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A perspective on Monetary Policy II :: June 11, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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Home > For the Public > News and Media > Speeches > 2004 > A perspective on Monetary Policy II


A perspective on Monetary Policy

Additional Information
Sandra Pianalto

I could not begin my remarks this afternoon without offering a few
words about the legacy of President Ronald Reagan, who is being
honored and mourned across our nation today.
My tenure with the Federal Reserve System spans the entire two
terms of Mr. Reagan’s presidency, and I can tell you that I think one
of his biggest successes was appointing Alan Greenspan as Chairman
of the Federal Reserve Board in 1987.

President and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Remarks to the Pennsylvania
Economic Association
Robert Morris University, Moon
Township, PA
June 11, 2004

As with so many of President Reagan’s actions, this one had farreaching positive effects not just for America, but for the world.
I am sure we all remember and thank President Reagan for the gifts
of strength and optimism he brought to our nation.
This afternoon I will focus my remarks on the monetary policy
process. Specifically, I will focus on the two principles that I believe
should guide the monetary policy process, and I will conclude with a
few remarks about the current state of the economy and monetary

Price Stability Enhances Economic Welfare
Let me start with the two principles that I believe should guide
monetary policy. First, price stability enhances economic welfare by
creating an environment in which people can make better decisions.
Indeed, I regard maintaining price stability as essential for optimum
economic performance. That is why price stability is a primary
objective of monetary policy.
Under the leadership of my predecessors, the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland established a strong commitment to the primacy of price
stability. These leaders saw the pursuit of price stability as the key
to achieving sustainable economic growth.
Their position, that the FOMC should establish a policy of “zero
inflation,” or price stability as it became known, seems much more
reasonable today. Back then, though, their perspective was viewed
as radical.
The conflict arose because some people thought that price stability
and economic stabilization were not compatible goals.
Although price stability has been an explicit objective of monetary
policy since the earliest Congressional mandate in 1946, the benefits
of price stability were not widely appreciated until more recently.[4/29/2014 2:16:00 PM]

A perspective on Monetary Policy II :: June 11, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Today, monetary policymakers routinely talk about the positive
benefits gained from achieving price stability.
Moreover, I think most people now recognize that sustained inflation
-- or deflation for that matter -- is a monetary policy phenomenon. In
other words, I think the Federal Reserve owns the sole responsibility
for achieving and maintaining price stability in the United States.

Acting Systematically and Transparently
Let me turn to my second principle: Central banks can be more
effective when they act systematically and transparently. Only then
will the public understand how to interpret individual policy actions.
I will elaborate on three behaviors that have made the Federal Open
Market Committee (or FOMC) more systematic and transparent:
Anchoring inflation expectations
Acting predictably
Drawing on credibility to deal with unusual circumstances.
Anchoring Inflation Expectations
First, let me address the idea of anchoring inflation expectations.
Economists and policymakers today agree that expectations play a
key role in inflation dynamics. People who act on mistaken beliefs
about future inflation make decisions that they may later come to
Because central banks control the trend rate of inflation over time, it
seems natural for central banks to do everything they can to inform
the public about the trend rate of inflation and to convince the
public to regard the information as credible.
During the 1990s, the FOMC paid close attention to managing
inflation expectations. Chairman Greenspan and other Committee
members talked regularly about their commitment to achieving price
If you recall, some members spoke about “opportunistic disinflation,”
which was their way of saying that in the process of leaning against
inflation, they were willing to take advantage of opportunities to lock
in even lower rates of inflation when those situations presented
To me, this is simply evidence that the FOMC remained sensitive to
the need to minimize undesirable fluctuations in the economy as it
pursued the goal of price stability.
But the FOMC’s intention regarding the direction of inflation was
As a result of this strategy, inflation gradually drifted down during
the 1990s, and core CPI inflation fell to 1 percent last year. Inflation
that low, plus sub-par economic performance, prompted the FOMC to
express concern about the remote possibility of a disruptive
As you are well aware, this time the FOMC worked hard to condition
inflation expectations in a different direction, specifically to
convince the public that further disinflation was unwelcome.
So has the FOMC really anchored inflation expectations? According to
some financial market indicators and inflation surveys, the public’s
long-term inflation expectations have consistently drifted downward
during the past decade. What’s more, such assessments of inflation
expectations appear to have become less variable.
My conclusion is that the public expects the trend rate of inflation to[4/29/2014 2:16:00 PM]

A perspective on Monetary Policy II :: June 11, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
move within a fairly narrow and low range over the next decade. This
expectation is largely attributable to the credibility the Federal
Reserve has established.

Acting Predictably
This leads me to the second behavior: acting predictably. It is a good
practice for central banks to act predictably in response to
information about the state of the economy. Markets are surprised
enough by non-policy events without central bankers adding more
In the world of economic theory, this predictable behavior can result
from following a policy rule. Consider the familiar Taylor rule. When
John Taylor proposed his rule more than a decade ago, he did not
intend for policymakers to adhere to it rigidly or slavishly.
On the contrary, he formulated it to capture a general set of
principles which he found robust for stabilizing inflation and output
in the course of building macro models. It was only later that he and
others discovered that these principles seemed to roughly
characterize FOMC behavior after the mid-1980s, a period of quite
successful monetary policy.
You might ask why central banks are not more explicit about their
policy rules. There could be benefits, of course. If a central bank
could be more precise about what aspects of the environment it plans
to respond to in every situation, and how it plans to respond, then
the public might better anticipate and understand policy actions. In
turn, the policies themselves might be more effective.
I am not ready to embrace a particular rule as part of a real-life
monetary policy strategy, but I am encouraged that the design of
policy rules is an enormously active research area right now.
Economists are studying rules that respond to different kinds of
circumstances, such as financial market developments. They are also
studying different ways to respond to incoming information.
I think it’s fair to say that the research community is far from
reaching a consensus about how central banks should employ explicit
rules in real-time policymaking. But if the past is a reliable guide,
policymakers will benefit considerably from the insights that emerge
from this research.
However, we don’t have to wait for conclusive results to know that
even without an explicit policy rule, central bankers are learning how
to gain similar benefits through greater transparency and more
effective public communication.
Over the past decade, the FOMC has provided more detailed and
frequent information about its goals and the various impediments
that may arise in achieving these goals. In just the past several years,
the Committee has been paying particular attention to the wording
of our press statements in an effort to be as transparent and
predictable as possible.

Drawing on Credibility
The third behavior that has made the FOMC more systematic and
transparent is the judicious use of credibility to deal with unusual
circumstances. Some policymakers are skeptical about using a policy
rule in part because the practice may hamper them from responding
to unusual situations in which experience tells them to override the
But I believe that the Committee’s responses to such situations can
be consistent with rule-like behavior.[4/29/2014 2:16:00 PM]

A perspective on Monetary Policy II :: June 11, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
The Taylor rule may be a reasonably good description of how
monetary policy unfolds in normal times. But abnormal times, such as
the 1987 stock market crash, the 1997-98 currency crises, and
September 11, require policies that do not fit so neatly into the
Taylor-rule box.
And these policies -- the normal policies in abnormal times, if you
will - do not have to be viewed as a failure to deliver systematic
policy as long as we are clear about the rationale for our actions.
We know that policymakers must operate with incomplete and
imperfect information, so it is easy to see how tensions between
predictable and uncommon policy actions could emerge.
Just how have such tensions been resolved in practice?
My evaluation of the past 20 years leads me to conclude that the
behavior of the FOMC has deviated from the prescriptions of Taylortype rules on several occasions, but that these excursions have not
impaired the FOMC’s credibility.
Indeed these deviations have served to build the FOMC’s credibility.
In fact, with experience, the FOMC has become more predictable in
its response to financial market disruptions and in its communication
about policy actions.
To develop these ideas more concretely, it is useful to review a series
of policy episodes that added to the stock of the FOMC’s credibility.
The October 1987 stock-market crash, for example, forced the FOMC
to temporarily relax its longer-term course of policy restraint -- a
policy dictated by increasing inflationary pressures.
With only partial credibility, the Committee had to aggressively boost
the funds rate after it had become clear that the market stabilized.
Ultimately, however, the FOMC gained additional credibility as
inflation began to decline to a lower trend rate.
A second instructive episode is known as the “headwinds” period.
During the early 1990s, it was well understood that financial
intermediaries were finding it difficult to lend because their capital
had been depleted from loan losses in commercial real estate.
The restricted credit supply
in a normal recovery. Given
turned out that the real fed
could be maintained at that

persisted much longer than it would have
the increased credibility of the FOMC, it
funds rate that was effectively zero
low level for about 15 months.

This policy was somewhat more accommodative than a Taylor-type
rule would have called for. Later, the FOMC quickly returned the
federal funds rate to a more neutral stance and resumed its pursuit
of price stability. This overall approach extended the credibility on
which the Committee has been drawing recently.
The FOMC enjoyed the benefits of such credibility when international
financial markets were hit with a trio of problems in the late 1990s:
the Asian currency crisis, the Russian debt default, and the collapse
of Long Term Capital Management.
Greater credibility at that time gave the FOMC the flexibility to
implement a somewhat lower funds rate for a longer period than it
otherwise might have. A similar deviation occurred during the period
surrounding the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. In each of
these cases, knowing when the shocks have passed obviously requires
sound judgment.[4/29/2014 2:16:00 PM]

A perspective on Monetary Policy II :: June 11, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
These episodes convince me that the FOMC can draw on its
credibility as a successful steward of price stability in order to deal
with unusual circumstances. If the Federal Reserve has developed
sufficient credibility, and if we explain ourselves clearly, then the
public — like those of you in this room — will understand our
Before I turn to the current policy environment, let me summarize
my thoughts. I am optimistic that the policy process will continue to
evolve in the favorable way it has done over the past 20 years.
The basis for my optimism is straightforward. I believe that the three
behaviors I described above -- anchoring inflation expectations,
demonstrating consistent behavior, and judiciously drawing on our
credibility to deal with unusual circumstances -- will be maintained
as a permanent part of the policymaking process.

Current Policy Situation
Now let me shift my focus to the current policy environment. There’s
an adage among business cycle analysts: Steep recessions are usually
followed by sharp rebounds and mild recessions are followed by less
robust recoveries. This shoe seems to fit our nation’s most recent
recession and recovery period.
As you know, the recession that ran from March 2001 through
November 2001 was fairly mild. The expansion is now 21/2 years old,
and the pace of this expansion has also been fairly moderate.
Personal consumption, residential investment, and government
purchases supported the expansion in its early stages. More recently,
business fixed investment has been steaming ahead, and the past few
employment reports have been welcome news. The economy now
appears to have its feet firmly planted.
Having said that, we also know that there are always unknowns in the
outlook. Until recently, net job creation has been on a much slower
track than virtually anyone would have imagined, given the actual
strength in spending.
I am very encouraged by the strong labor reports for March, April,
and May—together with other evidence like declining unemployment
insurance claims and rising overtime hours in manufacturing, they
indicate to me that employment opportunities will expand along with
the economy.
We still do not know how quickly employment will grow because we
don’t know how productivity, which has been the hallmark of this
expansion, will behave. We also don’t know how much of the
extraordinary productivity performance we have experienced is
cyclical and how much is structural.
To the extent that this strong productivity growth is cyclical, we
should expect productivity growth rates to move down toward a more
normal rate, closer to 2 to 2 / percent, and for employment growth
to remain vigorous. To the extent that it is structural, we should
expect to see a smaller deceleration in productivity growth and a
lower rate of hiring for the same level of output growth.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to know how much of each factor is
involved. On the cyclical side of the debate, I hear that firms are still
hesitant to add to their payrolls.
Lingering concerns about the economy’s underlying strength may
dissipate as the expansion continues, and the pace of hiring may
intensify.[4/29/2014 2:16:00 PM]

A perspective on Monetary Policy II :: June 11, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
On the structural side of the debate, I hear from many of my district
contacts that they are designing their business processes to take
advantage of new technologies. They believe that they can continue
to achieve robust productivity growth for quite some time.
We also see that one of the strongest components of capital spending
is in the information technology sector. This is a sector whose
products are used in business process re-engineering. Economists are
still debating the relative strengths of these forces, and I’m afraid
that we will simply have to wait somewhat longer before we know
how the labor market situation will unfold.
A second unknown in the outlook is the evolution of the price level.
The decade-long period of gradual disinflation in the 1990s
culminated in the attainment of price stability. At the moment,
although firm evidence of persistent inflationary pressures may be
limited, recent price statistics give me reason for pause.
Prices of a wide range of commodities, such as steel, lumber, copper
and energy supplies, have been rising steeply during the past year.
These commodities remain important inputs for a variety of the
businesses I follow. The CEOs of these companies indicate that for
the first time in a long while, they are able to pass along some of
these cost increases to their customers.
Prices of imported consumer goods have stopped falling and are now
increasing. Against the backdrop of a depreciated dollar, it would not
be surprising to see some further increases in imported goods prices.
It is easy to downplay the likelihood that these factors will lead to a
sustained rise in inflation. Some of the increase in demand for
commodities can be traced to strength in the Chinese economy in
recent years, but the Chinese government has indicated its desire to
moderate the pace of expansion there, suggesting that price
pressures from that source might not continue to intensify.
Energy price hikes have also prompted concerns, but foreign
producers appear to be taking steps to head off any further
escalation of oil prices. Nevertheless, if you believe that the
economy’s momentum has turned and strengthened appreciably, then
you might logically conclude that inflationary pressures are more
likely than not to emerge as the expansion progresses, unless
monetary policy adjusts.
I do know this -- the current federal funds rate, at 1 percent, is too
low to be sustainable. Inflation expectations appear reasonably
stable right now, but I am concerned about the potential for them to
drift up in this environment. Preserving price stability will require
the FOMC to increase the federal funds rate. Failure to respond in a
timely fashion puts our hard-won credibility at risk.
This credibility has proved to be a valuable asset in dealing with the
very unusual recovery we are experiencing. It has provided us with a
somewhat lengthy chunk of time to analyze our situation and respond
to it. Broad-based inflation pressures have yet to emerge, and I am
confident that the FOMC will act, as necessary, to preserve the hardwon gains it has already achieved.
The FOMC has already responded to the improvement in economic
conditions by flexibly signaling its readiness to take policy actions.
Last August the FOMC said that due to the risk of inflation becoming
undesirably low, the funds rate could stay low for a considerable
period of time.
In January, the FOMC shifted its language, saying that since the risks
of inflation and disinflation were now nearly balanced, it could be[4/29/2014 2:16:00 PM]

A perspective on Monetary Policy II :: June 11, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
patient in removing its policy accommodation.
At our meeting last month, the FOMC indicated that with the risks of
inflation and disinflation now balanced, policy accommodation can be
removed at a pace that is likely to be measured. And earlier this
week, Chairman Greenspan said that “should that judgment prove
misplaced, however, the FOMC is prepared to do what is required to
fulfill our obligation to achieve the maintenance of price sta b ility..”
Financial markets now expect a federal funds rate increase at the
June 30 FOMC meeting with a 95 percent probability (80 percent of
that is for a 25-basis-point increase, and 15 percent is for 50 basis
At the moment, market participants, based on estimates from federal
funds and Eurodollar futures, expect the federal funds rate to
steadily move towards 4 percent over the next two years. Of course,
the FOMC will determine the actual path for the federal funds rate
on the basis of prevailing circumstances.

My goal today has been to convey to you some of my ideas about
monetary policy. I am convinced that price stability enhances
economic welfare by creating an environment in which people make
better decisions -- decisions that are conducive to long-term
economic growth and stability.
As I said earlier, I regard maintaining price stability as essential for
achieving optimum performance of the economy.
I think that central banks can be more effective when they act as
systematically and transparently as they can. Systematic and
transparent behavior can easily accommodate extraordinary actions
in extraordinary times.
But at all times, the Fed has the responsibility to explain what it is
doing, why, and how its actions are consistent with its long-term
I hope I have convinced you that the credibility gained from
successful monetary policy is a precious asset. In my role as a
monetary policymaker, I plan to behave like a steward, maintaining
and, where possible, building on this credibility.
1As always, the views expressed in this speech are those of the
speaker and do not reflect official positions of the Federal Reserve

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