12 21 $6 119! 174 821 163 $ 2! ‘ 2 2 I 2 1 % 6i 3 4 1 1 28 9 15 30 296 302 3 3 1 31 19 21 35 530 402 6 4 7 3 9 '3 4 2 19 1 11 7 32 69 157 42 21 85 32 50 1.63 84 168 37 894 1,166 1,071 698! 878 413 6 31 7 12 18 9 10 19 49 22 101 15 6 5 18 21 40 22 62 37 30 15 69 22 30 27 166 98 78 49 11 69 32 3 10 3 68 45 75 30 233 70 50 30 22 35 7 4 14 16 46 45 50 49 12 2 37 32 36 18 1$6 109 65 29 6 21 8 16 2 2 03 32 49 20 74 1C 67 43 50 4 3 8 7 31 33 20 14 3 1 6 10 14 13 50 49 17 9 2 1 8 21 14 2 3 1 1 1 3 17 13 5 4 2 7 10 6 21 2 1 9 2 1 2 27 13 2|j 13 1 49 47 25 15 3 4 I 1 0 12 I 3 2 5 p 14 1 1 1 13 2 2 HOURS AND EMmWGS m COAL MUSTIISTG. Aver Aver Number of employees whose actual hours of work in a half-month pay-roll period were— age age hours full Num Num time actually ber ber hours >worked 25 50 60 : 70 30 40 15 20 5 10 80 90 100 110 120 130 150 170 of em in a of in a Un and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and m mines. ployees. half* un un un un un-, un un UIJtolf- der un un un un un un un un un month month 5. der der der der der ' der der der der der der der der der der der der der oyer. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. 110. 120. 130.; 150. 170. 190. pay-roll pay-roll period. period. 38 ■ T able E — AVERAGE FULL-TIME HOURS, AVERAGE HOURS ACTUALLY WORKED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN ANTHRACITE GOAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919 AND 1920, BY OCCUPATIONS. . 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 21 15 15 13 22 1.6 22 16 104 99 136 97 163 123 12,245 8,308 179.6 169.9 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.2 112.9 113.0 174.2 169.0 99.8 106.7 114.5 120.8 98.7 99.4 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 19 15 22 16 22 15 22 16 15 10 19 16 22 16 22 16 18 12 22 16 21 16 20 14 21 15 21 14 10 5 21 15 19 14 14 8 72 63 60 39 119 84 250 163 83 46 88 57 248 185 314 217 81 54 1,211 718 199 142 112 117 77 42 180 112 113 21 580 345 115 92 28 26 1?3. 8 137.7 112.0 112.1 113.3 115.8 112.8 112.4 112.0 112.4 112.0 112.1 120.8 129.2 127.3 127.4 112.0 112.4 114.9 113.4 112.0 112.2 112.0 113.5 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.3 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.2 112.0 112.5 112.0 112.5 129.0 126.0 127.0 134.0 132.4 132.1 ..... 132.4 136.1 109.8 114.1 111.1 119.5 140.0 140.7 128.6 133.2 129.1 1 123.4 120.0 118.5 122.6 119.2 141.9 150.3 129.7 114.9] 118.7 124.1 123.5 121.3 99.9 100.6 130.3 127.9 115.7 133.0 Total outside work.. 1919 1920 22 16 2,513 3,930 115.0 115.6 121.5 123.2 2 30 7 14 8 Total inside and out side. 1919 22 16 16,175! 10,821,j 113.4 113.6 104.2 1C4.9 10 7 190 111 72 33 Pumpmen................. Timbermen................ TracJpnen................... Total inside... Outside work. Ashmen...................... Blacksmiths___ Cagers..*........... Carpenters........ Car runners____ Dumpers........ Engineers......... Fireman......... Jig runners....... L&kprers........... Loaders........... Machinists........ Oilers................ Platemen.......... Repairmen....... Slaters (boys)... Timber cutters. Trackmen......... 1920 1 2 8 ~160 7 104 8 1 2 58 ' 188 25 73 2 1 I 2 2 1 1 173; 91 1 „ 1 1 1 2 1 7 2 2 2 7 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 72 47 269 142 301 166 298 200 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 4 1 4 3 ...... 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 ..... 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 6 1 8 5 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 Figures for 1919 include laborers, consideration miners’ , 1 13 2 3 11 5 1 1 1 4 5 4 1 1 1 2 18 4 1 5 1 1 i 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 4 2 3 2 6 2 1 1 1 29 6 21 12 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 9 1 3 1. 3 1 1 1 20 10 3 2 1 1 2 13 7 1 1 20 12 3 1 1 2 2 217j 194 79; 103 3 1 1 1 3 6 8 45 12 58 26 314 154 359 192 52 26 2 2 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 1 5 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 9 3 7 4 3 3 2 10 7 1 47 41 5 8 3 19 11 2 2 1 2 1 28 16 2 6 1 1 8 1 1 2 4 8 5 15 6 2 2 1 1 21 18 68 33 1 2 65 26 78 53 3 1 14 10 86 57 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 368 ~570 289 517 1 9 7; 1 li 9 7; 1 l' 15 14 3. 21 29 26 17 3 7 1-6 12 6. 24 13 5 5 29 35 19 43 7 6 10 21 34 27 22 9' 3 2 987 1,452 2,073 2,879 1,101 793 ' ’ 296;" 87 734 1,128 1,712 1,507 613 550 249j 86 1 5 1 5 1 350 ” 433 226 315 3 1 1 1 173 114 3 2 4 5 8 2 3 2 9 6 1 70 30 11 9 1 5 4 6 10 3 88 31 2 11 & 11 10 21 15 14 69 35 34 13 19 12 19 10 12 3 20 13 40 31 75 52 16 18 17 12 4 113 101 23 10 20 9 14 25 249 140 40 39 10 7 16 15 44 25 26 13 197 134 27 8 23 17 187 127 48 10 10 10 6 22 768 502 li; 46: 45 5' 4: 20! 34! 18,! 15 8- 1411 81 26 13' 17 23 Is! 26 27 15 4 18! 14! 4; 13| 22 12 0 1. 4 5 7 12 5 m 6.8 6 1 2 1 6 8 21 15 2 1. 2. 19 25 15 17 7 23 24 19 13 72 28 *52 15 9 3 17 9 8 21 12 12 2. 1 1 2 7 1 11 19 7 10 11 18 “ ! 11 36 31 3 3.71 Hi 6! 2 1 1 218 106 13 65 50 6 *629“ 433 648 17160 1,670, 570 848 1,234 2 Figures for 1919 included with laborers, company miners’ . 16 4. 4 6 236 122 724 ~323 ~ 275 542 208 150 P .—AVERAGE FULL-TIME HOURS, AVERAGE HOURS ACTUALLY WORKED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES. T able Occupation and State. whose actual hours of work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 50 40 60 70 90 100 110 120 30 80 and and and and and and and and and and un un un un un un un un un un der der der der der der der der der der 40. 50. 60. 70. 100. 110. 120. 130. 130 150 170 and and and 190 un un un and der der der over. 150. 170. 190. HOURS AND Number of employees Aver age hours Num Num time actually ber ber hours workea 5 10 15 20 25 of of em in a in a Un and and and and and un un mines. ployees, half der un un un half der der der der der month month 5. 15. 10. pay-roll pay-roll 20. 25. 30. period. period. Aver- ^ ° Inside work. 10 22 124 29 14 27 36 6 146 104.0 104.0 105.9 104.0 104.0 112.0 289 33 19 65 91 95,- 3 104.0 104.0 1,005 105.0 76.1 24 57 156 44 64 34 56 92.0 104.0 104.0 80.0 104.0 104.0 57.5 82.8 77.1 74.4 99.9 87.6 82.3 110.0: 102.7, 15 57. 81. 62. 85. 82. 76. 74. 89. 104. 84. 61. 76. 58. 73. 1 2j 2 *0 19 20 26 1 30 17 12 37 68 134 178 135 2. 14 32 2 8 2 Hi 89 1 M IN IN G , 51 81. 76. 6£. COAL Bratticemen and timbermen Alabama............................... Colorado................................ Illinois.................................. Indiana................................. Iowa...................................... Kansas.................................. Kentucky............................. 100 85.3 104.0 104.0 80.0 104.0 104,. 0 106.6 IN Total.............................. 18 71 EARNINGS Brakemen; Alabama............................... Colorado................................ Illinois.................................. Indiana................................. Iowa...................................... Kansas.................................. Kentucky............................. Maryland.............................. Missouri................................ New Mexico......................... Ohio...................................... Oklahoma............................ Pennsylvania....................... Tennessee............................. Utah..................................... Virginia................................ West Virginia...................... Maryland....... Missouri......... New Mexico.. Ohio............... Oklahoma— Pennsylvania. Tennessee___ Utah............... Virginia......... West Virginia Wyoming___ 29 4 5 4 10 4 46 19 23 70 •51 172 18 10 19 54 15 111.0 104.0 62.7 81.4 82.6 114.0 69.7 110.5 95.6 76.6 100.4 220 100.2 82.6 180 67.7 71.2 64.7 55.9 79.3 75.4 79.4 70.9 63.8 69.0 91.4 84.1 82.2 64.6 64.2 53.1 69.1 69.7 73.1 Drivers: Alabama........ Colorado......... Illinois............ Indiana.......... Iowa............... Kansas........... Kentucky____ Maryland....... . Missouri......... New Mexico.. Ohio............... . Oklahoma___ Pennsylvania. Tennessee____ Utah.............. . Virginia......... . West Virginia. Wyoming----- 380 142 99 119 135 32 90 118 208 103 354 52 62 46 32 93.9 104.0 104.0 80.0 104.7 104.0 103.6 104.0 103.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 110.3 85.1 104 0 104.0 105.1 104 0 Total........ 2,372 102.3 212 8 13 39 194 86.6 86.6 66 143 1 10 4 ‘ *6 1. 30 23 TABLES, 104.0 104.0 80.9 104.0 104.8 104.0 103.0 104.0 108.3 104.0 104.0 9 14 GENERAL 90 81.3 104.0 104.0 84.9 Cagers: Colorado......... Illinois............ Indiana.......... Iowa............... Kansas........... Maryland....... Missouri......... Ohio............... Pennsylvania. Wyoming___ Other States.. Total........ 110.0 72.3 .. . 81.2 . . . 92.2 .. . 106.3 . . . 92.7;... 89.31... 66.9. 88.7. 53.9. 98.2. 56.7 103.6 932 Total........ 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 1 23 7 31 49 57 66 74 142 232 311 375 404 269 181 1. 17 5. 15 11 '*8 ’ 1 1. F .—AVERAGE FULL-TIME HOURS, AVERAGE HOURS ACTUALLY WORKED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. T able Number of employees whose actual hours of work in a haif-month pay-roll period were— 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 and and and and and and and and and and and and and and un un un un un un un un un un un un un un der der der der der der der der der der der der der der 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. 110. 120. 120 130 150 190 and and and un un un un and der der der der oyer. 130. 150. 170. 190. AND Inwfc work—Continued Cptorada................................ Illinois................................... Indi$n$................................. Iowa...................................... West Virginia...................... Wyoming............................. Total............................... Lo^ffs; Alfttnwua....................... Qo>lQre,&o....................... IJUpois.................................. Indian^......................... Ipwa....................................... Itentucky............................. Missouri........................ Mexico......................... §0.2 104.0 105.6 103.3 104-0 102-2 59.3 82. 60.2 71.9 82-5 88.1 105.2 69.5 63.5 69.2 45.2 78.6 72.7 5 6 14 82.6 1C4 2,319 103.9! 74.9 2 8 9 7 2 17 6 5, 307 389 2,046 1,098 67 1,391 283 132 104.0! 104. Oj 104.01 feO.Oj 104. 0| 104. o; 62.3 65.4 57.4 45.7 60.2 58.9 56.9) 77. 4j 104 0 3 28 10 71.2 70.6 54.4 83.4 104.0 104.0 104-0 112.3! 97.5 104. Q; 104.0 106.9! 104.0! 101 0 13 21 68 45 6 29 10 33 13 4 10! 60; 19 5 15 18 27 30. 4, 40 4| 2 76 80 170 25! 27 27! 50 118! 268 115; 469 4 $ 82! 153 221 56 4 5 158 227! 250: 26 38. 29 37 41 57! 618 485! 298, 57! 63; 299 9 22 233 228 202 44 82 3i 27J 16J 18 1 5| 6' 25 36 12 8 8 3 1 3 10! 2! 4 .. 2; 21 9! 8 li..::.!. 29! 301 30 2 .1. 2 23 6 fi! 9 9 4 109 14 8 2 11 9 *i 88 2 5 I 12 372 265 222! 1G9 23 82 8 50 53 2 2 30! 16 6 179 14 14 7 104 13 13 109 94 M IN IN G , OMo............................. Qkl&bcma.................... Pennsylvania................. £fj?»#sssee...................... Utah............................ Virginia........................ 88.7 104.0 104.2 GOAL New J&gxieo......................... 107 1231 404; 150! 64 301 182 51! 120 41 97; 26 635 66 44 30 116 33 IN .......................... ...................... Idftryl&wi....................... Missouri........................ 5' ll1 10; »l 10 8! 13! 5i 9i 5] u; 3j 30' 5 7 3 10 4; EARNJNGS Lakerfr?: Alafcsffla....................... HOURS Aver age hours actually worked in a half month pay-roll period. Occupation and State. InD 1,970 135 4.117 119 235 23.0 749 74 13,345 Ohio................. Oklahoma’. __ Pennsylvania. Tennessee........ Utah............ Virginia........... West Virginia. Wyoming........ Total.. Miners, hand: Colorado.......... Illinois.......... 1,669 Indiana........... Iowa................ Kansas............ Maryland.’ __ MCs&mri........ Hew Mexico... W yoming ...... Omer States.. Tptal.. Miners, machine; Colorado............ Illinois............... . Indiana.............. Iowa.................... Kentucky......... . Missouri............. New Mexico____ Ohio.................... Oklahoma......... . Pennsylvania... Tennessee........... Utah.................... Virginia.............. West Virginia... Other States___ Total. 280 136 12 130 112 35 245 12 516 15 22 27 62 21 .j 120j 1.721 87.9 104.0 1.04.0 8$. 0 104.0 104.0 93.5 104.0 104. 0 104.0 104.0 W2.9 109.2 88.2 104.0 111.4 104.0 104. 0, 102. 5| 156 124 217 296 174 73.2 55 129 12 21 271 36 25 16 84 55 166 148 86 44 309 34 72 93 23 6.0 79 251 231 181 379 390 418 172 123 38 196 272 313 449 265 128 62 23 19 138 123 52 145 154 110 62 95 120 2 42 76 73 274 424 380 159 27 9 31 39 12 35 39! 15 38 i7i 20 6 9 1,4502,5042, 3.8511,975 41 76 61 35 45 129 13 47 41 15 59. 61.4 62.2 55.6 61. 5 53.7 53.9 53- 5 57. 3 71.7 82.9 64.9 64.0 49.6 61. 9 58.0 54.6 48.8 60. 0 34 104.0 69.5 104.0 56. 0 80.0 47.2 104.0 7L 3 104.0 76.2 104.0 65.0 104.0 74.7 104.0 89.5 104.0 75.6 110.8 81.0 84.8 m. 0 104.0 73.4 104.0 72.9 109. 5 89.0 104. 0 69.5 104.3 10 . 281 36; 361 302 22 35 25 12 476 837 70; 570 346 23 79 6 1 25 9 23 84 28 23 18 23 36 46 30 18 154 107 109 92 16 2 13 1,5361,005 640 122 1,5712,184 43 6 47 147 16 14 11 56 10 11 634 33 3 8 5 17 n; 29! 32 8 105 281 2.. 103 "752 6 5 111! 5 3j 7 1 4i < ; | 1 7j 17| Ill 16 20! 53 163i 220, 271! 211 173 80 107 199 51 20!.. 25!.. 15 2j 17 20 11' 56 61 4 2 50 185 3 34 15 13 1 21 66 2 1. 21 TABLES, Pennsylvania. Tpnpassee........ UJa£T.............. West Virginia. 87.1 104.0 104. 5 1,08. 3 104.0 104.7 76.8 73.3 46. Q 61.4 62.1 ,61.1 56.7 65. 3 68.0 GENERAL 455 1,268 525 962 1,482 192 491 629 528 13 354 1,859 367 206 168 169 42 11,379 Alabam a ....... lPiO 1Q4.Q 112.2 37 13 22i 7 24 11 6 2| 1 82 3 6 31 6 6 7 3 10 4 4 61 2 89 2 4 13 2 208[ 207| 179j 3. 34 2. ‘i i ' 22 T F .—AVERAGE FULL-TIME HOURS, AVERAGE HOURS ACTUALLY WORKED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. able Occupation and State. Inside work— Number of employees whose actual hours of work in a half-month Aver Aver age age hours full time actually Num Num 25 60 90 100 hours worked 5 30 40 50 10 15 80 ber 20 70 ber in a in a Un and and and and and and and and and and and and and of of em der un un un un un un un un un un un un un mines. ployees. half half month month 5. der der der der der der der der der der der der der 15. 20. 25. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 10 90. pay-roll pay-roll 100. 110. period. period. 110 and un der 120. 120 and un der 130. 1 5 1 130 and un der 150. 150 and un der 170. 170 and 190 un and der over. 190. Concluded. Motormen: Alabama . . .................. Colorado . . ... Illinois.............................................. Indiana. . . . ......................... Iowa .................. Kansas Kentucky........................................ Maryland ...................... Missouri New Mexico ........... Ohio Pennsylvania .............................. Tennessee. . .................... U tah Virginia ...................... .................. West Virginia . Other States 3 12 13 11 5 9 19 5 3 4 13 30 3 6 4 13 1 9 42 86 60 10 15 113 30 12 12 58 272 21 20 59 73 2 98. 7 104. 0 104. 0 80.0 104. 0 104. 0 104. 0 104. 0 104.0 104.0 104. 0 111.4 101.7 104. 0 104.2 112.1 104.0 87.2 80. 4 75.5 54.6 101.8 76.5 87.7 93.0 85.8 86.4 113.6 95.0 83'. 8 82.0 66.1 88.5 143.0 Total......................................... 154 894 105.3 86.5 Pumpmen: Alabama . ................ Colorado Illinois .................. Indiana __ Kentucky Maryland .................. Missouri New Mexico ............. Ohio Oklahoma....................................... 3 13 8 9 12 5 6 3 6 5l 21 24 29 11 41 13 8 4 10 15 90.3 110.4 107.3 104.9 122.7 116.0 108. 0 120.0 126.0 133.6 77.9 103.0 87.0 104.6 92.6 100.2 96.1 84.0 116.9 158.3 pay-roll period were- 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 7 1 1 1 14 5 9 4 3 7 1 4 3 1 10 8 8 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 3 5 1 1 1 3 4 12 3 1 4 7. 17 39 53 1 1 1 2 1 2 9 11 9 1 2 5 16 1 1 16 2 6 3 3 4 19 11 1 3 8 2 2 4 1 39 2 3 4 8 19 7 7 1 4 31 7 1 14 14 25 4 3 3 4 41 3 3 8 8 66 111 137 2 1 21 2 4 2 12 1 3 1 4 1. 2 3 13 9 1 2 1 2 4 8 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 r i 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 9 1 1 3 2 2 4 5 3 1 2 11 24 4 10 1 1 3 2 26 2 1 6 2 ie 40 2 2 6 10 1 10 27 1 1 2 5 1 7 16 1 2 1 5 2 2 1 1 127 120 62 43 49 20 2 1 2 5 8 2 4 3 4 1 2 1 1 4 3 1 5 1 4 6 2 2 2 3 8 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 122 Pennsylvania----Tennessee............. Utah...................... Virginia............. West Virginia----Wyoming............. Other States......... Total.............. 7 8 15 8 117 86.1 104.1 18 57 190 72 30 31 148 14 98.7 104.0 104.0 80.0 104.0 104.0 103.8 104.0 104.3 104.0 104.0 104.0 72.7 81.6 73.9 70.8 89.6 72.1 77.3 83.0 76.8 2. 12 6 1 95.8 91.0 28 26 62 98 13 93.7 104.0 104.0 104.0 81.6 1,122 104.1 82.4 93.3 104.0 104.0 80.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 110.9 87.4 104.0 114.3 104.0 72.6 71.2 65.3 51.8 56.3 70.8 36,189 111.6 110.6 17 25 35 23 4. 18 24 3 4 4 16 3 8 '*3* 2. 3 86.2 109.9 78.4 96.3 69.8 76.8 61.9 Total........... 2 1. 1. 118.0 11 210 11 40 344 27 67 201 1 120.0 112.0 Trappers (boys): Alabama............... Colorado................ Illinois................... Indiana................. Iowa...................... Kansas.................. Kentucky............. New Mexico......... Ohio....................... Oklahoma............ Pennsylvania....... Tennessee............. Virginia................ West Virginia___ Other States......... Total inside 1 5 3 20 187 92.1 61.1 100.6 27 2 2 6 88.1 20 30 106 126 204 10 7. 57.7 56.5 68.3 43.2 71.5 1 4 2. 5. 17 2. "l2 ' 27 2. ":2 11 24 70 1 2. 86.2 67.6 33 4 138 66.2 103.8 2 7 85.5 92.4 79.2 101.6 2. 4 18 TABLES, Total........... 118.9 104.0 117.9 116.6 101.6 GENERAL Trackmen: Alabama............... Colorado................ Illinois................... Indiana................. Iowa...................... Kansas.................. Kentucky............. Maryland.............. Missouri................ New Mexico......... Ohio...................... Oklahoma........... . Pennsylvania— Tennessee............. Utah .................... Virginia............... . West Virginia___ Wyoming............. 126.5 47 4. ... . 1. 4 78 523 271 603 745 90 58 86 56 62 437 1, 713 3, 773 5,634 6,019 5,3714,311 2,770 2,030 706 520 43 Ol AVERAGE HOURS ACTUALLY WORKED, AND NUMBER OFEMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. T a b l e F . —AVERAGE FULL-TIME HOURS, whose actual hours of work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 50 60 30 40 70 90 100 110 120 130 80 and and and and and and and and and and and un wil un un un un un un un un un der der der de? der der der der der der der 40. 50. 60. 70, 80. 90. 100. 110. 120. 130. 150, 150 and un der 170. 170 and 190 un and der over. 190, AND QutMe work. Ffflf\?ylvfvni^..... .................... .... Tennessee........................................ u t i » . ............................................... Vimiu§,........................................... Virginia................................ W yojutog...................................... !fgtQ,l...................................... Carpenters: Ala^m^,, ........................................ C(doxfufo.......................................... Illinois........ .................................... Indiana. . . ............... I0sra................................................ ........................................... Kentucky •. Mainland................................... ........................................... 7 2 13 4 74.6 111.3 93.8 98.4 96.6 115.6 97.4 80.3 89.3 118.8 112.9 101.8 102.8 77.3 100.1 84.3 106.6 94.4 187 376 109.0 100.6 7 80.0 117.3 104.0 80.0 104.0 110.5 101.3 104.0 104.0 54. S 100.3 102.5 76.0 64.4 84.0 85.1 97.8 61.8 2 2 6 3 12 13 2 4 2 7 5 4 12 20 31 4 5 2 18 8 4! 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 . 2 2 1 1 3 6 1 1 5 5 4 1 4 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 2 2 1 5 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 9 9 1 1 1 2 2 1 8 1 3 2 3 1 14 1 3 1 2 1 17 45 58 3 1 I 3 3 5 4 2 4 3 4 1 i 3 1 1 1 1 i i 4 1 1 1 14 3 1 6 5 3 2 1 7 2 4 1‘” 9 3 11 1 6 1 7 1 7 6 4 5 2 4 1 1 3 10 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 6 1 9 6 2 1 *3 i n 3 2 7 2 3 1 1 2 70 57 40 29 14 1 3 9 5 6 3 4 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 2 2 2 o MINING. .................................. 101.2 115.0 107.9 87.0 104.0 104.9 108.8 104.0 105.5 117.0 104.0 104.0 121,5 84.8 104.0 104.0 111.1 104.0 COAL Missouri,......................................... Mexico.................. ................. Ohip................................................. 10 26 43 23 16 14 36 7 11 12 28 8 86 10 16 3 22 5 IS I q P , ......................................... ........... ................. ........ ............................. , ....... 4 17 16 11 9 12 19 5 9 6 13 fj 29 EABSIUGS Blacksmiths: Alab§8a&. . Colorado........................................... .......... ,,r.......................... HOURS Occupation and State. Number of employees Aver Aver age age hours full Num Num time actually 25 5 20 ber hours workea 10 15 ber Un and and and and and in a of em in a of mines. ployees. half half der un un un un un month month 5. der der der der der 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. pay-roll pay-roll period. period. ^ 1 2 1 119.2 104.0 104.0 121.4 New Mexico.. Ohio............... Oklahoma___ Pennsylvania. Tennessee----Utah............... West Virginia Wyoming-, Other States.. T otal... 110 260 la w ........... Kansas........ 56 106.7 118.5 116.8 113.0 130.6 134.9 134.2 123.4 127. 116.1 158.3 149.9 126.0 94.1 112.5 139.1 97.6 107.8 119.1 6 150 32 31 61 30 8 25 19 25 14 14 24 116.0 110 11 18 11 7 122 1 1 12 1 2. 10 3 3 1 1 5. 8. 2 1 10 3. 13 . 2 1 10 18 95.3 5 ” i ’ 120.0 124.6 112.2 120.0 17 "2 7 106.3 124.3 100.3 115-3 130.6 97.4 83.5 130.5 112.5 117.7 100.4 107.9 131.8 95.7 120.2 20 32 132.0 122.1 121.3 149.2 117.8 122.3 128.0 124.7 127.5 113.4 115.6 139.6 33 7 16 123.8 135.8 129.3 104.0 108.8 132.1 115.5 139.4 132.0 11 1. 3. 110.6 94.6 157.1 148.8 127.1 92.5 101.9 129.7 92.8 78.5 110.0 Firemen: Alabama........ Colorado......... Illinois............ Indiana.......... Iowa............... Kansas........... Kentucky___ Maryland___ Missouri........'. Ohio................ Oklahoma___ Pennsylvania. Tennessee___ Utah............... West Virginia Other States.. Total....... 96.5 2 1. 1 34 2 10 13 25 3 2 1 **i ’ 13 9 3 2. 9 4. 3 2. 11 3 4 10 3 1. 20 " i 13 1. 1 2 6 10 30 20 1. 11 38 139 62 27 12 TABLES, Vtah........... West Virginia Wyoming----Other States.. Total....... 110.1 3 3. 19 GENERAL Kentucky — Maryland....... Missouri......... New Mexico. . O h io., ......... Oklahoma__ Pennsylvania. Tennessee— 6 104.0 110.5 104.0 104.0 100.0 Engineers Alabama........ Coiorado......... Illinois. — ,. Indiana.......... 1 2 1 1 1. 12 12 1 1 5 2 1 95.6 103.7 95.7 106.4 92.0 98.1 97.0 103.0 68.3 AVERAGE FULL-TIME HOURS, AVERAGE HOURS ACTUALLY WORKED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Concluded. T able P — 170 and 190 un and der over 190. HOUES Occupation. AND Number of employees whose actual hours of work in a half-month pay-roll period wereAver Aver age age hours full Num Num time actually ber ber 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 150 hours worked Un- and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and of em of in a in a mines. ployees, half half der un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un month month 5. der der der der der der der der der der der der der der der der der 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 90. 100. 110. 120. 130. 150. 170. pay-roll pay-roll period. period. ^ 00 Outside work—Concluded 140 257 251 122 Totalinside and outside 201 106.3 83.7 4.319 110.0 91.7 40,508 104.4 16 4 128 15 36 7 22 6 21 9 51 61 94 584 41 53 20 92 120 160 217 147 195 262 3,920 6,281 444 12 10 41 10 10 21 8 6 18 25 22. 20 8 8 7 10 119 M IN IN G . Total outside.................. 2,860 13 15 4 107 8 3 29 18 43 25 9 COAL Total................................ 104. 11 8 40 24 50 35 15 7 44 14 9 30 41 23 66.0 89.3 93.5 97.1 89.6 62.1 75.5 74.8 83.5 81.8 112. 20 75.2 86.4 82.6 74.3 81.4 89.4 80.8 87.3 IN 72 48 245 57 62 114 146 47 804 117 129 42 162 45 94. 115. 104. 80. 104. 104. 103. 104. 103. 117. 104. 104. 113. 87. 104. 104. EARNINGS Laborers: Alabama................................. Colorado.................................. Illinois..................................... Indiana................................... Iowa........................................ Kansas.................................... Kentucky............................... Maryland................................ Missouri.................................. New Mexico........................... Ohio........................................ Oklahoma............................... Pennsylvania......................... Tennessee............................... Utah........................................ Virginia.................................. West Virginia........................ Wyoming............................... 15 4 6 474 388 340 230 130 595 524 572 392 417 3,294 2,602 937 93 37 752 237 13 32 T able G .—AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919 AND 1920, BY OCCUPATIONS. N U M BE R . 24885°—21— Bull. 279 Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were— Occupation. Year. Num Num ber of ber of em mines. ployees. Aver age earn ings per hour. 80 90 70 40 50 60 35 45 30 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 and cents and and and and Under and and and and and and and $2.00 30 under under under under under under under under and under under under under and under $1.25. $1.50. 80 90 45 70 40 50 60 cents. 35 $1.75. $2.00. over. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. $1.00. Inside work. Bratticemen...................................... Cagers................................................. Car runners....................................... Drivers............................................... Engineers.......................................... Laborers............................................ Laborers, company miners’ 1........ Laborers, consideration miners’ 2 . Laborers, contract miners’ ........... Machinists......................................... Masons............................................... Miners, company............................. Miners, consideration...................... Miners, contract............................... 1 Figures for ! 1 6 4 1 172 94 11 2 1 7 31 13 22 4 16 9 22 15 44 23 31 < 10 65 18 95 32 11 10 1 2 31 35 104 62 7 1 185 99 2 21 14 no 106 197 158 232 171 3 9 6 4 5 6 1 1 ! 1 271 161 ! 6 104 5 95 102 27 4 999 78 654 1 584 47 16 292 i 36 166 36 61 277 | 113 7 567 71 623 57 43 409 203 111 3 46 265 , 25 18 24 12 7 i 32 9 i 6 23 4 59 6 587 37 330 1 1 401 95 11 7 374 72 4 3 6 1 838 824 711 257 120 729 614 431 465 519 437 667 251 346 48 220 2 Figures for 1919 included with laborers, company miners’ . TABLES, Door tenders (boys)........................ $0. 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 64 1919 61 1920 1919 1920 1§19 1920 2 1919 1920 1919 1920 1920 17 1919 4 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 36 1919 11 1920 1919 include laborers, consideration miners’. GENERAL Blacksmiths...................................... 1 2 1 2 85 92 30 41 21 31 CO T able G .—AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919 AND 1920, BY OCCUPATIONS—Continued. OJ ° N U M BER —Concluded. Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were— 90 80 50 60 70 30 35 45 40 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.7o $2.00 and and and cents and and and Under and and and and and and under under under under under under under under and under under under under and 30 over. under $1.25. 80 70 90 60 cents. 45 35 40 50 $1.50. 11.75. $2.00. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. $1.00. AND Inside work—Concluded. Motor brakemen Pumpmen__ Timbermen. . . $0.558 *554 .502 .497 .404 .417 .591 .578 .572 .578 1919 1920 22 16 12,245 8, 308 .661 .690 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 19 15 22 16 22 15 22 16 15 10 19 16 22 16 22 16 72 53 60 39 119 84 250 163 83 46 2 1 9 6 13 119 76 271 121 55 50 2 18 7 65 73 4 3 5 1 4 163 83 200 80 776 465 8 3 14 5 1 50 45 3 1 24 14 g 2 1 240 201 123 105 18 33 97 84 147 113 13 11 9 4, 938 3, 275 1,978 1,254 47 33 11 12 6 1 202 126 24 li 1 Outside work. Ashmen. Blacksmiths............... .... Cagers................. Carpenters....................................... Car runners.......... Dumpers.......................................... Engineers............... ....... ............................................. .441 .449 .567 . 574 .458 .449 . 561 .548 .453 . 450 88 .419 .448 57 .527 248 . 532 185 Firemen .502 314 .501 217 1 3 8 2 2 2 12 8 29 12 41 17 11 10 21 15 1........... 79 66 16 15 53 34 45 37 37 25 74 41 2 1 137 99 218 161 49 41 1 3 20 1 1,134 679 843 634 1 675 500 747 717 264 255 86 96 30 42 21 31 MINING. 247 202 190 178 104 99 136 97 163 123 COAL Total inside............................ 19 15 18 14 21 15 15 13 22 16 IN Trackmen......... 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 EARNINGS Motormen. HOURS Year. Occupation. Aver Num age Num ber of earn ber of em ings mines. ployees. per hour. Jig runners.................................. Laborers...................................... Loaders........................................ Machinists................................... Oilers............................................ Platemen....... ............................. Repairmen.................................. Slaters (boys)............................. Timber cutters............................ Trackmen......... „......................... Total inside and outside. 26 27 691 402 81 56 9 15 37 21 580 345 115 92 28 26 .416 .426 .433 .438 .448 .449 .513 .509 .436 .440 .431 .429 .485 .480 .300 .303 .452 .448 .478 . 455 1919 1920 3,930 2, 513 .442 .453 234 1,214 741 1,115 163 762 484 1919 1920 16,175 10,821 .600 .625 475 239 619 355 1,414 821 1,891 1,274 5,700 3,759 2,073 1,321 70 70 94 95 84 80 68 73 1 30 30 3 5 1, 211 718 199 142 112 117 77 42 180 112 113 21 22 345 161 99 70 32 3 29 198 168 18 376 273 116 85 36 48 33 18 58 25 43 13 10 53 42 1,135 679 843 634 675 500 747 717 264 255 21 31 PER CENT. Inside ivork. Blacksmiths...................................... Brattieemen...................................... Cagers................................................ Car runners....................................... Doortenders (boys)......................... Drivers.............................................. Laborers........................................... 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 3 Less than one-half of 1 per cent. 13 8 17 14 22 16 17 15 20 14 22 14 17 14 22 10 30 20 116 111 234 197 3-12 233 247 156 479 272 121 100 1,200 736 $0.590 .578 .561 .569 .518 .511 . 506 .504 .315 .306 .500 . 4DS . 537 . 562 . 514 .521 2 2 2 6 1 13 18 30 27 3 1 39 36 2 1 2 1 9 11 ........... 26 39 (3) 70 60 2 1 1 3 (*) 2 . ______ !_____ 1 2 57 (3) 59 ........ 86 y j 95 5 1 2 1 83 89 GENERAL, TABLES, Total outside..................... 81 54 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 Table G .—AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919 AND 1920, BY OCCUPATIONS—Concluded. Cn to PER CENT—Concluded. Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were— Year. Num ber of mines. Average earn ings per 632 308 190 178 104 99 136 97 163 123 $0.527 .526 .541 .635 .679 .568 .584 .576 .579 .582 .576 . 634 .659 .841 .925 .558 .554 .502 .497 .404 .417 .591 .578 .572 .578 12,245 .661 30 35 70 40 45 50 60 80 98 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 Under and and and and and and and and cents $1.00 and and and and $2.00 under under under under under under under under and 30 under under under under and 35 40 cents. 50 45 60 70 under 80 90 over. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. $1.00. $1.25. $1.50. $1.75. $2.00. AND Num ber of em- Inside work—Concluded. Laborers, consideration miners’ 2 Laborers, contract miners’ .......... Machinists....................................... Masons............................................ Motormen....................................... Pump men..................................... Timbermen..................................... Trackmen....................................... Total inside work................ 1919 1920 202 .690 1 1 i (3) 1 1 2 2 4 4 27 1 (3) 1 1 (3) (3) 1 1 2 1 53 51 17 7 1 9 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 34 41 4 3 4 1 2 2 1 6 6 92 95 82 34 22 36 63 78 79 89 90 19 15 9 7 97 100 65 59 17 33 71 87 90 92 40 39 (3) 18 .31 34 37 37 22 21 9 10 81 78 17 11 1 (3) 6 9 3 5 2 4 (3) (3) 2 17 15 1 1 15 16 1 13 14 1 15 21 (3) 10 13 7 7 15 1 16 15 9 8 7 8 6 6 6 9 15 17 (3) (3) (3) 1 (3) 5 8 (3) 2 3 1 1 (3) 1 (3) (3) 1 M IN IN G , Motor brakemen............................ 1,855 1,191 67 19 41 29 656 367 498 480 4,887 3,188 247 7 5 COAL Miners, contract............................ 202 IN Miners, company........................... Miners, consideration.................... 1919 1920 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1019 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 EAENINGS Laborers, company miners’ 1 ___ HOUES Occupation. 1 2 3 1 1 (3) Outsidework. Ashmen.................................... Blacksmiths............................. Cagers........................................ Carpenters................................ Car runners.............................. Dumpers.................................. Engineers................................. Firemen.................................... Jig runners............................... Loaders..................................... Machinists................................ Oilers........................................ Repairmen............................... Slaters (boys).......................... Timber cutters........................ Trackmen................................ Total outside................. Total inside and outside. 1,211 580 345 115 92 28 26 .441 .449 .567 .574 .458 .449 . 561 .548 .453 .450 .449 .448 .527 .532 .502 .501 .416 .426 .433 .438 .448 .449 .513 .509 .436 .440 .431 .429 .485 .480 .300 .303 .452 .448 .478 .455 1919 1920 3,930 2,513 .442 .453 1919 1920 16,175 10,821 .600 .625 88 57 248 185 314 217 81 54 718 199 142 112 117 77 42 180 112 113 21 19 9 11 6 2 1 3 1 20 66 4 1 17 3 79 5 9 64 74 51 65 15 14 24 19 26 33 31 38 58 60 32 41 43 43 32 j ; ; I 1 4 5 4 1 1 1 32 15 1 8 4 (*) 1 (3) 1 1 8 13 48 52 55 63 28 14 5 3 46 46 29 50 8 5 12 15 59 47 9 6 3 2 34 49 35 26 47 30 4 5 7 7 32 50 57 56 41 39 (3) | 69 85 6 78 85 9 20 81 77 10 1 9 ) ! ........... j............ 2 2 55 54 69 74 9 2 2 1 1 1 54 41 20 22 (3) (3) 4 5 1 1 22 38 62 33 24 1 1 ......... 1........... I 1 2 4 50 53 50 42 1 21 8 1 1 31 29 28 32 19 19 4 3 1 1 9 12 12 35 35 1 Figures for 1919 include laborers, consideration miners’ . 2 Figures for 1919 included with laborers, company miners’ . 1 1 9 9 8 15 TABLES, Platemen.................................. 72 53 60 39 119 84 250 163 83 46 GENERAL Laborers.................................. 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 2 3 (3) 13 7 5 12 6 6 4 5 5 7 2 2 1 1 (3) (3) (8) (3) 3 Less than one- half of 1 per cent. Cl CO Table H.—AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES. N U M BER . Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were— Aver age earn ings per hour. 30 45 90 50 70 80 35 60 40 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 and Under and and and and cents and and and and and and and 30 under under under under under under under under and under under Under under 35 50 cents. 40 60 70 90 under $1.25. 11.50. $1.75. $2.00. 80 45 cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. $1.00. $2.00 and over. AND Inside work. .581 6 24 57 156 44 64 34 56 46 19 23 .498 .672 .626 .625 .627 .627 .513 .599 .625 .690 2 21 19 84 3 2 ______1______ ........... 1............ i ......... 1............ 1 i 15 26 14 26 19 6 258 1 1 13 1 17 1 | j 55 81 51 8 22 ......... 1 ........ 11 ......... 1............ 1 " 4 31 3 2 57 20 1 20 2 42 18 1 7 7 .......... 149 41 199 592 2 17 i i 7 1 15 1 1 ...........1............1............ !............ ...........!............ 1............ 5 1 2 ; 33 39 * * i i i i 1 4 u..-------1 55 153 44 64 33 1 7 19 19 1 1 1 ' i 1 ........... 1............ ......... I ........ .. . . i........... 1 ........... 1............ t 4 ........... 1............ ........... ] .......... MINING. 1,005 124 29 14 27 36 16 19 G0AL Total............................ 51 10 22 18 IN 289 33 19 65 91 $0,427 .641 .617 .626 .586 625 .496 .594 .625 .652 .607 .625 .634 .427 .687 .432 .500 18 71 100 EAR3TWGS Brakeinen: Alabama................................ Coibrado................................ Illinois.................................... Indiana.................................. Iowa....................................... Kansas................................... Kentucky.............................. Maryland............................... Missouri.................................. NeW Mexico........................... Ohio....................................... Oklahoma.............................. Pennsylvania........................ Tennessee........................ Utah........................................ Virginia.................................. West Virginia........................ Bratticemen and timbermen: Alabama................................. Colorado.................... ]____]. Illihois...................... Indiana.................... Iowa........................................ Kansas.................................... Kentucky.................. [.......... Maryland............................... Missouri.................................. New Mexico........................... HOUES Occupation and State. Num Num of ber of ber em mines. ployees. Ohio.................. Oklahoma...— Pennsylvania.. I'feiiiidSsee....... . 70 si 172 18 West Virginia.. Wyoming....... . 19 51 15 10 triM:........... Virginia......... 31 2 .: . . | 11 ! 16 23 51 137 8 15 610 Total.. .. .! 9 i 24 52 152 Cagers: Colorado......... Illinois............. indi&iia........... Iowa................ 683 13 34 42 19 3l Kansas......... Maryland...... ^Jgsoufi........ 2 16 ii 24 5 4 t’eiihsylvania. Wyoming..... Otnef States.. Total.. Drivers: Alabama... Colorado.. . Illinois___ Indiana — IbWa:.___ Kansas— Kentucky.. Maryland.. Missouri., Tsiew Mexico— Ohio................ . Oklahoma...... Pennsylvania.. Tennessee....... . Utah................. Virginia............ West Virginia.. Wyoming......... Total.. 5 17 16 9 11 12 14 4 8 6 12 8 18 6 7 2 6 4 180 212 380 142 99 119 135 32 90 118 208 103 354 52 62 8 46 32 2,372 .440 .662 .625 ;630 .624 .627 .493 .595 .627 .662 .649 . 625 142 212 378 142 S9 119 29 ...... 90 118 207 103 347 .419 ;687 .383 .559 .677 1 .609 62 32 164 1,911 AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. T able H .— w 05 NUM BER—Continued. Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were— 70 90 40 45 35 60 80 50 30 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 and and and and and and and cents and Under and $2.00 and and and 30 under under under under under under under under and under under under under and 8040 50 cents. 35 under $1.25. $1.50. $1.75. $2.00. over. 45 60 70 90 cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. $1.00. AND Inside work—Continued. Total................. , .............................. 164 2,319 .586 1 Loaders: Alabama...................................................... Colorado...................................................... Illinois......................................................... Indiana........................................................ Iowa............................................................. Kentucky.................................................... Missouri....................................................... New Mexico............................................... Ohio............................................................. 2 8 9 7 2 17 6 5 13 307 389 2,049 1,098 67 1,391 283 132 1.970 .737 .774 .889 .875 .567 .686 .753 .657 .761 1 4 G 1 53 7 5 4 13 5 86 3 1 334 44 2 1 88 70 40 14 6 21 42 2 122 70 150 20 30 1 9 118 41 17 23 232 1 40 1 2 17 16 1 4 80 3 384 6 1 11 87 16 19 247 95 1,*019 914 8 3 2 8 G 2 C2 4 4 16 7 3 11 8 5 111 18 4 17 13 7 20 25 4 116 11 3 50 24 17 37 22 8 114 6 11 46 52 54 147 116 22 211 27 25 204 23 61 72 226 130 18 169 32 31 437 5 73 71 294 215 3 143 50 21 485 3 9 5 3 MINING. SO. 418 .655 .598 .628 .602 .625 .450 .606 .629 .664 .596 .622 .593 .423 .664 .431 .627 .666 COAL 107 123 404 150 64 30 182 51 120 41 97 26 635 66 44 30 116 33 IN 5 11 16 9 10 8 13 5 9 5 11 3 30 5 7 3 10 4 EARNINGS Laborers: Alabama...................................................... Colorado...................................................... Illinois......................................................... Indiana........................................................ Iowa............................................................. Kansas......................................................... Kentucky.................................................... Maryland.................................................... Missouri....................................................... New Mexico................................................ Ohio............................................................. Oklahoma................................................... Pennsylvania............................................. Tennessee.................................................... Utah............................................................. Virginia....................................................... West Virginia............................................. Wyoming.................................................... HOTJES Occupation and State. Aver Num age Num ber of earn ber of ings em mines. ployees. per hour. 7 33 20 57 338 160 1 130 42 15 357 17 43 357 173 1 82 37 8 170 14 48 464 202 2 127 41 5 150 11 11 108 22 i 25 9 1 8 4 42 5 16 1 10 2 1 1 2 5 Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. Tennessee......... Utah.................. Virginia— West Virginia.. Wyoming....... . Total----- Miners, machine: Colorado........... Illinois.............. Indiana............. Iowa.................. Kentucky......... Missouri............ New Mexico. . . Ohio.................. Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. Tennessee......... Utah.................. Virginia............ West Virginia.. Other States. . . Total__ 13,345 .774 455 1,208 1,669 525 962 1,482 192 491 629 528 13 354 1,859 367 206 168 169 42 .679 .773 .767 .644 .705 .795 .641 .945 . 636 .726 .767 .829 .899 .932 .907 1.046 1.107 143 11,379 .785 66 1.061 1.078 1.182 .737 .769 280 136 12 130 112 .686 21 1,721 .926 12 546 15 22 27 (52 4 31 6 04 8 1 11 17 S 118 3 12 1 8 29 23 3 39 36 3 1 18 24 "ii' 11 7 2 2 217 9 165 3 4 24 32 3 23 579 19 3 54 104 7 21 767 22 22 56 137 13 162 318 429 525 13 13 28 48 23 33 49 24 38 61 35 40 59 18 1 36 33 1 26 51 84 50 37 69 14 9 59 24 92 141 225 141 138 162 42 15 126 65 63 208' 242 118 190 208 36 47 143 78 15 38 29 ” 43* 139 43 224 48 18 21 26 6 24 36 7 21 1 30 19 *22* 20 **6’ 12 10 1 1 **9* 13 205 296 6 1 1 22 31 27 2 5 433 68 10 14 2 20 116 207 274 56 161 178 20 53 98 76 4 47 264 63 27 28 14 16 615 12 44 15 93 12 6 6 16 14 5 40 102 2 5 16 12 183 *i3* 43 177 253 44 118 186 9 91 47 71 4 22 277 47 30 14 24 17 378 7 39 7 73 12 409 14 46 9 80 9 1,427 1,628 17 133 180 24 87 171 7 89 25 44 1 37 266 29 31 24 23 179 191 24 77 218 7 123 18 54 1 53 374 27 59 22 66 22 2 101 6 17 34 1 9 2 35 2 12 1 385 121 9 40 42 1 13 76 5 41 6 13 1 8 11 3 4 25 *2* 8 ..... 2 9 1 4 ’ *33* 137 3 18 19 ” io" 52 4 3 2 4 4 22 10 10 21 4 27 16 1 10 2 14 1 1,457 1,196 1,545 516 1,425 5 16 16 23 763 9 40 30 115 15 1,647 2,214 2,350 .666 1.023 .971 .670 .890 .504 1.254 .722 .808 1.180 35 245* 2 56 3 1 3 TABLES, Total----- .714 .753 .725 .943 .627 .778 .809 GENERAL Miners, hand: Alabama......... . Colorado........... Illinois.............. Indiana............. Iowa.................. Kansas.............. Kentucky......... Maryland......... Missouri........... New Mexico.. . Ohio.................. Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. Tennessee......... Utah.................. West Virginia.. Wyoming......... Other States. . . 135 4,117 119 235 230 749 74 2 13 1 11 10 2 104 419 3 25 14 2 20 **6* 31 4 19 13 4 13 10 20 1 14 99 18 23 7 37 31 19 1 7 3 4 29 **ii* 4 9 76 " 5 1 3 31 *54* *50* io5* 46* 19 "7 **4* 3 3 *2* ’ *3* "4* 2 2 163 1 3 1 ..... 2 14 10 1 **6* 7 156 *2 79 39 21 T able H __ AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. eg 00 NUM BER—Continued. Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were— Aver age earn ings per hour. 30 50 45 60 35 40 70 80 90 $loo $1.25 $i.m $1.76 $2.00 Under and and and and and and and and and and and and 30 and under under under under under under under under and under under under under under cents. 60 50 35 70 over. 80 40 90 45 cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. AND Inside work— Concluded. Total.................................................. 154 894 Pennsylvania....................................... 3 21 13 24 29 8 9 11 12 41 Maryland 13 5 6 8 3 4 10 6 5 15 28 122 8 1 1 17 ii3 1 1 2 19 30 12 12 58 254 2 14 20 3 3 .619 .416 .634 .615 .648 .528 .572 .025 .660 .607 .625 .609 1 41 68 60 10 15 12 1 35 56 31 2 36 230 5 ' . | ...........r ...........1 ;. 2 4 7 29 12 7 2 569 52 2 52 20 29 10 1 8 4 3 15 57 ! i 1 1 4 4 1 1 i_____ . | ......... 6 2 | 1 9 !........... , i ; 1 MINING, 9 $0.538 .666 42 88 .689 60 .687 10 .642 15 . 095 113 .541 .631 30 12 .627 .655 12 .627 58 .654 272 .495 21 20 .712 .495 59 .520 73 .625 2 Of COAL 3 12 13 11 5 9 19 5 3 4 13 30 3 0 4 13 1 EAfiSfttfGS Motormen: Al&tintnd.., , ....... ................................... Colorado...................................................... Illinois......................................................... Indiana........................................................ I owa............................................................. Kansas........................................................ *Kentucky.,................................................. ^ T \ ....... ........... Maryland.................................................... Missouri....................................................... New Mexico............................................... O h io ........................................................... Pennsylvania............................................. Tennessee.................................................... Utah.............. ............................................. Virginia........................................................ West Virginia............................................. Other States............................................... Pumpmen: Alabama...................................................... Colorado...................................................... Illinois............................... Indiana................................................. Kentucky . . . ___ .................................................... Missouri........................ 4 New Mexico............................................... Ohio............................. ...................... Oklahoma . ................................. HOUES Occupation and State. Num Num ber of ber of em mines. ployees. ........... I............ 1 1 ........... i............ Tennessee.................................................... Utah......... *.................................................. Virginia....................................................... West Virginia............................................. Wyoming................................................... Other States............................................... 4 2 3 3 2 Total................................................. 7 8 15 8 .408 .670 .398 .488 3 .606 .586 5 17 15 9 11 12 19 5 9 6 13 4 29 6 7 4 12 4 18 57 190 72 30 31 148 14 20 27 67 11 210 28 26 62 98 13 .471 .668 .625 Total..................................................... 187 1,122 .598 Trappers (boys): Alabama.................................................. Colorado.............. Illinois........................................... Indiana........................................................ Iowa............................................................. Kansas......................................................... Kentuckv*. New Mexico................................................ Ohio. . . Oklahoma.................................... ........ Pennsylvania Tennessee................................................ Virginia. West Virginia. Other States................................. 4 9 13 9 6 4 10 5 12 5 8 5 3 8 2 36 27 98 40 17 9 28 14 88 39 32 42 8 53 5 .239 .412 .363 .339 .334 .337 .305 .388 .344 .335 .332 .270 . 313 .380 .349 11 2 3 .626 .633 .518 .623 .629 .662 .625 .625 .630 .477 .692 .470 .530 .677 2 34 23 2 38 2 11 2 83 35 16 8 1 75 33 30 3 4 11 2 Total 103 536 .339 110 303 Total inside.................. ...................... 201 36,189 .726 484 701 | 15 i _ ._ . 2 1 1 5 5 2 162 11 57 190 72 30 29 2 13 20 27 67 11 195 2 14 111 7 6 5 38 1 1 28 15 7 1 93 1 3 24 13 1 22 10 7 29 31 50 19 1 8 13 7 1 1 4 57 104 194 752 11 13 2 7 1 3 1 1 1 10 1 3 4 1 2 9 5 6 2 1 1 1 8 1 1 2 8 2 15 4 54 37 11 739 j 1,632 ) 1,491 tables, 344 4 2 IEiVXj 117 Trackmen: Alabama...................................................... Colorado...................................................... Illinois......................................................... Indiana........................................................ Iowa............................................................. Kansas.............. .......................................... Kentucky.................................................... Maryland.................................................... Missouri....................................................... New Mexico................................................ Ohio............................................................. Oklahoma................................................... Pennsylvania.............................................. Tennessee.................................................... Utah............................................................. Virginia....................................................... West Virginia............................................. Wyoming.................................................... 1 I i........... 4 17 4 5,273 10,119 4,302 3,564 2, 784 3,539 1,023 349 130 59 cn Table H .—AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OP EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. ° NUMBER—Continued. Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were— Aver age 40 30 50 35 70 80 earn 45 60 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 90 and and and and and and and ings CTnder and $1.75 and and and under under under under under under under under and and 30 per under under under under 60 90 40 45 80 35 70 50 under hour;' cents. cents. cents. ccnts. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. $1.00. $1.25. ! $1.50. $1.75. $2.00. AND Outside work. 376 .621 Carpenters: Alabama...................................................... Colorado...................................................... Illinois......................................................... Indiana....................................................... Iowa............................................................. Kansas......................................................... Kentucky.................................................... Maryland.................................................... Missouri....................................................... New Mexico............................................... Ohio............................................................. 3 12 13 2 4 2 7 5 4 4 8 12 20 31 4 .488 .661 .605 .675 .613 .750 .477 .618 .605 .612 .611 2 18 8 4 15 15 25 3 2 1 3 1 3 6 37 5 2 5 9 10 91 1 2 10 2 3 i 2 3 2 6 10 12 5 2 235 34 15 9 3 3 5 1 1 2 22 1 3 23 34 22 14 14 7 7 11 6 25 8 38 11 4 1 2 6 8 4 10 9 1 1 2 2 MINING. 187 4 6 1 6 1 COAL Total..................................................... 1 10 $0.549 .624 26 43 .646 .614 23 16 .662 14 .680 36 .544 7 .634 11 .666 12 .635 28 .655 8 .689 86 .608 .472 10 16 .709 3 .498 22 .589 5 .676 IN 4 17 16 11 9 12 19 5 9 6 13 5 29 6 7 2 13 4 EAENINGS Blacksmiths: Alabama...................................................... Colorado...................................................... Illinois......................................................... Indiana....................................................... Iowa............................................................. Kansas......................................................... Kentucky.................................................... Maryland.................................................... Missouri....................................................... New Mexico............................................... Ohio............................................................. Oklahoma................................................... Pennsylvania............................................. Tennessee.................................................... Utah............................................................. Virginia....................................................... West Virginia............................................. Wyoming.................................................... $2.00 and over. HOUES Occupation and State. Num Num ber of ber of em mines. ployees. Oklahoma----Pennsylvania. Tennessee....... Utah................ West Virginia. Wyoming....... Otner States. . .603 .567 . 455 .683 . 530 1 Total........ 2 32 31 64 30 8 25 19 25 14 14 24 110 11 18 11 7 443 .402 .560 .594 .468 .552 . 545 .387 . 580 .541 .593 .544 . 572 .376 .618 . 451 . 515 4 32 103 1 9 2 2 20 3 1 11 5 3 3 12 4 3 12 26 4 3 6 2 1 1 1 4 3 4 1 1 8 9 12 20 5 8 4 9 5 8 2 4 ! 1 I . I 2 . 1 6 105 13 28 45 8 7 10 1 8 12 1 4 7 20 1 5 18 1 1 i i ______ 1______ 1 4 23 1 8 2 1 1 29 3 TABLES, 4 13 15 11 7 9 8 4 8 6 6 16 4 6 3 2 7 6 24 2 1 4 57 GENERAL .480 .612 .659 .702 .592 .604 .478 .613 . 565 .616 .494 .570 . 592 .439 .661 .512 .671 . 500 2 Total........ Total... 4 1 Engineers: Alabama......... Colorado......... Illinois............. Indiana........... Iowa................ Kansas............ Kentucky....... Maryland-----Missouri.......... New Mexico.. Ohio................ Oidahoma----Pennsylvania. Tennessee....... Utah................ West Virginia. Wyoming....... Other States.. Firemen: Alabama......... Colorado......... Illinois............. Indiana........... Iowa................ Kansas............ Kentucky....... Maryland....... Missouri.......... Ohio................ Oklahoma----Pennsylvania. Tennessee....... Utah................ West Virginia. Other States.. 1 5 1 4 25 120 185 12 16 63 4 6 25 10 1 2 2 24 10 10 24 96 1 1 4 i __. i ______ I______ i ____ i 1 3 1 12 l 1 11 1 1 2 1 2 •5 7 1 3 16 ........... I ........ 4 41 41 18 282 53 1 ........... |............ T able H — AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. OS 60 NU M BER—Concluded. Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were— age 80 earn 30 35 40 60 70 45 50 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 90 and and and and and and ings Under and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under ur der under under under per 30 90 hour. cents. 35 40 70 80 45 60 50 $1.00. $1.25. $1.50. $1.75. $2.00. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. $2.00 and over. AND Outside work—Concluded. 10 6 13 8 31 6 64 1 1 1 29 1 5 151 2 x 32 2 4 1 5 9 127 2 2 24 14 41 205 66 2 4 1 13 16 45 19 37 3 56 3 44’ 2 102 245 113 71 46 24 46 57 32 140 47 560 1 94 4 60 37 3 2 8 1 2 1 3 3 4 23 35 2 8 198 2, 860 .502 10 157 116 296 477 1,679 95 Total outside................... . 201 4,319 .534 12 162 197 356 561 2, 275 673 77 5 1 Total insideandoutside. 201 40, 508 .699 496 863 936 1,988 2,052 7,548 10,792 4,379 3,569 2,785 ______ _ — ^ __ _ ..... 3,539 : 1,023 349 130 59 MINING. 2 2 5 37 COAL Total................................. . 5 4 13 4 $0.375 .504 .551 .548 .531 .549 .436 .527 .547 .465 .561 .546 .515 .363 .588 .397 .436 .582 IN o W ..................... Oklahoma.................................... Pennsylvania............................. . Tennessee....... Utah.................. Virginia....................................... . West Virginia.............................. Wyoming.................................... . 140 257 251 122 72 48 245 57 62 114 146 47 804 117 129 42 162 45 5 18 16 10 11 12 19 EARNINGS Laborers: Alabama....................................... Colorado........................................ Illinois........................................... Indiana............................... Iowa.............................................. Kansas.......................................... Kentucky.................................. Maryland.................................... . Missouri........................................ New Mexico................................. HOURS Occupation and State. Num Num ber of ber of em mijies. ployees. PER CENT. Inside work. Total........................................ Bratticemen and timbermen: Alabama............................................. Colorado............................................. Illinois................................................ Indiana............................................... Iowa.................................................... Kansas................................... : .......... Kentucky........................................... Maryland........................................... Missouri.............................................. New Mexico....................................... Ohio.................................................... Oklahoma.......................................... Pennsylvania.................................... Tennessee........................................... Utah.................................................... Virginia.............................................. West Virginia.................................... Wyoming........................................... Total........................................ 18 71 289 33 19 65 91 §0.427 .641 .617 .626 .586 .625 .496 .594 .625 .652 .607 .625 .634 .427 .687 .432 .500 146 1,005 .581 5 14 14 9 24 57 156 44 64 34 56 46 19 23 70 51 172 18 19 54 15 .498 .672 .626 .625 .627 .627 .513 .599 .625 .690 .625 .626 .625 .448 .693 .476 .516 .677 932 .610 100 51 10 22 124 . 29 14 27 36 6 8 11 15 5 4 5 11 6 29 4 5 4 10 4 10 100 23 19 77 81 100 20 17 ! 15 I] 80 100 68 10 90 100 4 47 98 53 100 6 94 5 0) 89 4 95 5 88 22 2 22 3 46 2 8 2 2 1 15 4 20 59 1 8 71 21 2 1 98 98 2 5 1 i ......:. i ......... ____ I______ 0) 1 100 100 97 13 27 59 85 3 2 GENERAL, TABLES, Brakemen: Alabama............................................. Colorado............................................. Illinois................................................ Indiana............................................... Iowa.................................................... Kansas................................................ Kentucky........................................... Maryland........................................... Missouri.............................................. New Mexico...................................... Ohio.................................................... Oklahoma.......................................... Pennsylvania.................................... Tennessee........................................... Utah.................................................... Virginia.............................................. West Virginia.................................... 15 100 83 99 17 ! I | j 1 100 ------- ....... 6 2 18 ” ‘ *33’ 5 15 50 20 80 2 80 20 1 I 11 84* 43 i 15 100 C') 0) 3 6 16 73 i 1 1 i ........ 1....... 1 Less than one-half of 1 per cent. c* CO Table H __ AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. PER CENT—Continued. Occupation and State. Employees whose average earnings per hour in half-month pay-roll period were— Aver age Num Num 45 50 80 30 40 earn 35 60 70 of 90 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 ber of ber and and and and and and and em ings Under and and and and and mines. ployees. 30 under under under under under under under under under under under under per 60 35 40 45 50 90 70 80 hour. cents. $1.25. $1.50. $1.75. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. $1.00. Inside work—Continued. Cagers: Colorado...................................... Illinois......................................... Indiana........................................ Iowa............................................. Kansas......................................... Maryland.................................... Missouri....................................... Ohio............................................. Pennsylvania............................. Wyoming.................................... Other States............................... Total................................. Drivers: Alabama...................................... Colorado...................................... Illinois......................................... Indiana....................................... Iowa............................................. Kansas......................................... Kentucky.................................... Maryland.................................... Missouri....................................... New Mexico................................ Ohio............................................. Oklahoma.................................. Pennsylvania............................. Tennessee.................................... Utah............................................. Virginia....................................... $0.686 13 .622 .629 .627, .623 .620 .625 .625 .611 .677 .575 43 220 .626 2 180 .440 .662 .625 .630 .624 .627 .493 .595 .627 .662 .649 .625 .635 .419 .687 212 380 142 99 119 135 32 90 118 208 103 354 52 62 3 79 19 5 21 18 61 94 1 75 91 2 100 99 100 100 100 (}) 19 13 6 100 100 100 100 98 6 100 25 50 2 3 1 C1) 21 87 87 98 100 100 100 100 100 75 300 57 25 C1) > ........... 1............ I l $1.75 $2.00 and and under $2.00. over. Cs ^ West Virginia.. Wyoming......... Total. 24885°—21— Bull. 279- Total. 100 165 | 2,372 5 11 16 9 10 8 13 5 9 5 11 3 30 5 7 3 10 4 107 123 404 150 64 30 182 51 120 41 97 26 635 66 44 30 116 33 164 2,319 128 0) 0) 12 .418 .655 .598 .628 .602 .625 .450 .606 .629 .664 .596 .622 .593 .423 .664 .431 .627 .666 80 17 100 31 100 1 48 18 98 100 82 18 60 37 12 14 9 61 2 37 75 57 14 88 2 91 100 C) 0) .737 .774 .889 .875 .567 307 389 2,049 1,098 67 1,391 283 132 1,970 135 4,117 119 235 230 749 74 . 753 . 657 .761 .714 .753 .725 .943 .627 .778 .809 13,345 .774 .686 (1\ 0) 1 4 2 4 (,)i 1 3 C1) 2 2 12 8 2 8 2 17 14 7 20 19 11 12 33 15 27 7 4 3 17 14 16 4 (l) 1 1 (x) 2 10 4 4 n 10 19 10 1 23 14 12 12 11 23 22 16 19 18 9 24 18 18 17 24 18 14 20 4 10 18 16 25 17 19 8 17 13 15 20 18 I 8 5 15 16 15 11 i 12 17 S 16 I 9 15 j 13 I 23 18 3 9 ! 14 1 11 1l 6 4 18 12 15 13 9 19 7 17 3 10 12 16 6 10 16 8 6 10 12 20 4 11 12 -1 0) C1) C1) 0) ( J) 0) (?) TABLES, Loaders: Alabama......... Colorado......... . Illinois.............. Indiana........... Iowa................ . Kentucky....... . Missouri.......... . New Mexico.. Ohio.................. Oklahoma. Pennsylvania. Tennessee....... Utah................ . Virginia............ West Virginia. Wyoming....... . Total. . 559 .677 GENERAL Laborers: Alabama.. Colorado.. Illinois___ Indiana. . . Iowa......... Kansas. Kentucky....... Maryland......... Missouri.......... . New Mexico... Ohio................ . Oklahoma____ Pennsylvania. Tennessee....... Utah................ . Virginia............ West Virginia.. Wyoming......... 46 I 32 0) 0) *(i)* (?) i1) C1) C1) 0) ]Less than one-half of 1 per cent. Cfc Or Table H .—AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES-~Continued. PER CENT—Continued. Oi Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were— Aver age earn ings per hour. GO 70 80 45 50 30 40 90 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 and and and Under and and and and and and and and and and under 30 under under under under under under under under under under under under and 40 70 80 60 cents. 35 90 45 50 over. $1.50. $1.25. $1.00. $1.75. $2.00. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. AN0 Inside work—Continued. 3 2 (,)5 2 1 3 0) .785 66 1.061 1.078 1.182 .787 .769 130 35 245 12 0) 0) (l) 1 " f (l) (>) 0) •(i)" C1) 3 1 2 P). (l) 13 15 9 0) 0) (x) 6 10 .666 42 31 91 1.023 .971 .670 2 10 0 11 14 1 1 <l) (l) (x) (x) 2 5 7 6 0) MINING, 11,379 112 C1)- 4 206 168 169 42 12 t1) 11 C1) 367 280 136 % 3 4 3 3 0) COAL $0. IN Total............................. Miners, machine: Colorado.............................. Illinois................................ Indiana............................... Iowa................................... Kentucky............................ Missouri.............................. New Mexico......................... Ohio................................... Oklahoma............................ 455 1,268 1,669 525 962 1,482 192 491 629 528 13 354 1,859 EAKNINGS Miners, band: Alabama............................. Colorado............................. Ilfijiois................................ Indiana............................... Iowa................................... Kansas,.............................. Kentucky............................ Maryland............................ Missouri.......... ................... Kew Mesdeo,....................... Ohio..... ............................. Oklahoma., ..................... Pennsylvania....................... Tennessee.,......................... Utah................................ West Virginia....................... Wyoming............................ Other States........................ HOUES Occupation and State. Num Num ber of ber of em mines. ployees. 546 15 Pennsylvania...................................... Tennessee............................................. Utah..................................................... Virginia................................................ West Virginia...................................... Other States........................................ Total.............................................. 120 Less than one-half of 1 per cent. 1,721 .926 0) 9 42 .538 86 60 10 15 113 30 12 12 58 272 21 20 59 73 2 154 pumpmen: Alaoama............................................... Colorado............................................... Illinois.................................................. Indiana................................................. Kentucky..-,...................................... Maryland............................................. Missouri................................................ New Mexico......................................... Ohio...................................................... Oklahoma............................................ Pennsylvania...................................... Tennessee............................................. Utah..................................................... Virginia................................................ West Virginia...................................... Wyoming............................................. Other States.................... . . . , ....... Total.............................................. C1) 27 Motormen: Alabama............................................... Colorado............................................... Illinois.................................................. Indiana................................................. Iowa...................................................... Kansas................................................. Kentucky............................................. Maryland............................................. Missouri................................................ New Mexico......................................... Ohio............ ............. ............. , .......... Pennsylvania...................................... Tennessee............................................. Utah........................................ Virginia,............................................... We$t Virginia...................................... O verstates .............................. Total.............................................. .890 .504 1.254 .722 .808 1.180 22 24 29 11 41 13 8 4 10 15 122 (>) 01) 2 4 53 6 10 9 19 8 3 1 1 18 11 5 9 4 5 5 14 7 23 24 14 18 5 9 10 33 3 5 9 9 21 9 5 2 11 2 7 21 5 41 16 10 1 2 6 24 9 89 11 98 79 100 100 100 10 2 2 20 100 5 5 1 90 100 100 100 100 93 5 1 100 48 95 42 4 26 5 1 0) 0) ______ 57 24 17 2 10 17 71 92 70 14 2 57 13 73 25 43 13 7 63 33 4 8 64 6 0) ______ = - ..... —...— 1 88 100 91 8 100 100 30 100 47 9 7 29 .665 .606 1 8 100 19 .670 . 586 84 14 19 15 5 i i 2 8 117 1 40 5 .416 .634 .615 .648 .528 .572 .625 .660 .607 .625 15 5 3 f ! .687 .642 . 695 .541 .631 .627 .655 .627 .654 ,495 .712 .495 .520 .625 7 8 7 1 .619 21 0) 0) 4 32 88 7 13 ioo 67 47 ] 3 ........... I............ Tltn i 1 i “~f 1 T able H.-AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. a* oo PER CENT—Continued. Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were— 45 80 30 35 40 50 60 70 90 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 and and and and and and Under and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under under under under 30 35 40 50 60 80 90 cents. 70 45 $1.00. $1.25. $1.50. $1.75. $2.00. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. $2.00 and over. 18 57 190 72 30 31 148 14 .668 1,122 .598 6 7 4 12 27 67 11 210 36 27 98 40 17 9 28 14 88 39 32 42 100 100 100 100 94 1 10 11 2 1 0) 94 .412 .363 . 339 .334 .337 .305 .388 .344 .335 .332 .270 28 82 14 90 7 85 88 94 89 4 85 85 94 7 48 86 63 7 6 4 93 100 100 100 100 93 35 10 11 30 50 51 73 2 8 100 5 9 17 67 11 1 3 4 10 4 3 6 26 1 10 6 7 04 6 15 6 2 26 4 7 9 11 4 14 6 1 27 1 MINING, 187 20 33 COAL 4 28 26 62 98 13 .625 .625 .626 .633 .518 .623 .629 .662 .625 .625 .630 .477 .692 .470 .530 .677 13 4 29 39 $0,471 IN per hour. EARNINGS Total.......... Trappers (boys): Alabama........... Colorado........... Illinois............... Indiana............. Iowa.................. Xansas.............. Kentucky......... New Mexico__ Ohio.................. Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. Tennessee......... Num ber of em ployees, AND Inside work—-Concluded. Trackmen: Alabama......................................... Colorado........................................ Illinois........................................... Indiana......................................... Iowa............................................... Kansas........................................... Kentucky...................................... Maryland...................................... Missouri......................................... New Mexico................................. Ohio............................................... Oklahoma..................................... Pennsylvania............................... Tennessee...................................... Utah............................................... Virginia......................................... West Virginia............................... Wyoming...................................... Num ber of mines. HOURS Occupation and State. Aver age earn- Virginia........... West Virginia.. Other States. . Total. 25 21 50 21 40 15 60 21 57 10 7 2 3 1 1 2 2 5 4 15 28 .549 .624 .646 .614 10 60 4 14 4 .544 .634 11 30 88 79 96 88 100 19 100 100 50 89 100 44 .313 .380 .349 536 Total inside.................. 36,189 .726 25 28 8 8 12 10 Outside work. Total. 1 Less than one-half of 1 per cent. .666 .635 .655 .689 .608 .472 .709 25 20 1 30 67 23 33 14 376 .676 .621 .488 .661 .605 .675 .613 .750 .477 .618 .605 .612 .611 .603 .567 .455 .683 .530 2 2 24 83 17 71 20 6 11 17 7 61 22 7 13 40 1 83 69 29 .585 1 2 50 0) (l> 8 7 13 25 7 4 12 38 63 55 100 63 9 75 29 75 60 25 100 100 67 CO 100 29 1 9 0) 25 20 100 13 1 80 14 100 20 40 5 67 33 260 43 50 3 TABLES, Total.............................. Carpenters: Alabama....... . Colorado............................... Illinois.................................. Indiana................................ Iowa...................................... Kansas................................. Kentucky............................. Maryland............................. Missouri................................ New Mexico........................ Ohio...................................... Oklahoma............................ Pennsylvania...................... Tennessee............................. Utah...................................... West Virginia...................... Wyoming............................. Other States........................ 69 10 GENERAL Blacksmiths: Alabama............................... Colorado............................... Illinois.................................. Indiana................................. Iowa...................................... Kansas.................................. Kentucky............................. Maryland............................. Missouri................................ New Mexico......................... Ohio........................... : ......... Oklahoma............................ Pennsylvania...................... Tennessee............................. TJtah...................................... Virginia................................ West Virginia...................... Wyoming............................. 8 12 40 C1) CO H ,—AVERAGE EARNINGS PER HOUR, AND NUMBER AND PER CENT OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT PER HOUR IN BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Concluded. T a b le PEB CENT—Concluded. Employees whose average earnings per hour in a half-month pay-roll period were50 30 35 10 45 80 70 60 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 90 and Under and and and and and and and and and and and 30 under under under under under under under under and under under under under under cents. 35 70 50 90 40 80 45 60 cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. cents. $1.00. $1.25. $1.50. $1.75. $2.00. 5 5 11 3 4 8 20 6 33 1 380 35 35 67 71 53 60 ‘ *79 IQ 22 10 .671 .500 *ioo .601 32 .402 .560 . 594 .468 . 552 .545 .387 .580 . 54i 80 *57* 33 69 14 29 37 43 .6Q1 .513 7 5 4 150 5 4 55 33 50 43 57 14 100 49 38 32 98 13 ! 75 I *27’ 100 ;. '47* 21 j 71 2 7 25 1 ( 0) M IN IN G . Missouri... 11 11 12 COAL Total. . Firenjen: Alabama... Colorado. . . Illinois....... Indiana.... Iowa........... Kansas___ Kentueky.. Maryland.. 17 39 612 659 702 .592 .604 .478 .613 .565 .616 .494 .570 .592 .439 IW Hew Mexico. . . O hio.............. Oklahoma....... Pennsylvania., 'Tennessee........ tJtahr............... West Virginia., Wyoming. Other Stat itates. $0. 480 4 17 16 EARNINGS Missouri.......... . over. AND Outfide work—Concluded. Engineers: Alabama.......... Colorado.......... Illinois.......... Indiana.......... . Iowa................ Kansas............ Kentucky..... . Maryland....... . $2.00 und HOUES Occupation and State. Aver Num age Num ber of earn ber of em ings mines. ployees. per hour. 6 6 16 4 6 3 o 14 24 110 11 18 11 7 .593 .544 .572 .376 .618 .451 .515 Total..................................................... 122 443 .537 laborers: Alabama...................................................... Colorado...................................................... Illinois.......................................................... Indiana........................................................ Iowa........................................... ................. Kansas......................................................... Kentucky.................................. ................. 5 18 16 10 11 12 19 Missouri....................................................... New Mexico................................................ Ohio............................................................. Oklahoma................................................... Pennsylvania............................................. Tennessee.................................................... Utah............................................................. Virginia........................................................ West Virginia............................................. Wyoming.................................................... 10 6 13 8 31 6 7 4 13 4 29 6 6 27 89 9 64 9 9 4 64 14 1 0) 11 1 57 21 140 .375 4 26 46 4 257 .504 59 40 o 1 251 98 .551 0) O) 1 .548 93 122 99 72 .531 96 48 . 549 52 245 1 .436 2 10 13 23 C1) 4 5 Maryland.................................................... 2 4 5 57 81 .527 3 92 62 .547 21 "**39* 114 .465 4 8 28 1 96 146 .561 47 .546 100 804 2 25 .515 70 C1) 1 117 .363 3 4 50 35 .5$8 73 129 42 2 38 45 10 .397 5 162 .436 1 8 28 23 37 2 45 .582 82 (l) Total..................................................... 198 2,860 .502 201 4,319 .534 j 0) Total inside and outside.................... 201 40,508 29 100 Total outside...................................... 1 Less than one-half of l per cent. 71 100 87 1 .699 I 1 I i 5 5 4 5 j1 2 o 12 1 1 7 1 4 m 1 5 5 3 l 3 27 1 1 18 10 17 59 8 13 53 ~~16~ 5 5 19 0) GENERAL, TABLES, Ohio............................................................. Oklahoma................................................... Pennsylvania............................................. Tp.rmfiSSftfi . . n. Utah............................................................. West Virginia............................................ Other States............................................... 3 27 2 11 0) 0) ft 1 7 9 3 \ (l) C1) J .—AVERAGE FULL-TIME EARNINGS, AVERAGE EARNINGS ACTUALLY RECEIVED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919 AND 1920, BY OCCUPATIONS. T able Year. Number of employees whose earnings in a half-month pay-roll period were— Aver age full time Num earn Num ber of ings ber of em in a mines. ploy half ees. month $10 and un der $15. $15 and un der $20. $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 and and and and and and and and and and and un un un un un un un un un un un der der der der der der der der der der der $25. $30. $35. $40. $45. $50. $60. $70. $80. $90. $100. $100 and un der $110. $110 and un der $120. Cagers................................. Drivers.............................. Laborers............................ Laborers, company min ers’ 1 ............................... Laborers, consideration miners’ 2 ....................... Laborers, contract min ers’ .................................. Machinists....................... . Masons............................... 1919 1920 19 9 632 308 58.92 59.35 54.26 55.63 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 6 2 ..... 9 1 4 8 7 4 2 3 1 9 4 10 11 12 6 2 4 26 29 5 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 97 71 4 7 1 1 2 8 7 41 38 71 42 85 60 1 41' 234 13 118 5 4 5 7 5 9 6 12 11 25 6 12 15 7 9 13 * 59 36 17 1 2 3 74 40 32 42 27 10 9 6 19 20 32 42 32 33 4 2 5 9 28 27 10 10 2 2 6 4 19 12 2 1 90 37 28 19 324 179 19 16 43 31 135 86 4 6 20 16 36 40 2 2 4 2 8 17 153 89 53 23 19 7 5 5! 6 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 7 3 1 14 11 18 12 2 18 14 1 28 10 1 31 10 1 24 12 28 11 3 8 13 6 67 25 14 8 1 1 39 27 10 4 11 1 11 9 16 5 16 5 11 9 18 4 4 8 7 7 14 10 72 53 13 1 81 39 67 31 3 55 37 2 53 34 1 81 34 3! 82 54 1 102 64 4 369 166 7 385 203 15 1 22 14 226 211 12 3 8 4 77 86 6 7 6 1 1 7 6I 4 3 2 2 27 16 46 36 134 92 9 2 229 125 21 18 380 2o2 1920 10 202 60.71 50.97 7 5 1 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 21 14 11 9 12 6 1,855 1,191 67 19 41 29 71.57 76.00 67.80 65.46 64.59 64.85 49.99 55. 77 64.29 85.18 64.56 66.82 67 41 74 32 91 40 2 | 1 ! 1 1 v 1 •1 1 7 5 2 3 ____ 1____ 8 7 6 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 22 20 9 30 7i 3 4 1I........ 21 ____ 1. l 3 9 10 2 1 1 MINING, Engineers.......................... 13 8 17 14 22 16 17 15 20 14 22 14 17 14 22 16 1 COAL Door tenders (boys)........ 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 30 $66.26 $73.56 20 64.85 71.44 116 62.83 62.80 111 63.79 68.97 234 58.24 65.78 197 57.89 66. 75 342 56.85 55.62 233 56. 58 58.53 247 35.23 33.66 156 34.24 31.36 479 55.86 52.66 272 55.73 52.83 121 63.25 70.34 100 65.02 67.41 1,200 58.80 55.13 736 58.40 56.56 IN Car runners....................... $140 and $lo0 un and der over. $150. EARNINGS Bratticemen...................... $130 and un der $140. ! Inside work. Blacksmiths...................... $120 and un der $130. AND Aver age earn ings $5 in a half Un and month der un $5. der $10. a Sffi* period. period. HOUES Occupation. -J to Miners, o.ompanv. ........... Miners, consideration___ Miners, contract.............. Mot ormen.................. Pumpmen.. Timbermen___ Total inside........... 1919 1920 22 12,215 16 8,308 1919 1920 1919 1920 3919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 19 15 22 16 22 15 22 16 15 10 19 16 22 16 22 16 18 12 22 16 21 16 20 14 21 15 21 14 54.79 56.42 64.24 64.33 79.56 84. 86 72.78 73.02 59.84 57.69 70.42 70.46 58.97 61.66 65.44 69.85 14 13 4 75. 59 79.95 65.18 68.56 140 88 54.47 57.61 64.02 64.40 51.81 51.09 63.22 61. 45 50.81 50.57 50.27 50.18 63.00 68.65 63.98 63.89 45.93 47.72 49.69 49.61 50.14 50.33 57.85 57.73 48.58 49.12 48.18 47.52 56.82 56.62 71.96 76.86 60.65 59.31 74.29 74.64 49.73 51.32 49.83 53.60 73.80 74.81 64.62 66.71 53.70 52.59 51.94 51.94 54.92 53.51 72.81 76.58 56.58 50.60 51.13 53.27 2 1 656 65.12 367 64.90 498 71.19 480 73. 88 4,887 94.29 3,188 104.79 247 62.47 202 62. 20 190 56.20 178 55. 74 104 73.09 99 70.61 136 68.69 97 64.67 163 63.89 123 64.80 19 4 32 19 6 2 54 11 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 219 100 22 10 5 8 56 13 2 1 1 2 1 31 11 10 9 34 26 g 1 2 1 1 20 6 6 6 59 33 4 1 2 1 2 19 3 9 12 69 39 8 1 6 3 2 1 4 3 3 1 241 100 228 117 246 124 17! 15 10 8 70 42 3 1 2 5 1 16 9 21 18 85 56 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 237 163 305 217 378 213 368 274 1 1 2 2 3 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 7 10 2 2 5 1 7 26 9 19 25 107 62 4 1 3 8 2 1 3 2 4 3 1 4! 2', 41' 21' ! 2 1 8I 12 23 1i 1....... 1......... 1, 2 2! 51 25! 1 1 4 2 ........1 7 12 33; 88 742, 578 392 266 154! 981 51 58 83 98 454 382 302 211 139j 1 6 41 31 I 1 2 42 29 ! 6 2 j 6 ! 3 19 1 4 16 2 1 ........1........ 11 5! 3 1 7 5 2 j 4 24 4! j 11 3 81 i 98 51 88 504 2,140 2,396 1,837 1, 147 750 441 275 156 59 99 84 336 1,265 1,597 1,400 805 533 350 229 155 20 16 11 24 126 76 4 8 9 15 70 49 50 37 422 215 n 18 69 33 6 4 19 14 28 11 206 116 1IS 89 624 375 56 38 49 61 14 28 48 33 58 55 89 45 148 182 793 509 79 54 36 32 54 41 20 19 30 30 11 22 27 4 3 55 23 13 18 25 17 28 22 12 16 38 18 16 17 346 189 68 45 10 9 16 17 44 14 13 13 11 10 19 16 42 36 11 4 18 10 49 37 129 123 14 9 180 105 47 24 14 19 7 5 23 23 14 5 8 6 18 10 48 35 4 3 Outside work; Ashmen Blacksmiths. Cagers.............. Carpenters... Car runners___ Dumpers. .. Engineers.............. Firemen............... Jig runners.. Laborers............ Loaders........ Machinists... Oilers................... Platemen...................... | ! 72 53 60 39 119 84 250 163 83 46 88 57 248 185 314 217 81 54 1,211 718 199 142 112 117 77 42 180 112 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 8 1 2 5 1 5 2 2 ] 1 ] 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 6 2 1 2 10 6 22 3 3 2 1 1 1 19 13 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 18 7 3' 1 27 11 2 2 3 1 4 3 1 Figures for 1919 include laborers, consideration miners’ 2 2 2 2 5 1 2 1 21 15 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 2 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 ] 1 4 1 3 60 27 3 7 1 1 3 11 5 6 2 3 2 3 1 6 3 10 5 64 55 6 8 3 1 7 4 5 I 86 46 11 9 2 7 2 9 7 10 3 16 6 2 9 17 9 3 17 10 9 13 6 3 13 9 f} i3 174 150 27 24 3 3 11 8 38 33 4 82 52 60 34 13 5 136 69 20 8 22 30 11 1 14 5 1 14 9 9 5 50 29 2 1 1 63 47 15 7 6 41 21 4 9 16 34 9 2 9 9 ! 10 5 3 4 24 22 1 1 3 1 1 15 10 12 3 20 14 23 17 3 10 4 6 1 2 1 22 11 2 1 7 4 2 5 3 1 1 3 2 Figures for 1919 included with. laborers, company miners'. 2 3 2 TABLES. 19 11 10 10 22 16 19 15 18 14 21 15 15 13 22 16 GENERAL 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 J .—AVERAGE FULL-TIME EARNINGS* AVERAGE EARNINGS ACTUALLY RECEIVED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919 AND 1920, BY OCCUPATIONS—Concluded. T able Year. of employees whose earnings in a half-month pay-roll period were— $80 $90 $100 $110 $120 and and and and and un un un u n un der der der der der $90. $100. $110. $120. $130. $130 and un der $140. $140 and $150 un and der over. $150. EABNIETGS Outside work— Qoncl&. Repairmen.................... Slaters (boys)................. Timber cutters.............. 1919 1920 3, 1 2 8 4 2 1 11 5 17 10 21 14 2 2 2 5 64 39 1 159 52 1 2 2 193 146 1 1 61 51 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 36 12 i3 4 47 29 11 7 21 4 3 1 33 28 5 5 17 16 10 1 2 1 1 7 3 13 9 10 11 2 4 804 487 639 472 484 281 9 6 1 10 4 1 3 1 1 54.37 55.81 42 16 50 12 52 29 65 31 119 54 211 82 281 206 191 141 183 97 367 313 260 180 123 76 32 28 16 5 9 3 2 2,513 50.81 51.70 16,175 10,821 69.57 73.39 62.55 65.60 182 104 269 112 293 129 293 14S 365 178 448 245 586 423 569 354 551 371 §71 2,944 3,035 2,321 1,407 649 1,752 2,069 1,681 915 873 609 473 378 291 234 165 158 100 99 51 59 88 84 M IN IN G , Total inside and outside.............. 1919 1920 1 COAL Total outside:___ 1 1ST Trackmen....................... 113 $54.31 $59.90 21 53.71 58.24 580 33.41 29.95 345 33.95 30.51 115 50.67 58.91 92 50.40 57.31 28 53.40 55.26 26 51.10 60.43 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 1919 1920 AND $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 *60 $70 and and and and and and und and un un un un un un un un der der der der der der der der $30. $35. $40. $45. $50. $60. $70. $80. HOL'KS Occupation. Number Aver age earn ings $5 $10 $15 $20 in a half Un and and and and month der un un un un pay $5. der der der der roll $10. $15. $20. $25. roll" period. period. Aver age full time Num Num ber of earn ings ber of em mines. ploy in a half ees. month -3 K .—AVERAGE FULL-TIME EARNINGS, AVERAGE EARNINGS ACTUALLY RECEIVED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES. T able Occupation and State. Num Num ber of ber of emmines. ploy- Average Aver age full time earn earn ings in $5 $10 ings in a half- Un and and a half- month der un un month der der 3£- $5. $10. $15. 'rofl" period. period. Number of employees whose earnings in a half-month pay-roll period were— $15 $20 $2o $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $60 $70 $80 and and and and and and and and and and and un un un un un un un un un un un der der der der der der der der der der der $20. $25. $30. $35. $40. $45. $50. $60. $70. $80. $90. $90 and un der $100. $100 and un der $110. $120 and un der $130. $130 and un der $140. $140 and $150 un and der otar. $150. GENERAL i j Inside work. $110 and un der $120. Brakemen: Alabama........ Colorado......... Total. Bratticeraen and timbermen: Alabama.............................. Colorado............................... Illinois.................................. Indiana................................ Iowa..................................... Kansas. Kentucky Maryland. 148 1,005 24 57 156 44 64 34 56 48 60.69 45.05 69.85 65.07 50. OOi 65.25 65.24 52.82! 62.1* 2 1 3 3 1 2 4 1 1 3 2 2 ..... 1' 3 2 i 1 2 2 3! 31 2 5 6 6! 1 1 6 I 1 1 li 1 1 1 5 2 6 2 10 4 1| 2! 9 3 8 2 8 6 44.22\| s; 30 31 39 41i ! 28.61)! ,Jj I 0 1 *1 46.50;. i 62.64 ....... . 54.93 . 3' 42.20 l1 43.31' 5 0 1 1 1 1 *6 16 1 7 1 ..... 2 10 7j 1 4. 6 4 2 5 7 2 6 6 8 14 25 4 4 9 9 3 ...... . . . . . 1~ i 2! 3 3j 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 4 4 23 4 2 4 2 1 27 ’ ’ *32 1 ^ 4 6 4 17 6 6 8 4 9 2 10 10 44 72 111 138 2 5 2 1 3 4 2 5 4 1 1 5 6 15 6 1 8 3 3 si 1 3 20 4. 2 9 14 i 1 5 17 10 2 1 25 6 2 11 3 5. 1 10 17 8 4 1 28 6 5 3 11 1 46 18 3 6 2 i 3 5 1 3 4 10 1 72 3 3 15 2 130 159 122 4 16| 9, S' 6 10 S' 1 9 48 18 7 9 16 S 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 27 2 1 16 6 2 1 2 1 46 24 7 2 1 1 20 8 s 38 3 18 "*i$ 5 1' 2 1 3 TABLES, 18 $36.53 $34.70 71 64.83 49.20 64.26 38.95 49.12 36.24 60.74 47.87 65.00 38.90 124 50.95 42.31 29 62.02 48.87 14 65.00 47.50 27 70.16 48.47 36 63.04 54.15 6 65.00 65.20 289 70.95 53.37 33 40.82 26.26 19 71.55 52.86 65 45.58 25.43 1 91 55.12 100 51 10 22 Illinois... ....... Indiana........... Iowa.. . *........ Kansas............ Kentucky....... Maryland........ Missouri.......... New Mexico... Ohio....... ........ Oklahoma....... Pennsylvania.. Tennessee....... Utah............... Virginia.......... West Virginia. i 1 2 1 3 2 ! 2 1 1 2 C7T K .—AVERAGE FULL-TIME EARNINGS, AVERAGE EARNINGS ACTUALLY RECEIVED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, BITUMINOUS COAL MINES,1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. T able period were— $100 and un der $110. $110 and un der $120. $120 and un der $130. $130 and un der $140. $140 and $150 un and der over. $150. AND .... ......... 163 932 62.97 51.78 6 36; ' ir 111 12 2 8 5 13, 2 4 15 39 43 19 31 2 16 11 32 5 7 71.12 64.59 50.80 65.32 65.52 64.48 70. 84 65.00 66.29 70. 45 58. 70 59.39 53.81 39.40 51.00 51.42 70.68 43.57 69.09 58.41 51.89 57.73 90 220 63.20 51.72 1 3 1 1 3 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 19 19 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 9 5 1 2 3 7 3 2 1 1 6 ! . 11 2 100 215 192 87 40 1 14 6 3 4 1 6 6 5 6 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 lj 1 ........i ____ 1____ ; 1 1 j 2I........1........ 7 I 1 3 1 8 4 3 11 1 6 1 5 5 3 2 3 11 1 2 3 1 6 3 10 4 10 11 2 73 1 4! 10 10 15 17 1 1 1 3 2 38 13 35 6 1 54 1 27 1 1 10 7 5 14 44 5 4 4 46 I ! I 3 1 2 2 3 3 26 1 1 1 8 20 ""2 2 3 5 4 2 1 1 2 2 30 5 >1 25 4 4 1 5 1 < 2 1 1 231 7 1 12 4 2 M IN IN G . - 41 5 i 10 4 1 1 1 1 1 COAL Total 29 19 $65.24 $50.76 23 71. 53 63.67 70 65. 24 66.45 51 65.16 58.14 172 68.79 55.77 IS 36.46 29.97 10 71.91 61.50 19 49. 95 25.67 54 56. 97 50.70 15 70.48 38.38 IN Total................................ Cagers: Colorado.................................. Illinois............... Indiana........................................... Iowa................... Kansas........................................... Maryland... . Missouri......................................... Ohio.. . . . Pennsvl vania................................ Wyoming.............. Other States.. 4 5 11 6 EABNINGS Inside work—Continued. Brattieemen and timbermen—Con Missouri......................................... New Mexico........................... Ohio................................................ Oklahoma............................... Pennsylvania................................ Tennessee .. U t a h ............. Virginia. . West Virginia........................ Wyoming . . . 1 4 1 8 1 2 4 9 1 1 42 37 1 26 HOUES Occupation and State. Number of employees whose earnings in a half-month pay-roll Aver age Aver full age Num time earn Num ber of earn ings in $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 330 $35 $40 $45 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 ber of em ings in a half Un and and and and and and and and and and and and and and mines. ploy a half month der un un un un un un un un un un un un un un ees. month $5. der der der der der der der der der der der der der der $£• $10. $15. $20. $25. $30. $35. $40. $45. $50. $60. $70. $80. $90. $100. period. period. -jf 05 1 1 1 Drivers: Alabama.. Colorado.. Illinois. . . Indiana.. Iowa........ Kansas. . . Kentucky Missouri. New Mexico... Ohio................. Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. Tennessee........ Utah................. Virginia........... West Virginia. Wyoming......... 8 3 2 1 2 1 11 3 1 1 4 18 8 12 7 2 3 2 5 4 3 2 7 1 2 1 2 7 IS 14 15 2 7 1 1 1 14 7 2 2 4 1 1 1 fi 4 4 2 1 1 4 30 19 42 26 63 25 12 7 14 25 15 23 2 1 6 2 2 3 2 7 9 17 23 9 13 19 14 8 12 2 1 2 4 4 13 2 1 2 3 6 5 3 45 10 7 7 5 2 42 9 13 3 27 19 "* ’59 11 2 11 2 8 j 11 2 11 1 3 § (j 8 14 6 1 4 13 3 24 3 2 11 1 1 12 4 13 14 23 5 8 1 98 10 2 11 15 39 1 1 fi 1 6 74 12 12 36 30 2 3 6 2 3 6 20 3 15 20 40 17 10 1 8 276 12 1 12 3 1 “ 5 2 8 2 j 5 8 1 8 1 16 16 3 6 185 3 20 3 92 2 2 2 1 5 1 85 9 10 3 19 75 4 34 31 6 84 6 8 5 4 2 51 74 15 5 63 16 15 5 27 48 25 16 19 16 6 3 21 3 11 4 3 19 24 63 29 10 1 20 6 2 1 6 1 29 13 15 8 8 2 18 8 78 3 321 409 313 116 43 8 3 12 6 2 10 51 26 25 61 48 16 42 25 14 39 17 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 6 4 12 16 6 7 3 2 1 4 6 6 9 1 7 1 7 4 6 5 1 8 13 31 44 47 53 146 133 7 59 5 19 11 8 2 1 18 9 12 3 19 6 12 8 17 7 18 5 6 1 1 2 17 6 4 6 2 13 15 2 14 5 3 5 2 2 1 14 5 9 1 1 8 1 1 9 91 137 182 184 204 234 403 316 133 37 25 8 4 20 18 30 87 168 22 40 35 322 78 11 21 4 13 3 3 34 196 75 14 30 198 34 14 8 2 1 12 4 11 6 3 17 156 134 9 9 6 10 144 17 105 28 116 31 9 62 113 23 105 38 12 112 12 11 175 175 3 44 6 4ft 23 22 39 52 416 211 7 161 54 23 347 ■■■■■ - 2 7 2 1 6 28 1 2 284 2 32 3 1 8 31 35 153 81 7 3 1 13 49 108 5 27. 4 11 9 2 2 7 11 29 9 1 20 10 36 3 2 18 18 49 46 7 3 3 31 7 2 7 16 28 33 106 1 2 7 5 26 .33 218 65 7 73 27 78 32 31 94 ] 17 24 70 30 52 1 1 10 115 3 1 5 21 6 1 7 74 6 66 7 3 30 16 TABLES, Total___ Loaders: Alabama___ Colorado___ Illinois.......... Indiana........ Iowa.............. Kentucky... Missouri........ New Mexico. Ohio.............. 1 2 1 1 Utah. Virginia........... West Virginia. Wyoming........ 6 5 13 12 3 15 30 5 75 40 27 9 6 6 2 2 192 98 90 GENERAL Total. Laborers: Alabama......... Colorado.......... Illinois............. Indiana............ Iowa................. Kansas............ Kentucky....... Maryland........ Missouri........... New Mexico... Ohio................. Oklahoma....... Pennsylvania. 4 4 5 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 119 19 18 319 15 254 1 3 34 -a -a K .—AVERAGE FULL-TIME EARNINGS, AVERAGE EARNINGS ACTUALLY RECEIVED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Concluded. T able Aver- 00 Number of employees whose earnings in a half-month pay-roll period were— Aver age Num time earn Num ber of earn ings in $5 ber of em ings in a half mines. ploy a half- month Un and un der ees. month $5. der $10. *rofl" period. period. fX a 135 $72.97 $48.53 4,117 84.67 55.21 119 62.67 33. 235 99.14 57.95 230 66.16 38.93 749 88.05 47.53 74 81.42 45.85 50.51 455 1,268 1,669 525 962 New Mexico,................ Ohio............................. Oklahoma,,...................... Pennsylvania.............. Tennessee,....................... TTtah........................... West Virginia.................... Wyoming......................... . Other States..................... . 192 491 629 528 13 354 1,859 367 206 168 169 42 59.53 80.85 79.20 50.68 73.23 82.62 59.13 99, 64.20 74.74 80.79 85.52 98.60 62.96 97.75 101.41 109.88 112.95 40.41 47.42 47.72 36.47 43.37 42.75 34-49 50.57 36.42 52.12 63.56 53.82 57.49 34.08 57. 52.58 57.09 54.04 Total.................... . 143 11,379 80.83 47.12 M issouri,,.,,.,..,..,...... V 33 7 130 319 352 459 8 16 74 23 66 6 3 14 344 5 29 30 54 22 665 20 599 2 15 427 30 5 295 3 16 42 29 735 1 4 924 1,009 1,157 1,113 2,170 1,713 1,154 21 31 95 128 42 92 157 74 85 145 18 46 70 117 25 16 51 19 80 61 128 18 18 76 33 *i4 ’ *2i 62 43 49 6 11 2 47 4 367 10 22 770 88 119 224 10 356 624 47 16 10 232 14 491 633 821 21 48 100 172 66 96 154 23 47 55 119 152 66 99 154 10 74 35 41 69 37 109 37 30 ‘ *25 117 125 43 39 1 19 10 11 6 2 12 12 49 111 134 32 114 139 17 63 57 42 1 8 31 155 34 13 19 17 19 12 63 216 215 53 185 45 148 225 30; 84! 24 115 3! 93! 301 61 212 12o; 66 84 3 42 315 40 33 23 33 4 2 36 262 10 27 21 15 100 172 12 43 bo 2 22 212 2 134 28 15 9 9371,03911,0371,0241,7201,240 §03 443 1 3 14 2 11 2 2 10 96 8! 16 S 2 166 1 £ 10 376 14 37 31 7 7 ”2’ 49 76 39 3 32 17 **2; 6 44 1 19 2 6 27 U 158 M IN IN G , 81.24 171 18 4 17 48 11 4 12 I2ST- GOAL 128 13,345 Tptal............................ Miners, hand: Alabam a,...,....... Colorado............................. Illinois.............................. . In d ia n a ,.,,,...,............. . Iowa ........... Kansas,*..................... . Kentucky,........................ Maryland...,.................... 12 7 107 EARNINGS v j r g a i i ; .*’ *.** ,*:;::::; West Virginia.................... Wyoming...................... $35 $40 $45 $50 $60 $70 $80 $100 $110 $120 $130 $140 and and and and and and and and and and and and and $150 un un un un un un un un un un un un un and der der der der der der der der der der der der der over. $40. $45. $50. $60. $70. $80. $90. $100. $110. $120. $130. $140. $150. AND Inside work—Concluded Loaders—Concluded. Oklahoma..................... Pennsylvania..................... Tennessee........., .............. . $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 and and and and and un un un un un der der der der der $15. $20. $25. $30. $35. HOURS Qeaupation and State. 220 127 67 30 16 Miners, machine: Colorado........... Illinois............. Indiana............ Iowa................. Kentucky........ Missouri........... New Mexico... Ohio................. Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. Tennessee........ Utah................. Virginia........... West Virginia. Other States... Total......... 120 1,721 98.45 67.75 9 42 52.97 69.19 5 9 12 3 1 23 4 4 22 17 26 34 59 55 24 69,58 65.27 29 66.06 53.52 11 67.91 67. 75 41 62.37 48.89 13 66.74 57.33 8 67.50 60.04 4 79.23 55.41 10 76.27 70.95 15 83.50 98.99 122 77.43 72.39 7 42.25 40.99 14 32 22 1 7 5 15 7 16 1 96 1. 3 5 9 12 2 11 10 1 2 21 35 “ 2* 12 12 2 4 4 43 3 7 2 139 **3 ! 23 9 30 *i9 ’ *i7 ‘ 1 11 .... . ‘ *2 1. 3. 3. 101 1 13 4 2 6 8 12 79 120 179 8 . 34 3* 1. 4 3 134 6 7 5 ... 8 2. 3. 2. 3 19 15 65 38 1. 4 32 2 4 18 14 1 2 2 **i ’ 9 12 2 11 7 3 5 46 3 3 7 17 17 26 2 38 1 19 2 4 4 38 23 33 17 1 6 3. 12 **5 ‘ 4. 14 1 5 41 27 42 33 2 3. 47 *43 ' *52 ’ 162 11 15 71.66 53.15 113 56.26 47.44 30 65.68 58.74 12 53.83 12 68.16 56.63 58 65.17 71.19 272 72. 85 62.14 21 50.53 41.52 20 74.12 58.44 59 51.51 32.77 73 58.45 45.98 2 65.00 21 37.30 32.40 8 59 20 11 2 68 46.96 53.55 53.51 5 26 1 86 71.88 52.06 60 55.00 37.50 10 66.90 65.40 65.00 3 12 13 12 13 1. 10 **8 7 19 1 2 4 2. " i ’ "i 14 15 23 2 4. 1. 8 1 7 2 1 73 34 23 13 26 6 12 22 TABLES, Total......... Pumpmen: Alabama.......... Colorado........... Illinois............. Indiana............ Kentucky........ Maryland......... Missouri........... New Mexico... Ohio.................. Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. Tennessee........ 73.73 61.02 55.79 52.55 58.62 43.27 76.45 86.96 50.66 72.02 28.25 92.07 52.66 71.90 82.04 GENERAL Motormen: Alabama.......... Colorado........... Illinois.............. Indiana............. Iowa................. Kansas............. Kentucky........ Maryland......... Missouri........... New Mexico.. . Ohio.................. Pennsylvania.. Tennessee........ Utah................. Virginia........... West Virginia. Other States... 66 106. 280 113.26 136 92.47 12 78.49 130 76.54 112 69.38 35 104.23 245 104.32 12 69.28 546 101.64 15 41.87 22 133.34 27 73.52 62 90.67 21 129.61 5. 14 1. 10 164 77 25 11 1. 7 5 5. 6 ‘ *2 1 3. 2 12 1 2 26 2. 3 10 q£> AVERAGE FULL-TIME EARNINGS, AVERAGE EARNINGS ACTUALLY RECEIVED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919 BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Continued. T able K . — $140 and $150 un and der over. $150. 2 1 AND $130 and un der $140. 18 57 190 72 30 31 148 14 20 29 68.35 63. ( 2 I I 61.01' 34. ) 54. 46. ) 44. ] 56. ) 45. ) 40. I 51. \ 48.27J 57. ( I 27 67 68. ( ! 28 26 62 98 13 48.? 60. ( 33.; 53.1 29. ( 46.1 55.5 11 210 4 1 > L ) < I 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 10 8 1 6 4 6 6 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 9 1 5 1 1 2 1 13 10 2 6 1 8 2 2 15 31 17 1 I 1! 1 ! 1! 4 74 39 18 35 2 7 2 11 51 8 3 2 1 5 1 7 2 1 1 1 7! 25 3! 54 4 17 2 27 3 9 5 10 4 3 21 7 i U 1 5 1 5 1 237 194 87 22 17 31 1 1 7 2 1 2 7 4 1 4 ; 1 12 2 5 5 15 4 1 4 14 1 3 4 4 30 7 3 2 10 1 5 23 19 4 5 26 3 4 1 1 13 2 ? 6 7 4 2 4 2 •17 6 2 8 54 30 7 10 26 3 4 4 4 1 47 29 40 99 136 33 9 7 2 5 0 5 1 2 13 10 1 61 86 4 11 3 1 1 50 13 I 3i 5 21 5 1 ...... ; 8 1 6 ) 1 2 1 11 1 2 1 11 2 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 1 1 i 1 ) \ 1 1 2 1 15 12 6 7 6 2 2 2 1 31 14 7 MINING, 344 1 > I COAL Total......... 117 $69.67 48.78 58.10 79.63 68.34 IN Total. Trackmen: Alabama.......... Colorado........... Illinois.............. Indiana............ Iowa................. Kansas............. Kentucky........ Maryland......... Missouri........... New Mexico... Ohio.................. Oklahoma........ Pennsylvania.. Tennessee........ Utah................. Virginia........... West Virginia. Wyoming........ 15 EAENINGS Inside work—Concluded. Pumpmen—Concluded. Utah........................................ Virginia.................................. West Virginia........................ Wv HOUES Occupation and State. Number of employees whose earnings in a half-month pay-roll period were Aver age Aver age full 1 Num time earn Num ber of earn ings in $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 $110 $120 ber of em ings in a half Un and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and mines. ploy a half month der un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un ees. month der der der roSl” $5. $10. $15. $20. der der der der der der der der der der der der der der $25. $30. $35. $40. $45. $50. $60. $70. $80. $90. $100. $110. $120. $130. pr&- period. period. <*> ° 2 1 2 3 Trappers (boys): Alabama...................... Colorado....................... Illinois.......................... Indiana......................... Iowa............................. Kansas......................... Kentucky.................... New Mexico................ I Ohio.............................. to Oklahoma.................... ^ Pennsylvania.............. I Tennessee.................... W Virginia........................ West Virginia............. rOther States................ ro co _ , Total...................... 103 Total inside.......... 17.35 29. 37 23. 72 17.56 18. 78 23. 536 34. 64 24.26 .10 30,189 76.36 9.06 434 20. 33. 31. 26. 28. 1J 17. 25. 15. ? 1 [ 2 1 1 4 4 1 4 1 2 23 rj 1 5 6 27 4 8 3 4 1 8 6 4 1 2 10 2 124 91 26 21 2 1 17 2 1 4 1 ? 9 1 16 2 18 59 4 17 1 6 17 3 2 1 8 13 21 ! 3 I; 1 1 1 7 58 14 74 113 j ! I 1 ____ 1........ 2 6 3 1 1 4 f i j 1 1 2 3 1 1 g 5 1 17 10 10 9 1 820 1,046 1,394 1,696 2,104 2,632 2,930 3,217 3,361 5,848 4,575 2,765 1,589 838 441 256 104 Outside work. Total...................... Carpenters: Alabama...................... Colorado....................... Illinois.......................... Indiana........................ Iowa............................. Kansas......................... Kentucky.................... 55. 56 40.94 72.05 69. 40 69.98 60.60 53. 35 60.41 68. 91 63.92 71.39 78.65 59. 03 52.99 66. 78 50. 93 70.44 59.50 74.00 75.45 6S. 21 73.98 71.66 70.08 73. 83 62.47 39. 92 36. 45 73. 74 71.00 50.27 41.97 68. 32 62.80 70.26 63.78 187 376 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 2 2 6 1 1 J 1 1 2 1 2 ] 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 2 62.47 4 39.23 77.98 63.14 53.44 64.15 26.77 66.31 62.08 51.28 39.46 63.00 40.60 2 6 3 2 1 2 5 1 2 1 5 2 1 7 2 6 13 5 5 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 5 16 1 3 2 37 2 3 9 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 82 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 84! 25 1 1 3 7 2 5 66 13 1 9 1 18 2 4 9 4 17 4 1 9 1 3 5 3 L 1 3 1 2 2 2 6 2 10 1 3 5 2 6 2 6 1 1 1 11 2 1 2 1 6 12 3 4 4 1 1 1 5 2 12 8 6 4 4 3 3 3 21 1 1 2 3 2 o 5 1 1 1 67.54 48.45 1 1 2 34 37 TABLES, Blacksmiths: Alabama...................... Colorado....................... Illinois.......................... Indiana........................ Iowa............................. Kansas......................... Kentucky.................... Maryland..................... Missouri........................ New Mexico................ Ohio.............................. Oklahoma.................... Pennsylvania.............. Tennessee.................... Utah............................. Virginia........................ West Virginia............. Wyoming..................... 68 GENERAL <31 1 22.63 42. 81 37.99 26.97 34. 62 35.87 31.31 40. 65 35.97 34.92 36.89 23.26 33.28 43. 39 37.17 1 00 K .—AVERAGE FULL-TIME EARNINGS, AVERAGE EARNINGS ACTUALLY RECEIVED, AND NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919, BY OCCUPATIONS AND STATES—Concluded. T able Number of employees whose earnings in a half-month pay-roll period were— $15 and un der $20. $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 and and and and and un un un un un der der der der der $25. $30. $35. $40. $45. $45 and un der $50. $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 $110 and and and and and and and un un un un un un un der der der der der der der $60. $70. $80. $90. $100. $110. $120. $120 and un der $130. $130 and un der $140. $140 and $150 un and der over. $150. AND 110 ............................... Wyoming...................................... Colorado........................................ Illinois............................................ Indiana.......................................... Iowa........................................... Kansas........................................... Kentucky...................................... Maryland....................................... Missouri......................................... New Mexico.................................. Ohio............................................... Oklahoma...................................... Pennsylvania............................... Tennessee...................................... 4 17 16 11 11 12 5 5 11 3 4 3 20 6 12 51 56 23 20 15 0 7 21 29 7 17 49 1$ 29 2 1 2 2 1 J 1 3 3 1 11 1 3 2 1 2 12 14 16 26 5 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 West Virginia 1 64.10 56.43 3 51.38 72.36 74.65 79.54 77.22 81.30 64.36 75.44 72.17 75. 31 78.61 85.89 74.16 41.53 74.62 46.87 65,94 78.48 77.61 73.28 81.97 61° 84 80.93 69.03 58.30 77.68 84.82 75.23 40.63 67. 34 1 5 4 3 3 1 5 1 20 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 5 2 44 I 1 2 1 63 1 6 6 1 3 1 1 1 4 8 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 5 8 3 19 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 v> 3 10 1 8 39 19 3 20 22 20 8 6 18 l| 2; 2 3 4 1 2 5 2 2 13 1 2 1 10 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 4! 9 1 4 3 3 8... . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 MINING, Engineers: Alabama.................................... m 1 1 1, COAL Total....................................... Oklahoma...................................... Pennsylvania............................. Tennessee......................................................... Utah........................................... s m . 16 160.39 4 64.97 37.36 1/5 72. 79 58.50 ir» 63.68 63.41 0 62.66 57.64 83 68.18 60.38 6 45.63 41.86 10 71.08 67.00 14 59. 35 51.38 4 71.53 70.81 3 49.92 32.95 IK Other States............................... 4 4 8 3 25 2 7 r 3 1 EAENINGS Quteide work— C oncluded. Caroenters—Concluded. Maryland................................... Missouri...................................... New Mexico.................................. Ohio........................................... HOUES Occupation and State. Aver age Aver age full Num time earn Num ber of earn ings in 15 $10 ber of em ings in a half- Un and mines. ploy a half month der and un un ees. month der der $5. a $10. $15. "I S ' period. period. 00 ^ West Virginia Wyoming. . . Other States GENERAL TABLES, Laborers: Alabama Colorado. Illinois Indiana, Iowa Kansas Kentucky Maryland. Missouri, New Mexico Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania, Tennessee Utah Virginia WeSt Virginia W y pining Total outside, Total inside and outside 40,5081 74.43; 49.05 498 911*1,1441,520 311 2,943 3,34 a, 6X8 3,783-6,606 5,149:3,197 X,7S6 467 269 1031 OO OS L . — NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPATIONS, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919. T able HOUES [Although data were secured in 1919 for inside workers in 20 occupations, only 12 of those occupations, representing 92 per cent of the employees, are shown in this table. The other 8 occupations, representing only 8 per cent of the employees, are not shown here, but like data may be found for them in Tables E and J, which include all 20 occupations for inside workers, anthracite mines. Although data were secured in 1919 for outside workers in 18 occupations, only 6 of those occupations, representing 57 per cent of the employees, are shown in this table. The other 12 occupations, representing 43 per cent of the employees, are not shown here, but like data may be found for them in Tables E and J, which include all 18 occupations for outside workers, anthracite mines. For 1920 figures, see T a b l e N.] BRATTICE MEN, INSIDE WORK— 17 MINES. 00 ^ Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— AND 5 15 25 90 10 70 100 110 120 130 30 40 50 60 150 170 190 Under and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and 5 under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under hours and hours. 15 25 10 20 30 40 50 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 150 60 170 190 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. over. 5 4 27 41 COAL 159 6 1 Total., 116 CAGERS, INSIDE WORK— 22 MINES. Under $5..................... $10 and under $15 $15 and under $20 $20 and under $25__ $30 and under $35. . $35 and under $40___ 1 1 ______ i____ 1 3 . 1 | i . 1 1 :::::: 4 ........... i.......... ........... |. . . . 3 ........... ...........1 1 „ 1 1 j 2 1 i ! ! 1 ! ! ........... I ........... j ! 4 4 3 2 3 MINING, 1 10 2 1 27 1 2 IN $5 and under $10___ $20 and under $25... $25 and under $30... $30 and under $35... $35 and under $40... $40 and under $45... $45 and under $50... $50 and under $60... $60 and under $70... $70 and under $80. _. $80 and under $90... $90 and under $100.. $110 and under $120. Total. EARNINGS Earnings in half month. 1 1. $40 and under $45... $45 and under $50... $50 and under $60... $60 and under $70... $70 and under $80... $80 and under $90... $90 and under $100.. $100 and under $110. 19 1 1 24 13 2 37 1 20 26 23 3 4 15 5 9 45 71 32 28 19 7 234 Total. DOOR TENDERS (BOYS), INSIDE WORK— 20 MINES. 1 'i 3 9 i 2 10 *. 8! 64 i 45 26 97 67 15 7 9 20 7 1 44 | J15 30 247 DRIVERS, INSIDE W ORK— 22 MINES. 6 Under $5.................. $5 and under $10... $10 and under $15... $15 and under$20... $20 and wider$25... $25 and under$30... $30 and under$35... $35 and under $40... $40 and under $45... $45 and under$50... $50 and under$60... $60 and under $70... $70 and under$80... $80 and under $90... $90 and under $100.. TABLES, JO j Total............. Total.............. GENERAL Under $5................. $5 and under $10... $10 and under $15.. $15 and under $20.. $20 and under $25.. $25 and under $30.. $30 and under $35.. $35 and under $40.. $40 and under $45.. $45 and under $50.. $50 and under $60.. $60 and under $70.. 7 1 !. 2! 8 7 12 5 i 20 42 6 157 27 24 43 14 13 59 229 SO 19 4 19 I. 'l\ 1 I 20 35 64 191 37 2 1 U 479 00 c* L .—NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPATIONS, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919—Continued. T able 00 ® LABORERS, INSIDE WORK— 22 MINES. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 13 3 3 23 3 2 2 28 5 15 8 10 1 9 2 16 8 1 i j........ i I ! ........ 10 15 y| a 28 35 23 20 27 56 1 1 1 6 1 10 2 2 5 38 4 114 222 28 4 $70 128 $60 and under ....... 1 ......... 71 130 3 1 14 137 14 4i 87 8 1 1 3 20 23 j 2 i ........... |............ 387 j I l i 136 50 4 2 I 4 a i 17 i 1 a 12 21 : ! ! i 1 | I 1,200 MINING, j ; ! ______ i______ 1 1 28 25 1 GOAL 2 | i 1 i IN l■i 14 IS 18 28 31 24 28 39 40 74 3$0 324 135 3a 10 1 13 \ EARNINGS Total................ Total. ! 1 8 15 $70 and under $80 $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100 $100 and under $110 , ! AND Under $5.................... $5 and under $10....... $10 and under $15 $15 and under $20 $20 and under $25 $25 and under $30 $30 and under $35 $35 and under $40 $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 15 25 40 110 120 150 50 90 5 10 20 30 170 60 70 100 130 80 190 Under and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and 5 under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under hours and 15 hours. 130 20 170 150 50 10 25 30 190 110 120 60 100 40 70 80 90 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. over. i HOURS Earnings in half month. LABORERS, COMPANY MINERS’,* INSIDE WORK— 19 MINES. Under $5............. $5 and under $10,___ i„ $10 and under $ 1 5,...!. $15 and under $20— ' $20 and under -$25___j„ $25 and under $30___'. $30 and under $35___ j. $35 and under $40___!. $40 and under $45___ L $45 and under $50___'. $50 and under $60___'. $60 and under $70___' „ $70 and under $80____ $10 and under $90........ $90 and under $100... „ 7 10 11 11 16 16 11 1! 22 ! 18 27 41 234 153 53 19 23 I 4 71 3 20 48 17 184 15 65 17 2 5 . 633 LABORERS, CONTRACT MINERS’, INSIDE WORK— 21 MINES. Vnder | 5 , . , ............... $5 and under $10....... $10 and under $15.... $15 and under$20.... $20 and under $25— $25 and under$30.... $30 and under $35.... $85 and under $40___ $40 and under $45___ $45 and under $50___ $50 and under $60___ $60 and under $70___ $70 and under $80.... $80 and under$90,... $90 and under $100... $100 and under $110. .* $110 and under $120.. Total. 67 74 91 SI 67 53 81 3 1 6 91 100 68 2$ 6 82 102 : 102 | 62 j 26 ! 53 6I 9 39 14 4 1 369 3 385 226 77 22 2{I 21 1,855 18 9 1 ly 15 79 95 133 210 m GBISFEKAI^ TABLES, Total. 14 48 3 259 j i Including laborers, consideration miners’ . OO T a b l e X j. —NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPA TIONS, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919—Continued. 00 00 MINERS, COMPANY, INSIDE WORK— 19 MINES. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— Earnings in half month. Under $5..................... $5 and under $10....... $10 and under $15 $15 and under $20.. $20 and under $25 $25 and under $30 . $30 and under $35.. $35 and under $40 $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $60 and under $70 $70 and under $80 $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 Total................ 5 150 170 10 15 120 130 110 25 100 30 50 80 90 20 40 70 60 190 Under and and hours and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and 5 under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under and hours. 15 10 20 25 130 170 190 30 150 100 110 40 60 80 90 120 50 70 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hoiirs. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. over. 29 2 10 1 12 2 28 3 1 11 14 16 8 1 1 2 29 13 14 I 31 25 27 2 2 656 1 15 30 2 25 44 152 4 1 1 1 22 31 20 19 17 16 26 20 70 205 . 89 44 24 4 2 2 15 23 15 14 Total. 14 32 14 1 I 19 28 31 32 69 157 8 55 5 68 30 29 4 9 18 63 27 2 4 6 4 3 ’ ! 3 ........... 4 i i i j 8 1 5 2 1 6 i , . ! ; i 1 ........... j............ .. « w > w g 3 Q co Q O > t4 % o MINERS, CONSIDERATION, INSIDE W O R K --10 MINES. Under $5.................... $5 and under $10....... $10 and under $15... $15 and under $20 $20 and under $25 $25 and under $30... H o d w Xfl > i ..... [ _____ !______I______ .. .. I .. .. ........... I............ ........... 1............ ........... 1............ 4 6 5 10 6 9 $30 and under $35.... $35 and under $40— $40 and under $45— $45 and under $50— $50 and under $60— $60 and under $70— $70 and under $80___ $80 and under $90— $90 and under $100... $100 and under $110.. $110 and under $120.. $120 and under $130.. 7 16 Total................ 24 10 21 16 1 1 20 21 23 19 15 17 11 32 1 67 95 32 11 2 46 27 24 25 50 118 148 51 75 498 1 12 19 54 56 34 59 69 70 85 107 126 422 624 793 742 578 392 266 154 98 51 MINERS, CONTRACT, INSIDE WORK— 22 MINES. Under $5................... $5 and under $10— $10 and under $15... $15 and under $20... $20 and under $25... $25 and under $30... $30 and under $35... $35 and under $40... $40 and under $45... $45 and under $50... $50 and under $60... $60 and under $70... $70 and under $80... $80 and under $90... $90 and under $100.. $100 and under $110. $110 and under $120. $120 and under $130. $130 and under $140. $140 and under $150. $150 and over........... Total.. 3 4 9 25 76 47 34 30 7 19 894 1,166 88 143 139 148 120 35 36 72 119 296 530 6 17 80 169 217 203 16(» 133 60 48 24 14 19 52 134 261 201 150 107 78 27 18 14 17 28 53 33 21 24 20 7 2 46 2 (; 12 10 12 4 2 11 9 13 1,071 233 74 a H % H W > H > W H m 00 <D L.—NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPATIONS, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919—Continued. T able <g ° MOTORMEN, INSIDE WORK— 19 MINES. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 i 2 4 ry 1 1 1 4 2 3 4 3 o . 2 2 2 3 ti 4 1 1 2 29 31 7 23 27 50 ........... i............ I 1 2 49 i |......................... 25 !........... !............ 1(5 22 i 9 1 1 , 5 ! ! j 1 49 | b7 14 1 4 11 50 79 41 ol O 1 247 M IN IN G , i 4 TRACKMEN, INSIDE WORK—22 MINES. ) 20 JO *5 10 15___ >0 >0 '0..... j 2 2 1 1 2 1 .. ___1 . 1 2 2 3 I 1 2 2 1 9 9 10 1 7 34 1 13 5 4 4 28 i COAL Total................ 1. 1 IN 2 EARNINGS #10 and under $15 $15 and under $20 $20 and under $25___ $30 and under 135 $35 and under $40 $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50 $60 and under $00 $60 and under $70 $70 and under $80 $80 and under $00 $90 and under $100 $100 and under liiu $110 and under $120 Total. AND ! 100 110 130 150 170 90 120 5 50 GO 70 10 25 30 40 SO 15 20 190 and and j and hours and and and and and and and and and and Under and and and and and 5 under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under, under and 170 190 100 120 130 150 70 80 110 hours. 15 30 40 50 10 25 00 90 20 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hour?. hours.; hours. ] HOURS Earnings in half month. 58 r $70 and under $80___I............ $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100 Total................ 2 2 1 1 2 5 6 10 19 1 21 8 _____________ 20 4 3 1 43 35 29 7 30 24 4 103 1 1 CAGERS, OUTSIDE WORK— 22 MINES. 1 i 1 2 1 6 ...........i............ . . 2 Total................ 1 . 1 21 4 1 34 ! 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 2 2 3 1 1 i i 3 : 7 ; 11 3 [ 2 1 1 b 1 1 i ! 15 13 ! i 12 6 1 i 1 1 1 | I 26 119 i 2 m in e s . 1 i ! 1 G ! 1 1 i ! ! j : i 3 2 1 1 o 9 55 19 IS 9 TABLES, 1 2 JIG RUNNERS, OUTSIDE W ORK— n 1 o 32 5 1 Tender $ 5 .. ........... $5 and under $10....... $10 and under $15 $15 and under $20 $20 and under $25 $30 and under $35 $35 and under $40 $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $60 and under $70 $70 and under $80 $SQand under $90 | | 1........... 1............ I | j | ......... j ............j„.......... ! i 2 1 12 2 1 7 9 2 3 . . . 1______ Total................ | 1 j I 1 1 GENERAL $20 and under $25___ $25 and under $30___ $35 and under $40___ $40 and under $45___ $45 and under $50___ $50 and under $60.... $60 and under $70___ $70 and under $80 $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100 i 1 1 9 14 l 10 1 i 1 i ........... 1............ 4 ........... 1............ 2 j 1 1 u 3 i 8 | 4 2 1 1 16 15 8 1 i 5 10 5 6 16 14 13 6 1 Si L.—NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPA TIONS, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919—Continued. T able to DUMPERS, OUTSIDE WORK— 19 MINES. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 15 25 50 80 110 5 10 20 30 40 60 70 90 100 120 130 150 170 190 and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and Under and and hours 5 under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under and 15 25 90 100 110 120 130 150 170 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 190 hours. over. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 8 I ...........I............ 1 ......... 1 . .. 2 8 1 11 2 88 6 11 14 4 4 | 2 1 2 4 |........... 3 1 1 3 8 10 12 11 20 8 LABORERS, OUTSIDE WORK— 22 MINES. Under $5. .... $5 and under $10 . ___ $10 and under $15 __ $15 and under $20.............. $20 and under $25 ___ $25 and under $30 ............... $30 and under $35 ....... $35 and under $ 40................ $40 and under $ 45................ $45 and under $50.................. $50 and under $60.................. 6 4 4 10 13 4 7 1 3 8 10 1 8 11 22 19 18 13 7 1 10 7 1 2 25 1 27 1 8 37 1 3 4 4 57 1 1 13 1 17 78 4 2 17 1 88 140 1 3 4 121 1 4 3 71 1 4 4 5 21 60 64 86 174 346 COAL, MINING. 1 1 3 10 9 28 18 5 1 3 IN $10 and under $15. 1$15 and under $20___ $20 and under $25 $25 and under $30 $30 and under $35. $35 and under $40. $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50. $50 and under $60 $60 and under $70... $70 and under $80. . $80 and under $90. EARNINGS 1 AND 2 2 Total................ Total. HOURS Earnings in half month. ] $60 and under $70.... $70 and under $80___ $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100... Total................ . . . . . . . .! ! ----- [ 1 4 102 6 249 133 187 ! 59 i1 69 4 j 1 6 8 13 11 4 18 20 20 28 19 47 70 113 141 1 45 25 1 13 16 12 5 1 ISO 136 41 6 1 72 52 1,211 PLATEMEN, OUTSIDE WORK— 21 MINES. Total................ 4 ! 1 2 1 | [ ! I 1 ........... I............ j 1 2 l !1 ! . _. . ______!. . 1 . 1 1 2 5 1 1 ....... ! | j : ! i__ | 1 . ; I ........... 1............ i i 1 | . 2 1 4 6 5 13 2 4 19 20 j 16 2 1 6 5 13 1 l 8 9 2 1 2 1 4 3 i 2 8 1 4 6 22 44 22 26 18 7 4 3 2 2 6 3 5 3 9 16 38 44 23 14 9 3 9 180 5 i 1 [ 1 SLATERS (BOYS), OUTSIDE WORK— 21 MINES. 8 11 Under $5................. $5 and under $10... $10 and under $15.. $15 and under $20.. $20 and under $25.. $25 and under $30.. $30 and under $35.. $35 and under $40.. $40 and under $45.. $45 and under $50.. $50 and under $60.. $60 and under $70.. $70 and under $80.. Total............. TABLES, 4 GENERAL Under $5.................... $5 and under $10....... $10 and under $15 $15 and under $20. $20 and under $25 $25 and under $30 $30 and under $35 $35 and under $40... $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60. $60 and under $70. $70 and under $80.. $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100 17 .10 69 j 21 64 159 193 61 16 13 13 3 22 129 34 1 13 15 68 197 29 18 580 CD T able I i.— NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH dO CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPA TIONS, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1919—Concluded. ALL OCCUPATIONS, INSIDE WORK— 22 MINES. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 114 47 10 8 2 2 10 2 6 32 125 55 107 33 6 2 2 21 11 8 3 4 2 1 2 2 10 1 11 0 27 116 74 20 16 90 91 59 16 12 6 6 100 5 160 58 188 173 72 269 301 298 368 570 28 115 150 189 124 107 87 66 25 27 13 10 7 8 9 26 158 321 241 174 160 126 80 49 34 30 49 562 381 293 232 172 142 01 19 48 24 14 19 1,452 2,073 4 987 4 11 39 10 11 3 70 58 9 23 794 851 428 229 157 109 78 27 18 14 11 2,879 1 21 12 1 83 507 202 90 36 23 24 20 9 4 167 379 136 45 11 13 4 3 9 2 13 1,101 793 2 3 6 8 63 135 65 6 2 88 296 12,245 ALL OCCUPATIONS,-OUTSIDE WORK— 22 MINES. Under $5.................... 2 30 $5 and under $1 0 ..... $10 and under $15 $15 and under $20— ...........|............ 6 8 4 25 1 7 14 5 C 3 5 14 23 ii I 18 1 3 3 1 14 4 50 s MINING. 4 2 2 15 1 3 COAL 56 45 32 28 13 9 8 13 140 219 241 228 246 237 305 378 368 504 2,140 2,390 1,837 1,147 750 441 275 156 98 51 IN Total. 6 113 39 AND. EARNINGS Under $5.............. 15 and under $10__ $10 and under $15... $15 and under $20... $20and under $25... $25 and under $30... $80and under $35... $35 and under $40... $4Qand under $45... $45 and under $50... $50and under $60. -. $60and under $70. -. $70and under $80... $80and under $90... $90and under $100.. $100and under $110. $110and under $120. $120 and under $130. $130and under $140. $140and under $150. $150and over........ 150 170 120 130 40 100 15 50 60 70 90 25 30 110 10 20 190 Under and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and hours under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under and Total. 5 190 150 170 hours. 10 90 120 130 60 80 50 70 15 25 100 110 40 20 30 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. over. HOURS Earnings in half month. $20 and under $25.... $25 and under $30— $30 and under $35__ $35 and under $40__ $40and under $45.... $45 and under $50___ $50 and under $60.... $60 and under $70___ $70 and under $80.... $80 and under $90.... 190 and under $100... I1QQ and under $110.. $110 and under $120.. $120 and under $130.. $130 and under $140.. 23 3 22 I 21 2 1I 6 24 15 5 1 19 10 36 31 9 72 34 3 13 5 99 14 1 11 (I 68 10 12 6 37 61 8 42 169 35 6 1 119 22 211 135 67 13 18 2 148 < 342 | 51 1 10 11 280 137 62 28 322 113 38 13 122 2 102 195 84 31 1 1 4 82 79 48 17 4 5 17 30 31 42 15 12 281 191 183 367 804 639 484 260 123 32 16 9 2 Total............... 29 30 14 45 58 173 218 548 768 629 236 163 3,930 Total. 10 10 143 39 5 139 47 10 2 23 121 33 6 2 2 3 2 11 46 148 5$ 21 11 8 4 2 1 2 5 30 7 60 20 101 16 12 6 6 94 65 100 5 5 56 45 32 28 13 9 5 4 2 2 2, 10 190 72 217 194 314 132 269 293 293 365 448 586 569 2 24 45 139 77 359 350 433 048 44 44 24 96 128 160 194 124 107 87 13 79 20 1 4 48 100 4 30 7 19 18 53 218 597 387 294 232 172 142 61 48 24 14 19 1,160 1,670 2,432 66 25 27 13 10 14 125 172 327 241 174 160 126 80 49 34 25 205 125 14 39 171 1,136 902 429 1 363 644 324 11 22 229 157 109 78 27 J 18 ! 14 j m 36 23 24 20 1! | 3,647 1,649 8 20 17 129 489 492 174 47 11 13 4 3 2 9 14 110 258 219 96 6 2 1 1 10 86 89 95 33 6 1 2 13 1,422 661 6 29 88 52 44 22 17 10 2 1 4 724 323 275 871 2,944 3,035 2,321 1,407 873 473 291 165 100 51 16,175 T A B L E S. Under $5................... $5 and under $10.... $10and under $16... $15 and under $20... $20 and under $25... $25 and under $30... $30and under $35... $35 and under $40... $40and under $45... $45 and under $50... $50and under $60... $60and under $70... $70 and under $80... $80and under $90... $90and under $100.. *$100 and under $110. $110 and under $120. $120 and under $130. $130 and under 1140. $140 and under Uso. $150 and over........... GENERAL ALL OCCUPATIONS, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK— 22 MINES. M .—NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPATIONS, BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919 T a b le O HOUES [Although data were secured in 1919 for inside workers in 12 occupations, only 9 of those occupations, representing 90 per cent of the employees, are shown in this table. The other 3 occupations, representing only 10 per cent of the employees, are not shown here, but like data may be found for them in Tables F and' K, which include all 12 occupations for insidjB workers, bituminous mines. Although data were secured in 1919 for outside workers in 5 occupat ions, only 1 occupation (laborers), representing 66 per cent of the employees, is shown in this table. The other 4 occupations, representing 34 per cent of the employees, are not shown here, but like data may be found for them in Tables F and K , which include all 5 occupations for outside workers, bituminous mines.1 BRATTICEMEN AND TIMBERMEN, INSIDE WORK— 163 M INES, IN 18 STATES. CD Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 1 13 5 3 1 12 5 8 1 1 1 7 11 3 8 17 11 1 1 21 23 1 14 9 19 19 2 5 7 16 16 146 1 1 20 1 3 6 46 86 2 6 15 92 10 1 1 4 10 49 1 ' 1 1 21 15 1 1 1 3 24 5 26 46 1 L . 1 5* 73 100 1 1 5 2 I 1 18 3 13 13 2 19 39 47 65 99 194 143 124 66 39 34 215 192 87 40 9 2 2 4 i 12 4 2 932 M IN IN G . 1 7 6 12 71 2 5 2 17 41 COAL 1 Total. IN Total................ 25 150 5 40 50 60 100 15 20 170 30 70 80 10 110 120 130 90 190 Under and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under hours 5 and hours. 15 170 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 25 190 80 120 130 150 90 100 110 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. over. EAENINGS Under $5.................... $5 ar J. under $10....... $10 and under $15___ $15 aird under $20 $20aird under $25___ $25^,nd under $30___ $30 &nd under $35___ $35ajid under $40___ $40 and under $45___ $45 and undet $50___ $50 and under $60... * $60 and under $70. .. $70 and under $80___ $80 and under $90___ $00 and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 AND Earnings in half month. CAGERS, INSIDE WORK— 90 MINES, IN 14 STATES. 24885°—21— Bull. 279- $5 and under $10___ $10 and under $15... $15 and under $20... $20and under $25... $25 and under $30... $30and under $35... $35 and under $40... $40 and under $45... $45and under $50... $50and under $60... $60 and under £70... $70 and under $80... $80 and under $90... $90 and under $100.. $120 and under $130. 7 1 1 1 6 11 30 25 23 42 37 26 7 Total.. 23 26 2 1 220 30 LABORERS, INSIDE WORK— 164 MINES, IN 18 STATES. Under $5.................... $5 and under $10....... $10 and under $15 $15 and under $20 $20 and under $25. $25 and under $30. $30 and under $35 $35 and under $40 $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $60 and under $70.. $70 and under $80 $80 and under $90___ $90 and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 Total ........... 33 62 22 3 7 1 1 33 27 12 25 39 3 11 18 32 29 1 1 ........... i............ 29 4 36 22 4 22 78 22 26 76 31 34 87 82 113 92 1 33 84 10 60 76 14 80 170 158 227 I i 13 23 22 72 8 6 1 1 23 20 19 9 214 3 250 3 19 12 2 16 133 88 2 31 160 4 3 4 12 53 37 ! ........... j............ j I 222 372 265 109 8 7 5 68 6 94 5 20 21 3 49 1 9 19 6 2 1 1 3 2 2 37 9 98 74 74 115 91 137 182 184 204 234 403 316 133 37 25 2,319 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPATIONS, BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919—Continued. T able M . — <0 00 LOADERS, INSIDE WORK— 128 MINES, IN 16 STATES. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 15 5 25 40 70 30 110 '20 60 80 90 10 50 100 120 130 150 170 190 and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under imder under under imder under under under under hours and hours. 10 15 50 20 60 80 25 30 40 70 90 100 120 130 110 150 170 190 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours, hours. hours. over. i .. . Under 5 11 92 66 25 11 7 3 2 2 59 98 72 27 22 9 6 1 1 19 33 46 27 18 11 6 6 4 3 1 14 73 130 151 118 83 45 39 14 23 6 1 1 ......... 1............ 2 41 102 199 295 270 207 174 108 111 38 15 3 5 1 io 56 141 143 263 271 278 240 503 180 59 26 9 4 1 1 12 3S 100 161 254 316 331 508 340 164 75 23 10 4 1 1 17 45 54 138 206 231 470 396 239 122 40 17 8 4 j 1 1 156 124 217 296 174 699 1,571 2,184 2,338 1,989 1 1 1 1 3 16 46 58 86 125 331 350 245 148 69 27 18 2 5 2 3 2 5 19 22 33 40 129 215 233 155 79 34 24 10 4 1 1,536 1,005 1 1 3 3 10 15 70 144 127 146 80 26 9 3 3 640 1 2 2 2 11 18 29 18 17 12 5 1 1 i i 6 13 19 11 18 12 6 1 3 3 2 122 98 4 1 1 13 23 28 35 23 21 13 7 3 173 2 1 1 1 3 2 130 319 352 459 624 770 924 1,009 1,157 1,113 2,170 1,713 1,154 735 376 166 96 35 27 10 6 13,345 MINERS, HAND, INSIDE WORK— 143 MINES, IN la STATES. Under $5.................... $5 and under $10....... $10and under $15.... $15 and under $20___ 18 2 1 69 43 14 2 16 45 17 10 12 50 51 IS 2 39 67 52 1 19 35 34 1 20 97 118 6 45 135 28 76 3 20 119 224 367 491 COAL, MINING. 18 23 64 19 12 6 IN Total................. 80 63 10 2 1 EARNINGS 12 6 AND Under $5..................... $5 and under $10....... $10 and under $15.. $15 and under $20.... $20 and under $25.. $2o and under $30.. $30 ajid under $35.. $35 and under $40.. $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $60 and under $70 , $70 and under $80 $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 $120 and under $130 $130 and under $140 $140 and under $150 $150 and over............ Total. HOURS Earnings in half month. $20 and under $25... $25 and under $30... $30 and under $35... $35 and under $40... $40 and under $45... $45 and under $50... $50 and under $60... $60 and under $70.. * $70 and under $80... $80 and under $90... $90 and under $100.. $100 and under $110. $110 and under $120. $120 and under $130. $130 and under $140. $140 and under $150. $150 and over........... 103 198 184 223 174 151 100 77 60 30 37 25 121 138 41 12 22 9 2 682 Total. 1,450 160 309 342 371 304 268 376 175 62 22 8 2 2,504 35 105 174 254 299 294 490 360 181 75 31 15 16 3 2,385 66 77 124 170 206 433 350 252 126 59 29 12 8 4 1 1,975 1 10 633 8$1 937 1,039 1,037 1,024 1,726 1,240 803 443 16 26 55 67 186 196 174 91 49 37 14 220 127 67 30 16 6 4 1 1 937 li 4 364 210 11,379 16 U&der $5. I*.***.*.. . $5 and under $10.. . $10 and under $15 $15 and under $20 $20 attd under $25 $25 and under $30 $30 and under $35 $85 and under $40 $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $60 and under $70 $70 and under $80 $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 $120 and under $130 $130 and under $140 $140 and under $150 $150 and over......... Total................ 7 11 7 3 1 1 3 9 1 1 2 | 1 I 3 11 1 3 1 1 ! 1 2 3 4 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 ...........i . I ” 1...........■ 7 15 4 10 12 22 17 2 7 26 21 18 23 20 23 9 7 4 5 5 3 1 4 1 1 2 1 9 7 26 6 11 48 41 21 16 11 12 7 3 1 ! 17 11 16 21 20 53 2 4 9 8 18 40 17 33 53 33 20 10 11 11 26 2 4 3 9 69 40 18 16 11 21 5 6 4 4 1 163 220 271 4 1 34 59 55 68 89 133 268 233 162 139 134 101 * 73 ^ 34 23 13 26 c 1 1,721 1 211 1 2 3 6 86 17 18 15 22 16 12 7 2 2 4 19 43 20 24 26 32 16 11 2 6 3 2 2 14 34 26 33 25 11 9 5 11 2 5 2 11 14 5 5 5 8 1 2 1 2 208 207 179 58 2 4 5 3 3 3 1 1 3 5 5 4 1 1 1 3 1 22 30 1 2 GEHERAIi TABLES, MINERS, MACHINE, INSIDE WORK— 120 MINES, IN 16 STATES. 100 M .—NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPATIONS, BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919—Continued. T able MOTORMEN, INSIDE WORK— 154 MINES, IN 17 STATES. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 2 5 7 3 5 8 5 12 12 17 10 1 12 14 24 2 19 9 1 7 4 35 1 3 13 8 58 28 1 1 32 16 78 1 2 23 30 64 6 1 12 3 13 9 8 17 53 39 6 17 20 6 2 22 5 66 111 137 127 120 62 43 49 1 2 1 11 1 1 20 2 1 1 894 TRACKMEN, INSIDE WORK— 187 MINES, IN 18 STATES. Under $5.................... $5 and under $10....... $10 and under $15 $15 and under $20 $20 and under $25 $25 and under $30 $30 and under $35 $35 and under $40 $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $60 and under $70 $70 and under $80. .. 1 14 12 4 15 5 7 6 3 5 2 14 14 ... 4 21 19 20 4 5 17 33 2 3 1 7 15 21 60 2 2 5 15 13 84 7 4 13 19 20 145 4 4 16 49 65 1 11 21 98 12 3 11 20 36 4 5 33 2 3 1 2 1 1 15 31 17 29 40 33 61 86 99 136 237 194 87 MINING, 2 7 12 38 5 COAL 19 1 ........... I............ 4 36 67 13 7 15 19 10 26 31 35 43 79 120 179 164 77 51 25 11 2 IN Total................ 5 2 1 EAENINGS $20 and under $25 $25 and under $30 $30 and under $35 $35 and under $40 $40 and under $45. .. $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $60 and under $70 $70 and under $80 $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 6 3 Total. AND Under $5.................... $5and underpin____ 100 10 15 25 50 90 170 30 40 70 5 110 120 130 80 20 150 60 190 and Under and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and under under under under uuder under under under under under under under under under under under under under hours 5 and 15 20 hours. 190 50 25 110 130 150 170 40 80 30 60 10 120 90 100 70 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. over. HOUES Earnings in half month. r $90 and under $100... $100 and under $110.. $120 and under $130.. Total................ i i i ' ! i ! 1 1 i .......... I........... ............ ............!...........:............. ; ____ !____ _____ _____ i____ i____ ! .......... i........... i........... 1 ! i r i i 1 1 26 4 20 8 30 13 f i 64 ' i f i 12 I 61 .......... 1........... .......... i........... 106 126 16 3 i ! 3 10 4 ...........|........... 204 138 143 70 54 24 20 ! 3 31 14 7 2 3 3 1,122 1 3 2 7 TRAPPERS (BOYS), INSIDE WORK— 103 M INES, IN 17 STATES. Total.............. 2 5 1 2 10 1 . 1 7 2 9 1 24 19 1 1 26 48 3 12 16 52 5 3 1 1 1 12 26 13 4 5 1 13 5 8 12 44 78 12 10 48 12 2 1 1 2 2 1 ...........1........... .. .. i . 1 5 90 58 86 2 1 7 34 7 4 1 56 50 5 4 2 1 62 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 6 4 5 1 10 18 59 124 91 74 113 17 10 10 9 1 536 Total. 275 218 24 4 1 1 47 147 39 22 11 25 243 238 44 29 1 1 5 5 3 12 1 4 120 244 242 57 42 20 2 10 2 40 96 123 60 42 23 18 12 12 7 2 2 36 223 342 405 223 170 105 71 54 49 22 1 4 1 2 111 313 513 726 672 399 3^8 249 272 88 44 16 12 1 1 54 190 3b4 522 801 1,001 596 519 927 396 142 64 28 18 7 4 1 523 277 603 745 437 1,713 3,773 5,634 1 11 63 156 290 440 739 1,172 677 1,032 754 378 170 64 36 31 4 1 6,019 80 146 242 353 552 1,201 1,006 765 507 259 120 51 26 16 8 2 5,371 16 14 81 139 202 281 402 ., 598 585 439 254 140 80 44 15 11 5 15 59 84 109 154 613 842 326 241 137 85 53 25 1 55 15 53 56 239 866 269 225 133 52 25 12 3 8 8 4 6 6 4,311 2, 770 2,030 6 820 1,046 1,394 1,696 2,104 2,632 2,930 3,217 3,361 5,848 4,575 2,765 1,589 838 441 256 104 2 17 4 5 5 20 3 10 65 170 313 43 30 28 44 262 15 10 101 22 26 18 2 6 5 4 4 3 3 706 520 1 1 5 11 35 73 189 79 31 23 14 9 8 487 68 4 j 130 I 43 1 34 37 15 36,189 10 1 Under $5.................. $5 and under $10__ $10 and under $15... $15 and under $20... $20 and under $25... $25 and under $30... $30 and under $35... $35 and under $40... $40 and under $45... $*5 and under $50... $50 and under $60... $60 and under $70... $70 and under $80... $80 and under $90... $90 and under $100.. $100 and under $110. $110 and under $120. $120 and under $130. $130 and under $140. $140 and under $150. $150 and over.......... TABLES. ALL OCCUPATIONS, INSIDE WORK— 201 MINES, IN 18 STATES. GENEKAL Under $5................... i $5 and under $10__ $10 and under $15... $15 and under $20.. $20 and under $25 $25 and under $30 $30 and under $35 $35 and under $40 $40 and under $45.. $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $60 and under $70 102 NUMBER OP EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN A LL OCCUPATIONS, BITUMINOUS COAL MINES, 1919— Concluded. T a b le M . — LABORERS, OUTSIDE WORK—198 MINES, IN 18 STATES. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 43 1 1 10 1 47 3 1 12 28 2 16 2 1 23 51 17 10 21 53 36 30 29 47 53 1 1 11 1 15 43 58 111 157 3 2 10 25 52 216 35 3 6 10 96 111 4 6 1 25 72 25 1 4 8 33 39 9 130 93 ... . .. 92 160 120 217 385 474 388 340 230 6 8 12 7 4 37 7 2 2 3 2 3 1 13 9 2,860 1 1 ALL OCCUPATIONS, OUTSIDE WORK—201 MINES, IN 18 STATES. l 1 1 1 55 Under $5................... 1 6 55 $5 and under $10...... .............. 6 13 13 $10 and under $15 5 38 1 $15 and under $20. ____ $20 and under $25. .......... |........... i...........i........... $25 and under $30— 2 IS 3 2 26 58 22 i i 10 24 58 49 1 30 31 51 9 24 36 1 17 47 ..............!............... i 22 1 ...........i........... 64 91 98 126 152 207 MINING, 44 .......... i........... ____ i____ , 51 20 41 22 52 84 140 135 41 GOAL i . 1 5 1 17 42 55 157 96 IN 8 16 9 23 32 89 56 51 73 80 114 139 180 266 354 339 329 551 263 80 27 8 5 1 EABNINGS Total............... 5 Total. AND Under $5......... ......... $5 and under $10....... $10 and under $15, $15 and under $20 $20 and under $25, $25 and under $30 $30 and under $35__ $35 and under $40 $40 and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $60 and under $70 $70 and under $80., $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100... $100 and under $110.. $110 and under $120 170 150 5 15 130 40 120 10 100 50 110 20 25 70 30 80 90 60 190 and and and Under and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and 5 under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under hours and 190 over. 170 hours. 15 150 10 130 50 120 20 25 60 40 110 30 80 100 70 90 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. HOUES Earnings in half month. 62 170 106 37 3 164 162 15 45 65 135 219 41 3 2 13 31 58 272 148 42 6 11 105 190 66 10 12 40 116 181 5 19 52 107 56 25 311 410 401 422 758 574 432 167 61 26 13 4 1 1 53 61 23 109 147 195 262 444 595 524 572 392 417 265 1 4,319 ALL OCCUPATIONS, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK—201 MINES, IN 18 STATES. 330 224 24 4 48 160 39 i 3 1 22 11 26 298 243 44 5 133 282 243 57 42 20 2 10 2 1 1 42 114 126 60 42 23 18 12 12 7 2 2 8 121 38 249 400 427 224 170 105 74 54 49 337 571 775 678 399 348 249 272 4 44 16 22 1 1 2 88 12 L t 55 220 395 573 868 1,015 597 519 927 396 142 64 28 18 7 4 1 584 285 664 798 460 1,822 3,920 5,829 11 72 ISO 326 538 810 1,194 679 1,032 754 378 170 64 36 31 4 J 6,281 4 34 97 193 304 523 658 1,238 1,009 765 508 259 1 16 14 103 200 295 445 564 1,684 591 440 254 140 120 51 80 44 26 15 16 8 11 5,815 ) 4,906 16 74 129 174 289 832 883 329 241 137 85 1 57 28 84 114 511 1,014 311 231 133 52 25 53 ~S 8 12 17 4 6 6 3,294 2,602 4 9 11 31 170 360 379 53 30 22 15 2 6 3 3 9 22 68 160 443 158 29 20 10 4 4 937 1 1 10 180 245 104 31 24 14 9 8 752 498 911 1,144 1,520 1,848 2,311 2,943 3,340 3,618 3,783 6,606 5,149 3,197 1,756 899 468 269 108 68 35 38 40s508 DOOR TENDERS (BOYS), INSIDE WORK—14 MINES. 10 5 15 20 90 100 110 120 130 150 170 40 50 30 70 25 190 Under and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under hours 5 an d Total. 120 15 20 hours. 10 30 50 100 130 170 190 25 40 60 70 80 110 150 90 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. over. MINING, 42 15 LABORERS, INSIDE WORK—16 MINES. Under $5.. $5 and under $10.. $10and under $15.. 1 $15 and under $20.. $20and under $25.. 1 $25and under $30.. $30 and under $35.. 1 10 2 ..........1.......... 10 .......... 1 9 1 1 | 4 10 J I 9 3 1 9 2 ..........1.......... 9 COAL Total........... IN 4 1 4 11 29 71 25 $5 and under $10... 110 and under $15.. $15 and under $20.. $20and under $25.. $25 and under $30.. $30and under $35.. $35 and under $40.. $40and under $45.. $50 and under $60.. EARNINGS Earnings in half month. AND Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— HOURS [Although data were secured in 1920 for inside workers in 21 occupations, only 6 of those occupations, representing 74 per cent of the employees, are shown in this table. The other 15 occupations, representing only 26 per cent of the employees, are not shown here, but like information may be found for them in Tables E and J. which showall occu pations for which data were secured in 1920, for inside workers, anthracite mines. Although data were secured in 1920 for outside workers in 18 occupations, only 2 of those occupations, representing 42 per cent of the employees, are shown in this table. The other 16 occupations, representing 58 per cent of the employees, are not shown here, but like information may be found for them in Tables E and J, which showall occupationsfor which data were secured in 1920, for outside workers, anthracite mines.] 104 N .— NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPA TIONS, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1920. T a b le i i i 11 12 14 10 10 12 11 1 26 $35 and under $40__ $40and under $45__ $45and under $50— $60and under $60— $60and under $70__ $70and under $80__ $80and under $90— $90and under $100... $100 and under $110,. 10 Total.............. 11 10 12 12 35 13 1 30 18 4 90 4 6 84 8 36 67 11 30 27 32 42 232 179 86 40 17 1 736 49 LABORERS, CONTRACT MINERS’, INSIDE WORK—14 MINES. <s 1 1 1 6 13 1 2 19 11 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 4 19 10 4 2 3 i ......... 1.......... 3 10 18 7 5 1 1 1 1 1 7 10 7 9 2 6 1 1 3 2 4 7 17 13 2 3 1 ......... ........... 4 7 4 17 15 28 14 6 1 55 10 21 36 9 43 2 2 3 6 15 38 24 13 10 2 1 | _____ 1_____ 1 46 44 53 41 32 40 96 116 1 3 3 9 38 62 42 30 9 4 1 202 1 1 7 36 83 64 29 12 3 5 8 2 14 66 70 10 5 1 3 10 12 3 2 1 1 1 249 169 32 3 3 1 1 1 8 1 39 31 37 34 34 54 64 166 263 211 86 30 9 9 10 1 1,191 10 5 39 15 1 TABLES. Total.............. 1 GENERAL Under $5 $5 and under $10... $10 and under $15.. $15 and under $20.. $20 and under $25.. $25 and under $30 $30and under $35 $35and under $40 $40and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60.. $60 and under $70 . $70 and under $80 $80and under $90 $90and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 $120 and under $130 $130 and under $140 106 N .— NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPA TIONS, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1920— Continued. T a b le MINERS, COMPANY, INSIDE WORK—II MINES. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— HOUES ! Earnings in half month. 85 32 367 | j ..........1.......... i 12 MINERS, CONSIDERATION, INSIDE WORK—10 MINES. $5 and under $10.. $10 and under $15.. 1 $15 and undor $20.. $20 and under $25.. 1... $25 and under $30.. $30 and under $35.. ..........1 1i 1 . .. L.. i 4 ) ! j , ..... . . | 1. ....j . 1....__ 4 6 3 6 3 8 2 1 5 ..........1.......... 1 9 6 COAL, MINING. 21 IN 12 EARNINGS 13 19 10 11 .6 3 15 9 9 16 49 116 45 23 12 8 1 2 Under $5................ $5and under $10.... $10 and under $15... $15and under $20... $20 and under $25... $25 and under $30... $80and under $35... $35 and under $40... $40 and under $45... $45 and under $50... $50and under $60... $60and under $70... $70 and under $80... $80 and under $90... $90 and under $100.. $100 and under $110. $110 and under $120. $120 and under $130. Total. AND 100 110 10 20 30 40 50 90 120 130 150 170 5 15 25 60 70 190 and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and Under and and under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under hours Total. 5 and 110 ,190 hours. 10 20 30 40 50 100 120 130 150 170 25 60 90 15 70 80 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. over. $35 and under $40.... $40 and under $45__ $45 and under $50— $50 and under $60__ $60 and under $70— $70 and under $80.... $80 and under $90,... $90 and under $100... 1100 and under $110.. SilO and under $120.. $120 and under $130.. $140 and under $150.. $150 and oyer............ 10 2 1 1 10 21 14 10 1 1 1 12 20 18 25 1 3 60 7 156 12 2 1 ..... 3 1 11 1 12 6 1 IS 2 1 12 | Total. 10 12 30 12 7 4 2 1 1 20 30 84 37 24 37 89 183 38 480 MINERS, CONTRACT, INSIDE WORK—16 MINES. 1 1 2 ! 3 1 i 6 1 2 1 4 !.......... ! 2 ! 4; r 1 2 : i 5 1 1 2 2 j 1 2 ! j j 1____ 1 1 1 12 9 9 O! 1 i 2 2 8 8 2 4 6 j 3 7 i 1 i 1 ! j !.......... 11 9 ! 3 25 11 1 42 14 ! 2 3 3 5 S 7 9 13 8 j $I 4! i 1 5 ! I.......... ! 1 ' 2 6 9 7 59 I .......... !........... I I ! 3 .......... !........... i ' ' ! .......... !........... .......... !........... S i ! 6 10 13 15 37 27 25 9 2 3 3 2 2 1 82 163 1 2 12 15 i I j i 11 1 16 ! 46 58 | 48 i 25'1 16 , 21 ; 9 i 4, 5 5 8 302 ........ i. 1 i i i l i 1 1 1 6 2 1 9 15 27 52 69 63 64 38 14 14 7 4 6 39 , 67 ! 127 115 92 73 01 8 13 402 r 35 34 14 27 698 ! 1 | 4 11 t 1 1 2 4i 8 ! 36 ! 94 121 147 143 106 70 66 ; 34 19 26 | 878 2 1 2 9 50 87 80 55 45 41 10 12 9 4 413 .......... ! . . 1 1 2 2 10 13 5 4 14 12 3 2 2 70 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 16 1 13 26 33 39 42 56 62 76 215 375 509 454 3S2 302 211 339 98 58 83 1 3,188 ! .1 0 7 1 3 1 1 TABLES. Total............... 3 5 eENEHAL Under $5................... $5 and under $10....... §10 and under $15 , $15 and under $20 $20 and undei* $25 $25 and under $30 $30 and* under $35, $3o and under $40__ $40 and under $45 and under $50 $50 and under $80 $60 and under $70 $70 and under $80 $S0 and uiider $9D $90 and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 $120 and under $130 $130 and under SI40 $140 and under $150 $150 and over . . . 4.. . 108 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPA TIONS, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1920— Continued. T able N . — ALL OCCUPATIONS, INSIDE W O R K — 16 M IN E S. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— i 150 130 170 10 15 50 70 120 90 30 40 80 110 5 20 25 eo 100 190 Under and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and hours under under und^r under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under and Total. 5 100 15 20 170 hours. 10 25 60 130 150 190 over. 30 50 70 80 90 120 40 110 hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. 2 44 20 2 2 1 1 2 n 49 15 4 3 5 2 1 19 11 7 6 1 2 25 73 91 47 3 1 142 1 6 51 50 11 14 8 G 5 (\ 7 1 166 6 6 43 48 22 16 11 19 9 8 4 5 4 6 7 42 44 41 30 39 30 26 9 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 200 289 7 7 24 8 11 3 19 68 107 42 96 96 75 73 1 76 54 84 20 73 16 66 22 38 9 15 4 14 5 5 8 8 13 517 12 95 179 155 169 146 101 78 63 35 31 15 27 13 27 7 5 48 437 301 198 176 157 112 77 75 34 19 26 i 41 16 2 3 375 456 328 92 61 47 41 18 12 9 5 734 i 1,128 1 , 712 1,507 6 9 4 i j | 7i 3 8 3 2 3 33 342 133 151 295 29 96 7 6 15 1 2 12 1 21 4I 2! 2 1 2j 1 2 2 2 43 133 64 3 2 613 249 550 3! 12 46 23 2 8 36 8 2 7 3 4 i. . i 86 | 68 88 100 100 1 I7 124 163 217 213 274 336 1,265 1,597 1,400 805 533 350 229 155 99 59 84 8,308 LABORERS, OUTSIDE W O R K — 16 M IN E S . Under $5............ $5 and under $10.. $10 and under $15.. 1 $15 and under $20.. $20 and under $25.. 1 $25 and under $30.. $30 and under $35.. l $35 and under $40.. 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 6 5 4 6 4 1 7 4 3 13 7 8 3 14 2 1 1 36 2 2 5 3 2 2 12 11 15 27 55 MININ 104 1 8 70 33 16 4 4 2 COAL 7 20 2 2 IN Total.............. 79 23 1 1 EARNINGS 7 AND Under $5................. $5 and under $10...... $10 and under $15. $15 and under $20. $20 and under $25. $25 and under $30. $30 and under $35 $35 and under $40 $4-0and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $50 and under $70 $70 and under $80 $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 $120 and under $130 $130 and under $140 $140 and under $150 $150 and over........... HOUES Earnings in half month. ' $40 and under $45__ ..........f.......... 1 $45 and under $50__ $50 and under $60__ . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . $60 and under $70... ....... ! ........ $70 and under $80__ ....... ! . . . . . . . . . . $80 and under $90__ $90 and under $100.. ....... 1 ........ Total.............. 1 i 2 5 i 5 3 5 4 10 12 11 16 26 41 11 72 7 30 78 46 101 140 ! 2 1 81 1 54 71 1 1 33 47 127 81 84 3 20 8 13 1i 28 15 1 46 150 189 105 69 21 i 718 SLATERS (BOYS), OUTSIDE WORK--15 MINES. Total.............. 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 '* " " " 1 ......... 2 7 6 r 22 10 1 | 26 5 s 2 2 2 2 2 7 l 3 345 ......... 1.......... 1 17 . . . . . . . . . j. . . . . . . . . 1 4 5 10 14 39 52 146 51 10 g 4 1 . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . 1 7 8 6 18 33 31 12 49 1 2 2 4 85 37 66 134 6* 6 7 3 1 5 4 1 1 17 11 l l ALL OCCUPATIONS, OUTSIDE WORK—16 MINES. 7 Total.............. 7 7 2 1 4 ! 1 ___ 1____ 1 5 7 2 8 6 6 ......... I . . 1 ......... !.......... j i 7 9 7 2 1 1 9 8 7 1 ! i 17 6 15 5 .. 29 3 2 1 i ! 8 i j 12 57 4 18 150 31 14 6 89 54 149 175 27 2 ..........j...................... i 6 10 6 180 128 35 24 ...............I....... ....... 1........ ......... i. . . . . . . . . . 16 12 i i 26 15 4 i __ ! 1 , 22 14 2 61 10 41 1! I i 1 5 8 97 222 73 26 1 1 1 1 1 21 127 56 30 1 1 35 44 21 20 1 293 122 i 8j 6 12 10 12 26 26 26 53 114 106 286 502 389 433 i 5 9 30 24 4 3 82 29 31 54 82 206 141 97 313 487 472 281 180 76 28 2,513 10 9 Under $5.................. $5 and under $10...... $10and under $15 $15 and under $20 $20and under $25 $25 and under $30 $30 and under $35 $35 and under $40 $40 and under $45__ $45 and under $50__ $50 and under $60 . . $60 and under $70 $70 and under $80__ $80and under $90 $90and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 $120 and under $130 TABLES. 2 GENERAL Under $5.................. $5 and under $10...... $10 and under $15 $15and under $20__ $20and under $25 $25 and under $30__ $30and under $35 $35 and under$40__ $40and under $45 $45and under $50 $50and under $60 $60and under $70 110 N.—NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WORKING EACH CLASSIFIED NUMBER OF ACTUAL HOURS AND EARNING EACH CLASSIFIED AMOUNT IN A HALF-MONTH PAY-ROLL PERIOD, IN SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND IN ALL OCCUPA TIONS, ANTHRACITE COAL MINES, PENNSYLVANIA, 1920— Concluded. T a b le ALL OCCUPATIONS, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK—-16 MINES. Number of employees in each earnings group whose hours of actual work in a half-month pay-roll period were— 4 48 20 2 2 1 1 2 1 16 56 15 4 3 5 2 2 3 27 11 71 6| 1 ! j 1 2 1 14 76 33 16 4 4 2 i 5 i 3 1 i 8 15 58 52 12 14 8 0 5 6 7 1 1 15 14 50 49 22 16 11 19 9 8 4 i | ....... 1........ i 1 111 33 79 j 103 1 57 154 192 10 6 22 47 44 41 30 39 30 26 9 2 3 3 1 2 2 i 226 315 1 24 30 7 25 5 53 75 80 70 117 43 100 75 97 73 76 54 84 26 73 66 16 22 38 9 15 4 1 li i 5 8 5! 8! 13 32 24 8 64 103 180 lo5 169 146 101 78 63 35 34 15 27 25 84 11 23 198 468 315 198 176 157 112 77 75 34 19 26 7 130 70 2 152 550 483 330 92 61 47 41 18 12 9 5 6 17 14 2 213 470 186 53 6 15 12 4 2 2 570 1 848 1,234 1,998 2,009 1,002 1 5 11 3 100 355 368 122 8 2 2 1 2 i ;| ! 2 '983 ..........1 ; ! I ! ! i l 4 77 170 189 94 4 2 4' 35 56 67 43 3 is 45 38 26 14 7 7 542 208 150 104 112 129 148 178 245 423 354 371 649 1,752 2,069 1,681 985 609 378 234 158 99 59 84 10,821 MINING. 7 21 2 2 COAL Total.............. 86 23 1 1 IN 7 EARNINGS Under $5................. $5 and under $10...... $10 and under $15.... $15 and under $20 $20 and under $25 $25 and under 830 $30 and under $35 $35 and under $40 $40and under $45 $45 and under $50 $50 and under $60 $60 and under §70 $70 and under $80 $80 and under $90 $90 and under $100 $100 and under $110 $110 and under $120 $120 and under $130 $130 and under $140 $140 and under $150 $150 and over........... AND 150 110 130 170 100 120 10 30 50 60 90 70 15 5 25 20 40 80 190 Under and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and hours under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under under and Total. 5 170 190 110 160 120 15 60 80 90 100 70 130 20 hours. 10 40 50 30 25 hours* hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. hours. over. ! ! HOURS Earnings in half month. APPENDIX.— DEFINITIONS OF OCCUPATIONS. Each of the occupations for which figures are presented in this report is briefly defined below7. If a definition applies to an inside occupation the word “ inside” follows the name of the occupation. Example— “ Brakemen, inside.” If it applies to outside woA: the word “ outside” follows the name. Example— “ Ashmen, outside.” If the occupation is found both inside and outside the mine no modifying word is used. Example—• “ Blacksmiths.” The same rule has been followed to indicate anthracite and bituminous mine occupations. Ashmen, outside, anthracite.— Remove ashes from beneath the fire box of boilers by flushing or by shoveling the ashes into cars. Blacksmiths.— Do general blacksmithing, nearly all repair work. Brakemen, inside.— Also known as trip riders, trailers, and tailers. In anthracite mines they are called motor brakemen. They operate or throw switches; couple and uncouple cars; assist motor men in the transportation of loaded coal cars from switches or sidings in the mines to the shaft, and of empty cars from the shaft to the switches or sidings. Loaded cars are hauled by mules from rooms in wThich coal is mined to the switches and empty cars from the switches to the rooms. Bratticemen, inside.— Sometimes also called airmen. They usually work under the supervision of the fire boss whose duty it is to see that the mine is prepared for ventilation and for protection against fire. They construct brattices of wood, canvas, stone, brick, or cement. ’This work is of great importance in mines affected by gas as such mines must be thoroughly ventilated. Cagers.— Also called bottomers and dumpers. They are stationed at the shaft inside the mine and at the top of the shaft outside the mine. Those inside the mine place loaded coal cars in the cage and take empty cars out of it. Those outside the mine take loaded cars from the cage and place empty cars in it. Carpenters, outside.— 1)0 general carpentry repair work on mine cars and breakers. Breakers are machines used in breaking large lumps of anthracite coal. Car runners, inside, anthracite.— In some mines cars are run by gravity from rooms or chambers in which coal is mined to switches or sidings, or to shafts or from switches or shafts to rooms or cham bers. Cars so run are in charge of car runners who control their speed or stop them by brakes or sprags. Car runners, outside, anthracite.— Transfer empty railroad cars to breaker chutes and loaded cars from chutes over a section of the railroad track where scales are installed for weighing cars. Door tenders, inside (boys), anthracite.— Also called trappers. They open ventilating doors to let cars through them to and from the shaft and close them as quickly and securely as possible as soon il l 112 HOUES AND EARNINGS IN COAL M IN IN G . as the cars have passed. In some mines there are no door tenders as the doors are opened and closed automatically. Drivers, inside.— Drive mules into and out of rooms in which coal is mined, hauling loaded coal cars from rooms to switches or sidings where cars are assembled for transportation by motor to the shaft, and empty cars from switches to the rooms. In mines where the distance from the rooms to the shaft is short, the haul is from the room to the shaft and return, no motor being used. Dumpers, outside, anthracite.— Dump loaded coal cars at the tipple by hand or by operating mechanical apparatus. Engineers.— Operate and repair ventilating fans inside the mines and breaker machinery outside the mines. Operate and inspect hoisting machinery which is used in lifting employees and loaded coal cars in cages to the top of the shaft and in lowering employees, empty cars, and material from the top of the shaft into the mines. Firemen, outside.— Keep fires burning under boilers to produce steam by shoveling coal into the fire box as needed and by keeping the fire box clear of ashes and clinkers. Jig runners, outside, anthracite.— Operate a jig, a mechanical contrivance or part of the breaker machine, which cleans coal by removing slate, rock, and waste material. Laborers.— Do various kinds of unskilled inside and outside wTork. They push cars, assist trackmen and timbermen, shovel dirt and handle material, and do other necessary unskilled work about the mines. In anthracite mines company miners7 laborers and con sideration miners7 laborers are not included with these laborers, because they are paid a higher wage than is paid to these. Laborers, company miners’ , inside, anthracite.— Load cars and assist company miners in drilling holes into stone or coal for explosives. The drilling is done with electric or compressed-air machines. Com pany miners seldom mine any coal, it being their duty to remove obstructions and prospect for new chambers or rooms. These laborers are paid a time rate which is a little lower than that of “ Laborers, consideration miners7.77 Laborers, consideration miners’ , anthracite.— Load cars and assist consideration miners in drilling holes into coal or stone for explosives. The drilling is done with electric or compressed-air coal-mining machines. They become contract miners7 laborers when working conditions improve and miners are able to earn on a tonnage basis more than the fixed or specified time rate of consideration miners. They are paid a time rate when working as consideration miners7 laborers, the rate being a little higher than that of company miners7 laborers and are paid on a tonnage basis when working as contract miners7 laborers. Laborers} contract miners’ , inside, anthracite.— Load cars and assist contract miners in operating electric or compressed-air coal-mining machines which are used in drilling holes into coal for explosives. They become consideration miners7 laborers when mining or working conditions are abnormal, due to obstructions, such as stone, slate, and dirt, and when contract miners are thereby unable to earn on a tonnage basis more than the fixed or specified rate of consideration miners. They are paid on a tonnage basis when contract miners7 laborers and a time rate when consideration miners7 laborers. The DEFINITIONS OF OCCUPATIONS. 113 rate as consideration miners’ laborers is a little higher than that of company miner’s laborers. Loaders, inside, bituminous.— Shoot or blast coal from veins or beds after it has been undercut by machine miners and then load the coal into cars with coal-loading machines. In some mines they do the timbering; that is, set props or timbers to prevent the falling of slate, stone, and earth into the rooms of the mines; also lay tracks in rooms of mines and keep rooms in good working condition. Loaders, outside, anthracite.— Load coal into railroad cars and refuse into mine cars. Machinists, anthracite.— Install and repair machines and machinery. Masons, inside, anthracite.— Construct necessary air bridges and walls to conduct or force air into all parts of the mine. Miners, company, inside, anthracite.— These employees very seldom mine coal. They operate electric or compressed-air machines, drill holes into stone or coal for explosives, and load cars. They are usually engaged in removing obstructions in the mines and in prospecting for profitable mining chambers. They are paid a time rate which is a little less than that of the consideration miner and are called “ company miners” to distinguish them from the consid eration miner. Miners, consideration, inside, anthracite.— Operate electric or com pressed air coal mining machines, drill holes into coal or stone for explosives, and also load coal into cars. These employees are regular contract miners who, in consequence of obstructions in their working chambers or rooms, such as stone, slate, dirt, or of bad working conditions, are unable to earn on a tonnage basis an amount equal to or in excess of a certain specified rate per day. They are paid the specified rate, which is a little more than that of company miners, until they are able to earn more on a tonnage basis. Miners, contract, inside, anthracite.— Operate electric or compressedair coal-mining machines, drill holes into coal for explosives, and also load coal into cars. They are paid on a tonnage basis. A contract miner becomes a consideration miner when, owing to ob structions in his working chamber or room, such as stone, slate, or dirt, he is unable to earn an amount in excess of a fixed or specified rate per day. He then becomes a consideration miner and is paid the fixed rate per day until he is able to earn more on a tonnage basis. Miners, hand or pick, inside, bituminous.— Undercut coal with pick, cutting some distance from the face of the vein, separate it from veins with pick or explosives, and load the coal into cars. Miners, machine, inside, bituminous,— Operate electric or com pressed-air coal-mining machines, undercutting veins of coal and drilling holes into coal for explosives. Motormen, inside.— Operate motors which are used in the trans portation of loaded cars from switches or sidings in the mines to the shaft and of empty cars from the shaft to the switches or sidings. Loaded and empty cars are hauled to and from the switches by mules. Motor brakemen, anthracite.— See Brakemen, inside, bituminous. Oilers, outside, anthracite.— Oil and clean machines and engines. Platemen, outside, anthracite.— Work at the breaker machines and remove large stones from the coal before it enters the conveyors. 24885q— 21— Bull. 279------- 8 114 HOURS AND EARNINGS IN COAL MINING. Pumpmen, inside.— O p e r a te , r e p a ir, a n d lo o k a fte r p u m p s u se d in p u m p in g w a t e r f r o m th e m in e s . Repairmen, outside, anthracite.— R e p a ir c h u te s a n d b re a k e r s a n d o th e r m a c h in e r y . Timber cutters, outside, anthracite— C u t a n d lo a d p r o p s or tim b e r s in to cars fo r t r a n s p o r t a t io n in to th e m in e s . T h e y a lso lo a d cars w it h o th e r s u p p lie s fo r u se in m in e s . Timbermen, inside.— C u t a n d se t tim b e r s or s u p p o r ts in m in e s to p r e v e n t fa lls o f s la te , s t o n e , a n d d ir t. Trackmen.— L a y a n d r e p a ir tr a c k s u se d in th e t r a n s p o r t a t io n in a n d a b o u t th e m in e s . A t s o m e m in e s o u ts id e t r a c k m e n r e p a ir tr a c k s o n th e m in e p r o p e r t y . Slaters (boys), outside, anthracite.— A ls o c a lle d p ic k e rs. T h e y p ic k s la te fr o m th e c o a l as i t p a sse s o v e r th e a u t o m a tic c o n v e y o r s or d o w n th e c o a l c h u te s . Trappers (boys), outside, bituminous.— S e e D o o r te n d e rs, in sid e , a n th r a c ite . o