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Supplement to BANKING & MONETARY STATISTICS SECTION 1 Banks and the Monetary System BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Preface In 1943 the Board of Governors published Banking and Monetary Statistics to make available in one place and on a uniform basis major series relating to banking, monetary, and other financial developments. The statistics usually covered the period from 1914, when the Federal Reserve System was established, through December 1941. To bring together for the period since 1941 the most important series in that volume, to revise the data previously published, and to present new series, the Board is publishing a series of pamphlets. Most of these pamphlets correspond to sections in Banking and Monetary Statistics, but some may cover new subjects. Most of the data included in these pamphlets have already been published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin, and current figures for most of the series are published in it each month. In some instances, however, the type of presentation may vary considerably from that in the Bulletin. This is one of the new pamphlets. As in Banking and Monetary Statistics, there is a brief description of the purpose and history of the data, the sources of the figures and the methods by which they were compiled, and other facts to guide the reader in using the figures. Much of the information that is customarily included in footnotes to tables has been incorporated in the text. Footnotes have been used for the most part to call the reader's attention to any lack of comparability of items over the period covered. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Washington, D. C. October 1962 Price per copy, 35 cents. Contents Page INTRODUCTION CONSOLIDATED CONDITION STATEMENT 1 2 The Component Statements The Consolidation Process Composition of Items Sources of Discrepancies 2 3 4 4 MEASURES OF THE MONEY SUPPLY 5 Types of Deposit Holders Timing of Data Eliminating Duplication Seasonal Adjustments Comparative Levels 6 7 7 7 8 NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION OF BANKS Classification Coverage and Changes in Coverage or Classification TABULAR COMPARISION OF MONEY SUPPLY SERIES 8 9 10 12 TABLES: 1. Consolidated Condition Statement for Banks and the Monetary System, Varying Dates, 1941-60 2. Money Supply and Related Data, Varying Periods, 1947-60 3. Principal Assets, Liabilities, and Number of Banks: A. Commercial and Mutual Savings Banks, Varying Dates, 1941-60 B. Commercial Banks, Varying Dates, 1941-60 C. Mutual Savings Banks, June and December Call Dates, 1941-60 4. Number and Deposits of Commercial and Mutual Savings Banks, by Class of Bank, June and December Call Dates, 1941-60 5. Changes in the Number of Commercial Banks, by Class of Bank and by Character of Change, 1941-60 6. Number of Banks on the Par List and not on the Par List, by Federal Reserve District and by Class of Bank, 1941-60 14 20 23 26 29 30 32 34 Banks and the Monetary System THE BANKING AND MONETARY SYSTEM pro- vides the economy with a unique source of liquidity and a means of payment and serves as a major channel for the movement of savings funds into investment. Because of the importance of these functions to the economy, information about the nature and behavior of bank credit and money is essential to an understanding of economic developments. Primary responsibility for regulating the flow of bank credit and money in the United States is vested in the Federal Reserve System. The discharge of this responsibility requires detailed, accurate, and current information concerning the economic situation in general and the workings of the banking and monetary system in particular. Consequently, the Federal Reserve System over the years has continually sought to improve the quality of the basic monetary data collected and of the analytical measures constructed from these data. Since the publication of Banking and Monetary Statistics in 1943, numerous revisions and analytical reformulations of the reported data have been undertaken. The most recent was the revision of the daily-average money supply series in 1962. Further revisions and improvements are to be expected in the future. The purpose of publishing this section at the present time is to provide in one place a consolidation of all the changes that have been made in the series over the last two decades and to provide a convenient reference point for future changes. The most important advance in the availability of basic monetary data during the past two decades has been the introduction of three new statements in which banking and monetary data are consolidated. One is the consolidated condition statement of the banking and monetary system, introduced in 1948 (Table 1). In that statement the asset, liability, and capital accounts of the private banking system—the commercial and mutual savings banks—are presented consolidated with the assets, liabilities, and capital accounts of the monetary system—the Federal Reserve Banks, the Exchange Stabilization Fund, the Postal Savings System, and the gold and Treasury currency accounts. From this statement can be obtained a picture of the banking and monetary system of the United States as a whole and of the channels that connect the banking and monetary institutions of the country with the Federal Reserve System. Secondly, in 1960 the Federal Reserve introduced a new measure of the money supply, based on averages of daily figures, to supplement for certain analytical uses the series on the money supply that had been appearing as an adjunct to the consolidated condition statement. The new daily-average money supply series, as revised in 1962, is shown in Table 2; the old money supply series, related to the consolidated condition statement and calculated for a single date each month, appears in Table 1. A third, more comprehensive method of presenting financial data developed by the Board in recent years is the series of flow of funds accounts, which present financial flows, as well as assets and liabilities, not only for the banking system but also for other major sectors of the economy—nonbank financial institutions, nonfinancial businesses, consumers, governments, and the rest of the world.1 There has also been a major improvement in the basic data collected from the private 1 A comprehensive description of the concepts, methodology, and statistical information contained in these flow of funds accounts is set forth in Flow of Funds in the United States, 1939-1953 (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1955). These data are published on a quarterly basis in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. banking system. Up to 1947 there were no completely consistent figures for all commercial and mutual savings banks by class. The Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation were compiling somewhat different balancesheet statistics for banks. In that year the three agencies worked out an arrangement for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to compile a uniform series of statistics for all banking institutions. Such uniform data were first released semiannually. Beginning in April 1961 information has been reported on a quarterly basis for all insured banks. Drawing upon these integrated data and earlier historical records, in April 1959 the Board of Governors published a set of revised commercial and mutual savings bank series, prepared with the active collaboration of the other two Federal agencies. The program also received the cooperative interest and support of State bank supervisors.2 of all commercial and mutual savings banks in the United States, Federal Reserve Banks, the gold and Treasury currency accounts and the Exchange Stabilization Fund (except for these accounts the Treasury is not included as a part of the monetary system), and the Postal Savings System.4 The consolidated assets of all banks and the monetary system consist of the monetary gold stock, the item of Treasury currency (a major component of which is the monetary silver stock), and earning assets held in the form of loans, U.S. Government securities, and other investments. The principal liabilities are the currency outside banks and bank deposits owned by others than banks. In the process of consolidation most transactions among the components are eliminated, for example, interbank deposits and interbank loans. The component statements. The component parts of the consolidated condition statement are consolidated statements for each of these groups or accounts. The following paragraphs describe the nature of the statements. CONSOLIDATED CONDITION STATEMENT Commercial and mutual savings banks. The con- solidated statement of commercial and mutual savings The consolidated condition statement (Table banks (Table 3-A) is based largely on weekly report1) first appeared as a part of a study of money ing member bank figures and on the semimonthly flows in an article in the January 1948 Federal reports of deposits, loans, and investments received from all other member banks. Monthly data for nonReserve Bulletin; since June 1949 the statemember banks are based on estimates. Call report ment has been published regularly in the data are used as benchmarks, and figures are partially Bulletin* estimated except on December and most June call dates. Estimates are prepared semimonthly, but up The consolidated condition statement is a balto the present the midmonth data have not been ance sheet of the monetary system as a whole, published in the Bulletin, but they appear in the showing the asset, liability, and capital accounts Board's release, "Assets and Liabilities of All Banks 2 The historical banking data published in this section have not been revised to reflect the changes embodied in the new commercial and mutual savings bank series, and consequently some minor differences exist between the two. For further discussion of the development of the statistics and for data for years before 1941, see the following publications of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Banking and Monetary Statistics (1943), Section I, and3 All-Bank Statistics, United States, 1896-1955 (1959). The composition of a few items in the consolidated condition statement differs slightly from the description in the article by Morris A. Copeland and Daniel H. Brill, "Banking Assets and Money Supply Since 1929" (pp. 24-32 of the January 1948 issue of the Bulletin). Stock of Federal Reserve Banks held by member banks is included in other securities and in capital and miscellaneous accounts, net, and balances of the Postal Savings System and the Exchange Stabilization Fund with the U.S. Treasury are netted against capital and miscellaneous accounts, net, instead of against U.S. Government deposits and Treasury cash. in the United States" (G.7). Federal Reserve Banks and the gold and Treasury currency accounts. The need for including in the consolidated statement for the banking system data from the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury arises from the fact that both institutions are important sources of money held by the public. The pertinent statistics concerning the Federal Reserve Banks are drawn from the consolidated statement of condition of all Federal Reserve Banks, which is prepared and published weekly as a part (H.4.1a) of the release entitled "Factors affecting Bank Reserves and Condition Statement of F. R. Banks" and also published in the Bulletin. The basic statistics 4 For coverage and classification of banks, see pp. 8-11. relating to the monetary functions of the Treasury are released in the Circulation Statement of United States Money issued monthly by the Treasury. Because of the interrelated nature of monetary transactions and accounts involving both the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks, and the effects of many such operations upon bank reserves as well as upon public holdings of money, a report combining the two underlying statements is issued weekly as another part of the release referred to above (H.4.1). This too is published in the Bulletin. This combined report serves as an alternative source of the ingredient accounts for the consolidation of Treasury and Federal Reserve operations into the consolidated condition statement of the entire banking system. The Exchange Stabilization Fund. The Exchange Stabilization Fund was established under the Gold Reserve Act of 1934. Because this Fund is involved in various Treasury operations in the international monetary field and because it operates with gold, it is included within the accounting structure of the monetary system. The quarterly balance sheet of the Fund is published in the Treasury Bulletin; monthly data are received by the Board directly from the Treasury for the consolidated statement. The Postal Savings System. The Postal Savings System has been in operation since 1911. Summary data of the assets and deposits of the System are published in the Annual Report of Operations of the Postal Savings System for each fiscal year. Monthly estimates of the principal items are received by the Board directly from the Post Office Department. The consolidation process. As indicated earlier, the balance sheet of the banking and monetary system is a consolidation rather than a combination of the accounts of the components. In the process of consolidation most of the relationships among the components are eliminated. The purpose of the statement is to emphasize the relationship of the monetary system as a whole to the rest of the economy. For example, the financial aspects of this relationship are isolated by offsetting certain tangible assets, such as bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other miscellaneous assets, against miscellaneous liabilities in a separate item (capital and miscellaneous accounts, net). The consolidation process does not adhere to usual accounting procedures in all instances. Some deviations from conventional methods are necessary in order that the consolidated totals may agree with some of the important published measures of bank credit, deposits, Treas- ury currency, and Treasury cash. Certain asset and debt relationships are not eliminated but rather are carried forward to the consolidated account. In some instances these unconsolidated items are recorded on both the asset and liability sides of the consolidated account. In other instances they are recorded as liabilities and negative offsets against liabilities. In addition, a few accounts are eliminated that do not represent transactions between components of the monetary system. However, the amounts in these accounts are generally small and stable. These and other important deviations from a theoretically pure consolidation procedure are discussed in more detail below. Intersector and intrasector consolidation. The relationships eliminated in consolidation include member bank reserves, interbank deposits and loans, and intrasector currency holdings. Member bank reserves are part of the currency and deposit assets of the commercial and mutual savings bank sector and are eliminated in consolidation by also removing Federal Reserve* liabilities for such reserves. Other claims eliminated in consolidation are interbank deposits and interbank loans. All of these items represent relationships that can be specifically identified. However, paired items are not usually of the same size on the books of the debtor and the creditor. These differences, usually arising from differences in timing of the two reports, contribute to the discrepancy in the consolidated account. The discrepancies are not shown separately but are incorporated in the item, capital and miscellaneous accounts, net. Some intersector claims cannot be specifically paired off for elimination in the consolidation process. Elimination is accomplished by adding all such liabilities not identified by holder (other liabilities of banks, other Federal Reserve accounts, other liabilities of the Postal Savings System, and liabilities of the Exchange Stabilization Fund) and offsetting them against the assets not identified by sector of liability (other assets of the banks, Federal Reserve float, and special cash accounts and receivables of the Postal Savings System and of the Exchange Stabilization Fund). This process yields essentially the same total as would be achieved in a specific consolidation process. Some intersector claims are not eliminated in consolidation. Federal Reserve stock, an asset of the member banks and a liability of the Federal Reserve System, is carried to the consolidated account where it is recorded as an asset and also as a miscellaneous liability. This treatment has been followed from the beginning of the series to keep the item, other securities, in the consolidated statement consistent with the item, other securities, in the commercial and mutual savings bank series. Similarly, the gold reserve underlying United States notes, which is both an asset and a liability of the Treasury monetary funds, is retained in the consolidated account. It is included there as part of the Treasury currency assets and as part of the currency liability of the sector shown under Treasury cash. It is also included in the asset item, gold stock, and the liability item, currency in circulation, and is, therefore, recorded a second time in the consolidated statement in the items, gold stock and currency outside banks. Although this results in double counting (in 1960 a constant $156 million), the consolidated statement items, gold stock and Treasury cash, are kept consistent with published figures for bank reserves and related items, gold stock, and Treasury cash holdings. Special treatment. Special treatment is also accorded some relationships with other sectors—the gold holdings (that is, the "active" gold) of the Exchange Stabilization Fund, the deposits of domestic banks in foreign banks, currency held by banks in territories and possessions of the United States, and deposits of the Postal Savings System and the Exchange Stabilization Fund with the Treasury. The nonmonetary gold held by the Exchange Stabilization Fund (included in the Fund's special cash accounts and receivables)—the active gold—is a gold asset of the monetary system not included in the monetary gold stock. However, it is classed in the consolidated sector account as a negative liability rather than as an asset and is included in the item, capital and miscellaneous accounts, net. Deposits of commercial banks in foreign banks are not recorded as assets of the consolidated account but are deducted from deposits of foreign banks in domestic commercial banks and Federal Reserve Banks to yield the item, foreign bank deposits, net. Banks in territories and possessions of the United States are not part of the banking sector, and currency held by them is not automatically eliminated from currency liabilities in the process of consolidation. Therefore, to conform to the traditional series on currency outside banks, which excludes currency held in banks in such territories and possessions, such items are excluded from the currency liabilities of the monetary system (that is, from the item, currency outside banks) and are included instead in the item, capital and miscellaneous accounts. The amount involved is small; it was about $20 million as of December 31, 1960. Deposits of the Postal Savings System and the Exchange Stabilization Fund with the Treasury are not recorded under assets in the consolidated statement. They are netted against the item, capital and miscellaneous liabilities. Composition of items. The resulting statement, after these consolidations and nettings are performed, includes, on the asset side, monetary reserves and bank credit (bank loans, net, and investments), and, on the liability and capital account side, essentially the currency and deposits and other debts owed by the banking system to others.5 The asset side. Gold includes the monetary gold stock; the monetized silver is a component of Treasury currency assets. In addition to the monetary silver component of Treasury currency assets, the Treasury currency item includes the gold reserve against United States notes, deposits made with the Treasury for the redemption of Federal Reserve Bank notes and national bank notes, and the credit of the United States securing both minor coin in circulation and that part of the United States notes outstanding not backed by the gold reserve. The remaining assets represent loans (net of bad debt reserves) and investments in Federal obligations, State and local obligations, and corporate securities. The liabilities and capital account side. The banking system's net liability for deposits and currency, the capital accounts of commercial banks, and miscellaneous liabilities make up the other side of the statement. Currency outside banks excludes domestic bank vault cash and currency held by banks in territories and possessions of the United States. Demand deposits adjusted exclude interbank demand deposits and U.S. Government demand deposits and are net of cash items in the process of collection. Time deposits adjusted exclude U.S. Government and interbank time deposits and Postal Savings System balances with banks. Treasury cash includes the Treasury's working cash balance of currency and coin, the balances in the gold and silver general funds (the "free" gold and silver), and the gold reserve against United States notes. The capital account and miscellaneous liabilities item includes paid-in capital and other capital accounts of commercial banks and Federal Reserve Banks, reserve accounts of mutual savings banks, the amounts owed by commercial banks to their foreign branches, the liability of the monetary system for currency and deposits held by banks in the territories and possessions of the United States, the capital stock of the Exchange Stabilization Fund, and other miscellaneous liabilities of the monetary system. Also it has been reduced by certain asset items carried in the consolidated account as negative liabilities—Federal Reserve float, the active gold and deposits of the Exchange Stabilization Fund with the Treasury, and the discrepancies arising when items that should offset each other exactly are not equal. Sources of discrepancies. In the process of consolidating the asset and liability accounts 5 For further detail on these items than that given in this description, see "Member Bank Reserves and Related Items," Section 10 of Supplement to Banking and Monetary Statistics. for the components of the banking and monetary system, discrepancies arise when items that should offset each other exactly differ in amount because the reporting procedure does not allow for the lapse of time necessary to complete the recording of certain interbank transactions or because the reports are not rendered on the same date. In addition, clerical and reporting errors of various kinds are no doubt responsible for some of the differences between the various reported items. Time lag. The liability item of member bank reserves, as it appears on the books of the Federal Reserve Banks, is larger than the amount the banks report as an asset item, reserves with Federal Reserve Banks, because of the time lag between the book entries of the member banks and the Federal Reserve Banks. Similarly, at June and December call dates, when the classification of loans is reported and tabulated for all banks, the amount of loans to banks reported by the banking system frequently is larger than reported borrowings by banks. The main causes of a difference in this direction appear to be (1) at the close of business on a call date the borrowing accounts of banks paying off obligations during the day have been reduced by the amount of the repayments, but corresponding entries cannot be made on the books of the lending institutions until payment is received, which is sometimes the next day or later; and (2) loans by U.S. banks to banks in foreign countries are appropriately included in loans by the U.S. monetary system, but there is no offsetting item of borrowing within the system. On the other hand, some factors tend to offset the excess of reported loans over reported borrowings. For example, a part of the borrowings may be from nonbanking institutions. If so, that portion of the borrowings should remain as a liability instead of being eliminated in the consolidated statement, but the amount of such outside borrowings, if any, is unknown. Also, until October 11, 1957, when instructions were revised, sales of securities under repurchase agreements were reported as borrowings by the creditor banks, while purchases of securities under resale agreements were reported as securities held by the debtor banks; hence there were no offsetting figures in their loan accounts. Reporting dates. Another source of discrepancy is the use of last-Wednesday-of-the-month data for commercial banks, Reserve Banks, and Treasury accounts (except for December and most June call dates), and of last-business-day-of-the-month data for mutual savings banks and Exchange Stabilization Fund accounts, and, through June 30, 1956, for the Postal Savings System accounts. Beginning with July 1956, data for the Postal Savings System are reported as of Friday every four weeks. However, the dollar volume of most postal savings items is small and is declining monthly. Consequently rounding may eliminate most of the discrepancy. MEASURES OF THE MONEY SUPPLY Money performs the essential economic functions of providing a medium of exchange, a readily available store of value, and a standard of value. Monetary transactions and the financial instruments used in effecting them take a variety of forms, and many types of claims other than currency and demand deposits may serve to provide part of the public's total liquidity requirements. However, the only instruments that perform all of the functions of money are the public's holdings of coin, currency, and demand deposits in banks. This concept of the money supply does not deny the significance of time deposits or of other types of savings instruments or, for that matter, the importance of changes in the public's holdings of less liquid assets. Even the most liquid of these other types of assets, however, must generally be converted into money, as defined here, before being used in economic transactions. The stock of money is constantly being extinguished through the payment of debts at banks, and new money is being created through the extension of new bank credits. The volume of money that the public chooses to hold—in its pockets, in tills, and in deposit accounts— varies from time to time relative to its holdings of other assets and to the total volume of expenditures in the economy. Public demand determines the proportion of the money supply held in the form of currency and the proportion held on deposit in banks. The Federal Reserve System has primary responsibility for regulating the total volume of money available to meet the public's demands. In performing this function the System requires an accurate, frequent, and promptly available measure of the money supply. Throughout its existence the Federal Reserve has collected and published data on the money supply. The first long-term series on the money supply used by the Federal Reserve was that published in Table 9 of Section 1 of Banking and Monetary Statistics. This table shows data for both demand and time deposits of banks and for currency for June call dates for the period 1892-1922 and for June and December call dates for 1923-41. Data for later years have appeared regularly in the Bulletin. In early 1948 the Board of Governors released the first materials on the consolidated condition statement for the banking system. This statement related currency and deposit liabilities of the banking system to banking assets. A year later the Board began to publish data for the consolidated statement each month. Data on the money supply, previously available only for call dates, were thereafter also available as a part of this consolidated statement. Each of these measures of the money supply and related items was as of a single date. Although there are advantages in being able to relate the components of the money supply to specific dates for purposes of comparison with other financial variables similarly measured, statistics as of a single date are subject to variabilities which complicate interpretation. To provide a more refined measure for use in analyses focusing essentially on the performance of the money supply itself and on its relation to aggregate flows or other variables relatively free of the hazards of single-date measurement, the Board in late 1960 introduced a new measure of the money supply based on averages of daily figures. Some further refinements of this average series were published in the summer of 1962. The following sections describe this new series (Table 2), and indicate how a number of conceptual and technical changes that were made in it have resulted in modest differences from the historical singledate series. The single-date series continues to be useful for such purposes as comparisons with associated levels and movements of particular bank assets and nonbank financial claims. To facilitate this type of use, the single-date series is shown adjacent to the other components of the consolidated condition statement of the banking system in Table 1. The Federal Reserve Board's quarterly flow of funds accounts include a single-date measurement of the money supply that is identical in definition to the daily-average series. In the flow of funds accounts the tables on the commercial banking and monetary authorities sector show demand deposit and currency liabilities subdivided into three categories: due to the U.S. Government, due to the rest of the world, and due to others. The sum of the entries for due to the rest of the world and due to others is identical in coverage to that of the daily-average series: both series include foreign balances with Federal Reserve Banks, which are excluded from the single-date series. A detailed comparison of the coverage of the flow of funds series, the monthly single-date series, and the monthly daily-average series is given in the table on page 12.6 Types of deposit holders. The daily-average series—like the single-date series—defines the money supply as the total of the public's holdings of coin, currency, and demand deposits in banks. The two series differ in coverage largely in their treatment of demand deposits and vault cash of certain types of institutions and their treatment of banks and branches in territories and possessions. The daily-average series, like the single-date series, includes demand deposits held in commercial banks by financial institutions, such as savings and loan associations and life insurance companies. However, the daily-average series includes in addition demand deposits at commercial banks due to mutual savings banks, banks in U.S. territories and possessions, and foreign banks. It also contains foreign demand deposits at Federal Reserve Banks, including 6 For a comprehensive description of the flow of fund series, see the source cited in note 1 on page 1. For a more detailed account of the differences between the other series than that given below, see "A New Measure of the Money Supply" {Bulletin, October 1960, pp. 1102-23) and "Revision of Money Supply Series" {Bulletin, August 1962, pp. 941-44). those due to foreign governments, central banks, and international institutions. These deposits are excluded from the single-date series. Amounts due to these institutions represent cash available for investment in much the same way as balances of other financial institutions and involve no duplication of funds held by others. The daily-average series includes currency held by financial institutions other than domestic commercial banks, thus paralleling the treatment of the demand deposits owned by such institutions. The single-date series, on the other hand, excludes the vault cash of mutual savings banks and currency held in the possessions of the United States. Both series exclude cash held in the vaults of domestic commercial banks. Both series exclude commercial interbank deposits, because such deposits involve double counting; deposits "due to" commercial banks are matched by "due from" accounts at other commercial banks and the two accounts cancel each other when the statements of all commercial banks are consolidated. Both series also exclude deposits of the Federal Government but include those of State and local governments. U.S. Government deposits are excluded primarily because these deposits do not represent money in the hands of the public and have little influence on the expenditures of the Federal Government. However, deposits of State and local governments exhibit economic characteristics not unlike deposits of large private economic entities. Timing of data. The daily-average series is presented in Table 2 on both an annual and monthly basis for ready comparison with other financial statistics reported for similar periods. The series is available in the Bulletin as monthly and semimonthly averages. Weekly data are also published for recent years but have not yet been adjusted for seasonal variation. Data in the single-date series on the money supply refer to the last Wednesday of the month except in December and for most June dates, when call report data are used. Eliminating duplication. In the daily-average series duplication has been reduced still further than it has been in the single-date series. In the daily-average series both cash items in process of collection, as reported on the books of the banks, and Federal Reserve float, derived from Federal Reserve statements, are deducted, whereas only cash items in process of collection are deducted from the single-date series. Unadjusted or gross deposit figures contain a sizable element of duplication because checks are added to the accounts of payees before they are subtracted from the accounts of issuers. Deducting cash items in the process of collection, as recorded on the books of commercial banks, makes a partial correction for this double counting. An additional adjustment is made by deducting Federal Reserve float, which represents items in the process of collection by Federal Reserve Banks. A study of float indicated that an important proportion of these items arises from causes that lead to appropriately deductible float. Both of these adjustments for double counting in the gross deposits figures tend to overcorrect the figures somewhat, but they improve the adjusted series as an unduplicated measure of deposits. Although these changes improve the series, the problem of duplication has not been fully solved either statistically or conceptually. The residual duplication, however, does not appear large enough, nor are changes in it great enough, to impair the usefulness of the data for most analytical purposes. Seasonal adjustments. Seasonal adjustments to the money supply series remove the normal seasonal movements in demand deposits and currency holdings of the public, thus making it easier to see any unusual changes in these items and in the total money supply. Daily-average series. Average demand deposits normally rise to a seasonal peak in the second half of December, declining thereafter through the first quarter, and reaching a seasonal low in the second half of May. Seasonal movements in demand deposits have changed substantially in the postwar period. A major influence was the provision for speeding up Federal corporate income tax payments, which began in 1951 and which was completed in 1960. Another factor was the shift from March 15 to April 15 in the date for final settlement by individuals of their Federal income tax payments. The seasonal movements in currency held by the public are not quite so strong as those in demand deposits. Currency's low point comes in the second half of February; it rises to a seasonal high in the second half of December. The daily-average data are seasonally adjusted by ratio-to-moving-average methods. Seasonal factors for demand deposits were derived by a method long used by the Federal Reserve, in which judgment as well as mechanical computation is employed. Factors for the currency component were derived by Census Method II, utilizing an electronic computer.7 Single-date series. The amplitude of seasonal movements in the single-date series is greater than that in the daily-average series. Demand deposits in this series normally rise to a seasonal peak in December and decline thereafter to a seasonal low near the end of March. The months in which variations in the date of the last Wednesday appear to affect significantly the level of demand deposits in the hands of the public are March, June, October, and December. In March adjustments are made when the last Wednesday falls on the 30th or 31st, largely because April 1 is the date for the assessment of the personal property tax in Cook County, Illinois, and many individuals and businesses reduce their bank deposits temporarily and put their funds in other assets, particularly short-term U.S. Government securities. Adjustments for December are made when the last Wednesday is affected by large withdrawals over the Christmas holiday and by the sharp year-end rise that partly reflects window dressing by businesses for their annual statements. Small adjustments in deposits are also made for June and October. Currency in the hands of the public also tends to vary with the date on which the last Wednesday falls. Most of the special adjustments in this series are made for months in which the last Wednesday is a holiday or the day before a holiday, e.g., Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Memorial Day.8 7 For descriptions of these methods, see "Adjustment for Seasonal Variation" (Bulletin, June 1941, pp. 518-28), and Julius Shiskin, Electronic Computers and Business Indicators, Occasional Paper 57, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1957. The Method II computer program was adapted wherever necessary to apply to semimonthly as well as monthly data. For further details on the seasonal adjustment process and the seasonal factors used, see "Revision of 8 Money Supply Series," cited earlier. For further details on the adjustment process and for the seasonal factors used, see "Revised Series for Seasonally Adjusted Money Supply" (Bulletin, February 1960, pp. 13336). The special adjustment in the seasonal factor for Mar. 30, 1960, shown on p. 135, note 3, of that article has been revised from —0.9 to —0.5. The new factor is 97.9. Comparative levels. The daily-average series is considerably higher than the single-date series, but the difference in the general levels of the two series is relatively stable. This difference reflects mainly the net effect of adding commercial bank demand deposits due to mutual savings and foreign banks to the daily-average series, of deducting Federal Reserve float, and of adding foreign balances at Federal Reserve Banks. Short-term movements in the two series occasionally show significant differences. These differences reflect principally the wide fluctuations in single-date figures. Some of these variations are characteristic of particular days of the week or of the month; some are due to the influence of holidays, some to the incidence of tax or dividend payment dates; some may at times reflect weather conditions. The use of averages of dailyfigures—whetherfor a month, a half month, or a week—smooths most of these differences. The table on page 12 compares the coverage and treatment of some of the data used in the two series. The coverage and treatment of the same data in the flow of funds accounts are included for reference. NUMBER AND CLASSIFICATION OF BANKS The nongovernmental part of the banking system of the United States is made up of thousands of separate institutions, some chartered by the Federal Government, some by the States. In addition, there are some private banks, about 85 in 1960, but they are now few in relation to the total number of banks and they hold a negligible portion of total bank assets. These institutions, although more numerous in earlier years, were excluded from many of the previous series. For example, they were excluded from Table 14 of Banking and Monetary Statistics but are included in the otherwise comparable Table 5 here. In these series, a private financial institution is included as a bank if it accepts deposits from the general public or if it conducts principally a fiduciary business. This definition conforms to the definition used by the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in the commercial and mutual savings bank statistics published beginning with 1947. Under this definition certain types of banks previously excluded, such as private banks, were thereafter included, and there were some changes in classification. But the changes had little effect on data for the years 1941-46 shown in this section.9 The definition of a bank underlying the data for the years before 1947 is "a financial institution which accepts money from the general public for deposit in a common fund, subject to withdrawal or transfer by check on demand or on short notice, and makes loans to the general public." Under both definitions building and savings and loan associations, personal loan and other small-loan companies, credit unions, mortgage companies, sales finance companies, insurance companies, Federal Reserve Banks, and credit agencies owned in whole or in part by the Federal Government are excluded. In arriving at the number of banks, the unit is a single bank, including any branches; branches are not counted separately. However, banks joined through ownership or control by a common holding company are counted as separate banks. Classification. In this section banks (other than Federal Reserve Banks) are classified in three ways: by supervisory jurisdiction; by function, that is, broadly by the type of deposit business handled; and by whether they charge or do not charge for clearing checks. Classification by supervisory jurisdiction depends partly on the incorporation of the bank, whether under Federal or State law; partly on whether the bank is a member in the Federal Reserve System; and partly on whether its deposits are insured (Tables 3-6). 9 For complete descriptions of the types of institutions included and of those excluded, see the 1956 Annual Report of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, pp. 88-89. National banks. National banks are incorporated under Federal law and operate under the supervision of Federal authorities only. All national banks in the United States are required by law to be members of the Federal Reserve System and of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. State member banks. Banks organized under State laws may be admitted to membership in the Federal Reserve System upon complying with certain prescribed conditions. State member banks of the Federal Reserve System, with minor exceptions, are required to be members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. State member banks are subject to both Federal and State supervision. Insured nonmember banks. State banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System may be admitted to Federal deposit insurance upon meeting certain prescribed conditions. These banks also are subject to both Federal and State supervision. Noninsured banks. These banks do not come under Federal supervision. They include banks chartered under State laws, which are subject to State supervision, and private banks, which are generally not supervised by any banking authority. Broad classification of banks by function based on the type of deposit business they primarily conduct divides banks into two categories: commercial banks and mutual savings banks (Table 3). Commercial banks. Commercial banks are banks whose business includes the holding of checking accounts and other deposits subject to withdrawal on demand, and the making of short-term, self-liquidating loans to commerce, agriculture, and industry. (They may also, and usually do, hold time and savings deposits as well.) Commercial banks include both Federally chartered and State-chartered institutions. The second group includes State commercial banks, nondeposit trust companies, stock savings banks, industrial banks, and cash depositories. Private banks also fall into this category. Most commercial banks are Federally insured, some are not. Mutual savings banks. With a few minor exceptions, mutual savings banks carry only savings and other time deposits, and they invest their funds primarily in mortgage loans and securities. All of them are State-chartered institutions, and they exist in only a few States; most are in the northeastern section of the United States. Many are Federally insured. The Federal Reserve Act provided for a system of check collection through Federal Reserve Banks to eliminate the undue expense and delay which up to that time were involved in check collections in nearly all parts of the country. Under this system the Federal Reserve Banks receive and forward for payment checks drawn on member banks, all of which are required to remit at par, and on those nonmember banks that have agreed to remit at par. commercial banks. During 1941 three mutual savings banks became members; these banks are included in both member bank figures and insured mutual savings bank figures. (One withdrew from membership in 1960, a second in 1961, and the third in 1962.) They are not included in the total for commercial banks and are counted only once in the total for all banks. One noninsured, nondeposit trust company is also included in the member bank series. A few noninsured banks for which asset and liability data are not available are included in the number of banks. Beginning with December 1947 the series were revised as announced in November by the three Federal bank supervisory agencies. At that time a net of 115 noninsured nonmember commercial banks with total loans and investments of $110 million were added, and 8 banks with total loans and investments of $34 million were transferred from the noninsured mutual savings bank to the nonmember commercial bank category. In addition to these specific changes, and the organization of new banks, the comparability of figures for classes of banks is affected somewhat by changes in Federal Reserve membership, Federal insurance status, mergers, and so forth. The following paragraphs describe in detail the various types of changes (Table 5). Par list. The statistics of banks on the par list and not on the par list (Table 6) include all banks on which some checks are drawn, except for the few mutual savings banks that carry demand deposits, and exclude banks on which no checks are drawn. Banks on the par list include all member banks and those nonmember banks that have agreed to remit at par. Banks not on the par list are nonmember banks that have not agreed to pay without deduction checks forwarded for payment through the Federal Reserve Banks. Checks on such banks are not collectible through the System. The total number of nonmember banks in Table 6 differs somewhat from the number of nonmember banks shown in other tables of this section largely because Table 6 excludes and the other tables include banks on which no checks are drawn, principally industrial banks and trust companies without deposits. Coverage and changes in coverage or classi- fication. The statistics in this section include all nongovernmental banks in the United States. All banks in Alaska have been included since it was admitted to statehood in January 1959, and all banks in Hawaii since it was admitted in August of that year. Their deposits were $172 million and $386 million, respectively, on the call date before admission. Apart from three national banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System, one in Alaska (included since April 1954), one in Hawaii (included since April 1959), and one in the Virgin Islands (included since May 1957), these tables do not include data for banks in territories or possessions of the United States, and therefore the figures differ from those published by the Comptroller of the Currency for national banks and by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for insured banks. Branches and agencies of foreign banks doing business in the United States are generally excluded. Assets and liabilities of branches of domestic banks outside the United States are also excluded. All commercial banks include all Federal Reserve member banks and all nonmember commercial banks. Stock savings banks and nondeposit trust companies are included with A primary organization represents the chartering of a newly organized bank except when the issuance of a new charter is incident to a consolidation, merger, absorption, succession, or conversion of a going bank. A conversion represents the issuance to an active bank of a national charter to supersede a State charter under which it has previously been operating, or of a State charter to supersede a national charter. Only simple conversions looking toward permanent operation under the newly issued charter and involving no other change in status are included in this category. Some conversions are effected merely as a necessary legal step in a consolidation, merger, or absorption, the new charter being surrendered shortly after the conversion. Such cases are considered consolidations or absorptions rather than conversions unless the temporary bank's existence runs over the end of the calendar year. In this event it is counted as a conversion in the year in which the change in charter occurs and as a consolidation, merger, or 10 absorption in the year following when the newly issued charter is surrendered. This is done so that the status of changes will agree, insofar as practicable, with the number of banks shown in the year-end abstracts of condition reports. A suspension represents the temporary or permanent closing of a bank to the public by supervisory authorities or by the bank's board of directors because of financial difficulties. A reopening of a suspended bank represents the resumption of operations of a previously suspended bank. Even if the bank reopens with a new name and a new charter, the action is still classed as a reopening rather than as a primary organization. A consolidation or absorption represents the corporate union of two or more going banks into one bank that continues under a single charter, either a new or old one. The term is used in an economic rather than a legal or technical sense, the essential consideration being that the business of two or more going banks becomes concentrated under one charter and one management. Banks absorbed by other banks and converted into branches are counted as consolidations or absorptions. The classification also includes cases in which two or more banks absorb another bank and then distribute its business among themselves or in which the assets and liabilities of a weak bank are transferred to another bank to avoid suspension. The banks that go out of existence or are converted into branches because of consolidations or absorptions are counted; the continuing or absorbing banks are not counted. A voluntary liquidation represents the voluntary discontinuance of operations and the surrender of its charter by an active bank. However, voluntary liquidations legally incidental to conversions, consolidations, or absorptions are included in one of those categories, not in this one. For example, if a bank transfers most or all of its assets to another bank under an agreement whereby the second bank assumes its liabilities, the change is counted as a consolidation or absorption, not as a liquidation. An admission to or a withdrawal from Federal Reserve membership represents a case where a State bank joins or leaves the Federal Reserve System. A few State banks are organized with the intention of becoming members before opening for business. Such banks are counted both as primary organizations of nonmember banks and as admissions to membership under increases in State member banks and under decreases in nonmember banks. Unclassified changes are those changes that cannot be classified elsewhere because of special circumstances involved in the change or because of a lack of essential data. 11 TABULAR COMPARISON OF MONEY SUPPLY SERIES Sector or data Daily-Average Money Supply Series: Consolidated Condition Statement Commercial bank demand deposits for Banks and the Monetary and currency in circulation outside System (CCS): the Treasury, Federal Reserve Demand deposits adjusted and Banks, and commercial banks. currency outside banks. Flow of Funds/Saving Accounts: Commercial banking and monetary authorities sector; demand deposits, net, and currency liabilities (excluding "due to U.S. Government"). 1. Type of data Average of daily figures for semimonthly (and weekly) periods. Last Wednesday of the month except for December and most June dates when call report data are used. Values on last day in year or quarter and change between dates. 2. Timing of data Opening of day. Close of day. Close of day. 3. Geographic coverage of data United States. 1 Same as CCS. United States.1 United States. Same as CCS. 1 4. Banks in territories and possessions A. Demand balances with U.S. banks (an asset of banks in territories and possessions) Included in demand deposit liabilities. (Not deducted as an interbank item.) Excluded; since the counterpart (due to banks in territories and possessions by U.S. banks) is subtracted from "gross demand deposits." Included in demand deposit liabilities. (Not deducted as an interbank item.) B. Currency and coin held (as asset of banks in territories and possessions) Included in circulation banks. Excluded. Included in currency liabilities of consolidated banking system. C. Demand deposit liability (a liability item of banks in territories and possessions) Excluded (except for member banks in Alaska and Hawaii reporting deposits and related items before statehood; see Item 3, CCS). Excluded (except for member banks in Alaska and Hawaii reporting deposits and related items before statehood; see Item 3 in this column). Excluded from demand deposit liabilities (except for member banks in Alaska and Hawaii reporting deposits and related items before statehood; see Item 3, CCS). Excluded. Series covers only commercial banks. Included in banking sector. Excluded from commercial banking sector. A. Demand balances with U.S. banks (an asset of the mutual banks) Included in deposit liability of commercial banks and thus in money supply figure. Excluded; netted out when "deposits due to banks" are subtracted from "gross demand deposits." Included. B. Currency and coin held (an asset of the mutual banks) Included as currency in circulation. Excluded. Included. C. Demand deposits (a liability item of mutual banks) Excluded from commercial banking deposit liability. Included in demand deposits adjusted. Excluded. 6. Foreign demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations with U.S. commercial banks Included in deposit component of money supply series (not identified separately). Included in demand deposits adjusted (not identified separately). Included in demand deposits and currency; a liability to rest-of-world sector. 7. Foreign bank demand balances with U.S. commercial banks Included in deposit component of money supply series (not identified separately). Part of "foreign bank deposits, net." The CCS nets "due from" foreign banks against "due to" foreign banks. Included in demand deposits and currency; a liability to rest-of-world sector. 8. Foreign balances with Federal Reserve Banks Included as part of deposit component. Part of "foreign bank deposits, net," except deposits of international agencies. Included as part of demand deposits and currency; a liability to restof-world sector. 9. Federal Reserve float Deducted from gross demand deposits; therefore lessens the demand deposit component. Entered as a negative item in "capital and miscellaneous accounts, net"; does not reduce demand deposits adjusted. Netted against gross demand deposits; therefore lessens the series on "demand deposits, net." 5. Mutual savings banks 1 outside Banking coverage in the Consolidated Condition Statement is described on pages 8-11. 12 1. CONSOLIDATED CONDITION STATEMENT FOR BANKS AND THE MONETARY [Single-date figures; in millions Assets Liabilities and capital Bank credit Date Gold Treasury currency outstanding Total mercial Federal and Reserve savings Banks banks Other Other securities Total assets, netTotal liabilities and capital, net U.S. Government obligations Total Loans, net Com- Total deposits and currency Capital and misc. accounts, net 1941—June 30 Dec. 31 22,624 22,737 3,149 3,247 61,387 64,653 25,305 26,605 26,984 29,049 23,539 25,511 2,184 2,254 1,261 1,284 9,098 8,999 87,160 90,637 79,357 82,811 7,803 7,826 1942—June 30 Dec. 31 22,737 22,726 3,313 3,648 67,932 85,693 25,080 23,918 34,226 53,495 30,299 45,951 2,645 6,189 1,282 1,355 8,626 8,280 93,982 112,067 86,064 104,306 7,918 7,761 1943_june 30 Dec. 31 22,388 21,938 4,077 4,094 96,563 110,200 22,234 23,566 66,434 79,201 57,740 65,932 7,202 11,543 1,492 1,726 7,895 7,433 123,028 136,232 114,812 127,959 8,216 8,273 1944__jUne 30 Dec. 30 21,173 20,619 4,104 4,131 125,517 140,538 25,361 25,974 92,609 107,003 75,737 85,885 14,901 18,846 1,971 2,272 7,547 7,561 150,794 165,288 141,551 155,960 9,243 9,328 1945_june 30 Dec. 31 20,213 20,065 4,145 4,339 153,992 167,381 27,948 30,387 118,041 93,655 128,417 101,288 21,792 24,262 2,594 2,867 8,003 8,577 178,350 191,785 168,040 180,806 10,310 10,979 1946—June 29 Dec. 31 20,270 20,529 4,539 4,562 163,485 158,366 31,570 35,765 122,740 113,110 95,911 86,558 23,783 23,350 3,046 3,202 9,175 9,491 188,294 183,457 176,215 171,657 12,079 11,800 1947_j U ne 30 Dec. 31 21,266 22,754 4,552 4,562 156,297 160,832 38,373 43,023 107,873 107,086 82,679 81,199 21,872 22,559 3,322 3,328 10,051 10,723 182,115 188,148 169,234 175,348 12,882 12,800 1948—Jan. 28 Feb. 25 Mar. 31, Apr. 28 May 26 June 30 July 28 Aug. 25 Sept. 29 Oct. 27 Nov. 24 Dec. 31 22,900 23,000 23,100 23,200 23,300 23,532 23,700 23,700 23,900 24,000 24,200 24,244 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,565 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,589 160,700 158,700 156,800 157,200 157,600 157,958 158,600 159,200 159,500 160,000 159,900 160,457 43,200 43,600 43,900 44,000 44,700 45,299 45,500 46,100 47,100 47,300 48,000 48,341 106,700 104,400 101,800 102,100 101,800 101,451 101,800 101,800 100,800 101,400 100,600 100,694 81,400 80,000 77,600 78,300 77,900 76,774 77,300 77,000 74,200 74,900 74,300 74,097 22,000 21,000 20,900 20,400 20,600 21,366 21,200 21,500 23,300 23,200 23,000 23,333 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,300 3,300 3,311 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,264 10,800 10,800 11,200 11,200 11,100 11,208 11,300 11,400 11,500 11,300 11,300 11,422 188,200 186,300 184,500 185,000 185,500 186,055 186,900 187,500 187,900 188,600 188,600 189,290 175,200 173,700 171,500 171,600 172,200 172,857 173,400 174,000 174,500 175,100 175,200 176,121 13,000 12,600 13,100 13,300 13,300 13,200 13,500 13,500 13,400 13,500 13,400 13,168 1949—Jan. 26 Feb. 23. Mar. 30 Apr. 27, May 25 June 30 July 27 Aug. 31 Sept. 28 Oct. 26 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,466 24,500 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,500 24,427 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,597 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,598 159,400 158,700 157,300 156,800 156,200 156,491 156,500 158,700 159,800 160,300 160,700 162,681 48,200 47,800 48,100 47,100 46,700 47,148 46,500 47,200 47,900 48,100 49,000 49,604 99,900 99,500 97,700 98,100 97,800 97,428 97,800 99,100 99,300 99,600 99,100 100,456 74,600 73,900 72,600 73,600 74,800 74,877 76,100 78,300 78,300 79,100 78,300 78,433 22,000 22,400 21,800 21,200 19,700 19,343 18,500 17,500 17,900 17,400 17,700 18,885 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,200 3,208 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,100 3,100 3,138 11,300 11,400 11,500 11,600 11,700 11,915 12,300 12,500 12,600 12,600 12,600 12,621 188,200 187,600 186,200 185,700 185,100 185,554 185,700 187,900 189,000 189,500 189,800 191,706 174,900 174,400 172,600 172,000 171,300 171,602 171,500 173,800 174,400 174,900 175,300 177,313 13,400 13,200 13,600 13,700 13,800 13,952 14,200 14,200 14,500 14,600 14,500 14,392 1950—Jan. 25 Feb. 21 Mar. 29 Apr. 26 May 31 June 30 July 26 Aug. 30, Sept. 27, Oct. 25 Nov. 29 Dec. 30 24,400 24,300 24,200 24,200 24,200 24,231 24,200 23,800 23,500 23,300 23,000 22,706 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,607 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,636 162,500 161,900 161,700 162,000 162,600 164,348 164,300 165,800 166,800 167,700 168,700 171,667 49,400 49,700 50,400 50,600 51,000 51,999 53,100 54,500 56,300 57,500 59,100 60,366 100,400 99,300 98,000 97,900 98,100 98,709 97,500 97,200 96,000 95,800 95,200 96,560 79,500 78,600 77,400 77,100 77,700 77,320 76,400 75,600 73,800 73,600 72,700 72,894 17,800 17,600 17,500 17,600 17,400 18,331 18,000 18,600 19,400 19,200 19,600 20,778 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,058 3,000 3,000 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,888 12,700 12,900 13,300 13,500 13,500 13,640 13,800 14,200 14,500 14,400 14,500 14,741 191,600 190,800 190,500 190,800 191,400 193,186 193,100 194,200 194,900 195,600 196,400 199,009 177,100 176,200 176,000 176,100 176,700 178,568 178,200 179,200 179,900 180,100 181,000 184,385 14,400 14,600 14,600 14,600 14,700 14,618 14,900 15,000 14,900 15,500 15,300 14,624 1951—Jan. 31 Feb. 28, Mar. 28, Apr. 25, May 30, June 30. July 25, Aug. 29. Sept. 26. Oct. 31 Nov. 28. Dec. 31. 22,400 22,100 21,900 21,800 21,800 21,756 21,800 21,800 22,000 22,200 22,300 22,695 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,655 4,700 4,700 4,700 4,700 4,700 4,709 170,500 170,700 172,100 172,100 171,300 173,447 173,300 174,300 176,400 178,300 179,400 181,323 60,600 61,500 62,500 62,600 62,900 63,821 63,400 64,000 65,000 65,800 66,500 67,597 95,200 94,500 94,700 94,600 93,500 94,450 94,600 95,000 95,900 97,000 97,400 97,808 70,800 69,800 69,300 68,900 68,400 68,726 68,900 69,200 69,700 70,800 71,500 71,343 21,500 21,900 22,600 22,900 22,300 22,982 23,100 23,100 23,500 23,600 23,200 23,801 2,900 2,900 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,742 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,664 14,700 14,800 14,900 15,000 14,900 15,176 15,300 15,300 15,400 15,500 15,500 15,918 197,500 197,500 198,600 198,600 197,700 199,858 199,700 200,700 203,000 205,200 206,400 208,727 182,500 182,600 183,700 183,600 182,900 185,038 184,500 185,200 187,300 189,200 190,500 193,410 15,100 14,800 14,900 15,000 14,800 14,820 15,200 15,500 15,700 16,000 15,900 15,317 14 SYSTEM, MONEY SUPPLY, AND RELATED DEPOSITS, 1941-60 — Continued of dollars] Related deposits (not seasonally adjusted) Money supply Seasonally adjusted Total Currency outsiae Demand deposits adjusted Time Not seasonally adjusted U.S . Government Foreign, net Treasury cash holdings At commercial and savings banks At F.R. banks 1,303 1,313 1,949 1,498 2,275 2,215 753 1,895 980 867 . .June 30—1941 . .Dec. 31 10,395 10,664 1,315 1,415 1,624 1,615 2,187 2,191 1,837 8,402 290 799 . .June 30—1942 . .Dec. 31 17,543 19,224 11,141 11,738 1,576 1,786 1,928 2,265 2,268 2,303 8,048 10,424 455 579 . .June 30—1943 ..Dec. 31 35 720 39,790 21,217 24,074 12 471 13,376 2,032 2,340 2,433 2,157 2,296 2,375 19 506 20,763 650 440 June 30—1944 . .Dec. 30 69,053 75,851 44 253 48*452 27 170 30,135 14 426 15,385 2 657 2,932 2,378 2,141 2 279 2,287 24 381 24,608 599 977 . .June 30—1945 '. .Dec. 31 Currency outside Demand deposits adjusted 45,521 48,607 8,204 9,615 52,806 62,868 Total Commercial banks Mutual savings banks Postal Savings System 37,317 38,992 27,879 27,729 15,928 15,884 10,648 10,532 10,936 13,946 41,870 48,922 27,320 28,431 15,610 16,352 71,853 79,640 15,814 18,837 56,039 60,803 30,260 32,748 80 946 90,435 20,881 23,505 60 065 66,930 94,150 102*341 25,097 26,490 Total Date 106,800 107,600 26,700 26,300 80,100 81,300 105,992 110,044 26,516 26,730 79,476 83,314 51,829 53,960 32,429 33,808 16,281 16,869 3,119 3,283 1,894 1,885 2,251 2,272 13,416 3,103 833 393 ..June 29-1946 . .Dec. 31 109,300 110,500 26,200 26,100 83,100 84,400 108,485 113,597 26,299 26,476 82,186 87,121 55,655 56,411 34,835 35,249 17,428 17,746 3,392 3,416 1,657 1,682 1,314 1,336 1,367 1,452 756 870 ..June 30-1947 ..Dec. 31 110,800 110,600 110,500 109,500 109,500 109,600 109,400 109,600 109,400 109,900 109,300 109,000 25,900 25,800 25,800 25,600 25,500 25,500 25,600 25,500 25,600 25,600 25,400 25,300 84,900 84,800 84,700 83,900 84,000 84,100 83,800 84,100 83,800 84,300 83,900 83,700 112,400 110,300 107,100 108,100 108,200 108,335 108,800 109,400 109,600 110,800 111,100 111,599 25,800 25,700 25,600 25,400 25,400 25,638 25,500 25,600 25,700 25,700 25,900 26,079 86,600 84,600 81,500 82,700 82,800 82,697 83,300 83,800 83,900 85,100 85,200 85,520 56,500 56,900 56,900 56,900 56,900 57,360 57,300 57,300 57,300 57,300 57,000 57,520 35,200 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,500 35,788 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,700 35,500 35,804 17,900 17,900 18,000 18,000 18,100 18,194 18,200 18,200 18,300 18,300 18,200 18,387 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,378 3,400 3,400 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,329 1,700 1,800 1,800 1,600 1,600 1,727 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,900 2,103 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,327 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,325 1,300 1,800 2,400 2,500 2,400 2,180 2,400 2,400 2,800 2,300 2,200 2,451 1,900 1,700 >,000 1,200 1,800 1,928 1,800 1,900 1,700 1,500 1,700 1,123 ..Jan. ..Feb. ..Mar. . .Apr. ..May ..June ..July ..Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. ..Nov. . .Dec. 109,000 108,800 108,800 108,700 108,800 108,500 108,800 108,700 108,300 108,300 108,500 108,400 25,300 25,200 25,300 25,100 25,100 25,000 24,900 25,000 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,600 83,700 83,600 83,500 83,600 83,700 83,500 83,900 83,700 83,500 83,500 83,700 83,800 110,500 108,500 106,100 107,400 107,400 107,143 108,000 108,500 108,000 109,300 110,100 111,165 25,200 25,100 25,100 24,900 25,000 25,266 24,900 25,100 24,900 24,900 25,100 25,415 85,400 83,400 81,100 82,400 82,500 81,877 83,100 83,400 83,100 84,300 85,000 85,750 57,600 57,800 58,000 58,100 58,200 58,483 58,400 58,400 58,400 58,400 58,000 58,616 35,800 35,900 36,000 36,100 36,100 36,292 36,200 36,100 36,100 36,100 35,800 36,146 18,500 18,600 18,700 18,700 18,800 18,932 19,000 19,000 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,273 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,259 3,300 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,197 2,200 2,200 2,100 2,000 1,800 1,927 1,900 1,900 1,900 2,000 2,100 2,150 ,300 ,300 1,300 ,300 ,300 1,307 1,300 1,300 ,300 ,300 1,300 1,312 2,000 3,000 3,400 2,100 1,900 2,304 1,500 3,100 3,700 3,600 3,200 3,249 1,100 ,600 ,700 1,100 700 438 400 600 1,200 400 500 821 ..Jan. 26-1949 ..Feb. 23 ..Mar. 30 . .Apr. 27 ..May 25 ..June 30 ..July 27 . .Aug. 31 . . Sept. 28 ..Oct. 26 ..Nov. 30 ..Dec. 31 109,100 109,200 109,400 110,300 111,000 111,300 111,800 112,600 112,800 113,100 113,600 114,600 24,600 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,700 24,400 24,500 24,400 24,600 24,600 24,600 84,500 84,400 84,600 85,500 86,200 86,600 87,400 88,100 88,400 88,500 89,000 90,000 111,000 109,200 107,800 108,900 109,700 110,225 110,900 111,900 112,500 113,800 115,200 117,670 24,500 24,700 24,600 24,600 24,700 25,185 24,400 24,500 24,500 24,600 24,900 25,398 86,400 84,500 83,200 84,300 85,000 85,040 86,500 87,400 88,000 89,200 90,300 92,272 58,700 59,000 59,300 59,500 59,500 59,739 59,400 59,100 59,000 59,000 58,700 59,246 36,100 36,300 36,500 36,600 36,600 36,719 36,400 36,200 36,200 36,200 35,900 36,314 19,400 19,500 19,700 19,700 19,800 19,923 19,900 19,800 19,900 19,900 19,800 20,009 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,100 3,097 3,100 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,900 2,923 2,200 2,200 2,300 2,400 2,400 2,555 2,500 2,400 2,300 2,500 2,300 2,518 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,298 1,300 ,300 ,300 ,300 ,300 : ,293 3,300 4,200 4,300 3,200 3,200 3,801 3,600 3,800 3,600 3,100 3,000 2,989 500 400 1,000 800 600 950 500 700 1,100 400 600 668 ..Jan. ..Feb. ..Mar. . .Apr. ..May ..June ..July ..Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. ..Nov. ..Dec. 25-1950 21 29 26 31 30 26 30 27 25 29 30 114,200 115,200 115,100 115,600 115,600 115,900 116,800 117,400 117,800 119,100 120,400 120,200 24,700 24,700 24,600 24,800 24,800 25,100 25,200 25,300 25,300 25,400 25,500 25,400 89,500 90,500 90,500 90,800 90,800 90,800 91,600 92,100 92,500 93,700 94,900 94,800 116,200 115,300 113,400 114,100 114,400 114,736 115,800 116,700 117,400 120,700 122,100 124,549 24,600 24,600 24,400 24,600 24,900 25,776 25,100 25,300 25,400 25,700 25,800 26,315 91,600 90,600 89,000 89,500 89,500 88,960 90,700 91,400 92,000 95,000 96,300 98,234 59,000 59,000 59,100 59,200 59,300 59,948 60,000 60,300 60,500 60,900 60,600 61,450 36,100 36,100 36,200 36,300 36,300 36,781 36,800 37,100 37,200 37,500 37,300 37,859 20,000 20,000 20,100 20,200 20,200 20,382 20,400 20,500 20,600 20,700 20,600 20,887 2,900 2,900 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,785 2,800 2,800 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,704 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,500 2,500 2,424 2,400 2,300 2,200 2,100 2,100 2,279 ,300 ,300 ,300 ,300 ,300 ,281 ,300 ,300 ,300 ,300 ,300 1,270 2,800 4,200 6,400 5,800 4,800 6,332 4,600 4,100 5,100 3,700 3,800 3,615 800 500 1,100 700 600 317 400 600 800 500 500 247 ..Jan. ..Feb. . Mar. .Apr. .May .June .July .Aug. .Sept. .Oct. .Nov. .Dec. 31-1951 28 28 25 30 30 25 29 26 31 28 31 15 28-1948 25 31 28 26 30 28 25 29 27 24 31 1. CONSOLIDATED CONDITION STATEMENT FOR BANKS AND THE MONETARY [Single-date figures; in millions Liabilities and capital Assets Total assets, Bank credit Date Gold Treasury currency outstanding net— Total U.S. Government obligations Total Loans, net Total Commercial Federal and Reserve savings Banks banks Other Other securities liabilities and capital, net Total deposits and currency Capital and misc. accounts, net 1952—Jan. 30 Feb. 27 Mar. 26 Apr. 30 M a y 28 June 30 July 30 Aug. 27 Sept. 24 Oct. 29 Nov. 26 Dec. 31 22,900 23,100 23,300 23,300 23,300 23,346 23,400 23,300 23,300 23,300 23,300 23,187 4,700 4,700 4,700 4,700 4,700 4,754 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,812 179,900 179,300 180,100 179,900 180,600 182,980 185,300 185,300 186,500 188,900 191,500 192,866 66,700 67,000 67,700 68,100 68,500 69,712 70,000 70,500 71,600 72,900 74,300 75,484 97,300 96,200 96,100 95,200 95,300 96,266 98,100 97,300 97,600 98,600 99,900 100,008 71,800 71,100 70,900 70,200 70,500 70,783 72,700 71,700 71,300 72,400 73,600 72,740 22,800 22,600 22,500 22,400 22,300 22,906 22,800 23,100 23,700 23,600 23,800 24,697 2,700 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,577 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,571 15,900 16,100 16,400 16,600 16,800 17,002 17,200 17,500 17,400 17,300 17,300 17,374 207,600 207,200 208,200 207,900 208,700 211,080 213,400 213,400 214,600 217,000 219,600 220,865 191,600 191,500 192,300 192,200 192,900 194,960 197,200 197,000 197,900 199,900 202,700 204,220 15,900 15,700 15,900 15,700 15,800 16,120 16,100 16,400 16,700 17,100 16,900 16,647 1953_Jan. 28 Feb. 25 Mar. 25 Apr. 29 M a y 27 June 30 July 29 Aug. 26 Sept. 30 Oct. 28 Nov. 25 Dec. 31 23,000 22,700 22,600 22,600 22,500 22,463 22,300 22,200 22,100 22,100 22,000 22,030 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,854 4,900 4,900 4,900 4,900 4,900 4,894 191,200 190,300 190,200 189,000 188,900 190,277 195,500 195,400 195,900 196,700 198,200 199,791 74,900 75,000 76,000 76,500 76,600 77,071 77,400 77,700 78,400 79,100 79,500 80,486 98,800 97,800 96,400 94,700 94,400 95,350 100,200 99,600 99,300 99,500 100,400 100,935 72,300 71,400 70,000 68,400 67,800 68,108 72,700 72,100 71,600 71,700 73,000 72,610 24,000 23,900 23,900 23,800 24,100 24,746 25,000 25,000 25,200 25,300 25,000 25,916 2,600 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,496 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,400 2,400 2,409 17,500 17,500 17,800 17,800 17,800 17,856 18,000 18,200 18,200 18,200 18,200 18,370 219,000 217,800 217,600 216,400 216,200 217,594 222,700 222,500 222,900 223,700 225,100 226,715 202,100 201,000 200,600 199,100 199,100 200,360 205,100 204,800 204,900 205,500 207,100 209,175 16,900 16,800 17,000 17,300 17,200 17,234 17,600 17,700 18,000 18,100 18,000 17,538 1954—Jan. 27 Feb. 24 Mar. 31 Apr. 28 M a y 26 June 30 July 28 Aug. 25 Sept. 29 Oct. 27 Nov. 24 Dec. 31 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 21,927 21,900 21,900 21,800 21,800 21,700 21,713 4,900 4,900 4,900 4,900 5,000 4,959 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,985 198,000 197,300 196,100 197,200 198,800 200,628 200,600 202,500 204,000 207,700 209,700 210,988 79,100 79,300 80,300 79,900 80,100 81,210 80,800 80,200 81,400 81,900 83,900 85,730 100,400 99,100 96,800 98,200 99,400 99,827 100,000 102,300 102,400 105,600 105,600 104,819 73,400 72,200 69,800 71,200 72,400 72,525 73,300 76,200 76,200 79,000 78,900 77,728 24,700 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,700 25,037 24,500 23,900 24,000 24,400 24,600 24,932 2,400 2,400 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,265 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,159 18,500 18,900 19,000 19,200 19,300 19,591 19,800 19,900 20,200 20,300 20,300 20,439 224,900 224,100 223,000 224,100 225,800 227,514 227,500 229,300 230,800 234,400 236,400 237,686 207,100 206,200 205,100 206,200 207,600 209,354 209,100 210,500 211,800 215,400 217,200 218,882 17,800 17,900 17,800 17,900 18,200 18,161 18,400 18,800 19,000 19,100 19,200 18,806 1955—Jan. 26 Feb. 23 Mar. 30 Apr. 27 M a y 25 June 30 July 27 Aug. 31 Sept. 28 Oct. 26 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 21,700 21,700 21,700 21,700 21,700 21,678 21,700 21,700 21,700 21,700 21,700 21,690 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,002 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,008 209,600 208,200 207,000 209,100 209,100 209,872 211,400 211,100 211,900 214,000 214,400 217,437 85,200 85,800 87,100 87,900 89,000 91,349 92,000 93,200 94,600 95,800 97,800 100,031 103,600 101,400 98,700 100,100 99,300 97,572 98,600 96,900 96,400 97,300 96,000 96,736 77,800 75,600 73,000 74,400 73,700 71,947 72,400 71,200 70,700 71,400 69,800 70,052 23,700 23,700 23,600 23,600 23,500 23,607 24,100 23,800 23,700 24,000 24,300 24,785 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,000 2,018 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,900 1,900 1,899 20,900 21,000 21,200 21,200 20,900 20,951 20,900 20,900 20,900 20,800 20,600 20,670 236,300 234,900 233,700 235,800 235,800 236,552 238,100 237,800 238,600 240,700 241,100 244,135 217,500 216,000 214,500 216,900 216,600 217,595 218,800 218,200 218,800 220,700 221,200 224,943 18,800 18,900 19,100 18,900 19,200 18,956 19,300 19,600 19,800 20,000 19,900 19,193 1956—Jan. 25 Feb. 29 Mar. 28, Apr. 25. M a y 30, June 30. July 25. Aug. 29. Sept. 26, Oct. 31 Nov. 28, Dec. 31. 21,700 21,700 21,700 21,700 21,800 21,799 21,800 21,900 21,900 21,900 21,900 21,949 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,032 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,100 5,100 5,066 214,200 213,100 214,900 214,900 214,700 216,563 214,900 217,000 218,000 218,900 220,800 223,742 98,900 99,400 101,600 102,500 103,300 105,420 104,900 105,500 106,700 107,300 108,200 110,120 94,800 93,000 92,600 91,700 91,000 90,511 89,700 90,900 90,500 91,000 92,200 93,161 69,400 67,600 67,100 66,600 65,700 64,917 64,500 65,400 65,200 65,500 66,200 66,523 23,500 23,500 23,600 23,300 23,400 23,758 23,400 23,700 23,600 23,800 24,300 24,915 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 [,836 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,700 1,723 20,600 20,700 20,700 20,700 20,500 20,632 20,400 20,600 20,800 20,500 20,400 20,461 240,900 239,800 241,700 241,700 241,500 243,394 241,800 243,900 244,900 245,800 247,800 250,757 221,000 219,900 221,600 221,200 221,200 223,585 221,400 223,000 224,000 224,800 227,000 230,510 19,900 20,000 20,100 20,500 20,300 19,807 20,400 20,900 20,900 21,000 20,700 20,246 1957_Jan. 30. Feb. 27. Mar. 27. Apr. 24. M a y 29. June 26. July 31. Aug. 28. Sept. 25. Oct. 30. Nov. 27. Dec. 31. 22,300 22,300 22,300 22,300 22,600 22,600 22,600 22,600 22,600 22,700 22,800 22,781 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,146 219,300 218,100 219,000 221,700 221,600 222,200 222,700 223,200 223,600 225,200 224,800 229,470 108,000 108,200 109,600 110,400 110,700 113,000 112,200 112,700 113,400 113,000 113,000 115,157 90,800 89,400 88,500 90,200 89,600 87,800 89,000 88,900 88,400 89,700 89,400 91,370 65,700 64,800 63,800 65,400 65,000 63,400 64,100 64,000 63,700 65,000 64,500 65,792 23,400 22,900 23,100 23,200 23,000 22,900 23,400 23,300 23,200 23,200 23,600 24,238 1,700 1,700 1,700 [,600 1,600 1,600 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,400 1,340 20,400 20,600 20,900 21,100 21,400 21,400 21,400 21,600 21,800 22,500 22,400 22,943 246,600 245,500 246,400 249,200 249,400 249,900 250,400 250,900 251,300 253,000 252,700 257,397 226,400 225,100 225,400 228,200 228,200 229,100 229,300 229,000 229,500 231,100 231,000 236,372 20,300 20,500 20,900 20,900 21,200 20,900 21,100 21,900 21,900 21,900 21,700 21,023 16 SYSTEM, MONEY SUPPLY, AND RELATED DEPOSITS, 1941-60 — Continued of dollars] Money supply Seasonally adjusted Total DeCurmand rency deposits outside adbanks justed Related deposits (not seasonally adjusted) Not seasonally adjusted Total u.s. Government Time DeCurmand rency deposits outside adbanks justed Total Commercia banks ForMutua Postal eign, savings Savings net Sysbanks tem Treasury cash holdings At commercial and savings banks Date At F.R. banks 121,100 121,300 121,900 122,000 122,900 123,300 123,000 123,500 123,900 124,100 125,000 124,100 25,700 25,700 25,900 26,100 26,200 26,100 26,300 26,300 26,500 26,600 26,800 27,000 95,400 95,600 96,000 95,900 96,700 97,200 96,700 97,200 97,400 97,500 98,200 97,100 123,500 121,400 120,500 121,100 121,300 121,228 121,900 122,100 122,900 125,300 126,800 129,002 25,600 25,600 25,700 25,900 26,000 26,474 26,200 26,300 26,600 26,700 27,400 27,494 97,900 95,700 94,800 95,100 95,300 94,754 95,700 95,800 96,400 98,600 99,400 101,508 61,700 62,000 62,400 62,700 63,000 63,676 63,800 64,100 64,500 64,900 64,800 65,799 38,000 38,200 38,500 38,600 38,900 39,302 39,400 39,600 39,800 40,100 40,000 40,666 21,000 21,100 21,300 21,400 21,600 21,755 21,900 22,000 22,200 22,200 22,300 22,586 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,600 2,619 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,547 2,100 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,300 2,319 2,600 2,600 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,501 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,283 1,300 [,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,270 2,800 3,900 5,800 4,500 4,400 6,121 7,000 6,200 6,500 5,300 7,000 5,259 200 700 (5) 500 600 333 600 700 300 600 300 389 ..Jan. 30-1952 ..Feb. 27 ..Mar. 26 . .Apr. 30 ..May 28 ..June 30 ..July 30 . .Aug. 27 ..Sept. 24 ..Oct. 29 ..Nov. 26 . .Dec. 31 124,900 125,200 125,700 126,000 126,100 125,800 125,700 126,200 126,100 126,900 126,300 126,600 26,900 27,000 27,100 27,200 27,200 27,200 27,300 27,300 27,400 27,400 27,300 27,300 98,000 98,200 98,600 98,800 98,900 98,600 98,400 98,900 98,700 99,500 99,000 99,300 127,300 125,200 124,200 125,000 124,500 124,267 124,600 124,800 125,100 127,600 128,100 130,542 26,800 26,900 26,900 27,000 27,000 27,369 27,200 27,300 27,500 27,400 27,900 28,091 100,500 98,300 97,400 98,000 97,500 96,898 97,400 97,500 97,700 100,300 100,200 102,451 66,100 66,400 66,800 67,200 67,600 68,293 68,400 68,700 69,100 69,600 69,300 70,375 40,700 41,000 41,200 41,500 41,700 42,245 42,300 42,500 42,800 43,200 42,900 43,659 22,800 22,900 23,100 23,300 23,400 23,589 23,700 23,800 24,000 24,100 24,000 24,358 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,459 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,359 2,500 2,300 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,467 2,500 2,400 2,500 2,600 2,700 2,694 1,300 ,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,259 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 800 761 4,200 5,400 5,800 2,900 2,900 3,942 7,500 7,000 6,200 3,800 5,700 4,457 700 400 (5) 400 400 132 800 700 600 600 500 346 ..Jan. 28-1953 ..Feb. 25 ..Mar. 25 ..Apr. 29 ..May 27 . .June 30 ..July 29 . .Aug. 26 ..Sept. 30 ..Oct. 28 ..Nov. 25 . .Dec. 31 126,500 126,500 126,700 126,300 127,100 126,900 127,900 127,700 129,000 129,200 129,600 130,000 27,000 27,000 27,100 26,900 27,000 26,900 26,900 26,900 26,800 26,900 26,800 26,900 99,500 99,500 99,600 99,400 100,100 100,000 101,000 100,800 102,200 102,300 102,800 103,100 129,200 126,400 123,600 125,300 125,500 125,225 126,800 126,300 128,100 130,000 131,400 134,402 26,900 26,900 26,900 26,700 26,800 27,093 26,800 26,900 26,900 26,900 27,500 27,852 102,300 99,600 96,700 98,600 98,700 98,132 100,000 99,400 101,200 103,100 104,000 106,550 70,600 71,000 71,700 72,000 72,500 73,292 73,700 74,000 74,400 74,800 74,300 75,282 43,700 44,000 44,500 44,700 45,000 45,653 46,000 46,200 46,400 46,700 46,300 46,844 24,600 24,700 24,900 25,000 25,200 25,388 25,500 25,600 25,800 25,900 25,900 26,302 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,251 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,136 2,800 2,900 3,000 3,100 3,100 3,256 3,400 3,400 3,300 3,200 3,200 3,329 800 800 800 800 800 811 800 800 800 800 800 796 3,400 4,500 5,400 4,500 5,100 5,895 3,900 5,500 4,400 6,100 6,900 4,510 200 500 700 500 500 875 500 600 800 600 500 563 ..Jan. 27-1954 ..Feb. 24 ..Mar. 31 . .Apr. 28 ..May 26 ..June 30 ..July 28 . .Aug. 25 ..Sept. 29 ..Oct. 27 ..Nov. 24 ..Dec. 31 131,100 131,300 131,500 131,700 132,100 132,100 132,000 132,600 133,200 132,800 133,100 133,500 27,000 26,900 26,900 26,900 27,000 27,000 27,100 27,200 27,200 27,300 27,500 27,400 104,100 104,400 104,600 104,800 105,100 105,100 104,900 105,400 106,000 105,500 105,600 106,100 133,800 131,300 129,100 131,100 130,200 130,609 131,000 131,200 132,100 133,500 134,800 138,199 26,800 26,800 26,700 26,700 26,800 27,375 27,100 27,300 27,200 27,300 27,900 28,285 107,000 104,500 102,400 104,500 103,300 103,234 103,900 103,900 104,900 106,100 106,900 109,914 75,400 75,700 76,200 76,200 76,500 77,129 77,100 77,400 77,700 77,900 77,400 78,378 46,800 47,000 47,200 47,200 47,400 47,846 47,700 48,000 48,100 48,200 47,700 48,359 26,500 26,600 26,900 26,900 27,100 27,277 27,400 27,500 27,700 27,800 27,800 28,129 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,100 2,000 2,007 2,000 2,000 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,890 3,200 3,100 3,200 3,100 3,200 3,247 3,300 3,100 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,167 800 800 800 800 800 812 800 800 800 800 800 767 3,800 4,600 4,400 5,000 5,500 5,418 6,100 5,200 4,500 4,900 4,500 4,038 400 600 900 600 400 380 500 400 500 500 500 394 ..Jan. 26-1955 ..Feb. 23 ..Mar. 30 . .Apr. 27 ..May 25 ..June 30 ..July 27 ..Aug. 31 .. Sept. 28 ..Oct. 26 ..Nov. 30 . .Dec. 31 133,200 132,900 133,500 133,600 133,300 134,200 133,200 133,400 133,900 133,600 134,500 134,500 27,300 27,400 27,400 27,200 27,300 27,500 27,400 27,400 27,400 27,500 27,500 27,400 105,900 105,500 106,100 106,400 106,000 106,700 105,800 106,000 106,500 106,100 107,000 107,100 136,000 132,800 131,500 133,100 131,600 133,028 132,700 131,900 132,800 135,100 136,300 139,726 27,100 27,200 27,200 27,000 27,400 28,284 27,400 27,500 27,400 27,700 28,000 28,335 108,900 105,600 104,400 106,100 104,200 104,744 105,200 104,500 105,400 107,400 108,300 111,391 78,400 78,800 79,300 79,300 79,600 80,615 80,700 80,900 81,300 81,500 80,900 82,224 48,300 48,500 48,800 48,800 49,000 49,698 49,700 49,900 50,100 50,200 49,600 50,577 28,300 28,400 28,600 28,700 28,900 29,152 29,200 29,300 29,500 29,600 29,600 30,000 1,900 ,800 ,800 ,800 ,800 ,765 ,700 1,700 ,700 1,700 1,700 1,647 3,100 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,115 3,100 3,100 3,200 3,100 3,400 3,306 800 800 800 800 800 768 800 800 800 800 800 775 2,300 4,000 6,500 4,400 5,800 5,537 3,600 5,800 5,400 3,800 5,200 4,038 500 600 500 600 400 522 600 500 600 500 500 441 ..Jan. 25-1956 ..Feb. 29 ..Mar. 28 . .Apr. 25 ..May 30 ..June 30 ..July 25 . .Aug. 29 ..Sept. 26 ..Oct. 31 ..Nov. 28 ..Dec. 31 134,800 134,700 134,500 134,600 134,200 135,100 135,000 134,300 134,300 133,800 133,600 133,600 27,600 27,600 27,600 27,600 27,800 27,800 27,800 27,700 27,800 27,700 27,700 27,800 107,200 107,100 106,900 107,000 106,400 107,300 107,200 106,600 106,500 106,100 105,900 105,800 136,900 134,400 132,600 134,700 132,700 133,300 134,300 132,900 133,300 134,900 135,700 138,555 27,400 27,400 27,400 27,400 27,900 27,800 27,800 27,800 27,800 27,800 28,500 28,301 109,500 107,000 105,200 107,300 104,800 105,600 106,600 105,100 105,500 107,200 107,200 110,254 82,900 83,600 84,600 84,900 85,700 86,400 86,700 87,100 87,700 88,100 87,600 89,126 51,200 51,800 52,600 52,900 53,600 54,000 54,400 54,700 55,100 55,500 55,000 56,139 30,100 30,200 30,400 30,400 30,600 30,900 30,900 31,000 31,200 31,300 31,300 31,662 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,300 1,325 3,100 3,100 3,100 3,200 3,200 3,400 3,300 3,200 3,300 3,300 3,200 3,270 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 761 1,900 2,800 3,800 4,400 5,300 4,800 3,700 4,400 3,900 3,500 3,300 4,179 600 300 500 300 500 500 500 500 600 500 400 481 ..Jan .30-1957 ..Feb. 27 ..Mar. 27 ..Apr. 24 ..May 29 . .June 26 ..July 31 ..Aug. 28 ..Sept. 25 ..Oct. 30 ..Nov. 27 . .Dec. 31 17 1. CONSOLIDATED CONDITION STATEMENT FOR BANKS AND THE MONETARY [Single-date figures; in millions Assets Liabilities and capital Bank credit Treasury Date Gold currency outstanding U.S. Government obligations Total net Total Commercial and savings banks 21,800 22,100 22,200 22,500 22,800 22,880 23,200 24,100 23,900 24,100 23,800 22,829 249,600 247,100 246,700 249,800 249,400 249,400 251,400 251,100 252,100 251,700 251,100 256,020 23,500 23,900 23,900 23,700 24,300 24,200 24,200 25,000 24,800 24,900 25,200 24,186 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 25,800 25,700 25,700 25,600 25,400 25,500 25,700 25,600 25,700 26,000 25,900 26,617 274,900 273,000 272,400 275,600 275,400 277,200 279,200 279,500 282,400 284,700 285,000 289,947 250,500 248,000 247,300 250,200 249,300 251,000 252,900 252,200 255,100 257,500 257,000 263,165 24,400 25,000 25,100 25,300 26,000 26,200 26,300 27,300 27,300 27,200 28,000 26,783 91,300 89,200 87,300 89,000 88,500 87,900 90,800 90,800 91,800 94,600 94,900 95,461 64,800 63,000 61,100 62,600 61,800 60,800 63,200 63,100 64,200 66,800 66,600 67,242 25,400 25,200 25,300 25,500 25,700 26,200 26,700 26,800 26,800 27,000 27,500 27,384 I960—Jan. 27 Feb. 24 Mar. 30, Apr. 27 M a y 25 June 29 July 27 Aug. 31 Sept. 28 Oct. 26 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 19,500 19,400 19,400 19,400 19,400 19,300 19,200 19,000 18,700 18,500 17,900 17,767 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,398 18 counts, 231,800 232,500 235,500 239,200 238,900 244,131 241,900 243,400 242,600 245,100 248,200 252,022 133,000 133,400 134,600 136,200 136,800 139,100 138,200 138,700 140,800 140,200 140,900 144,704 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,311 currency 253,500 254,600 257,700 261,600 261,700 267,011 265,100 267,400 266,500 269,200 272,000 274,850 273,100 271,000 270,600 273,500 273,700 273,600 275,700 276,100 276,900 276,600 276,300 280,202 250,200 248,300 247,600 250,800 250,700 252,500 254,700 255,100 258,300 260,900 261,700 266,782 20,500 20,500 20,400 20,300 20,200 19,800 19,600 19,600 19,500 19,500 19,600 19,456 ac- capital, 23,100 23,500 24,300 24,800 25,000 25,760 25,500 25,800 26,300 26,200 26,000 26,273 26,000 26,100 26,300 26,600 26,400 26,300 26,300 26,200 26,500 26,200 25,900 26,071 74,900 72,900 70,600 71,000 70,000 68,200 68,400 67,600 66,500 66,600 65,400 65,801 1959—Jan. 28 Feb. 25 Mar. 25 Apr. 29 M a y 27 June 24 July 29 Aug. 26 Sept. 30 Oct. 28 Nov. 25, Dec. 31 65,200 65,800 67,100 70,300 70,600 71,611 71,600 73,500 72,100 73,500 75,000 73,641 and [,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 [,238 1,300 1,300 [,200 1,200 1,200 1,219 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,200 1,200 1,200 ,100 ,100 ,100 ,100 [,100 1,048 247,300 245,300 244,900 247,900 248,300 248,500 250,700 251,200 252,100 251,800 251,400 255,435 225,600 226,700 230,000 234,400 234,900 240,451 238,600 241,100 240,400 243,300 246,200 249,082 and misc. and Other 23,400 23,400 23,500 23,700 24,100 25,000 24,900 25,200 24,900 25,400 25,800 26,347 25,400 25,300 25,500 25,600 25,900 25,900 26,500 26,500 26,600 26,400 26,700 26,648 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,204 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,234 Capital Federal Reserve Banks 89,900 90,500 91,900 95,300 95,900 97,849 97,800 100,000 98,200 100,100 102,000 101,207 101,500 99,400 97,200 97,800 97,100 95,200 96,000 95,200 94,100 94,000 93,100 93,497 22,800 22,700 22,500 22,000 21,600 21,356 21,200 21,100 20,900 20,700 20,600 20,534 Total deposits Other securities 112,500 112,700 113,900 114,400 114,000 116,842 115,400 115,300 115,900 117,000 118,200 121,602 119,800 119,800 121,400 123,500 124,800 126,900 128,400 129,800 131,600 131,500 132,300 135,867 1958—Jan. 29 Feb. 26 Mar. 26 Apr. 30 M a y 28 June 23 July 30 Aug. 27 Sept. 24 Oct. 29 Nov. 26 Dec. 31 Loans, Total assets, net— Total liabilities 900 900 900 900 900 800 835 net net SYSTEM, MONEY SUPPLY, AND RELATED DEPOSITS, 1941-60 — Continued of dollars] M o n e y supply Seasonally adjusted fur Total N o t seasonally adjusted De- curmand rency deposits outside adjusted Related deposits (not seasonally adjusted) Total u.s. Government Time Decurmand rency deposits outside adjusted Total Com- Mutual Postal eign, mercial savings Savings net Sysbanks banks tem For- At Treas- comury mercash cial and holdings savings banks Date At F.R. banks 133,100 133,600 134,000 134,800 135,300 135,300 136,100 136,700 136,900 137,900 138,600 138,800 27,700 27,700 27,700 27,900 27,900 27,800 27,800 27,800 27,800 27,900 28,000 28,100 105,400 105,900 106,300 106,900 107,400 107,500 108,300 108,900 109,100 110,000 110,600 110,700 135,000 133,000 132,000 134,800 133,500 133,959 135,900 135,500 135,900 139,000 140,700 144,247 27,300 27,400 27,400 27,600 27,800 27,790 27,900 28,000 27,900 28,000 28,800 28,740 107,600 105,600 104,600 107,200 105,800 106,169 108,100 107,500 108,100 111,000 111,900 115,507 89,800 90,900 92,500 93,600 94,600 95,524 96,500 97,000 97,200 97,500 96,800 98,306 56,600 57,600 58,800 59,900 60,700 61,473 62,300 62,700 62,700 62,900 62,100 63,166 31,900 32,100 32,400 32,500 32,700 32,837 32,900 33,100 33,300 33,400 33,500 34,006 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,200 1,200 1,214 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,134 3,300 3,700 3,900 4,000 4,000 3,953 4,000 3,900 3,800 3,800 3,700 3,870 800 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 683 2,400 3,800 5,800 5,400 5,700 9,471 4,300 5,800 4,500 3,700 5,900 4,558 500 400 600 600 400 524 600 500 500 500 500 358 ..May 28 ..June 23 ..July 30 . .Aug. 27 ..Sept. 24 ..Oct. 29 ..Nov. 26 ..Dec. 31 139,500 139,600 140,300 140,400 140,600 140,900 141,200 140,900 140,800 140,400 140,100 140,200 28,000 28,000 28,200 28,200 28,200 28,300 28,300 28,300 28,400 28,400 28,300 28,200 111,500 111,600 112,100 112,200 112,400 112,600 112,900 112,600 112,400 112,000 111,800 112,000 141,400 139,000 138,200 140,400 138,900 139,100 141,100 139,600 139,800 141,100 142,200 144,824 27,600 27,700 27,900 27,900 28,100 28,300 28,400 28,500 28,500 28,300 29,100 29,422 113,800 111,300 110,300 112,500 110,700 110,700 112,700 111,100 111,400 112,700 113,100 115,402 98,400 98,700 99,500 99,900 100,400 101,000 100,900 101,200 101,500 101,100 100,300 101,779 63,400 63,700 64,100 64,500 65,000 65,400 65,300 65,600 65,700 65,500 64,800 65,884 33,800 34,000 34,300 34,300 34,400 34,600 34,500 34,600 34,800 34,600 34,600 34,947 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 948 3,800 3,700 3,900 3,700 3,700 3,600 3,400 3,300 3,300 3,100 3,000 3,203 700 700 700 700 700 400 400 400 400 400 400 391 4,800 4,500 3,900 4,600 5,200 4,700 5,000 6,000 6,400 5,500 4,700 5,319 500 500 500 500 500 500 600 500 700 500 400 504 ..Jan. 28-1959 ..Feb. 25 ..Mar. 25 ..Apr. 29 ..May 27 ..June 24 ..July 29 . .Aug. 26 ..Sept. 30 ..Oct. 28 ..Nov. 25 . .Dec. 31 140,000 139,100 139,500 139,400 137,500 138,000 138,600 138,600 138,500 139,900 138,800 139,200 28,300 28,300 28,400 28,200 28,200 28,100 28,300 28,300 28,200 28,400 28,200 28,200 111,700 110,800 111,100 111,200 109,300 109,900 110,300 110,300 110,300 111,500 110,600 111,000 141,900 138,400 136,800 139,400 135,800 136,200 138,400 137,500 137,600 140,500 140,600 144,458 27,900 28,000 28,100 27,900 28,100 28,300 28,400 28,500 28,300 28,300 28,700 29,356 114,000 110,500 108,800 111,500 107,700 107,800 110,100 108,900 109,300 112,200 111,900 115,102 101,000 101,200 102,200 102,300 102,600 103,700 104,200 105,200 106,000 106,700 106,700 108,468 65,200 65,400 66,000 66,200 66,500 67,400 67,900 68,900 69,400 70,000 70,000 71,380 34,900 34,900 35,300 35,200 35,200 35,400 35,500 35,600 35,800 35,900 35,900 36,318 900 900 900 900 900 800 800 800 800 800 800 770 2,800 2,600 2,700 2,800 2,800 2,900 2,800 3,000 2,900 3,100 3,100 3,184 400 500 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 377 3,800 4,800 4,700 4,700 7,200 7,300 6,500 5,700 7,700 6,200 5,600 6,193 600 500 500 600 500 500 500 500 600 500 500 485 ..Jan. 27-1960 ..Feb. 24 ..Mar. 30 . .Apr. 27 ..May 25 ..June 29 ..July 27 ..Aug. 31 ..Sept. 28 ..Oct. 26 ..Nov. 30 . .Dec. 31 19 ..Jan. 29-1958 ..Feb. 26 ..Mar. 26 ..Apr. 30 2. MONEY SUPPLY AND RELATED DATA, 1947-60 [Averages of daily figures; in billions of dollars] Not seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Money supply Money supply Period Coml. bank time deposits, adjusted Commercial bank deposits Total Currency component Demand deposit component Time, adjusted 1947 1948 . . . 1949 111.8 112.3 111.2 26.6 26.1 25.5 85.2 86.2 85.7 34.2 35.8 36.3 2.0 2.1 2.5 1950 1951 1952... 1953 1954 114.1 119.2 125.2 128.3 130.3 25.1 25.6 26.7 27.7 27.5 89.1 93.7 98.5 100.6 102.8 36.7 37.2 39.7 42.8 46.9 3.1 4.0 4.8 4.4 4.4 1955. 1956 1957 1958 1959 134.4 136.0 136.7 138.4 142.8 27.6 28.0 28.3 28.4 28.9 106.8 108.0 108.5 110.0 113.9 49.3 50.8 55.1 62.8 66.8 4.1 39 3.5 4.3 4.6 Total Currency component Demand deposit component . U.S. Govt. demand 140.9 29.0 111.9 69.1 5.3 109.5 109.7 110.3 111 1 111.7 112 1 112.2 112 6 113.0 112.9 113.3 113.1 26.7 26.7 26.7 26 6 26.6 26.6 26.5 26 5 26.7 26.5 26.5 26.4 82.8 83.0 83.7 84.5 85.1 85.5 85.7 86.1 86.3 86.4 86.8 86.7 33.2 33.4 33.6 33.7 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.4 34.7 35.0 35.2 35.4 111.9 109.8 109.4 109.1 109.8 110.9 111.4 111.9 113.3 113.6 114.5 115.9 26.7 26.5 26.5 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.8 26.7 26.7 26.8 85.2 83.3 82.9 82 7 83.4 84.5 84.9 85 5 86.5 86.9 87.8 89.1 33.2 33.4 33.7 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.2 34.4 34.7 35.0 35.1 35.1 2.6 3.3 3.6 29 2.3 1.0 1.0 1 4 1.6 2.2 1.6 1.0 113 4 113.2 112.6 112.3 112.1 112 0 112.2 112 3 112.2 112.1 111 8 111.5 26.4 26.3 26.2 26.1 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26 0 25.8 87.0 86.8 86.4 86.3 86.0 86 0 86.2 86.2 86.2 86.1 85 9 85.8 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.7 35.7 35.8 35.8 35.9 35.9 36.0 36.0 36.0 115.9 113.4 111.8 110.4 110.2 110.8 111.3 111.6 112.4 112.8 112.9 114.3 26.4 26.2 26.1 25.9 25.8 25.9 26.0 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.2 89.5 87.2 85.7 84.5 84.4 85.0 85.3 85.6 86.2 86.6 86 8 88.1 35.5 35.6 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.9 36.0 35.9 35.9 36.0 35.9 35.7 0.9 1.7 2.1 2.3 2.7 2.2 2.0 2.5 2.4 2.3 24 1.8 Apr May June Julv Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 111.2 111 2 111.2 111.3 111.5 111 3 111.2 111 0 110.9 110.9 111.0 111.2 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.6 25.5 25 5 25.3 25 3 25.2 25.1 85.5 85.5 85.6 85.6 85.8 85.7 85.7 85.6 85.6 85.6 85.8 86.0 36.0 36.1 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.4 36.5 36.4 36.4 36.4 36.4 113.7 111.5 110.5 109.5 109.7 110.2 110.2 110.3 110.9 111.5 112.0 113.9 25.7 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.4 25.5 25.4 25.4 25.5 25.4 25.5 88.0 85.9 84.9 84.0 84.2 84.8 84.7 84.9 85.5 86.0 86.6 88.4 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.4 36.4 36.3 36.1 1.6 2.7 3.0 2.6 1.9 1.5 1.4 2.8 3.2 3.4 3.5 2.8 1950—Jan.. Feb Mar Apr May June July. Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 111 5 112.1 112.5 113.2 113.7 114.1 1146 115.0 115 2 115.7 115.9 116.2 25 1 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.2 25.1 25 0 24.9 24 9 24.9 24.9 25.0 86 4 86.9 87.3 88.0 88.5 89.0 89 6 90.1 90.3 90.8 90.9 91.2 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.8 36.9 36.9 36.8 36.7 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.7 114.0 112.4 111.8 111.5 111.9 112.9 113.5 114.2 115.1 116.3 117.0 119.2 25.1 25.0 25.1 25.1 25.0 24.9 25.0 24.9 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.4 88 9 87.4 86.8 86.4 86.9 88.0 88.5 89.3 90.1 91.2 91.8 93.8 36.4 36.5 36.7 36.8 36.9 37.0 36.9 36.7 36.6 36.6 36.5 36.4 2.8 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.4 3.4 3.4 2.8 3.0 2.4 116.7 117 1 117.6 117.8 118.2 118.6 119 1 119.6 120.4 121 0 122.0 122.7 25.0 25 1 25.2 25.2 25.3 25.4 25 6 25.7 25 8 26 0 26.0 26.1 91.7 92.0 92.4 92.6 92.8 93.2 93 4 93.8 94.5 95 1 96.0 96.5 36.7 36.6 36.6 36.7 36.7 36.8 37.2 37.4 37.7 37.8 38.0 38.2 119.5 117.5 117.4 116.0 116.4 117.6 117.5 118.4 120.0 121 4 123.2 125.8 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.1 25.3 25.6 25.7 25.9 26.1 26.3 26.6 94.5 92.5 92.3 91.0 91.2 92.4 91.9 92.7 94.1 95.2 97.0 99.2 36.7 36.6 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.9 37.3 37.5 37.7 37.9 38.0 38.0 2.1 3.3 4.5 6.1 5.1 4.6 4.8 4.2 3.6 3.9 3.1 2.7 I960 1947—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug SeDt Oct Nov Dec . . 1948—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov . . . Dec 1949_j an Feb Mar . . 1951—j an Feb Mar Apr May June July Aus Sept Oct Nov Dec .... 20 2. MONEY SUPPLY AND RELATED DATA, 1947-60 — Continued [Averages of daily figures; in billions of dollars] Seasonally adjusted Money supply Period Not seasonally adjusted Commercial bank deposits Money supply Coml. bank time deposits, adjusted Total Currency component Demand deposit component Time, adjusted Total Currency component Demand deposit component 1952—Jan.. Feb.. Mar. Apr.. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec.. 123.1 123.6 123.8 124.1 124.5 125.0 125.3 125.7 126.4 126.7 127.1 127.4 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.4 26.5 26.7 26.7 26.8 26.9 27.0 27.2 27.3 96.9 97.3 97.5 97.6 98.0 98.4 98.6 98.9 99.4 99.7 99.9 100.1 38.4 38.7 38.9 39.1 39.3 39.5 39.7 40.0 40.3 40.5 40.8 41.2 126.2 124.2 123.6 122.3 122.7 124.2 123.6 124.2 125.8 126.9 128.3 130.8 26.2 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.3 26.5 26.7 26.8 27.0 27.2 27.5 27.8 100.0 98.0 97.4 96.1 96.4 97.7 96.9 97.4 98.9 99.7 100.9 103.0 38.4 38.6 38.9 39.1 39.3 39.6 39.9 40.1 40.3 40.6 40.8 40.9 2.2 3.3 3.9 4.5 4.3 4.3 7.6 6.3 5.2 5.4 5.2 4.9 1953—Jan.. Feb.. Mar. Apr.. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 127.3 127.4 128.0 128.3 128.5 128.5 128.6 128.7 128.6 128.7 128.7 128.8 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.7 99.9 99.9 100.4 100.7 100.7 100.7 100.8 100.9 100.8 100.9 100.9 101.1 41.4 41.6 41.9 42.1 42.4 42.6 42.9 43.1 43.4 43.8 44.2 44.6 130.5 128.1 127.7 126.7 126.7 127.6 127.0 127.0 127.9 128.8 129.9 132.1 27.4 27.3 27.4 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.8 27.8 27.9 27.9 28.0 28.2 103.1 100.8 100.3 99.3 99.2 100.1 99.2 99.2 100.0 100.9 101.8 103.9 41.4 41.6 41.9 42.1 42.3 42.7 43.0 43.2 43.5 44.0 44.1 44.2 3.7 4.6 4.4 3.7 2.8 2.6 5.2 6.8 5.6 4.2 4.9 3.8 1954_j a n .. Feb.. Mar. Apr.. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 129.0 129.1 129.2 128.6 129.7 129.9 130.3 130.7 130.9 131.5 132.1 132.3 27.7 27.7 27.6 27.6 27.6 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 101.3 101.5 101.6 101.0 102.1 102.3 102.8 103.2 103.5 104.1 104.7 104.9 44.9 45.2 45.6 46.1 46.5 46.8 47.3 47.7 47.9 48.1 48.2 48.4 132.3 129.8 128.9 127.2 128.1 129.0 128.8 129.0 130.1 131.5 133.1 135.6 27.7 27.5 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.5 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.9 104.6 102.3 101.4 99.8 100.7 101.6 101.3 101.5 102.6 103.9 105.4 107.7 44.8 45.2 45.6 46.0 46.4 46.9 47.5 47.9 48.0 48.2 48.1 48.0 3.0 3.7 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.9 4.2 4.9 4.0 6.1 6.2 5.0 1955—Jan.. Feb.. Mar. M^y! June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 133.0 133.8 133.6 134.1 134.5 134.4 134.8 134.8 135.0 135.2 134.9 135.2 27.4 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.6 27.6 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.8 27.8 27.8 105.5 106.3 106.1 106.5 106.9 106.8 107.2 107.1 107.3 107.4 107.1 107.4 48.7 48.8 48.8 48.9 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.5 49.7 50.0 50.2 136.4 134.5 133.1 132.8 132.7 133.5 133.4 133.0 134.2 135.1 135.9 138.6 27.4 27.2 27.3 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.7 27.7 27.8 27.9 28.1 28.4 109.0 107.3 105.8 105.5 105.4 106.1 105.7 105.3 106.4 107.2 107.7 110.2 48.5 48.6 48.8 48.9 49.0 49.2 49.4 49.5 49.7 49.9 49.8 49.6 3.0 3.7 3.8 4.9 4.9 4.0 4.6 4.9 3.9 4.5 4.3 3.4 1956—Jan.. Feb.. Mar. Apr.. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 135.5 135.5 135.9 136.2 135.7 136.0 135.9 135.8 136.1 136.2 136.6 136.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 27.9 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.1 28.2 107.7 107.6 108.0 108.3 107.8 108.1 107.9 107.8 108.1 108.2 108.4 108.7 50.0 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.6 50.8 51.1 51.4 51.6 51.8 52.1 139.1 136.0 135.2 135.1 134.0 135.1 134.5 134.0 135.4 136.2 137.5 140.3 27.9 27.6 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.8 28.1 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.4 28.8 111.2 108.4 107.5 107.5 106.3 107.3 106.5 106.0 107.3 108.0 109.1 111.5 49.8 49.8 50.1 50.3 50.4 50.8 51.2 51.4 51.6 51.8 51.5 51.4 2.2 2.7 4.1 4.1 5.1 4.2 3.9 4.4 4.4 3.9 4.2 3.4 1957_Jan.. Feb.. Mar. Apr.. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. 136.9 137.0 137.1 136.9 137.0 136.9 137.0 136.9 136.7 136.4 136.1 135.9 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 108.7 108.8 108.9 108.7 108.8 108.6 108.7 108.7 108.4 108.1 107.8 107.5 52.6 53.1 53.7, 54.1 54.5 54.8 55.3 55.6 56.0 56.6 56.9 57.5 140.3 137.3 136.1 136.1 135.2 135.9 135.6 135.6 136.1 136.4 137.2 139.3 28.2 27.9 27.9 28.0 28.0 28.2 28.4 28.3 28.4 28.4 28.6 28.9 112.1 109.3 108.2 108.1 107.2 107.7 107.2 107.2 107.7 107.9 108.6 110.4 52.3 52.9 53.7 54.2 54.6 55.2 55.6 55.9 56.3 56.7 56.5 56.7 2.0 1.9 3.0 4.4 4.1 4.0 4.9 3.1 3.5 4.2 3.0 3.5 21 U.S. Govt. demand 2. MONEY SUPPLY AND RELATED DATA, 1947-60 — Continued [Averages of daily figures; in billions of dollars] Not seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Money supply Period 1958—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1959—Jan Feb . . . Mar Apr May June Julv Sept . . Oct Nov Dec I960 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Julv Aug Sent Oct Nov Dec . .. .. . . . Commercial bank deposits Money supply Coml. bank time deposits, adjusted Total Currency component Demand deposit component Time, adjusted Total Currency component Demand deposit component 135.6 136.3 136.5 137.0 137.5 138.5 138.4 139.1 139.5 140.0 140.8 141.2 28.3 28.2 28.2 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.4 28.4 28.4 28.5 28.5 28.6 107.3 108.0 108.2 108.8 109.2 110.1 110.0 110.6 111.0 111.6 112.3 112.6 57.6 59.3 60.5 61.5 62.4 63.2 64.0 64.4 64.7 64.8 65.1 65.5 138.8 136.4 135.4 136.4 135.7 137.4 137.0 137.8 138.9 140.0 142.0 144.7 28.2 27.9 27.9 28.0 28.1 28.3 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.6 28.8 29.2 110.6 108.5 107.4 108.4 107.6 109.1 108.5 109.2 110.4 111.5 113.2 115.5 57.2 59.1 60.5 61.7 62.6 63.5 64.4 64.8 65.0 65.0 64.6 64.6 141.6 142.0 142.5 142.6 143.2 143.4 144.0 143.5 143.2 142.9 142.7 142.0 28.6 28.7 28.8 28.8 28.9 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 28.9 28.9 28.9 113.0 113.2 113.7 113.9 114.3 114.4 115.0 114.4 114.2 113.9 113.8 113.2 66.1 66.0 66.2 66.5 66.8 67.0 67.0 67.0 67.2 67.2 67.3 67.4 144.9 142.0 141.3 142 3 141.1 141.9 142.7 142.2 142.7 143.0 144.0 145.6 28.6 28.4 28.5 28.5 28.7 28.9 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.0 29.2 29.5 116.3 113.6 112.8 113.8 112.5 113.0 113.5 113.0 113.6 113.9 114.8 116.1 65.6 65.8 66.2 66 7 67.0 67.4 67.5 67.4 67.5 67.4 66.8 66.6 141.8 141.4 141.0 140.8 140.4 140.0 140.3 140.8 140.9 141.0 140.8 141.2 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 28.9 112.8 112.4 112.0 111.8 111.4 111.1 111.3 111.9 112.0 112.0 111.8 112.2 67.3 66.9 67.1 67.3 67.6 67.9 68.7 69.6 70.3 71.2 72.0 72.7 145.0 141.2 139.7 140.7 138.4 138.6 139.1 139.6 140.5 141.3 142.1 144.7 28.9 28.6 28.7 28.8 28.8 28.9 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.3 29.6 116.1 112.6 111.0 111.9 109.6 109.7 109.9 110.5 111.4 112.2 112.8 115.2 66.8 66.6 67.0 67.5 67.8 68.3 69.1 70.0 70.7 71.4 71.5 72.1 22 U.S. Govt. demand 2.3 2.5 4.3 4.2 5.5 6.0 6.0 5.3 4.0 4.2 3.9 3.9 3.2 4.3 3.7 4.6 5.2 4.0 4.9 5.1 5.2 4.9 4.7 4.9 4.1 4.1 4.3 3.6 6.4 6.3 6.7 6.1 5.4 5.6 5.8 4.7 PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS A. COMMERCIAL AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, 1941-60 [Single-date figures; amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Date Total Loans Deposits U.S. Govt. Other obliga- secutions rities Total assets— Total liaCash bilities assets and capital Total accounts i Interbank Other Borrowings Demand Demand Time Time U.S. Govt. Total Numcapital ber acof counts banks Other 1941__june 30.. Dec. 31.. 57,946 61,126 25,311 23,521 26,615 25,511 9,114 26,760 8,999 27,344 87,290 90,908 78,120 81,816 10,948 10,982 40,530 44,355 26,641 26,479 15 23 8,419 14,855 8,414 14,826 1942—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 64,009 78,147 25,081 30,301 23,916 45,951 8,627 25,575 91,889 8,280 28,701 109,024 82,706 99,803 10,287 11,308 46,357 61,437 26,062 27,058 16 13 8,486 14,775 8,566 14,682 1943__j une 30.. Dec. 31.. 87,881 96,966 22,241 57,748 23,601 65,932 7,892 26,665 116,639 107,224 7,433 28,475 127,396 117,661 10,895 11,003 67,554 75,569 28,775 31,089 28 49 8,748 14,618 8,996 14,579 1944__june 30.. 108,707 Dec. 30.. 119,461 25,424 75,737 26,015 85,885 7,547 28,164 138,740 128,605 7,561 30,790 152,025 141,448 11,219 12,235 83,588 91,653 33,797 37,561 86 124 9,307 14,553 9,643 14,535 1 9 4 5 _ j u n e 30.. 129,639 Dec. 31.. 140,227 27,979 93,657 30,362 101,288 8,004 30,711 162,045 151,033 8,577 35,415 177,332 165,612 12,605 14,065 96,725 105,935 41,702 45,613 70 10,096 14,542 227 10,542 14,553 1946_J U ne29.. 136,572 Dec. 31.. 131,698 31,486 95,911 35,648 86,558 9,175 9,491 33,124 171,374 159,171 35,041 168,421 155,902 12,311 12,656 98,043 92,446 48,817 50,800 88 11,067 14,567 45 11,360 14,585 1947—June 30.. 131,096 Dec. 31.. 134,924 38,365 82,679 43,002 81,199 63 11,721 14,716 66 11,948 14,714 10,051 33,544 166,337 153,349 10,723 38,388 175,091 161,865 11,679 12,793 240 89,295 1,346 94,381 52,375 53,105 1948—Jan. 28.. Feb. 25.. Mar. 31.. Apr. 28.. M a y 26.. June 30.. July 28.. Aug. 25.. Sept. 29.. Oct. 27.. Nov. 24.. Dec. 31.. 135,370 134,390 132,620 133,430 133,690 133,081 134,090 134,440 132,890 133,420 133,500 133,693 43,200 43,650 43,900 43,950 44,680 45,099 45,440 46,000 47,140 47,160 47,910 48,174 81,390 79,970 77,560 78,330 77,870 76,774 77,320 77,020 74,230 74,920 74,320 74,097 10,780 10,770 11,160 11,150 11,140 11,208 11,330 11,420 11,520 11,340 11,270 11,422 34,490 34,510 33,390 33,380 32,940 35,000 33,970 33,850 36,880 37,660 37,480 39,474 171,730 170,830 167,910 168,770 168,710 170,052 170,100 170,390 171,750 173,090 173,040 175,176 158,230 157,130 153,990 154,970 154,640 156,353 156,090 156,340 157,520 159,010 158,560 161,248 11,750 11,220 10,670 10,640 10,380 11,178 11,030 10,960 11,020 11,390 11,280 11,997 250 250 250 260 260 258 260 260 260 260 260 272 1,220 1,660 2,290 2,360 2,250 2,074 2,290 2,280 2,660 2,210 2,130 2,340 91,800 90,470 87,160 88,060 88,100 88,749 88,520 88,860 89,490 91,050 91,070 92,331 53,210 53,530 53,620 53,650 53,650 54,093 53,990 53,980 54,090 54,100 53,820 54,308 280 340 460 240 310 66 290 270 350 190 480 57 11,990 12,040 12,080 12,110 12,220 12,241 12,300 12,360 12,400 12,450 12,470 12,479 14,718 14,726 14,730 14,731 14,727 14,719 14,717 14,719 14,720 14,712 14,709 14,703 1949_Jan. 26.. Feb. 23.. Mar. 30.. Apr. 27.. M a y 25.. June 30.. July 27.. Aug. 31.. Sept. 28.. Oct. 26.. Nov. 30.. Dec. 31.. 134,060 133,100 132,300 132,440 133,450 133,868 134,960 138,170 138,840 139,810 140,010 140,598 48,180 47,820 48,220 47,230 46,910 47,076 46,610 47,360 47,950 48,140 49,130 49,544 74,580 73,860 72,560 73,630 74,830 74,877 76,080 78,340 78,290 79,080 78,310 78,433 11,300 11,420 11,520 11,580 11,710 11,915 12,270 12,470 12,600 12,590 12,570 12,621 36,930 36,820 35,050 34,760 33,550 34,966 33,370 32,700 32,410 33,230 33,440 36,522 172,960 171,980 169,310 169,210 169,060 170,804 170,280 172,940 173,200 175,040 175,630 179,170 158,560 157,590 154,760 154,660 154,460 156,470 155,470 157,860 158,250 160,270 160,400 164,467 11,400 10,670 10,230 10,040 10,100 10,608 10,610 10,930 10,950 11,400 11,260 12,388 260 260 260 270 330 331 350 330 340 340 340 322 1,910 2,920 3,280 1,990 1,790 2,147 1,330 2,940 3,580 3,450 3,060 3,074 90,590 89,190 86,190 87,430 87,220 87,998 87,890 88,350 88,050 89,730 90,770 93,082 54,400 54,550 54,800 54,930 55,020 55,386 55,290 55,310 55,330 55,350 54,970 55,601 440 340 420 380 340 31 540 670 380 170 450 20 12,550 12,570 12,650 12,680 12,700 12,845 12,830 12,920 12,980 13,040 13,180 13,088 14,700 14,690 14,692 14,692 14,691 14,680 14,684 14,687 14,690 14,690 14,685 14,687 1950—Jan. 25.. Feb. 21.. Mar. 29.. Apr. 26.. M a y 31.. June 30.. July 26.. Aug. 30.. Sept. 27.. Oct. 25.. Nov. 29.. Dec. 30.. 141,820 141,320 141,190 141,340 142,300 142,959 143,570 144,560 144,780 145,730 146,660 148,021 49,610 49,890 50,520 50,770 51,180 51,999 53,320 54,760 56,570 57,690 59,520 60,386 79,490 78,570 77,360 77,110 77,670 77,320 76,440 75,610 73,750 73,610 72,690 72,894 12,720 12,860 13,310 13,460 13,450 13,640 13,810 14,190 14,460 14,430 14,450 14,741 33,580 33,710 32,270 32,680 33,310 34,099 34,210 34,060 35,070 35,430 35,880 41,086 177,440 177,050 175,400 175,980 177,750 179,159 179,920 180,910 181,970 183,350 184,780 191,317 162,510 161,970 159,950 160,570 161,880 163,770 163,840 164,810 165,730 167,180 168,040 175,296 11,730 11,370 10,930 10,930 10,780 11,039 10,900 10,940 11,110 11,910 11,850 13,577 320 320 300 310 350 396 410 430 430 430 460 462 3,160 91,600 4,010 90,310 4,140 88,280 3,050 89,780 3,010 91,160 3,622 91,883 3,410 92,650 3,650 93,550 3,440 94,520 2,920 95,690 2,800 97,030 2,809 101,935 55,700 55,960 56,300 56,500 56,580 56,830 56,470 56,240 56,230 56,230 55,900 56,513 310 280 510 410 530 46 610 390 420 260 660 90 13,110 13,190 13,270 13,270 13,450 13,576 13,610 13,670 13,720 13,800 13,850 13,837 14,689 14,683 14,682 14,684 14,674 14,674 14,665 14,656 14,658 14,658 14,659 14,650 1951—Jan. 31.. Feb. 28.. Mar. 28.. Apr. 25.. M a y 30.. June 30.. July 25.. Aug. 29.. Sept. 26.. Oct. 31.. Nov. 28.. Dec. 31.. 146,500 146,480 147,120 146,880 146,680 147,742 147,870 148,950 150,550 152,550 153,980 154,869 60,970 61,920 62,950 63,040 63,340 63,840 63,750 64,470 65,380 66,320 66,990 67,608 70,830 14,700 37,660 186,420 169,280 11,640 69,800 14,760 38,590 187,430 170,500 11,580 69,250 14,920 37,440 186,750 169,760 11,100 68,850 14,990 37,510 186,670 169,770 11,250 68,410 14,930 37,020 186,120 168,810 10,870 68,726 15,176 38,235 188,336 171,860 11,421 68,850 15,270 37,740 187,960 171,020 11,830 69,230 15,250 37,090 188,540 171,100 11,630 69,730 15,440 38,980 191,830 174,480 12,220 70,780 15,450 40,450 195,450 177,730 12,880 71,450 15,540 39,920 196,390 178,200 12,710 71,343 15,918 45,531 202,903 185,756 14,536 580 580 530 490 480 526 560 570 590 610 620 551 2,610 98,190 4,060 97,990 6,170 95,490 5,620 95,820 4,620 96,120 6,128 96,399 4,350 96,800 3,860 97,250 4,880 98,790 3,490 102,330 3,580 103,110 3,362 108,282 56,260 56,290 56,470 56,590 56,720 57,386 57,480 57,790 58,000 58,420 58,180 59,025 1,150 870 910 640 940 77 450 720 590 730 1,010 35 13,870 13,890 13,940 14,000 14,050 14,236 14,270 14,360 14,410 14,530 14,540 14,623 14,645 14,639 14,649 14,647 14,644 14,636 14,637 14,634 14,634 14,631 14,625 14,618 For note see p. 29. 23 PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS — Continued A. COMMERCIAL AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, 1941-60 — Continued [Single-date figures; amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Date Total Loans Deposits U.S. Govt. Other obliga- secutions rities Total assets— Total liaCash bilities assets and capital accounts 1 Other Interbank Borrowings Demand Total Demand Time Time U.S. Govt. Total Numcapital ber acof counts banks Other 1952—Jan. 30.. Feb. 27.. Mar. 26.. Apr. 30.. M a y 28.. June 30.. July 30.. Aug. 27.. Sept. 24.. Oct. 29.. Nov. 26.. Dec. 31.. 155,200 154,790 155,280 155,250 156,150 157,528 160,200 160,100 160,750 163,200 165,490 165,626 67,460 67,630 67,990 68,490 68,920 69,742 70,360 70,970 72,090 73,470 74,600 75,512 71,820 71,060 70,920 70,210 70,450 70,783 72,650 71,670 71,280 72,400 73,560 72,740 15,920 16,100 16,370 16,550 16,780 17,002 17,190 17,460 17,380 17,330 17,330 17,374 39,900 39,820 40,230 40,050 39,350 41,667 40,010 39,160 40,980 41,220 42,620 45,584 197,580 197,240 197,940 197,860 198,130 201,793 202,760 201,860 204,240 206,990 210,760 213,837 179,460 178,770 180,140 179,360 179,310 184,130 183,450 182,770 185,440 187,260 190,620 195,552 12,780 12,360 12,650 11,790 11,630 12,897 12,110 12,260 13,220 13,120 13,140 14,575 540 540 550 550 570 616 630 630 650 690 740 746 2,530 3,630 5,560 4,230 4,090 5,839 6,700 5,900 6,180 5,000 6,720 4,944 104,330 102,610 101,330 102,440 102,310 103,408 102,470 102,120 103,170 105,800 107,470 111,689 59,280 59,630 60,050 60,350 60,710 61,369 61,540 61,860 62,220 62,650 62,550 63,598 930 1,080 470 1,050 1,220 94 1,770 1,400 920 1,720 1,960 188 14,640 14,690 14,770 14,890 14,940 15,039 15,020 15,070 15,170 15,260 15,280 15,367 14,615 14,615 14,606 14,602 14,608 14,599 14,605 14,603 14,599 14,591 14,586 14,575 1953_j a n . 28.. Feb. 25.. Mar. 25.. Apr. 29.. M a y 27.. June 30.. July 29.. Aug. 26.. Sept. 30.. Oct. 28.. Nov. 25.. Dec. 31.. 165,030 164,580 164,610 163,310 163,100 163,082 168,500 168,590 168,560 169,580 171,240 171,497 75,330 75,630 76,820 77,110 77,420 77,117 77,850 78,370 78,730 79,720 80,010 80,518 72,250 71,410 70,040 68,400 67,840 68,108 72,700 72,070 71,620 71,660 72,990 72,610 17,450 17,540 17,750 17,800 17,840 17,856 17,950 18,150 18,210 18,200 18,240 18,370 40,800 41,350 40,300 39,410 39,240 42,023 39,230 39,060 41,480 40,980 41,520 45,811 208,410 208,540 207,410 205,330 205,040 207,758 210,420 210,410 212,860 213,350 215,620 220,140 188,590 188,760 187,660 185,460 185,030 189,159 190,620 190,350 193,080 193,140 194,990 201,100 12,780 12,530 12,140 11,900 11,840 12,752 12,100 12,020 13,000 13,250 13,100 14,788 740 730 760 790 810 848 860 900 900 1,050 1,130 1,169 3,920 5,100 5,530 2,560 2,600 3,636 7,170 6,680 5,870 3,440 5,410 4,149 107,290 106,180 104,580 105,180 104,360 105,753 104,150 104,170 106,230 107,820 108,070 112,639 63,860 64,220 64,650 65,030 65,420 66,170 66,340 66,580 67,080 67,580 67,280 68,355 1,710 1,480 1,520 1,480 1,420 113 1,160 1,200 640 1,030 1,290 62 15,370 15,440 15,490 15,570 15,680 15,791 15,810 15,890 16,070 16,120 16,200 16,118 14,571 14,563 14,556 14,546 14,546 14,537 14,534 14,532 14,525 14,518 14,510 14,509 1954__jan. 27.. Feb. 24.. Mar. 31.. Apr. 28.. M a y 26.. June 30.. July 28.. Aug. 25.. Sept. 29.. Oct. 27.. Nov. 24.. Dec. 31.. 171,380 171,100 169,190 170,710 172,560 173,343 174,380 176,790 178,040 181,600 183,370 183,784 79,500 80,020 80,380 80,280 80,870 81,227 81,340 80,690 81,680 82,330 84,230 85,617 73,350 72,220 69,800 71,240 72,390 72,525 73,270 76,210 76,200 79,000 78,860 77,728 18,530 18,860 19,010 19,190 19,300 19,591 19,770 19,890 20,160 20,270 20,280 20,439 41,280 41,250 41,500 40,780 40,210 42,556 40,230 39,480 40,620 41,630 42,180 44,585 215,510 215,210 213,530 214,450 215,820 218,900 217,640 219,300 221,710 226,360 228,690 231,654 195,950 194,970 194,160 194,450 195,300 199,508 197,310 198,780 201,150 205,250 207,260 211,115 13,480 12,910 13,070 12,750 12,520 13,799 13,180 13,420 13,680 13,970 13,870 15,050 1,230 1,300 1,420 1,510 1,590 1,701 1,760 1,790 1,790 1,700 1,700 1,761 3,110 4,220 5,060 4,190 4,810 5,594 3,580 5,140 4,120 5,730 6,620 4,176 109,510 107,540 104,900 105,990 105,820 107,043 107,010 106,290 109,020 110,920 112,540 116,617 68,620 69,000 69,710 70,010 70,560 71,371 71,780 72,140 72,540 72,930 72,530 73,511 520 1,010 230 630 960 55 750 760 610 760 790 31 16,170 16,290 16,350 16,480 16,550 16,664 16,690 16,770 16,860 17,080 17,320 17,270 14,510 14,488 14,482 14,472 14,468 14,465 14,457 14,446 14,436 14,422 14,406 14,367 1955_Jan. 26.. Feb. 23.. Mar. 30.. Apr. 27.. M a y 25.. June 30.. July 27.. Aug. 31.. Sept. 28.. Oct. 26.. Nov. 30.. Dec. 31.. 184,340 85,710 183,100 86,500 182,050 87,860 184,210 88,640 184,410 89,790 184,253 91,355 186,190 92,930 186,070 93,940 186,810 95,240 188,490 96,260 189,100 98,650 190,780 100,057 77,770 75,580 72,980 74,390 73,740 71,947 72,410 71,190 70,680 71,410 69,840 70,052 20,860 21,020 21,210 21,180 20,880 20,951 20,850 20,940 20,890 20,820 20,610 20,670 42,110 41,460 40,230 40,850 39,650 42,014 40,720 40,610 41,110 41,480 42,470 47,803 229,780 227,930 225,660 228,550 227,410 229,631 230,240 230,060 231,230 233,340 235,120 242,008 208,140 13,430 205,900 12,790 203,400 12,920 206,480 12,870 205,100 12,330 208,850 13,484 207,900 12,730 207,750 12,840 208,710 12,940 210,450 12,960 211,860 13,010 220,441 15,059 1,800 1,760 1,750 1,700 1,690 1,761 1,760 1,730 1,760 1,750 1,770 1,587 3,470 4,260 4,070 4,610 5,130 5,081 5,740 4,860 4,220 4,530 4,210 3,712 115,760 113,170 110,200 112,760 111,110 113,034 112,240 112,490 113,690 114,910 116,980 123,238 73,680 73,920 74,460 74,540 74,840 75,491 75,430 75,830 76,100 76,300 75,890 76,844 970 1,090 1,490 1,290 1,390 150 1,500 1,200 1,280 1,460 1,480 163 17,340 17,440 17,410 17,490 17,630 17,663 17,750 17,890 17,930 18,090 18,210 18,112 14,360 14,351 14,330 14,314 14,312 14,309 14,303 14,290 14,286 14,269 14,264 14,243 1956—Jan. 25.. Feb. 29.. Mar. 28.. Apr. 25.. M a y 30.. June 30.. July 25.. Aug. 29.. Sept. 26.. Oct. 31.. Nov. 28.. Dec. 31.. 189,530 188,700 190,530 190,810 190,640 191,074 190,860 192,500 193,660 194,230 195,780 197,063 99,600 100,360 102,730 103,520 104,430 105,525 105,960 106,530 107,720 108,220 109,160 110,079 69,380 67,640 67,080 66,580 65,700 64,917 64,490 65,420 65,160 65,510 66,180 66,523 20,550 20,700 20,720 20,710 20,510 20,632 20,410 20,550 20,780 20,500 20,440 20,461 41,170 41,430 40,830 40,710 40,800 43,361 40,770 40,560 42,530 43,160 43,170 49,641 234,180 233,720 234,910 235,070 235,010 238,133 235,260 236,840 240,080 241,370 242,990 250,770 211,040 210,130 211,140 211,070 210,890 215,510 211,250 212,520 215,210 216,570 218,000 227,546 13,040 12,640 12,780 12,750 12,180 13,626 13,020 12,900 13,480 13,770 13,770 16,133 1,510 1,420 1,430 1,470 1,510 1,615 1,540 1,560 1,590 1,610 1,590 1,462 2,010 3,640 6,170 4,110 5,450 5,235 3,290 5,460 5,110 3,480 4,930 3,736 117,600 115,140 112,930 114,910 113,580 115,850 114,140 113,050 115,140 117,590 118,140 125,308 76,880 77,290 77,830 77,830 78,170 79,182 79,260 79,550 79,890 80,120 79,570 80,908 1,590 1,630 1,810 1,870 1,740 356 1,580 1,480 1,620 1,450 1,390 78 18,160 18,360 18,410 18,580 18,710 18,811 18,840 18,960 19,210 19,260 19,360 19,249 14,250 14,230 14,229 14,224 14,218 14,206 14,204 14,207 14,206 14,194 14,186 14,167 1957_j a n . 30.. Feb. 27.. Mar. 27.. Apr. 24.. M a y 29.. June 26.. July 31.. Aug. 28.. Sept. 25.. Oct. 30.. Nov. 27.. Dec. 31.. 194,950 194,810 195,440 197,810 197,980 198,600 198,530 199,250 199,820 201,450 200,910 203,849 108,830 109,350 110,800 111,260 111,620 113,810 112,960 113,590 114,260 113,970 114,060 115,115 65,680 64,820 63,750 65,410 65,010 63,360 64,140 64,040 63,720 64,990 64,460 65,792 20,440 20,640 20,890 21,140 21,350 21,430 21,430 21,620 21,840 22,490 22,390 22,943 41,640 42,350 41,550 42,050 41,570 42,250 42,840 42,080 42,040 42,590 43,600 49,318 240,730 241,310 241,130 244,110 243,790 245,050 245,740 245,850 246,370 248,660 249,150 257,864 216,040 216,170 215,900 218,930 218,010 219,790 220,640 219,700 220,150 222,030 222,380 233,020 12,720 12,820 13,010 13,040 12,200 12,900 13,510 12,970 13,350 13,240 13,090 15,636 1,460 1,460 1,470 1,410 1,500 1,480 1,440 1,400 1,450 1,470 1,460 1,386 1,620 2,510 3,510 4,050 5,040 4,490 3,390 4,130 3,580 3,180 3,040 3,903 118,600 117,070 114,550 116,720 114,770 115,690 116,690 115,150 115,160 117,100 118,190 123,993 81,640 82,310 83,360 83,710 84,500 85,230 85,610 86,050 86,610 87,040 86,600 88,102 1,490 1,670 1,830 1,550 1,910 1,690 1,220 1,750 1,690 1,790 1,710 80 19,340 19,480 19,520 19,590 19,710 19,760 20,000 20,140 20,210 20,450 20,540 20,428 14,163 14,158 14,160 14,154 14,145 14,138 14,135 14,133 14,128 14,113 14,102 14,090 For note see p. 29. 24 3. PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS — Continued A. COMMERCIAL AND MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, 1941-60 — Continued [Single-date figures; amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Date Total Loans U.S. Govt. Other obliga- secutions rities Deposits Total assets— Total liaCash bilities assets and capital accounts 1 Interbank Other Borrowings Demand Total Demand Time Time U.S. Govt. Total Numcapital ber acof counts banks Other 1958—Jan. 29.. Feb. 26.. Mar. 26.. Apr. 30.. M a y 28.. June 23.. July 30.. Aug. 27.. Sept. 24.. Oct. 29.. Nov. 26.. Dec. 31.. 201,780 202,880 205,990 210,290 210,440 215,179 213,100 215,740 215,470 217,690 220,210 221,485 113,400 113,580 114,610 115,220 114,890 117,808 116,020 116,390 117,060 117,960 119,230 121,571 65,240 65,770 67,120 70,310 70,570 71,611 71,560 73,510 72,140 73,500 74,950 73,641 23,140 23,530 24,260 24,760 24,980 25,760 25,520 25,840 26,270 26,230 26,030 26,273 41,950 42,290 42,220 43,730 42,000 44,423 42,730 42,110 42,190 43,020 45,130 49,911 248,540 250,060 253,130 259,000 257,240 264,525 260,800 262,700 262,580 265,490 270,180 276,430 222,430 223,590 226,810 232,360 230,280 237,204 233,880 234,940 234,420 237,450 241,070 250,057 13,130 13,000 13,260 13,930 13,530 13,789 14,290 14,150 14,010 14,000 13,590 15,799 1,700 2,130 2,300 2,390 2,450 2,497 2,390 2,380 2,400 2,340 2,360 2,374 2,150 3,500 5,560 5,180 5,420 9,209 4,000 5,490 4,220 3,440 5,600 4,253 116,680 115,040 114,210 118,190 115,260 117,113 117,620 116,830 117,460 121,060 123,610 130,132 88,770 89,920 91,480 92,670 93,620 94,596 95,580 96,090 96,330 96,610 95,910 97,498 1,150 1,070 900 1,000 1,110 1,137 810 1,300 1,560 1,400 2,150 81 20,560 20,700 20,830 20,910 21,040 21,359 21,390 21,540 21,660 21,710 21,820 21,705 14,081 14,076 14,078 14,071 14,065 14,055 14,040 14,036 14,034 14,028 14,033 14,020 1959—Jan. 28.. Feb. 25.. Mar. 25.. Apr. 29.. M a y 27.. June 24.. July 29.. Aug. 26.. Sept. 30.. Oct. 28.. Nov. 25.. Dec. 31.. 221,920 220,340 219,690 222,610 222,880 223,200 225,060 225,780 225,530 225,870 225,810 227,831 121,030 121,370 122,850 125,010 126,440 128,690 130,350 131,970 132,610 133,050 134,520 135,958 74,850 72,880 70,580 71,010 70,010 68,170 68,400 67,570 66,470 66,580 65,360 65,801 26,040 26,090 26,260 26,590 26,430 26,340 26,310 26,240 26,450 26,240 25,930 26,071 43,200 43,560 42,240 43,300 42,510 42,730 42,290 42,150 44,630 44,030 44,870 50,296 270,100 268,750 266,880 270,990 270,480 270,990 272,520 273,010 275,500 275,160 275,990 283,629 241,830 239,740 238,150 242,100 241,090 241,230 242,690 242,550 246,320 244,850 244,830 254,885 13,110 12,850 13,030 12,850 12,750 12,870 12,630 12,900 13,700 13,150 13,200 15,650 2,410 2,290 2,340 2,360 2,230 2,030 1,990 1,910 1,780 1,710 1,610 1,443 4,490 4,150 3,590 4,280 4,890 4,420 4,680 5,720 6,140 5,190 4,400 5,054 124,240 122,520 120,480 123,470 121,540 121,600 123,250 121,490 123,860 124,350 125,960 131,622 97,580 97,930 98,710 99,140 99,680 100,310 100,140 100,530 100,840 100,450 99,660 101,116 1,770 2,210 2,050 2,090 2,240 2,710 2,580 2,770 1,410 2,480 2,860 624 21,780 21,860 21,980 22,130 22,270 22,360 22,510 22,700 22,840 22,870 22,990 22,915 14,030 14,022 14,012 14,009 14,000 13,997 13,994 14,004 13,996 13,995 13,993 13,991 1960—Jan. 27.. Feb. 24.. Mar. 30.. Apr. 27.. M a y 25.. June 29.. July 27.. Aug. 31.. Sept. 28.. Oct. 26.. Nov. 30.. Dec. 31.. 225,530 224,410 223,770 226,820 226,710 227,200 229,370 229,940 232,100 234,520 234,510 238,623 134,860 135,710 137,010 138,660 139,550 140,990 140,520 141,230 142,180 141,720 142,090 144,764 64,840 63,000 61,060 62,570 61,810 60,760 63,200 63,110 64,190 66,790 66,560 67,242 25,830 25,700 25,700 25,590 25,350 25,450 25,650 25,600 25,730 26,010 25,860 26,617 43,160 43,490 42,530 43,300 42,030 43,710 43,770 43,830 44,500 45,850 46,880 53,022 274,270 273,430 271,990 275,760 274,360 276,710 279,050 280,000 282,710 286,550 287,650 298,126 243,550 241,760 239,630 243,260 241,320 244,470 245,900 245,830 249,330 252,510 254,200 266,196 12,920 12,710 12,680 12,520 12,210 13,300 13,070 13,500 13,670 14,180 15,600 17,080 1,390 1,290 1,270 1,470 1,490 1,440 1,480 1,610 1,670 1,690 1,740 1,800 3,540 4,480 4,410 4,480 6,880 7,060 6,230 5,440 7,390 5,970 5,360 5,949 125,320 122,720 119,720 123,120 118,720 119,570 121,460 120,600 121,130 124,450 125,290 133,408 100,380 100,560 101,550 101,670 102,020 103,100 103,660 104,680 105,470 106,220 106,210 107,959 2,340 2,820 3,290 3,000 3,180 2,170 2,590 2,920 2,050 2,480 1,330 167 23,040 23,150 23,260 23,350 23,520 23,770 23,890 24,120 24,230 24,370 24,590 24,539 13,997 13,999 13,999 13,996 14,002 14,000 13,999 13,998 14,000 13,989 13,985 13,986 For note see p. 29. 25 PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS- - Continued B. COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1941-60 [Single-date figures; amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Date Total Loans Deposits U.S. Govt. Other obliga- secutions rities Total assets— Total liaCash bilities assets and capital accounts1 Interbank Total Other Borrowings Dei Demand Total Numcapital ber acof counts banks Time Time U.S. Govt. Other 1941—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 47,627 50,746 20,355 20,114 21,714 21,808 7,159 25,792 7,225 26,551 75,295 79,104 67,500 71,283 10,936 10,982 40,565 44,349 15,999 15,952 15 23 7,106 14,305 7,173 14,278 1942—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 53,652 67,393 20,265 26,411 19,221 41,379 6,976 24,822 6,793 28,039 80,207 97,091 72,312 89,135 10,273 11,308 46,373 61,431 15,665 16,395 16 13 7,237 14,228 7,330 14,136 1943—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 76,633 85,095 17,665 52,454 19,117 59,842 6,514 6,136 25,943 104,210 96,080 27,677 114,350 105,923 10,883 11,003 67,566 75,569 17,632 19,350 28 49 7,501 14,073 7,719 14,034 1944—June 30.. 95,731 Dec. 30.. 105,530 21,010 68,431 21,644 77,557 6,290 27,629 124,904 116,133 6,329 30,206 137,237 128,072 11,219 12,235 83,588 91,653 21,326 24,184 86 123 7,982 14,009 8,265 13,992 1945—June 30.. 114,505 Dec. 31.. 124,019 23,672 84,069 26,083 90,606 6,764 30,127 146,094 136,607 7,331 34,806 160,312 150,227 12,605 14,065 96,725 105,921 27,276 30,241 69 219 8,618 14,000 8,950 14,011 1946—June 29.. 119,448 Dec. 31.. 113,993 27,130 84,473 31,122 74,780 7,845 32,378 153,321 142,890 8,091 34,223 149,718 139,033 12,311 12,656 98,043 92,446 32,536 33,930 87 45 9,352 14,026 9,577 14,044 1947_j U ne30.. 112,756 Dec. 31.. 116,284 33,679 70,539 38,057 69,221 8,538 32,704 146,975 135,907 9,006 37,502 155,377 144,103 63 9,880 14,183 65 10,059 14,181 11,679 12,792 240 89,281 1,343 94,367 34,947 35,360 1948_Jan. 28.. Feb. 25.. Mar. 31.. Apr. 28.. M a y 26.. June 30. July 28.. Aug. 25.. Sept. 29.. Oct. 27.. Nov.24.. Dec. 31.. 116,600 115,540 113,600 114,340 114,570 113,855 114,760 115,100 113,600 114,120 114,220 114,298 38,240 38,660 38,860 38,850 39,520 39,865 40,140 40,630 41,720 41,640 42,320 42,488 69,350 67,930 65,470 66,270 65,870 64 798 65,310 65,100 62,460 63,260 62,780 62,622 9,010 8,950 9,270 9,220 9,180 9,192 9,310 9,370 9,420 9,220 9,120 9,189 33,640 33,660 32,590 32,630 32,180 34,168 33,240 33,110 36,000 36,820 36,680 38,596 151,910 150,910 147,870 148,700 148,580 149,799 149,840 150,090 151,360 152,710 152,710 154,702 140,350 139,180 135,960 136,910 136,550 138,142 137,880 138,110 139,240 140,720 140,340 142,843 11,750 11,220 10,670 10,640 10,380 11,178 11,030 10,960 11,020 11,390 11,280 11,997 250 250 250 260 260 258 260 260 260 260 260 272 1,220 1,660 2,290 2,360 2,250 2,072 2,290 2,280 2,660 2,210 2,130 2,338 91,790 90,460 87,150 88,040 88,080 88,734 88,500 88,840 89,470 91,030 91,050 92,316 35,340 35,590 35,600 35,610 35,580 35,899 35,800 35,770 35,830 35,830 35,620 35,920 280 340 460 240 310 66 290 270 350 190 480 56 10,110 10,150 10,170 10,200 10,290 10,287 10,340 10,390 10,420 10,460 10,480 10,480 14,185 14,193 14,197 14,198 14,194 14,187 14,185 14,187 14,188 14,180 14,177 14,171 1949—Jan. 26.. Feb. 23.. Mar. 30.. Apr. 27.. M a y 25.. June 30.. July 27.. Aug. 31.. Sept. 28.. Oct. 26.. Nov. 30.. Dec. 31.. 114,470 113,410 112,500 112,510 113,440 113,773 114,770 117,930 118,530 119,480 119,700 120,197 42,450 42,030 42,370 41,320 40,930 41,025 40,510 41,190 41,680 41,780 42,660 42,965 62,970 62,240 60,880 61,950 63,170 63,220 64,440 66,710 66,700 67,560 66,910 67,005 9,050 9,140 9,250 9,240 9,340 9,528 9,820 10,030 10,150 10,140 10,130 10,227 36,130 36,030 34,240 34,030 32,820 34,166 32,600 31,920 31,630 32,450 32,680 35,650 152,360 151,280 148,470 148,300 148,060 149,699 149,120 151,700 151,880 153,680 154,280 157,677 140,040 139,010 136,070 135,910 135,650 137,520 136,480 138,830 139,170 141,150 141,330 145,174 11,400 10,670 10,230 10,040 10,100 10,608 10,610 10,930 10,950 11,400 11,260 12,388 260 260 260 270 330 330 350 330 340 340 340 321 1,910 2,920 3,280 1,990 1,790 2,145 1,330 2,940 3,580 3,450 3,060 3,074 90,570 89,170 86,170 87,410 87,200 87,983 87,870 88,330 88,030 89,710 90,750 93,062 35,900 35,990 36,130 36,200 36,230 36,455 36,320 36,300 36,270 36,250 35,920 36,328 440 340 420 380 340 30 540 670 380 170 450 20 10,550 10,560 10,620 10,650 10,660 10,780 10,760 10,830 10,880 10,930 11,050 10,967 14,168 14,159 14,162 14,162 14,161 14,150 14,154 14,157 14,160 14,159 14,154 14,156 1950—Jan. 25.. Feb. 21.. Mar. 29.. Apr. 26.. M a y 31.. June 30.. July 26.. Aug. 30.. Sept. 27.. Oct. 25.. Nov. 29.. Dec. 30.. 121,230 120,600 120,300 120,330 121,160 121,767 122,320 123,300 123,560 124,450 125,380 126,675 42,940 43,130 43,650 43,800 44,080 44,796 45,980 47,270 48,930 49,850 51,510 52,249 67,980 67,070 65,810 65,540 66,100 65,751 64,950 64,230 62,540 62,520 61,740 62,027 10,310 10,400 10,840 10,990 10,980 11,221 11,390 11,800 12,090 12,080 12,130 12,399 32,750 32,870 31,410 31,880 32,540 33,268 33,460 33,330 34,270 34,700 35,160 40,289 155,780 155,230 153,400 153,900 155,560 156,908 157,690 158,680 159,680 161,060 162,500 168,932 143,080 142,440 140,270 140,820 142,070 143,827 143,940 144,950 145,840 147,280 148,190 155,265 11,730 11,370 10,930 10,930 10,780 11,039 10,900 10,940 11,110 11,910 11,850 13,577 320 320 300 310 350 396 410 430 430 430 460 462 3,160 91,580 4,010 90,290 4,140 88,260 3,050 89,760 3,010 91,140 3,622 91,863 3,410 92,630 3,650 93,530 3,440 94,500 2,920 95,670 2,800 97,010 2,806 101,917 36,290 36,450 36,640 36,770 36,790 36,907 36,590 36,400 36,360 36,350 36,070 36,503 310 280 510 410 530 46 610 390 420 260 660 90 10,980 11,020 11,080 11,090 11,250 11,387 11,420 11,470 11,500 11,580 11,620 11,590 14,158 14,152 14,151 14,153 14,143 14,144 14,135 14,127 14,129 14,129 14,130 14,121 1951—Jan. 31.. Feb. 28.. Mar. 28.. Apr. 25.. M a y 30.. June 30.. July 25.. Aug. 29.. Sept. 26.. Oct. 31.. Nov. 28.. Dec. 31.. 125,050 125,010 125,740 125,390 125,060 126,045 126,070 127,030 128,550 130,480 131,860 132,610 52,710 53,540 54,420 54,350 54,460 54,821 54,590 55,160 55,960 56,750 57,270 57,746 59,980 59,060 58,770 58,470 58,110 58,521 58,720 59,140 59,690 60,850 61,630 61,524 12,360 12,410 12,550 12,570 12,490 12,703 12,760 12,730 12,900 12,880 12,960 13,339 36,950 37,870 36,560 36,660 36,220 37,384 36,920 36,300 38,170 39,650 39,160 44,645 163,990 164,960 164,210 164,050 163,400 165,501 165,040 165,520 168,700 172,270 173,180 179,465 149,230 150,440 149,650 149,600 148,570 151,457 150,560 150,570 153,870 157,060 157,540 164,840 11,640 11,580 11,100 11,250 10,870 11,421 11,830 11,630 12,220 12,880 12,710 14,536 580 580 530 490 480 525 560 570 590 610 620 550 2,610 98,170 4,060 97,970 6,170 95,470 5,620 95,800 4,620 96,100 6,126 96,381 4,350 96,780 3,860 97,230 4,880 98,770 3,490 102,310 3,580 103,090 3,359 108,259 36,230 36,250 36,380 36,440 36,500 37,004 37,040 37,280 37,410 37,770 37,540 38,137 1,150 870 910 640 940 75 450 720 590 730 1,010 34 11,610 11,630 11,660 11,130 11,770 11,951 11,980 12,060 12,090 12,200 12,200 12,216 14,116 14,110 14,120 14,117 14,114 14,107 14,108 14,105 14,105 14,102 14,096 14,089 For note see p. 29. 26 3. PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS — Continued B. COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1941-60 — Continued [Single-date figures; amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Loans and investments Date Total Loans U.S. Govt. obliga tions Other securities Total assets— Total liaCash bilities assets and capita] accounts Other Interbank Total Borrowings Demand Demand Time Time U.S. Govt. Total Numcapital ber acof counts banks Other 1952—Jan. 30. Feb. 27. Mar. 26. Apr. 30. M a y 28. June 30. July 30. Aug. 27. Sept. 24. Oct. 29. Nov. 26. Dec. 31. 132,77 132,24 132,53 132,34 133,06 134,43 136,76 136,55 137,09 139,44 141,66 141,62 57,51 57,59 57,84 58,22 58,52 59,23 59,720 60,210 61,200 62,410 63,400 64,16 61,99 61,26 61,12 60,45 60,70 61,17 62,90 61,960 61,610 62,860 64,090 63,31 13,27 13,39 13,57 13,67 13,84 14,02 14,140 14,380 14,280 14,170 14,170 14,143 39,07 38,97 39,38 39,22 38,53 40,70 39,26 38,38 40,13 40,40 41,82 44,66 174,01 173,52 174,02 173,80 173,89 177,41 178,250 177,210 179,40 182,080 185,790 188,60 158,41 157,62 158,81 157,91 157,72 162,34 161,56 160,77 163,26 164,99 168,34 172,93 12,78 12,36 12,650 11,79 11,630 12,89 12,110 12,260 13,220 13,120 13,140 14,575 540 540 550 550 570 614 630 630 650 690 740 744 2,530 3,630 5,560 4,230 4,090 5,837 6,700 5,900 6,180 5,000 6,720 4,941 104,30 102,58 101,30 102,41 102,28 103,38 102,440 102,090 103,140 105,770 107,440 111,659 38,26 38,510 38,750 38,930 39,150 39,61 39,680 39,890 40,070 40,410 40,300 41,012 930 1,080 470 1,050 1,220 94 1,770 1,400 920 1,720 1,960 188 12,240 12,280 12,340 12,460 12,500 12,60 12,580 12,630 12,720 12,800 12,820 12,888 14,086 14,086 14,077 14,073 14,079 14,070 14,076 14,074 14,070 14,062 14,057 14,046 1953—Jan. 28. Feb. 25. Mar. 25. Apr. 29. M a y 27. June 30. July 29. Aug. 26. Sept. 30. Oct. 28. Nov. 25.. Dec. 31.. 140,78 140,10 140,00 138,52 138,10 137,957 143,190 143,130 142,990 143,970 145,530 145,687 63,860 64,070 65,170 65,280 65,440 65,025 65,630 66,040 66,260 67,120 67,250 67,593 62,760 61,900 60,520 58,890 58,310 58,644 63,220 62,590 62,200 62,340 63,720 63,426 14,160 14,130 14,310 14,350 14,350 14,287 14,340 14,500 14,530 14,510 14,560 14,668 39,920 40,500 39,420 38,560 38,450 41,156 38,420 38,260 40,640 40,100 40,710 44,828 182,960 182,870 181,570 179,320 178,870 181,425 183,940 183,790 186,080 186,480 188,720 193,010 165,780 165,830 164,530 162,180 161,630 165,531 166,880 166,520 169,090 169,050 170,920 176,702 12,780 12,530 12,140 11,900 11,840 12,752 12,100 12,020 13,000 13,250 13,100 14,788 740 730 760 790 810 846 860 900 900 1,050 1,130 1,167 3,920 5,100 5,530 2,560 2,600 3,634 7,170 6,680 5,870 3,440 5,410 4,146 107,260 106,150 104,550 105,150 104,330 105,718 104,120 104,130 106,190 107,780 108,030 112,604 41,080 41,320 41,550 41,780 42,050 42,581 42,630 42,790 43,130 43,530 43,250 43,997 1,710 1,480 1,520 1,480 1,420 113 1,160 1,200 640 1,030 1,290 62 12,890 12,950 12,980 13,070 13,180 13,275 13,290 13,350 13,520 13,570 13,630 13,559 14,042 14,035 14,028 14,018 14,018 14,009 14,006 14,004 13,997 13,990 13,982 13,981 1954__jan. 27.. Feb. 24.. Mar. 31.. Apr. 28.. M a y 26.. June 30.. July 28.. Aug. 25.. Sept. 29.. Oct. 27.. Nov. 24.. Dec. 31.. 145,330 144,900 142,790 144,110 145,690 146,383 147,280 149,490 150,580 154,010 155,710 155,916 66,460 66,870 67,050 66,750 67,120 67,337 67,290 66,450 67,250 67,740 69,450 70,619 64,160 63,030 60,650 62,130 63,280 63,508 64,340 67,300 67,330 70,160 70,110 68,981 14,710 15,000 15,090 15,230 15,290 15,538 15,650 15,740 16,000 16,110 16,150 16,316 40,330 40,290 40,490 39,830 39,330 41,569 39,260 38,540 39,670 40,720 41,260 43,559 188,150 187,670 185,740 186,520 187,670 190,585 189,190 190,670 192,900 197,480 199,720 202,378 171,360 170,270 169,220 169,400 170,080 174,068 171,770 173,130 175,300 179,300 181,280 184,757 13,480 12,910 13,070 12,750 12,520 13,798 13,180 13,420 13,680 13,970 13,870 15,050 1,230 1,300 1,420 1,510 1,590 1,699 1,760 1,790 1,790 1,700 1,700 1,759 3,110 4,220 5,060 4,190 4,810 5,591 3,580 5,140 4,120 5,730 6,620 4,172 109,470 107,500 104,860 105,950 105,780 106,996 106,960 106,240 108,970 110,870 112,490 116,567 44,070 44,340 44,810 45,000 45,380 45,983 46,290 46,540 46,740 47,030 46,600 47,209 520 1,010 230 630 960 55 750 760 610 760 790 31 13,600 13,700 13,750 13,870 13,930 14,038 14,060 14,120 14,200 14,420 14,640 14,576 13,982 13,960 13,954 13,944 13,940 13,937 13,929 13,919 13,909 13,895 13,879 13,840 1955—Jan. 26.. Feb. 23.. Mar. 30.. Apr. 27.. M a y 25.. June 30.. July 27.. Aug. 31.. Sept. 28.. Oct. 26.. Nov. 30.. Dec. 31.. 156,250 154,820 153,490 155,540 155,570 155,264 156,990 156,680 157,260 158,860 159,390 160,881 70,550 71,180 72,310 72,920 73,850 75,183 76,570 77,340 78,390 79,210 81,390 82,601 69,000 66,800 64,180 65,630 65,000 63,271 63,700 62,490 62,020 62,860 61,370 61,592 16,700 16,840 17,000 16,990 16,720 16 809 16,720 16,850 16,850 16,790 16,630 16,688 41,080 40,470 39,250 39,920 38,700 41,025 39,790 39,680 40,190 40,590 41,580 46,838 200,270 198,250 195,700 198,540 197,210 199,249 199,710 199,340 200,350 202,410 204,100 210,734 181,590 179,240 176,460 179,500 177,990 181,516 180,470 180,200 180,990 182,640 184,020 192,254 13,430 12,790 12,920 12,870 12,330 13,483 12,730 12,840 12,940 12,960 13,010 15,058 1,800 1,760 1,750 1,700 1,690 1,759 1,760 1,730 1,760 1,750 1,770 1,585 3,470 4,260 4,070 4,610 5,130 5,078 5,740 4,860 4,220 4,530 4,210 3,709 115,710 113,120 110,150 112,710 111,060 112,983 112,190 112,440 113,640 114,860 116,930 123,187 47,180 47,310 47,570 47,610 47,780 48,214 48,050 48,330 48,430 48,540 48,100 48,715 970 1,090 1,490 1,290 1,390 150 1,500 1,200 1,280 1,460 1,480 159 14,650 14,730 14,680 14,770 14,890 14,906 14,980 15,100 15,110 15,300 15,390 15,300 13,833 13,824 13,803 13,786 13,784 13,781 13,776 13,763 13,759 13,742 13,737 13,716 1956—Jan. 25.. Feb. 29.. Mar. 28.. Apr. 25.. M a y 30.. June 30.. July 25.. Aug. 29.. Sept. 26.. Oct. 31.. Nov. 28.. Dec. 31.. 159,410 158,350 159,930 160,080 159,690 160,008 159,580 161,030 162,030 162,540 163,970 165,123 81,980 82,540 84,690 85,290 85,960 86,887 87,140 87,470 88,480 88,780 89,510 90,302 60,900 59,170 58,600 58,150 57,310 56,620 56,190 57,170 56,950 57,450 58,200 58,552 16,530 16,640 16,640 16,640 16,420 16,502 16,250 16,390 16,600 16,310 16,260 16,269 40,260 40,530 39,940 39,880 39,970 42,444 39,920 39,730 41,700 42,360 42,390 48,720 202,730 202,040 202,980 203,070 202,780 205,712 202,690 204,090 207,160 208,430 209,930 217,460 182,720 181,670 182,440 182,330 181,980 186,326 181,980 183,150 185,690 186,990 188,370 197,515 13,040 12,640 12,780 12,750 12,180 13,626 13,020 12,900 13,480 13,770 13,770 16,133 1,510 1,420 1,430 1,470 1,510 1,613 1,540 1,560 1,590 1,610 1,590 1,460 2,010 3,640 6,170 4,110 5,450 5,232 3,290 5,460 5,110 3,480 4,930 3,733 117,550 115,090 112,870 114,860 113,520 115,824 114,110 113,020 115,110 117,560 118,110 125,282 48,610 48,880 49,190 49,140 49,320 50,030 50,020 50,210 50,400 50,570 49,970 50,908 1,590 1,630 1,810 1,870 1,740 354 1,580 1,480 1,620 1,450 1,390 75 15,340 15,510 15,550 15,710 15,820 15,927 15,940 16,040 16,280 16,330 16,400 16,302 13,723 13,703 13,702 13,697 13,691 13,679 13,677 13,680 13,679 13,667 13,659 13,640 1957_j a n . 30.. Feb. 27.. Mar. 27.. Apr. 24.. M a y 29.. June 26.. July 31.. Aug. 28.. Sept. 25.. Oct. 30.. Nov. 27.. Dec. 31.. 162,810 88,930 57,710 162,490 89,340 56,830 162,860 90,630 55,740 165,120 90,990 57,460 165,070 91,180 57,070 165,600 93,280 55,500 165,380 92,340 56,280 165,900 92,840 56,170 166,320 93,400 55,870 167,900 92,970 57,310 167,270 92,940 56,910 170,068 93,899 58,239 16,170 16,320 16,490 16,670 16,820 16,820 16,760 16,890 17,050 17,620 17,420 17,930 40,800 41,510 40,700 41,260 40,770 41,380 42,040 41,320 41,260 41,790 42,800 48,428 207,290 207,680 207,230 210,160 209,600 210,710 211,310 211,250 211,590 213,840 214,220 222,696 185,930 185,940 185,440 188,460 187,370 188,880 189,710 188,680 188,930 190,740 191,050 201,326 12,720 12,820 13,010 13,040 12,200 12,900 13,510 12,970 13,350 13,240 13,090 15,636 1,460 1,460 1,470 1,410 1,500 1,480 1,440 1,400 1,450 1,470 1,460 1,385 1,620 2,510 3,510 4,050 5,040 4,490 3,390 4,130 3,580 3,180 3,040 3,898 118,570 117,040 114,520 116,690 114,740 115,660 116,660 115,120 115,130 117,070 118,160 123,967 51,560 52,110 52,930 53,270 53,890 54,350 54,710 55,060 55,420 55,780 55,300 56,440 1,490 1,670 1,830 1,550 1,910 1,690 1,220 1,750 1,690 1,790 1,710 77 16,380 16,500 16,520 16,580 16,680 16,750 16,970 17,090 17,140 17,380 17,440 17,368 13,636 13,631 13,633 13,628 13,619 13,613 13,610 13,608 13,603 13,588 13,578 13,568 For note see p. 29. 27 3. PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS — Continued B. COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1941-60 — Continued [Single-date figures; amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Date Total Loans U.S. Govt. Other obliga- secutions rities Deposits Total assets— Total liaCash bilities assets and capital accounts 1 Interbank Other Borrowings Demand Total Demand Time Time U.S. Govt. Total Numcapital ber acof counts banks Other 1958—Jan. 29.. Feb. 26.. Mar. 26.. Apr. 30.. M a y 28.. June 23.. July 30.. Aug. 27.. Sept. 24.. Oct. 29.. Nov. 26.. Dec. 31.. 167,650 168,580 171,410 175,560 175,440 179,905 177,600 179,990 179,510 181,670 184,050 185,165 92,020 92,090 92,980 93,450 92,900 95,571 93,610 93,760 94,230 94,970 96,060 98,214 57,700 58,260 59,550 62,830 63,140 64,194 64,130 66,060 64,720 66,170 67,660 66,376 17,930 18,230 18,880 19,280 19,400 20,140 19,860 20,170 20,560 20,530 20,330 20,575 41,070 41,340 41,290 42,850 41,120 43,507 41,880 41,270 41,330 42,160 44,310 48,990 213,050 214,320 217,090 222,870 220,840 227,847 223,970 225,620 225,260 228,130 232,700 238,651 190,470 191,480 194,400 199,850 197,590 204,335 200,920 201,840 201,050 203,990 207,570 216,017 13,130 13,000 13,260 13,930 13,530 13,789 14,290 14,150 14,010 14,000 13,590 15,799 1,700 2,130 2,300 2,390 2,450 2,495 2,390 2,380 2,400 2,340 2,360 2,372 2,150 3,500 5,560 5,180 5,420 9,205 4,000 5,490 4,220 3,440 5,600 4,250 116,650 115,010 114,180 118,160 115,230 117,086 117,590 116,800 117,430 121,030 123,580 130,104 56,840 57,840 59,100 60,190 60,960 61,759 62,650 63,020 62,990 63,180 62,440 63,493 1,150 1,070 900 1,000 1,110 1,136 810 1,300 1,560 1,400 2,150 73 17,470 17,580 17,710 17,810 17,920 18,178 18,190 18,310 18,410 18,470 18,550 18,486 13,561 13,556 13,558 13,551 13,545 13,535 13,521 13,517 13,515 13,509 13,514 13,501 1959_j a n . 28.. Feb. 25.. Mar. 25.. Apr. 29.. M a y 27.. June 24.. July 29.. Aug. 26.. Sept. 30.. Oct. 28.. Nov. 25.. Dec. 31.. 185,620 183,840 182,940 185,740 185,810 185,920 187,660 188,190 187,790 188,380 188,280 190,270 97,710 97,890 99,190 101,210 102,440 104,450 105,940 107,370 107,830 108,160 109,470 110,832 67,530 65,520 63,160 63,630 62,620 60,860 61,110 60,290 59,230 59,620 58,480 58,937 20,380 20,430 20,590 20,900 20,750 20,610 20,610 20,530 20,730 20,600 20,330 20,501 42,400 42,740 41,380 42,550 41,760 41,930 41,570 41,430 43,910 43,330 44,150 49,467 232,470 230,900 228,710 232,830 232,100 232,380 233,870 234,170 236,500 236,440 237,210 244,686 207,960 205,760 203,850 207,800 206,670 206,630 208,130 207,910 211,480 210,200 210,210 219,903 13,110 12,850 13,030 12,850 12,750 12,870 12,630 12,900 13,700 13,150 13,200 15,649 2,410 2,290 2,340 2,360 2,230 2,030 1,990 1,910 1,780 1,710 1,610 1,441 4,490 4,150 3,590 4,280 4,890 4,420 4,680 5,720 6,140 5,190 4,400 5,050 124,210 122,490 120,450 123,440 121,510 121,570 123,220 121,460 123,830 124,320 125,930 131,593 63,740 63,980 64,440 64,870 65,290 65,740 65,610 65,920 66,030 65,830 65,070 66,169 1,770 2,210 2,050 2,090 2,240 2,710 2,580 2,770 1,410 2,480 2,860 615 18,570 18,620 18,730 18,890 18,990 19,030 19,170 19,340 19,440 19,500 19,590 19,556 13,512 13,504 13,494 13,491 13,482 13,479 13,476 13,486 13,478 13,478 13,476 13,474 I960—Jan. 27.. Feb. 24.. Mar. 30.. Apr. 27.. M a y 25.. June 29.. July 27.. Aug. 31.. Sept. 28.. Oct. 26.. Nov. 30.. Dec. 31.. 187,780 186,540 185,680 188,810 188,580 188,900 190,890 191,240 193,270 195,580 195,490 199,509 109,550 110,250 111,390 112,950 113,630 114,840 114,170 114,660 115,430 114,790 115,010 117,642 57,980 56,170 54,160 55,830 55,140 54,210 56,700 56,580 57,690 60,390 60,180 61,003 20,250 20,120 20,130 20,030 19,810 19,850 20,020 20,000 20,150 20,400 20,300 20,864 42,470 42,780 41,780 42,610 41,360 42,880 43,010 43,080 43,710 45,100 46,110 52,150 235,280 234,300 232,590 236,480 234,980 237,040 239,270 240,000 242,530 246,290 247,290 257,552 208,650 206,810 204,350 208,080 206,090 209,010 210,420 210,240 213,520 216,580 218,230 229,843 12,920 12,710 12,680 12,520 12,210 13,300 13,070 13,500 13,670 14,180 15,600 17,079 1,390 1,290 1,270 1,470 1,490 1,440 1,480 1,610 1,670 1,690 1,740 1,799 3,540 4,480 4,410 4,480 6,880 7,060 6,230 5,440 7,390 5,970 5,360 5,945 125,290 122,690 119,690 123,090 118,690 119,540 121,430 120,570 121,100 124,420 125,260 133,379 65,510 65,640 66,300 66,520 66,820 67,670 68,210 69,120 69,690 70,320 70,270 71,641 2,340 2,820 3,290 3,000 3,180 2,170 2,590 2,920 2,050 2,480 1,330 163 19,650 19,730 19,860 19,960 20,110 20,280 20,380 20,580 20,660 20,810 21,000 20,986 13,480 13,482 13,482 13,480 13,486 13,485 13,484 13,483 13,485 13,474 13,470 13,472 For note see p. 29. 28 3. PRINCIPAL ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF BANKS — Continued C. MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, 1941-60 [Single-date figures; amounts in millions of dollars] Loans and investments Call date Investments Total Loans Total U.S. Government Other obligations securities Cash assets Total assets— Total liabilities and capital accountsl Total deposits Total capital accounts Number of banks 1941_june 30. Dec. 31. 10,321 10,379 4,958 4,901 5,363 5,478 3,426 3,704 1,937 1,774 968 793 11,996 11,804 10,648 10,533 1,312 1,241 550 548 1942—June 30. Dec. 31. 10,360 10,754 4,822 4,695 5,538 6,059 3,891 4,572 1,647 1,487 753 663 11,682 11,933 10,395 10,668 1,249 1,236 547 546 1943_june 30. Dec. 31. 11,248 11,871 4,581 4,484 6,666 7,387 5,290 6,090 1,376 1,297 722 797 12,429 13,046 11,141 11,738 1,247 1,276 545 545 1944_june 30. Dec. 30. 12,976 13,931 4,414 4,370 8,562 9,560 7,306 8,328 1,257 1,232 535 584 13,836 14,788 12,471 13,376 1,325 1,378 544 543 1945—June 30. Dec. 31. 15,134 16,208 4,307 4,279 10,827 11,928 9,588 10,682 1,240 1,246 583 609 15,951 17,020 14,426 15,385 1,477 1,592 542 542 1946—June 29. Dec. 31. 17,125 17,704 4,356 4,526 12,769 13,179 11,438 11,778 1,331 1,400 747 818 18,054 18,703 16,281 16,869 1,715 1,784 541 541 1947—June 30. Dec. 31. 18,339 18,641 4,686 4,944 13,653 13,696 12,140 11,978 1,513 1,718 839 886 19,362 19,714 17,442 17,763 1,842 1,889 533 533 1948—June 30. Dec. 31. 19,226 19,395 5,234 5,686 13,992 13,709 11,976 11,476 2,016 2,233 832 878 20,252 20,474 18,211 18,405 1,955 1,999 532 532 1949—June 30. Dec. 31. 20,094 20,400 6,050 6,578 14,044 13,822 11,657 11,428 2,387 2,394 800 873 21,105 21,493 18,949 19,293 2,065 2,122 530 531 1950—June 30. Dec. 30. 21,192 21,346 7,203 8,137 13,989 13,209 11,569 10,868 2,420 2,342 831 797 22,252 22,385 19,943 20,031 2,189 2,247 530 529 1951—June 30. Dec. 31. 21,697 22,259 9,020 9,862 12,677 12,398 10,205 9,819 2,472 2,579 851 886 22,835 23,439 20,404 20,915 2,285 2,407 529 529 1952—June 30. Dec. 31. 23,091 24,003 10,509 11,349 12,582 12,654 9,606 9,422 2,976 3,231 966 918 24,378 25,233 21,782 22,621 2,438 2,479 529 529 1953—June 30. Dec. 31. 25,124 25,810 12,091 12,925 13,033 12,885 9,464 9,184 3,569 3,701 867 983 26,333 27,130 23,628 24,398 2,516 2,559 528 528 1954—June 30. Dec. 31. 26,959 27,868 13,890 14,998 13,069 12,871 9,017 8,748 4,052 4,123 987 1,026 28,315 29,276 25,440 26,359 2,626 2,694 528 527 1955—June 30. Dec. 31. 28,990 29,898 16,172 17,456 12,818 12,442 8,675 8,460 4,142 3,982 989 965 30,382 31,274 27,334 28,187 2,757 2,812 528 527 1956—June 30. Dec. 31. 31,066 31,940 18,639 19,777 12,427 12,163 8,297 7,971 4,130 4,192 917 920 32,421 33,311 29,184 30,032 2,885 2,947 527 527 1957—June 6. Dec. 31. 32,950 33,782 20,487 21,216 12,463 12,565 7,906 7,552 4,557 5,013 839 890 34,254 35,168 30,678 31,695 3,042 3,059 525 522 1958—June 23. Dec. 31. 35,274 36,320 22,237 23,357 13,037 12,963 7,417 7,265 5,620 5,698 916 921 36,678 37,779 32,869 34,040 3,181 3,219 520 519 1959—June 10 Dec. 31 37,221 37,561 24,149 25,126 13,072 12,435 7,349 6,864 5,724 5,570 780 829 38,526 38,943 34,503 34,983 3,315 3,359 518 517 I960—June 15 Dec. 31 38,300 39,114 26,069 27,122 12,230 11,992 6,628 6,239 5,603 5,752 764 872 39,598 40,574 35,335 36,353 3,465 3,553 515 514 1 Includes other assets and liabilities not shown separately. 29 4. NUMBER AND DEPOSITS OF COMMERCIAL AND [June and NUMBER Commercial banks Mutual savings banks Call date Total Member banks Nonmember banks Total Total National State Total Insured Noninsured Total Insured Noninsured 1941—June 30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,855 14,826 14,305 14,278 6,556 6,619 5,130 5,117 1,426 1,502 7,752 7,662 6,869 6,810 883 852 550 548 53 52 497 496 1942—June 30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,775 14,682 14,228 14,136 6,647 6,679 5,101 5,081 1,546 1,598 7,584 7,460 6,755 6,667 829 793 547 546 53 56 494 490 1943_j U ne30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,618 14,579 14,073 14,034 6,703 6,738 5,060 5,040 1,643 1,698 7,373 7,299 6,598 6,535 775 764 545 545 61 184 484 361 1944_june30. Dec. 30. 14,553 14,535 14,009 13,992 6,773 6,814 5,036 5,025 1,737 1,789 7,239 7,181 6,494 6,452 745 729 544 543 192 192 352 351 1945—June 30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,542 14,553 14,000 14,011 6,840 6,884 5,015 5,017 1,825 1,867 7,163 7,130 6,440 6,416 723 714 542 542 192 192 350 350 1946—June 29. Dec. 3 1 . 14,567 14,585 14,026 14,044 6,887 6,900 5,012 5,007 1,875 1,893 7,142 7,147 6,446 6,457 696 690 541 541 191 191 350 350 1947_june30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,716 14,714 14,183 14,181 6,928 6,923 5,012 5,005 1,916 1,918 7,258 7,261 6,461 6,478 797 783 533 533 191 194 342 339 1948—June 30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,719 14,703 14,187 14,171 6,925 6,918 4,998 4,991 1,927 1,927 7,265 7,256 6,493 6,498 772 758 532 532 193 193 339 339 1949—June 30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,680 14,687 14,150 14,156 6,903 6,892 4,987 4,975 1,916 1,917 7,250 7,267 6,517 6,540 733 727 530 531 191 192 339 339 1950_june30. Dec. 30. 14,674 14,650 14,144 14,121 6,885 6,873 4,971 4,958 1,914 1,915 7,262 7,251 6,553 6,562 709 689 530 529 192 194 338 335 1951—June 30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,636 14,618 14,107 14,089 6,859 6,840 4,946 4,939 1,913 1,901 7,251 7,252 6,581 6,602 670 650 529 529 201 202 328 327 1952—June 30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,070 14,046 6,815 6,798 4,925 4,909 1,890 1,889 7,258 7,251 6,622 6,627 636 624 529 529 205 206 324 323 1953_j U ne3O. Dec. 3 1 . 14,599 14,575 14,537 14,509 14,009 13,981 6,765 6,743 4,874 4,856 1,891 1,887 7,247 7,241 6,655 6,672 592 569 528 528 213 219 315 309 1954—June 30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,465 14,367 13,937 13,840 6,721 6,660 4,835 4,789 1,886 1,871 7,219 7,183 6,662 6,647 557 536 528 527 219 218 309 309 1955—June 30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,309 14,243 13,781 13,716 6,611 6,543 4,744 4,692 1,867 1,851 7,173 7,176 6,660 6,677 513 499 528 527 218 220 310 307 1956—June 30. Dec. 3 1 . 14,206 14,167 13,679 13,640 6,499 6,462 4,667 4,651 1,832 1,811 7,183 7,181 6,713 6,737 470 444 527 527 220 223 307 304 1957—June 6 . . Dec. 3 1 . 14,144 14,090 13,619 13,568 6,445 6,393 4,647 4,620 1,798 1,773 7,177 7,178 6,748 6,753 429 425 525 522 234 239 1958—June 2 3 . Dec. 3 1 . 14,055 14,020 13,535 13,501 6,357 6,312 4,599 4,578 1,758 1,734 7,181 7,192 6,768 6,793 413 399 520 519 239 241 291 283 281 278 1959_june 10. Dec. 3 1 . 13,988 13,991 13,470 13,474 6,280 6,233 4,559 4,542 1,721 1,691 7,193 7,244 6,810 6,878 383 366 518 517 251 268 267 249 I960—June 15. Dec. 3 1 . 14,006 13,986 13,491 13,472 6,217 6,174 4,542 4,530 1,675 1,644 7,276 7,300 6,926 6,948 350 352 515 514 268 325 247 189 30 MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, BY CLASS OF BANK, 1941-60 December call dates] DEPOSITS [In millions of dollars] Commercial banks Mutual savings banks Total Member banks Nonmember banks Total Total National State Total Insured Noninsured Call date Total Insured Noninsured 78,120 81,816 67,472 71,283 58,512 61,717 37,273 39,458 21,238 22,259 8,969 9,574 7,104 7,702 1,865 1,872 10,648 10,533 1,803 1,789 8,845 8,744 .June 30—1941 .Dec. 31 82,706 99,796 72,311 89,132 63,404 78,277 40,534 50,468 22,871 27,808 8,915 10,864 7,754 9,535 1,161 1,329 10,395 10,664 1,864 2,048 8,531 8,616 .June 30—1942 .Dec. 31 107,224 117,661 96,083 105,923 84,016 92,262 54,589 59,961 29,427 32,302 12,076 13,671 10,557 11,842 1,519 1,829 11,141 11,738 2,739 7,534 8,402 4,203 .June 30—1943 .Dec. 31 128,605 141,449 116,133 128,072 101,276 110,917 65,585 71,858 35,690 39,059 14,869 17,168 12,880 14,809 1,989 2,358 12,471 13,376 8,235 8,910 4,236 4,466 .June 30—1944 .Dec. 30 151,033 165,612 136,607 150,227 118,378 129,670 76,533 84,939 41,844 44,730 18,242 20,571 15,880 18,119 2,362 2,452 14,426 15,385 9,671 10,363 4,754 5,022 .June 30—1945 .Dec. 31 159,171 155,902 142,890 139,033 122,519 118,170 80,212 78,775 42,307 39,395 20,387 20,879 18,108 18,836 2,279 2,043 16,281 16,869 10,979 11,428 5,302 5,442 .June 29—1946 .Dec. 31 153,349 161,865 135,907 144,103 115,435 122,528 77,146 82,023 38,289 40,505 20,488 21,591 18,240 19,340 2,248 2,251 17,442 17,763 11,901 12,207 5,541 5,556 .June 30—1947 .Dec. 31 156,353 161,248 138,142 142,843 117,452 121,362 78,753 81,407 38,699 39,955 20,706 21,497 18,509 19,296 2,197 2,201 18,211 18,405 12,581 12,772 5,630 5,633 .June 30—1948 .Dec. 31 156,470 164,467 137,520 145,174 116,980 123,885 78,219 83,113 38,761 40,772 20,556 21,305 18,410 19,269 2,146 2,036 18,949 19,293 13,241 13,592 5,709 5,702 .June 30—1949 .Dec. 31 163,770 175,296 143,827 155,265 122,707 133,089 82,430 89,281 40,277 43,808 21,137 22,193 19,108 20,216 2,029 1,976 19,943 20,031 14,128 14,320 5,815 5,711 .June 30—1950 .Dec. 30 171,860 185,756 151,457 164,840 129,737 141,015 86,589 94,173 43,149 46,843 21,737 23,843 19,741 21,912 1,996 1,932 20,404 20,915 14,924 15,368 5,479 5,547 .June 30—1951 Dec. 31 184,130 195,552 162,348 172,931 138,769 147,527 92,720 98,974 46,049 48,553 23,598 25,424 21,606 23,464 1,993 1,960 21,782 22,621 16,081 16,785 5,702 5,836 June 30—1952 Dec. 31 189,159 201,100 165,531 176,702 140,830 150,164 94,475 100,654 46,355 49,510 24,722 26,560 22,841 24,555 1,880 2,005 23,628 24,398 17,695 18,383 5,933 6,015 June 30—1953 Dec. 31 199,508 211,115 174,068 184,757 148,252 157,252 99,362 105,851 48,890 51,401 25,838 27,528 23,819 25,657 2,020 1,871 25,440 26,359 19,195 19,885 6,246 6,474 June 30—1954 Dec. 31 208,850 220,441 181,516 192,254 154,670 163,757 98,636 103,903 56,034 59,854 26,870 28,522 25,082 26,779 1,788 1,742 27,334 28,187 20,590 21,237 6,743 6,950 June 30—1955 Dec. 31 215,510 227,546 186,326 197,515 158,388 167,906 100,826 107,161 57,563 60,744 27,962 29,635 26,316 28,073 1,646 1,562 29,184 30,032 21,959 22,886 7,225 7,146 June 30—1956 Dec. 31 216,986 233,020 186,308 201,326 157,593 170,637 100,989 109,091 56,605 61,545 28,740 30,715 27,292 29,266 1,448 1,449 30,678 31,695 23,578 25,022 7,100 6,672 237,204 250,057 204,335 216,017 173,904 182,816 110,065 116,714 63,839 66,102 30,458 33,227 28,942 31,696 1,516 1,532 32,869 34,040 26,082 27,277 6,787 6,763 June 6 1957 Dec. 31 June 23—1958 Dec. 31 242,096 254,885 207,594 219,903 174,811 184,706 112,659 119,638 62,152 65,069 32,810 35,224 31,365 33,795 1,444 1,429 34,503 34,983 28,041 28,577 6,461 6,405 June 10—1959 Dec. 31 249,163 266,196 213,829 229,843 179,519 193,029 116,178 124,911 63,341 68,118 34,328 36,834 32,942 35,391 1,386 1,443 35,335 36,353 28,824 31,502 6,511 4,850 June 15—1960 Dec. 31 31 5. CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL BANKS, BY Character of change Total 1941 1942 1943 1945 1944 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 All commercial banks Increase Primary organizations. Unclassified1 1,909 1,734 175 54 53 1 27 22 5 53 49 4 69 69 118 117 1 144 144 234 111 123 80 Decrease Suspensions Consolidations and absorptions: Converted into branches Other Voluntary liquidations Unclassified 2,781 64 120 8 168 9 153 4 111 1 99 111 97 1 90 2,336 362 19 60 42 10 89 69 1 86 62 1 72 38 80 19 54 40 17 55 29 11 1 56 19 12 3 14,278 14,136 14,034 13,992 14,011 14,044 14,181 14,171 Number at end of year. 78 72 6 69 68 1 93 4 58 19 12 104 1 71 20 12 14,156 14,121 National banks Increase Primary organizations Conversions from State member. Conversions1 from nonmember Unclassified 477 315 78 74 10 13 7 4 2 Decrease Suspensions Consolidations and absorptions: Converted into branches Other Voluntary liquidations Conversions to State member.... Conversions to nonmember Unclassified 1,091 11 40 4 41 960 45 5 69 1 22 28 7 6 2 6 5,117 Number at end of year. 5,081 13 3 5 5 21 33 17 7 9 35 21 11 3 27 19 6 2 54 2 36 41 45 29 27 5 34 2 21 19 3 5,025 5,017 5,007 5,040 19 12 4 3 32 35 29 21 9 24 7 2 1 1 21 6 1 5,005 4,991 4,975 4,958 4,939 State member banks 2 104 117 4 113 113 5 108 95 8 87 65 9 56 52 14 38 32 5 27 22 6 15 1 17 8 9 12 10 17 22 17 39 27 23 32 19 1,499 1,595 1,695 1,786 1,864 1,890 1,915 1,924 1,914 1,912 Increase Primary organizations Admissions of nonmember. Conversions from national. Unclassified * 932 108 817 5 2 169 Decrease Suspensions Consolidations and absorptions: Converted into branches Other Voluntary liquidations Conversions to national Withdrawals from membership. . Unclassified 632 2 166 2 106 374 12 78 166 Number at end of year. Nonmember commercial banks Increase Primary organizations Conversions from national Withdrawals from membership. Unclassified i 1,710 1,311 69 166 164 57 45 6 5 1 33 20 6 2 5 56 42 7 3 4 67 56 4 7 100 92 5 2 127 114 2 11 207 78 1 5 123 66 60 2 4 72 54 1 11 6 59 53 1 4 1 Decrease Suspensions Consolidations and absorptions: Converted into branches Other Voluntary liquidations Conversions to national Admissions to membership Unclassified 2,268 51 253 4 234 9 215 2 185 1 151 110 93 1 71 61 4 75 1 1,002 37 34 2 166 10 56 61 3 104 1 45 49 5 113 1 37 32 7 108 21 18 25 18 19 9 20 9 39 13 12 3 56 8 2 38 1 11 2 27 3 10 3 15 11 2 9 7,662 7,460 7,299 7,181 7,147 7,261 7,256 7,267 7,251 Number at end of year. 305 74 817 19 1 Includes reopenings of suspended banks in the following years: 1942—1 nonmember; 1953—1 State member and 2 nonmember; and 1957_1 national; total for 1941-60, 5. 32 38 f I 17 9 87 7,130 1,898 CLASS OF BANK AND BY CHARACTER OF CHANGE, 1941-60 1953 1954 1955 1956 1958 1957 1959 1960 Character of change All commercial banks 67 64 3 75 73 2 116 116 123 123 91 89 2 97 97 145 117 28 135 135 .Increase . . . Primary organizations . . . Unclassified 1 132 4 216 3 240 4 199 3 163 3 164 8 172 3 137 2 92 23 10 3 175 31 7 204 27 5 166 23 7 134 23 3 126 25 5 148 18 3 106 25 4 . Decrease . . . Suspensions . . . Consolidations and absorptions: Converted into branches Other . . . Voluntary liquidations . . . Unclassified 13,981 13,840 13,716 13,640 13,568 13,501 13,474 13,472 .Number at end of year National banks 31 18 4 8 1 67 98 80 14 1 4 4,856 4,789 26 20 2 2 2 25 19 3 3 37 23 6 1 7 133 2 115 10 1 1 3 80 1 57 67 1 73 65 10 45 8 56 9 64 7 4,692 4,651 1 4,620 4,578 .Increase . . . Primary organizations . . . Conversions from State member . . . Conversions lfrom nonmember . . . Unclassified 59 2 9 4,542 4,530 .Decrease . . . Suspensions . . .Consolidations and absorptions: Converted into branches Other . . . Voluntary liquidations . . . Conversions to State member . . . Conversions to nonmember . . . Unclassified .Number at end of year State member banks 21 10 10 23 .Increase . . . Primary organizations . . . Admissions of nonmember . . . Crviversions from national . . . Unclassified * 34 42 22 4 1,884 1,868 1,848 56 48 1 48 52 36 3 26 6 25 5 27 3 1 6 15 1,808 1,770 1,731 1,688 1,642 132 98 9 25 58 . Decrease . . . Suspensions . . . Consolidations and absorptions: Converted into branches Other . . .Voluntary liquidations . . . Conversions to national . . . Withdrawals from membership . . . Unclassified .Number at end of year Nonmember commercial banks 57 89 84 3 2 104 87 3 14 82 66 3 13 92 76 1 15 128 90 2 15 21 115 3 96 2 99 2 85 1 78 7 76 3 73 13 6 8 12 55 13 4 6 16 65 10 5 7 10 63 9 3 2 7 45 11 5 3 7 57 8 2 1 5 7,183 7,176 7,181 7,178 7,192 7,244 52 42 4 4 2 49 3 4 1 62 3 24 11 10 1 10 3 7,241 .Increase . . . Primary organizations . . . Conversions from national . . . Withdrawals from membership ...Unclassified 1 . Decrease . . . Suspensions . . . Consolidations and absorptions: Converted into branches Other . . .Voluntary liquidations . . . Conversions to national . . .Admissions to membership . . . Unclassified 7,300 33 . Number at end of year 6. NUMBER OF BANKS ON THE PAR LIST AND NOT ON THE PAR LIST, [End of F. R. district and class of bank All districts: On par list total . . Member Nonmember . Not on par list (nonmember) ... .... Boston: On par list, total Member Nonmember Not on par list (nonmember) New York: On par list total Member Nonmember . Not on par list (nonmember) .. Philadelphia: On par list total Member Nonmember Not on par list (nonmember) Cleveland: On par list total Member Nonmember Not on par list (nonmember) Richmond: On par list total Member Nonmember Not on par list (nonmember) 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 . . . . 11,543 6,619 . . . . 4,924 2,731 11,422 6,679 4,743 2,710 11,501 6,738 4,763 2,529 11,552 6,814 4,738 2,445 11,876 6,884 4,992 2,133 11,957 6,894 5,063 2,086 12,037 6,917 5,120 2,041 12,061 6,912 5,149 2,011 12,178 6,887 5,291 1,873 12,162 6,868 5,294 1,853 12,158 6,835 5,323 1,829 509 347 508 348 504 346 490 336 493 336 495 336 485 329 475 325 471 160 158 503 347 495 340 162 156 155 154 157 159 156 150 323 148 992 797 195 987 799 188 976 806 170 964 816 148 955 814 141 936 801 135 926 797 129 908 783 125 894 768 126 873 751 122 858 737 121 883 659 224 873 652 221 862 646 216 858 647 211 851 647 204 846 649 197 844 647 197 841 645 196 836 640 196 835 639 196 829 632 197 1,211 673 538 2 1,195 685 510 2 1,183 707 476 2 1,180 710 470 1 1,177 721 1,168 722 1,145 710 1,134 704 1,125 700 1,117 693 1,106 685 456 446 435 430 425 424 421 756 472 284 785 475 310 790 475 315 798 478 320 804 479 325 804 477 327 812 477 335 203 196 722 722 724 733 447 275 460 262 468 265 289 288 465 259 284 274 399 317 82 704 405 318 87 693 400 316 84 696 Chicago: On par list total Member Nonmember Not on par list (nonmember) 2,237 899 1,338 220 2,226 925 1,301 215 St. Louis: On par list, total Member Nonmember Not on par list (nonmember) 1,058 437 621 443 Minneapolis: On par list total Member Nonmember Not on par list (nonmember) 208 249 228 408 316 92 696 489 325 164 626 516 331 185 628 547 340 207 619 557 346 211 626 577 351 226 611 596 353 243 601 355 263 2,349 953 1,396 86 2,361 969 1,392 71 2,396 995 1,401 62 2,416 999 1,417 57 2,428 1 000 1,428 56 2,434 1,003 1,431 54 2,490 1 001 1,489 2,487 1,005 1,482 2,483 1,009 1,474 1,035 450 585 446 1,051 456 595 413 1,073 475 598 387 1,093 490 603 366 1,111 495 616 356 1,115 495 620 352 1,126 495 631 343 1,135 496 639 337 1,134 496 638 336 1,139 495 644 325 567 452 115 716 557 454 103 718 555 454 101 715 566 467 99 702 588 472 116 685 592 470 122 680 609 475 134 669 620 476 144 658 678 478 200 600 677 All 200 598 677 476 201 597 Kansas City: On par list total Member Nonmember Not on par list (nonmember) 1,646 741 905 176 1,608 744 864 173 1,593 741 852 167 1,590 749 841 164 1,732 751 981 15 1,731 753 978 19 1,740 758 982 11 1,740 760 980 9 1,740 756 984 9 1,749 756 993 9 1,743 751 992 9 Dallas: On par list, total Member Nonmember Not on par list (nonmember) 814 573 241 152 809 570 239 149 814 575 239 143 824 580 244 136 849 585 264 120 868 595 273 113 897 613 284 110 906 618 288 109 914 623 291 108 922 630 292 106 931 633 298 103 San Francisco: On par list total Member Nonmember Not on par list (nonmember) 505 277 228 29 497 274 223 26 490 273 217 23 492 270 222 14 495 272 223 10 498 268 230 5 503 271 232 4 502 268 234 1 500 266 234 493 266 227 491 262 229 Atlanta: On par list total Member Nonmember ... Not on par list (nonmember) ... 34 220 211 618 599 BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT AND BY CLASS OF BANK, 1941-60 year] 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 12,122 12,085 6,792 6,737 5,330 5,348 1,820 1,801 11,960 6,654 5,306 1,787 11,862 6,537 5,325 1,785 11,815 6,456 5,359 1,754 11,759 6,387 5,372 1,741 11,722 6,306 5,416 1,719 11,695 6,227 5,468 1,690 11,711 6,169 5,542 1,672 469 321 148 464 316 148 454 311 143 444 303 141 435 298 137 430 293 137 422 286 136 415 276 139 408 268 140 Boston: .. . On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 837 720 117 814 700 114 787 680 107 728 625 103 685 586 99 655 559 96 630 530 100 602 507 95 585 491 94 New York: . .. On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 820 621 199 799 607 192 777 587 190 743 563 180 717 547 170 698 533 165 672 513 159 651 499 152 636 488 148 Philadelphia: . . . On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 1,090 673 417 1,065 652 413 1,029 632 397 1,002 615 387 986 606 380 976 599 377 964 589 375 938 572 366 928 565 363 Cleveland: .. . On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 812 477 335 193 814 477 337 193 817 476 341 187 821 473 348 177 819 470 349 168 816 465 351 162 806 455 351 157 797 447 350 151 785 435 350 143 Richmond: . .. On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 630 360 270 594 642 363 279 589 659 373 286 585 682 379 303 586 721 391 330 577 737 397 340 575 757 401 356 566 780 403 377 557 809 418 391 558 Atlanta: . . . On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 2,476 1,005 1,471 2,480 1,011 1,469 2,485 1,017 1,468 2,484 1,022 1,462 2,477 1,020 1,457 2,473 1,019 1,454 2,473 1,018 1,455 2,464 1,005 1,459 2,470 997 1,473 1,140 493 647 323 1,144 493 651 316 1,142 490 652 315 1,151 492 659 308 1,165 492 673 300 1,167 491 676 300 1,174 489 685 293 1,184 488 696 290 1,187 480 707 289 St. Louis: . . . On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 676 476 200 600 677 472 205 598 679 473 206 601 684 473 211 601 688 473 215 599 691 474 217 599 694 476 218 599 701 477 224 597 708 474 234 598 Minneapolis: . . . On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 1,745 752 993 9 1,752 753 999 7 1,747 749 998 7 1,752 749 1,003 7 1,758 752 1,006 6 1,755 749 1,006 1,757 749 1,008 6 1,768 755 1,013 6 1,770 756 1,014 4 Kansas City: . . . On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 939 634 305 101 947 635 312 98 957 632 325 92 969 634 335 91 986 634 352 89 1,001 634 367 84 1,014 631 383 83 1,036 633 403 81 1,063 632 431 77 Dallas: . .. On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 488 260 228 487 258 229 427 234 193 402 209 193 15 378 187 191 15 360 174 186 15 359 169 190 15 359 165 194 362 165 197 3 San Francisco: . . .On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) 35 F. R. district and class of bank All districts: . .. On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember) Chicago: . . . On par list, total Member Nonmember . . . Not on par list (nonmember)