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Remarks by
Sheila C. Bair, Chairman,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,
Fannie Mae 2006 Annual Fair Lending Conference,
Washington, DC
September 27, 2006

Thank you, Beth, for that very kind introduction. It is my pleasure to be a part of Fannie
Mae's Annual Fair Lending Conference. During the past decade, a wave of innovation
has transformed consumer lending. New products abound in every area, from
mortgages to credit cards to short-term extensions of credit. While innovation has
brought more choice for consumers, it has also brought more complexity. This, in turn,
has heightened the challenges that we face to ensure that consumers are protected
from unfair and deceptive practices. Navigating today's consumer credit landscape can
be daunting for even the most sophisticated borrower, and is particularly challenging for
lower income borrowers, many of whom lack the financial education and resources to
make good credit choices.
Today I would like to talk about what the FDIC is doing to ensure that the banks we
supervise comply with consumer protection requirements, particularly with respect to
two timely issues: the recently released 2005 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act – or
HMDA – data, and the widespread use of non-traditional mortgage products. I will also
touch on the importance of financial education in leveling the playing field for
consumers, and how banks can act as the gateway to the financial mainstream for the
The FDIC is committed to ensuring that the institutions we supervise provide credit in a
fair and unbiased manner. A key challenge for us is assessing the degree to which race
or ethnicity affects the credit terms received by borrowers. Because of revisions to
HMDA that affected reporting on loan originations beginning in 2004, we now have
much more data about this important fair lending question. HMDA data now include
information on loans that are designated as "high-priced" – first mortgages with an APRTreasury yield spread of greater than three percentage points or second or lower
mortgages with an APR-Treasury yield spread greater than five percentage points.
Last September, the Federal Reserve published a study that accompanied the release
of the enhanced 2004 HMDA data1. This study concluded that certain minorities are
more likely to receive higher-priced loans than non-minorities. This study and others
that followed could explain only part of the differences between racial and ethnic groups
by taking account of borrower income, loan amounts and other borrower-related
information contained in the HMDA data.2

The 2005 data and an accompanying Federal Reserve study that was released to the
public two weeks ago found more of the same.3 The current study reported that the
incidence of higher-priced mortgages for African Americans was 54.7 percent compared
to 17.2 percent for non-Hispanic whites. In other words, over one-half of African
American borrowers receive high-cost mortgages, while only about one-in-six nonHispanic whites do. The study finds that borrower-related factors explain only one-fifth
of the disparity. A more important factor appears to be the type of lender, which explains
approximately half of the disparity. Thus, the evidence of even greater disparities in the
incidence of higher-priced loans across racial groups contained in the 2005 data further
heightens concerns about possible discriminatory practices in the pricing of credit.
While HMDA data do not provide all of the information necessary to evaluate the extent
to which discrimination exists, they do complement our on-site examination process.
The FDIC now requires compliance examiners to document evaluations of racial, ethnic
and gender patterns in HMDA pricing data when conducting compliance exams of all
institutions subject to these reporting requirements. The FDIC is also using the new
HMDA data to identify "outlier" institutions that warrant special scrutiny because of large
pricing disparities for minorities and women. Fortunately, that number is small: only 47.
We obtain detailed information about the mortgage credit operations of these outlier
institutions including information about the channels through which their customers
obtain mortgage loans and the factors loan officers have been instructed to consider in
making the loan-pricing decision. We perform comparative analysis where needed to
determine whether those factors are applied in a fair and equitable manner.
In an even smaller number of these outlier institutions, we have found evidence that
suggests discriminatory pricing based on customer race. In many of these cases, it
appears that loan officers had been granted broad and unmonitored pricing discretion.
Our work will continue in this area and appropriate enforcement action will be taken,
including referrals to the Department of Justice, if warranted.
Non-traditional Mortgage Products
The other day a banker asked me why products such as option ARMs are considered
"non-traditional" since banks and thrifts, particularly in California, have been making
these types of mortgages for more than a decade. It is true that option ARMs have been
around for a long time and some lenders and borrowers have used them successfully.
However, their proliferation over the past couple of years is troubling for several
reasons. First, while payment-option ARMS were previously used by financially
sophisticated borrowers as a financial management tool, they are now being used by a
wider array of borrowers.
The expanded use of these products raises concern from a supervisory perspective
because they have, at times, been offered pursuant to relaxed underwriting standards.
From a consumer protection perspective, there are indications that less sophisticated
borrowers simply do not understand the complex terms involved As a result, the
banking agencies have proposed guidance that addresses both risk management

issues and how lenders explain nontraditional mortgages to their customers. To foster
consumer understanding, lenders should provide information at the points in time when
consumers are making critical decisions – when consumers are choosing a product and
later, when they are deciding which payment to make each month. Of course, all
information must be sufficiently clear to enable customers to decide if this is an
appropriate product or payment for them – not just for today, but in the future as interest
rates increase and as payment requirements escalate. We are also focusing attention
on the relationship between the institutions we supervise and third-party brokers to
ensure that these parties adhere to the same fair lending standards we require of the
bank. The agencies will have this guidance finalized in the very near future.
Importance of Financial Literacy, and What the FDIC is Doing
As essential as our regulatory enforcement efforts are, regulation alone cannot ensure
that customers understand and evaluate their financial choices.
Over the past decade, credit has been offered to consumers who would have been
unable to obtain it in the past. Some of the credit extended to lower-income consumers
is in the form of traditional loans from traditional lenders such as banks and mortgage
companies. Some of the credit to these new borrowers comes from new kinds of loans
– such as interest-only ARMs – and from new kinds of lenders. In many ways, having
more credit choices is a good thing. More consumers are able to purchase homes, start
small businesses, and manage their personal finances in a fashion that provides a
cushion against adversity and facilitates wealth accumulation.
But choice is only a good thing when you can make an informed decision. Some loans
often just make no financial sense – take payday loans or subprime credit cards as
examples, where annual interest rates are usually several hundred percent. While some
consumers may understand exactly what they are paying, they may not believe they
have any other choice. Most borrowers who use payday loans already have a checking
account and a regular paycheck. I would like to see the banking industry develop small
denomination loan products at reasonable interest rates for these borrowers – common
sense tells me that it is low risk for the bank and can be a profitable product, especially
if the bank ties the regular loan payment to a savings account so financially strapped
borrowers have an automatic mechanism to build some financial cushion. This seems
like a win-win proposition to me. The FDIC is currently looking into various mechanisms
to promote such a product.
In addition, financial literacy has become essential for the economic well-being of
households. Even experienced financial customers can be overwhelmed by the
complexity of choices. Unfortunately, there is a growing population of less-experienced
individuals who are exposed to possible fraud or financial abuse, or who are simply
making ill-advised, uninformed choices.
I have been a believer in financial education for many years – long before I came to the
FDIC. In my previous life, I learned that what works is not rocket science, but the basics.

One of the financial education programs that provides the basics is the FDIC's Money
Smart program.
The FDIC started Money Smart in 2001. It is a free program that primarily focuses on
helping low- and moderate-income adults develop money management skills. It is
designed to introduce consumers to mainstream banking and includes education on
banking services, checking and savings accounts, credit cards and other consumer
loans, and home mortgage loans. We offer these materials in six different languages
through an extensive alliance of organizations, including financial institutions, non-profit
organizations, and government agencies. Since its inception, almost a half million
people have taken Money Smart classes and about 95,000 have established new
banking relationships.
Economic Inclusion
As I mentioned earlier, I also plan to support and build on the work the FDIC has
undertaken to provide for more inclusiveness in the banking system. In recent years, the
FDIC has reached out to bring immigrant and other traditionally "unbanked" populations
into the financial mainstream through our New Alliance Task Force which builds
partnerships with public, private and non-profit organizations. Through such efforts the
FDIC can facilitate connections between consumers who lack access to financial
products and services on the one hand and financial institutions seeking new market
opportunities on the other. We are committed to building on these efforts to reach all
those who are underserved.
I will stress again, I am a firm believer that banks can provide a gateway into the
financial mainstream for the unbanked. Bankers know how to build relationships and
relationship building is key to bringing those who have a fear or an aversion to financial
institutions into the equation. Banks have the infrastructure and a track record as
innovators to provide an array of affordable-lending services to meet the needs of all
their customers. As insured depository institutions, they are uniquely positioned to help
lower income consumers accumulate wealth through savings. I am particularly
interested in innovative new ideas to promote savings. One idea that has piqued my
interest is tying a regular savings component into mortgage repayments. I would
welcome working with Fannie Mae on this and other ideas to promote financial stability
for lower income families. I want to be sure that the FDIC is doing all it can to encourage
both banks and consumers to see the value in full participation in the financial
I began my remarks today by pointing to the wave of innovation that has transformed
consumer lending over the past decade. Most of us would agree that this innovation has
had benefits. However, it has not solved many of the long-standing fair lending and
consumer protection problems, and, in some ways, has extended these problems into
new areas. I believe we must bring the same spirit of innovation to our own efforts to

solve these problems. By seeking new and effective solutions – by being willing to look
for new answers – we can help remove those obstacles that stand in the way of fair
lending and a more inclusive financial system.


Robert B. Avery, Glenn B. Canner, and Robert E. Cook, "New Information
Reported under HMDA and Its Application in Fair Lending Enforcement," Federal
Reserve Bulletin, Summer 2005.


See, for example, Robert B. Avery, Ken P. Brevoort, and Glenn B. Canner,
"Patterns of Higher-Priced Lending by Race and Ethnicity," unpublished
manuscript presented at the Conference on Bank Structure and Competition,
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, May 2006; "The 2005 Fair Lending
Disparities: Stubborn and Persistent II," National Community Reinvestment
Coalition, May 2006; Debbie Gruenstein Bocian, Keith S. Ernst, and Wei Li,
"Unfair Lending: The Effect of Race and Ethnicity on the Price of Subprime
Mortgages," Center for Responsible Lending, May 31, 2006; "Fair Lending
Indications of the 2005 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data," Traiger & Hinckley
LLP, June 1, 2006; ACORN Fair Housing, "The Impending Rate Shock: A Study
of Home Mortgages in 130 American Cities," August 15, 2005; and "Building
Sustainable Homeownership Responsible Lending and Informed Consumer
Choice, National Consumer Research Coalition, June 9, 2006.


Robert B. Avery, Kenneth P. Brevoort, and Glenn B. Canner, "Higher-Priced
Home Lending and the 2005 HMDA Data," Federal Reserve Bulletin, September

Last Updated 9/27/2006