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W. Lee Hoskins, Presldent


Humpage, EconomLc Advisor

Federal Resetr¡e Bank of Cleveland
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101, USA
(2L6) s79-ZLLI
(2L6> s79-20L9



Instltute's Eighth Arrrual Monetary Gonference:
nGlobal Monetary Order: L992 and Beyond"
London, England
February 23, 1990.

Èhe Cato


This paper w111 be published in Ëhe Cato Journal, VoI. 10, No. 2 (Fall 1990).

gracefully acknowledge the assistance of the scaff, and the helpful
and conments on early drafts from James Cassing, David Fand, Stevelr
Husted, Arthur Rolnick, and Alan Stockrnan.



Opinions stated in this paper are our own and do not necessarily reflect those
of the aforementioned individuals, of the Federal Resett¡e Bank of Cleveland,
or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.




Economists have long questioned the wisdom of attempting to achíeve

current-account objectives through a monetary manipulation of nominal exchange

rates, and most have come to reject Èhls practice as little
near-uerm palliative.

more Èhan


Nevertheless, aiming monetary policies at nominal

exchange-rate targets increasingly seems to be the approach of choice


national leaders.

refer to these attempts as monetary protectionism in order to

emphasize their similarities


to more tradiÈional types of protectionist

As with calls for tarlffs

and quotas, calls for monetary

proEectionism do not stem from a clear, unequivocal demonstration of market

failure, but rather from political


and íncentives that encourage

those dissatisfied with the market's outcome to seek market intervention.
Proponents of monetary protection seek to supplant the automatic and

nondiscriminatory responses of markets with the discretionary, politically
motivated decisions of bureaucrats. Any ínternational order built on such


foundation cannot raise world welfare.

This paper will explore the political
protectionism in order to illustrate
understand lts political


of monetary

its economic shortcomings and to

appeal. As a counterweight to the polírical pull

toward monetary Protectlonism,

\¡re recommend

that nations adopt monetary

constitutions that focus monetary policy on long-term price stability

and that

recognize market-determined exchange..rates. Moreover, r{re contend that

Ínternational policy coordinatlon set withln Èhis framework is both feasible
and credible.


}lonetary ProtectLonism

By monetary Protectionism, we refer to attempts co alter real exchange

rates through a manípulatíon of monetary policy, with the hope of ultimately
prornoting a balance-of-payments objective.

In the case of a defÍcit country,

such as the United States in early 1985, monetary protectionists call for an
expansion of money gro!¡Ëh. A monetary expansion, other things being equal,

will produce a nominal depreciation.l

If individuals are unable to adjust

prices immediately, or if they are slow in perceiving the inflationary aspects
of this policy, a real depreciatíon will accompany the nominal depreciation.
As most economists realize, however, the inflation

raÈe \^rill eventually

respond to the monetary expansion, offsetting the nominal depreciation and

returning the real exchange rate to its inicial positlon.

NeverËheless, the

tenuous, shorË-lived relationship between money and the real exchange raÈe is
seductive enough to convlnce politicians

and other "fine-tuners" thaË monetary

policy can serve mercantilist designs.
Our focus on
can do no

this issue stems from a firm betief that central

better than to

efforts to limit Èhis

guaranÈee long-run

guarantee are

price stability and that


not likely to raise welfare. This is


central lesson from the experience of policymaking during the 1970s, as well
as the message of much of the professional literature based on models with


Monetary policy eould play an important role ln correcting a
current-account deficit in an ínflationary economy. The correct response, of
course, would be a contractionary policy.


forward-looking, optimizing agents. Central banks can juggle a real


rate and inflation target no better than they can slíde back and forth along
stable Phillips curve.
A central bank that attempts to maintain price stability


and a nominal

exchange-rate target has more policy Èargets than policy instruments.


times, these two objectives míght be compatible. For example, in the late
1970s, lirniting the rapid dollar depreciation through intervention purchases

of dollars could have been compatible with a conÈracËionary monetary policy to
eliminate inflation.
As often as not, however, these two polícy objectives
will be incompatible, and the cenÈral bank must trade one objective agains¡
the other.2
Under such conditions, markets will view neither price stabíIiËy nor

exchange-rate stabílity
banks will

as a credible policy.

The knowledge that central

deviaÈe from a policy of price stabÍlity

co pursue an exchange-rate

objective wíll raise uncertainty about real returns and will distort the
allocation of resources across sectors and through time. The resources
devoted to protecting wealth from posslble lnflation

productive uses under a policy of price stability.

could be applied to


Moreover, atcempts to

maintain nomínal exchange rates will not elimínate exchange-rate uncertainty,

since countries inevltably will resort to periodlc exchange-rate realignments.
Hedging exchange risk w111 remain an important aspect of international

Although monetary protectionism seems most prevalent under the present
system of floating exchange rates, one should not conclude that floating

,Ã" assume here that the world will not adopt a commodity (gold) standard,
nor will all central banks steadfastly pursue price stability.


exchange rates Promote its use. Monetary protecÈionism can result any time

that a government lacks a strict monetary constitution and will accept
nonmarket criteria

for exchange rates.

In principle, a gold standard or


fixed exchange-rate regime can limit the scope of monetary protectionism,
because if all countries play by the rules of the game, they link money

supplies closely to the flow of internaÈional reserves. In practice, however,
such regimes do not destroy the political

motives for monetary protectionism,

and examples of monetary protection under fixed exchange rates abound. By

allowing some discretion in the choice of exchange-rate pegs, and by
permitting some ínertia in nominal exchange-rate adjustments, fixed
exchange-rate regimes often produce a mechanism that weakens the allocating

efficiency of exchange markets and promotes mercantilist objectives.

EconomLc Arguments


Monetary protectlonism

Proponents of exchange-market inËervention contend that the existing
system of floating exchange rates lowers the potenÈial gains from

internaÈional commerce, because it has proven to be excessively volatile


because lt has failed to promote adjustmenr-ln the trade accounts. In their

view, a global monetary system built on cooperative efforts

manage exchange

among governments

rates would enhance world welfare. Most economists

recognize thaÈ one must base a legitimate case for government intervention


microeconornlc evidence of market failure;



that is, evidence of distortions

which prevent mutually benefícial trades from occurring. Ilhat,

then, are the alleged market failures that underlie the interventionists,
crlticlsm of exchange markets?

Imperfect Information
Prorninent Èhemes in the interventionist

as excessively volatile,

literaËure víew exchange rates

maí.ntain that they overshooÈ their equilibrium

values, and contend that they are subject to speculative runs.
Interventionists view such tendencies as beÍng


with "market

uncertainty" or "market disorder, " generally implying that they result from
imperfect informatíon.
Exchange markets,

Processors of information.

like other asseE markets, are highly efficient
Forward-looking traders base spot and forward

quotations on all relevant, available information. Upon the receipt of


unanticipated information, traders revise their expectations and their
exchange-rate quotations. The market pays substantial rewards for investments

in knowledge, and provides few institutional

constraints that restrict

At times, government authorities can possess betÈer information


the market; for example, when they contemplate pollcy surprises. But, in
nearly all cases, market participants and government bureaucrats receive
respond to the same information.


Bureaucrats do not enJoy prlvileged insight.

Moreover, the market will learn to anticipate the government's reaction to
market developments, so that routine government interventions will not impart
new information.

These observaÈions also suggest that unpredictable changes

in governmenc policies could be a prominent source of much of the observed


rate volatility.

AII of Ëhis does not imply thaÈ exchange rates will remain stable.
Indeed, nominal and real exchange rates have been substantially more volatile


since L973, uPon the demlse of BreÈton Woods. At quesÈion is the extent to
which one should view volacirity

as necessarily reflecEing market

imperfections, which would require government intervention.
contrary, as


Quite the

discuss in the next section, movements in nominal exchange

rates can be part of efflcient

adjustment in the terms of trade.

lack convincing evidence that exchange-raÈe volatilíty



is greater than that

observed in other asseË prices, or that exchange-rate volatility

has reduced

internaËlonal trade or worldwlde investment (see Balley [1988]).
The interventionlsts'

characterization of exchange-rate overshooting

and of speculative runs presumes that they know the equílibrfum exchange-rate

path. Theoretícally, a sustainable equllibrium exchange-rate path is
consistenu with our concept of general equilibrium.

Unfortunately, economists

simply lack sufficient knowledge to specify accuraÈely such an equilibrium

path for a dynamic economy. Interventionists,

therefore, designate

equilibrium values in terms of a limited set of "fundamentals," which they
hope will

track the general-equilibrium path accurately enough that a polÍcy

of forcing market rates to this path will increase economic rvelfare.

are highly skeptical of such efforts.

Volumes of econometric work

have attempËed to specify the relationship among sets of these fundamentals
and exchange rates, wlth mostly unsatisfactory econometric results.3


often, analysts speclfy the equilibrium exchange-rate path in terms of
purchasing-power parity.

The problems assoclated with deriving purchasing-

Power parity estimates of exchange rates are well known. Accuracy assumes

that one chooses an equilibrium base períod and chat all subsequent shocks are
The seminal study on

this issue is

Meese and Rogoff (1983).


monetary in nature.

Because norunonetary shocks can

alter the equilibrium real

exchange rate over time, the original purchasing-power parity estimate can

dríft away from the correct equilibrium exchange rate.


alternative ls to define exchange-markeË equilibrium in

terms of a ttsusÈainable" current-account balance: one equal to "normal"

capital flows. This approach relies on an estimation of a stable relatíonship
beÈween exchange

rates and the current account after the statistician


removed the effects of business cycles, Èrade dlstorÈ1ons, and other anomalies

and temporary influences.
Beyond the obvious technical problems, a strong economic racionale for

such a stable relationship between exchange rates and the current account does

not exist.

As stockman (August 1988, p. 535) notes: ". .any patÈern of

correlations between the current account and the exchange race can be obtained
from theory, depending on the source of the disturbance and


characteristics of the modeI."4
In truth, governments have no better infornation about what
constitutes the equilibrium exchange-rate path than do markets. Under


circumstances, attempts to force the exchange rate to a designaËed equtlibrium

are unlikely to enhance economic rvelfare.

Sticky Prices and


Bullding on the idea that exchange rates should respond to trade
flows, a second interventionist theme justifies

active manipulation of

exchange rates because prlces (notably wages) are sticky (see Krugman t19891).

Stockman (October l-988) provides examples.


In this vlew, exchange-rate manipulation is seen as a means of fosÈering
internatíona1 adjustmenÈ when prices, most notably
country, are sticky.


in the deficit

A real depreclation is partícularly necessar1r, because

strong propensities to spend in home markets weaken income-adjustment


I,IiÈh stieky prlces, a nominal depreciation alters the terms of

trade, offerlng a necessary Íncentive to switch the pattern of expenditures.
The key here is an "active manipulatíon" of nominal exchange rates.

Floating rates can indeed promote effictency and aid in international
adjustment, especially when prices are stsícky. For example, an íncrease in



for U.S. goods produces a dollar appreciation, which

that demand. Otherwise, with



prices assumed sticky, we would require


non-price mechanism to accorunodate the excess demand (see SËockrnan IOctober
1988, August 19881). Such exchange-rate adjustments promote mutually

beneficial trades and thereby enhance welfare.
The activist

view, however, rejects floatlng rates because they can

permit large, persistent current-account deficits.

Instead, this approach

that current-account deficits are disequilibrium responses to policy

errors, which market lmperfections aggravate. It characterizes the U.S.
current-accounË deflclt

as abnormal from a historic perspective, and

unsustainable 1n vlew of some subjective calculations of our abllity



finance chis debt. According to this view, exchange markets apparently fail
to consider these debt dynamics.
Recent work questions thís approach by suggesüing that large

current-account deficits can be an equillbrium attempt to smooth consumption

over time in the face of shocks that temporarily reduce current output, or in
Ëhe face of demographic factors that encourage current eonsumption relative to


future consurnpÈÍon (see Koenig t19891). As Hill (1989) suggesrs, models rhar
do not consider recent demographic patterns can produce misleading conclusions
about the nature of the current-account deficit.

Historic patterns, then,

might noË provide a basls against which to compare recent trends. Moreover,

this recent work seens to question the validity

of highly subjective

calculations of our abilíty to finance that debt.
Ile previously addressed a more important criticism of this I'activist"
view: Monetary-induced changes ín nominal exchange raËes will alter real
only temporarily, to the extent that prices are slow to adjust.


In the long

term, monetary policy cannot alter the terms of trade.

Exchange-RaÈe Indetermínacy

I.Iallace (L979) offers a justification for exchange-rate management
based on the argument

that equilibrium


rates for fíat currencies are

indeterminate; that ls, many equilibrium exchange rates are possible.
Governments can break Èhe indeterminacy

either by fixing




íntroducing legal restrictions on currency holdings, or by credibly
threaÈening future exchange-market interventÍon.

Thls theoretical model


to sug€est that all volatility is

superfluous and unrelated to any economic fundamentals. As already noEed,

volattlity that is related to

and demands--can Promote the adJustment

fundamentals--changíng supplies


The model




fiat currencies are perfect substitutes, but individuals typically hold
Portfolios of interest-earning assets, not currencles. Evidence suggests that
these assets are p.¡! perfect substitutes (see Hodrick [1987] ).

risk will render


rates determínant.

The associared


Even lf one accepEs the indeterminacy argument, it does noE justify

the maintenance of fíxed exchange rates through intervention in fiat
currencies. Legal restri-ctions, such as a simple rule that governments
collect all taxes and other pa)rments in their own currencies, would suffice to
solve the alleged problem.

Policy Spillovers
A recent justification

for monetary protectionism stems not from

market imperfections, but from alleged inefflciencies

in government

policymaking. Because a few, very large countries (Èhe Group of

Five) domlnate international macroeconomic policy, the actions of any one


significant spillover effecËs on all other nations. Only through policy
coordination can governments internaLize these spillover effects, and achieve
polícy choices that are Pareto superior to autarkic policy setting.



the recent calls for monetary policy to focus on fixing exchange rates or


establishing target zones stem from policy coordination arguments.
The elegant gleam of the theoretical argument for policy coordination
becomes tarnished when exposed

to empirical tests.

Generally, studies do not

offer support for international mechanlsms, such as fixed exchange rates or
target zones, that requlre a continual coordination of macroeconomic

Empirical sÈudies of coordination find only small gains,

suggestíng that policy spillovers are not critical

of the largest industrial countries today.

Humpage (1990) surveys

this llterature.

to the economic well-being


A maJor argument against policy coordlnatlon


knowledge about the nature

to agree on a sPecífic

is that

of international

model and on corrective

we lack

economic interactions

policíes. Nearly all

differ in their policy multÍpliers. Ilhen these multipliers
refer to domestic pollcy objectives, the dÍfferences are mainly ín degree; but
econometric models

multípliers refer to inÈernational policy effects, the differences
are often in direction. This uncertainty about the true economic model raises

when the

questions about the ability of policy coordlnatíon to enhance welfare.

In large Part, the lack of


in addressing current-account

imbalances among Llest Germany, Japan, and the United States

has arisen because each country views the cause

of the

in recent years,



and, therefore, each has a separate prescriptfon for redressing Ít.

problem stemming from U.S.


fiscal policies.

of international policy coordination is
that it can challenge the more traditfonal ordering of policy preferences,
Another questlonable aspect


is an importanÈ aspect of national sovereignty.


trfest Germany,

traditionally has favored relatively low Ínflation




current-account surplus, and is unltkely to accept a high rate of inflation in

order to eliminate its current-account surplus. Countries will pursue

lnternational policy coordfnation only




it is mutually advanÈageous;


pollcy coordinatlon if it conflicts with highly valued,

traditional domestic goals.
In view of the substantial weight countries attach to domestic policy
targeËs, and given the apparent model uncertainty, policy coordination will

lack the discipline and the spontaneity that it requires for credíbilicy,



less for success. An approach lacking credibility

creates uncertainty

Ëhe reasons for government actions and could increase the volatility


of asset

prices, especially exchange rates.

The Polftical



of Ìfonetary Protectlonlsm

have attempted to illustrate

that the economic arguments offered in

favor of monetary protectionísm are weak; that such monetary manipulations


not have a Permanent effect on Èhe terms of trade, and that they risk causing

To understand Ëheir proliferation,


one must investigate the

that give rise to monetary protectionism.

In contrast to the lnÈerventionist literature,

which presupposes an

all-v¡ise government acting in Èhe public's best interest, a rich, growing

on political

economy characterízes

elected officials

as seeklng to

enhance their owrt power, prestige, and wealth by maximÍ-zi.:ng their ability


gain votes. Politicians and bureaucrats attemp! to extend the scope of their

influence by responding to the


of the most politicalty

active (voting) constltuencies, This literature has offered important
insights lnto tradítional protectionisrn (see Quibria [1989]). Ilhat follows
are some thoughts on sirnilar elements relating to monetary protectionism.

Buying Time and Deferring Criticism
By 1985,
account was


exchange rates r¡rere

at their zenith; the U.S. current

deteriorating rapidly, and evidence suggested that the United

States was becomlng a debtor country

for the first time since

l^Iorld l.tar



U.S. manufacturers, facing increasingly stiff
Congress for trade legislatlon.

competition worldwide, besieged

Most fmporcanÈ, analysts increasingly linked

the deterioratíon in the external accounts wíth fiscal policies of the
administration and Congress. The opportuniuy cost of government lnaction,
measured in terms of votes lost, seemed to rise sharply in the early 1980s.

The administration teal-ized that the U.S. current-account deficit

reflected imbalances becween savings and investment in the United States,
in lfest Germany and Japan. Governments, however, cannot easily redress



structural relationships through fiscal pollcies because of strong vested
interests Ín maintalning various tax and expendlture patterns.


unwilllngness of the Uníted States to take strong measures to cut the
federal budget deflcit cypifies the problem. A corresponding relucËance


expand fiscal policy for balance-of-payments purposes exisÈed in I.Iest Germany
and Japan in the early 1980s.

Lacking an

ability to address these structural



quickly, polic¡rmakers might resort to exchange-market intervention.



coordinated through the Group of Seven, such interventíon offers a highly

visible signal that

governments are addressing

constituencies. If


the requirements of their

by credible pronouncements of changes in

future monetary and fiscal policies, inËervenÈion might serve to diffuse

crlticism of adnlnistration policies, to blunt protectionlst
buy time


more fundamental

demands, and to

policy adjustments.

Targetin& Benefits. Diffusing Costs

llhile goods prices are slow to adjust, a nominal currency depreciation
is equivalent to a temporary, across


the -board

tax on imports and a subsidy to


exporÈs. I.Iith Èhe terms of trade temporarily altered, certain groups in the
traded-goods sectors can realize benefíts from monetary protectionism similar

to those afforded by commercial policies. Ultimately,
monetary Protectionism disslpate

credibility of




with a higher inflation rate




inflation costs of





protectloní.sm, however, are dispersed across a wider spectrum of individuals
and over

a longer time horizon than the beneflts. A constÍtuency that

receives net benefits from monetary protectlonism (export and import-

firms) can exist.



a constituency is likely to be polÍtícally

more cohesive than any constituency

policy that

for price stabilÍty.


seems myopic from an economic perspecÈive can be



fars Íghted.

Another seemingly attractive aspect of monetary protectionism ts that
Congress and

the administration can justify it ln terms of broader

macroeconomic considerations, such as exchange-rate "misalignmentt' or

current-account "lmbalance," rather Èhan lndusÈry-specific considerations,
such as automobile and



steel employment. Consequently, the rent-seeking

monetary protectionism are less obvious than those




In the early 1980s, most import-cornpeting firms sought direct

because Congress can



policies to fit specific

products or countrles. Direct restraints, however, seemed increasingly

difficult for legislators

enact. As the frequently-heard plea "I'm for
free trade as long as 1t's fair" suggests, even those who seek resÈraints


that as a general poI1cy, protectionísm is costly

Perhaps more importanc, however, Congress faces



a growing antiprotectionist


lobby (see Destler and odell [1987]). Multinational firms and domesric
exporters fear that U.S. trade sanctions could trigger foreign retaliation.
Domestic importers of consumer goods and firms that use traded goods as

parts face higher coscs because of ímport restraints.

Congress is constrained ln the use of traditlonal

In addition,

import restraints because

such policies often violaÈe existing treaties or tend to compromise other

types of foreign-pollcy iniciatives.
Wary of the pitfalls
Congressmen sought

of traditional commercial policies,

to satisfy constituencies and avoid foreign reÈaliation

through a manipulation of nominal exchange rates.



By the end of 1985,


inÈroduced and supported on both sides of the aisle, contalned specific

endorsements of exchange-rate policy.


item, submitted by senators

Brad1ey, Moynihan, and Baucus, called for the creaËion of a "strategic Capital

Reserve," akln Èo the Exchange Stabilization Fund, which the Treasury would
use to purchase foreign currencies when Èhe current-account defÍcit exceeded

target value and when the dollar deviated from a leve1 compatible wiËh a
currenc-account balance. The b111 also instructed the Federal Reserve System

not to sterllize

the monetary effects of intervention from the Strategic

Capital Reserve.6 The demands for protectionism seemed to lessen after


Uniced States and the oüher large industriaLlzed countries began to inEervene
and after the dollar began to depreciate.

Destler and Henning (1989), pp. 108-112, diseuss this legÍslarion.



Government Collusion

Countries interested in establlshing exchange-rate targets have a

strong incentive to collude in their efforts with forelgn goverrunents (see
Vaubel t1986]).

In the case where countries attempt to alter nomínal


rates, such collusion provides tacit foreign approval of these policies


limits the chances Èhat a foreign government will take steps to neutralize the
exchange policies of another. Sometlmes such collusion involves having cartel


delay policy negotiations or exchange-rate adjustments when individual


face criÈical elections.

Bretton lloods and the European

Monetary System (EMS) are examples of faírly

successful collusion.

competltíve currency devaluations of the 1930s show what can happen


governments attempt to fix a price, but the cartel breaks down.

Coordinated efforÈs to fix exchange raÈes can allow individual

countries to influence the policies of others and to defer


of the

adjustment burdens of maintaining the peg. Such mechanisms are found in the

and fígure í.n some proposals for target zones and for fixed exchange

rates. Many suPport the European Central Bank proposal for just this reason.
The alternative is to sacriflce monetary sovereignty to maintain a fixed
exchange rate and to follow the monetary policy of a dominant country.

Rogoff (1985) presents another important reason that governments might
collude to manipulate nomlnal exchange rates.
a higher tolerance for lnflation

In hfs model, governments


than the publlc and attempt to exploit any

short-term stíckiness in prlces for a higher rate of output and employment.
Under floating exchange rates, a rapi-d depreciatlon fn the nominal exchange

rate in resPonse Èo such inflationary policy signals the market's displeasure
and consÈralns goverûnents. Through collusion to fix the exchange rate,


however, governments can blunt the exchange-rate reacEion to their policíes
and reduce the políuicar costs of pursuing inflationary


Generalizing from Rogoff's argument, coordination to limit exchange-rate

fluctuations is politically

attractive because it eliminates an important,

immediate barometer of the market's opinÍon of goverrunent polieies.

Extendins Influence

As 1n the United States, exchange-rate pollcy often falls under the
purview of Treasuries and Finance Ministries, but its success requires the

particÍpation of central banks. As is well knorvn, sterilized exchange-rate
intervention has no lastlng effects on exchange rates (see

Humpage t1986]).

For their part, central banks often are willing participants, viewing
exchange-rate management as a legitimate aim of monetary policy.
Exchange-rate movements can impart useful information for policymaklng and,

already noted, exchange-rate targets can sometlmes be consistent with



monetary policy of price stability.

As often as not, however, exchange-raËe polícies conflict with price


For example, U.S. intervenÈ1on sales of dollars Ëhis pasË year

seemed lnconsisÈent


with a goal of prlce stability.

Ilhen these objectives

the Federal Reserve System faces a dilemma betr¡¡een its mandate of

pollcy independence and its accountability to the broad national policy goals
set by the Congress and adminlstration.

The System does not wish to appear

unresponsive to the objectives of government before Congress and the

administration or in the eyes of the publ1c. Participation also enables


central bank to lnfluence policy formulations that 1t is powerless to prevent.
Nevertheless, as Herbert Stein recently noted, "Despite alI the formal


Provisions for Íts lndependence, the Fed seems constantly to feel that if iÈ
uses its independence too freely it will 1ose it. "


In countries with independent central banks, intervention policies
mighc enable fiscal agents to extend thelr lnfluence beyond the exchange

market to domestic moneEary policy.

Elected officials

often seek easier

monetary pollcy than central banks, hoping to lower interest rates and to

stimulate real growth and employment. In choosing a nominal exchange-rate
target, engaging in intervention, and encouraging the central bank not to

the inÈerventÍons, fÍscal agents have a mechanism for such an


Thls channel of lnfluence would not always be open. AÈ times,

however, such as when the central-bank policy commíttee is not in unanimous
agreement, such an influence, marginal though it may be, could prove decisive

in charting future monetary policy.

A Global Monetary Order. L992 and


have attempted


to instill a healthy skepticism for


manÍpulatlon, arguing that monetary protectlonism is not grounded in widely
supported economíc evidence

unlikely to

of market fallure and, therefore, that it is

enhance economic

welfare. Instead,

monetary proEectionism stems,

as a near-term palllative, from the political interactions between
policymakers and consÈltuencies with vested interests
outcomes. Any

international monetary order wllling to accept

crlterÍa for exchange rates


Ín particular



co blnd goverrunents

l,Iorsen the Fed's Problem," I^Iall Streec Journal





, October 19,



constitutions is ripe for monetary protectionism. To counter the political
íncentíves toward monetary protectionism,


urge nations to adopt monetary

constitutions, along lines similar to the Neal Resolution in the United
States, which focus monetary pollcy on achieving long-term price stability.
This would do more for eliminatíng exchange-market uncertainty and for
fostering the efficient worldwide use of real resources than any program


manipulate nominal exchange raÈes.
Our comments are not meant as a blanket condemnation of international

policy cooPeraEion.


strongly support cooperation that emphasizes monetary

constitutions, focusing on price stabilíty,
market-deÈermined exchange rates.

and that recognize

Only cooperation based on these conditions

both feasible and credÍbIe, because it recognizes the preeminence of

national policy objectives and monetary sovereignty.
Contrary to what some might infer, this approach does noË preclude
European monetary uniflcation,

but it suggests a different approach than

currently seems to be favored (see Hoskins [1989]). European governments are
not likely to relinquish national monetary sovereignty upon adoption of


single market Ln L992. Indeed, this concern is at the heart of the British
reluctance to join the EMS. Consequently, ._greater exchange-rate flexibÍlity
than the El'lS currently provides seems necessary to ensure that exchange rates
do not interfere with the efficient

flow of goods, labor, and capital

following Ëhe removal of restrictlons.
The free flow of resources will

foster a convergence of policy

preferences within Europe as governments compete for these resources by

providÍng stable econornlc and political

environments. Governments that fail

to provide such an envirorunent will lose resources, as markets "vote"





resulting convergence of monetary and fiscal policies will

lead to greater exchange-rate stability.

In time,


the governmental

competition for resources attains a convergence of macroeconomic policy,
issues of natlonal policy sovereignty, in effect, will be muted. OnIy then

will a monetary union with a common currency be feasible,
monetary union augment the


within the


exchange raËes

prÍor to a convergence of policy

Moreover, judging from the experience
would seem to guarantee speculators


to ensure that interest rates

wíll bear more of the adjustment burden as resources



efficiency gains of a single market.

Economic Community seems

adjustment and

and only then

move across currencíes.

of Bretton lloods, fixed

of perlodlc

encourage goverrunenÈs


and prices

exchange rates

and obvlous exchange-ta:ue


capital through the reíntroductlon of restraints.

the flow of goods
The dynamlcs of

achieving monetary union are as important as the goal.




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