Full text of Survey of Current Business : January 1922
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MONTHLY SUPPLEMENT TO COMMERCE REPORTS UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS AS OF JANUARY 1, 1922 No. 6 COMPILED BY BUREAU OF: THE CENSUS BUREAU OF FOREIGI^AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE BUREAU OF STANDARDS CONTENTS. Page. Page. reiiminary summary for January (text) immary for December (text and diagrams) rend of business movements (summary table) etailed tables: Textiles (tables 1 to 9) Metals (tables 10 to 17) Fuels (tables 18 to 21) Paper, rubber, automobiles, glass (tables 22 to 28) Hides and leather (tables 29 to 34) Building construction and materials (tables 35 to 44) Food products, tobacco, and chemicals (tables 45 to 61)... Detailed tables—Continued. Foreign exchange and trade of the United States (tables 62 to 67) 92 Transportation (tables 68 to 74) 98 Distribution movement (tables 75 to 79) 105 Labor and price indices (tables 80 to 86) HO Banking and finance (tables 87 to 96) 116 Trade of foreign countries (tables 97 to 114) 126 i44 Sources of data Index 147 5 7 18 34 42 50 54 60 66 76 (2) INTRODUCTION. The January number of the SURVEY is the first regular quarterly issue giving detailed figures for all items. This number is of special interest, because, for the majority of items, it gives the monthly movement for the whole of 1921. The items in the detailed tables have been rearranged and the footnotes have been expanded. In response to requests from several sources, blank lines for the first three months of 1922 have been added to each table. This will enable those who care to do so to enter such new figures as they are interested in as soon as they appear. The text has been separated into two parts, the first being a preliminary survey for January, 1922, based on reports of current conditions received by the Department of Commerce. The second part is a statistical summary for the month of December, 1921, and points out the trends as shown by the actual statistics reported in this bulletin. In the large summary table entitled uTrend of. Business Movements" (pp. 18 to 31) index numbers are given for the current months instead of percentage changes, as in the preceding issues. These index numbers enable comparisons to be made directly with preceding periods or with other months. The detailed tables which make up the bulk of this number give, for each item, both numerical data and index numbers covering the last two years by months, and show monthly averages for the nine years, 1913 to 1921, so far as such data are available. The list of sources of information, pages 144 to 146, has been expanded to indicate the exact source and publication, if any, from which the various data are taken. The usual time of appearance of each set of data is also indicated wherever possible. (3) The alphabetical index, pages 147 to 149, will enable the reader to find readily the items in which he is interested. USE OF INDEX NUMBERS. For the benefit of those readers who did not receive the earlier numbers of the SURVEY it may not bo out of place to point out the advantage of index numbers as a rapid method of gaining a bird's-eye view of the trend of business. For this purpose reference may be made to the second item in the large table on page 18, viz—the imports of unmanufactured wool. The index number for December, 1921, is 99, which shows at once that imports of this commodity were 1 per cent less in December than the average monthly imports for 1913, the base period. The index number for November, 1921, was 87, so that there was a considerable increase in the last month over November. The final column of the table shows that this increase amounted to 14.4 per cent. The index number for wool imports in October was only 72. This, together with the index numbers for the two succeeding months (87 and 99, respectively), show that this movement has been increasing, although it is still below the prewar average. The September, 1921, index number was 115j indicating that for that month imports of wool were 15 per cent above the 1913 average. In November and December, 1920, wool imports were 97 and 106, respectively. From a study of these figures it is possible to obtain a clear idea of the trend in each industrial movement. COMPARISON OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FOOD PRICE INDEX NUMBERS. WITH INDEX OF ALL COMMODITIES AT WHOLESALE* (CT. S. Department of Labor Index.) 1916 290 J F M A M 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 PRELIMINARY SUMMARY FOR JANUARY. Trade reports indicate that, although actual business did not show any great increase in January, there was a continued improvement in fundamental conditions. A spirit of optimism prevails in practically every industry. I t is believed in trade channels that, as soon as the period of inventory and tax adjustments has passed, there will be renewed activity. This was already evident toward the end of the month. In the following paragraphs there is given a brief summary of reports reaching this department on trade conditions during January: IRON AND STEEL. The operation of steel plants underwent little change in January from that obtaining at the close of 1921. No definite trend in blast-furnace production has been evident. Pig iron and ferroalloys have been purchased for immediate needs only. Semifinished and finished steel markets have been relatively dull, with business done in moderate quantities, except in the case of sheets and tin plate, which continue active. Sheet mills in the Pittsburgh district are operating above 70 per cent of capacity, while tin-plate mills are running at about 90 per cent. Pipe demand has been quiet, but Pittsburgh mills are said to have sufficient tonnage on their books to warrant operation at about 75 per cent of normal capacity. Completion of consumers' inventories has not yet run its course, which fact has retarded the boom expected in the early part of this year. Export trade has continued fairly active, with Japan the leading buyer in the lighter products, such as black sheets, tin plate, and wire products. TEXTILES. Very little change has occurred in the textile business. There has been, in general, no improvement in booking new business for mill production in cotton, wool, and silk, though here and there a fair business is being conducted. Reductions in prices by the American Woolen Co. in its opening of fall lines and the settlement of the New York garment workers' strike lent a tone of encouragement to the trade. AUTOMOBILES. Little actual business of importance in the automobile trade is to be expected in January; however, the interest which has been evident at the shows speaks well for the spring trade. Prices have been reduced to approximately prewar values, while manufacturers are competing with each other to bring out better and longer-lived cars. FUELS. Bituminous coal production in the second week of January reached the highest point since late in November and was above the level of any week of 1921, except the very beginning of the year and the temporary rise in October, caused by apprehension over a railroad strike. Production of anthracite coal has also increased from the December depression. Latest statistics at hand on the petroleum industry indicate a steady increase in the daily average production during the first half of January. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS. The amount of contracts awarded in January, 1922, is running about 20 per cent below December, 1921. This is usual for this season, when building operations are slowed up by weather conditions. In addition, the amount of contracts awarded during the last months of 1921 was fairly large, and uncertainty in regard to prices of certain building materials, and in some cases in regard to wages in the building trades, does not encourage prospective builders to place their orders far ahead of the time when construction can begin. HIDES AND LEATHER. The opening of the year finds the hide and leather industry stabilized by a return of reasonable confidence. While the early part of January was marked by seasonal quietness, there are indications all along the line of better trade conditions than (hiring the past year. Although hide markets have been dull and not much business has been transacted, the tone has been firm, with a general anticipation of higher price levels in the near future. It is the feeling of the trade that both leather buyers and tanners, with few exceptions, are carrying stocks which will be inadequate to meet any reasonable expansion in their orders. By the middle of January the leather market became more active, accompanied by a noticeable increase in inquiry for all classes of leather. The outlook in the boot and shoe industry reflects greater optimism than has prevailed for many months. A fair volume of orders for staple and medium lines has been received in all districts. (5) Building material producers have the capacity to meet a fairly large demand, and are generally prepared to do so, as the need for new construction has been well advertised. In slow-moving commodities, however, there are always likely to be temporary or local shortages accompanied by price flurries. The building material market during January shows decreases in the price of lime and glass at producing points, and there were further decreases in the price of cement at different points. Of interest to building-material men were the hearings granted by the Interstate Commerce Commission late in January in regard to railroad rates on lumber, brick, cemeilt, sand, gravel, lime, gypsum, and other building materials. It is not probable that the Interstate Commerce Commission will be able to take any action on these hearings before March. RUBBER. Tire production in large and small factories in the last month has shown that the level to which the industry reduced its activities in September and October is as low as will be reached. There have even been distinct signs of recovery from the seasonal declines made in those months. Spring dating orders have been satisfactory. The stocks are low, and, with the continually increasing number of automobiles in operation, the business of the tire manufacturers is expected to increase until the summer maximum is reached. A better tone is apparent in the mechanical rubber goods end of the industry, due somewhat to the better situation in other manufacturing lines which enables them to buy equipment more freely. Reduction in rubber footwear prices is encouraging dealers, most of whose stocks are low, to fill out their lines, and, as a result, the situation promises greater activity for the footwear factories. FOODSTUFFS. The grain market, which started under some depression the first week of January, has gradually improved. The principal depressing factors were an increase in the official wheat estimate of 54,000,000 bushels, due to revision of acreage on the basis of census figures, offerings of new Argentina wheat under United States prices, and a rather slow export demand. On the other hand, the poor condition of the winter wheat crop, both in this country and Europe, with continued winter drought, has had a sustaining effect. The taking of corn for Russian relief, while not a large factor, has helped the corn market. Flour production continues low, less than 1,900,000 barrels a week, which is considerably below the normal rate of consumption. The live-stock market for January has been characterized by receipts 25 to 30 per cent smaller than for the same period a year ago and a general strengthening of the market. Sheep and mutton have both increased in price since the first of January, while hog prices are also up. Cattle and beef prices have shown a smaller increase. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. There has been no change in business conditions affecting the implements industry since the depression began, the principal obstacle in the way of a resumption of business being the inability of the farmers as a class to finance their requirements. Little recovery is looked for until there is a readjustment of freight rates and a more equitable relationship between the prices received by the farmer for his product and the prices which he must now pay for commodities required by him. However, the industry has passed through the worst phase of the depression, the hindrances are gradually weakening in their resistance, and from week to week there becomes evident an improvement that is slowly but surely leading back to normal. ELECTRICAL GOODS. Sales of electrical goods show a continued slow improvement generally in the Central and the Western states; in the Eastern states business is quite dull, but, taking the country as a whole, conditions indicate an upward trend. Stocks carried over by jobbers are shown by recent inventories to be moderate. Apparatus lines have probably shown the least activity in the domestic market, though current business is said to compare well with .that of recent weeks. Supply lines are moving slowly, with indications pointing to greatly increased activity shortly as new building operations are undertaken. Household appliance lines of all kinds seem to be moving well. Dealers are buying freely to fill up broken lines after the holiday rush. Lamps are selling well in the East with less activity in the West. On the whole, the trade regards conditions as quite satisfactory for this time of the year. HARDWARE AND OFFICE APPLIANCES. Sales of hardware for the whole country are reported as fair for this time of the year, although certain districts state that there is little activity in the wholesale market. In general, however, conditions seem satisfactory. Prices on many lines of goods carried in the hardware trade have declined to the point where no further reduction can be expected, and consumers are, therefore, more willing to buy. Sales of office furniture and appliances have shown no marked increase during January, although the trade is improving in certain districts. Reports indicate that buyers are in a more receptive mood, thougn placing orders rather slowly. SUMMARY FOR DECEMBER. The month, of December, figures for which are now available, showed a further decline in industrial activity, continuing the movement noticed in November after .the October spurt. In some lines this slowing down was seasonal, but the wide range covered by the production declines and the evidence of somewhat greater unemployment of labor showed that the country as a whole was facing a reaction from the fall boom. The big seasonal feature of December business activities that is watched as an indication of purchasing power—the holiday retail trade—showed an increase over 1920 in most lines, but the industrial activity which had produced these goods had already taken place several months before. 32 commodities for which this comparison is available, only seven—wheat flour, cottonseed oil, yellow pine lumber, cigarettes, petroleum, woolens, and oak flooring—gained in production over 1920, and only six— wheat flour, cottonseed oil, cement, petroleum, electric power, and oak flooring—showed a greater production than in 1919, although face brick and anthracite coal equaled the 1919 figures. Also only six commodities— cement, woolens, oleomargarine, petroleum, cigarettes, and oak flooring—were produced in,greater quantity in 1921 than in 1913. DIAGRAM 1.—COMPARISON OF P R E S E N T PRODUCTION WITH PREWAR. (Relative production of 1913=-100.) 100 INDEX NUMBERS 200 PRODUCTION. Many lines of industry showed a considerable slackening of production during December. The exceptions to this trend were pig iron, zinc, sole leather, by-product coke, oak flooring, silica brick, petroleum, oleomargarine, electric power, mechanical wood pulp, and newsprint paper. As compared with these 11 increases there were 20 decreases from November recorded. But the picture is not quite so dark when it is realized that, of the commodities for which December 1921, figures are now available, even a smaller number showed an increase in December, 1920. Bituminous and anthracite coal, sole leather, petroleum, electric power, mechanical wood pulp, and newsprint paper were the only ones to gain in that month. W H E A T FLOUR BEEF PRODUCTS PORK PRODUCTS OLEOMARGARINE WOOL (CONSUMPTION) COTTON (CONSUMPTION) BITUMINOUS COAL ANTHRACITE COAL COMPARISON OF PRESENT PRODUCTION WITH PREWAR. BEEHIVE COKE RELATIVE 1'RODUCTION (1913=100). BY-PRODUCT COKE Maxi- Mini- 1920, 1921, mum mum aver- aver- Nov.. Dec., Nov., Dec., 1920. 1920. 1921. 1921. in in 1920. 1921. age. age. FOODSTUFFS: Wheat flourl Beef products Pork products 2 Oleomargarine 116 108 175 308 65 88 87 64 84 121 111 253 166 123 74 76 124 117 132 109 74 71 78 152 92 132 113 271 81 108 137 201 101 113 118 148 211 135 93 69 69 60 61 163 *109 159 106 85 95 17 128 98 59 132 109 54 189 1S7 188 90 90 17 167 182 77 78 17 176 203 115 124 79 115 106 110 71 138 55 78 21 73 CRUDE * PETROLEUM 64 67 85 262 73 231 63 82 84 STEEL I N G O T 8 CLOTHING: Wool (consumption) Cotton (consumption) FUELS: Bituminous coal.. Anthracite coal Beehive coke By-product coke.. Crude petroleum 193 121 171 116 97 62 242 181 132 155 90 167 34 38 16 50 118 135 83 138 54 66 229 53 64 109 161 107 186 110 94 116 254 119 349 114 73 231 68 105 287 90 90 327 87 106 272 54 80 217 48 98 326 83 Q METALS: Pigiron Steel ingots. Copper Zinc.. 62 BUILDING MATERIALS: Cement Oak flooring TOBACCO: Cigars .... Cigarettes Manufactured tobacco 1 2 E2S3382 MINIMUM 1931 NOVEMBER, 1921 DECEMBER, 1921 ZINC 76 OAK FLOORING CIGARS Relative to 1914. As represented by tax-paid withdrawals. CIGARETTES Now that the full year's figures are completed for the great majority of industries, it is possible to compare 1921 production with previous years. Out of W//////A MAXIMUM 1020 (7) MANUFACTURED TOBACCO * 1920 AVERAGE 8 COURSE OF PRODUCTION SINCE 1919. RELATIVE PRODUCTION (3919=100).! RELATIVE PRODUCTION (191&-100).» Maxi- Minimum mum 1920, 1921, Nov., Dec., Nov., since since aver1920. 1920. 1921. snd of end of age. 1919. 1919. Maxi- Mini1920 1921 mum aver- aver- Nov., since end of age. age. 1920. end of 1919. 1919. Dec., 1921. CONSTRUCTION: FOODSTUFFS: 114 51 82 270 21 265 *73 87 95 79 64 49 70 57 42 72 102 115 91 100 89 29 101 135 103 125 123 137 114 113 137 96 124 141 115 94 101 30 84 120 131 112 115 112 99 87 106 99 89 74 56 70 26 55 67 67 58 40 26 7 20 90 92 93 104 103 100 76 101 114 126 95 57 42 63 109 88 113 137 127 134 141 119 63 74 11 61 104 98 98 101 121 110 122 117 123 113 132 140 113 126 34 34 21 38 119 121 104 105 CLOTHING: Cotton (consumption) Wool (consumption) Bololeather FUELS: Anthracite coal Bituminous coal Beohivecoko By-product coke Crude petroleum Gasolino Electric power METALS: Pig iron Steel ingots Copper Zinc 107 87 98 98 101 94 69 110 349 20 134 109 151 147 126 349 121 Wheat flour Beef products Pork products Sugar (meltings) Olemargarino 2 Cottonseed oil Condensed milk 92 62 165 47 87 82 90 78 86 202 112 93 Yellow pine Douglas fir California redwood Western pine Oak flooring Silica brick Facebrick Cement Buildings (contracted for) Vessels completed Ill 118 144 119 173 130 121 157 113 79 94 102 122 119 106 106 100 125 72 67 128 116 119 112 114 132 143 138 Newsprint All other paper Mechanical wood pulp Chemical wood pulp 124 73 116 75 111 98 139 57 168 33 101 133 82 18 102 21 173 34 85 98 76 13 30 50 113 80 57 86 64 50 105 96 79 107 98 115 116 109 80 121 97 91 108 90 101 94 100 101 94 104 123 106 GLASS: Bottles 80 91 144 1921. 41 61 84 94 PAPER: 133 1920. 1921. 110 121 109 117 TOBACCO: Cigars Cigarettes Manufactured tobacco 79 "*66" 123 40 100 122 70 30 Bee, Nov., Dec., 48 96 96 91 57 i The 1913 relatives have hero been calculated on a 1919 basd, as many more commodities can be compared on this basis, a As represented by tax-paid withdrawals. 3 Latest month available, September. DIAGRAM 2*—COUIISE OF PRODUCTION SINCE 1919. (Relative production of 1919-100.) INDEX NUMBERS 100 WHEAT FLOUR BEEF PRODUCTS PORK PRODUCTS SUGAR (MELTINGS) OLEOMARGARINE COTTONSEED OIL CONDENSED MILK COTTON (CONSUMPTION) WOOL (CONSUMPTION) SOLE LEATHER ANTHRACITE COAL BITUMINOUS COAL BEEHIVE COKE BY-PRODUCT COKE CRUDE PETROLEUM GASOLINE ELECTRIO POWER PIG tRON STEEL INGOTS COPPER ZINC YELLOW PINE DOUGLAS CALIFORNIA WESTERN PINE OAK FLOORING 8 I U C A BRICK FACE BRICK CEMENT BUILDINGS (CONTRACTED) VESSELS COMPLETED CIGAR CIGARETTES MANUFACTURED TOBACCO NEWSPRINT ALL OTHER PAPER MECHANICAL WOOD PULP CHEMICAL WOOD PULP CLASS B0TTL£8 M A X I M U M SINCE END OF ISIS ' W K S - a LATEST MONTH |»I8 NOV. OR DEC. ZZZZZ2 M I N I M U M SINCE E N D OF 1819 * M I N I M U M SINCE JUS SAME AS DEC. PRODUCTION MOVING MONTHLY AVERAGE PRODUCTION. The actual trend of an industrial movement can often be seen more clearly if plotted in the form of a moving average. In Diagram 3, page 9, there are shown the moving monthly average consumption of cotton and wool by textile mills and the moving monthly average of pig-iron production. The curves have been plotted on scales which permit of direct comparison among the three movements. The percentage scale in the diagram represents per cents of the approximate maximum monthly movement of each item. The figures plotted are 12-month moving monthly averages. The first point plotted on the left repre-. sents the monthly average for the period from February 1, 1919, to January 31, 1920. The next point gives the average for the 12 months from March 1, 1919, to February 29, 1920, etc. These curves eliminate all seasonal influence, because each average covers all four seasons. From the nature of their computation it follows that, whenever the figures for the current month are less than those for the corresponding month of a year ago, the curve will be downward, and vice versa. I t will be noted that the curves for cotton and wool consumption show a certain similarity. In each instance the moving average reached its maximum in the middle of 1920. The minimum was reached in May, 1921, in the case of wool, and in August for cotton consumption. Since then both curves have shown a rapid upward movement, indicating that the mill consumption in recent months has been greater than in the corresponding months of last year. Pig-iron production, on the other hand, continued to increase throughout 1920. The moving average did not reach its maximum until December, 1920, and at the end of 1921 had not yet passed the minimum point. If production continues to increase at the rate shown in recent months, the moving average should begin to turn upward in February; in other words, by that time current production would exceed that of the corresponding month last year. DIAGRAM 3.—MOVING MONTHLY AVERAGE PRODUCTION OP PIG IRON, AND CONSUMPTION OF WOOL AND COTTON. I 1920 tion of stocks of commodities. Outside of declines in six food commodities, most of which are seasonal, the only decreases thus far reported in December were in zinc, oak flooring, and silica brick, while cotton stocks were almost the same as in November. On the other hand, increases occurred in the stocks of 17 commodities. Of ten commodities whose December reports can be compared with 1913, there were eight increasesfour over 100 per cent—and two very slight decreases from the prewar average. STOCKS OF COMMODITIES COMPARED WITH P R E W A R . 1921 si E§ l i S i«Sh RELATIVE STOCKS (1913-100). as of 5s £ <£s; r3.5OT6OO-r76.O-r-IOD •3.15- -540--67. 1920 1921 average. average. Wheat (visible). Corn (visible)... Coffee Cotton Crude petroleum Zinc... Tin Oak flooring Cement * Tobacco -90 \ / f 2,80- -480* 60.0 -80 A 1 / i L > \ f 2.45- -420- -52.6- —70 Maximum since 1919. \ \ \ \ * Beef products Pork products Lamb and mutton Sugar(raw) Cottonseed oil Wheat (visible) Corn (visible) Butter Cheese.; Eggs Coffee Apples 27 38 31 44 23 28 108 11 35 1 101 12 70 97 183 110 127 89 174 89 99 82 146 227 43 84 324 157 158 93 622 81 79 101 145 164 42 30 674 90 277 123 175 120 103 45 146 389 368 33 43 89 80 187 181 528 117 111 107 112 136 136 106 Cotton (total).. . . 61 86 95 119 122 1 83 135 96 136 1104 Anthracite coal (producers—Government survey)3 Bituminous coa 1 (Government survey) 3 Crude petroleum Gasoline 30 518 55 74 167 169 31 101 61 . . 247 528 72 130 ...... 143 277 115 181 240 102 59 81 107 102 175 122 143 138 71 65 55 64 92 METALS: Zinc Tin .. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: -20 Yellow pine Oak flooring Silica brick Face brick Cement4...,... PAPER: 10- -7.5- Newsprint All other paper Mechanical wood pulp Chemical wood pulp -10 TOBACCO ftotal) 0—i . * • 1 Oct. 1. 2 NOV. 1 0 STOCKS. In general, the decreased productive activity in industry during December resulted in an accumula- 1919. Minim u m 1920, 1921, Nov., Dec., Nov., Dec., since aver- aver- 1920. 1920. 1921. 1921. 1919. age. age. FUELS: -.35 204 323 85 223 175 104 92 242 100 127 124 129 928 276 321 184 1 024 174 156 186 177 391 CLOTIUNG: -.70- -120- 15.0 200 217 09 223 168 105 71 232 81 *125 FOODSTUFFS: 1.75- -300- -37.5 —50 1.06- -180- -22,5 1921. RELATIVE STOCKS (1919=100 \ \m 1.40 -240--30.0-—40 Dec., § i V 1S3 03 S G 222 117 175 155 425 SO 117 Nov., 1921. a October 1. STOCKS OF COMMODITIES SINCE 1 y \ 2.10- -360- -45.0- —60 154 255 89 196 151 195 127 375 91 131 i Relative to stocks at end of 1913. < \\ / 127 71 89 155 109 99 183 253 SO 114 Dec., 1920. 132 59 65 810 104 201 128 153 88 88 10 139 35 50 76 05 167 184 787 98 88 59 139 311 136 55 2 518 71 *74 106 75 111 98 160 105 167 212 231 172 292 100 281 179 130 178 167 127 101 mi 140 129 234 106 153 193 142 255 84 154 141 206 81 163 170 116 145 99 159 173 120 151 93 181 227 97 74 78 63 125 112 108 99 . 85 88 97 105 100 107 102 117 192 105* 1112 113 104 98 108 332 68 144 80 70 72 84 SO 75 80 SO 87 * Relative to January, 1919. ' Relative to stocks at end of 1919. Comparing the 1921 yearly average of these same 26 commodities, it is seen that in only six cases—all foodstuffs, except chemical wood pulp—were the aver- 10 age stocks less than the 1919 average, and only five foodstuffs and tin—an imported commodity—showed a decline from 1920. However, the condition at the end of the year was quite different. Only 12 increases over December, 1920, occurred in these 26 commodities, no change in two, and 12 declines. DIAGUAM d . — C O U R S E OF COMMODITY STOCKS SINCE 1919. (Kolative stocks of 1919=100.) INDEX NUMBERS 400 600 BEEP PRODUCTS 800 [MO FOODSTUFFS PORK PRODUCTS (.AMD AND MUTTON SUC2AR. RAW COTTONSEED OIL WHEAT (VISIBLE) CORN (VISIBLE) flUTTER CHEESE EOGS COFFEE APPLES COTTON (TOTAL) WOOL (COMMERCIAL) ANTHRACITE COAL SITUMINOUS COAL CRUDE PETROLEUM GASOLINE ZINC TIN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS YELLOW PINE OAK FLOORING SILICA BRICK FACE BRICK CEMENT unchanged, while in Germany the continued inflation of monetary standards drove prices up nearly 6 per cent during the month. Canadian wholesale prices increased in December, the first gain since the beginning of the decline from peak prices in May, 1920. In the list of individual wholesale prices, given in the table and chart on pages 32 and 33, farm prices to the producer increased * in five cases and declined in four. Market prices of farm products advanced for seven commodities and only 3 declined— hogs, cattle and barley. Only one increase—cottonseed oil—occurred among the food products, while clothing items showed five increases and three decreases. Fuels had two declines against one gain, but three metals increased, while one pig-iron quotation declined. In the building material group there was one increase and three declines. Rubber declined. The principal percentage increases in December were the advances of 37 and 21 per cent, respectively, in the market prices of ewes and lambs, while tin increased 14 per cent. The chief declines were in raw sugar and steel beams, each declining 9 per cent. Of the 57 prices listed, 14 are below the 1913 average; one more than in November. During December cattle and steel beams each went below the 1913 average, while wool went above it. Anthracite coal finally came down from the maximum price, the last commodity to do so. TEXTILES. NEWSPRINT ALL OTHER PAPER MECHANICAL WOOD PULP CHEMICAL WOOD PULP TOBACCO (TOTAL) XIMUM SINCE 1019 E 5 E 3 3 LATEST MONTH 1921 NOV. OR DEC. l M I N I M U M SINCE 1019 • MAXIMUM SINCE 1919 SAME AS LATEST MONTH PRICES. Tlie retail food index declined two points in December and stood at exactly 50-per cent above the 1913 average. Other items in the cost of living also declined in December, except shelter and sundries, which remained stationary. The total cost of living index of the National Industrial Conference Board declined two points. The wholesale price index compiled by the Department of Labor showed no change in December. Increases in building materials and sundries offset slight declines.in other groups. A similar change was evident in the sharp increase in forest products in the Federal Keserve Board's grouping of this index, while consumers' goods declined. The Federal Reserve Board's index for international price comparisons declined two points, although an increase of three points occurred in exported goods. Bradstreet's index number showed no change in December. Prices in England and France declined more than 2 per cent each in December, those in Italy remained Activity of woolen mills, measured by hourly activity of machinery, declined somewhat in December. Imports of raw wool continued to increase. Prices in this industry tended toward equalization, the prices of raw wool and yarns increased, but dress goods and suitings exhibited no change. DIAGRAM 5.—CONSUMPTION BY MILLS, AND IMPORTS OF WOOL. 1913 1914 (915 1916 1917 1913 1919 1920 192 . r f B MONTHLY AVERAGE tf >« * d f,..; §K£ S ^ 3 3 ^ 3 S 8 S 1921 Cotton ginnings up to January 16 were close to 8,000,000 bales, far below corresponding returns ij previous years. Total stocks of cotton in the Unite States at the end of December were about the same » 11 in November, 1921, or December, 1920. Imports of cotton continued to grow while exports again declined. DIAGRAM 6.—EXPORTS AND CONSUMPTION OP COTTON. MM 1 900 ! i 700 \ eoo .„—400 / 1 m I I \ \\ IPTIOh V / j 3W 1 DIAGRAM 8.—PRODUCTION OF Pia IRON AND STEEL INGOTS, ANI> U. S. STEEL CORPORATION'S UNFILLED ORDERS. W 1 i \ 200 \ 1913 1914 1016 1916 1917 1918 1818 1920 MONTHLY AVERAGE METALS. /J t1 ft N \\ \l H \ < / \• / Iron-ore movement from Lake Superior ended the 1921 season with total shipments less than half as large as in 1920. Pig-iron production increased again in December, but the output of' steel ingots declined. There was little change either in our foreign trade in iron and steel during December, or in the unfilled orders of the United States Steel Corporation. Slight declines occurred in iron and steel prices. V V j \ \N I II advanced slightly, yarns and print cloths declined, and sheetings advanced. Imports of raw silk in December were very large. Withdrawals of silk from tho warehouses continued to decline. For tho year 1921, however, both imports and consumption were over 50 per cent larger than in 1920. Stocks of silk began to accumulate during December, and prices rose. 1921 4 V \ / a- / At z / \ \ •J 3 S * u 3 s\ / j f 1 i "TOTAL GINNED Prices in the cotton industry also reached levels h closer to their prewar relation. Raw cotton _ \ " " \ 1 i_\ _ " . . ' „ . . . . _ . \ i O _ _ V<- iJf & y '/ T T—r" PtQ IRON , A ..%,.,••,*; . ..... e >** ^r— -^,^'* ~^fej 1 1913 1914 1919 1910 1917 I9IB 1919 MONTHLY AVERAGE r '^ 4 \ d 3 DIAGRAM 7.—COTTON GINNED TO SPECIFIED DATES. , \ 10 0 SNOI- Consumption by mills also declined, and for the complete year 1921, it was 7£ per cent less than for 1920. Exports of cotton cloth underwent a sudden decline of 25 per cent from November. Spindle activity in December was the same as in November. Elasticwebbing sales declined slightly. Orders and production of knit goods declined in December; but shipments increased, and cancellations were much smaller than in November. " 1 I mn Sales of structural steel were 28 per cent less in December than in November, and production of sheets declined, stocks of sheets being also slightly less than in November. Foundry-iron production in Ohio continued its decline, with a drop of 14 per cent, during the month. Copper production turned upward in November, and exports of copper did likewise, but December exports fell off again. The price of electrolytic copper made a slight advance. Zinc production increased slightly in December, and there was an almost imperceptible decline in stocks. Imports increased but were still negligible. Movement of zinc through St. Louis increased considerably, and a slight advance was made in prices. Imports and stocks of tin both increased about 29 per cent in December and were only slightly below the 1913 average. An advance of 13 per cent occurred in the price of tin. The movement of lead showed an increase of over 50 per cent as regards receipts at St. Louis and of 13 per cent in shipments. No change occurred in the price of lead. 12 Stocks and exports increased. Prices of domestic paper, especially spot prices, declined, while Canadian December production of both bituminous and anthracite coal declined to only three-fourths of normal, prices increased slightly. Printing activity increased somewhat in December as against a better than normal production two but purchases of paper and sales declined. months previous. Slight increases occurred in the output of beehive and by-product coke. Exports of HIDES AND LEATHER. coal and coke declined. Electric power production Imports of hides and skins increased slightly in increased in December and reached the highest point December, the chief gains being in calfskins. Stocks of attained since January, 1920. hides at the end of November were smaller than a FUELS. DIAGRAM 9.—PRODUCTION OP BITUMINOUS AND ANTHRACITE COAL, --TF—fl w -- \\ \\ u::iM::ir~:::::::: \ \/l-^f—¥1 + •f u y /y v it p::::::i"::::|[: A Iv I IS. 3 I \ sa \ O T 7v 5 I at ' 3 month previous and also very much smaller than a year ago, when packer hides were held in much larger quantities than at present. Prices of packer hides advanced in December, but calfskins declined. Leather production increased in December. Census reports showed greater sole-leather production in November than in October, but a smaller output of upper leather. Stocks declined very slightly. December exports of sole leather were very small, but upper leather held its own. No change occurred in leather prices. £ 20 BOOT AND SHOE PRODUCTION. Exports of boots and shoes increased considerably in December, but no change occurred in prices. The *NTHRACTK preliminary figures on the production of boots and shoes in December, 1921, totaled 24,096,965 pairs, as __ 1013 1014 10)6 1016 1017 1018 1010 1030 I compared to 23,592,610 reported in November. Of MONTHLY AVERAGE the total for December 9,801,628 pairs, or 41 percent, were manufactured in the New England states. The production of crude petroleum increased Through a clerical error the total production of almost 11 per cent in December and made the highest shoes reported by the 1919 Census of Manufactures monthly figure for the year outside of May, 1921. in the December SURVEY (NO. 5) did not include Consumption and imports increased slightly and slippers, athletic ; and all other shoes. The correct stocks rose to the highest point since the Armistice. total production of all kinds of footwear in 1919, Shipments of crude oil from Mexico were very large comparable with the present monthly classification, in December. The price of crude petroleum increased was 330,593,964 pairs. This makes a monthly slightly. Gasoline production declined in November, average production for 1919 of 27,549,497 pairs, of and domestic consumption was greatly curtailed. which 48 per cent were made in the New England Stocks increased at the end of November. December states. The detailed figures, by kinds of shoes, are exports, of gasoline showed a decline of over 20 per shown on page 60. cent from November. 10 5 HACIT E y N CHEMICALS. AUTOMOBILES. Production of passenger cars declined one-third in December, and trucks declined 21 per cent. Shipments of automobiles in December were also very much less than in November. Conditions in the accessory field showed purchases, outstanding notes, and pastdue accounts all smaller than in November. PAPER AND PRINTING. Production and shipments of mechanical wood pulp increased in December but those of chemical pulp declined. Imports of mechanical pulp declined while chemical showed a large increase. Stocks of both kinds increased. Newsprint production and shipments increased, but other classes declined. Imports of potash increased in December, but very much less nitrate of soda was imported. Considerable decreases were shown in exports of all chemicals. The wholesale price index numbers of the various groups all rose during the month, BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION. . Although less infloorspace than in November, building contracted for in December was greater in value. The difference was due to the large increase in the value of residential buildings contracted for, in spite of » small decline in volume. Total building in December was almost double a year ago in value and almost triple in volume. The building volume index increased 17 per cent over November. The indices of 13 building costs indicated a stabilization of prices in December. Fire losses increased somewhat, but were much less than a year ago. DIAGRAM 10*—VOLUME OF BUILDING CONTRACTS AWARDED, BY CLASSES. MILLIONS OF SQUARE FEET 20 30 40 1919 MONTHLY AVERAGE southern pine declined, but no change occurred in Douglas fir. Production and shipments of fire-clay and silica brick increased in December, but face brick declined. Increased stocks occurred in fire-clay and face brick, but stocks of silica brick declined. Face-brick orders were slightly less than in November. Prices wero irregular. The production and shipments of cement declined, as was to bo expected at this season, and stocks increased. Total cement production for 1921 was only 2 per cent less than for 1920, the record production year. CEREALS. 1 RESIDENTIAL 1 PUBLIC AND SEMIPUBLIC JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER DIAGRAM 11.—RELATIVE PRODUCTION OF CEMENT AND LUMBER AND SALES OF STRUCTURAL STEEL. (Relative to 1919=100.) T \ 160 \ I 140 -V - n - - ISO / 110° z Si 80 / M \Y \ \ i - • X -K / > ii ] L \ I | - 1 1 40 ji J \\ LL The final crop reports for 1921 showed that both the winter and spring crops of wheat were below those of 1920, the total decline amounting to almost 40,000,000 bushels, or nearly 5 per cent. Exports of wheat flour during December declined, and the visible supply increased slightly. The movement of wheat at the terminal markets was less than in November, 1921, or December, 1920. Wheat-flour production also declined from the previous month. The price of wheat increased slightly, but flour declined. The corn crop, as estimated in December, showed a reduction of 150,000,000 bushels from the previous year. . December exports of corn were more than double the November exports, and the visible supply increased almost 50 per cent. Receipts and shipments regained the volume lost in November. Prices of corn remained unchanged. Production of oats, barley, and rye declined from 1920 in each case. December exports of oats and rye were materially greater than those for November, but a slump occurred in barley exports. Price increases also occurred in oats and rye, while barley declined. Total grain production for 1921 wassome660,000,000 bushels less than in 1920. Exports of all grain in December were slightly larger than in November, but almost one-third less than a year ago. Loadings of grain in December were greater than either November, 1921, or December, 1920. For the year 1921 both exports and loadings of grain increased 26 per cent over 1920. MEATS AND LIVE STOCK. December movement of cattle exhibited the regular SO seasonal decline, the receipts, shipments, and slaughter T being very close to the previous December's figures. o The steady decline in exports of beef products con1919 1920 1921 •i tinued, and cold-storage holdings continued their 1921 1920 gradual rise. Production under Federal inspection as Production in all classes of lumber except oak floor- well as consumption declined in November. Cattle ing declined during December. The decline was espe- prices decreased again in December. Receipts and shipments of hogs increased in Decemcially Violent in western pine. ; Shipments of all classes ber, but slaughter declined. Exports increased somedeclined and stocks, where reported, increased. Exports of lumber increased considerably. Prices of what, but were far below December, 192G. Slaughter iiii NOV. DEC. JAN. i\ii 1 it mmm 14 under inspection in November increased, but consumption declined. December prices declined slightly. DIAGRAM 12.—INSPECTED SLAUGHTER, CONSUMPTION, AND COLDSTORAGE HOLDINGS OP B E E F PRODUCTS. III M i l \ 600 \ J 450 t 400 In*\i\h, 1 If J v - d f |\iL J £ MO s i- ^k JLJ » ' Ifi/E /J ° HT lyj T > m ISO % • " • < * / Imports of raw sugar declined considerably in December, but meltings showed only a slight decrease. Stocks of raw sugar were also less, but exports of the refined product were very large. Slight declines occurred in prices, the declines becoming smaller as the sugar approached the consumer. The importation of coffee increased 22 per cent during December; and the visible supply in the United States rose, practically equaling the supply on hand a year ago. Receipts of coffee in Brazil were larger, but clearances were less. Imports of tea into the United States continued to increase. . DIAGRAM 14.—SEASONAL MOVEMENT • • " - + * " or COLD-STORAGE EGGS. (Five-year monthly average 191&-1920 = 100.) " / IH f too •0 UI3 tfll4 1915 I0>S 1917 19(8 1819 1930 19217 MONTHLY AVERAGE IS2Q Declines took place in every phase of the movement of sheep and lambs in December, but not as great as occurred a year ago. Storage holdings of lamb and mutton declined, as contrasted with a rise to abnormal heights a year ago. The prices of sheep rose sharply during the month. DIAGRAM 13.—INSPECTED SLAUGHTER, CONSUMPTION, EXPORTS, AND COLD-STORAGE HOLDINGS OV PORK PRODUCTS. DIAGRAM 15.—SEASONAL MOVEMENT OF COLD-STORAGE CREAMER? BUTTER. <Five-year monthly average 1916-192C) = 100.) 300 200 ISO 140 1913 1914 1916 (916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921. • a V > U J > « ) r ^ < A • it • v w > « s t ; - MONTHUY AVERAGE g 120 lBHiNl6§ii 16101 J.lS|l 1920 1921 2 100 X IU OTHER FOODSTUFFS. . Exports of condensed milk increased about 23 per cent in December* Market receipts of cheese declined, butter remained about stationary, but receipts of eggs increased. Cold-storage holdings of all three products, especially eggs, showed seasonal declines. Wholesale prices of butter and cheese dropped. . o Z so 00 40 \ i 180 • \ \ - . i f• \ . 160 \ 140 \ \ 120 too » // I 00 40 *> ao 0 At ISO 0 r*- 9 15 DIAGRAM 16.—IMPORTS. MELTINGS AND STOCKS OP RAW SUGAR. DUO 460 crease took place in clearances. Both entrances and clearances of American vessels declined over 11 per cent and were chiefly responsible for the lessened trade. Ship construction continued on the down grade. i t- \I g -Si DIAGRAM 18.—ENTRANCES AND CLEARANCES OF VESSELS IX U. S. FOREIGN TRADE, AND SHIPS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. ; /> / 1 1 7 1\ ri f f 1 i If* in 1 \ \ /\ /\ -I i 1 / IV ; \V N [ \l 200 160 • 100 - f / 1 i_ 60 \/ 1 / H- V / > r a >\ I l / 00 D g i a I . <3t \ Z \\ p 6 • S » ,\j 4 j TONS ANDS OF TONS 360 y V _ /i k \ , O — *' / ILLIONS i 400 h it \ / p r / 7 v 1 - s T, 1 0 1913 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 1919 1820 1921 MONTHLY 1* '° N 1< 1 P i !! la UP. w\Hi \ >6 AVERAGE 1920 1921 RAIL TRANSPORTATION. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. — MAY g JUNE — JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. uiti g JUNE O JULY AUQ. SEPT. Q 1919 1920 1921. MONTHLY : AVERAGE TOBACCO. The manufacture of tobacco products declined in December to the minimum mark of the year. Exports of leaf tobacco were 33 per cent, larger than in November. No changes occurred in prices. Surplus of freight cars at the end of December increased almost to the peak point reached last March, the increase being two-thirds of the November surplus. Shortage of cars has been reduced to almost nothing. The number of bad-order cars continued to be reduced. - DIAGRAM 19.—SHORTAGE, SURPLUS, BAD-ORDER, AND TOTAL LOADINGS OF FREIGHT OARS. 1,000 DIAGRAM 17.—RELATIVE PRODUCTION OP CIGARS, CIGARETTES, AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. (Relative production 1913=100.) w *«£? 1913 1914 1015 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921^ MONTHLY AVERAGE % WATER TRANSPORTATION. A considerable decline took place in November in the traffic through the Panama Canal, especially in British vessels. Traffic through the Sault Ste. Marie Canal was very small in December on account of the dosing o f navigation for the winter. Foreign trade in "United States ports declined, although a small in- 1018 1919 MONTHLY 1920 AVERAGE 1921 . 16 LABOR. DIAGRAM 20.—IMMIGRATION, EMIGRATION, AND IMMIGRATION QUOTA. tit l» • M \ / *9 M \ •s. 19 • It 3 10 4 19 9 18 e is 7 19 a 19 9 MONTWLY AVEF tAGE 1/ T ISr*) 19- "UP / \ s A > J. ML ^ M OT St±J M 1* IMO ONI 01 i s u >. !! ! 103 nil DISTRIBUTION MOVEMENT. Sales of mail-order houses and chain stores, more especially the latter, increased in December on account of the holiday trade. The holiday traffic was also responsible for the rise of 23 per cent in postal receipts. In all three of the above groups the volume of sales was greater in December, 1921, than in December, 1920. Magazine advertising, however, showed a slump of 22 per cent from November. i 30 o 30 J if a 3 2* * 2 10 _——• If ^\ \ \ \ 7 \ —- \' fa .1 i ! ft'I 1 I\ 1, J L Pt 1-1- tA • CHA A !\ A~ \V ft ' \/ 0 1913 1914 1616 1016 1917 (818 1919 1930 f93I MONTHLY AVERAGE : ufiti ismn 92 i PUBLIC FINANCE. The month of December saw a decline of almost 1 per cent in the United States interest-bearing debt, part of which occurred in Liberty and Victory bonds. Customs receipts were large and Government expenditures continued to increase. Total ordinary receipts were very large on account of the income-tax installment. Money in circulation declined somewhat in November. BANKING AND FINANCE. The bank indicators of volume of business—debits to individual accounts and bank clearings—made perceptible increases during December, especially the former, due in large measure to the holiday trade. Federal Keserve Bank discounts continued to decline, but note circulation increased slightly; reserves and deposits showed slight increases also. The condition of member banks of the Federal Reserve System 'showed a slight expansion in loans and discounts, but a decline in deposits. Interest rates were almost unchanged. The December business failures made a high record of several years for both number and liabilities. Dividend and interest payments were larger than a year ago, and an especially large increase occurred in the issuance of new securities, both public and private. New incorporations were the largest since last June. November earnings of telephone companies declined somewhat. Orders, indebtedness, and payments reported for credit information all increased slightly in December. Prices of industrial stocks rose more than three points on the average for December and approached the prices prevailing a year ago. Railroad stocks 1 i *r Y »0 40 3 is The reduction in industrial activity during December naturally resulted in a decline in the number of workers employed. The United States employment index number for December fell to 8 per cent below January, 1921, and was the lowest mark of the year. More favorable reports came from New York and Wisconsin, however, with no change in employment in either state. Total pay roll in both states increased in December, and the average weekly earnings in Wisconsin gained for the first time since August. Immigration continued to decline slowly in November, while emigration was very much less. Postal savings deposits continued in December the steady decline in process throughout the year 1921. N DIAGRAM 21.—SALES OF MAIL-ORDER HOUSES AND CHAIN STORES^ AND POSTAL RECEIPTS. OOT. Car loadings declined 10 per cent and were equal to the 1921 minimum reached last February and MarchNovember freight showed a marked decline in tonmileage. November revenues of the railroads showed declines below both September and October. Operating expenses also declined, but the net income was still considerably less than in either of the previous two months. 17 advanced slightly. Volume of sales of both stocks and bonds increased, and bond prices rose two points, industrials lagging behind the other groups. Municipal bond yields were reduced still further, to 4$ per cent. A decline of 39 per cent in gold imports featured the movement in this commodity. Exports of silver increased 49 per cent and exceeded imports for the first time since September. The price of silver declined in both this country and England. TRADE AND INDUSTRY OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Considerable increases occurred in the foreign exchange rates in December. Most of the European currencies made substantial gains, ranging from 3 to almost 9 per cent, while the German mark increased 25 per cent, but was still only 2 per cent of its par value. Swiss francs rose above par and became the only currency selling at a premium in the United States. DIAGRAM 22*—IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF THE UNITED STATES. k / eoo 400 1m / TO O 100 // \i I | \ - \ t \ 1 • - 1 \ } \ \ \ \ \ \ i a / / 1 1 1 { \ \ I9SI '§ i /: \ i \ / * z rigg-£ z 5 o £ $""* " ""' *£? U 1? 3K 8 S5 IS 11 5 I 53 IB30 2 j f I V 1 0 1913 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 MONTHLY AVERAGE \ ./- \ < / u \ A 84796°—22 A / \ I \ A 600 I J/ \ V 700 FOREIGN TRADE. The December foreign trade of the United States exhibited a further contraction of the excess of exports over imports. An almost imperceptible increase in exports accompanied an increase of 13 per cent in imports. The chief increase in imports came from Asia, mostly from Japan, but imports from Germany were 25 per cent above November. The gains in the export trade were to Asia and South America. I ' 1931 The import trade of the United Kingdom decreased 4 per cent in December, while the export trade declined 6 per cent. The ratio between the two is now almost the prewar relation, both being about one-third in excess of the 1913 average. The only gain in imports was in manufactured articles, while raw material was the only export group to gain. Coal exports increased 20 per cent, iron and steel and woolens increased about 5 per cent, while cotton goods declined. Production of steel ingots declined 13 per cent in December, while pig-iron production remained stationary. French foreign trade made a considerable gain in December, both in exports and imports. All groups showed good gains. Canadian trade in December exhibited a decline of almost 7 per cent in imports and less than 1 per cent in exports. Large declines took place in the exportation of canned salmon and cheese, but substantial increases occurred in wheat and paper* Japanese trade in December showed a 20 per cent increase in exports and a 5 per cent increase in imports. The total trade for the year was approximately onethird less than in 1920—31 per cent less in imports and 36 per cent less in exports. TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS. The following table contains a summary of the monthly figures designed to show the trend in important industrial and commercial movements. The numerical data for the latest months are given and in addition index numbers for the last four months and for two corresponding months of a year ago. In many lines the figures do not lend themselves readily to statistical uniformity, due to lateness of their publication or publication at other than monthly intervals; therefore the following explanations of the various headings are offered to make clear such distinctions and in general to facilitate the use of the table: November, 1921.—This column gives the November figures corresponding to those for December shown in the " December, 1921," column—in other words, cover the previous month, and in some cases, where indicated by a footnote, refer to the previous quarter; that is, ending October 1, 1921. December^ on ending December 31 < the time of going'to press (Jan. 31). Corresponding month, 1920, November or December.—Thefiguresin this column present the situation exactly a year previous to those in the "December, 1921," column (that is, generally, December, 1920), but where no figures were available for December, 1921, the November, 1920, figures have been inserted in this column for comparison with the November, 1921, figures. In the case of quarterly figures, this column shows the corresponding quarter of 1920. Cumulative total through latest month.—These columns set forth, for those items that can properly be cumulated, the cumulative total for the calendar years 1920 and 1921, respectively, except where December, 1921, figures are lacking, in which case these columns contain the cumulative figures for 11 months only. Percentage increase ( + ) or decrease (--) cumulative 1921 from 1920.—This column shows the per cent by which the cumulated total for the calendar year 1921 (11 months in some cases), is greater (+) or less (—) than the total for the same period of 1920. Base pear or period.—For purposes of comparison with a previous more or less normal period, all items, so far as possible, are related to such a period by index numbers.. The period taken for each item, called the base, is the monthly average of the year or period stated in this column. Wherever possible, the year 1913 is taken as a base, and if no prewar figures are available, 1919 is usually taken to avoid using a war year as a basis. In some cases it will be noted that figures were not available prior to 1920 or even 1921, and that sometimes a month, or an average of a few months, has to be used rather than a year's average. Also, for some industries, 1919 would not be a proper base on account of extraordinary conditions in the industry and therefore some more representative year has been chosen. Index numbers.—In order to visualize the trend of each movement, index or relative numbers are given for the last four months and for two corresponding months of a year ago. These index numbers are computed by allowing the monthly average for the base period, usually 1913 or 1919, to equal 100. If the movement for a current month is greater than the base the index number will be greater than 100. If the converse is true the index number will be less than 100. The difference between 100 and any index number gives at once the per cent increase or decrease compared with the base period. Index numbers may also be used to compute the approximate per cent increase or decrease from one month to the next. Percentage increase ( + ) or decrease (—) December from November.—The last column shows the per cent increase or decrease of the figures for the last month compared with the preceding month. All items shown in this table will also be found in the detailed tables in this bulletin. See index. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov., 19-21 Dec., 1921 Corresponding month, 1920, Nov. or Dec. INDEX NUMBERS. Percentage increase (+ CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST MONTH. J or decrease (-) cumulative 1921 from 1920 1920 1921 574,777 299,618 656,807 + 14.3 320,599 + 7.0 Percentage increase 1921 1920 (+) YEAR OR PERIOD. or decrease Nov. Dec. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. from Nov. TEXTILES. Wool. Consumption by textile mills thous. of lbs. Imports, unmanufactured thous. of lbs. Machinery activity: Looms, wide.. * per ct. of hours active. Looms, narrow per ct. of hours active. Looms, carpet and rug per ct. of hours active. Set of cards per ct. of hours active. Combs per ct, of hours active. Spinning spindles— Woolen per ct. of hours active. Worsted per ct. of hours active. Prices: Raw wool to producer dolls, per lb.. Raw wool, Boston dolls, per lb., Worsted yarn dolls, per lb.. Woolen dress goods dolls, per yd.. Men's suitings dolls, per yd.. Cotton. 66,077 10,946 64,237 12,520 24,316 13,392 71.3 74.3 72.7 78.8 93.8 67.1 72.2 70.3 72.9 98.6 33.3 28.8 42.5 33.9 37.1 i1920-21 U920-21 U920-21 U920-21 1 1920-21 78.1 87.4 74.4 86.2 31.6 34.8 11920-21 U920-21 .169 21.9 .5455 1.100 1.150 3.060 .156 .5091 1.150 .815 2.835 .5273 1.250 .815 2.835 155 168 163 97 106 115 72 66 55 122 123 117 71 52 130 131 133 116 92 142 151 157 68 54 126 130 125 64 48 127 129 73 50 125 129 65 49 129 128 131 117 93 1913 144 114 99 159 - 87 1913 2.8 + 14.4 110 130 _ 152 - 2.3 3.2 6.0 122 116 128 + 4.9 123 122 118 _ 120 _ 4.1 1.6 93 95 99 107 101 + 110 + 3.6 7.2 8.3 1913 142 148 148 148 161 + 8.7 204 204 157 147 145 145 0.0 1913 (18) 167 1913 Production (crop est.) thous. of bales 8,340 13,440 Output of gins thous. of bales »12,O15 Stocks, end of month; Mills thous. of bales.. 1,648 1,738 1,251 Warehouses ....thous-of bales.. 5,271 5,177 5,624 Visible supply thous. of bales.. 4,623 4,544 4,$46 * Cumulativefiguresshown are for periods prior to January 16 of 1921 and 1922. 1913 1913 233 198 184 184 184 184 0.0 64 103 1909-13 •7,914 - 34.1 1913 93 76 105 123 130 290 319 245 283 299 294 1913 1 S3 1913 139 158 129 151 151 148 + 55 . _ 18 . - 17 . Twelve months average, November, 1920, t o October, 1921, inclusive* 19 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov., 1921 Dec, 1921 Corresponding month, 1920, Nov. or Dec. CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGII LATEST MONTH. 1920 INDEX NUMBERS. Percentage' Increase 19*21 or decrease cumulative 1921 from 1920 1920 i+ BASE YEAR OR PERIOD. ? or decrease Dec. Nov. Dec. Sept. Oct. TEXTILES—Continued. Cotton^Continued. 25,890 277,643 - 53.8 Imports, unmanufactured 601,177 bales. 51,440 61,006 1913 . Exports, unmanufactured bales. 648,695 639,825 788,578 6,159,132 6,475,221 + 5 1 1913 Consumption by textile mills 1913 bales. 526,610 511,800 294,851 5,842,072 5,405,213 - 7.5 Manufactured goods: 551,624 - 32.7 thous. of yds. 53,422 39,842 44,377 819,337 Cotton cloth exports 1913 2 6,350 1,650 Fabric consump. by tire mfrs.. .thous. of lbs. 1920-21 ...thousands, 34,487 34,489 29,879 405,511 396,500 - 2.2 Spindles active 1913 thous. of yds. 13,654 13,193 149,098 - 7.3 4,932 160,843 Elastic webbing sales 1919 Finished goods: , 2 thous. of yds. 85,279 32,882 1920-21 Orders received thous. of yds. 97,132 39,595 1920-21 Billings 2 cases. 48,207 21,813 1920-21 Shipments 2 44,200 cases. 45,675 1920-21 Stocks in storage, end of month 2 29 69 per cent. 1920^21 Capacity operated Prices: .dolls, per lb. .162 .115 .163 Raw cotton to producer 1913 .dolls, per lb. .1545 .182 .1834 Raw cotton, New York 1913 ..dolls, per lb. .3534 .3817 .3966 Cotton yarn 1913 .dolls, per yd. .0588 .0578 .060 Print cloth...... 1913 .dolls, per yd. .1065 .105 .1031 Sheeting 1913 Knit Goods. 49.8 10.3 Orders received per ct. normal production. 60.0 a 1920 10.8 53.4 58.7 Shipments per ct. normal production. M920 2.1 Cancellations per ct. normal production. 2.8 3.1 *1920 Unfilled orders, end of 10.6 220.8 214.3 «1920 month per ct. normal production. 11.1 73.0 86.5 Production per ct. normal production. •1920 Silk. 45,360 + 50.9 30,059 5,824 972 3,412 1913 Imports, raw thous. of lbs. 196,128 301,110 + 53.5 Feb.,1920 9,428 Consumption, raw... bales. 24,955 20,930 44,536 Feb., 1920 Stocks, raw, end of month bales. 1*9,601 24,804 5.635 .7595 .7154 1913 Prices, raw, Japanese, New York..dolls, per lb. METALS. Iron and Steel. 25,538 - 55.0 56,781 138 493 None. 1913 Iron ore movement thous. of short tons. Production: 16,537 - 54.6 36,394 2,704 1,649 1,415 1913 Pig iron thous. of tons. 19,985 - 51.1 40,894 2,780 1,971 1,695 ,1913 Steel ingots thous. of long tons. 2,207 - 55.4 4,945 500 126 134 1913 Exports thous. of long tons. 121 - 72.4 439 15 11 1913 11 Imports thous. oflong tons. 8,14$ 4,268 1913 4,251 Unfilled order, Steel Corp., end mo. .thous. of tons. 20.80 Mar., 1921 24.20 Foundry production, Ohio per ct. of normal. Wholesale prices: Pig iron— 37.71 22.66 1913 21.96 Fdry., No. 2, northern, dolls, per long ton. 36.96 21.96 1913 21.96 Bessemer dolls, per long ton. 1913 43.50 29.00 29.00 Steel billets, Bessemer dolis. per long ton. 1913 53.45 34.71 33.99 Iron and steel dolls, per ton. 1913 20.92 36.31 20.42 Composite pig iron dolls, per ton. 1913 3.28 2.28 2.23 Composite steel dolls, per 100 lbs. 1913 2.13 2.11 3.11 Compositefinishedsteel dolls, per 100 lbs. 1913 1.70 1.50 2.70 Structural steel beams dolls, per 100 lbs. Finished Iron and Steel. Sheets, blue, black, and galvanized: 1920 34.3 51.2 40.1 Production per ct. of capacity. 1920 39.2 41.9 40.0 Stocks per ct. of capacity. Bolts: 1920 33.8 46.3 New orders per ct. of average. 1920 179.8 45.5 Unfilled orders, end mo per ct. of average. 1920 117.5 50.8 Shipments per ct. of average. * Six months average, November, 1920, to April, 1921. Percentage increase Dec. from Nov. 127 108 61 31 72 101 154 120 103 253 93 109 300 106 18.0 1.4 2.8 158 54 105 32 120 49 99 35 168 227 112 94 174 207 113 100 144 190 114 89 10$ 25.4 114 0.0 3.4 44 71 56 121 56 50 69 67 123 64 164 178 172 114 167 155 184 158 113 171 131 170 148 127 153 117 148 165 183 218 96 121 143 170 163 165 160 160 168 152 148 154 170 180 168 135 142 160 174 172 143 154 16$ 174 0.8 3.8 3.7 1.4 92 1,358 145 21 19 39 833 157 1 536 105 52 445 115 57 17.0 9.9 9.6 19 22 344 169 357 175 396 173 3S4 146 2.9 15.6 34 31 68 155 161 104 35 164 110 120 83 30 197 204 70 38 209 70.7 16.1 26.5 6.2 128 36 74 159 166 68 104 115 124 190 192 153 261 241 193 242 271 203 215 184 236 216 169 203 235 191 187 180 + 16.5 - 14.0 + 6.3 0.0 + 0.4 - 14.0 106 110 218 57 138 143 128 113 136 138 136 123 143 142 128 128 113 113 135 132 137 136 134 133 134 128 116 109 99 108 70 85 36 53 96 37 8 39 • Six months average, July to December. 137 128 113 129 132 130 127 99 - 3.1 0.0 0.0 - 2.1 - 2.4 - 2.2 - 0.9 - 11.8 55 - 21.7 - 2.0 20 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov., 1921 Doc., 1921 Corresponds month, 1920, Nov. or Dec. (+> CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST MONTH. or decrease (-) 1920 INDEX NUMBERS. Percentage increase cumulative 1921 from 1920 1921 Percentage increase 1921 1920 BASE YEAR OR PERIOD. or decrease Dec. Dec. from Nov. 158 104 SO - 4.8 - 32.5 - 28.4 103 87 - 15.5 81 83 86 + 50 50 + 4.2 174 73 165 1 76 200 164 - 0.7 Nov. Dec. 45 82 108 32 32 33 5 114 Sept. Oct. Nor. 40 34 33 36 38 47 65 149 211 130 197 96 109 79 18 17 21 55 85 74 87 76 175 METALS-Continucd. Finished Iron a n d Steel—Continued. Nuts and rivets: Now orders per ct. of average, Unfilled orders, end mo per ct. of averago. Shipments per ct. of average. Bar iron, shipments long tons. Steel barrels: Shipments barrels. Production per ct. of capacity. Structural steel, sales long tons. Copper. Production thous. of lbs. Exports thous. of lbs. Wholesale price, electrolytic dolls, per lb. Zinc. Production thous. of lbs. Stocks, end of mo thous. of lbs Imports thous. of lbs, Receipts, St. Louis thous. of lbs, Shipments, St. Louis thous. of lbs. Wholesalo price, spelter, western dolls, per lb Tin. Stocks, end of mo tons Imports thous. of lbs Wholesale price, pig tin dolls, per lb Lead. Receipts, St. Louis thous. of lbs. Shipments, St. Louis thous. of lbs. Wholesalo price, pig, desilverized dolls, per lb. 1920 1920 1920 1919 • 32.3 119.0 115.0 34.0 20.0 38.3 7,520 130,199 19.7 99,800 124,006 13.3 71,500 46,988 1,161,422 758,263 - 34.7 28,341 72,786 .130 61,518 .136 106,700 41,728 .137 1,249,855 621,256 485,857 - 61.1 615,514 - 0.9 56,878 142,116 959,544 42,270 44,026 134,098 133,216 266 30 19,198 20,016 24,862 34,593 .052 .053 1,343,998 937 33,660 45,038 379,732 498,570 431,228 - 55.1 • 58.0 - 57.2 • 50.1 18,930 162,587 248,867 Jan., 1921 Jan.,1921 1913 1913 1913 1913 55 93 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 115 158 7 4.6 +786.7 76 26 0 0 114 122 64 62 72 146 123 89 86 122 + 39.1 116 103 81 •89 90 + 19 . 1913 1913 1913 161 155 71 92 + 28.9 62 46 72 93 + 29.0 82 76 95 61 60 111 100 61 65 73 + 12.8 1913 1913 1913 195 220 168 256 + 52.1 35 65 + 12.7 109 107 44 107 49 143 203 52 105 182 54 107 0.0 1913 1913 1913 1913 129 132 88 110 90 77 109 93 90 78 - 14.2 - 12.8 1919 1919 1919 114 115 20,661 - 39.9 4,179 - 13.4 275 - 66.5 1919 1919 1919 325 244 110 121 116 129 100 107 114 106 117 106 24 31 42 32 + 6.1 .060 1,316 6,8S6 .289 1,696 8,8S0 .326 2,856 5,894 .339 9,208 3,833 .047 14,006 4,318 .047 12,026 3,063 .048 132,287 87,607 36,020 6,859 477 1,766 30,895 5,984 514 1,860 62,560 8,321 1,518 558,176 89,067 20,980 3,646 5,314 3,601 3,807 4,636 3,721 5,765 1,079 329 30 770 306 23 2,683 37,880 41,957 176,490 183,890 46,122 47,785 12,994 13,753 17,571 19,397 38,961 123,291 44,967 13,118 17,609 524,136 - 0.1 125,137 + 15.2 182,666 + 18.8 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 431,887 45,876 350,548 495,590 2.125 452,642 4,418,153 4,714,517 + 6.7 65,025 635,755 526,204 - 17.2 366,831 3,962,910 4,203,585 + 6.1 354,836 3.500 1919 1919 1919 1919 1913 1919 1919 1919 1909-13 115 104 70 117 125,921 53 166 154 112 54,212 - 56.9 130,876 1.1 58,395 - 33.3 + 4.3 FUEL AND POWER, Coal a n d Coke. Production: Bituminous coal thous. of short tons. Anthracite coal thous. of short tons. Beehivo coke thous. of short tons By-product coke thous. of short tons. Public utility electric power mills, of k. w.hours. Shipments, anthracite thous. of long tons. Storage, anthracite thous. of long tons. Exports: Bituminous thous. of long tons. Anthracite thous. of long tons. Coke thous. of long tons. Petroleum. Crude petroleum: Production thous. of bbls. Stocks, end of m o n t h . . . . thous. of bbls. Consumption thous. of bbls. Imports thous. of bbls. Shipments from Mexico thous. of bbls. Gasoline: Production thous. of gals.. Exports thous. of gals.. Domestic consumption thous. of gals.. Stocks, end of month thous. of gals.. Price, crude petroleum dolls, per bbl.. P A P E R AND P R I N T I N G . Wood pulp, mechanical: Production short Consumption and shipment short Stocks, end of month short Imports ;short 36,378 2.250 tons.. 108,186 121,804 tons.. 112,228 114,087 tons.. 115,363 123,080 tons.. 35,504 28,498 372 77 146,718 125,621 129,626 22,299 43,963 61,362 34,390 4,825 821 443,402 524,783 108,651 153,765 407,637 - 27.0 87,278 - 2.0 5,561 ~ 73.5 40,951 65,171 + 470,436 1,578,300* 1,268,012 1,587,693 1,274,563 232,507 192,001 - 6.9 6.2 19.7 19.7 17.4 15 164 17 18 134 59 167 176 + 7.8 + 5.3 115 104 110 112 128 123 131 118 117 103 + 4.4 - 12.8 70 - 28.6 - 7.0 -23.3 54 10 584 669 187 188 177 172 183 203 + 10.8 114 117 163 164 168 175 207 206 191 209 211 219 952 884 616 780 876 927 + 42 . + 36 . + 51 . 748 816 817 776 814 137 141 126 134 131 130 212 114 154 150 128 103 153 159 122 75 98 109 97 105 375 375 107 166 228 341 121 68 90 101 104 84 93 95 119 -20.7 77 84 135 + 10.4 176 75 SO 160 216 173 + 5.9 12.6 + L7 + 67 . -19.7 21 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov., 1921 Dec., 1021 Corresponding month, 1920, Nov. or Dec. CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST MONTH. 1020 I N D E X NUMBERS. Per- 1921 or docrease cumulativo 1921 from 1920 1920 PerccntRO in•caso 1921 { BASE YEAK OR PERIOD. V r docrcaso Nov. Dec. Sept. Oct. Nov. Doc. 2 rom Noy- P A P E R AND F R I N T I N G - C o n t i n u e d . Wood pulp, chemical: Production.." short tons. Consumption a n d shipment short tons. Stocks, end of month short tons. Imports , short tons. Newsprint: Production short tons. Shipments short tons. Stocks short tons., Exports thous. of lbs. All other paper: Production short tons., Shipments short tons. Stocks...: short tons. Exports, printing thous. of lbs. Prices, newsprint: Contract, domestic dolls, per 100 lbs. Contract, Canadian dolls, per 100 lbs. Spot market, domestic dolls, per 100 lbs. Printing: Activity weighted index number. Paper purchases, quantities.. .index number. Paper purchases, value index number. Sales, value index number. RUBBER. Crude: Imports thous. of lbs. Consumption by tire manfrs thous. of lbs. Wholesale price, Para Island, N. Y dolls, per lb. Tires: ProductionPneumatic thousands. Solid thousands. Inner tubes thousands. Domestic shipment— Pneumatic thousands. Solid [ thousands. Inner tubes thousands. Stocks, end of m o n t h Pneumatic thousands. Solid .thousands. Inner tubes thousands. AUTOMOBILES. Production: Passenger cars number. Trucks number. Shipments: By railroad carloads. Driveaways. number of machines. By boat number of machines. Purchases Accounts past due Notes outstanding. thous. of dolls. thous. of dolls. thous. of dolls. 2,167,871 2,226,429 1,532,926 - 29.3 1,529,607 - 31.3 1919 1919 1919 1909-13 116 114 72 218 97 94 80 208 63.6 1919 1919 1919 1913 107 109 85 155 109 105 103 92 83 126 31 3.1 2.5 3.5 27.3 320,682 5,882,646 4,134,082 - 29.7 303,626 5,408,003 4,081,005 - 24.5 189,633 18,546 73,887 - 60.7 187,875 1919 1919 1919 1913 98 93 80 221 SO 75 88 194 94 97 108 41 7.8 7.2 1.7 46.5 1919 1919 1919 156 152 213 160 158 183 131 120 2.2 0.4 12.1 1918 102 160 180 105 90 141 184 1913 '1920-21 341 72 1913 24 31920-21 31920-21 U920-21 67 92 74 31920-21 U92O-21 U920-21 a 1920-21 31920-21 * 1920-21 155,809 71,204 151,031 147,380 46,843 117,068 53,007 673,841 124,857 120,360 24,763 6,648 1,511,968 1,502,574 163,101 162,841 43,172 104,604 107,877 104,492 107,070 23,127 23,934 2,513 3,198 434,272 400,407 396,497 225,800 229,710 4,686 ' 3,643 427,114 4.194 4.102 4.002 4.018 4.170 3.666 151,225 43,023 92,476 533,484 - 20.8 1,225,235 - 19.0 1,226,064 - 18.4 33,694 - 5.969 5.770 7.854 Sep.,1920 1918 1918 51,731 58,645 24,162 4,260 .211 .180 17,609 .215 566,546 415,273 - 26.7 1,757 44 2,126 1,343 35 1,540 3,908 173 5,204 70,690 10,535 8,305 14,240 10,505 12,100 1,402 134 18,998 4,352 3,662 14,350 22 26 55 70 51 211 161 327 211 199 284 64 93 67 105 111 108 162 137 194 133 125 148 106 94 113 114 102 112 107 103 106 65 55 70 3,384 251,064 470,867 195,153 - 22.3 144,377 22,244 26 - 1,9 76 59 95 1920 1920 1920 369 54 84 98 49 77 40 33.2 21.2 85 33 47 105 52 Jan., 1921 Jan.,1921 11,802 6,469 + 13.4 193. 187 212 Jan.,1921 4,220 7,500 + 64.4 607 1919 1919 105,814 7.4 9.5 68 27 30 15.0 28.6 90.4 352 56 79 303 54 84 24.5 3.0 7.6 GLASS. Bottles: Production inuminating glassware: Net orders Actual production Shipments billed 1919 index number. per ct. of capacity. per ct. of capacity.. per ct. of capacity.. May,1921 36.2 M» yi 1921 51.2 49.1 45.6 * Six months' average, November, 1920, to April, 1921. 50.6 51.7 123 106 0.0 70 133 115 132 137 162 159 28.5 • 1.0 - 7.1 22 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov. 1921 Dec., 1921 Corrosponduij month, 1920, Nov. oi Dec. CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST MONTH. 1020 1021 Percentage Increase <+,} ordecrcaso (-) cumulative 1921 from 1920 INDEX NUMBERS. 1920 BASE YEAR OR PERIOD. Perccntago increase 1921 (+) or decrease Nov. Dec. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. & from Nov. BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION. Buildings. Building volume Index number. Build IDS costs Index number Concrete factory costs Index number Contracts awarded, floor space: Business buildings, thous. of sq. ft Industrial buildings thous. of sq. fl Residential buildings thous. of sq. ft Educational buildings thous. of sq. ft Hospitals and Institutions thous. of sq. ft Public institutions thous. of sq. ft Social and recreational bldgs..thous. of sq. ft Religious and memorial bldgs.thous. of sq. ft Grand total thous. of sq. ft Contracts awarded, value: Business buildings thous. of dolls Industrial buildings thoua. of dolls Residential buildings thous. of dolls Educational buildings thous. of dolls Hospitals and institutions thous. of dolls Public institutions thous. of dotls Public works and utilities thous. of dolls Social and recreational bldgs. .thous. of dolls Religious and memorial bldgs..thous. of dolls Grand total thous. of dolls Fire losses thous' of dolls 1913 1913 1914 5,158 4,191 22,06< 3,411 521 119 1,222 491 37,811 24,221 17,091 90,3218,212 4,506 SS4 20,397 6,713 3,246 192,311 20,17 Lumber. Southern pine: Production M. it. b. m 423,702 Stocks, end of mo.. M. ft. b. m ,087,727 Price, B and better dolls, per M. ft. b. m 47.41 Douglas fir: Production (computed) M. ft. b. m 366,646 Shipments (computed) M. ft. b. m 312,477 Price No. 1 common....dolls, per M. ft. b. m, 11.50 California redwood: Production M. ft. b. 50,489 Shipments M. ft. b. m 4S,S14 Orders received M. ft. b. m 56,820 California white pine: Production M. ft. b. m 32,040 Shipments' M. ft. b . m. 33,31 Stocks M. ft. b. m, Michigan hardwood: Production M. ft. b. m . 14,204 Shipments M. ft. b. m. 28,472 Western pino: Production II. ft. b. m . 63,155 Shipments M. ft. b. m . 96,496 Oak flooring: Production A ft. b. m. 16,933 T Shipments lift. b. m. 19,544 Orders booked Mft. b. m. 23,771 Stocks, end of mo M ft. b. m. 20,922 Unfilled orders, end of mo MIL b. m . . 21,022 Exports, planks, scantlings, <c joists ..M ft. b. m . . 10,902 f 4,583 2,846 21,901 3,297 760 332 1,002 510 35,272 22,056 14,553 100,897 15,046 6,343 2,143 27,833 6,149 3,369 198,518 2,33(3 3,91 5,534 719 302 124 564 436 13,926 82,435 127,830 137,525 26,278 6,278 2,831 12,360 5,065 399,802 65,190 35,773 204,569 40,583 10,684 3,020 17,476 9,202 387,065 - 20.9 - 72.0 + 48.8 54.4 + 70.2 + 6.7 + 41.4 + 81.7 - 3.2 14,068 419,653 331,946 588,963 21,399 173,325 566,122 23,516 877,845 + 172,298 7,288 243,833 + 47,543 3,441 70,145 + 26,648 1,418 22,314 21,972 566,346 459,084 4,310 91,127 108,597 + 2,137 41,354 60,399 + 100,145 2,533,224 2,359,775 41,198 321,854 332,386 + 20.9 70.6 55.'1 41.5 47.5 16.3 18.9 19.2 46.1 6.8 3.3 389,832 260,911 4,296,371 4,505,259 + 4.9 1,125,979 1,320,649 43.57 42.21 346,634 301,688 11.50 249,339 247,996 16.50 31,403 17,235 10,243 51 252 80.0 72.1 151.1 153 0.6 0.7 39 25 78 86 56 50 - 11.1 41 31 21 31 33 1919 36 27 108 109 112 22 - 32.2 109 - 3.4 1919 55 38 221 169 178 172 - 1919 113 82 540 185 142 1919 50 72 291 123 69 207 4- 45.9 193 +179.0 1919 62 45 157 109 97 1919 74 98 275 209 111 115 + 1919 41 30 90 87 82 76 - 3.9 6.7 8.9 3.5 79 ~ 18.0 1919 60 42 122 111 72 65 - 1919 78 50 26 43 41 34 - 17.8 1919 45 33 135 127 128 143 + 11.7 1919 70 73 266 225 183 151 - 17.4 1919 79 105 364 159 138 197 + 40.8 1919 SO 127 234 136 79 192 +142.4 1919 52 53 85 84 63 62 168 95 96 104 1919 1919 68 249 183 1919 60 47 115 103 89 1919 125 184 114 125 117 67 + 5.4 8.4 108 + 3.8 92 + 3.2 129 + 10.4 8$ - 1917 72 93 95 100 92 - 1917 97 96 86 79 79 82 + 1913 202 183 155 184 206 189 - 8.0 3.5 8.1 71 97 107 105 99 - 77 93 113 •97 93 - 1913 179 179 114 114 125 530,913 191S 139 113 135 1918 124 84 61 113 424,044 105 117 171 366,913 1918 72 121 155 197 112 '85 127 104 23 32 31 _ 57 4S 38 - 34.9 72 56 20 - 6 3 . 4 96 87 71 - 18.9 1917 1918 334,920 231,730 264,698 196,676 -30.8 -25.7 95 1918 142 42 78 1917 115 140 48 1917 24 1917 128,936 143,929 93,598 163,134 15.5 74.3 76,115 168,660 •121.6 125 5.5 3.5 0.0 61 122 27 42 1917 917,866 42.9 38.7 183.7 154 1919 879,222 6,251 4,562 2,694 3S,257 4,287 100,496 118 + 16.8 169 + 152 - 85 23,118 78,292 17,510 18,065 13,070 21,763 20,SSS .51,268 101 168 1919 1918 20,009 8,051 109 166 1917 4,570,209 3,572,847 - 21.8 4,018,974 3,582,064 - 10.9 22,013 15,686 13,972 18,549 114 183 157 60 231 75 1913 110 94 223 244 254 262 + 1913 92 76 280 353 325 301 1.6 1913 77 44 273 451 3S9 214 1913 409 425 371 30S 232 242 287 290 288 62 $5 1913 55 59 132 ,550,728 1,207,044 - 22.2 .909-13 56 56 56 9,291 9,332 4,885 - 47.4 4,317 - 53.7 1919 127 128 50 61 1919 135 119 53 66 1919 78 85 96 100 3.4 - 7.6 - 45.0 + 4.0 - 0.6 + 36.4 Brick. Fireclay: Production Shipments Stocks, end of mo per ct. of capacity.. per ct. of capacity.. per ct. of capacity.. 39.9 36.5 178.5 68 + 7.5 6.0 396 + 2.9 64 + 23 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov., 1921 Dec., 1921 Corresponding month, 1920, Nov. or Dec. CUMULATIVE TOTAL T n n o u a n LATEST MONTH. 1920 INDEX NUMBEttS. Percentage' Increase \ 1921 'erccnt* ago in* oase 1931 or decrease BASS YEAH cumulative 1921 from 1920 PERIOD. on Dec. Sept. Oct. rom Nov. BUILDING AND CONSTBUCTION-Con. Brick—Continued. Silica: Production thousands.. Shipments thousands.. Stocks, end of mo thousands.. Face brick: Production thousands.. Stocks in sheds & kilns thousands.. Unfilled orders thousands.. Shipments thousands.. Prices: Common red, N. Y dolls, per thous.. Common salmon, Chicago....dolls, per thous.. 4,572 5,282 41,379 45,582 142,135 35,891 28,280 4,754 7,321 38,812 13,653 14,963 33,750 178,850 186,960 541,836 66.3 67.0 66,885 1919 4.0 1919 38.6 1919 61,699 6.2 1919 15.7 38,444 26,437 160,961 145,576 1919 34,755 28,783 1919 - 23,151 10,170 1919 - 18.1 15.00 8.63 14.50 8.93 17.00 1913 - 3.3 12.40 1913 + 3.5 8,921 5,195 9,091 1.50 6,559 3,697 11,938 1.50 98,293 1913 - 26.5 95,051 1913 28.8 25,149 27,685 3,907 11,337 5,757 4,031 428,174 - 21.0 334,209 13. . 1 3.2 Cement. Production Shipments Stocks, end of mo Price, Portland thous. of bbls.. thous. of bbls.. thous. of bbls.. dolls, per bbl.. 31.3 1913 1.95 1913 195 195 0.0 HIDES AND LEATHER. Hides. Imports: Total hides and skins thous. of lbs. Calfskins thous. of lbs. Cattle hides thous. of lbs. Goatskins thous. of lbs. Sheepskins thous. of lbs. Stocks, end of month: Packer hides, green saltedCattle hides thous. of lbs. Calf and kip thous. of lbs. Other hides and skinsGreen saltedCattle hides thous. of lbs. Calf and kip skins thous. of lbs. Dry saltedCattle hides thous. of lbs. Calf and kip skins thous. of lbs. Sheep and lamb thous. of lbs. Prices: Green salted, packer's heavy native steers doUs. perlb. Calfskins, country, No. 1 dolls, perlb. Leather. Production: Sole leather thous. of sides. Severs dozens. Oak union harness stuffed sides. Finished sole and belting thous. of lbs. Finished, upper thous. ofsq. ft. Stocks end of month: Solo and belting thous. of lbs. U PI«r thous. of sq.ft. Stocks in process of tanning: Sole and belting thous. of lbs. t^Per thous. of sq.ft. Exports: 2,411 11,816 5,468 4,440 + 178,184 63,125 45;S69 - 21,575 509,992 348,035 1,377 35,140 47,938 16,021 275,065 1,355 80,207 2,080 82,753 31.8 36.4 35.2 21.3 44.6 1909-13 10.1 1909-13 62.0 1900-13 4.1 1900-13 5.3 - 1909-13 * 1920-21 * 1920-21 103 152,965 238,143 11,541 25,838 114,909 103,835 33,216 33,400 «1920-21 * 1920-21 17,369 6,805 33,410 15,455 5,469 31,764 1920-21 <1920-21 U920-21 88 1913 1913 .158 .145 .165 .140 .190 .141 1,705 1,746 1,354 18,414 17,841 17,533 20,149 9,896 158,284 199,836 60,002 62,551 66,482 1,153,690 - 8.1 + 26.3 86 94 100 100 103 94 83 97 105 126 103 90 + 4.4 90 75 - 3.4 1919 70 72 + 2.4 1919 87 66 1919 77 70 21,999 176,158 * 1920-21 91 OS 65,966 43,788 428,902 * 1920-21 91 90 41.3 so 86 11 117 63 122 146 13' 106 99 132 138 29,544 677,766 - 59 52 106 141 193,841 164,597 * 1920-21 90 96 106 107 415,304 426,726 * 1920-21 102 102 97 99 + 14.9 + 4.2 103 115 115,422 111,213 * 1920-21 100 9S 101 104 175,566 142,943 *1920-21 94 89 116 116 801(3 1913 14,380 - 31.9 21,101 1,079 2,347 1,311 thous. of lbs. 1913 42,710 - 51.3 87,649 4,823 5,843 5,874 ^ UPP«r thous. of s q . f t . Prices: 1913 Sole, hemlock, middle No. 1 dolls, per l b . .410 .340 .340 Chrome calf, " B » grades dolls per sq. ft .500 .575 .500 < Twelve months average, September, 1920, to August, 1921, inclusive. 20 41 33 SO 42 55 43 42 90 66 16! 145 121 12: 121 231 21; 194 19 9.2 - 44.1 - 12 0.5 0.0 0.0 24 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov., 1921 Dec.. 1921 Corresponding month, 1920, Nov. or Dec. CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST MONTH. 1920 I N D E X NUMBERS. Percentage increase 1921 or decreaso (-) cumulative 1921 from 1920 1920 Percentage increase <+> or decrease 1921 BASE YEAR OR PERIOD. Nov. Dec. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. from Nov. HIDES AND LEATHERS—Continued. Leather Products. Belting, sales: Quantity thous. of lbs. Amount... thous. of dolls. Boots and shoes: Production thous. of pairs. Exports thous. of pairs. Price, wholesale, men's black calf, blucher dolls, per pair. 311 681 263 439 8,028 18,368 3,342 - 58.4 6,138 - 66.6 1919 1919 15,981 8,979 - 43.8 1913 138 163 50 38 36 1913 249 249 225 217 217 32 205 34 168 66 74 46 31 65 36 23,593 301 24,097 560 1,370 6.75 6.75 7.75 13,731 15,629 17,060 5,365 7, 72,403 705 501 101,497 659 394 63,663 42 37 67 + 86.0 0.0 217 CHEMICALS. taports: Potash tons. Nitrate of soda ...tons. Exports: Sulphuric acid thous. of lbs. Dyes and dyestuffs thous. of dolls. Total fertilizer tons. Prite index numbers: Crude drugs index number. Essential oils index number. Drugs and Pharmaceuticals.. .index number. 81 + 24.2 12 - 65.7 178,692 1,320,972 104,872 - 41.3 369,199 - 72.1 1909-13 1909-13 2,004 28,991 32,652 2,018 105,716 1,413,797 12,815 - 55.8 6,860 - 79.0 889,443 - 37.1 107 - 6.5 115 1909-13 101 225 328 327 1909-13 7,985 6,975 1,564 1,665 1,731 1,362 - 21.4 62 - 37.3 98 1909-13 102 61 74 102 Aug,, 1914 Aug., 1914 Aug., 1914 174 226* 173 162 210 160 123 126 127 132 + 138 138 135 137 + 3.9 1.5 118 + 1-7 119 117 116 FOODSTUFFS. Wheat. Production: Winter (est.) thous. of busbs. Spring (est.) thous. of bushs, Total (est.) thous. of bushs Exports incl. flour thous. of bushs. Visible supply thous. of bushs, Receipts, prin. mkts thous. of bushs. Shipments, prin. mkts thous. of bushs. Wheat flour production thous. of bbls. Prices: No. 1, Northern, Chicago dolls, per bush, No. 2, Red, winter, Chicago, .dolls, per bush. Flour, standard patents, Minneapolis dolls, per bbl Flour, winter straights, KansesCity dolls, per bbl 19,453 133,702 25,576 19,455 10,851 5587,032 6610,597 5207,861 5222,430 5794,893 5833,027 15,014 30,179 135,823 94,206 23,975 31,574 13,634 21,511 9,053 8,745 307,394 324,453 279,025 108,755 350,464 436,423 + 34.5 291,817 4- 4.6 122,069 + 12.2 1909-13 1909-13 1909-13 1913 1913 1919 1919 1914 260 177 118 122 92 133 138 91 121 85 116 253 327 213 163 126 - 22.8 183 170 233 260 81 264 + l.f> 76 - 6.3 100 195 132 108 202 144 98 81 125 126 101 1.226 1.176 1.254 1.177 1.770 2.012 1913 1913 198 209 194 150 142 134 204 130 121 119 7.170 6.881 8.943 1913 ,203 195 182 162 156 5.900 5.860 8.256 1913 218 215 174 164 153 mills, of bushs. thous. of bushs. thous. of bushs., thous. of bushs. thous. of bushs. 4,475 18,197 15,467 12,770 6 3,081 10,458 27,109 39,723 17,403 6 3,231 3,626 5,280 18,097 8,631 1909-13 1913 1913 1919 1919 51 72 67 92 448 224 106 158 266 217 244 230 103 305 239 dolls, per bush. .482 .482 .755 1913 129 121 343 .354 1,061 573 .364 6 1,496 1,016 .494 1909-13 1913 1913 38 137 34 22 132 102 92 2,511 151,181 830 189,332 2,520 1909-13 1913 111 172 367 143 .554 .548 .778 1913 139 125 84 - 29.9 - 16.6 137 4 - 2 . 3 97 119 + 0.1 150 - 4.0 152 - 0.7 Corn. Production (est.) Exports, incl. meal Visible supply Receipts, prin. mkts Shipments, prin. mkts Prices, contract grades No. 2, Chicago Other Grains. Oats: Production (est.) mills, of bushs. Exports, incl. meal thous. of bushs. Prices, contract grades,Chicago.dolls.perbush. Barley: Production (est.) ...thous. of bushs., Exports thous. of bushs.. Price fair to good, malting, Chicago dolls, per bosh.. Eye: Production (est.) thous. of bushs Exports, ind. flour thous. of bushs.. Price, No. 2, Chicago dolls, per bush.. 6 21,320 215,855 115,842 15,975 17,855 131,685 +517.7 340,903 + 57.9 227,389 + 96.3 8,003 - 49.9 25,833 44.7 6 57,918 •60,490 1909-13 1,993 59,254 5,634 30,165 - 49.1 1913 .804 .858 1,598 1913 ' * Represents the final estimated production for the year indicated. 144 114 248 323 265 197 +134.4 + 49.0 +156.8 + 36.3 77 77 0.0 119 121 132 19 + 67.1 97 + 2.S 94 83 172 173 166' 3,141 3,645 2,400 1,291 139 248 251 167 104 57 - 66.9 446 126 1.1 +188.4 135 + 6.7 25 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. NOV.L 1921 Dec., 1921 Corresponding month, 1920, Nor. or Dec. CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST MONTH. or decrease cumulative 1921 from 1920 I INDEX NUMBERS. Percentage ncrcase PcrfOIlt- 1920 inea.se 1921 BASE YEAR OR PERIOD. l easo JsTov. 1920 1921 421, 417, 532, •f 2G.2 + 26.5 tept. 1913 528, Dec. 1919 Dec. from \Tov. Oct. Nov. FOODSTUFFS—Continued. Total Grains* Total grain production (est.) mills, of bushs.. Total grain exports inch flour thous. of bushs.. Carloadings of grain and grain products cars. 6 5,146 27,473 37,998 28,898 42,032 5 5,810 42,975 34,645 1909-13 191 130 132 5.2 97 10.6 207 130 129.0 Other Crops* Rice, production (est.) Potatoes, production (est.) Hay, production (est.) Apples: Production (est.) Cold-storage holdings 5 39,653 & 51,692 >346,823 403,296 6 81,567 5 87,855 thous. of bushs., thous. of bushs., thous. of tons-, .thous. of bushs., thous. of bbls.. 2,354 96,881 5,390 1,392 650 279 785 15,177 142,813 453,689 416,334 12.094 1909-13 223,677 6,384 1,415 682 245 740 9,420 84,548 1909-13 1909-13 1909-13 1919 391 46 Cattle a n d Beef. 1,928 Receipts, primary mkts thousands. 997 Shipments, primary mkts thousands.. Shipments, stocker and feeder thousands., 497 Slaughter thousands935 Exports of beef products thous. of lbs. 10,043 80,007 Cold-storage holdings of beef thous. of lbs. Inspected slaughter production thous. of lbs., 392,487 Apparent consumption thous. of lbs.. 366,593 Prices, cattle, corn-fed, Chicago.dolls, per 100lbs.: 8.563 ,8.219 22,391 9,821 4,042 12,245 233,511 19,766 11.7 1919 26.6 8,609 12.3 J919 31.6 50.7 13.6 1919 9.7 1919 182,989 21.6 1913 6.2 1919 4,616,028 4,578,673 3,492 11,059 5.7 4,132,794 10.5 10.3 20.9 1913 4,106,900 - 1919 4.0 97 1913 Hogs a n d F o r k . Beceipts, primary markets thousands. Shipments, primary markets .thousands. Shipments, stocker and feeder thousands. Slaughter thousands. Exports, pork products thous. of lbs. Inspected slaughter production thous. of lbs. Apparent consumption thous. of lbs. Cold-storage holdings, pork products.thous. of lbs. Prices, hogs, heavy, Chicago dolls, per 100 lbs. 4,195 1,520 37 2,680 187,127 544,410 472,009 343,630 9.538 42,437 15,280 730 27,111 1,532,583 5,796,027 4,549,408 1,664 881 202 804 1,566 23,504 24,096 710 12,523 11,306 7,508 6,401 2.750 8.719 3,687 1,297 33 2,370 90,248 567,622 489,259 396,397 6.838 3,911 * 1,765 35 2,137 106,440 2,026 1,052 511 457,177 6.744 41,035 - 3 . 3 1919 14,693 - 3.8 1919 498 - 31.8 1919 1919 26,307 - 3.0 1,659,695 + 8.3 1913 6,093,472 5.1 1913 4,754,809 4.5 1919 1919 1913 6.1 36.1 6.1 9.8 + 17.9 104 117 72 97 157 113 169 30 145 + 15.3 - 1.4 Sheep a n d M u t t o n . Beceipts, primary markets thousands. Shipments, primary markets thousands. Shipments, stocker and feeder thousands. Slaughter thousands. Cold-storage holdings, lamb and mutton thous. of lbs. Prices: Sheep, ewes, Chicago dolls, per 100 lbs. Sheep, lambs, Chicago dolls, per 100 lbs. 1919 109 124 148 96 69 59 45 85 116 118 96 114 68,113 1919 674 810 71 82 3.781 10.500 3.563 11.581 1913 110 156 76 149 67 113 62 109 18,126 43 19,107 22,238 ' 1 23,409 19,268 962 20,776 37,282 13,456 399 37,172 11,237 538 26,326 11,703 360 65,138 34,062 2,402 48,391 27,642 58,682 34,115 403 - 133 133 126 124 259 5,171 3,129 891 10,984 12,823 + + 2.5 9.7 39.5 16.7 1919 1919 1919 1913 76 59 112 17.9 16.3 60.5 18.6 - 14.7 37.5 135 + 20.4 Dairy Products. Condensed and evaporated milk: Exports thous. of lbs. Imports thous. of lbs. Bxports, dairy products thous. of lbs. Receipts at 5 markets: ...thous. of lbs. Butter Cheese ...thous. of lbs. .thous. of cases. Cold-storage holdings: Creamery butter thous. of lbs. American cheese thous. of lbs. .thous. of cases. "Wholesale prices at 5 markets: Butter ....dolls, per lb. dolls, per lb. 5 .451 .220 8S6 .435 .206 411,020 289,678 - 29.5 1919 23,756 12,164 - 48.8 1919 444,774 333,856 - 24.9 1913 471,232 567,367 + 20. 1919 165,774 12,322 178,626 + 7.8 1919 14,748 + 19.7 1919 .528 .249 Represents the final estimated production for the year indicated. 54 45 24 254 3 71 70 960 1,098 2,058 1,748 1,009 1,23! 110 91 77 95 101 62 81 160 121 170 138 116 119 116 1916-20 141 107 49 1919 1919 105 84 72 78 71 1916-20 1916-20 58 84 33 57 72 64 e December index number less than 1. 83 3 92 65 7 + 22.7 22.5 SI - 0.3 69 - 16.5 45 34.8 - 25.7 - 18.8 - 63.1 - 3.5 6.4 26 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov., 1921 Dec., 1921 Correspondinj month, 1920, Nov. O Dec. CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST MONTH. 19-20 INDEX NUMBERS. Percentag< increase 1921 1920 or decrease cuniulative 1921 from 1920 Percentage in crease 1921 BASE YEAR OB PERIOD. or decrease Nov. Dec. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. fci from Nov. FOODSTUFFS—Continued. Fats and Oils. Total vegetable oils: Exports Imports Oleomargarine—consumption Cottonseed stocks Cottonseed oil: Stocks Production Price, New York thous. of lbs *-... thous. of lbs. thous. of lbs, tons 10,822 12,529 48,135 31,785 17,565 25,035 762,726 618,173 43.44i 20,269 23,869 593,507 202,402 585,895 360,066 263,566 + 30.2 323,529 - 44.8 215,834 - 40.1 thous. of lbs thous. of lbs dolls, per lb, 100,167 173,57 131,961 .082 .083 156,801 176,323 1,141,609 , .086 1,285,143 + 12.6 Imports, raw ....long tons. Meltings, raw long tons Stocks, raw long tons Exports, refined long tons. Prices: Wholesale, 96° centrifugal, N. Y. .dolls, per lb Wholesale, refined, N. Y dolls, per lb. Retail, average, 51 cities index number, 206,865 176,462 268,283 254,135 82,253 62,4U 16,908 31,81 158,121 3,590,322 2,751,191 - 23.4 166,746 4,061,163 - 11.4 98,996 13,780 412,450 416,872 + 11 . 1913 1913 1913 1919 85 83 271 115 150 95 201 116 28 211 149 74 37 127 181 143 37 225 148 149 43 149 211 121 1919 1919 1913 277 349 140 261 270 119 84 153 136 172 285 122 187 265 114 167 - 10.6 202 - 24.0 115 + 1 2 . 1913 1919 1919 1909-13 110 69 90 343 90 80 51 81 104 144 467 1,206 92 85 75 585 118 100 82 .78 86 65 573 1,078 1913 1913 1913 193 225 235 151 191 190 123 131 133 119 122 125 117 12.1 122 106 - 9.8 117 - 3.8 121 - 0.8 1909-13 100 96 84 103 165 202 + 22.3 74 90 150 76 86 146 76 69 121 75 62 117 77 69 110 79 + 3 1 . 85 + 24.4 123 + 1 . 10 + + - 15.8 34.0 42.5 19.0 Sugar. - 14.7 - 5.3 -24.1 + 88.3 .037 .050 124,955 152,771 thous. of bags. thous. of bags thous. of bags 9,076 1,298 1,055 9,263 1,61 1,17; 9,002 1,61! 1,397 10,286 12,773 + 24/2 1913 1913 1913 thous. of bags. thous. of bags. 1,145 783 95: 432 930 677 11,325 6,253 12,034 + 6.3 6,151 - 1.6 1913 1913 103 118 94 172 123 131 107 171 116 199 96 - 16.9 110 - 44.7 thous. of lbs Coffee. Imports Visible supply: World United States Receipts, total, Brazil Clearances: Total Brazil for world Total Brazi 1 for U. S .os: 9,258 11,162 4,198 90,808 76,488 - 15.8 1909-13 73 51 102 112 112 135 1,118 7,299 44,621 399,815 467,371 515,353 + 10.3 1909-13 1913 1913 1913 1909-13 106 272 54 85 159 80 217 48 145 97 370 94 105 101 377 101 138 98 328 83 93 124 + 33*6 1913 246 246 208 208 208 203 77 38 22 37 4 79 81 89 79 38 21 37 3 83 85 94 82 37 21 36 2 87 87 97 thous. of lbs .04: .053 72,752 1,297,414 1,343,499 + 3.6 Tea, Imports 20.6 TOBACCO. Production: Crop (estimated) mills, of lbs, Large cigars millions. Small cigarettes millions Manf d tobacco and snuff. thous. of lbs Exports, unmanf'd, leaf. thous. of lbs, Price, wholesale, Burley good leaf, dark red, Louisville dolls, per 100 lbs. 615 4,229 30,772 29,236 38,772 1,582 506 2,81' 17,683 45,408 27.500 27.500 32.500 3.97 .07! .041 .069 .004 .350 .232 .188 4.16 .078 .044 .075 .005 .363 .245 .194 3.49 .059 .035 .062 .014 .310 .196 .154 Ppr.val. Par. val. Par. val. Par. vaL Par. val. Par. val. Par. val. Par. val. 72 31 18 32 6 77 73 80 .479 .269 .479 .274 .503 .269 Par. val. Par. val. 101 55 0.0 1.9 .915 .735 .126 .110 .928 .748 .127 .108 .863 .787 .153 .142 Par. val. Par. vaL Par. vaL Par. val. Par. val. 86 82 47 73 55 1.4 1.8 0.8 1.8 + 7.8 112 0.0 FOREIGN EXCHANGE BATES. Europe: England dolls, per £ sterling. France dolls, per franc. Italy dolls, per lire. Belgium dolls, per franc. Germany dolls, per mark. Netherlands dolls, per florin. Sweden dolls, per krone. Switzerland dolls, per franc. Asia: Japan dolls, per yen.. India dolls, per rupee.. Americas: Canada dolls, per Can. doll.. Argentina dolls, per gold peso.. Brazil dolls, per milreis.. Chile dolls, per paper peso.. General index of foreign exchange.index number.. 86 + 4.8 40 23 39 2 91 191 101 +83 . + 73 . + 8.7 + 25.0 + 3.7 + 56 . +3.2 27 TREND OP BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov., 1921 Dec.. 19-21 Corresponding month, 1920, Nov. or Dec. CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST MONTH. 1920 INDEX NUMBERS. Percentage!! increase! 1921 or de BASE crease | YEAR OR :umu- PERIOD. lative 1921 from 1920 Percentage in crease 19*21 19-20 or decrease Nov. Sept. Dec. from Nov. )ct. TRANSPORTATION—WATER. Canal Cargo Traffic. Panama Canal: 356 American vessels thous. of tons.. British vessels ....thous. of tons.. ' 237 855 Total cargo traffic thous. of tons.. Sault Ste. Marie Canal, total cargo, .thous. of tons.. 3,265 1,031 396 344 985 1,505 4,640 2,627 8,746 79,281 4,219 3,085 9,694 48,258 9.1 17.6 10.8 39.1 1915 1915 1915 1913 217 1SS 242 95 10 - 68.4 Vessels in Foreign Trade. Entered in U. S. ports: American Foreign Total Cleared from XJ. S. ports: American Foreign. Total thous. of tons.. thous. of tons.. thous. of tons.. 2,895 2,350 5,245 2,553 2,306 4,859 3,024 2,724 5,748 32,131 32,001 64,131 31,099 31,078 62,178 3.2 2.9 3.0 1913 1913 1913 275 85 135 -11.8 - 1.9 - 7.4 thous. of tons.. ....thous. of tons.. thous. of tons.. 2,748 2,200 4,949 2,434 2,586 5,021 2,786 2,949 5,735 34,037 33,792 67,830 11.6 6.9 7.7 1913 1913 1913 264 31,448 62,637 - 11.4 + 17.5 1.5 319 62 297 46 1,124 177 2,832 1,272 - 55.1 1920 1921 113,874 191,707 132,693 221,614 282,926 470,516 149,487 17,067 204,408 1919 1919 1919 264 24 37 None. 110 302 320,292 313,190 757 29,139 731 2,159 3,808 191,234 786 37,459 10,211 414,164 1919 1919 1919 1913 1919 342,025 82,656 465,497 .368,013 66,198 436,891 106,652 592,054 513,614 50,964 4,326,551 1,287,919 6,228,233 5,821,729 70,018 138 Ship Construction. Vessels under construction thous. of long tons.. New vessels completed thous. of long tons.. 26 - 6.9 -25.S 14 TRANSPORTATION—RAIL. Freight Cars. Surplus: Box number., Coal number.. Total number.. Shortage: Box : number., Coal number., Total number., Bad order cars, total. number., Car loadings, total : thous. of cars.. Freight carried. mills, of ton-miles., Railroad Finance. Revenue: Freight. thous. of dolls. Passenger thous. of dolls. Total operating thous. of dolls. Operating expense thous. of dolls. Net operating income thous. of dolls. Receipts per ton-mile dolls, per ton-mile. 9,057 - 11.3 318,764 - 23.0 3,629,861 1,065,093 5,138,148 4,248,341 563,054 - 16.1 - 17.3 - 17.5 - 27.0 +704.2 42 182 2 23 26 108 233 + 68.4 293 + 67.0 248 + 6 6 . 3 15 264 4 - 90.9 51 81 121 109 16 - 2.2 -r.,.9.8 127 98 CI05 177 168 200 175 195 208 146 179 11 122 106 113 95 96 94 96 99 95 - 4.2 0.0 + 11 . 263 309 241 272 241 78 82 41: 194 181 194 41 90 3SC 195 183 19 3£ 7( 371 . 198 + 2 4 . 183 + 1 7 . 193 + 1 0 Jy., 1914 193 178 Jy.,1914 166 166 Jy.,1914 205 187 Jy.,1914 200 200 J y . 1914 192 19S Jy.,19141| 190 181 i First quarter of year. 153 169 160 17 1SI 152 169 161 17! 178 163 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 247 185 232 283 277 LABOR. Number employed: United States (1,428 firms) .thousands. New York State thousands. Wisconsin index number. Total pay roll: New York State. thous. of dolls. Wisconsin index number. Av. weekly earnings, Wisconsin, .index number. Immigration number. Emigration number. thous. of dolls. I Jan.,1921 1914 li' 1915 1,567 471 1,493 471 506 11,465 11,744 14,330 200,535 143,31! - 28.5 824,383 3S0,582 662,75€ - 19.6 379,521 - 0.3 146,500 89,224 34,386 163,434 44,648 29,646 14S,000 1914 1915 1915 1913 1913 1913 253 75 67 40S 369 - 1.0 150 - 1.3 0.0 0.6 0.6 0.2 PRICE INDEX NUMBERS. Cost of living—Nat. Indus. Conf. Board: Food ---index number.. SheIt er index number.. Clothing index number.. Fuel and light ^.. .index number.. Sundries index number.. All items weighted index number.. «December index number less than 169 156 178 178 161 28 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov. 1921 Dec., 1921 Correspondin; month 1920, Nov. or Dec. CUMtTLATlVE TOTAL THBOUGH LATEST MONTH. 1920 I N D E X NUMBERS. Percentage increasi 1921 (+) or decrease (-) cumulative 1921 from 1920 1920 Percentage increase 1921 BASE YEAR OR PERIOD. or decrease Nov. Dec. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. from Nov. PRICE INDEX NUMBERS—Continued. Farm price: Crop index number. Livestock index number. Wholesale prices: Department of Labor groupingFarm products index number. Food, etc index number. Cloths and clothing .*. .index number. Fuel and lighting index number. Metal and metal products.index number. Building and building material index number. Chemicals and drugs index number. House furnishing goods.. .index number. Miscellaneous Index numberAll commodities index number. Federal Reserve Board groupingFarm products index number. Animal products index number. Forest products index number. Mineral products index number. Total raw products index number. Producers goods index number. Consumed goods index number. All commodities index number. Federal Reserve Board i n d e x Goods imported index number. Goods exported index number. All commodities. index number. Dun's • index number. Bradstreet's index number. Retail food prices index number. Foreign wholesale prices: United Kingdom index number. France index number., Italy index number. Germany index number.. Canada index number.. Australia index number.. India index number.. Japan index number.. 1913 1913 135 147 129 121 111 101 1013 1913 1913 1913 1913 165 195 234 258 170 144 172 220 236 157 122 146 187 178 120 119 142 190 182 121 114 142 186 186 119 113 - 0.9 139 - 0.2 185 - e.§ 187 + o.s M 119 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 274 207 369 220 207 266 188 346 205 189 193 162 223 146 152 192 162 218 145 150 197 162 218 145 149 203 •f 3.0 161 - 0.6 0.0 218 148 + 2.1 0.0 149 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 170 159 289 246 205 193 214 207 155 132 283 224 187 175 196 189 142 104 194 172 146 133 160 152 134 105 193 176 145 133 158 150 129 103 200 178 145 130 157 149 129 102 208 178 146 130 155 149 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 127 163 190 175 148 193 112 146 173 164 137 178 106 144 143 134 121 153 108 107 141 ; 138 140 141 136 135 123 123 152 153 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1913 92 95 91 111 136 138 136 123 150 0.1 1.0 4.0 0.0 + 0.7 0.0 - 1.3 0.0 + 4* 2.8 - 1.4 - 1.4 0.0 0.0 - 1.3 162 166 170 245 220 325 332 331 461 435 344 595 595 599 670 655 5S0 1,658 1,083 1,993 2,687 3,283 3,467 + 170 + 168 169 225 214 172 156 208 197 160 184 194 180 180 184 219 221 214 206 207 2.4 2.1 0.0 5.6 1.2 2.3 DISTRIBUTION MOVEMENT. Mail-order houses, sales Chain stores, sales Magazine advertising Newspaper advertising Department store trade * Postal receipts thous. of dolls.. thous. of dolls thous. of lines. thous. of lines... 23,768 21,813 1,421 93,812 24,506 40,052 1,112 94,257 23,783 36,036 1,462 97,285 357,349 235,486 27,306 1,145,455 254,478 - 28.8 247,947 + 5.3 17,243 - 36.9 - 10.4 1913 1913 ' 1913 1919 276 260 173 119 218 452 120 116 194 238 120 100 229 296 124 116 218 274 116 112 224 + 3.1 502 + 83.6 91 - 2 1 . 7 0.0 112 thous. of dolls.. 21,750, 26,678 25,020 248,264 249,126 + 0.3 1919 115 136 111 118 118 145 + 22.7 U. S. interest-bearing debt mills, of dolls, j 23,365 23,189 I i b t r t y and Victory loans and War Saving securities mills, of dolls.. 19,491 19,408 Customs receipts ..thous. of dolls.. 24,843 26,155 Ordinary receipts thous. of dolls.. 195,483 r40,293 Ordinary disbursements thous. of dolls.. 324,483 329,766 Money held outside U. S. Treasury and Federal Reserve System: ' \ Total mills, of dolls..j 4,607 4,553 Percapita dollars..! 42.41 41.85 23,745 1919 95 94 94 92 93 1919 1913 1913 1913 95 82 70 456 1,544 1,142 749 711 468 94 1919 1919 114 114 PUBLIC FINANCE. 20,269 18,555 931,989 404,575 330,533 313,915 - 5.0 6,432,072 4,971,877 - 22.7 5,064,472 4,445,821 - 12.2 5,584 52.13 See detailed tables, pages 108 and 109. 114 113 394 535 92 - 0.8 94 _ 0.4 94 + 5.3 96 324 1,227 +278.7 670 580 + 1.6 94 92 _ 91 - L8 1.2 29 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL DATA. Nov., 1921 Dec, 1921 Corresponding month, 1920, Nov. or Dec. INDEX NUMBERS. Percentage increase CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST MONTH. 1920 1921 ( ) t or decrease (-) cumulative 1021 from 1920 1920 Percentage increase (+ or ,> docreaso 1921 BASE YEAR OR PERIOD. Nov. Dec. Sept Oct. Nov. Doc. Dec. from Nov. BANKING AND FINANCE. Banking. Debits to individual accounts: New York City Outside New York City Bank clearings: New York City *. Outside New York City Federal reserve banks: Bills discounted Notes in circulation Total reserves Total deposits Federal reserve member banks: Total loans, rediscounts, and investments Net demand deposits Interest rates: New York call loans Commercial paper, 60-90 days mills, of dolls. mills, of dolls. 17,492 14,900 20,575 17,554 21,888 19,136 241,045 240,805 207,095 - 14.1 191,361 - 20.5 1919 1919 mills, of dolls. mills, of dolls. 16,822 12,309 18,476 12,994 20,981 15,048 243,135 189,115 192,106 - 21.0 145,012 - 23.3 1913 1913 mills, of dolls. mills, of dolls. mills, of dolls. mills, of dolls. 1,282 2,366 2,990 1,743 1,180 2,443 2,992 1,765 2,719 3,345 2,249 1,799 1919 1919 1919 1919 mills, of dolls. mills, of dolls. 14,765 10,274 14,780 10,174 16,750 10,942 1919 1919 percent. per cent. 5.06 5.19 5.10 5.13 6.90 7.88 1913 1913 108 109 246 245 141 127 100 90 101 -f 17.6 100 + 17.8 85 234 + 212 + 140 128 103 93 90 137 90 9.8 5.6 61 93 + 137 91 266 246 3.3 0,1 8.0 1.3 + 01 . 96 - 1 0 . 97 93 160 4- 0.6 - 1.1 Business Finances. Business failures: 2,444 Firms number. 1,988 Liabilities Ithous. of dolls. 53,470 87,502 Div. and interest payments thous. of dolls. 322,497 359,800 U.S. Steel Corporation's earnings .thous. of dolls. 4,967 6,440 New capital issues: Corporations thous. of dolls. 255,938 318,335 States and municipalities: Permanentloans thous. of dolls. 128,526 203,842 46,184 51,075 Temporary loans thous. of dolls. New incorporations mills, of dolls. 619 Telephone earnings: Total operating revenues thous. of dolls. 37,657 Net operating incomes thous. of dolls. 8,172 Credit conditions: Orders Per cent of total transactions. 25.4 25.5 Indebtedness...Per cent of total transactions. 42.3 42.2 Payments Per cent of total transactions. 50.1 50.3 1,525 8,881 19,652 +12L3 1913- 58,872 295,121 1913 326,979 3,414,975 627,401 +112.6 3,549,965 + 4.0 12,099 177,173 92,708 - 47.7 1913 79 135 168 131 237,208 3,106,630 2,634,869 - 15.2 1913 129 173 81,557 53,997 773,665 664,087 1,304,287 -f 68.6 1913 190 1913 130 861 15,000 14.7 7,960 - 46.9 1913 520 240 134 500 31,933 5,501 342,105 59,592 397,306 + 16.1 1913 243 84,473 + 41.8 1913 148 762,037 1913 167 149 235 21J8 183 + 22.9 385 + 63.6 243 + 1L6 72 51 40 - 22.9 150 75 187 232 + 24.4 310 377 599 + 58.6 127 4- 10.6 284 370 14S 292 275 219 2S9 220 287 220 98 101 89 105 90 109 110 163 241 63 183 128 234 115 214 559 + 68.2 i 1916 74 1916 17.5 37.8 52.5 108 1916 93 91 92 109 91 1.1 0.0 0.0 Stocks a n d Bonds. Stock prices, closing: 25 industrials, average dolls, per share. 25 railroads, average dolls, per share. Stock sales (N. Y.StockExchange).thous. of shares. Bond sales: Miscellaneous thous. of dolls. Liberty-Victory thous. of dolls. Total thous. of dolls. Bond prices: Highest-grade rails per ct. of par. Second-grade rails per ct. of par. Public utility per ct. of par. Industrial per ct. of par. Combined price index per ct. of par. Municipal bond yield percent. 78.80 54.18 15,332 183,320 214,625 397,945 78.59 65.80 57.18 55.69 62.13 4.50 82.07 54.36 17,622 155 144 136 141 70 64 129 65 129 1913 64 65 66 172,201 - 23.4 1913 320 344 185 186 221 0.3 255 + 14.9 1,062,753 1,388,237 -j- 30.6 2,824,880 2,077,554 - 26.5 547,151 3,887,623 3,465,791 - 10.9 158 87 103 199 168 166 171 87 92 178 106 109 257 91 129 265 93 + 132 + 79 77 63 79 75 112 S3 83 75 77 79 115 23,829 224,733 188,880 141,612 1919 219,342 405,539 1919 408,222 81.62 67.59 59.12 54.22 64.10 4.3S + 41 . 1913 53.02 7L35 57.82 49.88 55.73 57.72 5.06 1919 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1913 72 83 79 114 3.0 2.2 2.6 3.9 83 75 73 87 2.7 77 3.4 79 2.6 78 112 81 •+ 3.2 101 !- 3.0 30 TREND OF BUSINESS NUMERICAL Nov., 1921 GOLD AND SILVER. Gold: Imports thous. of dolls. Exports thous. of dolls. Silver: Imports thous. of dolls. Exports thous. of dolls. Price at New York .dolls, per fine oz. Price at London pence per standard oz. U . S. F O R E I G N Dec., 1921 Corresponding month, 1920, Nov. or Dec. MOVEMENTS—Continued. DATA. I N D E X NUMBERS. Percentage increase; CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST MONTH. 1920 1921 (+) or decrease (-) cumulative 1921 from 1920 1920 Percentage increase 1921 BASE TEAR OR PERIOD. or decrease & Nov. Dec. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. & from Nov. 51,937 607 31,685 1,950 44,660 17,058 417,068 322,207 + 67.8 23,631 - 9Z7 1913 1913 1,072 260 5,912 4,804 .682 38.750 5,516 7,145 .658 35.64S 4,626 6,081 .648 41.845 88,059 113,617 63,317 - 2 8 . 1 51,577 - 54.6 1913 1913 1913 1913 168 160 130 185 70,254 13,930 5,914 67,433 11,896 5,666 4,688 19,335 1,228,046 165,679 89,001 75,290 512,420 764,942 141,884 80,278 62,290 238,796 • • • • 37.7 14*4 9.8 17.3 53.4 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 841 1,253 31 223 99 155 116 108 152 153 95 111 145 251 91 119 150 198 92 114 141 114 101 49 115 118 94 103 37 102 85 88 117 44 118 81 93 92 50 150 85 97 120 39 122 97 3.5 -17.6 + 24.7 - 3.8 + 12.5 597 25 +221.3 185 137 110 129 + - 6.7 48.7 3.5 8.0 TRADE. I m p o r t s by G r a n d Divisions. Europe: Total France Germany Italy United Kingdom... North America: Total Canada South America: Total Argentina Asia and Oceania: Total Japan Africa, total dolls. dolls. dolls. dolls. dolls. 21,888 72,733 11,484 7,372 5,393 24,626 thous. of dolls. thous. of dolls. 56,317 28,768 51,747 26,709 89,148 59,507 1,734,116 581,636 754,726 335,441 • 56.5 - 42.3 1913 1913 313 532 274 502 143 204 165 248 173 243 159 - 8.1 226 - 7.2 thous. of dolls. thous. of dolls. 26,717 4,803 27,106 4,307 35,939 9,454 761,377 207,818 295,624 59,927 • 61.2 71.2 1913 1913 243 380 218 444 103 132 107 141 162 225 164 + 1.5 203 - 10.3 thous. of dolls. thous. of dolls. thous. of dolls. 53,345 22,519 4,315 78,969 40,242 6,819 70,135 11,939 3,457 1,477,662 414,876 149,583 653,360 251,268 40,374 • 55.8 - 39.4 73.0 1913 1913 1913 358 189 152 266 145 175 194 275 62 179 207 143 202 273 218 300 + 4S.0 488 H + 78.7 58.0 345 210,948 237,373 266,113 52.5 1913 215 178 120 126 141 159 U 12.8 153,088 155,062 19,262 17,249 24,326 21,786 13,249 15,001 60,640 388,587 4,468,214 2,363,916 - 47.1 38,012 675,347 224,942 - 6 6 . 7 58,439 311,427 372,326 + 19.6 31,945 371,769 215,462 - 4 2 . 0 138,851 1,825,589 947,109 - 48.1 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 2S6 460 120 412 254 311 296 199 487 282 143 168 125 150 121 157 202 90 283 173 123 150 83 202 123 124 134 74 229 140 161,709 1,929,702 1,129,636 - 41.5 61,700 952,603 593,675 - 37.7 1013 1913 339 206 323 184 174 167 154 133 143 123 124 - 13.2 104 - 14.8 thous. thous. thous. thous. thous. Grand total of of of of of thous. of dolls. 5,281,083 2,509,025 - Exports by G r a n d Divisions. Europe: Total France Germany Italy. United Kingdom North America: Total Canada South America: Total Argentina Asia and Oceania: Total Japan Africa, total Grand total thous. of thous. of thous. of thous. of thous. of dolls. dolls. dolls. dolls. dolls. thous. of dolls. thous. of dolls. 71,646 41,195 62,207 35,109 thous. of dolls. thous. of dolls. 13,320 5,100 16,201 7,235 67,295 23,207 623,941 213,727 273,321 - 56.2 110,833 - 48.1 1913 1913 535 56$ 551 506 114 113 125 116 109 111 133 + 21.« 41.9 158 thous. of dolls. thous. of dolls. ..thous. of dolls. 51,256 26,126 4,866 58,804 30,718 4,031 86,670 1,043,473 18,353 377,963 16,592 165,678 645,378 - 38.2 235,435 - 37.7 72,870 - 56.0 1913 1913 1913 398 173 639 500 352 253 374 110 293 483 173 296 502 202 340 590 4- 17.0 167 - 17.3 294,176 296,306 720,853 8,230,998 1913 327 343 157 I 166 1a 4 143 4- 0.7 139 171 128 111 133 | j 162 118 113 + 144 132 121 149 136 - 5.6 1 7 -11.1 1 133 + 9.9 138 - 7.3 thous. of dolls. TKADE AND I N D U S T R Y O F COUNTRIES. 4,485,223 - 45.5 FOREIGN United K i n g d o m . Imports (values): Total thous. of £ sterling. Food,drink, and tobacco.thous. of £ sterling. Raw materials thous. of £ sterling. Manufactured articles thous. of £ sterling. Exports (values): Total thous. of £ sterling. Food,drink, and tobacco.thous. of £ sterling., Raw materials thous. of £ sterling.. Manufactured articles thous. of £ sterling.. 4- 1.3 -10.5 - 10.4 13.2 4- 13.9 I i 89,259 41,246 29,946 17,913 85,312 39,063 27,792 18,291 142,785 1,943,862 1,088,020 771,494 59,378 568,581 711,500 48,613 271,175 454,824 34,553 245,096 44.0 26.3 61.9 46.1 1913 1913 1913 1913 225 254 198 223 223 246 207 214 ! in 132 184 91 116 62,894 3,586 7,046 51,094 59,375 3,187 7,746 47,368 96,631 1,335,567 3,842 50,894 144,654 12,277 78,819 1,120,832 46.7 26.4 55.9 47.5 1913 1913 1913 1913 273 174 161 302 221 1 140 122 141 120 211 128 230 142 128 126 147 711,787 37,458 63,860 588,581 136 200 87 4.4 5.3 7.2 2.1 31 TREND OF BUSINESS MOVEMENTS—Continued. NUMERICAL Corres- JNOV., 1921 TRADE AND INDUSTRY OP FOREIGN COUNTRIES—Continued. United Kingdom—Continued. Reexports (values): Total ...............thous. of £ sterling . Food,drink,and tobacco.thous. of £ sterling.. Raw materials thous. of £ sterling.. Manufactured articles thous. of £ sterling.. Exports of key commodities (quantities): Cotton piece goods thous. of sq. yds.. Woolen and worsted tissues.thous. of sq. yds.. Iron and steel thous. of long tons . Coal ...thous. of long tons.. Production: Pig Iron tons.. Steel ingots tons.. 9,823 2,944 4,818 2,060 Dec., 1921 ponding mo nix). 1920, Nov. or Dec. DATA. CUMULATIVE TOTAL THROUGH LATEST •MUWXH. — 51.9 - 34.4 — 59.3 - 50.0 1913 2,915,258 114,743 1,716 24,662 - 34.4 - 66.9 — 48.5 — 1.1 1920 1920 1913 1913 93 88 67 62 56 22 46 38 2,611,400 - 67.4 3,624,800 — 60.0 1913 1913 47 79 117 1913 1913 524 363,633 330,476 10,978 11,574 248,443 13,697 4,441,657 205 192 2,302 271,800 275,000 442,800 381,000 (+) or decrease Nov. Dec. Sept. Oct. 53,240 266,123 3,331 24,932 675,300 8,007,900 745,400 9,056,800 1913 1913 1913 Percentage inrease 1921 1920 107,051 30,245 50,053 26,636 222,405 46,099 122,988 4,309 cumulative 1921 from 1920 BASE YEAR OR PERIOD. 1921 12,699 3,995 4,917 3,787 194 or decrease 19*20 9,204 2,435 4,263 2,501 3,594 I N D E X NUMBERS. Percentage increase 139 301 92 tfov. Dec. (-) Dec. from Nov. — 6.3 94 204 72 84 114 230 96 88 108 222 90 .84 101 183 80 102 72 96 50 38 56 98 49 89 52 47 59 + 50 + 70 + 9.1 5.4 6.7 19.9 19 67 28 32 69 32 60 + 1.2 - 14.0 317 458 292 317 475 289 332 436 499 239 230 235 396 411 310 210 307 189 305 224 3S1 338 418 287 340 311 329 309 320 355 346 76 98 75 50 66 54 75 94 91 144 319 93 159 154 80 28 32 56 63 -17.3 —* It * > + 21.4 France. Imports (values): Total all commodities mills, of francs.. 2,334 Foodstuffs mills, of francs.. 564 Raw material mills, of francs.. 1,446 324 Manufactured articles mills, of francs.. Exports (values): Total all commodities mills, of francs.. 1,749 Foodstuffs mills, of francs. 157 479 Raw material mills, of francs.. Manufactured articles mills, of francs.. 1,113 TRADE AND INDUSTRY OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES. The Netherlands. Total trade (values): Imports thous of florins 175,806 Exports.. thous of florins 106,624 Exports of key commodities (quantities): 1,655 Butter. metric tons Cheesfi matHr* tnrt* Manjarin© mafrir*tern* Flower bulbs. - 3,063 4,449 32,427 754 909 7,539 1,856 2,418 1,122 16,417 8,471 2,268 288 19,339 1,951 524 1,453 13,145 453 2,183 260 550 1,373 270,811 3,033,559 156,557 1,544,568 416 2,407 4,139 5^371 metric tons " Germany. Total trade (values): Imports Exports thnnq of drtll« thoim ofdoll« 4,180 7,136 17,193 43,068 84,660 15,304 23,458 6,205 12,397 4,856 - 27.7 - 17.7 - 24.5 -42.7 21,553 1,933 5,558 14,063 + + + 634 602 587 813 11.4 0.9 33.0 7.0 1913 1913 2,060,351 - 32.1 1,272,506 - 17.6 1919 1919 115 127 84 133 133 115 13 44 121 113 40 141 51 — 25.1 1913 1913 1913 + 40.7 1913 33 20 79 110 495 1913 1913 52 54 48 36 33 19,024 48,815 63,446 21,534 + 10.6 + 13.3 636,587 48,179 46,743 1913 1913 493 486 672 1913 • 1913 342 346 334 374 351 450 328 371 395 + + + + 31.2 33.7 28.4 39.8 + + + + 24.8 65.6 14.8 23.4 91 ....... 63 44 23 24 - Spain. Total trade (values): 92 115 035 90,497 100 570 7M20 1,283,003 930,034 1,198,964 — 6.6 770,444 — 17.2 1913 1913 106 101 148 80 88 102 81 92 85,882 1,336,899 1,302,804 799,199 — 40.2 816,694 - 37.2 1913 .176 154 107 1913 473 480 190 6 109 25 279 1913 1913 1913 375 252 532 317 610 289 104 - 64.1 537 54S 594 + 8.4 73 500 164 1913 312 415 85 134 252 349 1913 178 193 173 166 212 215 182 212 79 49 103 107 S3 101 87 Canada* Total trade: Imports thous of dolls Exports thous of dolls Exports of key commodities (quantities): Canned salmon thous. oflbs.. p aper,printing thous. oflbs.. Ch eese thous. oflbs.. Wheat thous. of bush Japan. Total trade (values): Sports... thous. of yen.. Exports „ .thous. of yen.. South Africa. Total trade (values): sports thous. oflbs.. *ports thous. oflbs.. E 64,271 87,640 60,050 87,186 150,950 5,079 134,110 16,008 29,254 1,821 145,320 8,371 34,492 130,043 9,467 34,734 153,790 121,284 161,000 146,000 105,145 3,965 6,150 4,416 5,703 9,014 4,436 87,404 5,719 + + - 11.2 6.9 23.5 3.2 39,481 1,523,890 97,793 168,036 43,901 1,418,453 126,733 162,702 2,336,175 1,948,394 1,615,623 - 30.8 1,252,771 - 35.7 105,924 83,624 56,122 58,108 - 1913 47.0 1913 30.5 1913 518 115 115 124 107 277 - 6.6 0.5 65 - 47.7 412 + 17.9 253 265 230 272 + 4.7 + 20.4 107 111 124 90 111 103 :+ 11.4 1- 7.3 32 DIAGRAM 23.—COMPARISON OF WHOLESALE PRICES AT PRESENT WITH 1920 AND PREWAR. INDEX NUMBERS 300 WHEAT CORN POTATOES COTTON COTTON SEED WOOL CATTLE. BEEF HOGS LAMBS WHEAT. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER CORN. NO 2 OATS BARLEY RYE. NO 2 TOBACCO.BURLEY COTTON. MIDOLING WOOL. OHIO. UNWASHED CATTLE. STEERS HOGS, HEAVY SHEEP. EWES SHEEP. LAMBS FLOUR. SPRING FLOUR. WINTER SUGAR. RAW SUGAR. GRANULATED COTTONSEED OIL COTTON YARN COTTON PRINT CLOTH COTTON SHEETING WORSTED YARN WOMEN'S DRESS GOODS SUITINGS SILK. RAW HIDES, PACKERSHIDES. CALFSKINS LEATHER, SOLE LEATHER. CHROME BOOTS AND SHOES COAL. BITUMINOUS COAL, ANTHRACITE COKE PETROLEUM * PIG IRON, FOUNDRY PIG IRON. BESSEMER STEEL BILLETS COPPER LEAD TIN ZINC LUMBER. PINE. SOUTHERN LUMBER, DOUGLAS FIR BRICK. COMMON. NEW YORK BRICK. COMMON, CHICAGO CEMENT STEEL BEAMS RUBBER. CRUDE 400 600 33 WHOLESALE PRICE COMPARISONS. MAXIMUM PRICE COMPARED TO PBICB IN BECENT MONTHS. NOTE.—Prices to the producer on farm products are from XJ. 8. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. All other prices are from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. As far as possible all quotations represent prices to the producer or at the mill. See diagram on opposite page. COMMODITIES. Date a n d m a x i m u m relative price. October, 1931, relative price. Novem- Decem- Per cent increase (+) or ber, ber, decrease (—) 1921, 1930, In Decemrelative relative ber over price* price* November. (1913 average -100.) Farm products—Average price to producer: Wheat .... Corn Potatoes Cotton Cottonseed. Wool.., CattUybeef.. nogs Lambs Farm products—Market price: Wheat, No. 1, northern, spring (Chicago) Wheat, No. 2, red, winter (Chicago) Corn, contract grades, No. 2, cash (Chicago) ; Oats, contract grades, cash (Chicago). Barley, fair to good, malting (Chicago) Rye, No. 2, cash (Chicago) Tobacco, burley, good leaf, dark red (Louisville) Cotton, middling upland (New York) Wool, Ohio,£ and § grades, unwashed (Boston) Cattle, steers, good to choice, com fed (Chicago) Hogs, heavy (Chicago) Sheep, ewes (Chicago) Sheep, lambs (Chicago) Food: Flour, standard patents (Minneapolis) , Flour, winter straights (Kansas City) -%. Sugar, 96° centrifugal (New York) Sugar, granulated, in barrels (New York) , Cottonseed oil, prime summer yellow (New York) Clothing: Cotton yarns, carded, white, northern, mule spun, 22-1 cones (Boston) Cotton, print cloth, 27 inches, 64 x 60-7.60 yards to pound (Boston) Cotton, sheeting, brown, 4/4 Ware Shoals L. L. (New York) Worsted yarns: 2/32's crossbred stock, white, in skein (Philadelphia) Women's dress goods, storm serge, all-whole, double warp, 50 inches (N. Y.) Suitings, wool, dyed blue, 55-56 inches, 16-ounce, Middlesex (Boston) Silk, raw Japanese, Kansai No. 1 (New York) Hides, green salted, packer's, heavy native steers (Chicago) Hides, calfskins, No. 1, country, 8 to 15 pounds (Chicago) Leather, sole, hemlock, middle, -No. 1 (Boston) Leather, chrome calf, dull or bright, " B " grades (Boston) Boots and shoes, men's black calf, biucher-Campella (Massachusetts) Fuels: Coal, bituminous, Pittsburgh, mine run—Kanawha (Cincinnati) Coal, anthracite, chestnut (New York tidewater) Coke, Connellsville (range of prompt and future) furnace—at ovens Petroleum, crude, Kansas-Oklahoma—at wells Metals: Pig iron, foundry No. 2, northern (Pittsburgh) Pig iron, bessemer( Pittsburgh) Steel billets, bessemer (Pittsburgh) Copper ingots, electrolytic, early delivery (New York) Lead, pig, desilverized, for early delivery (New York) Tin, pig, for early delivery (New York) Zinc, pig (spelter), western, early delivery (New York) Building materials: Lumber, pine, southern, yellow flooring 1 x 4, " B " and better (Hattiesburg) Lumber, Douglas fir, No. 1, common, s 1 s, 1 x 8 x 10 (State of Washington) Brick, common red, domestic building (New York) . Brick, common building, salmon, run of kiln (Chicago) Cement, Portland, net without bags to trade, f. o. b . plant (Buffington, Ind.) Steel beams,mill (Pittsburgh) Rubber, crude: Rubber, Para island, fine (New York) 8479G°—22 3 June, July, June, July, May, July, May, July, Apr., 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1918 1919 1919 1920 326 300 706 312 321 344 183 256 239 May, May, Sept., June, Mar., Mar., Mar., Apr., Jan., Mar., July, Apr., Feb., 1920 1920 1917 1920 1918 1918 1919 1920 1918 1919 1919 1918 1920 354 302 331 296 325 451 352 331 304 218 266 319 263 May, May, May, May, July, 1920 1917 1920 1920 1919 119 67 207 117 69 186 136 134 93 79 118 70 182 136 132 101 78 89 100 108 92 89 139 208 154 99 104 95 62 109 134 119 77 94 89 126 208 142 107 101 82 59 112 137 119 77 97 88 135 208 143 110 97 81 31 135 328 363 598 526 374 162 164 119 121 122 156 153 117 121 114 150 152 106 117 115 - 3,8 - 0.7 May, 1920 Apr., 1920 May, 1920 Jan., 1920 Oct., 1918 July, 1920 Jan., 1920 Aug., 1919 Aug., 1919 Mar., 1917 Nov., 1919 Mar., 1920 348 478 427 289 292 291 466 283 490 211 473 308 170 186 168 148 147 183 166 80 82 121 195 217 160 - 3.8 121 186 217 154 168 174 161 145 184 209 90 74 121 186 217 Sept., Oct., Aug., Mar., 1920 1921 1920 1920 323 201 637 375 186 201 134 166 186 201 122 228 175 201 113 241 - 5.9 0.0 * - 7.4 + 5.7 July, July, July, Mar., June, May, June, 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1918 1915 346 335 388 230 261 224 386 143 128 113 81 107 61 88 142 128 113 83 107 89 137 128 113 86 107 73 90 -3.5 0.0 0.0 + 3.6 0.0 +14.1 + 1.1 Feb., 1920 Jan., 1920 Feb., 1920 Oct., 1920 'Sept., 1920 June, 1917 455 407 381 251 195 331 185 229 174 148 116 206 125 229 175 148 109 189 125 221 181 148 99 - 8.3 0.0 - 3.5 + 3.5 0.0 - 9.2 Jan., 1913 124 26 27 26 . 14 7 142 95 82 97 93 142 121 75 14 1 14 7 172 148 145 183 197 86 77 64 87 + 0.9 + 1.4 - 2.2 0.0 - 1.5 + 8.6 - 1.3 - 2.2 + 8.0 + 2.2 0.0 0.0 + 3.2 - 1.1 -f 7.1 0.0 4-0.7 + 2.8 - 4.0 - 1.2 +37.3 +20.5 - 9.4 - 3.3 + 0.9 - 3.4 + 1.2 + 8.8 0.0 + 0.5 + 6.1 + 4.7 - 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3.7 34 TEXTILES. Table 1.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] YEAR AND MONTH Consumption.* Relative to 1013. 1909-13 monthly average. 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average..... 1917 monthly average 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average ELASCOTTIC TON WEBCLOTH. BING. COTTON. WOOL. U. S. Commercial Govern- Imports m e n t [(unmanu- Exports.' I m - 8 quarq u a r - factured). ports. terly terly stocks. stocks. On h a n d J Consumed. 7 IN MILLS [INWAEE HOUSES. Relative to 1909-13 average. Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. Produc- Visible tion » Exports.] (crop). supply J Relative tal913. Sales. Relative to 1919. 100 100 100 171 272 296 277 . 110 119 168 134 146 142 124 135 100 100 39 105 96 81 55 a 100 2 101 166 158 114 100 102 104 126 132 100 97 99 127 141 100 100 177 182 153 299 294 171 211 47 75 71 74 92 144 246 114 133 108 117 93 112 108 131 97 153 206 174 272 332 206 261 428 128 88 109 75 514 610 658 342 123 107 119 118 145 139 138 135 213 201 184 169 154 158 149 141 193 214 237 217 124 106 128 103 106 167 75 114 50 33 29 20 78 143 114 112 115 109 100 127 116 101 84 147 131 117 112 130 115 101 87 243 214 163 127 129 113 83 87 93 69 97 106 31 80 94 108 95 68 111 127 61 68 70 83 94 159 235 290 319 84 115 139 158 147 179 158 120 71 47 25 32 167 339 775 516 83 76 82 91 85 95 100 100 321 312 297 286 157 153 146 145 101 81 52 44 118 138 134 92 50 59 74 83 117 47 74 125 68 73 68 52 48 17 28 91 96 85 97 95 90 83 75 269 245 212 198 65 63 145 134 121 107 131 134 152 78( 87 SO 89 115 72 87 99 72 120 93 88 31 154 253 300 101 103 109 106 76 105 123 130 245 283 299 294 54 50 50 64 129 151 151 14S 168 174 144 108 94 100 124 86 88 87 92 88 103 100 100 146 114 91 2 100 2 93 117 139 172 92 114 128 144 122 154 184 124 100 87 81 1920. January.., February.. March April 179 156 166 165 May.... June.... July.... August. 142 115 92 93 September.. October November.. December.. 95 69 88 46 86 40 83 96 34 93 93 100 1921. January.. February.. March...., April , 74 93 118 132 May.... June July.... August. 141 145 132 145 September. October... November. December., 155 168 163. 159 106 34 27 104 18 1922. January... February. March.... See footnotes o n opposite page. 35 TEXTILES. Table 2.—NtTMEBICAL DATA. From Government sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.J WOOL. YEAR AND MONTH. ConComs u m p - mercial tion in grease quarterly equiva- stocks. lent).* COTTON. U.S. Govern- Imports ment (unman- Exports.* quarufacterly tured). stocks. On band.7 Imports.' 1918 monthly av 1919 monthly a v . . . 1920 monthly a v . . . 1921 monthly a v . . . 59,269 57,554 50,446 54,734 • 1920* January February March April 72,344 63,404 67,387 66,725 May June July August 57,419 46,439 37,438 37,558 September., October November., December.. 35,484 38,337 27,926 24,316 1921. January February March , April 30,072 36,555 47,692 53,440 May June July August 57,164 58,706 53,346 58,660 September October November December 62,811 68,047 66,077 64,237 Consumed.? IN MILLS. Thousands of pounds. 1909-13 mo. av.. 1913 monthly av 40,522 1914 monthly av 44,692 1915 monthly a v . . . 48,199 1016 monthly a v . . . 68,091 1917 monthly a v . . . 54,190 ELASTIC COTTON WKI1CLOTH.', II ING. IN WAREHOUSES. Produc- Visible tion supply/ (crop). Thousands of bales. Bales. Exports. Sales. Thousands of yards. 13,033 12,651 21,680 34,393 37,432 35,083 446,214 393,267 169,690 66,951 393,287 77,907 381,955 67,689 371,329 65,331 426,498 56,876 475,123 56,912 443,326 46,559 466,065 30,927 '737,048 320,309 763,775 20,558 696,583 33,798 585,810 32,064 401,570 23,103 482,194 490,394 500,767 606,544 638,184 ,341,889 1,305,576 1,326,773 1,704,731 1,890,108 ,760,351 1,766,241 3,116,900 3,197,001 2,690,700 16,135 11,192 11,450 11,302 3,070 4,479 3,490 2,798 * 37,062 * 34,572 43,195 51,687 63,719 12,041 11,421 13,440 8,340 2,816 3,492 3,915 4,414 45,348 56,920 68,311 45,969 15,397 13,404 12,425 3,068 37,811 37,158 21,635 26,717 342,696 546,432 513,261 539,602 18,781 29,226 49,999 23,137 640,444 518,653 563,517 450,434 1,500,619 1,454,170 1,762,006 1,305,998 2,689,271 3,632,971 3,056,971 4,783,186 41,950 26,103 33,032 54,086 929,671 640,320 794,460 546,125 104,485 123,880 133,727 69,357 591,921 515,699 575,789 566,914 ,952,326 ,869,368 ,853,996 ,811,527 3,758,329 3,530,654 3,240,197 2,978,158 4,722 4,840 4,573 4,315 71,447 79,377 87,716 80,276 19,052 16,327 19,656 15,815 13,388 21,080 49,445 14,448 364,904 241,449 211,841 146,668 15,767 19,635 23,106 541,377 555,155 525,489 483,193 ,698,833 ,554,274 ,358,147 ,130,694 2,586,868 2,301,016 2,055,015 1,968,218 11,450 12,519 4,002 3,539 3,110 2,662 90,046 79,402 60,258 47,113 19,801 17,380 12,612 13,327 11,737 8,706 12,251 13,392 228,068 583,725 683,323 788,578 20,004 13,825 22,513 25,890 457,647 401,325 332,712 294,851 907,288 940,480 1,118,418 1,258,837 2,792,152 4,132,967 5,100,978 5,623,538 12,783 12,123 12,123 12,987 2,579 3,519 4,273 4,84$ 54,465 66,272 58,588 44,377 10,915 7,161 3,859 4,932 21,169 42,886 98,103 65,336 605,381 493,426 375,180 319,933 24,024 28,055 27,282 18,731 36b,270 395,563 437,933 403,882 1,273,067 1,335,435 1,337,790 1,316,015 5,645,368 5,497,019 5,235,360 5,028,631 4,822 4,707 4,476 4,434 37,487 30,087 33,024 36,772 7,705 9,079 11,443 12,791 14,745 5,952 9,397 15,867 477,389 495,590 527.323 495,130 10,542 9,849 3,452 5,631 439,884 461,656 410,120 467,103 1,279,314 1,204,572 1,115,847 1,002,981 4,739,851 4,306,236 3,724,512 3,480,783 8,203 4,512 4,454 4,108 3,724 39,767 48,395 49.668 56,381 12,040 13,347 12,280 13,660 14,592 9,086 10,946 12,520 522,839 874,510 648,695 639,825 6,362 31,269 51,440 61,006 484,647 494,745 526,610 511,800 1,016,032 1,404,931 1,648,216 1,737,771 4,309,893 4,981,856 5,271,451 5,177,266 7,037 6,537 6,537 8,340 3,944 4,624 4,623 4,544 62,290 64,489 53,422 39,842 14,537 15,369 13,654 13,193 8,433 1922. January February March 1 Except visible supply of cotton from the Commercial and Financial Chronicle and sales of elastic webbing from the Webbing Manufacturers' Exchange. Other sources are as follows: Wool (consumption and quarterly stocks) and Cotton production from the U. 5 . Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates; Wool (imports), Cotton cloth, and Cotton (exports and imports), from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; Cotton (consumed and on nand), from the U. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1 These figures are for fiscal years; those following are for calendar years, 1 Includes duck and other cloth, bleached, unbleached, and colored. * Figures for 1918,1919,1920, and 1921 compiled from monthly reports on consumption by mills; preceding years compiled from production and net imports. 1 Running bales counting round as half bales; linters are included. •500-pound bales. * Figures listed for years 1913 through 1920 represent monthly averages of cotton consumed and on hand at end of month during crop years (beginning Aug. 1 of the preceding year and ending July 31 of the year to which the figure is credited). Figures are in running bales, counting round as half bales, and do not include linters. * These figures represent world visible supply of American cotton. 36 TEXTILE MANUFACTURES. Table 3.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.* [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] RAW SILK. TOTAL KNIT UNDERWEAR.* YEAR AND MONTH. * TJnfllled Actual S torace C o n New Orders Goods orders Shiporders ments. C a n c e l - e n d of p r o d u c - a t end of s u m p - I m p o r t s . received. billed. lations. tion^ received. tion. month. month. Kelative to Feb., 1920. Relative to 6 months' average, July-Dec, 1920. Av. July-Dec, 1920 Av. Nov., 1920-Apr., 1921. 1913 monthly averago * . . . 100 100 1OO 100 monthlv monthly monthly monthly averaco average . average.... avcrago Capacity In Goods opershipped. storage. ated. Relative t o 6 m o n t h s ' average, Nov., 1920-Apr., 1921. Relative to 1913. 100 1OO 100 1OO 100 100 100 90 109 120 1915 monthlv averaco 1916 monthlv average.... 1918 1919 1920 1921 FINISHED COTTON GOODS. 592 101 61 220 127 142 162 116 133 131 120 i ! 1 * 1920. April 163 161 163 164 1OO 81 68 100 91 84 170 130 87 78 July August 65 70 80 79 74 49 36 ' 57 88 113 91 94 1 - 62 53 171 15S S5 137 283 177 165 161 147 135 September October November December.* 40 227 12S 92 134 78 39 21 . 165 167 11 39 52 44 25 19 149 101 47 22 79 77 74 68 55 37 36 31 69 54 46 34 44 50 71 69 56 67 121 12} 56 64 1931. January February March April 399 297 549 529 31 54 93 68 7 6 17 13 101 95 105 167 35 56 100 99 49 43 25 31 74 55 85 96 25 82 77 170 111 117 135 142 60 97 152 151 89 108 146 134 94 91 84 87 73 113 149 147 469 550 426 707 95 114 102 134 19 17 24 15 164 175 198 ' 159 111 131 102 142 32 24 28 '29 90 113 107 109 156 136 171 179 133 148 127 156 159 175 149 168 138 142 134 151 90 99 93 106 151 164 138 158 1,358 S33 536 445 . 145 153 105 115 19 17 52 57 344 357 396 384 169 175 173 146 35 30 30 38 104 89 83 70 161 110 120 204 164 155 131 178 184 170 172 15S 148 114 113 127 167 171 153 May June July August October November December . 1923. January February March i E x c e p t imports of r a w silk, from t h e Z7. s. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. T h e figures for k n i t underwear are secured from t h e Knit-Goods Manufacturers of A merka; a n d those relating to r a w silk from t h e Silk Association of A merica. Data for finished cotton goods a r e supplied b y t h e Kational Association of Finishers of Cotton Fabrics a n d are compiled from statistics furnished b y 34 out of 58 members of t h e association, estimated t o cover approximately the following percentages of t h e entire i n d u s t r y : White goods, 72 per cent; dyed goods, 62 per cent; printed goods, 30 per cent. a T h e preliminary report from t h e B u r e a u of t h e Census shows t h a t , in 1919, t h e total production of knit underwear in t h e United States a m o u n t e d t o 26,517,000 dozens compared w i t h 28,032,000 dozens i n 1914. I n terms of monthly averages,-the 1919 o u t p u t was a t t h e r a t e of 2,209,000 dozens, which, b y comparison, indicates that the normal production of t h e mills reporting above comprises about 40 p e r cent of t h e industry. »Consumption figures represent withdrawals from warehouses. 37 TEXTILE MANUFACTURES. Table 4.—NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] K N I T UNDERWEAR.* Order a n d s h i p m e n t report. YEAR AND MONTH. II •go ft 3 Av. July . - D e c , 1920... 451,306 Av. Nov., 1920-Apr., 1921 , 1913 monthly average.. 1914 monthly average.. 1915 monthly average.. 1916 monthly average.. 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average.. average.. average.. average.. average.. Per cent of normal production. 11.2 51.0 5.4 FINISHED COTTON GOODS. Production report. 1 &> a 1 a Dozens. RAW SILK. 1 1 I 1 r Per Dozens. cent of normal. Thousands of Thosuands of yards. pounds. Bales. Per cent. Cases. 50.0 55.8 05,313 57,188 33,492 36,078 45 2,850 2,566 3,094 3,406 801,753 65.7 60.0 21,315 26,941 3,619 4,000 4,627 3,305 3,780 1920. January February March April 881,497 950,883 81.7 80.3 81.7 82.2 65,026 52,785 44,457 30,071 27,511 25,336 4,857 3,696 2,485 2,228 May.... June.... July August., 529,423 546,172 6.9 5.9 87.1 80.4 4.6 7.4 157.8 98.8 824,556 696,728 793,466 868,124 82.3 80.4 73.5 67.4 42,407 45,830 52,265 51,130 22,325 14,S69 10,836 17,241 2,506 3,221 2,582 2,691 September. October.... November. December.. 503,579 312,477 401,589 414,595 4.5 25.4 14.3 10.3 68.4 39.6 19.7 10.8 8.9 9.0 .6 2.1 29.0 24.5 14.2 10.6 816,327 780,266 8231,750 891,797 74.3 50.4 23 3 11.1 51,128 49,807 48,357 44,536 16,624 11,152 10,735 9,428 1,969 1,532 1,320 972 28,971 32,882 40,734 39,595 18,163 21,813 43,716 44,200 25 29 1921. January February March April 562,843 721,068 603,933 634,233 44.7 33.3 61.5 59.3 15.7 27.3 47.3 34.6 .4 .3 .9 .7 56.3 53.0 58.7 93.0 852,007 886,367 839,307 809,970 17.4 28.0 50.2 49.6 31,859 27,928 16,386 20,038 22,176 16,525 25,5S5 28,900 709 2,328 2,202 4,857 72,542 76,202 88,343 92,921 34,316 55,437 86,733 86,311 29,020 34,943 47,457 43,556 34,080 32,788 30,324 31,357 33 51 67 66 May June July.... August., 593,418 646,621 664,063 571,182 52.5 61.6 47.7 79.2 48.6 58.1 52.2 68.2 1.0 .9 1.3 .8 91.5 97.6 110.6 89.0 911,749 854,990 960,157 580,367 .55.4 65.5 51.2 71.1 20,541 15,521 17,866 18,899 27,209 33,846 32,325 32,790 4,435 3,871 4,868 5,115 86,754 82,734 101,741 91,034 99,929 85,324 95,915 44,889 45,996 43,650 49,177 32,642 35,871 35,431 38,413 6S 74 62 71 September. October.... November. December.. 567,501 645,683 514,789 546,448 152.1 93.3 60.0 49.8 73.7 77.9 53.4 58.7 1.0 .9 2.8 3.1 191.8 199.0 220.8 214.3 678,636 773,776 800,352 673,359 84.4 87.3 86.5 73.0 23,036 19,304 19,601 24,804 31,229 26,816 24,955 20,930 4,598 3,141 3,412 5,824 107,336 100,910 85,279 101,825 105,286 97,132 55,949 51,439 48,207 41,177 40,725 45,675 75 77 69 605,982 66.3 51.3 3.3 123.0 1922. January February March See footnotes on opposite page. 38 ACTIVE TEXTILE MACHINERY. Table 5.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA, Based on data from Government sources.1 COTTON.' WOOL.* Y E A E AND MONTH. Woolen Worsted spindles. spindles. Wide looms. Narrow looms. Carpet looms. Active Wide Woolen Worsted spindles. spindles, spindles. l o o m s . A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 100 104 100 . 122 115 1OO 99 95 116 116 100 105 96 126 121 100 99 104 118 109 100 102 102 105 109 3 77 78 85 118 105 94 90 108 104 105 109 119 105 92 93 118 104 100 93 90 79 100 81 111 111 114 109 91 81 72 January.. February. March.... A'pril 118 122 116 112 103 115 91 90 121 124 119 112 104 115 93 92 117 119 115 110 106 115 90 88 118 126 118 114 106 114 91 May.... June July.... August. 116 126 115 112 106 113 89 100 116 99 107 104 114 77 79 91 78 93 100 115 70 84 96 100 114 average. average. average. average. Carpet looms. Active spindles. Thousands, B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 100 101 110 116 121 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly Narrow looms. Per cent of active to total. Kelative to 1913. 1913 monthly average. 1914 monthly average. 1915 monthly average. 1916 monthly average. 1917 monthly average. COTTON.* WOOL.* »74 77 74 90 85 80 77 78 81 30,246 30,920 30,720 31,807 32,984 61 54 68 55 33,624 33,429 34,458 33,012 82 78 »68 67 71 80 74 70 82 *74 73 70 86 86 71 34,740 34,656 34,698 34,359 77 70 92 76 73 68 1920. September.. October November.. December.. 85 80 72 87 83 72 93 85 82 72 86 73 78 71 61 67 58 68 54 62 51 70 68 68 34,070 34,457 $4,667 34,472 64 65 62 60 34,041 33,772 31,700 29,879 54 50 40 31,509 32,459 32,105 32,536 71 84 65 89 94 113 55 62 48 65 74 100 69 89 96 112 57 74 51 65 72 85 91 105 57 65 53 62 48 57 49 55 74 88 62 77 53 66 58 70 79 104 41 49 43 51 53 77 62 70 74 107 41 57 46 51 53 67 57 58 78 64 66 75 1931. January.. February. March.... April 69 77 79 59 106 105 86 90 63 108 99 118 100 97 68 108 76 87 74 71 103 May.... June.... July.... August. 91 88 122 108 103 69 108 79 90 80 75 104 September.. October November.. December.. 122 109 103 72 107 80 90 81 75 103 118 108 104 74 109 79 87 80 74 88 112 78 92 78 101 113 78 91 76 32,631 32,665 32,446 33,059 33,898 34,222 34,487 34,489' 72 104 47 49 50 74 101 124 105 101 123 103 104 104 124 101 122 97 118 103 107 114 80 92 77 75 107 109 114 78 90 73 78 73 74 108 109 75 87 70 79 74 1932. January.. February. March 95 1 Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, 2 The monthly averages are for cotton crop years (beginning Aug. 1 and ending July 31). Figures opposite any one year representthe monthly average number of active jotton spindles for the period beginning Aug. 1 of the preceding year. 3 Data for 1913 collected by the National Association of Wool Manufacturers. * Reported as of the 1st of the month. 39 HOURLY ACTIVITY IN TEXTILE MACHINERY. Table 6.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B). NUMERICAL DATA. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] WOOL.3 Looms. YEAR AND MONTH. WIDE. NARROW. WOOL.* Spinning spindles. Sets of Combs. CARPET cards. WOOL- W O R AND EN. RUG. STED. Spinning spindles. Looms. WIDE. Relative to 12-month average, Nov., 1920-Oct., 1921. NARROW. Sets Combs. of cards. CARPET AND RUG. WORSTED. EN. Total Activity per activity spindle of In spindles place. Millions Hours. of hours. Per cent of active hours to total reported. A.—INDEX N U M B E R S 12 mo.av.Nov., 1920, to Oct., 1921 1921 monthly average. COTTON. B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 100 108 100 108 1OO 106 100 108 100 109 100 108 100 10S G1.0 66.-0 55.7 60.3 4G.3 49.0 G2.9 68.2 77.0 S3.9 63.3 68.4 71.7 77.6 1920. November December 75 66 94 71 120 116 86 68 80 64 " 84 73 86 65 45.9 40.3 52.3 39.6 55.3 53.8 54.1 42.9 61.6 49 0 53.3 46 1 61.5 46 6 1921. January February March.. . April.. 55 49 90 101 52 60 77 95 92 79 78 77 54 57 79 102 48 64 96 115 50 56 78 104 49 62 87 104 33.3 30.0 54.7 61.7 28.8 33.3 42.9 52.7 42.5 36.5 36.1 35.7 33.9 35.7 49.4 64.2 37.1 49.0 73,8 88.7 31.6 35.5 49 5 65.9 34.8 44.7 62.1 74.3 May June. * July August 120 131 135 130 113 125 132 127 82 95 102 91 119 128 131 126 123 128 125 114 122 129 129 126 121 125 130 120 73.4 80.1 82.5 79.2 63.2 69 9 73.7 70.6 38.0 44.1 47.1 42.1 75.0 80.2 82.1 79.4 94.6 98.6 95.9 87.4 77.1 81.4 81.8 80.0 86.5 89.6 93.4 85.7 7,328 200 September Ocober. . November December 126 122 123 117 124 130 131 133 124 142 151 157 125 126 130 125 118 127 129 122 124 125 129 123 123 129 128 122 76.7 74.2 75.1 71.3 69.0 72.5 73.0 74.3 57.4 65.5 69.9 72.7 78.9 79.0 82.0 78.8 91.2 97.6 99.5 93.8 78.8 79.1 81.7 78.1 88.5 92.2 91.9 87.4 7,379 7,583 7,689 7,726 202 207 210 210 1922. January 110 130 152 116 128 118 120 671 72 2 70.3 72.9 98.6 74.4 86.2 1 Compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, » Reported as of the 1st of the month, but really covers previous month's operations. COTTON GINNED. Table 7.—NUMERICAL DATA AND INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] PRIOR TO SEPT. 1. Bales. 1909-1913 five-year average... 608,507 1914.... 480,317 1915 463,883 1916.... 850,663 1917... 614,787 1918.... 1919.... 1920 1921.... 1 1,038,078 142,625 351,589 1,481,788 PRIOR TO SEPT. 25. 12,260,794 14,443,146 10,636,778 11,039,491 10,434,852 1OO 118 87 90 85 12,933,098 15,905,840 11,068,173 11,363,915 11,248,242 1OO 123 S6 88 87 86 79 91 69 10,773,863 10,008,920 11,554,648 7,884,272 88 82 94 64 11,906,480 11,325,532 13,270,970 8 7,913,971 92 S3 103 9,571,414 8,844,368 10,141,293 7,644,266 7,777,159 6,305,054 7,508,633 6,646,136 3,770,611 1,835,214 2,249,606 2,907,950 100 117 87 93 87 93 75 89 79 127 62 76 98 171 23 58 244 Bales. Relative to 5-year average." 11,155,272 13,073,386 9,703,612 10,352,031 9,713,529 8,406,865 9,826,912 7,378,886 8,623,893 7,185,178 3,962,149 3,393,752 2,903,829 4,081,989 2,511,658 TOTAL GINNED. Bales. 100 117 88 103 85 1OO 115 93 138 85 1OO 79 76 140 101 PRIOR TO JAN. 1. Relative to 5-year average.* Bales. Bales. Bales. PRIOR TO DEC. l. Relative to 5-year average.* Relative to 5-year average* Relative to 5-year average.3 Relative to 5-year average.* PRIOR TO NOV. 1. Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. As the cumulative ginning is the important factor, relatives here shown are based on the average cumulative ginnings prior to the respective dates instead of on a simple monthly average. 3 Amount ginned prior to January 16,1922. The total amount ginned to the same date last year was 12,014,742 bales. 1 40 TEXTILE WHOLESALE PRICES. Table 8.—INDEX NUMBEES. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] COTTON YARN. COTTON. YEAB AND MONTH. Price to producer. Carded, Middling white, upland, northern, mule spun, New York. 22/1 cones, Boston* Print cloth, 37", Boston. WORSTED YARN. WOOL. COTTON GOODS. Sheetings, 4/4 Ware shoals, LL, New York. Unwashed, price to producer. Ohio 1/4 and 3/8 grades, unwashed, Boston. WOMEN'S DRESS GOODS. 2/32's crossbred stock, Philadelphia. Storm Wool-dyed, serge, all blue, Japanese, 55/56", wool, Kansai Middledouble No. 1, sex, warp, 50", New York. Boston. New York. SUITINGS. SILK, RAW. Kelative to 1913. 1913 monthly av.. 1914 monthly av.. 1915 monthly av.. 1916 monthly av.. 1917 monthly a v . . 100.0 88.3 74.1 112.5 179.1 100 95 79 113 184 100.0 88.0 81.0 120.0 181.2 100.0 88.1 83.5 121.5 192.2 100.0 91.2 84.0 117.6 192.7 100.0 105.3 134.7 165.2 282.6 100 93 121 144 243 100.0 82.4 101.4 135.2 200.8 100.0 -88.9 99.1 135.4 193.4 100.0 94.4 101.2 127.8 204.4 100.0 101.5 91.2 133.7 150.9 1918 monthly av.. 1919 monthly av.. 1920 monthly a v . . 1921 monthly av.*. 245.8 246.6 267.5 102.5 249 254 265 119 267.5 240.8 283.8 133.3 327.5 287.0 363.8 146.3 317.3 273.5 343.5 143.0 346.1 305.3 228.3 101.1 301 248 203 09 271.5 209.5 234.9 151.7 260.4 234.2 238.3 156.6 261.5 259.5 270.5 189.8 172.3 244.0 227.4 165.8 1920. January February... Maroh April 299.1 301.6 301.6 310.8 307 327.1 337.5 33?. 9 341.1 431.9 445.8 442.0 478.3 406.7 415.0 416.6 423.0 319.1 314.3 308.3 307.1 258 258 258 251 289.7 289.7 283.3 283.3 252.6 252.6 252.6 252.6 291.3 291.3 291.3 291.3 466.4 386.5 357.1 261.2 May Juno July August. 314.1 310.0 311.6 306.6 323 348.4 336.2 321.9 292.9 462.3 445.8 411.6 338.8 427.0 420.4 380.5 328.0 301.1 231.1 176.6 169.4 243 209 190 182 257.5 257.5 225.3 225.3 252.6 252.6 252.6 252.6 291.3 291.3 269.4 269.4 173.2 177.2 126.6 129.3 September. October November. December.. 259.1 212.5 161.4 116.6 235 257.7 196.2 165.4 142.8 289.9 237.7 188.4 170.4 277.7 241.5 218.4 167.9 167.6 164.6 149.1 131.1 175 152 144 114 206.0 193.1 167.4 141.6 225.3 204.4 204.4 204.4 269.4 259.2 233.0 198.1 173.7 164.3 158.9 154.8 1931. January February... March April 05.8 98.3 85.8 78.3 131 135.6 129.8 114.2 112.2 167.5 153.0 130.4 124.1 155.2 150.8 141.9 124.3 117.3 118.5 113.1 107.1 114 114 110 110 148.1 148.1 154.5 154.5 186.2 157.3 157.3 157.3 198.1 198.1 198.1 198.1 158.9 157.5 161.6 158.9 May.... June July August. 78.3 81.6 80.0 81.6 101 115.4 116.7 112.6 122.3 124.1 124.1 124.3 136.8 119.9 115.8 115.8 117.6 95.8 92.2 92.8 92.2 107 103 103 99 160.9 154.5 148.1 148.1 157.3 157.3 157.3 157.3 189.3 189.3 189.3 183.5 154.8 157.5 157.5 148.1 160.0 170.2 160.0 154.2 168.4 185.5 174.0 167.5 151.6 167.6 172.0 173.5 92.8 94.6 93.4 101.1 99 99 107 110 148.1 148.1 148.0 160.9 157.3 146.5 145.0 145.0 183.5 183.5 184.0 184.0 164.3 165.6 197.0 209.0 September., October November.. December... 105.0 165.0 147.5 135.0 303 324 331 307 321 281 177 148 121 109 92 95 94 97 109 160 154 142 143 1922. January February March , 138.6 , Seo footnotes on opposite page. 41 TEXTILE WHOLESALE PRICES. Table 9.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] COTTON. Y E A R AND MONTH. COTTON YARN. COTTON GOODS. WORSTED YARN. WOOL. Carded, white, Sheetings, Ohio UnMiddling Northern, Print 4/4 Ware Price to upland, washed, 1/4 and 3/8 mule cloth, 27", shoals, grades producer New York. price to unwashed, spun, Boston. LL, 22/1 cones, New York. producer. Boston. Boston. Per pound. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly av SO.12O av.... .106 av.... .089 av.... .135 av.... .215 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly av.... av.... av.... av... 1920. January February March April.... May June July.... August.. September. October.... November. December.. Per yard. S0.1280 S0.24S0 .1210 .2180 .1020 .1980 .1450 .2970 .2350 -.4490 .295 .296 .321 .123 .3388 .7025 .1520 .3307 .359 .3928 .362 .3878 .8354 .362 .4140 .8387 .373 .4238 .SMI .377 .4134 .8624 .372 .3930 .8320 .374 .4100 .7966 .368 .3595 .7249 .3180 .6620 .3250 .5960 .311 .3006 .6377 .255 .2261 .4856 .194 .1898 .4093 .140 .1545 .3534 .115 .1670 .3355 .118 .1390 .3213 .103 .1180 .2826 .094 .1210 .2778 May June July August., .094 .1290 .2855 .098 .1200 .2888 .096 .1240 .2787 .098 .1390 .3027 September. October.... November. December.. .126 .2040 .3959 .198 .1970 .4212 .i77 .1820 .3966 .162 .1834 .3817 1921. January February March April 1932. January... February. March $0.0350 .0300 .0290 .0420 .0660 2/32's crossbred stock, Philadelphia* Per pound. WOMEN'S DRESS GOODS. 1.1400 .0872 .578 .510 .381 .169 .1490 .1538 .1525 .1650 .2497 .533 1.2360 .2548 ,525 1.2360 .2558 .515 1.2360 2.200 1.421 .2597 .513 1.2000 2.200 1,421 .1595 .1538 .1420 .1169 .2622 .503 1.1630 2.000 .2581 .386 1.0000 2.000 .2336 .295 .9091 .2014 .283 .8727 .1705 .280 .8364 .1483 .275 .7273 .1341 .249 .6909 1.300 1.150 .1031 .219 .5455 1.100 .0578 .0528 .0450 .0428 .0953 .196 .5455 1.150 .0926 .198 .5455 1.150 .0871 .189 .5273 1.200 .0763 .179 .5273 1.200 .0428 .0428 .0429 .0472 .0736 .160 .5091 1.250 .0711 .154 .4909 1.200 .0711 .155 .4909 1.150 .0722 .154 .4727 1.150 .0581 .0640 .0600 .0578 .0931 .155 .4727 1.150 .1030 .158 .4727 1.150 .1050 .156 .5091 1.150 .1065 .169 .5273 1.250 .1130 .0990 .1255 .0512 .1000 .0820 .0650 .0588 .0520 .0720 .1180 .1950 .1680 .2109 1.1890 .9712 .4667 Per pound. Per yard. * $0.4710 J.4400 *.571O «.6800 1.1640 .0560 SILK, RAW. Storm serge, all Wool-dyed, Japanese, blue, wool, Kansai, 55/511", double No. 1, Middlesex, New York, warp 5 0 " , New York. Boston. S0.167 .176 .225 .276 .472 $0.0610 SUITINGS. $0,563 .500 .557 .762 1.0S8 $1,545 1.459 1.564 1.974 3.158 S3.G10 3.691 3.318 4.867 5.494 1.465 1.318 1.340 4.040 4.009 4.179 2.933 6.273 8.8S0 8.273 6.035 2.250 1.421 1.421 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500 16.975 2.250 1.421 4.500 1.421 4.500 1.750 1.421 4.1G2 1.750 1.421 4.162 6.305 6.450 4.607 4.704 1.600 1.267 1.500 1.150 1.150 4.162 4.005 3.600 3.060 6.321 5.978 5.782 5.635 1.047 .885 .885 .885 3.060 3.060 3.060 3.060 5.782 5.733 5.880 5.782 .885 .885 .885 .885 2.925 2.925 2.925 2.835 5.635 5.733 5.733 5.390 .885 .824 .815 .815 2.835 2.835 2.835 2.835 5.978 6.027 7.154 7.595 SO.777 .640 .788 1.050 1.556 2.109 . ' 1.627 1.825 1.179 14.065 12.998 9.506 .163 1 Prices of cotton and wool to the producer on the 1st and 15th of each month, respectively, are from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. All other prices are averages of weekly quotations compiled by the XI. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 'Based on price of washed wool. 42 METALS AND METAL PRODUCTS. Table 10.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] WHOLESALE PRICES. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS. IRON ORE MOVEMENT.* YEAR AND MONTH. IRON AND STEEL.* COPPER. TIN. ZINC. PIG IRON. STEEL BIL- COPPER. LEAD. LETS. Ingots, Imports - Foundry t electroOre, Exports— ImportsAt Sault Bars, them (Pitts(Pittsblocks, No.2 Nor- Bessemer Bessemer lytic Ste.Marle Exports. Imports. Pigs, In- blocks, (New burgh). burgh). pigs, and (Pittsgots, etc Canals. etc. York). burgh). dust. TIN. ZINC. Pig, desilverized (New York). Pig (New York). Spelter, Western (New York). Relative to 1913. 1913 mo. 1914 mo. 1915 mo. 1916 mo. 1917 mo. av. aV. av. av. av. 100 65 94 132 12S 1918 mo. av. 1919 mo. av. 1920 mo. av., 1921 mo. a v . 126 98 118 53 100 87 93 132 259 100 87 92 139 255 100 78 87 170 271 100 85 110 175 187 100 88 104 155 207 100 78 84 96 132 100 90 247 241 159 215 189 281 157 214 182 260 148 183 157 218 134 157 122 114 80 169 131 184 105 190 146 112 67 142 127 139 90 80 136 143 193 256 268 267 277 236 250 253 255 186 214 233 233 123 121 118 122 198 200 210 204 142 134 138 139 166 158 153 148 111 285 290 290 312 257 262 275 287 233 237 121 121 121 121 195 193 196 204 124 109 109 105 139 136 141 142 320 303 261 236 295 287 241 216 228 213 193 169 119 107 93 87 186 166 143 109 99 91 82 76 134 129 116 103 169 164 149 145 82 82 78 79 113 106 92 97 79 73 64 68 101 92 89 90 1OO 107 76 78 113 100 87 97 147 135 100 83 52 73 73 124 78 110 47 114 79 80 53 101 133 38 146 135 196 173 1930. January . . . February.. March April 100 90 89 98 102 172 122 125 112 71 82 125 91 92 146 125 103 100 56 . 128 220 235 194 160 IO S 70 1 273 j 687 336 103 1 43 '' May.... June July.... August . 125 163 173 165 183 172 183' 189 110 153 123 220 118 82 67 65 95 117 184 117 September. October . . . November. December .. 164 179 193 190 218 120 150 192 57 35 33 55 59 100 71 100 62 103 239 172 101 71 64 14 17 19 78 87 55 59 27 B5 32 26 26 107 197 175 211 187 173 167 184 164 157 51 124 83 82 62 47 38 33 47 34 40 37 46 71 67 59 21 43 37 54 (*) 3 0 1 158 149 138 137" 153 144 133 128 144 144 125 115 82 82 SO 75 113 103 100 100 72 65 62 59 92 85 82 80 68 41 47 55 59 50 52 41 41 85 74 103 87 61 46 72 0 0 1 143 143 142 137 128 128 128 123 113 113 113 113 76 81 S3 £6 105 107 107 107 60 61 65 73 81 88 89 90 162 104 1021. January . . . . February.., March April May . . . . June.... July.... August. September., October November.. December... 60 9 0 212 54 58 43 76 26 7 1932. January February.., March See footnotes on opposite page. 233 242 43 METALS AND METAL PRODUCTS. Table 11.—NUMEKICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page,] IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. IRON ORE MOVEMENT. IRON AND STEEL.3 COPPER. At Sault Ste. Marie Canals* Exports. Imports. Exports rigs, ingots, etc. Short tons. YEAR AND MONTH. WHOLESALE PRICES. I Long tons. TIN. ZINC. PIG IRON. STEEL IHLLETS. COPPER. LEAH. TIN. ZINC. Ingots, PI*, Imports Imports— Foundry Ore, No. 2 Bessemer Bessemer electro- desilBars, blocks, northern (Pittslytic (Pittsverized blocks, pig and (Pittsburgh). (New burgh). (New etc. burgh). dust* York). York.) Pig (New York). Spelter, western (New York). Per long ton. Thousands of pounds. Per pound. 1913 mo. a v . . . 1914 mo. a v . . . 1915 mo. a v . . . 1916 mo. a v . . . 1917 mb. av.*. 5,345,484 3,490,418 5,023,734 7,050,234 6,819,343 388,801 129,123 293,207 503,971 536,980 26,556 24,027 23,533 25,906 26,974 70,461 75,245 53,567 55,260 79,818 9.560 . 8,351 9,273 14,085 12,908 3,631 2,552 9,905 24,961 12,189 $16.00 13.90 14.87 21.07 41.39 S17.13 14.89 15.78 23.89 43.61 S25.79 20.08 22.44 43.95 1918 mo. a v . . . 1919 mo. a v . . . 1920 mo. av 1921 mo. av..., 6,727,922 5,213,644 6,308,944 2,837,557 444,835 366,663 412,030 183,980 14,052 26,837 36,626 10,088 58,726 36,653 51,771 51,293 11,876 7,475 10,503 4,517 4,143 2,855 3,753 1,578 34.46 30.31 44.90 25.17 36.66 31.13 44.46 25.35 47.27 40.54 56.26 34.46 .247 .191 .180 .126 .074 .058 .081 .046 45,796 32,279 33,266 29,681 49,684 8,773 2,906 4,946 87,972 11,980 5,358 64,395 10,345 7,011 43.65 48.00 55.25 60.00 60.00 .193 .191 .186 .192 .087 13,926 40.90 42.90 42.80 44.40 40.40 57,595 162,630 333,514 308,846 449,171 395,583 May.... June— July.... August. 6,705,884 8,725,046 9,243,769 8,809,461 419,064 392,780 419,230 431,519 29,125 40,549 32,742 58,335 82,792 9,102 57,986 11,232 46,869 17,584 45,859 11,196 4,046 7,683 1,975 2,098 45.65 46.40 46.40 49.91 44.03 44.80 47.15 49.11 60.00 60.00 62.50 61.00 .191 .190 .190 .190 September October November December 8,747,732 8,684,487 5,563,925 137,564 408,605 451,972 434,290 499,780 31,825 39,797 50,995 15,120 24,455 9,597 3,754 23,302 6,741 1,571 38,619 9,551 2,753 41,728 5,894 937 51.21 48.46 41.76 37.71 50.46 49.21 41.26 36.96 58.75 55.00 49.70 43.50 17,104 3,672 4,505 4,935 54,855 95,328 546,402 394,638 230,253 162,793 2,584 5,270 3,028 2,484 6,357 33.84 29.96 27.66 26.71 33.96 31,46 28.16 26.96 2,022 4,133 3,566 5,201 6 275 None 26 25.36 23.84 22.09 21.86 5,796 4,352 6,886 8,8S0 None None 30 263 22.96 22.96 22.66 21.96 1920. January.... February... March April 1921. January February... March April 62,480 38,720 41,495 May...., June July August. 2,747,361 6,640,152 4,356,760 4,384,949 142,553 107,152 86,939 75,646 12,570 9,044 10,633 9,706 32,259 September October November December 3,610,454 3,209,886 493,122 None 94,838 106,584 125,516 134,447 13,178 60,170 13,910 52,486 10,997 72,786 10,798 61,518 50,172 47,324 41,249 947 3,879 7,144 42.90 43.40 50.157 S0.014 SO. 110 S0.058 .353 .134 .039 .053 .376 .173 .046 .144 .433 .275 .068 .140 .294 .594 .091 .093 .852 .655 .503 .299 .083 .074 .081 .052 .636 .097 .603 .092 .092 .621 .039 .090 .623 .556 .051 .085 .490 .080 .086 .491 .082 .090 .472 .083 .187 .168 .146 .137 .082 .444 .079 .073 .406 .075 .063 .368 .068 .048 .339 .060 43.50 42.25 38.40 37.50 .129 .129 .122 .125 .050 .355 .059 .047 .326 .054 .041 .288 .052 .043 .304 .052 26.16 24.71 22.84 21.96 37.00 37.00 32.25 29.60 .128 .128 .125 .117 .050 .322 .054 .045 .290 .049 .044 .278 .048 .044 .266 .047 21.96 21.96 21.96 21.96 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 .120 .127 .130 .136 .046 .268 .276 .048 .047 .047 .2S9 .052 .047 .326 .053 .051 1932. January February.... March ore movement from U. S. War Department, Engineer Corps; Exports and imports from U. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; Wholesale prices from XT. 8. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, representing average of weekly prices. 3 No allowance made for seasonal variation in computing these index numbers. 1 Base <* on pig iron and rolled products, as used by the Iron Trade Review. 4 Index number less than 1. IRON AND STEEL. Table 12.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] PRODUCTION. YEAR AND MONTH. Tig Iron. Steel Ingots.2 U. S. STEEL CORPORATION. Unfilled orders. BRITISH IRON AND STEEL. WHOLESALE PRICES. Composite Iron and Composite Earnings. Composite finished pig iron.* steel.3 steel.c steel.& Pig iron production. Steel Ingot production. Relative to 1913. 259 100 88 92 132 259 100 161 252 100 87 94 154 266 92 100 102 112 120 128 136 105 129 220 193 211 152 213 188 222 152 215 191 249 155 222 194 284 156 8S 72 78 25 125 103 118 47 157 161 167 175 118 113 137 107 195 208 220 219 . 190 210 225 231 226 249 249 256 258 277 279 2S3 78 75 82 78 118 125 132 124 136 140 132 141 185 1S6 188 1S3 133 138144 135 216 213 215 221 230 227 234 239 261 259 261 262 288 291 296 307 122 129 115 106 141 142 124 110 176 167 153 138 141 147 131 106 221 213 203 191 239 230 215 187 262 261 242 203 318 305 271 235 87 62 47 80 139 85 79 117 January.. February. March April 94 76 62 47 104 82 74 57 128 117 106 99 126 S9 68 64 189 180 171 170 184 176 166 165 197 185 172 167 212 194 177 167 75 54 45 7 77 76 56 11 May.... June.... July.... August. 48 42 34 37 60 47 38 54 93 87 82 77 68 60 45. 57 170 165 153 144 166 159 148 141 165 159 145 137 159 150 140 132 2 1 1 11 September., October November.. December.. 38 48 . 55 64 55 76 77 67 77 73 72 72 63 72 SI 40 138 134 133 130 136 134 128 127 134 135 132 129 136 137 136 132 19 28 32 32 100 52 95 243 215 100 88 95 163 144 100 70 88 165 181 54 142 111 135 06 146 101 170 90 January.. February. March April , 118 116 132 107 140 135 155 124 May.... June July.... August. 116 119 120 123 September.. Octbber November.. December.. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average.. average.. average.. average.. average.. 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average, average. average. 100 100 75 97 127 124 75 125 100 118 103 137 100 86 92 87 86 88 1920. 85 ' 132 132 124 111 1921. 1922. January.. February. March...., See footnotes o n opposite page. 60 45 IRON AND STEEL. Table 13.—NXJMEEICAI DATA. From commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] PRODUCTION. YEAR AND MONTH. Pig iron. Steel Ingots.2 U. S. STEEL CORPORATION. Unfilled orders. Earn• ings. Thousands of dollars. Tons. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 monthly average.. monthly average.. monthly average. monthly average . monthly average.. 2,560,343 1,920,813 2,471,881 3,253,280 3,182,165 2,533,344 1,901,649 2,607,018 3,450,160 3,634,933 5,906,862 4,115,337 5,189,209 9,719,014 10,715,712 Si M 3 2 5,972 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly average.. monthly average.. monthly average. monthly average.. 3,208,837 2,548,573 3,032,843 1,378,097 3,587,585 2,807,900 3,406,783 1,665,369 January.., February.. March April 3,015,181 2,978,879 3,375,907 2,739,797 May.... June July.... August. September.. October November.. December.. IJRITISH IRON AND STEEL. WHOLESALE PRICES. Composite steels Composite finished steel." Per pound. Iron and steel.' Composite Iron.* Per ton. PIff Iron production. Steel Ingot production. Tons. 10,866 27,798 24,608 80.0172 .0152 .0163 .0280 .0446 S0.1G6 .0143 .0153 .0267 .0419 S26.32 22.92 21.76 40.50 70.10 S15.42 13.52 14.15 20.31 39.99 ;855,1GG 743,C66 732,750 754,000 785,000 038,000 652,926 712,501 766,371 817,006 8,634,912 5,995,020 10,022,532 5,330,507 15,595 11,966 14,724 7,726 .0379 .0332 .0363 .0261 .0354 .0312 .0368 .0253 56.67 50.37 65.60 40.74 34.38 29,. 91 43.80 24.05 756,033 612,000 666,725 217,617 799,280 657,833 75-1,633 302,067 3,525,000 3,402,760 3,918,110 3,133,370 9,285,441 9,502,081 9,892,075 10,359,747 13,503 12,881 15,705 12,190 .0335 .0358 .0378 .0377 .0316 .0349 .0374 .0384 59.40 65.63 65.47 67.49 39. &4 42.72 43.05 43.62 605,000 645,000 099,000 671,000 75-1,000 798,000 840,000 704,000 2,965,682 3,043,540 3,067,043 3,147,402 3,424,180 3,540,010. 3,328,760 3,563,450 10,947,466 10,978,817 11,118,468 10,805,038 15,206 15,760 16,437 15,440 .0371 .0367 .0370 .0380 .0381 .0376 .0389 .0397 08.66 68.29 68.69 08.87 44.44 44.80 45.00 47.41 738,000 726,000 750,600 752,400 846,000 Si5,000 789,900 709,200 3,129,323 3,292,597 2,934,908 2,703,855 3,562,410 3,581,920 3,133,810 2,779,530 10,374,804 9,836,852 0,021,481 8,148,122 16,174 16,775 15,003 12,099 .0380 .0367 .0350 .0328 .0396 .0381 .0357 .0311 68.86 68.61 63.75 53.45 48.93 47.07 41.80 36.31 741,000 533,200 403,200 682,500 8S4,7OO 544,300 505,100 746,600 January.. February. March April 2,416,292 1,937,257 1,595,522 1,193,041 2,616,610 2,077,760 1,865,760 1,441,750 7,573,104 6,933,867 6,284,765 5,845,224 14,387 10,158 7,741 7,337 .0325 .0310 .0294 .0293 .0306 .0292 .0276 .0274 51.98 48.81 45.37 43.84 32.62 29.95 27.35 25.80 642,100 463,600 386,000 60,300 493,400 483,500 359,100 70,600 May.... June.... July.... August. 1,221,214 1,064,833 864,555 954,193 1,503,380 1,191/690 954,120 1,351,600 5,482,487 5,117,868 4,830,324 4,531,926 7,732 6,824 5,157 6,503 .0293 .0283 .0263 .0248 .0276 .0264 .0246 .0234 43.32 41.87 38.14 35.99 24.47 23.08 21.57 20.29 13,600 800 10,200 94,200 5,700 2.700 117,200 434,100 September.. October November.. December.. 985,529 1,240,162 1,415,481 1,649,086 1,395,178 1,920,202 1,971,498 1,694,884 4,560,672 4,286,829 4,250,542 4,268,414 7,258 8,204 6,440 4,967 .0237 .0230 .0228 .0223 .0225 .0222 .0213 .0211 35.34 35.46 34.71 33.99 20.9921.15 20.92 20.42 158,300 235,500 271,800 275,000 429,300 405,400 442,800 381,030 1920. 1921. 1922. January.., February., March 1 Figures for Pig-iron production (anthracite and coke, not including charcoal iron) furnished by the Iron age; Steel-ingot production, American Iron and Steel Institute; Unfilled orders, end of month, and earnings, U. S. Steel Corporation; Compositefinishedsteel prices, Iron Age; Iron and steel prices, Iron Trade Ecview; Composite pig iron and steel, American Metal Market; Iron and steel production in Great Britain, British Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers. 1 Yearlyfiguresrepresent the monthly averages of total production of all companies as compiled annually by the American Iron and Sled Institute. The institute reports monthly productionfiguresfor 30 companies which, in 1920, produced 84.2 per cent of the total output of the country. In order to make the monthlyfigurescomparable, they have been calculated to a 100 per cent production on the basis of the above percentage. 1 Average of weekly prices compiled by the Iron Trade Review on the following 14 products: Pig iron, billets, slabs, sheet bars, wire rods, steel bars, plates, structural shapes, black galvanized and blue annealed sheets, tin plate, wire nails, and black pipe. Pig iron average in turn is average of 13 different quotations. * The composite pig iron price compiled by the A merkan Metal Market is the average price of 10 tons of iron distributed as follows: One ton each of Bessemer valley; No. 2 foundry valley; No. 2 X foundry at Philadelphia and at Buffalo; No. 2 foundry at Cleveland and at Chicago; two tons each of basic valley and No. 2 Southern foundry Cincinnati. • Thefiguresfor composite steel compiled by the A merican Metal Market represent the average price per pound of steel products weighted as follows: 2J pounds bars, li pounds plates, 1£ pounds shapes, 11 pounds pipe, 1J pounds wire nails, 1 pound galvanized sheets, and £ pound tin plate. • Composite price offinishedsteel products compiled by the Iron Age includes: Steel bars, beams, tank plates, plain wire, open-hearth rails, black pipe, and black sheets. Taese products, according to the Iron Age, constitute 88 per cent of the United States output olfinishedsteel. * Index number less than 1 per cent. Small output in this and preceding months due to the coal strike. 46 FINISHED IRON AND STEEL. Table 14.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] SHEETS, BLUE, BLACK, GALVANIZED.* YEAR AND MONTH. New orders received. Production. BAR IRON. B O L T S , N U T S , AND R I V E T S . Unfilled orders on hand. Bolts.' Bolts.? Nuts and rivets.3 Bolts.* Nuts and rivets.3 Shipments.* Shipments. Production. Sales.* MeltingS.T Relative to Relative to Jan., 1921. Relative to Relative to 1919. 1913. Relative to 1920. Mar'., 1921. 100 1913 mo. av.... 1914 mo. av 1915 mo. av ... 1916 mo.av.... 1917 mo. av... 1918 mo.av ... 1919 mo.av.... 1920 mo. av 1921 mo.av OHIO FOUNDRY IRON. Shipments. Stocks. Nuts and rivets.* FABRICATED STEEL BARRELS STRUCAND D R U M S . TURAL STEEL. 100 139 138 120 100 48 100 89 100 1930. January February March April 120 113 119 99 88 101 97 125 164 149 145 137 155 144 150 150 102 109 118 130 May June July August 94 97 82 104 99 107 98 94 88 111 101 91 102 87 95 106 September October November.... December 111 113 99 47 96 99 108 89 95 57 36 27 1021. January February March April 20 25 38 47 95 94 98 94 May June July August 57 46 27 53 September October November December 60 74 70 55 1OO 1OO 1OO 1OO 143 136 112 107 108 71 103 132 88 95 116 78 102 102 117 87 150 191 168 137 127 129 116 101 124 130 119 98 100 106 103 109 90 85 91 113 123 101 101 81 80 55 45 32 104 79 53 33 113 89 82 33 109 108 96 91 97 96 108 114 87 51 55 53 26 34 37 41 28 28 25 30 24 17 12 7 19 12 10 9 53 54 53 44 63 52 39 33 71 58 39 42 1OO 104 116 158 100 120 120 160 36 29 59 62 100 65 94 101 88 87 30 31 37 45 25 21 27 35 8 4 5 5 8 6 7 7 41 43 31 53 32 31 27 36 38 52 38 45 114 114 123 198 126 117 127 179 57 75 67 66 77 79 67 97 88 83 85 83 57 57 37 32 40 34 6 8 8 5 6 6 49 53 39 33 36 38 47 65 69 . 149 211 166 158 130 197 154 104 96 '109. 112 80 760 105 97 83 80 99 1922. January February March 100 189 1OO 139 See footnotes on opposite page. 47 FINISHED IRON AND STEEL. Table 15.—NUMEEICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; indox numbers on opposite page.] SHEETS, BLUE, BLACK, GALVANIZED.f* YEAS AND MONTH. BOLTS, NUTS, AND RIVETS. New orders received. Production. Unfilled orders on h a n d . Per cent of capacity. Bolts.* Nuts and rivets.8 Bolts.* Nuts and rivets.' Shipments* 0 Long tons. Percent of average. < 1913 mo. av 1914 mo. av 1915 mo. av 1916 mo. av 1917 mo av STEEL BARRELS AND DRUMS. FABRICATED STRUCTURAL STEEL. OHIO FOUNDRY IRON. Shipments. Stocks. Bolts.* Nuts and rivets.* 1918 mo. av 1919 mo. av 1920 mo. av 1921 mo. av BAR IRON. Shipments. Production. Sales.* Long Number. Per cent of capacity. meltings. < Per cent tons. of normal. ^—, 89,500 89 808 12-1,583 123,500 107,083 ::::::::::: • I 20,761 10,072 15,207 100 134 96 200 96,783 63,1S9 73.74 34.96 47,23 43.06 125.1 1920. January .... February March April 87.4 82.5 86.8 72.3 41.4 • 47.8 45.9 59.1 205.5 186.8 181.5 170.8 156.3 145.5 151.0 151.0 559.0 599.8 649.5 717.0 290.8 360.0 372.5 477.0 113.0 122.0 150.0 100.8 103.3 103.0 118.0 87.5 134,551 171,123 j 150,392 i 122,248 May June July August 68.5 70.3 59.9 75.8 46.9 50.3 46.3 44.4 109.8 138.5 125.8 113.8 102.8 87.5 96.0 106.8 697.8 710.3 636.8 553.8 448.0 469.3 430.5 354.5 128.5 136.5 133.0 140.5 90.8 86.3 ' 91.8 113.8 110,526 I 90,386 90,547 : 72,222 September October November December 80.7 82.4 72.0 34.3 45.3 46.7 50.8 41.9 119.3 70.8 44.8 33.8 80.3 55.0 45.3 32.3 574.3 437.8 292.5 179.8 408.5 321.8 295.5 119.0 141.0 139.5 123.5 117.5 98.5 96.8 109.3 115.0 1931. January February March April 14.8 18.3 27.9 34.5 45.1 44.5 46.1 44.4 32.8 42.5 45.8 51.8 28.0 28.5 25.3 30.5 134.8 93.3 64.8 41.0 68.0 44.8 37.3 33.3 68.3 69.0 68.0 57.3 63.5 53.0 39.0 33.5 7,800 6,408 4,277 4,611 78,587 81,763 91,248 124,251 12.S 15.3 15.4 20.5 32,058 25,634 52,376 55,864 24.96 16.31 May June July.. August 41.8 33.8 19.7 38.8 44.3 47.6 41.7 40.9 37.3 38.8 46.8 56.8 24.8 21.3 27.0 34.8 42.5 19.8 25.5 27.8 28.8 21.0 25.5 25.8 52.3 56.0 40.0 67.8 32.8 31.5 26.8 36.0 4,157 5,755 4,160 4,888 89,610 89,548 96,754 155,521 16.1 15.0 16.2 22.9 50,823 66,003 60,219 59,302 19.34 19.64 16,67 24.14 September October.. November December 43.6 53.8 51.2 40.1 41.4 41.5 40.0 39.2 71.8 71.5 46.3 32.3 40.3 34.0 34.0 45.5 45.5 17.8 23.0 20.0 62.8 67.8 50.8 33.3 36.5 38.3 5,207 7,077 7,520 117,112 165,899 130,199 124,006 16.6 25.2 19.7 13.3 85,995 97,789 99,800 71,600 U4.94 26.09 24.20 20.80 100.8 550.7 362.2 123.8 101.1 112,042 17.4 77,727 45,556 49,156 46,9SS : i ; ! i 1923. January February March. 1 Sheets, blue, black, and galvanized, reported by the National Association of Sheet and Tin Plate Manufacturers; Bolts, nuts, and rivets by the Bolt, Nut, and Rivet Institute; Bar iron by the Eastern Bar Iron Institute; Steel barrels and drums by the Steel Barrel Manufacturers' Association; Fabricated structural steel by the Bridge Builders and Structural Society; Ohio foundry iron by Ohio State Foundrymen's Association. "Includes carriage bolts, large and small; machine bolts, large and small; lag screws; stove bolts; wire bolts; semifinished nuts and miscellaneous, reported by number °f pieces. * Includes hot and cold pressed nuts; rivets, large and small; track bolts and miscellaneous, reported by weight. 4 These percentages compare the monthly totals reported with the actual reports of the same companies for the years 1918 and 1919. 5 The Bridge Builders and Structural Society state that reports in the earlier years were not as complete as during the last six or seven years. The total tonnages are probably io to 15 per cent less than they should be. These figures are believed to represent the total business in the United States. • Represents reports from 19 identical manufacturers for each period. 1 Represents percentage of actual to normal melt of grey iron foundries in Ohio. Prior to September, reports represent the month beginning with the 15th day ot WM calendar month. September figures are for the period Sept. 15 to 30 only. Subsequent figures are for calendar months. «F,w«« . dent sheet manufacturers. 48 NONFERROUS METALS. Table 16.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] COPPER. YEAR AND MONTH. Production. Stocks. LEAD. ZINC. TIN. Production. Stocks. Receipts at St. Louis. Shipments from St. Louis. Receipts at St. Louis. Shipments from St. Louis. Relative to 1913. 100 92 113 171 137 100 102 141 193 193 100 49 35 43 132 100 99 110 160 276 100 95 107 114 168 100 275 289 268 372 100 106 109 89 131 118 79 17 55 183 127 149 132 138 101 92 99 195 124 114 114 49 212 203 193 • 73 164 131 201 192 138 91 83 56 January.., February. March April 90 87 202 203 154 145 150 152 167 157 99 91 76 80, ,92 136 148 74 121 311 218 227 110 103 112 96 38 May.... June July.... August. 85 86 81 86 290 194 104 177 157 142 139 132 72 66 71 73 79 132 106 88 177 190 195 196 166 125 117 69 78 September.. October November.. December.. 78 78 79 71 202 173 161 155 127 122 115 106 126 158 175 143 140 114 122 152 196 192 195 220 102 73 54 35 January.., February.. March April..'.... 67 64 67 35 138 192 188 132 90 62 54 57 187 192 202 200 78 55 52 33 99 133 153 141 163 51 30 57 62 May.... June July.... August. 19 18 16 17 139 138 136 95 62 67 54 51 211 221 227 213 31 20 24 27 64 243 220 181 256 78 73 51 56 September.. October November.. December.. 18 17 21 95 111 71 50 50 73 76 200 174 165 164 64 . 62 69 72 122 203 182 168 256 52 65 44 49 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average.. average., average., average. average.. 100 71 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average.. average.. average.. average.. 119 116 1920. 155 216 82 169 140 174 101 146 123 1921. 1922. January.., February., March See footnotes on opposite page. 60 > 69 62 67 32 40 49 NONFERROUS METALS. Table 17.—NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] COPPER. Production. Stocks. Thousands of pounds. YEAR AND MONTH. TIN. Tons. ZINC. Production. Stocks. LEAD.* ShipShipReceipts Receipts ments ments at at from from St. Louis.* St. Louisa St. Louis. St. Louis, Thousands of pounds. 1913 monthly average.. 1914 monthly average., 1915 monthly average.. 1916 monthly average, 1917 monthly average.. 135,303 95,845 115,667 160,654 157,177 1,847 1,700 2,079 3,153 2,535 57,780 53,840 81,586 111,242 111,596 31,313 40,190 28,506 35,196 107,442 27,675 27,360 30,541 44,323 76,461 38,385 26,834 30,490 32,482 47,759 5.47C 15,048 15,838 14,670 20,390 8,752 9,299 9,516 7,810 11,425 1918 monthly avorage., 1919 monthly average., 1920 monthly average.. 1921 monthly average. 159,044 107,437 112,130 312 1,615 3,371 2,351 86,320 76,500 79,962 35,936 82,482 74,970 80,886 158,788 34,369 31,430 31,644 13,549 60,060 57,666 54,8S1 20,739- 8,995 7,195 11,024 10,490 12,070 7,-975 7,298 4,866 January.., February., March April 121,904 117,450 120,309 116,079 3,723 3,743 2,848 2,676 86,882 87,842 96,512 90,798 80,622 74,186 62,038 65,020 25,439 37,532 40,874 20,434 34,327 43,910 61,225 23,286 17,038 11,937 12,410 6,033 8,974 9,760 8,375 3,367 May Juno July.... August. 114,964 116,108 109,730 116,461 5,356 3,586 1,926 3,266 90,830 82,018 80,388 76,452 58,670 53,708 58,078 59,156 21,954 36,470 29,294 24,239 50,320 47,998 39,806 49,524 10,387 10,665 10,737 9,090 10,931 10,282 6,031 6,787 September.. October November.. December.. 10-1,919 105,232 106,700 95,709 3,731 3,191 2,966 2,856 73,638 70,670 66,636 56,878 85,800 102,460 128,780 142,116 39,574 38,724 31,538 33,660 43,126 28,774 41,446 34,828 10,725 10,535 10,704 12,026 8,90S 6,390 4^739 3,063 January... February., March April , 90,587 86,633 91,016 46,947 2,546 3,546 3,476 2,441 51,832 35,538 31,482 33,100 151,906 156,040 164,504 162,8S6 21,539 15,271 14,476 9,163 28,002 17,025 19,564 17,586 7,311 8,392 7,733 8,916 4,445 2,630 4,948 5,402 May.... June July.... August. 25,311 24,624 22,034 23,248 2,571 2,546 2,521 1,761 36,052 38,886 30,990 29,242 171,624 179,778 184,816 173,098 8,594 5,426 6,613 7,596 18,985 9,087 11,406 18,053 13,303 12,044 9,894 14,011 6,819 6,416 4,428 4,922 September.. October November.. December.. 23,855 23,232 28,341 1,756 2,041 1,316 1,696 28,734 29,034 42,270 44,026 162,270 141,648 134,098 133,216 17,585 17,110 19,198 20,016 25,402 24,302 2-4,862 34,593 11,098 9,955 9,208 14,006 4,553 5,681 3,833 4,318 1930. 1921. 1922. January... February., March 1 Copper production from Engineering and Mining Journal; Stocks of tin, New York Metal Exchange; Production and stocks of zinc, American Zinc Institute; Receipts and shipments of zinc and lead at St. Louis, Merchants Exchange of St. Louis. a Converted from data in slabs of SO pounds each.. * Converted from data in pigs of 50 pounds each. 84700°—22 1 50 COAL AND POWER. Table 18.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page] SHIPMENTS. YEAR AND MONTH. Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal. Beehive coke. By-product coke Relative to 1913. 1909-13 monthly average.. 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average. —.. 1916 monthly average 100 99 97 90 115 121 96 116 85 109 108 96 07 95 99 Anthracite coal.3 Relative to 1921. Anthracite coal* Bituminous coal.' Coke. Relative to 5-year average. 86 62 117 103 72 95 82 58 100 104 61 110 107 61 114 108 61 121 105 64 82 106 91 59 176 204 198 242 17 163 151 136 261 157 143 172 73 94 32 114 95 106 80 82 76 72 Relative to 1919. 68 91 120 106 100 103 121 105 127 144 Public utility plants. 100 161 129 129 140 121 105 100 111 103 121 100 88 111 150 71 101 average.. average.. average.. average.. average.. Anthracite coal.3 ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION. EXPORTS. 100 100 100 88 93 105 122 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly STORAGE. Relative to Jan., 1919. PRODUCTION. 100 113 105 1020. January.., February., March April May.... Juno July.... August. September.. October November.. December.. 122 105 122 95 146 119 126 124 121 137 121 221 96 219 178 285 229 324 193 374 128 61 63 65 113 365 131 106 63 122 154 417 129 98 59 115 116 325 132 109 M 128 129 244 101 205 121 143 101 115 117 231 107 105 121 290 128 132 5S 76 110 98 119 107 115 110 110 110 112 115 110 . 142 117 106 112 52 37 34 26 109 116 114 115 1921. January.. February. March.... April 101 97 77 101 76 97 101 31 21 12 71 May.... June July.... August. 119 1OO 101 116 344 151 228 108 8 133 134 457 172 302 76 92 6 121 121 567 135 241 87 September.. October.... 11 85 94 9 132 124 644 130 154 669 100 110 107 121 114 98 106 70 93 10 134 123 99 15 164 131 90 90 17 167 118 77 November.. December.. 88 110 78 17 17ft 103 1922. January.. February., March See footnotes on opposite page. 584 93 105 100 21 27 26 25 101 24 31 42 32 104 100 101 105 110 112 .117 51 COAL AND POWER. Table 19.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources,1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numfiers on opposite page.} 3IENTS. Y E A R AND M O N T I I . Bituminous coal. Anthracite coal. STORAGE. Anthracite coal.' Anthracite coal. 3 snip- PRODUCTION. Beehive coke. By-product coke. Thousands of short tons. 1909-13 monthly average.. 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average. average. average.. average.. ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION. EXPORTS. Anthracite coal. Bituminous coal.2 Public utility plants. Coke. Thousands of kw.hours. Thousands of long tons. 288 •39,8G9 35,225 36,885 41,877 7,G27 7,568 7,416 7,29S 3,799 1,945 2,292 2,955 45,983 8,301 8,235 7,341 7,425 7,273 2,764 1,870 2,160 2,095 2,565 73 1,150 1,397 I,5S1 49 67 87 462 104 126 53 68 23 .3,243,403 3,666,998 3,412,552 402 463 4,497 4,624 5,431 34S 1,789 1,663 1,497 2,866 1,722 1,991 1,744 2,021 1,615 5,477 4,734 5,470 4,291 306 272 420 348 1,249 1,169 1,501 2,437 5S 60 55 53 3,855,847 3,480,331 3,745,682 3,577,613 1,709 1,721 1,70-1 1,789 5,332 5,677 5,574 5,448 277 512 659 oofi 2,401 4,109 42 55 SO 71 3,582,710 .3,o6S,563 3,626,682 3,716,876 4,638 8,056 7,441 8,321 1,771 1,755 1,6-12 1,518 2,931 5,474 5,189 5,765 325 444 333 372 4,011 4,5S0 ' 3,567 2,683 SO 103 85 77 3,631,746 3,751,320 3,705,507 3,720,537 7,410 7,701* 7,400 7,703 865 575 329 5,354 5,455 5,269 5,446 GIG 879 1,422 1,789 2S9 291 308 2,248 1,257 1,152 1,453 38 27 25 19 3,541,493 3,178,624 3,^394,975 3," 240,013 34,538 7,479 7,786 7,050 7,196 390 232 181 248 1,410 1,285 1,402 5,236 6,032 5,463 5,576 2,119 2,817 3,495 3,971 434 496 388 373 2,500 3,315 2,650 1,695 16 20 19 IS 3,263,766 3,244,093 3,269,709 3,410,701 35,127 43,733 36,020 30,895 7,124 7,580 6,859 5,984 289 416 477 514 1,423 1,734 1,766 1,860 5,520 5,873 5,314 4,636 4,123 2S7 303 329 306 1,212 1,329 1,079 770 IS 22 30 23 3,374,703 3,578,8S6 3,646,308 3,807,354 48,282 38,172 46,361 33,970 2,540 1,587 1,748 4,719 1,098 319 295 347 1,059 935 1,172 1,589 370 370 1920. January... February., March April 48,659 37,939 7,588 6,525 7,857 6,225 May.... June July.... August. 39,753 43,710 45,523 48,389 7,959 8,171 8,261 8,025 40,127 46,792 September.. October.... November.. December.. 51,093 52,144 51,457 52,560 3,132 3,557 1921. January.., February.. March April 40,270 30,851 30,328 28,374 May.... June July.... August. 33,255 33,852 30,394 September., October.... November.. December.. 3,601 1922. January.. February. March.... 1 Except anthracite coal shipments and stocks from the A nthracite Bureau of Information, Data on production of coal and coke and of electric power at public utility Plants from U. s. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey; exports from U. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. For occasional Government reports of stocks of coal see page 104. Does not include bunker coal on vessels engaged in the foreign trade. Excluding Hudson Coal Company. 52 PETROLEUM. Table 20.—INDEX LUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] GASOLINE. CRUDE PETROLEUM. YEAE AND MONTH. Production. Stocks. 1 Imports. Consumption. Total shipments from Mexlco.3 ! Trice, KansasOklahoina. Production. • Domestic Stocks Exports.1 consump- end of tion. month** Relative to 1919. Relative to 1913. 100 86 62 135 190 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1910 monthly 1917 monthly average., average.. average.. average., average-. 100 109 115 123 137 100 118 139 138 122 100 100 100 97 102 115 169 100 104 122 144 82 127 154 213 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average.. average-, average- 145 154 181 189 99 105 109 151 212 297 611 703 158 160 200 200 246 337 594 January.. February. March April 163 158 173 172 108 107 106 105 429 350 441 434 189 178 187 176 373 356 477 468 310 321 375 375 102 98 111 108 May.... June July.... August. 176 178 185 189 105 108 108 110 476 577 462 742 199 198 206 223 520 490 569 715 375 375 375 375 September., October November.. December.. 183 191 187 188 109 111 114 117 766 952 884 216 221 207 206 802 790 748 816 January.. February. March April 185 171 198 193 119 126 131 138 767 829 677 222 178 207 195 May.:.. June July.... August. 203 195 195 198 147 153 159 160 616 688 542 226 September.. October.... November.. December.. 177 172 183 203 163 164 168 175 616 780 876 929 235 244 364 182 72 113 76 90 153 91 100 100 173 100 73 124 100 9S 105 154 142 83 87 89 104 109 119. 133 136 116 126 128 135 224 212 265 190 132 149 152 16S 122 107 87 68 375 375 375 375 138 141 137 141 128 213 130 212 157 134 128 103 61 64 856 765 749 714 364 207 187 187 140 118 127 129 176 171 148 185 103 79 121 116 121 144 151 158 190 197 190 195 650 793 269 259 161 127 107 107 136 130 127 131 130 124 89 156 124 155 160 176 169 159 145 120 191 209 211 219 817 776 814 107 166 228 241 126 134 131 114 154 150 119 153 159 122 109 97 105 123 143 1930. J921. 1922. January.. February. March See footnotes on opposite page. 53 PETROLEUM. Table 21.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] CRUDE Y E A R AND MONTH. Production ,e Stocks.? PETROLEUM. Imports. Consumpj • tion. GASOLINE. Total Price, shipm e n t s Kansas-; Oklafrom Mexico.3 homa. Per barrel. Thousands of barrels. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly Production. average.. average.. average.. average.. average.. 20,704 22,147 23,425 25,064 27,943 104,902 123,709 145,914 144,556 128,201 1,484 1,437 1,512 1,714 2,514 21,808 21,774 22,772 26,549 31,478 2,159 1,760 2,743 3,318 4,608 S0.034 .798 .583 1.258 1.775 1918 monthly average.. 1919 monthly average.. 1920 monthly average.. 1921 monthly average.. 29,661 31,477 36,950 39,203 103,880 110,026 114,696 158,181 3,144 4,401 9,066 10,428 34,423 34,873 43,668 43,678 5,319 7,280 12,816 15,093 1930. January.. February.. March April , 33,774 32,723 35,831 35,583 112,874 111,981 111,144 110,732 6,372 5,187 6,543 6,443 41,232 38,894 40,671 38,455 8,061 7,688 10,288 10,092 May.... June July.... August. 36,503 36,946 38,203 39,055 110,653 113,029 113,815 115,099 7,066 8,563 0,853 11,012 43,374 43,108 44,945 48,732 11,226 10,574 12,275' 15,438 September.. October November.. December.. 37,532 39,592 38,961 115,688 116,402 119,994 123,291 11,996 11,362 14,136 13,118 47,186 48,174 45,045 44,967 1921. January February March...: April 38,271 35,348 40,965 40,039 125>220 132,463 140,719 145,016 13,193 11,384 12,303 10,044 May... June July.... August. 42,043 40,405 40,328 40,964 153,814 161,048 167,352 168,190 September.. October.... November.. December.. 36,615 35,621 38,780 41,957 171,361 172,607 176,490 183,890 Exports/ Domestic: stockg conend of sumpmonth. 1 tion. Thousands of gallons. 237,546 34,676 218,420 313,946 2.197 2.279 3.404 1.704 297,526 320,821 400,889 46,926 30,GG7 52,979 43,850 260,265 28G,:t20 354,848 380,202 472,411 464,485 2.900 3.000 3.500 3.500 336,719 322,589 367,138 355,597 30,352 32,181 47,077 43,432 238,205 248,395 256,021 297,001 515,934 562,996 643,553 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 381,079 415,159 423,420 444,141 68,556 65,059 81,279 58,300 378,913 427,243 434,869 479,741 577,672 504,056 413,279 323,240 17,311 17,051 16,151 17,609 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 453,881 465,788 452,642 46-1,393 39,202 65,335 39,957 65,025 450,889 384,802 366,831 295,262 .288,195 301,284 354,836 462,382 48,375 38,726 45,243 42,527 18,481 16,506 16,173 16,066 3.400 1.938 1.750 1.750 460,432 388,188 419,795 426,215 54,065 52,497 45,392 56,624 294,751 225,195 346,165 333,291 571,984 680,540 713,043 747,223 9,14? 10,205 8,047 3,352 41,527 42,797 41,533 42,595 14,026 17,122 5,806 5,582 1.500 1.188 1.000 1.000 448,508 430,344 419,642 431,577 39,859 38,128 27,383 47,831 354,263 445,025 457,758 503,513 800,496 750,644 684,237 567,646 9,139 11,576 12,994 13,753 41,702 45,204 46,122 47,785 17,634 16,746 17,571 19,397 1.000 1.550 2.125 2.250 416,913 440,956 431,887 35,055 47,116 45,876 36,378 438,0S4 454,992 350,548 515,326 456,270 495,590 1922. January... February.. March 1 Except shipments of crude petroleum from Mexico. Crude petroleum production, stocks, imports, and consumption, from U. S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey; Wholesale price of crude petroleum, average for the month, from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Data on gasoline from 17. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. 2 Figures for earlier years adjusted to represent approximate net stocks to conform With data for current months. * Mexican petroleum shipments from the three ports, Tampico, Port Lobes, and Tuxpam, form the best current measure of Mexican oil production. These figures Are compiled from those published in the Oil Trade Journal. Current month is approximate from Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter. 4 Yearly figures for "stocks at end of month" are averages of monthly figures. 6 "Exports of gasoline," as used by the Bureau of Mines, includes the items "gasoline" and "all other naphtha, etc., "as reported by the U. 8. Department of Commerce, •tess exports to the Philippine Islands, '* Represents production transported from field of production, does not include oil consumed at locality of production. 54 PAPER AND PRINTING. Table 22.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [ Base year in bold-faced typo; index numbers on opposite page.] NEWSPRINT PAPER. ALL OTHER PAPER. PRICES OF NEWSPRINT. EXPORTS. PRINTING. I YEAR AND MONTH Production. Shipments. Stocks, Production. Paper Spot purchases.s . Total Con- Con- marShipNews- printtract tract Sales 3 ket, Activity. doments. Stocks. print. Canaing do(value). Quanpaper. mestic. dian. mestic. tity. Value. Relative to 1919. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly Relative to 1913. av. av av. av. av. 1918 monthly av. 1919 monthly av 1920 monthly av 1921 monthly a v 100 141 128 178 217 100 110 89 224 255 106 256 326 164 65 100 137 136 100 106 174 100 95 121 154 186 205 220 121 123 137 119 147 158 184 166 176 184 210 122 125 135 145 231 235 245 133 140 124 125 192 202 187 189 176 184 171 ,187 149 156 156 160 145 146 152 158 228 218 213 183 100 109 98 119 117 102 90 180 184 160 141 194 186 180 184 171 13? 70 54 163 159 158 145 175 177 177 151 162 146 131 121 82 75 82 75 75 71 75 113 90 95 92 180 162 162 152 51 17 30 35 61 35 40 47 141 140 128 128 151 146 132 131 118 120 117 120 57 62 75 84 67 76 81 86 77 141 148 132 150 31 20 35 44 41 30 38 49 131 113 113 110 120 111 110 110 80 84 88 92 111 105 82 95 97 85 100 97 125 100 121 86 100 119 84 100 74 112 112 90 112 117 71 117 115 91 130 112 128 126 128 106 131 121 70 80 73 81 106 77 103 85 146 116 188 152 111 112 115 129 131 132 131 132 133 130 130 73 67 146 145 97 123 130 124 98 80 131 120 93 75 65 74 100 135 141 213 118 117 122 123 127 117 125 125 122 203 188 153 153 126 128 140 144 88 88 65 155 92 131 123 221 194 67 71 77 75 101 109 119 120 70 30 35 121 122 118 115 108 103 105 May.... June... July.... August. 113 114 113 112 110 95 100 92 103 September. October November.. December.. 106 109 107 109 105 110 109 105 103 94 85 103 1931. January February March , April 108 90 94 101 101 84 91 106 135 164 .175 147 May.... June... July.... August. 76 82 89 72 80 83 $8 130 111 107 113 76 79 69 85 75 75 70 September. October November.. December.. S6 89 91 94 83 95 91 93 126 96 97 100 94 110 108 100 97 112 106 76 83 76 70 80 107 1922. January February March 100 100 100 112 112 Relative to 1918. 100 122 135 243 247 1OO 109 89 1920. January , February..... March . April , 113 Relative to September, 1920. Relative to 1919. See footnotes on opposite page. 238 105 79 77 78 83 125 185 151 146' 139 55 PAPER AND PRINTING. Table 23.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources*1 [Base year in bold-facod type; index numbers on opposite page.] NEWSPRINT PAPER. YEAR AND MONTH. Production. Shipments. ALL OTHER PAPER. Stocks. Production. Ship* ments. Stocks. average. average. average. average. Total printing paper. 7,203 10,132 9,194 12,789 15,644 average . average. average. average. average. 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly Newsprint. Thousands of pounds. Tons. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly EXPORTS. PRICES OF NEWSPRINT. Contract, Contract, Spot domes- Cana- market, dian. domestic tic. Per 100-pound roll. 9,545 11,654 12,899 23,152 23,597 114,543 125,997 102,103 114,880 125,215 102,172 33,929 23,324 29,940 401,320 485,221 344,507 403,94G 481,830 340,084 315,070 158,580 241,455 16,123 18,378 7,663 2,808 24,395 31,160 15,656 6,157 1920. January... February. March April 129,663 114,235 127,847 1*28,269 128,098 103,214 128,238 134,160 16,934 27,955 27,564 21,673 520,630 450,265 513,496 506,133 518,617 429,122 528,420 488,753 150,961 172,104 157,180 174,560 7,668 5,562 7,387 6,137 May.... June July.... August. 129,230 130,380 129,853 128,818 128,080 129,213 131,821 126,129 22,823 23,990 22,022 24,711 516,183 526,942 528,665 525,340 534,507 538,869 525,539 526,869 156,236 144,309 147,435 145,906 September. October.... November. December.. 121,005 124,818 122,993 124,857 121,123 126,815 125,323 120,360 24,593 22,596 20,266 24,763 522,013 497,146 395,151 320,682 527,172 486,509 373,958 1921. January... February. March.... April 123,830 103,040 107,532 115,408 116,176 96,281 104,919 122,091 32,417 39,176 41,789 35,106 296,638 304,926 333,245 306,604 May.... June.... July.... August. 78,868 86,770 94,247 102,277 82,776 91,339 95,357 100,668 31,198 26,629 25,519 27,128 September. October.... November. December.. 98,898 101,884 104,604 107,877 95,785 109,110 104,492 107,070 30,241 23,015 23,127 23,934 S3.731 5.107 5.054 83.651 4.922 5.142 S4.29O 9.143 5.042 13,946 11,104 17,983 14,478 4.362 4.533 4.577 4; 726 4.267 4.569 4.556 4.463 6.624 7.997 8.797 9.443 10,522 10,407 7,001 8,853 19,332 17,967 14,578 14,580 4.673 4.752 5.211 5.371 4.457 4.550 4.938 5.306 9.906 10.072 10.498 10.212 140,747 151,384 172,577 189,633 6,364 4,703 11,194 12,476 11,762 21,123 18,546 5.531 5.790 5.792 5.969 5.308 5.343 5.541 5.770 9.800 9.362 9.148 7.854 269,747 287,398 311,749 303,493 216,524 234,052 255,548 258,659 4,963 5,066 2,192 2,556 16,369 13,101 6.076 5.921 5,173 5.409 6.385 6.458 6.480 5.507 6.945 6.279 5.623 5.206 305,127 316,887 276,182 340,242 303,895 304,620 284,315 347,386 259,891 262,158 254,025 246,881 3,, 709 1,203 2,131 2,521 5,787 3,355 3,803 4,512 5.248 5.227 4.770 4.762 5.497 5.322 4.S24 4.758 5.056 5.129 5.013 5.160 379,028 440,524 434,272 400,407 393,343 451,448 427,114 396,497 232,566 221,642 225,800 239,710 2,233 1,409 2,513 3,193 3,895 2,881 3,643 4,688 4.8S6 4.188 4.194 4.102 4.388 4.069 4.002 4.018 4.185 6,682 4.070 4.170 3.666 1922. January... February. March..".. 1 Except printing activity, from United Typothetae of A merica and printing purchases and sales from A mcrican Writing Paper Company. Data for paper, except exports, are furnished by the Federal Trade Commission; exports from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of foreign and Domestic Commerce. 3 Printing activity based on productive hours reported by plants in 52 cities in 30 states, each department being weighted for tho combined index number. 1 Purchases of printing paper and sales of printed product by about 350 concerns, doing from 20 to 25 per cent of the total commercial printing business of the country. As the paper industry was in a great boom in 1919, index numbers based on that year would not be true indices; therefore 1918 was taken as a base. 56 WOOD PULP, RUBBER, AND GLASS. Table 24—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] INDIA RUBBER. WOOD PULP. Mechanical. YEAK.AND MONTH. Wholesale price, Para Island, New York. Production. Chemical. Consump- Stocks Produc- tion and at end ol Imports tion. ship- month. ments. ConImports. sump- Stocks Produc- tion and at end of Imports. tion. shipmonth. ments. Relative to 5-year average. Relative to 1919. GLASS BOTTLES. Relative to 5-year average. Relative to 1919. Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. 1909-1913 monthly average. 100 100 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 110 76 132 150 128 138 123 191 233 100 76 69 83 1917 monthly average. 1918 monthly average. 1919 monthly average. 1920 monthly average. 1921 monthly average. 141 93 102 117 97 100 117 79 100 116 79 130 128 141 220 174 350 2S1 462 489 360 80 68 60 41 23 119 119 122 70 226 688 73 102 102 70 184 739 59 116 116 68 211 854 57 116 118 63 141 659 57 54 51 51 100 106 113 107 105 119 121 197 457 50 117 123 125 196 451 48 100 100 109 100 110 100 78 108 76 70 71 87 100 63 100 104 1920. January... February. March April 92 85 116 135 110 96 113 119 May..... June July.... August. 143 115 102 92 121 117 114 112 September. October November. December.. 87 104 115 121 104 103 104 104 January... February. March April 117 98 118 132 102 90 97 103 May... June July.... August., 81 66 62 61 74 75 79 85 55 68 90 101 79 84 93 95 164 117 120 48 172 471 44 74 199 121 120 53 304 456 38 110 101 81 78 163 117 118 61 70 105 138 116 117 116 114 84 135 97 94 53 64 72 80 31 27 24 22 102 124 123 106 13 78 74 21 21 22 22 100 87 68 68 22 60 54 48 50 55 292 289 290 212 218 341 208 230 139 279 61 227 1921. September. October November.. December... 95 118 16 74 75 141 35 68 70 100 113 113 106 147 42 73 140 49 68 127 93 64 108 100 75 72 68 67 77 112 111 102 99 82 99 102 92 91 79 SO 87 •101 77 176 78 77 160 94 75 216 101 SO 173 94 1922. January... February. March See footnotes on opposite page. 69 295 81 270 SO 247 359 286 343 109 164 173 255 221 279 459 358 493 536 607 20 20 20 22 26 27 26 50 70 57 WOOD PULP, RUBBER, AND GLASS. Table 25.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faoed type; index numbers on opposite page.] WOOD PULP. Mechanical. YEAR AND MONTH. Production. Consumption and shipments. INDIA RUBBER. Chemical. Stocks at end of Imports. 3 month. Production. Short tons. 1909-1913 monthly average. 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average. average. average. average. Imports. Wholesale price, Para Island, New York. Pounds. ConsumpStocks tion and at end of Imports.' i shipmonth. ments. ' Per pound. 16,463 25,521 18,105 12,638 21,877 38,091 32,861 35,100 9,056,720 11,922,097 18,456,827 22,507,517 SO.8O7 .616 .557 .669 161,247 188,156 127,744 160,375 53,725 33,720 53,409 33,230 32,728 36,147 56,153 44,457 33,803,190 27,163,276 44,661,702 47,212,178 34,772,775 .648 .549 .483 .333 .182 130,817 131,525 105,668 120,660 132,308 106,214 154,251 120,079 166,880 23,257 15,456 16,855 19,375 16,000 January... February. March April 110,835 102,141 139,667 163,086 133,106 115,794 135,953 143,202 117,033 107,552 109,288 126,693 19,6S8 11,973 9,642 9,416 191,700 164,050 187,476 187,108 195,866 164,241 186,754 189,753 37,484 37,800 36,576 33,822 57,567 46,847 53,868 36,034 06,427,415 71,351,901 82,477,607 63,629,209 .463 .432 .412 .411 May..., June July.... August., 172,341 138,949 123,330 111,205 146,061 140,582 137,230 135,146 152,973 151,340 137,440 113,499 17,227 19,195 26,996 32,805 191,474 198,166 189,004 194,760 194,393 199,698 192,493 192,132 30,903 29,371 25,8S2 2S,510 50,360 50,127 44,040 77,710 44,099,902 43,533,723 45,451,437 44,017,26-1 .404 .3S5 .353 .303 September. October November. December.. 104,975 125,518 139,535 146,718 125,651 124,191 125,156 125,621 92,823 94,150 108,529 129,626 26,812 17,212 19,243 22,299 18S,938 222, S74 186,506 155,809 18S,933 188,562 182,379 151,225 28,515 34,312 38,439 43,023 74,614 73,923 55,752 53,007 27,883,748 20,516,090 32,955,016 24,161,761 .253 .217 *.192 ,180 140,999 117,884 142,850 159,442 123,661 108,857 116,820 124,161 146,964 155,997 182,027 217,308 14,076 3,275 2,684 5,687 134,354 125,913 119,482 109,364 123,524 119,157 119,602 112,869 53,853 00.609 60,489 56,984 35,478 15,6S2 17,022 20,848 26,911,753 21,933,165 28,508,995 26,0S7,40S .173 .168 .180 .178 89,182 185,536 127,4G7 1920. 1921. January... February. March April 97,963 80,337 75,405 73,666 September. October.... November. December.. 90,357 95,386 . 103,153 226,089 216,069 196,088 166,501 7,072 8,117 15,329 16,405 118,138 109,052 102,768 121,510 114,995 109,689 107,573 122,753 60,127 59,490 54,685 53,442 20,322 27,698 41,756 44,181 23,890,838 34,621,74S 27,647,874 33,103,804 .179 .164 .164 .165 66,965 82,511 108,186 121,804 May.... June July.... August.. 95,894 100,777 112,228 114,087 137,672 119,406 115,365 123,080 28,958 26,397 35,504 28,498 126,514 151,699 163,101 151,031 131,174 15S,050 162,841 147,380 48,782 42,431 43,172 46.843 6">,206 50,419 71,204 117,068 34,546,411 49,042,303 51,731,181 58,644,821 .174 .210 .215 .211 • 1922. January... February. March . 1 Except glass bottles, from Xationat Bottle Manufacturers Association, based on reports of identical firms representing approximately 90 per cent of the capacity of theindustry. Data for wood pulp are from the Federal Trade Commission; India-rubber imports from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; Wholesale average weekly prices of india rubber from the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2 Import figures converted from long to short tons to agree with production and stocks. 58 AUTOMOBILE TIRES. Table 26.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] Production. Stocks. YEAR AND MONTH. Shipments, domestic. Production. Stocks. RAW MATERIAL CONSUMED. SOLID TIRES. KSTNER TUBES. PNEUMATIC TIRES. Shipments, domestic. Production. Stocks. Shipments, domestic. Fabrics. Crude rubber. Relative to G months' average, November, 1920-April, 1921. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 1920. November., December.. 1921. January.... February... March April May June July August September. October November.. December.. 100 100 100 100 100 1OO 1OO 100 100 1OO 100 G7 55 114 64 105 74 51 112 106 67 108 92 70 102 107 93 111 54 49 72 47 77 90 127 180 229 253 281 332 211 211 193 Average Nov.,1920-Apr.,1921 1921 monthly average.. 103 100 89 88 86 80 75 76 65 69 76 76 85 128 141 165 209 213 229 162 133 106 74 91 134 176 220 235 301 442 327 284 212 102 99 92 90 87 70 57 67 70 86 95 76 83 120 145 171 236 264 278 194 148 113 91 100 123 124 151 122 151 239 161 199 187 .103 104 97 92 90 82 75 74 55 56 79 81 120 115 110 136 152 183 137 125 94 78 89 134 196 236 241 287 334 227 207 190 73 86 133 189 232 233 261. 337 214 216 194 103 1922. January... February. March Pounds. Number. B.—NUMERICAL DATA. November-April average. 1921 monthly average. 1920. November December 1921. January February March April May June July August September October November December 915,651 5,170,928 1,262,159 1,002,886 5,4SO,354 349,742 506,111 5,880,016 5,503,380 805,023 1,327,153 742,815 508,446 703,430 819,892 1,163,314 1,651,418 2,100,917 2,313,265 2,570,524 3,013,187 1,929,268 1,92S,271 J, 756,555 5,319,605 5,193,018 4,597,103 4,527,445 4,451,668 4,154,456 3,892,037 3,934,5S3 3,340,798 3,545,030 3,908,342 965,417 1,073,756 1,614,651 1,785,951 2,085,882 2,643,850 2,757,5S1 2,894,422 2,047,929 1,675,169 1,342,519 740,824 916,627 1,346,483 1,762,122 2,210,040 2,359,928 3,020,951 4,430,152 3,274,822 2,843,918 2,126,211 3,333,559 9,039,757 1,366,997 23,299 294,013 36,628 6,131,935 5,786,929 920,938 1,481,285 21,355 16,297 293,875 303,473 34,217 40,828 1,801,750 1,649,772 6,563,25S 4,259,746 5,586,163 5,415,464 5,044,861 4,916,772 4,751,880 3,835,098 3,122,815 3,649,319 3,827,830 4,732,016 5,203,568 1,042,617 1,129,881 1,643,690 1,983,571 2,342,567 3,232,673 3,603,248 3,804,060 2,645,75S 2,016,371 1,540,299 21,220 23,355 28,710 28,859 35,156 28,395 35,123 55,694 37,441 46,274 43,537 29,116 29,599 43,926 42,080 40,122 49,867 65,678 66,866 50,276 45,911 34,556 2,598,143 2,952,058 4,474,965 6,524,668 7,363,738 8,044,486 9,565,128 11,131,256 7,580,858 6,9O5,6S1 6,349, SOS 6,625,435 7,823,657 12,075,293 17,191,149 21,050,554 21,207,555 23,719,637 30,634,353 19,476,415 19,602.342 17,60S,993 303,753 304,374 233,800 269,985 264,633 240,336 220,003 216,367, 101,832 163,299 173,451 1922. January... February.. March i Data furnished by the Rubber Association of America. The number of firms has increased from 36 in November, 1920, to a maximum of 64 in August, 1921. stated by the Rubber Association that this variation in the number of firms does not change the totals to any great degree, except for the omission of the Firestone Company beginning in September, 1921. ^ 59 AUTOMOBILES. Table 27.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Data from commercial and trade sources* [Base years in bold-faced type.] SHIPMENTS'* • YEAR AND MONTH. By Driven By rail- away. boat. road. Relative to 1920. PRODUCTION'.* MOTOR ACCESSORIES, a Ac- Total notes Passenger Trucks. Total counts o u t sales. past s t a n d cars. due* ing. Relative to 1919. Relative to January, - 1921. SHDPMENTS.i By railroad. Driven away. Carloads. By boat. 28 33 49 90 105 av.. av.. av.. av.. 1918 mo. av.. 1919 mo* av . 1920 mo. av.. 100 1921 mo. av.. 78 56 i 100 31 100 39 72 102 46 64 97 20,922 16,263 39,239 12,031 25,057 25,505 29,326 17,147 317 Total notes outstanding. Accounts past due. Thousands of dollars. 38 458 ' 45,307 68,218 124,468 145,066 ion •114 93 Total sales. B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 1 QM 2,115 6,167 7,500 10,680 77,199 138,138 4,693 156,930 1,854 127,916 18,938 26,3 04 26,837 12,090 8 23 28 41 ioo Passenger T r u c k s . cars. MOTOR ACCESSORIES.* Number of machines. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 1914 mo. 1915 mo. 1916 mo. 1917 mo. PRODUCTION.* j 29,283 43,719 57,273 64,634 19,840 5,171 4,226 1920. January February March April 120 122 140 82 146 165 May—J June July August 105 108 110 112 189 155 133 87 178 185 151 21,977 22,516 23,082 23,386 74,286 60,746 52,342 34,060 8,350 8,702 7,095 September... October November... December... 99 82 63 56 62 36 24 16 116 54 14 2 20,804 17,209 13,253 11,802 24,431 14,127 9,497 6,469 5,469 2,519 659 89 1931. January February March April 31 48 78 96 8 19 25 36 2 2 2 34 100 166 321 427 100 '83 69 66 100 139 116 123 6,485 9,986 16,287 20,187 3,185 7,507 9,939 14,197 . 93 99 75 1,619 6,265 10,409 20,120 26,747 8,100 6,717 5,604 5,352 4,360 6,063 5,070 5,371 May June July August 89 97 93 99 39 48 40 39 51 84 79 77 120 121 41 50 428 363 369 373 56 58 65 54 103 92 85 S O 18,60S 20,269 19,514 20,758 15,193 18,834 15,533 15,218 2,381 3,947 3,720 3,595 4,515 4,731 5,242 4,349 4,470 4,007 3,690 3,495 September... October November... December... 91 85 68 58 35 33 27 19 03 47 30 3 105 9S 77 51 52 49 38 32 369 352 303 229 54 56 54 52 8-1 79 84 78 " 19,002 " 13,840 12,920 17,717 10,505 14,240 7,500 12,100 2,959 2,214 1,402 134 4,359 4,513 4,352 3,67S 3,464 3,662 75 111 165,575 167,705 10,761 13,076 26,782 22,714 23,096 23,39S 144,669 134,734 100,042 13,645 12,810 10,009 23,142 22,053 18,998 1923. Februarv 1 Compiled by the Nathnal Automobile Chamber of Commerce. Represents shipments from factories covering almost the entire automobile production of the United States. 3 Total of membership of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce and chief outside manufacturers, representing practically complete passenger car production and slightly less complete truck production. Annual figures represent complete production as compiled by National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. 3 Compiled by the Motor and Accessory Manufacturers' Association and based on the purchase of parts, units, equipments, etc., by automobile passenger and truck Jnakers from 300 parts and accessory manufacturers, including some tire manufacturers. 60 ILLUMINATING GLASSWARE.1 Table 28.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Based on data from trade and commercial sources. [Base year in bold-faced type.] ORDERS, PRODUCTION AND SHIPMENTS. Actual pro- Shipments Net orders. A c t u a l p r o - Shipments Net orders. ductlon. duction. billed. billed. YEAR AND MONTH. Relative to May, 1921. Per cent of capacity. A.-INDEX NUMBERS. B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 1921. 100 May Juno— July August.. 82 49 70 92 133 137 September. October November., December.. 48 40 ' 62 37.0 30.5 18.0 25.9 71 115 162 161 85 132 159 148 34,0 49.3 50.6 .36.2 100 110 100 31.9 35.1 15.2 14.7 30.S 31.3 28.3 19.1 22.6 36.6 51.7 51.2 26.2 40.7 49.1 45.0 1922. January... February. March * Based on reports of identicalfirmsof the Illuminating Glassware Guild, estimated to represent from 70 to 75 per cent of the capacity of the industry. BOOT AND SHOE PRODUCTION. Table 29.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government Sources*1 TOTAL UNITED STATES. KIND. 1919 monthly average. November, 1921. NEW ENGLAND STATES. December, 1931.* 1919 monthly average. November, 1931. December^ 1921. Number of pairs. Men's (high and low cut) Boys' and youths' (high and low cut) Women's (high and low cut) Misses' and children's (high and low cut).: Infants' (high and low cut) Athlete and sporting (leather) All canvas and other textile fabrics. All other kinds a Total., 7,918,113 2,208,619 8,734,375 4,044,850 6,780,253 1,869,934 6,875,14© 3,150,263 7,350,037 1,844,791 7,726,965 2,791,661 4,459,737 867,025 4,606,902 1,308,532 2,993,710 577,265 2,829,767 3,394,332 704,722 3,391,341 999,514 3 1,389,076 48,809 921,364 2,284,291 1,761,281 607,181 210,001 2,338,551 1,815,129 501,181 423,656 1,643,542 3 274,391 6,999 876,933 930,503 363,087 20,750 120,031 985,997 451,711 14,065 228,075 617,868 27,549,497 23,592,610 24,096,965 13,331,027 8,858,905 9, S01,628 1 Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Reports received from 1,022 manufacturers in November, of which 81 were not in operation, and 1,027 establishments in December, of which 62 were not in operation. Censusfiguresfor 1919 were from 1,450 establishments. 2 Includes slippers for house and evening wear at home, barefoot sandals and play shoes, moccasins, and all others not specified, s Covers "infants' shoes and slippers." * Subject to revision. 61 LEATHER PRODUCTSTable 30.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] Sole leather. Skivers. YEAR AND MONTII. 1 SALES O F BELTING.* MODUCTIONV Oak a n d union harness.a SALES O F BELTIXG1.3 PRODUCTION. I Value. Relative to 1919. Sole leather. Skivers. Oak a n d union harness. 3 Quantity. Value. Sides. Quantity. Dozens. Stuffed sides. Pounds. Thousands of dollars. B.-NUMERICAL DATA. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 106 119 104 108 66 86 SS 99 1918 monthly average 88 '107 *2U 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 100 82 79 100 88 111 100 102 59 1OO 98 91 85 99 74 82 80 100 107 116 116 91 95 81 70 108 103 84 SS 73 78 70 72 754,274 846,664 739,628 767,423 899 1,171 1,199 1,354 710,214 694,899 1,365 1,662 1,653,073 «16,039 *203,596 1OO 122 1,876,285 1,535,290 1?486,718 15,032 13,274 16,653 95,244 111 96 116 113 133 US 145 74 1,704,269 1,532,115 1,76-1,387 1,589,756 14,837 11,140 12,347 12,014 95,457 101,9S9 110,606 110,830 789,323 684,852 826,682 804,989 1,815 1,005 1,975 1,016 111 106 105 102 129 117 119 108 162 14S 150 136 1,706,003 1,786,466 1,513,844 1,322,594 16,229 15,535 12,563 13,275 105,568 100,718 99,748 97,580 917,024 828,782 843,602 768,279 2,216 2,017 2,043 1,862 92 97 87 66 100 101 77 70 -97 74 49 44 123 95 61 50 1,375,763 " 1,459,073 1,315,631 1,353,581 13,788 14,626 13,034 9,896 95,204 96,243 73,265 66,482 688,194 527,219 349,081 310,759 1,682 1,302 835 681 63 63 72 76 95 93 112 90 44 60 74 73 44 40 43 41 49 44 46 40 1,190,950 1,177,883 1,351,140 1,422,727 14,234 13.9S7 16,867 13,484 42,236 56,971 70,194 69,922 309,474 285,575 i 306,140 : 2SS,5S4 j 83 81 96 98 82 143 60 60 47 51 43 42 46 48 42 39 40 42 1,561,220 1,521,521 1,431,373 1,607,302 14,499 14,753 12,321 21,430 57,480 57,196 44,971 50,857 308,872 j 300,169 328,514 340,500 572 138 132 117 134 52 59 63 66 44 42 37 38 37 32 1,507,185 1,618,519 1,705,161 lj745,625 20,G83 19,896 17,533 20,149 49,507 55,879 60,002 62,551 311,709 299,867 262,820 525 96,974 56,481 1930. January February March April 82 94 May. Juno.. July. .. August .. . September October November December 1921. January. February March... April... . May June July.... August September. October. . . . November December 76 86 80 SG 91 93 1922. January February... March 1 F r o m r e p o r t s b y t h e Tanners7 660 600 626 552 539 5-1S 570 501 439 • Council; sole l e a t h e r figures i n c l u d e e s t i m a t e s for firms o u t s i d e t h e Tanners7 Council so a s t o r e p r e s e n t t h e t o t a l for t h e c o u n t r y . Figures for skivers and harness do not include estimates of outside firms and arc believed to represent S per cent of the total production. O 2 Data from tho Leather Belting Exchange, and is estimated to represent from 65 to 75 per cent of the industry. 8 Beginning December, 1919, these statistics cover amount of harness leather "stuffed" rather than that produced, but it is stated that the variation between these items is small. 4 Includes estimated production of firms outside Tanners* Council. 62 HIDE AND LEATHER STOCKS. Table 31.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources,1 [Base years in bold-faced typo; numerical data on opposite page.] PACKER H I D E S AND SKINS. O T H E R H I D E S AND S K I N S . Green salted. Y E A S AND MONTH. SHEEP AND LAMB SKINS.2 S O L E AND B E L T I N G LEATHER. UPPER LEATHER. Dry salted. Calf Cattle and kip Calf Calf hides. skins. Cattle Cattle hides. and kip hides. and kip skins. skins. Total. Stocks end of month. Stocks ProducIn proc- tion of ess of finished tanning. leather* Stocks end of month. Stocks P r o d u c in proc- tion of ess of finished tanning. leather. Relative to 12 months' average—September, 1920, to August, 1921. Average, 12 months, Sept., 1920-Aug., 1921... 100 100 100 100 . 100 100 100 1OO 100 100 100 100 100 171 91 101 108 92 109 112 98 69 80 86 94 103 109 100 98 94 109 88 103 80 105 94 83 85 104 97 105 83 84 90 96 109 105 100 98 99 103 91 98 87 92 102 102 99 91 94 89 73 9S 91 90 106 102 97 95 179 136 80 87 101 113 117 109 101 96 93 100 110 105 100 90 83 115 105 84 100 95 99 99 102 101 104 105 96 99 99 101 92 87 105 99 102 102 116 100 89 92 100 104 76 70 102 105 91 85 112 118 104 93 102 104 97 96 107 90 103 101 84 , 121 130 117 101 105 105 106 112 108 108 106 100 98 99 97 104 108 103 111 100 99 100 79 92 SI 71 62 • 98 106 109 115 114 111 130 132 147 72 70 65 61 57 50 96 95 96 * 96 97 100 95 94 98 130 131 117 96 99 102 106 107 106 101 104 103 106 114 122 • 97 99 99 116 116 115 141 146 137 1030. December 1921. March... . . ... ** April ...... May June July n September October November December 1922. January February March See footnotes on opposite page. 63 HIDE AND LEATHER STOCKS. Table 32.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-face type; indox numbers on opposite page.J PACKER HIDES AND SKINS. OTHER HIDES AND SKINS. Green salted. YEAR AND MONTH. Cattle hides. Calf and kip skins. Cattle hides. Call and kip skins. SnEEP AND LAMB SKINS.2; SOLE AND BELTING LEATHER. Dry salted. Cuttle hides. Call and kip skins. Total. Stocks Stocks Stocks In proc- Produc- Stocks in proc- Production of tion of end of end of ess of finished ess of m o n t h . tanning. finished m o n t h . tanning. leather. leather. Thousands of pounds. Average, 12 months, Sept.,1920-Aug.,192L 235,915 UPPER LEATHER. Thousands of square feet. 33,039 130,285 33,314 17,655 5,816 32,865 404,025 215,075 238,143 253,C76 21,107 25,166 25,838 22,570 83,183 96,238 103,835 112,717 34,242 '36,418 33,400 32,766 16,672 19,311 15,455 18,101 4,640 6,130 5,469 4,809 28,089 34,109 31,764 34,433 151,662 154,159 164,597 175,874 121,255 117,12*2 111,213 109,653 23,995 25,0S0 21,999 23,901 365,052 385,114 426,720 420,733 150,579 139,255 142,943 135,707 35,132 47,022 43,788 43,436 1921. January Februany March April .., 249,105 239,919 229,516 222,941 41,302 31,346 18,491 20,072 121,091 135,503 140,525 130,634 33,812 31,866 30,911 33,245 19,353 18,468 17,718 15,833 4,828 6,668 6,093 4,908 32,960 31,225 32,427 32,481 186,531 184,707 189,033 191,898 106,705 110,787 111,082 112,321 22,444 21,205 25,502 24,000 425,942 427,508 485,009 419,308 135,515 140,005 152,586 158,224 30,302 33,570 48,955 50,420 May.... June July.... August. 215,358 199,465 174," 968 186,788 21,112 18,689 16,397 14,378 134,959 141,547 125,444 117,741 33,931 34,617 32,451 32,107 18,951 15,938 18,266 17,788 4,806 7,019 7,576 6,791 33,335 34,388 34,405 34,760 20-1,137 197,206 197,616 193,670 111,662 109,378 110,070 108,439 25,242 26,122 25,028 26,985 420,712 410,553 417,145 411,505 102,49S 166,4G2 174,941 173,848 53,532 62,4-18 63,217 70,418 September. October.... November.. December.. 169,014 165,881 152,985 14,109 13,209 11,541 115,223 114,002 114,909 32,138 32,208 33,216 16,857 16,548 17,369 7,574 7,605 6,805 31,515 32,653 33,410 193,043 19-1,754 193, S41 112,462 116,044 115,422 25,683 27,093 29,544 408,038 413,375 415,304 177,120 177,769 175,566 67,545 69,901 65,966 1920. September October.... November.. December.. ' | 182,591 111,641 24,292 418,947 152,719 48,020 1922. January February March 1 Based on figures compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. The data embraco returns from packers, tanners, dealers, importers, and manufacturers. As given in t h e monthly reports by the Bureau of the Census, the returns for hides and skins are expressed in numbers of hides and skins. For the abovesummary these have been reduced to pounds on the basis of the average weights of each class. Similarly data on leather have been converted to pounds or square feet from reports in skins, sides, backs, butts, pounds, etc. 1 Includes skins with and without wool, but does not include weight of wool. HIDES AND LEATHER MOVEMENT. Table 33.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources, [Baso year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] EXPORTS OF LEATHER.^ IMPORTS OF HIDES AND SKINS.* WHOLESALE PRICES.* Hides. YEAR AND MONTH. Sole. Upper.3 Total boots and shoes. Total hides and skins. Calfskins. Cattle hides. Goatskins. Sheepskins. Leather. Green. salted, CalfSole, Chrome Men's skins, hemlock, packers' calf, vici-calf, country middle heavy "B" blucher native No. 1 No. 1 grades (Boston). steers (Chicago). (Boston). (Boston). ! (Chicago). Relative to 1909-1913 average* Relative to 1913. Boots and shoes. Relative to 1913. *100 97 ' 108 126 141 •100 94 82 60 77 *1OO 97 134 178 176 «1OO 91 55 81 106 «1OO 107 104 118 160 1OO 107 132 142 1OO 111 114 179 1OO 107 110 138' 1OO 104 106 167 100 102 105 119. 123 70 145 99 C8 11 79 43 161 96 177 120 78 90 63 136 82 64 132 83 134 130 72 178 164 214 170 76 215 197 363 195 79 190 172 187 189 127 215 222 360 366 193 153 181 244 2S8 225 146 206 196 190 160 117 125 137 57 43 50 54 154 145 161 147 107 118 148 196 103 157 158 218 219 198 197 395 351 286 278 199 202 202 202 473 473 473 464 305 308 308 116 59 63 58 223 215 114 124 101 103 107 51 64 41 48 105 114 118 66 123 . 83 95 65 120 153 179 194 192 1S5 160 155 239 162 162 122 202 202, 202 195 436 399 325 325 292292 292 59 45 20 41 60 63 42 55 123 162 138 163 76 77 47 50 26 42 17 20 120 114 53 84 27 16 34 17 79 105 80 39 154 139 126 103 121 93 90 75 181 174 167 145 297 278 232 213 292 255 249 249 January... February. March April 111 34 20 32 40 28 25 35 132 139 134 146 51 50 47 52 24 33 42 51 77 73 GS 61 25 24 16 33 39 49 43 74 91 74 63 55 81 142 135 131 131 195 195 195 195 233 233 233 225 May..., June July.... August.. 17 29 23 33 18 35 49 36 64 56 74 129 7S 103 SO 89 79 97 66 91 112 105 81 46 113 74 123 115 104 59 107 65 76 76 76 90 82 81 131 128 124 121 195 195 195 195 225 225 225 225 September., October November.. December.. 33 80 90 50 43 42 66 60 50 38 36 67 77 j 61 i 82 52 35 57 So 58 62 70 83 97 67 70 61 55 84 76 77 80 86 90 85 82 77 74 121 121 121 121 195 194 186 186 225 217 217 217 1909-1913,inc., mo. a .. v., 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 100 166 259 2S9 1OO 77 101 120 1OO 98 16S 193 140 S6 392 72 46 70 44 192 82 40 147 131 211 167 January... February. March April 75 144 87 85 133 119 122 97 May.... June July.... August.. -79 44 51 79 September. October November.. December.. 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average. average.. average.. average., . 1920. 1921. 59 j 05 i January.., February.. March..... See footnotes on opposite page. 71 66 72 65 HIDES AND LEATHER MOVEMENT. Table 34.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources. [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page] EXPORTS OF LEATIIER.1 ' IMPORTS OF HIDES AND SKIKS.i WHOLESALE PRICES.' Hides. Sole. YEAR AND MONTH. Upper.3 Total boots and shoes. Total bides and skins. ThouThouThousands of sands of sands of square pounds. pairs. feet. 1909—1913,mo. a v . . . . 1913 monthly average. 1914 monthly average. 1915 monthly average. 1916 monthly average. 1917 monthly average. 1918 monthly average. 1919 monthly average. 1920 monthly average. 1921 monthly average. 2 , COS 4,319 6,751 7,540 8,845 6,834 8,967 10,623 3,657 6,175 3,908 17,023 7,288 3,559 2,229 . 10,222 1,869 1,198 827 1,412 1,G23 1,237 1,100 1,780 1,403 747 Calfskins. Cattle hides. 8,109 7,473 6,321 6,G07 8,686 5,280 5,684 5,495 6,257 S,461 SO. 184 .196 .242 .202 80.180 .210 .215 .338 SO. 282 .302 .309 .388 SO. 270 .280 .285 .450 S3.11 3.17 3.25 3.71 52,589 30,158 62,070 42,499 29,003 2,465 758 5,380 2,928 3,995 30,890 18,421 33,940 22,922 15,015 7,409 5,197 11,138 6,684 5,260 6,999 4,372 7,0S6 6,896 3,822 .327 .301 .393 .312 .139 .406 .371 .6S5 .368 .535 .484 .528 .534 .358 .579 .593 .970 .985 .521 4.75 5.63 7.60 8.95 7.00 68,607 3,876 38,694 12,092 10,354 50,100 2,957 29,524 8,800 5,452 53,430 3,420 27,812 9,661 8,288 58,714 3,672 30,809 12,107 8,372 .400 .403 .364 .361 .745 .663 .540 .525 .560 .570 .570 .570 1.275 1.275 1.275 1.250 9.28 9.50 9.60 9.60 20,103 10,091 6,369 6,765 7,751 5,301 8,106 10,285 .354 .341 .294 .285 .450 .305 .306 .229 .570 .570 .570 .550 1.175 1.075 .875 .875 9.60 9.10 9.10 9.10 2,200 1,274 2,810 1,355 4,181 5,536 4,257 2,080 .284 .255 .233 .190 .229 .184 .169 .141 .510 .490 .470 .410 .800 .750 .625 .575 9.10 7.94 7.75 7.75 2,073 2,606 2,276 3,909 .168 .136 .115 .101 .153 .134 .125 .136 .400 .370 .525 .525 .525 .525 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.00 .119 .140 ,13ft .140 .169 .156 .153 .162 .370 .360 .350 .340 .525 .525 .525 .525 7.00 .141 .148 .158 .165 .160 .155 .145 .140 .340 .525 .525 .500 .500 7.00 2,061 1,150 1,334 2,063 10,230 5,233 5,991 5,133 1,879 44,769 3,498 1,809 46,132 4,3S6 21,909 958 45,892 2,822 22,514 1,046 35,128 3,293 12,665 September. October.... November. December.. 1,542 5,331 5,552 3,696 4,823 1,037 1,361 1,161 1,370 3,508 2,501 2,209 3,108 1,114 1,169 1,125 1,231 1,574 3,137 4,310 3,142 1,168 529 1,079 1921. January... February. March April 2,903 873 527 822 May June.... July August.. 455 765 59S 849 September,, October.... November.. December.. 858 2,072 2,347 1,311 3,822 3,682 5,874 5,843 Per pair. 19,160 18,629 25,671 34,053 33,683 May..... June July August. 8,539 Per square foot. Per pound. * 6,815 6,372 5,576 4,076 5,221 11,770 10,813 Green, salted, Sole Chrome Men's packers' Calfskins, hemlock, calf,"B" vlci-calf, country middlo heavy praties lriiichcr No. 1 native (Chicago), No. 1 (Boston) (Boston). (Boston). steers [Chicago). 42,854 41,490 46,350 53,856 60,526 1,951 3,743 2,264 2,217 1,233 1,734 1,650 1,603 Sheep skins. Thousands of pounds. 1920. January... February. March April 10,538 Goat skins. Hoots and Shoes.* Leather. 32,679 1,791 23,062 32,901 2,877 21,792 20,065 1,171 10,160 21,575 1,377 16,021 21,961 1,645 14,699 21,519 2,265 13,947 9,473 20,185 2,881 12,935 22,464 3,503 11,679 2,027 1,989 1,305 2,714 538 33,505 5,383 17,343 3,762 471 44,050 6,589 21,496 9,241 624 34,378 4,501 20,066 6,063 1,088 38,090 5,882 15,475 10,078 6,108 5,522 3,110 5,674 6,772 7,949 5,463 5,757 3,222 2,898 4,440 4,031 417 32,806 5,427 16,327 321 26,243 3,544 11,064 301 25,149 2,411 11,816 560 27,686 3,907 13,337 .380 .370 .340 .340 .340 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.75 6.75 6.75 1922. January. February., March.... 1 Data from XT. S. Department o Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domettic Commerce. Data from 17.5. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Represent average monthly prices. • Includes calf and kip, goat and kid, grain and finished splits. • Represent five-year (1909-1913) monthly average Imports for total hides and skins, total goat skins and total sheepskins. Calfskins and cattle hides Used on tour-year ra*e, 1910-1913. • See p . 60 for production of boots and shoes. % 84796°—22 5 66 BUILDING STATISTICS—CONTRACTS AWARDED. Table 35.—INDEX NTTMBEBS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [Baso year in bold-faced typo; numerical data on opposite page.] YBAB AND MONTH. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. BUSINESS BUILDINGS. EDUCATIONAL BUILDINGS. HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS. NumNumNum-! ber of Square Value. ber of jSquare Value. ber of Square Value. projproj- j feet projfeet. feet. ects. ects. i ects. NumNumber of Square Value. ber of projproj- feet. ects. ects. Relative to 1919. 1915 monthly average., 1916 monthly average.. 1917 monthly average. 1918 monthly average. a 42 »63 a 71 a 118 21 36 48 94 100 83 23 100 115 94 85 105 104 119 141 107 86 58 52 39 25 46 50 SO 81 May.... June July.... August. September. October November.. December.. 3 94 2 90 3 43 100 100 34 60 103 57 So 143 112 178 105 208 154 225 129 49 40 66 93 97 83 73 78 87 S3 53 55 111 106 85 74 70 60 42 67 70 64 45 65 42 41 31 35 35 43 55 61 50 67 86 31 47 45 82 87 73 87 61 61 66 75 87 75 98 104 94 81 78 1919 monthly average.. 1920 monthly average.. 1921 monthly average.. 78 86 56 50 122 111 72 65 100 100 79 80 77 74 59 January... February.. March April 74 71 105 114 79 89 110 117 101 124 151 162 May.... June.... July.... August. 102 94 83 85 103 79 54 73 75 63 47 January.., February.. March April 100 81 100 49 57 42 36 100 67 100 100 114 100 177 144 204 100 100 110 100 142 242 100 121 103 102 137 58 47 79 104 66 54 88 128 52 95 111 121 76 155 159 105 82 180 190 55 43 86 96 76 76 177 224 57 72 91 129 80 67 58 60 85 54 43 54 92 63 58 59 141 165 171 163 142 160 131 14S 171 198 199 190 102 124 139 118 223 127 144 129 144 92 251 149 95 63 78 50 60 55 51 44 55 36 27 51 61 45 105 71 48 51 96 93 55 38 128 143 70 73. 116 122 110 86 131 201 113 82 97 1S9 79 105 IS 14 18 27 36 21 25 30 39 52 96 114 33 41 71 89 43 51 86 106 44 49 96 137 66 85 155 174 87 191 227 33 71 110 212 25 159 179 146 35 83 137 43 38 35 39 28 28 21 18 48 43 32 25 117 119 92 118 93 90 69 117 106 85 114 173 214 223 216 244 195 228 233 246 235 287 281. 112 161 149 143 175 410 430 239 101 391 252 148 42 56 55 46 21 31 33 22 26 43 41 34 132 133 117 106 108 109 112 109 135 127 128 143 193 122 89 87 221 169 178 172 266 225 183 151 173 131 94 82 540 185 142 207 364 159 138 197 179 1920. September.. October November.. December.. 1921. 1922. January.. February. March See footnotes on opposite page. 67 BUILDING STATISTICS—CONTRACTS AWARDED, Table 36.—NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] BUSINESS BUILDINGS. YEAR AND MONTH. 1915 1916 1917 1918 monthly monthly monthly monthly Num- Thou- T h o u ber of sands sands of proj- square of ects. feet. dollars. INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. Num- Thouber of sands of proj- square ects. feet. Thousands of dollars. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. Num- Thouber of sands of proj- square ects. feet. Thousands of dollars. 5,308 28,050 2 9,042 M5.075 8,912 15,212 20,668 40,202 19,000 218,167 212,583 2 8,667 636 12,773 511 10,652 3,999 20,137 2,414 11,460 4,118 17,047 70,707 47,177 73,154 27,GG2 274 2,981 26,638 Num- Thou- Thou- Num- Thou- Thouber of sands sands ber of sands sands of of proj- square proj- square of of ects. feet. dollars. ects. feet. dollars. 34,832 40,275 20,548 25,381 42,744 49,080 14,44 i 33,806 HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS. [ 2 average . average . average . average - 1919 monthly average . . . 1,093 9,240 1920 monthly average - . . 895 6,870 1921 monthly average... 844 5,437 EDUCATIONAL BUILDINGS. 166 1,915 170 2,190 227 3,382 49 368 523 54 S90 3.2G0 3,962 5,845 9,960 14,358 20,319 49 1920. January .February March April 805 7,325 776 8,234 1,147 10,182 1,245 10,816 34,117 42,035 50,902 54,722 599 540 665 6G3 18,879 14,352 22,796 13,473 88,991 65,6S0 96,093 55,121 1,942 1,618 2,640 3,711 11,599 9,511 15,945 20,872 47,055 38,307 62,575 90,933 80 86 158 184 2,320 1,447 2,976 3,039 10,440 8,214 17,939 lS,94fi 27 21 42 47 281 281 653 824 1,868 2,341 2,973 4,222 May.... Juno.... July.... August. 1,117 1,022 907 924 7,908 9,499 7.325 5,005 40,201 47,529 36,12S 28,985 617 529 465 493 11,111 10,639 6,768 6,972 47,511 45,275 36,458 31,733 3,21S 2,691 2,334 2,3S4 17,104 10,891 8,607 10,803 65,362 44,330 40,811 41,627 234 274 284 270 2,719 3,061 2,507 2,832 17,047 19,674 19,808 18,972 50 61 68 58 821 466 531 476 4,712 3,011 8,200 4,850 September.. October November.. December.. 799 817 683 510 5,371 4,823 3,611 2,336 26,944 23,804 20,218 14,068 427 443 407 2S9 8,273 5,392 5,264 3,911 40,440 26,932 33,330 21,399 2,410 2,206 2,035 1,777 8,222 11,173 7,264 5,534 36,015 43,433 32,153 23,516 175 118 79 85 1,S34 1,779 1,045 719 12,762 14,258 6,950 7,2S8 57 60 54 42 484 742 417 302 3,166 6,1S6 2,573 3,441 1921. January February March..... April.... _ 506 549 870 880 3,262 250 197 296 288- 2,35,9 1,786 2,3413,497 15,437 9,037 10,640 12,919 1,573 2, OSS 3,833 4,556 6,724 8,319 14,382 17,948 30,732 60,701 75,006 73 81 160 228 1,257 1,625 2,969 5,084 20,528 17,020 22,776 29,176 6,905 8,647 19,031 22,640 31 16 35 54 782 94 5S7 660 4,779 1,146 2,698 4,482 May...., June July..... August. 952 795 954 5,632 5,645 6,070 6,940 24,494 24,494 33,240 35,277 275 244 221 251 3,543 3,5S1 2,041 2,292 20,404 18,502 13,604 10,832 4,683 4,75S 3,C84 4,729 18,804 18,227 13,961 17,949 S2,9S2 75,175 60,452 80,329 287 355 371 35S 4,668 3,731 4,369 4,457 24,462 23,441 28,602 27,959 55 79 73 70 645 1,507 1,582 879 12,762 8,223 4,840 971 1,029 880 847 7,174 7,991 5,158 4,583 41,259 37,405 24,221 22(05C 357 350 290 2,706 3,984 4,197 2,S46 11,283 18,419 17,695 14,553 5,286 5,314 4,6S1 4,236 21,709 21,978 22,666 21,901 95,303 89,650 90,324 100,897 321 202 147 144 4,238 3,228 3,416 3,297 26,459 22,429 18,212 15,046 85 64 46 40 1,987 680 521 760 11,878 5,200 4,506 6,343 September. October November.. Deoember.. 1922. January. February., March 1 3,277 4,424 • 30,294 I I Data compiled by tho F. W. Dodge Co., covering small towns and rural districts as well as large cities. Prior to May, 1921, these figures covered 25 northeastern states and the District of Columbia. The States are those north and east of, and including, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee, and Virginia, together with portions of eastern Kansas and Nebraska. Beginning May, 1921, North Carolina and South Carolina were added to the list, but this addition is stated to have little effect upon the total. 1 Estimates made by the F. TF. Dodge Co. 68 BUILDING STATISTICS-CONTRACTS AWARDED. Table 37.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] PUBLIC WORKS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. YEAB AND MONTH. SOCIAL AND RECREATIONAL BUILDINGS. RELIGIOUS AND MEMORIAL BUILDINGS. GRAND TOTALS NumNumNumNumNumber of Square Value. ber of Value. ber of Square Value. ber of Square Value. ber of Square Value. feet. projprojprojfeet. projprojfeet. feet. ects. ects. ects. ects. FIRE LOSSES, Relative to 1919. 1913 monthly average.. 1914 monthly average.. 1915monthly average.. 1916 monthly average.. 1917 monthly average. 1918 monthly average. 1919 monthly average.. 1920 monthly average.., 1921 monthly average... 33 28 36 53 63 100 198 166 100 82 10S 100 113 91 100 98 117 100 81 115 100 109 130 100 87 126 100 95 173 100 110 161 100 70 95 100 72 70 *65 100 93 91 100 123 124 70 363 86 118 45 51 79 96 79 84 140 153 68 59 100 122 81 61 124 161 43 66 114 112 54 54 16 86 82 87 47 20 90 118 57 51 78 98 91 75 118 110 105 93 141 142 165 119 123 09 86 132 723 146 163 100 102 111 103 134 186 111 145 132 130 131 110 85 94 79 117 137 120 123 134 103 113 131 135 104 108 145 112 146 161 143 138 90 81 75 75 89 80 60 61 115 121 95 94 113 115 112 80 212 183 50 72 100 96 91 246 12S SO 127 95 86 56 54 104 115 52 102 77 75 73 58 52 62 45 92 116 93 62 100 113 90 53 124 131 74 98 140 161 89 68 65 56 47 56 55 41 30 83 83 60 47 114 126 125 100 137 147 1920. January... February. March April 66 62 68 85 117 130 123 143 May June July August.. 76 108 73 62 436 207 September. October November.. December... 79 26 1021. January... February. March April 57 49 68 100 66 188 117 234 222 203 249 36 40 85 124 58 44 81 115 62 82 112 156 77 103 215 * 61 77 136 280 62 53 74 142 83 83 97 186 72 72 80 196 41 49 87 105 33 36 58 74 52 47 76 103 158 115 127 99 May..... June July.... August. 109 130 134 113 158 88 138 87 165 125 160 133 149 173 135 145 155 127 112 107 148 150 136 137 115 136 121 128 143 146 146 122 148 170 191 178 161 261 287 204 144 226 299 198 110 115 94 112 77 77 68 76 113 106 99 103 107 129 149 115 September., October November.. December... 96 96 74 64 291 234 136 79 192 132 124 82 65 85 84 63 67 122 119 157 109 97 79 168 95 96 165 151 105 84 275 209 111 115 249 183 104 103 119 118 100 90 00 87 82 76 115 103 89 92 114 125 117 129 123 69 193 102 78 1922. January... February. March See footnotes on opposite page. 69 BUILDING STATISTICS—CONTRACTS AWARDED. Table 38.—NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources*1 [Base year in bold-facod type; index numbers on opposite* page.] PUBLIC BUILDINGS. YEAE AND iTONTII. PUBLIC W O R K S AND PUBLIC UTILITIES. N u m - Thou- T h o u - N u m ber sands sands ber of of of of p r o j - square dollars. p r o j ects. feet. ects. Thousands of dollars. SOCIAL AND RECREATIONAL BUILDINGS. RELIGIOUS AND MEMORIAL BUILDINGS. GRAND TOTAL.* Num- Thou- Thou- Num- Thou- Thou- Number s a n d s sands ber sands sands ber of of of of of of of proj- square dollars. p r o j - square dollars. projects. ects. feet. feet. ects. Thousands of square feet. av av av av ... 47 45 43 172 236 252 140,770 4 6 , 3 3 3 214,990 211,102 33,383 196,648 32,247 1,119 2,218 1,859 654 534 704 41,834 47,195 38,265 Ill 109 130 1,265 1,030 1,456 6,964 7,594 9,050 91 79 115 444 422 767 3,127 3,446 5,033 6,862 4,821 6,520 .130 186 126 136 782 4,060 967 1,323 295 336 517 626 33,018 35,124 58,412 63,873 76 66 111 135 1,177 832 1,436 1,417 5,609 4,223 8,623 11,198 39 24 49 75 241 71 381 385 1,484 615 2,813 3,695 3,906 3,504 5,367 6,742 41,952 34,914 54,495 50,962 226,116 200,757 302,133 304,974 37,013 26,631 27,598 22,109 107 751 356 148 1,476 8,087 1,637 1,819 654 670 724 674 56,086. 77,895 46,367 60,459 146 144 145 122 1,075 1,191 1,004 1,484 9,561 8,327 8,572 9,363 94 103 119 123 461 481 647 500 4,579 5,040 4,478 4,309 6,193 5,584 5,131 5,129 41,306 36,979 27,745 28,220 246,935 260,111 204,498 202,652 25,440 25,746 25,136 17,931 365 315 87 124 2,751 1,433 895 1,418 620 565 369 356 43,392 47,900 21,848 21,972 113 86 83 81 734 661 785 564 6,394 8,108 6,839 4,310 91 103 82 48 549 584 4,389 5,041 2,774 2,137 4,758 4,449 3,839 3,249 25,832 25,469 18,802 13,926 178,179 177,758 128,966 100,145 25,630 28,331 28,093 41,198 113 324 202 404' 1,079 2,482 2,271 2,781 237 264 558812 24,186 18,547 33,958 48,043 69 91 124 173 495 979 1,368 2,723 4,274 5,328 9,461 19,533 56 48 67 129 367 2,261 2,253 2,487 6,133 2,834 3,361 5,981 7,176 15,359 16,772 26,703 34,471 111,608 100,677 164,092 220,886 35,320 25,889 28,581 22,179 1,846 1,402 1,793 1,490 977 1,130 895 949 64,999 52,967 ' 46,902 44,797 164 166 151 J52 1,451 1,710 1,529 1,624 9,975 10,202 10,136 8,502 ,135 155 174 162 4,497 7,075 9,356 6,204 7,530 7,919 6,440 7,684 35,731 35,738 31,717 35,246 242,094 227,711 212,491 220,721 23,957 29,001 33,356 25,829 2,620 1,523 • 884 2,143 861 808 538 423 35,414 35,141 26,397 27,833 135 132 113 87 1,990 1,383 1,222 1,002 11,693 6,632 6,713 6,149 150 137 96 76 7,778 5,735 3,246 3,369 8,144 8,096 6,891 6,181 41,702 40,436 37,818 35,272 246,186 222,480 192,311 198,518 25,502 27,955 26,179 28,908 22,416 27,571 27,721 V 1030. January February. March April. May. . . June July August Thousands of dollars. 71,475 60,020 78,341 113,082 134,086 1914 monthly av 1915 monthly av 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly Thousands of dollars. FIRE LOSSES. 31 29 32 40 55 61 *. September October November December 1921. January February March " . April 58 67 46 42 32 43 27 23 32 • 47 May.... June July August 53 273' 152 238 150 September October.. November.. December. 45 45 35 30 501 212 119 332 51 61 G3 329 436 368 430 827 715 1,161 1,276 907 1,222 928 491 510 I 1932. January February March 1 Data compiled by the F. IF. Dodge Co., covering small towns and rural districts as well as large cities, except fire losses in the United States and Canada, included here for convenience, compiled by the New York Journal of Commerce. Prior to May, 1921, the building figures covered 25 northeastern states and the District of Columbia. Restates are those north and east of, and including, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee and Virginia, together with portions of eastern Kansas and Nebraska. Beginning May, 1921, North Carolina and South Carolina were added to the list, but this addition is stated to have little effect upon the total. * Grand total includes military and naval buildings and miscellaneous, in addition to the groups listed in this and the preceding table (p. 67). 70 LUMBER. Table 39.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources* [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page] WESTERN PINE.2 YELLOW PINE.I YEAR AND MONTH. Produc- Stocks. P r o d u c - Shipments. tion. tion. P r o d u c - Shiption. ments. Relative to 1917. Produc- Shiption. ments. snipments. Produc- Shiption. ments. Production. Orders received. Relative to 1918. Relative to 1917. Relative to 1917. 1OO 108 100 XOO 107 107 109 85 100 112 110 104 92 100 97 118 100 113 124 100 139 106 100 74 72 62 43 100 71 74 45 33 179 149 85 72 53 66 59 115 120 125 127 131 116 . 129 105 S3 101 123 107 153 175 173 127 129 143 127 Hi 60 63 64 80 57 50 52 51 159 166 154 187 130 114 103 132 75 86 93 125 122 122 85 103 119 105 85 102 138 123 115 151 123 97 104 135 104 56 84 134 56 64 72 63 50 54 56 53 163 160 95 42 106 122 78 49 126 159 142 140 #10S *107 9S 71 93 97 85 77 132 122 139 8-1 104 108 124 61 128 148 72 36 ' 62 63 43 44 41 3G 24 16 39 44 57 67 7 10 11 17 24 59 61 72 135 140 138 128 47 57 73 80 56 64 86 98 55 90 116 93 63 60 105 108 29 63 119 106 44 49 62 68 18 15 23 22 96 106 96 92 67 69 69 82 102 143 131 132 95 97 84 113 122 143 139 151 92 91 78 94 111 97 .83 113 122 108 86 129 SI 77 77 119 98 79 47 116 53 . 52 33 35 75 72 56 20 83 96 87 71 112 85 61 115 127 104 122 97 107 105 99 98 113 97 93 113 113 135 .105 117 171 121 155 197 27 23 32 31 100 39 99 100 69 1OO 81 6S 87 88 1920. January February March April 86 85 96 97 70 70 71 77 36 40 50 81 May Juno JulyAUgUSt 94 87 86 87 82 90 94 97 September October November December 85 78 72 62 97 98 97 96 1921. January February March April 69 79 71 87 95 94 9-1 91 22 20 56 66 May June July August 92 87 87 94 89 89 92 89 93 95 100 92 86 79 79 82 100 92 111 . no 1922. January February March MICHIGAN HARDWOOD.* 1OO 117 113 1OO 104 OS 117 65 100 87 90 85 89 September October November December Stocks. Relative to 1918. 1917 mo. av 1918 mo. av 1919 mo. av 1920 mo. av 1921 mo. av ".. CALIFORNIA RED>VOOD. 5 DOUGLAS FIR.< CALIFORNIA W H I T E PINE.3 See footnotes on opposite page. 27 35 ' 29 31 42 57 48 38 71 LUMBER. Table 40.—NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources. [Base year in bold-face type; index numbers on opposite page.] YELLOW PINE.* YEAE AND MONTH. Production* Stocks. WESTERN PINE.* Production. Shipments. CALIFORNIA WHITE PINE.3 Production. Shipments. Stocks. DOUGLAS Production. Shipments. CALIFORNIA REDWOODS Production. Ship- Orders rements. ceived. MICHIGAN HARDWOOD/ Production. Shipments Thousands of feet, board measure. 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly a v . . monthly av.. monthly a v . . monthly a v . . monthly a v . . 433,509 1,371,652 368,325 1,116,259 380,524 937,748 358,015 1,187,587 377,105 1,211,174 13,320 110,433 118,178 97,784 111,192 109,032 132,475 110,689 76,489 73,269 3,501 31,900 367,113 48,263 37,284 287,645 58,368 36,036 267,276 349,165 333,201 375,128 361,251 37,460 28,470 374,680 355,432 36,336 32,116 381,843 335,735 35,212 44,203 297,737 298,505 45,051 49,137 33,234 34,776 40,082 32,413 36,284 30,717 27,906 22,058 19,311 16,390 28,844 1920. January February March April 365,663 360,532 408,358 408,745 957,715 962,871 977,768 1,058,943 19,146 21,240 26,152 42,573 57,191 34,943 47,501 27,076 192,246 154,367 175,567 157,091 408,435 420,341 .435,113 443,618 423,474 374,233 417,655 338,421 30,903 37,618 46,203 40,040 43,513 49,880 49,213 36,115 37,180 41,333 36,693 32,115 26,922 28,539 28,942 35,848 28,088 24,771 25,624 21,859 May.. June July August 396,836 369,197 365,857 367,260 1,126,863 1,236,065 1,285,806 1,323,805 83,347 87,513 80,723 9S,324 41,356 36,243 32,976 41,963 199,922 229,733 248,6-17 333,762 424,817 427,055 295,895 375,576 383,186 337,973 275,303 331,259 51,740 45,990 43,010 56,730 36,488 27,538 29,743 38,575 30,053 16,093 24,338 38,690 25,062 28,673 32,444 30,581 24,501 26,504 27,321 25,841 September October November December 359,951 $29,455 303,606 260,911 1,323,805 1,342,995 1,332,138 1,320,649 85,439 84,003 49,940 22,013 33,882 38,855 24,766 15,686 337,743 424,852 379,770 373,606 376,471 372,890 340,659 249,339 300,371 314,696 274,407 247,996 49,333 45,785 52,158 31,403 29,618 30,748 35,378 17,235 36,845 42,690 20,640 10,243 27,812 28,424 21,604 20,009 20,028 17,534 11,576 8,051 1921. January February March '. April. 291,843 334,054 384,300 366,631 1,302,849 1,284,-291 1,287,447 l,248,05S 24,698 22,274 63,126 74,324 42,793 48,603 63,126 74,4,53 3,659 5,482 5,576 8,971 7,554 18,665 19,600 22,922 361,100 372,835 367,374 342,177 163,391 213,527 253,368 277,989 182,192 205,470 277,989 315,591 20,768 33,607 43,496 35,002 17,821 16,940 30,002 30,635 8,480 18,080 34,248 27,S67 19,961 22,040 27,811 30,681 8,732 7,501 13,670 10,917 May.... June July.... August. 387,736 367,357 370,310 396,062 1,223/441 1,225,461 1,256,643 1,225,839 109,266 119,831 108,354 103,948 73,942 75,868 76,120 90,397 53,423 75,357 68,597 69,240 30,273 31,097 26,914 36,150 325,209 382,202 371,804 403,083 320,515 316,039 273,064 329,020 35S,565 314,248 267,245 363,937 45,799 40,539 32,334 48,748 23,051 21,786 21,935 33,797 28,394 22,817 13,682 33,417 26,345 23,572 14,912 15,745 13,314 17,273 14,098 15,230 September. October November.. December.. 391,948 401,484 423,702 1,183,042 1,083,311 1,087,727 1,125,979 84,984 82,144 63,155 23,118 91,996 105,780 96,496 78,292 58,940 44,478 32,040 36,543 40,460 33,317 324,761 337,973 374,681 366,646 346,634 316,486 366,176 312,477 301,688 42,721 42,423 50,489 29,817 33,417 48,814 35,024 44,599 56,820 12,218 10,269 14,204 13,972 20,756 28,164 28,472 18,549 1923. January February March 1 The figures given for production and stocks of yellow pine are computed from data furnished by the Southern Pine Association. The method of computing is first to find the per cent which the actual production of the Trmk reporting is to the normal produciton of these same mills. This per cent is then applied to the normal production of 192 mills. Assuming that the mills reporting are a good sample of the industry the resulting figure in each month is equivalent to the actual production of the 192 identical mills and hence shows the trend of the industry. The same procedure is followed in the case of stocks. The normal monthly production of the 192 mills is given, as 4S 4,065,392 feet and the normal stocks of the same mills as 1,262,450,326 feet. By normal production the Southern Pine Association means the average output for the first 4 months of 1916 and normal stocks refer to the average stocks during the 16 months ending with April, 1916. 2 The Western Pine Manufacturers* Association has supplied figures showing the actual and normal production for the mills reporting in each of the periods shown. From these figures the per cent of normal production is obtained in each case, and this per cent is applied to the normal production of 54 identical mills. The normal monthly production of these 54 mills is given as 148,000,000 board feet and is estimated to represent 70 per cent of the output of the western pine territory. 3 Actual figures reported by about 20 mills each month to the California White and Sugar Pine Association; the number of mills varies from 13 to 26. * The figures given in these columns were obtained by applying the percentage figures of actual production and shipments to normal production of reporting mills as supplied by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association to the actual production of 124 mills for May, 1920. The production in that month was 447,674,540 board feet. 5 The California Redwood Association has furnished to the Bureau of the Census the figures on the actual production, shipments, and orders received by 7 identical mills for each month of 1918, 1919, and 1920. These 7 mills represent 40 per cent of the capacity of all listed mills for these years. For the first 4 months of 1921 reports were furnished from 10 mills representing 56J per cent of the capacity of all listed mills. For the remaining months of 1921 reports are available from 11 mills representuig 71 per cent of the total listed capacity. The actual average monthly production of the 7 reporting mills for 1918 was 14,984,000 feet. On the basis of 40 per cent capacity of the 1918 average monthly production of all mills is computed as 37,460,000 feet. Regarding this as normal production, there has been computed the probable production of the total redwood capacity based on the relation between actual and normal production of the mills reporting. The columns on shipments and orders received represent a similar relationship between the actual reported figures and the normal production of all mills. • Actual figures reported by about 40 mills each month to the Michigan Hardwood Manufacturing Association; the number of mills varies from 36 to 58, but 48 is the highest number reporting in any month since the beginning of 1919. 72 CONSTRUCTION. Table 41.—INDEX NUMBERS. From Government and non-Government sources. [Base-year in bold-face type; numerical data on opposite page.] LUMBER.* Exports of YEAB AND MONTH. boards, planks, Joists, etc. Pro- Ship- Orders Stocks Unfilled orders due* ments. booked. end of end of month. month. tion. Relative to 5-year average. 1909-13 mo. av., 1913mo.av. . . . 1914 mo. av 1915 mo. av 1916 mo. av ABRASIVE PAPER AND CLOTHE OAK FLOORING.* WHOLESALE PRICES.* South- Douglas ern pine flr, No.l, Com- Com- Cement, Struccommon tural net, flooring, mon, mon brick, Domes- Foreign 1 x 4 , smooth salmon, brick, without steel bags, beams, ;rade one side, run of tic red, etc., Bulsales. sales. New 1x8x10, kiln, Pittsbetter, State of ChiYork. fington, burgh. Ind. cago* Hatties- Washington. burg. Relative to 1919. Relative to 1913. CONSTRUCTION VOLUME.* Relative to 1913. 100 100 112 138 173 143 191 167 73 151 161 186 1917 mo. av 1918 mo. av 1919 mo. av 1920 mo. av 1921 mo. av 100 114 174 92 184 130 226 100 122 156 187 100 147 78 193 104 230 277 294 160 258 375 288 109 207 178 161 1S3 232 250 113 100 80 98 10O 210 99 97 97 122 100 89 94 118 100 151 181 232 189 135 182 243 333 232 153 166 166 180 153 269 202 174 187 131 100 100 100 84 92 100 83 93 100 177 100 100 109 125 324 156 172 198 276 325 129 133 110 84 116 104 410 455 455 422 407 407 407 407 200 208 211 221 366 381 381 381 165 165 165 165 162 162 162 214 375 310 287 407 320 320 320 225 230 241 248 381 381 381 343 174 180 180 188 214 214 205 184 114 147 91 1920. January February... March April 70 59 73 77 182 178 214 220 195 170 233 154 278 144 170 112 94 100 116 140 311 350 341 223 May June July.... August. 87 78 86 80 229 207 146 131 173 102 93 109 78 53 81 82 180 230 312 348 253 177 120 99 147 132 120 116 111 131 169 140 September.. October November.. December.. 76 72 56 56 108 112 110 94 83 78 92 76 66 62 361 383 409 425 74 ,73 55 59 104 85 55 37 155 179 115 270 230 202 183 277 266 179 179 246 251 249 251 240 251 251 250 195 195 195 195 184 184 184 ISO January February..., March , April , 48 37 41 54 64 83 127 153 70 99 174 199 85 88 209 229 444 443 444 413 50 56 51 84 48 61 70 48 34 37 65 160 148 139 133 168 136 136 136 229 .227 235 186 251 251 248 229 193 171 170 170 162 162 152 147 May 45 60 60 59 189 204 193 235 211 229 212 261 194 200 180 250 397 418 391 393 127 153 138 134 68 71 62 43 138 141 140 141 125 125 125 114 177 170 172 172 221 221 225 225 170 170 170 170 146 146 139 123 56 69 62 85 223 244 254 262 280 353 325 301 273 451 389 214 371 308 232 242 132 81 171 114 174 125 125 175 181 232 229 229 221 159 148 148 148 123 88 155 184 206 189 114 287 77 44 no 152 113 284 1921. June July.... August September.. October November.., December... 76 35 45 42 50 44 290 288 1922. January February— March See footnotes on opposite page. 116 106 41 43 90 il7 90 94 114 109 101 60 73 CONSTRUCTION. Table 42.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government and non-Government sources, [Base year in bold-faco type; index numbers on opposite page] LUMBER.' Exports of YEAR AND* MONTH. boards, planks, joists, etc. ABRASIVE PAPER AND CLOTH.* OAK FLOORING.* Unfilled ProShipOrders Stocks orders duction. m e n t s . booked. end of end m o n t h . m o n tof . h Thousands of feet, board measure. 1909-1913 av 1913 mo. av 1914 mo. av 1915 mo. av 1916 mo. av Domes- Foreign tic sales. sales. Reams. 6,675 7,464 9,205 11,563 6,009 6,877 8,894 11,470 6,104 7,419 9,525 11,429 9,000 16,500 20,900 22,500 7,250 5,800 7,100 15,250 av., av.. av.. av., av.. 85,220 85,452 109,268 129,227 100,587 11,120 4,858 10,101 10,745 12,411 10,446 5,537 11,070 7,800 13,586 8,956 4,781 11,782 6,343 14,05S 24,900 26,500 14,433 23,237 33,729 20,900 7,900 15,038 12,902 11,649 1920. January . February March April 124,626 105,176 129,460 137,049 12,129 11,907 14,303 14,654 11,721 10,233 13,994 9,225 16,961 8,818 10,394 6,834 8,492 8,979 10,462 12,560 May.... June July.... August. 155,098 139,236 153,270 143,061 15,296 13,799 9,774 8,756 10,405 6,123 5,569 6,567 4,744 3,253 4,922 4,996 16,234 20,683 28,035 31,286 mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. Southern pine flooring, 1x4, grade "B"and better, Hattlesburg. Douglas flr, No. 1, com- ComCommon mon, mon brick, smooth salmon, brick, one side, r u n of red, 1x8x10, kiln, New State of Chicago. York. Washington. Per M ft. Per thousand. Cement, net, without bags, Bufungton, Ind. Structural steel beams, etc., Pittsburgh. Per barrel. Per pound. 178,388 149,145 93,959 91,216 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 WHOLESALE PRICES.* S23.03G 8 9 . 2 0 8 . 34.938 7.917 4.872 7.875 4.780 10.375 4.783 SG.563 5.531 6.052 8.035 S1.OO18 80.010 .892 .013 .946 .015 1.187 .028 31.54 33.76 55.00 74.53 35.98 15.875 18.250 25.417 29.917 11.833 4.947 7.449 8.947 11.441 8.334 8.885 11.927 15.958 21.854 15.250 1.532 1.665 1.663 1.802 1.537 .043 .032 .028 .028 .021 94.41 104.88 104.73 97.09 37.500 37.500 37.500 37.500 9.850 10.270 10.430 10.920 24.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 1.650 1.650 1.650 1.650 .025 B8,15O 73,969 9,171 11,476 22,560 25,345 24,696 16,200 90,426 74,653 103,806 76,931 10,056 7,674 10,634 9,537 18,336 12,830 8,736 7,195 100,167 89,731 81,499 10,183 11,972 15,486 12,860 86.27 . 37.500 29.500 71.44 29.500 65.32 29.500 66.20 11.090 11.360 11.880 12.220 25.000 25.000 25.000 22.483 1.741 .032 l.SOO .032 1.800 .031 1.887 .028 25.500 24.500 16.500 16.500 12.160 12.400 12.310 12.400 15.766 16.500 16.500 17.000 1.950 .028 1.950 .028 1.950 .028 1.950 .027 1.930 .025 1.717 .025 1.700 .023 L700 .022 .022 .025 .025 .032 September.. October November.. December.. 135,9S3 128,187 99,086 100,496 7,200 7,499 7,368 6,251 4,979 4,711 5,509 4,562 4,019 3,785 4,695 2,694 32,534 34,476 36,850 38,257 5,331 5,311 3,997 4,287 70,8S7 58,084 37,190 25,341 14,246 16,458 10,544 8,061 62.22 52.99 46.60 42.21 1921. January February March April........ 86,182 66,342 73,'18O 96,558 4,269 5,508 8,464 10,222 4,182 5,966 10,474 11,981 5,217 5,355 12,742 14,002 39,949 39,843 39,998 37,213 3,620 4,095 3,666 6,111 26,436 32,764 41,404 47,538 4,387 3,138 3,393 5,958 36.89 33.99 31.92 30.71 15.500 12.500 12.500 12.500 11.310 11.210 11.580 9.170 16.500 16.500 16.250 15.000 May June July August 79,665 106,862 106,388 105,848 12,609 13,636 12,895 15.717 12,702 13,767 12,737 15,670 11,869 12,186 10,996 15,256 35,764 37,588 35,201 35,352 9,240 11,095 9,969 9,722 46,544 48,671 41,969 51,595 3,963 3,192 4,142 3,879 31.78 32.39 32.27 32,52 11.500 11.500 11.500 10.500 8,740 8.410 8,490 8.51 14.500 14.500 14.750 14.750 1.700 September.. October.... November.. December.. 100,585 123,264 110,902 161,268 14,900 16,266 16,933 17,510 16,837 21,209 19,544 18,065 16,667 27,559 23,771 13,070 33,415 27,742 20,922 21,763 9,552 20,808 21,022 20,88S 54,929 59,904 4,540 4,019 35.79 42.57 47.41 43.57 10.500 10.500 11.500 11.500 8.46 8.57 8.63 8.93 15.25 15.00 15.50 U50 1.593 .019 1.50 .018 1.50 .017 1.50 .015 1.700 .022 1.700 .021 1.700 .019 1922. January February.... March 1 Data from IT. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. * The Oak Flooring Manufacturer's A ssociation states that these figures represent reports from 25 mills, and constitute about 90 per cent of the total oak flooring industry. 1 Data compiled by the Abrasive Paper and Cloth Manufacturers' Exchange estimated to represent 90 per cent of the industry. The totals given include the sales of garnet, emery, flint, and artificial (silicon, carbide, and aluminous oxide) paper, cloth, and combinations. Figures are stated in equivalent reams 9 by 11 inches in size. The data submitted show that in 1919 the total domestic sales were made up of the following approximate percentages: Garnet 39, emery 8, flint 32, and artificial 20 per cent. * Data from the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and represent average of weekly prices for the month. 1 Compiled by the Engineering Kerns-Record, on the basis of contracts let as reported by this publication and its construction cost index number, based on 1913 costs. 74 BRICK, CEMENT, AND CONSTRUCTION COSTSTable 43.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.]. FIRE-CLAY BRICK.* YEAR AND MONTH. Production, Shipments. Stocks, FACE BRICK. * SILICA BRICK.3 Production. Shipments* Stocks. Production. Stocks Unin filled Shipsheds and orders. ments. kilns. av.. av.. av., av.. 100 123 65 100 128 59 100 95 100 106 40 1920. January February... March April 128 105 131 119 102 108 134 118 104 95 96 103 May.... June July August. 117 123 124 128 127 132 128 135 September.. October November.. December.. 124 128 127 128 1921. January;... February.... March April 37 100 103 106 100 100 79 100 140 153 100 134 43 130 104 128 109 92 116 115 105 113 109 114 115 121 109 112 113 107 138 127 137 187 191 201 199 108 97 8S 97 112 102 93 119 114 113 111 104 115 118 102 95 139 142 131 136 203 172 134 106 87 80 78 85 88 110 116 97 131 122 122 107 90 86 84 81 91 90 75 59 140 162 154 163 79 60 43 33 91 73 65 52 82 86 91 83 71 68 25 34 41 63 173 173 155 137 33 33 36 41 27 32 95 105 115 113 May June July.... August. 51 55 44 53 46 54 96 99 97 99 19 30 14 29 40 19 24 29 106 110 107 107 84 91 96 118 136 133 138 160 48 49 49 55 September.. October November.. December.. 50 61 64 68 53 66 60 64 96 35 35 33 34 30 37 38 52 109 108 99 93 91 104 101 85 141 157 159 181 47 100 97 98 107 102 100 114 102 75 92 80 96 109 107 47 80 91 100 104 96 47 31 107 83 89 54 Relative Relative to 1914. to 1913. 122 138 118 115 149 152 135 119 Construction costs.a 100 93 98 137 189 203* 208 239 202 122 108 97 95 96 95 77 87, 109 107 COST INDEX. Stocks Factory Shipat ments. end of5 building costs.7 period. Relative to 1913. 100 96 93 99 101 av. av. av. av. av. 1918 mo. 1919 mo. 1920 mo. 1921 mo. Production. Relativi to 1920 (10 mos. Relative to 1919. 1913 mo. 1914 mo. 1915 mo. 1916 mo. 1917 mo. PORTLAND CEMENT.* 44 44 96 100 103 100 111 43 36 1922. January February... March See footnotes on opposite page. 44 42 40 8 100 86 179 190 274 265 251 248 261 252 78 53 57 88 113 34 45 84 107 92 102 107 112 241 220* 197 186 231 231 224 213 94 106 102 128 121 121 125 133 128 143 139 167 111 99 93 74 176 172 167 161 211 210 204 193 108 118 87 71 131 137 116 85 152 164 70 50 62 48 81 106 160 157 154 153 188 183 166 168 ^ 36 75 75 BRICK, CEMENT, AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS, Table 44.—NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.) FIRE-CLAY BRICKS SILICA BRICK.* Mill capacity reporting. Pro- Shi d u c - m e n ps . Stocks. t tion. Thousands of bricks. YEAR AND MONTH. Per cent of mill capacity. FACE BRICK.* PORTLAND CEMENT.* Stocks odu Shi Stocks. Num- P rtion.c - In asheds Unfilled m e n ps . nd orders. t ber kilns. of mills reporting. Thousands of bricks. Thousands of bricks. Production. Shipments Production. Thousands of barrels. 7,675 7,353 7,160 7,627 7,735 1919 mo. av 1920 mo. av 1921 mo. av 178.6 14,062 14,008 41,750 14,904 15,680 42,911 165.2 5,574 44,093 5,142 169.3 86,379 115,696 * 3 2 , 4 1 2 27,851 37,059 Stocks a t end of period.» Shipments. 7,391 11,320 7,203 12,773 7,241 11,403 7,879 8,301 7,559 10,354 5,923 6,691 8,335 8,181 10,454 5,257 8,941 10,l(>0 5,910 7,124 8,026 7,921 45,184 45,120 35,681 89,119 124,471 136,754 116 127 110 99 £4,813 49,330 50,577 50,871 95,056 122,950 113,038 122,323 161,703 165,144 173,151 171,982 39,629 35,167 47,666 47,047 46,474 43,416 104 103 97 100 51,771 53,343 46,025 43,080 123,813 126,145 116,887 120,912 175,129 148,618 115,672 91,451 39,397 44,586 38,171 37,206 18,322 17,066 17,039 14,963 37,409 35,770 35,088 33,750 99 105 96 96 41,221 40,673 33,695 26,437 124,957 144,518 137,479 145,576 68,075 51,769 36,873 28,783 33,575 31,127 15,092 10,170 11,659 9,9&4 9,584 3,577 8,656 5,980 5,106 4,451 39,730 43,743 48,058 47,320 106 99 101 96 17,833 15,314 18,611 28,603 154,092 154,156 137,994 122,041 28,392 28,425 30,668 35,187 8,704 11,628 24,463 25,282 4,098 4,379 6,763 8,651 2,539 3,331 6,221 7,919 10,300 11,400 12,000 12,600 171.0 176.8 173.6 176.7 2,621 4,150 1,993 4,123 5,543 2,621 3,386 4,014 44,399 45,928 44,535 44,617 92 88 94 97 37,734 41,303 43,188 63,410 121,185 118,192 122,671 142,178 41,298 42,476 42,261 47,050 30,474 34,266 33,189 41,609 9,281 9,296 9,668 10,244 9,488 10,577 10,301 12,340 12,450 11,150 10,414 8,280 170.9 172.2 178.5 183.7 4,970 4,888 4,572 4,754 4,178 5,161 5,282 7,321 45,436 45,163 41,379 38,812 84 90 94 41,066 47,086 45,582 38,444 125,850 139,595 142,135 160,961 40,387 37,919 35,891 34,755 34,848 38,315 28,280 23,151 10,027 10,506 8,921 6,559 11,329 12,114 5,195 3,697 6,953 5,348 9,091 11,938 77,063 73,795 79,423 63.7 77.4 40.7 60.6 77.8 36.0 1920. January February March April 77,072 73,470 76,063 74,014 80.3 65.8 82.2 74.7 61.9 65.6 81.1 71.3 185.0 169.8 171.9 184.7 18,267 14,608 18,049 15,291 12,943 16,274 16,083 14,718 47,239 45,546 47,512 48,112 May •Tune July August 72,572 73.3 77.4 72,289 72,570 i 77.9 80.2 75,024 •77.1 80.0 77.4 82.1 173.5 168.9 172.0 168.9 15,127 13,707 12,424 13,598 15,673 14,226 12,997 16,656 September October November December 73,555 74,610 71,879 73,422 77.7 80.2 79.4 80.0 90.3 92.4 81.9 72.1 156.1 142.2 138.6 151.1 12,342 15,428 16,356 13,653 1931. January February March April 78,921 72,218 79,154 80,991 67.1 52.2 56.1 33.6 55.1 44.5 39.5 31.5 146.5 152.8 162.6 166.2 May. „ June July August 80,397 80,312 82,455 82,039 31.9 34.3 27.5 33.4 27.9 26.7 26.7 32.5 September October November Decenber 79,012 79,250 79,435 78,866 31.2 38.4 39.9 42.9 31.9 40.2 36.5 3&7 i 1932. February . March i ! 1 ! •ior, Geological Survey, and placed here for convenience. m e sources of the other data in this . . l Except data on cement reported by the U. S. Department of the Interior, C interior, Geological survey, ana piacea nere ior convenience, The cm table are: Jire clay and silica brick from the Refractories Manufacturers'Association and face brick from the American Face Brick Association. Association and face brick from the American Face Brick Association. A^nttf^ 6ft - ffl • 3 The Refractories Manufacturers' Association estimates that the capacity reporting represents between 68 and 70 per cent of the total fire-clay brick producing capacity of the United States. * Figures for 1921 are from reports of 15 identical mills with a monthly capacity of 27,305,500 bricks, which is estimated by the association to represent from 78 to S per O cent of the tota lsilica brick producing capacity of the United States. Figures for earlier years are computed to this capacity from reports of 12 identical mills with a monthly capacity of 25,448,833 bricks 4 The figures on face brick include data from all firms reporting to the American Face Brick Association each month. The;variation in the number of firms reporting Goes not materially affect the comparison, as it has been checked on a small number of identical firms. . 5 Figures prior to 1921 are taken from the yearly reports of the U. S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. The compilation of monthly reports begins with Janua + 6 1 Ten months'average • This index number, furnished through the courtesy of the Aberthaw Construction Co., is designed to show the relative changes in the cost of constructing a standard coacrete efactory building; The company believes that the year 1914 gives a normal base and that July, 1920. represents the peak of building costs. *™i T h Construction cost index, computed by the Engineering News Record, is based upon the costs of steel (structuralshapes, Pittsburgh base), cement (f. o. b.Chicago, exclusive of bags), lumber (southern pine, New York base), and the rates paid common labor in the steel industry. The prices are weighted on the basis of the total production of steel, eement, and lumber, and the total supply of common labor. i early figures represent stocks at end of year, not an average of monthly stocks. 76 CHEMICALS. Table 45.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] IMPORTS. Potash.' YEAR AND MONTH, WHOLESALE PRICES. EXPORTS. Nitrate Sulphu- Dyes and Total fertiof soda* ric acid. dyestuffs. lizer.' IMPORTS. Drugs and Nitrate Essen- Crude Total Pharma- tial oils/ drugs.* Potash.* of soda. Sulphuric Dyes and fertilizer. acid. ceutidyestuffs. 3 cals.* Relative to 5-year average 1909-1913. Relative to August, 1914. Long tons. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 1OO 105 149 235 298 100 179 1,055 903 863 100 155 723 2,291 4,639 100 83 30 32 28 4 16 70 41 356 79 255 71 1,090 289 394 174 4,843 18 53 114 72 Ill 89 113 135 132 293 352 237 288 330 402 1,113 5,008 8,507 12,564 10,188 May.... June.... July.... August. 44 64 26 50 365 333 20 320 432 400 301 277 September.. October November.. December.. 70 79 32 34 259 197 205 168 1921. January February , March , April 20 35 40 19 May.... June*... July.... August. SeptemberOctober November.. December.. 1909-1913 monthly a v . 1914 monthly average. 1915 monthly average. 1916 monthly average. 1917 monthly average. 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly monthly monthly monthly average. average. average. average. 1920. January , February , March , April 100 86 30 4 4 EXPORTS. Pounds. Dollars. Long tons. B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 4 100 MOO «1OO 21,124 18,247 6,304 772 43,177 45,143 64,349 101,535 128,601 613,693 1,098,015 6,476,002 5,538,625 5,293,426 828,937 44,749 209,255 662,832 1,342,280 103,391 85,639 30,647 32,747 28,627 762 3,357 14,880 8,739 153,766 33,955 110,160 30,76/ 6,691,220 1,774,627 2,415,922 1,067,934 1,401,492 1,423,703 2,702,388 571,658 18,713 54,509 117,994 74,620 23,489 57,207 126,437 152,003 102,411 1,768,749 2,025,311 2,469,734 6,829,448 1,449,153 2,461,797 3,£35,518 2,948,064 118,507 104,433 124,691 101,918 2,655,432 2,453,556 1,844,985 1,698,168 3,377,885 3,851,180 3,018,188 2,111,095 146,017 112,832 150,275 150,111 831 201 196 129 213 265 158 185 202 134 115 101 121 205 207 206 207 261 268 274 279 212 220 219 213 11,673 13,309 10/430 7,295 141 109 145 145 207 206 198 197 279 287 280 267 213 211 207 205 5,438 10,509 157,709 143,896 85,684 138,080 259 267 328 327 10,780 8,123 7,985 6,975 116 99 74 102 195 187 173 160 253 241 226 210 198 184 174 162 14,861 16,647 6,843 7,189 111,779 84,844 88,519 72,403 1,589,383 1,639,590 2,012,627 2,004,085 3,119,295 2,350,448 2,310,751 2,018,453 119,614 102,697 76,986 105,716 186 68 107 69 310 372 110 219 4,615 1,895 2,480 1,286 103 74 62 64 155 149 141 135 200 189 178 168 153 145 141 138 4,231 7,300 8,496 4,001 80,305 29,532 46,201 29,810 1,903,970 2,285,806 673,314 1,345,096 1,335,531 548,420 717,693 372,033 106,153 76,292 64,408 65,829 14 24 16 41 87 88 48 77 128 133 90 177 1,370 2,091 1,535 2,110 53 73 129 126 125 123 165 159 151 142 136 135 130 126 3,007 5,153 3,378 8,757 37,778 37,847 20,791 33,045 787,647 817,159 553,587 i, 083,892 396,524 605,096 444,283 610,666 54,518 75,391 65,399 53,676 46 31 36 12 101 225 115 107 1,564 1,665 1,731 102 119 61 98 62 117 138 138 135 137 123 74 65 81 14,023 15,735 13,731 17,060 19,646 13,250 15,629 5,365 620,961 1,379,564 705,218 658,995 452,574 481,927 500,918 394,230 105,358 63,259 101,497 63,663 4,920 9,339 1,976 63 52 116 118 126 127 332 18,745 23,768 28,430 9,192 13,581 1922. January , February. March 1 Except wholesale price index numbers compiled by the Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, Data on exports and imports compiled b y t h e V. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. * 2 Includes potash imported as chemicals and also the muriate and sulphate used in fertilizers. * Largely phosphate rock. * August, 1914. h Compiled from weekly wholesale quotations of 35 drugs and pharmaceutical chemicals. * Compiled from weekly wholesale quotations of 20 essential oils. »Compiled from weekly wholesale quotations of 40 crude botanical drugs. 77 CROP PRODUCTION. Table 46.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type] || WHEAT. CORN. Winter. YEAR. Spring. OATS. Total. BARLEY. RYE. TOTAL HUE AD GRAINS. IUCE. POTATOES. APPLES (total). HAY, TAME. Relative to 5-year average, 1900-13. 1909-1913 average 1914 1915 1916 . 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 - . 100 155 153 109 94 128 172 138 133 100 84 144 64 91 145 85 91' 85 100 119 149 03 100 99 111 95 93 134 141 121 116 113 92 104 li9 114 100 101 137 111 141 136 105 132 94 ' 1OO 107 126 100 100 123 155 140 100 104 123 99 100 99 121 171 100 115 101 80 100 143 130 110 100 106 130 138 116 141 81 104 83 180 261 216 173 166 117 112 110 122 103 145 161 175 216 166 124 115 91 113 97 94 96 81 127 55 120 116 131 133 124 CROP PRODUCTION. Table 47.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources,1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] WHEAT. CORN. Winter. Spring. OATS. Total. BARLEY. RYE. TOTAL BREAD GRAINS. IUCE. POTATOES. APPLES (total). TAME. YEAR. Thousands of tons. Thousands of bushels. 1909-1913 average 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1 441,602 245,059 686,697 2,708,334 2,672,804 206,027 891,017 684,990 2,994,793 351,854 1,025,801 673,947 2,566,927 155,765 ' 636,318 480,553 412,901 565,099 760,677 610,597 587,032 223,754 356,339 207,602 222,430 .207,861 636,655 921,438 968,279 833,027 794,893 3,065,233 2,502,665 2,816,318 3,230,532 3,081,251 1,131,175 181,886 34,916 4,743,008 42,779 4,942,613 194,953 1,141,060 54,050 5,852,525 228,851 1,549,030 48,862 4,686,253 182,309 1,251,837 1,592,740 1,538,124 1,184,030 1,496,281 1,060,737 211,759 256,225 147,608 189,332 151,181 62,933 91, (Ml 75,542 60,490 57,918 5,569,320 5,309,493 5,191,777 5,809,662 5,145,980 23,926 356,627 176,482 65,987 253,200 23,649 " 409,921 70,071 359,721 230,011 85,920 28,947 91,192 286,953 193,905 40,861 34,739 38,606 41,985 51,692 39,653 442,108 411,860 322,867 403,296 346,823 166,749 169,625 142,086 223,677 96,831 83,308 76,660 86,359 87,855 81,567 Yearlyfiguresrepresent the latest revised estimates of total production for the year as reported by the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. 78 CEREAL EXPORTS. Table 48.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] EXPORTS OF GRAIN (including flour and meal as grains). YEAR AND MONTH. Barley and barley flour. Corn and corn meal. Oats and oatmeal. Rye and rye flour. Wheat and wheat flour. Total grains. Barley and barley flour.* Corn and corn meal. 3 Oats and oatmeal.* Bye and rye flour.5 Relative to 1913. Total grains. Thousands of bushels. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. Wheat and wheat flour, s B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 1913 monthly average.. 1914 monthly average.. 1915 monthly average.. 1916 monthly average.. 1917 monthly average., 100 38 151 128 102 100 21 99 109 112 100 7 298 291 310 100 123 736 854 792 1OO 102 193 153 118 100 67 191 168 149 1,461 554 2,211 1,874 " 1,488 4,223 874 4,185 4,603 4,751 3,018 223 • 8,993 8,791 9,370 155 189 1,138 1,320 1,224 11,907 12,133 23,034 18,230 14,070 20,764 13,973 39,560 34,817 30,903 1918 monthly average. 1919 monthly average.. 1920 monthly average.. 1921 monthly average.. 130 231 102 147 93 31 42 20 0 358 184 45 22 879 2,183 3,195 1,622 146 187 215 245 171 173 169 214 1,897 3,369 1,488 2,153 3,922 1,325 1,769 10,974 10,815 5,551 1,355 667 1,359 3,375 4,938 2,514 17,413 22,259 25,635 29,205 35,406 35,878 35,185 44,516 92 1920. January.. February. March.... April 87 65 99 61 72 52 110 48 722 1,380 3,006 3,284 103 89 142 115 83 136 108 1,264 954 1,444 887 2,321 1,925 2,013 1,335 2,166 1,577 3,322 1,462 1,116 2,133 4,647 5,076 12,271 10,581 16,881 13,722 19,139 17,171 28,306 22,482 May.... June July August., 43 38 69 163 56 22 16 24 6,651 4,130 , 5,105 3,657 217 183 291 273 190 147 218 205 635 557 1,013 2,377 971 1,144 1,294 1,293 1,684 656 495 719 10,280 6,383 7,891 5,652 25,885 21,754 34,655 32,550 39,454 30,493 45,347 42,591 September.. October November.. December.. 141 172 111 172 32 25 38 34 1,715 1,900 3,141 3,645 293 361 260 253 201 247 196 207 2,066 2,515 1,623 2,520 1,185 2,046 2,167 3,626 968 769 1,141 1,016 2,650 2,937 4,855 5,634 34,894 43,033 30,179 41,763 51,300 40,775 42,975 5,480' 3,836 1,765 2,127 27,105 23,075 20,763 24,791 42,293 37,364 25,872 38,595 1921. January.. February. March April 205 91 107 43 136 203 324 250 32 19 14 16 3,546 2,482 1,142 1,376 228 194 174 208 204 180 125 186 2,991 1,567 631 5,753 8,561 13,681 10,558 31 21 11 17 56 1,329 1,585 604 2,070 225 257 562 209 208 238 435 458 1,372 2,108 4,602 8,694 11,858 15,234 13,976 619 .340 504 1,677 2,055 2,456 936 3,105 31,624 26,781 30,579 66,963 43,450 43,158 49,361 90,323 22 28 11 19 2,400 1,291 446 326 5,35? 2,082 132 2,511 830 3,720 2,001 691 1,993 38,950 25,366 19,453 15,014 67,642 39,763 27,473 139 18,937 9,470 4,475 10,488 678 191 May.... June.... July.... August. 144 315 206 281 361 331 September., October November.. December.. 367 143 172 57 448 224 106 248 94 1,286 327 213 163 126 1,324 567 408 487 844 343 573 1922. January... February.. March.... i Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, * Barleyflourconverted at 5.5 bushels to the barrel. * Corn meal converted at 4 bushels to the barrel* * Oatmeal converted at 5.21 bushels to 100 pounds. 6 Rye flour converted at 6 bushels to the barrel. •Wheat flour converted at 4.5 bushels to the barrel. 79 MOVEMENT OF CEREALS. Table 49.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS, AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] WHEAT FLOUR.* WHEAT. Production. Visible supply.s Re.Shlpceipts.' 1 ments.< Relative to 1914. YEAR AND MONTH. WHEAT FLOUR.* CORN. Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. Visible ReShipsupply.* ceipts. 4 ments.* Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. Production. WHEAT. Visible supply. 3 100 90 95 1918 mo. av... 1919 mo. av... 1920 mo. a v . . . 1921 mo. av... 100 93 61 108 51 60 69 89 94 85 82 73 144 127 134 103 100 87 115 Thousands of bushels. • ne 86 84 68 185 166 153 139 68 43 44 48 May June July August 76 63 76 84 106 76 48 .56 September . . . October November . . . December.... 89 92 92 81 1921. January.... February . . . . March April B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 71 100 105 183 125 64 141 116 116 82 100 117 122 103 41 71 255 165 1OO 120 189 153 1OO 109 214 76 70 53 50 54 73 84 85 143 168 141 70 58 59 88 126 88 93 161 283 44 52 84 45 90 147 177 183 136 142 118 100 167 129 122 108 83 65 84 87 144 130 69 82 92 67 72 74 May June July August 78 75 96 124 52 41 69 86 September... October November.... December 125 126 101 84 170 • 233 260 264 1920. January February . . . . March April 1923. January March.... ReShipVisible ReShipceipts** m e n t s . 4 supply. 3 ceipts.< m e n t s J Thousands of barrels. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 1913 mo. a v . . . 1914 mo. a v . . . 1915 mo. av... 1916 mo. a v . . . 1917 mo. av... CORN. 51,378 47,725 31,220 55,640 26,330 18,861 21,619 9,615 10,094 9,157 8,869 37,735 73,833 65,353 68,593 136 144 124 63 12,572 9,252 9,036 7,375 75 164 171 61 69 113 132 124 71 129 72 63 135 123 67 121 96 75 78 91 190 294 420 303 86 96 197 218 113 105 129 263 195 132 81 76 202 144 98 68 14,198 8,404 8,857 15,352 10,47G 5,340 21,158 17,447 10,233 32,517 31,403 27,307 36,369 16,335 19,919 23,252 24,3*8 8,055 3,444 5,999 21,414 24,774 14,995 17,985 28,409 13,525 8,845 9,053 18,949 95,047 85,406 78,030 71,190 21,515 13,579 13,790 15,223 15,074 13,844 10,033 10,031 4,531 6,118 7,091 7,170 21,441 25,124 21,207 10,501 12,033 12,777 10,905 5, C S O 8,244 0,800 8,152 9,059 54,621 38,959 21,577 23,890 18,313 18,717 27,621 39,002 17,559 18,572 32,168 56,383 3,710 4,387 7,079 3,749 11,223 24,021 23,690 9,170 0,102 10,001 11,717 10,973 97 117 92 98 9,650 9,981 9,889 8,745 46,225 75,720 90,759 94,200 42,717 44,584 37,218 31,574 33,317 25,718 24,215 21,511 5,973 10,854 6,043 5,280 20,235 18,401 10,113 18,097 8,C38 10,323 8,1G9 8,031 262 175 227 77 198 152 239 154 8,924 7,066 9,100 9,368 74,03G 66,928 35,054 42,317 28,978 21,209 22,558 23,344 19,190 14,996 15,599 18,102 15,977 24,745 35,277 25,495 39,348 20,196 33,973 11,541 17,375 13,431 21,102 13,037 211 326 208 143 142 235 118 196 241 244 216 244 • 8,406 8,087 10,720 13,409 20,875 21,027 35,493 44,117 27,000 30,172 61,994 68,643 22,517 21,001 25,741 52,464 17,708 27,303 17,519 11,993 21,319 35,240 17,658 29,381 21,282 21,576 19,127 21,505 158 266 217 323 244 230 103 265 305 239 144 197 13,519 13,566 10,851 0,053 87,197 119,943 133,702 135,823 61,406 41,568 25,576 23,975 40,300 28,758 19,455 13,634 13,262 22,328 18,197 27,109 30,561 34,490 15,467 39,723 26,961 21,160 12,770 17,403 10,794 9,748 10,285 • ! i 1 Wheat flour production reported by 17. S. Grain Corporation, prior to July, 1920, later months from RusulVs Commercial News; Visible supply of wheat and com from Bradstreet's; Receipts and shipments of wheat and corn, compiled by Chicago Board of Trade, from the Price Current-Grain Reporter. % Data from 1914 to 1916 are averages for calendar years; remaining averages are for crop years ending June 30 of the year indicated. • Aggregate stocks in United States and Canada east of the Kocky Mountains, on nearest Saturday to end of the month. 4 At principal primary markets. 80 FARM PRODUCTS, WHOLESALE PRICES. Table 50.—INDEX NTOtBEKS/ Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base-year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] WHEAT FLOUR. YEAB AND MONTH. WHEAT. No.l, StandWinter north- No. 2, ard red ern pat- straights, ents, Kansas spring, Winter, ChiChiMinneCity. cago. cago. apolis. RYE. BARLEY. COTTONOATS. CORN. SEED OIL. CATTLE. HOGS. SHEEP. TOBACCO. Burley, Cash, Sum- Steers, B3 \ mer, No. 2, sample, Cash, contract yellow good to Heavy, leaf, choice, Ewes, Lambs, cash, fair to Chi- grades com Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. dark Chired, cago. No. 2, prime, good cago. fed, New LouisChimalting, ville. cago. York. Chicago. Chicago. Relative to 1913. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly average. average. average. average. average 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly monthly monthly monthly average. average, average. ave/age. 100 111 145 159 249 100 1OO 107 146 158 274 114 147 155 137 254 231 1OO 102 133 100 121 100 1OO 100 1OO 1OO 100 100 98 112 in 106 100 108 104 172 175 294 113 132 117 132 262 91 94 102 85 127 119 111 104 113 115 153 141 151 188 220 207 193 210 241 222 206 218 200 207 1OO 139 121 210 170 207 206 195 186 202 212 102 103 268 245 224 262 277 182 278 281 239 301 285 256 183 161 146 305 241 294 191 315 295 287 312 338 340 287 291 331 267 253 254 281 278 247 274 316 239 222 222 222 349 354 302 333 329 294 323 314 August. 328 309 298 267 September.. October November.. December.. 275 245 203 195 1920. January. February.. March April May.... June.... July.... 1921. January.. February.. March Apru 210 200 191 173 May.... June July.... August. 191 '197 194 177 September.. October November. December.. "182 162 156 150 305 318 325 303 284 251 304 272 253 265 237 224 218 198 209 215 194 204 216 204 199 207 185 195 208 181 170 181 160 141 198 175 159 200 168 146 179 150 125 167 142 125 174 150 130 164 142 121 153 134 119 152 137 119 243 240 265 267 342 347 351 309 276 291 243 296 194 249 306 267 248 251 161 156 148 141 139 137 125 132 120 121 110 115 259 234 227 211 231 202 192 168 167 139 126 135 174 114 115 102 101 105 170 170 187 204 108 103 100 73 128 240 232 253 273 298 187 180 232 271 176 174 279 266 169 173 254 164 177 289 304 251 263 249 260 295 288 280 265 319 296 248 247 269 148 167 267 233 177 176 157 182 181 189 180 178 181 141 166 140 171 198 177 145 114 118 172 111 161 110 156 76 149 210 142 129 121 109 106 104 93 187 179 173 140 171 119 142 116 116 74 140 97 110 110 79 121 112 113 86 129 94 132 85 103 95 97 99 118 99 116 96 91 121 103 116 97 102 86 75 77 77 136 97 See footnote on opposite page. 151 98 104 103 94 192 152 101 1922. January... February. March 212 277 332 100 92 llfi 169 277 245 259 222 257 255 226 93 104 102 147 212 1OO 95 122 104 95 114 101 82 115 97 81 57 62 66 67 62 59 81 138 133 125 254 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 218 208 208 208 113 109 112 135 208 208 81 FARM PRODUCTS, WHOLESALE PRICES, Table 51.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources. l [Base year in bold-face type; index numbers on opposite page.] WHEAT FLOUR. YEAH AND MONTH. WHEAT. Xo. 1, Stand- Winter north- No. 2, ard red straights, ern patents, Kansas spring, winter, MinneChiCity. Chiapolis. cago. cago. BYE. No. 2, cash, Chicago. BABLEY. COTTONOATS. CORN. SEED OIL. sample, fair to Cash, good, Chimaltcago. cago. Per barrel. Cash, contract, grades No. 3, Chicago* CATTLE. average.. average.. average.. average.. average.. $4,534 6.096 6.663 7.264 11.391 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average.. average.. average.. average.. 11.998 12.675 8.338 10.304 10.695 11.579 7.051 2.235 2.563 2.600 1.467 2.209 2.357 2.522 1.437 1.940 1.534 1.873 1.214 1.305 1.217 1.263 .635 .775 .700 .796 .387 1.605 1.597 1.414 .580 .201 .241 .154 .079 1920. January February March April 14.443 13.537 13.165 14.281 12.985 11.743 12.212 12.493 3.100 2.622 2.655 3.025 2.633 2.490 2.500 2.772 1.765 1.568 1.744 2.007 1.493 1.390 1.518 1.656 .855 .833 .901 1.002 1.502 1.450 1.578 1.706 May.... June July...., August. 15.031 14.160 13.668 12.235 13.425 12.812 12.410 11.643 3.231 3.006 2.867 2.570 2.975 2.895 2.805 2.473 2.173 2.208 2.232 1.963 1.725 1.520 1.213 1.085 1.095 1.114 September. October.... November.. December.. 12.593 11.206 9.295 8.943 11.693 10.205 8.400 8.256 2.481 2.162 1.810 1.770 2.491 2.204 2.057 2.012 1.945 1.695 1.577 1.598 1.006 .922 .867 • 778 1921. January February March April 9.625 9.181 8.730 7.950 8.295 7.962 7.993 6.980 1.861 1.6SS 1.650 1.461 1.961 1.919 1.679 1.386 1.647 1.488 1.446 1.339 May.... June July.... August. 8.745 9.006 8.900 8.120 7.625 7.700 6.895 6.418 1.600 1.531 1.370 1.294 1.568 1.438 1.229 1.237 September., October.... November. December.. 8.318 7.425 7.170 6.881 6.681 6.305 5.900 5.860 1.365 1.298 1.226 1.254 1.276 1.193 1.176 1.177 S3.365 8.361 7.131 9.615 15.705 S4.687 5.044 5.929 7.166 10.332 S7.794 8.115 9.233 10.017 16.092 S13.202 14.654 13.789 15.231 22.302 16.424 17.496 14.486 8.764 17.600 18.244 14.187 8.363 11.288 9.351 8.744 3.414 17.325 16.125 15.904 9.994 36.567 32.346 34.182 29.277 .216 .196 .193 .184 15.938 14.969 14.400 13.906 15.094 14.513 14.435 14.806 10.875 13.063 13.525 14.250 19.593 20.579 19.400 20.250 39.000 38.000 37.000 35.000 1.995 1.851 1.548 1.541 .195 .169 .132 .120 12.600 15.031 15.381 15.350 13.975 14.725 14.856 15.130 12.525 7.344 6.594 6.575 18.515 14.969 14.719 13.300 33.500 32.500 32.500 32.500 .584 .530 .515 .494 1.315 .887 .807 .755 .136 .111 .101 15.250 14.688 14.575 12.094 16.543 14.775 12.120 9.538 5.544 5.219 5.150 3.563 13.388 12.531 12.150 11.581 32.500 32.500 32.500 32.500 .750 .688 .714 .635 .454 .430 .432 .378 .681 .665 .649 .578 .084 .070 .062 .059 9.840 9.312 9.563 8.719 9.305 9.156 9.463 8.225 3.450 3.688 4.031 4.406 10.925 9.438 10.031 10.313 32.500 32.500 32.500 32.500 1.467 1.284 1.222 1.065 .657 .638 .645 .629 .616 .613 .613 .569 .072 8.425 .377 .370 .359 .075 8.094 8.775 8.195 8.125 9.725 9.690 4.125 2.683 2.906 3.075 11.790 10.781 10.388 9.740 28.750 27.500 27.500 27.500 1.060 .882 .804 .384 .346 .354 .364 .538 .469 .482 .482 .099 .553 8.375 8.875 8.563 8.219 7.950 7.S45 6.838 6.744 3.156 2.915 2.750 3.781 8.813 8.490 8.719 10.500 27.500 27.500 27.500 27.500 .607 .554 .548 .935 8.406 .082 .083 1922. January February ].], 1 84796°—22 6 TOBACCO. Per 100 pounds.. $3,847 SO. 9 1 3 SO. 986 SO. 636 SO. 6 3 5 SO. 376 SO. 6 3 5 SO. 073 S 8 . 5 0 7 1.041 .615 1.005 .768 .066 .695 9.039 .419 4.125' 1.344 • 1.307 .704 1.092 .068 .730 8.702 .496 5.612 1.417 1.351 1.113 .867 .106 .825 9.573 .455 6.091 2.321 2.278 1.871 .154 1.315 1.637 12.809 .637 10.551 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly March. SHEEP. Burley, SumSteers, good mer, good to leaf, yellow, choice, Heavy, Ewes, Lambs, dark prime, corn Chicago. Chicago. Chicago. red, New fed, LouisYork. Chicago. ville. Per pound. Per bushel. HOGS. From U. 8. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, averages of weekly quotations. 82 LIVE-STOCK MOVEMENT. Table 52.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 IBase year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] Total receipts. STOCKEB AND FEEDER. TOTAL. Shipments. Shipments. Shipments. YEAB JLND MONTH. SHEEP. HOGS. CATTXE. Total Total slaugh- receipts. STOCKEB ter. AND TOTAL. Total Total slaugh- receipts. STOCKEK ter. TOTAL. AND Total slaughter, FEEDER. FEEDER. Relative to 1919. 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average 1919 monthly average... 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 93 102 100 91 SO 100 76 66 84 95 100 92 80 97 109 100 91 81 85 101 100 92 100 81 56 87 93 95 86 86 85 108 99 101 100 100 71 83 100 61 75 100 45 100 86 78 72 81 100 87 101 107 90 74 103 86 67 84 1920. January... February. March April 92 72 89 76 May June July August.. 87 92 82 96 79 85 97 142 119 142 142 70 52 58 87 55 67 76 93 113 111 84 62 24 49 77 55 65 106 107 142 120 101 58 23 43 75 56 68 84 82 101 96 75 64 46 61 67 67 80 67 114 90 117 113 66 40 89 94 99 58 110 95 72 39 50 82 82 76 36, 92 69 90 56 85 95 64 98 91 68 47 80 62 115 98 123 104 111 111 121 103 64 63 78 57 128 138 135 116 108 132 131 92 75 80 89 68 134 183 165 93 118 September. October November., December.. 87 62 126 130 106 104 72 117 97 109 148 124 96 73 69 112 50 127 106 45 59 85 104 67 68 1921. January... February. March April 46 87 125 58 139 119 79 15 57 38 52 64 107 68 116 103 67 11 49 88 76 54 67 83 90 108 106 84 77 15 57 100 73 54 68 78 86 76 95 83 74 18 58 94 75 49 67 81 89 52 87 89 85 26 77 06 77 May..... June— July..... August. 63 58 45 68 88 96 44 96 98 82 15 65 104 65 28 55 74 73 23 77 71 78 24 64 95 91 81 95 87 71 31 78* 68 110 70 93 127 93 90 102 71 55 79 67 116 96 118 114 112 141 134- 94 86 60 102 78 133 126 138 124 94 113 112 82 99 44 109 93 89 88 87 & 56 September.. October November., December.., 76 65 105 47 148 84 73 35 73 76 1932. January... February., March..... See footnote on opposite page. 83 LIVE-STOCK MOVEMENT. Table 53.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year In bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] CATTLE. Shipments. YEAB AND MONTH. Total receipts. STOCKEK AND FEEDER. SHEEP. HOGS. TOTAL. Shipments. Shipments. Total Total slaugh- receipts. STOCKEE ter. AND TOTAL. Total slaughter. Total receipts. STOCKER AND FEEDEE. FEEDER. Total slaughter. TOTAL. Thousands of animals. 64 81 75 61 42 1,027 1,185 1,194 1,273 1,224 2,157 2,572 2,536 2,272 2,192 1,618 1,869 2,265 1,876 2,008 352 432 578 430 261 1,904 2,104 3,054 1,866 1,647 382 408 440 336 291 747 850 894 818 717 1,109 1,241 1,141 1,034 922 3,159 3,766 3,737 3,549 3,420 January... February. March April 1,881 1,486 1,822 1,561 240 241 244 761 602 582 605 1,105 871 1,209 961 5,311 3,467 4,000 3,065 May June July August.. 1,784 1,887 1,678 1,970 295 272 218 2S3 783 799 734 992 1,069 940 1,043 4,263 3,709 2,8.50 2,525 68 1,397 2,859 1,488 234 43 1,308 2,421 1,640 227 806 S45 27 1,101 1,754 2,034 324 1,029 1,002 36 958 1,564 2,607 568 1,4S6 1,099 September. October November.. December.. 2,294 2,209 2,427 1,392 489 580 553 279 1,087 1,172 1,166 650 1,172 1,049 1,207 785 2,391 2,789 3,872 4,195 47 935 1,452 2,896 796 1,632 1,218 60 1,068 1,726 3,027 1,059 2,001 978 54 1,400 2,465 2,471 857 1,499 1,010 37 1,520 2,680 1,566 259 710 891 1,644 1,188 1,565 1,492 205 166 237 238 609 465 600 610 995 726 94S 892 4,685 4,005 3,382 3,224 1,101 923 1,005 996 3,322 3,573 2,725 2,655 982 1,073 935 740 2,654 3,212 3,687 3,911 1917 monthly average.. 1918 monthly average.. 1919 monthly average. 1920 monthly average.. 1921 monthly average.. 1,011 1,210 1,043 942 756 855 1,054 915 1,069 1920. 922 90 1,699 3,593 1,596 303 85 1,321 2,139 1,411 140 589 £12 107 1,427 2,556 1,308 135 520 792 76 1,146 1,902 1,460 269 734 709 818 706 1921. January... February. March April May June July August. 1,541 1,550 1,343 1,867 214 197 122 355 60S 492 846 September. October.... November.. December.. 1,901 2,302 1,928 1,415 394 622 497 245 910 1,194 997 682 844 43 1,661 3,023 1,791 88 687 51 1,383 2,604 1,516 62 591 930 81 1,261 2,119 1,750 88 693 1,053 57 1,131 2,096 1,677 107 704 988 39 1,033 2,270 1,916 153 926 33 1,143 2,474 1,850 89 782 17 918 1,804 1,775 139 771 23 930 1,722 2,500 404 1,123 1,014 1,093 1,006 1,335 41 947 1,698 2,618 555 1,428 1,200 45 1,219 1,990 3,013 731 1,668 1,311 33 1,297 2,370 2,026 511 1,052 988 35 1,765 2,137 1,664 202 8S1 804 1922. January... February. March 1 These figures represent the movement at between 60 and 70 markets; data procured from the U> S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Market* and Crop Estimates^ 84 MEAT PRODUCTS. Table 54.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources. [Base year In bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] EXPORTS. YEAE AND MONTH. Pork products. 3 Beef products. * PRODUCTIONINSPECTED SLAUGHTERS COLD-STORAGE HOLDINGS.3 Beef products.s Pork products*« Lamb and mutton.7 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average. average. average. average. average. 100 94 13S 147 132 100 89 313 236 239 47 78 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average. average. average.. 229 26S 156 169 473 235 143 112 '108 100 70 43 January.., February. March April 167 179 226 107 224 151 131 219 May.... June July.... August. 164 167 115 September. October November.. December.. 100 67 70 Pork. Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. Relative to 1913. Beef. 40 53 96 106 116 137 100 96 108 116 APPARENT CONSUMPTION. Beef. Pork. Relative to 1919. 82 96 153 115 154 131 121 117 120 111 104 129 100 93 100 122 93 69 42 143 112 128 120 182 109 124 90 106 88 108 94 188 50 118 123 121 122 129 123 31 68 51 27 122 111 111 111 120 131 97 80 99 89 156 154 152 167 37 33 37 42 107 80 57 30 131 301 582 674 128 127 132 108 70 84 113 137 100 94 93 73 174 175 169 124 59 60 57 65 81 105106 810 928 705 458 113 88 109 101 154 138 110 108 64 83 79 151 111 133 156 51 46 40 104 108 110 100 293 189 104 80 101 104 101 118 116 128 110 94 77 88 77 91 140 168 157 151 27 25 27 33 85 61 45 43 70 71 119 125 114 87 99 118 82 169 188 175 35 50 7 6 94 66 100 100 97 84 183 324 124 120 108 97 72 96 111 121 183 204 138 69 84 65 51 42 125 150 157 228 78 101 104 111 January.. February. March.... April 197 184 174 144 182 107 93 107 May June July.... August. 172 155 209 213 117 97 132 136 September.. October.... November.. 212 121 110 130 136 94 74 146 1920. 1921. December... 1922. January... February. March..... See footnotes on opposite page. 85 MEAT PRODUCTS. Table 55.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources,1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page] EXPORTS. YEAB AND MONTH. Pork products.? Beef products. 4 PRODUCTIONINSPECTED SLAUGHTERS Beef products.^ Pork products. 6 Lamb and mutton. 7 APPARENT CONSUMPTION. Beef. COLD-STORAGE HOLDINGS.' Beef. Pork. Pork. Thousands of pounds. 89,053 76,826 113,205 120,932 108,209 13,625 12,163 42,609 32,105 32,502 112,462 186,647 609,290 638,684 3,383 4,477 187,554 219,803 128,004 138,308 64,444 32,053 19,545 15,249 258,167 240440 168,108 104,384 856,059 912,053 888,375 770,300 January.., February. March.... April 136,906 147,138 185,439 87,642 30,576 20,520 17,807 29,852 298,864 288,752 260,146 231,937 May.... June July.... August. 134,208 137,366 94,225 67,701 24,937 27,841 18,858 9,348 September. October November. December.. 102,472 123,191 129,168 187,127 January.., February. March.... April 1913 monthly average. 1914 monthly average. 1915 monthly average. 1916 monthly average. 1917 monthly average. 343,402 328,805 364,210 396,865 469,328 482,840 464,139 521,302 558,919 428,233 365,063 427,141 429,322 321,411 5,580 8,413 15,362 27,231 527,898 451,389 415,434 566,370 580,989 538,282 465,686 447,129 416,173 360,829 279,897 408,015 660,252 874,412 1,015,325 1,101,632 10,290 7,787 5,781 3,517 491,917 382,993 438,177 412,312 877,518 528,252 601,077 433,316 474,725 394,136 480,773 419,028 526,819 140,331 329,334 345,053 200,788 157,271 121,652 101,086 1,102,525 1,111,644 1,175,770 1,124,558 2,579 5,735 4,310 2,299 417,307 382,245 380,453 381,930 578,870 633,370 469,560 387,451 440,920 396,977 386,180 391,946 435,730 431,937 426,581 466,523 10,589 13,802 14,204 15,177 89,721 78,055 89,015 100,006 977,785 725,699 520,127 270,757 11,021 25,324 48,997 56,702 440,290 434,715 453,689 369,178 335,887 406,316 544,410 663,404 447,732 419,278 416,334 326,052 485,653 489,438 472,009 346,776 161,694 151,336 143,168 118,192 24,767 14,547 12,627 14,624 142,813 142,877 144,906 13S,045 593,299 734,659 957,230 969,076 68,113 78,082 59,304 38,519 387,870 302,992 375,696 347,567 744,128 664,634 531,630 521,521 366,319 236,108 372,900 351,725 422,581 312,004 371,958 436,992 May.... June.... July.... August. 141,041 127,908 171,561 174,917 15,911 13,192 18.018 18,499 122,100 109,962 96,549 85,638 952,056 981,631 1,005,409 915,691 25,085 15,877 8,719 6,750 345,784 391,687 347,791 406,110 560,758 619,359 529,514 451,662 345,925 394,402 343,882 408,901 390,994 471,339 439,468 421,489 September., October November. December.. 173,989 99,202 90,248 106,440 18,568 12,773 10,043 9,420 65,943 59,611 64,156 80,007 777,335 552,504 408,312 396,397 5,930 6,015 6,865 7,508 407,349 427,661 392,487 422,022 480,622 567,622 397,179 414,455 366,593 472,920 525,838 489,289 84,548 457,177 6,401 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920monthly 1921 monthly average. average. average. average. 1920. 1921. 1922. January... February. March 1 Exports reported b y the U. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; cold-storage holdings from t h e U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates; production of beef and pork from animals slaughtered under Federal inspection reported by the V. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry. Recent figures published in the Market Reporter. Apparent consumption has been computed from the inspected slaughter lessexports and the change in storage holdings. * Cold-storage holdings are distinctly seasonal. No allowance for this has been made in calculating index numbers. Figures represent storage holdings on thefirstday of each month. * Includes bacon, ham, shoulders, lard, neutral lard, and canned, fresh, and pickled pork. •Includes fresh, canned, pickled, and cured beef, and oleo oil and tallow. * Includes beef, frozen, cured, and in process of cure . * Includes pork, frozen, dry salt, and pickled, both cured and in process of cure, and lard. 7 Frozen lamb and mutton. 8 Total dressed weight slaughtered under Federal inspection, including veal with beef. The slaughter under Federal inspection, according to censusfiguresin 1919, amounted to 68 per cent of the total number of animals slaughtered in the United States in the case of hogs and 82 per cent in the case of beef. 86 DAIRY PRODUCTS. Table 56,—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources,1 p a s e year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] CHEESE. BUTTER. YEAR AND MONTH. CONDENSED AND EVAPORATED MLLKS EGGS. (case goods). ColdColdColdReceipts storage Whole- Receipts storage Whole- Receipts storage sale sale holdings price, 5 at 5 1 holdings at 5 2 holdings price* 5 at 5 (case markets. (cream- markets.' markets. (Ameri- markets. markets. can)^ ery).' eggs.)6 Relative Relative to 1919. to 1916-20. 5-yr. mo. av., 1916-20. 1913 monthly average.. 1914 monthly average.. 1915 monthly average.. 1916 monthly average.. Relative to 1919. 100 Relative to 1916-20, Relative to 1919. 1OO Production. Relative to 1916-20. 70 1OO 86 103 96 89 118 105 95 1OO 99 72 100 85 90 120 104 104 103 121 93 111 91 112 58 75 57 95 68 40 22 102 104 110 108 55 85 53 88 141 153 114 13 23 93 180 101 92. 89 95 September. October.... November., December.. 91 73 58 57 205 201 181 141 96 96 105 1921. January... February. March April 67 61 78 85 104 74 48 26 85 83 77 74 70 69 78 87 May •June July August.. 131 181 135 136 14 38 110 147 53 55 66 76 September. October November.. December... 110 95 81 '81 164 160 138 116 72 78 76 73 1920. January... February. March April May June July August.. January... February. March 100 90 70 1OO 143 117 92 63 100 94 94 94 42 62 112 157 123 124 99 46 36 80 139 91 90 94 85 152 148 106 76 79 78 84 72 162 148 131 107 90 87 84 68 50 33 30 92 38 94 81 80 85 55 98 166 210 120 133 118 79 48 94 111 49 49 60 64 177 130 95 93 91 101 83 69 126 121 116 92 64 69 71 77 195 62 2 3 9 26 34 119 45 65 77 1OO 76 170 67 47 Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. 85 average.. average.. average.. average.. average.. Exports. Imports. Exports. 100 92 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly TOTAL DAIRY PRODTJCTS.3 74 See footnotes on opposite page. 103 100 98 520 1,058 50 65 1OO 48 34 100 144 74 1,408 2,755 3,970 1,959 1,470 187 123 91 104 2,543 2,561 3,084 2,860 51 305 333 191 2,699 2,499 1,522 1,396 42 85 63 9 81 61 1 90 71 3 92 72 58 111 64 139 121 62 183 103 39 186 81 36 173 71 30 144 35 28 104 20 24 49 21 27 87 113 71 70 11 24 1 34 1 58 52 8G 42 31 40 28 12 116 103 84 1,215 13 31 24 43 195 26 45 43 2,499 1,060 1,650 54 45 26 31 254 133 113 186 108 204 81 206 24 73 (*) 3 3 1,164 1,117 960 1,098 1,690 1,253 1,597 623 2,058 1,748 1,009, 1,237 87 DAIRY PRODUCTS. Table 57.—NUMEKICAI DATA, From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page. BUTTER. YEAE AND MONTH. CHEESE. ColdWholeColdWholeColdsale storage storage Receipts Receipts sale Receipts storage holdings at 5 2 holdings price, at 5 price, at 5 5 holdings markets. (cream- 5 mar- markets.* (Ameri- 5 m a r - markets. (case kets; can)^ kets.s ery).* eggs).« Per Thousands of pounds. pound. 1916-1920 average 1913 monthly average. 1914 monthly average. 1915 monthly average., 1916 monthly average. 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920monthly 1921 monthly average., average.. average.. average., average. CONDENSED ANO EVAPORATED MILKS (case goods)* EGGS. Thousands of pounds. 56,364 Per pound. Production. Thousands of cases.* 37,178 Imports. Experts. Thousands of pounds. 3,689 1,803 1,861 9,844 20,019 1,377 1,904 6,307 18,307 51,825 45,871 39,269 47,445 Exports. TOTAL DAIRY PRODUCTS.' 25,850 3,118 53,939 50,305 66,410 S0.593 59,341 .586 53,491 429 16,281 13,814 14,719 44,679 38,552 38,664 38]147 30,585 SO.31 .28 .216 1,188 1,027 1,229 4,472 3,413* 4,089 3,355 4,132 110,639 143,956 109,415 35,705 45,928 71,072 34,252 24,140* 909 1,376 1,980 1,014 26,654 52,145 75,132 37,066 27,821 1920. January February....... March April 27,693 26,486 34,489 26,293 53,737 38,359 22,568 12,555 ,603 .615 .654 .640 10,996 8,949 13,862 8,620 53,168 43,631 34,039 23,431 .311 .293 .292 .293 497 738 1,335 1,870 1,542 342 29 122 122,925 116,665 128,940 132,023 44,923 42,999 50,180 51,504 2,575 1,689 1,251 1,436 48,132 48,461 58,370 54,125 May.... June July.... August. 40,475 64,828 70,080 52,342 7,554 12,872 52,526 101,455 .60 :546 .53 .563 16,079 20,022 20,147 16,071 16,963 13,502 29,654 51,512 .281 .278 .29 .264 1,807 1,759 1,259 906 2,135 5,143 6,747 6,872 159,309 174,675 148,857 116,777 45,777 44,401 27,669 25,603 703 4,196 4,585 2,629 51,072 47,297 28,796 26,414 September. October.... November. December.. 41,966 33,611 26,643 26,326 115,558 113,385 101,778 79,750 .567 .57 .62 .528 12,831 12,767 13,727 11,703 60,372 55,007 48,566 39,921 .279 .269 .261 .249 811 589 391 360 6,372 5,295 3,838 1,824 102,638 50,710 28,591 29,970 21,342 20,147 17,207 19,268 1,191 1,560 979 962 22,033 21,139 18,159 20,776 1921. January February March April 30,939 27,996 35,593 38,841 58,682 41,486 27,103 14,732 .502 .493 .455 .441 11,387 11,274 12,675 14,145 34,115 25,000 17,477 14,294 .251 .250 .263 64S 1,168 1,977 2,498 408 43 43 1,926 34,803 48,330 82.924 123,159 30,192 21,830 28,194 20,221 163 1,600 1,413 1,153 31,987 23,708 30,221 22,992 May.... June July.... August. 60,208 82,882 61,786 62,337 7,712 21,682 61,991 82,838 .316 .324 .392 .448 19,567 21,619 19,180 12,863 13,466 17,814 34,948 41,284 .152 .153 .185 .20 2,101 1,539 1,129 1,100 4,909 6,844 7,534 7,605 162,653 156,876 116,127 127,167 9,186 21,700 17,338 30,360 2,684 354 623 594 11,795 47,297 20,070 31,223 September. October.... November., December.. 50,546 43,785 37,282 37,172 92,396 90,123 78,014 65,138 .425 .461 .451 .435 14,841 16,382 13,455 11,237 46,706 44,842 43,015 34,062 .20 .214 .220 .206 919 732 399 538 7,207 6,275 4,387 2,402 104,958 (fi) <*) 38,061 32,232 18,126 22,238 3,501 35 43 1 38,963 33,084 19,107 23,409 1932. January... February. March 48,391 27,642 1 Import and export statistics from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; all other data from XT. 8» Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates, J Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco. Total of weekly figures with first and last weeks of month prorated. * Includes butter, cheese, and condensed and evaporated milk. 4 One case of eggs equals 30 dozen, or about 45 pounds net. 5 Production compiled by months but issued quarterly; figures not available at time of going to press. • Holdings on first day of month. 7 Average of weekly prices of creamery butter, 92 score, at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco. 8 Average of weekly prices of American cheese, No. 1 fresh twins, at Boston, New York, Wisconsin, Chicago, and San Francisco. 9 Index number less than 1. SUGAR AND VEGETABLE OILS. Table 58.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data oh opposite page.] COTTON SEED. SUGAR. YEAR AND MONTH. Imports, raw* Exports, refined, Including maple. Meltings.* Wholesale price. Stocks, raw, Raw, at refin- 96° cen- Granulated eries.* trifugal, in bbls.. N.Y. N.Y. Relative Relative Relative to 1919. to 1913. to 1909-13. Retail price Index, 51 cities. COTTONSEED OIL, CRUDE. Stocks Stocks end of end of month. month. Production* Relative to 1919. Relative to 1913. 100 110 Consumption.* Relative to 1913. 130 161 108 120 146 179 183 215 372 137 181 182 209 297 144 169 176 205 353 146 129 96 100 104 92 85 100 110 157 1,821 1,642 1,843 3,092 75 106 138 •135 44. 94 146 116 371 325 339 504 360 350 321 449 165 251 265 219 2,080 1,080 853 144 127 142 147 126 80 121 154 183 .562 502 382 September.. October November.. December... 111 69 110 90 317 ' 288 343 467 78 55 69 51 105 88 90 104 1921. January....... February March April 65 151 213 219 593 387 441 40 80 133 107 145 2,039 2,067 2,272 2,012 92 118 100 1,206 5$5 573 1^077 100 115 112 117 492 1,214 1,992 1917 monthly a v . 1918 monthly av., 1919monthly av., 1920monthly av., 1921 monthly a v . . 105 109 149 170 131 1,274 513 1,859 1,164 1,176 ioo 1020. January February March April 135 206 236 187 May June July.... August.. 166 95 70 100 3100 3 124 3 141 100 99 99 105 109 100 100 100 165" 41 36 61 58 76 3172 3 305 58 71 111 118 100 127 158 3 334 3133 161 227 245 253 152 324 342 340 367 93 69 42 20 321 302 240 184 287 186 148 77 63 74 80 75 235 313 338 433 292 287 30S 286 526 497 447 391 462* 485 482 416 9 7 133 75 38 23 41 17 8 49 45 16 11 236 238 258 196 272 188 203 237 305 238 193 151 334 253 225 190 333 253 235 191 27 95 114 116 55 177 277 261 65 291 349 270 20 30 85 150 178 137 S3 95 251 238 271 201 110 120 181 258 153 151 173 155 177 166 184 170 176 162 176 176 95 81 59 37 278 281 277 193 263 247 229 122 245 139 127 74 99 161 52 213 191 171 180 175 104 92 95 127 276 264 167 140 140 120 127 134 148 133 128 137 153 142 129 136 27 21 IS 24 117 80 34 28 68 47 40 45 68 51 27 21 65 61 70 104 64 94 150 SI 85 82 78 144 75 86 65 123 119 117 106 131 122 121 117 133 125 122 118 74 143 149 121 84 172 187 167 153 285 265 202 28 . 37 37 43 211 127 225 149 149 181 148 211 79 1922. January February March '.. Total Imports.* IOO 61 109 58 100 100 133 165 1913 monthly av 1914 monthly av 1915 monthly av 1916 m o n t h l y av September.. October November.. December.. Exports.* OLEOMARGARINE. 100 1909-1913 monthly av. May.... June.... July.... August. VEGETABLE OILS. See footnotes on opposite page. 7 89 SUGAR AND VEGETABLE OILS. Table 59.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index number on opposito page.] COTTON SEED. SUGAR. YEAR AND MONTH. Imports, raw. Exports, refined, including maple. Meltings.2 Wholesale price. Stocks, raw, at refin- Raw, Granueries.* 9C° cen- lated trifugal, in bbls., N. Y. N.T. Per pound. Long tons. 1909-1913 monthly average. 1913 1914 1915 1916 monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average. 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly average. average. average. average. average. COTTONSEED OIL, CRUDE. Stocks end of month. Stocks end of month. Short tons, Production. VEGETABLE OILS. OLEOMARGARINE. Total Exports. imports.6 Consumption/ Thousands of pounds. 2,953 175,664 201,437 196,569 205,716 S0.035 .038 .047 .058 14,524 35,838 58,812 S0.043 .047 .056 .069 29,042 17,758 31,041 16,977 21,387 8 26,441 * 20,636 » 30,133 11,798 11,787 12,404 183,802 192,219 261,149 298,685 229,266 37,602 15,152 257,174 54,891 3 2 5 , 2 3 3 34,371 338,430 34,739 299,891 81,311 95,428 105,357 150,022 .063 .064 .075 .130 .048 .077 .078 .0S9 .126 .065 661,192 489,442 512,448 296,219 362,947 66,753 71,007 59,967 76,190 94,779 71,15S 65,423 65,399 65,536 107,920 11,788 10,437 17,599 16,863 21,964 » 36,850 « 65,295 > 67,495 «71,390 828,499 19,044 20,877 29,081 30,014 17,9S6 January... February. March..-... April 237,097 361,310 414,731 328,350 53,767 48,471 54,408 91,301 243,445 345,494 448,767 437,669 42,164 89,874 138,968 110,326 .130 .119 .179 .177 .154 .149 .137 .192 477,478 354,120 215,872 104,334 192,755 181,330 143,678 110,324 187,877 121,560 97,069 50,337 18,286 21,482 23,235 21,717 50,2S6 66,867 72,200 92,621 34,643 34,000 36,548 33,947 May June July August.. 289,995 440,423 465,374 385,361 61,403 31,876 25,200 4,252 413,726 460,982 477,928 409,4*50 76,663 115,781 147,137 174,625 .209 .197 .176 .134 .225 .212 .191 .167 47,077 36,044 30,0S4 36,760 79,517 44,928 22,619 13,757 26,789 11,077 4,400 5,010 14,256 13,100 4,633 3,171 50,550 50,859 55,270 41,959 32,295 22,310 24,046 28,141 September. October November. December.. 195,187 121,100 193,273 158,121 9,374 8,505 10,113 13,780 253,146 178,454 225,356 166,746 99,937 84,290 85,527 98,996 .107 .083 .068 .053 .143 .108 .096 .081 138,418 488,958 587,996 593,507 33,221 105,851 166,231 156,801 42,832 190,262 228,073 176,323 5,773 8,671 24,632 43,446 38,010 29,196 17,808 '20,269 29,819 28,249 32,099 23,869 113,618 130,610 261,686 433,186 347,499 105,275 114,476 172,679 245,904 .054 .053 .061 .054 .076 .071 .078 .073 484,832 416,520 299,976 191,526 166,710 168,254 166,078 115,831 171,887 161,809 149,526 79,573 71,291 40,305 36,811 21,489 21,251 34,479 11,162 45,605 22,688 20,297 21,361 20,814 .049 .047 .044 .047 .063 .057 .055 .058 139,471 109,309 94,543 124,377 70,199 47,851 20,113 44,297 30,411 26,228 29,630 19,613 17,747 7,922 6,054 13,967 13,012 16,774 15,065 12,317 7,614 11,120 17,803 .043 .042 .041 .037 .056 .052 .052 .050 381,342 732,570 762,726 618,173 50,576 102,957 111,916 100,167 99,803 186,444 173,574 131,961 8,239 10,744 10,822 12,529 45,177 27,117 48,135 31,785 17,723 21,497 17,565 1920. 1921. January... February. March April 374,090 385,079 25,583 17,503 11,428 13,022 May , June July August.., 381,651 166,017 123,782 254,931 60,197 61,040 67,096 59,400 339,850 298,372 414,545 263,539 251,827 159,416 133,421 September. October.... November., December.. 141,103 161,695 206,865 176,462 35,617 17,261 16,908 31,817 262,817 277,910 268,283 254,135 137,390 71,664 82,253 62,419 1922. January.. February. March 1 With the exception of sugar stocks and meltings reported by the Statistical Sugar Trade Journal. The sources of the other data are: Imports and exports of raw gar, imports and exports of vegetable oils, from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; Cottonseed and cottonseed oil data from the U. st Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census; Wholesale and retail sugar prices from the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; and Oleomar. garine consumption from the XT. 8. Treasury Department, Bureau of Internal Revenue, 2 Figures include reports from seven ports: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Savannah, New Orleans, Galveston, and San Francisco. Meltings are calculated from weekly reports, the odd days being prorated. Stocks represent the amount of raw sugar in the hands of refiners on the dates nearest the end of the month as reported for * Thesefiguresare for fiscal years beginning July 1. * J Includes cottonseed, corn, and linseed oils. The following oils are included: Chinese nut, cocoa butter, coconut, cottonseed, olive (inedible), olive (edible), palm, palm kernel, peanut, rapeseed, soya bean. Where Wrtain of these are reported in gallons, they have been converted into pounds, allowing 72 pounds per gallon. • Colored and uncolored, as represented by tax-paid withdrawals. 90 COFFEE AND TEA. Table 60.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Based on data from Government and non-Government sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] COFFEE. TEA. COFFEE. Clearances from Brazil. Receipts In TO WORLD UNITED Brazil.2 TOTAL.* UNITED YEAR AND MONTH.TOTAL. STATES. Visible supply. 1 Imports Into U.S. STATES.* WORLD TOTAL. Relative to 5-year average. Relative to 1913. UNITED STATES. 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly a v . . . monthly a v . . . monthly a v . . . monthly a v . . . 61 63 66 75 Imports into U.S. Thousands of pounds. 75,659 8,341 99 107 107 128 1,894 1,593 1,689 1,970 2,633 955 1,151 1,072 1,249 1,009 990 1,207 1,103 1,261 1,014 393 491 474 544 610 84,256 102,438 97,241 107,209 8,151 8,842 8,814 .10,566 121 147 143 148 134 82 92 77 7,187 7,425 7,770 8,891 1,960 1,162 1,691 1,686 1,261 762 558 1,064 813 831 891 1,003 536 359 637 513 91,788 111, 130 108,118 111,956 11,044 6,747 7,567 6,374 1OO 122 111 127 102 1OO 125 121 138 155 111 135 129 142 103 61 89 132 SO 58 111 82 84 90 ' 101 136 91 162 131 84 89 104 139 TOTAL.3 into U.S. 11,797 11,679 9,441 9,200 8,493 100 121 112 131 106 100 Imports TO UNITED STATES.-* B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 1OO 1913 monthly a v . . . 100 1914 monthly a v . . . 99 1915 monthly a v . . . 80 1916 monthly a v . . . 78 1917 monthly a v . ^ . 72 Receipts in Brazil^ Thousands of bags.5 A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 1909-1913 mo. av... Clearances from Brazil. Visible supply/ Imports into U.S. TEA. 100 1920. January February March April 55 77 72 83 70 74 79 48 42 42 34 84 76 131 93 147 190 82 153 123 151 200 124 95 90 65 6,598 6,472 9,069 8,484 1,571 1,331 1,396 1,503 458 405 397 323 834 748 1,296 883 367 579 746 324 116,032 93,129 131,923 151,501 10,253 7,810 7,384 5,374 May.... June July.... August. 67 62 59 60 95 79 90 96 36 47 93 146 75 85 73 104 134 138 130 158 . 100 163 176 173 58 104 122 121 7,881 7,272 6,910 7,033 1,792 1,494 1,699 1,823 448 891 1,398 739 841 723 1,026 525 542 510 619 75,350 123,506 133,143 130,636 4,776 8,546 10,080 10,002 September.. October.... November.. December.. 66 70 71 74 102 107 107 90 143 150 150 146 130 101 103 94 155 74 118 172 128 128 100 96 102 96 73 51 7,773 8,297 8,379 8,716 1,936 2,026 2,025 1,696 1,365 1,429 1,436 1,397 1,286 1,002 1,017 930 609 290 465 677 96,661 97,127 75,654 72,752 8,441 7,929 6,015 4,198 1921. January February March April 76 75 76 75 86 87 100 108 120 83 90 10S 100 109 117 97 151 173 181 128 147 172 187 215 33 65 57 9,002 8,902 8,992 8,S42 1,619 1,647 1,901 2,046 1,148 790 857 1,032 1,076 1,154 964 594 680 712 503 110,956 130,413 141,729 162,397 3,247 2,711 5,387 4,711 May.... June.... July.... August. 75 74 73 77 109 108 92 90 104 113 121 127 73 78 99 101 55 53 62 62 95 8,663 8,720 9,034 2,058 2,037 1,747 1,710 994 1,079 1,154 1,216 727 776 975 79 163 101 111 125 218 345 386 310 123,191 76,762 83,703 94,897 4,383 5,094 5,0S0 7,844 121 117 110 123 123 107 116 131 171 199 110 84 103 165 202 102 112 112 135 9,032 8,920 8,867 9,076 1,685 1,306 1,175 1,298 1,156 1,121 1,055 1,171 1,218 1,060 1,145 952 514 673 783 433 63,546 78,174 124,955 152,776 9,220 9,258 11,162 9,263 1,615 September.. October November.. December.. 1933. January February March..: 77 76 75 77 79 85 i Data on coffee except imports received from the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange, Inc.; imports of coffee and tea from the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 3 Represents total receipts at Rio and Santos. * Represents total clearances from Rio, Santos, and Victoria. * Represents total clearances from Rio, Santos, Victoria, and Bahia. & A bag of collee averages 132 pounds. * Given as of the 1st day of the month'. 91 TOBACCO. Table 61.—(A) INDEX NTJMBEKS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Based on data from Government sources.1 YEAR AND MONTH. PRODUCTION. Chewing, UnTotal, M a n u smokInclud- facToing, Cigar ing im- tured L a r g e Small bacco mancigaufacsnuff, types. ported tobac- cigars.* rettes.4 (crop). 6 tured and types. co and leaf. export snuflV types. STOCKS-* Chewing, smoking, snuff, and export types. Relative to 1909-13. Kelative to 1913. 1917 mo. av 1918 mo. av 1919 mo. av 1920 mo.av 1921 mo. av 1920. January February March... April... May June July August Thousands of pounds. September October . November December 1921. January February.. March. April.... May.... June July. 100 100 99 100 105 1OO 95 87 93 1OO 108 115 163 104 107 116 110 120 126 124 148 75 77 80 88 92 99 87 112 114 131 109 112 96 90 87 100 93 93 105 90 227 300 341 287 327 125 144 147 159 112 119 77 107 146 89 129 100 95 114 102 105 94 119 105 349 273 337 291 149 127 145 135 104 101 93 94 107 112 108 107 305 315 236 275 151 155 106 89 134 130 95 81 54 48 108 112 106 80 274 . 296 272 217 156 148 148 159 119 125 85 145 73 81 96 84 73 79 89 87 301 318 345 293 149 133 145 138 85 93 87 100 89 98 89 99 319 326 321 396 94 89 128 151 169 168 94 101 83 68 97 101 98 73 370 377 326 231 95 100 102 112 105 138 93 124 118 105 90 103 131 80 117 168 99 147 152 97 135 August September October November December. 1922. January. February March 140 145 91 85 125 127 Thousands. 1OO 100 101 109 99 95 Small cigarettes.* Tobacco (crop).* Unmanufactured leaf. Thousands of pounds. B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 100 93 98 85 125 PRODUCTION. ManufacTotal, Cigar Including tured Large types. imported tobac- cigars.i types. co and snufl.s A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 5 yr.av. (1909-13) 1913 mo. av 100 1914 mo. av 103 1915 mo. av 113 1916 mo. av 105 EXPORTS. STOCKS. 3 EXPORTS. [Base-year in bold-faced type.] 92 114 126 810,469 835,462 915,451 853,156 369,802 344,971 361,114 313,142* 67 107 203 124 137 889,484 970,465 1,018,253 1,001,387 1,199,209 277,846 283,495 296,095 323,643 340,656 ,234,013 36,990 1,244,524 36,745 1,343,396 36,863 1,225,555 38,847 996,176 31,417 £30,959 1,296,308 597,849 1,404,636 1,034,679 28,827 549,932 1,497,029 1,062,237 35,877 586,844 2,107,525 1,153,278 39,784 1,217,963 1,073,084 1,381,713 1,408,311 1,621,288 40,248 41,423 35,339 33,324 32,20S 629,991 587,796 589,363 661,418 566,478 2,944,272 3,8S8,075 4,426,649 3,718,526 4,236,256 962,807 283,304 1,318,131 37,035 35,034 42,127 37,811 633,634 593,832 753,240 663,578 4,528,761 3,536,118 4,373,779 3,774,900 46,750 39,764 45,411 42,386 38,450 37,197 34,239 34,842 676,228 708,112 678,752 672,020 3,953,345 4,088,835 3,053,337 1,500,800 3,569,397 1,544,489 33,303 28,041 42,067 40,958 35,250 30,075 20,150 17,683 678,640 704,799 668,060 506,126 3,557,482 1,553,812 3,840,335 1,478,788 3,529,200 1,476,444 2,816,818 1,582,225 37,261 39,394 26,628 45,408 27,153 30,007 35,478 31,056 462,798 496,724 561,344 584,103 3,901,560 4,119,377 4,470,292 3,801,672 46,852 41,735 45,445 43,320 31,351 34,539 32,018 36,873 558,479 618,495 $64,598 622,039 4,136,085 4,219,727 4,161,218 5,130,577 932,157 889,266 40,220 47,328 53,156 52,815 34,803 37,414 30,772 25,035 614,428 635,808 615,251 463,664 948,324 4,791,398 991,564 4,877,826 4,229,402 1,020,874 2,995,935 1,117,682 33,009 43,465 29,236 38,772 1,179,823 328,725 1,590,625 1,013,719 350,693 1,452,962 849,199 331,849 1,271,525 1,061,696 297,472 1,446,914 1,363,499 367,854 1,818,781 1,235,156 359,095 1,672,017 ! 1 1,136,484 338,202 X174,808 1,249,276 1,439,071 1,465,481 1,582,225 1,117,682 21,186 33,656 63,826 38,973 42,946 313,314 1,651,848 1,547,440 1 Stocks held by manufacturers and dealers reported by the Ut S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census; Production of manufactured tobacco and snuff, cigars ^ c i g a r e t t e s by the US. Treasury Department, Bureau of Internal Bevenue; Crop production by the U.S. Department ofAgriculture, Bureau of "arketsand Crop Estimates; •Exports of leaf tobacco b y the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. j Held by manufacturers and dealers on first day of each quarter. Yearly figures are quarterly averages. a Represents the total of plug, twist, fine-cut, smoking tobacco, and snuff. The Internal Revenue reports the number of large cigars, i. e., those weighing over three pounds per thousand, and the number of small cigars weighing less than 16 a b V ° v e amount. Likewise they report the number of large and small cigarettes, the former weighing more than three pounds per thousand. Large cigars and small •Yearly figures on crop production represent the latest estimates as reported by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. onthly figures for 1920 and 1921 are the current monthly estimates of total production. The 92 FOREIGN TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES, Table 62.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] IMPORTS BY GRAND DIVISIONS— FROM NORTH AMERICA. FROM EUROPE. YEAR AND MONTH. Total. GerFrance* many. Italy. United Kingdom. Total. Canada. FROM SOUTH. FROM ASIA FROM AMERICA. AND OCEANIA* AFRICA Total. Argentina. GRAND TOTAL. Total. Japan. Total. Relative to 1913. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average. average. average. average. average. 100 91 63 73 64 100 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average. average. average. 37 87 142 43 S9 119 102 75 56 78 71 100 106 95 112 103 100 113 131 169 224 125 167 291 100 116 163 216 302 0 6 48 44 44 107 136 113 55 114 188 88 250 297 445 194 318 348 430 236 308 347 384 149 779 813 234 24 3 0 100 115 100 220 370 455 697 100 100 116 193 271 100 107 109 184 256 1OO 83 146 261 308 100 100 99 133 165 330 100 100 93 109 100 81 207 305 414 419 254 360 473 630 170 1C9 21S 295 140 317 313 351 332 378 467 1920. January... February. March April 155 148 174 155 129 110 146 126 29 25 46 41 216 179 155 157 221 229 265 233 579 422 451 427 363 335 349 342 472 411 442 460 1,002 709 901 1,013 552 487 576 540 678 524 568 512 1,028 1,397 1,376 1,387 May.... June July.... August. 128 165 165 159 91 140 146 131 32 56 6S 81 138 119 153 117 193 219 205 192 460 662 597 517 411 407 361 502 384 491 440 383 1,084 791 868 785 448 501 530 601 371 491 482 490 414 307 604 474 September. October November. December.. 126 122 114 94 106 101 101 103 63 52 49 37 95 115 102 151 148 118 85 325 311 313 274 456 604 532 502 378 287 243 218 1,074 703 380 444 381 369 358 266 323 257 189 145 214 35 152 175 243 224 215 178 January... February. March.... April 83 76 107 96 100 123 100 30 32 48 43 72 45 115 117 77 83120 115 198 243 284 276 278 264 264 186 160 198 185 249 395 251 189 195 172 232 108 142 130 287 222 159 256 208 140 144 169 170 May.... June..., July.... August. 84 76 79 82 42 45 54 48 155 107 109 134 85 65 66 71 214 168 146 156 221 197 199 200 141 119 119 144 228 191 218 312 186 204 200 227 276 246 304 311 115 15S 82 71 137 124 110 130 44 50 39 47 118 150 122 117 81 85 97 109 143 165 173 159 204 248 243 226 103 107 162 164 132 141 225 202 194 179 202 300 275 207 273 4S8 62 143 218 345 120 126 141 159 370 360 344 1921. September. October November.. December... 93 97 101 102 94 117 92 120 1922. January... February. March See footnotes on opposite p a g e . 93 FOREIGN TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES. Table 63.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page] IMPORTS BY GRAND DIVISIONSFROM NORTH AMERICA. FROM EUROPE. YEAR AND MONTH. Total. France. Germany. Italy. United Kingdom. Total. Canada. FROM SOUTH AMERICA. Total. Argentina. FROM ASIA FROM AND OCEANIA. AFRICA GRAND TOTAL. Total. Japan* Total. Thousands of dollars. 8 1 1 , 5 7 8 §15,351 8 4 , 6 1 0 8,685 12,449 4,601 6,493 3,746 4,297 9,074 5,020 485 8,220 3,040 13 822,6G3 8 3 2 , 4 8 5 811,844 23,949 36,783. 13,669 21,525 42,455 14,800 25,457 54,870 19,771 23,340 34,473 72,665 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average. average. average. average. average. 872,056 65,293 45,529 52,776 45,929 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average. average. average. 26,510 62,544 102,337 63,745 4,959 10,318 13,807 11,824 26 884 7,417 2,028 4,922 6,274 5,191 12,385 25,766 42,702 19,900 81,218 96,481 144,535 52,894 37,641 41,225 50,969 27,953 50,911 57,294 63,448 24,635 1920. January February March April 112,030 106,744 125,463 111,347 14,9S1 12,678 16,939 14,628 4,386 3,882 7,094 6,369 9,942 8,252 7,139 7,242 50,183 51,991 60,045 52,890 188,122 136,970 146,499 138,822 43,051 39,646 41,321 40,509 May.... June.... July.... August.. 91,962 118,561 118,865 114,752 10,488 16,104 16,960 15,154 4,850 8,540 10,436 12,490 6,380 5,504 7,035 5,388 43,796 49,575 46,524 43,415 149,507 215,009 193,624 167,903 September. October.... November. December.. 91,048 87,802 82,039 67,433 12,325 11,749 11,717 11,896 9,705 8,022 7,558 5,666 4,035 4,365 5,320 4,688 34,225 33,617 26,824 19,335 1921. January February March April 59,579 54,830 76,798 69,156 10,012 11,578 14,200 11,591 4,630 4,952 7,368 6,676 3,339 2,061 5,299 5,413 May..... June..., July.... August., 60,804 54,718 56,754 59,139 11,823 10,785 11,316 10,923 6,456 6,975 8,217 7,309 September., October.... November. December.. 63,408 66,769 70,254 72,733 13,565 10,677 13,930 11,484 6,785 7,624 5,914 7,372 S16.522 8 2 , 1 3 1 19,127 4,690 26,857 7,890 35,634 9,691 49,902 14,855 820,344 $8,245 81,978 1,638 2,887 5,158 8149,383 149,100 148,216 199,303 246,039 26,265 30,4S9 50,8G5 71,455 8,808 9,026 15,174 21,139 19,032 16,597 17,318 4,994 86,837 99,696 123,139 54,447 25,162 34,154 34,573 20,939 7,126 9,349 12,465 3,365 252,601 325,364 440,090 209,085 J7,939 67,907 73,010 76,014 21,344 15,104 19,190 21,581 145,479 128,390 151,790 142,131 55,928 43,225 46,871 42,182 20,334 27,623 27,217 27,428 473,904 467,634 523,978 495,741 48,704 48,181 42,720 59,504 63,404 81,167 72,721 63,301 23,104 16,853 18,502 16,734 117,943 132,069 139,722 158,211 30,627 40,510 39,744 40,389 8,189 6,070 11,939 9,384 431,005 552,875 537,170 513,551 105,545 101,174 101,793 89,148 53,974 71,511 62,975 59,507 62,500 47,369 40,106 35,939 22,883 14,971 8,098 9,454 100,346 97,218 94,228 70,135 26,664 21,224 15,573 11,939 4,227 700 3,015 3,457 363,667 334,264 321,181 266,113 17,438 18,885 27,090 26,172 64,179 78,798 92,112 89,669 34,232 32,874 31,215 31,285 30,750 26,509 32,685 30,535 5,730 5,316 8,413 5,345 49,898 51,244 45,309 61,079 8,939 11,711 10,678 23,637 4,391 3,148 5,064 4,140 203,797 214,530 251,969 254,579 7,131 4,946 5,018 5,728 19,374 14,842 14,984 15,983 69,603 54,575 47,351 50,583 26,143 23,289 23,627 23,695 23,358 19,620 19,700 23,799 4,854 4,062 4,638 6,646 48,871 53,648 52,737 59,849 22,760 20,253 25,106 25,646 2,275 3,129 1,618 1,399 204,911 185,690 178,159 194,769 5,438 6,917 5,607 5,393 18,299 19,215 21,888 24,626 46,349 53,443 56,317 51,747 24,189 29,416 28,767 28,709 17,133 17,712 26,717 27,106 2,818 2,995 4,803 4,307 51,170 47,241 53,345 78,969 22,700 17,077 22,519 40,242 1,233 2,843 4,315 6,819 179,292 188,008 210,948 237,373 1922. January., February. March.... 1 * tComPUed by the U. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, and represent imports of merchandise only. Up to and including May, . » imP<>rt valuesrepresented "actual market value or wholesale price at the time of exportation to the United States, in the principal markets of the country from whence p o r t e d , including the value of all containers and coverings, whether holding liquids or solids, and all other costs, charges, and expenses incident to placing the merchan~ T l n co&dition, packed ready for shipment to the United States." (Tariff act of 1913.) Beginning with June, 1921, the import values are either the actual foreign market 1W1 \ ' a 3 d e f l n e d a b o v e » o r " t h e ex Port value, including any export tax imposed by the country of exportation," whichever is higher. (Emergency tariff act of May 27, 94 FOREIGN TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES, Table 64.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year" in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] EXPORTS BY GRAND DIVISIONS. YEAR AND MONTH. Total. France* Germany. TO SOUTH AMERICA. TO NORTH AMERICA. TO EUROPE. Italy. United Kingdom. Total* Canada. Total. Argentina. TO ASIA AND TO OCEANIA. AFRICA GRAND TOTAL. Total. Japan* Total* 1OO 85 116 226 100 67 73 175 298 100 88 128 187 178 100 85 143 221 251 438 586 605 377 205 338 573 252 248 319 331 181 Relative to 1913. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average. average. average. average. average. 100 89 172 254 271 100 111 325 559 611 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average. average. average. 257 346 298 15S 605 580 439 146 January.. February. March April 366 307 372 291 May.... June July.... August. 307 100 45 3 1 100 124 343 386 533 100 102 203 319 340 100 80 93 154 210 1OO 77 86 150 206 1OO 62 98 150 213 100 220 216 321 188 220 182 236 147 207 301 426 187 191 284 202 290 432 502 311 49 140 195 26 88 106 563 274 349 386 309 160 523 511 553 449 50 63 71 004 398 568 658 435 344 449 272 269 249 306 305 217 188 239 146 325 331 442 385 306 253 369 325 496 498 749 617 931 670 1,424 1,055 173 401 715 569 319 312 39G 331 71 67 96 234 443 237 460 299 501 334 442 274 308 244 262 242 350 331 318 273 305 293 266 477 379 367 382 373 297 348 367 567 559 489 386 839 679 407 305 883 613 611 552 304 315 280 September. October November.. December.. 251 339 286 311 368 617 460 296 68 111 120 199 448 544 412 487 289 327 254 282 336 358 339 323 261 258 206 184 446 490 535 551 475 477 568 506 354 414 398 500 190 232 173 352 317 710 639 688 292 363 327 348 1021. January.., February. March April 260 191 159 140 279 159 153 106 166 132 104 65 448 397 258 208 225 190 159 171 316 222 192 188 162 134 143 146 503 318 234 170 529 359 266 160 550 493 311 256 440 423 315 233 B76 506 365 240 316 235 187 164 May.... June July.... August. 141 142 147 165 77 99 109 117 70 105 124 130 344 347 209 213 163 131 145 183 179 184 174 204 150 146 155 203 148 143 127 114 168 161 158 120 234 233 236 328 280 218 193 167 154 174 159 163 157 177 September.. October November.. December... 142 157 ,123 124 163 202 150 134 125 90 83 74 150 283 202 229 121 173 123 140 174 154 143 121 167 133 123 104 114 125 109 133 113 116 111 158 253 293 296 340 374 483 502 530 110 173 202 167 157 166 142 143 473 1920. 237 273 January... February. March See footnotes on opposite page. 263 204 95 FOREIGN TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES. Table 65.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] EXPORTS BY GRAND DIVISIONS— TO NORTH AMERICA. TO EUROPE. TO SOUTH AMERICA. YEAR AND MONTH. Total. GerFrance. many. Italy. United Kingdom. Total. Canada* Total. Argentina. TO ASIA AND TO GRAND OCEANIA. AFRICA TOTAL. Total. Japan. Total. 85,308 3,479 8,811 8307,003 15,528 83,411 2,110 3,095 4,501 4,282 Thousands of dollars. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average. average. average. average. average. 8124,964 813,827 829,328 $ 6 , 5 5 6 8,161 14,175 13,191 111,608 22,477 214,451 41,733 981 25,294 317,773 71,735 188 34,920 338,538 78,399 <*) 2 349,228 49,984 99,870 157,282 167,450 550,098 40,132 46,567 77,046 105,081 833,599 813,310 84,583 7,5S4 2,261 25,885 28,754 50,409 69,077 12,011 18,356 25,991 4,403 6,406 8,925 817,319 14,700 20,099 39,211 45,567 25,226 36,812 51,995 22,777 8,759 12,992 17,811 9,236 50,250 74,775 86,956 53,782 22,815 30,530 31,497 19,620 4,933 8,160 13,806 6,073 512,424 660,035 685 917 373,709 176,135 296,223 456,887 519,459 321,558 432,306 372,351 196,993 77,600 74,447 56,279 18.745 <) 7,730 25,952 31,027 41,015 36,890 30,981 17,955 171,774 189,880 152,132 78,926 110,457 107,983 160,809 94,136 73,906 61,187 79,384 49,473 1930. January.,. February March April ,... 457,507 384,052 465,354 364,094 67,074 65,520 70,882 57,622 14,675 18,599 20,940 23,471 39,620 26,084 37,210 43,143 214,088 169,122 221,119 133,714 134,898 124,817 153,294 152,653 72,856 63,316 80,341 48,980 39,633 40,441 53,992 47,027 14,008 11,612 16,925 14,869 85,848 86,167 129,673 106,834 48,479 34,884 74,159 54,967 4,179 9,667 17,242 13,712 722,064 645,145 819,556 634,319 May June July..... August., 383,572 296,133 341,087 293,034 56,845 36,800 58,962 38,322 20,848 19,700 28,026 19,422 32,854 21,915 28,980 17,952 151,819 120,155 128,895 119,306 184,298 91,700 175,315 * 102,323 98,484 166,072 89,244 159,257 58,224 46,256 44,869 46,643 17,094 13,587 15,923 16,817 98,134 96,894 84,625 66,804 43,702 35,355 21,188 15,880 21,295 14,779 14,729 13,314 745,523 629,377 651,382 579,053 September. October November. December.. 313,413 423,883 357,498 388,587 47,205 79,093 59,010 38,012 19,797 32,449 35,061 58,439 29,375 35,694 26,997 31,945 142,485 160,974 125,061 138,851 168,532 179,239. 169,618 161,709 87,675 86,644 69,340 61,700 54,447 59(828 65,286 67,295 21,782 21,858 26,045 23,207 61,268 71,663 68,893 86,670 9,904 12,067 9,023 18,353 7,632 17,116 15,411 16,592 605,291 751,729 676,708 720,853 1931. January. February March April 325,219 238,816 199,256 175,139 35,825 20,432 19,597 13,582 48,812 38,837 30,503 19,133 29,357 26,004 16,908 13,634 110,794 93,450 78,155 84,247 158,528 111,381 96,083 94,309 54,373 45,179 48,168 48,98S 61,430 38,804 28,621 20,718 24,228 16,441 12,166 7,345 95,201 85,361 53,915 44,422 22,846 22,029 16,410 12,148 13,893 12,091 8,806 5,776 654,271 486,454 386,680 340,364 May June July August., 176,799 177,814 183,195 206,228 9,863 12,708 13,946 15,050 20,485 30,796 36,324 38,284 22,537 22,743 13,674 13,944 80,288 64,439 71,315 90,257 89,647 92,071 87,357 102,141 50,483 49,100 51,996 18,036 17,496 15,548 13,919 7,690 7,388 7,257 5,486 40,586 45,483 35,374 40,402 12,307 17,057 14,588 16,548 4,642 4,034 3,708 4,198 329,710 336,899 325,181 366,888 September. October.... November. December.. 177,246 196,054 153,088 155,062 21,579 25,849 19,262 17,249 36,774 26,266 24,326 21,786 9,857 18,554 13,249 15,001 59,475 84,951 60,640 69,098 87,138 77,128 71,646 62,207 55,972 44,750 41,195 35,109 13,920 15,308 13,320 16,201 5,179 5,318 5,100 7,235 43,897 50,677 51,256 58,804 19,499 25,159 26,126 30,718 2,662 4,163 4,866 4,031 t324,063 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average. average.. average. 343,331 294,176 296,306 1932. January February March. I 1 Compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, and represent exports, including re-exports, of merchandise only. Values are those at time of exportation in the po rts of the United States whence exported, except re-exports from bonded warehouses, which are expressed in their import value. * Total for year 1917 is $3,275. No figures for 1918. 96 FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Table 66.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] EUROPE. YEAR AND MONTH. Ensland. France. Italy. Belgium. THE AMERICAS. ASIA. Ger- Nethermany. lands. Sweden. Switz3 erland. Japan. India. Canada. Argentina. Brazil. Chile. Index numbers, a Relative to par. Par value 1914 average. 1915 average. 1916 average. 1917 average. 1918 average. 1919 average. 1920 average. 1921 average.. 93 91 75 79 1930. January February March April 75 69 77 81 100 100. 106 9S 9S 100 100 84 119 98 88 90 107 103 101 97 94 93 92 92 77 69 76 82 93 85 88 93 100 98 95 97 91 90 87 82 79 81 82 77 92 94 91 103 103 103 103 84 79 75 37 36 33 32 78 77 75 77 75 74 71 73 84 82 80 80 103 103 102 101 63 61 55 18 19 20 24 35 39 38 82 81 93 86 80 83 85 8S 27 88 83 79 77 88 84 79 79 79 83 83 91 81 85 87 91 59 26 22 66 38 38 13 7 5 44 37 39 35 7 5 5 32 37 29 28 23 May June July August., 79 81 79 74 36 41 42 37 27 31 30 25 37 43 45 40 9 11 11 September. October— November. December.. 72 71 71 72 35 34 31 31 22 20 19 •18 January.. February. March April 77 80 80 81 33 37 36 38 May..... June July August-, 82 78 75 75 43 42 26 September. October November.. December... 77 79 82 • 44 36 37 40 23 40 •22 43 42 40 39 38 22 21 .21 23 37 37 36 39 38 37 40 7 97 85 86 97 90 97 93 97 96 86 87 97 97 94 97 101 1922. January February March 100 95 76 84 92 71 36 39 8 100 100 98 99 102 103 100 101 87 80 71 9 100 100 101 97 99 109 103 94 88 90 See footnotes on opposite page. 96 100 100 100 100 100 100 103 83 80 54 90 98 96 81 92 87 92 59 57 53 54 90 88 90 91 86 88 54 50 47 50 90 91 92 93 104 103 94 76 78 82 69 40 115 94 62 68 54 102 102 102 102 85 81 82 83 106 109 110 109 78 70 72 73 101 100 96 90 82 101 97 98 72 77 70 56 54 51 47 83 81 77 47 48 47 43 74 42 72 36 63 90 32 36 72 76 76 78 74 74 64 84 80 82 90 54 56 55 56 72 73 77 38 80 72 73 73 74 76 67 61 5S 55 54 55. 54 57 61 56 53 52 65 59 53 52 55 60 56 55 51 46 51 55 97 FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Table 67.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on the opposite page.] EUROPE. England. YEAR AND MONTH. France. Italy. Belgium. Germany. ASIA. Nether- Sweden. Switzerland. lands. Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per pound franc. franc. lire. mark. florin. krone. franc. sterling. S4.87 5.14 4.78 4.76 4.76 S0.193 .199 .182 .170 .174 $0,193 .195 .169 .155 .137 191S average . . . . . . . 1919 average 1920 average 1921 average 4.76 4.43 3.66 3.85 .178 .137 .070 .075 .134 .114 .050 .043 .128 .074 • .074 .030 .018 .011 .391 .344 .337 1920. January .. February March... April. 3.68 3.38 3.73 3.93 .085 .070 .072 .062 .071 .055 .053 .045 .085 .072 .075 .067 .017 .011 .013 .017 May June July August 3.85 3.95 3.86 3.62 .069 .080 .081 .072 .052 .059 .058 .049 .072 .083 .086 .077 September October November December 3.51 3.47 3.44 3.49 .067 .065 .060 .059 .043 .039 .036 .035 1921. January... . February March April.... 3.74 3.88 3.91 3.93 .064 .072 .070 .072 May.... June July August 3.98 3.78 3.63 3.65 September.... October November December 3.72 3.87 3.97 4.16 Par value 1914 average 1915 average 1916 average 1917 average . $0,193 $0,238 $0,402 $0,268 Japan. THE A M E R I C A S . India.' Rate per Rate per yen. rupee. $0,193 .194 .187 .191 .211 $0,499 .491 .495 .507 .513 .255 .205 .226 .229 .190 .169 .174 .533 .512 .504 .483 .403 .389 .263 .378 .373 .368 .371 .207 .186 .203 .219 .179 .165 .170 .179 .500 .490 .475 .486 .022 .026 .025 .021 .366 .361 .350 .329 .212 .218 .219 ,206 .177 .182 .176 .167 .072 .069 .064' ,062 .017 .015 .013 ' .014 .313 .309 .302 .310 .202 .197 .191 .196 .035 .036 .p38 .046 .068 .075 .074 .074 .016 .016 .016 .016 .329 .342 .344 .348 .084 .081 .078 .078 .053 .050 .045 .043 .084 .080 .076 .075 .016 .014 .013 .012 .073 .073 .072 .078 .042 .040 .041 .044 .072 .071 .069 .075 .010 .007 .004 .005 $0,487 C a n a d a . Argentina. Brazil. Chile. Rate per Rate per Rate per Rato per gold paper dollar. milreis. peso. peso. $0,965 S0.324 .941 .964 .997 .234 .236 .249 .956 .893 .812 , .999 .990 .907 .731 .253 .267 .225 .131 .226 .184 .120 .440 .476 .478 .468 .915 .865 .894 .916 .982 .985 .987 .983 .275 .262 .265 .268 .207 .213 .214 .213 .515 .514 .516 .516 .433 .410 .384 .364 .900 .882 .881 .8S6 .971 .961 .923 .871 .268 .251 .228 .207 .197 .190 .191 .181 .163 .159 .155 .154 .514 .513 .508 .503 .336 .306 .297 .269 ' .904 .909 .893 .863 .846 .814 .769 .787 .183 .175 .166 .153 .168 .156 .140 .142 .214 .223 .228 .236 .157 .164 .171 .174 .487 .487 .486 .485 .286 .277 .260 .263 .876 .881 .878 .891 .794 .804 .782 .739 .151 .156 .151 .140 .143 .144 .148 .130 .356 .333 .318 .310 .235 ' .226 .210 .211 .179 .170 .165 .168 .485 .480 .480 .484 .265 .245 .231 .242 .897 .8S8 .882 .898 .718 .699 .658 .666 .137 .116 .104 .118 .119 .109 .104 .102 .317 .335 .335 .363 .218 .229 .232 .245 .172 .182 .188 .194 .4S2 .477 .479 .470 .264 .274 .269 .274 .899 .914 .915 .928 .696 .731 .735 .748 .124 .127 .126 .127 .107 .117 .110 .108 $1,000 80.195 < 1922. January.. February.. March 1 Daily averages of noon rates for cable transfers reported to the Treasury daily by the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Average figures for the years 1914 to 918, inclusive, where given, are weekly averages of commercial quotations from the Annalist. * parity established October, 1920. Prior to that, par value of the rupee was 32.44 cents. • T h e foreign exchange index number recently computed by the Federal Reserve Board is based upon the average rates of exchange for 18 countries. The index represents the weighted geometric average of cable transfer rates on these countries. The weights used are based on the total volume of imports and exports of merchandise, gold, and silver from and to each country for the preceding month. The countries used in computing the index are Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Germany, «aly Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, India, and Japan. Average value of the paper peso in 1913. 84796°—22—7 98 TRANSPORTATION—WATER. Table 68.—IffDEX JTCTMBEKS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year numbers in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] VESSELS IN FOREIGN TRADE. CARGO T R A F F I C T H R O U G H C A N A L S . Sault Ste. Marie Canal.* Panama Entered. SHIPBUILDING, Cleared. Under . con- struction.* Y E A R AND MONTH. I n AmeriIn c a n ves- British sels. vessels. Total traffic. Total cargo. Ameri- Foreign. average. average. average. average. average. 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average., average.. average.. 100 39 67 96 126 208 154 100 63 144 119 85 129 154 141 192 100 71 American. Foreign. Total. Relative to 1920, Relative to 1913. Relative to 1915. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly Total. 100 69 . 89 115 113 100 88 113 129 141 100 93 85 86 74 107 131 155 228 221 Completed.5 Relative to 1919. 100 100 93 87 90 76 100 80 107 123 133 90 93 99 92 21 65 63 82 79 82 86 120 117 125 167 227 201 68 68 87 84 84 95 126 116 53 62 100 67 30 127 142 179 179 54 100 91 92 97. 92 47 51 56 57 68 72 89 155 136 163 200 60 50 63 61 87 74 91 100 59 69 82 108 72 75 79 72 100 1920. January.. February. March April 244 216 244 , 264 116 101 125 129 220 192 114 213 May.... June.... July August. 312 218 238 294 153 147 142 173 239 205 218 255 85 107 116 125 223 256 264 293 74 102 108 111 114 142 150 159 218 256 264 289 75 97 112 121 115 141 154 166 120 118 113 116 53 72 61 73 September. October. November.. December.. 279 237 217 259 168 179 188 183 248 243 242 264 118 130 95 15 265 273 275 257 105 101 85 83 147 146 135 129 274 280 264 223 109 116 89 91 155 162 138 128 107 107 104 97 74 65 61 50 January.. February. March April 250 239 209 203 230 146 221 169 274 234 266 223 67 61 10 213 195 202 212 73 106 97 104 107 175 161 168 203 70 66 74 74 104 93 100 112 92 85 78 64 60 32 42 34 May.... June July.... August.. 22S 187 173 209 126 106 131 110 195 171 174 206 62 81 82 75 210 226 221 245 91 97 101 120 124 128 139 162 237 201 206 90 96 104 100 112 137 131 129 56 50 45 44 31 47 24 22 September. October November.. December.. 211 210 195 114 200 126 185 242 210 65 67 33 10 228 232 247 217 85 79 72 71 122 119 118. 109 247 216 220 105 90 83 68 80 134 120 110 112 38 32 28 26 26 14 18 13 1921. 1922. January.., February.. March £tae footnotes on opposite page. 99 TRANSPORTATION—WATER. Table 69.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] CARGO TRAFFIC THROUGH CANALS. Sault Ste. Marie Canal. 3 Panama Canal. 1 YEAR AND MONTH. In American vessels. In British vessels. VESSELS IN FOREIGN TRADE, Total traffic Total cargo. Entered. Ameri- Forelgn. Thousands of short tons. Long tons. SHIPBUILDING. Cleared. Total. American. Underconstruction.* Foreign, Completed.& Total. Gross tons.7 Thousands of net tons. • 9,965 6,921 * 8,911 11,486 11,227 1,174 1,033 1,333 1,512 1,658 3,364 3,028 2,768 2,803 2,416 4,440 4,061 4,101 4,315 4,074 1,250 1,000 1,340 1,537 1,666 3,233 3,017 2,826 2,895 2,467 4,433 4,017 4,166 4,433 4/133 31,881 20,354 18,760 27,118 75,112 10,710 8,529 8,809 5,362 1,538 1,828 2,677 2,592 2,121 2,064 2,667 2,590 3,659 3,892 5,344 5,1S2 1,563 2,083 2,836 2,507 2,184 2,189 2,816 2,704 3,748 4,271 5,652 5,211 1,155,691 G13,O17 218,549 351,158 235,945 * 105,973 894,628 780,488 466,043 867,521 537 1,494 1,674 2,104 2,100 1,523 1,668 1,837 1,870 3,010 3,342 3,940 3,970 1,933 1,702 2,040 2,504 1,950 1,628 2,041 1,961 3,8S3 3,331 4,OS1 4,465 679,171 791,911 947,193 1,252,096 253,579 261,959 278,214 251,442 280,306 269,390 260,703 316,497 974,919 834,421 886,814 1,040,740 8,421 10,648 11,577 12,425 2,020 3,005 3,108 3,444 2,430 3,320 3,539 3,611 5,050 6,325 0,b47 7,055 2,730 3,199 3,303 3,616 2,436 3,142 3,610 3,930 5,166 6,341 6,919 7,546 1,391,341 1,360,643 1,306,956 1,335,721 185,053 251,539 214,840 257,765 508,660 431,987 396,372 472,520 307,941 328,812 343,902 334,890 1,009,557 991,066 984,910 1,076,539 11,748 13,000 9,420 1,505 3,114 3,209 3,235 3,024 3,427 3,281 2,771 2,724 6,541 6,491 6,000 5,748 3,422 3,500 .3,302 2,7S6 3,514 3,757 2,S6S 2,949 6,935 7,257 6,171 5,735 1,236,547 1,236,277 1,206,486 1,123,946 2.59,011 226,603 213,957 176,781 1921. January February , March April 456,430 435,024 381,256 369,693 421,485 268,430 404,396 310,252 1,117,053 952,904 1,084,563 907,613 957 2,506 2,293 2,373 2,490 2,199 1,999 2,246 2,368 4,705 4,292 4,619 4,859 2,191 2,017 2,09S 2,536 2,455 2,149 2,396 2,474 4,646 4,167 4,494 5,010 1,067,293 977,903 901,229 734,904 205,967 111,609 145,852 120,508 May..... June July August.. 415,794 341,235 316,221 3S0,367 230,217 194,407 239,850 202,004 792,735 694,720 708,982 839,273 6,155 8,079 8,139 7,498 2,463 2,054 2,593 2,8S5 2,861 2,962 3,164 3,287 5,324 5,016 5,757 6,172 2,114 3,059 2,513 2,582 2,910 3,094 3,362 3,223 5,024 6,153 5,875 5,805 645,224 581,631 519,564 513,863 109,393 164,335 84,918 78,415 September., October November.. December.. 3S4,101 383,083 356,019 209,475 367,495 236,625 754,894 985, 775 855,440 6,4S2 0,652 3,265 1,031 2,676 2,718 2,895 2,553 % 759 2,577 2,350 2,30G 5,435 5,295 5,245 4,859 3,092 2,702 2,748 2,434 2,903 2,696 2,200 2,5S6 5,995 5,393 4,949 5,021 439,735 365, CS6 319,426 29(5,944 • 89,709 50,265 61,599 46,108 1913 monthly average, 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly a v e r a g e . . 1 8 2 , 3 2 5 70,738 1916 monthly average.. 122,977 1917 monthly a v e r a g e . . 183,37G 130,888 282,813 407,371 257,843 588,214 174,856 229,907 378,928 217,973 156,412 235,856 627,669 576,385 781,208 1920. January , February March April.. 445,074 392,995 444,178 481,697 211,856 186,093 229,582 235,709 May , June...., July August.. 568,508 396,877 434,619 535,754 September. October November., December.. 1918monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average.. average.. average.. average. 1922. January February March... . x Panama Canal traffic reported b y The Panama Canal; Tonnage entered a n d cleared i n foreign trade, U* S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; Vessels under construction a n d vessels completed, Z7. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Navigation; Sault Ste. Marie Canal traffic, U. S. War Department, Engineer Corps, 2 Represents tonnage of cargo carried by commercial vessels* Yearly figures refer tofiscalyears ending June 30. 8 Figures for 1913 to 1920 represent monthly averages for eight months during which the canals are open. 4 Tonnage under construction refers to the gross tons of shipping, building or under contract to build for private owners. Does not include Government ship? or ships building or contracted for by U. S. Shipping Board. 6 * n c l u d e s ocean-going, lake and river vessels built and officially numbered by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Navigation. Includes vessels of the U. S. ppuig Board and private American owners, but not vessels built for foreign owners. * Net ton represents 100 cubic feet internal carrying capacity after prescribed allowances for crew and engine space. Gross ton represents in units of 100 cubic feet the entire cubical capacity of tho vessel, including crew and engine space. 100 FREIGHT-CAR MOVEMENT. Table 70.—INDEX NXTMBEES. Based on data from commercial and trade sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] SURPLUS. 2 YEAR AND MONTH. Box cars. Total cars.3 Coal cars* BADORDER CARS.8 SHORTAGE.* Box cars. Coal cars. Total cars.' av.,. av... av... av... av... av... 100 ' 110 87 100 106 84 1OO 118 46 1OO 103 96 100 106 94 292 200 275 208 530 459 468 589 377 282 362 317 102 98 102 109 98 90 81 69 110 90 89 79 113 102 106 91 102 106 113 108 26 32 40 43 98 94 101 87 102 97 101 88 00 301 333 314 418 754 907 1,073 1,070 438 509 520 609 93 113 112 115 74 82 87 102 93 83 81 83 95 102 109 118 113 111 103 119 124 186 190 197 97 98 126 113 101 106 109 120 1 2 26 108 217 96 15 4 570 656 264 51 332 229 81 16 112 98 90 89 94 102 107 86 111 127 121 122 110 109 99 85 213 201 117 46 111 115 101 91 . H8 124 109 98 120 229 337 303 171 218 262 255 2 2 3 2 3 3 103 94 95 86 96 86 79 82 99 84 75 74 79 94 90 84 24 24 18 15 79 84 93 95 85 85 87 87 189 178 113 84 218 215 214 173 208 197 170. 130 98 104 145 154 81 83 73 84 89 88 82 88 87 88 73 79 63 78 81 $5 96 97 95 103 95 95 94 101 51 28 139 233 130 43 176 293 142 130 97 108 91 112 96 88 92 111 87 74 82 92 86 79 76 57 21 15 108 118 99 90 105 116 94 85 2 (») (•) (*) 1 (•) 1 00 3 42 182 2 <*) . 2 23 1921. January February March April 218 211 208 217 May June July August..... . . September October November December 1 Relative to 1919. 100 91 <88 4 1932. January February: March Ore. 100 89 113 4 3 3 4 „ Coal. 1OO 616 11 8 3d 1OO 19 156 w (•) September October... November December Live stock. Merchandise L.C.L., Total.* and miscellaneous. 88 89 94 111 108 205 347 153 1OO 227 6 May... June July August.... „ .„ Total. Forest products. 467 217 1OO 339 8 12 36 1OO 13 179 1920. January February March. April Grain and grain products. Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. 1916 monthly 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly *921 monthly LOADINGS. CO (*> (•) (•) (*) 100 3 204 CO 00 (») J 91 42 149 24$ CO CO CO 00 3 1 1 1 20 3 1 5 2 2 1 3 16 3 13 28 1 (*) 3 103 None 1 15 46 1 (5) 111 111 115 121 127 141 161 179 205 226 235 249 248 241 229 212 208 1 i ""'1 See footnotes on opposite page. 101 FREIGHT-CAR MOVEMENT. Table 71.—NUMERICAL DATA. Front commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-Jaced type; index numbers on opposito page. SURPLUS.^ YEAR AND MoNxn. Bos cars* Coal cars. BADOKDEIt CARS.* SHORTAGE.* Total cars.3 Box cars. Coal cars. Total cars.s Total. AVERAGE LOADINGS P E R WEEK. Grain and grain products. Live stock. Coal. Forest products. Ore. Merchandise L.C.L., and miscellaneous* Total.* Number of cars. 1916 monthly a v . . . 1917 monthly a v . . . 6,437 1918 monthly a v . - . 29,251 1919monthly a v . . . 82,135 1920monthly a v . . . 15,985 1921 monthly a v . . . 127,982 1920. January.. . February March April 350 362 777 3,597 23,592 68,680 75,605 1 8 9 , 3 9 6 1,981 24,194 154,499 339,026 347 165 145 * 1,723 4,200 25,868 444 112,934 52,360 24,174 82,056 1,896 132,374 134,711 141,961 167,700 163,676 308,717 38,973 34,829 44,066 55,543 37,953 52,319 39,508 22,254 19,282 19,651 24,736 91,201 68,204 87,600 76,683 153,995 147,999 153,727 164,660 38,371 35,083 31,503 26,791 36,231 29,615 29,488 25,967 198,792 179,801 187,502 160,115 57,980 60,390 64,336 61,300 9,843 11,832 ' 14,794 16,203 463,138 445,586 478,528 411,056 815,793 775,170 812,105 709,332 65,901 28,964 13,991 43,148 1,146 7,203 4,838 5,580 7,586 3 2 , 9 5 5 176,095 30,105 193,787 28,858 153,672 56,328 60,476 47,928 3 7 , 4 3 4 472,495 801,016 44,142 485,104 850,923 17,367 455,916 754,717 May . . . . June July.... August.. 266 42 None. 16 247 92 331 236 1,853 788 1,584 1,022 57,242 63,155 59,613 79,428 31,681 38,095 45,059 44,927 105,807 123,035 125,810 147,309 139,786 170,493 168,589 174,371 29,021 32,067 34,060 39,663 30,610 27,262 26,622 27,468 168,271 180,705 193,236 209,069 64,112 62,815 58,259 67,396 46,526 69,811 70,936 73,822 457,445 464,184 591,237 531,565 805,946 851,377 870,237 963,455 September October... November December . 54 2,107 34,756 149,487 1,521 107 1,786 17,007 1,916 3,856 49,695 204,408 41,198 18,295 2,795 731 23,930 27,549 11,091 2,159 80,141 55,412 19,673 3,808 166,148 167,965 174,276 182,097 43,707 38,064 34,978 34,645 30,879 33,697 35,169 28,247 195,651 223,792 213,237 215,271 62,679 61,682 56,489 48,276 79,586 75,219 43,953 17,123 522,640 545,670 478,272 428,922 949,597 995,095 877,176 735,798 January. February... March.. April.... 179,219 173,520 171,119 178,037 90,685 172,850 255,055 229,443 324,186 413,450 495,904 492,352 306 468 26 87 108 71 8 108 810 650 123 276 191,234 213,180 243,586 270,319 40,235 36,758 37,203 33,455 31,638 28,377 26,166 26,993 174,968 149,092 131,951 131,314 44,739 53,406 51,070 47,578 8,866 8,873 6,677 5,730 372,517 397,519 438,447 448,422 683,651 683,088 698,627 698,156 May June August 155,040 146,298 93,013 69,238 165,102 162,537 161,723 130,596 394,040 373,791 321,781 246,740 263 187 3,710 641 50 310 83 67 339 663 3,905 739 309,971 341,337 354,611 376,417 38,214 40,582 56,585 59,973 26,652 27,486 23,979 27,643 157,122 155,001 145,420 155,376 49,463 49,880 41,558 45,010 23,684 29,069 30,389 31,769 455,605 456,036 448,886 487,854 758,438 762,827 750,717 812,265 September. . . October.. November. December 42,093 22,628 113,874 191,707 98,048 33,643 132,692 221,614 172,420 80,203 282,926 470,516 2,478 5,301 264 24 142 4,339 None 37 3,621 11,219 302 110 374,087 364,372 345,201 320,292 55,272 50,478 37,998 42,032 29,907 36,S34 31,524 29,100 162,882 196,206 154,434 130,297 46,443 52,392 48,846 44,752 28,554 21,490 7,830 5,470 512,322 559,3S6 469,524 424,479 840,318 929,022 756,624 682,809 1921. toy....—. 1922. January February March.... 313,190 :::::::::x:::::.;. Data from the American Railway Association. At end of month, exclusive of Canadian roads. The Association reports the number of freight cars which are idle (surplus) and also the number of requests for cars which can not befilled(shortage). The difference between these twofiguresrepresents the net freight car situation for the country as a whole. The car shortages can not ordinarily befilledfrom the idle cars because of the uneven geographical distribution of the latter. 1 Includes other classes than groups listed. 4 Total includes coke shipments in addition to commodity groups listed. Index number less than 1. • Number of railroad freight cars in need of repairs on first day of each month. Note that 1913 is the base year, having a monthly average of 150 909 cars in need of repairs. • ' 1 102 RAILWAY REVENUES AND EXPENSES. Table 72.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 t Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page] REVENUES. YEAR AND MONTH. Freight. Passenger. Total operating. TON-MILE OPERATION. NET TOTAL OP- RAILWAY ERATING OPERATING EXPENSES. INCOMES Tons carried Receipts per lmile. ton-mile. Relative to 1919. Relative to 1913. Relative to 1913. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly average.. average.. average.. average.. 100 94 101 121 1OO 94 93 102 100 95 101 118 100 96 . 95 109 100 89 117 146 <76 <94 100 100 100 99 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average.. average.. average.. average.. average - 133 163 168 204 120 150 171 187 132 161 169 203 131 184 203 267 136 96 72 9 106 110 100 113 100 118 135 146 January.., February.. March April..... 176 169 183 152 160 143 161 162 196 166 180 158 229 229 231 220 100 *28 25 105 99 115 86 135 137 137 136 May.... June.... July.... August. 178 192 201 172 187 214 231 179 194 207 218 241 264 283 375 2 20 '265 115 116 122 129 133 135 134 132 September.. October November.. December.. 248 272 247 218 226 198 185 200 243 252 232 216 280 290 283 277 133 145 85 17 124 129 113 105 160 171 177 16S January... February.. March..... April 1S4 161 181 172 183 154 169 158 184 159 180 170 244 212 220 207 *2 90 75 81 77 174 186 186 May.... June.... July.... August. 177 182 178 163 173 189 190 174 181 181 198 209 210 200 210 62 85 85 86 92 174 178 174 179 175 154 144 195 210 182 208 146 93 219 176 111 179 175 203 111 1920. MO 39 225 1921. 200 September. October November... Dceember.., 200 226 193 1922, January... February.. March See footnotes on opposite page. 51 49 86 116 151 103 RAILWAY REVENUES AND EXPENSES. Table 73.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page] REVENUES. YEAR AND MONTH. Freight. Passenger. Total operating. NET TOTAL RAILWAY OPERATING OPERATING EXPENSES. INCOMES .3 TON-MILE OPERATION. Receipts per ton-mile. Thousands of tons. Thousands of dollars. Tons carried 1 mile. Cents. 1913 1914 1915 1916 monthly monthly monthly monthly average.. average., average.. average., 176,916 165,943 178,864 214,784 57,548 54,230 63,798 58,980 355,139 241,60S 256,630 302,104 181,732 173,916 171,926 198,031 59,900 53,451 70,002 87,265 * 25,232,203 * 31,126,359 0.719 .723 .722 .707 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly average.. average.. average.. average.. average- 236,177 288,183 296,410 360,423 68,935 86,056 98,334 107,401 337,539 410,549 432,005 518,784 238,184 334,767 368,287 485,516 81,232 57,759 43,024 5,189 34,942,744 36,409,975 33,033,629 37,411,868 .715 .849 .973 1.052 January.., February. . March April..."... 311,566 299,213 324,599 268,813 91,874 82,571 92,964 500,839 424,591 460,187 402,282 416,418 416,458 420,450 400,419 59,640 * 16,852 14,773 * 23,744 34,764,807 32,695,352 37,991,269 28,530,657 .969 .985 .9S6 .981 May.... June July.... August. 314,148 340,336 356,091 369,580 93,901 107,383 123,218 132,904 457,559 494,714 529,150 555,523 437,830 480,500 514,254 683,315 *5,430 »15,240 »12,053 * 158,583 37,902,007 38,157,869 40,392,859 42,706,838 .954 .970 .967 .946 September.. October.... November.. December.. 438,882 480,375, 436,891 386,057 113,902 106,652 115,061 618,926 641,827 592,054 550,582 509,720 626,544 513,614 503,207 79,676 86,641 50,964 10,226 40,999,843 42,562,687 37,458,630 34,722,365 1.151 1.226 1.263 1.209 470,148 405,785 459,263 433,357 443,701 385,480 400,429 375,699 > 958 J 7,378 30,695 29,249 29,824,391 24,913,294 26,825,588 25,578,833 1.210 1.254 1.335 1.334 1930. 1921. January.., February.. March April 304,730 105,296 88,493 97,312 90,698 May...., June...., July.... August. 313,057 322,073 314,611 353,307 93,517 99,784 108,865 109,175 444,875 461,562 462,849 505,508 380,041 380,937 362,841 382,279 37,081 51,641 69,299 90,241 28,218,768 33,140,661 28,412,404 30,381,958 1.251 1.278 1.254 1.288 September. October.... November. December.. 354,053 400,710 342,025 100,680 88,844 82,656 497,655 535,296 465,497 377,108 397,203 368,013 87,174 105,453 66,198 30,821,944 36,506,565 29,139,115 1,288 1,261 324,825 283,668 1922. January.. February. March 1 Data on revenues and expenses, from the Interstate Commerce Commission, represent Class I roads, those having annual operating revenues in excess of 51,000,000; data on ton-mile operation, from the Bureau of Railway Economics, are placed here for convenience. "Deficit. ' a Net railway operating income includes net operating revenue (equal to the difference between total operating revenue and total operating expenses) from which there have been deducted railway tax accruals, uncollectible railway revenues, equipment and joint facility rents. * These figures are from Interstate Commerce Commission reports. 104 STOCKS OF COAL IN THE UNITED STATES Table 74.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] BITUMINOUS. YEAR AND MONTH. Number offirmsreporting.. ANTHRACITE. Other Indus- Coal-gas Electric util- Retail coal By-product dealers. ity plants. coke plants* Steel plants. trial plants. plants. 57 215 2,061 108 256 1,080 Railroads. Total. Retail coal dealers. 100 3,877 674 100 72 100 Producers. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. Relative to January, 1919. 1919. JanuaryApril 100 100 87 100 92 1OO 63 42 51 50 42 29 100 100 107 83 70 101 114 193 100 100 70 100 76 36 24 33 34 40 67 49 60 59 53 49 50 77 56 56 65 101 112 98 64 73 122 100 100 1920. March.. Juno... 1921. January April August November 67 28 S3 83 30 25 31 60 64 64 71 64 64 74 76 123 161. 149 76 152 101 55 182 518 1922. January.. March.... 177 B.—NUMERICAL DATA. Thousands of long tons. Thousands of short tons. 1919. 3,381 2,383 3,449 2,627 9,138 6,065 691 598 2,099 1,928 1,817 1,137 » 11,743 32,318 23,337 994 858 866 2,475 * 1,210 *800 January.. April U,130 * 1,168 3,651 3,247 287 196 1,070 1,050 759 535 * 3,520 '2,898 11,627 9,895 825 599 1,318 877 2,261 2,256 1,640 2,021 2,052 1,831 1,696 1,732 7,018 5,101 5,074 5,957 574 675 700 772 2,101 2,103 1,869 2,255 1.514 1,275 1,844 •2,066 7,542 7,540 (3) 8,958 476 1,578 3,301 2,206 6,648 844 4,059 1,816 1920. March.. June... 1921. January April August November 23,062 751 20,781 1,224 20,574 1,604 23,761 1,482 4,487 1922. January.. March..., 1,761 i Reported for first day of month by identical firms to V. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, in cooperation with U. S. Geological Survey. The total bituminous reported is estimated to be roughly half of the bituminous stocks in the country; the total for the United States on Nov. 1,1921, being placed at 47,400,000 tons. In the future it is proposed to obtain similar reports at intervals of 60 days. 1 Largely estimated. * No data available; estimate included in total figure. * Data not entirely comparable with others. 105 DISTRIBUTION MOVEMENT. ^able 75.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources.1 [Base-year in bold-faced type.] RETAIL SALES. Mail-order houses.2 Chain stores.^ ADVERTISING. POSTAL RECEIPTS. Magazine.* Newspaper.5 Relative to 1913. RETAIL SALES. Relative to 1919. Mail-order houses. 3 Chain stores.3 POSTAL RE- . CEIPTS. ADVERTISING. Magazine** Newspaper. 1 YEAR AND MONTH. Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. Thousands of dollars. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 monthly average.. monthly average., monthly average.. monthly average.. monthly average.. 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly monthly monthly monthly 100 100 B . - N U M E R I C A L DATA. 119 120 152 141 74 100 95 94 116 183 161 80 122 105 107 Thousands of agate lines. 73 75 S10,934 11,422 12,9G1 16,604 19,943 87,971 8,545 9,582 11,277 12,806 $13,543 14,611 1,224 1,161 1,147 1,415 1,490 61,440 62,671 14,521 15,950 18,464 20,652 17,066 18,380 20,691 20,761 1,344 1,890 2,299 1,466 61,067 83,859 95,832 86,565 1,739 90,238 87,999 102,288 100,671 110 73 154 188 100 114 120 103 21,486 29,772 29,779 21,207 107 100 125 122 142 191 209 220 108 105 122 120 40,511 39,222 38,498 30,936 14,059 13,596 18,536 18,338 19,659 18,345 23,009 22,441 234 230 233 232 108 108 101 100 222 208 158 157 26,026 25,147 25,752 24,023 18,657 18,343 18,581 18,488 19,786 19,790 18,486 18,446 2,715 117 100 100 224 264 276 218 231 272 260 452 109 120 115 136 179 202 193 173 111 129 119 116 24,489 2S,S01 30,161 23,783 18,444 21,645 20,763 36,036 20,034 22,082 21,160 25,020 2,186 January.. February. March April 195 178 252 209 179 208 253 234 109 104 124 113 120 •129 128 137 101 90 109 107 21,320 19,465 27,502 22,840 14,228 16,549 20,155 18,616 20,013 19,149 22,723 20,733 1,462 May.... June.... July.... August. 165 164 137 164 233 227 225 242 106 107 95 105 140 129 100 90 IS,060 17,905 15,005 17,961 18,572 18,072 17,956 19,274 19,509 19,752 , 17,50S 19,283 1,713 104 88 85 September., October.... November.. December.. 194 229 218 *194 238 296 274 502 111 118 118 145 104 120 124 116 100 116 112 112 21,164 24,9S2 23,763 24,506 18,955 23,578 21,813 40,052 20,399 21,629 21,750 26,673 1,274 average.. average.. average.. average.. 197 182 273 200 273 232 224 January.. February. March April 259 100 113 113 371 359 352 283 176 171 233 230 May.... June July.... August. 238 230 236 220 September., October.... November.. December.. 1920. 2,342 2,555 2,696 2,545 1,932 1,918 2,473 2,368 2,114 9S,122 83,940 83,644 93,285 10S,5S5 99,699 97,285 1931. l,5S0 1,565 1,680 1,574 1,230 1,105 1,467 1,522 1,421 84,569 75,125 91,225 89,991 86,970 73,522 71,435 83,837 97,533 93,812 94,2o7 1922. January February. March 91 1,112 1 Except postal receipts in 51 selected cities reported by the U. S. Post Office Department. Mail-order and chain-store sales are reported directly by the companies or compiled from the Commercial and Financial Chronicle; magazine advertising as report ed'by Printers* Ink; newspaper advertising compiled by New York Evening Post. a Includes Sears, Roebuck & Co. and Montgomery, Ward & Co. (details for each store shown on page 107). * Includes F. W. Woolworth & Co., S. S. Kresge Co., McCrory, and S. H. Kress & Co. (details for each store shown on page 107). 4 These figures represent tho number of lines of advertising carried by the leading magazines. 6 Compiled from 22 identical cities: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Boston, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Buffalo, San Francisco, Milwaukee, Washington, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Columbus, Louisville, St. Paul, Birmingham, and Houston. For the years 1916 to 191S, no reports were available for Boston, Louisville, Houston, and Columbus. The totals for those years were computed from the actual reports of the 18 other cities, allowing 13.S3 per cent <tf the total to the four missing cities, the average ratio of those cities to the total in the subsequent years. 106 RETAIL TRADE. Table 76.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] MAIL-ORDER HOUSES. AND MONTH. Scars, Roebuck & Co. 3Iontgomery Ward & Co. MISCELLANEOUS. TEN-CENT STORES. F. W. Woolworth Co. S. S. Kresge Co. McCrory Stores Corp. S. H. Kress & Co. J. C Penney Co. United Cigar Stores Co. Owl Drug Co. 145 American Whole- Department sale Corp. stores. Relative to 1916. Relative to 1913. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916monthly 1917 monthly average.. average.. average.. average. average. 100 106 118 154 187 1OO 103 124 156 185 1OO 105 115 131 148 1OO 121 158 199 227 100 91 104 126 146 1OO 110 115 140 164 100 135 183 319 564 100 101 105 121 145 100 HI 112 117 136 average. average.. average. average. 208 270 266 1S6 192 250 259 192 162 180 213 223 274 322 387 421 178 213 266 267 196 234 269 268 811 1,092 1,623 1,767 176 210 269 261 174 205 253 270 118 163 176 161 1920. January... February. March April 370 354 345 274 *333 »333 3 333 275 154 148 197 195 276 269 369 196 183 251 251 181 181 276 274 747 718 1,103 1,299 220 217 246 251 226 212 232 219 May June July August.. 222 198 210 204 251 283 272 234 205 196 204 201 365 365 363 366 244 241 267 256 246 268 232 248 1,690 1,656 1,492 1,550 277 265 280 263 September. October November. December.. 204 253 321 241 248 262 139 304 199 240 225 390 364 410 421 708 255 271 272 508 258 295 274 491 2,127 2,519 2,264 2,333 276 1921. January... February. March April 196 176 252 206 173 165 223 195 151 166 214 199 291 314 420 201 211 268 245 197 206 276 240 Relative to 1919, 72 76 1OO 115 1918 monthly 1919 m o n t h l y 1920 monthly 1921 monthly 10 Grocery chains. 100.0 118.0 100.0 136.8 272 208 185" 145 107.4 86.2 120.2 116:8 128.3 125-2 144.9 149.3 226 232 245 251 116 129 253 244 125.0 119.8 90.5 90.6 145.6 141.8 151.3 134.2 185 140 138 353 268 286 258 381 107.2 131.3 135.7 185.5 131.7 132.0 130.7 127.1 1,255 1,243 1,698 1,696 239 229 260 263 264 249 266 258 179 150 165 125 103.1 89.0 115.7 111.8 114.7 108.2 118.5 111.2 256 251 257 254 249 263 273 271 114 121 180 216 111.9 110.9 82.1 86.3 11L 2 108.6 106.4 113.9 258 260 290 261 331 237 192 149 101 97.9 133.0 117.1 109.7 125.5 125.0 May June July August. 154 139 134 157 176 206 131 166 203 195 195 211 384 370 390 228 229 233 252 244 251 231 244 1,732 1,745 1,497 1,526 September. October November. December.. 186 218 203 214 192 230 229 224 205 261 238 438 389 470 461 786 240 278 271 546 239 304 266 530 1,940 2,422 2,220 2,245 1922. January... February. March..... See footnotes on opposite page. 303 270 277 249 340 107 RETAIL TRADE. Table 77.—NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page. Y E A R AND MONTH. Thousands of dollars. 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average S7,965 8,427 9,389 12,237 14,856 83,310 3,420 4,109 5,170 6,126 S5,519 5,801 6,333 7,257 8,174 81,105 1,341 1,745 2,200 2,508 $450 411 468 566 655 S898 991 1,036 1,255 1,469 8220 297 402 701 1,240 S2,4G5 2,492 2,587 2,985 3,576 8325 360 1918 monthly average 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 16,544 21,494 21,217 14,835 6,347 8,278 8,562 6,371 8,931 3,026 3,556 4,270 4,655 800 957 1,197 1,200 1,763 2,104 2,415 2,409 1,778 2,398 3,569 3,887 4,336 5,172 6,637 6,434 566 January... February. March April 29,491 28,202 27,478 21,824 3 11,0203 11,020 3 11,020 9,112 3,052 2,974 4,074 4,000 825 1,127 1,129 1,633 1,627 2,481 2,465 1,642 1,577 2,423 2,855 5,428 5,341 6,070 6,195 May June July August.. 17,705 15,768 16,743 16,272 8,320 9,380 9,009 7,751 4,027 4,034 4,012 4,041 1,099 1,082 1,202 1,150 2,210 2,410 2,085 2,227 3,714 3,639 3,278 3,406 6,834 6,525 6,910 6,477 6,807 7,591 6,654 8,816 9,958 11,741 12,299 $1,366 1,303 36-4 1,380 381 1,807 2,071 443 667 823 879 2,130 2,944 3,188 2,905 1020. September. October.... November. December.. 8,491 8,170 10,853 10,744 11,320 10,818 11,283 11,070 735 690 753 713 735 755 796 816 •4,024 4,532 4,652 7,824 1,147 1,219 1,224 2,283 2,316 2,652 2,459 4,408 4,673 5,536 4,976 5,127 903 1,102 1,773 1,850 2,475 2,159 2,759 2,732 3,732 3,726 5,902 5,640 6,413 6,494 859 10,963 3,215 3,468 4,642 4,392 5,821' 6,806 4,329 5,483 11,203 10,741 10,744 11,638 4,232 4,245 4,087 4,311 1,027 1,031 1,048 1,133 2,110 2,255 2,077 2,191 3,806 3,835 3,290 3,354 6,309 6,186 6,329 6,251 810 6,363 7,604 7,581 7,425 11,327 14,407 13,110 24,155 4,300 5,189 5,098 8,686 1,081 1,251 1,220 2,456 2,14S 2,731 2,385 4,755 4,263 5,323 4,883 4,938 6,350 6,819 6,147 8,370 16,276 20,113 25,556 19,177 8,214 8,688 4,605 10,050 January February March April 15,598 14,003 20,106 16,375 5,722 5,462 7,396 ,6,464 May June July August.. 12,239 11,094 10,676 12,477 September. October.... November. December.. 14,800 17,378 16,186 17,081 10,957 13,242 12,428 21,522 872 929 8319 1,239 4,913 3,751 3,331 2,616 2,098 2,340 4,658 4,406 3,345 2,52S 2,495 1,773 1021. 8,336 9,138 11,831 949 1,206 810 m 837 855 888 882 846 943 849 1,108 3,240 2,702 2,987 2,255 2,057 2,183 ,3,250 3,912 4,276 3,461 2,700 1,831 1922. January... February. March 1 This table is submitted in response to a demand for publication of the figures of sales of individual stores, which have been compiled from published reports. These figures represent money values of sales. On account of the tremendous increase in J. C. Penney Co. sales, this store is not included in our total of 10-cent store sales given on page 105. The index numbers of sales of 145 department stores and of 10 grocery chains were furnished by the National Retail Dry Goods Astodotion. Data on American Wholesale Corp. placed here for convenience. * Separate monthly figures not available. 108 DEPARTMENT STORE SALES. Table 78.—PERCENTAGE COMPARISON OF NET SALES WITH CORRESPONDING MONTH OF PRECEDING TEAR, BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS. Percentage increase or decrease. (A minus sign [—] denotes decrease.) Y E A R AND MONTH. Boston (No.l). Minne- Kansas Dallas PhilaNow RichSan York delphia Cleveland mond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis apolis Citv Francisco (No. 2). (No. 3). (No. 4). (No. 5). (No.G). (No. 7). (No. S). (No. 9). (No. 10). (No. 11). (No* 12). 1920. January... February. March April 35 22 ~ 0.3 48 IS 18 29 14 52 23 38 16 12 18 35 51 31 11 28 28 34 32 21 20 24 24 30 11 16 23 26 15 4 15 25 1 6 16 11 - 46 21 September. October November., December... 38 19 May.... Juno July.... August. 65 12 9 0.4 52 31 65 25 38 23 33 20 •14 31 50 11 31 24 60 13 16 12 41 21 28 33 21 13 29 12 - 0.3 8 21 12 25 10 11 - 3 2 26 13 15 18 11 3 9 15 - 2 27 5 3 10 5 1 5 12 12 . 9 28 14 20 21 10 20 22 15 10 13 - 3 8 11 - 4 1921. January... February. March April 2 - 5 3 1 7 4 -11 1 . - 5 2 - 1 - 5 -10 - 8 - 3 May.... June July.... August. 2 - - - 7 -14 - -12 _. 4 - 7 -12 - September. October November. December.. —12 - 5 -10 5 2 - 0.4 0.4 -12 - 3 - 5 7 4 3 - 0 - 3 1 -11 6 1 -20 - 3 3 - 3 3 -17 -13 2 -15 5 4 -17 -18 8 -17 11 -21 -12 -21 -15 17 —22 11 -21 -10 -21 12 -11 - 9 - 5 -10 -IS -14 -17 -17 -22 - 4 9 1 0.4 - 6 5 - -15 -24 -10 -23 -15 18 -18 14 -23 4 - 3 -15 - -15 -10 8 -13 7 -17 7 - 9 -21 -13 -21 -17 9 -18 14 -26 6 1922. January... February. March I i Compiled by tho Federal Reserve Board, in cooperation with the National Retail Dry Goods Association, from about 300 department stores. - 1 - 8 -13 109 DEPARTMENT STORE STOCKS. Table 79.—INDEX NUMBERS. [Base year in bold-faced typo ] VALUE O F S T O C K S AT END O F M O N T H , IJY FI:I>EKAL RESERVE DISTRICTS.* YEAR AND MONTH. Boston (No. 1). Six months' average, July-Doc, 1920. New York (No. 2). PhilaRichdelphia, Cleveland mond (No. 3). (No. 4). (No. 5). Atlanta (No. G). 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 San Minne- Kansas Dallas Francisco City apolis (No. 9). (No. 10). (No. 11). (No. 12). Chicago St. Louis (No. 7). (No. 8). 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1919. September 91.3 December 1930. ....... 86 6 93.3 102.8 106.6 May June July August October November 92.9 95.7 48.1 74 9 82.5 82.5 98.5 99.9 103.0 22.9 30.2 38.4 46.7 105.8 96.1 93 5 100.7 95.1 89.7 94.7 99.7 84.2 84.2 91.2 104.5 95.8 99.2 102.3 97.4 100.2 96.7 88.1 95.9 105.3 88.9 108.7 57.5 70.8 86.6 98.9 107.8 112.8 105.6 84.5 111.0 111.1 102.5 76.3 112.8 113.6 105.9 73.3 109.5 111.0 104.4 79.3 106.9 108.8 104.1 84.5 107.1 108.0 103.4 84.0 110.1 108.1 102.6 78,0 115.8 112.3 101.8 72.4 108.3 109.6 105.9 90.7 75.9 80.3 85.0 86.1 72.2 74.4 80.3 83.7 64.0 69.7 75.5 78.7 72.7 77.0 80.4 80.0 77.9 79.0 86.2 85.6 81.7 80.9 88.3 88.4 76.6 77.4 82.2 79.8 77.1 84.9 90.3 91.3 66.7 70.0 76.4 76.8 87.0 88.9 92.9 95.7 87.7 82.8 79.3 85.0 S6.2 84.8 80.8 80.2 81.1 78.8 74.0 79.0 77.3 74.1 72.4 67.3 77.8 75.6 75.2 79.1 82.9 79.5 78.6 84.9 86.8 86.4 83.1 90.9 76.4 72.0 71.5 76.4 87.8 79.8 85.2 95.9 74.1 70.7 69.1 80.8 94.7 87.5 86.9 90.9 95.1 99.7 101.7 86.188.3 SS.7 SG.7 88.7 89.3 78.7 80.8 80.4 87.8 89.1 89.3 88.5 91.7 91.2 97.6 93.1 98.9 79.5 80.2 79.6 101.8 102.2 98.0 86.6 86.9 86.9 94.7 95.3 96.6 107.8 107.4 79 1 84.7 95.1 100.2 78.0 87.0 93.4 82.2 90.9 103.7 103.5 103.5 97 8 93 2 97.2 102.0 95.7 95 2 101.7 93.5 90 7 93 8 99.6 92.5 91 6 90 3 98.8 106.4 104.5 109.6 83 9 108.7 109.3 103.3 81.5 107.9 108.8 103.8 85.8 January February March April 77.6 89.7 84.0 86.3 75.3 79.3 SO. 1 89.5 May June July August 84.5 81.0 78.9 80.0 September October November December •88.5 94.0 98.6 January February March April 19.5 20.8 20.7 17.9 ! .............. . ..... 1031. 1923. February Ma/ch. . . . 1 Index numbers calculated from data collected by the Federal Reserve Board in cooperation with the National Retail Dry Goods Association from about 300 department stores, showing percentage changes from month to month. The Federal Reserve Board states that the original material was in dollar amounts, except in districts 3,4,8, and 10, where only percentages were received, and the averages for the districts were computed by weighting according to the volume of business done during 1920. The percentage changes reported by the Federal Reserve Board have been converted into index numbers which show the same corresponding percentage increase or decrease. 110 LABOR. Table 80.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA, Based on data from Government sources.l [Base year in bold-faced type.] NEW YORK STATE FACTORIES.* YEAR AND MONTH. NumNumTotal Total ber ber of pay pay of ememployees. roll. ployees. roll. NEW YORK STATE FACTORIES.* IMMI- EMIGRA- GRATION.* TION.5 Balance Averum Emage to credli Nber weekly ployees of of emearn- on pay deposit- ployees, roll. ings. ors. Relative to Jan., 1921. Relative to 1915 (first quarter). Relative to 1914. U. S. POSTAL SAVINGS. U.S. FACTOBIES.3 WISCONSIN FACTO1UES. Thousands. Relative to 1913. av nv.. av.. av.. av.. 100 103 121 126 1OO 107 141 166 105 128 135 113 160 197 1OG • 125 146 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly av.. av.. av.. av.. 128 120 124 97 210 227 281 241 139 136 135 95 258 184 344 193 185 209 255 204 1930. January February ... March April 130 128 132 130 277 273 296 291 May.... June.... July.... August . 12S 123 127 124 294 296 291 2SS September. October November. December.. 123 121 114 106 1921. January February... March April Total pay roll. Employees on pay roll. Thousands of dollars. Thousands. IMMIGRATION.* EMIGRATION.* Balance to credit of depositors* Number. Thousands of dollars. B.—NUMERICAL DATA. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly U. S. POSTAL SAVINGS. U. S. FACTORIES.* 100 98 30 26 25 100 104 63 39 24 100 149 187 282 15 17 44 32 35 422 406 411 • 70 478 494 579 604 6,377 8,366 614 573 594 464 12,481 13,490 16,711 14,332. 118,936 50,994 116,923 52,817 36,187 32,015 30,562 20,067 30,240 12,198 17,654 19,752 51,798 1 S39,750 59,145 74,349 112,159 143,193 16,106 18,019 35,672 167,653 161,373 163,434 154,508 1,559 38 36 46 58 S3 41 60 56 403 403 401 398 620 614 631 623 16,438 16,243 17,536 17,303 45,407 43,252 54,665 68,761 42,181 20,655 30,489 28,609 160,384 160,387 159,240 153,230 6 147 6 353 6 240 6 142 143 142 C372 357 382 6 262 250 269 62 69 71 72 55 70 77 96 398 396 397 402 613 611 608 595 17,441 17,576 17,307 17,091 74,066 81,499 83,957 85,431 27,794 35,682 39,505 43,723 153,136 157,276 157,618 159,675 284 2S1 263 241 138 131 122 113 364 347 309 272 264 265 253 241 80 87 75 78 64 79 67 82 405 410 408 411 588 577 545 506 16,8S4 16,681 15,655 14,330 94,852 103,269 89,224 93,233 32,506 40,047 34,336 41,935 161,150 162,810 162,352 163,434 93 100 100 99 217 214 218 208 100 102 99 93 224 220 215 202 224 216 218 217 100 99 93 97 63 57 62 60 53 53 51 64 412 411 406 393 467 476 480 471 12,894 12,734 12,955 12,335 1,628 1,613 1,588 1,581 75,334 67,483 74,147 70,780 29,447 29,562 26,236 32,700 163,656 163,356 161,249 153,097 May... June... July.... August. 96 95 93 93 201 196 189 190 92 89 89 92 193 179 168 187 211 202 188 203 97 94 93 91 69 49 39 41 59 80 74 75 391 383 384 333 461 453 444 443 11,929 11,641 11,219 11,280 1,574 1,527 1,510 1,526 82,648 48,707 30,029 40,950 37,7§1 38,352 155,395 152,390 152,500 152,400 September. October November.. December... 96 99 99 99 194 195 193 198 94 95 94 95 181 183 ISO 183 194 194 191 193 95 96 96 92 41 39 38 90 76 58 380 376 372 461 472 471 471 11,550 11,571 11,465 11,744 1,545 1,560 1,567 1,493 48,814 45,975 44,643 45,752 38,956 29,646 151,150 149,400 148,000 146,600 57,803 46,367 1922. January... February. March. Data on New York state factories furnished, by the New York State Department of Ladbr; Wisconsin factories by the Wisconsin Industrial Commission; Number on pay roll, U. S. factories, from U. S. Department of Labor, Employment Service; Immigration and emigration statistics from U. 5. Department of Labor, Bureau of Immigration; Postal Savings from XI. S. Post Office Department. * Figures represent reports from 1,648 firms in New York state employing more than one-third of the factory workers in the state. 3 Data not available prior to January, 1921; this month used as base for index numbers. Information is from 1,428 factories, usually employing over 500;workers each. * Includes total admitted, both immigrants and nonemigrants. & Includes total departed, both emigrants and nonimmigrants. « Average for preceding 3 months. Ill COST OF LIVING. Table 81.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type.] FOOD. YEAR AND MONTH. CLOTHING. HOUSING. FUEL AND LIGHT. FURNITURE MISCELLAAND IIOUSK NEOUS. FURNISHINGS. TOTAL. 1917, December 1918,D ecembor 1919, av. 2 nios. (June, Dec.) 1920, av. 2 mos. (June, Dec.) 100.0 100.0 101.5 102.3 1O0.0 101.0 101.0 108.4 100.0 101.0 110. G 127.8 100.0 103.0 107.4 113.3 100.0 103.0 105.1 118.3 149.1 205.3 241.6 223.0 100.1 109.2 119.8 143.0 124.1 147.9 151.2 1S3.4 150.6 213.6 244.3 2S9.G 140.5 165.8 181.7 204.8 142.4 174.4 1SS.3 20S.5 219.0 178.0 * 100.0 101.0 104.7 120.0 157.0 187.0 195.5 198.5 * 100.0 105.0 105.0 126.0 287.5 258.5 134.9 151.1 171.9 194.9 292.7 285.4 201.4 208.2 216.5 200.4 144.7 153.1 160.0 1913, average 1914, pecember 1915, December. 1916, December 222.6 192.1 184.4 159.0 160.0 161.0 181.6 * 180.7 181.1 247.7 224.7 218.0 208.8207.8 206.8 isa 4 177.3 174.3 1920. Jvine-, December ±t 1921. May September... December 1922. March 1 Reports compiled by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Prices represent averages for the month in 32 cities; food prices reported by 15 to 25 dealers in each city, fuel and light by 10 to 15 firms, including public utilities, in each city; other quotations secured directly from records. Rentals are based on 250 to 950 houses and apartments in each city and for each item of clothing, furnituro and miscellaneous, four quotations are secured in each city (five in New York City). WAGES, COMMON LABOR/ Table 82.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Based on data from trade and commercial sources. [Base year in bold-faced type.] Relative to 1913.2 Per h o u r . YEAR AND MONTH. YEAR AND MONTH. A. INDEX NUMBERS. February 1,1913.. February 1,1916.. May 1,1916 December 16,1916. May 1,1917 October 1,1917..., April 16,1918 Relative to 1913.2 Per 10-hour day. 1OO 110 125 138 150 165 190 B. NUMERICAL DATA. $0.20 .22 .25 . .275 .30 .33 .38 S2.00 2.20 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.30 3.80 August 1,1918.. October l, 1918.. February 1,1920 May 16,1921 July 16,1921 August 29,1921. A. INDEX NUMBERS. 210 231 253 204 1S5 150 Per hour. 1 0 - l l *|J d a y i B . NUMERICAL DATA. 50.42 *.42 .46 .37 '.37 .30 i In effect in plants of United States Steel Corporation in the Pittsburgh district beginning on dates mentioned. s Per 10-hour day. *Basic 8-hour day adopted with provision for payment of time and a half for overtime. *Basic 8-honr day abrogated. $4.20 4.62 5.06 4.07 3.70 3.00 112 COST OF LIVING. Table 83.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from non-Government sources*1 [Baso year figures in bold-faced typo.] YEAR AND MONTH. FOOD. O T H F U E L AND S H E L T E R . C LN G . LIGHT. I 100 100 111 1918 average for two months 1919 average for threo months.. 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1OO 100 100 100 103 102 102 120 104 14G 1914, July. 1915, July.. 1910, July., 1917, July.. 105 143 126 173 118 185 138 18G 129 205 144 205 154 261 168 156 169 166 183 SUNDRIES* ALL I T E M S WEIGHTED. 100 100 104 117 100 101 152 164 185 184 159 109 131 172 193 167 1920. 197 143 270 149 177 190 208 145 277 14g 178 194 200 149 277 149 183 195 200 150 288 151 183 197 May.... June... July.... August. 211 151 287 166 183 202 215 151 276 161 185 203 219 158 266 166 185 205 219 156 258 169 185 September. October November.. December.. 207 159 255 178 188 203 139 248 183 190 19S 166 228 200 192 193 166 205 200 192 January... February.. March April 199 197 193 190 1921. January.., February., March April 178 187 200 192 166 174 198 190 15S 171 174 187 185 153 May June July August. 166 172 171 169 179 185 181 176 169 168 152 168 178 185 171 162 178 185 144 169 164 179 185 148 169 159 179 183 155 169 157 179 183 153 109 160 179 180 153 169 161 179 178 152 September.. October November., December.. 171 145 169 157 179 178 165 164 163 163 150 169 156 178 178 161 166 162 163 162 1922. January... February. March 1 Compiled by the National Industrial Conference Board, and represent retail prices on the first day of the month, except food, which is the retail food index of the U. 5. Bureau of Labor Statistics for the 15th of the preceding month. The index is weighted according to the estimated consumption of average wage earners before the war, on the following basis: Food 43.1 per cent, shelter 17.7 per cent, clothing 13.2 per cent, fuel and light 5.G per cent, sundries 20.4 per cent. 113 PRICES. Table 84.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources*l [Baso year in bold-faced type.] WHOLESALE PRICE INDEX NUMBERS.* (Compiled by TJ. S. Department of Labor.) Y E A R AND MONTH. 1913 m o . a v . . . 1914 mo. a v . . . 1915 mo. a v . . . 1916 mo. a v . . . 1917 m o . a v . . . 1918 mo. a v . . . 1919 mo. a v 1920 mo. a v . . . , 1921 m o . a v - . . . Farm products. Food, etc. 100 103 105 122 100 189 220 Cloths Metal and metal products. and clothing. Fuel and lighting. 100 98 100 128 100 96 93 119 100 143 100 97 94 11 0 176 181 175 208 189 239 163 181 103 104 126 87 97 Building materials. House ChemiAH cals a n d furnish- Miscel- commoding laneous. drugs. ities. goods. 1OO 100 101 124 100 102 101 114 1OO 108 111 123 124 198 151 221 144 196 236 337 247 155 193 217 236 15G 176 196 212 243 155 146 167 186 203 153 206 226 236 244 111 164 192 198 168 107 324 329 329 331 227 248 249 253 265 201 200 200 211 241 252 255 271 173 177 178 181 339 362 362 363 246 272 269 262 250 215 219 219 207 294 309 304 268 177 175 176 172 371 371 369 346 239 229 220 205 242 225 207 203 193 193 178 239 202 163 135 174 166 147 121 283 277 275 274 190 180 167 154 177 167 162 154 172 158 156 152 129 123 120 113 120 117 123 112 250 235 230 151 150 149 147 151 148 148 152 145 144 148 155 104 109 106 109 109 104 109 113 223 218 218 218 146 145 145 148 152 150 149 149 153 153 152 150 109 111 101 93 92 91 210 261 173 161 192 179 302 238 186 308 210 120 144 188 194 131 205 167 246 253 350 184 177 237 244 356 187 189 300 197 239 246 356 192 192 325 205 246 270 353 213 195 341 212 244 287 347 235 193 215 June July.... August. 243 279 335 246 190 218 236 268 317 252 222 235 299 September.. October November.. December.. 210 223 278 182 204 257 May.... June July.... August. 191 333 217 193 328 216 192 318 222 184 313 216 165 195 234 258 170 274 207 144 172 220 236 157 266 188 136 162 208 228 152 129 150 198 218 146 221 178 125* 150 192 207 139 208 171 115 141 186 199 138 203 168 182 117 133 181 194 •138 202 166 113 132 180 187 132 202 166 115 134 179 184 125 200 163 118 September.. October November.. December.. Live stock. 1OO 99 99 120 236 1931. January February... March April Crops. 1OO 99 99 115 234 284 RETAIL FOOD RICES.' 1OO 101 114 159 218 1920. January February... March April FARM PRICES. 152 179 182 120 198 161 162 162 122 146 187 178 120 193 119 142 190 182 121 192 114 142 186 186 119 197 162 113 139 185 187 119 203 101 227 230 238 247 243 240 100 103 95 111 1923. January February... March 1 Wholesale prices and retail food prices from the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; farm prices from the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. 1 The wholesale price index number of the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, is based on quotations of 328 commodities. These commodities are arranged in 9 groups as given in the table. In computing this index, the price of each commodity is weighted by multiplying it by the estimated quantity of that article marketed in the census year 1909. * The retail food price index compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics represents the changes in the price of 22 articles of foods as reported by retail dealers in 51 of the larger cities as of the 15th of the month. * Farm prices of crops represent the relative average prices to farmers of the 10 leading crops on the first of each month. The live stock farm price index is computed as of the 15th of each month. 84796°—22 8 114 PRICES. Table 85.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on Government data. [Base year in bold-face type; numerical data on opposite page.] WHOLESALE PRICE INDEX NUMBERS. Compiled by Federal Reserve Board,1 YEAB AND MONTH. Farm products Animal Forest Mineral Total raw Producers* products. products. products. products. goods. Consumed goods. All comGoods Goods AH commodities. imported. exported. modities. 11 IS 90 168 315 27 76 40 19, 19 80 quotations- quotations. quotations. quotations. quotations. quotations. quotations. quotations. quotations. quotations. quotations. 100 103 111 128 210 1OO 104 100 119 169 100 97 93 96 118 100 90 91 123 179 1OO 99 99 118 173 1OO 95 100 140 187 1OO 101 102 123 172 1OO 99 100 123 175 240 251 256 133 199 218 183 108 140 184 333 208 176 177 236 187 193 211 241 151 195 203 235 140 201 224 253 161 196 214 244 155 174 191 108 214 227 131 206 233 145 January... February,. March April 291 278 2S8 304 213 206 200 196 273 315 348 367 190 194 197 224 239 240 247 260 245 246 246 263 259 256 263 280 248 248 253 265 212 216 218 242 254 250 256 264 241 243 248 263 May.... June July August., 314 301 287 179 186 184 181 367 363 359 351 234 245 256 265 260 261 258 251 271 262 251 238 285 279 272 250 272 268 263 250 246 226 208 182 262 256 248 229 264 258 250 234 September. October.... November. December.. 232 191 170 155 186 172 159 132 344 339 289 283 277 224 248 230 205 187 224 209 193 175 240 224 214 196 242 225 207 189 164 142 127 112 211 181 163 146 226 208 190 173 155 145 136 126 119 114 116 106 245 225 210 205 220 207 197 189 175 164 157 149 155 149 143 182 171 168 159 177 167 162 154 114 113 114 109 142 135 125 121 163 154 150 143 May June.... July August- 131 125 122 123 104 102 109 112 205 188 182 177 175 149 145 145 145 140 137 134 132 153 152 153 162 151 148 148 152 105 102, 103 104 125 122 122 123 142 139 141 143 September. October November.. December... 142 134 129 129 104 105 103 102 172 176 178 178 146 145 145 146 133 133 130 130 160 158 157 155 152 150 149 149 106 107 108 111 144 143 141 140 138 1913 monthly average. 1914 monthly average. 1915 monthly average. 1916 monthly average. 1917 monthly average. 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average. average. average. average. 1920. January... February. March April 272 246 100 1OO 100 1931. 204 203 200 194 193 200 141 138 136 January... February. March > First eight columns comprise data composing wholesale price index numbers of the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, as reclassified b y the Federal Reserve Board into the groupings as shown. The weights arc t h e same as those used b y the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the total of all commodities is, therefore, the same. Data in t h e last three columns are original compilations of t h e Federal Reserve Board constructed for the purpose of international price comparisons; basic prices are obtained from trade journals and private firms and weighted according to the 1913 volume imported and exported, respectively, for " i m p o r t e d goods" and "exported goods." T h e total index n u m b e r includes also goods produced, weighted b y production in 1913, and goods consumed, weighted b y consumption in 1913. 115 WHOLESALE PRICES. Table 86.—INDEX NUMBERS. From Government and non-Government sources. [Base year in bold-faced t y p e . ] UNITED STATES.* Y E A R AND M O N T H . Dun. Bradstreet. UNITED KING- FRANCES ITALY.* DOM.' Relative to July, 1914. Relative to 1913. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly average.. average.. average.. average.. average.. 100 101, 105 123 199 1918monthly 1919 monthly 1920monthly 1921 monthly average.. average.. average. average. 190 191 207 141 GERMANY** CANADA.e JAPAN AUSTRA- INDIA LIA.* (Tokyo).' (Calcutta)' Relative to 1913. 100 100 99 100 11 0 100 97 107 123 137 133 100 11 0 110 Relative to July ,1914. 128 160 187 202 135 100 96 97 117 170 204 262 299 177 149 155 203 225 339 409 20C 193 170 203 235 357 364 217 235 180 204 283 510 624 1,522 240 259 218 204 . 123 181 345 578 1,761 132 248 254 258 261 301 313 321 300 203 206 209 217 218 209 198 200 271 247 239 235 225 233 234 236 210 206 209 209 95 100 100 141 JOO 132 1930. January . February... March April.. , 288 487 504 1,020 210 227 303 522 556 1,337 209 226 310 555 619 1,490 213 225 306 583 664 2,582 218 225 304 550 .660 1,690 217 216 291 493 632 1,473 215 210 292 496 604 1,473 209 204 288 501 625 1,528 263 258 256 244 205 195 284 526 655 196 184 266 502 659 188 170 245 461 670 175 148 220 435 655 1,560 1,582 1,647 1,658 241 234 225 214 230 226 221 206 230 215 208 197 208 206 194 ISO January... February. March April...... 164 137 209 407 642 154 134 192 377 613 150 129 189 360 604 144 123 183 347 584 1,083 1,473 1,419 1,410 208 199 194 187 201 195 191 190 196 192 181 171 178 174 175 183 May. June July. August 138 117 182 329 547 137 115 179 325 509 132 116 178 330 520 135 120 179 331 542 1,428 1,387 1,467 1,723 183 179 176 174 191 192 196 199 166 .162 159 160 184 178 183 184 September. October.... November.. December.. 134 120 183 344 580 .134 121 170 331 599 123 166 332 595 207 219 214 184 184 180 136 123 162 325 595 172 169 168 170 160 156 135 1,777 1,993 2,687 3,283 .205 May June July August September. October November., December.. 1921. January... February. March 1032. 3,467 123 • / • • 1 Dun's and Bradstreet's index numbers are calculated as of the first of each month, but really refer to prices in the preceding month. The index numbers have been Calculated to a 1913 base from the actual figures published in these journals., Bradstreet's index number is the sum of the prices per pound of 106 commodities. Dun's index number covers about 300 commodities and is weighted on the basis of the amount " annually consumed by each inhabitant." * Compiled by the London Economist^ quotations on 44 commodities, mostly raw materials, unweighted. ' 1 Compiled by Bulletin dc la Statistique Generate of the French Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare; quotations on 45 commodities, mostly raw materials, unweighted. * Compiled by Pro/. Bachi; quotations on 38 commodities until 1920, thereafter 76 commodities. 6 Compiled by the Frankfurter Zeitung; quotations on 70 commodities, unweighted. Prices are for 1st of the month. 1 Compiled by the Canadian Department of Labor; quotations on 27t2 commodities, unweighted. 1 Compiled by the Bank of Japan; quotations on 56 commodities, unweighted. * Compiled by the Australian Commonwealth's Bureau of Census and Statistics; quotations on 92 commodities, weighted by consumption. * Compiled by the Indian Department of Statistics; quotations on 75 commodities. 116 BANKING. Table 87.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources*1 [Base year In bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] DEBITS TO INDIVIDUAL. ACCOUNTS.* YEAR AND MONTH. OutIn New side New York City. York City. CONDITION OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS.3 CONDITION OF REPORTING MEMBER BANKS.* Total Net Bills Notes Total Total loans, dedisdisincounts, mandderecount- circu- serves. posits. deand ed. lation. Invest- posits. ments. SILVER. GOLD. Imports. Exports. 1 1 12 3 7 100 90 709 1,077 867 IS 27 60 23 Price Price Exports. in New in LonYork. don. Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. 1913 m o n t h l y average. 1914 m o n t h l y average. 1915 m o n t h l y average. 1916 m o n t h l y average. 1917 m o n t h l y avejage. Imports. 100 243 34 170 405 100 72 96 90 149 100 82 85 112 134 100 92 83 110 136 100 92 86 114 148 132 91 73 100 120 102 91 100 97 122 90 100 99 90 100 111 101 88 100 107 96 97 120 673 1,099 45 401 351 26 199 249 246 177 403 381 181 82 162 186 169 105 123 101 120 116 112 127 127 131 109 115 116 117 95 110 110 111 112 108 108 108 108 226 84 320 914 624 563 615 583 295 417 316 358 471 303 266 314 222 94 95 104 108 103 103 200 290 308 269 250 130 126 129 138 119 119 119 122 97 97 102 99 97 93 112 112 111 112 109 107 108 106 296 504 373 290 99 70 286 327 270 220 217 148 131 84 105 85 123 115 119 108 172 152 154 161 218 185 195 217 87 99 100 108 112 116 112 109 140 145 141 140 125 128 127 128 100 103 97 95 90 93 113 112 110 111 106 106 103 103 737 2,199 1,072 841 224 339 260 223 217 164 168 155 126 109 60 116 157 140 130 108 216 197 185 152 January... February. March April 98 74 85 80 106 84 95 90 127 124 118 107 118 117 112 108 106 103 111 114 107 106 106 103 101 99 96 96 , 719 833 1,646 1,538 36 14 9 5 162 163 130 110 128 102 56 44 110 99 94 99 145 126 118 124 May.... June.-.. July.... August. 85 87 80 75 104 101 97 95 117 120 .123 127 87 101 101 98 97 95 95 94 1,097 826 1,211 1,624 14 10 49 9 233 121 151 263 45 85 85 97 92 85 77 100 98 101 103 124 127 136 138 79 87 86 101 72 68 66 61 94 92 90 131 134 137 137 89 90 90 91 1,253 95 85 100 31 99 8 25 153 251 198 185 95 91 92 111 119 114 110 145 150 141 129 1918 m o n t h l y average. 1919 m o n t h l y average. 1920 monthly average. 1921 m o n t h l y average. 60 100 99 85 100 118 91 100 172 207 223 134 1920. January... February. March April 116 110 105 May.... June July.... August. 96 94 September. October.... November. December.. 220 210 1921, September. October November. December.. 93 S3 87 88 99 97 98 1932. January... February. March.... I See footnotes on opposite page. 93 96 97 96 889 978 597 27 93 72 137 117 BANKING, Table 88.—NUMEKICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year i n bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] DEBITS TO INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS.* Y E A R AND M O N T H . In New York City. Outside New York City. CONDITION OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS .8 CONDITION OF REPORTING MEMBER BANKS.* Bills Notes Total disin Total decount- circu- reserves posits. ed. lation. Total loans, Net discounts, demand deand invest- posits. ments. GOLD. Imports* Millions of dollars. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average. average. average. average. average. Exports. Imports. Exports. 185 606 S3S4 586 1,261 1,158 1,936 2,557 1,763 1,911 2,618 3,154 2,664 1,991 2,190 2,126 2,072 1,738 1,937 1,922 1,744 S5,309 87,650 !S2,989 §5,231 2,163 4,782 18,551 4,300 2,874 37,663 2,019 4,467 57,166 2,689 5,883 12,999' 46,038 4,445 7,011 30,990 $1,154 Price in New York. Price In London. Pence per Dollars per fine standard ounce ounce. .925 fine. Thousands of dollars. $29 24 224 1918 monthly a v e r a g e . . 1919 monthly average.. §20,343 S I 7,536 1920 monthly a v e r a g e . . 20,087 20,670 1921 monthly a v e r a g e . . 17,258 15,947 SILVER. S0.598 S27.573 .548 25.313 .497 23.675 .657 31.315 .814 40.851 5,948 7,451 7,338 5,277 21,071 19,918 9,468 4,29S .968 1.111 1.009 .627 47.516 57.059 61.590 36.841 47,758 8,817 24,628 43,048 12,471 15,865 47,050 9,441 13,939 44,622 10,705 16,413 1.328 1.313 1.255 1.19S 79.846 85.005 74.194 08.848 0,SG2 4,416 5,494 4,489 1.026 .909 .920 .962 60.010 51.090 53.736 59.875 .937 .835 .777 .648 59.476 54.197 50.952 41.845 §9,260 S 15,143 10,576 16,8G2 11,302 15,293 10,178 5,170 6,378 35,729 58,333 3,422 30,682 26,841 1,969 16,622 11,481 12,018 16,671 11,463 4,473 10,819 11,496 16,935 16,930 11,464 48,522 1920. January... February. March April 23,636 18,053 22,285 21,319 21,548 17,653 21,079 20,279 2,174 2,454 2,449 2,535 2,851 3,020 3,048 3,075 2,074 2,083 2,057 2,071 2,019 2,101 1,995 1,996 May.... June.... July.... August.. 19,859 19,528 19,003 17,371 21,516 20,251 20,847 18,963 2,519 2,432 2,492 2^667 3,107 3,117 3,120 3,204 2,092 2,109 2,129 2,128 1,980 1,916 1,872 1,905 September. October.... November. December.. 17,599 20,136 20,308 21,888 19,596 20,367 19,569 19,130 2,704 2,801 2,735 2,719 3,280 3,351 3,326 3,345 2,152 2,168 2,195 2,249 1,882 1,846 1,751 1,799 January.. February. March April 20,033 15,130 17,353 16,349 18,004 14,785 16,719 15,767 2,456 2,396 2,287 2,064 3,091 3,052 2,931 2,830 2,320 2,357 2,422 2,505 May.... June.... J uly.... August.. 17,297 17,628 16,340 15,186 15,348 15,619 14,984 14,833 1,870 1,772 1,650 1,492 2,735 2,634 2,538 2,481 September. October.... November., 16,102 17,610 17,492 20,575 15,564 16,684 14,900 17,554 1,403 1,309 1,282 1,180 2,457 2,409 2,366 2,443 16,946 11,561 15,688 7,562 8,083 16,932 11,347 26,765 5,-320 6,562 16,858 11,401 19,818 21,873 6,496 16,930 11,252 15,378 24,986 4,420 16,732 10,89a 56,889 19,870 5,025 16,750 10,942 44,660 17,058 4,620 6,577 5,709 3,144 6,081 1,808 1,809 1,841 1,726 16,263 10,643 38,145 2,725 16,099 10,495 43,986 1,036 15,983 10,186 87,372 710 15,003 10,138 80,662 384 4,835 4,802 3,872 3,298 6,691 5,337 2,919 2,319 .660 .592 .560 .593 39.935 34.745 32.479 34.250 2,558 2,625 2,685 2,788 1,700 1,686 1,695 1,691 15,346 10,153 58,226 1,063 15,333 10,010 43,844 774 14,890 10,002 64,268 3,734 14,762 9,908 86,239 672 6,956 3,627 4,513 7,853 2,353 1,424 5,113 3,743 .59S .555 .603 .616 34.165 34.971 37.481 38.096 2,879 2,937 2,990 2,992 1,717 1,739 1,743 1,765 4,565 7,510 5,912 5,516 4,947 4,782 4,804 7,145 .662 .710 .682 .658 40.0S2 41.442 38.750 35.645 17,140 11,161 39,110 17,129 6,501 17,017 11,172 116,762 25,931 4,912 1921. 14,957 9,866 66,500 2,400 14,729 10,192 47,135 7,576 14,765 10,274 51,937 607 14,780 10,174 31,685 1,950 1922. January., February. March Figures for Debits to individual accounts, Condition of Federal Reserve Banks, and Condition of reporting member banks are from the Federal Reserve Board; imports <i exports of gold and silver from the UrS. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; silver prices, average for the month, from the Engineering Mining Journal * debits of banks in about 150 of the larger clearing-house centers, covering weekly totals, the first and last weeks of the month being pro-rated, r ^ i o n as of last Wednesday of the month. des reports from more than 800 basks in the leading cities in the United States on condition at last Wednesday of month. M 118 BUSINESS FINANCE. Table 89.—INDEX NUMBEKS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources* [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] BANK CLEARINGS. YEAR AND MONTH. In New Outside New York York City. City. BUSINESS FAILURES. CORPORATION FINANCES. Dividend New New ana Firms. Liabili- interest capital Incorpoties. issues. rations. payments. TELEPHONE EARNINGS. Total operating revenues. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Net MisceloperStocks laneous Liberty, Total Victory ating (shares). bonds. bonds. bonds. income. Relative to 1913. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly average. average. average. avcrago. average. 100 88 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly monthly monthly monthly average. average. average. average. 1O0 1OO 1OO 1OO 1OO 100 58 101 87 70 104 100 58 80 138 100 131 111 105 87 96 111 112 209 112 26 106 72 120 133 161 125 129 280 132 31 86 67 134 93 217 142 127 222 87 100 114 169 187 100 97 104 137 164 189 249 257 205 193 228 258 199 62 55 123 January.. February. March.... April 294 230 283 276 277 226 284 265 43 37 42 38 May.... June July.... August. 250 260 251 227 253 266 261 244 September.. October November.. December.. 236 262 246 266 January.. February. March April 116 . Relative to 1919. 13 18 17 28 170 82 106 154 125 173 67 49 53 179 184 613 188 138 377 100 100 100 108 192 189 725 231 146 270 124 230 200 160 385 206 162 73 32 43 56 58 269 111 181 241 247 148 201 344 1,324 673 798 786 218 214 226 236 168 163 157 149 284 314 416 404 110 100 122 99 116 96 93 115 114 41 50 51 50 145 96 125 161 192 230 119 179 194 176 123 823 768 732 546 243 241 240 242 152 133 103 121 236 133 179 198 95 90 87 126 105 71 57 119 101 75 67 258 269 245 246 51 69 79 114 130 171 135 259 160 253 168 221 106 247 129 173 552 685 520 500 250 253 243 251 155 155 148 162 221 197 320 344 156 177 158 199 72 85 87 171 91 106 103 178 236 184 212 197 221 178 211 181 142 123 100 111 229 268 297 170 244 112 188 . 238 218 101 285 722 380 554 573 262 253 271 277 173 181 213 232 231 147 230 221 157 100 122 129 77 63 57 57 71 72 74 May.... June July.... August. 201 214 195 185 188 196 18S 189 101 99 108 117 251 152 188 189 161 197 230 160 130 131 124 101 349 392 164 337 278 280 275 278 223 218 184 193 246 262 134 159 159 129 154 141 54 92 60 54 78 101 82 74 September.. October.'... November.. December.. 199 203 213 234 196 209 201 212 110 128 149 183 163 234 235 385 241 167 218 243 150 75 187 232 284 292 214 359 275 289 287 219 220 220 185 186 221 255 168 166 257 265 87 92 91 93 106 109 129 132 40 42 105 1930. 111 1921. 1933. January.. February.. March See footnotes on opposite page. 119 BUSINESS FINANCE. Table 90.—NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] BANK CLEARINGS. YEAR AND MONTH. BUSINESS FAILURES. Dividend and I n New Outside Total LiabiliNew interest York comYork mercial. ties. payCity. City.3 ments. Millions of dollars. Number of firms. 7,886 6,918 9,184 13,298 14,784 6,120 5,916 6,381 8,366 10,052 1,336 1,523 1,846 1,416 1,155 22,723 29,826 25,191 16,351 15,203 1918 1919 1920 1921 14,878 19,650 20,261 16,194 11,801 13,944 15,801 12,168 834 538 740 1,638 13,585 9,441 24,593 52,283 1920. January.., February. March April 23,210 18,144 22,333 21,800 16,960 13,857 17,369 16,212 569 492 566 504 May.... June.... July.... August. 19,742 20,509 19,832 17,887 15,786 16,290 15,987 14,911 September.. October November.. December.. 18,602 20,661 19,434 20,981 15,784 16,438 14,973 15,048 1921. January February. March , April , 18,573 14,529 16,682 15,536 May.... June July.... August. SeptemberOctober November.. December.. average. average. average. average. New capital Issues. TELEPHONE EARNINGS. New Incorporations,! NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Total Net operat- operatMiscella- Liberty and ing ing Stocks. neous Victory revInbonds. bonds. enues. come. Thousands of shares. Thousands of dollars. 1913 monthly average. 1914 monthly average. 1915 monthly average. 1916 monthly average. 1917 monthly average. monthly monthly monthly monthly CORPORATION FINANCES. Total bonds* Thousands of dollars. 143,103 137,145 148,948 119,710 119,613 155,426 182,208 177,919 127,498 199,095 172,301 120,306 164,915 276,925 373,198 13,132 13,722 14,527 16,452 18,700 3,710 3,709 4,139 4,785 4,700 0,924 3,992 14,448 19,404 15,378 252,061 265,764 284,573 295,830 112,068 251,764 258,886 219,572 183,275 1,056,519 1,249,920 663,262 20,225 24,635 30,320 4,649 5,104 5,415 11,948 26,073 18,728 14,287 7,240 9,763 12,699 13,224 398,012 164,731 267,990 356,921 338,415 202,528 275,771 471,726 2,280,461 1,158,861 ,375,797 ,354,262 28,634 28,045 29,651 30,981 6,232 6,062 5,808 5,542 19,654 21,730 28,795 27,976 78,406 71,142 86,804 70,550 273,679 227,194 219,405 271,362 352,085 298,336 306,209 341,912 547 674 681 673 10,826 32,991 21,906 28,373 238,291 285,050 340,855 175,619 245,053 266,384 240,893 168,136 ,417,614 ,323,221 ,260,419 941,288 31,849 31,703 31,501 31,727 5,634 4,949 3,838 4,499 16,371 9,197 12,395 13,695 67,459 63,915 62,016 70,079 298,757 248,207 168,460 135,445 366,216 312,122 230,476 205,524 677 923 1,525 29,554 38,915 30,758 5S,872 237,252 374,059 249,216 326,979 145,023 338,793 176,700 237,208 950,953 1,179,801 895,563 860,803 32,888 33,123 31,933 32,903 5,768 5,759 5,501 5,983 15,317 13,614 22,157 23,829 111,564 126,344 112,862 141,612 170,1S9 201,231 205,402 405,539 2S1,753 327,57, 318,264 547,151 13,550 10,915 12,889 11,052 1,895 1,641 1,336 1,487 52,137 60,852 67,409 38,568 361,070 165,220 277,846 351,981 257,423 298,708 138,701 390,668 1,243,460 654,376 954,700 987,895 34,394 33,206 35,650 36,398 6,434 6,706 7,896 15,976 10,147 15,907 15,273 112,065 71,300 87,072 181,421 149,014 135,918 135,429 293,486 220,314 222,990 227,712 15,847 16,849 15,355 14,556 11,520 11,967 11,478 11,541 1,356 1,320 1,444 1,562 57,066 34,639 42,774 42,904 238,061 292,168 340,166 236,500 177,638 179,114 170,474 138,929 601,044 675,#978 281,759 580,141 36,560 36,743 36,160 36,566 8,275 8,084 6,829 7,178 17,032 18,174 9,295 10,992 113,177 92,132 109,535 100,246 128,023 217,741 143,182 127,718 241,200 309,873 252,717 227,96- 15,079 16,027 16,822 18,476 11,980 12,817 12,309 12,994 1,466 1,713 1,988 2,444 37,021 53,059 53,470 87,502 356,779 247,877 322,497 359,800 205,792 103,149 255,938 318,335 489,846 503,394 367,956 618,572 36,067 37,905 37,657 8,132 8,168 8,172 12,807 12,883 15,332 17,622 119,819 118,403 183,320 188,880 207,123 218,018 214,625 219,342 326,942 336,426 397,945 40S,222 1,050 41,499 56,959 79,623 94,199 61,866 40,842 41,499 56,959 79,623 94,199 85,690 117,059 47,544 164,603 71,322 236,814 308,130 235,406 323,969 88,563 173,129 288,816 115,686 1922. January....... February March 1 Except telephone earnings, which are combined reports of 10 largest telephone companies as reported to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Bank clearings are from Bradstreets: Business failures from Dun*s Review; Dividend and interest payments, New capital issues, and New incorporations from the New York Journal of Cowr merce; Stock sales from TheAnmlist; and Bond sales from Dow, Jones & Co. • a Represents the value of the authorized capital of new enterprises incorporated in the principal eastern states. •Includes 130 cities. 120 INTEREST RATES, SECURITY PRICES, AND ISSUES, Table 91.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] INTEREST RATES.1 YKAB AND MONTH. New York call loans. Commercial doublename paper, 60-90 days. 25 Industrials. 25 railroads. 10 highest grade rails. 10 secondgrade raUs. 10 public utility bonds. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average.. average.. average.. average.. average.. 100 100 78 60 59 82 I 100 108 60 80 107 100 130 167 147 100 94 89 95 83 100 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average., average., average.. average.. 166 205 246 189 101 94 127 113 139 182 184 137 74 75 68 64 87 79 1920. January February March April 283 313 253 231 103 111 116 117 207 184 202 212 68 66 70 68 81 81 77 May.... June.... July.... August. 220 228 264 226 124 134 135 138 190 192 191 177 65 64 65 66 74 76 77 79 September., October November.. December.. 226 241 253 217 138 138 137 136 181 177 155 144 71 74 70 64 81 84 82 79 79 83 80 77 68 1931, January , February March April , 210 228 216 203 135 134 132 131 148 148 144 145 66 65 63 83 82 81 81 May.... June July August. 214 196 179 179 120 117 111 103 149 130 125 121 65 62 64 65 80 78 81 82 162 165 159 160 102 97 90 89 129 129 136 141 65 64 65 83 Combined index (40 bonds). Municipal bonds. NEW MUNICIPAL BOND ISSUES.* Permanent loans (long term). 103 97 100 Temporary loans (short term). Relative to 1913. 100 100 93 95 91 109 121 122 109 64 100 59 32 61 81 100 100 100 105 108 101 105 98 87 98 100 85 78 91 90 78 78 103 101 112 114 319 96 91 90 84 81 77 102 105 109 107 254 114 205 185 252 105 308 161 83 82 82 81 75 75 75 75 112 117 118 118 133 132 235 191 47 76 21 68 82 85 83 79 77 81 79 75 118 116 114 112 206 184 190 240 138 190 130 134 81 70 78 78 70 71 71 72 84 80 80 79 78 77 77 114 113 114 115 224 217 185 279 150 102 261 310 79 77 79 81 72 70 72 73 80 77 70 76 77 75 77 78 115 116 118 118 225 372 319 353 173 112 107 102 75 75 77 80 77 73 79 77 79 78 81 84 117 115 112 101 310 370 377 599 183 148 17 103 88 88 77 81 82 78 79 76 84 70 73 76 73 74 71 73 74 74 75 83 87 91 1923. January February March 10 Industrial bonds. Relative to 1915. Relative to 1913. September.. October November.. December.. BOND YIELDS.* BOND PKICES.2 STOCK PRICES.5 See footnotes on opposite page. 68 68 66 74 72 80 98 93 137 121 INTEREST RATES, SECURITY PRICES, AND ISSUES, Table 92.—NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] I N T E R E S1T RATES. YEAR AND MONTH. New York call loans. Commercial double^ name paper, 60-90 days. STOCK PRICES.^ 25 industrials. 25 railroads. 10 highest grade rails. Dollars per share. Percent. BOND FIELDS.* 10 second grade rails. 10 public utility bonds. 10 Industrial bonds. Per cent of par. 1913 monthly average... 1914 monthly average... 1915 monthly average... 1916 monthly average... 1917 monthly average... 3.18 3.45 1.91 2.53 3.40 5.78 4.52 3.44 3.42 4.73 $58.15 58.23 75.66 97.31 85.33 S82.92 77.89 73.39 78.87 69.02 89.79 92.45 87.43 75.55 78.00 72.42 73.82 77.59 72.36 70.51 75.89 71.35 1918 monthly average... 1919 monthly average... 1920 monthly average... 1921 monthly average... 5.27 6.51 7.82 6.02 5.86 5.42 7.34 6.55 81.01 106.08 107.21 79.78 61.39 62.10 56.07 53.27 80.02 77.89 71.33 74.39 66.12 66.33 58.54 61.43 63.89 61.77 51.99 53.92 1930. January February March April 9.00 9.94 8.06 7.35 5.98 6.41 6.69 6.78 120.51 106.96 117.74 123.35 56.27 55.03 58.32 56.14 74.63 72.31 72.46 69.17 61.78 59.13 60.06 57.05 May June July... August 7.00 7.25 8.40 7.19 7.16 7.72 7.83 8.00 110.77 111.83 110.81 102.82 54.29 53.02 53.97 54.97 66.82 67.72 68.97 70.89 September October November December 7.19 7.65 8.06 6.90 7.97 8.00 7.94 7.88 105.06 102.94 89.88 83.83 58.50 61.48 57.89 53.02 1921. January. February March. April 6.69 7.25 6.8$ 6.45 7.81 7.75 7.63 7.58 86.01 86.24 83.94 84.43 Hay.-.. June.. July... August.. 6.81 6.22 5.70 5.69 6.94 6.75 6.40 5.94 September October. November December.. 5.15 5.25 5.06 5.10 5.90 5.63 5.19 5.13 1922. January February March. Combined Index (40 bonds). NEW MUNICIPAL BOND ISSUES.* Municipal bonds. P c r m a - ' Pemporary n c n t loans loans (short (long term). term). Per cent. BOND P R I C E S . ' Thousands of dollars. 76.76 80.49 75.58 4.45 4.16 4.23 4.06 4.26 S34.049 37,159 41,049 41,450 37,078 S40,2G8 23,838 12,894 24,367 32,704 69.36 70.76 60.12 55.28 69.84 69.07 59.70 60.15 4.60 4.49 5.00 5.08 21,902 64,183 64,472 108,091 39,423 37,508 55,341 55.80 54.06 54.50 52.38 67.50 64.44 63.70 61.71 64.18 61.77 62.03 59.45 4.56 4.66 4.83 4.77 86,647 38,858 70,161 63,102 101,684 42,310 123,990 64,866 55.26 55.89 55.74 56.71 50.65 50.56 50.01 48.70 58.81 58.17 57.85 57.27 57.29 57.45 57.37 57.36 4.99 5.19 5.26 5.25 45,183 15,031 79,915 65,293 18,742 30,684 8,534 34,607 72.77 75.03 73.86 71.35 59.66 62.75 60.68 57.82 50.18 54.30 52.83 49.88 58.03 59.66 58.61 55.73 59.12 62.07 60.64 57.72 5.27 5.18 5.06 4.97 70,713 62,592 64,613 81,557 55,763 76,592 52,318 53,997 54.54 53.87 52.14 51.37 74.92 73.81 73.14 72.52 60.89 59.91 59.13 59.13 51.41 52.09 52.19 52.85 58.81 58.98 56.13 56.42 60.41 60.25 59.21 59.39 5.06 5.05 5.07 5.11 76,181 73,831 62,980 94,946 60,5$6 41,270 105,252 124,930 86.38 75.83 72.97 70.42 53.83 51.19 53.14 53.22 72.25 70.31 72.56 73.66 59.84 58.17 60.06 61.08 52.88 51.67 53.04 53.87 56.16 54.06 53.66 53.69 59.46 57.75 58.89 59.59 5.12 5.18 5.26 5.24 76,749 126,723 108,707 120,147 70,007 45,482 42,930 41,249 75.19 75.03 78.80 82.07 54.14 53.31 54.18 54.36 74.72 74.52 78.59 81.62 62.75 62.83 65.80 67.59 55.10 55.63 57.18 59.12 54.41 51.16 55.69 54.22 60.74 59.83 62.13 64.10 5.22 5.13 5.00 4.50 105,680 125,921 128,526 203,842 73,529 59,543 6,757 4.38 1 New York market rates as compiled by the Commercial and Financial Chronicle* * Average of 40 bonds compiled by Dow, Jones & Co. > Average market yield of bonds of 20 large cities at the first of each month compiled by The Bond Buyer. * Sales by states and municipalities of new bond issues as compiled by The Bond Buyer. * Closing prices of the month on New York Stock Exchange as compiled by the Annalist. v * 122 PUBLIC FINANCE. Table 93.—(A) IffDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA, Based on data from Government sources. 1 [Baso year in bold-faced t y p e ] U. S . G O V ERNMENT DEBT. Y E A R AND MONTH. U. S. GOVERNMENT FINANCES. MONEY IN CIRCULATION.* u. s. GOVERNMENT DEBT. Total - Total OrdiOrdinary Total CusTotal inter- Liber- tC u s s ordi- nary ordinary disbursetoms Interest- Liberty disnary Total. Per ty 1( o m estrecapita. bcarlng.* Loans.* receipts.2 receipts. 2 m e n t s . 2 burserebcar- loans* ! ceipts/ ceipts/ ments 2 Relative to 1919. Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. Millions of dollars. 100 92 66 67 71 4 4 4 4 11 100 101 90 108 154 100 103 107 106 168 Thousands of dollars. MONEY IN CIRCULATION.* Total. Per capita. Millions of dollars. Dollars. §4,018 $38.59 42.53 46.00 50.29 45,62 B.—NUMERICAL DATA. A . - I N D E X NUMBERS. 1913 monthly avcrago.. 1914 monthly average.. 1915 monthly avorago.. 1910 monthly avorago.. 1917 monthly avorago.. U. S. GOVERN3IENT FINANCES. 82 84 826,573 S60,343 61,223 24,360 58,159 17,482 64,972 17,766 93,181 18,830 $56,893 58,355 60,950 60,374 95,658 S966 968 970 972 2,713 $1,466 9,313 30,736 20,409 19,828 15,228 15,286 26,961 26,160 347,834 387,300 536,006 414,323 747,211 1,280,447 370,485 4,500 4,915 5,385 4,927 48 100 95 94 45 100 99 96 57 .58 101 98 576 642 8S8 6S7 1,313 2,250 742 651 92 93 100 110 100 100 109 99 11,986 25,234 24,061 23,598 101 102 101 101 101 108 101 129 105 423 380 1,821 526 612 519 945 SS8 108 104 107 107 108 104 107 107 25,424 25,161 24,455 24,707 21,068 20,976 20,904 20,829 28,629 26,779 34,378 27,918 255,388 229,527 1,099,041 317,258 348,294 295,457 537,541 505,329 5,312 5,110 5,278 5,273 49.81 47.83 49.41 49.33 Hay.... Juno July.... August. 99 99 9S 9S 110 129 116 110 427 2,164 382 G60 695 834 539 787 108 109 110 110 108 109 109 109 24,736 24,061 23,985 24,091 20,488 20,409 20,389 20,377 29,129 34,302 30,694 29,328 257,501 1,305,837 230,367 398,401 395,475 474,362 306,502 447,571 5,291 5,353 5,381 5,385 49.45 50.00 50.19 50.22 Soptombor.. October November.. Decomber.. 9S 93 93 98 90 96 82 70 1,510 365 456 1,544 S73 750 749 711 112 113 114 114 111 112 114 113 23,853 23,825 23,939 23,745 20,329 20,312 20,088 20,269 24,036 25,600 21,185 18,555 911,307 220,035 275,421 931,989 496,777 426,497 426,092 404,575 5,480 5,553 5,617 5,584 51.06 51.70 52.26 52.13 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average.. average.. averago.. average.. 1920. January.., February.. March April 100 97 93 422,039 1931. January... Fobruary.. March April 9-4 94 94 9S 97 97 97 98 80 110 152 360 412 1,527 491 682 617 943 868 112 107 106 103 112 106 105 102 23,756 23,820 23,741 23,760 20,228 20,165 20,102 20,056 25,925 21,153 29,204 40,417 217,328 248,564 921,628 296,171 388,179 351,102 536,476 494,091 5,501 5,233 5,206 5,051 51.29 48.73 48.41 46.91 May.... Juno July.... August. 94 91 93 94 96 96 95 95 96 93 75 99 371 1,2-13 346 402 648 825 566 512 102 102 99 101 101 98 95 23,710 23,739 23,534 23,680 19,995 19,844 19,776 19,611 25,485 24,723 19,796 26,449 223,706 750,017 209,068 242,443 368,451 469,614 321,819 291,158 5,020 5,012 4,866 4,737 46.57 46.43 45.02 43.77 95 94 94 94 88 99 93 1,142 394 324 1,227 468 535 570 580 95 95 94 93 94 93 92 91 23,675 23,201 23,365 23,189 19,717 19,537 19,491 19,408 23,357 26,408 24,843 26,155 689,323 237,848 195,483 740,293 266,524 304,158 324,483 329,766 4,672 4,663 4,607 4,553 43.11 42.98 42.41 41.85 Soptomber.. October November.. December.. 92 93 92 1923. January... February.. March 1 From U. S. Treasury Department, except money in circulation, from the Federal Reserve Board. Monthly averages for fiscal years ending June 30,1913 to 1920. * Represents money held outside of the U. S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve system; figures for years 1917 to 1920 are as of December 31. * Includes Liberty and Victory Loans and War Savings Securities; figures for the years 1913 to 1920 are as of June 30. 6 Figures for the years 1913 to 1920 are as of June 30. 2 123 CREDIT CONDITIONS. Table 94.—(A) INDEX NUMBEES AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. Based on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced typo.] PAYMENTS. YEAR AND MONTH. United Pacific Moun- North Middle South States tain 2 Agricul- Agricul- Agriculaverage* Coast. Section.3 tural.* tural.5 tural.s United East.' States average. Relative to 1916. Pacific Moun- North Middle South tain H Coasts Section.3 Agricul- Agricul- Atural.« tural.* tural. 5 Percentage of total recorded transactions. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 1916 mo. 1917 mo. 1018 mo. 1919 mo. 1920 mo. 1921 mo. av.. av.. av.. av.. av.. av.. 100 105 , 106 110 108 97 East.7 B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 1OO 99 103 110 112 105 100 107 101 103 103 93 1OO 103 102 108 106 96 1OO 113 106 111 107 99 1OO 106 112 115 112 1OO 102 1Q2 108 107 55.0 57.5 58.4 60.7 59.4 53.3 56.6 56.2 5S.4 62.5 63.3 59.2 53.2 62.2 58.9 59.9 60.1 54.2 55.4 57.1 56.7 60.0 58.8 53.4 58.0 65.8 61.6 64.5 62.3 57.5 49.5 52.6 55.5 56.8 55.2 48.4 57.2 58.6 58.5 61.6 61.1 56.0 1930. January February March April........ 116 115 114 109 . 115 124 114 115 114 114 115 105 114 112 112 108 118 115 113 108 118 121 121 118 110 110 112 104 63.8 63.2 62.9 60.2 64.9 70.3 64.8 64.9 66.1 66.1 67.1 61.1 63.1 62.0 62.2 60.0 68.2 66.9 65.7 62.9 58.2 60.1 60.1 58.3 63.1 63.0 63.8 59.6 May.... June July.... August. 113 111 110 106 115 113 110 109 109 102 105 96 108 113 107 10S 112 111 107 105 118 116 112 107 115 109 113 109 62.3 61.1 60.3 58.2 65.3 64.1 62.2 61.9 63.3 59.3 61.2 55.6 59.9 62.6 59.4 59.9 65.1 64.6 62.0 61.1 58.4 57.3 55.2 53.1 65.9 62.2 64.4 62.2 September. October.... November.. December.. 104 103 97 111 108 105 101 96 96 97 92 105 10S 84 94 102 103 99 93 104 109 100 95 107 100 95 99 57.2 56.9 53.3 52.8 63.1 61.3 59.4 56.9 55.6 55.6 56.4 53.7 58.2 59.8 46.4 51.9 59.3 60.0 57.7 54.0 51.3 53.9 49.3 47.2 61.2 57.3 54.2 56.8 95 107 116 111 104 93 86 99 97 96 100 93 90 100 101 104 105 103 107 101 91 100 109 101 52,5 55.2 57.4 5-1.4 60.8 65.5 62.6 53.6 54.3 50.3 57.8 56.2 53.3 55.3 54.4 49.8 57.8 58.7 60.2 61.0 46.1 51.2 52.9 50.2 52.3 57.0 62.1 57.9 102 102 107 108 89 101 95 100 106 93 103 97 101 102 104 99 99 102 101 97 100 100 105 102 55.0 54.9 55.9 54.3 57. S 57.6 60.6 61.2 51.6 58.9 55.3 58.4 58.6 51.4 57.1 53.5 58.6 59.2 60.1 57.6 49.2 50.6 49.8 48,2 57.4 57.1 60.2 58.5 91 96 94 103 107 91 94 88 83 103 90 93 94 93 95^ 92* 96 92 S9 92 98 87 91 92 51.8 49.2 49.3 50.3 54.6 53.1 58.1 60.7 53.1 54.6 51.0 48.4 49.4 56.9 50.0 51.5 54.3 54.2 55.0 53.1 47.5 45.7 44.0 45.6 56.0 49.5 51.9 52.8 91 93 83 97 91 92 92 50.1 52.7 48.2 53.6 52.7 45.3 52.9 1921. January February March , April , May.... June.... July.... August. September. October November.. December.. 1922. January February March 100 104 99 100 100 102 99 94 89 90 1 Compiled by the Credit Clearing House from reports to it by manufacturers and wholesalers on items of credit facts from their ledgers concerning merchants or jobbers to whom they sell. The numerical data given above show the percentage which the number of payment items reported bears to the total number of transactions reported. The commodities covered by those transactions are largely textiles. The year 1916 is taken as a base, as payments were abnormally high in 1919. 3 California, Oregon, and Washington. * Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Wyoming. 4 Montana, North and South Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. 6 Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. 6 Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina. 7 States east of and including Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia. 124 CREDIT CONDITIONS. Table 95.—INDEX NUMBERS. Baaed on data from commercial and trade sources.1 [llaso year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] INDEBTEDNESS. ORDERS. YEAR AND MONTH. United Pacific Moun- North Middle South tain Agricul- Agricul- Agrlcul2 States average. Coast. Section.3 tural.* tural. 1 tural.e Kust.' United Pacific Moun- North Middle South States Agricul- Agricul- Agrlcultain 2 tural. 5 average. Coast. Section.3 tural.* tiiral.* East.7 Relative to 1910. 1 1 mo. av. 9G 1017 mo. av. 1918 mo. a v . 1919 mo* a v . 1920 mo. av., 1921 mo.av. 1OO 100 IOO IOO 1OO IOO IOO 103 101 99 lot 93 98 97 106 99 106 91 SO 100 10S 102 104 SS 81 91 110 99 103 93 94 SO 100 91 91 9t 78 S2 94 90 S7 94 91 103 10.5 107 105 104 102 102 92 97 104 111 89 113 109 99 105 85 85 100 85 100 101 January February March April May.... Juno— July.... August. September., October.... November.. Decomber.. 102 103 101 IOO 96 90 101 IOO 93 90 91 89 92 IOO 94 94 90 94 94 IOO too 94 92 85 SI 89 94 90 94 86 78 87 90 SO 103 9S 9G 107 110 97 109 85 SO SO 74 109 100 100 10S 118 104 117 S7 88 89 87 101 95 101 102 110 100 105 88 96 99 86 106 9S 101 100 117 104 10S 91 91 98 89 100 S7 90 102 123 102 10G 96 97 102 95 102 S3 90 101 117 90 104 92 93 115 85 108 93 90 113 115 10G 109 93 102 113 89 100 90 97 I0G 110 106 109 100 99 100 98 95 isi S2 90 9S 99 99 104 96 112 99 74 73 69 77 S5 71 07 108 104 114 102 January February March April 63 59 5S SI 71 flS 59 97 82 91 85 ss so 73 S3 91 93 SS 90 SI 66 96 76 SI 93 92 SI 6S $5 92 May.... June July.... August. S2 91 99 99 September.. October November.. December.. OS January February March 91 92 100 SI 70 82 7$ S2 78 91 95 % 89 112 92 89 109 S2 90 9S SO 89 93 87 79 SO 79 76- 8G 93 80 SS 81 S3 99 92 105 97 do 94 98 101 96 105 95 101 92 SO 93 87 104 98 97 S9 84 90 90 91 103 102 91 94 92 107 "87 97 91 100 107 86 101 111 111 96 67 79 S9 91 99 104 100 111 SS 90 90 95 76 90 105 S9 109 117 110 108 ss 04 103 91 109 117 114 Soe footnotes on opposite page, except boundaries of districts on page 123. 87 94 93 84 84 8S 86 93 96 95 96 99 104 107 93 74 7S 94 SS 92 93 104 106 10S 103 84 82 91 100 95 91 92 95 103 107 113 10S 9G 92 94 88 91 85 78 82 83 87 89 87 85 91 100 10S 96 84 77 93 99 95 91 87 105 92 107 102 107 111 106 90 94 103 125 CREDIT CONDITIONS. Table 96.—NUMERICAL DATA. From commercial and trade sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] INDEBTEDNESS. ORDERS. YEAR AND MONTH. United Pacific Moun- North 3Iiddle South States tain 3 Agricul- Agricul- Agriculaverage. Coast. Section.3 tural. 4 tural.* tural. 5 EastJ United Pacific Moun- North States tain 3 Affricul average. Coast. Section.3 turaU Middle tural. 5 South Agricultural.* East.* Percentage of total recorded transactions. I 27.6 28.0 28.2 58.3 28.0 24.6 33.2 33.1 31.3 31.3 31.2 25.8 30.6 32.2 29.7 30.5 28.8 25.0 25.8 25.4 28.0 27.3 26.3 23.8 27.2 27.5 28.7 29.3 29.8 25.6 27.7 27.4 27.5 28.2 27.4 24.9 26.3 27.4 28.0 27.4 27.2 22.9 38.8 36.2 35.2 34.1 36.2 36.6 34.2 33.6 30.6 27.6 32.1 31.0 34.5 33.0 33.7 30.9 34.7 33.9 38.8 3G.1 35.0 35.5 34.7 35.6 37.8 35.7 35.4 34.1 35.4 35.7 40.6 38.1 37.4 35.5 38.1 37.9 1920. January February March April 28.3 28.8 28.4 30.2 34.9 36.8 32.5 33.2 32.7 27.1 29.4 30.7 27.2 29.2 27.7 27.9 28.3 29.7 29.9 32.0 2S.2 27.3 27.0 2S.7 26.9 27.6 28.7 30.8 35.8 32.9 33.1 33.6 33.2 28.9 27.2 30.1 34.4 29.4 27.5 30.8 35.0 31.1 28.6 33.6 35.6 32.6 29.5 32.9 36.6 34.1 34.1 35.8 35.6 33.6 30.5 32.4 May.... June July.... August. 27.9 29.3 29.3 28.2 31.6 32.5 29.0 28.1 31.7 30.9 29.3 29.4 26.4 25.9 26.2 26.0 29.9 31.7 33.5 31.9 27.6 28.9 28.2 26.7 27.5 28.4 27.8 27.4 34.0 35.4. 37.1 35.6 32.7 31.0 33.1 31.8 34.1 33.7 35.3 39.8 33.3 34.6 37.0 33.0 34.3 34.9 37.7 33.8 35.1 37.6 39.1 38.5 32.7 34.1 34.9 34.1 September.. October November.. December.. 29.7 29.2 26.3 20.3 32.6 30.0 27.5 25.1 29.3 29.6 25.0 21.0 29.2 27.3 23.2 19.8 31.2 29.9 26.6 23.2 29.5 29.5 27.5 19.7 28.6 28.7 26.1 17.7 36.2 38.7 40.2 41.9 34.9 33.8 32.9 35.6 39.0 34.5 38.5 39.2 34.7 38.1 38.5 39.4 36.1 37.6 39.2 40.5 37.9 42.1 42.9 43.9 33.6 35.7 39.4 42.6 1921. January February March April 17.5 24.4 23.8 23.3 19.5 24.3 23.8 26.4 17.7 25.4 24.7 20.8 20.8 24.2 23.9 22.0 19.3 25.2 24.9 25.1 16.0 24.3 23.3 22.6 15.6 23,8 23.0 22.6 37.8 31.6 30.6 35.9 27.9 22.7 27.3 27.2 31.3 33.1 27.4 30.5 32.8 29.4 29.4 36.5 35.2 28.1 29.4 34.7 41.9 34.3 33.2 36.9 37.9 33.1 30.1 36.5 June July.... August. 22.7 25.0 27.4 27.2 23.4 27.3 31.9 30.4 25.0 23.8 27.2 27.3 20.0 23.4 29.0 28.1 23.8 25.8 28.5 28.3 23.2 24.5 26.3 27.2 21.9 25.1 26.6 25.4 38.3 36.5 35.8 34.5 31.6 33.6 27.3 28.8 36.2 34.9 32.0 30.9 37.8 37.3 33.7 34.8 37.7 36.0 34.5 34.7 38.9 37.3 38.2 35.6 39.1 37.2 35.9 34.3 September.. October.... November.. December.. 27.0 27.1 24.6 25.5 27.2 26.4 22.4 27.6 27.4 29.7 24.1 26.8 23.4 23.6 22.9 24.7 27.9 27.1 25.5 26.0 28.3 29.6 27.3 26.3 24.6 22.7 20.1 23.6 36.3 39.2 40.9 42.2 31.5 38.1 35.7 39.9 36.9 3a 4 36.6 38.0 33.6 37.1 43.0 41.8 35.8 39.1 40.5 42.7 36.7 38.0 42.0 42.5 36.0 42.1 40.2 42.2 1922. January February March 25.4 29.3 26.9 24.2 27.9 25.3 23.1 42.3 40.0 39.2 38.4 41.0 45.1 41.5 1916 mo. av.. 1917 mo. av., 1918 mo. av.. 1919 mo. av.. 1920 mo. a w . 1921 mo. av.. 39.3 36.2 33.5 31.7 34.9 37.1 1 Compiled by the Credit Clearing House from reports to it by manufacturers and wholesalers on items of credit facts from their ledgers concerning merchants; or jobbers to whom they sell. The numerical data given above show the percentage which the number of items reported relating to orders or to creation of indebtedness bears to the total number of transactions reported. As one transaction may cover both an order and an indebtedness or a payment, the sum of the percentages of orders, indebtedness a nd payments will usually exceed 100 per cent. The commodities covered are largely textiles, and the individual orders are stated to average from $250 to 5600, depending oa trade conditions. The year 1916 is taken as a base, as it is believed to be more nearly normal than 1919, in which orders and payments were unusually large and indebtedness unusually small. For boundaries of districts see page 123. 126 FOREIGN TRADE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Table 97,—INDEX ffTTMBEKS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] YEAR AND MONTH. Food, drink* Raw Total. and matetorial. bacco. EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES s (quantities). REEXPORTS (values). EXPORTS (values). IMPORTS (values). Food, ManManFood, drink, Raw ufacdrink, Raw ufactured Total. and mate- tured Total. and matetotorial. artirial. artibacco* cles. bacco. cles. Manufactured articles. Relative to 1920. Relative to 1913. 1913 monthly average. 1914 monthly average. 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average. 1917 monthly average. 100 91 115 100 100 103 84 131 102 123 144 120 138 157 1918monthly average. 171 1919 monthly average. 100 82 73 96 1OO 137 100 83 94 98 113 196 163 212 244 229 1920monthly average. 252 266 1921 monthly average. 142 196 January... 291 303 Fobruary. 266 239 March 276 April 261 Woolen CotIron ton and and piece wor- steel. goods* sted tissues. Coal. Relative to 1913. 77 75 91 92 100 82 71 96 100 50 96 103 64 47 68 100 82 75 93 64 145 95 37 87 99 28 25 22 43 138 152 102 174 154 150 269 142 105 252 235 254 156 208 272 203 289 192 181 96 127 136 115 91 143 190 78 90 66 43 333 195 242 175 242 279 386 303 171 112 110 C2 55 339 205 196 147 239 195 248 261 285 160 84 82 55 43 256 326 236 237 15S 249 243 296 244 352 205 107 110 70 39 237 305 236 243 146 209 259 223 247 239 176 115 115 66 33 95 89 100 84 100 100 87 109 90 140 85 89 132 77 1OO 84 00 (> * 1OO 100 1OO 78 65 67 47 100 80 59 52 43 33 46 70 35 43 48 34 34 1920. May 260 269 258 252 273 148 227 294 222 254 224 199 120 119 June 266 279 247 277 266 159 197 289 220 310 206 203 110 113 July 255 288 221 257 314 166 215 347 195 274 173 203 107 126 August.. 239 255 218 248 263 129 180 291 146 255 104 181 99 103 67 30 September. 238 278 190 251 268 159 163 298 146 271 102 176 103 93 62 24 October 234 286 189 225 257 172 165 279 177 347 132 181 82 79 67 23 November.. 225 254 198 223 273 174 161 302 144 319 93 159 93 88 56 22 December.. 223 246 207 214 221 141 211 230 139 301 154 67 62 46 38 January... 183 203 158 212 142 132 233 109 163 92 117 67 63 57 28 February. 151 197 109 145 156 113 101 170 88 117 82 S3 66 48 41 28 March 146 210 76 155 153 107 100 166 97 215 76 80 63 41 36 32 April 140 219 70 126 137 137 50 152 93 72 87 50 46 39 10 May 135 207 71 120 77 25 113 79 147 64 75 34 25 0 June 133 215 78 109 87 90 19 98 78 168 49 90 41 33 17 0 July..... 126 174 S6 112 99 99 4S 107 103 230 76 90 48 36 15 13 August.. 13S 209 83 113 117 115 121 116 109 206 105 57 37 18 51 September.. 136 200 87 111 146 122 120 128 94 204" 72 84 72 28 32 56 October 132 184 91 116 142 128 126 147 114 230 96 88 90 50 38 56 November.. 139 171 128 111 144 132 121 149 108 222 90 84 49 47 59 December.. 133 162 IIS 113 136 117 133 138 101 183 80 102 52 50 70 35 32 34 1921. 1922. January. February. March See footnotes on opposite page. 127 FOREIGN TRADE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Table 98.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] IMPORTS (values). EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES» (quantities). REEXPORTS (values). EXPORTS (values). Food, Food, ManuManudrink, Raw ManuRaw drink, Raw facCotton Woolen Iron facfacand mate- tured Total. and mate- tured Total. and m a t e - tured piece worsted and and rial. articles. tototorial. rial. articles. artigoods. tissues. steel. bacco* bacco. bacco. cles. Food, drink* YEAB AND MONTH. Total. Thousands of square yards. Thousands of pounds sterling (£). 1913 monthly av.. 1014 monthly av. 1915 monthly a v . 1916 monthly a v . 1917 monthly a v . 64,061 34,184 23,435 1 6 , 1 3 4 58,053 24,995 19,711 13,374 15,121 73,491 31,740 23,881 15,766 79,042 34,931 28,066 88,680 37,893 32,067 18,214 1918 monthly a v . 1919 monthly a v . 1920 monthly a v . 1921 monthly av.. 109,678 135,513 161,379 90,668 47,491 58,938 64,291 47,3S2 38,207 53,834 59,292 22,598 23,343 22,219 37,902 20,425 41,785 66,553 111,289 59,316 1,001 2,775 4,241 3,122 5,083 10,107 12,138 5,322 33,880 52,663 93,394 49,048 2,579 13,729 18,534 8,921 336 3,575 3,842 2,520 1920. January .. February.... 186,498 March 176,648 73,387 57,683 61,808 57,387 78,137 79,612 76,540 71,587 31,528 33,042 38,156 38,050 105,880 85,964 103,699 106,251 4,763 3,987 4,280 3,959 16,654 13,825 14,482 12,194 83,086 66,733 83,387 88,689 25,464 22,604 27,031 20,407 64,993 67,566 69,571 61,785 60,509 57,919 51,899 51,268 40,580 44,681 41,423 40,016 119,319 116,352 137,452 114,903 4,020 4,313 4,515 3,503 13,211 11,447 12,551 10,467 100,727 99,031 118,954 99,645 44,557 44,299 46,560 48,613 40,573 36,267 35,955 34,553 117,456 112,295 119,365 96,631 4,311 4,678 4,723 3,842 9,515 102,216 9,632 95,701 9,399 103,694 12,277 78,819 170,514 167,154 166,334 June.... 170,491 43,770 2,716 5,825 34,281 35,893 2,412 4,893 28,219 4,363 24,411 32,072 2,090 42,190 2,458 6,362 32,783 1,361 5,597 35,301 43,923 9,131 1,329 5,336 2,455 7,956 1,453 4,488 2,007 8,255 1,867 4,549 1,835 8,131 1,756 4,095 2,271 5,806 620 3,615 1,566 565,415 * 478,763 3 395,417 * 438,318 M15,004 14,718 '13,417 8 12,460 U5,432 3 13,874 Coal. Thousands of long tons. 4 1 4 6,117 324 4,920 270 3,628 279 3,196 195 2,916 308,321 »8,208 1,048 2,575 9 298,782 13,706 4,437 370,138 22,178 9,562 2.220 242,938 137 190 290 143 2,646 2,937 2,078 2,055 5,134 16,143 3,473 15,201 3,242 18,767 3,287 12,771 4,187 3,929 5,022 4,327 414,875 312,185 397,418 424,216 24,413 18,232 24,355 25,478 258 227 291 272 3,359 2,601 2,406 1,9 20,260 20,124 17,848 13,368 3,376 11,975 4,120 11,010 3,638 9,221 3,385 5,529 4,897 4,992 4,989 4,453 443,688 406,334 395,849 367,144 26,476 24,9S7 28,027 22,736 392 286 370 279 2,140 1,931 2,097 1,847 13,351 16,134 13,115 12,699 3,601 4,605 4,243 3,995 5,418 7,061 4,975 4,917 4,317 4,444 3,896 3,787 382,591 305,339 343,575 248,443 20,653 17,574 19,513 13,697 255 277 232 192 1,476 1,417 1,361 2,302 1,194 7,571 10,249 4,171 July.... 163,342 August., 153,255 September. 152,692 October.... 149,889 November., 144,260 December.. 142,785 67,269 69,168 61,499 59,378 January... 117,051 96,974 93,742 89,996 49,158 47,750 50,888 52,908 37,005 25,504 17,739 16,547 30,467 23,394 24,980 20,374 92,756 68,222 66,809 59,868 3,852 3,075 2,897 3,729 7,668 5,881 5,832 2,936 79,746 58,177 56,969 52,019 9,955 8,004 8,888 8,524 2,160 1,552 2,851 2,543 4,904 4,386 4,074 3,844 2,865 2,041 1,962 2,134 249,613 244,949 232,043 186,849 13,877 10,693 9,121 10,209 236 168 150 163 1,700 1,729 1,968 607 88,180 80,757 88,581 50,094 51,915 42,090 50,584 16,711 18,389 20,232 19,589 19,282 17,600 18,005 18,194 43,088 38,150 43,172 51,346 2,101 2,439 2,702 3,124 1,437 1,125 2,775 7,05S 38,662 33,658 36,705 39,936 7,232 7,080 . 9,362 9,998 1,958 2,229 3,062 2,744 3,418 2,616 4,082 4,683 1,850 2,219 2,216 2,567 145,769 152,782 177,530 212,403 7,566 7,235 8,045 8,232 102 69 64 76 14 8 816 3,103 87,118 84,742 89,259 85,312 48,410 44,475 41,246 39,063 20,465 21,256 29,946 27,792 17,905 18,691 17,913 18.291' 63,842 62,265 3,300 3,466 59,375 3,187 6,997 7,359 7,0t6 7.746 44,009 50,238 51,094 47,36S 8,595 10,3S6 9,S23 9,204 2,710 3,057 2,944 2,435 3,822 5,143 4,818 4,263 2,057 2,164 2,060 2,501 265,386 353,825 363,633 330,476 6,104 11,109 10,978 11,574 133 156 194 205 3,407 3,407 3,594 4,309 February March April May June August September.... October November... 1922. January....^ February.. „ , March... *"* 1 9 a Compiled from British official reports by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Figures include exports and reexports. Figures for years 1913-1919, inclusive, are for linear yards. NOTE.—See p . (97) for exchange rate on pound sterling. 128 FOREIGN TRADE OF FRANCE. Table 99.—INDEX ffUMBEKS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] EXPORTS 5 (values). IMPORTS * (values). YEAR AND MONTH. Total all commodities. Foodstuffs. Raw material. Manufactured articles. Total aU commodities. Foodstuffs. Raw material. EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). Manufactured articles.* Chemical products. Iron and steel. LinPerSilk Cotton gerie fumes and fabrics. fabrics. wearing and apparel, soaps. Relative to 1913. average. average. averago. averago. average. 1918 m o n t h l y 1919 m o n t h l y 1920 m o n t h l y 1921 m o n t h l y average. average. average. average. 100 76 132 245 327 100 100 265 311 278 384 425 577 624 277 342 100 71 94 197 240 100 65 185 352 524 100 71 57 90 87 100 77 77 70 59 100 70 41 58 59 100 70 60 109 106 100 67 20 20 15 100 52 15 16 14 100 82 95 95 67 100 74 36 44 31 100 73 24 ' 35 42 100 91 77 73 44 204 298 493 251 398 624 767 293 69 173 422 313 50 142 S'49 230 54 132 337 79 197 472 337 10 36 83 4 36 135 64 97 123 19 63 85 23 41 127 34 59 103 22 86 128 100 191-3 monthly 1914 m o n t h l y 1915 m o n t h l y 1916 m o n t h l y 1917 m o n t h l y 34 152 156 153 99 145 148 146 32 96 74 89 53 97 82 113 129 70 95 356 545 397 595 74 64 72 96 139 211 178 121 107 165 121 166 78 144 S3 101 87 157 115 153 113 131 122 106 1920. January... February. March April fi 6623 619 577 584 5718 627 526 807 8530 543 515 421 6798 841 824 3330 491 366 503 411 281 360 523 536 524 634 603 616 493 602 449 453 486 537 659 701 672 813 421 527 342 396 340 401 346 411 291 362 334 495 625 346 418 135 87 97 31 101 81 186 105 141 88 79 65 186 25 37 71 101 230 217 123 87 172 82 January... February. March April 283 230 248 254 229 255 301 258 267 195 191 215 387 307 363 363 328 331 294 237 270 247 233 252 281 308 245 302 361 359 329 370 64 217 65 89 140 189 207 212 101 69 84 107 99 113 106 103 115 8$ 104 90 Si SO 85 May.... Juno July August. 223 246 209 247 277 324 287 368 168 211 171 208 330 262 240 232 288 305 273 301 217 212 176 161 268 349 284 287 311 305 287 335 65 85 185 154 133 178 90 90 82 105 122 107 115 September. October November. December.. 317 317 332 436 458 475 374 499 292 289 351 450 239 230 235 328 310 307 305 381 210 189 224 371 287 311 309 355 340 329 320 395 74 76 257 304 110 108 102 May.... June July.... August. September. October November. December.. 6312 405 295 360 1031. 1922. January... February. March See footnotes o n opposite page. 84 91 152 76 102 87 83 100 129 FOREIGN TRADE OF FRANCE. Table 100.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] EXPORTS6 (values). IMPORTS* (values). ManuTotal, Raw facall c o m - F o o d - mate- t u r e d m o d i - stufts. artirial. ties. cles. YEAR AND MONTH. EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities)* ManuTotal, R facall c o m - Food- m aatw- tured e m o d i - stuns. rial. artities. cles.* Chemical products. Iron and steel. Millions of francs.3 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 702 534 928 1,720 2,296 1918 monthly average 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1,859 2,983 4,053 1,955 470 892 942 517 412 292 3as 151 151 2S5 421 582 Silk fabrics. Metric tons.* 138 90' 256 486 724 573 406 328 518 501 70 54 54 49 42 550 862 1,059 405 394 990 2,417 1,796 35 99 244 161 155 108 64 90 91 348 244 210 990 . 839 1,229 2,052 1,033 83. 204 523 463 379, 368 276 687 1,643 1,172 92,719 61,826 18,379 18,865 14,346 84,027 43,865 12,894 13,770 11,824 514 421 9,530 33,490 76,609 3,767 30,547 113,280 327 19,975 79,956 118,686 92,837 813 Llnge- PerC o t t o n !•ie a n d f u m e s wearfabrics. n g a p - a n d parel. soap* 28,951 127,620 130,941 128,499 511 487 488 343 501 630 4,613 3,401 1,667 2,016 1,413 653 475 154 230 277 4,286 3,887 3,311 3,131 1,891 868 . 2,914 3,908 152 270 830 1,470 2,514 4,402 1,475 4,420 3,427 4,096 345 631 533 739 1,233 5,526 2,983 4,0S9 3,582 6,623 3,815 4,674 566 1,024 748 996 4,849 5,615 5,248 4,550 8,600 1,170 1,717 3,297 660 1,499 1,418 '802 4,109 3,737 7,355 3,525 4,586 5,196 4,867 4,756 754 577 682 579 3,851 3,596 3,447 3,655 5,613 4,931 5,326 4,285 569 618 576 551 3,246 4,355 3,731 3,576 4,973 4,712 596 990 4,265 4,199 1930. January February March April May... June July August .. . .. September.. October November.. December.. "4,370 81,084 4,344 947 4,051 794 4,100, 1,219 . 6 2,185 2,236 2,120 1,736 3,671 3,765 3,677 4,449 911 930 745 909 January February March April 1,9S2 1,614 1 743 1,779 347 386 456 390 1,101 May... June July August.. 1,566 1,724 1,469 1 731 419 491 434 555 691 September October. . November.. December. 2,226 2,227 2,334 3,063 692 1,204 717 1,192 1,850 1,868 2,004 2,418 743 762 752 5 1,101 1,161 1,137 1,145 6 1,889 2,812 2,097 2,881 £165 2S8 197 252 M84 628 457 558 «1,240 1,896 1,383 2,071 68,784 59,25S 66,524 88,662 117,087 176,880 149,503 102,081 548 910 967 928 1,122 2,413 3,017 1,962 238 281 242 288 451 1,724 2,175 1,203 1,453 125,573 80,218 90,272 28,548 85,155 68,393 156,218 88,032 725 189 173 163 176 436 1,258 1,248 1,144 1,288 59,189 200,809 60,122 82,966 117,736 158,905 173,887 177,823 517 152 148 123 113 415 1,082 1,062 1,000 1,167 59,949 79,271 79,716 79,443 155,343 129,550 111,510 149,732 147 132 157 260 445 1,1S3 1,145 1,113 1,373 68,414 70,285 216,173 255,510 561 517 524 850 620 855 453 407 336 1921. 803 786 887 871 704 856 5G4 1,446 754 1,856 534 425 501 502 456 362 ,331 320 330 318 324 453 L,SS3 ]L,899 ]L,6S6 1,932 L,649 1,750 KR'i 1,725 1,775 1,759 1,749 2,183 478 379 468 541 440 445 482 479 550 * 1922. January February.. March. t • Compiled from official reports by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. a See p. 97 for exchange rates on French francs. ' One metric ton is equal to 10 quintals, or 1,000 kilograms, and is equivalent to 2,204.6 pounds avoirdupois. ^ includes parcel post shipments. i f,lgUres f o r m 0 I l t l i s of 1921 are based on 1919 valuation, which will later be revised to a 1921 valuation. Monthly average of first five months of the year. Data not available by months on account of change to final 1920 valuation. 84796°—22 9 355 434 549 464 463 421 542 567 505 130 FOREIGN TRADE OF BELGIUM, DENMARK, AND SWEDEN. Table 101.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-laced type; numerical data on opposite page.] TOTAL TRADE (values)/ YEAH AND MONTH. SWEDEN. DENMARK. BELGIUM. TOTAL TRADE (values). EXPORTS OP KEY COMMODITIES (quantities)* ElCe- Iron Imand ports. ports. Glass. ment. steel. ExImCoal. ports. ports. EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). Pork products. Beef, and veal, fresh. EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). TOTAL TRADE (values). Im- Ex- L u m - Wood ports. ports. ber. pulp. Butter. Eggs, fresh. 100 104 132 144 115 100 86 Iron ore. Pig iron. Relative to 1913. 19L3 mo. av. 100 1914 mo. av. 299 1915 mo. av. 1916 mo. av. 1917 mo. av. 100 93 135 159 127 100 2 102 100 2 95 100 884 100 a 101 100 299 100 120 157 181 148 100 117 111 83 64 100 115 151 103 106 100 101 103 94 60 100 94 103 101 73 100 74 93 86 87 100 84 190 165 100 78 101 111 63 73 96 93 42 59 100 94 161 135 134 90 149 116 118 113 279 63 244 27 S8 20 84 11 55 68 33 111 305 367 105 140 252 2 3 35 64 53 117 14 36 73 70 92 146 146 299 399 165 193 260 69 89 93 103 69 38 58 1920. January February... March April 212 237 275 238 148 195 227 254 73 91 86 82 38 65 86 82 27 30 32 35 24 31 33 31 308 339 414 258 193 163 278 146 25 6 8 3 126 153 111 117 SO 27 87 26 37 104 243 87 337 400 '427 378 186 156 221 240 43 27 50 65 69 48 61 89 25 32 45 55 20 34 43 48 May June July August 262 297 222 231 2G7 251 248 120 137 56 81 88 91 9S 90 37 56 61 72 26 29 29 30 254 372 364 396 272 274 263 255 62 60 47 35 153 96 127 139 78 93 87 85 136 239 219 222 445 402 469 436 333 .328 393 337 106 120 201 155 159 139 151 96 48 74 74 87 92 90 SO 67 September.. October November.. December.. 218 232 229 240 256 251 240 254 51 92 95 98 96 101 94 85 71 65 69 86 70 31 29 33 474 422 367 413 296 260 294 248 28 34 45 66 150 8 77 150 85 66 95 70 195 155 79 38 460 424 324 279 342 320 259 252 128 104 70 48 132 121 96 80 84 82 56 32 59 53 57 67 235 224 198 156 217 178 215 220 58 57 54 70 109 73 95 48 106 64 79 86 81 111 289 264 173 165 140 150 134 130 110 101 13 6 7 5 17 8 8 14 45 54 66 80 52 46 9 25 148 146 158 222 189 221 186 255 57 76 57 91 16 19 11 10 85 117 79 102 216 230 236 265 134 132 139 146 121 101 138 165 13 20 36 63 25 21 58 93 73 78 80 74 29 42 14 31 191 199 208 1S6 77 72 18 & 90 87 234 122 178 155 99 113 110 69 76 139 75 74 56 112 64 40 1918 mo. av. 1919 mo. av. 1920 mo. av. 1921 mo. av. 278 1921. January.... February... March . April May June July August September.. October November., December.. 5 237 6 214 560 ^63 *71 572 &200 &203 5M *83 5 59 5 221 6229 M82 640 »91 572 6143 ' 1922. i January February... March • | ! I See footnotes on opposite page. 131 FOREIGN TRADE OF BELGIUM, DENMARK, AND SWEDEN. Table 102.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] BELGIUM. TOTAL TRADE (values).* YEAR AND MONTH. DENMARK. EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). ImExCe- Iron and ports. ports. Glass. ment. steel. Thousands of francs.8 Coal. TOTAL TRADE (values). Imports. Exports. Thousands of crowns.' Metric tons.* E X P O R T S O F KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). P o r k Beef and p r o d - veal, But- Eggs, u c t s . fresh. ter. fresh. Metric tons. 4 1913 mo. av. 386,384 302,882 24,151 73,904 144,023 415,123 1914 mo. av. 33S3,858 2308,996 2 22,972 2 62,337 2144,960 2412,414 1915 mo. av. 1916 mo. av. 1917 mo. av. 71,279 66,274 96,444 113,116 90,774 60,107 10,532 1,256 72,287 12,302 1,440 94,105 11,692 1,897 109,074 8,734 1,293 88,856 6,793 1,337 1918 mo. av. 1919 mo. av. 436,357 191,077 1920 mo. av. 1,077,973 737,674 15,265 284,341 78,821 135,151 78,812 217,087 261,842 63,204 83,971 151,313 229 270 3,669 447,542 17,590 27,716 38,240 98,122 590,782 21,982 48,120 43,715 126,832 686,093 20,694 63,572 46,787 135,948 769,918 19,795 60,435 50,459 128,182 219,498 241,781 295,414 183,722 115,783 97,900 167,121 87,903 2,666 634 792 306 1920. January February... March April 819,456 904,783 1,062,069 919,402 6,486 14,797 21,362 .62,374 SWEDEN. 3,526 8,634 8,749 7,9S8 5,122 Thousands of eggs. 26,328 27,374 34,680 37,891 30,386 TOTAL TRADE (values). Imports. Exports. Thousands8 of crowns. 70/545 60,576 95,209 94,881 63,214 E X P O R T S OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities)* L u m - Wood Iron ber. p u l p . ore. Pig Iron. Thouands of Thousands of Metric cubic metric tons.4 tons. 4 meters.* 68,112 64,363 109,697 129,698 112,463 328 257 332 365 206 71 67 73 72 52 537 399 499 462 468 807 1,221 18,524 670 3,058 24,342 1,473 6,239 38,461 102,776 112,536 211,165 131,308 281,124 176,856 227 292 306 52 68' 73 372 15,142 202 6,772 311 9,618 1,584 1,922 1,390 1,471 6,790 9,668 2,332 27,448 7,383 64,098 2,196 22,946 237,963 282,103 301,058 266,918 126,811 106,044 150,513 163,662 140 90 165 214 49 34 43 63 136 173 242 297 3,178 5,541 6,981 7,801 258 400 395 469 14,916 14,575 12,943 10,899 16,269 13,671 24,181 18,915 19,270 May 1,011,147 809,029 28,978 65,205 53,268 June 1,149,490 842,665 32,989 67,168 80,283 J u l y . . . . . . . 857,714 769,832 13,483 72,501 87,532 August 891,713 750,963 19,649 66,828 103,951 106,369 119,988 118,494 125,223 180,876 265,275 259,282 282,366 163,751 164,531 158,175 153,455 6,529 1,927 6,300 1,204 4,912 1,593 3,684 1,752 35,694 63,036 57,530 58,318 314,190 283,316 331,104 307,602 227,112 223,559 267,699 229,832 347 395 659. 510 113 99 107 68 September.. October.... November.. December.. 291,155 128,666 121,065 136,774 337,560 300,783 261,874 294,469 177,723 156,521 176,684 148,869 2,922 1,886 7,232 51,404 3,593 95 5,667 40,724 4,695 964 8,097 20,752 6,991 1,889 5,969 9,910 324,522 299,341 228,230 197,138 232,798 217,760 176,483 171,311 421 341 229 156 94 86 63 57 451 9,648 442 8,686 303 9,289 171 10,959 1921. January February.. March * 914,787 5647,663 s 14,467 s 46,762 5102,936 6299,797 April....... 167,232 159,875 140,839 111,360 130,443 106,878 129,42S 132,088 6,161 1,370 6,037 '921 5,637 1,193 599 7,337. 9,024 5,439 6,777 7,339 21,308 29,210 75,994 69,624 122,308 116,218 98,906 105,538 91,250 88,745 75,162 68,817 43 19 22 16 12 6 6 10 244 289 356 428 8,464 7,510 1,441 4,016 May... June July.. August.. 105,665 104,233 112,791 158,520 113,354 132,851 112,040 153,317 5,993 8,010 6,017 9,588 205 241 141 127 7,205 9,943 6,705 8,701 56,848 60,542 62,230 69,740 94,872 93,242 97,917 103,310 82,110 68,513 94,168 112,612 44 66 118 205 18 15 41 66 391 420 431 395 4,772 6,874 2,327 5,105 136,403 142,092 125,230 111,962 8,099 7,570 224 311 7,651 61,554 7,435 32,244 125,910 105,442 325 370 361 49 54 99 403 18,259 399 10,356 303 6,504 September.. October.. November December 841,904 896,222 885,414 926,204 774,800 12,435 760,628 22,118 727,666 22,844 768,247 23,632 70,969 74,388 69,723 62,864 102,224 93,903 99,098 123,597 6 774,216 3614,577 5 13,010 s 61,526 5 84,255 s 18,894 B 886,671 5551,622 6 9,775 s 67,076 5104,218 5595,509 6,681 7,897 7,387 7,234 1922. January February March.. — _ _ \ Compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, from official reports. Av ^rage for first six months only. t • See p . 97 for exchange rates on these countries. The Banish crown is now worth from 16 to 18 cents compared to a par value of 26.8 cants. 1 met *ic ton equals 1,000 kilograms and is equivalent to 2,204.6 pounds avoirdupois. A cubic meter equals 1.308 cubic yards. 1 Figures not available for separate months of 1921. These represent monthly averages for quarters, ending at these dates. . Merchandise only, exclusive of coin/and bullion: 1920 averages have been calculated on final revised annual figures and are somewhat higher than the unrevised monthly 132 FOREIGN TRADE OF GERMANY AND SWITZERLAND. Table 103.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; nhmerical data on opposite page.] SWITZERLAND. GERMANY. TOTAL TRADE 2 (values). E X P O R T S O P KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). Imports* Exports, Iron a n d M a c h i n ery. steel. YEAR AND MONTH. Coal. Aniline dyes. TOTAL TRADE * (values). EXPORTS OF KEY COlttMODITIES (quantities). Cotton Imports. Exports. embroideries. Silk piece goods. Watches (including complete movements). Aniline dyes. 100 101 116 114 100 73 100 130 100 102 68 59 122 111 122 99 73 70 92 121 Relative to 1913. 100 *102 100 <102 100 U05 100 <100 100 *103 100 «93 100 86 121 178 100 75 82 83 221 169 143 240 238 61 49 64 60 5 216 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 5 252 572 5 142 &105 »124 100 77 ss 1916 monthly averagol 124 125 125 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 184 21 51 27 67 28 74 40 " 135 107 1920. January February March April May jun© July August M3 79 64 <53 71 71 *26 27 25 5 226 &261 »76 &117 5 105 5 137 20 16 17 25 35 30 33 34 79 81 74 106 39 25 30 33 5 219 5 238 6 57 597 5 144 5 127 5222 &201 5 36 6 71 544 6 94 6 162 September October November December.... * *23 29 27 56 48 52 54 '. *21 32 21 5 139 5 26 577 &58 6 40 j 5 112 5 130 526 565 5 62 550 ! 580 6 122 &29 574 5 183 4 43 ! 1921. January February March Apra * .. May.......... June July August 42 43 46 £2 37 39 41 40 10 12 16 21 24 30 33 44 51 74 80 58 18 23 27 33 September October November. December 43 44 23 36 33 24 23 20 42 45 58 54 41 38 j 1922. January February March . „ ! I See footnotes on opposite page. 133 FOREIGN TRADE OF GERMANY AND SWITZERLAND. Table 104.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced typo; index numbers on opposite page.] GERMANY. TOTAL TRADE * (values). YEAR AND MONTH. Imports. Exports. SWITZERLAND. E X P O R T S O P KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). Coal. Thousands of dollars. Iron a n d M a c h i n steel. ery. TOTAL TRADE * (values). Aniline dyes. Imports. Exports. Thousands of francs. Metric tons. EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). Cotton embroideries. Silk piece goods. Watches (IncludAniline ing complete dyes. movements). Thousands of pounds. Number. Thousands of pounds. 1917 monthly average. 1918 monthly average. 1919 montlhy average. 1920 monthly average. 100,575 608,748 541,875 * 558,674 145,883 49,639 4 46,383 33,139 159,985 123,201 140,003 198,209 1,487 1920. January February March April 1,618 1,220 1,319 1,342 399 402 461 454 1,151 835 1,156 1,500 1,292 1,319 882 700 200,429 200,122 294,449 353,568 5,357 4 5,344 114,700 98,907 139,171 203,976 193,579 163,598 274,841 273,092 991 793 1,042 976 297 160 540 426 1,402 1,283 1,405 1,144 942 906 1,187 1,559 5 346,276 1913 monthly average. S213,599 8197,883 2,883,201 1914 monthly average. <217,277 4 201,088 < 3,028,066 1915 monthly average. 1916 monthly average. & 288,657 6 1,171 6 567 6 1,203 6 1,603 May June July August * 84,820 156,673 126,172 * 591,891 930,258 593,824 4 122,574 158,634 146,092 4 26,394 35,362 35,149 4 1,368 1,465 1,358 & 361,150 5 299,257 6 1,222 6 466 5 1,205 6 1,770 September October'.. . November December 110,572 95,202 102,364 106,996 ^588,244 447,800 481,763 711,745 189,469 162,359 176,480 182,121 39,154 40,374 33,527 52,744 2,090 1,348 1,621 1,756 5 351,066 5 273,341 6 927 5 388 ...» 5 1,647 5 355,781 »231,113 6 584 5 284 6 512 6 1,217 a 259 820 s158 873 5 416 6 309 6 669 & 590 5 178,836 6 148,830 s 424 6 260 &708 6 729 * 128,351 5 139,643 5 470 6 294 6 2,111 »552 1931. January February March... April May June July August 89,215 92,6-19 98,666 111,614 73,941 78,098 80,425 79,267 293,260 355,582 453,173 613,739 129,847 162,297 177,773 240,071 25,096 36,719 39,792 29,036 963 1,219 1,452 1,783 September October November.... December 101,884 94,380 48 179 71,733 66,144 46,743 649,158 576,048 225,331 246,115 28,757 26,626 2,207 2,051 1933. January February March... , 1 _jj _ _ _ _ Compiled by V. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, from official sources. Figures for 1913,1914, and 1920 converted from gold marks at the rate of S0.238 per mark. Figures for 1921 converted from paper marks at the average New York exchange rate for the month. For foreign exchange rates see page 97. Figures include bullion but not coin. For foreign exchange rates see page 97. 6 Monthly average for first six months of the year. Monthly average for quarter ended this month: 134 FOREIGN TRADE OF THE NETHERLANDS. Table 105.—(A) INDEX NTJMBEES AND (B) NTTMEKICAL DATA. From Government sources*1 [Base year in boldfaced type.] EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). TOTAL TRADE (values). Imports, Exports. YEAR AND MONTH. Butter. MarCheese. garine. Flower bulbs. Imports. Metric tons. 68,270 2,083 2,074 2,239 1,990 1,233 31,767 117,609 141,791 205 1,143 1,723 1,243 1,035 3,770 1,459 4,495 7,749 957 1,167 1,367 256,208 233,591 187,916 203,593 135,933 113,310 68,210 99,448 1.207 2,198 1,226 846 2,513 1,668 3,231 10,1288,676 5,707 6,365 150 121 S4 44 328 298,514 345,402 314,861 267,956 170,393 179,478 177,114 130,019 2,977 2,307 2,089 1,288 5,355 6,0G3 8,450 4,259 8,292 5,995' 6,998 9,263 124 6,834 159 113 121 141 340 41 33 20 317,369 337,338 270,811 298,867 165,966 148,140 156,557 156,923 1,952 672 416 3,494 4,055 2,741 2,407 2,173 9,407 6,693 7,136 8,330 7,075 S58 6S2 420 59 70 65 75 85 93 119 6 7 8 2 214,136 170,494 213,830 195,782 115,835 120,956 107,205 108,820 1,937 1,316 1,098 1,969 3,263 3,863 3,588 4,125 4,739 5,010 5,475 7,049 119 146 173 49 73 60 46 78 84 103 87 125 102 97 85 117 93,819 120,816 105,420 142,566 2,245 1,848 1,414 2,420 4,593 5,647 17 435 168,115 188,560 170,674 186,640 6,876 6,033 5,721 5,039 6,911 5 7 355 9,061 51 50 54 79 66 75 110 94 91 197,271 179,043175,806 135,750 114,695 106,624 1,597 1,543 1,655 4,327 3,620 4,139 6,507 5,591 5,371 10,306 1,313 100 100 107 96 59 80,394 27 100 121 66 37 56 23 19 69 25 76 131 46 56 66 50,696 235,478 277,702 109 99 80 86 116 96 58 85 71 40 27 42 46 30 59 171 147 96 108 May June July August 127 147 134 114 145 153 151 111 96 75 68 42 97 110 154 78 140 101 118 157 September. October November.. December.. 135 143 115 127 141 126 133 133 63 22 13 113 74 50 44 40 91 72 91 83 93 103 91 93 63 43 36 64 72 79 80 103 90 121 S4 76 75 115 93 91 58 1920. January— February... March April Flower bulbs. 5,917 6,599 13,017 13,777 8,818 100 112 220 233 149 22 100 218 Margarine. 5,494 5,654 7,195 7,545 4,673 100 103 131 137 85 1918 monthly average 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average Cheese. 3,088 3,191 3,529 3,017 2,049 100 103 114 (•> (») <•) 34 Butter. B.—NUMERICAL DATA. A.—INDEX NUMBERS. 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average Exports. Thousands of florins.s Relative to 1913. Relative to 1919. EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). TOTAL TRADE (values). ... 6 1931. January February... March April May June July August September.. October November.. December.. 495. 4,774 1922. January.. February., March 1 Compiled by the XT. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce,fromofficial sources. • Data for years prior to 1917 based on antiquated official schedule, not comparable with later figures showing real values* * For foreign exchange rate of florin, see page 97. 135 FOREIGN TRADE OF SPAIN. Table 106.—(A) INDEX NUMBERS AND (B) NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources*1 [Base year in bold-face type.] TOTAL TRADE E X P O R T S O F K E Y COMMODITIES (values). (quantities). TOTAL TRADE (values). EXPORTS OP KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). Imports. Exports. Red wine* Olive oil. Oranges. Iron ore. Imports. Exports. Red wine* Olive oil. Oranges. Iron ore. YEAR AND MONTH. Hectoliters.* Thousands2of pesetas. Relative to 1913. .—INDEX NUMBERS. Metric tons.* Quintals.8 B.—NUMERICAL DATA. 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average.. average., average.. average., average.. 100 80 92 98 101 1OO 82 117 128 122 100 52 34 93 156 100 148 223 293 100 84 80 67 43 100 68 51 34 58 109,007 87,532 100,777 106,789 110,514 39,945 73,412 105,307 115,282 110,116 300,194 155,099 103,493 279,318 468,237 25,305 37,342 56,326 74,043 68,020 475,471 398,239 379,802 318,942 205,328 742,2G(5 508,926 375,768 249,011 428,135 1918 1919 1920 1921 average.. average.. average.. average., ' 48 83 110 94 123 95 51 126 93 128 370 179 31 61 45 49 53 52 51,991 90,637 120,322 84,102 110,264 85,406 153,567 378,588 280,429 32,333 93,560 45,267 147,192 290,893 214,942 362,105 391,708 385,055 1930. January.. February. March.... April 75 96 118 92 70 74 121 106 115 128 123 145 348 171 82 83 70 70 30 39 65 73 81,699 105,167 128,947 100,505 62,704 66,243 108,728 95,656 345,511 384,721 368,705 436,471 47,910 77,942 88,057 43,394 391,694 395,520 332,573 330,960 222,167 286,143 480,882 537,636 May.... June.... July.... August. 110 124 111 139 108 113 81 .42 120 79 312 185 37 19 1 59 80 44 83 119,876 135,444 120,847 151,365 82,486 93,730 83,481 76,197 323,177 338,085 242,314 125,089 30,435 20,122 78,873 46,727 176,276 104 93 85 334 437,611 594,182 329,434 613,933 35,613 44,079 27,261 1,790 310 28,852 219,645 607,976 395,002 140,473 357,087 34}5,866 2,046 3,521 4,249 4,675 623,465 807,139 792,713 649,423 370,746 243,111 159,141 143,262 3,547 7,974 30,873 317,151 84,993 6,610 9,032 74,642 53,890 48,386 69,405 monthly monthly monthly monthly September.October.... November.. December.. 105 100 106 148 85 105 101 1921. January.. February.. March April May.... June.... July.... August. September.. October.... November.. December.. 80 56 81 78 52 141 174 108 7 6 46 128 19 48 47 114,983 109,135 115,035 161,339 76,075 94,2^7 90,947 72,218 168,003 242,942 233,766 156,365 128 127 106 110 72 71 71 67 61 68 78 36 8 14 17 IS 131 170 167 137 50 33 21 19 140,010 138,897 116,060 120,121 64,714 63,513 63,573 60,570 182,003 204,822 233,988 109,365 115 95 80 76 59. 57 104 75 32 38 35 41 14 32 122 67 18 1 2 10 7 7 9 125,644 103,966 86,995 83,151 52,857 51,450 93,176 67,449 114,896 104,433 122,831 88 8f 92 102 92 87 • 95,750 87,800 100,570 91,802 82,920 78,420 1932. January.., February., March 1 Compiled from official reports by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Buzeau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. The Spanish peseta at present exchange rates is worth about 15 cents. One quintal contains 100 kilograms and is equivalent to 220.46 pounds. One metric ton equals 10 quaintals or 2,204.6 pounds. Ono hectoliter equalg 26.4 gallons. 4 Less than one. 3 1 136 FOREIGN TRADE OF THE AMERICAS. Table 107.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] TOTAL TRADE (value). ARGENTINA.* E X P O R T S OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). Total imports. YEAR AND MONTH. imports* Exports. URUGUAY.* BRAZIL. CANADA.^ Canned P a p e r , salmon. p r i n t i n g . C h e e s e . Total exports. Total Total imports. exports. Total Imports. Total exports. Wheat. Relative to 1913. 100 92 68 76 too 58 80 83 76 106 116 121 1OO 74 69 70 74 100 85 107 108 135 1OO 65 62 74 77 100 78 112 110 106 98 132 208 116 222 178 76 84 96 169 215 118 101 132 U72 154 199 U94 126 78 58 22 106 141 121 136 205 178 234 193 84 85 105 82 167 170 139 187 5 154 6 213 64 73 195 190 27 59 71 57 194 169 207 263 180 179 149 163 141 104 96 91 122 81 89 83 U74 6 268 495 527 518 532 112 99 115 73 47 198 312 415 266 326 269 292 171 182 167 141 99 85 S3 92 92 83 95 103 101 134 69 58 469 432 619 3SS 67 26 8 2 137 110 89 59 288 208 199 161 151 140 162 !57 91 72 80 92 181 213 117 74" 193 190 'ISO 193 44 191 110 472 361 346 469 534 40 120 188 118 97 72 44 47 184 152 194 124 128 152 198 176 77 68 63 71 101 85 106 53 190 259 279 277 317 610 289 104 500 537 548 594 164 134 124 165 85 252 349 412 120 130 224 202 73 100 290 164 233 229 100 199 248 316 368 100 93 $8 124 127 100 126 72 157 189 100 56 126 100 121 125 206 313 144 137 159 185 421 336 341 321 208 226 292 146 412 451 486 55 113 98 81 86 150 42 78 129 Jtwuarv "February March April 185 156 255 176 387 288 313 178 283 253 264 71 471 518 583 368 61 90 21 10 May 203 241 228 222 256 345 340 362 99 106 96 52 548 591 498 580 206 189 176 154 307 417 473 4S0 248 147 375 252 129 129 166 117 261 211 221 140 122 103 112 116 107 106 115 107 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average average average average averago 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average averago average average I - 1030. Jnno,--,July September » December 1921. January February March April July October No vembe r . . 84 75 1922. — * Compiled from reports of the respective governments by the U- S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 3 No actual figures available for 1921. Official estimate for first 6 months gives a monthly average import of 71,000,000 pesos, and exports of 84,000,000 pesos. i Yearly figures represent the monthly averages for the Canadian fiscal year which ends March 31. Hence the 1921 average. * Figures by months not available for 1920, Official estimate by Argentine Hinister of Finance. 6 Monthly average for quarter ended this month. «Import values are official; export values are real. 137 FOREIGN TRADE OF THE AMERICAS, Table 108.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources,1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] CANADA.* T O T A L TRADE (value). YEAR A ^ D MONTH. Imports. Exports. E X P O R T S OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). Canned salmon. Thousands of dollars.* 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average BRAZIL. Paper, printing. Cheese. Total imports. Total exports. URUGUAY/ Total Total imports. exports. ARGENTINA.* Total imports. Total exports. Wheat. Thousands of pounds. Thousands of bushels. Thousands of milreis.* Thousands of Uruguayan pesos.* Thousands of gold pesos.* S55,934 51,000 37,990 j 42,350 70,538 831,422 37,953 39,287 64,858 98,268 1,757 5,092 2,888 4,095 4,026 24,465 48,763 60,767 77,201 90,052 12,942 12,076 11,442 16,081 16,492 8,378 10,540 5,993 13,145 15,804 83,958 46,821 48,583 67,563 69,811 81,814 62,581 86,858 94,741 99,348 4,19G 3,102 2,914 2,940 3,101 5,708 4,852 6,107 6,155 7,709 41,352 26,877 25,457 30,511 31,693 4«,2C3 33,594 48,515 47,750 45,848 1918 monthly average 1919 mo n t hly average 192o monthly average 1921 monthly average.... 80,294 76,643 88,711 103,347 132,181 105,730 107,222 100,869 3,648 3,976 5,127 2,563 100,849 110,405 118,938 125,938 14,573 12,684 10,533 11,135 12,533 3,484 6,498 10,776 82,450 111,188 174,219 94,758 181,560 146,034 3,190 3,508 4,ID3 9,635 12,274 6,729 41,717 54,648 * 71,166 66,789 85,914 • 83,919 1020. January February March. •• April 103,579 87,497 142,497 98,291 121,518 90,357 98,219 55,870 4,976 4,446 4,638 1,256 115,251 126,665 142,615 89,934 7,920 11,621 2,697 1,238 10,554 6,552 4,852 . 1,825 89,338 118,087 101,671 114,550 167,706 145,353 191,704 157,615 3,528 3,558 4,390 3,444. 9,553 9,718 7,915 10,656- & 63,753 6 92,277 80,418 108,495 106,911 113,767 1,741 1,858 1,688 922 134,149 144,592 121,944 141,903 8,291 9,424 25,187 24,622 2,296 4,944 5,929 4,767 162,963 141,733 173,815 220,40S 146,978 146,467 121,673 133,679 5,933 4,370 4,033 3,823 6,959 4,645 5,077 4,723 6 71,931 & 115,872 July.. August.-. 113,321 134,692 127,269 124,318 September October.. November December 115,122 105,770 98,661 85,882 96,404 131,147 148,748 150,950 4,350 2,581 6,589 4,436 121,223 128,809 126,762 130,043 14,511 12,847 14,9-14 9,467 3,926 16,547 26,134 34,734 223,746 273,497 225,993 244,832 140,221 149,051 136,515 115,449 4,166 3,576 3,463 3,879 5,223 4,654 5,447 6,178 72,252 71,971 92,601 65,311 81,934 66,315 69,468 44,076 1,773 2,351 1,214 1,012 114,683 105,671 151,547 94,927 8,715 3,348 1,028 216 11,446 9,181 7,486 4,983 242,113 174,306 167,327 135,354 123,397 114,095 . 131,726 128,036 3,802 3,028 3,714 3,881 10,319 12,171 6,694 4,208 68,302 57,644 62,406 65,147 60,734 59,692 56,440 62,363 775 3,363 1,931 8,301 88,356 84,760 114,635 130,643 5,178 15,561 24,370 15,258 8,112 6,003 3,649 3,972 154,186 127,709 162,799 104.272 104,520 123,291 161,790 144,374 3,211 2,862 2,662 2,970 5,789 4,850 6,026 3,008 59,722 59,518 64,271 60,050 59,590 81,256 87,640 87,186 5,571 10,710 5,079 1,821 122,414 131,416 134,110 145,320 21,182 17,346 16,008 8,371 7,145 21,131 29,25-4 34,492 101,121 108,865 182,997 165,598 3,057 3,231 4,809 4,297 May J u n e --*-. 1021January.. February Marcn.-.. April May.. June.—-, ... July . . . August-..,.. September October.. November December . <.. ... ... '\ 1023. January.. February. Maxell.... ' I .- i * EXCHANGE RATES. Country. Unit. Canada Brazil Dollar. Milreis Uruguay... Argentina. Peso Peso See footnotes on opposite page. Prewar par value. 51.00 0.32 1.03 0.96 Approximate present value. SO. 95 0.13 0.72 0.76 i I . 138 FOREIGN TRADE OF ASIATIC COUNTRIES Table 109.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page] JAPAN. B R I T I S H INDIA. Total t r a d e (value). Y E A R AND MONTH. Imports. Exports. Total trade (value), Exports of key commodities. Illce (quantities). Jute, Cotton, Cotton raw, and m a n u - m a n u - Imports. Exports. raw (quan- factures factures of tities). (value). (value). Exports of key commodities. Silk, raw (quantities). Cotton yarn (quantities ) . Cotton Silk fabrics fabrics (value). (value). Relative to 1913. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 monthly avcrago»-. monthly average 3 .. monthly average 3 .. monthly average 3 .. monthly average 3 .. 100 114 86 82 93 1OO 101 74 SO 100 100 89 57 49 '59 100 144 140 120 121 100 99 66 79 112 1OO 118 78 107 116 1OO 82 73 104 142 100 93 112 178 253 100 85 88 108 127 100 121 121 115 98 1OO 104 115 179 379 100 86 110 129 160 1918 1919 1920 1921 monthly average 3 -. monthly averago 3 -. monthly average 3 -. monthly average 3 .. 103 133 104 71 74 24 40 50 116 100 109 115 225 150 99 131 150 139 229 298 320 221 310 332 308 198 121 143 87 90 105 129 208 66 708 834 997 299 413 403 187 151 35 191 280 147 133 37 173 149 129 178 154 40 214 205 160 162 139 57 165 194 152 337 445 541 488 335 331 367 413 104 146 28 42 40 50 1,099 1,288 1,346 441 704 595 478 177 135 50 165 228 149 194 113 59 115 185 118 487 362 259 ' 203 367 349 293 332 111 108 92 136 36 51 57 118 1,066 962 727 1,138 436 373 304 193 177 178 173 293 254 198 166 101 98 52 45 119 113 1,044 1,005 775 684 353 273 279 207 173 196 225 229 142 146 179 219 41 62 83 149 84 44 84 140 826 715 721 689 142 207 211 221 247 244 181 217 200 203 187 200 119 149 136 155 72 52 48 39 665 516 582 516 248 259 200 241 212 215 253 265 182 212 230 277 136 33 439 217 1920. January... February*. March April...... May.... Juno— July.... August. 211 September.. October November-. December.. 1921. January.. February.. March April May.... June July.... August. 99 32 72 114 132 230 100 34 67 158 165 216 106 29 68 160 192 237 102 27 46 171 236 92 24 70 127 33 236 72 156 176 146 150 112 233 91 28 99 109 190 S6 35 145 100 181 89 75 123 95 68 193 148 124 71 63 57 155 95 82 172 181 145 80 52 116 152 132 September.. October November.. December.. 84 74 105 124 155 95 54 129 212 147 98 75 175 1022. January.. February.. March See footnotes on opposite page. 46 47 139 FOREIGN TRADE OF ASIATIC COUNTRIES. Table 110.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] JAPAN. BRITISH INDIA. Total trade (value). YEAR AND MONTH. Imports. Exports. Thousands of rupees.2 Exports of key commodities. Rice* Total trade (value). Jute, Cotton Cotton, m a n u - raw,nand Imports, Exports. ma uraw. factures. factures of. Long tons. Thousands of rupees.2 Thousands of yen.2 Exports of key commodities. Silk, Cotton Cotton Silk yarn. fabrics. fabrics. Thousands of pounds. Thousands of yen." 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly averages.. averages.. average3.. average3.. average3.. 134,166 152,707 114,941 109,989 124,696 205,074 207,399 151,326 164,552 204,348 230,277 204,209 130,164 113,959 136,656 30,740 44,276 43,121 36,892 37,135 1O,1C7 10,100 6,675 8,005 11,369 41,601 49,250 32,275 44,684 48,300 60,786 49,645 44,379 63,036 86,318 52,705 49,258 59,026 93,956 133,584 2,202 1,871 1,945 2,385 2,792 14,997 18,220 18,162 17,230 14,658 2,800 2,903 3,209 5, OOt 10,622 3,279 2,835 3,C02 4,219 5,238 1918 monthly 1919monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average3.. average3.. average3.. average3., 125,354 140,862 173,310 279,669 202,137 211,568 272,328 213,622 163,72S 171,096 55,023 92,980 30,450 15,330 35,694 30,882 11,112 139,012 181,121 194,681 134,635 163,508 174,906 162,366 104,398 2,658 3,155 1,917 13,507 7,086 9,901 19,826 23,359 27,914 9,794 13,540 13,201 15,226 41,081 54,477 62,262 57,796 January.., February.. March April 250,768 195,586 238,618 216,759 310,290 272,934 315,695 284,428 80,951 85,911 92,684 132,291 58,739 53,074 65,779 50,675 28,507 15,108 20,859 19,725 61,041 53,811 66,755 63,436 204,76S 270,643 329,028 296,832 176,348 174,288 193,570 217,457 2,296 1,228 1,004 2,119 4,271 6,303 6,044 7,511 23,210 30,700 36,073 37,693 14,450 23,100 19,506 15,667 Hay June... July.-.. August. 237,272 260,230 282,583 308,968 276,206 231,899 203,446 205,973 114,551 136,802 . 74,705 79,334 50,583 35,266 22,154 20,544 23,227 18,796 11,585 16,092 62,191 49,249 54,931 63,646 295,950 220,184 157,134 123,198 193,363 183,810 154,318 175,061 2,442 2,389 2,022 3,005 5,342 7,627 8,545 17,756 29,853 26,926 20,347 31,856 14,303 12,217 9,963 12,714 September. October.... November.. December.. 289,945 318,151 316,332 316,273 218,101 209,644 188,579 200,984 66,673 63,133 55,382 75,699 20,803 14,190 21,630 22,105 16,235 17,356 12,885 15,857 79,740 73,016 60,882 62,242 117,600 107,670 108,023 105,145 154,355 133,814 104,606 87,404 2,227 2,152 17,791 16,935 10,328 10,354 29,226 28,153 21,694 19,147 11,577 8,954 9,163 6,801 January.. February., March April 312,561 254,361 242,591 258,689 186,059 176,335 181,815 180,420 64,559 79,652 171,774 157,099 3,0305 44,543 37,750 45,555 11,123 10,164 9,669 12,649 46,565 37,063 35,612 29,708 105,231 119,268 136,953 139,439 75,067 76,689 94,105 115,535 3,270 12,615 6,646 12,564 20,981 23,141 20,007 20,190 19,294 4,640 6,803 6,920 7,235 May.... June... July.... August. 208,013 194,594 177,174 208,001 194,261 165,056 172,769 195,567 189,272 119,225 170,270 124,249 52,751 35,740 32,306 39,658 18,370 15,445 12,649 21,535 26,101 23,587 25,640 31,095 149,883 148,116 110,270 132,059 105,370 107,086 2,614 3,287 3,001 3,414 10,842 7,737 7,164 5,8S4 18,618 14,455 16,302 14,441 8,129 8,477 6,555 7,894 49,294 46,104 129,166 130,448 153,790 161,000 95,844 111,605 121,284 146, COO 2,985 4,894 12,305 7,114 11,702 22,844 1920. 1,138 9S4 1921. September. October November.. December.. 197,090 235,406 200,037 182,239 58,708 25,985 37,163 33,574 12,776 10,949 105,523 897 1,367 1,831 1922. January. February.. March..... 1 Compiled by the Z7. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, from official reports. * See page 97 for exchange rates. * These figures in the case of British India represent monthly averages for the British Indian fiscal year which ends March 31. Hence the 1921 average. 140 FOREIGN TRADE OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. Table 111.— IffDEX NUMBERS. sources.1 Based on data from Govermerit [Base year in bold-faced type: Numerical data on opposite page.] NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIAN TOTAL TRADE (values). EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). TOTAL TRADE (values). EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). YEAR AND MONTH. Imports. Exports. Wool, Butter. Wheat. Imports. Exports. Gold, greasy. Butter. Cheese. Mutton. Wool. Relative to 1913 monthly average. 1913 monthly averago 1OO 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly averago 81 97 96 100 100 100 77 95 125 100 98 98 118 94 100 100 10 71 84 103 67 22 77 478 129 99 63 545 100 114 117 138 113 145 96 138 68 54 95 46 54 86 106 52 104 266 122 79 96 58 •134 147 174 87 112 95 126 136 122 151 134 201 228 128 124 116 235 93 202 84 227 . 323 337 143 143 129 208 306 104 109 138. 276 226 113 325 230 124 205 103 145 191 168 99 69 57 144 257 200 161 78 128 102 1OO 159 1018 monthly averago 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 123 100 118 105 1OO 141 134 155 145 1OO 188 78 254 114 255 192 179 • 1920. February March 3 124 .-• 3 207 3 214 M33 3 63 3 230 April May Juno July August 264 3 210 3 231 3 129 U43 3 58 3 171 MS '29 *115 »8 *6S 3 156 3 109 3 335 163 223 59 321 208 2 276 214 32 223 204 25 61 177 72 161 325 3 163 90 24 413 3 278 62 323 September October., November December 31S9 180 344 3 178 228 332 .... 282 277 .. 206 72 57 55 92 74 78 88 58 84 201 234 217 249 102 63 100 1021. January February March April 359 3 347 3 151 3 65 I 1 September October November December 266 317 457 206 125 361 209 79 274 259 85 309 132 42 112 • • 332 147 1922. January 1 j March 1 • i ! i li See footnotes on opposite page. 93 43 9 134 1 401 186 3 299 237 141 3 178 251 U37 207 100 3 ICO S72 3 174 292 224 202 Mav June... July August 3 203 3 177 484 172 287 3 219 279 233 115 180 58 206 116 153 187 121 246 440 148 89 57 66 72 87 ' 151 69 91 112 92 121 35 141 FOREIGN TRADE OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. Table 112.—NUMERICAL DATA. From Government sources*1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA.* TOTAL TKADE (values). YEAR AND MONTH. I m p o r t s . Exports. Thousands of £ sterling. 1913 monthly average.. £ 6 , 6 4 6 1914 monthly average-. 5,369 1915 monthly average.. 1916 monthly average. 6,479 1917 monthly average.. 6,352 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly average.. average.. average.. average.. 5,195 8,528 8,248 13,611 £6,548 EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities)* Wheat. Butter. Wool, greasy. TOTAL TRADE (values). Imports. Exports. Gold. Thousands Thousands of pounds. Thousands of of bushels. £ sterling. 3,577 6,308 44,386 351 2,385 4,607 4,502 1,393 6,240 36,996 34,053 27,768 1,915 3,714 6,873 6,399 6,023 3,426 3,251 7,702 20,242 38,169 46,028 34,817 Thousands of £ sterling. Cheese. Mutton. Wool. Thousands of pounds. 533 185 462 444 £1,916 3,474 5,709 30,530 15,544 2,188 2,646 2,774 2,635 4,051 3,921 3,347 2,374 8,062 7,628 8,861 8,267 23,360 25,185 20,937 14,137 18,373 16,381 15,459 14,856 2,020 2,556 5,133 180 831 949 6,777 9,497 12,485 11,000 Butter. £1,857 1,821 1,811 2,195 1,743 £174 5,049 6,232 8,163 EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). 2,376 4,498 3,870 4,023 3,228 2,912 8,245 14,675 11,406 11,631 27,474 35,667 9,060 22,854 13,527 2,946 2,983 3,862 4,268 4,349 2,749 4,321 3,594 11,212 4,956 3,925 2,719 19,264 7,374 18,570 14,509 22,908 19,462 25,816 28,009 *S,977 8,534 14,336 11,469 4,903 5,237 5,144 6,168 4,368 3,444 4,270 3,993 2,162 844 2,062 80 5,141 9,285 18,313 15,731 31,008 27,493 41,213 46,872 19,940 12,061 13,755 9,057 7,669 6,386 5,992 6,038 4,098 3,906 3,394 3,955 1,098 873 2,515 2,499 12,743 3,460 9,217 3,261 41,296 48,132 44,604 51,187 13,131 15,817 9,774 15,477 6,665 4,329 4,665 5,338 5,339 3,291 4,546 6,068 16,826 7,770 13,945 15,865 16,651 11,842 15,172 18,973 42,199 23,738 31,509 38,481 10,285 11,156 13,599 23,546 3,747 3,448 1,856 2,624 3,943 3,998 4,959 2,525 4,357 2,750 2,952 1,444 20,585 15,629 17,648 6,40S 24,866 50,569 90,410 30,486 10,662 14,134 17,3S5 14,376 2,732 2,489 1,786 2,206 1,482 6,256 504 3,316 18,206 11,696 18,739 5,4S8 . * 1930. January February March. April May June July August September October November .* December... . 1931. January.. February.. .. March April May.... June July.... August. 3 8,244 3 >13,528 3 7,653 3 3,950 3 58,742 MOO 11,798 3 12,383 * 4,628 3 1,838 3 51,048 3 484 3 13,937 3 9,390 3 2,073 3 487 3 29,904 3 284 3 15,361 3 11,217 3 1,716 3 9,822 3 48,365 3 583 3 14,553 3 11,592 3 9,396 3 10,979 3 32,034 3 238 3 10,609 3 11,640 3 12,413 3 9,518 s 28,967 3 520 September October.. November. December . 1933. January.. February March.. • l Compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, from official sources. Figures show "general trade," including coin and bullion. 2 1013 average is for calendar year. Other averages are for fiscal years ending June 30. 1 Mon -thly average for quarter ending this month. 142 FOREIGN TRADE OF EGYPT AND SOUTH AFRICA. Table 113.—INDEX NUMBERS. Based on data from Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; numerical data on opposite page.] UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. EGYPT. EXPORTS OP COTTON (quantities). YEAR AND MONTH. Total. To United States. EXPORTS OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). TOTAL, TRADE (values). Imports. Exports. Wool. Hides and skins. 3 Maize. Meat and meat products. Gold. Diamonds. Relative to 1913. 66 100 85 97 93 83 100 958 1,302 1,522 2,043 100 118 408 1,015 2,635 50 150 125 87 65 104 68 70 114 78 2,221 1,073 327 1,054 2,577 751 155 212 197 217 208 141 150 146 249 105 106 67 207 140 136 75 414 405 12 3 128 57 31 20 250 298 298 275 118 88 102 76 37 37 14 13 70 39 18 32 . 15 43 65 75 3 37 74 78 276 261 2S0 253 93 96 79 103 23 27 49 83 50 63 57 55 157 488 1,606 769 January... February., March April 57 43 81 28 82 46 202 9 214 157 159 138 72 82 78 87 71 164 74 44 32 44 29 24 1,013 1,812 3,863 6,874 May.... Juno..., July August.. 58 42 43 81 21 38 30 120 112 110 114 75 77 91 80 102 132 140 106 23 50 59 82 4,669 1,744 1,784 4,022 September. October November.. December.. 97 251 107 107 111 124 101 90 113 103 102 114 4,602 100 85 79 96 90 100 60 25 36 43 100 120 .124 248 131 861 697 220 55 28 22 18 14 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly average. average. average. average. averago. 100 85 99 78 58 191S 1919 1920 1921 average. averago. average. average. 72 96 57 225 197 129 57 26 May June July August. September., October November.. December.. monthly monthly monthly monthly 100 138 250 182 92 S3 188 76 96 77 100 55 100 52 11 42 44 47 50 93 37 79 86 86 102 44 106 91 111 47 1920. January.. February. March April 2 4 39 26 121 242 250 703 3,136 540 202 433 102 95 301 79 1021. 1922. January... February. March See footnotes on opposite page. 26 31 27 37 10 45 1,032 16 77 78 70 84 74 107 86 113 75 118 79 9 95 76 31 79 27 506 .1,548 16 54 143 FOREIGN TRADE OF EGYPT AND SOUTH AFRICA. Table 114.—NTJMEEICAL DATA. From Government sources.1 [Base year in bold-faced type; index numbers on opposite page.] EGYPT. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. EXPORTS O P COTTON (quantities). YEAR AND MONTH. Total. TOTAL TRADE (values). To United States. Exports. Wool. Thousands of pounds sterling (£). Kantars. 3 1913 monthly average... 581,057 1914 monthly average. •. 492,482 1915 monthly average... 574,928 1916 monthly average.. _ 451,411 1917 monthly average... 339,475 Imports. E X P O R T S OF KEY COMMODITIES (quantities). Hides a n d skins.3 Maize. Meat and meat products* Gold. Diamonds. Thousands Thousands of ounces. of carats. Thousands of pounds. S37 457 459 240 51 191 200 56,137 77,376 140,526 102,406 51,751 £3,566 3,033 2,819 3,432 3,197 £5,555 3,352 1,405 1,996 2,387 14,748 11,165 14,167 11,366 9,805 5,238 4,421 5,071 4,865 4,319 1,913 18,319 24,897 29,100 39,059 151 178 616 1,532 3,979 418,307 559,075 333,456 46,785 126,155 105,724 4,296 4,427 8,827 4,677 2,764 8,318 6,969 4,842 9,636 15,411 9,959 3,649 5,945 4,101 42,458 20,522 6,253 1,592 3,891 1,134 781 214 229 170 « 1,143,810 752,053 332,529 152,576 483,196 390,931 123,351 30,635 5,529 7,566 7,009 7,735 11,571 7,820 8,331 8,133 36,792 15,540 15,587 9,876 10,839 7,343 7,0S6 3,931 7,908 7,750 231 50 182 366 377 1,062 662 719 722 856 203 73 248 362 May June July August 160,192 126,410 106,176 80,061 71,675 32,150 17,575 11,326 8,904 10,623 10,610 9,804 6,562 4,880 5,674 4,240 5,494 5,410 2,074 1,917 3,641 2,020 922 1,653 40 82 737 501 4,736 815 305 764 890 760 930 719 216 121 141 124 September October November December 84,383 247,418 379,459 435,390 1,528 20,798 41,351 43,555 9,858 9,290 . 9,985 9,014 5,158 5,308 4,404 5,719 3,349 4,033. 7,262 12,172 2,639 3,295 2,960 2,885 2,993 9,330 30,715 14,698 2,337 654 454 1,558 853 794 661 800 126. 170 47 208 1931, January February March... April 333,881 249,795 470,508 160,109 45,909 ' 25,730 113,235 5,118 7,638 5,588 5,677 4,919 3,987 4,547 4,346 4,839 10,468 24,204 10,949 6,491 1,651 2,314 1,535 1,274 19,373 34,636 73,863 131,425 24 118 127 162 644 587 618 721 31 41 9 12 May June July August 336,096 245,214 250,599 207,038 45,240 11,976 21,426 16,745 4,286 3,981 3,932 4,071 4,184 4,252 5,059 4,450 15,001 19,418 20,712 15,606 1,218 2,635 3,102 4,268 89,272 33,348 34,113 76,892 170 178 14 102 630 660 799 633 11 21 36 25 September.... October... November December 563,746 141,105 3,828 3,821 3,965 4,416 5,611 4,980 6,150 5,703 15,068 5,978 87,994 47 820 21 1918 monthly average... 1919 monthly average... 1920 monthly average *„ 1921 monthly average.. 1920. January February March April • 1922. January February March — | Compiled from official reports by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. One Egyptian kantar is equal to 99.05 pounds, includes ox, cow, sheep, goat, and seal. A'ne monthly averages for 1920 are obtained from the yearly totals. In some cases they do not check exactly with the preliminaryfiguresreported each month. 144 SOURCES OF DATA. DATE OF PUBLICATION. CURRENT PUBLICATION.* I.-REPORTS FROM GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, FEDERAL, STATE, AND FOREIGN. AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH'S BUREAU OF CENSUS AND STATISTICS. Price index for Australia. BANK OF JAPAN Second week of month. Federal Reserve Bulletin.. Price index for Japan Second week of month. Monthly. Federal Reserve Bulletin Labour Gazette (Canadian) Pricoindex for Canada Federal Reserve Bulletin Foreign exchange index numbers Federal Reserve Bulletin and weekly press releases.* Debits toindividual accounts Federal Reserve Bulletin and weekly press releases.* Condition of Federal Reserve banks Federal Reserve Bulletin and weekly press Condition of reporting member banks , releases.* Money held outside U. S. Treasury and Federal Reserve Bulletin Federal Reserve Systems. Federal Reserve Bulletin.. Wholesale prico index numbers Department store trade; in cooperation with Federal Reserve Bulletin.. National Retail Dry Goods Association. Paper and wood pulp production, prices, etc.. Monthly press releases *... CANADIAN DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. . . FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSIONINDIAN DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS.. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. NEW YORK FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. PANAMA CANAL U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREBUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Monthly (second week of month). Sunday newspapers and monthly. Federal Reserve Bulletin Price index for India Preliminary statement of operations of Railway revenues and expenses Class I roads. Not published •. Telephone operating revenue and income Federal Reserve Bulletin and daily stateForeign exchange rates ment. New York State factory employment and Labor Market Bulletin and press releases *. earnings. Panama Canal traffic The Panama Canal Record.. Beef and pork production , Market Reporter2 Wholesale prices of farm products to producer Monthly Crop Reporter a Wool consumption and stocks Market Reporter2 • Crop production Monthly Crop Reporters and press releases.* Market Reporter a Cold storage holdings Movement of cattle, hogs, and sheep Market Reporter 2 a Receipts of butter, cheese and eggs Market Reporter . Production of condensed and evaporated milks. Market Reporter > Preliminary report on ginnings * , U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE- Cotton ginned Preliminary report on cotton consumed... Cotton consumed and on hand BUREAU OF THE CENSUS. Reports on wool machinery and on cotton Active textile machinery spindles.* Leather, hides and shoes, production and Censu s of hides, skin s, an d leather * stocks. Cotton seed and cottonseed oil Preliminary report on cotton seed Stocks of tobacco held by manufacturers and Statement en stocks of leaf tobacco dealers. Fats and oils, production, consumption, and Statistics of fats and oils *.. stocks. Stocks of coal in cooperation with Geological Commercial stocks of coal *. Survey. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE- All imports and exports Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce. BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMES(Part I.) 8 TIC COMMERCE. Tonnage of vessels, entered and cleared in Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce. United States f oreijgn trade. (Part II.) Data on trade of foreign countries Various foreign sources U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE- Vessels under construction and vessels com- Commerce Reports BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. pleted. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREBUREAU OF MARKETS AND CROP ESTIMATES. U. S. GRAIN CORPORATION , U. S. DEPARTMENT OFTHE INTERIOR— BUREAU OF MINES. Wheat flour production, prior to July, 1920..., No longer published Gasoline, production, etc , Refinery Statistics * Portland cement, production, etc.. Report on Portland cement output *.. Coal and coke production Weekly report on production of coal *. Crude petroleum, production, etc. Preliminary statistics on petroleum *. IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR—EM- Number on pay roll—United States factories- Industrial Survey * "' ' ..'. U. S. DEPARTMENT OFTHE INTERIORGEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PLOYMENT SERVICE. Friday morning newspapers and monthly. Friday afternoon newspapers and monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Newsprint, 20th to 25th of the month, other paper and wood pulp, 1st of following month. Second week of month. Monthly. Daily and monthly. Monthly. Last weekly issue of month. Last weekly issue of month or first of next month. Monthly. •First weekly issue of month. Releases about 1st of month (cotton) and 10th (other crops). Fourth weekly issue of month. Third weekly issue of month. Weekly. Quarterly. Semimonthly during season. 15th of month. 20th of month. First week of month. 18th of month. Quarterly (one month after end of quarter). . , Quarterly (one month after end of quarter). Bimonthly hereafter. Last week of month. . Middle of next month. First weekly issue of month (Mondays). Second week of month. 20th of month. . .* Second or third weekly issue el month (Saturdays). 25th of month. First week of month. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR—BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION. Immigration and emigration statistics.. Not published.. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR—BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Wholesale prices of commodities, including farm products, food, clothing, metals, etc. Wholesale price index Retail price index of foods United States postalsavings Postal receipts , Not published.. Monthly Labor Review , Monthly Labor Review Postal Savings News Bulletin Statement of Postal Receipts * Government debt, receipts and disbursements. Oleomargarine consumption , Production of manufactured tobacco, snuff, cigars, and cigarettes. Iron ore movement , Sault Ste. Marie Canal traffic Daily Statement of the TJ. S. Treasury... Last day of month, U. S. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT TJ. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT , Statement of tax-paid products * Statement of tax-paid products * U. S. "WAR DEPARTMENT—ENGINEER Not published CORPS. Not published WISCONSIN INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION.. . I Wisconsin factory earnings and employment. Bulletin on Wisconsin labor market * U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT—BUREAU" OF INTERNAL REVENUE. , Monthly. Monthly. 12th of month. 7th of month. First week of montl. First week of montr 15th of month. * Multigraphed or mimeographed sheets. \ \ s u ° t n e c e ^ a r i I y ™ source of the figures published in the "Survey," as many of them are obtained direct from the compilers Drior to publication in the respec> Imports and exports of gold and silver in Part II. 145 SOURCES OF DATA—Continued. CURRENT PUBLICATION. DATE OF PUBLICATION. I I . ~ R E P O R T S PROM TRADE ASSOCIATIONS AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS. ABERTHAW CONSTRUCTION CO Building costs Construction trade papers ABRASIVE PAPER AND CLOTH MANUFACTURERS' EXCHANGE. Sales of abrasive paper and cloth. Not published Not published AMERICAN FACE BRICK ASSOCIATION. Face brick production, stocks, etc AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE. Steel ingot production Press release to trade papers * AMERICAN Freight car surplus Summary of Car Surplusages and Shortages.* Summary of Car Surplusages and Shortages.* Information Bulletin * Information Bulletin * RAILWAY ASSOCIATION (Car Service Division). Freight car shortage Car loadings Bad-order cars Purchases and sales of paper Press release to trade papers * Production and stocks of zinc ANTHRACITE BUREAU OP INFORMATION Anthracite shipments and stocks 15th of month. Statement of anthracite shipments * AMERICAN ZINC INSTITUTE. 15th of month. Monthly report * (not published) BOLT, NUT, AND RIVET INSTITUTE Bolts, nuts, and rivets, orders and shipments.. Fabricated structural steel sales Weekly. Weekly. Third week of month. Not published AMERICAN WRITING PAPER COMPANY. BRIDGE BUILDERS AND STRUCTURAL SOCIETY. th of month. Weekly. Press release to trade papers * 15th of month. Monthly. . * BUREAU OP RAILWAY ECONOMICS Number of tons carried 1 mile Average receipts per ton-mile Summarv of operating statistics.. Not published CALIFORNIA REDWOOD ASSOCIATION. . Redwood lumber production, etc Not published CALIFORNIA W H I T E AND SUGAR P I N E ASSOCIATION. White pine lumber production, stocks, e t c — Not published CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Receipts and shipments of wheat and corn... Trade papers Daily. CREDIT CLEARING H O U S E Credit conditions Credit Weekly. Building statistics—Contracts awarded Statement on Building Statistics Monthly. F. W. DODGE CO Bar iron shipments Bar iron statistics * (not published) FEDERATION OF I R O N AND STEEL MANUFACTURERS (British). British iron and steel production Trade papers ILLUMINATING GLASSWARE GUILD Illuminating glassware production, orders, etc Not published EASTERN B A R IRON INSTITUTE KNIT GOODS AMERICA. ... MANUFACTURERS OF Knit underwear production, etc Monthly report * Second week of month. Monthly. LEATHER BELTING EXCHANGE Sales of leather belting Monthly report (not published). MOTOR AND ACCESSORY MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION. Motor accessory sales and credit conditions... Credit Department Bulletin * . . . First week of month. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE OF S T . L O U I S . Receipts and shipments of lead and zinc Receipts and shipments a t St. Louis 3rd of month. MICHIGAN HARDWOOD ERS' ASSOCIATION. Hardwood lumber, production and shipments. Not published MANUFACTUR- Monthly. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FINISHERS OF COTTON FABRICS. Finished cotton goods, production, etc Monthly R e p o r t * and Federal Reserve Bulletin. NA Sheet-metal production and stocks. t Not published 1913figuresfor active textile machinery No longer published., Production a n d shipments of passenger cars and trucks. Traffic bulletin * (production figures noi published). Glass bottle production index. Not published Cost of living Monthly press release. 21st of month. Department store trade (see Federal Reserve Board). Department and grocery store sales Federal Reserve Bulletin.. Monthly. Not published Coffee receipts, stocks, etc Monthly statement First week of month. Stocks of tin Trade papers.. First week of month. Oak flooring, production, etc. Not published. ^ ° N A L ASSOCIATION OF S H E E T AND TIN PLATE MANUFACTURERS. •NATIONAL ASSOCIATION MANUFACTURERS. OF WOOL CHAMBER N A"S°OCIA B ( ? T L E MANUFACTURERS* l N D t r a T R U L N N cu?icw t CONFERENCE RETAIL D R Y GOODS CHAJ G °E RK ASS COFFEE AND SUQAR °- EX- N E W YORK METAL EXCHANGE ' As- SSOCIATION OF A l I E B I C A . . . &UX Monthly report * (not published). Fire-clay brick production, etc. Not published Not published Automobile tires, tubes, and raw material— Monthly reports (2) not published Monthly press release to trade papers *.. Raw silk consumption, etc * Multigraphed or mimoojrraphed sheets. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 84796°—22 Ohio foundry iron production.. Silica brick production, etc. OHIO FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION.. 10 Second week of month. 5th of month. 146 SOURCES OF DATA—Continued. CURRENT PUBLICATION. DATE OF PUBLICATION. I.—REPORTS FROM TRADE ASSOCIATIONS AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS—Continued. SOUTHERN PINE ASSOCIATION... STEEL BARREL ASSOCIATION. MANUFACTURERS' Yellow pine production and stocks Steel barrel shipments Not published Monthly reports * (not published)., Not published Press release * Press release * Special reports * Typothetae Bulletin UNITED TYPOTHETAE OF AMERICA Leather production Unfilled orders Earnings Wages of common labor Printing activity WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION. Douglasfirlumber production, etc Not published WEBBING CHANGE. Sales of elastic webbing Not published Western pine lumber production, etc.. Not published TANNERS' COUNCIL U. S. STEEL CORPORATION.. MANUFACTURERS' WESTERN PINE ASSOCIATION. EX- MANUFACTURERS' , 10th of month. Monthly. Occasionally. Monthly. .' III.—REPORTS FROM TECHNICAL PERIODICALS. DATE OF PUBLICATION. SOURCE. Composite pig iron and steel prices New York stock pales New York closing stock prices State and municipal bond issues Muncipal bond yields Visible supply of wheat and corn Bank clearings Price index Price index for France. AMERICAN METAL MABKET THE ANNALIST THE BOND BUYER...1 BRADSTREET'S BULLETIN DE LA STATISTIQUE GENERALE First or second week of month (daily). First weekly issue of month (Mondays). Weekly (Mondays). First weekly issue of month (Saturdays). First weekly issue of month (Saturdays), Weekly (Saturdays) First weekly issue of month (Saturdays). Second weekly issue of month (Saturdays). Monthly. ' OIL, PAINT, AND DRUG REPORTER Cotton (visible supply) Interest rates Mail order and chain store sales New York bond sales New York bond prices. Business failures Price index Copper producti on. I: Silver prices Construction cost and volume index Price index for Germany Pig-iron production Compositefinishedsteel price Iron and steel prices Price index for United Kingdom Dividend and interest payments New capital issues New corporations Fire losses... Newspaper advertising OIL TRADE JOURNAL •. Price indexes of drugs, oils, etc 10th of month (monthly). PRINTERS' INK .. Mexican petroleum shipments Second week of month. Magazine advertising Weekly compilation (daily). Wheatflourproduction, from July, 1920 Weekly (Fridays) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE Dow, JONES & Co. (WALL STREET JOURNAL) DUN'S REVIEW ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD FRANKFURTER ZEITUNG IRON AGE IRON TRADE REVIEW LONDON ECONOMIST , NEW YORK JOURNAL OP COMMERCE NEW YORK EVENING POST RUSSELL'S COMMERCIAL NEWS STATISTICAL SUGAR TRADE JOURNAL , Sugar stocks and meltings * Multigraphed or mimeographed sheets. Weekly (Saturdays). Weekly (Saturdays). % Second or third weekly issue of month (Saturdays). First week of month (daily). First week of month (daily). First weekly issue of month (Saturdays). First weekly issue of month (Saturdays) Second weekly issue of month. Second weekly issue of month. First weekly issue of month Monthly. First weekly issue of month (Wednesdays). Weekly (Wednesdays). Weekly (Thursdays). 10th of month. First week of month (daily). First week of month (daily) First week of month (daily) 10th of month (daily). Not published. Weekly (Mondays). INDEX. Page numbers refer to data in the detailed tables (pp. 33 to 143) only. Items in the table on "Trend of Business Movements" (pp. 18 to 31) and in the text are arranged in groups which should make reference easy without the necessity of an index. Note that only the page containing index number tables is given here. Where the numerical data for these items are in a separate table, they will always be found on the page opposite the index numbers. Page. Abrasives, paper and cloth Advertising, magazine and newspaper.. American Wholesale Corporation, sales.. Apples, production (crop estimate) Argentina: Foreign exchange rates Foreign trade Australia: Exports of key commodities Foreign trade Price index Automobiles: Accessories, credit conditions Production and shipments. Tires and tubes . " Bad-order cars Banks: Clearings Condition Debits to individual accounts Barley: Production (crop estimate) Exports Wholesale price Beef: Consumption, cold-storage holdings, exports, and production Exports from Denmark Belgium: Exports of key commodities Foreign exchange rates Foreign trade Belting, leather, sales Bolts, nuts, and rivets Bonds: Issues, municipal ^ 8 Yields and prices Boots and shoes: Exports Prices Production. Bottles, glass, production Brazil: Coffee receipts and clearances Foreign exchange rate Foreign trade Bricks: Production, stocks, shipments, etc. Prices, common British India: Exports of key commodities Foreign exchange rate '. Foreign trade Price index 72 105 106 77 96 136 140 140 115 59 59 58 100 118 116 116 77 78 80 84 130 130 96 130 61 46 120 120 64 64 60 56 90 96 136 74 72 138 96 13s 115 Tage. 1'age. Coal: Building: Contracts awarded 66,68 Exports from United States 50 Costs 74 ' Exports from Belgium 130 Materials, prices 72 Exports from Germany 132 Ships 98 Exports from United Kingdom 126 Volume, index 72 Loadings 100 Bulbs, flower, exports from Netherlands 134 Production 50 Business failures 118 Shipments 50 Butter: Stocks 50,104 Cold-storage holdings 86 Cars, loadings, shortage and surplus. 100 Exports from Australia 140 Coffee, imports, stocks and Brazilian , Exports from Denmark 130 movement 90 Exports from Netherlands. 134 Coke, exports and production 50 Exports from New Zealand 140 Cold-storage holdings: Receipts 86 Dairy products 86 Wholesale price 86 Eggs 86 'Meats 84 Canada: Condensed and evaporated milk 86 Exports of key commodities 136 Condition, banks 116 Foreign exchange rates. 96 Construction: Foreign trade 136 Contracts awarded, building.... 66,68 Price index " 115 Costs 74 Canals, traffic through, 98 Volume, index 72 Capital issues, new 118,120 Copper: Exports 42 Cars, freight, loadings, surplus, etc 100 Production 48 Carpet, looms, active 38 Prices 42 Cattle: Receipts, shipments, and slaughter. 82 Corn: Wholesale price 80 Exports from South Africa (maize). 143 Cement: Exports from United States - 78 Exports from Belgium .* 130 Production (crop estimate) 77 Production, shipments, and stocks. 74 Receipts, shipments and visible Price, wholesale 72 supply 79 Wholesale price 80 Cereals: 118 Exports 78 Corporations, new I l l , 112 Loadings, grains 100 Cost of living 74 Production 77 Costs, building construction Receipts, shipments, and visible Cotton: supply 79 Consumption by mills 34 Exports from British India 138 Chain stores, sales 105,106 Exports from Egypt 142 Chemicals: Exports from United States 34 Exports, imports and prices 76 Ginnings 39 Exports from France 128 Imports 34 Cheese: Prices, producers' and wholesale.. 40 Cold-storage holdings... 86 Production (estimated crop) 34 Exports from Canada 136 Stocks 34 Exports from Netherlands 134 Spindles, active 38,39 Exports from New Zealand 140 Visible supply 34 Receipts 86 Wholesale price 86 Cotton fabrics: Consumption by tire manufacturers 58 Chile, foreign exchange 96 Embroideries, exports from SwitCigars, production... 91 zerland 132 Cigarettes, production 91 Exports from British India 138 Cloth, cotton, exports 34 Exports from France 128 Clothing: Exports from Japan 138 Cost of, index numbers... I l l , 112,113 Exports from United Kingdom 126 Exports from France 128 (147) 148 INDEX—Continued. Page numbers refer to data in the detailed tables (pp. 33 to 143) only. Items in the table on "Trend of Business Movements" (pp. 18 to31) and in the text are arranged in groups which should make reference easy without the necessity of an index. Note that only the page containing index number tables is given here. Where the numerical data for these items are in a separate table, they will always be found on the page opposite the index numbers. Tage. Cotton fabrics—Continued. Exports from United States (cloth). 34 Finished goods 36 Knit underwear 36 Price, wholesale, print cloths and sheetings 40 Cottonseed, stocks 88 Cottonseed oil: Production and stocks 88 Wholesale price 80 Cotton yarn: Exports from Japan 138 Price, wholesale 40 Credit conditions: Indebtedness and orders, wholesale trade 124 Payments, wholesale trade 123 Motor accessories 59 Crops: Prices, producers' and wholesale.. - #0 Prices, index numbers 113 Production 77 Customs, receipts 122 Dairy products (see also butter, cheese, and milk): Exports from Denmark 130 Exports from Netherlands 134 Exports, receipts and cold storage holdings 86 Debits to individual accounts 116 Debt, U. S. Government 122 Denmark: Exports of key commodities 130 Foreign trade .• 130 Department stores: Sales 106,108 Stocks 109 Diamonds, exports from South Africa.. 142 Dividend and interest payments 118 Dress goods, wholesale price •.. 40 Drugs and pharmaceutical, wholesale price index 76 Drugs, crude, wholesale price index 76 Dyes and dyestuffs: Exports from Germany Exports from Switzerland Exports from United States Earnings: Labor, Wisconsin factories Railroads Telephone companies U. S. Steel Corporation Eggs: Cold-storage holdings Exports from Denmark Receipts Egypt, exports of cotton Elastic webbing, sales 132 132 76 110 102 118 44 86 130 86 142 34 Page. Electric power, production Emigration Employment. '•. England. (See United Kingdom). Essential oils, wholesale price index Expenditures, U. S. Government Exports. (See separate commodities and '{Foreign trade.' *) 50 110 110 76 122 Factories, employment in 110 Failures, business 119 Farm prices, index 113 Federal Reserve banks, condition of... 116 Federal Reserve Board, price index 114 Fertilizer, exports *•- 76 Finished cotton goods 36 Fire losses 68 Flour, wheat: Production 79 Wholesale price 80 Flower bulbs, exports from Netherlands 134 Food, cost of, index numbers Ill, 112,113 Foreign exchange rates and index numbers...*. 96 Foreign trade: Argentina .' 136 Australia 140 Belgium 130 Brazil : 136 British India \ 138 Canada 136 Denmark . . ; . . . 130 Egypt 142 France 128 Germany 132 Japan 138 Netherlands 134 New Zealand 140 South Africa 142 Spain 135 Sweden 130 Switzerland 132 United Kingdom 126 United States, exports 94 United States, imports 92 Uruguay 136 Vessels in, United States ports 98 Forest products, car loadings. 100 France: Exports of key commodities 128 Foreign exchange 96 Foreign trade 128 Price index 115 Freight cars: Bad order, loadings, shortage, and surplus 100 Fuel, cost of, index number... I l l , 112,113 Jasoline, consumption, exports, production, and stocks 52 Page. Germany: Exports of key commodities 132 Foreign exchange rates 96 Foreign trade 132 Price index 115 Glass: Bottles, production 56 Exports from Belgium 130 Illuminating, production, etc 60 Gold: Exports from Australia 140 Exports from South Africa 142 Exports from United States 116 Imports to United States 116 Government finances: Debt, receipts, and disbursements.. 122 Postal receipts.: 105 Grains: Exports..." 78 t Loadings 100 Production 77 Receipts, shipments, and visible supply 79 Grocery chain stores, sales 106 Hides and skins: Exports from South Africa. 142 Imports 64 Prices 64 Stocks 62 Hogs: Receipts, shipments, and slaughter 82 Wholesale price..: 80 Holland. (See Netherlands.) Housing, cost of, index numbers... I l l , 112 Illuminating glassware, production, etc. 60 Immigration Imports. (See separate commodities and "Foreign trade.' 1 ) Incorporations, new I India. (See British India.) 124 Indebtedness, wholesale trade 120 Interest rates Iron (see also l' Pig iron "): Bar 46 Foundry, Ohio , Iron ore: Exports from Spain Exports from Sweden Movement, Sault Ste. Marie Canal. 42 Iron and steel (see also "Pig iron" and " Steel"): Exports from Belgium Exports from France 132 Exports from Germany 126 Exports from United Kingdom 42 Exports from United States Finished products, production, etc. Imports to United States 4 Prices 149 INDEX—Continued. Page numbers refer to data in the detailed tables (pp. 33 to 143) only. Items in the table on "Trend of Business Movements'' (pp. 18 to 31) and in the text are arranged in groups which should make reference easy without the necessity of an index. Note that only the page containing index number tables is given here. Where the numerical data for these items are in a separate table, they will always be found on the page opposite the index numbers. Page. Issues, new capital: Corporations Municipalities Italy: Foreign exchange Price index 118 120 96 115 Japan: Exports of key commodities ' Foreign exchange rates Foreign trade Price index Jute, exports from British Inida 138 96 138 115 138 Knit underwear Kresge, S. S., Co., sales Kress, S. H., & Co., sales 36 106 106 Labor: Employment and earnings 110 Wages, U. S. Steel Corporation 111 Iamb and mutton: Cold-storage holdings 84 Exports from New Zealand 140 Lead: Prices 42 Receipts and shipments 48 Leather: Belting, sales of 61 Exports 64 Production 61, 62 Prices, wholesale 64 Stocks 62 Liberty and Victory loans,outstanding. 122 Light, cost of, index number.. I l l , 112,113 Lingerie and wearing apparel, exports from France 128 Live stock: Car loadings 100 Prices, wholesale 80 Prices, farm, index 113 Receipts, shipments, and slaughter. 82 Living, costof in, 112 Loadings, freight cars 100 Losses, fire 68 Lumber: Exports from United States 72 Exports from Sweden 130 Oak flooring, production, stocks, etc 72 Production, stocks, orders, etc 70 Prices, wholesale 72 Machinery, exports from Germany 132 Magazines, advertising 105 Mail-order houses, retail sales 105,106 Maize, exports from South Africa....... 142 Margarine, exports from Netherlands.. 134 Meat and meat products: Exports from Denmark 130 Exports from New Zealand 140 Exports from South Africa 142 Page. Postal receipts 105 Postal savings 110 84 Potash, imports 76 52 Potatoes, production (crop estimate) 77 86 Power, electric production 50 122 Prices (sec also separate commodities): 59 Bonds 120 120 Boots and shoes, wholesale 64 Building materials 72 84 Drugs and chemicals, wholesale in140 dex 76 Farm products 80 Netherlands: Flour 80 Exports of key commodities 134 Hides and leather 64 Foreign exchange rates 96 Metals 42,44 Foreign trade 134 Stocks 120 New York State, employment 110 Textiles , 40 New Zealand: Wholesale comparisons 33 Exports of key commodities 140 Price i n d e x : Foreign trade 140 Bonds 120 Newspaper advertising 105 Bradstreet's (wholesale) 115 Nitrate of soda, imports 76 Building and construction costs 74 Department of Labor (wholesale).. 113 Oats: Drugs and chemicals 76 Exports 78 D u n ' s (wholesale) 115 Production (crop estimate) 77 Farm products 113 Wholesale price 80 Federal Reserve Board (wholesale). 114 Oils, essential > wholesale price index... 76 Food, retail 113 Oleomargarine: Foreign 115 Consumption 88 Printing activity, purchases, and sales. 54 Exports from Netherlands 134 Production. (-Sec separate commodities.) Olive oil, exports from Spain 135 Public finance 122 Meat and meat products—Continued. Production, holdings, consumption, and exports Mexico, petroleum shipments Milk, condensed and evaporated Money in circulation Motor accessories, credit conditions Municipalities, bond issues and yields.. Mutton: Cold-storage holdings .. Exports from New Zealand Oranges, exports from Spain 135 Orders, wholesale trade 124 Ore, car loadings (see also "Iron ore").. 100 Railroads: Expenses Owl Drug Co., sales 106 102 Freight-car movement 100 Revenues 102 Stocks and bonds, prices 120 Ton-mile operation 102 Receipts, U. S. G o v e r n m e n t . . : 122 Retail trade 105,106,108 Rice: Exports from British I n d i a 138 • Production (crop estimate) 77 Rubber: Consumption b y tire manufactures. 58 Imports 5G Price, wholesale '. 56 Rye: Exports 78 Production (crop estimate) 77 Wholesale price 80 Panama Canal traffic 98 Paper: Exports, production, shipments, stocks, and prices 54 Exports from Canada 136 Purchases and sales 54 Payments: Dividend and interest 119 Wholesale trade 123 Pay roll, New York and Wisconsin factories 110 Penney, J. C , Co., sales 106 Perfumes and soaps, exports from France 128 Petroleum, crude 52 Pig iron: Prices, wholesale 42,44 105,106,108 Production, United States 44 Sales, retail 48 Production, United Kingdom 44 St. Louis, lead a n d 2inc movement Exports from Sweden 130 Salmon, canned, exports from Canada.. 136 Sault Ste. Marie Canal: Pork:' Iron ore movement 42 Consumption, exports, production, Total traffic : 98 and cold-storage holdings 84 110 Exports from Denmark 130 Savings, postal 150 INDEX—Continued. Page numbers refer to data in the detailed tables (pp. 33 to 143) only. Items in the table on "Trend of Business Movements'' (pp. 18 to 31) and in the text are arranged in groups which should make reference easy without the necessity of an index. Note that only the page containing index number tables is given here. Where the numerical data for these items are in a separate table, they will always be found on the page opposite the index numbers. Page. Page. Sears, Roebuck & Co., sales.. 106 Sheep: Receipts, shipments, and slaughter. 82 Wholesale price 80 Shelter, prices of, index number.. I l l , 112 Shipping 98 Silk: Consumption. 36 Exports from Japan 138 Imports to United States 36 Stocks 36 Wholesale price 40 Silk fabrics: Exports from France ". - 128 Exports from Japan. 138 Exports from Switzerland 132 Silver, exports, imports, and prices..... 116 Soap and perfumes, exports from France 128 Sources of'data: Government 144 Technical periodicals 146 Trade associations 145 South Africa: Exports of key commodities 142 Foreign trade 142 Spain: Exports of key commodities 135 Foreign trade 135 Steel: Barrels and drums . * 46 Earnings, U. S. Steel Corporation.. 44 Prices, wholesale 42,44, 72 Production, United States 44 Production, United Kingdom 44 Structural beams, price 72 Structural, sales 46 Unfilled orders, U. S. Steel Corporation * 44 Stocks, sales and prices 118,120 Sugar, exports, imports, meltings, prices and stocks - 88 Suitings, wool, wholesale price 40 Sulphuric acid, exports 76 Sweden: Exports of key commodities 130 Foreign exchange rates 96 Foreign trade 130 Switzerland: Exports of key commodities Foreign exchange rates Foreign trade 132 96 132 J'age. Vegetable oils, exports and imports 88 Vessels, construction, cleared and entered 93 Wages, U. S. Steel Corporation Ill Ward, Montgomery, & Co., sales. 106 Tea, imports into United States 90 Watches, exports from Switzerland.... 132 Telephone revenues and earnings 118 Webbing (elastic), sales "34 Ten-cent stores, sales 105,106 Wearing apparel, exports from France.. 128 Wheat: Textiles: Exports from Australia . 140 Active machinery 38, 39 Exports from Canada 138 Consumption of cotton and wool... 34 Exports from United States .78 Finished cotton goods 36 Production (crop estimate) 77 Knit underwear 36 Receipts , 79 Silk consumption 36 Shipments 79 Wholesale prices 40 Visible supply , 79 Tin: Wholesale price S O Imports 42 Prices 42 Wheat flour: Production 79 Stocks.. 48 Wholesale price 80 Tires, production, stocks, and shipments 58 Wholesale prices, comparisons 33 Tobacco: Wine, exports from Spain 135 Exports, production, and stocks... 91 Wisconsin, employment HO Wholesale price 80 Wood pulp: Trade, foreign. (See "Foreign trade.") Exports from Sweden.." 130 Transportation, water 98 Production, consumption, imports, and stocks - ^ Underwear, knit 36 Wool: Union of South Africa. (See South Consumption - 34 Africa.) Exports from Australia. • 140 United Cigar Stores Co., sales 106 Exports from New Zealand 140 United Kingdom: Exports from South Africa. 142 Foreign exchange rate 96 Imports . 34 Foreign trade 126 Looms, active1 38,39 Pig iron TDroduction ; 44 Prices, producers' and wholesale... 40 Price index 115 Spindles, active 38,39 Steel ingot production 44 Stocks....... ?4 United States Government: Woolens: Debt 122 Exports, United Kingdom • 126 Postal receipts 105 Prices, wholesale 40 Receipts and expenditures 122 Woolworth, F. W., Co., sales 106 Savings, postal 110 Worsted yarn, wholesale price United States Steel Corporation: Zinc: 42 Earnings 44 Imports 42 Unfilled orders 44 Prices Wages in Production, receipts, shipments, Uruguay, foreign trade 136 and stocks ^