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The Fed and the Economy: Lessons from Milton Friedman :: April 2, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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The Fed and the Economy:
Lessons from Milton Friedman

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

My visit to Marietta has also included some time last evening with a
great group of economics and business students and faculty members
at Marietta College, and time with a number of area bankers this
morning. I enjoy very much spending time with businesspeople,
bankers, community leaders and academic organizations across my
district. It is through your insights and these types of conversations
that I gather valuable information on our region's economy.
Before I begin, I want to applaud the "town and gown" relationship
between the college's Friedman Lecture Series and today's Economic
Roundtable event. Linking these two programs is a very good
example of forging strong connections among the academic
community and area business and civic leaders. More generally,
relationships formed among business, economic development and
educational institutions are critical elements to improving our
region's economic prosperity.

P resident and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank o f Cleveland
Economic Roundtable of the Ohio
Marietta, Ohio

April 2, 2012

I feel privileged and honored to be among the impressive list of
speakers for these programs that over the years have included my
colleagues Al Broaddus, Jeff Lacker, and my predecessors at the
Cleveland Fed - Karen Horn, Lee Hoskins and Jerry Jordan, just to
name a few. Thank you for the invitation to be among the speakers
for the Economic Roundtable, and to contribute to your legacy of
discussing current and important economic, social and governmental
issues facing this area and the nation.
As I did last evening on campus, I will refer often to Dr. Milton
Friedman in my remarks, as he has had an enormous and lasting
impact on how we approach our work at the Federal Reserve today.
About the time he provided the inaugural lecture for Marietta's series
which carries his name in the early 1980s, central bankers had begun
to embrace some of his views about the economy and monetary
policy. Dr. Friedman was perhaps the most prominent member of the
"monetarist" school -- economists who taught that inflation was a
monetary phenomenon. Moreover, his view was that the Fed -- if it
would pay close attention to inflation -- might better succeed in its
job of stabilizing the U.S. economy using the tools at its disposal.
Today I intend to cover three broad areas: I will start with some
background on the Federal Reserve. Second, I will discuss how we
have responded to the extraordinary economic conditions of the last
few years. And I will conclude with some comments on my
economic outlook and monetary policy.
As always, the views I express are mine alone, and do not necessarily
reflect those of my colleagues in the Federal Reserve System.
To lay some foundation, let's rewind for a moment and talk about the[4/29/2014 1:39:51 PM]

The Fed and the Economy: Lessons from Milton Friedman :: April 2, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
creation of the Federal Reserve System. The Fed was created nearly
a century ago, in 1913 to be exact, as the nation's central bank. We
were charged with maintaining a safe, stable, and flexible monetary
and financial system.
The formation of the Federal Reserve began with much debate in
Congress. I guess some things never change in a democracy! While
it was generally agreed there should be a central bank, one group
wanted a central bank that would be part of the government.
Another group wanted a central bank that would be owned and
operated by the commercial banks. Our forefathers settled on a
compromise: The Federal Reserve System consists of the Board of
Governors in Washington, DC -- comprised of seven members who are
appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. In addition,
there are 12 Federal Reserve Bank presidents representing districts
around the country. The presidents bring the voices and views of
people in our districts across the United States to our decision making
on monetary policy. I lead the Fourth District, which includes all of
Ohio, western Pennsylvania, eastern Kentucky, and the panhandle of
West Virginia.
You are probably aware of the Federal Reserve's monetary
policymaking group, which is called the Federal Open Market
Committee, or FOMC. The Committee is currently chaired by Ben
Bernanke, and consists of the Fed governors and Reserve Bank
presidents. We generally meet eight times a year in Washington to
review economic and financial developments and then take actions to
adjust monetary policy as necessary in light of our goals for economic
activity and inflation. This year, I am a voting member of the
FOMC, and will attend my next meeting in about three weeks.
At each meeting of the FOMC, we share insights and data about
regional, national, and international economic conditions, and our
outlooks for future conditions. We then make policy decisions based
on the mandates given to us by Congress, which are to maintain
stable prices and promote maximum employment. We do that
primarily by influencing interest rates -- the federal funds rate to be
precise -- which is the rate at which banks lend to one another.
When the Federal Reserve initiates changes in the federal funds rate,
our actions affect the growth of money and credit in the economy,
and directly influence lending rates for businesses and consumers.
By lowering interest rates and easing monetary conditions, we can
encourage borrowing and spur economic growth. On the other hand,
when we raise interest rates and tighten monetary conditions, we can
throttle the economy back.
The level of interest rates and the amount of money and bank loans
in the nation's economy, as Dr. Friedman persistently reminded us,
also influences inflation and inflation expectations. Many of us
recall Dr. Friedman's now-famous definition of inflation: "Too much
money chasing too few goods." He forcefully argued that central
banks can control the long-term trend of inflation in their countries
because they can control the supply of money. The lesson he taught
us -- and a lesson that has become very much a part of Federal
Reserve decision-making today -- is that controlling inflation is a
critical element in promoting the nation’s overall economic health.
Dr. Friedman reasoned that since the Federal Reserve has the power
to control inflation, then the Federal Reserve has the power to
prevent swings in inflation from being a destabilizing factor for the
economy. Put another way, by maintaining low and stable inflation,
the Federal Reserve helps to minimize economic distortions that
could adversely affect employment, production, and the incomes of
American families.
Dr. Friedman's recommendations gained more attention at the Federal[4/29/2014 1:39:51 PM]

The Fed and the Economy: Lessons from Milton Friedman :: April 2, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Reserve as inflation escalated throughout the 1970s. The Federal
Reserve most fully embraced Dr. Friedman's perspective during
Chairman Paul Volcker's term. In the early 1980s, the FOMC let the
federal funds rate rise dramatically in order to restrict the growth of
the money supply and get inflation under control. Over the years,
the Federal Reserve gradually lowered inflation from a high of nearly
15 percent to about 2 percent. Today, importantly, the public
expects inflation to remain low and stable well into the future.
Thus, Federal Reserve policymakers accepted responsibility for
controlling inflation, just as Dr. Friedman taught that we should. The
period from about 1985 through 2007 became known as "the Great
Moderation." The economy grew, unemployment was relatively low,
and recessions were mild and short. Structural changes in the
economy, and perhaps some good fortune as well, likely contributed
to better economic performance. However, sound monetary policy
surely also played an important role. I don't think Dr. Friedman
would have been surprised.
Unfortunately, as we all know, the Great Moderation came to an end
in 2008, when our country faced extraordinary financial market
conditions prompting the worst recession since the Great Depression.
While most people associate Dr. Friedman with his quest to prevent
high and rising inflation, there is more to be drawn from his body of
work that is relevant to our responses to the extraordinary conditions
we have faced in the last few years. Dr. Friedman was just as
concerned with the perils of falling prices, that is, deflation. In his
monetary history of the Great Depression, which he co-authored with
Anna Schwartz, Dr. Friedman faults the early Federal Reserve for not
doing enough to prevent deflation and economic collapse. In
particular, he emphasizes that the Fed’s restrictive monetary policy
during the 1930s contributed to making what might have been a
severe recession into the prolonged, 10-year downturn that we now
know as the Great Depression.
In a speech given at Dr. Friedman's 90th birthday celebration in 2002,
then-Governor Ben Bernanke acknowledged the impact of Dr.
Friedman's studies, and I quote from the Chairman's remarks that
“I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great
Depression. You’re right, we did it. W e’re very sorry. But thanks to
you, we w on’t do it again.”
Although Chairman Bernanke spoke those words before the financial
crisis in 2008, his words were prophetic. This time, the Federal
Reserve, under Chairman Bernanke, has responded aggressively and
creatively to extraordinary market conditions in our efforts to
stabilize the economy and reduce the impact of the recession.
What did we do? The FOMC began to ease monetary conditions in
September of 2007 by lowering the federal funds rate, and by the
end of 2008, we reduced the federal funds rate to nearly zero,
where it has remained ever since.
Once the federal funds rate fell that low, to ease monetary
conditions further, we had to employ some different techniques.
Think of it as taking the back roads when the freeway is shut down; it
may not be as efficient, but the new route can still get you to your
original destination.
In our case, the new techniques included purchasing large quantities
of federally guaranteed mortgage-backed securities and U.S. Treasury
and government agency debt. Our balance sheet grew from $900
billion prior to the crisis to close to $3 trillion today. The intent of
all of this buying of securities was to push long-term interest rates
down further and to keep them low. And we have succeeded.[4/29/2014 1:39:51 PM]

The Fed and the Economy: Lessons from Milton Friedman :: April 2, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Although the actions that we took were unprecedented and sparked a
great deal of debate, I think the FOMC's strategy has been consistent
with Dr. Friedman's teachings about monetary policy in response to
severe recessions induced by systemic financial failure. As Chairman
Bernanke promised, the Federal Reserve would not allow another
Great Depression. Through our actions, we demonstrated that,
indeed, the Federal Reserve can mitigate the worst ravages of a
financial crisis that could bring lending to a virtual standstill. The
Federal Reserve does have the ability to blunt the impacts of a
systemic financial collapse on production, employment, and
incomes. And the Federal Reserve can prevent deflation.
There's one more lesson from Milton Friedman that is worth
mentioning, and that is the value of clarity and proactive
communications. Dr. Friedman strongly urged policymakers to be
clear about their objectives and to be as transparent as possible.
Following our January meeting, the FOMC took an historic step and
released a document titled The FOMC's Longer-Run Goals and Policy
Strategy. In that statement, we announced for the first time a
numerical objective for inflation. Specifically, we stated that an
inflation rate of 2 percent is the rate most consistent over the longer
run with the Committee's congressional mandate for stable prices. In
our statement, we acknowledged that the FOMC can set a numerical
inflation objective because we believe that the Fed can control the
average inflation rate over time. Not only will this 2 percent
objective enhance economic performance, but now the public and all
market participants have an explicitly stated benchmark to judge the
FOMC's performance and anticipate our actions.
We also indicated in our strategy document that the maximum level
of employment over the longer term is largely determined by factors
outside the Federal Reserve's control, such as demographics,
technology, and regulations. As a result, it would be inappropriate
for the Federal Reserve to specify a numerical target for the
maximum level of employment. However, the FOMC can make
estimates of maximum employment for the longer term and set
policy to achieve over time an unemployment rate consistent with
it. FOMC participants currently estimate that rate to be somewhere
between 5 and 6 percent.
This framework provides a clear statement about our longer-term
objectives, and should enable the public to more accurately form
expectations for monetary policy going forward. I think that it is fair
to say that the approach we have taken in setting these objectives is
very consistent with Milton Friedman's teachings. In particular, Dr.
Friedman endorsed the concept of having the Federal Reserve be
accountable for achieving an inflation objective. The FOMC's
enhanced communications about our objectives for both maximum
employment and stable prices are especially valuable in today’s
unusual economic and policy environment. Our communications
should help the public make better economic decisions and improve
the effectiveness of monetary policy.
Before I turn to your questions, let me close by briefly sharing my
outlook for the economy and inflation, because my outlook is central
to my views on monetary policy and ultimately how I vote at FOMC
meetings. Our economy is gradually improving, and while some
uncertainty remains, I am seeing more evidence that our economic
expansion is becoming self-sustaining. Labor market information has
been promising over the past few months. Employment gains have
picked up, and new claims for unemployment insurance have trended
down. Households have made notable progress in reducing their debt
burdens, freeing up additional dollars for both spending and saving.
Banks have raised capital, improved their asset quality, and
increased lending to businesses and consumers. In addition, industrial[4/29/2014 1:39:51 PM]

The Fed and the Economy: Lessons from Milton Friedman :: April 2, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
production has been quite strong during the past year.
Despite these signs of progress, the economy still faces a number of
headwinds. Housing markets are still in distress throughout much of
the country; state and local governments are still in the process of
adjusting to budget pressures; and rising gasoline prices are likely to
restrain household spending. Furthermore, strains in European
financial markets continue to pose downside risks. For all these
reasons, businesses and households remain cautious about the
Obviously, there are a lot of forces shaping the economic landscape,
and many factors to consider in constructing an economic forecast.
My outlook calls for the national economy to continue improving at a
gradual pace, growing about 2-1/2 percent this year and around 3
percent next year. At this moderate pace of growth, it could take
as long as four or five years for the unemployment rate to fall to the
6 percent rate that I judge to be consistent with maximum
Let me turn to my inflation outlook. Inflation as measured by the
Federal Reserve's chosen yardstick, the personal consumption
expenditure (PCE) price index, has averaged 2 percent over the past
three years. On a monthly basis, of course, inflation can be volatile
because some prices can rise or fall quite a bit in any given month or
quarter. Sharp movements in the prices of items such as gasoline
and food products can either temporarily boost or depress the overall
inflation rate. While sharp movements in particular components can
help or hurt consumers’ budgets in the short term, these temporary
movements can be misleading signals of where inflation is heading
over an extended period of time.
At the Cleveland Fed, researchers have developed a measure of the
underlying inflation rate, called the median CPI, which is a better
predictor of inflation. This measure looks at the price change that's
right in the middle of the long list of individual price changes. I also
pay close attention to other factors that could affect my inflation
outlook, such as labor costs. They too, are subdued. Finally, my
staff's estimate of inflation expectations indicates that financial
market participants expect inflation to remain below 2 percent for
quite a while. Based on all the information I consider, my outlook is
for inflation to remain close to 2 percent on average for the next few
years. Still, the recent spike in gasoline prices could complicate the
inflation picture if it persists.
That brings me to monetary policy. At our last meeting in March, the
FOMC stated that economic conditions are likely to warrant that we
keep short-term interest rates at exceptionally low levels at least
through late 2014. This statement is not a commitment to keep the
federal funds rate at its current level until late 2014; rather, it is an
expression of what the Committee judges to be the earliest time that
we would likely raise interest rates based on our current economic
I believe that our accommodative monetary policy has put the
economy on a path, albeit gradual, that will achieve our maximum
employment objective while maintaining price stability. Trying to
accelerate the pace of economic growth by easing monetary
conditions further could put the Committee’s price stability objective
at risk. Alternatively, removing policy accommodation prematurely
could risk breaking the momentum of the expansion and causing
disinflation. With my current outlook, I think our policy stance is still
the one best suited to foster steady gains in output and employment
and to maintain stable prices. I am, of course, always adjusting my
projections as new information becomes available, and my view of
appropriate monetary policy may need to be adjusted if there are[4/29/2014 1:39:51 PM]

The Fed and the Economy: Lessons from Milton Friedman :: April 2, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
substantial changes to my outlook.
I hope this brief presentation has provided you with a better
understanding of the role and activities of the Federal Reserve; our
current stance on the economy and monetary policy; and the steps
we've taken to help our nation recover.
When I look back on the darkest days of 2008, I realize how far we
have come, and yet we know there is still work to do. Whether we
are bankers, business or community leaders, or heads of households,
we faced the most extraordinary economic period of our lifetimes.
Through it all, the Federal Reserve demonstrated that a central bank
can control inflation, can and should respond creatively and
aggressively to a severe economic downturn, and finally, that there
are benefits to having clear objectives and policy transparency.

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