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Our Future in Manufacturing :: June 16, 2005 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Our Future in Manufacturing
Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto
I am delighted to help CAMP celebrate 20 years of excellence in
promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and manufacturing solutions
in our region. CAMP understands our region's history, and CAMP is
working hard to help move us toward a future of new vitality and
A terrific example of that future focus can be found in CAMP's
entrepreneurial assistance program, which is known as BUILD. As you
may know, this acronym stands for Building Business through
Innovation, Learning and Doing. It's a simple but very ingenious and
practical idea - starting with innovation and then putting it to work
for our benefit.

President and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
CAMP 20th Anniversary Open House
Cleveland, OH
June 16, 2005

At the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, our economic research
staff and I spend a lot of time thinking about what factors drive
economic growth and prosperity. This afternoon, I would like to
share my thoughts on the importance of innovation in our changing
world economy. First, I will discuss how innovation drives economic
growth. Next, I will briefly discuss how innovation has been playing
out in the manufacturing sector of our region. Finally, I will focus on
how we might want to proceed to foster a growing regional economy.

I. Innovation and Economic Growth
So let's begin with the role of innovation in driving economic growth.
Sometimes it seems that the mantra for the so-called "new economy"
is innovation. But doesn't this seem a bit redundant? After all, by
definition, innovation means a "new thing." It goes without saying
that the future health of our economy rests on our ability to
innovate. But this need to innovate is not because we are living in a
"new economy" today.
As long as commerce has existed, there has been innovation - there
has been churning from the old to the new. You may have heard
that process described as "creative destruction." This phrase was
developed in the early part of the last century by a Harvard
economist named Joseph Schumpeter. He argued that the ebb and
flow of economic activity and employment are an integral - and
indeed, necessary - part of growth. Productive resources are
channeled into providing new goods and services that have higher
value than the old.
Schumpeter defined a number of innovations that drive growth. They
include the introduction of new products, new methods of
production, and new trade relationships. He also cited the discovery
of raw materials and the reorganization of business and economy[4/29/2014 2:12:11 PM]

Our Future in Manufacturing :: June 16, 2005 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
activity. Through creative destruction, each innovation would be
accompanied by temporary periods of job loss and business stress as
the economic system was reconstructed to become more efficient.
This idea of creative destruction spawned a whole line of study in
economics known as "growth theory."
Growth theory made another great leap forward in the 1950s with the
work of economist Robert Solow, who would go on to win a Nobel
Prize. In one of his important studies, Solow concluded that nearly
90 percent of the rise in U.S. prosperity during the first half of the
twentieth century came from technological growth, and not, as most
economists had assumed, from the mere accumulation of machinery.
So the evolution we are seeing today is nothing new. We see old
plants closing and new plants opening at the same time, in periods of
both expansion and recession. We see old occupations dying out and
new occupations born to take their place. The new jobs come from
innovation. But we will experience growing pains as many jobs, and
even firms, become obsolete.
While innovation leads to higher growth, higher growth will lead to
more innovation, and so on. The forces that drive innovation are not
necessarily random events. They are driven by the need to be
competitive. That is true today, just as it was fifty, a hundred, or a
thousand years ago.

II. Manufacturing and the Regional Economy
Today, both the national and the regional economy are trying to
remain competitive in the face of rapid technological changes and
globalization. So how is Ohio faring compared with the nation?
On a national basis, we know that our economy has been expanding
for the past 3-1/2 years. We still see a few unusual trends in this
expansion: namely, weak employment growth, strong productivity
growth, and higher energy prices. But the underlying fundamentals
are strong nationwide - low interest rates, low inflation, robust
productivity growth, and strong business balance sheets. Good news?
You bet, and I expect the national economy to continue to grow
through the remainder of this year and beyond.
Unfortunately, though, Ohio's economy has been lagging somewhat
behind the national economy. For example, since the spring of 2001,
Ohio has had one of the weakest employment performances of the 50
states. We have lost roughly 3 percent of our workforce. Our
unemployment rate remains stuck at around 6 percent, even though
the national rate has fallen to just over 5 percent.
Some people might link this performance to the manufacturing
sector. After all, manufacturing employment has been hit hard
across the nation, and 15 percent of Ohio's workforce is engaged in
manufacturing compared with only 11 percent for the nation as a
whole. However, research shows that the job losses in Ohio have
been broad-based. They have affected manufacturers and nonĀ­
manufacturers alike. This finding runs counter to the conventional
wisdom, which points to manufacturing's decline as the root of the
So what exactly does account for these broad-based job losses?
Although Ohio's economy has its good points - for example, strong
productivity growth and a large number of firms and skilled workers - our state also has some shortcomings. Most notably, we have a very
low rate of business startups and an erosion in the number of patents
being granted here.[4/29/2014 2:12:11 PM]

Our Future in Manufacturing :: June 16, 2005 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
There are some surprises, too. There is a popular perception that
Ohio has had a larger-than-normal share of plant closings, but
preliminary research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland shows
that the proportion of Ohio plants that close each year is actually 25
percent lower than the national average. Unfortunately, though, our
rate of plant openings is also well below the national average - about
20 percent below. The story is similar from the employment
perspective. We are losing jobs from manufacturing plants at a
slower pace than the nation, but we are also gaining new jobs from
manufacturing plants at a slower pace.
The big picture here seems to be that Ohio's economy is less dynamic
-- that is, it shows less creative destruction -- than other states. This
by itself would not be a problem, except for one important detail:
States with the healthiest economies are more dynamic. Fast-growing
states not only have a relatively high rate of plant openings, but they
also have a relatively high rate of plant closings. Why is this
Well, since the days of the Industrial Revolution, businesses and
workers have been affected by the opening of new markets, new
products, organizational developments, and new manufacturing
techniques. Again, through creative destruction, new economic
relationships are forged from existing ones. This process is not
necessarily smooth or painless. Productive resources in the form of
labor, capital, and entrepreneurial talent have to move from
declining industries to expanding ones.
History shows that ignoring the tides of change can have painful
consequences. Consider the example of the steam locomotive
industry. Diesel-electric locomotives are more powerful, fuel
efficient, and cheaper to operate and maintain. None of these
advantages was crystal clear in the 1920s when diesel-electric
locomotives first made their appearance, so the dominant makers of
steam locomotives felt secure in ignoring the innovation. As a result,
none of them ultimately survived the transition to the new
How many outdated technologies are we holding onto for a little too
long today? What examples will my successors be using as they talk
about the tides of change that occurred in the early 21st century?
It's important to note that even though individual firms lose out, and
whole occupations and industries can disappear, the end result is
often beneficial. Think about refrigeration. For years, Sandusky,
Ohio, was the center of a thriving ice industry, but electricity and
reliable, inexpensive compressors put an end to the jobs for ice
harvesters, warehousers, and your friendly neighborhood iceman. In
their place, jobs were created for factory workers, retailers, and
refrigerator repairmen. More important, consumers gained a new era
of convenience. They were able to enjoy a much greater variety of
foods year-round and suffered from many fewer cases of illness from
food going bad.

III. Steps We Can Take to Foster a Growing
Regional Economy
So where does this discussion bring us in terms of practical steps we
can take now to foster a growing regional economy for the future? In
considering the health of Ohio's manufacturing sector, I think it is
time to stop focusing on short-run job losses, as difficult as they are.
We must start focusing more on the long-run adaptability of our
businesses and our capacity to grow new ones. The jobs will follow.[4/29/2014 2:12:11 PM]

Our Future in Manufacturing :: June 16, 2005 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
To remain competitive, manufacturers must not only pursue costcutting methods, but also add technology and innovations to their
products that add value for their customers. Sometimes these
innovations can be very sophisticated - for example, a computer chip
manufacturer that designs and produces customized chips, or an
equipment manufacturer that provides online training on how to use
its products - but sometimes they are as simple as packaging your
product in a more consumer-friendly way.
To invigorate new business start-ups and expansions in our region, we
need to engage many different groups in the process - government,
business experts, educators, and investors. Just last week, I met
with several "angel investors" in the Northeast Ohio area who have set
their sights on growing new businesses. The Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland organized a partnership with a few other Reserve Banks to
hold focus groups with angel investors in different parts of the
country to learn more about where angels invest and why. We hope
to learn some things that will help us put more creativity in the
creative destruction process.
As part of its "Manufacturing Roadmap" project, CAMP looked for
relatively successful firms in Northeast Ohio within some of the hardhit manufacturing industries. I hope to learn from the Roadmap
project what these firms have done over the past five years to
outperform others when times were tough in their respective
industries. We need to shift the focus from preserving the past to
creating the future. The best defense really is a good offense, not
just more defense.
On a broader level, we would also like to know what our public
policymakers can do to help our region become more competitive
and more innovative. One of the largest contributing factors to
becoming more innovative and adaptable is improving the level of
educational attainment among our citizens. Business leaders and
educators should join forces to better understand the role of
education in providing the raw material for future innovation. We
must also remain open to new ideas that support business formation
and expansion.

For our region to compete in today's global economy, I think that we
must shift economic development thinking to focus on innovations,
especially within our manufacturing community. I am happy to be
here at CAMP's anniversary celebration, because CAMP has focused for
the past 20 years on helping manufacturers innovate. Everyone gains
from efforts like these.

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