Full text of Treasury Bulletin : September 1953
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FMEAmmy. MmiLiEmN SEPTEMBER -1353 UNITED STRTES TRERSURV DEPRRTMENT OFFICE DF THE SECRETBRV September 195) Table of Contents Page Treasury financing operations A-1 Summary of Federal fiscal operations 1 Budget receipts and expenditures 2 Trust account and other transactions 5 Treasury cash Income and outgo 7 Debt outstanding and general fund 10 Statutory debt limitation I3 Debt operations ll| United States savings bonds I9 Treasury savings notes 23 Ownership of Federal securities 2h Treasury survey of ownership of Federal securities.. 26 Market quotations 34 Average yields of long-term bonds 37 Internal revenue collections 39 Monetary statistics 14.3 Capital movements I17 Cumulative table of contents 60 Note: In those tables In which figures have been rounded to a specified unit, all calculations (Including percentages) have been made from unrounded figures. Consequently the details may not check to the totals shown. Treasury Bulletin Announcement Effective with this Issue of the "Treasury Bulletin", certain ohangea are being made to accord with changes In the "Dally Statement of the United States Treasury*, as announced In connection with the July 1, 1953, leeue of that publication. The special Bulletin tables under relating to the social security program (former Tables 7-9 "Budget Receipts and Expenditures" and 5 - g under "Trust Account and Other Transactions" ), will be published quarterly instead of The corresponding Information "Dally Statement of the United States monthly, but will carry data by months. will be omitted from the Treasury". Balance sheets of Gtovernment corporations and agencies likewise will be published quarterly In the Bulletin and omitted from the Dally Statement. The full detail formerly presented in the Dally Data on Income and Statement will be carried In the -Bulletin tables. expense and source and application of funds for these corporations and agencies will continue to be published In the Bulletin at six-month Intervals as before. Among other changes effective with this Issue of the Bulletin are Summaries by months will be published at slx-montb Intervale Instead of each month for budget results, cash operating Income and outgo, general fund balance, and debt outstanding (former the following: Tables 6 under "Budget Receipts and Expenditures", 6 under "Cash Income and Outgo", 2 undei "General Fund of the Treasury", and S under "Debt Outstanding"). However, the detailed tables from which these BUBunarles are compiled will be continued each month as heretofore. Also, the net change tables for debt outstanding will be omitted. In 3 on sales and redemptions of savings bonds, the sales and redemptions by series for savings bonds of Series F, 0, J, and K will be omitted and only their combined amounts will continue to be shown. Table . September 195? Treasury Financing Operations Refunding of September Bond Maturity On August 28, 1953, t^e Treasury Department announced the offering on September 2 of an Issue of one-year 2-5/S percent certificates of Indebtedness and an Issue of 3-l/2-year 2-7/8 percent Treasury notes. The new Issues were offered In The ownership figures for June 30 are the Banks. latest published for commercial banks. Subscriptions for the new securities totaled $7,723 million, more than 96-1/2 percent of the maturing bonds. Subscriptions for the certificates, exchange for the 2 percent Treasury bonds of 1951-53. Series E-I95U, amounted to $"+,723 million, and In the amount of $7,986 million. maturing September 15, I953, The announcement to $3,000 million, leaving $263 million to be paid stated that the now certificates will carry an Interest coupon payable with the principal at In cash. maturity, and that any premium paid on the acquisition of these certificates In the market may be Results of August Certlfloate Refunding Subscriptions to the offering of one-year 2-5/8 amortized In accordance with Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. percent certificates of Indebtedness, Series D-I95U, dated September I5, l^^"}, Full Information on the terme of the offering was contained In the official circulars dated September 2, the day of the opening of the sub- scription books. The subscription books were closed at the close of business on September Exchanges were made par for par, and cash subscriptions were not received. Both securities IJ-. were Issued In beairer form only, subscriptions for the notes, Series A-I957, amounted amounted to $2,788 million, leaving $93 million to be paid In cash to holders of the certificates. Series C-I953, \*iloh matured August I5. The exchangee were approximately 96-I/2 percent of the maturity.. Reports to the Treasury on the ownership of Government about securities Indicate that on June 30, 1953, kk percent of Series C-I953 certificates were owned by reporting commercial banks and by Federal Reserve Banks. In denominations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, and $1,000,000. Details of the offering were announced on The new certificates, designated Series £-195!+, August 5, the opening date of the subscription books. The books were closed at the close of business on are dated September 15, 1953, ^^^ bear Interest from that date at the rate of 2-5/8 percent per annum, payable at their maturity on September I5, 195!^, The new notes, designated Series A-1957, are dated August 7. Exchanges were made par for par and cash subscriptions were not received. The new certificates bear Interest from August I5, 1953. a* ^^^ rate of 2-5/8 percent per annum, payable with the principal They were Issued September 15, 1953, also, and bear Interest from that date at the rate of 2-7/8 percent per annum, payable at maturity on August 15, semiannually on March 15 and September I5 In each year until the principal amount becomes payable. $5,000, They will mature March I5, 1957. Treasury 91-Day Bills Refunded Maturities of 91-day Treasury bills totaled Reports to the Treasury on the ownership of In bearer form only. 195"^. In denominations of $1,000, $10,000, $100,000, and $1,000,000. $6.0 billion In August and were refunded In equivalent Government securities Indicate that on June 30, 1953. weekly Issues of $1.5 billion each. about 57 percent of the 2 percent Treasury bonds of 1951-53 maturing September 15, 1953, were owned by of discount on the new Issues were 2.136 percent for August reporting commercial banks and by Federal Reserve for August 20, and 2. 001 percent for August 27. Note: Details of Treasury marlcet financing operations are shown elsewhere In this issue of the "Treasury Bulletin", In the tables on "Offerings" and "Dis- 6, The average rates 2.116 percent for August I3, 2.101 percent position , respectively, of marketable issues of bonds, notes, and oertlfloates of indebtedness, and In the table "Offerings of Treasury Bills" SUMMARY OF FEDERAL FISCAL OPERATIONS ( In mllllona of dollars Budget receipts and ezpendltures Clearing account 12,696 28,202 1.3,892 W,762 l«l,027 ltO,(A3 3"*, 187 79,622 95,315 98,703 60,703 -21,1.90 -57,1*20 -51,1.23 -53,91*1 23,1.61 61., 271. 307 57,679 61., -1,103 -11,136 -10,930 3,308 8,1*19 -29I. -5,991* -495 99 679 1.78 1,621. -1,1.62 1*,932 -1,811 -3,122 3,510 1*,587 2,01.7 10,71.0 66,11.5 7l*'607 -1*,017 11.7 -9,389 1*37 -2,299 68,305 72,116 -3,8U 53 1,330 16,290 3l*>83 57,751 -Ul,1.6l 90,171* 97,181 87,522 -55,691 -53,650 6,983 1,751 1*3,531 1*3,928 -1,788 -266 -1,161 38,576 36,209 -1.3,591. -2,512 2,1*31* 5,2Ul -3,592 -123 -1,386 6I»,753 9,91.2 1.7,1.8!. -18,966 3,767 -22,502 -2,21.9 -l.,100 -to5 1,UJ. -350 -229 -502 1*,331 1.71 37,831* 53,1*88 38,255 -1*23 56,81.6 2,7U 65,523 71,366 7,973 -1A7 62 1,770 1*1,711* 3,808 3,211 l.,058 3,187 5,969 -1,381 -1,370 1,119 1*,739 -2,168 5,087 5,163 -1,1*93 2,635 3,521 5,279 5,1*83 -2,81.7 5,178 5,627 -1,658 '*,953 5,1*55 -501 5,553 9,886 5,105 1.1.8 '*,323 6,016 It, 007 1*,517 -1,611. -1,173 1,571* 1,01.6 -31.7 357 587 -2,278 5,701. 3,809 9,796 1*,151 316 -2U3 2,238 2,513 6,003 7,121. -11.5 5,061 5,737 5,595 6,187 -676 -116 l*,315 272 -197 9,71*1* -3,513 -1,862 1,756 -207 U16 98 3,308 -2,759 -231. l*,568 -1,1*73 5,1*79 10,502 2,81.9 1*,380 Actual fl^uroe from Dally Treasury Statement; estlmatee baaed o "EeTlew of 195^ Biaiget" released August 27, 1953. More detailed Information with respect to the figures on this page Is given In sue ceedlng tables. GrosB receipts lees approprlatlcna to the Federal Old-Age and Survlvora Insurance Trust Fund and refunds of receipts. Transactions of the Foreign Economic Cooperation Trust Fund, estahllehed under Section llU (f) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1/ 2/ 4,454 5,382 8,569 6,955 5,782 7,357 256,125 255,941 254,997 254,727 255,093 255,222 5^095 6,916 255,657 256,644 257,353 3,879 5,075 259,775 260,362 258,084 259, 6o4 259,419 263,073 263,186 262,682 -1.1 6,175 7,636 6,064 264,919 267,432 267,391 -3,099 6^024 6,908 267,402 267,584 264,485 3.582 3.639 4,670 264,590 266,520 266,071 201. 4,301 4,230 1,514 567 258,292 259,905 259,105 28 1,5^8 105 I9U8 (62 Stat. 150), are consolidated with budget expenditures. Beginning with the fiscal year 1951, Investments of wholly owned In public debt securities are excluded from budget expenditures, and Inclined with other such InvestmBnte under "Trust Account and Other Transactions". Excess of receipts, or expenditures (-). For outstanding checks and interest coupons, and telegraphic reports from Federal Beserve Banks; excess of receipts, or expenditures (-). Govemmont corporations 3/ 5/ 256,900 252,800 257,130 256,708 259,419 267,391 7,925 6,952 7,156 113 -50U Soiirce: 4,679 4,232 4,295 6.064 -1*15 957 -973 U32 -195 -229 3,968 515 -3,283 -1,009 6,71.2 108,170 165,877 230,630 278,115 259,149 258,298 1,196 1,765 1,623 433 476 271,100 10,543 12,294 22,236 26,003 4,874 4,624 4,295 -1,1*1*7 6,363 5,161 3,099 3,470 5,517 7,357 6,969 4,670 -2,042 -250 -329 209 1,613 -800 5,018 6,070 3,316 258,286 252,292 252,770 257,357 255,222 259,105 266,071 751* 62,129 65.218 1*1,322 72,422 136,696 201,003 258,682 269,422 -20,676 1*0,057 1*0,167 ia.,633 37,*5 lt8,ll*3 2,991 9,507 20,169 24,698 14,238 791 -52U 39,289 33,791 1(2,211 38,2lt6 Debt outatandlnfi General debt, or deoreaiie 2/3/ . Treasury Bulletin .BUDGET RECEIPTS AND KXPENDITUEES Table 1.- Receipts by Principal Sources (In mllllonB of dollars) September 19'yJ .BUDGET EECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. Expenditures for National Defense and Related Actl (In mlllloiis of dollars) Office of Secretary of Defense property disposal I9W 27,800 15,161 16,812 11,500 12,158 6,9U 191*8 19l»9 '>,998 1*,171 1950 12, 3116 It, 1951 1952 1953 19,955 39,033 12/ igltT 6,01*6 5,1*17 058 6,867 15,370 16,1*97 1953 -January, Maroli..., 3,632 3,501 3,789 1,211 1,315 1,293 April.... 3,891 1,399 3,7'*6 1,1*20 l,lt88 February May It, 056 July U/ 5,757 9,961 11,776 1,1*32 Table 4.- Expenditures for International Finance and Aid (In nilliona of dollars) Mutual Security Eicport- Import Bank 20/ Turkish Asslet- Military 191*6 191*7 i9i*e I3I* 191*9 l*,0l*3 1950 3,523 It, 1951 1952 1*69 917 5,788 It, 1953 12/ 12/ 3,006 2,191 1,721* 1953-January, February March.., April.,, May June,.,. July,,., Source: Dally Footnotes 1 throu^ 6 on page 2 and 9 through 31 on page 1*. 2/ Amounts appropriated are equivalent to the amounts of taxes collected and deposited for old-age insurance (1*£ U.S.C. ItOl (a)). The Social Security Act Amandments of 1950 (Public Law 731*), approTed August 28, 1950, changed in certain respects the basis of transferring the appropriated funds to the trust fund. Effectiye January 1, 1951, the old-age Insurance taxes on employers and employees and the withheld Income tax are paid into the Treasury In comblnsd amounts without separation as to type of tax. The old-age insurance tax on selfemployment income, imposed by Public Law 734, is levied and collected as part of the individual Income tax, beginning with the taxable year 1951Beginning January 1951, the amounts transferred currently as appropriations to the trust fund are based on estimates of old-age receipts made by the Secretary of the Treasury, and are adjusted in later transfers on the basis of wage and self -employment income rocorda maintained In the Social Security Administration. For purposes of this table, the amounts credited to the trust fund beginning January 1951 are considered to represent estimated receipts of old-age insurance taxes for corresponding periods. Accordingly, these amounts are included under employment taxes and excluded from total Income and profits taxes as shown. The breakdown needed for excluding appropriate amounts from income tax withheld and other Income tax is estimated only on a fiscal year basis. This estimate for 1953 is not yet available. Figures for June 1953 incluio adjustments by Increase in amounts transferred as appropriations as follows: $53 million based on records of solf-ei5>loymBnt inccme for calendar year 1951 and $39 million based on records of wages earned in the quarters ending September 30 and December 31, 1952. Interest on refunds Is included in Table 5 under "Miscellaneous" Treasury Bulletin .BUDGET BECEIPTS AND iXPEMDITURES. Table 5.- "Other" Expenditures (In mimanB of doUare) Housing and heme Reconfl traction Finance Corporation 30/ I9W lO^l 2,133 5,332 191*8 6 Ml 1,226 782 1950 9,666 10,865 2,658 2,986 1951 1952 1953 9,263 U,38l» 13,393 635 1,219 3,063 19't9 8U5 1,066 1,619 1,696 1,967 1,1*58 1,515 1,655 2,027 2,203 2,253 1,11*2 1,1*56 1,633 2,121* 2,515 2,81*1. 3,086 3,185 1953 -January. February March... April... May June.... 1,1*18 1,11*1 July.... 1,011* 1,281 Source; Daily Treasury Statement. Footnotes 1 through 6 on page 2 and 7 and 8 on page 3 2/ Eipendituree are "net", after allowance for reij appropriations, receipts of revolving fund appropriations, and receipts credited to disbursing accounts of corporations and agonciea having authority to use collections without formal covering into the Treasury. The figures include transfers to trust accounts end net transactions of wholly owned GovemaMnt corporations and agencies. They exclude investments of these corporations and agencies in public debt securities beginning 1950 (» combined with similar InveBtmente of jd public debt retirements charge able to the sinking fund, etc.. under special provisions of law. Payments to the Treasury, principally by wholly owned Government corporations, for retirement of capital stock and disposition of earnings are excluded from both receipts and expenditures. Further information on these capital transfers may be found in the 1952 Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, pages 512 and 51310/ Beginning Hovember 191*9, interest on the public debt is reported as an expenditure when such Interest becomes due and payable, as distinguished from the previous practice of showing the expenditure on the basis of interest paid by the Treasurer of the United states. 11/ Includes public works unlertaken by the Veterans' Administration. 12/ Includes transactions relating to the Foreign Economic Cooperation Trust Fund (see page 1). 13/ Net transactions by the Departments of the Air Force and the Army relating to "Deposit fund accounts" are included under "Trust Account and Other Transactions" instead of "Budget Receipts and Expenditures" beginning 1952. Ik/ Includes retired pay for the military services beginning September 19l*9. 1^ Department of the Air Force eipenditoreB excluding those made behalf of department out of appropriations to the Depart- 12/ 20/ 21/ 22/ ii/ Act. 21*/ 25/ 26/ 21/ 28/ , 16/ Department of the Army expenditures, exclx^ing the following: those included elsewhere in Table 3; international finance and aid, shown in Table 1*; river and harbor works and flood control, included in Table 5 under "Public works"; and Panama Canal. Defense expenditures of the Panama Canal prior to 191*7 are included in Table 3 under "Other"; nondefenee expenditures are included in Table 5 under "Miscellaneous" Figures Include cert expenditures on behalf of the Department of the Air Force (see footnote 15). 17/ Departanent of the Navy expenditures, excluding those included eli where in Table 3 and those for international finance and aid ahoi in Table 1* 18/ Not classified separately prior to 191*7. Through 191*7 Includes "war" and "national defense" expenditures of various departments and agencies, including the Reconstruction Finance Corporation; expenditures of the United States Maritime Commission, the War Shipping Admini stration, the Selective Service System, and the National Advisory Conmilttee for Aeronautics (191*7 only). After 191*7 consists of: United States Maritime Commiseion, and War Shipping Administration In liquidation, through 191*9; Selective Service System; National Advisory Coimnittee for Aeronautics; and certain small Defense Departnent Itema. Excludes Bank expenditures under the Mutual Security Act and the preceding Economic Cooperation Act of 191*8, as amended. Under the Financial Agreement of December 6, 19U5. First repayment became due on December 31, 1951, when payments were made of $1*4 million principal and $75 million interest. Payments on December 31, 1952, were $1*5 million principal and $71* million interest. Act of October 10, 1951 (61* Stat. 373). Prior to July 1951, consists of eipendituree under the Economic Cooperation 29/ . 20/' 21/ r Prior to July 1951, consists of expenditures for mutual defense aealstance. Includes principally relief to countries devastated by war, various other foreign relief programs, Intematioiml children's emergency funds, and loan for construction and furnishing of United Nations Headquarters. Department of Agriculture expenditures, excluding those Included in Tables 3 and I* and thoee for forest roads and trails, Incluled in Table 5 under "Public works". Department of OoBimerce expenditures, excluding those Included in Tables 3 and 1* and thoee for public roads tncludod in Table 5 under "Public works"; includes U. S. Maritime Commlsalon for eleven months of 1950, untU it was abolished and Its functions were transferred Into the Department of Commerce by Reorganization Plan No. 21 of 1950. Housing and Heme Finance Agency expenditures excluding those in Table 3; beginning September 1950, includes Federal National Mortgage Association and prefabricated housing loans program, which were transferred from the Reconstruction -Finance Corporation by Reorganization Plans Hos. 22 and 23 of 1950. Consists of expenditures for the following: Bureau of Reclamation; Tennessee Valley Authority; river and harbor works and flood control under the Department of the Amy; public roads under the Department of Commerce, except assistance to Greece and Turkey; forest roads and trails under the Department of Agriculture; public buildings under General Services Administration, consisting of construction only, beginning I95O; Bureau of Community Facllltlee in the Federal Works Agency until the Bureau was abolished; and other Federal UorksAgency expenditures except those In Table 3 until the Agency was abolished. Eicludea "war" and "national defense" expenditures, included In Table 3 through 191*7. See also footnote 28. Includes expenditures for executive departaaents and other agencies not included olseiAere and for legislative and Judicial functions. Less than $500,000. Revised September 195) -TRUST ACCOUNT AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS. Table 1.- Summary of Trust Account and Other Transactione (In mllllcmfl of dollars) Net redeooptlo Trust accounts^ etc. tniBt account Ezpendlturea (other than n tnTeetmentaJ Net rocolpta. I9W V^l 1,103 191*8 -291* 19^9 1950 -1*95 5,711* 3,82Ua/ 99 6,669 6,950 -521* 1951 1952 1953 3,238 2,619 2,658 6,515 3/ U,952 5,169 61*9 l.i*3 Maj 1,01*7 98 1,338 -231* 1*29 Dally Treasury Statamant. ErcesB of reoelpta, or oipandltures (-). Conslato of transactlona vhlch clear through aooounta of the of the United States, except as noted In footnote 1*. Excludes Foreign Economic Cooperation Trust Fund (see page 1) SoTirce: ^ Beginning 1952, net transactions in Federal Intermediate Credit B issues are Included even though certain of these transactions do clear through the accounts of the Treaaurer of the United States. Less than $500,000. : ' Table 2.- Truet Account Receipts (In minions of dollars) Fiscal year or month 3,557 3,636 3,301 920 April... 1/ 3,857 3,91*5 1953 -January. Februai7 March... 2/ Guaranteed 7,712 6,2W 3,852 3,855 3,763 July.... public debt oocurltleo 2/ Treasury Bulletin .TRUST ACCOUBT AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS. Table 3.- Trust Account Expenditures Other Than Net Investments (In islUlanfi of dollars; negatlTe flsureo are axcese of credlte) Unemploy- Deposit fund accounts TroBt Trust Fund 191*6 19l»7 (net) 3/ 1,57U 1,073 3,625 3,857 19U8 19^9 1950 3,821* 1,231* 526 ! V 6,950 1951 1952 1953 3,9^5 '•,952 5,169 1953 -January, February March... April... May July.... Source: Daily Treasury Statement. Consists of ClTll Service and Foreign Serrlce retirement funds. Includes Adjusted Service Certificate Fund, District of Columbia, Indian tribal funds, expenditures chargeable against increment on gold, and beginning 1950, Mutual Defense Assistance Trust Fund. 1/ 2/ y k/ 2/ Kicludes Table li, Excludes Includes net in public debt securities beginning 1951 (see footnotes 3 and i*). Foreign Boonomlc Cooperation Trust Fund (s transactions by the Air Force and the Army Table 4.- Net Investments of Government Agencies in Public Debt Securities (In millions of dollars; negative figtn-es are excess of redemptions) 1/ September 195) .TREASURY CASH INCOME AND OOTOO. 1.- Summary of Cash Transactions (In mllllana of dollars) Treasury Bulletin .TREASURY CASE INCOME AND OUTCO. Table 3.- Derivation of Cash Budget Expenditures (In alUlons of dollare) )eptember i95) .rSEASasa CASE mCQME AUD otnxx). Table 5.- Derivation of Cash Borrowing or Repayment of Borrowing (In mllllonfl of dollars) BoDcash de^t transactions Increaso, or deoreese (-)j lii Federal Beoiirltlee outstanding Equals: Net cash borrovlng, of Federal suiting from budget expenditures, refunds of receipts i securities teed foroes leare bonds 1/ ties I9U6 10, 7W) 19't7 11,136 -5,99^ -11,523 -6,010 7,892 19^8 19't9 l»78 1.32 2,916 1950 1951 1952 1953 U,587 igs"* 3,'*09 1,39'» '*,579 -2,126 3,900 6,972 lt,0l»5 '*,336 3,668 3,362 3,060 2,311 Adjusted profits borrowing national bonds 1/ Fund 1/ £/ 7,1*39 -19,389 -7,280 -2,513 1,793 -1,229 -161. -U05 3,369 3,355 3,068 '*,231 -5,795 -525 (Bst.) 5 181. -3,188 -3,098 -97 l.teS -1,222 6,1.56 Source: See Table 1. 1/ The Issuance of these securities Is treated as a noncash budget expenditure at the tljss of Issuance and as a cash budget expenditure at the tljne of cash redemption; net issuance, or redemption (-). 2/ See Table 1, footnote 1. 3/ The Issuance of these securities is treated as a noncash deduction frcm kj 5/ » as a cash deduction budget receipts at the time of Issuance or redemption (-). the tine of cash redemption; net Iseuanc See Table 3, footnote 2. Includes borrowing through Postal Sarings Systi Less than $500,000. 1 Treasury DEHE OUTSTANDING AHD GEHERAL FUND . 1.- Summary of Federal Securities (In mllllone of dollars) Bulk September 195) , DEBT OUTSTAHDHC AND &EBERAL FUHD . Table 3.- Special lesues to United States Government Inveetinent Accounts (In mlUlODfl of dollaro) . Treasury Bulletin . DEBT ODTSTANDHC AMD GENKRAL FUND Treasury Holdings of Securities Issued by Government Corporations and Other Agencies 1/ (In mllllonB of dollars) End of flBcal year or month September 195) STATUTORY DEBT LIMITATION The Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, (Jl U.3.C. 757 b), provides that the face amount of obligations Issued and the face amount of under authority of that act, obligations guaranteed as to principal and Interest by the United States (except guaranteed obligations held by the Secretary of the Treasury), . aggregate 5275 billion outstanding at any one time. Obligations Issued on a discount basis, and subject to redemption prior to maturity at the option of the owner, are Included In the statutory debt limitation at current redemption values. shall not exceed In the Table 1.- Status under Llaltatlon. July 31, 1053 (m Mailmm amount of securltlss vbloh ma; b« outstsodlag at of Jma 26, i3M> (31 D.S.O. 757 a^ Biuiana of dollars) one tljna, imdar llBltaticn loposad V the act 275,000 1>) Anbunt of seourltias outetandlug Bul)Jeot to suoh etatutoir d«bt lialtatlosi: V. S. Qovenmant aecuritlea lesusd undar the Second Liberty Bonl Act, aa aaaodad Ouaranteod aoourltlea (excluding thoae haU by the Traaaiory) 272, Balame lasuabla under limitation Source: 27S,085 63 Total amount of eeourltleo outatandlng aiibjeot to statutory debt limitation , Bureau of the Publlo Debt. Table 2.- Application of Limitation to Public Debt and Guaranteed Securities Outstanding July 31, 1053 (In Olaae of eeourlty mtUiona of do'llarB) iW ^i^ Treasury BuUeiin .DEBT OPERATIOKS. Maturity Schedule of Intereet-Bearlng Public Marketable SecurU Issued by the United States Government and Outstanding July 31, 1953 (In millions of dollars) i/ September 195 > .DEBT OPERATIONS. Table 1.- Maturity Schedule of Interest-Bearing Public Marketable Securities Issued by the United States Government and Outstanding July 31, 1953 i/- (Continued) Treasury Bulletin .nEErr OFERATIONS, Table 2.- Offerings of Treasury Bills (Dollar amomitB In nlUlonB) 17 Sevt ember 19'yJ DEBT OPERATIONS Table 3.- Offerings of Marketable Issues of Treasury Bonds, Notes, and Certificates of Indebtedness Description of eecurlty (In mllllonB of dollars) 1/20A8 2/18 A8 3/22A8 5/19 AS 6/21A8 9/1A8 9/20A8 12/6A8 12/15 A8 1/19 A9 2/15A9 3/21A9 5/19 A9 6/20 A9 8/21A9 9/20 A9 12/5A9 12/19A9 1/20/50 2/17/50 2/17/50 3/20/50 5/22/50 6/21/50 2/1A8 3/1A8 1./1A8 6/1/U8 7/1A8 9/15 A8 10/1A8 12/15A8 I/1A9 Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Note 1-1/1.* Certificate 1-lA* Certificate l-l/l* Certificate 1-1/8* 1-1/8* 1-1/8* 1-1/8* 1-1/8* 1-3/8* 2/1A9 3/1A9 1-lA* Certificate lt/l/''9 1-lA* Certificate 1-lA* Certificate 6/1A9 1-1/1.* Certificate 1-1/1.* Certificate A9 9/15' 10/1 12/15 15A9 1/1/50 1-1/8* 1-1/8* 1-3/3* 1-1/8* Certificate Certificate Note Certificate 1-1/1.* 1-lA* 1-1/2* ^/l/SO 6/1/50 7/1/50 9/15/50 1-lA* Bote 1-1/".* Note 1-iA* Bote 1-iA* Note 1-iA* Note 1-3/1.* Note vl/51 10/1/51 2/ 12/3/51 2/18/52 2/18/52 2/ 6/16/52 6/16/52 8A/ 9/15/ 6/15/51 8/1/51 9/15/51 10/1/51 10/15/51 3/1/52 3/1/52 '>/l/52 „V^/,52 8/15/52 10/1/52 ] 1-7/8* 2* 2-1/8* 1-1/2* 2* I 1 Certificate Certificate Note Note Certificate 2-lA* Certificate 2/2/53 2/2/53 2/ 5/20^3 7/6/53 9/2/53 9/2/53 2-3/8* 1-7/8* 1-1/2* Note Cortifioate Certificate Cortifioate Certificate Certificate Note Certificate 7/1/52 U/IS/SS 8/5^3 1-7/8* 1-7/8* 1-7/8* 1-1/2* 1-7/8* 8/15/53 9/15/53 9/15/53 2-1/2* 1-1/2* 3-1 A* 2-5/8* 2-1/2* 2-5/8* 2-5/8* 2-7/8* Bond Note Bond Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate Note 1 jr 1 JT 2 I yr 10 I 5 yr 1 yr 1 yr 5 5yr 30 yr 1 yr li I 8 I lyr 1 yr 3 yr 61 Treasury Bulletin .DEBT OPiSATIONS. Disposition of Matured Marketable Issues of Treasury Bonds, Notes, and Certificates of Indebtedness September 195) .UNITED STATES SAVUKSS BONDS. United States savings bonds were first offered In March 1935 and began to mature In March 19'^5. Series A-D were sold between March 1935 and the end of April \3^X, bond, Series H, similar In Interest return to Series E, was offered beginning June 1. For details of these changes see 'Treasury Bulletin" for May 1952, page A-1. Series F To redeem the and began to mature on May 1, 1953. for the exchange offering made to holders of these bonds maturing through December 3I, 1953. see the May 1953 Issue, page A-1. In bonds In cash In accordance with the original terms; to the tables liiloh follow. Series A-F and J sales are Included retain them with an extended maturity of 10 years at at Issue price and total redemptions and amounts out- and Series E, Vlhen Series F, and were first offered In May 19^1. E began to mature on May 1, 1931, owners of the matured bonds were offered three options: specified rates of Interest accrual; or to exchange them for Series U bonds. May 1, 1952. A number of changes became effective The principal ones were: The rate of Interest accrual on Series E was Increased, especially for the near term, with corresponding changes In extended Series E; Series P and (J and were replaced by two new Issues, Series J and K, also at higher Interest rates. Table 1. A new current-Income Salee and Redemptions (Dollar Series Statemant; Office of the Treaau b I standing at current redemption values. are included at face value throu^out. Series tJ, H, and K Matured bonds which have been redeemed are included In redemptions. Matured F and bonds outstanding are Included in the interestbearing debt until all bonds of the annual series have matured, when they are transferred to matured debt upon which interest has ceased. Series, Cumulative through July 31, 1953 3UQta In mlUloofi) Treasury Bulletin .UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS. SaleB and Redemptione by Periods, Series B through K (Doiaar amounte In millions) Bedamptlons i/ Sales plus Monthly redemptions as percent of amount outstanding discount Series E and H combined 35,37"* 6,739 It, 287 k',278 3,993 3,272 3,296 l.,06l 26 1*18 1*31* 536 633 753 895 1,035 1,111 1,120 '*,659 5,032 l*,887 l*,307 1*,1*07 5,l8l 39,680 k,k66 3,190 3,575 3,689 3,368 3,326 3,987 3,583 3,532p 1*,295 1*,008 lt,038 5,1*23 lt,085 208 3,668 5,8U3 li,288 3,825 3,530 3,521 9,568 4,221* I*, 5,912 '*,391 5,025 '*,639 1*,270 3,930 3,728 3,W*8 3,912 69 103 136 162 195 307 1*25 506p 29,097 30,358 30,791 31,625 33,127 31*, 1*91* 3l*,506 3l*,905 36,01*8 30,727 30,263 30,997 32,188 33,766 9,517 5,330 3,813 3,575 3,271* 3,667 31*, 1*93 l*,036 31*, l*,69l* 727 35,321* 35,511 35,657 35,781* 318 35,852 35,939 29l*p 307P 3l*l*p igUl-iqi*-! it/ 1*7p 36,01*8 15pi/ 36,168 .UNITED STATES bAVIUGS BONDS. Table 3.- Sales and Redemptions by Periods, Series E through K - (In milllaaa of dollare) Redaoptlons 2/ jj Fiscal years: (Contlnuedl Treasury Bulletin .UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS. Redemptions of Matured and Unmatured Savings Bonds (In mllllona of dollara) September 195) .TREASUEy SAVIHGS NOTES. Treasury tax and aavlnge notes have been Issued as follows: Tax Series A from August 1, \3^\, through June 22, 13^1; Tax Series B from August 1, igl+l, through (originally designated September 12, 19'»2; Savings Series Tax Series C) from September Ik, 19l2, through August 31, 19^8; Savings Series D from September 1, V)'ki, through May !•*, 1551; Savings Series A from May 15, 1951, through May l"*, 1953; and Savings Series B beginning on May 15, 1953. Details concerning terms and conditions for purchase and redemption and Information on Investment yields of Savings Series B appear In the June 1953 Issue of the Similar Information with "Treasury Bulletin", page A-1. respect to the offering of the earlier series was published currently In the "Treasury Bulletin", and appears also In the "Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury' for approprlatfe years. In the following tables sales and redemptions of Treasury savings notes are shown at par value. Matured notes redeemed (either for cash or for tax payment) are Inoluded In the figures on redemptions. Matured notes outstanding are reflected In the Interest-bearing debt until all notes of the annual series have matured, when they are transferred to matured debt upon which interest has ceased. Table 1.- Sales and Redemptions by Series, Cumulative through July 31, 1953 (In mllaionfl of dollare) Treasury 24 .OWNERSHIP OF FEXGRAL SECURITIES. 1.- Distribution of Federal Securities by Classes of Investors and Types of Issues (In mllllGos of dollars) Bulk September /95J .OWNERSHIP OF FEDERAL SECURITIES. 3.- Estimated Ownership of Federal Securities {Par values l/ - in billions of dollars) - ) Treasury Bulletin .TKKASUBY SURVEY OF OWHEPSHIP, JUNE 30, 1953 The Treasury Survey of Ownership covers securities Issued by the United States Oovernraent and by Federal agencies. The banks and Insurance companies Included Information on the distribution of ownership by types of banks and Insurance companies Is published each month. In the Survey account for approximately 95 percent of banks distributed according to Federal Reserve member bank classes and nonmember banks la published for June 30 and December 3I. Addltlonsil Information showing the holdings of commercial such securities held by all banks and Insurance companies Data were first published for In the United States. March 31, 1941, In the May 19"*! "Treasury Bulletin". Section I - Securities Issued or Guaranteed by the United States Government Table 1.- Summary of All Securities (Par values - In millions of dollape) IsrestoTQ corered In Treaaury Sinrey Total Insuremoe ccmipaiilee Claselflcatlon outatand- 1/%J Intereet-bearlue eocurltloa: Public marketable Public nomarlcetable kj Special Iseues Total Inteareet-bearlug seciorltles.. Matured debt and debt bearing no Ijitereat ^. Total eecurltlea Issued or guaranteed by the tJ, S , GoTemment 6/ Footnotes at eai of Section II, Table 2. of Interest-Bearing Public Marketable Securities (Par Taluee - in millions of dollars) Held by inveetore corered I Treaaury Survey Total Claselflcatlon outstand- 1/2/ Federal Reaorre Type of Becurlty: iBBxied by U. S. Goremmettit: Treasury bills Certificates of Ijidebtedness Treasury notes Treasury bonds - bank eligible Treasury bends - bank restricted 2/.... Postal sarins end Panama Canal bonds.. Guaranteed by U. S. Goremmsnt 6/ 19,707 15,85'' 30,1(25 63,980 13,155 6,052 5,678 lt,351 10,355 31,660 17,lW 17,2't5 7,659 121* 51 Total 28,206 Maturity classes: Maturing: Within 1 year 1 to 5 years 5 to 10 years 10 to 15 years 15 to 20 years Over 20 years Various (Fedairal Housing Administration debentures 6U,589 32,330 18,677 19,580 1,082 18, 3W 8,772 1,8U 2,569 911* 1,395 373 It, 683 Total Tai status: 8/ Wholly exempt frcm Federal Inoomo taxes .... Partially ezoopt from Federal Inccme taxes. Subject to Federal income taxes 2/ 7,502 Total 7,508 Footnotes at end of Section H. 1,10U 168 1,1U8 39 September 195 J .TREASURY SURVEY OF OWNERSHIP, JUHE 30, 1953 66014011 I - Securities Issued or Guaranteed by the United States Govemnent Table 3.- Interest-Bearing Public Marketable Securities by Issues (Par TalUBB - In millions of doUara) Treasury Bulletin .TKEASUBY SUFVEY OF OWNERSHIP, JUNE 30, 1953 • Section 1 - Securities Issued or Guaranteed by the United States Government Table 3.- Interest-Bearing Public Marketable Securities by Issues - (Continued) (Par valuea - In mllllanfl of dollars) September 19'iJ .TPEASUEY SUFVKY OF OWNEPSHIP, JUHE 30, 1953 - Interest-Bearing Securities Issued by Federal Agencies but not Guaranteed by the United States Government (Par values - Treasury Bulletin . TFEASUFY SURVEY - COWIKRCIAL BAHK OWNERSHIP, JUNE 30, 1953 The tables which follow provide an analyele of the , This analysis of commerolal bank ownership was first jeourlty holdings of commerolal banks reporting In the published In the May 19U4 Issue of the "Treasury Bulletin", Treasury survey of ownership of securities Issued by the 'igures show the total holdings distributed according to based on the survey data for December 31, 13kj. It has appeared at semlannuail or quarterly Intervals since that time, and Is now being published for the June 30 *n* 'ederal Reserve member-bank classes and nonmember banks. December 3I survey data. )nlted States aovemment and by Federal agencies. Section I - The Interest-Bearing Securities Issued or Guaranteed by the United States Government Table 1.- Summary of All Securities (Par valuBO - In mllllnnfl of dollare) September 195 .TREASURY SURVEY - COJWSFCIAL BAMK OWIJERSHIP, JURE 30, I953 , Interest-Bearing Securities IsBued or Guaranteed by the United States Government Table 3.- Public Marketable Securities by It (Par values - In m1 1 \ Icms of dollars Federal Reserre mamber basks Central Treasury bills: Pegular Sarles Tai Anticipation Series (taxable) (taxable) 355 Total Treasury bllla Cartlfleatee of Indebtednaae August 1953-C... 2? 2-lA February 195lt-A 2-5/8 June 195''-B taxable) taxable) (taxable) ( 1,100 ( 1,631* Total certificates of Indebtedness 1,617 ^351 ury notes: 2-1/816 Deoambor 1953-A 19^-k (taxable) (taxable) (taxable) 931 2,6W» 3,991 1-3/8 1-1/2 March March 1-3A Deoanber 1955-B AprU 1956-EA October 1956-BO (taxable) (taxable) (taxable) 2,567 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 April October April 1957-EA 1957-BO 1958-EA (taxable) (taxable) (taxable) 27 (taxable) ...(taxable) (taxable) 3,730 332 3,513 1955-A 5 1*2 83 63 Total Treaeury notes Bank eligible: September 1951-53 256 December 1951-55 2 2 1952-5i June 2-lA June - 1952-5'* 195l*-56 (taxable) (taxable) (partially) 1955-60 1956-58 1956-59 (partially) (taxable) (taxable) 1,951 1,139 2,961 September 1956-59 March 1957-59 June 1958 (partially) (taxable) (taxable) 2,758 June Deoamber June 1958-63 1958 1959-62 (partially) (taxable) (taxable) 2-lA Deoamber 1959-62 2-3A Deoamber I96O-65 I962-67 (taxable) (partially) (taxable) I963-68 June I964-69 September 1967-72 June 1978-83 (taxable) (taxable) ( taxable ) (taxable) 2 1952-55 Becenber 2-lA June 2-7/8 2-1/2 March March 2-lA September 2-3A 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3A 2-1/2 2-lA 2-1/2 June 2-1/2 2-1/2 Deoeniber 2 -1/2 3-lA Total bank eligible Bank restricted i/ 2-1/256 December 1961*-69 2-1/2 March 1965-70 2-1/2 March 1966-71 : 2-1/2 2-1/2 June Deoanber 1967-72 1967-72 Total bank reetrlcted Total Treasury bonds Footnotes at end of Section II. (taxable) (taxable) (taxable) (taxable) (taxable) 893 1*66 : :lty Treasury Bulletin .TREASURY SURVEY Section I - - COMMERCIAL BANK OVfflERSHIP, JUKE 30, 1953 . Interest-Bearing Securities Issued or Guaranteed by the United States Government Table 3.- Public Marketable Securities by Issues - (Continued) (Par Taluds - In mllllana of dollars) September 195) .TREASUEY SURVEY - - COMMERCIAL BANK OVfNERSHIP, JUNE 30, I953 . Interest-Bearing Securities Issued by Federal Agencies but not Guaranteed by the United States Government ( Par Taluea - In millions of dollars . treasury Bulletin QUDTATIOllS ON OBEASURr SBCT3RITIES, JULY 31, 1953 Current market quotations shown here are over-the- public marketable securities Issued by the United States counter closing bid quotations In the New York market Government except Panama Canal bonds. Outstsmdlng Issues which are guaranteed by the United States for the last trading day of the month, as reported to the Treasury by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The securities listed Include all regularly quoted Government are excluded because they are not regularly quoted In the market. Table 1.- Treasury Bills (Taxable) Amount September 195) .MAHKET QDOTATIOBS ON TREASORr SECUKlTUiS, JULY 31, 1953 Table 3.- Other Taxable Issues - (Continued) (Prloo decimals axe 32nds) 2 Treasury Bulletin .MfflKET QDOTATIOHS CO UJ 1 a: .9 ^ O 2o LU => •o g? o < UJO ON TREASURT SBCTIEITIES, JULY 31, 1953 , September 195) .AVERAGE YIELDS OF lONG-TEBM BONDS- Average Yields of Treasury Bonds and Moody's Aaa Corporate Bonds by Periods (Percent per annum) calendar year averages of mnnthly series 191*2. Wits. 191*. I9W. 19^7. 19l>8. 1950. 1951. 1952. Treasury Bullelin .AVKR/GE YIELDS OF U3NG-TE3*! BONBS. September i95J .UJTERHAL KEVENUE COLIZCTIONS. Table 1.- Sumnary ' Principal Sources i/ of dollars) AdJUBtanent of oolleotiODs to Dally Individual IndlTldual Old-age lnoa»tax^ OOllAOtiOSlB +101,661. 191*5 191.6 19I.7 1.3,902,002 l«),310,333 39,379,1*09 -361,589 +271,136 I9W 1.1,853,1.85 -U,051 1.1,864,536 1.3,800,338 1.0,671,922 39,108,273 16,027,213 12,553,602 9,676,757 10,171., uio 11,553,669 20,813,1.91 20,UO5,361. 8,770,094 21,367,662 23,379,123 20,527,935 9,501,015 19,797,883 37,25l.,6l9 7,264,332 9,907,539 11,345,060 11,603,942 1., 039, 683 6,063,001. 3,125,1.63 2,854,566 839,012 2,698,047 851., 692 150,548 1,437,420 1., 19'>9 uo, 307, 285 -155,831. 1.0,1.63,119 1950 1951 1952 39,1.1.8,607 +1.91, 1.82 51,106,095 +660,1^)9 65,63it,89't +625,502 1953 69,930,655 +21A,11.5 38,957,126 50,1*5,686 65,009,393 69,686,509 1953 -January. Feljruary Maroh... 6,150,309 -1,163,657 5,378,278 7,313,965 toll, 1*52 11,712,1*1. +1,1.37,829 10,271., 615 6,171,089 3,900,238 U, 920, 068 10,117,195 -215,385 -1,090,318 2,529,1.27 l.,738,553 +1,1.57,107 2,063,01.7 April... lt,972,366 3,332,321. -1.05,912 10, 851., 351 ll.,387,569 21,1.66,910 21,59l.,515 501,195 26,62l.,788 33,738,370 8,81.6,91.7 9,1.61.,20l. 7,996,320 10,264,219 9,857,589 9,842,282 11,533,577 10,055,502 1,307,931 1,237,825 1,458,934 1,612,721 1,687,151 284,758 284,258 379,555 560,113 562,734 186,489 178,745 185,876 208,508 9,888,976 1,873,401 2,810,750 13,089,769 3,584,026 17,929,047 24,750,494 548,038 579,778 223,135 236,952 259,616 271,214 1,144,150 4,990,091 327,686 4,288 67,158 91,058 36,679 166,743 8,67s 1,666,826 519,981 527,360 3,084 50,845 99,399 17,179 -1,132 l.,825 Treasury Bulletin XWmNKL REVENUE COLLECTIONS- INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTIONS BY PRINCIPAL SOURCES . Individual Income Tax and ^ Employment Taxes 41 '43 '45 Estate ond Gift Taxes '47 '49 '51 '53 September IW Treamry Ballet -INTERNAL REVENUE COLLECTIONS. Table 2.- Detail of Collections by Type of Tax (In thousands of dollars) y - (Continued) September 195) .MOKETARy STATISTICS. Table 1.- Money In Circulation (In nilllomB of dollarfl except as noted) Treasury Build .M3HETAPY STATISTICS . Table 2.- Monetary Stocks of Gold and Silver (Dollar anounta tn mlUlona) End of fiscal year or month ^5 September 1957 .MOHETAEY STATISTICS. Table 4.- Components of Silver KJonetary Stock (In mllllcmfl of dollars) . Treasury Bullet in .HOHETAEY STATISTICS Table 6,- Seigniorage on Sliver September 195) .CAPITAL MOVBffiMTS. Attention Is called to the the data for January I95O. Data relating to claims on foreigners and liabiliand capital movements between the fact that although the grand total figures on the revised ties to foreigners, since 1935, pursuant to Executive Order 6560 of January I5, reporting basis are reasonably comparable with those for preceding months, data for Individual countries In some Information and Treasury regulations thereunder. covering the principal types of data and the principal coverage and geographical classification. United States and foreign countries, have been collected Instances are not comparable because of certain changes In 1934, countries la reported each month by banks and bankers and securities brokers and dealers In the United States. This The supplementary Information, contained In Section IV, Is presented In three tables appearing at different times. Table 1 gives data by countries on short-term claims on and liabilities to foreigners as reported quarterly by exporters, Information Is published regularly In the "Treasury Bulletin". Supplementary Information la published at less frequent Intervals. All reports are made Initially to the forward consolidated figures Importers, and Industrial and commercial concerns In the United States. This Information was published for the first time In the October 1949 Issue of the "Treasury Bulletin" The term "foreigners" as used In these repxirts oovere Table 2 and begins with data for September 30, igtS. supplies information by countries on long-term claims on and liabilities to foreigners as reported by banks and Federal Reserve Banks, irtilch to the Treasury. all Institutions and Individuals (Including United citizens } States domiciled outside the United States, as well as International organizations, wherever domiciled, created by bankers In the United States. treaty or convention between sovereign states. "Short-term" first time In the December refers to original maturities of one year or lees, and A detailed "long-term" refers to all other maturities. discussion of the reporting coverage, basis of reporting, and derivation of capital movements figures appeared In the April 1950 Issue of the "Treasury Bulletin', pages 5O-52. Revised report forms and regulations became effective with Section I - This table appeared for the Data are for the Issue. Table 3 end of the calendar year beginning with igle. gives Information on short-term liabilities to countries bankers. banks and by separately not regularly reported 19'^9 This table appeared for the first time In the April 195° Issue. The data have been requested at Irregular Intervals, the earliest date being October 191*3. Summary by Periods Table 1.- Net Capital Movement between the United States and Foreign Countries (In thouaandfl of dollars; negative figures Indicate a net outflow of capital from the United States) Treasury Bulletin .CAPITAL MOVIMEKTS. Section I - Summary by Periods Table 2.- Short-Term Claims on and Liabilities to Foreigners (Poaltlon at end of period In thousanda of dollars) Shart-torm olaUnB on forel^era -term llalillitles to foreigners Payable In dollare Payable in dollars Deposita of foreigners 19^3. 257,929 30,916 31*, 387 19Ult. 19l>5. 329,691* 51*, 392,766 708,253 1*7,1*89 19lt7. 91*8,936 165,1*39 191*8. ,018,700 100,371 21*6,673 19lt6. 603 98,119 110,301* 21*0,583 191*9. Payable foreign 72,048 86,378 105,421 100,267 319,639 143,709 137,164 169,670 245,010 290,495 292,866 361,197 222,719 151,115 177,246 122,866 490,631 557,132 494,331 506,268 699,389 847,492 7,116,419 7,717,960 7,617,959 8,644,775 i/ 9,302,200 10,546,052 4,809,245 5,209,820 5,073,586 5,503,872 1/ 5,382,062 5,831,895 2,257,510 834,475 842,455 813,451 10,356,210 10,526,357 10,706,785 5,752,224 5,794,084 5,831,960 1*, 524, 598 4,670,187 4,809,166 79,388 62,086 65,659 4,205,389 5,37l*,903 5,596,775 6,883,068 6,480,262 3,523,328 4,134,412 l*,356,501 4,946,624 4,693,911 1,222,580 1,218,633 1,910,898 1,745,722 2,1*37,751 2,493,331* 13,893 17,911 21,641 25,546 40,629 49,664 70,389 51,039 44,911 1950. 1951. 1952. 1,0U8,722 78;361* 1952 -July August.... September. 1,026,209 1,066,320 1,023,375 61*,913 74,1*27 70,206 126,821 149,438 139,718 1,018,652 1,021,120 1,048,722 74,682 66,290 78,364 122,173 119,662 122,866 821,792 835,168 847,492 10,587,565 10,678,052 10,546,052 5,748,925 5,935,119 5,831,895 l*,77l*,l88 4,679,138 4,652,786 64,452 63,795 61,371 1,036,006 1,031*, 110 82,672 69,208 77,372 115,639 134,711 11*8,153 837,695 830,191 815,080 10,501,005 10,400,278 10,603,804 5,731,107 5,637,958 5,750,151 4,717,278 4,709,586 4,809,879 52,731* 43,771* 70,494 76,510 75,939 134,012 112,778 112,797 865,409 788,030 752,504 10,879,918 10,927,983 10,907,641 5,807,766 5,840,308 5,857,218 5,027,432 5,036,526 4,997,584 1,01*0,605 1,029,915 977,318 91*1,21*0 1/ 3,095,992 1/ 3,847,912 61^371 52,620 Beginning 1950, Includes c are held in specific trust from reported liabilities. Table 3.- Net Movement of Short-Term Banking Funds {In thousands of dollars; negative figures indicate a net outflow of capital from the United States) Short-term clalma Payable Short-term liabilities Payable In dollars Payable In dollars foreign 1935-41. 307,187 15,933 -3,471 -20,216 191*2.... 1943.... 1944.... 1945.... 1946.... 1947.... 6,409 20,671 -14,330 -19,043 422, 7U 60,899 6,545 -32,506 5,151* -75,31*0 -50,630 -67,320 65,068 -10,433 -129,779 -219,372 26,773 -68,331 138,478 65,483 -45,485 -200,136 -66,501 62,801 -11,937 9,832 -22,617 9,720 -14,901 17,51*0 -8,341 -13,376 -12,324 -119,220 90,487 -132,000 9,797 7,504 15,111 -45,047 -100,727 203,526 148,775 13,444 3,394 -40,111 42,945 8,463 -9,514 4,221 4,723 -2,468 -27,602 12,716 1,89c -6,495 10,690 52,597r 36,078 1/ See Table 2, footnote 3,034,615 485,870 1,179,314 220,359 1,279,375 7,U4 -37,542 -5,102 4,018 3,730 3,905 -164,651 511,788 180,241 15,083 9,035 20,725 -19,350 -6,128 285,937 145,589 138,979 -5,144 -17,302 3,573 -83,035 186,194 -103,224 -34,978 -95,050 -26,352 -1,207 -657 -2,424 -100,788 64,492 -7,692 100,293 -8,751 114 -8,960 -268,854 115,384 400,575 -136,234 430,286 1/ 657,425 1,243,852 2,516 -3,204 -4,308 13,464 -8,164 -418,422 636,207 601,541 -100,001 1,026,816 1/ 266,156 385,365 554,412 -3,947 692,265 7,227 -19,072 -13,442 I4,l4l 21,234r -19 34,303 41,860 37,876 29^004 -10,329 37,379r 35, 276,114 48,065r -20,342 -93,11*9 U2,193 57,615 32,542r 16,910 217,553 9,094r -38,942 946 6,429r 1,690 September 195 .CAPITAL MDVEHEHTS Table 4 (In Calendar year or month Section I - Summary by Periods Purchases and Sales of Long-Term Domestic Securities by Foreigners of dollare; negative figures Indicate a net outflow of capital from the United Stateo) Treasury Bulletin 50 .CAPITAL M0VIM51ITS. Section II - Sumnary by CountrleB Net Movement of Capital and of Short-Term Banking Funds f doUare; negative flgurea Indicate a net outflow of capital from the United States) September 1%) .CAPITAL MOVEMENTS. Section II - Summary by Countries Table 2.- Net Movenent In Brokerage Balances and Long-Term Security Transactions by Foreigners fin thousandB of doUars; .. Treasury Bulletin 52 .CAPITAL MOVIMHITS. Section II by Countries Table 3.- Short-Tern Clalns and Liabilities to Foreigners Austria Csecboaloredcla 18 5,065 5,123 Finland Ganaony . . • Italy Netherlande Norway Poland Portugal Rumania 8,776 30,161* 25,3W 25,61*6 6,91*8 5,862 1,1*87 1,135 5 5,725 2,2U7 13,1T0 293 Swadan Svlttarland U. S. S. R Unltad KlngdcD yUgoBlavla Other Europe '',138 8,2lt2 27,151 320 128 7,81*8 30,968 179 25,538 9,066 1,116 30 U68 7,531 3,153 27,267 3,880 6,278 Total Europe Canada l*,li5li 7,278 156,738 161,1*95 152,1*1*5 57,778 61,277 60,613 7,205 10,709 383,277 19,377 36,808 13,361* ll*,637 370,651 19,013 37,792 382,650 9,600 38,920 30,730 2,295 37,812 2,850 3l*,9l*7 Latin Amaflca: Argantlsa Bolivia Brazil Chile ColoBibla. Cuba Dcmlnlcan Bepubllc. Guataiala Malloo Betherlands West lilies and Surinam 7,061 7,736 2,793 '*,B72 l',371 U,5l*7 5W 96,092 86,853 1,868 2,098 2,181 17,185 ll*,678 12,1*69 '*,98l 1*,2'*3 U,860 7,331* 7,1*1*6 TflQMllala 6,760 9,225 32,95^ 35,699 33,392 Other Latin Aoarlca... 111,105 llt,831 ll*,l*59 Republic of Panama. El Salvador . . Total Latin Ansrloa. . 91*, 5,388 1*,958 676,899 Aala; China Mainland FamoBa Bong Eong Indie Indcdoesla 2,657 7,175 2,lt32 3,272 588 2,657 6,733 2,031 Oil 616 It, 6,272 2,671 3,871* 585 2,785 5,571 2,076 3,133 770 Iran leraal 10,153 25,089 15,588 10,930 25,212 IJ.,650 12,619 193 19,962 20,lt73 16,991* Phlllppinee Thailand n,593 9,999 lit, 202 13,625 21*, 3,035 lit, 225 lt,338 Turkey Other Aala Total Aala Other countries: Australia 'Belgian Congo Egypt and AngloEgyptian Sudan Union of South Africa. Other Total other countrlea. International Orand total p Frellninary. 30,885 129 2U,805 5,060 971* 2,133 2,766 18,653 2, 801* 2,80li 3A69 3,363 21,859 6,1*26 September 195 .CAPITAL MOVEMENTS Section II - Susunary by Countries Table 4.- Foreign Debit and Credit Balances In Brokerage Accounts d of ncnth In thousanda of dollaro) Treasury Bulletin 5"+ .CAPITAL MOVJMEHTS, Section III - Details for Month of April 1953 Table 1.- Short-Term Claims on Foreigners September 1%) .CAPITAL MOVBffiHTS. Section III - Details for Month of April 1053 Table 2.- Short-Term Liabilities to Foreigners (Poeltlon at end of month in thousends of dollars Treasury Bulletm\ Section III - Detallo for Month of April 1053 Purchases and Sales of Long-Terai Securities by Foreigners Scpicmber 195J , Treasury Bulletin .CAPITAL MOVBffiHTS. Section III A - Preliminary Details for Month of June 1953 Table 2.- Short-Term Liabilities to Foreigners (Pooltlon at «nd of month In thousandB of dollars) Short-tena llabllltlee payable In dollars foreign tianks official Institutions U.S. Treas'jry IjiUs and oertlfloates AuB trla Belgium Czochoelovakla llS.TS"* 68,381* 127,176 656 l*Jt,U57 185 15,277 71,01*7 Fmlarri 3"*, 320 ! France German; 308,ltOO '.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Italy. Netherlands Poland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Portugal Sweden Switzerland n. S. S. K tJhlted Kingdom Tugoelavia Other Surope 682,835 70,651 310,619 267, 56U 109,077 1,965 57,159 5,799 19,319 86,660 650,132 2,223 911,183 7,91A 1*6,876 215,012 282,737 61,51*7 21,1*11 6,707 355,000 40,000 277,963 238,255 117,858 135, U6 56,21*5 174,843 11,958 41,945 136 24,989 7,167 82,661 1,568 21., 569 1,530 56,736 1,356 37,01*7 36,71*7 48 38 252 l*,l*23 1*,1*22 603,503 7,:""' 311,076 19,668 1,915 335,726 5,658 25,566 1,613,1*20 70,859 3,094 9,104 32,649 28,997 63,438 3,050 6,378 22,568 26,735 26,416 397 23,070 373 19,833 1,367 9,438 205 9,1*99 37,1*88 282,1*00 3,339 Total Europe 5,442 26,311* 233,677 679,682 9,701* 1,189 44,576 465 6,524 2,564 47,100 ,226,577 115,993 9 6,979 1,566 7,195 133,979 299 279,363 720 12,761 311,8 703,030 155,177 720 11,268 602,108 Latin America; Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia 155,615 25,591 133,608 88,113 121,602 116,655 13,676 95,625' Cuba Doiluloan Kepubllc QuAtaiala Melloo Betherlaods West Iidlea and Surinam 380,957 311*, Peru Bepublio of Panama Kl Salvador Uruguay Tonezuela Other Latin Ansrica. 1*7,1*92 579 2,476 38,913 10,505 53,01*0 89,51*2 2,017 37,972 35,005 30,043 38,838 11,878 37,549 34,864 29,796 66,378 19,070 19,230 81,530 66,024 15,447 18,941 75,921 U,915 119,009 28,220 11,576 3,570 81*, 31*6 1*4,811* 36,778 2,752 8,036 7,938 63,371 23,91*1' 136 97. W,173 4,457 298 18.774 39,424 52,872 13,733 52,926 54,302 34,958 37^208 13,712 44,771 51,053 33,424 50,347 596,307 552,292 _ • Total Latin America.... 91,559 28,1*22 1*5,186 167,1*96 W,738 , . 53, 113,720 13,672 85,120 31,005" 87 " 156,335 101,177 11*0,867 105; 31* 30,391 100,879 79,286 ,701 Aala; China Mainland 87,1*01* 28,712 28,750 31,202 83,723 38,1*32 36,961* 26,731. 17,806 10,666 15,231 877,613 286,662 267,573 37,1*71* 33,789 72,106 India Indonesia Iron lerael Japan 16,1*75 Thailand 893,662 307,360 197,500 Other Asia 8,007 225,992 FMlippinas 19l*,177 28,081* 5,039 40,835 3,476 1,468 30,390 2l*,763 10,580 15,219 81.4,101. 13,81.1 4,061 141,143 31,194 6,000 180,069 2,315 13,089 267 16,048 20,651 3,323 7,140 1,244 16,018 20,581 3,323 29 10,158 29,546 Total Asia Other countries: Australia Belgian Congo i^ypt and AngloEg^'ptian Sudan ttilon of South Africa,. Othtr Total other countries.. Intamatlooal Grand total 67,318 126,297 125,051 55,211* 52,1*86 37,1*35 97,789 1Bir:053 ,777,093 10,907,61*1 61*,235 31*, 903 31*5,103 21,950 13,399 56,266 536 10,162 25,077 Total To forwlgn banks and official CAPITAL MOVEMENTS Section III A - Preliminary Details for Month of June 1953 Table 3.- Purchases and Sales of Long-Term Securities by Foreigners Treasury Bulletin .CUMDLittlVE TABLE OF COHTEHTS October 1952 throu^ September 1953 September 195) .CTMJLATIVE TAHLE OF COIIEEirrS. October 1052 through September 1053 - (Continued)