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Economic Outlook: What Matters Nationally and Locally :: August 7, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Economic Outlook: What Matters
Nationally and Locally

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

P resident and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank o f Cleveland
The Center for Community Solutions
Annual Human Services Institute,
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging
Cleveland, Ohio

August 7, 2013

See Also
Brain Hubs and Manufacturing
Centers in the Fourth District >■

pleasure to join you today to talk about the labor market recovery
and what recent developments mean for our country and our region.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and the Center for Community
Solutions share the goal of promoting economic prosperity for our
communities. Like the Center for Community Solutions, my Bank
conducts research to inform policy actions that will benefit our
area’s residents. And, as a member of the Federal Reserve’s Federal
Open Market Committee, or FOMC, I take the results of my Bank’s
research, as well as information from our interactions with
community leaders, businesspeople, and others in this area, and I
bring those perspectives to the national level as I help formulate our
nation’s monetary policy. So I truly value opportunities like this one,
to discuss issues that are important to the future economic growth
and development of Northeast Ohio. In addition, as a former United
Way board chair, I am very supportive of the partnership between
United Way and the Center for Community Solutions; it’s another link
in the chain that connects all of us who are working to improve the
quality of life for our neighbors.
I was very interested to see that the July issue of the Center for
Community Solutions’ “Common Ground” publication discussed labor
force participation, unemployment, and educational attainment in
Cuyahoga County. The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland has been
looking at these very same issues affecting labor markets locally and
nationally. In fact, labor markets remain the most troublesome
aspect of the weak economic recovery. Unemployment is still too
high and has been that way for too long. And too many people have
been suffering lengthy durations of unemployment, to the point
where our labor markets may be sustaining long-run damage.[4/29/2014 1:31:45 PM]

Economic Outlook: What Matters Nationally and Locally :: August 7, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
So in my comments today, I will describe the labor market recovery
we are experiencing nationally and in Northeast Ohio. Then, because
I am especially concerned about developments in Northeast Ohio, I
will highlight some factors that can lead to long-term economic
prosperity for our region. As always, the views expressed here are my
own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my colleagues in the
Federal Reserve System.
Let me start on a positive note. We are four years into a slow
recovery, and while it is easy to miss the progress that the economy
is making, there really has been some progress. In recent months, we
have seen clearer signs of a more sustained recovery in the US labor
market. On average over the past year, 187,000 jobs have been
added to the economy each month.1 That indicates to me that the
pace of recovery in the labor market has picked up from the prior 12
months, when monthly jobs gains averaged fewer than 100,000. The
unemployment rate has declined since last fall from about 8 percent
then to 7.4 percent today. I take these recent improvements in the
labor market as evidence that the economy is on firmer footing.
Even so, we still have a way to go before the labor market is fully
recovered. As a country, we have about 2 million fewer people
working today than were working at the start of the Great Recession
in December 2007, and the labor force has continued to grow. That
leaves 11.5 million Americans unemployed—and in addition, we have
more than 8 million people who are underemployed. The number of
people who have been out of work for more than a year reached an
all-time high in the recession, and it still stands at 3.1 million. This is
particularly worrisome because the longer people are without work,
the more their skills atrophy.
In this challenging economic environment, the Federal Reserve has
been taking unprecedented actions to support the economy. The
FOMC’s goals, which were set by the US Congress, are to promote
maximum employment and price stability-these are referred to as
the “dual mandate.” This means the FOMC wants as many Americans
as possible who want jobs to have jobs. At the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland, we estimate that maximum employment will be
reached when the unemployment rate is 6 percent. The FOMC also
aims to keep inflation low and stable and has established 2 percent
as our inflation objective over the longer term.
Right now, with unemployment at 7.4 percent and inflation at 1.3
percent, it is clear that the economy remains well short of maximum
employment and that inflation is below our objective.2 Under these
conditions, a highly accommodative monetary policy remains
Last fall, the FOMC initiated a third round of asset purchases. In this
program, which is often referred to as “QE3,” we are purchasing $85
billion of Treasury securities and mortgage-backed securities per
month. This policy was designed to drive some near-term momentum
in the economy with the specific goal of achieving a substantial
improvement in the outlook for the labor market.
Labor market data comes in every month and is subject to different
interpretations. In my view, there has been meaningful improvement
in both current labor market conditions and in the outlook for the
labor market since the FOMC launched the current asset purchase
program. Employment growth has been stronger than I was
expecting, and the unemployment rate today is more than half a
percent lower than I projected it to be last September.
In light of this progress, and if the labor market remains on the
stronger path that it has followed since last fall, then I would be[4/29/2014 1:31:45 PM]

Economic Outlook: What Matters Nationally and Locally :: August 7, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
prepared to scale back the monthly pace of asset purchases.
This is not to say that the labor market is fully recovered; it is not.
So even when the asset purchase program is scaled back, the Federal
Reserve will remain committed to supporting employment growth and
price stability. The FOMC has said it intends to maintain a high
degree of monetary accommodation for a considerable time after the
asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens.
We intend to hold short-term interest rates low to support economic
growth until the economy is closer to full employment, as long as
inflation stays well behaved. These are, of course, the FOMC’s
longer-term objectives for the national economy.
So how have we fared here in Northeast Ohio in this recovery? There
are important distinctions between the short-term progress we are
seeing in the recovery and the longer-term economic objectives that
we should be pursuing. In my 10 years as president of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, I have seen how short-run issues can drag
into longer-run problems, and how a preoccupation with the present
can sometimes cause us to overlook or disregard actions that would
benefit future generations.
Like other regions, Northeast Ohio lost a lot of jobs in the recession
and is still trying to recover those lost jobs. But it may surprise you
to hear that our area actually weathered the Great Recession better
than many other parts of the country. The region’s unemployment
rate has generally remained lower than the national unemployment
rate during the recovery. The Cleveland metro area unemployment
rate was about half a percentage point below the national
unemployment rate as of June 2013.
There have been a variety of major hiring efforts announced in our
region and—for a change—some of those announcements have been in
manufacturing. These announcements, plus the possibility of bringing
well-paying manufacturing jobs back to the United States from
offshore, have helped to brighten attitudes about our region’s future
In addition, residents of our region have made progress on a key
measure— per capita income growth, or growth in the average
income level of our area’s residents. From the end of the recession,
the recovery in per capita personal income growth in the region, and
in Ohio as a whole, has been above real per capita income growth for
the nation.
These are all reasons to feel hopeful, but the numbers I have just
cited do not paint a complete picture of the region’s economic
prospects. In particular, the numbers neglect some long-run issues
affecting this region. For instance, the region has about 8 percent
fewer workers today than it had in 2000. This employment loss is
linked closely to the job cuts in manufacturing.
The decline in manufacturing employment before the Great Recession
was not unique to Northeast Ohio. It occurred throughout the United
States. High-technology metropolitan areas like San Jose and San
Francisco, California, also suffered large losses in manufacturing
employment, as did southern metropolitan areas such as Dallas and
Atlanta. In other words, the overall US economy took a hit from the
decline in manufacturing employment. The difference between
Northeast Ohio and many other areas of the country reflects two
factors: first, manufacturing jobs were a larger share of our
economy; and second, our economy did not have strong job growth in
other sectors outside of manufacturing. So even though
manufacturing is currently experiencing a cyclical rebound, it would
be risky to rely heavily on the manufacturing sector to provide
significant employment growth in the long run.[4/29/2014 1:31:45 PM]

Economic Outlook: What Matters Nationally and Locally :: August 7, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Northeast Ohio has underperformed the nation in two other important
longer-term trends: population growth and income growth. In the
1970 census, the Cleveland metro area had the 12th largest
population in the nation; as of 2012, it stands at 29. Also in 1970, the
Cleveland metro area had a per capita income that was about 7
percent higher than the national average for metropolitan areas. In
the most recent income data, 2011, the Cleveland metro area is
about 2 percent below the national average. Weak income growth
makes the region less attractive to residents and employers, even
when the short-term economic performance is pretty good.
This is not to say that no progress has been made. Northeast Ohio has
made considerable progress in reinventing our region, but we are still
a “work-in-progress.” In some ways, regions are always under
pressure to reinvent themselves, so there will always be a sense that
our region is a “work-in-progress.” Here in Northeast Ohio, I believe
there are steps we can take and must take to move our region onto a
path of economic and job growth that is more in line with our
The economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland have
grouped metropolitan statistical areas, or MSAs, into brain hubs and
manufacturing centers.3 Brain hubs are places where you find
concentrations of workers in knowledge jobs. A knowledge job relies
on human capital, innovation, and ideas. By comparison,
manufacturing centers have high concentrations of workers that
produce physical goods. Brain hubs are important because they have
generally seen the largest increases in employment and per capita
income since 1980. Manufacturing centers are certainly capable of
creating job growth. But in recent decades, regions with the highest
concentrations of knowledge workers have grown much faster.
As it happens, the country as a whole has become much more tilted
toward knowledge jobs.4 In 1990, the ratio of knowledge jobs to
manufacturing jobs was about 1-to-1. Today, the ratio has more than
doubled to 2.5 knowledge jobs for every one manufacturing job.
Most of the MSAs in my Federal Reserve District, which covers Ohio,
western Pennsylvania, eastern Kentucky, and the northern panhandle
of West Virginia, are manufacturing centers. However, some cities in
my District, such as Columbus and Pittsburgh, are brain hubs, since
they have a significantly higher-than-average number of knowledge
jobs to manufacturing jobs. The ratio of knowledge-to-manufacturing
jobs in Pittsburgh is almost 3-to-1, and in Columbus it is 3.7-to-1. In
contrast, Cleveland today averages 1.8 knowledge jobs for every
manufacturing job. Cleveland has actually lost ground in the number
of knowledge jobs compared to the number of manufacturing jobs in
our area since 1990, meaning knowledge jobs are not being created
fast enough to keep up with the nation as a whole. And it’s not just
Cleveland. All the metro areas in Northeast Ohio have a lower-thanaverage ratio of knowledge jobs to manufacturing jobs.
While we are mostly used to thinking of Pittsburgh as a sports rival, I
think there are some valuable lessons Cleveland could learn from
Pittsburgh. In the late 1970s, Pittsburgh was primarily known as the
center of steel manufacturing in the United States. It had a large
blue-collar workforce, and Pittsburgh was not a metropolitan area
that could boast of having a particularly educated workforce. The
closing of steel mills in Pittsburgh in the early 1980s represented an
enormous regional shock. Unemployment in the Pittsburgh area
remained above 10 percent for three years. It took decades for
Pittsburgh to reinvent itself, but it has, and continues to do so. What
I find particularly striking about Pittsburgh is how its younger groups
of workers have become highly educated. Pittsburgh now ranks near[4/29/2014 1:31:45 PM]

Economic Outlook: What Matters Nationally and Locally :: August 7, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
the top of metropolitan areas in the country in the share of young
workers with college degrees.5
The news here in our area is not all bad: Cleveland has seen
improvements in the skills of younger workers. Many are “skilling up”
to increase their employability. However, to make more progress on
the workforce challenges facing Northeast Ohio, we will have to
encourage our younger citizens to pursue more education at every
level, including four-year college degrees, associate degrees,
technical certificates, and apprenticeships. While college degrees are
a good indicator of future economic growth in a region, not every
young person can gain from pursuing an advanced degree, and so,
other avenues for building useful skills should be encouraged.
I do not want to leave the impression that this massive skilling up
will mean that we will need to write off entire industries, such as
manufacturing. I am certain that manufacturing will have a long
future in Northeast Ohio; but manufacturing is unlikely to drive
significant employment growth for any region of the country and the
occupations currently being hired in manufacturing require higher
skills than in years past.
Over time, regions with skilled labor pools will draw employers who
need skilled workers; in turn, more skilled workers are drawn to
those areas. Over a period of decades, Pittsburgh successfully
navigated the transition from losing manufacturing jobs to becoming
a brain hub. By working to develop a critical mass of highly skilled
workers and innovative companies, we can become a brain hub right
here in Northeast Ohio.
Whether we are considering the nation as a whole, or contemplating
the future of Northeast Ohio, economic policies are working in both
short- and long-run ways to counter one of the harshest periods in
our nation’s economic history. Here in Northeast Ohio, we are
keeping up with the national recovery in the short run, but we still
need to do more to ensure our long-term economic prosperity. There
are no quick fixes, and a long-lasting solution will require great
commitment, patience, and endurance. For the past several years, I
have been championing the results of a landmark Cleveland Fed
study. It found that regions with higher levels of education and
innovation see higher rates of income growth. That is no less true
today than it was when I first said it years ago.
I encourage you, as leaders who care about our area’s future, to
continue investing in human capital. In doing so, we can ensure that
our area’s workforce is educated and innovative, and we can attract
new companies and good jobs to our area. By focusing on building a
skilled workforce over the long run, we can make Northeast Ohio a
region that is ready and able to meet the opportunities of the
twenty-first century.
1. Average total nonfarm from July 2012 to July 2013.
2. As measured by the year-over-year percentage change of the
PCE index.
3. This follows the terminology of Enrico Moretti, an economist at
the University of California, Berkeley.
4. The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland classifies jobs by
industry, not occupation. Knowledge jobs are defined as jobs
in one of the following industrial sectors: information; finance,
insurance, and real estate; and professional and business
services. Manufacturing jobs are jobs in the manufacturing
sector.[4/29/2014 1:31:45 PM]

Economic Outlook: What Matters Nationally and Locally :: August 7, 2013 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
5. Pittsburgh ranks 14th out of the 100 largest metropolitan
statistical areas in terms of its share of workers aged 25-34
with a bachelor’s degree, according to the American
Community Survey.

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