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Managing Information, Uncertainty, and Risk in Monetary Policy :: March 27,2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Managing Information,
Uncertainty, and Risk in
Monetary Policy
It is a pleasure for me to speak today to members of the CFA Society,
the Risk Management Association, and the Cleveland Association for
Business Economics. It's also nice for me to return to The City Club,
which is truly one of our city's assets, as it has been for the last 100
This year, the Federal Reserve will join the centennial club and mark
its 100th year as the nation's central bank. One function of the
Federal Reserve is to set monetary policy, and as a Federal Reserve
Bank president, I am a participant on the Federal Open Market
Committee, which is the policymaking body of the Federal Reserve.
In some ways, the challenges the Federal Reserve faces in setting
monetary policy are similar to those that many of you in this room
face: we have to make decisions with incomplete information, we
have to contend with uncertainty, and we have to manage risks.
CFAs, risk management professionals, and business economists deal
with these issues as they pertain to investment opportunities,
business prospects, and the macroeconomic outlook. The FOMC deals
with similar issues in the process of conducting monetary policy.
Information, uncertainty, and risk have clearly factored into my
policy decisions during the past 10 years.
A wise central banker once said that uncertainty is not just a
pervasive feature of the monetary policy landscape; it is the defining
characteristic of that landscape. That concept has certainly held
true in recent years. In the extraordinary times we experienced
during and after the recent financial crisis, the Federal Reserve has
been challenged to understand how the economy's performance has
deviated from historic norms. We have had to adapt our monetary
policy actions to fit changes in economic data, revised forecasts, and
emerging risks. Perhaps most challenging, we've had to rely on
unconventional tools as we have repeatedly eased monetary policy,
and we will have to rely on unconventional tools in the future, when
the time comes to reverse course.

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

P resident and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank o f Cleveland
CFA Society/RMA/CABE Luncheon
Cleveland, OH

March 27, 2013
Part 1:
Sandra Pianalto | Managing...

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Part 2:

Sandra Pianalto | M;anaging...




0:00 / 14:20

Today, I will talk about some of the exceptional circumstances the
FOMC has had to address in recent years. First, I will briefly describe
the important role economic projections play in setting monetary
policy. Next, I will explain the monetary policy actions we have
taken. Finally, I will talk about the benefits and potential risks of our
policies. Please note that the views expressed here are my own and
do not necessarily reflect the views of my colleagues in the Federal
Reserve System. 1:33:11 PM]



Managing Information, Uncertainty, and Risk in Monetary Policy :: March 27, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Let me begin by emphasizing the importance of the economic outlook
in the setting of monetary policy. The FOMC conducts monetary
policy to promote maximum employment and price stability, which
are goals that have been given to the Federal Reserve by the U.S.
Congress. That means we want as many Americans as possible who
want jobs to have jobs, and we want inflation to be low and stable.
We refer to these goals as our "dual mandate," and we pursue these
goals primarily by influencing the level of interest rates and other
financial conditions.
Monetary policy typically affects the economy with a lag. It takes
time for changes in interest rates to filter through to economic
activity; as an example, lower interest rates can lead to increased
borrowing, spending, and demand for goods and services, but it takes
time to produce the additional output to satisfy that demand. It
usually takes even longer for monetary policy to affect inflation
rates, because businesses tend to adjust their prices over time, and
in response to a number of considerations.
Because of this lag from our monetary policy actions to economic
activity and inflation, monetary policy needs to be forward-looking,
and therefore, relies heavily on the economic outlook. The outlook
is based on an assessment of current economic information, models of
the relationships between important economic variables, and the
expected effects of our policy actions. We also consider the risks to
the outlook, that is, factors that could lead our projections to be off
track in one direction or another.
Economic forecasting is difficult, even in the best of circumstances,
but it has been extremely challenging during the past few years.
Many forecasters have overestimated economic growth, employment,
and inflation. In hindsight, we know that the economy has grown
more slowly than many thought it would. There are several factors
that have restrained the economy, including the severity of the
housing market downturn, household and business deleveraging, and
uncertainty. While I will focus on these three factors, there are other
factors, such as the European debt and financial crises, and turmoil
over U.S. fiscal policy, that have surely hampered our economy's
Home prices began to fall before the financial crisis--indeed, the
decline in housing prices fueled the financial crisis. While housing is
a relatively small part of the economy, it plays a disproportionately
large role in driving the business cycle. Research conducted by
economists at my Bank1 indicates that weakness in spending on
housing during the recovery has played an important role in
accounting for the slowness of the recovery. In another research
finding by my Bank's economists, we learned that the decline in
housing prices posed a significant constraint to small business lending
because small business owners often use their own homes as
collateral to finance their businesses2. For some, the value of their
homes decreased, which constrained their ability to borrow. I and
other economists understood that housing wealth matters; however,
it took time and analysis to fully appreciate the many different ways
in which declining housing wealth would restrain the economic
The second factor, debt reduction, which we often refer to as
deleveraging, has also restrained the recovery. The net worth of
many households and businesses declined during the financial crisis as
various asset prices, from real estate to stocks, fell. Feeling poorer,
consumers and businesses curtailed spending and borrowing, paid
down debt, and rebuilt their balance sheets, which also caused
economic growth to slow.[4/29/2014 1:33:11 PM]

Managing Information, Uncertainty, and Risk in Monetary Policy :: March 27, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Banks have also deleveraged. During the recession and recovery, the
financial system became impaired through a loss of capital, and
financial firms held relatively more distressed assets on their books,
such as mortgages that were unlikely to be repaid and securities that
were worth less than they were before the crisis. Financial firms that
were weakened focused on increasing liquidity, reducing risk, and
rebuilding capital. Additionally, lending activity shrank as
uncertainty about the future made households and businesses less
likely to apply for a loan and as banks imposed tighter lending
standards on borrowers, making more of them ineligible for loans.
This decrease in economic activity was not unexpected, but I and
many other economists certainly underestimated the depth and the
length of time that the deleveraging would last. Indeed, today, five
years after the financial crisis, many households and banks are still
reducing their debt.
The third factor that has been restraining the economy is
uncertainty. We've learned that uncertainty affects economic
decision-making in ways that are simply not captured in conventional
forecasting models. Even after accounting for the fact that declining
net worth may have prevented some households and businesses from
borrowing, and that banks had to reduce the amount of credit they
extended for lack of more capital, the fact remains that households
and businesses alike have reined in spending to preserve cash in the
face of an unknown future. Holding onto cash provides consumers
and businesses with an option to spend later, when they think they
can better predict a more positive future. Many companies have
seemed especially reluctant to invest and to hire new employees.
Corporate America has not yet returned to what I think of as "normal
risk-taking." In this sort of environment, economic activity of all
kinds tends to be below what models would predict, simply because
people are taking less risk for a given level of income and wealth.
The depth of the housing market collapse, deleveraging, and
uncertainty are three important reasons why many economic
forecasters, me included, have tended to overestimate the strength
of the recovery. And as the economy has consistently
underperformed expectations, the FOMC has had to make more
aggressive monetary policy decisions than we initially expected.
Let me explain some of those actions, beginning in the fall of 2008.
All the information available at the time indicated that financial
markets were in turmoil, the economy was contracting severely, and
no one was certain when the pressures on the economy would abate.
The outlook for the economy was extremely poor, and it was clear
that significant monetary policy stimulus was warranted. The Federal
Reserve had already lowered the short-term interest rate that we
control, called the federal funds rate, to nearly zero between 2007
and 2008. Lowering interest rates, in theory, gives consumers and
businesses more purchasing power and is one tool we use to nudge
the economy back in the right direction. But it was not enough. And
once we pushed the federal funds rate close to zero and it could go
no lower, we had to use other, less-familiar tools, in an effort to
support economic growth and maintain price stability. One of those
tools was large-scale asset purchases, which were designed to put
downward pressure on long-term interest rates to stimulate economic
The Federal Reserve announced a series of large-scale asset
purchases starting in November 2008 with the first asset purchase
program, which is popularly known as quantitative easing, or QE1.
Since then, the Federal Reserve has announced several additional
actions, and we expected each to help return the economy to selfsustaining health. We now know that didn't happen.[4/29/2014 1:33:11 PM]

Managing Information, Uncertainty, and Risk in Monetary Policy :: March 27, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Within a few months of announcing QE1, it became apparent to the
FOMC that the economy would shrink in 2009, and by March 2009, the
situation looked dire. The FOMC downgraded its outlook again and
announced that it would significantly expand QE1. At this point, the
FOMC expected QE1 to be "large enough" to stimulate the economic
Although the recovery officially began in the summer of 2009, the
economy continued to underperform. The shortfall, in my opinion,
was not because our policy actions were ineffective; on the contrary,
economic performance would have been much worse if we had not
acted. Nevertheless, by late 2010, it was clear that the pace of
recovery remained slower than anticipated, and a risk of deflation
entered the picture, which led to QE2- another round of quantitative
easing—in November 2010. Like QE1, it seemed QE2 would be a one­
time program of a specific size and duration.
As we moved through early 2011, the economy appeared to be
adequately expanding, but in the middle of 2011, the economy once
again began to underperform relative to expectations. Then, in July
2011, an especially troubling piece of new information came in: the
Commerce Department revised GDP data downward, going back for
several years. The revised data indicated that the 2007-2009
recession was deeper than previously thought, and the subsequent
period of expansion was less robust than initially reported. Other
incoming data had also been disappointing, and uncertainties about
Europe and U.S. fiscal policy emerged as risks to the economy
performing as the FOMC previously expected.
Between September 2011 and September 2012, the FOMC took
additional steps to ease monetary conditions. We initiated the
Maturity Extension Program, known as Operation Twist, in which we
sold short-term term Treasury securities from our portfolio and used
the proceeds to purchase longer-term Treasuries. This program put
additional downward pressure on long-term interest rates. We also
adjusted our forward guidance on the federal funds rate, indicating
that the likely time of the first rate increase would be even further
in the future than had been previously anticipated.
Despite these actions, economic activity was expanding at a slow
pace and labor market conditions remained weak. This outlook and
other considerations led the Committee to announce QE3 in
September 2012. But, unlike the first two QE programs, which were
of fixed sizes and durations, the Committee is now conducting openended asset purchases until the outlook for labor conditions
significantly improves. The open-ended approach to asset purchases
allows the program to better respond to economic conditions. If
conditions rapidly improve, then the program can be scaled down or
stopped; if conditions worsen, the program can be scaled up or
extended. The open-ended approach also enables the FOMC to
respond more flexibly to changes in the benefits and risks that the
program may entail.
I believe that our monetary policy actions since the financial crisis
have helped move the economy in the right direction. We have had
to act during times when we had imperfect information, when we
faced many uncertainties, and when risks to the economy were
surfacing regularly; nevertheless, I think our monetary policy
decisions were appropriate at each turn. But as my narrative about
the past few years makes clear, a number of forces have been acting
to restrain growth throughout the recovery, and I have adjusted my
forecast accordingly. Looking ahead, my current outlook is that the
economy will grow a little more than 2-1/2 percent this year and
about 3 percent in 2014. With economic growth around 2-1/2 to 3
percent, I expect the unemployment rate to decline to around 7-1/2[4/29/2014 1:33:11 PM]

Managing Information, Uncertainty, and Risk in Monetary Policy :: March 27, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
percent this year and to around 7 percent at the end of 2014.
Despite the fact that I am expecting only moderate growth for the
next couple of years, I am encouraged by the data that has come in
during the past few months. Consumers appear to be taking the
payroll tax increase in stride, as spending is growing moderately.
Businesses also appear to be turning a bit more optimistic, as some
indexes that measure employment, production, and new orders have
firmed during the last few months3. Business leaders in my District
report being pleasantly surprised by orders and activity levels so far
this year.
Perhaps the best news we have received in the past few months has
been about the changes in the labor market. Employment gains have
essentially averaged 200,000 per month over the last five months,
and this pace is certainly better than I was expecting in December.
That pace is significant to me, because I would judge the outlook for
labor market conditions to have improved substantially when—among
other factors—I've seen a few more months of job gains at that
200,000 rate. So, if the labor market data continue to be solid, and
my economic outlook remains favorable, I could then see a basis for
slowing the pace of asset purchases. Even at a reduced pace, the
Federal Reserve would still be adding accommodation, continuing to
provide meaningful support to economic growth and job creation.
Another reason for leaning in the direction of slowing the pace of
asset purchases and limiting the overall size of the program is risk
management considerations. Since the onset of the financial crisis,
the Federal Reserve's balance sheet has grown from $900 billion to $3
trillion, and it continues to grow at a rate of $85 billion each month.
Our balance sheet could reach $4 trillion by the end of the year if it
continues to expand at the current pace. This large balance sheet
could present its own uncertainties and risks. The Federal Reserve
has never before had a balance sheet anywhere close to the size we
have today, nor has the Federal Reserve ever before taken such large
positions in the Treasury and mortgage-backed securities markets.
We always weigh the benefits risks of our policy options. Clearly, our
asset purchases have been beneficial in increasing economic growth,
lowering unemployment, and promoting price stability. However, the
unusual size and nature of our asset purchases have required us to
consider risk factors that do not figure so prominently during more
ordinary times.
Financial stability could be harmed if financial firms take on
excessive credit risk by "reaching for yield"-that is, buying riskier
assets, or taking on too much leverage—in order to boost their
profitability in this low-interest-rate environment. Interest rate risk
could arise if financial companies are not prepared to manage the
losses they might suffer by holding too many long-term, fixed-rate,
low-yield assets when interest rates rise. Financial market functioning
could, at some point, become distorted as a result of the Federal
Reserve’s large and growing presence in mortgage-backed securities
and Treasury securities markets. And, should inflationary pressures
emerge, there is the risk that the Federal Reserve's ability to respond
could be complicated by the size and composition of our balance
sheet. We have developed tools to remove monetary policy
accommodation when the time comes to do so, and we have even
tested them on a small scale, so that we will be ready to use them.
We have planned carefully, but we are in uncharted territory. The
bigger our balance sheet becomes, the less certain we can be that
these new tools will achieve the results we expect.
In closing, this recovery has been a long slog, and has required far
more monetary policy stimulus than I had anticipated back in early
2009, just a few months into our first round of quantitative easing.[4/29/2014 1:33:11 PM]

Managing Information, Uncertainty, and Risk in Monetary Policy :: March 27, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
The economy is still far from full employment of its resources, and
monetary policy still needs to remain accommodative. Undoubtedly,
more unforeseen developments, and risks, lie ahead. However, I
would like to conclude with an emphasis on the positive. The
economy appears to be on a steady, albeit moderate, growth path,
and the potential risks associated with our large-scale asset
purchases appear manageable at the moment. I would regard a
slowing in the pace of asset purchases to be a welcome direction for
monetary policy if it resulted from a significant improvement in the
outlook for labor market conditions. That outcome could emerge
before long, but it still remains to be seen. After all, as I have
demonstrated in my remarks today, the future doesn't always turn
out as one expects.
1. Bordo and Haubrich: " Deep Recessions. Fast Recoveries, and
Financial Crises: Evidence from the American Record." Working
Paper 12-14, June 2012.
2. Schweitzer and Shane: "The effect of Falling Home Prices on
Small Business Borrowing," Economic Commentary 2010-18.
3. Institute for Supply Management's Manufacturing and
Nonmanufacturing Indexes.

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