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Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas
San Antonio
May 1998

to Water
in Texas


n the future, water will
become more scarce in

Texas, and the laws and
allocation systems that are
in place will determine the
amount and efficiency of
water use in the state.


South Texas
Economic Trends and Issues

As fast-growing populations
across Texas face shrinking water
supplies and environmentalists
and budget-conscious governments limit the number of new
reservoirs, businesspeople and
policymakers are searching for
new solutions. One potential solution to this impending crisis is to
allow free markets for water.
Water marketing would permit
water-wealthy areas to sell water
and water rights to water-thirsty
areas and allow low-valued users
to sell to high-valued users.
Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt
highlighted the importance of
water marketing when he said,
“Without water markets, we can’t
solve the problem of meeting the
future water needs of the West.” 1
Most of the goods and services
we consume are delivered to us
via a free-market exchange, in
which willing participants enter
into trade because each participant gains. Water, however, is
often delivered to us by a local
institution that typically draws
from a local source such as a river,
reservoir or aquifer. While we
often hear about certain areas of
the state facing a water shortage,
products delivered through the
free market rarely experience a
prolonged shortage. In a market
system, an increase in demand invokes an increase in price, which
then stimulates a greater supply
and a reduction in demand until

the factors are equated and the
shortage no longer exists. In a
nonmarket system, an increase in
demand might not be followed by
an increase in price. Without the
price rise, producers are not motivated to produce more and consumers are not motivated to
consume less; thus, shortages arise.
For water marketing to exist, it
is necessary to have water property rights that are well defined,
enforceable and transferable. Water
marketing has been limited in
Texas, although in some areas —
particularly the Lower Rio Grande
Valley—this mode of water allocation has a long history.2 Texas
law recognizes that surface water


is a new publication launched by the San

Antonio Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to
study economic issues and trends in South Texas. Vista joins
a family of economic publications produced by the Dallas
Fed that includes Southwest Economy, Houston Business and

Business Frontier.
Our first issue is devoted to a subject of growing
importance to the state and the South Texas region—water.
Specifically, the authors address how free markets for water
can ensure future availability of this precious resource.
Water marketing was the subject of the San Antonio Branch’s
first annual economic conference, “Headwaters to Economic
Growth” (see box). This article summarizes the main topics
covered at the conference.


exas must plan

ahead if it is to avoid a
serious water crisis in
the future.

rights are private property, freely
transferable to other public and
private parties so long as certain
conditions are met. On the other
hand, ground water, which represents 60 percent of the water
used in the state, is governed by
the rule of capture (more formally known as the rule of
absolute ownership), which is
more restrictive to water marketing because ground water has
no clear property rights. Texas
Senate bill 1, passed in November 1997, takes some steps to
further encourage water marketing in the state.

Water Scarcity in Texas
Texas must plan ahead if it is
to avoid a serious water crisis in
the future, according to State
Rep. Ron Lewis. With 18 million
people, Texas is the second most
populous state. The population
is projected to double in the next
50 years, due mainly to immigration. Texas also will become a
more urban state, further concentrating demand for water in
already strained cities.
Additionally, to supply the
increasing demand for this lifegiving substance, Texas must
be prepared to withstand the
natural cycle of drought that
occurs at least every 10 years.
The 1996 drought in Texas was
devastating to many regions in
the state, according to Linda
Fernandez, who helped document the drought conditions for
the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. Fernandez
described how reservoirs across
the state were drained to as little
as 25 percent to 50 percent of
In a single year agricultural
producers, industries and residents in Texas use about 15.7
million acre/feet of water. (An
acre-foot is the amount of water
required to cover one acre to a
depth of one foot, or 325,851
gallons.) Rep. Lewis noted that
as the Texas economy shifts its

focus from oil and agriculture to
trade, water demands will increase in the cities. Although
agriculture currently consumes
the majority of the state’s water,
the amount used by cities is
projected to increase from 25
percent to 33 percent by the
year 2050.

Water Marketing in
Other Regions
Terry Anderson, an economist who runs an environmental
policy think tank in Montana,
described how an efficient set of
water property rights evolved in
the American West during the
last half of the 19th century,
when entrepreneurs set up projects for storing and delivering
water. In the beginning of the
20th century, however, governments, concerned about thirdparty effects such as pollution,
took over water distribution,
eroding much of the basis for
private, market-based solutions.
Anderson noted that government involvement in water allocation often resulted in inefficient use of water, such as “use it
or lose it” laws. These laws led
irrigators to use water they did
not need in order to maintain
their rights. The government also
spawned projects such as the
Central Utah Project, under
which farmers pay $8 per acrefoot to produce crops where the
water’s value added is about
$30 per acre-foot—at a taxpayer
expense of $400 per acre-foot.
In response to growing
scarcity, however, water markets
are beginning to redevelop across
the world, Anderson said. Water
marketing is taking hold in the
western United States, Australia,
Chile and South Africa. He added
that environmentalists, outdoor
sportsmen and other private
groups are looking at water marketing to meet their particular
needs. Groups such as Trout
Unlimited, Ducks Unlimited and
the Nature Conservancy have

raised funds to protect fish and
wildlife by purchasing rights to
keep water in streams.
In 1991 drought forced
California to look at different
ways to allocate water. In response to the drought, the California Water Bank began a
program to buy water—mostly
from water-rich agricultural areas
— and sell it to water-poor metropolitan areas—principally Los
Angeles. The organization discovered that the economic value
of the water was about $25 per
acre-foot to the agricultural users
and about $400 per acre-foot to
the metropolitan areas. Since 70
percent of the water was being
consumed by agriculture, there
was a lot of room for both buyer
and seller to profit.
Richard Howitt of the University of California at Davis told
how in 1991 the California Water
Bank acquired and sold 396,000
acre-feet of water at $175 per
acre-foot, providing a muchneeded supply of water to urban
users. As the drought eased in
1992 and 1994, the price
dropped to $72 and $68, respectively, per acre-foot. When
market solutions were first discussed, many thought farmers
would refuse to sell and, if they
did, the farming communities
would dry up and turn to dust
bowls. Howitt concluded, however, that neither case was true.
He estimated net gains to California from the 1991 California
Water Bank program at $104 million in income and 3,741 jobs.

Property Rights and
Water Marketing
Floy Lilley, a lawyer and free
enterprise expert with the University of Texas at Austin,
stressed the importance of private property rights in the face
of water scarcity. She gave as
an example the scarcity of salt
140 years ago. Because salt
was needed to preserve meat, it
was highly valued. When salt

Headwaters to Economic Growth
Conference Speakers
Terry L. Anderson, Executive Director, Political Economy Research Center, and
Professor, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana
Robert A. Collinge, Associate Professor, Division of Economics and Finance,
University of Texas at San Antonio
Gregory M. Ellis, General Manager, Edwards Aquifer Authority, San Antonio
Linda Fernandez, Editor, House Research Organization, Texas House of
Representatives, Austin
Richard E. Howitt, Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of California
at Davis
Ray G. Huffaker, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Washington
State University, Pullman, Washington
Lonnie L. Jones, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University
Ronald A. Kaiser, Professor, Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism
Sciences, Texas A&M University
Tommy R. Knowles, Deputy Executive Administrator for Planning, Texas Water
Development Board, Austin
Ron E. Lewis, State Representative, District 19, Texas House of Representatives
Floy Lilley, Program Manager, Clint W. Murchison Sr. Chair of Free Enterprise,
College of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
David Lopez, Environmental Engineer, Sony Semiconductor
Company of America, San Antonio

became scarce, she explained,
the government proposed regulating the salt supply. What
happened, however, was that in
our “wealth-creating, propertyprotected country,” entrepreneurs sought out other alternatives. One result was the invention of refrigeration.
Solutions to water scarcity
will emerge so long as people
are allowed to benefit from
them, Lilley said. “Let us keep
every option open by strictly
protecting private property rights
so that the only resource that
matters—that is, [the one] between
your ears—can percolate.”
Although water marketing is
a viable tool to allocate scarce
water, the Public Trust Doctrine
and the Endangered Species Act
represent limitations to private
property rights for water. Nonetheless, noted Ray Huffaker, an
agricultural economist at Washington State University, water
marketing has many benefits,
and water markets exist in
Washington despite these legal

restraints. He recommended that
water marketing efforts always
consider the environmental and
public impacts of the water transfer and try to include environmental groups and policymakers
if there are any potentially negative third-party impacts.

Water Marketing for
Urban and Agricultural Areas
Bob Collinge of UT–San
Antonio compared the emerging
water crisis with the energy crisis
of the 1970s and early 1980s
to see what lessons might be
gained for public policy. He
noted that price increases—not
conservation pleas and government mandates—are what motivated people to conserve energy.
Similarly, the appropriate pricing
of municipal water would balance the supply and demand
and prevent shortages.
Collinge proposed a “feebate” approach that would allow
municipal users to sell water to
each other. Each user would
receive a certain allocation at a

base price, and any water above
that amount would have to be
purchased from other users at
market price. The price would
equate the amount of surplus
allocation offered and the amount
demanded by those consuming
more than the allotment. Excess
usage fees would be paid to
individuals in the form of conservation rebates. As water demand increases (or supply
decreases), the fee-bate would
rise to dampen purchases from
high-valued users and entice
low-valued users to sell. Thus,
the fee-bate approach would
efficiently allocate water to highvalued users, ensure a base level
of low-cost water to all users,
and give all users an incentive to

allocation can be used, left
unused or sold. Second, the EAA
has the power to restrict usage
during drought periods. And
third, the EAA promotes and
studies programs that test water
markets as the solution.
Ellis cited the success of the
Irrigation Suspension Program,
which used water markets to pay
irrigators not to irrigate. Different
entities interested in “water availability insurance” pledged over
$2.3 million to 41 bids given by
irrigators covering approximately
10,000 acres. This program proved
that Texans are interested in ensuring water availability in the
future and that they are also willing to pay for that availability.

Marketing of Ground Water

While the importance of
water to households is obvious,
this resource is also significant to
industry, particularly the fastgrowing semiconductor business.
Texas manufactures more computer chips than California, said
David Lopez of Sony Semiconductor Company of America,
and water is critical in semiconductor production. In fact, Lopez
said, semiconductor plants typically use up to 4 million gallons
of water a day. The Sony plant in
San Antonio uses well over a
million gallons a day, making it
the San Antonio water system’s
largest customer.
Because new semiconductor
plants typically cost in excess of
$1.2 billion, Lopez said, manufacturers want to be assured of
an adequate future supply of
water before building a plant.
Because of its concern about
water availability in San Antonio,
Sony is constructing a $70 million water recycling plant that
will reduce the company’s
demand by about 15 million gallons per month—about 50 percent.
Another approach, suggested
by Lonnie Jones of Texas A&M,

Ground water in Texas is
governed by the rule of capture,
which allows the landowner to
pump as much water as he
desires. If water moves fairly
freely in the aquifer, the rule of
capture means that the surface
owner has no true ownership of
the water; if other pumpers use
more, he has less. The water is
thus a common good owned
jointly by all landowners above
it. Lacking clear rights to the
water, users have no incentive to
conserve it, and selling it is difficult because no one has an
enforceable right to any defined
amount of water.
The Edwards Aquifer Authority
(EAA) was created by Texas
Senate bill 1477 to ensure that
water is conserved for future use
by Bexar County and seven surrounding counties that cover the
aquifer. Gregory Ellis, EAA general manager, described several
tools the EAA uses to promote
water conservation. First, the
EAA issues permits that allocate
to each user a certain amount of
water based on the total available supply and the individual’s
past usage. Each permit holder’s

Water for the
High-Tech Industry


exas’ current water policy

must center on reallocation
of water from agricultural to
urban users through water
marketing and reuse.

would be for water-intensive industries, including computer chip
makers, to fund new, water-conserving irrigation technology
for agricultural users in exchange for water rights. Therefore, farmers would not incur the
high-ticket costs of the new technology; rather, the beneficiaries
of ample water supply would
pay for the investment.

regions would define and implement the water conservation
objectives of the bill and promote such practices as innovation transfers, lower transaction
costs, compensation to optimal
water conservationists, voluntary
water marketing and sale of
treated effluent. The goal is to
have a state plan in place by

Senate Bill 1 and
Water Marketing

Summary and Conclusions

In spite of the optimism surrounding water markets, Ronald
Kaiser and Tom Knowles warned
of the complexity of the water
issue in Texas. Kaiser, a water
law expert from Texas A&M, said
Texas’ current water policy must
center on reallocation of water
from agricultural to urban users
through water marketing and
reuse. The days of building
reservoirs are over, mostly because of environmental constraints; yet many facets of water
market development remain to
be addressed, including legal
elements of property rights and
interbasin transfers, technical
barriers such as a much-needed
water-transfer system from East
Texas to West Texas, institutional
support by government agencies, and political support at
both local and state levels.
Senate bill 1 addresses some
of these water marketing issues.
One provision of the bill, however, states that sales of water
rights from one entity to another
must be a junior right—that is, if
the local community of the selling water district experiences a
drought, it can suspend the
transfer of water to the purchasing district. This provision “kills
substantial efforts to transfer
water between basins,” Kaiser
Knowles, an official with the
Texas Water Development Board
in Austin, stressed the first priority of Senate bill 1 is to establish
water planning regions. These

Mark Twain once said that
whiskey is for drinking and
water is for fighting over. This
statement summarizes much of
the emotion surrounding water
in Texas. While the benefits of
water marketing are clear, the
implementation of water markets
often involves tough decisions.
In the case of groundwater,
landowners who in the past
were allowed to pump as much
as they desired would be allocated a fixed amount, and their
wells would be metered. The
rules used to allocate water will
never be optimal to all parties
involved, and no doubt some
users will feel that they are not
treated fairly. However, the current system, lacking incentives to
conserve, could leave many
users with no water at all.
There are also fears that if
agricultural users sell water to
the expanding metropolitan areas,
farm communities will suffer
greatly. The experience of California suggests otherwise. Also,
the revenue generated by water
sales, much like that from oil,
could be a boost to many communities.
One thing remains clear: in
the future, water will become
more scarce in Texas, and the
laws and allocation systems that
are in place will determine the
amount and efficiency of water
use in the state. Free markets for
water are growing across the
world as a solution to water
scarcity. As stated in Water Markets: Priming the Invisible Pump

by Terry Anderson and Pamela
Snyder, “Some would say that
water cannot be entrusted to
markets because it is a necessity
of life. To the contrary, because
it is a necessity of life, it is so
precious that it must be entrusted to the discipline of markets that encourage conservation
and innovation.”3
— Keith Phillips
Bicri Hernández




See “Liquid Assets: A Bass Play in
Water May Presage Big Shift in Its
Distribution,” Wall Street Journal,
July 11, 1997.
For a review of Texas water law and
the potential for water marketing, see
Ronald A. Kaiser, “Legal and Institutional Barriers to Water Marketing in
Texas,” Technical Report no. 167,
Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas
A&M University, November 1994.
Book published by the Cato Institute,
Washington, D.C., 1997.


For more information, contact Keith
Phillips at (210) 978-1409 or
For a copy of this publication, write
to Keith Phillips, San Antonio
Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas, P.O. Box 1471, San Antonio,
TX 78295-1471.
The views expressed are those of
the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the positions of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.
Editor: Keith Phillips
Publications Director: Kay Champagne
Copy Editors: Anne L. Coursey
Monica Reeves
Design: Gene Autry
Production: Laura J. Bell
This publication is available on the
Internet at

Air Quality and Economic Growth
Defining Prosperity in the New Millennium
August 21, 1998
Hyatt Regency Hotel, San Antonio

Texas faces many challenges in meeting the new air quality standards
announced last year by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This
one-day conference will feature speakers from the political, regulatory,
academic and business communities discussing the state’s current air
quality and strategies for achieving EPA compliance. Topics include the
effects of the new standards on businesses, the measures other states
are taking to achieve compliance, and the usefulness of market-based
approaches to pollution reduction. Watch for your registration brochure.
Sponsored by the San Antonio Branch
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
For information, call Rachel Peña at (210) 978-1663.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
P.O. box 655906
Dallas, Texas 75265-5906