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The Economic Outlook, Oil Prices, and Monetary Policy :: March 31, 2011 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Home > For the Public > News and Media > Speeches > 2011 > The Economic Outlook, Oil Prices,
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The Economic Outlook, Oil
Prices, and Monetary Policy

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

Pittsburgh is an important part of my District, and I always look
forward to visiting here. Over the past couple of years, I have been
using Pittsburgh as an example of a city in my District that has
revitalized itself. Currently, the Pittsburgh economy is performing
better than the nation in terms of job creation and unemployment.

P resident and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank o f Cleveland
Association for Corporate Growth
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

March 31, 2011
I am not alone in singing your praises. As you may know, Pittsburgh
has been recognized by both The Economist and Forbes as the most
livable city in America. It has also been cited as the “best city to
relocate to” and is currently among the top 10 “best cities to find a
job.” Great people live here already, and great people want to move
here because of the energy and enthusiasm this city offers.
Your conference here today, with its focus on working across
disciplines to expand corporate growth and finance, is another
example of that Pittsburgh energy and enthusiasm. I am sure you
have a lot of new information to take back with you, and I applaud
your efforts.

See Also
About the Median CPI >
Cleveland Fed Estimates of Inflation
Expectations >
Out of the Shadows: Projected Levels
for Future REO Inventory y
by Guhan Venkatu, Economist

One important part of my job as a Reserve Bank president is to
represent Pittsburgh and this region at the FOMC, or Federal Open
Market Committee, meetings in Washington. The FOMC is the Federal
Reserve’s policymaking body. The Committee decides on critical
monetary policy issues, such as targets for short-term interest rates.
Our objectives are to promote price stability and maximum
employment. That is the dual mandate that the U.S. Congress has
given the Federal Reserve.
Each of the 12 Reserve Bank presidents brings information about his
or her region to the monetary policy process. While this regional
input is important in understanding economic conditions, the Federal
Reserve’s monetary policy is national in scope and responds to
economic conditions in the entire country.
This afternoon, I will talk about national economic conditions. I will
begin with my current outlook for the economic recovery and
inflation, and describe some risks to that outlook. Then I will make
some comments about the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy.
As always, the views I express today are mine alone and do not
necessarily reflect those of my colleagues in the Federal Reserve

Economic Outlook—A Moderate Recovery
So let me begin with my outlook for the economy. Since the severe[4/29/2014 1:45:25 PM]

The Economic Outlook, Oil Prices, and Monetary Policy :: March 31, 2011 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
recession ended in June 2009, the economy has been recovering, but
at a gradual and bumpy pace. Typically, our economy recovers with
several quarters of strong growth following deep recessions, but in
this recovery, the economy has been expanding only moderately.
More recently, though, the recovery appears to have established a
firmer footing. The pace of hiring has picked up, and more industries
have been adding workers. These are encouraging signs that we
should see stronger job growth in the coming months. Also, consumer
spending has shown more strength than most forecasters expected.
These are good signs that the recovery is entering a virtuous cycle of
growth. Rising employment, incomes, and profits are supporting
growth in retail sales and business demand, which in turn should fuel
further growth in employment, incomes, and profits.
Up to this point, the recovery has been supported primarily by strong
growth in exports, manufacturing, and business investment in
equipment and software. In the past year and a half, both exports
and investment in equipment and software have grown at double­
digit rates. Over the same period, manufacturing production has
grown at a robust annual average rate of 8 percent. Looking ahead, I
expect these sectors to continue to expand at strong rates and help
sustain a solid pace of recovery.
So with this good news, why isn’t everyone cheering? Well, there are
many Americans who still don’t have all that much to cheer about.
Even though some economic sectors such as manufacturing have
expanded at strong rates, the housing sector and labor markets are
still lagging behind.
To many Americans, one of the most unforgiving aspects of the
recession has been the continued problems in the housing sector.
Over the past two years, housing values have not rebounded and this
sector has been unable to provide the economy any lift. Even today,
a large number of excess properties remain available for sale, and
many homes are still in the foreclosure pipeline. At current rates of
foreclosure resolution, we are looking at well over a year before the
number of bank-owned properties begins to decline significantly.1
Under these conditions, many households lack the confidence to buy
a home, and many builders see new construction as too speculative. I
see these problems acting as a drag on economic growth. Historically,
investments in new home construction and improvements to existing
homes help the economy to snap back quickly from recessions and
help to spur GDP growth. However, in the past six quarters, instead
of helping to support the recovery, housing investment has fallen by
more than 2 percent.
Another important and lingering problem is the loss of nearly 9
million jobs during the recession. While output has grown and the
rate of job growth is finally picking up, w e ’ve still added back only
1.3 million jobs. Reflecting these labor market conditions, average
household income excluding government benefits is still down nearly
7 percent from its level in 2007. And with incomes remaining weak,
many households have not been able to rebuild much of the wealth
they lost during the recession as their home values declined and the
value of their financial investments fell sharply. In fact, a survey run
by The Ohio State University indicates that the median household’s
net worth in 2010 was still down about 35 percent from 2007.2
Recouping these losses will take some time.
Despite the challenges we face in both housing and labor markets, I
still expect the economy to continue to expand at a moderate rate, a
bit above the average growth rate of 3 percent per year. That said,
as a policymaker, I must consider the risks facing the economy. Rising[4/29/2014 1:45:25 PM]

The Economic Outlook, Oil Prices, and Monetary Policy :: March 31, 2011 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
energy and commodity prices pose one potential risk to the outlook.
For example, increases in energy prices would effectively tax
consumers, reducing their purchasing power, and in turn would
modestly slow the pace of GDP growth. But perhaps even more
importantly, if energy and commodity prices continue to increase
sharply, people could start to worry about the consequences for

The Inflation Outlook—Moderate Underlying
So let me turn to my outlook for inflation. Americans have been hit
with sharply higher prices for food and energy, causing a lot of pain
at the grocery store and the gas pump. These price increases have
been especially hard on lower-income households. Households in the
bottom 20 percent of the income distribution, on average, spend 44
percent of their after-tax income on food and energy.
These higher food and energy prices have caused short-term inflation
measures to rise. The natural question in these times is whether
these higher prices will be enough of a driving force to cause a
lasting increase in the rate of inflation. At this point, I don’t think
they will, and let me explain why.
Large increases in food or energy prices tend to be temporary.
History shows that they are often followed by sharp declines. For
example, in 2006, oil prices rose significantly over the first eight
months of the year but then dropped in the remainder of the year.
While periods of rising food and energy prices cause inflation to rise
temporarily, the subsequent periods of falling food and energy prices
cause inflation to fall, also temporarily. To cause a lasting rise in
inflation, these price increases have to be large enough and persist
long enough that they spill over and cause sustained increases in a
wide array of other consumer prices. At this point, there is no
evidence of broad spillover, but as a central banker, I keep a close
eye on this.
To assess the underlying trends in a broad array of consumer prices,
my staff at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland calculates and
publishes an indicator known as the median CPI v . This index is
designed to provide a reliable measure of the average increase in a
wide set of consumer prices. Research at the Bank has shown the
median CPI to be a superior predictor of future inflation rates. To
this point, inflation in the median CPI remains very low: just 1
percent over the past year. Based on the behavior of the median CPI,
I don’t expect recent rises in food and energy prices to cause a broad
spillover into a wide array of consumer prices, or in other words, a
lasting increase in inflation.
In my view, several important factors will keep inflation in check.
One of these factors is the continuing slow growth in wages, which
helps determine the cost of producing goods and services and, in
turn, the prices set by firms. Another factor is retailers’ reluctance
to raise prices in the face of strong competition and soft business
conditions. Our economy still has a way to go to more fully recover
from the steep recession, which will restrain growth in wages and
retail prices.
Another important factor in my outlook for inflation is the public’s
expectation that the Federal Reserve will keep inflation contained.
Despite the recent surge in food and energy prices, measures of
longer-run inflation expectations v remain below 2 percent. These
measures come from bond yields and surveys of economic
forecasters. While it may sound like a self-fulfilling prophecy to say
that we will have low inflation because we collectively expect low[4/29/2014 1:45:25 PM]

The Economic Outlook, Oil Prices, and Monetary Policy :: March 31, 2011 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
inflation, the relationship between actual and expected inflation has
been borne out over history. One reason is that expectations of
inflation play a crucial role in the price-setting decisions of firms.
When firms expect lower inflation, they raise prices more slowly.
Based on this evidence, I expect the underlying trend in broad
consumer prices, which is currently quite low, to rise only gradually
toward 2 percent by 2013. Of course, just as I consider the risks to
economic growth, I also need to consider the risks to my inflation
outlook. Today I would like to talk through one potential risk: that
is, continued sharp increases in energy and other commodity prices.
My inflation forecast is built on the assumption that energy and
commodity prices will remain near current levels. But suppose these
prices continue to surge for a sustained period of time. To assess the
implications of such a possibility, my staff constructed an alternative
forecast scenario, one in which energy and commodity prices
accelerate sharply.
In this scenario, we assumed the same percentage increase in prices
that we saw in 2007 and 2008. For example, the price of oil would
rise above $140 per barrel by next year and would spike to about
$170 per barrel by the end of 2013. Oil prices directly boost gasoline
prices, so in this scenario households would see gasoline prices move
above $5.00 a gallon. As a consequence, the overall inflation rate
would temporarily rise by about a percentage point, and then
gradually decline back to the underlying inflation trend.
But what happens to the underlying inflation rate in this forecast
scenario? Using history as a guide, we can see that energy and
commodity shocks don’t fully pass through to other prices. We would
expect households and businesses to conserve energy and cut back on
some other purchases. The overall economy would be expected to
slow down as well. Both of these reactions would help to offset some
of the pricing pressure that the shocks are producing. In this severe
case, the sustained surge in energy and commodity prices would be
expected to spill over to broader consumer prices, but the effects
would be small and fairly gradual.
Let me remind you that the conditions in this scenario, while not
impossible, are highly unlikely. In my judgment, the most likely
outcome is that despite the recent spike in energy and commodity
prices, we will see a continued moderate rate of underlying inflation,
as I indicated earlier, gradually rising from its current level of about
1 percent but staying below 2 percent through 2013.

The Benefits of an Explicit Inflation Objective
So, with my outlook for a moderate recovery and underlying inflation
gradually moving toward 2 percent, I’d like to turn to the
implications of the outlook for monetary policy. The Federal Reserve
sets the course of monetary policy to achieve our dual mandate of
price stability and maximum employment.
Based on the outlook for the economy and inflation, the FOMC has
kept monetary policy highly accommodative. Short-term interest
rates have remained close to zero since the end of 2008, and the
Federal Reserve has pursued a program of buying nearly $2 trillion of
long-term securities to lend further support to the economic
The question the FOMC will eventually face is when to begin
removing that policy accommodation. In preparing for FOMC
meetings, I look closely at the outlook for GDP growth, employment,
and inflation. I want to emphasize that it is the outlook that is
critical in pursuing our policy objectives, not current economic[4/29/2014 1:45:25 PM]

The Economic Outlook, Oil Prices, and Monetary Policy :: March 31, 2011 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
conditions. FOMC members focus on the outlook because there is a
significant delay between policy actions and when those policy
actions affect the economy. At the same time, the FOMC must also
consider various risks to its outlook and be prepared to adjust policy
to stay on course.
As the FOMC’s most recent statement indicated, the Committee is
watching carefully for any signs of an unanticipated spillover from oil
and other commodity prices into underlying inflation measures. A key
to preventing this spillover is to keep long-run inflation expectations
anchored because, as I mentioned earlier, inflation expectations are
an important determinant of inflation. The current stability in
inflation expectations was not achieved just by good fortune. The
public’s expectation that inflation will remain low and stable over
the long run comes from their expectation that the Federal Reserve’s
monetary policy will deliver low and stable inflation over the long
run. As a participant on the FOMC, I believe that it is my
responsibility to do everything I can to underscore confidence in our
commitment to maintain price stability. But I understand that price
stability can mean different things to different people. Today, the
concept is vague and the FOMC has not established a formal inflation
With the potential for inflation expectations to be more volatile in
the face of energy and commodity price shocks, I think it could be an
opportune time for the FOMC to be more specific and publicly
announce an explicit numerical inflation objective. Establishing an
explicit inflation objective would clearly communicate our policy
intentions and affirm our resolve to achieve price stability. It would
also help the public to better evaluate the effectiveness of our
actions as events unfold.
Adopting an explicit numerical objective would have to be the
decision of the whole FOMC. My own preference is 2 percent over the
medium term, an inflation objective that is quite similar to the
targets of many central banks around the world.
Although I remain committed to fulfilling both aspects of our dual
mandate for price stability and maximum employment, I think it
would be unwise for the Federal Reserve to establish a corresponding
numerical objective for unemployment. The long-run sustainable rate
of unemployment can move around for a variety of reasons, such as
the demographic makeup of the population and changes in how labor
markets function. Since the Federal Reserve cannot know what the
sustainable level of unemployment is, or how it will evolve over time,
it should not set a numerical objective for unemployment.
From my perspective, establishing an explicit inflation objective need
not imply any material change in the current conduct of monetary
policy. It should be clear from my remarks today that I fully support
the FOMC’s most recent decision to continue our asset purchase
program as originally scheduled, and its assessment that economic
conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the
federal funds rate for an extended period.

These are challenging times for our economy, and they are
complicated by the unrest we are seeing in the Middle East and North
Africa, and the devastating human tragedy in Japan. In these times,
it is important not only to develop a view of the most probable path
for the economy, but also to consider potential risks to the economy
and to be prepared to respond to them. For my part, I will continue
to study the financial and economic situation to determine the right
policy actions to fulfill the Federal Reserve’s dual mandate of price
stability and maximum employment.[4/29/2014 1:45:25 PM]

The Economic Outlook, Oil Prices, and Monetary Policy :: March 31, 2011 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

1. Venkatu, Guhan. 2010. “Out of the Shadows: Projected Levels
for Future REO Inventory v . ” Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland, Economic Commentary 2010-14, October.
2. Dunn, Lucia, and Randall Olsen. 2010. “Housing Price Declines
and Household Balance Sheets: Updated Tables.” Economics
Letters. vol. 107. no. 2: 161-64.

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