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Prospects for the Nation and the Region :: February 28, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Home > For the Public > News and Media > Speeches > 2012 > Prospects for the Nation and the



Prospects for the Nation and the

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

I truly benefit by learning directly from business and community
leaders like you about what's happening on the front lines in
communities across my district, which encompasses Ohio, western
Pennsylvania, eastern Kentucky, and the northern panhandle of West
Virginia. I take that feedback to Washington with me, when I vote on
the Federal Open Market Committee with Chairman Bernanke and my
other colleagues.
I am particularly impressed with the initiatives this organization is
undertaking to create jobs, support area businesses, and leverage
great organizations like Team NEO. Let me say at the outset that I
applaud your efforts in bringing hundreds of jobs to the area and
your track record of working directly with companies in Medina
County to expand their operations.

P resident and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank o f Cleveland
Medina County Economic
Development Corporation
Westfield Center, Ohio

February 28, 2012

The reality is this: Here in Northeast Ohio, we must constantly
upgrade our businesses and communities to energize and sustain
economic growth. That's the centerpiece of my remarks this evening.
In my remarks tonight I will cover three topics.
■ First, I'll describe economic conditions in the region.
■ Second, I'll explain that the keys to our region's long-term
growth are education and innovation.
■ And finally, I'll close with some comments about the steps the
Federal Reserve is taking to support the nation’s economic
As always, the views I express are mine alone and do not necessarily
reflect those of my colleagues in the Federal Reserve System.
Let me start with economic conditions in our region. Here in
Northeast Ohio, we have weathered the Great Recession better than
many other parts of the country. The unemployment rate in
Northeast Ohio, which I'm defining as the seven-county area that
includes Medina, stood at 7.4 percent as of the most recent reading
in December 2011. This is more than a full percentage point lower
than the national rate of 8.5 percent that prevailed at that time.
Here in Medina County, conditions have paralleled the performance
of Northeast Ohio, although the unemployment rate here is a bit
lower, as it is in some of the other suburban counties, such as
Geauga and Lake. That said, Medina County is closely linked to
Northeast Ohio through both labor markets and supplier networks, so
further employment gains here in Medina County will most likely
require more progress for the region as a whole. This is all the more
reason to think regionally, not locally.[4/29/2014 1:40:20 PM]

Prospects for the Nation and the Region :: February 28, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
We are also seeing relatively better news in Northeast Ohio in terms
of incomes. Income growth in the region outpaced the nation in
2010. Average per capita income in Northeast Ohio rose about 3
percent in 2010 -- the most recent data available -- after falling in
2008 and 2009. A 3 percent increase in income translates to about $3
billion in local spending.
These economic measures are clearly positive news for our region,
and are in striking contrast to recoveries from prior recessions.
During the harsh recession of the early 1980s, Ohio lost almost a half
million jobs, or more than 10 percent of its total employment. Ohio
alone accounted for about 20 percent of the entire country's job
losses in this difficult period. Unemployment in Ohio peaked near 14
percent in the early 1980s, which was 3 percentage points above the
national rate, and remained high for several years. This high
unemployment rate was due, in part, to our region’s greater share of
manufacturing at that time.
During the most recent recession, however, our manufacturing job
losses were more in line with those felt by the nation as a whole,
reflecting that our regional economy has become more diversified. As
a result, manufacturing has not been the lead weight pulling down
our economy. Indeed, here in this region, I have been hearing stories
of strength and resurgence in manufacturing. In 2011, manufacturing
employment increased more than 3.5 percent in Northeast Ohio and
about 2 percent nationally. But we shouldn't rely on manufacturing to
solve our employment problems. The longer-run trends, like new
technologies that have kept manufacturing employment growth low,
are likely to continue. Also, it is worth emphasizing that all of the
manufacturers I have been talking with expect new hires to come on
board with considerably more skills than the workers of the past. In
fact, for the past several decades manufacturing employment has
grown for those occupations that typically require a college degree,
while manufacturing employment in lower skilled occupations has
Despite our region's relatively stronger performance than the nation
as a whole during this recovery, we cannot pat ourselves on the back
and relax. Many of the structural challenges we faced as a region
before the recession are still with us today. That means that we need
to take a longer view and focus on the factors that drive sustainable
economic growth.
In Ohio, there are two structural characteristics that are inhibiting
our longer-term prospects for expansion and sustained growth. First,
despite some recent increases in income growth regionally, our
income growth here has been below the national average for several
decades. Second, our population has not grown at the same pace as
the rest of the nation. Fifty years ago, Ohio ranked as the fourth
most populous state in the country, and our per capita income was
much higher than the national average. Today, Ohio has fallen to
tenth in population, and our per capita income is about average.
These long-term patterns of relative decline have played out even
more strongly in this region. So what can we do to reverse this
Economists at my Bank researched the factors that have made states
more prosperous over a 75-year period, from 1929 to 2004. The
results of their research are clear - the two main drivers of income
growth are education and innovation. Their research shows that
regions with a more educated workforce and higher rates of
innovation saw their incomes grow significantly faster over long
periods of time.
Simply put, states that have more "knowledge capital" perform better[4/29/2014 1:40:20 PM]

Prospects for the Nation and the Region :: February 28, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
than states with less. They have a larger pool of highly skilled
workers to generate and share new ideas, and to find new ways of
doing business. They develop more new products and inventions.
They also may be more flexible in adopting new technologies and in
responding to the internal and external forces reshaping local
If education and innovation are the key drivers of growth, then how
does our region stack up? The percentage of the population with a
college degree serves as a good measure for education since so many
of today's jobs require post-secondary education. Based on this
metric, Ohio ranks 38th out of the 50 states, and we have been in
the lower part of the distribution for many decades.
However, this overall statistic might be somewhat misleading in the
case of Ohio. Because Ohio has been a slow-population-growth state,
we have an older population. People who are 55 and older are less
likely to have college or graduate degrees in almost any part of the
country. So our researchers dug deeper and focused on younger age
groups, ages 25 to 34. Here, Ohio does substantially better. We're in
the middle of the pack for college graduation rates—we rank 25th out
of the 50 states. And if we look at post-graduate education of 25- to
34-year olds, Ohio does even better -- ranking 17th out of the 50
states. This is not ideal, but it is clearly movement in the right
While these statistics are for Ohio as a whole, we find that Northeast
Ohio statistics are consistent with these trends. Our overall
educational attainment lags the nation considerably, but our younger
residents seem to be doing better. In part, this is a credit to the
strength and diversity of the educational institutions here, but we
need to attract and create more jobs that require education and skill
so that we can retain this knowledge capital, including our young
college graduates.
In addition, we need to remember that these comparisons are all
within the United States, but our workers and companies increasingly
compete with individuals and firms from around the world.
Back in 1995, the United States had the second-highest college
graduation rate in the world, but by 2008, we had slipped to
thirteenth. In a recent comparison of 34 developed countries in tests
of high school students, the United States ranked 14th in reading,
17th in science, and 25th in math. It is not so much that the United
States is falling back, but that other countries, like Hong Kong and
South Korea, are improving their educational outcomes. In order to
remain competitive, the U.S. labor force must become even better
Beyond education, our research also shows that innovative regions
experience higher growth. Broadly speaking, I think of innovation as
the ability of an economy to generate new ideas and bring these
ideas to the market through the creation of new products, services,
and production methods. Historically, Ohio has been a relatively
innovative state, but over time our advantage has diminished. At one
time Ohio ranked sixth in the nation in the number of patents per
capita. Today we rank in the middle of the 50 states. How did this
happen? It's not that Ohio has not increased patent activity; we just
aren't keeping up with the nation. For example, between 2000 and
2010, the number of newly issued patents in Ohio was roughly steady
at about 3,000 patents per year. Nationally, the number of new
patents issued in 2010 was 27 percent greater than in 2000.
So just how does a region foster innovation? The research on how to
generate innovation as a region is not as well developed as it is for
educational attainment. But the patent data reveal that an[4/29/2014 1:40:20 PM]

Prospects for the Nation and the Region :: February 28, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
overwhelming share of innovations are generated by companies who
are seeking to improve their competitiveness and profitability.
Government initiatives can also play key supporting roles. Ohio has
made significant investments to support research and
commercialization in targeted areas—such as alternative energy and
biomedical sciences—through the Third Frontier program. SRI
International, a major research institute focused on innovation and
technologies, concluded that the early stages of the Third Frontier
program have shown considerable success and that the gains should
continue to accumulate.1
Here in Northeast Ohio, JumpStart is the regional partner for the
Third Frontier's entrepreneurial investment program. This
organization has a growing portfolio of new businesses in Northeast
Ohio that are developing new products and ideas. These endeavors
have been successful in attracting significant investments into the
region. Moreover, many of the companies that JumpStart invests in
are commercializing innovations generated by local research
institutions. These investments provide further spillovers back to the
research centers as the companies prosper. Therefore, a stronger set
of local technology companies makes it more likely that the research
from the region’s universities and research centers gets
I am very encouraged by recent efforts and initiatives arising from
regional development groups in Northeast Ohio that are coalescing
around an agenda focused on educational attainment and innovation.
These drivers of economic growth are closely linked. Innovative
environments typically have a strong educational infrastructure and
attract a large concentration of people with high human capital.
Ultimately, our efforts in these areas can’t be slogans or advertising,
or short-term fixes. We need to work together and remind ourselves
that we are involved in a marathon, not a sprint.
Let me wrap up with some comments on how the Federal Reserve is
working to support economic growth across the country. One of the
Federal Reserve's most important responsibilities is setting monetary
policy. The Federal Reserve's monetary policymaking group is the
Federal Open Market Committee, or FOMC. This year, I am a voting
member of the Committee.
The Committee generally meets eight times a year in Washington to
review economic and financial developments and to determine the
appropriate stance for monetary policy. The FOMC is focused on
achieving the dual mandate given to us by Congress: to maintain
stable prices and promote maximum employment.
Needless to say, the last few years have been very challenging for
monetary policymakers. As you are painfully aware, the economy has
been through its worst recession since the Great Depression in the
1930s and the Federal Reserve has responded aggressively and
creatively to the financial and economic crisis. In September of 2007,
the Federal Reserve began to ease monetary conditions by lowering
our target for the interest rate that banks charge each other for
short-term loans, known as the federal funds rate. You and I can’t
borrow at the federal funds rate, but the rates we pay for consumer
and business loans do respond to changes in the federal funds rate.
By the end of 2008, we reduced the federal funds rate to nearly
zero, and it has remained there ever since. Once the rate fell that
low, we had to employ some different techniques to ease monetary
conditions further. Think of it as taking the back roads when the
freeway is shut down; it may not be as efficient, but the new route
can still get you to your original destination.
The new techniques that we used included purchasing large[4/29/2014 1:40:20 PM]

Prospects for the Nation and the Region :: February 28, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
quantities of U.S. Treasury securities and federally guaranteed
mortgage-backed securities. Our balance sheet grew from $900 billion
prior to the crisis to close to $3 trillion. Our objective in taking these
alternative routes is to push down medium- and longer-term interest
rates for consumers and businesses, and we have been successful in
doing that.
Even though we have introduced some new techniques, we are still
operating to achieve our dual mandate of stable prices and maximum
employment. We still have to make policy decisions based on
forecasts, and we still have to wait for the effects of monetary policy
to work their way through the economy.
The recovery from the recent financial and economic crisis has been
frustratingly slow. A number of headwinds are holding back growth.
Housing markets continue to be depressed. The government sector
has been reducing spending and employment. Add to the mix the
situation in Europe, which could negatively impact our exports. Given
these numerous headwinds, I am expecting the economic recovery to
remain moderate and for the economy to grow around 2-1/2 percent
this year and about 3 percent next year. Given this outlook for
economic growth, it could take as long as four to five years to
achieve maximum employment, which I estimate to be consistent
with an unemployment rate of about 6 percent.
The outlook for inflation is a little more encouraging. Both headline
and core inflation slowed significantly from the first half of last year
to the second half, and I expect inflation to remain close to 2
percent for the next few years. Still, the recent increases in oil prices
and housing rents could complicate the inflation picture if they
We are, as I mentioned earlier, in a challenging environment for
monetary policymakers. We do not have a good deal of concrete
history for monetary policy to fit our current circumstances, but I am
confident the Federal Reserve is making the most of its tools to move
the economy in the right direction. I think monetary policy is
appropriately positioned to maintain stable prices and to support
economic growth that will keep us on a path toward achieving
maximum employment.
Locally, we can take some comfort in the knowledge that we are
performing far better in this recovery than we typically have done.
But we cannot sit back and relax. We still have much work to do.
Specifically, we need to boost educational outcomes and innovation
in order to make our region more prosperous.
In closing, let me again underscore the important work of the Medina
County Economic Development Corporation. I urge each of you here
this evening to continue to look for opportunities to leverage
relationships throughout this region. Together we can build a more
prosperous region by producing and retaining a more highly educated
workforce and by encouraging innovation.
1. SRI International, “Making an Impact: Assessing the Benefits of
Ohio's Investment in Technology-Based Economic Development
Programs,” 2009.

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