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In Pursuit of a Better Payments System :: September 24, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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In Pursuit of a Better Payments

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

It is a real pleasure to join you at this conference. I would like to
thank our hosts at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for once again
making us all feel so welcome. I am speaking today in my role as
chair of the Federal Reserve’s Financial Services Policy Committee,
which is responsible for directing the financial services operations of
the Federal Reserve Banks. The committee also provides Federal
Reserve Bank leadership for the evolving US payments system.
I don’t have to tell you that this is an exciting time to be involved in
payments. New technologies are expanding possibilities in ways that
seemed unimaginable only a decade ago. Over the next two days, you
will discuss many of these possibilities, and in the process help
influence the course of our work in the years to come.
Today I am going to report on the gaps and opportunities the Federal
Reserve Banks have identified as we have charted our strategic
direction for financial services. I will then focus on the potential for
pursuing a near-real-time retail payments system in this country. I
will conclude with some thoughts on how industry collaboration can
drive meaningful changes in the payments system.

President and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank o f Cleveland
Payments Symposium
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

September 24, 2013
Cleveland Fed President Pianalto
highlights “Payment System
Improvement - Public Consultation
Paper” in remarks to the Payments
Symposium at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago.

The Federal Reserve has always kept a focus on the integrity,
efficiency and accessibility of payments in the United States. We
have largely pursued this mission in the context of our function as an
operator in the interbank market. Last October, I spoke at this
conference about the Federal Reserve Banks’ strategic direction in
payments. At the heart of the strategy is a vision to improve the endto-end speed, efficiency, and safety of the US payments system over
the next decade. By end-to-end, I mean more than just interactions
between banks; I mean from the point of payment origination to the
point of receipt.
In the past year we at the Federal Reserve Banks completed an
analysis of the gaps and opportunities in the US payments system to
understand key areas where the system could be enhanced. Some of
that analysis shaped the content of this conference agenda, as well
as the Payment System Improvement - Public Consultation Paper1
that was released two weeks ago and made available to all of you.
The purpose of the Consultation Paper is to solicit broad, cross­
industry input on the challenges facing the payments system and to
identify possible next steps.
The gaps and opportunities we identified as we have pursued our
strategic direction for financial services should come as no surprise;
they are well known. First, there is still too much paper. While the
share of check payments in the US has been declining for many years,
it still represents almost 20 percent of all non-cash retail[4/29/2014 1:17:50 PM]

In Pursuit of a Better Payments System :: September 24, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
transactions, or 60 million transactions per day. America’s payments
system is costlier as a result.
Next, we have not seen enough improvement in cross-border
payments. Major drivers of cross-border payments are business-tobusiness transactions and remittances. The growth in cross-border
business-to-business transactions is reflected in the value of imports
and exports in the US economy, which has risen by 40 percent to
$4.2 trillion a year over the past decade. The value of remittance
flows to developing countries has tripled to $351 billion annually over
the same period. Yet the options for cross-border payments have not
kept pace. Opportunities exist for improving the cost-effectiveness,
timeliness, and convenience of cross-border payments.
On the domestic front, the United States lacks a universal, near-real­
time retail payments option for consumers and businesses. Cash and
debit cards are the closest thing to it, but both fall short of fully
satisfying business and consumer needs. We have heard from
payments stakeholders that there is demand for a better system. At
the same time, we are mindful of lessons learned in other countries
that implementing a faster payments solution requires years of hard
As always, we are keeping a focus on safety and security. New ways
of making payments and accessing bank accounts create new
vulnerabilities. We must stay a step ahead of fraud schemes and
cyber threats. Preserving public confidence in the payments system
is core to our mission and requires the collective efforts of everyone
in the industry.
Over the next two days, you will have an opportunity to share your
insights on key challenges facing the US payments system. These
challenges include the migration to electronics, the development of
industry standards, and the need to raise levels of efficiency,
security, and speed. Right now, I would like to specifically address
the issue of payment speed.
We can ask ourselves, “How will most payments be made in the US 20
years from now?” I think the more appropriate question is, “How
should most payments be made?” Our vision is that most payments
will be executed in real time. This would mean that any consumer or
business would be able to make an immediate payment to anyone,
electronically and conveniently; the sender of the payment could
initiate the transaction even without having the receiver’s account
information; most payments would be accompanied by confirmation
of good funds and timely notification to both parties that the
transaction had been made; and the automated payment instruction
would accommodate additional information, such as invoice details,
to ease reconcilement.
It is pretty clear that future generations will not use paper checks. In
fact, I would add that Millennials as a group are not currently using
checks to any material degree. Future generations will also rely less
than we do on cash, although I hasten to add that cash will remain
widely used and widely accepted. Future generations will expect that
any payment they initiate, whether online, mobile, or at point-ofsale, will be executed immediately. They will gravitate to financial
institutions and other providers that offer this level of service.
This vision of the future reflects the imperatives of the present. Our
conversations with industry participants over the past year have
underlined that they find many characteristics of near-real-time
retail payments desirable. They see pursuit of a faster payments
system as an opportunity, one that involves some risks and that
requires industry collaboration.[4/29/2014 1:17:50 PM]

In Pursuit of a Better Payments System :: September 24, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Businesses and consumers alike have expressed interest in the ability
to make last-minute payments of all types. Businesses and
governments are drawn to the potential for enhanced cash
management afforded by quicker confirmation of good funds. Real­
time transactions could reduce fraud losses for banks and businesses.
For consumers, a faster and more convenient electronic payments
mechanism would be an attractive alternative to checks. As it stands,
many consumers today believe that their payments are real-time.
Most businesses know all too well that this is not the case.
The Federal Reserve is not alone in recognizing the opportunities of
universal near-real-time retail payments. In the past few years, a
number of providers have introduced networks with features
resembling real-time payments. These networks work well when both
the payer and the payee are members. But it is difficult for a
participant in such a system to send money to a receiver who is not a
member. These networks generally do not efficiently or quickly pass
transactions to one another or into the mainstream payments
systems. These emerging networks suggest the right course. But they
lack the end-to-end speed and universal access needed for an
efficient payments mechanism that will meet end-user expectations
in the future.
“Faster” alone is not a solution, nor is it a stopping point. A faster
payment method that is not convenient and accessible to end users
does not achieve the goal. We seek a solution that better serves the
end user and those of us who facilitate transactions for them. A
faster payments solution must be built on standards that preserve
opportunities to offer unique services in the market while ensuring
interoperability across the industry.
Universal access is necessary to achieve the greatest benefit. This has
been the case for check, ACH2, and wire transfers. The benefit of
each of these payment instruments multiplied as they became more
widely accepted and used. Over many years, these systems have
evolved to nearly universal access.
We know a near-real-time payments system is possible because a
number of other countries have implemented or are in the process of
implementing one. The UK introduced its system, the Faster
Payments Service, in 2008. This service demonstrates that it is
possible to accelerate end-to-end delivery of individual payments
from the next day to no more than a few seconds or minutes.
Consumers, businesses, and government entities make use of the
service for both ad hoc and scheduled payments.
The UK’s Faster Payments Service is growing and evolving. In the past
year, its traffic has grown to about 5 percent of all non-cash retail
payments volume in the United Kingdom. Financial institutions have
added phone-initiated and file-initiated transaction features to what
began as an online-only service. In 2014, the Service will make new
features available to participating banks, including mobile
applications that enable bill payments and payments at point-of-sale.
The UK Payments Council is working on a 2014 initiative that would
liberate payment originators from having to know the bank account
number of their counterparties. Instead, the mobile phone number of
the receiver will be substituted.
There are other faster payment systems in various stages of
implementation or planning in Australia, Singapore, Poland, and
Mexico, among other nations. A lengthy collaboration effort was
needed in all of these countries to bring faster payments from idea to
implementation. These efforts involved financial institutions,
processors, network providers, vendors, national payment authorities,
and central banks.[4/29/2014 1:17:50 PM]

In Pursuit of a Better Payments System :: September 24, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
You will hear about some of these initiatives at this conference. You
will have an opportunity to consider lessons learned from these
experiences and where our unique needs require different paths and
Let me also acknowledge that the pursuit of near-real-time payments
in the United States is not a given. We are in the early stages of
thinking about such a solution for this country. There are many
challenges to consider before pursuing a near-real-time retail
payments system in the US.
First, the strength and nature of demand for the service is unclear. In
today’s US payments system, there are concrete examples of demand
for faster retail payments, such as expedited bill payments and cross­
border remittances. But the examples remain anecdotal and episodic,
in part because there is no existing infrastructure for universal faster
retail payments. That is why the Federal Reserve is looking at the
available research and undertaking efforts to get a clearer picture of
end-user needs.
Another potential challenge is the lack of a definitive business case
across the supply chain for near-real-time retail payments. But this is
not an insurmountable obstacle. If we look back over the last few
decades, universal payments systems that we now take for granted
did not have clear evidence of demand, business cases, or
infrastructure plans at this stage of development.
The development of electronic payments in the 1960s provides an
instructive example. At that point in history, the organizations that
are today identified as the founders of the credit card system, ATM
networks, and the ACH, were awash in paper and costly branch
systems. To address their seemingly unsustainable back-office
situations, they turned to what was then state-of-the-art 1960s
computer technology. They had no clear multi-decade vision for the
US payments system in mind. However, over time, they created the
nation’s retail electronic payments systems - the ACH, credit card,
and debit card systems.
Let me draw a parallel to the topic at hand. When many of us in this
room think about the business case for faster payments, we give
great weight to the possibility of eliminating costly paper checks. So
we are motivated by the potential for cost savings, much like the
motivation that the founders of electronic payments had in the 1960s
when they embarked on their efforts. The investment decisions they
made in the 1960s and 1970s did in fact provide cost savings, but
there were additional benefits. These benefits included unforeseen
cost savings, and new products and revenue streams for the financial
sector. The new electronic payment channels created their own
demand. That is why when I hear people argue that the demand for
near-real-time payments is unclear, I counter that they may very well
be underestimating the demand for a potentially groundbreaking new
Here is the point: Overall, I see more opportunities than challenges
in pursuing a near-real-time payments system.
I am in favor of seizing those opportunities. But I recognize that
whether we pursue near-real-time retail payments or not, the only
way we will make an informed decision is by investigating the issues
together. At a glance, this collective approach might seem contrary
to the thrust of history. Innovation in the US payments system has
mainly been driven by the individual, entrepreneurial activity of
banks, vendors, processors, and nonbank service providers. They
respond to customer demand in a fiercely competitive environment.
It is safe to say that American businesses and consumers derive great
benefit from this competition in the form of diverse options and[4/29/2014 1:17:50 PM]

In Pursuit of a Better Payments System :: September 24, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
lower costs.
There have been times, however, when individual action on the part
of banks, vendors, and nonbank service providers was not sufficient
to move the payments system forward. Collective action was needed
to implement MICR technology; to establish the ACH, card and ATM
networks; and to implement Check 213. Collaboration will be
necessary to continue to improve the US payments system.
Today at this conference, we continue our dialogue with the industry
to understand your views. We are interested in your thoughts on the
questions raised in the Consultation Paper. We are interested in
knowing your views on the benefits and costs of addressing gaps and
opportunities, the technical and operational impacts of potential
solutions, and the associated safety and settlement issues. Speak up
and speak openly during this conference; and then please take time
to go back and submit your organization’s written response to the
questions posed in the paper. Your input will influence the Federal
Reserve’s strategy. We look forward to working with you to explore
the best ideas for improving the nation’s payments system.
I want to conclude on a personal note. As many of you know, I am
retiring early next year as president and CEO of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland. So I will not be back here in 2014 to report on our
progress. I leave the next steps in the capable hands of Federal
Reserve leaders who have guided our payments strategy for years and
developed the vision in the Consultation Paper.
It has been a privilege to chair the Financial Services Policy
Committee for the past four years. During that time and throughout
my 30 years at the Federal Reserve, I have worked with many
talented individuals and organizations, and I have observed the gains
that can be achieved through collaboration. To succeed, we must
continue to engage and find ways to leverage our collective strengths
and resources.
We have done it before and I know we will do it again. I am
confident that a year from now my colleagues will have exciting news
to share. Thank you.
1. Paper available at
2. Automated Clearing House, an electronic network for financial

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