Full text of Survey of Current Business : August 1925
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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON ., , • SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS • AUGUST, 1925 No. 48 SEMIANNUAL NUMBER ; ; • ' / • /y : - '''• •/ / ; ',/, COMPILED BY , • /',,• ;; „ < " BPREAU OF THE CENSUS BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE BUREAU OF STANDARDS IMPORTANT NOTICE In addition to figures^guven from Government sources, ttiere, are also incorporated for completeness of service figures jrom cHher sources generally accepted" by the trades, the authority and responsibility , for which are noted^in the "Sources af Data"* on pages 152-^5 ,qf this issue ? Subscription price of the StfRVEX OF CURRENT BUSINESS is $1.50'a year; single copies (monthly),,10cents; semiannual issues, 25 cents. Foreigri suSs"c4ptions, $2.25; single copies (monthly issues), including postage, |4 cents ^semiannual issues, 36 cents.1 Subscription price of COMMERCE REPORTS is $4 a year; with thes SURREY, $5.50 a year. Make remittances only to Superintendent of ppcuments, Wa^hington^ D. C:, by postal m6ney order, express order, or ^ A .York draft. Currency at sender's risk. Postage stamps or foreign money not accepted WASHINGTON : OOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1925 ' INTRODUCTION The SimvEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS is designed to present each month a picture of the business situation uy setting forth the principal facts regarding the various lines of trade and industry. At semiannual intervals detailed tables are published giving, for each item, monthly figures for the past twb years and yearly comparisons, where available, back to 1913; also blank tines* sufficient for six months have been left at the bottom of each table enabling those who pare to do so to enter new figures as soon as they appear, as in the present semiannual issue. In the intervening months the more important comparisons only are given in the table entitled " Trend of business movements." ADVANCE SHEETS Realizing that burrent statistic^ are highly perishable and that to be of use they must reach the business m&n at the earliest possible moment, the department has arranged to Distribute advance leaflets every week, to subscribers in the tlnited States. The leaflets are usually mailed on Tuesdays, and give such information as has been received during the preceding week. The information Contained in :these leaflets is also reprinted iin " Commerce Report^," issued weekly by the Bureau of foreign and Domestic Commerce. Jlie ^monthly bulletin is distributed as quickly as it can be completed and printed. i ' \. ; .'S <v< ' . ,' M-i t , •> ', >>r >, > ", , , V \ ': ' BASIC DATA ' • ,, " ' • • ' - ber will be greater than IQOj sind vice Versa. Thft differ* ', ence berween 100 and the relative number \nll give at once the per cent increase or decrease compared with the base period. Thus a relative number of 115 means an increase of 15 per cent over the base period, while a relative number of 80 means a decrease of 20 per cent from the base. Relative numbers may also be used to calculate the approximate percentage increase or decrease in a movement from one period to the next. Thus, if a relative number at one jnohth is 120 and for ajater month it is 144 there has been an increase of 20 per cent. Most of the relative numbers appear in a special section ,of the semiannual issues, as hi Tables 103 to 123 of the present number, thus allowing teaBy comparjson on a pre-war ba^e for,;all items for which such relatives could be computed. , INDEX NUMBERS When two or more series of relative i^umbers are combined by a system of weighting, the resulting series is denominated an ind^x numbed Tlte index number, by combining many relatiye numbers, is designed to sholv the trend of an entire group of industries or for the country as a whole, instead o| for the single commodity or industry whidft the relative number covers. Comparisons with the base year or, with other periods are made in the same manner as in the case of relative numbers. . ( The figures reported in the accompanying tables are very largely those already in existence: The chief function of the department i$ to bring together these data whieh, if available at ajl,. are scattered in hun,di*eds of diflerept publications. A portion of these data are collected by GrOyertiment departments, other figiares are compiled by technical journals, and still others are Reported by trade associations. , The source^ for each/ item, are,given in (tke detailed tables contained in the semiannual issues and these issues ajso cont&in a complete list of sources. . - ' ' • ' ' • • • . [ , /RELATIVE NUMBERS;. , ',' ;, To facilitate comparison between different items and render th^e trejad of a movement more apparent, relativei numbers (often called "index numbers/' a term referring more particularly to a special kind of Dumber described below) have, been calculated. The relative numbers enable: the reader to see "at a glance the general upward of downward tendency of a movement which can not so easily be.gtasped from the \ actual figures. ", • ; '" V ' - . • • " ' '.-',.••' / " " ' . y In computing these relative numbers the last prewar year, 1913, or in some instances a five-year average, 1909^1913, has been" used as a base equal to, 100 , wherever possible. The relative numbers are conifclputed by atiowtog the monthly average for the base ye&r or period to equal 100. If the movement for a current month is greater than the base, the relative num- RATIO CHARTS In mapy^instancesvthe cjiarts iised in the SUBVET OF CUBBENT.BtTisiNteisk are of the type termed "'Ratio Charts7' (logarithmic scale), notably the Business Indicator charts on page 2. These charts show the percentage increase and $,llow direct comparisons between the slope of one ctirye and tha^t pf any other curve regardless of its location on the diagram; that i,s, a 10 per cent inci'ease in an item is given the same vertical movement \vheth$r its curve is near the bottom or near the top of tHe chart. The:difference Between this and the Ordinary form of a chart can be made clear by: &n example. Jf a certain item, having; a;' Dative nuinber^ of ;400; in one month, increases 10, per cent in the following month, its relative number will be 4^0, and On all ordinary chart Would be plotted ,40 equidistant scale points higher than the preceding month; Another movemei^t with a relative Dumber of f say, 50, also increases 10 per dent, making ita rejatiye 4tiniber 55. On the /ordinary (arithmetic) scale this item would rise only 5 equidistant points, whereas the previous item rose 40 points, yet each showed the ^ame percentage increase. The ratio charts avoid this difi&cufty and give to each of the two movements exactly the same Vertical risei, and hence the slopes, of the two lines are directly comparable. The ratio charts compare percentage changes, while the arithmetic charts compare absolute changes. , : / , / presents practically complete data for the rnonth of June, And also items covering July, 1925* received up > This ing a particular month's business are not available until from 1$ to $ft days after the .'to Au&ust 15* As most data covering close of the month, a complete picture of tftat month's operations, including relative numbers, cumulative totals, text, and charts, can not be presented in printed form under 45 days after its close, but the advance leaflets described above give -considerable information as early as 1$, days after its close, and present almost every; week the latest data available. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS COMPILED BY BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 1925 AUGUST No. 48 CONTENTS TEXT MATEEIAL DETAILED TABLES Page 1 Page General indexes of business activity (Tables 1 to 5) Textiles (Tables 6 to 11) Metals and fuels (Tables 12 to 24) > Rubber, leather, and paper (Tables 25 to" 33) Building construction (Tables 3 4 t o 4 4 ) _ _ _ Chemicals and explosives (Tables 45 to 49) Foodstuffs and tobacco (Tables 50 to 62) . Transportation and labor (Tables 63 to 76) Distribution, banking, and finance (Tables 77 to 95) Foreign exchange and trade (Tables 96 to 102) Preliminary summary for July !-. Course of business in June: General conditions ^ ---9 Summary of indexes of business 10 Review, principal branches, industry and commerce.- 12 Pages to save in early issues 25 GENERAL CHARTS Business indicators !___ 2 Wholesale prices in July 4 Graphic summary of industry and commerce, 1924 and 1925. 6 Production, stocks, and unfilled orders 10 Wholesale prices of raw materials, producers' goods," and consumers' goods 11 General index of employment in manufacturing industries - 12 29 34 40 53 62 73 78 91 105 124 RELATIVE NUMBERS (1913 = 100) Textiles, metals, and fuels (Tables 103 to 108) Rubber, leather/paper, and lumber (Tables 109 and 110)_ Foodstuffs, chemicals, and building materials (Tables 111 to 115)_ Tobacco, transportation, and automobiles (Tables 116 and 117)__'_ Finance and foreign trade (Tables 118 to 123) GENERAL TEXT TABLES Business indicators 3 Wholesale price comparisons 5 Statistical summary of commerce and industry: 1921-1925- 7 Business summary 9 Indexes of business (production, prices, sales, etc.) 22 Wool and sugar, early monthly data 27 131 137 139 144 146 INDEXES Sources of data General index 152 .__ 156 PRELIMINARY SUMMARY FOR JULY Production of both pig iron and steel ingots in July was smaller than in June but considerably larger than in July, 1924. However, at the end of July, more iron furnaces were in blast than at the end of either the previous month or a year ago. Unfilled steel orders continued the decline which set in in March, but were larger than the forward business of July 31, 1924. Shipments of locomotives were smaller than in either June or a year ago, while unfilled orders at the end of July still declined. Deliveries of raw silk to mills were larger than in either the preceding month or a year ago, while mill stocks declined from both periods. Zinc production was larger than in either June or a year ago, the increase over the previous month being made despite a smaller number of retorts in operation. Stocks of zinuc on July 31 were smaller than the holdings at the end of June and a year ago. Deliveries of tin to consuming establishments were larger than in either previous period. 54240°—25f 1 Building contracts, though larger in floor space, were smaller in value than the June awards but were considerably above theSettings of a year ago. Carloadings were considerably larger than in July, 1924r all types of merchandise, except grain and livestock, sharing in. the general increase over a year ago. Bank clearings for the country outside of New York were considerably larger than in the previous month and a year ago, while for New York City July clearings were larger only than those of the previous year. Sales of 10-cent chain and mail-order houses, though smaller than in June, were larger than a year ago. Prices of stocks, both industrial and railroad, continued to average higher, while bond prices exhibited a, weakening tendency, and interest rates showed a, higher trend. Loans and discounts of Federal reserve member banks continued to increase in July, while fewer business failures were recorded than in the previous month, despite an increase over July, 1924, in both number and liabilities. (1 ) BUSINESS 1920-1925 [Ratio charts. See explanation on inside front cover. Except for " net freight ton-miles," latest month plotted is June, 1925; May is latest plotted for ** net freight ton-miles," while the curve on bank debits has been adjusted for normal seasonal variations and that on manufacturing production for variations in working days.] I9201 1921' I9221 1923' 1924 1325 300 RELATIVE TO I9J3 AS 100 19201 r92i ! 1922' 1923 ' 1924' RELATIVE TO 1919 AS 100 aoo 100 80 200 BANK DEBITS, 141 CENTERS 1925 300 200 100 PRICES 25 INDUSTRIAL STOCKS 80 INTEREST RATES, COMMERCIAL PAPER 200 ***x ^....; .*v WHOLI •SALE TF IADE, 6 LINES \ /Wrf^ WHOLESALE PRICES (DEPT.OFLABO .A^J^^ , ^V J***^* DEPT. STORE TRADE (359 STORES) KX> 80 60 40 300 200 MAIL-ORDER SALES (.4 HOUSES ) A. I FARM PRICES ID.HM OF AGRICULTURE) 80 COTTON CONSUMPTION GENERAL MAN UFADTURING PRODUCTION*] 60 (64 COM MODI TIES)" LUMBER PRODUCTION [5 SPECIES) AUTOMOBILE PRODUCTION (PASSENGER CARSANDTRUCKS? FACTORY EMPLOYMENT NET FREIGHT TON-MILES BUSINESS FAILURE DEFAULTED LIABILITIES CONTRACTS (27 STATES) 20 fbe folftmBiptsMe gi^-ea comparative^ relative mnafeners for1 a selected list' of tefjOTtaist business-movements.- It in believed that this table will prove useful, because it separates out from the large mass of material a comparatively' email number of items which are of tea regarded as indicative of business in geaecaU The table has been, divided into two parts, the first containingithose items for which relative numbers can be calculated, using 1913 as a base* The second parfceontains items for whiekcomparable data.baefcto 1913 are^n@t.ayftil&ble. This latter group oi rela^i^&e^nam^er&is.ealGulaAed by letting the I&19 monthly aarenag£ equal 100. Care should therefore be exercisedTn compar&ig the absolute value of the two sets of datu. In either group,, toweyez, the upward or downward?1rend'of the relative numbers, compared to pi^viousraealh«^d0e^Befiee&tfo# present tendency m eaefe iienxaad wilt giwa-basis for* busmesa judgment. Where availalsltr at the time of going to press, August 13, Jufy Indicators have been included, thus bringing this table up to date. It should be noted that the charts on page 2 show June data as the latest plotted; except for freight ton-miles, whibh shows Iffir- mi HDNTHLY AVERAGE :, 1925. C&SSXSSTT' i»2i IMfc- U8^ 1823 1924 May- Jane laly Axtgi. geptt -Qefc~ N=ov, •Deft. -fen* T*eh. MfiT, Apr. May June JulF m*nurathlyaverage=loe Production? 12ft 125: W 108 68 119 64 64 88, 1QT 9T 87 87 114 80 131 58 85 130 144 120 153 104 118 HOI 122 128 164 99 101 • «^ V& 10t 119 113 312 189 8t U& 117 849 224 lOfl 1% 130 407 295 H£ . 13^ 160 . 434 tsr * W 4fT ! ^ ^ 2W 1 998 288^ 285 298 7539 .- 89. 7^ 74m- r MS- 116 132 125 112 151 153 154 151 Pig irou. M Steel lngotfl*«««— «~ n nrvTMir Cement (shipments). Anthracite coal Bituminous coal Electric energy Crude petroleum Cotton/oftnsiiTPpiiOD} «W* ,,^ -^u^,^. Pnrtr, , .,,.„ UfaflUed order* r 170 U. 8. Steel Corp gtoeka: 12T Crude petroleum 155 Cotton (toUl) _ 1 Pttee*: Who?f#fti« indfiT ..u^u L 228. Ttetfttt ftWtf^ ,a u^u,™.^ 90 wI 102 105 127 197 102 81 70 74 126 225 102 „.. 84. : 79 82 124 203 101 79 74. 101. 130 228 93, 90 98 124 133 139 89 106 116 141 131 74 97 116 139 166 145 139 93 94 127 142 137 195 98 85= 114 137 136 226 107 89 427 897 289 288 94, ' U4, 146- i«7103 118 462 , 272 106. MO152 532 480 457 506 261 2§r 27^ • 28? 114 . 127 118 . 125 105 129 134 - Mft 199 152 115 191 450 297' 128131 109 426 329 132 116 106 127 136 132 166 144 69. 97= 130 126 149 m 81 94 98 68 82 85 89 82 75 69 63^ 350 84 348 161 346 193 338 193 335 172? 337 150 337 126 340' 103 344 80 <rl 106 144 159 139 140 147. 164 132 152.140, 169 138 1W H0^ 171 137 15£ 152. 171 139 160 K4 170 146" 16L 151 172 146 161 151 169 151 156 151 161 147 155 152 159 68 , 61 55 54 56 59. 287 125 338 112 334 74 839 59 343 45 849 44 154, 14Z 190 135 150 146 189 134 163 129 14* 142; 163 130 MT 143, 165 132 l 152 198 234 163 ; 203 207 205 141 153 1-97 116L 14SL 142. 188 124 108 284 67 229 136 64 228 169 75 197 185 72 198 198 81 160 183 75 149 187 78 161 195 82 212205 86 150 201 85 158 202 64 198 136 231 213 92 ; 95 238 233 96 176 238 98 149 235 95 m m. , 205 212 118 230 230 80 226 276 90 264 284 71 263 277 77 253 266 2W s 28^: 64 25* 265. 245 277 57 274 314 57 284 290 59 325 317 64 339 322 66 267 273 66 m 284 140 831 r 181 264 188 177 154 204 212 168 259 201 185 284 203 161 243; 183 148 239 185 134 W6 170 lfl& 211 192 207 27ft 208 25& 364 198 238 361 224 232 214 218 411 . 808 137 115 139 131 124 117 121 133 143 158 139 128 Retail coal, bitmn Farm products Bbsiitess finaBtees: Defaulted liabilities.. Price 26 ind. stocks... Price 25 B. R. stocks. Banking: Clearings, N.Y. City. Clearings, ouiMSfe... i Com'l paper int. rate. Distribution: Imports (yalue) ...... Exports (value)....-. Sales, mail-order Transportation: Freight, net ton-miles. 134 105 in n 114: W 102 m 104 ' 104 127 122. 137 237 102 93 97 80 124 112 124 134 228 .,231 101 KW 106 121 59: 6(T m 157 155 158147 148 163 233 92 162T 245 96 161 248 96 151 25697 309 71 290 308 72 3t^ 297 79- 30& 317' 70 297 32S 71 223 179 299 2S8 2ltt 318 233 193 322 21$ 179i 262 135 123 129 123 136 110 100 121 91; 122 83 136 138 14$ 157 1^ 60 70 8& 55 94 49 90 218: 157 271 248 H8 t48. 143; 14§i 4J, 8S 31. 81 26 06, 1019 monthly a verage=l§0 Production: 102 Lumber9 72 Bldg. contracts.Stocks: 6ft Beef. ^~— Oft Pork BusfncM finances: Bond prices (40 Issues) . 8C Banking: Debits outside N.Y. City 114 Federal Rewrve— miirttomtote^ ia Total reserves 97 8ff B»ttou...L.. : 86 69 117 102 133 106 129 £08 141 124 130 103 119 88 139 W 135 93 140 102 42 83 29 70 32 91 34 88 28 111 25 HI 2fc i . an lot 4 K 20 61 28 44 87 107 91 95 91 122 122 1 126 105 42* 46 m «J4 108 * 10* 106 110 im 109 110 110 * iio *' 110, 94 III Hf IW 1M 10? 108 106 104 106 101 m 119 107 124 127 106 121 U7 ii« 124r 13 144 £80 12 143 157? 11 143 K4 16 k 14 22 139 141 138 14$ ' »5i r Kl m 28 , 8fe 144 146 154 15* 1* ! 2& • 146 147 190 ' m 18'149 16* - m: m 149 16* 146 K4 11 154 ns 2l« * 3» : 2& . 24 137 iafr -A 135 i 134= 154 153 154 153 i Wnoletale and rttail price* from Department of Labor averaged for the mont% ffcan*p*feeiWfrom Department of Agriculture • 2 BS^d on *b»total «Miput«d production reported by 5 associations. Includes southern ptae, Douglas flr, western pine. North Carolina pine, and California white Eoard f U e o r t associations in 1919 was equal to 11.401,000,000 board feSt. compSld with a total iSmber production Si WHOLESALE PRICES IN JULY (Bars denote percentages of Increase In the wholesale prices of specified commodities as compared with the same month of 1924 and 1923. Because of their availability at the time of going to press it has been possible for the first time to show current price data in this chart, while on the opposite page the July prices, from which the chart was drawn, are given.] COMPARISON WITH COMPARISON WITH SAME MONTH PREVIOUS MONTH 1924 DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE y IP Q 10 20 CO 40 30 20 JO 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 MMODITIES COMPARISON WITH SAME MONTH 1923 DECREASE INCREASE 70 60SO 40 30 20 IQ 0 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 SO _FARM PRODUCTS. AVERAGE PRICE TO PRODUCER WHEAT CORN POTATOESCOTTON COTTONSEED — CATTLE,BEEFHOGS LAMBS WHEAT. SPRING WHEAT. WINTER CORN, NO,2OATS BARLEY BYE,N0,2 - • .-~.~. - TOBACCO, BURLEY—• COTTON WOOL ^ GREASE (BOSTON) —• CATTLE. STEERS--HOGS, HEAVY-SHEEP, EWES ~ 6HEEP. LAMBS — ••- FLOUR, SPRING—'—FLOUR. WINTER SUGAR. RAW 'SUGAR, GRANULATED - COTTONSEED OIL BEEF, CARCASS BEEF, STEER ROUNDS HAMS, SMOKED (CHICAGO) — COTTON YARN-—-COTTON PRINT CLOTH-COTTON, SHEETING WORSTED YARN WOMEN'S DRESS GOODS SUITINGS— SILK, RAW HIDES, PACKER'SHIDES, CALFSKINS • • LEATHER, CHROME ( BOSTON )-LEATHER, SOLE , OAK BOOTS AND SHOES ( BOSTON )— BOOTS AND SHOES (ST. LOUIS.)COAL, BITUMINDUS COAL. ANTHRACITE COKE--PETROLEUM• PIG IRON, FOUNDRY PIG IRON, BASIC STEEL BILLETS, BESSEMER"" COPPER — - LEADTIN ZINC • - LUMBER, PINE. SOUTHERN LUMBER, DOUGLAS FtR - BRICK, COMMON (NEW YORK) CEMENT r• STEEL BEAMS RUBBER, CRUDE— SULPHURIC ACID-- • 20 10 Q 10 20 DECREASE INCREASE 50 40 30 20 10 Q 10 20 DECREASE 30 40 50 60 INCREASE * NO CHANGE 70 80 90 100 20 10 DECREASE Q 10 20 30 40 50 INCREASE 60 70 80 WHOLESALE PRICE COMPARISONS—MAXIMUM PRICE COMPARED TO PRICE IN RECENT MONTHS NOTB.—-Prices to producer on farm products and market price of wool are from U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural ^Economics: nonterrous metals from the Engineering and Mining Journal-Press. All other prices are from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. As far as possible all quotations represent prices to producer or at mill. See diagram on page 4. Because of their availability at the time of going to press, August 13, the July price data ha?e here been included, thus bringing this table up to date. FSB CENT INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) ACTUAL PRICE (dollars) Unit COMMODITIES July, RELATIVE PRICE (1913 average=100) July, 1925 July, 1924 from June, 1925 July, 1925 from July, 1924 June, 1925 July, 1925 July, 1924 L403 1.044 1. 255 .234 36.41 .0655 .1202 .1171 1. 058 .983 1.090 .273 39.07 .0565 .0660 .1050 -8.1 59 •f 48. 7 +1.7 -0.2 +1.4 +11. 1 +0.8 +32.6 +6.2 +15.1 14 3 -6.8 +15.9 +82.1 +11.5 193 180 141 192 167 109 144 190 177 169 210 195 167 111 160 192 134 159 183 228 179 96 88 172 10.500 12.730 5. 625 14. 875 1.591 1.589 1.065 .475 .883 .979 25.00 .248 .52 11.563 13.794 6. 813 14. 656 1. 397 ~ 1.253 1.055 .563 .829 .861 24.50 .317 .44 9,563 8.188 4.844 13. 750 -1.7 12 5 -3.1 59 02 -10.1 0.0 +2.5 +4.0 +10.1 +8.6 +21.1 -1.5 +13.9 +26.8 +0.9 15 6 +6.5 +13.7 +2.0 -21.8 +18.2 +20.9 +68.5 +40.6 +6.6 177 184 176 135 142 171 189 189 200 123 152 120 191 174 161 170 126 141 154 184 194 208 136 165 145 188 153 127 169 150 133 135 186 248 176 112 98 103 176 8.530 Barrel ... Barrel 7.506 Pound.^... .044 Pound .055 Pound..... .107 Pound.. .1. .175 Pound... -. Pound .263 8. 650 6.950 .043 .053 .114 .178 .192 .293 7.490 5.831 .051 .066 .121 .165 .170 .204 +1.4 +15.5 +19.2 -15.7 -19.7 58 +7,9 +12. 9 +43.6 186 195 126 128 148 135 132 158 189 181 122 123 158 138 147 176 163 152 145 154 167 127 130 123 • -11.9 _4>4 0.0 0.0 -0.8 +12.9 +9.0 0.0 —4.2 0.0 0.0- -11.1 +9.7 0.0 0.0 +17.3 +26.7 +21.1 +7.0 +8.2 +2.4 +6.2 163 183 158 225 184 233 175 80 106 171 107 206 163 168 188 156 219 184 233 174 90 115 171 103 206 163 190 197* 175 200 184 233 148 71 95 160 95 201 153 June, 1925 1925 FARM PRODUCTS— AVERAGE PRICE TO PRODUCERS Wheat-..--*—-*—— Corn . . . Potatoes Cotton . ._ Cottonseed Cattle, beef. — Hogs Lambs .,'... - - . — ... . . •. .. Bushel 1.527 Bushel ... 1.110 .844 Bushel — .£ ..... Pound! .230 .. Ton ...... 36. 48 Pound .€646 .1082 Pound . 1162 .... Pound FARM PRODUCTS— MARKET PRICE Wheat, No. 1, northern, spring (Chicago) Wheat, No 2, red, winter (Chicago) . .... Corn, contract grades, No. 2, cash (Chicago).. .1... Oats, contract grades, cash (Chicago) ^ .... . . Barley fair to good malting (Chicago) Rye, No 2, 'cash (Chicago) Tobacco, burley, good leaf, dark red (Louisville) Cotton, middling upland (New York) Wool, & blood combing, <~>Wo and *?enpsyJvania fleeces (Boston) Cattle,' steers, good to choice, corn fed (Chicago) . _" I.. Sheep, ewes (Chicago) Sheep, lambs (Chicago).. . . . . .. ... . .Bushel 1.618 1.815 . . Bushel ... Bushel 1.099 .. Bushel.—. .505 Bushel Bushel 25! 60 Cwt Pound .242 Ponnd .5fr Cwt Cwt Cwt .. Cwt .. FOOD Flour, standard patents (Minneapolis) ....._..._..._... . Flour^ winter straights (Kansas City) Sugar, 96° centrifugal (New York) ..Sugar, granulated, in barrels (New York).... . . Cottonseed oil, prime summer yellow (New York) Beef, fresh carcass good native steers (Chicago) ._ . ._ Beef, fresh steer rounds No. 2 (Chicago) ........ Pork, smoked hams (Chicago) ; .. ... .. .m -r7.-4 23 -3.6 +6.5 +1.7 +11.0 +11.4 CLOTHING Cotton yarns, carded white, northern, mulespun, 22-1 cones (Boston) Cotton, print cloth, 27 inches, 64 x 60-7.60 yards to pound (Boston) Cotton, sheeting, brown 4/4 Ware Shoals L. L. (New York) Worsted yarns, 2/32*s crossbred stock, white, m skein (Boston) Women's dress goods, storm serge, all-wool, dbl. warp, 60 in, (N. Y.) ,__._. Suitings, wool, dyed blue, 55-56 inches, 16-ounee Middlesex (N. Y.)_ Silk, raw Japanese, Kansas No. 1 (New York) , _. _ Hides, green salted, packer's heavy native steers (Chicago). * Hides, calfskins, No. 1, country, 8 to 15 pounds (Chicago). Leather, chrome calf, dull or bright "B" grades (Boston) Leather, sole, oak, scoured backs, heavy (Boston) _ Boots and shoes, men's black calf, biucher (Massachusetts)...—.. Boots and shoes, men's dress welt tan calf (St* Louis).... •.-;.---- Pound Yard ,. Yard Pound Yard Yard....... Pound Pound Pound.. .. Square foot. Pound. ...i Pair Pair. . .... .415 .065 .096 1.700 1.035 3. WO 6.321 ^147 -. .166 .200 . 218, .460 .460 ,460 ,480 6.40 6.40 6. 15 - 5. 15 .403 .063 ..097 1.750 1. 035 &m .471 .068 .108 l: 550 1.035 3.600 5.390 .131 .180 .430 .425 6.25 4.85 +3.0 +3.2 -}.0 --2:9 FUEL Coal, bituminous, mine-run lump^JKanawha (Cincinnati)... Coal, anthracite, chestnut (New York tidewater) ', _. Coke, Connellsville (range of prompt and future) furnace— at ovens . Petroleum, crude, Kansas-Oklahoma—at wells Short ton- . 3^9 Long ton... 10.96 Short ton.. 2. 90 Barrel 1.800 3.39 11.07 2.91 1.800 3.39 11.28 2.96 1.550 0,0 +1.0 +0. 8 0.0 0.0 -1.9 —1.7 +16.1 154 206 119 193 154 208 119 193 154 212 121 166 Long ton Long tonLong ton... Pound Pound..... Pound..... Pound.. .^. 20.06 18.05 35. 00 .134 .083 • .549 .0699 20.26 18.00 35.00 .139 .0815 .567 .0721 20.76 19.00 38.00 .124 .0712 .458 .0590 +1.0 03 0.0 +3.7 -1.8 +3.3 +3.1 -2.4 ^5.3 7 9 +12. 1 +14. 5 +23.8 +22.2 125 123 136 88 190 124 127 127 122 136 91 187 12& 131 130 129 147 81 163 103 107 44.14 16.50 15. 50 44.66 16,50 15. 50 38. 51 16.50 16.-00 +1.2 0.0 0.0 +16.0 0.0 -3. 1 192 179 236 194 179 236 167 179 244 0.0 0.0 +33,3 0.0 0.0 -9.1 +385.3 0.0 173 132 77 70 173 132 102 70 173 146 21 70 METALS Pig iron,! oundry No. 2, northern (Pittsburgh). Pigriron, basic, valley furnace . .... ... Steel, billets Bessemer (Pittsburgh), Lead, pig, delivered, for early delivery (New York) Tin, pig, for early delivery (New York). Zinc, slab, western (St. Louis) ..... . BUILDING MATERIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Lumber, pine, southern, yellow flooring, 1 x 4, "B" and better (HattiesburgdlstFiet* . .. ...... ..... .... Mfeet....Lumber, Douglas fir, No. 1, common, s 1 s, 1 x 8 x 10 (Washington) ...Mfeet..... BHrir,^rnnj^T^dtmT^stlc frnttdttxg (New York) Thousand.. Cement, Portland, net without bags to trade, f. o. b., plant (Chicago district) .. . Barrel . Steel beams, mill (Pittsburgh) Cwt Bubber> Para Island, fiae (New York).... .....^ Pound . Sulphuric acid, 66° (New York) ........ . ^....^. .. Owt . 1.75 2.00 .619 .70 1.75 2.00 .825 .70 1.75 2.20 .170 .70 GRAPHIC SUMMARY OP COMMERCE AN& INDUSTRY, BY [Bars denote percentages ef increase er decrease from the period showed no ehaagfi iron* ttteeorrcspoadittg r 1924 AND 1925 „ periods of m*ami m*. Where are asterisk (*) appears, the moTcm«n* for that of a year eatiier. Increases are shown ia black and decreases in cross-bateUtng.j f925 f9Z4 | 1ST QUARTER THE YEAR fe fST QUARTER 20 QUARTER 20 QUARTER DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE. INCREASE) DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE DECREASE INCREASE 7 5 50 55 Q 25 60175 5Q 25 Q 2& 50 75 50 25 0 25 50 75 50 25 0 25 50 75 75 50 25 0 25 50 GENERAL 1NWXES OF BUSIN ESS ACTIVITY : . 111 Ht ! j . M ANiUJ=ACTU RINQ OUTPUT- - B • 1 BANK DEBITS OUT-SIDE H; Y CITfc- •- :CC4STOF LIVING'— I — . " -. m ^ * -' i , ^^ ,^ : , ^-u-«- — . mm , ** c TOWER ' r an m ^ ft i»> . E" ^ TDCHLia /Mto LEATHER PRO0UGTO* j COTTON (CONSUMPTION;) ^^ g^g B ^ i EGG- (RECEIPTS-) < SUGAR (-ME&TINGSa-— ' i --- Bsasns "" ' : :•-•:-i . -• • - • . - - g ^ BBB I — FOODSTUFFS' FROOUCTrOir P: B * ; BOOTS ANO SHOES' I; ' m • i. i , . K ^-- i* . ! WM%64f&!t a • a i B i i FUEL AND POWER PRODUCTION - i t^^ 1 ANTHRACITE GOAL- ••*** •< 1 ELECTRIC a a I -v- METAL PRODUCTION- 0 JT1N CCON5UMPTJON) T H i i I. ' PIG IRON - 1 \ a i" B & i i 1 I BUILDING AND MATERIALS PRODUCTION i BUILDING CONTRACTS C36 STATES) j LUTODCR 1Q. SPEuUES* ENAM EL BATHS ( SH 1 P*t£ NTS ) I 1 Jr t I , t \ 1 , 1 i . F I i » TRANSPORT ATION Al«) EQUIPMENT PASSENGER AUTOMOBILES i AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS ' ! LOCOMOTIVES (SHIPMENTS* i FREIGHT CAfiS (SHIPMENTS} 1 PASSENGER CARS (SHIPMENTS! , BH ' •• . . . j WHOLESALE (& LINES)-—* . DEPARTMENT STORES ' r 1 i I . MAILORDER HOUSES*- E • g^^ TRADE (VALUES)! i ^n •" L ^ t t 'F r, l " ' 4-' BAMKiNG 1 -: FEDERAL RESERVE flttHO EARNING ASSETS (F R: BANKS)-LOANS. DISCOUNTS (MEMBERS)- INVESTMENTS (F R: MEMBERS)--i COMMERCIAL INTEREST RATES- - i • PRICES. 25 RAILROAflt STOCKS- - *° 8D' 1 COR O :O INDUSTRIAL DIVIDENDS 1 RA4U1OAD DIVIDENDS • L MM STOOKSi BOPIDS AND OORPORATEFWANCE GAIL LOAN INTEREST: RATES - - - PRICES 25 INDUSTRIAL STOCKS^ } 4 &%%%?. ^^ • I Jn E --...- i t 1 • f - ; HI ' i 1 e i 1 HKKb K i, t .. FOf^EDQfel TRADE AND EXCHANGE j EFFORTS; FRCFM U S — • • — OEJCERAL EXCHANGE INDEX i EXCHANGE Qt± LONDON i •' I 1 I: K " .'•. ! 75 60 & 0 DECREASE P 1 25 6®t7ir 5& 25 Q 25^ SOp^; 50 26T 0 25 5$ 7&*p& ^01 25t 2& 00 INCREASE ^ D E C R E A S E YEAR | ^ i E INCREASE 1 DECREASE ,. - 1ST QUARTER : 1 INCREASE 1 20 QUARTER 1 DECfi£AS& INCflEASE 1ST QUARTER L 1 QECBEASJE, •. ,. ft 21* 60 IHCBEASE. 2D QUARTER CCMMIRCE INB The following taBle contains a review of production mid distribution by principal industries and branches of commerce for the six months7 period, January to June, inclusive, with comparisons since 1921. On the preceding page are given graphically the more important movements in business and industry dur- ing the first two quarters of 1925 with comparisons for the same periods of 1924, while on the next page is given a table of commodity stocks, as well as of unfilled orders, as of June 30, 1925, with similar data for earlier periods. VOLUME OF PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION IN 1925, JANUARY-JUNE t 1921 CTEM 1*23 1323 1934 1925 FOODSTUFFS mi ITEM 1922 1923 1924 182* BUILDING AND BUILDING MATERIALS— 23,701 3$ 049 33,445 38,830 34,343 1,798 2, 925 2,,493 2,452 2,734 80,2071 97,719 82,493 94,901 113, 488 Corn grindings (bu.—000 omitted) .___._». Sugar meltings (long tons—000 omitted). Fteh catch (Ibs.—080 omitted) Meat production, inspected slaughter Clbs.—000,000 omitted) : Beef products . . Pork products Lamb and mutton products Cottonseed oil production (Ibs.— 000,000 omitted) Wheat flour production (bbls. —000,000 omitted) » .- -• -- 2,145 3, 642 245 2, 329 3,716 2,447 4,726 2,434 4,735 225 219 638 312 378 386 51 52 56 60 201 2,537 3,950 233 630 56 TEXTILES Consumption (OOO^inittedj; 233 Wool (pounds) . Cotton (bales) ..„ _ • 2,512 154 Silk (bales) Production (000- omitted) : Fine cotton 1,911 goods (pieces) 314 353 264 2,967 170 3,541 195 2,816 167 263 3, 345 240 2,207 2,672 2,125 2,574 continued Brick production (000,000 omitted): 122 138 133 75 Face brick . 127 Cement (bbls.—000 omitted): 42,468 46,918 62,73i 66,787 72,842 Production ;____. 40/075 48, 029 62,562 62, 496 70,086 Shipments Sanitary enamel ware shipments (pieces— 000 omitted): 423 600 540 632 185 Baths . 546 748 608 745 336 Lavatories 802 561 665 364 773 Sinks ,. . ... AUTOMOBILES AND TIRES Automobile production (000 omitted): Passenger ears.... ... Rubber tires, production (000 omitted): 746 76 1,064 120 1,871 209 1,852 202 1,937 237 — c 759 14 747 on ^AT •jo Qfl9 90 oft-i 166 369 469 311 9,336 1C, 710 25,034 23,447 30,241 8,225 8,830 9,783 7^188 7,746 05 247 87 395 111 461 111 422 114 441 Solid tires Inner tubes 306 METALS MISCELLANEOUS Production (QOQ omitted) : Iron ore (tons) Pig iron (long tons): ~ «,.„ Steel ingots (long tons) . „_ Steel sheets (short tons). _.„ Zinc . ._ Copper Sales (short tons—000 omitted) : Structural steel . . Steel castings ; 13,809 17, 860 32, 661 26,284 28 765 9,428 12,051 20.842 17, 414 19,005 10,290 16,027 23>327 IS, 737 21,9©6 433 1,508 989 1,353 1,698 QK ! Q OQ 33 9Q 113, 500 154,000 274,544 277,474 293, 192 173,000 195,000 352, 819 393, 107 429 563 372 132 996 370 1,105 614 1,148 399 1 212 361 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT 1,405 Locomotive shipments (number) *_._.__,. 898 362 711 582 Freight car shipments (number) ... 33,079 14,360 68,064 32,861 53,46$ PRODUCTION OF FUEL AND POWES Coal (short tons— 000 omitted): Anthracite 47, 149 22,98# Bituminous 200 572 193 727 Coke (000 omitted—short tons) : Beehive 3 401 3 195 By-product 10f 367 13,179 Petroleum products (000,000 omitted): Crude petroleum (bbls. —42gaL). ;_ 238 270 9 V74. Kerosene (gals ) Lubricants (gals.).. Electrical energy, central stations (Kw. hours—000>000 bmitted): Total By water power By fuels.. Production (short tons~-OQO omitted)* Newsprint paper BUILDING ANP BUILDING 981 441 2090 1 055 450 50,041 45, 919 45,063 282, 666 235 064 234, 907 10 856 18,901 342 o 711 1 134 6 103 17 540 4 352 0QO 1,201 5 245 19,755 370 DISTRIBUTION Sales (dollars—000 omitted) * 4 mail-order houses 156 837 155 062 209 018 216, 278 235 857 5 ten-cent chains .. 108, 143 119, 759 144, 212 161,290 180, 515 27 grocery chains 211, 776 244,009 310, 061 344,991 422, 140 Advertising, agate lines (000;000 omitted): ~KX s^gazinfi 13 9 12 13 10 596 541 594 598 Newspaper 22 cities 517 155 132 149 122 Postal receipts (dollars—000,000 omitted). 166 Foreign trade of United States (dollars— 600.000 omitted): 2,090 2,367 1,821 2,534 Exports 1,946 1,850 2 068 1 320 1 419 2 088 Imports PRICE INDEX NUMBERS (Monthly wtragts, relative to 19HQ Farm prices 1 279 Wholesale prices (404 commodities) 547 588 22,349 27,456 8 705 10 270 13,644 17,186 29-; 095 10 467 18»628 31 463 11 371 20,092 754 760 643 Retail food prices (22 commodities) 121 153 155 122 144 140 135 157 143 132 149 144 147 158 152 BANKING AND FINANCE 19, 869 12> 132 7,737 616 690 761 MATEBJALS Contracts awarded (27 States1— 000 000 omitted): Total floor space (sq.. ft.) Total value (dolls.) Lumber production (board feet— 000,000 omitted) * Southern pine.. Douglas fir California redwood California white pine Western pine North Carolina pine . Northern hemlock Northern hardwoods Northern pine lumber _ . Northern pine lath . Oak flooring Maple flooring Production (000 omitted): Solefeather(backs, bends, and sides) . Naval stores, receipts (barrels—000 omitted): Turpentine >...... Rosin 165 291 317 335 JU367 1,697 1,836 2,023 9 132 1,545 219 152 413 142 110 250 197 45 55 43 2 523 2,533 279 210 576 307 140 180 262 70 122 62 2 701 2 973 312 479 813 283 162 271 308 81 184 72 2 756 3 018 306 482 839 293 123 272 281 68 196 56 354 2,325 2 882 3 205 268 530 819 321 90 267 293 76 248 51 Securities: Sales (000,000 omitted)— Stocks (shares") Bonds, total (dolls.) .___ Pribes, monthly average {dolls.)— 25 railroad stocks . . _ i 25 industrials - 40 bonds — Banking and insurance (doMars—OOOiOQO omitted): Life insurance, new business Debits to individual accounts— Outside New York City New York City Bank clearings— Outside New York City New York City Interest rates, mo. average (per cent)— New York call loans.. Commercial paper 60-90 days Business failures: Liabilities (dollars— 000,000 omitted) . Firms (number) 13S 133 115 204 1,516 2,293 1,548 1^796 1,868 52.68 83.16 59 41 59. 13 91.13) 7&58J 62.80 111.50 72,27 61.93 10&31 72.86 79.22 138.83 77.04 3,154 3,362 4,188 4,524 5,222 93 96,013 95, 615 113, 932 111, 687 124, 747 103, 791 120, 439 125, 871 128,532 154,042 117, 702 96,013 95, 478 95, 193 105, 016 98, 016 109, 441 112, 227 119, 466 141, 843 6.68 7.39 4.34 4.56 4.85 4.92 3.90 4.50 3.90 3.83 311 374 259 304 239 9,035 13, 384 9,724 10, 785 11,420 8 STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY: 1921-1925 STOCKS OF COMMODITIES HELD AT MID-YEAR INVENTORY PERIODS m 19 21 M M 33 19 25 1!124 TTnif May 31 June 30 May 31 June 30 May 31 May 31 June 30 June 30 May 31 June 30 FOODSTUFFS Beef products Pork products Lamb and mutton. . Sugar (raw) Cottonseed oil Wheat (visible) .. Wheat flour Corn (visible). Oats (visible).. Butter . Cheese ._ Eggs Poultry ._ Fish'. Coffee Bice (domestic) _ - Thous. of Ibs Thous. of Ibs Thous. of Ibs Long tons Thous. of Ibs Thous. of bus . Thous. of bbls Thous. of bus Thous. of bus Thous. of Ibs Thous. of Ibs Thous. of cases Thous. of Ibs Thous. of Ibs Thous. of bags Thous. of pockets 109, 553 983 379 15, 877 263 539 70 199 11, 751 5 100 17,708 30, 114 21 682 17, 814 6 844 35,408 26,346 2,058 3,493 96,220 1,003 562 8,714 251 827 47 851 9,966 5 400 27 363 34, 401 61 991 34,948 7 534 27,268 32,311 2,037 1,095 Wool, grease equivalent Thous of Ibs * 664 977 6,019 Cotton mills and warehouses... Thous. of bales —^_. Silk. Bales 20,541 56 852 769 454 2 310 271 890 23 704 31,065 5 500 31 170 47, 950 13 202 15 481 8,056 38 602 17,094 1 146 972 50,706 861 638 3,720 277 150 12 110 20 342 5 500 33 068 42, 743 67 410 33.130 9 811 34 837 20,818 1 086 762 531 070 5,511 15, 521 3,980 20, 826 479 151 3,284 26,895 27,840 196,543 85,812 2,571 30, 066 181, 521 89,889 2,546 23,025 427,499 40,409 1,921 M. ft. b. m . . . 1, 223, 441 M ft b m 35,764 M. ft. b. m 31,896 Thousands ._ .. 53,280 Thous. of bbls 12, 450 99,525 Number.Number 117 422 105, 916 Number- Barrels— ... -.- _ 38,418 312,507 Barrels 1, 225, 461 37,588 32, 271 69,586 11,150 85,062 121 969 110, 776 36,949 308, 341 65 023 57,220 66 063 69 418 993 301 1 032 401 ] 029 043 1 025* 158 2,272 4 445 3 556 2 917 293 023 315 680 338 092 367* 971 11 833 23,714 52 130 23 751 37, 203 29, 403 45* 258 36 496 6 800 6 900 6 400 6 800 3 847 7 649 13* 480 9 184 8,523 13, 514 6 720 5*264 62 768 10 112 22 328 74 184 36,834 17 507 27 148 45*239 10 222 7 890 6 944 8 685 57 274 49,100 39* 247 34*886 12, 312 21,840 17, 870 27*115 826 860 657 760 1,170 966 430 303 74 618 886 713 1 913 354,416 44,247 36,911 5 700 18 676 35 331 13 036 29*550 7 712 68 126 23,570 537 364 61 643 885, 382 1 532 376*868 22 669 36* 420 5 900 16*040 35*268 63 659 46 465 9 475 58 552 31 915 713 224 305 958 2,483 42, 517 382 686 1,884 44, Old 21,049 623,920 21,210 1,404 25,404 669, 891 22,906 2,054 CLOTHING MATERIALS 1 3 501, 341 3,214 29,962 631,698 2,575 25,865 «371 isg 2,284 27,074 410 381 1,832 24,843 25,447 484,995 29,576 2,371 18, 865 890,802 13, 019 3,132 22,800 949,237 17, 173 2,137 21,608 687, 649 42,364 * 4,067 26, *0 519,111 1 49,684 4,067 1, 111, 878 1, 095, 580 20,245 23 534 30, 215 26,719 59,804 63,867 12,883 10, 748 47,694 37,846 78 062 68,558 102, 747 82, 831 10f731 4,--€01-251,823 287, 138 1, 010, 591 26 816 19, 131 60,939 10,144 33,866 44 391 51, 810 18,224 211,063 1, 054, 133 33,793 18,867 58,875 9,168 29,462 45, 978 47,539 13, 176 215, 100 1, 129, 893 49 706 25,243 52, 398 16,403 64,399 134 088 116, $26 23,595 234,644 1, 153, 375 60 189 25 406 50, 895 14 903 65,093 140 810 129, 862 32,499 241 108 1, 152, 617 51 254 29, 165 55,498 18,440 119, 104 232 811 286,317 26,761 161, 970 1, 184, 431 53 494 28,504 50,796^ 16 326 101,925 227 018 279, 287 35, 402 210, 055> 23,367 20,832 19, 514 34,718 33, 487 32,037 31, 864 1 1, 784, 551 1,616,396 1 1, 846, 555 1, 697, 844 * 1,303, 255 1, 119, 605 a 1,2 327, 731 1, 196, 446 425,000 441, 590 ~*401r633 413, 540 8 1, 976, 569 2 1,2 485, 969 1,843 737 1, 327, 852 442 696 2, 035, 678 1, 522, 217 a 422, 966 1,847 225 1, 337, 784 423 975 METALS Iron ore ...... Pig iron (merchant) Zinc Tin Thous. of long tons.. Long tons Thous. of short tons Long tons CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Yellow pine _ . Oak flooring Maple flooring Face brick *_ _ Cement Baths (enamel) Lavatories (enamel) Sinks (enamel) Turpentine _. ... __ Eosm _ _ PAPER Newsprint (at mills) Short tons 31, 198 26,629 24,781 TOBACCO Total Chewing, smoking, and snuff Cigar types Thous. of Ibs Thous. of Ibs- . Thous of Ibs 1, 818, 781 1, 672, 017 1,2 363, 499 1, 235, 156 367, 854 359 095 420 936 1 Prior to September, 1923, stocks included formed brick in kilns. Since then the data have been recorded for finished face brick only. To preserve the comparability of the series the data here have been adjusted on the basis of percentage change in the new series. * Inventory as of Mar. 31. UNFILLED ORDERS FOR SPECIFIED COMMODITIES JUNE 30— DECEMBER 31— COMMODITY Unit Short tons ..... Thous. of long tons — Number Oakflooring.. ... . ....... . Mfeetb. m... Maple flooring ........ M feet b. m Face brick. ,,=,.......,...,.,..r....... .............. Thousand.. Number Baths (enamel) . ..... Small ware (enamel) . \ ... • Number Sheets blue black, and galvanized Bteel (U S. Steel Corporation) 1923 1933 1994 m* 505, 766 445, 167 4,445 387 47,700 15, 375 25,641 203,329 712,620 663,460 4,817 431 53,295 12,735 22,499 89,402 264,625 437,853 5,636 6,746 1,592 40,925 22,324 26,388 205,659 647,839 1923 1994 503,175 6,386 246, 810 38,530 28^265 64,128 177, 197 286,888 486, 331 1,038,045 36,093 9,596 43,653 181,907 596 38,434 26,193 43,283 1, 958 3,263 531 458, 182 1925 440,687 3,710 397 50,092 9,498 39,115 111,797 252,991 Percentage change June 30, 1925, from Dec. 31, 1924 -33. 6 -11 -6.0 -25.4 +73.9+25. a -0.6 9 BUSINESS SUMMARY [Index and relative numbers based on the 1919 monthly average as 100—except unfilled orders which are based on the 1920 average—enalible comparisons to be made of the relative condition of the several phases of business. The use of index and relative numbers is more fully explained on the inside fr iide front cover, and details of this summary are given in the table entitled "Indexes of Business," beginning on p. 22] YEARLY AVERAGE 1923 1 QO c 1934 1924 April May PER CENT INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (-) 1935 June April May June June, 1925, I from May, 1 1925 June, 1925, from June, 1924 PRODUCTION: Manufacturing (64 commodities— Adjusted) l Raw materials, total Minerals ... Animal products Crops Forest products Electric power Building (awards— floor space) 119 113 131 117 102 121 144 106 114 118 122 117 118 119 152 108 118 87 107 118 54 129 146 136 108 94 120 124 60 132 148 124 104 89 117 117 56 120 141 103 129 86 116 115 49 129 159 157 127 91 131 115 55 132 160 148 126 89 131 110 54 120 160 143 0 8 2 2 0.0 -4.3 18 6 1 0.0 3 4 + 21.2 0.0 + 12. 0 -6.0 -3.6 0.0 + 13. 5 + 38.8 STOCKS (45 commodities; seasonal adjustment) _. '.... . UNFILLED ORDERS (relative to 1920) 119 74 135 52 136 54 141 47 134 43 141 54 144 53 140 51 -2.8 3 8 + 4.5 + 18.6 SALES (based on value) : Mail-order houses (4 houses) ... Ten-cent chains (5 chains) Wholesale trade -.., Department stores (359 stores) 99 165 83 124 105 185 82 125 114 178 78 133 90 174 77 127 89 162 76 120 117 195 79 135 94 191 79 128 101 187 83 126 + 7.5 2. 1 + 5. 1 16 + 13.5 + 15.4 + 9. 2 + 5.0 65 75 78 94- 64 73 78 95 62 72 76 94 62 71 76 94 62 70 76 94 70 76 81 96 70 75 82 96 70 76 83 97 0.0 + 1.3 + 1.2 + 1.0 + 22.6 +8.6 + 9. 2 + 3. 2 103 93 109 84 108 88 107 84 104 81 122 85 125 84 126 83 + 0.8 + 1.2 + 21. 2 + 2.5 TRANSPORTATION: 115 Net freight ton-mile operation Car loadings (monthly total) 119 Net available car surplus (end of mo.) . . 25 108 116 139 97 100 199 102 128 205 97 I 104 1 216 j 102 107 204* 112 139 196 113 186 -18. 7 -5. 1 + 8.7 -13.9 .-. PRICES (recomputed to 1919 base) : Producers', farm products Wholesale, all commodities .... ._-Retail food. . Cost of living (including food) CHECK PAYMENTS (141 cities—Seasonal adjustment) FACTORY EMPLOYMENT (1919 base) - * * See p. 28, Jan., 1925, issue (No. 41) for details of adjustment. Unadjusted index for current months given in " Indexes of Business," p. 22, this issue. COURSE OF BUSINESS IN JUNE GENERAL CONDITIONS Manufacturing production in June was smaller than smaller at the end of April than at the end of either in May but 21 per cent larger than a year ago, while the previous month or a year ago. Imports and the output of raw materials also declined from the exports of merchandise declined from May, but both previous month but showed no change from June, were higher than in June, 1924. Producers' prices, 1924. Building activity, as seen from construction wholesale prices, and retail living costs, all advanced contracts, was larger in June than in any other in June, both as compared with the previous month previous month except April of this year. Commodity and with June, 1924. Employment continued the stocks, although declining 3 per cent from May, were decline which set in in May, but was greater than in larger than a year ago while manufacturers7 unfilled June, 1924, while factory pay rolls were also smaller orders continued to decline, being, however, consider- than in May and larger than a year ago. ably larger than at the same time last year. Business failures decreased slightly from June in Wholesale trade was greater'than in either the pre- both number and liabilities, while bank failures in vious month or in June, 1924, while retail trade, though the second quarter of 1925 were smaller than in the smaller than in May, due to seasonal conditions, was previous quarter. Security prices were again higher larger than a year ago. Freight loadings were season- than in the previous month and a year ago, while bank ally larger than in May and 10 per cent higher than loans continued to increase. in June, 1924, while the surplus of freight cars was SUMMARY ^F jIMIMEXES PRODUCTION ported in all classes of crops except jmn? which ,reecaxbd an advance over June, 19?% jaraoimting to 18 per cent. The output of forest products, although 6 per cent smaller than in May, showed no change from a year ago, an 18 per cent decline from June, 1924, in the production of pulpwood, balancing increases of 9 per -cent, 11 per cent, and 18 per cent, respectively, in the production of lumber, turpentine, and rosin receipts, and in the consumption of wood by the methanol industry. The output of raw materials, counting Uhe output of minerals, the production of forest products, and the marketings of animal products and crops, declined 2 per cent from the previous month but showed no change from June, 1924. Continuing the decline which set in in May, the outfmt of manufaetures in June was about 1 per cent less tihan tliat of the previous month. As compared with -a year ago, however, manufacturing output was 21 per cent larger, after adjustment for the number cif working days, all major manufacturing industries exhibiting increases over June, 1924, except foodstuffs and tobacco. The greatest percentage increases over a year ago were recorded in the output of textiles, iron and steel, and miscellaneous commodities, .principally automobiles and automobile tiresr while smaller increases were recorded m the production of paper, stone [ RELATIVE PRODUCTION, STOCKS, AMD IJN<FILL££> O&DERS FOR MANOTACTHBED (1920 monthly average=100. This chart shows stocks of manufactured commodities only, while adjustment .has ;been made for both stocks jamd production, respective seasonal movejnemts. Unfilled orders axe principally those for iroia, steel, and-building materials. June, 1925, irlatest month plotter!) ISO pflOOUCrnON ^4 COMMODITIES sad clay products, nonferrous metals, lumber, and leather and its products. r Mineral production showed no change from th^ previous month but was 12 pea* cent greater than a year ago, allproducts of themine sharing in the general increase over June, 1924, with the greatest advance n-oted in the production &i biteninom coal, and the smallest increase in the output of anthracite. Marketings of animal products were generally lower than in either the previous month or a year ago, tfce increased marketings over a year ago in fish, milk, sjieep, and Battle and calves being insufficieAt to offset the decline in the imarkatings of wool, hqgs, eggs, and poultry. Crop marketings were, likewise, smaller than in either the preceding month or June, 1924, smaller marketings than a year ago being re- / COMM^DItTY STOCKS Stocks of commodities held at the end of June, when due allowance is made for normal seasonal influences, though declining 3 p«r cent from the previous €ad of month, were almost 5 per cent larger than on June 30, 1924, declines from a year ago in the inventories of manufactured commodities, both foodstuffs and other, being insufficient to offset an increase in the stocks of raw foodstuffs. As compared with the holdings on May, 1925, stocks of manufactured foodstuffs were alone greater, the increase of 10 per cent in this group being more than offset by declines of 8 per cent, 2 per cent, and 2 per cent, respectively, in raw foodstuffs, other raw materials^ and manufactured commodities. m The index of "unfilled orders, comprising principally iron and sfed and building materials, was 4 per cent smaller at the end 6f ifune than at tile end of the previous month, but was almost 20 per cent larger than a year ago. Wholesale trade, as ^een from the index covering six important lines, was 5 per cent greater in tk«m in May and Q per cent gr-eaker than in June, ike greatest increase over a year ago oceuiriaog in. the value of wholesale meat salea, cbue principally to increased prices for meats. Sales of hardware were 9 per cent l&rger than a year ago, while shoe sales, Prices received by producers of farm products averaged almost 1 per ceiit higher than in May and 13 per cent greater than in Jiine, 1§24, all1 clksses of farm products entering into the general index of farm prices recording increases over these two periods, except cotton and cottonseed and the unclassified items. Wholesale prices increased more than 1 per cent in June and averaged 8 per cent higher than a year ago. !Increases over the previous month were noted in wholesale prices of farm products, food, and fuel, while declines were recorded in the prices of metals, building WHOLESALE PRICES OF RAW MATERIALS, PRODUCERS' GOODS, AND CONSUMERS* GOODS (1913 average priees taken as 100. Jane, 1325, is latest month plotted) ,260 sales, drag sales, amd sdies of d;py goods wesie & percent, 6 per cent, 1 per;eeB&, 5 pea* c^iat, and 17 per ceiit^ lai^eiv zespecti^ety, than inJime, 19M. Sales at jgetail ;by tB^cxixier feoitses and tha various types of chaim stores, as m®jL as departeient atones ;larger thanan jRine, 1924, tba ^riacipal mcBeases in the retail trade trBJa&aeted by 10-cent chain stares, grocery chains, mail-order houses, anximc cjiaiaa and dr^cig chains. The ^alue of stocks carried by department stores at the end of June was 5 per c^ent smaller than at the end of the previous month and 1 per cent larger than the value of inventories held a year ago. materials; and house fumishii^s, with no change in the average priees of cloths and clothing,, and chemicals. Compared with a year ago increases wer;e in the prices of fiarm pro4uetsrfaod, clatbs clothing, aad eheioicals, wa-th declines in the pxices of fuels, jsaetals, buildiag materials arid house furnishings. As recomputed by the Federal Reserve Board^ the whx>teaile .price index shov/ed an increase over th© nio^A ©I 3 per cant w the avemge ? go@ds ^nd^almo^t 1 per eeot in goods, while compared with a year ago goods were 4 per cent higher and consumers' goods 12 more than 9 per cent greater. Raw products were more than 1 per cent higher in price than in May and 10 per cent greater than in June, 1924. Commercial wholesale price index numbers, likewise, recorded increases over May and a year ago. The cost-of-living index increased more than 1 per cent in June over the previous month and 3 per cent over a year ago, the principal increases over May occuring in food and clothing, and over a year ago in food and sundries, with declines from June, 1924, in the cost of shelter and fuel. EMPLOYMENT Factory employment declined slightly more than 1 per cent from May but was more than 2 per cent greater than in June of last year, declines from the previous month occurring in the textile, leather, paper, tobacco, and miscellaneous groups, with increases in food products, lumber, stone, clay and glass, and vehicle plants. The principal increases over a year ago were recorded in the iron and steel, leather, paper and printing, chemicals, stone, clay and glass, vehicles,, and miscellaneous groups, with declines from June,. 1924, in the number of employees in plants manufacturing food products, lumber, and tobacco products. Corresponding to the decline from the previous month in general employment, a decrease of 2 per cent was reported in the amount of pay rolls, the principal declines occurring in textile, iron.and steel, leather^ paper, chemical, stone, clay and glass, tobacco products, vehicle, and miscellaneous factories. However/ an increase over June, 1924, in factory employment of only slightly more than 2 per cent may be compared with an increase in the pay roll of 6 per cent over the same month of last year, all classes of establishments participating in the general pay roll increases over June, 1924, except food products and tobacco products factories, which declined. GENERAL INDEX OF EMPLOYMENT IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES • _ (1923 average employment taken as 100. June, 1925, is latest month plotted) 1925 REVIEW BY PRINCIPAL BRANCHES OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE TEXTILES Receipts of wool at Boston were larger in June than in the previous month but smaller than a year ago, the increase over the May receipts being solely due to larger arrivals of domestic wools, while the decline in the total receipts from June, 1924, was solely due to smaller receipts of domestic wools. Imports of unmanufactured wools were smaller than in May but larger than in June, 1925, while for the first half of the current year little change was shown from the importation during the corresponding period of 1924. Consumption of wool by textile mills was larger in June than in either the preceding month or a year ago, while for the first half of 1925 the total wool consumption was 2 per cent smaller than during the same period of 1924. Wool machinery activity in June was likewise greater than in either the previous month or a year ago. Prices of wool averaged higher in June than in the preceding month and a year ago while worsted yarns, dress goods, and suitings showed no change from the previous month. Receipts of cotton into sight declined seasonally from May and were almost 50 per cent greater than in June, 1924. Cotton imports increased over the previous month and were more than 40 per cent larger than in June, 1924. Exports of raw cotton declined, seasonally, from May and were also smaller than m June, 1924, this comparison with the previous year exhibiting the first decline since September, 1923, Cotton consumption declined from May but was 40 per cent larger than in June, 1924. During the first half of 1925 a total of 3,345,000 bales was consumed by the cotton textile industry as against 2,816,000 bales during the corresponding period of 1924. Stocks of cotton held by mills and warehouses at the end of June aggregated 1,883,758 bales, an increase of less than 3 per cent over the holdings a year earlier. Smaller stocks of cotton were held on June 30 at warehouses than a year ago, the increase in the 13 total holdings over June 30, 1924, being due solely to larger mill stocks. The world visible supply of American cotton declined 60 per cent from May to June as against a decline of 20 per cent during the same interval of 1924. More cotton spindles were active in June than a year ago while the total spindle activity, though smaller than in May. was larger than a year ago and represented 89 per cent of plant capacity. Prices of cotton to the producer showed no change from the previous month and a decline from June, 1924, while wholesale prices of raw cotton in the New York market averaged higher in June than in May but were likewise lower than in June, 1924, Cotton yarns exhibited similar conditions in price, while wholesale prices of cotton goods averaged lower than in either the previous month or a year ago. • than 90 per cent greater than the holdings a year earlier. The wholesale price of Japanese silk continued to average higher, the prevailing prices in June being 27 per cent higher than those of June, 1924. Imports of unmanufactured fibers were larger than in either the preceding month or in June, 1924, while burlap imports, though smaller than in May, were larger than in June a year ago. SPINDLE ACTIVITY IN COTTON MILLS (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) COTTON CONSUMPTION AND EXPORTS (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) 1921 IRON AND STEEL Orders received by cotton finishers were larger in June than in either the previous month or a year ago, while billings of finished goods, though smaller than in May, were larger than in June, 1924. Stocks of finished cotton goods held by finishers continued to increase, but were smaller than the inventories of June 30, 1924, while shipments in June, though smaller than in May, were considerably larger than a year ago. Production of fine cotton goods in the New Bedford district was also smaller than in May but was more than 40 per cent larger than in June, 1924. Shipments of fine cotton goods were larger than in either the previous month or a year ago, while exports of cotton cloth exhibited declines from these two comparative periods. Imports of raw silk were smaller in June than in May but were considerably larger than in June, 1924. Deliveries of silk to consuming establishments were larger than in May and a year ago while for the first half of 1925 the total indicated consumption of silk aggregated 240,000 bales as against 167,000 during the same period of 1924. Stocks of raw silk at warehouse..also increased in June over the previous month while the inventories at the end of June were more The production of pig iron continued the decline which set in in April but the June output was considerably larger than that of a year ago. For the first half of 1925, pig iron production totaling 19,005,000 tons compares with 17,414,000 tons during the same period of 1924. Consumption of iron ore by furnaces in June exhibited similar movements, as compared with the previous month and a year ago, while iron ore stocks increased almost 20 per cent over the holdings on May 31. The number of furnaces in blast at the end of June was smaller than at any time since November, 1924, while the percentage of furnaces in blast to the total in the industry, amounting to 47.7 per cent, compares with 49.4 for May, and 40.0 for June, 1924. Wholesale prices of iron and iron products continued to average lower in June. The output of steel ingots in June was smaller than in the previous month but larger than in June, 1924, while for the first half of 1925 ingot production amounted to 21.906,000 tons as against 19,737,000 during the same period of 1924. Production of steel sheets by independent steel manufacturers, on the other hand, was larger than in May and more than 100 per cent greater than in Jtee, 192i; f?-£w Bookings for ings deified from May and/ u year ago, tifcie decfee froitt the previous month being solely dti;e to smaller miscellaneous bookings while the decrease from & year ago was d&e to smalferboofcings of railroad specialties, tfefilfed steel orders at the end of June wereagain smallerr than the forward business on the books at tlie end of the previous month, but were ferger than the orders on June 30, 1924. Sales of fabricated structural steel were larger in June than in either the previous month or a year ago, while shipments of structural steel exhibSted similar compajdsons* Production of steei bai^fe, thotigh sm&fer than in Marr^ were considerably larger than in June, 1924, while unfilled orders at the end 0f the mtmth criled for more than twice as "thaaay barrels aa the forward business of June "SO," 1924. Malleable castings were p£0du:ee4 is smaller quantities than in May, but the June output? was considerably larger than that of a year ago. Ne|w orders booked f©r malleable castings, though smaller than in May, were twice as large as in orders for miaeifine tools eostintied to increase in: 3wo® and were 5§ j*$r oen$ larger ttom a year ago> wMte sates of foundry equipment were ate© larger iihaa in either the preceding month or a year ago. METALS ©opper production by domestic mines was larger in June than in either the previous month or a year ago, while for the first half of 1925 the total mine output was 11 per cent greater than during the corresponding period of 1924. The world production of blister copper was smaller than in May, but larger than in June of last ye^r, while the output of refined copper by primary refineries in North and South America during the second quarter of 1925 was larger than in eitfcer the first quarter of this year or the corresponding quarter of 1924. Exports of refined copper declined from May, but were larger than in June, 1924, while for the first half of 1925 the outward movement of copper was 10 per cent greater than during the sttme period of 1924. Stocks of copper o€ LOCOMOTIVE SHIPMENT ANJ> UNEI1LLEJ> (MIXEBS <Jtme, 18211, is I^est jnoath plotted) while shipments of castimgs were smaller than in May and larger than in June of last year. Exports of iron and ~si eel were smaller than in May or a year ago wti:il% imports were larger than in either of these two comparative periods. Wholesale prices of steel and steel products continued to average lower in June. Shipments of railroad locomotives were larger than in May, but smaller than m June, 1925, wHe the unfilled orders of locomotives at the end of June were smaller than at either the end of the previous month or a year ago. During the first half of 1925 a total of 582 railroad locomotives was shipped by the three principal manufacturers as agamst 711 during the same period of 1924. New orders placed for locomotives were smaller in June than at any other month since August, 1§24, while new orders for freight cars were smttler than in any othermonth since July, 1924. New sales of mechanical stokers were larger, in number, than in either the preceding month or a year ago, while the horsepower thus represented, though larger titean in June, 1924, was smaller than in May. New botli refined and blister held at North and South American points at the end of June were smaller than at the end of the previous quarter, and, for refined copper, smaller even than the holdings on June 30, 1924. The wholesale price of copper continued to average higher in Jttne. Deliveries of tin to consuming establishments were larger in June than in either the previous month or a year ago, while for the first half of 1925 the indicated consumption of tin, aggregating 33,000 tons, was 10 per cent larger than during the same period of 1924. Imports of tin in May were almost twice as large as those of the previous month and more than 65 per cent larger than during June, 1924. Tin stocks at the end of June were smaller than at either the end of the previous month or the inventories of a year ago, while the wholesale price of pig tin at New York continued to advance, averaging for June almost 30 per cent higher than the prevailing prices of a year ago. The production of primary zinc declined from the previous month but was larger than In June, 1925, 151 while shipments^ zrae ore- at the J&pHn district mines exhibited similar wmpaaisoRs with these two. same periods. Stocfes- of zinc held at refineries eontimied to increase, but the inventories* at the end of June were loss than 50 per eeaat as. large as, those of a year ago, The price of prime western zinc at St. Louis strengthened in June and waa more than 20 per cent higher than in June, 1924, PRODUCTION AND EXPORTS OF COPPER (June, 1925, is latest month plotted^ while for tibe first ha3f of 1925 a slight decline was also registered from the corresponding period of last year. Exports of bituminous coal is June were larger than m May, but smaller than a year ago, while for anthracite eoal Jim-e exports were smaller than in May and larger than a year ago. Hie mine price of bituminous coal averaged lower in June than in either the previous month or a year ago, while retail prices of bituminous at Chicago and of anthracite chestnut at New York were higher than in the preceding month. Coke production, both beehive and by-product, was smaller than in May but larger than a year ago, the increase over June, 1924, being general for both types of coke. Coke exports were smaller than in May, but larger than a year ago, white the wholesale price of coke continued to decline. PRQIHMITION OEl BlT^MECfOUS AND AFTHRA€I1E (June, 1925, is latest month, plotted) The output erf lead increased in June over both the previous month and Juney J924, wfeile lead oreshipments from the Joplin district exhibited similar comparisons. The price of lead, desilverized, at New York, continued to advance in June and was 14 per cent higher than in Jiifte of last year. __ HEMATITE PnoiMJCTiaN AND STOCKS oi1 ZINC (1913 monthly average=100. J&ne, 1925; islatest month plotted) 1921 1922 1923 1924 HIDES AND SKINS The production of bituminous coal increased in June over both the previous month and a year ago, while for the first six months of 1925 a slight decline was registered from 1924 in the total output. Anthracite coal production, on the other hand* was smaller than in May, but .larger than in June of last year,. The total imports of hides and skins were larger than in either the previous month or June, 1&24, all classes of skins and hides participating in the general increase over these comparative periods. Prices of cattle hides and calfskins were higher than in either the previous month or June, 1924. Exports of sole and belting leather were smaller than in either the preceding month or June, 1924, while the production of sole leather in June was larger than in either comparative period. The price of sole leather continued to decline but averaged 10 per cent higher than in June, 1924. Exports of upper leather were larger in June than in either the previous month or June, 1924, while the price of upper, though registering no change from the preceding month, averaged 7 per cent higher than in June. The production of harness leather though smaller than in May, was larger than a year ago, while unfilled orders for harness leather continued to increase, standing, at the end of June, at 25 per cent above a year ago. The sales of leather belting increased in June over both the previous month and a year ago. The production of boots and shoes declined from the previous month but was larger than in June, 1924. Exports of boots and shoes showed a similar comparison with the previous month and a year ago, while wholesale prices for shoes, though exhibiting no change from the preceding month, were higher than in June, 1924. The production of glove leather was smaller than in May but larger than in June, 1924, while stocks of glove leather, both tanned and in the process of tanning, continued to decline. IMPORTS OF HIDES AND SKINS (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) 30,QOOi 60.0001 WOOD PULP AND PAPER Imports of mechanical wood pulp were smaller than in May but more than twice as large as those of a year ago. Chemical pulp imports were larger, on the~other hand, than in May and almost 30 per cent greater than a year ago. The production and shipments of newsprint paper were smaller than in the previous month but larger than in June, 1924, while newsprint stocks held at mills at the end of June were smaller than at either the end of the previous month or a year ago. Imports of newsprint paper were larger than in May and a year ago. Sales of abrasive paper and cloth were larger in June than in either the preceding month or a year ago, while the shipments of rope paper sacks registered similar increases over these comparative periods. Production and new orders for boxboard were larger in, June than in either the preceding month or June, 1924, with the consumption of waste paper recording similar increases over these two periods. The inch-hour operations of boxboard manufacturers in June were larger than in any other month of 1925 with the exception of January. Shipments of sales books in June were the largest in any month since these figures became available. NEWSPKINT PAPER PRODUCTION AND MILL STOCK (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) AUTOMOBILES AND RUBBER The production of automobiles declined seasonally from the previous month but was larger than in June, . 1924, both passenger cars and trucks participating in this general increase. During the first half of 1925 a total of 1,937,000 passenger cars was produced in the United States and Canada as compared with 1,852,000 during the same period of the preceding year, while truck production totaling 237,000 vehicles may be compared with 202,000 during the first half of 1924. Exports of automobiles, counting both passenger cars and trucks, though smaller than in May, were almost 70 per cent larger than in June, 1924. Shipments of accessories and parts to points abroad were correspondingly smaller than in May and larger than in June a year ago. Production of pneumatic tires and solid tires was larger than in either the preceding month or a year ago while corresponding increases were noted in the output of inner tubes. Manufacturers' shipments of all classes of tires registered similar increases over these comparative periods, while manufacturers' stocks of pneumatic tires and inner tubes at the end of June were smaller than at the end of either the previous month or a year ago. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Construction cost indexes exhibited relative stability in building costs from May to June while contracts awarded for building construction represented larger contemplated expenditures than in any other month on record except April, 1925. The new floor space contemplated by June construction awards was, nevertheless, smaller than in the previous month but, as in the case of value, was considerably above June, 1924. Contracts awarded during the first half of 1925 were more than 15 per cent larger than during the corresponding period of 1924, all types of building construction partaking of this general advance, except educational buildings. 17 VOLUME OF BUILDING CONTRACTS AWARDED IN 27 STATES, BY CLASSES (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) BUILDING MATERIALS Lumber production was considerably larger in June than a year ago, most of the principal species showing increases. Southern pine lumber production was 4 per cent higher in the first half of 1925 than in the 1924 period while Douglas fir showed an increase of about 6 per cent. Exports were considerably larger than in June, 1924, and shipments and new orders of most species were also higher than a year ago. Stocks on hand increased over a year ago for Southern pine and walnut, and decreased for Western pine. Sales of lumber at retail yards of the Minneapolis district were larger than at any time since 1922, while stocks declined from both May and a year ago. Lumber prices declined from May. Flooring production showed little change from May but shipments and new orders increased. Unfilled orders for maple flooring increased but oak flooring unfilled orders declined. Stocks declined for maple flooring and increased for oak flooring. Total production for six months showed an increased over a year of 25 per cent for oak flooring and a decline of 9 cent for maple flooring. Production and stocks of face brick declined from June'but were at about the same level as a year ago. Unfille^ orders declined and shipments increased over both periods. Face-brick output for 6 months was 9 per cent higher than a year ago. Paving-brick output at 82 per cent of capacity compares with 86 per cent in May and 68 per cent a year ago. Production, shipments, stocks and new orders were all higher than 54240°—25f 2 a year ago but unfilled orders were smaller. Terracotta bookings in June were, with one exception, the largest since January, 1924. Portland cement output was slightly less than in May, the usual seasonal tendency, while shipments were slightly larger. Stocks were larger than a year ago, declining seasonally from the end of May. Total cement output for the first 6 months of the year showed a gain of 9 per cent over the^ 1924 period. Concrete paving contracts let in June were greater than a year ago, the total for 6 months surpassing the 1924 period by over 20 per cent. Shipments, orders, and stocks of all classes of enameled sanitary-ware were much greater than a year ago except shipments of miscellaneous goods, but unfilled orders were smaller than a year ago. Shipments for the first six months of the year were about the same as a year ago, baths being slightly larger and sinks smaller. CHEMICALS AND OILS Imports of nitrate declined from May, while potash imports were larger. Exports of both sulphuric acid and fertilizer were less than in May. Prices of essential oils averaged 7 per cent higher than in May while changes of about 1 per cent occurred in the other groups, drugs and pharmaceuticals and oils and fats increasing while crude drugs and chemicals declined. Receipts and stocks of both turpentine and rosin at southern ports increased over May and, except for rosin stocks, were also higher than a year ago. 18 IMPORTS OF POTASH AND -NITRATE OF SODA (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) Car-lot shipments of apples increased over June, 1924, but citrus fruit, onions and potatoes were all loaded in smaller quantities. Hay receipts at maiiet were smaller than a year ago. MEATS AfrD DAIRY PRODUCTS The movement and slaughter of cattle and calves was greater than in June, 1924. Exports and storage holdings of beef were larger than a year ago. Prices of cattle and steer rounds advanced over May while carcass beef declined, Hie movement and slaughter of hogs was less than a year ago. Exports of pork products, including lard, were slightly less than in June, 1924, while storage holdings also declined from a year ago. Prices of hogs averaged slightly higher ifcan in May, while hams and lard also advanced, PRODUCTION, EXPGBTS, AND COLD-STORAGE HOLDINGS OF PORK AND PORK PHODWTS W -^ JIH '"• " -^ " ^ (Jose, 3§25, is latest month plotted) Both imports and exports of vegetable oik increased over May, imports being about the same as a year ago and exports almost three times as large as in June, 1924. Cottonseed oil production a&d stocks of both cottonseed and oil declined seasonally from May and were about the same as a year ago. Receipts and stocks of flaxseed in the Northwest and shipments of linseed oil and oil-cake from Minneapolis were considerably larger than in June, 1924. CEREALS Wheat receipts increased over May and also over a year ago, while the visible supply in both the United States and Canadg, declined from both periods, the decrease from May being ft seasonal movement. Exports of wheat, including flour, declined from May and were slightly larger than a year ago. Wheat prices averaged less than in May while standard patent flour at Minneapolis declined and winter straights at Kansas City advanced. Corn receipts and shipments exceeded those for May, receipts increasing over a year ago and shipments declining. The visible supply declined in a seasonal movement and was greater than on June 30, 1924. Grindings of corn for glucose and starch increased over May, but declined from a year ago. Exports were also greater than in May and less than in June, 1924. Corn prices rose slightly from the May average. Receipts of oats were 20 per cent larger than in June, 1924, and the visible supply was almost seven times as Ijarge. Barley and rye receipts were both smaller than a year ago. Prices of oats and barky averaged higher than in May, while rye averaged less. Receipts, shipments and exports of riee were all larger than a year ago while stocks on hand declined from June 30,1924, as well as the seasonal decline from May 31. Poultry receipts were larger than a year ago and storage holdings almost twice as large. Egg receipts and storage holdings were also larger than last June. Butter receipts declined from June, 1924, and storage holdings were 15 per cent less. Cheese receipts and holdings increased over last year, however. Exports of condensed and evaporated milk were the largest since last October and 60 per cent larger than in June, 1924, the increase being all in evaporated milk. Total exports for the first six months of the year were BO per cent less than a year ago. SUGAR, COFFEE, AND TEA Sugar meltings in June were larger than in May and also above a year ago. Imports declined from May but exceeded a year ago. Stocks of raw sugar carried by refiners at the end of June were the largest since the Armistice. Exports of refined sugar were with one exception the largest in two ye&rs, while prices averaged the same in June as in M$y. Receipts, exports, and stocks of sugar in Cuba were all considerably la^er than a year ago. Imparts of coffee were larger than in May but smaller than in June, 1924, while for the first half of 1925 coffee imports were about 25 per cent smaller than taring fee same fyeriodi of I$M, Ihe world visible supply of coffee co&ti&ued to deelin^ betegj ©e June 3®, smaBter thai* tfce infested supply of & y&m ago. Beeeiptsel eoitee- in Brazil, though larger than in May, were 30 per cent smaller than in June, 192$, while the June clearances of coffee from Brazil were laarger than* those of either the premons month or a year ago. Tea imports were larger than in May but were mote than 20j per cent smaller than those of a year ago* ' • SUGAR: ISTFOBTS, MELTINGS ATO; KEFINEBY (Jiine, 1325, is latest month plotted) of the total number in use. More leeoiHotives were installed in June than in any month since the end of 1924, while the number of railroad locomotives retired in June was greater than in either the preceding month or June a year ago?. The number of locomotives instaled during the first half of 1924 was 14 per cent smaller than during the same period of 1924, while the number of locomotives retired during 1925 thus far was 46 per cent greater than during the same period of I§24. At the end of June, 1925, fewer locomotives w^re on the lines than a year earlier but the aggregate tractive powet oa June 30, 1925 was greater than that of a year agoy indicating larger average tractive power per new engine installed. Electric railway passenger traffic, though smaller than in May, was larger than in June, 1924,, according to reports from 213 electric railway companies having more than 25,000 miles of revenue single track and almost 3,,000 miles of bus route. ^^ SHOKTAGE, SUPPLIES, AND BAD-ORDER FREIGHT CABS ""*" (June, 1925, i$la$8SfcisontIi plotted) WATER TRANSPORTATION Traffic through the Sault Ste. Marie Canals was slightly smaller thae in June, 1924, while for the season through June the traffic was about 60 pa: cent larger thaa during the same period of If24. River traffic on the OMo between Pittsburgh and Wheeling; was smaller than in May, bat laargpr than in June, 1924, while for the calendar year ihus far traffic between the two points was 15 per cent gareatei than during the corresponding period of 1924, Entrances and clearances of vessels engaged in foreign trade were greater than in either May or a year ago, the increases in these two items over June, 1924, being solely due to larger tonnages of foreign bottoms. Ocean freight rates between Atlantic ports and European points continued to average lower in June, KAIL&OADS Car loadings were larger than in either the previous month or a year ago, the general increase over June, 1924, feeing solely due to larger loadings of forest products, ore, and miscellaneous merchandise. For the first lialf of 1925 ear to®disgg were S per cent larger thua during the §®m& period el JS24. The surplusage of servfee&lfe frdyfe^ e&rs <^sfinued to decline during Ofam® si&i at tto caad: of feat month, due in a considerable ciegree io tte larger car loadings, was 14 per miit smaler tha^ a year ago. Bad-order freight cars coifeniecl to ineireas% oa tte ^ther hand, standing at th&€Hd? (>f $im& ai SvS p«r cent of the total in use. Locomotives in bad order continued to decline in June, standing at the end of that month at 17 per cent i 1921 I 1922 I I&23 1' 1924 1 1929 DISTRIBUTION MOVEMENT Sales at retail by mail-order houses were larger in June than in either the preceding, month or June a year ago,, while for the first half of 1925 an increase of more than 10 per cent was noted in ite business of the 2 large houses as compared with the same, period of 1924. Sales by 10-cent chain stores were seasonally smaller than in May but were larger than in Ju&e of last jrear^ while for the first & months of the current year, aggregate sales of the 4 large chains were 12 per ceait greater than during, the same period of 1924, part of tM^ increase being due to a larger number of unit stores, Postal receipts in the 100 largest cities were greater than in Juner 1924, partly because of the higher fates prevailing under the new law effective April 15, 1925. Newspaper advertising in the principal cities was smaller in June than in either the preceding month or a year agt>, while for the first half of 1925 little change was meted from the saase period •&£ the previous year. Advertiskig for appearance ia Ji&ly magazines was larger than a year ago. 20 SALES BY MAIL-ORDER HOUSES AND CHAIN 10-CsNT STORES (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) • . decrease in the short-term debt. Receipts and expenditures of the Government both increased over June, 1924. The amount of money in circulation on June 30 was the lowest with one exception since July, 1924. LIFE INSURANCE New sales of life insurance, both in number of policies and in policy values, were seasonally smaller than in May, but the risks accepted during June were 15 per cent greater in value and more tfran 10 per cent greater in number than during June, 1924. Admitted life-insurance assets continued to mount in June, while premium collections in June, though smaller than in May, were considerably above those of a year ago. Sales of food by two large restaurant chains were smaller than in either the preceding month or June, 1924, despite a larger number of unit stores at the end of June, than at the end of either comparative period. BANKING Check payments in June were larger than in May, both for New York City and outside, and were considerably higher than a year ago. For the first half of 1925, check payments outside New York City exceeded the first half of 1924 by 10 per cent while in New York City the increase amounted to 20 per cent. SALES OF ORDINARY LIFE INSURANCE, BY GEOGRAPHICAL. DISTRICTS (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) 1000 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS AND TOTAL INVESTMENTS OF FEDERAL RESERVE MEMBER BANKS (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) 2 3 .4 5 6 Federal reserve banks had more discounts and deposits at the end'of June than a month previous, but smaller note circulation, investments, and reserves, the reserve ratio remaining the same, at 77 per cent. Compared with a year ago, discounts, investments, and deposits increased while circulation and reserves declined. Member banks showed slight increases over the end of May in loans, investments, and deposits, and increases of 9, 15, and 9 per cent, respectively, over a year ago. Interest rates were unchanged from May for commercial paper and call loan rates averaged slightly higher than in May. The total outstanding Government debt showed a reduction of almost 2 per cent during June, due to the 1922 1923 UNITED STATES TOTAL EASTERN MANUFACTURING^ WESTERN MANUFACTURING. WESTERN AGRICULTURAL \ SOUTHERN FAR WESTERN 1924 1925 21 During the first half of 1925 new sales of life insurance exceeded those of the same period of 1924 by 10 per cent in the aggregate value of new estates thus created. Sales of ordinary life insurance by geographical districts exhibited the greatest increases over the preceding year in the Western States, the accompanying map showing the geographical limits of these districts. The chart on page 20 gives the sales of ordinary insurance for all geographical districts since 1922. GOLD TRADE BALANCE, SHOWING EXCESS OP IMPORTS AND EXPORTS (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) CORPORATE FINANCE Prices of both stocks and bonds rose during June, though highest grade railroad liens averaged less than in May and railroad stocks showed little increase. Municipal bond yield at the end of June was one point higher than a month precious. Trading in securities was in less volume than in May, while compared with a year ago stock sales were larger and bond sales smaller. Total security dealings for the first six months of the year were considerably higher than in the 1924 period, except for Liberty bonds. Dividend and interest payments by corporations have been higher each month than the corresponding month a year ago, July showing the greatest increase, with 9^ per cent, dividend payments alone increasing 7 per cent. For the first seven months of the year total dividend payments were about 5 per cent larger than a year ago, street railways making the greatest relative gain and industrials the largest absolute gain. Business failures decreased slightly from June in both number and liabilities, and bank failures were smaller than in the previous quarter in both respects. For the first half of the year the number of failing commercial firms was 6 per cent greater than a year ago, but liabilities were over 20 per cent less; bank failures declined about 40 per cent in number and liabilities. The issuance of both corporate and municipal securities was much less in June than in both the previous month and in June, 1924. The balance of agricultural loans outstanding with the intermediate credit banks and with the War Finance Corporation was §iso reduced. FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND TRADE Upward movements in the foreign exchanges occurred in British, Indian, Argentine, and Brazilian currencies, while French, Italian, Belgian, and Japanese exchange declined in terms of the dollar. Dutch, Swedish, and Canadian exchanges were unchanged at par, while Swiss exchange was at a premium of 1 per cent, the same as in May. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF MERCHANDISE (June, 1925, is latest month plotted) GOLD AND SILVER Although both imports and exports of gold declined SO per cent or more from May, the excess of gold exports remained at about $2,000,000 for the month. Domestic gold receipts at the mint increased over May and over a year ago, while the Rand output declined from May and was slightly higher than in June, 1924. Silver imports and exports both increased over May, the excess of exports remaining at more than $3,000,000. Silver production was greater than in either the previous month or June, 1924, while the price of silver advanced over May. The foreign trade of the United States was practically at a balance in June, both imports and exports amounting to about $326,000,000. The import figure was about the same as in May, but exports decreased $45,000,000. For the first six months of the year export trade was 13 per cent higher than a year ago and imports were 17 per cent higher. Exports exceeded imports by $300,000,000 in the first half of 1925, as against $240,000,000 in the 1924 period. The index mmfceia presented;ia tMs table are designed to sJaow tb& tee&d Ian etc-* in various groups of industry and commerce. They consist in general of weighted coiaAiaationa o£ series of individual reEtive numbers; often the individ.ua! relative numbers makfngrup the series are also givem. The j function of index and relative numtxsrs is explained on the msfdb front cover. A condensed form of this table | is given on page 9. MailsinS <feail, W20 ; June May AprQ 1920 ^KR CENT INCREA«m (+% G» DECREASE (-) 1»^5 1^54 Mini•mum since Jan. 1, June, 1925, ffom May, 1925 June, 1925, from June, 1924 8t -3.3 0.0 131 209^ 0.0 3.2 45.5 -4.5 I. rtU + 13.0 + 11.2 + 18,5 + 1.0 Juee May A'piil PRODUCTION ( Relative to 191? monthly aw»f« as 100) RAW MATERIALS Grand total ...... n 179 M ; g* S9 m 117 188 SI 105 101 127 163 115 66 104 116 19^ 87 102 23 14(» 164 12t 111 145 115 23 St 87 68 215 «f ; MINERALS 62 146 105 M6 41 RitHTIxinoils COftl -- 137 0 Anthracite eoaL. ....---- -,.-.. - — —-— — — 121 0 241 Iron ore *. 17 * MS 177 . 74 38 Z»inc .... ....... 13T0 m Ctoltf . — - Ul 80 145 Silver . ..„ ._ ., .. Total ! Ift7 130 189^ 196 78- i S& 93 106 2 85 13& 131 143 157 lit ! 12^ 8G 80 100 ; 120 t 1^1 216 91 111 105 139 168 127 72 111 8;5 117 m 105 fO* ' I'M 177 121 73 113 j ©iO + &.4 +3; 0 ? +m4 +8.. 6 + 5.2 + ffi6 +-8. 7 47 Hrl. 4 41^8 A3WMAL PKODUGTS (marketing) TotaL Wool*.: Cattle and calves Hogs . -,._.... -™ ... Eggs * .™iiiiririiririiiriiririiir .Poultry * . _ f» IX * FU&- «-«..^- ^.— — Milk (New York) CK0PS (marketings) Total . Grains* Vegetables*. .. Fruits*1 . . GotKon products * I^isceHftflwtous: ©fdps- *-^«. . ...... . . . . .. . ^8 227 143 177 MS 245 390 137 190 246 242 254 £01 278 170 ! i • f 8* 19 58 64 54 30 21 45 94 118 1^4 56 64 85 ' m 117 i 1W 60 59 209 220 79 90 95 100 1» - 1^ 43 43 58 54 m 5^ 55 68 67 121 * J» \ 15t 87 155 m 19 » m im F ! m' m 24 ; i 68 154 90 103 141 m 105 134 29 m : 75 190 S4 99 143 ±10 115 85 m -C3 : -CO —20, 7 + 317 —18. 3 + 4.- 4 -ST. 2 +13& 0 0:0 +&871 -5.. 3 -44. 2 106 **• 1 i 70 •*-"?.. 146 , +i7.5 ; 155 48. 4 —^£2 +41. 7 + 9. 9 49 54 55 1.8 43 79 61 + 29.5 134 i 14& ! 147 ; +a,5. 86 118 83 2a 7 42T 28 11 60; 7 1$ i ^? 19 — si-i?- 124 19 2® MS 50 85 3; £ + 17.9 £0 '33 1 42 I —m9 FOREST PRODUCTS Total . . ... .-.=.Lumber ..... ... . .» PulpwoaiL . ... ... Gum (rosin and turpentine) * = Distrfted wood .. _ . - . ^ 155 133 164 267 149 61 59 61 20 12£ 1 1S^ 127 1 122 164 136 103 216 108 98 f^O 117 110 227 82 T%* 130 1*5 12f 130 147 154 71 64 77 54 32 im 11^ im m m %m 146 106 102 1#£ • 130 61 13fO •5 -1« \ —f. 5 121 90 — 25; ^ 208 251 + 201 7 106 97 -8. 5 00 +§r4 —M 2 + 10! 6 + 18. v3 MANUFACTURING Grand total (adjusted for working dasys). Grand total (una<^j'iistedr) . ....... • Foodstuffs. . Textiles Iron and steel- -«~— .— . . £urober . Leather. _....-.. ..,—.« .^.^— -.^^"- > Paper and printing^.. — ^«.—»^^.^.^ Cbemicals, oils, etc , . Sttorue aaid eiay proxiiiKjtBL^- .^.-.-„ .*.. Metals,, excepting iron and steel^..^... Tobacco .... . ... . Mttfceilaneous.— *...* .- . ....-* : m im ' m ; 121 171 1M 1» 125 f» 69 92 6^ 71 .7037 104 97 115 142 m im 141 129 176 ioa 131 • Fluctuations between maximum and miaimuia d«*largely to seasoaal coaditioa»r 1&8 112 114 100 121 m W 9^ •-. 74 146 1 132 72 go 117 i 1^ 137 147 130 139 15g 114 115 95 ' 115 m ; 137 136 136^ 12^ 127 114 95 101 112 m 95 123 Wl 118 152 149 150 80 93 ' 82$16^ : 1^3 f 112 164 156 159 141 149 156 184 im 18£ 112 107 113 15^ 150 152 -0. 8 ! --QiS + 1Z9 4 0 -^.^ i a7 2 4 +iaa +11.1 +€7 — 0; 9 3 0 4. 5 --t^ +fii9 -1.3 +3I.# , +36.0 5. 8 +35. 7 [ +$&& : +16,1 + 14L.6 + 16; 5 17 +57.9 : 23 INDEXES OFBESINE3S—CtratHKrod Maiimum since Jan. 1, 1920 Minimum since Jan.l, 1920 w^t April May PER CENT INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (— ) 1935 Juae AprU May June June, 1925, from May, 1925 June, 1925, from June, 1924 STOCKS (Relative to 1919 monthly average as 100) (Corrected for seasonal variation) Total .. ;_ Raw f ood&tiiffs * ..... -...-»-... \ Raw materials for manufacture.. _...... Manufactured foodstuffs .. . . .....»...- ~ _ M^ftnufac^iTGfl coBjmuodftfffts ! (Unadjusted indei) Total — ~ Raw f oo(Jsi»uff s Raw materials for MantilacturB -_ ..Manufactured foodstuffs . .»«.-. . . * M^anufftc^tnrcd commod^^cs UNMIXED ORDERS 155 2S3 189 115 ! 175 91 73 89 58 136 164 109 E6 163 ±U 178 157 105 98 86 . 87 169 169 141 176 120 75 171 144 201 100 73 171 140 186 98 76 168 £8 —7. 5 -2. 0 -H,l 44.5 418. 5 0.0 — 12. 6 0 6 m; 239 1S7 115 : 175 j S4 70 68 56 m 137 84 87 145 19f 105 69 173 136 181 $4 64 171 134 171 91 n tm -1. 5 5 5 -3.2 m 136 178 .97 73 165 -M& 8 45.5 424. 8 48.3 12. 6 0, 6 40 32 25 54 40 112 47 35 43 32 54 42 IW 53 39 —a, 8 tor M 37 106 418.6 415.6 421.18 €9 59 43 62 88 58 77 1€4 56 81 110 72 64 ^ 96 52 83 105 70 64 79 7f^ mi 107 65 55 75 ' 79 115 107 85 77 68 -75 83 105 55 84 110 82 80 +«. i 46 W 108 69 79 114 81 *1 4-4,0 0.0 + 6. 3 + 2.8 H-6. 5 +6. 7 49.2 49.4 45.8 41.2 44.8 417. 1 425.0 148 49 1114 9» m M7 95 1W -HL3 413.5 366 214 258 187 193 282 186 84 55 119 109 106 109 72 : 178 88 ? 211 145 130 205 178 174 82 214 150 143 186 150 162 7£ 200 143 131 169 140 195 107 258 159 134 210 177 191 96 254 163 143 195 149" 187 99 257 if 7 134 184 152 2 1 4-3. 1 • 41.2 42. 5 6 3 4. 1 42. 0 210 151 80 100 133 141 127 136 120 127 !3t5 140 128 135 126 128 16 5. 2 415.4 432.0 428, 5 416.8 42.3 4&9 48.6 45. 0 4<X£ m 141 154 W 74 108- m im L8 18 (Relative to 1020 monthly averages as 100) (Iron, Steel, »nd Building Materials) Total (8 commodities) - . Iron aikd stocl • •*•«<•* Building materials • .. ' ~ WHO^ESAL,B TRADE ... 116 - 112 ~ 153 1 m ; S7 5 1 0. 9 (Relative to 1919 monthly average as 100) (Distributed by Federal Reserve Districts) C*fand total, all classes . Hardware (10 districts) Shoes (8 districts) Groceries (11 districts) Drugs (7 districts) Dry goods (8 distriets) Mieats - - . . .l*f ». 129 -_. 136 _. :.__ 135 133 , ,_, _ ; 150 » 80 ; BETAI& TBAB-E (Relative to 1919 monthly average as 100) 1 M AIL-ORDEB H O U8BS {4 houses} ,.... CHAIN STOKES: Xen-ceut (5 chains) ; Music (itf&ains)-* . Grocery (27 chains) . Drug (9 chains) , .__ ' Cigar (3 chains} .... C&ndy (5 chains) I Shoe (6 chains).. -.. ... DEPARTMENT STORKS: ' Sales (359 stores) .... . - - .. Stocks (514 stores) •-*. MMPLOTM BHT ! (Relative to 1923 monthly avrags as 100) H^nmber employed, by imdustrfes: Total, all classes i Food products .. «... . Textiles ^ ..._-. . . ! Iron and steel .... ... Lumber...... ... .. _. ..«.. Leather-.. . Paper and printing ... Chemicals > Stone, clay, and glass. . ; _ Metals, except iroti and steel .. .. Tobacco produefesr . . Vehicles Miscellaneous ..* ifiinoe Jan. 1,1921 95 91 92 93 91 88 94 89 98 97 92 88 101 100 101 92 102 * 102 100 94 92 92 95 90 94 88 88 94 84 $5 95 83 99 85 99 87 92 85 85 92 91 90 89 87 87 91 88 89 88 87 87 94 m 94 $2 w 86 1Q& 101 99 102 87 89 ; 100 . 101 100 92 3% ; ^2 92 36 "91 92 92 SO 94 93 SI 11 i 42.3 1. 1 0.0 41. 1 •4 4 — 1.0 2 2 4LO ao -1.1 42.2 — 2.2 4». 3 53 448 424 11 43.6 0.0 42.4 42,0 45.7 -1.1 45.9 47.1 INDEXES OF BUSINESS--Continued 1924 Maiimuni since Jan. 1, 1920 Minimum since Jan. 1, 1920 EMPLOYMENT—Continued (Relative to 1923 monthly average as 100) Amount of pay roll, by industries: Total, all classes .i ... Food products _ _ Textiles .._-_ Iron and steel Lumber . Leather . .. .' --Paper and printing Chemicals .s. .. Stone, clay, and glass . Metals, except iron and steel Tobacco products . *Vehicles.-. .Miscellaneous ; PRICE INDEX NUMBERS April May PER CENT INCREASE (+) OR DECREASE (— ) 1S25 June April May June June, 1925, from May, 1925 June, 1925, from June, 1924 97 95 90 98 102 88 104 100 109 101 90 97 99 92 96 83 91 101 83 103 94 108 89 92 91 95 87 98 79 82 99 79 101 89 106 79 95 84 86 94 88 91 91 97 88 104 99 105 92 76 97 97 94 90 88 92 98 87 104 94 107 90 93 97 99 92 93 85 89 100 82 103 91 106 90 92 93 93 -2.1 4-3. 3 -3.4 -3.3 + 2.0 -5.7 -1.0 -3.2 -0.9 0.0 -1. 1 -4. 1 -6. 1 + 5.7 -5.1 + 7.6 + 8.5 + 1.0 +3.8 + 2.0 +2.2 0.0 + 13.9 -3.2 + 10.7 +8.1 FARM PRICES (Relative to 1909-1914 average as 100) All groups .. . .. Grain Fruits and vegetables Meat animals Dairy and poultry ....... .-.-.-. Cotton and cottonseed Unclassified 235 283 373 186 215 304 180 116 88 108 91 122 76 74 ISO 113 128 106 126 226 98 129 114 132 107 123 222 94 130 116 146 105 123 219 95 147 152 146 146 131 189 94 146 159 162 139 132 184 87 147 164 184 139 132 183 74 + 0.7 + 3.1 + 13.6 0.0 0.0 05 14 9 + 13.1 +41. 4 + 26.0 US 243 248 346 281 203 300 213 275 208 188 114 131 171 162 109 155 121 170 111 148 139 137 189 179 139 182 128 175 113 147 136 137 187 177 134 180 127 173 112 145 134 136 187 175 132 173 127 172 111 156 153 154 190 169 129 174 134 171 129 155 152 153 188 168 127 174 133 171 131 157 155 155 188 173 126 171 133 170 138 + 1.3 + 2.0 + 1.3 0.0 + 3.0 -0.8 17 0.0 0 6 + 5.3 + 8.3 + 15.7 + 14. 0 + 0.5 11 4 5 12 + 4.7 12 +24.3 247 244 249 249 311 218 375 272 1S8 118 146 1S5 122 103 152 165 148 135 151 154 166 119 195 174 147 135 150 152 168 115 195 171 145 130 151 147 165 109 182 168 156 131 166 161 173 141 1S7 168 155 131 164 160 176 134 189 167 157 135 165 162 175 141 181 167 + 1.3 +3.1 + 0.6 + 1.2 06 + 5.2 4 2 0.0 + 8.3 + 3.8 +9.3 + 10.2 + 6.1 + 29.4 05 06 267 246 272 142 102 125 158 140 182 156 133 183 154 129 179 163 141 173 162 139 171 163 143 173 +0.6 + 2.9 + 1.2 +5. 8 + 10.9 34 218 227 !34 115 153 136 152 133 153 133 160 145 161 148 162 150 +0.6 + 1.4 + 5.9 + 12.8 205 219 186 288 200 192 155 139 143 153 149 171 162 141 185 177 168 174 161 141 185 176 165 174 162 142 185 174 165 174 165 151 182 171 165 175 165 152 182 172 163 175 167 155 182 174 164 175 + 1.2 + 2.0 0.0 + 1.2 + 0.6 0.0 + 31 + 9.2 1. 6 0.0 -0. 6 + 0.6 +32.4 + 7.3 1fi 4. -22. 1 WHOLESALE PRICES Department of Labor Indexes (Relative to 1913) All commodities ........................ Farm products..................... Food, etc Cloths and clothing Fuel and lighting ... . ....... . Metals and metal products ........ Building materials „ , „.».--.•.„. ..W-.-TChemicals JToufie-furnisriing goods Miscellaneous... . .................. Federal Reserve Board Regrouping of Department of Labor Indexes (Relative to 1913) All commodities... .................... Producers' goods ... . ... Consumers' goods Total raw products . ..............._ Agricultural products . . ... Animal products. ................... Forest products Mineral products . .... ... Federal Reserve Board Indexes (Relative to 1913) All commodities * .. . Goods imported..... ............. Goods exported ........ .. ... Commercial Indexes (Relative to 1913) Dun's (1st of following month) Bradstreet's (1st of following month) '. COST OF LIVING National Industrial Conference Board Indexes (Relative to July, 1914) All items weighted Food (Dept. Labor) Shelter. _ Clothing Fuel and light Sundries ... 25 PAGES TO SAVE IN EARLY ISSUES Continuing and revising the data first presented in the February, 1924, issue (No. 30) of the SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS there is given below the list of pages which may be saved from the early issues in order to secure a complete list of data not subsequently published. This list does not include the quarterly or semiannual issues, as beginning with May, 1922, issue (No. 9), certain early figures had to be omitted to make room for later data and it is thus advisable to keep each large number from that time. References to monthly data prior to 1921 are shown in the detailed tables for each item in this issue. Cotton consumption north and south, 191$ to 1923 (chart) in March, 1924, issue (No, 31), page 10. Cotton ginned, by years, 1912-1923 (chart) in April, 1924, issue (No. 32), page 9. Cotton and wool, world supply and distribution, in March, 1923, issue (No. 19), page 11. Electric fans, annual sales, 1916 to 1923, in May, 1924, issue (No. 33), page 12. Employment, trend by districts (chart) in July, 1922, issue (No. 11), page 15. Employment, seasonal, by industries, in November, 1922, issue (No. 15), page 8, January, 1923, issue (No. 17), page 8, and February, 1923, issue (No. 18), page 18. Failures, by districts, 1916 to 192$ (chart) in January, 1924, issue (No. 29), page 18. Failures, relative to bank clearings (chart) 1910-1922, in FebPages to ruary, 1923, issue (No. 18), page 20. Description of data ISSUE (DATE AND NUMBER) save Failures, relative to fire losses (chart) 1920-192$, in December, 1923, issue (No. 28), page 21. 42-39 1920 data on many items. June, 1922 (No. 10) 18-21 June, 1922 (No. 10) Index of marketing of animal products. Failures, adjudicated in Federal Courts, 1912-1923, in February, 15-21 July, 1922 (No. 11) Employment by districts and index of 1924, issue (No. 30), page 22. crop marketings. 41-46 July, 1922 (No. 11) 1920 data on many items. Failures, trading, manufacturing, and banking, 1913-1923, in 17 September, 1922 (No. 13).. Fertilizer report, first half of 1922. 22-25 September, 1922 (No. 13).. Indexes of mineral and total raw material April, 1924, issue (No. 32), page 57. production. Failures, national banks, 1870-1923, in March, 1924, issue (No. September, 1922 (No. 13)... 47-51 Monthly data for 1920 and 1913. 6 October, 1923 (No. 26) Seasonal movement, butter and cheese. 31), page 22. 45-47 October, 1922 (No. 14) Monthly data from 1920 and to 1913. 47-49 December, 1922 (No. 16)... Monthly data from 1913. Fertilizer production, etc., first half of 1922, in September, 1922, 8, 12, 13, Fabricated steel capacity, glucose and January, 1923 (No. 17) issue (No. 13), page 17t 15, 16 starch distribution, and employment. January, 1923 (No. 17) 22-28 Index of manufacturing production. Gasoline and kerosene consumption, by States, monthly data for 51 January, 1923 (No, 17) Data from 1920. March, 192a(No. 19) 11, 12, 18 Distribution cotton, wool, and glucose. 1921, 1922, and 1923, in June, 1924, issue (No. 34), pages March, 1923 (No. 19). 45-50 Data from 1919 and 1913. 51 to 53; gasoline figures for 1924 in May, 1925, issue April, 1923 (No. 20) 11, 16, 17 Cotton ginnings, paint and varnish, and patents. (No. 45), page 28. April, 1923 (No. 20) . 46-56 Data from 1913. June, 1923 (No. 22) .... 20 Business failures by districts. Glucose and starch distribution, in January, 1923, issue (No. 17), June, 1923 (No. 22) 46-52 Data from 1913 and 1920. 45-51 page 16; March, 1923, issue (No. 19), page 18; May, July, 1923 (No. 23).-. Data from 1913 and 1920 September, 1923 (No. 25)... 46-57 Data from 1913 and 1919. 1924, issue (No. 33), page 18; and February, 1925, issue October, 1923 (No. 26) 16,18 Railroad equipment and paint and varnish. (No. 42), page 19. October, 1923 (No. 26)_._ 51-£1 Data from 1913 and 1919. December, 1923 (No. 28)-— 15, 19, 21 Automobile employment, railroads, and Glue and gelatin, annual production, 1922 and 1923, in May, fire losses. 1924, issue (No. 17), page 17. December, 1923 (No. 28).... 52-56 Data from 1913 and 1920. January, 1924 (No. 29) 19-22, Index of manufacturing production and Lighting equipment, output 1922 and 1923 in July, 1924, early data. 47-50 March, 1924 (No. 31).... . 7, 13, Miscellaneous new data; data for earlier issue (No. 35), page 19. years. 15-18, 21-23, Livestock on farms, 1913 to 192$, in February, 1923, issue (No. 54-56 18), page 127. April, 1924 (No 32).... Seasonal trends of commodity stocks; 27-28, business failures; miscellaneous data for 52-61 Loans, distribution by national banks, 1911—1923, in March, earlier years. June, 1924 (No. 34) 51-57 Data for earlier years. 1924, issue (No. 31), page 21. July, 1924 (No.35)._. 52-61 Data for earlier years October, 1924 (No. 38)...,.Locomotive and freight car installations, 1907-1922 (chart) in 52 Architectural terra-cotta bookings and shipments, 1919 to 1924. October, 1923, issue (No. 26), page 18. March, 1925 (No. 43) Data for earlier years. 27,28 April, 1925 (No. 44) Data for earlier years. 27-29 Locomotive tractive power, 1907—1922, in December, 1923, issue May, 1925 (No. 45).... „ 27,28 Data for earlier years. (No. 28), page 19. June, 1925 (No. 46) . .. 25-28 Data for earlier years. Machine tools shipments, 1901-1923, in April, 1924, issue (No. 32), page 55. INDEX OF SPECIAL DATA and varnish production, 1920-1922, in April, 1923,. issue The following list contains special data of current Paint(No. 20), page 16. 1922-1923, by half years, in October, interest previously published, which are on an annual 1923, issue (No. 26). or other basis not permitting a continuance of current Patents issued, 1913-1922 (chart), in April, 1923, issue (No. figures. 20), page 17. Automobile employment and output, 1921 to 1924 (chart) in Pork products, imports in United Kingdom, 1909-1923, in March, 1924, issue (No. 31), page 16. March, 1924, issue (No. 31), page 13. Automobile production and building contracts (chart), 1920-1925 Revenues of Government agencies, 1912 and 1922, in March, 1924, issue (No. 31), page 18. in July, 1925, issue (No. 47), page 17. Butter and cheese, seasonal movement (chart) in October, 1923, Wages and supply, farm labor, 1913-1922, in March, 1923, issue (No. 26), page 6. issue (No. 19), page 45. DATA DISCONTINUED , i The fflllowrag may be 01 use as a reference to tiua latest quarterly or s&miaaausA numbes! in wihkfa dtscontisueei da$ak are giros, monthly figures fojr where available, usually being found in the May, issue (No. 9). Price, wool, Ohio J£ and % grades, Boston, fe issue (No, 24), p8g#6r. Price, wool, Ohio fine, Boston, and to produee?^ tit M&y, 19SS, issu0 |lfe. 21), page 5£ Stsefcs of wool held by €^vei3Q^ieat in Ma^v 1^2, issue (No. 9), page 41. ConsuiBfpti«i4 of wool, inc!mMsgcest!Mate$, in issue (No. 12), page 42. Ctetton &toek%. Md: "elsewfeese^ and* May, 1924, issue (N«. §&), psgeri-J. Fttf fell5 baits, production, etc^, im Ms?yrr 102^ issue 33), page 58. Ptftisfeed eo4toa- goodsf detailed1 fofflagsf €Jr<tos> ete November, 1924, issue (N&* Ctetlfcii print ctotfes, price, (No. 42), page 41. Metals: Merchant pig iron, production, orders, etc:, m Augttst, 1924, issue (No. 30), page* 73. . Cast-iron pipe, production, shipment, and' orders, m $&;y, 1924, issue (No. 3^3), j>age 110! "SM^meiits" of iron;ore~thrtrag!lr ^ault^^er. Marie caaratHn February, 1925, issn^-(N"o. 42), page 4^. Receipts and shipments of lead and 'zincrsEt St. to«ig; in r, 1924, issue (No. 3&)-t page ^3. shipments, nr Fefenrary, !925, issue (No. 42)-, page 52*. Washing-machine sales, details by gas; water power; etc., in November, 192$, issue (No; 39y, page 97. Paper: Printing pui*etiase» an^ sftles- a^d tion, in August, 1923, issue (N0; Eal^Si- pro^u-ctka^, in? BgbrtEasflr, , 1923^ issa& (Mo;, page 82. Baofing; feit, st^efea, reeeipta. of raw material, etc.v November, 1924, issue (Kkt Leather? Production and stocks:, ©£ faneyr les^feer, m Qseiofeer 1, ll^L^ i^uet Price of hemlock sole leather, in May, 1<.9£&,. is^ue Foodstuffs: Stocks* of imported rtce at warehousBa, nt May, (Nb1. 21J, pager I2f. Sugar production and stocks in April;. T924', issue (No; 32), page 60. Pork, wholesale price, loins, in August, 1923, fesw (Ho. 24), page 191. Candy sales, by manufacturers, in August', 1924, issue (No. SB), page 185. t World crop production, in September, 1924, issue (No. 37), ai FfaMade^hia. ki Auga^ 1924, U5;, eariier, data from 1920. aptjFearing, jb temberx 1922, issue (No., 13) ^ page 50. Milk consumption by products, in February, 1925*,. issue (No. 42),.pagel03T. Sweet cam, unsold1 stocks* fa Idwa^Nebras&a eanaerfe^r, in Fe^uary, J&25, feeue (Ncr. 42), 42), Costs, hotel and6 office1 buiMfngu, hr Novearberj Contracts for hospitals, public, social, and religious mgs> m~ August J9Q3", isstte (N». ^*), psges^ 95 tfc 97. Sanitao-y pottey orders, in Mwy, 1923^ issuer- (No. 21)^ page 103. Michigan hardwood and softwood lumber, in August, 1924,, issue (Ndv 3&^ pages 117 and M9t Southern construction coatcacts, m November, 1924", issue (No. 39),pa^e85; in February, 102% i financfa?: August, 1^23, festre5 (No. -2^, on Germaay^ ia August,. 192^, issus Credit conditions by «eettais,. in. November, 1923, issue (No. 2<ft> i^ge^ 184 to 186i Corporate s^curitfes, derfealls b^ classes, in^ Novemher^ fdS^; issue (No. 33)v page" 1ST. War Finance Corporation advancements andJ repayments, in. November^ 192^ issme CNo, 391), fags 189; Domestic and foreign m«oey coders, quarterly, in August, inioigal bond issues; Soathertt- States, in, N&vember* 1924, issue (No. 39), Antliraicite coal, stow,, retail price, in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), page 56; Msfeogra€cess€»iy sale%,eta^imMaisii, 1924,. i page 56. Employment, TMni Federal reserve district, m Cfc 1923, issue (Ife .2^v pa^ 57. Gkbe&* be*Me»i predu^tiea i« Pebruapy, 1924-, i« 30), page 9m Jcmes. Bi;oa.' Tea Co^ sales, in MayJS 1924^ iasu« (JSk* 33), page 183. Explbsives, details, by classes, fa November, f92M, issue (No. 3^f, page 1W. Foreign wholesale prices, in February, 1925, issue (NtK-'iSfaForeign employment, crop, met^J, an^i eoa£ prmisetl®ii in ^f f pages- 296^2^3. 2.7 RECEIPTS OF WOCKL AT BOSTONl [Thousands of pounds] 1913 MONTH 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1923 1923 1924 1925 TOTAL RECEIPTS The year March ..«..«.. 225,137 334, 876 429, 615 440, 193 506,585 503, 477 479, 017 274,064 343,073 433, 764 417, 101 312,015 15,172 15,771 17,349 10, 965 24, 090 32,074 28,.371 34, 258 17, 447 27, 357 50, 825 44, 833 48,421 60,.666 43,779 36, 803 59, 715 31, 310 39, 605 42, 783 44, 667 . 30,038 34,651 27,500 20,475 15, 946 23, 276 30, 726 16, 312 19,288 36,336 56,185 20,073 42,753 71,009 51, 075 26,886 25,246 39, 946 34,194 45, 793 46,875 64,537 53,585 30, 159 18,100 37, 985 16,919 38, 987 18, 285 32, 886 19, 215 12, 586 16,183 37,180 40, 776 33,042 42, -5-11 65, 165 33, 805 59, 946 31, 519 54, 374 42, 169 48,269 43,103 40, 537 44,588 36, 703 55, 364 57, 407 54, 241 50,602 37,779 70,473 47, 276 37, 695 46, 149 90, 796 66, 347 15,734 23,133 23,,65128,587 20,044 14, 225 27, 157 31, 294 40,972 36,656 71, 307 42,634 53, 383 44,403 33, 843 21, 125 19, 018 28, 125 37, 441 37,336 16,206 27, 824 45,922 22,535 11, 108 8,739 16, 770 13,829 10,308 8,611 8,813 19,871 19,941 24,051 37, 023 13,102 11,621 16,093 33, 213 34, 107 23, 052, 18, 344 53, 937 46, 472 36,408 42, 868 34, 744 52, 548 22, 895 24, 270 47, 893 20,211 8,068 13, 419 13, 143 17,028 13, 536 15,696 19, 183 21,304 20, 530 31,446 42, 643 13, 907 7,511 11, 676 20, 463 18,986 15,626 22, 860 29, 460 190, 907 145, 136 200, 240 13,825 13,407 10,899 9,655 6, 727 5, 990 9, 337 8, 109 11,823 5,458 12, 342 9,965 3,418 4,807 5,475 4, 075 16,717 10,586 ; 22,144 26,081 17,680 11,367 25, 918 35, 864 32, 660 8, 866 20,490 38, 378 $594 10,434 $637' ' 4, 335 9, 715 8; 202 7,855 15,511 14,865 11,050 12,299 16,629 - -- - July August — September October - . . . - December . DOMESTIC RECEIPTS The year February ... June . July August. ... fc ........... 161, 801 190,731 181, 701 205,195 210, 125 183, 297 213, 905 105,707 143, 720 6r519 6,068 5,464 5,582 11,215 9,.547 7,925 9,515 13,787 11,427 13, 301 5, 375 10,039 17, 757 14, 086 14,739 12,347 10,311 11, 677 7,967 7,153 7, 032 6, 039 7,831 5, 278 6,416 8,545 10, 929 6,715 5,. 559 5,545 4*494 3,465 4,035 6,143 5,695 15V9Q9 9, 158 29,619: '. 17,913 38,099 54>182. 25,788 31, 676 21,249 18,930 34,825 34, 736 15,108: 19, 156 37, 532 39,582 9,695 19,526 52, 946 38, 931 24,759 32,034 50,854 30, 804 3,928 13,077 15,950 21,, 912 7, 851 12,830 24,693 27,327 11,841 9, 138 10, 447 9, 539 9,751 8,996 10r136 9,952 18, 793. 17, 294 11, 131 9,228 13,756 8, 546 5, 224 6,618 14, 711 9,553 8,826 11, 194 12,00& 6,699 4,, 580 5,; 242 14,740 ; 10, 885 10, 965 15, 091 _ . __ _ * November December . ... ........... . 9; 125 14+272 35,948 36, 929 18,584 7, 965 5,560 9,802 6>665 5,, 237 6,.966 8,224 : ; 29,278 40,516 21,809 FOREIGN RECEIPTS The y0ar ..»...^ ,.,-.-.>. January February March April May June July .1— ... - _. .... . September October November ..._._... .... 63,336 144,145 247, 914 234r998 296,460 32<5rISO~ 265,112 168, 357 I99i 353' 242,857 271, 965" 117, 775 8,657 9,703 11, 885 5,403 12, 875 22, 527 20,446 24, 743 3,680 16, 130 37, 524 39, 458 38, 382 42, 909 29, 693 22, 064 47, 368 20, 999 27,928 34, 816 37, 514 23,006 28, 612 19, 669 15, 197 9,530 14, 731 19, 797 9,597 13, 727 30, 791 51, 691 16,608 38, 718 64, 866 45,380 13, 061 11, 839 29,047 24,539 39,066 40,885 55,200 45, 476 18,336 12, 642 25, 643 6,954 35, 569 13, 478 27, 411 15, 140 3,461 1,911 1,232 3, 847 17, 133 12, 892 10, 983 8,017 50, 788 13,606 16,275 10, 493 27,020 24, 173 5,712 9,852 21, 595 36,208 19, 875 14, 659 40,907 18, 253 17, 527 8,345 12, 936 14, 115 39, 942 35, 543 11, 806 10, 056 7,701 6,675 12,193 1,395 2,464 3,967 24,255 7,378 30,791 20,825 42, 797 22,259 7,762 3,445 7,651 2,207 1,577 4,676 7,340 7,334 7,544 3,951 3,143 3,179 6,968 7,224 5,071 1,645 589 8,030 10, 803 13, 604 27,484 3,351 2,625 5,957 23,261 15, 314 5,758 7,213 44, 709 32, 716 27, 862 37, 644 28, 126 37,837 13, 343 15, 444 36, 699 8,203 1,369 8,839 7,901 2,288 2,651 4,731 4,092 12, 710 11, 893 21, 731 34, 788 3,473 3,176 3,474 4,952 4, 121 4,576 10, 561 12, 831 i Originally compiled by the Boston Chamber of Commerce, and beginning February, 1925, by the Boston Grain and Flour Exchange, all classes of wool being combined without reduction to grease equivalent. Wool receipts at Boston usually comprise about two-thirds of all wool imported into the United States and about half of the domestic wool clip. 28 RAW SUGAR [Long tons] 1919 MONTH 1920 1921 1922 1925 1924 1925 MELTINGS i Monthly average January February March . April . _ .. . May June July August September October November December . . . _ ... 326 547 334 981 296, 130 429, 002 345, 730 378 937 194, 269 329,901 374, 648 391, 652 235, 746 328, 898 439, 244 432, 437 129, 324 261, 686 433, 185 347, 500 297, 813 438, 798 538, 562 535, 299 269, 685 391, 871 530, 653 435, 554 255, 319 432, 605 442, 775 426, 954 299, 040 413, 742 539, 058 542, 264 435, 104 417, 527 422, 732 354, 780 419, 204 456, 627 484,445 395, 449 332, 213 294, 356 308,000 407,044 550, 663 564, 043 499, 172 551, 858 497, 171 368, 265 295,820 288,729 440, 208 454, 313 507, 318 450,158 460, 822 478, 833 376, 274 276, 910 203, 881 140, 884 253,146 177, 627 223, 355 173, 592 252, 817 264, 410 285, 893 237, 135 328, 577 299,670 321, 777 221, 797 251, 370 389, 199 238, 499 191, 942 419, 818 344, 404 221, 836 151, 541 " STOCKS i Monthly average January February March April _ . May . June July August . .... September October November . 115 706 106, 017 158, 830 191, 101 175, 770 184, 473 97, 362 153, 602 129,468 191, 168 47, 761 106, 100 115, 752 116,830 103, 783 135, 723 128, 053 257, 509 85,602 163, 817 281, 879 293, 692 74, 764 126, 732 85,550 341, 645 58,682 110, 081 249, 064 283,541 83, 659 123, 302 184, 668 282, 892 216, 777 170, 264 124, 235 98, 476 95,028 99,320 168,885 167, 975 277, 607 244, 253 161, 226 150, 785 280, 222 274, 350 313, 735 240, 331 322, 457 291, 670 224,054 196, 867 342, 197 337, 110 313, 796 216, 277 325,906 376,868 58,365 76, 695 67,566 14, 497 96,736 74,956 81, 931 100, 935 135, 101 76,764 76, 431 68,730 165, 702 97,043 62,892 33,951 209, 375 116, 502 62,839 56,788 154, 835 66,522 32, 172 49, 393 i Meltings of raw sugar by refiners compiled by the Statistical Sugar Trade Journal represent operations at the eight ports of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Savannah, New Orleans, Galveston, and San Francisco, the Baltimore figures being added in 1921 upon completion of refinery in that city. The figures from the four North Atlantic ports are actual monthly totals, those for San Francisco, Savannah, and Galveston are prorated from weekly totals, while the New Orleans figures are prorated from partly estimated figures. Stocks represent the amount of raw sugar in the hands of refiners and of certain importers (the bulk of stocks being in refiners' hands) at the end of each month for the four North Atlantic ports and on the Saturday nearest to the end of each month for the other ports, the total being considered as of the last day of the month. Details of meltings and stocks by ports are given in the Statistical Sugar Trade Journal, also classification as between importers' and refiners' stocks. 29 Table 1.—INDEXES OF PRODUCTION [Index numbers for base year in boldfaced type] FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD INDEXES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE INDEXES Raw materials1 Manufacturing (64 com modi ties)1 YEAB AND MONTH Unadjusted Adjusted Total Agricul- Mining 3 Crop Animal ture 3 (H (7 commarket- products Forestry comIngs (26 (9 com- (13 com- modi- modiMinerals ties) (9 commodities) commodities) modi- modities) ties) ties) Relative to 19091913 av. Eelative to 1919 Manufacturing 3 (34 commodities) 22 basic commodities < (corrected for seasonal element) Relative to 1919 100 98 79 101 119 113 100 98 79 101 119 113 100 114 126 98 109 147 138 100 111 91 95 131 122 100 94 112 113 102 118 100 100 95 98 106 117 117 102 86 110 121 119 1OO 91 105 110 108 117 100 98 103 107 113 118 117 92 95 132 122 100 102 80 104 124 115 100 105 80 98 120 108 ... . 116 109 129 125 111 118 124 130 116 88 98 91 133 118 135 130 124 110 125 121 115 73 75 61 113 95 114 111 107 96 120 120 114 81 90 78 134 117 135 128 121 116 134 131 121 120 125 124 . - 135 126 114 121 130 126 119 116 96' 94 96 120 154 160 164 171 135 138 140 146 55 54 64 113 127 119 128 110 135 133 122 135 86 86 91 111 137 136 137 143 138 129 119 127 127 122 121 120 September October November December 113 123 113 105 118 118 113 109 130 155 140 129 153 167 149 135 130 145 131 125 144 184 158 133 108 122 123 129 124 132 120 106 128 158 144 130 126 143 130 123 118 129 119 109 114 118 116 110 1934 January February -. March .... ' April. . _ ..... 118 117 124 118 113 122 124 118 109 101 94 .. 87 140 134 132 117 130 124 122 107 93 87 71 54 119 105 107 118 111 114 117 129 106 96 81 - 77 138 130 128 110 123 124 128 123 121 121 117 114 May June July ... August 112 100 101 109 108 104 101 109 94 89 97 121 139 138 142 142 120 ' 117 121 122 60 66 73 129 124 117 117 108 132 120 111 124 87 87 100 121 114 110 113 116 113 98 97 105 104 94 95 94 114 121 110 112 114 116 114 112 162 179 156 143 147 156 134 135 128 135 120 124 193 246 195 168 110 112 125 139 119 123 114 108 152 189 160 143 124 134 122 130 113 124 113 117 103 109 10S 117 122 115 128 129 117 124 128 129 120 95 96 86 145 124 129 129 133 113 118 116 119 81 75 49 114 102 111 115 116 111 124 129 119 88 86 73 141 119 123 118 127 120 134 132 127 124 120 119 127 125 127 125 91 89 152 152 131 131 55 54 115 110 132 120 80 81 125 125 129 126 111 110 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average _ 1933 January February March April... .... ........ May June July August. .. ..... . . . - -- September October November December.. 1925 January February March April May June July . .* "4 October November 1 Weighted average of 64 commodities (glass bottles having been dropped from the original 65 commodities), representing about 36 per cent of the entire manufacturing Industry, based on value added by manufacture, as compiled by the U. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census: For details see January, 1923, issue (No. 17) and January, 1924, issue (No. 29) of SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS. The adjusted index eliminates changes due to the varying number of working days in each month, thus enabling comparison of productive activity to be made on a basis of 26 working days for each month. Details of the method employed appeared in January, 1925, issue (No.2 41), p. 28. . . . Weighted averages, compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, representing 87 per cent of minerals, 94 per cent of crops, 99 per cent of marketed livestock and its products, and 80 per cent of forest products: For details, see the following issues of SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS: Minerals, May, 1922 (No. 9) and September, 1922 (No. 13); crops, July, 1922 (No. 11); animal products, June, 1922 (No. 10); forestry, August, 1922 (No. 12); total, September, 1922 (No. 13). The indexes relative to 1919 are weighted in accordance with production in that census year, while the mineral index relative to the five year pre-war average is weighted by the average value of mineral production in the years 1909 to 1913. 8 Weighted averages compiled by the Federal Reserve Board: For details see issues of the Federal Reserve Bulletin for March, 1922, and March, 1924. < Weighted averages compiled by the Federal Reserve Board and corrected for seasonal variations: For details, see December, 1922, issue of the Federal Reserve Bulletin. Table 2.—INDEXES OF COMMODITY STOCKS ANI> INFILLED ORDERS [Index mimbe» for base ytmt IB bobWaced type} STOCKS t (held at end of meivth) Adjusted for seasonal element Unadjusted indexes YlLIB AND MOSUH JTofcrf' Raw mate* Manu- Manufacfacrial tured tured for commanu- food* i raodlstuff* i factie* ture Raw foeds tuffs UNFILLED ORDERS* Raw foodstuffs Total' Raw mate- Manu- Manufacrial facturer! ffcr tured commanu- foodmodistuffs facties ture Relative to 1919 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 montMy average... monthly average... monthly average... monthly average. __ ; monthly average... ! j monthly average 1923 January .... February March Apr! May... June July. August . , 10® 10O 100 96 132 126 1!19 135 89 161 192 144 156 106 147 110 156 1*30 132 123 175 201 215 196 mi 100 94 78 72 81 i 85 £00 1 73 75 i ; 77 i 77 i 121 122 118 114 121 116 117 117 73 86 94 94 116 121 129 131 111 115 114 125 88 80 77 76 ; 135 141 152 159 118 118 122 125 . 76 157 161 164 165 168 j ! ' 120 : 123 107 98 89 83 82 78 83 ! 104 103 102 1=04 130 110 93 96 September ... October. November December .. H3 127 132 135 108 120 133 147 114 I 1-68 181 ; 149 1924 January . _. February March ... April 132 141 146 138 151 186 212 178 ISO 116 103 97 May June July August 129 127 122 121 154 137 119 119 127 H2 H5 155 122 148 154 191 162 1«4 BO 145 219 234 239 199 B6 1:36 181 171 September October. November December . _ , _. .. 1935 January February. . March April May . June July. ' ; 77 75 73 Iron and steel Building materials Kelative to 1920 98 135 117 130 mi 165 157 161 169 roo 10© 47 62 74 52 100 48f 64 57 39- 41 95 129' 106 111 102 101 96 70 71 76 76 124 121 117 113 85. 93 1OL 95= 69 75 78 76 149 J 1691 193? 173i 93 95 94 111 79 88 87 85 117 121 128 136 877768, 60 71 65 59 63 154 125 104 90 119 113 122 141 118 130 123 119 83 80 82 81 140 141 147 146 58, 54 5358- 49 44 4£? 45 95 91 »4; 109 136 137 136 136 164 173 169 164 125 117 110 109 74 75 79 86 161 161 161 163 6363. 61 54 47 47 46 40 130, 129 124 112; 141 134 130 134 178 157 151 160 105 98 95 100 86 87 89 87 169 169 161 164 47 43 44 46 35 32 31 32 98 87' 96: 107 148 154 153 184 118 129 135 136 90 86 84 88 165 160 155 152 46 43 53. 62 34 34 42 49 97 81 99 114 ! ! ! ! 143 146 134 133 ' 90 84 82 ? 83 j 74 : 87 100 102 169 164 159 1 too ; 93 ; 157 K7 83 82 i 158 162 135 137 135 143 85 83 74 69 169 175 173 173 155 152 149 141 192 187 192 176 149 139 130 120 87 86 80 75 175 174 171 171 62. 63 58 54 50 59 46 42 115 115 105 104 64 82 171 168 144 144 201 187 100 98 73 81 171 168 53 51 39. 37 107 106 M6 168 i 181 j 174 I ; Total 1'57 1 137 : 120 105 94 91 """"—-* September October November .. . December.... .-_„„..._. 1 Weighted inder of stocks of comnroxiities in bands of manufacturers or in otler visible hand* at the end of eacli montia^ compiled by tfce W. S; Department of Com* merce> BwrtaM of tlie Census, from data on 45 commodities; Detaffe are gtvan in t&e February* 1924, issue (No. 30) o£ tb» SISSVET o* CUSREwf BUSINESS, wfaila?seasmai eliminations are given in the April, 1924, issue (Ncn 32^. 3 Weigntedf iwfox of unnlled orders of manufaeliurers in the iroa and steel and buttdiitg industries a^ the ead of eac& n^ffifeh eom^ted by W.. Si DtpwrtmmtoJ Commerce, Census: Eor details see May, 1923, issue (No. 21). Table 3t—PJIUXES OF WHOLESALE PIECES [Base year in boldfaced COMPILED BY U. S. DEPARTMENT Of LABOR. (Revised) 1 Farm product* Food, etc. Metals an<i metal products Cloths Fuel and and cloth- (lighting ing YEAR AND MONTHI AU Bund- Chcmfc- Hoiiseing fiitrnisfa- Miscel- comlaneous modimate- cateand drugs ties rials goods BRADDUN'S2 STREET'S 2 (1st of (1st of month) month) « 25 404 300 31 65 96 32 43 56 95 2® 37 commodi- commodir commodi- commodi- commode commodi- commodi- commodi- commodi- commodi- commodi- commodities ties ties ties ties ties ties ties ties ties tie* ties Index numbers relative to 1913 1913 mrmthly average 1914 monthly average -1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average-1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average 1919 monthly average __ 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average • 1922 monthly average- 1923 month! y average 1924 monthly average 19® 100 190 1W I0# I® 190 21$ 102 105 121 1€7 188 98 98 127 175 228 231 207 220 144 1=38 144 144 253 295 ISO 181 200 191 141 143 144 196 199 201 205 . m 12* I33i 1*1 1431 1933 January i February March April... . 143 142 143 141 . m i : 100 93 1 88 i 126 f 169 I 170 181 241 199 218 185 170 \ : ] ; 218 I 212 206 200 1 i i i 100 100 10O 100 1OO 100 100 85 99 162 231 187 92 94 120 157 172 101 134i 181 202 106 109 106 125 153 95 95 121 148 156 9* 101127 177 194 101 105 162 192 129 122 144 135 201 264 165 168 189 175 175 196 128 117 123 117 206 22® 147 14$ 154 15ft 191 207 141 142 157= 157 203 204 136 124* 131 130 184 254 195 176 183 173 133 139 149 131 132. 135 138 184 184 186 187 124 126 126 156 15f 159 150 153 154 15& 160 14ft 149 151 151 215; 169 200J 178 : 1 : 152 148 145 145 202 194 190 186 134131 128 127 187 187 187 183 125 123 121 120 156 15? 151 150 159 158 156 154 148 145 142 139 176 172 167 162 ; 144 i 1 ! 142 141 142 182 182 181 178 128 123 130 130: 183 183 176 176 121 120 118 116 154 153 152 151 155 158 158 158. 140 142 143 146 ! 142 143 144 139 181 182 182 182 132 131 130 128i 176 176 175 175 117 113 113 113 151 152 150 148; 157 153. 158 15,4 144 143 140 137 177 175 173 170 134 132 130 130 180 173 169 169 127: 127 127 130 173 172 171 171 112 111 112 115 147 145 147 150 153 152 153 155 136 133 133 137 168 162 163 165 128 127 129 133 171 171 172 175 131. 132 134: 135 171 171 172 172 116 120 123 129 149 152 153 157 156 158 160 164. 139 141 145 147 167 169 167 161 151 151 150 149 160 161 162 145 148 150 : 127 201 198 193 193 September October November December 144 144 146^ 14$ 147 148 148 147 202 199 201 203 144 14# 137 138? 143 143 141 137 200 136 145: 137 136 139 144 187 187 188 100 143 149 150 1ST 148 152 154 T58 187 188 190 191 163 162 161 153: 160 157 159 154 191 1,91 191 190 168 178 174 169 136 136 134 129 179 183 180 174 135 135: 134134 173 173 170. 171 127 125 125 129 160 152 155 153 155 188 188 168 173 127 126 174 171 133 133; 171 170 131 138 155 157 . ; 132 14S 140 154 144 142 141 142 .... m ; 139 13$ 135 139 : 199 i9a ior 128 170 268 188 192 198 204 May . June.. July. August . : i2a 100 97 190 186 183 1984 January February • March1.. • April _^__ May June July . Augustr _ 134 1*1! . September October November December _ ._ 19£5 January... _ February ; March'.. April May June July August. . . . September _ October. November-. December............. . 169 180 181 179 m 191 189 ; . . ; _ . are arr monthly data for period 1913 to 1922, see the Monthly Labor Review for July, 1922, p. 60. 2 Dun's and Bradstreet's index numbers are calculated - - - - culated to a 1913 base from the actual figures as published by the amount " annually consumed by each inhabit 161: 161 156 32 Table 4.—INDEXES OF WHOLESALE AND FARM PRICES [Base year in boldfaced type] WHOLESALE PRICES' YEAR AND MONTH AgriculAnimal Forest Mineral tural prod- prod- prodprod-* ucts ucts ucts ucts 21 quotations 21 quotations 11 quotations 35 quotations Total raw products 88 quotations FARM PRICES' All ProConcomducers' sumers' 3 modigoods i goods ties 117 quotations 199 quotations 404 quotations Index numbers relative to 1913 100 103 98 119 174 203 100 92 90 102 135 157 100 92 97 138 191 181 100 99 101 126 187 205 100 100 92 97 143 184 181 1919 monthly average.. 1920 monthly average.. 1921 monthly average.. 1922 monthly average.. 1923 monthly average.. 1924 monthly average.. 250 255 134 145 168 174 221 186 110 125 122 120 211 312 166 185 211 186 180 236 185 208 186 170 218 229 142 159 159 154 1923 May .. .. June July . August ......... 167 165 154 152 122 119 120 125 226 215 209 203 189 184 179 177 December 163 172 179 181 131 122 115 115 196 197 196 191 1924 January February March . April 182 176 165 166 116 116 118 119 July August 168 165 176 175 September .... October November December ... May June July ^ 6 quotations 4 quotations 31 quotations 9 quotations 5 quotations 2 quotations 5 quotations 101 102 119 163 191 92 103 120 126 217 226 100 92 100 83 123 202 162 100 100 98 101 127 177 194 108 112 104 120 173 202 100 100 101 99 106 133 160 100 97 85 78 119 187 245 100 94 95 95 100 130 157 100 100 102 100 117 176 200 179 214 135 128 141 133 211 231 159 151 156 156 206 226 147 149 154 150 231 231 112 105 114 129 189 249 148 152 136 124 206 173 108 113 106 109 182 197 151 135 147 136 247 248 101 156 216 211 162 152 90 94 109 100 209 205 116 124 135 134 161 158 153 153 148 144 141 137 156 155 154 154 156 153 151 150 123 119 112 109 157 161 165 151 108 103 105 104 136 135 133 138 211 207 199 190 102 107 99 101 135 133 130 128 176 171 165 165 158 155 154 153 139 139 138 136 158 159 169 158 154 153 152 151 111 113 110 108 131 123 114 114 112 100 98 144 156 166 166 204 221 238 253 100 94 96 98 132 134 136 137 194 195 194 195 170 177 179 174 155 156 154 154 136 139 137 135 156 154 153 151 151 152 150 148 110 113 114 113 118 123 128 128 101 102 104 106 155 152 136 126 255 247 219 226 99 98 99 98 137 136 131 130 115 109 114 123 195 182 175 175 171 168 167 166 162 147 152 154 135 130 130 131 150 151 153 156 147 145 147 150 114 116 130 141 132 146 142 138 107 105 103 116 123 123 122 123 222 219 215 219 94 95 101 103 129 130 132 139 164 172 176 186 123 130 124 • 129 180 181 182 187 166 165 166 169 152 156 155 161 130 129 131 132 158 161 163 167 149 152 153 157 140 150 147 155 113 109 108 110 115 121 115 113 133 142 150 158 175 182 179 176 100 102 106 102 132 138 137 139 196 193 183 173 133 136 148 141 193 201 196 187 172 175 173 168 167 169 169 161 134 136 135 131 169 167 168 166 160 161 161 156 172 178 172 152 122 131 138 146 123 126 145 146 154 142 134 131 182 183 195 189 94 96 94 94 146 146 151 147 176 175 134 141 189 181 167 167 160 162 131 135 164 165 155 157 159 164 152 162 184 178 139 139 148 132 132 134 184 183 186 87 74 76 146 147 148 1925 February March . ... April ......... All groups 100 100 102 112 130 211 243 May Dairy and Cotton Unpouland try cotton- classified prodseed ucts Index numbers relative to 1909-1914 average (fiscal years) 1909-14 monthly av 1913 monthly average.. 1914 monthly average. _ 1915 monthly average.. 1916 monthly average.. 1917 monthly average.. 1918 monthly average.. September....... . October . . Fruits Meat and Grain vegetaanimals bles ; 106 " i First eight columns give the revised wholesale price index numbers of the U. 8. Department of Labor Statistics, as reclassified by the Federal Reserve Board into the groupings as shown The weights are the same as those used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the total of all commodities is therefore the same as the revised Department ° °e^ OF ^ CuwSSJButiNBSJ^eSgSSed "Farm Crops," and « Livestock," respectively. The weights used are>the average.annual marketings by farmers for the period 1919-23. For the detailed explanation of this index see August monthly supplement to" Crops and Markets'' published by the Department of Agriculture. a The term "consumers' goods" in general applies to those commodities which because of their finished condition are ready for consumption; the term "producers' goods'? applies to those products which are essentially still in the raw state or semifinished condition requiring additional manufacture. 33 Table 5.—COST OF LIVING AND RETAIL PRICE INDEXES [Base year in boldfaced type] YEAR AND MONTH 1913, mo 1914, mo. 1915, mo. 1916, mo. av av. fi . av.«_ av.«_ 1917, mo. 1918, mo. 1919, mo. 1920, mo. ALL CLOTH- FUEL SUNAND DRIES FOOD SHELITEMS TER ING LIGHT FURNITURE RETAIL RETAIL FUEL AND MIS CLOTHHOUS- AND HOUSE FOOD COAL FOOD CELLA- TOTAL PRICES ING ING PRICES LIGHT FURNEOUS (J) (2) NISHINGS Index numbers compiled by National Industrial Conference Board relative to July, 1914 3 Index numbers compiled by U. S. Dept. of Labor relative to 1913 * 100.0 111 100 100 100 102 100 103 120 100 102 104 100 100 104 100 101 109. 105.0 105.0 126.0 100.0 101.0 104.7 120.0 100.0 100.0 101.5 102.3 100.0 101.0 101.0 108.4 100.0 104.0 110.6 127.8 100.0 103. 0 107.4 113.3 100.0 103.0 105.1 118.2 100 102 101 114 100 100 100 104 av.8_ av. 6 _ av.6. av.6. 146 173 186 205 105 118 129 154 143 185 205 261 126 138 144 168 117 152 164 185 131 159 172 198 157.0 187.0 195.5 198.5 149.1 205.3 241.6 223.0 100.1 109.2 119.8 143.0 124.1 147.9 151.2 183.4 150.6 213.6 244.3 289.6 140.5 165.8 181.7 204.8 142.4 174.4 188.3 208.5 146 168 186 203 118 127 151 171 1921, mo. av.«_ 1922, mo. av.'. 1923, mo. av.'. 1924, mo. av.7. 156 142 146 146 169 166 173 184 166 155 170 175 183 179 180 169 184 173 173 174 167 157 161 164 149.3 141.5 146.5 146.1 199.7 172.7 175.5 173.5 160. 0 161.2 164.2 167.8 181.1 180.1 183. 0 179.9 230.1 205.1 221.1 217.1 207.8 201.6 200.8 201.3 177.3 167.3 170.9 170.7 153 142 146 146 192 191 194 194 1933 September October November December 149 150 151 150 175 175 180 180 175 176 174 175 176 178 176 176 173 173 174 174 163 164 165 165 149.3 176.5 164.4 181.3 222.4 201.1 172.1 150.3 176.3 166.5 184.0 222.4 201.7 173.2 149 150 151 150 192 199 200 200 1924 January February March April 149 147 144 141 180 180 185 185 176 177 176 177 175 175 172 168 174 174 174 174 165 164 163 162 149 147 144 141 199 199 198 190 May June July August 141 142 143 144 185 185 186 186 176 174 171 176 165 165 166 166 174 174 173 173 161 162 362 163 141 142 143 144 189 190 191 191 September October November December 147 149 150 152 185 185 184 184 174 177 173 173 166 167 168 169 173 173 175 175 164 165 165 166 147 149 150 152 193 194 194 194 1935 January February March April 154 151 151 151 184 183 182 182 174 172 173 171 169 169 169 165 175 175 175 175 167 165 165 165 154 151 151 151 194 194 194 187 152 155 182 182 172 174 163 164 175 175 165 167 152 155 187 188 May June July 100 143.7 175.9 167.0 182.2 221.3 201.1 170.4 142.4 174.2 168. 0 177.7 216.0 201.1 169.1 146.8 172.5 167.8 179.1 214.9 201.1 170.6 151.5 171.3 168.2 180.5 216.0 201.7 172.5 155.0 170.6 167. 4 176. 7 102.7 114.3 173.5 October " • 1 The retail food price index compiled by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, represents the changes in the price of 22 articles of food as reported by retail dealers in 51 of the largest cities as of the 15th of the month. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in July, 1922, issue (No. 11), p. 41. 2 The retail coal price index compiled by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, is based on Pennsylvania anthracite, white ash, chestnut^ as of the 15th of each month in 37 cities. The annual figures from 1913 through 1920 are based on two quotations a year, on January 15 and July 15; thereafter monthly averages are used. 3 Index numbers up to March, 1922, represent retail prices on the first day of the month, except food, which is the retail food index of the U. S._ Departmem[of for 3 months and thereafter monthly. . v*. v ••« * - , , . « - * ,. * Index numbers represent averages for the month in 32 cities; food prices reported by 15 to 25 dealers m each city, fuel and light by 10 to 15 firms, including fronU914 to 1918 are based on December prices each year, in 1919 and 1920 on two months, June and December, and in 1923 on May, September, and December. Thereafter, the averages are Quarterly, until 1925, when made semiannual. . . , , ^ -, , , , . -, "Figures for National Industrial Conference Board index are for July; those of Department of Labor cost-of-living index are for December; those for coal index are average of January and July. . . . . , 6 See other footnotes for number of months on which averages of individual series are based. 7 Quarterly average for Department of Labor index. 54240°—25t 3 34 TaMe 0.—WOOL RECEIPTS AT BOSTON i STOCKS* (in grease equivalent) ; YEAR AND MONTH Total Domestie Forieign CONIMPORTS SUMPTH)N (un(in manugrease facequivatured) 2 lent) 3 MACHINERY ACTIVIT¥ 5 Total NarWide ' lSOW Thousands of pounds 1918 monthly average. _ . 13, 483 15, 89* 15, 142 17, 100; 17,510 15, 275 5,278 12, 012 20, 660 19, 583 24, 705 26,682 12, 651 21, 680 34, 393 37,432 35, 083 37,811 1 919 monthly average _ _ _ 1920 monthly average. _ _ 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average. _ _ 1923 monthly average. _. 1924 monthly average 39; 918 22, 890 28,' 590 36,147 34, 758 26- 001 17; 825 8,80911, 977 15, 909 12,094 16, 687 22, 093 14, 030 16, 613 20, 238 22, 664 9, 3-15 37, 158 21, 635 26, 717 31, 329 32,854 22, 328 44,125 54, 510 53, 467 44, 813 1923 September October ISFovember December 1% 907 7; 511 11, 67£ 20; 463' 10,434 4,335 8,20215, 511 3,4-73 3,176 3,474 4, 952 7,883 9,566 9,815 11,797 46, 616 51, 815 50, 279 45,452 1924 January February Search April 30,159 18; 100" 37,985 16i 919 11, 823 5,458 12,342 9,965 18, 336 12,642 25, 643 6,954 30, 786 39,487 4i; 058 29, 457 53, 845 50,633 47,630 44, 36-1 IVIay June Julv August 11, 367 19; 018 28; 125 25,918 37, 443. ! 35,864 ; 32, 660 37; 336 7,651 2,207 1, 577 4, 676 18, 916 16,397 6,061 8, 631 36, 507 30,972 33,778 40,064 September* October November December 1$ 986 15, 626 22J; 860 29; m 14; 86511, 050 12, 299" 16,629- 4, 121 4,576 10,561 12, 881 12,129 16,638 1:6,501 31,873 45,638 54, 854 48, 380 51,098 38; 987 18, 285 32, 886 19,- 215 3, 418 4,807 5,475 4,075 35,569 13,478 27, 411 15, 140 47,504 37, 725 35, 7$1 28,911 51, 435 46, 415 45,853 43, 287 16; 206 26, 824 45>922 8, 866 20,,490 38, 378 7,340 6, 334 7,544 22, 387 20,468 38, 246 38,176 monthly average. _ _ m onthly average1. _ _ monthly average. _ _ monthly average" - _. Carpet and rug Sets of Combs cards Woolen Worsted Per cent of active hours to total reported ; 18»761 27, 906 35; 801 36, 683 42; 215 41, 95"6 1913 1914 1915 1916 Spinning spindles Looms Held by n>r-!iu- Held by facdealers turers • 223,883 214, 527 410, 381 213, 129 207, 111 158,029 203, 270 39-1,248 211,515 179,733 359,612 199,455 160,157 79 77 84 90 94 90 77 78 79 90 90 86 77 74 85 90 98: 89 74 77 74 72 70 64 65 76 62 57 67 51 77 82 66 84 70 72 89 99 88 84 75 89 91 98 80 84 67 72 86 92 85 79 74 82 79 92 66 67 74 74 66 81 84 85 71 94 93 93 87 •86 86 85 83 89 88 8981 83 87 8374 73 71 71 66 67 67 66 53 75 76 73 64 87 ! 95 99 91 : 90 94 91 78 86 90 92 88 73 777 74 67 68 62 58 58 62 57 50 54 54 49 52 57 89 85 77 73 61 53 53 68 83 79 72 72 57 48 44 51 6® 74 77 78 59 65 72 70 65 72 78 76 87 92 92 92 86 98 96 92 86 91 90 92 67 79 76 78 76 75 71 68 72 69 68 68 78 81 86 76 92 93 94 89 89 88 77 67 88" 90 92 87 76 74 66 60 66 65 59 59 73 70 86 82 58 64 85 83 54 ; : 77 77 71 201,154 : 371,158 68 67 71 80 73 57 78 250,865 : 415, 681 73 77 73 91 89 83 71 64 69 68 83 69 c 529, 174 6 183, 917 6345,258 7 533, 473 7 247, 412 7' 286, 061 8506,623 8291,318 * 215, 305 247, 431 233, 437 480, 867 207, 803 175, 297 383,100 474,748 75 74 74 86 87 84 i ' 1 \ v m 85' 80 1925 January February March April IVTay June .... w _ July August „September October November" December ,-. „- w -w ^.- 305, 958 179, 244 126,714 382,596 179, 203 203,394 sa _,* - ,- _ 1 Receipts of wool at Boston compiled by the Boston Chamber of Commerce through January,-1925', and' since that" date" by the Boston Gram cenft Flour Exchange. They comprise usually abotit two-thirds of all wool imported and about half of the domestic wool clip. All classes of wool are combined in these figures, without reduetionHogrease equivalent. 2 Imports are from the IT. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, and total wool of all classes, without reduction to grease equivalent. 3 Consumption of wool by textile mills from If. S-. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agmultwal Ecowmics, \mtil April, 1922, when-thecompilation was transferred" to the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the: Census. Thesfr data* reported- by almost 600 manufacturers represent nearly 80 per cent of the industry, the figures from the American Woolen. Company/ and from 10 to 20 other concerns- not being included. The figures are reduced-to grease equivalent by multiplying scoured wool by 2 and pulled wool by 1H- Further details as to classes- of wool and districts- are given in press releases. 4 Stocks of wool; held by about 600 manufacturers and about 400 dealers from:-the tT." S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economies', until April, 1922, and thereafter by that bureau jointly with U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of "the Census. Figureshav# not been received" from practically the same manufacturers as fail to report on wool consumption; while:-about 15 dealer^do not-repert. Stocks in dealers 'hands include U. S. Government stocks taken over during'tne war" and finally disposed of shortly after the end of 1921. Stocks include wool, tops, and noil& and are reduced to;grease equivalent in the same-manneras in" the' coHsuinptSoii report'; further details as to classes of wool, etc., are: given in press releases, 5 Percentage of active wool machinery compiled'by the TJ". S. Department ofCommerce,- Bureauof the- Census, beginning wltn June, 11)59; From October, 1918, throngfr May, 1919, these data had been collected by the 17. S. Department of Agriculture, while previous thereto they were compiled by the National Assbtiation of Wo&l Miinufae* towers. The: 1*913 figure1 is based on only one month' (November figures-as of December 1), while thereafter the averages are of quarterly/ d'ata, until 19lTwherr monthly figures were started in the middle: of the:year. The 1917 averages are therefore based on:9 months' figures. Up to 1921, tne data.represent: the* percentage: of active machines to total and; beginning' with 1921, the percentage of active, hours to total hcurs of plant operation. Figures on the old basis of active machines- are-still published in th« pi«ess; releases but are not much different from the more accurate active hour figures.. Previous- to- October, 1922, these figures were originally given1ss of the first of thefollowing month\ representing the previous month's»operations,, biit these have new bees-.changed^ ta show the activity for the month to which;properly credited; where activity of over 100 per cent is shown, overtime was reported sufficient to offset alTidle hours and leave an excess. Details as to number of spindles, etc*., are given hi press ses. o7 Average of the last two quarters of 1920. Average of the first three quarters of 1921. 8 Average of the last three quarters of 1922. 35 Table 7.—CLOTHING MEN'S AND BOYS' GARMENTS CUT 1 YEAR AND MONTH Suits Separate trousers Overcoats WORK CLOTHING" Cut Shipments Stock Re- (end of turned month) HOSIERY* Production (all Shipments KNIT UNDERWEAR * UnNew filled Stocks orders orders classes) Dozen garments Thousands of garments Production Thousands of dozen pairs Ship- Rements turned UnNew Stocks orders filled Thousands of dozens 1,263 1,510 402 205, 221 193,311 3, 256 350, 479 3,352 3,331 6,259 3,410 5,755 January..February __ March April 1,553 ,566 ,589 1,232 1,747 1,923 1,861 1,594 212 196 237 250 251, 953 230, 703 225, 097 208, 177 240,596 208,834 184, 887 188, 116 2,276 2,180 3,185 3,522 351, 879 362, 691 372, 566 384, 481 3,801 3,747 3,742 3,496 3,308 3,539 3,619 3,388 6,432 6,534 6,548 6,616 3,100 3,061 3,168 3,628 7,277 6,711 6,037 6,276 M-'ay July August ,143 ,166 1,170 1,252 1,415 1,276 1,232 1,506 368 466 512 626 187, 821 153, 178 148, 820 173, 388 187, 169 170,500 165, 517 188,717 3,499 3,080 1,687 2,514 432, 542 367, 015 355, 119 306,551 3,400 3,091 2,660 2,912 3,200 3,010 2, 773 3,095 6,494 6,557 6,396 6,265 2,730 2,589 2,644 3,203 5,290 4,673 4,524 4,548 September. October. __ November. December. 1,050 896 1,047 1,468 1,439 1,534 1,307 1,285 657 700 360 237 212, 921 247, 194 226,279 197, 725 212, 433 228, 008 179,125 165,850 3,288 2, 645 2,092 9,103 311, 119 319, 594 313, 805 328, 382 3,107 3, 597 3,274 3,402 3, 533 3,771 3,304 3,434 5,889 5,849 5, 781 5,752 4,006 4,452 4,433 3, 907 4,980 5, 579 6,492 6,673 840 1,017 902 1,035 1,106 1,103 979 988 48 21 21 27 1,149 959 928 954 1,199 1,473 556 1,669 1,416 1,811 2,233 2,883 January... February.. March Aptfil 1,578 1, 626 1, 843 1,276 1,604 1,562 1,574 1,689 207 245 233 197 237, 808 252,861 290, 448 266, 256 215, 801 221, 233 253, 194 232,876 1,706 8,202 1,829 5,358 330, 893 325,958 344, 714 345, 478 3,661 3,703 4, €39 4,030 3,373 3,467 3,937 3,836 5,738 5,964 5,945 4, 874 4,400 3,852 4, 096 4,345 7,372 7,705 7,730 7,937 1,079 1,201 1,325 1,329 1,131 1, 217 1,271 1,213 23 19 26 29 981 1,030 1,103 1,208 1,832 1,264 1,210 1,033 3,585 3,614 3,472 3,333 May 1,200 1,614 1,472 1,843 290 403 237, 023 277, 021 204, 536 223 008 1,987 2,384 324, 729 346, 039 3,921 3,865 3,623 4,050 6,235 6,039 3,961 4, 179 8,034 8,302 1,223 1,185 1,119 1,148 29 55 1,252 1,279 1,112 939 3,239 2,935 1924mo.ave_ 1934 June 193o June July August September. October. __ November December, 1 2 Compiled by the If. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of ike Census, from reports of 467 establishments of which 4 did not begin reporting until February, 1924. Compiled from reports to the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, from 158 identical establishments of which 2 are now out of business; further details by materials used and sizes are given in press summaries. For January, 1924, 4 firms did not report. 3 Compiled by the If. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, as reported by 261 identical establishments. * Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, compiled from reports of from 162 to 176 establishments while stoc'ks are from 70 to 83 establishments only. Further details as to classes given in press releases. Data for the period, July, 1920, through May, 1924, representing about 30 per cent of production in 1921 and compiled by the Associated Knit Underwear Manufactures of America appeared in November, 1924, issue, (No. 39), p. 42. 36 Table 8.—COTTON STOCKS, END OF MONTH YEAR AND MONTH Production (crop estimate) 2 Ginnings 3 (total crop Receipts to end of into sight month indicated) Imports Exports (including linters) Consumption WORLD VISIBLE SUPPLY * Domestic Total MUis Warehouses Total cotton American cotton Bales' 1909-13 mo. a v _ _ . 1913 mo av 1914 mo. av 1915 mo av 1916 mo. av 1917 mo av 1918 mo av 13,033,235 14, 156, 486 16,134,930 11,191,820 11, 499, 930 11,302,375 12,040,532 13, 982, 811 15, 905, 840 11,058,173 11,363,915 11, 248, 242 11,906,480 1,203,092 1,035,730 1, 256, 604 1, 186, 402 959, 945 930, 820 e 17, 625 620,309 20,558 33, 798 32,034 23, 103 18, 781 6 728, 202 6727,0i8 6 763,775 698, 583 585, 810 401, 570 342, 696 465, 289 454,064 500, 749 551, 701 567,984 514, 712 3, 085, 132 3, 414, 852 4,898,345 4, 777, 800 4, 137, 287 4, 687, 250 1, 359, 417 1,209,177 1,552,989 1,863,668 1, 658, 513 1, 594, 578 1, 725, 715 2, 205, 675 3, 345, 356 2,914,132 2,478,774 3,092,672 4, 386, 925 4, 514, 255 5,901,273 4, 639, 578 3,918,089 4,009,395 3,094,382 3,256,082 4,448,002 3,470,325 2, 756, 811 2, 826, 666 1919 mo. 1920 mo. 1921 mo 1922 mo 1923 mo 1924 mo 11, 420, 763 13,439,603 7, 953, 641 9,762,069 10,139,671 13,153,000 11, 325, 532 13, 270, 970 7,977,778 9, 729, 303 10,170,694 13, 630, 608 1,050,988 940, 762 1,036,637 984,931 934, 750 1,105,315 29,226 49,999 23, 137 31, 008 31, 228 26, 752 546, 432 513, 261 540, 435 509, 484 439, 930 566, 241 493, 293 486, 933 450, 565 507, 294 543, 444 459,353 4, 935, 974 4, 792, 190 6, 100, 426 4,706,032 3,853,119 3,445,738 1,430,976 1,453,054 1,312,862 1,447,196 1, 480, 319 1,087,285 3,504,998 3, 339, 136 4, 787, 584 3,258,836 2,372,800 2,358,453 5, 059, 275 5, 667, 262 6, 347, 629 4, 950, 925 3, 476, 758 3, 704, 766 3,601,306 4,063,364 4, 588, 529 3, 230, 285 2, 131, 109 2,394,432 23, 593 13, 367 6,358 3, 420 160, 388 214, 851 171, 489 244, 415 620,854 542, 026 462,654 492, 483 3,214,386 2,574,652 2,044,999 1,982,798 1, 634, 167 1, 347, 468 1, 099, 556 810, 511 1, 580, 219 1, 227, 184 945, 443 1,172,287 2,967,114 2, 465, 674 2, 004, 002 1,924,949 1,432,114 1,108,674 865, 392 913,949 av av av av av av 1933 May _-.__ June July August -- .-- 11,412,000 11,516,000 1,142,660 374, 977 275, 127 291,837 537, 967 September October November December 10,788,000 11,015,000 10,248,000 10,139,671 3,235,974 7,556,042 9,243,380 9,549,015 1,487,208 2,368,013 2,134,887 1, 706, 793 6,608 7,615 16,564 35, 173 689,435 774,320 767,289 845, 731 485,665 543,260 532,702 463,789 2,919,644 4,591,352 5,213,678 5, 140, 205 772,632 1,106,347 1,444,474 1, 627, 628 2,147,012 3,485,005 3,769,204 3, 512, 577 2,445,605 3,768,991 4,263,125 4,604,786 1,596,605 2,784,991 3,226,125 3,404,786 9,944,032 10, 170, 694 896,469 421, 331 369, 396 403, 471 47,693 48,602 49, 833 40, 435 546, 853 482, 146 332, 168 320, 774 578, 468 508, 677 485,840 478, 583 4,601,807 4,080,514 3, 504, 404 2, 840, 520 1,637,824 1,583,439 1, 503, 852 1, 329, 901 2, 933, 983 2, 497, 075 2,000,552 1, 510, 619 4,477,084 4, 584, 208 4, 127, 222 3,520,382 3,030,084 2,785,208 2, 365, 222* 1,834,382 16, 107 13, 641 6,597 4,138 323,357 230, 979 211, 533 277,641 413, 987 350, 021 347,099 357,455 2, 283, 710 1,831,844 1,395,514 1,363,582 1,157,428 949,647 721, 589 552,669 1, 126, 282 882, 197 673, 925 810, 913 3, 110, 135 2, 667, 297 2,190,493 1,898,309 1,541,135 1,223,297 933, 493 823, 309 1924 January February March April _ _ _ May . ....... June July .__ August 12,144,000 12,351,000 958, 204 405, 927 220, 426 254, 101 394, 930 September October.. November December 12, 787, 000 12,499,000 12, 816, 000 13,153,000 4, 525, 520 9,694,920 12, 225, 025 12, 796, 216 1,845,039 2, 807, 409 2, 767, 047 2,478,206 9,654 18,113 17, 549 48,663 737, 010 947, 556 1,306,550 1,075,923 435, 216 532, 629 492, 233 532, 047 2,587,493 4,955,510 5, 960, 831 5, 943, 128 514, 537 730, 656 1, 046, 612 1,319,265 2,072,956 4, 224, 854 4, 914, 219 4, 623, 863 2, 619, 116 4, 266, 825 5, 174, 668 5,821,450 1,688,116 3, 357, 825 4, 345, 668 4, 805, 450 13,308,037 13,630,608 1,379,161 864,323 811,452 495, 283 54,822 59, 984 33,955 22, 409 1, 076, 075 811,838 734, 697 472, 555 589, 725 550, 132 582, 674 597, 104 5, 297, 289 4, 621, 350 3, 881, 908 3, 180, 661 1,433,814 1, 546, 210 1, 644, 793 1,514,514 3, 863, 475 3, 075, 140 2, 237, 115 1,666,147 5, 830, 282 5, 644, 890 5, 059, 098 4, 545, 302 4, 722, 282 4, 327, 890 3, 564, 098 2, 942, 302 311,313 128, 743 14,219 19, 957 330, 967 217, 786 531,471 493, 765 2,483,224 1, 883, 758 1,348,304 1,123,813 1, 134, 920 759, 945 2, 253, 225 2, 969, 422 2, 342, 887 3, 848, 225 1,583,422 1, 112, 887 1935 January February March April _. May.... June . July August 14, 339, 000 13,566,000 159, 373 September 1 Receipts into sight compiled by New Orleans Cotton Exchange; world visible supply from Commercial and Financial Chronicle; production estimates from U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics; imports and exports from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce'^ consumption, ginning, and domestic stocks from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Linters are not included in the statistics in this table, except in the exports. Yearly figures represent averages for the calendar year except for ginnings and production, in which case totals for the crop year are shown (not an average), and the 1913 and 1914 data on imports and exports, which are averages for the fiscal year ending June 30 of the year given. Monthly data, 1913-1921, on consumption and stocks are given in December, 1922, issue (No. 16), the 1921 stocks being revised in the August, 1923, issue (No. 24), p. 55. 2 The yearly figures represent the latest revised estimates of total production for the year (not a monthly average). The monthly figures show the current estimate of total production as reported each month. 3 Figures for September are to Sept. 25 only, prior to 1924. December figures cover ginnings through December 13 only. January figures for all years cover ginnings through Jan. 16 and February figures cover all ginnings of the crop. Yearly figures represent total ginnings for the cotton crop harvested in that year (not a monthly average). Monthly data for prior years 1914-1922 are given in the April, 1923, issue (No. 20) of the SURVEY, page 51. * These figures represent world visible supply on the Saturday nearest the end of the month. * All bales are running bales counting round as half bales, except for imports, which are given in equivalent 500-pound bales. * These figures are for fiscal years ending June 30 of the year given; those following are for calendar years. 37 Table 9.—COTTON MANUFACTURING SPINDLE ACTIVITY* Active spindles YEAR AND MONTH Per Per Total cent spindle spindle in of cahours place pacity Thousands Millions of hours Hours 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average . . _ FINE COTTON GOODS 3 (New Bedford) FINISHED COTTON GOODS' Per cent Billings Orders, grey yardage Shipments Stocks Per cent Cases Thousands of yards Activity 30, 560 30, 748 31, 136 32, 293 33, 400 33, 524 - Production Sales Number of pieces COTTON CLOTH * Exports Thousands of yards e 434, 188 6 264, 810 « 37, 062 « 34, 572 43, 195 51, 687 63, 719 45, 348 446, 677 116,693 360, 964 377, 796 344, 864 279, 982 56, 920 68, 278 45, 969 48, 913 38, 705 39, 858 33, 876 33, 801 33, 052 33, 036 34,681 31, 104 7 7, 539 7,723 8,288 6,696 7206 209 222 177 792.0 93.5 98.9 78.3 85, 385 94, 016 95, 098 77, 650 90, 154 95,509 91, 504 76, 105 44,935 49, 102 48, 116 41, 863 36, 226 44, 937 46,166 43,139 65 66 68 58 383, 523 329, 571 354, 274 385, 772 438, 761 353, 851 35, 374 34, 856 34, 244 33, 705 9,309 8,385 7,136 7,569 249 224 191 202 107.6 98.8 87.4 85.4 104, 340 90, 302 70, 931 76, 322 79, 819 74, 146 61, 451 78, 022 51, 569 41, 588 35, 361 38,662 44, 445 48, 155 50, 279 49, 399 74 61 51 52 491, 660 458, 605 378, 326 430, 072 180, 914 265, 859 222, 122 444, 491 36, 335 35, 066 30, 288 38, 556 33,931 34, 336 34, 124 34, 050 7,482 8,382 8,015 7,139 200 223 213 190 93.6 95.8 96.7 87.0 77, 892 102, 695 97,531 94, 824 99, 618 §7, 985 91, 829 81,041 42, 377 49, 295 . 46, 548 46, 586 46, 665 47,686 49, 017 49, 506 61 72 66 63 430, 361 444, 079 461, 806 448, 701 438, 968 327, 694 390, 943 271, 549 38, 169 44, 795 37, 159 34,824 * 33,280 32, 711 32, 372 31,863 8,448 7,304 7,073 6,770 224 194 187 179 95.5 87.3 82.4 80.0 92, 714 85, 823 85, 110 79, 776 86, 888 81, 680 80, 300 80, 530 54, 291 47, 856 46, 469 42, 170 48, 007 45, 883 43, 948 44, 959 74 64 63 62 464, 408 409, 377 420, 622 355, 591 250, 360 191, 278 201, 281 225, 327 28,444 28, 867 30, 575 32,590 May June July August 30, 484 29, 219 28, 710 28, 946 5,908 5,336 5,158 5,400 156 141 136 143 67.5 64.6 60.3 62.8 76, 574 64, 761 58, 322 63, 895 65, 610 55, 955 59,514 71, 630 39, 035 33, 397 33, 514 35, 951 43, 395 43, 586 42, 378 41, 850 52 46 45 47 190, 337 284, 726 293, 015 318, 513 127, 819 215, 566 464, 194 267, 784 44, 763 39, 349 37, 390 49, 367 September October November December 30, 122 31, 079 31, 790 32, 662 6,415 7,593 7,124 7,817 170 201 188 206 76.1 85.4 87.5 90.4 70,547 86, 765 75, 822 91, 686 74, 213 90, C01 81, 689 84, 652 39, 753 44, 331 39, 052 46, 531 39, 325 40, 664 41, 516 42, 162 54 67 58 67 325, 279 385, 301 399, 820 399, 228 377, 770 251, 728 457, 359 329, 319 43, 224 53,113 46, 917 43, 698 33, 181 33, 277 33, 225 33, 413 8,493 7,868 8, 599 8,518 224 208 227 225 96.4 100.0 99.6 100.0 81, 174 81,650 94, 039 88, 986 84, 459 83, 293 86, 776 76,505 49,319 47,961 48, 879 45, 776 36, 925 36, 101 36, 121 39, 296 62 66 69 64 419, 904 388, 053 444, 886 449, 266 459, 252 525, 384 456, 715 314, 726 51, 819 39, 660 51, 520 52, 378 33, 148 32, 310 7,930 7,690 210 202 93.6 89.0 75, 463 70, 593 63, 128 65, 103 40, 573 40, 133 40, 460 41, 461 52 51 468, 216 404, 157 272, 655 356, 251 47, 108 37, 367 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average -- _- 1933 May June July August . _. .... September October November December . 1934 January February.. March April . . -. . 1925 January February IVIarch April June July _ __ _ - October I i 1 Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, representing total spindles active in textile mills during the month. The capacity percentage takes Into2 account working-days, on a single-shift basis, exclusive of holidays. Details by States are given in press releases. Compiled by the National Association of Finishers of Cotton Fabrics from reports from 31 out of 51 members, estimated to cover approximately the following percentages of the industry,, based on work done outside of regular textile mills: White goods, 70 per cent; dyed goods, 55 per cent; printed goods, 25 per cent. In the statistics ch comprise regularly about 40 per cent of billings and orders. Prior ' to ' November, ~~ ' ......additional firm " 1923, an was included. given above, white goods and dyed goods each Details by Federal Reserve districts and classes of goods are given in the association reports. Monthly data from 1920 by classes of goods are given in the December, 1923, issue (No. 28), p. 55. The goods are billed as completed; hence billings approximate production. Data for December, 1921, and January, 1922, were not compiled and averages for the years 1921 and 1922 are based on 11 months' figures. 3 Data on fine cotton goods, from the Fine Cotton Goods Exchange, are reported by 24 identical mills in the New Bedford district, representing about 50 per cent of the fine cotton goods industry in New England and from 20 to 30 per cent throughout the United States. Since August, 1924, the "Sales" figures include finished goods as 4 Exports of cotton cloth, from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, include duck and other cloth, bleached, unbleached, and colored Beginning with January, 1921, the figures are reported in square yards instead of linear yards, as formerly, and are probably slightly smaller than in the, corresponding linear-yard measurement. .„,.,., , , * These figures are for fiscal years ending June 30 of the years specified; others are for calendar years. e7 Nine months' average, April to December. . Average for five months, August to December, inclusive; previous data not available. 38 Table 10.—SILK AND OTHER TEXTILES OTHER TEXTILES SILK Stocks (end of mo.) YEAR AND MONTH Imports1 Deliv-2 eries Thous. of pounds Machinery activities 4 Spinning Broad NarAt ware-2 At mfg. row spinhouses plants3 looms looms dies Per cent of operation Bales 1909-13 juo av 1913 monthly av 1914 monthly av 1915 monthly av 1916 monthly av 1917 monthly av 1918 monthly av 2,850 2,566 3,094 3, 406 3, 619 4 060 1919 monthly av 1920 monthly av 1921 monthly av 1922 monthly av 1923 monthly av 1924 monthly av 4,627 3,308 4,377 4, 825 5,169 5,022 8 17, 830 26, 941 30, 635 29, 868 30, 495 51, 312 21, 315 32,350 .33,367 37,464 15,283 15, 176 18, 484 20, 051 • • 59. 3 73.5 72.5 642.1 55.1 47.8 19£3 Septem b er -, October November December 4,520 5,240 6,028 5,098 26,929 25, 917 25, 225 23,274 27,367 32,679 35, 398 40,959 19,031 18, 202 19, 129 17, 842 72.6 71.9 71,4 72.3 1934 January February March April 5,304 4,200 2,760 4,377 32,925 29, 804 26, 543 25, 985 44,398 40, 226 30, 375 25, 662 20,491 20, 311 17, 820 19,616 May June July August 4,313 3,616 4,572 4,989 28, 272 23,164 30, 952 2$, 518 27,074 24, 843 23, 213 30,075 September October „ November December 6, 491 5,615 6,347 7,685 36,366 35,508 32, 939 33, 961 1925 January February March April-. _ . -- .. 6,633 5,259 5,714 4,947 6,697 5,428 May. June July. August . SeptemberOctober. _ November. December. . .... Fall River Elastic Fibers webBurlap mill dividends (unbing « manfd.) (quarterly) 6 Sales Thous. of yards Imports1 Long tons Pyroxylin-coated textiles ^ (artificial leather) Ratio Pyrox- Ship- Unfilled eap- ylin ments orders Total to taliza- spread end of billed month tion Thous. Thous. Per Thous. Thous . of linear cent per of of of yards pounds dollars quarter pounds 28, 613 32,596 32, 960 32, 769 41, 070 33, 318 31,886 33,922 37, 917 36, 519 34,047 32, 147 40,653 36, 366 $519 306 285 593 1,054 1,512 1.820 1.084 .974 1.734 3.338 4.594 62. 6 72.5 69.5 14, 707 12, 620 11, 593 13, 778 13, 041 10, 731 27, 274 33,817 20, 416 22, 815 26, 613 24, 691 36, 890 47, 398 39, 514 43, 185 50,005 47, 971 1, 221 2, 521 779 762 882 705 3.651 7.486 2.031 1.997 2.061 92,482 1.609 2,220 52.9 58.1 54.3 48.7 68.8 63.1 63.0 68.6 10, 358 11, 259 9,979 8,752 14,144 19, 310 34, 199 33,246 45,136 46, 499 51, 251 48, 671 678 1.575 1,401 3,257 75.8 73.8 72.8 70.8 48.5 46.8 51.0 48.1 73.4 74.5 69.4 67.2 10, 895 10, 782 12, 415 11, 470 25,422 24, 812 24, 774 35, 200 56,049 57,882 43, 622 76, 838 18,078 16,833 17, 360 18,971 62.9 61.8 61.9 68.7 45.5 43.0 46.3 44.5 62.1 59.9 64.9 66.6 10, 515 8,620 9,424 9,862 21,846 23,498 27, 781 22,380 51,468 41, 817 34,728 42, 421 42, 260 44, 398 55, 516 61, 533 21, 471 22, 667 25, 043 21, 948 76.1 81.9 81.4 81.5 48.2 50.0 50.3 51.2 68.4 74.6 75.2 78.0 11,340 12, 345 10, 625 10, 478 18,628 16, 286 27,109 28,556 55,900 4ty 846 30, 409 43, 674 39, 885 37, 529 45, 157 40, 040 58, 732 60, 249 46, 663 39r271 25,0&4 24, 252 27, 761 26,540 80.9 80.2 83.4 9ao 55.6 56.5 58.5 59.4 82.1 83.1 85.3 86.9 13, 155 13, 798 14, 273 15,535 33, 142 25, 273 29, 559 23,592 56, 240 56, 524 56, 175 53,076 38, 266 39, 575 44, 013 42,517 44,016 35,598 27, 104 28, 189 86.0 88.8 62.0 61,0 101.1 102.9 15,784 24,131 38, 280 61,115 50, 604 6 656 1,514 742 1.68& 835 1.898 588 1.337 641 1.440 396 .890 .338 .759 9 2, 050 92,469 1,630 1,577 2,039 2,988 2,503 2,058 1,860 2,087 1,873 1,683 2,156 1,894 2,052 2,067 2,912 2,861 3,310 2,224 2, 073 1,994 2,339 1,740 2,367 2,615 1,995 1,743 2,104 1,471 1,602 1, 659 1,524 1,268 1,225 1,299 1,289 1,089 1,128 1,289 1,893 2,460 1,889 2,021 1,456 1,644 1,536 1,467 1,396 1,290 1,302 1,446 1,941 1,923 2,537 "2,478 1,850 1,671 2,254 1,752 1,497 1,593 1,498 1,801 2,249 2,171 1,995 1,752 1, 437 1,730 __ | 1 Imports of silk, of unmanufactured fibers and of burlap from V. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Silk imports are a total of Unmanufactured silk, including raw silk, cocoons and waste. Unmanufactured fibers include flax, hemp, istle, jute, kapok, manila, New Zealand flax, sisal, etc. 2 Deliveries of raw silk from principal warehouses in New York City, indicating approximate consumption by mills, and stocks at these warehouses are from the Silk Association of America. A bale of silk averages about 133 pounds, but varies considerably according to origin of the bale. Details by sources are given in the association's report. The delivery figures are computed by the association from the data on stocks and trade figures on imports through New York and Pacific ports, allowing time for Pacific imports to reach New York. Monthly data for 1920 and 1921 may be found in May, 1922, issue (No. 9) p. 43. 3 Computed from data reported by The Silk Association of America, covering from 35 to 60 per cent of the silk manufacturers and throwsters, averaging about 45 per cent for most of the year 1924. Owing to the varying number of mills reporting, the original figures have been prorated up to 100 per cent, by dividing the stocks reported by the percentage of the trade which they are estimated to represent. The maximum reporting capacity (60 per cent in April and May, 1923), coming immediately after a month of Eainimum reporting capacity (35 per cent in March, 1923), indicates in the close correspondence of these prorated totals, that the prorating shows the situation quite accurately. * Compiled by the Silk Association of America from manufacturers representing about 50 per cent of the industry. The figures are weighted averages of each section of the silk industry, for which details are given in the association's monthly reports. 5 Elastic webbing sales are reported by eight manufacturers to the Webbing Manufacturers Exchange. 6 Dividends paid by textile mills in Fall River in quarter ending in the month given, comprising about 38 mills, are compiled by G. M. Haffards & Co, Yearly figures are quarterly averages. Quarterly datar 1911-1922, are given in the September, 1923, issue (No. 25), p. 48-. 7 Compiled from reports to the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, by 12 identical firms, with a capacity of 2,174,333 yards for March, 1923 (capacity varies slightly each month in accordance with the varying number of working days). Further details as to values, etc., are given in press- summaries. Figures for unfilled orders are not available for June. 8 Eleven months' average, February to December, inclusive. 8 Ten months' average, March to December, inclusive, except Pyroxylin unfilled orders whictt is a ten montns" average from February to December, inclusive, June figures not being available. Table 11.—TEXTILE WHOLESALE PBICES COTTON YARN COTTON YEAR AND MONTH Carded, Carded white, single Price? to Middling Northproducer, rapi&nd, ern, mule warp, aH grades NewYorft spun* 33/1 40/ls, New W cones, Boston Bedford Fairel.ild rod ex Per pound Kelto 1=911-1913 Print cloths* ffeeces Per yard ]?er pound $0; 053 *-100 97 91 122 187 292 $0. 128 .121 . 102 . 145 . 235 . 318 1949 mo. av 1920 mo. a v _ _ _ 1921 mo av 1922 mo. av— . 1923 mo. a v _ _ _ 1924 mo. av__. .302 .300 .127 .195 .272 .289 .325 .339 . 152 .213: . 294 .287' . 596 .703 .331 .397 .486 : .475 i $0. 447" .571 . 648' .593' 19£3 January February March _ April .259 .277 .284 . 269 .275 .290 .307 .290 .474 .437 . 502 j .495 . 680 .672 .701 . 703 215 } 219 224 224? May _. Jane July August.. -__ .256 .232 . 235 .241 . 277' . 284 . 259 .255 .47! . 458 .437 .432 \ | | 1 . 643 .610 .593' .560 September October November.-.^ December . 272 .288 .310 2. 321 .286 .301 . 350 .3581 .472 i .494 .540 i .56$ \ . 347 .319 .285 . 299 . 552 .522 .483 .476 . 3'25" .314 .'TIT . 287 1 1 i ! . j ' .056 . 052 .072 . 118 .195 Storm Wool- SILK, RAW : Per pound Per yard $0. 25 .26 .36 .41 .66 3; 76 $0. 777 .640 . 788 1. 050 1. 555 2.109 $0; 563 . 500 . 557 . 762: 1. 088 1. 465 $1. 545 1. 459 I. 564 1. 974 3, 158 4'. 040 $0.640 3.694 3. 3 18 4. 867 5.404 6. 273 4. 00§ 4.179 2: 933 3. 101 3. 623 3. 660 8:^80 8. 273 6. 035 7. 219 8.228 5. 917 1. 70 1.66 .85 1.25 I. 41 1.42 .64 .51 . 26 .43 .51 .53 1. 627 1.825 1. 179 1. 413 1. 729 1. 692 1. 3T8 1.340 .882 .838 1. 024 1. 035 .108 .121 .126 . 1128 . 129 1.44 1.44 1.44 1'. 49 .51 .53 .53 .53 1.700 1. 750 1. 750 1. 750 .950 .993 1.035 1. 035 3. 420 3. 510 3-. 510 3. 510 8.183 8.771 8. 624 9. 310 214 ! 207 199 195 .100 .098 . 088 . 089- .124 . 1=19 .HIT . Ill 1.53 1,50 1. 44 t 37 .53 .53 .51 .50 1.800 1. 800 1. 800 1. 750 3. 690 3.G90 3. 690 S. 690' 8. 428 7.693 7. 154 7.350 .618V .624 .680 .694? 207 210 220 I 22€ .100 . Hit . 125 .1128 . 133 1. 32 1.30 1.30 1. 34 .47 .47 .48 . 51 1. 700 1.650 1.650 1. 650 1. 035 1.035 1. 035 1. 035 f 1. 035 1.035 1.035 1.035 a. 690 3. 690 £ 690 £ 69© 9. 800 7.840 7. 840 7. 742 . 683! .637 .607 .615 222213 202 1W : i ; ! . 105 . 097 . 089 .091 . 129i .125 . 121 . 110 1. 37 1.41 1. 41 I. 38 .52 .54 .54 .53 1. 700" 1.700 1.650 1. 650 1. 03-5 1.035 1. 035 1. 035 3 . 690 3. 690 3. 690 3. 690 7. 350 6.860 6. 223 5.635 i ' i i .089 .091 .091 .093^ . 108 . 108 . 108 . 116 i. n 1.28 1. 30 1.38 .49 .44 .44 .48 1. 650 1. 600 1. 550 1.600 1. 035 1.035 1. 035 1. 035 3'. 690 3.600 3.600 3. 600 4;. 802 4.998 5.390 6.076 . 110 .103 .106 .108; 1.44 1.48 1.60 1. 68; .53 .57 .61 .70 1. 650 1.750 1.850 1. 950 1.035 1.035 1.035 i.oas 3. 600 3. 690 3.690 3. 690 .lOS . 107 . 110 . 106 1 67 1.65 1. 58' 1. 42 .69 .68 .R3 .54 1. 900 1.900 1. SCO 1.750 1. 035 1.035 1. 035 1. 0^5 31. 780 3.780 3. 780 3. 780 6. 076 6. 223 5. 831 5. 978 . 104 .097 . 096 1.24 1,31 1.37 .45 .50 .52 1. 750 1.750 1. 700 1. 035 L035 1.03-5 3. 600 3.600 3. 600 ft 174 6.370 6:.321 . 103s . 0911 ! '• .107 . 110 .11$ .099 . 108 . 112 : .475 ! " .474 : .471 1 .469 .620 .597 .589" .578= 195 195 19$ 139 September October November.... December .222 .231 .226 .240 . 244 .245 .243 . 238 .422 .449 .446 .446 i .55ff . 543 < .539 . 087 .087 . 090 ; . 552 193 i 193 I 194 ! 194' ; .090 ; f9£5 January February March __. April. .. . 227 ' .230 . 245 . 237 ; . 240' .247 . 256 . 547" . 569 .589 . 580' 194 • 194 ' 1^96' 194 .092: . 095 .09$ . 094 : .244 .437 .430 .430 .420 .230 .230 .234 . 234 .242 .248 .399 .403 .41-5 .58$ .543 188 183 182 .09$ .093 .095 May June July August SUITINGS. . 18$ . 210 .087 . 104 . 123 .113 272 323 162 187 213 199 . 316 .300 .317 . 293 — $9.57 .61 .71 . 87 1. 59 * 1. 84 $0: 061 . 281 .278 . 273 .278 ' May June July August M blood t o. fo.mOr New York $0; 120 .102 . 19* .140 .225 . 295 1924 January February.-— March ,_. '• . \pril Sheet- WOMEN'S BRESS GOODS Japaings, 4/4 Territory comMng dyed, serge, all »/&#»• nese, ware grease, eross&red 64 x 60r blue, fine wool, Mansai shoals, Ohio and 38J4 in., stuck, deubie ' 55/56" staple, PennNo.l, &&• yds, L.L,3B", scoured Boston wairp, 50", Middlesex New sylvania York to m.9 fydstolfo, New York New York 1913 mo. a v _ - _ 1914 mo. a.V-_1915 mo fiv 1916 mo. av 1917 mo. av 19H8mo.av__. $0; 248 . 218 .198 .297 .449 . 662 WORSTED YARN WOOL (Boston) COTTON GOODS f ; \ ; ; ! 5. 439 5.733 6.174 6. 3 21 __ September October — .... November _ _ . . December 1 Except for the price of cotton to the producer, which- is described below, all prices ate averages of weekly quotations and; are compiled by the P. 8. Depwttmwnt of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, except for the wool' Quotations, which are'from: fihe- 0". 8> D«^&<rtmernt of AgsfiewUnf^ B-wretm of Agtricuttu'fal Ekon&mics, aitd theFairchild cotton goods index, which is compiled by the Daily News Record, and represents wholesale quotations of 36 standard eioins iftthe- New York marftet, MoatMy wo^d prices 191l35ta-1^23'areigwen iia-tfte?Becemtoer; 1!923> issia^^(;No;. 28),. jrt 52i Moa*hly dsala-for 1920 and: Ii92$ ©m otler items* except FairchiM ii^fes, single warp?yarns and, print, eloths, appeared in May, 1922,3 issue (No. 9), p. 47. That issue also contained monthly data on another print-eloth, qpotation,; wMeii has been superseded; fejr tfee present data du-e- to thefr mom general use . * Price of cotton to tfKe1 proda^er, gf^em a€ th« efld1 df eaeb m&B£& ftntil I>eee^bcr^ 19^. since wMda. mocufeli' it is given as1 of- t&e 15th; of t&e; month^ is a wei&tetedi average of prices received by producers throughout the United States for all grades of cotton as compiled by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agr ; Tifie^ uaaa?ket pri^e M> New York, m tM& etfiw haiM^ is quo«e«S on at specSfte- ^ra^? aai^J tadxrttes nanxfirag: am4 transiiiortati=©a eharges. * &• months' average* * Average for years 1911 to 1&13. 40 Table 12.—IRON ORE AND PIG IRON IRON ORE* Receipts Production 4 Stocks Furnaces in blast, end of month 4 ConsumpLake tion by Erie On Mer- Fur- Capacports Other fur- 2 Total At fur- Lake Total chant 6 naces and ports naces naces Erie ity iron furdocks naces Shipments from mines YEAR AND MONTH PIG IRON Num- Tons per ber day Thousands of long tons 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 monthly average _ _ . monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly averagemonthly average-- 8,193 5,337 7,720 10, 789 10, 416 10, 193 6,460 4,181 6,254 8,564 8,066 7,956 1,651 1,130 1,463 2, 164 2,255 2,176 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly average monthly average -. monthly average.- . monthly average __.. monthly average monthly average 7,863 9,755 3,717 7,102 9,841 7,106 6,146 7,472 2,592 5,285 7,278 5,259 1,666 7 3, 633 2,207 4,531 1,096 2,030 1,747 3,355 2,440 5,191 2,104 3,833 6,672 9,500 10, 411 10,296 4,264 7,173 7,682 7,682 1,226 2,245 2,428 2,584 9,097 8,099 4,948 10 6,776 6,121 3,895 66 Wholesale prices3 Foun- dry Per Basic No. 3 (valley cent Northof furern total (Pittsnace) Composite Pig irons burgh) Per cent Dollars per long ton 7,530 7,246 7,243 6,282 7,280 8,318 2,560 1,921 2,472 3,253 3,182 3,209 753 560 647 922 929 863 269 188 229 319 338 352 84,005 62, 752 83, 623 106, 775 106, 499 106, 954 63.7 44.5 55.0 81.4 83.2 83.1 $16.00 13.90 14.87 21.07 41.39 34.46 $14. 75 12.88 13.74 19.76 38.90 32.51 $15. 42 13.52 14.15 20.31 39. 99 34.38 35, 258 ? 26, 852 29, 753 21, 211 33, 330 24, 512 33, 751 25, 642 24, 438 31, 036 31, 639 25, 076 7,779 8,542 8,818 8, 109 6,621 6,563 2,549 3,077 1,379 2,240 3,338 2,591 650 824 246 472 805 621 241 287 105 181 277 204 81, 918 97, 578 43, 673 75, 238 109, 072 84, 785 56.3 66.5 25.1 43.2 66.2 50.1 30.31 44.90 25.13 26.93 28.15 22.50 27.70 42.25 21.74 24.20 25.81 20.24 29.91 43.80 24.05 25.00 27.15 21.87 6,119 5,816 5,747 5,353 18, 865 22,800 27, 503 32,831 14, 786 18,288 22,547 26,924 4,347 4,512 4,957 5,907 3,868 3,676 3,678 3,449 891 949 926 769 321 323 298 270 125, 100 122, 555 114, 200 106, 590 77.0 76.8 71.1 64.4 31.97 29.65 27.27 26.52 29.00 27.38 25.10 24.75 30. 84 29.11 26.98 26.10 2, 176 2,209 1,772 0 4,814 4,801 4,441 4,479 37,450 41,042 42, 836 38, 635 30,430 32, 945 34, 080 30,654 7,020 8,097 8,757 7,981 3,126 3,149 2,894 2,921 762 754 724 753 255 245 231 231 102, 000 99, 030 94, 345 94, 265 61.0 58.6 55.3 55.3 26.52 25.37 23.65 23.76 24.88 23.50 20.88 21.00 25.98 24.37 22.49 22.80 33, 991 29,258 24, 047 19, 435 26,453 22,232 17,984 14, 636 7,538 7,026 6,063 4,799 3,019 3,075 3,446 3,233 745 664 792 770 248 264 270 230 101, 435 108, 100 112, 240 96,365 60.2 64.2 65.7 57.1 24.16 24.76 24.76 23.56 21.20 22. 00 21.94 21.55 23.18 24.13 23.83 23.41 7 1933 May June . July ... August September . October November December . 1934 January February March.. April May June July.... August .. 83 6,584 7,584 7,280 6,690 4,315 5,421 5,431 4,974 1,786 2,009 1,953 1,517 3,830 2,793 2,415 2,636 21, 608 26, 410 31, 596 35, 703 16, 717 21, 102 25,842 29,248 4,891 5,308 5,754 6,455 2,615 2,026 1,785 1,887 688 519 441 474 184 164 144 150 77,300 65, 200 55,350 63, 070 45.7 40.0 35.7 37.5 22.51 21.51 20.76 20.89 20.50 19. 63 19.00 19.00 22.57 21.20 20,11 20.22 6,165 5,597 2,065 9 4,888 4,461 1,975 45 1,410 1,241 2,627 0 2,927 3,498 3,689 4, 542 38,998 41, 536 40, 728 36, 360 31,593 33,417 32, 679 29, 014 7,405 8,119 8,049 7,346 2,053 2,477 2,510 2,962 544 619 613 585 173 182 205 228 72, 235 81,490 89, 100 95, 539 42.9 45.2 50.9 56.6 21.56 21.26 21.26 22.96 19.00 19.00 19.13 20.90 20.41 20.37 20. 66 22.32 5,242 5,000 5,490 4,813 31,154 26, 207 20, 791 17, 312 24,430 20, 184 15, 695 13, 009 6,724 6,023 5,096 4,303 3,370 3,214 3,564 3,259 678 674 751 744 251 254 245 220 114, 150 115, 700 112,380 100, 080 62.3 63.0 61.1 55.1 24.14 23.76 22.86 21.89 21.88 22.00 21.30 20.13 23.24 23.21 22.87 21.70 4,357 3,863 21,049 25,404 16, 527 20, 397 4,522 5,007 2,931 2,673 2,664 624 560 627 196 189 190 89, 500 86, 250 86,420 49.4 47.7 48.5 20.89 20.06 20.26 18.81 18.05 18.00 20.65 19.78 19.72 . . 659 .. ... . .. September _ ... October November December .... 1935 January February __ March April .. May June July 44 4,688 4,783 5,308 4,882 . . ... . ., 1,756 865 1,357 8,219 8,100 5,376 5,975 6,217 2,328 2,139 2,276 i 1 Data on iron ore from the Lake Superior Iron Ore Association. Shipments represent movement of ore through the upper lake ports, including not only tonnage passing through the Sault Ste Marie Canal but also that from ports on Lake Michigan, thus representing over 85 per cent of the total iron ore mined. Receipts at ports other than on Lake Erie are mostly at Chicago and vicinity and Detroit, the details by ports being shown in the monthly reports of the association, which also give by districts the consumption data. Monthly data on stocks and consumption from 1921 are given in June, 1923, issue of the SURVEY (No. 22), page 49. 2 Furnaces reporting vary in number from 319 to 341. Beginning with June, 1922, reports from 15 Canadian furnaces are included. » Wholesale prices, except composite average, are averages of weekly quotations taken from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Monthly prices of basic pig iron from 1920m June, 1922, issue (No. 10), page 42. 1*^1x1* * Pig-iron production and blast furnace data comprising practically the entire output, except that made with charcoal, from the Iron Age. Monthly data from 1913 on all items appeared in February, 1925, issue of the SURVEY (No. 42), p. 44. , 5 The composite pig-iron price, compiled by the American Metal Market, is the average of daily prices of 10 tons of iron distributed as follows: One ton each of Bessemer Valley; No. 2 foundry valley; No. 2 X foundry at Philadelphia and at Buffalo; No. 2 foundry at Cleveland and at Chicago; two tons each of basic valley and No. 2 Southern °U16 Compiled from data reported by the Iron Age by subtracting the figures on pig iron produced by steel mills from the total pig-iron production figures, thus obtaining 7 dflta on the total output of merchant pig iron. Seven months' average, June to December, inclusive. Table 13.—CRUDE STEEL Thous. of Short tons Long tons Thous. Short tons of long tons dolls. Peicent Dolls, Dolls. Dolls, per per er long long • b ton ton Short tons f 1913 mo. av__ 1914 mo. av_. 1915 mo. av._ 1916 mo. av__ 1917 mo. av__ 1918 mo. av_. 2, 523, 344 1,901,649 2, 607, 018 3, 450, 160 3, 634, 933 3, 587, 585 52, 101 39, 459 58, 136 90, 231 76, 907 96, 963 24, 096 18, 127 25, 388 46, 632 26, 430 41, 118 j 28,005 5,907 21, 332 4,115 32, 748 5,189 43, 599 9,720 50,477 10, 716 55, 845 8,635 11,432 5,972 10, 866 27, 798 24, 608 15, 595 1919 mo. av_. 1920 mo. av— 1921 mo. av__ 1922 mo. av_. 1923 mo. av__ 1924 mo. av.. 2,807,900 3, 407, 784 1,602,933 2,880,702 3, 623, 805 3,067,596 37, 862 68, 208 24, 823 67, 728 74, 653 64, 403 10,055 26, 928 9, 723 33,723 32, 245 32, 363 27, 807 5,995 41,280 10, 023 15, 100 5,331 34,005 5,648 42, 408 6,009 32,040 3,993 11,966 14, 724 7,726 8,470 14,971 12, 745 171, 489 85, 409 190, 864 222,904 219, 836 72.7 34.9 76.5 79.7 74.2 111, 989 106, 175 108, 709 129, 728 122. 955 5,590 46, 989 28, 703 35, 333 42, 115 172, 161 87, 702 182, 519 230, 823 209, 329 140, 844 75, 329 203, 869 213, 583 225, 024 40.54 689, 853 56.26 232, 551 34,46 346, 449 33.95 450, 750 j 41. 70 368, 147 37.99 3,56,776 3,577,091 3, 134, 321 2,863,2C6 49, 539 39, 768 42, 119 42,826 22, 374 10,641 13,645 15,600 27, 165 29, 127 28,474 27, 226 5,036 4,673 4, 339 4,445 14,289 18,600 17,287 14,072 185,577 225, 714 188, 144 155, 299 71.5 76.6. 67.0 58.8 114,313 106, 884 112,185 104, 062 29,975 71,902 45,561 44, 146 205, 772 230,820 199, 836 188,600 223, 556 185, 110 165, 491 349, 446 343, 096 307, 540 280,013 445, 167 January February — March April 3,649,913 51,406 3, 826, 246 73, 138 4, 206, 699 100, 514 3, 348, 466 68, 116 19,572 35,474 59,778 33, 1.51 31,834 37,664 40,736 34, 968 4,798 4,913 4,783 4,208 14, 771 16, 239 19, 065 16,049 274,097 275, 118 278,767 234,000 87.2 96.5 96.5 79.0 117,069 113,020 123, 437 141,574 37, 541 30, 658 43, 888 48, 945 228, 660 249, 859 262,497 235, 967 234, 858 189,081 251,411 182,903 May June July August 2,640,034 2, 065, 676 1,877,789 2, 552, 891 56, 801 48, 718 38? 1.91 36, 363 28,064 26, 170 16, 244 14, 532 28, 737 22,548 21, 947 21,831 3,628 3,263 3, 187 3,290 13,419 11,913 10,430 10, 108 176, 582 114,807 144,291 190,436 59.6 40.9 48.7 65.2 132, 867 128, 241 110,419 112,729 43, 319 45, 776 39, 621 42, 635 196, 254 141, 176 151, 255 177, 498 September,. October November.. December... 2,827,625 3,125,418 3, 121, 149 3, 569, 251 62, 509 66,697 74, 220 96,164 29, 567 31, 130 41,343 53,332 32,942 35,567 32,877 42, 832 3,474, , 10, 181 3,525 12, 236 4,032 8,904 4,817 9,623 217,981 247, 222 224,931 259, 794 75.7 78.9 79.7 82.6 124,577 118,547 118,384 131,599 43,001 42,685 41,573, 45, 743 January February March April . . 4,198,564 3, 756,, 243 4, 198, 520 3, 587, 524 82,922 61, 535 59, 508 59,008 40, 799 27, 237 21,670 22, 109 42, 123 34, 298 37,838 36, 899 5,037 5,285 4,864 4,447 13,027 12, 358 14, 498 13, 377 317,424 283,290 290,308 280,082 98.0 96.5 90.7 87.5 140, 823 159, 661 151, 788 137, 499 May 3, 458, 253 3,207,056 3, 087, 590 49, 619 48, 413 16,055 16, 675 33, 564 31,738 4,050 3,710 3,539 13, 803 13, 444 260, 470 266, 290 87.0 83.4 133, 513 132, 552 25. 79 0. 015 20.08 .013 22.44 .015 43,95 .028 69.86 .043 47.27 .032 Composite finished steel s Composite steel 7 Dolls, per pound 26.32 0. 0172 0. 0166 22.92 .0152 . 0143 24.76 .0163 . 0153 40.50 .0280 .0267 70.10 .0446 .0419 51.95 .0379 .0354 .028 .028 .021 .017 .024 .023 50.37 65. CO 40.74 37.86 44.55 40.87 .0332 .0363 .0269 .0231 .0295 .0284 .0312 . 0368 .0253 .0222 .0274 .0261 41,88 40.00 40.00 40.00 .025 .025 .025 .025 44.64 43.84 42.81 43.02 .0303 .0302 .0302 .0302 .0278 .0278 .0278 .0278 471,053 434, 145 422, 889 362, 457 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 .025 .025 .025 .025 43.26 43.49 43.24 42.33 .0303 .0303 .0300 .0294 .0279 .0278 .0275 .0269 126, 487 108,693 135, 998 207, 986 294, 774 246, 810 203, 440 236, 614 38.50 38.00 38.00 37.75 .024 .023 .022 .022 41.38 40. Cl 39.79 39.36 .0286 .0284 .0281 .0276 .0264 .0261 . 0256 .0252 190, 210 229,771 219, 228 229, 573 227, 520 221,773 462, 709 350, 868 274,325 275, 953 531,845 663, 460 36. 40 35.75 35.50 36.00 .02! .020 .019 .020 39.05 38.65 39.01 40.23 .0272 .0268 . 0268 .0275 . 0249 .0246 .0249 .0254 49, 460 53, 717 57, 714 51,264 283, 645 255,080 279,437 263, 174 241,040 235, 980 263, 666 193, 949 607, 190 565, 133 550, 422 463, 425 37.00 37.00 36.70 35.50 .021 .021 .021 .021 40. 95 41. 13 40.70 39.43 .0277 .0283 .0276 .0273 .0256 .0255 • .0254 .0250 52,051 51,614 232,372 231, 006 186, 538 286, 453 399,330 440, 687 35.25 35. 00 85. 00 .020 .020 .020 38.37 37.61 37. 45 .0259 .0285 . 0263 .0246 . 0244 .0245 1 1933 September. . October November.. . December... Iron and steel 8 1 Steel billets, Bessemer (Pittsburgh) s Structural steel beams (Pittsburgh)* orders WHOLESALE PRICES Unfilled fl * M 1 1I § Shipments Railroad Earnings Total Unfilled Production orders end of month YEAR AND MONTH Miscellaneous Production ... SHEETS-BLUE, BLACK, AND GALVANIZED < U.S.STEEL CORP.3 StOCkS STEEL CASTINGSBOOKINGS 2 Unsold IN- GOTS i Total stocks STEEL 1934 1935 June July August. September. . October November. . December j .... * 1 Yearly figures represent the monthly averages of total production of all companies as compiled annually by the American Iron and Steel Institute. The institute reported up to 1923 monthly production figures for 30 companies which produced 84.4 per cent of the total output of the country in 1920, 87.48 per cent in 1921, and 84.15 per cent in 1922. In order to make the monthly figures comparable they have been calculated to a 100 per cent production each year on the basis of the above per centage. The figures since 1922 are calculated on the basis of reports from companies which produced 95.35 per cent of the tota 1 production in 1922 and 94.84 per cent in 1023, the total computations to 100 per cent bsing made by the American Iron and Steel Institute. Data for 1924 are prorated on the 1923 percentage. Monthly data beginning with inauguration of monthly figures in 1917, are given in April, 1924, issue (No., 24), page 61. 2 Bookings of commercial steel castings reported by the Steel Founders Society and principal nonmember firms to the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Reports are by 70 identical firms with a capacity of 100,700 tons per month, of which 39,100 tons are usually devoted to railway specialties. This represents over two-thirds., of the castings capacity of the United States devoted to commerical castings (as distinguished from castings used in further manufacture in the same plant). Prior to 1920 figures for companies representing about 6 per cent of the miscellaneous castings are not available and the totals of this class have been prorated by that amount for these, years in order to afford comparison with later ;>rears. In July, 1923, two companies, with a combined capacity of 785 tons per month devoted to miscellaneous castings ceased operations. Railway specialties include such items as bolsters, side arms, draft arms, couplers, and cast-steel car wheels, and are reported by identical firms throughout. 3 Monthly data from 1920 appeared in April, 1925, issue (No. 44), page 27. Unfilled orders of steel and earnings reported by the United States Steel Corporation. Monthly unfilled orders, 1913-1921, are given in December, 1922, issue (No. 16) page4 47. Sheets, blue, black, and galvanized, reported by the National Association of Sheet and Tin Plate Manufacturers, representing almost all the independent sheet manufacturers and about 70 per cent of the total output of sheets. Monthly data from 1920 in April, 1923, issue (No. 20), page 53. c Average of weekly prices from U. S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Monthly prices, 1920 and 1921, are in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), pages 49 and 83. 6 Average of weekly prices compiled by the Iron Trade Review, on the following 14 products: Pig iron, billets, slabs, sheet bars, wire rods, steel bars,plates,structural shapes, black galvanized and blue annealed sheets, tin plates, wire nails, and black pipe. Pig iron average in turn, is average of 13 difierent quotations. Monthly data. 1913-1922 given in April, 1923, issue (No. 20) page 48. 7 The figures forl composite steel compiled by the American Metal Market represent the daily average price per pound of steel products weighted as follows: 2H pound bars, \y% pound plates, l /z pound shapes, \Yi pound pipe, 11A pound wire nails, 1 pound galvanized sheets, and 1A pound tin plate. 8 Composite price of finished steel products compiled by the Iron Age includes bars, beams, tank plates, plain wire, open-hearth rails, blank pipe and black sheets. Thes& products, according to the Iron Age, constitute 88 per cent of the United States output of finished steel. 42 Table 14.—IRON PRODUCTS Meltings YEAB AND MONTH Total Receipts stocks of iron MALLEABLE CASTINGS 3 STEEL BARRELS * OHIO FOUNDRY IRON i Per cent Producof tion capacity Production Shipments Stocks, end of month Unfilled orders, end of month Total Ratio to capacity Tons Per cent Long tons Per cent of normal *7,791 12, 183 20, 497 19, 014 < 20. 71 51.82 73.75 67.63 s 22, 753 22, 274 24, 508 23, 882 8,230 16, 111 14, 551 13, 410 19, 800 22, 602 24,787 59.34 67. 80 83.20 79.90 20, 240 23,992 25, 617 28,335 10/828 29, 044 19,406 21,925 31.7 41.0 48.1 50.1 IVIay June July August 23, 163 24,091 25, 183 18, 048 81.12 81.27 85.32 79.56 23, 303 26,366 28, 354 23, 033 15, 961 15, 570 10, 950 14, 899 48.3 41.5 42.7 41.0 63,298 57,730 66, 849 September - ... October November December 18,774 21, 458 20,051 14, 571 71.51 68.14 70.29 57.60 22, 830 24, 426 23, 658 23, 938 12,876 16,488 13, 855 11,534 30. 0 33.7 30.6 19.1 1934 January February _ _ _ _ _ March April „-_.„ 20, 520 23, 137 23, 331 23, 470 74.40 74.10 79. 90 74.60 23, 478 24, 413 25, 626 27,377 15, 780 18, 578 17,425 15,969 307, 189 370, 966 894, 478 416, 628 34.6 39.3 48.8 50.6 303, 668 362, 725 394, 756 420, 129 49, 109 57, 350 57, 072 53, 571 22, 586 20, 251 18, 658 15, 403 75.00 72.00 62. 50 54.20 24, 806 24, 586 25, 414 25,054 13,298 14, 583 14,681 11,920 418, 381 385, 155 398, 3§7 398, 112 48.3 41.0 39.5 41.8 425, 397 382, 550 407, 258 §98, 312 14,721 15,407 16, 209 14,471 54.50 64.50 62.80 63.00 22, 408 20, 375 25, 387 17, 663 11,085 12, 528 15, 680 13, 083 385, 212 447, 900 391, 401 413, 785 36.7 16, 516 17, 605 21, 035 19,954 70.70 71.40 74.90 74.00 22,077 28, 218 26, 390 24, 912 16, 848 14,243 18, 226 14, 588 420, 127 413, 823 505, 429 594, 971 20, 311 19, 940 77.80 73.00 28, 320 22, 953 15, 393 16, 525 570, 962 514, 913 1921 monthly 1922 monthly 1923 monthly 1924 monthly average average average average Long tons Barrels Per cent Barrels 17.4 34.0 38.8 393, 792 5 59, 052 49,201 6 Shipments Orders booked Tons 6 58. 2 46.0 57, 241 47, 951 « 41, 204 45, 795 66.7 58.7 66.3 62, 888 59, 375 63, 971 39, 814 41, 638 39, 573 .60, 830 62,238 52, 727 49, 691 59.8 59.9 49.1 46.7 59,301 59, 129 49, 426 48, 600 36, 591 48, 621 37, 231 44, 962 615, 485 608, 660 601, 663 614,102 64, 339 66,436 69,574 56,897 58.7 62.1 65.6 53.3 66, 472 60, 112 62, 675 55, 671 73,921 62, 593 58, 315 44,422 48, 555 49, 160 47, 629 45, 429 582, 022 421, 870 519, 034 715, 480 48, 552 33,323 30, 070 34,350 45.5 31.5 28.3 32.4 51,924 37, 821 35, 256 35, 653 29, 085 22, 330 29, 190 32, 501 386, 064 441, 851 389, 230 407, 474 41, 577 47, 626 49, 797 53, 265 905, 870 682, 533 1, 230, 808 1, 586, 034 39, 261 47, 305 45, 279 55, 028 36.9 44.0 42.5 51.3 37, 617 42, 271 41, 657 48, 281 44,884 52,485 46/512 53,297 415, 040 407, 781 510,928 605, 424 59,277 64, 402 57, 603 47, 048 1, 374, 247 1, 336, 124 1, 264, 860 1, 137, 552 62, 829 56,399 57, 304 59, 046 58.6 53.4 53.6 55.4 55, 672 57, 042 58, 999 58, 610 58, 047 46, 193 52, 962 54, 145 569, 670 508, 880 48,340 54, 373 950, 353 852, 954 57, 289 55, 143 54.3 51.6 57, 280 54, 510 47,247 44, 026 393,535 4% 928 756, 963 19S3 January February March April May' June July August _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ September October November December _ 1935 January.. February March _ A pril May _ June July.. August . September October November. December,. „ __ • i _, _ _ 1 Data on gray iron foundries in Ohio from Ohio State Foundrymen's Association. 2 Compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the :Census, from the reports of 30 identical establishments, operating 35 plants, except in the case of the figures on "per cent of capacity operated," which represent reports from 13 identical establishments reported by the Steel Barrel Manufacturers Association prior to 1924 and thereafter represent 12 establishments as compiled by the Bureaii of the Census. Data on shipments, unfilled orders, and new orders of the Steel Barrel Manufacturers Association for 1921 to 1923 appeared in February, 1924, issue (No. 30), p. 77, while orders data for 1920 may be found in September, 1923, issue (No. 25), p. 54. 3 Compiled by the U. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, representing reports from 129 identical establishments. *5 Ten months' average, Mare'h to December, inclusive. Five months' average, July to December, exclusive of October. 6 Seven months' average. 43 Table 15.—FABRICATED STEEL PRODUCTS 'FABRICATED STEEL PLATE* FABRICATED STRUCTURAL STEEL » Bookings YEAR AND MONTH Shipments Bookings Total Storage tanks Computed total P.ct. capacity P.ct. Com- caputed pacity Short tons Per cent Short tons Per cent STEEL FURNITURE < IRON AND STEEL « Exports Selected items Short tons Total Imports Total Shelving Business group Shipments Orders received Unfilled orders Shipments Orders Unfilled received orders Dollars Long tons 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 mo. av mo. av_. mo. av_. mo. av_. mo. av_. mo. av.. 105,000 105,500 149, 800 153, 180 138, 600 136, 640 50 50 70 69 60 56 228, 801 120, 123 293, 207 503, 971 536,980 444, 835 26,556 24,027 23, 533 25,906 26, 974 14,052 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 mo. av._ mo. av.. mo. av.. mo. av mo. av._ mo. av__ 133, 560 140, 400 92, 750 181, 760 182, 163 196, 958 53 54 35 64 64 68 44,674 24,735 25,642 ' 10,248 366, 663 412, 030 183, 980 139, 473 135,443 123, 128 166, 653 167, 565 151, 138 26, 837 36, 626 10, 083 60,762 59, 942 39, 845 1923 159, 600 May 145, 350 June July 142,500 August— .. 162, 450 56 51 50 57 34, 605 57,020 55, 242 33, 138 16,330 38,166 34, 330 15, 498 158, 446 134, 206 141, 213 127, 287 204,988 172, 747 170, 252 163, 010 74,560 66,460 51, 921 44, 202 September.. October November.. December... 148, 200 139, 650 153,900 225, 150 52 49 54 79 36,267 225, 150 199, 500 188, 100 79 31, 603 70 . 25,445 22,059 66 23, 634 15,589 9,503 6,718 137,833 123, 371 157, 391 155, 603 173, 664 154, 173 188, 318 179, 218 35, 796 28,848 25, 235 25, 313 1934 January February. _. March April 203,000 205, 900 200, 100 185, 600 70 71 69 64 176, 900 168, 200 182, 700 197, 200 61 58 63 68 19, 902 15, 557 21, 346 19, 446 4,001 2,332 4,699 6.244 216, 176 136,637 105, 309 105, 378 249, 125 165, 892 124, 753 132, 739 26,064 36, 781 36, 411 43, 777 May June July August 168, 200 185, 600 197, 200 171, 100 58 64 68 59 200, 100 214, 600 229, 100 203, 000 69 74 79 70 25,233 29, 232 21,248 30, 641 4,951 15, 757 11, 360 15, 927 128, 685 117, 803 110, 055 117, 243 155, 304 165, 034 138, 794 135, 989 47,335 53, 362 25, 372 39, 730 September.. October November _. December... 188, 500 188,500 240, 700 229, 100 65 65 83 79 211, 700 220, 400 185, 600 182, 700 73 76 64 63 19,402 23, 237 33, 607 48,850 10, 286 7,868 13,098 26, 449 108, 725 132, 448 97, 187 101, 889 133, 540 158, 560 124, 464 129, 465 36,269 37, 119 30, 411 65, 511 1, 519, 078 1, 783, 162 1, 678, 636 1, 872, 677 1, 589, 994 1,761,431 1, 615, 912 1,914,038 1, 193, 871 1, 184, 731 1, 216, 144 1, 220, 232 471, 390 595, 157 549, 120 650, 923 415,163 681, 364 526, 707 596, 934 334, 485 327,455 469, 315 364, 813 1935 January February ... March April ... 165, 300 168,200 200, 100 223, 300 57 58 69 77 171, 100 182, 700 214, 600 223,300 59 63 74 77 27, 064 20,805 22, 502 22,421 4,314 3,321 2,908 6,547 116, 715 77, 989 126, 154 122, 186 141, 714 102, 302 155, 386 155, 426 72, 921 85, 872 84,376 65, 649 1,972,137 1,939,097 2,027,863 2,009,199 2, 206, 952 1, 986, 151 2, 012, 322 1, 964, 959 1, 455, 890 1, 501, 460 1, 482, 859 1, 466, 428 517,363 443, 514 539, 972 650, 769 521, 877 539, 286 606, 754 566, 834 361, 268 453, 358 515, 434 436, 048 200, 100 255, 200 69 88 226, 200 229, 100 78 79 27, 684 34,402 8,503 16,327 112, 290 99,624 150, 612 136, 847 62, 223 76, 403 1, 918, 869 1, 805, 599 1,855,552 1, 792, 656 1, 383, 424 1, 390, 540 549, 272 514, 117 523, 426 501, 182 372,296 360,089 May June » July .. August 197, 925 68 1 • September.. October November __ December 1 Fabricated structural steel data compiled by the Bridge Builders and Structural Society up to April, 1922, and since then by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau oj the Census, including reports from the Structural Steel Society. Percentages of capacity calculated from reports of the Bridge Builders and Structural Society up to April, 1922, and applied to estimated total capacity each year based on a special survey by the Bureau of the Census as published in the February, 1925, issue (No. 42), p. 14. Beginning with April, 1922, reports received from 198 firms (and in addition 12 firms now out of business) with a total capacity of 241,565 tons in 1922, 250,090 tons in 1923, 255,460 tons in 1924, and 257,970 tons in 1925, have been prorated to the estimated total capacity of the United States, 284,000 tons in 1922 and 285,000 tons in 1923, and 290,000 tons in 1924,2 for comparison with previous figures. Compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, from reports of 35 identical firms. Data for other classifications included in the total covering refinery, tank cars, gasholders, blast furnaces, and miscellaneous, including stocks and ladles, but not separately shown, are given on press releases issued by the Bureau of the3 Census. Iron and steel exports and imports from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. The export column designated "Selected items" and the imports are based on the group of pig iron and rolled products as used in the Iron Trade Review, comparable each month back to 1913. Beginning with January, 1922, all commodities are given in qualities in the export reports, and thus a grand total can be presented in the column showing total exports, as compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Monthly data from 1920 are given in June, 1922, issue (No. 10), p. 42. 4 These data, compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, including reports from the National Association of Steel Furniture Manufacturers, are based on reports from 30 companies in the "business group" and 13 companies manufacturing shelving. Previous to September, 1924, the "business group" data were from 22 manufacturers only, which formed 80 per cent of the "business group" totals for 30 companies in the period from September, 1924, to May, 1925. Monthly data for the 22 companies' shipments from 1919 are given in March, 1923, issue (No. 19), p. 45 and the later data in the November, 1924, issue (No. 39) p. 60. The "business group" includes sections, counters, office and vault verticals, safes and interiors, desks and tables, and small miscellaneous articles, exclusive of lockers. 44 Table 16.—MACHINERY FOUNDRY EQUIPMENT » Electric Sales 1933 May June July August September October November December 1924 January February March April May June July August September October November December Shipments Orders Pitcher, Power on hand and hand, and hydro- Total end of wind- pneumonth mill matic Number Dollars No. of machines 1919 mo av 1920 mo. av__1921 mo. av._. 1922 mo. av_._ 1923 mo. av._1924 mo. av... _. . 24, 117 35, 244 46, 197 51, 020 67, 651 56, 349 58, 449 56, 803 51, 206 45, 168 46, 990 46, 682 509, 317 440, 599 57,712 47, 844 50, 980 45, 611 42, 006 246, 446 344, 778 259, 576 416, 917 386, 747 387, 579 66, 543 42, 271 49, 107 57, 469 55, 654 60,653 53,031 44,494 1925 January February March April May June July August September October November December 55,684 50, 352 50, 472 59,928 69,061 Dollars $610, 503 47,128 51, 285 53, 951 65, 457 45, 352 67, 994 57, 883 57, 533 56,066 New orders Thousands of dollars $1, 659 s $97, 284 « $101, 843 256, 869 "$369,816 10 51, 566 10 3, 143 10 552, 111 275, 955 402,693 379,464 586, 575 49,804 3,349 592, 855 314,055 302, 734 469, 183 847,183 82,940 8 540, 975 859 1,157 1,464 1,099 381,517 376, 663 427,235 UnShip- filled ments orders HI 3,073 3,097 5,192 3,157 3,201 3,219 2,438 3,550 4,032 3,069 1,«?65 6,407 6,378 5,987 9,709 4,785 3,807 MA- STOKERS o Sales New orders index Total Num horseher power 52,732 68 65 57 49 49 52 65 73 55 50 59 58 234 183 73 130 122 94 65, 919 27, 262 60, 409 60, 871 42, 857 100.0 18.0 34.9 59.3 42.2 60 49 50 44 64 47 61 69 194 135 129 135 100, 513 59, 719 52, 518 71, 693 58.5 56.4 55.9 63.1 31 48 48 46 61 67 62 48 99 88 50 73 60,486 32, 517 48.7 52.6 53.9 45.1 42 51 40 63 91 110 89 89 66, 492 62, 113 34, 597 47, 939 66.8 56.3 57.5 48.7 42.2 27.0 29.1 32.2 4, 258 696,468 659, 961 662, 482 623, 284 1,491 1,600 1,384 1,253 1,648 1,587 601, 219 3,867 3,976 3,260 1,858 5,413 327, 971 317, 813 264, 486 347, 505 439, 817 454, 974 437, 296 513, 337 33, 712 41, 537 40, 450 37, 953 2,918 3, 933 1,029 1,146 1,061 970 1,692 1,750 1,406 1,362 4,737 3,864 3,526 2,834 2,551 3,040 2,560 524, 486 597, 491 545, 792 482, 324 315, 684 569, 137 614, 579 600, 251 52, 844 50, 056 55, 663 42, 339 2,798 3,065 3,654 3,986 537, 762 575, 530 630, 288 608, 576 1,071 1,046 1,267 1,372 1,081 1,099 1,211 1,298 2,706 2,663 2,709 3,380 2,980 2,751 4,089 42 42 48 56 1,288 1,006 1,015 988 1,304 1,315 1,065 945 2,704 3,428 2,369 3,346 2,269 ' 4, 137 2,330 3,270 44 45 62 49 48 42 85 62 64 102 115 94 34, 447 35, 549 997 1,152 1,023 1,145 63 56 54 62 60 70 68 67 73 104 106 91 25,988 466,067 973 1,001 873 1,293 57 135 131 120 27, 871 46, 298 122 128 147 698, 165 710, 968 345,492 610,'344 374,773 389, 800 430, 479 520/381 285, 217 295, 050 202, 515 244, 408 335, 450 288, 553 277, 342 284, 607 536, 802 513, 001 410, 694 378, 016 219, 946 233, 756 285, 267 327, 291 329, 061 399, 325 431, 656 47, 177 39, 437 42, 763 2,380 2,494 2,204 3,105 3,721 3,276 2,052 2,247 3,512 54 3,057 3,320 ' 45 57, 305 66, 720 73, 739 77, 126 46, 207 53, 038 61, 108 58, 147 304, 725 326, 887 469, 325 345, 908 305, 581 277, 856 348, 590 325, 952 421, 918 446, 895 539, 540 539, 232 59, 815 60, 030 58, 327 56, 288 522, 995 516, 966 545, 812 604, 393 1,148 1,088 1,542 1,471 946 1,067 1,319 1,354 2,417 2,539 2,964 3,550 76,200 63, 380 332, 175 334, 424 407, 340 318, 442 463, 431 460, 383 57, 665 3,136 600, 766 1, 463 1,661 1,392 1,539 3,031 3,150 2,213 3,147 3,071 2,264 397,738 483, 668 3,572 2, 197 48,072 46,878 484,931 3,421 2, 873 2,422 2,627 2,975 4,350 3,933 77 71 50 60 83 62 3,773 4,724 3,477 79 69 57 92 90 48 4,146 Relative to 1920 57, 653 52, 586 42, 674 42, 527 449, 901 401, 559 442, 981 391, 592 CHINE TOOLS (7) Number $5, 973 56,576 57, 301 of * $1, 290 1,945 1,176 1,031 1,531 1,136 235, 226 261, 047 204, 207 320, 109 67,925 PATENTS GRANTED BY U. S. PATENT OFFICE* &3 2,045 74, 071 34, 691 48, 203 59, 036 60, 741 61, 690 Steam, power, 4and centrifugal Shipments YEAR AND MONTH Total Agricultural 3 Agricultural implements 9 Internalcombustion engines PUMPS WASHINGMACHINE SALES i 32, 576 16,241 37,759 41,931 58, 565 37, 167 31, 732 71,099 47, 627 55, 588 44,095 29.7 39.2 34.7 42.5 49.8 50.8 55.5 50.3 64.1 66.4 58, 719 1 Compiled by the American Washing Machine Manufacturers' Association from reports of 48 members representing practically the entire industry in the United States and Canada. Data for 7 small firms have been estimated to make the compilation complete. Monthly data from 1920, showing electric, gas, and power, water-power, and hand machines, separately, are given in November, 1924, issue (No. 39), p. 97. 2 Data reported by 13 members of the Foundry Equipment Manufacturers' Association, said to represent 65 to 70 per cent of the foundry equipment industry. The principal products are molding machines, sand-cutting machines, sand-blast machines, tumbling barrels, sand-mixing machines, cupolas, ladles, core-making machines, etc. 3 Shipments of agricultural pumps are from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in cooperation with the National Association of Farm Equipment Manufacturers and cover 22 firms, except for May and June,. 1922, when only 21 firms reported; the total shipments include, besides the articles shown in other two columns, the value of cylinders shipped separately. Comparable data for May, June, July, and August, 1924, are not available, several firms having failed to report. 4 Data on steam pumps, single and duplex power pumps, from the Hydraulic Society covering about two-thirds of the industry, on which monthly data back to January, 1919,8 may be found in the September, 1923, issue (No. 25), pages 54 to 57. The association reports give data by classes. Patents granted compiled from the official records on file in the U. S. Department of Commerce, U. S. Patent Office, Division of Publications; inasmuch as patents are granted on Tuesdays only, the number of patents shown for a given month represents the total of either 4 or 5 Tuesdays. Monthly data from 1913 appeared in April, 1923, ,„_ ^. ..... „ , ,__._, appeared , .... — implements fallfall within thethe T Issue (No. 20), page .o48, except for_.„..__.., internal-combustion engines, which in T._... June, ,««„ 1923,,__... issue ~(No. 22), page~ 252.Agricultural Agricultural implementspatents patents within 1 official classification of "Agricultural implements; planters, harrows and diggers, plows, harvesters, scattering unloaders, r~ "'~- *—' "- " 'Annual averages andJ " threshing implements.-" from 1913 to 1918 appeared in February, 1925, issue (No. 42), page 64. « Stoker sales through December, 1922, from the Stoker Manufacturers' Association, said to represent approximately 99 per cent of the industry? beginning with January, 1923, from reports to U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, from 13 manufacturers, representing practically the entire industry (15 prior to August, 1924, when 4 establishments consolidated into 2). Monthly data from 1920 appeared in September, 1922, issue (No. 13), page 48. 7 Compiled by the National Machine Tool Builders' Association, including quantity reports from 70 firms said to represent about 60 per cent of the industry. Detailed, shipments data, since discontinued, appeared on page 55 of the April, 1924, issue (No. 32). 10 8 9 Eleven months' average. Seven months' average. • Eieht Eight months' average. a 45 Table 17.—AUTOMOBILES EXPORTS 2 PRODUCTION i Trucks Passenger cars YEAR AND MONTH Total United CanStates ada CanTotal United States ada INTERNALREVENUE TAXES SALES NEW ON 3— OF United States Canada CAR FORAC- EIGN REGAS- ISTRACESso- SEM- TIONS, Complete or chassis Complete or chassis PasPAAccessenger Tr'ks RIES BLIES AND CIFIC (6) sories cars and COAST P'TS and and wagPasPas(4) (6) Total senger Tr'ks parts Total senger Tr'ks motor ons cycles cars cars Thous. ofdols. Number of cars monthly av 38, 458 monthly av 45, 307 monthly av. 68, 218 monthly av_ 124, 468 monthly av_ 145, 066 monthly av. 77, 199 1,958 2,115 6,167 7,500 10, 680 18, 938 2,241 2,147 5,330 6,737 6,687 3,937 2,157 1,861 3,489 5,160 5,480 3,078 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly av monthly av monthly av_ monthly av_ monthly av. monthly av. 26, 364 26, 837 12, 272 21, 182 32, 711 31, 445 6,894 14, 304 3,202 6,546 12, 658 14, 843 5,595 11, 876 2,579 5,591 10, 586 12, 672 1,299 3,547 2,428 7,183 623 3,255 955 3, 191 2,072 4,915 2,255 6,136 11, 691 12, 775 13, 795 12, 135 10, 466 10, 456 10, 875 10, 069 1,225 2,319 2,920 2,066 138, 138 156, 930 127, 933 198, 766 308, 547 271, 897 262, 083 9,814 29, 989 1,457 Thousands of dollars Number of cars 1 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 84 286 1,841 1,577 1,207 859 Number of cars $523 472 j 1,389 2,001 2,635 2,801 7 1, 006 7 780 7226 1,912 1,633 1,918 1,506 893 775 3,164 2,950 5,827 4,790 4,721 3,657 279 8 $5,824 8$1,138 s$86,090 412 6,967 1,263 81, 834 118 4,270 687 67, 474 5,821 214 799 58, 923 1,037 8,857 909 64, 336 1,064 8,427 861 46, 238 5,302 4,917 4,400 5,329 6,352 6,257 5,587 7,122 5,095 5,028 3,907 5,603 1,257 1,229 1,580 1,519 9,209 8,359 9,543 9,576 852 1,003 789 805 55, 720 72, 271 57, 293 53, 079 18, 955 8,851 31, 869 11, 862 23,473 1933 September October November December 302, 352 338, 485 288, 813 279, 864 1924 January February March April- 293, 824 343, 460 357, 045 346, 405 283, 983 331, 388 341, 851 331, 957 9,841 12, 072 15, 194 14,448 30, 741 32, 910 36, 444 37, 948 28, 994 31, 231 34, 404 36, 015 1,747 1,679 2,040 1,933 15, 459 15, 033 16, 364 18, 570 12, 614 13, 329 14, 035 15, 806 2,845 1,704 2,329 2,764 6,140 7,013 8,056 8,673 5,869 4,094 4,013 3,230 8,566 6,477 2,721 2,315 1,775 783 2,089 406 11, 457 6,839 9,778 9,510 1,258 887 736 1,105 57, 537 42, 599 46, 631 46, 657 9,869 12, 307 9,891 12,623 21, 710 23, 049 31, 568 26, 270 May June July August -. 286, 324 225, 079 244, 544 255, 232 271, 033 214, 322 235, 925 249, 796 15, 291 10, 757 8,619 5,436 35, 314 33, 561 29, 067 28,117 26, 391 25,284 28, 647 27, 767 1,753 950 1,107 880 17, 102 12, 341 11, 703 13, 914 14, 363 10, 142 9,946 12, 220 2,739 5,563 2,199 6,560 1,757 5,581 1,694 4,596 5,363 4,302 4,636 3,512 4,319 3,519 3,147 2,575 1,061 1,124 800 572 11, 539 8,425 7,606 6,156 1,098 917 902 702 60, 324 52, 066 59, 314 48, 380 14, 181 12, 976 12,896 10, 460 28,490 26, 065 26, 524 23, 082 September October November December 263, 528 260, 881 204, 343 182, 099 256, 254, 198, 174, 1925 January. .. February March April 212, 921 252, 803 332, 154 391, 302 204, 620 242,024 319, 140 375, 787 382, 714 364, 806 364, 363 350, 557 May June July August 29, 721 31,612 29, 255 28, 990 940 524 381 899 8,074 26, 469 8,890 30, 935 7,002 27, 319 6,031 21, 612 6,588 31, 960 6, 357 32, 475 5,962 27, 905 7,200 27, 542 30, 609 31, 205 26, 824 25, 852 1,351 1,270 1,081 1,690 13, 961 17, 097 13, 517 13, 060 11, 655 14, 373 11,619 10, 962 2,306 4,829 2,724 5,534 1,898 5,686 2,098 4,799 2,930 4,514 5,805 4,772 2,179 3,481 4,352 3,847 751 1,033 1,453 924 9,278 7,469 4,482 8,586 545 1,301 522 361 37, 780 39, 339 27, 936 36, 294 12, 019 12, 584 12,864 9,676 19, 392 24, 269 14, 201 15, 469 8,301 10, 779 13, 014 15, 515 28, 147 34, 412 45, 101 47, 828 26, 582 32,719 43, 012 46,252 1, 565 1,693 2,089 1, 576 17, 474 16, 891 27, 993 28,833 14, 492 14, 739 23, 265 23, 806 2,982 4,764 2,152 5, 363 4,728 8,450 5, 027 8,163 5, 174 5,136 7,573 5, 894 3,732 4,008 6,495 4,760 1,442 1, 128 1, 078 1,134 6, 599 5,563 5,749 11, 121 592 277 461 498 33, 140 28, 786 32, 976 32, 419 13, 075 11, 874 15, 433 16, 279 14, 912 17, 858 26, 394 27,53 18, 351 14, 249 43, 286 37,890 41, 398 36, 096 1,888 1,794 29, 871 20, 408 24, 562 17, 310 5,309 9,081 3,098 7,329 5, 753 4,633 6,081 4,811 1,120 1.270 10, 028 688 32, 826 18, 237 16, 839 28,946 26, 948 - September October November December * Monthly automobile production data beginning July, 1921, represent practically complete production, including total membership of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce and reports to the Bureau of the Census from outside manufacturers. Annual figures through 1921 represent complete production as compiled by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. Monthly figures from January, 1920, through June, 1921, have been estimated by the Cleveland Trust Co. on the basis of shipments and are given in detail in the July, 1923, issue (No. 23) of the SURVEY. Total figures prior to 1924 are not strictly comparable with the data for 1924 and 1925, since a few manufacturers were unable to furnish data for prior years covering their Canadian operations. 2 Automobile exports compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 3 Data compiled by the U.S. Treasury Department, Bureau of Internal Revenue, represent internal -revenue taxes collected under the revenue acts of 1918, 1921, and 1924. For taxes on automobiles and motor cycles ("including tires, inner tubes, parts, and accessories therefor, sold in connection therewith") the rate is 5 per cent, and payable by the manufacturer. For taxes on automobile trucks and automobile wagons ("including tires, etc., sold on or in connection therewith ") the rate is 3 per cent, and payable by the manufacturer. The act of 1924, effective as of July 3, 1924, exempts from tax truck chassis valued not in excess of $1,000 and truck bodies not in excess of $200; data on this item since August, 1924, therefore, not being directly comparable with those of previous periods. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in January, 1923, issue (No. 17), p. 51. * Computed from tax collections by the U. S. Treasury Department, Bureau of Internal Revenue, which were at the rate of 5 per cent on "automobile accessories and parts sold to any person other than a manufacturer of automobiles" under the act of 1921 and at the rate of 2J/£ per cent under the act of 1924 for goods of the same description. It should be noted that the data in this column have been computed to actual sales values and thus do not represent merely the taxes on those values; also that the sales5 actually took place in the previous month. Cars assembled in foreign countries except Canada by the principal American automobile manufacturers compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. These cars are not included in the production figures for the United States and Canada, nor in the exports of complete cars or chassis, but they are represented in the value of parts exported. 6 Registrations of new automobiles in the States of Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington compiled by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Data by States appeared in 7the March, 1924, issue (No. 31), p. 56. 8 Nine months' average, April to December, inclusive. Six months' average, July to December, inclusive. 46 Table 18.—COPPER AND BRASS PLUMBING FIXTURES i COPPER Stocks 1° Domes Price (North and South Ingots, tics World 7 Ex- 9 America) produc- ship- ports, tion, ments, trolytic blister refined refined (New York) 11 Refined Refined o Blister Mines < Smelter * Production YEAR AND MONTH Dollars Number per Ib. Short tons 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly average average average. . „ . average average average 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average 51,487 47, 851 62,003 83, 578 78, 976 79,584 51,020 47, 922 57,834 80, 327 78,588 79, 522 50, 514 51, 023 19, 667 41,154 61, 564 66, 115 53, 601 50, 378 23, 938 47, 131 69,478 74, 872 3 231, 901 3208,845 3 134, 299 3 197, 207 3 290, 971 3 325, 083 1933 September.. October November December 62, 255 66, 035 63, 885 64,832 72,247 76, 272 73, 575 72,469 295, 438 1934 January.. February March.. April 66, 631 65, 681 65, 181 66,073 75,734 73, 791 74, 338 71, 072 65, 608 63, 933 64, 787 66, 756 75,734 74,948 74, 072 73, 074 63, 800 68,989 68, 291 67,647 74, 390 81, 003 74, 975 75,333 January February March April 74, 789 68,967 74,901 70,551 82, 676 78,237 87, 109 79, 149 May. June July August.. 70, 033 70, 322 77, 041 76,633 May June July August .. September October November December 326, 928 323,535 316, 197 333, 672 79, 553 113, 016 121, 628 52, 179 25,605 45, 829 61, 293 62, 782 18, 327 25, 886 25, 647 30, 342 33, 322 45, 612 117, 994 118, 103 118, 962 120, 603 47, 218 61, 622 64,049 51, 234 118, 781 117, 627 122, 616 119, 176 124, 250 122, 100 121, 717 119, 166 2 WholeOrders Orders sale price, received shipped 6 pieces Dollars $0. 1527 ». 1360 .1728 .2720 .2718 .2463 35,231 37. 623 26, 784 27, 630 39,909 29.363 340, 152 Sales, tubular BRASS FAUCETS2 Number of pieces $67.58 351, 061 320, 738 267, 969 2 149, 393 2 155, 885 2 136, 434 253, 380 237, 528 .1869 .1746 .1250 .1338 .1442 .1302 34,445 37,543 36, 101 38, 178 126, 549 137, 089 131, 953 155, 885 268, 368 253, 350 253, 632 253, 380 .1332 .1257 .1273 .1282 135, 966 173, 481 261, 190 367, 458 136,374 147, 420 214, 261 289, 915 128.08 126. 61 124. 53 124. 38 338,221 408, 765 502, 860 476, 546 389,845 490, 690 394,798 319, 072 72,419 71, 033 80, 197 65, 799 34,444 44, 639 49, 334 49, 344 160, 195 145, 558 119, 463 110, 421 245, 552 246, 327 238, 029 235, 082 .1240 .1271 .1352 .1321 540, 768 269, 112 289, 694 217, 383 425, 776 260, 548 288, 097 189, 280 123.58 123. 77 123. 65 123. 26 496, 535 515, 521 389, 554 339, 036 362,433 394, 316 428, 782 482, 578 68, 002 61, 325 50, 738 60, 944 49, 159 46, 370 39, 020 40, 891 113, 003 112, 195 126, 859 128, 292 241, 131 241, 931 247, 470 249, 795 .1277 .1233 .1239 .1322 101,433 113, 426 125, 914 283, 933 102, 672 99, 982 118, 855 190,438 121. 70 121. 74 118. 05 118. 00 281, 913 283, 996 307, 400 243, 540 390,419 421, 115 345, 306 275, 309 116, 557 47, 726 129, 547 w 58, 402 122, 008 is 58, 402 125, 939 is 58, 402 48, 625 45, 528 51, 831 48, 161 136, 756 233, 742 136, 434 237, 528 .1292 .1293 .1364 .1426 167,497 174, 822 309, 268 595, 729 143, 267 146, 958 270, 379 452, 401 117.84 116. 15 115. 45 114. 91 447, 604 460, 664 590, 333 890, 924 396, 795 446, 168 296, 729 335, 180 130, 310 i« 63, 924 122, 975 ie 63, 924 135, 359 16 63, 923 124, 510 49, 613 32, 101 62, 728 53, 119 .1471 .1446 .1400 .1325 304, 015 260, 893 146, 494 176, 962 251, 290 216, 019 145, 024 170, 658 115. 28 116. 14 114. 54 114. 46 657, 616 394,882 313, 267 263, 551 676, 537 550, 333 554, 565 125, 674 124,487 56, 664 52, 924 .1335 .1340 .1395 145, 005 186, 515 179,805 140, 577 173, 020 180, 603 113. 69 112. 16 326, 230 299, 931 428, 302 320, 596 2 2 " 220,198 "$208,006 215, 908 207, 849 265,748 224, 054 126. 45 119.84 '« 296, 090 "280,033 478, 768 519, 970 437, 252 381, 261 1935 September October November December.. 327, 722 337, 302 122, 348 260, 466 91, 326 248, 286 I * Tubular plumbing sales from Tubular Plumbing Goods Association, comprising cast, wrought, and miscellaneous traps, basin, bath, and tank supply pipes and connected wastes and overflows. Details by classes, sizes, and geographical distribution are given on the association's reports. Wholesale price, compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, is an average of 12 reports of combined net selling prices to retailers, without freight; on the following competitive fixtures: Bathtub, washstand, water-closet, sink, two-part cement laundry tub, and 30-gallon range boiler. 2 Data on brass faucets, representing the total of 22 different kinds of faucets, reported to the National Association of Brass Manufacturers by about 13 members each month. 3 Quarterly averages appear opposite yearly figures and quarterly totals opposite monthly data.. 4 Figures on mine production represent practically complete primary production of copper in the United States,, as compiled _„ by ._ the American Bureau of Metal Statistics. f ' Geological - • - Survey. Mine8 production from 1913 through 1920 was reported by the U? S. Department of the Interior, Smelter production data are based on the production of blister copper by smelters in the United States from both domestic and imported ores, also from some scrap copper, as compiled by the American Bureau of Metal Statistics. Yearly figures for the period 1913-1920 represent production as reported by the U. S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. 6 Refined production (quarterly) represents the total output of refined copper by primary refiners in North and South America, as compiled by the American Bureau of Metal7 Statistics. World production of blister copper includes the smelter output of the United States, Mexico, Canada, Chile, Peru, Japan, Australia, Europe, Belgian Congo, and Rhodesia. These countries produced about 95 per cent of the world's production in 1922 and about 96 per cent in 1923. The figures are based on smelter production of blister copper without any attempt at segregation according to the country of origin. 8 Shipments figures represent the movement of refined copper from 12 refineries, located in both North and South America, as compiled by the American Bureau of Metal Statistics. 8 Exports of refined copper compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, include refined copper in ingots and bars, old and scrap copper, composition metal (copper chief value), pipes, tubes, plates, sheets, and wire except insulated. M Stocks of blister copper, North and South America, also include copper "in process." Stock figures compiled monthly through September, 1924, thereafter quarterly, by the American Bureau of Metal Statistics. 11 Price of ingot copper, electrolytic, New York, based on averages of daily transactions, reported by the Engineering and Mining Journal-Press. 12 Stocks appearing opposite the years 1919 to 1922, inclusive, are as of Dec. 31 of the year indicated, whereas the figures opposite 1923 and 1924 are average monthly holdings 13 for the year indicated. Nine months' average. " Four months' average. t5 Seven months' average, i6 Prorated from quarterly total. 47 Table 19.—TIN, ZINC, AND LEAD ZINC 2 TIN* LEADS Stocks1 YEAR AND MONTH Ddiv•eries World visible Ore Im- Price, Retorts ProOre Price— ports- Pig in oper- duction Stocks ship- stocks, Prime Bans, (New ation, (total at re- ments, «w^HRhn western priJoplin end of (St. fineries York)* blocks, U.S. lUOnth mary) district district Louis)4 etc. .Bolls, per Ib. Number Ixmg tons Dolls, per Ib. Short tons av av EV av av av 3,658 3, 475 4,063 4,685 4, 823 4,862 12,377 14, 907 15, 208 18, 585 18, 803 13, 894 1,930 1,599 2,078 3,331 2,284 286 4,268 $0. 4425 3,728 ' . 3430 4,140 .3859 6,288 .4338 5,763 .6180 5,302 105,684 94,468 156, 568 204, 693 136,639 123,033 28, 890 29,420 40, 793 55,621 .55, 708 43, 160 40,659 20,095 14,253 17, 598 53, 721 41,241 23, 931 21,421 25, 795 30, 625 34, 070 30, 231 $0. 0550 0506 .1305 .1263 .0873 .0789 1919 mo av 1920 mo. av 1921 mo av 1923 mo av 1924 mo. av 2,692 4,260 2,160 4,788 5, 846 5,344 12, 890 19, 726 19, 697 23, 655 21,740 21, 254 1,630 3,322 2,351 2,481 2,667 3,351 3,337 4,689 2,017 5,011 5,755 5,428 .6333 .4827 .2858 .3183 .4180 .4967 100, 830 89, 737 36,623 57, 007 84, 634 76, 748 38, 250 39, 981 17, 966 31,140 44,267 44,654 37, 485 40, 443 79, 829 36, 385 ,20, 125 39, 226 35, 326 47, 499 26,184 45, 147 58, 126 60, 924 68, 063 58, 653 41, 454 .0699 .0767 .0466 .0572 .0661 .0661 1983 IVIay June July August 6,035 5,410 5,305 5,510 22, 187 21, 297 20,019 18,754 3,132 2,137 2,037 2,887 5,032 4,896 5,632 5,674 .4235 .4038 . 3797 .38&4 86, 731 84, 455 82, 075 75,325 47,347 42,840 43, 065 41, 625 13, 019 17, 173 21, 240 26, 471 51,042 55,296 31,629 43, 069 64, 050 67, 920 64,000 65, 120 .0663 .0603 .0609 .0733 September October November December 4,540 5,540 6,785 4,810 19, 864 20, 567 19, 520 21,011 2,362 3,677 1,072 1,652 4,290 5,827 5,061 5,615 .4105 .4132 .4350 .4666 81,849 84, 559 84, 906 m, 384 39, 105 42,098 44,280 46, 485 22,893 25,787 30,904 37,578 67, 228 43, 156 67, 845 76,954 62,880 65, 880 53, 320 53,400 .0644 .0629 .0635 .0626 1924 January February JVIarch April 4,895 8,845 4, 560 7,590 24, 372 21,835 23, 275 19, 023 2,812 3, 302 1,802 4,322 5,770 9, 196 3, 513 10, 182 .4825 .5277 .5437 .4946 78, 768 79, 232 i 78,092: 82,650 49,709 43, 933 47, 775 44,949 40, 697 37, 192 32,074 32, 778 49,862 58, 195 84,994 52, 609 51, 440 49, 800 32, 640 41,760 May June July . . August 5,240 4,310 3,930 4,805 19,711 20,094 20, 161 24,302 4,067 4,067 5, 059 3,454 5,052 4,092 4, 833 3,351 .4361 . 4227 .4575 .5141 B.1, 143 75, 155 71,827; 72, 195 47,666 43,442 42,913 41,775 42, 364 49,684 52,705 50, 922 60, 151 45, 836 46,351 73, 727 4,985 5,090 5,790 4,085 20, 233 18, 971 20, 977 25, 088 3,974 2,419 2,089 2,844 5,223 4,496 4,191 5,240 .4860 .5004 .5385 .5572 70, 875 72, 139 77,631 SI, 274 40, 852 42, 488 42, 633 47,711 45, 720 38, 452 26,912 21, 208 7,155 7,205 7,100 6,655 £2,949 23, 591 19, 623 18, 105 4,394 3,949 5, 184 2,309 8,714 6,117 8,037 4,656 .5769 .5652 .5304 .5136 86, 081 87, 377 8f>, 529 86,674 50, 386 46,811 51, 485 48, 851 4,910 6,175 6,475 20, 897 19, 797 19, 857 1, 404 2, 054 2,414 3,847 6, 985 . 5368 .5489 .5668 86, 457 82,358 82, 140 49, 738 45, 921 47,583 1913 mo 1914 mo 1915 010 1916 mo. 1917 mo. 1918 mo ._.. -- September October November December.. 1935 January February March _ A pril May __ . Jrune July August Production PriceOre RePig, ship- ceipts Stocks— desilments, of lead U.S. and verized Joplin in U.S. Mexico (New district ore York) * Dolls, per Ib. Short tons 3,972 3, 458 3,776 4,496 5,264 ! 5, 561 $0. 0437 .0386 .0463 ,0686 .£879 .0741 5,683 7,601 5,701 7,805 7,522 8,336 25, 986 30, 748 37, 449 41, 844 9,103 10,703 3,780 4,114 47, 321 36,022 34, 892 35, 171 ,0731 .0715 .0624 .0658 33, 830 37, 467 36, 945 7,732 5,425 6,521 10, 018 34, 280 36, 879 34, 772 34, 077 104, 166 .0686 .0683 .0685 .0737 .0643 .0676 .0649 ,0612 36, 670 39, 912 43, 109 40,362 8,127 7,072 9,704 7,352 38, 485 39, 470 39, 924 40,819 100, 530 101, 244 103, 367 110,415 .0797 . 0855 . 0901 .C826 46, 160 48,040 46, 360 41, 240 .0579 .0579 .0590 .0618 44,276 46, 119 44, 483 44, 638 7,790 5,968 5,125 9,470 45, 520 41,096 39, 956 43, 061 109, 922 108, 760 105, 486 103, 457 .0727 .0702 .0712 .0783 55, 878 65, 581 79, 587 58, 809 45, 440 43,400 31, 159 26,600 ,0618 .0632 .0680 .0737 46, 925 47, 417 46, 597 45, 920 7,770 9,355 12, 222 10, 078 43,052 45, 577 42, 619 42,552 98,277 97, 471 98, 361 87, 197 .0800 .0824 .0869 .0921 18,996 16, 703 17, 196 18, 337 67, 824 66, 485 62, 796 58, 325 33,120 33, 920 32,200 35,400 .0774 .0748 .0732 .0699 47,091 42, 237 49, 635 46,209 13, 449 10, 694 9, 732 9,749 47, 254 45, 224 46, 0.81 45,005 100, 925 105,812 104, 784 100, 963 .1017 .0943 . 0891 .0801 21, 210 22, 906 20, 771 71, 248 62, 997 35,440 33, 680 19,920 . 0695 .0699 . 0724 47,316 50, 095 9, 605 10,089 7, .822 45,426 45, 397 97,462 ,0799 .0832 .0815 43, 869 102,041 .0576 .0796 . 0455 .0573 .0727 .0810 September October November. December 1 Deliveries and stocks of tin from New York Metal Exchange. Stocks in the United States are at port warehouses at the end of the month, while deliveries are from these warehouses and indicate -approximate consumption. The 'world visible supply at the end of the month includes stocks in the United States in Europe and afloat. Imports of tin in bars, blocks, etc., from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 2 Production and stocks ^at refineries at end of month of total primary zinc and retorts in operation at end of month from American Zinc Institute. Ore shipments and stocks at Joplin district mines at end of month from the Joplin Globe. 3 Production of crude lead (amount extracted from Mexican ore deducted), receipts of lead in United States ore, and total subscribers' stocks in the United States and Mexico of ore, matte, base bullion, and refined lead, including antimonial, reported by the American Bureau of Metal Statistics. Shipments of lead ore from, mines of the : 3opHn district from the Joplin Globe. 4 \ Price quotations, representing averages of daily prices are from the Engineering and Mining Journal; prices on tin and lead are New York quotations and zinc is from Bt. Louis. 4 Eleven months' average, August missing. 48 Table 20.—MISCELLANEOUS METAL PRODUCTS BABBITT METALi FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 3 ARSENIC a Crude Consumption Refined Shipments YEAR AND MONTH Total apparent Direct by producers Sale to consumers Production Pounds Stocks Production Stocks 1,497 2,916 Motor vehicles Hand types Number Short tons 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average FARM IMPLEMENTS * Sales in Northwest Thous. of dollars 1,072 1,519 642 3,268 $1, 450 1,393 1, 657 873 888 1,223 1,014 677 590 627 429 461 648 1,320 1,342 1,040 1,094 1,083 664 532 377 332 685 1,471 1,944 3,609 2,497 667 1,139 1,528 1,646 901 751 1,435 1, 573 1,441 968 '444 569 1933 January February March _ April _. May June July August ... - September October November December ... 1934 January February March April 1,507 1,369 1,566 1,819 2,393 2,194 1,963 2,152 1,901 1,399 1,791 1,656 1,101 1,169 1,624 1,856 346 639 1,368 1,235 May June July August 1,746 1,761 1,726 1,502 2,448 2,866 3,049 3,222 1,487 1,486 1,622 1,674 2,056 2,164 2,685 3,755 1,487 1,676 3,639 3,772 1,323 1,129 1,280 1,240 3,448 3,475 3, 730 4,151 1,385 1,224 1,467 1,141 4,708 5,181 6,245 6,676 2,802 1,438 784 699 September October November December .. 1925 January . February March April May June July August . _ 5, 683, 182 5, 164, 619 5, 644, 288 5, 126, 415 1, 062, 368 1, 061, 279 1, 248, 387 1,198,280 4, 620, 814 4, 103, 340 4,3)5,901 3,928,135 978 1,224 946 684 4,276 4,651 4,394 3,881 1,269 1,218 1,301 1,210 6,997 7,204 7, 055 6,913 114 101 110 132 50, 538 42, 146 47, 679 51, 662 639 1,318 2,293 2,334 5,081,667 5, 034, 965 892, 110 949,841 4, 189, 557 4, 085, 124 507 752 3,384 3,193 461 1,317 6,505 7,018 138 137 49, 615 50, 590 2,009 2,454 November December * Compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census from reports of 27 firms. Consumption is calculated from sales by manufacturers and consumption by those firms (among them several important railroad systems) who consume their own production. 2 Compiled by the American Bureau of Metal Statistics. Figures on crude arsenic cover this element in its primary state while those on refined arsenic cover this commodity as derived from the crude. Stocks are those in producers' hands at the end of each month. 3 Data on shipments of fire extinguishers compiled from reports of 33 companies to the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Further details by classes are given on press releases. Data compiled by the Fire Extinguisher Exchange from January, 1922, through September, 1923, appeared in May, 1924, issue (No. 33), p. 81. 4 Farm implement sales in the Northwest by seven large implement manufacturers, compiled by Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, include plows, harrows, and packers, drills and planters, mowers, rakes, binders and headers, hullers, potato diggers, beet lifters, gas engines, tractors, threshing machines, binder twine, spray material, ensilage cutters, blowers, feed and fanning mills, concrete mixers, wagons and trucks, manure spreaders and litter carriers, wheelbarrows, silos, tubs, tanks, dairy and barn equipment, pumps, sprayers, windmills, etc. 49 Table 21.—COAL Consumption COKE ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUS i Prices Prices Production i Price ! Wholesale, By vesMine Kaiia- Retail sels electric aver- wha Chi- 6 clear- power4 age f. o. b. cago ing 3 plants (sfot) Cinports cinnati («) Production i Exports 3 Thous. of short tons Thous. Thous. of long of short tons tons YEAR AND MONTH 1909-13 monthly av. 1913 monthly av 1914 monthly av 1915 monthly av 1916 monthly av__. 1917 monthly av 39, 870 35,225 36,886 41,877 45,983 1,098 1,499 1,150 1,397 1,581 1,789 642 606 620 620 574 461 1918 monthly av__. 1919 monthly av_ _ . 1920 monthly av 1921 monthly av 1922 monthly av__. 1923 monthly av__. 1924 monthly av_._ 48,282 38, 822 47, 389 34, 660 35, 189 47,013 40,273 1,663 1,497 2,866 1,722 919 1,596 1,270 604 780 629 343 379 332 1923 September . October November December 47, 805 50,869 44,387 41,208 1,769 1,489 1,253 1,078 1924 January February March. . April 52,464 47,262 41, 253 30,404 May June _ July__ August Dollars per short ton Pro- Stocks, Wholeduc- end of Ex- 2 sale, Retail, tion i mo. ? ports chest- chestnut, nut, New New York« York' Thous. per Dols. per of long Dols. long of short Thous. short long tons ton tons ton Beehive ExBy- ports 2 Connellsprodville« uct Thous. of short tons Thous. Dols. per of long short ton tons $1.23 1.14 1.12 1.85 3.25 $2.20 2.20 2.20 2.68 4.58 $4.81 4.93 4.89 4.87 6.95 7,627 7,569 7,416 7,298 8,301 288 346 319 295 347 462 $5.31 5.32 5.33 5.57 5.94 $6.97 7.00 7.17 7.34 8.46 2,799 1,945 2,292 2,955 2,764 1,059 935 1,172 1,689 1,870 73 73 49 67 87 104 $2.44 1.81 1.79 3.25 8.25 2,925 3,094 2,631 2,849 3,238 3,132 2.58 2.59 5.64 2.55 3.63 2.75 2.08 3.88 4.11 5.85 4.56 5.20 4.31 3.43 6.55 6.86 8.48 8.58 9.50 9.23 8.15 8,236 7,341 7,467 7,539 4,557 7,954 7,778 2,673 1,478 696 2,983 370 370 402 348 197 379 300 6.86 8.27 9.50 10.53 10.60 10.88 11.37 9.19 10.81 12.33 13.52 13.70 14.21 14.00 2,540 1,587 1,748 462 670 1,615 806 2,166 2,095 2,565 1,646 2,375 3,133 2,833 126 53 68 23 38 92 55 6.00 4.74 10.79 3.65 7.08 5.47 3.53 393 369 351 311 3,168 3,579 3,474 3,395 2.40 2.25 2.23 2.17 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.39 8.73 8.77 8.75 8.71 2,853 8,532 7,575 7,530 740 1,065 1,244 1,441 176 401 369 329 11.13 11.47 11.48 11.48 14.50 14.58 14.58 14.50 1,480 1,391 1,189 1,147 3,119 3,107 2,948 3,005 95 78 49 45 4.81 3 98 4.08 4.13 1,046 1,263 1,112 943 323 335 303 347 3,664 3,326 3,237 2,891 2.23 2.25 2.15 2.07 3.64 3.64 3.39 3.39 8.71 8.73 8.56 8.06 7,924 7,621 8,114 6,811 1,494 1,660 2,016 2,125 272 310 311 245 11.47 11.47 11.48 10.97 14.50 14.13 14.33 13.50 1,154 1,211 1,343 1,079 3,094 2,981 3,221 3,010 53 56 112 45 4,03 4.19 4.18 3.78 32,248 31,433 33, 317 35,892 1,232 1,514 1,631 1,393 370 341 346 317 2,821 2,680 2,789 3,016 2.04 2.03 1.98 1.99 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7,745 7,704 7,782 7,086 2,291 2,677 3,198 3,779 275 349 290 257 11.06 11.16 11.28 11.38 13.57 13.63 13.70 13.78 761 555 447 434 2,808 2,426 2,369 2,446 40 48 49 42 4.41 3.23 2.96 3.00 September _ October.. .. November.. December 42, 340 48, 373 42,066 46,288 1,503 1,534 974 1,090 312 351 289 352 3,012 3,221 3,293 3,635 2.03 2.10 2.06 2.06 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 7.83 8.21 8.13 8.14 7,601 7,674 6,776 7,376 4,146 4,167 4,166 4,080 327 362 283 321 11.47 11.48 11.47 11.73 14.13 14.17 14.17 14.42 523 631 630 900 2,546 2,900 2,927 3,267 42 56 57 56 3.13 3.13 3.23 4.04 1925 January February March. . April 51, 930 38,987 37,626 33,702 980 820 919 886 325 294 313 353 3,714 3,127 3,174 2,959 2.09 2.04 1.98 1.96 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.39 8.51 8.50 8.48 8.41 7,419 7,176 7,058 7,472 3,809 3,692 4,068 3,940 296 289 201 230 11.75 11.75 10.95 10.76 14.33 14.42 14.42 13.67 1,170 1,054 1,006 806 3,411 3,125 3,456 3,316 63 61 66 53 4.64 4.08 3.52 3.17 35,474 37, 188 1,357 1,436 400 394 2,965 3,102 1.97 1.95 1.95 3.39 3.39 3.39 8.06 8.23 8,134 7,804 3,913 4,203 325 314 10.88 10.96 11.07 13.68 13.78 613 596 3,290 3,157 59 50 3.11 2.90 2.91 May June July August . September.. October 1 Production figures, calculated from shipments from the mine, representing complete production except for small quantities used at the mines, compiled by U. S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. Monthly data from 1911 given in November, 1924, issue (No. 39), p. 215. Periodic data on total stocks from 1916 given in March, 1924, issue (No. 31), p. 13. 2 Exports from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce; bunker coal on vessels engaged in the foreign trade is not included in these3 figures. Consumption of coal by vessels loading at principal clearing ports is given in the table on ocean transportation on p. 109. Coal loaded for consumption by outgoing vessels at principal ports compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Monthly data4 covering the period 1913-1923 appeared in October, 1923, issue (No. 26), p. 61. Data on consumption of coal by electric power plants from U. S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. »Average mine price of spot coal in 14 representative bituminous fields weighted by the production in each field, compiled by the Coal Age; about 20 per cent of the total output of bituminous coal is sold spot, while about 55 per cent is sold on future contracts, and 25 per cent of the output is not sold commercially. 6 Wholesale and retail prices are monthly averages from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Wholesale price of bituminous coal is based on run of mine, while the retail price is average consumer's price of lump, egg, nut, and mine run, averaged according to shipments. The price of coke represents beehive furnace coke7 (range of prompt and future) at Connellsville ovens. Anthracite stocks, representing stocks at distribution points and excluding Hudson Coal Company tonnage, from Anthracite Bureau of Information. 54240° 50 Table 22.—CRUDE PETROLEUM STOCKS * (end of month) PRODUCTION i YEAR AND MONTH Tank ^ farms and pipe lines Grand total IM- Refineries Number of days' •»• Thousands of barrels 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly 1918 monthly CONSUMPTION < average average average average average average 20, 704 22, 147 23,425 25,064 27,943 29,661 104,962 123,709 145, 914 144,556 133,883 117,412 104, 962 123, 709 145, 914 144, 556 128,201 103,886 5,682 13, 526 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average 31, 531 36,911 39, 137 46,463 61,034 58,939 124, 961 150,069 179,888 278,605 326,682 388, 987 110, 026 133, 115 159,237 245, 673 294,659 349,447 62,377 62,845 65, 925 66,422 310,783 321, 970 332, 949 341, 371 September October November December 65,306 67,506 65, 388 59,546 1934 January ._ . February March April May June July August PORTS 3 Total Run to stills Thousands of barrels 159 126 1,484 1,437 1,512 1,714 2,514 3,144 21,808 21, 774 22,772 26,549 31,478 34,423 14, 935 16,954 20,651 32, 932 32,023 39,540 116 92 111 153 147 166 4,401 9,054 10,442 10,609 6,835 6,481 279, 272 290,252 299, 368 307, 100 31,511 31, 718 33,581 34, 271 146 151 146 144 347, 246 357,458 365, 899 368, 033 314, 493 323, 789 332, 887 334, 774 32, 753 33, 669 33, 012 33, 259 56, 455 55, 454 59, 729 59,433 367, 615 372, 216 377,549 381, 446 333, 742 331, 727 334, 811 338, 203 61,653 59,292 61, 083 61,704 387, 276 391, 718 396, 210 403, 621 59, 611 59,937 56,297 56, 617 January February March April 59, 519 54,045 60,433 61, 431 May .. . June July August 68,082 66, 675 Price, Kans.Okla., at wells5 Oil wells completed e Per barrel Number of wells MEXICAN FIELD 7 Shipments Storage, Tampico field Thousands of barrels 26,261 27,169 $0.934 .798 .583 1.258 1.775 2. 197 1,592 1,389 763 1,565 1,383 1,487 2,159 1,766 2,743 3,318 4,608 5,319 34,873 43, 732 43, 748 49, 370 59, 526 62,486 30, 127 36,160 36,947 41, 725 48,436 53,842 2.279 3.404 1.704 1.806 1.439 1.446 1,747 2,024 1,218 1,445 1,357 1,212 7,280 12,814 15,093 15,611 12, 147 11,309 8 21, 763 21,927 5,995 5,996 6,915 7,580 57,811 55, 145 62, 057 64, 608 47, 973 47, 969 50,926 50,015 1.525 1.450 1.450 1.450 1,871 1,830 1,733 1,465 12, 297 11,943 12, 119 13, 019 19,023 19,556 20,743 148 155 160 157 6,021 6,825 6,085 8,417 62, 224 63,600 60, 860 63,854 48,812 50,904 50, 364 51,249 1.345 1.238 1.050 1.015 1,278 1,140 1,007 887 11, 282 11, 529 11, 974 13,563 23,653 23, 758 23,095 22,513 33, 873 37, 174 39,018 39, 518 162 160 159 160 6,303 6,511 8,631 7,297 62,262 59, 135 63,237 61,786 51,244 49, 907 52, 699 55, 249 1.244 1.513 1.670 1.750 774 910 1,088 1,429 9,911 11,809 13, 331 13, 514 24, 131 24,387 24, 346 22, 527 346,751 351, 218 356, 240 362, 985 40,525 40,500 39,970 40,636 167 171 177 180 7,393 6,660 6,502 5,762 62, 373 59, 943 61, 154 59,479 54,725 52, 436 52, 877 54,658 1.735 1.550 1.550 1.375 1,657 1,521 1,593 1,389 12, 459 11,254 10,886 10, 530 21,585 20, 691 21, 167 20, 970 405, 249 402,693 400, 062 396,801 363, 700 362, 374 359, 658 351, 950 41,549 40, 319 40,404 40, 995 169 170 164 155 5,354 4,873 6,649 5,841 62, 415 64,713 64,209 69, 122 53, 617 55, 779 55,029 57,880 1.313 1.250 1.212 1.195 1,126 1,060 1,007 994 9,374 9,989 11,204 11,443 21, 413 21, 413 20,723 19, 769 391, 233 392,029 392, 373 397, 223 347, 943 348, 359 348, 731 352,814 43,290 43, 670 43, 642 44,409 159 165 163 159 7,025 5,580 6,375 5,415 66,614 58,087 65, 379 65, 642 57, 333 52, 993 59,407 59, 180 1.293 1.738 1.800 1.800 883 990 1,089 1,567 11, 014 10,234 11,704 9,609 20,179 19, 673 18, 354 19, 356 6,484 5,153 69, 777 74, 592 62, 380 64,874 1.800 1.800 1,800 1,671 1,706 10,254 8,913 8,440 19, 189 1923 May June July August _. . September October November December . . __ _._ 1935 September October November December i 1 Production data, compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Mines, represent output transported from field of production, excluding oil consumed at locality of production or not transported therefrom, which has comprised only 1 or 2 per cent of the total production since 1919. Details by States and fields are given in monthly press releases. Monthly data from 1917 to 1920 given in December, 1922, issue (No. 16), p. 48, for 1921 and 1922 in August, 1923, issue (No. 24), p. 77. 2 Compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Mines, consolidating work formerly carried on by the Bureau of Mines and the Geological Survey under the Department of the Interior. Tank-farm stocks include total stocks at pipe lines and tank farms, producers' stocks in California and imported oil held outside refineries. Prior to January, 1923, these figures "included topped oil and imported oil at refineries, but the duplication between this item and the total stocks at refineries was slight. This old method of securing figures showed totals about 2 per cent greater than those secured by the new method used in 1923. Adjustments have been made in figures of some of the earlier years to represent approximate net stocks for comparison with later figures. Producers' stocks east of California are not included in the monthly totals, but have ranged between 3>£ and 9J3 million barrels at annual compilations since 1919. Refineries' stocks include both imported ancl domestic oil. The number of days supply is calculated from the tank-farm and pipe-line stocks and from current consumption. Monthly data on stocks from 1917 to 1919 appeared in December, 1922, issue (No.3 16), p. 48; for 1920 to 1922 in July, 1923, issue (No. 23), p. 50; on days' supply from 1921 in August, 1923, issue (No. 24), p. 77. Imports of crude petroleum are as compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Mines. Beginning with February, 1923, topped oil has been generally excluded from the imports; on this basis imports for January, 1923, were 5,069,000 barrels instead of 6,199,000 barrels, as reported, and to which previous months' figures are 4comparable. Data on total consumption representing deliveries to domestic consumers, compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Mines, from figures on production, imports, exports, and differences in stocks (except refiners' stocks). The change on the basis for computing stocks and imports at the beginning of 1923 changed consumption for January, 1923, from 53,902,000 barrels on the old basis to 56,210,000 barrels on the new basis. Figures on crude oil run to stills at refineries represent consumption by refiners. « Wholesale price of Kansas-Oklahoma crude oil at wells is average for the month as compiled by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 87 Number of oil wells completed during the month compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Mines. Mexican petroleum shipments from the three ports, Tampico, Port Lobos, and Tuxpam, indicating Mexican oil production, from the Oil Trade Journal, the preliminary8 figure for the current month being taken from the Wall Street Journal. Storage of oil in the Tampico field in Mexico front»the Wall Street Journal. Average of seven months, June to December, 1923, inclusive. 51 Table 2&—®AS®BEN& ANB KEROSENE KEROSENE OIL GASOLINE Production i YEAH AND MONTH Domestic tion* Exports 2 consump- Stocks, end -of month i Thousands of gallons Price, motor, NewYork 3 Retail distribution,^! States * Dollars per gal. Thous. of gallons 1917 monthly average 1018 monthly average 1919 monthly average 1920'montlily average 237, 546 ••. 297, 526 > 329; 821 400, 879 ; 34, 676 40, 926 30,667 52, 979 218, 420 260,772 286, 234 354,225 343, 946 386, 202 472, 411 464, 485 $0.238 .242. .245 .293 1921 1922 1923 1924 429,462 516, 853 629, 662 746; 640 43, 817 48,295 69, 801 98, 251 376, 336 447, 674 557, 086 647, 136 630, 757 785, 189 1/126,;643 1,376,878 .261 .251 .207 .180 623, 723 568/652 630,701 619, 043 58,505 66, 968 68,506 65, 655 456, 967 380, 093 446; 460485,717 1, 002, 857 1, 130; 341 1, 259, 200 1, 336, 418 631, 705 636, 734 636, 912 6-18, 955 71, 153 70-, 398 80; 693 76,658 582, 536 633,505 674, 019 692, 154 623,733 659, 061 . 617, 558 659, 169', 72, 352 82,504 53/656 70/565 1921 January February March. _. ... April _ 695, 323: 683,736 743, 248: 754, 773: May. j _ June_ July. August September "_ October Noveii) ber December _ monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly -average Production i Consumption! Stocks at refineries, end of month * Thousands of gallons Price, Retail f. o. b. distriburefintion, 13 eries, States 5 Fa.3 Dollars per gal. Thous. of gallons 133, 501 152,113 195, 156 193, 341 120, 546 116, 158 115, 789 6 521, 273 405, 203 300,582 379,472 $0. 080 .107 .115 .149 149,593 185, 097 228,. 726 162, 094 192, 194 195, 745 210, 092 103, 378 121,991 124,378 129,424 402, 522 301, 542 261, 657 309, 228 .085 .085 .084 .080 29,107 30, 268 31,559 .220 .231 .245 .240 139, 605 131, 990 136/211 144,607 212, 448 180,375 190,701 181,948 123, 233 121,038: 113,019 128, 789 ' 275, 437 272,763 283,340 273, 005 .097 .097 .094 .088 26, 672 24fOOO 27,024 27, 718 > 1, 328, 533 1,263,583 1, 165, 389 1, 053, 858 .220 .215 .213 .200 183, 829 210,713 211, 441 224,293 189, 177 I 179,074 ; 188,226 186,219 134, 563 122,709 123, 257 131,888 272,672 264, 301 269,460 243, 618 .081 .076 .074 .071 34, 156 31, 189;; 30,351 35,444 655, 798 621, 173 538, 309 518, 305 972, 705 : 946, 873 i 985; 046 . 1, 074, 900 .191 .185 .170 .155 217, 187 214/556 207/305 199/416 193,688 191,346 220,811 234,921 117, 520 124,568 132V3S4 119,667 238, 024 224,954 239, 114 283,196 .076 .083 .083 .082 33, 191 32, 091 32/260= 29,114 85, 946 101,597 79; 439 114/396 500, 421 403,704 467, 181 607,175 1, 200, 288 1,38% 3841,587,585 1, 625, 869 .165 .200 .198 .200 173, 852 153; 733 171, 095 198/631 217,768 196,826 200r039 203,186 135, 979 116,979 123,740 155/424: 300, 265 306,727 330, 010 288,965 .088-: .091 .083 . 080 29,484 28,014 27,873 32,191 779, 194 737,081 741, 975 755, 780 94,073 110/164 86; 246 ' 108/685 672, 495 686, 674 789, 667 81-9, 468 1, 649, 954 i 1,593,858, 1,470,923" 1, 311, 021 .200 .200 .195 .188 221, 110 233,522 272,832 287,514 199, 992 183,141 194,201 204,107 105, 578 111,401 105,548v 133; 473 304,006 293, 323 301,157 304,136 .076 .073 . 072 .072 35,566 29,858 28, £9833,964 750, 264 760, 647 762, 046 795, 613 113, 901 90,907 94/951 98,701 718, 069 751, 499 698, 359 662,589 1,229,606: 1,152,374 1, 133, 169 1,179,503 .175 .140 .148 .150 269, 142 268/404 257,075 237,801 211, 830 232r£66 233, 521 243,832 136, 544 134/909 136,606 156, 286 297, 749 308, 125 337,448 338, 826 .083 .083 .082 .084 38,103 34,109: 30; 971 29, 972 831, 652 790, 442 853, 574 860, 492 95, 518 99, 813 118,854 104, 442 596, 406 542/427 620,636 810, 849 1, 330, 236 1,487,142 1,610,868 1,561,002 .170 .210 .205 .200 224, 201 220,524 224, 567 266,368 247, 727 214/421 219/908 201, 163 337,679 118, 168 116, 796 141,774 378, 598 419, 582 440,870 419, 850 .083J .084 .082 .078 31, 139 30,173' 30/388; 35,054 922, 040 944,175 98, 510 111,690 845, 716 872,356 1,567,602; 1, 547, 223 .190 .215 .220 288, 055 288/130 202, 559 193, 664 .075 .075 .072 34, 491 31,648 1933 January February March April May June JulyAugust _ . _ September . October November December • 1925 January February March. .. „ April May June. July. August September October. November. December... _ _ . ; \. ._ 1 2 Producti-ony consumption, and stocks held by refiners at end of month, from the- U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau,of Mines. Exports of gasoline taken from the U. 3. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce-, include gasoline and all other naphtha, less exports to the -Philippine Islands, to agree with data used by the Bureau, of Mines. 3 Prices compiled by U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Gasoline price represents price of motor gasoline delivered in drams to.garages in New York City, the 1913 price being $0.168 per gallon. 1924, issue of the SURVEY (No. 34). Beginning with July, 1923, Pennsylvania data are only available quarterly and have been divided by three to secure corresponding monthly figures. Data for Nebraska have been estimated for the first six months of 1925, and for Pennsylvania for the second quarter of 1925. 5 Retail distribution of kerosene, collected from the tax statistics of Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and South Dakota by the American Petroleum Institute. Data tor Indiana, Michigan and Nebraska estimated for first six montha of 1925. 6 Six months' average, July-December, inclusive. 52 Table 24.—OTHER PETROLEUM PRODUCTS GAS AND FUEL OIL LUBRICATING OIL Consumption Production » YEAR AND MONTH Total i Stocks at refineries, end of By electric month i power3 By vessels 2 plants Dolls, per bbl. Thousands of gallons 1917 1918 1919 1920 monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average 524, 036 610, 116 635, 607 738, 454 20, 664 23,100 87, 773 137, 993 20, 664 23, 100 49, 098 92, 064 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average 805, 318 892,186 1, 006, 183 1, 121, 664 136, 804 157, 099 182, 916 210, 031 989, 376 902, 563 970, 891 976, 766 Price, Okla., 24-26 at refineries i Production i Consum ptioni Stocks at refineries, end of month * Price, 600° steam refined Penn. field * Dolls, per gal. Thousands of gallons 38, 675 45, 929 * 621, 860 548,985 778, 396 687, 858 $1. 525 1.885 1.120 2.622 60, 137 70, 122 70, 563 87, 284 48, 379 47, 598 51, 542 « 122, 526 144, 521 161, 491 137,212 $0. 112 .172 .224 .416 94, 752 110, 922 131, 754 151, 620 42, 052 46, 177 51, 162 58, 411 1, 164, 926 1,438,811 1, 369, 624 1, 582, 368 .687 .951 .929 .961 73, 155 81, 563 91, 447 96, 244 44, 189 52, 342 61, 662 63, 093 231, 172 230, 678 229, 494 247, 428 .120 .110 .118 .195 169, 427 155, 054 180, 226 174, 453 116, 676 106, 092 131, 880 133, 266 52, 751 48, 962 48, 346 41, 187 1, 265, 075 1, 276, 876 1, 254, 122 1, 272, 978 .940 1.013 1.050 1. 125 87, 078 77,498 90, 745 90,693 49, 711 57, 268 62, 513 62,154 240,690 238, 859 235, 263 234, 700 .099 .130 .153 .143 966, 166 970, 870 1, 053, 243 1, 010, 658 176, 843 188, 649 174,763 201, 152 134, 358 145, 194 125, 454 144, 354 42, 485 43,500 49, 309 56, 798 1, 246, 662 1, 324, 025 1, 400, 814 1, 462, 182 1.038 .988 .900 .926 105, 363 95, 726 93, 961 87,262 74, 255 58, 575 71, 030 69, 270 226,289 225, 137 224, 952 220, 419 .129 .116 .107 .099 1, 032, 591 1, 069, 800 1,057,932 1, 073, 337 192, 523 205, 068 189,810 189, 796 136, 794 147, 168 131,880 127, 932 55, 729 57,900 57, 930 61,864 1,481,204 1, 436, 591 1, 499, 926 1, 515, 035 .856 .800 .719 .790 87, 172 88,003 96, 120 97, 748 62, 130 58, 943 60, 974 53, 115 215, 013 218, 485 231, 335 242, 785 .097 .109 .111 .128 1, 062, 892 1, 025, 422 200, 659 196,921 193, 674 202, 946 132,678 132, 090 128, 898 151, 116 67, 981 64,831 64, 776 51,830 1, 471, 544 1,491,173 1, 487, 464 1, 536, 337 1.088 1.156 1.075 .969 94,535 93,824 101, 127 96,967 69, 142 49, 825 64,584 61, 095 243, 005 253, 511 249, 418 251, 047 .178 .199 .216 .225 211, 773 209, 775 219, 328 218, 852 160, 986 153, 300 160, 046 155, 904 50, 787 56, 475 59,282 62,' 948 1, 555, 663 1, 618, 564 1, 605, 951 1, 658, 671 .831 .780 .781 .781 104, 439 96,995 87,490 92, 761 65,194 58, 668 65, 348 66, 368 243, 732 248, 586 245, 626 242, 753 .203 .185 .178 .165 1933 January February March.. April . __ May June .... July August . September October _. November December . ._ ... . 1934 January. February ... March.. April May. June July August . .. 1,114,412 1, 116, 764 1, 155, 936 1, 106, 712 _ 1,102,786 1, 167, 211 September October November December.. . 1,113,911 .. _i 1, 160, G83 1, 134, 147 1, 199, 093 211,442 232, 904 195, 880 227, 313 153, 090 173, 880 148, 008 169, 596 58, 352 59, 024 47, 872 57, 717 1, 639, 869 1, 611, 586 1, 641, 090 1, 670, 509 .920 .933 1.019 1.170 90, 228 97, 223 94,948 104, 391 64, 244 61, 801 70, 580 60, 264 243, 883 247, 998 242, 246 257, 336 .179 .186 .194 .226 1, 171, 402 1, 058, 725 1, 203, 906 1, 230, 322 205, 118 178, 182 176, 590 186, 214 147, 336 136, 416 141, 582 156, 870 57, 782 41,766 . 35,008 29, 344 1, 619, 688 1, 639, 105 1, 647, 523 ' 1,736,995 1.331 1.325 1. 114 1.031 103, 164 100, 503 118, 494 107, 096 52,104 67, 026 70, 012 69, 450 268, 699 275, 258 286,155 285, 420 .224 .230 .215 .180 1, 274, 465 1, 360, 386 196, 157 188, 771 167,790 156, 240 28, 367 32, 531 .913 .935 109, 184 104, 535 1935 January February March April « May June July ... August . September October November December .179 .199 ... 1 Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Mines. 2 Compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau 'of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, covering loading of vessels for foreign trade at principal clearing portSi Monthly data covering the period 1913-1923 appeared in the October, 1923, issue (No. 26), p. 61. 3 Fuel consumption by electric power stations from U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey. 4 Prices from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. « Six-months' average, July to December, inclusive. 53 Table 25.—HIDES AND SKINS Total hides and skins YEAR AND MONTH Calfskins Cattle hides WHOLESALE PRICES 3 STOCKS, END OF MONTH » IMPORTS i Sheepskins Goatskins Total hides and skins Cattle hides Calf and kip skins Sheep and lamb skins Dolls, per pound Thousands of pounds 1909-1913, monthly average 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average 42, 854 41, 490 46, 350 53, 856 60, 526 52, 589 30, 158 < 6, 815 6,372 5,576 4,076 5,221 2,465 632 « 19, 160 18, 629 25, 671 34, 053 33, 683 30, 890 18, 421 8,199 7,473 6,321 6,607 8,686 7,409 5,197 5,289 5,684 5,495 6,257 8,461 6,999 4,372 1919 monthly average. 1920 monthly average. 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average. 62, 070 42, 499 33, 940 45, 938 44, 315 29, 723 5,380 2,928 3, 995 4,630 4,058 3,426 11, 138 6,684 5,260 6,745 7,152 4,353 7,086 6,896 3,822 5,136 6,353 4,843 5 435, 477 430, 897 355, 025 357, 392 60, 151 57, 231 53, 515 28, 868 4,890 6,688 5,212 3,472 35,150 12, 763 9, 783 9,933 10,382 5,782 7,709 7, 323 6, 643 5,512 25, 950 28, 596 2,977 4,202 3,035 2,910 12, 157 13, 582 14, 359 11, 966 4,755 4,992 4,120 5,912 2,610 3,655 3,301 2, 987 10,528 13, 048 15, 756 17, 493 29,003 22,922 15, 015 27, 035 24, 315 15, 468 Green, salted, Calfpackers' skins, heavy country No. 1 native (Chisteers (Chicago) cago) $0. 184 .196 .242 .262 .327 .301 $0. 189 .210 .215 .338 .406 .371 .393 .312 .139 .181 .166 .147 .685 .368 .149 .160 .157 .184 « 340, 339 339, 548 275, 293 288, 589 222, 046 • 63, 139 29,878 6 32, 916 32, 935 27, 452 22, 319 15, 601 380, 839 370, 471 359, 636 343, 524 305, 218 292, 149 52, 637 53, 533 52, 021 48, 873 22, 984 24, 789 23, 934 22, 691 .187 .163 .146 .147 .171 .153 .149 .147 4,595 4,391 3,740 4,060 333, 825 325, 402 314, 832 312, 905 268, 025 262, 915 254, 138 255, 772 42, 792 40, 241 41, 103 38,632 23,008 22,247 19, 591 18, 501 .141 .154 .141 .136 .152 .156 .148 .150 3,291 5, 113 5,022 6,144 4,006 5,370 5,336 6,904 302, 899 297, 287 292, 670 262, 933 253, 454 250, 823 244, 553 223, 239 33, 473 31, 798 32, 636 25, 314 15, 872 14,666 15, 481 14,380 . .143 .158 .139 .122 259,206 215, 981 28,140 253, 107 245, 155 244, 946 207,609 29, 695 32, 453 15,085 15,803 15,631 17,360 .119 .125 .131 .156 .165 .171 .180 .194 247, 093 256, 232 265, 605 18,206 15, 897 15, 048 13,787 .161 .163 .174 .174 .198 .194 .203 .209 .169 .163 .148 .142 .215 .215 204 .184 .143 .147 .166 .183. .200 .218 267,533 58,414 52, 281 46, 485 1933 May June July August ._ _ September October November December 26,869 27, 630 30, 377 29,384 283,682 271, 960 1924 January. February March April 22,486 29,049 May. June . July August 31, 759 24, 997 30, 713 35,009 27, 764 3,399 2,838 4,353 3,887 9,451 15, 759 15, 066 5,992 4,372 3,715 3,224 4,993 6,068 3,403 4,870 27, 301 26, 719 33, 355 39, 020 4,198 3,469 2,873 3,543 13, 586 13, 897 22, 145 22, 898 2,972 3,879 3,448 5,059 5,046 4,556 3,358 4,207 283,266 196, 965 212, 223 223, 361 241, 639 34, 302 2,216 2,409 2,952 2,536 18,636 7,411 7,154 8,335 7,181 4,624 3,439 8,003 8,824 292, 311 292, 364 282, 733 275, 028 251, 758 254, 751 242, 820 229, 370 27, 531 15, 301 14, 216 20, 812 29,481 13, 022 11,923 14, 020 16, 177 2,236 3,411 9,989 16,967 6,171 7,408 5,556 6,568 264, 158 256, 800 215, 471 202, 145 30, 625 35, 776 18, 062 18, 879 28,503 September October November December _ . - 15,990 197, 071 197, 628 29,958 31, 922 28,112 27,196 27,840 .158 .182 . 188 .161 1925 January February March April 30,727 36,135. ._ May June July August.. September October November December 41, 160 26,002 _ 36, 338 ._ 25,690 25, 893 _. 1 Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. '* Compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, from returns from packers, tanners, dealers, importers, and manufacturers. As given in the detailed monthly reports, which can be obtained upon request from the Bureau of the Census, the returns for hides and skins are expressed in numbers of hides and skins. For :the above summary these have been reduced to pounds on the basis of the average weights of each class. Data from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, representing average monthly prices. 4 Imports of calfskins and cattle hides based on four-year average, 1910-1913. *Four months' average, September to December, inclusive. 54 Table 26,— Price sole, oak, Ex- 3 ports scoured, In backs process Finished (Boston)* Production » YEAR AND MONTH Sole oiiiy i Backs, bends, and sides average. average. average.. average.. average.average.. Dollars per pound Thousands of pounds 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1918 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average- . 1, 653, 073 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly 1922 monthly 1923 monthly 1924 monthly Stocks8 Stocks * Total 1, 876, 285 1, 535, 290 e 23, 742 6 114, 810 6 161, 573 1,499,225 25, 657 111, 217 193, 528 100, 679 186, 434 1, 477, 888 24, 557 107, 144 1, 561, 015 27,411 171, 631 88,: 429 149, 508 1, 220, 402 21, 665 HARNESS LEATHER 1 UPPER LEATHER SOLE AND BELTING LEATHER 2,605 4,319 6, 751 7,540 3, 657 2,229 $0. 444 .471 .504 .639 .831 .796 10,222 1, 869 1, 198 1,300 1, 459 1,877" .913 .855 .547 ,519 .508 .450 Produc- tion* In process Finished Exports 3 Price chrome calf, «£» grades (Boston)4 Dollars per sq. ft. Thousands of square feet. SKIVERS! ProStuffed Unfilled orders duction Dozens Sides 8,845 6, 834 8, 967 10, 623 6,175 3,908 $0. 270 .280 .285 .450 .579 .598 e 42, 344 6 142, 136 6400,906 57, 986 164,216 423,021 72,963 166, 770 428, 169 78,019 158, 852 387, 376 64,118 133, 729 358, 168 17,023 7,288 3,559 6t744 6,187 6,982 .970 .985 .521 .443 .440 .453 95, 244 96, 974 56, 266 7 24, 942104,976 120, 898 135, 621 • 158, 479 104, 121 141, 550. 15, 032 13, 274 16, 653 24,642 38, 462, 33,693 s 16, 039 « 203, 596 1933 May . June July August 1, 674, 024 1, 629, 810 1, 646, 592: 1,718,317 29,772 28,991 29,231 30,802 111,983 111, 861 112,101 108^,586 165, 862 169, 348 173^124175, 441 1,710 1,876 1,598 1,146 .540 .440 . 540 .515 82, 164 79, 034 72,894 77, 746 161, 846 156, 773 160,555 157, 975 395, 660 393, 405 391, 058 385,494 6,174 6,631 6,466 5,177 .440 .440 .440> .400 136, 180 131, 736 126,718 134,291 219, 213 190,: 340 182, 525 174,518 39, 693 37, 836 32,129 39,* 038: September October November December 1,410,72% 1, 511, 287 1, 366, 78-8 1, 295, 907 25,200 26, 404 23,518 22,458 106,916 99, 573 98,038 96,201 173,770 180, 167 179,292: 179,364 1,179 1,085 2,292 1,148 .490 .465 .455 .425 71,234 77, 910 71, 651 71, 702 159,749 155, 972 151, 879 149,849 375,613 378, 948 380,133 385,160 6,086 5,657 5,529 6, 116 .440 .440 .440 .440 135,836 147, 130 135, 425 118,515 162,.349 142, 986 134,442 123, 312 38^403 40,604 43,07a 36y563 1934 January February _. _. _ March , April 1, 373, 255 1, 217, 570 1,212,650 1,,173, 448: 23,819 21,906 21,475 21, 164 92, 907 90, 065 87,622 88,312 172, 898 171, 247 165^214 158,676 1, 350 1, 695 1, 361 2,205 .440 .460 .460 .460 76, 340 74,009 71,512 62, 933 149,400 146, 095 144, 156 136, 502 387,500 381, 722 387,697 379,357 5,429 5,958 7,110 9, 160 .440 ,440 .460 .460 129, 736 124,804 134f233 123,039 120,891 140; 844 110,428 96>369- 34, 597 29, 863 34,164 35,171 1,147,404 1, 063, 945 1,151,212 1,168, 729: 20,808 20, 261 20,793 21,006 86T-467 87,204 88,086 87,632 156,366 151,399 150,273 144,681 2,261. 1,551 2,242 2,076 .460 .425 .425 .440 65,913 53,866 53,579 56, 972 132, 561 126, 666 125,049 125, 322 378,11ft 381, 085 368,457 346, 867: 9,165 6,880 6, 1486,260 . 460 .430 .430 .460- 110,627 76,274 73,787 86,013 101,437 120, 614 176, 343 200,031 31, 53526, 108 28,027 32,057 September October November December. ._ _. 1,225,485; 1, 350, 895 1.198,423: 1,361,809. 21, 094 23,389 20,783 23,476 88,130 88,504 89/329 86,888 13% 417 134, 272 126, 204 124,445 1,817 1,922 1,864 2,182 .445 .445 .465 .480 60,381 68,377 57,633 67, 895 129, 975 127, 332 129,682 132,351 334, 819 324, 922 316,411 311, 074 6,679 7,504 6, 959 6, 535 .460.460 .460 .480 95, 348 ~ 101, 167 96,432 97,990 179, 968168,642 157, 592 125, 435 33,377 40,539 38yi7fr 40,706 1935 January February March April 1, 288, 203 1, 202, 890 1> 312, 677 1, 320, 389 22, 160 87,907 84, 898 20,006 23,459 : 90,047 23,775 91, 893 123, 035 124, 265 123,201 124,440 2, 052 1, 752 1,870 1,042 .500 .520 .520 .500 70, 249 67,728 68,871 60, 913 138, 300 139, 046 137,378 133, 845 309, 319 308, 401 319,634 319, 497 8,669 6, 763 8,392 6, 731 .500. .500 .500 .480, 102, 459 97, 767 108,011 101,265 121, 342 111, 073 80, 406 8% 918- 43, 977 41,244 38,933 29,464 1,285,5901, 336, 092 23,367 24, 283 92,650 93, 098 128,110 131, 286 1, 615 1, 374 .490 .480 ,460 55,982 73, 509 133, 129 130, 948 317,542 319, 124 6,606 7,130 .460 .460 .460 96,159 90, 737 123,909 149, 891 27,691 30, 537 May June Julys. August May June JulyiAugust __ » _ _ September October November, . December;. ... 1 * Prior to July, 1922, these figures were compiled by the*2T<mnm' Council. Since July, 1922, they have been compiled by the Bureau of the Census and for skiver and harness production represent return&.froDi.a.much,larger number of firms than reported to the Tanners' Council. Hence th& figures from July, 1922, on are-not directly comparable with those for preceding mouths. Beginning December, 1919, the harness, leather statistics cover, amountof .harness leather, "staffed;" rather than, that produced, but the variation between these items is small. i * Based on figures compiled by the U\ S: Department ofCommerce, Bureau oftfie Census* The data embrace returns:from packers, .tanners, dealers, importers, .and manufacturers. Data: on leather-have been converted to pounds or square feet on the basis of the average weights of each class from- original detailed: reports in skins, sides>, backs, butts, pounds, etc., which may be obtained from the Bureau of the Census on:request. Stocks in process represent leather* in process of; tanning, which takes several months to complete, while finished stocks are those completely tanned. 3 Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 4 Data from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, representing average monthly prices. 'Includes estimated production of firms outside the 'Tanners' Council. •1 Four months'average, September to December. Seven months' average. 55 Table 27.—LEATHER PRODUCTS BELTING i GLOVES ' BOOTS AND SHOES YEAR AND MONTH Gloves cut WoStocks (tanned) Men's men's Produc- Ex- 4 Men's dress black black tion 3 ports kid, welt calf, tan Good- Producblu chcr calf tion year In process Finished (Bos(St. welt ton) Louis) (St. Louis) Sales Pounds V Glove leather 6 Wholesale prices • Thous. of dols. 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average 754, 274 846, 664 739, 628 767, 423 $899 1,171 1,199 1,354 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average 710, 214 694, 899 300,090 430,614 449, 109 353,832 1,365 1,662 548 721 833 603 1933 May June July August - 512, 573 442,912 460,850 466,258 Thous. of pairs Dollars per pair 842 827 1,412 1,623 1,237 1,100 $3.11 3.17 3.25 3.71 Dress and street Total ImDoported mestic leather leather Work gloves Dozen pairs Number of skins 4.75 5.63 $3.17 3.28 3.35 4.01 5.68 6.65 $3.00 3.00 3.00 3.44 4.60 4.38 23,793 26,990 29,260 26,102 1,780 1,403 747 451 612 526 7.60 8.95 7.00 6.51 6.43 6.25 7.77 8.14 5.18 4.74 4.85 4.88 6.60 7.66 5.06 4.42 73.85 3.89 947 834 877 881 30,926 28,273 25,256 30,028 788 681 627 526 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 186,054 220,120 38,249 46,000 29,899 37,290 117,906 136,830 416,510 447,264 347,202 320,547 784 827 642 558 27,555 30,705 26,946 22,676 585 573 628 532 6.23 6.25 6.25 6.25 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 202,660 214, 653 191,243 170,827 42,436 42,318 35,108 21,625 32,846 32,084 28,750 24,213 127,378 140, 251 127,385 124,989 1924 January.. .. . February March April 441,266 417,849 434,494 372,428 757 711 739 644 26,497 26,832 28,864 28,004 381 504 526 571 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 626, 668 567,552 600,548 596,160 1,655,307 1,667,482 1,708,118 1,674,710 572,474 588,264 597,514 684,537 194,438 207,012 211,286 206,539 23,591 27,675 33,769 34,965 32,849 36,124 36,443 31,251 137,998 143, 213 141, 074 140,323 May June July August 330,268 288,817 320,231 326,901 563 504 540 652 25,240 22,464 21,389 25,473 754 512 457 512 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 443,984 391,880 318,586 359, 165 1,591,638 1,480,288 1,448,544 1,448,968 676,486 607,912 546,653 534,581 194, 017 186,697 165,791 186,235 34,640 36,963 31,039 32,707 31,255 28,013 25,467 29,479 128, 122 121, 721 109,285 124,049 September October.. November December 348, 251 338,425 302,794 324,263 581 576 515 548 27,716 30,826 25,322 24,602 480 552 494 569 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 4.85 4.88 5.00 5.00 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.90 439, 740 525,459 475,959 513,391 1,400,848 1,365,963 1,370,615 1,304,152 493,927 404,552 350,246 288,157 183,865 201,338 163, 756 156,954 32,227 37,318 34,902 23,926 27,431 29,780 23,234 21,598 124,207 134,240 105, 620 111, 430 409, 252 360, 984 429, 404 380, 443 686 610 729 663 26, 077 26, 455 29, 886 29, 476 512 462 703 696 6.35 6.35 6.40 6.40 5.00 5.07 5.15 5.15 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 551, 681 578, 710 563, 845 557, 211 1, 401, 895 1, 392, 075 1, 319, 780 1, 347, 439 257, 567 311, 005 362, 162 399, 148 189, 555 198, 749 209, 337 215, 679 35, 334 37, 182 42, 550 44, 861 29, 612 34, 630 36, 570 35,288 124, 609 126,937 130, 217 135, 530 345, 926 367, 583 602 643 25, 107 23,335 696 559 6.40 6.40 6.40 5.15 5.15 5.15 4.00 4.00 4.00 535,431 494, 052 1, 286, 092 1, 269, 346 421, 251 419, 211 215, 061 214, 968 50, 270 46, 703 31,388 35, 909 133,403 132, 356 September October November December 21,043 . . .. 27,602 488,258 1,509,719 528,775 s 197,593 188, 161 8 37, 623 830,847 8 129, 123 31,977 29,410 126,774 1935 January _ _ February March . April May June _ July.. August September October November December _. _. _ 1 ._ . 11 1 Data on sales of oak leather belting from the Leather Belting Exchange, and are estimated to represent from 65 to 75 per cent of the industry. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in the May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 67. 2 Reported to V. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, by 206 identical factories (including data in earlier months for 1 factory now out of business) repre senting 87 per cent of the leather-glove industry according to the census of manufactures, 1921. 3 Compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, from over 1,000 firms each month, comprising almost the entire industry. Figures for the years 1914, 1919, and 1921 are those reported by the census of manufactures for those years. Monthly data from November, 1921, appeared in May, 1924, issue (No. 33), p. 97. Further details as to classes given in press releases. 4 Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 5 Data from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, representing average monthly prices. Monthly data from 1920 on the St. Louis quotations appeared in the 6 September, 1922, issue (No. 13), p. 47. 7 Compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Stocks of glove leather are those held by tanners. Type of shoe on which quotations are based changed in January to 7%-inch top instead of 8>6-mch top as formerly. 8 Average for last 6 months of year. 56 Table 28.—CRUDE AND SCRAP RUBBER RECLAIMED RUBBER 2 CRUDE RUBBER Consumption > (quarterly) World Imship- ports 3 ments, (Includplanta- ing For tion i latex) Total tires YEAR AND MONTH (quarterly) 4>"O Stocks, end of quarter 3 Total Manu- Dealfacers turers Stocks in United Kingdom^ Afloat end of month Stocks, plantation, afloat,i 18 H end of 111 month QJg-M gfa 24,663 .. 31,800 34,398 35, 101 15,449 25,090 25,757 27,450 32,238 30,957 28,215 31,500 35, 762 35,352 19,926 19,081 33,763 33,774 32, 565 _ . 40,979 11,564 17,622 15,546 29,731 38,553 33,467 37, 125 32,684 21,911 31,513 20,730 37,966 31,595 ..... 29,237 33,896 34,992 27,753 22,380 19,474 21, 772 38,960 34,290 36,599 39,823 26,801 38,997 33, 691 26,407 January. February March April 33,021 35,539 43,027 37,372 32,898 24,700 17, 682 32,506 May June July August 39, 818 36, 932 32, 154 ConStocks sumpPro- Stocks, tion end of at reduc- quar- claim- by retion ter ers claimers Dolls, Long tons 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average Long tons per Ib. 38, 572 63,546 68,739 75,444 31,280 51,801 55,238 62,916 83,994 85,935 85, 450 59,458 7,772 9,705 11,296 12,562 27,217 29,818 22, 294 27,464 29,671 39,523 33,589 40,026 80,544 65,253 100,885 12,884 15,106 27,990 50,059 38,428 85,658 8,843 15,965 24,808 57,255 44,968 72, 920 7,575 28,890 36,465 SCRAP RUBBER (quarterly) * 76,529 78,296 65,345 52, 581 31,038 $0. 182 42,284 .183 46,973 .249 49,654 .211 60, 918 57, 108 55, 937 54,243 48,000 51, 960 45,200 44, 700 .249 .250 .239 .238 60, 697 65, 168 66,566 66,828 43,270 46,600 43, 650 51,600 .246 .215 .204 .203 63,812 62,822 61,554 60,640 53,300 48,700 50, 130 47,540 .199 .191 .171 .168 56,811 56,134 56,816 54,298 44,300 41,800 45, 650 48, 160 .173 .164 .170 .211 48,058 40,936 36, 666 32, 425 53,700 50,600 54,300 57,670 .227 .262 .286 .315 29, 982 25,729 19, 977 14,270 54,030 48,300 49, 590 53,500 .318 .307 .346 .340 57, 270 .420 .619 .825 17, 078 26,894 17,384 19, 018 8,217 37,496 23,018 34,422 22,002 26,415 1923 May June July August September October November December 1924 January February March ._ _ > April May June . July August . September October November December 74,848 60,920 68,947 10,440 30,463 40,903 68,107 56,323 64,408 9,121 15, 159 24,280 75,432 64,525 49,645 14,353 36,407 50,760 83,391 69,894 54,831 16, 332 27,827 44,159 15, 017 20, 917 15, 108 19, 685 20, 241 25,223 21,834 7,885 36,023 28,043 12,297 8,524 35,550 23,773 16, 678 7,620 37, 136 22,498 25, 263 8,838 41, 273 31,344 25, 353 9,238 40, 045 32,630 27,523 8,820 46, 152 35, 414 1925 September October November. December _ . 87, 642 71,343 54,502 16,272 29,982 46,254 95, 771 82,007 47, 770 22, 525 26, 183 48,708 _. .. ._ i8 World shipments and floating stocks of plantation rubber from the World Position of Rubber, a British publication. Data compiled by the Rubber Association of America, Inc., from reports by about 285 members and nonmembers representing the principal manufacturers, importers, and reclaimers in this field. It should be noted that these consumption and production data represent quarterly not monthly totals, while stock figures are shown as of the end of the quarterly period indicated, and annual averages in these columns are of quarterly not monthly data. 8 Imports of rubber, including latex, into the United States from U. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. * Stocks of crude rubber in the United Kingdom, from the Rubber Growers Association (British), represent aggregate stocks at wharves and warehouses in London and in six recognized public warehouses at Liverpool. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in the September, 1923, issue (No. 25), pp. 55 and 56. 6 Wholesale prices are averages of weekly quotations of Para Island rubber in New York, compiled by the U. 8. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 57 Table 29—RUBBER PRODUCTS RUBBERPROOFED FABRICS 2 AUTOMOBILE TIRES 1 Pneumatic tires YEAR AND MONTH Inner tubes Raw material consumed Solid tires 4,419 44 57 56 44 6,696 9,257 9,861 11,868 17, 922 27, 301 30, 604 37, 821 1,528 2,026 2,649 2,085 456 799 1,316 987 756 696 640 526 15, 243 15, 523 9,889 10, 412 4,172 4,751 33, 962 33, 110 3,952 4,039 4,875 4,260 5,838 6,772 7,741 8,394 3,749 3,002 3,828 3,536 83 75 80 71 262 270 266 261 61 63 77 73 10, 997 11,834 13, 596 12,509 34, 186 34,235 41, 594 38, 348 2,196 2,683 3,265 3,336 1,044 1,258 1,635 1,680 623 694 777 854 15, 783 16, 678 21,609 17, 541 10, 678 11, 566 12, 465 9,772 3,165 2,507 6,366 4, 558 22, 900 4, 318 3, 590 9,292 8,924 7,396 6,951 3,414 3,581 3,942 4,304 77 72 42 48 268 283 264 263 67 52 45 46 12, 888 10, 085 6,836 8, 178 47, 671 32,003 21, 367 24, 597 - 2, 948 2,388 2, 266 2,164 1,742 1,276 1, 273 1,017 553 433 •433 495 16, 758 14, 566 11, 318 12, 824 8,660 8,593 8,153 9,947 3,446 3,493 3,609 4,101 36, 438 42, 910 41, 508 39, 653 6,457 6,898 6,694 6,318 3,684 3,596 3,422 3,497 37 37 27 32 249 235 178 149 46 48 43 56 6,656 8,431 7,939 8,387 21, 256 24, 114 23, 109 24, 772 2,418 3,043 2,410 2, 664 1,076 1,264 999 1, 534 593 907 771 551 12, 373 13, 980 15, 134 14, 353 9,513 10, 666 9,724 8,921 5,031 5,673 4,495 3,625 37, 472 33, 261 32, 767 35, 517 6,720 7,339 8, 158 8,627 3,476 3,330 3, 421 3,521 48 55 61 59 152 161 174 185 37 43 50 46 11, 706 11, 447 12,008 12, 287 37, 786 33, 466 36, 909 37, 238 2,756 2,652 2,814 2,087 1,476 1,485 1,529 995 522 455 468 370 14, 226 16, 036 17, 158 15, 838 11, 807 10, 668 12, 351 9,109 4,156 3,591 3,653 3,899 31, 048 35, 113 36, 471 37, 884 8,762 8,166 6,634 5,758 3,559 3,858 5,318 5,552 50 38 31 38 188 176 165 146 47 46 40 45 11, 903 10, 067 9,789 12, 471 35, 474 31, 229 32, 625 40, 385 1, 428 1,400 1,325 1,668 597 562 509 656 303 337 339 543 13, 030 12, 243 10, 451 11, 476 8,364 7,018 9,262 10, 431 4, 551 5, 179 4,677 5,098 38, 024 36, 632 32, 144 28, 245 6,039 7,352 7,668 8,289 5,119 4, 177 4,679 4,066 42 48 42 46 142 145 149 154 46 45 41 39 13, 171 13, 205 12,191 12, 172 43, 921 46, 045 39, 812 38, 956 2,297 2,830 2,151 1,615 884 1,181 752 497 784 998 699 490 16, 666 22, 202 18, 121 18, 831 11, 594 14, 060 9,813 10, 472 5,783 6,737 4,885 4,797 27, 722 28, 948 31, 486 33, 608 5, 250 5,139 8,677 9,767 10, 677 10, 213 4,107 3,, 625 4,176 4,933 43 43 46 52 160 153 143 135 32 43 52 53 12, 311 13, 364 15,041 14, 902 42, 171 41, 721 46, 366 48,155 1, 685 1,929 2,032 1,973 717 716 715 893 342 440 463 413 19, 170 17, 627 18, 329 14, 971 11, 180 10, 089 9/524 9,033 3,182 2,870 4,681 5,555 37, 539 42, 303 44, 515 46, 733 5,134 6,20: 9,376 7,807 5,908 6,683 58 64 124 116 68 70 14,985 15, 841 47, 639 63, 367 452 14, 518 8,006 5, 264 47, 076 May June Julv August 3,660 2,957 1, 993 2,356 6,907 7,041 6,471 6,058 September... October November December 2,030 2,361 2,400 2,437 5,398 4,876 4,689 4,329 2,624 2,820 1924 January February March April 3,220 3,279 3,428 3,307 4,808 6,265 5,763 6,164 2,785 2,902 2,920 4, 219 May June July August 3,039 2,630 2,552 3,235 6,331 6,156 5,138 4, 477 2,679 2,663 3,484 3,688 3,744 3,493 3,857 September... October November December 3, 531 3,877 3,190 3,438 4,524 5,338 5,207 5,571 3,319 5, 506 < 3,046 3,273 3,008 5,896 4,602 4,704 1935 January February March. ._ _. April 3,555 3,681 3,957 4,005 5, 962 6,696 7,132 6,816 2,994 2,835 3,392 4,757 4,755 4,100 4,063 6,458 5,432 4, 333 3, 323 2,976 2,758 2, 492 2, 539 2,807 2, 456 2,604 2,801 4,014 4,950 Thousands of pairs 231 193 246 161 4,696 5,224 5,671 6,088 . Thousands of yards Stocks, To end of shoe To month manu- repair factrade turers tion 35 66 57 47 3,127 3,218 3,866 3,540 2,994 2,589 Thousands of pounds Produc- 2,292 3,055 3,630 4, 173 2,559 3,178 4,213 4,867 5,621 6,395 May June July August Shipments 4,568 6,039 7,306 7,459 1,906 2,435 2,749 3,047 1,818 2,558 2,829 3,227 av__ av__ av__ av__ 1923 January February March April Production ShipShipShip ClothPro- Stocks, ments, Pro- Stocks, Pro- St'ks, end ments, end m'ts, Crude Total Auto ing doduc- end ducdoducdo- Fabrics rubber of of of fabrics fabtion month mes- tion month mes- tion mo. mesrics tic tic tic Thousands 1921 mo. 1922 mo. 1923 mo. 1924 mo. RUBBER HEELS 3 3,757 2,625 3,578 3, 255 3,855 3,452 3,289 3,888 4,068 4,035 5,016 23,932 28, 351 32, 830 September October I , * Data furnished by the Rubber Association of America and represent about 75 per cent of the industry. The number of firms has increased from 36 in November, 1920, to a maximum of 66 in 1922. It is stated by the Rubber Association that this variation in the number of firms does not change the totals to any great degree, except for the omission of the Firestone Tire Co. beginning in September, 1921. Association reports show details by sizes and classes. 2 In the case of rubber-proofed fabrics, auto fabrics represent about 60 per cent and other classes of fabrics about 85 per cent of the total output of the respective products. > The data on rubber heels include reports from firms representing approximately 70 per cent of the entire industry. 58 Table 30.—NEWSPRINT PAPER ANB FEINTING BOOK PUBLICATION NEWSPKINT PAPER, Stocks, end of month Production 1 YEAR AttO MONTH Consumption 2 Shipments l Ext 3 Imports 3 ports transit At mills i At pub- to publishers * In SALES PRINTBOOKS ING Price, American ImShip* Total roll, manported5 ments a activity 7 ufacbooks mill* f. o. b. ture •' ifehers * Dolls.per 100- 1!>S: Short tons Number of editions 3,601 5, 066 4,597 6,395 7,8228,062 $2.25 2,25 2.05 2.70 3.35 3.41 814 763 616 733 728 695 206 238 195 136 110 75 Thousands Rel. to of books 1924 110, 248 113, 858 106,049 38, 998 31, 713 24, 035 124, 789 154, 952 41, 155 18, 320 26, 290 30, 701 39, 019 46, 593 49,689 114, 543 125, 997 102, 103 120, 641 123, 759 122, 548 142, 091 14S, 760 147, 957 170, 738 151, 179 136, 813 114, 880 125, 215 102, 172 121, 035 123, 111 122, 505 23,929 23, 324 29, 940 22,837 22, 235 29, 357 155, 185 144, 712 188, 797 171, 121 175, 797 176, 850 40, 983 52,006 28, 211 36, 657 40, 601 33,901 52,311 60, 822 66, 040 85, 772 109, 056 113, 065 9, 189: 3,822 1,403 2,153 1, 364 1, 429 3.88 6.00 5.00 3.69 3.89 3.82 648 621 581 604 625 611 67 81 113 116 113 144 9,850 _.._.. 11, 118 8,264 10, 083 101 11,488 100 11, 260 100 _ ... 138, 868133, 692 125, 768 132, 604 190, 5-58 127, 612 ' 118,711 117, 016 136, 979 132,311 124, 322 129, 17^ 20,832 19, 514 21, 237 25, 674 176, 347 150, 364 166, 553 187, 596 50,905 35, 563 31, 153 35, 578 115, 143 105, 530 103, 130 115, 909 1, 496 1,652 980 999 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.89 596 701 387 491 88 124 97 83 11, 333 11, 329 9, 703 12,238 108 97 89 94= ,_ 110,209 122, 073 119, 720 117, 790 123, 081 138, 854 134, 234 137, 322 110,240 124, 894 117, 176 116, 826 24, 663 21, 934 - 24, 040 23, 669 191, 021 190, 968 186, 720 184, 709 32, 707 31, 373 33, 782 26, 159 110,134 114,424 108, 363 115, 503 1, 194 1,124 1, 312 1,890 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 736 775 714 584 166 139 119 184 11,665 12, 634 11, 912 11, 500 91 109 97 9T January February March April 130, 435 118, 801 119, 464 128, 757 129,290 128, 438 145, 159 145, 797 124, 888 117, 033 119, 082 127, 878 28, 631 30, 314 30, 853 31, 699 183, 229 179, 945 176, 694 166, 675 38, 873 38, 849 31, 513 31, 302 107, 594 103, 337 121, 904 111, 944 1, 682 1, 407 1, 314 1, 569 3.88 3.88 3.88 3.88 456 529 657 572 178 142 184 129 11, 258 11, 661 11, 439 10, 574 104 100 107 111 May June July August 134, 827 121, 217 114, 859 116,288 144, 579 139, 423 120, 582 120, 408 131, 758 122, 618 118, 933 117, 059 34, 718 33, 487 28,427 28, 631 166, 088 161, 931 178, 324 188, 885 32, 240 32, 435 32, 984 36, 143 113, 262 116, 547 112, 173 110,228 1,421 1, 890 997 1,475 3.88 3.88 3.78 3.78 653 499 477 610 130 117 94 165 10, 382 11, 725 9,877 11, 036 105 92 91 93 116, 753 129, 852 118, 275 121, 053 131, 588 147, 467 145, 353 143, 672 116, 743 130, 281 121, 658 122, 148 28, 439 28,229 25, 062 23,838 19f>, 725 187, 169 169, 338 167, 216 30,053 33, 552 36, 394 32, 467 107,990 114, 121 112, 442 125, 241 90S 1, 677 1, 454 1,350 ' 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 641 799 905 530 149 93 181 161 11, 751 12, 584 10,799 12, 032 93 105 93 106 January February March April 129, 005 113, 831 127, 511 132, 661 139, 024 131, 270 153, 322 151, 462 126,860 114, 048 126, 269 129, 881 28,268 25,888 26, 414 29,446 164, 832 163,615 156, 946 154, 912 31, 746 33, 667 33, 898 30, 032 . 112, 586 110, 942 127, 918 123,673 1,573 1,875 1,007 1,923 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 644 543 756 694 131 152 108 186 11, 186 11, 375 12, 874 11, 565 101 97 111 109 May June July August 129, 025 128, 430 155, 940 126, 487 126, 458 32, 037 31, 864 139, 471 35, 592 123, 457 126, 907 2, 161 3, 126 3.70 3.70 763 527 172 112 11,284 13, 054 9,500 101 95 1^13 montlily average 1914 monthly averag© 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 montlily average 113, 251 105, 024 1919 monthly average 1 920 monthl y average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average. 1924 monthly average 1933 May June _ _ _ . _ July August September October November December __. 1834 _. Se ptember October November December „_ _ 1935 „ September October November December 1 Data on production, shipments, and mill stocks of newsprint prior to May, 1923, from the Federal Trade Commission: since then from the Newsprint Service Bureau, covering almost the entire industry. 2 Consumption, publishers' stocks, and stocks in transit, compiled by the Federal Trade Commission through May, 1923, have been compiled since then by the American Newspaper Publishers' Association from the reports of about 422 publishers who were included in the 600 reporting to the Federal Trade Commission and had on hand on May 31, 1923, a total of 133,312 tons of paper as against 176,347 tons held by those reporting to the Federal Trade Commission on that date. Monthly data on newsprint paper from 1920 appeared in June, 1922, issue (No. 10), pp. 45-47. 3 Imports and exports from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Prior to Sept. 1, 1916, imports include only paper valued at not 4above 2.5 cents per pound; from Sept. 1, 1916, to Apr. 24, 1920, not above 5 cents per pound; and from Apr. 24, 1920, to date not above 8 cents per pound. Newsprint prices, averages of weekly prices, from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. s Compiled by the Publishers' Weekly. Books imported are books of foreign manufacture, catalogued and marketed by American publishers. Between 10 and 15 per cent of the books manufactured in America are new editions, the remainder being new books, while about 95 per cent of the books manufactured in this country are by American authors. 6 Shipments of sales books by manufacturers from the Sales Book Manufacturers Association. 7 Printing activity, from the United Typothetae of America, is based on productive hours reported by plants in 52 cities in 30 States, each department being weighted for the combined index. Table 31.—BOXBCM» AND? PtPIR BOXES BOX BOARD i PAPER BOARD SHIPPING BOXES YEAR AND MONTH UnfflJetf Prattle* Orders orders, tion received end of month Operation / Inchhours Perct. capac. 1921 mo. av 1922 mo. av 1923 mo. av 1924 mo , av 8, 015, 890 91.7 Ship- Stocks, end of ments ntouth" On hand Unpur- In shipped transit chases 178, 912 96,768 170, 728 178, 434 1 1 2 •©. rgi Per cent of normal Short tons 147, 745 169, 383 178, 733 Operating time Corrugated * Stocks of waste' paper* end of month r Con>sumption, waste paper 48,667 155, 697 14,613 31, 775 2 Production Corrugated Total Solid liber Thousands of square feet ' 50 70 79 74 45 66 79 72 65 81 79 79 226, 622 291, 036 306, 743' 149,323 211, 654 231,190 77,299 79, 382 75,553 1923 January February . March April. ... 171, 934 156, 328 178,758 167, 923 79 75 82 84 76 75 83 86 88 75 78 78 313,045 301, 870 324, 178 305, 524 217, 649 213, 177 241, 501 222, 121 95,396 88, 693 82, 677 83, 403 May June July... August 189, 108 173,601 147, 244 189, 684 80 ' 77 79 81 82 78 80 82 76 76 78 288, 603 275, 879 290,754 285, 059 208, 705 195, 288 205, 725 199,760 77, 898 80, 391 85, 029 85, 299 167, 137 152,097 88,020 93, 616 150, 131 146, 796 165,532 146, 501 40,852 44, 690 151, 611 171, 550 10, 628 12, 990 23, 333 22, 882 79 81 77 68 79 79 74 68 76 88 86 66 256, 701 310, 795 286, 200 256, 022 195, 480 228,085 208, 129 204, 232 61, 221 82, 710 78, 071 51,790 September October November December. 7, 870, 161 7, 592, 164 83.0. 80.1 162, 663 183, 477 161,536 150,339 1924 January... February . March April 8, 542, 957 8,290,289 9, 194, 400 8, 574, 444 86.7 87.5 98.3 87.0 181, 953 179, 854 200, 411 182, 817 198,156 167,855 195,635 158,980 111, 825 103, 643 97,181 73,629 170,291 169, 644 186, 463 169, 573 179,947 176,037 202,097 182, 532 46,696 50,513 48, 827 49,112 132, 010 127, 259 144, 118 143, 601 14, 324 14,.353 15, 417 11,.918 40, 891 27,100 24, 480 27, 631 72 78 83 76 68 75 80 74 85 87 90 82 295, 168 315,376 344, 083 327, 911 211, (86 229, 575 247, 460 245, 975 83, 482 85,801 96,623 81,936 May. June July August 8, 253, 431 83.7 6, 693, 458 84.1 7, 174, 718 86. 0 7, 973, 129 100.2 173, 483 151, 414 164, 762 183,570 165,868 167r 658 186,259 202,919 68,676 85, 414 105,009 122,927 165, 479 148, 440 158, 734 181, 752 170,821 150, 920 166,664 184,941 51, 774 62,268 50, 366 48,935 142, 319 159, 767 165,802 161, 793 11,632 13, 674 16, 939 17,002 26, 854 34,022 34, 870 34, 919 72 67 64 68 69 68 64 65 80 70 63 74 297, 764 255, 561 269, 108 287,937 225, 103 193, 800 205, 723' 219, 141 72, 661 61, 761 63, 385 68, 796 September 8, 036, 712 101.0 October... 8, 422, 014 96. 6 November 7, 546, 373 104. 7 December. 7, 488, 756 89.8 188, 669 196,633 170,550 170,674 168, 299 180, 846 174,184 180,-284 103, 056 87, 563 94, 711 107, 584 182, 521 189, 187 162,771 163, 878 191, 203 198,352 169,018 168,677 46, 401 44,682 46, 214 48,211 172, 240 175, 946 164, 065 179,442 15, 319 14,921 15,523 14, 329 41, 766 27,804 29, 423 31, 620 52 77 78 75 69 77 77 74 79 78 80 76 302, 181 331, 390 332, 824 321,617 231, 066 256, 410 259, 390 248,956 71, 115 74,980 73, 434 72,661 1935 January... 8,388,897 105.4 February _ 7, 550, 968 99.3 7, 569, 995 98.5 March 7, 596, 658 90.9 April 199,633 177, 292 179, 067 184, 976 199, 649 162,878 170,063 168,617 112,911 100, 250 89, 909 78,668 193, 285 170, 023 170, 363 170, 487 195, 501 176, 254 180,736 178, .882 52, 466 53,504 51, 835 57, 212 172, 382 172,456 176,,035 172,223 18, 846 16, 635 13,199 14, 307 34,974 27, 110 22, 948 32, 590 71 76 78 74 70 76 79 76 73 76 75 67 302, 291 333, 431 341, 769 330, 616 228, 084 263, 862 268, 335 256,409 74,207 69, 569 73, 434 74, 207 89.1 95.5 163, 956 190,310 174, 766 191,482 83, 095 90, 92Q 159, 095 179, 253 168,171 183, 657 53,254 59, 947 174, 726 166,467 12,. 686 13,872 26, 129 25, 246 74 74 75 73 69 76 325, 426 321, 836 250, 406 242, 992 74, 980 78, 844 May June July August- _ 7, 111, 776 7, 983, 150 September October November December. i i 1 Compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the. Census, from reports ofi 89 identical- manufactures each month, including figures from the members of the \ Box Board Association prorated from weekly reports. These box board data included any paper board of more than 0.009 inch thickness, such as steawboard, chip board, i news board, etc., used for- making boxes. Similar paper board designed for making specialties, and boards of less than 0.009 inch thickness are not classed as box board. i o.^c*<jiuAj.cii jrji.aov^i.ai'AviJj. \JL v^'vu. vAfeciv^vi. aiivi A-iuoi JJV^A j-vj.aj-iu.iauiiU.iuiD J.ojjui. OOVA AH tJ-itui i/ui.euo Dingle JLO.UO \J\JiAL u. V.Lideu yililCipally fOr WlttppliJg pUlpUS^KJ^, WlliUil IS UAUiUUtJU. I from the tabulation above. Monthly data for 1921 and 1922 on the present basis, including relative prices of finished board and raw materials, appeared in the November, 1923, issue (No. 27), p. 89, The production of boxes is measured by the area of board passing through the box machines. 60 Table 32—PAPER BOOK PAPER YEAH AND MONTH Production Stocks, end of month WRAPPING PAPER Production Stocks, end of month ALL OTHER GRADES FINE PAPER Production Stocks, end of month TOTAL PAPER (including newsprint and boxboard) Production Stocks, end of month Production Stocks, end of month 70,658 77, 757 76,084 98, 627 70, 507 102, 439 90, 630 92, 752 41, 093 26, 123 37, 500 36,594 49, 002 47, 521 53, 279 57, 811 493,304 504, 294 515, 863 611,218 446, 360 584, 360 609, 432 611, 442 238, 113 199, 860 238, 999 181, 910 271, 395 268, 623 278, 239 343, 520 112, 661 102,267 108, 903 104, 571 47, 701 50, 400 > 42, 625 40, 842 Short tons 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average* 1921 monthly average 1932 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average _ __ . 74, 357 70, 763 76, 235 92,039 60, 499 81, 827 93, 466 102, 569 36,845 28, 341 31, 643 23, 719 36, 234 38, 221 46, 439 48, 861 60, 626 59,500 57,851 69,324 54,300 69, 689 85, 320 84,639 53, 551 40,499 64,702 26,097 65,465 61,228 67,370 108, 635 24, 030 30, 668 28,647 32,444 20, 207 30,088 31, 341 30, 810 32,500 34, 576 36,845 29,268 37, 389 36, 630 43, 913 50, 278 97, 318 89, 265 96,087 93,390 38,882 •38,043 31, 480 36, 871 82, 703 77,813 86, 776 78, 559 48, 123 48,421 43, 213 43, 403 34,946 32, 377 35, 144 32, 507 38, 822 39, 772 36, 978 37, 889 97, 221 99, 929 85, 939 103, 127 40, 614 52, 873 51,287 52, 826 85,348 96,432 84, 302 88, 707 44, 015 69, 382 76, 230 82,128 35, 196 34,546 27, 139 28, 421 40,957 45, 395 47, 274 46,459 102,453 83,792 74, 869 81, 475 43, 347 54,198 57,163 63, 766 659,025 631, 104 559, 635 640, 574 245, 872 279, 104 292, 525 312, 154 87, 658 98, 177 91,305 82, 175 53,883 53,883 54,961 61, 663 87, 154 93, 768 89,328 72,946 85,081 82,023 89, 589 96,837 29,416 32,494 27, 750 26, 151 47,389 48, 333 48, 275 49,413 73, 732 89,065 82, 660 71, 112 60,329 59, 507 60, 177 59, 291 551. 744 628, 205 572, 299 520, 513 311,812 310, 558 317, 894 324, 563 100,254 97, 246 104,053 106, 134 53, 730 47, 282 44, 918 43,570 90,389 90,719 89,533 88,663 106, 872 103,070 102, 184 105, 763 31,375 31,994 33,294 34, 236 50,084 48,305 49, 170 49, 846 85, 918 79,426 92, 151 97, 614 54,228 47, 143 52, 534 64, 571 619, 574 597,603 638, 540 637, 713 340, 241 326, 627 328,486 334, 561 108, 257 99,596 94, 616 98, 401 48, 363 52, 232 50, 143 49, 642 80, 012 71, 665 69,728 83, 289 108, 137 111, 586 110, 840 115, 293 32,333 29,064 27, 314 27,516 49, 933 51, 669 50, 505 49, 295 100, 905 83, 605 82, 223 90,135 63,629 66,828 64, 546 59, 702 629, 209 556, 067 552, 595 599, 388 356, 315 3C8, Oil 354, 827 351, 074 100, 369 111, 410 104, 725 105, 772 47, 160 48, 103 49,546 51, 528 89, 114 90, 130 84,314 88,109 111,803 104,867 109,586 113, 614 28,959 33, 125 29,944 30, 568 50, 685 50, 174 51,523 52, 143 94,157 109, 966 95, 723 101, 263 57, 194 57, G02 57, 977 57, 782 617, 474 670, 633 601, 859 616, 648 341, 746 333,622 339, 620 347, 115 108, 945 103,498 113,848 111, 571 56, 166 52, 234 51, 189 52, 213 91, 511 87, 863 94,430 90, 596 108, 374 106, 525 108,086 109, 060 37, 636 35, 986 39,440 38,656 62, 258 51, 448 52, 869 49,290 106, 822 97, 478 103, 537 103,063 67, 489 55, 760 58, 102 61, 820 673, 552 615, 948 657,833 661, 523 353, 021 345, 359 348, 495 359, 041 105,992 101, 752 54,302 57, 017 86, 168 84,439 108,218 108, 039 36,658 36, 715 49, 131 61, 803 101, 348 93, 851 66,060 66, 760 623, 148 635, 497 363,002 375, 430 1933 January February March . April . . ._ _. May June July August .. -- - September . October November December - -. _ . 2 2 664, 553 614, 364 665, 677 605, 490 2 253, 966 262, 734 197, 499 230, 181 1934 January February. March April _. .. _ .. May June July August . September October November December . - . _. . .. ._ . _. _ - 1935 January February March April . . .. ........ .... _ May June July __ .... i Data to May, 1923, from the Federal Trade Commission, representing practically complete production; beginning June, 1923, data compiled from reports of the American Paper and Pulp Association and prorated to represent complete production on the following percentages calculated on the production in the last seven months of.1923, as compared with the total for that period derived from the Federal Trade Commission reports and the Census of Manufactures: Wrapping paper, 57 per cent; fine paper, 80 per cent; "all other grades," comprising bag, tissue, hanging, felts and building and other paper, 65 per cent. Total paper figures are the aggregate of the four previous columns plus, up to May, 1923, the figures on newsprint and paperboard as compiled by the Federal Trade Commission, and, after May, 1923, the figures on newsprint as compiled by the Newsprint Service Bureau, and the figures on boxboard as compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, except that from June through October, 1923, when these latter figures were not compiled, the paperboard figures of the American Paper and Pulp Association have been used, prorated up to complete production by the percentages which they bore to the boxboard figures in 1924, or 60 per cent on production and 73 per cent on stocks. Stock figures represent 2 For March, 1923, data on bag and pap erboard were not compiled, and the January figures for these items were substituted wherever necessary to obtain totals. 61 Table 33.—WOOD PULP AND PAPER PRODUCTS FOLDING LAPAPER BELS * BOXES i WOOD PULP Chemical Mechanical YEAR AND MONTH Con- Produc- sumption Stocks, end of tion < and ship- months ments * Imports s Price, sulConImProduc- sumption Stocks, phite, end of tion * and shipunports bleachments 4 month * ed e Dolls, per 100 Ibs. Short tons 1909-1913 monthly av. 1913 monthly av 1914 monthly av 1915 monthly av 1916 monthly av _ 106, 824 1917 1918 1919 1920 monthly av monthly av _ monthly av _ _ monthly av 120, 589 108, 617 120, 817 131, 525 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly av monthly av monthly av monthly av 1923 September __ _ October November December 112, 145 16, 463 13, 991 18, 105 14, 504 21,877 160, 572 117, 804 109,817 120, 660 132, 308 145, 567 131, 170 154, 251 120, 079 23, 257 15, 456 16, 855 19, 375 159, 375 158, 008 161, 247 188, 156 157, 797 158, 930 160, 375 185, 536 105, 668 123, 495 131, 073 145, 727 106, 214 127, 802 131, 266 139, 796 166, 889 136, 664 95, 900 195, 007 16, 000 17, 965 24,957 20, 929 127, 786 165, 198 185, 253 199, 140 93, 503 113, 986 119, 651 162, 902 117, 800 142, 571 123, 523 132, 871 98, 215 68, 782 63, 855 90,598 25, 538 26, 285 30, 666 35, 429 January February March .. _. _. ... April 179, 503 143, 715 154, 466 213, 054 147, 445 131, 920 131, 586 179, 138 126, 134 136, 334 163, 692 205, 225 May July August 185, 403 152, 606 98, 009 116, 540 146, 172 144, 469 125,329 128, 183 September October November December 114, 737 145, 523 121, 700 123, 465 1925 January February March . _„ April ....».„._ Per cent of capacity 25, 855 $2.23 2.16 2.12 3.81 44, 799 33, 671 53, 725 33, 720 33, 230 32, 728 36, 147 56, 153 4.81 3.84 3.52 6.58 127. 467 166, 438 200, 642 200, 793 53,411 52, 518 62, 472 58,492 44, 457 86, 942 92, 843 106, 399 3.50 2.56 2.97 2.58 47.9 69.4 63.6 67.4 178,444 225, 098 182, 784 168, 524 184, 756 232, 036 179,066 186, 786 69, 138 78, 778 79, 580 67, 476 85,936 91, 302 116, 224 97, 533 3.11 3.11 2.91 2.71 17,660 17, 637 22, 552 18,431 220,792 195, 906 201,738 233, 250 222, 714 195, 388 205, 152 233, 690 69, 926 67, 148 65,270 68, 664 88,565 124, 178 86, 556 62,864 251, 180 249, 463 226, 7Q8 218, 334 13, 291 13, 180 18, 042 21, 204 185, 424 190, 918 172, 230 179, 046 191, 034 194, 648 178, 186 180, 640 60, 540 59,368 54, 546 52, 840 128, 226 155, 348 131, 822 127, 911 204, 725 194, 882 183, 846 179, 466 24, 527 30, 565 24, 835 29,228 185, 800 227, 424 198, 506 198, 640 188, 082 229, 032 195, 190 195, 760 126, 308 124,909 177, 137 198, 583 149, 678 126,537 147, 026 155, 878 159, 435 177, 175 207, 934 256, 255 22, 463 27,560 18, 896 21,740 221, 756 191, 142 220, 184 217, 590 179, 591 149, 512 148, 240 144, 886 288,825 291, 857 32,620 30, 199 194, 260 188, 550 125, 678 ROPE PAPER SACKS (8) Domes- Foreign Shiptic sales sales ments New orders 25, 521 31, 130 38, 091 32, 861 35, 100 129, 325 ABRASIVE PAPER AND CLOTH 2 Reams ^ Eel. to 192119227 68, 150 78, 363 9,171 11, 695 44.2 82.7 80.6 83.7 47, 957 72, 394 86, 916 79, 002 4,379 8,836 10, 943 10, 165 '100 110 119 129 47.4 67.8 63,2 69.3 57.9 93.4 63.3 76.0 75,196 81,048 77, 634 60, 353 12, 297 11, 371 10, 522 9,200 123 129 118 112 2.61 2.63 2.63 2.63 64.6 81.0 76.2 62.9 108.2 83.0 129.8 129.0 89, 961 92, 660 96, 376 79,704 8,384 8,529 10, 553 11, 620 89 109 133 117 82, 746 87,549 114, 531 120, 816 2.63 2.60 2.51 2.53 58.0 75.6 67.9 74.9 71.7 63.1 65.6 85.9 76, 890 60, 969 63, 553 70, 491 11, 018 12, 815 7,777 10, 916 129 122 145 165 48, 888 48, 562 51, 778 54,372 132, 350 135, 238 109,047 132, 344 2.51 2.51 2.57 2.63 56.6 55.6 60.3 74.9 57.2 84.1 64.6 62.6 79, 828 86, 587 73, 581 77,429 8,228 8,591 11, 940 11, 606 156 153 119 112 224, 836 198, 720 217, 300 217, 484 47, 850 40, 198 37,964 39, 186 142, 119 104^262 120, 194 88, 973 2.63 2.63 2.60 2.60 63.7 66.4 61.5 62.4 87.9 107.3 124. 9 87.1 100, 565 94, 935 92, 097 86, 484 9,582 10, 764 12,028 11, 485 101 127 142 126 195, 522 188, 970 37,980 35, 204 101, 285 111, 539 2.60 2.66 2.68 66.4 84.4 82,780 85, 503 13,922 14, 182 124 143 1924: May June July... September October November December . ! 1 Folding paper boxes and labels from the Association of Folding Box and Label Manufacturers, said to represent approximately 60 per cent for the folding box industry . and 275 per cent for the label industry. Data compiled by the Abrasive Paper and Cloth Manufacturers' Exchange, estimated to represent 90 per cent of the industry. The totals given include the sales of garnet, emery, flint, and artificial (silicon, carbide, and aluminous oxide) paper, cloth, and combinations. Figures are stated in equivalent reams 9 by 11 inches in size. The 3data submitted show that in 1919 the total sales were made up of the following approximate percentages: Garnet 39, emery 8, flint 32, and artificial 20 per cent. Rope paper sacks from Rope Paper Sack Manufacturers' Association, said to represent approximately 95 per cent of the industry. 4 Data on production, consumption, and shipments by mills and stocks from the Federal Trade Commission to May, 1923, representing practically complete production thereafter compiled from reports of the American Paper and Pulp Association prorated to represent complete production on the following percentages calculated on the production in the last seven months of 1923 as compared with the total for that period derived from the Federal Trade Commission reports and the Census of Manufactures: Mechanical pulp, 65 per cent; chemical pulp, 50 per cent. 5 Imports from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. « Price of sulphite domestic wood pulp is monthly average from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. • » Twelve months' average, July, 1921," to June, 1922. Numerical data not furnished by tha association. 62. Table 34.—HOUSING, BUTTONS, GMSS^ ANB OPTICAL GOODS BUILDING COST MATERIAL ' • EtfBEXESPRICKS* (Is&of mo.) (1st of mo.) Factory Frame Brick buildHouse llOB3fr YEAR ANF> MONTH feg Construction costs i SPECTACLE FRAMES AN»MOUNTINGS * Un,- FRESHWATER PEABL BUTTONS » Production Stock* et. to Rel. to Relative to 1919 Per of caRelative to 1913 Rel. 1914 1913 pacity ThouSi gross of COStS 6 Sales billed (value) Meif orders „ ILLUMINATING GXAS'S'WARE* Net orders Actual Ship- Porfrproiandv duc- ments foififed O*eg.» tion Per cent of capacity 100 100 100 1919~ monthly av 19^0 monthly av 192*1 monthly av 1922 monthly av 19*23 monthly av 1 1924 monthly av 25 27 30 43 50 68 198 251 202 175 214 215 100 104 73 82119' 97 100 114 51 41 83 43- 186 299 263 1 1934 ; January 1 February March April 204 ' 204 205 ' 206 207 207 209 209 199 200 202 202 218 220 225 222 125 128 83 77 115 M!ay June i July j August 205 ' 203 ; 199 : 195 208 205 201 199 200 199 198 196 222 217 214 213 f September October November Deceni'b er 202 196 195 201 203 199 193 202 196 195 195 197 1925 January • February March April 196 195 198 198 199 197 201 200 198 197 195 197 198 1$5 ^lay June July • FIRE LOSSES 41 cities United State* 10. Great Britand Canada ain 11 Thous. dolls. Number Thous. of £ * 64, 672 63,094 56, 877 182 207 201 1 SBSZ • 100 89 93 147 181 189 179 170 202 198 -. Minne- REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCES 5 KtTMERICAL DATA RELATIVE NUMBERS 1913 monthly av 1914 monthly av 1915 monthly av 1916 monthly av 1917 monthly a-v 1918 monthly a-v HOUSING RENTAL ADVERTISEMENTS 1336.7 46.3 49.1 42.8 » 36. 2 44=. 0 49,3 43*6 '1335.7 ; 42.6 i 49. 7' : 4&S 12 1, 319 1,886 3,082 808 968 3, 673 1,094 : 4, 788: 92, 567 104,973 91,642 109, 895 139, 089. 140, 961 $22r4tl6 27, 571 27, 721 34,241 32,433 31,461 £707 644 514 904 62® 46.1 4& 1 33.4 12r562 13,, 846 14,014 46- 36, 4 43.5 44.0 41.6 14,455 14, 237 14, 221 14,191 41.5 46.0 • 50.5 43.7 51. 5 41. 8 5Z2 , 45.3 54,6 44.6 39.7 58.1 657 740 970 1,062 2, 839 2,522 3,381 5, 615: 144, 768 132, 566 149,863 153, 042 857 41,. 2** 31,448 = 736 28,. 4flft : 499 31,816 1, 613- 90 82 45 70 32 23 25 30 32.4 30'. 4 17.4 22.0 14,170 14, 1!93 13,964 13, 914 39.9 40.1 33.6 38.1 39.9 35.4 25.1 28.4 38.1 36. 0 29.0 37.8 1,261 1,135 1,294 1,160 5,479 4,598. 3,315 7, 611 148, 802 140, 152 137,965 131, 839 27, 832 20, 350 23,969 31,349 847 463 387 30$ 211 208 206 2©9 85 110 87 8-7 43 43 38 20 28.4 32,1 36,1 36.8 13,784 13,607 13, 653 13, 65S 48.7 45. 8 43.5 42.2 37.7 45.7 51.0 43.6 44.3 48.3 45. 5 39. 5 1,302 1,299 1,246 1,004 7,508 6,228 5, 058 3, 307 131, 430 150, 824 130, 824 139, 453 29, 612 27,944 39,082 44,,477 398 510 392 432 197 197 137 195 210 210 210 210 80 90 97 96 27 35 42 39- 33. 9 41.6 43,6 45.5 13,496 12, 913 12, 607 12, 515 38.9 50.0 51.0 43.0 38.7 52.0 55.5 38.7 39; 4 45.1 48.7 41. 9 1,025 1, 008 1, 183 1, 132 3, 106 2, 624 3, 640 5, 458 135, 932 123,838 157,.285 169, 712 4ira& 481 322 1, 189 377 194 194 194 207 205 205 93 34 46.0 47.4 38.4 12, 485 12, 510= 12, 332 45.5 49.2 35.6 40.2 48.4 3&4 43.6 461.8 34.3 1,353 1,216 1, 109 5,450 4,306 166,726 29,171 23,651 29r622- 139 58 32r472 33,347 37, 697 246 380 . September _ October November 1 Building material price indexes representing the relative cost of building materials entering into the construction of a six-room frame house and a six-room brick house - from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Standards, Division of Building and Hominy, and Bureau of the Census, are based on prices paid- for material "by contractors in some 60 cities of the- Uni-ted- States. The prices ar© weighted by the relative importance of each- commodity in the construction of a six-room, house, 2 Data from the Optical Manufacturers' Association, representing about 60 per cent of the industry. 3 Data on fresh-water pearl buttons from National Association of Button Manufacturers from reports of 17 firms representing 95.2 per cent of the machine capacity of thaassociation members, except prior to July, 1922, when 16 firms reported1. * Data from reports of identical firms by the Illuminating. Glassware Guild, estimated to represent from 70 to 75 per cent of the capacity of the industry, based on a normal capacity of 6,000 turns. 6 Real estate transfers and: conveyances compiled1 from official records of 41 large cities by the National Association of Real Estate Boards. 6 This index number, furnished through the courtesy of the Aberthaw Construction Co., is designed to show the relative changes in the cost of constructing a standard concrete factory building. The company believes that the year 1914 gives a normal bas<e and that July," 1D2Q, with an index number of 265, represented the peak of costs. Beginning with June, 1923, the Morton 0. Tattle Co. has also prepared an index on a similar basis, with practically identical results. These index numbers are given as of the first day of the month. 7 The construction, cost index, computed1 by the Engineering News Record, is based upon the costs of steel (structural shapes, Pittsburgh base)1, cement (if. o. b. Chicago, exclusive of bags), lumber (southern pine, New York base), and the rates paid common labor in the steel industry through 1920; after which common labor rates are averages reported from about 20 cities by correspondents of the Engineering News Record. The prices are weighted on the basis of the total production of steel, cement, andlumber, and the total supply of common labor. Monthly data from 1914 appeared" in June, 1923, issue (No. 22), page 52. 8 Com piled by the Portland Association of Building Owners and Ma nagers, showing the number of advertisements, computed from number of inches, carried in leading newspapers of Portland, Oreg., each month of houses and apartments to rent. 8 "Compiled by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, showing number of advertisements in a Minneapolis newspaper each month of houses and apartments to rent both furnished and unfurnished. No effort has been made to eliminate duplications of houses advertised from day to day, and thus1 the total does not represent actual mln> ber of dwellings for rent, but it does indicate the trend. 10 Fire losses in the United States and Canada compiled by the New York Journal of Commerce include losses of $10,000 or over in the principal cities of the Uni-ted States, Canada, and Alaska, each month's figures including an item of 15 per cent to cover small and unreported losses. Individual losses are given in the original publication of the figures. Monthly data from 1913 and seasonal index appeared in the December, 1923, issue (No. 28), p. 53. 11 Fire losses in Great Britain compiled by the London Times; prior to January, 1923, these figures did not include fires involving losses of less than £1,000, and thus 12 are not comparable with later figures. Four months' average, September to December. w Twelve months' average, May, 1921-Apr. 1, 1922. ••CONTRACTS AWARDED (36 STATES^! Industrial Commercial YEAH AND MONfcH Thous. sq.ft. Residential Public ami semipublic Educational Thous. dolls. Thous. sq.ft. Thous. doils, Thous. sq, ft. Tlious. dolls.. Thous. sq. ft. $38; 8^2 6,262.9; 500 10,6&917> 780 15; (W $10,435 17,81324,20347, 085 50,- 051- 20,927 | $38>121 44J-068 20,008 13,864. I 32y.346 27,785 9,55222,218 77)465 2,:399 : Public works and: Grand t^)tal utilities Thous. Thous. dolls. . sq..ft. Thous. dolls. Thous. dolls. Thous. sq. ft. Thous. dolls. 2, ,864: $17,:458 $49, .977 53, 382 $245,'089- 2,,824 • 4,298 4r921 • 3,,912 4,-643 20,765 . 26,268 31,653 25,386 32,728 56,374 45, 719 55,960 55, 456 60, 326 38, 275 36, 859 54, 552 56,352 58^869 240,677 224,:070 318, 403 331, 776 373,816 .i 1$!:5 monthly average 1916 monthly 'average 1917 monthly- average- 1918 -monthly average. _ 1019 -monthly average _ _ _ . 10, 8W 1920 -monthly average 1921 monthly average. ___ 1922-inonthly average. _ _ _ 1923 -monthly average - - ~ i 1924; monthly average ! • I 1 1933 January February March ApriL ._ May June July August 1 2,316 ' 3,863 4,-538 : 4,432 15, 073 25,706 27,549 29,922 28, 642 38, 893 48,192 67,,228 43, 329 49,553 71,.757 72,277 242, 738 281; .140 371j 447' 399; 501 11, 667 6, 319 4, 558 ; 3,798' 62,979 55, 867 26, 019 19,359 i ! I j 168, 217 136, 313 124; 171 12$ 831 5,519 4,569 5,>021 4)411 30, 453 26, 410 31,445 25y861 4,424 5,064 4,105 3,795 28, 931 32, 121 27,356 26,458 83, 817 75, 696 65, 159 62,664 72, 810 53, 727 . 48,971 . 47,910 433, 907 371, 034 315,024 298,62* 44- 142 35, 133 32, 5S4' 42,388- 4,392 4,205 5; 907' 5, 063: 3S, 059 32, 721 44; 467 25, 160 • 25; 296 37,311 1 36,164 33,166 1111906 ' 3,'0%: ; 16,369 26, 085 5,033 173, 042 24^273 158^ 953 : 4*219' ; 28^428 147; 689 • 4J111 3,573 4,857 3,598 2>373 23,448 30, 207 22)315 15,5*6 55, 0.1-1 63,499 36,237 40,536 . 44,857 60, 192 . 57,578 . 53,269 288, 932. 360, 687 318, 82& 299,748 7,778 9,420 11, 455 9, 615 38,393 47, 124 64; 432 49,!724' 3, 795 4; 096 4,744 4, 994 24, 769 19, 060 21,703 56,361' 37,945 31,348 49,838 47,536 170, 186 142; 079: 227, 461 219,139 3,114 18, 519 5,839; ; 3"1>155 5, 748 • 34; 062 33; 522 5, 757 3,225 ' 3^706 6,017 4^795 21, 705 22,556 40,'.726 32,511 28, 381 37,956 44,895 88^841 £6, 624 . 54,879. , 78,326 , 73,169 301, 952 299,' 029 = 433,340 480, .097 11,232 9,308 8, 993 8,361 56, 380 56, 556 49, 346 41, 151 4,625 3,294 3, 017 3,967 28, 901 24, 988 19,664 30,380 39, 755 34, 101 25, 474 27, 998 185, 419 161, 443 123, 072: 148; 232 6,908 5,262 6; 1501 4; 401 ; 5,812 4,734 6,059 4>9e8 39, 283 37, 963 38,*875 37J613 68, 708 71, 784 71,717 6^296 68, 784 57,754 50,522 50,767 419, 273 387, 521 347,184 354, 443 8, 751 9,664 10,038 8, 424 43,316 55, 969 55, 255 38, 696 4,216 4,478 4; 101 8, 705 35, 222 29, 033 34,373 j 30,770 28, 236 32, 143 34, 779 33, 153 14S;706; • 4?; 857' 4,127 166, 199 19i;319 2,825; 3,254 160,839 ; 31, 728 27, 675 18,311 25,797 5,2S4 4,195 3, 181 3,785 38,31« 29, 991 22, 947 30,25D 52,034 101, 224 57,455 35,620 51,631 55, 087 55, .258 53,625 . 344, 316 410, 091 379, 660, 327,986 67,372 : 4, 335 38,825" ; 3, 308 ; 54; 871' i 4,836 ; 63,969 6, 498 19,454 20,797 53,133 46, 568 26, 791 27, 850 45, 534' 51, 453 127, 232 138,023 220,872256, 414- 2,371 3,809 5,557 5,203 15,339: 20,278: 42, 193 33, 155 3,217 3,746 5, 571 6,431 31, 614 30,- 501 41,917 51,433 35, 462 52, 865 67, 931 95,432 48, 536 46, 861. 73, .555 82,565- 296, 473 299, 260 480, 916 548, 971 27,562 25,161 48,101 42, 988 231 182 208,= 583 4, .623 9,002 29,313 64,585- 6,106 6,597 49,928 57, 214 77, 759 92,916 78, 910 76,756 496, 024 540, 610 „ 4,765 e,580; 8; 773' 7,397; w 311, 646 9,597 8,457 8,484 59, 510 44, 727 40,875 37, 457 8,499! 8, 786' 7, 689' 8,558 . r 19#£ i January February' _. March April ._ ._ __ _ . September . _ « October. ,. . November ., December 1-935 January ' February March " April. September October '. November December 16, 862 2,726 5; 268 • 27; 668 5,^008^ : 26^966 0,709 • 39i 803 36, 332 34, 6§S 51,233 53,; 826 September' October1 : • November _. : December May June July _ . August. 122, 678 1131902 175^705 175,087 6,797 8,185 11,266 11, 473 ! May * - . June _^ July August. 26,724 23, 152 40; 275 ! 25,658 4I,803: \ 4% 174 33/335 ! 42; 267 12; 564 3; 518 6, 4486, 119 4,169 _ _. 10, 919 7,407 11,772 12,261 -_, . 1$,903 ' 23,918 2%754 26,719 30,620 : 51r669 80,U39 123,-.014 144,541 170,841 30,639 31- 80S* 47,545; 42, 743r 49,695 14,183 13, 713 80,280 92,152 : 5,278 3,973 57, 459 ' 16-893 31-, 67436,932 29;606; 39,555 28,179 26y831 27,423 : 2,745 4=239 5,-701 4;<541 = 4^854 $11, 722 12,642 18^812 28; 538 32,' 502 35,- 192 8; 107 6, 4139,3639,120 9,420 „ «. ; 40, 582 34, 807 39,511 31,771 1 _ ^.w, i Gompiiediby the F. W. Dodge Corporation from reports covering contracts awarded in small towns and rural1 districts as well as large cities; The data shown on this page include figures from 36 S tates, .all except Washizigton, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah,, Wyoming, Nevada^ California, Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Kansas and Nebraska, comprising,about seven-eighths of the total building contracts in the United States. Prior to 1923,,figures for Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana^ Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and i Georgia were; riot compiled, and the totals for those years f6r 27 States have been prorated to the figures shown- above-by applying to' the 1923 totals for 38 States the percentage changes from year to -year for the 27 States. The original area figures for the years 1915 to 1918, inclusive; used in these calculations, were estiniates^by the F. W. Dodge Corporation. Data .giving monthly figures for 27 :States (except that prior to May, 1921, North and South Carolina-were-not iiicluded> winch*,however, made little change in the total) for 1920/and 1921. appeared in the M ayr1922, 1issue (No. 9);,,pp...7T and 73; and1 for subsequent months in the August, 1924, issue (No. 3a)>.p. 109i Thereports of the F.- W.Bv&gz Gorier alion show totals by districts and also separate the public'and' semipublic building group into various classes i. 1 shown separately in the August, 1923, issue (No. 24), pp. 94 to 97, and also present military and naval and miscellaneous classifications, wMch are hisre included only in the? grand; total, 64 Table 36.—YELLOW PINE AND DOUGLAS FIR LUMBER NORTH CAROLINA PINE < SOUTHERN PINEi YIAE AND MONTH Production Shipments Orders Stocks, end of mo. Exports 2 Price, flooring 3 Production DOUGLAS FIR Exports 6 ShipShipProments duction 5 ments 5 Orders * Lumber Price,' No. 1, Timber common Thousands of feet, board measure 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 423, 509 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average. . . 368, 325 441, 903 399, 160 446, 405 354, 287 1919 monthly average. . . 1920 monthly average. . 1921 monthly average. . . 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average. - - 379, 701 330, 229, 394, 812 430, 673 458, 971 459, 483 1,371,652 1, 116, 259 119, 601 77, 603 52,354 54, 280 37, 770 29,007 $23. 04 21.37 20.29 22.64 31.54 33.76 376, 070 306, 559 399, 677 451, 395 451,944 463, 763 937, 748 1, 187, 587 1, 211, 174 1, 177, 627 1, 086, 042 1, 099, 374 50,687 65, 688 43, 615 52, 137 68,604 70, 438 55.00 74.53 35.98 45.46 47.70 41.89 34, 230 33, 514 30,164 52, 543 48, 257 49, 144 460, 685 376, 603 430, 963 489, 729 427, 285 383, 525 477, 724 468, 769 432, 512 485, 566 1, 087, 475 1, 089, 368 1, 115, 880 1, 110, 704 42, 681 51, 814 55, 540 78, 996 43.70 44.17 42.27 42.21 452,214 447, 954 468, 285 476, 998 497, 038 419, 297 435, 417 448, 535 541, 282 384, 638 416, 926 471, 238 1,068,919 1, 094, 418 1, 123, 328 1,131,408 54, 324 74, 109 69, 859 68,104 484, 501 426, 171 439, 967 468, 236 486, 486 406, 809 468, 575 493, 505 440, 790 408, 454 515, 336 482, 274 1, 129, 893 1, 153, 375 1, 124, 717 1, 103, 006 466, 639 463, 009 424, 187 422, 347 457, 732 493, 650 482, 758 423, 993 444, 856 506, 478 524, 194 428,688 489, 487 453,618 498, 442 497, 087 446, 066 425, 106 474, 239 501, 153 483, 872 459, 378 483,403 461, 944 380, 524 358, 015 375, 438 431, 633 450, 165 453, 376 1923 September ......... 447, 034 486, 292 October December 349, 511 376, 882 322, 157 364, 730 56, 203 46, 848 23, 299 23, 240 23, 647 22, 709 32, 107 29,791 29, 052 52, 496 48, 539 49, 337 373, 263 380, 351 297, 738 435, 673 508, 789 488, 831 355, 358 334, 915 298,506 409, 224 515, 951 497, 747 416, 088 610, 318 609, 871 25, 095 37,602 37, 936 51, 225 43, 165 51, 962 14, 371 35, 646 40, 427 25. 417 29. 917 11.833 15. 250 19. 415 17. 250 51, 135 50, 869 52, 360 42, 455 43, 750 50, 295 53,200 44, 415 542. 101 557, 321 557, 321 476, 297 532, 253 521, 509 498, 679 425, 713 577, 465 514, 347 513, 899 490, 622 39, 412 43, 971 45, 368 59, 007 44, 299 30,783 59, 410 99, 343 17.500 18.500 18.500 17.500 44.28 44.54 43.99 43.55 47,530 49, 784 50,988 61,660 50, 680 52, 325 48, 482 49, 840 470, 925 553, 740 518, 823 507, 185 474,059 528, 672 538, 520 663, 141 500, 918 461,525 503, 156 471, 821 111, 340 56,019 50, 576 43, 792 86, 849 51, 870 42, 277 51, 825 19.500 19.500 18.500 17.500 72, 597 67,173 89, 707 71,293 41.66 39.51 38.51 39.56 50,400 43,080 38, 843 53, 417 52, 430 42, 399 45, 332 51, 555 494, 651 472, 716 371, 547 490, 622 510, 766 502, 708 448, 543 494, 651 446, 752 473, 163 457, 496 554, 635 53, 219 36, 213 43, 519 42, 526 26, 201 34, 686 34, 237 36, 202 17. 500 16. 500 16. 500 16.000 1, 115, 375 1, 080, 026 1, 026, 246 1, 041, 774 64, 893 73,121 56, 962 83, 119 39.92 40.31 42.48 44.42 49, 518 51, 849 58, 821 43. 841 44, 191 56, 042 53, 844 44, 919 480, 326 542, 996 515, 690 446, 752 488, 383 503, 156 465, 106 455, 258 517, 033 637, 898 566, 274 527, 776 54, 777 45, 489 46, 139 39, 931 32, 766 39, 092 23, 758 25, 357 16.000 16.500 16. 500 16. 500 467, 704 429, 608 435, 272 500, 862 1, 103, 887 1, 123, 581 1, 150, 976 1, 163, 231 58, 183 74, 595 80, 658 95, 554 46.95 47.32 46.88 45.67 41, 426 55, 622 56,231 54, 012 44,639 53, 844 56, 217 56, 812 507, 185 524, 643 525, 986 539, 415 521, 062 505, 842 519, 271 577, 018 468, 239 490, 174 559, 112 592, 685 52, 853 32, 850 60, 446 52, 572 22, 358 21, 590 36, 758 32,932 19. 500 18. 500 18.500 17.500 477, 918 455, 554 1, 152, 617 1, 184, 431 88, 205 74, 037 45.06 44.14 55, 853 57, 799 52, 227 51, 702 536, 729 571, 198 573, 884 612, 829 553, 292 694, 028 41, 987 63, 976 16, 880 33, 408 17.500 16.500 $9. 208 7.917 7.875 10. 375 15. 875 18.250 1924 February. March . July August > . September _ . _ ...... October ... November December ... . 1925 January February March May June.. July i The figures for southern yellow pine, except exports and prices, are ^computed data furnished by the Southern Pine Association. The method of computing is first to find the percentage relation between the actual production, shipments and orders of the mills reporting and the normal production of these same mills. Thisjper cent is then applied to the normal production of 192 mills. The average production in the first four months of 1916, 484,065,392 feet, is taken as normal production. There are no separate normals for orders and shioments since these two items must be governed by production. Assuming that the mills reporting are a good sample of the industry the resulting figures are equivalent to the actual production, shipments, and orders of the 192 identical mills, and hence a fair sample of the industry. The same procedure is followed for stocks except that normal in this case is 1,262,450,326 feet, the average stocks during 16 months ending April, 1916. The figures are based on actual reports from about 180 mills on production, shipments and stocks and from about 145 mills on orders. Monthly data for 1921 and 1922 appeared on page 59 of the October, 1923, issue (No. 26). Monthly data 1917 to 1920 appeared in April, 1923, issue (No. 20), p. 49. 2 Exports of yellow pine lumber from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Monthly data from 1921 are given in the December, 1923,3 issue (No. 28), page 56. . a . Data from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and represent average weekly prices for yehow pme flooring, grading B and better, at Hattiesburg « Data computed from reports on actual production and shipments as furnished by the North Carolina Pine Association, Inc., for mills varying in number from 31 to 56. The computed figures given are obtained by first determining for a given month the per cent which the actual production is of the normal production of the identical mills reporting. This per cent is then applied to an arbitrary figure of 70,000,000 board feet, which represents the approximate monthly average normal production of the mills which reported in 1919. A similar per cent of actual shipments to normal production is applied to the same figure to obtain the computed shipment figures. The resulting figures represent a computed production as of identical mills for each month. The figures are of the same order of magnitude as the actual reported production and shipments, but avoid the rather wide variations due to different mills reporting in different months. 5 The figures of production, shipments, and orders of Douglas fir were obtained by applying the percentage figures of actual production, shipments, and orders to normal production of reporting mills as supplied by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association to the actual production of 124 mills for May, 1920. The production in that month was 447,647,540 board feet and has averaged about 75 per cent of the total production of Douglas fir lumber in the United States. Monthly production data for the period 1917-1921 appeared in the December, 1922, issue (No. 16), page 49. • » Export figures are from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Monthly data from 1921 appeared in the December, 1923, issue 7 Data from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and represent averages of weekly prices for the State of Washington. 65 Table 37.—MISCELLANEOUS SOFTWOODS CALIFORNIA WHITE PINE 2 WESTERN PINEi Lumber Production YEAR AND MONTH Shipments Stocks, end of month Production Ship- Stocks, end of ments month Production ] av av.__ av.__ av.__ 109, 357 113, 424 113, 794 134, 467 110, 423 97, 784 109, 032 110, 697 Thousands 881, 924 62, 561 48,263 68, 368 31,900 37, 284 36, 036 265, 113 287, 645 267, 276 40, 273 50, 139 1921 monthly av — 74, 437 76, 840 1, 063, 658 791, 461 1922 monthly av.__ 120, 689 128, 606 914, 376 145, 916 129, 140 1923 monthly av 137,577 135, 251 1,033,833 1924 monthly av 39, 110 66, 387 101,876 96, 061 29, 114 45, 784 61, 972 76, 765 370, 303 382, 216 494, 177 668, 840 34, 204 44, 512 51, 460 42, 959 27, 768 48, 357 46, 346 44, 621 1923 January February March April May June July August CALIFORNIA RED WOOD « Lath Pro- ShipPro- Ship- i duc- ments Ship- Orders reducments ceived tion ments tion Thousands of feet, board measure 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1919 monthly 1920 monthly NORTHERN HEMLOCK * NORTHERN PINE 3 Pro- Ship- Orders duc- ments received tion Thousands of feet, board measure 6,357 35, 327 33, 169 33,643 37, 974 30, 056 37, 051 27, 290 19, 431 37, 460 36, 404 44, 243 28, 547 32, 759 35, 337 28, 745 39, 934 30, 576 49, 033 4.1, 018 44, 406 8,669 9,882 12, 574 11, 097 13,290 12, 292 10, 825 11, 796 16, 986 18, 435 23, 483 26, 088 26, 059 25, 351 20, 416 18, 920 39, 618 49, 035 53, 240 48, 136 28, 441 44, 010 49, 268 37, 583 29, 472 47, 805 46, 861 38, 129 9,581 64, 093 59, 148 124, 188 175, 232 128, 711 116, 557 144, 948 131,040 830, 534 766, 391 737, 489 779, 652 28,097 22, 699 39, 463 91, 929 53, 102 44, 282 66, 156 54,444 432, 247 367, 597 333, 169 328,640 34, 736 33, 702 38, 714 49, 748 49, 728 42,883 52, 720 43, 039 41, 870 40,506 41, 912 40, 571 9,025 8, 759 9,671 10, 845 10, 607 17,241 11,896 14, 342 26, 614 21, 535 22, 320 19, 109 28, 334 28, 432 24, 636 24,117 37, 004 43, 896 59, 844 47, 855 42, 799 52,740 61, 796 52, 744 67, 422 59, 658 66, 878 43, 347 197, 074 153, 220 820, 640 885, 077 947, 445 1,003,508 144, 244 152, 312 140, 679 172, 319 68,019 69, 947 67, 931 78, 452 405, 835 453, 155 607, 764 685, 358 74, 071 76, 734 69, 978 83, 862 51, 132 49, 611 40,658 49,041 43, 483 34, 988. 35, 445 40, 230 18, 616 21, 668 19, 229 20, 076 14, 381 11,281 14, 105 15, 091 27, 640 32, 086 30, 344 30, 731 31, 170 32, 656 26,364 26,961 67, 938 55, 312 46, 385 65,222 67, 326 54, 986 40, 712 56, 912 55, 336 38, 966 28, 147 50, 570 . _ 193, 505 139, 096 179, 098 196, 623 114, 813 131, 025 165, 285 146, 871 . . 91,771 141, 918 120, 443 111, 681 1, 035, 332 1, 058, 585 1, 080, 360 1, 027, 497 136, 178 144, 424 95, 254 54,915 62, 360 71, 821 60,851 56, 302 692, 114 654, 668 628, 591 640, 991 57, 379 48, 037 22,350 28,207 47, 492 52, 326 44, 251 33, 265 47,046 54,037 38, 052 34,073 14,472 13, 306 12, 131 15, 257 5,163 7,156 6,928 5,736 29, 293 24, 711 17, 288 18, 710 24, 743 26, 260 24, 613 18, 249 51,625 54, 774 69, 238 39, 785 50,026 37, 599 52, 056 39, 522 42, 148 38, 921 41, 744 29,192 1934 January February.- _ March April 74, 101 102, 830 148, 073 172, 195 127, 838 141,009 134,880 130, 222 966, 689 929, 473 936, 050 974, 168 16, 576 37, 163 55, 151 108, 329 52, 381 63, 171 63,883 66, 798 470,725 528, 127 462, 311 496, 003 37, 552 36, 347 36, 638 52, 718 41,720 46,406 49,905 42, 856 51, 453 45, 164 53,315 48,918 8,979 9,106 8,899 12, 105 8,906 12, 968 12, 578 15,098 16, 528 17,951 18, 765 19, 136 18, 002 19, 710 19,800 18, 821 38, 673 44, 367 62, 367 51, 966 36, 997 38, 847 49, 525 38, 462 40, 773 38, 040 52, 597 30, 286 May June July.. August 180, 985 161, 669 146, 110 159, 877 131, 412 124, 385 125, 561 147, 774 , 016, 922 , 057, 528 , 068, 266 , 077, 246 131, 127 133, 740 136, 499 147, 177 60, 362 64,042 79, 035 89, 377 483, 814 538, 991 608, 260 643, 786 59, 360 58,602 52, 267 54,068 40, 405 40, 036 45, 758 46,403 32, 322 33, 783 41, 053 62, 188 14,092 14, 625 13, 328 14, 675 22, 794 20, 951 27, 377 23,255 25, 177 17,505 22, 982 17, 884 62, 021 46, 289 34, 303 56,199 41, 764 29, 525 25, 099 43, 116 38, 986 28, 484 24, 622 46, 645 September October November December 145, 737 147, 659 120, 413 92, 278 141, 636 144, 203 125, 977 148, 118 , 081, 443 142, 294 , 128, 395 126, 115 ,116,779 78, 753 , 053, 038 39, 813 104, 829 102, 239 89,684 85, 378 659,335 673,923 630,653 630, 157 56, 369 41, 333 9,185 21,007 51, 466 62, 985 38, 529 38, 984 42, 313 39, 696 41, 976 50,693 13, 290 12, 567 12, 381 10,108 2,314 5,957 6,831 4,736 22, 155 21,293 12,159 17, 964 18, 368 20, 373 17, 191 15,899 32,907 44,532 53, 507 50, 503 36, 610 32, 755 41, 104 37, 195 33, 631 35,099 43, 684 44, 695 1935 January February--... . . March April 77, 994 96,184 145, 951 164, 584 133, 718 120, 398 129, 019 136, 212 899, 658 867, 676 881, 684 903, 535 34, 979 32, 614 64,884 98, 551 84, 316 76, 820 88, 417 84, 377 650, 925 495, 533 467, 330 458, 791 33, 414 33, 905 41,.512 69, 332 44, 457 39, 466 37, 389 41, 929 40, 527 35, 650 32, 486 39, 856 8, 943 9,301 10, 781 13, 526 6,566 7, 333 9,357 8,538 18, 664 17, 455 14, 095 13, 648 16, 674 14, 049 10, 156 15, 819 43, 385 41, 822 51,409 39,584 36, 246 40, 085 40, 904 34, 770 40, 618 35, 194 40, 990 36, 825 -•- 177, 055 145, 562 927, 799 881, 273 133, 818 165, 516 107, 745 107, 911 493, 023 61,906 44, 368 645, 982 ' 66, 200 46, 265 64, 313 49, 534 38, 636 38, 622 48, 928 16, 237 12, 403 17, 978 11, 989 18, 397 14, 576 12,338 21, 323 18, 313 18, 417 41, 933 49, 544 39, 992 41, 754 34, 176 42, 978 September October November December May June July _ 158, 103 116, 224 156,800 131, 492 11, 494 16, 050 14, 849 16, 515 „ * The Western Pine Manufacturers' Association has supplied figures showing the actual and normal production for the mills reporting in each of the periods shown. From these figures the per cent of normal production is obtained in each case, and this per cent is applied to the normal production of 54 identical mills. The normal monthly production of these 54 mills is given as 148,000,000 board feet and is estimated to represent 70 per cent of the output of the western pine territory. Monthly data covering the period 1917-1921 appeared in the April, 1923, issue (No. 20), p. 49. 2 Actual figures reported by about 20 mills each month to the California White and Sugar Pine Association: the number of mills varies from 13 to 26. 3 From the Northern Pine Manufacturers' Association, and includes reports from some 24 mills, both member and nonmember, located chiefly in Minnesota. Monthlydata4 on production and shipments from 1920 appeared in September, 1922, issue (No. 13), p. 48. Compiled by the Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manufacturers' Association, representing chiefly Wisconsin and upper Michigan mills, from actual reports of from 60 to 75 mills each month. Yearly averages covering the period 1913-1916 were shown in the August, 1924, issue (No. 36). The 1913 monthly averages on which the relative5numbers were based are 37,664,000 and 36,442,000 board feet, respectively, for production and shipments. The California-'Redwood Association has furnished to the Bureau of the Census the figures on the actual production, shipments, and orders received by 7 identical mills for each month of 1918, 1919, and 1920. These 7 mills represent 40 per cent of the capacity of all listed mills for these years. For the first 4 months of 1921 reports were furnished from 10 mills representing 56H per cent of the capacity of all listed mills. For the remaining months of 1921.reports are ayailalbe from 11 mills representing 71 per cent of the total listed capacity, and for 1922 reports are available from 14 mills representing 73 per cent of the total listed capacity. The actual average monthly production of the 7 reporting mills for 1918 was 14,984,000 feet. On the basis of 40 per cent capacity, the 1918 average monthly production of all mills is computed as 37,460,000 feet. Regarding this as normal production, there has been computed the probable production of the total redwood capacity based on the proportion which capacity of the reporting mills bears to the total of all mills. The columns on shipments and orders received represent a similar relationship between the actual reported figures and the total capacity of all mills. 54240°—25t—5 66 Table 38.—HARDWOODS NOBTHEEN IIA&BWOODS » ALL HARDWOODS * Unsold stocks Total stocks YEAE AND MONTH Units reDort~ing Total hardwoods Gum Oak Total hardwoods Number 1913 mo. av. 1914 mo. av 19 15 mo. av. 1916 in o. av. 1917 mo. av 1918 mo. av. 1919 mo. av 1920 mo. av. 1921 mo. av 1922 mo av 1923 mo. av. 4182 1924 mo. av _ « 154 1933 \pril _ . May June July „ August September . October November.. December.. Gum Oak Unfilled orders Total hardwoods Gum Oak WALNUT a Lumber Production Logs Ship- Pro- Ship- Stocks on Purments duction ments hand chases Thousands of feet, board measure 4 492,159 4 145,024 * 173,012 4 392,818 *111,097 143,854 4 134,608 4 47,020 4 39,530 e 555,276 5 174,425 s 191,629 8 434,137 « 134,413 « 115,053 8 139,712 • 48,029 8 45,952 4 Made into lumber and vender St'ks on hand M feet, log measure 28,318 25,390 31,034 19,911 24,755 22,067 25, 296 26,041 31,081 30, 105 29,241 27, 813 32, 732 33,328 34, 206 27, 509 27,838 19,067 26, 500 34, 204 37, 397 38,852 33,352 28, 533 1,807 2,538 3,529 1,927 2,391 3, 144 10, 214 8, 153 11,463 1,400 2,410 2,641 1,327 2, 114 2,727 2,087 3,282 3,106 385, 057 438, 779 479,079 503, 889 512,603 104, 104 126, 326 139, 601 143, 922 150, 854 134, 576 153, 324 164,430 173, 410 177, 805 292, 879 345,317 389,352 406, 550 408,092 77, 642 97, 711 109,619 113, 458 118,351 103, 003 149, 343 136, 414 143,391 144,667 116,086 127, 373 127, 325 123,888 129,831 37, 099 37, 227 40, 283 41, 522 42,144 34, 699 41,320 35, 853 42, 149 38,340 45, 700 40, 366 48,531 34,388 41,805 39, 215 33, 608 33,364 31,462 40,674 2, 360 2,799 2,812 2,785 2,200 3,007 2,535 2,293 1,889 2, 097 7,108 7, 355 7,871 8,450 8,553 2,406 2,038 3,389 2, 647 2,384 3,395 2,524 2,405 3,658 2,190 2,501 2,934 2,316 1,905 3,332 191K 507,794 502,099 196 197 535,871 153, 490 143,714 157, 260 175,383 176,970 189,759 396, 997 389,958 413,461 115, 661 108, 117 114,761 139, 326 140, 534 153,300 137, 720 142,079 154, 040 52, 393 41, 127 50, 799 41,819 60,053 43,349 27, 060 37,822 27,900 44, 469 25, 372 42, 738 32,310 40, 087 2,213 2,578 3, 009 2,730 2,039 2,378 2,623 2,060 7,943 8,121 8,506 9,143 1,830 2, 298 2,618 2,579 43, 525 51,576 51,907 52, 249 28,319 35, 592 34, 459 28, 070 2,561 2,702 3,078 3,704 3,088 3,568 3,246 3,285 8,646 7,819 7,751 8, 167 2,308 2,122 3,634 2,383 2,235 3, 782 2,108 2,852 3,060 2,756 2,502 3,312 24, 730 25, 328 22, 475 28,625 3,647 3,375 3,736 3,660 2,428 2,647 2,409 2,742 9,355 3,339 10, 168 2,443 12, 885 2,256 13,813 2,061 2,880 2,573 2,521 2,544 3,801 3,6§4 2, 910 2,419 152 185 195^ 207 204K 1934 January February March April May__ 1,905 2,229 2,342 2,083 3,368 3,441 3,895 4,426 June . _ July August 116 131 424, 175 477,002 134, 261 151, 218 152, 555 163,697 325,652 355, 698 102,204 114, 594 121,337 117,002 118,285 41,044 137,563 44,138 34, 144 51, 143 37, 642 35, 185 27,392 23,952 September _ October NovemberDecember.. 151M 157 182^ 182% 546, 242 563, 759 653, 653 666,825 169,421 188,942 174, 274 193,997 202, 489 222, 837 214,889 227,743 428,003 455,080 516, 247 524, 142 128, 518 138, 168 157, 123. 165, 871 151,052 159, 771 173, 532 180, 474 132,838 46, 633 123, 485 41, 546 158, 179 54,135 167,924 60,677 42,753 39, 738 54,927 53,004 19,732 14, 430 15,713 26,923 30,286 32,856 26, 835 26,820 3,648 3,990 3,990 4,256 3,255 3,889 3,352 3,818 13, 605 14, 556 15, 176 15, 614 2,543 3, 345 3, 243 2,902 2,746 2,997 3,731 3,017 2,348 2,695 2,931 2,686 1935 January February.. March April 184H 191 200^ 198H 665, 144 689,384 733, 351 775,221 214,750 219, 501 228, 110 289, 563 225,734 227, 670 247, 669 258, 294 529, 515 554, 280 598, 267 646,255 169, 712 176, 546 185,891 199,413 180, 321 182,678 200,116 215, 122 159,337 153, 689 ISO, 027 148,068 54,927 49, 569 47, 838 49,740 50, 743 49,851 51,497 48, 102 47, 411 44, 894 47, 186 44, 732 29,117 23,913 25,481 22, 176 4,650 4,056 4,336 4,017 4,182 3,825 3,654 3,341 16,709 3,205 17, 085 3,472 17,476 3,679 18, 232 3,862 3,073 3,208 3,441 3,465 3,356 4,002 4,281 4,678 May 195 775, 695 241,714 251,129 638,391 194, 168 206, 650 157, 775 56,749 49,957 41,433 20,884 4,132 3,029 19,332 3,552 3,496 4,734 June July August 196M 796, 324 241, 912 253, 228 658, 998 197, 199 210, 831 156, 356 53, 542 47,226 41, 299 26,282 3,589 3,119 19, 515 2,921 3,261 4, 374 September October NovemberDecember. *• .pomPlledfr9;in reports of the Hardwood Manufacturers' Institute, covering hardwood mills throughout the country; further details as to sizes, species, and geographical distribution are given in the regular reports of the institute. The figures are all given as of the end of the month reported (original data being given as of the first of they following month). Collection of these data was not undertaken from December, 1923, through June, 1924, and it will be noticed that from July through October, 1924, the number of production units reporting is considerably less than in the other months. A single band mill is considered on© unit of production. • 1 Data from Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manufacturers^ Association, representing chiefly Wisconsin and upper Michigan mills. These figures represent actual, reports from 60 to 75 mills each month. The hardwoods cut are mostly inapie, birch, aad beech. 3 Compiled, by American Walnut Manufacturers' Association from reports of identical firms representing from 50 to 60 per cent of the walnut lumber industry. 4 Seven months' average, May through November, inclusive* ' Six months' average, July to December, inclusive* 67 Table 39.—TOTAL LUMBER AND FLOORING Composite prices * Retail yards, 9th YEAR AND MONTH Produc- Exports 2 tteni Fed. Res. Dist. a Sales Orders Unfdied Ship- Stocks, Pro- Ship- Stocks, Unfilled end of booked end of Orders ments month orders booked orders duction ments month Pro- Hard- Soft- duction Stocks woods woods Dollars per Thousands of feet, board measure OAK FLOORING" MAPLE FLOORINGS LUMBER— AH species thousand feet, board measure Thousands of feet, board measure % 1909-13 mo. 1913 mo. av. 1914 mo. av 1915 mo. av_ 1916 mo. av. 1917 mo. av. 2,197,334 2, 102, 537 2, 086, 531 2, 282, 175 2, 141, 144 178, 398 216,066 149, 145 93, 959 91, 216 85, 220 1918 mo. av. 1919 mo. av. 1920 mo. av. 1921 mo.av. 1922 mo. av. 1923 mo. av. 1924 mo. av_ 1,874,419 2,069,522 2,059,875 1, 762, 264 2, 270, 551 2,494,008 2,418,838 85, 452 109,268 7 $30, 995 7215,564 129, 227 16,786 203, 175 100, 587 153, 155 13, 838 128, 515 15, 496 126, 744 145,760 14,651 127, 719 161,557 13,215 112,977 1923 September.. October November.. December... 2,586,319 2,710,563 2,463,326 2,066,538 128, 171 127,844 145,920 171,642 17,312 19,507 15, 936 8,864 1924 January February. . . March \pril 2,229,295 2, 425, 712 2, 527, 790 2,619,490 218,557 159, 215 153,337 148, 937 May Juno July August 2, 635, 982 2,410,954 2,237,900 2, 531, 675 September.. October November. . December 1925 January February... March April May June July.. August 4,572 6,675 7,464 9,205 11,563 11,120 4,572 6,009 6,877 8,894 11,470 10, 446 11,780 9,000 16, 500 20, 900 22,500 24,900 4,719 6,104 7,419 9,525 11,429 8,956 6, 160 7, 250 5,800 7,100 15, 250 20, 900 $40. 33 46.72 43.11 $48. 98 27.42 30.79 33.86 30.95 10,039 10, 383 8,378 11,479 11,734 8,603 11,848 8,259 8,121 11,934 11,805 7,865 15,448 15,963 30,749 28, 040 21,343 23,880 14, 163 5,106 8,991 12, 194 11,085 8,085 38,289 26,723 10, 193 20,311 26,804 12, 347 4,858 10, 101 10, 745 12, 411 22,877 30, 103 34,843 5,537 11,070 7,800 13, 595 23, 945 28,878 35, 306 26, 500 14,433 23,237 33, 729 23,006 33, 609 43,773 4,781 11,782 6,343 14,058 23,723 28,313 35, 900 7,900 15,038 12, 902 10, 816 33,060 44, 258 46, 562 124,335 114, 965 110,446 105, 268 44.58 44.37 43.68 43.46 31.39 31.69 31.56 31.48 10,422 12,312 11,813 11,633 9,923 11, 595 9,858 8,876 19,794 19,861 22, 159 24,239 8,603 9,394 9,022 10,381 17,671 14,797 15, 129 15, 375 28,546 29, 267 30, 854 26,032 30,421 31,117 28,651 27,435 40,306. 38,646* 41, 467 41,140 35,538 30, 551 30, 158 37,851 32,873 34,868 37,714 47, 700 7,240 5, 368 7,864 11,082 109,846 118,343 119,690 120,583 43.71 44.14 44. 46 44.60 31.98 32.97 32.44 32.28 10,225 9,752 10,070 9,900 8,109 8,698 9,186 8,225 21,831 22, 747 23,008 24, 383 14, 736 8,653 7,383 4,819 18,655 19, 534 17,625 13,902 30,136 29, 033 32, 659 33, 927 31, 080 30, 441 30, 547 32, 442 38,595 38, 222 40, 627 44,677 42, 141 28, 688" 26, 021 25,867 56,554 53, 052 51, 283 45,938 157,769 138, 792 156, 814 151, 425 12, 954 15,803 17, 160 17, 364 118, 935 116, 751 115, 793 114, 621 44.67 42.53 42.12 41.77 31.34 29.97 29.31 29.82 8,349 7,492 7,604 7,471 6,472 7,425 7,546 8,369 25, 243 25,406 25, 557 23, 949 4,769 6,436 7,331 9,453 10, 736 9,596 9,074 10, 090 37, 769 32,935 34,057 35, 180 38,185 33, 713 36, 814 39, 574 49,706 50, 189 48, 842 45, 136 30, 853 30,824 43,080 48, 847 41, 104 36, 093 41,852 50, 262 2,439,220 2, 509, 998 2, 304, 835 2, 153, 206 159,613 157,877 176,055 160, 298 17,832 18,984 17, 946 8,987 112,273 107, 827 99, 393 101, 666 41.90 42.19 42.59 42.63 30.27 29.79 30.21 30.96 6,682 7,707 7,946 10, 034 8,374 7,761 7,284 6,935 22,440 23, 073 22,931 25,992 7,553 6, 864 8,366 10,652 9,237 8,124 8,859 12,735 38, 125 42, 253 37,064 36,975 38, Oil 42, 497 35, 721 34,642 42, 564 41,. 105 41,795 43, 823 33, 833 34,657 46, 103 39,887 45, 368 36, 005 47,883 53, 295 2,462,094 2,407,740 2,647,420 2,662,413 150, 950 136, 124 176, 935 183,701 8, 128 8,194 11,334 17,690 111,707 116,433 119,327 118, 088 43.49 44.23 43.78 42.92 31.44 31.68 31.63 31.41 9, 967 8,438 8,640 8,224 7,523 7,604 7,513 7,562 28, 214 28, 481 29, 110 29,775 8,866 7,142 5,602 5,573 12, 755 12,559 11,225 9,358 41,768 38, 245 41,611 43,473 34, 812 34, 904 40,564 44, 432 50, 925 52, 804 52, 623 51, 702 33, 794 33, 539 35, 956 43, 326 63, 772 52, 626 46,902 47,349 2,682,113 2, 682, 213 160, 258 183, 170 21, 084 24, 961 115,605 113, 577 41.43 40.94 40.18 30.84 29.93 29 88 7,687 7,600 7,399 8,353 29,165 28, 504 7,413 9,244 8,752 9,498 41,329 41, 692 42, 104 43, 699 51,254 53, 494 43, 372 46, 003 50, 862 50, 092 September.. October November December... v * Figures in this column represent the total cut of 10 species of lumber—yellow pine, Douglas fir, hemlock, western pine, redwood, maple, birch, beech, white fir, and sugar pine—representing over 70 per cent of the total cut of lumber in the United States. Annual figures for 1913 and 1914 are from actual reports to the U. S. Department-of Agriculture, Forest Service, and from 1915 through 1920 are computed on the basis of actual reports to the Forest Service. Monthly figures for 1920 are obtained by prorating the cut of each species as reported by the associations whose figures are carried on these columns to the Forest Service' total. For subsequent months prorating is done on an approximate average for the years 1917 to 1920. 2 Exports consisting of boards, planks, and scantlings are from U. S. .Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 3 Data compiled by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Stocks represent the inventories of 19 companies retailing lumber through 588 yards in the Ninth Federal Reserve District; sales represent the total retail business reported by 21 companies operating 625 yards. Data for 1919 were estimated for a few companies on the basis of the the correlation of reporting companies of 1919 and 1920. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in October, 1923, issue (No. 26), p. 59. 4 Composite lumber prices compiled from weekly data published in the Lumber Manufacturer and Dealer, representing combined weighted averages for the respective series of lumber, based on quotations on various grades for each species. The species are weighted according to annual production of the previous year, the weights changing about May of each year, when the new production figures are available. The softwood index is based upon 7 species: Yellow pine, Douglas fir, North Carolina pine, white pine, hemlock, spruce, and cypress. The hardwood index is based upon 13 species: Maple, birch, beech, basswood, elm, oak, gum, ash, cottonwood, chestnut, poplar, hickory, and walnut. Figures formerly published covered only first week of the month. 6 Data on maple flooring (including also birch and beech) are compiled by the Maple Flooring Manufacturers' Association, said to represent about 70 per cent of the industry. The data for the period 1919-1922 include reports from 20 identical mills; in 1923 an additional mill was included, while 3 wills ceased reporting at the 6beginning of .1924. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in July, 1922,'issue (No. 11), p. 43. Compiled by the Oak Flooring Manufacturers' Association from reports of 25 identical mills, said to represent about 90 per cent of the total oak-flooring industry. Monthly data from 1912 appeared in May, 1924, issue (No. 33), p. 30. 7 Seven months' average, June to December, inclusive. 68 Table 40.—WOODEN FURNITURE, ROOFING, AND NAVAL STORES HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND CASE GOODS i PIANO BENCHES AND STOOLS * PREPARED DRY ROOFING ROOFFELT ^ INGS TURPENTINE 7 ROSIN ? Shipments Shipments YEAR AND MONTH Unfilled orders New orders (value) Value, average per firm, dollars 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average. _ 1921 monthly average -_ 1922 monthly average _ _ 1923 monthly average _ _ 1924 monthly average-. 1933 May June July August ..... September October November December ...... 1924 January February _. March April May June July August September October November December 1925 January February March April _. . <. ..... . ... May June July Unfilled orders (value) Value Quantity Stocks Proend of duction month Shipments Number Thous. of of pieces squares 5 Dollars $158,311 $204,688 $147,799 Net Net receipts Stocks, receipts (3 ports) (3 ports) (3 ports) Tons Stocks (3 ports) Barrels 2,079 26,494 22, 807 25, 810 23,006 13, 349 15, 481 59, 721 71, 562 96, 821 123, 042 59, 603 83, 914 92, 260 98, 905 79, 787 53, 138 54,092 275, 273 322, 029 323, 461 292, 126 223, 926 27, 764 47, 707 26, 762 28, 610 38, 567 69, 912 65, 939 83, 439 98, 431 92,295 170, 542 316, 602 308, 498 266, 932 250, 476 $40, 266 23,949 29,883 37S882 36, 950 $128, 088 28, 812 45,005 56, 317 46, 287 135, 781 74, 969 86, 476 110, 133 88,366 169, 616 46, 448 61, 808 93, 673 34, 797 146, 646 71, 067 84, 276 109, 750 89, 732 12, 465 10, 149 13, 689 16, 540 . 13,969 2,360 2,182 2,541 2, 542 2,714 « 9, 016 « 12, 055 16, 078 17,406 2,427 2,296 21, 131 22,110 21, 765 26, 538 25, 878 40, 390 35, 328 33, 547 40, 563 53, 840 54,496 59, 961 55, 797 117, 733 97,988 75, 376 97,898 105, 637 102, 310 90,176 97,167 116, 646 97,657 86, 443 90, 253 17, 679 14, 037 11, 975 13, 351 2,853 2,486 2,279 2,582 17, 941 16,086 15, 276 16, 723 2,485 3,325 3,923 2,812 34, 130 39, 014 40,580 43, 678 18, 224 13,176 21, 285 29, 672 105, 626 116, 902 127, 098 138, 320 211, 063 215, 100 219, 135 263, 457 39, 287 46, 575 39, 961 31, 631 53,609 53, 313 46, 019 32, 759 116, 560 141,003 116, 809 104, 141 103, 271 105, 804 86, 498 49, f>94 103, 388 135, 877 135, 895 135, 493 14, 837 19, 858 19, 211 20,270 3,076 3,008 2, 585 2,043 15, 671 17, 892 16,153 14, 885 2,171 1,686 1,592 2,075 35, 693 33, 253 26, 586 27, 986 36, 375 37, 141 39, 221 50,323 114, 308 115, 428 106, 088 119, Oil 289, 564 295, 389 316,820 346, 200 30, 596 56,163 37, 812 34, 533 52,964 52, 143 43,231 34, 193 97, 739 103,666 86, 977 76, 366 56,070 57,974 42, 713 33, 927 90, 923 101, 165 94, 543 84, 691 13,839 14, 598 14, 358 11, 918 2,380 2, 915 2,560 2,350 14, 662 16,263 16, 267 17, 016 1,982 1,623 1,860 2,590 10, 788 5, 078. 4,826 15, 581 41, 545 34, 148 23, 487 22,456 61, 971 50, 610 29, 816 57, 310 306, 606 261, 109 226, 775 203, 159 28, 781 26,820 29, 813 36, 413 34,042 31, 741 46, 881 48, 164 64, 472 65, 152 54, 560 64, 952 16, 575 22, 360 18, 464. 26, 080 71, 384 68,624 60,960 57, 112 10,438 10, 497 8,194 9,698 2,496 2,331 2,596 2,747 17,108 17, 593 17, 597 18, 171 3,247 2,878 2,813 2,740 34, 949 39,620 46, 751 40, 605 23, 595 32, 499 34,200 43, 567 112, 571 110, 088 129, 907 124, 876 234, 644 241, 108 270, 218 274, 605 44, 113 43, 208 38, 121 37, 024 54, 805 54,583 57, 133 45, 592 115, 352 120,088 109,096 101, 968 43, 296 40, 120 39,528 20, 456 98,000 123, 008 116, 728 119, 640 16, 818 19, 751 18, 356 19, 167 3,192 3,227 2,416 3,363 19, 245 20,445' 17, 327 17, 179 1,850 1,768 1,946 2,257 34, 364 26, 858 24, 924 26, 189 52, 856 41, 587 51, 489 61, 379 113, 209 92, 962 105, 007 119, 216 273, 228, 228, 256, 34, 775 35, 302 42,907 37,154 55, 813 47, 976 45, 037 36, 990 83, 488 81,304 83, 288 , 70, 600 24,496 23, 992 19, 592 16, 736 78,928 81,688 87, 344 73, 240 13, 327 13, 548 15,8*0 12, 457 2,370 2,170 2,373 2,773 20, 076 15, 658 18, 652 19, 788 3,503 3,713 3,813 4,362 8,391 6,167 5,907 16, 695 49, 556 37,606 22, 831 20, 373 51, 279 49, 322 50, 137 57, 080 222, 857 199, 896 171, 197 154, 244 8 34, 135 8 31, 432 68,032 68, 240 19, 792 18, 864 64, 720 52, 736 11, 307 11, 689 2, 452 2,962 20, 656 20,946 3,378 3,075 34, 379 42, 146 26, 761 35, 402 106, 424 126, 622 161,970 210, 059 721 614 673 482 i j ! 1 I Combined figures representing average shipments and unfilled orders per firm from reports of 50 identical firms of the National Association of Chair Manufacturers, from2 42 to 58 firms of the Southern Furniture Manufacturers' Association, and about 100 firms of the National Alliance of Case Goods Association. Compiled by the National Association of Piano Bench and Stool Manufacturers from concerns estimated to cover about 80 per cent of this industry. Reports are from 14 firms in July, 1917, gradually decreasing until only 8 firms reported in 1923 and 1924. The figures are strictly comparable, however, as the 6 firms which ceased reporting, went3 out of this line-of business. Monthly data from 1917 to 1923, appeared in the June, 1924, issue (No. 34), p. 57. Compiled by the Prepared Roofing Manufacturers' Association, prorated to 100 per cent of the industry, from re-ports received from 60 to 90 per cent of the total machine.. activity, comprising all types of asphalt saturated roll roofing whether surfaced or not and all types of asphalt shingles. Monthly data back to 1919 appeared in the September, 1923, issue (No. 25) page 55. 4 Compiled by the Felt Manufacturers' Association, including reports from 16 identical mills. *6 A roof square is equivalent to 100 square feet of covering as measured on the roof. Represents reports from 11 mills. ? Represent the receipts and stocks at Jacksonville, Savannah, and Pensacola as reported by the Savannah Board of Trade, Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, Pensa-cola Chamber of Commerce, and the Naval Stores Review. Monthly averages for 1914 and 1915 are based on the season beginning April 1 of the year indicated and thereafter on the calendar year. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in June, 1922, issue (No. 10), p. 49. s Average of two associations only. 69 Table 41.—ENAMELED SANITARY WARE BATHS YEAR AND MONTH Orders shipped Stocks LAVATORIES Orders Unfilled received orders Orders shipped Stocks SINKS Orders received Orders shipped Stocks MISCELLANEOUS Orders received Orders shipped Stocks Orders received 77, 034 25, 427 TOTAL SMALL WARES Unfilled orders Number 1913 mo. 1914 mo. 1915 mo. 191G mo. 1917 mo. 1918 mo. av av_ av av av av__ 39, 831 42, 450 46,977 51, 181 33, 172 19, 495 60, 530 34,608 51, 441 41, 510 74, 814 90, 396 95, 629 January February March . . April May 34, 322 63,428 67, 789 70, 626 74, 293 48, 419 83.097 145, 329 35, 089 31, 555 34, 655 29,367 40, 887 22,201 23,405 339, 751 43, 302 109, 318 79, 507 66, 408 143, 788 73,612 63, 438 56, 315 117,222 121, 891 105, 170 64, 584 60, 231 66, 458 95, 327 114,146 120, 381 125,814 66,333 111, 764 93, 336 69,188 154, 896 88, 018 57, 502 64,577 124, 179 127, 919 113, 697 28, 383 31, 062 33, 640 45, 531 57, 913 70, 658 79, 869 47, 410 89, 394 68,400 51, 260 111, 138 41,900 27,691 31, 803 3 129, 261 60,933 406, 291 63,290 913, 480 64, 379 480, 920 99, 058 89, 684 110, 656 98, 396 66, 417 61, 676 55, 643 54,982 181, 707 164,450 157, 961 143, 344 121, 894 103, 571 118, 822 103, 705 63,797 62,828 65, 465 64,093 204, 931 175, 262 156,906 138, 479 65,844 47, 161 58, 621 54, 180 60,466 52,290 56, 909 55, 526 97,798 849, 094 78, 211 1,021,260 72, 110 1,089,783 65, 228 1,135,863 296, 497 286, 888 245, 568 248, 844 109, 759 100, 672 99,903 123, 402 44, 391 45, 978 47, 763 47, 599 102, 677 77, 782 80, 649 102, 730 110, 013 107, 087 104, 053 116, 916 51, 810 47,539 48, 715 62, 718 107, 050 76, 582 80, 430 103, 543 57, 866 59,204 52,946 62,093 49, 984 47, 777 47, 642 49,489 62,288 1,099,460 44, 998 1,038,045 49, 745 931, 910 54,486 828, 658 75, 795 106, 780 86, 634 98, 916 201, 180 193, 805 190, 019 203, 329 113,802 147, 648 121, 741 111, 029 46,549 52, 110 69, 412 84, 373 91,523 131, 849 108, 631 119, 387 107, 109 141, 407 117, 222 117, 955 60,912 57, 963 67, 265 87, 147 93, 932 141, 702 120, 486 135,726 54, 217 67, 492 61, 388 63, 944 43,422 52, 529 47,294 61, 786 46, 434 62,824 63,824 61,533 777, 105 753, 386 724, 576 712, 620 52, 924 60, 462 63, 415 65, 299 114, 203 147, 511 130, 375 97,606 216, 295 235,279 245, 921 239, 118 129,988 131, 921 149, 302 128, 002 103, 252 111, 044 118, 781 125, 695 137, 084 158, 696 144, 384 104, 210 137,624 137, 523 157, 799 130, 247 97, 366 97,962 100, 410 102, 458 159, 541 164, 877 162, 184 110, 813 74,484 75, 537 88, 371 79,249 63,964 60,095 77, 359 81, 531 87, 425 105, 168 81, 839 61, 032 735, 131 790, 983 822, 176 728, 122 101, 146 84, 665 97, 376 103, 232 64,399 65, 093 67, 848 63,213 74, 494 72, 978 93, 163 90,955 214, 309 181, 907 169, 394 154, 659 110, 697 97, 963 93, 068 104, 308 134, 088 140, 810 164, 702 149, 974 72, 441 78, 185 73, 890 97, 466 126, 627 112, 062 110, 070 115, 767 116, 826 129, 862 155, 483 164, 632 79,864 83, 507 89, 930 102, 855 78,100 69, 186 67, 622 70, 832 94, 819 106, 031 105, 321 114, 550 48, 571 52, 917 45, 332 59,308 579, 854 458, 182 395, 697 339, 022 104, 622 93, 878 75, 075 73, 724 68, 373 88, 980 90, 112 104, 301 88,913 77, 361 77, 068 109, 263 131, 904 79, 444 64, 876 89, 402 103, 002 105, 497 85, 790 83, 861 147, 318 161, 474 171, 999 196, 324 93, 358 93, 415 82, 765 126, 148 110, 666 114, 710 91, 625 99, 857 197,932 215, 939 228, 438 251, 448 92,604 95, 717 91, 340 131, 127 75,312 71, 508 50,716 46,983 132, 121 158, 351 151, 675 187, 812 62, 581 55, 261 48, 674 64,444 286, 783 206; 332 174, 127 254, 625 January February March April 93, 938 93, 380 105, 905 107, 766 105, 056 121,490 122, 999 123, 269 120, 358 99, 986 109, 365 109, 670 108, 572 115, 236 114, 759 109, 136 123, 533 123, 085 121, 936 123, 240 184, 765 203, 625 225, 497 228, 532 145, 279 123, 224 124, 281 121, 722 127, 289 121, 519 125, 667 135, 767 252,258 276, 333 306, 220 306, 477 146, 696 120, 544 116, 985 127, 228 72, 316 65,032 71,203 75, 089 174, 290 188, 348 191, 104 196, 755 70, 132 50,284 54, 075 51, 328 295, 400 299, 254 280, 734 265, 885 May 112, 457 118, 448 119, 104 101, 925 121, 659 128, 989 110, 318 111, 797 122, 322 130, 691 232, 811 227, 018 128, 450 136, 931 130, 094 132, 243 286, 317 279, 287 135, 473 133, 757 75, 110 64, 232 180, 079 179, 127 59, 526 62,486 251, 820 252, 991 21, 514 47, 754 49, 527 55 769 65, 230 44, 888 32, 697 132, 369 42, 175 20, 951 75,324 41, 768 35, 439 71, 193 69, 872 36, 774 40, 911 93,033 97, 316 97, 824 » 40, 816 137, 628 253, 957 168, 542 45,768 51,438 68, 169 91, 512 110, 479 110, 283 92,500 88,912 97, 718 87, 992 42,881 41, 980 43, 222 35, 529 147, 505 135, 031 122, 567 105, 487 250, 369 301, 911 310, 740 318, 329 93, 583 78, 954 81, 082 90, 721 33, 866 29, 462 27, 107 30, 110 77, 686 67,404 67, 770 76, 221 September October November. __ „ December 87, 376 113, 718 91, 128 81,069 29,782 30, 429 37,342 43, 557 ^1934 January ._ February March April 95, 562 98,568 116, 717 102, 984 June July August September October.. . .. November.. December lj>19 mo. a v _ _ 1920 mo. av 1921 ino. av 1922 mo. av 1923 mo. av__ 1924 mo. av - 1923 . . June July August May 1935 June July 1 Monthly production data beginning January, 1922, represent complete production, including total membership of the Enameled Sanitary Ware Manufacturers' Association and reports to the Bureau of the Census from outside manufacturers, except that a few small firms were not able to furnish complete reports prior to January, 1924; data now include 21 manufacturers. Data prior to 1922 are totals of the association reports representing about 98 per cent of the industry, and may be found in the May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 81. 2 Small ware includes lavatories, sinks, and miscellaneous. ^Average of 8 months, May to December, inclusive. 70 Table 42;—FM!E AND HFEA€T0R¥ BRICK SILICA BRICK » CLAY FIBE BRICK i Produc- YEAR AND MONTH tion Shipments Stocks New orders Unfilled orders Production FACE BRICK 3 UnShipNew filled ments Stocks orders orders Produe* tion Finished Unstocks filled at orders yards Shipmeats Thousands of bricks 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly 1922 monthly 1923 monthly 1924 monthly average average _ . average average . average average 46, 512 60, 325 55, 134 50, 635 62, 460 29, 114 45, 360 57, 895 52,153 138, 779 129,242 136,96-7 152, 629 168,423 226,043 51, 460 61,808 22,958 49, 082 56,996 52, 840 93,081 182, 535 35,976 54, 824 85, 062 68, 823 14,060 14, 882 5,246 11, 096 13, 015 14, 104 14,016 15,579 4,865 10, 521 13, 322 14, 937 41, 762 42, 912 41, 563 38, 287 42,882 40,344 13, 458 14, 381 3,538 10,864 13, 214 15, 599 40,984 55,016 12,283 17, 398 36,802 22,924 15,647 18, 362 16,38$ 22,460 22,987 24,039 34,010 53,269 61,983 60,655 60, 141 58, 189 27,525 48,430 < 13, 967 17, 489 13, 328 33, 257 20, 202 46, 518 21, 351 21, 505 35,914 64, 837 56, 094 66, 494 64, 660 57,631 53, 323 70,591 65, 253 163, 945 163, 392 159, 183 157, 657 64, 878 67, 153 99,340 66, 778 75, 527 88, 736 118,319 120, 604 14, 304 14, 541 16, 780 13, 977 14, 279 14, 417 17,790 14, 362 46,167 45, 504 44, 483 42, 251 18, 690 22, 134 36,407 10, 340 27, 990 34, 959 53, 576 52, 751 20,149 16, 012 23, 004 23, 515 64, 877 70, 751 73,756 65, 447 41, 087 67, 215 60, 074 62, 247 66, 296 60,319 57,575 59,474 158,867 162, 398 166, 526 169, 318 53, 058 46, 223 47,623 50, 630 107, 381 93, 285 84, 271 70, 534 16, 679 15, 257 14, 497 12, 398 18,004 16,044 14, 578 12, 261 42,304 41, 517 41, 437 41,574 11, 55612, 455 9,432 7,938 45, 852 42, 265 37, 240 32, 917 26, 057 24, 640 25,494 26, 786 60, 939 58, 875 67, 787 60, 197 55, 826 61, 225 54,' 498 46, 878 50,723 56, 501 48, 902 48, 151 173,531 178, 864 184,389 183, 007 48, 455 47, 972 44, 681 47, 158 73, 244 64, 364 60, 372 59, 107 9,962 12, 130 9,665 5,989 9,890 * 41, 715 42, 607 11, 239 8,514 43, 757 41, 261 8,486 8,590 8,564 8,398 4,067 31, 686 29, Oil 28,895 24,477 56,347 59,511 65, 794 62, 708 54,111 57, 594 58, 619 57,204 198, 315 201, 755 212, 551 216,710 66, 080 67, 616 59, 122 56, 095 69, 833 79, 600 77, 878 81, 237 13, 400 17, 355 22,489 17, 180 15, 391 18, 247 22,011 17,658 42, 298 41, 407 44,093 43, 615 24, 812 22, 484 18,340 14, 010 28, 732 33,242 33, 229 29,681 17, 366 19,284 21,066 26,373 61, 575 67,997 62, 240 58, 462 58, 900 50, 734 45, 199 47, 701 54,027 45, 015 44, 510 48,027 221, 583 277, 233 227, 954 228,624 43, 728 37, 101 44, 990 46, 525 70,938 62, 920 80, 334 62,265 14, 346 9, 613 11, 555 12, 336 13, 751 10, 475 12, 720 14,567 44, 211 43, 349 42,184 39,953 7,568 9,518 8,683 10, 177 23, 495 22, 539 18, 501 14,111 27, 954 25, 947 25, 605 27, 616 48, 480 57, 924 51, 830 56,485 50,657' 54, 016 48, 403 53, 657 226, 136 230, 369 234, 835 236, 451 47, 496 50,582 51, 865 62, 874 58, 867 55, 598 58, 581 67,823 9, 705 11,025 12, 679 17,568 12, 287 14, 255 11, 830 16,046. 37,370 34, 140 34, 990 36, 512 9,352 13, 742 19, 017 29, 483 11, 756 10, 663 17, 851 31, 287 53, 218 56, 081 60,334 58, 918 53, 539 60, 658 229, 234 232, 503 231, 054 59, 916 53, 654 57, 440 67, 631 68, 864 67, 252 24, 852 22, 476 26, 151 23, 418 21,053 27, 393 52,083 53, 506 50, 672 16,766 15, 096 17, 587 40, 999 35, 042 29,295 50,750 60,725 32,029 1923 January February March April ._ ._ __ . . May _. June July August 63,848 - _. _ * September , October _ . November... December - « 21, 862 « 45, 463 25, 805 47, 861 21, 575 49, 303 20, 939 56,436 51,296 62, 139 67,371 57, 363 54, 128 51, 826 46,252 40,134 31, 979 29,002 25,641 19,087 13, 660 22, 384 26,423 29,421 24,563 23,767 24,334 19, 439 22, 646 17,836 12,650 1924 January i February. _ March April. . _. . . _. May June July August _ September October November December ..... . 33, 592 50,086 11, 231 15,363 24,367 28,482 52, 398 50,895 51,503 55,081 46, 426 43, 653 31, 334 37, 588 29,760 25,21* 20,527 2&,15& 24, 825 26, 896 22, 637 22,893 53, 316 55, 002 58, 304 71, 498 29, 210 28, 398 23,624 22, 979 18,137 12,225 17, 910 13, 656 19, 444 23,237 68, 566 69, 193 65, 687 57,033 23, 889 39,438 8,653 13, 977 22,159 29,707 27,890 25,091 55, 498 60, 798 40, 692 39, 115 27, 605 28,784 40,524 44, 872 22,791 22,499 1935 January February.. . March April May . _ ... _ June July August September October November December 30,318 35, 030 „ .' 1 Figures for 1921 are from reports to the Refractories Manufacturers' Association of 68 identical mills with a monthly capacity of 78,645,942 bricks, which is estimated by the association to represent from 68 to 70 per cent of the total clay fire brick capacity of the United States. Figures for 1919, 1920, and 1922 are computed to this capacity, respectively, from reports from 53, 56, and 60 mills haying a monthly capacity for the years in question of 71,572,186 and 73,526,103, and 73,307,190 bricks. 2 Figures for 1921 are from reports to the Refractories Manufacturers' A ssociation of 15 identical mills with a monthly capacity of 27,305,500 bricks, which is estimated by the association to represent from 78 to SO per cent of the total silica brick producing capacity of the United States. Figures for earlier years are computed to this capacity from3 reports of 12 identical mills with a monthly capacity of 25,448,833 bricks. The figures are from 32 identical firms reporting to the American Face Brick Association each month. Comparable monthly data for the months of 1919 to 1922 ara shown in the April, 1923, issue (No. 20), page 53. 4 Ten months' average, March to December, inclusive. 8 Prior to September, 1923, production figures included common and culls not infrequently burned in the face-brick kilns and since September> 1923, data represent finished face brick drawn from kiln; however, it is estimated that the difference in the methods of reporting has no serious effect on the comparability of the data. For stocks, data prior to September included the yard or shed inventory plus the estimate of the number of formed brick in the kilns which would turn out to be face brick, while since September data on stocks represent the inventory of finished face brick on yards. From September forward data on stocks are not directly comparable.witti those given for preceding months. .71 Table 43.—BRIGE, TILE, AND TIKRA COTTA YEAR AND MONTH Plants closed down Firms reporting COMMON BRICK i Stocks, end of month UnBurned burned Shipments FLOOR AND WALL TILE » Wholesale Unfitted price,* comorders mon red, N. Y. Production Dels, per thous. Thousands of bricks Number Average price 8 Stocks, end Ceof Quan<- Value month ramic White wall tlty motile saic Shipments Thous. of sq. ft. Thous. Thous. of dols. of sq. ft Dolls, per sq. ft. ARCHITECTURAL TERR A- COTTA BOOKINGS » Quantity Value Short tons Dollars * 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average _ 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average 5,252 5,629 5,930 10, 524 11, 306 11, 470 $652 895 743 1,163 1,348 1,235 129, 573 231, 063 344, 580 281, 735 $15. 96 21.85 15. 25 17 36 19.81 17.04 33, 669 43, 327 59, 474 85, 904 403, 691 395,447 342, 719 330, 712 20.00 20.30 21.00 20.39 9,432 10, 775 8, 057 10, 630 1,271 1,343 1,024 1,293 307, 633 308, 922 334, 381 313,696 143, 641 129, 310 80,643 55,646 132, 538 66,199 356, 429 293, 177 276, 124 266, 914 20.00 19.00 18.00 19.00 • 8,604 9,112 10, 233 12,990 1,057 1,029 1,143 1,385 45 26 15 8 308, 503 282, 813 250, 118 238, 703 38, 349 39, 695 46,226 58, 972 45, 762 104, 663 142, 197 169, 855 272, 403 263, 219 335, 926 382, 778 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 4,712 4,689 4,983 4,447 3,637 3,500 3,961 4,064 1,197 1,087 1,182 1,301 6,510 7,022 7, 605 7,845 .24 .24 .24 .24 .40 .40 .40 .40 16, 240 13, 227 12, 022 13, Oil 1,562 1,468 1,317 1,570 98 101 99 92 6 7 12 13 223, 458 258j 474 231, 182 261,800 70, 862 72,725 86, 722 68, 138 163,298 158, 753 149, 622 120,777 394, 156 368, 098 314, 588 256, 017 20.00 20,00 16.00 13.50 3,845 3,893 4,200 3,862 3., 514 3,777 3,635 3,913 1,216 1,324 1,249 1,322 7,846 7,834 7,616 7,398 .24 .24 .24 .24 .40 .40 .40 .40 10, 171 10, 807 13, 745 8,685 1,230 1,128 1,476 966 92 111 93 117 22 18 24 48 272, 172 312, 061 319, 585 354,477 61, 150 44, 543 49,596 51, 162 111,846 135,806 126, 945 118, 759 226,529 186,977 179, 225 202, 906 14.00 14.00 13.50 13.50 4,090 4,404 3,882 3,810 3,770 4,047 3,289 3,042 1,308 1,462 1,170 1,134 7,533 1,821 7,910 8,964 .24 .24 .24 .24 .40 .40 .40 .40 11, 115 8,969 9,974 9,678 1,145 904 1,064 985 90 114 116 118 31 26 16 6 279, 862 305,831 287, 806 281, 858 23, 951 34,891 43, 446 71, 266 94, 185 110, 790 170, 697 206, 551 201,479 247, 176 329, 673 339, 629 14.50 14.50 13.50 13.50 3,606 3,708 4,014 3,868 3,031 3,270 3,891 4,274 1,085 1,162 1,357 1,503 9,090 9, 358 9,506 9,071 .24 .24 .24 .24 .40 .40 .40 .40 12,637 10, 675 13, 683 17, 279 1, 389 1, 229 1,543 " 1,999 122 105 9 5 239, 389 225, 451 67, 480 82, 987 180, 851 173, 215 333, 967 326,228 15.00 15.50 4,162 4,424 4,315 4,533 1,544 1,613 8,304 7,223 .24 .24 .40 .40 9,912 14, 242 1,220 1,706 113 96 110 104 57 23 20 20 251, 949 187, 856 224, 962 275, 946 6 46, 687 64, 918 56, 757 May June July August 91 93 93 107 6 6 1 5 137, 520 153, 487 179, 574 250, 176 September October November 132 133 126 120 20 26 39 30 1934 January February.. March . A pril 114 106 113 108 May . June July August- .. 129, 024 4,235 3,679 1,246 7, 659 $0.24 $0.40 1933 „ . September October November December 1&25 January . February March April May June July. August .. _... September October November December 1 Data, except prices, compiled by the Common Brick Manufacturers' Association of America from reports of concerns re presenting about 30 per cent of the total output of common brick. It should be noticed that the number of plants shut down increases considerably in the winter, owing to seasonal shutdowns in the more northern localities. Details by districts are given in the association's reports. Monthly data from 1921 appeared in May, 1925, issue (No. 45), p. 27. 2 Compiled by the U. S> Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, from data reported by 37 concerns who produced about 80 per cent of the total production of floor3 and wall tile in 1923, including the entire membership of the Associated Tile Manufacturers. Details by grades and kinds are issued each month in mimeograph form. Bookings of architectural terra cotta are compiled by tho U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, from the reports of 26 identical manufacturers who produced about 95 per cent of the total architectural terra cotta made in 1922. Values exclude freight, cartage, duty, and setting charges. Monthly data from 1919 are given in the October, 1924, issue (No. 38), p. 52. 4 Wholesale prices are monthly averages from U. S. Devartment of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics, yearly price averages from 1913 to 1918 appeared in the November. 1924, issue (No. 39), p. 101. * Eleven months' average, February to December, inclusive. 72 Table 44.—CEMENT, HIGHWAYS, AND PAVING BRICK CONCRETE FEDERAL AID PAVEMENTS HIGHWAYS UNDER CONCONTRACTED STRUCTION FOR 2 (end of month) 3 PORTLAND CEMENT 1 YEAR AND MONTH Wholesale price, net, without bags Stocks, Ship- end of Production ments month Chi- Lehigh Total Roads cago Valiey dist. mills Thousands of barrels Per barrel Estimated cost Thous. Thous.ofsq.yds. of dolls. PAVING BRICK « Per Can- Unfilled cent ProShip- Stocks, DisOrders cellaorders, of end of received catance duction ments month end of pacity tions month (No. 1 and No. 2 brick) Mites Thousands of bricks, No«l quality 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly av_._ av___ av___ av_._ av.__ av... 7,675 7,353 7,146 7,589 7,721 6,891 7,391 7,203 7,219 7,852 7,542 5,894 11, 220 12, 773 11,312 11, 054 11, 080 9,386 $1. Oil .89 .95 1.19 1.53 1.67 $0.89 .89 .79 1.03 1.40 1.75 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly av.._ 6, -700 av___ 8,306 av... 8,191 av... 9,489 av... 11,448 av... 12, 405 7,167 7,999 7,921 9,714 11, 324 12, 146 9,809 7,278 10, 161 9,572 9,258 13, 161 1.66 1.80 1.54 1.61 1.72 1.74 1.74 2.05 1.85 1.73 1.88 1.75 4,455 3,264 4,686 6,595 6,580 7,679 8 3, 435 2,454 3,662 4,863 4,245 4,842 $274, 024 301, 883 14, 529 14,638 e 31, 495 6 27, 123 7 78, 929 6 24, 699 6 2, 207 24, 620 20,957 99, 588 21, 485 1,957 i 86, 763 71, 115 680 70 1933 January February .... March April 7,990 8,210 9,880 11, 359 5,628 6,090 10, 326 12, 954 11,477 13, 596 13, 045 11, 463 1.60 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 2,956 6,272 5,684 7,370 2,140 4,725 3,737 4,550 247, 519 255, 408 258/546 261, 483 13,502 13,954 14, 010 14, 014 33,315 23, 397 70, 252 80, 170 24, 522 1,028 91, 752 .91, 849 87 May June July August 12, 910 12, 382 12, 620 12, 967 14, 257 13, 307 13, 712 14, 971 10, 144 9,168 8,081 6,080 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 9,431 7,675 6,407 8,780 6,997 5,373 3, 242 6,606 267, 874 274, 080 275, 827 283, 666 14, 238 14, 772 14, 779 14,967 34, 382 31, 105 30, 529 33, 547 26,209 27,251 27,092 36,446 77, 662 80, 324 78, 835 74, 399 34, 475 36, 078 23, 688 25, 586 2,158 574 5,340 3,076 90,644 110,120 100, 444 102, 183 84 81 81 88 September October November December 13, 109 13,350 12, 603 9,997 13, 698 14, 285 10, 251 6,408 5,533 4,612 6,991 10,900 1.75 1.75 1.67 1.65 1.90 1.90 1.78 1.75 6,828 7,486 5,356 4,713 4,537 4,191 3,287 3,550 294,943 298,050 290, 387 280, 50-1 15, 433 15, 318 14, 934 14,429 34,457 34,317 28,212 23,592 34, 761 34, 287 21, 689 12,979 86, 530 76, 613 77,570 86,930 28, 501 23, 173 12, 601 13, 671 3,887 807 812 2,179 91,048 64, 531 64, 435 60, 624 79 86 74 60 1934 January February.. March April 8,788 8,588 10, 370 11, 726 5,210 5,933 8,995 12, 771 14, 155 16, 815 18, 189 17, 159 1.72 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 4,013 4,562 8,009 10,196 2,613 3,421 6,798 7,004 274, 173 76, 963 277, 802 286, 814 13, 923 13,800 13, 767 13, 926 19,664 19, 571 21, 656 22,750 9,491 6,442 10,989 15, 827 91, 737 102, 498 117,451 122,123 6,834 11, 136 33, 739 20,847 1,164 110 88 665 51, 419 55, 482 78,347 83,184 46 50 50 57 May June July August 13,777 13, 538 14, 029 35,128 14, 551 15, 036 16, 614 16, 855 16,403 14,903 12, 319 10, 666 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 12,500 8,948 10,025 10,286 8,527 4,939 6,214 6,010 302,683 325, 181 333, 979 337, 398 14, 558 15, 350 15,704 15, 694 26,569 24,998 31, 452 26, 569 24, 507 27, 786 31,300 32,400 122, 303 111, 637 110, 286 97, 407 46, 147 23, 240 28, 747 21, 454 444 1,304 2,855 594 100, 242 99, 314 92, 237 76, 867 69 68 81 74 September ... October November .. . December 14, 519 14, 820 13, 141 10, 435 16, 827 17, 160 10, 289 5,506 8,404 6,073 8,928 13, 913 1.76 1.75 1.75 1.68 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 6,839 6,806 3,000 6,958 3,818 3,211 1,891 4,661 344, 905 333, 121 311, 178 285, 460 15, 712 15, 538 14,390 13, 287 25, 833 26, 294 27, 078 23,000 31, 563 29, 142 22, 833 9,207 86, 875 73,604 73,846 85,283 27, 070 16,535 10, 839 11, 235 1,536 924 1,620 176 74,089 69, 496 45, 840 44,059 88 91 89 75 1935 January.. February March April 8,856 8,255 11,034 13, 807 5,162 6,015 10, 279 14, 394 17,656 19,689 20, 469 19, 877 1.74 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 4,513 5,047 8,502 17, 363 3,474 3,787 6,772 12,463 269, 757 261, 132 264, 625 261, 712 12, 759 12, 344 12,389 12, 2-31 25,266 20, 841 27,404 28, 444 4,198 5,613 12,271 18, 738 111, 666 117,776, 135, 435 139, 223 5,751 6,932 23, 188 21, 921 40 21 712 1,627 51, 572 49, 692 64,091 68, 63€ 62 62 78 81 15,503 15, 387 16, 735 17, 501 18, 440 16, 326 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 12, 286 10, 222 12, 044 7,724 5,981 6,362 280, 358 284,483 12, 583 13,356 32, 177 30, 731 25, 690 31,973 131, 689 126, 038 41,391 31, 125 1, 969 1,014 82, 101 82,239 86 82 May..-* June ..... July .... . Depart sons^'wiirbe'found in^the^eptemberTiSS, issue (No725)^ p. 47." Monthly price data from 1913 appealed in December, 1923, issue (No. 28), p. 54. 2 Concrete pavements contracted for are from the Portland Cement Association, Highway Bureau. The total contracts include streets and alleys besides roads. » Data on amount of Federal aid highways under construction at the end of month specified are compiled by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Public Jloads, and include all kinds of improved roads built with Federal aid. « Compiled from reports of the Po0m<7 .Bricfc Manufacturers' Association, covering from 24 to 29 companies each month, stated to represent from 66 to 71 per cent of the industry further details as to size, quality, and geographical distribution may be obtained from the regular reports of the association. •' Of the numerical 1919 monthly average, 3,221,000 yards was actually reported. The remainder is the prorated portion of a total of 3,338,309 yards for the year of pave* ment less than 6 inches thick not allocated by class of pavement. This has been prorated to roads on the basis of the roads' share of allocated contracts. « Nine months' average April to December, inclusive. » Ten months' average, March to December, inclusive. 73 Table 45.—CHEMICALS AND EXPLOSIVES [Index numbers for base year In boldfaced type] CHEMICALS Wholesale prices EXPLOSIVES i Imports ( Exports « Drugs Dyes and dyestuffs and Oils SulTotal phar- EssenCrude2 ChemSulphurNitrate 3 tial and fertilphuric Potash of soda ina- oils 2 drugs icals ic acid acid « fats 3 Vegeizer eeutltable Coal tar cals 2 YEAR AND MONTH Index numbers relative to Aug., 1914 Kelative to 1913-14 e Dollars per 100 pounds Long tons Pounds Long tons Production Shipments Sales Stocks, end of month Thousands of pounds 1 1909-13 mo. av 1913 mo. av 1914 mo. av 100 1915 mo. av. _. 1916 mo. av 1917 mo. av i $1.00 1.00 1.30 2.00 1.70 21, 124 22, 291 17, 611 6,305 978 802 43, 177 52, 155 45, 143 64, 349 101, 535 128, 601 613, 692 807, 417 1, 098, 015 6, 476, 002 5, 538, 625 5, 293, 426 103, 391 119, 938 85, 639 30, 647 32 747 28, 627 1,564 5,230 14, 880 8,739 20, 103 19, 205 19, 088 153, 766 33, 955 110, 160 30, 767 45, 039 74, 084 83, 053 6, 691, 220 1, 774, 627 2, 415, 922 1, 067, 934 1, 039, 208 686, 158 939, 306 436, 684 354, 407 264, 467 693, 684 1,493,711 1, 309, 424 18, 713 54 509 117,994 II 74,620 77, 973 30,756 36, 762 91, 371 89, 216 33, 740 31, 080 36, 542 34, 340 28, 926 35, 174 32, 726 16, 316 18, 758 17, 067 906, 330 386, 573 797, 102 1, 619, 840 292, 347 475, 223 306, 477 178, 614 1, 830, 068 1, 002, 592 2, 915, 531 1,008,878 104, 641 117, 465 119, 423 95, 326 40, 991 34, 378 33, 247 37, 870 38, 551 36,286 32, 685 39, 324 37, 331 34, 123 31, 806 36, 765 20, 703 18, 660 19, 378 18, 139 832 297 401 665 292, 928 355, 239 171, 739 190, 943 1, 514, 228 1, 543, 869 1, 390, 927 1, 261, 631 130, 419 63, 789 85, 133 51, 408 34, 663 37,688 33, 800 31, 133 34, 453 37, 124 33, 683 30, 725 33, 429 35, 746 32, 914 29, 093 18, 375 18, 694 18, 810 19, 290 569, 897 848, 933 C02, 817 1, 024, 042 165, 353 459,306 199,300 232, 291 1,432,721 1, 739, 400 1, 244, 264 1, 014, 824 85,200 86, 942 73, 093 93, 828 32, 235 35, 081 34,355 33, 858 34, 026 35, 349 33, 408 33, 674 33, 467 32, 540 32, 368 31, 398 17, 088 16, 697 16, 697 17, 299 100 100 201 196 129 120 142 155 213 265 158 131 135 140 185 202 134 174 220 208 125 114 142 139 1.60 1.00 1.12 .91 .76 .73 .71 132 140 143 142 137 139 141 136 244 231 219 208 127 126 124 124 153 145 136 129 .75 .75 .75 .75 10, 005 17, 975 19, 303 20, 496 107, 329 25, 204 58, 196 56, 637 September October _ November December 158 158 155 149 133 135 139 144 206 206 206 205 123 124 122 122 136 138 138 140 .75 .75 .75 .75 13, 828 22, 446 14,506 24, 322 51, 543 56, 788 30, 456 87, 780 1924 January February March. April 150 153 155 158 141 137 139 141 190 180 180 208 120 121 116 116 138 132 128 128 .75 • .73 .70 .70 25, 878 24,929 22, 618 10, 727 159, 275 149, 603 115, 919 73, 219 May June July August . 156 153 151 153 137 136 133 134 230 219 207 206 114 113 111 110 126 126 136 149 .70 .70 .70 .70 9,608 5,405 10, 266 9,482 73,541 j 1, 884, 807 957, 357 37,440 50,400 640, 967 61,798 851, 858 268, 145 165, 843 344, 609 230, 995 750, 815 1, 288, 177 1, 818, 873 2, 083, 628 126, 271 70, 486 98, 503 87, 707 30, 179 30, 817 31, 097 33, 890 31, 043 32, 842 36, 199 34, 235 31, 561 31,586 30, 765 33, 609 17, 744 15, 730 16, 399 16, 101 September October __ November December.. .. 157 156 157 155 142 142 148 153 210 212 222 231 111 110 112 112 143 147 151 158 .70 .70 .70 .70 19, 438 30, 525 27, 867 32, 316 68,017 1, 252, 439 70,454 | 848, 686 65, 664 841, 524 59, 300 948, 326 187, 401 355, 104 224, 963 340, 294 970, 880 1, 079, 935 1, 267, 978 1, 021, 596 76, 457 102, 371 78, 366 i 91, 371 37, 158 41, 030 33, 973 31, 208 37, 062 39, 236 33,59-1 31, 411 35, 777 36, 554 32, 513 30, 569 16, 314 18, 194 18, 355 18, 181 1925 January February March April 154 155 156 156 154 159 158 154 222 219 204 197 113 114 113 113 157 148 161 154 .70 .70 .70 .70 23, 240 28, 173 27, 062 20, 532 89, 858 95, 109 197, 359 155, 163 1, 017, 060 940, 108 712, 571 891, 340 201, 175 216, 247 429, 901 287, 184 2, 006, 681 2, 067, 046 1, 990, 398 2, 172, 425 65, 989 78, 058 94, 450 86,201 33, 479 36, 527 34, 211 33, 504 35, 296 34, 074 33, 354 33, 727 34, 541 31, 675 31, 269 33, 451 16, 480 18, 976 20, 358 19, 501 155 156 151 161 192 191 113 112 153 154 .70 .70 .70 7,757 13, 803 135, 169 59, 016 669, 293 660, 490 322, 420 291,014 2, 076, 516 2, 127, 507 123,813 94, 805 32, 718 33, 769 32, 165 18, 272 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 mo mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. av av av av av av av 1933 May _ _ June July August _- May June July August 1OO 100 i I September October November December ! i 1 810, 356, 531, 359. i Compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Mines, from reports from 24 companies. Data do not include reports of manufacturers of ammunition and fireworks, nor production of nitroglycerin, except in so far as nitroglycerin is used in the manufacture of other explosives. Detailed data by classes from 1922 appeared in November, 1924, issue (No. 39), page 107. 2 Compiled by the Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter from weekly wholesale quotations of 40 crude botanical drugs, 20 essential oils, and 35 drugs and pharmaceutical chemicals,3 respectively. The chemical price indexes from Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering include quotations on 25 chemicals and 15 oils and fats selected on the basis of their importance as representing both qualitatively and quantitatively the principal branches of the chemical industry. These prices are weighted on the basis of total production plus total imports in the year 1923. The figures are averages of weekly prices. A similar index including 25 of the principal chemicals, oils, and fats used in the new indexes, with yearly data from 1917 to 1923, and monthly data for 1923 and 1924, may be found in the November, 1924, issue (No. 39), p. 105. 4 Wholesale average monthly price of 66° sulphuric acid at New York from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 8 Data compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Potash includes potash imported as chemicals and also the aiuriatft. and 6sulphate compounds used in fertilizers. " Total fertilizer" exports are made up largely of phosphate rock. Vegetable dyes are about 50 per cent logwood. Relative to 12 months' average, July, 1913, to June, 1914. Table 46.—WOOD CHEMICALS1 METHANOL (CRUDE) ACETATE OF LIME Ship- Stocks, of Ex- 2 ments end mo. ports Production YEAR AND MONTH & ~ o|g gH Production Dols. per cwt. Thousands of pounds Shipments 35, 836 14,269 23, 537 $2.78 1.87 2.26 3.84 3.27 652, 021 324, 504 567, 409 716, 144 574, 799 635, 563 666, 718 591, 530 16, 261 13, 635 16,490 14, 870 14, 143 14, 499 12, 902 11,893 1,574 1,553 1,963 4,449 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.63 893, 418 730,590 791, 457 713, 643 14, 823 14, 439 13, 180 12, 960 17, 938 13,995 13, 145 7,724 9,007 9,756 9,767 14, 624 2,491 3,019 2,946 626 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 September October November December 11,675 12, 973 14, 685 11,814 8,227 12, 628 14, 034 12, 144 18, 034 18, 549 19, 249 18,800 223 336 1,424 1, 348 1934 January February March April 13,420 13, 173 14,107 12,650 9,022 8,548 9,028 12, 460 23, 402 27, 623 32,370 30, 535 May June July August 11, 539 9,396 7,714 8,112 8,561 9,261 7,056 11, 101 September October November December 8,449 9,803 10, 327 10, 317 1935 January February March April monthly average. monthly averagemonthly average. monthly average. monthly average. 1933 January February March April May June July August ._ -. . May June July August September October November December end of mo. Ex- ports * •3 *« 4> 0-3 gn Carbonized Stocks, end of mo. Dols. per gal. Gallons 1,942 1,520 2,300 1,829 1,926 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Stocks, WOOD DAILY CAPACITY Total Re- Shut port- down ing Cords 2, 749, 407 8, 494, 877 2, 110, 722 58, 589 $2.56 34,343 .80 105, 860 1.64 100, 585 1.06 54,220 .76 78,580 34, 177 64, 286 80, 787 61, 577 829, 227 826, 847 942, 884 794, 744 715, 690 5,629 5,448 5,391 5,339 4,687 4,083 626 4,585 2,771 5,217 1,890 5,171 1,183 4,038 681 866, 339 667, 929 689, 028 684, 261 2, 000, 039 2, 044, 429 2, 133, 098 2, 194, 789 142, 361 191, 369 181, 497 81, 058 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 98, 470 81, 912 87, 514 82, 040 813, 499 796, 541 765, 045 749, 363 5,334 5, 334 5, 334 5, 334 ' 5, 091 907 5,123 936 5,135 1,120 5,135 909 798, 369 736, 806 652, 955 654, 822 566, 870 629, 250 514, 279 481, 111 2, 429, 617 2, 526, 412 2, 669, 895 2, 866, 218 108, 461 85,063 63, 868 70,226 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 90,509 85,864 78, 244 75, 289 760, 123 782, 579 796, 413 796, 794 5,329 5,329 5,329 5,349 5,130 5,190 5,190 5,210 1,024 1,189 1,311 1,451 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 574, 124 666, 364 756, 746 624, 433 526, 623 732, 399 889, 362 753, 166 2, 902, 923 2, 851, 938 2, 726, 866 2, 592, 298 77, 351 49, 184 76, 023 80, 535 .99 .93 .88 .88 65,722 74, 130 82, 080 67,669 799,988 822, 502 816, 300 837, 783 5,333 5,356 5,356 5,356 5,194 5,217 5,217 5,217 1,367 1,260 1,130 1,594 326 1,119 1,622 1,421 4.00 4.00 3.88 3.38 705, 747 690, 403 741, 505 698, 126 642, 812 681, 057 617, 949 626,837 2, 632, 633 2, 738, 308 2,749,818 2,656,211 73, 768 120, 489 26,231 32, 188 .88 .88 .88 .88 78,892 73, 541 78,661 74,596 788, 174 814, 896 815, 824 849, 991 4,633 4,633 4,633 4,633 4,513 4,495 4,513 4,378 630 408 382 468 33,986 32, 291 23, 757 19, 764 3,249 3,184 3,196 728 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 623, 107 492, 902 408, 132 444, 612 659, 564 472, 285 448, 022 525, 756 2, 615, 144 2, 368, 760 1, 873, 932 1, 797, 729 60, 651 51, 125 50, 462 77, 547 .75 .74 .65 .68 67, 841 53, 594 46,536 47,198 866, 518 821, 242 623, 940 663, 715 4,609 4,609 4,609 4,609 4,339 698 4,156 1,199 3,580 926 3,544 969 10, 025 12, 047 11, 698 9,026 18,070 15, 259 11, 890 13, 499 2,402 1,367 3,512 980 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 464, 702 539, 333 562, 828 526, 192 578, 381 621, 412 627, 586 596, 706 1, 656, 499 1, 551, 678 1, 372, 786 1, 315, 166 19, 747 50,901 42, 218 35, 310 .68 .69 .68 .68 49,850 57, 624 55, Oil 55,585 645, 956 633, 428 538, 798 527, 802 4,819 4,819 4,819 4,819 3,724 3,784 3,712 3,712 926 709 581 275 11,590 10, 414 11, 373 11, 581 10,048 9, 611 10, 886 9,172 15, 367 16, 230 17, 383 19, 130 1,995 999 1,098 1,639 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 573, 333 542, 397 592, 636 597, 184 586, 331 521, 854 513, 966 551, 949 1, 305, 058 1, 365, 830 1, 704, 125 1, 695, 137 56,760 39, 625 63,343 34, 321 .68 .68 .68 .68 62, 614 55,351 61,430 62, 678 478, 422 495, 186 497, 605 565, 947 4,807 4,807 4,807 4,807 3,700 3,700 3,908 3,908 251 251 293 411 12, 270 10, 822 12, 464 12, 736 18, 817 16, 454 1,815 1,498 2.88 2.75 619, 954 552, 365 548, 526 523, 835 1, 780, 542 1, 729, 206 39, 342 17, 853 .58 .58 65,284 59, 538 561, 038 537, 246 4,807 4,807 3,908 3,908 479 495 12, 421 4,885 10, 445 13,700 10, 751 13,683 13, 424 9,819 15, 721 13, 470 14, 960 13, 698 „ * Except for prices and exports, data are compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, including through June, 1924, the reports of the National Wood Chemical Association, the total reports from all sources comprising about 95 per cent of the industry during most of this period. Beginning with July, 1924, all data have been collected directly by the Bureau of the Census. The decline in capacity in January, 1924, is due to dropping from the capacity records of firms with a daily capacity of 723 cords which had been idle for a long time. Monthly data on production and on consumption and stocks of wood for 1920 appeared in the September, 1923, issue2 (No. 25), p. 46, the 1921 data being revised in the December, 1923, issue (No. 28), p. 51. Exports from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. * Wholesale prices representing monthly averages from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 75 Table 47.—FATS, OILS, AND RAW MATERIALS1 ANIMAL, FATS, GREASES, AND DERIVATIVES TOTAL ANIMAL FATS TOTAL DERIVATIVES TOTAL GREASES YEAR AND MONTH Produc- | Contion j sumption Con- Production Stocks sumption Stocks Production Con- sumption Stocks Thousands of pounds 1919 quarterly average.. 1920 quarterly average.. 1921 quarterly average.. 1922 quarterly average.. 1923 quarterly average.. 1924 quarterly average.. 367,518 410,676 473,351 611,436 611,277 611,819 144,308 149,276 154,017 138,982 140,861 151,955 138,071 183,033 226,668 175,396 144,350 161,019 86,384 85,258 94,626 102,238 98,365 51,565 50,273 45,150 61,249 67,999 64,735 67,374 69,695 95,407 53,711 56,748 47,989 264,740 284,478 340,325 480,906 208,804 204,039 183,764 227,104 550,745 268,816 165,241 174,864 156,808 142,700 127,371 650,926 617,830 548,327 630,023 147,979 128,073 133, 232 154,158 132,060 184,960 137,434 122,944 107,725 108,078 91,318 101,832 77,517 67,407 57,252 69,819 47,314 63,006 59,806 56,866 526,803 415, 216 440,474 547,049 268,134 226,020 220,575 268,026 146,423 162,251 125,989 136,135 715,222 635,610 523,273 573,169 149,645 147,038 156,892 154, 244 157,995 211,360 148,881 125,841 103,162 102,204 91, 529 96,563 74,612 57,873 60,086 49,609 51,035 49,253 42,060 550,181 491,492 502,733 658,573 290,430 249,776 245,045 290,111 139,606 131,009 111, 269 127,598 593, 616 478,809 155,852 183,031 178,686 98,770 90,127 57,342 53,826 37,499 45,713 675,613 613,837 337,150 278, 202 139,230 135,996 1923 Jan. 1 to Mar. 31Apr. 1 to June 30.. July 1 to Sept. 30.. Get 1 to Dec 31.. 1934 Jan. 1 to Mar. 31.. Apr. 1 to June 30.. July 1 to Sept 30.. Oct. 1 to Dec 31.. 1925 Jan. 1 to Mar. 31... Apr. 1 to June 30.. July 1 to Sept. 30__ Oct. 1 to Dec 31.. RAW MATERIALS FOR VEGETABLE OILS ANIMAL GLUES' PEANUTSHULLED YEAR AND MONTH Con- sumption Stocks COPRA Con- sumption CORN GERMS Stocks Con- sumption Stocks FLAXSEED Con- sumption Stocks Tons 1919 quarterly average . 1920 quarterly average. 1921 quarterly average. 1922 quarterly average. 1923 quarterly average. 1924 quarterly average- 10, 705 6,615 8,224 842 536 448 491 548 890 172,934 179,382 182,182 170,371 239,217 266, 615 29,853 74,703 57,409 42,019 77,268 93, 270 45, 239 48,631 39,080 52,031 7,070 8,085 2,071 9,232 38, 243 36,751 35, 206 50,372 684 1,023 202 232,183 230,234 251,149 27,136 56,053 78,737 147,144 245 412 762 1,102 39,800 32, Oil 35,641 41,960 9,071 6,313 12,113 5,399 55,189 48,873 53,090 55,682 435 2,296 268,091 264,138 211,392 322,840 328 37,947 36,847 7,566 13,822 47,995 46, 250 470 552 344,493 255, 572 11,148 33,184 2,001 319 392 630 42,153 25,276 21,161 34,674 46, 245 37,353 22,184 10,665 1,161 1,826 213 1,800 641 62 102 1,348 1, 799 614 5,238 7,424 2,712 Stocks Thousands of pounds 36,645 36,395 30,830 36,889 40,143 53, 209 35,426 2,980 2,931 2,581 1,250 2,250 Production 23,660 25,015 24,924 52,442 53,916 33,838 14,875 270,449 28,701 24,451 20,178 26,365 51,696 53,211 55,974 112,410 63,182 25,403 53,944 1923 Jan, 1 to Mar. 31.. Apr. 1 to June 30.. July 1 to Sept. 30.. Oct. 1 to Dec. 31... . 1934 Jan. 1 to Mar. 31.. Apr. 1 to June 30.. July 1 to Sept. 30.. Oct. 1 to Dec. 31... 1925 Jan. 1 to Mar 31... Apr. 1 to June 30.. July 1 to Sept. 30.. Oct. 1 to Dec. 31... 1 The figures given on this and the opposite page represent the movement of certain more important vegetable and animal fats and oils, as reported quarterly by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau vf the Census. The data cover factory production, factory consumption, and factory and warehouse stocks. The stock figures refer to the amount on hand at the end of each quarter. Quarterly data from 1920 appeared in August, 1923, issue (No. 36), pp. 115 and 119. 2 Data on animal glues compiled annually for 1922 and 1923 by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, but quarterly beginning with 1924. 76 Table 48—VEGETABLE AND FISH OILS TOTAL CRUDE VEGETABLE OILS YEAB AND MONTH Production Consumption Stocks TOTAL REFINED VEGETABLE OILS Production Consumption COTTONSEED OILCRUDE Consumption Stocks Production Consumption Stocks 357,501 285,347 317, 757 232,600 242,750 288, 196 329, 038 283,350 323, 940 221,954 234,098 291,462 111, 271 94, 597 88, 668 57, 301 61, 798 70,772 21, 902 3,271 9,683 5,599 1,563 1,658 53,088 21, 267 10, 639 7,086 2,207 2,096 24, 038 33, 354 13, 453 3,594 1,900 2,112 Production Stocks PEANUT OILCRUDE AND VIRGIN Thousands of pounds 578,748 474,776 504, 318 434, 658 505, 647 554,950 635, 803 511, 121 504, 034 459, 447 519, 273 576,568 1933 Jan 1 to Mar. 31 Apr 1 to June 30 July 1 to Sept. 30 Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 487, 796 202,045 294, 453 754, 337 523, 292 316, 395 297, 309 700, 790 376, 807 297, 830 283,997 338, 272 349, 726 141, 128 111,421 462, 214 244, 851 176, 337 239, 911 299, 396 352, 302 254, 089 96, 297 193, 278 263, 993 43, 768 119, 195 503,442 301, 788 95, 775 64, 025 426, 226 55, 117 12, 194 54,906 106, 988 11, 074 6,831 1,236 3,256 11, 552 8,487 6,260 2,045 6,699 4,876 1,141 1,661 1933 Jan 1 to Mar. 31 Apr 1 to June 30 July 1 to Sept. 30 Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 562,311 354, 105 335, 091 771, 081 654, 620 425, 185 339, 575 657, 712 279,963 292, 747 292, 291 367, 634 331, 733 176, 923 126, 847 420, 564 250, 668 180, 363 229, 181 263,085 282, 109 241, 914 81, 118 185, 273 306, 389 70,711 93, 181 500, 720 358, 307 131,981 69, 455 376, 648 60, 137 11, 733 34, 457 140, 863 1,700 1,998 1,147 1,406 2,354 2,138 2,545 1,791 979 2,205 3,121 1,296 1934 Jan. 1 to Mar. 31Apr. 1 to June 30 July 1 to Sept. 30 Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 666, 638 350, 344 344, 221 958, 596 603,908 459, 210 391, 898 851,256 314, 984 232, 090 217,062 342,649 353, 633 227, 041 164,771 587, 960 218, 989 213, 004 242, 193 321,729 251, 622 198, 849 72,298 255,214 289, 928 95, 540 116,817 650, 497 307, 742 185, 149 104,709 568, 248 110, 115 23, 338 44, 116 105, 520 1,122 1,328 438 3,744 1,718 2,377 1,628 2,660 1,093 5,564 373 1,418 802, 192 402, 373 813, 083 531, 093 377, 415 292, 822 521, 918 263, 632 316, 466 297, 331 401, 039 295, 618 484,063 144, 568 495, 447 222, 938 89, 168 22, 669 5,265 4,091 3,457 2,168 1,531 1,319 1919 quarterly average 1920 quarterly average 1921 quarterly average 1922 quarterly average 1923 quarterly average 1924 quarterly average .. 1935 Jan. 1 to Mar. 31__ Apr 1 to June 30 July 1 to Sept. 30 Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 506, 533 378,498 332,003 324,227 308, 159 276, 696 Production 357, 407 263, 612 283, 729 240,124 230,824 248,979 283, 591 352, 768 263, 529 223,992 197, 604 194,496 1 COCONUT OB COPRA OIL-CRUDE YEAR AND MONTH 466, 795 344, 575 354, 760 266, 122 264, 017 333, 351 Consumption Stocks CORN OIL— CRUDE Production Consumption Stocks LINSEED OIL Production TOTAL FISH OIL Consumption Stocks Production Consumption Stocks Thousands of pounds 1919 quarterly average . 1920 quarterly average.. 1921 quarterly average ._ __ 1922 quarterly average 1923 quarterly average 1924 quarterly average 63,886 32,805 28,247 46, 381 58, 980 48,044 105, 564 73, 525 60, 274 75, 721 90, 377 99, 954 155, 220 93,277 73, 143 111, 401 72, 689 48, 919 24, 350 24, 655 21, 870 26, 623 27, 836 29, 266 22, 408 22, 692 17, 987 25, 369 25, 753 28,583 8,027 6,589 7,093 7,236 6,957 6,772 113, 232 121, 318 120, 703 114, 361 163, 391 176, 397 47,286 53, 551 59, 706 85, 754 95, 169 96, 127 65, 425 78, 457 99, 611 100,718 85,549 81, 482 8,230 16, 507 12,490 19. 008 2 21, 326 17, 271 9,791 12, 046 19, 559 29,446 29,675 29,067 44,609 45, 225 52, 873 46,684 43,228 46, 105 1933 Jan. 1 to Mar. 31 Apr. 1 to June 30 July 1 to Sept. 30 Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 53,404 47,444 34, 217 50,460 70,448 62, 046 73, 597 96, 794 112, 014 131, 001 108, 557 94, 031 26,984 23, 917 26, 626 28,964 28,904 21,306 23,307 27, 957 7,546 7,073 8,139 6,186 124,941 70, 349 103, 400 158, 753 74, 396 92,605 89,096 90, 917 155, 252 97, 034 69, 036 81, 551 1,940 8,892 44,433 20,765 16,387 31,324 38, 720 31, 354 32, 737 48, 412 59, 547 46,038 1933 Jan 1 to Mar. 31 Apr. 1 to June 30 July 1 to Sept. 30 .. Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 58,750 61,523 50, 131 65, 514 93, 368 82, 174 80,566 105,401 85, 996 88,823 66, 083 49, 401 28,222 28,768 26, 630 27,724 25, 803 24, 470 26,527 26, 211 5,672 9,185 5,874 7,076 155, 148 178, 267 154,588 165, 560 97,669 105, 613 90, 334 87,061 71,629 81, 453 91, 650 97,465 2 4, 694 11, 596 46, 402 2 19, 267 30, 548 25, 178 28,374 34,600 33, 473 39, 214 54,702 45, 521 1934 Jan. 1 to Mar. 31 Apr. 1 to June 30 July 1 to Sept. 30 Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 52,684 38,566 46,971 53, 954 105, 719 86, 670 106, 119 101,307 51, 265 52,948 39,900 51, 566 32, 986 26,663 29,835 27, 580 31,704 26,322 30,395 25, 912 7,535 6,450 5,169 7,935 177,583 176, 187 139, 862 211, 954 97,846 100, 325 90,521 92,814 87,764 74, 372 56, 773 107, 019 5,444 8,071 31, 797 23,772 24,642 27, 522 31,467 32, 635 43, 748 44,400 48,720 47, 550 49,531 47, 521 95, 375 82, 210 61,139 49, 701 25,939 23, 326 30, 512 19, 413 4,392 6,560 225, 568 169, 980 109,898 109, 271 151, 136 126, 888 16, 562 8,673 41,898 35, 553 37,874 55, 086 1935 Jan. 1 to Mar. 31Apr. 1 to June 30 July 1 to Sept. 30 Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 1 2 1 Data reported quarterly by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. The data cover factory production, factory consumption, and factory and warehouse stocks. The stock figures refer to the amount on hand at the end of each quarter. Quarterly data from 1920 appeared in August, 1923, issue (No. 36), pp. 115 and 119. 2 Yearly figure on fish oil production obtained from the annual data of the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries, which does not agree with the sum of the quarterly figures collected by the Bureau of the Census. 77 Table 49.—VEGETABLE OILS TOTAL VEGETABLE OILS YEAR AND MONTH Eiports i Imports 3 COTTONSEED OIL Price, summer, Produc- Stocks, end of 4 yellow tion < mo. prime, N. Y.« Dollars per Ib. Thousands of pounds 1913 monthly av 1914 monthly av 1915 monthly av 1916 monthly av 1917 monthly av 1918 monthly av 29,042 17, 758 31,641 16, 977 11, 788 10,437 21, 387 "26,441 10 20, 636 10 30, 133 10 36, 850 10 65, 295 1919 monthly av 1920 monthly av 1921 monthly av 1922 monthly a v 1923 monthly av 1924 monthly av 17, 599 1067,495 16, 863 10 71, 390 21,964 1028,499 6,978 53, 298 4,744 52, 295 4,117 67,641 1923 September __ October November COTTON SEED Stocks, OLEOMARGARINE 2 Con- end of mo.4 Produc- sumption tion Short tons Thousands of pounds LINSEED OIL FLAXSEED Minneapolis and Duluth e LINSEED OIL CAKE Argentina ExRe- Shipceipts ments Stocks ports * Stocks s Shipments from Minneapolis 0 Thousands of pounds Thousands of bushels 661, 192 489, 442 w 12, 102 10 12, 002 10 12, 151 10 12, 709 23, 937 29, 217 11, 861 11, 798 11,787 12,404 19,044 26, 877 1,979 1,104 999 1,337 843 870 1,255 585 460 710 475 421 2,984 2,288 1,038 1,490 1,040 260 3,336 2,761 3,219 2,099 464 1,284 728 1,415 2,374 515 » 1, 520 .241 .154 .079 .102 .113 .110 512,448 296, 219 299, 101 291, 979 334, 556 356, 293 30, 733 29, 957 17,840 15, 396 18,965 19, 294 29, 081 30, 014 17, 518 14, 969 18, 872 19, 156 757 964 831 729 1,468 2,294 280 329 568 388 561 1,521 179 984 2,087 299 568 799 2,087 3,446 4,463 3,038 3,779 4,830 2,617 1,457 2,867 1,768 2,168 3,433 10, 026 7,856 8,157 8,156 10, 763 10, 958 18,473 12,069 15, 068 10, 790 17, 062 17, 370 117,305 109, 372 $0. 073 .066 .068 .106 .154 82, 238 .201 105, 437 110, 445 100, 955 109, 099 78, 290 83, 577 81, 591 96,213 105, 656 102, 898 56, 438 59, 594 78, 828 15, 210 30, 166 11, 868 20,684 9,862 17, 188 10,662 18, 706 11, 158 18,428 9,271 15, 998 December 2,152 3,698 6,473 7,386 26, 577 34, 994 33,462 45, 115 70,470 195, 945 178,402 126, 668 34, 620 94, 993 140, 658 140, 981 .117 .120 .118 .110 421, 746 739, 947 803, 947 741, 949 19, 122 22, 477 22, 483 22, 148 19,854 21, 236 24, 101 20, 748 3,843 4,286 2,786 1,425 873 1,969 952 1,056 1,075 2,253 1,394 952 1,609 1,447 796 1, 186 1,400 1,200 800 220 12, 771 16, 778 15,648 15, 297 16, 601 24, 071 26, 432 24, 475 1934 January February March April 4,735 3,827 4,536 3,552 79, 742 106, 658 103,431 108, 935 120, 519 101,315 68, 315 46, 204 135, 935 128, 419 109,436 73, 369 .110 .101 .098 .101 578, 378 386, 018 233,462 130, 120 24, 700 22, 962 22,419 20, 461 23,841 23, 616 23, 345 20, 083 562 337 345 310 336 352 311 279 769 512 321 268 7,454 8,778 6,848 6,828 3,600 5,200 6,400 6,200 13, 754 11,211 12, 212 8,930 24,652 15, 832 16, 031 8,765 May. June July _. August 2,919 1,941 2,365 2,085 76, 806 58, 317 34, 856 47,838 30, 848 18, 592 6,637 17, 922 52, 130 23, 751 4,053 8,347 .098 .104 .121 .139 66, 182 29, 053 21, 711 92, 649 17, 732 15, 321 15, 519 15,900 17, 493 14,011 15, 095 15, 857 504 389 386 297 258 209 166 146 258 131 93 72 4,658 4,060 3,810 3,098 2,600 2,400 3,000 3,000 6,213 6,486 6,286 4,188 6,978 10, 241 10,466 9,388 September October November December 1,156 2,669 9,770 9,853 46, 118 40, 924 55, 582 53, 486 91,756 210, 341 231, 359 209,471 44, 116 82, 808 106, 795 105, 520 .108 .113 .110 .114 380, 443 855, 128 1, 184, 803 1, 223, 863 19, 260 20,054 17,062 20, 135 20, 202 19, 217 17, 115 19,997 3,664 10,242 8,474 2,018 1,747 6,097 6,792 1,565 1,063 2,455 2,096 1,545 2,306 4,434 3,306 2,382 3,000 2,200 1,800 2,200 8,883 18, 564 17, 947 16, 825 15, 955 29, 281 29, 572 31, 274 1935 January February _ _ March,. April 9,454 4,880 5,392 2,702 59, 445 52, 617 79, 213 58, 556 210,409 157, 905 116, 384 76, 574 120, 997 126, 745 89,168 70, 504 .112 .107 .111 .111 898, 671 599, 626 324, 782 144, 271 19, 177 17, 288 19, 729 18, 941 19, 109 15,846 20, 125 17,090 1,481 859 780 489 497 425 391 253 1,322 1,036 767 635 2,519 2,520 1,947 2,561 2,800 3,000 3,200 4,400 14, 720 31, 226 14,468 29,847 14, 810 20,933 14,043 15,680 3,269 5,657 49, 629 58,950 50, 232 18, 493 44, 247 22, 669 .107 .107 53, 259 28, 502 17, 599 15, 312 18,542 725 819 758 333 200 364 502 617 581 4,600 5,000 13, 331 12, 332 12, 681 15, 637 May June July__ August-- _ September October November Decemberi3 Exports include cottonseed, corn, and linseed oils, as compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Data on oleomargarine from U. S. Treasury Department, Bureau of Internal Revenue. Production data represent actual output while consumption figures represent tax-paid withdrawals of both colored and uncolored oleomargarine. 3 Imports of vegetable oils, from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, include the following oils: Chinese nut, cocoa butter, coconut, cottonseed, olive (inedible), olive (edible), palm, palm kernel, peanut, rapeseed, soya bean, and linseed. The figures for Chinese nut, inedible olive, and rapeseed oils, which are reported in gallons, have been converted into pounds, allowing 7% pounds per gallon. 4 Production and stocks of cottonseed oil and stocks of cottonseed at oil mills compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Annual figures for these items are monthly averages for cotton crop years ending July 31 of the year, indicated. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in May, 1922, issue (No. 9) page 87 for cottonseed oil and in August, 1922, issue (No. 12), page 94, for cottonseed stocks. * Cottonseed oil prices are averages of weekly quotations compiled by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in May, 1922, issue (No. 9) page 91. « Data on flaxseed at Minneapolis and Duluth from Northwestern Miller. Receipts and shipments are totals of weekly figures with first and last weeks of each month prorated. Stocks are taken at the end of the week nearest the end of the month. Monthly data for 1920 appeared in August, 1922, issue (No. 12), page 94, the data for each city 7being given separately through the February, 1925, issue, (No. 42), page 89. Data on Argentine exports from Boletin Mensual de Estadistica Agricola; current data from the Estadistica Agro-Pecuria, publications directed by the Argentine Minister of Agriculture. Figures are converted from original data in metric tons. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in October, 1923, issue (No. 26), p. 50. 8 Stocks of flaxseed in Argentina taken as of the end of the week nearest to end of month reported by the Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. 9 Shipments of linseed oil and cake and meal from Minneapolis furnished by Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. 10 Average for fiscal year beginning July 1 of year stated. 11 Ten-month average. 78 Table 50.—CROP PRODUCTION [Base year in boldfaced type] WHEAT CO EN Winter Spring BARLEY OATS Total EYE TOTAL BREAD GRAINS HICE POTA- APPLES HAY, TOES (total) TAME YEAR AND MONTH TOTAL VALUE OF CROPS (2) Relative to 5-year average, 1909-1913 A.— RELATIVE NUMBERS 1909-1913 average 1914 final estimate 1915 final estimate 1916 final estimate 1917 final estimate 1918 final estimate 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 final estimate final estimate final estimate final estimate final estimate final estimate 100 100 155 153 109 94 128 84 144 64 91 145 100 119 149 93 93 134 100 99 111 95 113 92 100 101 137 111 141 136 100 107 126 100 116 141 100 123 155 140 180 261 100 104 123 ! 99 117 112 100 99 121 171 145 161 100 115 101 -80 124 115 100 143 130 110 94 96 100 106 130 138 126 116 100 107 121 159 236 251 172 138 136 133 130 134 85 91 88 115 92 115 141 121 119 126 116 127 104 118 113 107 113 90 105 132 95 107 115 136 81 104 85 100 109 103 216 173 177 296 181 182 110 122 | 109 | 111 114 108 175 218 157 173 141 142 91 113 101 127 117 128 81 127 56 115 115 102 131 133 125 145 135 148 270 191 99 137 153 166 Thous. of tons Thousands of bushels Millions of dollars YEAR AND MONTH B.— NUMERICAL DATA 1909-1913 average 1914 final estimate 1915 final estimate 1916 final estimate 1917 final estimate 1918 final estimate 441, 602 684, 990 673, 947 480, 553 412, 901 565, 099 686, 697 245, 059 891, 017 206, 027 351, 854 1, 025, 801 636, 318 155, 765 636, 655 223, 754 921, 438 356, 339 2, 708, 334 2, 672, 804 2, 994, 763 2, 566, 927 3, 065, 233 2, 502, 665 1, 181, 175 1, 141, 060 1, 549, 030 1, 251, 837 1, 592, 740 1, 538, 124 181, 886 194, 953 228, 851 182, 309 211, 759 256, 225 34, 916 42, 779 54, 050 48, 862 62, 933 91,041 4, 743, 008 4, 942, 613 5, 852, 525 4, 686, 253 5, 569, 320 5, 309, 493 23, 926 23,649 28, 947 40, 861 34, 739 38,606 356, 627 409, 921 359,721 286, 953 442, 108 411, 860 176, 482 252, 200 230, Oil 193, 905 166, 749 169, 625 65, 987 70, 071 85, 920 91, 192 83, 308 76, 660 $5, 702 6,112 6,907 9,054 13,479 14, 331 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 final estimate final estimate final estimate final estimate final estimate final estimate 760,677 610, 597 600, 316 586, 878 571, 959 590,037 207, 602 222, 430 214, 589 280, 720 225, 422 282, 636 968, 279 833, 027 814, 905 867, 598 797, 381 872, 673 2, 816, 318 3, 208, 584 3, 068, 569 2, 906, 020 3, 053, 557 2, 436, 513 1, 184, 030 1, 496, 281 1, 078, 341 1, 215, 803 1, 305, 883 1, 541, 900 147, 608 189, 332 154, 946 182, 068 197, 691 187,875 75, 542 60, 490 61, 675 103, 362 63, 077 63, 446 5, 191, 777 5, 787, 714 5, 178, 436 5, 274, 851 5, 417, 589 5, 102, 407 41, 985 52, 066 37, 612 41,405 33, 717 33, 956 322, 867 403, 296 361, 659 453, 396 416, 105 454, 784 142, 086 223, 677 99,002 202, 702 202, 842 179, 101 86, 359 87, 855 82, 379 95, 882 89, 250 97, 970 15, 423 10, 909 5,630 7,816 8,727 9,480 1934 June estimate July estimate August estimate September estimate ... October estimate November estimate 509, 319 542, 551 589,000 589, 000 589, 000 589, 000 183,831 197, 461 224, 767 247, 404 266, 456 266, 456 693, 150 740, 012 813,767 836, 404 855,456 855, 806 2, 515, 385 2, 576, 440 2, 512, 888 2, 458, 809 2, 477, 538 1, 231, 728 1, 356, 338 1, 439, 041 1, 486, 412 1, 509, 409 1, 509, 409 160, 070 170, Oil 184, 170 194, 445 200, 958 200, 958 62,461 3 4, 662, 794 4, 846, 546 64,800 5, 078, 800 65,800 5, 095, 949 65,800 5, 090, 432 65,800 65, 805 5, 109, 516 35,800 33, 256 32, 377 32, 292 32, 292 373, 000 398, 821 412, 761 423, 508 454, 119 196, 000 196, 770 178, 640 174, 870 177, 238 90, 100 89, 098 88,500 95,100 95, 100 407, 156 403, 851 415, 697 253, 729 275, 739 262, 749 660, 855 679, 590 678,446 3, 095, 176 2, 950, 340 1, 295, 456 1, 292, 101 1,387,349 204,687 208, 475 213, 596 53, 317 54,104 51, 768 5, 309, 521 5, 329, 446 5, 281, 699 38, 100 36, 200 349, 566 353, 266 156, 942 161, 148 82, 500 78, 400 77, 700 1935 June estimate July estimate __ August estimate September estimate October estimate November estimate 1 Yearly figures represent the latest revised estimates of total production for the year as reported by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau Oj Agricultura Economics. Monthly figures are estimates of the current year's crop as made during the first week of thiiat month The estimates made in December of each year are subject to revision in the final estimate made in December of the following year 2 Estimated total value of all crops based on prices at the farm on Dec. 1. s June figures for total bread grains include corn as estimated on July 1. 79 Table 51.—WHEAT FLOUR RUSSELL'S COMIMEEKCIAL NEWS i • BUREAU OF THE CENSUS » Production YEAR AND MONTH 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly .average ConProduc- sumpStocks tion tion Wheat ground Thousands of barrels Thous. of bus. Wheat flour Wheat grain offal Tlious. of bbls. Thous. pflbs. CANADA* Per cent Wheat of total ground capacity operated Thous. of bus. Production United States * Canada « Thousands of barrels 9, 703 9,338 0,919 9,815 .9,317 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average— _ _ _ 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly .average EXPORTS WHOLESALE PRICES « StandWinter ard pat- straights, ents Kansas MinneCity apolis Dollars per barrel 1,023 1, 064 1,30.5 1, 198 1,161 1,809 408 389 464 660 731 839 $4. 584 5.096 6.663 7.264 11. 391 (8) $3.847 4.125 5.612 6.091 10. 551 10.304 839 394 606 790 928 956 11.998 12. 675 8.338 7.295 6.384 7. 182 10. 695 11. 579 7.051 6.136 5.355 5.977 756 54 6,386 6, 886 7,418 1,422 1,559 1,661 2, 204 1, 654 1,400 1,252 1,359 1,332 633, 324 772, 774 48 55 5, 777 5,002 ,5, 311 4,657 1,325 1, 146 1,207 1,058 983 806 8.84 1,273 645 905 775 657 €.720 6.263 6.025 6.100 5. 675 5.325 4.850 4.900 9,760 10, 983 9,403 8,137 796, 325 908, 311 783, 669 678, 576 62 62 59 49 6,327 9,830 10,504 8,149 1,410 2,209 2,357 1,821 1,568 2,092 1,778 1, 789 456 1,155 1,357 1,390 6. 238 6.200 6.038 6.100 5.280 5.400 5.213 5.130 41, 834 39, 180 38, 809 35, 680 8,970 8,433 8,355 7,682 746, 040 705, 402 698, 911 643, 588 52 53 49 45 8,256 8,064 7,645 6,464 1,850 1,811 1,719 1,449 1,716 1,539 1,426 1,038 1,052 1,092 1,398 890 6.195 6.306 6.300 6.350 6.250 5.350 5.330 5.294 6,400 6,800 7,400 7,500 36, 688 36,293 39, 272 45, 434 7,896 7, 797 8,465 9,842 660, 271 651, 532 696, 582 799, 698 47 48 50 58 8,361 6,333 6, 06,1 6,409 1,881 1,413 1,354 1,426 977 1,174 789 949 1,057 903 613 626 6.638 6.856 7.490 7.538 5.470 5.581 5.831 6.225 11, 160 11, 107 11,468 10, 555 8,675 9,100 7,700 6,700 47, 857 51, 863 41, 982 40, 428 10, 459 11, 371 9,187 8, £55 823, 390 977, 381 719, 164 695, 925 64 65 59 53 7,745 9,558 7,644 6,473 1,737 2, 143 1,708 1,440 1,463 1,872 1,616 1,452 967 1,145 905 328 7.440 8. 013 8.163 8.895 6.069 6.669 6.870 7.788 11, 705 10, 189 9, 307 8, 183 10,017 9,800 8,370 7,429 7,400 6,850 6,400 6,200 45, 010 37, 720 33, 548 31, 066 9,853 8,248 7,347 6, 781 762, 489 648, 197 576, 955 536, 263 58 53 43 40 7,692 7,037 7,552 5,585 1,698 1,557 1,668 1,244 988 939 1,387 955 875 834 1,385 710 9.694 9.850 9.035 8.250 8. 805 8.669 7.969 7.038 8, 151 8,917 7,969 7,877 5,700 5,900 31, 874 35, 211 6,942 7,678 553, 750 615, 131 43 47 4, 562 5, 611 1, 015 1,238 690 820 482 8.869 8. 530 7.215 7.506 11, 091 9,146 10, 102 10, 466 10, 480 11, 047 8,156 8, 237 8, .569 9,291 9,223 9,719 9,433 8,943 7,148 7,228 7,701 7, 344 9,007 :8, 331 10, 408 12,019 8, 701 7,445 8,442 11,162 6,800 6,900 8,100 7,700 35,871 44, 179 7,805 9,642 . . _. 11, 995 12, 561 11, 524 10, 778 9,341 10, 847 10, 366 9,808 8,800 8,500 7,900 7,100 44, 969 50, 810 43, 606 37,799 . 11,000 10, 286 10, 578 9, 521 9,299 8,711 9,572 8,588 7,150 7,200 6,800 6,700 9,765 9, 332 10, 395 11, 812 9, 089 7,759 8,717 10, 598 13, 798 13, 404 11, 665 1.1, 007 7 42, 872 41, 260 i 9, 288 8,939 1 762, 180 734, 498 1923 May June July August ,. . , September October November December — . _ 19£4 January ._ February March April May June July August X, .. ,_._ ,. . . September October. November December 1925 January February March April May June ....... July August September October November December „ 1 Reported by U. 8. Grain Corporation prior to July, 1920, covering practically the entire industry; beginning with July, 1920, from Russell's Commercial News, the production and stock figures being prorated to 100 per cent from representative current data bearing a known relation to the total figures. Stocks represent flour in all positions. Consumption is calculated from production, stocks, exports and imports. Monthly production figures from January, 1914, are given in the October, 1922, issue (No.2 14), page 47. Compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, from reports of over 1,000 mills each month, which produced about 84 per cent of the flour manufactured in 1921, according to the Census of Manufactures. 3 Compiled by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Internal Trade Branch, covering merchant mills having a capacity of about 120,000 barrels per month, and also custom mills. The detailed reports of Canadian milling statistics also contain data on other grains as well as a division into eastern and western territory. Monthly data through 1922, appeared in May, 1925, issue (No. 45), page 27. 4 Wholesale prices from If. S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics, represent averages of weekly quotations. Monthly figures from 1920 appeared in May» 1922,5 issue (No. 9), p. 91. *Exports of flour from U. S. Department of Commerce, Mnrmw of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 6 Exports of flour from Canada from Department of Trade and Commerce, Dominion Bureau of Statistics. 7 Average for last six months of year. 8 No quotations. 80 Table 52.—WHEAT AND CORN WHEAT Re- 2 ceipts Shipments - United States 3 Canada « Ship- 2 GrindVisible Re6 No.l, Corn, Cash, 2, supply! ceipts * ments ings connorth- No. inred tract, ern winter, clud- grades Including Wheat ing ChiWheat 2, corn No. only wheat only cago Chicago meal flour cago United Canada States «' Thousands of bushels Dols. per bu. Dols. per bu. Thousands of bushels 14, 198 16, 335 8,292 14,432 17, 161 12,838 8,850 9,265 11,907 12, 133 23,034 18, 230 14, 070 17, 413 8,378 10, 540 5,993 13, 145 15, 804 12, 533 $0. 913 1.041 1.344 1.417 2.321 2.235 $0. 986 1.005 1.307 1.351 2.278 2.209 11,117 11,486 16, 210 12, 736 6,122 10, 266 21, 158 17, 447 24, 774 10, 233 13, 525 4,195 3,817 4,664 5,276 4,952 6,142 31,493 27,038 36, 389 35, 009 32,363 40, 878 19, 919 23, 252 24, 318 23, 107 18,038 29,891 12,341 18, 191 23, 338 13, 724 8,211 13, 859 22, 259 25, 636 29, 643 19, 337 14, 327 19, 884 3,484 6,498 10,776 11, 374 17,923 21, 405 2.563 2.600 1.467 1.233 1.155 1.309 2.357 2.522 1.437 1.241 1.171 1. 277 4,101 6,254 20, 686 25, 137 11,660 12, 870 14,995 17,985 28,409 32,814 22, 642 23, 179 8,845 9,653 18,949 21, 552 14, 211 14,033 5,411 5,055 4,875 5,566 5,513 6,279 1,325 1,771 10,997 13, 835 3,724 1,681 1.597 1.414 .580 .624 .819 .969 41, 498 25, 224 13,847 5,133 16,742 18, 220 33,804 65,315 22, 191 15,476 17, 586 26, 387 9,973 9,252 8,843 14, 198 14,396 12,881 12, 822 19,929 11,932 22, 229 12,665 11,419 1.200 1.105 1.017 1.072 1.289 1.189 1.011 1.017 7,649 3,847 2,256 1,927 10, 663 14, 212 18, 184 21, 822. 16, 187 11, 102 11,661 13,069 6,084 5,279 4,080 6,390 5,358 2,123 1,329 942 .809 .839 .857 .876 72, 930 79, 034 82, 269 84, 030 31,016 80, 782 108, 193 125, 259 45, 314 40, 488 37, 192 28, 404 25, 837 18,993 17, 612 16, 515 15,408 9,239 4,148 4,950 22, 465 18, 652 12, 147 12,991 5,300 29, 071 64, 197 67, 378 1.156 1.197 1.092 1.112 1.048 1.097 1.061 1.083 2,474 1,084 3,254 9,683 18,474 16,450 23,199 36,658 11,615 8,689 10, 269 18, 521 5,577 6,424 5,576 6,668 1,291 688 1,097 2,183 .884 1. Oil .842 .730 75,111 72,914 66, 739 57, 383 122, 902 126, 495 121, 648 93, 380 15, 875 19, 803 17, 997 10, 123 11,200 10, 616 12, 020 12, 017 4,421 3,095 2,958 3,747 12, 201 10, 019 9,374 8,418 12,322 11, 770 13, 448 6,085 1.133 1.174 1.165 1.128 1.106 1.127 1.088 1.038 10, 492 20,517 27, 284 19, 735 30,600 43, 442 30, 345 17, 535 19,648 21, 213 17, 361 15,912 6,758 7,152 7,835 6,437 3,106 3,542 4,028 2,150 .759 .797 .796 .790 45, 258 36, 496 43, 779 76, 537 62, 299 44, 932 31,308 19,789 15,368 16, 410 35,074 92, 987 16,646 13, 714 16, 302 52,826 2,811 4,975 4,049 16, 835 7,206 10, 257 7,817 21, 106 41, 228 24, 075 16, 135 8,184 1.177 1.120 1.397 1.356 1.066 1.122 1.253 1.315 13,480 9,184 5,475 5,612 16, 131 17, 415 18, 225 19, 340 17,546 14, 505 11,205 10, 749 5,027 6,621 5,835 6,433 1,853 1,017 654 782 .786 .839 1.055 1.170 88, 291 96, 528 105, 533 96, 114 13,501 52, 099 76, 740 79, 221 82, 075 88, 022 60, 503 36, 293 58, 482 72, 066 50, 151 32, 651 32,662 45, 128 27,831 17, 791 39, 244 53, 538 35, 102 24, 326 10, 238 14, 288 26, 982 29, 847 1. 350 1.486 1.529 1.687 1.343 1.528 1.574 1.769 6,400 8,497 8,072 19, 693 21, 428 19, 511 15, 223 28, 953 11,937 11,826 7, 126 9,365 6,368 6,926 5,433 5,520 802 729 932 571 1.163 1. 105 1.130 1.233 81,796 74, 167 63,327 47, 864 79, 341 76, 187 75,048 58, 212 24,734 19,923 17,260 10, 422 19,864 16, 168 18,367 14,226 8,484 7,387 9,961 8,424 12,928 11,612 16, 202 12,601 6,103 4,146 4,423 4,953 1.909 1.841 1.689 1.549 2.003 1.984 1.767 1.701 28, 812 34, 199 36, 526 25, 253 37,038 21,274 24,916 10, 224 14, 290 12,270 13, 692 14, 243 6,751 6,198 5,672 5,240 896 704 89 1,109 1.271 1.242 1.165 1.082 36,911 30, 420 33, 248 48, 744 40,087 22, 513 17,659 21,866 41, 783 21,067 17,719 22, 693 9,870 7,069 12,976 10, 758 14,883 9,784 1.676 1.618 1.591 1.892 1.815 1.589 18, 676 16,040 6,832 11,566 17, 860 9, 891 10, 058 13, 676 10, 697 4,983 5,498 4,430 843 964 1.137 1.099 1. 065 1913 monthly av 1914 monthly av 1915 monthly av 1916 monthly av 1917 monthly av 1918 monthly av 59,802 57,379 38, 155 65, 974 30, 393 51, 051 32, 665 32, 604 32, 173 61,055 47, 831 25, 871 18, 861 21,619 32, 517 1919 monthly av 1920 monthly av 1921 monthly av 1922 monthly av 1923 monthly av 1924 monthly av 78, 231 41,987 36, 795 37, 131 67, 601 71, 724 32, 750 24, 583 35, 516 56, 510 63, 693 70,359 37, 203 29,403 32,648 63,922 ___ Ex- Wholesale 8 ports3 prices Wholesale prices « Exports Visible supply 1 YEAR AND MONTH CORN 4,223 $0. 625 874 .695 4,185 .730 4,603 .825 V51 1.637 3,922 1.605 1933 June July August ..... September October November . . 1924 January February Mai'ch April . _. ... May June July August .. -- - _ September October N o ve mb er December . .. 1925 January _ February March April May June . July ..... .-- ::::::::: ::::::::n:::::::: ! 1 Data from Bradstreet's representing stocks carried on Saturday nearest end of month at terminals, elevators, warehouses, docks, etc. At principal primary markets, as compiled by the Chicago Board of Trade and reported by the Price Current Grain Reporter. Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Monthly figures from 1920 appeared in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 88 Wheat flour4 has been converted to wheat equivalent at 4J^ bushels to the barrel, while corn meal has been converted at 4 bushels to the barrel. Exports from Canada from Canadian Department of Trade and Commerce, Dominion Bureau of Statistics. • From U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, averages of weekly quotations. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 91. • Grindings of corn by the wet process in the manufacture of cornstarch, glucose, etc., compiled by the Associated Corn Products Manufacturers from reports of 11 firms, comprising the practically entire industry. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in June, 1922, issue (No. 10), page 43. 2 3 81 Table 53.—OTHER GRAINS AND HAY BARLEY RYE Canada * Wholesale Receipts Exports, Receipts Exports, Whole- Receipts Exports, Wholeinclud- prices, at sale at includat includsale Producprining by sam- prining prinVisible ing prices, tion, cipal flour ple, fair cipal flour No. 2 cipal supply < oatmeal cash, Grindoatmeal interior1 as 2 to good, interior1 cash, as interior 1 as 2 Chicagoa ings and markets grain malting, markets grain * Chicago' markets grain rolled Chicago 3 oats YEAR AND MONTH Per bushel Thousands of bushels Thousands of bushels Per bushel 9,058 7, 435 8, 385 9,438 6,907 1,461 554 2,211 1,874 1,488 $0. 625 .615 .704 .867 1,315 1,294 1,648 1,809 1,936 1,912 155 189 1,138 1,320 1,224 $0. 636 .768 1.092 1.113 1.871 20, 694 22, 200 22, 651 1918 mo. av_1919 mo. av__ 1920 mo. av._ 1921 mo. av_. 1922 mo. av__ 1923 mo. av__ 1924 mo. av_. 6,118 7,746 3,815 3,321 3,367 3,904 6,207 1, 897 3,369 1, 489 2,153 1,536 984 1,477' 1. 305 1.217 1.263 .635 .634 .659 .816 2,777 3,988 3,712 2,573 6,353 3,683 6,414 1,359 3,375 4, 938 2,512 3,985 2,667 3,082 1.940 1. 534 1.873 1.214 .886 .752 .915 28,335 1923 May June July August 1, 806 2,162 2,018 6,036 365 362 816 2,571 .673 .643 .653 .623 2,388 2,542 1, 458 3,839 4, 639 3,886 3,352 1,765 .777 .687 .647 .671 13, 454 14, 139 16, 130 September- .. October November... December 7,210 6,061 4,493 6,830 2,054 1,425 264 382 ,654 .678 .656 .685 6,342 3,434 3,634 2,036 2,593 545 981 1,200 .698 .720 .708 .701 28, 710 18, 298 1934 January February March April 2,916 3,381 2,993 2,804 299 613 969 706 .705 .-740 .753 .803 1,807 1,938 1,677 960 821 402 365 2,147 May June July August 2,204 3,972 1,498 3,791 448 513 1,054 1,396 .761 .776 .829 .853 2,488 1,674 4,954 4,736 13, 965 12,296 7, 258 6,405 1, 955 5,315 2,710 1,744 .866 .908 .864 .935 4,940 4,210 3,359 2,038 1,522 881 864 934 2,662 3,382 1,608 667 September October November. _ _ December May June July Per bushel Thousands of bushels 1913 mo. av__ 1914 mo. av__ 1915 mo. av. . 1916 mo. av__ 1917 mo. av__ 1925 January February March April TOTAL GRAINS OATS Thous. of bus. Thous. of Ibs. HAY Exports,2 includ- ing flour and Receipts « Thous. Tons meal as grains of bus. 17, 415 19, 784 18, 384 24, 025 23, 692 3,018 223 8,993 8,791 9,370 $0. 376 .419 .496 .455 .637 20, 764 13, 973 39, 560 34, 817 30, 903 18, 512 22, 298 16,478 46, 968 46, 738 18, 167 28, 591 10,815 5,551 1,357 698 2,979 966 694 .775 .700 .796 .387 .397 .439 .513 821 821 1,053 9,610 10, 322 15, 362 35, 406 35, 878 35, 191 46, 002 41, 672 22, 668 26, 817 124, 870 120, 675 119, 102 69, 948 76, 873 76, 493 80,006 13, 514 8,523 5,710 10, 111 1,069 641 857 815 .451 .439 .422 .387 457 562 693 625 3,998 6,134 8,499 7,833 25, 827 19, 893 19, 176 26, 022 61, 708 60, 248 67, 066 72,006 20,134 16, 514 20,488 18, 686 19, 940 1,241 1,158 1,179 1,125 .413 .439 .442 .449 820 1,306 1,329 1,038 10, 942 18, 707 . 19,079 15, 884 29, 644 22, 468 15, 668 17,881 85, 230 87, 786 90, 646 76,458 .725 .720 .685 .662 16, 208 18, 778 16, 771 13, 769 17,539 17, 741 16, 715 10, 656 639 485 323 185 .474 .493 .481 .489 1,275 1,098 1, 139 857 20,104 16,548 16, 582 11, 350 17,066 15, 061 15, 059 13, 606 100, 367 103, 963 80, 255 65, 624 1,999 3, 732 1,332 1,497 .671 .729 .861 .919 13, 737 6,720 6,264 3,086 11, 403 137 177 233 217 .488 .501 .563 .528 905 857 1,085 957 13, 083 13, 452 16, 652 14, 798 11, 643 15, 696 11, 090 24, 998 70, 455 76,090 61, 672 65, 275 14, 291 17,708 8,932 3,802 11, 579 10, 927 1,323 856 1.016 1. 275 1.312 1.404 55, 710 39, 149 18,620 19,738 48, 006 66, 564 67, 265 72,128 662 2,735 1,366 1,171 .497 .522 .524 .598 1, 010 1,097 1,218 1,134 15, 157 15, 945 16, 199 14, 467 54, 242 73, 243 41, 433 28,608 86, 031 95, 037 81,001 74, 303 .973 .996 .922 .875 2,134 2,823 833 1,506 1,208 944 2,408 10, 749 1.685 1.579 * 1.353 1.118 23, 474 14, 110 12, 851 11, 679 73, 570 72, 386 63, 886 48, 082 934 843 1,006 917 .596 .570 .492 .454 879 659 689 672 11, 159 7,133 7,469 7,358 17, 538 14, 934 21, 376 26, 310 101, 595 69, 869 74, 305 45, 985 .883 .885 .883 4,554 889 6,795 1,627 1.190 1.089 .979 11, 845 35, 331 35, 268 26, 298 3,908 2,398 .484 .505 .475 594 667 6,898 8,453 25, 130 16,416 54, 349 48, 022 71, 783 27,299 24,844 19, 264 17,800 17, 880 19, 063 19, 974 22, 046 28,179 26,556 14,003 10, 510 27, 561 17,363 16, 591 September October December 1 Receipts of oats compiled by Chicago Board of Trade and reported by Price Current Grain Reporter, while receipts of barley and rye are compiled by the Federal Reserve Board from receipts at 17 interior centers. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in June, 1922, issue (No. 10), p. 43. 2 Data from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 88. Barley flour3 converted at 5.6 bushels to the barrel, oatmeal at 5.21 bushels to 100 pounds, and rye flour at 6 bushels to the bariel. From U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, averages of weekly quotations. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 91. 4 Taken from the CMcago Board of Trade as of the nearest Saturdas7 to the end of each month, representing supply of oats at principal primary markets. Monthly data5 from 1920 appeared in June, 1922, issue (No. 10), p. 43. Compiled by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Internal Trade Branch, covering merchant mills having a capacity of about 120,000 barrels per month, and also custom mills. The detailed reports of Canadian milling statistics also contain data on other grains as well as a division into eastern and western territory. Monthly data from 1922 separating oatmeal and rolled oats appeared in May, 1925, issue (No. 45), p. 27. * Receipts of hay at 11 principal markets, compiled by prorating weekly reports to the Hay Trade Journal. 54240°—25t 6 82 Table 54.-HRICE, FRUITS, VEGETABLES RICEi Paddy-at California warehouses YEAR AND MONTH Shipments Southern paddy Stocks, end of Receipts 111 Oil ill at mills Shipments Total movement to mills Total from mills New Orleans ColdDomes- Imports Exports storage tic at holdmills ings' and (end dealers mo.) 757, 281 1, 021, 642 872, 667 682, 788 23,004 41,904 56, 327 109, 114 172, 990 139,944 1,800 1,752 1,865 6, 950 4,754 6,737 468, 038 640, 827 591, 159 633,910 479,349 652,912 642, 918 699, 754 3 337, 223 3 1,172, 184 188, 076 609, 477 639, 610 796,277 837, 657 659, 645 707, 425 8 994, 249 896, 093 611, 661 554, 723 957, 589 797, 973 687, 198 691, 376 254, 825 222, 175 318, 147 275, 358 223, 472 156,446 811, 658 1, 287, 057 1, 291, 023 1, 253, 992 1, 343, 655 1, 142, 799 136, 090 109, 706 63, 532 52, 946 40, 105 31, 728 314,063 327, 177 488, 412 342, 052 283,636 128, 945 1,940 2,383 2,344 2,570 3,391 3,460 566, 768 589, 403 249, 194 134, 850 1, 393, 910 804, 507 555, 313 4.20, 463 137, 116 184, 684 103, 938 437, 504 703,884 774, 087 353, 132 671, 354 660, 037 348, 369 345, 583 410, 388 202, 717 1, 169, 789 131, 517 965, 879 744, 481 163, 448 648,030 101, 931 24,526 93,218 15, 427 20, 155 351, 396 262,807 388, 867 101, 999 370, 838 25, 489 857, 323 146, 326 • 69, 944 1, 507, 850 1, 482, 254 1, 364, 896 393, 605 1, 512, 281 1, 911, 515 965, 725 764, 443 1, 537, 770 2, 768, 838 1, 112, 051 617, 952 968, 779 1, 236, 100 819, 648 156, 469 236, 714 307, 721 203, 738 355, 518 954, 101 1, 734, 533 2, 010, 527 4,792 7,897 26, 708 28, 614 January February March April 186, 116 207, 140 392,204 42, 977 1, 178, 780 998, 042 549, 150 468, 951 1, 075, 680 579, 922 369, 704 80, 057 1,261,796 787, 062 761, 908 123, 034 1,104,876 926, 545 818, 902 470, 496 228, 712 2,03, 224 177, 670 95, 165 2, 018, 819 1, 680, 373 1, 181, 972 718, 226 May. June July August 57, 463 77, 028 142, 836 436, 305 376, 080 293, 890 131, 569 10, 000 13, 986 9,466 5,638 345, 365 71, 449 86, 494 148,474 781, 670 305, 995 135, 094 135, 259 130, 924 71, 433 34, 646 41, 036 1,979 September October November December 87, 134 299, 781 274, 883 60, 143 635, 971 948, 625 2, 182, 793 1, 905, 168 972, 700 1, 035, 759 2, 482, 574 2, 180, 051 1, 032, 843 730, 544 1, 303, 227 1,300,775 933,878 28,067 19,072 92, 302 121, 477 683, 136 532, 886 375, 675 257, 570 448, 306 197,214 43, 129 34, 465 476, 373 216, 286 135, 431 155, 942 97, 766 40,000 11, 000 29, 183 108, 766 1918 rno. av 1919 mo. av IQOi T^O ay 1922 mo av 1923 mo. av 1^4 nio av Number of carloads 191, 510 193, 597 212, 140 179, 760 222, 059 448> 741 169, 718 203,340 196, 238 258, 484 275, 513 278,785 1915 mo av 1916 ino av Car-lot shipments * Thous. of barrels Pockets of 100 pounds Barrels or sacks of 162 pounds CIT- WHITE POTA- ONIONS RUS FKUIT TOES APPLES Stocks, end of month 3, 417 11, 397 12, 055 14,105 1,304 1,596 1,835 6,796 8,580 8,042 7* 734 10, 268 9,009 6,398 5,975 7,500 6,882 8,261 8,562 15,005 14, 627 18,206 19, 930 18, 956 20, 178 1,740 2, 163 1,932 2,163 2, 132 2,502 277 45 30 68 1,529 468 3,154 3,749 10, 431 7,327 4,654 3,024 15, 123 19, 849 15, 853 15, 324 2,514 683 1,396 2,168 102,959 184,646 184, 092 339, 117 927 6,914 10, 099 9,696 14, 377 44, 515 26, 187 7,748 3,240 5, 390 11, 149 10, 672 22,907 33,433 19, 400 11,403 3,701 4,760 2,622 1,683 44, 876 31, 868 68, 695 35, 498 303, 950 177, 314 180, 682 116, 428 7,843 6,965 3,871 2,080 7,961 7,995 6,162 3,373 9,735 11, 693 12,251 12, 680 18,983 19, 862 22,091 18,406 2,411 2,082 1,898 2,270 429, 803 302, 640 165, 241 398, 953 32, 978 50,364 16, 814 39, 091 75, 847 36, 908 23, 234 23, 883 761 None. None. None. 2,201 866 2,312 2,927 10, 817 7,811 4,100 3, 856 17, 506 20, 470 22, 938 15,959 2,752 981 2, 057 2,405 232, 916 300, 075 339, 350 151, 143 638, 303 1, 567, 621 2, 265, 121 2, 346, 514 16, 335 11, 918 14, 855 27, 444 27, 675 89; 679 216, 418 275, 318 820 5,758 7,743 6,673 13, 261 35, 937 19, 045 6, 088 3, 116 4,185 11, 307 11, 187 20,450 32, 524 20, 191 12, 757 3,864 4, 545 2,876 1,869 981, 194 543, 246 496, 485 389, 915 219, 817 128, 858 118, 163 95, 082 1, 867, 227 1, 559, 679 1, 059, 649 674, 106 41, 497 78, 493 98, 554 60, 728 108, 979 114, 109 79,085 63, 246 5,233 3, 761 2,272 1,143 4,980 3,802 3,244 2, 216 12, 036 10, 402 11, 309 10, 417 21, 159 19,886 20, 862 19, 532 2,713 1,984 1,533 2,900 337, 221 192, 507 117, 128 38, 849 89, 607 363, 747 223, 542 65, 333 84,351 62, 574 43,854 None. None. 1,525 889 8,332 5,464 19, 397 19, 976 1,932 590 1933 M^iy June July August _ - September October. November December 1934 1935 January February March _ _ April _. „ May June July Augusts September October November December * Southern receipts, shipments and stocks at mills from Rice Millers' Association, comprising movement of the whole rice crop except California rice. Data on paddy at all California warehouses from Rice Growers' Association of California. The column "Total movement to mills" is a total of the-shipments from California warehouses and receipts at Southern mills, thus giving a view of the total movement of domestic rice to the mills. Shipments of rice through New Orleans compiled by New Orleans Board of Trade. Imports and exports from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, data for rough rice being reduced to the equivalent clean2 rice at 162 pounds of rough to 100 pounds of clean, as barrels or sacks of 162 pounds are equivalent to clean rice pockets of 1-00: pounds each. Data on cold-storage holdings of apples and on car-lot shipments of fruits and vegetables compiled by U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics Citrus fruit shipments consist of oranges, le*nons, and grapefruit. 3 Average for 10 months, March through December. 83 Table 55.-£IVESTOCK MOVEMENT &HEEP..AND LAMES HOGS CATTLE AND CALVES Shipments Price steers, good to Local Total Total .slaugh- choice, com receipts Stockreceipts Stockter erand Total fed, era sid Total Chifeeder feeder cago 2 Shipments YEAR AND MONTH 1913 mo av 1914 mo. av 1915 mo av 1916 mo. av 1917 mo. av.. 1918 rao. av__ 1,094 2,104 382 408 747 850 1,109 1,241 $8.51 7.04 8.70 9.58 12.81 18.42 2,054 Price a Shipments Price Local slaugh- heavy, Chiter cago* Local Total slaugh- Ewes, receipts Stoekter erai?d Total Chifeeder cago 1,618 1,869 352 432 808 1,011 758 855 $4.69 5.04 5.93 7.17 10.33 11.29 $7.79 8.12 9.23 10.02 18.09 17.33 3,159 3,788 64 81 1,027 1,185 2,157 2,572 $8.37 8.36 7.13 9.62 15.71 17. 60 Lamhs, Chicago 1919 mo .av__ 1920 ino. av. . 1921 mo. av._ 1922 ino. av__ 1923 mo. av__ 1924 mo. av_. 1,886 1,649 1, 935 1, 935 1,975 440 338 292 406 380 331 894 818 717 887 838 808 1, 141 1,034 923 1, 036 1,086 1,154 17. 50 14.49 8.78 9.46 9.96 9.68 3,737 3,549 3,425 3,672 4,611 4,618 75 61 42 49 68 42 1,194 1,273 1, 228 1, 277 1,505 1,684 2,538 2,272 2,194 2,395 3,015 2,932 18.24 14.19 8.45 9.39 7.70 8.48 2,265 1,876 2,014 1,864 1,838 1,850 578 430 258 346 873 390 1,210 1,043 944 973 978 983 1,054 915 1,072 889 858 846 9.35 8.74 3.41 5.81 6.08 6.91 16.13 15.90 9.99 13.22 13.46 14.29 1823 Ja»uary February March April 1,876 1,427 1, 502 1,670 281 210 198 233 756 560 554 573 1,086 871 956 1,080 9.78 9.36 9.26 9.02 5,308 4,492 4,926 4,318 66 64 69 76 1,887 1,670 1,703 1,393 3, 395 2,820 3,234 2,924 8.18 7.84 8.16 7.97 1,636 1,366 1,430 1,447 171 169 114 82 729 646 646 584 897 708 805 855 6.95 6.72 7.15 7.57 14.18 14. 61 14.25 13.06 May _. _. June July August 1,900 1,636 1,903 2,214 300 236 223 480 716 643 747 1,056 1, 173 998 1,104 1,168 9.54 10.31 10.59 10.88 4,524 4,209 4,181 3,714 67 63 34 62 1,443 1,409 1,498 1,448 3,072 2,815 2,652 2,283 7.45 6.95 7.21 7.99 1,794 1,452 1,661 1,800 216 117 188 341 909 639 710 898 888 817 936 903 6.17 4.81 5.05 5.75 13.14 14.78 13.98 12.81 September... October. November December 2,295 2, 802 2, 182 1, 810 631 785 624 353 1, 158 1,382 1, 131 788 1, 104 1,373 1,106 1,018 10.66 10. 45 9.84 9.79 3,607 4,816 5,416 5,825 102 101 70 46 1,336 1,669 1, 779 1,911 2,276 3,129 3,657 3,919 8.64 7.78 7.13 7.05 2,659 3,465 1,816 1,526 897 1,489 540 154 1,745 2,443 1,097 688 894 981 777 837 5.48 5.28 5.66 6.44 13.19 12.78 12.28 12.50 1,888 1,457 1, 556 1 751 243 170 175 239 716 540 549 627 1, 155 915 991 1,108 9.47 9.71 10.07 10.78 6,253 5,335 4,833 4,374 50 47 52 57 2,198 2,126 1,854 1,559 4,016 3,227 2, 976 2,809 7.23 7.08 7.35 7.43 1,697 1,412 1,367 1,348 149 106 83 105 773 693 654 613 920 725 719 726 7.19 8.43 9.98 9.94 13.33 14.55 15.78 15.94 May Jime July August 1, 890 1, 073 1, 798 1,934 275 201 169 30G 746 03 1 641 828 1, 141 ,030 ,141 ,092 10.27 9.60 9.58 9.48 4,321 4, 296 4,091 3,196 46 29 23 25 1, 608 1,417 1,477 1,213 2, 735 2,852 2,605 2, 017 7.44 7.25 8.19 9.61 1, 344 1,550 1,672 2,005 118 153 226 444 629 650 712 1,022 723 903 950 978 6.C3 4.83 4.84 5.97 14.22 14.73 13.75 13.28 September... October. November December 2, 566 2,083 580. 751 549 309 1,166 1,339 1, 096 818 ,312 ,432 1,267 1, 2G5 9.02 9.50 9.16 9.55 3, 216 3,990 4,904 6,604 35 56 40 38 1,252 1,469 1,760 2,271 1,959 2, 525 3,132 4,335 9.86 10.78 9.58 9.96 3,027 3,295 1,879 1,605 973 1,441 678 206 1,876 2,267 1,154 750 1,097 1,020 540 854 5.41 5.81 6.33 7.58 13.18 13.44 13.34 15.98 1,869 1, 530 1,860 1,827 207 176 241 271 708 555 645 664 1,150 967 1,179 1,163 9.31 9.47 10.20 9.99 6,105 4,558 3,528 3,246 38 35 92 41 2, 176 1,580 1,239 1,199 3,910 3,010 2,285 2,039 10.80 11.15 13.48 12.58 1,467 1,388 1,504 1,541 138 119 95 109 688 675 670 704 786 711 836 833 8.69 8.44 9.18 7.92 17.63 17.27 16.05 14.16 1,737 1,746 216 154 602 534 1,123 1,190 9.66 10.50 3,283 3,507 36 49 1,346 1, 222 1,931 2,298 12.18 12.70 1,689 1,603 178 137 877 603 830 908 6.53 5.63 12.28 14. 87 1924 January February March 1925 January February ... . March April May June Julv.. August 2,737 2, 363 September- _ _ October November December 1 These figures, except prices, represent the movement at between 60 and 70 markets; data procured from the IT. £. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in November, 1922, issue (No. 15), p. 115. 2 From U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, averages of weekly quotations. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 91. 84 Table 56.—PORK PRODUCTS PRODUCTION i— INSPECTED SLAUGHTER YEAR AND MONTH Total pork products Lard COLD-STORAGE HOLDINGS 3 EXPORTS a Total Lard (end of month) Other products Total Lard APPARENT CONSUMPTION* WHOLESALE PRICES « Lard, Fresh and Total pork Smoked prime hams, contract, cured products Chicago New York Thousand of pounds 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 monthly average... monthly average... monthly average. __ monthly average. __ monthly average monthly average... 477, 177 450, 851 524, 294 565, 691 449, 570 583, 154 Dollars per pound 82,058 76, 826 113, 205 120, 932 108, 209 187, 554 35, 555 31,060 45, 735 85, 377 77, 149 141, 819 644, 543 669, 283 875, 323 85, 741 74, 117 90, 959 558, 802 695, 166 784, 364 156, 394 76,983 65, 896 60,011 79, 338 62, 621 920, 959 906, 345 761, 914 647, 594 837, 352 829, 740 92, 212 120, 413 119, 705 86, 573 77, 358 89,854 828, 747 785, 932 642, 209 561, 021 760, 019 737, 385 $0. 166 .167 .153 .185 .252 .318 $0. 110 .104 .094 .135 .219 .261 384, 407 407, 684 440, 649 478, 402 584, 710 580, 750 .343 .334 .268 .265 .212 .202 .290 .200 .111 .115 .123 .133 1 1919 monthly average... • 1920 monthly average. __ 1921 monthly average.. _ 1922 monthly average. _. 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average... 688, 978 539, 455 560, 212 618, 276 765, 178 720, 862 87, 986 104, 622 119, 216 130, 652 159, 686 160, 849 219, 803 128,004 138, 308 123, 924 165, 620 141, 289 63, 409 51, 021 72, 412 63, 913 86,282 ' 78, 668 1933 May _ . June July August 736, 223 748, 584 702, 630 641, 311 155, 449 172, 279 163, 300 142, 084 165, 272 131, 708 141, 665 162, 965 93,199 64,605 69, 478 83, 758 72, 073 67, 103 72, 187 79, 207 993, 301 3,032,401 1, 009, 738 870, 122 84,530 123, 896 143, 579 115, 860 908, 771 908, 505 866, 159 754, 262 597, 664 574,660 580, 811 615, 149 .211 .211 .217 .223 .116 .117 .113 .116 SeDtember October November December 552, 109 711, 355 873, 007 975, 718 113, 261 132, 233 163, 212 191, 748 170, 657 158, 196 158, 908 188, 697 83,630 76, 378 74, 251 98, 578 87, 027 81, 818 85, 657 90, 119 685, 751 541, 171 612, 823 758, 209 72, 608 35, 525 35, 327 49, 340 613, 143 505, 648 577, 496 708, 869 562, 020 693, 845 639, 679 638, 613 .223 .219 .209 .205 .128 .133 .141 .132 1924 January February _. March April 976, 966 843, 874 765, 700 690, 514 227, 689 188, 308 177, 602 170,096 224, 660 190, 691 175, 420 137, 577 132, 758 99, 910 100, 726 73, 307 91, 902 90, 781 74, 694 64, 270 885,020 946, 696 1, 018, 130 1,010,649 54, 130 68, 610 85, 722 102, 317 800, 890 878, 086 932, 408 908, 332 650, 363 558, 856 513, 102 555, 594 .193 .184 .189 .190 .128 .117 .116 .113 May June July August 720, 999 737, 102 731, 931 548, 939 167, 289 166, 851 177, 565 121, 584 114, 759 109, 369 148,208 135, 104 62, 648 59, 475 86, 706 75, 937 52, 111 49,894 61, 502 59, 167 1, 019, 058 1, 025, 158 960, 257 835, 547 127, 949 152, 520 149, 672 124, 676 891, 109 872, 638 810, 585 710,871 594, 752 618, 639 644, 412 535, 161 .194 .196 .204 .222 .110 .111 .126 .143 163,645 106, 781 130, 184 192,596 114,652 132, 686 91, 730 120, 607 65,810 60, 813 49, 120 76, 803 48,842 71, 873 42, 610 43,804 649, 371 439, 731 463, 233 704, 030 84, 198 31,706 35, 713 61,049 565, 173 408, 025 427, 520 642, 981 561, 637, 550, 548, .223 .216 .205 .207 .144 .165 .153 .169 738 051 772 331 194, 189 161, 697 115, 016 113,277 144, 221 114, 706 123, 281 83, 215 78, 440 60, 363 63, 281 44, 447 65, 781 54, 343 60,000 38, 768 778, 865, 979, 965, 792 355 739 688 112,704 151,927 150, 182 151, 499 666, 088 713, 428 829, 557 814, 189 727, 725 521, 645 307, 567 447, 835 .219 .231 .269 .282 .166 .161 .171 .161 555, 823 650, 452 109, 183 124, 507 109, 173 104, 146 71, 135 59, 779 38, 038 44, 347 886, 713 884, 574 816, 743 138, 295 145, 919 146, 270 748, 418 738, 655 670, 473 522,003 546, 121 .256 .263 .293 .163 .176 .181 _ . September October November December 1925 3 anuary February March _ April _ . May__ June July can v 492, 734 560, 043 668, 552 912, 990 950, 726, 547, 519, - 717 227 529 646 wvuu otuijigr; nuiuiiigo, ivjjjuii/cu made i n computing index numbers. , . , ! / • * Apparent consumption, including only meat produced under Federal inspection, has been computed from the inspected slaughter plus net imports less exports (including exports to Hawaii, Porto Rico, and Alaska) and the change in cold storage holdings. • Wholesale prices are averages of weekly quotations as compiled by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Monthly data on ham prices from 1919 appeared in September, 1923, issue (No. 25), p. 55. Table 57.—O JR MEATS LAMB BEEF TOTAL MEATS Wholesale prices B ProducProduc- Cold- Apparent ProducApparent Coldtion- Exports 2 storage tion- storage contionconsump- Good Steer inspected YEAR AND MONTH inspected 3 holdsumpinspected tion * native rounds. slaughter^ ings holdings tion * slaughter * 8 slaughter * steers, No. 2, Chicago Chicago Thousands of pounds av av ftv av.... av av 329, 810 314, 784 331, 971 383, 268 457, 910 522, 309 13, 625 12, 163 42, 609 32, 105 32, 502 64, 444 127, 200 192, 343 256, 523 1919 monthly av 1920 monthly av..._ 1921 monthly av 1922 monthly av 1923 monthly av 1924 monthly av 448, 955 391, 387 371, 108 414, 045 427, 407 437, 667 32, 053 19, 545 15, 249 14, 456 13, 594 13, 286 237, 123 156, 117 99,623 68, 521 75, 689 79, 710 1933 May June - . July August 439, 161 415, 703 405, 013 454, 813 13, 647 14, 941 14, 229 18, 179 September October November December 440, 961 514, 441 459, 698 406, 801 Dollars per pound Thousands of pounds $0. 130 .136 .129 .138 .167 221 $0. 131 .133 .124 .130 .162 .221 45, 661 44, 623 38, 445 37, 564 29,120 31, 831 3,722 4,531 6,026 421,636 388, 330 362, 655 399, 314 415, 543 422, 065 .233 .230 .163 .150 .158 .171 .224 .213 .145 .145 .153 .152 38, 539 34, 399 41, 096 34, 820 37, 188 37, 540 8,291 20, 174 22,090 3,294 3,742 2,496 65, 023 57, 220 45, 893 46, 041 439, 532 408, 162 403, 123 437, 545 .145 .151 .158 .158 .146 .163 .185 .184 37, 446 33, 649 35, 138 35, 145 14, 997 14, 205 12, 086 9, 495 48, 187 63, 421 93, 166 105, 577 426, 500 487, 199 418, 887 385, 366 .175 .175 .175 .171 .173 .155 .136 .135 451,782 377, 326 378, 549 398, 288 9,899 11,669 12, 920 13, 827 102, 655 100,007 93, 274 78,423 445,453 369,064 373, 824 400, 595 .170 .170 .170 .170 May June July August 445, 590 382, 657 435,299 444, 732 13, 911 11,909 14, 029 14, 387 66,063 59,418 49,812 48, 878 446,141 378, 979 431, 101 431,905 September October November December 481, 787 551,766 463,064 441, 160 16,375 16, 763 14,417 9,329 47,538 67,244 100,239 142, 964 1925 January Februarv M arch April 480, 692 346, 086 425, 740 431,009 9,412 8,652 8,476 12,004 435, 890 418,082 14, 247 13, 212 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly 1918 monthly 1934 January February March April May June _ July, August _ - Septem ber October November December Apparent consumption < Coldstorage holdings 3 852, 588 810, 258 894, 710 986, 523 936, 601 1, 137, 294 775, 465 866, 157 1, 137, 872 39, 125 87, 663 41, 776 35, 789 37, 568 37,509 1, 075, 591 965, 241 972, 417 1, 067, 141 1, 229, 773 1,196,039 1,166,373 1, 082, 636 883, 627 719, 409 916, 803 910, 279 845, 168 833, 686 845, 080 913, 505 1,037,821 1, 040, 303 4,445 3,556 2,752 1,785 38, 642 34, 213 35, 592 36, 154 1, 212, 830 1, 197, 936 1, 142, 781 1, 131, 269 1, 062, 769 1, 093, 177 1, 058, 383 917, 948 1, 075, 838 1, 017, 035 1, 019, 526 1, 088, 848 37, 059 37, 733 35, 495 38, 243 1,719 1,997 2,014 2,493 37, 619 39, 651 35, 592 37,709 1, 030, 129 1, 265, 529 1, 368, 200 1, 420, 762 735, 657 608, 119 707, 993 864,981 1, 026, 139 1, 220, 695 1, 09-1, 158 1, 061, 688 .139 . 145 .150 .155 42, 502 36, 1.58 34,642 33, 848 2,306 2,173 1,719 2,085 42,622 36, 173 35, 189 34, 162 1,471,250 1,257,358 1,178,891 1, 122, 650 989,981 1,043,876 1, 113, 123 1, 091, 157 1,138,438 984, 093 922, 115 990,351 .170 .168 .165 .165 .169 .175 .170 .169 37, 187 35, 097 37, 539 38,788 2,272 2,919 2,257 2,259 37, 179 34, 504 37, 905 38, 611 1, 203, 776 1, 154, 856 1, 204, 769 1,032,459 1, 087, 393 1,C87,495 1,012,326 886,684 1,078,072 1, 032, 122 1,113,418 1,005,477 467,034 515,746 415, 825 389, 108 .165 .172 .183 .183 .160 .136 .129 .125 42,548 43, 566 35,801 32, 803 2,525 3,166 3,326 2, 949 42, 208 42,847 35,600 33,106 1,017,069 1,155,375 1, 167, 417 1,386,953 699,434 610, 141 566, 798 849, 943 1,070,9&9 1, 195, 620 1, OPS 554 9IJ, 854 140, 705 130, 809 116,318 96, 223 473, 715 347, 367 421,760 439, 922 .183 .183 .183 .183 .133 .135 .148 .153 39, 655 34, 945 40,572 40,610 ' 2,337 2,294 2,090 1,998 40,233 34, 955 40, 671 40,641 1,471,085 1,107,082 1, 014, 084 990,950 921, 834 998, 458 1,098,147 1, 063, 909 V, ^2d, 903 465, 939 028,398 852, 500 74,618 61, 554 49, 648 444, 321 419, 094 .178 .175 .178 .162 .173 .192 40, 698 36, 417 1,913 1,535 1 347 40, 709 36, 593 1,032,411 1, 104, 706 963, 244 947, 663 867, 738 i, 007, 033 1, 001, 758 - •} 1 Production from animals slaughtered under Federal inspection reported by the U, S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, givefc as total dressed weight, excluding meat from condemned animals. The slaughter under Federal inspection, according to census figures for 1919, amounted to 82 per cent tf the total number of animals slaughtered in the United States in the case of beef and 91 per cent for lamb. Monthly data from 1920, including also exports, storage holdings and apparent consumption and prices, appeared in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 95. 2 Exports, as reported by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign anaDomestic Commerce, include fresh, canned, pickled, and cureov beef, and oleo oil and 3tallow, Cold-storage holdings, reported by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, are distinctly seasonal. 3&o fail&^uiice for this has been made in calculating index numbers. Figures represent storage holdings on the last day of each month. Beef holdings include frozen, cured, and >P process of cure while lamb4 holdings embrace frozen Iamb and mutton. Apparent consumption has been computed from the inspected slaughter plus net imports less exports (including exports to Hhwatf, Porto Rico, and Alaska), and the change in storage holdings and includes meat produced under Federal inspection only. 8 Wholesale prices are averages for the month from U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 86 Table 58 —CONDENSED AND EVAPORATED MILK Total Condensed Evaporated Condensed Total Total Case goods Case Bulk Case Bulk goods goods goods goods Evaporated Bulk goods Case goods Case goods Bulk goods Case goods 1 Powdered Evaporated EXPORTS » Evaporated Condensed YEAR AND MON£H UNSOLJ* STOCKS 1 TOTAL STOCKS * Condensed PRODUCTION! Thousands of pounds 131, 501 122, 014 119,279 147,907 141, 712 29,008 16, 987 19, 531 16, 567 15, 777 8,979 7,365 8, 862 12, 258 12, 001 82, 117 85, 798 79, 457 104, 963 100, 109 11, 398 11, 864 11, 430 14, 119 13, 825 235, 138 173, 926 137, 225 166, 022 186, 925 56, 515 31, 375 21, 166 20, 181 19, 236 19,701 17, 999 9,875 18, 505 16, 727 158, 214 123, 661 105, 872 127, 089 150, 693 123, 436 116, 560 87, 342 104, 558 132, 998 29,083 23, 346 14, 833 13, 429 14, 119 11, 846 13, 142 7,504 11, 142 8,870 81,890 79,207 64, 711 79, 750 109, 751 34, 252 24,140 16, 141 16, 392 17,628 4, 734 , 10,391 4,781 11, 407 5,331 11,837 518 203 461 June July.. August 173, 234 178, 881 135, 519 119, 046 34, 706 32, 211 14, 334 15, 845 14, 505 15, 987 9, 790 7,447 107, 521 111,895 94,344 81,205 16, 502 18, 788 17,051 14, 549 173, 817 187, 387 161, 846 158, 370 25, 032 22, 125 21, 014 20, 499 12. 520 23, 123 22, 591 17, 939 135, 895 141, 620 117, 581 119, 624 140, 735 117, 686 101, 435 108,770 21, 775 16, 744 15, 529 14, 251 9,360 16, 261 17, 980 15,999 109,238 84,331 67, 274 78, 217 16, 625 16, 530 9,207 11, 537 6,678 4,817 3,387 3,220 9,032 10,890 5,436 8,027 915 823 384 290 September October November December 104, 308 109, 507 86, 112 93,107 15, 359 19, 896 13, 963 11, 613 7,605 7,960 6,658 9,355 69,245 74, 106 58, 513 64,969 12, 099 7,545 6,978 7,170 122, 716 86, 788 69, 042 67, 144 19, 196 19, 988 17, 077 16, 145 11, 642 5,105 1,886 2,463 91, 642 61, 540 49, 995 48,406 53, 951 17, 320 13, 621 21,200 10, 663 8, 435 8,356 9,692 9,992 4,127 957 1,218 33,064 4,609 4,229 10, 164 10, 680 16, 249 12, 310 10, 137 3,023 3,529 5,210 3,430 7,526 12, 537 6,794 6,420 131 183 306 287 January February March . _. _ April . 113, 461 108, 490 131, 254 170, 078 13, 645 12, 004 18, 336 23, 851 11,414 10, 222 11, 579 13,604 78,903 77, 908 89,001 118, 192 9,499 8,356 12, 338 14, 431 79, 494 83, 815 100, 890 126, 530 17,938 13, 710 13, 554 19, 526 4,446 6,387 6,748 8,963 56,987 63, 581 80, 391 97,808 33, 121 43, 004 57, 183 77, 566 12, 380 7,069 8,436 12, 336 1,925 1,947 1,982 2,715 18,701 33,864 46, 596 62,289 10, 536 12, 928 20, 372 18, 317 3,500 3,015 4,675 4,743 6,739 9,704 15, 359 13, 433 297 209 338 141 May June July . August 201,726 228, 545 191, 905 152, 781 23, 674 19, 869 16, 776 12, 142 18, 915 19, 009 14, 657 12,232 138, 350 160, 923 139, 687 111, 181 20, 787 28, 744 20, 785 17, 226 169, 285 190, 343 194, 350 227, 826 25, 329 26, 157 27, 183 25, 869 13,958 23, 455 31, 853 30,390 129, 658 140, 238 134, 886 171, 332 116, 580 105, 712 120, 171 151, 994 18, 854 13, 842 19, 770 18, 241 7,765 16, 228 22, 596 20,250 89,628 75,230 83,384 113, 245 16,366 11, 318 10,805 11, 359 5,741 4,492 4,383 4,612 10, 402 6,696 6, 186 6, 648 223 130 236 99 September October November December_.,_- 135, 158 133, 486 105, 663 102,334 11,867 15,909 13, 732 17,001 9, 868 10, 015 7, 675 7,906 99,599 98,175 76, 900 70, 736 13, 824 9,387 7,356 6,691 225, 940 211, 334 191, 149 191, 312 22, 582 18, 770 16, 180 15, 368 29,703 23,741 22, 163 20,250- 173, 443 168,616 152, 553 155, 574 139, 786 132, 865 129, 428 141,289 14, 635 12, 978 11, 225 11, 385 18, 536 14,448 11,803 13, 523 106,441 105, 248 106, 150 116, 262 14, 563 17,763 22, 402 29,969 5,070 5,225 6,782 5,139 9,374 12, 314 15, 399 24,631 119 224 221 199 January ._ > February March _ April 101,033 109,000 136,963 159,648 14, 723 14, 684 18, 134 20, 616 7,955 8,220 10, 774 13, 596 70,467 76, 791 96, 658 112,303 7,888 9,305 11, 397 13, 133 155, 349 138, 362 127, 464 142, 838 11, 000 13, 480 12,220 18,064 18, 079 13, 376 11,918 12, 720 126, 103 111,353 102, 997 111,816 106, 008 86, 427 81, 050 100, 802 6, 412 4,855 7,264 14, 774 12, 395 6,979 5,971 5,595 87,048 74, 450 67, 499 80,201 33,838 21, 331 12, 735 15,548 8,077 5,105 5,116 5,926 25, 546 15, 922 7,396 9,379 215 304 223 243 Ma.v._ June July August __ . -204,632 216, 458 195, 529 139, 330 22, 622 16, 539 14, 491 10, 657 18, 264 19, 234 16, 096 10, 893 147, 236 160, 405 141, 507 95;348 16, 510 20,280 23, 885 22, 432 199, 602 288, 459 282, 431 242, 543 25,088 23, 481 33, 007 27, 375 19, 031 30, 257 24, 093 20, 833 155, 163 234, 288 224, 960 194, 066 153, 926 230, 769 213, 166 185,584 21,722 20, 792 28, 002 22, 759 9, 710 20, 071 11, 532 9,733 122, 174 189, 528 173, 260 152, 824 14, 290 11,712 13, 779 16, 339 6,986 4,690 4,819 5,392 6,933 6,771 8,782 10, 502 371 251 178 445 126,051 September 121,329 October November.-.. 93, 363 December 97, 212 14,040 17, 616 13, 325 11, 876 11,078 9,363 8,688 9,849 88,140 83, 125 62, 578 67,202 12, 793 11, 223 8,772 8,285 202, 977 180, 054 159, 593 123, 428 22, 616 18, 070 14, 604 11, 830 15, 476 13,974 11,802 9,161 164, 538 147, 596 133, 093 102, 337 141,633 132, 579 117, 590 46,445 16, 766 13,282 10, 650 2,149 7,744 6, 330 6,212 4,168 116,808 112, 553 100, 639 40,032 20, 374 23, 862 16, 384 11, 349 4, 192 6,265 4,306 3,096 15, 892 290 16, 335 1,262 10, 818 1,260 7,766 487 January February March April 91>205 90,869 110,565 140, 713 12,208 12, 321 13, 554 17, 585 7,066 5,956 5,537 5.683 71, 857 72, 460 91,309 117, 321 35,.318 47, 323 69, 330 103, 895 2,209 2,628 1,702 8,273 3,113 2,407 2,557 2,504 29, 929 42, 187 .64, 936 63,000 10, 987 10, 988 9,386 13, 452 4,701 2,961 2,674 3,757 5,952 6,700 6, 417 9,490 335 386 295 205 May 1.93; 307 185, 626 31,035 43, 233 10,363 13, 241 151, 120 129, 738 154, 681 102, 207 22, 711 31, 622 6, 632 7,614 125, 092 12, 561 14,537 18, 499 3,519 3,560 10,732 14, 653 286 286 1920 mo, av 1921 mo. av 1922 ino. a v _ _ . 1923 mo. av__. 1924 mo. av__. 1933 May. 1933 1934: 1935 June July August September October. _ November.- . December i i 1 Date on production and stocks from U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, representing practically complete data for the industry. Production figures are reported only every three months, while stocks are available currently. Stocks, both total and unsold, are given as of the end of each month, stocks of evaporated bulk goods being included in each total, but omitted in detail on account of the small quantities usually held. Condensed milk is sweetened by the addition of sugar while evaporated milk is simply milk reduced in volume. The bulk goods are generally destined for bakeries, etc., while case goods are for the retail trade. 2 Exports are from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Prior to 1922, when separation was made into classes, the total exports did not include powdered milk. Monthly averages of total exports for years 1913 to 1919, inclusive, appeared in November, 1924, issue (No. 39), p. 131. 87 Table 59.—DAIRY PRODUCTS FLUID MILK* ICE ' CREAM Production, Boston 'MinneGreater (includapolis, New ing 3 "St. York 2 cream Paul 4 ^Production i Thous. of cans, 40 qts. each Thous. of gals. .BUTTER Receipts YEAE AND MONTH Thous. of qts. Thous. oflbs. Production* Cold Receipts storage WholeProsale hold- priee, at 5 aucmarings mar- tion* kets « (cream- 5kets* ery) ^ Thousands of pounds 1913 monthlv average-1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average -1916 monthly average. 1 1917 monthly average * 1918 monthly average. I 1, 496 1, 513 1,590 1, 613 1, 052 1,763 11, 727 12, 193 5, 715 10, 470 63, 293 66, 107 1919 monthly average- 1 1930 monthly average- <. 1921 monthly average _ i 1922 monthly average -^ 1923 monthly average-1924 monthly average. . 1,873 2, 036 2,144 2,232 2,461 2,491 13; 059 13, 865 14,116 14,- 878 15, 391 15, 930 7, 145 7, 786 •12,141 13, 224 18j 036 21, 462 11] 098 12, 357 12, 193 13, 108 15, 284 15, 130 70,833 71, 965 87, 912 96, 126 104, 268 113, 007 2, 550 •2,747 3,562 2,479 17,051 17,9C6 16, 703 15, 653 ; 20, 526 20,973 18,630 17, 742 19, 667 29; 034 31, 137 25, 937 134, 158, 148, 120, 2,411 2,403 2,282 2,335 14,928 15,738 14, 783 14, 795 16; 067 15,684 17, 559 20, 491 1924 January February March April 2,362 2,337 2,470 2,396 14, 684 14,031 15,718 15, 862 May June July August 2,577 2, 637 2,684 2,646 September October November December 1935 January February March. April EGGS CHEESE Dols, per pound 51, 588 54, 572 49, 737 Cold Cold Whole- Ee- storage Receipts storage sale eeipts 'holdat 5 holdprice, at 5 marings ings 7 5 mar- markets « (Am.) (case kets » kets* eggs)' Thousands of pounds Dols. per pound Thousands of cases 10 28. 125 47,590 34, 633 22,079 20, 607 3, 069 3,504 3,367 38, 336 33, 563 39, 012 43, 893 •45,448 48, 956 67,229 59,754 56, 623 59, 959 47, 074 81, 669 $0,593 .588 .429 .403 .464 . 418 23, 486 21, 224 21,811 23, 567 26, 024 27, 398 16, 189 14, 055 16, 693 16, 655 18, 254 17, 921 41, 442 37, 559 30, 066 30, 675 39, 579 49, 471 SO. 310 .280 .216 .211 .241 .203 1,224 1,079 1, 251 1,335 1, 391 1,284 4, 156 3,261 4,171 5, 137 5, 355 4,597 350 371 278 802 54, 248 75, 970 63. 694 47, 497 10, 112 62, 768 101,774 102, 731 .417 .403 .397 .441 33, 351 42, 038 38, 873 32, 111 18, 963 25, 407 25, 674 21, 680 17,507 30, 834 55, 839 63, 960 .223 .238 .234 .244 2, 852 2, 066 1,349 1,180 7,890 10,222 10,509 9, 883 17, 630 12, 725 7,495 7,087 102, 273 89, 297 74,900 77, 254 41,625 38, 272 33,525 34, 888 96, 117 76,- 472 51, 508 30, 299 .434 ,479 .511 .530 28,810 25,881 18, 522 16, 920 18, 619 21, 325 16, 557 13, 268 62, 384 57, 927 55, 105 49, 568 .256 .258 .248 .230 988 844 555 587 8,737 6,645 4,028 1,927 21, 636 21, 710 23, 735 23, 185 6, 118 7,119 9, 597 13, 883 87, 468 86, 731 95, 760 106, 012 37, 451 40, 221 44, 082 43, 579 15, 246 9,837 7,842 8,913 . 519 .499 .•462 .384 18,048 19,260 23,341 23, 031 13, 899 16, 091 16, 540 16, 174 40,506 35, 223 28, 234 28, 202 .225 .221 . 210 .182 713 1,007 1, 654 2, 539 600 44 579 3,563 17,263 17,317 18,448 16, 846 25,503 25, 913 22, 676 19, 009 19, 394 27, 783 29, 593 27, 790 139,954 161,992 ; 164, 443 137, 836 56, 037 77, 487 77, 708 -57, 282 22, 328 74, 184 130; 402 156, 232 .383 .401 .396 .385 34, 103 43,975 31, 236 33, 903 19, 030 22, 043 25, 142 19, 996 27, 148 45,239 .- 65, 716 76, 431 .184 .195 .196 .197 2,544 1,870. 1, 431 1, 043 6, 944 8,685 9, 264 8,751 2,501 2,550 2, 403 2, 43 4 15,861 15,506 14,926 14, 701 :18, 131 15, 493 10,970 7, 697 6,127 115, 102 100,538 V7, 282: 82,964 47, 467 41, 949 30, 161 33, 155 : 153, 494 135, 018 100,832 65, 694 .342 .385 .418: .440 30, 766 26,420 17, 404 15, 283 18, 854 17, 479 14, 883 14, 921 73,153 67, 905 58, 705 49, 187 .203 .197 .202 .221 876 747 456 524 7,409 5,267 3, 102 1,050 2, 413 2, 281 3,603 2,500 14, 528 14, 149 16, 472 16, 663 22, 488 • 21, 765 24, 879 24, 747 37,781 35, 181 40, 725 42, 141 45, 748 28, 789 10, 875 3,739 . 414 . 412 .467 .437 15, 202 12, 845 14, 898 15, 436 41,653 34,:647 27, 716 26, 147 .228 .229 .226 .224 618 1,177 1, 846 2, 563 81 21 1,240 4,872 2,676 2,902 17>472 28, 763 56, 838 13,036 63, 687 109, 041 .420 .429 18, 530 24, 025 29, 550 46, 468 66, 661 .214 .226 2, 193 2,025 7,712 9, 482 10,020 1923 May June _ July August September __ October November _ December May June July August . 18,343 17,576 20, 132 74, m September October November December 1i 1 Monthly data from 1920 on receipts at New York and Boston and production in the Twin-City district appeared in July, 1922, issue (No. 14), p. 46. Eeeeipts at Philadelphia from 1920 were given in September, 1922, issue (No. 13), p. 50, and later data in August, 1924, issue (No. 36), p. 155. 2 Receipts of milk, excluding cream, in the metropolitan area around New York City, including many large cities in New Jersey, from the Milk Reporter. 3 Receipts of rnilk at Boston by rail, including cream, from the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. <5 Production of whole milk by members of the Twin City Milk Association, including most of the area within a 40-mile radius of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Data from U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, representing practically complete production, but reported only every three months. • Compiled by U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, covering Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco, and representing total of weekly figures with first and last weeks of month prorated. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in June, 1922, issue (No. 10), p. 43. 7 Cold-storage holdings at end of month reported by t. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. s Average of weekly prices of creamery butter, 92 score at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco, as compiled by U. S. Department of Agriculturet Eureau of Agriculture. » Average of weekly prices of American cheese, No. 1 fresh twins, at Boston, New York, Wisconsin, Chicago, and San Francisco, as compiled by U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 10 One case of eggs equals 30 dozen, or about 4.5 pounds net. Table 60—SUGAR Receipts, Stocks LouisiImports1 ana crop Meltings a at refineries * at New Orleans * YEAR AND MONTH WHOLESALE PRICE < EXPORTS i RAW SUGAR 175,664 201, 437 196, 569 205, 716 183, 802 192, 219 16,184 10, 109 8,501 14, 050 9,545 7,286 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average . 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average 261, 149 298, 685 229, 266 361, 789 275, 249 306, 266 8,154 4,704 8,812 9,236 14, 102 6,601 326, 547 334, 981 296, 130 429,002 345, 730 378, 937 367, 891 310, 712 214, 462 202, 336 663 585 1,076 1,368 199, 870 278, 575 163, 211 110, 143 ._ CUBAN MOVEMENTS (raw) GranuRefined, Raw, 96° lated, Granu- Index, Receipts, Includ- centrifin lated, 51 Cuban ing ugal, fobls., N.Y. cities ports maple N.Y. N.Y. Dollars per pound Long tons 1909-1913 monthly average 1913 monthly average. 1914 monthly average _ » 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average . 1917 monthly average. 1918 monthly average RETAIL PRICE * Exports Rel. to 1913 Stocks, end of month Long tons 2,953 1,926 14,524 35, 838 68, 812 37, 602 15, 152 $0. 035 .038 .047 .058 .063 .064 $0. 043 .047 .056 .069 .077 .078 $0.049 .053 .059 .075 .088 .094 100 1,08 120 146 169 176 134, 225 125, 726 210, 908 246, 245 201, 780 272, 066 129, 447 120, 972 209, 971 237, 004 204,422 265, 707 242, 583 280, 333 364, 179 436, 913 308, 662 592, 065 115, 706 106,017 158, 830 191, 101 175, 770 184, 473 54, 891 34,371 34,739 68,341 16, 520 16, 381 .075 .130 .048 .047 .070 .060 .089 .126 .062 .059 .084 .075 .104 .182 .077 .066 .094 .084 205 353 146 132 184 167 328, 360 288, 281 291, 342 357, 892 290, 609 332, 554 323,441 274, 811 233, 140 428, 302 290, 065' 332,035 647, 341 410, 287 1, 047, 721 617, 799 395, 339 455, 115 497, 171 368, 265 295, 820 288,729 322, 457 291, 670 224, 054 196, 867 43, 679 31, 669 3,181 2, 624 .079 .074 .069 .061 .094 .092 .085 .076 .103 .104 .096 .090 204 202 191 175 325, 989 180, 501 80,087 64,879 399, 021 272, 957 154, 726 148, 237 708, 909 590, 209 523, 687 429, 588 1,998 22, 680 37, 805 66, 014 25i; 370 389, 199 238, 499 191, 942 209, 375 116, 502 62, 839 66, 788 4,293 2,772 3,060 1,853 .070 .076 .073 .073 .082 .090 .087 .088 .089 .099 .097 .100 175 193 187 189 62, 810 68, 671 9,920 39,076 209, 473 244, 986 83,150 44, 668 285, 547 132, 203 31, 246 22, 162 230, 919 409, 553 466, 527 384, 952 22, 262 1,769 152 174 255, 319 432, 605 442, 775 426, 954 58, 682 110, 081 249,064 283,541 3,499 7,181 14, 413 25, 342 .067 .072 .069 .064 .084 .087 .085 .079 .096 .095 .096 .091 185 187 189 181 520, 357 738,587 856,028 634, 044 323, 807 527, 741 613,482 380, 108 240, 622 437, 958 660, 388 917,954 370, 001 326, 913 377, 399 269, 500 347 331 672 1,010 440, 208 454, 313 507,318 450, 158 342, 197 337, 110 313, 796 216, 277 80, 055 22,329 22,054 39, 097 .056 .051 .051 .054 .073 .065 .066 .066 .083 .074 .074 .073 167 151 153 149 375, 924 141, 668 168, 812 164, 990 376, 019 295, 007 366, 297 315, 282 929,239 788, 141 570, 802 432, 123 307, 838 242, 353 155, 161 134, 073 457 163 14, 057 37, 812 419,818 344, 404 221, 836 151, 541 154,835 66, 522 32, 172 49, 393 24, 510 5,388 1,843 863 .060 .060 .058 .053 .071 .073 .073 .072 .078 .081 .082 .080 156 160 160 160 159, 772 85, 762 43, 574 101, 126 333,991 194, 683 148, 987 109, 020 273, 426 145, 422 41,460 23,850 274, 510 372, 911 446, 354 486, 599 2,996 403 432 518 299, 040 413, 742 539, 058 542, 264 83,659 123, 302 184, 668 282, 892 7,056 14, 108 21, 455 20, 284 .046 .046 .047 .045 .061 .058 .059 .056 .073 .070 .069 .067 147 140 140 136 637, 599 833, 934 876, 210 836, 676 375, 213 504, 146 677, 797 536, 148 293, 891 623, 658 802, 936 1, 158, 245 407, 005 387, 263 102 623 460, 822 478, 833 325, 906 376,868 32, 258 34, 699 .643 .044 .043 .055 .055 .053 .062 .062 131 131 615, 616 309, 213 201, 791 447, 557 487, 380 336, 775 1, 290, 663 1, 121, 345 970, 025 1933 May June July August _ September _ October _ November December ._ 1934 January . February March April May June July . Au°ust ... ... September October November December _ __ __ 1935 January February March April May June . July i 1 is Imports of raw sugar and exports of refined from 17. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Receipts of the Louisiana cane crop at New Orleans from the Statistical Sugar Trade Journal. 3 Meltings of raw sugar by refiners compiled by the Statistical Sugar Trade Journal represent operations at the eight ports of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, B Savannah, New Orleans, Qalveston, and San Francisco, the Baltimore figures being added in 1921 upon completion of refinery in that city. The figures from the fouiS North Atlantic ports are actual monthly totals; those for San Francisco, Savannah, and Galveston are prorated from weekly totals; while the New Orleans figures are prorated from partly estimated figures. Stocks represent the amount of raw sugar in the hands of refiners and of certain importers (the bulk of stocks being in refiners' hands) at the end of each month for the four North Atlantic ports and on the Saturday nearest to the end of each month for the other ports, the total being considered as of thelast day of the month. Details of meltings and stocks, by ports, are given in the Statistical Sugar Trade Journal; also classification as between importers' and refiners' stocks. * Wholesale price of raw sugar, duty paid, wholesale and retail prices of granulated sugar in New York, and retail price index for 51 cities from V. S. Department of Labort Bureau of Labor Statistics. 6 Statistics of receipts at Cuban ports, exports from Cuba, and stocks at Cuban ports from Statistical Sugar Trade Journal. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in the June, 1922, issue of the SURVEY (No. 10), p. 49. 89 Table 61.—COFFEE, TEA, POULTRY, AND FISH COFFEE i TEA Clearances from Brazil Imports Imports Receipts into into In United To United United Brazil Total United States States * a States States Visible supply, end of month YEAR AND MONTH World total Thousands of bags 1909-1913 monthly average . 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average... 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average 11,819 11, 371 9,468 9,280 POULTRY Re- ceipts at 5 mar- kets B Coldstorage holdings (end of month) 4 FISH Total Coldcatch, storage prinholdcipal ings fishing5 (15th of4 ports month) Cases Thousands .of pounds 1,835 1,577 1,727 2,017 2,611 1,851 935 1,151 1,072 1,249 1,009 1,261 990 1,207 1,103 1,261 1,014 813 393 491 474 544 610 536 75, 659 71, 044 84, 256 102, 438 97, 241 107, 209 91, 788 8,241 7,418 8,151 8,842 8,814 10, 566 11,044 831 891 111, 130 108, 118 111, 956 103, 837 117, 321 118, 047 6,747 7,567 6, 374 8,093 8,927 7,700 13, 394 16, 447 17, 110 17, 927 Canned salmon shipments 6 7 13, 518 7 13, 549 f 14, 300 16, 936 15,999 44, 032 18, 549 62, 501 64, 798 46, 146 50, 278 54, 276 68, 045 64, 983 17, 358 15, 675 13, 608 16, 260 16, 023 61, 764 44, 355 35, 311 36, 210 17,005 45,037 467, 086 471, 438 541, 786 57, 274 49,100 41,250 15, 392 16, 931 20, 991 34, 131 20,834 12, 312 17, 870 27, 237 39, 101 253, 212 445, 127 390, 688 653, 480 53, 220 62, 616 834, 304 962, 709 648, 648 403, 992 1919 monthly average . . . 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average 7,941 8,913 8,730 5,863 4,837 1,213 1,695 1,686 1,087 903 726 762 558 1,064 894 916 1,186 1,0034 1,036* 1,175 1,157 359 637 513 499 625 582 1923 May June July ... . August 5,451 5,297 5,524 5,777 826 860 798 716 298 577 1,031 1,269 679 717 773 1,543 356 309 339 803 90, 416 71, 140 69, 541 72,966 6,406 6,710 9,609 9,569 5,742 5,325 4,694 4,293 944 944 884 712 1,265 1,265 1,189 1,214 1,664 1,812 1,371 1,288 890 968 748 756 116, 781 141, 336 164, 947 143, 196 12, 921 14, 259 12, 287 13, 722 18, 514 28, 235 57, 154 74, 869 33, 142 40, 363 63, 274 93, 434 20,259 January _ February March April 4,198 4,183 3,892 4,351 670 571 652 634 1,235 1,054 1,109 1,131 1,134 1,297 1,015 728 505 635 676 463 137,397 109,994 7,831 5,182 6,075 5,922 37, 915 27, 339 20, 630 15, 511 99, 486 93, 497 76, 067 10, 259 16, 772 17, 555 16, 535 52, 627 40, 421 May June July August 4,665 5,020 4,351 5,183 657 760 873 966 1,073 1,110 540 1,539 940 1,039 997 1,455 466 634 406 566 121,600 4,173 6,344 7,929 8,638 17, 473 18, 128 19, 973 17, 708 39, 247 15, 446 18, 334 22, 592 20, 018 21, 840 26, 986 36, 036 49, 113 200,300 6,653 5,734 5,661 5,388 738 772 803 611 1,672 1,536 1,249 980 1,419 1,730 1,210 923 713 827 668 630 9,079 11, 794 10, 751 8,688 20,093 40, 070 55, 139 87, 939 133, 990 19, 937 20, 215 56, 607 67, 025 14,040 70,406 12, 353 68, 325 928, 769 1, 085, 539 687, 168 614, 164 January February March April 6,290 5,112 5, 329 5,353 713 652 888 695 874 765 889 715 1,042 756 770 679 623 377 462 278 109,048 7,661 6,084 7,417 4,786 28,402 138, 189 130, 513 108, 608 82, 732 11,028 55, 308 42, 878 May June July August 5,123 5,009 5,126 537 713 804 498 716 1,094 618 1,242 1,235 292 676 701 79, 548 4,183 4,819 16, 354 17, 918 . .. September October November... December _. 18,239 21, 355 23,559 28,397 30, 265 19, 954 15, 624 12, 119 45,296 63,458 64,290 1924 . September October November December ._. 127, 771 111, 957 110, 101 136, 627 113, 526 83,637 133, 497 116, 349 114, 113 27, 263 61, 784 79, 368 52,068 34,886 33, 542 33, 862 29,571 21, 489 300, 041 416, 378 294, 706 195, 188 337, 809 660, 591 780, 775 1925 . 79, 992 135, 167 86, 097 87,967 19, 900 15, 318 13, 539 68, 126 58, ,562 53, 505 18, 181 23, 708 18, 143 17, 167 25, 221 22, 442 394, 433 371, 422 203, 520 113, 206 23, 570 31, 959 132, 926 279, 022 29,633 . .. September November December ._.. 1 Data on coffee, except imports, from the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange (Inc.). Receipts in Brazil cover the ports of Rio and Santos while clearances are from JRio, Santos, and Victoria, and in the case of the United States, from Bahia also. A bag of coffee averages 132 pounds. Monthly data for 1920 and 1921 appeared in May, 1922,2 issue (No. 9), p. 102, and for 1922 in May, 1924, issue (No. 33), p. 156. Imports of coffee and tea from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 3 Receipts at the markets of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and San Francisco compiled by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, are totals of weekly figures with overlapping weeks prorated. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in June, 1922, issue (No. 10), p. 43. 4 Cold storage holdings at principal warehouses compiled by U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Poultry holdings are given as of the end 5of the month, with fish holdings as of the 15th of the month. Fish catch, representing landings of fresh fish from vessels at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., Portland, Me., and Seattle, Wash., compiled by 17. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries. Details by ports are given in monthly statements. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), pp. 97 and 93. 8 Shipments of canned salmon from Puget Sound, Astoria, Portland, Oreg. (except small rail shipments), San Francisco, and in bond through Prince Rupert, B. C. representing practically complete pack of the United States, including Alaska, reported by Pacific Canned Fish Brokers' Association, in cases of 48 one-pound cans to the care.7 Excluding Portland and Seattle. 90 Table 62.—TOBACCO UNMANUFACTURED MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS Wholesale price « Stocks < (quarterly) Sales, Production loose-leaf Exports, Chewing, leaf 3 ware- 3 estimate) * houses smoking, snuff, and export types YEAR AND MONTH Cigar types Burley, good Total, Including leaf, imported dark red, Louistypes ville Dollars per 100 pounds Thousands of pounds 1909-1913 monthly average 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average. . 1916 monthly average 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average . - . 1923 monthly average. 1924 monthly aver age 1023 September.. . October November » December — ..« - 996, 176 953, 734 1,034,679 1, 062, 237 1, 153, 278 1, 249, 276 31,417 36,754 28,827 35, 877 39,784 21,186 810,469 835,462 915, 452 821, 564 923, 240 369, 802 344, 971 361, 114 286,007 275, 770 1, 234, 014 1, 224, 524 1, 343, 396 1, 165, 332 1, 250, 801 $13. 20 14.65 13.79 15.23 1, 439, 071 1, 465, 481 1, 582, 225 1, 069, 693 1, 246, 837 1,515,110 1, 242, 623 e 82, 149 65,280 74, 254 41, 601 42, 028 40,261 33, 656 63,826 38,946 42,946 35,907 41, 434 48, 005 975, 427 1,030,642 1,026,109 1, 227, 487 1, 121, 075 1, 207, 714 1,329,960 291, 214 303, 343 327, 185 344, 617 386,091 404,584 410, 435 1, 337, 747 1, 402, 525 1, 440, 507 1, 650, 022 1, 587, 422 1, 689, 639 1, 814, 686 36.57 32.35 1,550,716 1, 461, 711 1, 436, 738 1, 515, 110 70,901 82, 222 98,317 94,488 38,487 46, 927 53,734 55,707 1,086,985 393, 489 1, 562, 225 1,219,694 358, 256 1,651,930 76, 986 48, 019 24, 108 4,800 50,528 42, 590 65,798 63,732 1, 240, 513 1,202,350 4,795 1,698 591 33,434 43,950 55, 854 33,813 34, 805 1,195,099 1,181,620 1, 360, 661 1,242,623 68,075 83,090 66, 854 71,S76 37,907 56,821 45, 722 44,545 93,551 , 51,833 14, 556 4,307 36,150 24, 127 32, 475 30,850 1,1.56 239 22,415 27, 460 Consumption « (tax-paid withdrawals) Manufactured tobacco and snuff 3 Large cigars Thousands of pounds Exports 3 Small cigarettes Cigarettes Thousands 36,990 36, 745 36, 863 38,847 40, 248 630, 959 597, 849 549, 932 586,844 629,991 1,296,308 1,404,636 1, 497, 029 2,107,525 2, 944, 272 193, 234 200,602 173, 015 354,889 584,977 29.28 27.50 27.78 26.03 41,423 35,339 33, 324 32,208 35,019 34, 342 34,390 587,796 589, 363 661,418 563, 218 574,383 583, 241 554,867 3, 888, 075 4,426,649 3,720,072 4, 240, 181 4,463,752 5, 370, 890 5,917,368 1, 012, 128 1, 350, 981 1,319,489 711,973 956,334 1, 027, 303 882,616 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 33,881 36,382 33,380 26, 232 598, 817 711, 655 650, 687 491,359 5,567,397 6, 277, 169 5,361,419 4, 428, 119 1,. 221, 7$5 1, 022, 282 958,309 1,071,079 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 38, 191 35,353 34,847 32,866 504, 024 498, 796 515, 895 501, 422 6,256,784 4, 854, 526 6, 268, 703 5, 323, 295 989, 742 661, 558 656,093 1, 135, 192 28.00 25.38 24.50 24.50 34,948 33, 565 34,407 34,959 553, 320 562, 732 595,063 573, 627 6, 391, 992 6, 455, 228 6, 583, 240 6, 315, 641 1, 164, 533 1,215,852 744 575 782, 420 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 36,715 38,043 30,210 28, 571 605,608 635,231 601, 413 611, 277 6,273,217 6,488,187 5, 356, 074 5, 441, 526 867,829 697, 089 838,842 837,663 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 35,457 33, 172 34, 346 34, 15£ 474, 803 451, 562 504, 304 493, 775 6, 652, 475 5, 681, 227 6,270^421 6,048,354 707,071 734, 952 720, 837 969,566 24.50 34,338 514,509 6, 465, 490 1,004,479 709,665 22.30 34.18 1934 January February March . April May June July August „ . . .. . -- .. September.. . ,«... October. _ . November December.. . ... . . 1,485,969 420,936 1, 976, 569 1, 327, 852 442, 696 1, 843, 737 1,239>9S6 407,066 1,724,767 1,266,082 371, 043 1,713,670 1, 522, 217 422, 966 2, 035, 678 1,337,784 423, 975 1, 847, 225 1935 January February March ADril..' May June July August . ... 1, 282, 916 1, 234, 096 25. 00 25 00 September October November December 1 Estimate of production of the tobacco crop from the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. The annual figures represent the latest revised estimates of the year's total crop, not monthly averages, while the monthly figures represent the current estimate of the total crop for the year made the first week of each month. Revisions of the December estimate for each year are made in December of the following year. 2 Sales of tobacco from loose-leaf warehouses compiled by-the Federal Reserve Board, Division of Research and Statistics, from reports of State authorities of Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, which States grow about 75 per cent of the total tobacco crop. Sales from Kentucky were not available for the first six: months of 1919, so that the year's figure is partly estimated by estimating the Kentucky figures for the first half year as ecjual to the sum of the sales in the other reporting States, 3 which is approximately the normal proportion of Kentucky sales to the total. Exports from the U. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 4 Stocks of leaf tobacco held by manufacturers and dealers compiled by the CT. S. Department oj Commerce, Bureau of the Census. During the years 1913,1914,1915, and 1916 the data were collected semiannuaily in March and September, the quarterly collection commencing with December, 1916. Therefore the averages for the years ment of tax or domestic consumption. The figures for maruifaeturexi tobacco and snuff comprise plug, twist, fine-cut, and smoking tobacco and snuff. Figures for cigars are those for large cigars, weighing over 3 pounds per thousand, while for cigarettes, small cigarettes are taken, weighing 3 pounds per thousand or less; in both cases the series taken represent over 90 per cent of the totals for each class. gtf Table 63.—OCEAN TRANSPORTATION SHIP CLEARANCES! VESSEL LOSSES 2 (quarterly) Completed during month 3 Vessels in foreign trade YEAR AND MONTH Abandoned Lost American Foreign, Total Total 1,250 1,000 1,340 1,537 1,666 1,563 3,333 3,017 2,826 2,895 2,467 2,184 4,483 4, 017 4,166 4, 433 4,133 3, 748 31, 075 38, 378 44,398 32,960 66, 781 101,420 2,083 2,836 2,507 2,639 2,328 2,503 2, 189 2,816 2,7042,756 3,228 3,232 4, 271 6,653 5,. 211 5,395 5,556 5, 735 42, 411 62, 090 48,291 28,842 31, 216 31, 772 2,444 2,688 2,885 2,237 3,.521 3, 304 2,963 2,727 5, 965 5,992 5,848 4, 964 1,8-17 1,917 2,002 2, 470 2, 813 2, 6832,537 2,839 4, 635 4,600 4,539 5,308 May June July August 3,242 2, 489 2,724 2,877 3, 222 3,572 3,913 3,837 6,464 6,060 6,638 6, 713 September October November December 2,872 2, 922 2,633 2,073 3, 607 3,881 3,066 2,812 ^ 479 6,803 5,699 4,835 1,820 1, 750 1,993 2, 405. 3,307 2,800 3,058 3,217 5,126 4,550 5, 051 5,622 2,439 2,481 3, 518 3,897 5,957 6,378 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average - -...... «. -. -_ . . .. . . 1919 monthly average . 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average - -- Steel seagoing Gross tons « Thousands of net tons * Under eon struettons Merchant vessels World construction 5 (quarterly) Liner Charter rates, rates, Atlantic world ports to 7 routes 6 Europe Relative Relative to 1911-13 to January, 1920 av. Thous. of gross tons No. of ships Thous. of gross tons 278 467 833 713 300 422 735 1, 362 100 1,236 438 330 186 241 621 440 344 213 163 218 1, 786 1, 466 1,085 617 410 505 384 272 160 114 108 106 138 294 104 127 332 107 10, 895 13, 495 19,772 13, 512 11, 452 9, 596 18, 836 48, 225 86, 192 226, 773 28,846 26,354 9,54a 27,094 50, 895 155, 110 6, 910 8, 556 15, 272 34, 173 84, 249 90, 086 354, 845 238, 394 115, 569 28, 246 24,099 17, 507 294, 849 208, 557 102, 157 13, 239 9,774 10, 904 1,188 546 231 197 173 19, 128 94, 389 34, 411 157,780 20, 906 18, 350 6,576 38, 860 8, 562 8,778 923 19*046 160 164 162 160 10, 780 3, 950 2,1, 782 36, 510 3,719 1,849 17,761 28,408 146 196 179 172 26, 972 22, 951 18, 070 3, 965 15, 166 15, 724 10, 484 386 161 185 164 164 25,875 11, 414: 12, 650 15, 167 12,346 6,, 665 8,651 11, 690 168 177 184 183 15, 073 6,329 23, 966 15, 526 12,838 3,340 18,,808 6, 261 190 185 196 238 31, 825 18, 687 30, 101 1$ 200 9,767 21, 951 177 186 ' INDEXES OF OCEAN FREIGHT RATES SHIP CONSTRUCTION s 100. 0 36.0 25.5 22.1 25.3 1923 September October November December 20.7 22,9 25.1 25.1 ±924: January . February March April.., . . .. . . ._ 36, 254 162, 248 28, 228 108, 805 12, 148 74, 649 50, 456 14, 642 214 550 111 237 529 110 225 553 102 197 389 102 24.9 25. 1 24. 8 25.3 25.7 23.3 22.1 22.3 . _.. 26.6 28.1 "' 28.1 26.8 1935 January February March April May. June July.. August ._ . 22, 064 27, 393 194 606 103 212 593 95 26.9 25.5 25.6 26.0 25.6 23.7 September October November December 1 Tonnage of vessels cleared in foreign trade from IT. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. * Vessels lost and abandoned, representing all classes of American, vessels, from CT. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of N&uigatien, given- for Quarter ending in month stated, yearly figures representing quarterly averages. 3 From the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Navigation* The total completed includes ocean-going, lake, and river vessels built and officially numbered, including vessels of the IT. S. Shipping Board and private American, owners, but not vessels built for foreign owners. The column on merchant vessels under construction; •includes all kinds, of ships except Government vessels building or under construction at the end of the month. Monthly data from 1915 given ia the January, 1924, issue of the SURVEY (No. 29), p. 49. 4 Net ton represents 100 cubic feet internal carrying capacity after prescribed allowance for crew and engine space, while gross ton represents in units ol 100 cubic feet ithe entire cubical capacity of the vessel, including crew asd engine- space. ! 5 Quarterly data on world ship construction compiled by Lloyds', covering all vessels of 100 tons and over, except that from 1914 to 1921 figures for Germany are not Included. a Compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce^ Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, covering six teamp-ship commodities over 12 world-wide trade routes. 7 The index of ocean freight rates compiled by the Federal Reserve Board, Dwmon of Research and Statistics, represente rates to 17 ports in Europe. The index numbers are weighted by the geometric means pf these rates. The weights include the relative importance of each port and also: the relative importance of the 5 principal productsgrain, provisions, cattea, cottonseed oil, and sack flour.. Monthly data from 1920 appeared ia ths September, 1922, issue of the SURVEY CNo\ 13),, pv 50, Kates to the United Kingdom were given separately in all issues up to the February, 1925, issue (No. 42), p. 109. * January, 1920. 92 Table 64.—RIVER AND CANAL CARGO TRAFFIC CANALS RIVERS Panama * YEAR AND MONTH Total In American vessels Mississippi In British vessels September October November December . 1924 January February .. March April May June July August - . . September October November December . Suez* ShipReceipts ments at St.Louis<3 St.from Louis o Thous. of Gross tons metric tons Ohio Governmentowned barges 7 Pittsburgh to Wheeling s Tons 407, 371 257, 843 588, 214 627, 669 182, 325 70, 738 122, 977 174, 856 183, 376 130, 888 282, 813 217, 973 576, 385 781, 208 961, 601 907, 078 1,630,409 2, 157, 679 229,907 378, 928 431, 613 412, 543 912, 857 1, 222, 135 156, 412 235,856 310, 161 277, 488 410, 762 529, 386 8,529 9,910 6,032 8,259 11,203 9,005 177 203 208 262 312 290 192, 450 158,600 114, 406 103, 226 115, 788 268, 678 1,164 1,421 1,459 1,780 1, 898 2,122 10, 449 14, 827 12, 548 13, 637 12, 075 10, 457 9,174 13, 845 24, 133 16, 313 24, 495 21, 537 8,731 13, 392 36,939 49,841 59, 203 70, 792 298, 766 638, 380 523, 497 2, 262, 116 2, 096, 446 2, 337, 784 2, 168, 750 1, 502, 000 1, 408, 264 1, 555, 692 1, 507, 308 456, 450 463, 096 401, 292 381, 067 10, 645 13,750 14, 389 14, 353 231 276 278 657 140, 015 101, 771 108, 472 103, 597 1,976 1,668 1,985 1,798 17, 035 15, 685 16, 975 15, 475 38, 380 33, 505 32,600 47, 595 77,546 83,208 44, 303 80,399 601,649 627, 130 641, 431 942, 870 2, 168, 703 2, 127, 567 2, 218, 295 2, 494, 634 1, 384, 369 1, 428, 139 1, 431, 421 1, 431, 650 446, 135 432, 267 478,830 624, 367 12, 776 13, 003 10, 706 None. 265 348 229 None. 79,665 82,998 132, 834 77,262 1,784 1, 985 1,930 2,009 13, 450 18,885 18, 025 9, 975 27, 455 16, 615 18,080 27,290 54,543 55,210 53, 271 51, 796 565, 142 547,931 648, 594 490, 272 --- 2, 427, 332 2, 243, 616 2, 272, 472 2, 158, 721 1, 401, 908 1,351,116 1,372,894 1, 296, 445 589,988 507, 425 503, 068 523, 904 None. None. None. 1, 610 None. None. None. None. 182, 925 128, 646 129,904 186,694 2,017 2,030 2,268 2,241 None. None. 4,050 16,065 2,700 None. 21, 325 20, 465 82,179 80,229 74, 117 81, 528 246, 033 335, 451 483, 250 411, 499 2, 353, 986 2, 022, 850 2, 097, 154 1, 958, 479 1, 334, 499 1,158,994 1, 195, 574 1, 071, 501 630, 247 533, 242 538, 212 445, 234 9,873 11, 077 11, 139 11,051 205 269 353 290 355, 918 383, 446 446, 965 412, 036 2,115 1,743 2,122 2,117 18,685 15, 730 15,990 12, 592 21, 115 26,100 27, 317 34, 328 69, 916 82, 565 70, 387 76,609 606,667 501, 075 439, 861 609,940 2, 112, 264 2, 017, 980 1,961,603 2, 265, 687 1, 187, 512 1, 056, 777 972, 431 1, 265, 968 527, 050 514, 958 514,812 524, 498 9,661 10,328 6,619 1,679 275 344 249 47 403,323 307, 473 138, 960 147, 840 1,965 2,206 2,407 2,228 16, 748 15, 024 9,313 1,282 27,476 48, 413 11,067 18, 134 80, 537 57,604 39, 603 54, 229 573, 668 714, 421 795, 527 564, 578 1, 907, 469 1, 839, 617 2, 104, 324 1, 950, 902 942, 264 1,037,308 1, 221, 325 1, 113, 668 516, 974 428,091 509,583 451, 991 None. None. None. 3, 604 None. None. . None. 65 104,598 89, 119 92, 874 94, 464 2,305 2,209 2,724 2,548 81, 087 95, 907 91,787 98, 417 365, 970 345, 183 401,371 572, 528 1,823,042 1, 920, 323 986, 830 1, 029, 044 443, 586 502, 069 11, 210 10, 942 11, 668 300 316 386 382, 411 390, 671 2,316 97, 349 75, 283 633, 605 565, 228 609, 727 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average _ . 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average . Cape Cod* 9,965 6,921 8,911 11,486 11,227 10, 710 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average. -_ 1933 . New York State* Thousands of short tons Long tons ]VIay June July August Sault Ste. Marie * 372 297 265 . 232 185 166 104, 285 66, 555 129, 625 17,594 8,738 7,414 7,883 6,923 5,038 3,965 4,078 4,437 4,750 5,609 5,754 1935 January February March April . May June July - October November 1 Panama 2 Canal traffic, reported by the Panama Canal, represents tonnage of cargo carried by commercial vessels. Yearly figures refer to fiscal years ending June 30* Traffic through the Sault Ste. Marie canals, including both the American and Canadian canals, reported by U. S. War Department, Engineer Corps. Monthly averages for each year are for eight months during which the canals are usually open—that is, the yearly tolls are divided by eight in order to present a figure fairly comparative with current monthly movements. Monthly data distributed by classes of commodities, covering the years 1913-1922, appeared in the March, 1923, SURVEY (No.3 19), pp. 48 and 49. Traffic through New York State canals from New York State Superintendent of Public Works. About two-thirds of this traffic goes through the Erie Canal and one. third4 through the Champlain Canal. Monthly averages for each year are for the seven months during which the canals are usually open. Cape Cod Canal traffic from the Boston, Cape Cod & New York Canal Co. The average for 1916 is an average of nine months of operation. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in the September, 1923, issue (No. 25), pp. 55 and 56. 6 6 Suez Canal traffic from Le Canal de Suez. Receipts and shipments of cargo by river at St. Louis (almost all by the Mississippi River) are from the Merchants Exchange of St. Louis. Monthly data from 1920, including Government barge-line traffic, appeared in June, 1922, issue (No. 11), p. 45. 7 Cargo tonnage on Government-owned barge line on Mississippi River between St. Louis and New Orleans from U. S. War Department, Mississippi-Warrior Service. 8 Data on Ohio River commerce from the U.S. War Department, Engineer Corps, represent total cargo traffic between Pittsburgh and Lock and Dam 11, located between Wellsburg and Wheeling, W. Va. The total of 3,586,188 short tons shown for the months of 1922, from which the average is computed, does not include the annual total of 1,327,199 short tons not shown separately by months, the total movement for 1922 being 4,912,387. Data are available from 1910 to 1914 for traffic between Pittsburgh and Lock No. 6 (near Beaver, Pa.), and from 1915 to 1921 between Pittsburgh and Lock No. 10 (near Steubenville, Ohio). Traffic between Pittsburgh and Lock 10 amounted to 4,733,620 short tons in 1920 and 2,840,978 in 1921. 93 Table 65.—FREIGHT-CAR MOVEMENT SHORT AGE i SURPLUS i YEAR AND MONTH Box cars Coal cars Total3 cars Coal cars Box cars LOADINGS 2 Total3 cars Grain and grain products Livestock Coal and coke Forest products Ore Merchaiidise and 1. c. I. Miscellaneous Total Number of cars 4,200 25, 868 112, 934 52, 360 24, 174 82, 056 169, 256 153, 585 142, 874 129, 452 747, 394 894, 180 247, 322 254, 861 161, 868 200, 853 751, 043 1, 375, 951 3, 716, 007 3, 486, 409 3, 759, 873 1,146 26, 653 10, 566 384, 444 15, 852 13, 527 487 1,896 51, 579 27, 873 1,046 191, 065 204, 397 189, 738 214, 626 124, 744 135, 508 148, 800 146, 190 691, 016 655, 962 851,999 753, 522 207, 314 243, 001 311,890 304, 211 75, 592 132, 524 194, 300 139,904 917, 508 985, 495 1, 013, 754 1, 043, 290 1, 069, 692 1,243,743 1,441,270 1,442,193 3,276,930 3, 600, 630 4, 151, 009 4, 044, 069 26, 588 15, 819 14, 196 13, 556 26, 815 33, 857 30, 849 13,940 38, 477 38, 771 29,281 17, 634 73, 269 80, 633 68, 986 35, 282 233, 254 164,653 161,845 153, 643 169, 064 1, 032, 806 125, 224 807, 695 797, 364 121, 644 124, 039 769, 667 334, 749 268, 445 298, 489 308, 753 62,652 38, 563 54,737 77, 703 1, 033, 084 855, 203 926, 300 953, 463 1, 383, 770 1, 155, 026 1, 302, 173 1, 376, 998 4, 239, 379 3, 414, 809 3, 662, 552 3, 764, 266 3,953 4,269 6,546 3,922 32, 443 58,671 76,453 66, 559 2,974 2,054 2,733 2,518 11, 392 7,976 4,774 4,891 16, 277 11,896 9,570 9,441 167, 993 139, 389 169, 991 261, 116 153, 124 971, 423 118, 846 805, 074 120, 055 792, 289 168, 230 1, 033, 835 377, 226 311, 838 279, 597 381, 965 308, 133 318, 249 330, 699 402, 288 1,189,859 973, 856 931, 036 1, 200, 533 1, 709, 135 1, 380, 351 1, 317, 068 1, 761, 252 4,876,893 4,047,603 3, 940, 735 5, 209, 219 30, 527 15, 116 53, 962 129,963 5, 651 7,205 80, 756 149, 409 41, 745 24, 477 153, 057 312, 338 6,776 3,943 319 18 5, 439 3,068 605 21 15, 331 12,336 1,336 123 200, 995 246, 312 194, 785 181, 722 156, 4*56 761, 740 213, 368 1, 014, 310 154, 782 745, 350 143, 663 689, 486 290,395 370, 801 286, 963 235, 662 293, 152 288,670 135, 086 41, 781 970,791 1, 263, 860 963, 983 903, 076 1, 474, 254 4, 147, 783 1, 951, 178 5, 348, 499 1, 372, 702 3, 853, 651 1, 111, 334 3, 306, 724 1934 Januarv Februarv March April.. 74, 415 51, 398 81, 342 101, 648 67, 578 56, 618 135, 976 193, 061 169, 036 134, 273 248, 301 329, 489 1,678 1,076 157 42 1,894 2,475 105 97 4,598 3,991 364 177 226,064 194, 576 162, 449 147, 360 178, 185 1, 038, 618 131, 507 807, 456 709,889 122, 349 117, 287 538, 533 337, 065 321, 736 327, 109 306, 539 42,505 37, 914 46, 993 70,237 1, 090, 436 933, 639 1,003,536 1,002,497 1, 381, 397 1, 204, 991 1, 289, 597 1,315,777 4, 294, 270 3, 631, 819 3, 661, 922 3, 498, 230 Mav June July August 133, 216 153, 550 138, 734 69, 244 168, 913 162, 343 146, 840 97, 089 338, 526 356, 389 322, 530 194, 306 43 64 94 212 17 3 13 19 151 98 150 248 196, 116 151, 625 174, 033 304, 963 153, 973 120, 162 117, 944 152, 602 703, 275 596, 938 576, 846 803, 053 365, 541 274, 499 239,854 341, 834 255, 606 237, 446 220,704 255, 710 1, 210T017 963,748 916, 898 1, 212, 593 1, 589, 201 1, 280, 764 1, 278, 632 1, 772, 649 4, 473, 729 3, 625, 182 3,524,909 4, 843, 404 September October November ._ December 36, 768 30,486 73, 547 117, 434 58, 375 49, 058 82, 819 108, 189 116, 689 99,190 183, 914 266, 252 270 784 166 27 274 785 133 30 670 1,656 354 101 269, 733 338, 538 219, 104 187, 304 147, 089 748, 088 205, 712 1, 000, 510 159, 251 768, 241 147, 723 749, 407 268, 270 352, 289 276, 030 252, 854 188, 326 212, 610 71, 569 39, 273 988, 085 1, 290, 093 981, 065 927, 893 1, 536, 812 2, 053, 827 1, 423, 701 1, 167, 219 4, 146, 403 5, 453, 579 3, 898, 961 3, 471, 673 1925 JanuaryFebruary.. March April. 103,209 103, 177 113, 615 131, 212 69, 736 138, 425 185, 724 160, 913 213, 921 285, 015 344, 959 337, 181 61 100 5 None. 44 10 25 15 406 167 60 15 245, 073 168, 690 149, 894 131, 086 180, 097 1, 066, 055 123, 056 731, 900 111, 221 642, 826 806, 195 110, 207 340, 539 319, 508 324, 745 312, 821 48, 562 45, 044 47, 426 90, 815 1, 131, 990 976, 499 1, 037, 768 1,036,339 1,437,677 1, 254, 629 1, 381, 036 1, 444, 199 4, 450, 993 3, 619, 320 3, 694, 916 3, 721, 662 140, 676 149, 405 133, 559 109, 404 323, 624 307, 495 4 9 None. None. 7 18 183, 091 145, 061 164, 804 136,158 106, 000 105, 180 807, 115 659, 033 679, 756 378, 682 294, 715 258, 104 310, 292 252, 282 250, 633 1, 267, 788 1, 028, 601 985, 052 1, 771, 594 1, 470, 319 1, 444, 305 4, 854, 720 3, 956, Oil 3, 887, 834 1917 1918 1919 1920 mo mo. mo. mo. av av av av 6,437 29,251 82, 135 15, 985 1921 1922 1923 1924 mo. mo. mo. mo. av av av av 75, 605 1,981 23, 592 68, 680 189, 396 24, 194 65, 901 28,964 18,991 43, 148 127, 982 47, 675 33, 634 88, 482 154, 499 90, 897 23, 367 110, 572 339, 026 164,500 69, 659 229, 908 6,976 2,739 3,266 4,654 7,208 4,845 3,785 2,849 15, 670 34, 753 55, 063 50, 935 September October November .__ December 1923 January _ February March April May June July August May June July August SeptemberOctober November __ December. 1 Data from the American Railway Association. Daily average for the last period (7 or 8 days) of the month, exclusive of Canadian roads. The association reports the number of freight cars which are idle (surplus) and also the number of requests for cars which can not be filled (shortage). The difference between these two figures represents the net freight-car situation for the country as a whole. The car shortages can not ordinarily be filled from the idle cars because of the uneven geographical distribution of the latter. 2 Compiled by the Bureau of Railway Economics from reports of the American Railway Association, Car Service Division. These figures are now put on a monthly basis from weekly reports, consisting of exactly four weeks for each month prior to 1923, except in March, June, September, and December, which cover five weeks each year. Beginning with 1923, the five-week months are January, May, August, and October. 8 Includes other classes than groups listed. Table 66.—RAILWAY, PULLMAN, AMB EXPRESS OPERATIONS REVENUES i Freight YEAR AND MONTH Passen- ger Total operat- ing TOTAL NET OPEROPERATING ATING EXINPENSES COME * ' 0) Thousands of dollars 1913- IHO average 1914 HIO;. average 1915 mo. average 1916 mo. average . 1917 mo i average.1918 moi average Re- PULLMAN CO.« Pas- Total Passen- operatgers ing penses carried revenues Tons carried Imile ceipts mile sen* ger»j carried Imiie Millions of tons Cents lions Mil- Thousands of dollars P4* toil- Reve- nue EXPRESS EARNINGS « Ex- Thousands Operating in- come Thousands of dollars $181, 732 173, 916 171, .926 198, 031 238,184 334,767 $59,900 53,451 70^002 87, 265 81,232 57, 759 » 27, 338 826,163 25,232= 31,126 34,943 30,410 0.719 .723 .722 .707 .715 .849 32,823 32,881 a 3, 649 2,882 3,,290 3,556 $3,.445 3,284 3, 483 3,684 4.311. 4, 164 $2,345 2,-294 2,234 2,573 2,954 3, 383 32,072 3 2, 182 3 2, 021 2,326 2, 691 2, 397 432, 005 . 518, 785 464, 429 468, 291 529, 118 • 498, 806 368,-2S7 485, 861 383, 651 371, 397 412,081 379, 809 43, 024 4,846 51,329 64, 748 81,911 82,021 33,034 37, 412 28, 730 31, 316 38,134 35,788 .973 1.052 1.275 1,182 1» 115 1,115 3,863 3,904 3,111 2,877 3,167 3,010 6,756 6,012 6,370 5,465 6,048 6,063 4,052 4,637 5,395 4,419 4,657 5, 134. 3, 112 3,271 2,600 2,646 2,854 2,841 $12,613 12, 909 $2,092 3,615 260 116 105 91 548, 113 541, 266 536,307 554, 528 421,390 417,011 414,948 427,453 90,321 87,624 84,935 98; 934 39,598; 38,000 38,518 40,344 L 123: 1,128 1.096 L.108 3,000 3,506 3,749 3; 883 6,984 6,636 6, 651 7,130 4,919 5,272 5,115 5,:040 2,670 3,172 3,157 3,456 13,842 13,639 13, 522 14, 123 127 67 48 82 546, 062 587, 914 631, 989 i 494, 015 416, 865 445, 341 406,957 388,154; 92,477 103,776 86,776 70,046 39,461 42,209 38,159 33,419 1,100 L160 1.133 1.122 3, 552 3,080 2,833 3,220 6,942 6, 879 5,384 6,052 4,821 5, 120 5,232 1,738 3,268 2,S37 2,551 2,817 14, 092 14, 446 14, 177 10, 593 74 105 90 242 91,721 83,394 87,134 85,223 468, 986 479,454 505, 371 475,232 385,092 374,916 390,601 877,827 51,389 71,605 80,320' 62, 299 34,506 35,981 36, ,426 31,926 L086 L094 1.125 1,176 2,966 2,705 2,816 2,780 5,982 5, 568 5,609 5,878 5,215 5, 035 5,123 6,175 2,724 2,483 2,641 2,681 13, 109 12,957 13,310 13,348 89 61 102 84 » 34-4,787 323, 375 339, 906 358, 424 85,618 95,953? 97, 372104, 519: 477, 529 465, 669 481, 588 508, 394 381,486 364,229 369,909 373,599 60,930 65, 801 74*088 • 96,415 33; 915 31,967 33, 157 30;442 1, 127 1.122 1.134 1.090 2,867 3,318 3,470 3,673 5,831 6, 717 6,345 7,182 5,158 4; 622 5,421 4,998 2,685 3, 118 3,097 3,491 13, 322 12, 887 12, 818 12,632 91 78 79 100 399,038 438, 813 380, 875 362,368 93, 186 82,861 78>,812 90,845 540,,839 572,600 505, 796 505, 253 381,623 403,. 664, 374, 26S 381,415 116,760 127,105 93,180 86,988 39,046 43,110 38,049 34,998 1.123 1..115 L094 1.095 3, 212 2*773 2,613 2,932 6, 512; 6,005 5,, 242 5,887 5,072 5,076 5,244 5, 470 3,167 2,773 2,509 2,719 13,035 13, 246 12, 846 11, 394 117 111 84 111 350, 619 336, 800 360, 608 347, 029 88,674= 77,566 79,572: 78,373-" 484, 774 454, 996 486,481 473, 497 • 383, 735 355,555: 377,265 370,623 65, 842 68,920 73,117 66,199 37,035 33, 575 35,335 33,577 1,057 1,100 1,128 1,141 2,890 2,549 2,620 2,596 6,320 5,652 6,270 6,008 5,202 4^993 5, 421 5,168' 2,800 2,503 2,651 2,701 12,432 12,357 12,875 13,041 80 80 111 22 359, 170 365,988: 82,084 92,596 488, 683 506,809 375; 755 375,936 75,857 91, 751 37, 147 35^863 6,367 7,291 6,182 6, 216 2,777 3,150 _ -_. .. 1-919- mo. average.. 1920 mo. average 1921 mo. average 1922 mo. average 1923 mo. average 1924 mo average. OPERATED^ RESULTS * . $176,916 165, 943 178,864. 214, 784 236, 177 288, 183 $57, 548 64,230 53, 798 58,980 68,935 86, ,056 296, 410. 360, 304 327, 328 334, 076 386, 466 361, 493 98,334: 107,285 96,172 89,686 95, 636 89,718 405, 462 387, 343; 379, 335 402,100 89,.980 102,851 107,506 112,966 $255, 139 241, 608 256, 630 302, 104 337,539 410, 549 16, 306 15,640 13,006 13,441 1923 May Juno July - , .............. . ... ,, September October. November December . ..* =. 390, 881 441, 518 395, 885 344, 140 105, 902 93, 795 , 87,162 101, 118. 1934 333,433 352, 692: 371, 69-1 342,907 : January ^February Miarch April .. May. . June July ._ August -..„.. »-.September October _. November December ; .., . , . 1935 January February March » „ April-.. ... .__ May ~ - jjunse — ..w.^. n July . _ August .. September .^. October November. _ December ; ... .. „„ _ *2 Data from the Interstate Commerce Commission, covering Class I railroads, those having annual operating revenues in excess of $1,000,660. Net railway operating income, from the Interstate Commerce' Commission reports on Glass I railroads, includses net operating revenue (equal to the difference between total operating revenue and total operating expenses), from which tbere have been deducted railway tax accruals, uneolleetable railway revenues, equipment, and joint facility rents. s Fiscal year ending June 30 of year indicated. * IData from Bureau of Railway Economics, except tons per mile for 1915 and 1916, from Interstate- Commerce Commission. Monthly data on ton-mile operations from 19WF appeared in December, 1923, issue (No. 28), p. 52. a Pullman passenger traffic furnished by The Pullman Company; revenues and expenses from its reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission. « Reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission of the American Railway Express Co., to which are added reports of the Southeastern Express Co. from the time of its organization in May, 1921. 95 ON RAILROAD LINES 1 (end of month) YEAR AND MONTH Total owned Tractive power (mills, of Ibs.) Number 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly 1918 monthly av av av av av av____ 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly 1922 monthly 1923 monthly 1924 monthly av av av av av av Bad order Number 41 22 52 69 148 89 223 199 112 106 266 122 110 69 88 249 110 1,323 337 889 1,592 479 894 206 791 1,513 424 40 80 143 84 31 22 27 15.3 15.8 16.4 16.1 384 408 333 333 260 301 282 316 9 53 52 13 335 310 299 329 313 295 270 305 1, 17S 977 691 387 1,102 915 656 365 7 15 14 14 19 13 26 22 2,553 2,560 2, 560 2,561 10, 791 11, 304 11, 558 11, 440 16.8 17.5 17.9 17.8 271 214 176 97 178 175 181 112 137 93 311 110 151 99 132 73 147 92 128 63 376 499 534 640 344 466 494 586 14 10 7 11 14 18 20 21 64, 942 64, 924 65,008 65,062 2,560 2,569 2, 576 2,583 10, 875 11, 034 11, 105 10,964 16.9 17.1 17.2 17.0 153 160 197 229 107 178 113 166 118 1 91 9 111 145 140 139 93 134 130 121 643 531 483 mi 589 462 410 306 10 72 63 50 21 31 17 36 65, 071 64,964 64,882 64,871 2,586 2,586 2,587 2,589 11,329 11,095 11, 574 11,266 17.6 17.2 18.0 17.5 160 113 181 295 151 220 263 304 111 148 99 189 104 96 133 142 79 78 123 132 389 462 397 431 333 398 331 358 37 76 70 64 51 37 29 25 64, 824 64, 779 64, 747 64,509 2,591 2,592 2, 593 2,587 11,314 11, 404 11,611 11, 101 17.6 17.7 18.1 17.3 167 125 138 171 213 169 170 409 62 49 106 84 90 85 109 92 45 73 93 82 407 397 447 477 351 343 351 362 81 77 83 82 39 13 27 19 64, 484 64, 435 2,590 2,591 10,902 10, 917 17.0 17.1 147 179 172 224 51 16 39 96 110 66 68 61 58 467 397 378 353 300 283 80 66 45 43 May June July August September October November.. December 23 8 25, 3 23.9 26.4 mo InMining dustrial Number of locomotives 9,823 10, 112 10, 572 10, 375 64, 989 65, 029 64, 911 64,896 ,. Steam «230 179 2,506 2,520 2,532 2,542 May June __ July August Do- mestic '265 187 64,720 64, 827 64, 878 64,896 1935 January _... February March April Total 17.4 2,573 __ DoTotal mestic 0* MFBS.3 SHIPMENTS EX- ELECTBIC LOPOBTS COMOTIVES f (quarterly) (9) 18 166 20 217 165 118 « 64, 757 64, 962 . *g *8 K wm&uB»OROFR8 306 119 114 230 336 371 15, 559 17,026 12,204 11, 195 1934 January February March April £ SHIPMENTS BY MFBS.2 Per ct. of total in use 8 1933 September October November December £ °.*8is BUILDING IN B. B. SHOPS i (end of mo.) INSTALLED * Table 07.—LOCOMOTIVES ! 1 8318 8142 815 822 —• 140 45 134 21 141 9 153 14 151 7 120 19 September October November December I * Locomotives in bad order, both passenger and freight, on Class I railroads, and number owned, retired, and building from American Railway Association, Car Service Division. Data for 1919 on bad order locomotives from IT. S. Railroad Administration. 2 Reported direct to the V. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census by principal locomotive companies. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in June, 1922 issue, (No.3 10), page 42. Data from the Railway Age covering the principal transactions, each month's figures being totals of those given in the weekly issues of the publication appearing during the month, and prorated up to the annual totals made from special inquiries. The percentage used in prorating the 1924 data was 91 per cent. 4 Eight months' average, May to December, inclusive. 8 Ten months' average, March to December, inclusive. e Data from the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Monthly data from 1922 appeared in April, 1925, issue (N"o. 44), pp. 27 and 728. Compiled from quarterly reports to the IT. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau, of the Census, from nine manufacturers comprising practically the entire industry. Press8 releases furnish details as to type, i. e., trolley or storage battery. Data for 1923 not available by quarters, but annual figures are reduced to quarterly averages. Quarterly averages. 96 Table 68.—RAILWAY FREIGHT CARS ON RAILROAD LINES (end of month) t YEAR AND MONTH Total owned Number Number Per ct. of total in use 142, 790 168, 973 166, 779 318,880 302, 456 185, 343 188, 012 6.9 7.0 7.3 13.9 13.3 8.0 8.2 209, 471 215, 552 206, 312 210, 505 SHIPMENTS BY MFRS.a Total Domestic UNFILLED ORDERS, BY MFRS.3 Total BUILDING IN R. R. SHOPS Domestic (end of mo.)1 3,482 Number of cars 1,838 7,017 1,945 15, 013 7,873 11, 899 7,961 11, 917 6,116 3,528 4,866 12, 233 6,850 4,392 6,904 3,899 3,109 4,749 12,069 6,718 128, 103 91, 815 48,851 17, 559 68, 015 72, 825 43,684 76,974 55, 630 41,964 14,380 64,007 71, 505 42, 155 8.5 8.7 8.1 8.6 11,790 10,979 36, 910 10, 420 11, 527 9,549 12, 191 10,327 11, 154 9,413 12, 140 10,287 100, 666 94, 758 111,289 107, 799 96,799 93, 811 110, 047 106, 778 _ ... - 211, 766 190, 411 189, 014 175, 327 9.4 9.2 8.3 7.7 160 1,706 1,093 1,401 12,065 12,405 11, 799 14, 030 11, 871 12, 185 11, 747 13,968 95, 446 84, 114 74,766 63,349 94,283 82,920 73,569 61, 110 - ... .... 6.7 6.6 6.8 6.9 18,690 14,411 1,989 792 1,185 16,046 13, 282 13, 850 13, 469 12,296 13,018 13, 577 13, 333 12, 131 50,872 37,668 28,092 25, 082 49, 874 36, 869 27, 429 24, 573 1,515 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average-- 1933 January February March April May June July August Capacity (mills, oflbs.) In bad order INRESTALL- TIRED ORED DERED DURFROM DURING MFES.2 ING MONTH* MONTHi 2,323,472 204, 369 ... - - .- 12, 327 9,720 2, 307, 997 201,055 151,332 150,624 155, 626 158, 175 1934 January .-. February March April 2,310,032 2,310,570 2, 311, 405 2, 312, 074 201, 288 201, 535 202, 331 202, 448 161, 569 168, 782 172, 747 179, 275 7.1 7.6 7.6 7.9 15,689 11, 386 9,562 8,718 12, 329 10,466 8,726 8,026 6,404 19, 537 38, 134 11,903 5,041 6,070 4,585 6,058 5,007 6,015 4,453 5,053 23,552 52, 678 65,604 56, 752 22, 161 51,250 54,202 55,348 2,417 2,715 2,697 2,739 July _ August 2,312,237 2,314,798 2, 322, 968 2,329,582 202,606 203,139 204,777 205, 690 189, 219 194, 869 202,864 210, 109 8.3 8.5 8.9 9.2 9,199 10,909 16, 583 16, 452 9,059 8,347 8,413 8,834 463 412 567 5,054 6,253 6,854 9,584 9,411 6,158 6,813 9,580 9,350 50,920 44, 462 35, 479 33,535 49, 644 43, 152 34,092 31, 387 2,467 2,269 4,602 3,618 2,336,147 2,342,149 2, 342, 479 2,337,229 206, 540 207, 366 207, 535 207, 172 206,044 190, 543 189, 140 190,979 8.9 8.2 8.2 8.3 15,455 16, 598 11,705 6,763 9,337 10,504 10, 678 11, 918 23, 597 12, 610 13, 870 10, 240 9,467 8,839 6,382 5,661 9,440 8,449 5,938 6,365 40,954 38, 391 45, 369 46, 508 38,803 36,580 43, 937 45, 325 3,045 3,574 5,159 6,478 2, 341, 109 2, 346, 687 2, 350, 697 2, 353, 956 207, 626 208,339 208,908 209,368 186, 539 185, 047 186,417 189, 514 8.1 8.0 8.1 8.2 11, 768 15,024 16,007 13, 749 7,867 9,453 12,067 10, 497 10, 312 6,388 4,679 5,525 8,365 10, 335 10, 716 9,352 7,031 9,881 10,503 9,212 43, 655 38, 046 30, 699 25, 712 42, 848 37,684 30, 457 25,224 5,285 4,878 5,572 8,072 2, 356, 641 2,359,040 210, 256 195, 986 198,468 8.4 8.6 12,982 12, 191 8,658 9,797 8,944 777 843 7,059 7,639 7,030 7,623 23,881 18,353 23, 316 17,561 9,042 8,633 September October November December September October November December . .. . ... 1925 January. February March April May . June ..... ... 209,804 * Compiled by the American Railway Association, Car Service Division covering Class I railroads. Monthly averages for bad-order cars for the years 1913-1917; also monthly data for 1920 and 1921, appeared in the October, 1923, issue (No. 26), pp. 59 and 60. . . . . » Data from the Railway Age covering the principal transactions, each month's figures being totals of those given in the weekly issues of the publication appearing during the month, and prorated up to the annual totals made from special inquiries. The percentage used in prorating the 1924 data was 94 per cent. Data for the years 1913 to 1918 from the Iron Trade Review appeared in May, 1924, issue (No. 33), p. 77; though not comparable month by month on account of different methods of compilation, they indicate the trend from year to year comparable to the above figures. . . . . , , , , , , , , 3 The data on shipments and unfilled orders of manufacturers for railway equipment were obtained from the Interstate Commerce Commission. Monthly data from 1919 appeared in July, 1924, issue (No. 35), p. 65. These figures do not include cars built by the railroads themselves, for which data may be found on p. 114 of February, 1925, issue (No. 42). 97 Table 69.—RAILWAY PASSENGER CARS AND TRAVEL IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION PASSENGER CARS YEAR AND MONTH " 2 Shipments by Ordered manufacturers 2 Unfilled orders from manufacTotal Domesturers1 Total Domestic tic Immigrants Emi- grants monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average _ 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly Arrivals Departures Passports issued < Persons Number of people Number of cars 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 VISITORS TO NATIONAL PARKS « United States citizens a Aliens 3 Automobiles No. of cars 22, 859 24, 470 13, 387 5,810 5,638 6,718 24,600 23, 238 10, 161 11,208 8,187 6,564 30, 069 24,580 8,954 10, 321 14, 161 27, 909 1,954 1,693 1,093 1,927 3,135 4,735 70 63 416 346 115, 610 57,375 21, 557 29,647 12, 747 9,660 24 148 20 198 184 213 19 34 75 59 138 93 11 23 71 46 135 88 177 783 393 914 1,452 620 116 701 345 824 1,430 608 20, 613 59,047 46,992 31,764 62,587 29, 564 21, 810 21, 810 20,498 9,664 5,884 7,510 10, 839 17, 038 19, 272 24,296 23, 020 26,839 12,247 21, 102 23,340 24, 209 21,728 25, 137 8,163 13, 374 11, 474 11,463 10,521 12, 198 68, 887 74, 966 81, 812 113, 062 132,874 7,230 9,548 10,025 12, 452 16,002 May June July August 121 63 81 73 152 145 122 165 152 141 122 165 1,506 1,365 1,272 1,204 1,495 1,358 1,255 1, 161 52, 809 44, 166 85, 542 88,286 5,752 5,414 8,041 6, 489 21, 161 19, 377 20,637 33, 510 20, 603 30, 067 39, 898 27, 744 22,885 18, 710 11,074 8,280 55,883 154,020 422, 185 384, 560 5,722 17, 641 59,044 45, 242 Sp.ptp/mber October November December 57 144 144 125 115 108 119 206 112 105 119 195 1,229 1,337 1,438 1,383 1,189 1,300 1,401 1,343 89, 431 88, 028 92, 782 55,794 6,073 7,291 6,925 9,480 20,637 27, 553 29, 142 17,620 16, 318 18,104 14,901 16, 928 7,063 6,826 5,978 6,248 125,441 39,044 28,510 29, 997 14,235 3,136 1,157 459 1934 January February March April 38 381 308 170 92 76 138 110 66 76 133 104 644 772 742 679 624 752 727 670 33, 878 29,901 35, 585 38,375 5,723 3,706 4,202 5,394 15, 638 22, 161 25, 146 24,253 20, 817 24,197 19,474 20, 791 7,598 6,487 11,943 19,655 35,408 38, 792 46,850 58,330 1,006 1,730 1,942 2,118 May June July August 131 40 194 213 76 102 63 94 67 102 63 94 683 618 635 621 677 605 621 607 32,985 36, 309 11, 661 23, 290 6,634 6,831 8,493 8,633 19, 607 21,320 20, 927 44,791 25, 467 33,504 43,812 37,657 26,347 22, 207 12, 536 8,571 97,794 210, 196 416,121 380, 568 7,274 32,330 64,654 57, 217 September October November December 325 244 279 235 88 96 99 79 87 90 98 79 544 486 502 512 531 479 496 507 27, 941 27,402 29,345 28,098 8,671 8,941 8,605 14,288 57, 232 31,474 22,297 17, 219 23,849 19,951 14, 741 17, 388 7,659 7,906 7,894 7,575 197,655 47,571 37, 142 28,399 18,294 2, 585 1,953 927 1935 January February March April 78 90 111 104 68 62 45 56 68 62 45 50 522 518 597 559 516 512 558 526 20,952 20, 913 26, 619 26,744 6,183 4,087 4,993 5,684 16, 987 23,186 29.228 26,011 22, 538 23, 211 24,604 23,700 8,640 8,816 15,304 25,040 38, 292 45,700 58,082 66,476 852 1,267 3,171 2,888 22 34 362 77 81 77 81 500 440 466 404 26,045 25,304 8,403 5,747 22, 540 27, 347 20, 262 39, 289 31, 985 26, 359 13, 830 124, 205 252, 589 11, 059 22, 576 * • average average average average average average 1923 . . May Juae July August September October November December _ * Data from the Railway Age covering the principal transactions, each month's figures being totals of those given in the weekly issues of the publication appearing during the month, and prorated up to the annual totals made from special inquiries. The 1924 data were prorated at 77 per cent. 2 Figures of car manufacturers obtained from the Interstate Commerce Commission. Monthly data from 1919 appeared in July, 1924, issue (No. 35), p. 55. These figures do not include cars built by the railroads themselves, for which data may be found on p. 114 of the February, 1925 (No. 42), issue. a Arrivals and departures of aliens and United States citizens reported by U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Immigration. Aliens admitted and departed do not include nonimmigrants, as formerly reported in this bulletin. 4 Passports issued, from U. S. Department of State, Division of Passport Control, excludes passports issued to Government officials. * Visitors to national parks from Department of Interior as reported by superintendents of the following 15 parks: Grand Canyon and Casos Grande, Ariz, (the latter a monument rather than a park), Hot Springs, Ark., General Grant, Sequoia and Yosemite, Calif., Rocky Mountain, Colo., Glacier, Mont., Platt, Okla., Crater Lake, Oreg., Wind Cave, S. Dak., Zion, Utah, Mount Rainier, Wash., Yellowstone, Wyo., and Mount McKinley, Alaska Vehicles are not reported by Platt, Hot Springs, Wind Cave, and Mount McKinley. By far the largest attendance of visitors is shown at Platt Park. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in December, 1923, issue (No. 28), p. 56. 54240°—25t 7 98 Table 70.—PUBLIC UTILITIES TELEPHONE COMPANIES i TELEGRAPH COMPANIES i GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANIES 2 Energy produced4 Tele- Total operating revenues YEAR AND MONTH Net operating income Com- graph merand Oper- Gross earnings cable ating cial tele- operat- ining come graph toffs reve- Net earnings Gross reve- nue3 sales Total nue Thousands of persons Millions of kilowatt hours 13,608 14, 306 16, 858 18,885 23,184 60, 083 73, 575 81, 066 90,825 105,796 112, 969 3,243 3,630 3,439 3,975 4,661 4,916 1,217 1,346 1,245 1,438 1,635 1,668 2,026 2,284 2,194 2,538 3,027 3,251 3,331 3,106 3,634 4,283 4,537 336 333 342 379 383 382, 485 357, 896 358, 561 370, 274 1,665 1,926 1,505 1,400 64, 419 62,329 78, 559 102, 530 18, 772 18,494 23,840 37, 946 103, 600 109, 400 117, 700 121, 200 4,535 4,950 4,838 4,956 1,465 1,472 1,501 1,681 3,069 3,479 3,336 3,275 4,181 4,570 4,453 4,546 354 380 385 410 338, 487 386, 264 372, 914 392, 213 10, 938 10,448 10, 991 10,880 1,424 1,250 1,385 1,438 92, 064 88, 990 89, 584 85, 872 30, 185 28, 757 28,601 26, 743 126, 970 122, 760 116, 600 111, 400 5,189 4,834 4,985 4,739 1,675 1,563 1,716 1,857 3,514 3,271 3,269 2,882 4,748 4,424 4,575 4,361 442 410 410 378 389, 335 369, 763 392, 576 379, 144 834, 146 788, 339 842,238 810, 373 8,874 8,808 8,910 9,212 11,083 10,992 11, 160 11, 435 1,498 1,459 1,380 1,586 85, 279 77,997 76, 290 79, 179 26, 334 40,994 32, 963 21, 374 108, 400 103, 700 99, 100 100,400 4,794 4,554 4,613 4,735 1,950 1,706 1,603 1,518 2,844 2,848 3,010 3,218 4,422 4,203 4,256 4,382 372 351 357 353 383, 145 355, 657 349, 747 347,472 821, 173 772, 364 11, 443 12, 748 12, 099 12, 131 9,542 9,940 8,776 9,999 11, 861 12, 389 10, 053 12, 285 1,879 1, 993 1,478 1,811 82, 790 25,489 103, 200 111, 200 120,200 131, 700 4,803 5,193 5,065 5,537 1,493 1,632 1,559 1,749 3,311 3,560 3,492 3,788 4,454 4,823 4,692 5,110 349 370 373 435 | 349, 005 369, 908 52, 023 49, 890 52, 762 52, 945 12, 492 11, 782 12,852 13, 230 9,392 8,820 9,821 9,684 11, 593 10, 869 12, 071 11, 861 1,596 1,340 1,816 1,657 135, 800 124, 800 119, 000 117, 000 5,572 4,982 5,364 5, 152 1,695 1,741 2,040 2,022 3,877 3,241 3,324 3,130 5,122 4,598 4,964 4,777 450 384 400 374 825, 498 754, 546 822, 288 794,994 53, 119 12, 187 9,652 10, 452 11, 966 12,808 1,646 1,967 110,900 5,189 5,204 2,025 1,848 3,164 3,356 4,813 4,830 377 374 802, 101 777, 193 24,635 30, 320 36, 265 40,204 44,106 48, 412 5,104 5,415 7,573 8,882 10, 015 10, 555 7,596 9,113 8,043 8,435 9,027 9,085 10,095 11,698 10,371 10,608 11, 153 11,210 1,636 1,438 1,265 1,697 1,583 1,548 1933 September October November December 43, 810 45, 979 45, 314 46, 136 9,119 9,994 9,945 10, 162 9,174 9,728 8,848 8,848 11, 359 12, 096 10, 979 10, 979 1934 January February March April 46, 584 44, 963 46, 818 46,987 9,895 9,163 10, 083 10, 337 8,839 8,440 8,878 8,800 May June July August 48, 217 47, 546 47, 656 49,936 10,269 10,006 8,346 10, 137 Sftptftmbftr October November Denftrnbp.r 49, 105 50,931 50, 061 52, 145 1935 January February March April May June July August In mfg. 60,683 61, 056 62,938 66,842 74,219 $5,898 6,287 av__ av__ av_ _ av. _ av__ av fuels In central plants, 80 com- 213 companies stastreet panies rys., tions $26,017 28,067 30, 100 35,458 44, 925 55,442 $3, 710 3,709 4,139 4,785 4,700 4,649 monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly By $29, 290 $10, 112 30, 601 10,434 31,485 11,041 12, 565 35, 384 39,409 12,226 12, 195 43, 697 $13, 132 13, 722 14, 527 16,452 18, 700 20, 225 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 By water power Passengers carried 5 etc. Thousands of dollars 1913 monthly av_. 1914 monthly av._ 1915 monthly av__ 1916 monthly av__ 1917montnly av_. 1918 monthly av__ ELECTRIC RAILWAYS ELECTRIC POWER STATIONS $7,674 $1,711 8,477 1,282 ll _ September October November December 1 Telephone earnings are the combined reports of 13 largest telephone companies, and telegraph earnings are the combined reports of the Western Union and Postal Telegraph Cos., as reported to the Interstate Commerce Commission. 2 Gas and electric earnings are the combined reports to the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, of 73 companies or systems operating gas, electriclight, heat, power, and traction services and comprising most of the large companies in the United States. Gross earnings are in general the gross operating revenues, while net earnings in general represent the gross, less operating expenses and taxes; but owing to a lack of uniformity in the accounts of individual companies, it has not been possible to secure these actual items for each company, and in such cases the nearest comparable figures have been taken. Also in some cases the figures for prior years do not cover exactly the same subsidiaries owing to acquisitions, consolidations, etc., but these differences are not believed to be great in the aggregate. 3 Gross revenue received from the sale of electrical energy as reported by the Electrical World represents the total receipts from the sale of electricity computed to 100 per cent of the industry on the basis of the percentage which the reporting companies bear to the installed central-station rating of the country. Companies reporting sales are not identical with those reporting energy produced. Monthly data from 1913 appeared in the July, 1923, issue of the SURVEY (No. 20), p. 45. 4 Production of electric power by central stations from U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey. Production in central stations is segregated by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, from the original records of reporting firms on file with the Geological Survey, from that produced in connection with street railways, manufacturing plants, and reclamation projects. Details, by months, since 1920 for central stations appeared in the April, 1925, issue of the SURVEY, (No. 44), p. 29, while for the other items details appeared in the March, 1925, issue (No. 43), p. 28. Monthly data from 1913 on total production appeared in the July 1923,6 issue (No. 23), p. 49. Data compiled by the American Electric Railway Association from reports, respectively, of 50 identical companies which in 1922 carried 34 per cent of the total electricrailway passenger traffic according to the census of electrical industries of that year, and of 213 companies operating 25,035 miles of revenue single track and 2,920 miles of bus routes. 99 Table 71.—EMPLOYMENT—INDUSTRIAL, RAILWAY, MINING, AND FEDERAL1 INDUSTRIAL RA1LWAYS3 U.S. Iron Food Texand tiles and steel and groups kinand dred ttieir their prod- prod- products ucts ucts Total, n YEA.R AND MONTH Metal and EmVehiLum- Leather metal ChemStone, ployber Tocles Miscel- ees clay, prod- bacco and Paper icals on for and laneits and and and ucts pa land ous its £ finprint- other glass other manuroll manu- ished transfacindusprod- prod- than ture porta- tries ing faciron ucts ucts tion ture prodand ucts Thousteel sands GOVT., ANWASHAver- THRAINGCITE age TON hour- MINES * (civilly ian) 7 wage Dollars Number employed NUMERICAL DATA • INDEX NUMBERS RELATIVE TO 1923 2 1914 mo. av 1915 mo. av 1916 mo av 1917 mo av 1918 mo. av 95 97 110 115 114 1,647 $0. 276 1,733 .313 1,842 .463 100 81 1,913 2,013 1, 661 1,645 1,880 1,769 .557 .667 .665 .618 .615 .628 5156,008 6 152, 874 153, 873 153, 383 101 103 101 102 105 104 100 96 1,896 1,934 1,955 1,974 .606 .607 .612 .607 153,443 152, 665 152, 281 152, 697 66, 435 65,595 65, 595 65, 508 99 100 101 100 101 102 101 97 94 94 96 95 1,946 1,936 1,900 1,794 .622 .611 .622 .627 148, 873 154, 235 155, 125 155, 574 66,006 65, 851 65, 830 65, 025 94 102 105 100 96 97 95 92 96 96 96 95 95 97 96 94 1, 750 1,753 1,760 1,787 .625 .638 .626 .621 156, 232 155, 938 155, 075 151,016 64,946 64, 844 64, 680 64, 531 102 90 94 98 94 87 81 81 92 $2 93 93 90 85 84 84 88 85 82 80 1,793 1,771 1,773 1,789 .619 . 625 .623 .625 153, 008 153, 482 153,333 150,048 | 64,614 64,120 64,437 64,489 88 89 89 90 95 95 95 94 79 85 85 87 95 88 97 96 84 85 84 85 82 84 85 87 1,801 1,823 1,789 1,737 .633 .622 .638 .638 153,030 154,076 154, 985 145, 370 64,638 64,794 64,740 66,079 101 101 102 101 91 92 99 102 90 92 96 100 87 91 95 93 92 93 94 86 86 87 90 92 90 92 93 94 1,728 1, 725 1,722 1,746 .639 .653 .622 .618 155, 463 153, 782 149,215 151,220 65,938 65, 505 64,884 65,037 100 99 89 87 100 101 92 92 92 91 92 90 93 91 1,767 .620 153,282 151, 897 64,611 63, 756 1919 mo av 1920 mo av 1921 mo. av 1922 mo. av 1923 mo. av 1924 mo av 108 110 85 88 100 90 10O 93 10O 88 100 86 100 95 100 91 100 100 100 92 100 97 100 90 100 94 100 89 1933 May June July August 102 102 100 100 66 99 100 102 103 101 98 97 102 104 102 102 101 102 103 102 100 87 96 99 100 100 100 100 102 99 98 99 104 105 103 102 107 103 101 93 100 100 98 94 100 99 99 97 105 107 106 102 98 96 95 96 102 100 98 94 103 101 101 98 98 98 98 96 100 101 102 102 100 99 98 97 102 101 100 98 92 92 89 92 1924 January _ * February March . April 95 97 96 95 98 99 97 93 96 &7 96 91 93 94 % 94 95 97 97 98 97 97 97 92 102 101 101 101 97 99 103 101 94 95 99 102 May June _ July August 91 88 85 85 92 94 04 95 88 84 79 81 89 85 80 79 97 95 93 93 88 83 83 87 100 99 98 98 92 85 84 . 84* September October November.. _ December 87 88 88 89 • 97 97 95 96 84 86 86 88 80 81 82 85 93 94 93 93 91 92 91 91 100 101 101 102 1925 January February March April 90 92 92 92 93 93 90 87 60 92 92 91 86 88 89 88 92 93 93 94 92 95 95 92 . 91 90 87 89 89 88 87 87 93 94 90 86 _. . September October November December __ May June July August 8 99, 970 92, 237 80, 838 71,061 66, 214 64, 755 j i September October November December i Compiled by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and represent weighted indexes based upon the number of wage earners in the respective industries in jL919;_The original data are taken from the pay roll nearest to the middle of the month. Details of this table can be found in the April, 1924, Monthly Labor Beview, pp. 129-132. 2 Average for last 7 months of year; earlier data not available. Commission. The computation of average wages Sl. company men, and all other employees at collieries. Average of last three months of the year. Average of 6 months; data for the 6-month period, March to September, not available on account of strike. Compiled by the U. S. Civil Service Commission, giving number of civilian employees emplo: carried on rolls at end of each month. Details by departments are given in the monthly reports. »Nine-month average, April to December, inclusive. 6 7 100 Table 72—FACTORY EMPLOYMENT, BY STATES AND CITIES [Base year in boldfaced type] YEAR AND MONTH MasNew sachu- York 2 setts i New Penn- Dela- Illi4 3 Jersylsey 3 vania 3 ware nois Relative to 1914 Rel. to 1922 Relative to 1923 EMPLOYEES TOTAL PAY ON PAY BOLL BOLL TOTAL PAY BOLLS EMPLOYEES ON PAY BOLL Wisconsin * New DeNew Jer-3 troit ? York 2 sey Rel. to Rel. to Rel. to 19157 1914 1920 Penn- Dela3 sylvania 3 ware Relative to 1923 Wisconsin s Detroit 6 New York State 2 Rel. to 19157 Number Thou- Thous. of sands dollars RELATIVE NUMBERS 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 monthly av monthly av monthly av monthly av monthly av 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly av... monthly av... monthly av monthly av monthly av..... mont hly a v J. 100.0 98.3 112.5 116.8 118.5 100 117. 6 114.7 95.4 101.0 106.6 90.3 120 124 97 105 116 105 100 90 100 89 100 1923 May June July August. 100.0 106.6 104.6 104.2 117 116 115 114 104 102 100 97 September October November December 103. 7 105. 6 104.0 101.6 115 116 115 113 97.2 97.2 96.7 92.3 ? 107 141 166 210 7113 55 91 123 115 227 281 201 211 254 235 284 342 191 210 270 262 105 128 136 140 79 100 110 101 100 101 100 100 104 106 104 101 113.2 113. 7 111.4 110.1 123.9 124.4 128.4 126.7 130 125 124 119 97 96 96 96 102 102 100 97 101 97 94 84 109.0 109.0 108.6 107.8 123.1 120.9 120.7 110.9 112 113 113 110 95 95 95 93 94 95 95 94 78 83 84 84 105.9 108.2 108.2 106.9 88.3 85.7 82.0 84.5 105 102 98 99 91 88 84 85 90 86 82 83 81 77 78 76 September October November December 87.2 90.4 90.8 91.3 102 104 104 104 87 88 88 89 85 87 87 89 1925 January February March April 92.6 93.9 93.6 92.4 104 106 107 105 88 87 87 87 90.3 87.6 104 103 86 85 May June July August May . June July _ j 478 494 579 604 614 100 103 121 126 128 136 135 94 107 124 117 1934 January February . March April NUMERICAL DATA 100 160 198 258 5,948 6,377 8,366 9,892 12, 481 573 594 464 500 553 504 13,490 177, 533 97, 845 161, 269 218, 713 203, 666 560 555 551 546 15, 484 15, 460 15, 184 14, 816 16, 711 11,943 12, 524 15, 074 100 1OO 100 89 86 83 261 260 256 249 108 107 101 98 106 105 99 100 106 114 107 101 280.1 280.1 280.1 229, 971 222, 045 220, 099 210, 506 121 121 120 132 253 259 255 255 95 94 95 98 101 104 100 99 100 99 101 86 272.2 276.0 275.2 265.0 214. 590 214. 555 212, 397 235, 155 549 556 548 641 15, 039 114.5 123.4 125. 5 122.5 135 136 134 130 250 252 256 245 94 96 96 93 91 96 95 94 81 85 89 93 253.9 283.6 288.7 276.3 239, 503 241, 134 240, 586 231, 617 535 540 542 524 14, 874 14, 978 104.2 100.7 96.2 96.5 116.1 111.4 115., 5 115.0 116 111 111 112 233 224 214 217 91 88 81 82 88 80 72 77 85 78 76 79 266.1 213, 589 201, 701 197, 462 194, 490 503 489 470 471 13, 847 13, 317 12, 741 12, 905 75 76 78 79 97.1 96.1 95.7 97.6 113.6 114.8 116.2 116. 4 111 110 111 54 231 229 231 237 86 86 88 90 79 83 83 90 77 80 78 89 248.3 262.2 263.2 196, 962 194, 845 197, 075 95, 024 489 495 495 499 13, 715 13, 632 90 92 92 91 82 83 83 81 98.5 100.0 98.9 97.9 117.5 119.6 120.1 120.1 117 119 127 133 236 238 245 234 86 87 88 86 88 91 91 88 88 87 87 84 263. 9 207, 561 280.8 211,491 279.1 225, 626 233, 557 497 505 511 502 14, 048 14, 133 14, 532 13, 881 90 90 82 82 96.9 96.5 121. 1 122.3 133 135 137 234 231 90 87 88 85 86 84 289.4 284.8 495 491 13, 891 13, 717 - 267.8 243.2 236.6 250.3 267.1 280.5 236, 686 240, 406 242, 515 13,967 15,406 15, 145 15, 141 15,259 14,530 13,700 14, 101 September 1 * Data from Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries, Division of Statistics. Yearly figures through 1922 are based on identical plants as secured by a yearly census. Data for 1923 and 1924 are connected to the series by the chain relative method, representing at least 40 per cent of the firms included in the yearly figures. These will later be revised by a complete census and subsequent data will be added by the chain relative method. 2 Figures represent reports from 1,648 firms in New York State employing more than one-third of the factory workers of the State, as reported by the New York State Department of Labor, The 1914 average upon which the index numbers are calculated is an average of the 7 months, June to December, 1914, inclusive. As originally published by the New York Department of Labor, the index numbers are based on June, 1914, and have been recalculated to the 7-month average. a Compiled by the Federal Reserve Sank of Philadelphia from reports of about 1,000 plants each month in the States of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. * Data on Illinois represent reports by almost 1,200 manufacturing establishments, employing about 300,000 people, to the IlUnois Department of Labor. Figures on employees are based upon the number on the payroll nearest the 15th of the month. * Data compiled by Industrial Commission of Wisconsin. Prior to June, 1923, this index was based on identical manufacturing establishments employing about 80,000 people; thereafter on link relatives from reports of manufacturing, logging, and agricultural firms. . « Data on Detroit employment from the Employers' Association o/Detroitt covering about two-thirds of the working population of that city Figures for the last week tt the month are given here. i Relative td first quarter of 1916. 101 Table 73.—WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WAGES OF COMMON LABOR BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS » YEAR AND MONTH U.S. Average West East West New Middle South East South North North Moun- PaEng- Atlan- Atlan- South CenCen- Cen- Cen- tain cific land tic tic tral tral tral tral U.S. FARM STEEL WAGES CORP. (withWAGE out RATES' board) 3 U.S. average Dollars Cents per hour mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. av_ av_ av. av. av. av. 20 23 28 36 20 25 31 39 20 24 30 38 14 16 21 27 12 13 17 23 16 17 21 28 21 24 29 39 25 28 34 45 26 29 36 44 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. av_ av. av_ av. av. av. 41 49 36 32 38 38 41 49 38 39 51 50 41 50 35 36 45 45 32 37 26 21 25 28 28 32 25 20 22 24 36 40 28 24 25 27 43 53 35 31 39 40 53 62 45 31 34 36 1923 May June July August 37 39 39 40 53 53 52 54 46 47 48 49 25 28 27 27 22 26 22 22 24 24 25 24 40 42 41 43 September.. October November.. December... 40 40 41 40 52 54 54 53 48 47 49 47 29 29 29 28 24 23 25 24 26 26 24 28 1934 January February — March April 38 38 41 39 62 53 60 52 47 48 55 48 27 27 33 27 23 23 22 25 May June July August 38 39 38 38 51 51 51 47 47 47 43 42 27 30 28 28 September,October November.. December... 39 38 38 37 48 47 46 47 41 41 41 43 1925 January February March April 36 38 38 38 44 45 48 47 38 38 46 46 26 28 36 45 20 20 20 24 30 38 $30. 31 29.88 30.15 32,83 40.43 48.80 47 55 46 37 42 41 52 60 50 48 54 62 42 46 38 32 39 40 56.29 64.95 43.32 41.79 45.40 47.63 36 36 36 37 40 41 46 44 51 53 54 56 40 40 40 40 43 42 41. 46 38 39 37 32 43 43 42 43 56 59 69 55 40 40 40 40 25 24 29 26 40 41 43 41 35 33 36 35 45 39 37 41 52 51 50 53 40 40 40 40 25 25 24 25 26 27 26 28 41 38 39 39 30 35 36 39 41 45 41 40 51 55 53 53 40 40 40 40 29 30 28 27 24 24 25 23 28 27 28 27 43 40 41 39 39 38 37 37 43 42 41 41 52 53 52 52 40 40 40 40 52 46 44 46 22 23 25 29 21 26 24 23 28 29 28 27 34 41 36 37 36 39 41 37 39 39 43 42 62 51 53 63 40 40 40 40 42 42 28 29 26 26 24 25 37 38 38 38 45 47 62 63 40 40 48.14 48.70 48.67 45.81 46.45 47.62 48.15 48.52 45.24 47.68 48.55 Eastern States Cen- South- Western tral ern States States States Number of applicants per job per mo. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ivtay June July EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES" <1.73 1.27 1.05 1.43 < 1.31 1.06 1.00 1.27 *2.35 1.46 1.31 1.80 U.64 1.25 1.09 1.30 <0.95 .70 .60 .69 .87 .94 1.10 1.04 .80 .92 1.07 1.02 1.05 1.10 1.26 1.29 .90 .99 1.06 .97 .46 .62 .80 .60 .97 1.08 1.27 1.55 .92 1.05 1.21 1.50 1.21 1.30 1.52 1.93 .90 .98 1.12 1.43 .59 .63 .69 .70 1.61 1.45 1.39 1.26 1.45 1.32 1.25 1.09 1.95 1.77 1.70 1.53 1.58 1.38 1.36 1.19 .83 .72 .73 .68 1.36 1.57 1.59 1.69 1.20 1.42 1.43 1.25 1.81 2.11 2.00 1.75 1.19 1.31 1.34 1.31 .58 .69 .82 .67 1.26 1.29 1.41 1.52 1.16 1.12 1.22 1.31 1.64 1.65 1.74 1.95 1.11 1.22 1.27 1.88 .57 .59 .71 .66 1.74 1.63 1.45 1.24 1.42 1.39 1.26 1.11 2.32 2.22 1.89 1.52 1.47 1.32 1.34 1.20 .70 .57 .65 .63 1.29 1.55 1.24 1.18 1.62 1.80 1.22 1.22 .59 .59 i Compiled by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Public Roads. The current data beginning January, 1922, are compiled directly from Federal aid project reports. Back data have included reports on farm labor or other forms of common labor closely correlated as reported to the Department of Agriculture and the Department ? Average rates in the Pittsburgh district reported by the United States Steel Corporation; rates apply to 10-hour day except for the period October 1,1918, to July 16, 1921,3 during which period the rates applied to a basic 8-hour day with time and a half for overtime. Average rates paid to farm labor as reported by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. *5 Six-month average June to December, inclusive. . A j * «... * * •* * Compiled from weekly reports to the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment Service, showing the number of workers and jobs registered at State and municipal employment agencies. Eastern States Included in the report are Connecticut, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island (Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, now reporting, are excluded to show true comparison). Central States are Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Southern States Include Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, and Virginia. Western States include Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington; Montana is included beginning with March, 1922, its figures being £0 small as not to affect the total. 102 Table 74.—WEEKLY EARNINGS OF FACTORY LABOR [Base year in boldfaced type] BY STATES U. S. TOTALS, 23 INDUSTRIES 1 Men YEAR AND MONTH Grand total UnTotal Skilled skilled PennWo- Mas- New New Jer- syl- 7 BeiaYork e sey men sachui vania ware? setts » Relative to 1914 Relative to July, 1914 Relative to 1923 U. S. TOTALS, 23 INDUSTRIES » Men Illinois ' Wiscon-9 sin Grand total -Bel. to Rel. to 1922 1915 100 103.2 116.6 134.7 167.8 103 116 131 188 n 108 125 146 186 2233 205 204 223 215 190.8 227.6 196.8 196.6 223.8 210. 7 188 226 206 201 218 222 100 98 209 254 202 196 218 223 229.51 23.57 324.06 26.25 26.27 2 31. 72 25.05 3 25. 69 28.27 28.31 2 33. 31 26.55 3 27. 42 30.12 30.04 216 217 215 213 225 226 224 222 230. 0 225. 2 222. 9 228.0 220 222 221 224 215 217 213 216 215 221 221 217 222 222 222 219 227.1 226.4 222.1 218.6 211 214 204 204 210 213 202 203 212 214 205 205 214 203 201 205 207 211 211 214 211 214 213 217 210 213 218216 211 211 213 215 216 216 217 215 220 221 221 220 217 219 220 21» 215 211 222 218 220 216 mo. mo mo mo mo av_. <100 av av av av 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 mo mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. av av__ av__ av_. av__ av_. 2235 188 3192 209 209 2238 188 3 193 213 213 2235 188 s 194 213 212 2253 191 3 192 211 213 1923 September... October November__December... 213 216 215 215 216 218 217 215 215 218 217 214 1924 January February March April 215 217 214 213 215 218 215 217 May June July August . 208 203 200 201 September... October November... December 1925 January February March April Women NUMERICAL DATA i 100 <100 ilOO *100 100 0 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 May June July August UnSkilled skilled Dollars RELATIVE NUMBERS • Total NEW YORK STATE (6) 4 $12. 54 * $13. 3ft < $14. 16 * 110. 71 4 $7. 84 2 27. 11 2 18. 27 20.48 16.07 3 20. 53 s 15. 99 22.61 17.46 22.86 16.89 $13.48 12.85 14.43 16.37 23.50 23.50 28.15 25.72 25. 04 27.23 27.68 100 1OO 102 100 10100 110 112 98 98 99 102 100 103 101 103 98 101 107 102 112.3 114.2 109.8 114.4 221.2 228.5 228.3 221.7 26.74 27. 14 26.99 26.94 28.67 28.99 28.81 28.53 30.41 30.81 30. 73 30.29 23.17 23.25 23.02 22.86 i7.ee 17.69 17. 59 17.39 27.41 27. 7£ 27.64 27.97 223 222 226 222 99 102 102 101 98 103 102 102 103 102 105 108 110. 4 114.8 111.8 112.6 213.5 230.6 230.8 226.2 26.94 27.20 26.89 26.67 28.64 29.05 28.59 28.81 30.38 30.73 30.12 30.55 23.04 23.67 23.70 23.19 17.38 17.36 17.41 17.17 27.81 27.73 28,16 27.70 216.4 213.5 214.2 211.4 217 218 217 220 101 101 97 98 100 95 89 94 103 99 95 101 112.0 110.9 108.0 109.1 229.5 218.5 204.9 217. 6 26.10 25.44 25.12 25. 18 28.11 28.52 27.07 27.14 29.75 30.19 28.62 28.68 22. 75 22.94 21.95 2L.94 16. 74 15.95 15.76 16.04 27.54 27.21 27.12 27.40 218 221 220 219 192.4 208.9 188.0 190.1 225 221 222 226 100 99 101 101 94 97 97 103 100 103 97 110 110.1 112.0 111.8 114.8 218.2 227.8 226.2 229.1 25. 98 26.45 26. 41 26.85 28.11 28.44 28.37 28.90 29.76 30.21 30.84 30.65 22.56 22.60 22.84 23.08 17.11 17.36 17.21 17.18 28; 03 27.53 27.66 28.26 224 222 223 222 227 226 225 222 189.5 189.1 188.9 184.5 227 224 228 222 98 101 101 98 99 101 101 99 104 102 102 101 111.9 113.9 112.1 113.2 224.0 234.1 231.7 232.9 27.09 27.12 27. 19 27.01 29.20 29.35 29.45 29.25 30.75 30.96 31.09 30. 85 24. 02 23.81 23. 86 23.75 17.79 17.70 17.62 17.44 2&29 27.97 28.45 27.67 221 217 223 216 185. 4 182.9 225 224 104 102 100 97 102 100 113.0 113.8 238.4 232.8 27.02 26.49 29.50 28.98 31.19 30.65 23.66 23.19 17.50 16.95 28.07 27.94 September.. . October November... December... 1 Compiled by the National Industrial Conference Board from reports from 1,678 manufacturing plants employing 506,315 people in January, 1921, and representing 23 industries. The nominal hours per week represent the weighted number of hours the plants are supposed normally to operate, while the actual hours represent the average man hours worked each week. The grand total weekly earnings are compiled by weighting the average earnings in each industry by the number of wage earners employed as reported by the Census of Manufactures of 1919, but as it was impossible to obtain the necessary weighting factors for the classes of labor, the latter averages are unweighted; hence, the relative number for the grand total sometimes is lower than the relative number of any class, owing to the different methods of computation. 2 Average of last seven months of the year. 3 Average of last six months of the year. 4 July, 1914. 8 Data from Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries, Division of Statistics. Yearly figures through 1922 are bas«d on identical plants as secured by a yearly census. Data for 1923 and 1924 are connected to the series by the chain relative method, representing at least 40 per cent of the firms included in the yearly figures. These will later be revised by a complete census and subsequent data will be added by the chain relative method. c Figures represent reports from 1,648 firms in New York State employing more than one-third of the factory workers of the State, as reported by the New York State index on earnings is relative to the last six mon 9 Data compiled by Industrial Commission of Wisconsin. Prior to June, 1923, this index was based on identical manufacturing establishments employing about 80,000 people; thereafter on link relatives from reports of manufacturing, logging, and agricultural firms. w Relative to last six months of 1922. 11 Relative to first quarter of 1915. 103 Table 75.—PAY ROLL AND HOURS IN INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS AVERAGE WEEKLY2 HOURS PAY-BOLL INDEX Total,i 12 groups YEAR AND MONTH Food and kindred products Textiles and their products Lum- Leather Iron Chem- Stone, ber and Paper clay, icals and itsand steel fin- and and and and its other ished printglass their manu- proding prod- prodprodfacucts ucts ucts ture ucts Metal and Vehimetal Tocles Miscelprod- bacco for laneucts manu- land ous other facindustransthan ture portatries iron tion and steel July monthly average. monthly average. monthly average. monthly average. monthly average. Actual NUMERICAL DATA INDEX NUMBERS RELATIVE TO 1923 1914, 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Nominal 51.5 848.7 45.5 <49.2 49.2 46.8 100 91 100 98 100 87 100 87 100 97 100 88 100 102 100 93 100 101 100 100 96 100 85 88 100 91 55.0 »50.0 49.7 <50.0 49.9 49.7 1922 July August _ _ September.. October November December 74 79 83 86 90 93 85 85 90 92 96 96 83 86 89 91 92 94 62 67 73 79 84 89 84 89 88 99 90 90 88 94 95 95 98 103 88 88 92 94 94 98 85 88 90 92 90 93 84 87 87 86 84 86 70 88 90 96 102 102 105 104 107 108 112 111 60 70 76 82 90 91 72 78 79 81 87 95 50.0 50.0 49.9 50.0 50.0 60.1 48.0 48.8 48.9 49.5 49.8 50.0 1923 January February March April 92 95 100 101 94 93 95 95 99 102 106 103 88 93 97 99 87 89 93 98 104 106 108 105 96 97 100 101 93 95 101 103 86 87 92 100 104 107 115 113 104 100 104 99 87 92 99 101 93 96 105 108 50.2 50.1 50.2 50.1 50.1 49.8 50.1 50.3 105 105 100 99 97 100 101 99 105 102 99 98 106 108 100 102 102 105 104 104 104 99 94 97 102 101 100 97 103 101 103 99 105 106 100 103 112 108 98 91 98 100 97 87 104 104 100 103 112 110 99 91 50.2 50.2 49.9 49.9 49.8 49.5 49.5 48.7 September October _ November December 100 102 101 99 104 106 107 105 98 99 94 96 102 104 101 99 104 105 106 103 97 97 94 96 99 102 102 104 102 103 99 99 104 106 105 102 87 89 88 90 97 104 104 106 100 107 105 98 95 95 100 96 49.5 49.6 49.5 49.7 48.0 48.3 48.2 48.1 1934 January February March April 95 99 99 97 99 100 99 95 97 101 97 90 93 98 100 98 94 100 101 102 96 97 96 88 103 104 104 104 95 97 101 100 97 101 105 109 88 102 107 101 100 99 98 90 87 97 97 97 96 101 99 99 49.6 49.0 50.1 49.9 48.5 48.3 47.8 47.4 May June July August 92 87 81 84 96 98 98 96 83 79 72 78 91 82 73 76 101 99 92 93 83 79 78 87 103 101 97 97 94 89 86 87 108 106 94 98 89 79 71 72 92 95 93 93 91 84 77 81 95 86 84 82 49.9 49.9 49.6 49.5 46.6 45.4 44.8 45.2 Sp>.pt,fi mbfir October November _ December 86 89 88 92 100 97 97 100 84 87 83 90 77 81 82 88 96 98 96 97 91 92 85 88 101 103 103 106 89 90 92 92 98 101 99 100 74 77 80 84 97 88 100 103 82 87 84 86 85 84 87 90 49.6 49.6 49.7 49.8 46.4 47.1 47.1 47.1 1925 Janauary February March April 90 95 97 94 96 95 93 88 92 96 97 91 90 93 94 91 90 96 98 97 92 96 96 88 105 104 106 104 91 94 100 99 92 98 102 105 80 88 95 92 96 89 90 76 79 92 96 97 91 96 98 97 49.8 49.9 49.9 49.9 48.5 48.6 48 6 48.2 94 92 90 93 88 85 92 89 98 100 87 82 104 103 94 91 107 106 90 90 93 92 97 93 99 93 50.1 49.8 48.1 47.4 May June July August .. May June July August September October November December 1 Compiled by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and represent weighted indexes of the amount of the pay roll at the date nearest the middle of each month, for 52 industries combined into 12 groups as above. The groups are weighted in accordance with the aggregate earnings of the respective industries in 1919. The 2actual data are obtained from a varying number of reporting firms each month, the months of 1925 covering over 8,000 firms. Compiled by the National Industrial Conference Board from reports from 1,678 manufacturing plants employing 506,315 people in January, 1921, and representing 23 industries. The nominal hours per week represent the weighted number of hours the plants are supposed normally to operate, while the actual hours represent the average man hours worked each week. 3 Average of last seven months of the year. * Average of last six months of the year. 104 Table 76.—FACTORY TIME OPERATIONS Total, 12 groups i YEAR AND MONTH Food and kindred products Textiles and their products Iron Lum- Leather Chem- Stone, and ber and Paper clay, icals steel and its finand its and and and manu- ished print- other glass their prodfacproding prodprodture ucts ucts ucts ucts Metal and Vehimetal Tocles Miscel- Ratio prod- bacco for lane- actual ucts manu- land ous time to other factrans- indus- capacthan portature tries ity a iron tion and steel AVERAGE PER CENT OF FULL TIME OPERATED 1924 monthly average 3 91 87 88 89 94 90 95 90 92 90 91 93 92 72 90 88 87 88 82 85 82 86 87 80 81 85 91 88 86 86 94 92 90 90 86 88 89 89 96 94 92 93 90 86 89 88 93 93 91 92 85 84 85 90 88 93 91 93 93 91 90 91 96 90 89 89 69 67 65 68 September October November December 91 92 91 92 91 91 89 89 89 91 91 92 87 88 88 90 93 95 95 96 93 92 90 91 95 96 95 96 91 91 89 91 91 90 91 91 92 88 91 94 94 93 90 96 92 94 93 94 91 93 91 93 72 75 74 75 1925 January . February March __ April 92 93 93 92 89 89 84 83 94 96 96 94 91 93 92 92 92 95 95 95 92 93 92 88 96 96 95 95 93 93 97 97 87. 90 89 93 95 97 96 96 94 92 89 82 94 95 96 97 93 93 95 94 75 77 77 76 92 92 83 86 93 93 93 92 95 95 87 87 95 94 96 95 92 92 97 96 91 94 96 95 91 93 75 75 1924 May June July August . _. May June July August .. . September October November December AVERAGE PER CENT OF FULL CAPACITY OPERATED 1924 monthly average 8 _- 79 78 78 70 87 73 89 76 84 69 77 82 73 __ 77 76 75 77 71 72 73 78 76 73 72 73 69 67 65 67 87 85 84 84 65 67 68 72 88 87 86 87 72 69 73 72 86 85 83 84 64 64 66 65 73 77 77 77 82 78 78 79 70 69 69 71 . 79 81 81 81 83 83 82 83 79 81 83 84 68 70 69 71 88 89 89 89 79 80 76 80 90 90 91 90 76 79 80 76 82 82 83 83 69 69 72 73 81 82 80 81 81 84 82 80 73 77 73 74 January.. February March April 82 83 83 83 82 82 79 76 85 86 87 87 73 74 74 73 87 89 89 90 80 83 81 78 91 92 91 92 78 83 85 87 76 83 83 87 77 80 76 78 84 80 74 75 84 85 84 85 78 77 76 78 May June July August 82 82 76 81 85 84 75 74 89 89 79 79 92 91 73 66 83 85 77 81 79 80 83 85 76 76 1924 May June July August September October.. . November December ._ 1925 October November December . _ __ 1 Compiled by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, from reports of over 6,000 firms, employing over 2,000,000 people showing, in the lower pan; of table, the percentage of their capacity force employed each month and, in the upper part of table, the percentage of full time worked by the force actually employed. Detailsfor individual industries of each group and percentage of firms operated at full capacity and at full time are given in "Employment in selected industries," issued each month by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. a These data, compiled by multiplying the percentage of capacity operated, as shown in the first column of the lower half of this table, by the percentage of time operated, as shown in the first column of the upper half, indicate the approximate actual employment time relative to capacity. * Average of last 10 months of year. 105 Table 77.—DISTRIBUTION MOVEMENT MAIL-ORDER HOUSE SALES * Total YEAR AND MONTH 4 2 houses houses ' INDEX NOS. Rela- Relative to tive to 1919 1913 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Mont- buck Ward gomery & Co. & Co. 1 ' Total ' $7, 965 8,427 9,389 12, 237 14, 856 16, 544 $3, 310 3,420 4,113 5,178 6,592 6,664 $13, 543 14, 611 17, 066 264 264 188 204 259 284 $36, 569 37, 693 26, 190 28, 695 36, 098 38, 421 29, 772 30, 233 21, 970 22, 969 29, 182 32, 074 21, 494 21, 217 14,834 15, 180 17, 962 18, 515 8,838 9,192 6,330 7,706 11, 220 16, 272 18, 380 20, 688 20, 759 8 $2, 157 22, 901 2,333 25, 085 2,593 26, 335 2,809 1924 January February March April 98 96 105 114 271 270 279 300 35, 936 35, 027 38, 529 41,551 30, 508 30, 468 31, 450 33, 836 19, 303 17, 878 17, 381 20, 099 11,205 12, 590 14, 069 13, 737 26, 031 25, 264 27,463 26, 918 2,859 2,728 2,950 2,818 90 89 69 74 243 239 196 211 32, 797 32, 438 25, 186 27, 117 27, 404 26, 978 22, 069 23, 809 16, 318 13, 939 13, 416 13, 476 11,086 13, 039 8,653 10, 333 25, 915 23, 524 22, 728 22, 545 2,651 2,433 2,597 2,565 September October November December... 106 141 131 148 279 364 351 411 38, 667 51, 688 48, 016 54, 093 31, 448 41, 063 39, 541 46, 316 17,905 23,801 22, 488 26, 171 13, 543 17, 262 17, 053 20, 145 25, 898 29, 119 26, 471 34, 149 2,718 3,145 2,627 3,613 1925 January February March April 108 105 119 117 308 299 318 322 39, 337 38, 418 43, 642 42, 763 34,746 33, 756 35, 837 26, 275 22, 082 21, 033 19, 817 21, 747 12, 664 12, 723 16, 020 14, 528 27, 271 25,644 29, 085 29,083 2,979 2,856 3, 035 3, 108 95 101 262 271 248 34, 648 37, 050 29, 529 30, 526 27,916 17, 469 16, 095 17, 073 12, 060 14, 431 10, 843 27, 455 26, 987 25, 707 2,873 2,833 2,888 May... June July August Domestic * (50 principal cities) ADVERTISING Foreign 8 Paid Issued 50 in- class (quarlected dusterly) trial Num- Value Numcities Value Maga-( News-7 paper zine ber ber cities $11, 275 11,847 13, 498 17, 407 20, 982 22, 891 POSTAL MONEY ORDERS 50 se- 19] 9 monthly av... 100 1 920 monthly av___ 103 1921 monthly av._. 72 1922 monthly av... 79 1923 monthly a v.._ 99 1924 monthly av... 105 May June July August Second 3 Thousands of dollars 100 105 120 154 186 203 monthly av._ monthly av._ monthly av monthly av monthly av monthly av Sears, Roe- 4 % houses houses POSTAL RECEIPTS Thou- ThouThou- sands of sands dollars sands Thousands of dollars $5, 190 4,537 $11, 467 3,719 12, 702 3,609 14, 657 2,748 17, 837 2,680 1,224 1,161 1,147 1,415 1,490 1,344 61, 440 62, 671 61, 067 83,859 95, 832 86, 661 91, 131 97, 402 96, 557 Thousands of agate lines $2, 525 2,598 2,684 2,898 2,860 3,367 6,313 7,248 7,149 6,784 $34, 812 40, 592 44, 863 50, 587 1,315 1,470 1,610 1,711 5, 051 5,914 4,898 6,851 7,233 7,386 7,773 8,098 8,211 9,409 10, 391 10, 797 65, 356 72, 432 64,827 68, 462 78, 913 84, 515 1,895 2,059 2,107 2,340 2,684 2,981 21, 713 25, 017 23, 351 24,544 28,005 29,831 2,970 1,858 1,519 1,859 3,480 3,436 1,890 2,305 1,480 1,573 1,953 2,034 10, 867 10, 482 11, 993 12, 046 77,642 75,404 108, 773 87, 981 3,028 2,823 3, 337 3,062 29,118 28, 189 33, 268 30, 360 2,773 2, 439 3,575 3,336 1,746 92, 172 1,945 89, 152 2,219 104, 116 2,482 107, 420 8,006 10, 659 9,712 9,064 81, 618 77, 450 72, 940 69, 552 2,950 2,894 2,724 2,591 30, 434 28, 405 28, 018 27, 210 3, 265 3,050 3,225 2,931 | 2,411 2,212 1,658 1,408 9,880 12,000 11, 294 13, 558 77, 980 95, 784 88, 962 100, 098 2,795 3,052 2,941 3,573 28,398 30, 763 29,802 34,002 2,890 | 3,070 4, 426 6,503 1,795 94,903 2,213 108, 594 2,201 102, 662 2,121 102, 667 11,188 10, 533 12, 909 12, 031 61, 179 74, 014 91, 845 87, 883 3,127 2,960 3, 605 3,234 30, 563 28,683 33, 512 31, 097 2,716 2,840 3,540 3,278 1,537 93,088 ],975 85, 803 2,222 106, 501 2,443 107, 902 10, 486 11, 933 78, 573 80,682 3,014 3,127 30, 230 30, 840 3, 206 2,392 2,232 7,881 7,418 6,682 7,563 7,917 105, 412 97,409 76, 408 76, 674 109, 142 96, 012 September October-. November December 1 Sales of four principal mail-order houses compiled by Federal Reserve Board and include Sears, Roebuck & Co., Montgomery Ward & Co., National Cloak & Suit Co.t Lar~kin & Co. Data on two chief houses, extending back to 1913, total the sales of Sears, Roebuck & Co. and Montgomery Ward & Co. 2 Data from U. S. Post Office Department. The 50 selected cities cover the largest cities in the country, the industrial cities comprising the next largest. The war revenue act of Oct. 3, 1917, provided for an increase in the rate for first-class letter mail from 2 cents per ounce or fraction thereof prior to Nov. 1, 1917, to 3 cents per ounce or fraction thereof, from Nov. 1, 1917, to July 1, 1919, and an increase of the rate on postal and post cards from 1 cent to 2 cents each during the same period. Since July 1, 1919, the old rates on first-class mail have been restored. Under this act a stamp tax of 1 cent for each 25 cents postage charge or fraction thereof is collectible on parcel-post matter. Effective April 15, 1925, the new postal rates applicable almost entirely to matter other than first class have operated to increase the magnitude of these data, thereby affecting their comparability from this point forward. 3 Note that these data from U. S. Post Office Department represent quarters ending in the months specified and the annual figures represent quarterly averages for each year, not monthly averages. The war revenue act of Oct. 3, 1917, provided for a series of graduated annual rate increases on second-class mail as follows, compared with a flat rate of 1 cent per pound previous to July 1, 1918. From July 1, 1918, to June 30, 1919, ll/i cents, and since July 1, 1919, , VA cents per pound, these changes applying regardless of zone or distance, to portions of publications devoted to reading matter. For the advertised portions the country was divided into eight zones, each with a graduated rate and its corresponding annual increase, beginning with July 1, 1918, and reaching the maximum on July 1, 1921, making, for the first time, a differentiation between the rates on reading and advertising matter. 4 Total of 50 cities transacting two-thirds of the total money-order business of the country, from the U. S. Post Office Department. Money orders paid include, in addition to those both issued and payable in the 50 cities, those presented for payment but issued at any of the other offices in the United States and the 22 foreign countries, mostly in North America and West Indies, to which domestic postage rates apply. f> Money orders issued to 10 principal foreign countries, representing approximately 95 per cent of total money orders issued by U. S. Post Office Department. The countries are Great Britain, Canada, Mexico, France, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Japan. 67 These figures represent the number of lines of advertising carried by the leading magazines dated for the month noted, as compiled by Printer's Ink. Compiled by the New York Evening Post from 22 identical cities: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Cleveland, St. Louis, Boston, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Buffalo, San Francisco, Milwaukee, Washington, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Columbus, Louisville, St. Paul, Birmingham, and Houston. For the years 1916 to 1918 no reports were available for Boston, Louisville, Houston, and Columbus. The totals for those years were computed from the actual reports of the 18 other cities, allowing 13.85 per cent of the total to the four missing cities, the average ratio of those cities to the total in the subsequent years. 8 Six months' average, July to December, inclusive. TiiWe 7&—CHAIN-STORE SALES [B&rative numbers for base year in boJtffaced type; numerical (fata on opposite page] GROCERIES («? efeaim) s FIVEAN» TEN (5 chains) DRUG (9 churns) CIGAR (3. ciiains) SHOE (6 chains) MUSIC (i chains) CANDY (5 chains) With With With With With With With seasonal Actual seasonal Actual seasonal Actual seasonal Actual seasonal Actual seasonal Actual seasonal correc- Actual :; correccorreccorreccorreccorreccorrection 2 tion. 2 tion,2 tion 2 tion 2 tion 2 tion 2 YEAR AND MONTH Relative to 1919 1919 monthly average _ _ . 1920 monthly average . __ 1921 monthly average .___ 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924- monthly average 1933 _ _ -.- 100 146 130 151 188215 100 100 100 100 100 120 124 140 165 185 121 123 127 144 150 133 132 128 135 138 120 113 114 123 133 109 88 101 113 101 145 146 143147 145 140 149 154, 129 126 12ft 130 135 137 138 137 124 124 127 129 125 126 126 128 129 123 127 127 126 127 128 129 124 119 105 84 108 112 115 1QS 151 160 167 177 159 155 186169 135 155 151 279 145 143 145 151 129 133 123 162 131 130 131 133 135 127 127 179 135 122 128 132 116 121 123 162 121 107 113 124 1923 January February , , March . -_ .„_. ... . April . ... . ..^ 173 171 207 181 172 178 191 178 115 117 162 142 158 156 169 152 129 126 145 135 134 143 139 116 110 135 125 133 130 139 130 86 72 145 125 113 107 145 107 May June .. July . „ August- 190 184 179 180 190 187 186 189 154 154 143 153 162 168 158 161 142 149 141 145 144 151 139 145 137 136 128 135 134 140 129 138 143 144 102 95 184 201 204 203 ; 194 195 202. 194 151 180 176 331. 162 166 168 179 143 152 141 185 145 149 150 152 140 138 134 193 140 132 135 143 205 20L 200 210 204 2QQ184 208 126 140 163. 178 173 . 179 170 190 141 143 149 145 146 150 147 149 119 124 136 130 214 200 206 201 214 203 214 211 174 162 163 172 183 177 179 181 150 143 148 152 153 146 147 151 210 232 253 221 234 230 242 169 ! 203' 199 366 183 188191 198 145 159I45: 187 250: 1 233 252 25S . 249 243 233 255 151 156 177 195 207 209 185 208 155 146 160 159 ; 25426£ 19* 18.7 201 ]#$ 167 May June July August September October November _ . „ December . September October November December - _ ... .. _. « _ _ . 1924 January... __ . February March April May June July August... _ __ September October November December 24ft . ; 100 138 142 147 176 19,0- i; sisi 97 102 112; 111 142 137 141 149 148 146 144. 149 118 99 97 108 154 150 145 220 155 147 152, 151 95 88 96 99 116 107 107 116 131 137 191 154 156 162 189 154 124 135 112 121 100 97 82 103 12ft 122: 111 115 168 170 169 176 174 182 172 176- 127 139 131 171 133 123 121 130 102 137 149 214 102: 113? 119J 113 176 186 180 270 137 140 140 136 99 93 1.1.8 178 130 132 118 153 84 97 88 102 112110 103 154 167 184 205 184 19O 182 205 143 131 128 138 141 134 129 141 150 140 113 108 130 i 132 123 \ 138 1 82 75 7 2 91 9994 97 102 186 169 177 180 193 181 181 179 147 158; ! 16* 153 137 144 192 137 137 139 142; 124 138 145 186 129 i 122 1 134 142 110 124 111 i 184 ! 110' 10£ 87; f 98 ( 189 199 186 282" 192 194 195 188: 161 161 159 164- 122 119 131 134 141 140 135 139; I07; 1GQ 127 177 141 149 nr 152 112 : 120 i 116 126 162 ; 92 9ft 106 107 175 188 210 193; 207 186 210^ 1W 170, 143 134 140 137 14ft 152^ ~ 129 M2: 1 [ m m 116 125 195 184 138 . 138 83 99 118" ' 119 121 204 : 99 . 178 181 189 185. 1935 January February March April .... May June . July August. . . - 254 257 ; 203 \ , m 197 . October 1 ;; i i i i See footnotes on opposite page 1 1_"T""""| 1 107 Table 79.—CHAIN-STORE SALES' [Base year in boldfaced type; relative numbers on opposite page] GROCERIES (27 chains) YEAR AND MONTH Thousands of dollars FIVE ANJ> TEN (5 chains) Number of stores Thousands of dollars 15,362 18, 351 $17 190 20, 491 21, 160 23, 875 28, 172 31, 574 CIGAE (3 chains) D&UG (9 chains) Number of stores Thousands of dollars 1,819 1,958 $3,917 4,737 4,826 4,985 5,6-55 5, 899 Number of stores Thousands of dollars 492 525 $5, 535 7, 852 7,800 7,538 8,025 8,197 SHOE (8 chains) Number of stores Thousands of dollars 2,737 2,776 $3, 337 2,804 2,651 2,663 2,880 3, 103 Number of stores MUSIC (4 chains) Thousands of dollars $905 989 775 914 1,026 917 CANDY (5 chains) ' Number of stores Thousands of dollars Number of stores 59 55 $949 1,308 1, 348 1,391 2,133 2,307 3120 3134 1919 monthly ave 1920 'monthly £tve 1921 monthly avo 1922 monthly ave. _ 1923 monthly ave__ 1924 monthly ave__ 28 046 40,794 36, 351 42,404 52, 732 60, 119 ±922 May June July August 40, 705 41,064 40, 166 41, 143 22, 004 21, 576 21, 497 22, 157 4,840 4,864 4,965 5,040 7,269 7,310 7,541 7,521 2,906 2,784 2,447 1,972 732 736 751 897 1,349 1,297 1,335 1,418 September October November D ecember 42,359 44. 726 46, 865 49, 584 23,079 26, 536 25, 854 47,623 • 5,. 052 5,224 4, 826 6,324 8, 025 7, 528 7, 519 10, 586 2, 713 .2,837 2,871 3,791 1, 070 1,075 1,092 1,844 1, 456 1, 426 1, 373 2, 090 1933 January February March April 48, 483 47, 820 57,989 50, 741 13, 816 14, 010 14, 311 14,593 19, 692 19, 920 27, 726 24,239 1,761 1,783 1,800 1,796 5,064 4,919 5,674 5,289 465 477 484 483 6,847 6,499 7,968 7,394 2,754 2,737 2,732 2,747 1, 998 1,678 3,388 2,919 322 328 334 335 860 795 869 894 58 58 58 58 1,589 1,659 2,323 1,876 May June July August 53, 334 51, 694 50, 185 50,589 14, 982 15, 238 15, 633 15,837 26, 270 26, 365 24,448 26, 120 1,818 1,817 1,813 1,817 5, 563 5,843 6,505 6,696 488 488 492 492 8, 089 8,074 7,566 8, 019 2,747 2,759 2,759 2,754 3,345 3,352 2,384 2,220 337 342 344 339 905 880 745 929 59 59 59 59 2, 036 2, 064 2,052 2,141 September October November December 51,594 56, 286 57,094 56, 974 16,033 16,422 16, 639 16, 827 25, 766 30, 806 30,049 56,644 1,828 1,847 1,872 1,882 5,585 5,962 5,507 7, 261 500 506 518 514 8,284 8,197 7,925 11, 435 2, 747 2,700 2, 698 2,705 2,972 3,243 3, 069 ' 3,992 354 359 362 364 923 1,235 1,346 1,933 69 69 59 69 2, 137 2,257 2,182 3,275 1924 Januarv February __ March April. 57,625 56,233 56, 032 59,028 17, 161 17, 294 17, 456 17, 703 21,531" 23, 881 27,922 30, 398 1,893 1,894 1,920 1,933 5,506 5,583 5, 831 5,683 520 521 524 524 7, 052 7,335 8, 042 7,713 2,770 2,699 2,721 2,741 2, 308 2,166 2, 754 4, 170 365 371 383 398 761 876 894 795 69 57 57 55 1,876 2,031 2,230 2,494 May June July. August 60,071 56, 002 57, 887 56,356 17, 973 18, 297 18, 526 18,717 29,822 27, 736 27, 861 29, 361 1,930 1,952 1,969 1,975 5, 888 5, 615 6, 798 5, 948 525 526 529 529 -8, 499 7,748 7,612 8, 180 2,754 2,772 2, 760 2,797 3,516 3,279 2,642 2,529 405 406 405 407 741 677 652 821 55 55 55 55 2,264 2,053 2,150 2,181 September October,November December 58,816 67,404 65, 021 70, 947 18, 896 , 19,090 19, 395 19, 707 28, 965 34, 751 34, 021 62, 634 1,986 1,996 2, 010 2,033 5,677 6,229 5, 669 7,314 533 524 526 527 8,131 8, 520 8, 168 11, 362 2,814 2,815 2,829 2,841 2,902 3,218 3,400 4,358 415 424 447 452 994 1,118 1,002 1,668 55 54 54 54 2,298 2, 420 2, 253 3,430 186 179 1935 January February March April 70,161 65, 368 70,792 72, 412 20,033 20,385 20, 835 21, 297 . 25, 746 26, 623 30, 201 33, 357 2,028 2,036 2,048 2,059 6,068 5,730 6,285 6, 243 528 528 531 532 7,255 7,026 7,786 7,919 2, 817 2,809 2,884 2,908 2,499 2,334 2,968 4, 138 451 456 462 471 8S1 893 946 970 54 55 54 55 1,966 2,123 2,283 2,545 178 195 196 212 71, 315 72,092 21, 751 21, 902 £2,615 31, 973 2,060 2,078 6,390 6, 546 541 548 8,468 7,928 2,930 2,066 3,480 3,546 480 491 870 896 54 58 2,367 2,334 220 225 May June July August September October November December I I 343 407 ; , Compiled by the Federal Reserve Board, Division of Research and Statistics. Monthly data from 1919 on grocery and candy chains (but not comparable with present data) appeared in January, 1924, issue (No. 29), p. 49. The music chains operate locally in the West, but otherwise the data cover the larger chain-store organizations operating nationally. 2 Based on variations in the 4-year period 1919 to 1922. For details of computation see Federal Reserve Bulletin for January, 1924. Correction of the actual data, to eliminate seasonal variation, may be accomplished by dividing the index for each month by the seasonal index for the corresponding month given in the table on p. 154 of the3 February, 1924, issue (No. 30) of the SURVEY. Four chains prior to January, 1923. The average number of stores for 1923 and 1924 is also for 4 chains only. The index numbers, however, are strictly comparable for the entire period, as allowance has been made for the extra chain in the base beginning with 1923. 1 108 Table 80.—TEN-CENT CHAIN STORES F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. TOTAL (4 chains) YEAR AND MONTH Sales Average per Store Stores Sales Stores Thousands of dollars Dollars Number Thousands of dollars Number S. S. KRESGE CO. Sales Stores McCRORY STORES CORP. Sales S. H. KRESS & CO. Stores Sales Stores Thousands Number Thousands Thousands of dollars of dollars Number of dollars Number 1913 monthly average . _ 1914 monthly average. _ 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average _ _ 1918 monthly average .._ $7, 972 8,544 9,582 11, 278 12,806 14, 520 $7,909 7,839 8,086 8,098 8,820 9,680 1,008 1,090 1,185 1,343 1,452 1,500 $5, 519 5,801 6,333 7,257 8,174 8,931 684 737 805 920 1,000 1,039 $1, 105 1,341 1,745 2,200 2,508 3,026 100 118 140 161 165 169 $450 411 468 566 655 800 110 116 117 132 143 147 $898 991 1,036 1,255 1,469 1,763 114 119 123 130 144 145 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average- _ 1921 monthly average _. . 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average 16, 705 19, 624 20, 561 23, 344 27, 552 30, 921 10, 812 12, 265 12, 560 13, 780 15, 205 15, 808 1,545 1,600 1,637 1,694 1,812 1, 956 9,958 11, 741 12, 302 13, 934 16, 120 17, 958 1,081 1,111 1,137 1,176 1,263 1,364 3,556 4,270 4,655 5,433 6,820 7,508 171 188 199 212 233 256 957 1,198 1,195 1,423 1,781 2,103 148 156 159 161 167 176 2,104 2,415 2,409 2, 554 2,834 3,355 145 145 142 145 152 161 * 1933 May June July August .. 25,696 25,785 23, 920 25, 555 14, 776 14, 743 13,606 14, 462 1,739 1,749 1,758 1,767 14, 799 14, 912 14,002 14, 964 1,199 1,265 1,210 1,216 6,370 6,485 5,746 6,338 223 223 223 221 1,640 1,711 1,619 1,725 165 165 166 166 2,887 2,677 2,533 2,527 145 146 146 148 September October November December 25, 198 30,193 29, 387 55, 241 14,188 16, 858 16, 290 30,486 1,776 1,791 1,804 1,812 14, 775 18, 085 17,283 32, 630 1,226 1,237 1,255 1,261 6,324 7,246 7,508 13, 070 222 228 233 233 1,668 1,877 1,827 3,579 166 166 166 167 2,431 2,985 2,769 5,962 149 150 151 152 21, 096 23,406 27, 344 29, 725 11, 636 12,896 14, 918 16,007 1,813 ,815 ,833 ,857 12, 134 13, 431 15,906 17, 257 1,263 1, 271 1,285 1,293 5,457 6,019 6,875 7, 370 234 236 235 240 1,352 1,612 1,837 2,087 167 168 168 169 2,153 2,344 2,731 3,013 152 152 155 154 29, 212 27, 210 27, 320 28, 789 15,689 14, 435 14, 363 15, 089 ,862 ,885 1,902 1,908 17, 077 15, 485 15, 950 16, 927 1,299 1,316 1,328 1, 334 7,157 6,478 6,371 6,802 242 242 245 • 245 1,963 1,877 1,909 2,060 169 170 171 171 3,017 3,370 3,099 3,000 154 157 158 158 28, 403 34,046 33,294 61, 205 14, 801 17,650 17, 135 31, 291 1,919 1,929 1,943 1,956 16, 526 20,393 19, 371 35, 021 1,345 1,351 1,364 1,364 6,851 7,872 8,252 14, 592 245 247 247 256 1,903 2,102 2,244 4,290 171 172 174 176 3,123 3,679 3,427 7,302 158 159 158 161 25, 379 26,115 29, 681 32, 707 12, 942 13, 263 14, 975 16, 419 1,961 1,969 . 1,982 1,992 14, 204 14,843 16, 916 18,890 1,366 1,371 1,381 1,389 6,672 6,644 7,453 8,150 259 262 267 267 1,707 1,778 2,019 2,255 176 176 174 176 2,796 2,850 3,293 3,412 160 160 160 160 31, 988 31, 350 30, 627 15, 970 15, 582 2,003 2, 012 18, 510 17,920 17, 829 1,397 1,403 7,838 7,898 7,510 273 275 2, 095 2,189 2,150 173 173 3,545 3,343 3,138 160 161 1934 January February March April _ May June.. July August September October November December . _ . 1935 January February _ March * April May June July August . September October November December 1 i This table is submitted in response to a demand for publication of the figures of sales of the large individual ten-cent chains, as compiled from published reports in financial papers or reported directly by the companies. Sales data represent the retail sales in dollar values of the ten-cent chains shown, while the nauual figures of stores operated represent not an average of stores in operation for the year, but the stores operated at the end of each year. Monthly data on sales from 1920 appeared in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 111. 109 Table 81.—RETAIL SALES RESTAURANT SALES 1 Total, 3 chains YEAR AND MONTH Stores operated Sales WalChilds Co. dorf System, Inc. Number 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 mo mo mo mo. mo mo INTERNAL-REVENUE TAX COLLECTIONS ON SALES » {Capital Fire- Jewelry, Thea- issues c a arms watchand ter J. C. Penney and admis- con- stock es, Co. shells and 4 sions J vey- trans3 ( ) clocks ances o fers i t a?'- 710 718 756 898 ,141 ,228 $371 $3,808 $1, 814 $425 8 $320 1,198 1,782 1,566 1,825 1,511 5,408 7,247 6,892 5,603 6,238 4,903 3,578 2,239 1,018 820 715 823 721 791 160 175 189 206 219 $2, 618 2, 594 2,744 3,036 3,031 ,384 ,828 ,774 ,864 ,933 ,945 820 964 1, 103 1,086 440 268 320 363 272 1933 September October November December 209 209 209 214 3,142 3,201 3,006 3,194 2,014 2,040 1,918 2/079 1,128 1,161 1,088 1,115 516 227 502 243 1,162 1,643 1,653 1,700 4,933 7,000 6,849 7,048 1924 January February March April 215 216 219 219 3,062 2,918 3,062 2,962 1,967 1,827 1, 939 1,887 1,095 1,091 1,123 1,075 147 89 128 158 4,942 2,675 7,577 6,739 1,360 1,491 6,921 7,163 May June July August 221 221 221 221 3,031 2,866 2,940 3,078 1,896 1,820 1,900 2,023 1,135 1,046 1,040 1,055 126 265 321 471 1,500 1,414 1,588 6,572 <893 September October November December 222 219 219 219 3,114 3,176 2,981 3,181 2,034 2,081 1,907 2,057 1,080 1,095 1,074 1,124 425 434 425 290 459 593 484 729 1,577 2,021 2,098 2,076 2,554 1925 January February March April 219 219 219 218 3,083 2,826 3,090 2,992 1,983 1,837 2,005 1,954 1,100 989 1,085 1,038 170 120 139 286 1,602 1,110 522 565 2,276 217 218 2,993 2,811 2,966 1,919 1,810 1,943 1,074 1,001 1,023 297 455 5,102 4,022 3,257 3,826 2,862 3, 130 3,565 3,413 3,567 435 615 559 788 $220 $2, 465 297 402 701 1,240 1,778 2,492 2,587 2,985 3,576 4,336 2,398 3,569 3,887 4,086 5,183 6,183 6,010 7,592 7,196 8,475 895 906 770 703 3,468 3,708 4,755 674 536 629 814 6,144 197 312 313 371 475 569 460 468 472 475 1,784 1,765 1,681 2,531 *249 249 249 250 1,381 1,691 1,408 2,094 77 79 81 80 2,447 2,436 2,458 2,480 1,597 1,656 1,813 1,737 250 250 250 248 1,432 1,401 1,412 1,210 80 82 84 84 2,497 2,508 2,495 2,529 1,937 1,766 1,800 1,903 247 250 251 254 1,390 1,390 1,439 1,501 85 85 84 84 2,546 2,548 2,563 2,572 1,908 1,949 1,901 2,742 254 253 252 255 1,468 1,588 1,289 1,906 86 84 84 84 256 258 260 262 1,327 1,242 1,394 1, 337 84 84 84 85 263 265 1,306 1,455 85 85 8,739 560 566 569 569 6,151 2,083 6,863 8,430 9,275 9,947 1,556 1,513 1,201 1,293 3,934 4,225 568 568 582 585 6,389 2,313 2,633 2,280 2,457 2,860 1,844 2,612 910 7,140 590 591 593 6,226 2,405 « 3, 198 1,866 1,833 1,976 6,051 7,240 7,022 5,881 32 36 40 43 80 84 2,480 2,435 2,433 2,439 6,419 6, 355 6,158 788 685 660 1,430 3,815 3,016 798 ,030 ,138 ,190 ,446 ,452 2,439 2,572 6,494 6,211 5,961 224 224 224 224 250 255 $672 499 500 501 544 3,850 18 20 22 25 26 29 1,084 1, 230 1,370 1, 666 1,892 5,628 4,752 5,276 4,173 3,517 3,718 $325 360 364 381 443 566 5,172 5,396 2,229 Owl Drug Co. 6,637 6,339 6,079 6,272 6,232 473 475 488 497 2,127 A. Schulte, Inc. (cigars) Num- Thous. NumThous. Number Thous. ber ber of ber of of stores of dols. stores of dols. stores of dols. stores 1919 mo. av 1920 mo. av . 1921 mo. av 1922 mo. av 1923 mo. av 1924 mo. av $790 United Cigar Stores Co. Number of Thousands of dollars av av av av av av Mav June July August OTHER CHAIN-STORE SALES » 6,619 6,164 5,911 5,914 5,741 6,201 6,502 6,205 8,490 5,211 2,547 2,537 5,829 5,934 2,633 1,808 1,759 1,898 1,926 6,378 5,965 2,656 2,690 2,041 1,913 2,611 September October November December 1 2 Data on restaurant sales from Childs Co. and Waldorf System, Inc.; monthly data since 1920 are shown in the October, 1923, issue (No. 26), pp. 58 and 59. Tax collections on sales from U. S. Treasury Department, Bureau of Internal Revenue. 34 Taxable at 10 per cent of selling price, excluding sales to Federal Government or political subdivisions. (Acts of 1918, 1921, and 1924 identical on this item.) Taxable at 5 per cent on selling price of both real and imitation jewelry. Acts of 1918 and 1921 were identical on this item; but the revenue act of 1924 exempts from tax all articles not in excess of $30 and watches not in excess of $60, and therefore figures beginning August, 1924 (referring to July taxes), are not strictly comparable with previous figures. 6 Includes cabarets and concerts. The rate of tax under the act of 1921 (represented by data for 1922) is "1 cent for each 10 cents or fraction thereof of the amount paid for admission," payable by the person paying such admission, except "where the amount paid for admission is 10 cents or less, no tax shall be paid." The act of 1918 provided for the same rate of taxation but allowed no exceptions and, hence, the data from January, 1922, forward are not quite as comprehensive as the earlier data. The act of 1924 provided for the same rate as the two preceding acts but exempted all admission charges of 50 cents or less. Thus the data beginning August, 1924, and referring to July taxes, can not be compared with the preceding months, which are carried forward for their historical value. Monthly data from 1920 are given in January, 1923, issue (No. 17), p. 51. e New issues of bonds of indebtedness, including renewals taxable at 5 cents per $100 or fraction thereof; capital stock issues taxable at same rate, except where certificates have no par value taxed at the rate of 5 cents per share, but if actual value is more than $100, 5 cents per $100 or fraction thereof, and where under $100 at the rate of 1 cent per $20 or fraction thereof. (Under the revenue act of 1918 no-par issues were taxable at 5 cents per $100 or fraction thereof. Otherwise the acts of 1918,1921, and 1924 are practically identical.) Conveyances evidencing the transfer of land or realty are taxable at 50 cents per $500 or fraction of the consideration therefor, exclusive of the value of any lien or encumbrance on the property. i All sales or agreements to sell capital stock are taxable at 2 cents per $100 share or fraction thereof, or where shares are without par value, at 2 cents per share. (Under the revenue act of 1918 transfers of no-par stock with actual value in excess of $100 were taxed at 2 cents per share of $100 actual value or fraction thereof.) 8 Six months' average, July to December, inclusive. • Data compiled from published reports in financial papers or reported directly by the company to the U. 8. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. These sales data represent money values. Data for Jones Brothers Tea Co. from 1920 appeared in December, 1923, issue (No. 28), p. 56. Monthly data for Schulte Cigar Stores from 1921 appeared in June, 1923, issue (No. 22), p. 49, while for the other chains, monthly sales from 1920 were given in May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 111. Yearly data represent number of stores in operation at end of the year indicated. 110 Table 82.—DEPARTMENT-STORE SALES [Index numbers for base year in boldfaced type] VALUE OF SALES, BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS YEAR AND MONTH CleveRichPhilaSan Atlanta Chicago MinneDallas 2 Francisco Boston New York delphia apolis land mond (24 stores) (63 stores) (22 stores) (54 stores) (23 stores) (35 stores) (63 stores) (23 stores) 2 (21 stores) (31 stores) Total (359) stores) 100 116 114 119 127 126 10O 119 114 116 127 132 100 100 100 100 113 106 101 111 117 123 110 114 132 133 100 112 102 99 105 104 100 128 114 114 130 128 100 119 101 94 104 101 100 118 112 114 127 126 120 99 92 98 102 121 116 121 139 143 100 120 110 111 124 125 100 84 111 127 99* 85 110 119 94 89 108 119 86 81 101 118 78 73 97 107 74 73 85 98 90 80 98 116 80 71 89 104 75 71 91 87 100 84 111 111 90 81 102 113 May _ __ June July August 125 124 83 89 118 115 78 79 115 114 73 84 117 112 84 93 105 104 72 77 98 86 70 74 121 115 86 96 100 96 79 90 96 89 65 68 134 112 97 120 116 110 80 89 September October November December 116 137 137 200 107 •145 142 200 99 133 153 191 106 132 130 190 94 123 126 188 86 114 113 162 118 128 135 191 101 115 108 157 101 104 105 149 114 138 134 206 107 131 132 188 1923 January . February March .. April 108 92 127 128 110 89 125 123 107 101 133 115 101 96 136 128 87 76 120 104 83 7& 105 101 104 96 129 132 88 74 103 111 81 73 99 89 115 102 134 124 101 90 124 119 May June July August 133 136 90 99 130 130 86 90 128 133 82 93 138 137 96 112 115 113 80 80 109 102 77 81 136 138 96 120 109 105 79 96 106 92 67 69 147 128 116 136 128 126 89 100 September . October November December. 116 144 146 210 113 161 153 215 104 154 169 203 118 151 141 204 93 136 130 195 92 132 119 168 128 154 148 209 103 125 112 . 156 102 125 112 158 126 160 146 236 113 148 142 202 120 101 113 137 120 103 118 137 110 111 120 136 109 112 120 145 94 87 10» 128 85 83 94 107 112 112 123 145 88 77 94 115 85 82 94 101 132 121 134 139 110 102 115 133 132 131 89 86 132 127 91 83 124 123 82 85 133 126 94 101 116 118 85 78 104 95 73 72 134 125 99 108 109 99 81 89 105 95 71 70 146 125 116 136 127 120 91 93 115 137 140 215 127 161 153 226 109 144 153 213 117 134 139 207 106 137 137 213 94 120 113 173 132 135 154 215 102 116 111 162 114 126 115 171 130 157 144 238 llfr 141 141 210 January . February March April 110 94 110 136 120 107 124 140 105 101 125 134 107 106 125 142 93 89 119 132 83 84 99 109 113 107 127 149 92 81 97 116 92 90 107 110 128 113 142 146 108 101 121 135 May June July August 128 134 132X 132 121 127 132 128 117 123 104 98 139 140 107 103 108 96 148 135 128 126 1919 monthly average . 1920 monthly average 1921 monthl y a vera ge 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average . . 1932 January . February March April .... 1934 January February March April . May June July August. _. _ September _ _ October November. _ December * . . 1935 .^. _ _ September October.. November December... . * Compiled by the Federal Reserve Board, Division of Research and Statistics. Index numbers are based upon dollar values and are given by Federal reserve districts. * In calculating bases, estimates are made for sales of stores in the Minneapolis and Dallas districts for the months of 1919 for which there are no reports. Ill Table 83.—DEPARTMENT-STORE STOCKS' [Index numbers for base year in boldfaced type] VALUE OF STOCKS AT END OF MONTH, BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS YEAR AND MONTH 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 RichPhilaCleveSan Atlanta Chicago MinneDallas Francisco Boston New York delphia mond land apolis (24 stores) (63 stores) (13 stores) (52 stores) (19 stores) (22 stores) (51 stores) (22 stores) ; (14 stores) (29 stores) Total (314 stores) a 100 100 100 134 114 112 119 116 152 124 123 147 152 1OO 119 96 97 110 109 1OO 143 116 109 116 107 10O 132 116 118 130 137 100 119 118 131 150 154 100 134 105 109 121 126 100 136 115 116 125 130 100 139 117 110 125 131 100 126 108 115 122 123 103 108 115 117 105 109 121 122 112 124 135 136 93 104 115 116 91 102 112 111 102 111 117 116 108 117 127 126 96 101 108 104 99 107 116 114 111 115 124 126 103 111 120 120 115 111 108 109 117 110 105 . 109 131 127 122 130 113 109 104 107 107 104 100 105 112 105 103 109 121 116 114 125 102 98 96 101 110 100 100 111 ' 118 111 112 115 116 110 107 113 122 129 135 114 121 125 132 111 141 150 147 124 116 122 126 106 119 130 126 103 118 121 123 101 130 136 138 115 108 112 114 95 118 120 119 94 121 123 128 112 122 128 130 110 107 111 120 125 108 112 124 129 118 135 148 153 100 114 124 130 99 113 124 126 105 112 119 121 115 137 149 150 96 105 115 113 97 107 115 119 110 121 128 135 107 118 129 132 -. . 124 116 109 115 128 119 113 121 148 143 137 152 127 120 119 124 122 115 113 114 121 113 111 120 145 137 135 158 112 106 103 108 117 110 107 121 130 125 124 131 129 122 119 129 ........ 129 142 145 123 134 145 147 123 166 176 176 145 135 144 147 120 130 141 142 112 130 134 133 106 162 164 171 140 115 121 121 104 128 131 130 109 138 143 147 123 139 146 149 123 111 115 128 128 117 119 130 136 132 152 162 162 110 126 137 141 104 121 140 134 109 123 125 124 128 115 163 162 97 106 114 112 107 118 126 125 125 131 143 148 116 127 139 141 126 119 116 113 131 122 115 120 152 146 141 144 138 128 119 123 130 122 113 116 121 113 109 109 154 145 142 149 113 106 'l02 106 120 113 110 121 141 134 132 131 136 127 122 126 125 135 141 120 133 146 147 125 160 171 172 151 136 145 145 120 128 143 145117 118 126 123 96 159 169 167 141 115 121 122 99 129 133 131 105 140 147 148 124 137 147 147 124 112 115 126 127 118 123 135 139 147 167 185 186 112 125 137 140 109 118 131 132 99 107 113 114 137 145 156 157 99 106 117 116 103 113 125 126 123 126 136 140 119 127 139 140 125 112 134 128 172 159 136 129 124 123 112 105 153 144 116 109 123^ 114 135 129 135 128 monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average __ 136 115 116 129 132 1933 January February March April . June July August . September OctoberNovember December. . 1933 January February March April May June July August . September. . October. ... _. November December — 1934 January February . March . April May June. _. July August .... .. • September October NovemberDecember 1935 January February _ March April May June July August September October November December... _. . .._ . _ ... .„ ___ 'Data compiled by the Federal Reserve Beard, Division of Research and Statistics, and are based upon values. * Weighted index based upon the number of employees in retail stores as shown by the latest available census data. For details, see Federal Bulletin for February, 1923. JL12 Table 84.—WHOLESALE TRADE BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS >» Chicago 100 100 100 100 100 96 106 • 118 126 112 112 126 119 87 89 100 103 86 90 100 97 99 92 98 96 92 86 94 104 112 115 132 144 96 100 94 102 100 104 102 104 108 112 106 112 85 84 83 88 94 98 82 92 88 94 90 95 80 80 82 94 106 111 105 134 101 114 106 84 104 111 103 99 111 126 109 105 112 116 116 121 96 97 98 87 92 99 91 87 95 102 96 95 98 100 86 77 126 127 122 110 70 70 76 72 90 91 88 105 113 107 121 106 120 118 131 112 138 126 138 121 117 97 108 96 97 93 111 101 101 100 105 96 100 85 92 83 114 115 138 122 92 101 97 104 74 75 67 80 97 108 107 102 107 107 106 111 111 111 113 109 123 121 120 124 97 94 92 101 103 102 94 105 96 98 93 99 84 84 89 100 125 124 132 142 96 90 89 71 111 119 112 88 103 99 86 70 113 116 112 80 115 129 111 99 125 149 110 103 125 132 123 118 101 112 104 87 101 111 100 88 95 104 97 93 102 117 100 86 145 161 147 120 72 70 72 73 76 74 75 77 92 94 95 99 83 85 77 77 97 88 92 94 116 109 118 114 130 125 135 126 122 120 127 124 112 102 106 100 97 92 101 101 98 88 93 95 110 100 101 100 141 133 144 145 82 76 84 89 75 81 78 76 80 90 90 91 104 117 106 117 77 75 76 86 93 101 96 97 110 105 110 107 125 120 121 112 116 111 117 116 98 92 98 99 97 92 91 93 92 87 96 95 97 91 99 101 135 131 148 144 92 100 88 87 98 108 92 . 98 84 91 79 73 95 99 89 76 123 138 127 106 99 95 82 79 103 108 98 85 117 128 109 109 130 146 113 120 116 125 113 118 107 107 103 100 102 108 94 91 98 115 101 98 112 124 108 106 154 171 139 134 75 68 75 72 86 80 86 84 95 85 90 82 68 64 72 67 75 73 79 76 99 87 97 96 85 81 82 75 96 82 98 88 116 109 121 115 129 126 135 117 124 115 127 126 110 101 108 105 95 89 106 104 101 91 102 102 118 102 103 104 145 130 156 151 75 78 86 84 80 80 70 74 80 88 100 116 74 75 91 97 107 110 108 113 114 120 100 99 99 103 99 99 94 95 136 139 Chicago Richmond I 1 i San Francisco 1 1-S Cleveland f San Francisco Minneapolis DRUGS 100 Atlanta A 0* Richmond 1 1 A Cleveland YEAR AND MONTH Boston Weighted index 11 districts GROCERIES I A !! S* «r» £ i 1 i INDEX NUMBERS RELATIVE TO 1919 100 100 100 100 1OO 100 100 100 100 10O 100 100 113 77 76 83 85 75 83 82 74 76 80 78 80 76 88 87 75 71 79 81 74 73 83 84 79 77 85 90 72 69 74 77 79 79 85 85 94 91 99 110 69 71 79 83 July August 74 82 75 79 76 85 76 77 69 79 72 73 74 81 72 78 69 77 69 74 74 74 71 77 76 77 73 82 68 79 68 75 78 92 82 91 89 100 87 92 September October November December 83 90 87 78 80 85 84 76 79 93 94 89 78 87 89 82 78 80 84 73 80 82 82 75 83 90 88 79 76 80 73 68 87 86 84 74 » 74 73 80 80 73 69 79 78 78 68 81 72 77 76 82 84 68 65 75 75 76 72 82 77 85 77 90 82 63 69 71 74 May June . ...... July August 81 88 81 85 88 97 86 84 76 82 76 77 86 92 89 90 79 85 76 79 82 80 81 83 83 81 78 87 September October. November 89 98 92 76 82 96 90 76 • 81 100 96 78 91 104 98 84 84 96 87 73 90 97 90 83 February .. March . April 80 77 80 79 71 67 75 76 78 71 77 72 81 80 84 80 77 77 78 79 May _ _ June July August __ _ _ 81 83 83 83 83 86 90 82 73 71" 74 72 85 86' 85 84 September . ... 93 100 October November . ... 89 December 83 94 93 83 83 84 94 88 80 1935 January February March April 80 73 79 75 79 68 73 75 79 84 81 93 1919 mo. av 1920 mo. av 1921 mo. av 1922 mo. av 1923 mo. av 1924 mo. av 1933 May 1933 January February March April 100 89 93 101 97 100 112 97 100 111 113 65 67 65 73 92 101 100 93 101 108 101 87 88 93 81 72 72 74 78 84 80 97 93 97 72 84 70 78 85 95 87 99 89 93 92 82 80 83 79 64 82 80 80 80 90 86 90 88 79 76 81 77 84 79 77 83 94 103 93 91 89 99 83 80 75 66 69 68 82 78 81 76 74 77 79 85 1934 1 May June July . ep i Compiled by the Federal Reserve Board, Division of Research and Statistics, representing combined indexes of dollar sales reported for the various Federal reserve districts, weighted by the number of persons employed in wholesale trade in each district in 1919. Monthly data from 1919 appeared in April, 1923, issue (No. 20) of the 113 Table 85.—WHOLESALE TRADE BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS1 Atlanta Chicago Minneapolis San Francisco Richmond 10O 100 100 62 54 58 56 75 66 65 58 66 66 71 58 60 58 61 51 67 64 59 47 62 66 69 56 78 76 80 66 86 79 68 89 47 51 41 60 77 66 36 59 56 54 55 78 50 46 40 65 71 72 49 66 58 55 53 81 74 74 64 88 81 81 71 65 106 106 92 112 69 67 59 52 80 82 73 61 88 88 79 58 76 81 66 47 76 78 65 61 84 80 79 64 85 88 82 78 99 97 125 120 61 60 86 67 92 84 316 106 57 50 77 58 37 54 97 71 63 71 88 69 50 58 82 56 48 49 82 55 68 63 77 71 69 74 95 84 106 107 108 110 125 125 109 114 73 68 56 74 116 100 88 113 61 56 46 61 81 74 48 62 88 62 50 79 65 59 44 66 56 65 52 66 81 70 54 86 87 82 69 82 76 82 73 71 96 113 111 82 112 121 104 98 76 81 63 51 117 121 93 71 63 69 67 45 70 81 60 48 66 88 62 48 68 78 67 37 64 73 50 46 70 72 57 61 94 87 76 62 114 107 145 158 63 69 72 79 97 103 107 106 104 104 115 107 49 49 65 69 79 60 94 95 50 45 70 73 36 49 61 81 49 57 64 65 44 48 57 55 41 37 51 57 46 50 53 55 53 66 76 68 108 102 99 93 141 143 150 144 75 75 71 74 102 90 93 98 111 103 94 97 56 52 44 56 77 69 68 83 50 52 46 54 70 67 43 43 62 42 37 67 45 37 34 53 42 42 37 46 51 47 39 56 74 66 54 69 89 101 88 96 106 109 93 93 166 152 151 144 87 96 88 93 108 109 98 116 105 107 90 91 69 67 57 56 105 97 82 100 64 03 49 54 61 66 59 61 70 69 55 44 64 68 55 44 59 53 48 47 74 78 66 64 70 69 63 50 98 83 97 86 93 81 89 85 81 83 110 115 115 133 144 167 73 76 86 86 104 102 110 109 93 98 110 110 43 46 63 65 79 68 94 91 43 45 65 67 39 45 63 76 40 71 63 40 46 59 49 26 30 42 48 49 48 61 72 51 56 70 61 80 79 78 80 107 109 148 155 78 82 105 101 110 109 55 55 78 79 54 55 58 59 45 54 44 35 34 68 70 66 72 I Boston 100 Chicago 100 Atlanta Cleveland Weighted index 8 districts San Francisco Kansas City Minneapolis SHOES 100 Richmond Cleveland Philadelphia YEAH AND MONTH New York Weigh ted index 10 districts HARDWARE 1 I INDEX NUMBERS RELATIVE TO 1919 100 100 100 100 100 10O 100 100 100 100 116 82 86 104 99 100 78 84 100 96 97 100 114 115 92 94 111 102 82 78 100 94 66 69 84 79 86 91 103 100 78 78 148 143 74 76 81 77 80 81 101 102 86 97 113 104 i 88 68 86 65 89 68 101 58 » 83 98 93 82 91 96 91 80 86 113 104 90 101 106 100 86 97 85 81 78 89 62 59 56 76 119 101 87 95 92 91 86 94 82 89 78 80 79 78 79 81 106 113 98 106 62 62 51 71 September October November December 97 100 94 84 93 98 94 83 107 116 111 106 113 114 110 95 97 97 96 79 80 90 84 80 98 102 91 80 88 87 79 67 85 85 80 79 101 104 93 78 107 108 104 92 1923 January February March April 89 83 109 112 78 72 103 113 92 89 122 125 99 89 113 122 102 86 110 105 92 74 86 78 83 79 108 111 115 100 149 168 71 77 92 88 89 88 105 97 118 114 100 106 114 109 92 100 129 125 111 111 134 127 107 112 107 95 88 109 79 80 72 86 119 118 103 106 180 169 157 160 92 92 77 77 September O ctober November D ecember 106 117 102 90 100 115 105 97 113 132 113 113 117 133 103 82 104 116 99 82 87 102 90 79 110 115 96 83 150 153 139 128 1924 January February March April 91 90 104 108 84 86 107 108 104 100 119 124 94 98 106 109 111 95 93 98 89 77 72 72 84 86 106 117 May June July August 104 96 93 93 105 92 88 83 123 115 111 111 107 97 98 95 91 78 83 93 73 69 64 76 September October November December 106 110 98 99 95 107 95 97 115 134 114 123 111 114 98 93 108 95 88 85 1925 January February March April 89 91 107 107 83 85 103 102 99 95 122 122 93 100 111 104 101 105 97 105 120 121 104 111 1919 mo. 1920 mo. 1921 mo. 1922 mo. 1923 mo. 1924 mo. av av av av av av 1922 May June July August May June July August May June... July... August -_ -_ _ SeDtember October November December 100 100 i 10O if " 1 1 " 1 i Compiled by the Federal Reserve Board, Division of Research and Statistics, representing combined indexes of dollar sales reported for the various Federal Reserve districts, weighted by the number of persons employed in wholesale trade in each district in 1919. Monthly data from 3919 appeared in April, 1923, issue (No. 20) SURVEY, p. 50. For details and methods of computation, see Federal Reserve Bulletin for April, 1923. 54240°—25t 8 114 Q rt 1 M INDEX NUMBERS RELATIVE TO 1919 100 100 100 1OO 100 100 100 100 55' 56 65 65 100 115 83 83 95 91 85 83 98 95 84 84 99 80 75 72 87 76 •70 70 79 76 80 84 94 89 90 91 99 107 86 85 98 102 61 60 65 62 101 95 108 86 100 104 116 89 102 97 112 92 99 89 96 69 89 81 93 67 100 89 105 84 115 113 120 100 64 62 64 67 83 88 88 115 87 105 88 107 90 88 81 121 66 72 76 109 62 57 66 94 81 86 99 117 September October November _. .. December. 73 74 65 65 112 112 90 66 114 109 85 79 119 114 95 74 116 113 86 50 112 104 80 45 1934 January February March April 66 63 62 61 104 113 103 85 85 91 83 76 92 88 69 63 May June. Julv August 64 64 67 68 72 70 79 102 78 78 84 98 65 65 59 83 September October November December 71 78 69 66 116 104 88 77 111 103 88 97 71 69 73 68 82 88 96 85 75 80 77 82 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 mo. mo. mo. mo. mo. rno. av av av av av av 100 1923 January February March April May June July August 1925 January February March April May June July August ._ . 97 98 90. 81 TEXTILE TRADE' ELECTRICAL TRADE » Prompt PayOrders Indebtedness ments Delinquent Accounts Percentage of total recorded transactions Dollars No. of firms HARDWARE TRADE* 1 fl I Outstanding accounts | San Francisco Atlanta Richmond I I Cleveland YEAR AND MONTH Weighted index 8 districts MEATS i DRY GOODSi INDEX OF WHOLESALE TRADE i Table 86.—WHOLESALE TRADE AND CREDIT CONDITIONS Relto Ratio Jan., to sales 1921 90 98 109 101 100 112 73 74 83 82 28.3 28.0 24.6 26.9 28.8 28.9 34.1 36.2 36.6 43.3 42.6 42.6 60.7 59.4 53.4 47.6 55.3 55.0 « $225, 106 202, 557 201, 689 186, 592 1,518 1,625 1,497 1,497 122 157 139 2.2 2.0 2.0 106 93 87 67 104 93 119 104 78 76 86 79 29.5 31.1 S2.2 32.3 41.4 40.0 40.1 39.8 52.7 52.2 52.6 64.0 184,606 139, 664 242,918 226, 424 1,495 1,157 1,889 1,540 137 128 177 187 ' 2.1 2.2 1.8 1.9 96 93 96 116 69 73 94 144 106 95 99 134 80 83 79 88 32.1 27.3 22.9 31.1 41.5 44.2 45.3 43.9 56.0 56.4 55.4 55.1 196,986 186, 671 184, 535 213, 393 1,460 1,457 1,428 1,366 196 168 155 162 1.7 2.0 2.1 1.9 116 108" 91 58 100 89 80 73 140 148 112 46 128 136 105 82 91 96 85 72 30.5 30.0 28.0 18.5 45.8 43.2 43.1 43.0 54.8 58.1 59.5 57.0 200, 094 238, 293 237, 013 169,668 1,453 1,823 1,547 1,351 145 164 141 124 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 74 75 69 65 100 91 89 83 110 112 98 92 110 109 77 80 94 99 103 92 80 78 80 78 25.8 31.5 31.5 30.5 38.9 38.5 40.8 45.8 54.7 54.0 60.0 58.7 174, 062 181, 994 200, 059 208,601 1, 135 1,486 1,677 1,629 136 133 150 161 2.0 2.2 2.1 1.9 53 49 62 93 53 47 58 94 72 71 .79 92 83 80 103 124 78 68 94 164 92 83 94 123 77 76 78 83 26.0 25.5 25.0 33.0 43.9 42.1 41.4 39.3 55.3 52.1 53.6 53.0 204,935 197, 117 209, 833 196, 454 1,748 1,583 1,642 1,550 147 123 128 128 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 102 91 80 82 113 84 70 51 118 103 77 57 116 94 86 71 127 125 114 85 144 141 110 53 125 120 92 76 92 95 84 79 34.5 32.0 27.5 24.5 42.2 45.6 48.3 45.1 58.5 55.6 54.3 50.7 200, 250 167, 286 139, 715 119, 777 1,639 1,458 1,157 1,258 137 150 134 140 2.1 1.9 2.1 1.9 94 110 121 100 66 75 81 73 70 70 73 59 63 71 86 73 80 77 85 83 113 111 114 111 81 101 88 73 83 77 91 85 79 76 83 79 25.5 32.0 33.5 28.0 39.1 38.8 42.5 46.3 51.4 52.0 53.9 58.0 198, 225 223, 650 231, 914 216, 954 1,336 1,456 1,817 1,953 129 126 151 151 2.0 2.1 1.8 1.9 92 100 65 69 51 58 61 55 74 87 103 98 64 63 86 86 79 83 27.5 27.0 41.9 40.6 56.2 51.6 228, 827 209, 783 1,774 1,678 139 141 1.8 1.9 September October November December i Compiled by the Federal Reserve Board, Division of Research and Statistics, representing a combined index of dollar sales reported for the various Federal Reserve districts, weighted by the number of persons employed in wholesale trade in each district in 1919. For details and methods of computation see Federal Reserve Bulletin for April, 1923. The combined index of wholesale trade is a weighted average based upon the total volume of wholesale trade in lines separate]y shown on this and the preceding pages, proportional to the total production of each line of goods in 1919. Monthly data from 1919 appeared in April, 1923, issue "(No. 20) of the SURVEY, p. 50. 2 Orders, indebtedness, and prompt payments compiled by the Credit Clearing House from reports to it by manufacturers and wholesalers on items of credit from their ledgers concerning merchants or jobbers to whom they sell. The commodities covered are largely textiles, and the individual orders are stated to average from $250 to $600, depending on trade conditions. As one transaction may cover both an order and an indebtedness or payment, the sum of the percentages of orders, indebtedness, and payments will usually exceed 100 per cent. 3 Delinquent accounts, electrical trade, are compiled by the Rational Electrical Credit Association, from reports to its constituent regional associations by electrical manufacturers and jobbers. 1 Data on the value of sales by jobbers of hardware, compiled by American Iron, Steel and Heavy Hardware Association, comprise reports from about 75 firms representing about 10 per cent of the entire iron, steel, and hardware jobbing trade, including iron, steel, motor accessories, and heavy hardware. Outstanding accounts at the end of eachfi month are given as ratios of the current month's sales. Eleven months' average, February to December, inclusive. 1 115 Table 87.—PUBLIC FINANCE U..S. GOVERNMENT DEBTi Total interest- Gross bearing debt YEAR AND MONTH U. S. GOVERNMENT FINANCES * Total Short Custerm toms ordinary debt receipts receipts Millions of dollars MONEY IN CIRCULATION 3 GOLD SILVER DomesOrdiImBand Imnary ex- Total Per tic Expendicapita ports * ports * receipts output » ports 4 at mint « tures Thousands of dollars Millions of Dollars dollars Thousands of dollars ProExducports 4 tion i Price in New York 6 Thou- Dollars Thousands of sands of per dollars fine fine ounces ounce Fine ounces $26, 512 24, 344 17, 439 17, 656 18, 832 15, 000 $60, 474 $60, 315 61, 282 61, 195 63,353 57, 972 61, 250 65, 003 165, 025 94,037 305, 382 1, 058, 153 $3, 364 3,402 3,261 3,591 3,849 4,336 $34. 56 34* 35 32.38 35.06 36.96 40.96 $5,309 4,782 37, 663 57, 166 46,038 5,170 $7, 650 18, 551 2,619 12,999 30, 990 3,422 148, 050 155,083 157,830 133, 597 112, 495 86,472 732, 779 698, 275 757, 823 772, 128 751, 855 701, 722 $2, 989 2,163 2, 874 2,689 4,445 5,948 $5, 231 4,300 4,467 5,883 7,011 21, 071 5,567 $0. 598 6,038 .548 6,247 .497 6,201 .657 .814 5,978 5,651 .968 8,047 7,843 7,618 6,746 5, 473 8,072 6,254 15, 371 26, 909 25, 714 29, 704 46, 827 45, 470 45, 630 429, 355 1, 543, 575 540, 174 557, 880 461, 517 468, 744 316, 275 342, 425 308, 123 333, 928 292, 223 334, 337 294, 470 315, 012 4, 795 5,332 4,843 4,374 4,729 4,755 4,806 45.18 50.11 44.80 39.86 42.50 42.20 42,28 6,378 35,729 57, 604 22, 931 26, 893 26, 643 30, 682 26, 841 1, 991 3,073 2,387 5,137 71,093 62, 377 80, 183 86, 314 84,044 90,234 694, 174 679,801 676, 216 585, 009 761, 088 799, 780 7, 451 7, 338 5,270 5,901 6,204 6,162 19, 918 9,468 4,298 5,234 6,039 9,158 4,723 4,714 4,477 4,623 5,445 5,362 1.111 1.009 .627 .675 .649 .668 22,631 22,350 22, 271 22,201 5,581 5,473 5,436 5,396 52, 417 50, 023 43, 225 42, 500 211, 118 630, 981 205, 742 235, 505 319, 036 351, 081 242, 222 234, 498 4,706 4,729 4,696 4,778 42.34 42.50 42.16 42.85 45,156 19, 434 27, 929 32, 856 824 548 523 2,201 79,866 69, 422 92,535 99, 880 786, 564 755, 309 ' 754,306 769, 371 4,461 6,066 10,066 6,466 3,499 3, 581 6,233 7,032 6,835 5,101 5,406 5,293 .670 .649 .630 .628 21, 834 21, 801 21, 780 21, 843 22, 125 22,082 22, 055 21, 916 8,709 8,677 8,656 8,612 44, 810 51,713 46, 565 40, 946 530, 778 230, 261 190, 844 576, 317 314, 821 426, 548 256, 287 400, 939 4,850 4,835 4,923 4,951 43.45 43.27 44.01 44.22 27, 804 29, 795 39, 757 32,641 863 1,307 747 712 106,819 89, 549 108, 432 90, 776 739, 504 793, 842 780, 639 778, 849 8,518 6,929 5,269 8,172 8,123 7, 523 8,775 9,521 4,988 5,428 4,894 4,748 .642 .636 .638 .647 1924 January February March April 21, 574 21, 521 21, 357 21,354 21, 844 21, 783 21, 624 21, 615 8,541 8,491 8,327 8,325 40, 019 50, 207 51, 459 45, 696 183, 307 206, 607 646, 389 214, 306 260,765 208, 432 291, 026 327, 002 4,682 4,808 4,813 4,760 41. 77 42. 85 42.85 42.33 45, 136 35, 111 34, 322 45,418 281 505 817 1,391 74, 392 89, 636 82, 334 78, 870 796, 768 760, 617 795, 671 768, 923 5,980 7,900 6,221 3,908 8,209 8,877 8,355 7,802 4,660 5,916 5,535 4, 726 .634 .644 .640 .641 May June July August 21, 287 20,982 20, 991 20, 981 21, 545 21, 251 21,254 21, 245 8,259 • 45,221 8,072 43, 276 43, 945 8,081 45, 621 8,071 190, 408 601, 580 195, 704 185, 763 256, 085 288, 055 207, 995 196, 892 4,815 4, 755 4,665 4,774 42.78 42.20 41.36 42.28 41, 074 25, 181 18, 834 18, 150 593 268 327 2,397 78, 501 65,443 90, 089 92, 132 809, 773, 829, 809, 003 053 437 571 5,640 4,870 7,128 7,042 9,687 8,648 9,190 8,632 .655 .667 .672 .685 _ 20, 983 20, 978 20,951 20, 712 21, 254 21, 242 21, 213 20, 979 8,073 8,069 8,041 7,046 49, 759 49, 890 40, Oil 40, 129 487, 390 255, 323 174, 738 570, 792 408, 797 320, 307 233, 758 349, 875 4,806 4,880 4, 994 4,993 42.52 42,12 44.08 44.03 6,656 19,702 19, 862 10, 274 4,580 4,125 6,689 39, 675 106, 919 127, 184 106, 488 90, 816 799, 422 827, 583 802,313 825, 273 7,083 5,829 6,481 5,864 • 10, 345 9, 465 9,401 11, 280 5,666 4,903 4,936 5,426 5,523 5,631 5,624 5,674 .694 .708 .693 .681 1935 January February _ _ .. March April 20, 783 20, 658 20, 60S20, 605 21, 057 20,981 20, 932 20, 913 7,122 6,992 6,651 6,649 46, 968 46, 190 53, 858 44, 642 171, 600 173, 632 600, 738 182, 641 *292, 457 161, 286 385, 129 324, 679 4,752 4,804 4,776 4,725 41.86 42.28 41.99 41.50 5,038 3,603 7,337 8,870 73, 526 50, 600 25, 104 21, 604 87, 030 80, 294 75, 584 83,488 823, 692 753, 925 825, 479 787, 519 7, 339 4,929 6,661 4,945 11,385 6,833 7,917 9,323 5,509 5,077 4,931 5, 538 .684 .685 .678 .669T 20, 603 20, 211 20, 199 20, 899 20,516 20, 487 6,646 6,254 42, 004 44,544 45, 156 166, 834 614, 992 194, 945 234,116 418, 349 245, 593 4,774 4,734 41.89 41. 49 11, 393 4, 426 10, 204 13, 390 6,712 4,338 70, 438 71, 652 813, 249 780, 000 3,390 4,917 5,238 6,536 8,517 8,346 5, 225 5,328 .676 .691 .694 1013 mo. av 1914 mo. av 1915 mo. av 1916 mo. av 1917 ino. av 1918 mo. av $996 968 970 972 2,713 11,986 $1, 193 1,188 1,191 1,225 2,976 12, 244 1919 mo. 192Q mo. 1921 mo. 1922 mo. 1923 mo. 1924 mo. 1925 mo. 25, 234 24, 061 23, 737 22, 711 22, 008 20,982 20, 211 25, 482 24,298 23,976 22, 964 22, 350 21,251 20, 516 1933 "May June July August 22, 186 20,008 21, 959 21,902 September October _ __ November December av av av av av av av September October November December May June July August _... September October November December 1 Yearly figures, giving situation as of June 30 each year, and monthly figures up to last two months, are on a warrant basis, as supplied by U. S. Treasury Department. The last two months are on a cash basis as shown in the preliminary Public Debt Statement. Short-term debt includes issues maturing within five years from the particular date noted; a large increase in a particular month, such as in September, 1923, is usually due not so much to an increase in indebtedness (absence of increase in the gross debt would show this), but that the maturity date of a certain bond issue has been brought within five years. The increase in September, 1923, was due to the Third Liberty Loan being brought in this category. At present, besides the Third Liberty Loan, there are included in the short-term debt the following: Loan and tax certificates of indebtedness,Treasury savings securities, and Treasury notes. Debt on which interest has ceased and interest-bearing debt redeemable at the pleasure of the Government but not maturing within five years are not included in this statement. Monthly data extending back to 1921 may be found in the March, 1924, issue (No.2 31), p. 56. Yearly figures are averages for the fiscal year ending June 30 of the year indicated. Monthly figures are taken from the Daily Statement of the U. S. Treasury, in which further details may be found. Expenditures represent these chargeable against ordinary receipts. 3 Represents money held outside the Treasury and Federal Reserve System. Prior to July 1,1922, these data were compiled by the Federal Reserve Board and thereafter by the U. S. Treasury Department. Yearly figures are as of June 30. *5 Imports and exports of gold and silver from U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Domestic receipts of unrefined gold at U. S. mints from L. S. Treasury Department, Bureau of the Mint. 6 Silver prices, average for the month, and gold ouput from the Rand mines from the Engineering and Mining Journal. 7 Production of silver by mines of the United States from American Bureau of Metal Statistics, except annual figures previous to 1921, which are from U. S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey. 116 Table 88—LIFE INSURANCE—NEW BUSINESS AND PREMIUMS ' PREMIUM COLLECTIONS (new and renewal) NEW BUSINESS Ordinary YEAR AND MONTH Group Industrial Number Thou- Number of of sands of policies dollars policies Ordinary Industrial Group Total ThouThou- Slumof Number of cer- 2 sands of sands of ber con- tificates dollars tracts dollars Number of policies and contracts Number Thouof policies sands of and certificates J dollars Total Thousands of dollars 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average 79, 717 $143, 470 79, 230 138, 519 83, 803 146, 878 96, 222 181, 569 111, 686 213, 193 112, 159 221, 940 379, 819 410, 189 428, 559 414, 605 414, 443 433, 226 $51, 999 55, 217 58, 128 58, 645 61, 484 66, 099 6 6 11 31 81 71 $1, 736 3,795 3,941 6,565 14, 873 20, 582 459, 541 489, 425 512, 373 510, 859 526, 210 546, 456 $197, 115 197, 531 208, 946 246, 780 289, 550 308, 621 $38, 953 40, 506 42, 262 45, 721 50, 485 54, 579 $10, 778 11, 580 12, 421 13, 280 14, 440 15, 807 $36 52 97 143 308 536 $49, 767 52, 138 54, 780 59, 144 65, 233 70, 922 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average 181, 094 206, 577 165, 651 168, 115 197, 457 198, 683 388, 260 473, 417 392, 315 429, 113 514, 884 545, 633 465, 248 499,938 550, 065 582, 102 662, 259 703, 769 77,901 93,044 104, 813 118, 234 143, 338 163, 629 164 190 59 96 159 132 35, 487 35, 490 9,281 23, 043 43, 357 49, 827 646, 506 706, 706 715, 775 750, 313 859, 874 902, 584 501, 648 601, 950 506, 410 570, 389 701, 579 759, 089 64, 348 75, 462 81, 424 89, 242 99, 631 110, 287 18, 088 20, 342 22, 587 25, 751 30, 057 34, 178 991 1,498 1,545 1,621 2,092 2,618 83, 427 97, 302 105, 556 116, 614 131, 779 147, 083 M!ay June July August 210, 219, 193, 183, 917 643 689 689 559, 389 577, 208 508, 757 485^448 796, 538 693, 473 608, 854 566, 992 162, 326 147, 444 132, 798 127, 090 131 456 99 75 45, 738 54, 931 21, 570 21,980 1, 007, 586 913, 572 802, 642 750, 756 767, 453 779, 583 663, 125 634, 517 102, 252 100, 182 97,406 96, 209 27, 339 29, 169 28, 877 29,006 1,683 1,771 1,930 1,925 131, 275 131, 122 128, 213 127, 140 September October November December 177, 163 191, 810 197, 268 239, 328 440, 968 490,360 515, 700 627, 385 556, 415 668, 393 656, 873 681, 525 124, 905 152, 061 146, 882 153, 154 49 77 88 488 21, 391 9,828 18, 838 231, 568 733, 627 860, 280 854, 229 921, 341 587, 264 652, 249 681, 420 1, 012, 108 84,838 98, 241 99, 377 119, 800 27, 378 30, 697 29, 195 48, 803 1,695 2,174 2,345 3,093 113,911 131,112 130, 917 171, 697 1934 January . February March April 172, 587 184, 945 234, 227 213, 613 492, 559 504, 553 635, 192 580, 949 766, 821 649,135 693, 674 705, 346 179, 656 143, 762 156, 792 158, 557 102 89 121 112 16, 415 10, 650 20, 489 24, 758 19, 127 15, 421 35, 040 44, 2§9 939, 510 834, 169 928, 022 919,071 955, 823 844, 730 948, 390 943, 717 691, 341 663, 736 827, 024 783, 775 106, 045 108, 162 111, 422 113, 205 29, 867 30,200 32, 814 29, 235 2,734 2,570 1,684 2,545 138, 646 HO, 932 145, 920 144, 985 May June July August 223, 473 205, 466 188, 335 174, 284 600, 324 573, 508 536, 897 484, 966 760, 648 674, 481 595, 545 609, 703 173, 629 154, 495 135, 015 141, 525 111 99 114 71 20, 006 13, 217 17, 878 14, 828 35, 002 21, 519 31, 343 22, 949 984, 232 1, 004, 127 893, 164 880, 046 783, 994 801, 758 784, 058 798, 815 808, 955 749, 521 703, 255 649, 439 114, 686 107, 888 113,019 99,417 32, 963 32, 744 30, 758 32, 530 2, 435 2,281 2,879 2,339 150, 084 142, 913 146, 656 134, 286 159, 318 181, 569 216, 103 230, 278 436, 618 501, 459 524, 384 676, 188 614, 848 830, 831 641, 128 903, 065 145, 052 198, 461 150, 718 225, 892 75 87 132 -472 13, 906 70, 805 25, 771 109, 080 19, 369 131, 134 38, 624 184, 130 774, 241 788, 072 601, 038 1, 012, 487 1, 083, 205 831, 054 857, 363 883, 002 713, 726 1, 133, 815 1, 242, 423 1, 086, 210 95, 049 109, 188 103, 731 141, 633 33,811 33, 405 32,190 59, 616 2,148 3,025 2,593 4,186 131, 008 145, 617 138, 515 205, 434 178, 402 185, 907 219, 283 215, 715 537, 504 558, 754 668, 447 651, 735 618, 425 732, 120 809, 517 803, 384 147, 441 177, 666 193, 604 196, 895 178 114 129 143 47, 477 22, 769 27, 016 37, 255 68, 969 36, 728 40, 822 66, 428 844, 304 797, 005 918, 141 940, 796 1, 028, 929 1.055.816 1, 019, 242 1, 056, 354 753, 914 773, 148 902.874 915, 059 116, 835 116, 975 128, 544 128, 710 36, 550 32, 901 37, 022 33, 829 4,171 3,125 9,173 5,124 157, 556 153, 000 174, 738 167, 663 241, 349 219, 984 722, 962 651, 674 882, 325 788, 352 217, 735 198, 113 143 160 23, 225 32, 236 39, 106 47,606 1, 123, 817 1, 146, 899 1, 008, 496 1, 040, 572 979, 803 897, 393 127,080 121, 806 36, 573 37, 977 3, 586 3,263 167, 240 163, 046 29, 817 932, 268 1923 -. September October November December 9 _ 1935 January February March April . .. May June July \ugust September November .._ . 1 Compiled by the Association of Life Insurance Presidents. The data on new business represent only new business that has been paid for, exclusive of revivals, increases, and dividend additions." Premium collections show the amount of money actually invested in life insurance each month, and include total premium collections, new and renewal, and considerations for annuities and for supplementary contracts involving and not involving life contingencies. The 45 companies whose figures are included in this table had in force 81 per cent of the total legal reserve life insurance outstanding in the United States as of Dec. 31, 1923. Complete monthly data from 1922 were2 given in September, 1921, issue (No. 37), p. 37. Data given in previous issues coyer a smaller number of companies. This column, by adding together the number of policies issued lor ordinary and industrial insurance and the number of certificates issued under group insurance contracts, indicates the trend in number of persons covered by new insurance, but does not show the exact number of persons covered, since one person may have several policies of ordinary insurance and in addition hold a certificate under a group contract. 117 Table 89.—LIFE INSURANCE—ASSETS AND SALES BY DISTRICTS ADMITTED ASSETS (41 companies) » SALES, ORDINARY INSURANCE (81 companies) Bonds and stocks (book values) Policy loans and GovPublic preAll Bail- utili- mium ernTotal other road ment ties notes Mortgage loans YEAR AND MONTH Grand total Total Farm United States, total Eastern manufacturing Millions of dollars Western Western Far manu- agricul- SouthWestern ern facturtural ing Thousands of dollars i 1921 mo. 1922 mo 1923 mo. 1924 mo. av av av av $7, 409 8,091 1923 January February . March ._ April 7,111 7,190 7,251 7,301 2,480 2,513 2,557 2,595 May June July August 7,329 7,370 7,429 7,470 September October November December $154,321 174, 242 208,526 235,584 $90, 152 98,380 121, 194 127,321 $81,074 78, 899 90,912 91,008 $57, 145 61,645 72,403 73,954 $42,400 46, 126 56, 261 60,005 $1,432 1,734 $3,327 3,428 $1,219 1,119 $1,750 1,849 $281 365 $928 920 $425,092 459,292 549, 296 584,871 1,158 1,173 1,206 1,229 1,322 1,340 1,351 1,367 3,278 3,315 3,321 3, 307 1,244 1,267 1,261 1,231 1,702 1,710 1,719 1,731 260 265 268 272 905 908 912 913 466,880 485,930 593, 213 566,844 192,326 199,830 230, 748 217, 276 97,694 103,825 132,473 123,675 75, 906 78,441 93,835 92,366 57,485 60,334 81,798 76,410 43,469 43,500 54,359 57, 117 2,635 2,675 2,725 2,760 1,251 1,266 1,281 1,291 1,384 1,409 1,444 1,469 3,316 3,327 3, 335 3,330 1,222 1,218 1,215 1, 201 1,746 1, 754 1,758 1,765 274 281 282 285 919 924 930 936 625,957 590, 460 534, 075 538,043 244,865 219, 359 191,717 199, 159 132, 998 130,081 119, 248 121, 745 104, 387 98,602 92,920 88, 466 81, 780 81,792 69, 925 68, 431 61,927 60, 626 60, 265 60,242 7, 522 7, 533 7,641 7,706 2,789 2,829 2, 866 2,903 1,302 1,312 1,322 1,335 1,487 ' 3, 337 3,343 1,517 3,354 1, 544 3,366 1,567 1,200 1,195 1,192 1,184 1,769 1, 775 1,780 1,792 287 293 301 305 939 946 949 953 475, 957 554, 773 548, 669 610, 751 175,511 212, 757 212,548 206,217 103, 573 127,070 124, 472 137, 473 81, 569 90, 734 86, 698 107, 019 63,742 69,436 69,368 88, 340 51,562 54, 776 55, 583 71,702 1924 January Fcbruarv March _ April 7,772 7,823 7,877 7,936 2,941 2,975 3,009 3,049 1,346 1,357 1,370 1,382 1,595 1,618 1,638 1,666 3,363 3, 376 3,378 3,388 1,180 1,172 1,155 1,138 1,783 1,787 1,800 1,813 312 327 333 345 960 966 972 981 538,601 546, 521 667, 577 662, 591 238,057 226, 893 275, 970 274, 522 113, 109 120, 674 148, 620 142, 996 75,689 80,796 96, 836 98,652 60, 148 62, 891 81, 871 81,478 51,598 55, 267 64,280 64,943 Mav. June. July August 7,994 8,048 8,115 8,164 3,084 3,120 3,162 3, 195 1,394 1,396 1,416 1,425 1,691 1,724 1,745 1,770 3,403 3,413 3,424 3,440 1,124 1,111 1,103 1,098 1,833 1,845 1,855 1,869 354 360 370 376 987 996 1,004 1,007 638, 768 515, 271 591, 346 508,389 252,343 208,688 232, 179 189,674 139, 517 113,596 125, 260 112, 012 99, 914 73, 178 97, 648 82, 024 78, 975 72,375 73,245 68,203 68,019 47,434 63,014 56,576 September October. November December 8,231 8,297 8,359 8,476 3,227 3, 263 3, 298 3,333 1,433 1,439 1,444 1,452 1,794 1,824 1,853 1,886 3,453 3, 469 3,496 .3,534 1,092 1, 085 1,085 1,086 1,883 1.899 1^909 1,915 381 388 405 430 1,012 1,017 1,018 1,020 487,944 572, 184 545, 152 744, 111 180,485 224,325 218, 834 281, 134 106, 181 124,841 115,577 165,469 84, 217 93, 489 88,871 120, 784 62,616 69, 226 65,490 98, 928 54, 445 60,303 56, 380 77,796 1925 January February March April.. 8,549 8,605 8,673 8,755 3,377 3,410 3,449 3,496 1,456 1,460 1,474 1,483 1,921 1, 950 1,975 2,013 3,547 3,561 3,583 3,595 1,082 1,078 1,067 1,061 1,922 1,927 1,939 1,946 441 454 474 486 1,027 1,032 1,039 1,048 559, 916 611,480 702,994 711,504 238, 217 259, 837 284, 997 293, 164 120, 740 131,410 152, 821 148, 131 81,576 92,432 111, 129 114,682 62,662 72,367 85,011 86, 460 56, 721 55, 435 69,036 69,067 8,825 8,892 3,542 3,586 1,492 1, 500 2,050 2,086 3,624 3,647 1,055 1,048 1,960 1,974 606 521 1,057 1,066 732,952 689, 450 297, 740 268, 753 153,845 147, 592 116, 235 114, 415 92,963 88, 774 72, 169 69, 916 May June July August $2,694 $1,261 3,138 i 1,405 September October. November II 1 I Compiled by the Association of Life Insurance Presidents from special reports of 41 companies having 82 per cent of the total admitted life insurance assets of United States legal reserve companies; the data are given as of the end of each month and are designed to show the fluctuations in the character of investments of life insurance companies. Admitted assets embrace all assets permitted by statute to be included for testing the solvency of the companies; in addition to the items separately listed, the total also includes real estate, collateral loans, cash, bills receivable, interest due and accrued, deferred and unpaid premiums, etc. Of the bonds and stocks, approximately 93H per cent are bonds and 1V2 per cent are stocks. 2 Represents data on ordinary life insurance only (thus excluding industrial and group insurance) compiled by the Life Insurance Sales Research Bureau from 81 insurance companies who held on Jan. 1, 1923, 88 per cent of the total ordinary legal life reserve in force in the United States. Monthly data for 1921 were given in the April, 192i, issue (No. 32), p. 56. The Eastern Manufacturing district includes Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; Western Manufacturing district—Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin; Western Agricultural district—Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, and Texas; Southern district—Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and Misssisippi; Far Western district—Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and California, 118 Table 90.—SAYINGS DEPOSITS BALANCE TO CREDIT OF DEPOSTTOBS-END OF MONTH 1 Federal Reserve BistHcts YEAE AND MONTH Boston (64 banks) Total deposits PhiladelNew phia York (SObaaks) (78 banks) Cleveland (18 banks) BJehmoncl (91 banks) Atlanta (96 banks) Chieago (209 banks) St. Louis (32 banks) Min- Kan- DalSan neapsasFranlas City olis cisco (85 (5-6 (15 (72 banks) banks) banks) banks) New- United York States postal State savings3 savings banks Thousands of dollars 1919 monthly av. 1920 monthly av. $5,437,438 $1, 036, 420 $1,532,056 1921 monthly av. 5, 776, 628 1, 064, 315 1, 653, 162 1922 monthly av. 6, 010, 260 1, 100, 456 1, 728, 301 1923 monthly av_ 6, 592, 987 1, 185, 836 1, 850, 108 1924 monthly av_ 7, 072, 087 1, 255, 184 1, 973, 919 1933 September October November December $389, 823 414, 761 424, 527 457, 860 491, 430 $612, 598 $345, 252 $225, 478 $188, 731 751, 870 $90, 554 $71, 707 $80, 957 $44, 800 387, 425 244, 718 179, 872 768, 358 104, 871 77, 010 89, 212 47,774 382, 759 268, 675 186, 916 771, 608 115,412 79, 643 95, 697 52, 177 88, 954 104, 649 59, 855 430, 834 289, 760 213, 522 855, 825 128, 949 477, 603 314, 207 228, 629 906, 714 141, 030 92, 077 108, 657 66, 612 96, 882 98, 837 99, 901 102, 556 53, 357 53, 269 •33, 629 54, 779 819, 028 827, 347 833, 523 861, 565 819, 393 828, 144 415, 526 287, 828 208,538 834, 630 418,287 290, 706 211, 102 839, 966 125,229 102, 558 54, 739 864, 077 126,838 126,920 86, 220 86, 946 87, 987 88, 246 103, 412 58, 495 903, 497 850, 375 867, 505 858,068 858, 657 128, 605 129, 907 129, 740 130, 158 87, 989 89, 123 88, 820 88, 820 104, 380 106, 623 105, 136 103, 892 59, 594 59, 976 60, 306 60, 716 911,259 932, 217 936, 123 936, 938 217, 318 861, 491 218, 209 872, 155 218, 340 882, 010 220, 771 897, 508 130, 128 131, 741 131, 862 134, 823 90,326 90, 043 90, 517 92, 410 103, 871 60, 740 104, 422 61, 517 106, 557 63, 024 109, 265 63, 870 948, 946 955, 447 957, 988 980, 205 293,099 219, 855 891, 580 135,025 298, 464 224, 817 895, 491 135, 929 302,960 227, 205 903, 725 136, 244 465,639 308, 941 228, 250 900,802 137, 545 92, 303 92, 076 93, 542 92, 967 108, 714 108, 653 108, 394 108, 918 64,526 979, 938 3, 168, 327 130,277 65, 082 1,006,480 3, 172, 696 132, 152 65, 563 1,010,941 3, 233, 022 132, 770 65, 818 1,002,532 3, 210, 507 ' 132, 565 411, 325 454, 744 456, 910 1,854,810 461, 876 1,854,412 461, 922 421, 667 430, 919 430, 014 432, 286 293, 716 291, 721 289, 348 288, 652 213, 045 218, 835 218, 777 215, 358 290, 092 290, 783 290, 543 293, 193 1, 805, 923 274, 199 278, 077 393,214 276, 936 407, 761 279, 246 187, 117 192, 751 194, 864 1933 January February March April 6,487,545 1, 150, 793 1, 158, 610 1, 165, 719 1, 173, 515 May June July August 6, 529, 146 6, 632, 093 6, 625, 604 6, 625, 983 1, 178, 188 1, 188, 854 1, 192, 585 1,194,152 1, 825, 584 1, 859, 503 September October November. ._ December 6, 672, 204 6, 703, 325 6, 743, 274 6, 878, 154 1, 198, 304 1, 204, 326 1, 207, 722 1, 217, 267 1, 873, 986 1, 871, 644 1, 876, 107 1, 923, 763 461, 474 461, 935 463, 010 480, 131 435, 528 441, 103 455, 596 464, 948 1934 January February March April.. 6, 878, 006 6, 938, 646 6, 990, 191 1, 227, 742 1, 235, 079 1, 241, 474 1, 247, 828 1,922,678 483,826 1, 928, 114 485, 354 1,948,347 485, 844 1, 941, 969 487, 634 458, 720 463, 107 465, 952 1, 945, 064 1, 981, 700 1, 974, 972 487, 460 488, 816 489, 816 1,977,476 490, 960 471, 062 467, 618 479, 171 480, 963 309, 589 315, 352 317, 903 322, 551 229, 719 234, 474 228, 026 229, 159 904, 430 916, 257 902, 603 901, 674 139, 262 138, 550 138, 176 138, 576 89, 735 90, 892 90, 656 90, 772 110, 328 111, 942 108, 921 109, 229 66,020 491, 805 2, 001, 536 495, 093 2, 006, 184 497, 277 2, 056, 333 513, 283 483, 342 489, 511 499, 463 506, 689 323, 350 325, 899 324, 495 327, 880 228, 710 228, 510 230, 308 234, 515 902,737 910, 932 917, 748 932, 593 138, 247 141, 026 157, 231 158, 548 92, 078 92, 444 92, 787 94, 674 109, 685 106, 979 105, 620 67, 805 67, 849 67, 523 67, 490 6,407,790 6, 460, 765 6,988,843 May June July August 7, 001, 598 7, 089, 775 7, 070, 720 7,087,421 1,249,697 1, 256, 624 1, 256, 927 1,261,004 September October. ._ November December 7, 133, 998 7, 154, 337 7, 197, 214 7, 334, 289 1,263,800 1, 268, 465 1, 271, 490 1,282,074 1935 January February March April May Juno July August 2,002,659 2, 892, 469 134, 230 133, 477 133, 103 132,. 282 80, 827 80,841 81, 246 83, 793 442, 083 1,809,394 446, 707 1, 825, 991 449, 252 1,820,182 453, 217 6, 349, 980 1, 741, 543 1, 746, 127 1, 807, 550 1,016,024 161, 373 163, 434 154, 124 138, 168 132, 190 133, 022 117, 136 118, 058 120, 539 124, 197 383, 995 389, 013 1,108,924 1, 114, 412 1,116,546 1, 130, 998 745, 150 804, 090 926, 410 2, 223, 216 2, 465, 491 2, 635, 572 2, 800, 118 3, 090, 659 3, 258, 920 773, 053 783, 414 793, 823 202,622 &16, 668 1,744,493 420,090 419, 573 419* 043 436, 122 6, 059, 101 6, 097, 135 6, 129, 394 6, 307, 857 $699, 790 284, 707 412,811 285,829 202, 933 204, 038 125, 774 131, 568 131,980 132, 180 132, 291 102,858 56, 755 889, 924 102,816 57, 958 897, 682 103,498 999,232 68, 035 1,019,515 66, 824 1,016,725 66, 811 1,018,256 1,029,779 1,026,093 1,027,088 1,055,712 3, 040, 789 3, 144, 094 131, 751 131,671 131, 726 132, 502 133, 077 133, 157 132, 833 131, 518 3,261,053 133, 072 132, 655 132, 915 133, 929 3, 302, 442 3, 308, 534 3, 318, 009 3, 388, 832 133, 948 134, 405 134, 235 133, 346 3, 208, 840 3, 267, 717 3, 267, 064 / 518, 203 520, 032 521, 786 521, 363 506, 884 330,002 509,621 334, 662 336, 269 344, 629 924, 912 932, 382 933, 809 930, 626 7, 352, 486 7, 429-, 237 7, 468, 662 7, 462, 769 1, 295, 931 1, 302, 424 1, 310, 807 1, 310, 741 7, 497, 371 7, 611, 975 1, 314, 076 2,079,086 522, 105 517, 774 347, 148 242, 128 941, 509 159, 127 1, 322, 249 2, 108, 961 519, i62 530,948 355,923 262,304 953,861 160,522 September October November D ecember 1 2, 058, 549 2, 063, 855 2, 083, 503 2, 077, 949 512, 388 512, 129 231, 278 234, 754 235, 180 238, 246 157, 486 157, 483 157, 264 158, 549. 95, 908 96, 384 97, 845 97, 340 108,842 68, 434 1,058,044 70, 066 1,099,706 71, 336 1,099,633 107, 146 72,118 1,091,933 106, 855 107, 868 96, 672 107,908 72, 789 1,097,049 98,136 108,727 75, 088 1,126,114 3,409,097 3, 417, 732 3, 462, 469 3, 468, 903 133, 472 134,033 133, 892 133, 216 3, 464, 535 132, 880 3,517,264 132, 186 »• ! Sayings deposits in each Federal Keserve district (including both commercial and savings banks) compiled by Feileral Reserve Bank of that district from reports of identical banks, exeeDt Atlanta, Kansas City, and Dallas districts, which have been computed on chain relatives since June, 1923. Deposits in savings banks of New York State furnished by Savings Banks Association of the State of New York; postal savings from U. S. Post Office Department. Yearly averages from 1913 to 1918 for both of these columns appeared in the February, 1925, issue (No. 42), p. 141. 2 Yearly figures from 1914 to 1920, inclusive, and for 1923 are averages of deposits on June 30 and December 31 of each year; 1913 figures are for December 31; 1921 is average of four quarterly figures, and 1922 is average of three quarterly figures. Monthly data beginning with 1924 calculated by adding to incomplete monthly reports to the association the depositors' balance of the few nonreporting banks at the previous semiannual period. 119 Table 91.—BANKING DEBITS TO INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS i YEAR AND MONTH r»N#w York City BANK CLEARINGS > CONDITION OF REPORTING MEMBER BANKS* INTEREST RATES « Reserve ratio Net Total Total deloans mand and dis- investcounts ments deposits Commeirelal New doubleYork name call loans paper, 4 to 6 in os. Percent Millions of dollars Percent CONDITION OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS » Notes Total Total Outside In New Outside Fills disin cir- investNew New reYork countcula- ments serves York York City tion ed City City Total deposits Millions of dollars » 1913 mo. av 1914 mo. av_ . . 1915 mo av 1916 mo. av 1917 mo. av 1918 mo. av $7, 888' 6, 918 9,184 13, 298 14,784 14, 878 $5, 749 5, 508 5, 879 7,713 9,734 11,801 $2S 24 224 1,158 $89 185 606 1,911 $144 231 466 $384 586 1,261 1,991 5.52 4.80 3.46 3.45 4.73 5.88 $1, 154 1,738 94 6 83.5 75.6 67.0 $9, 260 S. 29 3.68 1.90 2.74 3.37 6.08 7.07 8.58 5.99 4.42 4.87 3.17 5.43 7.38 6.64 4.43 4.99 3.91 $20, 343 20, 087 17, 258 19, 988 19,866 21,961 $17,536 20, 067 15, 914 16,625 18, 777 18, 996 19,650 20,261 16,194 18,. 158 17,833 20,822 13, 944 15, 801 12, 212 13,204 15, 847 16,347 1,936 2,557 1, 755 650 751 362 2, 618 3, 154 2,664 2, 215 2,239 1,866 592 685 338 618 399 583 2,190 2,126 2, 672 3, 149 3,192 3, 196 1,937 1,922 1,744 1,851 1, 941 2,112 50.2 43.5 61.4 77.5 76.4 80.4 $11, 927 10, 953 11, 788 12,343 $3, 364 4,230 4,617 4, 968 10, 576 11,302 10, 178 10, 855 11, 143 12,065 1923 May June July _. ... August 20,704 21,041 18,321 16, 189 19,368 19, 532 18, 184 17, 308 19, 212 18, 675 16, 646 14, 778 16» 862 16, 116 15, 395 14, 596 731 775 761 816 2,250 2,227 2,195 2,225 447 339 273 267 3, 195 3,202 3,200 3,201 1,952 1,937 1,897 1,908 76.1 76.9 78.2 77.5 11,840 11, 850 11, 716 11, 708 4, 665 4,692 4,528 4,537 11, 173 11,104 11,078 10,880 4.80 4.88 5.00 4.95 5.13 4.88 4.94 6.10 September October November December 16,799 19,152 19, 983 22, 081 17, 260 19, 747 18, 521 20, 367 15, 071 17,730 18,048 19, 495 14,593 17, 036 15, 915 17, 302 862 884 794 857 2,248 2,225 2,246 2,340 264 297 373 441 3,193 3r191 3,197 3,138 1,930 1,959 1,939 1,938 76.4 76.3 76.4 73.3 11,877 11, 943 11,904 11, 934 4,545 4,530 4,464 4,555 10, 891 11, 158 11, 102 11, 034 4.88 4.70 4.81 4.94 6.16 5.13 5.09 4.97 1924 January February March .. . April 22,114 19, 886 21, 546 20, 654 19, 384 17, 512 19, 192 18, 656 20, 689 18, 120 19, 650 20, 326 16, 862 14, 791 16,200 16, 052 522 532 482 447 2,023 2,022 1,983 1,926 393 419 460 426 3,263 3, 230 3,223 3,223 1,991 1, 986 2,007 2, 005 81.3 80.6 80.8 82.0 11, 884 11,874 12,065 12, 121 4,480 4,496 4,515 4, 535 11, 239 11, 165 11, 171 11, 439 4.55 4.50 4,00 4.44 4.88 4.78 4. 59 4.63 May June July August 21, 406 21, 926 21, 469 20; 916 18, 639' 18, 364 18, 662 17, 776 20, 722 19, 959 21, 127 20,342 15, 928 15, 360 16, 333 15, 344 430 350 294 263 1,891 1, 844 1, 762 l,74fl 421 476 £31 593 3,214 3, 271 3,260 3,202 1,997 2,108 2,165 2,150 82.7 82.8 83.0 82.3 11, 951 12, 142 12, 265 12, 434 4,659 4,827 4,987 5,091 11, 403 11, 837 12,233 12, 419 3.63 2.25 2.10 2.00 4.23 3,91 3.53 3.25 September October November December 20,734 22,506 23,047 27, 327 18,238 20,912 18, 846 21, 830 19,291 21, 585 22,433 25,62§ 15,986 18, 122 16, 743 18, 445 260 223 222 314 1,730 1, 767 1,815 1,862 668 802 866 935 3,156 3-r 132 3r134 3,047 2,196 2, 218 2,203 2, 311 80:4 78.6 77.4 73.0 12,677 12, 764 12,870 13,068 5,331 5,551 5,617 5,531 12, 630 12, 922 13, 065 13, 254 2. 13 2.45 2.60 3.38 3.13 3.13 3.25 3.56 1935 Januarv February March April 27,, 682 22,924 2(5,382 23,945 22, 277 18, 571 21, 219 20, 592 26,721 21, 057 23, 349 22, 849 18,525 15, 668 17, 759 17, 717 274 434 378 400 1, 684 1,729 1, 709 1,684 715 696 663 628 3,083 3,030 3,008 2,993 2, 265 2,270 2,184 2,187 78.0 75.8 77.3 77.3 13,051 13,143 13, 140 13, 232 5, 488 5,396 5,478 6,484 13, 014 12, 932 12, 588 12,814 3.63 3.81 4.00 4.00 3.63 3.66 3.94 3.97 26, 179 26, 930 20, 397 21, 691 23, 847 24, 019 23, 396 17, 103 18,244 18, 570 414 455 488 1,671 1,634 1, 598 640 679 553 2,982 2, 959 2,937 2,202 2, 210 2,201 77.0 77.0 77.3 13, 108 13, 205 13. 217 5, 485 5,505 6,506 12, 645 12, 725 12, 815 3.95 4.07 4.30 3.88 3.88 3.93 191 9 'mo. av 1920 mo. av 1921 ino. av 1922 mo. av 1923 mo. av 1924 mo. av May June July August : September October November.. December... 1 Debits to individual accounts are collected by the Federal Reserve .Board from about 150 of the larger clearing-house centers. These data represent check transactions more fully than clearings inasmuch as all checks debited to individual accounts are included and not merely those passing through the clearing house- The figures given are combined from weekly totals, the first and last weeks of the month being prorated. Data for individual cities were presented in the October, 1923, issue (No. 26), p. 512 to 55. Figures on bank clearings, showing volume of check transactions passing through the clearing nouse, compiled by Bradstreets. Clearings outside New York City represent 117 cities each year, estimates for some of the smaller cities being necessary in earlier years to complete the data. 3 Condition reports, showing respectively the combined condition of tho twelve Federal reserve banks and the condition of over 800 member banks of the Federal reserve system, are compiled by the Federal Rc&e/rve, Board. The condition is given as of the last Wednesday of the month, but prior to April, 1921, figures are of the last Friday of the month. The reserve ratio represents thef percentage which total reserves (mostly gold) form of the combined deposit and Federal reserve note liabilities. Prior to March, 1921, net deposits were used instead o total deposits in calculating reserve ratios. Monthly data from 1920 an condition of Federal reserve banks may be found in (he May, J922, issue (No. 9), page 123. except for investments, which are given in the September, 1922, issue (No. 13), p. 47. 4 Interest rates are averages of wee kly ranges in the New York market as published by the Commercial and Financial Chronicle. During the earlier years quotations on commercial paper are based on prime double-name commercial paper maturing, in 60 to 90 days, but lately the quotations have been changed to from 4 to 6 months paper, which now constitutes the bulk of this business and the rates for wMicb have been practically identical with the shorter maturities. Call loan rates are based upon mixed collateral. Detailed data by months from 1913 are given in the June, 1924, issue (No. 34) p. 56. $ 120 Table 92.—STOCKS AND BONDS YEAR AND MONTH Combined index (103 stocks) (9) 25 £5 indus- railtrials roads (4) (4) Dollars per share Combined index (40 bonds) (a) 10 highest grade rails (6) 10 second grade rails (6) 10 public utility bonds ({) $58. 19 $82.97 77.57 58.08 75.35 73.16 99.14 80.05 69.12 85.44 61.34 80.98 76.76 80.49 75.58 69.84 89.79 92.45 87.43 80.02 75.55 78.00 72.42 66.12 73.73 77.59 72.36 63.89 1919 monthly av 1920 monthly av 1921 monthly av._ 1922 monthly av__ 1923 monthly av._ 1924 monthly av.. $84. 57 97.08 82.13 88.74 105. 77 107. 21 79.38 98.58 107. 78 115. 08 62.06 55. 94 53.21 62.38 60.15 67.18 69.07 59.70 60.15 74.11 71.72 74.32 77.89 71.33 74.39 85.50 82.89 85.11 66.33 58.54 61.43 71.76 67.71 71.96 1933 May June July August 94.11 84.61 82. 87 86.20 108.18 105. 94 102. 52 102. 95 60.73 60.95 58.07 56.24 71.71 71.80 71.40 71.86 82.58 82.73 82.78 83.66 September October November December 84.54 84.33 88.28 90.15 102. 74 101. 78 105. 44 108.88 57.14 57.06 58.30 58.25 71.22 70.56 70.96 71.04 1934 January.. February March April 93.00 87.77 82.12 81.00 112. 14 111. 83 109. 82 106.71 60.35 60.47 61.09 62.09 May June.. July August 80.30 84.83 88.44 89.85 106.43 108. 93 113. 53 119. 18 September October November ... . December 89.90 90.25 97.77 99.65 1935 January February March. April May June.. July _ October November December 10 industrial bonds 0) Per cent of par value of 4 per cent bond 1913 monthly av_. 1914 monthly av__ 1915 monthly av 1916 monthly av 1917 monthly av 1918 monthly av _ BOND YIELDS (2) BOND PRICE INDEX STOCK PRICES Com5 Libbined erty index and (66 Treasbonds) ury (4) 16 foreign Per cent of par value NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES » Municipal bonds Stocks Per cent Thous. of shares Mis- Liberty cellaand Total neous Victory bonds bonds bonds Thousands of dollars, par value 70.51 75.89 71.35 69.36 4.45 4.16 4.23 4.06 4.31 4.58 6,924 3,992 14, 448 19, 404 15, 378 11, 948 61.77 51.99 53.92 67.50 66.26 68.93 70.76 60.12 65.28 •74.00 72.27 73.21 85.38 94.93 93.40 95.68 93.20 99.54 98.77 101. 44 92.42 101. 22 100. 22 101. 71 4.50 5.04 5.02 4.21 4.27 4.21 26, 073 71, 322 18,728 88, 563 14, 334 115, 686 21, 852 206, 948 19, 671 161, 354 23,483 243, 145 67.73 68.09 67.70 67.81 66.38 66.16 65.70 66.35 72.25 72.35 71.68 72.02 93.97 93.18 93.54 93.53 98.81 98.62 98.95 98.75 101. 37 101.27 100.52 100. 17 4.22 4.24 4.29 4.35 23,106 20, 317 12,668 13, 126 82.76 82.46 83.25 82.73 66.80 66.29 66.79 67.31 65.95 64.75 64.53 64.63 71.71 71.25 72. 02 71.99 92.90 93.01 92.89 93.03 38.40 98.20 98.93 98.82 99.62 99.45 99.07 99.15 4.40 4.39 4.37 4.37 72.23 72.15 72.35 72.67 83.59 82. 79 82.76 83.58 68.43 68.72 68.87 69.52 66.12 66.27 67.19 67.53 73.09 72.86 72.42 72.03 93.99 93.78 93.93 94.25 99.50 99.48 99.70 100.36 99.60. 99. 77 99.71 99.89 62.53 65.07 68.39 71.06 73.17 74.59 75.81 75.93 84.42 85.84 87.22 86. 09 70.62 72.49 73.58 73.52 67.39 69.08 70.93 71.57 72.34 73.01 73.48 74.14 94.74 96.35 96.91 96.63 100.94 102. 49 102. 97 102. 10 116.73 117. 29 124.11 134. 29 70.28 69.63 76.00 79.15 75.40 75.74 76.06 75.77 86.47 86.67 86.43 85.45 73.69 74.36 75.03 74.65 69.94 70.10 70.45 70.56 73.42 73.75 74.06 73.94 97.00 97.13 96.86 96.55 105.06 105. 64 99.78 101.90 135. 38 138. 48 136. 96 135. 40 79.97 80.90 79.07 76.28 76.07 76.82 76.38 76.51 85.82 86.37 86.98 87.66 75.12 76.00 75. 50 75. 90 70.63 71.26 70.03 69.69 74.61 75.16 74.90 75.05 104.68 108. 05 110. 75 142. 34 144. 42 149. 25 79. 50 79.57 80.23 77.97 78.46 77.56 88.91 88.77 87.28 77.49 77.79 76.78 71.36 72.06 71.05 76.15 77.01 76.85 $41, 499 56, 959 79,623 94, 199 61, 866 i $40, 492 47, 544 117, 059 $41, 499 56, 959 79,623 94, 199 85, 690 164, 603 236, 814 235, 406 173, 130 136, 442 66, 549 72, 176 308, 136 323, 969 288, 816 343, 390 227, 903 315, 323 166,736 172, 656 123, 068 116, 604 97,633 73, 474 61, 747 41, 776 264, 369 246, 130 184, 815 158, 380 14, 610 15, 809 22, 573 24,067 108, 459 145, 585 162, 271 169, 750 48, 048 77, 423 65, 869 68, 220 156, 507 223, 008 228, 140 237, 970 4.32 4.36 4.34 4.30 27, 762 20,637 18,206 17, 792 253, 394 178, 379 205, 567 185,466 91, 693 53, 375 72, 622 93, 101 345, 087 231, 754 278, 189 278, 567 100.00 102. 05 102. 41 103. 84 4.26 4.15 4.14 4.12 13, 422 16, 803 24,226 22,427 180, 440 287, 519 273, 131 244, 041 91, 979 102, 855 68, 014 62,231 272, 419 390, 374 341, 145 306, 272 102.66 102. 98 102. 10 101. 98 103.68 103. 67 103. 50 102. 39 4.11 4.11 4.13 4.16 18,150 18, 126 41, 369 42. 876 212, 357 247, 972 336,431 313, 044 52, 665 45, 164 52, 987 79, 448 265, 022 293, 136 389, 418 392, 492 96.94 97.23 96.76 97.39 102. 21 102. 11 102. 03 102.62 103. 24 103. 14 102. 32 102, 80 4.16 4.11 4.10 4.07 46. 739 303. 825 32,750 280,237 38,568 281, 732 18, 314 247, 768 48. 638 26, 691 33, 316 30,283 352. 463 306,928 315, 048 278, 051 98.15 98.18 97.47 102. 65 102. 97 102. 14 103. 84 103.50 103. 40 3.99 4 00 4.07 36,464 30,860 32, 273 25, 186 338, 798 33, 074 276, 590 32, 192 270, 101 • 313, 612 243, 516 237, 909 ... 1 Bond sales from Dow, Jones & Co.; stock sales from the Annalist. Monthly data from 1920 are given for most items in this table in the May, 1922, issue (No. 9), pp. 125 2and 129. Average market yield of bonds of 20 large cities at the end of each month compiled by The Bond Buyer. Averages for 1913 to 1916, inclusive, taken from Bond Buyer's Index of the Municipal Bond Market, based on period Jan. 1 to Dec. 1; subsequent yearly data are averages for the period Jan. 31 to Dec. 31. 3 This index, compiled as of the last day of the month by the New York Trust Co., includes 25 railroads, 10 iron and steel, 5 railroad equipment, 9 motor (including accessories), 5 rubber tires, 5 shipping, 5 sugar, 5 leather and shoe, 5 tobacco, 10 copper, 10 oil, and 9 New York bank and trust companies. 4 Prices are averages of daily closing prices for these stocks on New York Stock Exchange, taken from the Annalist. Monthly data from 1913 are given in the December, 1922, issue (No. 16), p. 47. fi These indexes are compiled by Dow, Jones & Co. from the yields of the average prices of the bonds for each day of the month, the average yields for the 10 bonds of each class being capitalized at 4 per cent to give the combined index. fl This index, compiled as of the last day of the month by the New York Trust Co., includes 6 Liberty and Victory bonds (the two issues of Victory bonds being replaced at their redemption by the Treasury bonds, thus making only 5 issues), 16 foreign government and city%20 railroads, 10 public utilities, and 5 telegraph and telephone issues. 7 Represents an average of 7 months, June to December, inclusive. * Five substitutions in this series in January, 1922, account for the violent change in the index. 121 Table 93.—BUSINESS PROFITS AND LOSSES DIVIDEND AND INTEREST PAYMENTS BUSINESS FAILURES 1 Total commercial YEAR AND MONTH Manufacturing establishments Trade establishments Liabil- Firms Liabil- Firms Liabil- Firms ities ities ities Agents and brokers Dividend payments 3 Banks (quarterly) Total dividends and inLiabil- Firms Liabil- Firms terest ities ities payments 2 Aver- Total age Induspaytrial Steam Street ments and on railrailmiscel- roads ways induslanetrial ous stocks (Qtly) 3 Thous. Numof dols. ber Thous. Number of dols. Thous. Num- Thous. Numof dols. ber of dols. ber $22,818 29,821 25, 106 16,354 15,203 13, 590 1,336 1,523 1,846 1,415 1,154 832 $10, 366 11, 312 9,335 6,083 6, 628 6,121 353 385 426 349 308 230 $9,583 13, 805 12, 436 7,616 5,843 4,825 929 1,071 1,336 994 786 541 $2, 869 4,704 3,335 2,655 2,732 2,644 54 67 84 73 61 60 * $7, 887 14, 001 9,306 1,598 4,614 1,284 *30 54 33 12 12 6 $148, 103 148, 948 155, 426 177, 919 199, 095 227,061 $69, 838 68, 481 66,019 77, 176 89, 856 85, 184 $38, 527 36, 530 36, 374 44, 986 56, 542 53,788 $24, 733 24,549 23,613 26, 095 26,038 24, 135 $4, 906 5,368 5,149 6,020 6,493 6,318 $5.23 5.36 3.45 5.09 6.68 6.19 9,442 24,593 52, 361 51, 989 44, 885 45, 269 538 740 1,638 1,973 1,560 1,718 4,301 10, 666 19, 488 17, 910 23,379 23,897 155 220 375 473 414 434 3,139 7,380 21, 232 22, 615 17, 495 16, 933 334 461 1,166 1,410 1,089 1,184 2,002 6,547 11, 641 11, 465 4,012 4,439 48 59 96 89 57 85 4,131 12, 675 43, 254 19, 434 50, 934 50, 732 12 30 102 69 144 153 265, 764 284, 573 278, 484 283, 310 298,768 317, 674 79, 745 80, 248 76, 965 77,554 80, 271 83,657 48, 264 50,140 45,200 43,723 45, 120 46, 649 23, 705 23,832 23, 668 23,508 24,093 24,993 5,977 6,074 5,970 5,902 6,313 6,467 5.85 6.59 4.94 4.40 5.46 5.55 1,530 1,358 1,231 1,319 16,686 11, 703 19, 139 15, 988 401 348 350 385 18,960 12, 413 10, 701 13, 125 1,069 970 828 888 6,376 4,606 5,881 5,222 60 40 53 46 36,700 64 July August 41,022 28,722 35, 721 34, 335 253, 425 295, 050 366, 025 187, 550 53,400 60,300 101, 575 77, 550 27, 050 37,250 52, 975 42,700 21, 225 21,100 28, 150 30,600 5,125 2,300 8,750 4,250 September October November December 28, 698 79, 302 49, 592 51, 615 1,226 1,673 1,704 1,841 13, 571 59, 136 28,456 19, 275 324 498 495 495 11,462 17, 413 17,194 28,092 863 1,110 1,131 1,254 3,665 2,753 3,942 4,248 39 65 78 92 24,294 84 130, 693 365 259, 636 387, 215 256, 965 286,050 57, 936 93, 515 64,965 67, 505 38,601 60, 825 27, 625 50, 975 15, 325 23, 640 31, 500 13, 050 4,010 9,050 5,840 3,480 1934 January February March April 51,273 35, 942 97, 651 48,904 2, 108 1,730 1, 817 1, 707 28, 875 16,478 72, 838 23, 137 505 398 484 438 19,525 17,598 19, 240 18, 719 1,538 1,250 1,154 1,178 2,872 1,865 6,573 7,049 65 82 79 91 420, 420 185, 580 319, 850 386, 250 151, 335 76,680 84,059 92,725 62, 395 41,900 49, 750 58,375 25,765 28, 130 30,100 21,200 15, 600 6,650 4,200 9,150 May June July August 36, 591 34,099 36, 813 55,154 1,816 1,607 1,615 1,520 17, 157 16, 646 20,022 29,924 507 439 416 414 15, 346 14, 810 12, 421 16, 361 1,215 1,054 1,124 1, 024 3,488 2,643 4,370 8,869 94 84 75 82 316, 475 305, 925 400, 050 198, 370 56, 475 65, 025 107,750 79, 870 27, 975 39, 075 55,300 43, 900 23,100 22,050 29, 350 31, 175 5,400 3,900 9,950 4,795 5.25 1,306 1,696 1,653 2,040 19, 468 15, 619 10, 252 15,753 360 411 361 475 10, 126 16, 122 15, 782 27, 141 833 1,186 1,193 1,464 4,702 4,357 5,090 2,385 63 99 99 101 313, 840 397, 760 268, 805 300, 750 60,815 95, 860 66, 805 70, 750 40, 250 62, 110 28, 415 52, 025 16, 150 24, 350 32,200 14, 350 4,515 9,400 6,100 4,375 5.55 3~)pir,ATnhfir 34,296 36, 099 31, 124 45,279 1935 January February _ March April . . 54,354 40, 123 34, 005 37, 189 2,317 1,793 1,859 1,939 11, 909 15, 334 13, 375 13, 097 480 409 429 430 24, 655 21, 067 17, 595 21, 536 1,757 1,285 1,345 1,427 17, 790 3,722 3,035 2,556 80 99 85 82 455, 080 201, 000 333, 350 404, 820 158, 580 79,300 87,950 94, 450 64, 415 43,100 51, 875 59,950 27, 170 29, 075 31, 250 25, 025 16, 825 7,125 4,825 9,475 37, 027 36, 701 34, 505 1,767 1,745 1,685 18, 184 16, 159 10, 932 400 431 418 15,820 17, 213 15,961 1,286. 1,229 1,184 3,023 3,329 7,612 81 85 83 328, 225 323, 100 437, 900 59, 725 68,600 115, 200 29, 600 40, 650 58, 915 24, 075 23,450 30, 510 6, 050 4,500 10, 900 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly 1918 monthly av av av av av _ av. 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 av av av av . .__ av... _ av monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly Thous. Numof dols. ber Dols. per share Thousands of dollars 1933 May September October November _..__ May June July August 100, 276 265 52, 953 163 21, 543 80 28, 154 105 43, 926 144 42, 859 111 5.10 6.75 5.65 5.75 5.65 6.52 6.55 September . October _ November December........ * Compiled by Dun's Review, for annual data in greater detail see April, 1924, issue of the SURVEY (No. 32) pp. 57-59. Monthly data on total commercial failures from 19132appeared in December, 1923, issue (No. 28), p. 63; monthly data on all classes from 1921 appeared in June, 1924, issue (No. 34), p. 55. Data compiled by New York Journal of Commerce. "Total dividends" include bank dividends not separately shown for those months where such payments are reported. The total interest payments may be obtained by subtracting total dividends from total interest and dividend payments. Monthly data for total dividend and interest payments covering the period 1913 to 1921 appeared in the September, 1922, issue (No. 13), of the SURVEY, p. 51 (figure for July, 1917, should be $333,011 instead of $633,011); and for dividends, classified, covering the same period, in the October, 1922, issue (No. 14), p. 46. 3 Average dollar dividends paid on industrial stocks compiled by the Cleveland Trust Co. for the industrial stocks included in the Dow-Jones index of stock prices, comprising 12 stocks from 1900 through 1914 and 20 stocks from 1915 through 1924. The figures are unweighted averages of the amount of dividends paid per share for thesa Stocks 4 in each quarter, reduced to an annual basis. Quarterly figures extending back to 1900 appeared in April, 1925, issue (No. 44), p. 29. Yearly data are quarterly averages. 122 Table 94.—NEW SECURITY ISSUES AND AGRICULTURAL FINANCING COBP0BATE SECURITIES Total s (Journal of Commerce) YEAR AND MONTH Distribution « ( Commercial and Financial Chronicle) Stocks Bonds and notes New eapital Refunding MUNICIPAL SECURITIES * TAX EX. SECUR.3 Permanent loans (long term) Total outstanding, end of mo. Temporary loans (short term) $34,040 $40,268 37,200 24, 332 41,049 12,894 41,450 24, 367 37,078 32,704 21,902 39, 428 $137, 145 119,710 119, 613 182,208 127,498 112,068 Thousands of dollars 9,506 $172,301 120,306 164, 915 276, 925 373, 198 183,275 13,652 14,936 16, 268 1,056,519 1, 249, 920 663, 260 700,013 780, 895 596,227 $5,554 FedFederal War Joint eral InterFinance Stoek Farm med. Land Corpora8 Loan Credit 7 tion « Banks * Banks Banks $110, 498 $225, 825 151,828 194, 615 214,782 259,953 $21, 357 49,407 61, 460 44,037 42,569 63,528 64,742 115, 281 166, 629 94, 597 120,557 37,508 55,341 63, 503 32,965 42,846 81,590 111,410 197,325 297, 638 182,571 137, 107 179,284 309,915 168, 896 4,182 18,041 65, 126 13,675 57,657 101, 548 94,347 132,167 39,453 5,851 28, 859 90,674 600,830 704,000 811,849 955, 632 763,663 775,312 786, 402 799,597 376,317 382, 225 386, 796 392, 639 28,043 36, 551 39,682 89, 596 83,583 76, 395 70,152 65,937 58, 876 57,030 52,705 238,762 206, 712 209,083 223,001 276,906 228,303 254,584 249, 902 27,792 37,285 11, 529 25,804 84,257 103,682 103, 135 132, 957 60,377 ,__ 60,791 82,337 78,733 878,705 661,049 808,924 628, §57 812,668 832,203 847,373 861,005 398, 672 400, 988 407,225 411,980 43,434 41,409 42, 895 47,865 68,218 66,924 67,099 66,453 181, 185 290,053 275, 834 272, 220 248,609 30, 884 39, 876 • 34,292 247,344 285, 191 239,302 160, 695 447, 252 252, 854 195, 118 194, 987 48,701 63,221 43, 184 92, 862 120,241 286, 507 112, 255 121, 174 80,778 52, 391 78,353 71,955 519, 897 455,022 572, 196 398,950 871, 189 881,273 890, 394 898, 179 416, 091 419,788 423, 147 426, 467 48,943 47,998 49,525 48,873 64,914 63,781 62,509 60,765 , 279, 267 197,464 384,032 310,014 50, 192 78,257 56,480 &9, 185 262, 234 340, 190 186, 888 283,985 273,367 283, 641 235,256 227, 259 39,059 56, 549 8,112 56, 727 92, 561 129,037 96, 076 126,375 73,600 36,983 120, 244 130,971 16,160 16,268 478,680 543,490 574,096 734, 854 905, 536 912,568 919, 188 927,568 430, 066 435, 829 440, 046 446,429 52,279 60,809 64,300 62,267 68,069 60,672 45, 648 40,205 473, 272 383,645 324, 254 355,580 70,401 102,701 80,278 141,4=69 438, 197 400, 852 272,328 341, 106 413, 404 450, 171 282, 355 411,441 95,193 53, 382 70, 251 71,134 12-1, 127 80,026 109, 268 102, 132 53,375 57,620 90,658 96,837 16,409 16, 370 16, 470 16,551 777, 712 431,200 806, 402 886, 592 935,330 944,995 954, 265 9^2,662 454, 393 464,874 477,082 486,247 63, 258 61,034 59,095 59, 249 38,233 36,358 34,291 32,157 247,462 208,012 321, 115 77,521 106, 172 218,351 273, 097 260,925 311, 531 34,947 67, 737 185,038 120, 497 38,505 31,086 16, 728 16, 875 616, 117 1,003,270 1, 066, 860 968,713 975> 175 494, 165 501, 673 59,979 58, 398 30,877 29,222 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average 251 764 258, 911 219, 572 285,329 300, 120 268, 262 1923 September October. __ November . December 205, 516 246, 446 374, 866 266,273 29,879 33,101 95,403 93,908 220, 883 254,913 287, 327 265,954 . NEW INCORPORATIONS « Millions of dolls. Thousands of dollars 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average 1915 monthly average _ _ 1916 monthly average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average AGRICULTURAL LOANS OUTSTANDING $89, 253 $157, 935 23,271 177, 963 6-1,909 203,899 61,413 206,291 71,860 239, 449 237, 478 $34,257 76,951 338,234 373,381 79, 124 $174,051 646, 519 143,410 103,646 732,365 » 431, 837 60,438 879,929 421,494 $50,883 1934 January February March. April . May June July „ August _ September October _ _ November. _ December . _ 1925 January February March, _ April May June July August September October November December _ ___ 1 Sales of securities, by States and municipalities, compiled by The Bond Buyer. The short-term loans are of a temporary character, usually replaced later by permanent loans. 2 Estimated gross amount of wholly tax-exempt securities outstanding compiled by U. S. Treasury department. The yearly figures represent data as of December 31 of each year, except for 1913 when the figures are for Dec. 31, 1912. In 1912, 1918, and 1922, the data "were based on census reports. Details as to amount held in sinking funds and divisions by classes are shown in the monthly statements issued by the Treasury. 3 Data on new capital issues as compiled by the New York Journal of Commerce. Details by classes and individual issues are given in that publication. * Distribution of capital issues as compiled by the Commercial and Financial Chronicle, the totals here given being slightly smaller than the grand totals compiled by the Journal of Commerce, The columns " New capital" and " Refunding " include all types of financing to be used for the purpose designated. Distribution of bond issues by classes, from 1920 through September, 1924, appeared in June, 1923, issue (No. 22), page 42, and in November, 1924, issue (No. 39), page 137. Further details are given in the Commercial and Financial Chronicle. 5 New incorporations represent the value of the authorized capital of new enterprises, exclusive of those under $100,000, incorporated in the principal eastern States as compiled by the New York Journal of Commerce. Monthly averages from 1913 appeared in November, 1924, issue (No. 39), p. 187 6 These data, from the Federal Farm Loan Board, represent loans made for agricultural development secured by mortgages on land and buildings, the Federal farm loan banks being established by the Government in 12 districts, while the joint-stock land banks, of which 70 are now in existence, are private organizations. The banks were closed during the greater part of 1920, pending litigation in the Supreme Court involving the constitutionality of the Federal farm loan act, and in 1921 many loan requests could not be granted because the cessation of bond selling had depleted the resources. Monthly figures on loans closed from 1920 appeared in June, 1923, issue (No. 22), page 47. ? The Federal intermediate credit banks under the supervision of the Federal Farm Loan Board are located in the same cities as the 12 Federal laud banks, as follows: Springfield, Mass.; Baltimore, Md.; Columbia, S. C.; Louisville, Ky.; New Orleans, La.; St. Louis, Mo.; St. Paul, Minn.; Omaha, Nebr.; Wichita, Kans.; Houst9n, Tex.; Berkeley, Calif.; and Spokane, Wash. These banks lend money on staple agricultural products and make rediscounts for agricultural credit corporations and live-stock loan8 companies. Data from the War Finance Corporation comprise advances for "agricultural and livestock purposes" under the agricultural credits acts on August 24,1921, to banks, livestock associations, and cooperative marketing associations. Figures on advancements and repayments from 1922 to September, 1924, appeared in November, 1924, issue (No.9 39), page 189: since that date new advances have practically ceased. Six months' average. 123 Table 95.--COEPORATION STOCKHOLDERS1 [Base year in boldfaced type] YEAB AND MONTH PENNSYLYANIA HAILEGAD CO. U. S. STEEL COEP. (common stock) AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. PENNSYLVANIA ItAILEQAD CO. Stockholders Stockholders Stockholders Stockholders Domestic Foreign Domestic Percentage of shares For- held by eign brokers U. S. STEEL COBP. (common stock) AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. Stockholders Stockholders Per- Domestie centage For- eign Do- mestic Foreign Do- mestic Do- mestic Foreign brokers Number Number NUMERICAL DATA RELATIVE NUMBERS 1,529 1,697 J 1, 980 939 1,191 1,484 51.48 1,475 1,300 1,341 1,380 1,431 1,557 40.65 30.35 22.45 24.36 22.76 22.97 115, 482 131, 643 163, 703 217, 599 265, 638 322, 693 1,239 1,267 2,013 1,337 1,8*0 1, 287 1,256 33.46 32.09 30.69 25.17 122,999 1,173 1,173 1,174 1,547 1,283 ' 1, 334 1,368 1,379 24.27 22.61 21.49 21.44 153, 649 172, 770 183, 676 94,789 92,281 1,399 1,370 1,384 1,365 22.02 24.09 25.05 26.28 195, 608 201, 303 228, 592 246, 494 92, 711 91, 593 95, 462 98, 189 1,355 1,351 1, 481 1,536 26.24 23.34 20.83 20.62 255, 421 260, 446 269, 702 269, 923 2,524 2,603 97, 135 97, 577 J,542 1,549 1,558 1,577 22.39 20.45 22.82 26.21 296, 738 314, 227 338, 183 341, 625 2,760 2,875 3,508 1,490 1,525 26.81 25.45 345, 451 354, 279 3,740 3,994 1913 quarterly average 1914 quarterly average 1915 quarterly average 1916 quarterly average 1917 quarterly average 1918 quarterly average 1OO 108 112 117 128 141 100 105 105 61 20 16 100 111 8 129 61 78 97 100 91 89 107 101 84 100 100 115 2 101 95 107 155 107 117 127 148 180 113 122 114 96 110 73, 714 78, 682 81,603 85, 343 93, 331 102, 798 11,258 11,839 11,816 6,884 2,235 1919 quarterly average 1920 quarterly average 1821 quarterly average 1922 quarterly average 1923 quarterly average 1924 quarterly average 153 174 190 187 191 200 15 13 15 26 25 26 177 213 252 235 228 232 96 85 88 90 94 102 79 59 44 47 44 45 217 247 308 409 499 607 119 122 193 221 254 296 111, 316 126,424 138, 450 130, 181 138, 846 145, 644 1,727 1,500 1,743 2,869 2,847 2,926 1920 March June September December __ 167 172 176 181 14 14 13 13 198 207 216 228 87 86 84 82 65 62 60 49 231 247 252 259 113 113 113 149 121, 326 124, 943 127, 768 131, 659 1,595 1,525 1,472 1,409 82, 246 85, 909 1931 March June S-eoteniber December 188 192 190 191 13 12 12 26 249 251 254 256 84 87 89 90 47 44 42 42 272 289 325 345 170 188 206 209 137, 007 139, 702 138, 243 138, 847 1,386 1,373 1,362 103,093 2,852 106,061 1923 March. June _ . September December 191 188 185 185 26 26 25 25 254 236 229 223 91 90 91 89 43 47 49 51 368 378 430 463 213 215 222 234 138, 895 136, 940 134, 279 134,609 2,915 105, 261 97, 989 187 189 191 194 25 25 25 26 224 221 230 237 89 88 97 100 51 45 40 40 480 490 507 520 242 250 261 262 136, 247 137, 156 138, 581 141, 348 2,814 196 197 197 196 27 26 26 26 234 235 229 229 101 101 102 103 43 40 44 51 558 591 636 642 265 276 307 337 142, 339 142, 965 143, 307 142,261 2,986 2,913 94,904 94,708 197 202 26 26 223 222 97 100 52 49 649 666 359 384 143, 224 146, 988 2,939 2,966 91,910 . of shares held by Relative to 1913 100 Foreign 1,773 2,888 2,851 2,820 11, 436 47, 777 ' 42, 020 39, 365 44, 531 64, 314 73, 510 88, OSS 104, 621 97, 580 94,489 96,081 89,665 94,520 103, 976 105, 355 46.73 45.87 55.08 51.88 43.22 53, 205 56, 932 62, 279 67, $04 78, 597 96, 035 • 131, 558 134, 112 137, 901 144,716 1,641 1,175 1,270 1,187 999 1,143 2,297 2,644 3,086 1,774 1,953 2,146 2,180 2,217 2,233 2,309 2,431 1923 March June September December 2,843 2,852 2,880 2,719 2,729 1924 March June September December 1925 March June September December 2,901 2,903 92, 552 3,199 i These data showing the growth of stockholders in three prominent companies—a railroad, a public utility, and an industrial—have been furnished direct by the respecti >ective companies and represent the number of holders of common stock on their books at the end of each quarter, i. e., December figures are for December 3 lor January 1. * December 31 figures; other quarters of 1915 not available. 124 Table 96.—FOREIGN EXCHANGE1 [Relative numbers for base year in boldfaced type; numerical data on opposite page] ASIA EUROPE England YEAR AND MONTH France Italy Bel- Nether- Sweden gium lands Switzerland THE AMERICAS Japan India 2 Canada INDEX NUMBERS Argen- Brazil tina Chile 100 100 <100 100 98 100 103 104 72 73 77 78 Relative to par 100 100 101 97 99 109 119 98 99 102 103 107 95 76 84 98 99 99 98 88 90 99 94 94 103 101 97 96 97 83 83 80 54 59 64 65 96 89 90 99 98 99 103 94 76 85 81 81 82 69 40 40 31 34 115 95 62 63 63 64 88 65 62 69 65 60 98 98 98 98 100 99 99 99 97 97 96 95 98 97 97 98 65 65 65 64 99 99 98 98 88 87 87 86 35 35 34 33 66 61 65 63 68 67 67 67 30 28 25 24 97 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 93 93 91 94 99 98 98 98 64 64 63 63 98 98 97 98 85 83 81 77 32 32 32 30 66 69 65 63 66 66 63 62 23 23 23 23 25 26 25 24 98 97 95 95 99 99 98 98 93 93 91 90 98 98 97 94 63 64 63 64 98 99 98 98 78 76 74 75 30 29 27 29 63 60 57 65 63 63 61 60 24 23 24 32 23 23 22 23 22 20 20 27 93 93 92 93 98 98 98 98 90 90 90 91 90 91 86 82 63 62 65 63 97 97 97 98 76 79 79 78 34 37 35 35 53 62 50 54 59 58 58 63 90 89 90 92 30 27 26 28 23 23 22 23 25 24 24 26 93 93 94 97 99 99 99 99 92 92 94 97 81 82 83 83 63 63 68 68 98 98 99 100 77 77 77 79 34 33 31 31 56 54 52 51 62 60 59 61 92 92 95 97 27 27 27 28 23 23 22 22 25 25 25 26 96 97 100 100 99 99 100 101 98 69 100 101 83 78 77 77 68 69 71 72 100 100 100 100 83 87 89 92 31 35 35 35 53 67 58 58 61 61 61 62 98 98 98 99 28 27 27 27 22 21 21 21 26 26 26 26 100 100 99 100 101 101 101 100 100 100 100 100 77 78 82 84 73 73 73 73 100 100 100 100 94 94 93 90 36 35 34 33 68 55 57 57 64 64 63 63 100 100 100 27 25 24 21 20 19 26 24 24 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 84 82 82 74 75 75 100 100 100 93 95 95 32 34 35 58 58 60 63 100 Par value... 1914 average 1915 average _ 1916 average. 1917 average 1918 average 100 100 100 106 98 98 98 98 103 94 88 90 92 101 87 80 71 69 1919 average 1920 average 1921 average 1922 average _ 1923 average 1924 average 91 75 79 91 94 91 71 36 39 42 32 27 59 26 22 25 24 23 66 38 38 40 27 24 97 86 84 96 97 95 96 96 97 96 35 32 33 35 25 25 25 26 31 28 28 30 May June July August 95 95 94 94 34 33 31 30 25 24 22 22 September October November December.. 93 93 90 90 30 31 29 27 88 89 88 89 . 100 100 100 100 1933 January February March April- _„ 1924 January February March April __ May June _ _ July August . September . October November December 1925 January February March April. __j May June July October See footnotes on opposite page also. Daily averages of noon rates for cable transfers reported to the Treasury daily by the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Average figures for the years 1914 to 1918, inclusive, where given, are weekly averages of commercial quotations from the Annalist. For figures on Germany, which have now been discontinued owing to almost complete collapse of the mark, see August, 1923, issue (No. 24), p. 183. Monthly figures on all items back to 1920 may be found in the May, 1922, issue (No. 9), p. 135. a Parity established October, 1920. Prior to that, par value of the rupee was 32.44 cents. 1 125 Table 97.—FOREIGN EXCHANGE1 [Base year in boldfaced type; relative numbers on opposite page] EUROPE Eng- land YEAR AND MONTH France Italy Bel- gium ASIA Nether- Sweden Switzerlands land Japan THE AMERICAS India > Canada Argentina Brazil Chile Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate pound gold paper franc franc lire guilder yen krone rupee franc milreis dollar sterling peso peso $4.87 Par value 1914 average 1915 average. 1916 average 1917 average 1918 average 80. 193 .199 .182 .170 .174 .178 $0.193 5.14 4.78 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.43 3.66 3.85 4.43 4.57 4.42 .137 .070 .075 .082 .061 .052 .114 .050 .043 .048 .046 .044 .128 .074 .074 .077 .052 .046 .391 .344 .336 .385 .391 ,382 4.65 4.69 4.70 4.66 .067 .061 .063 .070 .049 .048 .049 .050 .061 .064 .055 .058 4.63 4.61 4.58 4.66 .067 .063 .059 .057 .048 .046 .043 .043 September October November December 4.54 4.52 4.38 4.36 .059 .060 .05.5 .053 1924 January February. . .__ March April 4.26 4.31 4.29 4.35 May _ June... July August . 1919 average 1920 average 1921 average 1922 average 1923 average 1924 average - $0.268 $0.487 $0.965 $0. 324 .941 .964 .997 .999 .234 .236 .249 .253 .956 .893 .896 .985 .980 .987 .990 .907 .730 .818 .786 .781 .267 .225 .131 .129 .102 .109 .226 .185 .121 .122 .122 .105 .317 .318 .316 .314 .991 .987 .981 .980 .847 .842 .841 .832 .114 .114 .111 .106 .128 .126 .127 .123 .491 .491 .488 .489 .311 .310 .308 .305 .979 .977 .974 .977 • .817 .805 .777 .745 .104 .104 .104 .098 .128 .134 .126 .122 .179 .179 .176 .175 .486 .488 .484 .470 .306 .311 .309 .310 .977 .986 .981 .976 .749 .737 .712 .723 .097 .095 .088 .093 .124 .118 .111 .107 .262 .262 .263 .264 .173 .174 .173 .176 .449 .454 .429 .409 .805 .303 .299 .304 .974 .969 .970 .981 .737 .765 .766 .748 .109 .120 .115 .112 .104 .101 .098 .105 .374 .374 .379 .388 .265 .265 .266 .266 .177 .177 .182 .188 .402 .411 .414 .413 .306 .305 .313 .323 .983 .984 .993 .999 .746 .739 .741 .767 .110 .108 ,099 .099 .110 .106 .101 .100 .385 .391 .401 .404 .266 .266 .268 .270 .189 .192 .193 .194 .412 .388 .385 .384 .329 .337 .344 .353 .999 1.000 1.000 .997 .800 .836 .855 .883 .101 .112 .155 .115 .104 .111 .113 .113 .404 .402 .399 .400 .270 .270 .270 .269 ,193 .193 .193 .193 .385 .391 .410 .418 .357 .357 .357 .356 .997 .999 .999 .999 .911 .903 .897 .869 .117 .113 .110 .106 .114 .108 .111 .112 .402 .401 .401 .268 .268 .269 .194 .194 .194 .419 .408 .411 .362 .365 .366 1.000 1.000 1,000 .902 .913 .918 .103 .109 .114 .114 .113 .117 $0. 193 .194 .187 .191 .211 .229 $0.499 .255 .205 .225 .262 .266 .265 .190 .169 .174 .191 .181 .182 .512 .504 .482 .478 .486 .412 .403 .389 .262 .287 .311 .318 .396 .395 .395 .392 .269 .266 .266 .266 .188 .188 .186 .182 .487 .484 .485 .487 .057 .054 .049 .046 .391 .392 .392 .393 .266 .266 .265 .266 .180 .179 .176 .181 .044 .045 .044 .043 .049 .051 .047 .046 .393 .391 .380 .380 .365 .264 .263 .263 .047 .044 .047 .062 .043 .044 .043 .044 .042 .038 .039 .052 .374 .374 .371 .372 4.36 4.32 4.37 4.50 .058 .053 .051 .055 .044 .043 .043 .044 .049 .046 .046 .050 4.46 4.49 4.61 4.70 .053 .052 .053 .054 .044 .044 .043 .043 .049 .048 .048 .050 4.78 4.77 4.78 4.80 .054 .053 .052 .052 .042 .041 .041 .041 .051 .051 .051 .051 4.85 4.86 4.86 .052 .048 .047 .041 .038 .037 .050 .047 $0. 193 $0. 402 .195 .169 .155 .137 .134 $1. 000 .491 .495 .507 .513 .533 * $0. 195 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December - ._ ......___ ._._ 1935 January February March April ._ M!a>y June July October S 046 % 126 Table 98.—IMPORTS BY GRAND DIVISIONS FROM NORTH AMERICA sFROM EUROPE YEAE AND MONTH Germany France Total Italy United Kingdom Total Canada FROM SOUTH AMERICA Total FROM ASIA AND OCEANIA FROM AFRICA GRAND TOTAL Argentina Total Japan Total Thousands of dollars $11,578 8, €85 6,493 9,674 8,220 4,959 1913 monthly average. - $72,056 1914 monthly average. _ €5,293 1915 monthly average. _ 45,529 1916 monthly average 52,776 45,929 1917 monthly average _ _ 1918 monthly average. . 26,510 1919 1920 1021 1922 1923 1924 ; 10,318 13,805 11,824 11,901 12,468 ; 12,303 62,544 monthly average _ _ monthly average. _, 102,320 63,745 monthly average.monthly average. _ 82,600 96,421 monthly average— 91,363 monthly average.. $15,351 12,449 3,746 485 13 26 $4, 610 4,601 4,297 5,020 3,040 2,028 $22, 663 23,949 21, 525 25,457 23, 340 12, 385 $32, 485 36,783 4Z 455 54,870 72,665 81, 218 $11, 844 13,669 14, 800 19, 771 34, 473 37, 641 $16, 522 19,127 26,857 35, 634 49,902 50,911 $2, 131 4,690 7,890 9,691 14, 855 19, 032 $26.344 26, 265 30, 489 50,865 71, 455 86,837 $8, 245 8,808 9,026 15, 174 21, 139 -25, 162 $1, 978 1,638 2,887 5,158 6,089 . 7,126 884 7,403 6,690 9,791 13, 433 11, 605 4,922 6,280 5,191 6,328 7,689 6,250 25, 766 42. 821 19,900 29, 739 33, 673 30, 540 6,481 138, 555 62, 904 68,538 83, 460 82, 923 41, 225 50, 989 27,953 30, 337 34, 687 33, 257 57,294 63, 417 24, 635 29,897 38, 952 38,873 16, 597 17, 315 4,994 7,140 9,608 6,275 39, 698 123, 058 54,447 72, 955 89, 918 81, 692 34, 154 34, 548 20, 939 29, 525 28,912 28, 338 9,349 12, 524 3,365 6,410 7,255 6,029 $149, 383 149, 106 148, 216 199, 303 .246,039 252,601 325, 364 439, 873 209, 096 259, 398 316,006 300, 880 1933 103, 575 89, 748 120,74© 105, 877 14, 275 10, 277 15, 131 13,730 13, 789 10, 476 14,997 13,642 8,597 6,659 11,008 7,309 33, 579 35, 200 49,390 41,495 71.445 75, 301 115, 741 103, 346 30, 597 28,291 32, 705 36,249 41, 455 41, 654 53,438 46, 422 11, 676 10, 782 13, 511 15,052 95,050 87, 279 97, 210 100, 313 Si, 041 24,850 32, 788 26, 489 17,729 9,340 10,801 8,294 329, 254 303, 407 397,92^ 364,253 June July August 102, 217 89, 665 83,171 84, 505 12,300 10, 683 9, 818 11,030 12, 762 12, 092 13, 166 13, 777 5,769 6,999 6,729 5,646 44,039 31,914 28, 152 24,721 104, 820 KG, 609 77. 486 6<),396 35, 638 35,331 36,038 35, 794 49,401 36,443 32, 105 29,157 16, 875 12, 579 10,670 6,017 107,092 99, 012 90,582 83,438 33, 113 24,111 30, 179 31, 948 9,015 6,505 4,089 3,944 372,545 320, 234 287, 434 275,438 September October November December. 85, 374 105; 673 93,338 93,210 10, 542 15,917 12, 756 13, 184 13,742 15, 727 13, 350 13, 673 5,822 9,248 10, 704 8,778 2,", 132 32, 823 27, 634 28,995 J 66, 575 81',, 904 73. 427 67, 846 33, 116 37, 850 38, 452 35, 936 27,830 36, 980 34,923 37, 150 3,993 5,289 3,670 4,256 71, 013 75, 890 84,580 82,506 26,365 24, 430 28, 783 32, 844 2,854 2,843 5,065 7,593 253, 645 308,291 291,333 288,305 January February March April . 87,989 98,735 85, 205 83,868 10,787 13, 513 13, 250 12,708 11, 246 12,706 9,483 9,525 5,992 5,579 6,402 7,198 30,835 34,503 ; 28,460 i 28,893 75,167 98, 736 ir-5,863 94, 3t53 31, 954 32, 819 35, 750 33,174 37,967 36, 391 44,940 34, 525 82,679 92, 438 66, 595 104, 502 34,812 26,128 16, 113 24,728 11, 686 7,389 9,880 7,033 295, 508 332, 323 320, 482 324, 291 May 84, 247 80, 175 82, 040 79, 923 11, 275 9, 393 10, 720 11, 060 9,831 10, 511 12, 502 11,886 6,004 4,832 5,049 4,108 26, 129 1 24, 482 J 23,050 25,877 f 92, 699 80, 025 81, 137 70, 051 33, 355 33,037 32, 115 30, 279 39,302 38,368 41, 368 34, 433 7,511 7,108 6,494 4,277 83,537 70, 599 69, 325 67,374 27, 184 21,825 26, 755 29, 613 3,203 4,834 2,947 2,848 302,988 274, 001 278, 594 254, 542 98, 939 106, 559 97, 949 110, 721 12,630 14, 119 13, 596 14,436 13, 157 13, 753 11, 894 12, 7U3 6,745 9,026 7, 986 9,084 32,700 36, .525 f 35,099 : 39.349 ; 73,935 75,109 71, 362 69.. 135 31,297 33,774 35, 144 3, 6489 30, 633 42,103 41, 925 44, 524 5, 455 4,745 4,582 6,294 81,554 82,899 80, 959 98, 017 35,588 29,308 28,347 39, 626 3,064 4,128 4, 156 11, 165 287, 144 310,752 296, 148 333, 174 102, 806 100, 968 112, 097 98,006 13, 924 14,880 14, 153 11,816 11, 402 12, 077 13, 080 11,506 8,463 8,262 9, 512 9,986 35, 178 33,893 40,151 31,377 i ; j j 77,546 83, 219 91,297 93,352 32, 950 33, 651 34, 444 . 33,120 42,253 44, 053 . 58,451 48, 661 6,523 10, 212 8,584 11, 353 112, 828 91, 072 113, 397 100, 574 33,284 23, 181 28, 291 23, 891 10, 651 13,044 10, 245 10, 105 346, 184 333, 720 385, 488 348,698 92, 097 88, 702 10, 405 10, 016 9,514 11, 247 8,514 9,206 31,575 : 26,644 i 89, 132 85, 234 37,560 37,320 32,848 37, 022 3,823 5, 799 108, 585 107, 514 22, 567 24, 215 4,753 6,694 327,416 325, 167 January February March April . May 1934 June July August September October November December ] 4,099 6,008 11, 359 7,444 . 1935 January... February March April . May June July. August __ September.. October November. December . . . . . . . . . . . . . „. „ , .. . . rges, and expenses incident to placing tti in condition, packed ready for shipment to the United States." (Tariff act of 1913.) Beginning with June, 1921, the import values are either the actual foreign market value, as defined above, or "the export value, including any export tax imposed by the country of exportation," whichever is higher. (Emergency tariff act of May 27, 1921.) Table 99.—EXPORTS BY GRAND DIVISIOINfS TO NORTH AMERICA TO EUROPE YEAR AND MONTH Total France •Germany Italy United Kingclom Total Canada TO SOUTH AMERICA. Total • TO ASIA AND OCEANIA TO AFRICA GRAND TOTAL. Argentina Total Japan 4,403 I 6,406 ; 8,925 ; 8,759 $17, 319 14,700 20,099 39, 211 45, 567 50,250 $5,208 3,479 3,811 9,096 15,528 22,815 Total Thousands of dollars 1913 monthly average. _ $124, 964 1914 monthly average.. 111,608 1-915 monthly average.. 214, 451 1918 monthly average. _ 317, 773 1917 monthly average. _ 338, 538 1918 monthly average. _ 321, 558 $12, 827 14, 175 41, 733 71, 735 78,399 77,600 $29, 328 13, 191 981 188 (J) (2) $6, 555 8, 161 22,477 25,294 34, 920 41, 015 $49,228 49, 984 99,870 , 157,282 167,450 171, 774 $50, 098 40, 132 46,567 77, 046 105, 081 110, 457 1919 monthly average. . 1920 monthly average _1921 monthly average. . 1922 monthly average _._ 1923 monthly average. . 1924 monthly average.. - 432, 306 372, 174 190,992 173, 613 174, 451 203, 708 74, 447 56, 349 18,745 22, 247 22, 678 23, 472 7,730 25, 953 31, 027 26, 343 26, 403 36, 711 36,890 30, 980 17, 955 12, 575 13, 961 15, 587 189, 880 161, 319 78, 510 71,319 73, 527 81, 836 107, 983 160, 764 94,132 76,305 90,514 90,766 1923 January February March April 189, 712 159, 431 164, 843 156, 247 23,286 13, 791 20, 471 22,303 26, 086 24, 441 25, 031 26, 290 15, 489 10,705 12, 851 14, 416 83,589 71,452 63,624 58,474 , May June July August 133, 344 139, 920 127, 295 136, 763 20, 524 19, 710 16, 578 18, 537 22, 969 18, 983 24, 935 23, 260 9,914 13,083 9,148 8,929 September October November December 201, 983 214, 067 218, 491 246, 337 25, 082 30, 510 31, 361 29, 979 31, 541 32, 802 28, 105 32, 395 1934 January February _ _ _ March April 202, 668 200, 746 169, 352 180, 279 23, 195 19, 946 21, 879 19, 915 May June _ July August 162, 178 141, 975 126, 071 156, 349 September October November December 1935 January February March. April May_ June •_ July August . _. $33, 599 25, 885 28, 754 50,409 69,077 73,906 $12, 210 7,584 12, Oil 18, 356 25,991 25,226 $4,582 2,261 : ' | ( I : $2,411 2,110 3,095 4,501 4,282 4,933 $207, 002 176, 135 296, 223 456,887 519, 459 512,424 61,187 80,988 49,473 48,057 : 54,327 51,930 36,812 51, 993 22,777 18,840 22,443 26,255 12,992 17,811 9,236 7,962 . 9,398 ' •9,750 \ 74, 775 86, 932 53, 782 45,910 54,827 55,925 30,530 31,495 19,620 ! 18,200 22,019 20,860 ' 8,160 13,806 6,071 4, 648 5,056 6,858 660, 035 685, 668 373, 753 319, 315 347,291 382, 512 78,293 74,664 91,028 91,699 48, 832 44,479 53, 826 53,777 21,326 20,936 22,943 22,878 9, 217 9,780 9,105 9,333 41, 606 46, 996 58,071 47,537 13,362 17,650 23,636 18,937 : 4, 479 4,931 4,493 7,131 335, 417 308, 957 341, 377 325, 492 48,400 55, 047 45, 006 53,001 103, 968 99, 485 95,371 99,050 66,084 62,459 58,856 60, 579 22,447 24, 705 23,604 24,420 10, 275 11,094 , 9,604 11,783 • 46,762 50,560 50,358 45,911 19,890 16,992 18,220 13,139 4, 838 5,287 5,559 4,822 316, 359 319, 957 302, 186 310, 966 15, 751 19, 176 18, 231 19,839 90,002 89,221 101, 510 122,995 97, 974 89, 910 84,807 79, 918 60,227 51, 719 45,744 45,339 21, 543 21, 875 23, 412 19,230 8,474 8,593 9,215 6, 308 55, 162 68,663 70, 131 76, 165 22, 248 27,277 35,031 37,756 4, 767 4, 703 4,643 5,016 381, 434 399, 199 401, 484 426, 666 40,966. 49,088 36,057 32, 874 16, 858 15, 889 13, 127 15,226 84, 863 74,154 57,005 65,712 74, 557 77,390 86,170 84, 782 40, 752 • 45, 013 49,230 48,325 23,874 24,453 23, 217 25,206 8,959 8,728 8,295 8,903 87, 034 42,559 56,635 49, 288 47, 637 20,837 21, 629 13, 953 7,039 5, 451 4, 381 7,381 395, 172 365, 782 339, 755 346, 936 22, 073 21, 321 13, 179 20,600 28, 271 18, 027 12, 836 19, 281 11,213 12, 045 8,142 13,225 62,409 51, 795 56, 608 65, 725 88,471 84, 929 83, 337 94,513 48,063 48,274 45, 213 50, 348 24, 764 25,860 23,352 30, 536 8,841 8,987 : 8,778 12,399 54,038 48, 897 39, 024 43, 375 15,937 9,563 8,423 9,630 5,638 5,328 4,956 6,123 IgfeO88 fSf989 276, 649 330, 660 235, 720 280, 598 305, 551 273, 342 28,217 26, 787 36,765 27, 862 44, 381 49, 651 38,441 ^50, 671 14, 589 21, 955 22, 863 23, 914 96,662 125, 418 125, 835 115, 884 112, 196 133, 387 93, 105 76,398 70, 459 86,265 53, 110 38,123 24, 352 32,820 26,994 29, 752 9,627 12, 764 10, 013 10, 702 49, 415 64, 195 63,159 58,362 15, 765 28, 927 31, 559 26,451 5, 952 6,232 4,787 7,026 427, 460 527, 172 493, 572 445, 743 269, 415 222, 262 251, 823 208, 080 29, 210 22, 855 25, 690 22, 017 49, 615 22, 668 43,785 . 23,061 51, 386 26, 063 32, 995 19,171 113, 136 85, 757 84,999 73, 148 77, 948 75, 125 100, 297 92,723 37, 063 39, 122 51,179 49, 315 31, 745 25,463 33,548 35, 899 12, 893 9,939 12, 212 12,242 60,885 57, 742 58, 961 56,667 27, 875 15,803 21,388 12,751 6, 584 5,330 8,805 7,679 446, 577 370, 740 453, 434 399, 048 175,785 144, 412 20, 531 15, 205 28, 727 22,434 62,990 57, 202 107, 471 96, 002 66, 817 59, 767 35, 690 31, 192 12,263 10, 936 44, 911 45, 110 8,133 9,722 7, 362 6,434 371, 420 323,150 14, 022 11, 765 : : September October November December 1 Compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, and represent exports, including reexports, of merchandise only. Values ere those at time of exportation in the ports of the United States whence exported, except reexports from bonded warehouses, which are expressed in their import value. 2 Total for year 1917 is $3,275. No figures for 1918. 128 Table 100.—IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY CLASSES OF COMMODITIES IMPORTS YEAR AND MONTH Total EXPORTS FoodFinSenii- ished stuffs, ManuCrude crude, facMisan u- manu- cellamateri- and tured infacfoodfacals neous tures food tures animals stuffs Total Foodstuffs, ManuSemiCrude crude, facumateri- and tured man faefoodals food tures animals stuffs Finished manufactures Mis- cellaneous Thousands of dollars 1913 monthly av_. 1914 monthly av__ 1915 monthly av__ 1916 monthly av_. 1917 monthly av_. 1918 monthly av_. 149,383 149, 106 148, 216 199, 303 246, 039 252, 601 50, 462 49, 790 57, 991 84, 132 105, 682 101, 760 18, 413 19,561 20,242 21, 678 32, 144 28,795 16, 518 21, 378 22, 770 28,226 29,287 33, 114 28, 355 23,006 21, 748 34,822 45, 124 54, 080 34, 401 33, 936 24, 335 28,798 32, 327 33, 742 1,234 1,459 1,130 1,648 1,476 1,117 204, 024 172, 675 291, 104 451, 887 513, 934 503, 990 64,017 40,938 47, 280 60,118 65, 061 79, 432 14, 121 22, 939 38, 470 35, 107 42, 406 45,620 27,023 25, 727 45, 880 54,003 67,228 117, 152 33,066 27, 949 39, 641 76, 022 109, 835 87, 773 65,120 53, 243 109, 584 218, 780 225, 066 172, 437 676 1,877 10, 238 7,857 4,337 1,577 1919 monthly av__ 1920 monthly av_. 1921 monthly av._ 1922 monthly av._ 1923 monthly av._ 1924 monthly av__ 325, 364 439, 873 209, 096 259, 396 316, 006 300, 880 139, 521 146, 073 71, 090 96, 381 115, 737 103,097 45,441 48, 136 25, 331 27, 660 30, 234 35, 410 46, 308 103, 179 30, 737 32,290 44, 134 43, 501 50,860 66, 835 28, 669 45, 793 59, 976 64, 430 41,028 73,094 61, 577 65, 642 64,212 62, 596 2,210 2,633 1,681 1,590 1,734 1,847 645, 818 673, 402 364, 911 313, 776 340, 893 374, 813 134, 178 155, 902 81,997 81,800 100, 170 110, 524 66,530 76, 498 57,687 38, 212 21, 457 32, 678 163, 551 93,080 65, 805 48, 965 48, 608 47,837 76, 854 79,909 33,270 36, 484 46, 977 50,880 213, 625 267,032 135, 497 107, 720 123, 147 132, 349 1,079 980 654 592 535 646 1923 January _ February March April 329, 254 303, 407 397, 928 364, 253 139, 094 127, 467 144, 657 142, 710 28,613 28,597 38,298 32,866 31,269 38, 641 71, 024 60, 252 64,650 55,413 73,047 64,952 63, 935 52, 267 69, 830 62,400 1,693 1,027 1,072 1,073 330, 777 302, 010 333,490 318, 553 102,073 77, 207 79,914 71, 130 24,218 27,167 19,364 17,736 60,742 49,807 55,025 60,801 43,235 39, 382 45, 978 49, 917 109, 618 107, 760 132, 420 128, 493 891 687 789 476 May June July August 372,545 320, 234 287, 434 275, 438 144,924 117, 999 107,047 94, .589 28,839 24, 657 23,783 21, 058 59, 893 53,328 37,590 33, 010 73, 074 62, 422 66, 169 58, 13a 65,320 61, 462 62, 492 66, 983 495 416 353 1,668 309,390 312, 178 295, 725 304,758 63,300 68, 278 60,531 65,448 25,997 21, 336 19, 510 23,897 49,132 41,529 37, 517 42,635 60,006 49,206 49, 337 45, 813 130, 653 131, 543 128,640 126, 779 302 287 190 186 September October November December 253, 645 308, 291 291, 333 288,305 77, 410 92, 273 97, 814 103, 037 26,479 34,055 40, 134 35, 434 83, 321 48, 069 35,590 27,413 49, 277 57, 386 50, 825 64,207 62, 997 73, 773 64, 110 64,961 4,161 2,735 2,860 3,253 374, 191 392, 207 395, 667 421,011 131, 500 149, 803 160,346 182,515 27, 171 21, 747 14,461 14,874 46, 493 50,664 62,295 66,653 45,039 45,980 48,955 60,871 124, 233 123, 440 118, 668 115, 611 613 573 942 587 1924 January. February March... April 295,506 332, 323 320, 482 324, 291 106, 434 116, 172 102, 169 110, 589 32, 584 30, 521 34, 464 35, 286 38,202 58,742 67,294 68, 629 58,044 66, 634 56, 174 54,529 57, 605 57,909 58, 870 64,069 2,637 2,345 1,511 1,189 389,057 358, 211 331, 655 335, 734 132,848 113, 711 85,609 80,719 13, 810 13,925 14,976 13,336 69, 315 62,325 49, 782 42, 693 64, 619 50, 342 50,060 60,986 127, 326 127, 215 130, 602 147, 546 639 693 626 454 May. June July August 802, 988 274,000 278, 594 254,542 104, 164 88,682 89, 171 83,630 37, 484 34, 189 39, 145 31, 480 50,581 41, 774 40, 389 30,400 48, 652 48, 366 45, 270 47, 211 61, 677 60,575 62, 108 60,128 414 415 736 1,781 325,839 299, 160 270, 697 325, 065 77,047 62, 387 65, 972 62, 913 37, 452 10,638 15,014 34,035 12, 673 - 87,367 44,534 31,596 63, 103 50,461 46,340 47, 176 147, 348 136, 936 118, 126 138, 369 251 327 319 477 September October November December _ 287, 144 310, 752 296, 148 333, 174 96,325 100, 113 112, 843 131, 701 29,163 42, 443 38, 074 40,098 38,514 38,695 29,091 27,896 53,043 66, 654 52, 931 60, 923 66, 414 70, 574 -61, 463 70,759 4,667 2,319 1,948 2,185 419, 232 518, 357 486,483 438, 650 127, 998 162, 442 196, 385 168, 273 65,281 100,285 68,599 39, 516 49, 617 60,330 54,800 64,388 49, 565 53,354 50,872 53, 704 126, 333 141, 179 124, 939 122, 003 438 767 888 676 1935 January February ...... March April 346, 184 333, 720 385, 488 348, 698 147, 597 128, 603 142, 211 140, 540 38,066 36,778 50, 157 36, 591 32,336 39, 776 46, 848 48,426 63,104 63, 649 75, 943 69,824 62, 313 62,848 67, 913 62,305 2,268 2,066 2,415 1,012 440, 438 364, 835 445, 533 391, 594 168, 194 128, 697 121, 690 83,908 25,873 23,554 31, 102 36, 192 54,044 46,277 55, 597 39, 386 58,271 47, 777 64,543 60,704 133,059 117, 894 171, 553 170, 875 997 636 1,048 529 327, 416 325,167 326, 000 135, 737 129, 664 34, 168 35,738 39,896 37,688 66,206 69,072 60, 892 62,434 617 671 362, 757 315,397 65,640 62, 217 33, 626 21,879 41, 161 43,017 58,938 54,348 163, 057 143, 670 335 266 May June Tnlv . . .... - »Data from 17. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. For changes in valuations, see footnote on preceding page. 129 Table 101.—CANADIAN INDUSTRY PIG STEEL INIRON GOTS YEAR AND MONTH Production Production * Thous. of long tons BUILDINGS 3 NEWSPRINT PAPER a COAL Thous. of short tons Shipments Stocks Exports EMPLOYMENT « EmployContracts Trade Workers Jobs ment awarded unions registered registered index Thous. of Per cent dollars employed Short tons Rel. to Jan., 1920 Number | 1913 monthly average. .1914 monthly average. .. 1915 monthly average. .. 1916 monthly average. .1917 monthly average. -. 1918 monthly average. .. 84 58 68 87 87 89 87 62 76 106 130 140 1919 monthly average... 1920 monthly average. .1921 monthly average— 1922 monthly average. .. 1923 monthly average... 1924 monthly average, — 68 81 50 32 73 49 77 92 66 41 74 54 102 99 82 93 1, 251 1,136 1,106 1,207 1,171 1,248 $32,013 20,163 6,993 8,276 7,070 8,320 092.1 798.1 798.1 7 98.5 61,527 62, 386 13,352 12,233 24,382 30,384 38, 601 45,026 60,425 1,160 1,412 1,255 1,263 1,416 1,104 67,284 72,931 67, 339 90, 028 105, 519 112, 750 67,922 72,563 66,930 00,499 112,063 12, 597 10, 687 17,045 10,800 44, 948 19, 789 65, 203 59, 469 62, 969 79,960 94,830 108, 271 15,836 21, 300 20,011 27, 654 26, 188 23, 022 96.6 95.4 87.5 93.0 95.1 93.0 41, 533 44, 240 45, 690 49, 098 43, 281 40, 165 35,002 39, 157 45,082 34, 339 « 100.0 87.0 88.6 94.8 91.9 104 96 74 105 1,263 1,318 996 1,595 111, 486 108, 514 104,932 113,584 110,196 108,591 103,545 112, 818 13, 610 13,853 14,927 15,631 98,901 92, 852 92,959 104,568 40,697 60,674 30,842 27,488 95.5 96.6 97.1 97.8 49, 167 42,880 43, 859 73,033 47,297 41,067 42, 244 74,440 97.3 99.5 100.2 100.0 75 74 62 60 66 67 55 41 1,240 1,536 1,515 1,286 102,486 114,475 110, 839 95,726 99, 118 112,996 110,786 100, 624 18,670 20,123 20, 047 15, 123 90,930 100,722 103, 195 94,824 23,382 30,078 15,632 21, 507 98.0 95.2 93.8 93.8 67,097 68,322 44,359 35, 559 77,086 63,590 32,876 23,833 99.5 98.8 95.7 88.7 64 60 78 84 41 71 94 104 1,490 1,212 1,537 $89 110, 529 112,318 113, 192 116,283 108,620 110, 555 111,916 114, 647 16, 493 18, 195 19,388 "20,978 93,708 99,621 127, 583 80,872 6,538 21,249 11,584 30,199 92. 5 S2.2 ^3.3 94.9 44,613 49, 915 34,897 39,401 33,571 41, 016 26, 104 35,670 90.6 90.7 89.3 91.8 85 S7 45 23 108 €9 52 23 708 716 669 683 118, 500 108,321 114, 133 114,417 118,306 113,-866 110,^85 112, 802 20,746 15,272 18,840 20,380 107, 784 95, 717 105, 133 94,486 32,967 26, 185 23,818 26, 664 92.6 95. & 94.6 93.5 43, 445 35,730 86, 105 44, 557 33, 219 27,907 26,589 35,302 95.2 95.9 94.7 93.1 23 29 23 23 18 20 23 26 903 1,297 1,§46 1,506 108, 100 113, 156 111, 703 112, 342 106,882 112, 324 112, 636 111, 718 21,M7 22,304 21, 371 21, 954 101,843 9§,«12 96,981 115, 844 22,506 21,067 24,614 28,868 94.1 93.2 90.3 88.4 62, 465 50,982 40,078 37, 187 66,709 40,310 23,438 23,233 93.9 «03.0 90.8 83.9 28 30 64 60 27 37 108 88 1,402 1,156 786 555 121,420 115, 624 126, 267 128, 911 122,049 116, 595 124,426 124,903 20,989 20,114 21,892 25,832 104,654 103,857 144,411 93,882 8,935 11,048 13, 393 24,887 89.8 90.5 91.5 91.3 42, 059 31, 537 38, 028 33, 544 26,807 20,240 24, 510 35,563 86.1 87.0 87.2 90.8 63 46 100 63 664 130,013 124, 209 128,386 127, 141 26, 848 23,965 116, 766 114, 652 34, 052 33, 229 22, 179 39, 953 30, 650 104,543 1933 May June July August.. „ . September October ... November _ December . . . 1924 • January February ... . March. __ April .... May JUB© July August.. ...... Segbtember. . .. October November ... December. * . ^ 19&5 January April - ' 94.5 & h 1 Production * and lignite, and i Department^)!Frad£3^o^^^ . „. T1 /VT 3 Building contracts furnished-by McLean Building Reports (Ltd.); monthly data from 1920 appeared m July, 1922, issue (No. 11), p. 46. < Percentage of trade-union membership employed and applications and job vacancies reported to Canadian employment service, latter being prorated from weekly reports from Dominion Department of Labor, Employment Service of Canada; employment index number taken as of the first day of the month following that indicated, showing conditions reported by an average of about 5,800 firms employing about 775,000 workers in 1923, in manufacturing construction, mining, logging, and services from. Department of Trade and Commerce, Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Trade-union employment figures from 1915 through 1918 are averages of quarterly data. * January, 1920. «December only. * Average of four quarters, March, June, September, and December. 54240°—25t 9 130 Table 102.—CANADIAN FINANCE AND f $ADE EU$iNi:S$ FAILURES a BANK €LEAliiNGSi Firms Liabilities YEAR AND MONTH Millions Numof dols. ber BOND ISSUES s Government and provincial 12, 942 12, 076 11,442 16, 081 16, 492 14, 573 12, 684 1, 919, 413 1, 838, 608 1,471,776 2, 349, 614 2, 598, 892 2, 585, 756 2, 245, 883 16, 224, 251 5,342,357 4,342,664 6,915,408 7, 323, 404 4,688,726 2,650,772 9, 749 : 13, 395 27, 125 25, 107 25, 748 4,466 3,.846 5," 121 7,052 7,290 . 6, 729 7,227 10, 880 15,284 7,270 88, 7.1.1 103, 347 62, 317 66, 882 74, 428 66, 413 107, 222 100, 869 • 62, 827 78,858 88,230 90, 113 5,127 2,563 3,635 2,683 4,506 6,477 10, 533 11, 135 11, 104 9,546 9,732 10, 580 2, 605, 416 2, 199, 492 2, 202, 005 2, 602, 303 2, 862, 085 2, 425, 490 419,703 3, 034, 176 3, 895, 609 4,138,222 5, 829, 025 5, 130, 336 2,790 4,979 2,906 3,085 9,200 25, 965 None. None. 6, 212 4,672 3, 477 1,091 15, 975 10, 580 4,350 900 84,265 84,633 77, 074 78, 826 76,1)49 96,238 84,478 81,330 8,655 2,373 1,362 1, 378 2,676 6,479 13,297 20,666 1, 230, 384 2, 247, 796 2, 048, 141 1,933,690 6 928, 190 4,164,832 4, 223, 247 5, 854, 992 213 231 226 174 2,889 3,521 8,077 2,084 50,000 40,150 9,000 140, 892 8, 718 2,048 1,737 1,775 4,050 17, 300 7, 583 21,410 71,351 75, 641 72, 084 65,656 68, 818 101, 300 139, 005 124, 916 3,545 8,340 8,396 5,334 22,335 22, 164 15, 808 8,036 3, 269, 351 4, 487, 120 4, 835, 545 4, 218, 754 6,929,605 14, 407, 111 12, 524, 881 8, 235, 775 7, 675 6,149 4, 769 2, 710 8,300 2,000 8,500 14, 000 21, 545 5,435 2,218 9,259 50, 510 13,050 5,221 1,200 66, 568 62, 134 86, 954 60,173 70, 355 68, 332 93, 615 49, 518 5,228 4,549 7,927 1,671 2,278 1,505 924 510 2,473,895 2, 481, 524 2,665,992 2,267,328 1,771,445 1, 472, 878 5,323,691 3,485,058 82 199 271 243 191 1,845 4,221 4,771 4,285 3,523 1923 May June . _ . . July _ August 1,470 1,309 1, 281 1,258 245 232 218 207 September October November, December..., 1,170 2,185 1,851 1,518 a, 339 _ 1934 January _ February _ March April , Dollars .1, 757 5,092 2,888 4,095 4,026 8,648 3,976 1, 632 1,401 1,304 1,392 1,367 _ _ Thous. of tons $31,422 37, 953 39, 287 64, 858 98,268 132, 181 105, 730 $4, 422 7,118 17, 901 17, 385 56,198 58,000 :64, 429 monthly av__ monthly av monthly av monthlv av • _ monthly av monthly av Thousands of pounds Net operating revenue $55, 934 51,600 37, 998 42,350 70, 538 80,294 76, 643 $1, 388 2,562 2,698 1, 312 1,138 1,035 843 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 Imports Exports Canned salmon Cheese Freight carried Imile $6, 171 3,644 1,888 3,540 2,708 628 5, 121 152 241 219 148 93 68 62 _ Exports of key commodities (quantities) Total (value) Thousands of dollars Thousands of dollars $7.75 659 637 359 1,021 1,115 J,351 1913 monthly av 1914 monthly av 1915 monthly av 1916 monthly av 1917 monthly av 1918 monthly av__ 1919 monthly av _ _ _ Munic- Corporation ipal bonds RAILROAD OPERATIONS ' FOREIGN TBADE< $9, 647 7,032 5,542 4, 158 2,365 4,917 2,5$3 . 1,215 283 248 212 ,177 , _> _ _ _ , 1,380 1,210 1,404 1,202 194 149 138 128 3,356 1, 170 1,935 1, 145 3,925 19, 750 42, 036 21,000 5,295 7,476 6,598 4,306 4,850 4,125 24,860 2,575 72,058 66,396 72,631 61, 970 105, 311 88,328 88,221 74, 822 2,585 2,855 2,079 4,947 1,867 3,214 19,929 18, 616 1,274,052 2,493,968 2,053,808 1, 599, 078 6 433,895 2, 353, 797 3, 640, 230 4,745,483 September October November December.. . 1,314 1,715 1,593 i, 65,2 153 186 203 2.16 2, 802 2, 460 2,537 4,759 178, 902 1,000 3,720 5,839 6,880 1,271 14, 571 2,388 28,265 3,325 10, 170 35,261 63,901 68,183 66, 250 60,946 82, 456 104, 316 119, 876 125, 462 10,415 12, 497 10, 778 8,154 20, 395 25, 793 17, 050 9,385 2, 366, 450 3, 625, 576 3, 778, 733 2, 771, 968 7, 512, 500 12, 743, 845 10, 601, 800 7, 771, 146 1,364 1,069 1,151 1,229 284 185 199 145 5,058 2,602 3,392 2,049 4,000 39, 406 None. 29, 240 5,484 2,601 4,588 4,080 35, 460 36, 175 14, 560 7,045 58, 376 61, 430 84,638 59, 105 75, 999 71, 164 95, 888 60, 709 10, 525 4,777 6,446 1,411 3,581 3,798 2,826 954 2, 332, 806 2, 138, 117 2, 404, 001 2, 076, 103 1, 523, 954 2, 334, 827 4, 417, 492 3,120,268 1,290 1,186 1,273 163 157 6, 108 2,204 3,500 11,296 7,544 6,468 5,885 12, 892 75, 895 75, 592 97, 475 94, 319 2,019 999 3,372 8,721 1, 863, 804 1, 804, 968 May June Julv _ August 1,236 •1,142 _ _ . 1925 January February March April May June July__ August September October November December ,.„ , _ , . , , , „.„ . ,,.__«.,_,. 1 Bank clearings, covering 16 cities,. from Bradstoeet'8. 2 Business failures from Brqdstteet's. 3 Issues of Qa.na.dian bonds from The Financial Post. 4 Foreign trade statistics from J)eq>w£me®£ ftf Tmde &n$ JPwrtau p/ ftfottetfa. Yearly figures represent monthly averages for the Canadian fiscal year6 ending Marqh 31 csf ttoe year indicate^; he,nee the 19,2£ averages. Annual figures, from Department of Trade and Commerce, cover all railroads in Canada, average for the fiscal year ending March 31 of the year indicated; monthly reports cover all railroads with annual operating revenues of $500,000 or over, which includes 98 per cent of the total revenues of all roads. Monthly data from 1920 appeared in July, 1922, issue (No. 11), p. 45. « Deficit. Table 103,—INDEXES OF COTTON WHOLESALE PRICES STOCKS ENT> OF MONTH MACHINERY ACWorld visible TIVITY Domestic Exports ReCon(inceipts Im- clud- sumpinto ports ing tion YEAB AND MONTH sight Ha- Cotton Cotton goods yarns Cotton Price Midto dling Amer- Active proTotal Wareupspinican Mills houses cotton land, cotton dles ducer, all N. Y. grades ters) Total Carded, white, northern, muie spun, 22/1 cones, Boston FALL RIVER MILL DIVIDENDS (quarterly) SheetPrint ings, 4/4 ' cloths, ware Ratio 6*x ea, shoals, to capiTotal 38H", L L taliza5.35 tion yds. to 436'% yds. Ib. to Sb., N. Y. Relative to 1913 100 89 114 137 122 117 100 128 194 169 144 179 100 100 105 144 112 89 91 100 101 102 106 109 110 100 103 135 106 89 91 85 162 117 188 246 100 95 79 113 184 249 100 88 81 120 181 268 105 107 97 106 109 80 203 193 277 189 137 137 115 129 145 113 79 84 116 131 148 104 69 77 111 111 108 108 113 102 252 250 106 163 228 224 254 265 119 166 230 224 241 284 133 161 196 192 177 156 143 125 146 149 150 138 202 162 138 114 113 104 96 81 109 28 75 69 115 116 116 116 216 231 237 224 215 226 240 226 133 116 99 106 104 83 66 64 120 99 81 60 92 71 55 68 68 56 46 44 46 28 30 116 114 112 110 213 218 196 201 95 107 106 116 104 117 114 100 95 149 169 167 57 81 106 120 124 202 218 204 56 86 97 105 52 90 104 110 111 112 112 111 235 239 245 199 75 66 46 44 124 109 104 103 149 132 114 92 120 116 111 98 172 145 116 88 102 104 94 80 98 90 76 59 34 18 21 33 79 67 32 20 45 32 29 38 89 75 75 77 74 59 45 44 85 70 53 41 65 51 39 47 71 61 50 43 September October No v6 mber December 153 233 230 206 48 89 86 240 101 130 180 148 94 114 106 114 84 161 193 193 38 54 77 97 120 245 285 268 1935 January February March April 115 72 67 41 270 295 167 110 148 112 101 65 127 118 125 128 172 150 126 103 105 114 121 111 26 11 70 98 46 30 114 106 80 61 99 83 100 191 3 monthly a v 86 1914 monthly av 104 1915 monthly Q,V 99 1016 monthly av-___ 80 1917 monthly av 77 191-8 monthly av._... 2100 2100 100 100 2101 166 158 114 92 2105 96 81 55 47 98 108 119 122 111 111 159 155 134 152 87 78 86 82 78 92 144 246 114 153 154 132 75 71 74 70 61 78 106 105 97 109 117 99 160 155 198 153 125 112 January February March 72 34 38 26 518 327 262 184 65 49 44 36 131 122 134 124 Tvlay June July 31 23 24 45 lie 22 . 30 . 24 34 124 197 177 142 33 37 82 173 1924 January February M arc h April 75 35 31 34 M!ay June July 1^19 monthly av 1820 monthly av 1921 monthly av 1922 monthly av 1923 monthly av... _ 1924 monthly av : 100 91 84 118 193 317 100 59 55 114 203 291 100 60 54 95 183 252 195 173 274 344 143 168 172 185 235 486 150 147 170 136 201 411 112 110 113 88 192 197 203 200 202 209 213 204 197 206 208 210 136 93 216 222 202 199 190 185 177 175 189 185 167 168 202 194 190 181 143 95 227 240 258 2268 223 235 274 280 191 200 218 228 188 188 203 212 181 204 208 217 131 87 270 179 109 107 106 104 271 262 231 239 271 250 223 234 223 211 195 192 199 183 169 171 220 204 196 180 126 83 50 40 30 27 100 96 94 95 234 232 228 232 247 235 248 229 192 191 190 189 168 171 171 175 177 176 175 189 143 93 60 97 118 133 55 109 140 155 99 102 104 107 185 193 188 200 191 192 190 18d 175 181 180 180 164 165 170 171 179 168 173 176 161 104 113 73 224 178 130 97 133 129 115 104 153 140 115 95 109 109 109 109 189 192 204 198 188 193 200 191 177 174 174 170 174 180 182 179 176 174 179 173 124 79 66 44 51 68 124 61 108 106 192 192 183 189 194 161 163 168 175 175 180 170 158 156 76 49 65 42 100 1923 A-U£USt September October November JJtecein ber May. June July August ________ 66 31 17 September October November December • 8i For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 8, 9, and 11* These figures are for fiscal years ending June 30 of year given. 36: 132 Table 104.—INDEXES OF WOOL AND SILK1 RAW WOOL WOOL MACHINERY ACTIVITY Imports Yff&B AND MONTH Total Domestic Spinning spindles Looms Receipts at Boston Foreign Wide Narrow WHOLESALE PRICES Carpet and rug Sets of Combs cards Woolen Worsted RAW SILK Wool (Boston) Worsted yarn Women's dress goods Suit- Wholesale ings price 1/4 blood combTerriing tory grease, fine staple, Ohio and scour- Penned sylvania fleeces 2/32's crossbred stock, Boston Storm serge, all wool, double warp, 50", N.Y. Wool- Japadyed, nese, blue, 55/56", Kansai, Middlesex, No.l, N.Y. N.Y. Imports Relative to 1913 1913 mo. av._ 100 1914 mo. av._ 149 1915 mo. av. . 191 1916 mo. av_. 196 1917 mo. av_- 225 1918 mo. av. . 224 100 118 112 127 130 113 100 100 100 10O 100 101 102 117 117 112 •96 109 116 121 116 107 125 153 279 2323 104 144 164 264 2 304 100 82 101 135 201 272 100 89 99 135 193 260 100 94 101 128 204 262 100 106 100 126 122 115 10O 105 100 122 115 11(1 100 99 98 114 116 113 100 98 107 115 120 116 10O 171 272 296 277 299 100 96 105 118 108 89 100 228 391 371 468 506 102 91 134 151 172 100 90 109 120 127 142 1919 mo. av._ 1920 mo. av. 1921 mo. av._ 1922 mo. av. . 1923 mo. av. . 1924 mo. av__ 213 122 152 193 185 139 132 65 89 118 90 124 419 266 315 383 429 176 294 171 211 248 260 176 95 86 92 91 110 91 99 96 88 90 105 85 83 98 76 113 121 97 106 89 91 113 125 112 108 97 116 118 127 104 108 87 93 112 119 110 107 1QQ 111 106 124 89 298 291 149 219 247 249 256 204 104 172 204 212 210 235 152 182 223 218 234 238 157 149 182 184 260 271 183 201 234 237 244 227 166 198 226 163 162 116 154 169 181 176 1933 May June July. August 285 237 180 113 79 164 193 131 811 432 147 65 373 238 106 81 122 120 108 102 116 114 101 88 126 125 109 118 129 134 120 119 146 133 126 110 129 120 117 115 140 129 121 110 268 263 263 240 212 212 204 200 232 232 232 225 184 184 184 ' 184 239 239 239 239 232" 211 197 202 172 138 224 170 September.. . October November... December... 74 40 62 109 77 32 61 115 66 60 66 94 62 76 78 93 103 102 103 95 93 102 102 91 119 124 124 105 120 118 119 111 111 112 111 108 115 114 115 104 112 118 112 100 232 228 228 235 188 188 192 204 219 212 ~ 212 212 184' 184 184 184 269 239 239 239 269 215 215 213 159 184 212 179 1934 January February March April 161 96 202 90 347 240 486 132 243 312 325 233 97 95 95 88 92 91 91 72 111 112 107 95 111 120 126 116 117 122 118 101 112 116 119 114 98 104 99 91 240 247 247 239 208 216 216 212 219 219 212 212 184 184 - 184 184 239 239 239 239 202 189 171 155 186 147 97 154 < Mav. Juno . July August 101 150 200 199 145 42 30 89 150 130 48 68 91 82 78 78 85 78 69 75 80 72 76 84 114 108 98 93 80 68 69 89 107 102 93 93 77 65 60 69 233 225 228 239 196 176 176 192 212 206 200 206 184 184 184 184 239 233 233 233 132 137 148 167 151 127 160 175 91 106 103 105 253 260 282 295 212 228 244 280 212 225 238 251 \ 184 184 184 ' 184 233 239 239 239 149 158 170 174 228 197 223 270 88 40 92 74 . 84 192 266 242- ; ; September... October November... December... 101 83 122 157 110 82 91 123 78 87 200 243 96 132 130 252 88 98 102 104 81 89 98 96 96 105 115 112 111 117 117 117 112 128 125 120 112 118 116 119 1935 January..... February March April .... 208 97 175 102 25 36 41 30 674 255 519 286 375 298 283 229 102 100 94 91 98 95 93 93 115 119 126 112 117 118 120 113 116 114 100 87 114 116 119 113 102 100 89 82 293 289 277 249 276 272 252 216 245 245 232 225 184 184 184 184 245 245 245 245 167 171 160 164 233 185 200 174 86 143 245 66 152 285 139 120 143 177 162 88 86 81 81 108 103 110 105 75 83 110 107 73 71 218 230 240 180 200 208 225 225 219 1SS4 184 184 233 233 233 170 175 174 235 190 May June Tnl\r i For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 6,10, and 11. * Six months'average. 133 Table 105.—INDEXES OF PETROLEUM AND PIG IRON CRUDE PETROLEUM YEAR AND MONTH PRICES, REFINED OILS IRON PIG IRON ORE ConFurnaces in sumpProduction blast end Wholesale prices tion Price, of month Fuel Lub. Total Kan- Oil Mexi- Gaso- Kerooil. sene oil, ShipPro- stocks, Imsas- wells can 60r, ments Founline oil, Okia. steam ducend ports Okla- comdry Basic Comship- motor, 47°, 24-26, ref. from tion of homa pleted Mer- Fur- Ca- No. 3 valley posat water ments N.Y. mines month Total at Penn. Total pacchant Northite white refin. field furwells iron naces ity ern .Pig nace (Pittsiron burgh) Eelative to 1913 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 mo. av_. 100 107 mo. av_. mo. av_. 113 mo. av_. 121 135 mo. av._ mo. av__ 143 100 100 97 102 115 169 212 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 104 122 144 158 86 62 135 190 235 87 48 98 87 93 8-2 127 164 213 246 141 144 95 81 92 131 175 73 57 97 169 209 79 56 78 114 175 65 94 132 127 124 75 97 127 124 126 74 86 122 123 115 70 85 119 126 131 100 75 100 127 127 127 100 118 139 138 128 112 81 93 132 259 215 88 93 134 265 221 88 92 132 259 222 96 119 45 87 120 87 100 120 54 87 130 101 86 109 33 63 107 83 90 107 89 67 103 76 98 116 52 90 130 101 189 281 157 168 176 141 188 287 148 164 175 137 194 284 156 162 176 142 97 103 110 115 125 131 138 142 180 183 202 205 175 179 205 211 177 181 167 204 1919 mo. av_. 1920 mo. av_. 1921 mo. av._ 1922 mo. av_. 1923 mo. av__ 1924 mo. av__ 152 178 189 224 295 285 119 143 171 265 311 371 297 610 704 715 461 437 160 201 201 226 273 287 244 364 182 193 154 155 110 127 77 91 85 76 837 594 699 724 563 624 146 174 165 149 123 107 188 242 138 137 136 131 124 291 76 105 103 107 229 425 123 112 121 199 \ 1933 January _ _ _ _ . February.. ,_ March. ... April 254 235 275 285 274 275 282 287 492 418 543 446 249 236 274 269 145 185 198 195 76 69 78 96 554 471 612 587 131 137 146 143 158 158 154 143 104 112 116 126 102 133 166 146 (') 126 100 117 98* 138 . 106 139 112 May June. July August 301 304 318 321 296 307 317 325 404 404 466 511 . 265 253 285 296 163 155 155 155 118 115 109 92 570 553 661 603 175 128 126 119 131 124 120 116 115 110 100 103 132 118 109 101 81 116 127 126 151 144 144 135 118. 126 123 102 119 120 111 100 149 146 136 127 200 185 170 166 197 186 171 168 200 189 176 169 September... October November... December... 315 326 316 288 331 341 349 351 406 - 285 460 .202 410 279 567 293 144 133 112 109 80 72 63 56 623 534 555 628 114 110 101 92 123 135 134 133 95 89 80 88 99 111 114 130 111 99 60 (2) 122 123 113 114 101 100 96 100 95 91 86 86 112 118 112 112 166 159 148 148 169 160 142 142 168 158 146 148 1924 January February.. .Jtfarch... April........ 273 268 288 287 350 351 356 360 425 439 579 492 286 271 290 283 133 162 179 186 49 57 68 90 459 547 617 626 98 119 118 119 140 147 135 130 121 128 119 107 181 203 221 227 8 118 120 135 126 99 88 105 102 92 98 100 86 121 129 134 115 151 155 155 147 144 150 149 147 150 166 155 152 May ;_ June July • % " •---August 298 286 295 298 369 373 377 385 498 449 438 395 286 276 280 280 186 166 166 147 104 96 100 87 577 521 604 488 119 119 116 112 123 118 117 117 92 87 87 87 207 189 181 169 80 93 89 82 102 79 70 74 91 69 59 63 68 61 54 66 92 78 66 75 141 134 130 131 139 134 129 129 146 137 130 131 September... October November... December ... 288 289 272 273 386 384 381 374 361 328 448 394 286 297 294 317 141 134 130 128 71 67 63 62 434 463 519 530 104 83 88 89 135 134 134 137 102 104 113 130 183 190 198 231 75 68 25 (2) 80 97 98 116 72 82 81 78 64 68 76 85 86 97 106 114 135 133 133 143 129 129 130 142 132 132 134 145 1935 January February March April 287 261 292 297 373 373 374 378 473 376 430 365 305 266 300 301 138 186 193 193 55 62 68 98 510 474 542 445 101 125 122 119 134 136 133 126 148 147 126 114 229 235 220 184 26 132 126 139 127 90 90 100 99 93 94 91 82 136 138 134 < 119 151 148 143 137 149 160 145 137 151 151 148 141 437 847 320 342 193 193 193 105 107 475 413 391 113 128 131 122 122 117 101 104 101 183 203 188 114 104 104 83 74 83 73 71 71 107 104 103 131 125 127 128 123 122 134 128 128 May June July 329 822 101 97 - * i For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 12, 22, 23, and 24. * Relative number less than 1. 134 Table 106.—INDEXES OF STEEL STEEL INGOTS YEAR AND MONTH Production COMMERCIAL STEEL CASTINGS Total bookings U. S. STEEL CORP. UnBail- Miscellanefilled Earnroad ous orders* specend of ings ialties bookings mouth FABRICATED STRUCTURAL STEEL WHOLESALE PRICES Steel hiUcts Bessemer (Pitts burgh) Struc* tural steel beams (Pittsburgh) Iron and steel Com! posite steel Composite finished steel Sales IRON AND STEEL Per of ca- pacity Exports selected items cent Im- *& Relative to 1913 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 144 142 75 105 195 109 171 76 117 158 182 202 100 70 §£ 165 181 146 100 76 112 175 148 187 62 95 243 215 136 78 87 170 271 183 83 93 177 269 202 87 94 154 266 215 88 95 163 259 220 86 92 161 252 213 100 143 146 132 130 100 139 138 120 111 56 128 220 235 194 90 89 98 102 53 111 135 64 114 144 122 72 131 48 131 148 128 41 112 40 140 136 136 99 148 54 123 158 120 101 170 90 96 102 68 105 129 68 74 131 111 157 218 134 132 162 147 174 187 131 115 160 153 191 249 155 144 169 155 193 211 156 134 172 165 188 222 152 134 165 157 127 134 88 173 173 188 106 107 70 128 128 136 160 180 80 61 59 64 101 138 38 229 226 150 1933 January February r March ___ „_ April „ 152 138 161 157 204 180 290 186 * 205 163 325 171 203 194 258 199 117 123 125 123 92 83 129 126 145 154 172 175 132 139 146 172 156 162 172 179 151 158 165 174 149 157 164 169 196 209 250 212 144 154 184 156 46 48 69 62 448 252 394 288 May June July August 187 149 140 146 183 175 108 105 167 183 73 80 197 168 138 126 118 108 100 92 155 138 138 149 173 165 165 165 174 169 166 166 181 177 172 170 176 176 170 176 168 168 167 167 152 138 136 155 112 102 100 114 69 59 62 66 251 250 196 September, „_ „_ .... October „ November ^_ December „ __ . . 133 142 124 113 98 79 83 85 94 45 57 66 101 109 106 102 85 79 74 75 125 163 151 123 162 155 155 155 166 166 166 166 170 167 163 163 176 176 176 176 167 167 U7 167 141 133 147 214 104 98 108 158 60 54 69 68 135 109 95 95 1934 January February March „,„ April 145 152 167 133 102 145 199 135 82 149 252 140 119 141 ' 152 131 81 83 81 71 129 142 167 140 155 155 155 155 166 166 166 162 164 185 164 161 176 176 174 171 168 167 166 162 193 196 191 177 140 142 138 128 94 60 46 46 98 139 137 165 113 97 78 72 118 68 61 108 84 82 82 61 55 54 56 117 104 91 88 149 147 147 146 157 153 146 142 157 154 151 150 166 165 163 160 159 157 154 152 160 177 188 163 116 128 136 118 56 51 48 61 178 201 96 150 1913 monthly average . 1914 monthly average _ 1915 monthly average . 1916 monthly average . 1917 monthly average . 1918 monthly average . 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly average _ monthly average _ monthly average _ monthly average monthly average . monthly average . ,,,.-„_ „ „__ __ „ „__ % m May , June July August.,.,, „„. „„_ 105 82 74 101 September October November December,. „ ,-_..-,., „_.„_„_ „,„ 112 124 124 141 124 132 147 191 125 131 174 225 123 133 123 100 $9 60 68 82 89 107 78 84 141 139 138 140 136 129 128 131 148 147 148 153 158 156 156 160 150 148 150 153 180 180 229 218 130 130 166 158 48 58 42 45 137 140 115 247 , 166 149 166 142 164 122 118 117 172 115 91 93 158 128 142 138 85 89 82 75 114 108 127 117 144 144 142 138 139 136 139 136 156 156 155 150 161 165 160 159 1,54 154 153 151 157 160 191 213 114 116 138 154 61 34 65 53 275 323 313 247 137 127 122 98 96 68 70 126 119 69 63 60 121 118 137 136 136 132 132 132 146 143 166 154 153 148 147 191 243 138 176 49 44 234 288 1935 January February March.,..,, April-..,., ,.„ 100 75 103 137 May June July. August „_„_ „„_ ...,. w_ no „. September October November December......... * For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 13 and 15. 135 Table 107.—IWDEXES OF N0NFERSOTS METALS Stocky Deliveries YEAR AND MONTH World visible u. s. Imports— Bars, Mwks, etc. COPPER LEAD ZINC TIN Ore Price, Retorts ProPrice, in oper- duction Stocks ship- prime ation, (total at re- ments, ,westpri- fineries 9oplin ern. eadiOf district N. i. jKiontii mary) I*. Production Price, Price, Ore ship- J^ Exingots, ports, electroments, desilJopHn verized, Smel- refined lytic, ter «. Y. district & Y. Mines Relative to 1913 100 87 97 147 135 124 100 278 87 98 140 100 100 100 100 49 35 43 132 101 90 " 108 128 14? 126 87 95 109 126 142 100 88 106 157 201 170 100 102 141 193 193 149 100 92 237 230 159 143 100 89 148 194 129 116 93 120 162 153 155 94 113 157 154 150 100 107 76 78 113 83 100 89 113 178 178 161 78 47 117 135 127 143 109 65 72 94 112 95 85 35 54 80 73 132 138 62 108 153 155 92 99 196 89 49 96 148 198 109 189 243 255 127 139 85 104 120 120 147 182 144 197 189 210 132 182 104 131 166 185 98 99 38 80 120 128 105 99 47 92 136 147 5.2 73 73 86 95 129 1.22 114 82 88 94 85 174 106 211 185 138 130 192 176 86 92 105 100 80 82 84 84 160 147 169 162 41 27 25 22 197 240 394 261 124 130 140 131 190 178 204 195 175 184 189 185 169 100 118 US 123 113 137 132 107 71 91 91 109 179 171 162 152 162 111 106 150 118 115 132 133 96 91 86 83 82 80 78 71 164 148 149 144 32 42 52 65 213 231 132 180 121 HI 133 229 269 95 104 167 164 143 151 122 122 122 128 139 135 136 141 84 88 90 98 101 96 94 91 124 151 185 131 160 100 158 170 122 191 56 86 98 137 119 132 93 93 98 105 77 80 80 82 135 146 153 161 56 63 76 92 281 180 284 322 117 114 11;5 114 195 137 164 252 157 156 157 169 121 128 124 126 142 149 142 142 98 107 102 108 87 82 83 84 1924 January February March April 134 242 125 207 197 176 188 154 146 171 93 224 135 215 82 239 109 119 123 112 75 75 74 78 172 152 165 156 100 91 79 81 208 243 353 220 117 123 118 111 205 178 244 185 132 196 206 189 129 128 127 128 148 145 146 139 98 127 140 140 81 83 89 87 May Juno July August _. 143 118 107 131 159 102 163 172 211 211 262 179 118 96 113 79 99 96 ' 103 116 77 71 68 68 165 150 149 145 104 122 130 125 251 192 194 308 105 105 107 112 196 150 129 238 166 161 163 179 127 124 126 130 148 147 145 143 140 132 111 116 84 81 81 87 September,,.. October _ __ November December 136 139 158 112 163 153 16,9 203 206 125 108 147 122 105 98 123 110 113 122 120 67 68 73 77 141 147 148 165 112 95 66 52 234 274 333 246 112 115 124 134 196 236 308 254 183 189 199 211 124 134 133 1?1 146 159 147 148 138 129 147 137 85 i 85 89 93 1925 January February March _. April 196 197 194 182 185 191 159 146 228 205 269 120 204 143 188 109 130 128 120 116 8.1 83 82 82 ' 174 162 . 178 169 47 41 42 45 288 278 262 244 May Jnue July 134 169 177 169 160 160 73 106 125 90 164 121 124 128 82 78 78 172 159 165 52 56 51 298 263 mo. av.._ mo. av._. mo. av.._ mo. av.._ mo. av___ mo. av— 100 80 111 128 132 133 100 120 123 150 152 112 100 83 108 173 118 15 1919 mo. av__. 1920 mo. av.__ 1921 mo. av.__ 1922 mo. av._. 1923 mo. av... 1924 mo. av_._ 74 116 59 131 160 146 104 159 159 191 176 172 84 172 122 129 138 174 1923 January ._ February March April 181 169 181 185 208 203 199 179 May June July August 165 148 145 151 September October November December 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 August no : 100 no : 95 101 no | . _' September October ._ November December...: i For numerical data and .complete .explanation of ,sources, * Eleven months' average, August missing. , £ee Tables 18 and 19. : 141 136 133 127 246 300 307 245 233 216 204 183 145 134 145 187 162 153 171 155 141 182 178 151 96 : 95 9,2 87 . 126 127 131 242 254 1&7 183 190 186 130 137 151 150 161 150 87 88 91 l 136 Table 108.—INDEXES OF COAL ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUS Prices Prices Produc- YEAR AND MONTH tion Con- Ex- ports sumption Mine aver- Wholesale, Kaiia- Retail, wha by age vessels (spot) f. o. t>. Cin- COKE Chi- cago Production Ex- ports cinnati Production Whole- Retail, sale chest- chestnut. nut, New York York New Bee- Price Ex- hive prod- Byuct ports Connellsville Relative to 1913 100 88 93 105 115 121 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 '100 1OO 77 93 105 119 111 94 97 102 89 72 93 91 150 264 210 100 100 122 208 177 102 102 101 144 136 99 97 96 109 108 92 85 100 134 107 100 100 105 112 129 100 103 105 121 132 69 82 106 9^9 91 88 111 150 176 204 68 91 120 143 172 74 73 133 338 245 97 119 87 88 118 101 100 191 115 61 106 85 94 121 98 53 59 52 211 459 207 295 224 169 187 266 207 237 196 156 143 176 178 198 192 169 96 98 99 60 104 102 107 116 101 57 110 87 156 179 198 200 205 214 156 177 194 197 204 201 69 62 17 24 58 29 198 242 ! 155 224 296 268 73 94 32 52 126 75 194 442 149 290 224 145 130 109 121 110 73 54 81 92 50 49 56 54 354 292 258 227 256 222 222 222 228 224 207 184 112 100 120 103 103 95 116 122 200 200 200 200 207 214 203 196 57 67 67 68 293 268 308 303 107 97 134 277 338 292 300 259 May June ...... July . August....... ......... 120 A18 117 127 150 161 152 141 71 68 67 70 216 207 193 195 200 188 177 177 183 184 183 183 110 111 107 114 129 121 132 128 200 200 200 200 196 196 198 201 70 68 61 . 58 . 315 300 309 306 223 88 82 136 211 213 193 192 September October .. November .... _ ... December ............. 120 128 111 103 118 99 84 72 61 67 55 48 195 183 181 176 177 177 177 154 181 182 182 181 37 112 99 99 51 116 107 95 210 216 216 216 208 209 209 208 53 50 42 41 - 295 293 273 284 130 107 67 62 197 163 167 169 50 52 47 64 181 183 175 168 166 166 154 154 181 181 178 168 104 100 106 89 79 90 90 71 216 216 216 207 208 203 206 194 41 43 48 39 292 281 . 304 284 73 77 153 62 165 172 171 155 265 229 224 231 55 66 67 58 140 132 121 123 240 274 277 308 58 77 78 77 128 128 132 165 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 monthly average monthly average monthly average .. monthly average. _ _ monthly average monthly average 1919 monthly average _ 1920 monthly average 1 921 monthl y a vera ge _ . . 1922 monthly average-- ... 1923 monthly average . 1924 monthly average January February March April 1933 ..... . ............ - 1934 January ....... March April .. . May June. July August™ ... . . ._ ......... September .... October November ... . December,,........ January March April 132 119 103 76 .... __. 1935 ............. .... .. May - June July Septejot&r,,,,. Oetofofc* November....... December — * *— —- „ 70 84 74 . 63 82 101 109 93 58 53 54 49 166 165 . 161 162 154 154 164 154 163 163 163 163 102 101 102 93 79 101 84 74 208 210 212 214 195 196 197 198 106 121 106 116 100 102 65 73 49 65 45 65 165 171 167 167 154 154 154 154 163 171 169 169 100 101 89 97 95 105 82 93 216 216 216 221 203 203 203 207 130 98 94 85 65 55 61 59' 61 46 49 . 65 170 166 161 159 164 154 154 154 177 177 176 175 97 94 93 98 86 84 68 66 221 221 206 203 206 207 207 196 42 38 38 29 322 295 326 .313 86 84 90 73 190 167 144 130 89 93 91 96 62 61 160 159 154 164 164 168 171 107 102 94 91 205 206 208 196 198 22 21 311 298 81 68 128 119 119 ^ ......... ........ ......... - i For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Table 21. 27 20 16 . 16 - . "" ' ' ** 19 23 23 32 81 79 84 90 137 Table 109.—INDEXES OF RUBBER AND LEATHER CRUDE RUBBER HIDES AND SKINS Wholesale prices Imports YEAR AND MONTH Im- Wholesale ports price, (inPara clud- Island, Total hides ing and New latex) York skins Calfskins LEATHER Green salted packers' Cattle Goat- Sheep- heavy hides skins skins native steers (Chicago) Calfskins, country No. 1 (Chicago) Sole and belting BOOTS AND SHOES Upper Wholesale prices Price sole, Price chrome Exoak, ports calf, Ex- scour- Ex"B" ports ed, ports grades backs (Bos(Boston) ton) WoMen's Men's men's black dress black calf, welt kid Blu- tan Goodcher calf year (Bos(St. welt ton) Louis) (St. Louis) Relative to 1913 191 3 monthly a v _ _ _ 100 1914 monthly av 123 1915 monthly av 191 191 6 monthly a v _ _ _ 233 1917 monthly av.__ 350 1918 monthly a v... 281 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 88 64 82 39 10 138 183 181 166 99 85 88 116 99 70 107 132 142 178 164 111 114 179 215 197 166 259 289 140 86 100 105 112 143 185 177 100 112 130 146 127 73 100 97 110 149 123 77 100 76 69 83 80 68 77 101 120 70 44 100 104 106 167 215 222 100 98 168 193 147 131 100 102 105 119 153 181 100 104 106 127 180 178 10O 100 100 115 150 146 462 1919monthlyav.._ 489 1920 monthly av 358 1921 monthly av.__ 682 1922 monthly av.__ 1923 monthly av . _ _ 697 1924 monthly av.__ 637 60 41 23 23 31 26 150 102 70 111 107 72 84 46 63 73 64 54 182 123 81 145 131 83 149 89 70 90 96 58 125 121 67 90 112 85 214 172 76 98 90 80 363 195 79 85 83 97 392 72 46 50 56 72 204 191 122 116 114 101 192 82 40 7G 70 79 360 366 193 164 163 168 211 167 89 54 73 62 244 288 225 209 207 201 245 257 195 150 153 154 220 255 169 147 142 130 1933 January February March April 826 625 717 719 34 38 36 34 143 118 124 152 72 62 49 66 178 164 152 215 118 78 116 92 165 116 142 144 109 108 105 102 86 88 87 88 36 69 64 41 117 117 120 120 79 56 80 83 (0 » (0 57 65 73 90 210 210 209 209 153 153 153 153 142 142 142 142 May _ June July August . 830 820 462 443 31 31 30 29 145 138 129 70 77 105 82 54 189 163 158 69 131 133 139 77 136 129 117 97 101 89 79 80 90 81 79 78 66 72 61 44 120 120 120 115 70 75 73 59 163 163 163 163 94 81 74 62 209 209 109 209 153 153 153 153 142 142 142 142 268 409 361 690 30 27 25 25 63 69 65 67 47 66 48 46 65 73 77 64 64 67 55 79 81 77 66 71 77 84 77 74 81 83 79 80 45 42 88 44 109 104 101 95 69 64 63 69 163 163 163 163 69 68 75 63 202 201 201 201 153 153 153 153 142 142 142 142 1924 January February March „ April 608 731 481 881 25 24 21 21 54 70 74 84 41 67 62 47 57 70 85 94 44 68 67 82 70 94 94 121 78 86 76 66 83 96 100 85 52 65 62 85 98 98 103 103 61 67 80 104 163 171 171 171 45 60 62 68 201 201 201 201 153 153 153 153 142 142 142 142 May June July August 644 519 452 505 21 20 21 26 77 60 69 67 53 45 68 61 86 51 85 81 80 59 50 43 88 107 60 86 65 68 71 85 88 91 95 103 87 60 86 80 103 95 95 98 104 78 70 71 171 160 160 171 90 61 54 61 201 201 201 201 153 153 153 153 142 142 142 142 September _ _ _ October November . December .. 622 906 782 613 28 33 35 39 66 64 80 94 66 64 45 66 73 76 119 123 40 52 46 68 89 80 59 74 87 88 96 95 105 103 107 111 70 74 72 84 99 99 104 107 76 85 79 74 171 171 171 178 57 66 59 68 201 201 201 201- 153 154 158 158 142 142 142 143 1925 January February March April 763 672 410 764 39 38 43 42 83 74 87 99 * 35 38 46 40 100 82 76 112 99 96 112 96 80 61 141 155 92 89 80 77 114 114 108 98 79 67 72 40 114 116 116 111 98 76 95 76 186 186 186 178 61 55 83 83 204 204 206 206 158 160 163 163 147 147 147 147 857 746 62 77 102 63 88 35 54 64 91 83 99 98 116 78 80 90 97 106 115 62 53 109 107 103 75 81 171 171 171 83 66 206 206 206 163 163 163 147 147 147 September October November December .__. May .„_. June . _ July August September October December 1 For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 25, 26, 27, and 29. 138 fable 110.-IN©] YEAR AND MONTH PRODUCTION EXPORTS PRICES OF LUMBER AN® f*Af»ER Douglas fir Yellow lum- pine Doug- Fellow All ber, door- las fir pine species species No.l ing com. m OAK FLOORING NEWSPRINT PAPER Pro- Ship- Orders Stocks UnImend of filled ports duc- ments booked month orders tion WOOD PULP MeChemical Prices, dian. Exroll, ports f. o. b. ImIm- Price, snip, mills ports ports unbl. Relative to 1913 1913 monthly 1914 monthly 1915 monthly 1916 monthly 1917 monthly 1918 monthly av av av av av av 100 86 36 113 172 198 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 65 44 45 32 ;24 69 43 42 39 40 112 138 173 167 73 100 114 148 191 174 92 100 83 41 41 42 40 100 96 95 103 97 85 100 93 88 98 137 147 122 156 187 147 78 183 232 250 277 294 80 98 210 288 109 144 168 213 1919 monthly 1920 monthly 1921 monthly 1922 monthly 1923 monthly 1924 monthly av av av av av av 276 325 129 166 211 187 239 234 156 197 207 182 45 67 67 91 77 ;92 43 55 36 44 57 59 51 60 47 59 67 75 94 94 80 103 114 110 151 161 186 343 451 522 184 130 226 398 431 588 193 104 230 389 472 588 160 258 375 256 373 486 1933 January February Maxell April 512 212 234 234 220 221 230 232 57 65 74 :66 69 53 51 65 61 61 60 66 102 92 117 115 412 366 483 460 402 417 582 634 494 648 649 414 Mav June July_ August 234 212 212 201 224 212 202 195 81 :85 75 S4 66 77 69 57 71 80 74 73 125 124 115 127 519 514 457 486 633 467 374 601 September October. November December 190 201 201 190 190 192 184 183 70 78 105 36 43 46 66 59 59 68 79 118 123 112 94 428 438 459 390 1924 January February March April 212 212 201 190 192 193 191 189 198 100 SO 78 45 101 73 71 69 101 110 115 119 190 179 95 64 77 76 m ;56 75 60 73 64 72 70 81 62 m .57 100 100 99 131 162 165 100 129 104 156 166 110 100 271 100 141 128 178 217 224 122 108 113 107 105 100 97 95 171 216 172 207 178 149 456 610 642 586 332 360 468 S95 617 255 106 39 60 38 40 188 290 242 178 188 185 120 138 114 128 178 150 116 .180 143 279 298 842 158 295 157 115 133 116 283 281 281 264 695 785 908 791 584 489 613 610 30 33 85 41 190 188 188 188 232 198 180 123 374 314 264 226 120 120 122 130 372 247 294 450 298 375 452 451 683 531 441 377 629 676 663 633 42 46 27 28 189 189 189 188 126 134 124 180 234 324 265 322 142 145 145 143 508 618 477 457 682 601 494 620 448 429 461 457 453 481 620 658 601 625 592 630 33 31 36 62 188 188 188 188 183 188 219 253 276 293 373 313 139 139 130 122 451 435 489 608 517 807 508 640 690 470 426 424 428 425 451 496 780 ! 732 707 634 i 687 664 665 611 47 39 36 44 188 188 188 188 126 126 161 132 285 399 278 202 117 118 118 118 120 111 102 115 666 493 510 527 635 561 552 659 605 805 706 800 652 558 643 602 668 498 677 693 618 636 612 602 39 52 28 41 188 188 183 183 95 94 129 152 -266 281 368 388 118 117. 113 113 :254 May .. June July August 179 174 181 171 167 172 September October November December . 174 179 179 179 173 175 184 193 97 81 82 71 54 61 48 69 74 73 81 74 111 114 105 98 641 633 555 654 633 707 694 677 554 568 755 653 473 457 464 4:87 626 497 660 736 689 623 614 684 25 47 40 37 183 183 183 183 175 218 178 209 425 434 350 425 113 113 115 118 212 201 201 190 204 205 204 198 94 58 108 94 49 62 67 80 70 63 82 85 112 110 120 121 626 573 623 651 679 581 675 739 554 549 589 610 566 587 685 574 742 726 647 653 615 606 698 * 675 44 28 £4 179 179 179 179 161 197 135 155 457 335 386 286 118 118 117 117 190 179 179 198 192 194 75 114 74 62 74 85 122 120 619 625 701 727 711 754 569 594 702 691 674 693 60 87 179 1,79 233 216 325 358 117 119 1925 January February March April .:„ May June July i For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 30, 33, 36, and 39. :62 139 Table 11L-4NDEXES OF GRAINS AND BUIEDING fiMTEKIALS1 BARLEY Ex- WholeReYEAR AND MONTH Resale ceipts ceipts ports 2 prices Exports a TOTAL OATS RYE Whole- Resale prices ceipts VJsIfole supp.y BRICK GR'NS Wholesale piiee, ExEx- Wholesale ports prices ports common red, N.Y. PORTLAND CEMENT Wholesale price, net, Pro- Ship- Stocks at end without bags duc- ments of tion month Chi- Lehigh cago Valley district mills Relative to 1913 1913 1914 1915 1016 1917 1918 monthly av__ 100 82 monthly av__ monthly av_. 93 104 monthly av__ monthly av_. 76 monthly av_. 68 100 100 100 1OO 100 100 100 100 98 113 139 210 207 127 140 150 148 215 100 123 736 854 792 879 100 38 151 128 102 130 121 172 175 294 305 107 109 132 120 137 114 106 138 136 106 7 298 291 310 358 112 132 121 .170 206 67 191 168 149 171 ! 100 100 100 100 100 84 92 122 135 182 96 93 99 101 77 97 98 106 102 80 114 101 99 99 84 89 94 118 153 166 100 100 89 116 157; 197 1919 monthly av_. 1920 monthly av_. 1921 monthly av_. 1922 monthly av_. 1923 monthly av_. 1924 monthly av__ 88 42 37 37 43 67 231 102 147 105 67 101 195 202 102 101 105 131 308 287 199 414 285 418 2,183 3,195 1,622 2,571 1,721 1, 988 241 294 191 139 118 144 93 86 86 92 97 107 128 89 270 268 104 164 184 45 22 99 32 23 186 212 103 106 117 :136 173 169 222 201 109 129 243 333 232 265 302 260 87 108 107 124 149 162 97 108 107 131 153 1<>4 87 65 91 85 82 117 106 180 153 159 170 172 196 230 208 194 211 197 1933 January February March April „„.. 42 28 38 28 45 82 69 48 104 107 106 107 555 367 284 311 2,229 3,854 137 136 130 134 109 77 90 82 177 159 138 :126 16 32 29 39 117 122 123 124 118 141 105 96 305 305 305 305 104 107 129 148 76 82 140 175 102 121 116 102 158 173 173 173 214 214 214 214 May June July August __ 20 24 22 56 25 25 56 176 108 103 104 100 185 196 113 297 2,993 2, 507 2,163 1,139 122 108 102 106 65 68 78 136 78 49 33 58 35 21 28 27 120 117 112 103 124 98 92 125 305 309 320 311 168 161 164 169 193 180 186 203 90 82 72 54 173 173 173 173 214 ' 214 214 214 80 67 50 64 141 98 18 28 105 108 105 110 413 265 273 157 1,673 352 633 774 110 113 111 110 ,128 139 88 97 95 118 107 114 41 38 39 37 110 117 118 120 143 108 75 86 305 290 274 290 171 174 164 130 185 193 139 .87 49 41 62 97 173 173 166 163 214 214 200 197. 1934 January February March April 32 37 33 31 20 42 66 48 113 118 120 128 140 150 130 74 530 259 '235 1,385 114 113 108 104 78 91 81 67 101 102 96 61 21 16 11 6 126 131 128 130 82 73 73 66 305 305 305 305 115 112 135 153 70 80 122 173 126 150 162 153 170 173 173 173 197 197 197 197 May June July August... 24 44 17 42 31* 35 72 96 122 124 133 136 192 129 383 366 1,290 108 115 135 144 66 68 51 133 39 30 18 65 6 6 8 7 130 133 150 140 66 76 53 120 305 305 244 206 180 176 183 197 197 203 225 228 146 133 110 95 173 173 173 173 197 197 197 197 160 200 206 221 269 189 70 95 276 382 386 414 22 91 45 39 132 139 140 159 261 353 200 138 213 213 206 206 189 190 171 136 228 231 139 •74 75 54 80 124 173 173 173 166 197 197 197 197 249 248 213 176 113 68 62 56 422 416 :367 276 33 28 33 30 159 152 131 121 84 72 103 127 221 221 206 206 115 108 144 180 70 81 139 195 157 175 182 177 172 173 173 173 197 197 197 197 187 171 154 57 84 80 203 203 151 129 79 129 135 126 121 79 229 236 236 202 200 226 236 164 146 173 173 173 197 197 197 September October _ November December . * ,._ 892 1,436 2,408 859 966 September. October November December 154 136 80 60 134 364 185 119 139 145 138 150 1,104 1, 368 690 294 1935 January February March April .. 55 46 37 22 104 60 59 64 156 159 147 140 165 218 64 116 779 ;609 1,321 29 37 110 57 142 142 141 352 69 3,739 1,.050 May Juno July August _. , 7, .470 7,050 :854 652 6,935 September October November December i For numerical data and explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 43; 44, and 63. Including flour -and meal as grain. 8 140 Table 112.—INDEXES OF CHEMICALS, OILS, AND SANITARY WARE CHEMICALS YEAR AND MONTH Imports ENAMELED SANITARY WARE VEGETABLE OILS Total vegetable oils Exports Sul- Total NiPot- trate phu- fertilash of soda ric acid izer Cottonseed oil Flaxsced Oleomargarine Linseed oils Minneapolis and Duluth Pro- ConIm- WhofeRe- Ship- Stocks Shipments saie duc- sump- ceipts from ports price ments tion tion Minneapolis Exports Orders shipped Linseed oil cake Baths Miscellaneous Lavato- Sinks ries 1 Relative to 1913 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 mo. av_— 10O mo. av___ 79 mo. av___ 28 mo. av... 4 mo. av._l 4 mo. av__ 7 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 mo. av... mo. av... mo. av... mo. av._. mo. av... mo. av... 100 100 100 100 210O 100 2100 1OO 1OO 10O 100 100 100 1OO 100 100 100 87 123 195 247 295 136 802 686 656 829 71 26 27 24 16 61 109 68 41 36 «124 296 « 141 2172 2305 91 94 147 212 277 299 2105 198 241 99 99 105 161 227 56 50 68 43 44 30 23 36 24 21 75 35 50 35 9 78 65 70 73 61 69 57 62 61 53 107 118 128 83 49 104 117 137 94 68 108 132 139 91 62 110 93 130 70 74 23 67 39 90 86 87 65 211 59 86 142 159 220 229 132 129 85 116 45 98 62 65 76 74 6,1 58 76 24 16 14 2316 2334 2133 249 245 316 332 212 108 140 155 151 254 248 147 127 157 102 245 253 148 126 159 162 88 49 42 37 74 116 14 17 29 20 28 121 6 33 70 10 19 27 66 52 54 54 71 72 61 40 50 36 57 58 87 129 104 188 227 240 96 108 122 192 231 231 102 113 124 178 214 225 SO 98 107 144 184 224 104 76 100 112 209 165 232 189 120 64 87 46 67 105 75 82 32 23 18 19 295 256 229 301 149 150 163 162 168 154 171 154 174 166 166 152 31 16 19 27 39 7 7 27 15 11 6 66 55 63 67 58 44 51 63 232 223 245 . 221 207 188 232 206 228 194 222 194 177 149 186 172 45 81 87 02 206 48 112 109 112 48 99 201 87 98 100 79 11 8 9 8 373 364 226 234 161 156 141 144 143 118 110 138 156 120 98 152 32 51 24 67 16 34 13 23 25 14 13 43 65 49 40 66 33 42 43 52 235 198 204 228 230 211 209 258 206 200 195 219 183 188 168 197 September... October November December 62 101 65 109 99 109 68 168 106 44 66 45 109 53 71 43 7 13 . 22 25 124 164 156 211 162 165 162 151 158 186 186 183 167 179 203 175 194 217 141 72 70 159 76 84 36 76 48 32 84 110 103 101 55 80 88 81 219 286 229 204 238 309 255 233 200 265 219 221 172 214 195 203 1934 January February March April .. 116 112 101 48 305 287 222 140 71 105 75 127 71 72 61 78 16 13 16 12 373 499 484 509 152 139 135 139 204 190 185 169 201 199 197 169 28 17 17 16 27 28 25 22 26 17 11 9 90 74 80 59 82 52 53' 29 240 247 293 259 272 276 313 268 258 257 295 244 236 239 280 251 43 24 46 43 141 72 97 118 233 119 79 106 105 69 82 73 10 7 8 7 354 273 163 224 135 144 167 193 147 127 128 131 147 118 127 134 25 20 20 15 21 17 13 12 9 4 3 2 41 43 41 28 23 34 35 31 254 213 244 259 232 205 195 218 237 210 206 217 248 219 214 224 September... October November... December — 87 137 125 145 130 135 126 114 155 105 104 117 64 85 66 76 4 9 34 34 216 191 260 250 150 155 151 158 159 166 141 166 170 162 144 169 186 518 428 102 139 494 541 125 39 82 70 62 58 122 118 111 53 97 98 104 263 236 188 185 216 221 180 176 207 215 171 187 239 227 161 149 1925 January February March April... 104 126 121 92 172 182 378 298 126 116 88 110 65 65 79 72 33 17 19 9 278 246 370 274 154 148 154 153 158 143 163 157 161 134 170 144 75 43 39 25 40 34 31 20 44 35 26 21 97 95 97 92 104 99 69 52 236 234 266 271 259 258 255 258 238 227 235 254 229 206 226 238 35 62 259 113 83 82 103 79 11 20 232 276 147 148 145 127 156 37 41 38 27 16 29 17 21 19 88 83 41 52 282 297 256 274 243 248 238 204 1923 January February March April May June July August May June _ July August May June July August 2100 1 j. October December. 1 | For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 41 and 45. * Fiscal years beginning July 1 of year indicated. 10 - . . _ 141 Table 113.—INDEXES OF WHEAT AND CORN WHEAT WHEAT FLOUB Exports Wholesale prices Visible supply COBN Wholesale prices Exports Exports United States Canada Visible GrindStand, Winter No. 1 3 supply ings pat. north- No. strts., United United Canada Minred Ind. Kan- States Canada ern winter, States » neapWheat flour Wheat spring, Chicago sas only olis as City only Chicago YEAR AND MONTH wheat Wholesale prices Cash, Corn, cont., incl. grades, corn No. 2, meal Chicago Eelative to 1913 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 monthly average... monthly average. ._ monthly average... monthly average. _. monthly average monthly average. ._ 100 104 128 117 113 177 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 111 145 159 249 (2) 107 146 158 274 268 98 97 110 51 85 100 98 187 146 79 100 175 207 155 107 112 100 95 114 162 179 206 102 196 153 118 146 126 72 157 189 150 114 147 155 254 245 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly average. _. monthly average ... monthly average... monthly average. .. monthly average... monthly average 215 162 137 122 133 103 192 97 149 194 227 234 262 277 182 159 139 157 278 301 183 160 139 155 131 70 62 62 96 99 100 75 112 173 195 216 149 219 281 166 99 191 187 215 249 169 120 167 42 78 129 136 214 256 1923 January February March April .. . 113 135 140 114 251 175 299 204 145 146 145 152 145 145 146 149 90 91 87 83 301 258 242 220 88 72 52 60 105 102 90 86 May June July August 96 79 86 124 158 222 190 161 147 137 131 133 148 138 126 127 62 49 65 107 127 77 42 16 120 112 107 171 September . October. November.. December . 153 204 174 175 112 283 333 341 136 135 132 133 137 140 136 133 122 132 138 141 95 247 331 383 1924 January February March April 168 150 139 101 258 268 343 218 135 138 137 139 137 139 139 138 126 122 112 96 May _. _ June . _ July August 96 115 77 93 259 221 150 153 145 150 163 164 142 145 152 162 September October November... December 143 183 158 142 237 281 223 203 162 175 178 194 97 92 135 93 214 204 339 174 67 80 118 1925 January February March April _ __ ._ May June July .. 100 102 133 137 231 224 100 103 146 115 55 92 100 91 111 126 118 146 100 21 99 109 112 93 100 111 117 132 262 . 257 281 ' 285 161 141 127 143 239 256 146 126 119 130 32 56 186 226 105 116 129 121 116 133 131 150 31 42 260 328 88 40 255 226 93 100 131 165 116 85 79 61 131 136 133 137 128 138 134 184 206 266 279 218 132 127 142 126 175 211 184 133 114 118 118 127 121 108 108 167 142 265 151 136 131 121 111 117 131 121 103 103 69 35 20 17 145 126 97 128 127 60 31 22 130 134 137 140 186 111 50 60 189 157 102 109 63 347 766 685 127 131 120 122 106 111 108 110 22 10 29 88 133 153 133 135 31 16 26 52 142 162 135 117 376 387 372 286 53 37 36 45 102 84 79 71 147 140 160 73 124 129 128 124 112 114 110 105 94 185 245 178 161 170 187 153 74 84 95 61 121 128 127 126 76 61 73 128 191 138 96 61 34 60 49 203 61 86 66 177 492 287 193 98 129 138 153 149 108 114 127 133 121 82 49 50 120 134 139 153 44 24 15 19 126 134 169 187 158 173 179 202 148 161 176 161 41 159 235 243 394 544 336 215 330 450 295 204 123 171 322 356 148 163 168 185 136 155 160 179 58 76 73 159 152 165 130 132 19 17 22 14 180 177 181 197 212 215 197 180 229 225 207 183 137 124 106 80 243 233 230 178 102 89 120 102 109 98 136 106 73 49 53 69 209 202 185 170 203 207 179 173 259 308 329 227 161 148 135 125 21 17 2 26 203 199 186 173 194 186 189 188 195 181 62 51 56 149 123 69 119 85 109 90 178 117 184 177 174 192 184 161 168 144 61 119 131 106 20 23 182 176 158 September October 1 2 For numerical figures and complete explanation and sources of data see Tables 51 and 52. No quotations available. . 142 TaMe 114.—INDEXES OF ANIMAL PRODUCTS PORK LIVESTOCK PRICES Cattle YEAR AND MONTH Hogs Prod., insp. slaugh- Exports Wholesale prices ter Sheep Steers, good to choice, Heavy, Ewes, Lambs, Total prodChiChiChicorn ucts cago cago fed, cago Chicago FLUID LAMB TOTAL MEATS MILK BEEF FISH Receipts ProProTotal ducduceaten, tion, tion, prinininGood Steer spected spected cipal native rounds, slaughGreater fishing slaughsteers, N7t2, New ports ter ter ChiChiYork cago cago Wholesale prices Production, ExinLard, spected ports Smoked prjme slaughconTotal .hams, Chiter cago tract, N.Y. Relative to 1913 1913 mo. av__ 1914 mo. av_. 1915 mo. av__ 1916 mo. av__ 1917 mo. av_. 1918 mo. av_. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 94 110 119 94 122 94 138 147 132 229 101 92 111 152 192 95 101 116 139 158 100 89 313 236 239 473 100 108 127 153 220 241 100 94 85 122 197 232 100 100 85 115 188 210 100 104 119 141 207 222 100 106 102 113 151 193 105 100 107 167 171 102 95 99 124 169 98 84 82 64 70 95 105 116 110 133 101 1€6 108 110 118 100 106 125 118 137 1919 mo. av__ 1920 mo. av_. 1921 mo. av._ 1922 mo. av._ 1923 mo.av.. 1921mo.av__ 206 170 103 111 117 114 218 170 101 112 92 101 200 187 73 124 130 147 207 204 128 170 173 183 123 113 117 130 160 151 268 158 169 151 202 172 207 201 161 160 128 122 264 181 101 105 112 121 136 119 113 126 130 133 235 143 112 106 100 98 180 178 126 116 122 132 171 163 111 111 117 116 84 75 90 76 81 82 128 113 114 125 144 140. 125 136 143 149 165 167 128 116 - 101 120 119 126 1923 January February March _ . _ _ April 115 110 109 106 98 94 98 95 148 143 153 161 182 188 183 168 190 157 179 154 239 200 226 200 122 122 124 128 107 107 114 109 129 110 121 123 92 84 111 89 119 114 112 112 103 105 111 111 93 76 86 83 161 135 151 138 145 134 153 154 68 86 115 112 May June July _ _ August 112 121 125 128 89 83 86 96 132 103 108 123 169 190 179 164 154 157 147 134 201 161 173 199 127 127 130 134 105 106 102 105 133 126 123 138 100 110 104 133 112 117 122 122 112 125 141 141 82 74 77 77 142 141 134 133 170 184 238 166 114 125 155 154 September _ _ October November. _ December... 125 123 116 115 103 93 85 84 117 113 121 137 169 164 158 160 116 149 183 205 208 193 194 230 134 132 126 123 116 121 128 120 134 156 139 123 110 104 89 70 135 135 135 132 132 118 104 103 81 87 78 84 121 148 160 167 161 161 153 156 150 148 116 90 1934 January February March April 111 114 118 127 86 85 88 89 153 180 213 212 171 187 202 205 205 177 160 145 274 232 214 168 116 111 114 114 116 106 105 102 137 114 115 121 73 86 95 101 131 131 131 131 106 111 115 118 93 79 76 74 173 147 138 132 158 150 165 160 76 134 130 122 May June July _ _ August 121 113 112 112 89 87 98 115 141 103 103 127 182 189 178 170 151 154 153 115 140 133 181 165 117 118 123 134 100 101 115 130 135 110 132 135 102 87 103 106 131 129 127 127 129 133 130 129 81 77 82 85 141 135 141 121 172 176 179 177 114 136 167 148 September.. October November.. December. .. 106 112 108 112 118 129 115 119 115 124 135 Ifi2 169 172 171 205 103 117 140 191 140 162 112 147 134 130 123 125 131 150 139 154 146 167 140 134 120 123 106 68 127 132 141 141 122 104 98 95 93 95 78 72 119 136 137 163 167 170 161 163 147 150 104 91 1925 January February March April . .._ 109 111 120 117 129 133 161 150 185 180 196 169. 226 221 206 182 199 152 115 109 176 140 150 101 132 139 162 170 151 146 155 146 146 105 129 131 69 64 62 88 141 141 141 141 102 103 113 117 87 77 • 89 89 173 130 119 116 161 152 174 167 •82 134 175 134 114 123 146 152 139 120 158 191 116' 136 133 127 154 158 176 148 160 165 132 127 105 97 138 135 138 124 132 147 89 80 121 130 179 194 127 187 May June July August • ; | September. October November. . December.. i For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 55, 56, 57, 59, and 61. TaMe 115—INB MJGAS, OOWEE, TEA, AN® MCE SUGAR COFFEE YEAR AND MONTH RICE TEA ReRetail Visible supply, Clearances Wholesale ceipts, Exports price end of month price from Brazil LouiReIm- siana ceipts ReRaw, Granports crop in at fined, 9®° ulated, To 51 World United Brazil Total United New includ- centrif- in cities total States Oring States ugal, bfcls., leans maple N.'Y. N.Y. Imports into U.S. Im- Shipports ments, Im- Exports New ports into OrU.S. leans Relative to 1-913 monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average 100 115 112 117 105 109 100 100 754 1,860 3,054 1,952 787 100 100 100 96 80 79 86 94 110 142 101 122 111 127 102 82 1OO 125 121 138 155 136 100 108 120 146 109 176 100 121 112 131 106 132 100 110 133 165 179 183 100 110 130 161 181 182 100 62 53 8.7 59 45 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1-921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average 149 170 131 206 157 174 50 29 54 57 87 41 5,850 1,785 1,803 3,548 858 851 215 372 137 133 2©0 170 209 297 144 139 195 174 205 353 146 132 184 167 67 75 74 50 41 66 92 92 59 49 40 80 58 111 94 96 124 84 90 101 105 119 117 91 162 131 127 159 148 156 152 158 146 165 166 1933 January February March ._ April . 137 140 329 223 .209 9 4 6 245 1,528 1,640 2,042 151 176 208 223 158 171 201 215 151 158 185 193 65 63 59 52 46 59 66 56 105 93 77 27 124 120 117 69 176 211 153 54 209 177 122 115 4 4 7 8 .2,268 1,644 165 136 227 213 198 173 220 215 199 178 204 202 191 175 46 45 47 49 45 47 43 39 31 60 108 133 69 72 78 156 114 159 93 63 12 140 234 408 222 144 159 96 199 217 208 20Q 193 210 203 207 175 193 187 189 49 45 40 36 51 51 48 39 132 132 125 127 1924 January . ._ February March April . . ... 131 233 266 219 138 11 1 1 182 373 748 1,316 192 207 197 182 196 204 199 186 185 187 189 181 36 35 33 37 37 31 38 35 May June July.. August 211 186 215 153 2 2 4 6 1,560 i 1,159 :1, 145 ; 2,030 ; . 161 146 145 154 170 152 154 155 167 151 153 149 39 42 37 44 September October November December 175 138 88 76 3 1 •87 234 1,273 279 96 45 , 170 172 166 151 167 171 169 169 156 160 160 160 156 212 254 277 19 2 3 3 366 733 1, 114 1,053 131 132 135 127 142 137 138 132 232 220 1 4 1, 675 1,802 123 126 128 128 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 _ May June, July August.,^, September October November December . . . ._ 1935 January _ February March April May., June., July August „ 100 120 116 152 162 164 100 100 101 111 94 116 233 182 245 474 752 608 91 102 86 109 120 104 150 131 187 162132 92 71 57 33 2« 21 17 1,365 1,422 2,123 1,491 1,233 561 163 186 248 161 118 72 57 58 205 182 121 186 62 21 16 37 2,063 1,453 1, 509 1,443 91 79 86 204 127 100 98 103 73 90 130 129 119 77 96 60 13 49 8 11 1,528 1,142 1,6SO 443 168 183 138 .130 226 246 190 192 164 199 232 202 166 185 92 139 181 120 3 4 14 15 448 803 800 1,474 129 110 116 118 115 131 112 74 128 162 147 118 193 155 180 158 106 70 82 80 135 120 105 56 23 17 31 19 1,321 771 785 506 36 41 48 53 112 116 57 161 95 105 101 147 119 161 103 144 171 155 192 160 56 86 ! 107 116 42 20 25 1 17 26 9 20 330 160 101 104 48 48 48 46 40 42 44 33 175 161 131 103 143 175 122 93 181 210 170 135 118 188 164 161 122 137 177 200 89 85 6 8 14 120 390 941 1,197 147 140 140 136 45 43 45 45 39 36 48 38 92 80 93 75 105 76 78 69 159 96 118 71 153 113 190 121 103 82 65 130 76 70 56 22 41 51 32 474 496 344 275- 131 104 43 42 29 39 52 75 62 125 74 172 112 124 56 , 65 69 23 29 18 229 191 ' September October November December 1 For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc,, see Tables 54, 60, andfll. 119 144 137 151 129 100 110 119 119 142 149 ; 174 192 159 ; : 145 117 100 ; 144 Table 116.—INDEXES OF TOBACCO AND WATER TRANSPORTATION1 TOBACCO Unmanufactured ProExduction ports, Chewing, (crop leaf smokestiing, Cigar mate) snuff, types and export types CARGO TRAFFIC (tonnage) Manufactured products Wholesale price Stocks (quarterly) YEAR AND MONTH VESSELS (tonnage) Total, Burley, includ- good leaf, ing im- dark red ported Louistypes ville Consumption (tax-paid withdrawals) Exports Constructed during month Cleared in foreign trade Manufac= tured Large Small Cigar- U.S. World Amer- Forcigarto(seabacco cigars ettes ettes going) total ican eign and snuff Lost Abandoned Sault MissisSte. sippi Marie River Canal Total Quarterly Kelative to 1913 1913 mo. av_ 100 1914 mo. av. 108 1915 mo. av. 111 1916 mo. av. 121 1917 mo. av. 131 1918 mo. av_ 151 ' 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 mo. mo. mo. ino. mo. mo. av. av. av. av. av. av. 154 166 112 131 159 130 100 100 1OO 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 103 113 101 114 120 93 98 77 75 79 101 109 94 101 108 111 104 115 169 277 99 100 105 109 112 95 87 93 100 93 108 115 163 227 300 104 90 184 303 524 91 33 94 176 538 100 86 36 61 88 164 100 78 98 108 68 92 80 107 123 133 125 93 87 90 76 68 90 93 99 92 84 124 143 106 215 326 124 181 124 105 88 69 89 115 113 107 50 42 45 39 29 174 106 117 98 113 131 127 127 151 138 149 164 82 88 93 104 109 111 114 117 134 129 137 147 245 259 222 208 210 197 96 90 87 95 93 93 93 105 89 91 92 88 341 287 327 344 414 456 699 683 368 495 532 457 1,022 723 354 46 34 38 214 176 130 74 49 61 167 227 201 211 186 200 68 87 84 85 100 100 95 126 116 120 124 128 136 200 155 93 100 102 63 79 140 314 773 827 86 99 61 83 112 90 59 84 71 78 69 69 208 208 208 208 100 88 99 92 89 80 91 84 413 357 389 363 470 394 485 550 17 56 27 54 150 127 145 163 83 78 88 88 102 92 104 109 111 364 208 211 212 212 98 97 91 98 91 94 93 98 429 450 450 452 582 530 677 480 4 89 2 () 30 204 212 209 205 104 107 134 128 132 137 155 149 119 415 212 212 212 212 92 98 90 71 95 113 103 78 429 484 414 342 632 529 496 554 30 30 3 66 196 215 231 179 109 102 92 84 133 134 130 111 62 866 111 1,448 212 212 212 212 103 96 94 89 80 79 82 79 483 374 406 411 512 342 340 587 13 6 62 98 145 153 160 198 87 83 78 88 103 103 101 118 212 192 186 186 94 91 93 95 88 89 94 91 493 498 508 487 603 629 385 405 46 55 36 1 259 199 218 230 100 110 121 119 144 135 148 150 186 186 186 186 99 103 82 77 96 101 95 81 484 501 413 420 449 361 434 433 43 23 30 41 230 234 211 166 112 120 95 87 145 152 127 109 186 186 186 186 96 90 93 92 75 72 80 78 513 438 484 467 366 380 373 501 45 12 65 21 146 140 159 192 102 87 95 100 114 101 113 125 186 189 189 93 82 499 520 367 66 34 195 198 109 121 133 142 1923 January February.. March _ . April 113 73 86 110 May June . July August 149 155 79 141 128 93 September. October November. December.. 163 153 151 159 105 128 146 152 1924 January February __ March April 137 116 179 173 May June July August 125 126 120 152 92 95 125 124 143 130 103 155 124 121 September . October November. ' December.. 1925 January February Iviarch April May June July August 98 66 88 84 61 75 129 124 164 119 150 148 115 138 134 106 127 150 97 134 183 114 160 164 120 149 153 110 140 156 100 139 188 165 114 115^ 165 150 63 69 35 40 66 64 66 47 73 i 71 117 1,526 91 997 39 685 162 134 71 251 September. November » For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 62, 63, and 64. 2 Index number less than 1. None. None. None. None. None. 10 None. 100 107 138 144 144 97 89 96 88 128 130 107 None. 76 107 102 67 None. None. None. None. None. 23 16 91 99 111 112 111 106 89 91 72 97 104 66 17 95 85 53 7 None. None. None. 36 112 110 117 145 Table 117.—INDEXES OF RAILROADS AND AUTOMOBILES RAILROAD OPERATIONS PULLMAN OPERATIONS Revenues YEAR AND MONTH Freight Passenger PasNet Oper- opersenTons Reating ating car- ceipts gers Pasper Total excar- Reve- Exried senintonoper- penses come 1 mile mile ried gers ating 1 mile nue penses carried LOCOMOTIVES FREIGHT CARS AUTOMOBILES Exports Production, passenger AccesEx- Total New or- cars, Passories port, ship- ders, do- U.S. senand ger steam ments and parts mestic cars Can(value) ada Relative to 1913 av av av av av av 100 100 94 93 102 120 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1OO 100 96 95 109 131 184 96 92 144 128 133 100 100 99 100 118 102 129 102 117 126 95 101 107 125 121 98 95 110 •126 144 105 98 112 130 116 54 127 168 361 217 39 37 75 110 121 57 90 143 119 152 100 118 177 324 377 201 100 95 . 101 118 132 161 100 89 117 146 136 96 100 £4 101 121 133 163 86 162 239 254 143 90 2G6 383 504 536 1919 mo. av 1920mo. av 1921 mo. av 1922 mo. av 1923 mo. av 1924 mo. av 168 204 185 189 218 205 171 186 167 156 166 156 169 203 182 184 207 196 203 267 211 204 227 209 72 8 86 108 137 137 121 137 105 115 139 131 135 146 177 164 155 155 137 138 110 102 112 107 167 175 156 159 176 176 173 198 230 188 199 219 150 158 126 128 138 137 195 349 205 76 54 39 73 65 37 35 87 40 18 67 19 143 75 113 359 408 333 517 802 707 259 550 120 259 491 587 678 1,373 622 610 940 1,173 1923 January February March April 208 185 225 218 158 138 153 153 197 175 210 205 225 207 230 222 102 66 140 139 138 119 143 140 150 154 157 154 104 91 100 101 162 148 167 162 195 185 207 208 130 112 127 129 59 22 88 27 75 68 92 71 112 105 352 99 595 677 850 914 280 410 548 619 845 876 898 1,094 May June July August 229 219 214 227 156 179 187 196 215 212 210 221 231 229 228 235 150 146 142 165 145 139 141 148 156 157 162 154 104 122 133 138 174 193 190 207 210 225 218 215 129 153 152 167 27 51 115 66 78 76 78 89 2 16 10 13 933 895 989 829 580 574 548 390 1,063 879 960 847 September October November December 221 250 224 195 184 163 151 176 214 230 209 194 229 245 224 214 154 173 145 117 144 154 140 122 153 160 158 156 126 109 100 114 202 171 156 176 206 218 223 74 158 137 123 136 46 32 63 54 109 101 98 108 19 8 11 153 786 880 751 728 485 485 504 467 1, 014 940 841 1,019 1924 January February March April 188 199 210 194 159 145 151 148 184 188 198 186 212 206 215 208 86 120 134 104 126 132 133 117 151 152 156 164 105 96 100 98 174 162 163 171 222 215 219 221 131 120 127 129 34 44 49 51 49 32 43 24 61 186 363 113 764 "893 . 928 901 585 618 651 733 1,174 1,341 1,540 1,658 May June July . . . August 195 183 192 203 149 167 169 182 187 183 189 199 210 200 204 206 102 110 124 159 124 117 121 133 157 156 158 152 102 118 123 130 169 195 184 208 220 197 231 213 130 150 149 168 51 76 41 88 36 47 46 45 5 4 5 48 745 585 636 664 666 470 461 567 1,064 1,254 1,067 879 September October November December 226 248 215 205 162 144 137 158 212 224 198 198 210 222 206 210 195 212 156 145 143 158 139 128 156 155 152 152 114 98 93 104 189 174 152 171 216 216 224 233 153 134 121 131 124 90 71 61 34 31 43 46 225 120 132 98 685 678 531 474 540 666 539 508 923 1,058 1,087 918 1925 January February March . _ ._ April 198 190 204 196 154 135 138 136 190 178 191 186 211 196 208 204 110 108 122 111 135 123 129 123 147 153 157 159 102 90 93 92 183 164 182 174 222 213 231 220 135 121 128 130 95 32 66 46 29 28 36 30 98 51 45 53 554 657 864 1,017 672 683 1,079 1,104 911 1,025 1,616 1,561 203 207 142 161 192 199 207 207 127 153 136 131 185 212 221 222 134 152 110 105 31 36 85 995 949 1,139 803 1,736 1,401 1913 mo. 1914 mo. 1915 mo. 1916 mo. 1917 mo. 1918 mo. ... May June July 100 November December 1 For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 17, 66, 67 and 68. 54240°—25t 10 7 140 EIFE Table••11& PEEMIUM COLLECTIONS (new and renewals) NEW BUSINESS Ordinary Industrial Total Group Industrial Ordinary Group Total : YEAR AND M ONTH Number : of policies Number of policies Value Value Number of contracts Value' Number of policies and contracts Value Value Relative to 1913 100 1913 monthly average 1914 monthly average^ -.__ 1915 monthly average _ 191$ monthly average. ._ 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average • 99 105 120 148 140 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average ... 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly "average. 1923 monthly average 1924 monthly average" 100 108 113 109 109 114 100 97 102 127 149 155 100 100 120 220 620 1,620 1,420 100 219 227 378 857 1, 186 100 106 112 113 118 127 106 111 111 114 118: 100 100 106 125 147 157 100 104 108 " 117 130 140 100 107 115 123 134 150 179 202 228 276 315 3, 280 3,800 1,180 1,920 3,180 2,640 2,014 2,044 535 1,327 2,498 2,870! 141 154 = 156 163 187 196 254 305 257 289 356 385 1,050 929 1,448 2y 021 . 154 157 194 250 100 147 144 269 397 856 1,489 100 105 110 119 131 143 165 194 209 229 256 283 1C8 189 210 239 279 317 2, 753 4,161 4,292 4, 503 5,811 7, 272 168s 196 212 234 265 296" 284 292 376 388 241 240 279 259 260 239 266 259 6,69T 7, 031 5, 186 5,658 249 245 280 263 219 199 174 163 389 395 336 322 263 257 250 247 254271 268 269 4,675 4, 919 5,361 5, 347 264" 263 258 255 226 259 208 210 246 245 271 330 273 299 359 380 122 132 145 153 174 185 ! 201 214 279 251 299 310 404 363 144 145 176 250 217 221 266 401 1,980 1,920 2,620 2,180 264 275 242 230 390 402 355 338 210 182 160 149 313 284 256 245 2,620 9,120 1,980 1,500 2,635 3,164 1,243 1,266 221 240 247 299 307 342 359 437 146 176 l 173 179 241 293 283 295 980 1,540 1,760 9,760 1,232; •! 568 : 1, 085 ; 13,339 159 187 ' 186 200 298 331 346 513 218 252 255 308 254 285 271 453 4,708 6,039 6,514 8, 592 - 229 263 263 34S 216 231 293 267 343 352 443 405 202171 183 186! 346 277 302 305 2,040 1,780 2,420 2,240 1,102 888 2,018 2, 550 -i 204 181 202 197 351 337 420 398- 272 278 286 291 277 280 304271 7, 594 7,139 4, 678 7,069 279 283 293 291- 279 257 235 218 418 460 374 3S8 200177 157 160 > 334 298 260 273 2,220 1,980 2,280 1,420 2,016 1, 240 1,805 1, 322 214 188 170 170 410 380 357 329 294 277 290 255 30$ 304 285 302 6, 764 6, 336 7,99f 6,497 302 287' 295: 270 199 227 270 288 i 304 350 366 471 162 219 169' 238 279 382 290 435 1, 500 1,740 2,640 9,440 1, 116' 7, 554 2, 225! Id, 607 168 220 186 246- 305 422 362 551 244 280 266 364 314 310 297 553 5,967 8,403 7, 203 • 11,628 263 293 278' 413 221 232 274 270 375 389 466 454 163 ; 193; 213 211 284 342 373 379 3,560 2,280 2,580 2,850 3,973; 2, 116' 2,351 3,826 173 200 222: 382 392> 458 464 800 300 330 330 339 305 343 314 11,586 8,681 25,481 14,233 317 307 351 337 302 : 276 504 454 232! 208? 419 382 2,860 3,200 2, 2532,742 244 219 497 455 326 313 339 352 9,961 9,064 336 328 1923 January March .. April • ,. * May,. June July •• • . • .... . b _.._.__.^. _ fc September October November December ;. . : ; 1$24 January February March April.... ... . _ •__ Mayi . -j. July August . ...ii. .;.. • _ * ^ • _ j. ; ; 1935 February. __ _ _, March April _ . _. May- . ;_ ... - JuttG" . July •- „- w ; , : .' 224: • « * »For numerical data-arid complete explanation of •sources,' etc., see Table- 88. 1 - 1 ; 147 Table 119.—INDEXES OF BANKING AND SECURITIES' BANK CLEARINGS la New York City YEAR AND MONTH Outside New Yofk City INTEREST RATES New York call loans STOCK PRICES BOND YIELDS NEW YORK STOCK EXCH. SALES SECURITY ISSUES NEW Municipal INCORComTotal PORAmercial MunicicorTIONS Miscel- porate pal double* 25 indus- 25 railPerma- TemStocks laneous bonds name porary nent roads trials end of (shares) bonds 2 (Journal paper, loans of CQm- loans 4 toG mo. (long (short merce) mos. term) term) Relative to 1913 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 112 58 83 102 154 87 63 63 86 107 100 129 170 147 139 * 93 88 96 83 74 93 95 91 97 103 58 209 280 222 173 100 87 87 133 93 82 100 S6 102 134 169 205 100 137 192 227 149 115 100 88 116 169 187 189 109 121 122 109 64 60 82 61 81 93 100 70 96 161 217 106 249 257 205 230 226 2i4 243 275 212 239 276 284 215 281 182 134 148 96 98 134 118 80 90 71 182 184 138 169 185 198 75 67 64 75 72 81 101 113 113 95 95 377 270 207 316 284 339 172 213 , 279 499 389 586 184 189 160 208 219 196 187 1S9 339 313 278 354 93 137 158 82 106 203 613 725 385 406 453 348 251 213 251 228 290 238 285 274 131 149 160 150 84 85 92 93 190 198 199 191 74 79 78 76 93 92 93 94 292 328 386 291 516 451 470 426 461 173 229 200 290 230 224 262 121 88 88 149 528 407 291 584 May Jane July August 244 237 211 187 285 280 268 254 146 148 152 150 93 88 89 92 180 182 176 177 73 73 70 63 95 95 95 93 334 293 183 190 402 416 297 281 254 238 173 100 301 503 199 184 64 101 154 102 474 814 421 195 September October Is-oveiiiber D-eceHiber 191 225 229 247 254 296 277 301 148 143 146 150 93 93 92 90 177 175 181 187 69 69 70 70 99 99 93 98 211 228 326 348 261 351 392 409 150 180 273 194 169 298 277 383 98 15 72 225 291 409 471 555 262 230 249 258 293 256 282 279 138 137 122 135 88 87 83 S4 193 192 189 183 73 73 74 75 97 93 93 97 401 298 263 257 611 430 495 447 161 186 210 194 248 305 303 391 125 151 204 198 510 384 469 307 263 253 268 258 275 266 282 265 110 68 64 61 77 71 64 59 183 187 195 205 75 78 82 86 96 93 93 93 194 243 350 324 435 693 658 588 132 211 201 198 353 842 330 358 201 130 195 179 302 264 332 232 245 274 284 325 277 314 290 317 65 74 79 103 57 57 59 64 201 202 213 231 85 84 92 95 92 92 93 93 262 262 597 619 512 598 811 754 204 144 280 228 272 282 218 353 320 314 92 325 278 315 333 426 339 267 296 290 322 273 309 308 110 116 122 122 66 66 71 72 233 238 235 233 96 98 95 92 93 92 92 91 675 473 557 265 732 675 679 597 345 289 238 259 358 235 321 300 133 143 225 240 451 260 463 615 302 305 297 297 31? 323 120 124 131 70 70 71 245 248 • 256 96 96 97 90 99 527 446 466 758 587 180 152 234 544 354 98 77 358 582 619 1913 monthly average 1914 montnly average 1915 monthly average 1916 month! v average 1917 monthly average 1918 monthly average ... 1919 monthly average 1920 monthly average 1921 monthly average 1922 monthly average 1923 monthly average . 1924 monthly average 1933 January .. February. Mareh April 1934 January February . March _ April _ _ May June July August September October November •December ... .. „_ 1935 January February . March April May June July ___ September October... _. to November,......— . .. 1 8 For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 91, 92, and 94. Corporate bonds only. m - 148 Table 120.—INDEXES OF BUSINESS PROFITS AND LOSSES BUSINESS FAILURES Total commercial Manufac. es- Trade establishments tablishments DIVIDEND AND INTEREST PAYMENTS Agents and brokers Banks (quarterly) Dividend payments Total dividend Av. and Induspaid intertrial Steam Street on inLiabilLiabil- Firms Liabil- Firms Liabil- firms Liabiland est rail- rail- dusities Firms ities Firms pay- Total misc. roads ities ities ities ways trial ments comstocks panies (Qtly.) YEAR AND MONTH Relative to 1913 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 monthly average monthly average _ monthly average- __ monthly average. __:. monthly average ._ monthly average 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average monthly average 10O 98 95 111 129 122 100 95 94 117 147 140 99 95 106 105 98 . 10O> 109 105 123 132 129 179 192 188 191 202 214 114 115 110 111 115 120 125 130 117 114 117 121 96 96 96 95 97 101 122 124 122 120 129 132 310 119 192 253 204 107 113 129 153 106 121 148 100 112 117 94 298 129 71 173 171 199 247 127 76 86 145 111 70 97 138 111 85 36 114 124 102 47 178 87 175 261 174 193 83 134 93 97 100 158 72 132 62 96 127 53 82 184 119 71 284 125 216 261 217 110 120 133 162 109 129 152 104 114 122 98 318 136 8G 187 214 207 270 134 81 93 154 114 73 101 144 114 93 89 119 126 110 79 203 98 212 . 269 181 203 87 137 96 101 104 161 74 135 65 98 130 58 92 192 126 89 307 136 225 273 227 114 126 135 167 112 135 156 110 118 126 101 343 145 98 193 222 218 296 86 98 165 77 106 153 97 95 123 123 92 222 100 100 100 100 10O 10O 100 100 100 100 100 100 131 110 72 67 60 114 138 106 86 70 109 90 59 64 69 109 121 99 87 65 144 130 80 61 50 115 144 107 85 58 164 116 93 95 92 124 156 135 113 111 178 118 33 59 16 180 110 40 40 20 101 105 120 134 153 41 108 229 228 197 198 40 55 123 148 117 129 41 103 188 173 226 231 44 62 106 134 117 123 33 77 222 236 183 177 36 50 125 152 117 127 70 228 406 400 140 155 89 109 178 165 106 157 62 161 648 246 646 643 40 100 340 230 480 610 10O 102 66 97 128 118 112 126 94 84 104 106 • 1933 January February March April May June July August ; September . . . . . . October November December 216 178 212 225 159 113 126 114 223 160 242 307 141 99 124 110 243 219 217 162 169 120 127 117 97 105 90 142 107 83 122 81 180 126 157 150 115 102 92 99 161 113 185 154 114 99 99 109 198 130 112 137 115 104 89 96 187 161 205 182 111 74 98 85 . _ 126 348 217 226 92 125 128 138 131 570 275 186 92 141 140 140 120 182 180 293 93 119 122 135 128 96 137 148 72 120 144 170 225 158 428 214 158 129 136 128 279 159 703 223 143 113 137 124 204 184 201 195 165 135 124 127 100 65 194 246 120 152 146 169 160 149 161 242 136 120 121 114 166 161 193 289 144 124 118 117 160 155 130 171 131 113 121 110 122 92 152 309 174 156 139 152 150 158 136 198 98 127 124 153 188 151 99 152 102 116 10£ 135 106 168 165 283 95 128 128 158 164 152 177 83 117 183 183 187 238 176 149 163 173 134 139 145 115 148 129 126 136 116 122 122 257 220 184 225 189 138 145 154 620 130 106 89 148 183 157 152 162 161 151 132 131 126 175 156 105 113 122 118 165 180 167 138 132 127 106116 265 150 157 154 153 217 465 213 308 280 1,657 1,217 102 98 110 108 1934 January February March April May June July August . September October November December 1,271 883 671 543 273 267 357 ^ 350 110 100 106 108 1935 January February March April May June . July ..... 557 400 543 370 125 125 October December 1 For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Table 93. ll 1 149 Table 121.—INDEXES OF PUBLIC FINANCE, GOLD AND SILVER AND SAVINGS U. S. GOVERNMENT FINANCES 2 YEAR AND MONTH Customs re- ceipts Total ordinary re- ceipts Ordinary ex- penditures MONEY IN CIRCULATION 2 Total Per capita GOLD Im- ports SAVINGS DEPOSITS SILVER Domestic Rand Ex- receipts outports at put mint » Price New in New United States postal savings ports ports Production York York State savings banks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 72 96 90 149 199 249 82 85 112 134 403 381 108 112 111 107 102 85 92 83 110 136 162 186 103 105 111 115 117 129 149 187 282 360 422 406 143 153 162 179 189 411 388 348 333 335 Im- Ex- Eelative to 1913 100 100 100 100 101 96 108 156 506 712 101 105 101 273 1,750 2,553 100 101 97 107 114 129 143 100 92 66 67 71 57 58 99 94 101 107 119 131 90 709 1,077 867 97 120 10O 243 34 170 405 45 401 100 105 107 76 68 48 95 103 105 103 96 95 1920 monthly average . 1921 monthly average. _ 1922 monthly average.. 1923 monthly average. _ 1924 monthly average.. 1925 monthly average... 101 97 112 177 172 172 925 777 568 554 554 522 893 763 523 510 483 487 159 144 130 141 141 143 145 130 115 123 122 122 673 1,085 432 507 502 351 26 40 31 67 42 54 58 67 61 93 92 80 104 109 246 176 197 208 206 181 82 100 115 175 85 80 83 99 96 169 105 113 109 112 1933 January _ February. March April ... ... 175 182 235 203 354 327 1,063 401 443 404 566 528 134 137 138 139 118 120 121 122 618 158 300 173 111 18 136 9 47 49 44 44 104 96 104 101 195 127 155 143 132 42 90 83 93 85 110 119 110 108 113 112 May . . June July August . 198 189 163 160 350 1,046 311 390 528 581 401 388 140 141 140 142 123 123 122 124 869 366 626 619 11 7 7 29 64 47 63 67 107 103 103 105 149 203 337 216 67 68 119 134 123 92 97 95 112 109 105 105 169 195 176 154 880 382 316 956 521 706 424 663 144 144 146 147 126 125 127 128 524 561 749 615 11 17 10 9 72 60 73 61 101 108 107 106 285 232 176 273 155 144 168 182 90 98 88 85 107 106 107 108 182 335 335 334 331 1924 January.. February March April 151 189 194 172 304 343 1,072 355 431 345 481 541 139 143 143 141 121 124 124 122 850 661 646 855 4 7 11 18 50 61 56 63 109 104 109 105 200 264 208 131 157 170 160 149 84 106 99 85 106 108 107 107 184 184 187 186 328 332 334 333 May June July August. 171 163 166 172 316 997 324 308 423 476 344 326 143 141 139 142 124 122 120 122 774 474 355 342 8 4 4 31 53 44 61 62 110 100 113 110 189 163 238 236 185 165 176 165 102 88 89 97 no 112 112 115 186 189 189 189 335 334 334 337 188 188 151 151 808 423 290 946 676 530 287 579 143 145 148 148 123 122 128 127 125 371 374 194 60 54 87 619 72 86 72 61 109 113 109 113 237 195 217 196 198 181 180 216 99 101 101 102 116 119 116 114 191 192 192 196 337 338 338 335 177 174 203 168 285 288 996 303 484 267 637 537 141 143 142 140 121 122 121 120 95 68 138 167 961 661 328 282 59 54 61 56 112 103 113 107 246 165 223 165 218 131 161 178 99 91 89 99 114 115 113 112 198 198 201 201 336 337 337 335 158 168 170 277 1,020 323 387 692 406 142 141 121 120 215 83 192 175 88 57 48 48 111 106 113 165 175 125 163 160 94 96 113 116 116 201 204 334 333 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 monthly average. _ monthly average.. monthly average. . monthly average,. monthly average.. monthly average.. monthly average.. September October November December September October November December 1935 January February March Apri . . . __ , __ . May June July . August October December 1 2 For numerical data and complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 87 and 90. Annual figures are for fiscal years ending June 30 of year indicated. eo 331 332 333 333 176 331 331 331 333 150 BY GRAND DIVISIONS From Europe YE< AND MONTH Total GerFrance many Italy United King' From From North South Amer- Amer- ica ica dom From Asia and Oce- From Africa ania GRAND TOTAL Table 122.—IMPOSTS, BY GRAND DIVISIONS AND CLASSES BY COMMODITIES Foodstuffs, Manu? Semi- FinCrude Crude, fac- manuished Mismaand tured cellafae- manuterials food food- tures fac- neous ani- stuffs tures mals Relative to 1913 1913 mo. av*. w 1914 mo. av,__ 1915 mo. av_.. 1916 mo. av... 1917 mo. av._. 1918 mo. av_._ 10O 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 108 95 112 103 55 113 131 169 224 250 116 163 216 302 308 100 116 193 271 330 100 100 99 133 165 169 100 100 93 109 66 44 100 83 146 261 308 360 100 75 56 78 71 43 100 81 24 S 0 0 100 91 63 73 64 37 99 115 167 209 202 106 110 118 175 156 129 138 171 177 200 81 77 123 159 191 99 71 84 94 98 118 92 134 120 91 1919 mo. av... 1920 mo. av... 1921 mo, av._. 1922 mo. av._ 1923 mo. aVi.. 1924 mo. av_>. 87 142 88 115 134 127 89 119 - 102 103 108 106 6 48 44 64 88 76 107 136 113 116 167 136 114 189 88 131 149 135 297 427 194 211 257 255 347 384 149 191 236 235 378 467 207 277 341 310 473 633 170 274 367 305 218 294 140 177 212 201 277 290 141 191 229 204 247 261 13S 150 164 192 280 625 186 195 267 263 179 236 101 161 212 192 119 212 150 162 187 182 179 213 136 129 141 150 1933 January February Match April 144 125 168 147 123 89 131 119 90 68 98 89 186 144 239 159 148 155 218 183 220 232 356 318 251 252 323 281 361 331 369 381 896 472 546 419 220 203 266 244 276 253 287 283 155 155 208 178 189 234 430 365 228 195 258 229 1S6 152 203 181 137 83 87 87 May June July . • -August 142 124 115 117 106 92 85 95 83 79 86 90 125 152 124 122 194 141 124 109 323 276 239 214 299 221 194 176 407 376 344 336 456 278 207 199 249 214 192 184 287 234 212 187 157 134 129 114 363 323 228 200 258 . 220 198 205 190 179 182 196 40 34 29 135 September October _ _. November..December 118 147 130 129 91 137 110 114 90 102 87 89 126 201 232 190 115 145 122 128 i 205 268 226 209 168 224 211 225 270 288 321 313 144 144 256 384 170 206 195 193 153 183 194 204 144 185 218 192 202 291 215 166 174 202 179 191 183 214 186 189 337 222 232 264 1934 January February ..^ . March April 122 137 118 116 93 117 114 110 73 83 63 62 130 121 117 15$ 136 152 i 126 ; 127 : 231 304 351 290 230 220 272 209 314 351 253 397 592 374 499 356 198 222 215 217 211 230 202 219 177 166 187 192 231 359 407 355 205 235 198 192 1=67 168 171 186 214 190 122 96 May.r June July Atigust 117 111 114 111 97 81 93 96 64 68 81 77 109 103 110 80 115 108 102 : 114 285 246 250 21§ 238 232 258 208 317 268 263 256 162 244 149 144 203 183 186 170 206 176 177 16$ 204 186 213 171 306 253 245 184 172 171 160 166 179 176 181 195 35 34 60 144 November.* *.«, December..-. 137 148 136 154 109 122 117 125 86 90 77 83 125 196 173 197 144 161 i 157 i 174 228 231 220 213 185 255 254 269 310 315 307 372 155 209 210 664 192 208 198 223 191 198 224 261 158 231 207 218 233 234 176 169 187 200 187 215 193 205 179 206 378 188 158 177 1935 January February..^ March April 143 140 156 136 120 129 122 102 74 79 85 75 184 179 206 217 155 150 177 138 : 239 256 281 287 256 267 354 282 429 346 439 382 638 659 518 511 232 223 258 233 292 255 282 279 207 200 272 199 196 241 284 293 223 224 268 211 181 183 197 181 184 167 196 82 128 123 90 87 62 73 185 200 139 118 274 262 199 224 412 408 240 338 219 218 218 269 257 186 194 242 228 198 208 177 181 42 46 j September May June July - * . J * For numerical data aM complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 98 and 100. Table 123.—EXPORTS, BY €tKANI> EMSIONS AND CLASSES BY COMMODITIES B¥ &&AM* DIVISIONS Grand total Ta (inch To To Asia reNorth South aritf To exports) AmeriUnited AmeriAfrica OceanG«r* ca Total France many Italy Kingca ia dom TO!§II*OI*$ YEA.R AND MoNfft Food^ stuffs, Manu- Semi- FinCrude crude, fac- manu- ished MisGrand ma- and tured ceHatotat terials food food- fac- maiiufae- I1«8US ani- stuffs ia res tures mals Relative to 1913 1OO 10O 100 100 100 100 100 (2) 102 203 319 340 349 62 98150 213 207 85 116 226 263 290 100 85 143 221 251 248 100 124 343 385 533 62$ 100 88 128 187 178 205 100 45' 3 1 0 100 80 93 154 210 220 10O 111 325 559 611 605 85 14S 221 252 247 64 74 94 102 124 162 . 95 272" 170 249 2QO 249 300 323 434 85 120 230 332 265 100 82 168 338 346 265 100 278 1,514 1, 162 641 233 346 298! 15& 139 140 163 580 439 146 173 177 183 26 88 106 90 90 125 563 473 274192 213 281 386 328 159 145 149 166: 216. 321 188 152 181 181 301 426 187 154 184 215 432 502 311 265 317 323 338 573 252 193 210 243 319 331 181 154 168 185 317 330 179 154 167 184 210 244 128 128 156 173 400 542 409 271 152 231 605 344 207 181 180 177 232 242 101 110 142 154 328 410 208 165 189 203 160 145 97 88 79 81 152 128 132 125 182 108 160 174 89 83 85 90 236 163 196 220 170 145 129 119 156 149 182^ 183 175 171 188. 187 240 271 335 274: 186 205 186 296 162 148 1S5 157 162 148 163 156 150 121 125 111 172 192 137 125 188 184 204 188 131 119 139 151 168 165 203 197 132 102 117 70 111 112 102 169 160 154 129 145 78 65 85 79 151 200 140 136 98 112 91 108 208 199 190 198 184 202 193 200 270 292 291 265 201 219 231 200 153 155 146 150 152 153145 149 83 107 95 102 184 151 138 169 182 154 139 158 151 149 149 139 201 202 198 195 45 43 28 23 162 171 175 197 in: 108 112 96 lift 240 292' 278 303 183 181 206 230 196 179 169 160 rra 179 192 157 319 396 405 440 198; 195 193 208 1S4 193 194 206 183 192' 194 208 205 234 250 285 192 154 102 105 172 187 194 210 136 139 14* 154 191 190 182 177 76 85 139 87 162 161 . . _ 136 144 181 156 171 155 140 167 123 112 257 242 200 232 172 151 116 133: 149 154 172 169 196 200 190 206 503 246 327 285 292 226 182 306 191 177 164 168 '191 176 163 165 208 178 134 126 98 99 106 94 219194 184 158 165 152 151 154r 106 195 201 227 95 103 93 67 m 9ff 61 44 66 171 184 124 202 127 105 115 134 177 170 166 189 203 212 191 250 312 282 225 25Q 234 221 206 254 162 148 134 160 160 147 133 159 120 97 87 139 126 138 165 161 153 140 143 226 210 181 212 37 48 47 71 224 266 186 152 199 269 221 244 285 371 365 337 247 258 199 291 207 255 238 215 205 254 238 215 156 150 200 185 260 209 275 294 352 333 340 327 273 221 365 318 216 17$ 21$ 193 215 192 292 255 259 260 305 267 179 156 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 monthly av. 100 monthly av .-.-.-. 8£ monthly av...._ 172 254 montlily av_ monthly av—- . 271 monthly a?V-— _ 257 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 monthly av—- , monthly av.— . monthly av.-.. . monthly av~- -_ monthly av.— . monthly av_.w.. 1933 January February March Aoril May June July August _. _ _^_ *--. . September.. October November December. ._ . _ 1934 Jaiitiafy February March April M-ay' June. July .. _ • ... ». . . -__ September October November December... May July August : ..-_.. ... „_ 166 103 161 : 233 2m 244 219 287 217 151 169 131 173 223 S35 349 430 196 255 256 235 216 178 202 167 228 178 200 172 169 149 175 113 345 352 398 292 230 174 173 149 141 116 160 11$ 98 7$ 214 1-79 128 116 189 ; 1935 January February _. March April _ _ _ ISO 114 101 125 238 244 234 220 i . _. September.. October . ±. * For numerical d^tai arid complete explanation of sources, etc., see Tables 9& and 100* »Total for yeai?' 1917 is $3>275. No figures for 1918. 1 i ; • i i , ; ; 100 ; 98 75 106 90 224 ; 200 254 307 263 462 710 415 280 184 223 203 201 150 161 154 162 194 217 192 187 65 113 131 100 216 179 218 192 263 201 190 131 183 187 220 256 200 171 208 146 176 144 195 184 204 181 263 262 147 94 155 78 178 155 16ft 103 82 238 154 152 159 178 164 250 221 50 39 152 SOURCES OF DATA CURRENT PUBLICATION * DATE OF PUBLICATION I. REPORTS FROM GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, FEDERAL, STATE, AND FOREIGN Flaxseed exports from Argentina Employment in Canadian trade-unions... Operations of Canadian employment service __ CANADIAN DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COM- Foreign trade of Canada Canadian railroad operations __. MERCE. Canadian iron, steel, flour production Agricultural loans by land and credit banks... FEDERAL FARM LOAN BOARD ,_. Wholesale trade and savings for district __ FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ATLANTA . Savings deposits in First Fed. Res. Dist FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF BOSTON.. Savings deposits in Seventh Fed. Res. Dist.-_ FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO.. Agricultural pumps Savings deposits in Fourth Fed. Res. Dist FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CLEVELAND... Wholesale trade and savings for district FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS Wholesale trade and savings for district FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF KANSAS CITY.. Retail sales of lumber by rural yards FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS.. Farm implement sales. Northwest Housing rental advertisements Foreign exchange rates and index „ FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Savings deposits in Second Fed. Res. Dist _ FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA— Savings deposits in Third Fed. Res. Dist Wholesale trade. Employment in N. J., Pa., and Del__. Savings deposits in Fifth Fed. Res. Dist FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF RICHMOND Wholesale trade FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO... Savings deposits in Twelfth Fed. Res. Dist Wholesale trade _ Automobile registrations __ Foreign exchange index numbers FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD. Debits to individual accounts Condition of Federal reserve banks. Conditions of reporting member banks.__ Money held outside U. S. Treasury and Federal reserve system to July 1,1922. Wholesale price index numbers Department store trade; in cooperation with National Retail Dry Goods Association. Index numbers of department store, mail order, and chain store trade. Barley and rye receipts Sales of loose-leaf tobacco Index of ocean freight rates. Index numbers of production Wholesale trade Employment in Illinois ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR , Railway revenues and expenses INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION., Telephone operating revenue and income Telegraph operations and income E xpress operations and income MASSACHUSETTS DEPT. LABOR AND INDUSTRY.. Massachusetts employment Milk receipts at Boston MASSACHUSETTS DEPT. PUBLIC UTILITIES New York State factory employment and NEW YORK STATE DEPT. LABOR earnings. New Y^ork State canal traffic NEW YORK STATE DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS Panama Canal traffic PANAMA CANAL PENNSYLVANIA DEPT. LABOR AND INDUSTRY.. Unemployment in Pennsylvania i TJ. S. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ Government employment j U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: Beef, pork, and lamb production. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS— Prices of iarm products to producers.. Wool stocks in dealers' hands and wool pricesCrop production ARGENTINE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE.. CANADIAN DEPARTMENT OF LABOR FOREST SERVICE. BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS . U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE: BUBEATJ OF THE CENSUS Estadistica Agro-Pecuaria Labour Gazette (Canadian) Labour Gazette (Canadian). Foreign trade of Canada Operating Revenues, etc., of Railways* Press releases* _. „. Not published currently _ Business Conditions Monthly Review Business Conditions Business Conditions Business Review Business Conditions. Business Conditions Business Conditions Business Conditions. Business Conditions Fed. Res. Bull, and daily statement* Monthly Review Business and Financial Conditions Business and Financial Conditions Business and Financial Conditions Business and Agricultural Conditions Business and Agricultural Conditions Business Conditions Business Conditions Business Conditions. Federal Reserve Bulletin._. _. Fed. Res. Bull, and weekly press releases*. Fed. Res. Bull, and weekly press releases*. Fed. Res. Bull, and weekly press releases*. Federal Reserve Bulletin Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Daily and monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly (2d week of mo.) Sun. papers and monthly. Fri. morn, papers and mo. Fri. aftnoon papers and mo. Monthly. Federal Reserve Bulletin.. Federal Reserve Bulletin.. Monthly. Monthly. Federal Reserve Bulletin.. Monthly. Federal Reserve Bulletin Federal Reserve Bulletin Federal Reserve Bulletin Federal Reserve Bulletin Federal Reserve Bulletin.... The Employment Bulletin Preliminary statement Class I roads Operations of large telephone companies... Not published _ *._ Not published <r __ w ^_ Monthly statement* fc,_^ Not published.. _ __ Labor Market Bulletin and press releases*. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. Yearly. Annual report Last weekly issue of month The Panama Canal Record Semimonthly report* (no longer published) Not published Monthly supplement. Monthly supplement. Monthly supplement. Releases about 1st mo. (cotton) and 10th (other crops). Monthly supplement. Cold-storage holdings and fish frozen Crops and Markets Monthly supplement. Movement of cattle, hogs, and sheep Crops and Markets Receipts of butter, cheese, eggs, and poultry. Crops and Markets Weekly. Quarterly. Production of dairy products Crops and Markets. Monthly supplement. Car-lot shipments of fruits and vegetables Crops and Markets... Monthly supplement. Farm labor, wages, supply, etc Crops and Markets Weekly. Foreign crops and markets* World crop production _. Annually. Crops and Markets Livestock on farms Total lumber production from 1913 to 1920.... Production of Lumber, Lath, and Shingles. Yearly. Monthly. Crops and Markets Index of agricultural exports _ Now published by Bureau of Census Wool machinery activity, 1918-19 Pulp-Wood Consumption and Wood-Pulp Yearly. Wood-pulp production, 1914 and 1916..Production. I Lumber production, 1913 and 1914 Not published currently Monthly. .! Federal-aid highways under construction Public Roads _ j Wages of common labor, by geog. divs Not published.. Cotton ginned Crops and Markets Crops and Markets Crops and Markets.. Crops and Markets and press releases*.... Preliminary report on ginnings* Cotton consumed and on hand Preliminary report on cotton consumed. Wool machinery and cotton spindles* Active textile machinery. Leather, hides, shoes, gloves, production, etc. Census of hides, skins, and leather* Leather gloves and mittens Press release* C ottonseed and cottonseed oil Preliminary report on cottonseed* Hosiery statistics. _ Pressrelease* Men's and boys' and work clothing Pressrelease*.. Malleable castings Press release* Wheat flour production from May, 1923 Pressrelease* _ .... Pyroxylin coated textiles ._ Press release* Stokers, sales from January, 1923 _ Pressrelease* _ Stocks of tobacco held _._ Statement on stocks of leaf tobacco Wool consumption and stocks Press release* Steel barrels Press release* Fabricated steel plate bookings Press release* _ Box board Press release* Electric locomotives Press release* Floor and wall tile Pressrelease* _ Fire extinguishers Press release* * Tbis is not necessarily the source of the figures published in the SURVEY, as many of them are obtained direct from the compilers prior to Journals. This column and the right-hand column had been added to assist readers in obtaining current statistics between publication dates • Multigraphed or mimeographed sheets. Monthly. Semimonthly. Semimonthly. Monthly. Monthly. Semimonthly during season. 15th of month. 20th of month. First week of month. 30th of month. 18th of month. 30th of month. 30th of month. 30th of month. 30th of month. 30th of month. 20th of month. One month after end of qtr 30th of month. 30th of month. 20th of month. 30th of month. One month after end of qtr. 30th of month. 30th of month. publication in the respective of the SURVEY. 153 SOURCES OF DATA—Continued CURRENT PUBLICATION DATE OF PUBLICATION I.—REPORTS FROM GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS—FEDERAL, STATE, AND FOREIGN—Continued U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE: BUREAU OF THE CENSUS (Con.). Babbitt metal consumption Floor and wall tfle Enameled sanitary ware _ Production, stocks, and unfilled orders, indexes Fats and oils, production, consumption, and stocks. Glues, production and stocks Fabricated struc. steel sales from Apr., 1922... Automobile production from July, 1921 Wood chemical operations Steel casting sales Steel furniture shipments Locomotive shipments and unfilled orders Earnings of public utilities Plumbing goods price index Architectural terra cotta BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fish catch at principal fishing ports BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COM- All imports and exports MERCE. Fuel loaded for consumption by vessels Vessels cleared Ship charter rates index.. BUREAU OF MINES. Petroleum, crude and refined, production, etc. Explosives, production, shipments, etc Coal and coke production BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. BUREAU OF STANDARDS U. S. PATENT OFFICE U. S. GRAIN CORPORATION U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION OF NATIONAL PARKS. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR: EMPLOYMENT SERVICE BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION , BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS.. U. S. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE.. U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. BUREAU OF THE MINT BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE. U. S. WAR DEPARTMENT: ENGINEER CORPS MISSISSIPPI-WARRIOR SERVICE ... WAR FINANCE CORPORATION WISCONSIN INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION. Press release* Pressrelease* Pressrelease* Pressrelease* Statistics of fats and oils*. Pressrelease* Press release*. Press release*. Press release*. Pressrelease*. Press release' Survey of Current Business. Press release Press release* Monthly statement Monthly Sum. Foreign Commerce (Pt. I)1. Not published Monthly Sum. Foreign Commerce (Pt. II) Commerce Reports Petroleum statistics* Explosive statistics* Weekly report on production of coal* Report on Portland cement output* Commerce Reports 30th of month. 30th of month. 20th of month. 30th of month. Quarterly (one month after end of quarter). 30 days after end of quarter. 15th of month. 20th of month. 30th of month. 20th of month. 20th of month. 10th of month. Monthly. 10th of month. 15th of month. Last week of month. Middle of next month. 30th of month. Monthly. Second or third weekly issue of mo. 20th of month. First weekly issue of month (Mondays). Portland cement, production, etc Vessels under construction, completed, and lost. Building material price indexes Patents granted Wheat flour production, prior to July, 1920— Not published Not published No longer published Electric power production ....Consumption of fuel by public utility plants... Annual data on nonferrous metal production.. Visitors to National Parks Production of electric power*. Production of electric power*.. Mineral Resources Not published End of month. End of month. Annually. Monthly. Employment agency operations.. Report of Activities of State and Municipal Employment Agencies. Not published --• Wholesale Prices of Commodities Every 4 or 5 weeks. Monthly Labor Review Monthly Labor Review.. Employment in Selected Industries Postal Savings News Bulletin Statement of Postal Receipts* Not published Daily Statement of the U.S. Treasury— Circulation of money Not published Not published.. Statement of tax-paid products* Monthly.! Monthly.! Monthly.! 12th of month. 7th of month. 10th of month. Last day of month. Monthly. Immigration and emigration statistics Wholesale prices of commodities, including farm products, food, clothing, metals, etc. Wholesale price index Retail prices and living indexes Factory employment, payroll, etc United States Postal savings Postal receipts Passports issued Government debt, receipts, and disbursements.! Money in circulation from July 1,1922 ! Domestic receipts of gold at mint Oleomargarine production ! Consumption of manufactured tobacco, snuff, cigars, cigarettes, and oleomargarine. i Internal Revenue taxes on specified articles. _ J Grain alcohol production, stocks, etc j Sault Ste. Marie Canal traffic j Ohio River cargo traffic ! Barge traffic on Mississippi River Agricultural loans Wisconsin factory earnings and employment .. First week of month. Classified collections of Internal Revenue. 25th of month. Not published Monthly statistical report.. Not published Not published in form used Bulletin on Wisconsin labor market* Monthly during season Monthly. 15th of month. II.—REPORTS FROM TRADE ASSOCIATIONS AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS (Excluding individual firms reporting data to be combined with other firms or trade associations) ABERTHAW CONSTRUCTION Co Building costs. ABRASIVE PAPER AMD CLOTH MANUFACTURERS' Sale of abrasive paper and cloth EXCHANGE. ASSOCIATED CORN PRODUCTS MANFRS Corn ground into starch, glucose, etc AMERICAN BUREAU OF METAL STATISTICS Copper, silver, lead, arsenic—production, etc. AMERICAN ELECTRIC RWY. ASSN Passengers carried, electric railways AMERICAN FACE BRICK ASSOCIATION Face brick production, stocks, etc AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS' ASSN Stocks of newsprint paper AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE Steel ingot production.. AMERICAN IRON, STEEL, AND HEAVY HARD- Hardware sales and accounts WARE ASSN. AMERICAN PAPER AND PULP ASSN Paper and wood pulp production, etc. AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE Gasoline and kerosene consumption... AMERICAN RAILWAY ASSOCIATION (Car Service Freight car surplus and shortage Division). Car loadings and bad-order cars AMERICAN TEL. AND TEL. Co Stockholders in the company AMERICAN WALNUT MFRS.' ASSOCIATION. Walnut lumber and logs AMERICAN WASHING MACHINE MANUFAC- Washing machine sales. TURERS ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ZINC INSTITUTE Produc. and stocks zinc, retorts operating ANTHRACITE BUREAU INFORMATION Anthracite shipments, etc., and mine employment. ASSOCIATION OF FOLDING Box AND LABEL MFRS. Folding paper boxes and labels, new orders— ASSOCIATION OF LIFE INSURANCE PRESIDENTS... New life insurance business Premium collections Distribution of assets BOSTON, CAPE COD AND NEW YORK CANAL Co. Cape Cod Canal traffic ,... * Multigraphed or mimeographed sheets. Construction trade papers.. Not published Not published. Not published. Aera.. Trends in the Face Brick Industry.. Monthly report Press release to trade papers* Monthly report* Monthly. Monthly. Monthly. 7th of month. Monthly report* Bulletin Car Surpluses and Shortages*. Information Bulletin* Financial papers Not published Not published Weekly. Weekly. Third week of month. Quarterly. Press release to trade papers* _. Statement of anthracite shipments*. 13th of month. 15th of month. Not published.. Not published.. Not published.. Not published.. Not published— i Imports and exports of gold and silver in Part IL, 154 SOURCES OF DATA—Continued CURRENT PUBLICATION DATE OF PUBLICATION II.—REPORTS FROM TRADE ASSOCIATIONS AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS—Continued (Excluding individual firms reporting data to be combined with other firms or trade associations) BOSTON GRAIN AND FLOUR EXCHANGE BOXBOARD ASSOCIATION BRIDGE BUILDERS AND STRUCTURAL SOCIETY Receipts of wool at Boston. Boxboard production, shipments, etc Fabricated structural steel sales before April 1922. BUREAU OF RAILWAY ECONOMICS Number of tons carried 1 mile Average receipts per ton-mile Passengers carried 1 mile Railway employment Locomotives in bad order Per cent of earnings on valuation CALIFORNIA REDWOOD ASSOCIATION. Redwood lumber production, etc CALIFORNIA WHITE AND SUGAR PINE ASSOCIA- Sugar pine lumber production, etc TION. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Wheat, corn, and oats, receipts, etc CHILDS Co Restaurant sales CLEVELAND TRUST Co Automobile production, monthly, January, 1920, to June, 1921. Dividends paid on industrial stocks COMMON BRICK MANFRS., ASSN. OF AMERICA Common brick shipments, stocks, etc COMPAGNIE UNIVERSELLE DU CANAL MARITIME Suez Canal traffic DE SUEZ. CREDIT CLEARING HOUSE._ Credit conditions F. W. DODGE CORP Building statistics—contracts awarded EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATION OF DETROIT Detroit factory employment ENAMELED SANITARY MFRS. ASSOCIATION Enameled sanitary ware FELT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Roofing felt production, stocks, etc FINE COTTON GOODS EXCHANGE Fine cotton goods production and sales FIRE EXTINGUISHER EXCHANGE Shipments of fire extinguishers to Sept., 1923 Foundry equipment production FOUNDRY EQUIPMENT MFRS. ASSOCIATION HARDWOOD MANFRS. INSTITUTE Stocks and unfilled orders hardwood lumber-. HAFFARDS, G. M., & Co Fall River Mill di vidends HYDRAULIC SOCIETY Hydraulic machinery shipments, etc ILLUMINATING GLASSWARE GUILD Illuminating glassware production, orders, etc JACKSONVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Turpentine and rosin receipts JONES BROS. TEA Co Sales. LAKE SUPERIOR IRON ORE ASSOCIATION Consuinp., stocks and shipments, iron ore Sales of leather belting LEATHER BELTING EXCHANGE Life insurance sales LIFE INS. SALES RESEARCH Bu MAPLE FLOORING MANFRS. ASSOCIATION. _ Maple flooring production, etc MCLEAN BUILDING REPORTS, LTD C anadian building contracts MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE OF ST. Louis Mississippi River traffic MINNEAPOLIS CHAMBER OF COM Linseed oil and oil-cake shipments NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF CASE GOODS ASSOCN Unfilled orders and shipments of furniture NATIONAL Asso. OF BRASS MFRS Brass faucets, orders and shipments NATIONAL Asso. OF BUTTON MFRS.. Button stocks, activity, etc NATIONAL Asso. OF CHAIR MFRS.... Chair shipments and unfilled orders NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FARM EQUIPMENT Agricultural pumps MANUFACTURERS. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FINISHERS OF COTTON Finished cotton goods, billings, orders, shipments, and stocks. FABRICS. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PIANO BENCH AND Production, shipments, and unfilled orders of piano benches and stools. STOOL MANUFACTURERS. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE Real estate conveyances BOARDS. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STEEL FURNITURE Steel furniture shipments MANUFACTURERS. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHEET AND TIN Steel sheets, production, stocks, etc PLATE MANUFACTURERS. Active wool machinery to 1918 NATIONAL Asso. OF WOOL MFRS NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE CHAMBER OF COM- Production and shipments of passenger cars and trucks. MERCE. NATIONAL CONTAINER ASSOCIATION Produc. of paper box board since April, 1923 Credit conditions NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CREDIT Association Cost of living, wages and hours of labor NAT. INDUS. CONFERENCE BOARD NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL BUILDERS' ASSOCIA- Machine-tool orders, etc TION. NATIONAL PAVING BRICK MANUFACTURERS' Paving-brick production, etc ASSOCIATION. NATIONAL RETAIL DRY GOODS ASSOCIATION... Department store trade (see Fed. Res. Bd.)._. NATIONAL WOOD CHEMICAL ASSOCIATION Wood chemical operations through June, 1924. Rice distribution through New Orleans NEW ORLEANS BOARD OF TRADE Cotton receipts into sight NEW ORLEANS COTTON EXCHANGE Canadian newsprint production, etc _ . NEWS PRINT SERVICE BUREAU United States newsprint data since June, 1923.. NEW YORK COFFEE AND SUGAR EXCHANGE — Coffee receipts, stocks, etc... NEW YORK METAL EXCHANGE Stocks of tin NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY _. Indexes of stock and bond prices NORTH CAROLINA PINE ASSOCIATION North Carolina pine, production, etc NORTHERN HEMLOCK AND HARDWOOD MANU- Hemlock and hardwood lumber production, FACTURERS' ASSOCN. etc. NORTHERN PINE MANFRS. ASSOCN...... Northern pine lumber and lath OAK FLOORING MANFRS. ASSOCN Oak flooring, production, etc OHIO STATE FOUNDRYMEN'S ASSOCN... Ohio foundry iron production, etc _ OPTICAL MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCN _. Spectacle frames and mountings, sales, etc PACIFIC CANNED FISH BROKERS' ASSOCIATION... Shipments of canned salmon Stockholders in the company PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Co Turpentine and rosin receipts PENSACOLA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORTLAND ASSN. OF BLDG. OWNERS AND Rental advertisements, Portland, Oreg. MANAGERS. Cement paving contcts PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Shipments of prrapared roofing . PREPARED ROOFING MANFRS. ASSOCN " Multigraphed or mimeographed sheets. Trade papers _ _ Not published _ _ No longer published- Daily. Summary of operating statistics.. Not published Summary of operating statistics. Not published. _ _ Not published _ Not publishedNot published _ Not published Monthly. Trade papers Monthly report Not published currently_ Daily. Monthly. Bulletin Monthly report Le Canal de Suez Credit-_ Statement on Building Statistics Weekly press release Not published Not published Trade papers Not published Monthly report Bradstreet's Not published Not published Naval Stores Review _ Financial papers Monthly report * Monthly report (not published) Monthly release Not published Canadian Building Review Not published Monthly statements Not published in form used Not published Weekly report. _ Not published in form used Business conditions (Chicago Federal Reserve). Not published Monthly. Quarterly. 5th, 15th, and 25th of mo. Weekly. Monthly. Monthly. Quarterly. Weekly. Monthly. 18th of month. Monthly. Weekly. Monthly. Not publishedBulletin Not publishedNot publishedNo longer published Traffic bulletin* (production figures not published). Not published Not published Monthly press release Not published Second week of month. 21st of month. Monthly report Federal Reserve Bulletin.. Not published._. Monthly report Monthly report Monthly bulletin Monthly bulletin Monthly statement Trade papers The Index Not published Not published Not published Not published Monthly report* (not published). Not published. Not published Financial papers Naval Stores Review Not published. Concrete Highway Magazine. Monthly. First Week of month. First week of month. First Week of month. First week of month. Monthly. Monthly. Quarterly. Weekly. Monthly. 155 SOURCES OF DATA—Continued DATE OF PUBLICATION CURRENT PUBLICATION II.-REPORTS FROM TRADE ASSOCIATIONS AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS—Continued (Excluding individual firms reporting data to be combined with other firms or trade associations) Pullman passenger traffic and operations Not published _ PULLMAN COMPANY _. REFRACTORIES MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION.. Fire-clay brick production, etc Not published Silica brick production, etc Not published RICE GROWERS ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA Receipts, stocks, and shipments (California Not published mills). f Monthly report Rice receipts, stocks, etc RICE MILLERS' ASSOCIATION Shipments of rope paper sacks ROPE PAPER SACK MANFRS. ASSOCN Not published . _ Automobile tires, tubes, rubber heels, rubber Monthly reports (not published) RUBBER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA . proofed fabrics, reclaimed rubber, arid raw material. Rubber stocks in England Bulletin of Rubber Growers' Association.. RUBBER GROWERS' ASSOCIATION Shipment of sales books , Not published . __ SALES BOOK MFRS. ASSOCIATION . Turpentine and rosin receipts Naval Stores Review SAVANNAH BOARD OF TRADE Not published in form used SAVINGS BANK ASSOCIATION OF STATE OF Savings banks deposits in New York State NEW YORK. Raw silk consumption, machinery activity, etc. Monthly press release to trade papers* SILK ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 1 Furniture shipments and unfilled orders Not published in form used _ SOUTHERN FURNITURE MFRS. ASSOCIATION Yellow pine production and stocks Not published in form used SOUTHERN PINE ASSOCIATION Steel barrel capacity operations through 1923 _ . . Monthly reports* (not published) STEEL BARREL MANFRS ASSOCN Sales of steel castings Not published STEEL FOUNDERS' SOCIETY Sales of stokers through December, 1922 No longer published _ STOKER MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCN Sales of fabricated structural steel Not published STRUCTURAL STEEL SOCIETY Leather production through May, 1922 Not published- . TANNERS' COUNCIL Semiweekly reports _ Tubular plumbing sales TUBULAR PLUMBING GOODS ASSOCN Milk production, Minnesota Not published _ * TWIN CITY MILK PRODUCERS' ASSOCN Unfilled orders Pressrelease* _. . ._ U S STEEL CORPORATION Earnings Press release* Financial papers __ . _ . Stockholders Special reports* . ._ .. Wages of common labor Printing activity Typothetae Bulletin UNITED TYPHOTHETAE OF AMERICA Restaurant sales Monthly press release* WALDORF SYSTEM, INC Douglas fir lumber production, etc Not published WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCN Not published WEBBING MANUFACTURERS' EXCHANGE Sales of elastic webbing Not published WESTERN PINE MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION Western pine lumber production, etc SOURCE DATA Monthly. Weekly. 5th of month. 10th of month. Monthly. Quarterly. Occasionally. Monthly. DATE OF PUBLICATION III.-REPORTS FROM TECHNICAL PERIODICALS AMERICAN METAL MARKET. THE ANNALIST THE BOND BUYER. BRADSTREET'S. CHEMICAL AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING. COAL AGE.. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICAL DAILY NEWS RECORD _ Dow, JONES & Co. (WALL STREET JOURNAL). DUN'S REVIEW ELECTRICAL WORLD _ ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL-PRESS.. ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD FINANCIAL POST HAY TRADE JOURNAL IRON AGE.. IRON TRADE REVIEW __ _ JOPLIN GLOBE LLOYDS' _ LONDON TIMES LUMBER MANUFACTURER AND DEALER.. MILK REPORTER NAVAL STORES REVIEW.._ NEW YORK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE NEW YORK EVENING POST. NORTHWESTERN MILLER OIL, PAINT, AND DRUG REPORTER.. OIL TRADE JOURNAL PRICE CURRENT GRAIN REPORTER PRINTERS' INK _ PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY _. RAILWAY AGE ._ RUSSELL'S COMMERCIAL NEWS _ STATISTICAL SUGAR TRADE JOURNAL WORLD POSITION OF RUBBER (BRITISH) . Composite pig iron and steel prices New York stock sales _ New York closing stock prices Foreign exchange rates, 1914 to 1918 _ State and municipal bond issues Municipal bond yields.. Visible supply of wheat and corn _ Bank clearings, United States and Canada Wholesale price index.__ Business failures, Canada Chemical price index _ _ ._ Mine price of bituminous coal Cotton (visible supply) and interest rates Mail order and chain store sales ._ __^ Interest Rates _ New corporate securities Fairchild cotton goods index New York bond sales and prices. Mexican petroleum shipments _ Business failures and wholesale price index Sales of electrical energy, central stations Rand gold production; tin, lead, zinc, copper, and silver prices. Construction cost and volume index Canadian bond issues Hay receipts Pig-iron production, furnaces in blast, etc Composite finished steel price Iron and steel prices Railway freight car orders Shipments, etc., zinc and lead ore, Joplin dist... World shipping construction _ Fire losses in Great Britain .__ Price indexes of lumber Milk receipts at Greater New York Turpentine and rosin, receipts and stocks. „ Dividend and interest payments New capital issues and new corporations Fire losses _ Newspaper advertising Flaxseed, receipts, etc Wheat flour production for 1917 Price indices-of drugs, oil, etc Argentine visible supply of flaxseed Mexican petroleum shipments Receipts and shipments Magazine advertising Book production. _ Equipment orders. Wheat flour production, from July, 1920 Sugar stocks, receipts, meltings, and Cuban statistics World shipments and stocks, plantation rubber First or second week of month (daily). First weekly issue of month (Fridays). Weekly (Fridays). Weekly (Fridays). First weekly issue of month (Saturdays). First weekly issue of month (Saturdays). Weekly (Saturdays). First weekly issue of month (Saturdays). Second weekly issue of month (Saturdays). First weekly issue of month (Saturdays). Weekly (Wednesdays). Weekly (Thursdays). Weekly (Saturdays). Second or third weekly issue of month (Saturdays). Weekly. Last issue of month. First week of month (daily). 20th of month (daily). First weekly issue of month (Saturdays). First weekly issue of month (Saturdays). Second weekly issue of month (Saturdays). First weekly issue of month. Weekly (Thursdays). Weekly (Fridays). First weekly issue of month (Thursdays). Weekly (Thursdays). Weekly (Thursdays). First weekly issue of month (Thursdays). First weekly issue of month (Fridays). Weekly. Weekly (Saturdays). First week of month (daily). First week of month (daily). 10th of month (daily). Not published. Weekly (Wednesdays). Weekly (Mondays). Weekly (Mondays). 10th of month (monthly). Second week of month. Third week of month. Weekly compilation (daily). Weekly (Fridays). GENERAL INDEX Page numbers refer to data in detailed tables for . 29-151) only. Items in the text are arranged in groups which should make references easy without the necessity of an index. S )e also "Table of Contents," page 1. Page Page Abrasives, paper and cloth 61 Acetate of lime, production, shipments, etc 74 Active textile machinery 34, 37 Advertising, magazine and news- . paper 105 Agriculture: Production, index numbers 29 Price indexes 32 Agricultural implements: Patents granted 44 Sales, Northwest 48 Agricultural loans 122 Agricultural pumps, shipments 44 American Telephone & Telegraph Co., stockholders 123 Animal fats, greases, and derivatives, production, consumption and stocks 75 Animal glues 75 Animal products: Price index. 32, 142 Production, index numbers. _ 29, 142 Apples: Production (crop estimate) 78 Stocks and shipments 82 Architectural terra cotta 71 Argentina: Flaxseed and grain, exports, visible supply 77 Foreign exchange rates 124,125 Arsenic, crude and refined 48 Automobiles: Foreign assemblies 45 New car registrations 45 Production and exports 45, 145 Taxes 45 Tires and tubes 57 Boxes, paper, production, etc 59 Bradstreet's price index 31 Brass faucets, orders and shipments. 46 Brazil: Coffee, receipts and clearances 89,143 Foreign exchange rates 124, 125 Brick production, stocks, etc- 70, 71, 139 British India—foreign exchange rates 124, 125 Building: Contracts awarded, Canada 129 Contracts awarded, United States 63 Cost and volume indexes 62 Building materials: Price indexes 31, 62, 139 Unfilled order index 30 Burlap, imports 38 Business failures: Canada 130 United States 121, 148 Butter, production, receipts, etc 87 Buttons, pearl, production and stocks 62 Babbitt metal, consumption 48 Bad-order cars 96 Bad-order locomotives 95 Banks: Clearings, Canada 130 Clearings, condition, debits, and interest rates 119, 147 Failures 121 Farm loan __ 122 Savings deposits 118, 149 Barley: Exports 81, 139 Production, (crop estimate) 78 Receipts 81, 139 Wholesale price 81, 139 Barrels, steel 42 Basic commodities, index numbers__ 29 Baths, enamel, orders, etc 69, 140 Beef, consumption, cold-storage holdings, exports, production, and prices 85, 142 Belgium, foreign exchange rates- 124, 125 Belting, leather, sales 55 Benches, piano 68 Bonds: Canadian issues 130 Held by life insurance companies 117 New issues 146 Prices, sales, and yields 120, 147 Books, publication 58 Boots and shoes: Exports and prices 55, 137 Production 55 Boston: Milk receipts 87 Wool receipts 34, 132 Boxboard: Production, receipts, etc 59 Book paper 60 California redwood lumber, production, shipments, etc 65 California white-pine lumber, production, shipments, etc 65 Canada: Bank clearings, bonds, and business failures 130 Bond issues 130 Buildings 129 Coal production 129 Employment 129 Exports of key commodities and foreign trade 130 Foreign exchange rates 124, 125 Iron and steel production 129 Newsprint paper 129 Oats, grinding and production.. 81 Paper 129 Pig iron 129 Railroad operations 130 Steel ingots, production 129 Wheat, ground, production 79 Canals, traffic through 92 Candy, sales 106 Cape Cod Canal, traffic 92 Capital issues and conveyances, internal revenue taxes 109 Capital stock transfers, internal revenue taxes 109 Cars, railroad: Loadings, shortage, and surplus. 93 New orders 97 Shipments, orders, installations, etc 96,145 Castings: Malleable 42 Steel 41, 134 Cattle: Receipts, shipments, and slaughter 83,142 Wholesale prices 83 Cement production, stocks, shipments, and prices 72, 139 Cereals: Exports 80, 81, 82 Production, United States 78 Receipts, visible supply, etc.. 80, 81 Chain stores, sales 106 Cheese: Exports from Canada 130 Production, receipts, prices, and holdings 87 (156) Page Chemicals: Exports, imports, and prices. 74, 140 Price index 31 Production, stocks, and wood consumption 74 Childs Co., restaurant sales 109 Chile, foreign exchange rates 124, 125 Cigars and cigarettes: Consumption 90 Sales, chain stores 106 Citrus fruits, car-lot shipments 82 Clay products 70 Clearings, bank: Canada i 130 United States 119 Clothing: Cost index numbers 31,33 Production, stocks, etc 35 Coal: Canada, production 129 Consumption by vessels and electric power plants 49 Exports from United States 136 Loadings 93 Prices, production, stocks, exports, etc 49,136 Retail price 33 Coconut oil, production, stocks, etc. 76 Coffee, imports, stocks, and Brazilian movements 89, 143 Coke, production, exports, and prices 49, 136 Cold-storage holdings: Apples 82 Butter and cheese 87 Eggs, poultry, and fish 87, 89 Meats __ 84,85 Commodity prices 32 Concrete pavements, contracts 72 Condensed and evaporated milk 86 Condition, banks 119 Construction, building: Canada, contracts 129 Contracts awarded 63 Cost and volume indexes 62 Consumers' prices 32 Copper, domestic shipments 46 Copper, exports, prices, and production 46, 135 Copra oil, consumption and stocks. 75, 76 Corn: Exports 80, 141 Production (crop estimate) 78 Receipts, shipments, grindings, exports, and visible supply. 80, 141 Wholesale price 80, 141 Corn oil, production, consumption and stocks 75, 76 Corporate securities, new issues: Canada 130 United States 122 Cost of living 33 Costs, building construction 62 Cotton: Consumption, receipts, exports, imports, etc 36, 131 Prices 32, 39, 131 Spindles, activity, etc 37 Cotton fabrics: Cloth exports 37 Consumption by tire manufacturers 57 Fine goods, production and sales. 37 Prices, wholesale, print cloth and sheetings .__ 39, 131 Cotton goods, finished, billings, shipments, etc 37,39 Cotton yarns, wholesale price 39 157 GENERAL INDEX—Continued Page numbers refer to data in detailed tables (pp. 29-151) only. Items in the text are arranged in groups which should make references easy without the necessity of an index. See also " Table of Contents," page 1. Page Cottonseed, stocks 77 Cottonseed oil: Production, consumption, and stocks 76,77 Wholesale price 77 Credit conditions by trades: Electrical hardware 114 Textile 114 Crops: Cotton __ 36 Food, production and value 78 Prices, index numbers 131 Production, index numbers 29 Tobacco 90 Crude petroleum, consumption, production, stocks, etc 50 Cuba, sugar movement 88 Customs, receipts 115 Dairy and poultry products 32, 87 Debits to individual accounts 119 Debt, United States Government 115 Delaware, employment 100 Delinquent accounts, electrical trade- 114 Department stroes: Sales 110 Stocks, value of 111 Detroit, employment 100 Dividends, Fall River textile mills. 38, 131 Dividends and interest payments- 77, 121 Douglas-fir lumber, production, shipments, orders, etc 64 Dress goods, wholesale price . - 39 Drugs: Sales, chain stores 106 Wholesale trade 112 Dry goods, wholesale trade 114 Dun's price index 31 Dyes and dyestuffs, exports from United States 73 Earnings: Express companies 94 Gas and electric companies 98 Labor 102 Public utilities 98 Railroads 94 Telegraph and telephone companies 98 United States Steel Corporation 41,134 Eggs, receipts and cold-storage holdings 87 Elastic webbing, sales 38 Electric locomotives, quarterly shipments 95 Electric power, production, sales, and earnings 98 Electric railways 98 Electric trade, delinquent accounts.. 114 Emigration 97 Employment: Agencies, State and municipal 100-102 Anthracite mines 99 Canada 129 Factory, by industries 99 Factories 100 Federal. _ 99 Railroad— 99 Enameled ware, orders, shipments, and stocks 69, 140 Engines, internal-combustion, patents granted 44 England. (See United Kingdom.) Equipment, foundry, orders, sales, and shipments 44 Essential oils, wholesale price index. - 73 Expenditures, United States Government 115 Page Page Explosives, production, shipments, stocks, and sales 73 Exports. (See Foreign trade and individual commodities.) Express earnings, revenues, and incomes 94 Fabricated steel plate, bookings 43 Fabricated structural steel, bookings and shipments 43, 134 Fabrics, rubber-proofed 57 Face brick 70 Factories, employment in 100 Failures, business: Canada 130 United States 121 Fall River, textile mill dividends. 38, 131 Farm implements: Patents granted 44 Sales, Northwest 48 Farm mortgages, held by life insurance companies 1 117 Farm products: Price indexes 31, 32 Production indexes 31 Farm wages 101 Faucets, brass, orders and shipments. 46 Fats, animal, grease and derivatives. 75 Federal-aid highways 72 Federal farm loan banks, condition of 122 Federal intermediate credit banks, loans..i__. 122 Federal reserve banks, condition of.. 119 Federal Reserve Board: Foreign exchange index numbers. 124 Production indexes 29 Fed*eral Reserve districts: Department store stocks 110 Chain-store sales 106, 107 Savings deposits 118 Wholesale trade index numbers. 113 Felt roofing, production, stocks, and receipts 68 Fertilizer exports 73, 140 Fiber imports 38 Fine paper and all other grades 60 Finished cotton goods, billings, orders operating activity, etc 37 Fire losses 62 Firearms and shells, internal-revenue taxes 109 Fire-extinguishers, shipments 48 Fish, catch, and cold-storage holdings 89, 142 Fish oil, production, consumption, and stocks 76 Five and ten-cent store sales 109 Flaxseed: Consumption and stocks 75 Exports and visible supply, Argentina 77 Receipts, s h i p m e n t s , and stocks 77,140 Flooring production, shipments, etc_ 67 Floor and wall tile 71 Flour, wheat, production, consumption, and stocks, etc 79, 80 Food: Exports 127, 128, 151 Imports 126, 128, 150 Retail prices 31 Wholesale prices 30 Stock index 30 Foreign countries—Price comparisons 124, 125 Foreign exchange rates and index numbers 124, 125 Foreign trade: Canada United States exports 79,130 79, 127, 128, 151 United States imports. 125, 128, 150 Vessels in U. S. ports 91, 144 Forest products: Car loadings 93 Price index 32 Production index numbers 29 Foundry equipment, orders, sales, and shipments 44 Foundry iron, Ohio, stocks, meltings, and receipts 42 France, foreign exchange rates. _ 124, 125 Freight cars: Bad-order, loadings, shortage and surplus 96 New orders 145 Shipments, installations, retirements, etc 96 Freight rates, ocean 91 Fruits and vegetables, farm prices . _ 32 Fruits, car-lot shipments 82 Fuel: Consumption by public-utility plants 49 Consumption by vessels 49 Cost of, index numbers 31, 33 Furnishings, cost of, index numbers. 33 Furniture, household, shipments, new and unfilled orders 68 Furniture, steel, shipments 43 Gas and electric companies, earnings 98 Gas and fuel oils, consumption, production, stocks, and prices 52 Gasoline, consumption, exports, price, production, stocks, etc 51 Glassware, illuminating 62 Gold, receipts, exports, imports, and Rand output 115, 149 Government finances, debt, etc 115 Grains: Exports, receipts, prices, etc. 81, 139 Farm price indexes 32 Loadings 93 Production (crop estimates) 78 Receipts and shipments 81 Grease, • production, consumption, and stocks 75 Great Britain. (See United Kingdom). Groceries: Sales, chain stores 106 Wholesale trade 112 Hardware, wholesale trade 113, 114 Hardwood lumber production, stocks, and unfilled orders 66 Hay: Production (crop estimates) 78 Receipts 81 Heels, rubber 57 Hides and leather: Imports and prices 53, 137 Stocks 53 Highway construction, Federal aid.. 72 Hogs: Receipts, shipments, and slaughter 83,142 Wholesale prices 83 Hosiery, production, s h i p m e n t s , stocks, new and unfilled orders 35 Hours worked by labor 103 House furnishings, price index 31 Household furniture 31, 68 158 GENERAL INDEX—Continued Page numbers refer to data in detailed tables (pp. 29-151) only. Items in the text are arranged in groups which should make references easy without the necessity of an index. See also " Table of Contents/' page 1. Page Housing: Construction Cost of, index numbers Rental advertisements 63 33, 62 62 Ice cream, production 87 Illinois, employment and earnings.- 100 Illuminating glassware, production, etc 62 Immigration 97 Imports. (See Foreign trade and individual commodities.) Incorporations, new 147 Indebtedness, wholesale trade 114 India. (See British India.) Industrial corporations: Dividend payments 121 Stocks and bond prices 120 Insurance, life: Assets 117 New business and premium collections 116, 117, 146 Interest rates 119, 147 Internal-revenue taxes: Automobiles 45 Firearms, jewelry, t h e a t e r s , bonds, stocks, etc 109 Iron and steel. (See also Pig iron and steel: Crude steel, production, stocks, prices, etc — 40 Exports and imports 43, 134 Malleable castings 42 Pig iron, production, stocks, prices, etc 40 Railway equipment 95, 96, 97 Unfilled order index 30 Vessels, construction 91 Iron, foundry, Ohio 42 Iron ore, movement, receipts, consumption, and stocks 40 Shipments 133 Issues', new capital 122 Italy: Foreign exchange 125 Price index 124 Page Life insurance: Assets, loans, sales, etc 117 New business and premium collections 116,146 Linseed oil: Production, consumption, and stocks 76 Shipments 77,140 Linseed-oil cake, shipments 77, 140 Livestock: Loadings 93 Prices, index numbers 83, 142 Receipts, shipments, and slaughter 83 Living, cost of 33 Loadings, freight cars 93 Loans: Agricultural 122 Banks 119 Life insurance 116 Locomotives: Bad-order, exports, shipments, orders, installations, etc 95, 145 Losses, fire 62 Lubricating oil, production, stocks, consumption, and price 52 Lumber, production, exports, stocks, prices, etc 64, 67, 138 Page New security issues 122, 147 Newspaper advertising 105 Newsprint paper: Canada, production 129 Production, consumption, shipments, stocks, imports, exports, and prices 58, 138 New York city, milk receipts 87, 142 New York State: Canal traffic 92 Employment and earnings- 100, 102 Savings-bank deposits 118 New York Stock Exchange sales- 120, 147 Nitrate of soda, imports 73, 140 North Carolina pine lumber, production and shipments 64 Northern hardwoods, production and shipments 66 Northern hemlock lumber, production and shipments 65 Northern pine lumber, production, shipments, etc 65 Oak flooring 67, 138 Oats: Exports 81, 139 Production (crop estimate) 78 Receipts and visible supply. _ 81, 139 Wholesale price 81, 139 91 McCrory Stores Corporation, sales. _ 108 Ocean transportation Machine tools, new orders 44 Ohio, foundry iron, stocks, receipts, etc 42 Machinery 44 92 Machinery activity, textile mills- 34, 131 Ohio River, cargo traffic Magazines, advertising 105 Oils: Essential, wholesale price index._ 73 Mail-order houses, sales 105 Fuel, consumption by vessels 52 Malleable castings, production, shipPetroleum and products 52 ments, and orders 42 Vegetable and fish 76 Manufactures: 50,133 Exports 128, 151 Oil wells completed Imports * 128, 150 Oleomargarine, production and consumption 77, 140 Index of stocks 30 82 Production, index numbers 29 Onions, car-lot shipments 62 Maple flooring 67 Optical goods, sales, etc Orders, new. (See individual comMassachusetts, employment and modities.) earnings 100 Orders, unfilled, index (see also indiMeats: vidual commodities) 31 Farm prices 32 Ore, car loadings (see also Iron ore)_93, 133 Japan: Wholesale trade 105 Owl Drug Co., sales 109 Foreign exchange rates 125 Production, cold-storage holdPrice index 124 ings, etc 85,142 Panama Canal, traffic 92 Jewelry, watches, and clocks, interMen's and boys' clothing, producPaper: nal-revenue taxes • 109 tion 35 Boxes, labels, wood pulp 61 Jobs, registered and applicants for__ 101 Metals and minerals: Boxes, operating time, and proJoint-stock land banks, loans 122 Price index 31 duction 59 Production index numbers 29 Newsprint, production, etc 58, 60 Kerosene oil, production, consumpMethanol, production, shipments, exParks, National, visitors 97 tion, stocks, etc 51 ports, stocks and price 74 Passenger cars, railroad, new and Knit underwear, production, shipMexico, petroleum shipments and unfilled orders, shipments 97 ments, etc 35 stocks 50 issued 97 Kresge, S. S., Co., sales 108 Milk, production, receipts, etc__ 87, 142 Passports Patents granted 44 Kress, S. H., & Co., sales 108 Minerals: Paving brick, production, shipments, Price index numbers 32 stocks, etc 72 Production index numbers 29 Labels, paper, orders 61 Payments, dividend, and interest. 121,148 Minneapolis, milk production 87 Labor: Payroll, New York and Wisconsin 92, 144 Earnings and hours 102-104 Mississippi River, cargo traffic factories 100 Money in circulation 149 Employment and wages 101 Peanut oil, production, consumption, Montgomery Ward & Co., sales 105 Lamb, cold-storage holdings, proand stocks 76 duction, etc 85, 142 Municipal securities: Peanuts, hulled, consumption, stocks. 75 Canadian issues 130 Pearl buttons, production and stocks- 62 Land banks, loans 122 New issues 122,147 Pennsylvania employment Lavatories, enamel, shipments, 100 Yields 120, 147 Pennsylvania Railroad Co., stockorders, etc 69 Music sales, chain stores 106 Lead, production, receipts, shipholders 123 ments, prices, etc 47, 135 Penny, J. C., Co., sales 109 National parks, visitors 97 Petroleum, crude, production, conLeather: 68 Exports, prices 54, 137 Naval stores, receipts, and stocks sumption, stocks, etc 133 Petroleum products 52 Production and stocks 55 Netherlands, foreign exchange rates 124, 125 Piano benches and stools Gloves and mittens, cut 55 68 New auto registrations, Pacific coast. 45 Pig iron: Sole and belting, upper, harness, 122, 149 Prices, production, etc 133 and skivers 54, 137 New incorporations Boots and shoes- . _ 100 Production, Canada 129 _ 55,137 New Jersey employment 159 GENERAL INDEX—Continued Page numbers refer to data in detailed tables (pp. 29-151) only. Items in the text are arranged in groups which should make references easy without the necessity of an index. See also " Table of Contents," page 1. Page Page Plumbing fixtures, price index, sales. _ 46 Raw materials—Continued. Production index , 29 Policy loans, life-insurance comPrice index ^ 32 panies „ . _ _ -. 117 Real-estate conveyances 62 Pork products, consumption, hold115 ings, exports, production, etc__^ 84, 142 Receipts, U. S. Government 45 Postal money orders 105 Registrations, automobiles 62 Postal receipts 105 Rent, advertisements 109 Postal savings 118 Restaurants, sales Potash, imports 73, 140 Retail prices: Coal 33 Potatoes: Food 33 Car-lot shipments 82 107-109 Production (crop estimate) 78 Retail trade Rice: Poultry, receipts and cold-storage Exports, imports, receipts, shipholdings 89 ments, and stocks 82, 143 Power, electric, production and sales _ 98 Production (crop estimate) 78 Prepared roofing, shipments 68 River traffic 92 Prices: 72 Brick : 71, 139 Roads, Federal aid construction Butter and cheese 87 Roofing, production, stocks, receipts, shipments, etc 68 Cement 72, 139 61 Coal and coke 49,136 Rope paper sacks, shipments 68 Copper 46, 135 Rosin, receipts and stocks consumption, imports, Drugs and chemicals 74, 140 Rubber, prices, etc 56, 57, 137 Farm products 31, 32 Flour 79, 141 Rye: Exports 81, 139 Gasoline 51 Production (crop estimate)-- 78, 139 Hides and leather products _ _ 53, Receipts, principal markets^. 81, 139 54, 137 Wholesale price 81,139 Iron and steel 43 Lumber 64,67, 138 92 Meats 32, 142 St. Louis, river transportation Nonferrous metals 46, 135 Sales: Auto accessories and parts 45 Petroleum 50, 133 Department stores 111 Petroleum products 52, 133 Chain stores 107 Pig iron 40, 133 Wholesale, Federal reserve disRubber 56, 137 tricts 112,113 Silver 115, 149 58 Sugar 88, 143 Sales books, shipments 89, 130 Textiles 39, 131, 132 Salmon, canned Tobacco 90,144 Sanitary ware, orders, shipments, and stocks 69, 140 Price indexes: Ste. Marie Canal traffic 92, 144 Building and construction costs- 62 Sault Savings deposits 118, 149 Department of Labor (wholeA. (Inc.), sales 109 sale) _*_ 31 Schulte, Sears, Roebuck & Co., sales 105 Drugs £nd chemicals 31 Securities: Foreign exchange 124 Held by life insurance compaPlumbing fixtures 46 nies. 1 117,147 Retail food 33 New issues 122, 147 Stocks and bonds 120,147 Sheep: Wholesale 31 Receipts, shipments, and Printing activity 58 slaughter 83, 142 Producers' prices 32 Wholesale price 83 Production, index (see also individual prices of, index numbers 33 commodities) 29 Shelter, Public finance 115, 149 Ships: Building 91 Public utilities: Traffic 144 Bond prices 120 Shipments. (See individual comContracts awarded 63 modities.) Earnings, production, etc 98 Shoes: Pumps 44 Sales, chain stores 106 Pyroxylin-coated textiles 38 Wholesale trade 113 Silica brick 70 Railroads: Silk: Dividend payments 121, 148 Raw, consumption, imports, Employment 99 and stocks, machinery activFinancial operations and traffic- 94 ity 38 Freight-car movement 93 Raw, wholesale price, imports. 39, 132 Operations 94, 145 Silver exports, imports, production, Pullman passengers, revenues, and prices 115, 149 exports 94,145 Sinks 69 Stock and bond prices 120, 147 Southern pine, lumber, production, shipments, etc 64 Railway equipment, shipments, and orders 95-97 Spectacle frames and mountings, sales and unfilled orders 62 Rand, gold output 115, 149 Raw materials: Steel: Barrels and drums 42 Exports 128, 151 Exports and imports 43 Imports 128, 150 Furniture, shipments... 43, 134 Index of stocks 30 Page Ingots, castings, sheets, prices, etc 41, 134 Production, Canada 129 Stockholders, corporations 123 Stocks, commodity, index numbers (see also individual commodities) _ _ 30 Stocks, corporations: New issues 122 Prices and sales 120, 147 Stokers, mechanical, sales 44 Structural, steel: Fabricated, sales 43, 134 Prices, beams 41, 134 Suez Canal, traffic 92 Sugar, meltings, stocks, receipts- _ 88, 143 Suitings, wool, wholesale price 39 Sulphuric acid, exports and wholesale price 73, 140 Sweden: Foreign exchange rates 125 Price index 124 Switzerland: Foreign exchange rates 125 Price index 124 Taxes, internal revenue 45, 109 Tax-exempt securities 122 Tea, imports 89, 143 Telegraph and telephone, revenue and earnings 98 Ten-cent stores, sales 108 Terra cotta, bookings _ 71 Textiles: B urlap 38 Cotton 36,131 Clothing, production, etc 35, 131 Dividends, Fall River mills. _ 38, 131 Elastic webbing 38 Fibers 38 Finished cotton goods 37, 131 Hosiery, production 35 Machinery activity 34, 131 Pay roll and hours 103 Pyroxylin-coated, orders, shipments, etc 38 Silk and miscellaneous 38, 132 Wholesalers, credit conditions. _ _ 114 Wholesale prices 39 Wool__. 34,132 Theater ticket, admissions, internalrevenue taxes 109 Tile, production, stocks, prices, and shipments 71 Tin, consumption, imports, prices, andstocks 47, 135 Tires, production, stocks, prices, and shipments 57 Tobacco, production, exports, prices, etc 90, 144 Tools, machine, new orders 44 Trade: Foreign, United States. 126, 128, 150 Retail 109, 111 Wholesale 112, 114 Transportation, water 144 Tubular plumbing, sales 46 Turpentine, receipts and stocks 68 Unfilled orders, index (see also individual commodities) United Cigar Stores Co., sales United Kingdom: Fire losses Foreign exchange rates Price index United States, postal savings United States Government, debt, receipts, and expenditures „.,.-- 30 109 62 125 124 118 115 160 GENERAL INDEX—Continued Page numbers refer to data in detailed tables (pp. 29-151) only. Items in the text are arranged in groups which should make references easy without the necessity of an index. See also " Table of Contents," page 1. Page United States Steel Corporation: Earnings, unfilled orders 41, 134 Stockholders 123 Wage pates 101 Vegetables, car-lot shipments 82 Vegetable oils: Exports and imports 77, 140 Production, consumption, and stocks, etc 75,140 Vessels, cleared and entered, lost or abandoned. _ I 91, 144 Wages, farm and common labor Waldorf system, sales Walnut, lumber and logs War Finance Corporation, loans Ward, Montgomery, & Co Washing machines, electric, sales Water transportation 101 109 66 122 105 44 144 Page Webbing, elastic, sales 38 Western frine, lumber, production, shipments, and stocks 65 Wheat: Exports and visible supply _ _ 80, 141 Flour, Canada 79 Production (crop estimate) 78 Receipts, shipments, etc -_ 80, 141 Wheat flour: Production, consumption, etc 79 Wholesale price and exports 79, 134, 141 Wholesale prices, index numbers, _ 31, 32 Wholesale sales 112, 113 Wisconsin employment and earnings- 100 Women's dress goods, wholesale price 39 Wood consumption and stocks, chemical plants 74 Page Wood furniture 68 Wood pulp 61, 138 Wool: Machinery activity 34, 132 Price, wholesale 39, 132 Receipts, imports, consumption and stocks 34,132 Woolworth, F. W., Co., sales 108 Work clothing, cut, shipments, returned stocks 35 Workers, registered and placed 101 World production, copper 46 Worsted yarn, wholesale price 39 Wrapping paper 60 Yields, bonds Zinc, price, production, shipments, and stocks 120 receipts, 47, 135 OF THfi pEPAittMENT OFCOMMERCE of the d$£&list fiaay be ebtalii^d ^b^ ^ddi^ing tiie Biylsioi df Ptiblijjations^JDeparfcmejrit of Cbpu^QK^ ' TS .uKM«&:.k*v.*4 %sHMM.'j^e puTc^ased Jrbi^ rtke Bxtp^ritft^dent - ^* '—1*±->-<^~ »n~*.j^.—^^A 'T^ti.^^-^ ^»Jt «ju*c<uj/ -ttt, V>uma-tW31UtJ.^.l«%V***g-.Vf*' MAWB\> vUJt*XSV?l/ tilt^i^SV V" URMLEeJLSS V* ,vilXS *JVJ*,yl!iX UJP\VUJ^nJSJX 1-„, ,' . , ^ : „ pe^elopmeiils ^rhicii^aiaier,i^Jy affect |Hei ^;^^y::^ 'V-',">' *"• r ^p^ti& f ppcxiying jndu<gtri^ ; 285^^1 pages;' 16illxrg^r^tio^sj'li tabl^s/j Fricief .M^./l-v r^^I' f ' '"-C' 5 >, < • ' T I : i^KAfeKC&i: :1^2a,^ ^hese^ j'Vjte^ and Irit^tet^i^Vor^ ;> ' 'Z.J, > „« tf,- . . *f . * l v » - » T » . x » < . ^ ?'f -'I* • •.t^a^iS^A =• xJf ^IrmnA ^P:l»«.AWi*l*A"liW»tf«'«rfv'*iy TXToII« «'>ls^r 1P^*«\« i%*i*J^lu -/*_.' ." - T> J A;Jtew Stit^fer0nce ^M;• -lu^.. rtA /?*\ 6-;ri«j.'tv^>^'xtL*>-iii- :,v *s / , ^ - water.1 v Gifetfla , eting, ^iteu^^S^^ti^f/fK'V-V "•' 1 a^d%. Circuls^^N^f £38. ^ ^ • " "', f ^ ' ' ' ' f ? ( ^ % - y. Compression a^p^stqs sli^t picking*, x , Circular Hot'241.t \^ ^ r, , j.*.-' '« ' \"J^bes%os,niei'alJbtc«01OvM']K^1^^'^^'®* '"Oirctilar ,No.i242. '*'~^' '.\>-* '^ ' » ^ " »./*- *» "*StiyDer 'vaJ^ve^i "C3J*cola'r';r\o^^244,( r , "'~ / ^,^('' 1 '' ./^?* i > v **"„/-*.''' ->,** ' i i r * Iv** ^<^ vRiii'bbei"Kiis CHSastionSi» "vStriBiiiaji" No. 246ifr {, ^r. * * " / ' * , " " , • > ' ' , * 'Jk?^ 0t, l^^.^e^brte^fof^c^^?^;^ ^ay be su^bes^^ ^noa« fqiei^i; ' r y°. ^ • , ^»»|l«.?^I»^ K^t^LL* <V/iA/Op.t *",.*,«. «W3S? j^i^^JU^WT^MUJl.1 JW^ii^UMi «t-XV» ; WV|. ri ^ ' > \ :)\1£A^!^"V^B^!^'lte'6&ttet's muMr^pe^/intefige ,coMpe,tition\' *-->>-*, i'y *«»...",!»» .T^lij ''4.** J/ -" AJt^^-J1- 14'J^A._ ^Lii » A.-* ^1, *._t X T - 1 J L *w _ i t_*^i_ ,_#L!li l c : ' > •//.- ; x ./ ; ; /-; : vA" ,:,^virrju*«»<.wi* ^jN» ; ij^ 'wy^HL. K. ^ ;<-^^\v/., :\ //•;-,:, . ^ v :,{ ; '"*'-'/x; -".. ? K< i^ - 'V ^ - - i y - v -' (Npa*: l^^bown d6Ho^dite<rf Wt^tiBcitii^rl :'*H^ „ < : : ' ' ' " ' • "" "' 1 91 •"•-'—--i-s-^-i' v ^ > f **'• ^i , " '"f V*~" ^ ' -? " * % " ' v ',', • | v^^gig^a^^ '••l'/^,Vf";5,v "C'*?^^ ?! ^' ^ -"'\v". ^S';t', ' •M ifi"'**' SW*» rv / > ' s', , .••:', .v- - v'.-"':' <;-':-«:.;. -.'- ^ -•'% p- '.' -i: - '.' O;^ i^>'-''AV \-;rr'- ;".;^::,P<;v:;;,,-,;i- '••, _;•: ;*0I^TKONrA]^/SOCI^:'^i*^J v ; - •-,--' :-:.-' • ._'Vjjp^^^pj^^^ '. Manufactures (decerfnial, 7913),—Numfter df manufacturmg -. «.. HI CU^VB^JtOllS «>*!!! b^, eop^tfi^fffd^^^," ispf Etaiive p4j t%f]^ ^ , > -f ' / / <•*« >.•",', -j ' >j "; ^^^CfflE^DfiB*,^l|tBI<arJLKON^ &T$t^i?ll4 current ^tatistica on domestic Indus t^^^i^?»«fe, •"•^.(•TT^^lJT^^ jr^>r**^"5' "^/TiO^T*1^ w^w^w* ~g^v Mw»**vwKn» p y^ri^W^f O^^,v^#,-^« v « ^^^ ,^$^:t^fe^ •f'V*f{££?A'!' * V ;':£^^4W^^ - ^vV'V'j' .^J- . * , t^ > 'x. V " -K' ^Ar/*^... L.'i ;.* . . , " ^^ :*sr. ^f '^ '^ • "v n c^W«i.o, w»**/ Y!^M.~,~ ^