Full text of Statistics of Income : 1931
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U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE STATISTICS OF INCOME FOR 1931 COMPILED FROM INCOME-TAX RETURNS AND INCLUDING STATISTICS FROM ESTATE-TAX RETURNS PREPARED UNDER DIRECTION OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE BY THE STATISTICAL SECTION, INCOME TAX UNIT UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1933 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Washington. D.C. Price 15 cents CONTENTS Page Official transmittal 1 GENERAL EXPLANATIONS 1-4 Returns tabulated General definitions Industrial classification Geographic distribution 1-2 2-4 4 4 INCOME-TAX RETURNS INDIVIDUAL INCOME-TAX R E T U R N S : N u m b e r of r e t u r n s , n e t income a n d t a x Simple a n d c u m u l a t i v e distribution, b y n e t income classes, of n u m - ber of returns, net income, and tax Classification by sex and family relationship Net income exempt from normal tax Capital net gains and losses Net loss for prior year, 1922 to 1931 Credit of 25 percent of tax on earned net income, 1924 to 1931 Sources of income and deductions Amounts and percentages By net income classes Percentage distribution by net income classes Frequency distribution by size of specific items of income and deductions, returns of net income of $5,000 and over Net profit from business, returns of net income of $5,000 and over, by major industrial groups Taxes paid other than Federal income tax and interest paid, returns of net income of $5,000 and over Wholly and partially tax-exempt obligations, returns of net income of $5,000 and over, by net income classes Returns on form 1040 with no net income By deficit classes __. Sources of income and deductions Number of returns by counties, cities, and townships PARTNERSHIP RETURNS OF INCOME CORPORATION INCOME-TAX RETURNS: Number of returns, net income or deficit, and tax By major industrial groups By net income and deficit classes Net loss for prior year, 1922 to 1931 Amount of net income exempt from and subject to tax Income and profits taxes paid to foreign countries or possessions of the United States . Dividends paid, 1922 to 1931 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions Corporations submitting and not submitting balance sheets Assets and liabilities Corporations submitting balance sheets, returns with net income and no net income Number of corporation returns filed and number of balance sheets tabulated by net income and deficit classes Assets and liabilities and compiled receipts and statutory deductions by total assets classes Returns showing net income and no net income in 4—5 5-6 6 6-7 7-8 8 8-9 9-12 9 10-11 11-12 12-14 15 16-17 17-18 18-19 19 19 19 20 20 20-23 24 25 25 26 26 27-28 28 28-32 30 30 31-32 32 IV CONTENTS CORPORATION INCOME-TAX RETURNS—Continued. Revised items in assets and liabilities, Statistics of Income, 1927 Revised items in receipts and deductions, Statistics of Income, 1930_ Revised number of consolidated returns, Statistics of Income, 1930__ Consolidated returns By major industrial groups By net income and deficit classes By number of subsidiaries Fiscal year returns By month ending the fiscal year By net income and deficit classes Part-year returns Page 32 32-33 33 33-35 34 35 35 35-36 36 36 36-37 HISTORICAL SUMMARIES: Individual income-tax returns: Number of returns, net income, tax before tax credits, tax credits, and tax, 1913 to 1931 37-38 Number, by net income classes, 1914 to 1931 38-39 Net income, by net income classes, 1916 to 1931 39-40 Tax, by net income classes, 1916 to 1931 40-41 Average rate of tax on net income, by net income classes, 1916 to 1931 41 Sources of income and deductions, 1916 to 1931 42-45 All returns 42-43 Returns of net income of $5,000 and over 43-45 Corporation income tax returns: Total number, number and percent with net income and no net income, gross income, net income, deficit, and tax, 1909 to 193146 Number of returns, net income and deficit, by net income and deficit classes, 1928 to 1931 47 Returns submitting balance sheets, showing number of balance sheets and major items of assets and liabilities, 1926 to 1931__ 48 ESTATE-TAX RETURNS ESTATE-TAX RETURNS: General explanations 49 Table 1. Resident decedents. Gross estate, deductions, net estate, and tax, by net estate classes 50-53 Table 2. Resident decedents. By States and Territories 54-55 Table 3. Resident and nonresident decedents. Historical summary, 1916 to 1932 56 BASIC TABLES (INCOME-TAX RETURNS) INDIVIDUAL INCOME-TAX RETURNS (1-11): United States in aggregate (1-8, 8a, 10, 11): 1. By States and Territories 59 2. By net income classes 60-61 3. Simple and cumulative distribution, by net income classes. _ 62-64 4. Sex and family relationship, by States and Territories 65-66 5. Sex and family relationship, by net income classes 67-68 6. Sources of income and deductions, by States and Territories. 69-70 7. Sources of income and deductions, by net income classes 71-72 8. Taxes paid other than Federal income tax and interest paid, by States and Territories, returns of net income of $5,000 and over 73 8A. Taxes paid other than Federal income tax and interest paid, by net income classes, returns of net income of $5,000 and over 74 10. Returns on form 1040 with no net income, number and deficit, by States and Territories 125 11. Returns on form 1040 with no net income, sources of income and deductions, by deficit classes 125 states and Territories separately (9): 9. By net income classes with historical summary, 1921 to 1930_ 75-124 CONTEXTS V CORPORATION INCOME-TAX RETURNS (12-19): United States in aggregate (12-18): Page 12. By States and Territories 128-129 13. Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, by major industrial groups: All returns 130-133 Returns showing net income 134-137 Returns showing no net income 138-141 14. By major industrial groups and subgroups 142-147 15. Returns submitting balance sheets, showing assets and liabilities, and compiled receipts and statutory deductions, by major industrial groups, and by returns with net income and no net income 148-153 16. Returns submitting balance sheets, showing assets and liabilities and compiled receipts and statutory deductions, by total assets classes: All returns submitting balance sheets 154-155 Returns showing net income 156-157 Returns showing no net income 158-159 17. Returns submitting balance sheets by major industrial groups and by total assets classes, showing selected items of assets and liabilities and selected items of receipts 160-177 18. By major industrial groups for returns with net income and no net income, 1922 to 1931 178-182 States and Territories separately (19): 19. Historical summary, 1922 to 1931 183-193 REVENUE ACTS OF 1909 TO 1932—SYNOPSIS OF INCOME- AND PROFITS-TAX RATES ESTATE-TAX RATES, CREDITS, AND EXEMPTIONS AFFECTING THE COMPARABILITY OF DATA IN "STATISTICS OF INCOME" INDIVIDUAL: Required to file returns, personal exemption, credit for dependents, and normal tax rates 1 198-199 Surtax rates 200-201 Supplemental income-tax rates and tax credits 202-203 CORPORATION: Income- and profits-tax rates, exemptions, and credits 204-207 ESTATE TAX: Rates, specific exemptions, and credits against estate tax 208-209 INCOME-TAX FORMS: Facsimiles of forms 1040, 1040A, 1120, and 1120L for 1931 INDEX 211-227 229 STATISTICS OF INCOME FOR 1931 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Washington, D.C., October 18, 1933. SIR: In accordance with the provisions contained in the Revenue Act of 1916 and subsequent Acts for the publication annually of statistics with respect to the operation of the income, war-profits, and excess-profits tax laws, I have the honor >?to transmit herewith a report entitled "Statistics of Income for 1931, prepared from the incometax returns of individuals and corporations for that year filed during 1932, with a historical presentation of the income and tax liability reported by; individuals and corporations since the inception of the present period of income taxation under the sixteenth amendment to the Constitution. The report also contains tabulations of data from estate-tax returns filed during 1932, irrespective of the date of death of the decedent, and a brief historical summary. GENERAL EXPLANATIONS Returns tabulated.—In general, the returns included in this report are for the calendar year 1931, filed under the provisions of the Revenue Act of 1928. However, a considerable number of corporation returns and a negligible number of individual returns are for a fiscal year other than the calendar year. Thus there are included with the returns for the calendar year 1931, returns with fiscal year ending within the period July 1, 1931, to June 30, 1932, and fractional (part year) returns for which the greater part of the period falls in 1931. Returns with income falling in the calendar year 1932 are filed under the provisions of the Revenue Act of 1932 as well as that of 1928. The general tables therefore include calendar, fiscal, and fractional (part year) returns, except when otherwise specified. The general tables for corporations include all returns, those showing net income as well as those showing no net income. The general tables for individuals include only returns showing net income. The data tabulated from returns with no net income are shown on pages 19, 125. Prior to 1928 no tabulations were made from returns with no net income. The Revenue Act of 1921 and subsequent acts provide that a return be filed, irrespective of the amount of net income (or deficit), by every individual, if single or if married and not living with husband or wife, having a gross income of $5,000 and over, and every married couple living together having an aggregate gross income of $5,000 and over. Moreover, returns showing net income below the minimum provided by the revenue acts are frequently filed by married couples who elect to file separate returns as provided by law; also as part year returns filed in the case of the death of the taxpayer and covering the income period to the date of death, and in cases where the taxpayer elects to change the accounting period. 1 1 STATISTICS OF INCOME The statistics contained in this report are based on the taxpayers' returns as filed, unaudited except for a preliminary examination to insure proper execution of the returns, and include amended returns showing net income of $100,000 and over, but do not include amended returns with net income under $100,000. Income-tax returns filed by individuals having net income of $5,000 and over and individual returns of net income under $5,000 which display income characteristics similar to those usually found in returns of net income of $5,000 and over, such as varied or unusual sources of income or large total income, and all returns filed by corporations, pass through the statistical section, and the data are tabulated from each of these returns. The statistics applying to individual returns with net income under $5,000, except those specified above (which numbered approximately 133,000), represent estimates based on samples of such returns. Averages for the various items from a sample for each State are applied to the total number of returns of the class which they represent to secure estimates for the particular State. The samples are selected from both forms on which individual incomes are reported— form 1040 for net income from salaries or wages of more than $5,000, or income regardless of amount from business, profession, rents, or sale of property, and form 1040-A for net income of not more than $5,000, derived chiefly from salaries and wages. All 1040 returns are sent to Washington for audit, and those with net income under $5,000 are sampled by the statistical section. The 1040-A returns are audited in the collection districts, and samples only are sent to Washington. The sample for 1931 included approximately 214,000 returns on form 1040, and 200,000 on form 1040-A, representing for each collection district not less than 10 percent of the number of each form of return with net income under $5,000, distributed approximately equally between taxable and nontaxable returns. The specified minimum for the 1040 returns was 4,000 wherever the number filed exceeded that figure, and for 1040-A's the minimum was 2,000 wherever the number filed exceeded that figure. When the number of returns filed in any collection district in this class was less than the respective minima the entire number filed was tabulated. For 1929 and subsequent years the number of returns with net income under $5,000 is based in part on Income Tax Unit reports and in part on reports of collectors; for years prior to 1929 it is based on collectors' reports. (See 1929 Statistics of Income, p. 2.) Certain basic tables heretofore included in the Statistics of Income have been omitted. However, the data, if available, may be obtained from the Bureau of Internal Revenue upon request. In certain text and basic tables the amounts in dollars are expressed in thousands. In every case where this rounding occurs it is clearly indicated in the subtitle or in a column heading of the table. General definitions.—Throughout this report "net income" represents the amount of gross income, as defined in the revenue act effective for the year for which the income is returned, in excess of the deductions claimed by the taxpayer under the provisions of the respective acts, and "deficit" means excess of deductions over gross income. The net income of individuals includes capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years. Credits allowed individuals, such as personal exemption, credit for dependents, net loss STATISTICS OF INCOME d for prior year, and net loss from the sale of capital assets held more than 2 years which is reported for tax credit, are not included in deductions; neither is the special credit of $3,000 for domestic corporations having net income of $25,000 or less nor net loss for prior year included in deductions in arriving at net income of corporations. Gross income and deductions shown in the corporation tables correspond to the total income and total deductions reported on the face of the return plus the cost of goods sold. The amount of income-tax liability returned for 1931, shown in the tabulations in this volume, is not entirely comparable with the amount of taxes collected during the calendar year 1932. Several factors are responsible for this discrepancy, among which are the following: 1. The amount of tax originally reported on the returns does not always represent precisely the amount of tax paid, for the reason that an adjustment may be made after the data have been taken from the original returns for the Statistics of Income. These adjustments may result in additional assessments, thereby increasing the tax liability, or in certificates of overassessments, thereby decreasing the tax liability. An amended return has the same effect as an adjustment. 2. Income and profits taxes paid to foreign governments or possessions of the United States are deductible from income taxes payable to the United States as limited by section 131 (b) of the Revenue Act of 1928 with respect to income returned for 1930 and 1931 and as limited by section 131 (b) of the Revenue Act of 1932 with respect to income for 1932. The amount of tax taken as credit under this provision of law has not been deducted from the amount of tax liability shown in the tabulations. The aggregate amount of income and profits taxes paid to foreign governments or possessions of the United States taken as a credit by corporations is, however, shown on page 26. Similar figures for individual returns are available only for the years 1925 to 1930, inclusive, and appear on page 9 of the Statistics of Income for 1930. Individual income taxes paid at the source on tax-free covenant bonds are deductible from income taxes payable by individuals but are not deducted in the income-tax liability of individual returns shown herein. However, all collections representing income tax paid at source on tax-free covenant bonds are classified with the corporation income-tax collections, due to the tax being assessed against the debtor corporations notwithstanding the fact that it is paid on behalf of individual holders of bonds. 3. The amount of income taxes in fiscal year returns included in this tabulation may not represent taxes collected during 1932 on such returns. Fiscal year returns are required to be filed on or before the 15th day of the third month after the end of the fiscal year, and payment as in the case of calendar year returns, is required at the time the return is filed, or in four quarterly installments. The first of the quarterly installments is due when the return is filed. Thus, during the calendar year 1932, collections were made of part or all of the taxes in returns for fiscal years ended from January 31, 1931 (the last quarterly installment payment on which was due on or before Jan. 15, 1932), to September 30, 1932 (the filing of returns and the full payment or first installment payment on which was due on or before Dec. 15, 1932), whereas, as previously indicated, there are excluded from these statistics the returns for fiscal years ending prior to July 1, 1931, and subsequent to June 30, 1932. 4 STATISTICS OF INCOME 4. Delays in payment due to financial embarrassment, death, liquidation of business, or any other cause, result in collections of taxes after the close of the year in which such taxes are due, and the classification of such collections as "back taxes" because made in a subsequent year. Certain amounts are uncollectible, due likewise to the above causes. 5. Current collections include such interest and penalty items as are received during the year in connection with delinquent payments on returns for 1931. Industrial classification.—The industrial classification is based on the predominant business of nonaffiliated corporations or of groups of affiliated corporations filing a single return. The industrial groups, therefore, do not contain solely corporations engaged exclusively in the industries in which they are classified, due to the diversified industrial activities of many corporations and especially to affiliated corporations filing consolidated returns, which latter include the income and deductions of the subsidiary or affiliated corporations. If such affiliated corporations could be classified independently of the consolidated returns, many would fall in industrial divisions other than the ones in which they are included. Geographic distribution.—The data, although tabulated by returns filed in each State, do not represent what may be called the geographic distribution of income, there being no way of ascertaining from the income-tax returns the amount of income originating in the respective States or the amount of tax paid on that basis, as income reported by an individual or corporation in one State may have been derived from sources in other States. An individual files his income-tax return in the collection district in which his legal residence or principal place of business is located, and a corporation files its income-tax return in the collection district in which its principal place of business or the principal office or agency is situated, excepting closely affiliated concerns filing a consolidated return. In the latter case the consolidated return is frequently filed in a State other than the State in which the principal place of business or principal office or agency of the subsidiaries is located. INDIVIDUAL INCOME-TAX RETURNS The number of returns of individuals for 1931 was 3,225,924, of which 1,525,546 were taxable and 1,700,378 nontaxable. The aggregate net income was $13,604,996,128; the net income on taxable returns was $9,297,017,593, on which the tax liability was $246,127,277. As compared with the returns for the previous year, the total number for 1931 decreased by 481,585, or 12.99 percent. The average net income for 1931 was $4,217.40 for all returns and $6,094.22 for taxable returns, the average amount of tax liability was $76.30 for all returns and $161.34 for taxable returns, and the average tax rate was 1.81 percent for all returns and 2.65 percent for taxable returns. For the preceding year the average net income was $4,887.01 for all returns and $6,719.81 for taxable returns, the average tax liability was $128.58 for all returns, and $233.96 for taxable returns, and the average tax rate was 2.63 percent for all returns and 3.48 percent for taxable returns. The ratio of the number of returns filed to the total population (Census Bureau estimate of population as of July 1, 1931) is 2.59 percent, as compared with a corresponding ratio for the preceding year of 3.01 percent. STATISTICS OF INCOME 0 The distribution of returns of individuals by States and Territories is given in basic table 1, page 59, and by net income classes in basic table 2, pages 60-61. Each of these tables shows number of returns, net income, and tax. SIMPLE AND CUMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION BY NET INCOME CLASSES OF NUMBER OF RETURNS, NET INCOME, AND TAX (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) The distribution of the returns, by a limited number of net income classes, is exhibited in the following table, which includes the number of returns, net income, and tax; also cumulative totals and percentages. In basic table 3, pages 62-64, a similar distribution of the number of returns, net income, and tax is shown by a more detailed net-income classification. Simple and cumulative distribution of individual returns for 1931, by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, and percentages l Returns Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Simple distribution Cumulative distribu- Cumulative distribution from highest tion from lowest income class income class Number Number Under 1 (estimated). 1-2 (estimated) 2-3 (estimated) 3-5 (estimated) Per cent 185,391 862,153 675,019 912, 630 417,655 137, 754 24,308 7,830 1,634 1,056 268 149 77 5-10 10-25... 25-50... 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 and over Total-. 5.75 26.72 20.92 28.29 12.95 4.27 .75 .24 .05 .03 .01 .01 .01 3,225,924 3,040, 533 2,178,380 1, 503, 361 590,731 173,076 35, 322 11,014 3,184 1,550 494 226 77 Percent 100.00 94.25 67.53 46.61 18. 32 5.37 1.10 .35 .11 .06 .03 .02 .01 Number 185,391 1,047, 544 1, 722, 563 2, 635,193 3,052,848 3,190, 602 3,214,910 3, 222,740 3, 224, 374 3, 225, 430 3, 225, 698 3,225,847 3, 225, 924 Percent 5.75 32.47 53.39 81.68 94.63 98.90 99.65 99.89 99.94 99.97 99.98 99.99 100.00 3,225,924 Net income Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Simple distribution Amount Under 1 (estimated) 1-2 (estimated) 2-3 (estimated). 3-5 (estimated) 5-10 10-25 25-50 ..50-100 100-150. -. 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 and over Total._ 1 $106,621,892 1, 399,430, 257 1, 641, 594,435 3, 515, 716,361 2,807,001,390 2,006, 720,536 820,647, 972 528,049,139 196, 598, 339 212,058,948 102,186, 286 102, 310,704 166,059,869 _. 13,604,996,128 For general explanations, see pp. 1-4. Percent Cumulative distribution Cumulative distribution from highest income from lowest income class class Amount 0.78 $13,604,996,128 10.29 13, 498,374, 236 12.07 12, 098,943,979 25.84 10, 457,349, 544 20.63 6, 941,633,183 14.75 4,134,631,793 2,127,911, 257 6.03 3.88 1, 307,263, 285 779, 214,146 1.45 582, 615,807 1.56 370, 556,859 .75 .75 268, 370, 573 166,059,869 1.22 100. 00 Percent 100. 00 99.22 88.93 76.86 51.02 30.39 15.64 9.61 5.73 4.28 2.72 1.97 1.22 Amount $106,621,892 1, 506,052,149 3,147,646, 584 6, 663,362,945 9,470,364, 335 11,477,084,871 12, 297, 732,843 12,825,781,982 13,022, 380,321 13, 234,439,269 13, 336,625, 555 13,438,936,259 13, 604, 996,128 Percent 0.78 11.07 23.14 69.61 84.36 90.39 94.27 95.72 97.28 98.03 98.78 100.00 6 STATISTICS OF INCOME Simple and cumulative distribution of individual returns for 1931, by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, and percentages—Contd. Tax Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Simple distribution Amount Under 1 (estimated) 1-2 (estimated) 2-3 (estimated) 3-5 (estimated) 5-10 10-25 „ _ 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 . . 500-1,000 1,000 and over . . - Total Percent $23,641 943,098 2, 466, 248 3,831,861 12,407, 382 31,897,191 40,095, 612 44,779,946 23,135,254 28, 793,193 15,411,182 15,456,946 26, 885, 723 0.01 .38 1.00 1.56 5.04 12.96 16.29 18.20 9.40 11.70 6.26 6.28 10.92 246,127, 277 100.00 Cumulative distribu- Cumulative distribution from lowest intion from highest income class come class Amount Percent 100.00 99.99 99.61 98.61 97.05 92.01 79.05 62.76 44.56 35.16 23.46 17.20 10.92 $246,127, 277 246,103, 636 245,160,538 242, 694, 290 238,862,429 226, 455,047 194, 557,856 1.54,462, 244 109,682, 298 86, 547,044 57, 753,851 42,342, 669 26,885, 723 Amount Percent 0.01 .39 1.39 2.95 7.99 20.95 37.24 55.44 64.84 76.54 82.80 89.08 100.00 $23,641 966,739 3,432,987 7,264,848 19, 672,230 51,569,421 91, 665,033 136,444,979 159, 580,233 188,373,426 203,784,608 219, 241,554 246,127, 277 CLASSIFICATION BY SEX AND FAMILY RELATIONSHIP (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) The following table shows the number of individual returns and the net income distributed according to sex and family relationship of the taxpayer. In basic tables 4 and 5 (pp. 65-68) similar data are shown by States and Territories and by net income classes, respectively. Individual returns for 1931 by sex and family relationship of taxpayer, showing number of returns, net income, and percentages 1 Returns Net income Family relationship Number Joint returns of husbands and wives, with or without dependent children, and the returns of husbands whose wives, though living with them, file separate returns-. 1,646, 523 237,157 Wives filing separate returns from husbands 104, 649 Single men, heads of families 709, 951 Single women, heads of families 415,061 Single men, not heads of families 88, 238 Single women, not heads of families 24, 345 Community property income 2 Total 3, 225,924 Percent Amount Percent 51.04 7.35 3.24 22.01 12.87 2.74 .75 $8,210,345,006 782, 865, 305 363,808,708 1,961,086, 504 1, 402, 237,112 591, 613,056 293,040,437 60.35 5.76 2.67 14.41 10.31 4.35 2.15 100. 00 13, 604,996,128 100.00 1 Includes returns for income of estates or property held in trust, which are distributed by sex and family relationship of the testator or grantor. For general explanations see pp. 1-4. 2 Excludes separate returns of community property income of husband and wife in which the net income is under $5,000 and joint returns of husband and wife which show net income under $10,000. In tabulating joint returns of community property, net income of $10,000 and over, the data are divided to represent the separate returns of husband and wife, the net income class for each of the separate returns being one half of the combined net income of the joint return. Returns of community property income not included under this heading are classified either under joint returns of husbands and wives, etc., or wives filing separate returns from husbands. N E T INCOME E X E M P T FROM NORMAL TAX (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) The net income specifically exempt from normal tax through personal exemption, credit for dependents, dividends on stock of domestic corporations, interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt STATISTICS OF INCOME from tax, capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years, and net income offset by net loss for prior year, also the net income subject to normal tax, are shown in the following table: Net income exempt from and amount subject to normal tax, individual returns for 19311 Distribution Amount Net income . $13, 604,996,128 Net income specifically exempt from normal tax: Personal exemption and credit for dependents Less exemption in excess of net income Net income offset by net loss for prior year.._ Net income subject to normal tax ] . _ 100.00 9,682,141,042 2, 276, 601, 772 Net personal exemption and credit for dependents Dividends on stock of domestic corporations . Interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt from tax Capital net sain from sale of assets held more than 2 years $169,949, 286 Less loss in ordinary net income and net loss for prior year, deductible from capital net gain 14,565,046 Net income not subject to normal tax Percent 7,405, 539, 270 3,113,860,788 25, 325,090 54.43 22.89 .19 155,384. 240 43, 754, 089 1.14 .32 10,743,863,477 78.97 2, 861,132,651 21.03 For general explanations, see pp. 1-4. CAPITAL N E T GAINS AND LOSSES (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) The special provisions in the revenue acts for capital net gains and losses from the sale of assets held more than 2 years apply, for capital net gain, to sales after December 31, 1921, and for capital net losses, to sales after December 31, 1923. Under the Revenue Act of 1921 and subsequent acts, capital net gains as defined in the revenue acts from the sale of assets held more than 2 years may, at the option of the taxpayer, be reported separately and taxed at \2}{ percent in lieu of the normal tax and surtax rates otherwise applicable. The income tax of the individual in such cases is the sum of 12% percent of the capital net gains plus the tax on the net income from other sources, termed " ordinary net income/ 7 computed according to the provisions of the respective revenue acts. The capital net gains and the tax at 12}£ percent of such gains reported for 1922 and following years appear on pages 38 and 42-44, respectively, of this report. In order that the amounts shown as "net income" and "total income" in the Statistics of Income for 1922 and subsequent years be made comparable with earlier years, it is necessary that "net income" and "total income" be increased by the amount of such gains. These adjustments have been made in the Statistics of Income for these years. Under the Revenue Act of 1924 and subsequent acts the taxpayer must report his capital net loss, as defined in the respective acts, from the sale of assets held more than 2 years by one of two methods whichever will produce the larger tax. These two methods are (1) the tax on the net income from other sources, termed "ordinary net income", computed according to the provisions of the respective revenue acts, less 12% percent of the capital net loss, and (2) the tax on the net income computed without regard for the special provisions for capital net losses. The tax credit of 12K percent on capital net losses for 1924 and following years appears on page 38. Under the Revenue Acts of 8 STATISTICS OF INCOME 1918 and 1921 such losses are deducted in arriving at net income. Under the Revenue Acts of 1916 and 1917 losses sustained in transactions entered into for profit but not connected with business or trade are deductible to the extent of the aggregate income from such transactions. In order that the amounts shown as "net income" and " deductions " in the Statistics of Income for 1924 and subsequent years be made comparable with the amounts shown in Statistics of Income for 1918 to 1923, inclusive, it is necessary that "net income" be reduced by, and "deductions" be increased by, the amount of such losses. These adjustments have not been^ made in the "net income" and "deductions" shown in the Statistics of Income for these years. NET LOSS FOR PRIOR YEAR (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) The net loss during a given • taxable year in a trade or business regularly carried on by the taxpayer, as specifically defined in the Revenue Acts of 1921 to 1928, inclusive, is allowed as a deduction in computing the net income of the taxpayer for the succeeding taxable year, and if such net loss exceeds the net income for the succeeding year the amount of such excess is to be allowed in the next succeeding year. Moreover, if such net loss is in excess of the ordinary net income before deduction of this loss, and the taxpayer has a capital net gain, the amount of such excess shall next be applied against the capital net gain for such year, and if this excess is larger than the capital net gain for such year, the balance is similarly allowed as a deduction in computing the ordinary net income and the capital net gain the next succeeding taxable year. See section 117 of the Revenue Act of 1928. Such net losses, being of prior year origin, are not included in the current year deductions in arriving at the net income for the various years shown in this volume. Net loss for prior year reported in the individual income-tax returns for the years 1922 to 1931, inclusive, and taken as a deduction in computing ordinary net income and capital net gain is given below: Year— 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 Amount $45,220,859 34, 266, 149 29, 869, 182 32, 321, 310 27, 411, 767 Year— 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Amount $37,054,785 33, 616, 475 28, 909, 275 39, 920, 711 43, 754, 089 CREDIT OF 25 PERCENT OF /TAX ON EARNED NET INCOME (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) The credit of 25 percent of the tax on earned net income applies to the tax on the first $5,000 of net income and, if specifically earned, to the tax on an amount not exceeding $10,000 under the Revenue Act of 1924, applicable to returns for 1924, and to an amount not exceeding $20,000 under the Revenue Act of 1926, applicable to returns for 1925 to 1927, and to an amount not exceeding $30,000 under the Revenue Act of 1928, applicable to returns for 1928 to 1931, inclusive. 9 STATISTICS OF INCOME Earned net income-tax credit, reported on returns for the years 1924 to 1931, inclusive, is shown below: Year— 1924 1925 1926 1927 Amount Year— $30,637,463 1928 24, 570, 183 1929 24, 646, 993 1930 24, 915, 315 1931 Amount $34,789,690 22, 062, 492 24, 886, 344 17, 490, 530 SOURCES OF INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) Immediately following is shown a distribution by sources of the income and deductions reported by individuals. The figures for the various sources are aggregates of net amounts of income, and represent the amounts by which the gross income exceeds the deductions allowed for each specific source, as provided in the schedules of the return. (See form 1040, p. 214.) Net losses reported in the schedules are transferred in tabulation to deductions, which7 also include amounts reported on the return under "Deductions ' from total income. Income from partnerships and fiduciaries does not include amounts received through these entities from capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years, dividends on stock of domestic corporations, or taxable interest on obligations of the United States, since these items are reported under their respective classifications. Amounts shown in earlier reports as "Interest and other income" are segregated into "Interest other than tax-exempt" and "Other income." Sources of income and deductions in individual returns for 1931, amounts and percentages 1 Sources of income and deductions Income: Wages and salaries Business Partnership Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than taxed as capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years Rents and royalties Interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt from tax Dividends on stock of domestic corporations Fiduciary Interest other than tax exempt Other income Total income Deductions: Net loss from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than reported for tax credit on capital net loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years. _. Net loss from business and partnership Contributions All other Total deductions Net income Amount Percent 729, 523,465 48.21 10.94 4.22 301, 664, 293 169, 949, 286 770,764,166 25, 325,090 3,113,860,788 369,140,461 1, 337, 606,246 235,695,970 1.75 .99 4.46 .15 18.03 2.14 7.75 1.36 17,268,450, 505 100. 00 1,160, 764,725 134, 685,066 328,299,881 2, 039, 704,705 6.72 .78 1.90 11.81 $8, 325,161,964 1,889,758,776 3, 663,454,377 21.21 13,604, 996,128 78.79 1 For general explanations, see p p . 1-4. The following table shows, by net income classes, the distribution of the total income by sources. * The distribution by States and Territories and by a larger number of net income classes is shown in 10 STATISTICS OF INCOME basic tables 6 and 7, respectively (pp. 69-72), except that "Interest other than tax exempt" and "Other income" are combined as "Interest and other income." Sources of income and deductions, individual returns for 1931, by net income classes 1 Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc. Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Wages and salaries Under 5 (est.). 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 and over $5,005,133, 783 1,810,439,300 983, 667,027 282,046,473 140,921,855 40,477,754 34,461,250 15,614,230 7,443,645 4,956, 647 Total.., 8,325,161, 964 Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 5 (est.) 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 a n d over Total... Partnership Business Reported for tax on capital net gain 2 $1,123,028,997 $237,376, 253 432,350,048 180,158,115 230,186,468 159,396,119 60,953,961 69, 227,869 27,222,230 47,194,955 13,769,874 6, 553,942 5,692,435 16,611,962 2,126, 561 3,185, 799 1, 531, 427 2, 602,395 112, 707 124 1,889, 758,776 729, 523,465 All other $4,336,751 25, 004,212 19,052,711 34,356,018 23,215, 384 24,640,038 39,344,172 $105,090,106 54,798,468 72,346,166 39,388, 537 12,724, 597 4,043, 558 5,445,729 2,930,803 2,031,838 2,864,491 169, 949, 286 301,664,293 Interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt from tax Dividends on stock of domestic corporations $464,427,828 139, 699, 500 99, 367, 551 $12, 433, 547 6,503,268 35, 055, 379 3,610,285 17,601, 341 1,202,732 4,489,403 677,119 5,001,878 3, 413,923 377,043 304, 031 1,397, 409 217,065 309,954 $530,186, 744 485,754,872 715,011,733 413,903,103 338,381,304 147,021,320 169,105,407 80,440, 236 90,902,097 143,153, 972 $88,513, 510 76, 448, 587 100,372,824 53,425, 788 30,940,061 6, 501,286 5,604,321 2,351,645 3,239, 540 1,742,899 $588,261, 651 277, 518,935 257,807, 634 102,129,008 59,758,821 17,371,768 16,383, 612 5, 326,732 5, 357,046 7, 691,039 25, 325, 090 3,113,860,788 369,140,461 1,337, 606,246 Rents and royalties 770, 764,166 Net income classes Other income Total income (Thousands of dollars) U n d e r 5 (est.) 5-10__10-25 25-50 .— 50-100 100-150. 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 a n d over $114,850,594 45, 594,195 33, 638, 577 14,733, 698 12,332,357 3,628,865 4,920,979 1,190, 357 1,896, 508 . 2, 909,840 $8, 256,869,466 3, 502, 762, 020 2,664, 227,646 1,081,703,835 715,692,018 264,113,213 298,260, 710 140,172, 713 141,345,974 203,302,910 Total... 235, 695, 970 17, 268,450, 505 Fiduciary Interest other than taxexempt Net loss from sale of real estate, stocks, Net loss bonds, etc., from busiother than reness and ported for tax partnership credit on capital net loss2 $347, 261, 830 $62, 560, 073 215, 720,450 19,193, 787 282, 822, 485 22, 370,467 108, 698,143 10,801,841 84, 675, 491 8,997,523 3,422,352 29, 330, 342 2, 583,861 46,976,161 1,435, 958 17, 328, 688 1,731, 579 16, 527, 258 1, 587,625 11, 423, 877 1,160, 764, 725 134,685,066 Contributions $125,320, 898 63,445,812 54,367,148 25,800,493 19, 553,063 8,662,994 9,489, 229 5,175, 302 6,118, 567 10,366, 375 328,299, 881 1 For general explanations, see pp. 1-4. 2 Capital net gain and loss are reported as provided by law on sale of assets held more than 2 years. (See p. 7.) 11 STATISTICS OF INCOME Sources of income and deductions, individual returns for 1981, by net income classes—Continued Net income classes All other deductions Total deductions 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100. 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 and over $1, 058, 363, 720 397,400, 581 297, 947,010 115, 755, 386 74,416,802 26,099,186 27,152, 511 14,046,479 14, 657,866 13,865,164 $1, 593, 506, 521 695, 760, 630 657, 507,110 261,055,863 187, 642,879 67, 514,874 86,201, 762 37, 986,427 39,035,270 37, 243,041 $6,663, 362,945 2,807,001, 390 2,006, 720, 536 820, 647,972 528,049,139 196, 598,339 212, 058,948 102,186,286 102, 310, 704 166,059,869 Total... 2, 039, 704,705 3, 663,454, 377 13, 604,996,128 (Thousands of dollars) Under 5 (est.) Net income Percentage distribution of sources of income and deductions, individual returns for 1981, by net income classes 1 Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc. Interest on Government Rents Partnerobligaand not ship Reported royalties tions wholly for tax on All other exempt capital 2 from tax net gain Wages and salaries Business Under 5 (est.) 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 and over 60.62 51.69 36.92 26.07 19.69 15.33 11.55 11.14 5.27 2.44 13. 60 12. 34 8.64 5.63 3.80 2.48 1.91 1.52 1.08 .06 2.87 5 14 5.98 6.40 6.59 5.21 5.57 2.27 1.84 Total 48.21 10. 94 4.23 Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) 0.40 3.50 7.21 11. 52 16.56 17.43 19.35 I 5.63 3.99 3.73 3.24 2.46 1.70 1.68 2.44 .99 .15 .98 1.75 4.46 | Dividends on stock of domestic corporations Fiduciary Interest other than taxexempt Under 5 (est) 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1 000 1,000 and o v e r . . . 6.42 13.87 26.84 38.27 47.28 55.67 56.69 57.38 64.31 70.41 1.07 2.18 3.77 4.94 4.32 2.46 1.88 1.68 2.29 .86 7.13 7.93 9.67 9.44 8.35 6.58 5.49 3.80 3.79 3.78 Total 18.03 2.14 7.75 Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) 1.27 1 56 2.72 3.64 1.78 1.53 1.83 2.09 1.44 1.41 | Other income 1.34 1.43 4.21 6.16 10.62 10.05 11.83 11.11 15.75 12.36 11.69 5.62 1.36 100. 00 6.72 .85 .23 .27 .22 .11 .15 Net loss from sale of real loss estate, stocks, Net from bonds, etc., business Total other than income reported and for partnertax credit ship on capital net loss 2 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100. 00 100. 00 100.00 100.00 1.39 1.30 1.26 1 37 1.72 1.37 1.65 0.47 .60 .51 .46 0.76 .55 .84 1.00 1.26 1.30 .87 1.03 1.23 .78 .78 1 For general explanations, see pp. 1-4. 2 Capital net gain and loss are reported as provided by law on sale of assets held more than 2 years. (See P. 7.) 177160—34 2 12 STATISTICS OF INCOME Percentage distribution of sources of income and deductions, individual returns for 1931, by net income classes—Continued Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Contri- All other Total deNet butions deductions ductions income 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100.. 100-150 150-300 300-500. 500-1,000 1,000 and over. Under5(est.). 1.52 1.81 2.04 2.39 2.73 3.28 3.18 3.69 4.33 5.10 12.81 11.34 11.18 10.70 10.40 9.88 9.10 10.02 10.37 6.82 19.30 19.86 24.68 24.14 26.22 25.57 28.90 27.10 27.62 18.32 80.70 80.14 75.32 75.86 73.78 74.43 71.10 72.90 72.38 81.68 Total... 1.90 11.81 21.21 78.79 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION BY SIZE OF SPECIFIC ITEMS OF INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS, RETURNS OF NET INCOME OF $5,000 AND OVER (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) In the general tables for individual returns, data are classified according to the net income of the individual. Within net income classes, returns may show widely varying amounts of income and deductions from specific sources. In the following table specific items of income and deductions reported on returns of net income of $5,000 and over are classified according to the size. Sources of income not included in this tabulation are partnership, fiduciary, and interest and other income. The total income received through partnerships and fiduciaries may not be included in items 5 and 6, form 1040, provided for such income, since the instructions relative to those items provide: Enter as item 5 your share (whether received or not) of the profits of a partnership, and as item 6 income from an estate or trust, except that the share of (a) capital net gain or loss computed as provided in instruction 8a shall be reported in schedule D, (6) taxable interest on obligations of the United States shall be included in schedule E, and (c) profits which consisted of dividends on stock of domestic corporations shall be included in item 10, on the return. 13 STATISTICS OP INCOME Frequency distribution by size of certain items of income and deduction, individual returns for 1931 of net income of $5,000 and over, showing the number of times the item occurs and the total income and deduction Salaries, commissions, etc. Business Dividends on stock of domestic corporations Size of specific income and deduction Number of times item occurs (Thousands of dollars) Under 0 1 0 1-0 2 0.2-0.3 0 3-0 4 0 4-0.5 0 5-1 1-2 2-3 . . . 3-4 4-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-75 75-100 100-250 _ . . 250-500 500-1,000 1,000 and over- . - . Total Amount Number of times item occurs Amount Number of times item occurs Amount 3,412 2,753 2,069 1,787 1,365 5,999 11, 749 13,190 16,998 23, 535 216,047 49,761 17,460 8,000 4,329 4,055 1,702 1,682 535 489 46 14 2 $161,309 383, 203 496, 769 602, 593 603,957 4,287,350 17,234, 578 32, 626,601 59,117, 391 106,686, 953 1,473,977, 593 586, 583, 523 294,222,040 176,174,611 116,169,094 136,968,786 75, 282,473 98, 741,374 45, 244, 592 66,762 008 15,766,766 9, 519, 515 2,415,102 1,316 1,179 994 808 715 3,184 4,981 4,882 5,234 6,843 48,252 11,234 3,702 1,646 920 878 384 370 129 117 10 1 $62, 227 169, 577 243,828 274,174 317,844 2, 345,487 7, 332,486 12,207, 217 18,404, 899 30,956,343 333, 741,877 134, 649, 835 63, 273,210 36,497,951 25,091, 340 30,074,062 17, 247,014 21,992,146 11,068,833 16, 347,163 3, 809, 565 622, 701 40,773 27,095 19,388 15,673 12,849 43,934 48,135 29, 336 21,060 15,932 45, 970 18,074 9,240 5,664 3.707 4,454 2,659 3,159 1,508 1,946 445 201 93 $1,905,801 3,989,985 4, 741,086 5, 394, 810 5, 731, 459 31,794,078 69,347,466 72,137, 581 72,941,325 71,345,858 322,937,169 219, 552,852 159,106, 220 126, 378,046 101,165,081 153, 272, 025 117, 984, 232 188,812, 306 125, 969, 401 281,191, 514 143, 065, 890 111,307,033 193, 602, 826 386,979 3,320,028,181 97,779 766, 729, 779 371, 295 2,583,674,044 14 STATISTICS OF INCOME Frequency distribution by size of certain items of income and deduction, individual returns for 1981 of net income of $5,000 and over, showing the nambcr of times the item occurs and the total income and deduction—Continued Rents and royalties Size of specific income and deduction Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than taxed as capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years Net loss from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than reported for tax credit on capital net loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years Number of times item occurs Number of times item occurs (Thousands of dollars) Number of times item occurs Under 0 1 0.1-0.2. 0 2-0 3 0.3-0 4 0 4-0.5 0.5-1 . 1-2 . . 4-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-75 75-100 . . 100-250 250-500 . 500-1,000 1,000 and over. . . _ . . $733,126 1, 777, 805 2. 428, 656 2, 896, 355 3, 013, 584 14,161,497 23, 911, 352 20, 945, 251 18, 691, 227 16. 690,105 70, 880, 410 39, 043, 569 21, 959. 918 14. 682, 220 10. 809, 086 12,022, 711 6. 849, 404 10, 294, 436 4, 533, 905 6,172, 351 1,871,016 14,918 12, 245 9,894 8,419 6,752 19.910 16. 847 8 565 5,416 3 729 10,147 3, 217 1,281 665 395 351 153 176 55 43 6 2-3 3-4 Amount . . Total 1 1, 968, 354 123,185 306, 336. 338 10,864 6,758 4,776 3, 513 2,690 8,337 7,403 3, 728 2, 552 1,917 5,527 1,987 925 514 345 338 161 126 46 44 22 4 1 i 62, 578 Amount Amount $491,002 970,197 1.167, 920 1, 212, 380 1,199, 928 5. 957,182 10, 548,465 9.117, 833 8, 829, 063 8, 558, 340 38, 865, 708 24,124, 875 15. 915. 789 11, 467,139 9, 399, 416 11, 625. 727 7.119, 057 7, 475. 075 4. 014,194 6.621.174 7. 739. 240 2 539 733 1,614,750 4, 856 3,549 3,286 2,766 2,678 10, 449 14,151 9,032 6,427 5,068 14,158 6,432 3.589 2,275 1,489 1,853 982 1,080 475 554 114 31 17 $220, 746 522, 597 806, 061 958,105 1,197, 472 7, 577, 702 20, 509. 835 23,136, 723 22, 337, 285 22, 657, 494 101, 052, 393 78, 686, 275 62. 095, 437 50, 874, 585 40, 420, 534 63, 894, 829 43. 759.117 65,141, 474 40, 657, 457 79,150, 654 38, 812, 451 20, 574, 276 28, 459, 393 196, 574,187 95, 311 813, 502, 895 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years Capital net loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years Number of times item occurs Number of times item occurs Size of specific income and deduction (Thousands of dollars) Under 0.1 0.2-0 3 0.3-0.4 0.4-0.5. . 0.5-1. 1-2 2-3 3-4 . . . . 4-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-75 75-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000 and over - Total . - _- - Amount Amount 141 94 82 80 63 255 310 167 113 82 261 156 110 80 73 92 96 193 114 229 67 39 23 $6, 653 13, 377 20, 237 27, 789 28,350 184, 309 447, 066 412, 846 386, 944 367, 403 1,858. 845 1,920, 753 1,907, 951 1, 765, 518 1, 988,104 3,169, 365 4, 286, 212 11, 747,894 9,941, 369 35, 356,946 23, 247, 947 26, 553, 591 44, 309, 817 98 73 60 57 59 222 317 241 198 204 754 552 389 285 268 419 282 411 230 365 72 20 17 $4, 838 10,394 14, 738 19, 715 26, 404 163, 214 465,154 602, 484 692, 742 909,441 5, 507, 470 6, 844, 630 6, 768, 865 6, 361, 736 7, 405, 097 14. 576, 593 12, 505, 251 25,126. 747 19, 869, 426 54, 769, 890 23, 519, 286 15,106, 750 38,604, 779 2,920 169, 949, 286 5,593 239, 875, 644 15 STATISTICS OF INCOME NET PROFIT FROM BUSINESS, RETURNS OF NET INCOME OF $5,000 AND OVER, BY MAJOR INDUSTRIAL GROUPS (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) The net profit from business (other than from partnerships) reported in returns, form 1040, of net income of $5,000 and over is classified below according to the nature of the business. These data represent only such amounts reported by individuals as were derived from business operations conducted as sole proprietors, and do not necessarily indicate the principal occupation of or the total income reported by the individual making the return. Business profits reported on returns, form 1040, showing net income of less than $5,000 are not included. The sample of these returns on which the Statistics of Income estimates are based is not considered sufficiently comprehensive for these detailed figures concerning net profit from business. The net profit from business as shown in these statistics represents the total receipts from business or profession, less cost of goods sold and other business deductions, such as salaries, interest on business indebtedness, taxes on business or business property, loss from fire or storm, bad debts arising from sales, depreciation, obsolescence and depletion, rents, repairs, and other expenses, as provided for in schedule A of the individual income-tax returns, form 1040. Net profit from business, by major industrial groups, showing number of businesses and net profit from business, individual returns for 1931 of net income of $5,000 and over; also grand totals for prior years Number profit from Percent of busi- Percent Netbusiness nesses Industrial groups Agriculture and related industries Mining and quarrying Manufacturing: Food products, including beverages Tobacco products Textiles and their products. Leather and its manufactures Rubber products Forest products Paper, pulp, and products Printing, publishing, and allied industries Chemicals and allied products Stone, clay, and glass products Metal and its products Manufacturing not elsewhere classified Total manufacturing Construction Transportation and other public utilities Trade Service—professional, amusements, hotels, etc Finance—banking, insurance, real estate, stock and bond brokers, etc Nature of business not given Grand total, 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1 Not available. _ $14,572,790 5,340,250 1.90 11,238,169 264,690 7,864,462 738,630 434,951 1, 667,730 671, 290 8, 046,947 2,180, 508 1,356,488 4,398, 862 4,346, 289 1.47 .03 .84 .07 .03 .20 .07 .97 .20 .17 .57 .50 3,213 550 3.29 1,371 26 825 64 30 260 65 950 198 164 553 488 1.40 .56 .70 .03 1.02 .10 .06 .22 .09 1.05 .28 .18 .57 .57 4,934 5.05 43, 209,016 5.64 3,504 1,258 20,625 52,900 3.58 1.29 21.09 54.10 34,138, 285 9,804, 092 136, 336,821 440,496,654 4.45 1.28 17.78 57.45 5,981 4,814 6.12 4.92 52, 432, 226 30,399, 645 6.84 3.96 100.00 766,729, 779 1, 215,452,152 1,836,328, 530 1,772,255 111 1,704,175,267 1,738,522,844 1, 623,638, 298 1, 290, 721, 756 1,059, 472,721 1, 012,439,906 816, 040, 035 1,39S, 069, 227 100.00 97, 779 154,640 228,475 220 159 212, 919 218,148 203 576 0) (i) ft 0) 16 STATISTICS OF INCOME TAXES PAID OTHER THAN FEDERAL INCOME TAX AND INTEREST PAID, RETURNS OF NET INCOME OF $5,000 AND OVER (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) In basic tables 8 and 8A, pages 73-74,, taxes paid other than Federal income tax or that amount of the income and profits taxes paid foreign countries or possessions of the United States allowed as a deduction, and interest paid as reported in the returns of net income of $5,000 and over, are distributed by States and Territories and by net income classes, respectively. The amounts are shown separately as reported in business deductions in Schedule A, Income from Business or Profession, and in deductions from total income. Taxes paid other than Federal income tax are reported under " Deductions7' in the individual income-tax return (item 14 on form 1040) in accordance with the following instructions: Enter as item 14 personal taxes and taxes paid on property not used in your business or profession, not including those assessed against local benefits of a kind tending to increase the value of the property assessed. Do not include Federal income taxes, taxes imposed upon your interest as shareholder of a corporation which are paid by the corporation without reimbursement from you, nor income taxes claimed as a credit in item 54. Taxes paid on business property or for carrying on business as reported under business deductions in item 12, Schedule A, Income from Business or Profession, do not include Federal income taxes, taxes assessed against local benefits of a kind tending to increase the value of property, nor taxes imposed upon sales by manufacturers. Amounts tabulated do not include taxes reported on Form 1040-F, Schedule of Farm Income and Expenses. Interest paid is reported under " Deductions" in the individual income-tax returns (item 13, form 1040) in accordance with the following instructions: Enter as item 13 interest paid on personal indebtedness as distinguished from business indebtedness (which should be deducted under schedules A or B). Do not include interest on indebtedness incurred to purchase or carry obligations or securities, the interest upon which is wholly exempt from taxation. Interest paid on business indebtedness to others is reported under business deductions in item 11, Schedule A, Income from Business or Profession, in accordance with the following instructions: Enter on line 11, interest on business indebtedness. Do not include interest to yourself on capital invested in or advanced to the business. The taxes paid, other than Federal income tax and certain income taxes paid foreign countries, and interest paid, reported on returns of net income under $5,000, are not included, as the sample of the returns is not considered sufficiently comprehensive to determine these items accurately. Below are shown, for the years for which the data are available, the aggregates of taxes paid other than Federal income-tax and certain income taxes paid foreign countries, and the interest paid as reported on returns of net income of $5,000 and over: 17 STATISTICS OF INCOME Taxes paid other than Federal income tax and interest paid, individual returns for 1927 to 1931 of net income of $5,000 and over Taxes paid other than Federal income taxi Year Total 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1 Reported in deductions from total income $485, 969, 727 $440, 973, 832 527, 893, 669 475,422,144 532, 798, 878 479, 099, 835 444, 577, 395 407, 996, 443 312, 477, 684 294,165, 390 Reported in business deductions Interest paid Total Reported in deductions from total income $44, 995, 895 52, 471, 525 $940,615,916 $866,057, 874 53, 699, 043 958, 958, 653 886,187, 377 36, 580, 952 615, 864, 209 574, 629,633 18, 312, 294 393, 086,138 373, 602, 771 Reported in business deductions $74, 558,042 72, 771, 276 41, 234,576 19,483, 367 Excludes also certain income tax paid foreign countries. WHOLLY AND PARTIALLY T A X - E X E M P T OBLIGATIONS, RETURNS OF N E T INCOME OF $5,000 AND OVER (INDIVIDUAL R E T U R N S ) Wholly tax-exempt obligations include those the interest on which is wholly exempt from the normal income tax and the surtax of the Federal Government. Partially tax-exempt obligations are those the interest on which is exempt from the normal tax of the Federal Government and in certain issues the interest on the principal up to $5,000 is exempt from surtax. During the calendar year 1931 the wholly tax-exempt obligations of the Federal Government on which interest was paid included bonds issued on or before September 1, 1917, First Liberty 3% percent bonds, Treasury certificates of indebtedness, and Treasury bills; and the partially tax-exempt obligations of the Federal Government were Liberty 4 and 04 percent bonds, Treasury notes, and all Treasury bonds. The following tabulation shows the wholly and partially tax-exempt obligations owned and interest received therefrom, segregated by nature of obligation and by net income classes, reported in returns of net income of $5,000 and over. The amount of interest reported is the total amount received or accrued. Since bond holdings are subject to variation during the year, the amount of bonds reported may include bonds for which no interest was received or accrued, and, vice versa, the interest reported may include interest on bonds which are not included? in the amount of bonds reported. 18 STATISTICS OF INCOME Wholly and partially tax-exempt obligations reported in individual returns for 1931 of net income of $5,000 and over, showing amounts owned and interest received, by nature of obligation and by net income classes Interest received Amount owned Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 . . . 10-11 11-12 12-13 _ 13-14 14-15 15-20. _ 20-25 25-30 _ . 30-40 40-50 _ . 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over. Total 1 Total Obligations of the United l Obligations of States and States and its possessions Territories or and securities political sub- issued under divisions the Federal thereof Farm Loan Act Total Obligations of the United Obligations States i of States and its and Terri- possessions tories or and securipolitical issued subdivisions ties under the thereof Federal Farm Loan Act $118, 666, 574 111, 714, 776 99, 459, 747 89,117, 071 94, 839, 940 95, 951, 267 76,169, 500 93, 325, 753 69, 304, 513 71, 767, 437 281, 391,122 279, 383, 239 194, 514, 539 306, 875, 945 225, 528, 302 189, 484, 774 167,391,104 131, 286, 588 118,173,538 108, 659, 377 342, 555, 998 162, 280, 638 94, 423, 437 67, 910. 550 74, 662, 643 76, 461, 664 188, 864, 466 61, 480, 823 49, 234, 304 52, 572, 353 61,107, 562 16,315, 900 $48, 527, 298 51, 407, 751 42, 462, 930 39, 734. 727 47, 778, 023 50,194, 579 36, 535, 722 52, 337, 028 37, 516, 260 33, 307, 630 158, 674, 939 156, 438, 078 117,768,032 203, 051, 508 146. 592, 378 127,141, 238 118, 945, 700 93, 469, 408 93, 493, 537 75, 375, 648 253, 951, 304 123, 398,180 62, 976, 542 49, 458, 890 48, 013, 770 52, 762, 889 149,186, 570 49, 203,171 23, 812, 304 41, 780, 353 46, 234, 818 15,635,600 $70,139. 276 60, 307, 025 56, 996, 817 49, 382, 344 47, 061, 917 45, 756, 688 39, 633, 778 40, 988, 725 31, 788, 253 38, 459, 807 122, 716,183 122, 945,161 76, 746, 507 103, 824, 437 78, 935, 924 62, 343, 536 48, 445, 404 37, 817,180 24, 680, 001 33, 283, 729 88, 604, 694 38, 882, 458 31, 446, 895 18,451, 660 26, 648, 873 23, 698, 775 39, 677, 896 12, 277, 652 25, 422, 000 10, 792, 000 14, 872, 744 680, 300 $6,422, 728 5, 626, 998 5, 414,431 4, 991, 879 5, 033, 685 4, 589, 646 3, 926, 932 4, 906, 651 4,138, 368 3, 240, 423 15, 659, 858 15, 788, 796 10, 224, 671 19, 294, 004 11, 911, 041 11, 213, 315 8, 789, 921 6, 797, 692 9, 907, 444 5, 921, 972 19, 558, 591 9, 226, 316 5,072,494 3, 372, 392 6, 438, 986 4, 466, 027 7. 922, 657 2, 911, 369 3, 425, 572 2, 006, 833 2, 935, 261 619, 841 $3, 310,948 2, 782,825 2, 790, 600 2, 638, 061 2, 606,501 2, 725, 994 2,119, 258 2, 554, 685 2, 278, 971 1, 770,108 9, 736, 051 9, 653, 316 6, 765,452 14, 328, 502 8, 528, 899 7, 552, 345 6, 687, 333 5, 200, 954 8, 674, 639 4, 480, 918 15, 820, 850 7, 009, 812 3, 746, 551 2, 683, 496 5, 065, 509 3, 251,145 6, 537, 299 2, 278, 701 2, 474, 866 1, 626,165 2, 558, 664 592, 913 $3, 111, 780 2, 844,173 2, 623, 831 2, 353, 818 2, 427,184 1, 863, 652 1, 807, 674 2, 351, 966 1, 859, 397 1, 470, 315 5, 923,807 6,135, 480 3,459, 219 4,965, 502 3, 382,142 3, 660, 970 2,102, 588 1, 596, 738 1, 232, 805 1,441,054 3, 737, 741 2, 216, 504 1, 325, 943 688, 896 1, 373,477 1, 214,882 1, 385, 358 632, 668 950, 706 380, 668 376, 597 26, 928 4, 170, 875, 444 2, 647,166, 805 1, 523, 708, 639 231, 756, 794 160, 832, 331 70,924,463 . . Includes wholly and partially tax-exempt obligations. R E T U R N S ON FORM 1040 W I T H NO N E T INCOME (INDIVIDUAL RETURNS) As noted on page 1, the general tables for individual returns in the Statistics of Income do not include data for returns which show no net income. Such returns are filed in accordance with the statutory requirements that every individual with gross income of $5,000 and over, irrespective of the amount of net income or deficit, file an income-tax return. Tabulations prepared from these returns by deficit classes and by sources of income and deductions are shown below. The distribution of the returns by States and Territories and more detailed tabulation of the sources of income and deductions by net deficit classes are shown in basic tables 10 and 11, page 125. 19 STATISTICS OF INCOME Individual returns for 1981 on form lOIfi with no net income, by deficit classes, showing number of returns, deficit, and totals for 1928 to 1930 Deficit classes (thousands of dollars) Number ofreturns Deficit Under 5 5-10 . . . 10-25 25-50 50-100 . . . 100-150._ 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 124,405 24, 653 20, 656 8,222 4,012 1,124 1,000 305 135 71 Total 184, 583 1,936,878, 391 144,867 92, 545 72,829 1, 539,452,396 1,025,130, 372 499, 213, 372 1,000 and over Total for 1930 1929 1928. .. $200,064,910 174, 454,039 321,512,811 286,605, 306 276, 706, 740 136,457,852 205, 540, 770 114,307,250 92, 728,919 128,499, 794 Individual returns for 1981 on form lOJ^O with no net income, showing sources of income and deductions l Sources of income and deductions Amount Income: Wag Business Partnership Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., including capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years Rents and royalties Interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt from tax Dividends on stock of domestic corporations Fiduciary. Interest and other income Total income 29, 572, 923 117,058,775 5,138, 342 485, 616, 310 29, 438,071 206, 301, 822 1, 299,749,996 Deductions: Taxes paid other than Federal income tax Contributions Net loss from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., including capital net loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years Net loss from business and partnership Allother 1 $305, 683, 527 73,186,108 47, 754,118 197,132,968 25,628, 972 1,818, 724,412 590,123,110 605,018,925 Total deductions 3, 236, 628, 387 Deficit- 1,936,878, 391 For explanations, see pp. 1-4. NUMBER OF R E T U R N S BY COUNTIES, CITIES, AND TOWNSHIPS RETURNS; (INDIVIDUAL The statistics on number of individual income tax returns filed for 1931 segregated by counties, by cities, and by townships having a population of 1,000 and over in the 1930 census have been omitted. In the Statistics of Income for 1930 these data were in basic table 11, on pages 139 to 205, and the text explanation was on pages 18 and 19. Copies of a mimeographed bulletin showing these figures for the calendar year 1931 may be secured from the Bureau of Internal Revenue upon request. 20 STATISTICS OF INCOME PARTNERSHIP RETURNS OF INCOME Partnership returns, except for the war excess-profits tax of 1917, are not subject to direct assessments—the income being reported by the individual copartners according to their shares whether distributed or not. A special return of information concerning income is, however, required from partnerships on form 1065. The number of partnership returns filed for 1917 to 1931, inclusive, is as follows: Year— 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Number Year— 1925 31, 701 1926 100,728 1927 175,898 240,767 1928 259,359 1929 287,959 1930 304,996 1931 321,158 Number 309,414 295,425 282,841 272,127 263,519 244,670 230,407 CORPORATION INCOME-TAX RETURNS The number of income-tax returns filed by corporations for 1931 was 516,404, as against 518,736 for 1930. Of the total number of returns for 1931, 175,898 showed net income, 283,806 no net income, and 56,700 no income data. The returns filed included 8,495 consolidated returns for groups of affiliated corporations, of which 2,698 showed net income and 5,797 showed no net income. The aggregate net income of all returns showing net income was $3,683,367,774 and the tax liability, $398,993,703. The aggregate net income of consolidated returns of affiliated corporations was $1,846,305,490 and the tax liability, $216,547,370. Separate tabulations for fiscal-year returns (not ending December) and for fractional (part) year returns, shown on pages 36-37, make it possible to segregate data for calendar year accounting periods and for other accounting periods. In addition, separate tabulations of data from consolidated returns are shown on pages 34-35, from which the significance of this form of return can be appraised. Consolidated returns represent the composite return of affiliated corporations filing under the provisions of the income-tax law, which authorize such groups of corporations to submit a consolidated income-tax return of the combined income, deductions, and tax for the affiliated concerns. DISTRIBUTION BY MAJOR INDUSTRIAL GROUPS OF NUMBER OF RETURNS, INCOME, AND TAX (CORPORATION RETURNS) The table immediately following shows the returns of corporations distributed by major industrial groups and segregated according to "Returns showing net income," "Returns showing no net income/' and "Returns showing no income data—inactive corporations." Basic table 12 (pp. 128-129) shows the returns distributed by States 21 STATISTICS OF INCOME and Territories and likewise by those with net income, no net income, and no income data (inactive corporations). In analyzing the data compiled from returns classified under " Finance—banking, insurance, real estate, stock and bond brokers, etc./ 7 allowance should be made for the two special deductions from gross income permitted life insurance companies. These special deductions totaling $683,000,000 represent (1) 4 percent of the mean of the reserve funds and (2) 2 percent of the reserve held for deferred dividends. (See pars. (2) and (4) of subdivision (a) of sec. 203 of the Revenue Act of 1928 and T.D. 4231.) In basic table 13 (pp. 130-141) the special deductions for life insurance companies are included in "Miscellaneous deductions "under " Statutory deductions." Corporation returns for 1981 by major industrial groups, showing for returns with net income and no net income, number of returns and percent of total, gross income, deductions, net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, income tax and percentages; also number and percent of returns of inactive corporations x Total number of returns Industrial groups Returns showing net income Number Percent 2 2 of total Gross income Deductions Agriculture and related industries _ Mining and quarrying Manufacturing: Food products, including beverages... Tobacco products Textiles and their products Leather and its manufactures Rubber products Forest products Paper, pulp, and products Printing, publishing, and allied industries Chemicals and allied products Stone, clay, and glass products Metal and its products Manufacturing not elsewhere classified 11,014 17, 580 2,546 3,832 23.12 21.80 $215, 096, 488 732, 719, 766 $201,094,028 661, 565, 490 14, 632 379 14, 655 2,294 552 6,954 2,086 6,466 155 4,875 754 174 1,525 832 44.19 40.90 33.27 32.87 31.52 21.93 5, 365, 953, 798 1, 086,321, 217 2,132,182, 250 545, 388, 354 401, 314,408 332, 941,918 632,926,856 5,039, 044,182 943, 827,400 2, 054, 352, 598 515, 297,373 387, 310, 799 317,975,816 595,454, 786 11, 822 7, 265 4,418 19, 700 4,593 2,797 1,149 4,744 38.85 38.50 26.01 24.08 1,285,284,931 3, 371,395, 354 483, 372, 778 4, 652,190,850 1,169,490,388 3,119,902, 365 441, 689,353 4, 296,969, 630 8,352 2,206 26.41 685,135,933 628,474,472 Total manufacturing. Construction Transportation and other public utilities. Trade Service—professional, amusements, hotels, etc Finance—banking, insurance, real estate, stock and bond brokers, etc Nature of business not given 93,109 30, 270 32.51 20,974,408,647 19,509, 789,162 19,806 23,715 136, 520 6,457 10,933 46, 049 32.60 46.10 33. 73 1, 213, 234, 483 6,800, 951,273 16,109,401,833 1,132, 535, 083 5,898, 316, 211 15, 649, 366,991 Grand total 1 2 ! For general explanations, see pp. 1-4. Includes cost of goods sold. (See p. 3.) 42,406 15,637 36.87 1, 698, 876, 738 1,580,952, 008 152, 920 19, 334 59,129 1,045 38.67 5.41 4, 293,851,811 12,493,965 3, 723, 349,811 10, 698, 446 516,404 175, 898 34.06 52, 051,035, 004 48, 367, 667, 230 22 STATISTICS OF INCOME Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups, showing for returns with net income and no net income, number of returns and percent of total, gross income, deductions, net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, income tax and percentages; also number and percent of returns of inactive corporations—Con. Returns showing net income—Continued Income tax Industrial groups Net income Net loss for prior year Amount Agriculture and related industries Mining and quarrying Manufacturing: Food products, including beverages.. Tobacco products Textiles and their products Leather and its manufactures Rubber products Forest products Paper, pulp, and products Printing, publishing, and allied industries Chemicals and allied products Stone, clay, and glass products Metal and its products Manufacturing not elsewhere classified Total manufacturing _ _' Construction Transportation and other public utilities_ Trade Service—professional, amusements, hotels, etc Finance—banking, insurance, real estate, stock and bond brokers, etc Nature of business not given Grand total Percent of net income Percent of total tax $14,002,460 71,154, 276 $1, 379, 582 6, 251, 290 $1, 200,953 7, 211,196 8.58 10.13 0.30 1.81 326,909, 616 142, 493,817 77,829, 652 30, 090, 981 14, 003, 609 14, 966,102 37, 472, 070 11, 632, 095 112, 338 10, 208,857 1, 291,126 2, 390, 773 1, 536, 901 966, 553 36,822,896 17, 065, 733 7, 351, 407 3, 340, 320 1, 370, 991 1, 378,896 4, 238,528 11.26 11.98 9.45 11.10 9.79 9.21 11.31 9.23 4.28 1.84 .84 .34 .35 1.06 115,794,543 251, 492, 989 41, 683, 425 355, 221, 220 2, 421,479 4, 773, 907 1, 710,117 10, 645,640 12,894,666 29,409,024 4, 614, 203 40,623, 565 11.14 11.69 11.07 11.44 3.23 7.37 1.16 10.18 10.94 56,661,461 2, 264, 947 6, 201,187 1,464,619,485 49,954, 733 165,311,416 80,699, 400 902,635,062 460,034, 842 8,999,131 10, 786, 723 19,179, 617 7,624, 541 105, 585, 318 45, 708,136 9.45 11.70 9.94 1.55 41.43 1.91 26.46 11.46 117,924, 730 6, 946, 755 11,080, 584 9.40 2.78 570, 502,000 1, 795, 519 32,425,391 81, 538 55,166,196 105, 363 9.67 5.87 13.82 .03 3, 683, 367, 774 136, 004, 760 398, 993, 703 10.83 100.00 23 STATISTICS OF INCOME Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups, showing for returns with net income and no net income, number of returns and percent of total, gross income, deductions, net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, income tax and percentages; also number and percent of returns of inactive corporations—Con. Returns showing no income data—inactive corporations Returns showing no net income Industrial groups Num- Percent Gross income 2 ber of total Agriculture and related industries Mining and quarrying Manufacturing: Food products, including beverages—Tobacco products Textiles and their products Leather and its manufactures Rubber products Forest products _ _ Paper, pulp, and products Printing, publishing, and allied industries Chemicals and allied products Stone, clay, and glass products Metal and its products Manufacturing not elsewhere classified_ Total manufacturing Construction Transportation and other public utilities Trade Service—professional, amusements, hotels, etc. Finance—banking, insurance, real estate, stock and bond brokers, etc— Nature of business not given Grand total 2 3 Deductions 2 Deficit 7,354 8,291 66.77 47.16 $276,868, 270 1,496, 570, 969 $375, 646,125 1, 822, 533, 963 $98, 777, 855 325, 962,994 1,114 5,457 10.11 31.04 7,524 211 51.42 55.67 3, 988, 705, 490 97, 515,284 4,192,183, 576 103,121,693 203,478,086 5, 606,409 642 13 4.39 3.43 9,503 64.84 3,168, 902,126 3, 511,438,869 342, 536, 743 277 1.89 1,487 361 5,150 64.82 65.40 74.06 564, 469, 045 415,317,429 1, 014,898,080 629,206,302 453,471,497 1, 214,036, 573 64,737, 257 38,154, 068 199,138, 493 53 17 279 2.31 3.08 4.01 1,200 57.53 639,142,100 692,917, 799 53, 775,699 54 2.59 6,810 57.60 1,000,179,055 1,077,980,577 77,801, 522 419 3.54 4,047 55.71 3,952,977, 111 4, 271,841,422 318,864,311 421 5.79 3,076 69.62 558, 053, 618 637, 224, 522 79,170,904 193 4.37 14,174 71.95 6,861,806, 293 7,622, 757, 638 760, 951,345 782 3.97 5,272 63.12 796,916,665 940, 291, 203 143,374, 538 874 10.47 58,815 63.17 23, 058,882, 296 25, 346, 471, 671 2, 287, 589,375 4,024 4.32 11, 675 58.95 111, 047,605 1,674 8.45 10,622 86, 799 605, 248, 612 44.79 6, 584,845, 277 7,190, 093,889 63.58 14, 484, 043, 755 15, 509,475,229 1, 025, 431,474 2,160 3,672 9.11 2.69 22, 588 53.27 1, 980,348, 063 241, 288, 465 4,181 9.86 75, 434 49.33 6, 535, 973, 916 8,792,816,560 2, 256, 842, 644 18,357 12.00 2,228 11.52 24, 353,931 18, 723, 632 16,061 83.07 54.96 55,464, 204, 033 62,435,116, 689 6,970, 912, 656 56, 700 10.98 283,806 1, 022, 317, 556 1,133, 365,161 2,221,636, 528 3 43, 077, 563 Includes cost of goods sold. (See p. 3.) Includes special nonexpense deductions of life insurance companies. (See p. 21.) Num- Percent ber of total 24 STATISTICS OF INCOME DISTRIBUTION BY NET INCOME AND DEFICIT CLASSES (CORPORATION RETURNS) The following table of corporation returns, distributed by net income and deficit classes, shows the number of returns, net income or deficit, tax, and percentages; also the number of returns filed for inactive corporations showing no income data: Corporation returns for 1931, by net income and deficit classes, showing number of returns, net income or deficit, tax, and percentages Returns showing net income Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Returns Net income Number Percent Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000 and over Total Amount Tax Percent Amount Percent 70,168 31,702 24,312 9,703 5,481 12,813 5,321 3,301 2,440 4,450 2,755 1,941 729 373 321 88 39.89 18.02 13.82 5.52 3.12 7.28 3.03 1.88 1.39 2.53 1.57 1.10 .41 .21 .18 .05 $27,836,104 46,328, 242 60, 781, 731 33, 282, 497 24, 518, 853 90,197, 872 65, 292,089 57,080, 219 54,847,179 157,445,419 192,197,760 296, 252,023 252,021, 220 265, 231, 610 647,196, 669 1,412,858, 287 0.76 1.26 1.65 .90 .67 2.45 1.77 1.55 1.49 4.27 5.22 8.04 6.84 7.20 17.57 38.36 $106,758 188,991 178,773 542,994 863,974 5,433,071 5,160, 721 5,019,508 5,165, 397 16,999, 632 21,470,123 33, 297, 754 29, 059, 616 30, 206,118 75, 821, 494 169, 478, 779 0.03 .05 .04 .14 .22 1.36 1.29 1.26 1.29 4.26 5.38 8 35 7.28 7.57 19.00 42.48 175,898 100. 00 3, 683, 367, 774 100. 00 398, 993, 703 100. 00 Returns showing no net income Deficit classes (Thousands of dollars) Returns Deficit Number Percent Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1 000 1 000-5,000 _ _ - -. 5,000 and over Total Returns showing no income data—inactive corporations Amount Percent 78,046 38, 373 26,027 19,280 14, 529 40, 090 18,464 10, 613 6,688 15, 219 7,971 5,167 1,620 884 712 123 27.50 13.52 9.17 6.79 5.12 14.13 6.51 3.74 2.36 5.36 2.81 1.82 .57 .31 .25 .04 $30,363,077 56,375, 945 64,451, 449 67,070,014 65,097,536 284,961, 379 226,091, 293 183, 749,830 149, 584, 283 532, 652,979 555,143, 291 794,445, 530 562, 614,090 613,928,303 1,416,923,365 1, 367,460, 292 0.44 .81 .92 .96 .93 4.09 3.24 2.64 2.15 7.64 7.96 11.40 8.07 8.81 20.33 19.61 283,806 56,700 100.00 6,970,912, 656 100.00 25 STATISTICS OF INCOME NET LOSS FOR PRIOR YEAR (CORPORATION RETURNS) The net loss during a given taxable year in a trade or business regularly carried on by the taxpayer, as specifically defined in the Kevenue Acts of 1921 to 1928, inclusive, is allowed as a deduction in computing the net income of the taxpayer for the two succeeding taxable years. If such net loss is in excess of the net income (computed without such deduction), for that year, the amount of the excess may be carried over and allowed as a deduction in computing the net income for the next succeeding taxable year. Under the Revenue Act of 1932 net losses for 1931 only are allowed as deductions in computing net income of the taxpayer for 1932. The excess net losses being of prior origin are not included in the tabulated current year deductions in arriving at the tabulated net income figure. Only the reported "Net loss for prior year," which is taken as a deduction, is tabulated; the excess loss carried to subsequent years is not tabulated. "Net loss for prior year" reported and effective as a deduction in determining net income in the corporation returns for 1922 to 1931, inclusive, is given below: Year 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 $501,780,287 578, 307, 088 219, 727, 166 243, 078, 565 235, 851, 012 Year1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 $244,293,375 301, 146, 176 392, 177, 216 157, 880, 249 136, 004, 760 AMOUNT OF NET INCOME EXEMPT FROM AND SUBJECT TO TAX (CORPORATION RETURNS) Under the Revenue Act of 1928, corporation net income subject to tax is reduced by a credit of $3,000 allowed corporations with net income of $25,000 or less. For corporations with net income in excess of $25,000 but not in excess of $25,360, the method of computing the tax, as provided for in the revenue act, affords a variable amount of credit, but in every case less than $3,000. Under the Revenue Act of 1932 no such credit is allowed. A deduction for "Net loss for prior year" from net income for the current year is permitted. The net income reported, also the net income not subject to and the amount subject to tax in corporation returns for 1931, are shown below: Net income $3, 683, 367, 774 Net income not subject to tax: Net loss for prior year $136, 004, 760 Specific credit of $3,000 for corporations with net income not in excess of $25,000 and a variable amount for net income in excess of $25,000 but not in excess of $25,360 (estimated on the basis of capital- J izing tax liability) 232, 505, 235 Estimated total of net income not subject to tax_ 368, 509, 995 Estimated net income subject to tax (estimated on the basis of capitalizing tax liability) 3, 314, 857, 779 Thefigureswere obtainedfaycapitalizing the tax liability on all calendar year returns on the basis of paruy on me uasisui 1*72 percent IUI uousuiiuaieu ietuiub, m piujjui tiuu tu tucuismuunuu ui mwiuo uuuci the respective rates. The total obtained by this process of capitalization represents the total net taxable income. The difference between the total net income and the sum of the prior year losses and the net taxable income represents the amount of the specific credit allowed corporations. 26 STATISTICS OF INCOME INCOME AND PROFITS TAXES PAID TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES OR POSSESSIONS OF THE UNITED STATES (CORPORATION RETURNS) The amounts reported for tax credit by corporations for income and profits taxes paid foreign countries or possessions of the United States are shown below for the years 1925 to 1931, inclusive. These amounts are tax credits and have not been deducted from the figures on tax shown in the tables in this report. Income and profits taxes paid foreign countries—Corporation returns for 1925 to 1931 Amount i925 1926 1927 1928 $20,139,995 21, 653, 994 24, 236, 955 32,487,634 Year: 1929 1930 1931 Amount $35,221,708 29, 138, 867 18, 975, 743 DIVIDENDS PAID (CORPORATION RETURNS) The amounts of cash and stock dividends paid on the capital stock of domestic corporations other than life insurance companies, as reported in the corporation income tax returns for 1931, are cash dividends, $6,151,082,782, and stock dividends, $163,530,417. These payments represent a reduction from 1930 of 25 percent for cash dividends and of 61 percent for stock dividends. In basic table 12 (pp. 128-129) are shown for 1931 by States, the dividend payments reported on returns showing net income and no net income; in basic table 13 (pp. 130-141) are shown the dividend payments for 1931 by major industrial groups, and corporations reporting net income and no net income; and in basic table 16 (pp. 154-159) the same data are shown for returns by size of total assets. Total dividends distributed by corporations for the years 1922 to 1931, inclusive, are shown below: Cash and stock dividends paid by corporations, other than life insurance companiest corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 Aggregate Returns showing net income Returns showing no net income Year 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 i 1928 1929 1930 1931.. 1 Cash dividends Stock dividends $3,436, 715,104 4,169,117,678 4, 338,822,858 5,189,474,507 5,945,292,657 6,423,176, 206 7,073,723,451 8,355, 661,745 8, 202,241,110 6,151,082,782 $3, 348,049,865 891, 285, 583 510,525, 809 544,431,367 757, 649, 610 702, 501, 245 550,128,426 1, 288,642,553 414,180,425 163, 530, 417 Revised figures. Cash dividends Stock dividends $3,182,869,985 $3,166,915, 574 3, 820, 619, 642 787,167,102 466,820,095 3,994,990, 754 502, 489,520 4, 817,301,320 716,219,451 5, 530, 210, 586 642,177,901 5, 785,475, 573 509, 852,997 6,585,169,181 1,193, 896, 039 7, 841,802,135 250,499, 351 6,841,049,900 77, 886,901 3, 871, 879, 782 Cash dividends $253,845,119 348,498,036 343,832,104 372,173,187 415,082,071 637, 700, 633 488, 554, 270 513,859, 610 1, 361,191, 210 2, 279, 203,000 Stock dividends $181,134,291 104,118,481 43, 705, 714 41,941,847 41, 430,159 60,323, 344 40, 275, 429 94, 746, 514 163, 681,074 85, 643, 516 STATISTICS OF INCOME 27 COMPILED RECEIPTS AND STATUTORY DEDUCTIONS (CORPORATION RETURNS) In the table on page 28 there appears a summary of the analysis of compiled receipts and statutory deductions for 459,704 returns of active corporations, classified by corporations submitting and not submitting balance sheets. The same analysis in aggregate for all active corporations without segregation as to corporations submitting and not submitting balance sheets, is presented in basic table 13 (pp. 130-141), by major industrial groups, by returns showing net income and no net income. Compiled receipts consist of reported taxable income [gross sales, gross profits other than amounts tabulated as gross sales, interest received, rents received, profits from sale of capital assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.), and other items of taxable income grouped as 11 Miscellaneous receipts"] and nontaxable income items ofj major importance (dividends received on capital stock of domestic corporations and interest on Federal, State, and municipal bonds). Statutory deductions consist of such items as cost of goods sold, compensation of officers, interest paid, taxes paid other than income tax, bad debts, depreciation and depletion, loss from the sale of capital assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.), and items not classified grouped as "Miscellaneous deductions." The amount tabulated as "Cost of goods sold" includes salaries and wages only when shown specifically in item 2 (c) on the face of the return (see form 1120, p. 220). Salaries and wages which may be allocable to item 2 (c) but which were reported elsewhere on the return were tabulated as "Miscellaneous deductions." Table 13 also shows the compiled net profit (or compiled net deficit), statutory net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, income tax, and compiled net profit after deducting tax. Compiled net profit is the excess of compiled receipts over statutory deductions, and compiled net deficit is the excess of statutory deductions over compiled receipts. Part 1 of this basic table shows the aggregate data for all returns; part 2, for returns showing net income; and part 3, for returns showing no net income. For statement of compiled receipts and statutory deductions for all corporations submitting balance sheets distributed by major industrial groups and by returns showing net income and no net income, see Table 13, pages 130-141, and Table 15, pages 148-153. In using data by the industrial classification contained in basic table 14, the peculiarities with respect to income tax returns w^hich prevent a pure industrial classification, as outlined on page 4, should be borne in mind. 177160—34- 28 STATISTICS OF INCOME Corporation returns for 1931 showing number of returns, compiled receipts, and statutory deductions, net deficit, statutory net income less deficit, tax, and dividends paid, by corporations submitting and not submitting balance sheets All returns Total Corporations Corporations submitting not submitting balance sheets balance sheets 459, 704 381, 088 Number of returns— _ Receipts, taxable income: 1 Gross sales $75,494,311,176 $73, 783, 421,180 Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales 21, 944, 798, 421 21, 205, 514,192 4,122,118, 104 4, 024, 339, 261 Interest 2, 250, 568, 295 2,110,292,316 Rents _ 283, 515, 787 Profit, sale of capital assets _ 298, 636, 457 1, 435, 577, 684 1,393,162, 736 Miscellaneous receipts.__ .Receipts, tax-exempt income: 1, 969, 228, 900 1, 904, 511, 261 Dividends from domestic corporations 541, 713, 319 533, 288, 672 Interest on tax-exempt obligations 2 _._ 3 Total compiled receipts _ Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold Compensation of officers Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax Bad debts Depreciation Depletion Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous deductions _.. Total statutory deductions Compiled net deficit _„ Statutory net income less statutory net deficit Net loss for prior year Income tax Compiled net deficit plus income tax _. Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid __ _._ __ _ _ _ 78, 616 $1, 710,889, 996 739, 284, 229 97, 778, 843 140, 275,979 15,120, 670 42, 414, 948 64, 717, 639 8, 424, 647 108, 056, 952,356 105, 238, 045, 405 2,818,906, 951 58, 773, 772,870 2, 697, 903, 669 4, 491, 885, 082 2, 230, 730, 732 1,182, 659,132 4, 002, 508, 225 267, 726, 342 1, 702, 283, 334 33, 484, 085, 633 57, 374, 479, 875 2, 573,817, 733 4, 368, 927, 402 2,172, 449, 766 1,152, 675, 982 3, 932, 791, 981 260, 565, 867 1, 538, 527, 386 32, 350, 912, 990 1,399, 292, 995 124, 085, 936 122, 957, 680 58, 280, 966 29, 983,150 69, 716, 244 7,160,475 163, 755, 948 1,133,172, 643 108, 833, 555, 019 105, 725,148,982 3,108, 406, 037 776, 602, 663 * 3, 287., 544, 882 136, 004, 769 398, 993, 703 1,175, 596, 366 6,151, 082, 782 163, 530, 417 487,103, * 2, 924, 903, 129, 775, 392,855, 879, 958, 6, 092, 337, 161, 818, 577 510 528 001 578 422 309 289, 499, 086 * 362, 641, 372 6, 229, 232 6, >38, 702 295, 637, 788 58, 745, 360 1, 712,108 1 2 For "Cost of goods sold" see "Statutory deductions." Includes obligations of States and Territories or minor political subdivisions, securities issued under the Federal Farm Loan Act, and obligations of the United States or its possessions. 3 Includes net profit from sale of capital assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.), but not gross receipts from these items. Excludes nontaxable income, other than interest on tax-exempt obligations and dividends on stock of domestic corporations as reported in Schedule L of the return. * Excess of statutory net deficit over statutory net income. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (CORPORATION RETURNS) In the table on page 30 are shown for 381,088 corporation returns out of 459,704 returns of active corporations, a summary statement of the principal assets and liabilities as of December 31, 1931, or at the close of the fiscal year nearest thereto; also a tabulation by net income and deficit classes showing the number of returns and the number of balance sheets tabulated. Returns reporting balance sheet data of a fragmentary nature have not been included with those returns reporting balance sheets. The difference between the number of balance sheets tabulated and the number of returns is due to the returns for which data for assets and liabilities are not reported or are incompletely reported. In basic table 15 (pp. 148-153) the same data are shown by major industrial groups. This table also includes, for the first time, all items of compiled receipts and statutory deductions for those active corporations which submitted balance sheets. For descriptive statement of compiled receipts and statutory deductions, see page 27. STATISTICS OF INCOME 29 In using the data by industrial groups the peculiarities with respect to income-tax returns which prevent a pure industrial classification, as outlined on page 4, should be borne in mind. The following changes in classification of data affect the comparability of asset and liability data over a period of years: Prior to 77 1929, "Investments other than tax-exempt were not segregated 77 from "Miscellaneous assets not distributed. Prior to 1930, stocks, bonds other than tax-exempt, loans, mortgages, etc., owned by life insurance 77 companies were classified as " Miscellaneous assets not distributed and beginning with 1930 as "Investments other than tax77 exempt. Moreover, the returns of corporations become more complete each year with respect to the definite allocation of their forms of assets, thus steadily decreasing the proportion tabulated as " Miscellaneous assets not distributed77 as well as causing certain shifts as between the principal forms of assets and liabilities. 77Shifts have been noted between years particularly under "Liabilities in the amounts reported as "Common stock" and "Preferred stock77 due to variations in reporting these data. For balance sheets in which common and preferred stock are not reported77 separately, the combined amount is tabulated as "Common stock. For balance sheets with no par stock and not reporting capital stock value, the net worth is tabulated under "Surplus and undivided profits.77 Items not otherwise distributed are classified as "Miscellaneous assets77 and "Miscellaneous liabilities,77 among which are the following: Miscellaneous assets.—Copyrights; formulas; goodwill; patents; trade marks; sinking funds; other funds; deferred charges; organization expenses; prepaid and suspense items; interest, discount, coupons, and dividends receivable; guaranty deposits, and deposits on contracts, meters, and leaseholds; cash value of life insurance. Miscellaneous assets of life insurance companies include market value of real estate and bonds7 in excess of book value; interest, rents, and premiums due; agents balances. Miscellaneous liabilities.—All reserves other than surplus and reserves for depletion, depreciation, and bad debts; deferred and suspense items; funds held in trust; borrowed securities; discount and dividends payable; outstanding coupons and certificates; overdrafts. Miscellaneous liabilities of life insurance companies include the net value of outstanding policies and securities and borrowed money. Miscellaneous liabilities of banks include deposits (time, saving, demand, etc.) and bank notes in circulation. 30 STATISTICS OF INCOME Assets and liabilities of corporations submitting balance sheets for 1931, by returns with net income and no net income, showing major items of assets and liabilities as of Dec. 31, 1931, or at the close of the fiscal year nearest thereto Assets and liabilities Returns showing net income Aggregate Assets: Cash (in till and deposits in banks) $15, 880, 250, 424 Notes receivable and accounts receivable (less reserve for bad debts) 48, 667,198,950 Inventory 15,139, 932, 949 Tax-exempt investments—Obligations of States and Territories or political subdivisions; securities issued under the Federal Farm Loan Act and obligations of the United States or its possessions 10, 667,192, 003 Investments other than tax-exempt—Stocks, bonds, mortgages, loans, real estate, etc 74,305, 333,068 Capital assets—Real estate, buildings, equipment, etc. (less depreciation) 115.302,698,636 Miscellaneous assets not distributed 16r 534, 423,114 Total assets. Returns showing no net income $6,473, 314, 629 $9,406, 935, 795 19, 242, 510,936 29,424, 688,014 5, 605,381, 763 9, 534,551,186 4, 519, 660, 429 6,147, 531, 574 33, 447, 786, 038 40,857,547,030 45, 687, 523,089 69, 615,175, 547 6, 748, 756, 283 9, 785,666,831 296, 497,029,144 121, 724,933,167 174, 772,095,977 Liabilities: Notes and accounts payable Bonded debt and mortgages Miscellaneous liabilities not distributed Capital stock: • Preferred Common Total capital stock _ 23, 251, 397, 209 8,070,190, 517 48,100, 960, 533 16,129, 560,896 81,881,780,792 36,861, 734,909 7, 379, 974,418 11,736,855,030 19,116,829,448 79, 793, 726,842 30, 617,059, 714 49,176,667,128 _ Surplus Less deficit Net surplus Total liabilities 15,181, 206, 692 31, 971, 399,637 45,020,045,883 98, 910, 556, 290 37, 997,034,132 60,913,522,158 51, 976, 381, 220 23, 407, 211, 701 28, 569,169, 519 7, 624, 046, 900 6,883, 247,912 740, 798,988 44, 352, 334, 320 22, 666, 412, 713 21, 685, 921, 607 296, 497,029,144 121, 724, 933,167 174, 772,095, 977 Number of corporation returns filed for 1931 and number of balance sheets tabulated by net income and deficit classes Returns showing net income Returns showing no net income Net income and deficit classes ol of of Percent of Percent Number of Number balance (Thousands of dollars) balance Number of Number balance balance sheets to returns sheets to returns sheets sheets returns returns Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-50 50-100 100-250 250-500 ._500-1,000 1,000-5,000. . _ _ . . 5,000 and over Total . Returns with no income data— Inactive corporations 70,168 31, 702 24, 312 9,703 5,481 12, 813 5,321 3,301 2,440 4,450 2,755 1,941 729 373 321 88 50,470 25,184 20, 556 8,847 5,089 12,110 5,091 3,185 2,350 4,304 2,666 1,873 703 361 318 88 71.93 79.44 84.55 91.18 92.85 94.51 95.68 96.49 96.31 96.72 96.77 96.50 96.43 96.78 99.07 100.00 78,046 38, 373 26, 027 19, 280 14, 529 40,090 18,464 10, 613 6,688 15, 219 7,971 5,167 1,620 884 712 123 56,608 31,367 22,062 16, 678 12, 769 35,890 16,912 9,824 6,244 14,134 7,442 4,840 1,520 817 672 114 72.53 81.74 84.77 86.50 87.89 89.52 91.59 92.57 93.36 92.87 93.36 93.67 93.83 92.42 94.38 92.68 175,898 143,195 81.41 283,806 237,893, 83.82 56, 700 STATISTICS OF INCOME 31 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND COMPILED RECEIPTS AND STATUTORY DEDUCTIONS BY SIZE OF TOTAL ASSETS (CORPORATION RETURNS) In this report there appear for the first time tables showing assets and liabilities and compiled receipts and statutory deductions for identical corporations distributed on the basis of size of total assets. These data are compiled from 381,088 returns filed by corporations that submitted balance sheets. The difference between this number and 459,704 returns of active corporations represents returns of active corporations that did not submit balance sheets, or for which balance sheet data were of a fragmentary nature. Data in corporation income-tax returns were classified by size of total assets in order to provide a combined income and capital statement of corporate data according to a measure of size. While there may be considerable difference of opinion as to whether total assets is the best basis on which to distribute the data, it is the most practical basis available from, the point of view of the tabulation problems presented. In connection with the classification of corporation data by size of total assets, attention is directed to the fact that the balance sheet form " Schedule K " of the corporation income-tax return (reprinted on p. 221) provides, in the reporting of assets, that reserves for depreciation of capital assets be deducted from the gross amount of capital assets and also that reserves for bad debts be deducted from the gross amount of accounts receivable. The following table summarizes certain major items for identical corporations, by total assets classes, including number of returns, total assets, total compiled receipts and compiled net profit or deficit for all returns, and for returns with net income and no net income. In basic table 16 (pp. 154-159) are shown in greater detail the principal assets and liabilities as of December 31, 1931, or at the close of the fiscal year nearest thereto, and the principal items of compiled receipts and statutory deductions. In basic table 17 (pp. 160-177) are shown by major industrial groups and total assets classes selected items of assets and liabilities as of December 31, 1931, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, selected items of receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, and cash dividends paid. For descriptive statement of assets and liabilities see pages 28-29, and of compiled receipts and statutory deductions, see page 27. 32 STATISTICS OF INCOME Returns of corporations submitting balance sheets for 1931 by total assets classes and by returns with net income and no net income, showing number of returns, total assets, total compiled receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, and statutory net income or deficit for all returns Total assets classes (Thousands of dollars) Number of returns Total assetstotal liabilities Total compiled receipts * Compiled net Statutory net profit or income or deficit 2 deficit All returns U n d e r 50 50-100 __ 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 _._. 10,000-50,000... 50,000 a n d over Total.... 182,447 $3, 702, 782, 652 61,144 4, 366, 549, 220 63, 428 10,072,144, 750 10,929, 624,087 31,052 13, 530,865, 353 19,335 18, 345 37,955, 406, 821 2,588 17,965,175,160 43,167,196,848 2,117 632 154, 807, 284, 253 $6, 952, 452,152 3 $412,166, 477 3 $417,755,377 5,398,110,750 3 213, 618,806 3 219,421,097 8, 803,033, 994 3 339, 694,007 3 361,461,851 7, 209, 547, 545 3 250, 998,131 3 289,846,684 7,078, 794, 449 3 252, 271, 733 3 311,086, 726 3 788,670,243 14, 595, 017,084 3 538,925,893 5, 588, 462, 603 3 137, 776, 313 3 281,192, 875 3 35,825,194 3 434,551, 749 13, 365,145,098 179, 083,092 36, 247,481, 730 1,694,172,977 381,088 105, 238, 045, 405 3 487,103, 577 296, 497, 029,144 ! 2, 924, 903, 510 Returns showing net income Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 a n d o v e r . Total.. 65, 564 24, 297 25,649 12,120 7,130 6,403 926 841 265 $1,395,113,992 1,734,364,724 4,063, 385,067 4, 269,437, 251 4,971,871,497 13,212,122,253 6,421,671, 584 17,456,009,858 68, 200,956, 941 $2, 895, 855, 333 2,479, 303, 202 4, 205, 686,154 3, 476, 964,586 3,267, 118,028 6, 886, 608, 707 2, 784, 823, 311 6, 693, 745, 882 18, 297, 137, 557 $108, 373, 696 $106, 761, 790 90, 401,919 88, 262,402 179, 735, 437 171,962, 598 184, 751,106 171, 477,918 206,182,282 185,746,928 539, 904,845 466, 778,061 287, 310, 382 244, 785, 368 740,503,055 586,640,749 2, 305, 040, 867 1, 573,142, 272 143,195 121, 724,933,167 50,987, 242, 76 4,642, 203, 589 3,595,558,086 Returns showing no net income Under 50.. •50-100 100-250 250-500 •500-1,000 1,000-5,000 '5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 a n d over.. Total.. 116,883 36,847 37,779 18,932 12, 205 11,942 1, 662 1,276 367 237, 893 $2,307, 668,660 2, 632, 184,496 6,008, 759, 683 6, 660, 186,836 8, 558, 993,856 24, 743, ' \, 568 11,543, 503, 576 25,711, 186,990 86, 606, 327,312 174, 772,095, 977 $4,056, 596, 819 3 $520, 540,173 3 $524, 517,167 3 304,020, 725 3 307, 683, 499 2,918, 807, 548 3 519, 429,444 3 533,424,449 4, 597,347,840 3 435, 749, 237 3 461, 324, 602 3, 732,582,959 3 458, 454,015 3,811, 676, 421 3 496,833, 654 7, 708,408,377 ' 1,078,830,738 3 1, 255, 448, 304 2, 803,639, 292 s 425, 086, 695 3 525,978, 243 6,671, 399,216 3 776, 328, 249 3 1, 021,192, 498 3 610,867,890 3 1, 394,059,180 17, 950,344,173 54, 250,802, 645 3 5,129, 307,166 3 6, 520,461, 596 1 Include net profit from sale of capital assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.) but not gross receipts from these items. Excludes nontaxable income, other than interest on tax-exempt obligations and dividends on stock of domestic corporations as reported in Schedule L of the return. 2 Compiled net profit or deficit is total compiled receipts less statutoiy deductions, s Deficit. REVISED ITEMS IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, CORPORATION RETURNS, STATISTICS OF INCOME FOR 1927 On page 28 of the 1930 Statistics of Income, the statement concerning revised items for 1927 found in table 19 under " Summary for preceding years" should read as follows: "The net change for 1927 is $3,000,000,000, which was erroneously included in the item of "Miscellaneous liabilities not distributed" and should have been included in "Bonded debt and mortgages." REVISED ITEMS IN RECEIPTS AND DEDUCTIONS, CORPORATION RETURNS, STATISTICS OF INCOME FOR 1930 In the Statistics of Income for 1930, tables 12, 14, and 21, and 16, for all returns and for returns with net income, in the State of New York, the industrial group "Manufacturing—Chemicals and allied products" and the subgroup "Petroleum and other mineral oil refin- STATISTICS OF INCOME 33 ing," respectively, the following revision of the published figures is made: "Gross sales" and ''Cost of goods" are decreased by $1,440,000,000; "Miscellaneous receipts" and "Miscellaneous deductions" are decreased by $810,000,000; and "Total compiled receipts," "Gross income," and "Statutory deductions'" are decreased by $2,250,000,000. REVISED NUMBER OF CONSOLIDATED RETURNS OF CORPORATIONS, STATISTICS OF INCOME FOR 1930 On pages 29 and 30 of Statistics of Income for 1930, the total number of consolidated returns filed by concerns classified as "Manufacturing—Stone, clay, and glass products" is shown as 136 and the number of those showing no net income is given as 65. Due to incorrect industrial classification of certain returns, these figures were understated and should be 147 and 76, respectively. Incorrect classification also obtained with respect to the number of consolidated returns filed by concerns classified as "Finance—Banking, insurance, real estate, stock and bond brokers, etc.," and the total number of returns is erroneously shown as 1,982, and the number of returns showing no net income as 1,161, whereas these figures should have been 1,971 and 1,150, respectively. The financial data reported on these returns are relatively unimportant and have little effect upon the totals of the several financial items appearing for each of the industrial groups concerned. Consequently, the revision which should be made due to the errors referred to has not been carried through for any item other than number of returns. CONSOLIDATED RETURNS (CORPORATION RETURNS) There were 8,495 consolidated income-tax returns filed for 1931 for affiliated corporations, as against 8,951 for 1930. As provided by section 141 (d), Revenue Act of 1928, applicable to the taxable year 1929 and subsequent taxable years, a consolidated return may be filed where one or more chains of corporations are connected through stock ownership with a common parent corporation, at least 95 percent of the stock of each of the corporations (except the common parent) being owned directly by one or more of the other corporations, and the common parent corporation owning directly at least 95 percent of the stock of at least one of the other corporations. Of the consolidated returns for 1931, 2,698 showed net income aggregating $1,846,305,490. The number of consolidated returns filed was about 1.65 percent of all corporation returns. However, the net income reported in consolidated returns was 50.13 percent of the net income of all returns showing net income, and the tax 54.27 percent of the total tax for all corporations. Presented below are tables prepared from the consolidated returns showing the returns distributed by major industrial groups, by net income and deficit classes, and by number of subsidiaries. In interpreting the data contained in these tables it is essential to note that the industrial classification is based on the predominant business of the affiiliated corporations for which the consolidated return is filed. If it were possible to segregate the income of the subsidiary or affiliated concerns, the data for such concerns might fall in industrial divisions other than the ones in which they are here included. Attention is also directed to the fact that the data for consolidated returns are included in the general tables of corporation income throughout this report. 34 STATISTICS OF INCOME Consolidated corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups, showing total number of returns, number with net income and no nei income, gross income, nel income or deficit, net loss for prior year, and income tax * Industrial groups Agriculture and related industries. Mining and quarrying. Manufacturing: Food products, including beverages - __ Tobacco products Textiles and their products-.. Leather and its manufactures Rubber products _ __ . Forest products Paper, pulp, and products. _. Printing, publishing, and allied industriesChemicals and allied products Stone, clay, and glass products Metal and its products Manufacturing not elsewhere classified - _ Total manufacturing Construction Transportation and other public utilities . Trade Service—professional, amusements, hotels, etc Finance—banking, insurance, real estate, and holding compa• nies, stock and bond brokers, etc Nature of business not given Grand total Consolidated returns showing net income Total number of reNet loss for 2 turns Number Gross income Net income prior year Income tax • $579,062 2,146, 305 100 469 27 101 $106, 502, 522 323, 593, 301 $4,854, 841 19, 350, 946 $24,613 1, 402, 006 431 20 365 208 9 95 3, 382, 655, 214 351,920, 284 421, 964, 657 216,071 103 37,149 795 23, 757, 593 6, 670,140 2, 340, 436 25,190, 839 4, 457, 475 2, 563,969 26 • 263, 993, 875 336, 487, 682 10 50, 033,105 30 144, 840, 755 33 21,313,612 9, 773, 335 2, 670, 521 7, 646, 495 230, 666 2, 048, 024 230, 904 267, 042 2, 528, 582 926, 677 288, 000 883, 232 96 41 253 96 257 130 384,155, 657 28, 969, 981 703, 562 3, 379, 448 382 184 2, 404, 867, 990 161, 372, 074 1, 561, 576 19,170, 556 145 795 38 203 232, 419, 999 3,119,706,562 21, 868, 715 256, 253, 991 683, 549 4, 361, 002 2, 539. 089 30, 242, 906 239,199, 607 49 1,015 11, 332, 245, 387 26, 954, 042 184, 934 3, 215, 757 813, 801,257 19, 281, 835 95, 386, 530 212 3,093 182 73 123, 975, 549 8,935 ,668 1,137, 858 934,818 774 1,445 311 453 5, 551, 924, 832 5, 452, 650, 459 668, 314 ,501 221, 778,102 5, 351, 587 2, 578, 892 79, 589, 471 26, 243, 330 526 197 477, 085, 601 32, 882. 578 2,199, 710 3, 666, 407 1,895 11 521 707, 884,169 76, 38'' ,597 9,154, 479 8, 001, 447 2,698 24, 075, 861, 820 1, 846, 305, 490 41,130, 980 216, 547, 370 8,495 Consolidated returns showing no net income Industrial groups Number Gross income 2 Agriculture and related industries _ Mining and quarrying Manufacturing: Food products, including bev erages Tobacco products . . Textiles and their products Leather and its manufactures Rubber products. _ Forest products Paper, pulp, and products Printing, publishing, and alii ed indus tries Chemicals and allied product s Stone, clay, and glass products Metal and its products Manufacturing not elsewhere classified Total manufacturing Construction - ._ Transportation and other public utilities. Trade Service—professional, amusements, hotels , etc _ Finance—banking, insurance, real estate, stock and bond brokers, etc Nature of business not given Grand total 1 2 Deficit 73 368 $55, 657,196 1, 032, 577, 679 $10, 744,120 167, 071, 394 223 11 270 70 31 223 63 127 198 107 592 163 2, 709, 565, 814 62, 008,126 817, 482, 595 225, 773,838 337, 698, 015 352,191,165 313,140, 858 405, 823, 743 3, 398, 887, 398 241, 275, 879 4, 444, 239, 071 326, 477, 530 92, 707, 513 3,136,170 94, 846, 600 27, 778, 775 27, 354, 931 59, 520, 869 24, 624, 596 20, 813, 968 260, 205, 775 20,940, 788 389, 355, 024 66, 783, 708 2,078 13, 634, 564, 032 1, 088, 068, 717 109 463 992 329 211, 572, 510 5, 818,149, 550 2, 992, 728, 226 783,921, 277 14, 584, 719 475,940, 712 179, 321, 305 59, 323,112 1,374 11 1, 639, 024,173 60, 447 507,837, 612 153, 839 5,797 26,168, 255, 090 2, 503, 045, 530 For general explanations, see p. 1-4. Gross income corresponds to total income as reported on face of the return, plus cost of goods sold. 35 STATISTICS OF INCOME Consolidated corporation returns for 1931 by net income and deficit classes, showing number of returns, net income or deficit, and income tax (Thousands of dollars) Number Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 Returns showing no net income Returns showing net income Net income and deficit classes 148 134 144 83 64 229 163 111 110 288 290 314 214 158 177 71 . 5,000 and over... Total 2,698 Income tax Number Net income Deficit $62, 255 199, 932 360, 793 290, 092 293, 707 1, 696, 476 2, 010, 616 1,926,454 2, 493,100 10, 409, 038 21, 015, 613 50, 876, 914 76, 688, 300 115, 713, 877 377, 701, 227 1.184, 567, 096 $376 619 103 9,342 8,588 90, 270 127, 472 144, 542 211, 434 1, 016,194 2,187, 297 5, 278, 563 8, 678, 741 13, 019, 636 43, 856, 498 141,917, 695 212 146 111 129 124 392 374 271 216 784 772 922 514 371 366 93 $95, 483 219, 091 274,776 448, 487 567,318 2,916, 303 4, 657,482 4, 775, 748 4, 955, 341 28,938, 582 56, 857, 314 150, 996,893 183, 418, 501 265, 309, 630 773, 073, 485 1,025,541,096 1,846,305,490 216, 547, 370 5,797 2, 503, 045, 530 Consolidated corporation returns for 1931, by number of subsidiaries, showing number of consolidated returns and total number of subsidiaries Number of subsidiaries per return 1 2 3 4 _ __ 5 6 _ 7 -_- _ 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52, 53 54 55 58 59 62 64 65 66 67 68 71 73 75 76 77 1 _ 4 5 3 4 4 - _ o <N . . 4,596 2,798 2,166 1,540 1,295 1,092 1,050 728 783 620 418 564 507 462 285 368 340 396 399 340 462 132 161 264 125 156 108 280 87 300 217 128 132 204 r-l . 4,596 1,399 722 385 259 182 150 91 87 62 38 47 39 33 19 23 20 22 21 17 22 6 7 11 5 6 4 10 3 10 7 4 4 6 Num- Total ber of n u m b e r consol- of subidated sidiareturns ries Number of subsidiaries per return CO CM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Num- Total ber of number consol- of subidated sidiareturns ries . .. _ - . _.. 1 1 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 35 144 185 114 156 160 82 126 86 44 90 46 47 192 147 150 102 104 53 54 165 116 59 62 64 130 66 67 68 142 73 150 76 154 Num- Total ber of n u m b e r consol- of subidated sidiareturns ries Number of subsidiaries per return 82 83 - 84 87 90 91 93 95 98. 99 104 111 118 120 121 _ 127 131 133 147 189 206 208 246 . 250 278 297- __ Number of subsidiaries not reported— estimated average, 3 Total 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 82 83 168 174 90 182 93 95 98 99 104 222 118 120 121 127 131 133 147 189 206 208 246 250 278 297 78 234 8,495 31,307 FISCAL-YEAR RETURNS (CORPORATION RETURNS) Fiscal-year returns are filed on form 1120-A by corporations whose fiscal year is other than the calendar year. These returns are included in the general tables of corporation income throughout this report. 36 STATISTICS OF INCOME The tabulations include all fiscal-year returns that were received by the statistical section prior to the termination of the tabulation of the remaining Statistics of Income data. Corporation fiscal-year returns for 1931 showing by month ending the fiscal year, the total number of returns, number with net income and no net income, amount of net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, and income tax Returns showing net income Fiscal year ended— Total number of returns Number July 1931 August 1931 September 1931 October 1931 November 1931 January 1932 February 1932 March 1932 April 1932 May 1932 June 1932 Total___ 3,905 4,060 4,508 4,325 4,162 6,781 4,129 5,672 5,245 5,548 11,173 ,647 ,693 ,900 ,746 ,646 L,958 L,417 L,984 L, 715 L, 741 5,061 59, 508 20, 508 Net income Returns showing no net income Net loss for Income tax Number prior year Deficit $24, 270, 924 $3, 231,190 40,845,115 1, 943, 404 33, 684, 583 2, 950, 439 32, 514, 002 5, 439, 821 45,169,169 3,217,815 41,844, 541 1, 262, 559 59,993,380 1,027,643 24,098,602 1,455,121 22, 864, 826 1,316,742 24,048,642 1,547,757 61, 228, 765 2, 244, 696 $2, 244,414 4, 366, 288 3, 339,184 2, 931, 294 4, 743, 975 4, 547,930 6,893,907 2, 531, 631 2, 503,822 2,709,175 7, 353, 795 2,258 2,367 2,608 2,579 2,516 4,823 2,712 3,688 3,530 3,807 8,112 $44,999,024 57,142, 663 99, 812, 211 92,087,176 106, 014,025 142, 264, 256 63, 313, 942 86,920, 227 79, 591, 726 93,411,853 209, 396, 975 410, 562, 549 44,165, 415 39,000 1,074, 954,078 25, 637,187 Corporation fiscal-year returns for 1931, by net income and deficit classes, showing number of returns, net income or deficit, and income tax Net income and deficit classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 6-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-50 _ 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000 and over Total Returns showing net income Number Returns showing no net income Net income Income tax Number Deficit 7,150 3,460 2,759 1,272 760 1,790 793 496 355 701 452 318 100 56 38 8 $2,950,708 5,061, 595 6,924,174 4, 378, 226 3, 401, 701 12, 660, 296 9, 805, 923 8, 572,052 7, 987, 208 24, 584, 795 31,851,960 48, 910, 084 33,313,881 40, 413, 610 75, 497,766 93, 748, 570 $65,461 104,031 117,896 126,310 151, 896 855, 737 797, 351 767, 387 774, 563 2, 640,929 3, 513, 006 5, 567, 348 3, 909, 542 4, 632,430 8, 467, 200 11, 674, 328 8,691 4,953 3,441 2,608 1,980 5,843 2,903 1,732 1,119 2,690 1,475 995 290 152 113 15 $3, 622, 475 7, 268,909 8, 533,900 9,068,087 8,912,135 41,808,154 35, 686,125 30,054, 767 25, 010, 653 94, 540,154 102, 224, 050 151, 640, 749 99,897, 261 105, 034,935 228, 586, 633 123, 065, 091 20,508 410, .562, 549 44,165,415 39,000 1, 074, 954,078 PART-YEAR RETURNS (CORPORATION RETURNS) The returns filed by corporations showing income for less than 12 months represent reorganizations, consolidations, disintegrations, newly organized businesses, liquidating corporations, and changes from calendar year to fiscal year basis, or vice versa, and are also included in the general corporation income tables in this report. The part-year returns in this report represent those in which the greater part of the income period was in 1931. 37 STATISTICS OF INCOME Corporation part-year returns for 1931 Total number of returns Returns showing net income: Number Net income Net loss for prior year Income tax Returns showing no net income: Number Deficit 31, 440 12, 364 $46, 650, 450 $3, 674, 259 $3, 615, 779 19, 076 $255, 226, 709 HISTORICAL SUMMARIES A resume of the income-tax returns for each of the years since the inception of the present period of income taxation, showing for individual returns the number, net income, and tax by net income classes and the sources of income and deductions, and for corporation returns the number, net income, deficit, and tax; also the distribution of corporation returns by net income and deficit classes for the years 1928 to 1931 and for corporations submitting balance sheets the major items of assets and liabilities for the years 1926 to 1931 is shown in the following tables. Individual returns by States and Territories for the years 1921 to 1931, showing number, net income, and tax, are tabulated as a section of table 9, pages 75-124. Corporation returns distributed by States and Territories for the years 1922 to 1931 areshown in table 19, pages 183-193, for corporations reporting net income and no net income, by number, net income, deficit, and tax; also number of returns for inactive corporations. Similar data and gross income are shown by major industrial groups for the years 1922 to 1931 in table 13, pages 178-182. Individual returns for 1913 to 1931, showing number of lreturns, net income, tax before tax credits, tax credits, and tax [Money figures in t h o u s a n d s of dollars] Number of returns Percent of total Net income Year Total 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 . 1929 1930 1931 . ._ _. . . _ . _. . .. 357, 598 357, 515 336, 652 437, 036 3, 472,890 4, 425,114 5 332 760 7, 259, 944 6, 662,176 6, 787, 481 7, 698, 321 7, 369, 788 4,171,051 4,138, 092 4,101, 547 4, 070, 851 4, 044, 327 3, 707, 509 3, 225, 924 Taxable 362,970 2, 707, 234 3, 392, 863 4 231 181 5,518,310 3, 589, 985 3, 681, 249 4, 270,121 4, 489,698 2, 501,166 2. 470, 990 2, 440,941 2, 523, 063 2, 458, 049 2, 037, 645 1, 525, 546 Nontaxable 74,066 765, 656 1,032, 251 1 101 579 1, 741, 634 3, 072,191 3,106, 232 3, 428, 200 2, 880,090 1, 669,885 1, 667,102 1, 660, 606 1, 547, 788 1, 586, 278 1, 669, 864 1, 700, 378 Taxable 83 78 77 79 76 54 54 55 61 60 60 59 61 61 55 47 Nontaxable 17 22 23 21 24 46 46 45 39 40 40 41 39 39 45 53 3,900,000 4,000,000 4, 600,000 6, 298, 578 13, 652, 383 15,924, 639 19 859 491 23, 735, 629 19, 577, 213 21, 336, 213 24, 777,466 25, 656,153 21,894, 576 21,958, 506 22, 545,091 26, 226, 327 24,800, 736 18,118,635 13, 604,996 i Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of individuals are summarized on pp. 198-203. Returns for 1913 pertain to the last 10 months of that year; taxes shown for 1913 to 1915, inclusive, are receipts for fiscal year ended June 30, immediately following, as shown in annual reports of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, which receipts include fines, penalties, additional assessments, etc.; 1916 and subsequent years' tax is amount reported on returns. 38 STATISTICS OF INCOME Individual returns for 1913 to 1931, showing number of returns, net income, tax before tax credits, tax credits, and tax—Continued [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Tax before tax credits Year 1913 1914 1915 1916 . 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 2 3 . . Normal tax 12, 729 16, 559 23,996 51,441 156, 897 476, 433 468,105 478, 250 308, 059 355,410 378,388 257, 795 216, 360 200, 599 215,817 281, 895 162, 332 129, 475 82, 302 Surtax 15, 525 24, 487 43,948 121,946 433, 346 651, 289 801, 525 596, 804 411,327 474,581 464, 918 437, 541 432, 853 448, 330 511,731 688, 825 582, 393 316,816 186, 078 Tax on capital net gain, 12J/2 percent 31,066 38, 916 48, 603 117,571 112,510 134, 034 233, 451 284, 654 65, 422 19, 423 Tax credits 25 percent of tax on earned net income Total 28, 254 41,046 67 944 173,387 2 795, 381 1,127, 722 1, 269, 630 1, 075, 054 719,387 861,057 882, 222 743,939 766, 784 761, 440 861, 582 1, 204,170 1,029, 379 511,713 287, 803 30, 637 24, 570 24, 647 24,915 34, 790 22,062 24, 886 17, 491 1 2 ^ percent on capital net loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years 9,036 7,659 4,322 6,028 5,126 5,378 10,112 24,185 Tax Total 28, 254 41, 046 67, 944 173, 387 2 795, 381 1,127, 722 1, 269, 630 1, 075,054 719, 387 861,057 661, 666 3 220, 555 704, 265 39, 673 734, 555 32, 229 732, 471 28,969 830, 639 30, 943 39,916 1,164, 254 27, 441 1,001,938 476, 715 34, 998 246,127 41, 676 Includes war excess-profits taxes of $101,249,781 on individuals and of $103,887,984 on partnerships. 25 percent reduction provided for in sec. 1200 (a) of Revenue Act of 1924. Number of individual returns for 1914- to 1931 by net income classes l Net income classes (thousands of dollars) Under 1 1-2 2^3 3-5 5-10 10-25 . . 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 - . . 1,000 and over Total 1914 1916 1915 149, 279 127, 448 58, 603 14, 676 5,161 1,189 769 216 114 60 127, 994 120, 402 60, 284 17,301 6,847 1,793 1,326 376 209 120 357, 515 336, 652 2 1917 1918 1919 157,149 150, 553 80, 880 23, 734 10, 452 2, 900 2,437 714 376 206 1, 640, 758 838, 707 560, 763 270, 666 112, 502 30,391 12, 439 3,302 2,347 559 315 141 1, 516, 938 1, 496,878 932,336 319, 356 116,569 28, 542 9,996 2,358 1,514 382 178 67 1, 924, 872 1, 569, 741 1,180,488 438,851 162, 485 37, 477 13, 320 2,983 1,864 425 189 65 429, 401 3, 472,890 4,425,114 5,332, 760 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of individuals are summarized on pp. 198-203. The returns for 1913 are omitted, as they pertain only to the last 10 months of that year. 2 Excludes 7,635 returns of married women made separate from returns of husbands. In 1916 the net income on returns filed separately by husband and wife is combined and the total appears as one return. In all other years the returns of married women filed separately are included in their individual income classes independently of the husband's income. STATISTICS OF INCOME 39 Number of individual returns for 1914 to 1931 by net income classes—Continued Net income classes (thousands of dollars) Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-5 5-10 _ 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 _ 1,000 and over . - - . . . . Total Net income classes (thousands of dollars) Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-5 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 a n d over Total . _ . . . 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2, 671,950 2, 569, 316 1,337,116 455, 442 171,830 38, 548 12, 093 2,191 1,063 239 123 33 401,849 2,440, 544 2, 222, 031 1, 072,146 353, 247 132,344 28, 946 8,717 1,367 739 162 63 21 402, 076 2, 471,181 2,129,898 1,190,115 391, 373 151, 329 35,478 12,000 2,171 1,323 309 161 67 368, 502 2, 523,150 2,472, 641 1, 719, 625 387,842 170, 095 39, 832 12, 452 2,339 1,301 327 141 74 344,876 2,413,881 2,112,993 1,800,900 437, 330 191, 216 47, 061 15,816 3,065 1,876 457 242 75 98,178 1, 071, 992 842, 528 1, 327,683 503, 652 236, 779 59, 721 20,958 4,759 3,223 892 479 207 7, 259, 944 6, 662,176 6, 787,481 7, 698, 321 7, 369, 788 4,171,051 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 119,513 1,045,519 837, 792 1, 240, 400 560, 549 246, 730 57, 487 20, 520 4,724 3,267 892 468 231 126, 745 996, 098 855, 762 1. 209, 345 567, 700 252, 079 60,123 22, 573 5, 261 3,873 1,141 557 290 111,123 918,447 837, 781 1,192, 613 628, 766 270, 889 68,048 27, 207 7,049 5,678 1, 756 983 511 126,172 903, 082 810, 347 1,172, 655 658, 039 271,454 63, 689 24, 073 6,376 5,310 1,641 976 513 150, 000 909,155 767, 684 1, 070, 239 550, 977 198, 762 40, 845 13, 645 3, 111 2 071 552 318 150 4,138, 092 4,101, 547 4, 070, 851 4, 044, 327 3, 707, 509 1925 185, 391 862,153 675,019 912, 630 417, 655 137, 754 24, 308 7,830 1.634 1 056 268 149 77 3, 225, 924 Net income in individual returns for 1916 to 1931 by net income classes x [Money figures and net income classes in thousands of dollars] Net income classes Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-5 5-10 10-25 25-50__ . 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500. 500-1,000 1,000 and over Total 1918 1919 1920 1921 624, 669 1,037,248 1, 235, 016 822, 662 722, 795 357, 355 505,859 271, 938 256, 771 464, 264 2,461,137 2, 064, 977 2,115,865 1, 827, 508 1,687,166 1, 042, 320 846, 894 400, 492 474, 652 209, 905 214,631 306, 836 2, 232,, 355 3, 626, ;S25 3, 535, 219 2,145, (190 1, 736, 548 978, 043 679, 721 284, 107 305, 025 144,545 119,076 137, 487 2,829,113 3, 807, 286 4, 513, 264 2, 954,137 2, 412, 276 1, 277, 365 896, 497 358, 393 371,149 159,071 128, 290 152, 650 4, 050, 067 6,184, 543 5, 039, 607 3, 068, 331 2, 547, 905 1, 307, 785 810, 386 265, 512 215,139 89, 314 79, 963 77, 078 213,850 3, 620, 762 5, 325, 931 4, 054, 891 2, 378, 759 1, 958,156 979, 629 582,230 163, 521 145, 948 61, 343 42, 780 49,411 247,564 3,630,571 5,153, 497 4, 500, 558 2, 641,905 2, 255, 872 1, 208, 274 805,224 260, 204 266,814 116,672 107,671 141, 387 6, 298, 578 13, 652, 383 15, 924, 639 19, 859, 491 23, 735, 629 19, 577, 213 21, 336, 213 1916 1917 1922 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of individuals are summarized on pp. 198-203. Data for returns of net income under $5,000 estimated on basis of sample for 1918 to 1927 and 1929; and partly estimated and partly tabulated 1928,1930, and following years. 40 STATISTICS OF INCOME Net income in individual returns for 1916 to 1931 by net income classes—Continued [Money figures and net income classes in thousands of dollars] Net income classes Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-5 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 and over _ . . . -. Total _ 1923 1924 1925 252,513 3,693, 642 6, 073, 444 6, 469,195 2, 653, 026 2, 538, 079 1,350, 680 833, 898 280, 656 260, 584 124, 569 95,107 152, 072 235,452 3,564,474 5, 277,147 6,827,924 2, 991,188 2,855, 397 1,599,848 1,066,784 377,645 374,609 171, 249 158,462 155, 974 58,306 1, 774,602 2,047,970 5, 236,003 3,463,852 3, 544,898 2, 032, 239 1,418, 948 572,860 655, 300 339,774 327, 368 422,457 67, 238 1, 747,917 2,042,903 4,872, 789 3,838,953 3, 660, 622 1, 954, 653 1, 389,339 570,190 661, 412 340,214 317,881 494,394 72, 231 1, 645, 576 2,062, 275 4, 700,816 3,895,759 3, 748, 058 2, 051, 771 1,535, 387 636, 019 787, 270 431,122 378,167 600,641 64, 535 1,526,832 2, 030, 901 4,648,098 4, 282,520 4, 037,853 2, 326, 503 1,857,878 850,451 1,157,131 663,900 670,862 1,108,863 24,777, 466 25, 656,153 21,894, 576 21,958,506 22,545, 091 25, 226,327 1929 1930 73,742 1,499,908 1,958, 595 4,572,596 4,481,576 4,025, 233 2,174, 458 1, 646,476 770, 536 1,087,410 628, 229 669,878 1, 212,099 86,892 1,494, 526 1,864,162 4,151,967 3, 723,763 2, 922, 750 1, 383, 619 919, 040 374,171 419,016 207,131 211,693 359,905 106, 622 1, 399,430 1, 641, 594 3, 515,716 2,807,001 2,006,721 820, 648 528,049 196,598 212,059 102,186 102,311 166,060 24,800, 736 18,118, 635 13, 604,996 1926 Net income classes Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-5 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1 000 1,000 and over _._ _ _ . . . : Total 1927 1928 1931 Tax in individual returns for 1916 to 1981 by net income classes 1 [Money figures and net income classes in thousands of dollars] Net income classes Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-5 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-l,000.__ 1,000 and over Total _ . 1916 1917 1921 1922 1918 1919 1920 776 6,301 11,637 11,603 16,299 12,423 24,007 17,951 20,902 51,487 16,244 9,097 18, 283 44, 066 80, 695 76, 593 85,028 55,766 86, 718 50, 228 59, 349 109,425 26,482 35,415 82,929 93,058 142, 449 130,241 147,429 95,680 136,156 79,165 69,834 88,885 24,696 28,258 75,915 91, 538 164,833 154,946 186,358 118,705 163,095 86,031 76, 228 99,027 36,860 45,508 83,496 97,886 172, 259 154, 265 163, 718 86, 588 92,604 47,043 45,641 49,185 174 29,161 20, 712 42, 744 68,871 126, 886 112,910 115,712 52,330 61,496 31,860 25,112 31,420 247 27, 081 20,730 47, 533 70,388 123, 576 125, 697 144,093 71, 337 98,810 43,488 38, 559 49,518 317 18, 253 16,606 46,048 54,075 103,109 103,601 108,879 55,719 62,104 31, 669 25,498 35, 788 173,387 691,493 1,127,722 1, 269,630 1,075,054 719, 387 861,057 661,666 1923 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of individuals are summarized on pp. 198-203. Data for returns of net income under $5,000 estimated on basis of sample for 1918 to 1927 and 1929; and partly estimated and partly tabulated 1928, 1930, and following years. 41 STATISTICS OF INCOME Tax in individual returns for 1916 to 1931 by net income classes—Continued [Money figures and net income classes in thousands of dollars] Net income classes Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-5 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 . 100-150 150-300 300-500. 500-1,000 1924 ._. 1,000 and over Total 1925 1927 1926 1928 1929 1930 1931 146 10, 432 10, 207 26, 865 28,828 78, 069 109, 360 136, 636 75, 678 92, 481 45, 771 42, 585 47, 207 69 1,704 3,809 8,326 19,149 74,172 120, 689 147, 843 79,472 103, 059 55, 722 53, 674 66, 867 56 1,761 4,217 7,245 20, 272 72,465 112,797 140, 947 77,900 103, 997 55, 256 53, 665 81,893 40 1,234 3,970 6,508 20, 665 74, 226 119,475 156, 675 87, 398 123,776 73, 750 64, 265 98, 657 60 1,550 4,317 7,475 22, 896 82, 758 136,568 194, 447 116, 855 182, 514 113, 250 116,424 185,140 17 553 1,404 2,413 9,551 59,893 113,904 160,814 99,560 159, 221 97,336 106, 219 191,054 37 1,269 3,310 5,352 17, 448 49, 561 72, 708 87, 379 48, 749 62, 463 33, 053 34, 289 61,098 24 943 2,466 3,832 12, 407 31,897 40,096 44,780 23,135 28, 793 15, 411 15,457 26,886 704, 265 734, 555 732, 471 830, 639 1,164, 254 1,001, 938 476,715 246,127 Average rate of tax on net income^ in individual returns for 1916 to 1931, by net income classes l 1916 Net income classes 1917 1918 (Thousands of dollars) 1919 1920 _ . 1,000 and over -. Net income classes 0.12 .61 .94 1.41 2.25 3.48 4.75 6.60 8.14 11.09 1.19 .98 2.35 4.34 8.20 13.32 21. 69 33.68 44.64 54.77 58. 65 64. 65 0.87 .74 1.68 3.10 6.83 12.13 20.79 33.12 43.94 54.08 59.42 64.87 0.91 .74 1.66 3.19 6.76 11.80 20.20 32.61 43.04 52.67 57.08 63.81 0.08 .81 .39 1.05 2.90 6.48 11.53 19.87 32.00 42.14 51.94 58.70 63.59 0.10 .75 .40 1.06 2.66 5.48 10.40 17.89 27.42 37.03 37.27 35.81 35.02 0.13 .49 .27 .71 2 04 4.06 7.67 13.06 19.85 23.83 25.42 26.81 23.53 2.75 5.06 7.08 6.39 4.53 3.67 4.04 2.67 1924 1925 1926 (Thousands of dollars) 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Percent Under 1 _ _ 1,000 and over 1923 0.66 .44 .86 2.41 4.78 7.34 10.04 13.92 18.27 23.93 27.63 35.65 All returns 1-2 2-3 3-5 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 _ 500-1,000 1922 Percent Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-5 . 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1921 _. 0.06 .29 .19 .39 .96 2.73 6.84 12.81 20.04 24.69 26.73 26.87 30.27 0.12 .10 .19 .16 .55 2.09 5.94 10.42 13.87 15.73 16.40 16.39 15.83 0.08 . 10 .21 . 15 .52 1.98 5.77 10.14 13. 66 15.72 16.24 16.88 16. 56 0.06 .07 .19 . 14 .53 1.98 5.82 10.20 13.74 15.72 17.11 16.99 16.42 0.09 .10 .21 .16 .53 2.05 5.87 10.47 13.74 15.77 17.06 17.35 16.70 0.02 .04 .07 .05 .21 1.49 5.24 9.77 12.92 14.64 15.49 15.86 15.76 0.04 .08 .18 .13 .47 1.70 5.25 9.51 13.03 14.91 15.96 16.20 16.98 0.02 .07 .15 .11 .44 1.59 4.89 8.48 11.77 13.58 15.08 15.11 16.19 2.74 3.35 3.33 3.68 4.62 4.04 2.63 1.81 All returns 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income tax returns of individuals are summarized on pp. 198-203. Data for returns of net income under $5,000 estimated, based on sample for years 1918 to 1927 and 1929; and partly estimated and partly tabulated. 1928, 1930, and following years. 42 STATISTICS OF INCOME Sources of income and deductions, individual returns for 1916 to 1931 l [Thousands of dollars] Distribution 1916 Income: Wages and salaries 3 Business * 5 Partnership Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than taxed as capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years 6 __ _ Capital net gain from sale of assets7 held more than 2 years _ --Rents and royalties... Interest on Government obligations not 8 wholly exempt from tax Dividends on stock of9 domestic corporations Fiduciary 10 __ . Interest and other income n Total income Deductions: Contributions 12 All other ._ Total deductions _ Net income Distribution 1918 1919 1920 1921 3, 648, 438 2,865, 413 775,087 8, 267, 392 3,124, 355 1,214,914 10, 755, 693 3,877, 550 1, 831, 430 15, 270,373 3, 205, 555 1, 701, 229 13,813,169 2, 366, 319 1,341,186 318,171 291,186 999,364 1,020, 543 462,859 643,803 684,343 975,680 1,019,094 1,047,424 1,177,958 63,377 61, 550 46,994 2,136,469 379,795 701,084 2,848,842 2, 468, 749 2,453, 775 2, 735, 846 2, 476,952 8, 349,902 12,077, 009 2, 051, 324 1,851, 277 2, 637, 475 1,403,486 1,437,402 1,647, 750 1,643,344 17, 745, 761 22, 437, 686 26, 690, 270 23,328, 782 245,080 640, 683 1,821,122 2, 578,194 387, 290 2, 567, 351 3, 751, 569 2, 051, 324 885, 763 1,821,122 2, 578,194 2, 954, 641 3, 751, 569 6, 298, 578 11,191,246 15, 924, 639 19,859, 491 23, 735, 629 19, 577, 213 1922 1923 J3 1924 1925 1926 14,195, 356 4, 722, 766 1, 676, 409 13, 617, 663 4, 755, 483 1,810,014 9, 742,160 3, 688, 804 1,827,025 9, 994, 315 3, 572, 895 1, 732, 581 10, 218, 450 3, 287,421 1, 755,145 863,107 1,124,566 1,991, 659 1, 465, 625 1,813,396 305, 394 1, 814,126 389,148 2,009, 716 940,569 1,471,332 912,917 1, 450, 760 1,081,186 1, 302, 276 Income: 13, 693, 993 Wages and salaries 3_2,839, 771 Business 4 Partnership 5 1, 427,127 Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than taxed as capital net gain from sale of assets 6 held more than 2 years _ _742,104 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years 7 __ _ 249, 248 1, 224, 929 Rents and royalties Interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt from tax 8_. _ _ 33, 989 Dividends on stock of9 domestic corporations 2, 664, 219 Fiduciary 10 257, 928 Interest other than obligations whollyH or partially tax-exempt _-_ _ -._ . J 1,738,601 Other income n Total income Deductions: Net loss from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than reported for tax credit on capital net loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years li Contributions 12 All other Total deductions Net income For footnotes, see p. 45. 1917 2 936, 715 1927 43,711 29, 645 25, 651 36, 782 47, 479 3,119,829 329,124 3, 250, 914 310,144 3, 464, 625 305,806 4, 011, 590 333,365 4, 254,829 421,481 2,177, 771 2, 281, 703 1, 814, 402 / 1,675,916 1, 936, 604 I 350,981 24,871,908 29, 247, 593 29, 578, 997 25, 272, 035 25, 447, 436 26, 208, 561 425, 218 3,110, 478 534, 797 3,935, 330 533,168 3, 389, 675 441, 590 2,935, 868 178,216 484, 205 2,826, 509 227,879 507, 705 2, 927,886 3, 535, 696 4, 470,1£7 3, 922, 843 3, 377, 458 3,488,930 3, 663,470 21,336,213 24,777,466 25, 656,153 21,894, 576 21, 958, 506 22, 545,091 43 STATISTICS OF INCOME Sources of income and deductions, individual returns for 1916 to 1931—Continued [Thousands of dollars] Distribution 1928 Income: 10,862,331 Wages and salaries 3 3, 243,955 Business 4 Partnership 5 1,929, 520 Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than taxed as capital net gain from sale of 2,928,142 assets held more than 2 years 6 Capital 7net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 1, 879, 780 years Rents and royalties 1,164, 518 Interest on Government obligations not wholly 8 exempt from tax 40, 553 Dividends 10on stock of domestic corporations 9 4,350, 979 Fiduciary 443,998 Interest othern than obligations wholly or partially tax-exempt _._ 1,841,818 302, 040 Other income n Total income.. 1930 9,921,952 2, 628,057 1,089, 646 8,325,162 1,889,759 729, 523 2,337,857 636, 738 301, 664 2,346, 704 1, 286,072 556, 392 974,325 169,949 770, 764 40,184 4,786,028 508,479 38,134 4,197,304 429,459 25, 325 3,113,861 369,140 1, 912,866 297, 656 1, 608,434 332,004 1, 337, 606 235,696 11,198,979 3,378, 984 1,853,142 28, 987, 625 29, 946, 952 22,412,446 Deductions: Net loss from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than reported for tax credit on capital net loss from sale of assets held more than152 years 14__. Net loss from business and partnership Contributions *2 _._. Allother Total deductions.. 171,743 532,886 3,056, 679 17, 268,451 1, 232, 776 1,160,765 172, 538 134, 685 424,771 328,300 528, 885 3, 621, 388 2, 463, 726 2,039, 705 995,944 3, 761, 308 5,146, 217 Net income 1931 4,293,811 3, 663,455 25, 226, 327 24,800, 736 18,118,635 13, 604, 996 Sources of income and deductions, individual returns for 1916 to 1931 of net income of $5,000 and over * [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Distribution 1916 Number of returns 16 272, 252 Income: Wages and salaries 3 _ _ 1, 398, 329 Business 4 5 2 386,905 Partnership ______ .__ _ Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than taxed as capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years 6 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years 7 Interest on Government 8obligations not wholly exempt from tax Dividends on stock of domestic corporations 9 _Interest and other income n 516, 742 2,098, 428 1917 1918 1919 1920 432, 662 478,962 657, 659 681, 562 1 794,790 1 062, 772 581, 708 103, 819 1 148, 297 913,853 2, 948,006 1,743,800 1, 426, 072 3, 367, 516 1,398,069 1, 261, 899 217,929 187,406 677, 284 623, 993 340, 868 386, 474 445, 701 451,878 2,648,155 2,133, 209 62 571 60, 432 2,128,291 2 363,880 627,943 822, 480 799,186 876, 687 847,894 7, 393,672 7 468, 702 7 672, 243 10,308,411 10, 375, 561 ___ 1, 719, 764 186,907 271,391 1 142,003 1,598,583 1, 914,150 Total deductions 1, 719, 764 458, 297 1 142,003 1, 598,583 1, 914,150 Net income 5, 673,909 7 010,404 6 530, 241 8, 709, 828 8, 461,412 Total income Deductions: Contributions ^ Allother For footnotes, see p. 45. 177160—34 4 44 STATISTICS OF INCOME Sources of income and deductions, individual returns for 1916 to 1931 of net income of $5,000 and over—Continued [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Distribution Number of returns _ 1921 1922 1923 i 1924 525,606 594,211 625,897 697,138 830, 670 894,868 3,166,967 3,490,916 1,069, 740 1, 290, 722 928,690 ' 1,112,710 4,033,811 1,623,638 1,422,799 4,363,395 1,738, 523 1,329, 786 Income: 2,831,520 Wages and salaries 3 816,040 Business 4 903, 571 Partnership 5_ Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than taxed as capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 254, 456 years 6 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years 7 - . . 420,932 Rents and royalties - — Interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt from 40, 281 tax».__ Dividends on stock of domestic 1,915,138 corporations 9 Fiduciary 10 732, 697 Interest and other income n Total income.. Deductions: Net loss from business and partnership -.Contributions i 2 ... Allother -.- 2,933,454 1,012,440 918,183 1925 1926 490, 794 462, 489 770,026 1, 723,438 1, 224, 278 249,248 482,189 305,394 501,489 389,148 570,427 940, 569 679, 569 912,918 689,981 30,962 30,695 29, 645 25, 651 36, 782 2,173,499 197,189 850,935 2,442,635 236, 665 870, 996 2,617,871 206,972 932, 324 3,045,368 248,163 1,084,120 3, 581,362 273,252 1, 217, 681 7, 914, 635 9,338,893 10,015,75c 11,410,761 4,827,127 15,367,957 1, 552,857 211,863 1,323,007 240,792 1,401,047 254,072 1,405, 532 293,401 1, 756,030 122,409 326,511 1,691,377 2,049,431 Total deductions.. 1, 552,857 1, 534,871 1, 641, 839 1, 659, 605 Net income 6,361, 778 7,804,022 8,373, 920 9, 751,156 12, 777,6 Distribution 1930 1931 1,032,071 810,431 590,731 5,008,286 1,772,255 1, 583, 322 5,179,041 1,836,329 1,497,922 4,407,606 1,215,452 786,931 3,320,028 766,730 492,147 1, 511, 859 2, 700, 557 2,044,058 527,653 196,574 1,081,186 644,302 1,879,780 637,371 2, 346, 704 649,124 556,392 479,401 306, 336 47,479 40, 553 40,184 38,134 25,325 3,761,910 329,351 4,009, 915 364,889 4,247,031 422,076 3, 708,656 338,400 2,583, 674 280, 627 1,115,925 185, 099 1, 230,178 196, 111 1, 257, 590 190,110 1,018,001 130,191 749,345 120, 845 16, 259,984 19,423,216 19,710,168 13, 206,817 9,011, 581 Deductions: Net loss from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than reported for tax credit on capital net loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years 14 Net loss from business, and partnership ™. 136,482 Contributions 12 353,188 Allother. 1,706,122 129,865 632, 693 390,923 1,946,467 384,458 1,997,123 947,121 105,219 286, 218 1,347,170 813,503 72,129 202,979 981,341 Number of returns 1927 - Income: Wages and salaries 3 Business 4 Partnership 5 Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than taxed as capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years 6 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years 7 Rents and royalties Interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt from tax 8_ — Dividends on stock of domestic corporations a Fiduciary 10 Interest other than obligations wholly or partially tax-exempt n Other income n Total income. Total deductions. Net income For footnotes, see p. 45. 1928 1929 913,597 1,010,887 4, 524, 276 1, 704,175 1,354, 422 2,140,298 13,227,659 2,195, 792 2,467, 255 3,014, 274 2, 685, 728 2,069,948 14,064,193 16,955,961 16,695,895 10,521, 088 6,941, 633 STATISTICS OF INCOME 45 Footnotes for tables on pp. 42, 43 and 44. 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income tax returns of individuals are summarized on pp. 198-203. The income items for 1916 are "gross income," the deductions not having been allocated to the various sources but included in aggregate under "Deductions." Beginning 1917, deductions allowable against the various sources of income are applied against the gross income from the specific sources as reported on the schedules in the income tax returns and wherever net losses are shown on schedules, such net losses are transferred in tabulation to "Deductions," which also contain the other deductions included in the return under " Deductions." Data for returns of net income under $5,000 estimated on basis of sample for years 1918 to 1927 and 1929; and partly estimated and partly tabulated 1928, 1930, and following years. Data for 1917 exclude 1,640,758 returns with net income under $2,000 and aggregate net income of $2,461,137,000. 2 Excludes data for 1,640,758 returns with net income under $2,000 and aggregate net income of $2,461,137,000. s Excludes such wages and salaries of the individual, his wife, or dependent minors derived from the business conducted by the individual. Prior to 1924 such wages and salaries were reported either as income under " Wages and salaries" or as part of income from " Business." Includes " Professions and vocations" in 41916. See notes 3, 5, and 6. s Certain income from partnership included in other sources, see notes 7, 8, 9, and 11. Tabulated with "Business" in 1916. In 1918 to 1921, inclusive, the amount includes income of personal service corporations as denned in the revenue acts of 1918 and 1921 (except certain amounts included in other sources, see notes 8, 69, and 10) and of fiduciaries, as described in note 10. Profit from sale of real estate, etc., included in "Business," in 1916. 7 Capital net gain of individuals, partnerships, and fiduciaries given special classification for taxation beginning 1922. 8 Interest on such obligations held by individuals, partnerships, fiduciaries, and personal service corporations (1918 to 1921, inclusive). In 1917 and 1918 amount included in "Interest and investment income." »Includes dividends received by individuals, partnerships, fiduciaries, and personal service corporations (1918 to 1921, inclusive); includes stock dividends 1916 to 1919, inclusive. i° Certain income from fiduciaries included in other sources, see notes 7, 8, 9, and 11. In 1917 amount included in "Interest and investment income"; in 1918 to 1921, inclusive in "Partnerships." 11 Includes all years, dividends of foreign corporations and income from all sources not reported elsewhere; includes interest on tax-free conyenant bonds of individuals beginning 1917, and fiduciaries, 1917 to 1930, inclusive, of partnerships, beginning 1920; and of personal service corporations, 1920 and 1921; includes in 1917 and 1918 interest on Government bonds not wholly exempt from tax; in 1917 income of fiduciaries as described in note 10. 12 Contributions 1916, 1918, 1919, and 1921 tabulated in "Deductions"; contributions 1920 not available for13returns of net income of $5,000 and over. According to 1923 Statistics of Income (unrevised). 14 Included in "All other" deductions in 1917 to 1925, inclusive. « Included in "All other" deductions in 1917 to 1929, inclusive. 46 STATISTICS OF INCOME Corporation returns for 1909 to 1931 showing total number, number and percent with net income and no net income, gross income, net income, deficit, and tax l [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Number of returns Total Showing net income 262,490 270, 202 288, 352 305, 336 316,909 s 299, 445 5 366,443 341, 253 351, 426 317, 579 320,198 345, 595 356, 397 382, 883 398, 933 417,421 430.072 455, 320 475,031 495, 892 509, 436 518,736 516, 404 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 3 52,498 3 54,040 3 55,129 3 61,116 188,866 174, 205 190,911 206, 984 232, 079 202, 061 209, 634 203, 233 171, 239 212, 535 233, 339 236, 389 252, 334 258,134 259, 849 268, 783 269,430 221, 420 175, 898 Percent of total Showing income Showing Showing Showing no data—innet no net no net 2 active income income 2 income corporations 2 * 209, 992 4 216,162 i 233, 223 4 244, 220 128, 043 125, 240 175, 532 134, 269 119,347 115,518 110,564 142, 362 185,158 170, 348 165, 594 181, 032 177, 738 197,186 165, 826 174, 828 186, 591 241,616 283, 806 3 3 3 3 49, 356 52, 281 53,415 55, 700 56, 700 Gross ] ncome Year 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 _ __ Returns showing net income Returns showing no net income 2, 796, 534 32, 531,097 5,153, 234 79, 540,005 6, 757, 622 79, 706, 659 11, 657, 748 88, 261,006 24, 381, 338 93, 824, 225 31,198,150 60,051,123 20, 588, 835 80, 331,080 21,106,184 97, 457,479 22,070, 497 97,158,997 113, 692, 683 ! 20,568,066 24,107, 736 118,022,117 29, 074, 012 115,324,340 6 127, 369, 525 6 25,411,989 30,987, 717 129, 633, 792 46, 500, 564 89,561,495 55, 464, 204 52,051, 035 Showing no income data—inactive corporations 2 .80 20 20 19 20 60 58 52 61 66 64 65 59 48 56 58 57 59 57 55 54 53 43 34 4 81 * 80 40 42 48 39 34 36 35 41 52 44 42 43 41 43 35 35 37 46 55 10 11 10 11 11 Tax Net income 3, 500, 000 3, 761, 000 3, 503,000 4,151,000 4, 714, 000 3,940, 000 5, 310,000 8, 765, 909 10, 730, 360 8, 361, 511 9,411,418 7, 902, 655 4, 336, 048 6,963,811 8, 321, 529 7, 586,652 9, 583, 684 9, 673, 403 8, 981, 884 10, 617, 741 11, 653, 886 6, 428, 813 3, 683, 368 Deficit 656, 904 629, 608 689, 772 995, 546 2,029, 424 3, 878, 219 2,193, 776 2, 013, 555 2, 223, 926 1,962,628 2,168, 710 2, 471, 739 2,391,124 2,914,128 4, 877, 595 6,970,913 W a r profits Income tax and excess Total tax profits tax 20,960 33, 512 28, 583 35,006 43,128 39,145 56,994 171, 805 503, 698 653,198 743, 536 636, 508 366, 444 775, 310 937,106 881, 550 1,170, 331 1, 229, 797 1,130,674 1,184,142 1,193, 436 711, 704 398, 994 L, 638, 748 I, 505, 566 1,431,806 988, 726 335,132 7 8,466 20,960 33,512 28, 583 35,006 43,128 39 145 56,994 171,805 2,142,446 3,158, 764 2,175, 342 1, 625, 235 701, 576 783,776 937,106 881, 550 1,170, 331 1, 229, 797 1,130, 674 1,184,142 1,193, 436 711, 704 398 994 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax r e t u r n s of corporations are summarized on p p . 204-207; general explanations appear on p p . 1-4. T h e period 1909 to 1915 includes, to a limited extent, additions m a d e by audit and delinquent returns filed. Taxes shown for 1909 to 1915, inclusive, are receipts for fiscal year ended J u n e 30, immediately following, as shown in a n n u a l reports of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, which receipts include fines, penalties, additional assessments, etc.; 1916 and subsequent years, tax is a m o u n t reported on income-tax returns; taxes for 1913 include income tax, $32,456,663; excise tax $10,671,077 (Act of Aug. 5, 1909). 2 Prior to 1927, returns for inactive corporations showing no income d a t a were included w i t h r e t u r n s showing no net income. 3 R e t u r n s showing net income in excess of $5,000 exemption. 4 R e t u r n s showing net income not in excess of $5,000 exemption or deficit. s 1915 contains approximately 32,000 returns related to 1914. (See A n n u a l Report Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1916, p . 26.) 6 Revised figures. 7 On net income earned from July 1 to Dec. 31, 1921, reported on fiscal year returns whose accounting period terminated subsequent to J u l y 1, 1922. 47 STATISTICS OP INCOME Corporation returns for 1928 to 1931 by net income and deficit classes, showing number of returns, net income, and deficit l [Money figures and net income and deficit classes in thousands of dollars] 1928 Net income and deficit classes Number of returns 1929 N e t income or deficit Number of returns 1931 1930 Net income or deficit Number of returns Net income or deficit Number N e t income or of deficit returns Returns showing net income Under 1 29, 281 61,041 94,818 66, 920 52, 716 209, 764 164, 277 145, 908 149, 630 441,615 582, 968 923, 944 796,186 932,110 2,116,780 4, 885, 929 71, 322 37,881 32, 798 14, 732 8,367 19, 760 8, 955 5,392 3,992 7,372 4,905 3,260 1,259 689 576 160 29, 631 55, 738 82, 605 50, 569 37,488 139, 687 109,551 93, 271 89, 664 262, 844 341, 578 499,648 438,512 481, 838 1,177,948 2, 538, 241 70,168 31, 702 24, 312 9,703 5,481 12, 813 5,321 3,301 2,440 4,450 2,755 1,941 729 373 321 88 27,836 46, 328 60, 782 33, 282 24, 519 90,198 65, 292 57,080 54,847 157, 445 192,198 296, 252 252, 021 265, 232 647,197 1, 412, 858 268, 783 10, 617, 741 269,430 11,653,886 221, 420 6, 428, 813 175,898 3, 683, 368 1928 1929 68,466 42,161 35, 930 19, 392 11,811 29,876 13, 707 8,268 6,953 12, 480 8,734 6,194 2,267 1,286 1,029 229 1-2 . . 2-3 3-4 . 4-5 5-10 15-20 20-25_. 25-50 50-100 100-250_. . 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 - 5,000 and over. . Total 28,668 62, 625 90,128 66, 724 52, 758 211, 526 168, 262 143, 246 156, 097 445, 895 609,179 959,922 794,021 898, 405 2,119, 926 3, 810, 359 Net income and defiNumber cit classes of returns Net income or deficit 69,456 41,292 37, 675 19,458 11, 795 29, 627 13, 399 8,424 6,641 12, 397 8, 316 5, 974 2, 283 1, 344 1,049 300 Number of returns 1930 Net income or deficit Number of returns 1931 Net income or deficit Number Net inof come or returns deficit Returns showing no net income Under 1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-50 50-100 100-250 250-500-. 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 __. .. 5,000 and over Total Returns showing no income data—inactive corporations 22, 657 38, 777 30, 363 56, 376 64,451 54,633 24,811 16, 576 11,907 8,827 23,457 10, 424 5,789 3,619 7,707 3,990 2,048 557 287 186 10 21,901 36,403 41,173 41,417 39,568 166, 746 127, 634 100, 067 80, 839 268, 262 276, 902 311, 304 193,695 200, 947 342, 218 142, 049 58,154 26, 376 17, 520 12, 402 9, 353 25, 028 11,127 6,130 4, 009 8,448 4,243 2, 444 749 341 244 23 43,590 43, 239 41,951 178,512 136,219 106, 492 89,861 295, 037 295, 022 371,077 258, 990 236,428 468, 723 287, 554 67, 541 32, 805 22, 404 16, 593 12,325 34, 208 15, 658 8,882 5,777 12, 341 6,680 4,002 1, 244 630 483 43 26, 344 48,146 55, 564 57, 657 55, 379 243, 935 191, 881 153, 647 129, 329 431, 924 463, 450 612, 510 430, 634 437,108 949, 652 590, 434 78, 046 38, 373 26, 027 19, 280 14, 529 40, 090 18, 464 10, 613 6,688 15,219 7,971 5,167 1,620 884 712 123 67, 070 65, 098 284, 961 226, 091 183, 750 149, 584 532, 653 555,143 794, 446 562, 614 613, 928 1,416,923 1,367,460 174, 828 2, 391,124 186, 591 2,914,128 241,616 4, 877, 595 283,806 6, 970,913 8, 226, 617 509,436 56, 700 55, 700 53,415 52, 281 Grand total—net i n c o m e less 495, 892 deficit 8, 739, 758 518,736 1,551,218 516,404 2 3, 287, 545 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of corporations are summarized on pp. 204-207; general explanations appear on pp. 1-4. Figures for returns showing net income for 1918 and 1920 to 1924, inclusive, and for returns showing net income and no net income for 1925 to 1927, inclusive, appear in Statistics of Income for 1930, pp. 49-50. 2 Deficit. 48 STATISTICS OF INCOME Corporations submitting balance sheets for 1926 to 1981, showing the number of balance sheets and major items of assets and liabilities at end of calendar year or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Assets Number Number Total assetsof returns of balance total liabilities 2 filed i sheets Year 1926. 1927. 1928 1929 1930. 1931. 455, 320 425, 675 443,611 456, 021 463,036 459, 704 359,449 379,156 384, 548 398,815 403,173 381,088 * 262,178, 684 287, 542, 317 307, 218, 377 335, 777, 910 334,001,852 296,497,029 Cash 3 16,801,532 16,851, 217 21,952,419 22,371,168 21,012,135 15,880, 250 1926--. 1927 1928 1929__ 1930 1931 Investments other than taxTax-exempt e x e m p t stocks, investbonds, ments 5 mortgages, loans, real 6 estate, etc. 8, 694, 433 9, 780, 521 10,116,160 _. 10, 338,364 10, 228, 229 10,667,192 55,844,148 83,809, 289 74, 305,333 Capital assetsreal estate, buildings, Miscellane- Notes and and equip- ous assets accounts payable ment (less depreciation) 97, 523, 460 104, 945, 293 109,931,470 116, 446,100 120,994,370 115, 302, 699 23, 551,610 50,959, 387 62,804,345 66,810, 464 59, 675, 393 48,667,199 20,939,027 21,005,344 20, 751, 292 21, 910,973 18, 771,464 15,139,933 Liabilities Assets—C ontinued Year Notes and Inventoaccounts ries receivable 94, 668,623 84, 000, 555 81, 662, 691 42,056, 693 19,510,971 16, 534,423 Bonded Miscellanedebt and ous liabilities mortgages 24,041,916 « 31,801,041 24,125,895 * 37, 739, 571 42,943, 301 27, 437, 292 46, 642, 535 29,452, 537 50, 281, 681 26, 869, 687 48,100,961 23,251,397 < 87,075,673 4 93, 274,333 * 93,950,013 * 99, 313, 619 95, 768,370 81,881,781 Liabilities—Continued Capital stock Year 1926 1927 1928- _ 1929 1930 1931 _ Surplus and • undivided Preferred Common profits 17,146,122 17,800, 278 18, 475,459 19,738,159 19,116, 687 19,116,829 67, 516, 635 74, 080,966 77, 256,128 4 85, 519, 765 87,067, 025 79,793, 727 39,154,426 45, 414, 697 52, 069, 292 60, 699,189 61, 631,986 51, 976,381 Deficit 4, 557,130 4, 893,423 4, 913,109 5, 587, 895 6, 733, 583 7, 624, 047 Surplus a n d undivided profits less deficit 34,597,296 40, 521, 274 47,156,183 55, 111, 294 54,898,403 44,352,334 1 Excludes returns for inactive corporations. 2 See text, p. 28. Includes cash in till and deposits in bank. Revised. For text explaining revisions, see " Statistics of Income for 1930," p. 28; "Statistics of Income for6 1928," p. 33; and this report, p. 32. Includes obligations of States and Territories or minor political subdivisions, securities issued under the6 Federal Farm Loan Act, and obligations of the United States or its possessions. "Investments other than tax-exempt" not segregated from "Miscellaneous assets not distributed" prior to 1929. For explanation of changes, see p. 29. 3 4 STATISTICS OF INCOME 49 ESTATE-TAX RETURNS The following tables are compiled from estate-tax returns filed during the year ended December 31, 1932. They do not represent the estates of persons who died within this period, since the returns are not required to be filed until one year after the date of death, and under certain conditions further extensions of time are granted for filing. Under the Revenue Acts of 1926 and 1928 a return must be filed in the case of every resident decedent the value of whose estate (value at time of his death of all personal property, tangible or intangible, wherever situated, and all real property situated in the United States) exceeds $100,000. For deaths prior to February 26, 1926 (10:25 a.m., Washington, D.C., time), and subsequent to June 6, 1932 (5 p.m., Washington, D.C., time), a return is required if the gross estate exceeds $50,000 in value at date of death. A return must be filed in the case of every nonresident decedent who owned property situated in the United States, regardless of value. The tax is imposed not upon the property or upon any particular legacy, devise, or distributive share but upon its transfer. The relationship of the beneficiary to the decedent has no bearing upon the tax liability. The estate tax is not an inheritance tax, although popularly referred to as such, the distinction being that the estate tax is based on an estate in its entirety rather than on the distributive share. The gross estate as defined by statute includes certain transfers, such as those made in contemplation of death or intended to take effect at or after death. The net estate is the amount of the gross estate less the sum of authorized deductions, and in the case of resident decedents a specific exemption of $100,000 for individuals who died from February 26, 1926, to June 6, 1932. Estate-tax returns filed under the Revenue Acts of 1926 and 1928 are allowed a tax credit not to exceed 80 percent of the total Federal estate tax for estate, inheritance, legacy, or succession taxes paid to any of the several States, Territories, or the District of Columbia. Under the Revenue Act of 1924 the tax credit was limited to 25 percent of the total Federal estate tax. Prior to the Revenue Act of 1924 this tax credit was not allowed. The tables are based on the returns as filed and prior to any adjustments that may be determined upon investigation and audit. The tax liability reported does not correspond with the actual receipts of taxes during the period for the reason that payments may be made at a later date than the filing of the return, and for the reason that field investigation and office audit may disclose deficiency taxes or excess payments which are not reflected in these tables. For statistical purposes the returns are classified by the size of the net estate corresponding to the successive tax brackets specified in the Revenue Act of 1926. 50 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 1.—Estate tax returns of resident decedents, by net estate classes, showing [Money figures and estate classes [Returns filed from Jan. 1 N o n t a x a b l e returns—Gross estate classes Total Under 50 Number of returns. 7,113 Gross estate: * Real estate.. Mortgages, notes, cash, etc Insurance (gross) Miscellaneous property Transfers made in contemplation of or intended to take effect at or after death General power of appointment exercised by will or by deed in contemplation of death Property from an estate taxed within 5 years; value at date of death of present decedent Total gross estate . Deductions: Insurance exemption Funeral and administrative expenses Debts, unpaid mortgages, etc Property from an estate taxed within 5 years; value i the date of previous decedent's death Charitable, public, and similar bequests Specific exemption Total deductions.. Net estate Tax before tax credits Tax credit for estate, inheritance, legacy, or succession taxes actually paid to any of the several States, Territories, or District of Columbia 3.. For footnotes, see p. 52. _ _ 90,132 703 201 401 343 1 40 22 120 1,609 2,862 4,073 16, 546 481, 648 1,066, 766 182 453 25,091 95, 592 1, 548, 414 635 120, 683 341,121 135, 339 143, 439 449 988 241 38, 246 33, 815 20, 701 65, 211 63 8,248 105, 501 22 32, 401 !, 795,818 3,040 345, 683 46, 565 112, 275 391,679 754 253 2,263 12, 875 15,996 162,757 83, 525 190, 916 696,850 20 69 8,900 29, 542 44, 406 188, 450 1,521,810 12, 259 454, 024 50, 44, 192, 194, Total bonds Capital stock in corporation.. Total bonds and stocks Tax 100 433, 374 Investments in bonds and stocks: Federal Government bonds: Wholly tax-exempt2 2 Partially tax-exempt State and municipal bonds, wholly tax-exemptAll other bonds 50 and 1, 457 23,420 1, 391, 569 84, 006 61, 642 22, 364 STATISTICS OF INCOME 51 number, gross estate by form of property, deductions, net estate, and tax in thousands of dollars] to Dec. 31, 1932] Taxable returns—Net estate classes U n d e r 50 50 u n d e r 100 100 u n d e r 200 200 u n d e r 400 400 u n d e r 600 600 u n d e r 800 800 u n d e r 1,000 1,000 u n d e r 1,500 1,869 893 899 701 267 147 86 99 62,431 37, 622 49, 682 48, 210 28,600 17, 246 9,574 16,456 1,105 6,355 5,664 24, 242 1,257 4,484 4,915 17,077 1,345 5,736 7,449 25, 046 3,965 8,752 16,864 29,010 3,545 3,438 21,558 17,322 3,106 3,593 9,676 11,022 2,024 1, 467 7,411 8,979 5,216 2,902 14,183 11,391 37, 366 87,127 27,733 63, 468 39," 577 101, 201 58, 590 133,001 45, 863 76, 758 27, 397 67, 687 19,881 52. 243 33, 692 72, 585 124, 493 91, 201 140, 778 191, 591 122, 621 95, 084 72,123 106, 277 56, 471 18, 019 13, 895 32,145 13,833 10,024 42, 393 20, 815 12,972 46,160 17,306 15, 986 30, 256 7,766 12, 594 16,152 5,609 5,255 9,672 2,409 7,660 15,350 7,966 9,943 9,245 6,281 7,473 10,104 7,984 4,060 3,152 3,256 830 1,552 1,457 2,848 2,338 590 913 1,680 8,070 5,934 7,003 7,791 1,781 2,819 700 2,296 293, 454 198, 592 282, 573 339,996 | 213,939 146, 815 106, 204 163, 225 8, 378 12, 774 30, 204 5,694 8,517 19, 493 6,267 11,418 31, 024 5,563 14, 234 27, 269 2,493 7,818 19, 383 1,613 6,190 12, 543 802 4,224 6,605 890 5,728 13, 375 6,399 15, 377 179, 400 5,457 6,462 88,050 5,759 10,420 88,850 7,550 20, 303 69,400 1,462 26, 402 26, 600 2,517 8,299 14, 600 686 8,021 8,500 2,261 10,944 9,850 252, 533 133, 673 153, 739 144, 318 84,158 45,762 28, 838 43, 048 40, 921 431 64,919 883 128, 834 2,598 195, 678 5,538 129,781 4,477 101, 052 4,192 77, 366 3,692 120,177 6,576 282 630 1,869 4,102 3, 411 3,131 2,728 4,942 149 253 730 1,436 1, 066 1,061 963 1,634 0 52 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 1.—Estate tax returns of resident decedents, by net estate classes, showing [Money figures and estate classes Taxable returns—Net estate classes 2,000 under 2,500 1,500 under 2,000 Number of returns. Gross estate: l Real estate Investments in bonds and stocks: Federal Government bonds: Wholly tax-exempt 2 .2 _ _ Partially tax-exempt State and municipal bonds, wholly tax-exempt.. All other bonds Total bonds Capital stock in corporationsTotal bonds and stocks Mortgages, notes, cash, e t c . . . _ __ Insurance (gross) __ Miscellaneous property. Transfers made in contemplation of or intended to take effect at or after death General power of appointment exercised by will or by deed in contemplation of death Property from an estate taxed within 5 years; value at date of death of present decedent Total gross estate_ Deductions: Insurance exemption Funeral and administrative expenses Debts, unpaid mortgages, etc -.. _. Property from an estate taxed within 5 years; value at the date of death pprevious e i o u s decedent's dece h i t b l puhlic, hli andd similar i Charitable, bequests Specific exemption Total deductions 2,500 under 3,000 49 22 13, 001 6,911 3,939 9,533 5,775 973 1,969 706 9,516 3,523 1,888 1,309 6,680 2,162 20, 220 52, 542 15, 714 29, 237 12, 039 31, 795 72, 762 44,952 43,834 7,756 2,767 4,676 7,741 249 1,667 3,744 442 879 209 9 244 1,535 1,919 796 30, 006 55, 079 102,830 377 3,880 8,262 17 727 1,278 4,850 66 6,802 3,422 15, 761 15, 885 2,200 250 2,270 3,117 480 532 1,700 19,374 44,135 8,349 83,456 49,134 46, 730 Tax before tax credits Tax credit for estate, inheritance, legacy, or succession taxes actually3 paid to any of the several States, Territories, or District of Columbia 5,406 3,450 3,585 3,826 2,718 2,563 Tax 1,580 733 1,022 Net estate 1 Jointly owned property totaling $56,859,638 is distributed by form of property. 2 The terms wholly tax-exempt and partially tax-exempt mean that the interest on these securities is wholly or partially exempt from income tax (normal tax and surtax) of the Federal Government. 3 Limited to 25 percent of the total tax after the effective date of the Revenue Act of 1924 (June 2, 1924) and prior to effective date of Revenue Act of 1926 (Feb. 26, 1926) and to 80 percent of the total tax after the effective date of the Revenue Act of 1926. 53 STATISTICS OF INCOME number, gross estate by form of property, deductions, net estate, and tax—Continued in thousands of dollars] Taxable returns—Net estate classes 3,000 under 3,500 6.000 under 7,000 5,000 under 6,000 4,000 under 5,000 3,500 under 4,000 7,000 under 8,000 8,000 under 9,000 9,000 under 10,000 10,000 and over 10 9 9 7 7 2 4 1 6 3,050 11, 276 2,446 2, 648 4,279 440 830 34 24, 096 679 228 7,196 1,652 1,002 77 4,400 376 2,291 350 7,342 2,606 2,345 490 7,731 4,439 4,025 16 10, 982 749 1,041 354 12,137 1,746 4,273 44 15,368 5,096 25 4,054 27 9,699 5,466 9,754 16,747 5,856 24, 534 12, 588 28,999 15,004 20, 777 15, 771 40,308 15,278 1,772 24, 781 8,964 25 16,504 19, 247 44,472 26, 501 30, 390 41, 587 35,781 56, 079 17,050 33, 745 16, 529 63,719 4,076 459 3,304 3,944 74 1,354 1,277 333 377 2,466 141 1,121 5,156 652 6, 519 624 158 437 6,402 408 799 43 10, 598 1,130 12,960 74 1,550 4 1,088 141 1,655 5,917 152 2,769 47, 038 2,361 49,468 42,450 118 74,459 18, 708 42,188 16, 680 119, 970 131 1.659 3,135 74 1,615 9,047 160 1,868 3,974 25 1,001 1,409 71 1,164 17,104 396 176 43 1,832 975 262 6,652 40 2,376 9,489 2,274 262 1,000 1,487 900 2, 361 375 900 151 458 700 118 10, 510 700 2,276 200 5,148 400 200 100 1,804 600 40,158 8,461 13,122 9,637 3,745 29, 666 3,048 8,399 7,214 14,309 31, 697 33,916 39,831 38, 705 44, 793 15, 660 33, 790 9,466 105, 662 2,584 3,001 3,822 4,080 5,021 1,909 4,256 1,252 17, 253 1,824 2,110 2,904 3,233 3,931 1,527 3,400 1,002 11,511 760 891 918 847 1,090 382 857 250 5,743 54 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 2.—Estate-tax returns of resident decedents, by States and Territories and by tax before tax credits, tax credits, ratio of [Returns filed from Jan. 1 Taxable returns Total number of returns Number States and Territories Alabama Alaska Arizona _ Arkansas California Colorado... . . Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia-. Florida Georgia ._ Hawaii Idaho _ Illinois _ Indiana Iowa _ Kansas _ Kentucky.._ __ _._ . . . . Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts _ _ Michigan Minnesota _ _ Mississippi Missouri _ _ Montana Nebraska . Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina. North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma . Oregon Pennsylvania . Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont . . . Virginia Washington West Virginia.. Wisconsin Wyoming _ _ Total, . _.. . . . _._ . _ . . _ _ .. __ ___ . . . _ . . . _ . _. __ ... . . . . . . . . . . _^_ .... . . . ... _ Gross estate (thousands of dollars) Deductions (thousands of dollars) 37 29 12,079 4,305 15 19 684 45 193 16 75 108 69 13 5 478 123 114 75 66 52 56 131 410 200 86 28 182 11 60 1 38 404 2 1 471 73 5 305 51 27 690 70 25 11 51 194 13 20 93 63 36 113 6 11 11 450 27 154 11 61 64 42 8 2 298 72 75 56 45 40 40 104 306 147 66 20 126 8 45 1 27 317 2 1,128 46 3 227 40 20 514 56 19 7 31 108 11 15 62 43 25 79 5 3,552 2,570 143, 253 7,727 81, 056 7,241 39, 495 19,834 13,337 3,708 263 186, 096 23,851 19,147 12, 718 13,836 10, 854 11,587 46, 712 166, 990 85, 826 39, 439 6,010 54, 931 2,081 10, 300 188 9,338 137,142 323 697, 631 11,927 554 95,050 12, 579 6,316 278, 277 33, 665 8,185 2,656 10, 452 36, 422 2,668 5,885 21, 527 13,077 9,348 28, 596 793 2,538 1,583 65,102 4,507 31, 581 2,225 16, 766 9,715 6,909 1,821 219 86, 991 10, 902 11,211 6,487 6,410 6,013 6,165 22, 583 62, 479 32, 264 12, 691 3,042 24, 676 1,008 5,321 135 3,706 55,815 292 306,065 6,690 412 43, 609 4,978 3,206 106,804 10,944 3,629 822 4, 650 19,495 1,441 3,188 9,585 6,961 4,015 12,940 628 7,113 5,104 2, 447, 096 1, 055, 527 1 Credit for estate, inheritance, legacy, or succession taxes actually paid to any of the several States, Territories, or District of Columbia (limited to 25 percent of the total tax after the effective date of the Revenue Act of 1924 (June 2, 1924), and prior to the effective date of the Revenue Act of 1926 (Feb. 26, 1926) and to 80 percent of the total tax after the effective date of the Revenue Act of 1926). 55 STATISTICS OF INCOME taxable and nontaxable returns, showing number, gross estate, deductions, net estate, tax credits to tax before tax credits, and tax to Dec. 31, 1932] Taxable returns—Continued Net estate (thousands of dollars) Tax before tax credits 7,774 $430,984 1,014 988 78,151 3,220 49,476 5,016 22, 729 10,119 6,428 1,887 44 99,105 12,949 7,936 6,231 7,425 4,841 5,422 24,128 104, 511 53, 562 26, 749 2,968 30, 256 1,073 4,979 53 5,632 81,326 31 391, 566 5,237 142 51, 441 7,601 3,110 171,473 22, 722 4,555 1,834 5,802 16,927 1,226 2,697 11,942 6,116 5,333 15,656 165 22,403 18,975 3, 679, 917 76,427 2,372,021 362,156 1, 284,901 345, 360 216,868 63, 673 437 7,859, 298 482,999 214, 396 176,977 344,268 111,946 155, 224 1, 522,621 6, 328, 717 3, 324,093 1, 666, 551 84,141 1,465,160 26,149 134,996 553 219,192 4, 309,225 312 29,076,934 176,069 1,530 2,300,101 272,083 82, 703 10, 678,626 1, 228,008 185,850 66,973 187,168 565,408 27, 023 105,948 528,020 176,803 168, 274 876,007 1,875 1, 391, 569 84, 006, 343 Nontaxable returns Ratio of tax credits to tax Tax credits i before tax credits (percent) Tax Number Gross estate Deductions (thousands (thousands of dollars) of dollars) $25, 226 5.85 $405, 758 8 974 1,195 17,923 8,662 2,852,869 57, 545 1,879,012 289, 724 44,028 250, 290 155,829 50, 939 347 5, 705, 083 326, 843 162, 513 131,086 262,153 79,414 120, 273 1,209,115 5,060,129 2,612, 513 1, 302, 775 48, 777 1,154, 892 19,923 103, 276 80.00 45.65 77.53 75.29 79.22 80.00 3.43 72.47 71.85 80.00 79.41 72.59 67.67 75.80 74.07 76.15 70.94 77.48 79.41 79.96 78.59 78.17 57.97 78.82 76.19 76.50 4 8 234 18 39 5 14 44 27 5 3 180 51 39 19 21 12 16 27 104 53 20 8 56 3 15 817 1,318 31,811 2,079 8,266 780 2,055 5,139 4,392 782 310 31, 796 5,923 7,103 2,509 3,275 3,039 2,615 3,329 16, 750 10,488 3,199 1,141 15,683 2,592 1,586 1,033 3,046 41, 684 2,789 9,503 927 2,603 7,384 5,486 1,178 391 42,176 8,627 10, 958 3,432 3,797 3,946 3,127 4,239 21,899 13,494 5,355 1,530 19,381 3,593 1,970 175, 089 3,081, 219 250 20, 778,957 120,987 1,224 1, 735, 258 111, 088 66,161 8,454, 655 983, 210 151, 258 53,578 146, 312 358, 726 21,479 84,005 417, 217 137,906 130,390 700, 774 1,500 79.88 71.50 80.13 71.46 68.72 80.00 75.44 40.83 80.00 79.17 80.07 81.39 80.00 78.17 63.45 79.48 79.29 79.02 78.00 79.49 80.00 80.00 4,480 10,313 827,048 18,882 493,009 72,432 1, 240, 873 95,070 61,039 12, 734 90 2,154, 215 156,156 51,883 45,891 82,115 32, 532 34,951 313, 506 1,268,588 711, 580 363, 776 35, 364 310, 268 6,226 31,720 553 44,103 1, 228,006 62 8, 297,977 55,082 306 564,843 160, 995 16, 542 2, 223,971 244,798 34, 592 13,395 40,856 206, 682 5,544 21,943 110, 803 38,897 37, 884 175,233 375 11 87 1,878 15, 018 2,323 19,439 343 27 2 78 11 7 176 14 6 4 20 86 2 5 31 20 11 34 1 62,954 4,075 323 20,446 1,432 1,285 30,949 9,091 788 481 3,339 10,837 287 890 4,597 2,166 1,731 6,195 210 84, 435 5,977 428 35,306 1,590 1,942 39,051 9,578 1,092 627 4,476 13, 748 504 1,011 5,907 3,178 2,337 8,275 315 61,642,402 73.38 22, 363, 941 2,009 348, 723 466, 283 56 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 3.—Historical summary of estate tax returns filed for resident and nonresident decedents, Sept. 9,11916, to Dec. 31, 1932, showing number of returns, gross and net estate, and tax [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Returns filed Total Sept. 9, 1916-Jan. 15, 1922 Jan 15-Dec 31, 1922 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1923 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1924 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1925 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1926 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1927 Jan. 1-Dec 31, 1928 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1929 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1930 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1931 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1932 _ 45,126 13,876 15,119 14,513 16,019 14, 567 10,700 10, 236 10, 343 10,382 9,889 8,507 Gross estate Resident decedents Nonresident decedents 42,230 12,563 13,963 13,011 14,013 13,142 9,353 8,079 8,582 8,798 8,333 7,113 2,896 1,313 1,156 1,502 2,006 1,425 1,347 2,157 1,761 1,584 1,556 1,394 Total 8,893, 239 3,014,073 2,804,327 2, 566, 522 3,001,089 3,407,923 3,173,235 3, 554, 270 3,893, 246 4,165,623 4,075, 575 2,830,388 Net estate Total Sept. 9, 1916-Jan. 15, 1922 Jan. 15-Dec. 31, 1922 . Jan 1-Dec 31 1923 Jan 1-Dec. 31, 1924 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1925 Jan 1-Dec 31, 1926 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1927 . Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1928 Jan 1-Dec. 31, 1929 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1930 Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1931 Jan 1-Dec. 31, 1932 . -. 5, 509, 522 1,704,974 1, 532,061 1,395,816 1,658,869 1,972, 537 1,761,617 1,992, 503 2,313,976 2,427,454 2,356,332 1,423,437 Resident Nonresidedecedents dent cedents 8, 785,642 2,955,959 2, 774, 741 2, 540, 922 2,958,364 3, 386, 267 3,146, 290 3, 503, 239 3,843, 514 4,108, 517 4,042,381 2,795,818 107,597 58,113 29,586 25,600 42,725 21, 656 26,945 51,032 49, 732 57,106 33,195 34, 570 Tax Resident decedents Nonresident decedents 5,407,674 1,652,832 1, 504,621 1,372,421 1,621,008 1,951,969 1,735,840 1,943,429 2,268,323 2, 376,973 2, 327, 319 1,391,569 101,849 52,142 27,440 23,395 37,861 20, 567 25,777 49, 075 45,653 50,481 29,013 31,868 Total 356,516 120,562 89,109 71,939 87,322 101,805 41,686 41,959 44,388 41,617 45,200 23,674 Resident Nonresidedecedents dent cedents 351,138 117,624 88,384 71,451 86,223 101,324 40,931 40, 561 43,303 39,003 44, 540 22,364 5,378 2,938 726 488 1,099 481 755 1,398 1,085 2,614 660 1,310 i Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from estate-tax returns are summarized on pp. 208-209. Tables exhibiting in more detail information from individual and corporation income-tax returns, by States and Territories, by size of net income, and by industrial divisions are continued in the following pages. Respectfully, GUY T. HELVERING, Commissioner oj Internal Revenue. H . MORGENTHAU, J R . , Acting Secreiray of the Treasury. BASIC TABLES INDIVIDUAL RETURNS 177160—33 57 TABLE 1.-—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories, showing population and percent of population filing returns, number of returns, net income and tax; also average net income and average tax per return, and personal exemption and credit for dependents [For text defining certain items and describing methods of tabulating and estimating data, see pp. 1-4] Popula- Percent tion as of of popu Number July 1,1931 lation of reSlates and Territories (Bureau of filing turns the Census return; estimate) Alabama Alaska i Arizona Arkansas California Colorado.__ Connecticut Delaware District of ColumbiaFlorida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky, Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey ! New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee __. Texas Utah Vermont.. _._ Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Total _ 1 2,669,000 59, 800 443,000 1, 862,000 5,848, 000 1,043,000 1, 624,000 240, 000| 491,000 1, 506, 000 2, 909,000! 382, 000| 446,000 7, 718,000| 3, 262, 000 2, 476, 00C 1, 889, 000 2, 630, 000 2,125, 000 800, 000 1, 645, 000 4, 280, 000 4,931,000 2, 577,000 2, 026, 000 3, 646, 000 537, 606 1, 384, 000 92,000 467,000 4,109, 000 428, 000 12, 756,000 3, 217, 000 683, 000 6, 714, 000 2,424,000 967, 000 9, 700, 000 694, 000 1, 743, 000 697, 000 2, 638,000 5,913,000 512, 000 360,000 2,430, 000 1, 579, 000 1, 749, 000 2,962,000 228, 000 124,511,406 19, 532 5 Tax Net income $70, 309, 29^ Tax $640,46: $3, 60C $32. 7£ 28, 745, 823 8,035 247, 28C 3,575 9,8: " 29, 256, 385 107, 88C 2,96; 967,099,004 14, 732, 28( 3 , " 248, 722 2. 4: 96, 661, 70C 1, 378,04 3,82^ 25, 279 309, 351, 262 6, 067, 22£ 4,73: 65, 306 4.o: 8,284 51, 044, 53^ 2, 283, 901 6,162 3.4, 200, 628, 34 51, 920 2, 974, 707 3,864 10.5/ 105, 215,17C 2, 219, 52C 4,15: 25, 340 1.6* 102,907,022 996, 751 4,000 25, 729 33, 869, 092 7,328 815, 67£ 4, 622 l.'a 18, 350, 07 5,864 46,Oil 3, 12f 1.3 270, 759 1,182,411, 35C 22, 502,123 4,367 3.5 54, 534 204,130, 79C 2 , 5 4 0 , ••" 3,743 1.6' 29, 850 119, 218,13C 1,137, 299 3,994 1.2 27,495 91, 616,462 1.46 880, 318 3,332 103, 279, 556 1, 012, 557 3,826 1.03 26, 991 107, 673,824 28, 934 891,912 3,721 16, 218 74, 771,180 1, 527,436 4,610 &03 60,898 277,129,170 5, 528, 213 4, 551 3.70 800, 923,153 12, 380,194 4,139 4.52 193, 504 481,017,650 11, 028, 018 4,021 2.43 119, 623 213, 530, 771 2, 445, 441 4,040 52,853 2.05 27,146, 285 87, 221 2,745 9,888 .49 331,482, 726 4, 747, 522 4,125 80, 356 2.20 209, 809 3,566 34, 667, 097 9,722 1.81 723,426 3,59' 86,120,131 23,940 1.7; 349,026 4,093 14, 041, 657 3,431 3.73 563, 289 3,947 49, 243, 306 12,477 2.67 4.35 178, 754 785, 764,184 13, 971, 251 4,396 18, 231,469 117, 336 3,383 5,389 1.26 634, 057 3,108, 633, 729 77,975, 788 4,903 4. 88, 042, 580 2, 030, 396 3,891 22, 625 .70 18,469, 626 42, 519 2,634 7,013 1.03 689, 352,135 9, 742, 860 4,183 2.45 164,809 28, 242 93, 593, 901 861, 871 3,314 1.1 20,181 ! 73,154, 659 474, 055 3,625 2.09 2.76 267,848! 1,193,, 400, 020 24, 854, 558 4,455 22,375J 111,159,397 2, 598, 619 4,968 3.22 10, 536 33,858, 781 197, 943 3,214 .60 22,130, 693 105, 602 2,996 7,387 1.06 107, 251,482 1,413,609 a, 814 28.117 1.07 89,158 333, 673, 467 4, 634, 359 3,742 1.51 31,863, 657 196, 095 3,256 9,785 1.91 29,853,410 264, 753 3,826 2.17 7,803 1.43 34, 689 129, 365, 027 1, 323, 722 3,729 3.28 174, 858,452 1, 238, 044 3,377 51, 781 1.27 80, 333,944 515, 600 3, 632 22.118 2,976 2.86 84, 681 251, 988, 008 2. 438.474 3,085 2.58 18,176,553 65, 346 5, 891 1.81 .55 2. 59 3, 225,924 13, 604, 996,128546,127, 277 Included in the State of Washington 177160—34 Average per return Net income 4, 217 30.7* 10.92 59.22 54.51 92. 9C 275. 7C 57.29 87.59 38.74 111.3 7.8, 83.i: 46. 5£ 38.10 32.02 37.5 30.83 94.18 90.78 63. 92.19 46.27 8.82 59.08 21.58 30.22 101. 73 45. 15 78.16 21. 122. 98 89.74 6.06 59.1: 30.52 23.49 92. 79 116.14 18. 79 14.30 50.28 51. 20.04 33.93 38.16 23.91 23.31 28.80 11.09 Personal exemption and credit for dependents $61,565,280 23, 369, 254 32, 297,992 709,440,430 77, 723, 320 184,556, 725 23,983,450 134,113,100 81,083, 764 82, 637, 564 24, 525,193 18, 230,121 815, 231, 337 168, 551,902 92, 369, 334 86,193, 318 81, 678,162 86, 569, 668 48,189,485 183,068, 627 556, 773, 686 369, 628, 336 162, 007,884 32, 379, 611 249,967, 774 29,836,419 76,066, 667 9, 335, 258 35, 722,532 542, 747,905 16,129,436 , 886, 543, 708 73,463, 243 23,032,481 506, 681, 927 94,107, 659 63,060,162 804, 538, 643 65,608,810 34,091, 773 23, 756, 658 88, 608, 677 258,915, 605 32,435,680 23, 603, 512 106, 356,162 156,581,563 68, 428, 879 258, 061, 524 18,290,842 76.30 9,682,141,042 59 60 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 2.—Individual returns for 1931 by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income and tax, average tax per return and average rate of tax, personal exemption and credit for dependents, tax before tax credits, and tax credits [For text defining certain items and describing methods of tabulating and estimating data, see pp. 1-4] I Tax Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1 J (estimated) Under 1 (estimated) 1-2 i (estimated) 1-2 (estimated) 2-3 J (estimated) 2-3 (estimated) 3-4 i (estimated) _ 3-4 (estimated) 4-5 i (estimated). 4-5 (estimated) 56i 5-6 6-7 1 6-7 7-8i 7-8. 8-9 1 8-9 9-101 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30. .30-40 40-50 50-60 -. 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150150-200 200-250--. 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750750-1,000 1,000-1,500 — 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000..5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 . Total. Nontaxable returns 1 Taxable returns Number of returns Net income Amount 178, 561 $102,902, 209 3, 719, 683 6,830 788, 776, 671 509, 357 610,653, 586 352, 796 982, 588, 313 397,807 659,006,122 277, 212 423,104 1,477,172,934 542, 500, 284 151, 496 599,457,470 137, 789 896, 585, 673 200, 241 127, 342, 293 23, 544 770,125, 206 141,011 75, 037, 629 11,615 576,180, 891 89,188 59,112, 932 7,909 451, 595, 509 60, 484 49, 046,161 5,788 354,166,180 41, 799 46, 541, 923 4,904 297,852, 666 31,413 272, 021, 712 25,963 234,886, 345 20, 457 203, 833, 206 16, 335 177,861,168 13,192 159,471,711 11,009 582,619,907 33,910 376,026,487 16,888 255,097,495 9,342 342,888,983 9,972 222, 661,494 4,994 166,336,163 3,043 122, 675, 478 1,896 100,012,821 1,337 69,953, 997 825 69, 070, 680 729 196, 598, 339 1,634 105, 677, 995 616 59, 773,427 269 46, 607, 526 171 61, 510,088 177 40,676,198 91 61,906,873 103 40,403,831 46 48,415,107 40 24,882,057 14 28,861,543 12 20, 717,123 6 (2) 1 4 () 43,184,039 Personal Average exemption rate of and credit for Average tax tax on net dependents per return income (percent) $23, 641 $3.46 0.64 "943," 098' "2.67 .15 2, 466, 248 8.90 .37 "I," 647," 392' 10.87 .30 2,184, 469 10.91 .24 2, 653, 369 18.82 .34 2,664,040 29.87 .46 "2,561,747 41.36 .55 2, 305,185 55.15 .65 2, 283, 041 72.68 2,154, 808 83.00 2, 209, 332 108.00 2,189,957 134. 07 2,139,481 162.18 2,151,163 195. 40 312.12 10, 583,898 619. 88 10, 468, 552 1,036. 23 9,680, 487 16,621,612 1, 666. 83 13,793,513 2, 762.02 11,916,597 3,916. 07 9, 923, 057 5,233.68 8, 787, 294 6, 572.40 6,854,830 8, 308.88 7, 298,168 10,011.20 23,135, 254 14,158. 66 13, 840, 244 22, 467. 93 8, 255, 866 30, 690. 95 6, 697, 083 39,164. 23 8, 806, 559 49, 754. 57 72, 578. 27 6, 604, 623 9, 783, 032 94, 980. 89 5, 673,914 123, 345. 96 7, 766, 250 194,156. 25 3, 817,157 272, 654. 07 4, 898, 565 408, 213. 75 3, 791,941 631,990.17 (2) .77 .79 .94 1.07 1.20 1.35 1.82 2.78 3.79 4.85 6.19 7.16 8.09 8.79 9.80 10.57 11.77 13.10 13.81 14.37 14.32 16.24 15.80 14.04 16.04 15.34 16.97 18.30 17.01 15.09 () 6,611,810 7,150 3,225, 924 13, 604,996,128 246,127, 277 76.30 1.81 9, 682,141, 042 1, 700, 378 4,307,978,535 1,525, 546 9, 297,017, 593 246,127, 277 161. 34 2.65 5,839,918,683 3,842, 222, 359 *3 Nontaxable returns. Specific exemptions from normal tax exceed net income. Classes grouped to conceal identity of taxpayer. $496, 745,123 706, 543 1,451,111,648 521, 557, 093 1, 453, 988, 734 421, 549, 771 1, 666,131, 906 373, 633, 842 587, 621, 972 670,256, 367 90,845, 084 504, 382, 691 37, 754,169 319,167,090 24, 320,904 215, 583,023 17, 325,636 147,891,435 14,073, 507 110, 018,153 87,431, 218 69, 000, 592 54, 361,440 43,833,175 36, 584, 756 109, 071, 017 53,184, 013 28, 582, 038 30, 025, 975 14, 844, 504 8,946,189 5, 392, 413 3, 719, 306 2, 261, 717 2,051, 281 4, 367,025 1,610,081 658, 275 427, 270 429, 950 182, 775 248,100 92, 550 87,591 24,300 34, 650 17, 000 61 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 2.—Individual returns for 1931 by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income and tax, average tax per return, and average rate of tax, personal exemption and credit for dependents, tax before tax credits, and tax credits— Continued Tax credits Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1 * (estimated) Under 1 (estimated) 2_2 i (estimated) 1-2 (estimated) 2-3 i (estimated) 2-3 (estimated) 3_4 I (estimated) 3-4 (estimated) 4-5 1 (estimated) 4-5 (estimated) 5-6 i 5-6 6-7 l 6-7 7-8 i 7-8 8-9 * 8-9 9-10 i 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 _ . 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 _ 150-200 200-250 250-300 . 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2 000 2,000-3,000 . 3,000-4,000 4 000-5 000 5,000 and over _ Classes grouped 2 _-. Total Nontaxable returns 1 Taxable returns 1 2 Normal tax Surtax 12^ percent on capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years Total 12H percent capital 25 percent on net loss of tax on sale of earned net from assets held income more than 2 years $31, 520 $31, 520 $7,879 1, 257,468 1, 257,468 314, 370 3, 288, 337 3, 288, 337 822, 089 2,196, 525 2,196, 525 549,133 2, 912, 628 2, 912, 628 728,159 3, 511, 282 3, 511, 282 857, 913 3,401, 208 3, 401, 208 737,168 3,156,309 3,156, 309 654, 562 2, 883, 554 2,883, 554 578, 369 2, 848, 573 2, 555, 775 2, 425, 876 2, 279, 595 2,161,862 2, 099,898 8, 643, 347 6,411,687 4,613,109 6,453,086 4, 228,880 2, 984, 230 2,104, 734 1,457,869 1,034,942 1,038, 562 2, 376, 245 1, 255, 539 525, 751 423, 435 479,425 323,130 369,499 152,825 239, 954 45, 774 125,175 565, 532 527,084 521, 622 493, 959 482,979 493, 976 2,104,141 1, 674, 519 1, 208,159 1, 528, 285 816,994 513, 900 322, 898 212,040 142,663 127, 752 274, 731 102,835 38,825 25, 313 25, 284 13, 692 12, 735 4,735 3, 563 880 1,428 220 (2) (2) 144 (2) 4,355 $126,117 305,078 404, 321 460, 598 545, 241 4,044, 692 5, 731, 384 6, 275, 537 12, 363, 342 11, 339, 007 10,552,077 9,071, 645 8, 356, 755 6, 615, 247 7,114, 243 22,472, 593 13, 735,149 8, 017,123 6,196, 440 7,960, 632 5,852,965 9, 059, 919 5,344,008 6, 498, 909 3, 516, 056 4,152,827 3, 317,824 (2) (2) 6, 648, 509 $177,221 339, 764 469, 716 636, 746 805, 947 533, 340 544, 295 2, 289, 757 1,446,511 1,110, 277 873, 362 1, 655, 786 901,185 1, 303, 499 1, 508,883 1, 632, 597 846,100 650,807 480, 613 (2) (2) 1, 216, 624 2,848, 573 2, 681,892 2, 730,954 2, 683,916 2,622, 460 2, 645,139 12, 688, 039 12,143, 071 10,888, 646 18,993, 649 15,907, 651 14,006, 023 11,813,125 10,620, 571 8,183, 529 8,697,100 27,138, 595 16,437,199 9, 653,151 7,493, 237 10,095,843 7, 077, 280 10, 732, 917 7, 005, 716 8, 371, 460 4, 407,930 4,928,809 3, 798,437 (2) (2) 7,869,488 82, 301,963 186, 078, 238 19,423,030 287,803, 231 17,490, 530 24,185,424 82, 301,963 186,078, 238 287,803, 231 17,490, 530 24,185,424 19,423, 030 Nontaxable returns. Specific exemptions from normal tax exceed net income. Classes grouped to conceal identity of taxpayer. $843,752 1,297,144 1, 575, 526 1, 567,170 1,621,237 1,186,036 1,271,180 3, 728, 610 2,494,120 1,358,460 770,841 1, 264,000 458, 965 937,150 1, 327,067 601,647 589,893 28,816 6,276 (2) 1, 257, 534 62 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 3.—Individual returns for 1931 by net income classes, showing simple and cumulative distribution of the number of returns, net income and tax, and percentages [For text defining certain items and describing methods of tabulating and estimating data, see pp. 1-4] Returns Net income classes Simple distribution (Thousands of dollars) Number Under 1 (estimated) 1-2 (estimated) 2-3 (estimated) 3-4 (estimated) 4—5 (estimated) - - - - 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1 000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4 000-5 000 - - - _._ __ _ - -- - - - - . 5,000 and over... Total. _ 185,391 862,153 675,019 574, 600 338, 030 164, 555 100, 803 68,393 47, 587 36,317 25,963 20,457 16,335 13,192 11,009 33,910 16,888 9,342 9,972 4,994 3,043 1,896 1,337 825 729 1,634 616 269 171 177 91 103 46 40 14 12 6 1 4 3,225,924 Percent of total 5.75 26.73 20.92 17.81 10.48 5.10 3.12 2.12 1.48 1.13 .80 .63 .51 .41 .34 1.05 .52 .29 .31 .16 .09 .06 .04 .03 .02 .05 .02 .009 .005 .006 .0028 .0032 .0014 .0013 .0005 .0004 .0002 .0001 .0001 100.00 Cumulative distribu- Cumulative distribution from lowest tion from highest income class income class Number Percent of total 3, 225,924 100.00 3, 040, 533 94.25 2,178,380 67.52 1, 503, 361 46.60 28.79 928, 761 18.31 590,731 13.21 426,176 10.09 325,373 256,980 7.97 209,393 6.49 173, 076 5.36 4.56 147,113 3.93 126, 656 3.42 110, 321 97,129 3.01 86,120 2.67 1.62 52, 210 1.10 35,322 25, 980 .81 .50 16,008 .34 11,014 .25 7,971 .19 6,075 .15 4,738 .12 3,913 .10 3,184 .05 1,550 .03 934 .021 665 .016 494 .010 317 .0072 226 .0040 123 .0026 77 37 .0013 23 .0008 11 .0004 5 .0002 4 .0001 Number 185,391 1,047,544 1, 722,563 2, 297,163 2,635,193 2,799,748 2,900, 551 2,968,944 3, 016, 531 3, 052,848 3, 078,811 3,099,268 3,115, 603 3,128,795 3,139,804 3,173, 714 3,190, 602 3,199,944 3, 209,916 3, 214,910 3, 217,953 3, 219,849 3, 221,186 3, 222,011 3, 222,740 3, 224, 374 3, 224,990 3, 225, 259 3, 225, 430 3, 225, 607 3,225, 698 3, 225,801 3,225,847 3,225,887 3,225,901 3,225,913 3, 225,919 3, 225,920 3, 225,924 Percent of total 5.75 32.48 53.40 71.21 81.69 86.79 89.91 92.03 93.51 94.64 95.44 96.07 96.58 96.99 97.33 98.38 98.90 99.19 99.50 99.66 99.75 99.81 99.85 99.88 99.90 99.95 99.97 99.979 99.984 99.990 99.9928 99. 9960 99.9974 99.9987 99.9992 99.9996 99.9998 99.9999 100.00 STATISTICS TABLE 3.—Individual 63 OF INCOME returns for 1931 by net income classes, showing simple and cumulative distribution of the number of returns, net income and tax, and percentages—Continued Net income Net income classes Simple distribution (Thousands of dollars) Amount Under 1 (estimated) 1-2 (estimated) 2-3 (estimated) 3-4 (estimated) 4-5 (estimated) 5-6 6-7 7-8. 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30._ 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70.. 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped l Total__ 1 $106, 621,892 1, 399, 430, 257 1, 641,594,435 2, 019, 673, 218 1,496, 043,143 897, 467, 499 651, 218, 520 510, 708,441 403, 212,341 344, 394, 589 272,021,712 234, 886, 345 203, 833, 206 177, 861,168 159,471,711 582, 619, 907 376, 026,487 255, 097,495 342,888, 983 222, 661, 494 166, 336,163 122, 675,478 100,012,821 69, 953, 997 69,070,680 196,598, 339 105, 677,995 59, 773, 427 46, 607, 526 61, 510, 088 40, 676,198 61, 906, 873 40,403,831 48, 415,107 24, 882, 057 28, 861, 543 20, 717,123 0) 0) 43,184, 039 13,604,996,128 Percent of total Amount 0.78 $13, 604,996,128 10.29 13,498,374, 236 12.07 12, 098, 943,979 14.84 10,457, 349, 544 8, 437,676, 326 11.00 6,941, 633,183 6.60 6, 044,165,684 4.79 5, 392, 947,164 3.75 4,882, 238, 723 2.96 4,479, 026,382 2.53 4,134, 631,793 2.00 3,862, 610, 081 1.73 3, 627, 723, 736 1.50 3,423,890, 530 1.31 3, 246, 029, 362 1.17 3, 086, 557, 651 4.28 2, 503,937, 744 2.76 2,127,911,257 1.88 1,872,813,762 2.52 1, 529,924,779 1.64 1.22 1, 307, 263, 285 1,140, 927,122 .90 1, 018, 251, 644 .74 918,238,823 .51 848, 284, 826 .51 779, 214,146 1.44 582,615,807 .78 476,937,812 .44 417,164, 385 .34 370, 556,859 .45 309,046, 771 .30 268,370, 573 .45 .30 206, 463, 700 166,059,869 .36 117,644,762 .18 92, 762, 705 .21 63,901,162 .15 0) 0) 0) 0) 43,184,039 .32 100.00 Classes grouped to conceal identity of taxpayer. Cumulative distribution from highest income class Percent of total 100.00 99.22 88.93 76.86 62.02 51.02 44.42 39.63 35.88 32.92 30.39 28.39 26.66 25.16 23.85 22.68 18.40 15.64 13.76 11.24 9.60 8.38 7.48 6. 74 6.23 5.72 4.28 3. 50 3.06 2.72 2.27 1.97 1.52 1.22 .86 .68 .47 (0 0) .32 Cumulative distribution from lowest income class Amount $106,621,892 1, 506,052,149 3,147,646, 584 5,167, 319,802 6, 663, 362,945 7, 560,830,444 8,212, 048,964 8, 722,757,405 9,125, 969,746 9,470, 364, 335 9,742,386,047 9,977, 272,392 10,181,105, 598 10,358, 966, 766 10, 518,438,477 11,101, 058, 384 11,477,084,871 11,732,182, 366 12, 075, 071, 349 12, 297,732,843 12,464, 069,006 12, 586, 744,484 12, 686, 757, 305 12,756,711,302 12,825,781,982 13, 022,380, 321 13,128,058,316 13,187,831,743 13, 234, 439,269 13,295,949,357 13, 336, 625, 555 13, 398, 532,428 13,438,936, 259 13,487,351,366 13,512,233,423 13, 541, 094, 966 13, 561, 812, 089 0) C1) 13, 604, 996,128 Percent of total 0.78 11.07 23.14 37.98 48.98 55.58 60.37 64.12 67.08 69.61 71.61 73.34 74.84 76.15 77. 32 81.60 84.36 86.24 88.76 90.40 91.62 92.52 93.26 93.77 94.28 95.72 96.50 96.94 97.28 97. 73 98. 03 98.48 98.78 99.14 99.32 99.53 99.68 0) 0) 100.00 64 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 3.—Individual returns for 1931 by net income classes, showing simple and cumulative distribution of the number of returns, net income and tax, and percentages—Continued Tax Net income classes Simple distribution (Thousands of dollars) Amount Under 1 (estimated).. 1-2 (estimated) 2-3 (estimated) 3-4 (estimated) 4-5 (estimated) 5-6 6-7 7-8 _. 8-9 9-10 10-11 _ 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 60-60_ 60-70 70-80_ 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750.. 750-1,000 1,000-1,500. 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000.. 5,000 and over 1 Classes grouped Total $23,641 943,098 2,466,248 1,647, 392 2,184,469 2,653, 369 2, 664, 040 2, 501, 747 2, 305,185 2, 283, 041 2,154,808 2, 209, 332 2,189,957 2,139,481 2,151,163 10,583,898 10,468, 552 9,680,487 16,021,612 13, 793, 513 11,916,597 9,923, 057 8, 787, 294 6,854,830 7, 298,168 23,135,254 13,840, 244 8,255,866 6,697, 083 8,806,559 6, 604,623 9, 783,032 5, 673, 914 7, 766, 250 3,817,157 4,898, 565 3,791,941 8 6,611,810 246,127,277 Percent of total Amount 0.01 $246,127, 277 .38 246,103,636 1.00 245,160,538 .67 242, 694, 290 .89 241,046,898 238,862,429 1.08 1.08 236,209,060 1.02 233, 545,020 .94 231, 043, 273 .93 228,738,088 .88 226,455, 047 .90 224,300, 239 .89 222,090,907 .87 219,900, 950 .87 217, 761,469 4.30 215,610,306 4.25 205,026,408 194,557,856 3.93 184,877,369 6.75 168,255, 757 5.60 154,462, 244 4.84 142, 545,647 4.03 132, 622, 590 3.57 2.79 123,835, 296 2.97 116,980,466 9.40 109, 682, 298 5.62 86,547,044 3.36 72,706,800 2.72 64,450, 934 3.58 57,753,851 2.68 48,947, 292 3.97 42,342, 669 2.30 32,559,637 3.16 26,885, 723 1.55 19,119,473 1.99 15,302,316 1.54 10,403, 751 0) 0) (l) (l) 2.69 6,611,810 100.00 i Classes grouped to conceal identity of taxpayer. Cumulative distribution from highest income class Percent of total 100.00 99.99 99.61 98.61 97.94 97.05 95.97 94.89 93.87 92.93 92.00 91.12 90.22 89.33 88.46 87.59 83.29 79.04 75.11 68.36 62.76 57.92 53.89 50.32 47.53 44. 56 35.16 29.54 26.18 23,46 19.88 17.20 13.23 10.93 7.77 6.22 4.23 0) 0) 2.69 Cumulative distribution from lowest inincome class Amount $23,641 3,432,987 5,080,379 7, 264,848 9,918,217 12, 582,257 15, 084,004 17,389,189 19, 672, 230 21,827, 038 24, 036, 370 26, 226, 327 28, 365,808 30, 516,971 41,100,869 51, 569,421 61, 249,908 77,871, 520 91,665,033 103,581,630 113, 504,687 122, 291,981 129,146,811 136,444,979 159,580,233 173,420,477 181, 676, 343 188, 373,426 197,179,985 203,784,608 213, 567,640 219,241, 554 227,007,804 230,824,961 235, 723,526 239,515,467 246,127,277 Per cent of total 0.01 .39 1.39 2.06 2.95 4.03 5.11 6.13 7.07 8.00 8.88 9.78 10.67 11.54 12.41 16.71 20.96 24.89 31.64 37. 24 42.08 46.11 49.68 52.47 55.44 64.84 70.46 73.82 76.54 80.12 82.80 86.77 89.07 92.23 93.78 95.77 97.31 0) 0) 100.00 65 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 4.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories, showing number of returns and net income by sex and family relationship [Money figures in thousands of dollars] [For text defining certain items and describing methods of tabulating and estimating data, see pp. 1-4] States and Territories Joint returns of husbands and wives, with or without dependent chilSingle m e n dren, and the reSingle women— turns of husbands Heads of families Heads of families whose wives, though living with them, file separate returns Number of returns Alabama Alaska1.. Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut— __ Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii _ Idaho Illinois Indiana -,. Iowa.._ Kansas Kentucky _ Louisiana Maine _. Maryland _ M assachusetts _ Michigan Minnesota Mississippi _. Missouri.. __ Montana _ Nebraska _ _. Nevada _. New Hampshire New Jersey _. New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio..: Oklahoma Oregon ___ Pennsylvania.._ _Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah... Vermont Virginia _. Washington West Virginia _ Wisconsin Wyoming Total 1 in- Number Net in- Number in- Number of re- Net of re- Net of recome come come turns turns turns 4,4 10, 706 46, 717 1,685 3,945 6,174 124,157 14, 215 29,906 3,953 19,083 15, 506 14,868 4,156 2,947 134, 898 29, 634 16, 235 17,119 13, 744 14, 235 8,554 31, 728 93,177 66,079 30, 598 5,993 41, 337 4,370 14,195 1,456 6,275 92, 253 2,952 309,360 12,953 4,403 84,902 18, 520 10,229 130, 038 10, 659 6,033 4,693 16,041 46,142 6,011 3,392 18, 267 27,919 12,092 47, 278 3,143 14,410 20, 698 473, 700 63,176 174, 219 31,429 108, 654 70,818 70, 524 21,124 10, 302 742,230 137,506 79,494 65, 878 64, 742 49,901 44,425 168, 261 462, 426 324,152 149, 737 19, 268 211, 897 21, 290 60, 513 6,347 29,729 495,464 10,082 1,843,190 59,189 13, 207 439, 590 69,783 47, 745 708, 299 63,009 22, 550 16, 392 73, 661 154, 010 23, 244 16, 567 83,432 96,538 52,900 166,033 11,893 437 624 7,889 1,842 4,501 665 2,338 1,510 1,706 463 586 22, 377 4,660 4,039 1,448 2,166 2,122 1,125 4,147 13,915 7,205 2,253 702 8,035 1,319 1,724 187 755 14, 871 264 49,004 1,663 321 15, 508 1,624 2,088 26,727 1,876 762 343 2,113 4,188 559 953 2,568 2,562 1,379 4,888 471 11,095 4,210 7,003 6,900 3,739 15, 846 42,349 22, 722 8,150 1,797 23,552 3,342 5,275 644 2,333 49, 658 808 184, 500 5,144 867 45,958 4,565 5,413 88,453 6,226 2,350 1,002 5,959 13,461 1,547 2,767 8,083 7,208 4,052 13,114 1,252 1,646,523 8, 210,345 237,157 782,865 Included in the State of Washington. Single men—Not heads of families 1,281 1,762 29,122 5,561 15,345 2,596 9,225 4,914 5,764 1,353 1,507 74,886 13, 716 600 182 284 5,903 585 2,306 318 2,603 581 1,013 200 149 9,903 1,596 923 475 1,079 1,096 388 2,129 5,705 2,447 966 359 3,563 323 560 54 316 6,069 104 24,917 627 144 5,620 637 1,067 9,429 752 373 96 836 2,086 191 422 1,006 1,407 544 1,594 122 1,844 4,185 560 1,977 718 1,692 23,838 60, 511 2,364 5,559 9,683 14,157 1,302 1,822 7,519 10,860 1,961 4,373 2,957 4,686 1,122 1,345 376 1,318 30,147 64, 450 4,156 11, 740 2,624 4,920 1,380 5,239 3,101 5,302 3,388 3,331 1,404 8,516 12,713 19,036 40,435 8,653 30, 220 3,423 11,604 774 1,836 10,525 17,571 737 2,847 1,543 4,738 936 1,204 1,211 2,821 22, 541 37,438 411 1,032 96,486 138,876 1,934 4,342 311 1,570 17,201 36,640 1,648 4,683 2,703 4,190 35,830 61,009 Net income 9,970 16,716 2,178 1,698 7,831 10,760 5,544 20,129 1,746 4,900 3,423 152, 239 13,578 42,448 6,403 29, 724 14, 484 11, 748 4,610 2,826 178, 620 27, 216 13,054 12,292 15, 267 13,615 12,185 39,939 118,230 74,469 28,786 3,303 46,274 6,793 11,384 3,114 7,199 102,844 2,492 453,000 10,235 2,923 95, 211 10,190 10,096 175, 719 16,295 4,620 3,138 13,351 43,030 3,894 4,325 19,377 25,832 13, 227 39,497 3,696 104,649 363,809 709,951 1,961,087 1,034 217 2,342 6,796 489 1,161 3,473 3,743 1,689 4,318 318 4,884 2,148 1,601 5,454 66 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 4.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories, showing number of returns and net income by sex and family relationship—Continued [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Wives filing Single women—Not separate returns heads of families from husbands Community property2 income Grand total States and Territories Number of returns Alabama Alaska l Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 1,949 ---- Total 1 2 Net income 30,903 2,532 12,077 1,201 15, 753 2,669 2,896 1,002 388 32, 845 5,838 3,110 2,728 3,362 2,696 2,320 8,376 33,950 11,516 6,211 806 8,212 731 2,303 221 1,909 23, 382 475 93, 059 2,478 505 18, 206 2,302 2,274 33, 979 3,485 988 555 2,949 7,807 658 1,158 4,418 4,659 2,056 9,272 306 415,061 4,987 407 2,302 357 1,189 1,683 4,722 201 662 1,993 7,351 34, 686 12,008 157,495 96,021 546 3,320 8,663 46, 541 2,359 21,114 325 5,450 3,864 6,816 38, 691 1,283 701 4,682 8,356 560 3,550 8,364 162 1,772 3,888 276 827 844 200 112,385 6,286 44,142 6,691 14, 845 1,066 623 9,567 3, 384 486 5,757 2,099 614 3,151 10,015 7,753 1,468 4, 489 2,015 21, 626 500 9,847 3,172 1,805 12, 374 32,193 117,962 6,322 40, 920 33, 341 2,156 17, 680 15, 999 1,221 7,435 192 1,474 531 1,638 12, 995 26,239 132 1,859 646 420 5,680 1,725 119 750 633 190 1,617 401 6,735 2,036 80, 532 4,741 34, 725 312 250 2,181 1,398 860 370,466 18,841 160,993 562 6,770 4,771 70 944 218 60,074 3,933 31,319 476 4,664 2,745 333 5,568 1,629 127, 904 6,666 57,195 719 15, 998 6,265 232 2,191 1,115 99 1,113 268 724 8,178 3,760 21,950 5,439 14, 843 6,780 79, 584 188 1,591 1,099 180 3,916 1,118 599 11,349 3,651 11,162 2,021 6,227 2,453 24,148 503 6,102 2,364 21, 846 1,520 7,180 103 638 379 1, 402, 237 88, 238 591, 613 24,345 Included in the State of Washington. See footnote 2 on p. 6. Num- Net in- Num- Net in- Number ber of ber of of rereturns come returns come turns Net income 19, 532 70, 309 8,035 9,873 248, 722 25, 279 65,306 8,284 51,920 25, 340 25, 729 7,328 5,864 270, 759 54,534 29, 850 27, 495 26, 991 28, 934 16,218 60,898 193, 504 119,623 52, 853 9,888 80, 356 9,722 23,940 3,431 12, 477 178, 754 5,389 634, 057 22, 625 7,013 164,809 28,242 20,181 267, 848 22, 375 10, 536 7,387 28.117 89,158 9,785 7,803 34, 689 51, 781 22.118 84, 681 5,891 28, 746 29, 256 967, 099 96,662 309, 351 51,045 200, 628 105, 215 102, 907 33, 869 18,350 1,182,411 204,131 119,218 91,616 103, 280 107, 674 74, 771 277,129 800,923 481, 018 213,531 27,146 331, 483 34, 667 86,120 14,042 49, 243 785, 764 18, 231 3, 108, 634 88, 043 18, 470 689,352 93, 594 73,155 1,193,400 111,159 33, 859 22,131 107, 251 333,673 31,864 29, 853 129, 365 174, 858 80, 334 251,988 18,177 293,040 3,225,924 13,604,996 STATISTICS TABLE 5.—Individual 67 OF INCOME returns for 1931 by net income classes, showing number of returns and net income by sex and family relationship (Money figures and net income classes in thousands of dollars) {For text defining certain items and describing methods of tabulating and estimating data, see pp. 1-4] Net income classes Joint returns of husbands and wives, with or without dependent children, and the reSingle m e n Single w o m e n turns of husbands H e a d s of families Heads of families whose w i v e s , though living with them, file separate returns Number of returns Under 1 > (estimated). _. Under 1 (estimated) 1-2 i (estimated) 1-2 (estimated) 2-3 i (estimated) 2-3 (estimated) . 3-4 ! (estimated) __ . 3-4 (estimated) 4-5 ! (estimated) 4-5 (estimated) - _ _ _ _ 5-6 i 5-6 6-7 i 6-7 7-8 ' "-8 - - - - 8-9 i 8-9 . _ _ 9-10 i 9-10 . . . _ 10-11 11-12 . . 12-13 13-14 14-15 . . 15-20 20-25 25-30 . 30-40 40-50 ._. 50-60 60-70 ._ 70-80 80-90 90-100 , _ _ . 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 -750-1 000 1 000 1 500 1 ^00 2 000 2 000-3 000 <i 000 4 000 4 000-1 000 5 000 and over 01 asses grouped 2 Total Nontaxable returns 1 Taxable returns 1 2 89,339 616 180, 445 2,596 246, 296 7,413 360,121 70, 321 119,617 150, 549 17,102 109, 236 7,083 67, 979 4,474 45, 510 3,234 30,905 2, 584 22, 690 17, 638 13, 831 10, 727 8,637 7,198 20,962 10, 046 5,323 5, 468 2,691 1,616 1,033 692 445 398 846 335 148 98 102 55 62 28 14 8 4 5 1 2 Net income 50,855 361 279, 222 4,429 618, 598 18, 519 1, 261, 348 262, 540 519, 364 674, 805 92, 208 596, 549 45, 723 439,154 33,422 339, 725 27, 396 261, 785 24, 523 215,078 184, 783 158, 783 133, 824 116,453 104, 283 359, 556 223, 599 145,300 187,986 120,050 88,198 66, 807 51, 752 37, 732 37, 685 101,103 57, 602 32, 883 26, 590 35,295 24, 655 37, 222 24, 406 16 867 14,174 10,496 Single men—N ot heads of families Number Net in- Number Net in- Number of reof reof recome come turns turns turns 7,239 2 64, 834 102 80, 996 1, 693 36,251 5,276 6,857 11,004 857 6,106 396 3,620 291 2,380 184 1, 592 149 1,216 955 777 622 463 399 1,220 560 303 348 143 97 53 56 16 21 52 8 4 7 4,262 2 109,433 179 195, 228 3,991 123, 895 19,771 29, 701 49, 322 4,636 33, 292 2,549 23, 327 2,177 17, 741 1,555 13, 476 1,413 11,539 10,018 8, 918 7,762 6,246 5,777 21,009 12, 407 8,240 11,994 6,399 5,333 3,443 4,160 1,369 2, 002 6,271 1,320 916 1,049 2, 359 1 (2) 2 (2) 4 3,817 1 39,896 30 31, 852 111 11,145 828 2,432 2,554 939 1,765 560 1,200 389 963 266 696 238 490 593 477 420 327 277 894 527 266 271 155 82 48 37 14 20 34 15 8 3 3 3 2 1 2,329 1 67,186 50 76, 039 284 38,001 3,115 10, 665 11, 387 5,116 9,668 3,622 7,761 2,899 7,199 2, 255 5,921 2, 252 4,664 6,226 5,490 5,246 4,419 4,008 15, 376 11, 774 7,284 9,237 6,842 4,510 3,106 2,777 1,171 1,872 4,188 2,624 1,692 843 1,083 1,399 46,354 158 120, 503 226, 374 15, 780 184, 260 4,380 45, 364 2,386 18, 815 1,166 9,838 911 6.415 654 4,248 485 2,985 478 2,479 2,188 1,630 1,399 1,161 947 3,108 1,612 965 1,059 534 365 224 157 103 75 191 72 37 28 21 9 14 7 1 4 Net income 26,978 101 177,106 394, 485 36, 830 436,494 15, 037 154,885 10, 689 83, 604 6,371 53,665 5,897 41,445 4,890 31, 723 4,107 25,290 4,544 23, 516 22,904 18,723 17, 461 15, 642 13, 714 53, 564 35,861 26,333 36, 554 23,818 19,893 14,475 11,748 8,732 7,150 23,299 12,171 8,326 7,699 7,246 3,882 8,413 6,061 8,871 (2) 1 8,384 46, 657 2,227 10,888 1, 646, 523 8, 210, 345 237,157 782,865 104, 649 363,809 709, 951 1, 961, 087 1,030, 295 616, 228 2,952, 659 5, 257, 686 198,054 39,103 474,849 308,016 91, 534 13,115 210,364 153, 445 193,097 516,854 292,451 1,668, 636 Nontaxable returns. Specific exemptions from normal tax exceed net income. Classes grouped to conceal identity of taxpayer. 68 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 5.—Individual returns for 1931 by net income classes, showing number of returns and net income by sex and family relationship—Continued (Money figures and net income classes in thousands of dollars) Wives filing Single women—Not separate returns heads of families from husbands Community property3 income Grand total Net income classes Number of returns Under 11 (estimated) Under 1 (estimated) 1-2 i (estimated) 1-2 (estimated) 2-3 i (estimated) 2-3 (estimated) 3-4 i (estimated) 3-4 (estimated) 4 - 5 ! (estimated) 5-6i 5-6._ 6-71 6-7 . 7-81 7-8 8-91 8-9 9-101 9-10. 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 _. 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 _ _ 40-50 _ 50-60 , - . 60-70 70-80 80-90 __. . 90-100 100-150 150-200 . 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1 000 1,000-1,500 . 1,500-2,000 2 000-3 000 3,000-4 000 4,000-5,000 5 000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Nontaxable returns i Taxable returns 23,826 240 94,209 116, 519 17,490 76,054 7,461 23,115 4,198 11,353 1,985 5,946 1,460 4,052 1,116 3,043 828 2,260 732 1,816 2,000 1,644 1,388 1,132 942 3,523 1,938 1,187 1,313 709 435 259 185 126 102 262 88 46 17 17 14 13 6 5 3 3 Net income 14,139 136 141,662 200,556 42,494 180, 734 25,793 79,173 18, 739 50, 669 10,839 32, 527 9,452 26,220 8,355 22, 761 7,023 19,159 6,949 17, 238 20,980 18, 875 17, 329 15, 269 13, 655 60,848 43, 249 32, 410 45, 373 31, 660 23,832 16, 723 13, 894 10,692 9,639 31, 875 15, 298 10,189 4,677 5,969 6,322 7,522 5 505 5,761 5,262 (2) Num- Net inber of returns come 7,986 5,813 9,470 7,175 5,393 7,681 3,746 6,592 2,299 5,966 1,246 2,848 975 2,178 830 1,696 657 1,361 617 1,085 1,369 1,185 983 861 697 2,548 1,441 827 991 521 323 190 162 89 81 191 77 19 15 22 7 9 4 8 2 1 1 4,338 3,120 14,167 10,955 13, 399 18,985 13,099 23,016 10,300 26, 798 6,807 15,560 6,313 14,095 6,206 12, 681 5,569 11,556 5, 858 10, 292 14,338 13, 623 12, 261 11,606 10,093 43, 886 32,132 22, 584 34,083 23,177 17, 657 12, 354 12, 077 7,536 7,687 22, 725 13, 042 4.203 4,075 7,737 3,105 5,372 3,621 9,723 Number of returns Net income 249 5,272 230 3,744 155 2,644 134 2,000 106 1,637 1,220 913 796 611 549 1,655 764 471 522 241 125 89 48 32 32 58 21 7 6 5 3 2 1,366 28,863 1,482 24,180 1,163 19, 766 1,142 16,977 1,005 15, 527 12, 773 10,474 9,951 8,228 7,942 28, 381 17,004 12,946 17, 661 10, 716 6,911 5,767 3,605 2,723 3,036 7,136 3,620 1,563 1,674 1,822 1,312 1,281 4 5,042 0) 1 Net income 178,561 6,830 509,357 352, 796 397,807 277, 212 423,104 151, 496 137, 789 200, 241 23,544 141,011 11,615 89,188 7,909 60, 484 5,788 41, 799 4,904 31,413 25, 963 20,457 16,335 13,192 11,009 33,910 16,888 9,342 9,972 4,994 3,043 1,896 1,337 825 729 1,634 616 269 171 177 91 103 46 40 14 12 6 1 4 102,902 3,720 788, 777 610, 654 982, 588 659, 006 1,477,173 542, 500 599, 457 896,586 127, 342 770,125 75,038 576,181 59,113 451, 596 49,046 354,166 46, 542 297,853 272,022 234, 886 203, 833 177,861 159,472 582, 620 376,026 255, 097 342,889 222, 661 166, 336 122, 675 100, 013 69,954 69,071 196, 598 105, 678 59, 773 46, 608 61,510 40, 676 61,907 40, 404 48,415 24,882 28 862 20,717 9,803 14,812 (2) 43,184 415,061 1,402, 237 88, 238 591, 613 24,345 293,040 3, 225, 924 13, 604, 996 153, 305 261, 756 285,444 1,116,793 33, 219 55,019 86, 054 505, 559 874 23,471 6,158 286,883 1,700,378 1,525,546 4,307,979 9, 297,018 1 Nontaxable returns. Specific exemptions from normal tax exceed net income. 2 Classes grouped to conceal identity of taxpayer. « See footnote 2 on p. 6. Number of returns 69 STATISTICS OP INCOME TABLE 6.—Individual returns for 1981 by States and Territories, showing sources of income and deductions, net income, and net loss for prior year (Thousands of dollars) [For text defining certain items and describing methods of tabulating and estimating data, see pp. 1-4] Sources of income States and Territories Partand sal- Business ner-I aries ship Alabama Alaska 3 Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada ,. New Hampshire,-. New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Total. Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc. Reported for All tax on capital ! other net gain 46,932 9,360 5,629 409 1,003 17, 026 19, 743 521,495 53,118 162,174 20, 792 142,122 5,997 6,849 154,322 17, 850 34, 702 4,526 25, 073 19, 774 12, 616 4,399 5,082 135, 749 32, 767 29, 932 24,008 15, 507 15, 326 13, 809 32, 827 106, 696 65,031 34, 560 6,416 39,141 6,004 20,055 2,965 9,245 96, 391 4,639 372, 597 12, 557 5,062 1,705 2,990 59, 617 5,425 9,367 1,427 7,937 5, 648 5,111 963 940 54, 381 10, 569 9,266 6,347 6,05, 7,177 2,913 13,107 30, 405 18, 470 12, 349 2,462 15,133 1,874 6,433 1,281 2,227 27, 267 1,298 207, 387 208 1,085 295 46, 545 1,917 5,798 ],016 3,766 2,376 2,028 623 297 18,861 3,273 1,958 1,876 1,846 2,356 1,778 4,943 11, 998 11, 398 2,471 537 4,868 1,191 970 256 626 12,121 450 59, 598 1,395r 14 11, 588 2,628 1,060 42, 500 1,:" 525 441 2,307 15, 659 419 383 1,846 2,975 1,306 4,253 221 54,128 73,476 19,489 11,242 808, 23' 139,412 63,831 47,190 64.106 70,18" 32, 483 157, 449 448,501 309, 215 137,163 19,101 226, 761 22, 653 50, 509 7,076 22, 912 508, 554 9,313 911,334 62.025 12, 332 481,168 66, 272 48, 522 636, 216 58.107 24, 254 11,884 72.026 191,126 22,139 16, 322 82,180 114,192 50, 879 166,823 10, 973 1,'362 26, 226 ••'• 16, 765 14,461 4,497 167, 555 64, 006 12,466 3,735 6,105 2,132 1,923 6,816 15, 879 6,925 61,173 29, 226 5,976 1,460 4,867 1,126 19,194 6,541 34,074 8,324 13,715 4,496 42,455 11,780 4,940 8 1 , 9, 2961 757 2,970 1, 1,175 4,630 866 116 22,176 1,028 408 1,319 177 8 1,407 3,196 8,628 13, 285 463 3,232 224 75 204 5,612 1 54,020 676 3,919 308 110 15, 708 666 22 688 6,211 24 13 355 2, 665 149 1,261 Interest on GovernDiviment dends on Rents obligastock of Fidu-l and domestic royal- tions not corpora- ciary ties wholly exempt tions from tax 6,045 75 10,375 1,341 2,1 3,480 105, 074 6,187 14,438 1,728 9,736 8,401 8,209 2,137 1,154 67, 702 13,097 9,474 11,823 7,236 10, 239 3,221 13, 576 25,094 26, 929 10,177 2,405 20, 940 1,795 6,764 898 2, 475 32, 239 1,622 108, 703 7,204 1,239 42, 669 11,553 4,687 52, 742 5,392 2,694 1,!"" 7,445 44, 719 1,551 1,238 9,416 10,003 7,036 12,341 1,150 16 24 1,448 263 514 60 324 352 123 14 12 2,077 906 150 154 381 223 140 345 1,152 386 432 8 1, 46 97 33 144 743 1 5,027 285 5 2,990 144 89 2,489 223 44 20 166 883 26 26 224 203 266 254 20 2, 2,564 176,675 20,107 115,973 38,188 24, 580 25,103 20,187 10, 713 1,368 221,886 34,942 18,923 10,919 23, 537 16,365 20,113 68, 066 229, 246 118,982 41, 553 2,513 68, 765 4,065 10, 708 2,656 13,873 158,736 2,148 826, 228 29,080 1,330 162,888 12, 349 7,349 332, 348 36,777 4,376 1,929 17,580 43,952 484 392 22,436 1,586 10,317 2,121 5,440 3,808 1,436 1,341 99 25, 517 2,036 1,333 885 2,228 1,225 2,150 11, 329 23,152 7,718 3,059 151 5,905 247 674 842 1,285 20,991 354 115,094 1,440 122 13, 531 782 846 51,868 4,469 707 138 2,278 5,177 322 696 3,107 2,058 891 3,559 175 8,325,1621,889,759 729, 523 169, 949 301,664 770,764 1 2 5, 41 7,032 25,678 20,412 18,753 42,125 1,447 25,325 3,113,861 369,140 For explanation of item, see p. 9. Capital net gain and loss are reported as provided by law on sale of assets held more than 2 years, (See pp. 7 and 8.) 3 Included in the State of Washington. 70 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 6.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories, showing sources of income and deductions, net income, and net loss for prior year—Continued (Thousands of dollars) Sources of income States and Territories Interest and other income 7,836 Alabama Alaska fi Arizona 3,698 3,332 Arkansas 119,067 California 12, 441 Colorado 34,631 Connecticut Delaware. 5,510 Dist. of Columbia. __ 16,086 13, 581 Florida Georgia .. _ 7,315 2,369 Hawaii 1,664 Idaho ._ -_ -_ 127,934 Illinois 12, 516 Indiana . . 14, 075 Iowa Kansas 9,752 Kentucky ._. 8,982 L/Ouisiana 13,968 Maine 13,872 33, 922 Maryland 100,003 Massachusetts Michigan.. 50, 840 23, 615 Minnesota Mississippi 2,993 32, 928 Missouri __ 3,075 Montana Nebraska 10,034 1,075 Nevada . „ 5,859 New Hampshire.- ._ 96, 560 New Jersey __ _ 2,079 New Mexico 404, 236 New York_ _ 4,732 North Carolina 1,828 North Dakota _ _ Ohio 44,108 Oklahoma 8,467 Oregon 7,628 Pennsylvania. _ 165, 480 Rhode Island 14,466 South Carolina 3, 425 2,195 South Dakota Tennessee 8,986 Texas . 40, 430 Utah 2,924 3,846 Vermont 12, 593 Virginia ._ _ -_ _ 15, 384 Washington.. West Virginia 3,740 Wisconsin.. . _ . . 35,692 Wyoming 1,533 Total Deductions Net loss from sale of real estate, Net loss stocks, from bonds, business ContriAll Total etc., income other and butions other 3 than re- partported nership for tax credit on capital net loss 2 89,005 3,167 772 1,951 12,805 36, 006 39, 667 1,215,977 119,651 390,884 76,651 236, 239 137, 802 131,367 42,164 21, 858 1,484,519 250, 547 149,349 114,272 130, 056 137, 074 91, 886 338,760 984, 875 622, 253 265, 842 36, 586 418,962 40, 949 106, 469 17,157 58, 849 959, 213 21,915 4, 064, 223 124, 081 23, 427 870, 572 126, 202 89, 250 1,530,911 138.186 44. 263 27, 251 134, 280 438, 555 40 256 35, 549 161,132 210, 289 101, 231 320, 543 21, 443 1,312 947 58, 862 5,570 30, 301 11,587 8,314 7,223 6,356 1,076 315 102, 620 10,115 4,439 2,202 5, 989 7,122 5,386 20, 216 69,156 32, 693 13,712 852 24, 481 954 2,943 659 2,843 50,173 325 437, 906 5,811 391 50, 968 4,014 2,599 102,021 9,905 1,118 467 4,622 10,890 1,754 1,207 7,006 8,349 4,257 15, 263 307 571 550 15,944 1,380 1,949 830 730 1,335 971 297 227 10,123 2,458 1,145 1,731 1,453 1,195 628 2,458 4,990 5,420 1,482 658 2,305 466 938 160 286 3,568 245 30,114 943 374 5,742 2,594 702 12, 302 875 554 306 1,058 6,394 277 219 1,093 1,386 585 1,553 349 389 946 14, 748 2,009 8,342 1,426 3,834 2,369 2,846 719 203 25, 315 4,839 2,763 2,184 2,724 2,061 1,857 5,709 16, 826 11,606 5,206 872 9,688 429 1,931 216 911 17, 886 259 79,430 4,164 424 19,282 2,359 1,082 37, 691 3,078 1,265 397 3,295 7,295 702 750 4,187 2,241 2,023 5,358 214 4,988 7,967 159, 324 14,031 40,941 11, 762 22, 733 21, 661 18, 287 6,202 2,764 164,049 29,004 21, 785 16,538 16,611 19,023 9,243 33, 249 92,980 91,516 31,910 7,058 51, 006 4,433 14,536 2,081 5,565 101, 822 2,855 408,139 25,120 3,769 105, 229 23, 641 11,713 185, 497 13,168 7,468 3,950 18,054 80, 302 5,659 3,520 19, 480 23,455 14, 033 46, 380 2,396 Total 18, 696 Net loss Net prior income for year * 70,309 207 7,260 28,746 10,411 29, 256 248, 878 967, 099 22,989 96, 662 309, 351 81, 532 25, 606 51,045 35, 611 200,628 32, 587 105, 215 102,907 28,460 8,295 33, 869 3,508 18,350 302,108 1,182, 411 204,131 46, 416 30,131 119, 218 22, 656 91,616 26, 777 103, 280 29,401 107, 674 17,115 74, 771 277,129 61, 631 183, 952 800,923 141, 235 481,018 52,311 213,531 9,440 27,146 87, 479 331,483 6,282 34,667 20, 349 86,120 3,115 14,042 9,606 49, 243 173, 449 785, 764 3,684 18,231 955, 589 3,108, 634 36, 038 88,043 4,958 18, 470 181, 220 689,352 32, 608 93, 594 16,095 73,155 337,511 1,193,400 111,159 27,026 10, 404 33,859 5,120 22,131 27,029 107, 251 104, 881 333,673 8,393 31, 864 5,696 29,853 129, 365 31, 767 35, 431 174,858 20, 897 80,334 251,988 68, 555 3,267 18,177 95 219 2,702 301 409 7 380 353 423 . 19 2,836 358 1,149 230 122 510 70 414 1,001 4,975 483 76 315 330 125 67 11 1,045 136 16, 432 509 100 1,357 174 111 2,293 466 77 62 282 1,640 81 8 194 387 105 90 20 1, 573, 302 17, 268, 451 1,160, 765 134, 685 328,300 2,039, 705 3, 663,454 13, 604,996 43,754 * Capital net gain and loss are reported as provided by law on sale of assets held more than 2 years. (See pp. 7 ond 8.) 3 Includes "taxes paid" and "interest paid" (see tables 8 and 8A) and other deductions. 4 This item appears in tables 1 and 2 of Statistics of Income for 1929 and earlier years. Thefiguresexclude, in all years, amounts for net incomes under $5,000. »Included in the State of Washington. 71 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 7.—Individual returns for 1931 by net income classes, showing sources of income and deductions, net income, and net loss for prior year (Money figures and net income classes in thousands of dollars) [For text defining certain items and describing methods of tabulating and estimating data, see pp. 1-4] Sources of income Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc. Net income classes Under 5 (est.) 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 a n d over Classes grouped Total Wages and salaries Business Partnership i >, 005,134 1,123,029 237, 376 623, 721 143,597 52, 756 427, 714 102, 634 40,051 319, 571 78, 451 33, 645 239, 884 59,760 29, 351 199, 548 47,908 24, 356 150, 631 37,823 20, 323 127,910 17,190 30,934 106,870 25, 356 16, 385 90,894 21, 504 14,113 80, 725 18,675 12,855 271,088 61, 658 47, 582 155, 549 34,238 30, 949 98, 709 20, 345 21,096 113,852 25,971 29,470 69, 486 14,638 18.662 15, 49, 210 9, 32, 551 7,874 12, 242 8,019 26, 216 3,465 5, 650 15,946 3,175 5,298 16, 998 2,841 40,478 6,554 13, 770 8,508 16,802 4,114 4,314 9,583 753 3,790 825 8,076 1,553 1,253 9,102 ],633 873 6,512 1, 699 1,122 5,349 904 410 2,095 62 1,602 1,619 1,537 157 43 6 Reported for tax on capital net gain 2 1,427 2,910 3, 766 5,638 6, 605 4, 598 4,398 19,053 12,960 12, 058 9,338 14,914 8,301 12,338 12, 302 13, 462 7,098 5, 206 3, 845 CO (6) 9, 733 8,325,162 1,889,759 729,523 169,949 All other Interest on GovRents ernment obligaand royal- tions not wholly ties exempt from tax 105,090 464, 428 14,00^ 43, 758 11,440 32, 355 10, 600 26, 23" 9, 881 20,730 8,876 16,620 8,086 13, 958 7,299 11,901 6,344 10, 244 6, 264 9, 311 5, 590 7, 926 22,797 28,611 15, 96 17,417 12,07 11, 776 17,215 14, 368 10,101 8,912 4,935 6,036 3,171 4, 059 2,421 2,980 1,188 2,266 1,009 2,261 4, 044 4,489 1,530 3,122 1,067 1,308 2,848 572 1,813 2,971 1,118 443 1,883 1,020 149 378 2,412 49 68 22(5 345 11 35 17 CO CO 5 301,664 770,764 1,464 1,265 1,187 1,048 920 3,795 2,754 1,773 2, 670 2,060 1,066 916 711 405 513 1,203 408 114 155 307 70' 206 98 84 22 91 8 () CO 12 Dividends on stock of domes- Fidutic cor- ciary i porations 530,187 i 110, 586| 104,6961 96,511; 88, 796' 85,166j 72, 655 67, 232 62, 511 60, 600 53, 5851 230, 940| 167,4891 124,291) 171, 689 117,923! ' 97,565! 74, 362| 64,551^ 48, 588! 53, 3151 147, 0211 78,979! 52, 218i 37,909! 47, 241j 33, 200! 59,041' 31,8611 34, 832 22. 519i 23,643 20, 267 CO CO , 41,892j 88, 514 19, 200 17,048 14,618 13, 499 12,084 11,210 10,131 9,073 8,382 7,382 31,719 22,475 16,270 21.877 15, 280 9, 944 7, 586 6,039 3,621 3, 750 6, 501 3, 365 1,569 670 1,739 613 2,060 1,180 1,204 498 1 CO () 40 25,325 3,113, 8611 369,140 1 For explanation of item, see p. 9. 2 Capital net gain and loss are reported as provided by law on sale of assets held more than 2 years, (See pp. 7 and 8.) s Less than $500. fl Classes grouped to conceal identity of taxpayer. 72 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 7.—Individual returns for 1931 by net income classes, showing sources of income and deductions, net income, and net loss for prior year—Continued (Money figures and net income classes in thousands of dollars) Sources of income Deductions Net loss from sale of real estate, Net loss stocks, from bonds, busiNet income classes Interest Conetc., ness Total inand tribu- All other 3 other and other come tions than re- partincome ported nerfor tax ship credit on capital net loss 2 Under5(est.) 5-6 6-7 8-9 9-HL10-11 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90. 9O-100__. 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000.. 3,000-4,000.. 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped fl_ Total 703,112 ,256,869 347, 262 62, 560 5,176 53,133 90,169 ,097,789 4,384 809.112 47,503 73,175 3,710 641,631 42,010 61,999 514,399 38,90^ 3,207 52,498 439,830 2,718 34,16; 45,273 352,680 2,849 30,719 36, 530 306, 576 28,355 2,913 32, 715 266,699 1,631 26,479 28,729 237,456 25,095 2,013 25,340 210, 708 21, 705 1,738 23,049 786,994 6,097 93,863 88,804 503,116 5,129 56, 608 56, 280 343,986 39, 519 2,761 37,656 446, 573 42,561 4,315 48,034 291,145 26,619 3,726 31,172 222,352 25, 212 2,340 23,977 163, 751 17, 695 1,706 15,353 134, 2471 1,533 13, 239 14,695 95,198 948 9,760 12,195 2,471 9,762 100,145 14,879 3,422 21,001 264.113 29, 330 1,023 10,374 140,162 16,972 1,091 7,974 90,959 18,318 469 2,957 67,140 11,686 4,804 800 85, 695 11,337 1,713 636 54,478 5,991 889 5,110 89,827 13,938 842 2,144 51, 519 2,589 2,936 308 56,642 3,233 164 768 32,817 2,911 1,838 71 32,672 1,832 1,163 1,044 25, 543 361 (6) (6) () CO 3,895 55,629 3,086 Net income Total 125,321 1,058,364 , 593, 507 6,663, 363 122, 584 19,428 200, 321 897,467 91,417 14, 590 157,894 651, 219 73,435 11,768 130,923 510, 708 59,594 9,478 111, 187 403, 212 50,370 8,182 344,395 95, 436 40,426 6,664 272,022 80,658 34, 546 234,886 5,876 71,689 29,491 203,833 5, 265 62,866 27, 648 177,861 4,838 59,595 23, 562 4,232 159, 472 51, 236 88,194 582, 620 16,220 204,374 54,081 376,026 11,272 127, 089 38,895 255,097 7,7188, 889 45, 880 342,889 10,928 103, 684 30,980 222, 661 7,159 68, 483 22,467 166,336 5,997 56,016 17,118 122, 675 4,55" 41,076 14,172 100,013 3,834 34, 23< 9,418 69,954 2,682 25, 2411,241 69,071 2,484 31,074 26,099 8,663 196, 598 67, 515 11,983 4,506 105, 678 34,484 8,867 2,909 59,773 31,185 6,303 2,074 46, 608 20, 532 8,948 3,100 61, 510 24,185 2,075 5,099 40, 676 13,80: 3,582 9,511 61,907 27,920 2,53 r 5,147 40,404 11,115 1,67 3,007 48,415 8,227 1,578 3,282 24,882 7,935 70S 1,200 28,862 3,810 1,957 1,463 20, 717 4,826 6 () (6) («) (6) () () () () 4,444 4,914 12,44! 43,184 1,573,302 17,268,451 1,160, 765 134,685 328,30C 2,039,705 3,663,45413,604,996 N"et loss m prior year * 1,515 1,245 1,025 1,233 974 958 773 810 751 731 3,050 2,208 1,875 2,958 2,102 2,035 1,533 1,224 699 402 2,310 1,755 664 2,390 1,896 836 2,406 1,129 2,266 43,754 8 Capital net gain and loss are reported as provided by law on sale of assets held more than 2 years. (See p. 9.) 3 Includes "taxes p a i d " and "interest paid" (see tables 8 and 8A) and other deductions. * This item appears in tables 1 and 2 of Statistics of Income for 1929 and earlier years. The figures exclude, in all years, amounts for net incomes under $5,000. 6 Classes grouped to conceal the identity of taxpayer. 73 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 8.—Individual returns for 1931 of net income of $5,000 and over, by States and Territories, showing taxes paid other than Federal income tax, and interest paid [For text defining items, see pp. 16 and 17] Taxes paid other than Federal income taxi States and Territories Alabama Alaska 2 Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia.. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois.-. Indiana Iowa Kansas.. _ Kentucky Louisiana Maine.Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri. Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina. North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota— Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Total 1 2 Total Reported in deductions from total income Reported in business deductions $1,376,301 $1,268,911 $107, 390 487, 872 21, 721,760 1, 890, 513 6,959,202 2, 543, 870 4,014, 674 2, 601, 762 2, 582, 205 1, 335,763 188, 737 18,463, 331 4,019, 566 2,475, 827 1,793, 828 2,499, 362 1, 782,155 1,829,805 5, 712,156 26,191, 883 13, 567, 684 4, 767, 559 528, 855 6, 821,995 700,566 1,487,128 313, 636 1, 262, 576 16, 769, 823 298,893 81, 282, 519 2, 521,156 269,416 13,054,240 2, 019, 552 1,937,352 25, 776, 640 2, 867,258 702, 315 434,411 2, 345,891 6, 594,977 442,932 654,481 3,258, 505 2, 285, 972 1, 538,950 6, 658,125 254,946 446,477 443,211 19,329,889 1,684,133 6, 560,912 2,497, 205 3, 809,147 2,404,405 2, 412, 695 1, 256, 754 144, 512 17, 597,405 3, 648, 788 2,179,142 1,480,096 2, 294, 660 1, 625,981 1,621,217 5,344,981 24,945,339 12, 896,153 4, 436, 840 461, 613 6, 542,170 611,375 1, 291,428 258, 295 1,132,085 15,903,879 240, 522 79,258, 368 2, 384,205 233, 675 12,368, 736 1, 864, 509 1, 790,352 23,939,999 2,693, 739 654,239 364,695 2, 062, 250 5, 886,031 406, 771 583,683 2, 951, 317 2,049, 542 1,400,970 6, 324, 307 177, 782 142,282 44,661 2,391, 871 206,380 398,290 46, 665 205, 527 197,357 169, 510 79,009 44,225 865, 926 370, 778 296,685 313,732 204,702 156.174 208, 588 367.175 1, 246, 544 671,531 330, 719 67,242 279, 825 89,191 195,700 55, 341 130,491 865,944 58,371 2, 024,151 136,951 35, 741 685,504 155,043 147,000 1, 836,641 173, 519 48,076 69, 716 283,641 708,946 36,161 70,798 307,188 236,430 137,980 333, 818 77,164 312,477,684 294,165,390 Total $2,319,114 Reported in Reported deductions in busifrom total ness deincome ductions $2,237, 742 619,259 567,178 574,611 520,427 25, 655,167 23, 505,937 2,122, 717 1,950, 762 10, 338, 285 9,926,353 4,060,143 3, 985, 870 5,210,930 4,931,057 3, 053,767 2,910,116 3, 786,248 3, 605, 886 1, 692,116 1.638,610 172,977 144,899 33, 931,916 32,714, 739 4,263,338 4,013,128 3,111,411 2, 828,113 1,769,665 1, 555,406 2, 914, 910 2, 772, 597 2, 559,201 2,418, 310 1, 840, 502 1, 723,399 6, 832, 324 6, 338,468 17,152,466 16,179, 230 18,157, 514 17,461,422 5,291,237 4,976, 839 449,624 407,095 8,838, 396 8, 526,854 622,986 572,476 1, 884,690 1, 714,279 243,691 200,613 1,033,990 ! 922,227 21,918,566 20,960,478 330,946 287,499 90, 830,995 87,258, 787 4, 213,404 4,131, 571 247,826 229,230 21,909,755 21, 295,162 2, 648, 765 2,480,629 1, 517,830 1, 398, 529 44,662, 717 42, 379,149 2,635,810 2,430,795 765,143 712,987 383,142 335,205 3,545, 727 3,360,062 9, 509,230 8.804,611 795,518 764,441 609,108 533,154 4,088,902 3,811,693 3, 207, 681 2, 868, 519 2, 592, 896 2,462,445 5,881,462 5, 618,479 287, 520 229,314 $81,372 52,081 54,184 2,149, 230 171,955 411,932 74,273 279,873 143, 651 180,362 53, 506 28,078 1,217,177 250, 210 283,298 214,259 142,313 140,891 117,103 493,856 973,236 696,092 314,398 42, 529 311,542 50,510 170,411 43,078 111, 763 958,088 43,447 3, 572, 208 81,833 18, 596 614,593 168,136 119,301 2,283,568 205,015 52,156 47,937 185,665 704,619 31,077 75,954 277, 209 339,162 130,451 262,983 58,206 18,312,294 393,086,138 373,602,771 19,483,367 Excludes also certain income taxes paid foreign countries. Included in the State of Washington. Interest paid 74 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 8A.—Individual returns for 1931 of net income of $5,000 and over, by net income classes, showing taxes paid other than Federal income tax, and interest paid [For text defining items, see pp. 16 and 17] Taxes paid other than Federal income tax * Interest paid Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-HL---. 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100.. 100-150 150-200 200-250.-.. 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over.. Total 1 Total Reported in Reported deductions in business from total deductions income Reported in Reported deductions in business from total deductions income $40,142,463 29,408, 572 23, 325,429 18, 307, 290 15, 621,179 12, 535,810 10. 765,978 9, 209, 578 8, 390, 936 7,144,919 27, 764, 276 16, 771, 608 12, 327, 294 14, 992, 054 10, 409, 233 7, 572,999 5, 031, 891 5,314,716 3, 261, 890 4,105,950 7,986, 738 4,186,922 2, 426, 769 1, 719,188 2, 770, 781 2, 040, 379 2, 921, 413 1,172,662 751, 049 825, 722 201, 774 1, 071,454 45, 278 1, 953,490 $36, 347, 984 26, 891, 312 21, 380, 273 16,909, 015 14, 533, 474 11,717,063 10, 059,192 8, 545, 071 7,861,190 $3, 794, 479 2,517,260 1,945,156 1, 398, 275 1, 087, 705 818, 747 706, 786 664, 507 529, 746 420, 280 1, 365, 290 787, 045 411,484 .505, 768 337,104 207, 385 118,676 94, 896 94,019 73,136 215, 570 72, 012 29, 755 7, 568 16, 754 5,770 9,235 29, 111 22, 260 5,241 6,100 15, 174 $53,926, 561 40, 530, 221 31, 736,174 26,174, 613 22,060, 583 16, 864,977 14, 727, 508 12,618,061 11, 299, 045 9,404,161 35,110, 695 21, 452, 410 13, 869, 608 16,169, 840 11,665,256 7, 201, 036 5, 348,903 4, 749, 646 3, 258, 329 3, 805, 966 9,809, 441 3, 783, 684 3, 326, 437 2, 325, 611 2, 274, 415 1, 217, 582 2,421, 422 1,454, 028 1,011,661 936, 776 384, 796 46, 741 1,101, 239 1,018,712 $49, 699, 767 37, 835, 394 29, 676, 577 24, 629, 584 20, 893, 506 15,925, 799 14, 004, 538 11,929, 330 10, 830, 545 9, 003, 731 33,666,147 20,695, 608 13,511,875 15, 726, 509 11,089,507 6,995, 846 5, 268,169 4,664,645 3,194, 280 3, 782, 207 9,402, 607 3, 726, 537 3, 320,190 2,325,611 2, 268, 009 1,188, 091 2, 405, 565 1, 453, 464 1, 005, 659 933, 246 383, 536 46, 741 1,101, 239 1,018,712 $4, 226, 794 2, 694,827 2, 059, 597 1, 545, 029 1,167,077 939,178 722,970 688, 731 468, 500 400, 430 1, 444, 548 756, 802 357, 733 443, 331 575, 749 205,190 80, 734 85,001 64,049 23, 759 406, 834 57,147 6,247 312,477, 684 294,165, 390 18, 312, 294 393, 086,138 373, 602, 771 19, 483, 367 6, 724, 639 26, 398,986 15,984,563 11,915,810 14, 486, 286 10, 072,129 7, 365, 614 4,913,215 5, 219,820 3,167,871 4, 032,814 7, 771,168 4,114,910 2, 397, 014 1,711,620 2, 754, 027 2,034, 609 2, 912,178 1,143, 551 728,789 820, 481 195, 674 1, 056, 280 45,278 1,953,490 Excludes also certain income taxes paid foreign countries. Total 6,406 29, 491 15,857 564 6,002 3,530 1,260 75 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits: also total number, net income, and tax for prior years [For text defining certain items and describing methods of tabulating and estimating data, see pp. 1-4] ALABAMA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Number of returns Net income Tax Normal • tax Surtax Tax credits 25 per123^2 per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income 123i? per cent on capital net loss i Under 1 1 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1,229 64 3, 833 1,813 2,728 1,334 3,009 740 805 1, 044 154 735 49 454 35 330 28 223 19 151 115 89 76 61 51 174 68 48 19 19 10 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6) 5-6 6-7 i. . 7-8 i 7-8. 8-9 i 8-9 9-10 1 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 _ 14-15 15-20 . . 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100. 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 _ . _ . 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500- . _ . 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4.000-5,000 5,000 a n d over 4 6 ! ! $239 $59 6. 075 1,518! 11,488 15,317 3,829| 6, 423 8, 564 2,141 10, 122 13, 495 3, 373 $180 4, 557 I 12, 638 16, 546 3,908 13,141 16, 594 3, 453 3 090j j 9 822i 12, 887 15, 977 12, 359 15,181 10, 407 8, 4401 8, 24( 9,504 10,834 10, 348 53, 609 39, 94f 44, 744 29. 204 48, 714 30.224 17, 235 37, 322 35, 973 66, 039 95. 889 12. 929 9. 675 8, 664 10, 033 10, 632 9,642 42, 212 27,141 19,845 11,135 10, 445 12,061 4, 661 5, 982 5, 632 13,126 3, 499 $525 1, 285 1, 874 2, 096 2,461 20, 694 21, 290 29, 754 20, 671 42, 512 35, 580 23, 749 23, 049 33, 090 54, 671 60, 279 i I $252 1,534 10, 328 1,384 33, 142 _ 2,522i 1,760 1, 709! 2, 403i 1, 894 1 755 £297 K 4K5 4,855 2 123 2, 8011 1, 573i 684| 798* 1,1581 1, 758! 1,025! $731 2, 976 15, 844 10,491 1,239 3,575 6 I _ | . | < i j _ i . . j If ! i Total S u m m a r y for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 19,532 70, 309, 297 640, 467 22, 605 25,818 26,891 27,992 28, 540 26, 278 47, 591 51, 049 43, 612 43, 009 93,900, 510 122, 569,172 142,167, 220 133, 224, 614 136, 523,003 130, 024, 575 159, 918, 982 159, 064, 390 126,908,473 117,108, 806 1, 353, 584 2, 087, 718 4, 035, 792 2, 455,166 2, 449,196 2, 326, 213 2, 771, 221 2, 840,975 2,892, 298 2, 713,826 For footnotes, see p. 124. 177160—34 $702, 851 25, 733 5, 875,146 3,132,856 6, 750, 765 3,177, 508 10, 484, 013 2,654,312 3,496, 590 4,684, 837 830, 510 4,004, 762 315, 200 2, 934, 690 261,690 2, 468, 844 239,147 ], 890, 481 181,532 1,428,081 1, 202, 229 1,022,811 948,117 823, 227 737, 802 2, 986, 267 1,499, 228 1, 296, 403 619,130 845, 312 542,063 310, 780 365, 458 342, 668 480, 895 747, 361 6 325, 302 374, 180 46, 640 70, 793 1 j 34, 862 76 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued ARIZONA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1» (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-31 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-51 (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 i 5-6 6-71 6-7 7-81 7-8 8-9 9-10 1 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 ._ 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 . . 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,0002,000-3,000 3,000-4,000. 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over 2 Classes grouped _._ Total Number of returns Net income 483 6 1,037 973 839 883 1,025 531 327 664 48 444 22 215 10 134 14 105 9 47 43 39 28 16 5 30 15 9 20 8 $261, 680 3, 398 1, 624,965 1, 704, 433 2, 048, 709 2, 093, 909 3, 599, 804 1, 890, 783 1, 422,992 2,961,843 258, 735 2, 419, 351 141,918 1, 381, 273 75,970 1,000, 321 119,212 886.134 86, 057 443, 453 452, 980 448,136 350, 545 214, 233 72, 259 516, 850 324, 853 251, 024 689, 203 359,943 Tax Normal tax 123^ percent on capital net gain 25 perpercent of 123^ tax on cent on earned capital net net loss income $32 $43 2,702 3,603 901 7,593 10,124 2,531 __ $11 5,811 7,748 1,937 8,573 11,431 2,858 9,924 12, 909 2,985 7,343 9,353 2,010 6,594 8, 209 1,615 7,636 9,032 1,396 4,398 4,316 6,495 6,146 2,755 1,685 11, 209 12, 022 11,257 29,589 25,094 5, 462 4, 959 6,518 6, 375 2,611 1, 576 8, 963 8,215 5, 882 10, 479 6, 298 1 (*) (2) 5 (2) (2) $219 581 686 542 246 3,620 4,574 6,467 23, 737 18, 397 $606 1,064 862 604 915 398 137 1,374 767 1,092 2,747 207 $1,880 (2) (2) (a) (2) (2) (2) 640,857 76,106 13,428 48, 505 25,446 1,269 10,004 8,035 28,745,823 247,280 153, 218 107, 574 26, 052 27, 680 11,884 10,590 12, 448 11,527 11,059 10, 509 10,104 21,301 22,899 20,079 18, 477 42, 775, 084 60, 788, 434 58, 368, 659 45,837,158 41, 716,578 41, 382, 939 58, 273, 049 59, 526, 474 48, 459, 738 48, 310,197 584, 279 1,113,774 1, 600, 308 697,800 498,896 544,953 511,987 603,100 687,026 516,637 Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928... 1927 1926. 1925 1924 1923 1922... 1921 Surtax Tax credit For footnotes, see p. 124. 77 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued ARKANSAS Tax before tax credits Net income classes Number of eturns (Thousands of dollars) Under l i (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.).2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.)_ 3-41 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 i 5 6 6-7 ! 6-7 7-8 i 7-8 8 91 8-9 9-10 ! 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over,. Classes grouped - 1,140 31 2,131 677 1,698 529 1,473 310 350 522 56 287 19 173 1?, 106 12 79 51 48 21 19 2 1 4 2 1 ^et income $658,955 15,695 3, 234,398 1,161, 022 4, 235,108 1,242, 614 5,075, 798 1,121,750 1, 512,496 2, 347,683 305, 029 1, 568,261 122,836 1,107,432 88,465 793, 011 103,158 670,491 28, 056 483,296 502,427 239, 090 235,848 323, 230 232, 583 788,876 449,294 267, 235 195, 579 25 per12M per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income Tax formal tax Tax credits Surtax $19 $58 $77 1,933 2,577 644 4,604 6,138 1,534 2,735 3,646 5,028 6,704 1,676 5,443 7,002 1,559 5,072 6,350 1,278 4,454 5,431 977 4,432 5,441 1,009 3,890 3,551 1,963 2,437 4,062 4,400 14, 770 12,920 6,85 8,32 4,714 4,372 2,195 2,501 3,894 3,990 12, 094 8,035 1,732 2,528 r $218 225 431 729 845 5,261 6,139 5,765 6,599 911 824 1,039 457 495 561 435 2,585 1,254 643 801 - .. __ *._ 146, 66 10,89 2,60 8,53 23/ Total-- 9,87 29,256, 38 107,83 92,02 34,74 18,93* Summary for pre ceding years: * 1930_ 1929 1928 _.. T927._ 1926 1925. 1924 1923 ._ 1922 -_-_ 1921 12,49 15,81 16,66 17,33 19,36 20,59 35,48 35,78 32,0 33,8 43,282,98 68,910,93 71,689, 79 75, 553,89 84,661, 07 84,474,35 110, 255,41 109, 793, 63 95, 625, 67 92, 616,90 241,78 712,95 877, 74 1,339,95 1,481,27 1,434,50 1,458,49 2,050,4 2, 314,40< 1,866,16 For footnotes, see p . 124. 12K percent on capital net loss 78 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued CALIFORNIA Tax before tax credits Net income classes Number of (Thousands of returns dollars) U n d e r l i (est.) U n d e r 1 (est.) 1-2 1 ( e s t . ) . — 1-2 (est.)_. 2-31 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-51 (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 1 ,5-6 6-71 6-7 7-8 1 . 7-8 -- -- 8-9 1 8-9 9-10! 9-10 _ ._ 10-11 11-12 - . 12-13 13-14 . 14-15 15-20 - -. 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 , 60-70 70-80 .-80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400_._ 400-500 500-750. 750-1,000. _ 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 . . 2,000-3,000.. 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 17,624 225 40, 543 27, 077 30, 203 23, 833 28,844 11, 744 8,025 15,839 1, 556 12, 048 834 7,610 571 4,967 392 3,232 363 2,310 1, 732 1, 319 1, 047 822 664 2,133 972 608 641 313 188 106 81 34 44 96 36 13 1( Net income Tax $10,117, 628 130,447 $825 61,816.706 46,979, 507 70, 342 74, 575, 641 56, 637, 321 211,915 99,813,058 41, 973, 861 134, 273 34,926, 232 70,804, 709 186,426 8,448,158 65,801, 642 266,199 5, 386,163 49, 084, 007 263, 307 4, 278, 041 37, 081, 612 240, 450 3, 320,913 27, 356, 772 212, 927 3, 440, 555 21,881,339 198, 088 18,138,905 171, 709 15,143, 604 168, 992 169 704 13, 068,88S 11,072,711 153.136 145, 951 9, 618, 292 750,151 36, 587, 419 645, 779 21, 690, 836 672, 892 16, 674, 273 21, 868, 725 1, 117, 206 914, 403 13, 943, 947 796, 373 10, 396, 384 623, 504 6, 900, 771 567,847 6, 047, 616 331, 791 2, 864, 890 4,180, 710 • 488,555 11,465, 357 1, 442,965 896,129 6,045, 766 436,719 2, 933, 570 434, 224 2, 276, 444 549,164 3,128, 579 773,291 4, 564, 345 406,856 2, 294, 776 2, 337, 884 290,187 Normal tax 12H Percent on capital net gain Surtax Tax credits 25 percent of 12M pertax on cent on earned capital net net loss income $1,100 $275 93, 789 23,447 282, 553 i 70, 638 179,031 44,758 248, 568 62,142 355, 439 89, ?40 334, 737 71,430 300,137 59, 687 262,092 49,165 242. 898 198, 652 $8, 301 181,151 19, 296 173 438 26,098 28, 578 156, 308 32, 494 138, 589 251,664 611,872 332, 033 400, 701 417,172 330, 473 778, 667 ""$15," 544 458,151 704, 532 281, 485 24. 068 664, 936 220, 482 14, 562 523,928 18,476 169, 763 510,106 45. 543 107, 201 63, 437 290, 857: 2,661 425 089 3fi 301 71, 043 162, 532 1, 215, 622 177,791 136, 315 856, 317 35,954 30, 903 359, 892 80, 914 74, 387 309,849 52, 623 61, 428 446, 685 54, 447 76, 860 522, 647 182, 638 25, 282 333, 494 62, 776 899 1,007 44, 810 35, 244 31, 455 29,832 31, 750 25,132 113, 385 86,955 74, 753 96,184 52, 536 36, 435 23, 521 14,831 10, 36? 7,255 15,235 7, 522 2,841 2,635 2,146 1,690 13 $38,976 43,142 67,172 65,142 80,172 14,802 36, 622 97, 745 124, 935 32,149 11, 250 7,164 14, 683 288, 287 5,000 and over Total _. 248, 722 967,099,004 14, 732,280 6,431,696 9, 059, 264 1,092, 584 1, 217, 31 Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929.— 1928 1927 1926. 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 _. 293,04. 1. 330. 603. 655 27,136,057 309,04 , 689,896,424 45, 360,278 316, 73 L, 765, 573,13S 63, 707,136 315,56 I, 582, 576, 25S 46,044,994 315, 34 L, 571, 673,6& 46, 238, 346 305,07 L, 490, 419, 792 37.127,167 511, 21 1,741,063,671 37,880,658 517,10C L, 697,902,802 39,958, 78C 420, 92 1,357, 524,521 43, 778,932 386,08 L, 168,021, 44? 36, 438, 432 For footnotes, see p. 124. 633,954 79 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued COLORADO Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 1 (est.).2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-51 (est.) 4-5 (est.) -_. 5-6 6-7 1 6-7 7 83 7-8 8-9 3 8-9 9-10 10-11. 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 . . 15-20 20-25 25-30... 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 . . . 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1 000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2 000 2 000-3 000 3 000-4 000 4,000-5,000 5 000 and over Classes grouped 2_._ Total S u m m a r y for preceding y e a r s : 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Number of returns 2,082 34 4,518 2,159 3,630 1,780 3,298 1,185 878 1,540 181 1,070 86 608 58 430 41 321 44 226 209 132 89 74 82 226 106 44 57 27 18 12 4 6 4 2 3 1 Net income Tax Normal tax $1,172, 554 16,886 6, 838,093 3, 743, 283 9, 002, 925 4, 243, 654 11, 383, 770 4, 219,993 3,843, 221 6,901,002 978, 679 5, 841,060 559,055 3,930, 509 430, 510 3, 202,860 344, 749 2, 722, 370 416, 467 2,140, 096 2,191, 790 1, 516,162 1,110, 456 999, 599 1,188, 572 3, 850,423 2, 346,027 1,190,188 1,938, 673 1,205,027 978,624 766, 485 292,877 515,564 382, 338 868.798 1,191, 208 25 percent of tax on earned net income $96 $128 $32 7,926 1,982 16, 020 21, 360 5,340 13,338 17, 784 4,446 16,431 21, 908 5,477 17,994 23,858 5,864 17, 371 22,079 4,708 17,176 21,307 4,131 17,050 20, 653 3,603 14,674 16,910 13, 423 11,930 12, 904 15, 603 68. 946 64, 644 42,164 88, 533 75, 985 72, 034 65, 835 23, 794 50, 188 31, 196 82, 719 187, 452 19, 083 19, 451 14, 238 11,780 12, 558 14,368 52, 757 37, 658 18, 783 26, 922 25, 505 13, 302 4,582 1,768 4,3 34 2,667 4, 485 25,190 1,529 4,750 4,409 3,560 2,781 2,035 2,166 2,794 9,383 8 560 4,433 5,014 4,099 1,600 792 342 816 174 903 1,210 44, 898 18 $1,019 1,966 2,185 2,512 4,029 25, 572 35, 546 27, 814 68,169 60, 603 61, 239 52,173 19,888 52, 630 43, 205 112,934 172, 261 $876 114 2,861 9,872 6,151 808 12K percent on capital net loss $2,420 6,138 3,768 3,671 6,568 14, 502 35,326 13, 539 CO 1,136, 831 (2) 132, 612 156, 783 (2) 1, 060, 322 160, 906 96, 661, 700 1, 378, 043 28,986 31,268 31, 091 31, 727 35,110 35, 808 73, 350 72, 366 67, 463 69, 676 125, 795,609 158, 751, 528 158,931, 875 148, 473,486 154, 804, 655 150,363,411 205,087,973 200, 572,724 184, 572, 407 174, 490,980 2, 439, 796 3, 534,404 4,459, 057 3,307,180 2,959,248 2,840,926 3,162,736 3, 267,732 4,869,555 3, 862,862 12K percent on capital net gain 5,944 25, 279 For footnotes, see p. 124. Surtax Tax credits 20, 709 (3) (2) 153, 004 22, 763 242 15,303 466, 918 1, 029, 361 94, 622 90,914 121,944 684 80 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classeSy showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued CONNECTICUT Tax credits Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 i (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.) - 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 6-71 6-7 _.7-8 i 7-8 8-9 i 8-9 9-10 1 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 - - 20 25 25-33 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-89 80-90 90-100 _ 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 .400-500 500-750 750-1,000. 1,000-1,500. .1,500-2,000 2 000-3 000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5 000 and over Classes grouped 2 ._Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930. 1929 -_. 1928 1927 1926_>_ 1925 1924 1923 1922.. 1921 Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 3,016 222 8,891 8,016 7,710 5,617 7,509 2,976 3,051 3,793 791 2,742 485 1,975 287 1,349 271 919 222 740 661 529 444 361 291 880 516 257 309 145 105 48 31 31 18 54 22 5 6 3 $1,763, 691 141,323 13,977,848 13,799, 296 19,070,064 13,381,912 26, 310, 779 10,637,156 13, 369,146 16,933,379 4, 293,116 15,087, 262 3,142, 292 12, 800,870 2,143,803 10,093, 238 2, 297, 415 7, 780, 905 2, 099, 678 7,019,168 6,925, 730 6, 076, 793 5, 545,411 4,866, 045 4, 213,382 15,175, 783 11, 521, 983 7,002, 344 10, 669, 685 6, 398, 632 5, 747, 355 3,119, 741 2. 318, 745 2, 626,158 1, 715, 920 6, 627,863 3, 827,891 1,121, 973 1, 673,059 2, 281,619 Surtax $698 $931 $233 18,462 24,616 6,154 47,052 62, 736 15,684 32,468 43, 291 10,823 40, 510 54, 014 13, 504 49, 273 64,026 14, 753 53, 835 68,904 15,069 49, 396 62, 866 13,470 44,131 55, 892 11,761 48, 278 45, 969 50,944 51, 842 47, 533 39,845 227, 995 263,169 231, 50S 479, 914 379,172 393, 677 243, 363 205, 600 218, 782 183, 566 760, 684 537, 879 134,452 265, 305 61,123 54, 622 54, 818 52, 262 46, 376 45,475 165, 305 130,456 86, 625 141, 213 93, 080 71,302 36,358 23, 772 21, 801 7,578 42, 630 35, 397 5,196 8,751 $3,184 8,079 11,049 12,497 14,350 107,278 177, 437 171,659 386,852 324, 509 366,404 238,492 210, 755 253,143 186, 666 812, 236 500,708 182,695 260, 984 350,935 197 414, 527 1 1 1 3, 752,809 309, 351, 262 74,821 82,049 81, 063 77, 778 81, 449 74, 595 143,406 149,820 128,431 123, 369 400,674, 216 561, 547, 753 522, 496, 523 451,001,651 433, 776, 846 404,498, 337 478,174, 249 473,804, 719 401,720,143 343, 017,180 $7,434 7,952 18, 215 12,130 2,744 15,497 4,816 36, 361 53,780 14, 742 12^ percent on capital net loss 12,845 11, 837 11,953 11,469 11, 340 19,980 44, 588 44, 724 26, 776 37, 515 19, 049 11,493 5,339 3,764 5,555 1,932 5,546 3,488 608 1,396 $18,070 27,320 50, 751 38,278 27,907 66,104 13, 562 124,997 48, 518 52,831 17, 775 296 63, 552 60 ......... 65, 306 For footnotes, see p. 124. 25 per12^ per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income 2 () 390, 588 197,030 471 36, 604 6,067,228 1, 642, 059 5, 034,092 370,761 393,415 586,269 570,989 11,435,656 23, 693,045 23,104,139 16,117,674 13,751,314 13,533,99 12,593,904 11,199,184 13,130, 562 10, 633, 045 20,446 81 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1981 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued DELAWARE Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) l-2i (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.). 5-6i 5-6 6-71 6-7 7-8i 7-8 8-9 1.. 8-9 9-fOi 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 . 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 . 25-30 30-40 40-50 _ . 50-60 60-70. . . . 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 . . 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and overClasses grouped 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926. 1925 1924... 1923 1922 1921.... Number of returns Ne income Tax Normal tax 546 29 1,548 842 1,037 653 880 352 301 457 74 283 49 178 35 134 25 92 30 79 65 62 63 34 40 119 63 43 56 21 22 10 $317,211 14,880 2,420,488 1,461,188 2, 555, 863 1, 558, 679 3,039, 793 1, 246, 740 1, 329,732 2,051,157 403, 828 1,546, 709 315,872 1,150, 562 260,120 1, 003, 322 213,454 775,875 282,191 753,185 681,933 714,106 786,045 459, 259 583, 247 2,065, 499 1,420,826 1,172,048 1,911,348 935, 218 1, 227, 522 649, 200 522,143 422, 834 465, 484 1, 336, 055 1,801, 849 1,090, 233 873, 209 Surtax Tax credits 25 per12M per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $126 $168 2,356 3,141 785 5,755 7,674 1,919 $42 3,519 4,691 1,172 4,552 6,069 1,517 4,971 6,481 1,510 4,292 5,563 1, 271 4,442 5,721 1,279 4,742 5,837 1 095 3,996 3,271 4,634 5,439 3,294 6,081 28, 541 32, 344 35,024 77,966 53, 332 79,984 48, 630 33, 360 26, 816 28, 935 169, 578 229, 285 173,075 90,389 5,410 3, 909 4,614 5,506 3,154 5,497 18,637 12,890 9, 565 19,336 11, 768 11, 788 5,622 4,196 5,270 1, 550 14, 253 8,617 1,438 689 $320 939 1,518 1,191 2,070 14,896 22, 609 28,892 69,050 48, 603 83, 321 51, 692 38, 273 34, 879 51, 742 174, 823 266, 414 176, 318 142,627 3,138,363 1, 752,975 445,548 304,997 22, 878 542, 026 207, 358 2 2, 300,140 329,455 2,034,152 35,172 381,810 8,284 51,044, 537 2, 283,901 221, 932 2, 784,719 11 11 1 9,342 9,780 9,592 9,266 9,301 9,131 18,892 19, 202 17,141 15,889 For footnotes, see p . 124. 64, 913, 288 3, 927,732 148,850, 300 14, 524, 946 107,335,477 10, 592, 886 90, 262, 899 7, 970, 035 70, 544,423 5,100, 884 54,897, 972 2, 780, 200 64,179, 747 2,432, 617 57,186,685 1,402,093 53,981,068 1,833, 712 43,676,893 1, 284,365 12i/2 percent on capital net loss 404 1,384 17 4,372 1,414 958 919 1, 585 1,051 1,486 4,992 3,155 3,433 4,794 2,567 2,408 1,807 863 1,023 834 1,217 1,874 13 401 $6,154 4,472 12,717 7,170 16, 573 20, 307 23. 523 18, 685 45, 256 4,685 56, 898 17,042 79,098 229 10 113,291 4,327 393 113, 500 $528 293 8,327 7,997 443, 348 346, 638 119,462 48,016 794,196 82 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued D I S T R I C T OF COLUMBIA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 ( e s t . ) . . . . 2-3 (est.) -._. 3-4 i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 ] 5-6 6-7 * 6-7 7-8 * 7-8 8-9 ! 8-9 9-10 ] 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 . 30-40 40-50 50-60 , . 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 1200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1 000 1,000-1,500 1 500-2 000 2,000-3 000 3,000-4,000 4 000-5 000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 .-1926 1925 1924 1923.--. 1922 1921 Number of returns 748 119 5,690 13, 223 3,594 7,001 4,172 3,273 1,306 3,930 211 2,721 107 1,520 68 915 33 609 35 430 343 248 199 169 136 444 198 130 133 64 49 31 16 13 6 15 12 Net income Tax Normal tax $481,630 64,746 8, 993, 275 22, 778,107 8,859, 264 16, 420,131 14,532,931 11, 828, 232 5, 632, 768 17,507,837 1 135 515 14,866, 305 690, 517 9, 779, 649 507, 008 6, 831, 690 277, 611 5,158,154 334, 468 4,083, 984 3, 608, 608 2, 856, 757 2,488, 412 2, 282, 061 1, 968, 040 7,637,113 4, 401, 605 3, 523, 509 4, 574, 858 2, 863, 035 2, 661, 350 1, 980, 878 1, 200,436 1,087,966 570, 071 1, 783,118 2,050, 774 1,090, 079 Surtax Tax credits 25 per12^ per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $553 $738 $185 33, 743 44,991 11,248 60,385 80, 513 20,128 29, 491 39, 321 9,830 41, 953 55,937 13, 984 54, 814 71,886 17, 072 51, 873 65, 279 13,406 39,470 49,450 9,980 35, 287 43, 977 8,690 33, 375 32, 028 30, 726 30,940 30, 512 29,428 159,699 133,119 138, 951 234,567 201, 532 209, 790 181,954 124, 039 105, 634 78, 455 218, 737 334,134 152, 649 41,354 37, 533 33,344 32,096 30, 518 28,955 138, 446 86, 012 72,823 106, 689 75, 374 67, 870 41, 227 24, 572 18, 742 13,162 30, 632 37, 855 11,418 $1,973 4,063 5,099 5,888 6,602 53, 826 67, 618 84, 231 162, 648 143, 259 160, 505 137,868 107,113 97, 926 60, 530 174, 775 289, 368 165,765 $1,061 5,875 11, 244 17, 666 3,095 10, 691 5,374 48, 588 13, 402 6,594 7,979 7,478 6,681 6,255 5,894 6,129 32, 573 20,511 18,103 25,024 11,383 11, 204 5,470 3,404 2,540 558 3,935 2,430 522 $10,807 11,593 18, 625 9,337 7,337 19,185 53 31,323 4,061 30, 606 (3) (2) (2) 1 2 ^ percent on capital net loss 176, 958 23, 259 83 33,378 51, 920 200, 628, 347 2,974, 707 1, 380, 827 1,906, 015 146,849 282, 679 176,305 51,044 48,087 44,183 39,56C 40,024 43, 293 77,836 75, 796 77,923 89, 966 217, 558,448 242, 282, 698 227, 620, 606 198,938,042 198,055, 768 200, 353, 699 253, 312, 253 221, 950, 528 231, 328, 739 248,345,804 4, 200,940 6, 408, 622 7,474,643 6,027,133 5, 526,436 5, 718,046 5, 765, 86 6, 097, 678 8, 336, 58 7, 704, 564 1, 235, 855 For footnotes, see p. 124. 166, 869 113 83 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued FLORIDA Tax before tax credits Net income classes Number of returns (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) l-2i (est.) 1-2 (est.).. _. 2-3 1 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-41 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-51 (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 ! 5-6 6-71 6-7 7-8i 7-8 8-91 8-9 9-101 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 _ 25-30 30-40 . . 40-50 50-60 60-70 . . 70-80 80-90 90-100 . 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 ._ 300-400 _ 400-500 500-750 . . 750-1,000 1,000-1,500. 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 . 5,000 and over 2 Classes grouped Total Net income 2,170 77 4,280 2,011 3,541 1,421 3,833 1,058 1,120 1,607 200 913 121 595 87 423 58 303 64 246 205 152 113 86 70 227 122 66 60 38 17 61 11 2 2 19 6 2 1 2 1 1 2 $1, 262, 791 45,136 6,433,424 3, 473, 501 8, 748,305 3, 398, 575 13, 270, 716 3, 843, 555 4, 876, 996 7, 206, 909 1,083, 867 4,985, 515 782, 730 3,842, 472 650, 207 3, 167, 950 492, 341 2, 567, 790 610, 487 2, 326, 348 2,144, 002 1,749,396 1, 407, 979 1,156, 273 1, 012, 952 3. 899, 761 2, 698, 613 1, 802, 895 2, 081, 337 1.708.082 927,576 388. 849 838, 280 170, 600 185, 901 2, 229, 602 993, 974 452, 799 (2) 761, 688 (2) (2) (2) Tax Normal tax Surtax 123^ percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 perpercent of 123^ on tax on cent capital earned net net inloss come $439 .$585 5,483 7,311 1,828 13, 071 17, 428 4,357 $146| 9,169 12, 225 3,056 14, 958 19,944 4,986 16, 681 21, 624 4 943 17,966 22, 691 4 725 17, 448 21,660 4,212 16, 508 20, 297 3, 789 18, 256 17, 937 20, 672 17, 201 12, 630 16, 953 70, 557 74, 663 64, 901 110, 033 114, 791 69, 758 38, 405 73,306 16, 263 23,171 271,995 121,375 73, 676 (2) 121, 647 (2) (2) (2) 21, 928 20, 465 21,638 16, 836 11,785 16, 944 55,118 41,951 26, 879 39, 060 32, 240 11,341 10, 208 12, 952 4,261 15, 286 10, 843 (2) 50 (2) $1,011 2,464 2,829 3,018 3,518 26, 963 39,901 43, 659 77, 364 86. 979 57, 813 31, 091 73,182 13,173 11,572 255, 288 130, 503 73, 879 (2) 135, 658 (2) $304 872 3,738 3,090 7,500 27,125 12, 088 (2) . j 3,672j 3 5391 3, 430 2,464 2 173 3,509 11,524 7 189 5 6371 5,875 3 265 996! 1,570 1, 870| 162 1,251 1,398 203 24, 453 30,661 (2) 6 14 055 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 1 (2) (2) 5, 535,002 759, 607 25, 340 105, 215,176 2, 219, 520 28,133 30,040 32,155 40, 080 56,109 76, 213 64, 306 49, 591 41, 531 42, 249 126, 910, 394 2, 840, 391 164, 355,108 5,936, 377 178,843,603 7, 714, 261 206, 917, 657 6, 047, 244 322, 601,033 10, 415, 636 649,932, 382 28, 857,801 250, 963, 654 7, 229,272 156, 500, 260 3, 693,955 132,047, 020 4,059,859 119, 557, 316 2,929,409 (2) (2) (2) 242, 278 519, 677 977 6,469 518, 648 1, 312,143 574, 394 92, 752 92,913 5,098 Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924. 1923 1922 1921 „ _ $820 2. 035 2,138 1,324 10, 958 For footnotes, see p. 124. 1 84 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued GEORGIA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under l i (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.)... 2-3 (est.) 3-41 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 1 (est.) ._. 4-5 (est.) 5-6 ! 5-6 6-7 i 6-7 7-8 i 7-8 8-9 1 8-9 9-10 i 9-10 10-11 . . __ 11-12 12-13 . . 13-14... 14-15 . 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 . . . . 100-150 150-200 200-250 . 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 . . 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928. 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Number of returns Net income Normal tax $702,172 32,629 6,001, 727 4,133, 241 7, 692,184 4,127, 232 15,843, 567 4, 393,660 5, 746, 674 8, 221, 084 1, 252,134 6, 448,161 572,483 4, 488,838 545,190 3,089, 236 395, 565 2, 578, 816 353,137 2, 234,823 1, 802, 819 1, 834, 804 1,807,992 1, 281,161 1, 059, 734 4, 389, 749 2, 338, 831 1, 240,923 2, 342,374 1, 217,192 977,322 520,991 517, 443 685,380 282, 470 1, 405, 088 350,196 25, 729 28,996 32, 289 32,921 33, 818 36, 744 37, 410 62, 651 71,341 69,988 67, 719 1,210 50 3,842 2,403 3, 097 1,744 4,505 1,209 1,326 1,831 231 1,180 89 694 73 414 47 305 37 236 172 160 145 95 73 257 105 46 68 27 18 8 7 8 3 12 2 For footnotes, see p. 124. Tax Surtax Tax credits 25 per12M per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $328 $437 $109 6,142 8,189 2,047 14,908 19,877 4,969 9,217 12, 289 3,072 16,617 22,156 5, 539 20, 326 26, 655 6,329 19, 086 24, 714 5,628 16, 213 20,901 4,688 14, 202 18,403 4,201 15, 964 12, 384 16, 213 16,914 13, 787 13, 541 72,101 63, 716 42, 347 112, 752 62,959 66,161 50, 623 45, 325 73,034 21, 076 135,616 45,204 20,173 15,01] 17, 867 17, 359 12,930 12, 788 56,905 38,009 16,859 39, 315 20,252 12, 248 13,902 7,337 9,816 2,020 3,229 471 $785 2,376 3,596 3,286 3,643 29, 649 36,021 29,815 85,287 57,821 57, 599 41,869 47,361 43,189 16,896 94,061 29,916 22,106 2,636 57,319 15,046 4,209 3,412 4,030 4,041 2,429 2,890 14,453 10,314 4,327 11, 706 4,929 1,577 1,995 1,913 855 476 1,291 229 102,907,022 996,756 470,112 583,170 108,194 111, 658 128, 081, 049 163,181,491 167,063, 587 167,407,479 171,146,482 177, 203, 659 210,908,421 222,888,344 199,432, 531 180,311,466 1,659, 244 2,785,942 3,806, 534 3,612, 724 2, 888, 409 3, 529, 883 3,398,860 3,766,159 4, 557, 769 3,892,645 $282 2,188 8,580 37 12>4 percent on capital net loss $426 12, 373 10,689 3,190 7,460 1,222 17, 702 53,062 85 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued HAWAII Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) U n d e r 11 (est.) X r nder 1 (est.) 1-2 1 ( e s t . ) — 1-2 (est.) 2-31 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-41 rest.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 1 (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 i 5-6 6-7 i 6-7 7-8 i 7-8 8-91 8-9 9-10 J 9-10 . 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 - . 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 _. . . 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 - . 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1.000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 -_. 1930. 1929 1928 1927 _„ 1926.... 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921.... Number of returns 608 1,096 669 798 618 856 368 322 508 85 319 45 205 30 125 18 94 16 73 61 37 47 27 32 88 47 27 34 18 14 8 6 9 Net; income Tax Normal tax $311,667 3,624 1,687,915 1,161,978 1,966,435 1, 460,185 2,997, 965 1,315,979 1,414,829 2, 278,140 463, 244 1, 749, 416 289 360 1, 326,098 222, 353 931,564 151,98C 799,450 151,819 695,057 640, 231 422, 566 586, 423 365,126 465,180 1. 518, 515 1,039, 259 749, 596 1,178, 229 809,185 770,853 528, 201 450,140 480, 22S 1, 043, 820 543, 438 $25 $34 $9 2,525 631 5,302 7,070 1 768 3,561 4,748 1,187 5,055 6,740 1,685 5, 738 7,495 1,757 1,502 5,848 7,350 3,911 5,033 1,122 4,314 5,443 1,129 4, 848 3,830 3,181 5,524 4,188 6,120 23, 491 24,100 27, 445 52, 669 47, 263 52, 340 44, 706 40, 590 6,017 4,430 3,433 5,675 4,243 5,717 18, 268 13,128 11,844 13, 700 8,054 3,109 3,415 2,242 $298 525 1,148 939 1,622 10, 506 15, 703 19,014 43,790 42, 455 49, 605 43,056 40,947 59, 269 135,104 99,657 5, 299 5,247 16, 470 50, 814 122, 978 83, 668 $129 1,700 64 586 3,660 8,178 1,169 898 • 777 1,299 994 1,219 5,283 4,731 3,413 3,447 723 405 273 595 899,038 145, 700 33,869, 092 815, 673 7,869 8,210 8,047 9,252 9,146 9,306 12, 387 12, 421 11,597 11,481 37, 245,940 43, 290,997 43, 349, 731 44, 618, 510 42,950, 279 41, 465, 375 46, 395, 290 42,829,250 37,122, 696 37,840,014 972.216 L, 220,345 ,311,756 L, 200, 544 L, 096, 213 944,053 L, 481,883 , 319, 276 ]L, 387, 398 1, 451,776 176, 729 WA percent on capital net loss $1,374 2,652 1,669 1,556 2,590 504 1,261 481 (2) (2) 7,328 25 per12K per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income 1,894 1 1 For footnotes, see p. 124. Surtax Tax credits 38 (*) 146, 367 228 3 892 673,435 14, 545 38, 265 10, 771 86 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued IDAHO Tax before tax credits Net income classes Number of returns (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.)... Under 1 (est.) l-2i (est.).... 1-2 (est.) 2-3 1 (est.)... 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.).._. 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.).. 5-6 i 5-6. 6-7 1 6-7.. Net income 251 1 945 760 764 527 903 329 345 433 36 235 11 130 6 64 9 27 3 23 6 6 9 10 9 16 5 7-8i 7-8 8-9 1 8-9 9-10 1 9-101 10-11 _. 11-12 • 12-13 _ 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 . 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000.._ 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 1 5,000 and over 2 Classes grouped Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930. 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 . $134, 762 (2) 1, 542,846 1, 314, 328 1,887,814 1, 271, 721 3, 235, 248 1,163,983 1, 491, 099 1, 926, 287 192,866 1, 285, 235 72, 079 840, 256 43,712 474,955 75, 072 228, 520 28, 755 215, 083 61,971 69. 678 112,882 135, 045 131, 225 275, 943 (2) (2) Tax Normal tax Surtax (2) 12H Percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 perpercent of 12H on tax on cent capital earned net net loss income (2) $1, 905 $2, 540 $635 4,291 5,722 1,431 3,502 4,669 1,167 5,301 7,068 1,767 4,926 6, 313 1,387 4,145 5,215 1,070 2,607 3,207 600 1,471 1,798 327 2,110 114 230 1,322 2,128 1,409 6,751 (2) 2,471 130 199 1,390 2,053 1,109 5,582 (2) $18 77 231 350 410 1,677 2 () (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 361 34 46 299 275 110 508 138, 706 3,833 1,464 2,398 29 5,864 18,350,071 46,045 50,930 5,161 10, 046 7,852 9,830 9,808 27, 757, 374 38, 525,958 37.121.872 38.448 7.W 39,887, 951 40, 443, 781 52, 301, 491 58, 393, 333 51,166, 793 49, 737, 718 128, 290 184, 325 283,172 247 272 184, 344 170, 912 261, 008 426,196 478, 706 493,658 10,6731 11,617 12,907 21,436 25,012 23, 369 22, 976 For footnotes, see p. 124. 87 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued ILLINOIS Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1 2i (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 1 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 1 (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 i 5-6 6-7 i 6-7 - 7-8 ] 7-8 8-9 i 8-9 9-10 J <>-10 10-11 -11-12 12-13 . . . 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 . 25-30 30-40 40-50... 50-60 . . f>0-70 70-80 SO-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 . 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total.... Summary for preceding years: 3 1930.. 1929 1928 1927. 1926 1925 1924 , 1923 1922 1921 Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 9,739 447 38, 509 34,317 30,093 25, 640 38, 734 13,149 11,892 16,103 1,540 12,976 688 8,144 483 5,569 353 3,885 319 2,895 2,331 1,812 1,415 1,131 944 3,057 1,496 859 867 427 253 172 111 76 61 136 60 26 10 12 6 9 6 3 3 1 $5,690,330 237,064 60,927, 079 59, 329, 732 74,092,495 60, 673, 587 136, 201, 966 47,157, 234 51,440,883 72,108,471 8, 297, 678 70,855,378 4,444, 354 52,633, 374 3, 614,926 41, 563, 918 2,985, 785 32,935,053 3,029,021 27, 437, 297 24,427,454 20,813,175 17, 681, 591 15, 245, 690 13, 670,831 52, 367, 050 33, 301,827 23,346,688 29,813, 980 18, 984, 611 13, 793, 757 11,125, 576 8, 275, 499 6,476, 610 5, 770,862 16,078,558 10,365, 632 5, 670, 296 2, 692, 429 4, 244, 511 2,702,311 5, 317,823 5,143,416 3,808, 260 (2) (2) 15, 637, 288 Surtax Tax credits 12H per- 25 percent on cent of tax on capital earned net net gain income $1,898 $2,531 $633 92, 791 123, 722 30,931 228,882 305,176 76, 294 146, 724 195, 632 48,908 171,194 228, 259 57, 065 268, 740 343,208 74,468 237,006 304, 771 67, 765 229,033 290,909 61,876 215,492 271,035 212, 893 202, 466 210,189 201,466 191,864 192, 374 969,099 949,293 908,150 1,439,255 1,160, 811 1,023, 055 916,137 746, 612 669, 099 570, 804 1,911,663 1, 348, 795 731, 585 363, 079 521, 279 422, 111 898,550 892, 641 645, 435 (2) (2) 2,611,658 55, 543 266,686 244,477 $11, 246 233, 719 27, 511 214, 573 35, 069 198, 585 39, 509 190,854 46, 748 828, 057 358,970 609,097 505, 635 462, 794 583, 704 599, 111 1,075, 808 376,103 952, 875 285,497 865, 354 219,455 802, 354 140,101 666, 785 94, 337 648, 615 86, 831 609, 579 253, 561 1,829, 069 151, 223 1,369, 302 43, 798 689,471 6,494 345,945 30, 747 561,481 17, 072 325,149 15, 208 672, 748 11,761 706, 242 34,405 537,984 (2) 12K percent on capital net loss $14,085 26,926 50, 384 80, 380 94,461 29, 227 47, 315 175, 300 148, 476 125,145 42, 561 62, 601 109, 041 212, 985 175,463 124,155 (2) (2) (2) (2) 111,398 1, 516, 320 53, 793 53, 257 51,041 48,176 46, 230 45, 228 217 928 165,439 138, 348 158, 629 80, 246 49, 387 33, 833 23,904 16,342 12, 381 31, 686 13, 858 4,350 1,672 2,067 921 948 459 486 (2) 986, 111 ( V $91,120 114,847 128, 793 152, 219 130,831 86, 738 160, 540 314, 581 306 348 122,479 30, 249 131,483 28,230 1,443 366 50,623 (2) 1,677 270, 759 1,182, 411, 350 22,502,123 7, 791,187 15,783,473 2, 504,616 1, 724, 586 1,852, 567 327, 631 369,855 373, 621 378,859 374, 725 357,448 652, 501 676,489 614,449 611, 558 For footnotes, see p. 124. 1, 630,447, 207 43, 703,471 2, 258,945, 768 86, 825,072 2, 392, 631,092 110, 659,199 2,093,908,574 73, 796,361 1,995,011,009 64, 213,839 1, 975, 436, 222 64, 791,507 2,413, 605, 350 66, 583, 239 2, 272, 960,122 62,880,129 1, 927, 637,451 77,196,407 1, 833, 920,436 68, 574,351 88 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued INDIANA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.)— Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 1 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 1 (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 i 5-6 l 6-7 6-7 —. 7-8 i 7-8 8-9 1 8-9 9-10 * 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20__ _ 20-25 25-30 30-40-40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2 000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 . 5,000 and over 2 Classes grouped . Total Number of returns 3,326 119 10, 216 5,978 7,066 3, 636 7,874 2,461 2,230 3,156 380 2, 117 186 1,260 129 866 95 629 69 458 372 312 235 166 161 421 213 122 107 62 30 25 19 7 7 8 9 3 Net income $1,900,126 57,719 15, 716, 200 10, 318,027 17, 502, 626 8, 540, 450 27, 462,122 8, 978, 405 9, 720,937 14,137, 175 2.044. 544 11,553,821 1,199, 156 8,160. 881 958, 040 6, 468, 985 806,146 5, 330, 833 657,014 4, 347, 655 3, 887, 646 3, 585, 499 2S 925,902 2, 243,845 2, 333,050 7, 233, 488 4, 690, 783 3, 309,913 3, 731, 668 2, 746,912 1,640,413 1,611,527 1,423, 654 588, 680 659,823 954,907 1, 618, 205 655, 706 Tax 65,679 76,493 75,376 76, 703 77,126 80,300 156,845 178,831 153,469 150,300 For footnotes, see p. 124. 25 perpercent )f 123^ on tax on cent capital earned net net loss income $490 $653 $163 20, 517 5,129 30, 784 41,045 10,261 19,163 25, 551 6,388 28,932 38, 576 9,644 35, 503 46, 684 11,181 34, 378 44, 190 9, 812 32,810 41, 641 8,831 31, 266 39, 643 8,377 30, 444 26, 898 30,684 28, 764 26, 779 33, 025 124, 928 125,829 122, 266 172, 538 173, 260 117,691 133,341 132,199 59, 999 72, 516 118,587 226, 457 110,401 38, 435 32,094 33,179 29, 950 26, 660 31,178 103,853 81, 597 59, 027 56,070 46,934 16, 393 26,855 11, 307 6,540 12,771 17, 542 12,931 5,563 $1,663 5,034 5,957 5,966 8,560 49, 914 68,827 80,037 136,976 139, 994 103, 374 128, 213 108, 519 62,179 59,080 122, 258 198, 86<0 106,121 $2,178 1,534 2,586 25,885 12,159 1,251 20,155 (2) 2 1 1 54,534 Surtax 12^ percent on capital net gain 15, 388 2,428,304 445, 623 204,130, 790 2,540,943 280,940, 214 5,109,577 366,846,042 8, 208,031 365,336, 866 10,100,848 349,434, 464 8,884,047 358,624,820 9,934,476 344, 266,673 7,508, 733 461, 717, 343 6,655, 560 510, 507, 072 7,882,768 426, 365, 818 9, 578, 511 406, 242,138 8,973, 653 7,991 6,859 7,529 7,143 5,847 6,713 28,839 24, 595 16, 798 14,831 10, 734 3,474 3,012 3,755 1,605 1,550 2,209 2,572 1,283 (2) 365,175 59,666 729 968,890 1, 756, 707 125,414 227,854 21,511 $7,855 4,468 1,188 18, 715 9,757 7,115 9,944 20, 255 2,917 (2) (2) Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Normal tax Tax credits 82,214 89 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued IOWA Tax before tax credits >s et income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1* (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i(est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 6-71 6-7 7-8 8-91 8-9 9-10 1 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 .13-14 - 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 - 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 - - -200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 - -750 1 000 1 000-1 500 1 500-2 000 2 000-3 000 3 000-4 000 4 000- "i 000 5 000 and over Classes grouped 2 ~ Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927... 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922. 1921 Number of returns 1,146 104 3,859 3, 662 3,760 2,670 4,185 1,548 1,282 2,080 233 1,445 121 918 74 598 53 394 33 295 260 170 143 119 93 272 128 56 60 32 24 8 8 3 6 1 1 2 1 1 Net incom $656,309 59,850 6, 285, 255 6,321, 689 9, 263, 760 6, 342, 759 14, 701, 308 5, 570,896 5, 555,883 9, 266, 606 1, 250,994 7, 895,904 777,460 5, 934, 399 551, 863 4,458, 214 448, 560 3,336,193 313,101 2, 787,929 2, 728,928 1, 951, 774 1, 784, 577 1, 604, 236 1,344,442 4, 681, 621 2,836, 512 1, 547, 292 2,131, 617 1, 444, 030 1,305,311 500,123 599,339 169,035 295, 298 729, 726 $586 $781 $195 21, 381 5,345 24, 504 32 672 8,168 15,025 20,033 5,008 21, 454 28, 606 7,15? 25,883 33,559 25,868 32, 462 12K percent on capital net loss 7,676 | 6,594 23, 098 28, 588 5,490 19, 751 24, 512 4,761 19,879 23,020 18, 204 19,175 18,349 16, 678 88,722 80,473 59, 631 97, 569 97, 703 92, 606 47,595 58,067 19,083 31, 744 101, 886 24, 391 25, 843 19, 507 18,929 17,918 15,457 69, 821 46, 656 27, 327 32, 506 23,490 18, 596 9,033 3,807 2,213 419 7,316 $1, 274 2,484 3, 553 4,143 4,550 32, 707 43,001 39, 294 79, 723 71, 243 80, 543 33,109 46,829 17,436 34, 086 95,136 $851 7,660 2,279 7,390 8,509 481 4,512 4,097 3,787 3,307 3,712 3,329 13,806 9,184 6,990 9,445 3,605 4,633 566 348 544 131 703 (2) (2) $6,066 1,085 4,179 1.371 730 22 2,630 344 (2) (2) 1, 785,337 74, 710 119,218,130 1,137, 299 39,917 45,023 40, 789 45, 349 49,476 50,379 110, 404 135, 864 131,870 111, 483 174,965, 757 222,103, 300 221,881, 247 190,436,034 203,015,362 198, 735,930 298,734,381 363,242,331 359, 562,822 313, 762, 935 2, 355, 567 3,924,823 6, 216,041 3,310,099 2,917,845 3, 111, 096 3,123,808 4,126,470 5,466,397 5,837,960 Surtax 16,036 29,850 For footnotes, see p 124. 25 per123^ per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income Tax Normal tax Tax credits 1,947 85,346 23,875 986 35,472 587,770 674,457 51,045 124,074 51,899 90 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued KANSAS Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) l - 2 i (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 1 (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6! 5-6 6-7 ] 6-7 7-8 ] 7-8 8-9 3 8-9 9-10 J 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 . . . 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 . 50-60 _ . 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200.. 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Summary for preceding years: •* 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925. 1924 1923. 1922 1921 . Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 2,832 59 5,500 2,270 4,250 1,742 3,616 1,112 961 1,482 168 986 82 611 35 396 37 255 32 193 149 128 102 67 56 169 78 45 36 18 9 7 $1,674,020 27, 061 8, 258,191 3,935, 529 10, 536, 714 4,108, 388 12, 438, 482 3,994, 741 4,179,829 6, 641, 281 910, 781 5, 380,895 529,107 3,940, 230 266, 287 2, 953,134 313,193 2,154, 343 302, 381 1,834,197 1, 565, 559 1,472,692 1, 267, 568 903, 653 812,323 2,915,987 1, 737, 412 1, 217, 633 1, 238, 28o 801,082 497,998 453, 726 Surtax 2y2 percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 percent of tax on earned net income $220 $294 $74 5,759 7,679 1,920 19,675 26, 233 6,558 11,744 15,659 3,915 15,808 21, 078 5,270 17,153 22,602 5,449 16, 929 21,106 4 177 15, 705 19, 267 3,562 13, 326 16,009 2,683 14,813 14, 478 14,573 12, 762 10,148 11,627 60, 331 52, 446 49,688 60, 420 57,591 39,37 44, 221 17, 585 16,071 15, 202 11,923 10, 005 10, 346 48,924 34, 204 24, 473 22, 214 14, 983 8,152 8,349 $748 1,926 2,413 2,296 2,799 20, 546 25, 913 29,284 43, 791 37,979 33, 415 30, 981 $7, 111 99 6,620 2,772 2,341 2,555 1,574 2,153 1,518 9,139 7,671 4,069 3,884 2,482 549 1,729 40, 634 107, 684 5,080 12, 466 37,57 44,01 52,189 156 98 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1 2 ^ percent on capital net loss $1, 701 1,746 1 1 4 3 312, 99 748, 214 (2) (2) 1, 292, 55 173, 21 7,29 79,89 87,601 1,58 27,495 91, 616, 46 880,31 417, 20 393, 57 153, 62C 78,76 32, 660 37, 557 32,929 35, 57£ 32, 732 34, 2S4 84,08C 86,291 86,911 88, 781 127, 629,17 181,661,36 162,394, 75 157, 394, 40 153, 673, 20 141,511,12 203,034, 51 215,346, 53 211,061,98 217, 237, 29 1, 480,34 2, 547, 82 2,923,09 2, 240,87 2, 756,04 2, 222,30 1,918,01 2,118,95 3, 246,09 3, 392,42 i For footnotes, see p. 124. 1,867 5,314 91 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued KENTUCKY Tax before tax credits Net income classe (Thousands of dollars) Number of returns Under I t (est.)-— Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-51 (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 6-71 6-7 7-8 1 . 7-8 8-9 l . . . . 8-9 9-10 1 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 . 14-15 15-20 . _ . . 20-25 25-30 . . . . 30-40 40-50 . 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100.. 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300... 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 _. . . 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over . Classes grouped 2 Total S u m m a r y for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928.1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 _ 1921.-. 1,49 6 4,51 2,92 3,62 1,83 3,97 1,09 1,28 1,52 32 1,02 17 66 9 498 49 294 5 229 203 159 146 108 86 245 132 54 51 27 16 8 Net income Tax Normal tax $874, 23 27,47 7, 031,17 5,026, 00 8,990, 67 4, 382, 73 13,820,48 3, 939,04 5, 619,85 6, 838, 70 1, 746, 53 5, 584, 60 1,136, 31 4, 285, 31 704,64 3, 720,43 412,80 2,490, 66 541,60 2,166,10 2,128,13 1,824,37 1,821, 32 1,453, 249 1,244,12 4,172, 443 2,965,931 1,481,993 1, 731,867 1, 224, 556 852, 344 520,801 662,978 254,920 279,808 Surtax Tax credits 12K per cent on capital net gain 25 percent of tax on earned net income $21 $28 $7 7,27 9,69 2 42 16,47 21,97 5,49 11,84 15,79 3,94 15,48 20,64 5,16 18,16 23,61 5,44 18,09 22,94 4,85 17,29 21,73 4,44 14,60 18,138 3,53 15,177 15,22 15,304 15, 308 15,028 13,978 66, 274 79,326 52,855 78,327 79,752 62, 758 45,853 68,346 30,008 30, 979 18, 524 17,975 15,939 14,509 14,048 12,108 48, 660 41, 597 23,158 24, 386 22,618 11,464 9,719 9,372 3,804 3,556 3,34 3 95 3,19 2,73 2,647 2,342 10,518 8,857 7,321 5,722 3,261 1,790 2,240 1,232 220 54 $1,20 2,556 3,530 3,627 4,212 28,132 46, 586 37,018 61,614 64,108 53,432 41,821 53,144 26, 424 31,144 $26 1,237 7,410 12H per cent on capital net loss $1,877 3,713 1,585 3,447 348 3,180 (2) 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) 1,321, 315 208,610 2,037 196,955 13,410 795 2,997 26,991 103, 279,556 1,012, 557 448,304 655,404 22,083 96,087 17,147 31,021 34,623 35,367 33,004 32,821 37, 315 72,119 79,091 69, 666 69,496 135, 098,479 191,640, 708 193, 766,254 172,582, 213 169,100,987 180,217,420 238,094,411 214,415,879 200,048,892 192,273,937 1,926,048 5,076,854 5, 639,394 4,027, 734 3, 226,344 3,299, 792 3,805,669 3, 723,960 4,676,804 4,297,470 For footnotes, see p . 124. 177160—34—-7 92 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classesf showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued LOUISIANA Tax credits Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.).. Under 1 (est.) 1-2 i (est.). 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.).... 2-3 (est.) 3-4 i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 i 5-6 6-7 1 6-7 7-8 1 7-8 8-9 i 8-9 9-10 l 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 _ 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1 500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2___ Total Number of Net income returns 1,849 6 4,931 2,372 3,548 2,172 3,872 1,537 1,390 2,313 260 1,442 103 842 64 567 50 329 38 232 142 119 103 78 76 206 117 49 59 30 20 10 4 2 1 1 $1,033,149 2,206 7, 615, 343 4,121,804 8, 787,862 5, 264, 306 13,497,669 5,490,859 6,036, 741 10, 354, 582 1, 401, 793 7,870, 244 657, 693 5,439, 461 476,137 4,222, 662 422,834 2, 773,937 359, 579 2,193,025 1, 480, 735 1, 362,734 1,284,950 1,053, 210 1,104, 349 3, 540, 767 2, 628, 288 1,334,836 2,034,879 1,359,145 1,099,012 640, 509 304,955 (2) Tax Normal tax _ 25 per2 percent of 12V on tax on cent capital earned net net loss income $20 $26 $6 5,848 7,797 1,949 18, 251 24, 335 6,084 16,859 22,479 5 620 10,117 30, 351 40,468 31, 630 41,240 9,610 29, 258 37,402 8,144 29,164 36, 550 7,386 22,048 27, 213 5,165 22,153 14, 643 16,382 17,918 14,390 17, 710 73, 361 85,879 52, 224 108, 239 100,994 87,992 41,334 17,563 26,500 16,839 17, 502 18,102 13,731 17,063 56,835 53,862 25, 776 46, 358 31,021 27,684 5,232 8,698 $625 1,732 2,472 2,771 3,842 24, 541 40,482 30,334 74,855 72, 339 72,022 40, 536 18, 574 (2) (2) (2) $175 40 248 466 4,347 2,821 2,852 2,656 2,112 3,195 8,015 8,465 3,886 5,245 2,406 5,578 1,205 877 $7,904 6,384 3,695 8,832 (2) (2) 423,569 37,701 5,840 51, 723 10 509 19,363 28, 934 107, 673,824 891,912 608, 553 436,848 939 108,250 46,178 32,979 35,093 36,981 37, 293 38,996 40, 695 67, 658 67, 440 66,972 67,960 138, 836,043 170, 713,998 184 035 325 175 254 161 185,478,850 195, 585, 488 221,133, 422 213,802, 450 203, 664, 606 197, 897,146 1,599,639 2,859, 568 4 380 028 2 17d R2Q 3,311,535 3,850,206 3, 528, 511 4, 438, 454 5, 353, 574 5, 304, 522 Summary for preceding years:3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Surtax 12M percent on capital net gain For footnotes, see p. 124. 93 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued MAINE Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under l i (est.)_ Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-61 5-6 _6-7 l 6-7 7-8 i 7-8 8-9 I . . 8-9 9-10 J 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 _ . 25-30 30-40 . 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 . 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500___ 500-750 _ 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000— 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930-. 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921,. Number of Net income returns Tax Normal tax 699 68 2,316 1,501 2,160 1,244 2, 087 739 750 1,037 162 800 81 545 56 390 36 265 29 193 181 129 90 97 70 195 104 58 46 36 11 14 8 4 3 6 3 1 1 2 1 $404,118 37, 700 3, 589, 268 2, 579, 378 5, 384, 372 2, 991, 683 7, 314, 904 2, 638, 363 3, 297, 814 4, 658,802 876,875 4, 374, 623 520, 549 3, 520, 401 420, 295 2,910,960 304,415 2, 244,471 276,182 1,831, 707 1, 898,810 1, 479, 626 1,125, 524 1, 307, 395 1, €09, 201 3,336,986 2,348, 377 1, 588,228 1,610,811 1, 596,134 593,080 901,129 613,805 346,152 281,218 692, 721 520,342 $206 $275 $69 5,245 1,311 11,239 14,986 3,747 7,660 10, 213 2,553 11,398 15,198 3,800 14,489 18,715 4,226 15, 621 19, 542 3,921 15,472 18,971 3,499 14,422 17, 337 2,915 12,881 13,602 12,975 11,819 16,677 12,632 60, 563 66,800 62, 232 70, 502 96, 707 42,895 77, 254 58, 008 30,956 25,263 82, 248 63,484 15, 239 15,140 13,226 11,683 16,297 11,810 46,953 35,865 28,248 23, 326 20,874 12,179 17, 425 2,578 4,236 3,655 9,704 3,967 $912 1,908 2,181 3,377 3,432 23, 306 37,100 39,700 60, 305 80,811 38,741 65, 502 50, 936 36,409 29,239 61,020 44, 682 (2) <*) (2) (2) (2) $1,179 1,938 19 5,433 6,802 22[ 281 26, 239 2,358 2,450 2,159 2,045 2,997 2,610 9,696 6,166 5,716 5,162 2,123 1,067 1,651 88 456 801 558 525 12K percent on capital net loss $9,146 4,793 6,977 9,455 2,220 9,233 8,259 10,199 10,879 (2) (2) 0) 3, 344, 761 615,497 74, 771,180 1, 527, 436 17,829 19,173 18, 611 18, 710 19, 709 19, 444 42, 254 48,435 43, 041 44, 397 90,690,507 115,875,339 111, 558, 275 103, 080,848 107,979,178 97,927, 563 135, 221, 259 142,964, 209 129,857,441 124, 628, 679 1,827,849 3, 561, 754 4,262,498 3, 300, 741 3,419,490 2, 718,658 2, 568,353 2, 785,696 3,896,892 3, 974,861 25 percent of tax on earned net income 3,934 16,218 For footnotes, see p . 124. Surtax 1214 percent on capital net gain Tax credits 531,668 69,462 226 2,893 430, 373 1,111,229 134, 782 74,894 74, 054 17,486 94 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931, by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued MARYLAND Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1» (est.) Under 1 (est.)_ 1-2 (est.) 2-31 (est.)_ 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4 - 5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 ! 5-6 6-7 l 6-7 7-8 1 7-8 8-9 l 8-9 9-10 1 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 ._ 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 . 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1 500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4 000-5 000 _.. . . Number of returns Net income 4,412 163 7,932 6,209 6,248 3,970 8,770 2,520 2,896 4,325 518 3,278 275 1,987 176 1,355 152 969 102 713 586 493 378 317 257 750 397 216 214 94 65 36 23 21 16 31 9 8 6 4 1 5, 628,814 60,898 277,129,170 68, 426 68,654 65, 258 65,099 67,160 66,152 126, 226 127, 770 110,896 112,963 354,627, 248 425,185,985 409, 371, 465 390,671,215 375, 758,859 362,484,950 467, 225, 699 401, 259, 584 386,830, 235 368, 691, 062 2, 539,300 For footnotes, see p. 124. Surtax 12H Percent on capital net gain 25 percent of tax on earned net income 12}/2 percent on capital net loss $465 $620 $155 18, 734 4 684 35, 753 47, 671 11,918 24, 344 32, 459 8,115 39,954 53, 272 13, 318 64, 785 84,866 20, 081 60,119 76,151 16, 032 59, 942 74. 760 14,818 56 350 fi9.159 12,809 58,465 48, 651 53, 095 50, 484| 51,365 54, 647 251, 297 263, 443 235, 474 394,885 260, 553 243,871 188,836 153,167 189,191 178, 767 424, 726 186,958 260, 595 273,641 70, 684 58, 541 56.148 50. 721 50,007 51,920 198, 436 156, 307 110,217 149, 979 84, 539 60, 706 34, 062 29, 855 28,940 18,398 39, 727 16, 365 2,550 13,615 (*) $3,163 7,452 9,253 11,099 12, 701 91, 34? 136,382 146, 812 278, 260 212,516 230, 619 178, 986 158, 232 166, 691 156,130 440, 583 195, 477 292. 605 276.997 $8, 950 11, 466 2,731 7,607 1,578 12, 564 11, 340 46,401 18,894 2 13 12, 219 13, 053 10, 505 9,490 9,741 9,974 38,481 29, 246 21, 555 26, 727 12, 941 7,778 4,953 4,115 4,055 1,353 2,334 1,550 455 1,024 $15, 577 35,027 42,407 26, 866 32, 383 14, 949 5,748 99, 651 42,228 34,107 15, 960 1,015,043 6,038 916,800 94,114 338 1,571 335, 297 1,797 189, 907 144,081 488 5, 528, 213 1, 747, 244 4,112, 007 359, 741 324,305 Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929.1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Normal tax 14, 050 8 1 5 5,000 and over Classes grouped «... Total— $1,760,350 88, 597 12,176,142 10,513,138 15, 678, 361 9, 481,967 30, 706, 090 9,097,954 12, 704, 225 19, 301, 328 2, 795, 545 17, 927,177 1, 771, 337 12,832, 471 1,311,387 10,122,130 1, 284, 244 8. 203. 059 971,421 6, 769. 729 6, 134, 356 5, 6G0, 269 4,713,877 4, 273, 776 3, 729, 420 12, 918,165 8,859, 707 5, 912, 407 7, 435,137 4, 245, 437 3, 541, 436 2, 330, 215 1, 727,159 1,767,852 1,499,002 3,780,921 1, 503,325 1, 796,649 1,635, 294 Tax Tax credits 9, 796, 084 15, 641,824 16,126,803 13,859, 686 11, 517,168 11, 623, 229 12,073, 312 11, 540, 437 15,363, 765 14, 537, 303 366,474 95 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued MASSACHUSETTS Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1 1 (est.). Under 1 (est.) .. 1-2 (est.) 2-3 1 (est.)___ 2-3 (est.) 3-4 i (est.) 3-4 (est.)_.._ 4-5 1 (est.). 4-5 (est.) 5-6 i 5-6 6-7 1 _ ____ 6-7 7-8 8-9i 8-9 9-10 1 9-10 . 10-11_ . 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 _ 200-250 250-300 . . . 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000— ... 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Summary for perceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Number of returns 12,982 717 33,908 17, 505 28, 570 17,367 22, 252 8,990 6,809 9,638 1,506 7,155 • 830 4,773 615 3, 373| 424 2,318 352 1,698 1,671 1, 326 1,090 865 704 2,403 1,206 683 693 371 207 138 94 59 42 109 28 15 6 4 3 2 1 2 193, 504 202, 253 213, 316 215, 559 214, 356 224, 042 221, 530 378, 049 415,100 397, 241 388, 442 For footnotes, see p. 124. Net income Tax Normal tax $7, 493, 598 349,143 $1, 216 51,835, 237 30, 329, 663 48, 739 70,086, 321 41, 257, 474 149, 644 77,153, 395 31,973, 307 95,816 29,656,704 43,063,996 102,975 8,165,925 39,050, 263 126, 777 5,383, 710 30,902,127 131,533 4. 598. 265 25,145, 511 127, 658 3. 5RR. fiOfi 19,633, 501 117,197 3, 330, 321 16,117, 307 111, 667 17. 526, 561 124, 356 15, 218, 320 128, 289 13, 618, 631 126, 970 11, 655, 761 121, 260 10,197, 215 126,127 41, 356,184 662, 870 26,828, 313 669, 735 18, 621, 237 671,960 23, 786,178 1,113, 592 16, 477, 583 946, 749 11, 343, 404 727,196 8, 916, 564 680,860 7,025, 581 586, 363 4, 989, 640 460, 918 3, 951, 578 403,126 13,160,064 1, 457, 290 4, 734, 251 574, 936 3, 345, 938 368, 250 1,631,537 226, 767 1, 339, 660 222, 911 1,311,070 173,115 2, 955, 223 537, 987 1,818, 286 255,345 Surtax 12^ percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 percent of tax on earned net income $1,621 $405 64,986 16,247 199, 525 49,881 127, 755 31,939 137, 299 34,324 169, 651 42,874 169, 511 37,978 162, 324 34,666 146, 961 29,764 140, 631 147, 560 $8,075 140, 317 19,537 135,003 27, 359 120, 502 30,020 123, 611 34,737 517, 227 288, 513 366, 202 408,390 297,126 456,195 379, 070 868,689 272, 399 828, 579 151,988 716,413 95,024 666,198 69,178 616, 339 52, 456 447,380 35,146 392,412 132, 555 1, 530, 929 34, 334 613, 376 6,559 455,894 12, 611 175, 217 14,058 178, 981 4 136, 700 66, 644 I2y2 percent on capital net loss $12, 254 25, 491 36,026 45, 423 21, 235 63,896 44, 911 135, 326 76,854 65, 546 70,666 35, 347 60, 295 287,023 184,801 118,155 137,813 28,964 31 279 31, 565 35, 392 29, 262 32 221 142,870 104,857 81 361 90,962 59, 226 29, 624 18, 037 11,766 8,838 4,786 16, 473 3,842 760 987 491 220 $55, 459 120, 494 147, 607 107, 748 108, 623 93,976 64, 557 325,047 145, 786 158,989 30, 740 4,984 23, 664 481 623 800,923,153 12, 380,194 4,489,838 9,305,111 1, 015,884 1,042, 342 1, 388, 297 1, 010, 333, 740 1, 371, 651, 741 1, 357, 076, 374 1,189, 273, 214 1,147, 576, 498 1,132, 289, 870 1,320,156,959 1,413, 015, 994 1, 237, 893, 477 1,153, 008,156 26, 509, 775 57,857, 223 59, 738, 973 43,949,866 37, 115,976 41, 052,088 40,857,137 42, 527, 993 57, 781, 194 46, 534, 644 96 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued MICHIGAN Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Number of returns Under 11 (est.).... Under 1 (est.) l-2i ( es t.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 lest.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6! 5-6 6-71 6-7. 7-8 ! 7-8 8-9 L . . 8-9 9-101 ._ 9-10 10-11 11-12 . 12-1313-14 14-15 _ 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70. 70-80 80-90 90-100 . 100-150 150-200. _ . . . 200-250 250-300 300-400._ 400-500 500-750-. 750-1,000 _... 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 _ 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 . . . 8,933 189 20,494 15,000 15, 209 9,567 16, 270 4,561 5,264 5,920 836 4,519 372 2,706 265 1,876 171 1,218 174 896 772 602 478 395 317 1,035 477 294 282 145 78 68 35 20 32 69 27 16 14 ( Total.. 119,623 Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927. 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 147,364 177,918 179,886 175,806 176,804 188,669 323,733 350,072 267, 953 250,147 Net income Normal tax $5, 245,930 71,495 31,017,311 25,932,256 37, 763, 776 22, 441, 631 56, 643, 673 16,411,696 22,905,884 26,440,139 4,501, 341 24, 688,156 2, 399,840 17,468, 567 1,972, 301 13,993,059 1,453,883 10, 320, 535 1, 652, 841 8, 500, 957 8, 098, 090 6, 906, 712 5,972,397 5,318,921 4, 592,344 17,843, 786 10, 666, 508 8, 052, 501 9, 669, 530 6,452,041 4,229,660 4,409,638 2,621, 577 1,670,247 3,011,388 8,188,903 4, 668, 405 3, 529, 343 3, 766, 401 3,030,965 1,832,167 2,306, 605 25 per12K per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $437 $583 $146 38,426 51, 235 12,809 82, 213 109,618 27,405 45,982 61,310 15,328 55,867 74, 489 18,622 76, 732 101, 495 24, 763 74,440 95,757 21,317 71,890 91,777 19,887 62,145 78,858 16,713 60, 766 60,049 61, 273 58, 657 59,400 59,134 317,917 281,617 290,123 469,932 452,028 305, 266 349, 550 225, 034 169, 246 295, 571 1, 025, 550 581,547 548,399 543, 398 491, 563 230,478 363,411 (2) (2) 517, 396 (2) 2, 468,381 77,164 72,405 68,172 62,449 60, 582 56,610 258, 096 162, 394 135,970 171,376 115,955 65,091 (31,177 29,050 17, 554 41, 467 66,013 27,973 7,977 19,678 17,911 56 $3,921 9,132 12,14? 13, 765 15, 546 127,131 164,581 198,249 343, 748 348, 255 270, 69? 331,81? 211,37? 153,195 291, 069 963,338 621,872 474, 25 438,712 382, 661 177,134 242, 785 16,398 16, 277 16, 031 15,934 14, 947 13,022 67, 310 45,358 44,096 43,548 25, 581 13,260 10, 268 5,538 3,632 5,029 11,780 4,092 899 2,411 1,156 234 220 (2) 304,756 2,066, 587 408, 290 192 234,274 266 481,017,650 11,028,018 2,260,242 8,166,899 1,566,409 534, 497 8 5, 288,439 Surtax $8,074 23, 520 4,651 16,443 20,156 20, 339 30, 234 56, 422 65,555 71,80? 125, 955 93, 463 53,522 121,037 (2) (2) 212, 672 3, 266,859 (2) 13,798,95? For footnotes, see p. 124. Tax Tax credits 668,391,038 1,029,756, 680 1,066,529,992 950,085,831 905,814, 790 910,910,113 1,045,850,046 1,041,933,086 796, 411, 946 657, 779,854 234, 200 17,479,145 40, 599,864 50,601,040 35,599, 79fl 32,408,357 33, 263,014 30, 983, 70S 28,051,017 34, 965, 003 24,197,840 (2) 12H percent on capital net loss $9,718 10,121 21,908 49,614 30,006 18, 210 62,170 48,443 129, 761 4,732 38, 536 1,317 191 32 220 6,276 431,035 97 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued MINNESOTA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under l i (est.) . _ . Under 1 (est.) l-2i (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-31 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-41 (est.) ._.. 3-4 (est.) 4-5 1 (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 i 5-6 €-71 6-7 7-8! 7-8 8-9i 8-9 9-101 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 . . „ _ 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 _. 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1 000 1,000-1, 500 1,500-2,000 2.000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928... _ 1927 1926. 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Number of returns 3,123 132 8,452 6,631 5,436 3,922 7,435 2,081 2,590 3,304 346 2,278 159 1,466 99 1,060 85 759 65 515 461 352 290 214 192 570 316 157 159 78 35 18 24 11 11 20 3 2 1 1 Net income Normal tax $1,833, 906 73, 075 12,789,790 11, 356, 072 13, 505,144 9, 248,808 25, 969, 509 7,480, 922 11, 335,890 14,846,481 1,872,429 12, 474,819 1, 019, 695 9,480, 233 739,475 7,913, 392 719,175 6,437,095 614, 522 4, 889, 573 4,822,660 4,044,465 3, 606,148 2,889, 628 2, 784,987 9, 796,264 6, 991,238 4, 297, 560 5, 398,091 3,497,050 1,917,240 1,174, 696 1,826, 368 921,987 1, 046,191 2,347, 693 514, 559 (2) (2) (2) 1,053,941 52,853 57, 539 60,701 60, 752 61, 439 64, 227 71,291 128, 237 134,360 122,885 124, 501 For footnotes, see p. 124. Tax 213, 530, 771 Surtax Tax credits 25 per12M per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $451 $601 $150 16,337 21,782 5, 445 11,713 35,137 46,850 21, 661 28,882 7,221 31,153 41, 538 10, 385 39, 687 51,750 12, 063 41,701 53,143 11,442 42,085 52,123 10,038 39,025 48, 776 9,751 34,247 36, 547 37, 282 37, 763 32, 357 36, 586 170, 391 177,021 151,078 247,686 189,184 143,494 102,999 165,973 66, 557 101,582 288,329 79,488 (2) 42,600 43,316 41,113 39, 319 32,080 35, 709 135,860 102,955 66,003 90,005 42, 461 32,163 24, 776 26,858 9,732 11, 222 36,609 2,212 (2) $2,154 5,194 7,021 7,478 9,609 68,322 103,996 105,171 190, 609 174, 531 125, 253 89, 356 159, 602 79, 320 115,740 283,805 77,893 (2) $4,027 5,630 2,119 6,782 11,581 4,975 1,899 (2) 8,353 8,923 9,025 8, 577 7,201 8,732 33, 791 29,930 20, 096 24, 536 11, 884 7,344 4,330 4, 951 2,147 1,995 3,791 615 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) $12,419 21, 554 8,697 13,585 27,117 25, 323 23, 385 30,193 2 (2) (2) (2) 145, 267 20, 548 804 85, 947 2, 445, 441 1,161, 014 1,750,321 57,561 275, 233 248, 222 79,640 266, 572, 313 4, 744, 380 337,880,743 9,799,141 340,152,949 11,925,077 295, 670, 416 7,383,307 296,414, 294 6, 475,311 305,945, 206 6,125,915 375, 588,940 6, 720,567 372,376,782 7,083,527 348,740,625 9, 419,301 340,833,699 8,697,117 576 12^ percent on capital net loss 98 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued MISSISSIPPI Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 2-3 2-3 3-4 3-4 4-5 4-5 5-6 5-6 6-7 6-7 7-8 (est.)... i (est.) (est.) i (est.). (est.) i (est.) (est.) i __ _ ! i . . . . 7-8 8-91 8-9 9-101 9-10 10-11 11-12 _ _ 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 . 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Total Number of returns Net income 1,275 35 2,386 698 1,739 449 1,480 271 394 354 66 211 20 120 19 93 9 46 11 51 41 18 15 14 12 29 14 9 6 $708,816 18,116 3,554,746 1,211,113 4,336, 775 1,038, 833 5,110,277 975,012 1,703,741 1, 607, 589 357,801 1,157,400 128,656 772, 551 142,391 695,300 75,171 391,391 102,838 482,696 432, 739 206,963 187, 574 190,711 172,888 495,328 305, 358 250, 400 203, 522 129, 589 9,888 12,147 15,689 16,140 16,964 17,196 16,985 27, 213 27,851 26,897 25, 614 Tax _ For footnotes, see p. 124. Surtax 12M percent on capital net gain 25 perpercent of WA on tax on cent capital earned net net loss income $172 $229 1,815 2,420 605 4,087 5,450 1 363 2,271 3,028 757 4,226 5,635 1,409 3,498 4,536 1,038 3,222 4,028 806 3,379 4,138 759 2,673 3,213 540 3,385 3,047 1,493 1,222 4,515 1,931 8,287 8,221 9,869 13,110 6,798 4,133 3,487 1,525 1,431 4, 504 1,699 6,095 5,191 4, 665 6, 370 498 $213 270 376 506 537 3,318 3,941 6,401 7,313 6,495 748 653 302 585 495 305 1,126 911 1,197 573 195 27,146, 285 87,221 72,275 29, 370 14,424 40, 556,389 63,922,168 64, 689,480 64,878;684 64,859,892 73,750,950 82, 652, 945 83,494,009 76,981, 743 60,104,438 251, 781 600,076 763, 702 816,429 643, 744 989,451 1,155, 729 1, 685,439 1, 803,632 1,069,136 Summary for preceding years:3 1930. — 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Normal tax Tax credits $57 99 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued MISSOURI Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est) 2-3 1 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 1 5-6.. 6-7i 6-7 7-8 1.. 7-8. _. . 8-91 . 8-9 9-101 9-10.__ 10-11 11-12 . . 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 . . 25-30 30-40 . . 40-50 50-60 _. 60-70 70-80 . 80-90 90-100 100-150 . 150-200 200-250..., 250-300 . . 300-400 400-500.-500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 . 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000. 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped _ Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 3,841 114 15,740 8,230 10,101 5,786 11, 200 3,049 3,190 4,361 535 3,294 318 2,136 216 1,425 167 1,024 116 798 713 586 429 385 318 935 467 243 275 123 71 45 30 24 16 36 9 3 $2,363,904 72, 051 25,000, 551 14,173, 062 24, 685,119 13,601,695 39, 223, 519 11,040,961 13,890, 237 19, 483,903 2,904,129 18, 015,148 2, 050, 560 13, 798, 577 1, 620, 715 10,649,464 1,409,368 8,683,043 1, 098,290 7,571, 368 7, 462, 092 6, 728, 458 5, 348,646 5, 200, 377 4, 602, 517 16,136, 968 10, 397, 000 6, 609, 660 9, 433, 706 5, 524, 779 3,904, 245 2,891,472 2, 229, 050 2,041, 246 1, 515, 364 4, 327,996 1, 528, 288 624, 245 3 1 1 2 1,057,830 Surtax Tax credits per12^ per- 25 of cent on cent tax on capital earned net net gain income $584 $778 $194 21,024 28,032 7,008 16,855 50, 564 67,419 25, 448 33,931 8,483 42,484 56, 645 14,161 53,471 76,976 23, 505 59,891 77,412 17, 521 55,615 70,469 14,854 54,943 69, 378 14, 435 54, 710 55,021 61,939 53, 420 55,896 57,637 280,954 284, 787 234, 284 453, 669 352. 336 286, 754 235, 575 196, 562 213.970 175, 500 494,654 169.391 95,024 69,121 66, 372 68, 257 56,119 62,137 55, 066 222, 766 171, 688 104, 427 166,693 94,847 59,047 47, 672 20,820 18,933 33, 330 45,389 6,043 2,439 $3, 292 8,713 10, 654 13,487 15, 650 113,890 159, 264 161, 777 342,335 279,806 252, 606 226,889 175, 345 190, 361 163,902 490,860 217, 346 81,835 $2,697 12, 660 9,289 6,125 20,813 24, 860 4,680 60,476 8,282 11, 246 172,968 7,253 118,612 47, 671 14,411 14, 643 15,031 13, 353 19, 728 13, 079 55, 702 46,165 31,920 42, 098 21,980 12,142 9,516 4,497 3,599 4,502 4,288 648 496 476 123^ percent on capital net loss $15,958 12,997 22, 046 35, 595 15, 919 16, 585 21,910 97, 783 61, 632 92 (2) (2) \ 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926. 1925 1924 . . . 1923 1922 1921... 2, 583,123 80, 356 331,482,726 85, 507 98,367 99, 295 96, 407 99, 509 109,059 186, 784 192,282 173, 728 172, 519 419, 648,187 558,127,649 563, 951, 553 501,495,130 512,801,163 533,836,188 632, 532,962 605, 275,520 526,387, 658 499,911,004 For footnotes, see p . 124. 190,216 188, 749 1,293 4, 747, 522 1,880, 234 3, 216,840 397, 548 446, 583 398, 447 8, 750, 375 16,416,897 18,910,977 13, 738,256 13, 496,872 14, 246,816 12, 373,492 13, 085, 218 15,972, 706 14,660,351 20,775 300.517 100 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued MONTANA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1 l (est.) Under 1 (est.). l-2i (est.) 1-2 (est.) — 2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 i (est.).— 3-4 (est.).. 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 1 5-6 6-7 i 6-7 7-8i 7-8 8-9 1 __ 8-9 9-101 9-10 10-11 , . 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 _ . . 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000. 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over- 2 Classes grouped .. Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930-.. 1929. • 1928... 1927 1926._ 1925.... 1924... 1923 1922... Number of returns Net income 158 14 1,406 1,586 1,138 948 1,388 501 566 669 82 377 35 256 15 116 11 88 12 77 47 40 28 36 24 51 18 11 10 3 4 $88,941 8,074 2, 366, 237 2, 740, 660 2, 725, 275 2, 200, 111 5,004,620 1,805,714 2,459,711 2,990, 655 439,007 2,056,042 225,002 1,656,973 112, 791 869, 298 94, 563 738,942 114,447 728,297 489,999 460, 724 348, 241 485,017 349, 285 890,937 397,035 295, 867 368,188 129,745 210, 514 220, 650 1 (2) 1 2 Tax Normal tax Surtax Tax credits 25 per- 12H perof cent on cent on tax on cent capital earned capital net net net gain loss income $45 $60 $15 4,192 5,589 1 397 7,833 10,444 2,611 4,604 6,139 1,535 6,438 8,584 2,146 6,259 8,611 2,352 7,602 9,387 1,785 4,706 5,702 996 4,186 5,045 859 5,691 4,801 3,877 3,683 6,494 5,134 17,382 11,488 10,049 20,832 7,698 14,897 6,855 5,321 4,155 3,650 6,240 4,464 13,126 6,771 4, 096 6, 998 2,389 4,920 $200 590 685 1,251 1,226 6,598 5,905 7,090 14,873 6,484 13, 327 1 164 720 868 652 997 556 2,342 1,188 1,137 1,039 483 513 $692 2,837 18,150 623 20,097 8 2,562 (2) (2) (2) () 595, 535 33, 768 320 36, 297 15 2,834 9,722 34,667,097 209,809 129,489 114, 623 25,378 8,925 11,635 17,067 17,11? 18,651 16,191 19, 239 44,011 42,809 38,044 36,907 45, 495, 235 71, 397, 232 72,908,121 69,654,023 59, 289,994 66,825, 486 107,241,911 99, 255, 947 83,903,851 81, 527, 662 461, 295 1,019,300 1, 298,024 867,944 561,833 580,196 731,111 721,406 1,029,195 1,051,863 For footnotes, see p 124. 101 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued NEBRASKA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under l i (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i (est.) -4-5 (est.) 5-6i 5-6 6-71 6-7 7-81 7-8 8-91 8-9 9-10 ! - --9-10 10-11 - -11 12 12-13 „ _ 13-14 14 15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60 70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150 200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1 000 1,000-1,500 1 500-2,000 2 000-3 000 - --3,000-4,000 4 000-5 000 5 000 and over Classes grouped 2__. Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927._ — 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Number of returns 1,783 75 * 3,929 2,482 3,221 1,762 3,535 941 1,033 1,492 154 986 62 585 37 401 25 275 16 196 167 133 102 86 58 183 98 46 34 12 13 8 1 Net income $1,004,688 41,651 6,074,951 4, 300,182 7,984,692 4,176,367 12, 372, 319 3, 392, 634 4,491,382 6, 702, 687 831,473 5, 369,833 399,794 3, 774, 675 277, 305 2, 990,480 213, 340 2, 333,427 153, 226 1, 861, 614 1,748,806 1, 519, 509 1, 271, 354 1,159, 733 841,693 3,152, 625 2, 202,464 1, 270,900 1,164,093 548,409 724, 469 506, 074 Tax 12>i percent on capital net gain 25 perpercent of 1214 on tax on cent capital earned net net loss income $378 $95 6,691 8,922 2,231 16,340 21, 787 5,447 9,610 12,814 3,204 14,136 18,848 4,712 16,096 23,728 7,632 16, 580 20,930 4,350 15,821 19,691 3,870 15,179 18,884 3,705 14, 393 14,947 15,772 14,763 13, 991 9,093 57,545 68, 599 49,732 60,982 28, 446 57,995 43, 029 17,699 17, 551 17, 236 15,216 13, 323 9,058 47,846 44,979 25,805 26, 267 8,789 11,199 9,553 282, 018 256, 045 725, 219 99,862 23,940 86,120,131 723,426 27, 271 30,962 31, 426 32,170 33,532 35, 661 66, 512 70,545 67, 503 71,853 113, 934, 843 140,322,452 139, 471,054 130,131,079 134,153,838 141,877,975 189, 371, 665 195,152, 562 177,969,193 179, 905, 513 Surtax $283 3 2 2 1 For footnotes, see p. 124. Normal tax Tax credits 23,461 40,080 L, 381, 310 , 919,473 1,109, 341 , 427, 747 L, 381, 307 L, 732, 535 , 848,121 I, 534, 257 \ 165,433 }, 328,145 • (2) $875 2,052 2,512 2,955 2,947 21,887 34,373 31,460 42, 525 29,386 45,844 39,435 $3, 722 3,306 3,479 3 516 2,965 2,287 2,912 12,188 10,753 7,533 7,201 3,062 2,770 2,653 21,170 34,399 8,412 81 (2) 4,901 80, 501 15,738 1,278 425,806 392,321 27,953 102,157 4,431 5,971 637 371 $609 6,667 3,306 9,915 20, 497 102 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classeSy showing number of returns, net income,, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued NEVADA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3i (est.) 2-3 (est.)- — 3-41 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.) ._ - 5-6i 5-6. 6-7i 6-7 7-81 7-8 •__ 8-9i : 8-9 . . . 9-101. 9-10 10-11 . 11-12. 12-13 13-14.... 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100-. 100-150 150-200.. 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 Number of . 142 1 363 553 284 466 385 228 103 277 16 205 13 123 2 77 4 42 4 40 21 14 9 15 9 4 10 3 ._ 500-750 750-1,000-.. 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 . . 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over. _ Classes grouped*._Total Summary for preceding years: * 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922.. 1921 Net income returns Tax $75,422 576,694 964,902 696, 274 1,096,419 1, 360, 200 812,874 447,622 1, 238, 214 85,857 1,119,698 81,646 785, 291 15,552 573, 718 33,478 354, 784 38, 782 378,392 219,154 162, 252 112,206 67,969 73, 719 246,323 200,851 109,969 342,196 135,747 3 (2) 1 1 1 (2) 1 (2) 1 (2) Normal tax Surtax Tax credits 25 per12H per- cent of 12H percent on tax on cent on capital earned capital net net net loss gain income (2) (2) $1,505 $2,007 $502 3,970 5,294 1 324 2,451 3,268 817 3,709 4,946 1,237 5,811 7,300 1,489 4,944 6,094 1,150 4,558 5, 574 1 016 3,102 3 687 585 3,562 2,804 1,893 2,130 928 1,671 4,778 5,425 3,405 13, 622 11,259 4, 207 3, 359 2,127 2, 201 804 1,451 4,256 3,741 656 5,859 4,079 (2) i2 ((2)) (2) 645 650 457 293 57 56 955 1,424 6 1,610 14 $95 223 222 181 276 1,477 3,108 2,755 11,252 7,194 $1,879 (2) (2) (•) (2) (2) (2) (V) (V) (2) (2) 1,636, 452 267,499 15, 278 245, 308 $9,347 1,062 1,372 3,431 14,041,657 349, 026 86,188 272,091 9,347 15,349 3,251 4,006 5,174 4,477 4,702 4,797 6,164 10,664 10,467 9,723 9,719 16, 688,195 21, 597, 783 20,109,392 17, 443, 233 16, 795,822 19, 661, 369 27, 534, 276 25,711,611 22, 397,460 22, 455, 508 472, 636 356, 444 477, 673 228, 799 195,497 178,361 184,334 241,291 258,732 329, 296 For footnotes, see p. 124. 103 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued NEW HAMPSHIRE Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under i Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 1 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5 6 6-7 ! 6 7 7 8 * 7-8 8 9l 8-9 9-10 l 9-10 10-11 _ 11-12 12 13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1 000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2 000 2 000-3 000 3 000-4,000 4 000-5 000 5 000 and over ~-.----- .- --- Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 ._. 1924 1923. 1922 1921 Number of returns Net income Normal tax 872 33 2,107 1,258 1,699 906 1,477 499 608 677 177 505 74 313 62 219 32 177 33 102 108 81 70 54 37 116 69 38 35 11 6 4 4 3 2 6 $509, 082 15,068 3, 258, 762 2,164, 684 4,181,810 2,161,654 5,123,483 1, 780,846 2, 664,820 3, 034,985 961, 042 2, 747,459 479,022 2, 016,339 461,213 1,635,932 273,093 1,499,279 313, 689 969,021 1,135,830 931,310 871,635 727,355 539,076 1, 986,078 1, 523, 589 1,026,635 1,207,124 478,929 333,811 259, 821 306,881 250,690 191,734 709,802 511,723 12,477 13, 927 14,341 14,132 14,484 15, 276 16,413 31, 532 36,876 31, 787 32, 410 For footnotes, see p. 124. Tax Surtax 12^ percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 percent of tax on earned net income $70 $93 2,983 3,978 995 7,775 10,367 2,592 12H percent on capital net loss $23 4,694 6,259 1,565 9,424 12,565 3,141 9,211 11,912 2,701 8,078 10,251 2,173 8,359 10,261 1,902 10,271 12, 251 1,980 6,825 7,042 7,314 7,222 7,113 5,357 31,355 38,090 34,647 63,175 28,092 25,916 18,087 32, 677 24, 242 16,862 74,654 73,754 8,163 7,852 7,380 6,842 6,222 4,500 22,066 20, 023 12, 569 20,463 6,132 5,651 1,482 8,631 2,031 1,008 3,185 1,023 $556 1,210 1,694 1,975 1,870 13, 794 22, 748 24,359 43, 788 24,111 22,546 20,840 26, 549 12, 204 21, 750 90,752 66,269 49, 243, 306 563,289 223,160 397, 015 60,014, 739 74,306, 913 72,610, 266 70, 560,949 66, 743, 817 70,117, 771 94,132,914 104,852,122 85, 577,058 82,352,496 952,064 1, 734,828 1, 991,854 1,824, 931 1, 201, 298 1, 218,822 1,377,393 1,643,150 2,133,631 1, 759,290 730 6,910 L, 366 1,276 1,314 1,084 013 1\ 505 4,681 2,281 4,114 1,311 1,405 542 1,483 231 7 13 448 25,494 45,484 $4, 378 91 2,121 11,264 $1,340 931 876 3,693 3,141 1,026 5,889 20,000 36,896 104 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued NEW JERSEY Tax before tax credits Net income classes Number of returns (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) l-2i (est.). __„ 1-2 (est.)-_ .2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 1 (est.)4-5 (est.) 5-6 i 5-6 l 6-7 6-7 7-8 ! 7-8 8-9 i 8-9 9-10 ! 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 ... 14-15 15-20 . 20-25 25-30 30-40 . 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1 500-2 000 2,000-3,000 3 000-4 000 4 000-5 000 - Net income Tax Normal tax Surtax 6,426 669 22,862 19,841 21,291 16, 822 23,633 9,626 8,031 13,174 1,286 8,970 578 5,713 443 3, 934 272 2, 744 241 2, 075 1, 630 1,273 962 829 645 2,021 978 474 531 233 141 85 66 39 48 87 36 12 8 10 3 3 3 3 $3,907,435 399,644 36,015,166 34,411,778 52,735, 551 40,111,470 82,673, 578 34,449,361 34,980,977 58,963, 900 6,949,807 48, 936,157 3, 726, 393 36, 867, 505 3, 313,636 29,381,513 2, 307, 267 23, 243, 652 2, 280, 656 19,661,911 17, 069, 295 14,616,851 11,996,767 11, 177,714 9,341,317 34, 696, 206 21, 791, 586 12,958, 320 18,193, 336 10,317,141 7, 676, 563 5,498, 231 4,938,038 3, 293, 485 4, 559,171 10, 427,422 6,327, 591 2,681,600 2,159,375 3,527,108 1,251,702 1,718, 573 2,789,001 3,676,690 140, 936 136, 035 134,710 126, 275 142, 238 124, 429 636,147 612,166 487, 516 887, 449 651,023 560,401 461,484 422,978 314,628 490,991 1,271,046 785,797 452,165 343,827 486,456 226,065 312,976 508,732 710,318 179,177 $7, 847 163, 096 19,116 148, 705 23, 744 132, 581 29. 742 145, 459 32, 059 120,823 240,834 542,121 333, 351 392,887 320, 705 237, 794 659,857 371, 248 514,041 219, 789 487,983 145,807 419,659 103,345 434,723 88,414 321,491 50,354 509,461 77,588 126, 842 1, 210,483 814,919 77,790 370, 206 46,726 288,987 12,696 370,165 30,883 202,656 9,740 295,757 7,682 532, 780 12,047 710,318 3 7,763,733 1,498,023 18,132 1,491, 232 12M percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 perpercent of 123^ tax on cent on earned capital net net loss income $3,133 $4,177 54, 292 72, 390 18,098 150, 733 200,977 50, 244 104,420 139, 226 34,806 135,804 181,072 45, 268 151, 267 203,635 52, 368 162,315 208, 200 45,885 147, 262 193, 758 46, 496 137,214 178, 268 41,054 $1,044 $6,484 12,824 17,060 18,021 28, 551 14,082 2,938 124, 533 92,164 46,484 52,817 161,348 14,165 14, 336 1,960 38, 241 34,908 33,111 30,050 32,963 28,453 146,808 114,072 70,983 101,373 48,007 31, 516 15, 707 11,656 7,436 8,926 16, 584 7,106 2,478 729 1,228 496 53 600 502 $48,767 47, 624 58,933 63,834 117,054 63,863 90,070 174, 228 191,970 8,773 9,944 74, 712 4,746 35,495 12, 799 5,000 and over Total 178,754 785, 764,184 13, 971, 251 4,843, 429 10, 642,116 Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929_1928 1927 1926 1925.1924. 1923 1922_ 1921 187,943 195, 772 196,681 195,467 176, 320 150,874 299,904 293,503 301,834 269,096 For footnotes, see p. 124. 956, 732,849 1, 212,423, 226 1,241,411,359 1,117,398,064 1,032,297,571 943,672,751 1,177,421,081 1,050,741,177 1,032, 262, 375 856,856,058 23, 219,240 43,956,017 51,889,941 38,911,894 32,858,092 32,383,155 31,941,148 30, 552,642 40,982,616 33, 258,294 607,767 1,119, 249 1,002,812 105 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued NEW MEXICO Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under l i (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.)--.2-31 (est.)2-3 (est.) 3-4 i (est.)3-4 (est.) — 4-5 i (est.)4-5 (est.) — 5-61 5-6 6-71 6-7 7-81 __ 7-8 8-91 8-9 9-101 9-10 10-11 -_ 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80— 80-90 90-100 100-150. 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 -_ 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000— 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 _. 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2._ Total. Summary for preceding years: 3 1930-_ 1929 1928 1927 1926. — 1925— 1924. 1023 1922 1921.. Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 392 5 891 565 648 453 786 328 193 362 31 252 14 131 10 93 10 60 32 22 19 13 8 14 27 10 5 $210,060 3,665 1,369,657 984, 275 1,614,196 1,087,998 2,736,319 1,160,453 838,918 1,629,194 167,184 1,371,612 91,196 845,149 73,968 700,560 83,867 506, 768 28,459 304,416 231,509 219,791 161,840 107,585 201, 547 468,799 230,893 135,769 245,385 2 $31 $42 1,990 498 3,819 5,092 1,273 3,649 4,866 1,217 4,885 6,514 1,629 5,711 7,317 1,606 4,902 6,008 1,106 4,951 5,999 1,048 4,085 4,843 758 2,627 1,924 2,529 1,803 1,286 4,355 9,156 7,399 5,491 13,207 2,985 2,008 2,510 1,879 1,134 4,256 6,834 3,975 2,244 4,461 (2) 243,600 176,837 31,958 117,33 6,288 6,874 6,686 6,462 6,513 7,203 11, 595 12, 202 11, 553 11,780 24,970,97 30,875,63 29,995,50 26, 288,14 24, 631, 50 23,994,71 31,951,11 32, 667, 61 28,982,81 27,838,16 222,45 299,88 464,43 283,40 227,47 178,76 223,84 337,35 383,75 351,62? 358 199 280 372 123 573 764 154 62 502 $115 299 296 275 672 3,086 3,578 3,309 9,248 (2) 31,822 2,076 18,231,469 (2) 136 7,539 74,957 12y2 percent on capital net loss $11 (J) 5,389 For footnotes, see p. 124. 25 per12K per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income 1,492 1 2 Surtax Tax credits 60,239 $5,463 13 12, 533 5,463 106 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax creditst and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued NEW YORK Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.).— 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.). 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 1 5-6 6-7 1 6-7 7-8i 7-8 8-91. 8-9 9-10 1 9-10 10-11 _ 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 . . . 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 . . . 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500— 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4 000-5,000 5,000 and over _ _. Total. Summary for preceding years: 3 19301929 1928 1927 1926 1925 __ 1924 .1923.. 1922. 1921 Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 24, 724 1, 362 84, 257 67,732 73,902 62,454 78, 264 33,770 29,175 43,838 4,364 30, 068 2,183 19,447 1,510 13,496 1,185 9,553 1,032 7,523 6,081 4,930 4,019 3,203 2,780 8,568 4,410 2,436 2,758 1,463 950 602 439 262 235 526 206 94 63 67 33 47 20 12 7 3 2 $14,070,106 797, 284 131,117, 745 119,050,046 183, 406,819 149,150, 264 273,473,022 120,168,853 126, 910,077 196, 765,619 23, 570,015 164,123, 906 14,127,850 125,680,666 11, 298, 348 100,856,684 10,055, 203 80,967,925 9, 797,064 71, 354,443 63,697, 268 56,627,184 50,136,147 43,180, 735 40, 265, 703 147,154, 596 98, 291, 469 66,683,612 95,054, 593 65, 264, 899 51,880,830 38,994, 280 32, 783,866 22, 250,844 22, 306,996 63,889,504 35,136, 278 21,064,565 17,081,443 23, 235,682 14, 640,942 28, 840,973 17,854, 240 14,366,934 12, 763,719 6,925, 585 6,918,171 2 24, 600, 732 4,099,152 Surtax 12K percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 percent of tax on earned net income $3,977 $5,303 206,465 275,287 68,822 574,684 766, 246 191, 562 424,455 565,940 141,485 532,382 709,843 177,461 553,442 744,636 191,194 598,054 764, 238 166,184 12K percent on capital net loss $1,326 574,196 72.5, 740 151,544 543,837 683, 296 139, 459 564,805 526, 24/ 542,835 558, 663 539,432 578, 248 2, 789,929 2,825,039 2,614, 248 4,650, 246 3,960,847 3,694,150 3, 086,325 2, 839,833 2,116,122 2, 262, 346 7,404,409 4,350, 482 2, 690, 799 2,318,114 3,188, 784 2, 520, 393 4,223, 686 2, 326, 872 2, 417, 292 1,832, 434 1,119,004 1, 323, 560 711,356 634,830 617, 489 599,482 562,140 587,065 2,394, 232 1,846,938 1, 340, 599 1,984, 605 1, 358, 721 1, 069,163 754, 203 546,615 387,041 387,058 935,112 441,440 233, 498 205,169 236,812 191,926 169,683 34,330 107, 576 45, 774 $29, 333 72, 983 98, 646 111,447 138,324 1,018,121 1,496, 295 1, 636,924 3, 423,183 3, 327, 268 3, 306,135 2, 901,612 2,742,541 2,126,827 2, 264, 320 7,341, 037 4, 596, 203 2, 716, 583 2, 302, 376 2,967,356 2,076,364 4, 306,913 2, 568,967 2,141, 489 2,148,711 756,024 1, 251, 237 4,903, 466 $39,076 85,294 177,735 180,109 291, 288 137,615 203,313 722, 269 414, 463 458, 216 248,912 588,502 378,116 553,926 530, 601 375,139 217,174 377,545 72,323 146, 551 137, 916 147,637 139,465 134,155 147,141 622,424 518,194 363, 275 501,672 $294,946 539,623 270,813 677,858 181,025 633,437 116,162 668,382 72,229 492,163 43,198 548,089 44,256 102, 037 1,491, 972 30, 273 1,071,351 704,002 13,496 429,870 8,473 593,804 10,082 118, 757 7,256 800,395 6,441 805, 254 1,772 205,953 959 579,005 220 14,340 225 804,314 634,057 3,108,633,729 77,975,788 23, 623, 386 64,770, 685 6,051, 616 4,996,384 11,473,515 711, 566 757,835 780, 418 766,974 753,044 751,941 1, 215,640 1, 221, 654 1,102, 748 1,068, 637 For footnotes, see p. 124. 4,189,130,106 163, 508,893 6, 253, 465, 699 396,687,348 6,458,089, 207 451,606,998 5,398,451,005 305, 210,059 4,984,020, 281 247,164, 324 4,903, 288,994 252,157,834 5,144, 766,182 236, 774, 567 4, 565, 314, 898 192,311,565 4,110, 588,989 273,960,079 3,617, 757,104 210, 768, 379 107 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued N O R T H CAROLINA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Number of returns 1,674 33 5,152 1,701 3,31? 1,131 3,651 698 1,181 1,070 222 659 117 383 68 238 55 187 55 115 130 106 101 78 57 160 82 48 72 23 12 12 8 Under 11 (est.) „ . . Under 1 (est.). 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 1 (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 i _ 5-6 6-7 !— 6-7 7-8 i 7-8 8-9i 8-9 9-10 i 9-10 10-11 _ . 11-12 12-13 13-14 -__ 14-15 15-20 _ . 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 _ .. 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1 000-1 500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3 000-4 000 4,000-5,000 4 1 5 000 and over 2 Classes grouped — Total __„ 22, 625 Summary for preceding years: » 1930 1929__. 1928 1927... 1926 1925__. 1924 1923 1922 1921 25, 216 28,860 30,997 33, 398 35, 332 38,740 63, 864 68,191 58,009 44,161 _ _. _. For footnotes, see p . 124. 177160—34 8 Net income Tax Normal tax $1,027,646 19,155 7, 996,621 2, 926, 220 8,191,304 2,646, 540 12,671,847 2, 516, 60? 5,157,689 4,808, 930 1,199,403 3, 616, 446 760, 647 2, 473, 630 510, 301 1, 780, 724 467, 347 1, 586,100 524, 074 1, 089,036 1,364,134 1, 216,730 1, 261, 595 1, 052,038 825,190 2, 722,007 1,839,132 1,311,266 2,462, 088 1,015,821 645, 977 790, 680 590, 903 420, 284 460, 791 1,128, 610 312, 451 824, 586 1, 476, 669 138, 261 258,167 1, 908, 783 374,077 (2) Surtax 12K per cent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 percent of tax on earned net income $164 $218 $54 4,185 5,580 1,395 9,439 12, 586 3,147 6,252 8,336 2,084 8,859 11,812 2,953 10,310 13,453 3,143 10,435 13, 246 2,811 8,092 10,231 2,139 9,122 11, 218 2,096 7,424 9,448 7,720 9,656 8,693 7,871 40,864 39,393 45,442 114, 564 58,620 44, 421 49, 523 46,272 41,863 55,147 144, 281 45, 031 9,489 10,927 8,037 8,950 8,222 7,494 31,003 19, 595 17,448 36,155 10, 507 7,941 927 3,452 5,104 3,880 5,803 25, 382 2, 442, 583 416,800 2,030,396 103,624,484 2,426,562 130,352,897 3, 282, 957 161,039,786 6,051,641 155, 916,827 4, 519, 870 153, 231,981 3, 398, 245 161, 623, 754 3,178, 767 200,888, 953 3, 777,873 206, 638, 618 4, 767, 257 171, 929, 259 4,908,611 127, 992, 951 3, 760,499 $713 3,923 6,761 10, 528 10, 770 715 2,065 2,124 1,868 2,024 2,250 2,445 8,623 7,592 3,153 9,676 2,130 1,233 576 1,009 864 491 238 $1,321 4,834 10,723 3,125 7,396 44 1,300 135, 571 258, 974 2,704 14 35 772 336, 774 12, 477 526 30 619 46,793 69, 377 75,038 (2) (2) (2) 88,042, 580 $645 1,551 2,730 2,721 2,822 18, 484 27, 390 31,147 89,406 49, 530 38, 624 59, 895 40,193 34,491 41, 032 138, 716 43, 731 12H percent on capital net loss 463, 497 307, 711 1,817, 924 49,176 108 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued N O R T H DAKOTA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.).— 2-3 1 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 6-6 ! 5-6 6-7 i 6-7 7-81 . . . 7-8 8-9 ! 8-9 9-10 J 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1 000 1,000-1,500 1 500-2 000 2,000-3,000 3 000-4 000 4 000-5 000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929— 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 918 6 1,627 666 1,246 400 952 193 226 247 28 149 20 107 5 60 3 43 2 28 19 15 14 4 4 18 8 3 1 1 $533,052 2,592 2,484,984 1,152,100 3, 063,471 926, 658 3, 276, 222 692,577 973,640 1,104, 315 151,775 811,288 128, 716 694,084 37,485 451,839 25, 354 364,100 19,108 266,181 199, 629 169,813 174, 559 54,135 58,309 307,703 172, 398 Surtax ' 123^ percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 percent of tax on earned net income $10 $13 $3 1,672 2,230 558 3,335 4,447 1,112 1,865 2,487 622 2,549 3, 399 850 2,526 3, 300 774 3,037 3, 758 721 2,240 2,771 531 2,334 2,826 492 1,761 1,133 1,291 2,527 738 901 5,609 4,735 2,135 1,362 1,268 2,544 724 851 4,567 3,038 374 308 175 404 127 156 834 721 $79 198 387 141 206 1,876 2,418 (2) (2) 173, 539 4,256 1,141 3,215 100 7,013 18,469,626 42,519 42,861 8,520 8,862 8,262 9,170 9,710 9,758 9,881 11,715 19,160 18,054 18, 750 18,440 24,476,992 31,197, 250 34,878,015 33, 252, 341 33,169,117 35, 695,178 48,689, 794 42, 973,996 43, 767,089 43, 032, 753 86,704 111,346 209, 440 187, 635 180,012 162,589 268,090 276, 288 453, 219 485, 783 For footnotes, see p. 124. 12^2 per cent on capital net loss 109 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued OHIO Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.)- — 3-4 1 (est.).. _. 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6i 5-6 6-7i 6-7 .__ 7-8 1 _ 7-8.. 8-91 8-9 9-10 1 9-10 10-11 - . 11-12 12-13 13-14 . . . 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40. 40-50 50-60 . 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 _ 2,000-3,000 3 000-4,000 4 000-5 000 5 000 and over Classes grouped 2 ._. Total Summary for preceding years- 3 1930 __ 1929... 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922. 1921 Number of returns 6,369 314 27, 360 17,171 19, 235 12, 547 24,965 7,393 8,520 11,033 1,401 6,880 695 4,322 490 2,956 376 2,032 282 1,592 1,333 1,119 842 709 559 1,753 878 488 461 246 148 82 67 39 31 72 21 9 3 8 1 4 1 1 1 Net income Normal tax $3,693,808 167,852 43,043, 504 28,938,131 47,381,394 29, 857,410 87,679,054 26, 644,332 37,027, 521 49,403,167 7, 586,365 37, 581, 707 4,494,976 27,933,893 3, 665, 793 22,067, 210 3,184,808 17,246,035 2, 671,677 15,098, 760 13,974, 270 12,841,892 10, 502,152 9, 563,013 8,102,479 30,033,460 19, 575, 646 13, 302, 554 15,978,539 11,016,349 8,139,086 5,316,115 4,997, 534 3, 322,161 2,945,434 8,679,479 3, 599,131 1, 991, 851 825, 820 2, 785, 265 25 percent of tax on earned net income $922 $1,229 $307 36,154 48,205 12,051 112,432 149,910 37,478 75,325 100,433 25,108 111, 106 148,141 37,035 116,808 154, 657 37,849 115,222 148,991 33, 769 109,177 140,940 31,763 97,313 127,977 30, 664 104,018 94, 770 104, 259 98,128 104,340 94, 346 469, 757 525,010 478,686 742,649 720,888 586,217 396,438 402,819 338,953 314,576 994,379 493,832 306, 414 140,111 361,981 132,939 115,986 115, 843 102,662 106,057 92,130 373,953 307, 724 219,913 260,962 177,105 114,699 68,194 47,379 43, 297 29, 939 89,535 38,053 20,729 23 9,019 $6,402 16,360 20,634 24,862 27, 702 208, 224 304,063 325,377 577,185 595, 671 524,422 402,101 404, 786 319, 478 281, 225 995, 661 454,621 285, 086 140, 010 419, 540 $9,238 30, 111 20, 409 22,535 45,983 27, 816 46, 039 93, 306 62,186 25, 659 84 48, 833 28,921 27,618 27,944 25,168 26, 579 25,486 112,420 86, 777 66,604 69,254 42,807 23,909 12,338 8,923 7,122 6,367 13, 735 3,556 2,632 6 911 689,352,135 199,600 215,804 218,479 222, 707 231,196 224,643 418,048 463,017 364,988 367,096 950, 397,134 1,259, 571,939 1,302, 762,001 1,153,756,214 1,146,495, 871 1,141,453,071 1,403,748,590 1,457,696, 567 1,138, 934, 714 1,060,027,926 12H percent on capital net loss $35,482 39,192 49,404 84,054 86,408 44,516 36, 260 170,388 57, 472 22,428 114,500 (2) (2) (2) 164,809 Surtax 12K percent on capital net gain (2) 6,492, 508 For footnotes, see p. 124. Tax Tax credits 32,434 1,090,578 27,961 921 54,222 9, 742, 860 3, 519,058 7,423,988 460,160 866,022 794,324 1,095,830 21, 879,272 43, 633, 678 55,393,575 35,519,337 32,839,052 30,321, 360 32,061, 822 33,061, 877 39, 310,408 33, 574,094 110 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued OKLAHOMA Tax before tax credits Net income classes Number of returns (Thousand of dollars) Under l i (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-31 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.)_— 4-5 (est.) 5-6 6-7 1 6-7 7-8 1 7-8 8-9 1 8-9 9—10 1 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250. 250-300 300-400 400-600 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5 000 and over Classes grouped - Net income Normal tax 3,065 51 6,214 2,240 4,766 1,450 3,570 791 1, 061 1,371 173 888 52 593 34 379 41 232 34 211 176 137 90 75 63 202 102 58 60 22 18 7 6 4 3 2 1 2 Bummary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927.... 1926.... 1925 1924 1923 1922.. 1921.. ._ $1, 766, 454 26,159 9,461,078 3,899. 366 11, 669,432 3,429, 060 12, 246, 371 2, 858, 416 4, 650, 204 6,134, 624 928, 594 4,850, 232 336,807 3,819, 615 253, 059 2,836, 358 347, 579 1,968,422 323, 436 2, 004,398 1 841 495 1, 578,682 1,123,310 1,006,930 912,603 3, 468,896 2, 270,155 1,588,185 2, 064,783 969, 024 977, 583 442,012 450,850 336,699 273,859 (2) $214 Surtax 25 per12H per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income 5,800 7,733 1,933 12, 439 16, 586 4,147 2,146 6,439 8,585 11,955 15,940 3,985 14,799 19, 559 4,760 16, 782 21,090 4,308 14,892 18,870 3,978 12, 457 15, 554 3,097 14. 75fi 12 7ftf 14, 402 10, 965 13,646 12, 696 67, 497 67,370 65, 785 114, 541 67, 680 79,662 34,137 48, 274 37,306 31,998 18,388 15, 261 15,887 11,295 13. 414 12f 034 55, 661 47, 065 36, 535 45, 531 21,945 19,046 8,978 8,477 4,258 2,366 $822 2,040 2,238 2,545 3,039 24,121 34, 724 38, 590 72, 047 48,947 64,198 31, 297 41,902 26, 403 30, 013 (2) (2) (2) $6,064 892 56 2,755 7,312 3,632 3,318 3,525 2,568 2,313 2,377 12, 285 14,419 9,340 6,607 3,699 3,638 826 1,942 667 381 479,171 72, 614 13, 981 37, 655 21, 465 487 861, 871 474, 324 460, 581 38, 544 100, 449 32, 526 37,000 37, 261 39,806 37,497 40,825 63, 357 70,189 72, 063 69, 381 157,410, 693 216,346,916 211,061,345 212,341,656 223,036,805 219,960,990 211, 271,658 221, 293,177 217, 555,604 191,816,067 3,416,992 6, 020,950 6, 446, 274 6, 232,124 8,134, 654 6,897,119 3, 794, 477 3,909,926 6,414,336 4, 206, 507 $2,494 405 8,067 16a (2) 93, 593,901 For footnotes, see p. 124. 12^ percent on capital net loss $71 $285 28, 242 . Total Tax Tax credits 11,120- 111 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued OREGON Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) l-2i (est.). 1-2 (est.) 2-3i (est) 2-3 (est.) 3-41 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-51 (est.)-4-5 (est.) ... _. -- 5-6 6-71. 6-7 7-81__ 7-8 8-9i S-9 9-101 -9-10 10-11 11-12 . 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 , 40-50 50-60 . . . . 60-70 70-80 80-90 __ 90-100 100-150... 150-200 . 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 _ 2,000-3,000 3,000-4 000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929... 1928 1927 _ 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 562 46 3,179 2,724 2,619 1,637 2,938 948 993 1,428 104 924 51 541 33 358 26 224 17 148 129 103 64 44 41 153 56 38 27 12 c 2 3 $320,685 20,448 5, 238, 398 4, 698, 225 6, 397, 532 3,848, 393 10, 524,024 3,413,133 4, 289,089 6,403,027 565, 647 5,024, 543 328, 677 3,485,851 249,029 2, 675,098 221,178 1,893,147 161,301 1,403,028 1, 346, 730 1,184, 273 797, 630 593, 220 590,829 2, 658,068 1, 265, 699 1,059,071 932,856 529,093 266,054 134,804 224,640 Surtax 12M percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 percent of tax on earned net income $46 $61 $15 6,209 8,279 2,070 18, 213 24, 284 6,071 9,323 12,431 3,108 12,949 17, 265 4,316 16, 276 21, 288 5,012 15, 881 19, 999 4,118 14,193 17, 740 3,547 12,415 15, 374 2,959 10,465 11,437 12,406 9,781 7,506 7,741 51,961 37, 287 41, 580 46, 848 37, 777 18,587 13,853 14,452 13, 002 13, 628 13,959 9,912 7,681 7,475 43,128 22,947 21, 726 19, 720 12, 620 4,720 2,984 5,681 $587 1,518 1,570 1,493 1,936 19,034 20,153 26, 374 33, 759 27,178 17,116 9,903 17, 749 2,537 2,778 3,071 1,701 1,668 1,670 10, 201 5,813 6,520 5,181 1,135 519 71 746 $1,037 12^ percent on capital net loss $1,450 886 2,730 8,232 2 2 193,126 218,113 23,904 22,965 4,321 784 13, 890 17, 226 5,754 7,004 61 416 1,633 20,181 73,154, 659 474,055 341,009 209,486 13, 795 75,304 14, 931 26,047 28,194 29,333 33,903 30,955 32, 542 66, 669 69,123 61,879 62,804 106,076,107 129, 360,587 132,829, 673 140,739,425 135,030,190 132,022, 718 189,884,373 189,854,013 161, 226, 232 159, 574, 639 1,073,686 1, 663,775 2, 387,276 1,920,597 2,175,322 1, 787,992 2,025,068 2,891,804 4, 239, 789 4, 951,580 For footnotes, see p. 124. 112 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued PENNSYLVANIA 1 Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1 * (est.) ..__ Under 1 (est.) l - 2 i ( es t.) 1-2 (est.) _.. 2-3 1 (est.)2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) ____ 4-5 (est.) 5-61, 5-6 6-71 6-7 7-8i 7-8 8-9i 8-9 9-10 1 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 . . 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 . 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Tax credits Tax before tax credits Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 12,302 557 43, 753 29, 553 33, 914 22,136 36, 794 11, 229 12,196 13, 596 2,527 11,094 1,274 7,241 802 5,002 564 3,681 483 2,753 2,380 1,882 1,511 1,264 1,058 3,094 1,595 922 1,032 532 319 189 132 85 65 175 58 31 22 21 7 10 3 c 3 i 1 $7,118,539 304,827 68, 724, 661 50,818,881 83,473,919 52,657,145 128, 530, 759 40, 227, 841 53,120, 370 60, 747, 829 13,681,690 60, 648, 212 8, 228, 447 46, 803, 852 5,993, 551 37, 317,463 4, 783, 549 31,199, 026 4, 598, 955 26, 086,878 24, 938, 796 21, 589, 673 18, 839,788 17,051,103 15,327,818 53, 276,862 35,455,762 25, 082, 449 35,416,619 23, 770, 343 17, 456, 436 12,177, 781 9,915, 379 7, 248, 539 6,135,099 20,919, 360 10, 069, 564 6, 812, 627 5, 968, 375 7,154, 479 2, 970,163 5,907, 761 2, 738,950 5,999, 567 (2) 183,960 184,852 191,630 191,934 197,937 194,196 944,952 991, 309 941, 780 1,696, 653 1,443, 157 1, 253,475 977, 733 871,185 707, 910 664, 379 2, 435,146 1, 334, 744 990,869 896, 895 1,034, 727 515,663 971,315 455, 571 927,559 (2) (22) () 16,110, 333 (22) () 2,330, 555 Surtax 25 per12H per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $1,920 $2,560 $640 72,550 96,734 24,184 188, 402 251, 202 62, 800 115,179 153, 572 38, 393 141,778 189,037 47, 259 203, 297 266,844 63,547 209,840 205, 236 55, 396 201, 350 250, 465 49,115 190,156 234,951 44, 795 227,132 214, 247 205, 886 194,386 192, 675 180,006 733, 782 580, 360 411,100 624, 931 435, 666 285,915 183, 605 134, 349 112, 664 94, 750 204, 270 79, 361 81,194 38, 579 45, 791 2, 354 40, 502 38,481 $11, 730 27,906 37,575 44, 343 52, 296 373, 906 544, 726 623,279 1, 275, 197 1, 216, 214 1,109, 359 869, 528 844, 787 678, 525 674, 429 2,466,119 1, 202, 869 996, 249 732, 823 1, 010, 255 535, 329 853,718 522, 770 1,158,095 (2) (22) () 2,153,262 $22, 676 28,103 42, 069 88, 220 59, 792 56,407 11,950 202, 864 213, 618 78,334 193,849 159,731 203 121,054 74 (2) (2) 641, 940 43,172 41,125 42,162 40,027 39,081 38,106 162, 736 133, 777 92, 599 126, 517 73,188 42,943 28, 454 17,177 10, 796 12,148 25, 318 7,760 4,574 2,668 3,791 938 2,148 145 610 (2) (22) () 571 12H percent on capital net loss $99, 634 163, 638 140,925 135,166 150,566 128,890 104,602 412,789 153,344 160,334 65,688 177, 259 21, 285 41,811 105, 535 230,000 (2) (2) 464,076 267,848 1,193, 400,020 24, 854, 558 7, 052, 587 20,015, 289 1,920, 884 1,378, 660 2, 755, 542 322, 503 364,145 361,220 381,374 397, 575 376, 923 713, 427 740, 478 587, 770 621,103 For footnotes, see p. 124. 1, 620, 314,109 2, 217, 958, 557 2, 204, 955, 406 2, 091, 825, 217 2,138,168,594 2, 031, 305, 849 2, 548,132, 809 2, 478, 751, 471 2, 005, 570, 020 1, 937, 291,858 46, 825, 528 90, 694, 655 96, 772, 465 78, 674, 525 76, 887, 315 73, 364, 345 77, 873, 521 73, 266, 630 93, 573, 559 84, 660, 220 113 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued R H O D E ISLAND Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax Surtax 902 43 3,100 2,057 2, 731 2,086 2,650 1, 235 970 1,541 226 1,030 101 663 98 475 60 324 54 301 204 221 174 130 115 356 142 91 104 48 30 29 11 14 13 28 7 3 3 3 $515,080 23,370 4,849, 270 3, 572, 936 6, 788,989 5,044,948 9, 248,424 4, 410, 633 4, 250, 433 6, 904,120 1, 229, 635 5, 631,959 649, 000 4, 299, 790 726, 753 3, 549, 427 508, 595 2, 742, 092 510, 981 2, 855, 793 2,144, 325 2, 533, 344 2,177, 774 1,749, 781 1, 666, 560 6,137, 360 3,143,955 2,478,906 3, 581, 984 2,135,438 1, 624, 359 1,883, 587 831, 764 1,175, 547 1, 231,493 3, 378,447 1, 227, 412 685,802 783, 506 992, 514 2 1, 283, 311 236,471 239,982 Total. 22, 375 111, 159, 397 2, 598, 619 688,160 2,140,486 Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 23, 862 26, 481 25, 801 25,184 26, 362 29,123 48, 792 66, 965 50,076 48,057 136,571,363 184, 531,178 176,225,164 157,464, 733 155,050,974 160, 955, 280 191, 556,190 214, 749, 602 171,409,669 157,568,411 4,114, 526 7, 851, 363 8, 093,013 6,332,169 5, 545, 787 5,817, 977 6, 722, 491 6, 658, 089 9, 351, 580 9, 236, 328 Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) l-2i (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.)._ _ 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.). _ 4-5 (est.)-_ 5-6i _ 5-6 6-7 1 6-7 7-8i 7-8 8-9 ! 8-9 9-101 9-10 10-11 11-12 . . _ _. 12-13 13-14 _ 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 ._ 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90. 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 _ 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over For footnotes, see p 124. 12K percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 percent of tax on earned net income $154 $206 $52 5,881 7,841 1 960 19,893 26,524 6,631 15,982 21,309 5,327 17,407 23, 210 5,803 19, 372 25,135 5,763 18, 397 23, 352 4 955 18, 365 23, 205 4,840 18, 760 22, 895 4,135 20, 696 16, 255 20, 882 21, 391 19, 325 21, 531 105,103 87, 500 90, 287 160, 371 131,944 99,125 128, 520 69, 704 118, 527 137,137 421,492 157, 067 101, 386 135, 696 163,998 25, 508 19,260 22,861 21,987 19, 212 20, 655 80, 708 51,988 43,283 52, 453 35, 650 18,814 17, 745 12, 517 13,882 9,327 25,637 10, 733 1,308 5,656 5,299 4 812 4,030 5,193 5,171 4,382 4 834 18, 537 11,086 12, 746 10,815 7,686 3,727 3,167 919 835 1,905 1,937 988 12 729 530 $1,025 3,214 4, 575 4,495 5,710 42,932 46, 598 59, 750 130, 826 110,345 105, 551 131,540 72, 520 93,748 120, 592 422,469 155, 550 85, 901 131, 681 171,482 $117 565 872 11,668 1,587 17,644 15, 787 16,996 810 16,606 12H percent on capital net loss $12,210 6,930 22, 38& 29, 266 16,001 5,912 6,664 41, 673 9,038 2,417 912 12, 253 3,511 82,652 143, 507 169,172 114 STATISTICS OP INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by Stales and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax creiits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued SOUTH CAROLINA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 1 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.).... 4-5i (esfi 4-5 (est.)' 5-6 1 5-6 6-7 * 6-7 7-8 1 7-8 8-9 1 8-9 9-10' 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 . 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 _ . 60-70 _ 70-80 . 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 . 400-500. 500-750 . 750-1,000 ._ 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000... 2,000-3,000. „ 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped Number of returns N e t income Tax Normal tax 779 41 2,346 848 1,948 701 1, 37o 337 342 501 79 333 31 206 22 141 19 93 13 81 51 38 32 20 34 53 29 15 15 9 1 1 1 1 $456,216 19, 307 3, 520, 306 1,462,292 4,842,583 1,661,459 4, 744, 361 1,220,121 1,495, 347 2,242,723 427, 604 1,811,557 200, 538 1, 331, 521 165,403 1,051, 278 161,156 782, 487 123, 318 765,930 532, 816 437,124 401,851 268, 202 491, 306 908,324 641,926 417, 366 526,188 Surtax Tax credits 25 per12H per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $57 $172 $229 2,251 3,002 751 6,427 8, 570 2,143 3,241 4,321 1,080 4,599 6,132 1,533 5,060 6,577 1,517 5,741 7,226 1, 485 5,000 6,264 1, 264 4,902 6 062 1,160 6,159 3,968 3,856 3,751 3,091 5,301 16,246 17, 530 15,149 25, 949 7.598 4, 554 4,435 3, 629 3,087 5,207 12, 651 10,838 5,595 9,635 (2) 8 <2) i 12H percent on capital net loss $360 563 816 682 1,608 6,230 9,690 10,129 18, 304 1,439 946 1,142 694 678 1,514 2 635 2,998 575 1,990 i _ 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930.. 1929... 1928 1927— 1926... 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921..- 748,171 59, 550 13,953 59, 307 2,330 $11,380 10, 536 33,858,781 197,943 129, 565 107, 6S9 27,931 11,380 12,179 13,232 13, 725 14,310 13,809 15,727 28,090 28, 225 26,830 25,160 42,714,132 50, 257,416 55, 510, 360 55, 218,679 53, 060, 331 57,661, 544 79,613,886 87,031,355 72, 755, 770 68, 255,825 304,596 566,252 716,628 554,731 420,164 430,879 727,462 1,555,315 1, 268,305 1, 246, 523 For footnotes, see p . 124. 115 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued SOUTH DAKOTA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.).. Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 1 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.)_-_ 5-6 i 5-6 6-7 1 6-7 7-8 8-9!_ 8-9 9-10! 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 _._'_ 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 . . _ . 300-400 400-500 500-750 . _ 750-1, 000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 . 4,000-5 000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2. Total Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 788 13 1,475 740 1,210 460 1,054 239 270 349 38 228 17 122 7 90 8 63 3 43 31 30 19 18 11 37 11 3 2 $433,410 6,512 2, 214, 547 1, 276,010 2, 989,153 1,082,979 3, 625,011 863, 523 1,177, 987 1,563,232 204, 051 1,240, 343 110,150 789, 664 52,112 673, 537 67,145 534, 360 28,952 409, 350 325,995 344,839 237, 374 243,002 159,687 634,702 240, 752 81, 358 179,489 95, 278 25 percent of tax on earned net income $58 $78 $20 3,024 4,032 1,008 4,165 5,553 1,388 2,143 2,858 715 3,266 4,354 1,088 3,631 4,672 1,041 3,712 4,482 770 3,636 4,362 726 3,342 3,884 542 3,037 3,301 3,807 2,553 2,718 2,682 13, 355 7,356 3,395 11, 202 7,319 3,721 3,589 3,827 2,756 2, 422 2,301 10,040 4,238 1,847 5, 231 1,993 684 526 471 676 333 173 1,012 385 435 1,047 45 2 (2) (2) 1 (2) (2) $238 451 473 629 554 4,327 3,503 1,983 7,018 5,371 (2) (2) (2) (2) 12H percent on capital net loss (2) (2) (2) 246,189 17, 900 3 17, 305 $2,807 102 $2,113 7,387 22,130, 693 105, 602 76, 243 41,852 2,807 13,187 2,113 9,449 10, 449 10, 649 10,969 12,414 17, 086 26, 506 21,928 21,465 21,681 31, 453, 988 40,165, 070 38, 954, 968 35, 906, 515 38,153, 263 53, 971, 360 66,124, 303 50,170,861 48, 949, 551 47, 087, 498 178, 379 390, 886 321,516 209, 667 208,893 192,460 306, 097 350, 312 518, 688 524, 653 S u m m a r y for preceding years: 3 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Surtax 12K percent on capital net gain Tax credits For footnotes, see p . 124. 116 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued TENNESSEE Tax credits Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under V (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) __._ 2-3i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.) _ 3-4 (est.) 4-5 l (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 ! 5-G 6-7!. . . 6-7 7-8i 7-8 - . 8-9 ! 8-9 9-101 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 ._ 13-14 . 14-15 15-20 20-25 . 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 . 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200. 200-250 250-300_. 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1 500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped *. Total. S u m m a r y for preceding years: s 1930 1929-__ 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922_. 1921 Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 1,622 74 4,947 2,600 3,734 1,839 4,516 1,245 1,236 1,857 226 1,083 106 673 71 475 45 320 41 215 196 138 114 102 108 231 107 63 61 26 11 11 6 $943, 766 39,873 7, 584, 501 4, 473, 081 9, 200, 694 4,391,565 15,658,207 4,513,951 5, 348, 626 8, 301,865 1,218,820 5, 909,057 687,928 4,351, 793 530,683 3,545,850 377 502 2, 708, 591 392, 610 2, 039, 222 2,046,838 1, 581, 773 1,425,865 1, 382, 463 1, 565, 719 4, 001,188 2,366, 476 1, 732, 765 2,087,463 1,159,038 613,344 724, 647 371,448 503, 283 4 3 $357 Surtax 25 per12^ per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $476 $119 2,403 7,209 9,612 16,758 22, 344 5,586 11,374 15,165 3,791 16, 738 22,317 5,579 19,115 24, 980 5,865 19,266 24,454 5,188 18,713 23,421 4,708 17, 336 21, 658 4,322 13,968 14, 682 13,384 14,672 17, 295 20,325 77, 084 63,375 73, 444 102, 286 71,314 51,900 58,527 37,982 58,383 17, 459 L7, 593 14,256 14, 888 16,848 19,148 (31, 034 37,613 35, 328 36,977 18,111 13,190 9,531 5,240 7,824 $844 2,016 2,856 3,556 5, 272 28, 208 35,163 42, 717 75,112 59, 632 41,525 57,154 28,078 51,584 466,451 513,116 54, 734 82, 766 3,736 9,262 43,348 54,055 14,618 19,930 954 481 700, 775 105,589 131 65,870 39,626 37 $19 688 1,516 5,656 3,491 3,755 2,888 3,072 3,109 4,095 12,158 9,401 4,601 9,057 3,281 2,309 743 992 1,025 12M percent on capital net loss $765 3,836 506 8,931 6,014 1 1 1,790,645 355,033 33, 215 324,652 73 772 2,135 28,117 107,251,482 1,413,609 535,811 921,642 82,125 103, 782 22,187 32,682 34,664 35,039 33,812 35,495 34,689 66,981 69,081 63,555 60,949 140,422,521 177,388,337 190, 287,682 173,162,605 175, 714, 293 168,198,127 224,184,198 226,033, 948 190, 723,937 170,969,895 1,955,201 3,747,58? 5,624,112 4,035,541 3,651,457 3,125,603 3,419,535 4, 283,805 4, 902,612 3, 984,051 For footnotes, see p. 124. 117 STATISTICS OP INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued TEXAS Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1 ! (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) ..._ 2-3i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6i 5-6 6-7'. 6-7 7-8 1. _ . __ _. 7-8 8-9 i 8-9 9-10 L_. 9-10 10-11 _- -._ 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 . . 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 . 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 . ._ 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total. Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 „ Number of returns Net income Normal tax 6,750 45 15,171 7,614 10, 863 7,156 11, 341 5,638 2,787 7,237 478 4,514 197 2,607 140 1,590 105 1,015 84 698 535 344 298 251 208 587 298 157 182 101 49 28 22 7 20 22 9 $3,907,462 13, 778 23,014, 826 13, 224,885 26,908, 707 17, 273,898 39,384,835 20,166,901 12,048,182 32,448,773 2, 580,022 24, 651, 348 1, 269, 660 16, 793,055 1, 045, 644 11, 836,929 886, 389 8, 604,900 797, 335 6, 611, 770 5, 610, 294 3,942,082 3, 729, 654 3, 383,094 3,005, 621 10,103, 810 6, 559, 271 4, 328, 573 6,114, 255 4,480, 798 2, 677, 842 1, 799,921 1, 658, 351 597, 387 1,901,860 2, 716,078 1, 612, 236 4 2 1,138,201 765,008 4, 079,832 89,158 333, 673,467 105, 058 113, 555 112, 273 114, 534 111,438 109,448 192, 735 200, 683 186,865 200,188 448,849,717 592, 518,704 580, 239,493 560, 322, 568 547, 562, 501 496,820,449 638,109, 285 613,494,900 545,901, 576 536,897,427 Surtax 25 per12K per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $139 $185 $46 18,902 25, 203 6,301 59, 249 78,999 19,750 63, 243 84, 324 21, 081 94, 516 126,021 31, 505 108, 766 141, 309 32, 543 98, 541 123, 602 25,061 89,179 109, 576 20, 397 77, 727 93,122 15,395 69, 636 60, 510 52,713 58, 608 57,120 52, 601 233, 546 216, 600 198, 355 328, 217 331, 324 212,016 183,461 183, 812 71, 708 242, 578 317, 629 260, 689 82, 346 67,946 55,151 58, 223 55, 518 51,792 186, 208 139, 548 100,003 135, 635 114,846 57, 574 46, 352 28, 605 10, 057 41,231 12,484 38,062 $2, 534 4,897 7,262 8,787 10, 222 69, 670 95, 555 103, 886 207,684 218, 720 134,433 118,811 99, 721 62,125 189, 598 204, 725 177, 047 204, 987 95, 564 13, 908 187, 473 II 1 1 2 For footnotes, see p. 124. Tax Tax credits .......... 17,640 121,116 47, 286 12, 710 9,970 7,335 6,877 7,185 9,413 22, 332 18, 503 5,534 9,285 5,783 3,496 3,174 640 474 3,329 1,368 1,706 4,254 95,626 648 62 $828 9,152 27, 933 21, 694 56, 540 (2) i 12K percent on capital net loss $6,645 5,611 4,428 222 414 2,562 19, 328 (2) 2 () 189,969 372, 857 29 481 4, 634, 359 2,107, 937 2,093,119 774,926 301, 932 39, 691 592,423 8, 633,146 12,866,950 14,401,968 12,909,842 12,681,519 9, 766,688 10, 235,806 10,678,022 14,119,655 12,667,894 30,107 118 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued UTAH Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1 i (est.). Under 1 (est.) l-2i (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 L 5-6 . . 6-7 i 6-7... 7-8i 7-8 8-9i 8-9 9-10 1 9-10.10-11 11-12 12-13.. _ 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25. 25-30 . _ 30-40 40-50.. 50-60 60-70 70-80.. 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 . 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over 2 Classes grouped _ . . _ Number of returns Net income 1,124 19 2,047 758 1,467 441 1,481 291 411 451 91 306 45 196 29 141 16 86 19 53 66 34 36 29 25 70 19 12 13 2 1 1 2 $769,186 9,270 3,095, 010 1, 299, 754 3, 635,576 1,038,159 5,113, 692 1,052,946 1,807,046 2,016,006 490, 755 1, 660,048 287, 240 1,269,939 216,124 1,053,182 136,727 728, 910 180,199 503,015 688, 702 389, 460 448, 332 390,961 360,319 1, 204,153 418, 686 333, 567 454,444 140, 664 112,729 (2) (2) (2) Tax Normal tax $88 $117 1,854 2,472 618 3,797 5,063 1,266 2,155 2,873 718 3,847 5,130 1,283 4,636 6 054 1,418 4,801 6,084 1,283 4,743 5,978 1,235 3,946 4,986 1,040 2,957 4,497 2,924 3,326 3,764 4,510 17,443 10,431 10,940 16,953 8,251 7,715 (2) 2 () 3,839 5,500 3,285 3,306 3,713 3,991 12, 803 5,534 3,620 3,579 584 (a) $286 495 845 1,012 1,202 8,410 6,213 8,553 14,462 7,788 7,717 2 () (2) (2) (2) (2) $29 (2) 882 1,289 856 825 961 683 3,770 1,316 1,233 1,088 121 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) _. 558,856 72, 517 1,237 76, 297 $3,023 618 $7, 422 9,785 31,863, 657 196,095 89, 748 133, 280 3,023 22, 534 7,422 11,777 13,163 13, 262 13, 029 13, 568 16,101 28, 685 30, 242 27, 325 26,128 45, 369,199 59, 451, 690 58,809, 296 53, 628, 897 53, 832,169 61, 634, 951 82, 088, 477 79, 943, 306 67, 744, 653 62, 713, 461 447,953 881, 606 1, 095,839 851,031 628, 773 660,497 599,194 725,908 955, 929 842,904 Summary for preceding years: 3 . 25 perpercent of 12H on tax on cent capital earned net net loss income _ Total 1930_ 1929 1928 1927--1926 1925 1924 1923_.._ 1922 .1921 Surtax 12H percent on capital net gain Tax credits . For footnotes, see p. 124. 119 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued VERMONT Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3 1 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-41 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 1 5-6 6-71 . 6-7 __ 7-8 ! 7-8 8-9 ! 8-9 9-10 * 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 _. 90-100 100-150... 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 . 750-1,000 1,000-1,500. 1,500-2,000 2 000-3,000 3,000-4,000.. 4 000-5 000 5,000 and overClasses grouped -. Number of returns Net income Normal tax 196 17 1,296 893 1,191 645 1,132 303 429 420 68 321 46 175 23 119 22 94 17 73 66 33 32 35 24 58 27 15 15 4 2 4 2 3 1 1 1 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922.. Tax $112, 262 10, 275 2,154, 257 1, 537, 753 2,887, 039 1, 522, 361 4, 036, 215 1, 081,191 1,887,495 1,881,015 366, 687 1, 751, 622 295, 768 1,127,934 171, 435 888, 558 186, 705 797, 642 159,920 694,810 690,444 379, 656 398,026 472, 233 347,929 1, 003,303 601,311 413,132 508,968 187,861 103,943 262,868 247,307 i Surtax Tax credits 12K Percent on capital net gain 25 percent of tax on earned net income $80 $107 2,337 3,116 779 5,565 7,420 1,855 3,045 4,060 1,015 3,958 5,277 1,319 6,341 8,142 1,801 4,728 5,875 1,147 4,684 5,821 1 137 4,756 5,816 1,060 4,571 4,286 2,699 3,577 4,792 3,604 14, 201 13,995 13,612 23,615 13, 211 7,662 21,364 5,885 4,902 2,562 3,248 4,598 3,189 9,490 6,768 5,361 8,617 4,560 1,816 195 $306 499 952 1,192 1,194 7,008 9,196 10, 391 18,383 10,396 6,492 20, 656 $519 6,444 269 22, 624 862 $27 1,314 922 362 623 998 779 2,297 1,969 2,140 1,995 571 21 6 $1,390 1,174 625 17,311 Si (2) 12K percent on capital net loss .......... 685,485 91, 626 1,861 95, 590 189 303 5,711 7,803 29,853,410 264,753 108,955 204,879 1,570 24,440 26, 211 8,635 9,586 9,394 8,268 8,646 9,559 20, 618 21, 752 17,901 17, 746 39, 259, 341 49, 916, 326 48, 086,175 41, 842, 221 42, 209, 083 45, 857,160 63, 630, 620 64,800, 009 51, 653, 367 47, 561, 557 For footnotes, see p. 124. 626,874 1, 019,863 1, 055, 740 846,932 821, 296 919,959 978, 252 1, 332,822 1,573,555 1,155, 767 120 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued VIRGINIA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.) Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-31 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 1 (est.).... 4-5 (est.) 5-6 1 5-6 6-7 l 6-7 7-8 1 7-8 8-9 i- , 8-9 9-101 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 . 15-20 20-25 25-30.. 30-40 _ 40-50 50-6060-7070-80 _ 80-90 90-100 . 100-150 _ 150-200200-250 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,090-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 „ 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over- . Number of returns Net income Normal tax 1,932 44 6,147 3,647 4,466 2,881 4,780 1,409 1,751 2,174 328 1,305 148 859 104 511 67 354 62 272 266 166 151 111 84 286 148 69 75 24 23 8 9 6 6 9 5 $1,184, 205 25, 664 9, 332, 747 6, 332,156 11,037,871 6, 897, 251 16, 528, 573 5, 059, 809 7, 650, 368 9, 732, 315 1, 776, 877 7,120, 563 950, 588 5, 547, 377 774, 347 3,812, 004 566, 855 3, 000, 396 589, 206 2, 575, 243 2, 781, 598 1, 906, 522 1,881, 786 1,499, 331 1, 213, 691 4, 929, 908 3, 293,174 1, 857,810 2, 548, 086 1, 064, 207 1, 246,441 517,871 667, 075 502, 626 581,711 1,092, 928 883, 994 401,853 34,689 37, 915 38, 631 37, 619 37, 393 37, 797 37,507 71, 597 77,451 71, 523 76, 257 - Tax Tax credits 25 per12H per- cent of cent on tax on Surtax - capital earned net net gain income $297 $74 9,931 13, 241 3,310 25,624 34,165 8,541 4,445 $223 13, 335 17, 780 21,418 28, 558 7,140 22, 744 29,711 6,967 22, 718 29, 038 6,320 18, 934 23, 835 4,901 16,425 20, 548 4,123 17, 903 19, 286 17,388 16, 734 14, 763 14,128 80,658 88, 015 66, 622 120, 967 62, 661 92, 576 50,319 59, 788 53,106 73, 662 133, 282 126, 365 64,147 22, 271 22,804 18, 765 16,110 13,861 13, 203 58,158 52, 770 28, 045 36,102 19, 945 21, 240 14,049 6,727 4,328 9,840 10, 096 7, 993 1,196 $1, 240 2,455 3,624 3,818 3,949 34, 794 49,785 44, 208 89, 923 53,183 81, 265 41, 356 54,848 51, 383 66, 484 108, 502 135, 098 63, 690 4,368 4,758 3,832 3,000 2,916 3,024 12, 294 14, 540 5,631 7,035 3,153 2,798 1,319 1,203 2,555 1,023 959 1,024 739 129, 365, 027 1, 323, 722 574, 676 889, 605 156, 272, 484 179.293, 926 181, 750, 013 172, 239, 863 176,024, 673 170, 257,017 231,055,514 242, 586, 945 207, 277, 342 208, 331, 701 2,050, 554 3,201,104 4, 408,983 3,611,135 3 495 042 2,981,412 3,313,896 3,669,294 4, 919,485 4,161,116 $3, 484 2,789 287 5,201 32,136 12M percent on capital net loss $1,507 10,103 7,418 3,767 5,785 50 1,639 16, 493 15, 702: _. Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 .— 1922 1921 For footnotes, see p. 124. 43,897 121, 992 62,464 121 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net-income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued WASHINGTON « Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 11 (est.)... Under 1 (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2-3i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 1 (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-61. . 5-6 6-71 6-7 7-8 1 7-8 8-91 8-9 9-101 _ __ _ 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 _ 40-50 50-60 _ 60-70 70-80 80-90 . . 90-100 100-150 _ 150-200 200-250 . 250-300 300-400 400-500 500-750 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3 000-4 000 4,000-5,000 . 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2 Total Summary for preceding years: 3 1930 _ 1929 1928 1927 _. 1926... _ 1925— 1924 1923 1922. _ 1921 Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax 3,738 15 7,362 6,052 5,607 4,515 8,372 2,898 2,880 3,725 259 2,203 98 1,290 68 766 61 445 32 299 195 139 133 86 77 248 73 49 39 23 6 14 3 3 $2,158,310 9,229 11,400,011 10,456,593 13,619, 360 10, 732,719 29,899, 791 10,365, 939 12, 397,361 16,634, 799 1,404,683 12, 011, 593 634,137 8, 341, 591 508, 639 5, 716,844 519, 538 3, 771,967 302,383 2, 839,436 2, 038,178 1, 594,635 1,654, 647 1,156, 597 1,116,092 4, 229,239 1,646,247 1, 334,373 1,351, 237 1,029,151 318,766 906,987 221, 329 4 1 486,123 Surtax Tax credits 25 per12H per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $64 $86 $22 14,850 19,800 4,950 37,893 50, 524 12, 631 30, 618 40,824 10, 206 46,610 62,147 15, 537 50,121 65, 757 15,636 42, 226 57, 810 15,584 36, 759 46,050 9,291 29,352 35,976 6,624 25,981 18, 685 18,472 21,298 17,049 15, 744 83,398 46,617 49,815 67,955 60,035 22, 782 97, 634 18, 968 32, 541 21, 238 20, 214 21, 023 16, 758 13,774 64, 927 24,463 19,810 19,146 8,947 3,084 17,419 36 $912 2,026 3,135 2,943 3,838 28,018 25,413 32,138 49, 567 53,890 20,081 48, 278 20, 219 67, 740 5,506 63, 864 $1,122 286 32, 591 12H percent on capital net loss 6,560 3,465 3,768 2,860 2,652 1,868 9,547 3,259 2,133 1,733 1,106 669 651 9 3 1,278 169 1,461 $147 1,696 (2) 1 (2) (2) 1 (2) (2) (2) 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 2,049,928 317,378 3,027 307, 354 33,161 630 25, 534 51, 781 174,858, 452 1, 238, 044 670, 887 661, 676 67,160 131,560 30,119 63,129 65, 240 66,167 62, 200 61,950 78,030 138,181 136,057 123, 216 115, 593 238,857,983 302,258,404 273,648,593 252, 547, 211 245, 592,050 272, 544,925 393,961, 927 351,985,059 300, 523, 342 261,400, 721 2,750,143 5, 775,343 4,464,930 2,913, 642 2,800, 548 2, 717,102 3, 231, 233 3, 925,801 5,148,477 4, 878, 295 For footnotes, see p . 124. 122 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, taxt tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued WEST VIRGINIA Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under 1* (est.) Under 1 (est.) Number of returns Net income Tax Normal tax Surtax 1,183 31 3,884 2,718 2,929 1,516 3,128 754 1,319 1,232 253 728 147 481 99 303 59 224 57 163 146 130 77 91 53 203 89 47 46 6 6 4 6 1 1 4 $686,127 13,122 6,005,920 4,711,276 7, 251,769 3, 560, 518 10,903,891 2, 741, 528 5,775, 226 5, 506, 819 1, 371,149 3, 971, 625 947,606 3,107, 358 739,896 2, 266, 743 496, 748 1,900 535 541, 693 1, 547,825 1, 529, 599 1,493, 402 961,637 1, 226, 740 766, 752 3, 475,615 1, 988, 212 1, 276, 490 1, 600, 853 266,842 324, 700 252,876 455, 745 667,107 65,349 7,370 69,273 Total. 22,118 80,333,944 515, 600 280,458 315, 666 S u m m a r y for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 27,130 29,803 30, 643 32,500 32, 544 35,810 75,037 89, 263 69, 501 75, 277 110,726,146 136, 768,017 140,128, 751 139, 696,175 141, 396,917 144, 777,469 226, 999, 720 260, 343, 202 196, 777, 359 207,157, 054 1-2 (est.) 2-3 i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4 i (est.) 3-4 (est.) 4-5 i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5-6 i 5-6 6-7 i 6-7 7-8 i 7-8 8-9i. 8-9. 9-10 i 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13... 13-14 14 15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 . . 400-500 500-750 _. . 750-1,000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5,000 and over Classes grouped 2._ For footnotes, see p . 124. Tax credits 25 per12H per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income 12K percent on capital net loss $110 $28 6,970 9,293 2,323 13,410 17,880 4,470 6,412 8,550 2,138 10,976 14, 635 3,659 11,636 15, 262 3,626 12, 247 15, 526 3,279 10,162 12, 793 2,631 9,947 12, 373 2,426 9,908 7,833 11,064 8,622 11,587 8,198 48,170 45, 786 39, 937 80, 265 18,365 20, 944 19,376 38,354 12, 382 9,183 11,625 8,833 10,930 7,190 33,838 21, 943 13,073 24, 418 5,653 626 1,826 5,146 2,474 2,040 2,520 2,116 2,790 1,547 9,404 6,187 4,334 2,683 1,124 965 498 1,305 1,144 8,282 747 23,475 65,314 33,835 $82 1, 238, 711 2,298,875 2 920 822 2, 519, 731 2, 304, 313 2,133, 510 2, 796, 310 3,875, 864 4, 594,653 4,579,113 $690 1,959 1,905 3,447 2,555 23,736 30,030 31,198 57, 548 13,836 20, 380 16,314 42, 795 $1,916 903 2,878 12,928 18, 625 $934 STATISTICS OF INCOME 123 TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by States and Territories and by net income classes, showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued WISCONSIN Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Number of returns 12,998 223 20, 408 8,068 12,148 5,330 8,074 2,585 2,139 3,421 400 2,310 170 1,511 124 1,004 86 703 65 508 401 314 241 179 161 477 238 110 117 59 34 17 12 11 5 15 6 5 Under l i (est.) Under 1 (est.) l-2i (est.) 1-2 (est.) 2 3i (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3 4i (est.) 3 4 (est.) 4-5i (est.) 4-5 (est.) 5 6i 5-6 _ 6-71 6 7 7-8 1 _ 7-8 8-91 8-9 9-101 9-10 - 10-11 _ 11-12 12-13 - - -13-14 14-15 . 15-20 --20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80 90 90-100 100-150 - - 150 200 200-250 --- --250 300 300 400 400-500 500 750 750-1,000 1 000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000 3 000-4,000. 4,000-5,000. 5 000 a n d over _ ! Classes grouped 2 ._- Normal tax $7,659,183 116,158 30,112,101 13, 866,499 29,958,470 12, 691,910 27, 690,174 9, 238,092 9, 282, 60? 15, 369, 669 2,167, 550 12, 642,112 1,103, 281 9, 756, 007 922,108 7, 492, 418 733,633 5, 952,092 618,146 4, 818, 675 4, 209, 111 3, 609,177 3,007,474 2,409, 227 2, 336, 237 8,165, 474 5, 274, 285 2, 999, 754 4,040, 557 2, 637, 526 1,841,853 1,110, 240 910, 326 926,995 475, 286 1, 743,910 1,002,768 1.164.017 1 1 m 2 2 GO Surtax 25 per12H per- cent of cent on tax on capital earned net net gain income $984 $1,312 $328 20, 638 27, 517 6,879 49, 260 65, 68C 27, 637 36,848 9,21 35, 294 47, 059 11,76 16, 420 1 41, 429 54,153 12, 724 42, 809 54, 384 11,575 40, 602 50, 438 9,836 36,113 44, 720 8,607 34, 452 33,109 31, 866 31,813 26, 219 29, 270 139,860 138, 605 111,838 188, 306 141, 522 109, 993 85, 481 71, 546 101, 235 39, 068 198,948 150, 388 190,878 43, 061 38, 541 33, 801 32, 618 25, 238 28,139 109, 226 80, 602 51, 700 73,006 39,413 22, 995 15, 506 8, 851 13, 492 499 17,838 7,010 16, 707 $1, 947 4,699 5,983 6,089 8,084 55, 726 79, 507 73, 869 148, 595 134, 345 115,855 83,971 77,490 70, 883 53, 604 205, 542 126, 663 173,310 12^ percent on capital net loss 11, 835 18,663 11,121 8,609 7,379 6,634 6,788 5,108 6,953 25,092 21, 504 13,731 19, 264 7,132 5,873 3,204 1,381 2,421 448 2,235 630 624 (2) (2) $1,042 1,228 1,893 6,166 7,263 29, 002 $15,073 26,332 24, 877 16,958 20, 677 9,721 14, 587 34,032 1,318 9,636 () 1,932,911 84, 681 95, 366 103, 044 98,485 100,956 99, 251 110, 485 179,275 194,050 160, 519 148,457 For footnotes, see p. 124. 177160—34 Tax GO (2) (2) (2) 1 Total. S u m m a r y for preceding y e a r s : 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Net income Tax credits 9 251,988,008 289, 311 242,158 69, 415 1,005 24,513 2, 438, 474 1, 043,611 1,668,320 157, 628 233,361 197, 724 357,657, 240 5, 892, 638 450, 934,107 10, 287,020 453, 394, 323 12, 459,318 436,579, 613 10, 621, 745 407, 642, 742 8,418, 047 418, 618,008 6,799,312 496,659, 728 7, 344,053 547,039, 928 9,019,076 401, 670,058 9,126,855 379,754,222 8, 971,044 3,256 124 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 9.—Individual returns for 1931 by Stales and Territories and by net income classes showing number of returns, net income, tax, tax before tax credits, and tax credits; also total number, net income, and tax for prior years—Continued. WYOMING Tax before tax credits Net income classes (Thousands of dollars) Under l i (est.) Under 1 (est.) . . . . 1-2 (est.).. 2-31 (est.) 2-3 (est.) 3-4i (est.)... 3-4 (est.) 4-5 1 (est.). C-5 (est.) 5-6 ! 5-6 6-7 ! 6-7 7-81 7-8 Number of returns 406 20 967 811 793 590 809 227 278 332 39 188 13 123 15 83 8-9 l 46 1 37 21 18 10 10 g 16 11 8-9 9-10 1 t)-io 10-11 Ll-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 40-50 . 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 . 300-400 400-500 500-750 - ... 750-1 000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-3,000.... 3,000-4,000 4,000-5,000 5 000 and over Classes grouped *__ Total S u m m a r y for preceding years: 3 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 Net income $224,706 9,556 1, 522, 601 1, 400,698 1 939 359 1,371,113 2,837,101 822, 613 1, 213, 384 1, 483, 266 214, 551 1,034,128 83, 623 792,100 113,959 616, 098 59, 737 390, 725 (2) 351, 764 219, 509 206, 673 123, 854 134, 568 131, 268 277, 036 239,543 195, 227 Tax formal tax $92 Surtax 12H percent on capital net gain Tax credits 25 percent of tax on earned net income $122 « 2,903 $30 2,177 5,197 6,929 1,732 12>£ percent on capital net loss 726 1,892 2,523 631 3,063 4,084 1,021 3,262 4,159 897 3,844 4,697 853 2,978 3,671 6931 2,610 3,062 452! 2,786 1,733 2,244 1,451 1,625 1,781 5,088 6,303 7,810 3,180 1,908 2 127 1^412 1,464 1,621 3,947 3,150 3,482 $91 433 238 347 465 1,953 3, 449 5,034 394 266 316 199 186 305 812 296 706 (2) 167, 792 9,41 3,98 7,03 9oe $705 5,89 18,176, 55[ 65,34 58, 42*= 19,04 11,421 705 6,80 8,14 8, 62 8,87 8 f 93 10,33 22,94 23,24 21,94 22,41 22, 979, 51'r 30,813,01*I 33, 233, 24<) 31, 297, 69** 31,750,58 I 33,481,51*I 60, 751, 85,* 57, 376, 05'1 48,826, 74 I 51,051,62 3 141,44 188,96 372,12 274,64 263,31 256,48 414,08 520,76 687,06 783,25 f" 1 2 3 Nontaxable returns. Specific exemptions from normal tax exceed net income. Classes grouped to conceal identity of taxpayer. Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of Individuals are summarized on pp. 198-203. * Includes Alaska. 125 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 10.—Individual returns for 1931 on Form 10J+0 with no net income, by Stales and Territories, showing number of returns and deficit States and Territories Num- Deficit ber of (in thoureturns sands) 1,388 Alabama 663 Arizona 1,195 Arkansas California 18,611 Colorado 1,877 Connecticut. _. 3, 477 437 Delaware 820 Dist. Columbia Florida 2,345 1,704 Georgia 300 Hawaii 409 Idaho 13, 659 Illinois Indiana 2,750 1,645 Iowa 2, 935 Kansas 1,642 Kentucky 1,912 Louisiana 1 4,403 6, 219 154.445 12, 404 41,612 6,424 10, 849 19, 783 12, 319 1,919 1, 866 159,456 17,146 9, 763 11,535 14, 386 12,011 States and Territories ! NumM, Deficit ! ber of (in thoureturns j sands) Maine Maryland MassachusettsMichigan Minnesota Mississippi | Missouri j Montana i Nebraska i Nevada I New Hampshire, New Jersey New Mexico.-New York j North Carolina) North Dakota. Ohio j Oklahoma | 2,343 8,514 7,156 2 172 1^739 3,615 285 1,822 186 582 6,164 600 35, 57$ 1,751 772 7,920 3,103 $5, 625 30,078 93,054 62, 503 14, 314 8,930 34, 222 2,037 8, 693 1,255 4,558 67,989 2, 660 646, 561 10, 279 1,793 73, 600 20, 603 States and Territories Num- Deficit ber of (in thoureturns sands) Oregon Pennsylvania- 14,945 895 Rhode Island829 South Carolina South Dakota . 776 1,560 Tennessee 8,934 Texas Utah 601 255 Vermont 1, 553 Virginia Washington 1 .. 3,382 West Virginia. 1,193 5,311 Wisconsin 485 Wyoming $6, 499 183, 288 10, 230 3,897 2,001 9,497 60, 452 3,311 2, 090 9,902 17,417 8,539 25, 630 1, 822 Total—Jl84,583 1,936,878 Includes Alaska. TABLE 11.—Individual returns for 1931 on Form 104-0 ivith no net income, by deficit classes, shoiving sources of income and deductions, and deficit (Money figures and deficit classes in thousands of dollars) [For text denning items and describing methods of tabulating and estimating data, see pp. 1-4] Sources of income Deficit classes Under 5 5-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-150 150-300 - . 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 and over Total ... Profit Interest Divifrom sale on Govon of real Rents ernment dends stock of estate, and roy- obliga- domestic stocks, tions not cor].••oraalties bonds, wholly tions etc.2 exempt Wages and salaries Business Partnership • 122, 746 48, 058 59, 423 33, 248 20, 652 8,370 7,624 3,335 1,130 1,097 37, 284 11, 277 13, 458 5,591 3, 261 828 1,204 258 24 1 16, 732 7,229 11,021 6,341 3,489 893 1,344 383 155 167 9.435 3! 749 5, 377 3, 602 2,350 1,078 1.349 1. 322 867 443 61, 783 17, 565 17, 996 9,593 5,116 1,573 2,139 617 376 302 1,530 799 1,085 484 454 123 174 180 143 167 102, 206 54, 249 88, 557 72, 933 57, 817 27, 990 32, 630 20,437 12, 628 16, 168 7, 714 3, 752 5, 951 4,694 2,834 784 2, 330 444 564 371 305, 684 73,186 47, 754 20, 573 117,059 5,138 485, 616 29, 438 Sources of income Deficit classes Under 5 5-10 1Q-25 25-50 50-100 __ 100-150 150-300 300-500 500-1,000 1,000 and over Total 3 2 Fiduciary 1 Deductions Net loss sale Interest Total in- from of real and other come estate, income stocks, etc.2 Net loss from bus- Contriiness and butions partnership All other Total Deficit 293, 259 158, 258 319,964 277,090 249, 021 121, 505 173, 558 88, 797 63, 539 73, 734 146,167 83,466 102,412 65, 351 55, 354 28,019 36, 282 25, 604 20. 124 27. 344 14, 231 2,549 3, 282 2,227 1,509 591 762 288 141 49 171,475 104, 033 137, 245 103, 367 85, 277 35, 379 53,999 33,213 28, 393 49, 770 206, 302 1, 299, 750 1, 818, 724 590. 123 25, 629 802,152 3, 236, 628 1, 936,878 65, 638 27,173 38, 525 24,944 18, 480 7,394 10, 267 6,619 3,581 3,681 425,068 173,852 241, 391 161, 430 114, 454 49, 035 59,060 33, 595 19, 469 22, 397 For explanation of item, see p. 9. Includes amounts from sale of capital assets held more than 2 years. 625,133 348, 306 562,904 448,035 391,160 185, 493 264, 601 147, 902 112,198 150,897 200,065 174, 454 321,513 286, 605 276, 707 136,458 205, 541 114,307 92, 729 128, 500 BASIC TABLES CORPORATION RETURNS 127 128 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 12.—Corporation returns for 1931 by States and Territories, showing for deductions, net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, income [Money figures in [For text defining certain items and Returns showing net income States and Territories Total number of returns Number Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado C onnecticut Delaware District of Columbia, Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland M assachusetts M ichigan Minnesota M ississippi M issoui i Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New J ei sey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island i South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee , Texas I Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Grand total 181 1,893 2,471 23, 738 7,205 8,074 1,966 2,343 11,028 5,567 669 2,509 32, 2G0 11,989 9,350 5, 290 5, 470 G. 597 3. 884 5, 841 19, 678 15,287 11,403 2, 585 16, 767 3,201 4, 860 997 1,345 22, 967 1,172 110,851 6, 219 3,548 25, 462 6.558 6, 880 26,448 3, 127 3, 610 3,132 5,312 15,225 3,135 1,169 7,071 13, 091 4,953 16,311 1,416 516, 404 1,380 71 506 899 7,465 2,359 3,155 674 1,067 3,064 1,980 295 685 10, 489 4,395 3,527 2,111 2,158 2,415 1,535 2,255 6,727 4,562 4,364 782 5, 723 1,099 2,071 301 587 8,449 375 39, 271 1,819 826 8,318 1,717 1,910 8,452 1,217 980 1,093 1,832 5,216 977 420 2,730 3,916 1,900 5,199 580 175,898 Net loss for prior year Gross income i Deductions i Net income 134, 244 4,368 48, 834 69, 487 2, 441, 374 284, 298 851, 783 679, 062 283,554 229, 590 316,569 46, 360 56, 223 5, 651, 020 696, 537 548, 375 460, 740 267, 715 419, 649 210, 292 1,529,221 2,581,451 2,776.880 1, 063, 009 83, 099 1,462,835 78, 928 303.124 358, 248 73, 756 1, 745, 271 29, 711 15,113, 394 673, 046 44, 313 2, 910, 398 205, 067 220,112 3, 227, 380 265, 321 114,668 55, 099 362, 762 816, 758 100, 564 51,468 631. 485 357, 660 228,123 859, 406 27, 804 128,195 4,035 46, 312 65, 542 2, 251, 225 265, 856 792, 972 602, 864 261,178 216, 783 297, 946 41, 808 53, 404 5, 387, 407 646.175 522, 866 428, 301 248, 749 396, 414 196, 937 1,452,599 2, 410, 468 2, 537, 741 1, 005,698 79, 614 1, 361, 520 75, 642 290, 476 351,409 69, 590 1, 588, 142 28, 464 13, 896, 756 602, 453 42, 661 2, 740, 020 184,156 211.176 2, 97S, 149 247,137 108, 584 52, 858 339, 793 770, 777 95, 508 49, 535 554, 739 340,052 211,677 809, 201 26,103 6,049 333 2,522 3,946 190,149 18, 442 58, 810 76,198 22, 376 12, 806 18, 624 4,552 2,819 263, 614 50, 362 25, 509 32, 439 18, 965 23, 234 13, 355 76, 622 170, 983 239,140 57, 311 3,485 101, 315 3,286 12, 648 6,840 4,166 157,129 1,247 1, 216, 637 71,193 1,651 170, 378 20,911 8,936 249, 231 18,184 6,084 2, 241 22, 969 45,981 5, 056 1,933 76, 746 17, 608 16, 445 50, 205 1,701 865 50 250 306 7,835 569 1,258 847 603 1,562 2,122 133 96 10,121 3,564 1,148 1,222 705 2,127 390 1,643 5,028 7,161 2,456 320 3,109 162 796 104 315 5, 552 133 43, 410 1,062 134 8,109 965 457 9,136 678 604 52 1,749 2,993 235 40 782 1,254 473 1,232 52,051,035 48, 367, 661 3, 683, 368 136, 005 i Gross income and deductions correspond to total income and total deductions, as reported on the face of the return, plus the cost of goods sold. 129 STATISTICS OF INCOME returns with net income and no net income, number of returns, gross income, tax and dividends paid; also number of inactive corporations thousands of dollars] describing returns included, see pp. 1-4] Returns showing net income— Continued Returns showing no net income Returns showing no income data— inactive corporations Dividends—returns showing net income Number Gross income i Deductions i Deficit 412 18 194 303 20,714 1,786 6, 398 8,939 2,419 909 1, 664 477 225 28, 520 4,888 2,361 3, 435 1,843 2,150 1, 304 8,736 18,985 27,123 5, 991 267 10,872 251 1,087 754 362 16,813 68 135, 402 8,148 94 18, 223 2,171 768 27,371 1,887 539 118 2, 274 4, 311 426 155 8,662 1,397 1,586 5,100 91 2,370 86 807 1,415 13, 569 3,355 4,425 1,033 1,081 5,073 3,308 346 1,031 18, 920 6,236 4,119 2,714 2,765 3,440 1,806 2,932 11,948 9,124 5, 427 1, 461 9,107 1,729 2, 355 410 687 12,515 558 62, 639 3,803 1,735 15, 457 4, 054 3,467 15,183 1, 655 2, 244 1,361 3,007 8,582 1,516 693 3,661 6,388 2,508 9, 087 634 244, 801 3,488 56,072 144,318 2,390, 597 366,998 902,377 813,073 253,735 263,357 356,912 52,942 65,211 6, 825, 575 730, 309 408,076 281, 443 433,143 480, 865 270, 579 719, 472 2,410,170 2,036, 296 951,175 111,822 1, 573, 324 68, 003 204, 894 19, 490 80, 675 1, 794,189 29,180 16,194, 996 381,167 53, 623 3, 071, 048 591,717 311, 467 5, 010, 370 373,103 196,589 60, 017 389,176 1,098,435 139, 229 72, 214 375,118 592, 111 277, 974 904, 477 28, 814 274, 646 4,050 71,043 160, 244 2,786,312 407, 800 1,006, 704 906,481 279,482 340, 927 401,021 62,170 77,927 7,468,416 826,116 455, 503 334, 088 473,385 540, 840 307, 479 821, 285 2, 747,373 2, 336,141 1, 056, 777 126, 927 1, 759,191 85, 492 226, 000 24, 268 89, 408 2, 235, 666 33, 267 18,113, 455 421, 274 60,159 3, 462,100 711, 596 355, 446 5, 487, 022 428, 470 215,008 65, 039 434,427 1, 251, 413 157, 276 80,007 425,987 675, 434 316,924 1,013, 964 33, 688 29,845 562 14,970 15,926 395,716 40, 802 104, 327 93,408 25, 747 77, 571 44,109 9,228 12, 716 642, 842 95, 807 47, 427 52, 645 40, 242 59,975 36, 900 101, 813 337, 204 299, 845 105, 601 15,105 185,867 17,489 21,106 4, 777 8, 733 441,477 4, 088 1,918,459 40,107 6, 536 391,052 119, 879 43,979 476, 652 55, 367 18,419 5, 022 45, 252 152, 978 18, 046 7,792 50, 870 83, 323 38, 950 109, 487 4,874 5,055 549 24 165 2,324 580 157 3,834 2,704 227,211 1,491 27, 687 494 56,998 259 166,134 195 11,190 2,891 8,841 279 13,406 28 4,420 793 2, 575 2,851 366, 385 1,358 32,901 1,704 21,850 465 45, 820 547 17, 616 742 19, 693 543 19,158 654 44,270 1,003 162,420 1, 601 238, 370 1,612 57,037 342 2, 826 1,937 83, 642 373 2,859 434 12,118 286 5,380 71 3,248 2, 003 125, 682 239 874 8,941 1, 340, 771 597 50, 568 987 2,264 1,687 144, 643 787 15, 957 1, 503 5,870 2,813 303, 349 255 15,103 3,182 386 678 1,236 473 16,050 49,505 1,427 642 6, 746 56 1,767 680 53, 590 2,787 13, 529 545 13, 200 2,045 41,382 202 1,177 398, 994 283, 806 55, 461, 204 62, 435,117 6,970,913 56, 700 3, 871,880 Income tax Number Cash Stock 239 Dividends—returns showing no net income Cash Stock 87 7,307 74 1,935 1,352 93,149 5,696 35,315 139,477 5,062 4,274 11,110 4,152 640 252, 707 13,395 6,570 5,572 16,196 8,626 4,153 25,128 42, 595 93,925 41,891 1,243 34,441 1,058 2,714 323 1, 661 96, 610 676 866,165 8,707 388 86,956 14, 728 5, 7S8 234, 449 7,730 2, 626 608 7,141 30, 942 3, 523 1, 338 12, 258 13, 496 6,901 15, 882 553 4 145 1,228 197 134 505 50 587 545 20 55 3,840 855 629 191 145 413 1,611 26 2,693 3,186 637 79 33,094 28 971 34 14 1,272 54 20, 572 391 20 3,532 529 17 2,567 106 48 23 1,042 950 101 12 525 453 714 703 13 77, 887 2, 279, 203 85, 644 20 49 3,381 185 318 4,922 109 430 1,131 2,134 21 7,758 2,657 515 187 293 907 1,588 540 1,864 2,449 855 447 2,296 53 434 658 241 2,742 6 22, 706 204 72 1,422 254 289 7, 805 358 44 130 441 1,110 50 2,111 297 487 659 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 130 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 13.—Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups, showing or deficit, tax, net profit after [Thousands [For text defining certain items and P A R T 1. ALL Industrial groups Manufacturing Agricul- M i n i n g and and quarAggregate ture related Total manindustries rying ufacturing Receipts, taxable income: Gross sales L._ _ Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales._ Interest Rents_ Profit, sale of capital assets _. Miscellaneous receipts _._ Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporations.. _._ Interest on tax-exempt obligations 2 Total compiled receipts 3 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold Compensation of officers Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax Bad debts Depreciation .__ Depletion Loss, sale of capital assets _ Miscellaneous deductions Total statutory deductions Compiled net profit or deficit (9 less 19).. _ Statutory net income less statutory deficit. Net loss for prior year. _ Income tax Compiled net profit less income tax (20 less 23) Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid For footnotes, supp. 140-141. _ 75,494,311 21,944, 798 4,122,118 2, 250, 568 298, 636 1, 435, 578 329,950 121,104 8,031 10,597 3,977 13, 029 1,981,517 107,974 24, 353 24,810 18, 642 37,152 41,977, 543 632, 279 318,835 151, 564 63,538 497,873 1,969, 229 541,713 5,278 759 34,841 7,921 391, 658 75,186 108,056,952 492, 724 2, 237, 212 44,108,477 .58, 773, 773 2, 697, 904 4,491,885 2, 230,731 1,182,659 4,002, 508 267, 726 1, 702, 283 33, 484, 086 257, 388 19, 982 26,960 21,126 6,029 34, 247 5,294 9,777 190, 660 1, 488, 709 44, 976 86,019 73,926 14,227 194,262 108, 381 30, 688 408,071 32, 076, 377 935, 348 606, 659 565, 837 315,137 1, 726,424 120, 200 266, 541 7,852, 079 108,833, 555 571,462 2,449, 258 44,464, 603 6 776, 603 6 3, 287, 545 136, 005 398, 994 « 1,175, 596 6,151,083 163,530 e 78,738 e 84, 775 1,380 1,201 6 79, 939 25, 694 1,941 6 212,046 6 254,809 6,251 7,211 6 219, 258 173,315 4,980 e 356,126 6 822,970 49,955 165, 311 6 521,437 2, 285, 635 42,068 131 STATISTICS OF INCOME compiled receipts and statutory deductions; net profit or deficit, statutory net income deducting tax, and dividends paid of dollars] describing returns included see pp. 1-4] RETURNS Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing—Continued Food products, including beverages Tobacco products Textiles and their products Leather and its manufactures Rubber products Forest products Paper, pulp, and products 9,168,624 42,950 31, 388 20, 246 7,722 52,148 1,163,706 3,149 4,250 845 163 4,333 5,193,177 25, 733 17, 997 17,228 2,245 37, 285 1, 088, 824 3,092 3,770 2,635 810 9,730 784,758 6,034 8,703 3,833 147 8,173 1,284, 660 12,899 12,541 8,682 6,504 17,492 1,216,824 4,203 21,777 3,088 1,217 15,471 1 2 3 4 5 6 31, 580 6,243 7,390 878 7,419 5,032 997 619 4,984 452 5,062 1,359 9,489 1,580 7 8 9, 360, 902 1,184,714 5,306,117 1,110,476 817,084 1, 349,199 1, 273,649 9 7, 260,921 116,354 83,090 68, 079 36,417 206, 901 1,921 45,078 1, 380,885 865, 260 10,416 6,205 9,163 2,044 8,186 560 137, 726 4, 386, 395 162, 343 47, 555 47, 238 44,413 147,833 150 32, 390 690, 055 912,106 28,184 7, 327 7, 607 12, 587 16, 384 21 3,433 155,859 578, 892 8,783 20,319 7,860 9,815 39, 654 69 2,621 167, 785 1,076, 945 52,110 35,171 30, 301 21, 595 58,694 21, 896 6,980 223, 260 924,308 33,463 39,692 19,455 5,996 65,809 1,639 4,105 184,416 10 11 12 13 14 15 Ifi 17 18 9,199, 647 1,039,559 5, 558, 372 1,143, 507 835,798 1, 526,951 1, 278,883 19 161, 255 123,432 11,632 36, 823 124,432 299, 214 6,210 145,155 136, 887 112 17,066 128,090 107,038 28 6 252, 255 6 264, 707 10, 209 7,351 6 259, 607 105,137 4,292 e 33, 031 6 34, 646 1,291 3,340 e 36, 371 28, 524 614 6 177,752 6 184,172 1,537 1,379 e 179,131 35, 241 1,678 6 5, 234 6 16, 304 967 4,239 e 9,473 46, 047 3,413 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 6 18, 715 6 24,150 2,391 1,371 e 20,086 26,877 38 132 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 13.—Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups, showing or deficit, tax, net profit after [Thousands P A R T 1. ALL Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing— C ontinued Printing, Stone, clay, Metal and publishing, Chemicals allied and glass its and allied and products products products industries Receipts, taxable income: Gross sales * _ Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales. Interest _ __ Rents. _ Profit, sale of capital assets _ Miscellaneous receipts Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporations. _. Interest on tax-exempt obligations 2 Total compiled receipts 3 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold. Compensation of officers. Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax Bad debts Depreciation Depletion Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous-deductions _. _ Total statutory deductions 16, 528 3,594 6, 612, 865 1,009, 203 10,906, 545 288,316 4,134 163, 740 86,436 6,199 101, 542 28, 502 3,766 34,432 13, 976 1,269 25,029 85, 264 11, 904 208, 725 209,013 15, 092 2, 289, 058 7, 339,464 Compiled net profit or deficit (9 less 19) Statutory net income less statutory deficit Net loss for prior year._ Income tax Compiled net profit less income tax (20 less 23) Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid For footnotes, see pp. 140-141. 2,145,180 68,179 10, 452 22, 061 2,606 20,457 _ 1, 485, 815 4, 503, 866 109, 548 81, 009 32, 305 146,967 21,960 148, 389 26,161 39, 628 68, 647 444,396 92 83,800 20, 257 15, 242 471,174 1,714,418 2, 230, 943 7,182, 731 58,116 37, 993 2,421 12, 895 45, 221 111,664 156, 734 e 67, 371 4,774 29, 409 127, 325 668,571 6,638 3,745 4,952 2,072 73, 984 36, 759 1, 043,499 11, 550, 756 715, 631 34, 799 18, 016 14, 862 9,976 75, 385 1,841 5,648 197,804 8, 367, 475 236,446 148,450 175, 780 87, 201 544, 413 8,565 110, 667 2,166, 748 1,073,962 11,845,743 « 30,463 e 37,487 1,710 4,614 6 35,078 59,125 376 e 294,987 e 405, 730 10,646 40, 624 6 335, 611 724, 740 13,868 133 STATISTICS OF INCOME compiled receipts and statutory deductions; net profit or deficit, statutory net income deducting tax, and dividends paid—Continued of dollars] RETURNS—Continued Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing—Cont'd Manufacturing not elsewhere classified Construction Transportation and other public utilities Trade FinanceService— Banking, inProfessional, surance, real business not amusements, estate, stock hotels, etc. and bond brokers, etc. 1,403,177 9,851 13, 780 6,245 1,850 26, 892 1, 700,874 445, 703 19, 958 19,008 4,412 24, 589 12,157,479 298, 870 167, 318 18, 687 128,559 29, 504, 427 366,314 120, 253 144,541 40, 481 370, 089 3, 394, 389 38, 774 131, 869 7,686 64, 483 20, 259 1,506 21, 008 4,021 614,884 33, 077 47, 341 12,108 1,483, 559 2, 239, 573 13,418,874 998,763 61,895 21, 562 15,144 19,305 50,122 206 19, 560 361,950 1,400, 802 129, 629 35,196 14, 224 20,183 69, 273 570 24, 045 550, 970 1, 548, 506 6 64, 948 e 86, 713 2,265 6,201 6 71,149 73, 457 1,169 4 4, 689, 828 3,291,114 1, 600, 201 140,857 298,575 29, 729 1,931 659 355 1,228 2 3 4 5 6 42, 023 1, 578 809, 250 406, 965 2, 946 98 7 8 30, 605, 553 3, 680, 803 11, 236, 791 36, 946 9 96, 365 1, 626, 404 733, 771 47, 767 1,123,179 22, 896 82,171 8, 740, 973 23, 550, 497 775,307 217,846 206,145 264,199 312,593 6,342 140, 095 5,638,478 192,165 135, 762 81, 340 26, 348 190, 609 615 49,677 3, 084, 049 500, 724 1,755,373 533,438 487, 296 350, 807 3,422 1, 088,499 s 6,987, 358 3,408 1,665 924 1,473 1,114 7 10, 791 31,446 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2, 244, 892 12,473, 526 31,111,501 3, 760, 565 5 11, 706, 917 50,830 19 6 5, 319 6 30, 348 8,999 7,625 6 12,944 63,073 6,298 945,348 297,386 10, 787 105, 585 839,763 1, 796, 516 16,194 6 79,762 6 123, 364 6,947 11,081 6 90,843 115,720 10,485 6 470,126 6 1,686,341 32,425 55,166 6 525, 292 1,255,744 64,958 6 13,884 6 16,928 82 105 6 13,989 2,060 91 20 21 22 23 24 2/5 26 e 505,948 6 565, 397 19,180 45, 708 6 551,656 433,326 16, 514 134 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 13.—Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups, showing or deficit, tax, net profit after [Thousands PART 2. R E T U R N S SHOWING Industrial groups Aggregate Receipts, taxable income: Gross sales l Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales Interest Rents Profit, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous receipts Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporations Interest on tax-exempt obligations 2 Agriculture and related industries Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Total manufacturing 37, 340, 860 9,945,590 2,051,525 1, 025,823 157,437 677, 212 104,727 94,208 2,817 4,311 1,926 6,318 852, 588 215,978 789 105 8,992 2,322 209, 725 37,147 Total compiled receipts 3 52, 267,013 215, 202 735,041 21, 011, 555 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold Compensation of officers Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax Bad debts Depreciation Depletion Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous deductions 27, 660, 964 1,157,132 1, 498, 621 913,168 342,643 1, 745, 745 77, 593 153,777 13, 965, 436 68,502 5,783 2,999 6,682 2,093 15,078 1,335 253 97, 581 Total statutory deductions 47, 515,080 200,305 652, 574 19, 300,065 14, 897 14,002 1,380 1,201 13,696 19,830 59 82, 468 71,154 6,251 7,211 75,257 81, 785 4,085 1,711,491 1,464,619 49, 955 165, 311 1, 546,179 1, 499, 263 30,151 Compiled net profit (9 less 19) Statutory net income Net loss for prior year Income tax Compiled net profit less income tax (20 less 23) Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid For footnotes, see pp. 140-141. 4, 751, 934 3,683, 368 136,005 398, 994 4,352,940 3, 871,880 77, 887 649,977 20,117,370 38, 650 170,156 7,050 133, 387 7,184 61, 768 8,015 18,816 12,853 263,188 441,149 14,127, 785 15,089 414,008 14,103 179,982 22,025 198, 603 3,229 108,080 40, 752 638,188 34,949 29,126 1,291 43, 810 79,987 3, 560,482 135 STATISTICS OF INCOME compiled receipts and statutory deductions; net profit or deficit, statutory net income deducting tax, and dividends paid—Continued of dollars] NET INCOME Industrial groups—Continued | Manufacturing—Continued Food products, including beverages ! I ! 5, 258,968 22,494 14, 902 9,540 6,437 33, 066 Tobacco products Textiles and their products Leather and its manufactures Rubber products Forest products Paper, pulp, and products 1, 072, 200 1,045 2,914 593 140 2,310 2,095, 952 10,168 6,493 4,047 725 13, 073 538, 033 754 1,777 485 154 4, 020 384, 782 1, 266 6,270 2,837 29 4,452 321,333 2,299 2, 098 1,342 1, 880 2,818 G21.456 908 2, 498 1,011 371 4,460 1 ? 3 4 5 6 I | 20,546 5,047 7,121 855 1,724 2, 704 165 363 1,679 104 1,173 343 2,222 1,333 7 | 5,371,001 1,087, 177 2, 134, 886 545, 752 401,419 333, 285 634, 2C0 9 3, 833, 645 74,247 28,928 38,157 19, 207 127, 307 1,651 10, 972 884, 383 793,015 8,250 5,198 7, 675 1,537 5,744 426, 357 11,537 1, 435 , 2, 635 4,876 6,874 488 60, 929 287,955 3, 330 9,406 2,966 2,980 15,891 58 284 62, 763 241, 384 12,811 3,159 4,073 4,455 9,868 2, 232 441 38, 380 444,151 17,511 5,934 7,786 2,422 29, 755 806 989 83, 878 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 475 114,813 1, 662, 758 65, 896 9,413 13, 627 12,876 56, 047 38 2,977 228,998 | 5, 018,498 936, 707 2,052, 629 515,132 385, 632 316, 803 593, 232 19 I 352,503 326, 910 11,632 36,823 315, 680 269, 851 5, 104 150, 470 142,494 112 17,066 133, 404 98, 705 28 82, 257 77, 830 10, 209 7,351 74, 906 62, 461 2, 739 30, 619 30, 091 1,291 3, 340 27, 279 23, 033 411 15, 787 14, 004 2, 391 1,371 14,416 18, 760 23 16,481 14, 966 1,537 1,379 15,102 14,192 2G2 41,027 37,472 967 4,239 36, 789 32, 759 1,405 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ; > 1 ! • c 18 136 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 13.—Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups, showing or deficit, tax, net profit after [Thousands PART 2. RETURNS SHOWING Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing —Continued Printing, publishing, Chemicals allied and allied and industries products Receipts, taxable income: Gross sales l Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales. Interest Rents Profit, sale of capital assets. __ Miscellaneous receipts Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporations Interest on tax-exempt obligations 2 Total compiled receipts 3 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold Compensation of officers Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax. Bad debts Depreciation Depletion Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous deductions Total statutory deductions.. Compiled net profit (9 less 19) Statutory net income Net loss for prior year Income tax Compiled net profit less income tax (20 less 23). Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid For footnotes, see pp. 140-141. 1, 225, 453 3,140, 538 24,899 25, 345 42, 628 6,213 14, 572 8,863 2,731 1,804 33,191 12, 276 Stone, clay, and glass products Metal and its products 467, 281 1,731 3,221 1,419 604 6,608 4, 350, 292 73, 605 37, 256 15,149 2,922 134, 710 2,509 1,235 38, 257 13, 420 3, 379, 232 484, 608 4, 665, 611 788, 482 57, 622 11,340 14,677 11,962 35,157 29 4,242 240, 647 1,862, 768 47, 647 50, 853 51, 905 16, 322 141,173 21, 930 9,276 805,191 305,471 12, 415 4,062 5,204 4,026 27,438 641 2,119 77,804 3,074,031 78,054 44, 290 43, 932 22, 716 163,474 1,667 10,148 820, 401 1,164,159 3, 007, 065 439,181 4, 258, 713 124,158 115,795 2,421 12, 895 111,264 94,480 3,318 372,167 251,493 4,774 29,409 342, 758 389,350 6,223 45,427 41,683 1,710 4,614 40,813 36,982 242 355, 221 10,646 40,624 366, 275 397,372 9,810 5,331 3,032 1,288,317 112, 837 7,837 137 STATISTICS OF INCOME compiled receipts and statutory deductions; net profit or deficit, statutory net income deducting tax, and dividends paid—Continued of dollars] N E T INCOME—Continued Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing—Contd. Manufacturing not elsewhere classified Transportation and Construction other public utilities Trade Serviceprofessional, amusements, hotels, etc. Nature of business not given 1,530,155 1, 635, 849 758,820 75, 594 115,189 10,080 955 272 211 507 1 2 ;j 4 5 6 19,833 893 178, 244 144, 789 469 9 7 8 16,117,896 1, 699, 770 4,438, 641 12, 503 9 53,835 645,443 363, 592 25,190 675,272 9,127 23, 866 3, 696, 219 12, 319, 945 303, 673 69, 584 87, 035 86, 225 144, 397 1,074 11,199 2, 603,103 98,458 33,178 26, 057 9,428 63, 808 241 13,415 1, 316, 534 204,960 544, 521 203, 534 101, 674 132, 751 1,435 53, 755 5 2, 302,476 1,147 213 206 92 202 43 8,327 872 033 308, 397 6,201 5,284 2,871 12, 818 6,027, 512 186,487 96,986 12, 361 71,832 15, 596, 754 175, 208 54, 575 54,118 32,889 172, 726 1,591, 225 24, 204 37,081 4,753 21, 780 16,161 872 5,631 2,334 405, 773 19, 886 23,132 8,494 686, 008 1,215,568 6, 820, 837 407, 767 24, 688 5,964 5,966 4,702 19,460 75 1,399 142, 294 703 584 60,179 8,599 5,433 6,631 35, 298 306 6,146 300, 728 641 082 5,643 7,117 1,910 1,019 12, 205 Financebanking, insurance, real estate, stock and bond brokers, etc. 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 612,313 1,126, 904 5,492, 543 15, 626, 235 1, 561,119 s 3, 545,106 10, 229 19 73, 695 56, 661 2,265 6,201 67, 494 61, 319 584 88, 664 80, 699 8,999 7,625 81,040 36, 397 4,672 1, 328, 294 902, 635 10, 787 105, 585 1, 222, 709 1, 343, 503 3,223 491,661 460,035 19,180 45, 708 445, 953 311,389 9,818 138,651 117, 925 6,947 11, 081 127, 570 77, 807 9,852 893 535 570, 502 32, 425 55,166 838, 369 500, 815 16, 017 2,274 1,796 82 105 2,168 1,092 11 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 138 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 13.—Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups, showing or deficit, tax, net profit after [Thousands P A R T 3. R E T U R N S Industrial groups Aggregate Receipts, taxable income: Gross sales l Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales. Interest Rents Profit, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous receipts : Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporations 2 Interest on tax-exempt obligations Total compiled receipts 3 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold Compensation of officers Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax. Bad debts Depreciation Depletion Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous deductions Total statutory deductions.. Compiled net deficit (9 less 19) Statutory net deficit (20 plus 7 and 8). Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid For footnotes, see pp. 140-141. Agriculture and Mining and related indus- quarrying tries Manufacturing Total manufacturing 38,153, 451 11,999,209 2, 070, 593 1, 224, 745 141,199 758, 366 225, 222 26,896 5,214 6,286 2,051 6,711 1,331, 540 69, 324 17, 303 17, 627 10, 627 24, 300 21,860,173 462,124 185, 448 89, 797 44, 722 234, 685 1,116, 641 325, 735 4,489 654 25, 849 5,599 181, 933 38, 040 55, 789, 939 277, 522 1,502,170 23, 096, 922 31,112,808 1, 540, 772 2, 993, 264 1,317,563 840, 016 2, 256, 763 190,133 1, 548, 507 19, 518, 649 188, 887 14,199 23, 961 14,443 3,936 19,169 3,959 9,524 93, 079 1, 047, 560 29,888 71, 915 51,901 10, 998 153, 509 73, 432 29, 397 328, 084 17, 948, 592 521, 340 426, 676 367, 234 207, 057 1, 088, 236 91, 074 222, 731 4, 291, 597 61,318,475 371,157 1, 796, 684 25,164, 538 5, 528, 536 6, 970, 913 2, 279, 203 85, 644 93, 635 98, 778 5,865 1,882 294, 514 325, 963 91, 530 896 2, 067, 617 2, 287, 589 786, 372 11,917 139 STATISTICS OF INCOME compiled receipts and statutory deductions; net profit or deficit, statutory net income deducting tax, and dividends paid—Continued of dollars] SHOWING NO NET INCOME Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing—Continued Food products, including beverages 3,909,656 i ; , •• i Tobacco products Textiles and their products Leather and its manufactures Rubber products Forest products Paper, pulp, and products 20,456 16,486 10, 706 1,285 19, 082 91, 507 2,104 1,336 252 24 2,024 3, 097, 225 15, 565 11, 504 13,181 1, 520 24, 212 550, 791 2, 338 1, 993 2,150 656 5,709 399, 976 4,768 2,433 997 118 3,721 963, 327 10, 600 10, 442 7,341 4,623 14, 674 595, 367 3, 295 19, 279 2,077 846 11,011 1 2 3 4 5 6 11,034 1,196 270 23 5, 695 2,329 832 255 3,305 348 3,889 1,016 7,267 247 7 8 3, 989, 901 97, 538 3, 171, 231 564, 724 415, 665 1, 015, 914 639, 389 9 3, 427, 276 42, 107 54,162 29, 922 17, 210 79, 593 270 34, iO6 496,503 72, 244 2,166 1,007 1,488 507 2,442 85 22,913 2, 723, 637 96, 447 38, 142 33, 611 31, 537 91, 786 112 29, 414 461, 056 485, 749 16, 647 5, 892 4,971 7,711 9, 510 21 2, 945 94, 929 290, 937 5, 452 10, 913 4,894 6,835 23, 764 11 2,337 105, 022 835, 560 39, 299 32, 012 26, 229 17,140 48, 826 19, 663 6, 538 184, 880 480,157 15, 952 33, 758 11,668 3,574 36, 054 833 3,116 100, 538 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4,181,149 102, 852 3, 505, 743 628, 375 450,166 1, 210,147 685, 651 19 191, 248 203,478 29, 364 1, 105 5,314 5,606 8. 333 334, 513 342, 537 42, 676 1,553 34, 501 38,154 8,118 15 194, 233 199,138 21,049 1, 416 46, 262 53,776 18. 288 2, 007 20 21 22 23 177160—34 10 63, 650 64, 737 ! 5,491 i 203 i 140 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 13.—Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups, showing or deficit, tax, n,et profit after [Thousands PART 3. R E T U R N S Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing—Continued Printing, publishing, Chemicals allied and allied and industries products Receipts, taxable income: Gross sales i Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales Interest Rents Profit, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous receipts Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporations Interest on tax-exempt obligations 2 Total compiled receipts 3 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold Compensation of officers Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax Bad debts Depreciation Depletion __ Loss, sale of capital assets... Miscellaneous deductions Total statutory deductions Compiled net deficit (9 less 19) Statutory net deficit (20 plus 7 and 8) Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid 1 2 Stone, clay, and glass products Metal and its products 919,727 42,834 4,239 13,199 802 8,181 3,472,327 263,417 43, 808 13, 930 11,245 52,073 541,922 2,403 2,978 2,346 664 5,296 6, 556, 253 90,135 64,286 19, 283 22,107 74,015 11,197 562 1,000, 741 96,176 7,255 2,443 837 35,728 23, 338 3, 960, 232 558,891 6,885,144 697, 333 51,925 20, 965 7,283 14,199 33,490 63 10,999 230,527 2, 641,098 33,362 96,114 96, 484 23,306 303, 224 61,871 10,981 909, 227 410,160 22,384 13, 954 9,658 5,950 47, 947 1,200 3,529 120,000 5, 293,444 158,392 104,159 131,847 64,487 380, 939 6,898 100, 519 1,346,346 1,066,784 4,175, 665 634, 782 7, 587, 030 66,043 77,802 17,184 426 215,433 318,864 279, 221 415 75,891 79,171 22,142 134 701,886 760,951 327, 367 4,058 For cost of goods sold, see statutory deductions. Includes obligations of States and Territories or minor political subdivisions, securities issued under the3 Federal Farm Loan Act, and obligations of the United States or its possessions. Include net profit from the sale of capital assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.) but not gross receipts from these items. Excludes nontaxable income, other than interest on tax-exempt obligations and dividends on stock of domestic corporations as reported in Schedule L of the return. 141 STATISTICS OF INCOME compiled receipts and statutory deductions; net profit or deficit, statutory net income deducting tax, and dividends paid—Continued of dollars] SHOWING NO NET INCOME—Continued Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing—Contd. Manufacturing, not elsewhere classified Construction Transportation and other public utilities Trade Financebanking, Serviceinsurance, professional, real estate, amusements, stock and hotels, etc. bond brokers, etc. Nature of business not given 762,095 4,208 6,663 4,335 831 14, 687 828,842 137,305 13, 757 13, 724 1,541 11,771 6,129,966 112,383 70, 333 6,326 56,727 13,907 673 191,106 65, 678 90,423 7,591 197, 363 1,803,164 14,570 94,788 2,933 42, 703 4 3,159,673 1, 655, 264 841, 381 65, 264 183, 386 19,649 976 387 144 721 3 4 5 6 4,098 634 15, 377 1,687 209,111 13,192 24, 209 3, 614 22,190 685 631,006 262,175 2,477 90 7 8 797, 551 1,024,005 6, 598,037 14,487, 657 1,981,034 6, 798,149 24, 443 9 590,996 37, 207 15, 598 9,179 14,603 30, 662 132 18,161 219, 655 697, 218 69,450 26, 597 8,791 13, 552 33,975 264 17, 898 250, 243 42, 531 980,962 370,178 22,577 447,907 13, 769 58,305 5,044, 754 11, 230, 552 471,634 148, 262 119,110 177,973 168,197 5, 267 128,896 3, 035, 375 93,706 102, 585 55, 283 16,920 126,802 374 36, 263 1,767,515 295, 764 1, 210, 852 329,904 385,622 218,056 1,986 1, 034, 744 4, 684,882 2,261 1,453 718 1,381 913 7 10,748 23,120 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 936,193 1,117,988 6,980,983 15,485, 266 2,199,447 8,161,811 40, 601 19 138, 643 143, 375 12,137 585 93,983 111,048 26,676 1,626 382,946 605,249 453,013 12, 971 997,609 1,025,431 121,937 6, 697 218,413 241, 288 37,914 634 1, 363, 661 2, 256,843 754,929 48, 941 16,158 18, 724 968 80 20 21 4 5 5 Includes for a limited number of returns the cost of securities purchased for customers. * Includes special nonexpense deductions of life insurance companies. (See p. 21.) 9 22 23 TABLE 14.—Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups and subgroups and by returns with net income and no net income, showing number of returns, gross income, net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, and income tax; also number of returns for inactive corporations [Money figures in thousands of dollars] [For text defining certain items and describing returns included, see pp. 1-4] Returns showing ne j income Serial number 1 2 Industrial groups Agriculture and related industries: Farming—Cotton, grain, stock; horticulture and all other farming; lessors. Related industries—Forestry, fishing, ice harvesting, and other related industries; holders and lessors. Total agriculture and related industries 3 4 6 7 8 Mining and quarrying: Metal mining—iron, copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, quicksilver. Coal: Anthracite _ . __ Bituminous, lignite, and peat Oil and gas . _ Other minerals—Asbestos, clay, granite, precious and semiprecious stones, salt, etc. Mining and quarrying, n.e.c, lessors and holdersTotal mining and quarrying.-. ._ . . . 9 10 11 12 13 Manufacturing: Food products, including beverages: Bakery and confectionery products-- _. . . Canned products—Fish, fruit, vegetables, poultry, etc. Mill products—Bran, flour, feed, etc. . Packing-house products—Fresh meats, ham, lard, bacon; meat canning, byproducts, etc. Sugar—Beet, cane, maple, and products . Total number of returns Number 9,619 2, 198 1, 395 348 11,014 Returns s how ing no n et income N u m b e r of returns showing no in- Serial numcome ber Gross d ataNumber income x Deficit Inactive corporations Net income Net loss for prior year Income tax 193,225 11,404 1, 158 962 6, 537 223, 693 83, 787 884 21, 872 2, 599 221 239 817 53,176 14,991 230 2, 546 215,096 14, 002 1,380 1, 201 7,354 276, 868 98, 778 1,114 1,026 149 85, 323 9,375 786 1,005 574 380, 83(5 80, 565 303 106 2,207 4,022 2,045 33 582 1,136 677 5,743 9, 957 12, 542 20, 054 526 587 2,521 744 622 1,039 1,034 2,200 59 1, 513 2,571 1,226 161, 926 458, 449 361,151 115, 824 7, 357 57, 702 133, 425 22, 019 Oross income • o 185, 166, 89, 169, 115 244 775 602 o o 14 112 1 315 142 8,174 1, 255 36, 661 13, 482 1,087 1,311 2,348 18,385 24,894 4,571 17, 580 3,832 732, 720 71,154 6,251 7,211 8,291 1,496,571 325,963 5,457 3,524 1,803 1,511 459 909, 998 197, 323 79, 695 30, 021 1,390 815 9,137 3, 443 1,865 1, 219 316, 875 421, 401 22, 951 50,131 148 125 9 10 1, 250 792 448 357 498, 038 1,376,191 21,822 14, 711 806 403 2,532 1, 651 746 419 247, 328 2, 279,852 8,940 35,406 56 16 11 12 184 59 366, 556 20,997 961 2,401 111 263, 723 37, 560 14 13 Beverages—Soft drinks, cereal beverages, mineral water; wines; distilling. Other food products—Artificial ice, butter substitutes, cereals, coffee, spices, dairy products, etc.; food products n.e.c. Tptal food products, including beverages _. Tobacco products Textiles and their products: Cotton goods—Dress goods, plain cloth, etc.; napping and dyeing. Woolen and worsted goods—Wool yarn, dress goods; wool pulling, etc. Silk and rayon goods—Silk fabrics; spinning, etc. Carpets, floor coverings, tapestries, etc Textiles n.e.c, cord, felt, fur, hospital and surgical supplies, linen, other textiles, etc. Clothing—Custom-made, factory-made, coats, underwear, millinery, and clothing n.e.c. Knit goods—Sweaters, hosiery, etc 206, 725 4,774 1, 81J, 122 131,855 5, 565 14, 698 1, 949 14, 632 (>, 466 5, 365, 954 326, 910 11,632 36,823 7, 524 379 155 1, 086, 321 142,494 112 17,066 211 1,215 93, 204 19,490 111 14 366, 324 29,000 172 15 3, 988, 705 203,478 642 97, 515 5,606 16 229,858 12, 544 2,173 1,215 637 580, 775 76,114 19 172 139, 877 6,542 1,668 559 368 291, 405 37, 785 21 18 777 267 243, 666 9,504 1,395 926 493 319,226 42,932 17 19 147 3,729 39 1,267 83, 481 403, 610 2,227 18, 624 1,126 1,583 125 1,847 104 2,398 64, 484 535,140 11,316 56,470 64 20 21 7,311 2,460 803, 344 18, 484 1,452 1,667 4,741 1, 054, 240 85, 293 110 I 22 1,266 462 228,346 9,905 813 1,012 762 323, 632 32, 627 42 I 23 Total textiles and their products. 14, 655 L Leather and its manufactures: 1,198 Boots, shoes, slippers, etc i 1,096 Other leather products—Gloves, saddlery, harness, trunks: finishing and tanning leather, etc. 4,875 2,132,182 10,209 7,351 9,503 3,168, 902 342, 537 277 457 297 460, 678 84, 710 27, 032 3, 059 941 350 3,064 276 708 779 278,859 285,610 24, 876 39, 861 33 20 545, 388 30, 091 1,291 3,340 1,487 564, 469 64, 737 346, 434 46, 282 10,984 2,704 2, 156 221 1, 058 283 46 240 321,929 82, 084 27,819 8, 953 Rubber products: Tires and tubes, etc Other rubber goods—Boots, shoes, hose, and artificial rubber. Bone, celluloid, and ivory products Total rubber products.. Forest products: Sawmill and planing-mili products Other wood products—Carriages, furniture, baskets, etc. Total forest products 31 2,961 979 2, 653 561 Total leather and its manufactures 28 27, 809 1,692 | 2, 305 Paper, pulp, and products For footnotes, see p. 147. wagons, 864 > i-3 Ul 2,294 73 355 4I 17 22 107 n o 8 26 27 2S 124 45 8,598 11,305 1,382 4 552 174 401, 314 | 14, 004 2,391 1,371 361 415,317 38,154 17 3,168 3,786 507 1,018 83, 506 249,436 2,981 11, 985 615 922 218 1,161 2,493 2,657 535, 640 479, 258 121,867 77, 272 168 111 6,954 1,525 332,942 14, 966 1,537 1,379 5,150 199,138 279 2,086 832 632, 927 37, 472 967 4,239 1,200 53,776 54 30 1,014, 8 639,142 24 25 29 30 31 CO TABLE 14.—Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups and subgroups and by returns with net income and no net income, showing number of returns, gross income, net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, and income tax; also number of returns for inactive corporations—Continued [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Returns showing net income Serial number Industrial groups Total number of returns Number 11,822 4,593 639 343 5,961 208 146 2,352 Returns showing no net income Number of returns showing no in- Serial come numdataber Inactive corporations Net income Net loss for prior year Income tax Number 1, 285, 285 115,795 2, 421 12, 895 6,810 1,000,179 77, 802 4m 32 1,116,407 642, 417 1, 589, 666 36, 602 49, 246 164, 614 960 44 3,734 4, 247 5,882 19, 176 364 167 3, 299 3, 288, 357 40, 253 527, 790 246, 396 4,067 56, 205 67 30 310 33 34 35 36 Gross income 1 Gross income 1 Deficit GO 32 33 34 35 36 Manufacturing—Continued. Printing, publishing, and allied industries Chemicals and allied products: Petroleum and other mineral oil refining Chemicals proper, acids, compounds, etc Allied chemical substances—Drugs, oils, paints, soaps, and other chemical substances n.e.c. Fertilizers Total chemicals and allied products 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Stone, clay, glass, and related products Metal and its products: Iron and steel—Products of blast furnaces, rolling mills, foundries, etc. Locomotives and railroad equipment .. Motor vehicles, complete or parts Factory machinery—Food-production machinery; leather, metal, paper, printing, textile, and woodworking machinery. Agricultural machinery and equipment Electrical machinery and equipment.. _ Miscellaneous machinery—Building, construction, gas, and mining machinery and equipment. Household machinery and equipment, etc Office equipment, etc Metal building material and supplies Hardware, tools, etc -_ Precious-metal products and processes jewelry, etc. GO 322 91 22, 905 1,031 35 104 217 96, 577 12,196 14 7,265 2,797 3,371,395 251,493 4,774 29, 409 4,047 3,952,977 318, 864 421 4,418 1,149 483, 373 41, 683 1,710 4, 614 3,076 558, 054 79,171 193 2, 805 631 372,284 16, 237 820 1,737 2,068 2, 323, 005 142,196 106 38 162 871 1,350 32 201 383 61, 879 1,803,959 241,335 3,790 149, 323 22, 036 9 3,708 890 450 17, 444 2,511 120 621 924 111,284 1, 030, 313 239, 243 27, 365 123, 534 43,161 10 49 43 39 40 41 446 912 2,916 88 267 651 115, 233 225,115 311, 527 3,014 17,140 23 208 217 201 1,086 317 1,999 2,553 322 602 2,117 240, 815 596, 071 523, 685 28,211 63, 220 87,965 36 43 148 42 43 44 1,089 349 1,629 2,406 901 299 86 326 572 215 308, 688 141,849 131, 369 210, 758 73, 257 26, 999 20, 541 8, 684 17,836 2,645 1, 694 20 580 552 283 2,994 2,453 919 1,978 253 748 250 1 238 1,738 665 178, 420 135, 439 369, 804 430, 533 138,357 19, 405 12,831 49,677 86, 654 22,877 42 13 65 96 21 45 46 47 48 49 37 O W O o o Other metals, products, and processes; combinations of foundry and machine shop. Total metal and its products Manufacturing not elsewhere classified: Radios, complete or parts Musical, professional, and scientific instruments; optical goods; canoes; electric launches; etc. Airplanes, airships, seaplanes, etc 53 Total manufacturing not elsewhere classified. Grand total manufacturing Construction: Building and construction above ground: Installing machinery, moving, wrecking, razing, etc. Other construction underground and on surface—Bridge building, waterfront construction, related industries, etc. Shipbuilding and repairing 3,864 993 654, 939 43, 770 585 5, 015 2, 761 544, 839 53, 855 110 19, 700 4,744 4, 652,191 355,221 10, 646 40, 624 14, 174 6, 861, 806 760, 951 782 269 7,922 66 2,124 39, 359 639,104 1,632 54,169 743 1,420 94 6,023 180 4,976 85,126 669, 343 29,902 99, 392 23 822 161 16 6,673 860 101 84 116 42, 447 14,080 29 8,352 2,206 685,136 56, 661 2,265 6,201 5,272 796,917 143,375 874 30, 270 20. 974, 409 1, 464, 619 49,955 165,311 58,815 93,109 23, 058, 882 2, 287, 589 50 51 52 4,024 12, 443 3,882 477, 568 22,033 2,167 1,818 7,886 582, 806 60, 525 675 54 7,082 2,492 673, 445 54,188 6,402 5,332 3,613 386, 473 42,822 977 55 56 281 83 62, 222 4,478 430 474 176 53, 038 7,701 22 Total construction. Transportation and other public utilities: Transportation and related activities: Steam railroads Electric railways—Pullman cars; refrigerator, stock, poultry, and fruit cars; lessors. Water transportation and related activities59 Ocean and fresh-water lines, canals, docking, drawbridge operating, lighterage, salvaging, piloting, wharfing; lessors. Aerial transportation Autobus lines, taxicabs, and sightseeing companies. Cartage and storage—Food storage; packing and shipping; local transportation and related industries n.e.c. 19,806 6,457 1, 213, 234 80, 699 8,999 7,625 11,675 1, 022, 318 111,048 1,674 579 868 1,870 152 362 948, 305 405, 326 105, 515 86, 041 1,071 336 12, 514 10, 300 394 345 3, 888,935 380, 243 275, 327 39,946 33 161 57 58 753 197, 761 22, 461 846 2,476 915 160, 990 35, 667 202 59 39, 377 96, 507 2,542 5, 839 383 745 32,150 124,154 17,152 12, 221 127 174 334, 072 34, 863 2,209 250 487 3, 319 491 1,382 9,040 100 783 4, 169 4, 362 419,302 28,185 509 Total transportation and related activities Other public utilities: Electric light and power companies, and combined electric light and gas companies. Gas companies, artificial and natural Telephone and telegraph companies.. 15,414 6, 319 2, 021, 348 257, 260 5, 592 29,346 7,889 5, 005, 774 408, 498 1,206 1,004 557 1,902,311 290, 320 3,243 34, 377 295 921, 131 74, 964 152 63 528 3, 581 238 2,154 542, 536 1, 757,158 57, 211 204,908 735 114 6,747 24, 358 238 1,117 112, 293 157,094 29,138 11,799 52 310 64 65 63 64 65 For footnotes, see p. 147. 718 2,339 i 60 61 O Ul o o TABLE 14.—Corporation returns for 1931 by major industrial groups and subgroups and by returns with net income and no net income, showing number of returns, gross income, net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, and income tax; also number of returns for inactive corporations—Continued [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Returns showing net income Serial number 66 67 68 Industrial groups Transportation and other public utilities—Continued. Radio broadcasting companies __ _ Water companies All other public utilities—terminal stations, pipe lines, toll bridges and toll roads, irrigation systems, etc. Total other public utilities Total transportation and other public utilities. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Trade: Wholesale _ _ Retail Wholesale and retail Commission _____ _. All other trade—Auto wreckers, film exchanges, pneumatic tubes, trading stamps, garages for storage, repair service, etc. Total trade Service: Domestic service—Laundries, hotels, restaurants, etc. Amusements: Theaters, legitimate, vaudeville, etc Motion-picture producers Motion-picture theaters __ .Other amusements—Circuses, golf links, race tracks, pleasure resorts, etc. Total amusements Total number of returns Number Gross income l Net income N e t loss for prior year Returns showing no net income Number of returns showing no in- Serial come numdataIncome Gross l Deficit Inactive ber tax Number income corporations 331 1,479 1,378 147 925 593 25, 318 120,762 431,518 4,411 13, 476 75, 048 106 64 933 489 1,460 8,808 8,301 4,614 4, 779,603 645, 375 5,195 23,715 10,933 6, 800,951 902, 635 23, 812 82,168 10,633 6,855 13,052 8,649 26, 404 4,159 2,486 4,351 5, 273, 065 8,039,119 1, 731, 736 562, 345 503,137 136, 520 46, 049 14, 650 5, 255 669 234 2,387 5,512 8,802 163 401 519 111,671 27,088 249, 793 9,330 8,364 63,156 76, 239 2,733 1, 579,071 196, 751 954 10, 787 105, 585 10, 622 6, 584, 845 605, 249 2,160 104, 381 271,800 46, 429 19, 746 17,680 7,603 7,170 1,631 1,460 1,316 10,142 27,826 4,580 1,844 1,317 14, 721 53, 581 6,382 4,142 7,973 5, 055, 509 6, 664, 485 1, 626, 589 510, 767 626, 695 324, 721 491,134 103, 584 39, 688 66,303 442 2,183 92 227 728 16,109,402 460, 035 19,180 45, 708 86, 799 14, 484, 044 1,025, 431 3,672 732, 627 36, 430 1,618 3,389 8,794 842,178 121, 601 601 182 54 1,167 1,658 18, 764 29, 696 276, 519 63,982 1,398 2,698 26,005 5,649 112 44 2,365 645 130 318 2,638 410 343 145 1,148 3,021 33,147 412, 252 208,133 82, 449 7,532 11, 372 21, 582 20,666 144 35 72 833 3,061 388,961 35, 749 3,166 3,496 4,657 735, 980 61,152 21 153 266 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 1,084 — 75 76 77 78 Si 2 o o Professional service—Curative, educational, engineering, legal, etc. Business service—Detective bureaus, trade shows, mimeographing, publishing directories, advertising, etc. Other service, n.e.c.—Auto camps, cemeteries, board of trade, newspaper syndicates, photographers; concessionaires of amusements, cloakrooms, etc. 79 80 81 Total service _-. Finance: Banking and related industries: National banks State and private banks, savings banks, loan and trust companies. Joint-stock land banks Stock and bond brokers, investment brokers, investment bankers, and investment trusts. Real estate and realty holding companiesRealty development, holding, or leasing; realty trust, etc. 82 83 84 85 86 Total banking and related industries Insurance companies: Life insurance—Mutual or stock companies... Other insurance—Accident, casualty, fire, marine, title, etc. 87 88 Total insurance companies Other finance: Loan companies—Building and loan associations; mortgage, note, or pawn brokers; insurance agents, promoters, stock syndicates, foreign exchange, andfinancen.e.c. 89 Total finance Nature of business not given 90 Grand total 1 7,332 2, 501 125,908 11,070 742 904 3,744 112,036 20, 304 1,087 79 6,009 2, 308 346, 219 25,018 1,050 2,546 3,135 214,590 24, 803 566 80 5,613 2, 512 105,162 9,657 371 746 2,258 75, 564 13, 428 843 81 42, 406 15, 637 1, 698, 877 117,925 6,947 11,081 22, 588 1, 980, 348 241, 288 4,181 7,158 16,811 2,085 6,657 268,097 516,848 24, 528 59,851 654 840 2,411 5,975 4,554 7,660 647,946 979, 387 133,702 204,077 519 2,494 82 83 32 3,972 4 871 1,274 389,880 218 26, 552 117 9,303 4 1,949 27 2,922 4,153 1, 671,907 8,884 594, 221 1 179 84 85 92, 055 35, 590 934,901 176, 345 13, 330 14,147 45, 506 1, 063, 610 502,940 10,959 86 120, 028 45, 207 2,110,999 287,494 24, 243 24, 486 60,669 4,367, 004 1, 443, 825 14,152 631 1,853 339" 775 755,797 764,466 86,664 59, 688 (2) 1,708 10, 348 6,897 253 910 165, 636 1,104, 261 29,494 200, 934 39 168 2,484 1,114 1, 520, 263 146, 353 1,708 17,246 1,163 1, 269, 897 230, 429 207 30,408 12, 808 662, 590 136,655 6,474 13, 435 13, 602 899, 073 582, 589 3,998 152, 920 59,129 4, 293,852 570, 502 32, 425 55,166 75, 434 19, 334 1,045 12, 494 1,796 82 105 2,228 516,404 175,898 52,051,035 3, 683, 368 136, 005 398, 994 283,806 Gross income corresponds to total income as reported on face of the return, plus the cost of goods sold. Less than $1,000. NOTE.—N.e.c, not elsewhere classified. 2 6, 535, 974 2, 256,843 18,357 18,724 16,061 55, 464, 204 6, 970, 913 56, 700 24,354 I 87 88 89 90 i 148 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 15.—Returns of corporations submitting balance sheets for 1931 by major 1931, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, compiled receipts and statutory paid [Money figures in [For text defining certain items and Industrial groups Aggregate Net income Number 1 of returns with balance sheets. Assets: 2 Cashs.... _ Notes and accounts receivable Inventories _. Investments, tax-exempt 4 .. Investments other than tax5 exempt. Capital assets—Lands, buildings, equipment (less depreciation). Miscellaneous assets Total assets Liabilities: 2 Notes and accounts payable Bonded debt and mortgages Miscellaneous liabilities Capital stock, preferred Capital stock, common Surplus and undivided profits-... Less deficit Total liabilities- 143,195 N o net income 237,893 6,473,315 9,406, 936 19, 242, 511 29, 424, 688 5, 605,382 9, 534, 551 4, 519,660 6,147, 532 33, 447, 786 40, 857, 547 7 Total statutory deductions Compiled net profit or deficit (26 less 36). Statutory net income or statutory net deficit. Net loss for prior year Income tax_._ Compiled net profit less income tax (37 less 40). Cash dividends p a i d . . . Stock dividends paid 1,822 35,550 51, 655 31, 202 2,394 47,156 6, 748, 756 9, 785, 667 42,885 No net income 5,745 20,986 151, 266 123, 828 12, 809 183, 569^ Net income No net income 2,927 79, 554 162, 291 150, 738 452,415 i 82, 202 391, 5761 53, 224 91,479| 226,474 1,084,103; 981,344 1,285,018 5, 347, 949) 98,853 121, 724, 933 174, 772, 096 563,179 1, 572, 655 8, 070,191 15,181, 207 44,100 26,140 16,129, 561 31,971,400 36, 861,735 45,020, 046 63, 014 10,919 7,379,974 11, 736, 855 30, 617, 060 49,176, 667 165, 254 23, 407, 212 28, 569,170 274, 283 740,799 6, 883, 248 20, 530 Mining and quarrying 317,968 214, 006 122, 231 72,760 726,497 312, 321 193,127 103, 758 539, 329! 968 8, 069,: 138, 258 710, 700 161, 502 834,747 167, 697 697,913 80,747 482,957 913," 376 4,086,495 632, 737 1, 937, 889 113,349 681, 559 121, 724, 933 174. 772, 096 563,179 1, 572,655 1,980,968 8,069,142 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold... Compensation of officers Interest paid. Taxes paid other than income tax Bad debts. _ Depreciation Depletion Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous deductions For footnotes, see pp. 152-153. Net income 45, 687, 523 69, 615,176 352,338 Receipts, taxable income: 36,571,059 37,212,362 Gross sales 6 9, 576, 496 11, 629,018 Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales. 2,016, 326 2,008,013 Interest 965,472 1,144,820 Rents... 148,894 134, 621 Profit, sale of capital assets _. 662, 349 Miscellaneous receipts. 730, 813 Receipts, tax-exempt income: 833,884 Dividends from domestic corpo1, 070, 627 rations. 212, 762 Interest4 on tax-exempt obliga320, 527 tions. Total compiled receipts Agriculture and related industries 97, 397 93,016 212,812 23, 686 2,713 3,827 1,798 6,140 5,101 5,840 1,979 6,297 6,752 7,005 7,541 12, 224 778 4,430 8,917 105 650 2,319 638, 386 1, 306, 905 36,034 66,035 j 16,9711 17,251! 9,988; 23,530 I 25, 715; 5, 5964 50,987, 243 A, 250, 803 205, 774 260,795 719,177 1, 471, 27, 059, 072 30, 315, 408 1,107, 591 1,466, 226 1,468,059 2,900, 868 893, 308 1, 279,142 815,816 336, 860 1, 721, 295 2, 211,497 185,67^ 74,889 149,554 1,388,973 13,534,411 18,816,502 63,328 5,332 2,710 6,364 2,064 14,822 1,335 246 95, 642 177,341 13, 207 22, 534 13, 275 3,705 18, 323 3,699 7,547 85, 474 435, 585 1, 030, 514 14, 503 28, 542 13, 839 21,726 50,049 3,200 10,808 40,170 150,364 32, 368 70,414 27,973 1,249 76,708 316,132 46, 345,039 59, 380,110 191,843 345,105 639, 349 1, 753, 781 4, 642, 204io 5,129, 307 13,931 io 84, 310 79, 827 1 281,790 3, 595,558io 6, 520, 462 13, 047 i° 89, 390 68, 591 1 313,101 129,776 392,855 4, 249,349 1,238 1,159 12, 772 3,843,358 2,248,980 84, 757 77,061 19,762 59 5,863 7,063 72, 764 5,712 1,882 81, 230 4,077 89,120 149 STATISTICS OF INCOME industrial groups, showing number of returns, assets and liabilities as of Dec. 31 > deductions, net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, tax, and dividends thousands of dollars] describing returns included, see pp. 1-4] Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing Total manufacturing Net income No net income Food products including beverages Net income No net income Tobacco products Textiles and their products Net income No net income Net income No net income Leather and its manufactures Net No net income income 683 1,353 1 189,987 46,837 423,955 89, 345 677, 263 103,870 8,390 71, 549 249,215 21, 638 26,263 80, 217 176, 546 6,704 42, 387 2 3 4 5 6 8,594 26,982 53,124 5,609 6,473 139 179 4,435 1,690,067 3,622, 962 3, 267,316 1,011,186 3, 887,848 1,767,952 4,196,192 5, 735, 745 736,389 4, 484,821 304, 527 447,176 497,479 141,726 555, 772 127, 075 408,143 464,665 30, 847 393,110 121,777 148,497 358, 027 40, 667 105, 561 28, 538 26,172 51,154 1,048 10, 453 144,188 250,344 304, 295 89,554 142, 064 85, 265 30, 099 626, 989 1, 543,113 84,129 154, 566 9,604 196, 865 15, 027 8, 759, 363 19, 526, 587 1, 736, 642 1,405, 931 2, 334,917 2, 779,982 . 447,463 227, 450 91, 722 24, 573, 659 39, 227, 667 4,130, 786 3, 057, 221 1,014,360 157,069 1, 649,154 3, 351,948 369,234 2, 013, 802 4, 002, 960 320, 744 551,696 1,447, 857 4,132, 688 316,912 499, 392 1, 640, 240 2,923,987 243.156 123,096 2,415,470 4, 468, 099 439, 996 494, 021 9, 380, 942 16,064, 930 1,613,620 1,137, 287 7, 807, 816 9, 563, 760 1, 220, 463 467, 815 132, 468 1, 928, 756 24,105 216,086 25, 560 58, 854 61, 290 131, 682 431, 954 305,140 120 34, 063 31,550 10,829 21, 605 45, 206 16,408 2,592 502, 941 32, 271 158, 258 3,578 181, 741 38,841 171, 597 13, 385 99,881 551, 223 53, 969 161, 961 665, 704 1, 555,160 165, 508 721,040 103, 611 538, 883 3,086 331, 753 14,373 144, 968 7 53,124 8 530, 208 9 86, 868 24, 980 25, 623 127, 340 227,094 98,105 59, 803 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 24, 573, 659' 39. 227, 667 4,130,786 3,057, 2211 1,014, 360 157, 069 1, 649,154 3, 351, 948 369, 234 530, 208 17 90, 640 2,058, 929 3,023, 374 527,167 746 2,102 9,592 14, 568 531, 543 18 2,323 19 19,889, 311 21, 543, 362 5,211,423 3, 841, 089 1, 071, 962 458,169 162, 924 21, 371 19,616 1,045 132, 659 61, 367 18, 360 260, 593 184,100 89, 021 43, 908 230, 448 14, 841 9,478 6,337 32, 727 209, 307 177, 886 20, 542 37, 015 38, 018 5,046 16,404 10, 587 1, 270 18, 498 7,975 1,196 2,830 590 103 2, 310 1,334 248 24 2,023 7,121 855 20, 771, 535 22, 762, 912 5, 321, 765 3, 916, 635 1, 086, 816 13, 964, 939 17, 679, 483 3, 797, 350 3, 367, 984 72, 459 507,163 404, 614 40, 273 420, 359 178, 271 28, 637 52, 924 363, 981 197,185 37, 898 29, 429 202, 858 106,404 19, 057 16, 808 632, 097 1, 078, 255 126, 290 77,311 90,186 29,111 1,650 260 211,483 43, 583 10, 941 33,315 . 3, 519, 255 4, 213, 202 877, 088 485, 636 19, 075, 458 24, 766, 971 4, 971, 369 4,103, 939 1, 696, 078 10 2, 004, 059 350, 395 1, 449, 756 io 2, 219, 963 48, 211 164,101 1,531,976 1, 491, 631 30, 024 784, 321 11, 222 10 792,817 8,244 5,182 7,673 1, 529 5,743 475 114,750 1,768 480 81 3,956 1,980 2,137 591 5,316 20 21 22 23 6, 437 4, 003 716 12, 500 11,365 12, 975 1,486 23,637 269 1,718 5,415 165 830 24 23 2,702 2, 327 363 255 25 96, 662 2, 096, 597| 3, 095,147 534, 727 544,976 26 71,488 1, 632, 824 2, 656, 071 417, 242 64, 269 93, 369 11,144 2,112 1, 378 9,131 37, 484 997 2, 590 13,491 33,006 1,478 4,753 12, 698 30, 507 502 6,783 55,419 90, 071 2,432 38 112 2,970 25, 470 487 85 224, 902 447, 971 60, 111 22, 755 470, 490 16,156 5,751 4,817 7,428 9,043 21 2,872 90, 641 936, 413 101, 849 2, 015, 742 3, 414, 061 504, 490 10 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 607, 218 36 5,187 80,855 10 318,915 30, 237 io 62, 242 37 324, 808 i° 196, 475 142, 427 i° 5, 480 76, 435 io 326, 656 29, 709 io 63, 328 38 11,469 36, 690 313, 706 83 17, 063 133, 340 9,550 7,313 73, 542 1, 196 3,315 26, 922 39 40 41 22, 964 411 5,425 42 203 43 269, 228 5,093 187, 304 29, 255 1,031 150, 403 98, 449 28 8,333 62,200 2,736 42,090 1,112 150 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 15.—Returns of corporations submitting balance sheets for 1931 by major 1931, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, compiled receipts and statutory paid—Continued [Money figures in Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing—Continued Rubber products Net Number of returns with balance sheets i.. No net income 339 Forest products Net 1,354 No net income Paper, pulp, and products Net income No net income 800 1,134 62, 715 41,524 20, 263 69, 465 299,854 80,368 74, 795 372, 667 114, 499 30, 323 35,055 8,080 56,695 235, 686 89,602 171,412 1,340, 468 457, i 35,307 134, 967 140,196 6,766 385, 672 727, 759 4,783 Assets: 2 Cash 3 Notes and accounts receivable Inventories Investments, tax-exempt 4 Investments other than tax-exempt 5 . Capital assets—Lands, buildings, equipment (less depreciation). Miscellaneous assets Total assets 547, 256 Liabilities: 2 Notes and accounts payable Bonded debt and mortgages Miscellaneous liabilities Capital stock, preferred Capital stock, common Surplus and undivided profits Less deficit 107,963 81, 540 19,305 141,592 70,883 127, 422 1,447 69,816 170, 228 27, 231 110,502 415,468 47,085 89,319 48,929 331,420 13, 835 251, 663 26,469 155,041 33, 395 164,474 167,947 1,022,373 137, 863 757, 516 10,093 208, 254 46,856 54,379 32, 387 110,822 327, 242 308,489 1,832 547, 256 751,011 418,345 2,474, 233 878, 343 1, 529, 361 380,462 1, """ 399, 516 4,768 312, 831 2,226 943, 608 10, 357 615, 399 907 584,154 3,291 6,264 2,836 29 4,410 2,433 996 118 3,715 2,075 1,320 1,866 2,77" 10, 312 7,229 4,412 14,150 2,477 1,011 371 4,419 19,269 2,071 842 10, 806 1,679 104 3,305 348 1,170 342 3,884 1,016 2,222 1,328 7,2 247 Total compiled receipts " 397,050 415,198 324, 611 994, 967 628,133 627,946 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold Compensation of officers Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax Bad debts Depreciation Depletion Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous deductions 285,297 3,245 9,~" 2, 2,827 15, 737 58 284 61, 855 235,046 12,436 3,073 3,995 4,340 9,667 2,231 441 37,185 817,495 38, 567 31, 327 25, 759 16,825 48,058 19,194 4,657 180,006 440,119 17,230 5,922 7,733 2,373 29, 503 806 989 82,883 470,805 15,706 32,803 11, 558 3,537 35,646 833 3,052 99,198 308, 414 1,181, 88' 587, 558 673,138 40,575 37, 025 io 45,192 i° 52, 705 Total liabilities Receipts, taxable income: Gross sales 6 Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales. Interest Rents Profit, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous receipts Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporationsInterest on tax-exempt obligations *.. Total statutory deductions Compiled net profit or deficit (26 less 36). Statutory net income or statutory net deficit. Net loss for prior year Income tax Compiled net profit less income tax (37 less 40). Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid For footnotes, see pp. 152-153. 34,351 140,944 72, 571 4,029 35,479 160, 789 17,635 99,093 381, 605 449, 476 15, 445 i° 34, 278 13, 662 10 37,931 16,197 14, 684 2,094 1,367 14,078 1,48' 1,370 14, 82' 18,750 23 132, 520 59, 706 418, 345 2, 474, 233 878, 343 1, 529, 361 8,118 15 14,120 ° 186,920 o 191, 820 155,118 266,557 74, 294 249, 284 545,401 275,110 36,404 966 4,190 36, 386 20,853 1,236 32, 413 1,322 13,199 2,007 151 STATISTICS OF INCOME industrial groups, showing number of returns, assets and liabilities as of Dec. 31, deductions, net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, tax, and dividends thousands of dollars] Industrial groups—Continued Manufacturing—Conti nued Printing, publishing, Chemicals and allied Stone, clay, and and allied industries products glass products Metal and its products Manufacturing not elsewhere classified i Net income 1 ! 3,980 No net Net No net Net No net Net No net Net No net income income income income income income income income income 5,975 2,492 3,598 85, 023 210,043 98, 681 75,184 174, 758 505,123 43, 289 256,919 281,014 387,012 874,462 682,559 82, 521 607,931 1,035,016 8,099 113, 672 57,367 352, 513 1, 592, 569 1, 097, 335 409, 674 2,161, 831 5,197, 688 281,442 320, 623 462, 226 379, 415 1, 430, 254 1, 603, 730 6, 069, 610 8, 730, 394 1 ! 134, 398 117,823 107,329 129,774 440,492 517, 986 17, 550 258, 247 623, 981 435,168 192, 799 260, 725 1,056, 557 85,820 439,021 737,439 385,658 401,238 88,125 445, 789 2, 726, 622 3, 739, 025 453, 499 2, 017, 831 2, 409, 792 237, 639 97, 470 18,495 1,032 44, 270 84, 769 107, 646 37, 797 103,457 416,903 48,844 2, 815 4,342 13,262 1,955 4,619 1 47, 045 523,814 106,185 1,085,832 160, 979 782,051 27, 676 431, 770 81,719 920, 251 833,859 2,112, 607 13, 262 827, 455 1,369,431 2, 262, 988 464, 595 1, 325,830 7,163, 895 66, 574 141,719 145, 471 25, 262 90,002 240,083 49, 336 187,086 221,564 21,909 182,976 440,141 2 3 4 5 6 7 84,683 595, 662 937, 312 61,531 245, 830 8 843, 687 1, 342,146 6, 451, 986 14, 351, 505 770, 643 1, 348, 842 9 50, 582 41, 527 37,668 79,186 364,070 275, 390 4,735 59,441 26,993 87,848 71,864 248,200 289,270 12,972 127, 546 770, 553 146, 251 432,852 108,104 472, 501 206,145 675, 571 550, 669 2,158, 700 285,624 1,965,468 82,194 23, 658 891, 592 1,190,375 1, 275,138 1,907,348 5, 736, 600 3, 766,119 415, 667 192, 749 120, 594 129,775 146, 794 644, 858 265, 646 151, 574 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1,430, 254 1,603,730 6, 069, 610 8, 730,394 843, 687 1, 342,146 6, 451, 986 14, 351, 505 770, 642 1,348, 842 17 1,199,140 23,119 460,138 1, 603 627, 560 5,568 896, 293 3, 099, 945 3, 456, 056 263, 329 40,138 23, 358 531,395 4, 324, 356 6,511,378 2,045 72,122 89, 798 734,317 18 3,834 19 6,120 8,772 1,792 12, 036 4,200 13,159 723 7,997 42, 419 14,519 2,586 32, 840 43, 705 13,907 11,215 52, 032 3,195 1,361 587 6, 566 2, 893 2,262 661 5, 194 37,141 15, 101 2, 873 134, 398 63, 863 19,201 21, 962 72, 786 7,092 1,897 1,018 11, 652 5,233 3,032 10, 964 562 112, 765 7,788 96,167 7,251 2, 490 1, 212 2, 430 837 38, 057 13, 382 35, 358 23,333 16,146 860 4,023 24 625 25 1, 259, 244 974, 036 3, 336, 220 3,943,660 477, 151 547, 716 4, 637,430 6, 837, 677 671, 793 768, 292 26 772, 820 55, 750 11,082 14, 469 11,810 34, 391 19 4,171 232, 527 677,108 1,836,120 2, 629, 481 49, 697 46, 947 32, 727 20, 416 50, 573 95, 722 7,190 96,155 51, 631 13,951 15, 892 23,140 302, 402 139,439 32, 776 63 21, 929 61, 604 9,220 10, 478 10, 822 904, 566 796, 734 223,432 301,177 12, 108 4,024 5,156 3,991 27, 269 640 2,119 75, 970 401, 536 3, 055, 928 5, 256, 516 21,717 76, 808 155,950 13, 750 44, 014 103,152 9,458 43, 711 131,215 5,868 22, 550 63,880 47, 389 162, 661 379, 338 1,059 1,667 6,898 2,614 98,114 10, 097 117, 588 815, 290 1, 327, 962 398,197 23,972 5,886 5,905 4,584 19,196 74 1,388 139, 958 570, 065 35,480 15,126 9,024 13, 586 30,042 132 17, 669 208, 544 1,137, 040 1, 035,454 2, 968, 485 4,156, 275 432, 455 620, 979 4, 232, 727 7, 523, 025 599,160 899,668 36 122, 204 113,939 i° 61,418 10 72,945 2,333 12, 746 109, 457 93, 554 3,318 17,165 426 6,342 4,250 605 14, 295 20 ?A 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 367, 734 10 212, 614 247,181 10 316, 032 44, 696 i° 73, 263 40, 995 i° 76, 530 404, 703 10 685, 348 353, 265 i° 744, 039 72,633 1 0 131, 376 37 55, 627 i° 136, 024 38 4,558 28, 954 338, 780 1, 684 4,527 40, 169 10, 541 40, 460 364, 243 2,250 6,106 66, 526 39 40 41 60, 525 11, 801 42 585 43 386, 342 6,223 279,169 415 36, 651 242 22, 064 134 396, 435 9,810 326, 848 4,058 556 152 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 15.—Returns of corporations submitting balance sheets for 1931 by major 1931, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, compiled receipts and statutory paid—Continued [Money figures in Industrial groups—Continued Transportation and other public utilities Construction Net income Number of returns with balance sheets Assets: 2 Cash 3 Notes and accounts receivable Invent ories Investments, tax-exempt 4 Investments other than tax-exempt 5 Capital assets—lands, buildings, equipment (less depreciation). Miscellaneous assets Total assets . 5,312 87,638 325, 630 71,729 62,425 122,489 252, 450 No net income 10, 038 Net income No net income 8,268 67,859 663, 679 669, 557 317,510 1, 633,992 1,192, 272 108, 712 435,693 453,072 34,892 185, 674 71,341 325,110 4,122, 482 7, 236, 203 451, 839 25, 350, 843 26, 862, 767 87, 874 158, 657 1,010,236 1, 464, 579 1, 443, 347 2, 016, 264 33,835, 709 38, 501,476 2 Liabilities: Notes and accounts payable... Bonded debt and mortgages.. Miscellaneous liabilities Capital stock—preferred Capital stock—common Surplus and undivided profits Less deficit Total liabilities. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Receipts, taxable income: Gross sales o Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales. Interest Rents Profit, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous receipts Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporations Interest on tax-exempt obligations 4 Total compiled receipts : Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold Compensation of officers Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax. Bad debts Depreciation Depletion Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous deductions Total statutory deductions. Compiled net profit or deficit (26 less 36) Statutory net income or statutory net deficit.. _ Net loss for prior year Income tax Compiled net profit less income tax (37 less 40). Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid 238,822 60,058 157, 666 32,830 251, 024 285, 915 16, 078 340,837 1,711,469 1, 782, 284 237, 216 10,430, 029 16, 594,152 181, 209 1, 788, 663 3,156, 241 99, 844 3, 206,722 2, 595,229 425, 801 10, 978, 485 9, 761, 764 282, 307 5,830, 350 5, 280, 947 102, 635 110, 008 669,140 1, 010, 236 1,464,579 33, 835, 709 38, 501,476 834, 447 295, 399 6,085 4,776 2,723 12, 439 784, 366 128, 283 13, 608 13,419 1,360 11,193 5, 976, 414 185,640 95, 414 12, 008 71,198 6, 073, 314 107,848 69,124 6,094 55,900 4,417 2,315 14, 692 1,674 402, 529 19,858 208,953 13,177 1, 162, 600 968, 595 i, 763, 060 6, 534,410 51,153 643, 262 362, 581 25,085 670, 237 9,112 23, 836 3, 664, 558 39, 612 971, 400 368, 387 22,184 440,056 13, 764 51, 557 4,982,350 674, 056 56,835 8,223 5,226 6,517 34, 065 306 6,015 287,460 659, 432 65,319 25, 952 8,537 13,244 32, 380 257 17, 513 233, 594 I, 078, 703 1, 056, 228 5, 449, 825 19,311 83,898 77,165 i, 668 7,372 76, 526 36,102 4,576 io 87, 633 o 103, 999 1, 313, 236 890,849 10,676 104,432 1, 208, 804 1,337, 282 3,218 io 354, 901 10 577,031 26,404 1,626 451,949 12,971 1 Excludes returns for inactive corporations, 23 See text, p. 31. Includes cash in till and deposits in bank. 4 Includes obligations of States and Territories or minor political subdivisions, securities issued under the Federal Fa'rm Loan Act, and obligations of the United States or its possessions. s6 See text, p. 29. For cost of goods sold, see Statutory deductions. 153 STATISTICS OF INCOME industrial groups, showing number of returns, assets and liabilities as of Dec. 81, deductions, net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, tax, and dividends thousands of dollars] Industrial groups—Continued Service—professional, amusements, hotels, etc. 1 Ic de i Net income No net income Net income No net income Finance—banking, insurance, real estate, stock and bond brokers, etc. No net income Net income Nature of business not given Net income No net income 39,012 74, 874 11,407 17,138 46, 985 60, 907 480 1,229 1 553,630 2,028, 691 1, 593, 812 189, 751 655, 766 2,066,489 479, 212 2, 658, 866 2, 391, 780 106,963 1,167,756 2, 662, 818 129,144 269, 210 75, 331 24,358 651,031 1, 029, 078 82,073 366, 771 123,103 21,278 492, 229 2, 689, 751 3, 232, 323 11,148,267 47,001 2,990, 203 23, 725, 589 6,582,611 6,153, 001 20, 053,837 202, 391 5,070,086 25, 825, 066 11,055,093 1,729 11,366 1,097 446 8,950 9,333 4, 006 35, 559 4,346 2,294 58, 689 37,027 2 3 4 5 6 7 548,745 795, 762 197, 024 404,964 1,986,798 2,970, 774 3,408 21, 081 8 7, 636, 885 10, 263,158 2, 375,176 4,180,168 49, 712, 792 71,330,248 36, 329 163, 002 9 1, 595,136 391, 321 379, 821 568,195 2,641,189 2,128, 054 66,832 2, 478, 641 923, 545 686, 275 1,114, 586 4,196, 313 1, 874, 577 1, 010, 779 208, 895 302, 566 172, 790 155, 397 586, 747 986, 059 37, 278 669, 008 1, 333, 613 396,450 305, 385 1, 379, 848 465, 861 369, 998 2,114,577 3, 307, 726 32, 488, 055 907,176 5, 673, 692 5,453, 710 232,144 4, 847, 338 7, 692,091 36,842, 515 2, 582, 685 12,419, 907 8,815,165 1,869,451 5,132 2,363 3,789 2,517 26,350 8,289 12,111 31,471 10 9,342 11 13, 225 12 15,311 13 115,113 14 36, 343 15 57, 803 16 7, 636, 885 10, 263,158 2, 375,176 4,180,168 49, 712, 792 71,330,248 36, 329 163,002 17 15,111,520 166, 873 53, 491 52,931 ! 32,498 168, 676 13,364,916 177, 665 64,772 88,758 7,103 192, 207 1, 506, 207 23,720 35, 507 4,390 20, 610 1,705, 704 14,180 89,601 2, 509 40, 397 8 1,333,041 1,604,792 704, 444 69,471 110,073 8 2, 983,128 1,600,722 771, 501 61,562 170,209 6, 588 474 201 106 397 15,034 712 305 118 631 18 19 20 21 22 23 i ! i ! i | 22,932 8,467 23, 783 3, 580 19, 712 812 21,952 666 165,150 141,864 592,060 257,103 141 9 1,156 24 63 25 ; 15,617,388 13, 922, 784 1,610,957 1,875,011 4,128,835 6, 436, 285 7,915 18, 019 26 11 921,164 289,083 66,658 84, 987 : 84,138 141, 307 1,041 10, 742 2, 539, 472 10, 768, 638 447, 247 143,954 115,341 172,182 163, 645 5,237 119,577 2, 919,194 90, 808 32, 096 24, 931 9,146 61,756 232 13, 378 1, 245,967 84,847 98, 865 53,064 16,336 122, 056 370 34,823 1,664,346 194,474 522, 891 190,172 100, 226 126, 677 1,385 50,471 & 2,099, 891 278,555 1,147, 785 305, 940 373, 308 205, 617 1,743 908, 729 4, 385, 330 788 111 136 80 164 33 5,458 15,138, 592 14,855,015 1, 478, 313 2,074, 707 & 3, 286,186 9 7, 607,009 6,770 478, 796 447,397 17, 833 45,194 433, 602 309,200 9, 793 io 932, 231 i° 959, 594 132, 644 112,121 6,544 10,876 121, 769 76,890 9,852 i° 199, 696 io 222, 314 ; ; ; | 120, 577 6, 674 97 37, 828 634 842,649 535,635 30, 706 52, 597 790,052 490,203 15,451 9 10 1,170,724 i° 2,019, 887 732,185 48, 784 1,145 995 37 61 1,084 1,059 11 10 10 1,734 1,032 568 1,191 802 7 9,770 16,880 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 31,983 36 13,964 37 15,183 38 3S 40 41 885 42 80 43 ^ n u , , etc.), but not gross receipts from -exempt obligations and dividends on Includes for a limited number of returns the cost Includes special nonexpense deductions of life ins Include Dfiit Deficit. 154 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 16.—Returns of corporations submitting balance sheets for 1931 by total assets close of fiscal year nearest thereto, compiled receipts and statutory deductions, [Money figures and total assets [For text defining certain items and PART 1. ALL R E T U R N S Total assets classes Total Number of returns 1 381,088 Under 50 50 to 100 182,447 61,144 2 Assets: 15, 880, 250 Cash 3 48, 667,199 Notes and accounts receivable 15,139,933 Inventories 10, 667,192 Investments, tax-exempt 4 74, 305, 333 Investments other than tax-exempt 5 Capital assets—lands, buildings, equipment (less depre- 115,302,699 ciation) . 16, 534,423 Miscellaneous assets Total assets.. Liabilities: 2 Notes and accounts payable.._ Bonded debt and mortgages._. Miscellaneous liabilities Capital stock—preferred Capital stock—common Surplus and undivided profits. Less deficit Total liabilitiesReceipts, taxable income: Gross sales 6 Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales. Interest Rents Profit, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous receipts Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporations Interest on tax-exempt obligations 4 Total compiled receipts 7 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold Compensation of officers Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax. Bad debts Depreciation Depletion Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous deductions Total statutory deductions . Compiled net profit or deficit (26 less 36) Statutory net income less statutory deficit Net loss for prior year Income tax Compiled net profit less income tax (37 less 40). Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid For footnotes see pp. 158-159. 296, 497,029 231,177 219, 299 923,957 1,031,423 639,576 615, 991 15,417 29,086 150, 951 253, 718 1, 389, 705 1,829, 262 352,000 387, 770 3, 702, 783 4, 366, 549 23, 251, 397 1, 248, 446 1,132, 905 48,100,960 282,943 514, 292 81,881, 780 261,587 315,618 19,116,829 150,090 171,203 79, 793, 726 2,482, 206 2,192,162 51,976, 381 500,994 641,862 7,624,046 1,223,484 601, 493 296, 497, 029 73, 783, 421 21, 205, 514 4, 024, 339 2,110, 292 283, 515 1, 393,162 3, 702, 783 5, 610, 384 4, 526,980 1,142,041 677,133 23,527 33, 861 89,999 89, 633 13, 097 9,827 67, 816 54, 874 1,904,511 533, 288 5,049 540 105,238,045 6, 952,452 374,479 573,817 368,927 172,449 152, 675 932, 791 260, 565 538, 527 350,912 105, 725,148 4, 366, 549 5,128 674 5, 398, 111 4, 454, 522 3, 612, 325 312, 482 520,125 66, 521 55, 625 50,055 60,110 72, 216 60, 479 124,583 118,484 2,230 6,215 29, 242 72, 209 1,999,014 1,359,911 7, 364, 619 5, 611, 730 8 8 487,103 412,166 ' 2, 924,903 8 417, 755 129,775 9,194 392,855 3,080 s 879,958 8 415, 247 6, 092, 337 65,117 161,818 2,725 8 213, 619 8 219, 421 8,770 4,690 8 218, 309 60, 825 3,598 155 STATISTICS OF INCOME classes, showing number of returns, assets and liabilities as of Dec. 31, 1931, or a net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, tax and dividends paid classes in thousands of dollars] describing returns included, see pp. 1-4] WITH BALANCE SHEETS Total assets classes—Continued 100 to 250 250 to 500 500 to 1,000 1,000 to 5,000 5,000 to 10,000 50,000 and over 632 1 2,481, 568 7,051,494 2,141,045 2,087,919 11, 770, 710 14,857,050 8,059,253 21,048, 744 5,099,961 5,229,379 45,113,388 63,377,919 2 3 4 5 6 1,032, 020 2,777,412 6,878,640 8 37,955,407 17, 965,175 43,167,197 154,807,284 9 3, 710, 266 4,648,633 9,853, 534 2, 780, 381 11,337,321 7,118,359 1,493, 088 1,392,838 2,431, 513 4,865,444 1,283,913 4,900,958 3, 569,744 479, 236 2, 979,898 6,281,949 11,860,806 3, 722,713 11,167, 773 7,930,415 776,357 7,236,339 29,218,253 48,649,127 8,936,314 34,821,351 26, 383,018 437,117 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 43,167,197 154,807,284 17 18,345 63,428 31,052 19, 335 490,779 2,307, 538 1,134, 770 128,928 864 088 4,334,689 554,803 2,435,602 1,036,030 254,026 1,303,141 4, 544,435 721, 612 2,892,283 1,091,819 447,076 2,096,405 5,288, 685 2,067,171 7, 665, 636 2, 438, 404 1, 599, 591 8,243, 561 13,440, 388 1,054, 588 3, 310, 523 942,338 875, 770 4, 509,371 6, 240, 566 811,352 801, 588 992, 986 2, 500,656 10,072,145 10, 929,624 13, 530,865 1, 747, 258 1, 547,168 1,879,095 656, 291 4,029,032 1,869, 242 798,461 1, 765,498 1, 794, 320 2,938, 260 909, 608 4,553,094 2,391,172 821, 086 2,037, 948 1,381,891 1,258,311 506, 316 4, 309,829 1, 571, 575 993, 725 10,000 to 50,000 2,588 2,117 7 10,072,145 10,929,624 13, 530,865 37,955 407 17,965,175 7,326,841 1,012,893 112,838 212, 344 20, 537 95,812 5,849,894 849,665 143,099 221,819 17, 585 88, 637 5, 573, 612 918,186 185,951 228,153 21,329 92, 748 11,161,841 1,863, 093 567, 823 481,955 46,957 223, 603 4, 001,390 893,803 265,127 174,052 17,618 93,056 9, 600,934 2, 296, 725 577,912 247,606 34,139 209,102 20,131,545 18 11,551,976 19 2,114,199 20 364,731 21 102,427 22 467,514 23 17,596 4,172 27,439 11,410 40,329 18, 486 179,007 70, 738 104,846 38, 570 287, 631 111, 095 1, 237,486 24 277,604 25 8,803,034 7,209, 548 7,078, 794 14, 595,017 5, 588,463 13, 365,145 36,247,482 26 5,863,882 433, 314 163, 559 108,014 111,982 209,897 6,399 72, 557 2,173,123 4,667,184 295, 771 178,695 107,034 91,859 189,619 6,367 76, 539 1,847,477 4,445,410 235,367 213, 563 117,029 107,479 208,034 10,429 90, 943 1,902,811 8, 689, 525 353, 213 567,674 280,844 216, 055 496,434 31,432 316, 579 4,182,187 3,005, 567 98,608 263,163 119,032 89, 555 217,023 17,921 169, 639 1,745,732 7,172, 367 161,419 601, 524 277,806 130,688 568,843 38, 660 292,442 4,157, 221 9,142, 728 7,460, 546 7,331,066 15,133, 943 5, 726, 239 13,400, 970 8 339,694 8 361,462 15,182 13,227 8 352,921 140,652 10,784 8 250,998 8 289,847 12, 985 16, 550 8 267, 548 158, 574 12,190 8 252,272 8 311,087 13, 583 19,393 8 271, 664 197, 540 13,069 8 538,926 8 788, 670 26,513 52,203 8 591,129 590, 752 26, 370 8 137, 776 8 281,193 8,830 28,348 8 166,124 344,980 11,393 8 35,825 8 434, 552 18,155 68,186 8 104,011 879,836 50,135 177160—34 11 15,463,699 163, 518 2,258,603 1,052,524 272,362 1,799,874 140,914 418,377 12,983,438 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 34, 553, 309 36 1,694,173 179,083 16,563 187,178 1, 506, 995 3,654,062 31,553 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 156 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 16.—Returns of corporations submitting balance sheets for 1931 by total assets close of fiscal year nearest thereto, compiled receipts and statutory deductions, net [Moneyfiguresand total assets PART 2. RETURNS Total assets classes Total Number of returns J_ . 143,195 Under 50 50 to 100 65,564 24, 297 114, 299 366,360 196,407 6,681 65, 539 116,920 441,301 201,086 13,997 . 110,392 530,260 115,569 720,154 130, 514 1,395,114 1,734, 365 8,070,191 16,129, 561 36,861, 735 7,379,974 30,617,060 23,407, 212 740, 799 314, 843 92,030 79,048 29, 530 754,903 274,406 149, 647 329,632 185, 517 132,190 52,137 760, 568 343,194 68,874 121,724,933 1,395,114 1,734,365 36, 571,059 9, 576, 496 2,016,326 965,472 148,894 662,349 2,289, 651 517, 774 11,987 39, 387 8,551 26,894 2,052,637 328,389 19,486 46, 264 6,292 24,095 833,884 212, 762 1,442 170 1,839 301 2 Assets: 6,473,315 Cash 3 19,242,511 Notes and accounts receivable _ 5,605,382 Inventories _ __ 4, 519,660 Investments, tax-exempt 4 8 33,447, 786 Investments, other than tax-exempt Capital assets—lands, buildings, equipment (less de45,687, 523 preciation).. 6, 748, 756 Miscellaneous assets. 121, 724,933 Total assetsLiabilities: 2 Notes and accounts payable Bonded debt and mortgages... Miscellaneous liabilities _ _ C apital stock—preferred Capital stock—common Surplus and undivided profits . Less deficit Total liabilities. Receipts, taxable income: Gross sales 6 . . . Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales. Interest._ Rents Profit, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous receipts __ Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporations Interest on tax-exempt obligations 4 Total compiled receipts 7 50,987, 243 2,895,855 2,479,303 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold__ Compensation of officers Interest paid. Taxes paid other than income tax.. Bad debts Depreciation. _ Depletion _.. Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous deductions 27,059,072 1,107, 591 1,468,059 893,308 336,860 1,721, 295 74,889 149, 554 13, 534,411 1, 770,102 192,471 15,455 17,570 18, 707 41,518 1,108 1,316 729,236 1,595,913 135,493 22,043 20, 224 19,889 50,063 1,082 2,383 541,811 Total statutory deductions. 46,345,039 2,787,482 2, 388,901 108, 374 106,762 9,194 3,080 105,294 44,945 1,553 90,402 88,262 8,770 4,690 85,712 44, 704 2,127 Compiled net profit (26 less 36)... Statutory net income _. Net loss for prior year Income tax. Compiled net profit less income tax (37 less 40) _ Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid For footnotes, see pp. 158-159. 4,642, 204 3, 595, 558 129,776 392,855 4, 249, 349 3,843, 358 77,061 157 STATISTICS OF INCOME classes, showing number of returns, assets and liabilities as of Dec. 31, 1931, or at profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, tax and dividends paid—Continued classes in thousands of dollars] SHOWING NET INCOME Total assets classes—Continued i 100 to 250 | ! f | I \ : f * 25,649 250 to 500 12,120 500 to 1,000 7,130 1,000 to 5,000 5,000 to 10,000 6,403 926 10,000 to 50,000 50,000 a n d over 841 265 1 256,867 1, 036, 604 361, 566 56, 307 363,163 279, 520 1,088,179 330,849 106, 049 510,860 327,899 1,189, 466 340, 264 176, 994 753,423 857, 693 2, 981, 322 845, 252 625, 742 2, 569, 767 420, 225 1, 203,354 357, 818 341,163 1, 508, 260 1,073, 288 2, 705,394 894,859 851,540 4, 353, 633 3,026,604 8,230,530 2,077,281 2,341,188 23, 212, 750 2 3 4 5 6 1,701, 778 287,099 1, 687, 606 266, 375 1,876,309 307, 517 4, 580, 980 751, 366 2, 222, 656 368,196 6, 241, 475 1, 335,821 26,126, 304 3,186, 300 7 & 4,063,385 4, 269, 437 4, 971, 871 13, 212,122 6, 421, 672 17, 456, 010 68,200, 957 9 639, 614 507, 335 536, 535 167,098 1, 519, 789 800,131 107,117 534, 748 510, 669 762,490 222, 768 1, 403,685 921,006 85,930 503,178 560,352 1,070,856 271, 868 1,526,096 1,113,943 74, 422 1,014,171 1,326, 298 3,338,328 862, 556 3,662, 564 3,103, 202 94,996 385,151 671, 641 1,685,361 404,075 1,711,718 1, 589,836 26, 111 870, 224 2, 258, 048 4, 659, 241 1, 271, 743 4, 684,140 3, 794,006 81, 392 3,478, 629 10,017, 671 24,597,684 4,098,199 14,593,597 11,467,487 52, 310 10 11 4,063, 385 4, 269, 437 4,971, 871 13, 212,122 6,421,672 3,457,990 510,818 64,656 106, 587 13, 399 44, 463 2,825, 069 407, 571 73,304 108,059 10, 222 39, 465 2, 620,138 387, 930 82,044 106,166 12,437 37, 967 5,524, 927 719,028 229, 228 222, 733 24. 665 92,901 6,122 1, 650 9,235 4,038 13, 793 6,643 47,685 25,441 2, 058, 237 452,648 104,460 77,806 10,079 39,068 28, 549 13,976 17,456,010 4, 889,461 1,178,174 248, 315 101, 006 17, 776 105,151 111, 624 42, 238 12 13 14 15 16 68, 200, 957 17 10,852, 949 5,074,164 1,182,845 157,462 45,474 252,344 18 11* 20 21 22 23 613, 595 24 118,304 25 4, 205,686 3, 476, 965 3, 267,118 6, 886, 609 2, 784, 823 6, 693, 746 18, 297,138 2 2, 701, 997 196,196 59, 021 43, 594 36,133 88,467 2,882 5,208 892, 455 2,189, 483 135, 973 61, 969 42, 330 29, 832 80, 772 2,580 7,502 741, 773 2, 007, 813 104, 413 67, 075 44,488 27,309 84, 208 4,237 9,692 711, 701 4,103,155 150,753 171,135 107, 742 53, 409 184, 617 8,804 24,725 1, 542,365 1, 449, 610 42,017 76, 666 45, 384 18, 924 82, 462 6,969 16, 633 758,848 3, 368, 244 74, 414 202, 351 123, 489 38, 016 250, 849 14,932 32, 704 1, 848, 243 .7,872,756 75,863 792, 345 448,488 94, 642 858, 339 32,296 49,390 5,767,978 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 4, 025, 951 3, 292, 213 3, 060, 936 6, 346, 704 2,497, 513 5,953,243 15,992,097 36 179, 735 171,963 15,182 13,227 166, 508 101, 349 6,241 184, 751 171, 478 12, 985 16, 550 168, 201 114,267 8,638 287, 310 244, 785 8,830 28, 348 258, 963 223,046 7,350 740, 503 586, 641 18,155 68,186 672, 317 597, 847 13, 720 206,182 185, 747 13, 583 19, 393 186, 790 137, 426 8,324 539,905 466, 778 26, 513 52,203 487, 702 383,044 14, 314 2,305, 041 1, 573,142 16, 563 187,178 2,117,862 2,196, 728 14, 796 27 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 158 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 16.—Returns of corporations submitting balance sheets for 1931 by total assets close of fiscal year nearest thereto, compiled receipts and statutory deductions, net [Money figures and total assets PART 3. R E T U R N S SHOWTotal assets classes Total Number of returns i . _ 237,893 Under 50 50 to 100 116,883 36,847 Assets: 2 116,878 Cash3__. 557,597 29,424, 688 Notes and accounts receivable... 443,169 9, 534, 551 Inventories _ _ 8,736 6,147, 532 Investments, tax-exempt i 85,412 40,857, 547 Investments other than tax-exempt 5 859, 445 Capital assets—lands, buildings, equipment (less depre- 69, 615,176 ciation) . 236,431 Miscellaneous assets __. 9, 785, 667 Total assets. 174, 772,096 2,307, 669 2, 632,184 Liabilities: 2 Notes and accounts payable... Bonded debt and mortgages... Miscellaneous liabilities Capital stock—preferred Capital stock—common Surplus and undivided profits. Less deficit 803, 273 328, 776 183, 427 119,066 1, 431, 594 298,667 532, 619 Total liabilities . Receipts, taxable income: Gross sales 6 Gross profit other than tabulated as gross sales. Interest Rents Profit, sale of capital assets. _ Miscellaneous receipts _ Receipts, tax-exempt income: Dividends from domestic corporations. Interest on tax-exempt obligations 4 . Total compiled receipts 7 Statutory deductions: Cost of goods sold___ Compensation of officers Interest paid Taxes paid other than income tax. Bad debts Depreciation Depletion-. _._ Loss, sale of capital assets Miscellaneous deductions Total statutory deductions. Compiled net deficit (26 less 36) Statutory net deficit (37 plus 24 and 25). Cash dividends paid Stock dividends paid 1 2 3 4 933,604 15,181, 207 190,912 31,971,400 182, 539 45, 020,046 120, 560 11,736,855 49,176,667 1, 727,303 28, 569,170 226, 588 6, 883, 248 1,073,837 102,379 590,122 414, 905 15,089 143,326 1,109,107 257,256 174, 772,096 2,307,669 2,632,184 37,212,362 11,629,018 2,008,013 1,144,820 134,621 730,813 3,320,734 624, 267 11, 539 50,612 4,546 40,922 2,474,343 348, 744 14, 375 43,369 3,535 30, 779 1,070, 627 320, 527 3,607 370 3,290 373 54, 250,803 4,056, 597 2,918,808 30, 315, 408 2, 684,420 2,016,412 327, 655 1,466, 226 176,988 40,170 2,900,868 44, 478 42, 540 1, 279,142 29,831 53, 509 815,816 40, 590 83,066 2,211,497 68,421 5,107 185, 677 1,148 1,388,973 70, 893 26,860 18, 816, 502 1, 269, 778 818,100 59, 380,110 4, 577,137 5,129,307 6, 520,462 2, 248, 980 84, 758 520, 540 524, 517 20,171 1,172 3,222,828 304,021 307, 683 16,120 1,471 Excludes returns for inactive corporations. See text, p. 31. Includes cash in till and deposits in bank. Includes obligations of States and Territories or minor political subdivisions, securities issued under the6 Federal Farm Loan Act, and obligations of the United States or its possessions. See text, p. 29. 159 STATISTICS OF INCOME classes, showing number of returns, assets and liabilities as of Dec. 31, 1931, or at profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, tax and dividends paid—Continued classes in thousands of dollars] ING NO NET INCOME—Continued Total assets classes—Continued 100 to 250 ; 1 1 250 to 500 37, 779 18, 932 233, 912 1, 270,934 773,204 72, 621 500,925 2,632,911 275,283 1,347,423 705,182 147,977 792, 281 2,856,829 524, 252 500 to 1,000 12,205 393,713 1,702,816 751, 555 270,083 1, 342,981 3, 412, 376 1,000 to 5,000 5,000 to 10,000 11,942 1,209,478 4,684,314 1, 593,151 973,850 5, 673, 794 8, 859,407 1,662 634,363 2,107,168 584, 520 534, 607 3, 001,112 4,017,910 1,276 1,408,280 4, 346,100 1, 246,186 1,236, 378 7,417, 077 8, 615,575 50,000 and over 367 5, 032,650 12,818,214 3, 022, 680 2,888,191 21,900, 638 37, 251, 615 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1,441,590 3, 692, 340 8 11, 543,504 25, 711, 187 86, 606, 327 9 2, 696, 095 3, 322.335 6, 515, 205 1,917, 825 7, 674, 758 4, 015,157 1, 398,091 1,007, 687 1,759,872 3,180,082 879, 839 3,189, 240 1,979,908 453,125 2,109, 675 4, 023,901 7, 201, 564 2,450,969 6,483, 633 4,136,409 694,965 8,558,994 24, 743, 285 11,543, 504 25, 711,187 3, 024,825 442, 093 69, 796 113, 760 7,362 49,172 2,953,474 530,256 103, 907 121,986 8,892 54, 781 5,636,914 1,144,065 338,595 259, 221 22, 293 130, 702 1,943,152 441,155 160, 668 96, 246 7,539 53,988 4, 711, 473 1,118, 551 329, 597 146, 601 16, 363 103,951 18,204 7,372 26, 537 11, 843 131,321 45, 296 76, 298 24, 594 176,007 68, 857 535,213 685,469 1,749,290 6,008, 760 6, 660,187 8, 558,994 24, 743, 285 1,398,334 874, 556 721, 776 339, 218 2, 790,041 771,443 886, 608 1, 212, 510 1, 036,498 1,116,605 433, 522 2,625, 347 948, 236 712,532 1, 262,320 1,233.968 1, 867,404 637, 740 3,026,998 1,277, 229 746, 665 6,008, 760 6, 660,187 3,868,851 502,074 48,183 105, 757 7,138 51, 349 11,473 2,522 663, 823 10,000 to 50,000 4, 597, 348 3, 732, 583 3, 811,676 7, 708,408 2, 803, 639 6, 671, 399 3,161,885 237,118 104, 538 64,421 75,850 121,430 3,517 67,350 1,280,668 2,477, 702 159,798 116,727 64, 704 62,027 108, 847 3,787 69, 037 1,105, 704 2,437, 597 130,953 146,488 72, 542 80,170 123, 827 6,192 81, 251 1,191,110 4, 586,370 202,460 396,540 173,103 162, 646 311, 817 22, 628 291,853 2, 639, 822 1,555,957 56, 592 186,496 73, 648 70, 631 134,561 10, 952 153, 005 986,884 3, 804,123 87,006 399,172 154,317 92,672 317,994 23, 729 259, 738 2, 308,977 5,116, 777 4,168, 332 4, 270,130 8, 787, 239 3, 228, 726 7, 447, 727 519, 429 533, 424 39,303 4,544 435, 749 461, 325 44, 307 3,553 458,454 496, 834 60,114 4,745 1, 078, 831 1, 255,448 207, 708 12,057 425,087 525,978 121,934 4,043 776,328 1, 021,192 281,989 36,415 6 7 3, 757, 710 19,200, 581 24,051,443 4, 838,115 20, 227, 753 14,915,531 384, 806 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 86, 606, 327 17 9, 278, 596 6, 477, 812 931,355 207,269 56,953 215.169 IS 19 20 21 22 23 023, 891 24 159, 300 25 17,950, 344 26 7, 590, 943 87, 656 1,466,259 604,036 177, 721 941, 535 108,618 368,986 7, 215,459 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 18, 561, 212 36 610, 868 1, 394,059 1,457, 333 Wt 757 37 38 39 40 For cost of goods sold, see Statutory deductions. Includes net profit from the sale of capital assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.), but not gross receipts from these items. Excludes nontaxable income, other than interest on tax-exempt obligations and dividends on stock of domestic corporations as reported in Schedule L of the return. s Deficit. TABLE 17.—Corporation returns for 1981 with balance sheets by major industrial groups and by total assets classes, showing selected Herns of assets and liabilities as of Dec. 81, 1981, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, selected items of receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, and cash dividends paid o [Money figures and total assets classes in thousands of dollars] LFor text defining certain items and describing returns included, see pp. 1-4] Capital stock NumCash,* ber of notes and acreturns Total assets classes counts with balance receivable sheets Inventories Capital assets (less depreciation) Total Notes Bonded debt assets— and acand Total li- counts mortabilities payable gages Preferred Surplus and undivided profits less Common deficit Gross sales Gross profits other Cash StatuTotal Compiled tory than net divinet profit3 income tabu- compiled or dends receipts 2 or deficit lated as deficit paid gross sales AGKICULTURE AND RELATED INDUSTRIES—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME Under 50 .. 50-100 100-250 . 250-500 500-1,000 i 1 000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10 000-50 000 4 50,000 and over Classes grouped Total . . 877 312 355 140 78 4 59 6 771 1,809 6,837 12, 018 13, 947 14, 593 11,168 20,911 14, 580 10, 974 1,635 647 1,709 804 1,365 16,938 12,311 24,017 17, 059 13, 483 1,280 803 1,802 1,709 1,571 1,268 784 1,733 1,569 1,476 286 475 768 1,712 1,440 59, 023 219, 913 25,171 86,857 121, 966 6, 767 6,217 15, 081 165, 254 253, 753 97, 397 93, 016 205, 774 13, 931 13,047 19, 762 s 9, 608 s 7, 644 5 17, 230, s 11,369 5 11,852 s 19,131 5 2, 700 s 4, 777 9, 641 5 7, 669 17, 370 s 11, 845 6 12, 501 8 21,075 s 4, 073 « 5, 218 139 305 579 855 525 1,722 1,090 498 s 84,310 s 89,390 5,712 3,630 3,468 8,129 7,846 8,956 1,963 2,456 5,804 4,838 3,623 12, 931 13, 430 35, 234 29,025 33, 832 20,418 22,112 56,101 48,890 55,049 4,472 4,085 10, 582 5,443 5,967 1,865 2,395 4,765 3,238 2,156 326 302 2,076 1,263 1,134 12,958 12, 438 29, 531 24, 517 26, 788 55,176 12, 518 227, 886 360,608 13,552 11,721 5,818 87, 205 31,202 352,338 563,179 44,100 26,140 10, 920 t1 *1 1,822 AGRICULTURE AND RELATED INDUSTRIES—RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 . . _ 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50 000 and over Total 2,324 1,055 1,180 553 336 264 25 8 6,151 7,049 19, 313 19, 532 22, 672 49,634 16, 752 31,148 6,474 9,028 22, 510 21,039 24,157 30, 748 4,736 5,136 5,745 172,251 123, 828 22,080 23,790 54, 952 46,359 51,982 86,720 16,070 16, 015 7,427 10, 228 22, 708 25, 957 27,168 58, 677 30, 282 31, 561 1,612 2,459 6,080 6,687 13,178 25, 797 1,805 15,143 43, 256 5 23, 286 47, 951 s 13, 700 106, 890 6 18,004 920 98, 202 9,668 110, 572 222, 267 72, 651 44,955 54, 879 52,402 36,065 981, 344 1, 572,655 317,968 214,006 72, 760 726,497 36, 351 52, 743 123, 524 128, 646 143, 825 317, 216 97, 713 81, 325 52, 760 76, 406 186,000 192,346 231, 249 510,135 159,764 163, 997 119,194 21, 284 15, 732 35, 915 29, 650 27, 917 47, 594 13,139 21, 581 2,990 2,074 3,548 2,436 3,428 3,232 695 5,283 24, 957 18, 695 41, 723 35, 073 34, 477 58, 261 17, 346 30, 263 212, 812 23, 686 260, 795 6 5 J2J O O g MINING AND QUARRYING—RETURNS SHOWING N E T INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000-.. 50,000 and over. Total 1,077 469 559 321 205 227 37 29 3 5,110 6,138 13, 608 17, OlIS, 537 52, 877 23, 445 65, 786 27, 775 2,927 230, 292 646 666 2,095 3,043 2,050 15, 450 8,255 34, 686 15, 311 14,421 21, 325 57, 279 74,925 95,451 309,410 181, 893 327, 771 202, 544 22, 790 32,976 87,499 115,445 145, 296 471,325 251, 756 566,435 287,445 82, 202 1, 285, 018 547 842 3,559 4,329 3,977 21, 715 12, 445 30, 235 83, 852 891 2,018 3,121 4,622 4,253 20,310 17, 296 26, 041 2,196 s 19,806 29,093 « 8, 551 57, 933 1,410 82, 560 5 2, 298 79, 521 36,164 213, 794 156, 366 97, 024 92, 628 240,850 186,869 83, 794 76, 607 14, 732 18, 264 39,408 43, 942 47,575 123,013 48, 386 167, 598 135, 467 3,648 2,202 3,776 2,826 3,973 10,081 3,047 6,189 293 20, 072 21, 748 46, 453 49, 970 55, 323 143, 595 55, 729 185,490 140, 7 3,210 2,244 5,595 6,828 7,795 19,739 4,939 24, 906 4,571 3,172 2,190 5,476 6,621 7, 579 16, 627 3,818 19,470 3,640 19, 215 6,834 25, 405 9,093 138, 258 161, 502 80, 747 913, 376 519, 388 638,386 36, 034 719,177 79, 827 68, 592 81, 230 3,867 3,247 5,222 4,765 5,836 9,646 4,133 4,895 24, 422 25,123 23,719 51,107 57, 023 68,347 200, 524 110,815 269, 554 665, 780 5 16,155 5 8,306 5 17, 034 5 14, 823 « 21,479 s 58, 743 5 13, 888 5 51,120 5 80, 242 5 16,186 5 8, 368 5 17,203 s 15, 582 5 22, 213 5 62,631 s 17,775 « 54, 323 « 98, 820 719 647 1,199 2,953 2,298 10,978 14, 701 8,368 47, 257 66, 035 1,471, 992 s 281, 790 « 313,101 89,120 8,432 13] 315 12, 023 11, 528 31, 840 12, 702 21, 038 21, 382 2,341 1,936 4,112 5,098 7,196 I MINING AND QUARRYING-RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000—. 50,000 a n d over Total 7,334 2,146 1,208 30,176 45, 062 5,703 24, 398 71,163 2,726 21, 332 1,003 8,360 1,869 12, 795 1,272 20,570 4,829 145,445 205,139 46, 398 17, 641 728 24,591 5,656 170, 767 256, 630 45, 675 586 33,480 10,116 272, 581 415,946 57, 201 33, 314 986,059 1,490,524 166, 681 138,137 709 117,676 32, 742 »,364 46, 472 75, 518 102 48, 863 16, 704 489, 059 81 106, 276 55, 895 1.020,204 1. 515, 246 100, 363 200,351 22 247,554 262, 557 2,184, 771 3, 374,068 202,179 348,563 5,275 82, 436 s 75, 815 2,840 69,483 s 33, 644 7,796 171, 501 s 58, 307 18, 226 181, 238 5 34, 424 30,146 264,888 s 39,594 53,002 96, 507 882, 06G 39, 421 372, 337 123,492 101,353 614,033 398, 576 181, 393 1, 448, 514 923, 045 6,649 482,957 4,086,4951,256,330 1,306,905 614,706 391,576 391, 576 5,347,949 8,069,142 710,700 834,747 20, 214 18,980 42,972 48,285 57,674) 173,843 98,489 246, 761 599, 688 Under 50 Total 87,106 108, 529 233, 744 235,001 278, 939 675,136 313,563 843, 205 63 2, 537.805 11, 224 4,618 5,022 2,504 1,616 1,488 225 222 7,412 7,925 138, 575 24, 774 590,820 55, 907 12,188 159,932 63, 663 609,162 64,300 14,791 126,128 37, 292 51,165 360,321 191,037 1, 245,027 113, 934 38, 775 72, 936 352,807 276,824 1,182,473 114,861 45, 622 108, 614 430,320 379,205 1, 305,096 229, 281 134,446 364,762 1,102, 732 1,114,366 2, 928, 063 83, 942 82, 073 165, 384 510,116 603, 794 1,191,684 238,889 253, 429 495,423 1,883, 958 1,576,738 3,181, 650 986,561 833, 504 1, L, 137, 585 4, 442,181 3,444, :, 946 7, 655, 336 8,181 5,960 8,38: 4,762 7,052 13, 782 13, 5^ 17,154 84, 079 604, 065 621, 470 1,269,540 1,205,401 1, 335, 764 3, 003, 766 1, 235,869 3, 325,114 8,170, 546 20, 251 22,005 51, 650 61,027 80,088 219, 692 124,886 323,608 792, 871 20,140 21,699 50,526 58, 749 76, 282 206,203 116, 793 280,753 618, 611 7,192 10,058 29,879 38, 596 56,534 154, 652 102, 933 285,857 805,930 162,924 20, 771, 535 1, 696,078 i, 449, 756 1,491,631 26, 982 5, 313, 029 3,267, 316 8,759,363 24,573,659 2,013,802 1,447,857 2, 415,470 9,380,942 7, 675, 348 19,889,311 For footnotes, see p. 177. 40, 294 90,131 248, 958 332,130 53,863 133,199 303, 847 800, 744 144,899 338,923 887, 591 184,038 431,051 1,121,947 500,251 1,159,069 3,094,709 235,189 553,145 1, 537,044 640,134 1, 755,356 4, 780, 201 1,335, 449 4,009, 144 11, 770,335 O W O 2 § TOTAL MANUFACTURING—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50.000 a n d over I TABLE 17.—Corporation returns for 1981 with balance sheets by major industrial groups and by total assets classes, showing selected items of assets and liabilities as of Dec. 81, 1981, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, selected items of receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, to statutory net income or deficit, and cash dividends paid—Continued [Money figures and total assets classes in thousands of dollars] Cash,* Numnotes ber of and acreturns Total assets classes counts with balance receivable sheets Capital stock Inventories Capital Total Notes Bonded assets debt assets- and ac(less de- Total and li- counts precia- abilities mortpayable tion) Surplus and unI divided profits Preless ferred Common deficit Gross sales Gross profits Cash other StatuTotal Compiled tory divinet than net profit3 income dends or 2 tabu- compiled paid lated as receipts or deficit deficit gross sales TOTAL MANUFACTURING—RETURNS SHOWING NO N E T I N C O M E Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000_.50,000 and over Total 137,158 97,392 145, 832 121,107 304,823 289, 269 306,198 323, 529 350, 080 382, 744 015, 76: 879, 404, 918 427, 567 959, 504 960, 555 76 2, 476, 596 2,117,817 188,624 499,454 236,605 608,329 580, 543 420,130 696, 869 621,173 850, 317 981, 036 2, 589, 210 659,181 1, 329, 885 723, 879 3, 522, 382 838, 222 9, 532,152 876, 264 197, 671 27,500 37,687 407, 834 208, 793 183, 622 38,853 42,089 386,006 s 81, ' 350,877 92,745 133,493 806, 578 5 48,351 338,146 110,672 173,151 814,050 84, 278 332,176 125,329 249,169 921,012 245, 206 710,148 446,206 812, 593 2,422, 506 968, 476 258, 081 284,958 408, 752 1,031,653 563,374 612, 325 790, 205 1,045, 225 2, 665, 002 1,222,083 , 019, 913,2,216, 220 ,1 565, 9416, 610, 290 4,890, 599 1. 846,497 14,886 869, 511 738,737 8,250 755, 294 1, 379, 815 12, 532 1, 413, 556 1, 291, 872 9,231 1, 323,961 1,411,974 11,091 1, 453,133 3, 327,905 16, 232 3, 435, 770 1, 337, 357 8,109 1, 394.908 3, 323,177 36,159 3,485,153 7,886,030 339,681 8, 631,626 5 4,333 4,612 11,751 14, 717 21, 548 71,094 38, 298 106,012 511,956 39, 227, 6674, 002, 960 4,132, 688 4, 468, 099 16, 064, 930 7, 635, 004 21, 543, 362 53,124 5, 964,144 5, 735, 745 19, 526, 587 456,169 22, 762,912 2,004,059 2, 219,962 784, 321 M A N U F A C T U R I N G : FOOD PRODUCTS AND BEVERAGES—RETURNS SHOWING N E T 2,396 30,190 54, 847 11,194 4,343 42, 049 76, 296 12,908 10, 974 92, 414 170, 391 25, 911 11,616 95, 300 181,172 21,896 12, 574 15, 467 17,632 10,834 97, 632 215,171 23, 777 236,871 515, 653 37, ,r 34,125 72,885 99, 292 245,367 13,365 14,768 27,864 356,799 876,778 62, 515 56,586 114,321 686, 096 1, 795,109 111, 789 169, 670 177,332 Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000—. 50,000 and over. 2,314 1,055 1,079 513 311 247 36 39 15 12, 610 16, 703 35, 494 35,459 47, 722 100, 680 42, 276 132,295 328,465 6,260 7,828 19, 636 20, 404 30,104 67, 757 27, 214 102,014 216, 262 Total.-.. 5,609 751,703 497,479 1, 736,642 4,130,786 « 124, 638 5 88,744 5 174,130 55 161,815 170, 754 s 428,913 5 162. 449 5 359; 371 5 333, 246 124, 875 * 89,081 5 175, 648 5 164, 325 s 174, 247 5 446, 454 5 171,358 5 396,800 s 477,173 24, 762 8,471 8,918 4,601 2, 836 2,727 393 340 INCOME 7,877 134,081 37, 15,040 141,305 75, 39, 721 284,883 75, 48, 711 276,210 84, 70,116 323,664 170, 183, 213 659,747 92, 86,643 266,803 329, 268, 256 893,882 719,959 476, 780 2,230,847 1,015 135,962 720 143,476 852 288, 747 712 280,108 979 328,440 669,755 1,341 2,974 273,894 3,633 917,471 9,146 2,283,911 5,161 5,895 12,984 14,374 17,836 36,067 26,127 66,823 165,130 5,133 2,615 5,825 2,817 12, 667 6,878 13,625 8,759 17,027 10,907 34,410 25,961 25,004 16,936 59,049 57,366 152,068 136,989 320,744 316,912 439,996 1, 613,620 1,196,358 5,211,423 21,371 5,321,765 350,395 324,808 269,228 I 9 O GO 2 o g M A N U F A C T U R I N G : FOOD PRODUCTS AND BEVERAGES—RETURNS SHOWING NO N E T INCOME Under 50 ^0-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000-... 10,000-50,000 50,000 and over 3,073 1,178 1,156 Total 503 255 228 32 41 7 12, 391 14,941 30, 348 28, 701 28, 287 60, 200 26, 390 92, 370 241, 589 9,194 13,461 31, 491 31,071 27, 858 74,637 30,962 98, 017 147,974 6,473 535, 219 464,665 1,405,931 3, 057, 221 551,696 35,275 43,638 94, 645 86,985 84,191 205,998 124, 557 405, 698 324,944 65,203 83, 719 182,954 174,202 173,334 454,665 230,234 758,344 934, 567 26,006 4,432 28,084 7,447 49, 258 16,129 46, 853 13,885 35,236 15, 370 80,971 60,393 27, 341 43,125 92, 233 146,807 165, 714 191,805 499,392 2,060 4,901 14,932 15, 293 19,439 73,679 43,008 139,813 180,896 48,426 s 20, 046 130, 508 57,114 s19,228 123,431 103,112 « 11,850 237,633 5 637 200,042 84,409 14, 330 209,474 78, 580 188, 576 33,130 412, 276 24,959 81,338 148,929 99, 637 249,498 506, 339 246, 234 131,433 1,872, 457 494, 021 1,137, 287 251, 728 3, 841,089 s 11, 785 s 10, 317 5 18,059 5 14, 545 s 13, 345 5 48, 255 5 9,825 5 39,198 s 31,146 640 357 1,123 1,406 1,970 4,445 1,509 12, 206 5,599 19,616 3,916, 635 « 187, 304 5 196,475 29,255 1,309 663 749 653 839 2,882 227 4,083 8,212 132,722 125,104 241,073 203, 004 213,747 422, 803 154, 287 520,990 1,902,905 s 11,764 s 10, 283 s 17,831 5 14, 204 5 13, 023 5 46, 831 5 9,394 5 36,268 s 27,705 MANUFACTURING: TOBACCO PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME U n d e r 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1 000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 and over .- Total 36 265 218 120 667 150 16 33 9 10 20 4 7 4 409 1,558 1,013 1,925 10, 252 7,591 25, 613 221, 649 384 1,899 1,160 2,616 20,070 8,701 60,877 262,103 209 856 396 559 7,332 2,417 18,351 55,025 1,160 5,293 2,948 6,436 51,366 27, 284 181,866 737,340 347 911 438 781 4,517 921 4,362 13,133 1,073 339 8,360 48,917 209 563 723 328 7,529 3,000 32, 786 86, 521 85, 265 1,014,360 25, 560 58,854 131,682 139 270, 274 358,027 24 19 92 54 342 140 455 123 2,572 908 962 667 3, 055 1.984 19,189 17, 664 6,374 15,794 55,896 47,332 343,109 220,408 431,954 1,550 2,150 8,687 4,858 8,978 64, 557 22, 374 97,706 861,101 305,020 1,071,962 1,586 2,163 8,762 4,875 9,119 64,904 22,819 101,693 870,893 103 103 69 62 556 194 451 5,930 2,428 15,131 125,547 62 525 186 433 5,820 2,183 13, 904 119,211 18 328 63 226 3,573 1,389 12,400 80,384 1,045 1,086,816 150,403 142,427 98, 449 26 3 1 53 567 395 MANUFACTURING: TOBACCO PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 . 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1 000-5 000 5,000-10,000'' 10,000-50,000 4. 50,000 and over * Classes grouped 90 30 26 13 5 10 42 42 4 1 Total 179 For footnotes, see p. 177. 679 537 1,383 901 489 3,575 545 648 1,258 1,703 1,018 5,442 294 588 856 947 469 2,841 1,720 2,199 4,196 4,580 3,030 16,821 802 445 1,247 1,171 301 2,478 17 140 30 47,148 40,540 24,103 124,524 27,619 54,710 51,154 30,099 157,069 34,063 173 137 215 1,110 500 3,978 1,352 1,623 2,380 1,949 1,355 7,167 5 798 »270 112 50 837 2,230 3,685 2,322 5,520 3,709 1,773 16,189 8 30,603 15,492 29,380 11,655 57,443 31, 550 21,605 45,206 13,816 90, 640 760 «252 5 162 «318 5 346 6 355 5 548 2,083 62, 763 6 3,207 5 3,453 7,406 2,102 96, 662 s 5,187 6 5,480 8,333 3 7 3 a g 3,903 2,347 5,585 3,730 1,809 16,524 2 o 5 « 6 5 5 « 252 162 324 346 373 569 30 37 371 36 6 448 TABLE 17.—Corporation returns for 1981 with balance sheets by major industrial groups and by total assets classes, showing selected items of assets and liabilities as of Dec. 81, 1981, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, selected items of receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, and cash dividends paid—Continued [Money figures and total assets classes in thousands of dollars] Capital stock Cash,i notes and accounts receivable Number of returns with balance sheets Total assets classes Inventories Capital assets (less depreciation) Total Notes Bonded debt a s s e t s - and acand Total li- counts mortabilities payable Preferred Surplus and undivided profits less Common deficit Gross sales Gross profits other Total Compiled Statuthan tory net tabu- compiled2 net profit3 income or lated as receipts or deficit deficit gross sales Cash dividends paid 3 MANUFACTURING: TEXTILES AND THEIR PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME Under 50... 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 4 50,000 a n d over 4 Classes g r o u p e d Total 9,469 11,349 25, 375 26, 535 35,179 84,513 34, 755 9,507 10, 641 35, 507 47, 723 71,611 180, 793 53, 050 44,188 50, 039 118,162 129, 742 181, 283 440, 825 150, 671 80, 615 77,119 218,156 534,243 9,214 394, 531 304, 295 626,989 1,649,154 158,258 2,128 699 735 368 257 207 22 * 18 4 1 22, 045 23, 431 45,162 40,196 49,127 102, 303 31, 651 4, 435 12,545 13,531 26,145 24, 059 23, 075 40,037 9,651 1,260 2,110 6,169 10, 777 22,382 59, 216 24, 724 23,056 23,263 52,567 54,406 69,456 167, 516 47, 648 7,428 35, 324 38, 841 161,961 705 1,223 4,071 4,045 5,228 10,897 5,245 3,858 7,704 22,893 34,125 56,646 146,295 57, 581 189,086 161,810 294,337 254,970 270, 430 475, 575 127, 279 881 202 699 404 791 794 2,060 190,898 162,954 297, 511 258, 355 274,824 484, 306 131,990 227, 792 195, 407 285,442 3,761 295, 757 665, 704 524, 509 2, 058, 929 9,592 2,096, 597 3,280 2,945 6,174 7,885 10, 355 26,184 5,592 3,273 2,923 6,090 7,752 10, 073 24,851 4,918 373 968 2,360 4,115 6,000 15,035 3,868 2 18,439 16, 555 29,481 80, 855 76,435 62, 200 3 o 590 960 2,051 2,503 3,697 12, 349 8,470 M A N U F A C T U R I N G : T E X T I L E S AND T H E I R P R O D U C T S — R E T U R N S SHOWING NO N E T I N C O M E Under 50 . . 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 4 50,000 and over 4 Classes grouped Total . 4,365 1,239 1,211 700 471 493 64 4 50 32,005 31,920 56,813 56, 733 63,161 157,593 69,741 21,958 24,188 47,143 55,860 72,160 208, 606 75, 467 81,612 19,938 88, 940 22, 953 65,961 192, 981 103, 718 250, 516 145,260 326, 946 501, 042 1, 019,140 212, 742 431, 763 35, 416 31, 723 64, 609 58,387 61, 320 147, 539 40, 074 2,361 3,817 10, 786 12, 702 13,898 49. 649 17, 928 6,788 8,847 24,453 32,429 48, 870 170, 318 71,379 71, 758 57,609 117,393 123, 603 160,915 467,895 174, 918 5 41, 324 s 17, 220 5 35,902 9,233 25,125 149,068 92,966 270,510 206,391 327, 544 308,940 325,174 761,935 283, 728 1,851 649 847 595 1,077 2,216 1,473 274,236 208, 622 332,090 313, 304 331,126 780,935 293, 349 5 28,854 5 19,169 5 32, 647 5 27,230 5 31,920 5 81, 444 5 33, 369 5 28,898 «19,225 »32,836 »27, 512 5 32, 367 »83, 786 8 34, 438 145, 976 171, 880 471, 501 960,050 63, 873 70,600 188,139 381,068 207,341 539,153 5,860 561,486 s 64, 282 fi 67,594 11,469 613,942 677, 263 1,543,113 3,351,948 502,941 181,741 14, 568 3,095,147 « 318,915 8 326,656 42,090 4 1 8,594 551,223 1, 555,160 389, 287 3,023, 374 (i O CO o MANUFACTURING: LEATHER AND ITS MANUFACTURES—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10 000-50 000 4 50,000 and over 4. 266 133 145 62 32 35 5 44 4 1 2,929 4,505 10,113 8,655 6,698 21, 963 9,530 Total 683 Classes grouped 1,580 2,357 6,104 5,974 7,768 20,407 13,160 1,290 1,714 4,592 4,041 5,285 12, 488 8,127 6,380 9,392 22, 775 22,418 21,653 69,493 34,148 1,719 2,336 4,926 3,217 3,561 6,856 5,475 71, 789 46, 519 46, 593 182, 976 4,181 136,181 103,870 84,129 369, 234 32, 271 80 38 27 557 710 1,592 1,529 912 5,669 1,635 22,091 33,126 68, 628 48,918 34,182 100, 432 36,916 556 707 1,580 1,487 892 5,485 1,559 137 188 529 565 545 3,491 1,429 60 244 475 309 460 1,439 591 166 515 2,308 1,931 4,208 10,973 5,893 27, 976 97, 529 47,987 188, 221 99 190,434 17,633 17,443 16,081 3,578 53, 969 165, 508 100, 525 527,167 746 534, 727 30, 237 29, 709 22, 964 3,606 4,401 9,086 7,857 7,507 24,451 11,070 528 1,512 4,863 8,416 4,876 21, 609 10, 733 21,850 32, 797 67, 772 48,172 33, 587 98, 725 36,043 75 122 305 MANUFACTURING: LEATHER AND ITS MANUFACTURES—RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 200-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 and over -. _. -__ Total 5 Si 571 204 261 137 82 79 12 7 4,059 4,709 12, 690 12, 734 ]3,882 33, 858 10,268 14, 280 4,042 4,396 12, 510 14,191 16, 467 53, 698 27, 555 43,686 2,922 4,040 11,018 12. 463 15, 606 40, 763 18, 593 39, 562 12,394 14,855 41, 692 47, 552 58, 246 161, 247 81, 690 112, 532 4,876 4,692 9,867 10, 233 8,637 29, 081 8,847 10, 635 328 721 2,030 2,160 1,779 9,711 3,513 4,738 2,153 999 4,506 6,998 12, 533 31,824 20, 355 47,972 12,454 9,449 22,968 25,230 27, 658 65, 041 22,630 41,663 8,166 s 1, 624 287 1,098 5,530 20, 788 22,943 5 2, 552 29,131 28, 740 61, 292 55, 240 56, 971 143,475 65, 707 90, 987 157 19 226 119 35 144 1,027 595 29,709 29,052 62, 455 56,400 58, 366 147, 261 68, 228 93, 505 s 4, 508 «2, 695 5 6,181 5 5, 366 s 7,165 s 18,170 5 7,105 s 11,053 5 4, 532 s 2, 699 s 6,221 5 5,450 s 7, 336 5 18, 696 5 7,259 s 11,137 184 258 H3 M 253 490 941 2,044 898 357 2 H O & _ O 1, 353 106, 480 176, 546 144, 968 530, 208 86, 868 24, 980 127, 340 227,094 38, 303 531, 543 2,323 544,976 s 62, 242 5 63,328 5,425 3 O O MANUFACTURING: RUBBER PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME Under 50 - 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1 000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 4 10 000 50 000 50,000 and over 4 Classes grouped. _ _ _ Total- 59 27 22 26 4 17 44 12 161 429 720 1,472 4,409 836 16, 353 1,286 1,871 3,307 9,118 2,893 38,886 471 504 948 2 016 469 9, 321 236 353 610 1 437 557 6, 231 161, 566 63,145 136, 570 489,894 175,295 72, 571 160, 789 547,256 40 41 128 449 15 400 6,798 682 905 1,181 4,228 2,089 17, 267 103,148 80,466 133,837 44,531 107, 963 81, 540 141, 592 70, 888 442 361 766 1,090 161 1,995 30 61 365 501 1 3 3,295 3,026 5,941 11, 893 3,068 42,197 3,273 2,998 5,888 11,803 3,028 41, 223 15 109,924 312, 249 1,248 327, 630 11,163 9,562 16, 414 125, 974 380, 462 1, 266 397,050 15,445 13,662 18, 750 35 450 786 2,641 258 11,881 147 120 247 718 188 2,862 146 118 223 704 188 2,721 18 61 57 240 332 1,627 For footnotes, see p. 177, s* TABLE 17.—Corporation returns for 1931 with balance sheets by major industrial groups and by total assets classes, showing selected items of assets and liabilities as of Dec. 31, 1931, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, selected items of receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, and cash dividends paid—Continued [Money figures and total assets classes in thousands of dollars! Capital stock Total assets classes Number of returns with balance sheets Cash,i notes and accounts receivable Inventories Capital assets (less depreciation) Bonded Total Notes debt a s s e t s - and acand Total li- counts mortabilities payable gages Preferred Surplus and undivided profits less Common deficit Gross sales Gross profits Statuother Compiled tory Total net than net profit income or tabu- compiled 2 3 lated as receipts or deficit deficit gross sales Cash dividends paid MANUFACTURING: RUBBER PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50. 50-100. 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000— 5,000-10,000 10,000-50 000 4 50,000 a n d over 4 Classes grouped Total . 132 42 65 24 30 30 5 «9 «2 339 5 688 784 2,027 1,377 3,144 9,646 5,474 498 598 2,593 1,148 3,843 10, 282 4,741 829 1,363 4,495 3,760 9,781 30,671 20,081 2,320 3,117 10, 564 8,646 23,353 60,865 34,264 1,534 999 2,614 2,965 2,178 8,193 7,840 1,226 236 721 778 1,194 5,900 2,551 6, 524 367 994 816 3,949 12,045 2,858 3,757 2,168 6,111 5,081 9,829 27,135 19,088 5 11,080 s 1,008 5 371 6 1 , 715 5,632 6,621 987 3,370 3,293 10,641 5,151 18,227 45,503 17,253 2 2 3 1 18 265 34 3,400 3,391 10, 721 5,216 18,491 46,226 17, 566 5 2,306 5 619 s 1,146 6 1,374 5 1, 714 5 4, 694 5 2, 519 2, 306 5 626 1,152 5 1,382 5 1, 767 5 4, 764 5 2, 546 36 8 67 46 269 915 251 o 117,400 66,482 218,011 607,883 43,493 157, 622 82, 950 342, 299 5 41, 301 296, 079 4,442 310,186 «19, 907 s 23,388 6,526 2 o 140, 539 90,186 288, 993 751,011 69,816 170,228 110, 502 415,468 5 42,234 399, 516 4,768 415,198 6 34, 278 5 37, 931 8,118 5 MANUFACTURING: FOREST PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME U n d e r 50. 50-100 100-250 . 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000. . 50,000 a n d over Total 480 262 321 126 91 65 6 3 3,940 6,509 15, 796 12, 759 15, 705 26, 730 3,840 4,449 2,635 4,176 11, 243 9,966 12,096 20, 530 5,365 8,783 4,203 6,366 18,065 16, 778 21, 956 51,245 22, 239 30, 560 11, 574 18,569 50,760 45,435 61,290 127,355 44,046 59,316 3,036 4,134 8,910 6,023 6,515 10,400 3,912 5,998 398 582 1,959 1,407 2,137 6,774 254 325 187 440 2,969 3,386 4,709 14, 923 817 5,962 6,916 9,701 24, 268 20,569 23, 992 46,095 10,152 26,254 475 2,779 10, 237 12,337 22,417 43,301 26,014 10, 210 21,147 25, 549 61, 539 49, 282 50,951 83, 756 7,349 13, 258 200 252 363 26 386 507 437 56 21, 560 26,194 63,136 50,219 52,627 86, 779 9,089 15, 007 734 1,002 2,482 1,833 2,621 5,777 1,124 624 732 985 2,453 1,762 2,467 5,470 591 226 251 524 2,044 1,185 3,577 4,951 1,165 421 1,354 89,727 74, 795 171,412 418,345 48,929 13,835 33, 395 167,947 127, 770 312,831 2,226 324, 611 16,197 14, 684 14,120 }—I o i M A N U F A C T U R I N G : FOREST P R O D U C T S — R E T U R N S SHOWING NO N E T I N C O M E Under 5 0 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 and over Total 1,572 818 1,078 570 344 332 43 23 3 9,083 14, 612 37,358 40,818 41, 973 92, 783 37,873 49, 610 38,459 4,783 362, 568 8, 518 14,493 44,377 47, 611 55, 096 114,849 29,525 38,934 19, 265 14,930 24,798 71, 232 83, 345 101, 236 352,244 191,195 298, 907 202, 581 35,831 59,789 173, 089 200, 316 239, 232 675, 794 305,389 456, 556 328, 238 15, 872 19, 031 45, 362 42, 902 43, 308 90, 471 39, 416 30,158 4,900 2,939 4,453 11,417 11,985 14, 277 58,438 28, 297 67, 549 52, 308 372, 667 1, 340, 468 2,474, 233 331, 420 251,663 35,137 s 21, 556 37, 503 * 8,391 5 3,892 100,312 15, 782 101,945 20, 516 131,242 278,845 134, 559 121, 749 79, 547 152, 370 132,144 63, 270 200, 553 42,296 51,899 123, 243 121,304 114, 783 257,444 77.368 100,194 55,077 308 566 556 791 J,480 1,568 816 2,226 2,046 164,474 1,022, 373 549, 262 943, 608 10,357 1,494 2,626 9,659 15,861 19,031 68, 764 19,627 27,413 43,164 53, 384 126,264 125, 251 119, 653 270, 376 82,845 113, 044 60,987 5 5 9, 204 5 9, 581 23, 284 5 24! 026 5 51, 514 17,439 s 19, 703 s 10,384 5 s 9, 228 s 9, 597 6 23,391 5 22,122 5 24, 254 5 52,814 5 18, 234 s 20, 781 5 11,398 994, 967 5 186, 920 6 191,820 758 353 1,638 1, 885 3, 316 6,857 2,449 2,681 91« 20,853 MANUFACTURING: PAPER, PULP, AND PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME Under 50 W-lOO 100-250 _250-500 W0-l,000 . -1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 * 50,000 a n d over 4 Classes grouped Total 198 116 381 96 85 91 15 4 16 42 1,889 2,920 7,797 7,707 11,972 30,167 13, 725 45, 713 800 121, 892 1,726 2,780 12, 921 15,417 27, 682 100,825 52, 892 5, 209 8,435 29, 569 34, 577 59, 756 194. 705 99, 765 53,166 243, 344 114,499 457, 589 1,045 1,606 5, 641 6,613 S, 830 25,417 12,181 1,095 1,513 4,758 3,849 5,076 13, 328 4,931 116 279 1,503 1,897 2, 514 9,549 8,582 446, 328 12, 304 29,938 72,969 878,343 46, 856 54, 379 110,822 258 426 2,166 3,130 5, 235 16,850 9,788 994 1,725 7,010 11,817 22,004 66, 544 45, 282 10,968 15,315 46,750 46,134 66, 327 164, 373 57,998 165, 899 151, 281 327, 242 306, 657 2,537 4,094 13,118 12,218 23,106 79, 358 26,913 36 56 43 20 56 226 193 11,107 15,502 47,293 46, 783 67,530 167, 528 59,207 207, 534 277 213,183 12,072 9,892 13,217 615,399 907 628,133 40, 575 37,025 32,413 389 460 1,881 2,538 4,905 13,400 4,930 388 454 1,855 2,475 4, 594 12, 605 4,761 126 205 1,136 1,254 3,032 10,107 3,336 o o o MANUFACTURING: PAPER, PULP, AND PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 5(3,000 a n d over Total-. For footnotes, see p. 177. 8, 325 13,500 31,234 46,119 63,918 241,304 107, 430 360,183 657,346 4,048 3.107 6, 709 7,782 10,102 26,066 6,290 31, 408 59,606 262 588 2, 566 3, 664 5,436 34,165 26,121 57, 438 136,317 376 1,209 3,525 4,774 6,351 29,118 21, 389 68, 335 114,206 6,399 7,752 16, 726 20,192 25, 463 94,090 38, 407 139,020 197, 353 5 3,350 218 98 4,920 14, 264 47,055 12,907 42,077 120,517 14,831 16,914 34,800 40,139 46, 280 141, 251 50,929 138,273 100, 737 103 19 51 92 3 42 575 412 1,995 15,052 17,147 35, 269 40,602 47, 222 143, 794 52, 243 144, 348 132, 269 s 1,964 5 1, 402 3 3, 433 s 3,108 5 4,109 5 12, 647 5 4, 394 s 10, 753 5 3, 383 5 1,965 5 1, 443 5 3, 453 5 3,152 5 4,201 s 13,153 5 4, 415 5 12, 201 « 8, 723 68 138 330 477 530 2,096 246 2,607 6,707 529, 361 155,118 266, 557 249,284 545,401 238,707 584,154 3,291 627,946 5 45,192 5 52,705 13,199 yjxu 17.—Corporation x.. v>f./,." wri,,.. returns , ^.c.,,,0 for ^v,, 1931 ^ ^ with iwVfr balan balance sheets by major industrial groups and by total assets classes, showing selected items of TABLE assets and liabilities as of Dec. 31, 1931, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, selected items of receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, and cash dividends paid—Continued [Money figures and total assets classes in thousands of dollars] Capital stock Total assets classes Number of returns with balance sheets Cash,* notes and accounts receivable Inventories Capital Total Notes Bonded assets debt ac(less de- assets— and and Total li- counts preciamortpayable abilities tion) gages Preferred Surplus and undivided profits less Common deficit Gross sales Gross profits other Total Compiled Statuthan tory net tabu- compiled net profit income or receipts 2 or deficit 3 lated as deficit gross sales Cash dividends paid MANUFACTURING: PRINTING, P U B L I S H I N G , A N D A L L I E D I N D U S T R I E S - R E T U R N S S H O W I N Gr N E T I N C O M E Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50 000 4 50,000 and over 4 Classes grouped , - 1,963 680 619 301 203 159 33 *21 « 1 3,980 Total 14, 872 15,418 28,490 26, 613 34, 717 73,930 39, 820 2,825 3,517 7,419 7,438 10, 312 25,039 11,942 61, 206 295,066 7,904 7,179 12, 719 10,957 14, 334 28,316 9,855 1,633 1,931 5,132 6,595 10,082 24,529 24,447 1,057 1,557 4,313 6,523 13,066 29, 999 17,705 18, 533 17, 502 34,072 37, 516 51,882 110, 542 82,189 43,106 48, 294 96, 624 105,982 142, 391 316,160 221,802 30,190 152, 887 455,895 43,134 43,474 55,555 98, 681 505,123 1, 430, 254 134,398 117,823 129, 774 22,108 23,000 40,876 38, 992 46, 303 84,990 47,641 8,051 12,093 28, 302 35, 974 50, 276 124,634 103,335 67, 504 60,659 108,826 110,189 138,406 259,024 160,083 136,580 137, 772 294, 448 440,492 500,437 1,199,140 4,544 4,097 4,490 1,984 1,587 1,200 3,408 72, 751 65,614 115,027 115,249 144,081 269, 828 166,943 1,810 309, 750 23,119 1, 259, 244 3,336 3,067 6,688 8,259 12,150 25,377 21, 357 3,321 2 984 6,454 7 875 11,444 24,023 20,369 1 453 1 825 4 468 6 088 8,552 16,499 14, 694 41, 970 37,468 39, 976 2 122, 203 113,939 93, 554 o o K MANUFACTURING: PRINTING, PUBLISHING, AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES—RETURNS SHOWING IVO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100. . 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10 000 10,000-50,000 4 50,000 a n d over * Classes grouped Total 3 853 927 676 258 140 99 9 *12 *1 22, 857 16, 758 24, 898 18,587 20,639 35,760 10, 754 280,047 5, 975 430,301 28, 218 18, 624 24,196 21,446 23, 298 27,005 7,930 5,755 4,086 7, 535 10,096 9,437 22, 647 11,441 3,464 4,428 7,465 7,640 10,366 27, 798 11,063 50,885 5 18, 225 36, 518 5 4, 721 5, 292 51,820 35, 566 7,101 36,128 8,200 47,957 55,930 12, 653 19, 385 106, 931 76, 877 103,095 76, 434 77, 288 132, 575 38,033 9,024 4,819 7,851 4,600 5,222 2,991 620 116,979 82, 697 112,988 82, 736 84, 760 141,124 40, 335 6 33,981 26,935 40, 224 35, 295 36,443 61,484 16, 376 76, 293 64,935 104,142 89,033 99,607 194, 447 64,901 12, 658 158,936 910,373 284, 451 121,803 15,901 159, 557 297,771 285,060 5,011 312,416 5 616 5 8, 547 8,72S 82, 521 409, 674 1,603, 730 435,168 192, 799 88,125 445, 789 356,029 896, 293 40,138 974,036 a 61,418 & 72,945 17,165 6,329 6,398 11,944 11, 501 8,722 19, 422 5, 548 s 15, 781 5 7,713 810,936 5 7, 728 3 6,116 5 6,770 5 5,759 6 15,822 5 7, 741 11,116 5 7,980 i 5 6, 477 «9, 288 5 5,973 625 467 981 850 922 4,340 252 w o MANUFACTURING: CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250--250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000-— 10,000-50,000— 50,000 and over Total.... 18,962 4.515 929 3,531 6,230 378 8,124 4,346 7,008 26,997 493 22,807 11,829 24,995 79,873 238 25, 385 12,492 27, 212 85,618 173 31, 578 18, 524 36, 971 120,537 190 89,742 56,489 119,937 393, 452 32 41, 259 40,129 67, 271 204, 596 44 154,736 105, 687 328, 399 898,833 15 751,519 354,904 1, 545, 524 4, 240, 740 2,492 1,131, 380 607,931 2,161,831 6,069,610 99 652 12, 423 35, 345 4,058 950 4,342 860 1,193 14,028 5, 323 40,284 10,906 2,251 6,404 38, 223 19,317 109, 984 9,887 2,852 6,452 37,537 26,115 96,153 11, 276 5,038 11,611 48,178 38,979 127, 588 30,752 12,051 37,555 146, 601 141, 458 368, 793 6,141 7,125 19,014 88,480 71,769 183, 524 56,600 19,729 59,054 423,016 287,453 519., 562 124, 286 210,168 243, 425 1,918,135 1, 408,821 1, 618, 713 36,019 323 100 40,832 594 112,148 910 98, 323 940 130,967 2,366 378, 568 2,262 189, 697 2,540 543,731 13,323 1,805,934 1,836 1,782 6,376 7,417 10, 541 39, 387 28,448 77,195 194, 753 385, 658 2, 726, 6221, 999, 336 3,099, 945 23, 358 3, 336,220 367,734 258, 247 260,725 714 1,824 765 1,757 4,004 6,269 4,155 7,234 7,177 9,999 37,198 24,829 26, 670 24, 671 65,190 58,916 91,041 261,111 247,181 386,342 MANUFACTURING: CHEMICALS AND ALLIED PRODUCTS-RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 l,0C0-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 and over Total 197 2,236 1,744 262 33, 982 1,635 30,600 5 19,191 34, 619 5 6,967 s 6,980 5,269 8,971 31, 555 14,035 7,273 514 383 34, 586 35, 510 s 4, 691 5 4,702 2,049 3,646 29,092 5 7,716 8,919 5,294 13,619 40,731 11,420 569 651 251 71, 509 73,054 5 9, 399 5 9, 511 4,534 8,450 54,865 5 7,440 34, 340 89,418 22,996 574 17, 652 11,878 674 557 71,912 73,600 5 8, 252 5 8, 351 4,194 9,995 55,440 4,126 42, 296 100, 706 21,128 286 19, 577 14,158 1,252 604 93,711 96,139 s 9,678 5 « 9,823 5,780 18, 634 61, 564 9,642 51,702 128,114 23,971 186 27, 782 18,036 4,615 1,693 194,622 202,953 5 24,420 26, 554 158 61, 432 38,706 143, 338 329,930 56,969 19, 345 46, 483 152, 561 29,499 1,029 2,107 90,248 95, 239 s 6, 242 5 7,037 17, 956 77,056 21,138 18,638 103,172 185, 768 23, 546 17,081 26 20,278 7,733 2,318 412, 425 5 42,030 « 42,920 35 106,114 86,143 494,288 809,685 140,352 48, 241 78, 748 365, 887 89, 665 401, 672 20 694,546 836,894 4,305,963 7,014,488 309, 564 953, 698 215,090 2,911,962 2,052, 431 2, 463, 813 255,154 2,920,121 5100,935 5 200,155 262, 505 3,598 963,572 1,035,016 5,197,688 8,730,394 623,981 1,056,557 401, 238 3,739,025 2,172,153 3,456,056 263, 329 3, 943, 660 « 212, 614 5 316,032 279,169 MANUFACTURING: STONE, CLAY, AND GLASS PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000__ 50,000 and over Total 350 217 195 102 75 68 11 11 3 2,649 4,383 7,913 8,979 12,187 22, 254 18,055 32, 980 19, 640 1,811 2,650 4,580 5,720 8,158 18,058 10,414 34,351 21,905 2,930 6,631 13, 740 15,281 23,844 64,403 28,702 119,750 141,622 8,429 15,404 29, 837 35,493 54,063 135,309 85,757 265,761 213,635 1,974 3,097 3,820 4,223 3,623 5,657 9,681 12, 345 6,162 371 882 1,353 1,392 2,769 7,219 1,733 25,662 146 273 345 1,291 2,998 5,934 28, 000 7,104 30, 241 3,000 4,990 7,360 14,308 15,166 21,314 47,154 32,157 106,958 114,663 455 2,987 7,622 11,021 19, 248 42,828 31, 706 75, 226 79, 562 10, 626 17,123 27,657 34,873 42, 238 79,030 28, 497 123, 204 96,890 40 90 250 94 136 118 63 743 68 10,848 17,534 28,471 35, 531 43,434 81, 286 29,961 130,896 99,191 528 1,025 1,549 1,865 2,882 7,351 3,303 22,209 3,984 527 1,007 1,509 1,795 2,749 6,601 3,104 19,977 3,726 114 510 1,169 1,116 1,772 6,038 6,322 10,982 8,628 1,032 129,039 107,646 416,903 843,687 50, 582 41, 527 79,186 364,070 270,655 460,138 1,603 477,151 44,696 40,995 36,651 GO o CO M 2 O C For footnotes, see p. 177. CO TABLE 17.—Corporation returns for 1931 with balance sheets by major industrial groups and by total assets classes, showing selected items of assets and liabilities as of Dec. 31, 1931, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, selected items of receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, and cash dividends paid—-Continued [Money figuresjand total assets classes in t h o u s a n d s ^ dollars] Capital stock Total assets classes Number of returns with balance sheets Cash,i notes and accounts receivable Inventories Capital assets (less depreciation) Total Notes Bonded debt a s s e t s - and acand Total li- counts abilities payable mortgages MANUFACTURING: STONE, CLAY Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000— 10,000-50,000* 50,000 a n d over < Classes grouped Total 1,112 488 572 284 159 150 29 <20 5,707 6,756 15, 581 13,475 14, 414 34, 048 14,181 49,069 47,886 2,815 153, 230 160,979 4,815 5,993 14,793 14,952 15,819 34, 782 21,939 Preferred Surplus and undivided profits less Common deficit A N D GLASS P R O D U C T S — R E T U R N S 24,313 35,215 94,638 102, 554 108,115 332, 778 186,172 300,922 458, 361 21,180 45,721 85, 716 172, 575 94, 676 177,872 833, 859 1, 342,146 127,546 146,251 206,145 550, 669 203, 430 531, 395 1,384 2,820 6,639 9,907 9,534 39,886 30,360 18,204 21,283 52, 250 51,927 49,968 121, 859 62,604 SHOWING 11,325 18, 032 51,689 58,788 61, 344 207, 769 123,990 8,122 8,436 18,722 16,940 15,385 28,910 9,851 2,069 1,807 7,627 11, 228 10, 572 53, 517 33, 610 Gross sales « 7, 683 51, 403 3,724 6,379 17,610 54, 214 35,912 22, 566 22, 252 50, 995 44, 567 48,951 111, 641 52, 550 Gross profits Statuother Total Compiled tory net than compiled net profit tabu- receipts 2 or deficit 3 income or deficit lated as gross sales Cash dividends paid Si NO NET INCOME 23, 257 22,900 52, 216 45, 656 50, 487 114,990 54, 770 8 4, 923 5 4,176 10, 627 5 9, 218 5 6, 989 5 18,161 6 8, 010 * 4,926 5 4,188 « 10,729 s 9, 368 5 7,193 s 18, 654 s 8, 493 654 183, 440 5 11,1601 5 2,045 547, 716 5 73, 263 215 254 227 149 117 231 196 5 228 313 702 782 680 2,124 2,346 12,979 14,890 s 76, 530 22,064 o QQ 3 o g MANUFACTURING: METALS AND ITS PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME IS Under 50 50-100 100-250. -_ 250-500..500-1,000 — 1,000-5,000. 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 a n d o v e r . . Total 12, 280 16, 306 40,503 45, 769 48, 886 140, 023 85,102 262, 783 957, 994 6,721 12, 205 36, 223 9,902 17, 533 51, 266 27,112 49,411 138,998 33, 499 56, 489 170, 590 37, 441 75,000 197,063 122, 032 206, 445 634, 544 55, 571 111, 559 331,107 347, 977 1,152, 074 139, 959 349,814 1, 235,987 3, 740,121 7,720 8,455 18,806 19,318 17, 509 38,517 13,164 42,042 605, 020 1,140 2,213 6,320 4,825 5,296 22,692 10,168 61,137 319, 062 1,884 23, 575 1,508 24, 639 9,738 64, 768 14,699 62,470 16,943 76,975 60,859 239, 707 41,769 113,713 64, 454 440,884 463,717 1, 111, 969 5 60,260 275 11,211 71, 728 34, 701 160, 708 181,124 63,375 73,010 187, 386 242,814 494,969 130, 569 244, 670 455,425 667, 207 930,979 2, 256,305 814 62,173 171 72,821 780 164, 341 462 184, 740 1,248 192,882 3,350 512, 209 1,763 255, 405 720,093 3,690 59,844 2,472, 766 2,705 3,400 7,721 10, 795 13, 502 38, 026 21, 574 75,967 231,013 2,683 3,355 7,571 10, 391 12,843 34,002 19,805 63, 714 198,900 800 1,599 5, 295 8,621 11, 524 34, 357 23, 049 77,134 234, 057 4,342 1, 609, 646 782, 051 2,112, 607 6, 451,986 770,553 432,852 675, 571 2,158, 700 1,941,810 4,324, 356 72,122 4, 637, 430 404, 703 353, 265 396,435 1,597 697 862 481 285 301 49 52 18 MANUFACTURING: METALS AND ITS PRODUCTS—RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000— 10,000-50,000__ 50,000 and over _ 27,797 31, 769 75,783 80,293 102, 027 300,813 170,625 363,459 34 1, 044, 319 5,337 2,115 2,421 1,342 892 876 139 106 13, 262 2,196,886 2,262,988 7,163,895 14,351, 505 891,5921,190,3751,907,348 5,736,600 3,350,453 6,511,378 Total 127, 368 55 26,353 129,484 21, 259 276,287 s 44, 570 294,998 55 49,900 349,802 52,014 975, 212 5 5133, 993 457, 439 5 57, 061 1,148,595 134,147 3, 078, 493 « 166, 052 6,329 23,441 5,233 88, 251 5 36,952 124,788 43,229 112,068 40, 748 9,565 31,959 9,667 94, 470 513, 049 127,264 60,511 152,842 42, 443 81,838 157,947 79, r 24,761 40,890 216,115 i 6,188 270, 311 97,800 203,090 474,303 79,480 32,902 56,726 239,638 40,125 287,631 125,936 261,358 624, 645 91,151 39,959 76, 543 280,141 104,055 340,632 366,968 783, 435 1,854, 369 178,200 118, 788 252,217 806,500 409,566 944, 634 175,747 404, 576 959,060 77, 502 90,540 140, 661 365,181 229,195 437,885 366,301 1,126,422 2, 322,082 114,179 275,902 367,112 988, 652 432,672 1,088, 461 992,997 4,123,327 7,463,197 188,197 592, 623 957,307 2, 657,6522,178, 652 2,889, 771 89,798 6,837, 677 5 5 26, 409 816 923 56 21,360 44,989 2,737 6 50,691 4,786 5 53,250 6,991 6 139, 599 27,329 6 61,513 18,473 5 151,672 43,423 5 194, 554 221,372 685,348 5 744,039 326, 848 M A N U F A C T U R I N G : MANUFACTURING NOT E L S E W H E R E CLASSIFIED—RETURNS SHOWING N E T INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 _.. 10,000-50,000 * 50,000 and over 4 Classes grouped Total 904 338 337 182 90 88 8 6,928 9,318 17,163 20,451 17,952 47,772 14,684 3,962 5,398 11,750 13, 659 12,454 33,707 10,700 4,482 5,545 15,803 18, 359 17,793 51,834 14,948 18, 085 24,405 55,156 64,497 59,412 176,961 61, 679 4,069 6,097 7,551 8,974 5,171 11,518 1,992 413 2,176 2,393 2,375 1,249 3,699 5,723 423 1,202 3,904 6,350 6,568 19,175 5,250 9,498 10,784 24, 046 23,078 24, 275 59,876 22, 589 2,536 2,715 14, 678 21,625 19, 390 72,124 15,154 35,131 37,444 67,996 68, 705 52, 512 138,290 31, 795 222 229 287 151 856 3,742 49 35, 773 38,228 69, 533 70, 405 54, 610 145, 975 34, 472 1,476 1,536 3,400 3,621 3,744 13, 662 7,694 1,455 1,524 3,330 3,461 3,571 13, 017 7,155 52 9 578 1,612 2, 436 2,890 8,183 5,547 33 o 47 4 1 1,955 74, 027 53,841 111, 320 310,448 14,069 8,965 28,992 74, 054 128,074 195, 688 31 222,796 37,499 22,112 38,759 208,294 145,471 240, 083 770, 643 59,441 26,993 71,864 248, 200 276,297 627, 560 5,568 671,793 72, 633 55, 627 60, 525 3 o o MANUFACTURING: MANUFACTURING NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED-RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 * 50,000 and over 4 _. Classes grouped Total 2,538 674 684 351 184 157 16 * 13 12,305 11,031 23, 726 25,152 24,454 61, 465 27,608 50,679 51, 788 4,619 236,422 221,564 For footnotes, see p. 177. 11,074 10,900 23,622 26,317 27, 746 52, 060 18,057 17,995 14,618 25,607 28,858 17,290 34, 265 9,268 1,929 2,828 5,599 8,400 8,666 26, 524 14,000 4,020 3,557 10,778 10,283 22,383 42,851 25,159 40, 612 31, 424 62, 526 69, 070 58,170 156,907 43, 498 5 20,421 5 7, 456 6 4, 597 « 2,186 19, 465 33,790 24, 494 63,899 44, 768 83, 232 76,803 78,712 166, 360 62,362 442 257 669 399 233 940 349 s 11, 763 5 6,994 5 13, 757 5 13, 303 5 13,646 « 29, 722 5 10, 236 65,102 45, 657 85, 554 79, 464 81, 530 173, 573 66,090 13,812 14,765 33,984 43, 710 48, 432 114, 542 34,304 47,822 48,487 106, 284 122, 647 132, 496 317,821 123,480 136, 592 449,806 44,849 52, 649 27,763 182,651 70,983 158,182 546 171,323 440,141 1,348,842 192, 749 120,594 146, 794 644,858 114, 072 734,317 3,834 768,292 5 6 « 11, 772 5 7, 021 « 13,867 5 13, 426 5 13,862 5 30, 322 5 10, 705 161 283 847 782 975 3,533 1, 469 31, 955 s 35, 047 3,751 131,376 s 136, 024 11,801 TABLE 17.—Corporation returns for 1931 with balance sheets by^major industrial groups and by total assets classes, showing selected items of assets and liabilities as of Dec. 81, 1931, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, selected items of receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, and cash dividends paid—Continued to [Moneyfiguresand total assets classes in thousands of dollars] Num- Cash,i ber of notes returns and ac- InvenTotal assets classes with counts tories balance receivsheets able Capital stock Capital Notes Bonded Total ac- debt (less de- Total li- and and counts mortprecia- abilities payable tion) gages Preferred Surplus and undivided profits less Common deficit Gross sales Gross profits other Total Compiled than compiled 2 net profit3 tabu- receipts or deficit lated as gross Statutory net income or deficit Cash dividends paid 02 CONSTRUCTION—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME Under 50. . . 50-100 100-250 . _. 250-500 500-1,000. 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 * 50,000 and over * Classes grouped Total __'. 2,816 910 894 336 203 135 8 27, 729 28,395 59,428 52, 291 60,082 101, 794 27,882 5,191 5,397 9,920 8,664 10,891 22,681 469 15, 314 20,134 42,632 28,694 31,343 62,932 8,963 55,679 64,112 140, 328 118,310 141, 532 260,803 51,265 16,159 17,294 34, 602 26,326 32,019 54,729 18, 232 3,057 4,587 10,183 5,841 7,149 10, 521 151 702 1,243 3,554 3,175 3,954 14,002 1,431 25,159 24, 504 45,888 31,157 33,133 50, 252 10, 582 6,431 11,246 33, 284 36,903 43,638 81, 740 10, 298 121, 220 107, 220 172,928 109, 354 105, 570 141,066 13,611 16,331 19, 264 56, 758 52, 317 45,116 63,299 8,997 139, 623 128,760 234,974 166,052 155,262 212,798 23, 734 5,294 4,942 11,858 10,992 12, 670 24,135 2,483 5,261 4,854 11,566 10,431 12,097 22,131 2,236 1,574 1,846 4,993 4,834 5,752 11,380 658 55,666 8,517 42,438 178,207 39,461 18, 569 4,770 30,350 46, 296 63,478 33, 318 101, 398 11, 523 8,590 5,064 413, 268 71,729 252, 450 1,010, 236 238,822 60,058 32, 830 251, 024 269, 836 834,447 295,399 1,162,600 83, 898 77,165 36,102 s 28, 722 6 15,148 18, 665 «8,840 «10,942 6 5, 545 » 2, 765 »28,802 « 15, 262 5 19,376 5 9,407 «11,556 « 7, 301 a 2,909 1,002 878 2,808 1,199 2,190 2,261 918 * 1 5,312 C O N S T R U C T I O N — R E T U R N S SHOWING NO N E T I N C O M E Under 50 50-100 100-250 - . 250-500 500-1,000. 1,000-5,000— 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000* 6,533 1,481 1,237 418 231 116 13 50,000 and over 4 Classes grouped Total. _ 10,038 50, 720 39, 266 65,198 42, 824 46, 714 60,963 26, 670 14,994 10, 595 17, 234 12,183 11, 566 19,508 9,221 35, 325 36,088 64,811 48, 738 49, 787 58,660 27,853 119,318 105,380 190, 215 144, 296 160,736 235,341 84,476 50, 609 38,086 58,864 38,065 43,903 42,958 18,979 8,703 9,475 19,118 15,097 15,942 19,209 4,768 3,056 2,265 5,892 7,763 9,136 16, 329 8,142 72,426 46,808 74, 738 42,404 48,079 57,312 25,024 53, 014 13,411 130,578 424,817 49,374 144,904 47, 261 59,009 385, 369 108, 712 451,839 1,464,579 340,837 237,216 99,844 425,801 5 24, 694 1,208 13, 500 23,952 19,171 48, 392 12, 734 181,958 113, 534 159,024 86, 584 68, 362 58, 595 22,131 17,060 11,236 20, 004 10,182 19,926 22,155 3,561 202,382 127, 559 184, 397 100,718 92,041 87,186 28,405 85,409 94,178 24,158 145,907 179, 672 784,366 128, 283 968,595 5 2,993 5 87,633 5 9,385 15,148 «103,999 26,404 1 3 o o TRANSPORTATION AND OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES—RETURNS SHOWING N E T INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000. 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 and over Total 7,812 100, 871 105,091 68,490 65,667 5,995 94,471 90,899 10,196 82,091 78,044 11,467 78, 233 74, 382 12,170 198, 735 212, 380 40,751 185, 924 196, 936 39,689 625, 567 673,129 146,090 556,324 5, 252,239 1,039,067 49, 813 8,116 84,404 15, 344 20, 604 2,060 ?>, 721 1,424 53, 225 1,934 36,140 13, 969 76,891 12,993 5, 587 15,677 1, 49, 596 5,448 80,892 28,198 28, 280 2,106 112,067 166,588 20, 501 18, 616 9,312 80,845 33,612 27,113 2,288 125,146 179,432 19, 334 24,595 17,907 93,097 39,306 27, 969 2,569 159,072 218,240 23, 378 31,014 81,958 11, 513 697,457 906,016 65,824 194, 237 58, 279 377, 769 139, 733 55,007 8,363 615,376 781,367 48, 094 178, 284 80, 723 298,169 131, 328 216,183 43,996 2,943,951 3,738,234 224,816 1,197, 717 415,031 1, 207, 208 438,496 8, 754, 552 4,887, 582 99 1,824,880 361, 364 20, 594, 954 27, 684, 538 1, 281,186 8,776, 259 2,616, 663 4,518 1,080 1,055 516 310 414 107 169 8, 268 2, 297, 671 435, 693 25, 350,843 33,835, 709 1, 711, 469 10,430,029 3, 206, 722 10,978,485 5,720,342 5,976, 414 6, 763,060 1,313,236 7,773 5,876 10,031 11,131 11,838 38,451 37,304 126,460 641,987 1, 890, 849 1,337,282 TRANSPORTATION AND OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES—RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 and over Total 12, 279 83, 383 36, 389| 2,204 50,833 4,123 68,998 22,122 f 9, 712 1,923 43, 544 8,754 2,524 84, 345 129, 579 33, 317 20, 546 9,159 2,331 92, 549 134, 685 24, 316 27,103 4,406 149,815 219,160 42, 656 60, 001 31, 338 7,597 624,506 859, 533 93,500 296, 508 77,123 9,097 555,807 736,109 72,800 265, 398 64,072 2, 584, 704 214,085 1,105, 802 304, 420 23,894 1,8 99 1, 539, 981 399, 09723, 424,981 33, 685, 326 1,243,099 14,802,214 2,083,961 989 827 388 305 386 103 110 18,181 12, 224 19,536 15,116 20, 293 60,070 37, 331 139,097 68,419 5 50, 35, 43, 682 s 17, 495 70,040 s 17, 232 62, 771 s 7,934 115, 385 5 56, 356 274, 280 e 7, 485 194,553 52,330 621, 251 138,617 311,383 4,577,715 9, 761,764 4, 611,807 8,189 1,861, 829 453,072 26,862,767 38, 501,476 1, 782, 284 16,594,152 2, 595, 229 103, 623 52, 485 63, 737 41, 042 55,510 142, 392 100, 593 313,594 5, 200, 337 5, 107,402 54,746 66, 264 44, 371 58,434 153,988 108, 013 345,807 595, 387 1,073,314 6,534,410 5 22,525 « 9,070 510, 366 « 6, 895 o 8, 970 s 30, 635 5 21,781 e 83, 770 5 160, 887 6 22, 820 767 « 9,145 340 5 10, 606 973 6 7,045 603 5 9,207 1,175 s 31,948 3,897 5 23,253 3,171 6 92, 896 15, 208 5 370, 111 425,815 i—< 5 5 577,031 M 354, 901 451,949 O 00 3 3 O TRADE—RETURNS SHOWING N E T INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 _. 500-1,000. __ 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000. 50,000 and over Total 22,975 194,604 137,297 7,124 203, 750 128,873 5,398 341,482 191,990 1,902 270, 341 155,809 846 222, 648 127, 241 622 429,314 266, 430 74 139,226 99, 637 55 263, 582 158,562 16 517,375 327,973 117,802 495,157 118,447 503,014 191,717 832,609 144,657 665,459 134,048 590,721 289,843 1, 247,818 134,085 509, 656 323,661 1,001,768 612,229 1,790,683 11,612 124,326 6,988 115,824 22,190 13, 067 177,165 38, 276 31, 764 132,027 27, 770 46,966 112, 434 23,924 46, 021 212, 223 52, 216 141,021 67,022 21,170 49,594 179, 908 108, 710 99, 985 474,207 85,453 132,789 249,815 223,137 346,406 250,411 218, 500 399, 511 172, 720 266,715 513,974 79,073 106,899 194, 964 179,494 159,102 368, 372 164, 330 290, 392 518, 597 o 1, 548, 285 1, 306,823 1, 979, 716 1, 474, 721 1,150,923 2, 307, 614 804,556 1, 501,860 3,037,022 39,012 2,582,3211,593,812 2,066,489 7,636,8851,595,136 391, 321 568,195 2, 641,189 2,061,222 15, 111, 520 27, 606 17,038 25,017 15, 436 18,063 27,462 8,654 14,320 13,277 594,868 341,705 035,877 517,472 192,193 396,864 840, 437 552,958 145,015 35, 955 25,518 38,816 31,396 28, 228 67,190 32,840 55, 764 163,089 12,779 11,198 23,166 21,623 19,305 61,566 52,293 30,042 23, 261 50, 516 29,888 150,331 115,687 166, 873 15, 617,388 478, 796 447,397 309,200 35,675 25,161 37,787 29,710 For footnotes, see p. 177. CO TABLE 17.—Corporation returns for 1931 with balance sheets by major industrial groups and by total assets classes, showing selected items of assets and liabilities as of Dec. 31, 1981, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, selected items of receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, statutory net income or deficit, and cash dividends paid—Continued [Money figures and total assets classes in thousands of dollars] Cash,i Numnotes ber of and acreturns Total assets classes counts with balance receivsheets able Capital stock Inventories Capital assets (less depreciation) Notes Bonded Total debt assets- and acand Total li- counts mortabilities x referred Surplus and undivided profits less Common deficit Gross sales Gross profits Statuother Total than compiled Compiled net profit tory net tabu- receipts 2 or deficit3 income or lated as deficit gross sales Cash dividends paid T R A D E - R E T U R N S SHOWING NO N E T INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000. 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 and over Total 322,185 310,044 520, 014 398, 222 364, 700 599,108 78 152,134 58 270, 261 9 201.410 46,701 12, 342 9,628 3,398 1,637 1,023 306, 797 255,185 403, 095 306,890 281,059 401,470 97, 763 178,076 161.447 210,562 200, 512 353,378 288,565 284, 563 487,928 173,814 404, 466 259,031 938,143 869, 281 482, 775 177,062 130,030 933,495 595,248 165,877 971,247 391,358 33,557 281,321 51,025 428,126 91,097 293,547 78,959 256,457 82,852 389,444 156,951 119,610 55,165 187,500 156, 273 131,278 217,665 31,854 31,619 82, 681 95,688 122, 753 253,184 77,133 227, 987 191,688 649,284 481,711 741, 393 534,854 479,195 729,556 180,411 318,978 80,931 5 224,483 2,250,781 s 17, 047 1, 587, 361 58,089 2, 251,125 115,055 1, 568, 434 127,091 1, 387, 546 290, 780 2,028,978 75,896 472,037 166,875 1, 077, 889 271,542 740, 765 40,507 15, 992 22, 254 15,131 17,059 32, 608 6,949 18,116 9,048 2,323,255 1, 629,342 2, 315,897 1,620,273 1,444,484 2,139,914 501,381 1.148,755 '799,483 74,874 3,138,078 2, 391, 7802, 662,818 10, 263,158 2, 478,641 923, 545 1,114, 586 4,196,313 863, 798 13,364,916 177,665 13,922,784 5193,159 5 193, 566 5 109,493 53 109,989 145, 260 146, 840 »5103, 000 5 104,994 90,640 s 92,871 s 134, 671 «141,984 5 30,196 5s 33,005 5 54,610 60, 331 5 71,203 5 76,014 5 5 932,231 5 5, 967 5,712 11, 222 11,129 10, 812 25,049 6, 023 15, 663 29,001 959, 594 120, 577 SERVICE: PROFESSIONAL, AMUSEMENTS, HOTELS, ETC.—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME U n d e r 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 4 50,000 a n d over 4 Classes grouped Total 7,11 1, 6401 1, 514 586: 3101 207 19i 4 13'. 11, 407 6,914 11,230 29, 581 25, 544 31,973 71, 554 27, 526 66, 206 17, 210 50,685 20,326 90, 734 47, 604 66, 296 51, 211 64,847 51,366 109, 315 107,824 32, 757 19,173 5,244 3,198 5,850 3,823 2,858 12, 297 5,297 63, 791 63398 , 134,678 115,059 117,837 224, 000 72, 816 128, 536 115,611 235, 273 204, 255 214, 641 409, 264 127, 641 121,273 36, 764 237, 498 939,955 18, 298 8, 244 52,583 105,907 634, 066 398, 354 75,331 1,029,078 2, 375,176 \ 208,895 302,566 155, 397 586, 747 948,780 35,639 28, 099 48, 424 40, 213 37, 961 66, 418 20, 328 27,713 22,001 35, 641 28,910 29,128 38, 350 8,853 2,299 3,761 11,109 13, 729 13,966 45,035 12, 917 260, 024 144,440 215,074 172,855 145,303 201,938 112, 535 267,472 149,728 224,150 181,098 152,628 217,879 117,254 254, 038 300,749 1,506, 207 1, 610,957 13, 454 8,143 13, 343 7,926 13, 543 14,097 12, 290 20,320 8,520 5,536 4,396 7,703 7,625 7,265 15, 519 4,800 37,831 22,081 24,046 132,644 112,121 76, 890 14,114 14, 583 13,295 21,984 9,240 O 3 o o SERVICE: PROFESSIONAL, AMUSEMENTS, HOTELS, ETC. - R E T U R N S SHOWING NO N E T INCOME Under 50 __ 50-100 _ 100-250 250-500 500-1,000.. _... 1,000-5,000.... 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000. 50,000 and over Total 11,138 2,241 1,929 781 485 474 53 32 5 38, 721 25,980 41,129 25,990 33,160 70, 313 13,025 74,812 125, 713 17,138i 448,843 7,251 4,088 6,814 4,823 7,590 18,081 2,443 4,238 67, 776 « 70, 222 s 18, 404 H O , 278 1,' 3,814 13,982 8,402 53, 560 113, 322 123,103 2, 689, 751 , 180,168 669,008 1,333, 613 305,385 1, 379,848 95,863 183,022 78, 299 13,339 99,01 96, 368 159,068 49, 447 19,843 193,437 303,657 69,664 55, 937 182, 523 269,171 51,160 66, 348 229, 580 335, 723 51, 553 102, 993 710, 930 116, 693 374, 968 280,372 356,335 15, 435 165, 505 365, 327 104,091 167, 667 532,196 1, 008,168 132, 666 367,015 8,153 7,417 16,876 20,014 30, 970 98,970 55,117 57, 753 10,115 128, 315 82, 541 139,192 100, 796 102, 374 247,928 81,961 133, 040 363, 701 317, 024 147, 371 187,925 103, 704 93, 641 232, 453 60,477 127,455 435, 654 330,972 153,839 200,060 115,881 103, 541 263,812 76,621 140,910 489, 373 1, 705, 704 1,875,011 s 42,714 16, 855 s 27, 692 s 15,460 s 17,452 5 40,154 s5 13,138 30,997 « 17,851 1,279 542 1,257 1,049 1,784 3,264 690 3,422 24, 542 696 « 222,314 37,828 42, 587 »16, 613 27, 260 14,900 16,961 37, 751 12,769 26, 668 5 4,187 5 199, 5 F I N A N C E : BANKING, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, AND HOLDING COMPANIES, STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, ETC.—RETURNS SHOWING N E T INCOME Under 50... . _ 50-100 100-250 250-500... 500-1,000 1,000-5,000-. 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 and over Total 3,47 14, 634 103, 987 161,382 333, 970 5,046 314,135 582, 789 8,076 162, 295 10, 794 557,148 10, 318 821,487 1, 734, 904 7,486 830,845 2, 045, 671 5,802 715, 999 6,575 870, 954 2,476,827 3, 552 859,933 ! , 406, 073 11, 763 1, 778,491 6, 694, 277 3, 247 2, 456 1, 044,129 607 656,378 3,162, 942 679, 679 6,981, 458 1,043 3442, 332, 332 260 25, 699, 954 80 6,198, 694 46,98514,380,590 61,551 86, 322 220, 303 196, 353 173,635 370,140 146, 306 179, 755 680, 213 9,028 178, 287 13 598 55, 727 123, 784 17, 206 221, 604 65, 051 364, 020 58, 364 500,260 191, 748 380, 570 69,965 511,624 248,213 413,998 75, 688 576, 414 314, 085 833,089 213, 320 1, 346, 902 ,I 009, 710 349, 992 76, 730 590,351 542,173 , 109, 921 601, 603 196, 546 992, 477 1, , 727,066 184, 943 190, 328 755, 773 1, 47,0016,582,61149,712,792 2,114,577 3,307,726 907,176 5,673,692 5,221,566 95,858 143,835 71, 571 133, 335 108,144 274, 793 80, 299 257, 463 92, 592 284,014 201, 824 668, 924 119,923 314,864 323,137 709, 200 239, 693 1, 342, 407 1,333,0414,128,835 20, 778 20,584 45,488 46, 594 50,324 143, 235 73, 233 169,127 273, 286 19,808 11,279 19,612 11,540 41,179 25,192 39,022 27, 536 37, 557 31,950 98,779 96,161 46,073 50,436 92, 419 109, 717 141,185 126,392 842,649 535,635 490,203 F I N A N C E : B A N K I N G , I N S U R A N C E , R E A L E S T A T E , A N D H O L D I N G C O M P A N I E S , S T O C K A N D B O N D B R O K E R S , E T C . — R E T U R N S S H O W I N G NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 and over Total 17, 506 9,125 12, 635 8,000 90, 542 141,049 508, 497 785, 363 >, 746 1,221, 558 6, 206 4,038,115 "2,041,838 640 4,153,454 154 13,226,423 60,907 26,206,839 For footnotes, see p. 177. 205, 010 375, 309 127, 051 86,850 391,091 663, 639 181, 334 186,044 1, 079, 359 2, 067, 521 350, 051 558,167 1, 241, 447 2, 841, 607 371,489 692, 591 1,426, 415 4, 056, 704 421,138 784,957 3, 074,97212,992,392 1,081,5391 ,829,160 1, 063, 407 6, 192, 329 460, 241 878, 278 1, 330,952 .2, l: 736, 736 865, 215 1, 541, 726 29, 989, 281 1, 134, 318 4,048 1, 242, 440 ~i,404,012 5,982 10, 51' 26,14' 27, 597 29, 041 67,148 16, 990 14, 920 19,394 24, 278 74, 322 102, 010 148,260 532,176 225, 398 691, 467 765,378 254, 018 5 150,374 266,990 5 50, 558 661,144 5 27, 024 766, 500 61,926 967,498 221, 622 2,812, L, 159,686 1, 258, 346 635, 676 2, 032, 530 , 1, 399, 451 3, 400, 322 3, 695, 308 202,39111, 055,093 71, 330, 248 4,847, 338 7, 692,091 2, 582,685 12, 419,907 6, 945, 714 118,712 166, 886 « 80, 571 55 83,187 105, 417 152, 673 s 48, 427 50,704 183,956 321,083 s 108, 317 5 117, 439 253, 245 432, 527 6 105, 753 5s 124,147 322, 409 555, 207 s5 125, 993 5155, 585 685,191 1, 368, 010 363, 016 6 503,024 256, 638 566,151 5178, 540 5 260, 467 611, 886 1, 203, 920 5192,197 5 376,137 32,090 349,196 445, 674 1, 669, 827 5,663 3,055 9,415 11,717 19,700 89,158 57,042 131,784 404,649 2,983,128 6,436,285 5 1,170,724 '2,019,887 732,185 O S fel TABLE 17.—Corporation returns for 1931 with balance sheets by major industrial groups and by total assets classes, showing selected items of assets and liabilites as of Dec. 31, 1931, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, selected items of receipts, compiled net profit or deficit, statutory net income or, deficit, and cash dividends paid—Continued [Money figures and total assets classes in thousands of dollars] NumCash,i ber of notes and acreturns Total assets classes counts with balance receivable sheets Capital stock Inventories Capital assets (less depreciation) Total Notes Bonded debt assets- and acand Total li- counts mortabilities payable Preferred Surplus and undivided profits less Common deficit Gross sales Gross profits Cash other StatuTotal Compiled tory divithan net net profit income tabu- compiled2 or dends or deficit 3 deficit lated as receipts paid gross sales NATURE OF BUSINESS NOT GIVEN—RETURNS SHOWING NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000—. 5,000-10,000 10.000-50,000 5OJ0O0 and over Total.. _. 327 68 58 13 10 4 2,250 1,870 3,228 1,878 2,340 1,529 480 13, 095 237 155 286 419 1,097 1,263 991 2,838 333 2,722 1,187 5,201 4,729 9,338 4,385 7,619 5,058 939 815 1,378 399 228 1,373 664 110 1,043 8 538 9,333 36, 329 5,132 2,363 460 419 498 800 331 10 5,281 3,035 7,823 3,467 3,476 3,267 « 3,866 6 92 * 2, 069 5 900 2,708 397 3,620 1,600 1,055 228 85 2,517 26, 350 «3,822 6,588 3,892 1,756 1,412 358 217 280 339 168 217 155 42 223 322 160 123 146 19 223 7,915 1,145 995 8 397 108 202 30 102 220 a 1,059 2 o CO GO O •=1 g NATURE OF BUSINESS NOT GIVEN—RETURNS SHOWING NO NET INCOME Under 50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1,000 1,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 10,000-50,000 50,000 a n d over Total 1 2 791 140 153 65 43 37 3,481 2,698 5,765 4,870 3,873 18, 878 867 593 782 1,135 877 91 3,547 3, 267 8,070 6,725 5, 492 9,926 11, 218 9,922 23, 742 23, 217 28, 411 66, 491 5,749 2,219 6,084 3,752 5,255 8,412 965 870 1,444 2,130 1,411 2,520 1,249 1,976 3,326 825 2,790 5,145 21, 316 6,421 18, 563 24, 533 17,996 26, 284 1,229 39, 565 4,346 37, 027 163, 002 31, 471 9,342 15, 311 115,113 8 19, 227 * 2, 442 5 7, 559 5 9, 756 «57 17,581 5 21,460 5,598 2,672 2,896 2,356 1,355 156 6,109 2,939 3,261 2,755 2,012 944 15, 034 18, 019 8 2, 576 5 576 1,167 6 8,354 fi 864 s 427 8 2, 726 5 610 8 1, 250 * 8, 519 81, 200 fi 878 302 30 100 85 82 286 13, 964 s 15,183 885 5 5 Includes cash in till and deposits in bank. Include net profits from the sale of capital assets (stocks, bonds, etc.) but not gross receipts from these items. Exclude nontaxable income, other than interest on tax-exempt obligations and dividends on stock of domestic corporations as reported in schedule L of the return. 3 Compiled net profit or deficit is total compiled receipts less statutory deductions. 4 Classes grouped to conceal data reported and identityfeof corporation. 6 Deficit 178 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 18.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 l by major industrial groups, showing for returns with net income and no net income, number of returns, gross income, net income or deficit, and tax; also number of returns for inactive corporaHorn [Moneyfiguresin thousands of dollars] [For text defining certain items and describing returns included, see pp. 1-4] Eeturns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Net income Gross income Tax Returns showing no net income2 Number of returns showing no income data— NumGross Deficit Inactive ber income corporations 2 AGRICULTURE AND RELATED INDUSTRIES 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926 1927. 1928 1929. 1930 1931. 9,092 9,360 9,758 9,904 10, 688 9,905 10,265 10, 615 10,961 11,014 4,000 3,914 4,530 4,662 4,698 4,445 4,504 4,407 3,475 2,546 484, 597 605, 394 566,072 572, 215 615,141 633,782 636, 641 636,227 363, 718 215,096 62, 901 92, 201 64, 230 76,862 70,812 78,577 80,476 72,801 40,484 14,002 6,622 9,791 6,733 8,604 8,175 9,054 8,217 6,783 4,041 1,201 5,092 5,446 5,228 5,242 5,990 4,460 4,679 5,023 6,431 7,354 220,801 168,179 243,661 221,340 249,342 188,645 188, 503 246,280 307,122 276,868 56,091 49,930 62,498 59,215 55, 665 61,893 50,092 53, 543 86, 370 98, 778 1,000 1,082 1,185 1,055 1,114 1,333,361 2,186,927 2, 258, 698 1, 213,439 1,339, 759 1, 576,986 1, 087,745 1,016,184 1,388, 238 1,496,571 280,456 334,254 307,091 209,957 183,474 246,924 207,416 198,440 238,459 325,963 5,483 5,860 5,759 5,402 5,457 I MINING AND QUARRYING 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 17,093 18, 509 18,453 19,163 19, 252 18, 519 18,793 18, 261 17, 635 17, 580 6,130 5,175 4,893 5,488 6,008 5,232 5,183 5,211 4,700 3,832 2,362,027 2, 676,072 2, 589,850 3, 711, 407 3,207, 942 2, 259, 850 2, 501,468 3,031,405 1, 611, 228 732, 720 286, 437 283, 566 240,142 453, 600 455, 798 276, 309 332, 679 430, 527 194,118 71,154 31, 400 30, 777 28, 389 55,049 57, 308 34, 898 36, 751 44,319 21, 474 7,211 10, 963 13, 334 13,560 13, 675 13, 246 7,804 7,750 7,291 7,533 8,291 MANUFACTURING-TOTAL 1922. 1923 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931. 82,485 85,199 86,803 88,674 93, 244 93, 415 95, 777 98, 525 95, 098 93,109 48, 697 53,795 51, 342 54,137 55,094 53, 620 55,007 55, 488 40, 641 30, 270 36,005,906 48, 686, 640 45,320,016 52, 924,994 52,921, 594 50,134, 091 57,458,959 59,879, 759 38,804,235 20,974,409 3,454, 420 4, 271, 899 3,595, 675 4,383, 357 4,494, 790 3,938, 647 4,744, 261 5, 216,016 2, 757, 508 1,464,619 389,776 484,864 429, 653 546,741 584,507 507, 735 544,937 544,053 316,992 165, 311 33, 788 31,404 35,461 34,537 38,150 36,196 36, 566 36, 742 50, 863 58, 815 813,413 8,677,336 701,012 7,534,069 832,203 8, 591,149 682,255 7,904,788 786, 687 9,573,203 851,053 13,588,788 833,735 9,813,970 810, 244 12,252,285 19,846,043 1,639, 844 23,058,882 2, 287, 589 4,204 4,295 3,594 4,024 MANUFACTURING-FOOD PRODUCTS, INCLUDING BEVERAGES 1922 1923_ 1924 1925 3 1926. 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 13,529 13,590 13,924 14,722 15,008 15,079 14,965 15,124 14,847 14, 632 8,087 8,388 8,841 9,303 8,950 8,971 8,844 9,045 7,897 6,466 5,880,242 7,499, 284 9, 742, 291 11,476, 443 10, 553, 213 8, 524,432 11,551,431 9, 641,960 7, 637, 397 5, 365, 954 356,919 411,716 443,370 533,472 475,074 461,046 518,092 540,186 436, 451 326, 910 39,426 43, 812 51,822 66, 587 61,429 59,049 58, 391 56, 309 49,869 36,823 5,442 5,202 5,083 5,419 6,058 5,461 5,405 5,380 6,328 7,524 2, 013, 902 1, 528,149 1,044, 576 1,923,747 1, 762,832 4,188,757 1,497,403 3,854,726 4,377,338 3,988,705 146,137 118,480 91,897 91,512 93,052 105,716 77,818 87,721 128,498 203,478 647 716 622 642 * Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of corporations are summarized on pp. 204-207. - Prior to 1927, returns for inactive corporations showing no income data were included with returns showing no net income. '4 Includes " Tobacco products." Not available. 179 STATISTICS OP INCOME l TABLE 18.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by major industrial groups, showing for returns with net income and no net income, number of returns, gross income, net income or deficit, and tax; also number of returns for inactive corporations—Continued [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Gross income Net Tax Returns showing no net income 2 Number of returns showing no income dataNumGross Inactive Deficit ber income corporations 2 MANUFACTURING—TOBACCO 1922. . . . 1923. _.. 1924 1925«_.. 1926___ 1927.... 1928___. 1929_... 1930__. 1931 PRODUCTS 558 563 518 272 278 239 932,146 1, Oil, 952 1,002,841 90, 752 95, 209 93, 483 11, 241 11, 834 11, 554 286 285 279 497 445 439 437 405 379 289 261 238 243 195 155 1,124,966 1,177,777 1,180,870 1, 220, 530 1,094, 278 1,086,321 117,366 124,775 121, 678 132, 682 143, 788 142, 494 15, 718 16, 745 14, 548 14, 554 17, 216 17,066 208 169 181 177 197 211 35,051 23, 525 19,122 50,436 76, 799 97,515 15 20 17 13 13 MANUFACTURING-TEXTILES AND THEIR PRODUCTS 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 19301931 11,425 11,771 12,229 12,271 13,436 13,851 14, 508 14, 629 14, 692 14, 655 6, 973 7,678 6,836 7,504 7,708 8,240 8,076 8,104 5,678 4,875 5, 675,174 6, 699, 737 4,842, 252 6,108, 060 5,354,117 6, 285,401 5, 702,986 5, 902, 287 2, 642,402 2,132,182 535,107 563,412 316, 929 413,115 314,649 417,484 351,850 323, 974 105, 610 77,830 62, 500 65, 435 37, 651 48,815 39,829 50, 341 39, 355 33,197 11,122 7, 351 4,452 4,093 5,393 4,767 5,728 5,343 6,098 6,236 8,753 9,503 1,120,053 1,156,950 2, 346, 629 1, 608,402 2,398,617 1, 522,068 2,134, 380 2, 330,931 3, 774,112 3,168, 902 78,311 71, 845 188,104 114,772 195,164 120,816 155,729 163,069 369, 69 342, 537 268 334 261 277 MANUFACTURING—LEATHER AND ITS MANUFACTURES 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 2,284 2,303 2,428 2, 359 2,491 2,411 2,440 2,477 2,461 2,294 1,330 1, 321 1,341 1,373 1,413 1,448 1, 362 1,349 894 754 1,149, 675 1,151, 785 1, 046, 931 1,175, 340 1,234,232 1, 415, 200 1, 325, 306 1, 258, 771 733, 941 545, 388 88, 641 72, 388 70,319 76, 023 73, 859 99,072 77, 425 76, 803 38, 691 30,091 10, 414 8,248 8,037 9,169 9,358 12, 229 8,892 8.109 4, 389 3,340 MANUFACTURING-RUBBER 1922 1923 1924 19251926 192719281929 1930 1931 593 607 638 638 680 655 723 638 607 552 284 273 325 349 339 335 349 311 227 174 For footnotes, see p. 178. 558, 985 908,765 937, 870 1, 373, 495 1,147, 455 1,039,525 932,048 916, 242 559, 565 401,314 41,930 45,924 56,900 122, 966 37, 501 70, 253 44, 645 56, 324 12, 242 14, 004 2,286 2,840 5, 662 15,412 4,867 8, 849 5,149 6,055 1,336 1,371 954 982 1,087 986 1,078 903 1,015 1,084 1, 515 1,487 314,431 445,476 460, 523 339,191 427, 012 316, 039 396,514 482,402 655,143 564, 469 24,811 36,126 31,876 28, 895 27,436 21, 703 28. 038 36, 368 64,124 64,737 60 63 44 52 53 24, 563 21, 563 15, 345 13,941 24, 764 19,356 45, 987 39,191 63,876 38,154 43 24 26 17 PRODUCTS 309 334 313 289 341 284 331 303 354 361 383, 664 170,130 184, 380 95, 862 452, 909 407, 272 454,122 510,967 540, 748 415, 317 180 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 18.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931l by major industrial groups, showing for returns with net income and no net income, number of returns, gross income, net income or deficit, and tax; also number of returns for inactive corpora- tions—Continued [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Gross income Net income Tax MANUFACTURING—FOREST 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 6,911 7,382 7,663 7,633 7,862 7,816 7,947 7,869 7,501 6,954 4,545 5,250 4,750 4,657 4,591 4,178 4,290 4,195 2,340 1,525 2,022, 918 2,692, 281 2,207, 210 2, 380, 463 2, 330, 766 1, 929,814 2, 052, 903 1,978, 584 723,630 332,942 207,996 299,050 178, 869 200, 316 172, 972 125,408 142,197 135,612 35,825 14,966 22,699 33, 457 21,090 24, 667 21,907 15,612 15, 210 13,437 3,591 1,379 Returns showing no net income 2 Number of returns showing no income data— NumGross Deficit Inactive ber income corporations a PRODUCTS 2,366 2,132 2,913 2,976 3,271 3,353 3,367 3,294 4,868 5,150 MANUFACTURING—PAPER, PULP, AND 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1,769 1,815 1,886 1,940 2,024 2,083 2,093 2,145 2,113 2,086 1,086 1,240 1,204 1,288 1,365 1,386 1,345 1,406 1,114 832 913,935 L, 246,989 L, 163, 209 L, 260, 563 L, 430, 426 L, 401, 780 L, 374, 722 L, 546, 672 1,011,630 632,927 84,025 109,909 92, 674 111, 186 120, 460 123,988 118,590 124,347 73, 641 37, 472 9,481 12, 233 10, 675 14,004 15,610 16,063 13, 768 13,222 8,475 4, 239 683 575 682 652 659 642 678 673 953 1,200 379,399 282, 522 627, 593 587, 054 738,045 874,474 789, 281 816,194 1, 263,948 1,014,898 48, 282 32,587 57, 754 53,116 69,196 94,295 71,493 68,499 152, 460 199,138 285 290 380 293 279 PRODUCTS 248, 261 196,992 200, 908 230, 547 221,834 267, 600 352,796 249,444 567,158 639,142 22, 409 14,932 18.361 12,137 14.362 13, 614 14,959 19, 893 36, 379 53. 776 55 70 66 46 54 MANUFACTURING—PRINTING, PUBLISHING, AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 8,710 9,223 9,618 9,920 10,545 10,679 11,127 11, 569 11,736 11,822 5,771 6,183 6,278 6,523 6,931 6,734 7,070 7,331 6,098 4,593 1,589,150 1, 724,659 1,878,831 1,988,485 2,196, 254 2,185, 712 2, 329, 670 2,468, 283 2, 055,461 1,285,285 184, 716 165,947 175,972 190,909 203,507 198,476 243,650 270. 829 176,137 115,795 21,745 19,429 20, 802 23, 375 25,858 25,123 27, 310 28,017 19,641 12,895 2,939 3,040 3,340 3,397 3,614 3,629 3,703 3,839 5,271 6,810 257, 773 260, 566 287,667 293,786 351,190 380,417 350, 275 402, 692 607,967 1, 000,179 23,020 23,627 28,455 29,505 31,006 34,788 34,104 47,749 54, 512 77, 802 316 354 367 419 M A N U F A C T U R I N G - C H E M I C A L S AND ALLIED PRODUCTS 1922. 1923 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930 1931 6,117 6,317 6,601 6,962 7,286 7,229 7,501 7,505 7,380 7,265 3,512 3,472 3,640 3,951 4,076 3,960 4,231 4,073 3,287 2,797 For footnotes, see p. 178. 4,984,114 4,803,668 5,157,014 6,475,024 7,322, 287 6,799,331 8,772,466 9, 550,545 7,376, 017 3,371,395 461, 221 419, 584 466,184 623, 277 785,155 495,857 848,127 911,512 534, 077 251, 493 54, 056 49, 426 56, 650 78,393 102,964 64,767 99,002 98,124 62,961 29,409 2,605 2,845 2,961 3,011 3,210 2,892 2,820 2,998 3,727 4,047 727,163 1,304,388 733,144 590,301 768,153 1,969,078 778,526 737, 016 2,351,166 3,952,977 66,158 94,158 76,309 82,352 69, 279 110,369 59, 789 56,976 175,459 318,864 377 450 434 366 421 181 STATISTICS OF INCOME l TABLE 18.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by major industrial groups, showing for returns with net income and no net income, number of returns, gross income, net income or deficit, and tax; also number of returns for inactive corporations—Continued [Moneyfiguresin thousands of dollars] Returns showing net income Total number of returns Year Number Gross income Net income Tax Returns showing no net income2 Number of returns showing no income dataNumGross Deficit Inactive ber income corporations 2 MANUFACTURING—STONE, CLAY, AND GLASS PRODUCTS 1922 1923 1924_ 1925_ 1926_ 1927___.__ 1928. 19291930 1931_ 3,890 4,201 4,356 4,454 4,606 4,682 4,852 4,816 4,724 4,418 2,459 2,880 2,735 2,753 2,762 2,587 2,676 2,572 1,805 1,149 1,024,110 1, 253,406 1, 216, 633 1, 345, 032 1, 500,051 1,357,109 1, 394,910 1, 389, 486 1,027, 449 483,373 125, 692 L87,844 162,403 181, 547 L95,166 L57, 263 L72, 007 163, 646 92,812 41, 683 14,938 22,113 19,152 22, 853 25, 542 20, 564 19,770 17, 268 10, 487 4,614 1,431 1,321 1,621 1,701 1,844 1,876 1,933 1,989 2,713 3,076 118, 097 110, 290 166, 464 156, 780 164, 876 243, 350 259,911 265, 730 382, 407 558, 054 16,586 14, 374 17,944 17,846 22,112 28,356 32,518 33,439 53, 374 79,171 219 243 255 206 193 272, 040 178,081 244,779 201,445 192, 574 241,305 254,975 170,113 400, 375 760,951 740 964 891 739 782 MANUFACTURING-METAL AND ITS PRODUCTS 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928. 1929. 1930 1931 15, 874 16, 240 20,170 21, 529 20,054 20, 379 20, 695 21, 047 20,831 19, 700 8,397 10,168 11, 227 12, 760 11,989 11,412 12, 252 12,864 8,188 4,744 7, 728,929 15, 238, 955 13,947, 991 17, 335, 348 16, 661, 793 16, 256,966 18,847,896 22,125, 989 12,790, 300 4, 652,191 906,956 1, 427,496 1,340, 597 1,756, 753 1,803, 444 1, 501, 274 1,910, 004 2, 291,767 1,003, 020 355, 221 98, 760 160, 771 162,979 221,973 237,077 198,066 221,838 236, 494 116,149 40, 624 7,477 6,072 8,943 8,769 8,065 8,227 7,479 7,292 11,904 14,174 2, 247,108 1,361,816 1,991,002 1,774,904 1, 792,082 2,928, 373 2,326,047 1,966, 590 4,407, 595 6, 861, 806 MANUFACTURING-MANUFACTURING NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED 1922, 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928. 1929. 1930 1931 10,825 11,187 6,772 6,246 8,755 8,106 8,487 8,269 7,801 8,352 5,981 6,664 3,926 3,676 4,681 4,108 4,274 3,995 2,918 2,206 3, 546, 529 4, 455,159 2,176,944 2, 006, 742 2,066,035 1, 761,042 1, 993, 751 1,880, 411 1,152,164 685,136 370,465 473, 420 197,975 173,792 195,637 163, 752 195,999 188,335 105, 216 56, 661 42, 229 55, 266 23, 580 21,494 24,349 20, 326 21,702 19, 267 11,756 6,201 4,844 4,523 2,846 2,570 4,074 3,417 3,556 3,477 4,280 5,272 798, 352 678, 308 491,002 304, 215 460, 600 467,835 455, 592 585,157 841, 663 86,926 89,543 57, 561 36,733 45, 484 58, 260 56,179 82, 284 134, 443 581 657 797 603 874 CONSTRUCTION 1922.. 1923 1924 1925 1926_ 1927_ 1928 1929_ 1930 1931 11,370 12, 551 13,176 15, 338 16, 770 17,609 18, 770 19,947 20,035 19,806 6,997 8,151 8,701 9,701 10,075 10,071 10,179 10, 462 8,871 6,457 For footnotes, see p. 178. 1, 350, 514 1, 753, 796 1,784,699 1,914,494 2, 287, 548 2,413,184 2,317,186 2, 291, 630 2,174,156 1, 213, 234 91, 724 112,004 132,704 156, 491 162, 569 171,160 170,906 178,376 150,548 80, 699 9, 652 11,439 13,912 17,581 19,146 20,078 17,175 16,519 15, 210 7,625 4,373 4,400 4,475 5,637 6,695 6,281 7,117 7,896 9,674 11,675 415, 469, 425, 391, 528, 642, 661, 790, 867, 1, 022, 52,529 42,809 42,011 43, 346 53, 621 59,417 71,369 70,066 82, 488 111,048 1,257 1,474 1,589 1,490 1,674 182 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 18.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 l by major industrial groups, showing for returns with net income and no net income, number of returns, gross income, net income or deficit, and tax; also number of returns for inactive corpora- tions—Continued [Money figures in thousands of dollars] Returns showing no net income2 Number of returns showing no income dataNumGross Inactive Deficit ber income corporations 2 Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Gross income Net income Tax TRANSPORTATION AND OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930 1931. 20, 511 21,113 22, 431 23, 613 25,100 22, 912 23, 662 23,951 23, 662 23, 715 13,690 14,269 14,565 14,862 15,444 13,855 13,882 13,614 12,109 10,933 8,098,070 9, 280,705 9,099, 040 10,952, 508 13,518,653 12,844,090 14,263, 775 15, 584, 026 12,935, 569 6,800,951 979, 264 1, 257, 410 1,232,012 1,468, 693 1, 723, 399 1,588, 880 1,813,088 2,092, 654 1,334,229 902, 635 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 95,683 100,646 105, 323 109,588 112, 705 122, 360 129, 766 132, 660 134, 769 136, 520 59, 791 68,186 68,112 71,910 71,403 74, 747 79, 745 78, 606 59, 741 46, 049 22,864,939 26,441,518 28, 625, 233 32,617,032 33,459,063 33,512,876 34,824,464 34, 264,086 23, 380, 483 16,109,402 1,014,013 1,197,926 1,198, 586 1, 254,046 1,165, 558 1,156,870 1, 246,862 1,149,235 651,097 460, 035 119, 481 150, 999 148, 278 186,314 228, 663 210, 878 211, 681 222,483 156, 573 105, 585 1, 656,213 1,246,312 1, 076, 769 928,339 1, 245, 631 2, 295,882 1, 538,135 1, 500, 004 3,060, 013 6, 584,845 196, 480 125, 650 137, 753 134, 745 120,174 197,472 173,170 190, 692 333, 528 605,249 2,075 2,358 2,343 2,031 2,160 35,892 5,811,920 32,460 5,832, 623 37, 211 6,490, 247 37,678 7,229,906 41,302 7,478,473 44,931 7,430,840 46,602 8, 379, 620 50,483 9, 230, 447 71,746 13,828,241 86,799 14,484,044 318, 693 264, 797 296, 517 287, 506 330,998 362, 339 355, 514 419, 398 738, 695 025,431 2,682 3,419 3,571 3,282 3,672 6,821 6,844 7,866 8,751 9,656 6,982 7,422 7,994 9,522 10, 622 TRADE 107, 042 128, 536 120, 649 145, 350 140, 523 137, 352 126, 332 107,149 64,166 45, 708 SERVICE—PROFESSIONAL, AMUSEMENTS, HOTELS, ETC. 1922 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931. 23,145 25,114 26,320 28, 981 32, 257 34,193 36.829 39, 642 42, 064 42,406 13,494 15,482 15,495 16, 571 17, 755 18, 287 19,008 20, 230 18, 741 15, 637 1,689,959 1,917,929 2,049,142 2,283,168 2, 628, 040 2, 680, 916 2,784,161 3, 051, 820 2, 757, 401 1, 698,877 148,367 188,368 202,165 246, 426 260, 981 244, 464 254,186 314, 426 234, 227 117, 925 16, 262 20,377 22,131 28,467 31,040 28, 626 25, 501 29, 632 23, 705 11,081 9,651 9,632 10, 825 12,410 14,502 12,859 14, 518 15, 737 19, 472 22, 588 525,946 500,837 582,704 556,185 732, 272 906,079 1,043,450 1,140,089 1,407,466 1,980, 348 59, 615 59,141 66, 650 72, 226 103, 772 117,065 126,709 154, 215 179, 230 241, 288 3,047 3,303 3,675 3,851 4,181 FINANCE—BANKING, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, ETC. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 91,105 96, 772 104, 761 115, 947 130, 433 137,425 145, 433 150, 588 153,182 152,920 58,646 62, 654 67,089 73, 246 76,819 78,100 80, 315 80, 260 72,102 59,129 7,148,710 5,488,239 6, 766,188 8, 503,186 9,356, 744 10, 797,010 14,476,370 10,872,951 7, 519, 508 4, 293,852 887,835 995,124 1, 523,823 1, 336, 893 1, 522, 834 1,971, 343 2,197, 539 1,064, 816 570, 502 99,097 95,114 109,444 179,949 160, 215 181, 706 213, 238 222, 403 109, 455 55,166 32, 459 34, 118 37,672 42, 701 53, 614 44 582 48,824 53 677 64 477 75 434 1,783,177 397, 661 2,975,879 410,813 2,305,943 460, 597 2,013, 582 456, 219 2,942,936 528,032 2,407,046 566,177 5,231,322 566,199 4,786,459 1,008,827 5,777, 697 1,566,677 6, 535,974 2,256,843 14,743 16,294 16,651 16,603 18,357 NATURE OF BUSINESS NOT GIVEN 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 30,283 26, 250 26,439 13, 544 14,871 18, 693 16, 597 17, 247 21, 330 19,334 12 840 1,492 960 1,152 1,040 1,045 For footnotes, see p. 178. 27, 393 48, 540 26,411 21, 886 15,197 12,494 2,604 4,143 3,940 2,312 1,786 1,796 220 348 309 94 88 105 30, 271 26,250 26,439 13, 544 14,031 1,731 1,350 1,748 1,898 2,228 331 1 327 17,572 37,336 21,639 25,715 17, 773 24, 354 272 803 73 1,956 6,287 9,398 6,920 8,703 12,303 18,724 15,470! 14,287 14,347 18,392; 16,061 183 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and tax 1 Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Net income Tax 2 Returns showing no net Number income 3 of returns showing no income dataInactive Number Deficit corporations 3 ALABAMA 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 3,335 3,595 3,838 3,936 4,133 4,383 4,656 4,473 4,477 4,299 2,096 2,348 2,373 2,569 2,618 2, 697 2,619 2,310 1,772 1,380 $29,184, 794 45,961,341 35, 538,812 42, 929, 890 40, 662, 231 35, 666,948 31,251,443 29,089,134 12, 393,874 6,048, 605 $2, 832, 760 4, 756, 724 3,905.099 4,978,930 4,860, 556 4,171,974 3, 054, 659 2, 642, 570 1,047, 504 412, 217 1,239 1,247 1,465 1,367 1,515 1,313 1,608 1,767 2,261 2,370 $7, 765, 401 7, 225, 661 9, 832, 343 8, 288,434 9, 949, 904 9, 352, 937 10, 519, 460 16, 471, 552 25,019,857 29, 844, 771 373 429 396 444 549 ALASKA 1922_ 1923. 1924. 19251926. 1927_ 1928. 1929. 19301931. 107 138 140 159 156 174 175 182 170 181 54 68 68 72 73 94 94 109 92 71 $234,107 937,073 540, 894 571, 677 673,666 677, 513 641,591 836,818 503,259 332, 731 $39,126 97,023 52, 532 59, 523 Q6,149 62, 639 45,749 46,257 35,243 17, 948 53 70 72 87 83 48 51 46 55 86 $191,686 217,260 1,000.223 370,693 379, 716 536, 729 406, 644 252,393 447, 882 561,918 32 30 27 23 24 $394, 411 629,839 776,072 813,539 1,011, 325 865, 061 935,934 1, 732,371 421,151 194, 473 1,089 1,014 946 858 886 403 430 510 725 807 $7, 824, 482 5, 551,722 5, 375,135 10, 809, 776 5,154, 235 6, 343, 672 8,922,812 19, 258, 670 9,770,975 14,970,348 485 538 621 578 580 920 943 884 861 933 884 889 795 1,309 1,415 $8, 702, 914 7,213,801 6,820, 639 5, 549,165 10, 396, 812 12,106, 704 9, 448,999 6,139, 868 19,093,901 15,925, 671 150 164 154 175 157 ARIZONA 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928 1929. 1930. 1931. ], 575 1,562 ,525 ,451 L, 505 ,556 L,734 1,953 1,932 L,893 486 548 579 593 619 668 766 822 629 506 $3, 888,469 8,957,195 7,412,641 7, 679, 289 8, 813, 276 7, 779, 782 9, 810,755 18,991,971 4, 756, 443 2, 522, 366 ARKANSAS 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 2,447 2,612 2,554 2,684 2,634 2,660 2,760 2,629 2,624 2,471 1,527 1,669 1,670 1,823 1,701 1,626 1,707 1,680 1,140 899 $18,439, 22, 372, 18,080, 22, 899, 18, 597, 16, 260, 17,064, 17,565, 6, 755, 3,945, $1,949, 055 2, 360, 633 1,864, 449 2, 515, 334 2,122, 827 1, 810, 758 1, 572, 542 1,450,711 571, 397 302, 706 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income tax returns of corporations are summarized on pp. 204-207. 2 Includes war-profits and excess-profits tax for the years 1917 to 1921 and for 1922, tax on net income earned from July 1, 1921, to Dec. 31, 1921, reported on fiscal year returns of corporations whose accounting period terminated after Dec. 31, 1921, but subsequent to July 1, 1922. 3 Prior to 1927 returns for inactive corporations showing no income data were included with returns showing no net income. 184 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and tax 1—Continued Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Tax 2 Net income Returns showing no net Number income 3 of returns showing no income dataInactive Number Deficit corporations 3 CALIFORNIA 1922. 1923. 1924 1925. 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930. 1931 16,651 18, 386 19, 737 20, 263 21,258 22,162 22,754 23, 206 23,836 23, 738 8,742 9,834 9,990 10, 539 10,901 11,098 11,438 11,316 9,517 7,465 $303,048,110 369,970,234 376, 724,853 417,825,949 426, 838, 778 447,749,712 552,289, 223 512,923,444 324, 584, 256 190,149, 234 $35,465,270 43,033, 209 44,161, 442 50,533, 672 54, 319, 333 56, 529, 600 62,038,115 52,960,071 36,114, 206 20, 714, 203 7,909 8,552 9,747 9,724 10,357 8,494 8,747 9,243 11, 538 13,569 $88,755,771 99,996,982 116,945,379 119,911,974 138,640, 232 146,148,863 145,858,979 147,570,283 253,756,750 395,715,741 2,570 2,569 2,647 2,781 2,704 4,135 3,708 3,603 3,416 3,509 2,291 2,313 2,474 2,845 3,355 $29, 747, 821 25,414,654 26, 209, 210 26,159, 041 21, 333, 038 27, 717, 320 17,102,817 21,166, 262 28, 736, 849 40,802,136 1, 428 1,479 1, 532 1,471 1,491 2,280 2,119 2,351 2, 238 2,509 2,283 2,326 2,486 3,742 4,425 $24,144, 339 37, 594, 854 36, 792,136 30, 543, 543 40,943,399 27,108,848 28,197,261 33, 654, 066 80,185,409 104, 326, 665 467 477 485 515 494 521 528 397 596 672 485 471 583 811 1,003 $11, 569,175 9, 086, 570 12, 787, 463 10, 701,129 13,485,133 22,832,110 9, 440, 376 34,178, 027 45,823, 303 93, 407, 969 223 250 300 252 259 644 652 714 672 811 695 822 872 966 1,08] $6, 211, 642 5, 237, 736 6, 679, 819 4, 510, 589 7, 733,936 8, 733,836 1], 526, 873 10,237,366 15,134. 686 25, 746, 887 COLORADO 1922. 1923. 1924 1925 1926. 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931 6,855 6,344 6,494 6,399 6,580 6,863 7,134 7,317 7,257 7,205 2,720 2,636 2,891 2,983 3,071 3,144 3,342 3,311 2,941 2, 359 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931 5,227 5,492 5,782 5,958 6,280 6,685 7,105 7,529 7,955 8,074 2,947 3,373 3,431 3,720 3,771 3,935 4,302 4,558 3,698 3,155 $55, 835, 080 $5, 546,947 60.490,802 6,182,816 60,846,149 7,024,097 60, 448, 005 7,077,070 62, 872,037 7, 811, 708 47,758,479 5, 647,319 59,932,477 6,108, 549 52, 349, 386 5, 084,003 30, 943,420 3, 090, 052 18,442, 088 1, 785, 885 CONNECTICUT 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925 1926 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931 1,002 1,116 991 1,376 1,483 1,553 1,705 1,951 1,951 1,966 481 588 594 780 811 845 984 1,068 888 674 $95, 297, 569 $10, 532, 844 120,934,894 13,182, 836 103,180,674 11,848,127 125,092,862 14,886,873 124,029,378 15,645,630 136, 992, 216 16,827,368 177, 470, 906 19,569,911 199, 914, 339 20, 781, 847 84,910, 504 9,169, 764 58, 810, 445 6, 398, 495 DELAWARE I $22, 716,671 41,933,301 39,540,910 60,931,345 82, 896,307 116,890,099 189, 783,492 272, 455,382 125, 272,479 76,197, 754 $2, 278, 883 3,976, 282 4. 703, 290 7, 664,617 10,815,415 15, 547, 645 22, 067, 396 29, 423, 386 14, 548, 434 8, 939,332 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925 1926. 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1,466 1,575 1,656 1,753 1,888 1,988 2,220 2,329 2,317 2,343 For footnotes, see p. 183. 822 923 942 1,081 1,077 1,070 1, 126 1, 197 1, 124 1,067 $30,390,273 $3,196, 897 44,483,103 5, 360, 889 47,457,560 5, 745,401 64,493, 229 8,119,191 65,987,475 8,671,069 55, 838, 329 7, 225,128 55, 898,404 6, 422, 798 52,909, 244 5, 460, 289 30,330, 490 3, 285, 696 22, 376, 244 2, 418, 670 223 260 227 185 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and tax l—Continued Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Net income Tax 2 Returns showing no net Number income 3 of returns showing no income data— Inactive Number Deficit corporations 3 FLORIDA 1922. 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 3,885 4,353 5, 224 8,284 10,853 11,010 11, 283 11,119 11,309 11,028 2,049 2,466 3,094 5,478 4,702 3,443 3,368 3,489 3,469 3,064 $2, 618, 536 3, 821,481 7, 006, 389 23, 516, 457 9, 624,929 3,412, 552 2, 275,903 2, 210,154 1, 676, 279 909,147 $24,513,785 35, 398, 528 62, 343, 490 192, 320,339 82, 638, 298 32, 218,194 27, 064, 343 28,114,338 20, 922,108 12, 806, 092 1,836 1,887 2,130 2,806 6,151 5,323 5,177 4,778 4,769 5,073 $12,917, 006 11,855,447 14, 287, 771 26, 545, 579 73, 208, 376 93, 803, 280 75, 784, 359 73, 712,820 63,398, 460 77, 571,403 2,244 2, 738 2,852 3, 071 2,891 $6, 204, 066 7, 023, 858 5, 536, 205 7, 699, 583 7, 564, 471 8,320,117 6,891,285 6,104,989 2, 252, 340 1,664,451 2,030 1,869 2,019 1,897 2,047 1,839 1,922 2,037 2,717 3,308 $17, 609,991 16,996, 464 22, 279,976 18, 297,398 23, 522,021 19, 387,376 18, 500,350 20,485,642 39,199,809 44,108, 858 269 289 311 280 279 $1,750,982 3,037,316 3, 625,419 2,794,231 3,396,249 3,715,310 3,883,119 3,045, 503 2, 643,151 477,030 253 222 214 214 204 203 238 291 339 346 $4,427,230 1,475,820 1,109,053 2,269,411 1,666,698 2, 200,129 1,696,287 2,894,799 4,787,319 9,228,220 38 41 45 33 28 $462, 751 965,874 680,401 975,132 837,110 587,368 535,238 505, 247 402,616 225,576 1,138 1,111 1,169 1,267 1,291 564 553 593 790 1,031 $5,436,222 5,320,288 5,828,747 5,195,974 6, 219,455 5,915,313 6,839,394 4,619,702 9,156,477 12, 715,770 692 738 765 800 793 $75,884,486 82,678,907 82,467,674 105,692, 356 116, 558, 602 107,498, 653 115,222,042 115,132,836 66,135,079 28, 519,781 9,824 9,301 10,455 10,472 11,354 10,052 10,370 11, 339 15, 780 18,920 $173,860,580 136,524,673 161,659,103 141,187, 284 159, 686,695 185,949,352 179,767,433 216,642,175 407,149,790 642,841,569 2,283 2,406 2,663 2,874 2, 851 GEORGIA 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926. 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931 4,745 4,963 5,099 5,251 5,281 5,524 5, 620 5,738 5, 678 5,567 2,715 3,094 3,080 3,354 3,234 3,416 3,409 3,390 2,681 1,980 $56, 774, 636 63,751,487 50,161,660 67, 080, 735 61,823, 773 70, 521,193 64, 903, 089 62, 280, 928 23,924,817 18, 623, 715 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929 1930 1931. 604 586 607 594 633 686 734 784 785 669 351 364 393 380 429 445 455 448 413 295 $15,159,068 27, 706, 582 31, 529,816 22,148,292 25, 849, 463 28,349,258 33,455,832 28,828,910 22, 836,121 4,551,834 HAWAII IDAHO 1922. 1923. 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1,872 1,951 2,071 2,279 2,282 2,270 2,352 2,412 2,509 2,509 734 8-40 902 1,012 991 1,014 1,061 1,054 919 685 $6,347, 527 10,330,884 6,845, 563 9,013,870 7,707,149 5,930,441 6, 644,819 7, 524,958 4,942,993 2,819, 442 ILLINOIS 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 24,184 25,242 26,414 27, 239 28,340 29, 248 30,444 31, 700 32,043 32, 260 For footnotes, see p. 183. 14,360 $670,758,004 752, 649, 643 15,941 706,054,194 15,959 851,832,473 16, 767 901, 781, 956 16, 986 836, 587, 699 16,913 17,668 1,012,940,140 17, 698 1,103, 647, 465 586, 664,164 13,389 263, 613, 607 10, 489 186 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and tax J —Continued Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Tax 2 Net income Returns showing no net Number income 3 of returns showing no income dataInactive Number Deficit corporations 3 INDIANA 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930 1931. $13, 778,424 15,083,519 12,930,267 15,736,200 15,747,699 13,965,445 12,901,862 11,980,232 7, 250,243 4, 887, 795 3,800 3,678 4,276 4,231 4,191 3,343 3,561 3,705 5,186 6,236 $40,050,443 36,019,103. 41,903,489 30,881,041 33,416,050 41, 571,092 34,983, 502 40,187, 723 70,089,952 95,806,968 1,299 1,306 1,203 1,188 1,358 $4, 768, 550 5, 842,916 6, 284,901 6,302, 485 6, 585, 785 6,153,952 6,604,313 6, 398, 769 4, 573,825 2, 360,861 3,496 3,548 3.96S 3,933 3,783 2,592 2,507 2,430 3,077 4,119 $21, 689,190 23,042,435 25, 289,572 24, 376, 794 25,033,368 19,190, 248 18, 549,651 20,436,342 28,275,704 47,426,947 1,371 1,155 1,577 1,490 1,704 $121,146, 807 $14,445,997 87,085,926 10, 270, 566 84,610,712 9, 832,973 109, 216, 206 13,442,854 131, 458,924 17,017,077 99, 605, 516 12,807,208 108,126, 632 12,099,545 134, 228,182 13,952,047 74, 320,733 8, 241,440 32,438,616 3,435, 250 1,841 1,941 1,801 1,871 2,027 1,677 1,531 1,517 2,059 2,714 $14,468,330 17, 532,728 15,351,310 13,573,394 12,888,990 29,872, 526 10,460,044 12,768,097 29,351,949 52, 644, 624 392 439 397 403 465 1,804 1,772 1,999 1,877 2,076 1,691 1,783 1,799 2,364 2,765 $18, 085, 658 13, 264, 642 16, 972, 876 11,483, 729 14,471, 051 14, 493, 784 15,998, 237 16, 387,992 74,305,037 40, 242,071 630 654 553 633 547 2,407 2,268 2,212 2,129 2,380 2,092 2,132 2,242 2,881 3,440 $44, 743, 533 23,034,850 24, 738,179 26,152, 664 26, 200,382 28, 323, 044 27, 384, 846 32,195, 852 51, 988, 388 59, 975, 236 10,041 10,399 10,832 11,057 11,080 11,463 11, 703 11, 789 11, 663 11,989 6,241 6,721 6,556 6,826 6,889 6,821 6,836 6,881 5,289 4,395 $122,163,938 136, 413,095 114,989, 588 135, 335, 396 129, 343, 772 115,759,921 122, 603,012 124, 079,665 71,466, 760 50,361,661 8,839 9,025 8,961 9,048 8,843 9,050 8,643 9,116 9,125 9,350 5,343 5,477 4,993 5,115 5,060 5,087 4,981 5,109 4,558 3,527 $49,066,144 57,437,108 49,731,875 56, 258,659 56,751,215 53,291,854 65,509, 670 68,045, 529 46,489,265 25, 509,055 IOWA 1922. 1923 _ 1924_ 1925_ 1926_ 1927. 1928 _ 1929. 1930 _ 1931_ KANSAS 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929. 1930 1931 4,956 4,928 4,985 5,003 5,280 5,191 5,228 5,192 5,308 5,290 3,115 2,987 3,184 3,132 3,253 3,122 3,258 3,278 2,846 2,111 KENTUCKY 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929 1930. 1931 5,119 5,153 5,225 5,295 5,479 5,718 5,894 5,668 5,764 5,470 3,315 3,381 3,226 3,418 3,403 3,397 3,457 3,316 2,767 2,158 $69,658,734 72, 582, 288 64,974,995 78,148, 741 77, 202,970 72,269, 854 75,154, 449 77, 305, 053 38, 452, 724 18, 965, 434 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 4,987 5,109 5,155 5,250 5,657 5,817 6,072 6,314 6,440 6,597 2,580 2,841 2,943 3,121 3,277 3,219 3,370 3,424 2,903 2,415 $51, 649, 253 68, 344, 723 54, 436, 362 64, 232, 938 62, 497,081 56,860, 797 60, 220, 625 53, 648,140 33, 217, 314 23, 234,174 $7,376,137 8,139,710 7, 347, 437 9,418, 224 9, 612, 262 S, 892, 758 8,172, 028 7, 745,933 3,981,810 1,843,385 LOUISIANA For footnotes, see p. 183. 483, 592 543,885 934, 261 268,660 554,101 752,612 122, 204 980,312 096, 364 149,945 506 570 656 742 187 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and tax 2—Continued Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Net income Tax < Returns showing no net Number income 3 of returns showing no income dataInactive Number Deficit corporations 3 MAINE 1922. 1923. 1924 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 3,219 3,297 3,444 3,464 3,443 3,489 3,644 3,720 3,789 3,884 1,855 2,001 1,966 1,945 1,972 2,072 2,092 2,095 1,888 1,535 $40,170,194 44, 434,980 31, 347, 813 39, 071,919 32, 528,974 36, 574,450 34,914, 666 35, 378, 748 24, 232, 269 13,355,116 $4, 755, 360 4,983,800 3, 533,832 4, 584, 431 3,908, 753 4, 326,805 3,702,506 3, 431,942 2, 496, 359 1,304,067 1,364 1,296 1,478 1,519 1,471 1,042 1,133 1,180 1,476 1,806 $11,175, 507 10, 320, 017 12,818, 615 10,186,819 10, 464,172 11,269,604 8, 974, 306 20, 792,197 28, 486, 786 36, 900, 072 375 419 445 425 543 2,079 1,973 2,269 2,371 2,433 1,882 2,067 2,143 2,479 2,932 $23,130, 838 16, 301, 840 21, 782, 532 19, 345, 232 20, 398,160 36, 988,167 25,824, 764 30, 009, 770 57, 807, 757 101, 812, 765 743 759 712 668 654 6,945 6,375 7,689 6,813 7,887 7,149 7,501 7,980 10, 546 11,948 $153, 696, 505 125, 643,432 173, 656, 457 112, 722,084 146,128, 051 136, 207, 941 147, 014, 255 190, 760, 215 346, 662, 268 337, 203, 586 1,126 1,084 1,038 1,208 1,003 5,282 4,880 5,349 4,913 5,271 4,873 4,840 5,448 8,063 9,124 $76, 326, 217 70,047,812 63,963,119 63, 876, 038 84,481, 252 134, 299, 345 159,476,988 119,044,474 193,927, 520 299, 845, 008 1,294 1,425 1,464 1,650 1,601 4,722 4,773 5,017 4,734 5, 095 3,693 3,544 3, 563 4, 435 5,427 $38, 678, 456 36,011,169 41, 333, 313 31,810,112 31. 055, 904 36, 398, 263 28, 225, 755 32, 732. 271 60,139,408 105,601,407 1,498 1, 529 1,603 1,550 1,612 MARYLAND 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 4,599 4,783 5,202 5,461 5,621 5,787 5,970 6,189 5,922 5,841 2,520 2,810 2,933 3,090 3,188 3,162 3,144 3,334 2,775 2,255 $65, 766, 880 $7, 355, 370 99, 326, 345 11, 349, 059 83,492,835 9, 846, 911 103, 664, 691 12, 753, 251 118,165, 800 14, 934, 207 104,113, 296 13,188,854 156, 351, 652 17, 573, 370 165, 645, 057 16, 850,939 116, 375, 490 13, 224, 817 76, 621,803 8, 736, 482 MASSACHUSETTS 1922 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931 15,867 15, 861 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930 1931 11,853 12,174 12, 778 13, 016 13, 553 14,120 14,920 15, 543 15, 758 15, 287 17,101 16, 444 17,639 18,182 18,851 19, 401 20, 070 19, 678 8,922 9,486 9,412 9,631 9,752 9,907 10, 266 10, 383 8,316 6,727 $415, 230, 727 462, 478, 692 352, 209, 591 407, 768, 963 382,931, 611 399,971, 159 412, 506, 062 444,569,972 249, 537, 347 170,982,957 6,571 7,294 7,429 8,103 8,282 7,953 8,655 8,631 6,045 4,562 $447, 225, 520 521, 024, 836 497,940, 013 762, 997, 200 672, 422, 283 624, 658, 470 735, 670,950 762, 434, 851 389, 342, 499 239,139, 631 $47, 813, 576 53,151, 343 40, 796, 074 49, 269, 096 48, 500,010 49,174, 304 45, 923, 268 44, 619, 551 27, 837, 352 18,985,123 MICHIGAN $50, 070, 746 60, 729,137 59, 869, 257 96, 056, 344 88,183,330 81,971,438 85, 310, 239 71, 628, 026 43, 857, 774 27,122, 517 MINNESOTA 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 10, 269 10, 568 10, 800 10, 733 10, 965 11,101 11, 302 11, 482 11,476 11,403 For footnotes, see p . 183. 177160—34 13 5, 547 5,795 5, 783 5,999 5,870 5,910 6,229 6,316 5, 491 4,364 $96, 881,835 $11,097,391 . 116, 711, 287 12, 604, 260 111,844,643 12, 698,035 131,886, 399 15, 796, 494 130, 211, 654 16,155, 550 117, 223, 824 14, 227, 460 155, 636, 570 17, 090, 924 146, 668, 780 14, 697, 284 87, 556, 089 9, 224,930 57, 311, 241 5,990, 797 188 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and tax 1—Continued Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Net income Tax 2 Returns showing no net Number income3 of returns showing no income dataInactive Number Deficit corporations 3 MISSISSIPPI 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929 1930 1931 6,189 5,922 1,977 1,999 2,113 2,240 2,432 2,562 2,604 2,585 3,334 2,775 1,305 1,447 1,413 1,435 1,482 1,493 1,044 782 $165, 645,057 $16,850,939 116,375,490 13,224,817 13,197,415 1,335,653 15,758,775 1,663,545 13,166, 440 1,435,100 12,175,942 1,241,953 12, 700,024 1,066,132 13,736,947 1,130,678 5,999, 753 512,460 3,485,022 266,893 2,143 2,479 672 552 700 674 780 894 1,293 1,461 $30,009, 770 57,807, 757 12,171,217 3,797,289 7,404,954 7,861,017 6, 779,445 7,728,478 14,364, 516 15,105,055 5,745 5,544 6,233 6,301 6,985 5,627 5,711 6,068 7,691 9,107 $59, 551,941 51, 267,986 56,248,620 48,706,864 51,022,188 66,959,915 60,573,083 65, 537, 732 103,085, 730 185,866,753 1,726 1,903 2,009 2,004 1,937 2,487 2,441 2,539 2,298 2,180 983 960 1,070 1,454 1,729 $9,111,489 12, 343,115 8,765,873 7, 716,215 6, 642, 616 9,342, 514 5,483,184 6,769,981 10,628,715 17,488, 714 1,200 815 693 477 373 2,169 2,001 1,783 1,715 1,779 1,296 1,251 1,352 1,705 2,355 $12,068,951 13, 204,151 12, 537, 516 10,177, 762 9,461,626 10,355,716 17,306,069 15,628,432 21,106,405 462 525 404 373 434 939 819 722 678 643 253 281 315 401 410 $3,666, 525 3, 293,952 3,378, 237 6,442, 370 3,076,990 3,412,418 4,601,795 4,329,528 5,845,095 4,777,374 307 392 367 312 286 712 131 170 175 267 342 MISSOURI 1922. 1923. 1024. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931. 14,190 14,562 15,139 15,673 16,145 16,370 16,751 17,223 17,106 16, 767 8,445 9,018 8,906 9,372 9,160 9,017 9,137 9,146 7,411 5,723 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930 1931 3,922 3,865 4,028 3,907 3,866 4,020 3,708 3,585 3,350 3,201 1,435 1,424 1,489 1,609 1,686 1,837 1,933 1,822 1,419 1,099 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928, 1929 1930 1931. 5,102 4,858 4,679 4,583 4,594 4,716 4,836 4,725 4,786 4,860 2,933 2,857 2,896 2,868 2,815 2,958 3,060 2,969 2,708 2,071 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1,268 1,156 1,049 1,029 969 874 1,026 1,033 1,022 997 329 337 327 351 326 314 353 351 309 301 $203,959,349 $23,127,247 227,323,356 25,782,472 225,899,300 26,039,340 272,483,866 33,347,365 267,510,006 33,947,811 239,670,651 30, 280,874 256,780, 500 27,953,085 262,694, 594 26, 786,038 162,446,149 17,748,477 101,314, 752 10,871,634 MONTANA $9,069,415 8,815,440 8,948, 562 11,841,163 13,936,917 13,312,092 14,643,477 11,941,519 5, 581, 686 3, 285, 696 $890,678 876,050 841,019 1,196,446 1, 519, 524 1,361,229 1,249,331 940, 562 378,965 250, 855 NEBRASKA $26,166,141 $2,645,915 25,019,824 2, 555, 243 26,913,914 2, 762,866 30,390,919 3, 317,807 27,497, 556 3,122,134 26,750,144 2,981,537 30,623,670 2,882,277 30,079,150 2,662, 466 21,995,936 2,043,076 12, 648, 406 1, 087, 290 13,116,117 NEVADA For footnotes, see p. 183. $1, 723, 404 2,558, 594 1,661, 752 2,341, 538 2,881,101 4,108,708 6,963,436 9, 771,174 5, 547, 452 6, 839, 518 $150, 011 225,107 147,158 214,831 315,794 486,925 736,162 971,353 594,841 754, 270 189 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and tax 1—Continued Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Net income Tax 2 I Returns showing no net Number income 3 of returns showing no income data— Inactive Number Deficit corporations 3 N E W HAMPSHIRE 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929 1930 1931 ,074 1,121 ,175 ,198 L, 183 ,227 L, 322 ,349 , 396 1,345 689 750 704 758 715 754 767 803 707 587 $10, 783,131 $1,138,995 12, 673,162 1, 404,078 8, 535,896 929,840 10, 261, 622 1,168, 632 9, 293, 314 1,064, 656 11,147, 514 1, 240,353 11,398,167 1,167,830 11,948,182 1,116,811 7,455,155 720, 031 4,165, 687 362, 049 $6,404,849 2, 515, 780 4, 392,440 5, 780,378 8, 052,167 6, 099,329 11,104, 022 4,781,862 11, 646, 670 8, 733,026 74 89 69 68 71 4,870 4,942 5,649 5,657 7,067 6,863 7,605 8,468 10, 711 12, 515 $49,644,019 53, 746,530 59,665, 611 55, 326, 204 67,550, 666 83,001,929 85, 635,488 136,749,363 238,325,954 441,476, 716 1,497 1,594 1,771 1,833 2,003 491 529 624 506 637 283 282 300 430 558 $3,388,856 2,894,045 3,441, 216 2, 815, 352 3,667,859 2, 748,105 2, 221,217 2,527, 200 3, 228,122 4,087,675 215 239 29,358 $541,970,527 537,455, 537 29, 015 520,316,060 31, 637 455, 798,999 32, 576 517,071,252 38,193 576,624,818 36,108 573,651,985 40,062 854, 292,019 43,865 54,627 1,355, 500,331 62,639 1,918,458,514 7,790 8,302 8,131 8,799 8,941 NEW JERSEY 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929 1930 1931. 11, 762 13,062 14, 229 15,151 17,480 19,143 20,509 21,885 22, 489 22,967 6,892 8,120 8,580 9,494 10,413 10, 783 11,310 11, 646 9,945 8,449 $235,261,473 273,897,476 260,526,000 331,624,315 342,090,109 349,484,078 376, 247,302 444, 894, 582 224,871,340 157,129,476 $27,150, 690 31, 254,966 30,688,913 39, 208, 726 42,830,414 43,336, 568 41,171, 307 45,680,190 24,074,963 16,813,137 NEW MEXICO 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928 1929. 1930 1931. 941 953 1,037 941 1,108 1,019 1,103 1,126 1,136 1,172 450 424 413 435 471 495 541 558 491 375 $3,405,536 2, 974,836 2,873,952 3,172,807 3,707,875 3,998,320 4, 620,555 4, 320, 225 2,455,485 1, 247,468 $329, 732 269, 960 270,885 311,179 395,119 417, 713 415,303 353,891 178,817 67,957 NEW YORK 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 64,862 69,863 75,043 79,414 89, 617 96,949 103, 372 107,300 111, 100 110,851 35,504 40,848 43,406 46,838 51,424 53,051 55,008 55, 304 47, 674 39, 271 1922. 1923 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 5,714 5,987 6,085 6,267 6,450 6,501 6,669 6,570 6, 544 6,219 3,486 3,810 3,529 3,762 3,686 3,688 3,462 3,009 2,161 1,819 $1, 752,190,868 $200,602,150 2,156,929,895 248,108, 254 2,096,541, 720 246,109,308 2, 598,418,524 322, 979,149 2,770,885,150 356,408,976 2,545,506,995 324,572,838 3, 248,916,408 367, 733, 278 3,646, 921,991 383,110,174 2,091, 540,171 238,010, 215 1, 216, 637,360 135, 401, 630 NORTH CAROLINA For footnotes, see p. 183. $99,169, 237 $11,465,957 107,931,479 12, 502, 613 83, 731, 523 9, 726,312 106, 623,327 12,821,971 102,878,778 13,016, 769 114, 607, 046 14,146, 627 96, 562,498 10,769, 650 104,313, 766 10,862, 756 73,172,101 8,333, 930 71,192, 986 8,148, 251 2,228 2,177 2,556 2,505 2,764 2,308 2,667 3,011 3,732 3,803 $9, 786,038 11,655,029 19,489,850 14, 536, 347 22,012,600 16,413,483 20, 784,146 25,344,075 36,858,968 40,106,981 505 540 550 651 597 190 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and tax 1—Continued Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Net income NORTH 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 2,848 2,938 3,084 3,245 3,445 3,471 3, 528 3,425 3,574 3,548 1,529 1,334 1,601 1,684 1,552 1, 695 1,737 1,467 1,183 826 Tax 2 Returns showing no net Number income 3 of returns showing no income dataInactive Number Deficit corporations 3 DAKOTA $338, 363 215, 939 443,397 547, 214 421,660 399, 437 320, 818 251, 247 132, 594 94, 476 $4,748, 3, 477, 5, 699, 7, 972, 6, 574, 5,411, 5,687, 4, 537, 2, 721, 1, 651, 1, 319 1,604 1,483 1,561 1,893 943 972 1,085 1,458 1,735 $4, 572,992 5, 348, 250 4, 778, 668 3, 982, 311 4,864,782 3,150, 030 3, 220, 329 3,844, 972 4, 533, 020 6, 535, 693 833 819 873 933 987 8,895 8,339 9,385 8,973 9,209 8,901 8,942 9,515 13, 365 15, 457 $144, 661, 602 118, 996, 299 144, 560, 904 153, 510, 940 113,122,321 132,171, 607 123, 830, 483 153, 560, 559 250, 365,035 391, 052, 207 1,384 1,436 1,359 1,418 1,687 OHIO 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 21, 390 22,097 22, 754 23, 239 23, 475 24, 305 24, 722 25,173 25, 459 25, 462 12, 495 13, 758 13, 369 14, 266 14, 266 14, 020 14, 344 14, 299 10, 676 8,318 $419,174, 756 538, 602,037 442,810,151 564, 543, 064 530,119, 098 505, 740, 230 589, 966,142 687, 230, 541 301, 339, 374 170, 378, 376 $44, 710, 601 57, 442, 924 51,129, 974 69,182, 027 66,541,324 63, 487, 483 64, 775, 638 71,392,513 33, 041,146 18, 223, 300 OKLAHOMA 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 5,750 5,709 5,729 5,608 5,835 6,132 6,456 6,671 6,944 6,558 2,701 2,615 2,929 3,141 3,299 3,271 3,512 3,649 2,948 1,717 $39, 456, 544 $3, 924, 253 26, 788,077 2, 700, 605 39, 221, 970 3, 969, 267 73, 912,161 8, 025,171 84, 300, 599 10, 327,122 56, 608, 465 6, 368, 039 79, 233, 405 8,124,164 105, 607, 364 9, 794, 658 71, 297, 425 7, 739, 213 20,911,250 2,171, 005 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 5,134 5,301 5,647 5,850 6,144 6,350 6,673 6,863 7,012 6,880 2,399 2,592 2,733 2,910 3,003 3,028 3,131 3,105 2,590 1,910 $27,892, 453 $3, 029, 367 35, 418, 795 3, 630, 726 29,088, 365 3,106, 610 28,652, 483 3,153, 701 26, 867,008 2, 994, 717 23, 694, 486 2, 493, 716 29,384,715 2, 736, 918 30,026, 503 2, 600, 773 17,009, 781 1, 516, 892 8, 936, 249 768, 347 3,049 3,094 2,800 2,467 2,536 2,090 2,177 2,169 3,073 4,054 $47,004, 612 54, 042, 501 42, 571, 798 27, 331, 697 32, 927, 563 45, 640, 673 36, 289,113 28, 448,151 69, 417, 719 119,878,930 2,735 2,709 2,914 2,940 3,141 2,172 2,232 2,345 2,979 3,467 $20, 327, 675 14, 470, 563 40,856, 244 16,873, 653 21, 240, 211 21, 736, 061 18,903,685 20,409,805 37,439,083 43, 979, 303 771 767 853 923 787 OREGON 1,150 1,310 1,413 1,443 1,503 PENNSYLVANIA 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 21, 354 22, 656 23, 429 23, 502 24,173 24,883 25, 558 26,357 26, 577 26, 448 For footnotes, see p. 183. 12, 256 $78,956, 643 902,478, 647 104, 619, 295 13, 478 730, 528, 286 12,988 37, 512, 252 891,119,486 111,207,111 13, 569 941,818,944 122, 361, 366 13, 820 806, 494,048 104,134,847 13,193 905, 714, 567 104,000, 212 13, 370 1,060,023,187 13, 880 112,112,660 565, 536,120 11, 254 64,380, 325 249, 231,149 8,452 27,370,867 9,098 9,178 10,441 9,933 10, 353 9,330 9,665 9,795 12, 549 15,183 $173, 995,1,54 136,776, 201 158,156, 630 151,087,052 150, 306, 532 188, 396,811 181, 313, 094 193, 501,282 316, 422,080 476,652,171 2,360 2,523 2,682 2,774 2,813 191 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and tax 1—Continued Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Net income Tax 2 Returns showing no net Number income 3 of returns showing no income dataInactive Number Deficit corporations 3 RHODE ISLAND 1922. 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931 2,237 2,353 2,455 2,503 2,566 2,688 2,871 2,964 3,068 3,127 1,250 1,441 1,310 1,419 1,368 1,536 1,628 1,650 1,370 1,217 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931. 4,006 4,171 4,104 3,924 3,822 3,713 3,817 3,759 3,626 3,610 2,027 2,368 2,111 2,158 1,768 1,768 1,710 1,597 1,229 980 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930 1931. 2,813 2,856 2,970 2,838 2, 872 3,008 2,954 3,071 3,127 3,132 1,525 1, 536 1,559 1, 576 1,354 1, 665 1, 712 1,685 1,514 1,093 $61, 613,177 70, 428,803 44, 861, 723 50, 375, 599 43, 395, 772 49, 045, 878 51, 732,377 54, 487, 241 23, 344, 797 18,183,851 $7, 303, 249 8, 213, 788 5, 236, 749 6, 018, 592 5, 476,879 5, 790, 707 5, 585, 311 5, 503, 588 2, 677, 226 1,887,304 987 912 1,145 1,084 1,198 947 1,000 1,067 1,450 1,655 $25, 541, 260 25,344,069 37, 321,858 24,129,917 22, 640,088 16,193,305 15,106,989 19, 730, 964 57, 782, 959 55, 366, 722 205 243 247 248 255 1,979 1,803 1,993 1,766 2,054 1,548 1,709 1,775 2,031 2,244 $9, 518, 405 7, 827,952 12,435, 208 12, 046,959 12, 468,188 8, 612,131 9, 368, 341 11, 462, 544 25, 630, 017 18, 418, 696 397 398 387 366 386 $313, 282 296, 618 355, 445 426,159 256, 921 387,136 394, 344 394,531 293, 708 117,917 1,288 1,320 1,411 1,262 1,518 704 677 816 998 1,361 $3, 703, 884 4,062,127 4, 022, 924 3, 357, 254 3, 926, 672 2, 893, 846 2, 336, 842 2, 783, 680 3, 441, 056 5, 022, 415 639 565 570 615 678 6, 265, 767 5, 900, 220 5, 789,104 7, 792, 719 8,176, 829 7, 404, 893 7, 039, 468 5, 744,440 3, 363,850 2, 273, 944 1,901 1,776 2,026 1,754 1,908 1,577 1,747 1,852 2, 483 3,007 $12, 750, 418 15, 591, 285 20, 990, 555 12, 677, 414 17, 420, 527 18,545,018 18,068, 755 24, 702,126 46, 887,973 45, 251, 595 408 427 454 462 473 4,094 3,954 3,972 4,355 4,717 4,353 4,761 5,243 7, 362 8,582 $75, 424, 343 68,461,272 50, 576,805 45, 913, 933 52,191, 067 57, 302,815 68, 852,115 66, 898, 581 106,850, 621 152, 978, 375 1,053 1,184 1,153 1,409 1,427 SOUTH CAROLINA $29,325, 430 34, 067 477 14, 250, 797 20,003,470 15, 324, 801 24, 790, 792 17, 815, 740 16,160, 909 6, 281, 234 6,084,009 $3,019,195 3, 369, 771 1,372, 469 1, 912,104 1,692,911 2, 693, 817 1, 804, 383 1, 464, 494 525, 487 539,117 SOUTH DAKOTA $4, 559, 706 4, 222, 579 4, 792, 550 5, 257, 250 3, 436, 814 5, 230, 326 6, 229, 593 6, 295, 795 4, 845, 501 2, 240, 930 TENNESSEE 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 4,906 4,860 5 100 4,801 4,955 5,039 5,213 5,338 5,408 5, 312 3,005 3,084 3,074 3,047 3,047 3,054 3,039 3,032 2,463 1,832 $57, 724, 465 54, 321, 630 52, 089, 336 66, 906, 463 66,926, 646 61, 403, 025 65, 892,917 59, 532, 771 33,117,367 22,969,046 TEXAS 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 9,591 10, 227 10, 787 11,245 11,970 12, 930 14, 238 14, 552 15, 431 15,225 For footnotes, see p. 183. 5,497 6, 273 6,815 6,890 7, 253 7, 524 8,293 8,156 6,660 5,216 $94, 059, 389 $10, 466, 223 102,801,770 11, 038, 403 150,501,590 16, 819,180 206, 658,194 24, 862, 385 199, 524, 527 24, 863, 040 142, 338, 038 17, 051, 098 18, 441,180 173, 980,186 18, 193,363 189,131, 653 9, 738, 593 97, 054, 498 4, 310, 682 45,981,355 192 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and taxl—Continued Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Net income Tax 2 Returns showing3 no net Number income of returns showing no income dataInactive Number Deficit corporations * UTAH 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 3,051 3,045 3,096 3,120 3,083 3,125 3,508 3,245 3,301 3,135 1,349 1,468 1,483 1,635 1,537 1,589 1,712 1,646 1,392 977 $16, 528, 900 22, 517, 474 19, 351, 555 21, 297, 449 18, 565, 796 17,178,821 20,363,458 19, 932, 652 11,322,667 5, 055, 654 $9, 401, 418 8,137, 648 7,727,188 9,698, 262 9,894, 309 9, 636, 529 8,750,964 8,581, 567 14, 324, 989 18, 046, 476 631 866 423 247 617 VERMONT 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931, 1,036 i 038 1,060 1,088 1,096 1,089 1,112 1,120 1,120 1,169 682 755 683 708 699 683 724 704 572 420 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928 1929. 1930. 1931. 5,643 5,957 6,018 6,214 6,358 6,485 6,785 7,168 7,139 7,071 3,268 3,711 3,675 3,834 3,795 3,795 3,835 3,837 3,241 2,730 $972, 216 1, 261,188 1,011,271 1, 218, 235 1,230,132 1,164, 237 1, 038, 308 962, 763 491, 254 154,727 354 283 377 380 397 348 342 357 492 693 $3, 626,931 2,983, 699 3, 774, 774 3, 469,910 4,178, 051 5,571,051 4, 597, 934 9, 641, 572 6,215, 430 7,792,247 $83,014,730 $9, 534, 323 94, 500,115 10,835,110 82,085, 981 9, 392,478 112,238,006 13, 405,461 135,858, 624 17, 283, 674 123,647,900 15,770, 458 118, 504,599 13,166,376 132,956, 424 13, 793,936 110, 674, 829 12, 519, 433 76,746, 389 8, 662, 031 2,375 2,246 2,343 2,380 2,563 2,137 2,337 2,613 3,185 3,661 $25, 666,918 27, 636,063 27,703,922 17, 389, 272 22, 530,747 18,790,382 22, 534,628 44, 413, 507 50,869, 659 553 613 718 713 680 5,475 4,902 5,240 4,932 5,443 3,748 3,799 4,058 5,306 6,388 $31,441,777 26, 503,053 31,770,309 29,367,037 33,503, 266 33,997,344 31,004,392 31,683,927 57,351, 262 83,322,824 1,874 2,174 2,177 2,469 2,787 1,886 1,974 2,548 2,362 2,142 1,825 1,910 1,843 2,108 2,508 $13,846,191 20,016,457 28,027, 542 23,393,066 18,899,981 23,073,304 19, 963, 689 17, 257,822 21,379,803 38,950, 365 462 457 516 545 $9, 245,945 12,163, 457 9,133, 396 10,237,937 10,429,322 9, 926, 674 10, 314, 266 10, 254, 589 5, 287,457 1, 932, 563 58 46 59 56 56 VIRGINIA WASHINGTON 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 9,802 9,786 10,095 10,191 10, 748 10,977 11,847 12,159 12, 709 13,091 4,327 4,884 4,855 5,259 5,305 5,355 5,874 5,924 4,934 3,916 $59,864, 574 $6,195,157 83,737,488 8, 999,412 54,809,158 5,850,662 63,838,646 7,122, 278 63,300,511 7, 285,819 62,700,449 7, 222, 231 75,391,047 7,419,216 76, 230, 227 6,985, 766 31,491,683 2, 685, 657 17, 607, 970 1, 396, 507 WEST VIRGINIA 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931 4,848 5,062 5,366 5,205 5,142 5,239 5,145 5,173 5,101 4,953 For footnotes, see p. 183. 2,962 3,088 2,818 2,843 3,000 2,928 2,773 2,873 2,477 1,900 $71, 767, 773 73,477,884 50, 065,172 64,525,291 76,151, 591 57, 023, 969 51,922,822 59,046,703 27,487, 239 16,445, 207 $7,871,828 8,344,075 5, 635, 527 7, 632, 661 9,415,061 6,995, 769 5,445, 406 5, 757,011 2,646, 573 1, 586,022 193 STATISTICS OF INCOME TABLE 19.—Corporation returns for 1922 to 1931 by States and Territories, showing for returns with net income, no net income, and no income data, the number of returns, net income or deficit, and. tax l—Continued Returns showing net income Year Total number of returns Number Net income Tax 2 Returns showing no net Number income 3 of returns showing no income dataInactive Number Deficit corporations » WISCONSIN 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 12, 596 12,797 13,144 13,489 13,827 14, 456 15,393 15,836 16,009 16,311 7,127 7,881 7,679 8,141 8,253 8,567 8,828 8,810 6,777 5,199 $129,878,747 150,217,630 132, 284,875 171,192,887 187, 043, 641 185,418,099 184, 569, 354 198,397,599 103,139, 633 50, 205,168 $14,204,878 16,386,929 15,113, 200 20,325,149 23,192,758 23,117,908 20,122,264 19,928,164 10,920,503 5,100, 251 5,469 4,916 5,465 5,348 5,574 4,172 4,681 5,079 7,234 9,067 $45,799,114 37, 604,961 36,919,635 35,078,061 36,632,012 39,756,032 45,955,101 47,430,472 73,340,050 109,487,196 1,717 1,884 1,947 1,998 2,045 951 889 766 662 642 413 364 450 492 634 $6,000,804 5,656,767 5,329,329 3,865,360 3,569,376 3,856,435 2,677,567 3,690,718 3,991,481 4,873,959 201 196 220 227 202 WYOMING 1922. 1923. 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928. 1929 1930 1931. 1,661 1,636 1,527 1,451 1,418 1,402 1,441 1,468 1,440 1,416 For footnotes, see p . 183. 710 747 761 789 776 788 881 798 721 580 $4,959,118 5, 322,717 4,411,941 8,187,858 5, 232, 669 4,920, 111 5,737, 269 3,975,846 3,065,778 1,701,367 $465,724 512, 562 391,311 884,463 533,681 491, 747 456,749 262,169 202,889 91,161 REVENUE ACTS OF 1909 TO 1932 SYNOPSIS OF INCOME- AND PROFITS-TAX RATES ESTATE-TAX RATES CREDITS AND EXEMPTIONS AFFECTING THE COMPARABILITY OF DATA IN "STATISTICS OF INCOME" 195 REVENUE ACTS OF 1909 TO 1932, SYNOPSIS OF INCOME- AND PROFITS-TAX RATES, ESTATE-TAX RATES, CREDITS, AND EXEMPTIONS AFFECTING THE COMPARABILITY OF DATA IN "STATISTICS OF INCOME" INDIVIDUALS A. Individuals required to file returns, personal exemption, credit for dependents, and normal tax rates, under the Revenue Acts of 1913 to 1932, inclusive. B. Individual surtax rates under the Revenue Acts of 1913 to 1932, inclusive. C. Individual supplemental income-tax rates and tax credits, under the Revenue Acts of 1917 to 1932, inclusive. CORPORATIONS D. Corporation income- and profits-tax rates, exemptions, and credits, under the Revenue Acts of 1909 to 1932, inclusive. ESTATES E. Federal estate-tax rates, specific exemption, and credits against estate tax, under the Revenue Acts of 1916 to 1932, inclusive. 197 A.—Individuals required to file returns, personal exemption, credit for dependents, and normal tax rates under the Revenue Acts of 1918 to 1932, inclusive . Revenue act Applicable to citizens and residents of the United Individuals required to file returns 2 Married and living Single, or married Personal exemption and with husband and not living with for dependents 3 or wife 4 husband or wife Married Single, or Gross inGross in- and Income year married come recome re- withliving and not living Net gardless Net gardless bandhusor with husband income •' of amount income of amount wife, or wife, and of net inof net in- head of or not head of come come family family ~ Mar. 1,1913, to Dec. 31, 1915. 1916 (Sept. 8, 1916;1916 amended Mar. 3 and Oct. 3, 1917). 1913 (Oct. 3, 1913) 1917 (Oct. 3, 1917) 1918 (Feb. 24, 1919) 1921 (Nov. 23, 1921) 1924 (June 2, 1924).. 1926 (Feb. 26, 1926)- All. None None None 3,000 3,000 4,000 3,000 None All. $4,000 $3,000 None None None None 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1919, 1920.. 11921 <M922 11923 in 1924 2,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 $5,000 1,000 $5,000 2,500 1,000 2,500 5,000 1,000 5,000 3,500 5,000 1,500 5,000 1 2,500 3,500 1,000 1,500 3,500 5,000 1,500 5,000 3,500 1,500 1930.. 1931.. 2,500 5,000 1,000 5,000 2,500 1,000 $2,000 $200 /First \Balance over $2,000_. f First $4,000 200 \Balance over $4,000.. First $4,000 200 /\Balance over $4,000_. $4,000 400 /First ^Balance over $4,000._ First $4,000 400 Second $4,000 Balance over $8,000._ First $4,000 400 Second $4,000 Balance over $8,000.. [First $4,000 ^Second $4,000 [Balance over $8,000. (First $4,000 ^Second $4,000.._. 400 [Balance over $8,000. (First $4,000 {Second $4,000.„_. [Balance over $8,000. {First $4,000 {Second $4,000 [Balance over $8,000. 400 f First $4,000 \Balance over $4,000.. 9 () (9) 1,000 2 4 6 1,000 3 5 IK 3 5 u K 14 2 14 4 i: 3' 5 IK 3 5 4 2 ( ) 12 (9) 8 9 1,000 2 None 1,000 (12) 2 O 13g 13 6 1,500 1,500 0) 1,500 1,500 (12) 135 13 5 1,500 1,500 (12) 13 U 4 1,500 1,500 (12) 135 1,500 1,500 (12) 135 1,000 (12) 1,000 00 NorCredit mal for de- tax 6 pend-8 rate (perents cent) None 1929 i Single, or Married married and living and not with hus- living band or with huswife, or band or head of wife, and family "> not head of family" $3, 000 2,000 1932.. Credit for depend-8 ents Normal Amount of net in- tax rate come subject to (pernormal tax 6 cent) $4,000 /1928- 1932 (June 6, 1932) credit $3,000 2,000 1928 ( M a y 29, 1928),--. Applicable to nonresident aliens Personal exemption $3,000 [1918. 1925. 1926. 1927- States CO J o 1 Required to file income-tax returns for all income derived from sources within the United States, regardless of amount unless total tax has been paid at source. 2 (a) Under the Revenue Acts of 1913, 1916, and 1917, individuals were required to file returns on a calendar year basis, while under the Revenue Act of 1918 and subsequent years, returns are permitted for a fiscal year other than that ending Dec. 31. (b) For the years 1913,1914, and 1915, citizens or residents of the United States whose net income was less than $20,000 and for whom a full return was made by withholding agents, were not required to file returns, (c) For 1921 and subsequent years citizens deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States are required to file returns for all income derived from sources within the United States or income from sources within or without the United States received within the United States, regardless of amount. (See sec. 262 of the Revenue Acts of 1921, 1924, and 1926, and sec. 251 of the Revenue Acts of 1928 and 1932.) (d) For 1925 and subsequent years American citizens who are nonresidents of the United States for more than 6 months of the year are not required to report earned income from sources without the United States and are not required to file returns unless their gross income, exclusive of earned income from sources without the United States, exceeds $5,000; or unless their net income, exclusive of earned income from sources without the United States, exceeds the amount indicated above under "Individuals required to file returns." (See also (c) above.) For 1932 and subsequent years income from sources without the United States does not include amounts paid by the United States or any agency thereof. (See sec. 116 (a), Revenue Act of 1932.) 3 Not applicable to citizens deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States, for 1921 and subsequent years. Such citizens are entitled to the personal exemption and credit for dependents shown in this table for nonresident aliens, for 1921 and subsequent years. 4 Husband and wife each to file a return unless combined income is included in joint return. 5 Net income means "statutory" net income, i.e., the excess of gross income over deductions as defined in the various revenue acts. Net income has been adjusted from time to time as follows: (a) Amortization of buildings, machinery, equipment, or other facilities constructed or acquired on or after Apr. 6, 1917, for the production of articles contributing to the prosecution of the war is included to a reasonable amount in business deductions for 1918, 1919, 1920, and 1921. (b) Contributions to charitable and scientific organizations, etc., not exceeding 15 percent of the net income before deducting the contributions, are deducted for 1917 and subsequent years. For unlimited deduction of contributions see sec. 214 (10), Revenue Acts of 1924 and 1926, and sec. 120, Revenue Acts of 1928 and 1932. . (c) Losses sustained in transactions entered into for profit but not connected with business or trade are not deductible for 1913 to 1915, inclusive. For 1916 and 1917 such losses are deductible to the extent of the aggregate income from such transactions; for 1918 to 1931, inclusive, such losses are wiiolly deductible, excepting that for 1924 and subsequent years the loss, if incurred through the sale of capital assets held for more than 2 years, is deductible from total tax, to the extent of 12M> percent of the loss. (See table C.) For 1932 and subsequent years losses from sales or exchanges of stocks or bonds (other than capital assets held for more than 2 years, and other than bonds issued by a government or political subdivision thereof) are allowed only to the extent of the gains from such sales or exchanges. (d) Net loss for prior year resulting from the operation of any trade or business regularly carried on by the taxpayer: In the case of a net loss for any taxable year beginning after Oct. 31, 1918, and ending prior to Jan. 1, 1920, the Revenue Act of 1918 provides for the deduction of such loss from net income of the preceding year, a redetermination of taxes for the preceding year being made. When the net loss exceeds the net income for the preceding year, the amount of such excess is to be deducted from the net income of the succeeding taxable year. The Revenue Acts of 1921 to 1928, inclusive, provide that net loss in any year beginning after Dec. 31, 1920, may be deducted from the net income of the succeeding taxable year, and if such net loss exceeds the net income for the succeeding year, the amount of such excess is to be allowed in the next succeeding year. The Revenue Act of 19326provides that a net loss for the year 1930 and succeeding years shall be allowed as a deduction in computing net income for 1 succeeding taxable year only. Net income subject to normal tax is all net income after deducting the sum of (a) personal exemption; (b) credit for dependents; (c) dividends on stock of domestic corporations (other than those deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States, 1921 and subsequent years, and other than China Trade Act corporations, 1922 and subsequent years, and other than corporations exempt from tax for 1932 and subsequent years); (d) dividends on stock of foreign corporations receiving a certain amount of income from sources within the United States, 1913 and subsequent years; (e) income, the tax upon which has been paid or withheld for payment at the source of income for the years 1913 to 1917, inclusive; and (/) interest not wholly tax exempt on United States obligations issued after Sept. 1, 1917. 7 No provision for head of family in Revenue Act of 1913. Exemption prorated for period Mar. 1 to Dec. 31, 1913. 8 For each dependent under 18 years of age or incapable of self-support because mentally or physically defective. 9 Nonresident aliens are allowed the personal exemption ($1,000 if single, $2,000 if married) and the credit for each dependent ($200) only when the country of which nonresident alien10 is a citizen either imposes no income tax or allows similar credit to citizens of the United States not residing within such foreign country. Tax for 1923 reduced 25 percent by credit or refund under sec. 1200 (a) of the Revenue Act of 1924. 11 For net incomes of $5,000 and over, personal exemption is $2,000. 1132 For 1922 and subsequent years, if nonresident alien is resident of contiguous country (Canada or Mexico), $400 credit allowed for each dependent. For 1922 and subsequent years alien residents of contiguous countries (Canada or Mexico) on net income attributable to compensation for labor or personal services actually performed in the United States receive benefit of normal tax rate provided for United States citizens. 14 See Joint Resolution No. 133, Seventy-first Congress, reducing rates of income tax for the calendar year 1929. CO CO 200 STATISTICS OF INCOME B.—Individual surtax rates under the Net income Exceeding Not exceeding Act of 1913 on incomes for Mar. 1, 1913-Dec. 31, 1915 Bate Thousands of dollars percent) 5 6 7.5 8 10 12 12.5 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 750 1,000 1,500 2,000 Total surtax Act of 1916 on incomes for 1916 Rate (percent) Total surtax 6 7.5 8 10 12 12.5 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 750 1,000 1,500 2,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 $20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 340 380 420 460 500 540 580 620 660 700 740 780 800 830 890 950 1,010 1,070 1,130 1,190 1,250 1,310 1,370 1,430 1,490 1,550 3,550 5,550 7,550 10, 050 15, 050 20,050 35, 050 50,050 80, 050 110, 050 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 $20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 660 720 780 840 900 960 1,020 1,050 1, 080 1,140 L,200 L,280 L, 360 L,440 L, 520 L, 600 L, 680 L760 1,840 1,920 2,000 4,500 7,500 11, 000 15,000 24, 000 33,000 58, 000 83,000 138,000 198,000 Act of 1917 on incomes for 1917 Bate (percent) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 27 31 37 42 46 46 50 55 61 62 63 Total surtax $10 25 35 75 135 150 170 210 250 300 400 500 660 820 980 1,140 1,300 1,460 1,620 1,780 1,940 2,100 2,340 2,580 2,820 3,060 3,300 3,540 3,780 4,020 4,260 4,500 4,840 5,180 5,520 5,860 6,200 6,540 6,880 7,050 7,220 7,560 7,900 8,340 8,780 9,220 9,660 10,100 10,540 10,980 11,420 11,860 12,300 25,800 41,300 59,800 80,800 126,800 172,800 297,800 435,300 740,300 1,050,300 Act of 1918 on incomes for 1918, 1919, and 1920, and act of 1921 on incomes for 1921 Bate (percent) 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 52 56 60 60 63 63 64 64 65 65 65 Total surtax $10 40 50 110 190 215 240 290 350 410 550 710 890 1,090 1,310 1,550 1,810 2,090 2,390 2,710 3,050 3,410 3,790 4,190 4,610 5,050 5,510 5,990 6,490 7,010 7,550 8,110 8,690 9,290 9,910 10, 550 11,210 11,890 12, 590 12,950 13,310 14,050 14,810 15, 590 16, 390 17, 210 18, 050 18,910 19,790 20, 690 21, 610 22, 550 23, 510 49, 510 77, 510 107,510 137,510 200, 510 263,510 423, 510 583,510 908, 510 1, 233, 510 201 STATISTICS OF INCOME Revenue Acts of 1913 to 1932, inclusive Net income Exceeding Not exceeding Act of 1921 on incomes for 1922 and 1923 1 Rate Thousand s of dollars (percent) 5 6 6 7.5 g 10 12 12.5 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 750 1,000 1,500 2, 000 1 7.5 8 10 12 12.5 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 750 1,000 1,500 2,000 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total surtax $15 20 40 80 95 110 140 180 220 320 440 600 780 980 1,200 1,440 1,700 2,000 2,300 2,620 2,960 3,320 3,700 4,100 4,520 4,960 5,420 5,900 6,400 6,920 7,460 8,020 8,600 9,200 9,820 10,460 11,120 11,800 12,150 12, 500 13, 220 13, 960 14, 720 15, 500 16, 300 17,120 17, 960 18, 820 19, 700 20, 600 21, 520 22, 460 46, 460 70, 960 95, 960 120, 960 170, 960 220, 960 345, 960 470, 960 720, 960 970, 960 Act of 1924 on incomes for 1924 Rate (percent) 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 Total surtax $20 25 30 40 60 80 140 220 320 440 580 740 920 1,120 1,320 1,540 1,780 2,040 2,300 2,580 2,880 3,200 3,540 3,900 4,280 4,660 5,060 5,480 5,900 6,340 6,800 7,280 7,780 8,300 8,820 9,090 9,360 9,920 10, 480 11, 060 11, 660 12, 280 12, 900 13, 540 14, 200 14, 880 15, 580 16, 300 17, 020 35, 520 54, 020 73, 020 92,020 131, 020 170, 020 270,020 370, 020 570, 020 770, 020 Act of 1926 on incomes for 1925, 1926, and 1927, and act of 1928 on incomes for 1928, 1929, ] 930, and 1931 Rate (percent) 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Total surtax $20 25 30 40 60 80 140 220 320 440 580 720 880 1,040 1,220 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,020 2,240 2,480 2,720 2,980 3,240 3,520 3,800 4,100 4,400 4,720 5,040 5,380 5,720 6,060 6,420 6,780 6,960 7,140 7,500 7,860 8,240 8,620 9,000 9,380 9,760 10,140 10,520 10, 900 11, 280 11, 660 21, 660 31, 660 41, 660 51, 660 71, 660 91, 660 141, 660 191, 660 291, 660 391, 660 Act of 1932 on incomes for 1932 Bate (percent) 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 55 Tax for 1923 reduced 25 percent by credit or refund under sec. 1200 (a) of the Revenue Act of 1924. Total surtax $15 20 40 80 95 110 140 180 220 320 440 600 780 980 1,200 1,440 1,700 2,000 2,300 2,620 2,960 3,320 3,700 4,100 4,520 4,960 5,420 5,900 6,400 6,920 7,460 8,020 8,600 9,200 9,820 10,460 11,120 11,800 12,150 12,500 13, 220 13, 960 14, 720 15, 500 16, 300 17,120 17, 960 18,820 19, 700 20,600 21, 520 22, 460 46,460 70, 960 95, 960 120, 960 171, 960 223,960 356, 460 491, 460 766,460 1, 041,460 C.—Individual supplemental income-tax rates and tax credits under the Revenue Acts of 1917 to 1932, inclusive Excess-profits tax Revenue act Income year 1917 1917 Income subject to excess-profits tax Salaries in excess of $6,000* and income in excess of $6,0001 from business having no invested capital. Net income from business having2 invested capital: Net income equal to 15 percent of invested capital less deduction.3 Net income in excess of 15 percent of invested capital but not in excess of 20 percent of invested capital. Net income in excess of 20 percent of invested capital but not in excess of 25 percent of invested capital. Net income in excess of 25 percent of invested capital but not in excess of 33 percent of invested capital. Net income in excess of 33 percent of invested capital. 1918 1918,1919, None 1920 1921 1921 Tax on capital net gain from sale of assets held more Rate than 2 years (percent) 8 20 25 Tax credit on capital net loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years Tax credit of 25 percent of tax computed on earned net income Amount of earned net income subject to tax for computation of credit Limit of credit 8 Tax credit for income and profits taxes paid to foreign countries or United States possessions to Income and profits taxes paid to foreign coun tries or United States possessions were not allowed as a tax credit but were included in general deductions, from gross income, except that taxes paid to foreign countries were not allowed to nonresident aliens. GO O 3 O i 35 45 60 Amount paid or accrued.* Do.s 1921 1922,19236] 1924 1926 1925, 1926, I 1927 1928 1928,1929, 1930,1931 Taxpayer may elect to be taxed at 12J^ percent on capital net gain, provided, that the total tax, including the tax on capital net gain, is not less than 12^£ percent of the total net income. (Loss in ordinary net income cannot be deducted from capital net gain.) Taxpayer may elect to be Capital net loss may be reported apart from orditaxed at 12j^ percent on nary net income and a capital net gain if the tax tax credit of 12^ percent would be greater than 123^ of the capital net loss percent by including taken, if the tax thus procapital net gain in ordiduced is not less than the nary net income. (Loss tax would be if the capital in ordinary net income net loss were deducted may be deducted from from ordinary net income. capital net gain and the balance taxed at 123^ percent.) Same as 1924 act Same as 1924 act.. _do_ _do_ Amount paid or accrued.4 All net income up to $5,000 whether earned or not, and up to $10,000 if earned. 25 percent of normal tax on earned net income. (Cannot exceed 25 percent of normal tax on ordinary net income.) Do. CD I All net income up to $5,000 w h e t h e r earned or not, and up to $20,000 if earned. All net income up to $5,000 w h e t h e r earned or not, and up to $30,000 if earned. 25 percent of total tax on earned net income. (Can not exceed the sum of 25 percent of normal tax on ordinary net income and 25 percent of surtax on earned net income.) .do Do. Si o Do. Do; _do_ 1932 In excess of $3,000 for nonresident aliens. Nonresident aliens having business with invested capital reported only that proportion of invested capital which net income from sources within the United States was of the entire net income. 3 Deduction (not allowable to nonresident aliens), $6,000 plus an amount equal to the same percentage of invested capital for taxable year as the average annual pre-war income was of pre-war invested capital (not less than 7 percent nor more than 9 percent). If not established during at least one whole year of the pre-war period, 8 percent. If, during the pre-war period the individual had a deficit or a very small income from business, or if invested capital cannot be determined, same percent as that of representative businesses. (See4 sec. 210, Revenue Act of 1917.) Nonresident aliens were not allowed to deduct income taxes paid to foreign countries either as a tax credit or in general deductions for the years 1918, 1919, and 1920. 5 Beginning with 1921 the credit cannot exceed the proportion of the total tax against which the credit is taken that the taxpayer's net income from sources without the United States bears to the entire net income. This credit does not apply to nonresident aliens nor to citizens deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States, but to such persons these taxes are allowable as a deduction from gross income, if imposed upon income from sources within the United States. For the years 1921 to 1931, inclusive, the amount of income and profits taxes paid to foreign countries or United States possessions, in excess of that deducted as a tax credit, is permitted to be included in deductions against gross income. 6 Tax for 1923 reduced 25 percent by credit or refund under sec. 1200 (a) of the Revenue Act of 1924. 7 For 1932 and subsequent years the taxpayer may elect to deduct the taxes paid to foreign countries or United States possessions (with certain limitations) from the total tax liability, or to include the entire amount of the taxes paid to foreign countries or United States possessions in deductions against gross income. (See sec. 131, Revenue Act of 1932.) 3 o o 1932 1 2 to o 204 STATISTICS OF INCOME D.—Corporation income and profits tax rates, exemptions, and 1909 (excise tax) (Aug. 5, 1909). 1913 (Oct. 3, 1913). Income year Taxable income 1909 to $5,000 All net income a Feb. 28, in excess of ex1913. emption. Mar 1, None. All net income 1913, to Dec. 31, 1915. 1916. None. do 1916 (Sept. 8, 19 1 6 ; amended Mar.3,1917, and Oct. 3, 1917). 1917 (Oct. 3, 1917 1917). Credit Amount subject to tax Rate (percent) Revenue act Excess-profits tax Rate (percent) Income tax Exemption 1 1 2 f$3,0G03 plus: An amount equal to the same percentage of invested capital * for None. Dividends out of 1 ; the taxable year Net income equal 20 earnings from as the average to 15 percent of Mar. 1, 1913, to annual pre-war invested capital Dec. 31, 1915. income was of less credit. Net income in ex2 pre-war invested Net income in ex- 25 cess of the sum of capital (not less cess of 15 per (1) excess-profits than 7 percent cent but not in tax for the curnor more than excess of 20 perrent year, and 9 percent); or if cent of invested (2) dividends corporation was capital. received out of not in existence Net income in ex- 35 earnings from during at least 1 cess of 20 perMar. 1, 1913, to whole year of cent but not in Dec. 31, 1915. the pre-war peexcess of 25 perNet income in ex4 riod, 8 percent cent of invested of invested capcess of the sum capital. ital for taxable Net income in ex- 45 of (1) excess profits tax for the year; or if during cess of 25 percurrent year, and pre-war period, cent but not in (2) dividends recorporation had excess of 33 perceived out of either no net incent of invested earnings from come or a very capital. Mar. 1, 1913, to small net income Net income in ex- 60 Dec. 31, 1917. or if invested cess of 33 percapital cannot cent of invested be determined, capital. same percent as that of representative corporations. (See sec. 210, ReveV nue Act of 1917.) 1 All corporations are required to file returns regardless of amount of net income or loss, except those specifically exempt, such as mutual, cooperative, fraternal, civic, charitable, scientific, etc., not operating for profit. Under the Revenue Act of 1909, corporations were required to file returns on a calendar year basis; under subsequent revenue acts corporations were permitted to file returns on a fiscal year basis, other than the calendar year; except that under the act of 1921 and subsequent acts, life insurance companies were required to file on a calendar year basis in accordance with the State laws regulating insurance companies. Foreign corporations are required to file income tax returns for all income derived from sources within the United States regardless of amount. From Jan. 1, 19]8, to Dec. 31, 1921, personal service corporations were treated as partnerships. Prior and subsequent to said dates, such corporations were taxed as other corporations. 2 Net income means "statutory " net income, i.e., the excess of gross income over deductions as defined in the various revenue acts. Foreign corporations report only net income from sources within the United States; for 1921 and subsequent years domestic corporations deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States report only income from sources within the United States or income from sources within or without the United States received within the United States (see sec. 262 (b) of the Revenue Acts ot 1921,1924, and 1926 and sec. 251 (b) of the Revenue Acts of 1928 and 1932). Net income has been adjusted from time to time as follows: (a) Amortization of buildings, machinery, equipment, or other facilities constructed or acquired on or after Apr. 6, 1917, for the production of articles contributing to the prosecution of the war, is included to a reasonable amount in business deductions for 1918, 1919, 1920, and 1921. (6) Dividends on stock of domestic corporations (other than those deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States, 1921 and subsequent years, and other than China Trade Act corporations, 1922 and subsequent years, and other than corporations exempt from tax for 1932 and subsequent years) were entirely tax exempt under the Revenue Acts of 1909,1918, and subsequent years, as well as dividends on stock of foreign corporations receiving a certain amount of income from sources within the United States under the Revenue Acts of 1909, 1918, and subsequent years. 205 STATISTICS OF INCOME credits, under the Revenue Acts of 1909 to 1932, inclusive '• Tax on income from Government contracts War-profits tax Credit Amount subject to tax Rate (percent) Exemption Amount subject to tax Rate (percent) Tax credit for income and profits taxes paid to foreign countries or United States possessions For 1917 and prior years, income and profits taxes paid to foreign countries or United States possessions were not allowed as a tax credit, but were i n c l u d e d in general deductions from gross income, except that taxes paid to foreign countries were not allowed to foreign corporations. (c) Losses sustained during a taxable year and not compensated for by insurance or otherwise, are entirely deductible, except that for 1932 and subsequent years losses from sales or exchanges of stocks or bonds (other than capital assets and other than bonds issued by a government or political subdivision thereof) are allowed only to the extent of the gains from such sales or exchanges. (d) Net loss for prior year resulting from the operation of any trade or business regularly carried on by the taxpayer: In the case of a net loss for any taxable year beginning after Oct. 31,1918, and ending prior to Jan. 1,1920, the Revenue Act of 1918 provides for the deduction of such loss from the net income of the preceding year, a redetermination of taxes for the preceding year being made. When the net loss exceeds the net income for the preceding year the amount of such excess is to be deducted from the net income of the succeeding taxable year. The Revenue Acts of 1921 to 1928, inclusive, provide that net loss in any year beginning after Dec. 31, 1920, may be deducted from the net income of the succeeding taxable year, and if such net loss exceeds the net income for the succeeding year, the amount of such excess is to be allowed in the next succeeding year. The Revenue Act of 1932 provides that a net loss for the year 1930 and succeeding years shall be allowed as a deduction in computing net income for one succeeding taxable year only. (e) For insurance companies, see special provisions in the various revenue acts. 3 The $3,000 credit not allowable to foreign corporations. 4 Invested capital within the meaning of the statute is the capital actually paid in to the corporation by the stockholders, including surplus and undivided profits (exclusive of that for the current year), stocks, bonds, and other obligations (other than obligations of the United States) the dividends or interest from which are not included in computing net income, and excluding inadmissible assets. (See art. 831 of Regulations 45, relating to the Revenue Act of 1918.) For 1917, foreign corporations reported that proportion of invested capital which net income from sources within the United States was of the entire net income. For the years 1918 to 1921, inclusive, it was not necessary for foreign corporations to report invested capital, and for the year 1921 it was not necessary for corporations deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States to report invested capital. (See note, 2, next page.) 206 STATISTICS OF INCOME D.—Corporation income and profits tax rates, exemptions, and 1918 (Feb. 24, 1919). Exemption 1 Income year 1918 $2, 000 1919,1920 2,000 Taxable income Rate (percen Revenue act Net income in excess of the sum of: the exemption, excess profits and war-profits taxes for current year, and interest received on United States obligations issued after Sept. 1, 1917. 12 Net income in excess of the sum of: the exemption, excess-profits tax for current year, excessprofits and warprofits taxes on 10 Credit Amount subject to tax $3,000 * plus 8 per- Net income equal cent of the into 20 percent vested capital of invested capifor the taxable tal less credit. year.2 Net income in excess of 20 percent of invested capital. do Net income equal to 20 percent of invested capital less credit. Net income in excess of 20 percent of invested capital. Rate (percen Excess-profits tax 2 Income tax 30 65 20 40 income from Government contracts, and 1921 (Nov. 23.) 1921 2,000 1922,1923_ 2,000 1924 (June 2.) 1924 1926 (Feb 26 ) 1925 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 3, 000 3^000 3,000 1932. "I"_ None 1926,1927 1928 (May 29.) 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 (June 6.) interest received on United States obligations issued after Sept. 1,1917, and War Finance Corporation bonds not exempt, Net do income in excess of exemption.9 do do do do do do do All net income 10 i2y2 do.7 ...do - 12 ¥> 13 o 13 J^ 12 11 11 12 12 i2 1 3 % 10 1 Exemption allowable to domestic corporations with net income of $25,000 or less for 1921 to 1931, inclusive, except domestic corporations deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States for 1928 and subsequent years; not allowable to foreign corporations for 1918 and subsequent years. 2 For the years 1918 to 1921, inclusive, the war-profits and excess-profits tax of foreign corporations, and for 1921, the war-profits and excess-profits tax of corporations deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States is computed by comparison with representative corporations whose invested capital can be satisfactorily determined and which are engaged in a like or similar trade or business and similarly circumstanced (see sec. 328, Revenue Acts of 1918 and 1921). See note 4, preceding page. 3 Foreign corporations were not allowed to deduct income taxes paid to foreign countries either as a tax credit or in general deductions for the years 1918, 1919, and 1920. Beginning with 1921, the credit cannot exceed the proportion of the total tax against which the credit is taken that the taxpayer's net income from sources without the United States bears to the entire net income. This credit does not apply to foreign corporations or to domestic corporations deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States, but to such corporations these taxes are allowable as a deduction from gross income if imposed upon income from sources within the United States. For the years 1921 to 1931, inclusive, the amount of taxes paid to foreign countries or United States possessions in excess of that deducted as a tax credit is permitted to be included in deductions against gross income. See note 13. * The $3,000 credit not allowable to foreign corporations for 1918 and subsequent years. s The $3,000 credit not allowable to foreign corporations. 6 If corporation was not in existence during the whole of at least 1 calendar year during the pre-war period, the credit (with certain exceptions) shall be the sum of $3,000 and an amount equal to the same percentage of invested capital for the taxable year as the average percentage of net income to invested capital for the pre-war period of representative corporations; but such amount shall in no case be less than 10 percent of the invested capital of the taxpayer for the taxable year. (See sec. 311, Revenue Act of 1918.) i The $3,000 credit not allowable to domestic corporations deriving a large portion of their gross income from sources within a possession of the United States. 207 STATISTICS OF INCOME credits, under the Revenue Acts of 1909 to 1932, inclusive—Continued Tax on income from Government contracts War-profits tax 2 Amount subject to tax Rate (percent) $3,000 5 plus either Net inan amount equal come in to the average excess prewar net inof warcome plus or minprofits us 10 percent of credits. the increase or decrease of invested capital for the taxable year as compared with average prewar invested capital, or 10 percent of the invested capital for the taxable year, whichever is greater. 6 80 ( l e s s amount of excessprofits tax). Credit Exemption Amount subject to tax Rate (percent) Tax credit for income and profits taxes paid to foreign countries or United States possessions3 Amount paid or accrued. $10,000 10, 000 Amount in ex- Excess-profcess of $10,000 its and warderived from profits tax Government rates of 1918 contracts act. made between Apr. 6, 1917, and N o v . 11, 1918. do do . Do. Do. 3 Do ' Do. Do Do. Do Do. Do. Do. 8 Not allowable to China Trade Act corporations for 1922 and subsequent years. » For 1922 and subsequent years corporations are allowed, as a credit against net income, the amount received as interest upon obligations of the United States which is included in gross income (e.g., see sec. 236 (a), Revenue Act of 1924). For 1922 and subsequent years China Trade Act corporations are entitled to a specific credit. (See sec. 264 (a), China Trade Act, 1922.) i° Income of insurance companies, exclusive of mutual companies other than life, taxable at 12H percent. 11 See Joint Resolution No. 133, 71st Congress, reducing rates of income tax for the calendar year 1929. » The rate of tax on consolidated returns for 1932 is 14^ percent. 13 For 1932 and subsequent years the taxpayer may elect to deduct the taxes paid to foreign countries or United States possessions (with certain limitations) from the total tax liability, or to include the entire amount of the taxes paid to foreign countries or United States possessions in deductions against gross income. (See sec. 131, Revenue Act of 1932.) NOTE.—For the year 1917 there was also a tax of 10 percent upon that portion of the total net income remaining undistributed 6 months after the close of the taxable year, in excess of the income actually employed in the business, or invested in obligations of the United States issued after Sept. 1,1917. For the years 1918 to 1920, inclusive, a corporation that permitted an unreasonable accumulation of profits was not subject to the ordinary corporation income tax but the individual stockholders were taxed upon their proportionate shares of its net income in the same manner as the members of a partnership or a personal service corporation. For the years 1921 to 1923, inclusive, an additional tax of 25 percent was imposed upon the taxable net income of a corporation where it was shown that there had been an evasion of surtax as the result of an unreasonable accumulation of profits. This additional tax was increased to 50 percent for 1924 and subsequent years, with the provision for 1926 and subsequent years that the 50 percent additional tax shall not apply if all the shareholders of the corporation include in their gross income their entire distributive shares, whether distributed or not, of the net income of the corporation for such year. E.—Federal estate tax rates, specific exemption, and credits against estate tax, under the Revenue Acts of 1916 to 1932, inclusive oo Net estate Revenue act 1916 Exceed ing Not exceeding I n effect from Sept. 9, 1916, to M a r . 2, 1917, inclusive Rate Thousands of dollars (percent) 10 1 10 20 1 1 20 30 1 30 40 50 40 1 50 100 2 150 2 100 200 3 150 250 200 3 400 4 250 450 4 400 600 450 5 750 600 5 800 750 5 1,000 800 5 1,500 6 1,000 2,000 6 1,500 2,500 2,000 7 3,000 7 2,500 3,500 8 3,000 4,000 8 3,500 9 4,500 4,000 9 4,500 5,000 6,000 10 5,000 10 6,000 7,000 8,000 10 7,000 9,000 10 8,000 10,000 10 9,000 10 10,000 and over Total tax $100 200 300 400 500 1,500 2,500 4,000 5,500 11,500 13, 500 21, 000 28, 500 31, 000 41,000 71, 000 101,000 136, 000 171,000 211,000 251,000 296, 000 341,000 441,000 541,000 641, 000 741,000 841, 000 1916 as amended by act of Mar. 3. 1917 In effect from Mar. 3, 1917, to Oct. 3, 1917, inclusive Rate (percent) Wi \Vi i}/2 vy<i 3 3 6 6 IV, lYi l}/2 9 9 10/^2 10H 12 12 13^ 15 15 15 15 15 15 2 1917 In effect from Oct. 4, 1917, to 6:55 p.m., Feb. 24, 1919, inclusive Rate Total tax (percent) $150 2 2 300 2 450 2 600 750 2 4 2,250 3,750 4 6 6,000 8,250 6 8 17,250 20, 250 8 31,500 10 42, 750 10 46,500 10 61, 500 10 106, 500 12 151, 500 12 204,000 14 256, 500 14 16 316, 500 376,500 16 444,000 18 511, 500 18 661, 500 20 811, 500 20 961, 500 20 22 1, 111, 500 1, 261, 500 22 25 Total tax $200 400 600 800 1,000 3,000 5,000 8,000 11,000 23,000 27,000 42, 000 57,000 62,000 82,000 142,000 202,000 272,000 342, 000 422, 000 502,000 592, 000 682,000 882,000 1,082,000 1, 282, 000 1,502,000 1, 722,000 1918, 1921, and 1924 as amended by act of 1926 1926 and 1928 1932 i I n effect from 6:55 p.m., F e b . 24,1919, to 10:25 a.m.. F e b . 26,1926, inclusive In effect after 10:25 a.m., F e b . 26, 1926 In effect after 5 p.m., J u n e 6, 1932 Rate (percent) 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 20 22 22 25 Rate (percent) 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Rate (percent) 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 9 11 11 13 13 15 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 Total tax $100 200 300 400 500 1,500 2,500 4,000 5,500 11, 500 13, 500 22, 500 31, 500 35, 500 51, 500 101, 500 161, 500 231, 500 301, 500 381, 500 461, 500 551, 500 641, 500 841, 500 1, 041, 500 1, 241, 500 1, 461, 500 1,681,500 Total tax $100 200 300 400 500 1,500 3,000 4,500 6,500 12, 500 15,000 22, 500 31, 500 34, 500 48, 500 88, 500 133, 500 188, 500 238, 500 298, 500 363, 500 433, 500 503, 500 653, 500 813,500 983, 500 1,163,500 ly 353, 500 Total tax $100 300 600 1,000 1,500 5,000 9,500 14,000 19, 500 36,000 42, 500 62,000 84, 500 92,000 126,000 221, 000 326, 000 441,000 566, 000 701, 000 846, 000 1, 001, 000 1,166, 000 1, 516,000 1,886,000 2, 276,000 2, 686, 000 3,116,000 02 o o o SPECIFIC EXEMPTION AND CREDITS AGAINST TAX Revenue act 1916 Net estate Specific exemption: Resident decedents _ _ Nonresident decedents Credits against Federal estate tax: Credits for estate, inheritance, legacy, or succession taxes actually paid to any State or Territory, or the District of Columbia in respect of any property included in the gross estate of the decedent for Federal estate tax purposes. Credit for Federal gift tax paid by the decedent in respect of property included in the gross estate of the decedent for Federal estate tax purposes. 2 In effect from Sept. 9, 1916, to Mar. 2, 1917, inclusive $50,000 1916 as amended by act of Mar. 3,1917 1917 1918,1921, and 1924 as amended by act of 1926 In effect from Oct. 4, In effect from 6:55 1917, to In effect p.m., Feb. 24, 6:55 p.m., from 1919, to 10:25 Feb. 24, Mar. 3, a.m., Feb. 26, 1919, in1917, to 1926, inclusive Oct. 3,1917, clusive inclusive $50,000 $50,000 1926 and 1928 1932 1 In effect after 10:25 a.m., Feb. 26, 1926 In effect after 5 p.m., June 6, 1932 $50,000 $100,000 $50,000. Not to exceed 25 percent of tax (from 4:01 p.m. June 2, 1924, to 10:25 a.m., Feb. 26, 1926). Not to exceed 80 percent of tax (after 10:25 a.m. Feb. 26, 1926). None. T o t a l a m o u n t Total amount paid under None, for amount paid under Revenue Act of 1924, as amended. Credit for paid under RevRevenue Act of 1924, as amount paid under Revenue Act o( enue Act of 1924, amended. Credit for 1932 not to exceed the proportion of as amended. amount paid under Revenue Act of 1932 not to exceed the proportion of the tax computed under the Revenue Act of 1926, that the value of the included gift bears to the entire gross estate. Ci CO 2 o the additional estate tax that the value of the included gift bears to the entire gross estate, and not to exceed the difference between the gift tax credit allowed against the tax computed under the Revenue Act of 1926, and the total amount of the gift tax. 1 Rates for computation of additional tax—additional tax is amount by which tax computed according to the provisions of the Revenue Act of 1932 exceeds tax computed according to rates under the Revenue Act of 1926. 2 Rates for gift tax same as for estate tax under Revenue Act of 1924 as amended by Revenue Act of 1926, the effective period of the gift tax law 4:01 p.m. June 2, 1924, to Jan. 1, 1926. 8 CO INCOME-TAX FORMS 211 FACSIMILES OF INDIVIDUAL AND CORPORATION INCOME-TAX RETURNS FOR 1931 USED IN PREPARING "STATISTICS OF INCOME" Form 1040. Individual income-tax return for net incomes from salaries or wages of more than $5,000, or incomes, regardless of amount, from business, profession, rents, or sale of property. Form 1040A. Individual income-tax return for net incomes of not more than $5,000 derived chiefly from salaries and wages. Form 1120. Corporation income-tax return. Form 1120L. Life insurance company income-tax return for companies issuing life and annuity contracts, including combined life, health, and accident insurance. 213 214 STATISTICS OF INCOME F o r m 1«M 5UBY DEPA INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN Do Not Write in Thete Sptce* FOR NET INCOMES FROM SAURIES OR WAGES OF MORE THAN $5,009 AND INCOMES FROM BUSINESS, PROFESSION, RENTS, OR SALE OF PROPERTY For Calendar Year 1931 File Thi» Return With the ColIeclM o? internal RcTenae br Yoar District on PRINT N.4ME S P I LASNLY AND ADDRES BCLO\ (Canhier'. Stamp) V (Name) (itrset and BUXIKT. 0, »l route) 1^.01jniy) trust office) Occupation 1. Are you a citizen or resident of the United States? 2. If you filed a return for 1930, to what Collector's office was it sent? 3. Is this a joint return of husband and wife? . 4. State name of husband or wife if a separate return was made and the Collect _ - vvitli hu 5. Wer ear; or wii 6. If not, xable year supporting not, were you on th in r e e to yoaf osely related i your household ons or more persons cosely 7. If your status ia respect to questions 5 and G changed haged during the year, state date and nature of change 8. How many dependent persona (otlier than husband or wife) under IS years of age or incapable of self-support were receiving their INCOME 1. Salaries, V/ases, Commissions, etc. (state r 2. Income from Eusinesa or Profession. (rromEcheOuloA) 3. Interest on Bank Deposits, Notes, Corporation Ikmds, etc. (csccpt interest on tax-fre 4. Interest on Tax-free Covenant Bonds Upon Which a Tax was Paid at Source 6. Income from Partnerships. (State name and address) mt bonds)....|. I ZZZEJZ: _ (Stata name and addreaf) r. Rents and Royalties. (From Schedule B) _ S. Profit from Sale of Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, etc. >. Taxable Interest on Liberty Bonds, etc. (From Schedule C) (From Schedule E) ). Dividends on Stock of Domestic Corporations, .. Other Income (including dividends on stock ol foreign corporations), (a) (state> _ (6) _ < IT! 3 1 1 TOTAI DEDUCTIONS I. Interest Paid L Taxes P.'tid. i. (Ejplain In Schedule F) Losses by Fire, Storm, etc. i. Bad Debts. '. Contributions. (EiplaininTableatloctofi^e:) (Ejplain In Schedule F) (Eiplaia In Schedule F) ;. Other Deductions Authorized by Law. TOTAL >. DEDUCTIONS IN ITEMS (Explain In Ectaijlo F) 13 TO 18 NET INCOME (Item 12 minus Item 19) EARNED INCOME CREDIT C O M P U T A T I O N O F T A X (See Instruction 23> 1. Earned Income (not over $30,000). 2. Less Personal Exemption and Credit for Dependents 44. NormalTax(l^%ofIt<yn40)- I. Balance (Item 21 minus 22) t. A m o u n t t a \ a b l e a t l > 2 % (notover 54,000) 5. Amount taxable at 3 % (notover $4,000) 3. Amount taxable at 5% (balance over $3,000 of Item 23) 40. Normal Tax (5% of Item 43) ... 47. Surtax on Item 20 (see Instruction 23) ..... 48. Tax on Net Income (total of It, 3 44 o 47). 49. Tax on Capital Cain or Loss (12J4% of Col. 8,Sched. D). 50. Total of or difference between Items 48 and 49 51. Less Credit of 2 5 % of Tax on Earned Income (Item 32) 45. Normal Tax (3% of Item 42) . . . pendents L . Personal Ex-1 emptio . :. Total of Items 34 t< 7. Normal Tax (1>^% of Item 24) . . . ice (Item 33 minus ', i. Normal Tax ( 3 % of Item 25) ;rnS4a0X00)e..a l.°. ). Normal Tax (5% of Item 26) ). Surtax on Item 21 i. Tax on Earned Net Income (total I of Items 27 to 30) $ !. Credit of 2 5 % of Tax (not over 25% of Items 30, 44, 45, and 46) J s | I j I ; ice (Item 29 minus int taxable at 3 % :r 84,000) minus 42) '."... AFFIDAVIT mplete return made in good faith ft ir tbe "taxable year stated, pursuant to the Revenue Act of 1923 and the Regulations ise See Instruction 27 Sworn to and subscribed befor Checks and drafts will be accepted only if payable a t par 215 STATISTICS OF INCOME SCHEDULE A—INCOME FROM BUSINESS OR PROFESSION 1. Total receipts from business or proft. ,| Tn^R C"= M 9 I 10 ° liri <;rrf inch 1. Labor (See Instruction 2) ion (.state 1" EDUCTIONS La! o j n L i n o ° (Do _ _ I 3. Material and supplies 4. Merchandise bought for sale _ 11 IT r on bu nc mjcbtejnt-ss to ofier- _ II 13. Losses (explain in table at foot of page). h. Other costs (itemize below or onsepar.ito sheet). «. Plus inventory a t beginning of j r i TOTAL (Lines 2 t o 6 ) . 5. LC-FS inventory a t end of year I 1 ) " ~| I - L i r 11 i n oL l « n in I d 1 hoj ( s p i n nfiH"i o i d 1 Lt k o t o t p j ) _ >. N E T C O S T OP GOODS SOLD (Line 7 minus Lino SI J I"7 I Ent.pr ' f O " o r " G o r M,'* on Xjincs 6 find 8 t o indi^^to v.'lictlicr T - I L (Line l O t o i G ) ~ 13. T O T A L DEDUCTIONS (Line 9 plu3 Jjii SCHEDULE B—INCOME FROM RENTS AND ROYALTIES (3c o lr.sirx'cSo.-i 7) nzzc SCHEDULE C — P R O F I T F R O M SALE O F REAL ESTA TE, STOCKS, BONDS , ETC. 4 ljEriiEc:*T!fiN | :•- V"MAncr 1. Ki.,i>or F^n.u-rr , ? (See I n s true! on £) '« 1 1 !, 1 ! J 1. L _s I 1 SCHEDULE D—CAPITAL NET CAIN OR LOSS FROM SALE OF ASSETS HELD MORE THAN TWO YEARS 1 (See Instruction 8a) 2. PATE r"iMT°"llrncrTfov9 .Vo. Dn Yrc, Mo.DtyYiiT . " !i...... i rt " « how property acquired . . . . ^ I $ $ 1 SCHEDULE E— INTEREST ON LIBERTY BONDS AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR SECURITIES (See Instruct 6 - t N U E"icI>.?e*r ED <a) Obligations of a State, Territory, or political subdivision thereof, or 5 thf* District of OolinriNft ((/) Securities issued under Federal Farm Loan Act, or under such Act as „„„ All S (c) Libert v 3 ^ % Bondaand other obligations of United States issued on : : : : : : $5 COO ('> Trras<irv Notes „ CE53 * — SCHEDULE F—EXPLANATION OF DEDUCTIONS CLAIMED IN ITEMS 1, V\, IS, J7, AND 13 EXPLANATION OF DEDUCTION FOR DEPRECIATION CLAIMED IN SCHEDULES A AND B AMOUNT or D E P E E C U I . O « C i u E Q r D o r . 8. Previous years I 1 | I 1 I j 7. This yenr 1 L ' " "I "I I EXPLANATION OF DEDUCTION FOR LOSSES BY FIRE, STORM, ETC., CLAIMED IN SCHEDULE A, AND IN ITEM 15 •KIND or PBOPESTT *.!>«, AC,™. IM?EO"SESI3 j $ AUOWiBLI SlNCS * ::::::r::: ::: "" "I 7. DtDCCTIBLE [.093 J 216 STATISTICS OF INCOME INSTRUCTIONS iction Numbers c i t h i s Page Correspond w i t h t h e Item N u m b e r s o n t h e First Page of t h e Return 1. INCOME FROM SALARIES, WAGES, COMMISSIONS, ETC. Regulatio or other other compensation compensation Enter as Item 1 on pago 1 of the rreturn, all salaries or , it of wear and tear, obsolescence, or deplecredited dited by or received from outside sources Uso a separate line for each tion which has been allowable in respect of such property since date of acquisit giving i i the information i f r m a t i n requested entry, requested. Any amount claimed as a deduction for necessary expenses against salaries, tion, or since March 1, 1913, if the property was acquired before that date. In etc., 6uch as traveling expenses, while away from home in the pursuit of a addition, if tho property was acquired before March 1, 1913, and if the cost of trade or business, should be fully explained in Schedule F on page 2 of the such property is greater than its fair market value as of that date, tho ccEt return, or on an attached statement. Traveling expenses ordinarily include shall bis reduced by the depreciation actually sustained before that date. Subsequent improvements include expenditures for additions, improveexpenditures for railroad fares, meals, and lodging. ments, and repairs made to restore the property or prolong its useful life. No loss shall be recognized in any sale or other disposition of stock or 2. INCOME FROM BUSINESS OR PROFESSION If you owned a business, or practiced a profession on your own account, securities where you have acquired substantially identical property within 30 days before or after the date of such sale, unless you are a dealer in securities. fill in Schedule A oa page 2 of the return, and enter the set income (or loss) In case the amount to be entered in Column 7 is a deductible loss, such as Item 2 on page 1 of the return. This schedule should include income from: (a) Sale of merchandise or amount should bo preceded by a minus sign or written with red ink. products of manufacturing, mining, construction, and agriculture; {b) Business 6a. CAPITAL NET GAIN OR LOSS Bervice, such us hotel, restaurant, and garage service, amusemants, laundering, desired, a capital net gain derived from the sale or exchange of capital etorage, transportation, etc.; and (c) Professional service, such as dentistry, assetsIf may be computed separately and a tax of 12^ per cent paid thereon in law, or medicine. la general, report any income in the earning of which you lieu of the normal tax and surtax, x he terra 'capital net gain means the exincurred expenses for material, labor, supplies, etc. vhe total amount of capital gaia over the sum of (a) the capital deducFarmer's income schedule.—If you are a farmer and keep no books of cess ofand capital losses, plus (6) the amount, if any, by which the ordinary account, or keep books on a cash basis, obtain frora the Collector, and attach tions excceJ the gross income computed without capital gain. to this return Form 1040F, Schedule of Farm Incorno and Expenses, and enter deductions In case a capital net loss i3 sustained from the sale or exchange of capital the net farm income as Item 2 on pago 1 of this return. If your farm books assets, the total normal tax and surtax computed on the basis of the ordinary of account are kept on an accrual basis, the filing of Form 1040F is optional. net iucorae shall be reduced by 12J^ per cent of such capital net loss; but in no Installment sales.—If tho installment mothod is used, attach to the return case shall the tax computed in this manner be less than the total normal tax a schedule showing separately for the years 192S, 1920, 1930, and 1931 sur.ax that would be imposed without the benefit of this provision. The the following: (a) Gross sales; (b) Cost of goods sold; (c) Gross profits; (d) and "capital net loss" means tho excess of the sum of the capital losses plus Percentage of profits to gross sales; (c) Amount collected; and (/) Gross profit terra the capital deductions over tho total amount of capital gain. en amount collected. See Article 351 of Regulations 74. terra "capital assets" means property held by you for more than two Kind of business.—Describe the business or profession in the space pro- yearsThe (whether or not connected with your trade or business), but does not invided at the top of page 1, as "grocery." "retail clothing," "drug ttore," clude ycur stock ia trade or other property of a kind which would properly be "laundry," "doctor," "lawyer," "farmer,1'etc. in your inventory if on hand at the close of the taxable year, or propTotal receipts.—Enter on Line 1 of Schedule A the total receipts, less any included erty held by you primarily for sale in tho course of your trado or business. discounts or allowances from the sale price or service charge. ia Schedulo D in accordance with Instruction 8, if the tax is computed Inventories.—If engaged in a trade or business in which the production, underTill this provision, enter 12J^ per cent of the capital net gain or loss as purcnfl.se> or EQJO of nicrchnndisQ 19 &o incornc~procIuciMg factor, inventories Item 49 on page 1 ofand return. In case of a capital net loss, the amount of of merchandise on hand should be taken at tho beginning and end of the taxable such loss and tb« credittheclaimed should be preceded by a minua sign or written year, which may bo valued at cost, or cost or market, whichever is lower. with red ink. See Articles 501 to 503 of Regulations 74. Salaries.—Enter on Lino 10 all salaries not included as "Labor " on Lino 2, except compensation for your 6crviccs, your dependent minor children, or 9. INTEREST ON LIBERTY BONDS, ETC. husband or wife if a joint return isfiled,which is not deductible. Schedule E should befilledin if you own any of the obligations or securities Interest.—Enter on Line 11 interest on business indebtedness. Do not in Column 1. Enter in Column 2 all interest received or credited include interest to yourself on capital invested in or advanced to the business. enumerated to your cccount during the year on these obligations, including your share of Taxes.—Enter on Line 12 taxes on business property or for carrying on such interest received from a partnership, or an estate or trust, and enter in business. Do not include taxes assessed against local benefits of a kind tending Column 3 the principal amounts of the various obligations owned. to increase the value of the property assessed, nor Federal income taxes. Interest on all coupons falling due within the taxable year will be considered Losses.—Enter on Line 13 losses incurred in the trado or business, if not income for the year, where the books are kept on a cash receipts and disbursecompensated for by insurance or otherwise and not made good by repairs claimed as ban-is. If the books are kept on an accrual basis, report the actual amount as a deduction. Losses of business property arising from fire, storm, etc., ments of interest accrued on the obligations owned during the taxable year. should be explained in the table at the foot of page 2 of the return. If the obligations enumerated on Line (d) are owned in excess of the exempBad debts.—Enter on Line 14 debts, or portions thereof, arising from Ealcs of 55,000, or any on Line (t) are owned, Columns 5 and 6 should be filled or Bervices that have been reflected in income, which have been definitely ascer- tion and the total of the interest reported oa Lines (d) and (e), Column 6, entered tained to be worthless and charged off within the year, or such reasonable in, as Item 9 on page 1 of the return. amount as has been added to a reserve for bad debts within the year. 10. DIVIDENDS A debt previously charged off as bad, if subsequently collected, must bo returned as income for the year in which collected. Enter as Item 10 the amount received as dividends (a) from a domestic Depreciation.—Enter on Line 15 tho amount claimed as depreciation by corporation other than a corporation entitled to the benefits of Section 251 of reason of exhaustion, wear and tear of property used ia the trade or business, cr the Act of 1928 and other than a corporation organized under the China Trado as obsolescence or depletion, and explain in the table at the foot of pago 2 how Act, 1922, or (b) from a foreign corporation when it is shown to the satisfaction this amount was determined. If obsolescenco is claimed, explain why tho use- of the Commissioner that more than 50 per cent of ths gross income of such ful life is less than the actual life. foreign corporation for the three-year p'riod ending with the close of its taxable The amount of depreciation on property acquired by purchase should be year preceding the declaration of such dividends (or for such part of such period determined upon the basis of the original cost (not replacement cost) of the as the corporation has been in existence) was derived from sources within the property and the probable number of years remaining of its useful life, except United States, including your share of such dividends received on stock owned if tho property was purchased prior to March 1, 1913, it will be computed on by a partnership, or an e'state or trust. the fair market value of such property as of that date or its original cost, which11. OTHER INCOME ever ia greater. If tho property was acquired in any other manner than by Enter as Item 11 all other taxable income for which no place is provided purchase, see Articles 201 to 210 of Regulations 74. on tliG ret irnt togcttitr with &ny dividends specifically excluded from Xt€m 10« In 12. TOTAL INCOME .. , .. n in tho valuo of a building Enter na Item 12 the net amount of Items 1 to 11, inclusive, after deducting occupied by you as a dwelling, or property held for personal use, nor for land any expense reported in Item 1, and losses in Items 2, 5, 7, and 8. Rent, repairs, and other expenses.—Enter on Line 1G rent on business 13. INTEREST PAID property in which you havo no equity, ordinary repairs to keep the property as Item 13 interest paid on personal indebtedness as distinguished in a usable condition, and other necessary business expenses not classified above, from Enter business indebtedness (which should be deducted under Schedule A or Buch as heat, light, and fire insurance. Do not include rent for a dwelling B). Do include interest on indebtedness incurred to purchase or carry occupied by you for residential purposes, the cost of business equipment or obligationsnot or securities the interest upon which ia wholly exempt from taxation. furniture, expenditures for replacements or permanent improvements to propH. TAXES PAID erty, nor personal, living, or family expenses. Deficit.—If the amount to be entered on Line 19 ehowg a deficit, such amount Enter as Item 14 personal t.ixes and taxes paid on property not used in should be preceded by a minus £ign or written with red ink. your business or profession, not including tiiose assessed against local benefits of a kind tending to increase the value of the property assessed. Do not include 3. INTEREST ON BANK DEPOSITS, ETC. Federal income taxes, ta-.es imposed upon your interest as shareholder of a W'ithout reimburse n 3 all interest received or credited to your account during the corporation which are paid by the ccorporation io po — ids , should be explained in Schedule F. l h la considered income when due and payable. 15. LOSSES BY FIRE, STORM, ETC. 115 losses of property not connected with your business or pro4. INTEREST ON TAX-FREE COVENANT BONDS during tho yoo.r if arising from fire, storm, shipwreck, or other Enter as Item 4 bond interest upon which a tax was paid at source. theft, and if not compensated for by insurance or otherwise. A tax of 1J4 per cent was paid at source on such interest if it was entered Regulations 74. on Line 2 of Form 1000 which indicates that Item 39 will not exceed 84,000, or 3 claimed in the table provided oa page 2 of the return. Explain 2 per cent was paid if the interest was entered on Line 3 of Form 1000 which indicates that Item 39 will exceed S4,000. Such tax paid at source may be 16. BAD DEBTS claimed as a credit in Item 53 on the return. Enter ua Item 1G r.ll bad debts other than those claimed as & deduction i.i Schedule A. State in Schedule F, (a) of what the debts consisted, (b) when they 5 AND 6. INCOME FROM PARTNERSHIPS AND FIDUCIARIES were created, (c) when they became due, (d) what efforts were made to collect, Enter as Item 5 your share (whether receive! or not) of tho profits of c and (c) how they were actually determined to be worthless. partnership, and as Item 6 income from an estate or trust, except that the 17. CONTRIBUTIONS £hare of (a) capital net gain or loss computed as provided in Instruction 8a shall be reported in Schedule D, (b) taxable interest on obligations of the Enter as Item 17 contributions or gifts made within the taxable year to any United States shall be included in Schedule E, and (r) profits which consisted corporation, or trust, or community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and of dividends on stock of domestic corporations shall be included in Item 10, operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational on the return. Include in Items 53 and 54, respectively, credits claimed for purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the income tax paid at source, and foreign income taxes. net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or indiIf the taxable year on the basis of which youfileyour return fails to coincide vidual. Tin amount claimed shall not exceed 15 per cent of your net income vrith the annual accounting period of the partnership or fiduciary, then you computed without the benefit of this deduction. should include in your return your distributive share of the net profits for such Afiduciaryfiling the return for an estate in process of administration may accounting period ending within your taxable year. claim, in lieu of this deduction, that provided in Article 862 of Regulations 74. List organizations and amounts contributed to each ia Schedule F. 7. INCOME FROM RENTS AND ROYALTIES 18. OTHER DEDUCTIONS Fill in Schedule B, giving the information requested. Ener an Item 18 any other authorized deductions for which no place is proEnter If you received property or crops in lieu of cash rent, report the income as though the rent had been Tcceivcd in cash. Crops received as rent on a crop- vided on t •eturn. Do not deduct losses incurred ia transactions which wera ith ;ted with your trade or business, nor entered into for profit.. chare basis should be reported as income for the year ia which disposed of (unless If tho return is filed for nn estate in process of administration, there may be your return shows income accrued). Enter as depreciation the amount of wear and tear, or depletion sustained deducted the amount of any income paid or credited to a beneficiary. Any deduction claimed should be explained in Schedule F. during the taxable year 1931, and explain in the table at the foot of page 2. Other expenses, such as interest, taxes,fireinsurance, fuel, light, labor, and 19. TOTAL DEDUCTIONS other necessary expenses of this character should bo iteioizcd. Enter as Item 19 the total of Items 13 to 18, inclusive. This amount should 8. PROFIT FROM SALE OF REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC. not include any deduction claimed in Schedule A or B. 20. NET INCOME Describe the property briefly in Schedule C, and state the price received, or the fair market value of the property received in exchange. Expenses conEnter as Item 20 the net income, which is obtained by deducting Item 10 nected with the sale may be deducted iu computing the prout or loss. Iroru Item 12. 1 he net income shall l;e computed upon tho basis of the taxable Enter the cost of the property, or if acquired prior to March 1, 1913, its year in accordance wjtn the method of accounting regularly employed in keeping fair market value as cf that date, whichever is greater. Attach statement your bocks, unless such method does not clearly reflect your income. 217 STATISTICS OP INCOME 21. PERSONS REQUIRED TO MAKE A RETURN OF INCOME An income tax return must be filed by every citizen of the United States whether residing at home or abroad, and every person residing in the United States though not a citizen thereof, whose gross income for the taxable year 1931 amounted to $5,000, or whose net income amounted to— (a) $1,500 if single or if married and not living with husband or wife; (b) $3,500 if married and living with husband or wife; or (c) More than the personal exemption if status of taxpayer changes. If an individual is single and the net income, including that of dependent minors, if any, is $1,500 or over, or if the gross income is $5,000 or over, a return must be filed. If the combined net income of husband and wife, and dependent minor children, if any, is $3,500 or over, or if their combined gross income is 85,000 or over, all such income must be reported on a, joint return, or on separate returns of husband and wife. In case the husband and wife elect to file separate ' heir combined net income is $5,000 or over, each shall make a If the net income of a ?cedent to the date of his death v; s $1,500 or over, if unmarried, or $3,400 or < er, if married and living with hus and or wife, or if his gross income for the pel id was $5,000 or over, the executo or administrator Income of (a) estates of decedents before final settlement, (6) trusts, whether created by will or deed, for unascertained persons or persons with contingent tion, is taxed to the fiduciary as a single person, except that from the income of a decedent's estate there may be deducted any amouut properly paid or credited to a beneficiary. 22. PERSONAL EXEMPTION AND CREDIT FOR DEPENDENTS A single person, or a married person not living with husband or wife, mnv claim an exemption of 51,500. A person who was the head of a family or was married and living with husband or wife during the entire taxable year, may claim an exemption of $3,500. If husband and wife file separate returns, the exemntion may be taken by either or divided between them. A "head of a family" is an individual who actually supports and maintain? in one household one or more individuals who are closely connected with him bv blood relationship, relationship by marriage, or by adoption, and whose right to exercise family control and provide for these- dependent individuals is based upon some moral or legal obligation. In addition to the personal exemption, a credit of 3400 may be claimed for each person (other than husband or wife) under eighteen years of age, or incapable of self-support because mentally or physically defective, who was receiving his or her chief support from the taxpayer on the fast day of the taxable year. This credit can be claimed only by the person who furnishes the chief support, and can not be divided between two individuals. In case the status of a taxpayer changes during the year, the personal exemption shall be an amount which bears the same ratio to 81,500 as the number of months the taxpayer was single bears to twelve months, plus an amount which bears the same ratio to $3,500 as the number of months the taxpayer was married and living with husband or wife, or was the head of a family, bears to twelve months. For this purpose a fractional part of a month shall be disregarded unless it amounts to more than half a. month, in which case it shall be considered as a full month. The exemption shall cot exceed S3,500 where the head of a family is married during the year. In the case of an individual who dies during the taxable year, the personal exemption and credit for dependents shall be determined by his or her statu3 at the time of death. Full credits shall also be allowed to the surviving spouse according to hia or her ftatua at the close of the taxable year. Where a return is filed on this form for an estate in'procesa of administration, or for a trust, an exemption of SI,500 may be claimed. 23. COMPUTATION OF TAX Esrncd inc.0EQ6.~~ln eoropi a credit of 25 per cent of the ta To determine this credit, < Items 21 to 31 on page 1 of t; Items 32 and 51 will be 25 per Items 30, 44, 45, and 46, which -- -_ ^ .- - the tax on your ne 24. ITEMS EXEMPT FROM TAX The foliOWin(^ items arc exempt iroi reported, unless it is desired to establish a the Revenue Act of 1928: (a) Amounts received under a life insurance contract paid by reason of the death of the insured, whether in a single sum or in installments (but if such amounts are held by the insurer under an agreement to pay interest thereon, the interest payments shall be included in gross income); (6) Amounts received (other than amounts paid by reason of the death of the insured and interest payments on Buch amounts) under ft life insurance, endowment, wment, or annuity u y contract,, butt if such s c amounts a u s (when ( w h e n added a d d e d to t a ived d bf taabl year d suchh contract) d th before the taxable the aggregat y r under nder c tc tt )) exceed i de at ti o n paid p i d (whether (hth id during d i n g the the taxable taxable y year p or nott paid ase of a transfer for a ihen the excess shall be included in gross income. In the case of a transfer for valuable consideration, by assignment or otherwise, of a life insurance, endowconsideration and the amount of the premiums and other sums subsequently paid by the transferee shall be exempt from taxation under paragraph (a) above or (c) Gifts (not made as a consideration for service rendered), and money and property acquired by bequest, devise, or inheritance (but the income derived from 6uch property is taxable and must be reported); (d) Interest upon (1) the obligations of a State, Territory, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia; or (2) securities issued under the provisions of the Federal Farm Loan Act or under such Act as amended: or1 (3) the obligations of the United State3 or its possessions. In the case of obligations of the United States issued after September 1, 1917 (other than postal pavings certificates of d.-posit) the interest on 4 per cent and V/C per cent Liberty Bonds, Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness issued before June IS, 1929, Treasury Bonds, and Treasury Savings Certificates, owned in excess of 35,000, and the interest on Treasury Notes, is subject to surtax if the net income is over S10.000, and should be reported (see Instruction 9); (c) Amounts received through accident or health insurance or under work- A m ornponsation, fcrtiilv fulot nd allowances ndo^ , ,3 Of t l ! WS r Risk Insurance and the al Rchabilita.... . _.ld Wi.. erans' Act, 1924, or as per om the United States for service of the bei „ . . . .. . _ . ihe United States in time of war, or as a State pension for services rendered by the beneficiary or another for which the State is paying a pension; (g) Amounts received by an individual as dividends or interest, not exceeding S300, from domestic building a n d loan associations, substantially all the business of which is confined to making loans to membcrsj (/}) The rental value of a dwelling house and appurtenances thereof furnished to a minister of the gospel as part of his compensation; (i) Compensation paid by a State or political subdivision thereof t o its an essential governmental function; and (j) Amounts received as earned income from sources without t h e United States by a n individual citizen of the United States who is a bona fide nonresident for more than 6ix montha duriog the taxable year. T h e taxpayer in such ft case may not deduct from his gross income a n y Amount properly allocable to or chargeable against the amount so excluded from his gross income. 25. ACCRUED OR RECEIVED INCOME If your books of account are kept on a n accrual basis, report all income accrued, even though it has not been actually received or entered on the books, and expenses incurred instead of expenses paid. If your books d o not show income accrued and expenses incurred, report all income received or constructively received, such as bank interest credited t o your account, and expenses paid. 2G. PERIOD TO BE COVERED BY RETURN -- _ mts received as compensation for per- the net profits derived by you frorn a trade or business in which both personal services and capital are material income-producing factors. If your net income is not more than So,000, the entire amount shall be considered as earned net income, or if vour net income is more than S>5,000, the earned net income shall not be considered to be less than $5,000. In no case shall th» earned net income be more than $30,000. Return for fiscal year.—The net income and the tax for a fiscal year beginning in 1930 and ending in 1931 is computed in (he same manner an same ra es as ° ^ a r ^cre ablished must be adhered to for subsequent ye: 27. AFFIDAVIT The affidavit must be executed bv t h e person whose income is reported unless he is ill, absent from the country, or otherwise incapacitated, in which case the legal representative or agent may execute the aflidavit. A minor, The oath will be administered without charge by any collector, deputy Inc lie return should be sworn to before a notary public, justice of the peac 28. WHEN AND WHERE T H E RETURN MUST BE FILED i paym credit claimed. Surtax.—The surtax for a n y amount of not income not shown in t h e table below is computed by adding t o t h e surtax for the largest amount shown which is less than t h e income, t h e surtax upon t h e excess over that amount a t the rate indicated in t h e table. In t h e case of bona fide Gale of mines, oil or pas wells, or a n y interest therein, t h e surtax on t h e profit shall not exceed 16 per cent of the selling urn to the Collector of Internal Never 29. WHEN AND T O W H O M T H E T A X MUST BE PAID at (in cent a lector's office. be paid when the return is filed, or in four ocjual installments, follows: The first installment shall be paid on or before the fifteenth dav of the third month following the clo.se of the taxable year, t h e second " " " L11 be paid on or before the fifteenth day of the "third month, the •tit on or before the fifteenth day of the sixth month, and the lent on or before the fifteenth day of the ninth month, after prescribed for paying t h e first installment. Surtax from table Surtax a t 3 per cent 30. PENALTIES $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than one y( 25 per cent of the amount of the tnx. rAX RATE FOR 1930-19 Amount ol net income A^oeunco™ | Parent A A 'lit of the amount of the t.ix. For deficiency in tax.—Interest erest on deficiency at 6 per p cent per ed, or to the thirtieth day aafter ie date the deficiency is assessed, e tthe e ti ith th d off T l aiver of the right to file a petition with the B Board Tax A Appeals, ite. is the earlier, and, in addition, 5 per cent of the amount of the ^ D annum to of a ffiling g o h i h r whichev deficien tent to defraud or 50 per cent of amount of deficiency if due to fraud. »0 t o $10,000 10,000 to $14,000.. 14,000 t o 16,000.. 16,000 t o 18,000. 18,000 t o 20,000. 20,000 to 22,000.. 22,000 to 24,000.. 24,000 to 28,000.. 28,000 t o 32,000.. 32,000 to 36,000.. 36,000 to 40,000.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $10 80 140 220 320 440 720 1,040 1,400 1,800 $40,000 to $44,000. 44,000 to 48,000. 12 48,000 to 52,000. 13 52,000 to 56,000. 14 56,000 to 60,000. 15 60,000 to 64,000. 16 64,000 to 70,000. 17 70,000 to 80,000 18 80,000 to 100,000 19 100,000 up 20 $2, 210 2, 720 3, 2!0 3, 800 4, 400 5,1)40 6,060 7,860 11,660 31. INFORMATION AT SOURCE irest, , „. , _, _. __._ __. . during tl endar vcar, to a single person, a partnership, or a fiduciary, or $3,500 or more to a married person, is required to make a return on Forms 1096 and 1099 showing the amount of such payments and the name and address of each recipient. These forms will be furnished by any collector of internal revenue upon request. Such returns coverinc the calendar vear 1931 must be forwarded • the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Sorting'Section, Washington, D. C , time to be received cot later than February 15, 1932. :-i.-.i« 218 STATISTICS OF INCOME F o r m 1040 A TREASURY DEPARTMEN' INTSRNAI. R»TBND» S U T I C > INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN (Auditor1, SUmp) FOR NET INCOMES OF NOT MORE THAN $5,000 Do not write i n t o sp>ca DERIVED CHIEFLY FROM SALARIES AND WAGES For Calendar Year 1931 To k, fil«l with t h . Collector of Ii is for your district on or Wore March IS. 1J3J PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY BELOW (P<Mt Office) OCCUPATION,... Cash CheA M. O. 6. State date and nature of any change under questions 3 or 4 during the year . _ . . „ . . „ . ...... 6. How many dependents (except husband or wife) were receiving t heir chief support from you on the last day of the year? 3. Were you married and living with husbam or wifo on the last day o! the year? 4. If not, wore you the head of a family on the last day of the year? INCOME 1. Salaries, "Wages, etc. (State from whom received) 2. Interest on Bank Deposits, Notes, Mortgages, and Corporation Bond3 3. Interest on bonds upon which a tax of 1H% v«'as paid at source 4. Other Income (including income from partnerships and fiduciaries) (Stato source): 5. TOTAL INCOME IN ITEMS 1 TO 4 DEDUCTIONS 6. Taxes Paid 7. Contributions (Explain on reverse side) 8. Other Deductions Authorized by Lav/ (Explain below): 9. TOTAL DEDUCTIONS IN ITEMS 6 TO 8 - COMPUTATION OF TAX 10. Net Income (Item 5 minus Item 0) 11. Credit for Dependents 12. Personal Exemption - - j S.. ~ j 13. Balance taxable at \W/0, not over $4,000 (Item 10 minus Items 11 and 12).. 14. Total Income Tax ( 1 ^ % of Item 13) „ 15. Less: Income Tax paid at source on tax-free covenant bonds (1H% °f Item 3) 16. Income tax paid to a foreign country or possession of the U. S. (Attach Form ni6).. 17. Credit of 25% of tax on earned net income (25% of Item 14) 18. BALANCE OF TAX (Item 14 minus Items 15, 16, and 17) _ AFFIDAVIT I swear (or affirm) that this return has been examined by me, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is a true and complete return for the taxable year as stated, pursuant to the Revenue Act of 1928 and Regulations issued under authority thereof. is made by agent, the reasoa therefor must be stated on this line) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of See Instructions (oi^nature of taxpayer or a^eiu) , 1932 (Signature of officer administering oath) (Address'oi'agent)" ' " (Title) NOTE.—If you derive income, regardless of amount, from a profession or business, including farming, or from rents or Bale of property, use Form 1040 Report interest oa nontaxable obligations and dividends from domestic corporations on the reverse side of tbia form. c2-157of 219 STATISTICS OF INCOME STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS (a) O b l i g a t i o n s of aS t i t e , T e r r i t o r v , o r i h h (b) Securities issued u l d t r t ^ o ^ e d e r - l I V d L 1 i1 a i (e) Obligations of t h e United S»s*c<s o - iK p > ) n H , i l <"• > r r t -u d r i k e D i t h W - i _^_ n t i f C Inn imo I _ _ DIVIDENDS FROM D O M E S T I C C O R P O R A T I O N S 'u d nl ( i f a PENALTIES For Willful Failure to Make and File a Return on Tune - \ r -•» ' ^<*i Si'^OOO or imprisonment for not more than one vear, or both, and, in addition, 25 per cent of the am HIT ot c'io For Willfully Making a False or Fraudulent Return.—\»' i L-t, I 510,000 or mprisonmont for not more than five years, or both, and, in addition, 50 per cent of the amount of th^ 11 For Deficiency in Tax.—Interest on dcfi.rirnc\ atCpr^centj ran"i m "•iht a r c the deficiency is assessed, or to the thirtieth day after the filing of a v/aiver of the right to fir a pentioa i it i tie 3> )ar 1 » f T i \ Appeals, whichever date is the earlier, and, in addition, 5 per cent of the amount of the defk ^rr v it du<^ t ^ » -met n^t Jr intentional disregard of rules and regulations without intent to defraud, or 60 per cent cf amount of df uuenoy it J i^ >• fnu 1 INSTRUCTIONS Liability for Filing Return ie tax tax return return must must be filed by An inrYirne DO uieu oy every citizen OE tno united St3i.ei etate^tb.Wl/n'ot aci'nzea thereof, having a gross mMmeJer'^hVcVlend^vp'ir ]'U1 of $3,000, or ot'tir, or a net income fur the satno pono 1 o; n> $1,100 or o <r, Taxes.—Ent^r ns Item (5 all por? thp j ear. Do uoi include Federa y contrioutions or piffs mn pduc^tionil purpos^V 'I bo amount c-l^ired s'hall notpxcc^l 15 ie, or pd computed without ib© bsnGfit of tbis t cf '[19 n t i eieuj'tion if the ?ttitus of the taxpayer changes* Items Exempt from Tars r; It? h i ny other deduc including snUfcst paid on personal indebtedness. n of t ived v red. d (other than by reason of the death of the insured) under "i'u Amounts I ' i i Amounts coa-iderat (;) Gilts t y " . u^Q by hevic-t, d<>v,.,p, such contract. as a consideration for services), and property acquire 1 • lii'ieritanco (but the income from sucii property u taxT id) Jnte'rest"unon"(i) ations of a Stato Territory, or a political subdivi"(d) J'nterest"upoV(l) ob'i< obligations sion thereof, or the L\ 'net cf Columbia; (..') Federal l'aim Loin bocd=; and A sin^lo person, or r\ marricil p^rs/ e t.ak p 1Ore ho -i-ri Jil oue or m loo 1 l .'lorbhip, relat I iruly control y n l o l i i o b l er or divided bet^v c^n thr m, by ei m inJi' i.' 1 nship b/ r i i f h KIP closely corrected wilh1 Irm by , cc b j i loptioa, cad -who^i r.^ht to epon jent 'ndivid'icdi is basPd upon cd^ c! $ (00 n a j bo claimed i,;r eicii a \t<x.n y u r s of age, or mcapablo 'v defective, >7ho was receiving h n e last day of tho taxable yew. T.'.-'J ho furnishes tho chief support, and ved as iccident or health insurance for persoril injur \n id) Dividend^ or interest, not exceeding ^JJ\ rec-^i -ed irom dv^ii^stic building a n l loan ampliations, substantially all tho business cf which u confined to ibie :'^ir. v, i . thp'hCMl^o'fa fai°.fy o/ wii Interest orTuberty Bonds ownedln excess of $5,000'is"subjeet to surtax if tha ived undT tho War III ic In-usance ^nd rued by law, Personal Exemption and Credits ded .. t he : it us of a of me xpay . tho taxablu year, th< persi mber changes durin ears'totwclv (A) Iicntal \alue"of a dwelling house and appurtenances thereof furnished a (i) CompcDsptiob puid by a State or political subdivLior thereof to its offic»r3 Lead of a family, bears to "twelve months.' Foi'this ru'rpy>>3 a fractional part of t 2 . i i Salaries.—Enter as Item 1 all salaries, wages, or other compensation received from outside sources by (a) yourself, {u) your husband or wifa if a joint return is filed, and (c) each dependent minor child, IjCtejest.—jinter as Item 2 interest received on bank deposits, notes, mortgages, and corporation bonds, except that interest received on bonds upon which a tax was paid at source by the debtor corporation ihould be entered as Item 3 if you filed v;ith the interest coupons a certificate on Form 1000 that your net The tax of lj g per cent paid at source on such interest should be claimed as a credit in Item 15. Interest on bonds is considered incomo when due and payable. Other income.—Enter as Item 4 all other taxable income, including dividends on stock of foreign corporations, income of an estate or tnidt, and your share (whether received or not) ia the profits of a partnership. 177160—3i 15 hcilf ti n o t t , i . t 1 r whichVase it shall\e"coWidered ' ' The - " amount " • of personal considered a a '" full" month. exemption sh IU not e. ed $3,500 where the head of a family is married during the taxable > ^r.r. In the case of an individual who dies diirin? tin able year, tho credits for d b h o h tt ^ j>?r-oml exemption and dependents shall bo deter ... tno time of death. Full credits shall also be allowed to the sui according to his or her status at tho close of the taxable year. General Infor; ation will be administered ithout charge by any collector, t, i f an internal revenue officer is nut bpfore a person authorized to adminhi t before the Department Returns.—File the r district in which yo reside on o b e r e M a r h 5, T a x T h e tax'm y be paid at time of filing the eturn, or in four equal c2—1570S 220 STATISTICS OF INCOME Page 1 of Retun CORPORATION INCOME TAX RETURN (Auditor'* Sump; For Calendar Year 1931 File Thi» Return with the Collector of Internal Retenue f..r Your District on or Before March 15. 193Z (C.h(.r-. Stamp) Ceah Chock M. O. Cart, of Ind. Date of Incorporation Under the Laws of whai Slate or Country Is This a Consolidated Return of Two or More Corporations? GROSS If so, How Many? INCOME Less Returns 2. Less Cost of Goods Sold: (a) Inventory at beginning of yepr (6) Merchandise bought for sale (-) Cost of manufacturing or producing goocta (From Sebeuulu AJ: Salaries and Other Wages, $ I costs, S. (<?) Total of lines (a), (6), and (c) - ; Tot: — (c) Less inventory at end of year -... 3. Gross Profit from Trading or Manufacturing (Item 1 minus Ite; 4. Gross Profit from Operations Other Than Trading or Manufacturing. (S:i (a) (W - (c) ., 5. Interest on Bank Deposits, Notes, Mortgages, and Corporation Bonds 6. Rents - 7. Royal'ies - — - - - - 9. Dividends on Stock of Domestic Corporations 10. Other Income (including dividends received on Stock of foreign corporations). (a) - - (b) .. -. - - ( - - (c) 11. TOTAL INCOME IN ITEMS 3 TO 10 DEDUCTIONS 12. Compensation of Officers (From Schedule C). 13. Rent on Business Property 14. Repairs (FrcmSchwSuteD); Salaries and Wages, S-— - 15. Interest ; Other Costs, S - - 10. Ta.tos (From Schedule E) - - 17. Losses (From Schedule F>.... - - - - 18. Bad Debts (From Scheduled).... - 19. Dividends (From S^dula E> - 20. Depreciation (resulting from exhaustion, wear and tear, or obsolescence) (From Sci 21. Depletion of Mines, Oil and Gas Welis, Timber, etc. 22. Other Deductions Not Reported Above. (a) Salaries and wages. (Submit schedule, see Instruction (Explain below, or on scpuate sheet): (Not Included in Item 2,12, or u above) (4) Net Loss for 1929-1930 (submit si-noduM.... (c) F. (Item 11 minus Item 23)..., COMPUTATION OFTAX 12% of Item 27) •. 2S. In, • ;orporation is less than e of d . If r: int over $25,000 $25,360, 27. Balance (Item 25 mil Item 26) 31. Less: Income Tax Pi at Source. 32. JS ; 1 '—. (This credit can only be allowed to a Income Tax Paid to a Foreign Country or U. S. possession 33. Balance of Tax (Item 30 a An amended retui s Ite residect foreign corporation) tS tic corporation (see lust. 27) I ::i: 31 and 32)... must be marked "Amended" at t o p of r 10. Total Tax (Item 28 plus Item 29). Checks and drafts will be accepted only if payable at par STATISTICS OF INCOME P a g e 2 of SCHEDULE K—BALANCE SHEETS Return ASSETS 1. Cash 2. Notes receivable 3. Accounts receivable Less reserve (or bad debi 4. Inventories: Raw material...... Work in process Finished goods. Supplies Obligation litical 8'ubdivisio u thereof, ci • t , e D , istr.ct of Colui Securities issued uu.dertheleder el FHTCU LoaD Obligation s ci the United Stat-BS or ,1,5 F-0*6. OtbeT invesfneats: Stocks of domestic corporation? Uoflds of domestic corporstious Stocks and bonds of forei^ corpor&tkns AH other inv'CSvCiciita or ioio*b. . 7. Deferred charges: Prepaid taies All other . 8. Capital assets: BuCdinga Machinery and equipment F'^irniture &iid nurtures.. Delivery equipment. I-r.es retirves for depre 9. Pat«nts -- 10. Good will. 11. Oti^r assets (describe fuEy): 12. TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES 13. Notes payabio (loss than erne year] 14. Accounts payable _ 15. Bonds and notes (not secured by mortgage; 18. Mortgages (including bonds &r.d notes eobecured) 17. Accrued expeas«s: All other 18- Other liabilities (describe fully;. 19. Capital stock: Preferred stock (less s Common stock (leas s 20. Surplus 21. Undivided profits 22. T O T A L LIABILII _ (See Instruction 43) 221 222 STATISTICS OF INCOME SCHEDULE L—RECONCILIATION OF NET INCOME AND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES JN SURPLUS Page » of K e t u r t i 13. Unallocable deductions: (3) Donation*, gratuities, and contributions. (0) Laxme l i d profits taxes paid to the United Statw, and so ;iucb of such taxed p&id to its possessions orforeigncoun: .ric-a &3 are cl.uzxjQd B3 & credit in Item 32, pe£9 1 ol the a'Loan wcuritita issued untin the Voderal Far fl) Interest OD uder such Act as amended — _ (c) Kftlora] t&x&s p&ld on tax-free C0V93&ut boudi (i) Special improvement taxes tending to mcrstis* the value of laUaoritspos deductible u adar Section Z>(p) of toe ;<9 Dividend* the property assessod _ (•) Furniture and futures, additions, or betterments treated 03 (0 FnwwUot liblflnnoc. policies paid upon the dea CO Replacements and renewals CO Other item o! noouiib (j) Insurance premiums pcUd on £~o I rlcywffheretbe corporation a directly or indiroctly (1) (ft; Interest on indebtedness Incurred c 4. C barges against reserves fo: (o) iieias, otc. (tobedelaiiw): - «. TotalfromLir 1. Not profit tor y 13 Lino 6) 9. Otuer credits to surplus t o ! TO. Total of lines 7 to 9, Lichisive. 11. Total from Lice 17 QUESTIONS KIND OF BUSINESS I 1. Bv means of the key letters given below, identify the corporation's niain income-producing activity with one of the general c'asses, and follow th-s by a, epecial description of the business EUflicient to give tho information called for under each general close. A.—Agriculture and related industries, including fishing, logging, ico harvesting, etc., and also the leasing of such property. State tue product oi products. B.—Mining and quarrying, including gas .".iid oil well.?, and also tho leasing of such proDcrty. State the product or products. C—Manufacturing, fcuito the product and aLx< the material if not implied by the name of tho product. equipping and instiling same with systems, devices, or maohiiicrv, without their manufacture. Stats iv.ture cf Uruetures built, mattriaij used/or Jund of installations. El.—Trucffportation—mil, water, local, etc. c'Mv. the kind and special product iriu.sportcd, if any. ii?«—Public utilities—gas (n&turr:.i, coM, or water); electrii; light cr power (hydro cr steum generated); heating (et«on or hot water); telephone; waterworks or power. E3.—Storage-—without trading or profit from sales—(elevators, warehouses, slockyardf, etc.). State product stored. E4.~Leasing transportation or utilities. Stato kind of properly. F.—Trading in goods bought and not produced by the trading concern. State manner of trade, whether wholesale, retail, or corrumssior., end product handled. Sales with storage with profit primarily from sales. G.-~vService—domestic, including hctd?, restaurants, etc.; amusements; other professional, personal, or technical service. State the service. II.—Finance, including banking, real estate, insurance. 1.—Concerns not falling in abeve classes (o) because of combining severrj of them with no predominant business, or (6) for other PREDECESSOR BUSINESS 6. Did the corporation !iio a return under rho *a<! name for the preceding taxable your? Was tha corporation in ! result, contiauation, or reorganiy.atic-u of a business oi durinc; this or any prior year aince December .">!, I 317? is *'yeB," give name and. P.ddres3 of eo.ch pre'J'jces-jor baainesa> tho change ia entity. .„. ^ Upon auch ch&age were tmy aaeet values incre&atxl or Jecrettaod? If the t u w r is "yea," closing balance sheets of old business and opening tjalaoca ishecU of new business must be furnished. BASIS OF RETURN . Is this rctirrn made on the basis of actual receipts and disbtrrseraeots? lot, describe fully what other basia or method was uaed in computing net VALUATION OF INVENTORIES 8. State whether the inventories at the beginning and end of the taxable year ere valued at cost, or cost or market, whichever is lower. If other basia was 2. Concerns ^hoso business involves actiuty falling in two or more of the used, describe fully, state why i«ed and the date inventory was last reconciled .._ above general classes, where the same -product in concerned, should report busi- ,-ith stock ness as identified v/ith but one of the above general clarjJH'^; for example, concerns in A or B which also transport aad market their ovra product exclusively or mainly, should still be identified with clr.sses A or B; concerns in C (mam turing) which o-rrc or control their source of material supply in A or B and w also transport, bell, or install their own product exclusively or mainly, should be identified ~*-Uh manufacturing; concerns in D may control or own the so of supply of materials used exclusively or mainly in their constructive work; concerns in E! or EU may own or control the source of their material or power concerns in F may transport or store their own icerch&ndise, but iXs productioi would identify them with A, B, or C. LIST OF ATTACHED SCHEDULES 3. Answers: (<;) General class (use key letter designation) 9. Enter below a list of all schedules accompanying this return, giving for each [b) Main income-produciug business (give specifically the inforcnati a brief title and the schedule number. The name and address of the corporation called for under each key letter, also whether acting aa principal, should be placed on each separate schedule accompanying the return. l d i ) AFFILIATIONS WITH OTHER CORPOR.4TIONS SEE INSTRUCTION M 4. Is this a consolidated return ol two or more corporations? If so, procure from th^j Collector of Internal Revenue for your district Form Affiliations Schedule, which shall be filled in, sworn to, and filed aa a part of this ireturn. Sec Article 12 (c) and (d), Regulations 75. 5. Did the corporation file a consolidated return for the preceding taxable The corporation's books are in care of Located at —— • • — - 223 STATISTICS OP INCOME Page 4 of Return SCHEDULE A—COST O F MANUFACTURING O R PRODUCING GOODS IlJMS Salaries 1 AMOUNT 1 md wares j' (See I n s t r u c t i o n 2) IT D s •'IE SCHEDULE B—PROFIT FROM SALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, BONDS, ETC. (See Instruction 8) X. KIND OF PBorrETT 2 Din ACQTOBED (LwL^m'I) LOTTOS'" i •- lie) (EDu"w Itcn I! 1 i s 1 1 3 1 I [ 11 "1 £t-ste hov,- property was acquired.. SCHEDULE C—COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS (See Instruction 12) SHARKS OF STOCK O W K I D 6. Preferred SCHEDULE D—COST OF REPAIRS (See Instruction 14) j (Enter aa Item 12) SCHEDULE E-TAXES PAID (See Inatruction 16) AMOUNT (Enter as Item 14) :r as Item 16) Salaries and wages._ J. L SCHEDULE F—EXPLANATION OF LOSSES BY FIRE, STORM, ETC. (See Instruction 17) B. DOTHECIATIOM 0. Isstr&LMCK AND SALVA 3B ACQUISITION s IZII.;;1...; i State bow property was acquired SCHEDULE C—BAD DEBTS (See Instruction 18) I.... . . ! $ 17) VAI.DB Is i | I SCHEDULE H—DIVIDENDS DEDUCTIBLE (See Instruction 19) SCHEDULE !—EXPLANATION OF DEDUCTION FOR DEPRECIATION (See Instruction 20) AFFIDAVIT ^>Ve, tho undersf^neti, pf id^^ r r ) *rtr* JT( T C ' 4 u€ corporation for which th>s return 13 rxsade, being severally duly sworn, each for himself aeposes and saya that this return, k tiudiug tl t ace . • mvi ic t.< n d\ V i.n 1 rtatements, baa been examined by him and is, to tho best of his knowledge and belief a true and compute return made m gc^u i-i' , • - •' i <;* ,b o u r - Mated, pursuant to the Revenue Act of 192S and the Regulations issued thereunder. Swem to and subscribe a b"V See Injt.-uclior, 4S Attach a separate *heet i* any of the above scheduled do not provide iufficient space 224 STATISTICS OF INCOME Page 1 of Lnstruetlc INSTRUCTIONS T h o I n s t r u c t i o n s N u m b e r e d 1 t o 24 o n t h i s Pago Correspond with t h o It( nbws <ra Pagro 1 oi tho Return 13. raterfst.—E: t GROSS INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS J. Gross sales.—If engaged in trading or imn'jfart'jriiig, enter as Item 1 page i of tho return, the gross sales, less gcioda returned and any allowance, discounts from tho sale price. Lugat | s r I t j . t TM* p in-Lm ,. "\ J OT bu n" in ebtcdncDo rco d t o purchase or carry 3 -yhoLiy exempt from tax" n. jo. Taie — raents of income and expenses t4> any national, State, municipal, or other public ' Jtom *>2 tax officer may submit with the return n staternp.nl of income and expenses in the j fao prop's r i F i r 1 r n s led ) - E n t - *. I p d 01 / t c -n -n 17 by the income and expense statement submitted, t 24 cu page 1 of the return ) j S h Jut to (c) and hit in -Schedule ^ on page 4 of the mclucrg a-L n» d o i "c(f It the pT I c e 1 r If h r od i factor n t e taken at *i» cj. r or cost or nna k t w rtt r b , i^ t E lae -fr, f i a i \ du r U era! f mer n <s ntor a d cud of tl ta all ii e\cr 1 lov.tr L t eJ 1 0 u 1 Le d i 1 n I 4 Gro operatioi t t-f fit ' ^m o he t tnl f th pi p> r credited t mort^a^c i c rl deducti 8 PTOS bii f ja sa.a l r Ifplotio it ao tal a a rt> i 1 | Pro at J *1 po at ion Lc d 6 Rent - r as Ttcm J V r-o* Any dea t C 8 I j 1 o r ] a i u included i ( t » u s U b 4 5 » d 2 0 i i ect it u et —E 1 t rgn 1 e gr atcr If tho v, rtn Article 611 of Jld be charged off over t*-e r t > t ;nt o pfei u st bo It I g t!o t a t a b o Stocks 1 nd , r within the m n- n r n » r Pi" item 21. 1 r i It .nd capital loss fro ^ % i of r The method assets Des< U thepiopcrtybnefl n bcbpdu' P an I s at al con dera on a dn c e irtc m nl or price r ive ' or th f-ur market \ 1 e cf t e property re e vcd in exchange | > g of the 1 w Eipc s te 1 v th the sil s I i L -IIU 1 t u t m j l If L k b dedu ' t u p t f t ! aid unt rrcencd " and tl e t TO - the r £ il c t of tho proptrt> oi if it -s acq urcd pnor to Mar h i r fleeted n r i 1913 the fa i eite LS ^e^^cia* ion tho amount of exhaurt on wear nd tear ob ole cen c r hi h has been aJowabie n r °pc t of Ruch pr r rtv Eince d t r depleti or ice March 1, 1913 if tho propor j was « q red rx'ore th t date IceJoiUor if the property wa acquire btf *e M irc»i 1 1913 and U t! ^ costofs h pro,, rtj is greater t h a i it fair market valueftbof t l i t date the c t shall be rodu cd by tho deprecia on actu l y sustained before that date Sc Articles 501 to 604 of Regulations 74. Subsequent improvements include expenditures for additions, improvements, and repair:: made to restore the property or prolong it3 useful life. Do not deduct •ordinary repairs, interest, or tatcs in computing gain or loss. No lots shall be recognized in any sale or other disposition of shares of etock or securities where the corporation has acquired substantially identical property within 30 days before or after the date of such sale, unless the corporation is a dealer in stock or securities in the ordinary course of business. In case the amount to be entered in Column 7 is a deductible loss, such amount should be preceded by a minus sign or written with red ink. b tt I h t "1 Deple the Colic i met 8 ) Tor Ifcomplel N then file wit^ up to date, t fd p of Regulatio with the deduction Regulatio 24. Net inc j deducting Ite was computed. I depending on how depreciation is charged on the books of the corporation. List in Schedule E) the principal itcnu of cost, f^roupiug tUc minor itcuLj in If a •oiuo, which is obtained by ic of a corporation shall be ccord; mce with the method of iniess such method doea 23 fro ! cot clearly reflect th i | 10. Other income.—Enti 10 all other ta place ie provided on the return, together with : from Item 9. 11. Total iccome.—Enter a3 Item 11 the n mou.it of Items 3 to 10, inclu- ' eive, after deducting any losses reported in II 3, 4, and S. 12. Compensation of officers.—Enter as 1 12 the compensation of al! , officers, in whatever form paid> and Gil in Schedule l C, C giving the information ' requested. corporation has no equity. 14. Repairs.—Enter as Item 14 the cost of incidental repairs intludipR the labor, supplies and other items which do not add to trie value or appreciably prolong the life of the property. Enter as salaries and wages the coni)>ens:itioi), "during the period covered by thi3 return, of persons employed directly in connection with these incidental repairs, as shown in Schedulo D. Expenditures jfor new buildings, machinery, equipment, or for permanent improvements or l>ettcrmcnts which increase the valuo of the property are chargeable to capital account. Expenditures for restoring or replacing property are not deductible, bv. L. I 9. Dividends.—Enter as Item 9 the amount received as d tion 251 of the Revenue Act of 1928 and other than a corporation organized under the China Trade Act, 1922, or (6) from a foreign corporation when it is shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that more than 50 per cent of the groay income of such L*ch foreign corporation for the three-y^ar period ending Tvilh the doss of its taxable year preceding the declaration of such dividends (or for.such part of such period as the corporation haa been in existence) was derived from sources within the United States. bo COMPUTATION OF TAX The o if f S3 000 sv hi h n ornc of lc ' : rp t on l i ) r p r 1 h i h ". J ih n m ntl th :d uiider the China Trade CREDIT FOR TAXES giged n a trade or or pi cc of bus n b3 i ed to be deducted nr > on account of t s brat US 1 t \pv,m t. hed t a d nd tho b I a nt of a y t x A foreign . uned "n 225 STATISTICS OF INCOME P a g o 2 of I n s t r u c t i o n s LIABILITY FOR FILING RETURNS BALANCE SHEETS 28. Corporations generally.—Every domestic or resident corporation, jointstock company, association, or insurance company not specifically exempted by Section 103 of the Revenue Act of 1928, whether or not having any net income, must file a return on this form, or on Form 1120A if for a fiscal year. 29. Corporations in possessions of the United States.—Domestic corporations within the possessions of the United States (except the Virgin Islands) may report as gross income only gross income from sources within the United Statc3, provided, (a) 80 per cent or more of the grosa incomo for the three-year period immediately preceding tho close of the taxable year (or such part thereof as may be applicable) was derived from sources within a possession of the United States; and (i>) 50 per cent or more of the gross income for such period or such part thereof was derived from the active conduct of a trade or business within » possession of the United States. 43. The balance sheets on page 2 of the return, Schedule K, should agroo with the books, or any differences should be reconciled. The balance sheets for a consolidated return should be furnished in accordance with Instruction 41. All corporations engaged in an interstate and intrastate trade or business and reporting to the Interstate Commerce Commission and to any national, State, municipal, or other public officer, may submit, in lieu of Schedule K, copies of their balance sheets prescribed by said Commission or State and municipal authorities, as at the beginning and end of the taxable year. In case the balance sheet as at the beginning of the current taxable year does not aprce in every respect with the balance sheet which was submitted as at the end of the previous taxable year the differences should be fully explained iu the space provided under Schedule K. 30. Foreign corporations.—A foreign corporation subject to the provisions of the Revenue Act of 1928, regardless of the amount of its net income, is1 required to file a return with the Collector in whose district is located its principal office or agency through which is transacted tho business in the United States. The net income should be computed in accordance with Articles 671 to 8S-1 of Regulations 74. 44. E-.cc.-t in the case of the first return the corporation shall make its return on the basis upon which the return was made for the taxable year immediately preceding unless, with the app^val of the Commissioner, a change is made in the accounting period. PERIOD COVERED 45. If a corporation desires to change its accounting period from fiscal year INSURANCE COMPANIES to cslonclnr your, from c~?cndcir yenr to fiscal yenr or from onefific&ly^&r to 31. Life insurance companies.—A life insurance company issuing Ufe insurance nnoti-cr Cscal year, an application for such change shall be made on Form 1128 nod Annuity contracts (including contrncls of combined ILft*, hctiltti,flirJscciclpnt and forwarded to the Collector prior to the expiration of thirty days from the insurance), aa defined by Section 201 of tho Revenue Act of 192S, shall file its clo;e of the proposed taxable year. tax return on Form 1120L, instead of this form. 46 Where the Commissioner approves a change in the accounting period 32. Mutual insurance companies.—A mutual insurance company (other than the net income computed on the separate return for a fractional part of a year a life insurance company), in addition to the deductions allowed a corporation, shall bo placed on an annual basis by multiplying the amount thereof by twelve unless otherwise allowed, may claim aa deductions in Item 22 of tho return, (a) and dividing by the Dumber of months included in the period, and the tax the net addition required by law to be made within the taxable year to reserve shall be 6uch part of the tax computed on such annual basis as the number of funds (including in the case of an assessment insurance company the actual moai.ua in such period is of twelve months. deposit of sums with State or Territorial officers pursuant to law fia additions TIME AND PLACE FOR FILING to guarantee or reserve funds) j and (/>) tho sums other than dividendj paid 47. The return for the calendar year 1931 inuet be sent to the Collector of within the taxable year on policy and annuity contracts. 33. A mutual marine insurance company shall include in its gross incoma in Internal Revenue for the district in which the corporation^ principal office is Item 4 of this return the gross premiums collected and received, lesa amounts located so as to reach tho Collector's office on or before March 15, 1932. In paid for reinsurance, and in addition to the deductions allowed a corpora*ioi3, the rase of a foreign corporation not having any office or place of business in the United States the return shall be filed on or before June 15, 1932, with the allowed, may claim as a deduction in Item 22 of tho return amounts repaid to Collector of Internal Revenue, Baltimore, Maryland. 48 The Collector of Internal Revenue may grant a reasonable extension of policyholders on account of premiums previously paid by them, and interest paid upon such amounts between the ascertainment and the payment thereof. time for filing a return, if application therefor is made before the date pre34. A mutual insurance company (including interinsurance and reciprocal scribed by law for filing such return, whenever in his judgment good cause existsSIGNATURES AND VERIFICATION underwriters, but not including a mutual Ufe or mutual marine insurance compan; i, in addition to the deductions allo-s corporation, and to E cipal officer, and by the treasure or assistant t: The return •mpany a. deduction in Item 22 of the return amount of premiun such agent. If receivers, trustees in bankruptcy, or assignees are operating the deposits returned to its policyholdera and the amo property or business of the corporation, such receivers, tiustees, or assignees retained for losses, expenses, and reinsurance reserves. shall execute the return for such corporation under oath. An attorney or agent 35. The receipts of shipowners' mutual protection and indemnity associations emploved to represent the corporation before the DepartzneDt in connection, not organized for profit, and no part of the net earnings of which inure3 to the with its tas liability ia not permitted to administer the oath. benefit of any private stockholder or member, are exempt from taxation; but PAYMENT OF TAXES such associations shall be subject as other corporations to tho tax upon their 50. The tax should be paid by sending or bringing with the return a check or net income from interest, dividends, and rents. money order drawn to the order of "Collector of Internal Revenue at (insert 36. Benevolent life insurance associations of a purely local character, mutual narae of city and State)." Do not send cash by mail, cor pay it in person, ditch or irrigation companies, mutual or cooperative telephone companies, or except at the Collector's office. like organizations arc exempt from taxation only if 85 per cent or more of the The tax in the case of a domestic corporation may be paid when the return income consists of amounts collected from members for the solo purpose of is filed, or in four equal installments, as follows: The first installment shall be meeting losses and expenses. paid on or before March 15, 1932, the second installment shall be paid on or 37. Other insurance companies—The net income of an insurance company before June 15, 1932, the third installment on or before September 15, 1932, (other than a lift) or mutual insurance company referred to above) ia the grosg and the fourth installment on or before December 15, 1932. If any installment is not paid on the date fixed for its payment, the whole Underwriting income, computed on the basis of the underwriting and investment amount of the tax unpaid shall be paid upon notice and demand by the Collector. exhibit of the Annual Statement approved by tho National Convention of PENALTIES Insurance Commissioners, plus the gain from the sale or other disposition of 51. For willful failure to make and file return on time.—Not more than $10,000 pro])crty, less the deductions for ordinary and necessary expenses, interest, or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, and, in addition, 25 per taxes, losses, bad debts, depreciation, etc., as provided in Article 991 of cent of the amount of the tax. Regulations 74. CONSOLIDATED RETURNS 52. For willfully making a false or fraudulent return.—Not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both, and, in addition, 50 per 38. Subject to the'provisions of Section 141 of the Revenue Act cf 1928 and cent of the amount of the tax. Regulations 75, an affiliated group of corporations may make n. consolidated the determination, computation, assessment, collection, and adjustment of tax liabilities under a consolidated return, are governed by.Regulations 75. If a consolidated return is made for any tuxable year, a consolidated return must be made for each subsequent taxable year. 39. The parent corporation, when filing a consolidated return on this form, ehall attach thereto a schedule showing the names and addresses of all tho corporations included in the return. Each subsidiary must prepare two duplicate originals of Form 1122 consenting to Regulations 75 and authorizing the •making of the return on if 3 behalf. See Article 2(£») of Regulations 75. One of such forms shall be attached to the consolidated return us a part thereof, and the other shall be filed, at or before the time the consolidated return is filed, in the office of the Collector for the subsidiary's district. 40. Supporting schedules shall be filed with the consolidated retiirn. These schedules shall be prepared in columnar form, one column being provided for each corporation included in the consolidation, one column for a total of like items before adjustments are made, one column for intercompany eliminations and adjustments, and one column for a total of like items after giving effect to the eliminations and adjustments. The items included in the column for eliminations and adjustments should be symbolized to identify contra items affected, and suitable explanationa appended, if necessary. Similar schedules shall also contain in columnar form a reconciliation of surplus for each corporation, together with a reconciliation of the consolidated surplus. 41. Consolidated balance sheets as of the beginning and close of the taxable year of the group, shall accompany the consolidated return prepared in a form similar to that required for reconciliation of surplus. WORKING PAPERS 42. Every corporate working papers nhowin used in preparing the r 53. For deficiency in tax.—Interest on deficiency at 6 per cant per annum to the date tin; deficiency is assessed, or to the thirtieth day after the filing of a waiver of the right to file a petition with the Board of Tax Appeals, whichever date is the earlier, and, in addition 5 per cent of the amount of the deficiency if djo to negligence or intentional disregard of rules and regulations without intent to defraud, or 50 per cent of the amount of the deficiency if due to fraud. UNDISTRIBUTED PROFITS o4. If any corporation is formed or availed of for the purpose of preventing the imposition of the surtax upon its shareholders by permitting ita gains and profits to accumulate instead of being divided or distributed, there shall be levied, collected, and paid for each taxable year upon the net income of such corporation a tax equal to 50 per cent of the amount thereof, which shall be in addition to the tax imposed by Section 13 of the Act. In such case the net income shall include interest on obligations of the United States issued after September 1, 1917, which would be subject to tax in whole or in part in tho hands of an individual owner, and dividends received from a domestic corporation. See Section 104 of the Revenue Act of 1928. INFORMATION AT THE SOURCE 55. Every corporation making payments of salaries, wages, interest, rent, commissions, or other fixed or determinable income of $1,500 or more during the calendar year, to a single person, a partnership, or a fiduciary, or 53,500 o? more to a married person, or payments of dividends of $500 or more to a person, a partnership, or a fiduciary, is required to make a return on Forms 1096 and 1099 showing the amount .of such payments and the name and address of each recipient. These forms will be furnished by any collector of internal revenue upon request. Such returns covering the calendar year 1931 must be forwarded to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Sorting Section, Washington, D. C , in time to be received not later than February 15, 1332. »—wws 226 STATISTICS OF INCOME INSURANCE COMPANY INCOME TAX RETURN IL RlVXNVZ SER1 Do Not Write in FOR COMPANIES ISSUING UFE AND ANNUITY CONTRACTS. INCLUDING COMBINED W t . HEALTH, AM) J K H O T RSUfiANCE These Spaces File C«Kfe _ For Calendar Year 1931 Strut Ntmber File Thil Rehiro with Die Collector of Intenul Rereruw for Your Dirtriet on or Before M.rch 15, 1932 PRINT PLAINLY COMPANY'S NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS Dirtrid.... -------- - — Cadi iJ£?t£V« C W k M.O. Ccrt.oflncL GROSS INCOME 1. Interest on Bank Deposits, Bonds, Mortgages, Notes, 2. Dividends on Stock of Domestic and Foreign Corporati 3. Rents (attach schedule).... 4. TOTAL INCOME IN ITEMS 1 TO 3 (extend total to column 3).._ DEDUCTIONS 6. Interest Exempt from Taxation (attach schedule) 6. Four per cent of the Mean of the Reserve Funds (Item 11, Schedule A) 7. Dividends (attach schedule). 8. Two per cent of the Reserve Held for Deferred Dividend; 9. Investment Expenses (attach schedul. 10. Taxes.. 11. Other Real Estate Expenses.. 12. Depreciation, Obsolescence, and Depleti 13. Interest on Indebtedness 14. TOTAL DEDOCTIONB IN ITEMS 5 TO 13 (extend total to 15. NET INCOME (Item 4 minus Item 14)... COMPUTATION O F TAX 16. Net Income (Item 15 above) $ | I I | 20. Inccme Tax (12% of Item 18); or 17. Less Credit of $3,000 (for domestic company I 21. If a Foreign company, 12% of Item 19 having a net income of less than 825,360) ^J\ 22. If the Net Income of Domestic Company is less 18. Balance (Item 16 minus Item 17) -J than $25,360, erjter amount in excess of $25,000. 19. Net Income of Foreign Company (...% Item 15). S !! .' i[ 23. Totfcl Tax (lU-m 20 or 21 plus Item 22).... 24. Less: Income Tax Paid at Source. (This credit can only be alii id to a Nonresident Foreign Company) 25. Income Tax Paid a Foreign Country or United States Pos oion by a Domestic Company (see Inet. 15) 26. Balance of Tax (Item 23 minus Items 24 and 25) SCHEDULE A—RESERVE FUNDS . . . . . . . Reserve for Outstanding Policies and Annuities... Reserve for Disability and Accidental Death Benefits Reserve for Supplementary Contracts Reserve for Incurred Disability Benefits Reserve for Policies upon which a Surrender Value May Be Dem an Deposits Made with State Officers by Assessment Companies as R< Other Reserve Funds (attach itemized statement) . . . . . . Total of Columns 2 and 3, as Shown in Item 8 above. Mean of the Reserve Funds for the Taxable Year (one-half of Itci: Four per cent of the Mean of the Reserve Funds, as Shown in Item Total Reserve Funds of Foreign Companies at End of Taxable Yt: :ed Stat (attach state Percentage which Item 12 is of Item 8, Column 3 (compute a fracti n of one per cent to three deci.n ial figunes) Give the Title and Sections of State Statutes or Insurance Departn nt Rulings Requiring the Rc-oe imed Above. ^ot included else d by Law TOTALS OF ITEHB 1 TO 7 SCHEDULE B - INVESTED ASSETS BOOK VALUES LIFE DEPARTMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Real Estate ..? L.. Mortgage Loans ' L_ J Collateral Loans ' i I Policy Loans, Including Premium Notes ' i J. Bonds and Stocks..... L. I L ! Bank Deposits Bearing Interest. I... ! . Other Interest-bearing Assets (attach statement)..1 J... •....I. TOTALS OF ITEMS 1 TO 7 -J s...-....!.........!..-..J '^i^A-—^ 9. Total of Columns 2 to 5, Inclusive, as Shown in Item 8 above 10. Mean of the Invested Assets for the Taxable Year (one-half of I tell. One-fourth of One per cent of the Mean of the Invested Assets... We, the undersigned, president and tre __itthis complete Sworn to and subscribed before AFFIDAVIT mpany for which t nch for himself, deposes and saya 227 STATISTICS OF INCOME INSTRUCTIONS The Instructions Numbered I to 13 o n tUis Pago Co; sapond with, the Item Numbers o n Page 1 of tho Return CROSS INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS j 1. Interest —Fnter a Item 1 intcrc r r»r ivo 1 i u n (111 aud pa\ "'i •taxable year. Interest on bonds is considered me >r 2. Dividends.—Enter as Item 2 dividend; r^ceuc foreign corporation 3. Rents.—Enter as Item 3 rents received from I \ a l u e of the space occupied in any building owned the i~nt 1 v l i e cf a buildin* o occup ed l ii ' i le I it of It t i e - t ' u c ( o at deprec r si ed for e- I builu COMPANIES REQUIRED TO HLE A RETURN mpany that m i ithin the 1 nite \ s ->tcs i m h ife and f - t o e fuGUneit jf such c \ r Ceding >ear mu f bt a1 o fuim he 1 if not filed with th< letuin for the piePLRIOD COVERED 20 The r U rn shall be f o r t h 7. Total o c 1 nhrvearend 1 Dre nibor 31 14 I i i btatelav 3 regulating insurance'. unp/'iiM TIME 4. Total income— Enter as Item 4 the total of I t c n s 1 to 3 i v ' u s i v e 21 received on tlic following oV)iigitions wnicIi ore cxptnpfc from ti^iitiou I •Obligations of a State, Tirntory or any political subdtvi ion thereof or tl District of Columbia; (2) Securities issued unler the proyi ions of the Fcde il Farm Loan Act or under the provisions of such Act as mended, and (4) 01 ' gations of the United States or u s po s^ion= Submit a schedule l o w i n g f each class of securities, (a) name of ob i 0 ahon, (b) amount of principal ( ) rat of interest, and (d) interest recuved 6 Four per cent of the mean of the reserve funds —Enter as Item 6 the amount reported as Item 11 in Schedule A 7 Div dend" —Enter as Item 7 tho total mount of dividend* d e l u c h b ! tinder S etion 203 (u) (3) of the Reyenuc Vet of 10_b A schedule shoi 1 1 1 MibmitUa si o\ ing the amount, r c e n t d as di iden Is (a) from each doi K ti corporati in other than a coiporation cntitlid to the benefit of Section j l i *" the Vet and other th n 4 corporatior orpani d under t i e Chit i Tt tr1 \ ' 1022 i i d (7) f r o n d h fcrcign o r p o i ition vlu n it l shown to the sitist irt e < of the Coinnii iorcr that more ill in 50 per rent of t ic gross income of such f u eign c o r p o n h o n for t'u three year p e r o l en hng with the cl J c of it t i il ' > e a r p r u f'i o the dccl-ialicn of buch div e'ends (or for such p t of uch pen j aa th i m u n corporation ba 3 been in c i s t ace) v.a derived from sot u I within t ic Lmted states 8 Two per cent of the re erve held for deferred dividends —Enter as It i ^ a n a n o u n t e r p M to 2 per cent of t h e n sfrvehrld at the end of thi t iW< y i j for d i l r m 1 cuvile-uS the i a s m c i t of which i deferred fjr a p. nod if n j t 1. t h i n li\ c irs irom the u te f the policv contr ct Do not uckid in i I reserve d v i l 1 p y lole dur ng the foUowi ig taxab'e \ t ' 9 Inv stment eipenses —En'or as Item 0 cxpens •, p a i l whu'i are p op I chary a>' t j m \ c (i i^n expense^ the total a n n u n t of w t u h it t' i re 1 < i I 1 t bei Th r , r (urn trust U oflie. . n < r before Mare'i PLACE J 19J.' C /i *" I n iht FOR FILING c cr of I n t ta < ot I i i il R e v e n u e f o r t h e d i - - forpkn Company- Jut K m IV cr i n t a i< i o m b ' i extension of t i m e for filing a ret;i lor is n u d e befort (he d a t e prescribe d b j law for liliug s if a p p i . .'l AFFIDAVIT I ' ''•' The r e t u r n shall be ? n o m t o 1 v t h o [ re l J c n t vice president or ot r i i l o F i r a n i b \ t h o tre i urer i r i s i s t i n t r i surer 1 he r t u r n ot i f e i i p a n v h i v i n g a n P M nt n I \ nit. 1 ^t i t . s t l n ' l be sworn to > v i (lit \ n a t n i r n c v or ^i, nt c l p l i s e d t a r e p n s t n t t i c c o m p a n I t fore ' U a r t n e i t la n o t p e r m i t t e d 11 if minister t h e o a t h PAYMENT OF TAX T ° i t a x si j ikl r e p i d by en h n g with (hi r e t u r n a check or money order 1 u n t > t l ordirof C o l l . . t o r of I n t i m i l R i venue a t (insert name of citv a n d -> it 1 T o not e n d c sh b> i mU or pav it in pcison except a t t h e collector s It i t ' i l » n in tho c i e of a d w m s t i c company m a \ bt paid at the time of i i V r h r n i i i n f i u p q u i l i i . h l l m m t s a folbu T h e f r t in t Him nt ( i or ' x l u n Ju'n U 19* the th rd in U i n . n ^ o ' n c r ^ f o r f ' s e i t u i l f r ' l a 1 n i t f urtli in t a l l m . n t on or b e n r . D e . c m b . 15 1<),2 It a i v ir t llnici.t i n o t p n 1 on t h e d i t e fixed for it ] u m e n ' th, w i l l >[ t'ic t a x u n p a i d s n i b . p a i d u p o n notice a n d d e m a n d b) t h e collector 1 ti!c B -iiu i n t a k e i d iV ho ing t ic nxturn a id am int ot fie itrms in hi 1 1 herein the nmor items bem- gioup d in one "La unt ^ee Vttir-le 7 "> J t R c a l i t i us 71 10 Taxeb— Enter a 3 Item 10 taxes p u d rxclu i\ol\ upon leale fate own l h t h e c o m p m y i id tl at proportion or tin. taxes as e scd again t m d i \ i l i il > holders - n J p id by the company without reinibiir ement as pr % \ 1 I Article 7<)4 cf K gulitions 74 Do not include fixes a sc ed a o un t I K b nefits of a 1-irnl lending to men a e he \ lue ot the property a se sal I fjr p nd i ate exp 11. Other AND s « n t t o flu PENALTIES wilful failure » make end file t for F o r wi [fully m a k i n g a fa s e o r f r a u d u l e n t r e t a r n — N o t *noro t h a n S 1 0 0 0 0 n p n on c u t t jr n o t m o r e lan live \ e a r o r b o t h , a n d , i n a d d i t i o n oO p e r r ^» F o r d e f l a t e , n t a x — I n t r e s t o n cipfici. i c y i t 6 p e r c e n t p e r a n n j m 11 e l i t e t 1 . .1 <iiiencv i s 1 o r to t h - t u r t i Hi d i y a f t e r t h t i l i n g of \ i i . t t i r h t t ) till a | e t i l u i w i t h t h i U ) i r d of I IX \ p p t a l vvhihevi 'i H*' eirl r a n d n i 1 hti n j p i r c it jf th tin m n t < f t h .1. hi i ir > n ^i ii e r i n l n t i t a l Ii r c i r l r f r il a n d n c, il iti u s w ' h j u t u t t INFORMATION AT SOURCE upmtlel <f t h e cost of t h e p r o p l y or it pi r. h i e i pri r t ) M ir '. 1 0 ' " th i n t o \ I'IIC »s of t h t t d i k \ hii h o \ r is ^ n if r m i tin r Ii tho G i ! s i(e o.l Li _nlt' i irr d i r t , turn d t o purchase o e irrv obi u i i n or . t n I ( t r i p m \ h u h is nholly e x e m p t from f i x a t i o n Intcre t [ i ' jn liy i 1 I m d e p sit a n i s u r r e n d e r e d d a r i n g t h e t a x a b l e \ e a r nould be m e l a j J i i C R E D I T less w i t h i n t h e I n i k d h i r u n m a y cl i m i 15 uch If c r e d i t i tix immiiit States F O R and a n y o l l u . t " ir i I ice t In tax r quire 1 o U i n> n i t \ tin I it ..f [ t I < 1 I'I 11 ii J fund if u d with \ ble } thi ret i m I U r i t i , l v ilum * ' ' , , , . , , , , . T , , t n s it. rue 1 a bond n y 1 < il > required ou l o ai H I I V tj bu ' F x ' r P>0f If njt onipany is not entitled to claim this credit. i LIST OF ATTACHED SCHEDULES 16 Attach 1 h t rf tli = 'i 1 i!i a n [. tiyi i . HIM r tu < „ i " U l n i i r d c nen c n i r > i r t a , brief title and t1 e belie lul u l u b a i laiaui. JJ jllr i ii i m each schedule. ' ' ' i-<pe-us.-^ «hov,n ia Hem 0? or a' the e n d of t h e ( i a t l AX ai ' h J fui J i \ m a t i d j r i n g tLc follo\ ing ta i I i I It'-m ° T for i n c o m e t a x p a i l t o a f i r e i ^ i r m n t bo t U ' T A X E S i I hi\mg a c r e d i t i n I t e m - 1 i iy m e o m chimrd \ d~tec.ru , st . , i cli^Lte and K i , n i n U- n.u d to or lncladed la t U iu\cs(o INDEX A Page Accident, casualty, fire insurance companies, etc., income tax returns of corporations (see also Insurance) 147 Accounts and notes payable, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Accounts and notes receivable, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Aerial transportation, income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Transportation and other public utilities) 145 Agricultural machinery and equipment, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal products) 144 Agriculture and related industries: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 148 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions classified- 130, 134, 138, 148 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 142 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 160 Years, 1922 to 1931 178 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Airplanes, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Manufacturing not elsewhere classified) 145 Amusements, theaters, motion-picture producers, and motion-picture theaters, etc., income tax returns of corporations (see also Service) 146 Assets, in corporation balance sheets 28-32 Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Revised items, Statistics of Income, 1927 32 Total assets classes 32, 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Auto tires and tubes, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Rubber products) 143 Autobus lines, taxicabs, etc., income tax returns of corporations (see also Transportation and other public utilities) 145 Average net income, tax, and tax rate percent, individual income tax returns 4,59-60 B Bad debts, corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups Submitting and not submitting balance sheets Total assets classes 130-141, 148-153 28 154-159 229 230 INDEX Page Bakery products, confectionery, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of {see also Food products, including beverages) _ 142 Banking and related industries, income tax returns of corporations engaged in {see also Finance) 147 Beverages, soft drinks, etc., distilling, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of {see also Food products, including beverages) _ 143 Blast furnaces, steel mills, and rolling mill products, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of {see also Metal and its products) 144 Bonded debt and mortgages, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Bonds, estate tax returns, by net estate classes 50-53 Boots, shoes, slippers, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of {see also Leather and its manufactures) 143 Brokers, stock and bond, etc., income tax returns of corporations {see also Finance) 147 Building and construction, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in {see also Construction) 145 Building materials and supplies, metal, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of {see also Metal and its products) 144 Business, individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 9 Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income 13 Industrial groups, number, net profit, and percent 15 Net income classes 10, 71 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11 States 69 Years, 1916 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1916 to 1931, net income $5,000 and over 43-44 Business service, detective bureaus, trade shows, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in {see also Service) 147 C Canned products, fish, fruit, vegetables, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of {see also Food products) 142 Capital assets—real estate, building and equipment in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Capital net gain, individual income tax returns 7-8 Income from: Amount and percent 9 Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income 14 Net income classes 10, 71 Net income exempt from normal tax 7 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11 States 69 Years, 1922 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1922 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 Tax on: Net income classes 61 Net income classes by States 75-124 Years, 1922 to 1931 _"_ 38 INDEX 231 Page Capital net loss, individual income tax returns 7-8 Amount and percent 9 Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income 14 Net income classes 10, 72 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11 States 70 Years, 1926 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1928 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 Tax credit for: Net income classes 61 Net income classes by States 75-124 Years, 1924 to 1931 38 Capital stock, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Carpets, floor coverings, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Textiles and their products) 143 Cartage and storage, income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Transportation and other public utilities) 145 Cash, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-158 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Cash dividends paid, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income _ __ 30 States 1 129 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1922 to 1931 28 Changes in tax laws affecting comparability of statistical data: Corporation income tax returns 204 207 Estate tax returns 208-209 Individual income tax returns 198-203 Charitable bequests, estate tax returns, by net estate classes 50—53 Chemicals and allied products: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 151 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified 132, 136, 140, 151 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 144 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 169 Years, 1922 to 1931 180 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Clothing, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Textiles and their products) 143 Coal mining, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Mining and quarrying) 142 Commission, income tax returns of corporations (see also Trade) 146 Common stock, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148—153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 232 INDEX Community property income, individual income tax returns: Page Number and amount of net income 6, 66, 68 Compensation of officers, corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Compiled receipts. {See Corporation compiled receipts.) Consolidated returns for affiliated corporations 33-35 Industrial groups 34 Net income and deficit classes 35 Number of subsidiaries 35 Revised number, '' Statistics of Income, 1930" 33 Construction: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified . 152 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified 133, 137, 141, 152 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 145 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 172 Years, 1922 to 1931 181 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business • 15 •Contributions, individual income tax returns: Amount and percent : 9 Net income classes 10, 72 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 12 States 70 Years, 1917, 1920, 1922 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1917, 1922 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 Corporation assets and liabilities, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 32, 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Corporation compiled receipts: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 32, 154-159 Corporation deficit: Assets and liabilities, classified 148-177 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified 130-141, 148-153 Deficit classes _24, 35 Deficit classes by years 48 Defined 2-3 Fiscal and part year returns 36-37 Industrial groups 34, 130-141, 148-153, 160-177 Industrial groups and subgroups 142-147 Industrial groups by years, 1922 to 1931 178-182 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 States 129 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 32, 154-177 Years, 1916 to 1931 47 Years, 1922 to 1931, by States 183-193 Years, 1926 to 1931, in corporation balance sheets 48 Corporation income, income tax returns: Gross: Consolidated returns 34 Industrial groups 21-23 Industrial groups and subgroups 142-147 Industrial groups by years, 1922 to 1931 178-182 States 128-129 Years, 1916 to 1931 46 INDEX 233 Corporation income, income tax returns—Continued. Net: Page Amount exempt from and amount subject to tax 25 Assets and liabilities 30, 148-177 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions 28, 130-141, 148-159 Consolidated returns 34-35 Defined 2-3 Fiscal year returns 36 Industrial groups 22 Industrial groups and subgroups 142-147 Industrial groups by years, 1922 to 1931 178-182 Net income classes 24, 47 Part year returns 37 States 128 States by years, 1922 to 1931 183-193 Total assets classes 32, 154-177 Years by net income classes 46 Years, 1909 to 1931 47 Corporation income tax: Amount and percent 20 Compared with tax collections 3-4 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions 28, 130-141, 148-159 Consolidated returns 34-35 Exemptions from 25 Fiscal year returns 36 Income and profits taxes paid foreign countries 26 Industrial groups 22, 130-141, 148-153 Industrial groups and subgroups 142-147 Industrial groups by years, 1922 to 1931 178-182 Net income classes 24 Part year returns 37 Rates 204-207 States 129 States, by years, 1922 to 1931 183-193 Total assets classes 154-159 War-profits and excess-profits tax by years, 1917 to 1922 46 Years, 1909 to 1931 46 Corporation income tax returns (see also Corporation deficit; Corporation income; Corporation income tax): Assets and liabilities, by industrial groups 148, 153, 160-177 Changes in tax laws affecting comparability of statistical data 204-207 Comparison 1931 and 1930 returns 20 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions 28, 130-141, 148-159 Consolidated returns 34-35 Deductions allowed life insurance companies 21 Deductions in. (See Deductions.) Dividends. (See Dividends paid and Dividends received, Corporation income tax returns.) Fiscal and calendar year returns tabulated 1 Fiscal and part year returns 36-37 Geographic distribution 4 Industrial classification 4 Net income and deficit classes 24, 47 Number of— Industrial groups 21-23 Industrial groups and subgroups 142-147 States 128-129 Years, 1909 to 1931 46 Years, 1928 to 1931, net income and deficit classes 47 Returns showing net income and no net income: Compiled receipts and statutory deductions 130-141, 148-159 Industrial groups 21-23, 178-182 Industrial groups and subgroups 142-147 Industrial groups by years, 1922 to 1931 178-182 States . I.I 128-129 m Years, net income and deficit classes 47 Years, 1922 to 1931, by States 183-193 234 INDEX Corporation income tax returns—Continued. PageSubmitting and not submitting balance sheets.. 28, 48, 148-159 Total assets classes 32, 154-177 Corporation compiled net profit (or deficit): Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 32, 154-177 Corporation statutory deductions: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Corporation statutory net income: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 32, 154-159 Corporation surplus and undivided profits: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Corporation taxes. (See Corporation income tax; Corporation war-profits and excess-profits taxes.) Corporation war-profits and excess-profits taxes: Amounts, years 1917 to 1922 46 Cost of goods sold, corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Cotton goods—dress goods, plain cloth, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Textiles and their products) 143 Counties, number of individual income tax returns by 19 Credits, estate tax returns of resident decedents: Net estate classes 50-53 States 54-55 Credits, individual income tax returns, classified: Earned net income 8-9 Net income classes 61 Net income classes by States 75-124 Years, 1922 to 1931 38 D Debts, unpaid mortgages, etc., estate-tax returns, by net estate classes._ 50-53 Debts, bad, corporation income-tax returns. (See Bad debts.) Deductions: Corporation income-tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 States 128-129 Total assets classes 154-159 Estate-tax returns: Net estate classes 50-53 States, resident decedents 54-55 Individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 9 Net income classes 10-11, 72 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution__^ 11—12 Prior year loss 70, 72 States 70 Years, 1916 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1916 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 235 Deductions—-Con tin ued. Interest paid: p Corporation income tax returns: age Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Individual income tax returns: Defined 16 Net income classes 74 States 73 Years 17 Taxes paid other than income tax: Corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Individual income tax returns: Denned , 16 Net income classes 74 States 73 Years, 1927-1931 ]7 Deficit. (See Individual deficit; Corporation deficit.) Depletion, corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Depreciation, corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes _' 154-159 Dividends received: Corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 7. 9 Frequency distribution by size of specific source of income 13 Net income classes 10, 71 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 1 125 Percentage distribution 11 States 69 Years, 1916 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1916 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 Dividends paid to shareholders, corporation income tax returns 26 Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 States 129 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1922 to 1931 . 26 Domestic service—laundries, restaurants, etc., income tax returns of corporations (see also Service) 146 E Earned net income of individuals, tax credit of 25 percent on: Defined 8-9 Net income classes 61 Net income classes and by States 75-124 Years, 1924 to 1931 J --38 Electric light and power companies, income tax returns of corporations (see also Transportation and other public utilities) 145 Electric railways, etc., income tax returns of corporations (see also Transportation and other public utilities) 145 177160—34 16 236 INDEX Page Electric machinery and equipment, income tax returns of corporations engaged in the manufacture of (see also Metal and its products) 144 Estate tax returns: Changes in tax laws affecting the comparability of statistical data__ 208-209 Defined arid distinguished from inheritance tax 49 Net estate classes 50-53 States, resident decedents 54-55 Unaudited returns tabulated 49 Years, 1916 to 19-31, resident and nonresident decedents 56 Excess-profits tax: Corporation income tax returns 46 Individual income tax returns 38 Partnerships 38 Exemptions from tax: Corporation income tax returns 25 Estate tax returns 50-53 Individual income tax returns 7, 59-60 F Factory machinery, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal and its products) 144 Farming, cotton, grain, stock, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Agriculture and related industries) 142 Fertilizers, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Chemicals and allied products) 144 Fiduciary, individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 9 Net income classes 10, 71 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11 States 69 Years, 1916 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1916 to 1931, net income $5,000 and over 43-44 Finance: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 153 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified. 133, 137, 141, 153 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 147 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Special deductions allowed life insurance companies 21 Total assets classes 175 Years, 1920 to 1931 182 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Fiscal year returns: Corporation: Month ending the fiscal year 35-36 Net income and deficit classes 36 Individual 1 Food products, including beverages: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 149 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified, 131, 135, 139, 149 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 142 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 162-163 Years, 1920 to 1931 178 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Foreign taxes: Corporation income and profits taxes paid foreign countries 26 INDEX 237 Forest products: Corporation income tax returns: Page Assets and liabilities, classified 150 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified. 131, 135, 139, 150 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 143 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes __ 166-167 Years, 1920 to 1931 180 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Forestry, fishing, ice harvesting, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Agriculture and related industries) 142 Forms: Corporation income tax returns, 1120, 1120L , 220-227 Individual income tax returns, 1040, 1040A 214-219 Frequency distribution of individual returns by size of income from specific sources 1 13-14 Funeral and administrative expenses—estate tax returns, by net estate classes 50-53 Fur. (See Textiles not elsewhere classified.) Furniture, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Forest products) 143 G Gas companies, artificial and natural, income tax returns of corporations (see also Transportation and other public utilities) 145 General explanations 1-4 Geographic distribution of returns defined 4 Gloves, harness, saddlery, tanning, trunks, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Leather and its manufactures) 143 Government securities wholly and partially tax-exempt reported in individual income tax returns. (See Tax-exempt obligations.) Gross corporation income. (See Corporation income.) Gross estate, estate tax returns: Net estate classes i 50-53 States, resident decedents 54-55 Years, 1916 to 1932, resident and nonresident decedents 56 Gross profits other than tabulated as gross sales, corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Gross sales, corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 H Hardware and tools, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal and its products) 144 Heads of families, classified, individual income tax returns: Number and net income 6? 65, 67 Holders and lessors of mining property, income tax returns of corporations (see also Mining and quarrying) 142 Holding companies, income tax returns of corporations (see also Finance)147 Household machinery and equipment, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal and its products) 144 Husbands and wives, individual income tax returns of: Number and net income 6, 65, 67 I Income and profits taxes paid foreign countries: Corporation Income, corporations. {See Corporation income.) 26 238 INDEX Income, individuals. {See Individual income.) Page Income, statement of corporations. {See Corporation income statement.) Income tax, corporation. {See Corporation income tax.) Income tax, individual. {See Individual income tax.) Income tax rates. {See Synopsis of income and profits tax rates.) Income tax returns. {See Corporation income tax returns; Individual income tax returns.) Individual excess-profits tax 38 Individual income: Net: Average per return 4, 59 Defined 2-3 Exempt from normal tax 7 Net income classes 5, 60 Net income classes and by sex and family relationship 67-68 Net income classes and by States 75-124 Percentage distribution 11—12 Sex and family relationship 65-68 Simple and cumulative distribution, amounts and percentages, by net income classes 5, 63 States 59 States and by sex and family relationship 65-66 Years, 1913 to 1931, amount 37 Years, 1916 to 1931, and by net income classes 39-40 Years, 1921 to 1931, and by States 75-124 Nontaxable, under $10,000: Net income classes 60-61 Net income classes and by States 75—124 Sources of: Amount and percent of total 9 Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income 13-14 Net income classes 10—11, 71—72 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11-12 States 69-70 Years, 1916 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1916 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 Total: Net income classes 10, 72 Percentage distribution *_ 11 States 70 Individual income tax {see also Individual excess-profits tax; Capital netgain) : Amount, average per return, and rate on net income 4, 59-60 Amount, by States and percentages 59 Average per return: For 1931 and 1930 4 Net income classes 60 States 59 Years, 1916 to 1931, and by net income classes 41 Comparison, 1931 and 1930 4 Credits. {See Credits, individual income tax returns.) Earned net income 8-9 Net income classes 6, 60-61 Net income classes and by States 75-124 Normal tax: Net income classes 61 Net income classes and by States 75-124 Rates 200-201 Years, 1913 to 1931 38 Simple and cumulative distribution, amounts and percentages, by net income classes 64 States 59 Surtax: Net income classes 61 Net income classes and by States 75-124 INDEX 239 Individual income tax—Continued. Surtax—Continued. Page Rates 200-201 Years, 1913 to 1931 38 Total: Net income classes 6, 60-61, 64 Net income classes and by States 75-124 States _" _ _ 59 Years, 1913 to 1931 38 Years, 1916 to 1931, and by net income classes 40-41 Years, 1921 to 1931, and by States 75-124 Individual income tax returns (see also Individual income; Individual income tax): Changes in tax laws affecting comparability of statistical data 198-203 Credits I ." 202 Normal tax rates 198-199 Personal exemption 198 Requirements for filing returns 198 Surtax rates 200-201 Comparison 1931 and 1930 returns 4-5 Deductions in. (See Deductions.) Fiscal year returns tabulated 1-2 Geographic distribution 4 Method of compiling data, individual income tax returns with net income under $5,000 2 Net income classes and, under $10,000, by taxable and nontaxable returns 60-61 Net income classes, by States and, under $10,000, by taxable and nontaxable returns 75-124 No net income 18 Deficit classes 19 Sources of income and deduction 125 States 125 Number of: Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income 13-14 Net income classes 60 No net income 125 Sex and family relationship 6, 65-68 Simple and cumulative distribution, percentages by net income classes _____" 5-6, 62 States 59, 75-124 Taxable and nontaxable returns by years, 1916 to 1931 37 Years, 1913 to 1931 _ _*_ 37 Percentage of population filing, by States 59 Procedure in tabulation 2-3 Sex and family relationship: Amount and percent 6 Net income classes and, under $10,000, by taxable and nontaxable returns 67-68 States 65-66 Simple and cumulative distribution, amount, and percent, by net income classes 5-6, 62 Sources of income and deductions: Amount and percent of total 9 Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income 13-14 Net income classes 10-11, 71-72 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11-12 States 69-70 Years, 1916 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1916 to 1931, for net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 States 59,75-124 Tax-exempt obligations 18 Unaudited returns tabulated 2 Years, by net income classes 38-39 Years, 1913 to 1931, number, net income, and tax 37-38 240 INDEX Page Individuals required to file returns, 1913 to 1931. (See Synopsis of income and profits taxes.) Industrial classification, corporation income tax returns defined 4 Insurance—estate tax returns, by net estate classes 50-53 Insurance companies, not agents (see also Finance): Income tax returns of corporations 147 Special deductions allowed 21 Interest other than tax-exempt, individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 9 Net income classes 10 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11 Years, 1919 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1927 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 Interest and other income: Net income classes 72 No net income 19 States 70 Interest on Government obligations. (See Tax-exempt obligations.) Interest paid: Corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Totai assets classes 154-159 Individual income tax returns: Net income classes 74 Reported in general deductions and in business deductions 17 States 73 Years, 1927 to 1931 17 Interest received: Corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 7, 10 Net income classes 10, 18, 71 No net income, amount 19 No net income, deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11 States 69 Years, 1927 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1927 to 1931, net income $5,000 and over 43-44 Inventories, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Iron and steel, products of blast furnaces, rolling mills, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal and its products) 144 J Jewelry—Precious metal products and processes, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal and its products) _ 144 Joint returns of husbands and wives 6, 65, 67 Joint stock land banks, income tax returns of corporations (see also Finance) 147 K Knit goods, hosiery, sweaters, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Textiles and their products) 143: INDEX L Leather and its manufactures: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified 241 Pa e s 149 131, 135, 139, 149 34 143 21-23 165 179 Consolidated returns Industrial subgroups Returns showing net income and no net income Total assets classes Years, 1920 to 1931 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Liabilities, in corporation balance sheets 28-32 Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Revised items, Statistics of Income, 1927 32 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931___ 48 Life insurance companies, income tax returns of corporations: Special deductions allowed 21 Loan companies, etc., income tax returns of corprations (see also Finance) 147 Local transportation, cartage, storage, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Transportation and other public utilities) _ 145 Locomotives and railroad equipment, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal and its products) 144 Loss from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 9 Defined 9 Frequency distribution by size of specific income and deductions 14 Net income classes 10 No net income 19 Percentage distribution 11 States 70,72 Tax credit 38, 61 Years. 1920 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1928 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 44 M Manufacturing: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 149-151 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified. 130-133, 149-151 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 142-145 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 161-171 Years, 1920 to 1931 178-181 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Manufacturing not elsewhere classified: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 151 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified. 133, 137, 141, 151 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 145 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 171 Years, 1920 to 1931 181 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Men, individual income tax returns: Number and net income 6, 65, 67 v 242 INDEX Page Metal mining, copper, gold, iron, silver, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Mining and quarrying) 142 Metal and its products: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 151 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified. 132, 136, 140, 151 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 144-145 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 170-171 Years, 1920 to 1931 181 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Mill products, bran, flour, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Food products including beverages) 142 Mining and quarrying: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 148 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified. 130, 134, 138, 148 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 142 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 161 Years, 1920 to 1931 178 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Miscellaneous deductions, corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Miscellaneous receipts, corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Mortgages, in corporation balance sheets. (See Bonded debt and mortgages.) Mortgages, notes, and cash, estate tax returns, by net estate classes 50—53 Motor vehicles, complete or parts, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal and its products) 144 Musical instruments, optical goods, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Manufacturing not elsewhere classified) 145 N National banks, income tax returns of corporations 147 Net income, corporation or individual. (See Corporation income; Individual income.) Net loss from business and partnership, individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 9 Net income classes 10, 72 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11 States 70 Years, 1926, 1927, 1930, and 1931 43-44 Net loss for prior year: Corporation income tax returns: Consolidated returns 34 Defined 25 Exempt from normal tax 25 Fiscal year returns 36 Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1922-1931 25 INDEX 243 Net loss for prior year—Continued. Individual income tax returns: Page Defined 8 Net income classes 72 States 70 Years, 1922 to 1931 8 Net taxable estate, estate tax returns (see also Estate tax returns): * Defined 49 Net estate classes 50-53 States, resident decedents 54-55 Years, 1916 to 1932, resident and nonresident ^_ 56 Normal income tax, individuals (see also Individual income tax)__ 38, 61, 75-124 Notes and accounts payable, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160—177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Notes and accounts receivable, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 O Office equipment, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal and its products) Oil and gas, income tax returns of corporations engaged in production of (see also Mining and quarrying) 144 142 P Packing-house products, bacon, fresh meats, hams, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Food products) _ 142 Paper, pulp, and products: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 150 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions 131, 135, 139, 150 Consolidated returns 34 Returns showing net income and no net income 21—23 Total assets classes 167 Years, 1920 to 1931 180 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Part year returns, corporation income tax returns 36-37 Partnership returns of income, number of, 1917 to 1931 20 Partnership, individual income from: Amount and percent 9 Defined 9 Net income classes 10, 71 No net income, amount 19 No net income, deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11 States 69 Years, 1917 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1917 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 Personal exemption, individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 7 Net income classes, and under $10,000 by taxable and nontaxable returns 60 States 59 Petroleum and other mineral oil refining, income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Chemicals and allied substances) 144 Power of appointment, estate tax returns, by net estate classes 50-53 Precious metals, jewelry, products and processes, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal and its products) 144 244 INDEX Preferred stock, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups Industrial groups and total assets classes Returns showing net income and no net income Total assets classes Years, 1926 to 1931 Printing and publishing: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified Page 148-153 160-177 30 154-159 48 151 132, 136, 140, 151 34 21-23 168 180 Consolidated returns Returns showing net income and no net income Total assets classes Years, 1920 to 1931 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Professional service, curative, educational, legal, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Service) 147 Profit from sale of capital assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.): Corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 9 Frequency distribution, by size of specific sources of income 14 Net income classes 10, 71 No net income, amount 19 No net income, by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11 States 69 Years, 1917 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1917 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 Property in estate tax returns of resident decedents by net estate classes, classified 50-53 Public utilities. (See Transportation and other public utilities.) Q Quarrying, income tax returns of corporations and individuals engaged in. (See Mining and quarrying.) R Radio broadcasting companies, income tax returns of corporations (see also Transportation and other public utilities) 146 Radios, complete or in parts, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Manufacturing not elsewhere classified) 145 Rail transportation, income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Transportation and other public utilities) 145 Real estate, buildings and equipment. (See Capital assets.) Real estate and holding companies, etc., income tax returns of corporations (see also Finance) 147 Receipts, compiled, income tax returns of corporations. (See Corporation * compiled receipts.) Rents and royalties: Corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 9 Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income 14 Net income classes " 10, 71 No net income, amount 19 No net income by deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11 INDEX 245 "Rents and royalties—Continued, Individual income tax returns—Continued. Page States 69 Years, 1916 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1916 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 Restaurants, hotels, etc., income tax returns of corporations (see also Service) 146 Retail trade, income tax returns of corporations engaged in {see also Trade) _ 146 Returns tabulated, individual and corporation 1 Returns on Form 1040, no net income: By deficit classes 19 By sources of income and deductions _ 19. 125 States 125 Revenue Acts 1909 to 1932: Corporation income tax returns: Income and profits tax rates, exemptions, and credits 204-207 Extate tax returns: Tax rates, specific exemption, :uid credits against estate tax__ 208-209 Individual income tax returns: Required to file returns, personal exemption, credit for dependents, and normal tax rates 198 Supplemental income tax rates and tax credits _ _ 202-203 Surtax rates 200-201 Revised items, corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, Statistics of Income for 1927 32 Consolidated returns, Statistics of Income for 1930 33 Receipts and deductions, Statistics of Income for 1930 32 Royalties. (See Rents and royaltiesJ Rubber products: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 150 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified 131, 135, 139, 150 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 143 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 1 65-166 Years, 1920 to 1931 179 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business _ _ .. 15 Salaries and wages, individual income from. [See Wages and salaries.) Sales, gross. (See Gross sales.) Sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc. (See Profits from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.) Sawmill and planing-mill products, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Forest products) 143 Securities, partially tax-exempt. (See Tax-exempt obligations.) Service: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 153 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified. 133, 137, 141, 153 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 146-147 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes __ 174-175 Years, 1920 to 1931 182 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Shipbuilding and repairing, income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Construction) 145 Silk and rayon goods, etc,—Income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Textiles and their products) 143 Soft drinks, mineral waters, wine, etc., income tax returns of corporationsengaged in manufacture of (see also Food products) 143 246 INDEX Sources of income and deductions, individual income tax returns: Page Amount and percent 9 Frequency distribution by size of specific income and deductions 13-14 Net income classes 10-11, 71-72 No net income, amount 19 No net income, deficit classes 125 Percentage distribution 11-12 States 69-70 Years, 1916 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1916 to 1931, net income $5,000 and over 43-44 Specific exemption, estate tax returns, by net estate classes 50-53 State and local securities, reported in individual income tax returns 18 State and municipal bonds, estate tax returns, by net estate classes 50-53 State and private banks, income tax returns of corporations (see also Finance) 147 Statutory deductions, corporation income tax returns. (See Corporation statutory deductions.) Statutory net income, corporation income tax returns. (See Corporation statutory net income.) Steam railroads, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Transportation and other public utilities) 145 Stock and bond brokers, income tax returns of corporations (see also Finance) 147 Stock dividends in corporation income tax returns. (See Dividends.) Stock dividends paid, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 States 129 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1922 to 1931 26 Stone, clay, and glass products: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 151 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified 132, 136, 140, 151 Consolidated returns 34 Returns showing net income and no net income 21—23 Total assets classes 169-170 Years, 1920 to 1931 181 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Sugar—cane, beet, maple, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Food products) 142 Surplus and undivided profits, in corporation balance sheets: Industrial groups 148-153 Industrial groups and total assets classes 160-177 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 . 48 Surtax, individual income tax (see also Individual income tax) 38, 61, 75-124 Synopsis of income and profits tax rates, estate tax rates, credit and exemptions affecting comparability of data in Statistics of Income.- 197-209 Taxes. (See Corporation income tax; Individual income tax; Estate tax; Foreign taxes.) Taxes paid other than income tax: Corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Individual income tax returns: Amount reported in general deductions and in business deductions 16-17 Net income classes 74 States 73 Years, 1927 to 1931 17 INDEX 247 Tax-exempt income (see also Dividends; Exemptions; Tax-exempt investments) : Pa e Corporation income tax returns: £ Industrial groups 130-141, 148-153 Submitting and not submitting balance sheets 28 Total assets classes 154-159 Individual income tax returns: Amount and percent 9 Exempt from normal tax 7 Net income classes 10, 18 No net income 19, 125 Percentage distribution 11 States _ _ J 69,71 Years, 1919 to 1931 42-43 Years, 1919 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over 43-44 Tax-exempt interest. (See Tax-exempt investments.) Tax-exempt investments: Corporation income tax returns: Industrial groups 148-153 Returns showing net income and no net income 30 Total assets classes 154-159 Years, 1926 to 1931 48 Estate tax returns, size of net estate 50-53 Individual income tax returns: Net income classes 18 Tax forms for 1931 214-227 Telephone and telegraph companies, income tax returns of corporations (see also Transportation and other public utilities) 145 Textiles and their products: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 149 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified 131, 135, 139, 149 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 143 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 164 Years, 1922 to 1931 179 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Theaters, legitimate, vaudeville, etc., income tax returns of corporations (see also Service) 146 Tires and tubes, etc., income tax returns of corporations engaged in the manufacture of (see also Rubber products) 143 Tobacco products, income tax returns of corporations engaged in the manufacture of 143 Trade: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 153 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified 133, 137, 141, 153 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 146 Returns showing net income and no net income 21-23 Total assets classes 173-174 Years, 1922 to 1931 182 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 Transfers made in contemplation of death, estate tax returns, by net estate classes 50-53 Transportation and other public utilities: Corporation income tax returns: Assets and liabilities, classified 152 Compiled receipts and statutory deductions 133, 137, 141, 152 Consolidated returns 34 Industrial subgroups 145 248 INDEX T r a n s p o r t a t i o n and other public utilities—Continued. Corporation income tax r e t u r n s — C o n t i n u e d . Page R e t u r n s showing net income and no net income 21—23 Total assets classes 173 Years, 1922 to 1931 182 Individual income tax returns: Net profit from business 15 T r u s t companies, savings banks, etc., income tax returns of corporations (see also Finance) 147 U Undivided profits, corporation income tax returns. (See Surplus and undivided profits.) United States Government bonds, wholly and partially tax-exempt, reported in individual income tax r e t u r n s (see also Tax-exempt investments and Tax-exempt income) 18 W Wages and salaries, individual income tax returns: Amount and percent Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income Net income classes No net income, amount No net income, deficit classes Percentage distribution States Years, 1916 to 1931 Years, 1916 to 1931, net income of $5,000 and over War-profits tax. (See Corporation war-profits and excess-profits tax; Individual excess-profits tax; Partnership war-profits tax.) Water transportation, income tax returns of corporations (see also Transportation and other public utilities) Wholesale trade, income tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Trade) Wives and husbands, joint individual returns of. (See Husbands.) Wives, separate individual income tax returns of: Number of returns and amount of net income 6, Woolen and worsted goods, income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Textiles and their products) o 9 13 10, 71 19 125 11 69 42-43 43-44 145 146 65-68 143