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Building a Future as Bright as Our Past :: November 17, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Home > For the Public > News and Media > Speeches > 2004 > Building a Future as Bright as Our
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Building a Future as Bright as Our

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland has an ongoing interest in
understanding developments in the local economy so that these
regional issues become a part of the national monetary policymaking
But in addition to this policy role, the Bank wears a lot of other hats
in our region. We also function as a corporate citizen, a center of
economic expertise, a bank supervisor, a payments provider, and a
community development advisor. We want to provide a strong voice
in the public dialogue that is so important to our continuing
economic success as a city and a region.

President and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Say Yes! to Cleveland - A Celebration
Intercontinental Hotel and Conference
Center, Cleveland, OH
November 17, 2004

In my two decades at the Bank, I have witnessed major changes in
the regional economy:
■ the downsizing of manufacturing industries,
■ the global transformation of the auto industry,
■ the growth of the health care and polymer industries,
■ and a host of start-ups in information technology, bioscience
and now even nanotechnology
I wish I could say that all of these experiences have had positive
effects for everyone in our region, but as you know, some of these
changes have been difficult. We have faced challenges, and we face
them still.
This morning, I would like to focus on how we as a city and region
can work together to understand what it will take to create the
conditions for growth and prosperity that we will need to keep us
moving forward in the 21st century.
■ First, I will give a bit of history about our region’s economic
■ Then I will review some of the latest thinking on the factors
that drive innovation and lead to economic growth and
■ Finally, I will explore some ideas for how we can work
together to create the necessary conditions for innovation
right here in Cleveland — to build a future as bright as our
past.[4/29/2014 2:15:16 PM]

Building a Future as Bright as Our Past :: November 17, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

I. History of innovation in Cleveland
Let me begin my remarks by taking you back to a time when the
whole world seemed to say Yes! to Cleveland — during the first part
of the twentieth century. For this discussion, I will draw heavily on
the work of Mike Fogarty, Gasper Garofolo, and David Hammack, who
produced an outstanding study on the history of our region for the
Center for Regional Economic Issues at Case Western Reserve
Cleveland grew steadily from its founding in 1796. It was blessed with
a great location— with ready access to timber, iron ore, coal and
other raw materials — and a critical infrastructure of that period —
first the canals and then the railroads. If Cleveland’s story had ended
there, this city would have remained a substantial commercial and
manufacturing center based on its transportation links between
important resources. But our progress did not end there.
Cleveland also benefited tremendously from the knowledge, skill and
energy of its citizens and of new people who kept streaming in,
drawn by the opportunities our region offered. By the end of the Civil
War, Cleveland had developed a healthy concentration of
entrepreneurs, firms, and experts who were skilled in metal-working
and other technologies.
Working together, people in this community created a major center
for industrial innovation, and this enabled Cleveland to really take
I am sure that many of you have taken a Lolly the Trolley tour and
can name some of the inventions developed in our city: electric
streetlights and traffic lights come to mind. But these are just part of
the story.
More mundane innovations often created even greater wealth. For
example, the process that allowed Rockefeller's Cleveland oil refinery
to remove sulphur from petroleum led to the rise of Standard Oil.
The Hulett Ore Unloaders improved the efficiency of the transport of
materials across the Great Lakes. This helped make Cleveland a giant
in the steel industry.
According to records from the patent office at the turn of the
century, Cleveland accounted for 2.6 percent of all “important”
patents between 1870 and 1890. This may sound like a small
percentage, but it set Cleveland ahead of almost all of the up-andcoming cities of the day.
Innovation remained robust well into the 20th century, and
Cleveland’s wealth rose accordingly. We all know the stories behind
names like Rockefeller and Carnegie. And we are fortunate to have
lasting evidence of that grand era in landmarks like the Terminal
In 1929, the first passenger train arrived at Union Terminal, and the
Terminal Tower complex was dedicated the following year. This was
the tallest building outside New York City and gave Cleveland a
national presence.
The history of my organization is also tied to this period of vibrancy.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland began operations in 1914 in
leased space in the Williamson Building on Public Square, on the land
now occupied by the BP Building. We moved into our magnificent
pink marble building on East Sixth Street and Superior in 1923, and it
continues to inspire visitors, as well as employees, to this day.
One of the great privileges of working for the Federal Reserve is to
draw strength from that long history. Our employees have lived[4/29/2014 2:15:16 PM]

Building a Future as Bright as Our Past :: November 17, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
through 17 business cycles and a century of economic transformation.
Through it all, our living standard and quality of life have steadily
improved from one generation to the next.
But we all recognize that the glory days of our regional prominence
have faded. Today, we are more likely to hear stories about our
region’s problems than about its promises. Over the past couple of
decades, we have been struggling to come to terms with a structural
shift in both the regional and the national economy — including more
global trade, greater innovation, changing technology, the shrinking
share of manufacturing jobs, and a growing wage differential
between high school and college graduates.
As painful as these short-term adjustments may be, we know that we
must keep pace with the changes around us if we are to move
forward. We need to continue to identify the factors that will drive
economic growth and prosperity for our citizens. And in fact, our
economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland have begun to
focus their research efforts on economic transformation.

II. What factors drive innovation?
So let’s consider exactly what these experts have to say on the
factors that drive regional growth and prosperity.
In our Bank’s 2003 Annual Report, we discuss our research findings in
this area. We propose that innovation is the true engine of economic
prosperity, and we argue that our greatest strength will be our
ability to embrace change, from integrating new technologies to
welcoming new people. If we hope to remain vital as a region, then
flexibility is likely to be our most valuable asset.
Indeed, the key to maintaining a region’s economic vibrancy is its
ability to sustain a community of innovators. Some of the factors that
may help an economy nurture growth and innovation are a skilled
labor force, access to natural resources, commitment to the rule of
law, and openness to trade with the rest of the world. But perhaps
even more important is an openness to new ideas and different
perspectives. We simply cannot survive on our past successes.
As you know, an entrepreneurial spirit is a critical driving force for
innovation. We are glad to hear that some new industries are
emerging in greater Cleveland. The Plain Dealer recently reported a
study by the BioEnterprise Corporation. This study found that we
already have a surprisingly solid base in the bioscience industry, with
362 companies and about 15,000 employees. And I was very pleased
to read about last month’s conference on nanotechnology here in
Cleveland. This is a fascinating new industry, and most of it is driven
by entrepreneurs.
It is really no exaggeration to say that the American psyche is hard­
wired for entrepreneurship. My friend and colleague Bill Poole,
president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, recently co-wrote
a research article on this subject with Howard Wall. They note that
Americans are more than twice as willing to become entrepreneurs
than are people in western Europe and Japan. They emphasize that
in order for this American entrepreneurial spirit to lead to success, it
must be accompanied by an environment that allows it to thrive.
Entrepreneurship does not usually come from without — it is likely to
be home-grown and based on experiences within a community.
So what are some of the environmental factors that promote
entrepreneurship? Again I will draw on the findings of one of my
colleagues, Randy Eberts, who was an economist at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland and is now executive director of the
Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.[4/29/2014 2:15:16 PM]

Building a Future as Bright as Our Past :: November 17, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Earlier this year, Randy made a presentation to the Harvard Business
Club of Northeast Ohio. In his remarks, he cited the results of a
survey on the four essential ingredients in fostering an
entrepreneurial culture:
■ First, entrepreneurs need access to people — they need a
critical mass of highly educated and open-minded people of all
varieties, such as scientists, educators, managers and workers.
■ Second, entrepreneurs need access to seed capital or venture
■ Third, they need access to information and infrastructure.
This includes public education, universities, businesses, and
transportation and communication networks. It also includes
some intangibles like entrepreneurial attitudes and leadership.
■ Finally, they need governm ent to play a proper role — a role
that gives entrepreneurs the space and opportunity to
innovate and that manages taxes, investments and regulations

III. Creating the conditions for innovation,
growth and prosperity in Greater Cleveland
So now let’s bring this discussion back around to the question that
we all really want to address today — what can we do to create the
conditions for innovation, growth and prosperity here in Cleveland?
Please keep in mind that I am a Federal Reserve Bank president and a
monetary policymaker. I am not an elected official or an economic
development director, so I am not proposing specific policies or
What I can do today is tell you what I have learned from the work of
my research staff and from many of the organizations that I am a
part of, such as the Cleveland Foundation, the Greater Cleveland
Partnership, the Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education, and
Leadership Cleveland. All of these groups feature outstanding people
who have expressed some great ideas for moving this region forward.
I will borrow from some of these ideas and share with you what I
consider to be our strengths and opportunities in building a regional
culture of innovation.
The good news
The good news is that we already have a lot going right for us here in
Greater Cleveland.
We have outstanding health care facilities and public and private
■ We have a concentration of first-rate legal and financial
■ We have a set of established companies that want to remain
here, and some exciting emerging technology sectors, as I
mentioned earlier.
■ We have begun bringing early-stage investment to local
entrepreneurs through the excellent efforts of organizations
like JumpStart.
■ Our region also has a small-town feel, an affordable lifestyle,
and big-city cultural amenities. These assets sustain our
residents and provide a huge draw for newcomers to our area.[4/29/2014 2:15:16 PM]

Building a Future as Bright as Our Past :: November 17, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
The not-so-good news
Of course, there are also many things we need to do better if we are
to regain a truly vibrant regional economy like the one we enjoyed a
century ago.
■ First, we need to focus on improving educational attainment.
■ Evidence shows that the Cleveland-Akron area lags
behind other regions in levels of educational
attainment. In an economy that increasingly runs on
brainpower, we must invest in our most important asset
— our people.

■ Education and workforce development must be broadbased, and we must be realistic about the level of
change that is needed. Ohio’s manufacturing tradition
once gave many people a path to high earnings without
the need for higher education. We all know that day is
over. Service-sector jobs typically require more
education than do manufacturing jobs to reach the
same levels of income.

■ Our Bank is already at work on the education front. On
November 18-19, we are sponsoring a two-day
conference on the role of education in economic
development. I am confident that the discussions with
hold with prominent academics, civic leaders and
educational policymakers will bear fruit in additional
research and policy directions.

■ Second, we must find a way to stem the loss of young people
from our community.
■ We can draw on the programs we already have in place
— internships for young people and organizations like
Say Yes! To Cleveland, Leadership Cleveland, and Bridge
Builders — to keep people engaged and energized to
stay here.

■ But we also need to think about new ways to tell the
story about why our region is a great place to build a
personal and professional future.

■ Third, if state and local regulations and taxes are hampering
regional investment, we must find a way to ease these
■ Some reports indicate that not enough public dollars are
being invested in economic development that could
bring tax relief for our consumers and businesses. We
also need to find new sources of public and private
revenue for investment without imposing greater
burdens on our already stretched tax base.

■ Fourth, we need to do more to attract venture capital in our
■ We know the rate of job creation from business startups[4/29/2014 2:15:16 PM]

Building a Future as Bright as Our Past :: November 17, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
or expansions is slower in the Midwest than in other
parts of the country. Entrepreneurs are telling us that it
can still be difficult to get early-stage capital for new

■ At our Bank, we are preparing to investigate the
financing climate, along with several other Reserve
Banks and with Scott Shane, a professor from the
Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western
Reserve University. Each of these Reserve Banks will
convene a panel of so-called “angel investors” and ask
them a common set of questions to learn how and
where they invest, and what kinds of business ventures
they are looking for. We hope to identify some next
steps to promote better access to capital for small

■ Finally, we need to take an honest look at the role of
government in promoting innovation and growth.
■ Recent efforts to cooperate at a regional level might
lead to a better business climate, and we should urge
government leaders to engage in that conversation.

What I think we should not do is to dictate the brand of innovation or
the industries we “think” we might need. We need to let the
marketplace define those specifics.
On a broader level, we also need to let go of what might have
worked well for us in the past. Innovation, by its very nature,
requires us to be open to change. Think of the steady, upward march
of our economic prosperity as climbing a ladder, where each ung is a
new stage of our economic development. Until we are willing to
release our grasp on the rung w e’re holding and reach for the next
one, we cannot hope to reach greater heights.

All of us have a vested interest in our region’s economic growth. We
all have a role to play, and that includes those of us at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland. We will continue to conduct research on
issues that are important to our region, and we have begun
partnering with universities, foundations, and business groups that
are engaged in economic growth and development.
The Cleveland area has seen industries and fortunes rise and fall over
the past century, and today we are in a long transition toward a more
service-oriented economy. Let us work together to create the
conditions for innovation, growth and prosperity that will bring the
new entrepreneurs and energies of the 21st century to our city. Let
us also find the way to help our citizens prepare themselves for this
future with better education and training.
Say Yes! to Cleveland provides an important voice in building the
partnerships we need to move forward as a city and region. We all
want to build a future that is as bright, or even brighter, than our
past. Working together, we will make the difference.[4/29/2014 2:15:16 PM]

Building a Future as Bright as Our Past :: November 17, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

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