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Before the International Swaps and Derivatives Association,
13th Annual General Meeting, Rome, Italy
March 26, 1998

Lessons and Perspectives
Thank you for inviting me to speak at this annual meeting of ISDA. When visiting Rome, we
are all conscious of the rich history and grandeur of the Roman Empire. This setting puts
into perspective the short history of the swaps and derivatives market -- despite having come
a long way, the market for over-the-counter derivatives is still relatively young. Nonetheless,
it is not so young that it cannot benefit from a reassessment of its past development, with an
eye toward using those lessons to inform and guide the future.
Major Milestones
At meetings such as this one, it often is the practice to review major events in the
development of the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market and to chronicle its growth.
The milestones of the market are often recorded as the introduction of new products, be they
currency swaps, interest rate swaps, caps, collars, floors, or credit derivatives. While this
approach puts products in their historical context, it does not provide a framework against
which to evaluate subsequent evolution of products and the market. An alternative approach
that may be more informative is to focus on OTC derivative dealers and how their role in the
market has evolved, that is, to chronicle changes in the ways dealers conduct their business
and manage their risk. From this latter perspective, the first stage in the evolution of OTC
derivatives was characterized by matched transactions. Intermediaries arranged deals
directly between counterparties, serving as brokers rather than dealers. This activity evolved
to a second stage in which the intermediary began dealing rather than brokering.
Intermediaries took the opposite sides of contracts with their counterparties and in effect
became OTC derivatives dealers. Positions were warehoused by the dealers until their risk
could be offset by a mirroring transaction with another counterparty. Dealers incurred
exposures, but these exposures arose because of the asynchronous nature of the business.
Over the long haul, their books remained basically matched.
The need to find a pairwise offsetting transaction obviously limited the growth potential of
the market. The most critical stage in the evolution of OTC derivatives dealing, one that
vastly expanded the potential growth of the market, was dealers' adoption of a portfolio
approach to their business. Instead of offsetting individual deals, dealers came to view the
business as a portfolio of cash flows whose risk could be managed. This approach to risk
management was a necessary condition for the subsequent expansion in both the volume and
the range of products that has been a characteristic of the industry. Dealers could never
reasonably hope to match or to pairwise offset individual structured products. They could,
however, manage the exposures to the basic risk factors that were embodied in the cash
flows of these deals. The risk management processes of dealers now involve highly
sophisticated systems and modeling of portfolios. In essence, the emphasis had changed
from individual product design to system design and portfolio risk management. The

development of this systems portfolio approach then set the stage for the phenomenal
growth the market has experienced.
Key Factors Supporting the Growth in the Industry
In order for dealers to implement this portfolio management approach and thereby support
the growth in the industry, certain essential elements also needed to be in place. Reliable
methods for determining market values of individual instruments and portfolios were
necessary. The value-at-risk approach of mapping instruments into common risk factors
needed to be broadly accepted. Data on common risk factors such as zero coupon yields,
exchange rates, and volatilities had to be readily available and in some cases, had to be
developed. Finally, the availability of liquid hedging vehicles, such as Eurodollar futures and
Treasury repo markets, that allow dealers to adjust their exposures to the common risk
factors was key.
A focus on these supporting factors - - valuation and risk management methods, data and
hedging vehicles - - is useful as an analytical device because it helps identify factors that
may either foster or inhibit the growth of new or future products. Take credit derivatives as
an example. Credit derivatives are one of the most interesting products developed in the
OTC derivative market in quite some time. They offer a means for counterparties to directly
adjust credit exposures to specific firms or to diversify industry or geographic
concentrations. Their potential is enormous because credit risk is the major risk faced by
financial service firms. Credit derivatives' growth to date, however, has been fairly limited,
and this limited growth can be traced to deficiencies in some of these supporting factors.
Data to price the instruments is relatively poor. Analysts typically look to corporate bonds,
but historical data on bonds are fairly limited. Information on loan values is even more
difficult to obtain. The growth of credit derivatives also has been constrained by the lack of
hedging instruments. There really are no exchange-traded instruments that can be used to
effectively hedge credit risk. Given my earlier association with exchange-traded markets, I
am surprised that this profit opportunity has not yet been exploited. It illustrates, no doubt,
the difficulty of overcoming the impediment of data availability and of pricing credit risk.
A discussion of factors that have supported the growth of OTC derivative markets would not
be complete without also noting the importance of infrastrucuture developments and ISDA's
contributions in that area. Master agreements have played a critical role, enabling
counterparties to manage the credit risk of their positions more effectively. ISDA and its
members perceived the value of uniform documentation and supported development of a
standard master agreement that allows for acceleration and close-out netting in the event of
default. Work didn't end with the creation of the master agreement, however, and ISDA has
played a continuing role educating counterparties about the importance of utilizing master
As time passes, I have come to appreciate more and more the role that infrastructure
elements play in fostering the growth of markets. ISDA has developed standard
documentation for some credit derivatives, for example, which should aid in the
development of that product. Collateral agreements are another development that shows
great promise for helping market participants manage their credit risk and for facilitating
growth of the market. Here also, ISDA has made useful contributions. Standard collateral
agreements, either title transfer or pledge, have been developed for several jurisdictions.
Collateral agreements, like the master agreement, must be based upon sound legal
foundations, and ISDA has supported analysis in this area, too. These efforts give market
participants additional tools to help them manage the risks in their OTC business and ensure

that any perceived reductions in risk rest on a sound legal foundation.
Viewed broadly, the Group of Thirty study of derivatives ranks as another key supporting
factor in the development of the market. As I noted earlier, the broad acceptance of the
value-at-risk approach for managing portfolios of derivative instruments fostered the growth
of the market and the diversity of products that could be offered. Discussions in the G-30
Report also formed the basis of the internal-models approach that supervisors ultimately
adopted for the capitalization of market risk in trading accounts. The Report defined a set of
sound risk management practices for dealers and end-users as well as describing VaR
techniques. Roots of both the qualitative and quantitative standards in the internal-models
approach can be found in the Report's discussions.
Derivatives No Longer the Scapegoat
It is, no doubt, a reflection of the overall quality of risk management in the OTC derivatives
business, and the widespread acceptance of the principles articulated in the G-30 Report,
that derivatives are no longer the scapegoat for all episodes of market volatility. The role
that derivatives can play in allowing counterparties to manage risks is now widely accepted.
Previously, counterparties might simply have borne these risks or elected not to undertake
the business that entailed the risks. Derivatives are now seen as an essential tool that market
participants have for managing risk. The rhetoric even from banking supervisors and central
banks has become more muted of late as they also acknowledge derivatives' role and utilize
market developments and models in new supervisory standards.
This change in the attitude toward derivatives has occurred in no small part because more
and more observers of the market are learning to distinguish between the instrument itself
and the way in which that instrument is used by market participants. Derivatives are a means
of shifting risk. Problems do not arise simply because a party that is better able to bear risk
agrees, for a fee, to assume that risk from a party that is less able to bear it. Instead,
problems arise if the parties to the agreement do not understand the risks that they are
assuming or have inadequate controls for managing that risk. Much of the shift in attitude
toward derivatives has occurred because "problems" with derivatives are correctly seen as
arising in the behavior of the parties entering into the contracts rather than in the contracts
Perspectives on Asia
Events in Asia are providing a test of more than just attitudes toward derivatives. Turmoil in
these markets also has provided an important test of the risk management processes that
OTC derivatives dealers have put in place and the infrastructure supporting those systems.
The jury is still out in some respects, but preliminary reports of how U.S. banks have fared
provides valuable insights and lessons. Perhaps most importantly, evidence indicates that
global risk management processes and the tools of risk management such as value-at-risk
systems worked as expected. Most banks had identified Asia as an area of potential risk
during the early going. Robust internal communication channels along with the timely
identification of risks enabled banks to take steps to mitigate some of that risk. Positions
were reduced in some instances, and hedges were put in place in others.
In reviews of events, the basic elements of portfolio management also were cast under a
bright light. Banks reported that their ability to revalue positions generally held up.
Furthermore, the discipline of identifying and reporting sources of profits and losses in each
of their trading businesses on a daily basis was very valuable. Banks also reported that their
VaR systems worked as expected. Of course, VaR is only designed to cover 95 or 99 percent

of price moves, and many of the price changes observed were certainly draws from the tails
of distributions. The occurrence of these large price moves strongly reinforces the need for
VaR techniques to be supplemented by a program of stress testing. Stress tests, after all,
should encompass precisely the type of events that have been occurring. When done
rigorously, banks reported that stress tests were accurate and led in some instances to
reductions in positions before the market turmoil was fully blown. Stress tests that had been
done by a centralized risk management function also provided an additional check on the
exposures of business line units that inevitably have a narrower perspective on risk. The
results of these stress tests also served as sources of discussion for centralized decisionmaking by senior management.
This record, while reassuring, should not imply that areas in need of improvement were not
also exposed. Some of these areas were unexpected and are of the nature of typical lessons
that one discovers as one lives through a crisis. Other areas for improvement are more basic,
however, and indicate practices that should become a standard part of banks' risk
management tool kits. If we go back to the basic factors that were essential for a portfolio
management approach to the OTC derivatives business - - valuation techniques, risk
management methods, data, and hedging vehicles - - the events in Asia exposed areas for
improvement in each.
While banks reported that their ability to value positions held up, they also noted that they
had difficulties revaluing the less liquid positions. This observation probably says more about
the ability to evaluate the liquidity risk in positions than valuation techniques per se.
Nonetheless, an analysis of lessons to be drawn from these events probably should include
more systematic approaches to incorporating liquidity risk in valuation techniques and
reserving methodologies.
Events also point to areas in which risk management methods could and should be
strengthened. As banks trade new and innovative products or employ new and sophisticated
trading strategies, it is important that risk management methodologies continue to improve as
well. Where simplistic risk modeling techniques are employed, they often do not allow
management to have a complete understanding of the risks being borne. Similarly, banks
have noted the importance of stress tests in identifying significant concentrations of risk.
They also have noted, however, that events unfolded over much longer periods of time than
the typical one-day horizon of a stress test and that contagion across markets was faster than
anticipated. This argues for assumptions of multi-day events in some stress scenarios,
particularly when dealing with less liquid instruments. Making appropriate judgements about
the liquidity of instruments, or lack thereof, in determining the size of acceptable exposures
is a theme that emerges in a variety of contexts when assessing market movements of the
fourth quarter.
Another area in which valuable lessons were learned is the importance of having hedging
instruments available for the full range of risks that are being assumed through product
offerings. Banks have reported that liquidity dried up in some instruments they were
depending upon for hedging. This forced them into proxy hedging strategies using
instruments that inevitably exposed them to basis risk. As I noted earlier, the availability of
hedging instruments has been key to the growth and the broad product line that is found in
OTC markets. Events of the last year may, however, have highlighted the fact that some
dealers are not thinking carefully and critically enough about the ways they are going to
hedge the risks assumed in various lines of business. In this area also, the theme of the
availability of liquidity emerges.

The final area related to the lessons of Asia that I would like to touch on is that
old-fashioned topic of concentrations of credit risk. The turmoil in Asian markets has clearly
provided a test of the risk management processes associated with derivatives dealing. But at
the end of the day, the lessons to be learned may be related less to derivatives themselves
than to why dealers analyze credit risk and view diversification. Prices moved dramatically
and market risk became credit exposures. These events raised the sensitivity of bank
management to the potentially high correlation between credit exposures and the probability
of counterparty default during stressful times. At a minimum, they illustrate the importance
of diversification in all lines of business and the need to view diversification in the broadest
Despite the fact that I think there are numerous improvements dealers could make to their
risk management systems, I do not want to end with the impression that derivatives dealers
and their systems somehow failed this test of market volatility. Systems generally performed
well. The very conduct of a post mortem, after all, demonstrates the basic quality of existing
procedures and systems. That said, however, we should not forego the opportunity to learn
from the events and possibly strengthen systems even further.
Future Directions
Looking to the future, the lessons of Asia provide sign posts for the areas of risk
management in which work by both market participants and supervisors is likely to be
concentrated. Volatility, after all, usually leads to innovations to help deal with it. Credit risk
management emerged as one theme in assessments of the Asian volatility. A reassessment of
liquidity risk was another. An emphasis on the infrastructure of the market no doubt will
continue as well.
Firms already were working upon ways to apply techniques developed for the management
of market risk in the context of credit risk. Supervisors also were evaluating the potential for
applying such an internal models approach to the determination of regulatory capital
requirements for credit risk. Events in Asia highlight not only the promise of such
approaches but also the hurdles that must be overcome if their potential is to be realized.
Once one recognizes the correlation between market risk and credit risk, the next step is a
consideration of a global approach to risk management and the possibility of extending an
internal models approach beyond market risk. The application of that approach implies,
however, that prices can be obtained from thin markets and used effectively in risk
measurement. As we continue to pursue new approaches to credit risk management, the
basic questions arise again and again: Are data and techniques for revaluing positions
available? Can acceptable risk measurement models be developed? Are hedging vehicles
available? These questions represent hurdles that must be jumped. They will not necessarily
be easy, but neither were other hurdles that this industry has overcome.
Another theme that emerges is liquidity risk. A fundamental assumption of many risk
management procedures is the ability to get out of a position or to hedge it. Events in Asia
demonstrated once again that assumptions about liquidity in normal markets rarely hold in
more volatile ones. This argues both for a reassessment of the assumptions themselves and
for more careful and fundamental thinking about liquidity risk in risk management
At the outset of my remarks, I noted my appreciation for infrastructure developments as a
foundation for the growth of the market. Certainly, their importance is unlikely to diminish
in the near term. Market participants generally have an appreciation for potential legal risk

but continuing reassessment is valuable. Episodes of volatility give some counterparties
strong incentives to try to walk away from losing contracts. Such events indicate areas
where further legal work may be necessary to ensure that the market's infrastructure remains
The industry has had a phenomenal record of growth and innovation over the past few years,
but plenty of work remains to be done over the next few years. Many of the issues to be
faced are not easy. However, I have no doubt that the energy, creativity, and competitive
spirit of the industry will ensure that these issues are dealt with and that the future of OTC
derivatives is a bright one. The leadership role that ISDA has played in the past will
undoubtedly be called upon in the future.

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Last update: March 26, 1998, 6:30 AM