Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "June 10, 2016, Calendar of Releases," U.S. Financial Data (June 10, 2016). https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/5335/item/599287, accessed on March 21, 2025.

Title: June 10, 2016, Calendar of Releases

Date: June 10, 2016
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image-container-0 USFinancialData June 10, 2016 Calendar of Releases Titles for the current week are links to their respective releases. MONDAY* June 6 June 15 June 14 June 13 June 16 June 20 TUESDAY June 7 June 8 June 9 June 10 Productivity (Q1) Openings, Total (Apr) Initial Claims (06/04) Treasury Budget (May) A: -0.6% A: 264K A: PF: -0.6% PF: 270K PF: -$60.0B Unit Labor Cost (Q1) A: 4.5% PF: 4.0% Credit (Apr) A: PF: $19.0B Retail Sales (May) PF: CF: 0.3% Business Inventories (Apr) Building Permits (May) CF: PF: 0.2% CF: Import Prices (May) Industrial Production (May) PF: CF: 0.7% June 21 June 23 June 22 June 24 THURSDAY* FRIDAY Quarterly Services (Q1) PPI PF: 0.4% CF: 0.3% PPI Core (May) PF: CF: 0.1% PF: 0.1% CF: -0.1% Capacity Utilization (May) PF: 75.3% CF: 75.3% FOMC Meeting Statement Existing Home Sales (May) CF: 5.48M Initial Claims (06/11) PF: N/A CF: 269K Account (Q1) PF: N/A CPI PF: 0.2% CF: 0.3% CPI Core (May) PF: CF: 0.2% Initial Claims (06/18) CF: N/A June 17 Housing Starts (May) PF: CF: 1150K PF: 1167K CF: 1150K Goods (May) CF: N/A New Home Sales (May) CF: 566K DEFINITIONS: A, actual value; PF, previous week’s forecast; CF, current week’s forecast; K, thousand; M, million; B, billion. *The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System provides H.3, H.4.1, and H.6 releases each Thursday and H.10 and H.15 releases each Monday. Forecast data are from Thomson Reuters. ©Thomson Reuters, 20 . All Rights Reserved. Use, duplication, or sale of this service or the data contained herein, except as described in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Subscription Agreement, is strictly prohibited.
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