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Monetary Aggregates and Monetary Policy
in the 21st Century
Memorial Conference to Honor Frank Morris
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Boston, Massachusetts
October 11, 2000


his is a special conference for the
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and for
me personally. The role of monetary
aggregates in monetary policy was
intensely controversial when I joined the staff
of the Board of Governors in May 1969. I was
immediately asked to join the staff of the newly
formed FOMC Committee on the Directive.
Governor Sherman Maisel chaired that committee; the other two members were Frank Morris
and Eliot Swan, president of the Federal Reserve
Bank of San Francisco. So, I met Frank shortly
after I joined the Board staff and in the context
of a careful review of the role of the monetary
A few years later, in 1973, I was considering
leaving the Board and Frank invited me to join
the Boston Fed staff for a year, which I did. Toward
the end of that year, I accepted an offer from Brown
University; however, I commuted from Providence
to the Boston Fed about once a week to serve as a
consultant until I went on sabbatical in 1980. I
recount these facts to emphasize that over the
course of the 1970s Frank and I had numerous
conversations about the role of the aggregates in
monetary policy.
Frank had an abiding interest in this subject.
Not only did he serve on the 1969-70 Committee
on the Directive but also the Boston Fed organized
three important conferences on the role of monetary aggregates in monetary policy. The Bank’s
monetary conference topic in June 1969 was
Controlling Monetary Aggregates; the conference
topic in September 1972 was Controlling Monetary

Aggregates II: The Implementation; and the topic
in October 1980 was Controlling Monetary
Aggregates III.
The organizers of this conference asked me
to recount the role of the monetary and financial
aggregates in making monetary policy. The basic
story is pretty familiar, and I’ll hit the highlights
and not elaborate. Instead, I want to reflect on what
we have learned from these events, and on why
things turned out as they have. I’ll proceed by
first discussing the debate circa 1970 and then
particular elements of that debate. The issues I’ll
take up concern the relevance for monetary targeting of 1) money data revisions; 2) money control
errors; 3) the lack of clarity over policy objectives;
4) the Phillips curve; and 5) the optimal control
framework for analyzing policy.

Both inside and outside the Fed, views about
the importance of money and monetary policy
were beginning to change in 1970, but the change
had not gone very far. This was the era of digesting
the work by Friedman and Schwartz, especially
their seminal Monetary History of the United
States (1963). While some criticized their methodology, others found their evidence and arguments
persuasive. Friedman and Schwartz provided
evidence linking inflation to money growth, as
economic theory suggested. Moreover, they
showed that the monetary collapse in the early
1930s was not only catastrophic but also preventable. While variations in bank borrowing and


other things may weaken the link between Fed
actions and money growth in the short-run, in
the long-run, money growth was clearly something
that the central bank could significantly influence,
if not control.
To gain a deeper perspective on the state of
the debate within the FOMC in 1970, I’ve spent
quite a few hours reading the FOMC minutes—
then called the “Memorandum of Discussion”—
for 1970. (The “Memorandum” is the detailed
record, attributing positions to individuals, and
released with a five-year lag.) I chose 1970 as a
key year because the FOMC adopted a monetary
aggregates directive that year based on the work
of the Directive Committee.
I think the Directive Committee members
(i.e. Maisel, Morris, and Swan) and the staff of
that committee were driven by two observations
that had become widely, although not universally,
accepted. First, money growth had often or even
typically been procyclical. Fed policymakers had
not increased interest rates rapidly enough when
the economy was booming to prevent money
growth from rising, aggravating the boom. Likewise, policymakers had failed to reduce interest
rates quickly enough during recessions to prevent
money growth from falling, which exacerbated
the recessions. The facts seemed clear, but there
was no consensus about how much the behavior
of money growth mattered. Second, the simple
monetary model produced at the St. Louis Fed
suggested that money growth had substantial
predictive content for nominal GNP.
Milton Friedman’s dictum that inflation is
always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon
was by no means generally accepted. However,
many economists were beginning to believe that
Fed policy had at least contributed to the inflation
of 1967-69. The Directive Committee, along with
everyone else, wanted a lower rate of inflation.
The Committee was aware of the possibility that
the highly restrictive monetary policy in 1969,
whether measured by interest rates or money
growth, could lead to a recession. Should the
economy weaken, the Directive Committee did
not want money growth to weaken as it had so
often in similar circumstances in the past.

The FOMC did change the Directive in its
meeting of January 15, 1970, by adopting an
explicit money growth objective, indicated by
italics that I’ve added in the passage below.
To implement this policy, while taking account
of the forthcoming Treasury refunding, possible
bank regulatory changes and the Committee’s
desire to see a modest growth in money and
bank credit, System open market operations
until the next meeting of the Committee shall
be conducted with a view to maintaining firm
conditions in the money market; provided,
however, that operations shall be modified if
money and bank credit appear to be deviating
significantly from current projections.

This FOMC meeting, by the way, was
Chairman Martin’s last; I have no personal knowledge of the inside story of the extent of his involvement in the change in the Directive.
Despite the new Directive, the FOMC continued to instruct the Open Market Account
manager to hold the federal funds rate in a narrow
range. As others noted years ago, the FOMC
changed the form of the Directive without changing the substance of how policy was implemented.
I do not believe that there is any convincing evidence that the behavior of money growth or interest rates changed as a consequence of the change
in wording of the Directive. Why, given the concern over inflation and recognition that monetary policy had often been procyclical, was the
Directive Committee unsuccessful in its effort to
change the substance of policy?
The answers to this question can be derived
from reading the “Memorandum of Discussion”
for 1970 through today’s eyes. Many of the
answers are directly relevant to monetary policy
today. I’ll discuss the issues in order of increasing

By the spring of 1970, the FOMC had adopted
a 5 percent M1 growth objective. By midsummer,
it appeared that money growth was below target.

Monetary Aggregates and Monetary Policy in the 21st Century

Given that the FOMC recognized that a recession
was under way, it appeared that once again the
Fed was permitting money growth to sag as the
economy weakened. But by early fall, revisions
in the M1 data had brought the reported growth
rate up to 5 percent.
Those opposed to aggregates targeting seized
on the data revision to reinforce their opposition.
I thought then and still think that the data-revision
problem is less serious than many make it out to
be. The problem arose in 1970, at the outset of
monetary targeting, largely because the FOMC
expressed the money target in terms of a growth
rate over a relatively short interval, such as a
quarter. Month by month, small dollar misses
translate into large misses in percentage terms
expressed at an annual rate. The FOMC could
have expressed its money target in terms of a
growth path from a base period, and target misses
and data revisions in terms of percentage deviations, or dollar deviations, from the target path.
I suspect that the members of the Directive Committee simply failed to understand the perceptions
problem that would be created by data revisions
and control errors, when the money target was
expressed in terms of short-run growth at a percentage annual rate.
Still, data revisions do complicate the task of
relying on a monetary aggregate. Revisions create
a perception problem because the FOMC appears
unable to control its own stated policy instrument.
Moreover, data revisions complicate the relationship between the manager of the Open Market
Account and the FOMC. The Manager wants to
implement the policy determined by the FOMC,
not to make the policy. What should the manager
do when, as was the case in the summer of 1970,
evidence arises that the money stock may be mismeasured? Should the manager continue to seek
to achieve the target expressed in the official data,
or make allowance for the possibility of data revisions? Should the FOMC give a clear instruction
to the manager in this regard, getting itself tangled
up in technical discussions of where measurement
errors may be arising and how large they might
be? My view is that the FOMC should give a
general instruction to the manager and then from

time to time evaluate how well the manager is
doing given the uncertainties he faces. The FOMC
should not, in this or any other matter, try to second-guess the manager’s detailed decisions.

Opponents of monetary targeting argued that
the central bank could not control the stock of
money. There were a number of issues here, but
one of the most important was the endogenous
response of reserves to policy actions. Critics
argued that the effect of open market operations
on the money stock would be largely offset by
changes in bank borrowing. For example, if the
Fed reduced the supply of reserves through open
market sales, banks needing to meet their reserve
requirement would be forced to borrow from the
Fed, but only after interest rates had risen sufficiently to induce banks to overcome their reluctance to borrow. The initial decline in reserves
would be offset by a rise in bank borrowing.
There were a number of steps the Fed could
have taken to enhance money stock control. The
only one ever implemented was contemporaneous reserve accounting, and even this step came
after the FOMC had de-emphasized aggregates
The real problem, of course, was that few Fed
officials had the stomach to permit much larger
short-run fluctuations in the federal funds rate.
I think the judgment of history on this issue is
pretty clear: the Fed can control money growth
with acceptable accuracy over horizons that matter
through a federal funds rate control procedure.
What matters is the FOMC’s willingness to adjust
the funds rate substantially over a period of several months—not its willingness to let the rate
fluctuate day by day.
Willingness to let rates adjust is critical, whatever may be the role of the monetary aggregates.
I think it is fair to say that the debates over the
monetary aggregates sharpened and clarified this
issue, and did contribute to the Fed’s understanding of the importance of moving rates earlier and
by larger amounts than previously thought desirable.


The monetarist case 30 years ago for maintaining low and steady money growth rested on the
view that low inflation was an extremely important policy objective for society and that only the
central bank could achieve this objective. Although
widely disputed 30 years ago, today no serious
economist doubts that controlling the growth of
any of the major monetary aggregates will prevent
the inflation rate from becoming indefinitely
large or small. Views differ on the side effects of
steady money growth and on how elastic the
relationship between money and prices is, but
everyone agrees that the relationship is not indefinitely elastic.
An important problem in 1970 was the multiplicity of objectives. Unfortunately, the Directive
Committee was no help here, as well illustrated
by the following passage from the Committee’s
The directive enables the FOMC to formulate
its basic goals. Goals are primarily concerned
with desirable future movements of aggregate
spending in relationship to potential output,
but they also encompass the impact of money
and aggregate demand on employment and
prices and they may deal with sectoral results
as on international reserves, income distribution, housing, state and local government, and
other spheres greatly influenced by changes
in money and credit.

I do not think it too harsh from today’s perspective to say that the 1970 FOMC’s collective
view on policy objectives was incoherent. Over
the course of the year, there were vigorous expressions of concern over all the goals mentioned by
the Directive Committee. In 1970, the FOMC
simply refused to choose coherently among these
objectives. Monetary policy could not possibly
achieve all of them. Over the course of the year,
the FOMC never had an organized discussion as
to how to trade off among the various objectives.
Indeed, quite a few members stated explicitly that
they did not believe that the Fed could reduce
inflation at an acceptable cost and that the government would have to adopt incomes policies to
suppress inflation directly.

Monetary policy in 1970, if continued for
several years, was in fact consistent with a gradual
and permanent decline in the rate of inflation. If
the Fed had stabilized M1 growth at a 5 percent
annual rate, nominal GNP growth in that era
would probably have settled at about 6 percent
and inflation in the 2 to 3 percent range. These
estimates are consistent with those discussed at
that time. The problem was that the FOMC failed
to commit itself to a long-run policy and hoped
instead that its dilemma would be resolved by
the administration adopting incomes policies.
Perhaps I am reading too much into the 1970
“Memorandum of Discussion” from my knowledge of later events, but I do think that the views
expressed in the FOMC in 1970 are consistent
with what actually happened in 1971-73.
Some monetarists believed that the Fed could
be maneuvered to accept lower inflation as an
important goal by getting the Fed to commit to a
money growth target. I was a member of this group
in the 1970s. A test of this proposition began in
March 1975 when House Concurrent Resolution
133 directed the Chairman of the Federal Reserve
to appear before congressional banking committees quarterly to testify concerning money growth
goals for the upcoming year. Those supporting
this approach expected that the requirement that
the Fed publicly announce its money growth target
would constrain actual money growth and thereby
hold inflation in check. For reasons amply discussed elsewhere, this approach did not work
and monetary stimulus contributed to the rise in
inflation once again in the late 1970s.
Despite the congressional mandates of House
Concurrent Resolution 133 and the HumphreyHawkins legislation of 1978, it is arguable that
monetary aggregates did not play an important
role in the conduct of monetary policy until the
Fed modified its operating procedure in October
1979. Even then, a debate arose as to whether the
new procedures reflected a genuine commitment
to monetary aggregates or were more a cover for
a determined Fed attack on inflation. Whatever
one’s views on this debate, what seems clear to
me is that under Paul Volcker’s leadership the
Fed’s attitude toward inflation really did change,

Monetary Aggregates and Monetary Policy in the 21st Century

as did the attitude in the country as a whole. In
the absence of a conviction that inflation was
indeed costly and had to be reduced, the operating procedure would not have mattered. What is
not controversial, however, is that by 1983 everyone agreed that restrictive monetary policy had
succeeded in bringing inflation under control.
Some argued that the cost, in the form of the
1981-82 recession, was excessive but no one any
longer argued that monetary policy was incapable
of reducing inflation.
An important lesson from this experience is
that there is no substitute for an explicit central
bank commitment to low and stable inflation.
Although a firm commitment to a money growth
path would in principle amount to much the same
thing, there is no effective way to enforce such a
commitment. There are genuine professional differences about the best definition of “money”;
moreover, regulations of various sorts affect the
growth of particular liabilities issued by financial institutions, distorting the economic significance of the money growth rate measured by a
particular statistical definition. These two facts
taken together mean that a central bank that does
not want to be bound by a money growth target
cannot in fact be bound.
To a considerable extent, then, the argument
over the monetary aggregates 30 years ago was
really an argument over the importance of the
goal of low inflation and the responsibility of the
central bank for the realized rate of inflation on
the average over a period of several years. The
debate arose from the fact that in that era many—
perhaps most—economists believed that inflation
was substantially independent of money growth
and that central banks could not control inflation.
Cost-push inflation was the result of rising labor
and material costs. Demand-pull inflation was a
consequence of excess aggregate demand. Money
growth, many argued, played at best a limited
role in creating, or controlling, excess aggregate
demand. Fiscal policy was king.
There has been enormous progress over the
last 30 years. A combination of developments in
macroeconomic theory, formal evidence, and
experience has convinced nearly all economists

and policymakers that the central bank can and
should control the rate of inflation. Central bankers
today accept the goal of low inflation and believe
that it is their responsibility to achieve the goal.
Whereas central bankers 30 years ago typically
fuzzed up inflation issues and the role of the
central bank in the inflation process, most central
bankers today are quite outspoken in advocating
low inflation and in accepting central bank
responsibility for achieving that goal.
Debates today about the role of the monetary
aggregates are less about the inflation goal than
about the technical procedures for achieving the
agreed-upon goal. Those technical debates are
not unimportant but clearly secondary to the
issue of the inflation goal itself.

The Phillips curve was front and center in
the 1970 FOMC debates. As far as I can tell, every
member of the 1970 FOMC, except for Darryl
Francis and possibly New York Fed president
Alfred Hayes, believed that there was a Phillips
curve tradeoff. Different members had different
views as to what the tradeoff looked like, but as
the economy weakened in the recession of 1970,
pressure grew to reduce unemployment by accepting less progress on inflation if necessary.
As evidence accumulated on the Phillips
curve after 1970, policymakers gradually abandoned the view that monetary policy could buy
a lower unemployment rate in the long run by
accepting higher inflation. The Phillips curve
debate is far from over, however. The extent to
which there is a short-run tradeoff relevant for
monetary policy is a live and unsettled issue.
Quite frankly, reading the 1970 “Memorandum of
Discussion” is enough to make any policymaker
today squirm, for the FOMC may again face the
difficult circumstances of rising unemployment
and persistent, or even rising, inflation.
I don’t think the 1970 FOMC ever made a
conscious decision to pick a particular point on
an estimated Phillips curve, but the views of individual members led to policy outcomes reflecting


some sort of average view within the FOMC on
this issue. As with the more general debate over
policy objectives, the debate over monetary aggregates was wrapped up in the debate over whether
the long-run Phillips curve was vertical.

Thirty years ago, monetarists often talked of
the importance of maintaining a long policy
horizon and of holding money growth steady for
a period of years. The prevailing policy paradigm,
however, was that of optimal control, the framework I employed in my 1970 QJE paper. I mention
that paper because I think it had some influence
in the debates within the Directive Committee
and perhaps within the FOMC. A strength of the
paper was that it made the debate over the choice
between controlling money growth and interest
rates less ideological and more dependent on
parameters that could in principle be measured.
The optimal control approach, however, suffers from a severe defect that is painfully evident
in reading the 1970 “Memorandum of Discussion.”
The defect was that, at any given time, policy was
determined without regard to what policy might
be in the future. The FOMC was vaguely uneasy
with this approach, as evidenced by frequent references to “market psychology” and concern that
FOMC actions and statements on money growth
and interest rates might lead to expectations that
would be counterproductive. With the exception
of Darryl Francis, who talked about the desirability of a strategy of maintaining steady money
growth for several years, the FOMC discussed
policy meeting to meeting with no discussion as
to how today’s policy actions might fit into a
longer-run strategy.
Although Francis talked about steady money
growth, he did not articulate why a strategy was
necessary for a successful outcome. In 1970, the
FOMC did not have a clear conception that longterm interest rates, for example, had to reflect
market expectations about future inflation and,
therefore, about future monetary policy.

Part of the resistance to a monetary aggregates
policy in and around 1970 arose precisely because
advocates of such a policy eschewed the optimal
control outlook. Central bankers just did not
accept the view that it was impossible, politically
or practically, to beat a policy of constant money
growth. The optimal control framework provided
not only an intellectual foundation for policy
performance superior to constant money growth
but also the promise of being able to calculate the
optimal policy from an econometric model. Such
calculation was certainly the thrust of an enormous research effort at the Board of Governors
in those days.
The rational expectations revolution of the
early 1970s forever changed the way economists
think about monetary policy. This view provides
the intellectual foundation for a policy of steady
money growth or for some policy feedback rule
defined over a period of years. It is simply not
possible to close a rational expectations macro
model without considering future monetary
policy; today’s behavior in the markets depends
on expectations about the future. Model builders
realized that all that was formally necessary to
close a rational expectations model was some
clear policy prescription, but no one demonstrated
much confidence that a reactive money growth
rule could be designed that would in fact outperform steady money growth. An interest rate rule
seemed impossible because there was no obvious
way to determine the price level without a monetary anchor to the system.
Over the course of the 1970s, more and more
economists embraced the rational expectations
paradigm. The transition to rational expectations
models increased the attractiveness of defining
policy in terms of money growth, because that
seemed to be the only possible way to close the
models. Later, of course, John Taylor (1993) showed
clearly how to define a satisfactory interest rate
rule—satisfactory at least in the sense of closing
formal models in a way that promised reasonably
good economic performance.

Monetary Aggregates and Monetary Policy in the 21st Century

To whatever extent the Fed practiced monetary aggregate targeting in the early 1980s, the
experience was short-lived. Problems discussed
in the 1970s remained and perhaps became even
more visible. After 1980, the trend rate of growth
of M1 velocity fell significantly; financial innovations and deregulation seemed to upset the statistical definition of money; the demand for borrowed
reserves declined dramatically, upsetting the
Desk’s targeting procedures. The Fed reverted to
a policy of directly targeting the funds rate.
Current FOMC policy is based on close control over the federal funds rate and timely adjustments in the funds rate target. If the FOMC
continues to be as successful in maintaining reasonably low and reasonably steady inflation as it
has been over the last 10 years, then I predict
that monetary aggregates will continue to play a
minor role in most FOMC deliberations. After
all, if the inflation rate doesn’t vary, then money
growth cannot possibly be useful in explaining
the nonexistent variations! However, I also
believe that if the United States does experience
significant variability in the rate of inflation in
coming years, we will look back, sadly, and see
that variability in money growth would have
provided forewarning, if only we had been paying attention. I continue to believe that the
FOMC ignores money growth at its peril.

What have we learned from the debates about
the aggregates over the last 30 years? These were,
of course, debates about macroeconomics more
generally and not just about monetary aggregates.
Still, many of the debates did revolve around the
aggregates and so I think it reasonable to emphasize five lessons.
First and foremost, everyone now agrees that
inflation is controllable by central bank actions.
Experience in the United States and elsewhere
around the world has ended this debate.

Second, most agree that the primary goal of
the central bank must be to control inflation. The
reason is not that full employment is unimportant
for society but that the central bank does not have
policy tools that enable it to reliably increase the
level of employment in the long run.
Third, in the academic literature, almost every
writer now thinks of monetary policy in the context of a strategy. I also think that a strategic outlook now pervades FOMC discussions; policy
actions are not viewed just FOMC meeting by
Fourth, achieving low and steady inflation
may improve the economy’s average rate of growth
and level of employment and almost certainly
increases the economy’s stability. Central bank
acceptance of the goal of low and steady inflation
is importantly a consequence of accepting the
view that the Phillips curve is vertical in the long
run. We know that monetary policy affects the
real economy in the short-run, but that long-run
performance cannot be improved by accepting
moderate (above 5 percent, say) inflation. I think
there is some evidence that the Phillips curve is
actually positively sloped—that is, that the real
economy grows at a higher rate when the rate of
inflation is low and stable. Although the case for
positive effects of low inflation on average economic performance is not entirely established in
the literature, I think the evidence is strong that
the economy is more stable when the inflation
rate is low and stable.
Fifth, central banks now recognize that raising
the target interest rate does not necessarily insure
that policy is restrictive; the market-clearing
interest rate might be rising even faster. Similarly,
a lower target rate does not ensure that policy is
expansionary. The debates over monetary aggregates surely contributed enormously to clarifying
this issue.
The lasting legacy of the monetary aggregates
is that the macroeconomics debates swirling
around the aggregates for the last 30 years and
more have been largely resolved. I’ve pointed to
five critical lessons from these debates, and these
are far more important than the narrow issue of
short-run monetary targeting. There is obviously


much room for further development of macroeconomics and central banking practice. But I
also believe that it is terribly important that we
do not forget the lessons already learned.

Andersen, Leonell C. and Jordan, Jerry L. “Monetary
and Fiscal Actions: A Test of Their Relative
Importance in Economic Stabilization.” Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, November 1968,
pp. 11-24.
Friedman, Milton and Schwartz, Anna Jacobson.
A Monetary History of the United States, 18671960. National Bureau of Economic Research.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1963.
Jordan, Jerry L. “The Andersen-Jordan Approach
after Nearly 20 Years.” Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis Review, October 1968, pp. 5-8.
Maisel, Sherman J. Managing the Dollar. 1973.
Poole, William. “Optimal Choice of Monetary Policy
Instruments in a Simple Stochastic Macro Model.”
Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1970, 84,
pp. 197-216.
Poole, William. “Rules of Thumb for Guiding
Monetary Policy.” Open Market Policies and
Operating Procedures–Staff Studies, Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1971,
pp. 135-89.
Taylor, John D. “Discretion versus Policy Rules in
Practice.” Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on
Public Policy, 1993, 39, pp. 195-214.