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Congressional Oversight Panel: Congressional Oversight Panel to Hold Field Hearing in Maryland on Foreclosure Crisis

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Home > Press > Congressional Oversight Panel to Hold Field Hearing in Maryland on Foreclosure Crisis

Congressional Oversight Panel to Hold Field Hearing in Maryland
on Foreclosure Crisis
February 25, 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Congressional Oversight Panel today announced its second
field hearing—“Coping with the Foreclosure Crisis: State and Local Efforts to Combat
Foreclosures in Prince George’s County, Maryland.” The hearing will take place this Friday,
February 27, 2009. Prince George’s County has the highest rate of foreclosures in
Maryland. Overall Maryland has taken aggressive steps to address the foreclosure crisis.
The state’s approach coordinates state and local government action with community
organizations and is one of the reasons that Maryland as a whole is doing better than the
national average on home foreclosures.
The Panel is required by law to review the “current state of the market and the regulatory
system” and provide reports to Congress and the American public on the effectiveness of
the Treasury Department’s management of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the
“effectiveness of foreclosure mitigation efforts and the effectiveness of the program from
the standpoint of minimizing long-term costs to the taxpayers and maximizing the benefits
for the taxpayers.” At the Maryland hearing, the Panel will explore state and local efforts at
foreclosure prevention and home price stabilization in Prince George’s County with an
emphasis on identifying the economic and institutional barriers to loan modifications and
The Panel will hear testimony from members of the public who have faced the threat of
foreclosure, community-based providers of foreclosure mitigation and other housing
servicers, and a state official. Congresswoman Edwards, Congressman Van Hollen, and a
representative from Prince George’s County will also address the Panel.
In addition to the hearings, the Panel is encouraging all Americans to pose their own
questions, make their own suggestions, and share their personal stories through the
website at

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