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Universities, Innovation, and Economic Growth :: November 17, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Economic Growth




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Universities, Innovation, and
Economic Growth

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

Welcome to the second day of our two-day conference on
Universities, Innovation, and Economic Growth. This is the third year
that our Bank has sponsored a conference on education. Some of you
may be asking: Why is a Federal Reserve Bank, which is engaged in
setting national monetary policy, focusing on education? After all, the
Federal Reserve's objectives for monetary policy are price stability
and maximum sustainable economic growth.
Let me share my enthusiasm for studying the connection between
education and economic growth. As president of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, I serve the Fourth Federal Reserve District, which
includes Ohio, western Pennsylvania, eastern Kentucky and the
panhandle of West Virginia. After I was named president in early
2003, I spent a lot of time meeting with business leaders throughout
the District. I found that my conversations with them were
dominated by concerns about the economic challenges we were
facing as a region.

President and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Conference on Universities,
Innovation, and Economic Growth
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
November 17, 2006

Although the national economy was recovering from the recession,
our District was not recovering at the same pace. Indeed, our District
is still lagging the nation, especially in terms of employment growth.
Nationally, employment growth has rebounded. Nearly 3 1/2 million
net jobs have been created since the business cycle peak.
In the Fourth District states, however, employment has yet to return
to its pre-recession levels. Indeed, we are still down by about 36,000
net jobs. This disappointing economic performance has caused our
Bank to devote more research to the factors that drive economic
Economists at our Bank have been studying this aspect of the
economy for several years now. Recently, they have concluded that
differences in state income levels over the past 75 years can be
explained mostly by two factors: innovation and education. In simple
terms, those states that enhance their knowledge base are the ones
that are likely to prosper in the future.
For example, states that have a high degree of inventiveness - which
is measured by the number of patents per resident - can gain
economic dividends that last for generations. The same is true for
education - residents of states that have a large share of highly
educated graduates can produce significantly higher incomes.
Here in Ohio, we are lagging the national average in terms of our
level of educational attainment, and our advantage in patent
creation is not as large as it used to be. The hard truth is that having
a strong traditional manufacturing base no longer guarantees the[4/29/2014 2:07:17 PM]

Universities, Innovation, and Economic Growth :: November 17, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
prosperity it once did. I don't mean to say that we should leave
manufacturing behind - it still provides a lot of value. However, a
state can improve its relative economic position by focusing on
companies - including manufacturing companies -- that invest in new
and innovative technologies.
The second way to make major gains is by investing in education. It is
interesting to note that Kentucky has made a lot of inroads in
education over the past generation. The state still has a low overall
rate of educational attainment, but the numbers are moving higher.
With those gains, Kentuckians have also seen an improvement in their
per capita incomes. Our keynote speaker today, Dr. Lee Todd, will
tell us a bit about this story from his perspective as the president of
the University of Kentucky.
Overall, our research shows that states with the highest share of
college-educated adults - states like Massachusetts, Connecticut and
Colorado - have higher income levels. So it is in our best interest, no
matter where we live, to build up our "stocks of knowledge" through
innovation and education.
History also gives us some interesting perspectives on what drives
income growth. It may be hard to imagine, but for nearly all of
recorded history there was virtually no per capita income growth.
Zero. Before the 19th century, the rate of population growth pretty
much offset any gains from technology.
Then came the Industrial Revolution, which ushered in a period of
unprecedented innovation, invention, and income growth. Since
1890, per capita income has risen by 10 times in the United States
alone - from $5,000 to $50,000, measured in year 2000 dollars. Many
experts believe that the accumulation of knowledge and skills - or
human capital - made the big difference in the success of the
Industrial Revolution.
The more skilled the population, the faster is the rate of innovation.
Skilled labor then becomes more valuable and commands higher
earnings. Higher earnings, in turn, create incentives for people to
acquire more skills, or more human capital. Economists refer to this
process as endogenous growth. It simply means that more innovation
leads to higher skill accumulation, which leads to more innovation,
and so on.
Universities truly stand at the crossroads of education and innovation.
They contribute to the process by educating their students - who are
then better prepared to innovate and work with new technologies
and business practices -- and by conducting basic research.
However, universities can play additional roles - seeking patents and
then selling or licensing the technology, incubating new businesses,
setting up faculty members in operating companies, helping to take
companies public, and so on. Universities can even cooperate with
local governments and private companies in their neighborhoods to
coordinate office space, transportation, housing, and retail space.
In yesterday's paper about technology transfer, Gerald Marschke and
his co-authors studied the diffusion of technology by looking at U.S.
patent data. Essentially, they found that from the mid-1980s to the
late 1990s, industry increasingly turned to inventors who had
university research experience. The authors interpret this trend as
evidence of growth in the influence of university research on
industrial innovation.
So we know that universities support economic growth by educating
students, conducting basic and applied research, and fostering the
formation of new business ventures. Do universities need to build a[4/29/2014 2:07:17 PM]

Universities, Innovation, and Economic Growth :: November 17, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
critical mass of activity in each of these activities in order to be
successful? And if they do, how big is big enough? Some of the
experts you will hear from today will share their ideas on how to get
there from where we stand now.
We should also ask ourselves what role public policy should play in
promoting innovation and education. At a basic level, public support
of universities makes a great deal of sense, since there is so much
potential for society as a whole to benefit.
This support for universities can be directed in various ways. The
wish list is long. Parents of university students want lower tuition,
more course offerings, and more connections between students and
faculty members. Faculty members want more time for basic research
and may not be interested in commercial applications. Business
leaders want greater access to university faculty and facilities for
commercial purposes. Local economic development agencies want to
leverage the university presence for neighborhood development.
Clearly, universities cannot be all things to all people. Making the
appropriate choices can be difficult for universities, because
governments and communities have limited funds to support those
choices. The more we know about how universities can affect growth,
the better the choices we are likely to make.
For example, should government incentives encourage universities to
incubate businesses that could become larger companies, or should
government incentives be focused more on basic research? Would
society be better served if universities owned and managed their
patents, or if universities sold their patents to others? After all,
private companies conduct research, develop new products, and
create new businesses. In what areas should universities compete
with the private business sector and in what areas should they
cooperate? Until we have more concrete answers to these questions,
public policymakers should be mindful that their actions could
impede the process of innovation and human capital development.
Besides the factors that lead to greater innovation, we would also
like to know how knowledge and technology spread throughout
society at large. Suppose that innovation increases in settings with
more face-to-face contact, meaning that we should expect more
innovation in locations with large research centers. If so, perhaps
government should favor a smaller number of large research-intensive
universities. In this case, what happens to people who do not live in
these locations? Are there ways to enhance the ability of these
populations to learn through publications and the Internet? Answers
to many of the questions I have posed this morning can help promote
both regional growth and growth for the entire economy.
Today, we plan to build on yesterday's session by hearing from a
distinguished group of people who make business or public policy
decisions every day that require an understanding of the relationships
between universities, innovation, and economic development.
These experts cover the waterfront, from managing networks of
federal research labs, to running a large, flagship state university, to
coordinating tech transfer and economic development at two
neighboring universities. Other experts lead new business
development inside a Fortune 100 company and direct science and
technology policy in one of our fastest-growing states. We will also
hear from a panel of venture capitalists.
By the end of the day, I expect that we will begin to see a
comprehensive and realistic picture of what it takes to transform
ideas into bankable companies that contribute to regional prosperity.
We hope this information will be beneficial in helping our region[4/29/2014 2:07:17 PM]

Universities, Innovation, and Economic Growth :: November 17, 2006 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

address its challenges.

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