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Creating Value in Distressed Neighborhoods :: February 10, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Home > For the Public > News and Media > Speeches > 2012 > Creating Value in Distressed

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Creating Value in Distressed

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

The last time I spoke at this annual luncheon in February of 2008,
before the depths of the global financial crisis, northeast Ohio was
already experiencing very high foreclosure rates. Unfortunately since
that time, foreclosures have become a national crisis. We all know
too well that foreclosures and abandoned properties have been
imposing significant hardships on millions of people and an untold
number of communities over the past few years. In fact, housing
market issues pose a significant headwind to our economic recovery.
Specifically, losses in housing wealth have held back consumer
spending, sapped household confidence, and reduced the ability of
small-business owners to obtain credit. Further, housing issues
continue to affect bank earnings and credit quality. So, I can assure
you that I see the consequences of our housing market challenges
both as a resident of northeast Ohio and in my role as a Federal
Reserve policymaker.

P resident and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank o f Cleveland
Neighborhood Housing Services of
Greater Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio

February 10, 2012

Today I will share with you some thoughts about the significant
housing challenges that we face in northeast Ohio and in other aging,
industrial cities across our nation. First, I will talk about the fact that
in our community, the roots of vacancy and abandonment were in
place even before the financial crisis hit. Then, I will focus on the
importance of making our neighborhoods and communities more
appealing places to live and work, which will require broad coalitions
committed to addressing the full range of community needs.
As always, the views I express are mine alone and do not necessarily
reflect those of my colleagues in the Federal Reserve System.
Let me turn, first, to the roots of the problem. The timing and causes
of foreclosure, vacancy, and abandonment vary depending on the
region of the country. In the lead-up to the housing crisis, large
numbers of people moved to the southern and western states, driving
up demand for residential property in these regions. When you add in
creative loan products, the loosening of credit standards, and the
erosion of down payment requirements, you can understand how
home prices skyrocketed in many of these regions. After the financial
crisis and deep recession took hold, a wave of delinquencies and
foreclosures hit these states, and property values fell sharply. This is
the "conventional" story of the housing crisis reported widely across
the nation.
However, in older, industrial cities such as Cleveland, the story
doesn't quite match this tale of boom and bust. As you know,
property values in our region didn’t rise as dramatically prior to the
financial crisis and recession, and foreclosures here started increasing
earlier than in other regions. We have to look for other explanations.
Here is one. Cleveland and similar older, industrial cities also[4/29/2014 1:40:34 PM]

Creating Value in Distressed Neighborhoods :: February 10, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
experienced their credit booms in the form of mortgage refinancing not just in loans for new purchases. However, the end result was the
same - more highly leveraged homeowners, and more foreclosed,
vacant, and abandoned properties.
Research conducted by the staff at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland has shown that the interrelationships between foreclosure,
vacancy, and abandonment are complex, particularly in cities with
weaker housing markets. Our research, using data on properties in
Cuyahoga County, indicates that in stronger submarkets, our
performance is similar to the rest of the nation. In these stronger
submarkets, foreclosure and vacancy play an important role in
substantially lowering the property values of surrounding homes
through supply and spillover effects. Relatively few properties are
abandoned in strong submarkets.
In the weaker submarkets of the county, however, our research
indicates that vacancy and abandonment have a stronger impact on
property values than foreclosures. In weaker submarkets, although
foreclosures lead to some abandonment, not all abandoned property
goes through the foreclosure process. In these areas, property
abandonment appears to arise from the mismatch between the
supply and demand for homes, which is driven by long-term
population loss.
Of course, it is hardly a secret that Cleveland and other industrial
cities have lost population over the past couple of decades. For
example, based on census data, Cuyahoga County's population has
declined continuously since 1990, and in those 20 years, the county
lost nearly 10 percent of its population. However, in that same 20year period, construction of housing units within the county rose by
about 3 percent.
In addition, we know that housing stock is durable-meaning that it
lasts for decades and in many cases, for more than a century.
Understanding the effects of this durable housing stock is critical to
understanding urban growth and decline. Researchers have found
that urban decline is not a mirror image of urban growth. Population
growth tends to be followed by new construction and rising home
prices, but population loss is typically not followed by reductions in
the housing stock. Instead, we usually see the prices of homes
decline, and the houses are then purchased by residents with lower
wealth and lower income than previous owners. During these
transitions, the relative attractiveness of neighborhoods can be
affected by various factors such as the level of homeownership, the
educational attainment of residents, and crime rates. Eventually,
rehabbers can see an opportunity to fix up the properties once again
and then a renewal phase can take hold. This type of cycle can go on
for as long as one hundred years as neighborhoods transition through
phases of decline and renewal. Moreover, this research also indicates
that once a city’s economic vibrancy starts to fade, it will continue
to cause population declines over many decades to come.
The research also shows that population growth is much lower in
cities that have a large share of their housing stock valued below the
cost of new construction. This is not necessarily a causal connection,
but it demonstrates the role that the housing market plays in urban
growth. Simply put, when it costs more to build than to buy, you
don't see much growth and vitality.
The upshot, then, is that population loss and durability of the housing
stock are important forces in urban cycles of decline and renewal.
Here is northeast Ohio, these forces were in place well before the
recession and the financial crisis rapidly increased foreclosures and
accelerated the levels of vacancy and abandonment. So how can we
overcome the forces that cause vacancy and abandonment?[4/29/2014 1:40:34 PM]

Creating Value in Distressed Neighborhoods :: February 10, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
One policy option that is receiving a lot of attention is to aggressively
reduce the supply of housing, particularly low-value housing. In
Cuyahoga County, we are fortunate to have a land bank that is
already hard at work on making this process a reality. Our research
leads us to believe that land banks can play a vital role in the mix of
policy options to address abandoned properties, specifically low-value
properties. You are probably aware that the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland has actively supported this concept as it was being planned
and implemented locally. We continue to maintain a strong working
relationship with land bank officials. While reducing the supply of
housing stock certainly should have a positive effect on neighboring
property values, I think it is an incomplete solution. We also need to
focus on the demand side of the market.
My staff looked at what caused the significant increase in property
values prior to the crisis in the "hotter" housing markets. This is
relevant as we consider the policy of reducing the supply of housing
stock. We know that housing prices include both the cost of the
structure and the value of the land on which the structure sits. Our
research found that since the 1950s, the price of residential property
across the nation rose faster than the cost of building the structures
themselves. In regions with more rapidly growing property values,
much of the increase in value came from the value of the land, not
from the value of the structure. This research concluded that the
supply and demand for land for residential housing drove the change
in housing values. Based on this relationship, demolishing low-value
housing stock may not have a lasting or significant impact in
increasing property values, unless there is a strong, ongoing interest
in the land itself.
This brings me to my second point-that property values will rise only
when our neighborhoods and communities become more appealing
places to live and work. For older, industrial cities to be able to
retain existing residents, as well as attract new people, our
communities need to offer amenities such as good schools, access to
transportation, safety and green spaces. Communities that can
attract residents with the skills to earn good incomes should see an
increased demand for housing, and in turn, neighborhood
revitalization. To accomplish this, however, we must look beyond
housing capital and look at human capital.
First and foremost, we have to improve the level of educational
attainment in our city and region. Research has repeatedly shown,
and we intuitively know, that with higher levels of education, people
are able to earn higher incomes. Today's employers need people with
good skills, and employers tell us that they are having a hard time
finding enough people who are prepared to fill positions. Moreover,
many cities in our region have levels of educational attainment that
are quite low. Only 13 percent of the residents of the City of
Cleveland have a 4-year college degree, compared to 25 percent for
Ohio and 28 percent for the nation.
To address the challenges I've touched upon today, this region will
need broad coalitions across our community with the expertise and
commitment to find and implement solutions. The coalitions should
include government, private enterprise, financial institutions,
foundations, and community development groups and practitioners,
where applicable. One example of a meaningful partnership for
economic development is the Cleveland Foundation’s Greater
University Circle Initiative. This partnership brings together
institutions like Case Western Reserve University, University
Hospitals, the Cleveland Clinic, and various cultural institutions. As
you are probably aware, this initiative focuses on a broad range of
development issues including housing, enhanced education, the arts,[4/29/2014 1:40:34 PM]

Creating Value in Distressed Neighborhoods :: February 10, 2012 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
a workforce strategy, and neighborhood safety. It strives to connect
neighborhoods, schools, anchor institutions and private enterprise to
revitalize a range of neighborhoods. We have just begun to see the
spillover effects of this initiative through the announcement of a new
partnership to construct rental housing in East Cleveland, a city that
borders University Circle and has been struggling for years. That
partnership also includes University Circle, Inc., Cuyahoga County,
and the city of East Cleveland.
Another example of a successful coalition is the partnership between
Cleveland State University and private developers to create rental
housing near campus, coupled with retail space in the same building.
In partnership with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, CSU
opened the Campus International School, which is expected to grow
one grade at a time into a full K-12 program. The university has also
partnered with the regional medical college (NEOMED) to offer
students a degree option to become a doctor with a specialization in
urban medicine. I think it is reasonable to expect these partnerships
to produce positive spillovers that would attract more than just the
students to an increasingly productive urban setting.
Let me offer one suggestion for a potential coalition. Cuyahoga
County has a strong network of pre-K programs, and these programs
have been shown to be successful in elevating children's educational
attainment. But the county faces fiscal and budget pressures that
may limit its ability to expand its pre-K program, and other providers
are facing similar challenges. With the right partnerships, local CDCs,
with their strong knowledge of the residents’ needs, could help to fill
this gap. Efforts such as this would not only support local students’
educational attainment, but also enhance the neighborhood’s
attractiveness as a place to live.
Let me conclude by observing that our challenges with vacant and
abandoned housing are immediate, but they are the result of forces
that have been at work long before the recent financial crisis and
recession. While the effects of the crisis and recession certainly
deepened their impact and significantly increased the challenges we
face, we cannot hope to overcome these forces by implementing a
single program or through the efforts of any one governmental or
private organization.
Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, and northeast Ohio have historically
been well served by a strong CDC network, and these organizations,
your organizations, have made a positive and tangible difference in
fulfilling the housing needs of neighborhood residents. I believe that
community development organizations will be integral to successful
strategies to revitalize neighborhoods. We will need you, working
creatively and collaboratively with others to reverse the trends that
have been building for decades.

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