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Looking for Common Ground and New Solutions in Household and Consumer Finance :: September 19, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Looking for Common Ground and
New Solutions in Household and
Consumer Finance
I am delighted to welcome you to
our 11th Policy Summit, and I am
particularly pleased to welcome
our new partners from the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia in
sponsoring this signature
conference. I look forward every
year to hearing the discussions
from the talented mix of
researchers and practitioners who
participate in this conference.
Your presentations and
conversations have often helped
focus our community development
efforts in the Federal Reserve
System. More importantly. you are a valuable resource for us, and for
that I thank you.

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

President and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank o f Cleveland
2013 Policy Summit on Housing,
Human Capital, and Inequality
The Intercontinental Hotel &
Conference Center Cleveland. Ohio

September 19, 2013

Some of you may know that I am retiring early next year. so I will
not be here as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland at
the next Policy Summit. I would like to use this occasion to reflect on
some of the lessons I have learned during my service, particularly as
they relate to topics you will be discussing over the next two days.
Over the past 10 years as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland--and really. over my past three decades in the Federal
Reserve System--I have come to appreciate the virtues of cooperation
and finding shared ground. Around the Federal Open Market
Committee table. where monetary policy is set for this country. I
have seen first-hand the importance of looking at issues from
different perspectives and building consensus around new
approaches. There were times during the thick of the financial crisis
when the stakes were high and difficult decisions needed to be made
quickly. Under the leadership of Chairman Ben Bernanke. my
colleagues and I came together to initiate swift and aggressive
responses. often using unconventional and innovative tools. I think it
is widely acknowledged that the Federal Reserve's actions helped
prevent an even bigger crisis. and put the nation’s economy on a
path to recovery. We would not have been able to accomplish what
we did without being open to different points of view. being willing
to put new ideas into practice. and recognizing that we each wanted
to do what was best for our country.
Today. I want to discuss the importance of building consensus around
new approaches to overcoming the challenges we face in modernizing[4/29/2014 1:18:27 PM]

Looking for Common Ground and New Solutions in Household and Consumer Finance :: September 19, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
housing and consumer finance policies. I will begin by providing a
snapshot of today's financial services landscape. Then I will highlight
several recent cases where people with different perspectives are
reaching agreement on solutions to some stubborn housing problems.
I will conclude by suggesting a common effort where an open-minded
approach might be especially valuable. As always, the views I express
today are mine and not necessarily those of my colleagues in the
Federal Reserve System.
It is no exaggeration to say the financial crisis was a game-changer.
The market failures were vast and well-documented, particularly in
the housing finance marketplace. In response to the crisis, Congress
passed sweeping legislation to govern the financial services industry,
chiefly through the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010.
The impact of Dodd Frank and other legislation motivated by the
crisis provides the backdrop for many topics at this Policy Summit.
For example, Dodd Frank established an entirely new agency, the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, to regulate financial
products. Among the Bureau’s new rules is a measure aimed at
making qualified mortgage loans safer for borrowers. Additional
regulations on mortgages and other products are designed to promote
the stability of the entire financial system. And soon, Congress will
be debating serious proposals for reforming the governmentsponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
In some ways, the response to the financial crisis has reinforced longheld views about the role of government in the financial system.
Those who favor stronger regulations see the response as appropriate
to ensure that markets operate fairly for everyone, and at the same
time, are more stable. Those who favor a limited role for
government see the response as likely to distort markets, hamper
credit availability, and substitute the government’s judgment for
decisions that should be made in free markets.
Emotions still run strong. Consumers' distrust of the financial services
industry is high--only one in four Americans say they have a positive
view of the banking system. Meanwhile, many in the financial
services sector contend that some regulations have been excessive,
and may block some people from access to credit and services that
they want, and that they can use responsibly. The challenge now is
for the financial services industry and the communities and
consumers it serves to move past their entrenched positions and
instead work together to find new solutions.
I am optimistic about the possibilities for agreement on new solutions
in consumer finance and housing policies because I have seen people
with different viewpoints come together to enact policies with
substantial benefit.
My optimism stems from observations I have made close to home. As
everyone in this room knows, this region has a long-standing problem
with vacant and abandoned properties—and this problem was
exacerbated by the foreclosure crisis. Empty homes are magnets for
crime and they contribute to neighborhood blight. They can be
eyesores that bring down nearby property values.
For a long time, the response to vacancy and abandonment was
simple: rehabilitation. This strategy was based on the principle that
individual blocks of homes could be stabilized through rehabilitation
of select vacant properties, with the side benefit that historically
significant houses would be saved.
Research by the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank pointed toward the
possibility of an additional approach1. We found that property values
in some of our older, industrial communities are primarily determined[4/29/2014 1:18:27 PM]

Looking for Common Ground and New Solutions in Household and Consumer Finance :: September 19, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
by the desirability of the land underneath the structures. It is not the
house itself that has value--it is the land the house stands on. This
led us to the counterintuitive concept that the best policy to
stabilize neighborhoods may not always be rehabilitation--it may be
I think it is natural that many people reacted negatively to this idea
at first. But the strategy has gained currency over the years, and
groups that initially were opposed to any program that would tear
down homes rather than try to save them slowly changed their
minds. In part, this shift happened because of complementary
research that showed how demolitions might work in tandem with
other measures to deal with distressed housing. This multipronged
effort promised to work to the advantage of all stakeholders-homeowners, bankers, and communities at large.
Land banking is my Exhibit A. Our research strongly suggested that in
many communities with weak housing markets, there was an
oversupply of housing. This specific situation would not be helped by
one-size-fits-all policies; it demanded tailored policy support.
Cuyahoga County’s pioneering land bank is showing us the right way
to do it. The land bank is an entity equipped to acquire distressed
properties, clear title defects, and either rehabilitate or demolish
structures. This flexibility enables the land bank to make decisions
that specifically address the conditions of individual neighborhoods.2
If you recall, it was not so many years ago that people in both the
financial services industry and public sectors were resistant to the
idea of land banking. Financial institutions were initially wary of the
impact of land banks on their bottom lines, and community leaders
were initially suspicious that land banks would undercut
neighborhood revitalization efforts. Yet today, land banks enjoy
broad and well-deserved support. The positive impact that land
banks can have is evident all over Cuyahoga County. A great
illustration of this is happening in East Cleveland, where the county
land bank acquired two vacant, condemned apartment buildings,
cleared their titles, and demolished them to make way for two new,
modern apartment buildings. The vision is that residents of these new
units will have easy access to the bustling nearby University Circle
Let me give you another example of building consensus on innovative
housing policy. We at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland recently
have developed what we think are useful ideas for streamlining
Ohio’s foreclosure process. Over the past year, we traveled across
the state to discuss policy options that we believe could enhance
foreclosure outcomes.
Many community groups have been skeptical of proposals that would
speed up the foreclosure process because of their concern that some
borrowers would be unfairly removed from their homes. But we have
actually found that for many, “removed” is the wrong term. It turns
out that approximately a quarter of borrowers leave their homes
before the initiation of foreclosure by the lender, which further
extends the length of time properties remain vacant.
The overwhelming conclusion of our research was that it takes too
long for loans on abandoned properties to go from delinquency
through foreclosure in Ohio. In fact, plans to protect homeowners
who have already left their homes could unintentionally create costs
to entire communities. These costs include physical damage to
properties and downward pressure on the value of neighboring
homes. We discovered that many affordable housing advocates,
housing lenders, and municipal officials agreed with our ideas. Today,
several proposals are being considered at the state level that would[4/29/2014 1:18:27 PM]

Looking for Common Ground and New Solutions in Household and Consumer Finance :: September 19, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
accelerate the foreclosure process. The headway we have made is a
tribute to the willingness of people to reconsider long-held beliefs
when presented with new policy options based on new information.
Land banks and accelerating the foreclosure process on abandoned
homes are efforts that I would already put in the win column. On the
horizon, I see another challenge that seems ripe for progress: finding
new approaches to improve access to affordable rental housing
The first obstacle to overcome in this area is shedding outdated
notions about the homeownership society. The financial crisis taught
us that homeownership is not for everyone. For many people, renting
is the better choice. This shift in attitude could be particularly
beneficial for low-income households.
We also know that there are some shortcomings in existing rental
programs for low-income households. For too many families, finding
affordable rental properties in desirable neighborhoods remains
As those of you who regularly deal with affordable housing policy
know, there are two major rental programs for low-income
households. The Housing Choice Voucher is primarily a tenant-based
program that lets people choose where they want to live, while the
Low Income Housing Tax Credit is a place-based program that
subsidizes the rent on some units in housing developments, making
them more affordable for renters. Individually, the programs have
their own specific strengths and drawbacks. The programs operate
under completely different rules and are administered independently
of one another.
The tenant-based voucher program, which is targeted primarily at
people with very low incomes, offers the most freedom of choice;
after all, renters should be able to choose the housing location they
believe will most improve their quality of life. Nevertheless, research
shows that families who use vouchers often do not experience a
better quality of life or financial situation. Too frequently, they
cannot find, or do not select, apartments in neighborhoods with
better schools, for example, or places where their job prospects
would be brighter.
Meanwhile, the tax credit program would seem to be a smart way to
make housing units available in places that offer attractive amenities
to their residents, and thereby contribute to their residents'
economic well-being. Yet research suggests that tax-credit housing
programs have a mixed record. Too frequently, they result in
subsidized buildings being located in neighborhoods with
underperforming schools, or with limited access to jobs and health
care. In addition, depending on local market conditions, rents in
these buildings may be close to the market rates and not affordable
for poor households.
Those who support affordable rental housing programs should want to
achieve the same results; namely, clean homes in safer
neighborhoods that give tenants better access to good schools, health
care, and jobs. So what can be done?
The basic problem we face is that there is a far greater need for
affordable rental housing than there is public money being provided.
With limited resources, it is critical to look for ways to enhance the
flexibility of agencies to administer their funds, and allow the two
programs to work more effectively together.
Let me give you an example of an approach at HUD3 that fosters
partnerships at the federal level. HUD has been conducting a[4/29/2014 1:18:27 PM]

Looking for Common Ground and New Solutions in Household and Consumer Finance :: September 19, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
demonstration program with select public housing authorities across
the country. The program provides the flexibility to combine funds
from several different programs so they can be used like "block
grants," allowing for more experimentation toward the goal of
neighborhood stability. One of the benefits of this approach has
been the ability to leverage HUD funds with tax credit projects at the
local level to meet community needs. States have the same
opportunity with their tax credit programs. We should encourage
more new approaches like this.
I know practitioners operate under significant restraints on what they
are allowed to do and what they can spend. But in the end, wider
access to affordable rental housing by families in need is not just a
matter of increasing the resources available; it is about finding
creative ways for the nation’s affordable rental housing programs to
work better and more efficiently together. Let’s keep our eye on the
broader goal. We want people to live in neighborhoods with high caliber schools, safer streets, and better employment opportunities. I
am confident we can find solutions to achieve this objective.
I have just cited three examples in the housing market--land banking,
expedited foreclosures, and affordable rental housing--where
cooperation around new ideas promises to make a positive
difference, or where such an approach already has made a
difference. Let me conclude by suggesting how openness to new
ideas can help consumers make better financial choices. Success here
could have a lasting impact on the housing market and the overall
We now recognize that vulnerable, under-informed consumers
sometimes make decisions that don’t serve them well. And no
wonder. The financial marketplace is incredibly complex. People do
not always understand the obligations they are taking on when they
use certain services or buy certain products.
In this environment, certain regulatory protections and oversight are
likely to be very helpful to many consumers. That said, and as I have
noted, there are some who fear that regulatory overstep could
actually hurt consumers by limiting their access to potentially
beneficial services. Here, I think all parties--consumers, financial
institutions, and regulators--have an opportunity to achieve our
individual objectives by working through ideas old and new with a
common purpose.
The better informed consumers are about financial products and
household budgeting, the better their financial decisions will be.
Consumers should be protected from predatory practices, but they
should also be informed enough to recognize what services could be
financially harmful to them. They need to understand the importance
of saving so that they are not forced to go outside of conventional
financial services into higher-cost, riskier alternatives. For a long
time, we have agreed that there is no substitute for a betterinformed consumer.
But there are some thought-provoking implications of new research
that I also want to emphasize. Making good financial decisions is not
just about providing information and teaching people about financial
and legal contracts--it is also about understanding the context in
which financial decisions are made. Tomorrow at this conference, the
closing session will focus on consumer protection in the new
regulatory environment, and the Princeton University psychologist
Eldar Shafir will deliver an address on how consumers actually make
financial decisions. The closing session and the address will feature
the application of behavioral research to policy. Opt-in and opt-out
strategies figure prominently in the applications favored by Shafir
and others in the realm of behavioral economics. Achieving this kind[4/29/2014 1:18:27 PM]

Looking for Common Ground and New Solutions in Household and Consumer Finance :: September 19, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
of financial literacy has elements of corporate responsibility as well
as personal responsibility.
Financial institutions have it in their power to get in front of this
trend by offering more products with built-in features that are likely
to benefit consumers-- features like automatic opt-ins for savings
plans when funds from checking accounts are periodically swept into
customers’ savings accounts. There is no need to wait for regulators
to require such behavioral features. And consumer groups should see
this as an opportunity to help the financial services industry
understand what sort of product designs are most likely to be
effective. A little imagination and collaboration could go a long way
toward a financial marketplace with fair play, more financially
resilient households, and profitable financial institutions.
Let me step back here as I wrap up my remarks and offer a bit of
perspective. I realize that my talk today is unlikely to set the
newswires on fire: “Federal Reserve Policymaker Calls
for....Innovation and Cooperation!” I have read more exciting
headlines, to be sure. But I am not interested in capturing headlines.
I am interested in sharing my experience as president of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, which has instilled in me the importance
of consensus-building around new and different perspectives.
Too often today, standoffs are the norm. People want to solve
problems, but they are unwilling to consider opposing or new
viewpoints. This gridlock benefits no one. Thinking beyond our
immediate interests is not easy. But the way forward does not have
to be a zero-sum game where only one side wins and the other side
loses. We have seen the opportunities for win-win solutions with
housing policy and we could see the same with many of the areas
under discussion at this conference--such as small business lending
and most certainly consumer finance. By keeping an open mind to
different views and new ideas, we might surprise ourselves with how
much we can accomplish. We have seen it right here in Cleveland
with the evolution of views on land banks and demolition. I am
confident we can see it in any number of future policy proposals.
In the meantime, let’s join together to strengthen the financial
capability of our citizens. The Federal Reserve is ready, willing, and
able to partner with you. Thank you. I look forward to hearing your
ideas and I hope you find the next two days informative and
1. See “W hat’s Really Happening in Housing Markets,” Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, July 2007.
2. See “Understanding Ohio’s Land Bank Legislation,” Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland Policy Discussion Paper, January
2009, and “The Impact of Vacant, Tax-Delinquent Foreclosed
Homes on Sales Prices of Neighboring Homes,” Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland Working Paper, March 2012.
3. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

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