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The Federal Reserve’s Role in Supporting the U.S. Economy :: April 8, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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The Federal Reserve’s Role in
Supporting the U.S. Economy

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

P resident and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank o f Cleveland
The International Economic Forum of
the Americas, Palm Beach Strategic
West Palm Beach, Florida

April 8, 2013

The title of this conference, "The Path to Economic Growth," strikes a
chord with me as a monetary policymaker on the Federal Reserve's
Federal Open Market Committee, or FOMC. The global economy has
indeed wandered off course in some ways, and choosing the right
path back is critical. The FOMC works to point the U.S. economy in
the right direction, by conducting monetary policy to promote
maximum employment and price stability, which are the goals given
to the Federal Reserve by the U.S. Congress. That means we want as
many Americans as possible who want jobs to have jobs, and we
want to restrain increases in the inflation rate. We refer to these
goals as our "dual mandate," and we pursue these goals primarily by
influencing the level of interest rates and other financial conditions.
Today, I will share my view of current U.S. economic conditions; I
will describe how the Federal Reserve supported the U.S. economy
through the financial crisis and recovery; and I'll share my
observations on some of the challenges facing monetary and fiscal
policymakers as we work to promote a sustainable global recovery.
Please note that the views expressed here are my own and do not
necessarily reflect the views of my colleagues in the Federal Reserve
Let me start with some comments on the U.S. economy, within the
context of the world economy. According to the International
Monetary Fund, or IMF, the world economy will grow by about 4
percent both this year and next. However, advanced economies,
including the U.S., are expected to grow more slowly than emerging
and developing economies. The IMF forecasts economic growth this[4/29/2014 1:32:50 PM]

The Federal Reserve’s Role in Supporting the U.S. Economy :: April 8, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
year of about 2 percent for advanced economies, and about 6
percent for emerging and developing economies. The IMF predicts
slow economic growth in the euro area of about half a percent this
year and 1 percent next year, and much faster growth for the Latin
American and Caribbean region of 4.2 percent in 2013 and 3.6
percent in 2014. The U.S. economy is in the middle, with growth
expected at about 2.5 percent this year and 3.2 percent next year.
The U.S. economy is recovering
from the deepest recession since
the Great Depression in the
1930s, and is on better footing
now than it was several years
ago. Some measures of U.S.
economic and financial health
are now surpassing their pre­
recession levels. Real gross
domestic product returned to
pre-recession levels in the
summer of 2011. Growth has continued since then, albeit slowly.
U.S. banks have rebuilt their capital buffers and strengthened their
balance sheets considerably. U.S. banks generally now have capitalto-asset ratios that well surpass their pre-recession levels. The
housing market, which precipitated the U.S. financial crisis and
recession, appears to have stabilized. Home prices are up, and
homebuilding has resumed in most parts of the country. Consumers,
which represent roughly two-thirds of final spending in the U.S.
economy, have made considerable progress in paying down their
debts, putting them in a better position to contribute to growth. The
outlook for labor conditions has been improving over the last six
months, adding an average of 188,000 jobs per month. Friday's
employment numbers, however, were disappointing. I will need to
see some more data before I can make any conclusions about the
underlying strength of the labor market. Overall, recent
developments point to continued, moderate growth for the U.S.
My outlook is that the U.S. economy will grow a little more than 2 ­
1/2 percent this year and about 3 percent in 2014. In normal times,
2-1/2 percent growth is strong enough to keep working people
employed and to absorb new entrants into the labor force. But 2-1/2
percent growth is not fast enough to quickly pull the U.S. economy
out of the deep unemployment hole caused by the recession. There
are still three million fewer people on U.S. payrolls today than there
were before the onset of the recession. With economic growth
around 2-1/2 to 3 percent, I expect the unemployment rate to
decline to about 7-1/2 percent this year and about 7 percent at the
end of 2014—still well above pre-recession levels.
The U.S. recovery has been moderate and the economy has grown
more slowly than many thought it would. There are several factors
that have restrained U.S. economic growth, including the severity of
the housing market downturn, household and business deleveraging,
and uncertainty. I and other economists understand that housing
wealth matters; however, it took time and analysis to fully
appreciate the many different ways in which declining housing wealth
would restrain the economic recovery.
Debt reduction, which we often refer to as deleveraging, has also
restrained the recovery. The net worth of many households and
businesses declined during the financial crisis as various asset prices,
from real estate to stocks, fell. Feeling poorer, consumers and
businesses curtailed spending and borrowing, paid down debt, and
rebuilt their balance sheets, which also caused economic growth to
slow.[4/29/2014 1:32:50 PM]

The Federal Reserve’s Role in Supporting the U.S. Economy :: April 8, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Uncertainty has also been restraining the economy. Businesses have
been hesitant to hire workers and make investments because of
uncertainties over consumer spending, federal fiscal policy,
regulations, and global economic conditions. Research from my Bank
shows that uncertainty related to economic conditions dramatically
lowered businesses' plans to hire and make capital
expenditures.1 Many lenders have also become more cautious and
have imposed tighter lending standards on borrowers, making more
consumers and businesses ineligible for loans. In this environment,
the Federal Reserve has taken aggressive and unconventional actions
to nudge the U.S. economy back to self-sustaining health.
Let me explain some of those actions, beginning with those in the fall
of 2008. Back then, financial markets were in turmoil, the U.S.
economy was contracting severely, and no one was certain when the
pressures on the economy would ease. The outlook for the U.S.
economy was extremely poor, and it was clear that significant
monetary policy stimulus was needed. The Federal Reserve had to
look back to the Great Depression for signs of how to respond to such
a steep economic downturn. Between 2007 and 2008, the Federal
Reserve lowered the short-term interest rate that we control, which
is called the federal funds rate, to nearly zero. Once we pushed the
federal funds rate close to zero and it could go no lower, we had to
use other, unconventional tools, including large-scale asset purchases
and communications, to spur economic growth and maintain price
The Federal Reserve announced asset purchase programs in response
to worsening outlooks for the U.S. economy. Our asset purchases
have been successful in lowering longer-term interest rates and
creating conditions that are more conducive to supporting economic
growth. The first large-scale asset purchase program, which is
popularly known as quantitative easing, or QE1, was announced in
November 2008. Subsequently, we initiated several other asset
purchase programs. Currently, the FOMC is conducting a third round
of asset purchases, often referred to as QE3, which began in
September 2012. QE3 is an open-ended program to purchase
mortgage-backed securities and longer-term Treasury securities until
the FOMC sees a substantial improvement in the outlook for labor
market conditions. This open-ended approach to asset purchases
allows the program to better respond to economic conditions. If
conditions rapidly improve, then the program can be scaled down or
stopped; if conditions worsen, the program can be scaled up or
extended. The open-ended approach also enables the FOMC to
respond more flexibly to changes in its assessment of the program’s
benefits and risks.
The Federal Reserve has also used communications as a policy tool.
This is commonly referred to as "forward guidance" and serves the
purpose of informing the public regarding the FOMC's anticipated path
for the federal funds rate. The FOMC has stated that the current low
range for the federal funds rate "will be appropriate at least as long
as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation
between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a
half percentage point above the 2 percent longer-run goal, and
longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored."
These types of communications should both make policy more
effective and reduce the risk that market misperceptions of the
FOMC’s intentions would lead to unnecessary interest rate volatility.
Clearly, the FOMC's policies have been beneficial in increasing
economic growth, lowering unemployment, and promoting price
stability. If the outlook for labor market conditions were to improve
sufficiently, the FOMC could begin to slow the pace of asset
purchases and limit the size of the overall program. But other[4/29/2014 1:32:50 PM]

The Federal Reserve’s Role in Supporting the U.S. Economy :: April 8, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
considerations could lead to the same result. The unusual size and
nature of the FOMC's asset purchases also require us to consider risk
factors that do not figure so prominently during ordinary times. Since
the onset of the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve's balance sheet
has grown from $900 billion to more than $3 trillion, and it continues
to grow at a rate of $85 billion each month. Our balance sheet could
reach $4 trillion by the end of the year if it continues to expand at
the current pace. This large balance sheet could present its own
uncertainties and risks. The Federal Reserve has never before had a
balance sheet anywhere close to the size we have today, nor has the
Federal Reserve ever before taken such large positions in the
Treasury and mortgage-backed securities markets.
One way to mitigate potential risks is through a smaller-sized balance
sheet than many market participants currently envision. Given our
limited experience with our asset purchase programs, slowing the
pace of purchases could help minimize the potential risks associated
with our large and growing balance sheet. Even continuing asset
purchases at a reduced pace, and limiting the size of the overall
program, would enable the Federal Reserve to continue adding
accommodation and providing meaningful support to economic
growth and job creation.
Finally, I would like to share a few observations about the challenges
facing monetary and fiscal policymakers as we work to promote a
sustainable global recovery. In the realm of monetary policy, I have
explained why and how the FOMC has been creative and aggressive in
responding to the risks to the U.S. economy. Similarly, some other
central banks also have been aggressive and creative in addressing
their countries' economic challenges by using unconventional tools.
The Bank of England, like the Federal Reserve, has relied on
purchases of medium- and long-term government bonds with the goal
of pushing interest rates down. In contrast, the European Central
Bank has relied primarily on providing liquidity to banks in order to
spur bank lending, because banks are such an important
intermediation channel in Europe. The Bank of Japan has been
buying government bonds and using communications for many years
to combat its country's slow growth and deflation. Recently, the
Bank of Japan has become more aggressive in pursuit of its
objectives, significantly increasing both the amount and maturity of
government bonds it would purchase. As you can see, many central
banks are coping with the challenges associated with using
unconventional tools to support economic growth.
However, monetary policy cannot offset large-scale fiscal restraint.
The threat of fiscal austerity in the U.S. and in other countries
around the world represents a near-term risk to the global economic
recovery. Large debt obligations in many countries present risks to
long-term economic growth.
In the U.S., our economy's performance near-term and longer-term
will depend considerably on fiscal policy. Fiscal issues have led to
across-the-board spending cuts, which are slowing U.S. economic
growth in the near term. The challenge is for fiscal policymakers to
enact a credible plan that will put the U.S. federal budget on a
sustainable long-run path without adversely affecting the recovery.
The United States is not alone in dealing with fiscal issues that
threaten growth and stability. Political environments in various
countries result in vastly different outlooks for fiscal action and
economic and monetary policies. In Europe, the picture is mixed,
with some euro zone countries advocating for fiscal austerity while
others resist. In Japan, the central bank is ramping up monetary
stimulus, while other parts of its government have pledged to
establish a sustainable fiscal structure. Some countries may lean
toward becoming more restrictive on trade, which would endanger[4/29/2014 1:32:50 PM]

The Federal Reserve’s Role in Supporting the U.S. Economy :: April 8, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
global growth. Around the world, countries are facing fiscal
problems, and how they address those problems could have real
economic consequences.
Today, the U.S. economy continues to recover at a moderate pace,
but unemployment remains unacceptably high. Monetary policy is
supporting economic growth, but monetary policy has limits. In
current circumstances, it would be particularly helpful if fiscal and
regulatory policies were among the forces supporting economic
growth. Central banks worldwide are facing economic circumstances
that are similar to those in the U.S., and are taking innovative
monetary policy actions that may influence the theory and practice
of monetary policy in years to come. I believe that our
accommodative monetary policy stance is keeping the U.S. economy
on the path of economic recovery, and is contributing to both U.S.
and worldwide economic growth. But we are in uncharted waters. So,
it is important that we continue to evaluate the risks associated with
our policy actions.
1. Schweitzer and Shane: " Economic Policy Uncertainty and Small
Business Expansion." Economic Commentary 2011 -24.

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