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For release on delivery
1:15 p.m. EST (10:15 a.m. PST)
January 3, 2016

Monetary Policy, Financial Stability, and the Zero Lower Bound

Remarks by
Stanley Fischer
Vice Chairman
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
at the
Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association
San Francisco, California

January 3, 2016

Thank you. It is a great pleasure to be here today and to participate in this panel
together with such a distinguished group.
Much has happened in the world of central banking in the past 10 years. The list
of challenges we face is long and includes fundamental issues such as lender-of-lastresort policies in the modern financial system, the role of central banks in the supervision
of the financial sector, and the appropriate role of forward guidance in monetary policy
communications. Those are the topics I will not discuss today.
Rather, I will focus primarily on three related issues associated with the zero
lower bound (ZLB) on nominal interest rates and the nexus between monetary policy and
financial stability: first, whether we are moving toward a permanently lower long-run
equilibrium real interest rate; second, what steps can be taken to mitigate the constraints
imposed by the ZLB on the short-term interest rate; and, third, whether and how central
banks should incorporate financial stability considerations in the conduct of monetary
policy. 1
Are We Moving Toward a World With a Permanently Lower Long-Run
Equilibrium Real Interest Rate?
We start with a key question of the day: Are we moving toward a world with a
permanently lower long-run equilibrium real interest rate? The equilibrium real interest
rate--more conveniently known as r*--is the level of the short-term real rate that is
consistent with full utilization of resources. It is often measured as the hypothetical real

I am grateful to James Clouse, William English, Thomas Laubach, Nellie Liang, David Lopez-Salido, Jeff
Marquardt, David Mills, Fabio Natalucci, David Reifschneider, Stacey Tevlin, David Wilcox, and Paul
Wood for their assistance. I have benefited also from discussions with John Williams. My comments
today reflect my own views and are not an official position of the Board of Governors or the Federal Open
Market Committee.

-2rate that would prevail in the long-run once all of the shocks affecting the economy die
down. 2 In terms of the Federal Reserve’s approach to monetary policy, it is the real
interest rate at which the economy would settle at full employment and with inflation at
2 percent--provided the economy is not at the ZLB.
Recent interest in estimates of r* has been strengthened by the secular stagnation
hypothesis, forcefully put forward by Larry Summers in a number of papers, in which the
value of r* plays a central role. 3 Research that was motivated in part by attempts that
began some time ago to specify the constant term in standard versions of the Taylor rule
has shown a declining trend in estimates of r*. That finding has become more firmly
established since the start of the Great Recession and the global financial crisis. 4
A variety of models and statistical approaches suggest that the current level of
short-run r* may be close to zero. Moreover, the level of short-run r* seems likely to rise
only gradually to a longer-run level that is still quite low by historical standards. For
example, the median long-run real federal funds rate reported in the Federal Reserve’s
Summary of Economic Projections prepared in connection with the December 2015
meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee has been revised down about
1/2 percentage point over the past three years to a level of 1-1/2 percent. 5 As shown in
the figure, a decline in the value of r* seems consistent with the decline in the level of
longer-term real rates observed in the United States and other countries.


See Laubach and Williams (2003).
See Summers (2014, 2015).
This research includes recent work by Kiley (2015) and others that uses extensions of the original
Laubach and Williams (2003) framework. An international perspective on medium-to-long-run real
interest rates is provided by U.S. Executive Office of the President (2015). Reinhart and Rogoff (2009) and
Hall (2014) discuss the long-lived effects of financial crises on economic performance. See also Hamilton
and others (2015).
The projections materials associated with the Federal Open Market Committee’s December 2015 meeting
are available on the Board’s website at

-3What determines r*? Fundamentally, the balance of saving and investment
demands does so. A very clear systematic exposition of the theory of r* is presented in a
2015 paper from the Council of Economic Advisers. Several trends have been cited as
possible factors contributing to a decline in the long-run equilibrium real rate. One a
priori likely factor is persistent weakness in aggregate demand. Among the many reasons
for that, as Larry Summers has noted, is that the amount of physical capital that the
revolutionary IT firms with high stock market valuations have needed is remarkably
small. The slowdown of productivity growth, which has been a prominent and deeply
concerning feature of the past four years, is another factor reducing r*. 6 Others have
pointed to demographic trends resulting in there being a larger share of the population in
age cohorts with high saving rates. 7 Some have also pointed to high saving rates in many
emerging market countries, coupled with a lack of suitable domestic investment
opportunities in those countries, as putting downward pressure on rates in advanced
economies--the global savings glut hypothesis advanced by Ben Bernanke and others at
the Fed about a decade ago. 8
Whatever the cause, other things being equal, a lower level of the long-run
equilibrium real rate suggests that the frequency and duration of future episodes in which
monetary policy is constrained by the ZLB will be higher than in the past. Prior to the
crisis, some research suggested that such episodes were likely to be relatively infrequent

It is also a major factor explaining the phenomenon of the economy’s impressive performance on the jobs
front during a period of historically slow growth.
See, for instance, Gordon (2014, forthcoming).
See Bernanke (2005). See also the recent work by Caballero, Farhi, and Gourinchas (2008) and Mendoza,
Quadrini, and Rios-Rull (2009).

-4and generally short lived. 9 The past several years certainly require us to reconsider that
basic assumption.
Moreover, the experience of the past several years in the United States and many
other countries has taught us that conducting monetary policy effectively at the ZLB is
challenging, to say the least. 10 And while unconventional policy tools such as forward
guidance and asset purchases have been extremely helpful, there are many uncertainties
associated with the use of such tools. 11
I would note in passing that one possible concern about our unconventional
policies has eased recently, as the Federal Reserve’s normalization tools proved effective
in raising the federal funds rate following our December meeting. Of course, issues may
yet arise during normalization that could call for adjustments to our tools, and we stand
ready to do that.
The answer to the question “Will r* remain at today’s low levels permanently?” is
that we do not know. Many of the factors that determine r*, particularly productivity
growth, are extremely difficult to forecast. At present, it looks likely that r* will remain
low for the policy-relevant future, but there have in the past been both long swings and
short-term changes in what can be thought of as equilibrium real rates Eventually,
history will give the answer.
But it is critical to emphasize that history’s answer will depend also on future
policies, monetary and other, notably including fiscal policy.


See, for instance, Reifschneider and Williams (2000), Blanchard and Simon (2001), and Stock and
Watson (2003).
For a discussion of various issues reviewed by the Federal Open Market Committee in late 2008 and
2009 regarding the complications of unconventional monetary policy at the ZLB, see the set of staff memos
on the Board’s website at
See Williams (2013).

-5What Steps Can Be Taken to Mitigate the Constraints Associated with the ZLB?
Against that backdrop, a second key question for central banks is, What steps, if
any, can be taken to mitigate the constraints associated with the ZLB?

Raising the Inflation Target: One step that has been proposed by many, including
Olivier Blanchard, is the possibility of raising the target rate of inflation from
2 percent to some higher level. One concern I have raised in the past about such
proposals is that high levels of inflation may also be associated with higher
inflation variability. The welfare costs of high and variable inflation could be
substantial. For example, more variable inflation would make long-run planning
more difficult for households and businesses. And higher and more variable
inflation would likely also lead to higher levels of indexation in the economy over
time that, in turn, would make it more difficult for central banks to achieve their
inflation goals.


Negative Interest Rates: Another possible step would be to reduce short-term
interest rates below zero if needed to provide additional accommodation. Our
colleagues in Europe are busy rewriting economics textbooks on this topic as we
speak--and also helping us to remember earlier discussions of negative interest
rates by Keynes, Irving Fisher, Hicks, and Gesell. 12
To provide further monetary accommodation amid weak inflation prospects, the
European Central Bank lowered its deposit rate into negative territory in June


The Europeans have long been intrigued by the possibility of negative rates, beginning with Gesell’s
stamp scrip proposal in 1906 and some apparently successful experiments with stamp scrip in Austria in the
1930s. See Keynes (1936), Fisher (1933), and Hicks (1937). For an extensive discussion of Gesell’s work,
see Keynes (1936), chap. 23, pp. 353-58.

-62014 and twice cut it further, most recently to minus 0.30 percent in December.
The Riksbank has lowered its key repurchase agreement, or repo, rate to a similar
level, while the central banks of Denmark and Switzerland have cut their key
policy rates more deeply, to minus 0.75 percent, in large part to offset
considerable appreciation pressures on their currencies.
In each of these countries, short-term money market rates declined along with
policy rates. Moreover, while it is hard to distinguish the effects of the rate cuts
from those of concurrent asset purchase expansions, the easing appears to have
been transmitted to assets of longer maturity and greater risk. Bond yields and
bank lending rates declined, and, in the euro area, the volume of lending to
corporations and households picked up notably. In addition, the rate cuts into
negative territory have acted as expected through the exchange rate channel.
Negative policy rates have generally not been associated with the problems that
likely were anticipated. Adverse effects on money market functioning have been
limited. Cash holdings have not risen significantly in these countries, in part
because of nonnegligible costs of insuring, storing, and transporting physical
cash. These favorable outcomes may be partly because significant shares of
deposits at central banks in these countries are not subject to negative rates. It is
unclear how low policy rates can go before cash holdings rise or other problems
intensify, but the European experience has certainly shown that zero is not the
effective lower bound in those countries.
Could negative interest rates be a policy response that the Federal Reserve could
choose to employ in a future crisis? One possible concern with a strategy of this

-7sort in the United States is the potential for destabilizing effects in money
markets. For example, various observers have noted that negative rates could lead
to scenarios in which money funds “break the buck” or simply shut down, either
of which could generate strains in money markets. Another concern is whether
the complex and interconnected infrastructure supporting securities transactions in
the U.S. financial system could readily adapt to a world of negative interest rates.
For example, similar to the types of issues addressed ahead of the year 2000, there
could well be automated systems that simply are not coded properly at present to
process transactions based on instruments with negative rates. All of these are, of
course, transitional problems, but they might be sufficient to make a move to
negative rates difficult to implement on short notice.

Raising the Equilibrium Real Rate: An even more ambitious approach to ease the
constraints posed by the zero lower bound would be to take steps aimed at raising
the equilibrium real rate. For example, expansionary fiscal policy would boost
the equilibrium real rate. In particular, the need for more modern infrastructure in
many parts of the American economy is hard to miss. And we should not forget
that additional effective investment in education also adds to the nation’s capital.
As another example, numerous studies of the effects of the Federal Reserve’s
asset purchases suggest that these operations have reduced the level of the term
premium embedded in long-term interest rates. If aggregate demand depends
primarily on the level of long-term interest rates, it might be possible, in principle,
to maintain a level of long-term rates consistent with full employment and stable
prices by lowering term premiums while at the same time raising the level of

-8short-term rates by a compensating amount. This result could be accomplished,
for example, if the Treasury took steps to shorten the average maturity of
Treasury debt outstanding or, alternatively, if the Federal Reserve maintained
large holdings of long-term assets.

Eliminating the ZLB Associated with Physical Currency: While the European
experience suggests that interest rates can be pushed somewhat below zero, the
existence of physical currency likely still limits how deeply interest rates can be
pushed into negative territory. That observation has led some to ask whether it
would it be possible for the financial system to operate effectively without
physical currency provided by the central bank. This is a theoretical question that
has fascinated economists for decades and, with advances in technology, could
possibly have practical implications as well. Indeed, the Scandinavian countries
have embraced the development of new payments technologies that seem to be
reducing the need for physical currency for transactions in those countries. 13
Nonetheless, a transition to a cashless economy in the United States seems very
far off; indeed, U.S. currency outstanding has been increasing relative to nominal
gross domestic product over recent decades, driven importantly by foreign
demands for U.S. bank notes. Moreover, to eliminate the ZLB associated with
physical currency by going cashless, countries would need to transition to an
economy that did not require widespread use of physical currency, and central
banks in those countries would need to cease issuing physical currency on
demand (for example, in response to demands spurred by negative rates on so-


See Alderman (2015).

-9called inside money). 14 For all of these reasons, as a practical matter at least for
the United States, it seems highly unlikely that the constraints associated with the
ZLB could be meaningfully addressed by steps to encourage a transition to a
cashless economy.
None of these options for dealing with the difficulties of the ZLB suggest that it
will be easy either to raise the equilibrium real rate or to mitigate the constraints
associated with the ZLB. But when the real rate is close to zero, even small effects can
make a noticeable difference. And, of course, such issues are clearly worthy of
additional research.
How Should Central Banks Incorporate Financial Stability Considerations in the
Conduct of Monetary Policy?
The challenges associated with the ZLB and the potential risks resulting from an
environment of extremely low rates for a prolonged period of time bring me to the third
question: How should central banks incorporate financial stability considerations in the
conduct of monetary policy? Or, put another way, can we conduct monetary policy in a
way that reduces the likelihood of financial instability? 15
The first response of policymakers to the question of whether monetary policy-defined as the short-term policy interest rate--should be used to support financial stability
is to say that macroprudential tools, rather than adjustments in short-term interest rates,
should be the first line of defense.


As an alternative to eliminating currency, a number of authors--including Goodfriend (2000), Buiter
(2003), Agarwal and Kimball (2015), McAndrews (2015), and Rogoff (2014)--have discussed various
mechanisms that could effectively implement a Gesell tax on physical currency.
See International Monetary Fund (2015) for a broad discussion of many issues in this area.

- 10 Macroprudential tools are primarily regulatory or supervisory in nature and target
specific activities, markets, and financial institutions. In the United States, we now have
some experience with such tools. The interagency guidance on leveraged lending issued
in 2013 and the annual coordinated stress tests (the Dodd-Frank Act stress test, or
DFAST, mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
of 2010; and the Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review, or CCAR), focused on the
capital adequacy of the largest banking firms, are two examples implemented for a few
years now and for which data are available for an assessment of their effectiveness. 16
An important new element of the post-crisis capital regime is the Countercyclical
Capital Buffer (CCyB), which the Federal Reserve put out for comment on December 21,
2015. 17 The CCyB is designed to be activated when there is an elevated risk of abovenormal losses in the future and released when the risk of above-normal losses recedes.
The higher levels of capital would increase the resilience of the largest banks because
they would be better positioned to absorb the losses.
Despite the tools that the Fed can use to support financial stability, including the
Fed’s authority to impose margin requirements on secured financing transactions, the Fed
has fewer macroprudential tools at its command than some other central banks,
particularly with respect to real estate. Regulators in many countries facing or
anticipating problems with rising real estate prices often turn to controls over loan-tovalue or debt-to-income ratios. Such measures are potentially important, as the real
estate sector is the most common source of the beginnings of financial instability. In the


More information about DFAST and CCAR is available on the Board’s website at
See Board of Governors (2015).

- 11 United States, responding to such problems with these tools would require interagency
coordination, which could make their use cumbersome at critical moments.
It is important to acknowledge that there remain cases in which macroprudential
tools are either not available or have not been sufficiently tested in the United States, or
they may be in conflict with other objectives such as widespread access to credit. The
effective lack of such tools has two important consequences. First, it requires placing
greater weight on the ability of financial institutions and the financial system as a whole
to withstand financial shocks without the authorities having to use macroprudential
instruments--that is to say, on structural reforms to the financial system. Second, in such
instances, one could consider using monetary policy--the short term policy interest rate-to lean against the wind of financial stability risks. 18
The use of monetary policy to address financial stability concerns raises two
distinct but closely related sets of questions. The first is whether adjustments in the
policy rate can indeed enhance financial stability by reducing either the odds of a
financial crisis or the severity of such a crisis once it is under way--and, if so, through
which channels. 19
Provided that the first question is answered in the affirmative, the second question
is how leaning against the wind interacts with the traditional objectives of monetary
policy--namely, the employment and inflation mandates in the United States. This
tradeoff could be small or even nonexistent when both traditional macro objectives and

See, for instance, Stein (2013) and Carlson and others (forthcoming) for a discussion on the possible use
of monetary policy tools to foster financial stability objectives.
Implicit in this discussion is some degree of confidence that the central bank could identify a buildup of
financial stability risks. Adrian, Covitz, and Liang (2014) offer some views on effective financial stability

- 12 financial stability objectives call for the same policy action--for example, when the credit
cycle is approaching its peak, output is above potential, and inflation pressures appear to
be building. In contrast, when different objectives call for different policy actions--for
example, when some financial assets appear overvalued but economic growth remains
tepid and inflation is subdued--policymakers may find this tradeoff much more difficult
to assess and will search for macroprudential tools. Perhaps unsurprisingly, recent
contributions in the literature that quantify this tradeoff point to a range of
recommendations, with some reporting an optimal monetary policy that leans against the
wind and some suggesting otherwise. 20
I would like to conclude on this issue by saying that the issue is a bit more
complicated than suggested so far--for, given that financial variables are a critical part of
the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, when policymakers say the economy is
overheating, they may well be considering the behavior of asset prices as a critical part of
that phenomenon and part of the reason to tighten monetary policy. Thus, I believe that
the real issue of whether adjustments in interest rates should be used to deal with
problems of potential financial instability is macroeconomic, and that if asset prices
across the economy--that is, taking all financial markets into account--are thought to be
excessively high, raising the interest rate may be the appropriate step. Further discussion
of this issue will probably bear considerable similarity to the analysis of how to deal with


This variability is in part due to different model set-ups, such as how financial instability builds up and
how it affects economic outcomes. For example, Woodford (2012) finds that leaning against the wind does
not change the basis for traditional stabilization objectives in a standard New Keynesian model, whereas
the cost-benefit analysis in Svensson (2015) finds little basis for the “leaning against the wind” strategy.
Ajello and others (2015) find that optimal adjustment of the policy rate, when the possibility of a crisis is
taken into account, is small unless the policymaker is assumed to be quite uncertain about the likelihood
and severity of the crisis.

- 13 asset bubbles that took place in the United States in the decade starting about two decades
In closing, let me concede that it is easier to pose these questions than it is to
answer them definitively. The issues are both deep and interesting. Along with other
monetary policy issues, particularly the role of the lender of last resort in a world of
significant uncertainty, they deserve the attention the profession in both academic and
governmental institutions is, will be, and should be giving them.

- 14 References
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10-Year Real Treasury Yields

Using survey-based inflation expectations






























Note: The data are quarterly. The yield using survey-based inflation expectations is the difference between the 10-year nominal Treasury yield and a surveybased measure of 10-year inflation expectations taken from the FRB/US model. TIPS is Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities.
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Barclays; Federal Reserve Board staff calculations.