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Financial Innovation: Benefits and Challenges :: June 22, 2007 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Home > For the Public > News and Media > Speeches > 2007 > Financial Innovation: Benefits and



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Financial Innovation: Benefits
and Challenges

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

Some of you, like me, have been around long enough to remember
when the community affairs debate centered around increasing
access to capital and credit markets and easing restrictions on
lending. We know that people on the financial margins just didn't
have all that many borrowing options a generation ago.
With the benefit of legislation like the Community Reinvestment Act,
which we will hear more about this morning, access to credit and
capital has gradually improved. Now, people at all ends of the
financial spectrum have more opportunity to become homeowners
than they did 30 years ago. In the past few years, the U.S.
homeownership rate has reached its highest level in history - nearly
70 percent.

President and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
2007 Community Development Policy
Cleveland, OH
June 22, 2007

But clearly, not all of the news is positive. Much of yesterday's
agenda focused on home foreclosures-a topic that has been getting
quite of bit of attention lately, and I think deservedly so. From our
communities to Congress, there is considerable concern about how
the increasing numbers of home foreclosures are affecting borrowers
and neighborhoods. Unfortunately, this problem hits very close to
home. In the fourth quarter of 2006, Ohio had the highest foreclosure
rate of any state in the nation. We know that Cuyahoga County itself
has been particularly hard hit. It is unfortunate that at a time when
many people are rediscovering the hidden potential of our urban
neighborhoods, the current trend in foreclosures might compromise
some of the real progress that has been made.
At the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, we care about this
problem. Some of you here this morning have participated in
meetings we have held over the past few years with community
leaders, bankers, academics, regulators, and other policymakers. Our
discussions have reinforced the idea that the housing market is very
complex, with many participants and many competing interests.
And that leads me to my message this morning: Within this
increasingly complex mortgage market, policymakers must preserve
the benefits of financial innovation while protecting consumers from
unfair and abusive practices.
Obviously, this is a broad topic, and I will only be able to touch on a
few related factors this morning. First, I will discuss some of the
benefits and challenges brought by legal changes and financial
innovation. Then I will describe how information problems in the
market have led to some unintended consequences. Finally, I will
explain why curing the ills in mortgage markets will require a
comprehensive approach. Please understand that the Federal Reserve 2:05:50 PM]

Financial Innovation: Benefits and Challenges :: June 22, 2007 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Banks are not rule-makers; that authority rests with the Board of
Governors in Washington.

The Impact of Legal Changes and Financial
Today's mortgage markets have been shaped by legal changes and
financial innovation. Over the past few decades, a series of legal
changes has led to the removal of state interest-rate caps and the
introduction of variable interest rates and balloon payments. While
these changes have provided more payment options and broader
access to homeownership, they have also resulted in a very complex
market, which brings its own challenges. For example, adjustablerate mortgages are more complex instruments than fixed-rate
mortgages and can sometimes be more difficult for consumers to
Financial innovation has been a major driver of change as well.
Innovation allows markets to craft specialized mortgage contracts and
to transfer risk. For example, many mortgages are now pooled,
repackaged and sold as mortgage-backed securities. Compare this to
the days when a borrower just walked into a bank branch, signed up
for a loan, and knew that the same bank would hold the loan to its
full maturity.
Financial innovation has clearly benefited consumers by driving down
costs. Since 1985, initial fees for conventional mortgage loans have
fallen from roughly 2.5 percent of the loan balance to about 0.5
percent.1 Another big advantage is choice. A few decades ago,
people were offered just one or two different mortgage products,
but now they can choose from among multiple instruments and
payback structures. Finally, consumers benefit from faster loan
decisions today.
The combination of legal changes and financial innovation has
brought a big increase in the number of players in the mortgage
market - including brokers, underwriters, servicers, and rating
agencies. This evolution allows for more specialization and a greater
volume of lending. But it also brings new challenges in terms of
conflicting incentives. For example, because a mortgage broker is
typically compensated only when a loan is made, he has an incentive
to approve the loan. However, this incentive may conflict with the
interests of the potential borrower, who may not be able to afford
the loan. This incentive may even conflict with the interests of the
lender, who is looking for repayment of the loan principal, rather
than just the loan origination.
Conflicting incentives and greater complexity are just two of the
challenges that go along with the many benefits of legal changes and
financial innovation.

Information Problems in Mortgage Markets
Another challenge is posed by information problems in the mortgage
markets, which can lead to unintended consequences. These
problems can exist between borrowers and lenders, or they can arise
from incomplete information about what is happening in mortgage
markets more broadly.
One information problem we have seen between borrowers and
lenders is an imperfect estimation of borrowers' ability to repay
adjustable-rate loans. The Mortgage Bankers Association has reported
that in both the prime and subprime markets, the share of[4/29/2014 2:05:50 PM]

Financial Innovation: Benefits and Challenges :: June 22, 2007 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
adjustable-rate loans entering foreclosure was more than two-and-ahalf times the share of fixed-rate loans entering foreclosure in the
fourth quarter of 2006.
The difference in foreclosure rates between these two types of
instruments is striking. It suggests that some borrowers and
originators may have misunderstood or miscalculated the increases in
interest rates that could occur with adjustable-rate mortgages.
We know that information problems can run the spectrum from
simple miscalculations to withholding of information to outright
fraud. Let's consider a case of withholding information. On one side,
borrowers may have a better idea about the risks they face in
repaying their debt than creditors do. As a result, borrowers may
have a disincentive to fully reveal this information because it may
jeopardize their ability to obtain the loan.
On the other side, lenders may have an information advantage as
well. Because they generally have superior knowledge of financial
instruments and markets, lenders may not reveal certain information
to borrowers that would reduce the profitability of the loan. For
example, a lender might recommend a near-prime or subprime loan
when a borrower could in fact qualify for a prime loan. This
information advantage can cross the line into outright fraud if
unscrupulous lenders mislead borrowers about the actual cost of a
loan, with the goal of stripping equity from a home. In other cases,
borrowers or originators may misrepresent the borrower's income in
order to secure a loan.
Unfortunately, we cannot be sure how prevalent any of these
practices may be. This brings me to another, broader kind of
information problem - incomplete information about what is taking
place in the various segments of the mortgage market itself.
Certainly we receive useful information from trade associations,
private data vendors, and government agencies, but many people are
unaware that data reporting results differ widely among these
sources. Consequently, our picture is incomplete. For example, there
is no standard definition of a subprime loan, and there is no single,
definitive source for foreclosure data. Right now, much of the
foreclosure data is being reported in the context of anecdotal
While anecdotal evidence helps us identify factors that correlate with
foreclosures, it does not permit us to determine to what extent each
factor actually causes the foreclosure problem. Foreclosure rates may
vary depending on local economic conditions, state laws,
underwriting practices, and the personal situations of borrowers, such
as family illness or job loss. Understanding the mix of factors and
their contribution to the problem is critical to identifying the right
policy prescriptions.

Response to Mortgage Market Problems
Requires a Comprehensive Approach
Just as there is no single cause of the problems we are seeing in the
mortgage market, I am convinced that there is no single solution or
"silver bullet" that will cure them. Curing the ills in the mortgage
markets will require a comprehensive approach, and each player in
the financial arena has a role to play.
First, consumers must take responsibility for understanding their
financial transactions and indeed, for increasing their own basic
financial literacy. Beyond simply weighing the relative costs of
similar products and setting up a household budget, consumers should 2:05:50 PM]

Financial Innovation: Benefits and Challenges :: June 22, 2007 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
understand the importance of setting longer-term financial goals and
developing a plan to meet those goals.
Second, financial services providers, including mortgage brokers,
should continue to promote greater understanding of the terms of the
products and services they offer. They should clarify information
about the financial products being offered, including the potential
ramifications over both the short term and the long term. Only then
can consumers make a truly informed decision about the financial
instruments they are considering.
Finally, regulators have a critical role to play. Many agencies are
involved at both the federal and state level. These agencies must
continually review the relevant laws governing financial markets to
ensure these regulations evolve along with the complexity and pace
of change in the financial services industry. Some positive actions are
already taking place. For example, the federal banking regulatory
agencies have recently proposed additional guidance regarding
subprime mortgage lending. This guidance outlines expectations for
sound risk management, control processes, underwriting standards for
adjustable-rate mortgages, and clear customer communications.
At the Federal Reserve, the Board of Governors is carefully
considering how it might further use its rulemaking authority under
the Home Ownership Equity Protection Act to curb abusive lending
practices without discouraging responsible subprime lending. In fact,
a public hearing was held in Washington just last week. The Board is
also reviewing disclosures under the Truth-in-Lending Act to ensure
that lenders provide consumers with the right information at the
right time during the mortgage-selection process.
Of course, it is not enough just to monitor laws and regulations - they
must be effectively enforced. Responsibility for enforcing the rules is
shared among the five federal regulators of depository institutions,
the Federal Trade Commission, and state authorities. The Federal
Reserve is committed to working closely with these other regulators
to ensure the laws protecting consumers are effectively enforced.
Finally, any new laws, regulations, or guidelines should be developed
with the thought of aligning appropriate incentives with the desired
behaviors of the affected parties. Without this alignment, we can
expect to see unintended outcomes, such as a restriction of credit for
otherwise creditworthy borrowers.

As we consider these issues, I think it is important to keep in mind
the overall outcome we are trying to achieve, which is the efficient
and effective flow of credit and capital. We must strive to ensure
continued access to our financial markets while protecting consumers
and communities against unfair and abusive practices. Fully
understanding all of the factors behind the problems we face in the
mortgage market, without curtailing financial innovation, is an
important means to that end.

1 Source: Federal Housing Finance Board.

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Financial Innovation: Benefits and Challenges :: June 22, 2007 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 2:05:50 PM]